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~RidO~e Department of Planning and Development
b 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge,_CO 8Q033
Phone (303) 237-6944
AppliCant City of Wheat Ridge Address 7500 W. 29th Ave. phone
Owner Address Phone
Location of request City Wide
Type of action requested (check one or moze of the actions lis-ted below
which partain to your request.)
^ Change of zone or zone conditions
- Si.te development plan approval
~ Special use permit
~ Conditional use permit
~ Temporary use/building permit
Minor subdivision
[]** See attached procedural guide
£or spebific requirements.
~ Variance/Wa3ver
~ Nonconforming use change
_ Flood plain special exception-
~ Interpretation of code
Zone line modifioation
_ Public Improvement Exception
Street vacation
_ Miscellaneous plat
Solid waste landfill/
mineral extraction permit
^ Other
Detailed DesCription of requeSt An Tnterpretation of the ZoninQ Ordinan~Q ... _t,~
f.,,- rt,e Aafin;ribn nf curinP ac 9C. relates to Pot:Bellied Pifl,_$_._ ._ . .___ .- . _-
List all persons and companies who hold an 3nterast in the described real
property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc.
- - ..' F _. ,.,,._,. ' . -. ... ~ . --.-. 'S': '
- , .. -- t. . _ - _. _ ~ . . ~~
` - _ < ~;-x
_ . ~ . _ _ , - _ . . .~~'c. ... r~ ° , ~ _. _ _ ., , ~ . -_ , . .
I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and
correct to the best of my }snowledge and that in £iling this application, I-
am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above.,
without whose consent the requested a ior, cannot law£ull:y be accomplished.
- Applicants other than owne,z~s must su 'tn power-o£-attorney from the owner
which approved of this a~n on hi /e~e~~.
Signatura of Applicant ~ ~i~ , ~/ D~ -- _-- r.-. -
Subscribed and sworn to me this of . _-,. 19. ._--
Notary Public - _ ~. ~
My commission expires
Date Received R~ceipt.No. C~se No.
, ~ ~:.o
i . ~
NAPPA's Pot~e.Z.Z.ied Pig Standards
The foflowing stendards have been agreed upon by Ute North Arnerlcan Potbeflled Pi,q
Assaciaflorr Board of Directors.
Tl~e generel appearance of a Po~be!!!ed Pig Is a structurally sym~netrlcal anlmal, lr~e ~/
nbvious defect, sflort of leg, wit/~ snroottt flowing (fries, prorroutrced pottrelfy, swsyed back,
P~ec[ ear5, a»d s straiyht tail.
Measured at fl~e withers, the hlgh polnt of the shoulders, with legs stralght underneath. 71in
ntaxlmum acceptable helght is Y8 /ttches wlth ldea! herght 6eing less than 14 lncires.
t FNG7N:
6~ acceptabfe proportion to helgh[.
The maxl~trwn acceptabfa welght is 95 pounds, with ihe idea/ welglrt being less tlian ,5D
paunds. .
Fars: small, erect and somewhat llat. Nose: short to nredium length and /n propo~Uon to IIrA
IrAnd.• af/ow/ng for free passage of a!r when breathing no~mal/y. Eyes: veep end wlde-se~.
clear of vary/ng co/or excepf red (ev/dent of a/b/nisn~), dowl_ sho:r!d 6° CI~~'~iYSV.S s;:d rn
proportion lo head. Blte: even and correct, not over-s1~ot or under-shot.
f30DY.~ •
Aack shouid be swayed,tl~rough the sadd/e. Shou/der sl~ould sfope evenly from side to sldr.
Neck shou/d be short. Rump shauld f/ow gently to ttte ba3e af the ta!!. Tail should ~~e
srralght and of inedlum /ength witl~ a swltc/t on U~e end. The belly, vlewed trom the sidA.
should 6e abvreusly rounded but not exaggerated or touching ihe ground. When vlaw~d
(rom Hie top, ti~e belly should not round lrom the baclcbone and should have on/y a slight-
lataral protubsrance. Teats, at least flve palrs, sl~ou/d be evenly spaced.
l.egs sirould be wlde-set a~rd standrng wel! on the pasterns. Feet should stand squareiy with
tK•o toss o( equa! /engtlr on each foot, pa/nting forward.
,SKIN: , '
Wrlnkles may ar may not be present. Harr w!ll /ay even/y over the back wlth seasa~al
varlatlon. Colors: black, black arrd wh/te, o~ wh/te. .
All potbellied plgs shou/d be iracta6/e~and non-aggresslve.
7'!~e Potbellled Pig RegJstry Service, Inc.
22819 Stanton Rd. Lakev!lle, fn. 46536
(219J 784-2989 ,
F • ~
.. . . . . .. . . ' ' . .. . . . nnWirxn..v.ur._e..~.._,_....._
+~$'EFIfJ~Fl{i45IJSl~e~..)r(r.-n. .. . ' .w.~-~_~.«e~~wwunn.rrs ~ ' .
§ G-26 .4RVADA G.ODE ` § 6-31
with.another of a different speciea. It ahall be unlawful to main-
, tain.any place where animats.are permitted to fight for exhibi-
tion, ~for wager or for sport. {Ord. No. 1758, § 24, 7-6-81)
Sec. 6-27. Vehicular accideats involving animaIs.
• Any person who, as the operator of a motor vehicle, strikes any
animal, shall. stop at once and shall immediately report such in-
jury or death to the owner of such animal; in the event that the
owner cannot be ascertained and located, the operator shall at
:; onee report the accident to the animal control officer. (Ord. No.
1758, § 25, 7-6•81)
°i Sec. &28. Death of ++*+~*~+silw.
'~ All animals which die shall be dispoaed of by the owners or
keepers within twenty-four (24) hours by burial, incineration in a
facility aYr. ~ ~ ed by the an9mal control o~cer, by rendering, or by
other lawful means approved by the animal control officer. No.
dead animal shall be dumped or abandoned on any pu~blic or pri-
vate property. (Ord. No. 1758, § 17, 7-6-81)
Secs. 6-29, &30. Resereed.
' ` -~u~e 6•3I. Prohibited animals.
(a) It is.hereby decIared to be a nuisance and shatl be unlareful
for any person to keep, pastttre, house or maintain in the city any
hogs, pigs or swine eacept pot-bellied pigs weighing less than
seventy (70) Pounc]s.
,(b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it shall be un-
' Iawful for any person to harbor in the city any nonhuman pri-
mate, poisonous reptile, jag~ar, leopard, lyaix, tiger, lion, ocelot,
bobcat, cheetah, mountain lion, wildcat, panther, coyote, wolf,
skunk or bear (whether or not domesticated or tamed), except by
a circus or sideshow duly licensed to do business in .the city.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the keeping of Felis
catus, otherwise known as the domestic house cat,
(c) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and shall be unlaw£ul
for any person to keep or harbor in the city any animal wHich by
Supp. No. 29 460
. ~,~~
. ~ `
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.i~;:....,_.,',;.._~.:.2:,.:.~.;.~....:... ~ ~. .:....._.:.~_._.....'.z.:::.k,;,.......h., . ,. ~, . . . ~ ~~ .... ._.__'. , .. . . , ~ ,
§ 6~33
:5ec. '&S8. Barlriag-dogs.
§ 8•35
~it ahall be unlawful for any owner, possessor or keeper of.any
dog to permit such dog, by loud and peraistent or habitual barlung,
howling or yelping, to disturb any person or neighborhood, and
the same is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. (Oa.d. No.
1758, § 21, 7•6•81)
Sec. G34. Guard dogs.
St is unlawful to piace or maintain_guard dogs in any.area'for
the protection of persons or property unless the following conili-
tions are met:
(1) ~They shal.l be uader the complete control of a handler at all
times; or
(2) : T'he dogs shall.be confined to an eaclosed area adequate to
ensure that they will.not escape; .and
t3) Wsrning signs shall be conspicuously posted indicating the
presence of guard dogs and such signs shall plainly show a
telephone number where some persomresponeible for.con-
trolling guard dogs can be reached at all tnnes. (Ord. No.
1758, § 14, 7-fr81)
•~+~c. .6:38. Pot-bellied:PiSa
'It shall be unlawful for ~any person to :keep, pasture, "house,
maintain or harbor a pot-bellied pig within the City of Arvada
unless owner registers said pot-bellied pig with the animal can-
trol office within fourteen (14) days of first pasturing, keeping,
housing, maintaining or harbori.ng said pig and complies with.the
following requirements:
(1) Male pot-bellied pigs.mus~ be castrated prior ko the age.of
four (4) months aad female pot-bellied pigs must be spayed
prior to the age of four (4) months.
(2) ~.Pot-bellied pigs must wear an identification tag at all times
and be tattooed prior to the age of four (4} months.
~ ; ^,~
Supp. No. 29 462
~ ~ *
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r ~~~ ~~. / § 6-36 ANIlI~AI,S AND FOWL § 6•38 ( w,<; .,
V ' : ;1 VYY ~ ' ~' l ~r~ {l~•:~
A4. : I
~.. :.:j ~ Notice of completion of the requirements of subsections (1) ~
• °' and (2) xriust be on file with the animal control office as a
. requirement of registration. _
(4) All pot-bellied pigs must wear a harness except when in-
side the owner's home or dwelling. ~;
(Ord. No. 2886, § 4, 3-16-92)
Sec. 6-38. R.eserved.
:;~.'~; , .
r,~: ` Sec. 6•37. Z`ra in an animaL ";>; ,
PP~ g .,
(a) When deemed necessary by police officers or the animal
• wntrol officer for the health, safety and welfare of the residents of
~ the city, auch off'icers andlor their agents may place a humane
trap on the property of a resident of the city when the resident
requests auch trap for the purpose of capturing any wild or pet
animal creating a nuisance in the city.
(b) Animal control off`icers are authorized to use any tranquil-
izer guns, firearms, humane trapa or other auitabie devices to
. ~~ subdue or destroy any animal that is deemed by the animal con-
trol o~cer, in his diacretion, to be a danger to itself or to the ,
public health and safety.
(c) It ahall be unlawful for any person to set or cause to be set
within.the city any steel jaw leg-hold trap, suare or any trap other ,
than a humane trap, as defined, for the purpose of capturing any "'
animal, whether wild or domestic. (Ord. No. 1758, § 13, 7-6-81) j
. : ~ec 6•88. Sennel licenses. ~ I
. (a) No person or household shall own, keep, or harbor more ,'~~
than three (3) dogs of more than four (4) months of age or more 'i
than one litter of pups, or more than four (4) cats of more than
, four (4) months of age or more than one litter of kittens, or more
tfia~two (2) pot-bellied pigs over four (4) months of age, or more ~
than a total of four (4) dogs, cats and pot-bellied pigs more than I
four-months old in any combination, or engage in the commercial
buainess of breeding, buying, 5elling, trading, training, or boarding
cata, doga, or both cats or dogs, or pot-bellied pigs, without having
obtained a kennel license from the city clerk.
~ . - ' Supp. No. 29 463
j _ .
,~ ~~;,,,~o~% ~
(87) Household Pet:
(a) Regulated species of household pets shall be any species of animal commonly
kept as a pet within households, and which are more than four (4) months of
age, such as a dog, cat, rabbit, duck, pot belly pig less than seventy (70)
pounds, and ferret and the keeping of which is not prohibited by the Municipal
(b) Non-regulated species of household pets shall be animais that are typically kept
indoors in cage or container such as tropical fish, non-poisonous snakes,
chinchillas, hamsters, gerbils, mice and small birds; any of which are kept as
a pet and are not being raised for commercial purposes and tfie keeping of
which is not prohibited by the Municipal Code.
(88) Ideofoaical Sian: A sign which expresses a religious, political, social or other
philosophical position. lasamandadayasz-»o.~
(89) Illuminated Sian: A sign lighted hy or exposed to artificial lighting either by lights on
or within the sign or directed towards the sign.
{90) Illumination. Direci: Lighting by means of an unshielded light source that is effectively
visible as part of the sign, where light travels directly from the source to the viewer's
ey8. IAs amended by 682-170.1
(91) Iliumination. Indirect: Lighting of a surface by a light source that is directed at the
reflecting surface in such a way as, to illuminate the sign from the front, or a lighz
source that is primarily designed to illuminate the entire building facade upon which a
sign is displayed, but does not include lighting that is primarily used for purposes other
than sign illumination, inciuding without limitation, parking lot lights or lights inside a
buiiding that may silhouette a window sign but that are not primarily installed to serve
8S IfISIdB I~~UITIIf18tI0f1. IAsamendedby0-82-770.1
(92) tlluminatian. Internal: Lighting by means of a light source that is within a sign having
a translucent background, silhouetting opaque letters or designs, or that is within
letters or designs that are themseives made of translucent material. Por the purpose
of Article 10, backlighted signage shall be considered internally illuminated. rAse~„e.,ded
by 482-f 70.1
(93) Individual Letter Sian: Letters or figures individually fashioned from rtietal or other
materiais and attached to the wall of a building or other surface; but not including a
sign painted on a wall or other surface. ~as 8r~,a„daday asz-»o.J
(94) Inooera6le Motor Vehicle: Inonerahle Vehicle: Any motor vehicle or trailer that does
not have a current license plate and validation sticker lawfully affixed thereto or is not
capable of being promptly started and driven in safe operating condition under its own
power upon a street or right-of-way or that has two or more tires which are not fully
inflated as to be in safe operating condition. ~a5a~„a~dadayaas-sz.~
(95) In#earated Access Svstem: A curb cut or access roed connecting two (2) or more
separate lots or buildings.
AuO~ m. 1993
DATE OF MEETING: May 25, 1995 DATE PREPARED: May 16, 1995
CASE NO. & NAME: WA-95-21/Wheat Ridge CASE MANAGER: Susan Ellis
ACTION REQUESTED: An iaterpretation of the Zoniag Ordinance as to
whether a pot-bellied pig is an allowed house-
hold pet.
DATE POSTED: May 11, 1995
() Comprehensive Plan (xx) Case File & Packet Materials
(XX} Zottiag Ordis~ance ( j 5lides
( ) Subdivision Regulatioas (xx) Exhibits
( ) Other
The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, aad all
aotification aad postiag requirements laave been met, therefore
there is jurisdictioa to hear this case.
, ~
CASE NO. WA-95-21
This request is for an interpretation of the Wheat Ridge Zoning
Ordinance's definition of household pets and whether it includes
pot bellied-pigs or whether pot-beTlied pigs should be included
as an allowed large animal in the city's residential zone
Currently household pets are an allowed use in all residential
zone districts pursuant to Section 26-10(C)(4): I3ousehold pets,
limited to no more than three (3) dogs and/or four (4) cats, plus
their unweaned offspring. Pot-bellied pigs are not allowed by
exclusion and therefore are prohibited.
Pursuant to section 26-30(L)(1): Regulations applicable to the
keeping of large animals in residential zone districts are set in
place for the number of large animals relating based on lot size,
manure and waste accumulation, fence enclosures and setbacks.
Large animals allowed include horses, cows, llamas, sheep and
goats. Pigs are not included as being allowed.
Swine'is allowed only in agricultural zone districts.
Staff has surveyed other municipalities and found the following:
Lakewood - They are allowed, but restricted to under 70 lbs.
Arvada - They are allowed, but restricted to under 70 lbs.
Broomfield - Not allowed.
Edgewater - They are allowed, but restricted to under 4-O lbs.
and kennelled.
Westminster - They are allowed, but restricted to under 100 ibs.
Aurora - Not allowed.
Denver - Allowed as a special use.
Staff concludes that pot belly pigs are "swine" and therefore are
clearly prohibited by the Zoning Ordinance except in the A-2 zone-
district. Neither Planning Commission nor City Council have
chosen to amend the existing regulations to specifically allow ,
pot belly pigs,_even with the general issue being widely
discussed in the regional press. Hence, by legislative inaction,
the City's policy has been affirmed that such pigs are not and
should not be considered as "pets", but only as allowed in the A-
2 zone district.
Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment Miautes
May 25, 1995
Page 17
Ms. Ellis stated that was true, however, roof signs in general
are aot desirable.
Mr. Bartels asked if a freestaadiag sign must face Marshall
Ms. Ellis answered ao. The sign can face any directioa.
Mr. Sartels asked if a freestaadiag siga was erected, would they
have to construct a planter around it? He had coacera that this
would eliminate parkiag space.
Ms. Ellis ststed she did not want to discuss details of a
fre2standiag sign at this time. A freestaadiag siga is allowed.
Mr. Bartels gave a brief history of the construction o£~the siga.
He added that a sign was esseatial to liis busiaess and he
reiterated that erecting a.new sign would be costly.
Chris Flaceolle, 6885 West 91st Court, #22-202 was swora ia. Mr.
Flageolle stated the siga had iacreased their busiaess. He felt
moviag the siga would be a hardship, but acknowledged that they
had created the hardship themselves by erectiag the sign without
permit. Mr. Flageolle spoke of potential problesis with utiliziag
the current siga as a freestaading sign: He elaborated.
Ms. Ellis stated a 50-foot freestanding sign would be allowed,
due to the close proximity to the highway.
Board Member ABBOTT moved that Case No. WA-95-12, aa application
by Steve Bartunek for approval of a variaace to allow a roof sign
ia a Commercial-One zoae district located at 4892 Marshall Street
be denied for the following reasons:
1. The Board concurs with staff responses to all niae criteria
and to Staff Coaclusions, Section IV. of the staff report.
2. There are alteraative locations for an allowable
freestandiag siga on the site.
Board Member SANG seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0.
A brief recess was called at 9:40 p.m. Meeting reconvened at
9:48 p.m.
,~~!~~a~~"'s~c~':='~~-~~` An applicatioa by the City of Wheat
Ridge for an iaterpretation to the Zoning Ordinaace as
to whether a pot-bellied pig is an allowed household
Ms. Ellis preseated the staff report.
V7heat Ridge Board of Adjustment Minutes Page 18
May 25, 1995
Board Member ECHELbIEYER asked how maay times had the City been
approached regardiag this matter.
Ms. Ellis answered several times, and evesi. though other cities
had allowed pot-bellied pigs as a household pet, Wheat Ridge
Council has chosen aot to.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if hearings had beea held.
Ms. Ellis stated no. Numerous pot-bellied pigs have been
required to be removed from the City.
Board Ma.~ber ECHELMEYER asked how many.
Ms. Ellis stated five or six. These individuals had the
opportuaity to appeal to the Board, however, chose aot to.
Board Member HOVLAND asked i£ the Animal Control Commission had
been involved in the issue at all.
Ms. Ellis answered that the Animal Coatrol Commission meets just
once moathly, as does Soard of Adjustment. Therefore, they could
no.t.hear this case before next month,.hence Board of Adjustment
is heariag the case. She noted that this is a laad use issue and
aot about whether the pig itself is allowed.
Board Member HOWARD waated to know what comprises aa
Agricultural-Two zone district.
Ms. Ellis stated those areas where swine are allowed are large,
agriculturally-used pieces of land, located away from inaer city
areas. She added that'there are regulatioas in these districts
as well. Pigs cannot create an odor; manure must be removed, and
they can't make noise that disturbs neighbors.
Board Member HOWARD stated that the original Zoning Ordinance,
Ordinance #98, prohibited swine from the City limits of Wheat
Ridge. He asked when that law changed.
Ms. Ellis stated she wasa't sure. She thought that law had beeu
ia place for some time. She explained.
Soard Member HOWARD asked if swine were being kept oa any of the
A-2 properties.
Ms. Ellis answered yes.
Board Member ABBOTT asked Ms. Ellis if the Board determines that
staff's conclusions are correct, that would not preclude the
Board from heariag the last case on the agenda.
Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustmeat Miautes Page 19
May 25, 1995 -
Ms. Ellis answered ao, it would not. The interpretation could be
based upoa three issues; are pigs allowed oa residential
property; i£ allowed, should they be restricted (as large aaimals
are) to parcels of land large euough to accommodate them; should
they be allowed as household pets.
Board Member HOVLAND asked what the implications would be
allo.wing pigs as household pets.
Ms. Sllis answered that currently three dogs and/or four cats are
allowed ia aay residential area. There is no restriction on size
of property aad owaers of condominivms or townhouses are allowed
the same number of animals.
Board Me~ber ECHELMEYER asked how othes commuaities have handled
the allowing of pigs.
Ms. Ellis stated other commvnities have iacorporated pigs into
the existing ordiaance.
Board Me~ber
asked if this had happeaed recently.
Ms. Ellis stated this had happened in most cases in the past 18
months„ some as recently as the last six months.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if staff had maay requests for pigs
as household pets.
Ms. Ellis estimated one per moath is average. She noted that if
one request is graated, many other applicants will apply.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if aay shops within the city limits
were selling pot-bellied pigs?
Ms. Ellis stated no. However, sales would be allowed, so long as
store owners in£ormed buyers that tY~e pigs are prohibited within
the city limits.
There were no further questioas from the Board.
Discussion was heard on procedure.
Board Member ABBOTT suggested that the variance could be heard
first. He added that way, those iadividuals wishing to speak
would only have to do so once.
Board Member ROSSILLON asked if the Board would need to hear the.
secoad case should the iaterpretation decision be ia favor of
allowing pigs as household pets.
Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment Minutes
PQay 25, 1995 '
Page 20
Ms. Ellis stated she understood that the Board must hear the
variance request. She explained.
Further discussion followed regardiag procedure.
It was decided to hear the citizens signed up to speak at that
Tim Osterhol, 3295 Independence Court, was sworn ia. Mr.
Osterhol asked for the defiaition of a household pet.
Ms. Ellis stated a"household pet" is three dogs and/or four cats
aad their unweaaed offspring, plus birds, chickens, rabbits.
Mr_ Osterhol asked if the Board decided that pot-bellied pigs
were a household pet, how maay pigs would be allowed?
Ms. Ellis stated that would be determiaed by the Board.
Board Me~ber HOWARD asked the speak to provide commeats, not
questions to the Board.
Mr_ Osterhol stated he was totally against pot-bellied pigs beiag
allowed as household pets.
Ann Osterhol, 3295 Independeace Court was sworn in. She stated
she was against allowiag pot-bellied pigs as household pets.
David RediQer, 9733 SVest 32ad Aveaue, was sworn
stated both Lakewood and Arvada permit pot-bell
added that it made no sense not to allow pigs.
that pot-bellied pigs have little odor, are not
and they're more intelligent than a cat or dog.
of allowing them.
ia. Mr. Rediger
ied pigs. He
Mr. Rediger noted
a noise problem
He was in favor
Francesca Rediaer, 9733 West 32nd Avenue, was swora in. Ms.
Rediger stated she,agreed with her husband and loved animals.
She wanted to keep her pig.
Board Member WALKER poiuted out that City Council had approved
the current zoaing ordinance, excluding swiae from resideatial
zone districts. He did aot feel the Board of Adjustanent should
over rule Council's decision.
Ms. Ellis stated Council did not exclude, they just did not
include swine.
Board Member WALKER asked then if the Board chose to include
them, wouldn't then the Board be taking over the interpretatioa
of that law.
wheat Ridge Soard of Adjustment Miautes
May 25, 1995 -
Page 21
Ms. Ellis stated that Board was not changiag the ordinaace, but
was settiag precedent for future requests.
Board Me~ber ABBOTT felt the Board's job was to interpret the
existing laaguage and see whether in 1995 pigs should be
Ms. Ellis remiaded the Board that Council did chose to include
pigs and swiae on a certaia type of property.
Board Member ECHELMEYER stated that the situation is chaaging,
because pot-bellied pigs are becomiag more and more accepted as
household pets. He wasa't certain if the Board should be telliag
Covncil what to do.
Board Member ABBOTT moved that Case No. WA-95-21, an applicatioa
by the City of Wheat Ridge for an Interpretation to the Zoniag
Ordiaance as to whether a pot-bellied pig is an allowed household
pet as £ollows:
It is the interpretatioa of the Board of Adjustment that swine,
or specifically, pot-bellied pigs, not be allowed as:
1. Household pets; or
2. Allowable large aai.mals.
This in recognitioa oE testimony given tonight and that this
issue has been considered by past City Councils and we fiad
sta££'s conclusions persuasive.
Board Me~ber SANG seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0.
G. Case No. ~-95-8: Aa
approval o~ varian~c.
bellied pig Res~de:
at 9733 West ~nd~:ve:
lication by David Rediger for
allow possession of a pot-
1-One zoned property located
Ms. Ellis presented the ~Ea€f,,~report, which iacluded slides.
Board Member ECHELMEYER~ asked I~~ Ellis if the horses were in
conformity. - -
Ms. Ellis stated yes~ She adde3 th~'a"~the parcel of land is
actually large eao~gh for three horseg.~ At present oaly two are
on site. ~ ~~
Board Mesiber RO~~ILLON asked if the proper~y to the west was open
space. _ _
Ms. Ellis staEed the entire area was single-family residential.
I, Sandra Wiggins, Actiag Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge
Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following
Resolution was duly adopted in the City of FVheat Ridge, County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado, oa the 25th day of Ma.y, 1995.
CASE NO: WA-95-21
APPLICANT'S NAME: City of Wheat Ridge
LOCATION: City-wide
IIpon motion by Board Member ABBOTT, seconded by Board Member
SANG, and following testimony by staff and citizens present, the
following Resolution was stated:
It is the interpretation of the Board of Adjustatent that swine,
or specifically pot-bellied pigs not be allowed within the City
limits of the City of Taheat Ridge as either of the following:
1. Household pets, or
2. Allowable large animals.
This decision by the Board of Adjustment is in recognition of
testi.mony given May 25, 1995 and acknowledges this issue has been
considered by past city councils and we £ind staff's conclusions
TYPE OF REQIIEST: Interpretation o£ the Zoning Ordinaace whether
the pot-bellied pig is an allowed household pet.
PIIRPOSE: Clarification of the Zoniag Ordinance regarding
swine/household pets
VOTE: YES: Abbott, Echelmeyer, Hovlaad, Howard, Junker,
Rossillon, 5ang and Walker
NO: None
DISPOSITION: Interpretation of the Zoning Ordiaance regarding
swine, particularly pot-bellied pigs, are not household pets by a
vote o£ 8-0.
DATED this 25th day of May, 1995.
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~usan Junke~Chairman - Sandra Wiggins, 1~ct~.x~C Secretary