HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP-94-1~ N~ni/-~ ~~~ > ~2~1-- ~-4~gS rna ony or ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~Wheat ~Rid~re Department of Planning and Development L~ 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant~G~ Ff1R~'PY Address3441 Fenton street Phone~~R=~26~_ Address ~da~ Fani-~n StYPPt phone~~R_~~~~ Owner Rose and Huah Foster Location of r~quest 3516 Jay Street ~'~ 353~ J~Ey 51': Type o£ action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ~ Change of zone or zone conditions ~ Site development plan approval Special use permit ~ Conditional use permit ~ Temporary use/building permit ~ Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final [] ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Variance/Waiver Noncon£orming use change ~ Flood plain speci.al exception Interpretation o£ code Zone line modification - ~ Public Improvement Exception Street vacation . Miscellaneous plat _ Solid waste landfill/ minerai extraction permit ^ Other Detailed Description o£ request ~i,anae zone to RC-1 for use as a ~rild r_are ~t?ni'ar -•i P~e.~tM~n~ ~i~~Ri .e.~ ~-Z -.~ . . -- , - _ ~ CI _. _ , ~ ~ List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. . NAME ADDRESS PHONE Rose and Huqh Foster 3447 Fenton Street Wheat Ridqe 238-2202 , I certi£y that the in£ormation and_exhibits herewith submitted are true and correat to the b~st of.my knowledge_and that in £iling this_application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-o£-attorney from the owner which approved o£ this acti ~, is ehal£. Signature o£ Applica~t ,~=:.-~~~,`~~ ` _ .~ / ~ Subscribed and sworn to me this JLI~ day of A/la y , 19 '~(3 _ n / ~<-j ! iJY~/~ .~~.(~.~%l~lZ ~~.. ..~,,,~, ~Y~,r~~: i~~e 2~, , _ Notary Public a~c~ ~~~;~~~~ g~jg.g;~$r~ SEAL Wh~3al L~;d~+~~, ~ED~e~ 8b~ll:~~ - My commission expires - Date Received ~~1 ~~~t~_ Receipt No. ,r751Z~ Case No. 4 . ., _J ~ : ~ Recocded u - o'sl«k _ M Ftecepu~xiNo. . , .., __.... . _ ... _ ..-- ~/~ ',; WARRANTY DEED ~Q ~ ~~ THISDEED~Ma~mis 28th dayat JU1y •~987 ~ 'I 6etaeen ii HUGH J. FOSTER and ROSE GLORIA FOSTER j 344I Fenton Street, Wheat Ridge, ' or~he • ~,w„y~ Jefferson ,s~morcmonao,B,~man~a NTNA FORGO, 890 South Saint Paul Street, ~ Denver, CoZorado 80209 ~ ~ whou legal add2u is ofm° City & ~a+^~r°~ Denver _.~._.__...~..~._.. _ RECORDED IN ~~~ ~~~~ ~~_ "'°~ COUMTY OF JEFFERSON.` F^ ~~ 8'fA7E OF COLORADO RECEPTION N0. 87099424 ' 08/04/87 'IOx1S 15.10 y ~~ l V ~ a j: M GF '~ c: , I-~ Su~e or Colaado. 8~(sY• ~~ .....,~er[[.r~me~~.~.r«ama~;a~ar~wmor, One Hundred TwentY-One ~ Thousand and No/100 ($121,000.00)-------------------------- oouuts. ' Wc~eceiptandauffici<ncyofwhichishe¢byacWowlN6ed.ha Ve grantcd.bugaineC.soldWca~~eyed.tqdbythaep¢tt~sdo ~t. bazgain. ull. mmry. aM confi1m. unm thc gnnt«(q. IlOr heus and assigns (aeve5 alI iLe ml papeny~ Wjdhu v46 ~...,, .. u I~ if aoy. siWa~c. lying W being in ~he Counyt of eg e qIy Co~Ip...~..do.~, `Q I~ ' ~ desaibed u folloux: 2'lldt [JaX't Of ~}72 WPSt ],~2 OT Y.~32 ~11~1B~S~s i/4 Ot ~IE awa 4stu6 ~ J,/4 ~ Q\~ i ~ of-the Northwest 1/4 0£ Sectiai 25, 7bcaiship 3 South, Razge 69 West Ia~own as ac~d ~"~ ~ referre3 to as Fart of Ints 8 and 9. ,,..~~vt,r.' F~IGFIIS. more g~rticv]arly de~^^~3 a~~y, i as follvas: Beginning at a point 168 feet North of the Saud..~,. ,,,,....4 of a::id ~~I Int 8: thenoe continuiaxJ Norrth on West line of sa.id Iot 8, 125.22 feet, more ar ° ~ less to a point 139 feet South of North line of said Iot 9; thence East and paral ~ a I lel ta said Rbrth line of said Iot 9, 125.67 feet to a point 100 feet West of Fast line of said Int 9; thence Sauth and parallel to East line of said Iots 8 ; and 9, 125.22 feet to a point 168 feet North of South li.ne of said Iot 8~ the~Ce ~IWest 125.67 feet to p~int of beginning, County of Jef.ferson, State of pplorado, i ~ ~ ~ ~lso knmvn by sueet end number u: 3536 Jdy StL2Et ~ L4hEdt R].dcj0 ~ CO1pYadp. . ~~ ~~ ''~ ~ TOGGTHER wiih aif md singulaz ~he hcisdilamems a~W appunmances thertto belonging, w in snyviu appeNining, wl lhe m~afiap ~od ~ ~~everslons, xmninder and ttmainders, rents, issun and pmfits ~heaof. and all the estalc. right. title, inmrcst. cltim and demuW wlWxonv u( ~he ', 8eantaRx), either in Iaw or equily, of, in and l01M1e above bar~aircd prcmises, wiilt 1Fe hemdilartrcnts and appurtenances. ~ ~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ~he wid pmmises abov< bargained and deuribed with ihe appurtenances, unro the gnnme(s), heT htut ~od ~~ a~signsfarevcrAndtfieg~am.r(s).for ~~ xiVES~ t]1P,1~einanlpenonalieprcsentaliws,do cwedot,ymt,bugaln,aod ;j ag~ee~oandwith~heSruntec(sI• ]leYheinandassigns,thatetthe~imeoFtheenxalinganddelivayottheup¢sena, tYl@17 are y~tl i~ seizcdof the poemises abwe conveyed, ha V 0good, surt,pedecA absalum and indefeasible etule af inherilance,in law, in fee fimpk, tnd ~~ 1u Ve gaodright.Nllpower~~dawhorirytogrant.bargein.sellandconveylhesameinmannerandfafmas~forcssid.udtlutt6es~momfiee ~ ~ andcleer[mmaqfoemcrandolh<ry~ nlx.bazgains,sales.lienaJuxes.a~sessments.mcumbnnces.endmWcUamofwhainerkiqdonunueweu~y cxccp~ general taxe: for the year 1987 and subsequent years; The ~ranmrts) shatlandwill WARRANfANDFOREVERDEFENDtheabax~bargainedprtmixesiu~hequietandpeacubkpos~p:bppfihe ~„k~~~~, her hishcirsandazsigns.asainstallandcv<rypersonarpelwnslawfullyclaiming~hewfroltoranypartlhertoE [N WITNESS WHEREOF. the gnmor(s) ha V0 ex<cukd ~his JeeJ on ~hc dxte ~3.fanhelKwe. . ~isv ~.5~ ~ Hug J. oster Rose G2'oria P`szt~r / :<<v - ~.. '"£,.'~~1'.'-~t~i;.`,r: . ... .,_::f~~,Y~ ' . . . : ~'X'7. ' .'' ~ J y~, ~STNE OF COIARADO ~ I C':~. LS. q~p~ ~}n ... r ~~ ~GC~yator Jefferson mgpm~tn~qjepi''we~aCfuuiwledgedbetnrcmethis 2$th ~yof JU].Y .19 $7 . ~ h`,~J;'~'~ter and Rose Gloria Foster. ~ .~~,',~~ eL' Wi[ne~.i my ~p~d uffici' ~ . . ~ • •` ~ "`~y~r. t~e~i., v~.qt~ ,~ 1 ~~_ , ~u6rY]ude ~ : . ,M ~ ..dJa.X. a '[C in Dcnver. inun "Cny anJ", ' No.9J2Rev.3-35, xMA:IMTYDfFDI-or-9erofnppklLavN1 BrudlwpPuFli~hivt.56S3W.GbMe..INiwoOCD 13641~1 ~«r y • ~%T.J. ,..~~ „tor~.,'36.'SE~Ol„ I~@iA l R6CORDFJlYSSAMP ~ •ARIUNTY UEED ID JOQlT TkNAN7'S .p ~ ~ T R-~^i~ ~ TFQS DEED he W ceuv.~~ .~ J~~ bnW6w ~ru~ wW 1.pn Y S~ .ly~W ~uMr rlr rr ~au~l t~ u1 N~p11~d u~ PW~Iip ~ ,~y W° n ' o~z Ym.~ 41 pnw~ r~ W V•. ~~i ewel `nN I~p.MM ~M ~w~llr~i~I~i w r~f ~J . W ~ ~ P ~ •~ ~ i°~ Ql ' w~~~ rW 6~ W Y~iMiJW« W WIQiw, avun~.~. 1~W, i1..4u.bnh.~.t.1b.It.uuuJ~wlrwW1M0~4m11. .• ~~ j~~~" ~ ,' ~.'s ~ i~~.i:' ` ' '~^`' ~ ,e ..a.,w September 3, 1965 ~ y ~ af I sa.... RAYMOND H. PETLA and KATHI.EEN E. PETLA s^~.~~. ~+ NUGH J. FOSTER and AOSE C. FOSTER I a••~.«. WCINESSEIH. W.~ V. owx, fn ..d {~ cr. W..~Iw ef ~5.... •! a. anl4n vdeJ.. v.f.Sb ewWenlx. aedpt wbreM b~ck~nvLd{N. bY LLue posb Lw~ But. Yu4V. uii, aw~q ui cediv m~ J~y auu. b j~19u~<NGIo ~w~I1~.,yA~.aibMn~IMeP~>~GU~.1~Jr GwY~f JtFFOTGOi1 Thet part of Che W~S SE} NE} I.'W} Sectian zs, TownsF.,~ .. c~~cn, se~8e 69 West known es and reFerred to as part o£ LoC a~ CAnway Heights~ more parCicularly described as £ollows: 6eginai~~g at Southwest corner of sald Lot 8; thence ,7orth 168 feeC; [hence Bast 240 fect; Chence South 168 feet~ [hence WesC LSO feeC to beginning~being the premises known as and mimbered 3516-18 .lay Street. ~ i~" ~~-cv•/7G0 TOGEl51ER .iiY ~il ~~t'.u~.fu il. 1w.dit~~r~. ud ~vp~~rn~ Jr~eWo MbyN{. m b~p.b~ ~ppemid~6. TO fiAVE AND'f0 HOLD ur .•Y r..l ~.op.n~..hY 6~ ~nw~rw ~:• h• g.W.n. WM MN d u~ipt {e~M1U. A~1 IM 6tlbt~ IM \1~uLI~ ~M MM~ ~i~e~~N\ W JWb4Nw ~M~ CAAYt ~~ Y~ ~{ly IM ~m.e.. dm M4..d u.ip~ Jn a i4 ~M~ J iM nrJ W W Mltss d ~Mw m M 4.~Y r1~J N J~ M~~tr..1.v~ w~r~~~4 b IN WPN. ~r 1r la1 ~W~. NII M~~~ r1 I~rl~l ~IO t~ rll r1 arw~ b~ 6~.rrt ut la~ ~fa.uY. u1 LLu J. ~u~ w M~J eL.r t~ JI Irrr u~ Wx ~ru~ WpY~. wtn. It.~~. ua~~. . ~~i.~cukua~ A ~1u~rw kW r utw. ~m~N Wlh~ 7Ywl OI~MCt wr• u 111 ..il p.Nnr 6~IJN LL. D6uin) M)Jb a Jd~q 1 m~ fdlMq ~M 1~~ d di~ Iw1. q~ Y bp~o~ r~in. W~anp J~ pu~J ra Ir iY~ avnr eda~u>~o~ pJ4 Juuq 1 uu bW.ly W Lu tl JI~ 4d. d h. J~r~ ~up6d P~dn~ I~ iM ~Wt d PeWb N~~oiw d J~ F~u~~~. W4\~u~utw1y ~A~~~ •II uJ ~~~ qM1O~ a~«~a~ I..h1ir ciLL~ly s 1~ cl~l~ ti~ ~~~1~ r uI Mn ~nJ. ~M p~ur ~i.0 W .1IItARFtANT AND FOREV€R DEFQtD. piiii}{g557{~£REOPO~pu~w1x\mm~M1L1ud~Lfd~url ~n/Jlnr. T_'~(.dSCAW ~ . r3~ '•GW .~,.~ sL~TGW' ldawo. CLCy and :~ ' I~ ^'~ Gr~a Denver ~ 1~k , . xn.wy R.7~. J,L-ts.^~~~~•«lu~~WplMLnoJb 'V C':£y .y " 2 September 3, 1964 " S ~ ,, M~RAYf~yr~p~~ff; PBTiA and KATHLEEN E. PE.'[lA ~n11Q~~F ~"r.~«~ November 14~ 1966 .' ~ { ,.,, r~0'fiu..^ ,.g'u~..,,wwa».4 ~ ~'8LlL ~ [ / ~-d ~ :o ~p F... . C~'k04U"~"W'-~{~ ~ ~z~` ~ C~Ch ~^ . Ywn MW , '~:•^"i.'~".~Y`~`^/' r A^^ ~ 1820 412 1 % z ~ J ~ ~ - -, , ~ , , ~ , .-__---- - ; ~x , , ~ - ; ~ la~~..~ i i ' i ; , ;.,, ; , ^--.'~ ' . ' ~ . . ~ i i .,_ _. _ ~ f --~ _ - .~ _- ~_. _..... ._... ,.. _ .. .. .. . Av[.:r+uc ~ ~`' ~ ~ ~ .- - ti ~ ~ ~' i i ~~ i - ~_..I i ~ ~.~~~.•; I ^~-\~.- ~ ~~-^ -~ ~ ~-I~~ ~~ I ,... ~- I ~. t~.._ . . . ~ ~ ~. } ~, ~ i , `~ I~ v ~ ~, '+` : ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ -- ~4 ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~,~,~ ~~ ~ - ,; ~ ~°,~ -~.~~ ~. ~! ! , ~_~ ~ ~~-- -- ~~~,~,.a ~° ~~~-~ !- ~ y !.. _~\. ~ . ,, , \ , . __ ._ _ , t _~,-~ ._~ ~ ~-~ , ~,~ , ~ _ ~- ~ - ~~ ,. , ~. -~ ~- ~~- .. _ `~~.-- . ~ ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~--`~-_. ~ ~;~. ~. . ~ ~ ~'~ '~.~ ~- --~~~ _u ; ; '~~,_-,~~_ ~_... ._ _ . _ . __.~,.;~_ _ -_ - ' I i !. `:*A : ~~:. : . ' ,~ . , \a rwwn ' ; ; , .. ~i",.... a \.-' , _' . _._..... . ._. ____ ... _... _ ..__.. ..,. . 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P~~~ '~rN.<+~°~ Gotv~5tot1L I ~, 3 L az Sa7 ~ W~"eo.~ 'S:~~e 45 00~3 ~ ~ 1C. ~ y~ L: ~}\ e,~~. h I j 349o J~,.i i ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ io~wa w: ' :~ 1\; i L ta1s4 w.3S}~ , ( 1 to1-ts w.35i~. Pt. , < 3SSo Ja.,l ~ ~as~~cz. R ~; a.. ~3~ ;St~ y~~e'~, § ~. G w n e~ b'~ ~Rcs'~ ~v t.5 lol~o R\\4;~-Q_, S~ ' Go\ae~ ~,o so4o, ~ .. __ ;: __ ~-_ 2-D - 93 ~, ~ _ _ •i W ~ . .- _~ 3 - - NC-lG6-~~~Z -.. __~__. . _ .... .. ' i _ _.. _ . ~_... __ . .~~D M ~~ T r r~I G ~ f ; . ~ 3~f.5 .JA`l ST. --} ~-Z ~--o 12C -1 ,~ AP~u GAi~I T ~ ~/ ~ hl<4 ~~G b - - - - .i__ ~U12~OSE : Ei JNI t ~L~TLO~ o~ ~/on~-cd~/~-or~t1N .~i _ ___..C35C ~r~ CXIS_T_~TlG . ~x /~Al~st o~l oF' 1 ~!: _ SC,~GU~-- i C7 7Z-~~ 5o U~1 ' ;~ _,1 _ -- -_---__. _ _ __~ .__. ____ ._ .._ _.__ - - _._ . _.. ._. - - 1 --.-._______ ____.__ e-___ _ _..__._..______.~ _. ._ .. ._ __ __. ~ .. -~ %~. ~~~ ~~ -~-~- s~~--~~ - --~-- ~ I I - ~1-e'-%'~~~'. _ „ i _ t. _. . _ _ ~' ~ • ~.,_ -. __ _ - -~- ~ i~ `!' - - . ._ . _ .u ~'l/4 i'~-i~-e- - he-~,~a r-~ ~-n ur~-~~ - li ~/ ~'°~- /" "' iV/ ~- _ . _.._...__., _~_ _ ; --- . _._ ._ _ .. ..___._._.._ ..».._ _.e ._. ----~-~ ._..._...._ ..._... - -_ _..__._ ` .._ ..~ ~L~-~_ ~'~ _ ~/,e~~~~ ~ ,~~t ~ -~ ~-~ ,~N I '~/YIiH.~-~3 %~~E~~v'fiv~fiti ..~_a_~C- C~L-~ - _ -- ~ ---- G" ' .~ a- ~ - - - - - - ~ _ -~ ~ ~-~~--`,`' --~ ~"-~° ~ ~_ _ t - ~s~ `~`) -_____ ~~~~' ~. , _ Cb ~ !~ . ~ _ .. __ -~ ' . `'~ . ' 35 ~ -~a ~~~ _ ~ - ~~~~d2~ , ~ ---- - - - - , . NOTICE OF.NFIGH~ORHOOD INPUT MEETING Rose Foster IS PROPOSING A REZONING FROM R-~- TO RC-1, "';i'-'~~~.~.s"--~:- '-tsv A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR ch11~7 nara. lar~a nantar ON ['ROPERTY LOCATED AT 3516 Jay Street Wheat Ridae ~ . THE LOCATION OF THIS MEETING IS 3536 Jav Street THE TIME AND DATE FOR THIS MCETING IS Mav 20,1993 6:30 p.m. THE PURPOSE FOR THIS PROPOSAL IS to chanae the zonina for the ournose ex~andina the ~u,rr~n± child care facilities to 3516 Jav Street The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that, prior to application for rezoning of pro~erty to a higher use, or for properties in excess of one (1) acre, and for Special Use Permits which allow a special use of land, an applicant must notify all residents within 600 feet-and invite them to a Neighborhood Input I•ieeting. The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the nei3hborhood to express directly to the applicant, their concerns, issues and desires. The 1<inds of concerns residents normally have are as follows: ~c Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? ~1c Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to sarve the project? ~ What is the impact on our streets? * ldhere will the storm drainage go? ~ Elow ~aill the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? * What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? Aft=r attending the i~lei~hborhood Input Heeting, please use the following space and the back of this form to list any specifie concerns, issues, or suggestions which you may ltave regarding this proposal. Please sign it and give it to the applicant, as he fs required to provide these forms to the City along with his application. ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. C080034-0638 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 October 8, 1993 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 • The Crty of ~Wheat ~Ridge The Wheat Riclge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a rezoninq from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial nna w;th restricted uses _ _ __ ' at the property described below. Your re~r~,.se to the £ollowing questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by October 21, 1993 .. No r9sponse from you by this date will constitute no ob~ections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-93-5: Fargo LOCATION: 3516 and 3536 Jay Street REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial One PURPOSE: Convession of existing residence to pre-school and kindergarten APPROXIMATE AREA: 16,000 square feet 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO . I£ "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO . If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development sub~ect to your rules and regulations? YES NO . I£ "NO", please expla3n below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of-this request? Please reply to: ~"~~,rq~~sC~{~/C~,~f~ nrt_ Reckert ~epartment of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX ~ater District (Wheat Ri~ge XX Sanitation District ( Wheat Ri)dge XX Fire District ( Wheat R~dge Adjacent City ( ) XX Public'Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission XX State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX TCI of Colorado ~, ,<„„r,,,r-,.,,,, Je~£erson Co. Health Dept. Je£ferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post O£fice W R Police Dept. W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. W R Building Div. <pc>rePerralform • Cl'iY OF W~EA'3 RtDG~ ~ !~.".~~.~... 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE .~99g . P.O. BOX 638 _ [~~'~ ~~ ThB Clfy Of WHEAT RIDGE. C0 80034-0638 (303 iT ~ Thea* ~~~~ ° - v v ~ City Admin. Faz# 234-5924 Po ~'~~~2 ~~~~ ~idge October 8, 1993 - The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a reguest for aborodal of a~~zoninq from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial „ , ~nP w;t.h restrictecl uses .• ... _. -- '- at,the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by October 21, 1993 . No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. ~;rze~. CASE NO: WZ-93-5: Fargo LOCATION: 3516 and 353-6- Jay Street - REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial One PURPOSE: Conversion of existing residence to pre-school and kindergarten APPROXIMATE AREA: 16,000 square feet 1. ._Are-public £acilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve is development? YES ~ NO I£ "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES ~ NO . If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES_~ NO I£ "NO", piease explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES X NO _ . I£ "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? P ease reply to: :~~~~.'LIC~/GC~-~~] N~_ Reckert ~Department of Planning & Development ISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ric~e XX Sanitation District ( Wheat Rixlge ~ Fire District ( Wheat Rik1ge Adjacent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Commuriications State Land Use Commission State .Geological Survey Colorado Dept. o£ Transportation Colorado Div. of Wiidlife TCI o£ Colorado Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Je££erson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post Office W R Police Dept. XX W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. XX W R Building Div. <pc>referralform ~, ~;.,,,,.,~~~,,,,,, ! C~T7 OF ~31~!',~iT R!DGE ~ ~ r ~n r-ta`~-~ ~ ' ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~ CZ' ~~~~~~3 ThB C!f Of P.O. BOX 638 y WHEATRIDGE.C080034-0638 ` L1-, [~'~4 ~j44~p~~ cWheat City Admin. Fax k 234-5924 F~~'D'~{~t'F~X i~235~8fig~ ~~, ja.~idge October 8, 1993 ~~C~„~l~E~ ~~~ The Wheat Ridge Department o£ Community Development has received a reguest for anoroval o£ a rezoninq from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial nnP with restricted uses . - _.. _- . E' at the groperty described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments,on this proposal would be appreciated by October 21, 1993 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO LOCATION: WZ-93-5: Fargo 3516 and 3536 Jay ~treet REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial One PURPOSE: Conversion of existing residence to pre-school and kindergarten APPROXIMATE AREA: 16,000 square feet 1. Are public £aoilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serv~his development? YES . NO _~£ "NO", please explain below. 2. Are se3~ ice lines available to the development? YES / NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you }aave adequate capacities to service the development? YES // NO . If__"NO"_, _please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your r les and regulations? YES ~ NO I£_"NO", please expla3n below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should a£fect approval o£ this request? ~lease reply to: ~~4{~'C`C~/~G~uG-~1 ~n_ ReckP.rt . - fDepartment of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ric~e g~ Sanitation District ( Wheat Ri)dge_ XX Fire District ( Wheat R~dge Ad~acent City ( ) XX Public'Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission XX State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div, o£ Wildlife _ XX TCI of Colorado r, ~;, , ,,..~,~.,~.,, Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Je££erson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioner's Denver Water Board W R Post Office W R Police Dept. ~~ W R Public Works Dept. ~~~,~~' W R Parks & Recreation Com.P~ ~~y W R Buildi g Div. ~~~~y ~3 ~ <pc>referralform ~ ~o ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 City Admin. Fax k 234-5924 October-8, 1993 (303) 234-5900 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ 7he City of ~Wheat ~Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department o£ Community Development has received a request for anoroval of a rezoni„~g from Residential-Two fo Restricted-Commercial nnP w;th restricted uses _ ~ , ... ' at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by October 21, 1993 . No response from you by this date will constitute no ob~ections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-93-5: Fargo LOCATION: 3516 and 3536 Jay Sfreet REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial One PURPOSE: Conversion of existing residence to pre-school ancl kindergarten APPROXIMATE AREA: 16,000 square feet 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES / NO . IP "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES ,/ NO .,I£ "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES ~ NO I£ "NO",_please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your ~u~.es and regulations? YES / NO ._ I£ "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? ~o a~,Q~-1-c~~..Q ~ow,...~..c~.'ts cl,T'1~„~s ~i,....m. `~-v~.2. Please reply to: „~~?~~-'C~~~~~ M_ tzPr.kert_ . 'bepartment of Planning & Development ~ BISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ric~:.je XX Sanitation District ( Wheat Riklge t XX Fire District ( Wheat Ri~dge Adjacent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. - XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geoldgical Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife TCI of Colorado Jefferson Co. Heal~h Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jef£erson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post O£fice W R Police Dept. XX W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. XX W R Building Div. <pc>referralform ~,, r;,, „ r,,, ~>,,, , ~ ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held be£nre the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on October 21, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The £ollowing petitions shall be heard: 1. Case N~_ wZ=93-5: An application by Nina Fargo and Rose Foster for approval o£ rezoning from Residential-Two to Restricted- Commercial One with restricted uses for properties located at 3516 Jay Street and 3536 Jay Street. Said parcels are legally described as follows: ~5~h 7av Straa± That part of the west l/2 of the Southeast 1/4 0£ the Northeast 1/4 oP the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West known as and referred to as part of Lots 8 and 9, Conway Heights, more particularly described as £ollows: Beginning at a point 168 feet north of the southwest corner o.f said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line of said Lot 8, 125.22 feet, more or less to a point 139 feet south o£ north line of said Lot 9; thence east and parallel to said Lot 9, 125.67 feet to a point 100 feet west of east line of said Lot 9, thence south and parallel to east line of said Lots 8 and 9, 125.22 feet to a point 168 feet north of south line o£ said Lot 8; thence west 125.67 £eet to point o£ beginning, County o£ Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3516 Jav Streat That part o£ the W 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and re£erred to as part of Lot 8, Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence north 145.5 feet; thence east 140 feet; thence south 145.5 £eet; thence west 140 £eet to the point of beginning, County o£ Je£ferson, State of Colorado. 2. Case t~ro_ w2,-93-R: An application by Stephen J. Casement £or Tr3-KB Investments for approval of a final development plan within a Planned Commercial Development zone district for-property located at 4120 Youngfield Street. Said property is legally described as £ollows: Lot 3 of the Youngfield Plaza Phase II Final Development Plan and Subdivision; City of Wheat Ridge, County o efferson, S ate of Colorado_ ~cG~ fA~ nn~ J Sandra Wiggins, ~retary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: October 5, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel <pc>pnwz935/wz938 ~ P.O.80%638 ~ TELEPI~ONE:30:.x/277-6964 The City~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVEN WhIEAT RIDGE. COLOFiADO 0007a c~heat ~Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE N0. ra~_ca~_5 PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: October 21, 1993 I, Nina E'orqo r ( n a m e ) residing at 3536 Jav Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 v ( a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. WZ-93-5 , hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Publie Hearing at 3516-18 Jay Street and 3536 Jay Street Wheat Ridge ~ ( 1 o c a t i o n') on,this 6th day bf October ~ ~gig/ 93 ~ and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and ineluding the seheduled day of public hearing of this case. The si;n :r~~ postad in t"~ position snown on tha map below. Signature: /f/ ~~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public~hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant~s cas file at the Department of Community Development. -----------°------------ ~ -- -_ _ . -== °- _._~ - ----------------------------------------------- ~_ ---_--- ..:_ -_-- _- ..- _. -~~ , I ~ ~ GERALD ~___ ~ L EE ~ J W. 357H PL - C 7 - . ,~. ~ a~~~ ~ " HTS -~ , ~ R_2 ; x; 3 _ ~~~ ~ ,~ ~ ~~~~ -~~-~- ~ ~~ 'S00 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~ P.O. BGX 638 WHEA- RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303)234-5900 City Admin. Fax m 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ;. 235-2949 October 7, 1993 This is to inform you that Case No. ~ o~V~1HEqT~ . The City of ~~ ; ' ,'~Q~ ~heat ~ ;~~ ~.;~:r m ~Ridge C~CORA~O wz-93-5 which is a request for anoroval of a razonina from R-2 to RC-1 with YPC~'Ylf:tPl~ 1lSPC for property located at 351ti ar~~ '~~'~~ ~a•~ G+raat will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Plannina Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 p.m. , on October 21, 1993 All owners and/or their legal counsel o£ the parcel under consideration muGt be present at this hearing before the Plannin4 Commission . As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. I£,you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform' <^o ~;,..,i~~:r„~~~~~ . Y ~ ~ ~ Dear Ad~acent Property Owner: 2£ you have received this notice, you reside or own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City of Wheat Ridge. This notice is intended to in£orm you o£ the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application £or rezoning or special use permit, the developer is responsible for holding an informal neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity £or citizens to become aware of_a proposed development in their neighborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in the design of their project. All residents within 600 feet are required to be noti£ied o£. the meeting. A staf£ plannes will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will rema3n impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision- making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits of a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. If you are an adjacent property, you may have the right to file a "legal protest" against the application. The result of this £iling is that it requires a 3/4 majority of City Council to approve a request. I£ you have questions regarding any of the information given above, do nQt hesitate to contact a planner at the City offices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner TheCityof ~~ cwheat ~Zidg~ P.o. aox ~$ WNEAT AIDC ^ ff' fU r .n ~ ~ a o° a -: _ ~ ~i,. ~ r,-~ ~. : „ : <:.. '1J3..,,~~~4 , ,. ; . +i,: . , ,, . ::~x ~'~ r i1C.T-;^35 tT~.~ ~ ti'i ~ ~ .L ,7 -:~' 's ~~t., .' . " . r.~~~j ~ ~~ . ~ ~, .__.'' t 80033 i ) ~IR r~ ppSf~lAfltl. Atl e C ' 1~- ¢ ~~~~,~ ~731T-B 62fl~ ~ 3a~ ~CO ~4fl33 trlhea~. ~dg~ ~~ W~~~~..~ lZ~} ~ .. ,. - . . Cll'Y QF WHFl~T '?f~^~ t~.~..~ _~~ i . _~ ^T 11 1993 ~ ,' ~ U tJ I~ ~ ~~ & DEVELOPMENT W a O~ ~,~ttifts~ Qa 4~ K YQ U ~~ . V$ g~ ~~- Z ~ ~- MA11- ° CERTI~~ED ~- /~~ RECEIPT FOR PS F~R 040 '~~ . V~ iN+r ({~TU0.N ~ AppPESS~~ ~R~;EIPT ~ AEN RECEIPT CEKAFlEOFEE At:P F~5 ~ $EFMG~ TO1AtP05~PGE ~ i~x~.y~tear~° , p~5 M ~.-~ _-" _ d ~.- --- ~~, ..-~^' / C .~-^. ^`~ ~ppgfPOE O ~g(p,lG1E0 'r~ ^^'~ OM.MIEAM ~ ~WE~' C , qETllRN A~~SS~DEIT'k~ ~ PEGEIPT GERTIFfEDFEE+AENPNREGEVPT G $E{NICE IOTAIP~T~'~ANOFEES i10' '~ ~ .~euanax+4~ r m N r ~ .II m ~ ~' Q A~~~~ ~~o . ' L`ir- w 35t~+. Pl gt1b33 ~~.~Q ~ .m; C~Q~ C'~ ~ ~, 9~~'. ~~,~. ~~p .. I"ifi ~$ ~~e°'~~rt~ \~'~~~ ~ - FSp ORM 3~ ~' ._-- •--- ~ ~ ~ P°s'w~- ~ m N r s .S1 1"~ ~ tL PElUPiJ ~ESStN'v•. . .RELEMi ~iiTIf1E0 FEE ~~ FE'M~H REGEfPT pF¢Es ~ SEawc~ ro.riaosmcEaw _ ~.~ cN . c°V~"nno~iu ~ ~~ ~° -'"" ~ -"'" e PI / ~ TED ~' L C '[f„@3~.t,11 iaEl'6~~.63 1t~Git ~'1'k.~x$ ~~' ~g3.ti1e4ri. C.q $0401 = ~~ .~~•~~"~ ~~^~} ?~.sa7. ~ x ~ ~-_ of DeliverY _ ~r~ A ~ ~ Wish 1o receive ~e fiee): ~. I ~ a~~ rvices (fa~ an extra followi~ ~dre5see's Address ~ p21N0fy ~ 2 ^ Res~ricteasler for tee. Consul[ PQStm ~' Prt~cle Number ~~ 7 Z 8 b ~ p 91~ . ~o.~~ce TYPe ~ GERTIFIEP 7. Date of OeliverY f 3 ta' ~ 2` Ig, pddressee's Ada~egs ue&ted and fe~ ~~.~ (ONLY h re~ ~ ~~ `" ~L.C.L<-'js -~ ~ a V so tnat we can retNn tTis card `f,~ tor add~~°1~1 servitzs. ~ C ~E~~Ejplete ite~ ~~ ~& d On 1~ ~,yg5E 01 il~ls 4IXm ~~2. ' k li sDa~e d0e% nol Fe • Ca~Wit;teli~ a~3ddress ~~ Pnnt YWr name `~~~ mai M~e. °` beaw ~a•f~ck. nu~m~~ed to a~ tne ~4 to YW. to ~ Pe~ ~ s;9 tWe oi the p'-~' [ h chie lo~m stetl on lYx • AttaL RetumR~.&m vill {a~~ ~ ~ • TxneeR~urnReceM~ F~ ~ -~~ ~ d -----``- ^-- ~ """" -- j ~ ~ ~ --- ~~ '~~ 55 ~ O~UVEFYAND f ~VER~' ~ ~ ~t~ RECEIF7 G~Ek~51FIE0FEEt~~NRFSE{N c~fNIGE TOWLPOSiPGEAN~FEES ~~ p^ . UR ~~0.N~~'LMPIL xa NorFpa~ N SENY TO: ~ ~ ~a711'tl ~~~ „ , ~xBlt~.ditl . ~ ~~95 '~ ~~~ ~~~ Stlt3~~ ' ~ ~ c~.. ~~ ~~~,~~..5 t~tll ~ ~ RECEIPT ~~R CERTIFIED pS FQRM 38D0 ~~ '~i~~~~~5t~1~pl tsl.:~`J pj{3L~3~r 1-`C. '~.'~.Cl~~ 4~ ...p AadreSS~= 1' p Resh'Icted peliverY ~ 2. _ _.Maater ior 1 cle Numne~ ~ 2 $ 7 p g13 b6 ,..~~ce TYPe . ~ CERTI~IED ~ 7. Date 6d~ 5 l'~~4`"~R YiZ"'`~-~'"' ~a,~a a SENOE "~y dwna~ se~`"ces, tosm can re~um N+is ~~. tor 21or ~~ rse ~ th~s so that +'~ ~,~+eaems"a ~4a &tl. k a w~ ~s ~wl oa :~Rql¢te M1e^~s apd addre5s on tl~e ~ «~n t~ ~ num~(. ihe Pnnt'F~r ~~ ~~ VoM ot 9~e nai'. ~: beb~ LhR PF'llde ~~~yd to a ~i ~Attacn ihis ~^' ~ Req es~ on fie z~natwe f5O" qy. ~ : Wnte"fle~Pece~P~FeewillProvbeYW 11 Tha Reium L. wteotde~~;A,o<4edto: ~t~3.~Y~ As,~i~ A~~" ~~~eNF~ Cd~i ~~.c~waa ~Cro t3t~4~1 ~ym+j ~"~iK°~~~~ ~'1`~t aY RECEIPT FOR GERTIFIED PS FORM 38D0 , _..- ~--~"'^ ~ ~-- "''`~ P~S SEN~ER: ~ ite~% }~~ gp edd'M1ro~~~Se~i„vs lom~ so thet'"eace mg rn U~is (~. s not Pe . ComP' eta ~tere%s, arw~pmss an ~11e on me uack H~numue+~ m ar,~ me ~. h~.i~A Y°"r nett~a a"d Mz F~ °ti y o t~ha ~ C~ewre~t iY~~s ~ dexwned ~~o m~ t«m m ,~atea'. n,~ sre~ a I~ • AH2cF th utn ft~pDFft~a0.~tl ptovr'B Y~ ,;j :1T1YI~te~~~Rec ~,1ale ~ ~ ~ - t~ 'V 3. ArUCIe Addre~s'~d to: ~8a -' ~~.~.~~ ` .. . IaAddresseu,~. ~L3~ ~~'~~ ~.Z~,63:'~Pb~ ~ G3fl~ W 3'a'~~ ~v+~ /y t;t~R~~ ltl+`^~lT~ VV ~`~V~~ ~~ l3~ M~t ~y= k~u^''33`"a F~/1 - tAdare~~' / ~ :,~~~ 3gi 1, November 1990 ps Form 1 als~eceiv~ ~1e fee)~ followin9 Serv~ces (for an extra 1. ~ Addressee s Address 2. Q Restricied DeliverY .«ociP.T f~r fee~-^ Consu~~ v~-~ ~ ~p~ ~y3` e~~ ~ati ,..dr.e TYPe ~ GERTIFIED ate oP Defive~ ~ , G ~ 8. Ad see's ~a""' d fee Paid,) (ONIY i~ r~~~ted ~ I / : 1 . ~ POSTAGE,. RETURN SHOWTOYMOM.DATEMJ~ PESTRICTEP ~ DEIIVERY AODRESSOFDEIIVERY RECEIPT CEHIIFlEO FEE+qENflN PELE PT SERVICE I IL TOTALPOSTNGEPNDFEES ~ nu nTS~xnrv~t ~we'wue vnunueu - I nJ SENT TOI NOTFOP~N mFNoIiONALMAIL rv ~ ~ f~7 a a° Cl. m ~ ~ N .~ .n m a ~ a ~ ~fina Fxr~o . . . .. , 3536 J+~y Bt~wett ~ T~iYssart Ft~.dgA ~ . ..$QQ~3 ~~~-~~-.~ tin~ ~. PS FORM 3800 ~ ~~~ ~ PQSTAGE RENflN SHWJTOWHOM,OATEANU FESIRILTED RECEIPT a~~~~~EUVERV I oeuVERV $EHJICE CEPTIFlEDiEE+REIDRNF1Ef.EIPT R]TAl PQ4TAGE ANO FEES SENT TO: ~ XO1rvsoxanveewrw~~r~ro~~oeu- NOTiOR~N ~PNeTIONALMHIL $Yl~" ~? 8I1£~ I+~JiRO ~'t~+" $~'n~FY 3491'; E'eer~tnn ~C~C'r~~t . . . ~e~~ d2?~.t1g~ Cp BA933 ~ -- ~ -._ ~ __-~ _.~.~._ -- - - POSTfli ;E~~~ ¢ 1e;~ema i~ai« z ror eaanar~i serwces. I! ~ P ~u~eie ~~e~rarnd aa x n. ~ 'o n your namE-aritl etltlress onllhp reverse d Ihis form so ~hat we cxn retum I I also wish td receive the f following services (for an extra fee): his card ~ 4 ~ ~ I • nuecn m~s f«m to u,~ rmm w me ma;i ~ 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ I~ • NkI[e "Relurn R 1 ~~ a on ihe beck if y~ dp¢s not permit. l~ on ~he mti¢pece bebw fM artide number. Z. ^ ReStfIC~@CI DEIIVQfY ~ I• 7h R l R~p ~ewi e e urn F l I tlale oi dHrverv. ~o~ ~~ slgre~ura M the pu5pn ~livered to ~ ~~ sntl t~e ~nsult postmaster for fee ~ a. qrticle Addressed to: . 4a. Article Number „ ~~~~q ~~~~~ P 913 667 282 ~ ~~ ~~ ~&~ ~~~,~~~ 4b. Service Type ~.. I~~aet R~~e~~ t;(} g;~~g3 ~ CERTIFIED . . p ~., ~', ~~.~,~ ~g,,,~ t ~~ ~ ~~ 7. Date of Delivery ~ 5. Signature -~( dr see 8. Addre ' ddress - -- ~ ~ // ~ ~ (ON quest arrd fee paitl.) i ~ ` FOS 6. Signature -(Agent) / Q~(~, ~v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ h ~ 'i ~ ~ PS Form 3811, Noverpber tsso I ~ ~ ~ D TI N RECEIPT ' , ' . k~i~~-F1 ~CTI~I~~-~a~L~r ... ~ --' ~~ I - -- • - -- -- - - - -- - ,~ ~~4~~ ~+~Yi.~CJi'b ~~~~4p,E i 4b. Service Type ~ YIh+~A'C ~S.C2~8 C4~ f34CF33 ~ CERTIFIED P~s 4R~~-93~5 (16) 1w~:R -,_ „ R~: W~»~33w5 I143 h~Ft ~ '_ ~ PS FORM 3800 ~ T~ ~ P0.5TAGE RETURN SH(HNTOWHOM,OATEPNO FESTRIGTED ~ RECEIPT A~~RESSOF~ELIVEPY ~ oEUVEav SERVICE CE(IlIFlEDFEE+liETpPNPECEIPT S TOTALPOSTAGEPNUGEES ~ rvo msorwrvet wvtxn~e ~nwmeu - RI SENT T~: NOTFORIHIEPNpTIONALIMIL ~ ~ e~~~ ..p ~ ~i7~.A1 kiH~(,~~'l~~ri ~ ~ 61b0 ~l 35t~a l~w~ m ! 5. Signature - (Addressee) .Y. ~ !eC^Y- ~(+UFi~I ~ f1-3.~-~~v ~ POS l 6. Signature ~(Agent) ~ / ¢ ~ PS Form 3811, November 1990 6 ~ Y~"k3Qr~~ RSC1C(~ C"U F3tlCi33 a r~: w~-93»5 clo) ~ . „ ~. ~i ~.- .. I PS FORM 3800 ~ RECEIPT FOR CERT7FIE1 UNREDSiRRB Po6IKSFIMCE . ~a~.6S1 ~'i ~~'~h l3.'G'~ ,~ ;rtt'-ast~ It3e~+~gi C:O E3Q433 k?.~a ~~~»~93w5 (10~ 2•iR ~„ 5.Sig ;t~ur ~Addressee) ~~ ~ . ~~~fO ~, i'Y~~~~~ , TPC'Signature - (Age}x(( / / . PS Form 3811, November 7990 ~~. 7.Dateqfhe{iveryl~ ~ I IJ I ~ 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY il requested and fee paidJ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIpT II ~~ ~ ~ 4b. Service Type ~ CERTIFIED 7. Dafe f elivery 8. Adfl~ see's Addtp.ss~~ (ONLY if iequested and fee paid.) ~I ~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 'i I { ~ ""`_ - ~~ ~~. ~ ____. ~-_-`"""'" ! e ~"' ~~S~T,A,~~~+E~ G ~X ^F~...~.--' PWYP~E DA'IEPN~I Oe+,`~` TONM~M~0.V ¢ P~~{yN p~p RE55~~4~'NPNft£GE1P5 O p,ECE1PT Ck~~ ~pFEES R i~ P~TAG~ .~~y.R IL Y 9ERV~E To~N. tuoZfOPiN'tEaN~~~ ~m SENT TO: N '~OY? ~`~+7~~~ y .A ~~4~ ~ ~~~ (~$~iaa.~ 4' ~~~~ w?+..~3~3 ~~'~3 ~ ~ ' ~ ,,., ~ pg FORM 3500 -_~ !. r ~ S~GE /RE~T ~`~ PO~ ...~c1P5E_PM~I ~~ ry~~URN p~CE14T i $F.F`~If,E m 4 gEN N r ..0 ~ m ~' ~ 6' a ' ~~S~Of PEV...'~APIAE~~1 GEPT~~EDFEE rflEN ~E ~P FEES YpSAtP~ o G_.,.~aHnROt4 T ~"~ 1~ ~~ ~• ~~~~x*~4~ ~A90 3~5t ~tz~ ~Q ~~~~3 ~~$8~'~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ s t ~ Sotawi~ ~ "„' 's Addres~ .--~. ..,.° "` ~ ~ ~ Addressee ~~_.-- "~ 2 wr a~fditw~ ~s s~mm so Mat ~n ~~°ro+~+~f~t. 2. O Restricted ReliverY ra ~~ m+M µe aces ~° simaster.Eor fee. ~EN~~~jg,e H~3~%~ad au °" ~YS ~ s~ or ~ t~,e s1 ~ n~~ied tu a~d me CAnsu{t P~ rora~a~n~~r""s~a+%ia,~w'ee~5~~~~~"0°'+~a~ qs.ArEw~e q~3 6~~ 28`~ ~ ~[e~eP~Reca'NLFee ~ dace oc ae~we' aressed to: 4b. Service tYPe 3. ArUCie ~ .~ cERT~~~ED ~~ ~~~~~ (j~~~a w ~~.ffi'~' ~'V'R ,.~~,,, p pSDeliverY ~/ ~i~ 84~~~ 7. ~t,gi},`V~ ~~ ~,~~ 1'~lF& /~ 8. 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Q ~deessee° ^'" - Res~icted Qe1+veri r .ama6~0T f0~1 ~~B~j,Wmber ~ ~ 8 a '~ P `113 b~~. ~ C~R'StF1ED .r±'~!s,-~~, fes Paid.) --~,.~ uYe ~ ~~M- ~ ~ - - ~._ . ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ i 6.5'~9na\ . ~ember ~~a ~ ~ ~ 38~1,. ~ ~.---" pS Form . / ,....,: ~. - ". . •-._--£"" '"'-F-,.r^ ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission Date Prepared: October 13, 1993 Date of Meeting: October 21, 1993 Case Manager:e"Meredith Reckert Case No. & Name: WZ-93-5/Forgo and Foster Action Requested: Rezone from R-2 to RC-1 with a paving variance Location of Request: 3516 & 3536 Jay Street Name & Address of Applicant(s): Rose Foster Nina Forgo 3441 Fenton St 890 S St. Paul St Wheat Ridge Denver 80209_ Name & Address of Owner(s): Same as above ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate Area: 15,785 sq ft & 20,400 sq ft Present Zoning: R-2 Present Land Use: pre-school & residence Surrounding Zoning: All sides: R-2 Surrounding Land Use: 1 S~ E: Low density residential W: vacant & low density Comprehensive Plan for Area: Low density residential ---------------------- Date Published: Date to be Posted: ------------------------ October 5, 1993_ October 6, 1993 Date Legal Notices Sent: October 7, 1993 Agency Check List (XX) Attached Related Correspondence ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Attached ( ) Not Required ( ) None (XX) Case File & Packet_Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance ( ) Slides Subdivision Regulations ( ) Exhibits JURiSDICTTqN; The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and ali noti£ication and posting requirements have been met, there£ore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ~ ~ Planning Commission Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-93-5/Forgo/FOSter I, REO[IfiST The applicant requests approval o£ a rezoning £rom Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial One £or propert3es located-_at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street. The purpose o£ the rezoning is for legalizing a nonconforming use and expansion of the existing nursery/kindergarten. Because there are two separate properties and situations, the properties will be discussed separately. II. PROPERTY CONFIGURETIOId - 3536 JAY STREET The existing Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten has ~isted on the northern property (3536 Jay Street) since the late 1950s. Enrollment at the school is approximately 40 children with £our to £ive full-time teachers on Sta££. It is a corner lot with frontage on Jay Street and West 35th Place. The property is currently noncon£orming in regard to zoning (R-2 where at least R-C1 is required), parking access (open access) and the amount of parking. Based on the City's current standards, at least 11 o£f-street parking spaces are required where only seven spaces are provided at this time. The owner is proposing no physical changes to the property. In regard to the existing zoning, the noncon£orming use of the property can remain in existence until the year 2000 when at that point either the noncon£ormity shall cease or the zoning be changed. In accordance with the current code, a small day care home (up to six children) is an allowed home occupation in all residential zones. Large day care homes allowing up to 12 children are a special use in the residential zone districts. A day care facility which exceeds 24 children requires commercial zoning, thus the requested R-Cl. Please note that i£ the zone change is approved for either or both o£ the properties, the owner/applicant would agree to uses restricted to those allowed in the R-2 zone plus a day care/kindergarten. The full range of R-C1 uses would not be allowed. See attached lists of uses for R-2 and R-C1 labeiled Exhibits 'A' and 'B'. III. CRITERIA - 3536 Jav Street Sta££ has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning £or property at 3536 Jay Street. 1. That the change o£ zone is in con£ormance, or will bring the property into con£ormance with the City o£ Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. Approval of rezoning will correct a zoning which is not in conformance with historical land use on the property. ~ ~ Planning Commission Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/Foster The Comprehensive Plan shows this area as be3ng "low density residential". While R-C1 is not typically thought of as a low density zone, the use o£ the iand as a day care/school is a support use for the surrounding residential area. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The owner proposes no changes to the property. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change o£ zone. This is a use which was existing prior to incorporation. The school has been serving the needs o£ the community for almost 40 years. 4. That adequate in£rastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not ex3st or are under capacity. Ali-infrastructure and services are currently in place. 5. That the proposed rezoning w311 not adversely affect public health, sa£ety or welfare by creating excessive tra££ic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to ad~acent properties. There should be no further impact to the neighborhood in regard to drainage or the reduction of light and air to adjacent properties. However, parking is inadequate for the current capacity of the school-. Cars are being parked along West 35th Place which is substandard in width. Staf£ recommends additional asphalt be placed between the north side o£ the house and the edge of asphalt on West 35th Place to provide more of a parking pull-o££. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property could be converted back to a res3dence but this seems unlikely. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. This would be spot zoning, however with the use stipulations, this is more akin to a Special Use Permit. 8. That there is a void in-at"~i area or community need that the change of zone will £ill by providing for necessary services, ~ ~ Planning Commission Sta£f Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/Foster products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. The school is £ulfilling a need within the community for preschool services. IV. PROPERTY CONFIGIIRATION - 3516 Jav The applicant has an option to purchase the duplex directly to the south of the current school. The property is a corner lot with £rontages on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. It encompasses 20,000 square feet o£ land area and is traversed by the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Use o£ the new facility would be for the day care of newborns and toddlers with an expected capacity of 30 children and five staff members. Based on these figures, a total of ten parking spaces is required including a van space. Staff has prepared two different parking scenarios. Aside from the parking, drop-off area and £encing, there should be no other changes to the property. Design scenario #1 shows all of the parking with a drop-o££ area on Jay Street. Circulation would be one way. Design scenario #2 shows a drop-of£ area on Jay, but the main parking area is off of West 35th Avenue. A bridge could span the Rocky Mountain Ditch to accommodate pedestrian traffic as there is no curb, gutter and sidewalk along West 35th Avenue. Staff prefers Design Scenario #2 as it would keep some of the traffic of£ o~ Jay Street. Since 35th Avenue functions as a local collector, it is wider and is better able to handle more tra£fic than Jay Street. The applicant/owner prefers Scenario #1, but regardless of the design chosen by Planning Commission, would like the lot to be gravelled. This is a specific design variance which must be considered by Planning Commission. See Section VI. Variance. With either of the designs showing a drop-off lane from Jay Street, Public Works will reguire that sight distance be improved at the Jay Street/West 35th Avenue intersection by the removal o£ existing foliage. V. CRITERIA - 3516 1av 8t.rePt Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning for 3516 Jay Street. l. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City o£ Wheat Ridge ~ ~ Planning Commission Sta£f Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-93-5/Forgo/Foster Comprehensive Plan goals, ob,jectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates 'this property as "low density residential". Although RC-1 zoning is inconsistent, the limited uses of the property will be primarily residential (R-2 uses and a day care). Day care £acilities are generally thought to be support services £or residential areas. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compat3ble with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Surrounding land use and zoning on all sides is R-2 developed in single-family residences and duplexes. Once again, the proposed use is in support of residentiaT generally. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community der3ved by the change o£ zone. There would be social bene£its to the community with expansion o£ the area by way of expanded child care facilities 3n a working class neighborhood. 4. That adequate in£rastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. There is adequate infrastructure for the facility. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely afPect public health, sa£ety or welfare by creating excessive tra££ic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. The rezoning should not negatively affect the public health, sa£ety and welfare by creating drainage problems or reducing light and air. If appropriately designed with adequate parking, traffic congestion should be minimal. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conclitions. The property is currently utilized as a duplex, there£ore it can be used as zoned. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to ad~acen-t or nearby areas. From a s~rict zoning standpoint, the intrusion of a commercial zone into the neighborhood could be considered spot zoning. However, the use as a day care center is typically considered to be residential in ~ ~ Planning Commission Sta£f Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/Foster character as it is a 1ow intensity use. This rezoning, due to the single additional use stipulation, is more akin to a Special Use. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. There is a void in the market for good day care facilities. V=. PAVING VARIANCE Sta££ has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request. As mentioned in Section IV, any formal parking areas are required to be paved. The applicant is proposing a gravel lot for the expanded £acility. 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income i£ permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation £or the district in which it is located? Assuming rezoning occurs, a nursery could st311 operate with an asphalt or concrete parking lot i£ the variance is not granted. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? Circumstances are unique due to the residential character of the area. 3. I£ the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? No, as there are many residences with gravel driveways. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical oondition oP the specific_property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter o£ the regulations were carried out? Inconvenience. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? A precedent could be established. Another day care center built within a residential setting several blocks east was required to pave their parking lot. 6. Is the purpose o~ the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out o£ the property? ~ ~ Planning Commission Staf£ Report Page 7 Case No. WZ-93-5/Forgo/Foster The variance request is economically motivated from the standpoint that gravel is less expensive than paving. 7. Has the alleged dif£iculty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? Yes, the applicant has an option to purchase the property. 8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? Granting of the paving variance would not be detrimental to the public weifare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to ad~acent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? The variance would not impair the supply of light and air, increase traffic congestion, increase fire danger, endanger public safety or diminish property values in the neighborhood. It would give more of a residential "£eel" to the nursery parking area. V22. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETIN~ A meeting £or neighborhood input was held on May 20, 1993. Aside from Staff and the owner/applicants, two residents £rom the area attended. Concerns expressed included noise during the day and primarily traffic on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. VI22. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can serve both properties. Public Works would like to see construction o£ curb, gutter and sidewalk along the West 35th Avenue and Jay Street £rontages. A drainage plan and report will be required if the paving variance is not approved. The sight distance visibility at West 35-th Avenue/Jay Street intersec~ion needs to be improved by the removal of obstructive foliage. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS _ Staf£ concludes that the existing facility has been in operation for almost 40 years. Staf£ concludes that a day care/nursery, although it would have commercial zoning, is generally considered a low intensity use and a support service £or residential areas. We £urther conclude that the zoning stipulation of R-2 uses plus day care/nursery is more akin to a Special Use Permit. For these reasons, a recommendation of ~ ~ Planning Commission StafP Report Page 8 Case No. WZ-93-5/Forgo/Foster Approval is given for rezoning at 3536 Jay Street with the following conditions: 1. Uses allowed be those listed in the R-2 zone district plus a day care/kindergarten. 2. A parking puil-off be provided along the north side of the house. A recommendation o£ approval is given for rezoning at 3516 Jay Street with the following conditions: 1. Uses allowed be those listed in the R-2 zone district plus a day care/kindergarten. 2. The property be developed in accordance with Design Scenario #2. In regard to the paving var3ance, Staff concludes that circumstances are not un3que. There is another day care center located several blocks to the east that was required to pave their park3ng when they developed within a residential setting. Therefore, we recommend Denial of-the variance request. X. REC~MMENDED MOTIONS Rezonina - 3536 Jav Street OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-93-5, a request for approval o£ a rezoning £rom R-2 to R-C1, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It woulci allow £or legalization o£ an existing nonconforming use. 2. A day care/kindergarten is typically considered a"low intensity" use and the applicant has stipulated that they only desire that use from the RC-1 destrict list of permitted principal uses. With the £ollowing conditions: 1. Uses allowed be those listed in the R-2 zone district plus a day care/kindergarten. 2. A paved parking pull-o££ be provided along the north side o£ the house. OPTION B: "i move that Case No. WZ-93-5 be Denied for the following reasons: l. 2. 3. " ~ ~ Planning Commission StBff Report Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/FOSter RPZOnina - 3516 Jav Street Page 9 gpTION ac I move that Case No. WZ-93-5, a reques-t for approval o£ a rezoning from R-2 to R-C1 for property located at 3516 Jay Street, be Approved £or the £ollowing reason: 1. A day care/kindergarten is typically considered a"low intensity" use. With the following conditions: 1. Uses allowed be those listed in the R-2 zone district plus a day care/kindergarten. 2. The property developed in accordance with Design Scenario #2• QPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-93-5, a request for approval of a rezaning from R-2 to R-C1 be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " Pavina Var. ianc:A pPTION A: "2 move that_the request £or a paving variance at 3516 Jay Street be Denied £or the following reasons: 1. Circumstances are not unique. 2. Other similar £acilities have had to pave their parking lots. oPTION B: "I move that the request £or a paning variance at 3516 Jay Street be Approved £or the £ollowing reasons: 1. 2. 3. ". <pc>srwz935 ~ ~ ! ~ v ~ ~ , ~ ~ SUP-89-9- ~ ~ ~', ~ C ON ~Vt/A Y ~ - 'R~ m - ~ : ~. ~ W ~ J ~ r N y '~ ~ y ~ I ~ n Q I SCHNE/D$R SUB. a ~ ~ HE/G HTS = Q . . -- - ~ 0 GERALD ~.___ Z L EE vi ~~~~EAT J W 35TH PL - YDGE _ ~ ~ ENTER ~ - HTS ~ - _ = R-2 ~~~E^~ ~ RESUB ; . N ~, ~ - 35TH AVE ' ~ H~ARVEY' a J ~. K ~ Q / ~ ^ . pIlLH ., 1 ~/~~.~-. _ \ ~ ~ r`~ q R V~ Y'~~. r ] ~ Q .. _.. -- ~ - r ~ ~ -- ; , ~ , % F /RS ~' ._- ~. ; ~,, - -- ----- ~ ~ -~ ,. , ~ ADD y /T/aN ._ y i ~ __ y ~ ~ ~ ~~ Q ' Q ' ~ ~ J I ~`,. ~ I -' . ~ ~ ~ .. , I ,~, 9 , J I ~ ~ ~ ~CASE NO. -93-5 EXHIBIT 'A' S 26-13 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE Sec. 26•14. Residential-'itvo District (R-21. (A) Interzt ¢nd Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, saCe, quiet and stable low- to moderate-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incom• patible with the residential character. (B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land sha11 be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein eaccept for one (i) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as pcrmitted in R-I, R•lA, R•1B and R-iC districts. t Supp. No. 30 1712 ~ ~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT (2) Two-family dwellings. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory BuiZdings: (1) Same uses as perniitted in R-1, R-lA, R-1B and R•1C districts. 3 26•15 1D) Condition¢l Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as set forth in section 26•6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R•1, R-lA, R-1B and R-1C districts. (E) Speciai Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the 4Vheat Ridge Plan- ning Commission and city council, £ollowing procedures as set forth in section 26•6(B): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R•lA, R-1B and R-1C districts. ~ § 2G8 WFIEAT RIDGE CITY CODE See. 26•10. Residential•One District (R-1). (A) Intent and Parpose: This district is estab- lished to provide higfi quality, safe, quiet and stable low-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are in- compatible with low-density residential character. (B) Perrnitted. Principal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be here- after erected, converted ar structurally altered un- less otherwise provided herein eau;ept for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) One-family dwelling. (2) Parks, noncommercial playgrounds or other public recreation use. ~ (4) Hausehold peEs, limited to no more than three (3) dogs and/or four (4) cats, plus their unweaned o4~'spring. (5) Private stables for the kP~p+*+~ of horaes, cows, llamae, sheep or goats and similar animals; however, excluding the keeping of swine, subject to the requirements set forth in section 26•30(L). (6) Private poultry houses and pigeon coops, and private rabbit and chinchilla hutches, subject to the requirements set forth in sec- tion 26-30(L). (7) Bee keeping, subject to the requirements set farth in section 26-30(L). (8) Rooming and/or boarding of not more than two (2) persons on a confsact basis for not less than seven days. (9) Ancillary uses operating within a church's primary structure (e.g., day care centers, acout meetings.) (10) Class I Home occupations which meet the definition and standards set forth in sec- tion 26-30(Q)(1) and section 26-5, Defini- tions. (11) Electric transmission or other public utility lines and polea, irrigation channels, storm draiaage facilities, and water supply facil- ities, and other similar facilities. (3) Residential group homes for eight (8) or (12) fewer developmentally disabled persons, mentally ill,.~.~....a or for elderly peraons. (See section 26-30(P? ~d section 26-5 Defi- nitions.) (4) Other simiIar uses or structures as appmved by the zoning administrator or board of ad- justment and when in conformance with standards and requirements set forth herein for similar uses. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Detached private gatage or carport. (2) Private storage sheds. (3) Private swimmingpools, tennis courts. (See section 26-SO(n for related requirementsJ Public and private wmmunication towers, televiaion or radio antennss, or any other similar communications receiving or sending device which dcea not exceed thirty- fve (35) feet in height, whether ground• mounted or mounted upon a building or other structure. For satellite eazth receiving statians, see aection 26•30(~. (13) Water towers or aboveground reservoirs not in _.._>;,s of thirtyfive (35) feet. (14) Other similar uses or structures as approved by the zoning administrator or board of ad- justment and when in conformance with standards and requirements set forth for similar uses. (D) Conditionul Usea: The following usea shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat ~ ~ ~ l ~ Supp. No. 7 170$ ~ ~ ZOIIING AND DEVELOPMENT Ridge Plann.ing Commission, following procedures as set forEh in aection 26•6(E~. (1) Public, private and parochial educational institutions which provide instruction for § 26•l0 Supp. No. 7 1~08.1 ~ ~ ZOIQING AND DEVELOPMENT 4 26-30 grades kindergarten through 12, and public, quirements and standazds set forth in sec- private or pazochial coIleges and universi- tion 23-30(m) and section 26-5, Definitions. ties. (2) Public or private golf courses or private country club or private club operated for benefit of inembess only and not for gain (but not including a private cltzb, whicli prn- vides a service customazilg earried on as a business. (2) Large day care home (see section 26-5, Def- initions). (3)~ ~overnmental buildings, fire stations and public u~ility 6uildings where outside storage or repair faciIi'ties are~ ~lanned. (3) G'overnment or quasi=governntental build- ings and offices, ~re stations or public utility buiIdings where outsid'e storage or repair faciIities aze not planned. (4) Electric transmission substations. (5) Wind-powered electric generators not in ex- cess of thirty-five (35) feet. 16) Church, parish honse. (E) Special Uses: The following uses sha11 be permitted only upon approval of the FVheat Riilge Planning Commission and city council, folIowing procedures as set forth in section 26•6(B). (1) Bed-N-6reakfast rooms accessory to a one-. faznily dwelIing primary use, subject to re- (4) Restaurants, lounges and bars accessory to a public or private golf course. (5) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more developmentally disabled persons or eld- erly persons (see section 26-30(P) and sec- tion 26•5, Definitions). (6) Residential group home for children (see sec- tion 26•30(P) and section 26-5, Definitions). f7) Class II Home occupations which meet the definition and standards set forth in sec- tion 26-30(Q)(2) and section 26-5, Definitions. ~ ~ Sec. 26-19. R.eserved. Sea 26-20. R.estricted Commercial•One Dis• trict (R.Gl). (A) Intent ¢rzd Purpose: Thia district is eatab- lished to provide for a reasonably c~*n~A+;ble tran- sition between residential and more intensive com- mercial land uses. It provides for reaidential scale, neighborhood-oriented professional oft'ices and ser- vices which, by their nature and through design limitation, will promate neighhorhood stability and protect neighborhoad values and character. The district also provides limited neighborhood- oriented retail uses by special use approval. . CASE NO. WZ-93-5 EXHIBIT 'B' B) Permitted Princip¢Z Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be here- after erected, converted or structurally altered un- less othenvise provided herein eaccept for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Art gaIleries or studios. (2) Banks, loan and finance o~ces. (3) Clinics and oftices for psychologicaI, social, marital, developmentaI or similar coun- seling and treatment, including counseling and treatment for substance ahuse and al- coholism; however, not including residen- tial facilities or residential treatment. Supp. No. 5 1719 ` § 26-20 ~ WI~AT RIDGE CITY CODE (4) Community buildings, Y.M.C.A's, Y.- W.C.A's, churchea, libraries, parks, mu- seums, aquariums and art galleries. (5) Golf courses (but not including miniature golf or putting ranges, driving ranges, Pri- vate clubs or restaurants) and those uses commonly accepted as accessory thereto when located on the same premises. (6) Government or quasi-governmental build- ings and of'fices or public utility building where outside storage, operations or repair facilities are not planned. ('n Homes for the aged, nursing homes and con- gregate care homes. (8) Medical and dental offices, clinics or labo- ratories. (9) Offices, general administrative, business and professional. (10) Pazking of automobiles of clients, patients, patrons or customers oF the occupants of a~jacent commercial districEs. (11) Schools; public, parochial and private (in- cluding private, vocationai trade or profes- sional schools), coIIeges, universities, pre~ schools and day nurseriea (including those uses commonly accepted as necessary thereto when located on the same premises). (12) Service establishments as listed below: (a) Hair, nail and cosmetic aervices. (b) Interior d:...._~'.,:ng shop where goods, except samples, are not stored upon the premisea. (c) Pickup stations for laundry and dry cleaning. (d) Shae repair. (e) Studioforprofessionalworkorteaching of fine arts, photography, music, drama or dance. (fl Tailoring, dreasx^~U~^° or clothing al- teration shop. (g) Watch and jewelty repair. (13) Residential group homes for eight (8) or fewer developmentally disabled peraons, mentally ill persons oz for elderly persons. (See section 26•30(P) and sectioa 26•5.) Supp. No. b (14) Any simiIsr use which, in the opinion af the zoning administrator or, upon appeal of Ius decision, of the boazd of adjustment, would be compatihle in character and im- pact with other uaes in the district, would be consistent with the intent of this dis- trict, and which would not be ohjectionable to nearby property by reason of odor, dust, fumea, gas, noise, radiation, heat, glare, vi- bration, traffic generation, parking needs, outdoor storage or use, or is not hazardous ta the health and safety of surrounding areas through danger of fire or esplosion. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses ¢nd Accessory Buildings: (1) Food services primarily for the occupants of a building containing a permitted use, when located within the same building. (2) Electric transmission or other public utility lines and poles, irrigation channels, storm drainage facilities, and water supply facil- ities, and other similar facilities. (3) Residential usea in commercial zones shall be allowed under the following conditions: (a) Residential use shaIl be located only oa a flaor other thaa the ground floor, or if located on the ground floor, re- stricted to the rear haif of the building. (b) Residential dwelling density shall not exceed one (1) dwe lino unit for each five thousand (5,000) square feet of lot area. (c) Residentiai dweIling units ahall be no Iess thaa five hundred (500) square feet each. (d) Parking shall be supplied at the rate of one (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area (e) Where it is intended to c.,......;, an es- isting reaidential structure, either par- tially or wholly, to a commercial use, then commercial development atan- dards shall be applied for parldng, land- acaping and residential buf£ering. Any changea to building floor area shall fully comply with all commercial de- velopment standards. • 1720 ~ , ~ ZONINTG AND DEVEIAPMENT (~ No new residences as a primary or prin- cipal use shall be aIlowed. (4) pharmacies and optical stores incidental to a medical or dental office within the same building- (5} Other similar uses or structures as approved by the zoning administrator or boazd of ad- justment and when in conformance with standards and requirements set farth for similar uses. ~ zszo from adjacent properties hy a view- obscuring fence six (6) feet in height. Bulk storage ar piles of such materials shall not be permitted within a front yard setback and shall be no closer than twenty-five (25) feet to a side or rear lot line which abuts residentially zoned praperty, or where zoned AgricuItural and there is a residentisi struc- ture within fifteen (15) feet of the common property line. (6) Laundry and dry cleaning shops. (D) Condition¢Z uses: The following uses shall ~q~ Locksassth shops. be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Comxnission and city counciI, fol- (S) Mortuaries and crematoriums. lowing pmcedures as set £orth in section 26-6GA): ~9) ftooming and boazdinghouses. (I) Electric transmission substations. ~10) Small animal veterinary hospitals or clinics (E) S ecial Uses: The followin uses shall be P ~ where there are no outside pens or runs. permitted only npon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and city council, following (11) Stores for retail trade, limited to two thou- procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): sand (2,000) square feet or less, £or the (1) Blueprinting, photostatic copying, and other amount of buiIding space devoted to any one {1) or combinations of the foAowing re- similar reproduction services; however, not tail use. including lazge printing, publishing and/or book binding eatablishments. Such uses (a) Antique stores. shall be Iimited to no more than two thou- (h) Apparel and accessory stores. sand (2,000) square feet of buiIding space (c) Bakeries, retail. devoted to any one (1) or a combination of (d) Bicycle stores. these uses. (e? Book stores, newsstands, stationary (2) Clinics for residential counseling and treat- ~fl ~d card stores. Business machine or computer stores. ment of psychologicai, social, marital and ~g~ Camera and photographic service and developmental pxroblems, and for substance supply. abuse and alcoholism. (h) Candy, nut and confectionery stores. (3l Csolf wurses, including private clubs, res• (i) Dairy products stores. taurants and lounges, and those uses com• (j) Delicatessens. monly accepted as accessory thereta when (k) FIoral stores. located on the same premises. (1) Gazden supplies stores. (4) Governmental buildings, fire stations, ~~~ ~n) Gift, noveIty or souvenir stores. Hobby and eraft stores. sewer treatment plants and public utility ~o) Jewelry stores. buildings where outside storage, operations (p) Music stores. or repair facilities are planned. (c~ Notions stores. (5} Greenhouses and landscape nurseries, in- (r) Office suppIy stores. cluding both wholesale and retail sales of (s) Optical stores. related products; provided however, that (t) Paint aad wallpaper stores. bulk storage or piles of materiaIs, such as (u) Pet stores. manure, peat, top soiI, rock, sand, firewood (v) Picture &aming [shopsl. or similar material, are screened From view (vc} Sporting goods stores. Supp. No. 5 1721 ~ « § 26•20 Wf~AT RIDGE CITY CODE (x) Shoe stores. (y) Stationery stores. (z) Television, radio, small appliance re- pair and service (shops]. (aa) Tobacco stores. (bb) Toy stores. (cc) Video rental stores. (12) Retail neighborhood grocery/coavenience atore, limited to five thousand (5,000) square feet or less for the amount of building space devoted to retail use. (13) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more developmentally disahled persons or eld- erly persons. (See aection 26-30(P) and sec- tion 26.5J (14) Residential group home for children. (See section 26-30(P) and section 26.5.) (15) Any other use not specifically listed in this district may be permitted as a special use where the planning commission and city council find, in addition to the standard re- view criteria for all special uses as set forth in section 26-6(B), that a specific site is uniquely appropriate for the use proposed. Su ~ ~ M ~ w N V ~ d ~ "a C,j ~? ~c Z Z ~ (L~ w M ~ U ~ . ^~ \~'°"" ~ ~ 3 125.45~ (M) • c:! ,- -- , f_'"_- W ~~ I I I ¢a i ! ~~ i ui N .y Y U O m ~ ~` ~ U ~ >- O ~ ~ U W tD J ~ ~ ~ a ~n ~ w J N I i I `--- ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~.. ~ . ~n ~ llllll,lll~lll~ll~ illlllllillllll ~ lllll111ll111111.1 { , , > , •, ~;n:> i~ , , ,, ; /t~!ttitst~t?~itiii~ 'i111111111U 11il1Lll ~ ,'1111111;I1?Jllk•1~', .'lilliltl`111,41111iP! ~j ilniilllllUll1119~ N .Il~illiltllllti;llll 111111111111:11111i1' ~ . ~ ' illtililitTili111Ni O l;ililllllllillllll ~ 1111111111! 11111111 11 t ' ' ~....~ 0ry ,1_l lll Tl Illllfll r_~ E"'"~ W ~ ~ 1 U l l l 1 l 1 l l L~ llllllllllt ~ d ~ llllillllll ~y llititlitll ~ f.+-r Illllll111 !11'lllblil 1 ~ ~~ llllllllll I a O ~ ~ ~ lllllllllll '. llllllllll I ^ . lllillllll I ~ ~ t{lll~tl4lti o~ llllillllll ~ lllillllli' lilllil111' lllilUlll llilllllll' llllllllil lillilllll ; llllltllll lttllil ! ltl - 111'. i 11 l i l 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-l,t._...- _T.._~.~^.._. _ _ ! 111lllllyi~ll~ldlytryll~ll'~ 1 ~ 11111111!lllQllp]l~lll y11,lilllll~il il! : l l~ ~ ' ~ 11 1 T11ihYY1'il ll llll`1l~li'1 P:l 1I111? 1', : l 1lI1lilllilllllll lllllllllUlill;tll llllllllllllllt? ~ ........ ... ................... .............. .H ~~,`I ~ 1 <-~. ~ ~ASE NO. WZ-93-5 EXHIBIT 'D' 3516 JAY DESIGN SCENARIO #1 125.67' ~. " . .:.. .. ~ 140.00' ~~2~tt~i~~il~ ___ ~ j r--- i FRAME ~~ MULT1-LEVEL GARAGE I . i--' FRAME AND BRICK RES. i ~ 3516-18 JAY ST. • ~ ~ ~ SiP~ // / ~ ; / ~ ~ // - / .~ ~ _ ' / i ~ / % ~ / .................................................... .................................................... / /~~ ~ r ~ / ./j / ~ P ~ ; //~ i / ~ I~ / / ~ ~ /~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ , ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --~~ /~~P~/ PARCEL 2 ~ / / /~ 0.4883 ACRES OR 20,400 SQ.FT. ~~L /~{ / 1.56' ~ ~~ Fx Cor. . ~i / N89'59'5Q`W 140.00' (1~1 __ ^ ~ .~ ~1 , . /~ ~ W ~35~' ,4V~ ~ ~ ~SE NO. WZ-93-5 EXHIBIT 'E' 3516 dAY DESIGN SCENARIO #2 ~ 25.s~' ~ ~ , ~... ,~ i ~~o.oo' ~ ~~~caa~tt~a~~~___ ~ , ~___--_" ; FRAME MULTI-LEVEL GARAGE I• i-~ FRAME AND BR1CK RES. i ! 3516-18 JAY ST. ~ ~ ~ I ~~ 1 III` ' /~1 / / / / ~ ~ W ^ / 1~ / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ' / ~[ .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirir/riiiiiriiiiiiiii~iiiiriiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiirr~iiiiii~iiii \ I• / iiiiiiiiiiir~i~iiii~iiiiriiiiii iiiiii~iii~eiri~iireiiri~eii~ii~iirririiirrii~~ir~rsiii~isiiiiii~ii~iiiii J /~~~'/j (~( V ' i ~ /~j / ~ J 1 ~ ~ /j + . /~ ' ~ U~ '~ /~ ~ A :~ - // ~ ' ~ ~ _ / ~ _ ~ o v / ~ ~ j ~~ ~/ PARCEL 2 / 0.4683 ACRES OR ~ / 20,406 SQ.FT. M/L /~{ / 1.56' ~~~ Fx Cor. ~ , ~i / N89'S9'50`W 140.a0' (A~ .~ ,~ . ,r------- ~ /, ~ ~ , ~TM ~V~ • ~ O~ axo~ddu- w~y~~w ua ~ o do~t _ r WARRANTY DEED ~~~ THISDEEL~,MtlcNl~ 28th °~'a July .~487 . aa+am 'i HUGH J. FOSTER and ROSE GLOAIA FOSTER ! 3941 Fenton Street, Wheat Ridge, or~ ~ ','I co~~~rar Jefferson ,s,,,~orcoi~.ao.s~mnw 'i NINA FORGO, 890 South Saint Paul Street, '!Oenver, Colorado 80209 ;; ,~~~,~n..~ RECOROED Ztt ""''""'r~~~ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION N0. 87099424 ' OB/O4/B7 '1a~15 15.10 Ir ~ '. j . e : ~ j; ^~~ City & ~^w"Y~ ~enver •s""^r~^~,o~sx wtmas5em.irouw~a+~•4rQ.d~.wu~aarwootue.~a One Hundzed 7WeRtY'One ,I Thousand and No/100 ($i21,000.00)---------- ~~• , ineac~nw.~reriercrorWnKn~~n~Rnrx~wua.n. ~e e~.nud.nuw~a.wa.mm~~yaa..mMmeapnunro o.i. 'I yus,;n.~i.~Kr.w~n~.~mo~eMw.v.i. her n~w.m.wwr«~w..u~wp^wo.~.;s~ , - .J ilmY•tldure.lYinemdbeuSinNe Cwa of ~p~or SWeal~ ~Or ~ mmn.e..ronw.:'17~at P~ of the West uz o~rS~e Sba~-7~6aa~s~}'a of ttse North9ast a z~~ of rc~ r~o~e i/a oe se~.rn zs, a~;~ s souei,, Parge 69 Weet ]mowt m ma ~z ~ refetra3 W as Part ot Iots 8 and 9. CQvSu9Y fR:TC,HIS. aore o9,+s...ie.yY desccibad ~~ Q, '~. as follmas: Be7inning at a point 168 feet Pbrth of the w..;~...,_..,_ ms~ of a:id ~~ ~'I Iot 8: thence wntinuing North on 47est litte of saifl I~ B~ 125.22 feet. anxe or ~~; less to a point 139 £eet Swth of North line of said 7at 9f tlrsa~ ffist ani g;sa.l ' 'a ~~ lel to said i3~rth line of said IDt 9, 125.67 feet to a poiM 100 feet Nlest of "' ','Fast 2ine of satd Iot 9; thence South exl parallel to Fast line of aaid Iote 8 '~ arrl 9, 125.22 feet tn a point 168 feet North of Souffi litle of said Ivt Bi tt~iee ~'; West 125.67 feet to point of begiiu~ix~g, Camty of Jefferaon, State pf W]pre~b, de~wmbyarcn.na~umxru:3536 Say Street, Wiiavt Ridge, Colorado. .. ... wiN YI md ~in8u4[ Ue lsttdiurtem. W appuienw~a i1KMO bcbn8iny. a in xywfe ~ppe~uiviiy. ~ed i9 mv~iui yJ menipu. im~dodct wl ttmainden, rtnu. ivwca.vd qMU i1K~mL W atl ~lic evue. riBM1~. iilie. ieind. claim auG dtmtm rhYa.vY(de ¢~mtortsysiihrinlmorcqultY.af.in~nEio~feW.ebvrymlpemius.viNNCMiNlvrxuuaM:, _...._. , 1'ONAVEANpTOttOLDtheuidprtmisnebmeCUpineduWdn~nbedwi~hReaPP~~+~.uuoNcgu~q~l, h~ heiq~! .~ azuB~uWmeeAndNCBnm+isl.fw th0t1 u1VES~ ~lE'S]FeinwlP~nwulrtprcxnuti~es.do cmeua.F~~[+~.W ayxwandwiNNC/'vn~eels~ heLM1~inuulauiBns.W~uihc~i~rcofJccnualin6eMtl~liveryo(Ihpeprtunu. YF12Y 8T'C ym , iudofNeprtmi~n~bo.swnve)e0.ha VEgood.iu~e.peef~cLabwlu4antliMefeuiblenweofiMerilarcs.ielw.Ivbe~i~i~.W ii Iu V2 YoodriBM.fWfV~n'WwJwnryro&~.~6un.ulluqtan~sl'tdcvmeiumun~aMfame~fo~euiC.~odtlWYe~rCfs ', WclevfmmillfamuranEONer1~ M~~~+p~s s+k~.lieni.wn.ux~smenn.ezumMrces.~rAresvictipuofwFncwkiodae~uo~vx~q ~' u<.q general taxe: for the year 1987 and subsequent yeara; I i The~nn~ortUsM1ailvWrilIWAHRANfANDPoREVFROFtEND~heaUwp6~pivNpsmiuainlbe9uirsavdpN[ehk,.. _..-....i~ ¢r~~cUSA hCT hialrinwdss~iBm.agaiwailvWewYGSrtanorV~~wiulawfullYCWminyihwMkaarypnWUeoC fV1L7T1JFS5WHERkOF.UUB~animl~~M1aV2 oesuudOi~JealmiheAa~ rY , ~ U/ ~.~ ~ /..t_ 'v I ~ . _._. 1 ~HugdQ J. oster Rose oria Ebet~r ~: _ _ ii~n~.,J~'; •: !~. °• }~ YS ~ ).~ :}TA'IE OF COIARAW 7 .a.y:.~:(.'.s. l u. „ ,~_N°~'~~r ae£ferson j ~II~ me~mn 28th yyof .TUlY .~q 87 RDSe G1oLi3 Fostei. ~ Wnrcamyh uffici ' y` ~~~~~~ ~~ ..I~,~ •,~~~~~~,.~~u~ ~~,>.~.. No.f]3.Per.3a5. lwuummu[vn~ew~u.~.yueen.ti~ ennb.dwmW..~,sufweanw.,u~a/ 136414 reww+xv oeen ro ~oavr rtxtinrs 7705 OEED G~ M e~uuw~ r W~ YmWlur ~mp ~~J ~~ • Je ~(~y~ir ~vMt ~alS ~T ~~twl u ui M ~~yIIN u ~ }I~Itq ~ ~ww M JIM•. ~N ..wl w~i hrnly ~M w.w~ir ~f rl I' uW ~~ W M~X~N ~~ Iw~M. W u N wM wa ~.Mn Je MeWw YnV. u IWf a16vs~u ~M w I~uu W Nw~~Y•W u ..~.o;. September 3, 1965 ~«.... RAYMONU H. YET1A and lUTHLEEN E. PE1'I.~ ~•~~. ~~ HUCH J. FOSS€R ud R0.5E C. FQSSER .YS'~, . ~ ..'T „lof•,;; a. 3eona~p~a i necovna~a srwv p ~ O Y~ ii~ o im'< 9~ .jOP O '_1 N . ~'~ V ~.f ,,`~ ~ m_ : ,~ ~ ~ 8 a i n,.,..,, I TRNFSSEIN.JnLL~OU~>.(rn~l~cwNa~tl~dJ~u~Nm~NW~alaMrviW4cwWrulw, I cetp~.Y...d t~.eiuwlN~.~. ~) J.r yw~. {n. Irw Yu~W. r14 erq ui e~liti u~~ ~N rur Y I IeYt tw<f. ~Il ll~ IJIw{M ~~~>~ ml R~MA1 ~4~4~ Y IM c...n w Jef~er~on u! SuU ~I 6 W.J., u+iu ~ That parC o£ Che W~, S£~ NE~t NW~ SecCion 2s, zoomsr..• .. ~o~cn, aen8. ~' 69 ilest knovn as and re£arred to ae part of Lot 8, Corn+ay Beights, ~~ more parcfcularly descrLbed as £ollows: Heginning at Southuest 'll curner oF said Loe 8; thence North L68 feet; thence Eaat t40 fect; ,~ Chmce South 168 feet; thence West 1b0 feee to 6eginning.being the ;' premises knovn as and numbered 3516-18 Jay Street. i, ~ ~ .; _ . ' ~ ~ • y1~~./7.G0 TOGE'CHER .W ~ll ui'.bpW J. MM4uwi. ..~ ~~u~ Wam~ MW~i. K ~+ Mw ~~Y^~Viy. S~ HAVE AND TO HO[D O~ ~~Y irl ~p. ~I~i LL~ ~~urw~. ~u Y~ iW~n. ~M4 MM W .u~w~ Ir~.«. .W V. ~~~r. Ir ~I~ull. \I. \.Y.. r~srw r/ .4YI.we Mr ~wr ~~ W.YY W ~~.w..uwNin.~~u~W.YwuJ~~W~IY~xxdW+~MU.qM~Mr~~ VbwltwlWY V~ M~~Ix~ ~Nw w~M~~. I~ Iw ~I~w• W\~ /W W~Ir bll MM r Wht W~Iry u wll r~ ~~~ N~ ti .w Y.u..r u~ Ir. J.«.M. u~ J.~ J. .w w W. W~Iw In. Jl l.~w W Wr ~.M.. li.~~. uaw. u..,.wu. ~J.srWa~ d d~uw \W ~e wr~. Y~MyK W14 Yurl w~r- ~~~ W~~~~ M~,'^f 1. .~VY W UWle~l M1J1~ r J ~1 ~fw, p 1+~! t Ma f~11wY~ W 4u ~l W M~ ~u~. W~ac~r W/w~~l ~~ 1~ W~vwa aHNr JM W LL~ ~Y~~~ Iu1~W1 /~~Iw~ I~ W~~In ~~ I~~wYW M+lw J ~M IW~w. J~rY 4~n W~uW. \~\~Y{ ~~~ Y~ ~~w1 IM~N t NI~v {~~~~y C~r~~Y f N CV{~ 1~1 ~W~1 ~ Y~ ~Yl l`MI~ IV ~Y1~f Wd ~~ ~UIfARitAtiT AND YOREVER DEFFN0. IN fISNESS ~11€REOF U. ~rw ~u Y~nr+r W W u1 ~ul J~ AT r1 f W li~n ,~1w~ niu~. . . ~.~J' : t. - n - P ~~~ ~~ {~~~y'~~~~ {'1~, tip~!~ •.iY ~~~~ ~. ~9~.TM ~1:4~17u1~~ ~ . ~,a ~.{ f ~ . ~ ~ .~ ~ e .. J ~~. ` y~ ~ }a • . ; ;: GOLU~Y '~~ :;~,:~,... f ~ CLty ~M ~~r D~nwr ~ a .....w.wa+M+.~..++~ S~pttlob~r 3, 19b5 7A and KAItrt.F.EN E. PE31A N.,,....,... 19~ 1968 1 u.1...L / ~ ., h ~.ey.~(,~Iw.. ~`' l L~EII ~^~ r ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ \ .,~~.,~.-r .. .. t-~;,.~,:. '~ NrniA ~ -o ~ ~z~l - ~4gS 1 The City oi ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~Wheat ~Rid~re Department o£ Planning and Development 6 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant Rose Foster Address3441 Fenton street Phone~'~A-9~07 O~~ner Rose and Huah Fo~tar Address qaq~ FP„+-~., G{-YPP+' Phone „Q_~~~~ Location of request 3516 Jav Street ~f '~ 353~ J~Fy ST. Type o£ action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ~ Change of zone or zone conditions - Site development plan approval Speciai use permit Conditional use permit - Temporary use/building permit ~ Minor subdivision Subdivision e Preliminary Final [] ** See attached procedural guide £or specific requirements. _ Variance/Waiver g Noncon£orming use change = Flood plain special exception Interpretation o£ code Zone line modification ~ Public Improvement Exception ~ Street vacation ~ Miscellaneous plat _ Solid waste land£ill/ mineral extraction permit ^ Other Detailed Description of request c a ae znnP tn RC'-1 fnr »GP ~= a. ch~~~ care nPn'f.Pr -~i ~~ ~?~'t~~.-r_A/ ~- Z '_ _ . '" _ _"_____ ~ ~/ List ail persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Rose and Huqh Foster 3441 Fenton Street Wheat Ridge 238-2202 ~ I certi£y that the in£ormation and_exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am act3ng with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested aotior, cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney £rom the owner which approved of this act- n is ehalf. ~ Signature of Applicant . c~.~~~ ,i ~; Subscribed and sworn to me this Jy_l-}~ day o£ P/ic, v , 19 (~ ~~; ~-l~'n~,~-~-~ ~ '` h~y-6caar~,tssicu-e~,^.,"r i:~~e2~. Notary Public 4~y~ ~y,~~};,~~~,y u~,~q;:srd S EAL Wh3~ ~i~"~,r~. ^c',~ad~ 6'~: My commission expires Date Received ,~i-/C-/-~j3 Receipt No. ~'J`~12~ Case No. ~ ~is~ No. wz-ss-s EXHIBIT 'Q' 3516 dAY ~ DESIGN SGENARIO #1 L ~ c~~ ~.. . ~ . . ~ JJIV-IU Jl11 J1. . f ~{ ~ ~ ~' ~ ! ~',~( ~'. ~~~T.. . /~d ~~ // / / ~ + zr.: ~ // / / _. ::r;- ~ , ~ / ~ ~ / ...................................................................................... . ~ /~P/ ~~1 ~ /~j /j - ! /~ ' // / / ~ ,~ ~ ~~ ,~ _ ~ ~ -~'1 ' /~P~/ PARCEL 2 'I\ N ~ / ~/ -_ /~ 0.4683 ACRES OR 20,400 SQ.FT. M%l /~~ / 1.56' ~~~ Fx Cor. ~ / N89'59'5Q"W 140.00' (A~{) ~ ~i .. .~ - - - __ - ~ W • 35~' ,~.V~ . ~SE NO. WZ-43-5 ' ~ EXHIBIT 'E' 3516 JAY _ _ _ -- - ~ ters~ ~~ . ~ . . ...... ~ , . ... .. . . ~~1~i??~~~ -- MUL~I-LEVEL "-~ FRAME AND 8ft1CK RES. DESIGN SCENARIO #2 125.67' - i~~ 1 { 140 00' f'D, FRAME GARAGE 3516-18 JAY ST. ~ ' e ~ ,~ v ~ ~'~ '` ~ ~ ,',~ // ~ s~ ~ ~~ aH .~~ ~ / ..r.. ~ ~ / i / / ~ / ............................... ......................................................................... /_~i ~' ' K ~ ~ /~~P/ ~ ~ ~ /. .~. _ ~ / ~ ~ ' _ 1 /~ ~ ~ _ // / , ~ - - f~ - ,-. / s~/ u / / ,. ,'1 ~ _ /~ ~/ PARCEL _2 , / 0.4683 ACRES OR ~ / 20,400 SQ.FT. M/L /~~ / 1.56' ~ ~~ Fx Cor. ~ / N89'S9'50"W 140.00' ( ) ~ / . "~_% ,, _ _ _ ~ - ~- ~l N W . 35~` f1V~ . Planning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 5 however, i£ the person was intoxicated or readily admitted his fault. Commissioner QUALTERI reiterated that Ms. Donner had of£ered her driveway to be utilized by the public. Ms. Donner, stated yes her driveway only could be used by persons needing to turn their vehicles around. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Ms. Donner's vehicle was accidentally hit by another vehicle negotiating the turnaround proce~s, would she expect compensation? Ms. Donner, answered perhaps i£ the person was intoxicated. Mr. Goebel explained £urther (by reference to the aerial photo included in the packet) how the proposefl turnarounds would function. Commissioner JOHNSON asked Mr. Goebel what radius was necessary to allow a an emergency vehicle to turn around? Mr. Goebel stated that needed to be worked out. Commissioner ECKHARDT moved that th'e request £or vacation of Field Street between Field Street and Flower Street be recommended for Approval excepting the portion o£ land at the west end of Field Street shown in green on Exhibit 'B'. A portion of the driveway on the west side of Field Street (MCCloud's property 3255 Field Street) be dedicated as public right-of-way and that a portion o£ Flower Street (Mr. Fourca8e`s property at 3390 Flower Street) be dedicated as public right-of- way. The exact dimensions and legal descrip~ions should be prepared by sta£f and presented to City Council at the time o£ public hearing. . Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-1, with Commissioner QUALTERI voting no. Commissioner ECKHARDT complemented Planning and Public Works Sta££ in their ef£orts to work'with the area residents to come to an agreeable solution. 2. Case No. WZ-93-5: An appliCation by Nina Fargo and Rose Foster for approval o£ rezoning fzom Residentiai-Two to Restricted-Commercial One with restricted uses and a paving variance for,proper~ies located at 3516 Jay Street and 3536 Jay Street. Ms. Reckert presented the staff report after providing several exhibits to Commission for their perusal. Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 October 21, 1993 Entered and accepted into the record were the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and slides. Commissioner QUALTERI asked Ms. Reckert if the property west of the site was zoned R-2? ~ Ms. Reckert stated it was zoned R-2 and R-3 and the Comprehensive Plan designates the parcel as a mix of high and low density residential. Mr. Gidley stated The Comp Plan was amended to designate all of it as low density residential. Commissioner QUALTERI asked for an explanation of zoning on the Davis property. Mr. Gidley stated that the northernmost site is zoned high density, R-3, the southernmost portion of the site is zoned R-2, low density residential. Commissioner QUALTERI asked i£ the southern portion was about 200 f eet? Mr. Gidley stated something cTose to that. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked what hours the day care center operates? Ms. Reckert stated the applicant aould better answer that question. Huah Fo~ter 3441 Eenton Street, was sworn in. Mr. Boster gave a brie£ history of the property. He felt the requested expansion would have less impact than selling the house to a family with a large number of children, since it contains six bedrooms. Nina Forao, 890 South St. Paul Street, was sworn in. Ms. Forgo stated she would like to combine the two parcels, expanding the current facility to include in£ants anci toddlers. She expected a maximum o£ 30 infants and she estimates one-half of those would i~e generated by parents with children enrolled currently. This would result in 15 new vehicles in the neighborhood twice daily. Hours of operation are from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the center is closed on weelsends and holidays. Commissioner QUALTERI asked i£ her day care facility was licensed with Social Services? Ms_ Forao answered yes. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Social Services had expressed concern with the open irrigation ditch on the propertp. Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 October 21, 1993 Mc. Fnr~o stated that any bridge must have a roof and enclosed sides.--She added that she wants to retain the residential flavor if possible. Either parking scenario would work, however, she prefers en~ering and exiting the property £rom 3ay Street. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Social Services inspected 3516-18 Jay Street? Ms. Forao stated the property had been inspected and £ound to be acceptable. Chairperson LANGDON asked about the safety of ~he irrigation - ditch. Ms_ For~o ~tated that if the parking lot was situated where the ditch must be crossed, then the bridge must be constructed according to certain safety standards. Rita Lefler, 6200 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Le£ler stated she is concerned with speeding traf£ic and noise in her neighborhood. She had lost two dogs to tra£fic in recent years. John Faes, 6205 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Mr. Faes stated he is ad~acent to the proposed site. His opposed changing the zoning £rom residential to commeroial, since he felt property values would su£fer. vjvian Skvherg, 6210 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Skyberg stated she wanted the neighborhood to remain quiet, as she_just retired and is new to the neighborhood. shirlev Heiahton, 6160 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Heighton stated she lives directly across the street from 3616-18 Jay Street on West 35th Avenue. She doesn`t want to look out her £ront windows and see a parking lot. Ms. Heighton added that West 35th Avenue currently carries heavy traffic and parking can be a problem. She opposes the requested change of zoning and increasing the size of day care center. Commissioner JOHNSON asked Ms. Heighton if she would prefer having six teenagers to 15 babies? Ms_ Heinh+~n stated yes, she would. She reiterated her feelings. Mr. Foster stated that according to the leash law, dogs should be on leash when out of the yard. Nina Forao stated that she planned to maintain, a~ much as possible, the residential look o£ the property. She £elt proper landscaping would help. She in£ormed Commission how the children are involved in the community. Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 October 21, 1993 Commissioner QUALTERI asked if the new facility would house only in£ants? Ms_ F~rao stated it would house infants and toddler5. Toddlers range from 12 months to 30 months. She elaborated. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if they would be outdoors without supervision? Ms_ Forao stated absolutely not. Commissioner QUALTERI asked about Ms. Forgo's pre£erence for design scenario ~1. Ae noted that most of the concern voiced tonight were regarding scenario #2. Is that amount of parking, required? Ms. Reckert stated the parking is needed. The designs are almost equal in available parking spaces. Commissioner QUALTEF2I had some further questions regarding the intersection at 35th and Jay Street. Mr. Gidley stated currently there are no proposals to physically modify the intersect3on on the south. Commissioner ECKHARDT voiced concern regarding the commercial zoning classi£ica'cion. He asked if consideration had been given to requiring a PRD. He was uncom£ortable with placing stipulations on the commercial zoning designation. Mr. Gidley statecl the outcome would be that a day care center would be allowed, based on a site plan tied to the zoning, whether as a PRD or conditional Restricted-Commercial One zoning. Commercial ECKHARDT noted that two spealsers had voiced concern about changing the zoning from residential to commercial. Mr. Gidley stated that certain requirements exist relative,to the ratio-o£ residential uses in a PRD. Nonresidential uses are _ restricted to: 1) one-acre o£ land, and 2) commercial uses cannot exceed 250 of gross area o£ PRD. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked about creating a PCD, as he had concerns about R-Cl uses in a R-2 zone. Mr. Gidley stated that staff pre£erred to see Special Use Permit procedures for any kind of use. That was approved in commercial districts, however, was not approved in residential zone districts.- Mr Faes pointed out where he resided and spoke of the impact the expanded center would have on him. Planning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 9 Chairperson LANGDON asked if a Special Use Permit would require paving. Mr. Gidley stated that was not a requirement for a SUP, it is a parking requirement in any zone district', including residential. Ms. Heiahton asked why s~aff was refarring to the house (3516-18 Jay Street) as a duplex. She stated it is not a duplex, but a house made into apartments. . Chairperson LANGDON stated the zoning was R-2, whioh allows duplexes, (i.e., two-£amily dwelling5). Ms. Heiahton asked i£ the zoning is not changed, would additional parking be required? Mr. Gidley stated that a subdivision occurred on the southeastern triangle in 7984 that subdivided that corner for the purpose o£ developing a single-fam3ly home. Single-family homes are required to have four off-street parking spaces. Since there is an existing two-family dwelling on the property, technically, the requirement would be four o££-street parking spaces per dwelling unit, totalling 12 parking spaces. Ms. Hei~hton asked if the property remained residential in nature, would the City require all the additional parking? Mr. Gidley stated no. However, the property owner would have the right to add 12 parking spaces if they desired. Ms. xeiahton gueried Mr. Gidley regarding to the possible sale o£ the property and uses allowed should the proposed change o£ zoning be approved. Mr. Gidley stated that the only use allowed would be a pre- school/day care center or a residence. This could not be Changed unless an applicant applied to change it. Ms. Heiahton asked if the requested change of zoning is approved, would an applicant be more likely to gain approval? Mr. Gidley stated no, it would not. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked Mr. Faes if he kept several vehicles on his property? Mr_ Faes answered he has two vehicles that are kept in his garage. Chairperson LANGDON asked if it would be possible. to a11ow the day care center under any other type of zoning? Mr. Gidley stated Planned Commercial Development. Planning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 10 Chairperson LANGDON asked i£ the PCD would force the paving of the parking lot? Mr. Gidley stated the applicant`s request to avoid paving is a separate issue and requires appr"oval of a variance. Mr. Gidley stated that parking £or a single-£amily home is required to be paved. Mr. Gidley stated that another preschool near this location was required to pave their parking lot, even though they requested a gravel parking lot. For approval, the variance requires a greater than majority vote, he added. Commission may wish to consider each property and the variance separately. He suggested numerous options and explained each. Chairperson LANGDON asked if the property would be in con£ormance should the rezoning request be approved. Mr. Gidley stated it would. Chairperson LANGDON asked what the advantage would be to dividing the property? Mr. Gidley stated the only advantage would be if Commission wished to take di££erent actions on each parcel. He stated that he did not hear objection to the existing day care center, just to the expansion. Commissioner JOHNSON asked about the legal protest submitted. Mr. Gidley stated that by Charter, requires.a greater-than- majority vote by City Council. It would require at least six votas £or approval. Should Planning Commission deny the request, the matter is dead unless applicant appeals to 'City Council. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he prefers the request for rezoning was for a Planned Commercial Development, parking be on the north side o~ trie di~ch (Sxhibit 'D'), and a considerable amount of la~dscaping between the circle drive and the parking area. In addition, curb, gutter and sidewalk be installed along Jay Street and any necessary overflow parking would be on the south side of the ditch along Jay Street. That over£low parking area should be landscaped appropriately. He was in favor of paved parking. Chairperson LANGDON stated he didn't feel that a nursery belonged on a busy thoroughfare such as West 38th Avenue or Kipling. He £elt landsoaping would help. He asked if it was normally allowed. Ms. Reckert stated that day care £or 6-12 children is al].ovaed in a residential area by Special Use Permit. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated it was obvious that a schoq! !:~r children belongs in a residential area. _ - Planning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 11 Mr. Gidley suggested that Commission take a brief recess to compose a motion. A recess was called at 9:30 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:44 p.m. Commissioner ECKfiARDT moved that Case No. WZ-93-5 be £orwarded to City Council with a recommendation £or Approval with the following conditions: 1. The zone classification requested be changed from RC-1 to PCD; 2. The only uses aliowed be as Pollows: 1) day care center ~or up to SO infants, toddlers, preschool children and kindergarten; 2) one or two-family residence, as allowed in the existing R-2 zone district. 3. The property would be developed and used as follows: A. I£ used as residential, normal R-2 zone standards shall apply. B. If used as a day care/preschool/kindergarten center, it shall be in accordance with staf£'s Eschibit 'C' and 'D', (included in packet), which shall be accepted as meeting the requirements o£ an Outline 8nd Fina1 Development Plan. C. That cur~, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of 'use. D. That a landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense bu££er, be placed between the parking area and Jay street. This could include trees, shrubs and possibie berming. E. Exhibit 'C' be amended to show an asphalt pull-of£ along the north side o£ the structure (West 35th Place). For the following reason: 1. The proposed use is compatible with a residential area. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. He asked if the curb, gutter and sidewalk would be on Jay Street only. Ms. Reckert stated it would measure about 50 £eet in length. Commissioner ECKHARDT noted that Public Works requested that the J~ visibility at the intersection o£ Jay Street and West 35th Avenue ~ \ along the ditch be improyed. He included that in his motion. ` Commissioner JOHNSON agreed with the addition. Motion carried 7-0. L-- ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE N0: w7,-9'i-5 DATE: Octoher 2L 1993 REQUEST: An application by Nina Forgo and Rose Foster for approval of rezoning from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial One with restricted uses and a paving variance for properties locatecl at 3516 Jay Street and 3536 Jay Street. SPEAKER'S , NAME & ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT) ~ -r ~ "~. ~~Z, ~'~~~' -r-~ - ~' G~~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ i ~ ~~~ , G~~h~~. ; ~ ~i.~~ f~~ .~~ -- /r~ /b 0 x 6 .~ ~ A/l .~ 5~ r~~ t`~r f ( O R ~'n ~ ~if~ +f~ ~~ °r//.A~~ ~.I1 ~ ~.71 ~ /'~/~.~ ILTwp!y/ T~L...~+' r ~r -~/ .!~ ~f s~!/ .l.r,.~t ~ ~: ~~'/L.f/.` _ C Position On (Please IN FAVOR ; , , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V / Request; Check) ; OPPOSED ; ~ , ~.- ~ , , ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ /~~ I i ~ I 1 I I i ~ ~ i ~ I ~ I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I ~ I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I ~ I I 1 1 t I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I ~I ~ ~ .. ~~~;~,,~: "''~ _ ~~,~.: = ~~.~ CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: WZ-93-5 LOCATION: 3516 Jay St & 3536 Jay St APPLICANT(S) NAME: Nina Fargo and Rose- Foster OWNER(S) NAME: Same as above , REQUEST: Rezoning £rom R-2 to R-Cl with restricted uses and a paving variance APPROXIMATE AREA: 15,785 sq ft/20,000 sq ft WHEREAS, the City o£ Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereo£; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the £acts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT, seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that Case No. WZ-93-5 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for Approval with the £ollowing conditions: 1. The zone classification requested be changed from RC-1 to PCD; 2. The only'uses allowed be as follows: 1) day care center for up to 80 infants, toddlers, preschool children and kindergarten; 2) one or two-family residence, as allowed in the existing R-2 zone district. 3. The property would be developed and used as follows: A. If used as residential, normal R-2 zone standards shall apply. B. If used as a day care/preschool/kindergarten center, it shall be in accordance with staff's Exhibit 'C` and 'D', (included in packet), which shall be accepted as meeting the requirements o£ an Outline and Final Development Plan. C. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. D. That a landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards. yet provides a dense buP£er, be Certificate o£ Resolution Page 2 Case No. WZ-93-5/Foster & Forgo placed between the parking area and Jay street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. E. Exhibit 'C' be amended to show an asphalt pull-off along the north side o£ the structure (West 35th Place). F. That visibility at the intersection o£ Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. For the £ollowing reason: 1. The proposed use is compatible with a residential area. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Quaiteri, Owens, Rasplicka, Langdon, Crumpton & Johnson NO: None I,.Sandra_Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the £oregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 7-O vote o£ the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 21st day o£ October, 1993. ~ ~- -~- ~/° ~~ Y r~ r i / /ltll'//'./C-L ~.. - ~eorg~ LaiY~dori; Ch rperson Sandra Wiggins, ~ etary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNI~COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLAN G COMMISSION <pc>resowz935 c CITY OF WAEAT RZDGE I~t~i FOR COUNCIL AGENDA • ~ Today's Date November 12. 1993 Memorandum to: Office of City.Rdministrator Off3ce o£ City Clerk From: _MorP,a++h RPr~kPr} Dl ~~npr Re: Council Reg. Meeting ii/~~/4~ Study Session (date) (date) Under the Agenda Topic of: _ Public Hearings .~ City Admin. Matters _ Proclamations or City Attorney Matters Ceremonies Bids/Motions Public Comment . ~ Resolutions _ Elected Officials ~ Ordinances for lst Reading Matters _ Ordinances £or 2nd Reading Please list the following item (attachment) on the Council Agenda: ~ Case No. WZ-93-8/Casement, suggested hearing date 12/27/93 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo, suggested hearing date 12/27/93 k ~ . • INTRODUCED BY COUNC2L MEMBER Council Bill No. ORDINANCE NO. Series of 1993 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-TWO (R-2) TO PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ON LAND LOCATED AT 3516 AND 3536 3AY STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORAAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: sPrtion 1. Upon application hy Nina Forgo and Rose Foster for approval of rezoning in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ-93-5 and based upon recommendation for approval from the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, and pursuant to findings made based'on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude £rom the Residential-Two District and to include in the Planned Commercial Development Aistrict and £or approval o£ a combined outline and final development, the following described land: 3536 Jav $traot That part of the west 1/2 of the Southeast 1J4 0£ the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West known as and referred to as part of Lots 8 and 9, Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 168 feet north of the southwest corner o£ said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line of said Lot 8, 125.22 feet, more or less to a point 139 feet south of north line of said Lot 9; thence east and parallel to said Lot 9, 125.67 feet to a point 100 feet west of east line o£ said Lot 9, thence south and parallel to east line of said Lots 8 and 9, 125.22 £eet to a pbint 168 feet north of south line o£ said Lot 8; thence west 125.67 feet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3516 Jav Streat - That part of the W 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and referred to as part o£ Lot 8, Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence north 145.5 £eet; thence east 14Q feet; thence south 145.5 £eet; thence west 140 £eet to the point o£ beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. - . ~. . • Ordinance No. Page 2 Series of 1993 Sectinn 2._ ConditionG. 1) The uses allowed be: 1) day care center £or up to 80 infants, toddlers, preschool children and kindergarten; 2) one or two-family residence, as allowed in the existing R-2 zone district. 2) If used as residential, normal R-2 zone standards shall apply. If used as a day care/preschool/kindergarten center, development be in accordance with the requirements the approved Outline_and Final Development Plan. Section 3. Vested Pronertv Riahts. Approval of this rezaning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and aocrue pursuant to the prodisions of Section 26(c) of Appendix A o£ the Code of Laws of the City o£ Wheat Ridge. Section 4. Safetv ClausPz The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, sa£ety, and welfare of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary £or the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 5_ Severahilitv. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be ad~udged by a court oP competent jurisdiCtion invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. section 6. This ordinance shall take effect days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on £irst reading by a vote of to on this day of , 1993, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City oP Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on £inal passage Set for , 1993, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote o£ to , this day of 1993. ~ t. i` • Ordinance No. Series of 1993 SIGNED by the Mayor on this • Page 3 day of , 1993. DAN WILDE, MAYOR Wanda Sang, City Clerk lst Pubiication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Sentinel EfPective Date: <pc>ordwz935 APPROVED AS TO FORM SY CITY ATTORNEY KATHRYN SCHROEDER, CITY ATTORNEY : ~ w ~` ~ INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER EDWARDS Council Bill No. 30 Ordinance No. 945 Series o£ 1993 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RELATING TO PAWN SHOPS AND SPECIAL USES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIiE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Ser±.tnn 1. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Article 1. Zoning Code, Section 26-6.(B) Special Uses is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: "(B) Specia~. Uses: Special uses are discretionary uses which are clearly shown to be void or deficient in an area, and which if properly designed, developed, operated and maintained, may be approved for any speci£ic location within a zone district wherein the special use is enumerated. Special Uses are highly dependent upon proper design, management and operational aspects, therefore such uses must be considered as a personal grant of use, granted to the owner of the special use and not as a grant of a vested property right which transfers with the land or lease. The only time a Special Use Permit may be transferred to a new owner without re-applying for approval is through inheritance by an heir. The primary issues which planning commission and city council shall address are those related to justification of need and those special design and operational considerations which mitigate potential detrimental impacts of a special use ee~~.~~~~ :~3 ~:,~ on surrounding land uses, the street system, or pubiic services or facilities. In order to protect the public interest ~_._~ ~ eemr~~~~~.~, planning commission andycity council shall have the right to approve, approve with modifications o~ deny a special use request, and to revoke previously approved special use permits pursuant to subsection (6) hereof. (1) Apniir.abi_ti.ty.. The requirements of this subsection shall apply to all uses listed as "Special Uses" within the provisions set forth for any particular zone district. (2) Annlication £orm and rPView nrc~naAi.~res: (a) Prior to submitting any application for a special use permit, the applicant shall be required to hold a neighborhood input meeting. (See subsect3on (F)(1) for requirements.) .. - ~ ~ Ordinance No.' qt,5 Page 2 Series o£ 1993 (b) Special use applications shall ~ be originated only by the prospective owner of the proposed special use, with written approval of the fee owner of the property in cases where the owner of the property is different than the owner of the proposed special use. Both the special use owner and the land owner, or their legal representatives, must be present at all public hearin s . ' _ - .-. - - ` - - ~~ - - - - g ..Y .:...~ ... ~.zcy~ or ~oy:t~:.,~ ..~.y (c) .-.v.. - _~:.` -:::. --r-vi`-'c.''cc:,~.-.<;~ - u.~..~ _~,T" Yv Application shall be submitted on forms provided by the department of planning and development, and shall be accompanied by a copy o£ the property deed, a certified survey, and a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). ~ (d) All applications shali also be accompanied by a site development plan and additional written information in su£ficient detail to convey the full intent o£ the applicant in developing, operating and maintaining the special use. The site development plan shall meet the requirements of a Type I site plan as set £orth in subsection (E)(1) below. (e) Upon receipt of a complete application packet as described ab.ove, the planning and development department shall proceed with the £ollowing process: 1. Re£er the application to afPected public agencies for review and comment. 2. Within thirty (30) days of acceptance of a completed application packet, give notice of a scheduled public hearing on the application by newspaper publication, letter notification and posting in the manner as provided in subsection (F)(1). 3. Prepare a written report and recommendations to the planning commission which evaluates the proposal and makes £indings using the, following review criteria set forth in subsection (3) beiow. (3) Criteria f~r. reviPm~ Before a special use is approved, the applicant shall show, and the planning commission and city council shall £ind, the proposed special uses: (a) Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or £acilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. (b) Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of ~ - ` i Ordinance I3o. 945 Series o£ 1993 ~ Page 3 persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. (c) Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. (d) Will not adversely a£fect the,adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. (e) Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. (f) Will not result in undue traffic congestion or tra£fic hazards, or unsafe parking,~loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site_ (g) Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially w3th ad~acent properties. (h) wili not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. (4) Plannina r.ommission review: The pl3nning commission shall hear and consider,any evidence or statement presented by the applicant, city staff, or by any person in attendance at the hearing. The planning commission shall then make a recommendation to city council to approve, approve with conditions or deny the application, basing its recommendation upon the facts presen-ted in the publfc hearing in consideration of the criteria for review as specified in subsect3on (3) above. Planning commission may recommend condi- tions or stipulations, which may include physical design as well as operational and maintenance considerations, upon the special use in addition to standard development and use regulations which apply witriin a particular zone district or for a similar "pex7n3tted use". Such conditions or stipulations may be recommended in order to ensure compliance with the criteria for raview, which, if not complied with, shall be grounds for revocation of the special ~~n3i-~~.:.:.~ use. A recommendation for denial shall be considered Einal, unless the applicant files an appeal to city council. (5) Citv council revi.ew. City Council Shall review and decide upon all requests for special uses upon recommendation of planning commission for approval or upon appeal by an applicant of a recommendation for denial by planning commission. Special uses may only be approved by passage of an ordinance, following the tt ~ • • Ordinance No. 945 Series of 1993 Page 4 city's standard ordinance adoption procedures. Notice of public hearing shall be in the manner provided in subsection 26-6(F)(1). City council, in addition to consideration of the planning commission record, shall hear add3tional evidence and test3mony presented, and either pass, pass with modifications, or deny the ordinance, its decision being based upon all evi:dence presented, with due consideration of the criteria £or review. (6) Rnforcement. All conditions and stipulations imposed by city council shall be maintained in perpetuity with the special ,;~:.~~~~~-.a=- use. If at any time the stipulations or conditions are not adhered to or are £ound to have been materially altered in scope, application or design, the zoning administrator shall noti£y a code enforcement officer of the nature of the violation(s) and the code enforcement officer shall investigate, and if appropriate, initiate revocation ~~~~~ ~_______...~..;~ proceedings which shall include the following: (a) Notice of violation following procedures as set £orth for Nuisances pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code, Chapter 15. (b) Upon a finding of nonaompliance by a Code Enforcement Officer after the prescribed correction date, the Zoninq Administrator shall schedule a revocation hearing before the City Council. Such revocation hearing date shall be sat by City Council after lst reading of an ordinance therefore. The purpose of the revocation hearing shall be for the City Council to hear evidence concerning the nature and extent of the alleged noncompliance with the conditions of the Special Use Permit. The Council shall have the power, upon good cause being shown, to cancel or revoke the previously issued Special Use Permit, to require certain corrective measures to be taken, and/or to direct the City's agents to enter upon the premises and take corrective measures required by the City Council, and to modify the conditions which apply to the Special Use Permit. Any revocation action shall become effective fifteen (15) days after final publication of the ordinance. Any other action shall require a continuance of the public hearing to a specific future date, and a motion stipulating the specific corrective measures that are to be accomplished either by the special use owner or by an 'agent of the City within that time period. Upon the date of the continued hearing, should the Council find that the conditions and stipulations have not been . ~ Ordinance No. 945 Series o£ 1993 Page 5 satisfactorily met, Council shall adopt the revocation ordinance." ('7) Nonc:nnformina Sne~isl Use~: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Zoning Code Section 26-7. Nonconforming lots, uses and structures, any special use which is nonconforming to the provision5 of this Section 26-6.(B) by way of not having received approval of a Special Use Permit under prior rules and procedures shall terminate, or shall otherwise become conforming to these provisions, within five (5) years of the date that such nonconforming status became effective. In addition, within this five (5) year amortization period, no nonconforming special use shall change ownership without coming into conformance with this,Section 26-6.(B). All other provisions of Section 26-7 shall apply. ~ectinn 2_ Wheat Ridge Code o£ Laws, Section 26-23. Commercial- Two District (C-2), subsection (E) Special Uses, is hereby amended by the addition of an additional special use as follow: "(d) Pawn Shops." ~tion~ Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-5. Definitions subsection (a) is hereby.amended by the inclusion of an additional definition, in the appropriate alphabetical order, as £ollows: "Pawn Shop. A commercial establishment where a pawnbroker, as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes, regularly conducts the business of making contracts for purchase or purchase transactions." Ser.t.fon 4, Wheat Ridge Code o£ Laws, Section 26-10 through Section 26-15, and Sections 26-18 and 19, subsections (E) Special Uses, are hereby amended by addition o£ the £ollowing new special uses: "Small Day Care CQnter, Day Care Center." Secta_on 5. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sections 26-16 and 26-17, subsections (E) Special Uses, are hereby amended by addition of the following new special use: . ~ ~ ~ Ordinance No. 945 Page.6 Series of 1993 ~ "Day Care Center." Sectinn 6_ Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated £or ~he health, safety, and wel£are of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the pre~ervation o£ health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. T.he City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section _. Severab~litv. I£ any clause, sentence, garagraph, or part o£ this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances sha11 for any reason be ad~udged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its . application to other persons or circumstances. Sectinn 8. s,xpPrsession Clause. i£ any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requisements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 9_ This ordinance shall take effect upon approval by City Council. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote o£ 8 to 0 on this ~2nd day of November , 1993, ordered published in fu11 in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on £inal passage set for ~cember 13 , 1993, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chacnybers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHSD on second and £inal reading by a vote of 6 to 2 , this 13th day of December ,_ 1993. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 14th day of De~ember' , 1993. ~-~/....2.d..~~ DAN WILDE, MAYOR ~ Ordinance I30. q45 Series o£ 1993 ATTEST- . y,...r Wanda Sang, itV ~lerk V ~ Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITI' ATTORNEY ;<>~,~~i~~ ~.~ KA HRY SCHROEDER, CITY ATTORNEY lst Publication: November 30, 1993 2nd Publication: December 21, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: December 13, 1993 , <ldr>ordspecialuses ~ . M E M O R A bI D U M TO: b Middaugh, City Administrator FROM: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Council Bill 27/Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Regarding Special Uses and Pawn Shops DATE: December_6, 1993 Planning Commission held a public hearing on proposed Council Bill 27,on December 2 and made the recommendation that Council approve the proposal, however, offered the following amendments: 1. A provision be added that would allow heirs to an estate to continue to operate a Special Use upon death of the owner without need of a new Special Use Permit. As an example, a son could take ownership as heir to a business without loss o£ the Special Use Permit or the need to renew it. 2. A statement be added where it is desired to transfer ownership of-a Special Use that the City will not "unreasonably withhold or refuse such trans£er". 3. Existing Special Uses be "grandfathered" and not be considered "noncon£orming" and not be sub~ect to either the proposed five-year, or existing 15-year amortization schedule for nonconforming uses. 4. Child care facilities currently not permitted in residential zone districts be added to those districts as Special Uses, sub,ject to the new proposed requirements. CTAFF (;niviMF.NTG ANn RECnMMENDATIONS s.. .._- -- -. _.. _ #1. - I believe that this is a legitimate issue and should be incorporated. I would recommend that Council Bill 27 be amended under Section 1.(B) Special Uses by adding the following sentence near the middle of the paragraph as Pollows: ".... property right which transfers with the land or lease. THE ONLY TIME THAT A SPECIAL USE PERMIT MAY BE TRANSFERRED TO A NEW OWNER WITHOUT RE-APPLYING FOR APPROVAL IS THROUGH INHERITANCE BY AN HEIR. The primary issues .. ~ #2. - This recommendation by Planning Commission is redundant and unnecessary. Planning Commission and.City Council must make findings of fact, draw conclusions and make recommendations based upon those findings o£ £act, as a matter of standard zoning law. Hence, I would recommend ~ , ~ Memo to Bob Middaugh, City Administrator Page 2 December 6, 1993 against incorporating this provision. If, however, Council desires to incorporate some provision that makes a "transfer of ownership" easier, faster and/or more assured, then they could incorporate a transfer process that does not require a full-blown Special Use Permit process. By way o£ example, a SUP ownership transfer'could be placed upon a Planning Commission agenda for public hearing and decision, without need for Council action, except upon appeal. #3. - For many years, the City has approved Special Uses o£ land • following current procedures. Planning Commission is suggesting that those existing legal Special Uses be allowed to continue without being subjected to the £ive or 15-year amortization schedule, or subjected to the ownership trans£er limitations. I would generally agree with the Planning Commission on the five-year amortization schedule as some uses have made a substantial investment in reliance upori past approvals. I wouid however, recommend, that Council retain the "no trans£er o£ owne~ship" provision in some form as discussed in #2 above. #4. - With the changes to the Special Use Permit procedures as proposed, there will be several uses throughout the various zone district regulations that we may want to consider either moving into a Special Use category, or in some cases, moving out into one of the other use categories (i.e., Conditional or Permitted). Planning Commission has recently dealt with this particular issue (child care center within a residential zone district) and was trying to £ind an aiternative to rezoning to a commerciai zone district. Hence, their recommendation to include this use as a Special Use in residential zones. I agree with their proposal. If Council desires to include this amendment in Council Bill 27, it would be accomplished by adding the, following Section 4. and 5_ to the Council Bill and re- . numbering the subsequent sections. In summary, it adds "Small Day Centers and Day Care Centers" to the R-1 through R-2A districts, and the A-1 and A-2 districts as Special Uses. It aiso adds "Day Care Centers" to R-3 and R-3A districts, as "Small Day Care Centers" are already listed in those districts. Section 4_ Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-10 through Section 26-15, and Sections 26-18 and 19, subsections (E) Special Uses, are hereby amended by addition of the following new special uses: "Small Day Care Center, Day Care Center." ~ Memo to Bob Middaugh, City Administrator Page 3 December 6, 1993 Section 5. 4lheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sections 26-16 and 26-17, subsections (E) Special Uses, are hereby amended by addition of the following new special use: "Day Care Center." GEG:slw ~ ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on January 10, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested c3tizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: 1. Case No_ WZ-93-5: An appl,ication by Nina Fargo and Rose Foster £or approval of site design variances for property located at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street. This case will be heard concurrently with a rezoning request. Said parcels are legally described as follows: 3536 Jav Straet That part o£ the west 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West known as and referred to as part of Lots 8 and 9, Coniaay Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 168 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line of said Lot 8, 125.22 £eet, more or less to a point 139 feet south oE north line of said Lot 9; thence east and parallel to said Lot 9, 125.67 £eet to a point 100 feet west of east line of said Lot 9, thence south and parallel to east line of said Lots 8 and 9, 125.22 feet to a point 168 feet north o£ south line of said Lot 8; thence west 125.67 £eet to point o£ beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 357.6 Jav Straet That part of the W 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and referred to as part of Lot 8, Conway Heights, more particularly described as £ollows: Beginning at the southwest corner o£ said Lot 8; thence north 145.5 feet; thence east 140 feet; thence sou-th 145.5 feet; thence west 140 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. . ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: December 21, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel ~ S ra Gli~ins, S e~ y ~ <pc>pnwz935 .., y.• ~ - P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 December 27, 1993 _ This is to inform you that Case No. The ciiy of ~Wheat ~Ridge r~,~~qz_~ which is a request for ~nnrnval of a rezonincr from R-2 to Planned Commercial no<:oi~nmA„+ z.,;+h S~'FP ~7a~ian waivers £or property located at 351_6 and 3535 Jav Street_ will bef heard by the Wheat Ridge ~;t_v ~ouncil 3n the Council Chambers o£ the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at ~~nn n_m= on Januarv 10. 1994 All owners and/or their legal counsel nf the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing befora the r;+~r rn,mri 1 . As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. I£ you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Divis3on. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform , °~The Carnation City" - ~ . A •~ r.- Dear Adjacent Property Owner: I£ you have received this notice, you reside or own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City of Wheat Ridge. This notice is intended to inform you of'the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application for rezoning or special use permit, the developer is respbnsible £or holding an in£ormal neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meet3ng is to provide -the opportunity for citizens to become aware of a proposed developmen~t in their neighborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in ~he design of their proje6t. All residents within 600 feet are required to be notified o£ the meeting. A sta££ planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner wili remain impartial regarding viability o£ the project. ICeep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Counc3l where decisions are rendered. Sf you want input in the decision- making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits o£ a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. I£ you are an adjacent property, you may have the right to file a "legal p~otest" against the app].ication. The result of this fil3ng 3s that it requires a 3/4 majority o£ City Council to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any of the in£armation given above, do not hesitate to contact a planner at the City o££ices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Priday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner ~_- ~_ ..- ~ f' ~ ~ ~ ~l~ ~Zoa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--~...~~-- c~z ~ ~ .~5~ t~n J ~J~ . ~~ . ~~ ~ ~~ (~ 1 `~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~- ~ C~,~' - ~~ 3~ ~ ~~~ • li ~_.-..-..._..__ ^ ~. r--.._ _ _ _~ __ _._ __ .~. ~_ __ j .,_ ~_ ..-__. -T PoSmGE I ~ I POSTMAAK ! 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Article Number ~ ~~~~k ~~'~~ P 913 667 438 I 'A ~.Q60 ~2ki.r~ St ` ' ~~~~ '~'~~"~~~ ~~ 4b.Service7ype ~ ~ cozaen ca sa~o~. . , c~,~~~, e~ ~o~~~ ~ ~ CERTIFIED i a Fte: W~-93~»5 (13) i~SR, _ . . i It~a ~~,-9~-$ ~ ' ~~.j} R~J.~$ 7.Date iv "~ ~~~~~~ 'j - ^---'>--- -^~-^ " ------~-- - -.-~ _...~.. ~.._._...~ .~ „_ 5. Signature - (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address ' PQSWGE I aETUarv ~ s~+ow~ovmo~n,onlenr~o aESraaieo~ e ~ P~STMAR (ONLYif reques(ed and 1ee paid.) ~ RECEIPT A°°~~`OFDEWE~` ~ DE11~~" ~ ~ ~ 6. Signat re -(/{qent j SEFTVICE ~~FIEOFEErqENFNqECE1PT I ~ I ~~ m TOTAC Fl~SIAGE MJO FEES I ~+ ~-~~ A~ 9 ~ ~,A I. ~ SENT TO: ~ "o~ u `-„°°'"`"- PS Form ~~,~ ~ NpTFOqINTEPNATONAIMAII I 3811, November ~9so DOMESTtC RETURN RECEIpT ! LVF IIIFiP f~pfl ~ ~er~.ldine & 3'phn P`a~~ ~ 6205 ~7 3„ tk~ .,tkY~ . . ~s FtZ~-~3••5 ~ I;I~ frl , - t~.,~~ d4I$ C4~° ` • d~fe~f De ~, -~~. ~ (3p ~ ~- , ~ ~~2@dl~ ~.f~CJf3 {,`Q $~(~~~ S.Signat -(Addres e) - ~~ i ~8~ A 9ee's Address - 0. 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I also wish to receive the + co~m~e»ems3.amaexo. folbwiny services (for an extra fee): ~~ • Pri~t your narne 9ntl atldrese on iha revzrse d ihia tam so tha[ xe can return Mis cartl to yw. 7. ^ Addressee's Adtlress • Attech this form to the frorH d tM mNlpbce, a on the back i! s~ce dpes nol perm'd. ~ r~n~er~ew n~e~iPFeRe~~d^ on me me;iPiece beiow ttre arede ~umber. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery ~ tla~e oi tleliverv P ~ruvkla you the slgnature N the person delNeretl ro azq the Cbnsult postmaster for fee. ~ 3. nrtiCe Addressed to: ~ 4a. Article Number ~~,~~ ~r~~.~ P 9y3 667 440 1 ~ 4b. Service Type ~ ,~~J~~+ a~$y' .~~."~'~V~'~ ' 80b33 , C~a~,t R#.dq~ CO WZ-93--5 (~.3) t~bt ~, PS FORM 3800 ~^ ^ ~ I POSTAGE I ~. FETURN Srypyy 70 WNOM ONIE qN0 RESItiiCIEO I~OF L I I ~ i RECEIPT ESSOFOE NEFY pEUVEM 4 SERVICE ~ CEflIIFlEOFEE+FEIUqNFECEIPT I C ~ I TOTAIPp$TAGEANDFEES ~ L x SENT TO NOINSIIXpryVG V VVtW14tYXVVI~tV ` s : ~ NOTFOPINTEPNATONpLMAiL . ~lE IllNfp eme '~ 5. Signature - (Addressee) /"/ I/Q,G[.~l~fA~rt N .!A ~f' ~'it' POSTY 6. $ignature ~(6~qent) " ~ PS Form 3811, November 1990 g~yp~~ ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date o~f 1Del,iv~e(r~y ~ .~C- AD'C,j~ 8. Addiessee's Address (ONLY if requested and /ee pard.) ~ I~ug~a and Raese P'o~t~r ' ' ` 34~~ k"~rt~.on 3t~~t ~ m 344~ ~'e~ntan ;~~r~eet . ,, ~them.~ 133.c~e~e CC~ ~iC~[t3~ ~ Wk7a~~ liidg~ ,CG Eit14~3 . . ~s W~~~3-5 (3,3) ~ ~ ~S ~$"'~~"~ (~.~~ s~ , _ ~ „ . . , ~ 5 i nature-(Addr e ssee ) ns _ _. • J J ~ 7 ' ~"~`'L~1 61 `Y"G`~ PS FORM 3800 ' ~' , ' 6. Sgnaiure ~Agent) ,~ ~,, ,~ .,,~ _ _ _ ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED f RETURN _ POS~GE ~ ` PdST~ PS Form 3811, November 7990 SI IOW TO NMOM, OHTE RNU RES~FI~iED I , RECEIP7 _ AooReSSOeoEUVEav ~ DELNEm 1 ~ E . 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Comn~~ iiems i arid/« 2 iw atlananal services. sHavmwr+onn.wrEnno nesmic*eo ~ ~ •Cw,~pleteitercs3,e~M4asb. folbWingserviCes(forane~ i A~~AESfl OF OEWEFY ~ oEUVERV _ • prjnt your name antl adtlress on Ihe rtrverse ot ihis form so Ihe~ vre can reWm this card ~ REGEIPT ~ 1 ^ Addressee's Addrea SEk1VICE ~ GEFPFIEDFEE+FLiURNFECEIPT ~ ro~. • Aifach Ihis fnm b ~he fron[ of the mailpleCe: ot on tlie lack iF s~ace does noi permil. TOTAI PoSTAGE PND GEES 6 ~: Nh~teR~2Nm~t FBB W~Irell P~ x1e S~ ~IS~Nrebof the Person tlelHNetl Io aritl ~he 2. C] Restricted Delivery ~: I rvoinsuxance cwexauevxovacu- ~~t ~~M1,e„~ _ Consult nnstmaster for fee. '~- SENT TO: NoTFOwixre„x,uenoNn~rnaa ' ' 3. qrticle Addressed to: 4a. Article Numher ~ Hob kiravt~don ,. , Hce~b Fiov~nc$~a~ P 913 6 6 7 4 4 3 II 6`7D5 Y3 31~t Av~ , 57Q9 it 3~.~t 1~m'w 46.ServiceType ~~V~3x Ct3 Eiq214 . _ , . , . , . 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Addressee s Address' r ~. `` seNOers; I also wish [o receive the e POSTMAA~' ~ ~p~ytgnpmg~~q~p~foratldilionalservices. c ~~ R~kywx ~name zrA address on Ne ~everse of th~s ~orm so (hat wz can reWm ~his card following services (for an extra fee): ; iora~~ ' 1. ^ AddresseesAddress ~ • Attach ihis fo~m to the front of ~he mailqecz_ or on Hv~ back if space tloes iwt pertnit. . a ~. TrheeReiurn ReRceiptaFe~e wtll pmv~de you tn ils'q iuee of,Hre Person deliveretl to a~d fi2 2. ^ Restricted Delivery ~ f~.~ry Consult postmaster for fee. . ~ 3. Article Atldrossed to: 4a. Article Numher l~ ' P 913 667 436 ? R R Y.~tnF~in & f3u~an &a~~t3~ea , ~~ ~ E I97 Wwaat 35Ch RVenue 4b. Service Type ,• - k~Tli~aG R9,x:i~a CE1 80433 ~ E ; ~~ ~~-~~-~ ~.. ~ , 5. Signature - ddress _ ,.~a~ `~~ ~.~ P93TMA11 ~ 6- Si§~tufe - (Agentl C13) MR ~~ ~ j-{I PS Form 381 1, November 1990 ~` Ri.ta T..~~1er F3k~e~.t ~t3.~g+a CCi ~30D33 ~ .A e ~j'.~1~Q ~@8{'~6 ~~'t'.~i ~x17'~TkU@ . - .. . %.~li 1t$$".Cj~"'~ ~~.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~711F@'s1~, ~.~~~ f."~`t `~d{~~~ . .. 15. ture-( dressee) ~ ~ ~ ~ . Ytmx W~^~93"5 (a3~ NiE2 ' . ~ i ~.r ~~ ~6. Signature = (~g~ntf~ v v PS FORM 3800 EIPT FOR CERTIFIED M ~' November 1 m 3811 PS F 990 . REC , or u~inosr~*ea . ' wnu s[m~ ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date ot Deliver fa~~R -~3 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) I DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ' - ~ ~ GERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery i la-a~-~3 8. Addressee's Addfess ~ (ONLY it requested and tee pard) DONIESTIC RETURN RECEIPT r a t ' wish to receWe~ tta {ee1'- ~ 1 also ,~ ~' win9 services (~{ ~dress ~ - "~ {0~~0 p~id[essee s . ., ` s can rtWm cnk card ,. arwreise,vwe- msomaswe . 2 orfea- ~« ero~ ~~ ~~~n~ ta ce eces.,oi aem`n. pSRt Postma~e~1 i P ~--^`~-~~~ SEN~~taltemsta dAa&b~nntnerevaz ntcW 1tsPa toa~d ~_.~~` saemsa.e~+ reas °saaris~~enumaer me Number y45 ~ s.~, ~--. g POSSMARK ~:~~~r n0m~ ana ~~ ar 9,e m~ ~ao~s ~OOi i~he~ aersO" °~AVered prticle ~~'2 1. -~~ ~ , w~~,,,~;~,~ t~~Q~s«a~ ~„ ~,~ ~~,~,~ `~ g 913 , ,~-,-'""~ -^~ ~~ / , • RewmA~tfeevAlO~ ~---'^` ~;rn~E ~ ~~'~ ~ ~~~eqyMn ~--_ .~r ~ Dnh~, ~ t~r . `i `° . si+a++~T° ~ oEUV~ a~le o~'~ Addressed w: qb. SeYVice TYPe RETURN aECEtPr c , 3. A~bCae ~ c~c~mT cEanF~o~~e.aEwam .~e ~[~ ~'tlP t ~ ~~ -~ GERTiF1ED i $ERJIGE iOTAlPPS1WECN~FEES 4~~ ... 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BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO , . ~., ~"~w _ _ ~" ~ S rv ..n _u m a v' ~~ Q~ }~Ccb- / ~ EPROVI~EU ^~ NFL MAIL L~~ 8t7il33 . . L°~ a csaearape~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council Date Prepared:. December 29, 1993 Date of Meeting: January 10, 1994 Case Manager:t"Meredith Reckert Case No. & Name: WZ-93-5/FOrgo and Foster Action Requested: Rezone from R-2 to PCD with a paving variance Location of Request: 3516 & 3536 Jay Street Name & Address of Applicant(s): Rose Foster Nina Forgo 3441 Fenton St 890 S St. Paul St Wheat Ridge Denver 80209 Name & Address of Owner(s): Same as above ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approxiraate Area: 15,785 sq ft & 20,400 sq Pt Present Zoning: R-2 Present Land Use: pre-school & residence Surrounding Zoning: All sides: R-2 Surrounding Land Use: N~ ~~ E: Low density residential W: vacant & low density Comprehensive Plan for Area: Low density residential ---- Date ------------------ Published: -------- November 30, 1993 Date to be Posted: December 27, 1993 Date Legal Notices Sent: December 27, 1993 Agency Check List (XX) Attached () Not Required Related Correspondence (XX) Attached ( ) None ----------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER INTO RF.CORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance ( ) Slides ( ) Subdivision Regulations ( ) Exhibits ----------------------------------------------------------------- JURISDICTION• The property.is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. i City Council Sta££ Report Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/FOSter I. REOUEST The applicant requests approval of Planned Commercial Development for Jay Street. Page 2 a rezoning from Residential-Two to properties located at 3516 and 3536 The purpose of the rezoning is for legalizing a noncon£orming use and expansion of the existing nursery/kindergarten. Because there are two separate properties and situations, the properties will be discussed separately. II. PROPERTY CONFICURATTQN - 3536 JAY STRF.ET The existing Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten has existed on the northern property (3536 Jay Street) since the late 1950s. Enrollment at the school is approximately 40 children with four to £ive £ull-time teachers on Staff. It is a corner lo-t with frontage on Jay Street and West 35th Place. The'property is currently nonconforming in regard to zoning (R-2 where at least R-C1 is required), parking access (open access) and the amount of parking. Based on the City's current standards, at least 11 of£-street parking spaces are required where only seven spaces are provided at this time. The owner is proposing no physical changes to the property. In regard to the existing zoning, the nonconforming use of the property can remain in existence until the year 2000 when at that point either the nonconformity shall cease or the zoning be changed. In accordance with the current code, a small day care home (up to six children) is an allowed home occupation in all residential zones. At the time o£ applicatidn, day care centers were only allowed in Commercial zones, however, the newly approved Ordinance #945 allows a day care center as a special use in all of the City's residential zone districts. Discussion under Section X. Please note that if the zone change is approved £or either or both of the properties, the owner/applicant would agree to uses restricted to those allowed in the R-2 zone plus a day care/kindergarten. The full range o£ R-C1 uses would not be allowed. See attached lists of uses for R-2 and R-C1 labelled Exhibits 'A' and `B'. III. CRITERIA - 353h Jav S{'YPPi1 Staf£ has the following comments regarding the criteria used to eva].uate a rezoning for property at 3536 Jay Street. 1. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goais, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan ancl other related policies or plans for the area. ~ ~ ~ C3ty Council Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-93-5/Forgo/Foster Approval of rezoning will correct a zoning which is not in conformance with historical land use on the property. The Comprehensive Plan shows this area as being "low density residential". The use o£ the land as a day care/school is a support use for the surrounding residential area, however, any commercial zone approved for this property would be inconsistent with the low density designation. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The owner proposes no changes -to the property. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic bene£its to the community derived by the change of zone. This is a use which was existing prior to incorporation. The school has been serving the needs of the community for aimost 40 years. 4. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change o£ zone,'or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All infrastrub-ture and services are curreritly in place. 5. That the proposed rezoning w411 not adversely affect public health, sa£ety or wel£are by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. There should be no further impact to the neighborhood in regard to drainage or the reduction of light and air to adjacent properties. However, parking is inadequate for the current capacity of the school. Cars are being parked along West 35th Place which is substandard in width. Staff recommends additional asphalt be placed between the north side of the house and the edge of asphalt.on West 35th Place to provide more of a parking pull-o£f. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions., The property could be converted back to a residence but this seems unlikely. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. This would be spot zoning, however with the use stipulations, this is more akin to a Special Use Permit. ~ ~ City Council Staf£ Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/Foster 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing £or necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. The schooi is fulfilling a need with3n the community for preschool services, however, there are other alternatives available instead of rezoning. IV. PROPERTY CONFIGURATION - 351Fa Jav The applicant has an option to purchase the duplex directly to the south of the current school. The property is a corner lot with frontages on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. It encompasses 20,000 square feet of land area and is traversed by the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Use of the new facility would be for the day care of newborns and toddlers with an expected capacity of 30 children and five staPf members. Based on these figures, a total of ten parking spaces is required including a van space. Exhibit D shows the proposed use of the property with all of the parking and a drop-o£f area on Jay Street. Circulation would be one way. Aside from the parking, drop-off area and fencing, there should be no other changes to the property. The applicant/owner would like the lot to be gravelled rather than paved. This is a specific design variance which must be considered by City Council. See Section VI. Variance. V. CRITERIA - 3516 Jav Street Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning for 3516 Jay Street. 1. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into con£ormance with the City o£ Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as "low density residential". The limited uses of the property will be primarily residential (R-2 uses and a day care). Day care facilities are generally thought to be support services for residential areas. However, commercial zoning is incompatible with the area. 2: That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. ~ ~ City Council Sta£f Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/FOSter Surrounding land use and zoning on all sides is R-2 developed in single-family residences and duplexes. Once again, the proposed use is in support of residential generally, however, the zoning is not. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There would be social benefits to the community with expansion o£ the area by way of expanded child care fac3lities in a working class neighborhood. 4. That adequate in£rastructure/facilities are available to serve the type o£ uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. There is adequate infrastructure for the £acility. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely af£ect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. The rezoning should not negatively affect the public health, sa£ety and welPare by creating drainage problems or reducing light and air. If appropriately designed with adequate parking, traffic congestion should be minimal. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property is currently utilized as a duplex, there£ore it can be used as zoned. 7. That the rezoning will riot create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacen-t or nearby areas. From a strict zoning standpoint, the intrusion of a commercial zone into the neighborhood is considered spot zoning. However, the use as a day care center is typically considered to be residential in character as it is a low intensity use. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or £acilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. There is a void in the market for good day care facilities. VI. PAVING VARIANCE Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request. As mentioned in Section IV, any £ormal , r City Council Staff Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/Foster parking areas are required to be paved. The applicant is proposing a gravel lot £or the expanded facility. 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income i£ permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for,the district in which it is located? . Assuming rezoning occurs, a nursery could still operate with an asphalt or concrete parking lot if the variance is not granted. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? Circumstances are unique due to the residential character of the area. 3. If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character o£ the locality? No, as there are many residences with gravel driveways. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specif3c property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? Inconveriience. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition £or a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? A precedent could be established. Another day care center built within a residential setting several blocks east was required to pave their parking lot. 6. Is the purpose o£ the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the property? The variance request is economically motivated from the standpoint that gravel is less expensive than paving. 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? Yes, the applicant has an option to purchase the property. 8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is loca-ted? Granting of the paving variance may not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood ~ ~ City Council Staf£ Report Page 7 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/FOSter in that gravel and rock will be brought out onto the paved driving surface oP Jay S-treet with exiting cars and with snow plowing pract3ces. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to ad~acent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public sa£ety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? The variance would not impair the supply of light and air, increase traffic congestion, increase fire danger, endanger public safety or diminish property values in the neighborhood. It would give more of a residential "feel" to the nursery parking area. VII, NEIGHRORHOOD MEETI'.N[; A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 20, 1993. Aside from Staf£ and the owner/applicants, two residents from the area attended. Concerns expressed included noise during the day and primarily traffic on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. Included uncler Exhibit E are a letter of protest and a legal protest submitted regarding this case. If the request is amended to a Special Use Permit, the legal protest is unapplicable. VIII. AGENCY REFERRALS All agenoies can serve both properties. Public Works would like to see construction oP curb, gutter and sidewalk along the West 35th Avenue and Jay Street frontages. A drainage plan and report wi11-be required if the paving variance is not approved. The sight distance visibility at West 35th Avenue/Jay Street 3ntersection needs to be improved by the removal of obstructive foliage. IX. PLANNING COMMISSIDN HCTIO13 Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on October 21, 1993. A recommenda-tion of approval was made £or the following reason: 1. The proposed use is compatible with a residential area. With the following conditions: 1. The zone classification requested be changed from RC-1 to PCD; 2. The only uses allowed be as follows: 1) day care center for up to 80 infants, toddlers, preschool children and kindergarten; ~ City Council Sta££ Report Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/Foster Page 8 2) one or two-£amily residence, as allowed in the existing R-2 zone district. 3. The property would be developed and used as follows: A. I£ used as residential, normal R-2 zone standards shall apply. B. If used as a day care/preschool/kindergarten center, it shall be in accordance with staff's Exhibit 'C' and 'D', (included in packet), which shall be accepted as meeting the requirements of an Outline and Final Development Plan. C. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. D. That a landscape bu£fer that does not vioiate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buPfer, be placed between the parking area and Jay street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. E. Exhibit 'C' be amended to show an asphalt pull-o£f along the north side o£ the structure (West 35th Place). F. That visibility at the intersection of Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. X. ORDINANCE #945 Subsequent to Planning Commission review of this case, City Council approved Odinance #945. This ordinance amended the Special Use Permit provisions to grant the Special Use to a particular persori rather than as a vested right of the property. A transfer o£ property title would not allow transfer o£ the Special Use approval, as has been previously allowed. The regulations also amended all of the residential zone districts to allow a small day care center and a day care ceriter as a Special Use. Staff recommends that the request be changed from a rezoning to a special use permit, thus allowing the property to remain residentially zoned. The site pians included are adequate for a Special Use Permit approval. Staff has the £ollowing comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit: ~ 1. Will meet a proven pubiic need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternat3ves.. ~ * City Council Staf£ Report , Page 9 Case No. WZ-9.3-5/FOrgo/FOSter There is a void in services for good day care opportunities throughout the metropolitan area. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood o£ the proposed use. Approval of a Special Use Permit will not negative affect the health, sa£ety and welfare of the neighborhood if utilized as shown in Exhibits C and D. 3. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause signiPicant air, water or noise pollution. The proposal will not adversely a£fect the amount of adequate light and air nor cause air or water pollution. There should be a minimal increase in noise, if any. 4. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. I£ approved as a special use, the day care/kindergarten is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. IP approved as a result of a commercial zoning, it is not. 5. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal tra£fic con£licts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The parking lot has been designed to provide safe, off-street parking and loading. 6. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The applicant has attempted to make the proposal as "residential" in feel as possible. 7. Will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and'other public £acilities and services. All streets, utilities and other public Pacilities and services are in place. The school provides its' own recreation opportunities, therefore there should be no impact on parks in the area. X2. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Sta£f concludes that the existing facility has been in operation for almost 90 years. Staff concludes that a day care/nursery is generally considered a low intensity use and a support service fox residential ~ ~ ~ City Council StaP£ Report Page 10 Case No. WZ-93-5/Forgo/Foster areas. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for a Special Use Permit for 3536 and 3516 Jay Street with the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center Por up to 80 infants, toddlers, preschool children and kindergartners. 3. The use o£ the property shall be in accordance with Exhibits C and D. 4. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay,Street with the change of use. 5. That a landscape buf£er that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. Th3s could include trees, shrubs and possible berm3ng. 6. Exhibit 'C' be amended to show an asphalt pull-off along the north side'of the structure (West 35th Place). 7. That vis3bility at the intersection of Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. In regard to the paving variance, Staff concludes that circumstances are not unique. There is another day care center located several blocks to the east that was required to pave their parking when they developed within a residential setting, and gravel may be tracked onto Jay Street. Therefore, we recommend Denial oP the variance request. X. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS ,Snecial Use Permi~ "I move that Case No. WZ-93-5, a request for approval of a rezoning from R-2 to Planned Commercial Development, be amended to a Special Use Permit to allow a,day care/kindergarten on an R-2 zone be approved £or the following reasons: 1. It would a~low the property to remain in conformance with the low- density designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. It would not create spot zoning as a commercial zone at this location would. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit support this request. With the £ollowing conditions: ~ ~ City Council Staff Report Page 11 Case No. WZ-93-5/FOrgo/FOSter 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten under the ownership and operation o£ Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center £or up to 80 infants, toddlers, preschool children and kindergartners. 3. The use o£ the property shall be in accordance with Exhibits C and D. 4. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. 5. That a landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. 6. Exhib3t 'C' be amended to show an asphalt pull-ofP along the north side of the structure (West 35th Place)-. 7. That visibility at the intersection of Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. Pavina Variance "I move that the request for a paving variance at 3516 Jay Street be Denied for the £ollowing reasons: 1. Circumstances are not unique., 2. Other similar Pacilities have had to pave their parking lots. "I move that the request for a paving variance at 3516 Jay Street be Approved for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ". <pc>srwz935 , ~..~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ CASE N0. WZ-93-5 AGENCY REFERRALS SL3NIMARY XX FiTe: .~j7haafi Ri~~) NO ~.+rr'blen?.. Schools: XX Water: (Whaat Rir7aa~ Can RPYVO_ ~ Sewer: ~*.~w~=+ Ai Anc\ ('~n c~rsvo XX US West Communications: n,~ ,-o~~~n~A XX Public Service Co: No response. State Land Use Comm. (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jef£erson County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONEE2S, PLANNING) Ad~acent City: American Cablevison: CITY DEPARTMENTS PUb~.1.C Works: t~7rn~lA l~kc n~~rh rr~~+-+Ar ~,7~i ciraau~alY alnn~ inTaat 35th Avenue and Jay Street. Wou1d like to improve sight distance at west s5tn ana ~ay 5treet intersection. Parks & Recreation: Police: • Building Inspection: pc/Agencyrefsum ~ ~ASE N0.1NZ-93-5 EXHIBIT 'A' S 26-13 _ WHEAT RIDGE CTTY CODE _ _ _ ( ~ Sec. 26•14. Residential•'Itvo District (R•2). (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable low- to moderate-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities oF any nature which are incom- patible with the residential character. ~ (B) Permitted Principal Uses: No buiiding or land shall be used and no building shaIl be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless othcrwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: / (11 Same uses as permitted in R•1, R-lA, R-1R and R-1C districts. ~ Supp. No. 30 -- .- - -- 1712- ~.; ~ ~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26-15 (2) 'i~vo-family dwellings. (C) Pernxitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA, R•1B and R•1C districts. (D) Condition¢l Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge PIanning Commission, folIowing procedures as set forth in section 26•6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R•lA, R-1B and R-1C districts. (E) Speci¢l Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge PIan- ning Commission and city council, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA, R•1B and R-1C districts. i i § 26-8 WFIEAT RIDGE CPPY CODE Sec. 26•10. Residential•One District (R,•1). (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is estab- lished to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stablelow•density xesidential neighborhoods,and to prohibit activities of any nature which are in- compatible with low-density residential character. (B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be here- after erected, converted or structurally altered un• less otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) One-family dwelling. {2) Pazks, noncommercial playgrounds or other public recreation use. (4) Household pets, limited to no more than three (3) dogs and/or four (47 ~afs, plus their unweaned offspring. (5) Private stables for the keeping of horses, cows, llamas, sheep or goats and similar animals; however, excluding the keeping of swine, subject to the requirements set forth in section 26-30(L). (6) Private poultry houses and pigeon coops, and private rabbit and chinchilla hutches, subject to the requirements set forth in sec- tion 26•30(L). (7) Bee keeping, subject to the requirements set forth in section 26-3Q(L). (8) Rooming and/or boarding of not more than two (2) persons on a contract basis for not Iess than seven days. (9) Ancillary uses operating within a church's primary structure (e.g., day care centers, scout meetings.) (10) Class I Home occupations which meet the definition and standards set forth in sec- tion 26•30(Q)(1) and section 26-5, Defini- tions. (11) Electric transmission or other public utility lines and polea, irrigation channels, storm drainage facilities, and water supply facil- ities, and other similar facilities. (3) Residential group homes For eight (8) or ~12~ fewer developmentally disabled persons, mentally ill peraons or for elderly persons. (See section 26-30(P) and section 26-5 Defi- nitions.) (4) Other similar uses or structures as approved by the zoning administrator or board of ad- justment and when in conformance with atandazds and requiremenfs set forth herein for similar uses. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses ¢nd Accessory Buildings: (1) Detached privafz garage or carport. (2} Private storage sheds. (3) Private swimmingpools, tennis courts. (See aection 26•30(n for related requirements.) Public and private communication towers, television or radio antennas, or any other similar communications receiving or sending devive which does not exceed thirty- five (35) feet in height, whether ground- mounted or mounted upon a bui2ding or other structure. For satellite earth receiving stations, see section 26-30(.n. (13) Water towers or aboveground reservairs noE in excess of thirty-five (35) feeC. (14) Other similar uses or structures as approved by the zoning administrator or board of ad- justment and when in conformance with standards and requirements set forth for similar uses. (D) Conditional Uses: The following uses ahall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat ~ ~ C l ~ Supp. No. 7 1708 i i ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT Ridge Planning Commission, following pmcedures as set forth in section 26-6(A). (1) Public, private and parochial educational institutions which provide instruction for ~ Z~.~o Supp. No. 7 17O$.1 - - ~ ~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26-10 grades kindergazten through 12, and public, quirements and standards set forth in sec- private or parochial colleges and universi- tion 23-30(m) and section 26-5, Definitions. ties. (2) Public or private golf courses or private country club or private club operated for benefit of inembess onlg and not for ~in (but not including a private club,whicli pro- vides a service customariTg carried on as a business. (2) Large day care home (see section 26-5, Def- initions). (3)• Governmental buildings, fire stations and public uCil4ty Buildings where outside storage or repair faciTities are glanned. (3) G'overnment or quasi-governmental build- ings xnd offices, fire stations or public utility buildings wlYere outsid'e storage o= repair facilities are not planned. (4) Electric transmission substations. (5) Wind-powered electric generators not in ex- cess of thirty-five (35) feet. (6} Church, parish house. (E) Speciai Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and city council, following procedures as set forth in section 26•6(B). (1) Bed•N-break£ast rooms accessory to a one- family dwelling primary use, subject to re- (4) Restaurants, lounges and bars accessory to a public or private golf course. (5) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more developmentally disabled persons or eld- erly persons (see section 26-30(P) and sec- tion 26-5, Definitions). (6) Residential group home for children (see sec- tion 26-30(P) and section 26-5, Definitions). (7) Class II Home occupations which meet the definition and standards set forth in sec- tion 26•30(Q)(2) and section 26-5, D~nitions. ~ ~ GASE NQ. WZ-93-5 EXHIBIT TB' Sec. 26-19. Reserved. Sec. 26•20. Restricted Commercial•One Dis• trict (RC•1). (A) Intent ¢nd Purpose: This district is estab- lished to provide for a reasonably compatible tran- sition between residential and more intenaive com- mercial land uses. It provides for residential scale, neighborhood-oriented professional oftices and ser- vices which, hy their nature and through design limitation, will promote neighborhood stability and protect neighborhood values and character. The district also provides limited neighborhood- oriented retail uses by special use approval. (B) Permitted Princip¢l Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be here- after erected, converted or structurally altered un- less otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Art galleries or studios. (2) Banks, loan and finance o~ces. (3) Clinics and oftices for psychological, social, marital, developmental or similar coun- seling and treatment, including counseIing and treatment for substance abuse and al- coholism; however, not including residen- tial facilities or residential treatment. S~pp. No. 5 1719 ~ § 26-20 i WF~AT RIDGE CITY GODE (4) Community huildings, Y.M.C.A's, Y.- W.C.A's, churches, libraries, parks, mu• seums, aquariums and art galleries. (5? Golf courses (but not including miniature golf or putting ranges, driving ranges, pri- vate clubs or restaurants) and those uses commonly accepted as accessory thereto when lacated on the same premises. (6) Govemment or quasi-governmental build- ings and off'ices or public utility building where outside storage, operations or repair facilities are not planned. (7) Homes for the aged, nursing homes and con- gregate care homes. (8) Medical and dental offices, clinics or labo- ratories. (9) Offices, general administrative, business and professional. (10) Parking of automobiles of clients, patients, patrona or customers of the occupants of adjacent commercial districts. (14) Any similar use which, in the opinion af the zoning administrator or, upon appeal of his decision, of the boazd of adjustment, would be compatible in character and im- pact with other uaes in the district, would be consistent with the intent of this dis- trict, and which wouid not be objectionable to nearby properLy by reason of odor, dust, fumes, gas, noise, radiation, heat, glare, vi- bration, tr~c generation, pazking needs, outdoor storage or use, or is not hazardous to the health and safety of surrounding azeas through danger of fire or explosion. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses ¢nd Accessory Buildings: (1) Food services primarily far the accupants of a building containing a permitted use, when located within the same building. (2) Electric transmission or other puhlic utility lines and poles, irrigation channels, storm drainage facilities, and water supply facil- ities, and other similar facilities. (11) Schools; public, pazochial and private (in- (3) Besidential uses in commercial zones shall cluding private, vocational trade or profes- be allowed under the following conditions: sional schools), colleges, universities, pre- (a) Residential use shall be located only schools and day nurseries (including those on a floor other than the ground floor uses commonly accepted as necessary thereto when located on the same premises). , or if located on the ground floor, re- stricted to the rear half of the building. {12) Service establishments as listed below: (b) Residential dweIling density shall not nail and cosmetic services. (a) Hair exceed one (1) dwelling unit for each , (b) Interior decorating shop where goods, five thousand (5,000) square feet of Iot eaccept samples, are not stored upon the (c) ~e8' Residential dwelling units shall be no Pr~e3 (c) Pickup stations for laundry and dry less than fiveliundred (500) square feet cleaning. (d) Shoe repair. (d) each. Parking shall be supplied at the rate of (e) Studioforpmfessionalworkorteaching one (1) space per three hundred (300) of fine arta, photography, music, drsma $Quare feet of floor area. or dance. (e) Where it is intended ta convert an eg- (fl Tailoring, dressmaking or clothing al- isting residential structure, either par teration shop. tially or wholly, to a commercial use, (g) Watch and jewelry repair. then commercial development stan- dards shall be applied for parldng, land- (13) Residential group homes for eight (8) or scaping and residential buffering. Any fewer developmentally disabled persons, changes to building floor area shall mentally ill persona or for elderly persons. fully comply with all commercial de- (See section 26-30(P) and section 26-5.) velopment standards. • Supp. No. b 1720 ~ ' ~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT (fl No new residences as a primary or prin- cipal use shall be allowed. (4) Pharmacies and optical stores incidental to a medical or dental of'~ice within the same building. (5) Other similar uses or structures as approved by the zoning administrator or hoard of ad- justment and when in conformance with standazds and requirements set forth for similar uses. ~ zs-zo from adjacent properties by a view- obscuring fence six (6) feet in height. Bulk storage or piles of such materials shall not be permitted within a front yard setback and shall be no closer than twenty-five (25) feet to a side or rear lot line which abuts residentially zaned property, or where zoned Agricultural and there is a residential struo- ture within fifteen (15) feet of the common property line. (6) Laundry and dry cleaning shops. (D) Conditional uses: The following uses shall ~q) Locksmith shops. be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and city council, fol- (g) Mortuaries and crematoriums. lowing procedures as set forth in section 26-6(A): ~9) Rooming and boardinghouses. (1) EIectric transmission substations. QO) Small ~+++TM+~l veterinary hospitals or clinics (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be ~vhere there are no outside pens or runs. permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Com..,icc{un and city council, foIIowing t1i~ 5tores for retail trade, limited to two thou- procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): sand (2,000) square feet or less, for the (1) Blueprinting photastatic copying, and other ~ount of building space devoted to any , similar reproduction servicea; however, not one (1) or comhinations of the following re- including large printing, publishing and/or ~ ~e' book binding establishments. Such uses (a) Antique stores. ahall be limited to no more than two thou- (61 Apparel and accessory stores. sand (2,000) aquare feet of building space (c) Bakeries, retail. devoted to any one (Il or a combination of (d) Bicycle stores. these uses. (e) Book stores, newsstands, stationary (2) Clinics for residential couaseling and treat- ~fl and card stores. Business machine or computer stores. ment oF psychological, social, marital and ~g~ Camera and photographic service and developmental problems, and For substance supply. abuse and aicoholism. (h) Candy, nut and confectionery stores. (3) Golf courses, including private clubs, res- (i) Dairy products stores. taurants and lounges, and those uses com- (j) Delicatessens. monly accepted as accessory thereto when (k) Floral stores. located on the same premises. (1) Gazden supplies stores. (4) Governmental buildings fire stations ~m) Gift, novelty or souvenir stores. , , sewer treatment plants and public utility (n) Eiobby and craft stores. huildings where outside storage, operations ~o) (p) Jewelry stores. Music storea. or repair facilities are planned. (q) Notions stores. (5) Greenhouses and landscape nurseries, in- (r) Office supply stores. cluding bath wholesale and retail salea af (s) Optical stores. related producta; provided however, that (t) Paint and wallpaper stores. bulk storage or piles of materiaLs, such as {u) Pet stores. manure, peat, top soiI, rock, sand, firewaod (v) Picture framing [shops]. or similar material, are screened from view (w) 5porting goads stores. Supp. No. 5 1721 ~ § 26-20 WIiEAT RIDGE C~TY CODE (x) Shoe stores. (y) Stationery storea. (z) Television, radio, small appliance re- pair and service [shops]. (aa) Tobacco stores. (bb) Toy stores. (cc) Video rental stores. (12) Retail neighborhood grocery/convenience store, limited to five thousand (5,000) square feet or less for the amount of building space devoted to retail use. (13) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more developmentally disabled persons or eld- erly persons. (See aection 26-30(P) and sec- tion 26.5.) (14) Residential group home for children. (See section 26-30(P) and section 26.5.) (15) Any other use not specifically listed in this district may be permitted as a special use where the planning commission and city council find, in addition to the standard re- view criteria for all special uses as set forth in section 26-6(B), that a specific site is uniquely appropriate for the use proposed. ~ i ~ Su ' ~ ~`~ ~~ ~b~ .......... .................. . lllllililllllllil!l[illlllllllilllillllill'.lillllill~2 llll'[ll~lll~l~~llt~~llllllll~l~~ll~~llll ` '_"_.,_._. ... .......-`t`L letll!;111~ lllllltlll lllillllll itltlliR U llllllllll llllllilll llllltilll llllllllll N lllilUlll i.llllllllll ~ i.lilllllill i.llllilllll J i.lllillllll ~.illllllili I,lUlllllll rTi -,U~~ ~ I,lllltlllll I,llllllllll tWna'~D ~-r-I 1,lllltlttU ~v 4lllilllil~' mn ~ I,llilllill'i ~~ ~.lllllilll t ~J ~ ~IUllllllltll r"~ I;tlllllllltll ~ ~ i.llllliltllll i,illlllllillt t~" ~ ~ ~:lllllllllCll ~tlllllRlltll N jillllilllllll U~ itilllillilll 'p~ illlillilllll v lllill'lllllll Illllllillllli ~~lililiillllt ~lllilllllllll ~Rlllllllltil ililllllllill ,,,,,,,,~,~„ il DN ililll illltl lill;: illll! :~ ll1Ul llllilldl llllillll ?lllltttj' ll'tltliY ll~llij~ lillly lllly . iit y tiy 1 }/ , A n DD c~ ~ m ~W~ .Sti'SZl c,, ~ c,, rn ~ D ~ N ~ .~ a ~ N r m -o ~ ~ m~ N O n Z _ O n O ~ 0 n ~ N cn o~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ W~ rn W = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ " N I, n ~ W j6 ~ _ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~___" _-L MULTI-LEVEL FRAME AND BRICK RES. 1 T ~ CASE NO. WZ-93-5 EXHIBIT 'D' 3516 JAY 125.67' FRAME GARAGE i 140.00' ~~ 3516-8 JAYS. r , • ~, ~ ~ ~~~ ~ .~A . fil,t~s" ~11~~~~ // ~ /i s ~ /~ 3 r'.'w ~ A ~ y~~ ~ ~~ i"y~ ~ / / ~ / ~ ~ / iiuruuiuuiii~iiirir.iii.ir~ iiiiiu.iiri.ui~riu.ii..u.iii.uu.r~....~ui~iu - ~ ~~P~ ~ ~ , /y~~ , / / i ~ ~/ /~~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ v ~ -~ , - ~~~P~/ PARCEL 2 ~ /,~~ ~jj 0.4883 ACRES OR . 20,400 SQ.FT. M~L - ~ ~~y ~ ~- ~ „grO~ ~ 1.56' ,~ ~` Fx Cor. ~ ~ ~ Nas•ss'sa'w i 40.00' (~1} , /~ -.---- , ~; ~ °'~ 7,. ~ '. . ^ ~ ~.' ,.___ _ .. 1 vu ~5T" ,qv~ N - CASE NO. WZ-93-5 ~ ~ ~ ~ EXHISIT 'E' CITY OF WHEA7' R(D~,E D -c~~2 0~` T 13 ]993 ~ October 12, 1993 ~~E l~r~~ " ~~ ,~{'LANNING & DEVELOPMENP TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission RE: Case #?WZ-935, 3536 & 3516 Jay St. We are the owners and residents of 6147 S4. 35th Ave. Gde are located 2 lots East of a portion of the prope'rty in question, We have several concerns about the zoning change from R-2 to commercial. Commercial zoning in a residential neighbornood is incompatible foz whatever reason. In the longterm, we believe our right to enjoy the peace and tranquility of our home may be jeopardized if commerciel zoning of any kind is tolerated, Until now, we have been content to live with the excessive playground noise. As we understand it R-2 businesses should be invisible to their neighbors. At the present time the day care center is in fact not compatible with a residential neighborhood because of the noise and visual impact. We am opposed to any expansion of the day care center that would require a zoning change, Eurther deteriorating the quality of this neighborhood, We would ask the Planniny Commission to rule in this matcer consistent witn its longterm goals. That is, a resid-entially zoned neighborhood should not have islands of commercial property. Therefore, the day care center should come into compliance with current R-2 zoning or move. Uo commercial zoning of any kind should be allowed. Sincerely, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ Kenneth R. Lamkin ~'~5~~~~ ~ ~~~ Susan C. Seeds ~~ ~~ PLANNING DIVISION - City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033 Oct. 20, 1993 We, John and Geraldine Faes, are filing a"legal protest" against the applicatinn case.#WZ-93-5, rezoning from R2- to RC-1 with restricted uses. Our property is an adjacent property to 3516 and 3536 Jag 5£. We are located art, 6205 W. 35th Ave. Enclosed is a copy o_f our deed and our notorized signatures. Thank you. ,,-~--~ / / `', ~~~~~ ` ~~{~- ~lJf~ ~t'3 ~~~'~~Jdhn P. Faes ~/~2~~~ ` T ~~ /D~~~9.3 _ Geraldine T. Faes ~e o F C''D-" ~u~~ ~ ~~~~ ~,~ ~ ; 5 :~~.-~e ~~- ~- 93 "~lT`( o~~C111 ~~GE 'j~ a 19g3 ~ U ~G~ 2 ' ~~~ ELOPML1dT ~~ti,~1iNG & DEV ~b ~ry 1~uh/,~c ~~ ,~~'e ~+~%H~ Q f 3g ~ s `~ ~~: /~f y~or~r,~ i s s, a yi e.rp ; ~P s `.~~i~ C~??~if=lSS:2~~ ~X~IIBS 1~Tf1~'~`a ~. ~.; :._ ?; :~:.-. i 68 Chap. 4/ Traffic-Stream Characieristics percentage of vehicles travel. It is defined by a 10-mph increment that intercepts the peak of the frequency-distribution curve. For the distribution of Figure 4-15, the pace is between 36.5 and 46.5 mph. The cumulative frequency-distribution curve is also useful in defining descriptive pazameters con- cerning the speed distribution. It can be used to define measures indicative of the central region of the curve, as well as measures quantifying the dispersion of speeds around the center. 1. The median speed equally divides the dis- tribution. That is, half of all vehicles travel faster than this speed and half travel slower. It is found by entering the cumulative frequency-distribution curve at 50% and is also referred to as the SOth percentile speed, Pso. It is a measure of the center of the distribution. 2. The 85th-percentile speed is often used as a measure of the upper limit of "reasonable" speeds for the prevailing conditions, and the ISth-percentile speed is often used as a ~ measure of the lower limit. The difference between these two reflects the degree of spread or dispersion in the distribution. 3. The percent of vehicles in the pace is also found as shown on Figure 4-I5. This value measures the extent of central tendency in the distribution. A high value indicates low dispersion of speeds, while a low value sug- gests sig~ificant dispersion of values outside the central range. r' T'hese typical statistics aze often used to de- scribe speed distributions. While the average travel speed can be and is used to describe the traffic stream as a whole, the distribution of speeds may have a significant impact on operations. It is easier to control a more uniform traffic stream than one with significant spread in individual vehicle behavior. Fa- cilities and controls are often designed for 85th- percentile chazacteristics-that is, for speeds, reac- tion times, visibility, and other characteristics within which 85% of the driver population exists. The num- ber of drivers falling outside these ranges, and the ex- tent to which they are outside it, aze important safety and opentional considentions. SUMMARY Tlris chapter has presented some basic parameters that are used to describe traffic streams, as well as typical values of these parameters and relationships among them. Although the values and relationships presented aze indeed "typical," driver behavior varies by region of the country, by time of day and day of week, and by specific location. Thus, for many traffic engineer- ing purposes, it will be necessary to measure and an- alyze characteristics of the specific locazion under study. Succeeding chapters of this text describe data collection and analysis techniques, as well as the use of such data for design and operations purposes. PROBLEMS Problem 4-1 The following counts were observed on a freeway. Com- pu[e (a) the hourly volume, (b) the peak rate of flow for a &ve-minute period, (c) the peak rate of flow for a 15- minute period, and (d) [he peak-hour fictor based upon 15- minute periods. Time Count S:Oo-5:05 e.M. 201 5:05-5:10 208 5:16-5:15 217 5:15-5:20 232 52o-5:25 219 5:25-5:30 220 5:30.5:35 205 5:3rr5:40 201 5:4a5:45 795 5:45-5:50 210 5:5a5:55 190 5:55-6:00 195 Problem 4-2 A volume of 900 vph is obse~ved at an intersection ap- proach. Plot the peak rate of fiow within the hour as PHF vazies from 1.00 to 0.70. Problem 4-3 The following havel times were measured for vehicles as they trsversed a 2.0-mile segment of hip~way. Compute the time mean speed and the space mean speed. Why is space mean speed always lower than time mean speed? Vehicle Travel Time fminJ 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.8 2.2 2.1 Express TMS and SMS in mph. : ~ ~ ~ i 3 z ~, l i ~ `"~' ~ _---- ppTE START ~ t. ~~ ~ ` 1A - f-.' t '~ ~ 4 ~fs. 'LE FINISO •'a f~ ? IU COUNTED BY~ ua ~; , ~ `~G_-- ,a -~_...~~_ .,~ °, COLSN'~ T~ ~ART ~~ ,a ( V.: ~p~T TS2'lE FINISR ~ 4 AG~ S~Ctt .~- Z_--_ ~': C~~~R N~E~-y t3t1MB~R ~~~TED. L~/Jc.,- ~ / . . _ ~ ~ ?olum~ t,v Lane RcRVi^t Ft~c~E> 1 ~tm#~~~~~~a~ ~#~# ~~i~~~~#~~~~c~~~~~t••t~~~~~~~~t~e~# t~~~~~#~-~~i~ ~ u x~•~ x~•u~~#~ •x~##~€ •x•*#~x f~~~a~~~~~#*~~~~~~ x Data Fi.le : Dtr~~StiC~1.F'RI~I - S'tat-ior~ . .~:~7[>i~~,20C+ Ider~tification : ~°,1C;w inlr~r-v~~1 . 15 mi.ni.it.~~:> Start d~t~ : Feb .15, 4~4 ~tart Ei~aic~ : t~9:=]C~ 6top d~te : Feta ]b„ 44 8top time ~ t~4:C>C> CitYlTow~-c : W(-IE~1T I~IDGC Cc~unty : ~7~F'FEI"z80S~1 Locatinn : ON 7AY ST BDUTH l7F ~:8T1-I ~t'V~ AT .~'..6i'C1 #3Fit#~§F###~lf~##~IFdE#####iF#3FiF~1F#~1Ei{~~~;(~{; ######i'r##'F.-####ii~#'fEi'r#'ri~~M~~iF~H~####~'k####~1F#~1F###iFiFiE#'kiF##~iF#~k Lan~s i-2 are ~~~~tnini~~~tn Gom~ained __ Tu~ - ~~~ 1,:,. 94 Lar~e 1 _ ~ Tcat<-tl fxg: Z J ._.____`.~_. ~_'... ~ .._ - J .. i,r9 e 3C> - I 4 iJ9: ~f.,~_, ? 4. uc ~c~;fyp u 3 =~___ __ b ~~:~_ ------ Hnur TG'Eals ~ =_-__ 1~~ __ l:i ~ ~i ~4t: 1J •- ti nY ~~~~ti~~~ u ~i ~ 1 ~} : 45 ~ ~ - ].r:C~n 1 5 6 t-EourTTc.a'tell ---9 ----18 - i7 1 I: i J ~~ ~ J 1 ] u ..,Ci _ 1 4 Sle4~ J `~ ° i<P''.C(Y~> ,~.~ + ? ___.._~~-' -- _ _ s=vs= cvx==x - Hour Tatal.s lb 9 2~~ f i l X J E? 6 - ~.."G - S:'' : ,Tfl~ '1 1 8 S.^•:tFJ d^. :, S i=;~Op ---__ ,._-- -- 4 ----- '~ =_ ~~ b ~~~ ~ H~ur 1"tst<~is~z-- ---19 12 ~•] I..: 9. J J .~-, S 1 1~.._~t~ ~ 2 A• ~. v~ i~~•J J J ~ U 1~1'90U " ` J -__ ~ 1 ~____ E ~= __=_ -,- ~_ ___== __= H~~t~ l'oials ~ 1'7 ib u 14. 1 ~ R~ 2 ~u 14.y0 b A 10 ~, n. ; q. ~ S 10 7. 5 i'u,: U~) 3 ~~ a ----- --====--=====~ Hat~tr Tatals __ ----- 12 ----- 1E ~ ~ ~#~-~** n ~#?~a~~~~#~~~*•te~~r~#~•~~##~t-~~~~*~;~ae~~•t*~~a~*~~~~a: a~*~#*~~~~~#~~~~~~*~~x~~~~~~e~t~ - - ` ~ Vol~.imc- ~y Lane R~C?c~rt Peieae ~ 'i.~###iE#iF#iE##43if~jE~'t. ~f.~#~###t?E~3F~Ai3FiF~Y#iE##-1FyF#~3z#dF#~7f~jF3F~•~#jFii~iE~3't'~##iFi##~bd~3f~##~3i~###~~k~K##~k~k~%~k;F~3i~z#~EiFiE## Data Fil.o-? : D0~1:iC)C11.FFtiI'v Station . ~6ryt~t:~~u2+ft~ IGerrtific~~fi~ri : :_'.~102 ~: ~~*~~-~~-#at x•~c•#~~ ~*~~*~~**~* ~~~~x••~~ ~a~a~#* ~~ ~~ x#~~~•~~~a: ##~~~~#a~~~*~~;t~ ~~~~~~: #~€~*a~~#~~~ Lanes 1-^ ~-~rE~ Southit~nrE.hi GomGinr_d Tu~ -_I=ef~ 1~, 94 ~ane 1 2 Tota7 1J: ~.J _ - J S_-_ _ iJ: ti~L) J 3 ~i SJ±{VS _._ ~ _! l~ 1.''.'~ 1 b : ~] C; _ ~} 7 ___=_~__=-=----- _~~-- =- ___--- Heur Tcatals 18 18 .'~u 10:15 A _ 7 ' i6: ~,~; - E - !' -i: . _ 7.6: 45 9 8 i 7 7.7: Gt.~ - 4 ? 11 Ho~u^ Tr~ta7.s ' T z~ 24 4~ 1/:IJ ., 3 1S 17~ 3~~ -- iU 7 17 i7:45 6 4 i~f ~a; ~.7c, __~_~_~ s m~__~ - s ---_ i.°~ _- =~~~_~~ . tic+ur i"otals 2~F ~ ~.^7 _ 51 i~:~s 7 s ~^ ~e..Yo - -- ~ b s ~.5:$.`-7 _ _ J _ _ ._ _ ~! __~.(1 15': C~C~ ~1 ~ ~ __----=_=~.-_~.~~ __=.- _ ~~~= ====== Hot.u~ To•tal ~ 19 18 'a7 x9:15 6 ~ 9 19 : '; ~ ; ~F c~ IF 19: 45 5 .^_ 7 :~C,: Ca0 .. ~'E 7 _ Hnur ToL•a1s ~^ ~18 'Y9 27 LL"~".C1i .~J _ _ ~. n'+' _ J __ ~~)9 =~I.7 ~ ~ g iC~= ~iJ 7 J I~ 21 : U tl :? b 8 How~^7o•ta1, ~__ __-iJ - --j~ - `~ . 2~: xs i 4~ ~ 21 s :~G C :? ~ ^Sa45 1 2 _ dF9E##d.°#dFiEiFif~#####§h ic~if•~1'r',E?Edf~~}:~##ii~~7F#iE#•Y: iFiF#~k#•#'k'k#~1E#~#~~iE####3F~k####~#4FiF•#iE3i•~IF~7F'k•M~~~~lEi.c.H..kiEie#3Ei(~~i:~~k#iF~k ~ ~ Volume oy L<:nE:~ Re~port. 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Couni~ 2~ ~7 ###••IEie###tiP##if~#r~Pr'ro,'~dE•lE#~lt~k####iFiF#3F#~~7t#~~k##3E###iF#ib#sE#~3e~7F#3F###~ie#~K ie~li~~3e##dEdF########~##iF~zib~'k . _ ~ ~ 4'clume by Lanc fierport P~ge A ~~~~~~~~€•~~~t~~~~-~-~t•x~•r~~~~#~-~~#~x~~rt~~~~~i•#~~t~~~r~~#~~-~~~*#;r~e ~#~~~ ~~#?t ~~~: asx•#~-~~-#u#~~~~e~~~ D~ta File : Dn; 1cC;C~1.Pf-tPl ~ta'l- i nn . i67C,C~62t10 IdEniificatinn : ~'1~7:' Int.Er'YCIl : LJ minut~, 5ca~~t d•at•E~ : F~~ 15, 9~ Bt.~.ar-i. ti.mc : UR:CrO - - I Stop dat~ : F~b Sc, 44 StoG ti.me : Cr9:UC~ Ci t~>E/Town : l~i~{EAT ~ISJ~F CounL-v : SEFFEFt50N I Location : L?I1i JAY ST SCIUTH ar .:8TH AL'~ {'aT 3~7C~ ~;~~~~~~~-#~~~~xt~•t~~#~a~•x~~~;~k~~~x~~x~~~~t##s~*~~~~~xt~~;~•*•x•~~~~##~~*~~~~~~~~~~v~~~~w~~*~~~~~~#~~ I Lanes 1-i are Southili~lui^th Cr~mtainecJ W~t3 - Fck~ io. 9~s Lar~e 1 :? Total GO: ~ J____ - _ ~ {~ c:i C~Cr: ~yCr t] t~ c, t:~0; 4~ U cl U O1 : t1~~ C~ c> - tt ----------------- Hoixr To'tals ---^- - C~ - -- ~ ~ (~ j, : j, j i;1 L'~ L~ Cl 1 ~ 31 i C7 {l C) o i: 45 r~ r7 p C~~: ~~] t7 Lr is -____°=_____-~ -- _-___ _---- 3====' Hour Toi~t3.s 0 t~ i~ t~~. ~.J (] {7 C.5 _ (>2a:,0 V _ ___ f] 0 C!~: 4J U J i ~j;;~ np c; 0 ~J ---- ° A~=~_~ ~_;_----- i-Iaur Tokals --Y~ L~ ---- S ~ 1 ! 7 u: 1 J C5 t'] (,1 CZ' 9 'Q Ll (~ t~ ii._LaQJ -- C3 - Ci [Y 04: O C; Q Ci C~ Hc~ur ^T~tal s __._-C~ t3 i~ C~A ; 15 C7 7. 1 ~ )4; :'c~ 0 1 7. G4 : 4.°i t ; [~ Li ~~5e~r0 ~:s i~ t~ -- Hour Totals= -- ----C~ ---~ ~ txJ: I J 1 ._~ 4 c]~: uC~ c~ t~ fii use ~5 0 .. _, 06: C~G ~ - ~ ~ Houi~ Tr~t~ls 4. ~^ ,. __ 9 1~ :~~x x ~~# x~#*~~~~~~~~•~i~~-~~#~t~:~~xx~ ~#ac~#~ s-~#~#~*~t-x~~t•r: ~~ rt~##~~~~*~t~?~~*~~-~x~;~~#*#~~~~#~: ~~# ~ ~ Vulume lay Larie fteFaort F'~a9~ 5 ~~~~a~~~*~€*~~~• x~~x-~x-x-~~~~aF~•~#~-~;~~*~~~#;~#~~~~~##aF;r-#~•*at~~x ~~~ :~~~~~~~~~~~~#p -x;~a~~~~~~~~~~ Dc't'Ccl. ~1}.G : ~C1.~c.~.Jt~E~j..~~~ . St~~t.ic~rr . T670Clbwl~t7 - Icf~nEif:icaticin : 2."~1t?~ ~~~*~#a~##~~~-r~~~-x~;~~x~~: ~~-r~~~;~*~ *~aE~~-x~~~~t-ba#~*~~~~#•~~~€#~~~*~~~~~~-~c-*#~~:~~x-~~~ :~*~~~xx~~- ~- E_anes 1•-s ~r~ Snu'th/Nurtii Camhzned Weti - I=e(~ ic~ 4~4 LanE 1 i Total t7E.: ~J - _ - -_X _ i .. 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Ca7: '1~ y 73 t~ b 07: ~d5 •4 L'~ ~ t.ta: tK7 1 f3 i Hour~To~tal~~ '~ ~ 1y C~ ~1~ t)g: ~, J {`7 - ~Y t_i {ia&'C.i 2 ~S .^~. L~F3: 4 J (7 Ct c~ ~>~~ c~o ~ ~ a Hour 1'oial ~~__.~ . ____` ____U _____{ ~+g; s~ } tr 3. Ci9: 'aC~ c~ C~ 0 ~~9: 4~ 0 Ly C~ 1C~:C~(:~ U ~+ f, t-fc~~ir 'Eutals~_..,_ ___ ~ t7 i ine is c:~ t~ ~ ~.c:~: ~o - o ~ r1 1 Cl : 4~ J I] CJ C_) :~ i. : pCJ ~ C~ ~ Nr~ur- Totals ~~ ~ Uranci Tot«ls~^ ~289 --~- Fercent~~qas 67.s ~~~~#~t~~ ~~~#~~~x ~~~##~•~~~~~ x~#~ ~##~~ ~ ~„`{-v'~ ~~ ~=141 =`-~;~y ~ri-Y1i'~ ~f :5^. 8 *~#~*x~a~x•ar~~~x~r~#~~~~~~~a~~~kac-~~-.~.~ •!t.~ ri.~..~..*~; •z x;~•~~~a~;t-~ ~no r~ b~~,~k' ~ ~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: ~~eredith Reckert, Planner RE: Case No. WZ-93-5 DATE: January 4, 1994 Please be advised that the public hearing for Case-No. WZ-93-5 will not be held on January 10, 1994 due to the fact the posting period has not been sufficient. MR:Slw ~ ~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Bob Middaugh, City Administrator FROM: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Forgo Rezoning Case DATE: January 5, 1994 The applicant in Case No. WZ-93-5, Nina Forgo, has requested that her rezoning application be withdrawn, and instead convert the application to a Special Use Permit. This w311 require a new public hearing at Planning Commission before City Council action. GEG:slw ~ITY COUNCIL MItdUTES: ,ianuary 1o, 199~ Page -3- PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 5. Citiz=n Input on 199~ Budget. John Powers, 2615 Upham Street, was sworn in by the hlayor. He read a letter from Wheat Ridge United Neighborhoods, expressing concern that the budget is not balanc=d; pay increases should only be guaranteed if . city ravenues havP increased by the same peresntage; replace Animal Park Enforcement with mounted ranger patrol; maintain ~xisting streets and roa3ways rather than reconstruct and widen; be frugal and make ends meet. Ro^ Selstad, 2890 Lamar Street, was sworn in by the h,ayor; asked that the Park Ranger Program b? r~instate•~; we need continual presence in the Greenbelt. Louise Turner, 11256 4i. 38th Avenue, was sworn in by the Mayor; stated that the City needs to sp=nd some money on Lena Gulch; schedule a time that ev.eryone in this City can see the,presentation by Urban Drainage regarding Lena Gulch; install warning system on Lena Gulch that can be hear9 throughout the area that is in danger; asked that Ranger Program be brought back; requested that $10,000 -$15,000 be ~ionated to the Animal Shelter to cut back on euthanizing and use that money to reduce adopting fees, spaying and neutering. Cut 10-40% off every Capital Project; change Street Standards and save money; 3on't force things on people that they don't want. Karin Heine, 4600 Miller, was sworn in by the Mayor; asked that the Ranger Program be reinstated. Item 6. Council Bill 32 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and for approval of an Outline and Final Development Plan on land located at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street, ~ City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ-93-5) (Nina Forgo and Rose Foster) (PETITION WITHDRAWN) Motion by Mr. Siler to accept the petition to withdraw this case; seconded by Mr, Eafanti; carried 8-0. Item 7. Council Bill 33 - An Ordinance providing for the rezoning from Planned Commercial Development District to an amended Planned Commercial Develdpment District and approval of a#combined Outline and Final Development Plan on land located at 4120 YoungfieZd, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. . (Case No. WZ-93-8) (Stephen Casement for Tri-KB Investments). Council Bill 33 was introduced on second reading; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 948 assigned. - y a~~RTOGE ~~~~~ ~~ ~ TELEPHONE:307277•69aa The Cit~l ~ ~~~ 2 4~~q~WE TH AVFNI.' . WHEAT RIDGE. COLOPA00 8007J ~Jheat • ; ~Ridge U~ ~ ~ pEVELOPMENZ POSTING CERTIFICATION p~p{y~1lNG & CASE N0. 5UP-94-1 PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - SOARD OF ADJUSTMENT iCircle One) HEARING DATE: Februarv 3, 1994 I, u;na Fnrao . ( n a m e ) residing at 3536.Jav Street Wheat Ridge , ~ ( a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. SUP-94-1 , hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 35th and Jay(triangle) and 3536/3516 near lot line on Jay ' ( 1 o c a t i o n) on this 18~h da,y of Januarv , 19$- 94, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fi~~ee:: Ci5i days p4^ior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the publie hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Community Development. ~ ~ P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 - ThB Clty O{ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80034 c~heat ~ ~Ridge January 19, 1994 This is to inform you that Case No. Gr,a-qa-i which is a request for ~nn,-nval of a sDecial use Dermit to a11ow a day care/ k;..AArr7arton in an R-2 zone distriCt for property located at ~Slti and 3536 Sav Street will be heard by the Wheat Ridga p~annina Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at ~.~n „ m~, on ~or„-„a,-~T '~ . ~ 9aa . • - Ali owners and/or their legal counsel o£ the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning Commission , As an area resident or in~erested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibili~ty to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform `~The Carnation City" ~ ~ Dear Ad~acent Property Owner: I£ you have received this notice, you reside or own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City of Wheat Ridge. Triis notice-is intended to inform you of'-the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application £or rezoning or speoial use permit, the developer is responsible for holding an in£ormal neighborhood meeting. The purpose o£ the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware o£ a proposed development in their neighborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen conCerns in the design of their project. All residents within 600 feet are required to be noti£ied of the meeting. A staf£ planner will at~tend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability o£ the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. I£ you want input in the decision- making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits of a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. IP you are an ad~acent property, you may have the right to file a "legal protest" against the application. The result of this £iling is that it requires a 3/4 majority of City Council to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any of the information given above, do not hesitate to contact a planner at the City of£ices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner POSTAGE RETURN ~ I SHOWiOWHaM,OAiEANO RESIFICTEDI RECEIPT AOORESSOFpEUVERY I pE1JVEFY SEqVICE I CERTIFIEDFEE+qETUFNRECEIPT I N ' TOTALPqSTAGEANOFEES I ~ NVlrvsurwrycCCWEPA4 a€POVIGEY- ~- SENT TO: t+orcaairrre~npnotu~nua ~ ~n~f~ ~i~.~h ~ Z~indzx `Tayl~r 67.3t3 Y7 33GI1 P7. a w~~~~.t ~.a~~ ~ aoo~3 ~ ._._ _.____......__..T.;~-__ __ ,_ _ . _. .- . _.~._ ,~~ __ __ __ _ ..r __._._ ~ PO$TMAI~i SENOER: -_, ._ - Comn~ete n~ r~i« z for ~daiiionai serm~as. I also wish to receive the ~ g ~~~O~ta ilems 3, and 4a & b. • Prin~ your narre and atltlress on the re~erse al this form so iha[ we can reNm this cab followfng Se~ViCes (for en ext~a 120): I C ~~ Al~ach thp k(m to ~he 7ron~ oi ihe mail iece, a on ihe back a ~~^ Addressee's Address ' C • yyr~e "Retum Recaqt RequeSted" on the mal ~~ ~s rwl permii. • The Retum Recelp~ Fee will pmvtle ~°c~OW ~~ art'°~e numter. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery ~ AaIO d del' S'~ ~~e sig~aNre ol ~he person tlelivered to aM ihe ~ ConsWt postmaster for fee. 3. qrNGe q dressed to: ~ 4a. Article Number KM. ' " ~~y~,~ $~,3,~ P 913 667 497 I ~ ~~-~~~'~~ ~ 4b. Service Type ~ , . 6120~~ 3~~ ~~ ~ri~~~ ~~~3'~ ~°~ ~~~3~ ~ CERTIFIED ~ R.~z IAtZ-93-5 (13)...P~R a. . .. ~es ~~33~;93-5 (~3) taS~t -- PS FORM 3800 -- ~--..__.~ R~CEIPT FOR CERTIFIED M/ 5. Signature -(Addressee) ~ ~_. ~~ ~ PO~~E ~ ~ P'OSiMAA 6. Signature -(Agent) FETURN SIIONTOWHOM,DATEPNO REStqIGIEOI / ¢ ~ RECEIPT I noortesSa'oEUVerrv ~ pE~~qy SERVICE I CEHfIFlEOFEE+qEiUflNREf,EIM I G PS Form 3811, November 1990 ~ ~ I T~TAL PpSTqGE AND FE[S I ~ ' ~" N V IN.~I1Xqryl:t LOVeHptit YNV Vl~cll - SENTT~: NOTFORINTEqNAl10NpLMpIL ~.cnn~w sn~~ . t . _. - ~. _. ._._ .. ,~ "" `` ~ x~~tr, z~~v~.~ , ~c~so ~a,x~,~~ st ~ 3.{1s#i Alli'.f.l"'ffi ~t, C~UId'~R 'C.O 8~3d{~~ m . , . ,. . . . ~ Ga2c3*n C~ 8fl~4(~~. , a~ ff~a: WEM93~-5 (1.33 PS~ Q ~IRL ~~^~~~~ (~.~~ .~"S~ ,~ 5.Signature-(Addressee) ,- PS FORM 3800 I --b ~ _.___..~ ~..~. _.._....~. ._ ~ __ _. ~ ..._' 6. 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BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE, CITY bF Wr-~ai ~ ~ ~r~r~.nn nr~ ~ ~ES Q 8_.1994 . _ ~~/~~~py y ~ Il1 I N ~ S -- - ~~......--...,~,,,.,~._..... +^v 1~_,.~,...,..,......-..~,~._w _~:::-'.""'_"^ - r".R _ '~_ ~ . . _ ..- =_= ~ ~ ' ~- ~ wr , ~.:~: ~n~.e.. ; ~~ ~-z,,! ~- ,~.~;„~ ~- ~ ~nN i~ r`~i s"~'^.~.»-~'~"`-' Y.~ .~;.. : `-.~~ ~y'!" ~ z. ~ =~. 1st E~q ~ R~nd JYo ~ ~ -~S' ~ Raycteaeeper ~y'V O~ ~ .'~O The CitY of ~ `~, ~ S~i~ ~ c~jheat " ~ldge cOCOR Do gOX 6 a +pp1HEAT RIDGE, G~~ORA ~. ~N~.A'~ ~~tC Cl'P`l ~F ~~~-~~-'-` ll.i~ ~'~~ fl $19gA µq3 P `i13 E'E'7 ~ v~c-~+~E+~ 8a~,~ e~q{~~AT R1~G~ Gb RaY ~ y,ittl~7' UR~~.:yV ra Fo 3490 Jay St ~~Nb£R a Wheat Rid ~-' WZ 93-5 ge: _- - r` .~ -~-" ,~.~E RENRN ~E'tD oWF ~~R CERT~~QFEE+RE~ p~GEYPT 5~~~ ,m~pp55PGE~ ~ ppT FOR 0 ~, SENT ~~' ~~~ 1~"~ '~ L~'~ y 3+~~0 ~~y ~~~ m TRka~~~. ~d~3~ ~ ~_ ~~pM(9~M W ^ Q- pg FORM 3800 :'` , ~v ~O u~:,,,~,~~ '~.,~~'~"'~~_`~i'~"*°,~~,~'c, 1' c~ ;i `;,:..,:°"~ " _,,.~°°~ _ .~ •y t~ `?,~S ar.;a x ~ Y. ~:: ~_ .e.. ~'°. `z ~~ ~ ;,n, ~ ~ ., . i• \t,,,,,`'.'' ~ WS)15EiM~~~f .. '~~~~~~~i & ~~~~~ ~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT T0: Planning Commission Date Prepared: January 26, 1994 Date of Meeting: February 3, 1994 Case Manager:lMeredith Reckert Case No. & Name: SUP-94-1/FOrgo and Foster Action Requested: Special Use Permit to allow a day care/kindergarten in a Residential-Two zone district Location of.Request: 3516 & 3536 Jay Street Name & Address of Applicant(s): Rose Foster 3441 Fenton St Wheat Ridge Name & Address of Owner(s): Same as above ----------------~---------------------------- Approximate area: 15,785 sq ft & 20,400 sq ft Present Zoning: R-2 Present Land Use: pre-school & residence Surrounding Zoning: All sides: R-2 Nina Forgo 890 S St. Paul St Denver 80209 Surrounding Land Use: N~ S~. E~' Low densitg residential W: vacant & low density Comprehensive Plan for Area: Low density residential ----------------------------------------------------------------- Date Published: January 18, 1994 Date to be Posted: January 20, 1994 Date Legal Notices Sent: January 19, 199~ Agency Cheok List Related Correspondence ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (xx) Attached ( ) Not ltequired (XX) Attached ( ) None ------------------------------------- (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance ( ) Slides ( ) Subdivision Regulations ( ) Exhibits JTJRISDICTIOIV • The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and pos~ting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ~ ~ Planning Commission Sta££ Report Page 2 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo 2. REOiJEST The applicant requests approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a day care/kindergarten in a Residential-Two zone district for properties located at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street. The purpose of the special use permit is for legalizing a noncon£orming use at 3536 Jay Street and expansion of the existing nursery to include 3516 Jay Street. Because there are two separate properties and situations, the properties will be discussed separately. At the time of original application, day care centers were only allowed in commercial zones, however, pursuarit to the passage o£ Ordinance #945, day care centers are now allowed as a special use in all of the City's residential zones. The applicant has amended her request for a rezoning to a Special Use Permit. Included under Exhibit 'B' is the applicant's justification £or approval of the Special Use Permit. Minutes from the October 21, 1993 Planning Commission public hearing have been included under Exhibit 'C'. 22. PROPERTY CONFIGIJRATION - 3536 JAY STRF7F7T The existing Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten has been located on the northern property.(3536 Jay Street) since the late 1950s. Enrollment at the school is approximately 40 children with £our to five Pull-time teachers on Staff. It is a corner lot with frontage on Jay Street and West 35th Place. The property is currently nonconforming in regard to zoning (no special use approval), parking access (open access) and the amount of parking. Based on the City's current standards, 11 off-street parking spaces are required where only seven spaces are provided on site at this time. The owner is proposing no physical changes to the property. See Exhibit 'D'. III. CRITERIA - 3536 7av Street Staf£ has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit for property at 3536 Jay Street. - 1. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. The s.chool is fulfiliing a need within the community for preschool/kindergarten service. This is a use which was existing prior to incorporation. The school has been serving the needs of the community £or almost 40 years. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood o£ the proposed use. i ~ Planning Commission Staff Report Page 3 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo There should be minimal detrimental effects on the general health, safety and welfare of persons in the area. However, parking is inadequate for the current capacity of the school. Cars are being parked along West 35th Place which is substandard in width. Staff recommends additional asphalt be placed between the north side of the house and the edge of asphalt on West 35th Place to provide more of a parking pull-off. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. The owner proposes no changes to the property. If the property is maintained in its' current state, there should be no resulting blight. 4. Will not adverseiy affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. There should be no further impact to the neighborhood in regard to water, sir or noise pollution, since no changes are proposed. 5. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Since the R-2 zoning will remain on the property, the low density designation in the Comprehensive Plan will not be affected. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. Since no changes are proposed, the traf£ic patterns will continue as they have historically. A parking pull-off along West 35th Place will help with traf£ic congestion. Traf£ic volume, however, will increase on Jay Street i£ the facility to the south is approved. 7. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so"as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The £acility is residential in appearanbe. No changes are proposed, therefore, the facility will still be compatible with the neighborhood. 8. Will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. There should be no negative af£ect on the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. . r ~ Planning Commission Staf£ Report Page 4 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo IV. PROPERTY CONFICURATION - 3516 Jav The applicant has an option to purchase the duplex directly to the south of the current school. The property is a corner lot with frontages on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. It encompasses 20,000 square £eet o£ land area and is traversed by the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Use of the new facility would be for the day care of newborns and toddlers with ari expected capacity oE 30 children and £ive staff members. Based on these £igures, a total o£ nine parking spaces is required which would inolude one space £or a center van. Exhibit 'E' shows the proposed use of the property with all of the parking and a drop-off area on Jay Street. C3rculation would be one way. Aside £rom the parking, drop-off area and £encing, there should be no other changes to the property. The portion of the lot located on the other side of the Rocky Mountain Ditch will remain vacant. The applicant/owner would like the lot to be gravelled rather than paved. This is a specific design variance which must be considered by Planning Commission and City Council. See Section VI. Variance. V. CRITERIA - 3516 .7av StrePt StaPf has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a SpeciaZ Use Permit for 3516 Jay Street. i. Will meet a proven public need in that it wi11 fill a void in necessary services, proc3ucts or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. There is a void in the market for good day care facility options Eor persons living and working in the area. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect apor- the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. In regard to convenience, if adequate parking is provided, traffic congestion shouZd be minimal. The City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department has done tra££3.c counts on Jay Street. Preliminary £igures indicated tha~ even with the new faci2ity, inCreased counts do not push Jay Street over the limit for a local street. 3. Will not areate or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. ~ * Planning Commission Sta££ Report Page 5 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo The applicant intends on making minimal changes to the property to maintain a residential setting. If the property is kept up, there should be no concern with blight. 4. WilI. not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or aoise pollution. The day care aenter will not produce any more air or water pollution than a typical single-family residenCe would. The amount of light to adjacent progerties will not be affectec3 because the house will be limited to its' existing size and height. Although the height allowance is 35 £eet in the R-2 zone, the structure will be restricted to its' current con£iguration. Because of the ages of the children in the new facility (i.e., infants and toddlers), there should be minimal noise generated. A six-foot-high solid £ence surrounding the outdoor play area should help reduce noise to adjacent properties 5. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as "low density residential". Day care facilities are generally thought to be support services for residential areas. If a special use is granted, the residential designation will not be af£ected, therefore, there will be consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, 6. Will not result fn undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the datriment of persons whether on or off the site. The parking lot has been designed to provide safe, off-street parking and loading. Traffic on Jay Street will increase, however, based on tra£fic- counts per£ormed by the Public Works bepartment, it would still meet the criteria for a local street. 7. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with ad~acent properties. The applicant has attempted to make the proposal as "residential" in feel as possible by not changing the appearance of the property. Buf£ering of the parking area off Jay will help so£ten the look oE the lot. 7. Will not qver burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All s~reets utilities and other public £acilities and services are in place. The school providea its' own recreation opportunities, therefore there should be no impact on parks in the area. , ~ Planning Commission Sta£f Report Page 6 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo VI. PAVING VARIANCE Staf£ has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request. As mentioned in Section IV, any formal parking areas are required to be paved. The applicant is.proposing a gravel lot £or the expanded facility. 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by requlation for the district in which it is located? Assuming the special use is granted, a nursery could still operate with an asphalt or concrete parking lot if the variance is not granted. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? Circumstances are unique due to the residential character o£ the area. 3. I£ the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? No, as there are many residences with gravel driveways. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenfence, if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? Inconvenience. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? A precedent could be established. Another day care center built within a residential setting several blocks east was required to pave their parking lot. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the property? The variance request is economically motivated from the standpoint that gravel is less expensive than paving. 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? Yes, the applicant has an option to purchase the property. r , Planning Commission Staff Report Page 7 Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo 8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? Granting of the paving variance may be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood in that gravel and rock w311 be brought out onto the paved driving sur£ace of Jay Street with exit3ng cars and with snow plowing practices. Also, gravel can increase noise levels when vehicles maneuver as compared to paved surfaces. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of £ire or endanger the public safety or substantially dimi'nish or impair property values within the neighborhood? The variance would not impair the supply o£ light and air, increase traffic congestion, increase fire danger, endanger public safety or diminish property values in the neighborhood. It would give more o£ a residential "feel" to the nursery parking area. VII. - TRAFFIC The Department of Public Works has done traffic counts on Jay Street. A speed count on West 35th Avenue was done as a result of complaints from area residents regarding the speed of cars using that street. West 35th Avenue is designated as a local street on the Comprehensive Plan but it £unctions as a minor collector. The speed posted is 30 m.p.h. A 24-hour speed assessment was done with the £ollowing results: There were a total of 963 cars on the day the count was taken. Average speed was 28 m.p.h. There were 19 cars which travelled between 41 and 45 m.p.h. and five cars which travelled between 46 and 50 m.p.h. The "85th percentile" was 34.8 m.p.h (The "85th percentile" is the speed in which most drivers feei com£ortable driving at and is one o£ the warrants used in setting mile-per-hour ratings). The £indings are consistent with a minor collector status street. A 24-hour traffic count was performed on Jay Street midway between West 35th Avenue and West 35th Place. The 24-hour count £or vehicies travelling southbound was 532. The 24-hour count for vehicles travelling northbound was 280. The combined count was 812. Based on a total of $0 infants and toddlers at the new facility and five staff inembers, Staff estimates this will generate 86 additional vehicle trips to and from -the center each day. This would raise the total vehicle trips per day to 898. ~ ~ Planning Commission Sta££ Report Page 8 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Section V-21 of the Comprehensive Plan sets the parameter of traffic capacity £or a local street at 2000 vehicles per day. Staff concludes that with the new facility, Jay Street will still function as a local street. As a rule of thumb, a typical residential dwelling unit generates roughly ten vehicle trips per day. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 20, 1993. Aside from Staff and the owner/applicants, two residents from the area attended. Concerns expressed included noise during the day and primarily traffic on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. Letters in favor o£ the proposal have been included under E~bit 'F'. included also in the applicant's Exhibit 'B' are letters of support. Letters of protest received £rQm area residents have been included under Exhibit 'G'. Please review these documents closely as there are four separate letters and three petitions relating to three different aspects of this case. IX. ACENCY REFERRALS Ali agencies can serve both properties. Public Works woulcl like to see construction o£ curb, gutter and sidewalk along the West 35th Avenue and Jay Street frontages. Curb, gutter and walk could be required on West 35th Avenue only if a parking area is installed on the vacant half. A drainage plan and report will be required if the paving variance is not approved. The sight distance visibility at West 35th Avenue/Jay Street intersection needs to be improved by the removal of obstructive foiiage. X. STAFF 3536 Jav Streg~ Staff concludes that the existing facility has been in operation £or almost 4Q years and that approval o£ the Special Use Permit will bring an historical, legal noncon£orming use into compliance. Staff further concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports this request. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for a Special Use Permit for 3536 Jay Street with the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten at 3536 Jay Street under the ownership and operation o£ Nina Forgo., 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 45 preschool children and kindergartners. ~ ~ Planning Commission Sta£f Report Page 9 Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo 3. The use o£ the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit D. 4. Exhibit 'D' be amended to show an asphalt pull-o££ along the north side of the structure (West 35th Place). 3516 Jav Street In regard to the request for a Special Use Permit for the property at 3516 Jay Street, Staff concludes that a child care/nursery is generally considered a low-intensity use and a support service for residential areas. Although traffic on Jay Street will increase, it still falls within the parameters of a local street. Because in general, the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports this request a recommendation of Approval 3s given for 3516 Jay Street with the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and kindergarten at 3516 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center £or up to 35 infants and toddlers. 3. The Use of the property be in conformance with Exhibit 'E' 4. That visibility at the intersection o£ Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. 5. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. 6. That a landscape buf£er that does not violate sight distanbe triangle standards yet provides a dense buffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. Pavina Variance In regard to the paving variance, Sta££ concludes that.circumstances are not unique. There is another day care center located several blocks to the east that was required to pave their parking when they developed within a resident3al setting, and gravel may be tracked onto Jay Street and increase noise levels. Therefore, we recommend Denial of the variance request. XI. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Snecial Use Permit for 3536 Jav Street "I move that Case No. SUP-94-1, with specific regard to 3536 Jay Street, to a11ow a day care/kindergarten in an R-2 zone district be Approved £or the following reasons and with the conditions stated: ~ ~ Planning Commission Staff Report Page 10 Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit proposal support approval. 2. This use has existed at this location for 40 years without undue conflict and complaints. 3. The Permit shall be issued to Nina Forgo only, as owner and operator. 4. The Permit is limited to day care for up to 45 preschool and kindergarten children. 5. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'D'. 6. Exhibit 'D' shall be revised to show asphalt pull-o£f along the north side of the structure (West 35th Place) and such paving shall occur within 90 days of e£fective date of this Permit." Snecial Use Permit for 3516 Jav Street "2 move that Case No. SUP-94-1, with speci£ic regard to 3516 Jay Street, a request for a child care center/nursery in an R-2 zone district be Approved for the following reasons and with conditions stated: 1. The criter3a used to evaluate a Special Use Permit proposal support approval. 2. It is determined that the benefits to the community outweigh the potential minor impacts to the neighborhood. 3. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat R3dge Preschool and kindergarten at 3516 Jay Street under the ownership and operation o£ Nina Forgo. 4. Tlie Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 35 infants and toddlers. 5. The Use of the property be in conformance with Exhibit 'E'. 6. That visibility at the intersection of Jay Street and west 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. 7. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. 8. That a landscape bu£fer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. <pc>srsup941 ~ CITY OF WiiEAT R9DGE i~~l ~Q1~ Planning Commission D JRN 2~'l 1994 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheatridge, Co. 80033 _ ~~ t~u U~~ PLANNING & DEVfLOPMENT lCASE NO. SUP-94-1 EXHIBIT 'G' John & Geraldine Fae: 6205 W. 35th Ave. Wheatridge, Co. 8003~ ~f 3 I-Y3 9 z- As adjacent property owners, we have some specific concerns about the special use permit, requested in case #SUP 94-1 for property at 3516-3536 Jay St., according to Council Bill No. 30 Ordinance No.995 Section #1 (3) (b) We believe the added traffic from the proposed day care will.be detrimental to the safety of our.family and children_ I have in the past called Wheatridge_Police concerning the traffic related to the corner of 35th and Jay streets. We have seen numerous cars fail_to stop at the stop sign when travelling south on Jay street. This poses a potentially o-~~ dangerous situation. Day care_parents, when dropping^or picking up their children at the exsisting center, often park facing tra~fic, which is a violation of driving on the wrong side or_parking on the wrong side of the street. This is definetly a safety hazard. Section #1 (3) (c) We now see at the proposed sight an attractive home with a beautiful, well established and cared for yard ~aith mature trees. Green lawn and trees__must be removed to make room for a black ashphalt parking lot. We cannot imagine this happening in our neighborhood. We want to preserve the established, natural beauty that we have in this neighborhood. Section #1 (3) (d) As we know, there is a reasonable amount of noise con- nected with any day care, but with the addition of another ~ ~ i . h proposed day care, the noise and congestion will be even closer to our home. Even now, we usually cannot open our windows in our kitchen or dinning room upstairs because of ~7Le noise. As the days get warmer, the noise increasas. A few times we have almost gone over to the day care because some child was screaming and the wqrkers didn't seem to care about disciplining this action. Section ~`1 (3) (g) _ We do not feel the-proposal for an additional day care center and adjoining parking lot would be compatible iaith the character of our neighborhood which now consists of grass, shrubs, mature trees and well established homes. We do not . want to see our property values depreciate. Sincerely, v/~~~~ ~-. John Faes ~~" ~""~ ~~ Geraldine Faes ~ KENNETH R. LAMKIN, M.D. ~ FAMILY PRACTICE 205 S. GARRISON ST. L4KEWOOD, CA 80226 303,237.2779 FAX 237,4428 C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE f~ ,~r,_.~.~ .~,..~~,~ February 7, 'l994 "1 ~'~~ (} ~S ss94 TO: Wheat Ftidge Planning Department ,~, ~~~~ ~'~~:.t RE: Case #SUP-94i ~~lH~N6 ~ ~£3~:P9~~11~ Dear Planning Commissioners: I am a family physician practicing in Jefferson County for the last 17 years. i wiil show there is no proven public need as stipulated in the Wheat Ridge Codes 26-6 Section 1(3) (a) and, in fact, the proposed day care facility is an inferior sotution for families looking for day care. I will also show the proposed day care center is detrimentai to the heaith, safety, and weifare of infants and toddiers when compared to other day care options in the City of Wheat Ridge. The rate and se~erity of infections is greater in day care than in pr~vate homes. (V~fald, ER, Dashefsky B et ai: ~requency and severity of infections in day care. J. Pediatr 1 i 2:540, 1988.) The proposed day care cen4er wili be an environment where on average Wheat Ridge young children wiii be ili over 50% of the time during the first two years of their fives. Day care, de#ineti meeficaffy as more than 6 chiidren in one faciiity, for children in the first 2 years, poses significant health rfsks. Day care ir~fants and toddfers on average have twice as many ilfnesses, i8 per year. Each iiiness tasts iwice as fong, i4 days. Therefore, your average day care attendee wiif be sick for more than 6 months ea~ch year for fhe first 2 years of iife. These children suffer iflnesses that are pnmarily respiratory and negativety affect ihe normal chifdhood deveiopment. Far examp4e, 1 in 5 day care chiidren require tubes placed surgicaffy in their ears, uvhife 3 in 100 chiidren in private homes require this surgery. Day care children do rrot have the intense one-on-one caregiver-child refationship necessary for optimaf psychoso~ial tfeveiopment. infant and toddler rearing is an area wt~ere it is clear the smaNer ti7e faciliiy the better. Historicafly in Jefferson County, day care has been provided in private homes, a few children per home. These children do not have the increased health risk that would be seen in the proposed Facif'rty. Our current system of smail day care facifities in private homes is clearly superior to the proposed larger institution. I wiil refate the experiences ofi two hyp~thetical infants io iftustrate these cruciaf issues for quafity day care for infants and tgddfers. The Sones investigated day care possibiSi4ies for their first chiid, Jenrrifer. Mr. Jones' mother wanted to take Jennifer, ~nd their neighbor having a to~fdfer of her own, wanted to car~ for Jennifer. But the deciding iactor for Mrs. Jones, a nurse at Lutheran i~edical Center, was her +nr'rsh to breastFeed her baby. She chose the day care at Lutheran, her workplace, because she could be with Jennifer during breaks and lunch. Mrs. Jones couid strengthen the bond with her daughter and keep an eye on the care her daughter was receiving. ~ ~ ln retrospect, Mrs. Jones uvonders if she made'the right decision. Jenn€ier had repe~t~d respiratory infec4ions, including 6 ear ir~fectiorrs. Nfrs. Jones iost 3 weeks of vvoric s~aying home with Jenni~er. Five years ago, the 5mith'~ investigated day care possib'rfities Por their first chitd, Shawn. Mrs. Smith's mofher insYsted on keeping Shawn unYif he was old enough to benefit from the sociaf experiences at Yne focai day care center. No~ Shawn is in day care and their newborn, Sarah, needs a caregiver while the Smi4h's are at work. The Smith's are refuctant to impose on rnother again and Yne peopfe at Shawn's day care pointeci out how convenfent it would be to have ooth children at the same cer~ter. So Sarah is enrofled in ciay care Por "rnfants and toddfers. Niom or dad can drop oFf and pick up both chiidr~n at the sarrre time, v~hich is importanf for this harcivuoricing coupfe. Sarah is a modef in'fani. 1Nith her easy smife and abitity to occupy hersetf, she is grouped with other n~pping and quiet ch4ldren. The day care staff are responsibie for the total care ofi 5 infants each. Oth~r infants, irrrtable because of illness, taek of sieep, ancf9or homesickrress, take up the attention of th~ staff. Sarah, whfle rrot negiected, is not cfosely observed ~ior adequate#y stimulated. The Smi~h's work across tov~rn and rarely visit their chiid. Sarah is at risk for retarded sociaf devetopment arrd her inteilectual development couid be s9ovued. In addition, Sarah has had respiratory iffnesses repeatedly, a known probfem in such day care faciliries. These exampies illustrate that day care is an imperfect soiution writh sigrrificant health and safety factor~ negatively i~npacting the weifare of chifdren. Meningitis, surgery for insertion of tubes in ears, and enteritis are examp1es of conditions prevalent in day care. The proposed type oP faciiiYy should be attowed in our community onfy as a fast resort, if tf~ere is a proven pukriic need. if tYrere were a pro~en pubiic need far fh~ proposed day care facifi'ty, citizens would be unable to work because day ~are woufd be unavaiiable. i ha~ve 20 years experience as a famiiy physician ir~ter~riewrng hundreds of prospective and new parents. Parents are finding suitable day care. 8y word of mouth, the 'tefephone, posting buiVetins, babysitting co-ops, interviews, etc. thes~ parents find suitable cfay care. I have intenriewed anci examined numerous providers of day care in private homes who must receive periodi~ heafth examination by iavo. 6ased on this experienc~, i have conciuded ther~ is a baianc~ beiween suppiy and demand for day care in our commun"riy. Recentiy, a pa~rent of a chiid at th~e existir~g pre-schaoi expiained to me why she feft the inaant and toddier center v+ias needeci. She reiated that she 'rntenriewed 60 day care possibilities per year and could not find a situation that suited Yrer needs. This parent felt she coufd trust the owner, P~ina Fargo, and therefore wanted to use the proposed infant and toddier center. This parent, in interviewing 60 day care possibifities, proves that day care es currentty avaiiabfe. I beiieve peopie like her are havir+g difficulty finding day car~ beeause their persanai need is to t~e at home witfr their infant. In putting tfieir irust in r~ina Fargo, uvho wilf nat directty care for their chifd, this mother is kiddiu~g h~erseif. Nina wiif hire someone the mother has not interviewed to care Por her infant and Nina wifl be unabf~ to adequately supenrise these hiretings as she wa~rld now have ivvo buildings ta supervfse. it is my belief that'ihere is a proven pubiic neecf to cr~ate networks to p parents and privatz home providers of day care together. There is no need t~~TY OF UJHGr:T RI[~' D ---~~- ~~ ~?-~ : F~~S fl ~ 1994 _~~~~u u ~ PLAlVNING & DEVELOPME~ ~ ~ jeopardize the health and safery of our infants and toddlers by creating a targe day care center at 35i 6 Jay Street. Currentfy we have an American smaif town solution oi neighbors, friends, famiiy, and others cooperating to benefit aii. iNarehousir~g up to 30 irrfants in a duplex as proposed by this applicant is anather American phenomenon--the entrepreneunal spirit. As a founder and part-owrrer of a smail busdn~ss in Jefferson County, V understand the pre-school owner`s motivatian. However, her proposa! meets no proven pubiic need, is incompatible with Wheat Ridge City Cod~, and is incompatibfe wiih this neighborhood. If there is a scarcity of targer day care facilities ira ifv//heat Ridge, it is because this kind of day care is inferior. If the Flanrring ~Comrrrissdon wishes to encourage larger day care institutions, I suggest the proper tocation wou9d be at the workptace where parents can visii their children. The Pianning Commissioners shouid reject the appfication for expansion ofi the pre-schooi and kindergarter~. There is no proven pubfic need. The large day care facility wouid unnecessariiy expose the young children of iAlheat F?idge to unnecessary heaith risks. The Planning Commission is obligated to protect these childrens' welfare under Wheat Ridge City Code 20-6 Section 1(~) (3) (b) and 26-6 Section 6. if the Commissioners in their deliberafion of ail the facts determine they wouid choose to pass on the appiication to City Councif, i wauid object based on Wheat F[idge City Code Section 26-7 ~A) (1). "it is the intent of this Zoning Code to permit these nonconformities to cnntinue untii they are votuntariiy removed, or until they are amortizecf, but nof to encouraae their survival. !t is further intended that these nonconformities wiii not be eniaraed, expanded. or extended. nor wilf thev be used as arounds for addinq other uses or structures prohibited in the district. The existing pre- sc~aooi needs a Speciaf lfse Permifi beoore consideration ofi expansion. Untii ihe pre- school obtains a Specia! 11se Permif for its currenY use as a pre-schoolfkindergarten, no organ of city governrraent may consider expansion o~ the noncorrformity. iVo organ of city government can use the existence of the pre-schooi as grounds for adding other uses, i.e. infant and Yoddler custodiai care. Sincerely, ~v ( ~G.2%h:~yt~ ~~ Kenneth R. Lam#cin, M.D. CITY ~~' V11HEA7 RiDGE 1~?~r'. ~ti I?P~~ ~ F~a o s ~~s~ _~ 1~ i~~is~-~I~-L; I_:, PLANNiNG & DEVELOPMENT ~ KENNETH R. LAMKIN, M.D. ~ FAMILY PRACTICE 205 S. GARRISON ST. LAKEWOOD,CO 80226 303,237,2779 FAX 237,4428 C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE p .C~r~nn ~-~ February 7, 1994 FEB 0 8 1994 _ L~,tJf~[1Rl~~L_. TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Department RE: Case #SUP-94-1 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENF Dear Planning Commissioners: I am not opposed to the issuance ofi a Speciai lJse Permit ior the pre-schooi in principle. However, I would expect the pre-schooi to first come into compliance with Wheat Ridge City Codes 26-31. ~ woufd expect the pre-school to btend into the neighioor'nood in ai1 respects. Our rejuvenated neighborhood is a friendly place with a natural beauty as stated in the Comprehensive Development Fian. The neighbors have made suostantial improvemenis since the home at 3536 Jay Street was converted io a pre- school over 30 years ago. iJntil now, the pre-school has not needed to meet modern standards because of grandfiather ciauses. iVow it is the pre-school's tum to rejuvenate ifseif, come into compiiance, and improve its appearance. I would oppose issuing a Special Use Permit untif the pre- schooi, in consultation with the neighbors, has an acceptabie detailed pian to accompiish this. The neighbors and the Wheat Ridge Pfanning Department have pointed out current deficiencies in the pre-schooi. 1t is time for the pre-schooi to be a good neignbor and make a good faith effort to comply. VVhile f am supportive and in agreement with neighbors compfaints about trafFic, noise, visuaM blignt, and noncanformity of the pre-schooi with the neighborhood, 9 wili address health and safiety issues only. There are health concerns in the 2-1 /2 to 6 year old range. The younger day care children in particular wiii have a higher rate of 'rllness, inciuding meningitis, enteritis and surgery to place tubes in their ears. This rnust be weighed afong with the benefits of sociai interaction and iearning provided at the pre-school. The serious safety concern i have is ihe faiiure of the pre-schooi to comply with nationai safety standards enacted into Wheat Ridge City Code 26-31 regarding required ofF-street parking. According to the Planning Department report, the pre- schoof has 7 spaces when "at least 11 off-street parking spaces are requireci". It is the duty of the Cify in the interest of child safety to separate, as much as possibie, children from vehicles. I was informed by ciry staff that additional parking . spaces wouid sacrifiice at ieast part of the piayground. If this is unacceptable, then I aemand the number of children allowed at the pre-schooi be reduced to conform with 26-31. ~ ~ One might think this is an onerous economic burden to place on the owner. One might propose that since there may not have been an accident in over 30 years, then why impose a new standard now. it only takes one accident to iilustrate why the Ci'ry must erifiorce its code. A smail child is run over by a car backing out of the inadequate parking area. Think of the emotionaf and econom'rc burden it wouid create. Consider the city's liability in fhe event ofi a suit if the City wilifuily ignores warnings such as mine and doesn't errforce its own safety code. i impiore Yhe Pianning Commission fo make tne safety of the chilaren attending the pre-school a paramount concern. iVlake compliance with the Wheat Ridge City Cocie 26-3i a condiYion for issuanee ofi a Special Use Permit for 3536 Jay Street. Sincereiy, ~~~~~~ ~~ Kenneth R. Lamkin, M.~. CITY OF WHLn.'~ pip~~ _D ~r~'~"-P-~ ~ FEB 0 8 19q4 ~CSL~ U~L-~ PLANPJING & DEVEtOPMENT ~ ~ DATE: February 7, 1994 TO: Wheat Fiidge Planning Department UVheat Ridge Planning Commissioners CITY OF WHEAT RiDGE ~ r~.~n.aQ~ FROM: Susan Seeds ~Eg ~ g ~994 6147 W. 35th Avenue (~ Wheat Ftidge, CO 80d33 11 ~~~~~ U t~~ JU RE: Case # SUP-94-t PLANNIN6 & DEVELOPMEN.T, Dear Planning Commissioners: Zoning can be art effective method Por stabiPizing neighborhoods, build pride in city and neighborhood, and support commercial ventures_ Zonings' purpose is Yo nurture and proteet residentiai neighborhoods and to nurture pianned commercial ventures. Zoning creates areas for residential neighborhoods separate from zones for commerciai development. Cities that have been successfui in solving the inherent probfems that arise when commercial and residentiai interests conflict are desirabie cities to Bive in. The Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Developmerrt Ptan (CDP) goals and objectives °are ideafly an exp~ession of fhe wili of citizens concerning future development of the City." This attitude speaks weif of the pianners ofi Wheat Ridge. Special Use Permits contradict the above zoning principles. To spot zone an incompatible use within a zone degrades that zone. Speciai l7se Permits should be speciaf, indeed they shouid be rare. They should not be a vehicle for any citizen with a plan to subvert the Comprehensive Deveiopment i'ian of Wheat Ridge. The proposed expansion of the pre-schooi, located at 3516 Street, wouid degrade our R-2 neighborhooci. Our neighborhood is designated a tow dens'~ty district under the CDP. According to Wheat Ridge Code 26-14, the intent and purpose of creating an R-2 district is to provide "high quafiry, safe, quiet and stable iow- to mocierate-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit actrvities of any nature which are incompatibEe with the residentiai character°. Historicaily there has been a noncorrforming tausiness, a pre-school, in our neighborhood which does not meet Section 2&-6 Section fi(B) (3) Criteria for Reviewr. It has traffic probiems. Parents who drop oif their chifdren often park on the wrong side of the street, make ilfegaf U-turns, and create traffic fiiow probiems when cars are parlced on both sides of the street. This probiem is caused by not enough parking spaces at the pre-schoot. Accard€ng to poliee records, the intersection of Jay and 35th Avenue has foeen the sife of 5 accidents in the past 6 years. Any additional iraffic on our street is unacceptable to the neighbors, as our street is usect by bieycfists and traditionaily has been used by people walking for exercise. The existing pre-sehooi has noise problems. Perhaps some noise ~rom ptaying children can be tolerated with weil thought out pianning, incfuding high #encing and bushes. Crying infants and ioddiers, however, would be unaccepiable. F?uring the ~ ` summer months it would be cruef not ta open windows, which would allow noise to #ilter out. No amount of planning can deal with this type of problem. Crying infanYs and young children make many aduits nervous_ A ner~ous adu6t may not deaf well with their own childeen. Listening to crying infarrts can make life very difficult. The expansion of the pre-school would afso cause visual bfiaht. Adding a parking lot in our neighborhood is una.,~,~N~ab1e. (See petition.) The CDP staYes, "Some areas take on the character of a frienc3ly smail town with greenery, quietness, openness, friendly neighbors and iack of congestion." This describes our neighborhood without the pre-school. The pre-sePzoo! cfoes not fiit with this characterization, let aione doubiing fhe probiems created by expansion onto the adjacerrt property. One can feel the sense of ruralness on our biock. The ditch creates a habita# for birds and animads. A horse can often be seen grazing during the spr'tng and summer months. This is the kind of neighborhood we moved into and want to keep. "Wheat Ridge does and wili attract the kind of peopte who are drawn here by its character and shoufd resrst the temptation to become just like another city or suburb." (CDP) "Localized commercief and light industry are desired and needec# to provide services, reasonable empioyment and economic base, but need strict zoning to provide adequate safeguards against loss of value to adjoining residential property, and to the established quality ofi life in the community." (CDP) Property values are sure to drop due to additional noise and traffic, not #o mention doubling the business and the view of a parking iot fuil of cars. There are a number of rentaf properties adjacent to the pre-schoot which feads to neighborhood instabiiity. in some cases the owners may have moved because of the amount ofi noise made by chiidren on the piayground and excessive noise coming from within the center itseif. Fientai properties, due to their nature, provide an opportunity for cnminai etements to mave in and rental properties often receive iess care and become an eyesore, thus devaluing other properties in the neighborhood. Due to traffic. safetv. noise. visual biiaht, devaiuation of propertv value. and incompatibilitv with the CDP, the existina ore-schooi does not meet the Criteria For Review under Secfion 1(Bl t31 of the amended zoninq ordinance reaardinq Soecial Use Permits. Many ofi the pre-schooi neighbors have stated either in writing or before the Planning Commission #heir objections. The Commissioners shouid evaluate whether the applicant can prove the SUP's Criteria For Review is being met. Neighbors can help show whether the applicant does or does not meet presenY standards. The appficant aiso should show how compliance woutd be met if the property is noncoriforming. 9n fact, #he burden of proof shouid be the applicanYs responsibiiity, especiaily when there are questions regarding whether the intent of the Comprehensive Development P1an and the Wheat Ridge City Codes are being met. (See petition.) Traffic, safiety, noise and visual probtems created by ihe existing pre-schooi need to be addressed regardiess of the outcome of the proposed expansion. "The people desire city streets adequate for kocal needs and vuett maintained and regufated against danger and excessive noise." (CDP) The pre-school, as operated, has a negative impact on our quiet R-2 neighborhood. Any expansior~~r~al~~r~c~EAT RIDGE situation worse. D ..22~r'. FEB 0 8 1994 ~i ~ ~~u V ~~ FLJ~,f~NINS & pEVELQpl~EN'~ ~ ~ i urge the Pianning Commissionners to deai with these iwo properties separately. These properties require separate decisions. The issues raised should ~e iooked at separately. The existing pre-schoaf, located at 3536 Jay Street, is nonconforming at present and a Speciai Use Permit is needed in orcier for it to continue in the future. Compliance with Special Use Permit Criteria For Review needs to be addressed and a specific plan submitted as to how compiiance would be met. A# present the plans submitted by the applicant are not adequately detai6ed. The neighbors do not feel comfortable with the lack of detaids. Expansion onto the adjacent property, located at 3516 Jay Street, shouid be addressed separately. The Commissioners should note the proposed expansion is not acceptabie to many ofi the neighbors located in praximiry to this property. (See petition.) Expansion in this case wiil produce an additional nonconformity where one did not exist befors. Section 26-7 Nonconforming lots, uses and structures, (A) intent ciause is quite clear on this matter. "It is the intent of this Zoning Code to permit these nonconformities (the pre-school) Yo continue until they are voiuntarily removed, or untii they are amortized, but not to encourage the€r survivai. ft is further intended that these nonconformities wili not be enfarged, expanded, or extended, nor will they be usecf as grounds for adding other uses or structures prohibiYed in the district. In cases where a nonconformity constitutes an eminent pubiic safety hazard or threat, the nonconforming situa#ion may be ordered corrected or removed." There are traffic wncems afready stated regarding the pre-schooi as it exists. Adding additionaf traffic wifl cause safety problems which may be difficuit to remedy. The entrance and exit to the parking lot at 3516 Jay Street will create new traffiic E~azards. Serious consideration shouid be made regarding traffic as young children are involved. As adults we may see the dangers and act accordingiy. Young children, even when told, do not always understand the dangers created by cars. Aiso, some of these chiidren are dropped off eariy in the morning whi6e it is stiil dark. Others are picked up at night in the dark. If the Planning Commissioners approve ihis portion of the application, specific pians for how the appiicant wilf come into compiiance with the Criteria for Review regarding this property, should be submitted before a Permit is issued. Plans are not adequately detailed for the neighbors, nor do they adequately address buffers, traffic, noise, parking, and iandscaping. I thank the Planning Commissioners in advance far their time and effort in addressing all the above mentioned issues before rroaking a finai decision and for weighing the facts presented. Sincerely, .-~~ .~~ ;~ _~'~~~~E'~~" ~/ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Susan Seeds ~ _ ~{"_.~~. ~[(~L ~ lncl. 3 Peti#ions FE8 0 8 1994 _ ~~~u u ~~ ~LANN9Pl~ & DEYtLOPMENT ~ ~ Cl'fY ~F ~EAT R1D~~ ~ ~f .., !~ ¢ES481994 ,U~~& a£pELOPMENf. p~pNNiNG NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION We, the neighbors of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten, located at 3536 Jay Street, urge the Planning Commissioners ta er~force the amended Comprehensive Plan for Wheat Ridge. v DATE PRIIVTED NAME SiGN D iVAME ADDRESS j~~/ '~~ /~=('i^.r _~~i rll~ ~ l ~' S ~~~~r~~s~P_ ~o~'i ~.~dS LI~, ~ ~.j~' /~t~E /-l~ 9y 7~~~~ f=-«~s ~~. v:H ~~-.. ~~~~~j. ~~'~.`~~ , ` ' r~~! r: ,Ti-( ~~'~= /~ 1. ~=~_ ,~'~~ G~~~ Gc~'~ j.;~~~ r-1G. ~ I - ( ~l ` t9 ~.r ~ .'.r.. ,-c-co.,,,i I"/z~ G-~ ~'t,E'1 V ! !i /~4 •7. 7~~ v K ~ I~ ~ ~ ~-/ C~ ~~~' , z~ S~r" L ~ ~ ` cJ ~'17 -C4 /~~02Ma .~. ~'AES ~;~.~a.,~rez~%J..~~r_n~r ~°~/3 `ZrJ: 35n`~/Z~. ~ "~ 7 ~ -l,1 y ~ 4 W,t F`~ ~~' .\ ) l 4/nCoi'~-1l_) ~C'c ~:~=!!J"J /,G~'.f 4~+-. ~f~,/~ ~.~ .~ t~ ~~ -~r~~s~~ ~1~~„~~ e ~r,~~~ ' - ~'~'~~~`f~,~ r~.~~s~~ ~ > ~ ~ -~4 ~ ~"~~~:~~ ~ S~\e.~! ~ 0` ~n.Q~ ~~~1 w ~5~°-f~ ~ / f; y~ i~;~ ';~ ~~~; ~ ~ .'~ . „~.~~%, i~~ ~,.> ~~ '~ ~1u ~ /-17-~I ~Jefo~le, J ~I ac~eolle. (~ ~ ~ ~s ~)~U l-~ ~~-~h ~ ~"1 i- q~/ ~~r~ ~~~ ~. ~ vr~ - 1 ~-a N MG- G~ r s~Y w T~~ - ~j 7 /~~ / f '.7,9 4 1 l~-~ K ( - l7 '~iy J aM,= ~_, ~.. C= A~~ ~a,,.N~.~v 7~ .,~a~v l~ Zf ~i w: 3~T~-t /-~d`_ Sco7rA.L~~ov.5~~ ~ _ _ ~ lr U,~,~ I~~,I I (. /-ar- ~~ ~s'H~,~.~~~ ,yE~~,~~rA~ , /- a3-9~ ~_. -/~ N LA-~l^l ~ 2~ ~~1~I- `~I~,~ ~ ~~Irf ~'~^rr~ P ~ -~l~ -9y S us~-~ C S~5 _ %c~~,~ ` /~o./~ O /~~ ~~~~~~~ ( K~`a~s_`~/'~`. ( I381- 3S `'r~C !'~~~~`~'~ue., _ _ ,,,.. /L.~~ Cdl 3 S'"' Av~ fu-~ Q ~~~1r~r~ ~ 3~~,~ b~5'~. !,P' ~~i1~ ~ r ~ 7 w , 3s ,a,~, ~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2nn. n~ ~ Q FE~ 0 8 1994 . _~~~uv~= PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOOQ PETITION . We, the neighbors of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten, located at 3536 Jay Street, do not want a parking lot on the north east comer fac~'rtg 35th Avenue, as it woutd not be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. DATE /-i~ 9y / -~ ~- ~'~ ~-~7-%~/ PRINTED NAME SIGNE NAME ~er~,l~1,~c T ~s ,,~ J~ t, ~ ~-u e~-~~ r~~,H ADDRESS ~ _ 7`~a~ .1~~.,7Q5 ll~ .3,~ '~-~Gz-~e . 7 -._ - 6~~~~;..~~-~-y-~;~ - y, k' ~ r~~ L ~r1 ~ic ~".~ ~z_ ,~~~`-~=t ~ J/1 ti/ ! C~ ~1 ~ nJS,.$/•1 .-'~ ~ a.z4.~w .,.m.. .... % m/~.r..t.( ~ LYI/Lt'~ A/D,¢'/!: A ~/a~ .$i~/.'~..~P~c-~ ~'Z~Y/BX~~T~t~4ar./ . _ ._ (/ r~i ~~5 `! /~ 7/<[/ ^ ~--/~/c~ , ~ /'/7• 9h~ r~a~i/+.,, tia~.,tiA A ~ ~c'~,r,~~ l~ `r~ro~s~ ~ <~c~~ ~c~. _~S ~'=~ ir~: l-..;1 ~~ G.. .s s""',-} ~ ~ v L8 S~- GL/ .''i S r~f ~~ S/<.~ l~ E R G. t,~.~'« <<`lz.~ ~~-y, ~~ ic 4„ ~ s r~- ~ v-e xa~_s ~7"l.~nc:./ /.~.. ~iu.o~ %z/.s `~J: ,~ ~ ~ /.L~~ ~ ! l~/1~~l;~~U ~ %!:t%17~~/i on -~,r_r.yi ~~~~' t,t~~~-5 ~dlu2 ~. I~~~~,4-,~ ~,; _ P.o_, ~-~,.; G~.~..~/3llri,, ~.~~`~~~ r-n- ~ ~-~I7-~~l 1-n-~t`I I/74~ ~/7-~~/ /~1 ~~ ~'Y ~`~1~>. ~ '~- ~,1e~ ~1~4 ~ . ° ~~s ~ 1,~ ?~~~ i'n,°~~., /c~~~v .~~a~~~.,c.F' .i~y~!~ ~ern m~J ~I aa~~ nlle ~o,~arrr- o ` , ~i r~f~~ -~, Z-c~/f~~ r~~~~ ~~ I~ i~-~4 . JI-~r-,~e, 1z. ra~~-, ~-!}-9/ S~o rll,Joma~~~~~ 1 '17-5~/ ~/,!/,~v, l~I~ Ll ~, n~ v~. .r~G'c..?~!. orr~, -' --'~_. I~A ~/~ ~ R~~ ~/~I; /./~~~..5~'~.~- c~, ~ (~! ~ W 3.5~'{~Ue ~ ~ S~y ~,V- 3; r~~/~ I'~ ~ 2. ~ ~ W. ~~'=~' ~~~- . ( I3o w.3.s`'`~~L. I. /~a uJ 3~~G y _.. ~ - • CI'TY OF WHEAT RIDG~ 0 - ~n~ ' ~EB 0 8 199A ~~~~ ~~ pl~#~1~N~ & 3~E'~P~iF.~i. NEtGNBORFi00D PETfSIO4V We, the neighbors of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten, tocated at 3536 Jay 5treet, do not want a parking fot on the north east corner f~cing 35th Avenue, as it would not be in harmony a~d compatible with the chasaeter of tt~e surrounding neighborhood. DATE PRINTED NAME SIGNED IVAME ADDRESS /~?i y~ S'f1/.L'/_~T/.</E/~f/Td/V ~rJ ./~ f. X~ ~n.. /i.~e /J~S~~Ol.~e=. /- a3~941 ,~6'~I,UCT!{ L~r•~KI N Jl. ~ t~~ t,~l 3S~ AuN _ ~r~~ ( •2!~ •9~{- ~~~ ~ ~ , p _~ ~j~~C)C1~0 3?~r~ ~~~~1 ~`~~ ~ --i~ (n. °~ y ~ I1 S A~ ~ ~G~ S _ _aD.~,Gc:~i/~ (..~~ Co ) y "t U.~. 3 5`~~ ~ r,~ , ~ ~ ~ CIT'( OF ~Ni-~EaT R1DGE O ~~n~1.~ FEB 0 8 1994 ,~~-t~u u ~ pLRNNING & DEVELOPMEI~'U NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION We, the neighbOts of the Wheat Ridge Pre-Schoo# and Kindergarten, located at 3536 Jay Street, in order to preserve our neighbhorhood, oppose ait efforts to expand the pre-schoo{. r DATE PRlNTED NAME S1GNE~ NAME ,,/ n / /~- ~y (:~Pra~i. ~ii~N' ~aE' S ` _ ° ~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~-9y __ J~, ~, Ll ~u.~.s /:-- i~i~~ ' 3 ~ ! ~ ~ / - I ~.Cjy ,c,~ yi~ ~~'i- ~F'/C ~,~.~cL~ ,~~'-~-~~'-~ /!/7~5'H J,o-.y~ (F Ji=tit~na ~ ~ ,.....~u , _ I ~ '7 ~Ci ..I ./iA~P/N~t9-il~ Gj ~fSU c'L~iCP/i~ '~ ' . . ~j~S~ZF_ ~t~ ~~p l ' I-I? -~ICJ 99 ( V l A ~V S/G ~l ~~ R~ i.~-c-u,,,, ~F/~y l-~ ' ~ xd l• l'Y ~ 9~ ~o2/9A A. fAFS `~/, ~rn~J ~IJ. /a-eaJ ~ ~7'"~1~ ~l.aii,rGS~, l~t a^~,d ~l ~ ~ . _ /' .L!~i~' %!~ ~ ~ . .\ ~"'~7'c/y ~iJLPI SE ~', i/(o~(' ~ /..~/I I`f~-~ ~~o . -A 4~~.~ ~4~d„aa~ ~/J y~ ~,4~',/~Ni/I~}L(_f ~1'C.~GYct~:E~ ~ i~ -~f J~rome .1 ~Ic,,ae~1\e ADDRESS ~.~D.~`- G~~, ~"~'`~' ~uc~ -~ =Y?.- ~~0.5-C~L% ~5 'F._ (/~ //~)( / 1/ `{i'/~C.~l~' ~G: L~~~ - ~~~.'~. n G19s'"i.,3f .~~~. G Z S"'1 S" L i/ .7 ~5 /}!/Fc lc1~l' G~.~S.`z,.2 /a21.5 7'c~~" :j`J'~'GIi'v~ ~f~~'~/~ ~ . ~d S ~~-~Z~k_ ,~:,r,~f3x 1.e~.~.S~~ A~G-_ ~~~~ w ~5{-'~~^~. ~i~~ (r~v`~''~,~. ~9,,. ~~~ w 3~~A~~e ~~~/~' ~~ ~~~'r`I~ t~ ~.~ (fNL' ~`~~~ ~ ~,~~.c. t/~ t,'~ G IT-y tv'-~S" ~.~z~~4 Jr~~--~~~ n. F~~=-, ~~..,Mv ~.~~~,~~. ~:~~~~ ~~- ~~,~-~~. 1 ~~ ~"cl `~ .S~n~A~crt~~Jx ~ . _ ., _ ~ ' (Q~~D GJ. ~l~iP~. 1~ 1 ~-~`~ V; ~,~~~, 1.1,,zL ~ /~.~,i..~..~, `~/~' ~l 3o w 3~ ~"'l~L /-~ ~/~/.PL~-~ ./~//1'.S~TO~1/ ~i~~. . ~~ //~~ /1 a'~'~.~u~~ , i ~ ~ Y ~ > CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~~r~nn nr~~= FES 0 8 1994 .~~ ~U' L~l! U L5 ~. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT NEIG1i80RHOOD PETtTIO1V We, the neighpors of . the Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten, located at 3536 Jay Street, in order to preserve our neighbhorhood, oppose ali efforts to expand the pre-school. ;~, : , .. ° DATE PRiNTED NAME S4GNED ADDRESS 1-~,3~9~ ~r~l,~~'r'1-l ~~,uk~~l ~~~~ 1/SL7 Ld 3s'~-~ ~t1~ _ 1~2~a ~fi~- ,Sha~a~oti ~~P ) c~'~~,mrQ.e.~ ~~~9-~ 3~n:~.~:~~+ 5~.. ~ 4 C`1 ~I~~,~ ~ " ~7 / `~~ . ~.°~t ~ '~/ ~ ~ l~' ~~ /) 7U ~ J~-t~i r..~ . .~~.L~Yll~~' 12~.~n'I,~P_/./.~'J ln l~~ ~, ~ S %`~~'~- ' -r_. ,. ~ ~ c~rY o,~ w~~, D ~^ ~~_._?~RIDGE Neighborhood Conditions RE: SUP-94i ' ~ (If one or both businesses are passed) ~~8 1~~ :`p~. J i ~, J ~,^n' ~ ~-3 ~, iJ 1. At 3536 Jay Street business, neighbors want compliance with Sect` i~~~~8~ ~~p NT a Special Use Permit is granted. 2_ At 3536 Jay Street business comply with "Minimum Rules and Regulations for Chiid Care Centers", issued by the Office of Chiid Care Services, Colorado Department of Sociai Services. 3. At 3516 Jay Street business comply with "Minimum Rules and Regulations for Child Care Centers", issued by the Office of Child Care Services, Colorado Department of S.ocia( Services. 4. Compty with the Americans with Disabilities Act. ~~`~'~'''jO ~ ~ 5. Require asphalt parking at 3516 Jay Street. 6. At 3516 Jay Street business comply with safety codes regarding required off-street parking, Section 26-3i. -~ ~~ 7. Comply with Condition #2 of the (X) Staff Recommendations, dated 1/26/94, 3536 Jay Street which states, "The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 45 preschool children and kindergartners." 8. Allow no more than 23 infants and toddlers which is the number stated by Nina Fargo as the number she expected at the infant and toddler ce~ter. r 9. Include the Faes' exhibit conceming landscaping at 36i6 Jay Street business. -~.~~~'~'"'~ ~''`"` 10. install stop sign going east and west on 35th Avenue at Jay Street. -- ~~,~~ ', fy~r 11. Noise mitigation pian to include: Solid double wood fencing or equivalent; Staggering times children at pre-school area outside; Supervised planned activities when chifdren are outside; Department of Social Services approved air conditioning and ventifation system at infant and toddier center to aifow windows at infant and toddler center to remain closed at all times, only exceptions: air poilution, breakdown of air conditioning or ventilation system, emergency exit due to fire. 12. Landscaping to include removai of sign on 35th Avenue. Any sign on Jay Street should blend into the nei hborhood. ~ ~~°° 9 `~" ` -~."-. ~ i ~ 13. Appficant to obtain variance from 26-31 (C) (6) (b) design standards that require 100 ft. spacing between entrances or ~xits on same lot. We oppose granting such a variance because the applicant's proposaf, a 45 ft. distance between entrance and exit, aggravates a public safety problem created by the presence of traffic from the exisUng pre-school. We believe the public works director may not modify or waiver this requirement under 26-31 (C) (6) (f~ because a modification or waiver wouid not have its primary purpose of preserving public safery. -~-~,~„~" ~, ~~c_ ~ %' /~ -~i / Date -~ ~ TO: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SUP-941 Dear Council Members: ~ We, ,JU~~~~ f~ `~~~Pr«l~(~~~~ /. ~~F' ; , are legally protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. Our property is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at G-;'C~~ ~~' ~J "-`' .9~~ ~c:'f~~<<f~,~E~~r. C~, ~v~ ~> ~ Sincereiy, ,. _ 7' ~ /~ i I. , ~C ( ~. ~.._ , iin ~~ ~ ~ • `~~4`.__~ - ""l ~ x.~_ ^'TY OF WHEAT RIDGF ' ~, ~.l~l'1~rr ~R.(]~ ~ , ~ ~-~ 1 .±. ~i994 ~~~ ~ :_ ,. I ~ uu~. _~~iTiI75~ PLANNIic._, & DEVELOPMENT ~ ~ Dat~ 7:~ f~ // l %~%~ TO: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SUP-94-1 Dear Council Members: _ . , / I, ~ ~~.^~; ,./; . , ! L~<_ y ~T.-L . am legally ~ protesting the expansion of the Wheat Fiidge Pre-Schooi located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at ~/ ./ r ~ %.i~ ~ i l~ . ~ _S ~ Z,C" / ,C~ / . _ / , ;~"r ,~ , ~C ~f'~--~- !G ~ ..~C t•~~, ~~ ~. ~L~ C' ~ ~ Sincerely, ta, t _,', . / r.r_ /` ~r ~ , .._ ~~" ; ~ " ".. OF W~F•~ -.' RIDGF ~1 ~r~~1~rr - F~B 1 '. :~~4~ . .! L ._.~~ i~ ! 'u ;5~ PLANFIIP!G : L~~'rtLOi M.EN~ ~ ~ Date r2~ ;- \ ~ ~C 1C~ ~, ~ TO: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SUP-941 Dear Council Members: I, ~xys ~ ~~,\ ~-~ 1 , am legaily ~ protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at ~!'\~.~\ \~.''~ ~`~~ 1~V`~, . ,'-1 ~ ~ L~'~1~c~~'~~c+>L ,~~ ~,~%C~.J Sincerely, ~ '~~ 4~~ ~~,', \i~ C~` ~.C\L.~~.` 1~ l ~ _,r ; ~ ~.~~- -- I'i l~ F`% ; ~~:~~ ~~, PLANNIVG & DEVELOPMENT ~ ~ Date 1 ~ ~ . I ~ /~ ~~~ TO: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SUP-941 Dear Councii Members: i, rC i i~ rl-i~ ~t,~tl~ ~`~ , am legaily protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at lr' l,S~ ~v, ~r~ ,d 1/z_ . Sincerely, r ~ ; ,.~~ ,,"~<< ~. ,. , ^c ,nr: ~T R1DC'° I", ' -, .~;5 Pl('~ {~~! ~ r 1 . f ~_!' ~•'•~ i. . .:'~~ ;~ ~ ~ ,.,J, U ,~ ~,1 u;::. - PLANN4NG & DEVELv??~IENT Rcco[dcd at _ o<lock _ M RcccPti~w No. ~ ~~ ~, WARRANTY DEED ~~~ THISDEEU~biWeihis 28th a,yof Ju1y .19g7 . 'i 'I ~, ~ ii ~; li .i i~ HtGUN~cu a~v ... COUNTY OF JEFFERSOt1 ~ STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTTON N0. 87099424 oaio4/67 9Oa15 15 bct~+c<n HUGH J. FOSTER and ROSE GLORIA FOSTER 3441 Fenton Street, Wheat Ridge, or~ ' coo~~yor Jefferson ,svkorcoio~.8~vorc:~,~e NINA FORGO, 890 South Saint Paul Street, Denver, Colorado 80209 wnox ,~~ ,ddRSS ~~ I; ormo City & cwm~yor Denver .sweorcaa,ao.¢nwoetA: ~~ ;j wrrnessent,rnnuK~.~~ons~.r«.~,de~~.a~or~~or, One Hundred Twenty-One ~~~. Thousand and No/100 (,5121,000.00)------------------------ ~~' ~~ ihe¢ccipta~W~ufficicr.cyofwhichishertbyrknwlcdgcd.ha Ve gromed.barQained.wldandcanve~ed.aadbyWUepa+conde ~ot. ~ I bugain, sell. wmsy. uul confirm. unw thc gnniccfsl. her hein+nd usig~u (aaeG dl We ¢al pmpenJ'. lo~clher rith im, ,. ... -. ~. ~'. if an . siwam. 1 in and bein in ~hc Cuunt o! c~ u Y Y 8 That of the West 1/2 0~ the S u~~s~}4 of the ~t 1/a ~ ~=0 ti ~ e«rixe u rouo~: ~~ \~ :' of the Nortln~est 1/p4 0£ Section 25, Zbwnship 3 South, Ra~e 69 West lmwm as and ~ _i .'~ i~ referred to as Part of Ir~ts 8 and 9. CRdG~Y FS:IGE~LPS, rrore pa.rticularly described ~~~, ~ as follwrs: Beginning at a p~int 168 feet North of the Southwest ....~..~... of A•;~ o ~I~IAt 8; thesce continuiuxJ North on west line of said Ivt 8, 125.22 feet, anre or ~_..less to a p~int 139 feet South of North line of said Int 9; the~icr Fast ani R~ral' i a;;lel to said N~rth line of said Int 9, 125.67 feet to a point 100 feet West o£ N !;East line of said Iot 9; thence South arxi parallel to Fast line of said Iots 8 !and 9, 125.22 feet tr~ a point 168 feet North of South line of said Int 8; the~e ~iwest 125.67 feet to point of txgi.nning, County of Jefferson, State of ^^'^-'~30• j! dw knavn hy:uee~ u~d number u: 3536 J8y Str2Et~ Wh03t RLdqO~ COlOLddO. . TOGGTI(ER wi~ all and singuiu ~he hcrcdimm<ms and appunenances ~he¢ro beionging. or in anyw~se appenaitinp. ~nd Ihe meniaa +ad mzrsions, rcmainder anA rcmainders, roNS. isxues and pmGtS ~hemoL and all the es~m, righ[, title, inarcsq ciaim and dem~ad whrtsons+ot Ihe granmr(s1. eith<r in law or cyuiry~. of, in and m ~hc abu.< bugaiMJ pamises, with thc he¢diuments uW appue¢n+rcas. TO HA~'E AND TO 1[OLD the ~iJ pmmixs abewe bargained and dev:tibcd wilh ihe appunenantts, unw ~he gnniee(t~. her ~~ ~ usigns(otev<rAnJthcgrant.rts).Wr thHR.>eIV25~ ~'1P.1~5eirxanJperwnal~ep~cumatives.do cmeiunl.ymt.bugain.,Od .yrccioandwiihtheFmke(s), $eTheinandussigns.~h:4anhetinuofthecnualinganddeliveryofNeupmsen4s. tYleY dre 'k11 seixed uf the premius above conveyed, ha V egawd, surc,}+erfect. abwlu¢ and indefeuible esme a( inheriunce, in law. io ke timpk, aad ha V e gaal righ6 full poxcr iJ authon~y ~o grane, bargein. uli anJ convry the same in manmr and [am u Jo~esaid. ud thal ~c suoe ae 4ee and cleaz Imm alI fonner and utiwr ~ i nts, bargains, sales.licns. ~axes, swaxmrnts. <zumNences, u~d rtsuictionsolwha~cx~ Itiodat ~uturt woR ~x«P, qeneral taxea for the year 1987 and subsequent yaars; The gru+ioRS) shall and will N'ARRAM AND FOREVER DEFEND Ihe abme-bugvned qcmius in ihe quiaand peauable,-..-.-...oft5e ~„~e:~, her hisheirsandusigns.againstallandrerypenonorpenonslawfullyclaimingiAewhotcormypan~hertoL ]N k'1TNF55 WHER80F, thc gnmor4l Fa V@ execumd ~is deeJ on Ihe dem c. ' Y/..r//`/ ~irn~ii~ - - _~_ ~ - ~Huq~ J. ~oster Rose oria ~ r <~, 1 10 L ~'' .~ r 6 : n 6 I-~ • ~, ~'i.,!{~i:~~+1~C'r. •a ~ ~~/<Z' . , ~~r~ft~ . ~y~. ~ ~}; /::e . ~ ~ ,; . ~rnre oF co~oRnoo Y,~ ~~'.' : x r,'%- ~ l ~. .,,y.._~ ` ~ ~~ ~G~e~~7,br Jefferson B~ fanSPin~ in~liuqieaDa~ a[k+wa~Iedyed bcforc me 1Fis 28 th ~ry p( SU lY . 19 . , r .. .: ~idu.~,h'„7:'~'~aGer and Rose Gloria Foster. . ~ am~{.lu~~;+ Witnra. my h;iuJ:~J uflici~ u~ .;.."~,~h: ..;,. ;w,f ~i~ ~ . , ~ ~1~i ;!~ , r~ - ;; ~ . Ji.,~ Y(~", ei~if k ~.„ .N~l . 13641~ , y'.Y.,: ., ,~, ~ f~r"~ t~r~~,....~~ ~y 'i y ~c .nejr ~4 ai ~' .r ~ ~' 'd! ~ . ~I.r: R'~: • . , x :ii^', rr',F'? . t ~lm :, 3 a, ~seao~ger a ~ " - -' ' - ' RECORDtltY iTA11P ~ I ~ARRANTYDEEDTOI~iTt7lANTS a 'w ~ ~ ~ f ^ '^" ~ 1 _ TlUS DEF-0 4. ~. e~.vo1 r W~ bwWhw ...:.W ~.ryn ~r p~ ~ly~W ~~Vt l{ u~ ~~~ { M~yOiMd • ylv~flty ~1 :'s o w' P ~ni T I ~ p.e...• ~J LL14....~ ~'+T w.! MI^^Lt ~M r.e~Il« !..~r..h w.~ W H~..~ u~.AtyU rl~n J. .a..t i. u1 M.~~lt~l ~• I.rM~ °~ o Too ` .01 . . ..~.Y...tJil.r•Mr.Lle~WwW.U41w.J~.w.~ ^,t~ p _ '~.a ll.n4t..4x.1+.~~hYJ.I1.sw~~~uwWw~u~Wr~W.~i1. .~~u ..~~ '~ i ~ • ~ ~ m ' la ..a. ~u. SepCember 3. 1965 ~ , , ~ _ 1 sN..~. RAYMOND H. PETCA and IUTHLEEN E. PETU , i ~^°^•~~ HUCH J. FOSTER and R0.5E C. F0.5TER , II o..~«L I~ ,e YI7NFSSEt}I.~LtLLeO~•~a.fr.d'u<a..J.a.LLe..fA....dta.blW.W~SnnMJLc..~IW~W~. ~.ip~ .tu.el 4.ebe.l.dp1.lY Joe p..ou Iw. fm. Wpl.. ull errq u1 c«1h~ uu urJ~uwe 1~ ,~1 A~~W 1 C~I'v~~'ilMiy,~~vlW r~~t M~MI ~II~W 1~ tM Cwu1 d JlFEl~TMII ii Tnat perc oF che W~. SE} NE} NW} Se<Cion 25, Tovnsh:• .. Caarn, tlange ~ 69 West known es and referr¢d to as parC o£ Lot 8, Comaay NeLphte~ 'I more partfcularlV described as follows: 8egtaniug at Southweat II mrner o£ safd Lot 8; [hence ~orCh 168 feet; thence Eas[ 140 £cet; thence Sou[h 168 feet; thence Wesc 160 £eet to begLnning~being Che ~, premise: known as and numbered ]516-18 Jay Strea[. i. ~: ' . ,~, -. ..~.. ~ _-" ' %1<v./4.GD TOGESIIER viJ .II .d'.ApW 6. Lwdii....~ u~ .pu~uucu il.nw~ M4y4y, w 4~nW •VMruldY. 70 HAVE AND TO HOt~ J. .~4 ...1 ~.p.rtr• ~~LL J~. ap~.n.auew. a. J~ ~r+r.. LL.le 4M .~i ..b• 1.....~. W V. pu~w. Ir 1P~.11. W ML.. ~~.e.iw. 1 d.6LU~~r. Ir e«~r~ u~~ ~ W J~ pw«..~aM4..J.•.Ip..J.~.~~.~wNJ•..+.~W /b11..~NWM~r~.w.Mb.r11u1r1N J. p.t... J•n w.vrJ. b I.. .i.14..J W~d nd~. 1.11 p.n W 4.1.1 uJrd u wlt r~ arq W .. I. ..~.. ul I.~..I....LL. ua LLx J+.w ~. M..1 s4u W.111..~r ~ Wn u. WyY~. ..L.. It.... ~.... u.«.r.u u1.w..Muo.. •f d.u.r lW r~nw..acrM W14~ T.wl~la ww ~. (11 ..U Y.r~Y V ~IJI~ il. ~LVled MY~I. ~ lw~I t m~ Idbwlq W ~u~ M VI~ MN. W Y ubro••.~ Y.m..J .as.p J~ s.v.d ua b W o-rnr c.l.~~u Y.u~ bYdL luml ! uµ bW.bl W J.u d Ut~ M~d, ul J. q.r. \.rp6N p~d~~~ h ~b I~bi J p.<r~6 p.w.dr .1 LL~ Vu~.n. il.b \.u. ul wIp~ .R.W ~.11 u/ ..rp a.n.. r}n>• I..I.Iy dJ.l~{ > ~..I~b W N.L r uf }rt ~ln~A. W~u~r J~Y ..1 .111 idR8M11iT AND FOREVER OEFE2lD. W Y'[iNFSS 1NEREOF J. auu~ \u \.n.n• «~ \I. \u/ W wl W LY ri ~.u fY. Mw .rWr. U . ~ . r-.~ . ~i~.f ~SUU ~fCIU ,-,rr~rcQr iv,uuo, Cicy and ~r W Denvar 1~r ~.,,•... v'..:,-.......«.,~~'~r .:,t ~ ~•p~ ~.q(p~'~1.~~.~u«1~~~W~dMIww~W~ SeptemWr 7. 1965 ~Ylri`gA~(xlryn'.N. Y6'M nnd 5:A1liLEEN E. YE7U ' ~% .+,^~~ yv~~ Novenber 14, 1968 :.z~;. , a~ ~. , : ., :~...,:~~..,w~.,_.~ l ~ ~~ ,~ :~ a„~ ; ~ '~c :r. o,s ~ ' ~ i('err '':F.~,'• ` rL~..... ~::~9.e~ 'Y" ~ ~ • ~ wa: ~ ~ Co~.0.~ :'-a~ ~n.. n~w ','~'Ir ~: E. 1+Y"~~ Y~. r~ , PM' ~ Yv~. ___._ _ _. ."__ .. _ Y ~ ' ~ NJ~ ] 1£320 412 ~ • i, ~:.: ~ a'a - ~ • \ x _ R ~ {, CITY OF WSEAT RIDGE -- MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Middaugh, City Admiaietra~r' FROM: Kathryn Schroeder, City Attorne~W RE: Interpretation of Applicability of Charter Sec. 5-10 DATE: January 28, 1994 You asked for my legal opinion concerning whether or not the protest procedure set forth in Section 5-10 of the City Charter applies to a particular situation. You asked for opinion concerning whether the protest procedure applies where the action to be taken by the City Council consists of the granting of a special use permit. Paragraph 1 of this Section identifies certain actions of the City, including certain land use actions, which must be accomplished by ordinance. The land use actions for which an ordinance is required include those actions which would constitute "...placing any burden upon or limiting the use of private property." Clearly, this would include the granting of a special use permit. The only conclusion to be drawn from the language of this paragraph is that a special use permit must be grant2d by ordinance. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Section, however, are the paragraphs crucial to the issue of which City actions are subject to protest. Paragraph 2 states that: The council shall have the power to amend, supplement, change, or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries of zoning districts within the city. Such changes shall be adopted by ordinance after a public hearing at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. (emphasis added) This paragraph identifies certain types of land use actions to which the protest is applicable. It is my opinion that a protest is applicable onl to these decisions because of the use of the words "such changes" in both paragraph 2(see highlighted text, above) and paragraph 3(the protest procedure paragraph), which picks up and uses the exact language by stating that a protest against "such changes" may be made. Thus, the only analysis remaining is to determine whether the granting of special use permit falls within the definition of "such actions" described in paragraph 2 of this Section. For the granting of a special use permit to be subject to a protest, then, it must tit within the definition of an action to "...amend, supplement, change or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries of zoniug districts..." {emphasis added) It is my conclusion that the granting of special use permit is not an amendment to, supplement to, change of, or repeal of the reguZations, restrictions and boundaries of a zone district. It is merely an amendment to, supplement to, or change of the regulations and restrictions i.mposed upon a single parcel of property, not a zone district. The underlying zone district itself is not affected by the granting of a special use permit. If the broad language used in paragraph 1 to descxibe which actions must be by ordinance ("...placing any burden upon or limiting the use of private property") had been used in paragraph 2 to describe which actions were subject to protest, I would conclude that the granting of a special use permit would be subject to a protest. That languaqe was not used, and the types of land use actions specified in paragraph 2 as beinq subject to a protest were significantly narrowed by the language of that paragraph. If you have any questions or concerns about the contents of this Memorandum, feel free to contact me at your convenience. ~ ~ ~ s'" The City of ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~Wheat ~R id e Department of Planning and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant ,,;„~ Fnrrvn Address 3536 Jav St. Phone 424-7485 3536 Jay S~. 4Z4-/4Y55 O~i~ner R~cP FnstPr/tvina Forcro Address 3441 Fenton St. Phone 238-2202 Location of request ~S~ti an~ 3536 Jav Street Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change of zone or zone conditions ~ Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval ~ Noncon£orming use change Special use permit = Flood glain special exception Conditional use permit Ynterpretation o£ code Temporary use/building permit ~ Zone line modification Minor subdivision ~ Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary _ Miscellaneous plat 8 Final Solid waste landfill/ ^** See attaChed procedural guide minera2 extraction permit for speci£ic requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request Special Use Permit to amortize a non- ,.,,.,f,,,-m;,,,, prPCnhool/kipderaarten at 3536 Jay St. ana special use Permit - ~p allow a dav care center at 3516 ~ay sLreeL List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, aptionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE - I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot-law£ully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf Signature of Applicant /(//~i',~/ 7=~" ~~ Subscribed and sworn to me this ~da~of~'`~'1~~'(' 19 ~l~L . ~~~~~~ ~`c~'~~;c~, ~ ~ \ Notary Pui~lic SEAL ~ 1t My commission expires ~1-c7,y -G~ Date Received Receipt No. Case No. J a2-( ~ -`dY ~ ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City oP Wheat Ridge Planninq Commission on February 17, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Ail interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The foilowing petition shall be heard: ~ 1. case Nn, SiJP-94-1: An application by Nina Fargo and Rose Foster for approval of a Special dJse Pe.rmit to allow a day care center/kindergarten in a Residentiai-Twa zone distric~ with design variances for properties located at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street. Said parcels are legally desCribed as follows: ,~536 7av StreESt That part of the west 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 oP Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West known as and re£erred to as part o£ Lots 8 and 9, Conway Heights, more particuiarlq described as ~ollows: Beginnizig at a point 168 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line of said Lot 8, 125.22 feet, more or iess to a point 139 feet south of nortli line of said Lot 9; thenCe east and parallel to said Lot 9, 125.67 £eet to a point 100 feet west of east line o£ said Lot 9, thenc.e south and parallei to east line o£ said Lots S and 9, 125.22 feet to a point 168 feet north o£ south li.ne of said Lot 8; thence west 125.67 £eet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3516 Jav Street That part of the W 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and referred to as part of Lot 8, Conway Heights, more particularly described as £ollows: Beginning at the southwest 145.5 £eet; thence east 14 west 140 feet to the point State of Colorado. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk corner o£ said Lot 8; thence north J feet; thence south 145.5 feet; thence of beginning, County of Je£P rson, c . Sandra Wiggins, S~tary To be Published: February 1, 1994 Wheat Ridge Sentinel <pc>pnsup941 1 ~ ~ ~..~_~%~ - TELEPHONE:303/237-6944 7~ID CE~S'tf 2~7fIM Ap~I4llE .~FilEF~B RIDGE. COLORADO 80034 ~~~~ z~, ~.99~ This is to 3nform you that Case No. request for ~pDroval of a svecial use uermit to allow a flav care/ k+ndergaiten ~n an R-2 zone district for p~op~,a:.Y located at 351h and 353h Jav Street n,e c;ry of ~Wheat ~Ridge suz~-9a-i. which is a will be heard by, the Wheat Ridge piannin~ Cnmmission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complesc, 7500 t~lest 29th Avenue at 7:30 D.m_ , on Februarv 17. 1994 A11 owners and/or their legai counsei of the parcei under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Dlanninrt f'n~pmiaaiAn . As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to ~ttend this Pubiic Hearing and/or submit written comments. it shali be the a~plicant's reapons3bility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any guestions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Pianning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISIOIJ <pa>phnoticeform eeT~t~ ~CLt't~~~@J~ ~"b~~•, P059~GE FETIIRN SHCANTOWHOM,OATEANU flEffiflIGTED / ~ N BV - RECEIPT DEL /ooFE550FDELNEHY E CEPTIFIEDFEE+qEIDFiNFECEIPT ~ SERVIGE ITI TOip1 PQSTpGE ANO FEES ~ ryV IXJVHPXIitI:UVCIWYCYXVVII)tll- u7 SENT TO: erorroniu~ xn~ewwi~ ~ Clt9MV14 3 S3Ii8P1 . .n Linclm ~'~yar~~ ~f~3~ ~T ~5th Plaae ~._............__~~ _ ' - i d- POSTMAflK Q~E~~G~ ~kte irems 1 antl/w 2 kr atltlitional services. I 8130 WISh fo feCeiVe ~h2 ~ '9 •~~ro~~e n~ a, arm aa s o. following services (for an extra fee): ; • Hint your name a~ adtlress on ihe reierse of ihis fwm so ihai vre can rehrn this cerd ~ ~0 ro y,,,. 7. ^ Addressee's Address ~ ~• Atfach lhe brm ~o ~he imnt of ttie mail~,co, a on the back i! spxe tlces rwl permif. • Write "ReWrn Recelpt Requasietl" on the meikriece bebw the ariicle numbec 2. Q Re5tflCted DellV2ry 1 d • The q¢Wm Recepl Fee will proWtle ynu tlre signeture of ttw person tlelive2tl to a~tl ~he ~ m~~ „r,~„r ,,,,, Consult postmaster for fee. ; 3. qrticie ndaressed ro: 4a. Article Num6er ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ P 913 667 523 ~; ., . ~,+~,..1I(~,S 'Y'1A`~jp~ ~ I~O 4b. Service Type . „ -. _ . ' '.i"r~'~c W ~Stt~ Pl.~tt5~ ~ (pi~b Y~sxeAt Rsaqe ca soa3~ . „ . . ~ wr~~a-g ~3.dy~a c;c~ ~30033 Q- l~ee~ St3P~-9~-1 (~3y .i~iit . , . _ ~ Ftmt St3P-9Q»1 (2~) ~2R i ~ 5. Si nature - (Addressee) PS FORM 3800 ._.. _ ~ _ _~~F.CE lPS FnR rFSS1FIE[l.~an.t ~ ~ POSTMAAK ~ 6: ~ nature -(qqenry ~ POSTNGE ' . . ~/L` RETl1RN SHUrv*ovmoM.oniEnND aESmICTEn / E ~1 ~C.*f.~.~. / ~7. .ni / RECEIPT ~oaessoFOEwEav ~ oELrvem' ccr+ri~rEOFee+AeiuaHaECEiar c F m3811,P~ovem6er 7990 S SERVIGE TOTALPOSWGEPN~FEES E ul SENT TO: NO1NjO~~s~t~~`""OVmeu- HOTFOF~N mFNoT10NALMAIL ~ it~l.th D~via ~ 'A 1,Q60 Alicix'~ Sfi m ~ ~lti~n CU H44a1 . , a x~a ~cr~-s~-1. t~,~) .z~ . PS FORM 3800 PS Form 3811, November ~990 I ,b . ..__ --`--- rosrnce~ ~_ POSTMAAK~I RETURN ^ grypryTOWMOM.~ATEPND fiE3TFICIED - °°"""""' T aoonessoFOEUVeav ~oEUVeav ~ e ~ 3ArticleAddressedlo ' RECEIPT CERIIPEOFEE+RENFNflEGEICT ~` I~ n.,,. y q v+ SEFNIGE ~ a~p~~"EQA~.YYJ:~. Yt tYO~FZ~ r. ~@~J' ~ TOTNlPOSTAGEPNDFEES ~ ~ NOT iOF ~NTEPNo TIONAI MAIL ~ SENT TO: "°~"'~~~;eG~e~~t~~U~~u~~- I' 6205 ~ 35CIa AV~ '` G~ra2df.ne & JaE~ ~"~c~~D . ~ Whett^~ ~idc~~ CO s3ti033 ~ `0 6245 v~ 35th Ave . ~ a'~a: sUP-94-1 {13} ~3t~ ~ Yil'feetat Itl.ilgE! CO , 84Q33 . ~ ~ p^ k ignatjy'~/lp-/~' ddressee) ^. ~i r~~.~~°^.~~°~ t~~j ~ . ,~ . ~~,~"i~~~-'~"'~ h ~ . 'I 6. Signature - (Pyent) PS FORM 3800 ~' RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI I4 pS Form 3&I 1, November 7990 V1M~E~ I FpSiN SEfM[E ~I , ..GR3~.{~BC4 C:C7 `c~t~+~g~. ~ N Fi~a SUF-G~~3. t13) ~3k B 5. Signature - (Addressee) n . ( < OIl A ~ . v " 6. Signature - (AgE•it) P ~~?F~~ QTSn ot_raax~r~.rc ae~ e~ ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of Deliyery ~ ~ '~C/_%~y 8. Addre: ,,,.,~„ ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of ~live~r~y r~ ~ 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY it requested and fee paidJ ~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT j ;' E '---~- --...._,..._ .._.__ ~. ~ 4a. Article Number I,~~ P 913 667 525 ~} 4b. Service Type ~4 f ~ CERTIFIED ~ ~ 7. Date of Delivery ~cy" ~ f - n ,n-~j~,_./ ~ S. Addressee's Address ` ' (ONLY if requested and Iee paid.) DOMESTIC RETURN REC II -_.... .-...,_ - _, .-_ .__ -~ - ...__ _ - ~ ._ _ _ - ::1 gENDEft: ~ ...._ _ _ _..- .. _. - ~ . _ _ _ _ -' _ ~ °_ ' I PoSTAGE RETURN ~ I SHVNTOYMOM,MTEAIJD qESTRICTEUI ~ ~ ~ POSiMAAK OA' '~mP~ie ttems 1 and/w 2 tor addilional services. !~ ; P ~a~tei~~a,a~aaaab. I 815o WISh 10 reCeiVB fhe . f ll ~~ ~E~NEm RECEIPT ~oFiE550F DEUVEFV Your name a~ atltlress on ~h¢ rev2rse of thie (am sp ihat we can return t ~ o owingservices foranextrafee: his card ( ~ ~ SEflVIGE I CERIIFIEOFEE+qETIIFNPECEIPT I C • ~ ; A~Iech this fprtn ~o Ihe hon~ W the rnallpiece, n on ~he beck i( spac¢ does ~wl NT~te "Ret ~ i R " 1. ^ Addressee's Address p¢rmi[. ` ~ I TOTAL PQSTAGE AN~ FEES I N C ~~ um ece pt epuested on the maiW~ce b~ow thz artick number. 'I' 1'Fe ReNrn ReceqR Fea will provid¢ yy Ihe 5gnefure oi iha Persan deliveretl ta f ~~QD~(IB~NMV 2. ^ R25k~iCted D21iVe antl the ry. ~ ~ IVUI ~IIWIXILC1:Wt1U14lPROVWtU~ SENT TO: xorFOA~Hren~n~ u,ua . ~ a.'qrticie qddressed m: Consult postmaster for fee. 4a. Article Number .~n AFinm F4xgCF ,, Dt3.~ra %+`~x'e~cr P 913 6 6 7 5 2 6 ~ , ~~~5 ~~+~~t~ $~~~43~ . _ ,. I, ~~J~ ~ffi~7 ~~X'ffi~'~ 4b. Service Type ~ WYA~mtt R3dSJ~ C{Z 8~}t333 . . f'lhmstt RiJ~(,Y _GS:> - f2ntY'~,~ ~ CERTIFIED p- F2@S `.3G~$^-Ji3'^~, ~]„~j. ,I~4R ~ . .: ~i ~'uL7$~9~~]. {,~.~) M~ . 7.Dateof li ` c ~ ~/ ~/ ~ 5. Signature - (Addressee }~ PS FORM 3800 g ~ /// ~, /yy/ ~' / 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and lee paid.) ~^"-° RECEIPT FO ~ ...--.,.._. . t---.,.-.-...w..w R CER TIFIED MAILI al 6 Si ~ ~ _ ,. . . . .~~,...._ . ...~.. 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P~R ,. . ~~ PS FORM 3800 FbSTAC,E SHON' TO N1iOM.0AiE AIJO PESIAICTEO NODPESSCF~ELNEflY ~ ~EIIVEflV GERIIFIEU FEE + flETUflN REGEIPT TOTHL P0.STNGE qN0 FEES no weonancn cuvewiae NnovioEu - NOT FOF INTEFNATONAL MRIL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1~1y'''~,ny11 ~. t ' ~ "F'~° ' ~~. I. rp~ ~ ~t ~ JpNf~~B~~F',1 ~i ~9~~ ~, j, , ~;~:~<, ~: ~ . ~ ~ ~,. . ~~I~~~l_J~~U~~ L~~.~--I: PLltiNNING, & DEVELOPA~ENIT. ~iI7~A~V s o o s s Wi~tEAT R#DGE ~A ~kf 4f 1`•~:~~. SUP-94-1 (13) MR ~.~ y,~ ET(~q ',"'~:~~'e~: ¶ C~ ' ,_.x+f+- ~ _- _.J~d ~'~!,~ilLt; ~'~ x ~ POSThIARK ~~A ~ATE !~o a ~(~f~y,t.~~~~ / ¢ a ~~ ~ I ~ O '°'°~'~+.vs' ~ N 6 ZW WQ LL~ i.rr mu.o e~nn ' ~ O Q aZ ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ~ VMIIEOSRIES PoSfFLSEFNGE _ ~ 0 ~ ~ Planning Commission Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 7 will be processed through the Boasd of Adjustment as a normal procedure. Proposed building envelopes and the HumVee track should be indicated on the site plan and assurances made that erosion will be controlled within the site. Commissioner CRUMPTON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. I ~ 3. Case No_ Si7P-94-1:, An application by Nina Forgo and Rose Foster for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a day care center/kindergarten in a Residential- Two zone district with design variances £or properties iocated at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street. Ms. Reckert had copied additional pieces o£ correspondence which ~ were provided to Commission. Included were letters of p.rotest from four adjacent property owners; a neighborhood input meeting roster, plus a letter £rom Jefferson County Social Services. She also provided copies o£ "Pre£erred Conditions of Approval" to Commission. Ms. Reckert then presented the sta£f report. Commissioner CERVENY requested that the two requests be considered separately in this case. The request at 3536 Jay Street would be heard first, keeping testimony separate for each address/request. Ms. Reckert noted that some o£ the attached exhibits include both properties. She agreed to proceed, keeping the requests separate. Chairperson RASPLICKA noted that correspondence £rom Ms. and Mr. Faes was addressed to City Council not to Planning Commission. He wondered if Commission should see this item. Commissioner CERVENY asked about the number of available parking spaces versus the number desirable. Ms. Reckert noted that unless the applicant would wish to greatly expand the facility, the City cannot require the applicant to meet required parking regulations on the existing site. She pointed out the area on site where additional parking could be added. " Commissioner LANGDON asked for some clariPication regarding the case. Ms. Reckert explained that the existing day care center was a legal nonconforming use, since it had been in existence prior to the City's incorporation. I£ the applicant does not receive approval of a Special Use Permit, they would fall under the "Grand£ather Clause" and must cease opeTation in the year 2000. Nina Forao, 890 South St. Paul, Denver, was sworn in. Ms. Forgo stated she was applying for a Special Use Permit to bring her day Planning Commission Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 8 care center into compliance prior to the year 2000. She stated she agreed to adding an asphalt parking area on the north side in order to provide additional parking to the site. Chairperson RASPLICKA asked then, i£ Ms. Forgo could provide ten of.the 11 required parking spaces. Me_ Ft~r.Crq answered yes. Referencing Exhibit~'D', Ms. Forgo stated that she preferred the additional parking north of the building, since she did not want to reduce the amount o£ grassed area £or the children. She added that an additional parking space could be added south o£ the existing parking pad. Ms. Reckert stated that would cut into the adjacent property and would not be advisable. Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley if ten parking spaces was adequate or, i£ applicant must provide the required number. Mr. Gidley answered since there is an existing nonconforming situation, if Commission grants the Special Use Permit, they would be accepting the situation as it currently exists. The Special Use Permit is for the use, it is not a variance to development standards. He £eit it was not a problem. Chairperson RASPLICKA noted to those present that many had signed the roster to speak. He reiterated that only comments regarding the existing facility, 3536 Jay street would be heard at this time. The second part of this request (3516 Jay Street) would be discussed £ollowing Commission's recommendation for 3536 Jay Street. He requested that comments be brief and not repetitive. ~Pr.atd;.na Faes, 6205 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Faes pointed out her residence, which was constructed 12 years ago. She read prepared comments into the record and spoke in opposition to the day care center. Her concerns were inadequate parking spaces and that drivers had to back out onto the street. Chairperson RASPLICKA asked i£ the day care center had changed since Ms. Faes had moved into the neighborhood. Ms. Faes stated the center had changed. Traffic had increased signi£icantly and parking occurs on both sides of Jay Street, which is quite narrow. She had concern for the safety o£ children catching a school bus. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Ms. Faes how she gets out of her garage. Ms. Fae~ stated she must back out onto West 35th Avenue. Plann3ng Commission Minutes Page 9 February 17, 1994 Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that backing onto the street across the sidewalk is common. Ms. Faes noted that many more vehicles were 3nvolved at the day care center. Chairperson RASPLICKA asked that individuals wanting to speak limit their comments to three minutes. ~b~ections were heard £rom the audience. Chairperson RASPLICKA explained that Commission is within their rules of order to limit speaking time. He apologized for not announcing the limitation before Ms. Faes spoke. Several individuals agreed to relinquish their three-minute time period to another. Paul Lohne, 6154 West 35th Avenue was_sworn in. Mr. Lohne stated he was speaking also for his father, Mr. Einar Lohne. Mr: Lohne stated his £ather had been a resident for 50 years and that he had been raised at that location. Mr. Lohne spoke in opposition to the day care center. His main concern was noise. suaan seed~, 6147 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Seeds read a prepared statement into the record. She and others disagreed with staff's comments regarding the criteria for a special use permit. Ms. Seeds Pelt that a Special Use Permit should not be granted without,placement of conditions. Her main concerns were excessive noise and incompatibility with the neighborhood. Chairperson RASPLICKA asked Ms. Seeds how long she had resided in the area. Me. See~ answered 8 years. Chairperson RASPLICKA asked if the day care center had changed since she moved there. MR_ saeds stated the no3se has always been a problem. She added that the traffic had increased. Commissioner LANGDON asked Ms. Seeds if the traffic was a problem all day or a 25-30 minute problem morning and evening. Ms. seP~s stated she observed the traffic patterns £rom 6:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. She noted that between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. the traffic she observed was not necessarily day care-generated. Both neighborhood traffic and day care tra£fic was present. She stated that the heavy day care tra££ic occurred after 7:20 a.m. Those individuals made U-turns and parked on the wrong side of the street. Planning Comm3ssion Minutes Page 10 February 17, 1994 Kathryn Fiei~, 7790 West 41st Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Field stated she and her husband previously had attended the day care center. A£ter searching Por day care £or their child, they have enrolled their child in the center. She stated she feels the center is £illing a needed service to the neighborhood. Ru«h Fnster, 3516/18 Jay Street was sworn in. He identified himself and his wife as the previous owners/operators of the Wheat Ridge Day Care Center. Mr. Foster stated never in the 30+ years they ran the center had they received complaints about noise. i,~nev Kgmo, 6115 Utica Street was sworn in. Ms. Kemp felt the day care center served a need in the community. She stated she had attended as a chiid, she had worked at the center and now both her sons attend the day care center. Ms. Kemp added that while she was looking £or day care, she went to several centers and found them to have more than 60 students and all were located in residential areas. MiehallQ Clement~, 7245 West 13th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Clements spoke about the advantages of keeping day care centers in a residential neighborhood. ` Patrick Rr.ur_e, 2620 Nawland Street was sworn in. Mr. Bruce stated his son is currently enrolled in Wheat Ridge Day Care Center. He added that he and his wife would like to enroll their 4-month-old son in the infant and toddler program. He is happy with the center because of the "homey, yet cosmopolitan" atmosphere and the integrity and accountability of the center. He was impressed that the center was involved in the community. xPn r~amkin, 6147 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Mr. Lamkin noted that the individuals who had testified in favor of the day care center did not reside in the immediate neighborhood. He added that a prerequisite for granting a Special Use Permit was a proven public need. He felt this had not been accomplished. Commissioner LANGDON asked how long Mr. Lamkin had resided in the neighborhood. Mr_ Lamkin answered eight years. Nina Fnrqn noted that the Wheat Ridge Day Care Center was licensed £or 57 children; however the daily average lunch attendance is 40. She showed on the overhead projector homes within a one-mile radius served by the day care center. Ms. Forgo stated that choice was important for parents with young children. 5he reiterated that she had received no complaints from the neighborhood regarding any o£ these concerns voiced tonight, including comments made at a neighborhood input meeting held in May o£ 1993 (2 neighbors attended) another in February, Planning Commission Minutes Page il February 17, 1994 19.94 (6 neighbors in opposition). In order to address ma~or concerns; traffic, noise and change of character, the parking lot was placed along West 35th Avenue. A committee of neighbors was to be £ormed to address safety and traf£ic issues. Traf£ic studies done by the Public Works Department were not yet available. KPn Lamkin stated that neighbors received no flyer for the neighborhood input meating of January 31, 1994. He added that the summary of the meeting was filled with inaccuracies. Mr. Lamkin felt that young £amilies were somehow able to £ind day care and that this center was not needed. Chairperson RASPLICKA asked Mr. Lamkin i£ he had small children. Mr r.amki.n stated when he moved into the neighborhood seven years ago he had a five-year-old child. He chose to make other arrangements. Chairperson RASPLICKA stated that things do change and asked Mr. Lamkin if had recently looked for child care. Mr. Lamkin felt there was a relative balance between the need and availability of day care. Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Lamkin asked if the noise and traffic had increased since he moved in seven years ago. Mr_ r,amkin stated he leaves early morning and returns late in the evening, except one day weekly. Commissioner LANGDON asked if he had made complaints regarding traffic and noise problems, or was the current faciiity a problem? Mr. r,amk3.n stated he was not pleased that a day care center existed in the neighborhood when he purchased his home. He accepted it because he believed there was nothing he could do about it. He is now concerned that the applicant is wanting to eniarge the facility. Commissioner LANGDON reiterated an experience he had with a piece of property he purchased. Mr_ Lamkin stated he felt too many children were being cared £or on the property. He thought the center should be down-sized. Commissioner LANGDON stated he had driven past the property and was able to see that it was a day care center only by the sign and vehicles parked there. He noted no traf£ic problems at that time, nor any children present. Planning Commission Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 12 Mr._ Tam~ noted that the ma~ority of the problems occur during the warm months of the year. Chairperson RASPLICKA informed those present that discussion would be closed at this time regarding 3536 Jay Street. Commissioner CERVENY moved that Case No. SUP-94-1, an application by Nina Forgo for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a day care center/kindergarten in a Residential-Two zone distr3ct with design variances for property located at 3536 Jay Street be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for Approval for the following reasons: 1. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all posting and notification requirements have been met, there£ore, there is ~urisdiction to hear this case. 2. Staff concludes that the existing facility has been in operation for almost 40 years and approval of the Special Use Permit will bring a legal nonconforming use into compliance. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports this request. With the £ollowing conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge preschool and Kindergarten (3536 Jay Street) under the ownership and operation o£ Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be amended to a day care center for up to 45 preschool children and kindergarteners. 3. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'D'. 4. Exhibit 'D' be amended to show an asphalt pull-off along the north side of the structure (West 35th Place). Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. A brie£ recess was called at 10:00 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 3516 Jav Street Ms. Reckert presented the staff report. Motion carried 6-0. Meeting reconvened at Commissioner CERVENY asked what would be the maximum vehicle traf£ic for a local street. Ms. Reckert stated the maximum number is 2,000 vehicles. The traffic counts taken were under 1,000 vehicles. Commissioner LANGDON asked if the view of the site projected overhead showed a ditch? Ms. Reckert stated yes, a ditch goes through the property. Planning Commission Minutes Page i3 February 17, 1994 Commissioner LANGDON asked about previous discussions Commission had regarding this ditch. Ms. Reckert stated that previ'ously discussion had been heard about a parking lot o£f West 35th Avenue, with a bridge crossing the ditch. The idea was not popular. Commissioner LANGDON asked'about safety problems involving the ditch. Ms. Reckert answered Ms. Forgo would be required to fence the ditch. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if it would be possible to utilize the parking lot (one way only) for loading and unloading purposes. Ms. Reckert stated that was the intent. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if parking could be limited to West 35th Avenue and riot allow parking on Jay Street. Ms. Reckert stated Staff had suggested that originally. That plan was not favored. Commissioner CERVENY asked if the Special Use Permit is granted, would it be issued on the land, or to the applicant. Ms. Reckert answered it would be issued to the applicant. Commissioner CERVENY asked what would happen if another individual purchased the property. Ms. Reckert stated the new applicant would have to go through the same process. The Special Use Permit could transfer only through inheritance. Ni.na Fnrao had an transparency overlay showing those property owners who agree with the expansion. She noted that those in £avor equal those opposed. Ms. Forgo stated that the facility is not a blight,to the area, but rather an asset, as property values are increasing. Comm3ssioner JOHNSON asked the age o£ the children in the proposed expansion. Ms. Forao stated from six weeks to 30 months old. Commissioner JOHNSON asked how much they would be outdoors. Ms. Fnrao answered they cannot withstand wind, extreme temperatures or extreme sun. Their time outside is very limited. Planning Commission Minutes Page 14 February 17, 1994 Commissioner JOHNSON asked about additional noise. Mc. FnrrtQ stated there would be some additional no3se, but minimal. Commissioner CERVENY asked Ms. Forgo about her conclusion regarding Exhibits 4 and 5. Ms_ Foraq stated that a parent of an infant or toddler couid get into the facility faster and easier if she/he didn't have to cross a bridge and playground area to do so. She would like to retain the triangular piece of property as a horse pasture, iP possible. Chairperson RASPLICKA asked speakers for brevity in their comments. xath~n Fial~ stated she had a son attending the day care center, but also has two infants she would like to enroll in the infant/toddler program. She noted that it is extremely difficult to find day care for two children under two years of age. Ms. Field was one of several who would have more than one child attending the £acility, thereby cutting down on traf£ic. She felt this facility, which she trusts, would meet a proven need. Huah Foatar noted that the average tenure of the teachers at the day care center was 11 or 12 years and some had been there for as long as 16 or 17 years. Jefferson County Schools had praised the day care center for preparing the students so weli for first grade. . Geraidine Faes asked Ms. Reckert to advance to the slide showing her home. She pointed out large trees she thought would have to be removed, due to poor visibility. Ms. Faes was concerned about the lack of parking on this site, and felt this would create safety problems. Commissioner CERVENY asked Ms. Reckert to address parking on the parcel. Ms. Reckert stated she had used the numbers provid'ed to her. At Planning Commission the number was changed - 45 and 35. She explained. Ms. Reckert stated that 11 parking spaces would be required. She showed where an additional space could be gained. Ms. Fae~ stated that according to Sociai Services, babies require one staff inember per five children, requiring seven staPf. She was concerned that the size of parking spaces was not adequate. Connie Burkenile, 6285 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Burkepile stated she has lived at her present residence for nine years and does not work out of the home. She was concerned about Planning Commission Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 15 increased traf£ic and noise. She opposes the expansion. She voiced concern about the intersection at 35th Avenue and Jay Street. ,7ames nuaaan,, 6138 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Mr. Duggan stated he had lived in the neighborhood for 42 years. He questioned the tra£fic count taken recently. He opposed the expansion due to increased traff3c problems and noise. Terome F~.ac~n~.te, 6130 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Mr. Flageolle spoke in opposition to the expansion as he felt it would be detrimental to the neighborhood. Commissioner LANGDON clari£ied his previous comment regarding his past purchase of a parcel o£ land. James Faes, 6215 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Mr. Faes opposed the proposed expansion. He stated he lived across tha street and was concerned about decreasing property value and inadequate parking facilities. FIe £elt a precedent would be set should the Special Use Permit be approved. He has not experienced a shortage in day care centers. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked about the "Faes Exhibit" regarding 3516 Jay Street landscaping. Mr_ Faes stated it was probably prepared by his brother and he had no knowledge of it. Commissioner LANGDON asked where Mr. Faes found day care - in a commercial or residential area? How large is the day care center? Mr. Fae~ answered his older son attends public school. His younger son attends preschool at Sts. Peter and Paul. Mr. Faes was most concerned about "nearly doubling" the size of the day care center. Susan Seeds noted that the petitions she gathered were signed by those individuals directiy affected by the preschool. She stated she was concerned that the current noise level will double. Ms. Seeds disagreed with sta£f's comments regarding the criteria to _ support a Special Use Permit. She was concerned about the safety of individuals entering and exiting the proposed day care center. She read from a prepared statement. Nina ForaQ responded to the concerns oP those speaking in opposition. She reiterated she runs a sa£e operation, and passed around information regarding safety and sanitation for day care centers. Ms. Forgo pointed out that part of the increased traffic in the area was individuals attending classes and programs at the Wheat Ridge Community Center. She reminded Planning Commiss3on Minutes Page 16 February 17, 1994 those present that the day cara center operates weekdays only £rom 7:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. The center is not open on holidays. Ms. Forgo stated that if problems exist, she needs to be aware of them, otherwise change cannot be made. She has tried to comply, when possible, with neighbors' desires. Commissioner JOHNSON asked how many bedrooms were in the duplex located on the site? Ms_ Forao stated there were six bedrooms. ,7ames Fa~~ was chosen to respond for those in opposition. Mr. Faes reiterated the concerns of the neighborhood and urged Commission to deny this request. Commissioner JOHNSON asked Mr. Faes if he wouid pre£er the duplex being rented to families with £ive or six children, possibly some of them teenagers with multiple cars coming and going? Mr_ FaPG thought Commissioner JOHNSON's scenario was "far fetched". He stated the residents were trying to protect their neighborhood from further impact. He realized such a situation was possible and said the neighbors would deal with the problem i£ it existed. Commissioner CERVENY moved that Case No. SUP-94-1, a request £or a Special Use Permit to allow expansion of a day care center at 3516 Jay Street be Denied £or the £oilowing reasons: 1. A day care center already exists in the neighborhood; 2. Neighbors do not wish an additional Special Use Permit to be granted; and 3. There has been no supporting testimony from other neighbors in £avor of the Special Use Permit. Motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner ECKHARDT moved that Case No. SUP-94-1, an request for a Special Use Permit to allow expansion of a day care center in an R-2 zone district Eor property located at 3516 Jay Street be Approved £or the £ollowing reasons: 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports approval; and 2. It is determined that the benefits to the community outweigh the potential minor impacts to the neighborhood. With the £ollowing conditions: l. The Special Use Pesmit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten at 3516 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo; Planning Commission Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 17 2.. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 35 infants and toddlers; 3. The use of the property should be in con£ormance with Exhibit 'E' o£ sta££'s comments; 4. Visibility at the intersection of West 35th Avenue and Jay Street be improved as per Public Works Department request; 5. Curb, gutter and sidewalk be required to be constructed along Jay street with the change of use; 6. A landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buf£er be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This landscaping could include trees, shrubs, possible berming, etc.; and 7. The proposed parking lot be asphalt as required by City standards. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Commissioner JOHNSON asked i£ a separate motion would be required £or the requested parking lot variance. Mr. Gidley stated it could be mentioned in the motion/resolution, however, a separate motion should be made stating the reasons for denial. Motion carried 5-1, with Commissioner CERVENY voting no. ~ Commissioner ECKHARDT moved that the request for a variance to the paving standards £or Case No. SUP-94-1 be denied for the ~ following reasons: ., ' 1. Asphalt will limit the dust and noise generated and,is required by City standards. ~ Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Wheat Ridge Town Center -'Design Guidelines Commissioner CERVENY moved that discussion regarding the Wheat Ridge Town Center - Design Guidelines be continued to our next meeting, March 3, 1994. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS 12. COMMITTEE & DEPARTMENT REPORTS Plann3ng Commlssion Minutes February 17, 1994 13. AIIJOURNMENT There being no further business, ad,journmerit. Commission JOIiNSO carried 6-0. Meeting ad~ourned Page 18 Commissioner LANGDON moved for N seconded the motion. Motion at 11:57 p.m. Sandra Wiggins, Secretary PUBLIC HEARIHG SPEAKER3~ LIST CASE N0: ~rtp-qa_i DATES Feb_ 17. 7994 REqtlEST: An application by Nina Forgo and Rose Foster for approval of a Special Use Permit to a11ow a day care center/ ~ kindergarten in a Residential-Two zone district with design variances for properties located at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street. i i i SPEAKER'S NAHE S ADDRESS (PLEASE PRIHT) I '~ ~'i ~i~-4-h~ , ~ ~ >°'1a ~r~ i , ~ ~ ~ i I. Ur.~~r , riv,F F~Plc( ~?9D ~,/.yl'~t~uQ Gr~'. B~u~~ . a~a~ /1~,,,1~,~~± 5f ~ r.+a+F~,,~ rIv'? o vJ ~ s-~ ~r,c ~~ r~t~~.,. l.J ( C.,sR'.,^r~YS .t .eJ~$•;A~?i."€'%_ .. ~? ~i~.rt?R ~ ~'~z~t;~ ~E ~ f.~f/~;~~~C ~~~~'~~~rc~t;~~ ~~' i :lr--~ ~{'`-~~ { 6{~/ 1 T. [> i..: \ ~~ . °.._..~ n ~ ^t.9 C" ~ 7 `Y ~ }C ~ 7c~~'~C-- ~`r~-a-°2~- ~; ,~ o ' "" ~~/ ~ _ ~~-~ . ~~~ -~ ~ .~'~7~~~~ ~ , , ~i10~"E' It'~^-~ ^.41~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~~ , , ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~k ~'~ ~ osition O.n (Pleaae N FAYOR ; ~ X t ~ i 4' j ~ , x ' 1 ~` E , ~ ' ; , ~ , ~ ; s , y ~ w ~.~v~ ~~- , f~'i ~.! _f fr A .~ J° YJ !+ ~'Giwk.,`_I-* .r ~ ,~! ^~ ~ ~i1~ -, 7 •~.f ~'- , t. /y~`' ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~.1 ~ ~O ~ ^~ ~ ~` N Z,~.~t'~ L~ . f~,~ :x"a.r~ / i l ~i t 7' ~ /~ICfIAF'/~ ft~ MlCN~`~lE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i `~ i 1~ 7p2N;> W, /~r~; ~,r '~,~ L FM ~ y~~' , ..I 7c ~ DC ~ ~ h~u ~-5 ~.` L~~_~c.~ ~,~+A~.~ ,~--~; ~~Y-,~~ ~~...~~E~4i~ i No~+-rd .r~SJ ~'r4 ES r'n' i~ ~ cJatin Y,~~s . ,- ~ ./~~8 ~ ~,$` ,~.- , , ~ib~~~L~. ; V1/. ~~'`~ AJ~ I : : ~ ~; ~a~u ~:. ~' . ~,~~ ~~ s~ r~ , ~s~~~, i , _ , - , ' i ~~ ,~ ,~ ~.; , ~ ,~ J r~r-~cs ,2_ I= ra-~z t~ z i~ v~/. ~sr,s,q~~ i y'/~ ~ „/I ~.,..- ~'~=- ; `;~ l~~ ~ f_~~~- ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! [.. - `' `:- . _ , ; ~ ! 1 t I ~ ~ Request; Check) ; OPPOSHD ; ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ k x ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ _~ , ~ , ~ ~ , CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: SUP-94-1 LOCATION: 3516 Jay Street APPLICANT(S) NAME: Nina Forgo OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REgUEST: Spe,cial Use Permit to allow expansion o£ day care center in a Residential-Two zona district APPROXIMATE AREA: 15,785 square feet WHEREAS, the City o£ Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list o£ £actors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that the request be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for Approval for the following reasons: 1. The criteria used to evaiuate a Special Use Permit supports this request; and 2. It is determined that the benefits to the community outweigh the potential minor impacts to the neighborhood. With the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge ' preschool and kindergarten (3516 Jay Street) under the ownership o£ Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center £or up to 35 in£ants and toddlers. 3. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'E'. 4. Visibility at.the intersection at Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved as per Public Works Department request. 5. Curb, gutter and sidewalk be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change in use. 6. A landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards, yet provides a dense buffer be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This landscaping couid inciude trees,-shrubs, possible berming,,etc. 7. The proposed parking lot be asphalt, as required by City standards. Certi£icate o£ Resolution Page 2 Case No. SUP-94-1 VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Rasplicka, Langdon, Crumpton and Johnson NO: Cerveny I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a~-i vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of February, 1994. Jay Rasplicka, Chairperson WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COPM~IISSION Sandra Wiggins, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION <pc>resosup941b CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING CONID'lISSION CASE NO: SUP-94-1 LOCATION: 3516 Jay Street APPLICANT(S) NAME: Nina Forgo OWNER(S) NAME: S3me. REQUEST: Special Use Permit w/variance to allow gravel parking lot when asphalt required APPRORIMATE AREA: 15,785 square feet WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Piann3ng Commission and such testimon~ provided additional £acts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that the request be £orwarded to City Gouncil with a recommendation for Denial for the following reasons: Paving the parking lot will iimit the dust and noise generated and is required by City standards. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon, Crumpton and Johnson NO: None I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution w8s duly adopted by a 6-0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of February, 1994. Jay Rasplicka, Chairperson WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Sandra Wiggins, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMM. <pc>resosup941c CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: SUP-94-1 APPLICANT(S) NAME: OWNER(S) NAME: REQUEST: APPROXIMATE AREA: LOCATION: 3536 Jay Street Nina Forgo Same. Speciai Use Permit to allow a day care center in a Residential-Two zone district 20,400 square feet WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of £actors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that the request be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for Approval for the following reasons: 1. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all posting and notification requirements have been met, therefore, there is ~urisdiction to hear this case. 2. Sta£f concludes that the existing facility has been in operation for almost 40 years and approval of the Special Use Permit will bring a legal nonconforming use into compliance. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports this request. With the following cond3tions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge preschool and Kindergarten (3536 Jay Street) under the ownership of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be amended to a day care center for up to 45 preschool children and kindergarteners. 3. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'D'. 4. Exhibit 'D' be amended to show an asphalt pull-off along the north side of the structure (West 35th Place). VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon, Crumpton and Johnson NO: None Certificate of Resolution Case No. SUP-94-1a Page 2~ I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 6-0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of February, 1994. Jay Rasplicka, Chairperson Sandra Wiggins, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION <pc>resosup941a ~ ~ ~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: ~eredith Reckert, Planner RE: Case No. SUP-94-1 DATE: February 9, 1994 Please be advised that the public hearing for Case No. SUP-94-1 will not be heid on February 14, 1994 due to a publication problem. The public hearing should be continued until February 28, 1994. MR:slW ~-l ~f `t`~l _~ ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on February 14, 1994 at 7:00 _- p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Casa No. w7-93-10: An application by'Drake Contractors, Inc., for approval of an amended final development plan for property located at 5190 Parfet Street, originally approved as Case No. WZ-92-5. Said property is legally described as follows: THAT PART OF THE NE 1/4 SW 1/4 OF SECTION 16,, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, AND DESCRIBED AS.FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., THENCE NORTH 00~ 00' 00" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 2542.75' TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE BURLINGTON-NORTHERN RAILROAD R.O.W.; THENCE S 74° 48' 48" W, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 20.72 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING S 74~ 48' 40" W, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 526.73 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PARFET STREET,; AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID NQRTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 170.50 FEET; THENCE N 74~ 48' 40" E, PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTHERLY RAILROAD R.O.W., A DISTANCE OF 526.73 FEET, THENCE N 00~ 00' 00" E PARALLEL TO SAID NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 170.50 FEET TO SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 2. Case No. Wz-93-9: An application by Heinz Silz for approval o£ site design variances as part o£ a site plan for development within the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan for property located at 4425 Tabor Street. The variances will be considered concurrently with a zoning case. Said property is legally described as follows: That part of Lots 9 and 10, Lee's Subdivision described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line o£ lot ten (10), 198 £eet north o£ the southeast corner, thence 210 £eet west, thence 132 feet north, thence 210 feet east, thence 132 feet south to the point of beginning; except that part of Lot 10 described in deed recorded under reception No. 89042285. And beginning at the southeast corner of Lot nine (9), thence 210 west, thence 66 feet north, thence 210 feet east, thence 66 feet f ~ ~ south to the point o£ beginning, County of Je£ferson, State of Colorado. 3. CasP t~r~_ sii?-94-1: An application by Nina Forgo and Rose Foster for approvai o£ site design variances as part of a site plan for development. The variances will be considered concurrently with a special use permit case. The properties are located at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street and are legaily described as follows: 3536 Jav Street That part of the west 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 0£ the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West known as and re~erred to as part of Lots 8 and 9, Conway He3ghts, more particularly described as £ollows: Beginning at a point 168 £eet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line o£ said Lot 8, 125.22 feet, more or less to a point 139 feet south o£ north line of said Lot 9; thence east and parallel to sa3d Lot 9, 125.67 £eet to a point 100 feet west o£ east line of said Lot 9, thence south and parallel to east line o£ said Lots 8 and 9, 125.22 feet to a point 168 £eet north of south line of said Lot 8; thence west 125.67 feet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ~.~,'I Fi Tav Strp~~ That part of the W 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and referred to as part of Lot 8, Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner o£ said Lot 8; thence north 145.5 feet; thence east 140 feet; thence south 145.5 £eet; thence west 140 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jef£erson, State of Colorado. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk ~ _ ~\~ • ~ °~~~.~ l ~ Sandra Wiggins,% retary To be Published: January 18, 1994 Wheat Ridge Sentinel <pc>pnwz9310/wz939/sup941 a 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 City Admin. Fax ; 234~5924 February 14, 1994 (303)234-590C Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 The City of ~Wheat ~Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. SUP-94-1 which is a request for approval of a sner.ia7 center/kindercrarten in an R-~ ~nna for property located at 35~ti an~ the Wheat Ridge ('ii-v C'rninnil of the Municipal Complex, 7500 We; 71RP t~PYmi1- i-n ~lln~~rl~LL' ~e ~;~+,-;~+ . ~F~ti ,TaY c~,-oo+ will be heard by in the Council Chambers t 29th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. , on FPbru.arv 28. 199d • ~ _ . Ali owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration muGt be present at this hearing before the Citv Council. • As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. I£ you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform' c, ~ 3 4 l Dear Ad~acent Property Owner: i£ you have reoeived this notice, you reside or own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City o£ Wheat Ridge. This notice is intended to inform you of the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application £or rezoning or special use permit, the developer is.responsible £or_holding an informal neighborhood meeting. The purpose o£ the meeting is'to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of a_proposed development in their neighborhoo.d and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in the design of their project. All residents within 600 feet aze tequired to be noti£ied oP the meeting. A staf£ planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability o£ the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions ar.e rendered. If you want input in the decision- making' process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits o£ a case prior to the public hearing. It could ~eopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. If you are an adjacent property, you may have the right to file a "legal protest" against the application. The result o£ this filing is that it requires a 3/4 major3ty of City Council to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any oP the in£ormation given above, do not hesitate to contact a planner at the City offices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner y_ ~,._._ -------_.._..~_~_. .--- -, ----- . : - - --- .m. ,~ . . _ _ . ~_ ._._ ..._ _ _ _ Posrnce ~ ¢ POSTMAAK i:E~mP~e~o ae~ i ~wi z ro dd _ _ -_.. ., flETURN SHOW TO VvHOM. pqTE PND RESTRIQEO I AOpFE550F0EWEFY ~ ~F.LIVEqV ~ e « ~ a nanai s~~~as. ¢ ~~ ' Comple~e items 3, an14a 8 b. i• p~~~~ our name antl ~ dd I also wish to receive the ~ folbwing services (for an extra fee): ' RECEIPT ~o ~ y a ress on ~he reverse W ~his torm w Ihat we can retum t h s cartl f Tu C[HTIFIEDFEEtqETUflNRELEIPT I SERVICE 6 1. ^ Addressee'sAddress •/+ifach Ihis (orm to Ihe hont of ihe m¢ilpiece, « on ~hy p¢ck if spxe dces not permit. ~N'it 'W '! " ,sp f TOTPLPOSTAGEM'04cES I e ~ eNmReceiptRequested ~ onMemailpbcep¢Ipwihyadiclenumbec ~ ~, The ReNrn Racelpt Fee will qovkk you ~M sgreNre of Ihe pmson tleliveretl to 2. ^ RESSfICSB(JDBIIVE ' aM the ry L(7 rvo irvsmance cwenwue vnovmeu - SENT T~. NOTFOHQMIEnNpTONALMAIL . . I tl~le of tlelivera ' 3. Article Atltlressed to: `(A~~~~ ~]OS~fi12S~2f (Of fQQ. 4a. Article Number n Da~nrii~r Bi1~h .. i~n'~t~,a~ ~..L~eh P 913 6 6 7 S 6 2 ~ °'n x+f.Ae~$ "~,'$5~r~.0~ . . ' ; . X+~.flt~2t '~`~~ZQI~ 4b. Service Type ~ m 6120 H7 35th N7.mt~~ . ', 61,2Q P]' 33kh 1~lts~e ~ Fp21~t't Ridga CU Mt}Q33 . kf'h~t, 122~#go Cq $Al~;33 ~ CERTIFIED ~ ~itS ~7~°'~4'^~. ~~.~} +~ .. RA3t ~uf,j~'~~1+~~~. (~,~~ ~ 7.DateofDelivery ~. _Z~~q~1 ~ PS FORM 3800 `5. Jgnature -(Address e) X 8. Addressee's AJdress ~ ~ RECEIPT FO ~~ ~ R CERTIFIED MA ~~ Yr~~ °!, (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) ' PoA~L SERMP 6. Signature - (Agent) ~ ' II':~ -~- t i ~.~- . i ' PS Form 3811, November 7990 ~ ~ ~ r- ~ ..o m ~ o- a. DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ' ' ~EtyDER: ~ _ ' ~ , Conrore~e ~te~~s i ~~dio.2 ror adaapnai serv~~s. I also wish to receive the ~ P m~~e ~rems a, ~daa a b. followirg services (for an ex[ra fee): - ---- your name aM edtlress on the revwse of ~his form so tha~ we can return ihis card ;° YO1- 1. ^ Addressee's Address -'^--'--^'-'-' --'-' --'-'- Attach this k~m ~o Ihe fmnt of Pne mailqece, w on ~he back i( space does no~ pe~ml[. • wrne •~r~ewr~ a~~P~ a~~ea~. o„ tt,e manu~e~ ~eww me an~~iP ~~mper. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery ~ ~ aosmce < POSTMAA • T~ ~~urn Pzce'pt Fee will provxle yvu IM sg~aWre W the person tleliveretl ~o aitl IM qETURN SHOWiO`MWM.DniEAN~ PESttiIGTE~ ! °a~""~`~1NefV. ConsWtpostmasterforfee. ~ aooaessocoEweav ~ oeuvemr ~ ¢ ~' 3. Ariicle Adtlressed to: RECEIPT yy ~„ y~ 4a. Article Number SERVICE I CEHIiFlEDFEE ~ FENRN RECEIPT 4 ~ ~~~~~d~~~{ ~' ~'~{~y{ ~g ~1~~$ P 913 6 6 7 5 6 4 I TOTPL GOSTAGE ANI] FEES E /~(~ '.] ^j@y~`~.~ }~wT!p N(IINSIIXPHI:ECOVtlW4tYXVVIUtU~ ~161V~ (~ w~jb~{ 4"~iRi 4b.Servic SENT T~ NOTFOp~NTE~NqTONALMAIL Gmraldinm & Jahn k',ac~s , . Wla~~~ ~idg+~ 4:fl II~1033 ~ 62Q5 W 35t21 Av~ . . B~t Si3F'-9~-~, ~23) t4Ft Wh~a°~ Sticlgs C:O $OO~~ ... S.Signat~la'cnafa ~5 Rm~t 3UP-94-1 (13) Mkt , , ._ . ~ °-~~'-`-~~'~"~~' , ~ 6. Si~nature - (Agent) ~ PS FORM 3800 - ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MP pS Form 3811, November 7990 UNIRDSiIiES Po6TILSFF~ICE p. 7. Date of 8. Addres: ~ (ONLY i Ii r "r DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ~. il _ .,, _ .. _ . .".. foliow ~"~ A~dressee s Pddre~~ - - ~ces. o recum m;s ~are 1. ~ Y 2 ^ Restricted Deliver ._...- ~,,,...•-~ SEH~EP: 1 a~lor 21o d n,;: to~m dceg „a r,~,m~~. aster ~ie ~tems aa e, n~a cw~~ ~ ~ ma`t"'su~ nsult postm for fee. ~ ~~_.-~ ~' ~- ~~ FOSiN1ANK~ ~ ccoma~~~na 3,8~ L~ ~s t~~lhe ~~1piaua b~ dtih~e ePt~ ~~red to a~d t~ prGcte Number ~ 6 5 ~_.-~'- toYou ihis'ot~nio ~,~steb"on ~~gi9~x aa. 66? ~~- f a ~~ n~iecr? ~«nt~ p 913 ~_, .-^^° :~ Wtde `ReturnAetz~iP``F~ Y~da ~ ~e ~Tp~~ RE5IPo~TE~ ~ '., • ThePewrnR~' ..~!'~e M 9ATE AN~` ~,UVEfN ~'~ ~la p5 d21 d[2550d t0: ftETUPN ~p~-~`'s~ E nENaNPE~E1PT E 1 3. AfliGl¢ ~ ry 4b, Service TYPB PEGEIGT ~cSfIF~EDfEE* «~5,,,,~ ~QY.'g~ M ,~ CERTIFIED AN~EEES ~ E ~ ~«"iJ~ ~S~^ 4Sa.~~~L. TOTN-P~~~ ~F~pLkA ~RVIC~ ~ ~~~~,3 ~ N~~µpTFORINSEP.NA 4 ~ ~1V ~~ ~ SENT iJ: yAYaq1ffit~ ~i~~~ 7.Date~ i ~, (~.~5~ ~Z ees Add SS ~ ~ ~'OY~~ ,~~51~°t~,~"~ ~d uested and fee p~~ i3~.iA~+ ~ ,v if -fl ~ ~~~ $C.1"~BG ~ };t~d1 r ~, ~ ~ ~~~ Ps~ ~.d~~ ~:Q ~R~~a~ eel d ~~} r ~ 5~ Si9nature - i~ ~ y,,,~ Q~ ~ ~~ ~~.~y,,,~7~+~'~. f ~~~ + ent) ~ ~t~' ~ IG RETURN RECEIPT '~. a 'f,{~ S - ~; ~ ~ ` 6. Si9nature - ~~ . ~ M . ~ ~, r pq5[MAft ~ c ' ~ ~ 90 j November 4p. ~efl~ce rlt"' i PS~R~.~'~~ ~~s~ f ~ ~ PSForm3811, .~-~---`' r~'~ ~~osro~ ~~~a+ ~ ~ GERTIFIED ". _.' ~n; ~1~7Ca~`~ ~ - RENPN pp~oflESSa~WE~ ~ . ~q ~~ yy/~ PECEIPZ GEFPFlEOFEE~~R£~UPNREGfIPT ~f'j~`~.k Q4f~~~ / 3 Yp ~q ~~ 7. Date eGv Y~ t GEANOFEES V~ p- I~ ~~y i~~~:'I~ (/ ' ~ fN{CE TOTPlPOSTA PN ~ ~R~°~'~ Ty ~ NIERNATONP4MN~ . J +~ ~nwTeox ~~ . i~~} ~+~,,. ._. pddress ~ ~ SENT TO: ~~ ~O'~0 ~`U86~.'~~ , ~ S $C~B...~j$'^'~. S_ AONLy if e~~sied and tee P~d i 1 „ ~ k~t'1 ~~ *~~A11 $~~~3@~t' ~ l ~,~, ~~ ~~~1~ ~ y nature ~ i y~,-~ Wp~,s~.li:. 2iii1~1~ ~ ~ A~~ ~~MESTfC RETURN RECEIF'T 1 ~ }~,,,q1k„~, ~J.3} i9 uce _~ ~ R~*5 ~~ TFORCERTfFiE.DMp',,', PSfarm3811,NovemberSSSO - p 913 667 5E+7 REGEIP ,,,_. _.-- PS FORM 38D0 a~ 1--- •^^ "...- ~" ~ PpS1MA81 ~ ~~ ~~~.~1`~C't~ 4b. Service ZYPe ._.- --"-°-^ ~ '~ ~' g~~~~.~`~ ~` ~ GERTtF1ED ~,~.,._.~-._.--- / ~5tts F'~~ pqSTAGE PGSSPIGiEP ~I. fli ~!/} ,q ~~~~ g ~...r",'~ ro~10M.~AftPN9~~tNERf 4 , 4iGlV ~ GV ~ e Y P p tiver - aeTUaN aoo~`ssofoeuvE ¢ ~i. ~j,t~~~ 7.Dateof , ~oFEE.aENaNAECyJ ~~ ..i'~1~8`*.. ~ RECEIPT cERT~c~~EMOCEES ~'~ (~.'~'} 3A,IL p~dress ~ sE~N~ m~w eanovioEn~ ~~M.~, fee Paid.) PNAnONPtMbOA ~~'~t.., 8. Addresseesuested ~ ~,,, xo i~~ Foa wre Eae~ ~ g ~~~Y ~{ ~eq • ~ SENT TO'. & I31t$~~'tt?A i' c ~ ~j~,~,1"~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ 5.S19~ ure--tAddresseel ~ ..D ~+ ~~'~Yi p+V~ . , ,. h .~ , ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Tytf.tlt,j+'~ CC~ BQ~~~ '1 ~6 gienature-^ ` er~tl pOM~.STIG RETlJR1~ ~ 1' Q' ~~~ 6'C1F"`~~°~' ~233 -°_'~'' S mg811,Novem4er~990 . p- IF1ED M- I PS FoRM 380o RECEIPT FOR CflRT , pOS - ~•-~--- ~ G ~~ "~.~ ~..~^ "'., ~ E ~.-- o 0 r,,., r" ~l P95NGE pptE AN pR=E1PJEIX+ E ...,--_ oa+. 1 RENRN ~~E Sp DEINE~ ~cEms t FIE9FEE~~tUPN ', ~ECEm~ cerm eu+oreES , o - i , SEF~IICE IDiALP~5GG ...r~nNW!~~~Y. ~ r ui r .~ ~ m ~ 4. o- ~„~~ ,•_-N~2..,....- o IT ~~~ ~~,~~e~OhA 1~£)~ '~ ~'' 349Q J~Y $~x~et , ~,~at ~~`~~~r~ 1~,31~t~~ ' itro(~ ~S Nat vl0 Cdn relum Hivs ca~d ~ 1 se~`^ ,t ~ z ~m ~ ot m~s tam'° ace% ^°i pe~m - ~EC~~te Ilems 3~2~ ~&u on ti~ ~ a~ tFe ~~Aic1e ^~ cer~ R~e eite~ tivy toa^d ~ toWa~~~~ ~~~~s~m? ~~Pece~~ere~mxue's°"`~ p0. ~a~ ._A.~~ ~~,~~ ~ ~0.eWmK"""'~ ,~re dresseato: 3~prtrceAd ~ .~,~'~j'.'~.81~Q~L'YA ' ~c~p ~B+Y Ft.~~c+st. i3pU'3~ ~V ~,gg .1 V1~~'tAt' ~8~ ~'j.~~3 `"'T ~~pwqA~~ /1~ ~ j~d ~•~~L~ ~~. ~ tpddressee} ', y, S'~natur " , 6. S~9nai"re - ~A9gntl ~ ~;~3 ~'~~ ~ PsForm ~ ~EG~1PT F~R C~RTIFIED MAI~ aS F~R~ 3800 ~ NQ~~;sgo i ~recea~?e ~.a fee)~ 1 a1S~NiCe~ ~;oT }01~~0 AddresseeSAdd~ess I 2. 1~ Reslricted pel'iverY __~master for f~- cle Num~er ~6~ p 51, 3 .~ ~EFtTIFtED ~te o{ De~~very utdressees ~~ arid~~ QNLY rf ~~ ( `i 199& `• . ~ ~,,,., fo~~oW~rg services t dress . 2 a^ it .. for an exutt , -- ..~.-~-~^~ ~ ~,a Addressee`s Ad . ` _,.-. --~ pelivery , --- - ~~,,,,, ,..^ "- Ianalse~vk~~ can reWm tlis }. -~`... ~ _..- -°^ ""....- P6ST ;eu~°„~,psie n~re 3~a aa s e~~ « os in~'tam ~~ ~ we ~ s na oerm't. Restricted -- ~ ~ on ~~ ~ ~a sp~ dpe osimaster for fee. --' -~ '~,,,,,,.,.~.-- . conw~te rt~ a~d ac'dress ~ on 4e wmoe~. ~r~e CAnsu p ...---'^"'~ ¢ ~ • Ph~AYa'~~ ~1~1'~me~k+~~ ~Q~iPearE~ veredtoard 97+3 .~,,.,.^.~" / ~ to va+~ ia+n ~°.~ R~eat~ed". ~mp ~r~arvr ms o~°" 4a. A~icle tJumber ~ 7 1 „p.w*S'"" ppaiAGE FESiRW'~E~ 6 : ARaah iMs n b b~ DM.M~EaNO, ~LrVER~ Ktita"4telumR~tFee r flESl1AN ~A~ro O~F GELNEPY 0.[GEIPt a ~ iYB ~1'NC ~~ RENPM tlataN ~~ggQlO: pECE~PT ce~~'EOF~E+ 3. nntcle Add 4b. Secvlce TYPe $ER~E iOTPLPOSTAGEPN~~ flu~G~LMAIL ~' ,Fy~F+~~~ ~~~ H N~F~I~ ~~~y^ p4~~ ~ CERTIFIEQ ~A~~ ~ j9 Aw N SENT TO: ~--~~t ~ ~~~~~ ~~f :~liv rY in 6 '1 ' ~Y'itE&.C ~c~.k'~~~ ~"'~ 7 p te y _.-- '~~J'.It~~ ~~ . ° ~ _ g pddress ~d ~ ~ &~.'~3~ ~ ~~~~1 ~~1~ k ~~ ~"'j. ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~p~ g. Addressee's ~ted a~d fee P~ ~~~~, (ONLY if re4 i~'t'yt4~'r. ~ ~ - . ~ ~,~.~~,~y~..'~, f ~~~ ~ 5. Si9nalure - IAddressee) 'r ~! 0. _ tqgent} ppMESSiG RETURN RECE~PT '` CERTtiF~E~ 6. si na M 3800 ~ RECE~PT FOR~ ~~ ~ j~' pS FOR ppS tf ~g90 '~~~ ~ 6 rm3&11,N°vember ~,..~- _._-~ ---` "` ~ PS _ '~"~- o f rNCeTYPe .i ~,~--~'~~~ pCfiTAGE PESTFIGt~ ~ QU. Se , St~ S0 YM~M ~AiE AN0 j~iry~PY C _ ~ 331~,~ { OEU`1E~ ~~,~ Q ~ CE~11FlED PENPN qppqESS~` G ~ '~ ~ GEK~iF1EOFEE~PETURNREGEIPT yy ~~~ pEGEIPT ~~" y ~~~.../// SFSMGE ~pTObPOSR"EfSI~FEE~ EO^ ~~~~ ~ ~~CrF~Y ~a~~~ ~verY `1 (U ~1 NoT FOPNI'(EPNA'rtONA~Ma~ ~^~ 7. Oate of [7e 1 `~ ~ t ~d77~~:~ l~i.d'~~ ~ r" SENT TQ: ~ rp~9.83A1'~ $4l~+.`~3S ,., ~ {~~~ ~ aid.) t l c`- ~, 12 ~+~~`[t _ :, . ~ ~~~ ~~~t..~1$"~^ $~ (aNLY$f ee9~ested and fee P ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ .~.a 61~7 ~`a~h ~Q gtlC333 1 ature- daresse. I. M Y3Yl~'~ I~"1.s~~3~ ' .si9. , t~ ~ 1+'~ ~ pOM~S~C 1~E'ivRN R~C~~P~ ~S. ~ ~Y 5L3~""'~~ ~. ~.~^~} -'") Suc -tA9entl ~. -- &Sig ~.... --^ ` a ___..--~ ~~ ~ POSSM Uer 199D ..-- ~'+'-"' ~ ¢ 3g11,Novam .,,:- ~" p~~~~{7c1.~-~--- ~ 4 pgpo~m ~,e,.~= ,... CERTIFIED _,.~ . . J~-~ CTED I ` w ,,,,,../"""`....-+ ~ ~ _..~.a.~~~" PoSTAGE ~Yc51F' y V,l J'.~ ~~ ~"Kf TO WM~ DAiE AIJO! p-cLIVEPY E' ~-'y~ ~ yµpW pEjyJEFY ~ ~Q a~aessoF ¢ 1~,. ~~~~ ~Lj,i'~~! 7.pateofDeiiver RETURN ~k~ECE~PY t~ t csRnF~eo~e+~T ~,~ . Y REGEIPY ~ ~~~'~ SERVM~ io~n~vosT^~Enwo oVS na. n~ri°- "° ~sted and fee paid,) ~ ^ ~~'~..~~ m xo H~ FpA1NtERNASI~NA4IAP Y.pay ~, LY ~ q i~r4• ,~ ~ r' SENT T0: ~"~ f~`~.~~ / f er~ ~~.~r'¢f~T~ , pddressee) n ~ ~J~l.V~-2xSk 5.Si9n~ture-~ ~ ~~, /'~ i` 35~Y. Av~ , 1~ j/ • -° 6~~~ ~~ $t1~~~ ~ ICRETURN'~ y ~~~ ~~ enil 6. Si9naiure - iA9 ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ t~~~ ~~ s ~t $~$~~~ ~ PSForm3&i1,Noveinbe~t390 Q' CER'fIF~Ep pS FORM 3800 RECC'-PT FOR r ,~,~~~ PO M ~ ._----- ' _.- ~ ~- ~_ ~-~ ! f ¢ ~~.lr' - ~` POSTPGE ~~T~p ~ URN A~flE55~0ELV~EPY~oI Y C ~ ~( rpENPNREGE~T ~E(',EIPT cE~F~EOFEE c~{1VIG~ . iOiP~PO'T~'£ANDFEES NAIMpn- ~ _...rc0.NP~.. ~~ ~ta3.~X 61~3, ~ 3~eYk Av~ ~~4~~ Wh~~xxt ftieit3~% CC~ ~~ ~~""~~«~.. ~~.~~ ~' 0 PS FORM 3~ 'T~ . . , f ~iqyyl serviCes. ~ reMn INu C~ •EC'°O ~e Aems 3, ~sdd& r ar' 9~e .werse °i lN ~ tho~ ck N W~~~ rtot ~nnit. • 1'nM Y°Ur neme ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~P!°ce belo'MOi 9'a ~ ^ ~~~ to arA ihe ~ t~ ~~ry tMs larm ro t R~~g~¢d' t~ ygnetUe d ~, : \Vrite"PeN ~a~PFee w111 VbvAe Y°1' , ~ aewm ~ date O~ d'l t0: ~,F 3. Adicle Add2ssed ~~; St~:~MC`~ ~~' 63.a~ ~t 3~5~ ~''~' SOfl3~ ~~ ~8C R$t3'~~ CG3 ` ~~ ~~g..4~4-1 tl~~ ~' ~. n A i~ „ ~f 5., ~j. `f ~ CERT-FIED RECEtPT FOR _ ~pgentl ~g}~qrm3811,N~`e`n~r 1990 `. ~ folbwin9 sd'",~ . dress 1 [] Addresseece~ery 2[] Restricted te for fee ~nsul[ pdstmas Arepe 913r b67 574 ~. Service TYt~ .~ G~}~TIFIED y-~~ ~~.~ ' 1 7he C/ty ot ~v pF~HEA~ GWheat ~ a ~Ridge -- . °a P,O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE, COLOBAD~ . . t' . Q' ~~~Re~Y~alPaper ~ i ~ ~, .n m ~ ~ ~' ~ F~ 913 667 5f~9 Rita Lefler 6200 W 35th Ave Wheat Ri e CO 80033 Re: S~"P-94-1 (13) ~4R ~ ~ -` ~° == _ _ , .~E ~ RETURN 1 SVIU~yTpWHqH_oATEANO qE$TqICTEO S ~ A~A I I .RECEIPi j E SGFOEINEFlV pELN£PY - d SERVIGE J GER~IFIEDFEE+11EiUPNIiECE~PT ~ d ' iOTALPOSTAGEnNDFEES ' ~ rvo msUnnrTC~ ~~v~w,ut arTuvmro - SENTTO : HorFOar~ u~rua ~ ~ z~it~ ~~EI~r r' 6~0[f W 3Sth A.p~ ~he~~~ Ft3dye Cp `~,~,~,~ .,.,;;,, ~%~`:: '~=u' ` r~" ~O,'~~- r;;i !s SI~U:i'ACE 3 FE815'94 m~ f~_.- ~~,! ~:..~. ,~.z~~ ^:~i o:~ °~ ^. `. ' t - --- - ~a".ifi'Y'..~~ ~`f-1EAl' n~'41{~'°',e..._.. : ~~~ l'~~ ~ ~J~F~ 0 7 1994 _rY... ~~ ~_t ~~ "_~~u u--~ _~ ~169~iP1~i ~ _D_~-EI.OPMEta1' _ ,.~ ,1~ ~, POSTN1AflK 0fl QA1E ~ ~o ~ ~ w¢, ~•,,,~ O ~ i ~~ c~ aw °og ,.tlit~~ii~~al,i„1 ' ~Z ~~~ ,~',' o ~_ ~, ~ ._ , s~ ~.pp~~ `'`~ \"~ 8p433 ~„XU" , , x~~ a ~~ su~-~~--z t~.~a ~. . PS FORM 3800 ` ~ , RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ~ ~~6n~ ~ Po$f1~5FFIICE The Clty o/ ~1Vhea ~Ridgt P.O. BOX 63i WHEAT RID~ I~- ~ ~ m ~ ~ 0. ~~~Itb:...~~-~_~.-.___ _ ~ ~ rosWGE ¢ RETURN gHbNTOWHOM.~ATEPND RESIPICT~D flEGEIPT I nooaESSOCOEwEm ~ oe~rt~EPV ~ ¢ 5 ~ CERtIFIEOFEE+RETIIPNHELEIPT g FSCtj~ }3f'~~t'~lt~Ol1 67t~.'~7 ~1T ~~.91t t~'~d'$ ~3Aygx ~~ ~dz~.~ ... a~~~~~~~. t~.~~ M.~ PS FORM 380~ '_ -~ ssr--..= ~i_.__ ~_ p,T ji;~ ~.;,~,~ ^~-_---=_- ' ~ :j ~ S-f~aJ~~.oi ~* C~. _. ..~s ~ ffB.15'S6 ITI !• f ,y'~~ 3>;,~,;~2.29~ ~~7'~UkFEA'd'"i~f{DGE , ~r~n~ ~ -- ~~ ~MAR 0 8 1994 YL~~ ~u u~t~~. R PLACWNING &.4~YELOPMENY ~ •`l '~~ 'FJ~G~ N `' ~ 6i , p ,~iU i6~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~r~~' POSTMAAK OA UATE o °` ' nW. O W~ WO O~ a= ~~ ~ a~ nY0 U F NZ ~ W^~ ~J ~ a ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL uxneosnrts PoSTN,9EMME ~ ~ i ~ ~ ERVICE TO'~AL G~ThGE ANp FEES ry ~A~R~,~~~R N rvulNSUHnryV'RGVWLxqtit/1cVV~uEU- ' ~ ~ SENT TO: NOTFONFNTE~ ATONALMAtt . ~ rne Clty oi ~~ ~Wheat ~Ridge P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80~34-Ofi38 m _n ~ Golden Re: L~', a~r~i~arace~ PETURN RECEIPT $EpVICE SENT TO: c.:vse''°'"` - - d ~ ~4 •_ ti r ~'' ~ E `J 1 J ~ , 1 N 4 ~ r.,, t~ ~ ~ ~~t~ 'r~~ .` ~'_~ ~ P 913 (~67 563 " " ,f : , i ~. ll,~n'vi ?~ ~ ~ . : , " ~ . ~. .'~ ~ 3 ~~ois°es`i~i+.,-' ~9. ~~ .? ~ ' : ~ ~; .m; . ..~ r~Rti ~ ~ ~. ~ - ; = ~. rq o ~ - rrA /I' b ^FdSR .., ~ Cl ~;n4+~~ • r~K 1 (~ / Keith Davis ~ °rb~~~~,,y'~,~.,*yy~u ~ G 0 ~'/ 1060 Alki e St ~+ry,~~~"0ar~c,~"n~1,,,~ ~'~- O 80401~o+~~a°~~! ~~ta~ ~` . ` P-94-1 (13) MR ~~,~,~~i t`~ R~S~F ~.. ~ ~ ~,t. _.._....~- _ .._ ___._ ,__-• ~ __ ........... ....s~'~e ~ i S. aosrnce ~-JSA a POSTNIAAK ON 9ATE ° ~ ~ .~, sNOw ro wrioa anre arvo~ oEU~a~vEO ~ c ~ ,•~-~^"+"^ AO~RESS OF DEINERV - GERT~FIEO FEE+REIUPN NECEIPT TOTAL POSTPGE AND FEES „~ ~~s~~.n~r~~.t~~~ ~„~va~- NOT FORpM'~~No TONFI MAIL t~- FCie~.E.~3 ~$'~7~.a -0 7.~iS4 1~.1.~Ci~M~ ~G . ~ ~'p1.C1c~ri C.'C? $1140.t . v' 0. Res sS~P«~99~-I. f7.3) .i~ c ~ J~ aQ w~ oa 6oZ F~ a ~; W Yq F ~~ ~, x ~a S~ a ~r z ' PS FORM 3800 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL o a oxm-- ~ ~ ws`uscwrx i ,_.'r-,c.~j `) Board of County Commissior~esa Gary D. L.a~ Districc Na 1 Beriy J. f~~es DiSVic[ NcZ February 15, 1994 J~hDisAtnS ~ 80033 To Whom It May Concern: Based on our experiences at Social Services in child care referral and authorization, license~ chi2d care for infants and toddlers is deCinitely needed in Wheat Ridge. b4s. Forgo, owner of Whea[ Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten, has indicated to us that ~f they are able to add an infant/toddler section to their facility, slots will be available for Social Service clients who's children are in this age group. Ouz county's Resource an~ Referral agency, Family First has statistics that show for every three requests for liceased infant siots in Wheat Ridge, oniy one slot is available. Any consideration that you can make to allow this to become an added reso¢rce for infanas and toddiers for our client population is appreciated. PPr~jRj~~ r ~~ rry McDowell ~ocial Services Administrator V Adult Services JG/sp ~^_'e~~]~.w ~.a i ~~ ~~L~~U~ J~~"~~l~gos '~ Sociai Services Supervisor II CCAP and EmpIoyment First . Department ol Human Services ' Nelson L. Nadeau, M.P.A., Director Human Services Facility, 900 Jefferson Co~nty Parkway, Goltlen, Coloratlo 80401-6010 [303)271-7388 MS NINA PORGO 3536 JAY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO P.O. BOX 638 TE~EPHONE: 303/237-6944 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Administrator DATE: February 18, 1994 RE: Letter from Dr. Lamkin The City of ~Wheat ~Ridge Attached, please find a letter from Dr. Kenneth Lamkin'of 35th Avenue, a response from me and a related opinion from the City Attorney. The question posed by Dr. Lamkin relates to the applicability of Section 5.10 of the City Charter to special use permits. Dr. Lamkin is specifically concerned that the City Attorney and staff are not willinq to apply the legal protest provisions of Section 5.10 of the Charter to special use permits. The City Attorney's opinion is very clearly written and also, very clearly indicates that what Dr. Lamkin would like to see is not possible. At this time this information is largely provided for background information for the members of the City Council. Members of the Council should be cautioned that this item will very likely be discussed, as it relates to a special use permit, coming before members of the City Council at the February 28, 1994 Council meeting. The special use permit is quasi-judicial and discussions on a specific parcel or application should not be conducted by the members of the City Council with Dr. Lamkin or other council members prior to the February 28 meeting. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Respectfully submitted ~G~ Robert C. Middaugh City Administrator /bb Enclosures `~The Carnation City" 1 ~ ~ ~ February 16, 1994 Ms. Kathryn Schroeder 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6797 Dear Ms. Schroeder: i respectfuily disagree with parts of your legal opinion concemi~g whether or not the protest procedure set forth in Section 5-10 of the City Charter applies to actions taken by the City Council consisting of the granting of a special use permit. I agree with your interpretation in paragraphs 1 thru 4 of your memorandum of 1/28/94. The criticaf language is stated in your paragraph 2. "The Council shali have to power to amend, suppiement, change, or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries of zoning districts within the city." In paragraph 5, while I do agree that special use permits do not affect the boundaries of a zone district, I disagree with your opinion that speciat use permits do not affect the underiying zoning district. Special use permits do impose "regulations" and do apply "restrictions" to the use of the underiying zone district. These "regulations" and "restrictions" definitely affect the zone district as evidenced by the strong neighborhood opposition to SUP-941. I contend that the legal protest is used when a single parcei of property is applying for a change in boundary (i.e. zoning change), therefore the legal protest can be utilized when the "regulations and restrictions" of a single parcel of property is changed, as in the issuance of a speciai use permit. In other words, if a speciai use permit imposes "regulations" and appiies °restrictions" to a singie parcei of property then a legal protest can be used, just as a legal protest is used when boundaries of zoning districts for a singfe parcei of property are in dispute. The language of Charter Section 5-10 as reproduced in the letter is clear. The Council "has the power to either amend, supplement, change or repeal". The language that follows lists "regulations, restrictions and boundaries". The iegal protest has been used for "boundaries" in zoning disputes for single parcels of property. Therefore the legal protest may be used when "regulations and restrictions" on a single parcel of property are imposed as in the special use permit. I look forward to a response firom you within 7 days. If i do not have a response from you, I will forv+rard copies of this fetter to City Council members. Respectfuily yours, ~~~~y,~~~v2~~ Kenneth R. Lamkin, M.D.G~ ~~ ~~ 6147 W. 35th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ ~ -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE °.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034~0638 Ci,y Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 February 18, 1994 (303)234-5900 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 Mr. Kenneth R. Lamkin, M.D. 6147 W. 35th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Dr. Lamkin: The Crty of ~Wheat ~Ridge This letter is in response to your letter dated February 16, 1994 to the attention of the City Attorney regarding special use permit. The City Attorney does not provide advice to private citizens nor, as a general rule, respond to questions posed by citizens on matters involving the City. Questions such as those posed in your letter of February 16, 1994 are handled by the City staff, who will involve the City Attorney as is appropriate. The City Attorney has written an opinion dated January 28, 1994 regarding special use permits and whether said permits are subject to the leqal protest provision found within Section 5.10 of the City's Charter. The City Attorney's opinion is clear and unequivocal that the legal protest portion of the Charter does not pertain to special use permits. The essence of the City Attorney~s opinion is that a special use permit impacts only upon a single parcel within a zoning district and does not impose any regulations or restrictions upon the entire district. The language of the City Charter is clear that the only items subject to a leqal protest are those actions which might impose regulations or restrictions among other items on entire zoning districts. Your reading of Charter Section 5-10 is not supported by the City Attorney's written opinion or by my own personal review of the City Attorney's opinion in the appropriate Charter section. CO k.~i~FdPupn' ~ t Mr. Kenneth R. Lamkin, M.D. February 18, 1994 Page 2 I will forward a copy of your letter, my response and the City Attorney's opinion to the attention of the members of the City Council. Sincere7.y, ~G Robert C. Middaugh City Administrator /bb cc: K. Schroeder, City Attorney G. Gidley, Director, Planning & Development Mayor Dan Wilde Members of the City Council / CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council Date Prepared: February 16, 1994 Date o£ Meeting: February 28, 1994 Case Manager: ~refi7eredith Reckert Case No. &,Name: SUP-94-1/Forgo and Foster Action Requested: Special Use Permit to allc in a Residential-Two zone Location of Request: 3516 & 3536 Jay Street Name & Address of Applicant(s): Rose Foster 3441 Fenton wheat Ridge ~w a day care/kindergarten district Nina Forgo St 890 S St. Paul Denver 80209 Name & Address of Owner(s): Same as above ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate Area: 15,785 sq ft & 20,400 sq ft Present Zoning: R-2 , Present Land Use: pre-school & residence ~ Surrounding Zoning: All sides: R-2 Surrounding Land Use: ,Ni S,_,_ E: Low density residential; [~ vacant & low density Comprehensive Plan for Area: Low density residentiai --------------------y-------------------------------- Date Published: Januar 18 1994 Date to be Posted: February 14, 1994 Date Legal Notices Sent: Agency Check List Related Correspondence ------------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Zoning Ordinance February 14, 1994 (XX) Attached ( ) Not Required (XX) Attached ( ) None ------------------------------ (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Slides Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ~ ~ City Council StaPf Report Page 2 Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo I. REOUEST The applicant requests approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a day care/kindergarten in a Residential-Two zone district for properties located at 3516 and 3536 Jay Street. The purpose of the special use permit is for legalizing a nonconforming use at 3536 Jay Street and expansion of the existing nursery to include 3516 Jay Street. Because there are two separate properties and s3tuations, the properties will be discussed separately. At the time of original application, day care centers were only allowed in commercial zones, however, pursuant to the passage of Ordinance #945, day care centers are now allowed as a special use in all of the Ci-ty's residential aones. The applicant has amended her request for a rezoning to a Special Use Permit. Included under Exhibit 'B' is the applicant's justification for approval of the Special Use Permit. Minutes from the October 21, 1993 and February 17, 1994 Planning Commission public hearings have been included under Exhibit 'C'. The original request £or a paving of parking lot variance has been withdrawn, therefore that is not longer an issue. II. PROPERTY CQNFI~CURATION - 35~6 Jk1,Y STREET The existing Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten has been located on the northern property (3536 Jay Street) since the late 1950s. Enroliment at the school is approximately 45 children with four to five full-time teachers on Staff. It is a corner lot with frontage on Jay Street and West 35th Place. The property is currently nonconforming in regard to zoning (no special use approval), parking access (open access) and the amount of parking. Based on the City's current standards, 14 of£-street parking spaces are required where only seven spaces are provided on site at this time. The owner is proposing no physical changes to the property, however, Staff is recommending that puil-o~f parking for three cars be provided on West 35th Place. See Exhibit 'D'. Sta££ had originally recommended that this £acility be limited to 45 full-time pre-schoolers and kindergarteners (ages 2 1/2 to 6 years). The applicant's license with Soc3a1 Services is approved for 57. If the request is approvec~ for 45 £ull-time students, this is a condition under which the licensee will have to operate. Exceeding this limit would prove to be a violation and could serve as a basis for revocation of the Special Use Permit. Pursuant to Exhibit 'H', the applicant is requesting that the Special Use Permit allow 57 fuil-time students. With this number of students, she has agreed to limit the property to the south to 23. City Council Staff Report Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo III. CRITERIA - 3536 1av Street, Page 3 Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit for property at 3536 Jay Street. 1. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. The school is £ul£illing a need within the community for preschool/kindergarten service. This is a use which was existing prior to incorporation. The school has been serving the needs of the community £or almost 40 years. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, sa£ety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. There should be minimal detrimental e££ects on the general health, safety and wel£are o£ persons in the area. However, parking is inadequate for the current capacity of the school. Cars are being parked along West 35th Place which is substandard in width. Sta££ recommends additional asphalt be placed between the north side o£ the house and the edge oP asphalt on West 35th Place to provide more of a parking pull-off. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. The owner proposes no changes to the property. If the property is maintained in its' current state, there should be no resulting blight. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. There should be no further impact to the neighborhood in regard to water, air or noise pollution, since no changes are proposed. 5. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Since the R-2 zoning will remain on the property, the low density designation in the Comprehensive Plan will not be affected. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. Since no changes are proposed, the traffic patterns will continue as they have historically. A parking pull-of£ along West 35th Place will help with traf£ic congestion. Traffic volume, however, will increase on Jay Street if the facility to the south is approved. City Council Staff Report Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Page 4 7. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent propertfes. The facility is residential in appearance. No changes are proposed, therefore, the facility will still be compatible with the neighborhood. 8. Will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. There should be no negative affect on the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. IV. PROPERTY CONFIGIJRATION - 3516 Jav The applicant has an option to purchase the duplex directly to the south of the current school. The property is a corner lot with frontages on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. It encompasses 20,000 square feet of land area and is traversed by the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Use of the new facility would be for the day care of newboms and toddleTS (ages 6 weeks to 30 months) with an expected capacity of up to 23 children and five staff inembers, which is consistent with the number of staff persons required by social services Por newborns (a ratio of one staff for every five babies). Pursuant to Exh3bit ~ the applicant has agreed to limit this facility to 23 if the other facility is allowed 57 students. Based on these figures, a total of nine paved parking spaces is required which would include one space for a center van. Exhibit 'E' shows the proposed use of the property with all of the parking and a drop-off area on Jay Street. Circulation would be one way. Aside from the parking, drop-off area and fencing, there should be no other changes to the property. The portion of the lot located on the other side of the Rocky Mountain Ditch will remain vacant. Because o£ the change of occupancy, the Uniform Building Code will require handicapped access for areas within the building accessible to the public. V. CRITERIA - 3516 Jav S#reet Staf£ has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit for 3516 Jay Street. City Council Sta££ Report Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Page 5 1. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. There is a void in the market £or good day care facility options for persons living and working in the area. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. In regard to convenience, i£ adequate parking is provided, tra£fic congestion should be minimal. The City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department has done traffic counts on Jay Street. Preliminary figures indicated that even with the new facility, increased counts do not push Jay Street over the limit £or a local street. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue o£ physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. The applicant intends on making minimal changes to the property to maintain a residential setting. If the property is kept up, there should be no concern with blight. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. The day care center will not produce any more air or water pollution than a typical single-family residence would. The amount of light to ad~acent properties will not be a£fected because the house will be limited to its' existing size and height. Although the height allowance is 35 feet in the R-2 zone, the structure will be restricted to its' current configuration. Because of the ages of the children in the new faoility (i.e., in£ants and toddlers), there should be minimal noise generated. A six-£oot-high solid fence surrounding the outdoor play area should help reduce noise to ad3acent properties 5. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as "low density residential". Day care facilities are generally thought to be support services £or residential areas. If a special use is granted,,the residential designation will not be a£fected, there£ore, there will be consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. City Council Staff Report Page 6 Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo The parking lot has been designed to provide sa£e, o££-street parking and loading. Traffic on Jay Street wiil increase, however, based on traffic counts performed by the Public Works Department, it would still meet the criteria £or a local street. 7. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The applicant has attempted to make the proposal as "residential" in feel as possible by not changing the appearance of the property. Buffering of the parking area off Jay will help so£ten the look of the lot. 8. Will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All streets utilities and other public £acilities and services are in place. The school provides its' own recreation opportunities, therefore there should be no impact on parks in the area. VI. TRAFFIC The Department oP Public Works has done traffic counts on Jay Street. A speed count on West 35th,Avenue was done as a result o£ compla3nts from area residents regarding the speed of cars using that street. West 35th Avenue is designated as a local street on the Comprehensive Plan but it £unctions as a minor collector. The speed posted is 30 m.p.h. A 2~-hour speed assessment was done with the £ollowing results: There were a total of 963 cars on the day the count was taken. Average speed was 28 m.p.h. There were 19 cars which travelled between 41 and 45 m.p.h. and five cars which travelled between 46 and 50 m.p.h. The "85th percentile" was 34.8 m.p.h (The "85th percentile" is the speed in which most drivers feel comPortable driving at and is one of the warrants used in setting mile-per-hour ratings). The findings are consistent with a minor collector status street and while warrants are not met £or a four-way stop at the 35th/Jay Street intersection, the Public Works Director indicates that this conversion is not out of the question. A 24-hour tra£fic count was per£ormed on Jay Street midway between West 35th Avenue and West 35th Place. The 24-hour count for vehicles travelling southbound was 289. The 24-hour count for vehicles travelling northbound was 141. The comb3ned cou~t was 430. City Council StaPf Report Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo Page 7 An additional 24-hour count was done at the same location with a total count of 475. A count was also done on Jay Street north of west 35th Place with a 24-hour count of 530. Based on a total of 23 in£ants and toddlers at the new facility and £ive staff inembers, Staff estimates this will generate 67 additional vehicle trips to and from the center each day. This would raise the total vehicle trips per day to 497. Section V-21 of the Comprehensive Plan sets the parameter of traffic capacity Por a local street at 2000 vehicles per day. Sta£f concludes that with the new facility, J,ay Street will still £unction as a local street. As a rule o£ thumb, a typical reaidential dwelling unit generates roughly ten vehicle trips per day. VII. NEIGHBaRHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 20, 1993. Aside from Staf£ and the owner/applicants, two residents from the area attended. Concerns expressed included noise during the day and primarily traffic on Jay Street and West 35th Avenue. Letters in favor o£ the proposal have been included under Exhibit 'F'. Included also in the applicant's Exhibit 'B' are letters o£ support. Letters of protest received from area residents have been included under Exhibit 'G'. Please review these documents closely as there are four separate letters and three petitions relating to three dif£erent aspects of this case. VII2. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can serve,both properties. Public Works would like to see construction o£ curb, gutter and sidewalk along the West 35th Avenue and Jay Street £rontages. Curb, gutter and walk could be required on West 35th Avenue only if a park3ng area is installed on the vacant hal£. A drainage plan and report will be required if the paving variance is not approved. The sight distance visibility at West 35th Avenue/Jay Street intersection needs to be improved by the removal of obstructive foliage. IX. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION A public hearing was held on the request on February 17, 1994. A recommendation of Approval was made for 3536 Jay Street for the following reasons: City Council Sta£f Report Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Page 8 1. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all posting and notiPication requ3rements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case.; 2. StaPf concludes that the existing facility has been in operation for almost 40 years and approval o~ the 5pecial Use Permit will bring a legal noncon£orming use into compliance. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports this request. With the £ollowing conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit ba granted to the Wheat Ridge preschool and Kindergar-ten (3536 Jay Street) under the ownership of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be amended to a day care center for up to 45 preschool children and kindergarteners. 3. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'D'. 4. Exhibit 'D' be amended to show an asphalt pull-off along the north side o£ the structure (West 35th Place). In regard to 3516 Jay Street a recommendation of Approval was made for the following reasons: 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Special. Use Permit supports this request. 2. It is determined that the benefits to the community outweigh the potential minor impacts to the neighborhood; With the following conditions: 1. The Speciai Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge preschool and kindergarten (3516 Jay Street) under the ownership of Nina Fargo. 2. The Special Use Permit be lim3ted to a day care center for up to 35 infants and toddlers. 3. Use of the propertg sha11 be in accordance with Exhibit 'E'. 4. Visibility at the intersection at Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved as per Public Works Department request. 5. Curb, gutter and siflewalk be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change in use. 6. A landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards, yet provides a dense bu£fer be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. Th3s landscaping could include trees, shrubs, possible berming, etc. 7. The proposed park3ng lot be asphalt, as required by City standards. Once again, please note that the applicant has requested Spec3al Use Permit approval consistent with her current license on the northern City Council StaPf Report Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo Page 9 facility., This would allow 57 £ull-time students at 3536 Jay Street and 23 infants and toddlers at 3516 Jay Street. Also, a paving variance was denied by Planning Commission. The applicant does not wish to pursue this. X. ~TAFF RECOMMENDATION~ 3536 Jav Street Sta£f concludes that the existing £acility has been in operation for almost 40 years and that approval of the Special Use Permit will bring an historical, legal nonconforming use into compliance. Staff further concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports this request. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for a Special Use Permit £or 3536 Jay Street with the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten at 3536 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center £or up to 57 preschool children and kindergartners. 3. The use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit D. 4. Exhibit 'D' be amended to show an asphalt pull-off along the north side o£ the structure (West 35th Place). 3516 Jav Street _ __ _ in regard to the request for a Special Use Permit £or the property at 3516 Jay Street, StafP concludes that a child care/nursery is generally considered a low-intensity use and a support service £or residential areas. Although tra£fic on Jay Street will increase, it still falls within the parameters of a local street. Because in generai, the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit supports this request a recommendation of Approval is given for 3516 Jay Street with the follawing conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and kindergarten at 3516 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center £or up to 23 infants and toddlers. ~ 3. The Use o£ the property be in con£ormance with Exhibit 'E'. 4. That visibility at the intersection of Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. C3ty Council Sta£f Report Page 10 Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo 5. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. 6. That a landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. XI. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Snecial Uce Permit for 353h Jav Stree~ "I move that Council Bill No. with specific regard to 3536 Jay Street, to allow a day care/kindergarten in an R-2 zone district be Approved for the following reasons and with the conditions stated: 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit proposal support approval. 2. This use has existed at this location £or 40 years without undue con£lict and complaints. 3. The Permit shall be issued to Nina Forgo only, as owner and operator. 4. The Permit is limited to day care for up to 57 full-time preschool and kindergarten children (ages 2 1/2 to 6 years old). 5. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'D'. 6. Exhibit 'D' shall be revised to show asphalt pull-off along the north side o£ the structure (West 35th Place) and such paving shall occur within 90 days of e£fective date of this Permit." ~necial Uce Permit for 3516 7av StrPet "I move that Council Bill No. , with specific xegard to 3516 Jay Street, a request for a child care center/nursery in an R-2 zone district be Approved for the following reasons and with conditions stated: 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit proposal support approval. 2. It 3s determined that the benefits to the community outweigh the potential minor impacts to the neighborhood. 3. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and kindergarten at 3516 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 4. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 23 £ull-time infants and toddlers (ages six weeks to 30 months). 5. The use o~ the property be in con£ormance with Exhibit 'E'. 6. That visibility at the intersection of Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request, 7. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. City Council Staff Report Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Page ll 8. That a landscape buf£er that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buf£er, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. <pc>srsup941 ( i (~ ~ CASE NO.g1TP-94-1 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY XX F1S2: (Whaat RiAaal TTn pr[]hlein. _._, . ~~-_ Schools: -. - - XX Water: (Whaat Rir1Ra1 ('~n qPrpQ _ - ~}{ Sewer: rr.,,,oa,- Ai Anol (~on ra+-v+a -= XX US West Communications: rT., ,-A~r~.,~P XX PubliC Service Co: No response. State Land Use Comm. (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: .,. - Jef£erson County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) _ Adjacent City: _ i American Cablevison: -- - -- i • CITY DEPARTMENTS PUbl7.C WOTkS: Wniilr~ ~'~lr.~ n+ivh~ g~~{-+ar ~-~a cirlau~alU ~~~•..~„~~+ Z~j,th ', Avenue and Jay Street. Would like to improve_si_ght_distance at., wesL s~r.n ana ~ay 5treet intersection. " Parks & Recreation: ~° Police: _ -~- ; Building Inspection: _ . - ~ pc/Agencyrefsum ~ ~ , ~----,~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ~ , , ~ _ ~ $ '~ -~. //~~ L9LE1 b1LC n LJ<t LL9[ iiC ~' {009 ~YC YR~ 1V~'~fTRL .ILF ~ti ~pb+[ ~12C ~~ L~ft ldEG ~CP/ ~ ~[~ ~ ~• I~ ~~I I~ I~ ~ ~ _ ~ a ~ ~ • 19 ~ -I 7TJ ~ H uos ~-9'-" - -- ~ ~' ` II nos _ ~~ ~Y9[~029[~009[ o6sf~e[cc ~ Y19 1-._- - ~~~ ~ L 0~2[ ~ CAV ~ . ~ $ ~ ~ ~y ~ w~f G~c~~YfE OOEC ~LM ]82L'dE6P~ ~L 15 SlT/qVl a ~'~ ~ A ~ ~~- - ~ ~ IGi9 yst9 15 STIV9NI ,~~r~v 1 1019 I ~ N d F cc xe 't5~x'" ~cac s ~ o^ .. d~~ ~ M $ ~ ~ m ~ ~.~ ~ ~_ `'~~~:.~~~ ~~:.t , , I ~ ~dWi IN ~, , . -- m ` 1W[E~~'[ SA29 • o6`e~~W!~FI~1~OMCIose¢I UI[[ SXI~J092[~~~'2~IOE2[03dCpOZE r~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yd9 L LA:G L62C 6L2f .9 l~tl~ 5L'2L }S92E ~ • _ ~ m ~!~ _<~ . ~ N ii`ac~~ ~ ~ ' ~ OdG9 ` ~9 ~) pC ~ ~.~ ~` 1~~,~ ~ ~r~5 ~ _ ~, ~~ ~ MK 6EE[ 0[EL 063C 062L OLg U12C 022C SB29 W ~ is Tn~m~ . ~- 11 - €~`yNOisinichansQ~+lnos aNd-~H~i+~~' ~ `~~n~t+{i ` 3 ~-J ~ ~ ~~ ~°11}1 " ~II ~ /~ tYl. 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BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section l. Wheat Ridge Code o£ Laws, Chapter 26, Article 1. Zoning Code, Section 26-6.(H) Special Uses is hereby repealed and reenacted as £ollows: "(B) Soecial Uses: Special uses are discretionary uses which are clearly shown to be void or deficient in an area, and which i£ properly designed, developed, operated and maintained, may be approved £or,any specific location with3n a zone district wherein the special use is enumerated. Special Uses are highly dependent upon proper design, management and operational aspects, therefore such uses must be considered as a personal grant of use, granted to the owner of the special use and not as a grant of a vested property right which transfers with the land or lease. The only time a Special Use Permit may be transferred to a new owner without re-applying for approval 3s through inher3tance by an heir. The primary issues which planning commiss3on and city council shall address are those related to justification of need and those special design and operational considerations which mitigate potential detrimental impacts of a special use cc :~i~:.c..~~ .:3;. on surrounding land uses, the street system, or public services or £acilities. In order to protect the public interest se~.4::~:, c~~:.YO-~y, planning commission and city council shall have the right to approve, approve with modi£ications or deny a special use request, and to revoke previously approved special use permits pursuant to subsection (6) hereof. (1) Annlinahil.itv_ The requirements of this subsection shall apply to ail uses listed as "Special Uses" within the provisions set £orth for any particular zone district. (2) Annlic~tinn f~rm and review nrnr.e~nres: (a) Prior to submitting any application for a special use permit, the applicant shall be required to hold a neighborhood input meeting. (See subsection (F)(1) for requiremen~s.) ~ Ordinance NO. qG5 Series o£ 1993 Page 2 (b) Special use applications shall may be originated only by the prospective owner of the proposed special use, with written approval of the fee owner of the property in cases where the owner of the property is dif£erent than the owner of the proposed special use. Both the special use owner and the land owner, or their legal representatives, must be present at all public hearings. s~-~-;-iia a~~aincy' ~+ icy~~~s ~E~3~-~ fl$~EJZ _~~' '{ ~ r:...'i.: ..... a.=co~.-.c~,'t- . (c) Application shall be submitted on forms provided by the department of planning and development, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the property deed, a certified survey, and a fee of one hundred dollars (5100.00). (d) All applications shall also be accompanied by a site development plan and additional written information in suf£icient detail to convey the full intent of the applicant in developing, operating and maintaining the special use. The site development plan shall meet the requirements of a Type 2 site plan as set forth in subsection (E)(1) below. (e) Upon receipt of a complete application packet as described above, the planning and development department shall proceed with the following process: 1. Refer the application to affected public agencies for review and comment. 2. Within thirty (30) days of acceptance of a completed application packet, give notice of a scheduled public hearing on the application by newspaper publication, letter notification and posting in the manner as provided in subsection (F}(1). 3. Prepare a written report and recommendations to the planning commission which evaluates the proposal and makes findings using the following review criteria set forth in subsection (3) below. (3) Cri.teria for review. Before a special use is approved, the applicant shall show, and the planning commission and city council shall find, the proposed special uses: (a) Will-meet a'proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. (b) Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, wel£are, safety and convenience of Or~dinance No. 945 Page 3 Series o£ 1993 persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. (c) Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. (d) Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. (e) Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. (£) Will not result in undue traf£ic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic con£licts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. (g) Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, bu££ering', screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with ad~acent properties. (h) Wiil not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. (4) Plannina commiesion raviPw~ The planning commission shall hear and consider,any evidence or statement presented by the applicant, city staff, or by any person in attendance at the hearing. The planning commission shall then make a recommendation to city council to approve, approve with conditions or deny the application, basing its recommendation upon the facts presented in the public hearing in consideration of the criteria for review as specified in subsection (3) above. Planning commission may recommend condi- tions or stipulations, which may include physical design as well as operational and maintenance considerations, upon the special use in addition to standard development and use regulations which apply within a particular zone district or for a similar "permitted use". Such conditions or stipulations may be recommended in order to ensure compliance with the criteria for review, which, if not complied with, shall be grounds £or revocation of the special ~~~.u~t~~n~ use. A recommendation £or den3al shall be considered final, unless the applicant files an appeal to city council. (5) Citv coiin~il review. City Council shall review and decide upon all requests for spec3al uses upon recommendation of planning commission for approval or upon appeal,by an applicant of a recommendation for denial by planning commission. Special uses may only be approved by passage oP an ordinance, following the Z Ordinance No. ?GS Series o£ 1993. Page 4 city's standard ordinance adoption procedures. Notice of public hearing snall be in the manner provided in subsection 26-6(F)(1). City council, in addition to consideration of the planning commission record, shall hear additional evidence and testimony,presented, and either pass, pass with modi£ications, or deny the ordinance, its decision being based upon all evidence presented, with due consideration o£ the criteria for review. (6) Enf~r~amant_ All conditions and stipulations imposed by city council shall be maintained in perpetuity with the special ee~3~~~~:.~~ use. Z£ at any time the stipulations or conditions are not adhered to or are found to have been materially altered in scope, application or design, the zoning administrator shall notify a code en£orcement officer o£ the nature of the violation(s) and the code enforcement o£ficer shall investigate, and if appropriate, initiate revocation s~~ _~.:.~~ ~:._.,_:,:....;...;: proceedings which shall include the following: (a) Notice of violation following procedures as set forth for Nuisances pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code, Chapter 15. (b) Upon a finding of noncompliance by a Code Enforcement Officer a£ter the prescribed correction date, the Zoning Administrator shall schedule a revocation hearing before the City Council. Such revocation hearing date shall be set by City Council after lst reading of an ordinance therefore.. The purpose of the revocation hearing shall be for the City Council to hear evidence concerning the nature and extent of the alleged noncompliance with the conditions of the Special Use Permit. The Council shall have the power, upon good cause being shown, to cancel or revoke the previously issued Special Use Permit, to require certain corrective measures to be taken, and/or to direct the City's aqents to enter upon the premises and take corrective measures required by the City Council, and to modify the conditions which apply to the Special Use Permit. Any revocation action shall become effective fi£teen (15) days after final publication of the ordinance. Any other action shall require a continuance of the public hearing to a specific future date, and a motion stipulating the specific corrective measures that are to be accomplished either by the special use owner or by an 'agent of the City within that time period. Upon the date of the continued hearing, should the Council find that the conditions and stipulatio~s have not been ~' Ordinance No. 945 Page 5 Series o£ 1993 _ satisfactorily met, Council shall adopt the revocation ordinance." (7) Nonconformina Snecial Uses: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Zoning Code Section 26-7. Nonconforming lots, uses, and structures, any special use which is nonconforming to the provisions of this Section 26-6.(S) by way of not having received approval of a Speaial Use Permit under prior rules and procedures shall terminate, or shall otherwise become conforming to these provisions, within five (5} years of the date that such nonconforming status became effective. In addition, within this five (5) year amortization'period, no nonconforming special use shall change ownership without coming into conformance with this Section 26-6.(B). All other provisions of Section 26-7 shall apply. sectiqn 2_, Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-23. Commercial- Two District (C-2), subsection (E) Special Uses, is hereby amended by the addition o£ an additional special use as follow: "(d) Pawn Shops." Section 3. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-5. Definitions subsection (a) is hereby amended by the inclusion of an additional definit3on, in the appropriate alphabetical order, as follows: "Pawn Shop. A commercial establishment where a pawnbroker, as def3ned 6y Colorado Revised Statutes, regularly conducts the business of making contracts for purchase or purchase transactions." ~ection 4. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-10 through Section 26-15, and Sections 26-18 and 19, subsections (E) Special Uses, are hereby amended by addition o£ the.following new special uses: "Small Day Care Center, Day Care Center." Section 5. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sections 26-16 and 26-17, subsections (E} SQecial Uses, are hereby amended by addition of the following new special use: Q Ordinance No_ ?~5 Series of 1993 "Day Care Center." Page.6 Section 6, Sa£Ptv C]ause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, sa£ety, and wel£are of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation o£ health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the prbper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 7. sPVerabilitv. if any ciause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court o£ competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Secti_on £i_ SunerseGSion Ciavse_ I£ any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards £ound elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval by City Council. INTRODUCED, READ, 8ND ADOPTED on £irst reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this ZZnd day of ~Iovember , 1993, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general airculation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for nP~emher 13 , 1993, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 west 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote o£ ( to 2 , this 13th day of December , 1993. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 14th day of December' , 1993. ~J.....~d.t~ DAN WILDE, MAYOR Ordinance No. q~S Series of 1993 ATTEST• y...~ Wanda Sang, C'it,*~ lklerk ~) lst PubliCatiOn: November 30, Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY .u~~i. ~/,~~r/~.f ~ ~IQ'SCHROEDER, CITY ATTORNEY 1993 2nd Publication: December 21, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: December I3, 1993 <ldr>ordspecialuses CASE NO. SUP-94-1 EXHIBIT 'C' P18nning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 5 however, i£ the person was intoxicated or readily admitted his fault. Commissioner QUALTERI reiterated that Ms. Donner had o££ered her driveway to be utilized by the public. MS_ nonnar, stated yes her driveway only could be used by persons needing to turn their vehicles around. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Ms. Donner's vehicle was accidentally hit by another vehicle negotiating the turnaround process, would she expect compensation? Ms. n~nnar answered perhaps if the person was intoxicated. Mr. Goebel explained further (by re£erence to the aerial photo included in the packet) how the proposed turnarounds wouid function. Commissioner JOHNSON asked Mr. Goebel what radius was necessary to allow a an emergency vehicie to turn around? Mr. Goebel stated that needed to be worked out. Commissioner ECKHARDT moved that the request for vacation o£ Field Street between Field Street and Flower Street be recommended for Approval excepting the portion o£ land at the west end of Field Street shown in green on Exhibit 'B'. A portion o£ the driveway on the west s3de o£ Field Street (MCCloud's property 3255 Field Street) be dedicated as public right-of-way and that a portion of Flower Street (Mr. Fourcade's property at 3390 Flower Street) be dedicated as public right-of- way. The exact dimensions and legal descriptions should be prepared by staf£ and prasented to City Council at the time of public hearing. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-1, with Commissioner QUALTERI voting no. Commissioner ECKHARDT complemented Planning and Public Works Staff in their e££orts to work'with the area residents to come to an agreeable solution. 2. C.ase No_ WZ-93-5:_ An_application by Nina Fargo and Rose Foster £or approval of rezoning from Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial One with restricted uses and a paving variance for properties located at 3516 Jay Street and 3536 Jay Street. Ms. Reckert presented the staff report after providing several exhibits to Commission £or their gerusal. Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 October 21, 1993 Entered and accepted into the record were the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and slides. Commissioner QBALTERI asked Ms. Reckert if the property west of the site was zoned R-2? ' Ms. Reckert stated it was zoned R-2 and R-3 and the Comprehensive Plan designates the parcel as a mix of high and low density residential. Mr. Gidley stated The Comp Plan was amended to designate all of it as low density residential. Commissioner QUALTERI asked for an explanation,of zoning on the Davis property. Mr. Gidley stated that the northernmost site is zoned high density, R-3, the southernmost gortion of the site is zoned R-2, low density residential. Commissioner QUALTERI asked i£ the southern portion was about 200 feet? Mr, Gidley stated something close to that. Comm3ssioner RASPLICKA asked what hours the day care center operates? Ms. Reckert stated the applicant could better answer that question. H,~ah Foster 3441 Fenton Street, was sworn in. Mr. Foster gave a brie£ history of the property. He felt the requested expansion would have less impact than selling the house to a£amily with a large number of children, since it contains six bedrooms. Nina Fnra~, 8g0 South St. Paul Street, was sworn in. Ms. Forgo stated she would like to combine the two parcels, expanding the current facility to include infants and toddlers. She expeoted a maximum of 30 infants and she estimates one-half of those would be generated by parents with children enrolled currently. This would result in 15 new vehicles in the neighborhood twice daily. Hours o£ operation are £rom 7:~Q a.m, to 6:00 p.m., the center is closed on weekends and holidays. Commissioner QUALTERI asked i£ her day care £acility was licensed with Social Services? Ms. Forao answered yes. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Social Services had expressed concex« w~~h the open irr3gation ditch on the property. Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 October 21, 1993 Ms_ Forao stated that any bridge must have a roof and enclosed sides. She added that she wants to retain the residential flavor if possible. Either parking scenario would work, however, she prefers entering and exiting the property from 3ay Street. Commissioner QUALTERI asked i£ Social Services inspected 3516-18 Jay Street? Ms_ Forao stated the property had been inspected and £ound to be acceptable. Chairperson LANGDON asked about the safety of the irrigation ditch. Ms. Fora~ stated that if the parking lot was situated where the ditch must be arossed, then the bridge must be constructed according to certain safety standards. Rita Lefier, 6200 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. LePler stated she is concerned with speeding traf£ic and noise in her neighborhood. She had lost two dogs to traf£ic in recent years. John Faas, 6205 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Mr. Faes stated he is adjacent to the proposed site. His opposed changing the zoning £rom residential to commercial, since he felt property values would su£fer. vivian 5kvbern, 6210 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Skyberg stated she wanted the neighborhood to remain quiet, as she just retired and is new to the neighborhood. Shirlev Heiahton, 6160 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Heighton stated she lives directly across the street £rom 3616-18 Jay Street on West 35th Avenue. She doesn't want to look out her £ront windows and see a parking lot. Ms. Heighton added that West 35th Avenue currently carries heavy traffic and parking can be a problem. She opposes the requested change of zoning and increasing the size of day care center. Commissioner JOHNSON asked Ms. Heighton i£ she would prefer having six teenagers to 15 babies? Ms. xeiahton stated yes, she would. She reiterated her £eelings. Mr. Fos+ar stated that according to the leash law, dogs should be on leash when out of the yard. Nina Forao stated that she planned to maintain, a~ much as possible, the residential look o£ the property. She felt proper landscaping would help. She in£ormed Commission how the children are involved in the community. Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 October 21, 1993 Commissioner QUALTERI asked i£ the new facility would house only infants? Ms. Forao stated it woul'd house infants and toddlers. Toddlers range £rom 12 months to 30 months. She elaborated. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if they would be outdoors without supervision? Ms. F~rao stated absolutely not. Commissioner QIIALTERI asked about Ms. Forgo`s pre£erence for design scenario #1. He noted that most o£ the concern voiced tonight were regarding scenario #2. Is that amount o£ parking required? Ms. Reckert stated the parking is needed. The designs are almost equal in available parking spaces. Commissioner QUALTERI had some further questions regarding the intersection at 35th and Jay Street. Mr. Gidley stated currently there are no proposals to physically modify the intersection on the south. Commissioner ECKHARDT voiced concern regarding the commercial zoning classi£ica'tion. He asked if consideration had been given to requiring a PRD. He was uncom£ortable with placing stipulations on the commercial zoning designation. Mr. Gidley stated the outcome would be that a day care center wouid be allowed, based on a site plan tied to the zoning, whether as a PRD or conditional Restricted-Commercial One zoning. Commercial ECKHARDT noted that two speakers had voiced concern about changing the zoning from residential to commercial. Mr. Gidley stated that certain requirements exist relative to the ratio of residential uses in a PRD. Nonres3dential uses are restricted to: 1) one-aore of land, and 2) commercial uses cannot exceed 25~ of gross area of PRD. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked about creating a PCD, as he had concerns about R-C1 uses in a R-2 zone. Mr. Gidley stated that sta£f pre£erred to see Special Use Permit procedures for any kind of use. That was approved in commercial districts, however, was not approved in residential zone districts. Mr_ Faes pointed out where he resided and spoke o£ the impact the expanded center would have on him. Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 October 21, 1993 • Chairperson LANGDON asked if a Special Use Permit would require paving. Mr. Gidley stated that was not a requirement for a SUP, it is a parking requirement in any zone district, including residential. Ms. Heiahtnn asked why staff was referring to the house (3516-18 Jay Street) as a duplex. She stated it is not a duplex, but a house made into apartments. _ Chairperson LANGDON stated the zoning was R-2, which allows duplexes, (i.e., two-family dwellings). Ms_ Heiahton asked i£ the zoning 3s not changed, would additional parking be required? Mr. Gidley stated that a subdivision occurred on the southeastern triangle in 1984 that subdivided that corner Por the purpose of developing a single-family home. Single-£amily homes are required to have four off-street parking spaces. Since there is an existing two-family dwelling on the property, technically, the requirement would be four of£-street parking spaces per dwelling unit, totalling 12 parking spaces. Ms. xeiahtnn asked i£ the property remained residential in nature, would the City require all the additional parking? Mr. Gidley stated no. However, the property owner would have the right to add 12 parking spaces if they desired. Ms. xa;nht~n queried Mr. Gidley regarding to the possible sale of the property and uses allowed should the proposed change of zoning be approved. Mr. Gidley stated that the only use allowed would be a pre- school/day care center or a residence. This could not be phanged unless an applicant applied to change it. Ms. Heiahton_asked i£ the requested change of zoning is approved, would an applicant be more likely to gain approval? Mr. Gidley stated no, it would not. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked Mr. Faes if he kept several vehicles on his property? Mr. FaP~ answered he has two vehicles that are kept in his garage. Chairperson LANGDON asked i£ it would be possible to allow the day care center under any other type of zoning? Mr. Gidley stated Planned Commercial Development. Planning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 10 Chairperson LANGDON asked if the PCD would force the paving of the parking lot? Mr. Gidley stated the applicant's request to avoid paving is a separate issue and requires approval of a variance. Mr. Gidley stated that parking for a single-family home is required to be paved. Mr. Gidley stated that another preschool near this location was required to pave their parking lot, even though they requested a gravel parking lot. For approval, the variance requires a greater than ma~ority vote, he added. Commission may wish to consider each property and the variance separately. He suggested numerous options and explained each. Chairperson LANGDON asked if the property would be in con£ormance should the rezoning request be approved. Mr. Gidley stated it would. Chairperson LANGDON asked what the advantage would be to dividing the property? Mr. Gidley stated the only advantage would be i£ Commission wished to take different actions on each parcel. He stated that he did not hear objection to the existing dap care center, just to the expansion. Commissioner JOHNSON asked about the legal protest submitted. Mr. Gidley stated that by Charter, requires.a greater-than- majority vote by City Council. It would require at least six votes for approval. Should Planning Commission deny the request, the matter is dead unless applicant appeals to City Council. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he prePers the request £or rezoning was for a Planned Commercial Development, parking be on the north side o£ the ditch (Exhibit 'D'), and a considerable amount of landscaping between the circle drive and the parking area. In addition, curb, gutter and sidewalk be installed along Jay Street and any necessary overflow parking would be on the south side of the ditch along Jay Street. That overflow parking area should be landscaped appropriately. He was in favor o£ paved parking. Chairperson LANGDON stated he didn't feel that a nursery belonged on a busy thoroughfare such as West 38th Avenue or_Kipling. He felt landscaping would help. He asked i£ it was normally allowed. Ms. Reckert stated that day care for 6-12 children is allowed in a residential area by Special Use Permit. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated it was obvious that a schoc,! i~ir children belongs in a residential area. Planning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 11 Mr. Gidley suggested that Commission take a brief recess to compose a motion. A recess was called at 9:30 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:44 p.m. Commissioner ECKHARDT moved that Case No. WZ-93-5 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation £or Approval with the £ollowing conditions: 1. The zone classificat3on requested be changed from RC-1 to PCD; 2. The only uses allowed be as £ollows: 1) day care center £or up to 80 infants, toddlers, preschool children and kindergarten; 2) one or two-£amily residence, as allowed in the existing R-2 zone district. 3. The property would be developed and used as follows: A. If used as residential, normal R-2 zone standards shall apply. S. I£ used as a day care/preschool/kindergarten center, it shall be in accordance with staPf's Exhibit 'C' and `D', (included in packet), which shall be accepted as meeting the requirements of an Outline and Final Development Plan. C. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. D. That a landscape bu££er that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. E. Exhibit 'C' be amended to show an asphalt pull-o£f along the north side of the structure (West 35th Place). For the following reason: 1. The proposed use is compatible with a residential area. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. He asked if the curb, gutter and sidewalk would be on Jay Street only. Ms. Reckert stated it would measure about_50 feet in length._ Commissioner ECKHARDT noted that Public Works requested that the j`~ visibility at the intersection o£ Jay Street and West 35th Avenue / \ along the ditch be improyed. He included that in his motion. Commissioner JOHNSON agreed with the addition. Motion carried 7-0. ~ CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: WZ-93-5 LOCATION: ~516 Jay St & 3536 Jay St APPLICANT(S) NAME: Nina Fargo and Rose Foster OWNER(S) NAME: Same as above REQUEST: Rezoning from R-2 to R-C1 with restricted uses and a paving variance APPROXIMATE AREA: 15,785 sq £t/20,000 sq ft WHEREAS, the City o~ Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT, seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that Case No. WZ-93-5 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for Approval with the following conditions: 1. The zone classification requested be changed £rom RC-1 to PCD; 2. The only uses allowed be as follows: 1) day oare oenter for up to 80 in£ants, toddlers, preschool ch3ldren and kindergarten; 2) one or two-family residence, as allowed in the existing R-2 zone district. 3. The property would be developed and used as ~ollows: A. I£ used as residential, normal R-2 zone standards shall apply. B. I£ used as a day care/preschool/kindergarten center, it shall be in accordance with staff's Exhibit 'C' and 'D', (included in packet), which shall be accepted as meeting the requirements of an Outline and Final Development Plan. C. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. D. That a landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense buffer, be Certificate o£ Resolution Page 2 Case No. WZ-93-5/Foster & Forgo placed between the parking area and Jay street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. E. Exhibit 'C' be amended to show an asphalt pull-off along the north side-of the structure (West 35th Place). F. That visibility at the intersection o£ Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Public Works Department request. For the following reason: 1_ The proposed use is compatible with a residential area. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Qualteri, Owens, Rasplicka, Langdon, Crumpton & Johnson NO: None I,.Sandra Wiggins, Searetary to the City o£-Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 7-0 vote o£ the members present at their regular-meeting held in the Council Chambers o£ -the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 21st day of,October, 1993. ~,.-rc.rq ~/ a`/Itll'~/'!-'~<< t~~` , ~eorg~ LanC don / Ch ~rperson Sandra Wiggins, ~' etary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNI3QG COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLAN G COMMISSION <pc>resowz935 ~"""'~ ~~ ~d~ F:11i;;llllRtli!ti~lllliltlillllllllllill?lltt?t6;V~ ' l ~'Ll !,i ~ t~~i:~ }~~l l ; l l 1 ~l`~Il l i riYQ[ l 11l ~ ~ l~ , ~1Ft ~ U,lkq, l :1; . i1~l~l 1LP1 YhtI:A l t ll ~ lt; lltitlttl i f ii~itittil tilttt R ililtltltitl4tlll~ _ _..._ .__ _.._.~_.._._ ..~. _ . . . . . . ,>„_L i ~ 11 : ? , i ! U - , lllltillll l!ltlilUl ~,llilil:lili~~ ~- ;lllllillll ! llllllllll :lllllt1111 Illllllllll y ~ Illllililtt fllllllllll 1111111111 J ltllillllll R111llilll llllllllltl m ~° ~"[j 1t11Rlllll '~ ~ ~ ltltttl4iil ~r 1lllllRlll ~ ~ lllll;lllll m n (~ llllllillll ltl~ llllllll . ~'~ hy lblil?il~il ~1 ~- J lllllRlRillli;lli ~"~ jttktill~iilllltl;ll ~ O I!ltl'!~il;lli;:~.!'. '~ ~7 .ltll!Iliiitil!ill:: r F-' ~,111;1;Fliltii,~.~~' ~;'.~~~~~:~~:tl~ ':~ N ~ 11~21'tt11il1lllliil ~ Illi'll':illli?!'!ild'. ~ ~il:;ll.~tl„ lil~.i~~ v Illlllllll411ll1t!li +llil!~i1;itL 11;1tj ;l'~ii~,~il'.i'.i;'.,j; jl~lilllillllil~!j I!!lilll'.illil`:;y 'llllllltliltli I ~ DN i ~ ~~ D ~ ~ m~ ~ i_. (W) ,Sti'SZl ia~ ~~ i -- - -- - ~.. _ ~.~" -- i N r rn C~n ~ ~ rn m n ~ n T ~ On N ~ W r O C7 ~ N ~ ' ` v 1 ~ _ ~~^- 1 ~ ~ ~ (A X rn ~ ? ~ ~. ~~~ -~ D N Y ~ W Crt i i ' CASE NO. WZ-93-5 EXHIBIT 'E' 3516 JAY ~ . 125.67' _. . . . _ ....... ~ ~ - ...,~ .,.. . , ---~--~ 140.00' ~~ ~1;1PP~tl~#??d#t\~Y Y `'Y r_'_-"_"' _. _ ,_. ~ FRAME i MULTI-LEVEL GARAGE ~ ' FRAME AND BRlCK RES. ~ ~ i 3516-18 JAY ST. ; ~ ` _ ~ ~ ..4~~ ~• ~ // , ~~ :d r - /~, ~....... ~ :,~-~; , ~ - :x: ~ 1 i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .;, ..::.;;;;; r.:.:;~ / ~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,,,, , ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, I :~ ;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;s;;;;;;;:;;;;:;::;;;::;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;;;:;;:;;::;;;;;;;;;:::::;;:;;;;:;;:;~ -C ~ + ................................ _.. . . ..... __~~___--__ ~P~ ~ , ~.' -~ ~ \ ~~~~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ /j~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~ _~ / ~~ ~ ~ .~..~ / ~ v ~ ~ r i ~ /~ ~/ PARCEL 2 ; , / 0.4683 ACRES OR r / 20,400 SQ.FT. ~M71. . /,~~ / /~~ 1.56' Fx Cor. ~ ~i / N89'59'5~'W 140.00' (M) ~ } -, '~` N w . ~5~' ,~v~ . CASE NO. SUP-94-1 EXHIBIT 'F' February 1, 1994 ~AiR/CK p~ ,BRuGE I~f1~2 `/ M• Q R J C_~ ~loa O /(iEUI~.9Nt~ sT ~eNV~~e c~~o , 8`oary Dear ~~~iL. U. ~~sa~o~ ; I am a regis[ered voter in your district wncemed about the opposition ro SUP - 94 - 1. I feel Nina Forgo, the applican[, is proposing to address an important need in our neighborhood; trusrivorthy childcare. I feel the need for infanUtoddler care outweighs the increase in tr~c of 40 to 50 cars per day and/or aestheiic concems. Whea[ Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten has a history of being a good neighbor and I feel it will continue. Please ..,~,...~..nt me in [his issue by voting for the passage of the Special Use Permit SUP - 94 -1 Sincerely, . ~ ~ i i ~~ ~ ~ ~- l~JJ~ Planning Commission 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheatridge, Co. 80033 cmr oF W~tEAr RroGE D~ r~ ra r2nii, ni-~ r- l JAN 2 '7 1994 _i~~~~u u ~~. PLANNIN6 & DEVELOPMENT CASE NO. SUP-94-1 EXHIBIT 'G' ~T~M ~- John & Geraldine Faes 6205 W. 35th Ave. Wheatridge, Co. 80033 ~f 3hy39~ As adjacent property owners, we have some specific __ concerns about the special use permit, requested in case #SUP 94-1 for property at 3516-3536 Jay St., according to Council Bi11 No. 30 Ordinance No.995 Section #1 (3) (b) We believe the added traffic from the proposed day care will.be detrimental to the safety of our family and children. I have in the past called Wheatridge Police concerning the traffic related to the corner of 35th and Jay streets. We have seen numerous cars fail to stop at the stop sign when travelling south on Jay street. This poses a gotentially of~ dangerous situation. Day care parents, when dropping^or picking up their children at the exsisting center, often park facing traffic, which is a violation of driving on the wrong side or parking on the wrong side of the street. This is definetly a safety hazard. Section #1 (3) (c) We now see at the proposed sight an attractive home with a beautiful, well established and cared for yard with mature trees. Green lawn and trees must be removed to make room for a black ashphalt parking lot. We cannot imag'ine this happening in our neighborhood. We want to preserve the established, natural beauty that we have in this neighborhood. Section #1 (3) (d) As we know, there is a reasonable amount of noise con- nected with any day care, but with the addition of another proposed day care, the noise and congestion will be even closer to our home. Even now, we usuaily cannot open our windows in our kitchen or dinning room upstairs because of the noise. As the days get warmer, the noise increases. A few times we have aTmost gone over to the day care because some child was screaming and the workers didn't seem to care about disciplining this action. Section #1 (3) (g) We do not feel the proposal for an additional day care center and adjoining parking lot would be compatible zaith the character of our neighborhood which now consists of grass, shrubs, mature trees and well established homes. We do not want to see our property values depreciate. Sincerely, /`~H G`l..~.~.~ /~' ~ohn Faes ~.~~'~.e. ~~ Geraldine Faes ~T~ (~'~ ~~ KENNETH R. LAMKIN, M.D. FAMILY PRACTICE 205 S. GARRISON ST. IAKEWOOD, CO 80226 303237,2779 FAX237.4428 February 7, 1994 TO: Wheat Ridge Pianning Department RE: Case #SUP-94-i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~~~.~~.,.~1..~ ~ F~~s 0 €r iS°4 . ~ I~'~t~33 U LS ~ ~LpNNIH~ & DEYfLOP~1f1~ii Dear Planning Commissioners: i am a family physician practicing in Jefferson County for the last 17 years. i wiil show there is no proven public need as stipulated in the Wheat Ridge Codes 26-6 Section 1(3) (a) and, in fact, the proposed day care facifity is an inferior sofution for families looking for day care. I will also show the proposed day care center is detrimental to the heafth, safety, and welfare of infants and toddlers when compared to other ciay care options in the Ciry of Wheat Ridge. The rate and severity of infections is greater in day care than in private homes. (Wafd, ER, Dashefsky B et a1: Frequency and severity of infections in day care. J. Pediatr 112:540, 1988.) The proposed day care center will be an environment where on average Wheat Ridge young childrerr wiil be ili over 50% ofi the time during the first two years of their fives. Day care, defined medicaffy as more than 6 children in one facility, for children in the first 2 years, poses significant health risks. Day care infants and toddlers on average have twice as many iftnesses, i8 per year. Each iffness tasts twice as iong, 14 days. The~efore, your average day care attendee Wrill be sick for more than 6 months each year for the first 2 years of life. These children suffer illnesses that are primariiy respiratory and negativety affiect the normal chifdhood development. For example, 1 in 5 day care children require tubes placed surgicaiiy in their ears, white 3 in 100 chitdren in private homes require this surgery. 6ay care chi{dren do not have th~ intense one-on-one caregiver-child relationship necessary for optimat psychosocial development. Infant and toddfer rearing is an area where it is clear the smailer the facility the better. Historically in Jefferson County, day care has been provided in private homes, a few childreri per home. These chiidren do not have the increased health risk that wouid be seen in the proposed facifity. Our current sqstem of smafi day care facilities in private homes is clearly superior to the proposed larger institution. I wifl relate the experiences of tw~o hypothetical infants to iliustrate these cruciaf issues for quafity day care for infants and toddlers. The Jones investigaied day care possibifities far their first child, Jennifer. Mr. Jones' moiher wanted to take Jennifer, and their neighbor having a toddier of her own, wanted to care fior ,iennrfer. But the deciding factor for Mrs. Jones, a nurse at Lutheran Medicai Center, was her wish to breastFeed her baby. She chose the day care at Lutheran, her workplace, because she couici be with Jennifer during breaks and iunch. iVlrs. Jones coufd strengthen the bond with her daughter and keep an eye on the care her daughter was receiving. ln retrospect, Nirs. Jones wonders 'rf she made the right decision. Jennifer had repeated respiratory infections, including 6~ar infections. Nirs. Jones iost 3 weeks of work staying home with Jennifer. Five years ago, the Smith'$ investigated day care possibilities fior their first child, Shawn. Mrs. Smith's mother insisted on keeping Shawn until he was old enough to benefit from the social experience~ at the iocaf day care center. Nouv Shawn is in day care and fheir newborn, Sarah, needs a caregiver whiie the Smith's are at work. The Smith's are reluctant to impose on mother again and the people at Shawn's day care pointed out how convenrent it vvould be to have bofh chiidren at the same center. So Sarah is enroffed in day care For infants and toddiers. AAom or dad can drop off and pick up both chiidren at the same time, rrvhich is importanY for this harciworking coupie. Sarah is a model infant. With her easy smiie and ability to occupy hersei~, she is grouped vuith other napping and quiet children. Th~e da~r care staff are responsible for the total care of 5 infiants each. Other infants, irritable because of iilness, lack of sleep, and/or homesickness, take up the attention of the staff. Sarah, whiie not neglected, is not closefy observed nor adequately stimulated. The Smith's work across town and rarefy visit their chiid. Sarah is at risk for retarded sociat development anci her inteliectual development couid be slowed. fn addition, Sarah has had respiratory 'rlfnesses repeatediy, a known probfem in such day care facilities. These examples illustrate that day care is an impertect solution with significant health and safety factors negatively impacting the welfare of chii~tren. Meningitis, surgery for insertion of tubes in ears, and enteritis are examples of conditions prevalent in day care. The proposed type of facility should be aliowed in our community only as a last resort, if there is a proven public need. If there were a proven pub9ic n~ed for the proposec~ day care faciiiry, citizens would be unable to work because day ca~e would be unavailable. I have 20 ~rears experience as a f~mify physician intenriewing hundreds of prospective and new parents. Parents are finding suitabfe day care. By word of mouth, the telephone, po~ting buitetins, babysitting co-ops, interviews, etc. these parents find suitabie ciay care. i have intennewed and examined numerous providers of day care in private homes who must receive periddic health examination by 1aw. Based on thSs exper'rence, 1 have conciuded ther~ is a ba~fance between supply and demand for day care in our community. Recentiy, a parent of a ct~iicf at the existing pre-school explained ta me why she felt the infant and toddier cen[er was needeci. She reiated that she interviewed 60 day care possibiiities per year and couid rrot fnd a situation that su~itecf her needs. This parent felt she coufd trust the ovvner, Nina Fargo, and therefore wanted to use the proposeci infant anci toddier center. This parent, in irrterviewing 60 day care possibiiities, proves that day care is currentfy avaiiable. i believe peopte tike her are having difficuity finding day care because their personal need is to be at home with iheir infant. In putting their ti~ust in tiina ~argo, who wiif not directly care for their child, this mother is kidciir~g herseif. Nina vuiii hire someone the mother has not interviewed to care for her infant and 1Vina wiil be unable to adequateiy supervise these hirelings as she v~rouici nouv have two buildings to supervise. it is my befief that tnere is a proven pubiic need ta create networks to p~~~Y OF V~~'y'~, T RI~ parents anci private home providers of day care togeiher. There is no need to n _.., •~~~ !7(~.L'-` ~~ r- r r~ !~ 0 r~~ ~ E ~,;94 _~~~~su~~' PLANNfN6 & DEVELOPMi jeopardize the health and safety of our infants and toddlers by creating a farge day care center at 3516 Jay Street. Currently we have an American smaff town sofution o# neighbors, friends, family, and others cooperating to benefrt aSi. 1PJarehousing up to 30 infants in a dupiex as proposed 'by this appticant is another American phenomenon--the errtrepreneurial spirit. Rs a founder and part-owrrer of a small business in Jefferson Courrty, I undersiand the pre-schooi owner's motivation. However, her proposai meets no proven public need, is incompatibie with Wheat Ridge Ciry Code, anti is incompatible with this neighborhood. If there is a scarcity of larger day care facifities in Wheat Ridge, it is because this kind of day care is inferior. If the Pfanrring Commission vvishes to encourage targer day care institutions, i suggest the proper focation woutd be at the workplace where parents can visit their children. i he Planning Commissioners should reject the appfication fior expansion of the pre-school and kindergarten. There is no proven public need. The targe day care facifity would unnecessarily expose the young chitd~en of Wheat Ridge to unnecessary health risks. The Planning Commission is obiigated to protect fhese chifdrens' weffare under Wheat Ridge City Code 20-6 Section 1(B) (3) (b) and 26-6 Section 6. If the Commissioners in their deliberation of a~ii the facts determine they would choose to pass on the appiication to City Councii, 1 wouid object based on Wheat Ridge City Code Section 26-7 (A} (1). "It is the intent of this Zoning Code to permit these nonconformities to continue untii they are votuntarily removed, or until they are amortized, but not to encouraoe their survival. it is further intended that these nonconformities wili not be enlarped exqanded, or extended. nor wilf thev be used as arounds for addina other uses or structures prohibited in the district. The existing pre- school needs a Speciaf Use Permit befiore consideration ofi expansion. Until #he pre- schooi obtains a Special Use Pennit for its current use as a pre-schooi/kindergarten, no orga~ of city government may consider expansion of the nonconformity. No organ of city government can use the existenc~ of tiie pre-schooi as grounds for adding other uses, i.e. infant and toddler custodiai care. Sincereiy, ~~~G.2i~~ ~~ Kenneth R. Lamkin, M.D. CITY OF V~fNEAT RIDGE ~ ~r~nn np -. FEB ~3 S 1994 ~~`~~.~su-~~~t~ ?LANNING & DEVELOPMENT KENNETH R. IAMKIN, M.D. . FAMILY PRACTICE 205 5. GARRISON ST. LAKEWOOD,CO 80226 303237Q779 FAX 237A428 11~M ~3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~.~ f? ~~_~~.~L.~ D~ FEB 0 8 1994 February 7, 1994 ' . 1~ ~~_V~ ~ TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Department - RE: Case #SUP-94-1 PLANNtNG & DEVEIOPMENT Dear Pfanning Commissioners: I am not opposed to the issuance of a Special Use Permit fior the pre-schoof in principle. However, I would expect the pre-schooi to first come into compliance with Wheat Ridge City Codes 26-31. i wouid expect the pre-schoot to blend into the neighborhood in all respects. Our rejuvenated neighborhood is a friendly ptace with a natural beauty as stated in the Comprehensive Development Pian. The neighbors have made substantial improvements since the home at 3536 Jay Street was converted to a pre- school over 30 years ago. Until now, the pre-schooi has not needed to meet modern standards because of grandfather clauses. iVow it is the pre-school's tum to rejuvenate itself, come into compiiance, and improve its appearance. i would oppose issuing a Speciai Use Permit until the pre- schooi, in consultation with the neighbors, has an acceptable detailed plan to accompiish this. The neighbors and the Wheat Ridge Planning Department have pointed out current deficiencies in the pre-schooi. it is time for the pre-school to be a good neighbor and make a good faith effort to comply. While I am supportive and in agreement with neighbors complaints about traffic, noise, visual blight, and nonconformity of the pre-school with the neighborhood, 1 will address health and safety issues only. There are health concerns in the 2-1 /2 to 6 year ofd range. The younger day care children in particular will have a higher rate of iilness, including meningitis, enteritis and surgery to piace tubes in their ears. This must be weighed along with the benefits of sociaf interaction and tearning provided at the pre-school. The serious safety concern f have is the failure of the pre-school to compiy with nationai safety standards enacted into Wheat Ridge City Code 26-31 regarding required off-street parking. According to the Ptanning Department repo~t, the pre- school has 7 spaces when "at least 11 off-street parking spaces are requireci". It is the duty of the Ciry in the interest of child safety to separate, as much as possible, children from vehicles. f was informed by city staff that additional parking . spaces wouid sacrifice at least partof the playground. if this is unacceptabie, then f demand the number of children allowed at the pre-school be reduced to conform with 26-31. • One might think this is an onerous economic burden to place on the owner. One might propose that since there may not have been an accident in over 30 years, then why impose a new standard now. it only takes one accident to ifiustrate why the City must enforce its code. A smali child is run over by a car backing out of the inadequate parking area. Think of the emotionai and economic burden it wouid create. Consider the city's liability in the event of a suit if the Ciry wiflfully ignores warnings such as mine and doesn't errforce its own safety code. I implore the Planning Commission to make the safety of the chiidren attending the pre-school a paramount concern. Ivlake compliance with the Wneat Ridge City Code 26-31 a condition for issuance of a Speciai Use Permit for 3536 Jay Street. Sincerely, ~~~~~.~. ~,~ Kenneth R. Lamkin, M.D. CITY OF W:~4r3' r 1DGE ~JJ ~-~~f i~n.,~~r (~ FEB 0 8 9994 1 -~~'~~U U~L1 PLANNING & DEVELOPMEN7 ~ i`EM ~~1 DATE: February 7, 1994 TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Department Wheat Ridge Planning Commissioners ~ C(TY OF WHEAT RlDGE ~nn_o~~ ~ROM: Susan Seeds 6147 W. 35th Avenue FEB 0 8 1994 WheatRidge, CO 80033 `~~~~U ~ ~~ RE: Case # SUP-94t pLANNING & DEYELOPMEN'~ Dear Pfanning Commissioners: Zoning can be art effective method for stabikzing neighborhoods, buifd pride in cily and neighborhood, and support commerciai ventures. Zonings' purpose is to nurture and protect residential neighborhoods and to nurture pianned commercial ventures, Zoning creates areas for residential neighborhoods separate from zones for commerciat development. Cities that have been successfui in sofving the inherent problems that arise when commerciat and residentiai interests confiict are desirabie cities to Iive in. The Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Development Ptan (CDP) goafs and objectives °are ideaily an expression of the wili of citizens concerning future development of the City.° This aititude speaks weli of the pianners of Wheat Ridge. Speciai Use Permits contradict the above zoning principles. To spot zone an incompatible use within a zone degrades that zone. Speciat Use Permits should be special, indeed they shoufd be rare. They shouid not be a vehicle for any citizen with a plan to subvert the Comprehensive Devefopment Plan of Wheat Ridge. The proposed expansion of the pre-school, iocated at 3516 Street, wouid degrade our R-2 neighborhood. Our neighborhood is designated a tow dens+ty district under the CDP. According to Wheat Ridge Code 26-14, the in#ent and purpose of creating a~ R-2 district is to provide "high quality, safe, quiet and stable low- to moderate-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the residentiaf character". Historically there has been a nonco~orming business, a pre-school, in our neighbofiood which does not meet Section 26-6 Section 1(B) (3j Criteria for Review. It has traftic problems Parents who drop off their children often paric on the wrong side of the street, make iflegai U-turns, and create traffic flow probiems when cars are parked on both sides of the street. This probfem is caused by nof enough parking spaces at the pre-school. According to police records, the intersection of Jay and 35th Avenue has been the site of 5 accidents in the past 6 years. Any additional traffic on our street is unacceptabie to the neighbors, as our street is used by bicyctists and trad+tionaily has been used by peopie waiking for exercise. Tfie existing pre-schoof has noise ~roblems. Perhaps some noise from playing chiidren can be tolerated with weif thqught out pianning, inciuaing high fencing and bushes. Cry+ng infianis and toddlers, however, wouMd be unacceptabfe. During the summer months it would be cruef not to open windows, which would aiiow noise to filter out. No amount of pianning can deai with this fype of problem. Crying infants and young children make many adufts nervous. A nervous aduit may not deaf well with their own children. Listening to crying infants can make life very difficuit. The expansion ofi the pre-schooi would also cause visua! biiaht. Adding a parking lot in our neighborhood is unacceptable. (See petition.) The CDP states, "Some areas take on the character of a friendiy small town with greenery, quietness, openness, friendly neighbors and lack of congestion" This describes our neighborhood without the pre-school. The pre-schooi does not fit with this characterizatian, let aione doubiing the problems created by expansion onto the adjacent property. One can feel the sense of rurafness on our bfock. The ditch creates a habitat for birds and animais. A horse can often be seen grazing during the spring and summer months. This is the kind of neighborhood we moved into and want to keep. °Wheat Ridge does and wiil attract the kind of people who are drawn here by its character and should resist the temptation to become just like another ciry or suburb." (GDP) °Localized commerciai and fight industry are desired and needed to provide services, reasonabie empioyment and economic base, but need strict zoning to provide adequate safeguards against loss of value to adjoining residential property, and to the established quality of tife in the community." (CDP) Property values are sure to drop due to additional noise and traffic, not to mention doubling the business and the view of a parking lot full of cars. There are a number of rental properties adjacent to the pre-school which leads to neighborhood instability. in some cases the owners may have moved because of the amount of noise made by chifdren on the playground and excessive noise coming from within fhe center itself. Rental properties, due to their nature, provide an opportunity for criminal elements to move in and rental properties often receive tess care and become an eyesore, thus devaluing other properties in the neighborhood. Due to traffic, safetv. noise. ~isual bliqht. devaluation of propertv value. and incomoatibilitv with the CDP. the existina pre-school does not meet the Criteria For Review under Section 1(8) !31 of the amended zonina ordinance reaardina Saecial Use Permits. Many ofi the pre-school neighbors have stater} either in writing or before the Planning Commission their objections. The Commissioners should evafuate whether the applicant can prove the SUP's Criteria For Review is being met. Neighbors can heip show whether the applicant does or does not meet present standards. The appficant also should show how compliance would be met ifi the property is nonconforming. In fact, the burden of proof shouid be the appficanYs responsibility, especiafly when there are questions regarding whether the intent of the Comprehensive Development Plan and the Wheat Ridge City Codes are being met. (See petition.) Traffic, safety, noise and visual problems created by the existing pre-schooi need to be addressed regardless of the outcome of the proposed expansion. "The people desire city streets ad2quate for local needs and weil maintained and regulated against danger and excessive noise." (CDP) ~he pre-schoof, as operated, has a negative impact on our quiet R-2 neighborhood. Any expansior~~r~.al~~k~EAT RIDGE situation worse. ,~ ~ f ~.~~ ~ i ~~, FEE C 8 1994 ~ ~,.. ~.~ t, i_. __J~u` I `~ ~ P1,4"ih~ll,;; ?~ DEVELOPMENT i urge the Planning Commissionners to deal with these two properties separately. These properties require separate decisions. The issues raised should be looked at separately. The existing pre-school, located at 3536 Jay Street, is nonconforming at present and a Special Use Permit is needed in order for iY to continue in the future. Compfiance with Speciaf Use Permit Criteria For Review needs to be addressed and a specific pian submitted as to how compiiance would be met. At present the plans submitted by the applicant are not adequately detaifed. The neighbors do not feei comfortable with the lack of details. Expansion onto the adjacent property, located at 3~16 Jay Street, should be addressed separatefy. The Commissioners shouid note the proposed expansion is not acceptable to many of the neighbors located in proximity to this property. (See petition.) Expansion in this case wiii produce an additionai nonconformity where one did not exist before. Section 26-7 Noncorrforming iots, uses and structures, (A) lntent clause is quite ciear on this matter. "It is the intent of this Zoning Code to permit these nonconformities (the pre-schooi) to continue until they are vofuntarily removed, or untii they are amortized, but not to encourage their survival. It is further intended that these nonconformities wil( not be enlarged, expanded, or extended, nor wilf they be used as grounds for adciing other uses or structures prohibited in the district. in cases where a nonconformity constitutes an eminent pubiic safety hazard or threat, the nonconforming situation may be ordered corrected or removed." There are traffic concerns afready stated regarding the pre-school as it exists. Adding additionai traffic wifl cause safety probiems which may be difficult to remedy. The entrance and exit to the parking lot at 35i6 Jay Street wilf create new traffic hazards. Serious consideration should be made regarding traffic as young children are involved. As adults we may see the dangers and act accordingly. Young chifdren, even when told, do not always understand the dangers created by cars. Aiso, some of these chiidren are dropped off early in the morning while it is stiff dark. Others are picked up at night in the dark. If the Planning Commissioners approve this portion of the application, specific plans for how the applicant wiil come info compiiance with the Criteria for Review regarding this property, should be submitted before a Permit is issued. Plans are not adequately detaifed #or the neighbors, nor do they adequately address bufFers, traffic, noise, parking, and landscaping. i thank the Planning Commissioners in advance for their time and effort in addressing all the above mentioned issues before making a finai decision and for weighing the facts presented. Sincerefy, ~~~ .!'UI/~~~~ ~~'~~~oE~`" ' C('f'Y OF 1NN~;aT RIDGE Susan Seeds (~ -~~P~.~~~ Inci. 3 Petitions ~ FEB 4 8 1994 L i~'~L,ll _LT6 ~ PL~NNING & DEVELOPMENT, ~ ~ I, NIISA FORC~~~JIT SSED THE SIGNATURES BELOW AND ON TAE ATTACHED PAGES - /// ~ - - - - - - p - -- - S~~r.a.~ anu we~-v. '~e r..2\ ~~i~~~~'~.. Jyl~o~}'ti aav, 03 ~eb.rvo,-.-"~ s ~`~~It. 0.~l?.N~Y~ • ' f~~ ~~..~0<Tf'MiSSibsl ~'~1~ls~CS~. January 27, 1994 i~o-}a\~,e M.t~emb, , a5o~o.r.~-~v5`;c. '~Je.c.~.-.ROe"r ~tb, 1994 I SUPPORT THE EEFQRTS OF NINA FORGO AND ROSE FOSTER IN .GETTING THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPP,ND THE PRE-SCHOOL OPERATION'S TO INCZ,UDE INFANTS AND TODDLERS. I DO NOT FEEL THAT IT WILL CAUSE AESTHETIC, AEALTH, OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS. WHILE THERE WILL BF, A SMALL INCAEASE IN TRAFFIC, I THINK THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR 3?~ ~d -ri~'-~~,~c-L~it., G.~' _ . : _ ~6/33 ___ .- ^ J ~ ~~~ ~ _~ -,_ ~ .l~ J 1 ~ _ ~' _ ' ~. '~ ' ~ 8 _ ~_ . , _ , 33~0 c~-~.~_'~-" ~(,t~'K_. . :~.~~.~,~~ ~ _ _ .- _. _ , I ' w.zc:. ~~a,~.~ v~1,L7e ~a c. ~" _ _ G.J (c'. . . 8G~ ~ ~~ . .. . - - - - - . -_ _. , ~ ~11,~ ~ ~~~I` 1~~ ~ . _ _ _ _.. e _ - ~ ~ , .~ _ - , . - ~: x - - , _ . __ ~ _ -a ~:~.~~ - - ~: _ .,. ~ ._ --___ .. _ .~ ~ ..: . _ _ ~__ ~. _r. ~ ~.~_ _ _ - -, _._. ~. _. R~.._ ~ .; ~ .~~ .: .. ~ ,.,. ~ _ , ~... : ~~~ w ~ ~ . . ~ ~~~ .~ ~ . _ . .~ ~~ r . , , a. ~ _ . . . ..~- _ _ _ - _ . _ - ~t:~~r ...~- .M"R' . ~ . r.r.a~.i~...a _.e~r4_ '1:.~ ~ . . .. .. n~~ ^. .~ ~ s -'e 'A.~r.4jv`{ . .. .il:~ `_~~~ ~. ,,.9. ~ __ ~ - m . . .. m.' _ , <~ E nlp~6 ( ~ ~....~. _ ._._..~_ .. _ .v ...~.:- ..._..~... . . _ ~.. . . LLi . . .. . ~ .. . . ~ . _ \.w~ ..~.r' . _ _ ~ • ......,m..«--ww.'n - . .. .. ~ .. r. 'x t ..,-[ 'b" . ! Ai~ ~ Y. i' , .. _ r . S=T l::v ' ' . ~ "~ ,: .. - . _: „ . . .. ~.. ~r: .. , . ~ "_. . .._.. .s..-~~~. a.. ...~,.. -., . . «. : _S~_- ...s ~ ~ ~.n. :'°R~ .~ .M, ~C - . ~ .. ,. . m_xs~.. .... ._r. + °"-~. :' : " -~.._ .. . .>. .... _ ~.~an~.:w~... .,.._: r rt~'. . ._'-: r. ..,'r..'_ u~ '-. ~,- -_,~~: . ~t ..~.., : ~ I, NINA-FORGO W~7~I HE STGNATTJRES BELOW AND ON THE ATTACHED PAGES. ~ .,11/. S i9ned W~c~ ~c~orri -tp 'f~ln.ts Io~ `A ~' ~ebruaw ; i994. January 27, 1994 ~a ~ ~ -O~~ ~ ' ~~ ~~ ._ e ry2tSSfon~~~~-~S .~ ~efrtl~er-a~~ ~~}~ I SUPPORT TI3E EFFORTS OF NINA FORGO AND RdSE FOSTER IN GETTING THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND 'PIiE PRE-SCHOOL OPERATIONS TO INCLiTDE INFANTS_AND_T_ODDLERS. I DO NOT FEEL THAT IT WILL CAUSE AE$THETIC, HEALTH, OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN5. WHILE_THERE WILL BE A SMALL INCREASE ~IN TRAFFSC, I THINK THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR NEIGH$OR[300D . ,~a~.~ ~a aaress „~.~.a~.a _ - . .~ ~ .:, ..~~ d-~c~a,~,~,, f ~e~-e~C,... __ __ ~~ ~~_ ~Sc~~~b ~ _~-.S~t ~~l~l~.*!~_~~ ~ _ ~o ~ ,, C I ) 5°l . ~:c.~rr,..~~ ~ _ .. ~ ~ l~~ ~~ 7 ~~"~'r- - ~ -- ~o_Cf S_. _ 1 ~7~lT4/L('~ ~~-(/i`~,~y`1t ~e~oo3 . _ T . _..,.>,:.._ ,... .. ~Y'1~.~,- y t t~`~ Sn~a. t 15 C4- wh~ea.~- l'~,dc~2 ,~ 4'so6 33 ,,. R /~ ,/ /~ p / `^/ ~p ~ry ~ ~ - ~ -- J/--~1 %C~u,r. ., •2, .`(i `~ /~ r~ ~ e~C c Sl i/.GU v er Ln _ U ~Z/ ~ . ,. l _ ___ .. . .... .:...... ... .. , _ .. ~~.P.n.w.~. , ~ / ~'~"~f Zh ~ ,2 s~~z 3 ,-s~ _ . ~ 3530 ~'?A~' S~t' ~ ~-~. ~'oZ.lZ ~ a~-~ N.~~~~ ~o ~oX (ql'~ _ ~uv~~~ ~'-aao~~.. ~~.-_~ ~ J~~ ~i/ r~ _ r~ 1 ~ s~r/~ 1~ ~~,~~~ . ~ -- ~ ._. _ ~-~ yrdA~~ .~~.~~ -~.~~,~~~ .~_ ~ - ~ 19667 ~ . /~~...--f~~ h~ ~nerx.. ~2 e~c~a3 ~..:.. ~ ~;:.,~ - ?~Gt~~ _~slPC . s~ ~~~~c1c~~p..~a33 :: ~~ u7 '~c~ -, ,~ /, ! i ~~~rr~r 1~.~ ~rl. <i/~~/3~ _ . . ~ . ~~.~ t .. . ~~€~„ ,~~.~'s~' _~~' ~.~~.~~G~' ~'od.~~ - _ __ . . . _.~,: , _ ... . ~ _ .mm ,.. ~~ ~ ., , . __ ~ _ - ~~ . - _ . _ ~.. . _ ~ ... ~. .- . . ..~,.: . . _ ., . E ._. ~~.._ ~_~ ~ , _ ~.. ~~~ u . - - . ... . _._u... .._..~... ciy. ... __ . L_n~ i-~. ~~' -•- a. ..... . ~.`~.._ , ~ . . _; _ ,~ . ..._ .. .~..,. e.:,.....,_ ..:,av_.:.: ~ ~.;'~ Y.1~4 •.. ':~: .. . .~ , ~ A. ~"~~. r ,. . _ . .+a. ~. ., y~ >' _" " _ ` -._ _ _ .~...- ." .. , _ ~ 1 _a. __ ., ._. ...:~...~_~.__ ..~,:' ..V ,.. .. _ .v.. . _.. - : '~~° ^-i~?".~ .. . - ~w'-. .'K ~Y: _ __' ._. ~. .>... :..-~.:.. - ., .. . .y~ _ ,_ : ~- ~an'c ._~_~_ ... ._ ,.. . . _~-. ~, i : ._. . .. .., •. - ~xa...d_... ~c- -. . _~.. _. ~-' ' " _ s .~ ._,T '" - . _' _.. . _. ., ». ,.._..._._._ ...:~.a.:-,d •_.`ss _ .~~.v...e. ~~ , :' i::~ ~,s._._". .., ~n _ -a .:. ;. _~- ~ , _ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I, NINA FOT2~q~~IT ESSED THE SIGNATURES BELGW AND ON THE ATT_A_CHED PAGES . /f/ S ~~nec~ and 5~or~r~ ~o me ~ s f ~`E-~'~ oF ~eb~-ucAr 1~~4 . January 27 , 1994 ofiar~ rutol'c~ ~ M~~~y~ S~ prq~yG~ ! I SUPPORT T$E EFFORTS OF NINA FOk2G0 AND ROSE FOSTER IN GETTING THE SPECIAL C78E PERMIT TO EXPAND THE PRE-SCHQOL OPERA'PIONS TO INCL[~DE SNFANTS AND TODDLERS. I DO NOT FE$L THAT IT WILL CAUSE AESTHETIC, HEALTH, OR_ENVIRONMENTAL.,CONCERNS. WHILE TiiEBE FIILL BE A SMALL INCREASE IN SRAF~'IC, I THINK THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD._ `//r ~/j . ~y J j i 1~~I~~ ~.J.~ ~i`,~O /M1/AI~j/l i)`~ C.~/G~~ i^-TGLL/ -KN c~l~~ ~ri." ~~.~'~G`~ '~ Ua O I / ~ . 71 ~ ,~ `7~ I e.11 ~ ~ ~c-~ /t . , ~,.~.L,~ ~i % i3 t,'~~ A~ L~~.~~~ ~,,,e~~ ~ . v ~~,~~.,~. ,~ ~~ - ~ ~'/ ~~Cu' 3~ ~n {''L • ~~E--~` ,C~~ _ _ .. ~_ _ ,. , ~~-' .M ~._.:~ ~~~.~i. ~~ 4 ~ f,~/ ~.~ ~N ~L ti ~ N~-- ~Z,~ cf~- ~ ~ ~ - . - . ~ _ _ ~. e. n - .~. -- ._ ,.e , _ =- _ ~_ v __ ~.i0~~ Q, ~~%~. .~ 53~ ~n.e~r0~ ~ l.t/~~~. i - ~ .. ~ l~c _.~~C2. lQ~i 8~0 3-~ . , ~~. -" s 3~Z.. ~i ~'~ ~ L C ~ ~ nJG A-Cc_~ Si - CJ ~~r~~~,~ ~t~F,~~-~: --~ a~, : .._~ . ; . ~ ____~ ~ . >,: - `•-~ ~Q.~hQrrn~a. ~mQl~e~~S S3s.S ~i ~~7~~/~S .S~ ~.~~.ne~T~~4e ~o ~Oo33 - [~ ~/ - - _ ,' ~ll -j . . , ~~i~-~ s('~~2co ~$Y ~Z~7~j j~.. .~ ~~~'t(-rc~/i~t~~. C.D ~'~3~ _ ~ ~ - - - _ _.. - - ,- - - . - :. _: - ;~ ~ ~ =~4.._ ~.~ . 3 3 U ~,. --~0033 . ., _ _~ ._. . . . - . . ,. ... ~ .'~X'~I~`v ~ , ,~~ ;~ _ ,. w, ~p.' ~~'7~~- ~~~~ - ._ ~.__.._-_ .._:,. .,~.:~ .. ~~~ ~7~5 ~'~~ ~J. ~.. ~"db33 _ ~~1-t ~ . ~. 37~J~'~ i~c.3•~C- ~~~~_ _., a~ . ,F~ ~.'~1~ ~ ~.aq ~,~~ s,-~c L '~7c1~ ~~1-~ ~~'. $On33 _ _ _- w 1,~ f~ S~v ~'"°~ ~ ~ ~~ _ ~.. ~..:~... . v3~ . ~~ , ~ !i ~kd~ J~~ Cf . ~JR, ~o - _ ~:_ ~ ~ -a. ~ '~ ~33 . _ .. . , ~~~ ~- t.~~? ~~~~ ___ , . ~ ~ ^' _3 yd 7 ~i/~.,.~ ~ fl"dv_~~ . __ .P.`w ~.` 3`',~.? / ~'`A.~~ 4t~i .~t e~"d d .9,;~ _ - - _,L~ -- -. . _ . _ . _ _ . _, R . ~ us/t~~ 3,}` z I/E~~.,,~ ~ Gl L~' S/d O,3„3 . ~ ~ ~'..1 ~,~ i~i-in~-~ , j ~ ~ .5 ~;> ~f,~~,__ - Cv /1 ~'i3Q ~~ z . T - _ .. ~~ _ ~ : J ~ I, NTNA FORGO „y~x~ES THE SIGNATURES BELOW AND ON THE ATTACHED PAGES . /f/ S t9nc-~ euw~d sux~rn ~ me ~l-h i s( o~- ~ o~ ~b~~ ,1~4 d ~Qt'QSL~9._.'7'p ~-~~~ M Cemy rssron ~xprr~s ` January 27, 1994 ~ -~~~~y~Qn a~~~~ I SUPPORT TI~E EFFORTS OF NINA FORGO,ANA ROSE FQSTER IN GETTING THE SPECIAL USE FERMIT.TO EXPAND_THE PRE-SCHOOL OPERATSONS TO SNCLUDE INFANTS AND TODDLERS. I DO NOT FEEL THAT IT WILL_CAi7SE_AESTHETIC, AEALTH, OR ENVIAOA7MENTAL.CONCERNS. WHILE THERE WILL BE A SD7ALL INCRE~SE.IN TRAFFIC, I THINK THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOII. - -- ~ - - -- - - --- - - -A S~'~J'~ L~S~ N ~,GtJ~ ~ _.~~, -~~~ti 2 ~~ n~, ~_ ~ g~t~ ~« ~_ ~~ ~, ~ ~~Z~ y _ ~ _ -- - - - ,; ~~ Y;,, r~ ,~:~~~......~ ~o~v u~~ ~~'+~~"`~~~-~.~~~z _~_ l~r~~'l~~r.~_ J.~~~.~~1~. ~ '~~~r~ r,c~. ~~ ~ ~,r~ C,~,~~2a~ ~'~ ~~~o r /~ ~ - ~` ~~'^~ - -.. _ -~ p--~-( /~~'-~~' ~~y~r~~~/~ -= o~-~ ,.~i~i~~l!~.r~( .~ ~ ~~ ~-~"F L/n ~~J ~ .__~~~IL~{l ,_`~\ ~1 CY YVtt°/~~~~ .- . ~ - T~d ca _ c ~ _ ~ ~3~4n~ c~c~ t~ ~_ . .. _. - ~ ._ ~~~~ - ~~~ .~. ____ - ~ ~ ti ~ . , , , ~ ~ ~~ f~ti ~e,,~ s ~- ~'a~q.e,w .c~~`-- . .~. ~ ~l%?/~ ~ __ ~~LPi~ ~~'~ Ll1- ~,c1 r ti.l c~./' /-~N~ ~1 i3 ~-1.ltTY CJ `~(~Z~ ~,~`7~1~,~~.~,~ ~ . ' _ . , . _/ -. . ~. U~~ ~~~ _ .. /Yv2-~ ~ `~'y~ ~C~2~~Q-~ Sr. l~~ ~o ~'6z~~ ~ )ia.,_ J , ~, ~~ ~3~a '~ 1p,x?.o.~o ~r:~~ - C~~~,ff~o .~cb2iZ S~D,,,,~v~) ~l ~ .;~ ,~5 ~3 ~ ~,~ ao~.d~ ~~ ~d~~, ~~~_ ~,a,~~,l~~;~.~,.._-- -- ~o~ u~,v.~.eQ_~ : ; w~~.~- ~,~_ ,~~,~3 ~~Lc~,P v"?C~~~ f~la.+~.d _~-~, L~h~°a~fCr(3~~~"003'~ ~~~ _ ..,.~ - - - _ ~,v , a o _ ~ a~ ,(~zu~-~o. ~.. :Q _ ~ .__ C.~/2 ~~~ 33 .. ~~- `~-e t~ I (./ `(_ ~ i , c~ ~-~-ra~,~,~ ~,--f~- ~ ~~e v~ v~^ ssc~~(~ _ _ ~./~/ /V ~IJL_L !/ l.V~~ .-.,. ~_~ .,.~^-~ a.. - ~ ~ ~ ..r P.•KS.'.-~.5 ...~. -~" ;:~' .as. .., -. , .~ .a / / ~I~'~_ .V-i 1ot-JI)J__ ... ! / ~ ~ ...~~1 3`:.~` ' ~/~~' ~~0~~ - - ~ _ _ _ _ .......-_._..._....,, . ~...~ _..-- .,.aa. -.. .v. ,.: . .:e~ aszr . ~..~ - '..:4tiZ~.- i=.,.. ::: ~ t' ~ -i . .. i'. :. ^'c.. C ~:,~-~/,~, ~ Q ~ ~~a~ ~4°~. rc~~~ , C~~i~ Br~a~y _ _~ _ ~lG~-~~c.~1G~-- ~,.~ 2? Y)' w!5 ' C q f~ ~ n~~` ~' ~' 2-~ 5~ _ . _ -.,. _ . - _ - -_~ ,- ~.- . - - __ ,~~y,~_ ~,, ~.r/~ ~~„~ s~ ~~.-I.~~;~1'~ ~63 _ ._. ~_ v ~, , ~ __ . _ s, ~~ _ _ _ _ d~ ~~~~ ~ya ~~.,~,~ ~~~,~ ~ . _ _ ..- ~ - _~.,.. ._ , ~ ~ __ ~ , . ~ ~ ~~.~ ~~~,~,0 ,~j~~~ . . ~~~ ~-/~~1~, S~-. .. ~~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~'-~-~~° fG a~f q~` a t~~irc ,~1~ lS 7 r~~'~"'~ C' ~~U~~s--- ,~1~ ~~l-~f l~i~~~~s~ 80z/2~ - lTE M ~ ~ NEIGHBORHOqD RETITION c~rr ~F w~nn nt?~n IIl~U& ~~LOPMENT. P~pN~y1NG We, the neighbors of the Wheat flidge Pre-School and Kindergarten, locafed at 3536 Jay Street, urge the Planning Commissioners to esiforce the amended Comprehensive Plan for Wheat Ridge. DATE PR1td~ED NAME S1Gf,~,!~D i~1At~iE ADDRESS !-!r!-~'~ ~ ,. ~ _%o~.s ~~~r,~~ ~'~~ E.~ldSld,..~5~'~~e. j ~ =Yt. / -17-~jy ~~~~~ f ~.~s /`` ~:~ `~.-~-.. E;~~~-~. _-~~ - ~Qv~ r_ , C~'~/ ~~i~~-I 1E~/=% ~' 1~ ~~ ,~X~ G~~oG GC~', ~,J.,i`~ I-J~.~ ' - 11 `~1~1 ~.".r_,~c-a,,,i ~~z~ l ~'4id7 1~1[i1~4•~, ~' ~7 'C~ ~~ORM/t d. ~QE.S cJ~~iYLi9~, ' J-:T.7~LQeSt 4'17,9y J9in~,~, l .~l/n~A-+U `/2~/i"~~'/~ +-17~$~l ~i~~~.s~ C'_ ~ri~~~i , ~ ~-~`~.` t ~ ~ ~ -~~l ~ ~~~~~ ~ S~\eJ ~ C /~/i y~{ /~r~ , rv ~~r'~YiE ~4~`~ 5~=-rK~ra<_~rJ-!~' ~L~ ?i S't ~. .. ~ ". ~ ~ /5 `ZrJ• 35 ~' 1Z2,~ . ~,~r~. CoI~~Yl.D~ ~S~,~z_ ~ 3,~ ~~.~~s~.~ '.~J~o.Qs~..l h1C~l UJ >~a~:(~ ~i~~ %,/~~ lr) ~~~'~~~t; /-17-~?4 ~Jecocs~e, ~ F ac~e~oll~. (~~~~ ~I~o ~J ~~ A~ ~~ ~-9v ~,~., ~9 ~'~_ ~=iu~ - u~KMc- G~ r.5~~ w 3~ T~.~~ ~ i~I•4 ~4 JAr-~F ~ 1Z.. 1=AeS ~6I~-ri.~J l~: ..Tan -ti l~ 2! ~i 1A/. ~S-r~'' ~/c_ I l~-C1 `( Sco~ /~ LJ~ov.~.~J~ - - _ ~- l /'~~"~~~'~~~ t-l7-~/v l~;~U,'~,,~ ~~;t 1 /~~/~,-,,,~~`~~o.~~ ~/3~- 3S~'+~ /-ar- ~~ ~i,~.r~r .~E~~.~~r~~ , / - ~3 -9~ ~= n!N . N I.~.,~c~.l.~l I~0 •'I `t' ~~YHI A 11~1~ i\~ir'~ Q ~ v~~n ~ l `i ~ V J ~ ~U ~ ~L~t~S ~ ~~~~~ li~~ /~~.r-~~v~ (~(~7 C.~b 3 S'u` /-~v~ : _e o ~=3 (r~='~ k3c J ~i . ~~~~w~~s~'~~,a~ l~ ' 1T~ M -~ l~ ;~ NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION . CITY OF WNEAT RIDGE ~ ~~nn.n.~~ l FEB 0 8 1994 . U I~ l!'J L~-~ U UTS~. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT We, the neighbors of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten,,located at 3536 Jay Street, do not want a pa[king lot on the north east corner fa~hg 35th Avenue, as it would not be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. DATE PRINTED NAME StGNE NAME /-%7- 9~/ /.~er~~/~l~c~ Tes ~,; ~o _ ~~ /-/y- i'~ Jc a, h f=~e~>~ ~~H -77""~ ~ ~ ' {.`-~• ~C/ /~~ / r~l L E~/`~l~-~~~ ~~..l..C LL, .f~"~'J~-^-`~~ J.4 N 1 C: ~~7~ nl.f..R.c/ 7 ///~ G' r// ~~S' ~~ a.a..f ..~+., ... ~f..,tie...w : /i.vLfs~ / ~~ s~~: C';`'/~/ ~ ' ~ / 7/qt/ ~/~lvs,^RrYl,cS'//.C.N.lPiV / ~s~/ ~~~/ ~ ~ ADDRESS ~.,~as`v. .3J ~ 2~.~ . ~-,~`,5L4~• ~7~~~dE: .y~ ~ :~-G'~ td/. .jc~ /~!' 1-...c 1.'j L/ f S~~-F /~, d Z8 d"` W.~ 5 r.f ~'7/~ /-/~ ~ c~ .. / i,. i/~.,_ S~~., C~ 6 R Cy c,~~,-~,.~ .r~ l'~~~ (o a ic u,~ s~~ ~,. Lrc -r ~ - 1~~7 9~ iUo~z.N,,a !1. ~K..s `~'l /I ~a.~aai /ozis 7~t 3~~`y~m.. .e~}2x[~SJ /Ai. ~ n-~/ ~Cc~.~ ~. I~c~~~~,v G~~,~, o~~ ~~~~ c.~~~~~.~-~ ~~" - ~J ~/~ ~ /' i~f~~~ ~~• J' .rl.~ h 1~ ~ So _ . ~I1~~-.~ _ ~~~~~/3.~(.. ~ a ~ ~-1~-~1~M ' ~cxY>~jIr ~~-a~k.~ ~~eQoc ~ ~c151 1,~ ~.~~h ~,^~-- I/7 95~ /c~~~v -r~aG~~cc~ ~~~5~~~ l.~/.~l) /./~~~'~ c~ ~i ~-~~/~ero m~J F"I o.~e nl ~e Qon Arm a~,~, ~ ~~ W 3s~'' ~Ue /"1?- `~j' ~i l~P~ -~. ~N~~ r~r~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ l5"Y ~ 3 ~ r~~`/~ ~~= i~i~~~i4 .J/~~~o; 2. t=ac~-, / a.~,v~..~~~v~. ~~~~ w.~~~=~r~~~. f-1~-9~/ ~<orjU)~m~~~~~~ EFS~ ~- ( l3ow~~s~~L. 1- I 7-~i ~l 9/, i/, ~, n~~ ~( l,L~• i~` ti, `~/-~/~ 1~/I~ c.cJ 3~/'L ~~Ty pF ~/HEAT RIDGE ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~EB 0 8 1994 ~l'~JL~Li 1) ~~. PtAd#i#tM6 & D~iOP~lf1i'f. NEIGHBORHOOD PEfIT1~N We, the neighbors of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten, focated at 3536 Jay Street, do not want a parking lot on the north east corner fdcing 35th Avenue, as it would not be in harmony and compatible with the characte~ of tlZe surrounding neighborhood_ DATE PRIM'ED NAME SIGNED NAME ADDRESS /~?r-~i•r~ ~'l1~.~i~.yFr~:yre,v ~l j. ~ ~~ /~.~d CiJ~.t~/~i,~z~ 1-~3-9~ ~kiiJ1L-'1'1¢ L~1,~tK1AI ~ ~~1~7 LJ 3S"~Avr> ~~~~ ( ~~~2~- ~,~~_~c.,~lp ~ ~1~~~.e~~~~~r~o 3?~ < ~a~ ~ ~ ~ -r~ ~n, ~~ y c~ I ) S A1,V ~ ~~ 5 _ _~5.'~~!r'I ~:k~~ (2,f U ~1. L(~, ~ s~~ ~v~ .~I~~ #~ NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION We, the neighbOts of C~Ty pF WHEAT RIDGE D .nr~nn .n_cz~' FEB 0 8 1994 ~ ~~~ EVELOPME~' P~,pNNING & D the Wheat flidge Pre-Schoot snd Kindergatten, located at 3536 Jay Street, in order to preserve our neighbhorhood, oppose alt efforts to expand the pre-schooi. .~ DATE PRINTED NAME S1GN NAME ~ /~-1Y !~"PYc~~i~l:' ~~° S ~ ~~aJ ~ -i~-9y J~ i~ ~~ ~u~s / ~;;;... ?-~ 3 / - / 7.CI4 ~C. / 7"i-~, `E-'/-" ~F'~~ ~'.L.~CL_ ,~-E'-/"~~l /~/7~~`% JaNt ~F :TrulFna ~. • -..,~~.-- j ~ ~ // ~ ~ ~t, .l unati~/' ~' da,~.rPi,~ '~...~.h-/~~,~i_r zc.% v i-~~ -9t~ ~I/ ( I/1,9n~ sk~~~a~ ~~-~.`~.. ~, t~- /•l7•~1~ No2/-!A /I. FAFS ~1'/ .rx~J~ .^c~iz.eOJ ~' ~7'~ L~Ea. u.~s /~_ t,f r~~ e. \ ~/~/ G/,!~!, Sci.u /-1~-rv ~..~~.-, s~ ~, ~,or~~ " " ,.,;,~~- ~~ I-1~-q4 ~\o ~ ~i~,k.~ 4«~.iQ ~S.a9~ ~/7"~~` ~,4EHN~lZ~~jL l~ ~CX~?'~~ ~ ~? -~f Jcrome .1 Flc~.aJe~~~e 4~~~ ~ ;'~~~- 9`y ~/l~A/~ r1 1.Q (~,v~ ~~>~~ . v ADDRESS ,- i ~ -~L, ~.~Q~ lC~~ J~ ~~~~ ~i'v~`~ Cti''' ~~l~"e. ~o.;~Cil lC; . ,=~~~`'~ /-r ~ ,c: czvr~..,3sf. ~~.~ G z.f-~t" Gc/ ~5 /dv~ N~ I G' GL~ ' S S LLL'-Z /0 2/.5 7.~~`" .:~~ ~.~v-~ ~0~3~ ~. ~ S ~~~ILt~ ,~..r,,..~1~ tz~.~S~ ~-G_. 1~1~,1 W ~5t~`~„'`~. ~i~~ ~.~~v`~''/,~~..~, ,Q9.-. ~<<~ c,~ 35~At,e ~ ~. r~-y w'-3s-"-*~~ v~ ! ~ ! Z • G 4 ,)A ~--~ ~<_, f~. . FaY=, ~~o~, ~. ~~. ~ ~l ~-4 y sc n// AW~~`'~Jx _ ~ _- __ ~. _ ~- r~-~y v;~,~~ ~-.-L~ ~/~,,.~.r:, ~%"~~ /-~/-~SL ~///.N.G.Er1./~/i1.%TO/!/ ~1~~, T7.~.~~ ~2i ~ k/- 3~~~a ~~_ . ~l~D Gcl.3J"~~~. ~~ 3o w 3> ~''I~L ~i~~~J ~s-~~ ' " CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE t~r~nn.n~ ~ D FEB 0 8 1994 _ .~~~u u ~U~ PLANNING & DEYELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION We, the neighbors of , tfie Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten, located at 3536 Jay Street, in order to preserve our neighbhorhood, oppose all efforts to expand the pre-schooi. ;,6 , , DATE PRINTED NAME SIGNED Jy~M~~ ADDRESS r/ ~//l/ 1-~,3'4~ f.F..r1~fIE7'F/ L~I,uk1<l ~~ ll~L7 Ld 3r~` /~d~ i. z~> >a~- .S~,a~a--,r-o~ ~'~r~rr~lo ~ ~~. ~. ~ ~o~ ~ c~cr~ v 3~,-~. ~:~,~ ~, . ~ J 4 l ~ ~ / ~ i t...~_ ,^. .-. ~ f~ -y~y Sc, ~, ~,u C ~,-,-„` ~~%~U.~',,rl',~.~ ,~~ i.r.. 3 s~ -~ ri~~ ~T ~ ~S ~-g' Date 1 t ~ . l ~ /~ ~~~ TO: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SUP-941 Dear Council Members: ~, ~- ii~,~l.ti ~r,~ft~~`c , am legafly protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at lr I5~ ~v~ ~S~ ~vz_. Sincerely, i , ~, . c ~ ,,., ~;<< ~_ ., r~c ~.nic:...T ftID(=^ ' I I ir }' ,~.;,q(} ~ ~ ~._.- ..~ 1 i- . ;~ ,~-{~ , / V ~ p~.ANNING & DEVEL9?~~~T Dat~ 7", ~~ // /% %~ ~ , TO: Wheat Ridge City Councii RE: SUP-941 Dear Council Members: ~ ~~/ I, 1~~.?~; ,,/: ., ! 1~.~~ ~T.-~__ am tegally protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is acJjacent to the Pre-School and is located at l// /. /;v:.f ._~_S-Z~' ~.J. , /.~~_.~~Y:~<<y~, ~~~~'~~ ~- Sincerely, /, ,`_! ~ _i~, , ~ J ~ : ~. `~a ~ "' _.. OF Wf~~-.' RIDGE ;~nr~~~r ^ ~ FzB 1 .'. ::7~4 t~ ... . . .. j . .r . L ._~ i~; , ;~ ~ ~ PEANN(P!G '. L~~'rELOPM.€IV~ ,' i~ -~i ~ Date -~~' TO: Wheat Ridge Gity Council RE: SUP-94i Dear Councii Members: We, ~.J~~l~rt /~ `f- ~,Pr« l~~~r,E. / • /'~i F' `, ,, are legally pcotesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. Our properiy is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at <~- ~, ~/ ' E ~1 ~~1~ ~ > ~~C.') ll/ , iJ f' Aa~ LG' 9E<<fR~G'J'r. i. ~' .s , Sincerely, _._ /~~~t~lG•,w /~ . !! 1. r' ~ / `/~C4'r-/ ~~' '~ Y = ~~~ ^'TY OF WHEAT RfDGF '~,~' r•. (-r'flil:(J~I =~ !) ;I ~ ~ r-~ 1:'_ ~994 u u ~.. _; ~~tJZSi.~ PLANNIic.; & DE~ELOPMENT Date r~~- \\ ~~1~~ ~ TO: Wheat Ridge City Councd RE: SUP-941 Oear Council Members: ~, ~j~c~, l~v\ ~, ' am Iegaily ~ ~~~ protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School focated at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at ~: ~ ~ ~ i 1 ~>. ; ~ C~ ~ ~~;~. ,~,~.,~1~<^~C ~~ ` i >~ ~ ~ ~'`,C.~~~ % 5~ Sincerely, \~~: 4:• ~ ~~,•~ ~,~ ~~> ~\~,;...,~,1 ) ~ ~ 'l r('.-'.:-: _';~ ~ ~ __.. ~, ~ I 1 ! ~ I ~ FC~ ; ~ 1 ~ ~~ _.~_il-~~~~~~, PLANNING, & DEVELOPMENT ~"i ~~t #~} L'~TY O;' bVF+^ :7' R~~~'aE ~ ~^,~~-, ~ Neighborhood Conditions RE: SUP-941 '--~r- (If one or both businesses are passed) F~n 1~:gq~. j ~;1:;;., ~ ~ ~" ;J 1. At 3536 Jay Street business, neighbors want compliance with Sect~i~~~r8~ ~~p Nr a Specia! Use Permit is granted. 2. At 3536 Jay Street business compiy with "Minimum Rules and Reguiations for Child Care Centers", issued by the Office of Chiid Care Services, Coforado Department of Social Services. 3. At 3516 Jay Street business comp{y with "Minimum RuVes and Reguiations for Chifd Care Centers", issued by the Office of Child Care Services, Coforado Department of S.ocial Services. 4. Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 5. Require asphalt parking at 3516 Jay Street. 6. At 3516 Jay Street business comply with safery codes regarding required off-street parking, Section 26-31. 7. Comply with Condition #2 of the (X) Staff Recommendations, dated 1/26l94, 3536 Jay Street which states, "The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 45 preschool children and kindergarCners." 8. Allow no more than 23 infants and toddfers which is the number stated by Nina Fargo as the number she expected at the infant and toddler center. 9. Include the Faes' exhibit conceming iandscaping at 3616 Jay Street business. 10. Install stop sign going east and west on 35th Avenue at Jay Street. 11. Noise mitigation plan to include: Solid double wood fencing or equivalent; Staggering times children at pre-schoo! area outside; Supervised planned activities when children are outside; Department of Social Services approved air conditioning and ventilation system at infant and toddter ce~ter to al4ow windows at infant and toddler center to remain closed at all times, only exceptions: air poflution, breakdown of air conditioning or ventiiation system, emergency exit due to fire. 12. Landscaping to include removal of sign on 35th Avenue. Any sign on Jay Street should blend into the neighborhood. 13. Appiicant to obtain variance from 26-31 (C) (6) (b) desigrt standards that require 100 ft. spacing between entsa~ces or ~xits on same {ot. We ~NN..~2 grarrting such a variance because the applicant's proposal, a 45 ft. distance between entrance and exit, aggravates a public safety problem created by the presence of traffic from the existing pre-school. We belseve the pubfic works director may not modify or waiver this requirement under 26-31 (C) (6) (f) because a modification or waiver would not have its primary purpose of presenring public safety. J. -("E N~ ! o February 23, 1994 Wheat Ridge City Council 29th and Wadsworth Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear City Councif Members: Please read the enclosed fetter that 1 sent to the City Attorney. Ms. Schroeder has not extended me the courtesy of a reply as I requested. Thank you. Sincerely, ,~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ Kenneth R. Lamkin, M.D. 6147 W. 35th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 r l ~ /v{ ! D~ February 16, 1994 Ms. Kathryn Schroeder 7500 W.29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6797 Dear Ms. Schroeder: I respecifully disagree with parts of your legal opinion concerning whether or not the protest procedure set forth in Section 5-10 of the City Charter applies to actions taken by the City Council consisting of the granting of a special use permit. I agree with your interpretation in paragraphs 1 thru 4 of your memorandum of 1/28/94. The critical language is stated in your paragraph 2. "Ti~e Council shall have to power to amend, supplement, change, or repeal the regufations, restrictions and boundaries ofi zoning districts within the city." In paragraph 5, while I do agree that speciai use permits do not affect the boundaries of a zone district, I disagree with your opinion that special use permits do not affect the underlying zoning district. Special use permits do impose "regulations" and do apply "restrictions" to the use of the underiying zone district. These "regulations" and °restrictions" definitely affect the zone district as evidenced by the strong neighborhood opposition to SUP-94-1. I contend that the legal protest is used when a single parcel of property is applying for a change in boundary (i.e. zoning change), therefore the legai protest can be utilized when the "regulations and restrictions" of a single parcef of property is changed, as in the issuance of a special use permit. In other words, if a special use permit imposes "regu}ations" and appiies "restrictions" to a single parcel of property then a fegal protest can be used, just as a legal protest is used when boundaries of zoning districts for a singie parcel of property are in dispute. The language of Charter Section 5-10 as reproduced in the letter is clear. 'Fhe Council "has the power to either amend, supplement, change or repeal". The language that fiollows lists °regulations, restrictions and boundaries". The fegal protesf has been used for "boundaries" in zoning disputes for single parcels of properiy. Therefore the legai protest may be used when "regulations and restrictions" on a single parcef of property are imposed as in the special use permit. I look forward to a response from you within 7 days. If I do not have a response from you, I will forward copies of this letter to City Council members. RespectFully yours, ~~ ~~~ ~' J Kenneth Ft. Lamkin, M.D. 6147 W. 35th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 .--~~` ~ ! ~ M it CITY OF WHEAT RYDGE -- MEMQRANDUM T0: Robert b[iddaugh, City Admiaistrat~~qq~~~j FROM: Rathryn Schroeder, City Attorn~~ RE: Interpretation of Applicabilit Charter Sec. 5-10 DATE: January 28, 1994 You asked for my leqal opinion concerninq whether or not the protest procedure set forth in Section 5-10 of the City Charter applies to two different situations. First, you asked for opinion concerning whether the protest procedure applies where the action to be taken by the City Council conaists of the granting of a special use permit. Paragraph 1 of this Section identifies certain actions of the City, including certain land use actions, which must be accomplished by ordinance. The land use actions for which an ordinance is required include those actions which would constitute '~ ..placing any burden upon or limiting the use of private property."~ Clearly, this would include the granting of a special use permit. The only conclusion to be drawn from the language of this paragraph is that a special use permit must be granted by ordinance. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Section, however, are the paragraphs crucial to the issue of which City actions are subject to protest. Paragraph 2 states that: The council shall have the power to amend, supplement, change, or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries of zoning diatricts within the city. Such chaagea shall be adopted by ordinance after a public hearing at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. (emphasis added) , « This paragraph identifies certain types of land use actions to which the protest ia applicable. It is my opinion that a protest is applicable onlv to these decisions because o£ the use of the words "such changes" in both paragraph 2(see highliqhted text, above) and paragraph 3(the protest procedure paragraph), whiah picks up and uses the exact language by atatinq that a protest against "such changes" may be made. Thus, the only analysis remaining is to determine whether the granting of special use permit falls within the definition of "such actions" described in paragraph 2 of this Sectian. ~% , ~ For the granting of a special use permit to be subject to a protes~, then, it must fit within the definitioa of an action to ~~...amend, supplement, change or repeal the regulations, restrictions ~nd boundaries of zoning disGricta..." (emphasis added) It is my conclusion that the granting of special use permit is not an amendment to, supplement to, change of, or repeal of the regulati.ons, restrictions and boundaries of a zone district. It is merely an amendment to, aupplement to, or change of the regulations and restrictions impoaed upon a single parcel of property, not a zone district. The underlying zone district itself is not affected by' the grantinq of a special use permi.t. If the broad lanquage used in paragraph 1 to describe which actions must be by ordinance ("...placing any burden upon or limiting the use of private property") had been used in paragraph 2 to deacribe which actions were subject to protest, I would conclude that the granting of a special use permit would be subject to a protest. That lanquage was not used, and the types of land use actions specified in paragraph 2 as being subject to a protest were significantly narrowed by the language of that paragraph. If the citizens of Wheat Ridge had chosen to protest the City's amendment of the Code to require special use permits for certain activities in certain zoning districta, I believe that action would have been subject to a protest, sinoe it was an action to amend, snpplement or change the "...regulations, restrictions... of zoning districts." The citizens did not choose to protest that City action, and it is my opinion that the granting of any individual special use permit is not subject to a protest. Your second question concerning the availablilty of a protest concerned a situation where the City was conside~ing enacting a mass re-zoning. It is my opinion that a mass rezoning is an action ^to amend, supplement, change, or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries of zouing districta within the City," and therefore wauld be subject to a protest. If you have any questions or concerns about the contents ,of this Memorandum, feel free to contaCt me at your convenience. CASE NO. SUP-94-1 -EXHIBIT 'H' Pre-School, Inc., d.b.a RIDGE P~E-SCHOOL AND • ~ INDERGART~N 1 • Cfi'Y ~ AN1~EA'~ R4DGE ~ , , ~' ~71~~~~' F~~ ~ ? ;~`~~€ February 22, 1994 ,~~j~~~-y~ ~~ PWlNBNG & DEVELOPMENT, Meredith Reckert Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Re: SUP-94-1 Dear Ms. Reckert; I am concerned about a possible misunderstanding of the number oP children enrolled at Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten. I would like to clarify the issue of the number o£ children the pre-school is licensed for, versus the stated number of children on the books, or physically present at any one time. The State of Coloraclo, Child Care Licensing Division, has licensed our center for 57 fulltime students. This does not mean that our enrolled numbe of children is the same. We have 80 children currently enrolled(on our books) as of this date. We have added l0 children in the past week due to circumstances at other child care centers in the area. All these children are not at Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten at the same time. We have some children who come before and after elementary school. We have Monday, Wednesday, Fr.iday 1/2 day attendees; we have Tuesday, Thursday attendees. Schedules for the children vary greatly, according to family need. The stated 40 children average reflected in the staff report of october 13, 1993 was based on a 6 month lunchtime attendance average. Further the staff report of October 13, 1993 states that we have 4-5 fulltime staff. I feel it must be understood that the definition of fulltime staff is an employees who works over 30 hours per week. It so happens, that under those terms we have have more 3/4 time staff, or 1/2 time staff. We have three to four working fulltime under those terms( one staff works under 30 some weeks and over 30 other weeks). We have three who work 3/4 time, and we have 1 who is parttime. The results of the Comission meeting of 10/21/93 was the acceptance of the requested change from RC-1 to PCD, as stated in the CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTi~4~Day fit~YY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 424-7485 ~ ~~*R*RTS.S~.O"F(' with uses allowed to be....day care-=center Por up to 80 ii~fant, toddlers, preschool criildren and kinderqarten.... Somehow in this process, I do not want anyone to lose sight of the fact that we are currently licensed for 57 fulltime ohildren, aged 30 months through 12 years old at the current £acility. Further, I have agreed to, and the square footaqe concurs, that the infant/toddler-addition would have a maximum of 23 fulltime children=---thus arr'sving at the 80 child maximum figure. - Please help me clarify this issue with all concerned. Respe~lly, Nina Forg 424-7485 ~ ~ Neighborhood Conditions RE: SUP-94i (if one or both businesses are passed) 1. At 3536 Jay Street business, neighbors wanf compliance witt a Specia! Use Permit is granted. C1TY 0~ ~~;~.,T ~IDGE ~ ~!-`~ _.., :7(~ ~ FL~ 1 ~ °99~? r'~n r' ' ~'~~ V ~! i Sec~~~~~'3~ H#~YI~L~pMENt' 2. At 3536 Jay Street business comply with pMinimum Rules and Regufations for Child Care Centers", issued by the Office ot Child Care Services, Colorado Department of Sociaf Services. 3. Rt 3516 Jay Street business comply with "Minimum Rufes and Reguiatians for Child Care Centers", issued by the Office of Child Care Services, Colorado Department of Social Services. 4. Compty with the Americans wdth Disabilities Act. 5. Require asphaft parking at 3516 Jay Street. 6. At 3516 Jay Street business compiy with safety codes regarding required off-street parking, Section 26-31. 7. Comply with Condition #2 of the (X) Staff Recommendations, dated i/26/94, 3536 Jay Street which states, "The Special Use Perrn+t be limited to a day care center for up to 45 preschool ehildren and kindergartners.° 8. Ailow no more than 23 infants and toddlers which is the number stated by Nina Fargo as the number she expected at the infant and toddler cen#er. 9. fnciude the Faes' exhPbit concerning landscaping at 3&t6 Jay Street business. 10. Install stop sign going east and west on 35th Avenue at Jay Street. 11. Noise mitigation plan to include: Solid double wood fencing or equivalent; Staggering times chitdren at pre-schoot area outside; Supervised planned ac~ivities when children are outside; Department of Social Services approved air conditioning and ventifation system af infanf and toddier center ta allow windows at infant and toddler center to remain cfosed at afl times, onfy exceptions: air pollution, breakdown of air conditioning or ventilation system, emergency exit due to fire. 12. Landscaping to include removai of sign on 3~th Avenue. Any sign on Jay Street shou(d b6end into the neighborhood. ~ ~ 13. Applicant to obtain variance firom 26-31 (C} (6) (b) design standards that require 100 ft. spacing between entrances or exits on same lot. We oppose granting such a variance because the applicant's proposaf, a 45 ft. distance between entrance and exit, aggravates a pubiic safety probiem created by the presence of traffic from the existing pre-schoof. We believe the pub(ic works director may not modify or waiver this requiremenY under 26-31 (C) (6) {fi) because a modification or waiver would not have its primary purpose ofi preserving public safety. ~ Date ,~~' /`~ - % ~ TO: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SUP-94-1 Dear Council Members: s We, J~~/~r~ !~ °}~~~Prc~(~~in~ ~. ~~iF' ; , are legalfy protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. Our property is adjacent to the Pre-School and is located at ~-~'L`~ ll' , ~`> `~~' A~e C~'l1E<<f~;~~Gi~ C~- ~~~1.3~ ~ Sincereiy, , ~~-. ~~'l (!~/~~ ~ ~~ ir~, ~~- o ~..~ ~~ ~n ._-.~ ..... --/ ~;:~~- ^'TY OF WHEAT RIDGF ~~.~ ~ ~~.,~]IL ~ `In~, F-~:; 1 ~~ i994 ~'~4, iJ u L.. '/JL~ (T~T~S ~ PLANNIP~.~ & DEVELOPMENT ~ ~~- Dat~` 7:.~ // / % %~L . , l"O: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SIJP-94-1 Dear Councii Members: , I, \ _ `,^";, s./~ . .. , am legally protesting the expansio~of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is adjacent ro the Pre-School and is located at ~// /. ~/s~.~J< ,~_S-Z.C/ /,/i~. ~,.r~.<L-~ ~~C~J ~~ ~r,- d" C~C~ ,~ ~ - Sincerely, ,~ ~, ,~~ . >4_,y ~,~J:. _ J~'~.~~~~~a ~ -_ ~r ~ "' _,. OF Wkt-^T RtDGE :~~~~~~~ . F~B 1 :': ~994 .~~?!~ ~"T~ _ . i ~-: ~ 'l~- Li iJ ~ J PLA[~k~[f~G ~ DEVELQP~fEN~( ~ Date ~k~ ~ \ \ ~C1~1 ~ . TO: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: SIJP-94-1 Dear Council Members: ~ ~ xy~, ~~,,`; ~, , am legally ~ -~ 1 --~~,.'~`'`'1 protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. My property is adjacent to the Pre-Schoot and is located at ~~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~V ~~~ A ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~- . ~,ti~1~'C"~~~~C~?L ~~ ~`iL~C'Sj - Sincerely, \~ ~ ~r ~ ~~,'~ ~~ ~~\~~...~;\ ~ - v: . . ~~ (nl~'., ~ ~f~`~~ `~~F~~ 1.', :,~a I . I lI_, . L L` i~ -~ ~ U ~ LI L'7~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT :^ ~ ~ Date ~ ~~, 1~ ~%~~~+ TO: Wheat R~dge City Council RE: SUP-94-i Dear Council Members: i, ~C u~ri~ /~~I~L'`c am legally _. ' ti~ protesting the expansion of the Wheat Ridge Pre-School located at 3616 and 3536 Jay Street. ' My property is adjacent to the Pre-Schooi and is located at (r 15~1 ~+-- ~ ~'~ ~~ ~ .~ vz . Sincerely, ~s ~~ . ~,< <<,:. ~,~,,-~>L~ ~ -~ (1~ 1n.n:-•T RIDC=~ ~~ f;:;;l;~~`,"' `?~~ !?1 F.;:~, .,` '~94~ , t w L. J . . ~ ~,.,~ u ~- t~ '~ ~.~~~ PI.FtNN1NG & Dk~lEL4P~~t1fN_T, ~ ° INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. ORDINANCE NO. _ Series of 1994 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DAY CARE CENTER/KINDERGARTEN IN A RESIDENTIAL-TWO ZONE DISTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 3516 AND 3536 JAY STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Secfiion 1. Upon application by Nina Forgo and Rose Foster for approval o£ a Spec3al Use Permit in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. SUP-94-1 and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing be£ore the Wheat Ridge City Council, a Special Use Permit to allow a day care center/kindergarten on R-2 zoned land is hereby approved £or the following described land: 3536 7av Streat That part o£ the west 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 0£ the Northeast 1/4 0£ the Northwest 1/4 0£ Section 25, Township 3 South; Range 69 West known as and referred to as part of Lots 8 and 9, Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 168 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line of said Lot 8, 125.22 feet, more or less to a point 139 feet south oE north line of said Lot 9; thence east and parallel to said Lot 9, 125.67 feet to a point 100 feet west of east line of said Lot 9, thence south and parallel to east line of said Lots 8 and 9, 125.22 £eet to a point 168 feet north of south line o£ said Lot 8; thence west 125.67 feet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. C~nflitions 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten at 3536 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to day care for up to 57 preschool and kindergarten children (ages 2 1/2 to 6 years old) at any given time. 3. Use of the property shall be in accordance with E~hibit 'A'. Improvements shall occur within 90 days of ef£ective date of this permit. . Ordinance No. , Series of 1994 Page 2 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Section 2_ Upon application by Nina Forgo and Rose Foster £or approval of a Spec3al Use Permit in Wheat Riclge, Colorado, Case No. SUP-94-1 and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a Special Use Permit to allow a day care center/kindergarten on R-2 zoned land is hereby approved for the foilowing described land: 3516 Jav StrePt That part of the W 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and referred to as part of Lot 8, Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence north 145.5 feet; thence east 140 £eet; thence south 145.5 £eet; thence west 140 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Cnnditions 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten at 3516 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 23 full-time infants and toddlers (ages six weeks to 30 months). 3. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'B'. Improvements shall occur within 90 days of ef£ective date o£ this permit. 4. Curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change o£ use. 5. A landscape buffer that does not vioiate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense bu££er, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. 6. The visibility at the intersection of Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved. Section 3. Vested Pr~nertv Riahts. Approval of this special use does not create a vested property right. This special use is approved subject to the revocation and termination provisions o£ Ordinance 945, Series o£ 1993. Sect3on 4. Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is ~ , Ord3nance No. , Series of 1994 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Page 3 promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative ob~ect sought to be attained. Ser.tion 5. Severabilitv. I£ any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be ad~udged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not a££ect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. SPr.tinn 6. This ordinance shall take effect days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote o£ _ to on this day of , 1994, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general ciraulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 1994, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Gouncil Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. . READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and £inal reading by a vote of to , this day of , 1994. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of , 1994. DAN WILDE, MAYOR Wanda Sang, City Clerk lst Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat R3dge Sentinel E£fective Date: <pc>ordsup941 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY KATHRYN SCHROEDBR, CITY ATTORNEY F^ ~ ~ ~, ~ ¢ ~ "o CO ~p iM x ~' ~ M 125.45' (M) i---- w _. ¢a ~ ! N~: I J ~~ ~°{~,~ t E. ,ra, ~~{,rF'~ t ~. " riy~'4 '2ia~g~{Y~~Se~~ +-~ ~-~ ~ a w ` r~ . ~ K . . ; ` : z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y I U ~ O m ~ I J ~ F- ~ ~j O } n v o~ V ~ ? . W ~a <O ~ . ~ a M 3 a ; N i -s„. 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'.`.~"" _ . ... ....."'-'~ liil;;'.Ill llllllllll j 14lRlllll u ltllilllll llllllltll. ' ,idllllllll tlllllllll >>>~~tr~i~ N . illllllllll llllllllll w ~lllllRlll . C~{ lllllllllll ' V lllllllilll -' lilllllllll ' w, ~ ~ ~ lll1t1111l1 ~ m ,~~ llllllllTll ~ llllllllili V~ m rri lllllllllll cV lllllllllll ~ A A ~ IYtlltlttll ' ~ ~ lt~illllllil _ ~ C~J Ittitiniu,ti7i~~iT~ r jllillllllilllllllll' ~ O ~tltitllilllli;;?;;; `~~ :llll!lP~illlillll'.'. C- F~ :l!li.i;'.i:~1~1,.;!'. ~;~: N ' 11p111111,'tlUlfilll' . ~ ;Ilill•,1~~I1S!':!i!l:' ~ i~l'.lll,~,~~i1~.lil'.1;~' v .i1114111!lllllllille~ ~lillLlU;;ll~ii~llf; ' _ ~~'~t~'..itli'.i;~..~. :.Iltittt;iltliliij' 4l!llll'.litll:!~/'' ~blllil4l141111y ~ ~N I D ~7 I ~D I ! m~ i n _.. __ (w) ,sb•sa~ ,t ~. ~~:~ --- -- --- - ~~~~ W ~ W rn ~ - ~ N ~ N r rn ~~ A Nn n O T Z O n O~ O ~ / i I ( ~ ~ ~ Z ~ N ~ ` ~ ~ _ ( ~V' l W X CTt = W ,,,,,, Q~ ~ ~ "~ y" v~ ° y Ordinance No. 953 , Series of 1994 C.ase No. SUP-94-1/Forgo Page 3 promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection o£ public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative ob~ect sought to be attained. ~ection 5. Sev~rabi.7.i.tv. if any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereo£ to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court o£ competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder o£ this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. This ordinance shali take effect 15 days after £inal publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on £irst reading by a vote of $ to 0 on this 24th day o£ January , 1994, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City o£ Wheat Ridge and Public Aearing and consideration on final passage set for Februar.y 14 , 1994, at 7:00 o°clock' p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2/14/94 Continued to February 28, 1994; carried 8-0. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on seCOnd and f3na1 reading by a vote of 7 to 1 , this 28th day of February , 1994.(for 3536 Jay 5treet). ey a vote ot b-4 for 3516 ~ay ~treeL. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 28th day of February , 1994. „~z..,. ,~/,~.,~,c...~ ~ DAN WILDE, MAYOR `~ L~il~. ~ /iln Wanda Sang, City C~ APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY ~!~~~-! ~1 • ~A~-~°1d09~ KATHRYN SCHFtbEDEft, CITY ATTORNEY ist Publication: February 1, 1994 2nd Pubiication: Mareh 15, 1994 Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: March 30, 1994 <pc>ordsup941 Corrected and republished on March 29, 1994 Effective Date: April 13, 1994 C~ r~ptl 1~ ~ '~ ~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN TI~ PACKET TO TI-~ ZONIAIG COMMISSION IN THE CONSIDERATION OF TF~ ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL U5E TO ALLOW A CHILD CARE/KINDERGARTEN IN A RESIDENTIAL-TWO ZONE DTSTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 3516 AND 3536 JAY STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTX OF 7EFFERSON, STATE OF COLORA.DO. HISTORY Application and fees were paid in May, 1993. Neighborhood meeting was held on May 22, 1992. Two neighbors were in attendance, the zoning/planning Commission was represented by Meredith Rec[cert. Surveys were provided the Commission, and accepted. 10/21/93 the Commission heard testimony in public hearing and property as a child care/pre- schooUkindergarten use. Re-zoning from R-2 to IL-Ci with restricted uses and a paving variance was approved 10/21/93. Council Bil( No. 30 Ordinance No. 945, was adopted 11/22/93, requiring some additional informatioa of applicants of special uses. Some of the Bi1130, Ordinance 945 concems were answered in testimony given 10/21/93, and aze in the minutes ofthc Planning Commission ofthat date, stated betow and identified by quotes as such. Neighborhood input mceting (Sign-in sheet Exhibits 14 and 15j was held oa February 1, 1994 and plans for a meeting on February 15, 1994 have been made. COMPLIANCE WITH BILL 30 ORDINANCE 945 Section 1. Wheat Ridge Code of Iaws, Chapter 26, Article 1. Zoning Code, Section 26-6.(B) Special Uses is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: (B) Stiecial Usa.~• Cpecial uses aze discretionary uses which are clearly shown to be void or deficient in an area, and which, if properly designed, developed, and operated and maintained, may be approved for any specific location within a zone district wherein the special use is enumerated. Special Uses aze highly dependent upon proper design, management and operational aspects, therefore such uses must be considered as a personal grant of use, granted to the owner of the especial vse and not as a grant of a vested property right which transfers with the land or lease. The only time a Special Use Pernut may be transferred to a new owner without re-applying for approvai is through inheritance by an heir. The primary issues which planning comrrussion and city council shall address are those related to justification of need and those special design and operational considerations which mitigate potential detrimental impacts ofa speciat use on sarrounding ]and uses, the street system, or public services or facilities. In order to protect the public interest, planning commission and city council shall have the right to approve, approve with modifications or deny a special use request, and to revoke previovsly approved special use permits pursuant to subsection (~ hereof. ~ (1) Applicability. The requirements of this subsection shall apply to all uses listed as"Special Uses" within the provisions set forth for any particular zone district. • Whereas, Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-IO through Section 26-i5, and Sections 26-18 and 19, subsections {E) Special Uses, are hereby amended by addition of the following ~new spccial uses: "Small Day Care Center, Day Care Center." Nina Forgo and Rose Foster do apply for the Special Use Permit to allow a child care centerflcindergarten on R-2 zoned land fro the following described land: 3536 Jay 5treet That part of the west 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25, Tow~ship 3 5outh, Range 69 West known as and referred to as part of Lots 8 and 9, Conway Heights, more particu[arly described as foltows: Beginning at a point 168 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line af said Lot 8 225.22 feet, more or less to a point 139 feet south of north line of said Lot 9; thence east and parallel to said Lot 9 125.67 feet to a point 100 feet west of east line of said Lot 9, thence south and parallel to east line of said Lots 8 and 9, 125.222 feet to a point 168 feet north of south line of said Lot 8; thence west 125.67 feet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. • 35l6 Jay Sfreet That part of the W 1/Z SE i/4 NE 1/4 NW 114 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and referred to as part of Lot 8 Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Seginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence north 145.5 feet; thence east 140 feet; thence south 145.5 feet; thence west 140 feet to the point of beginning, County af JefFersort, State of Colorado. (2) Application form and review procedures: (a) Prior to submitting any application for a special use permit, the applicant shall be required to hold a neighborhood input meeting (See subsection (F)(1) for requirements.) A eopy of the NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD 1NPUT' MEETING is attached as F~shibit I. In an effort to abide by the intent of the requirements for a zoning change/SUP a neighborhood meeting was held on 7anuary 31, 1994 @ Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kindergarten. Exhibit 14is the synopsis of the meeting. ~ (b) Special use applications shall be originated only by the prospective owner of the proposed special use, with written approvaI oFthe fee owner ofthe property in • cases where the owner of the property is different that the owner of the proposed special use. Both the specia( use owner and the land owner, or their legai representatives, must be present at all public hearings. In consideration of fBe Planning Commission Minutes dated October 21, I993, and in light of the fact that Council Bill No. 30 Ordinance No. 945 became effective on December 13,1993, the owner of the property and the owner of the proposed special use permit were in compliance with al! regulations at the time and date of the October 21, 1993 hearing and are currently present to comply with the change of Ordinance on the date of the current hearing, February 17, 1994. (c) Application shall be submitted on fomzs provided by fhe department ofpianni~g and deve]opment, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the property deed, a certified survey, and a fee of one hundred dol(azs ($100.00). Attached are copies of the apptication, and deed for the zoning change (ExhibiEs 2 and 3). A copy of the certified survey is on file at the department of planning and zoning for perusal. (d) All applications shall also be accompanied by a site development plan and additional rvritten information in sufficient detail Yo convey the full intent of the applicant in developing, operating and maintaining the special use. The site development plan shall meet the requirements of a Type I site pian as set forth in • subsection (E)(1) be]ow. Exhibits 4, 5 and 6 are attached as evidence of Type I site plans presented at the October 21, 1993 Planning Commission hearing Insofar as there was no apparent need for written information, none was provided at the Eime. However, discussion of the site devetopment pian was queried by the commissioners, as follows: Planning Commission Minutes October 21, 1993 Page 6 "Ms. Forgo stated she would like to combine the two parcels, expanding the current facility to include infants and toddlers. She expected a maximum of 30 infants and she estimates one-half of those would be generated by parents with children enrolled currently. This would result in 15 new vehicles in the neighborhood twice daily. Hours of operation are from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., the center is closed on weekends and holidays. Commissioner QUAL1'ERI asked if Social Services had expressed concem with the open imgation ditch on the property. Ms. Forgo stated that any bridge must have a roof and enclosed sides. She added • that she wants to retain the residential flavor if possible. Either parking scenario • would work, however, she prefers entering and exiting the property from 7ay Street. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Social Services inspected 3516-18 Jay Street? Ms. Forgo stated the properry had been inspected and found to be acceptable. Chairperson LANGDON asked about the safety ofthe irrigation ditch. Ms. Forgo stated that if the parking lot was situated where the ditch must be crossed, then the bridge must be constructed according to certain safety standards." page 7 "Ms. Forgo stated that she planned to maintain, as much as possible, the residentiai look of the properiy. She felt proper landscaping would help. She informed Commission how the children are involved in the community." (e) Upon receipt of a complete application packet as described above, the planning and development department shall proceed with the following process. (1) Refer the app[ication to affected public agencies for review and comment.(3) Criteria for review. t Eahibit 8 is a copy of the AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY CIRCULATED to affected public agencies for review and comment. (2) Within thirty (30) days of aeeeptance of a completed application packet, give notice of a scheduled public hearing on the application by newspaper publication, letter notification and posting in fhe manner as provided in subsection (F)(1). Letter, and newspaper, notificafion were complied with, as well as posting. (3) Prepare a written report and recommendations to the planning commission which evaluates the proposal and makes findings using the following review criteria set forth in subsection (3) below. Whereas a written report of this scope and nature was not required at the time of the October Zl, 1993 hearing, there was none presenfed to the commission on that date. Nina Forgo and Rose Foster submit this informational packet addressing the criterfa for review by item, as stated below. (3) Criteria for review. $efore a special use is approved, the applicant shall show, and the planning commission and city council shall find, the proposed special uses: ~ • (a) Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary service, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering availabte alternatives. 1. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 9) from the Jefferson County Departrnent of Social Services expressing the need for infanUtoddler care in this geographic area. 2. ALtached is a list of parents {Exhibit 10) interested in caze at the new facility. Please note that nine of the families currently have children who attend the pre-school. 3. A map showing the geographical area of families currently using the facility is shown on Exhibit t I, and evidences a broad overall need and use. 4. Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 1993, page 10 considers the appropriateness of the location and alternatives as follows: "Chairperson LANGDON stated he didn't feel ihat a nursery belonged on a busy thoroughfare such as West 38th Avenue or Kipting. he fett landscaping woutd help. He asked if it was normally allowed. • Ms. Reckerf stated that day care for 6-12 children is allowad in a residential area by special Use Pertnit. Commissioner ECKHAF2I~T stated it was obvious that a school for ehildren belongs in a residential area." (b) Will not have detrimental effect upon the general hea(th, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. A letter from the City Engineer addresses the waste water effect upon the utilities, showing little or no effect of the change. (Exhibit 12) 2. Attached (Exhibit 13) is a letter from Jefferson County Health Department addressing the health and safety ofthe facility upon the neighborhood. (c) Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational chazaeteristics of the proposed use. Considering that the pre-school has existed at the current location for 36 years, withaut blight to the neighborhood, nor changing the characteristic of sarroundings ~ the additional operations would not 6ave detrimental effect. It is the generai feeling • that a good child care facility in the neighborhood promotes the health evolution of homes owned by older folks to home attractive to younger families. Physical and operational characteristics of the current facility pre-date a number of the houses in a three block radius of the current and proposed operation. Had the eft'ect of the facility been a concera prior to a change, a purchase of property would not have been made. Attached is a map (Exhibit 11) showing the location of customer homes currently using the facility, formerly used the facility, existing childcare and major traffic routes. 5ince market penefraEion for the infant/toddler age group is minimsl, expectations are that young families who are leaving the area for child care will find it more convenient and safer to come to a neighborhood facility-this is what informal market surveying has barrt out. (~ Wil( not result in undue traffic congestion or traffice hazards, for unsafe parking, loading, service or intemal tr~c conflicts, to the detriment of persons whether on or offthe site. 1. The planning and zoning commission have included a report from the City Traffic Engineer stating the current -evel of traffic along 35th Ave., a local collector. Since indications from the prospective customer list shows families • with a need for more than one child-often an infantltoddler and a pre- schooler, the traffic to the area would include staff (mas. # oi children is 23 by ordinance-- staff ratio is 1:5, so there would be 5 teachers additiona!-asing 7 Families with two children as a representation; there would be 16 cars driving by in the morning to drop off children/infants and 16 in the afternoon wiff~ 5 staff inembers driving). The Community Center on 35th and Marshall conducts country- western line dancing twice a week with attendance of equal siu, and has Volunteer of America Luncheons daity ranging in attendance from 25 -100 people. (4) Planning Commission Reviaw: (a) Maintenance of the expansion would be on par with current standards, and in compliance with previously agreed upon criteria. 1. Criteria were agreed upon in October 21, 1993 Commission Hearing. (b} The current facility is within the scope and intent ofthe master plan o£the city. Operational considcrations for the facility take into account the management history of ihe current applicant. The facility currently employs 7 people who live within a 4 mile radius of the school. The employees have been with/or associated with the school for a minimum of four years, ranging to senior tenure of 24 years. • We are teaching a second generation in two families. A hallmark of the school has • not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 8. Supersession Clause. Ifany provision,requirement or standard established by this ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements ot siandards founfl else~vhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption o£the Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval by City Council INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this 22nd day ofNovember, 1993, ordered published in fuil in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearutg and coasidezation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for December 13, 1993, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers, 750Q West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 6 to 2, this 13ih day of December, I993. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 14th day of December, i993. • ~ ~ been its consistency and homelike atmosphere. Current management intends to continue that successful philosophy (5) City Council Review. City Councit shatt review and decide upon all requests for special uses upon recomnnendation of planning commission for approval or upon appeal by an applicant of a recommendation for denial by planning commission. Speciai uses may only be approved by ordinance adoption procedures. Notice of public hearing shall be in the manner provided in subsection 26-6 (F)(1. City Council, in addition to consideration of the pIanning commission record, sha11, hear additiona! evidence and testimony presented, and either pass, pass with modifications, or deny the ordinance, its decision being based upon all evidence presented, with due consideration of the criteria for review. (6) Enforcement All conditions and stipulations imposed by city council sha(1 be maintained in perpetuity with the special use. If at any time the stipulations or conditions are nok adhered to or are found to have been materially altered in scope, application or design, the zoning administrator shall notify a code enforcement officer of the nature of ihe vio2ation(s) and the code enforcement officer shall investigate and if appropriate, initiate revocation proceedings which shall include the following: • (a) Notice of violation following procedures as set forth for Nuisances pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code, Chapter 15. (b) Upon a finding of non-compliance by a Code Enforcement Officer after the prescribed correction date, the Zoning Commission Administrator shall schedule a revocation hearing before the City Council. Such revocation hearing dates shall be set by Ciry Council after first reading of an ordinance therefore. The purpose of the revocation hearing shall be for the City Council to hear evidence concerning the nature and extent of the alleged non-compliance with the conditions of the Special Use Pertnit. The Councit shali have the power, upon good caase being shown, to cancel or revoke the previously issued Special Use Pemvt, to require certain correective measures to be taken and/or to direct the City's agent to enter upon ihe premises and take corrective mcasures required by the CiYy Council, and to modify the conditions which apply to the Special Use Pernut. Any revocation action shall become effective fifteen (15} days after finat publication of the ordinance. Any other action shall require a continuance of the public hearing to a specific future date, and a motion stipulating the specific corrective measures that are to be accomplished either by the special use oumer or by an agent of the City within that time period. Upon the date of the continued hearing, should the Council find that the conditions and stipulations have not been satisfactoriiy cnet, ~ Council shall adopt the revocation ordinance." ~ (7) Non conforming Special Uses: Section 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Zoning Code 5eciion 26-7. Non confornung lots, uses and structures, any special use which is non conforming to the provisions of the Section 26-6(B) by way of not having received approval of a Speciai Use Pernut under prior rules and procedures shall terminate, or shall otherwise become conforming to these provisions, wit`~hnt five (5) years o~'fUe date that such non confomring status became effective. 7n addition, within tius five (5) year amortization period, no non confotming special use shall change ownership without coming into conformance with the Section 26-6.(B), All other provisions of Section 26-7 shall apply, Section 2. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-23. Commercial - Two District (C-2), subsection (E) Special Uses, is hereby amended by the addition of an additional speciai use as follows: "(d) Pawn Shops." Section 3. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section Z6-5. Definitions subsection (a) is hereby amended by the inclusion of an additional definition, in the appropriate alphabetical order, as follows: "Pawn Shop. A commercial establishment where a pawnbroker, as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes, regulazly conducts the business of making • contracts for purchase or purchase transactiotts." Section 4. Wheat Ridge Code ofLaws, Section 26-10 through Section 26-I5, and Sections 26-18 and 19, subsection (e) Special Uses, are hereby amended bq addition of the following new special uses: "5ma11 Day Care Centar, Day Care Center." Section 5. Wheat Ridge Code ofLaws, Section 26-16 and 26-17, subsections (E) Special Uses, are hereby amended by addition of the following new special use: "Day Care Center" Sec6on 6. Safery Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declazes that this ordinance is promulgated under the general plice power of the City of Wheat Ridge that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 7. Severability. If any clause, sentenee, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereofto any person or circumstances shall for any ~ reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall ~ I, NINA FORGO, WITNESSED THE SIGNATURES BELOW AND ON THE ATTACHED PAGES. Sicjned o.v~d su~orn ,-t-.p-~ ~err.1t~~e~ ~f-~n:~s lo~~L`~-,, ~~~,~ e,~ Februav~r f99~{. ~ January 27, 1994 ~y~.~.~~ ~~~G '`~ ~~ ~y~~"~be a6 jPq~/ S- I SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF NINA FORGO AND ROSE FOSTER IN GETTING THE~ 3PECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE PRE-SCHOOL OPERATIONS TO INCLUDE INFANTS AND TODDLERS. I DO NOT FEEL THAT IT WILL CAUSE AESTHETIC, HEALTH, OR ENVIRONME~'NTAL CONCERNS. WHILE THERE WILL BE A SMALL INCREASE IN TRAFFIC, I THINK THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR ryO~MC. ,'~'~, ~~ d-C~x.~u,, ~(,~eC-e.~ ,_~~ ~~ ~~uS. y~~' -~~,u G,.l ~ ~ _~~~ " ~ `~ - - / ~ ~c~~2.35 nQ.~i.a~a ~~O /U SG2,ct_.QJh .Sif {1/ 1.~c.# ~~ ~ S Q.~. ~~e.../ ~.r~ a ci~~r,~, , . ~ ( l S ~~tic~$ v4r~v~Dl'~` ~doo~ y ~ to~ 1'r~al t S Ctl- Wh~ak ~;d~2 , Co Fso033 .Z, Y/ `~ /) r. .~ ~.e S~ .r%,u v ~.- ~r _ ~~Z/ ~ l( ~ ~~'~( /~ll~ ~ v4 0~~ ~dd0 / ~l I l? G l~7 ~'~+/~- l,, i~.2a.~~~ ~ gdd ~ G.~5~-~~~ A~ ~.ro~. ~ 0~~3 ~r~~/ ~',~/ lh ~J~2 s~~ 3530 ~?~ ~' ~ r~.. ~oL ~ Z 31~.105 fslcs S-F -~~ u7 T~ ,; 4 ~ - - j ~i~~~/ ,~~~-f ~ w4~~~dqc cr~ ~033 ` , ! i ~~,~r~~ 1~..~ /'.~. oi~d3 f' /l. ~~~`~ ; ~~/~ j ~OZI.~ ~ ~,. ~ ` ~ ~~'--~~ ~ _ ~,~ ~~~_ , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I, NINA FOR~q,/WIT SSED THE SSGNATURES BELaiV AND ON THE A~'TACHED PAGES, /11 ~Y S~9+~ed anc~ 5~o r~ ~o ~ .~.g~ i s f 0'~'' o~ Feb~'~c~r I~iR~4 . , ~ ~"L-/"YI k~19a c? ~.~., M omn„ ssrrn~p„~s : January z~, 1994 j~(otar~( P~lol%c ~jn~j-~~~ t9q`~ I SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF NINA FORGO AND ROSE FOSTER IN GETTING THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE PRE-SCHQOL OPERATIONS TO INCLUAE INFANTS AND TODDLERS. I DO NOT FEEL THAT IT WSLL CAUSE AESTFiETIC, i HEALTIi, OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS. WHILE THERE WILL BE A SMALL INCREASE IN TRAFFIC, I THINR THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. ~~-. i-1 h ~'1 1 .~, L ~~~v' l.Jwf~,, i ~~~! - q,~Cc J L~ ~}c?.G1 ~~ ~ ~ /./~ • ~Y l,~~ CL 1; ~ ~ .'' 7~ i` r..1 v ~" %/.'~7.;/fi ~ /F ; , .1/1,G! ~ / ~ ~ ' c d~ /~~~J<~,JJ 1 ta~ 9 - - . ~ .N ~ /~'~ ` v ! ~ r?„ ..., L ~~ ,~', ,/L%~i'w/ - l_~ / 75~ (.~,' S ~; ~'/! 7~' ~ 4.F-f~e.~-~ l~.-1i~v ~-., , " / ~-.:~ 'i~? ~ ~,~ 6~ 4 ~ /:/ ~.,<5 .-N ~L ~.J Nr; ~a~- JZi ct~• N - ~ . •~ R ,n ~A~,,.l,,., y, r.~ . l~f.~r~oh,2rn. _~ s ~l~ ~+n~{ c~D~a-~~~~P~ %~.~~,2 /~C~ ~DQ .3~ , ~ ~ ~~~.~F~ ~ ~L C ?~`~ Z~NC•-.~C~`~ ~ C:)r~'.~ k~rc~t~ Lc~f~~. ,~~fh~:; ~„~ ~'iYlr~r~er~5 3,~~~5 Lngc_//S Sf 4)~ afr~r.~°oe C'o ~'4033 r. ~/ / /J n r~ i ~~i~ ~C~~IZ'( i,' ~ f") ~ /~ IN ~ ~ ~~ ~.~(1\l.' (LY/.i ~~ ~ ~ h~.~3 ~>~ ~ ~~:- ~ ' .;` ~,r ~- ~Y`~;e~'v`[~~rv~-' /O t2 ~~ "" ~ ~ ~ ~1. ~Qa .7 ~ Fr ~ _.~".,~r°'` r ~ .~ t.. ~'" ~o aa~?~•~ ,'?1~' ~,~P ~~! ~t . (•!/ ~--~ - , - -. %~;.:~ .~ ..i~~ ~',~;,. ` ~ 7~d ~ c~ ~ ~.~~:t~ ~7~5 "1e ~ ~~. Q ~1do33 t~-::Y~~ ~. ~/,~ a-- 373J ~ ~,v~2- ~~33 ~. ~ i : fzst~ , ~`~c~,.,~.~ _ ~~e~3 ~~a.~ ~~. 8c~n3~ ;, . ~ ~ , ~.~ 577J J~Y i,i.J f~ ~~033 a~ ~ -=.'~~;~ ~l;-~:~ '~?kl1 -.~~ ~f . ~~R. ~roa33 ~. E ~~.~ ..~~~ r e ~ . ~-~ 7 ~~s~,~ (~ .~ S'~ ~ ~ ~r:, ~~~,~- __ ;~- -, - ~~'~,,,.-~ ' _3 yd7 ~~~~,.~ ~'~ Q'ed ~.-- - ~ ~''~~ ~ - - .~CJ' ~~ ~.~~ .r _ ~f.~/.~: 33 ~ l ~~~._.. Gv . ~c ~d e 9 ~ ~-.:~-:.~,-~-a-- ~~ _~..~z~1 > 3.3 z ~ ,~,~,~-LR,,. ~ !.~ _ ~C' .5~ d o 33 ~.~ ~.~~F=, i I~~~~,~ ~ ~ 5 n ~, lv ~ kt94 ~ ~ . , ~ ~2, NINA FORGO,~ ES THE SIGNATURES BELOW ANII ON THE ATTACHED PAGES. ~ S tsned ar~d 5ux~t-n rne ~-h i S I O'E~-~ ~C~1~ o~ ~eb~'u.~'cJ. ,(~i4- Janual^y 27, 1994 ~~~~a-~n~~~~~~ ~y ~m~SSIOY~~IreS ' ~~Y1~411 'd~o i f~R~ I SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF NINA FORGO AND ROSE FOSTER IN GETTING 'S'HE SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE PiZE-SCHOOL OPERATIONS TO INCLUDE INFANTS AND TODDLERS. I DO NOT FEEL THAT IT WILL CAUSE AESTHETIC, HEALTH, OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS. WHILE TIiERE WILL BE A SMALL INCREASE IN T.RAFFIC, I THINK THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR NETGHBORHOOD. ~p,~,~~~s N~,Cp~G ~ .'~r,~; -(~.,<,; l2 G.~r ~'/-, u~ a g3~/ A~rneo ~~~~ Gs £~azc c~ ~~ .v ,.. _ r~ . ~ a~ ~~,V._ _ , ~ U 7 d ul~ni` ~.~'~'~~~;~u.u~~~~~~.s,_ ~ ~ ,'~ ~.~~~~~~. ~ '~~r~ (.~). ~i ~ ~,r~ f,t ~v_Zr~.~ O '~ _ 1 t ,~ ~? ~a~,, , ~(c~'»2/L. C-1~t~ 1~3 t~ u~~E l~~,rr~ rv-~,P~' C~ ~ _. ~!L~C~C- ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 4 0 ~ ~~ ~c~ ~+ l~ti.~tr~ dc~Q , C'~ „_ ~.--- ~:~.~1'~ ~~ ~..5~ ~~ r`~~ r~,~ s r ~~/l.~{~.~- C.~ ` ~. cvev~ ~~~~~,~J~ ~~? ~ t~U_ Qu ~ ~u w ,~v~ ~t ~3 ~-~S~ ~, 8oz~ ~ ~~~ / c ~ i Zr , ~. '' ~/'~,1~:,~i n ~ '~ ~y` ~ "~. ~`-~ --~ ~l /~o-~-~.- ~. 9'yi ~ sr ~ J~ ~,,~., C~,° Qaz~~ c~ ~ ~~ ~l ~, ~ ~ . ,, ~.. J ,, ',;, `~-3~, d ~ e'~r.~~~r ,-~-~ - D~~u...~.F.f ~ ~~i.z ~ ,. .,~-~~'. ) ,l . ` ~ .5 9 ,3 ~ 1) r~d c~. ~h?,~ rar f~~~--~ r l'I i'~'k. ~~~~~ .~~ ti a~ u.~,~ Q s~ _~w~ ~2.~0, 9, s~,nz3 p o- ~ '~( 1=)~,e ~?C~ar~ {~eu'l~znd ~- ; L2~h~a~2ro~~~e $'0033 ~u L7.~-ri/2 ,~J.~!~ ;e ~-Lo ~~ ,1~2,.c~~. _. . Q , ~'rt' . (.i/2 ~',~~ 33 ; -~ ~VY'VVU%~- ~~2' ~ ~~(~ y~ r, c`'. ~~,c1 ~-~- 'J1° Vf v`f,~^ 5s U,Z(~ L ~ry~7~ ~~~ M i,~~z .b ~ ~ ~ i a c~~ . 3 S~~ ~~,~ ~z ~003~ : C' ; :,..rr ~1 c 1~,~, _ ~~~ ~ ~e_ ' ~~ I ~~JjL'4'~'~ l ~~J C~~~ ~ ~ ~~'~ ll v l/!L7'7'Z.e.~~ a ~ ')~a~ ~Q,,. ~~1~ C-1~.,~,--~d~ gr~~~`-I ~zy,- w rs'` ~~l~~o~a~ ~~,L15~. ~~i_~ ~; , ~h .;~ ~ ~/,~a~~,~~ r~a ~~~ ~~y~ ~.~~~~: ~~~~v ~ ~ ~~/ . (% _ _ ,.;~.,~o~~ `~!'f , • :~r , ~8S /~ ~~,~„ .. Sj'- !.r]~~.. `C ~~GLC-~°~ iGa~q ~ a s ~~. ~ ~i~/ri ~JC7.3 ,~a~7 ~~~~ c~d ~~a~~-- ~'~~~~o ,3~v ~~l-~ ~,~~~~~ goz~Z ~ I, NI~ ROR~iQ',~./~SIT SED THE SIGNATURES ' BELOW AND ON THE ATTACHED ~ PAGES //L>l~' SCgr.ab a.,a we••.• {- ••,e~ ~i,',5 1,0I~`, a ~Q~,~ ~l ~ ~- ~-l~ January 27, 1994 ~iohai:z ~"t•!l~ok, ~ ~Ja}o.~ w,, es1 Feb~ J ~.1 y P~b\~c .,o.-~ ~ 19~4. Connm~5e'+a.~ EX41rES~. TJCCn~„ber 2.b, ~994 I SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF NINA FORGO AND ROSE FOSTER IN GETTING THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE PRE-SCHOOL OPERATIONS TO INCLUDE INFANTS AND TODDLERS. I DO NOT FEEL TiiAT IT WILL CAUSE AESTHETIC, HEALTH, OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS, WHILE THERE WILL BE A SMALL INCREASE IN TRAFFIC, 2 THINK THE SERVICE IS AN ASSET TO OUR PIEIGHBORHOOD,~ t~..-- -~--~..:~~--;~ 33 Kd ~~,c.C~. Gu~P ~6i33 ..~~+~ au~'~.:. ~ ~ 3 3 ~ ~'' ~ ~ . .-~.~.~,._. ~' ~' - = ~ - . ~ ~ I~ 33~10 ~ ~`~- GvK ~'~a ~ ~ ~ 1.~..~._...~~, .r.r.~. ~/~~ 3~r7o Sa c~ ~ ~.d (' 8~ ~~ "f cu,~~~l " ~{I ,-~ G ~S-~fi ~;~~ ~ ' ~ / ~ I , ~ ~ Exhibit 1 NOTICE OF .NEIGH~O1~i00D INPUT ME~ i irJG • Rose Foster IS PROPOSING A REZONING FROM g_~ TO RC-1, ';:'._:_'=.~---.._ =. A SPECIAL USE PERMIT~FOR ~nilr7 rara. 1~.-r,a r~on+=.-ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3516 Jav Street Wheat Ridqe THE LOCATION OF TNIS MEETING I5 3536 Sav Street THE TIME AtrD DATE FOR THIS MGETING I5 Mav 20.1993 0:30 o.m. THE PURPOSE FOR THIS PROPOSAL IS to cnanQe the zonina for tne ~u-~os=_ ex~andina the current cnild care facilities to 3516 Jav Str~et The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that, prior to application for rezoning of pro~~erty to a higher use, or for properties in excess of one (1) acre, and for Special Use PermiLs ~aiiich allow a special use of 1and, an applicant mvst notify all residents within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighbornood Input ~•teeting. The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the nei3hborhood to express directly to the applicant, their concerns, issues and desires. The lcinds of concerns residents normally have are as follows: ~ * Is the proposal compatible with surroun'ding land uses and zoning? * Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed ta s~rve the ~roject? ~ What is the impact on our streets? * Where ~rill the storm drainage go? . * liow iaill the project be designed to enhance rather than detract fro~n the neighborhood? ~;~Jhat specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? ~lfter attending the ileighborhood Input ~feeting, please use the follorring space and the back of this form to list any specific concerns, issues, or su~gestions which you iaay liave regarding this prooosal. Please sign it and give it to the applicant, as he is required to provide these forms to the City along with his application. • Exhibit 2 NINA FO -O ~ yz~! - ~ ~}SS rheCityo~ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~ ~1Vheat ~Rid~re Department of Planning and Development i~ 7500 West 29th Ava., Wheat Ridge, CO 84033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant RnsP F~~tPr Address3441 Fenton street Phone~4R-~~(12_ Owner Rose and Huah F~Gtar Address~ddt FA.,r~., GtrAA+ Dhone ~zQ_~~n~ Location of request 3516 Jay Street ~f '~ '1Sj~ ~J14y Sr Type o£ action requested (check one or more o£ the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ~ Change of z.one ar zone conditions ~ Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit - Temporary use/building permit ~ Minor subdivision Subdivision Preliminary Final ~ ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Vzriance/'Naiver Nonconforming use change 3 Flood plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception ~ Street vacation _ Miscellaneous plat ~ Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit ^ Other ~ e ~etailed Descr3ption of request i har~ae zone to RC-i for use as a child care c'°nS.~~-~ (',e.N.it?ii..~ 3eyr...~....aet ,v~ ~- Z ---- ~ ~~ List ail persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Rose and Hucth Foster 3441 Fenton Street Wheat Ridge 238-2202 I certify that the information and exhibits here~aith s~i~.nitted are true and correcz to tt~e best o£ my kiowledge and that ln filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested actior. cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this act~ - is ehalf. -~ Signature of Applicant . ._ _ i~-c~. ' .~ /, Subscribed and sworn to me this /Y~-i~t day of N~a~ , 19 C(j ~,IY .~/; ~~./~./irY~'[_ ~ ~' F,y ,._,.._...~....~...,..,. ~. ,:c 2~ . Notary Public 4350 ~y~srr:arth B7~s.~srr: SEAL Whrai:iid.~e, ~:~ra~ &~: My commission expires , Date Received ,ri-1C~~-~'~ Receipt rro. ~Sr2y Case No. Exhibit 3 ~ ~ enVer, Co ora o I/~ ~ .Aa~Ypladamsu , ^~°' City i ~°°'~'O~ Danver •~~~°+e•y+~ ll ....__,nrr.-+a~~r.s.+r~wrrr OnC Htwdred 'hrmty-Oaa I Thousand and No/100 f5121,000.00)--- ~+~• ~ O~~e~PW~f~u~ryNNkfrMNl .. . 1~ V@ V~LMr1•rY .. M~/ r p~ ` ~ bu~w.rL.ao~'+/.daY~.~raY~i~~~A hgr b~ri~P~bwaWY~tT0~~1~~ ~ _ 'J,.r.+++~.M.{wati.~r~r coar r au.t ~ -4 ~,,m;,,.. b„~ sr~nc earc of cne ~e ux o~ r~,a s'Lu~t#~39a ot rhe axsems.e°i~1i ,oE tfie ..........ti: 1/4 of "~:^~ 25. Rbw+ship 3 Satlh. Rmyia 69 Ite.t )mc~q ~s and '1 ~~\~ ' zeEesred to a~ Past of Iatn 8 azd 9. OQE~AY ......~.. ~, y~ ~•+~~•~•~~y deci6ad ~~' a, a^, follwa: Beginnuy at a poirtt 168 feet Nxth af ihe :+,,.,.,.,r. caa~c of a;id ~~;~ Int 8: tMnoe wn~a7 Nosth ~ West .line o£ aaid i~ 8. 125.22 feet. m~e ar ~ less ro a point 139 feet 5~uth o£ t3~rth l.ine of said Iot 9r tia~oa Pesc mai pnral ^ ¢. lel to said Nortt~ ].ine of rsaid iet 9. 125.67 feet Sa a Ecint 1p0 Eeet Fkac ef ~ Fnat line of said Iot 97 tha~ Soueh ercl parallel tn Ee+t ]jne of anid S,oG~ B aKl 9. 125.22 feat m a point 168 £aet North of SauCh Ltne of ea3d IDt 8i t3mo~ , Nmt 1?5.67 feet to Point of ba3itmin3. O~mtY of S_.F_._.... StnLa of Uat~do. ~ ~`~ ~ NECOROED IM '-` ""~`~ ~~- ' ~~ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ~ ~v°' STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION N0. 87099~2~ a { WARRANTYDEED OB/04/B7 10it5 'I3.'10 THLSOEED~waanu ZHth Mr Ju2y .~087 . , i i ' O r..~. ' ~ ` ~. NUGH 7. FOSTER and ROSE GIARIA F051'ER •n . c 3461 Fenton SkreeC, Wheat Ridge, ''? wa. • - .i c~nor JeYEergon ~ ,s~n,rc,e,e,,n,,,nn,,,,n ~ ~ NTNA D FORGO, 890 South Saint Paul Sireet. 1 d 80209 I '~"k'""y"^tlrdi""'°'~ 3536 Jay Street. Ffr~vt Ridqe, Qslacado. ~ IOGC[NF3 rxn YI ua u~t~ Wr ~ewaiue~ W... ... rem Ie~w~V. er r rnr ~, W r wY r rtti+w. nsutlv uia m~rm. iuu. ~uw W peCU WeimL ua Yl W~ we. nW. uk. iw. el4s ra ~sr~ Mrr~f ~Y t~naGCar.aqwf.Kl.WnuMM~wYrP+tle~~..usus ~r6 , , TVNAVEANG10tlOLDWe'uaT~MrwWlusaWGmieae.W~ .. . ~rou'~rr~t }1@S Ynr ruWbnwANNSpwn~lb t~1011 ~IV~r ~37snWpsroWrtpnuuu~ea.m mrw,pr,rp~,~ .~...~.e.wa.~~.~ herr.,m.w..av.w~..wr....+wr.rae~wra~m.r~+.~. theY are y ~en.+rirw.+~nuww...n.ne.., ve~ma.wn.r..ra..www.rna.4.+r.nn..rm~.+..o.ub...4..~r.r 9~ Y2 ~minW.fuUV~'~I.M~v+fnW.wlW.r~udaa.~tlsusr~u+arfo~~YVri1.WY~\s~~r ~MSYUFVS W+a+ruq Wel~ ++s. E~'l~. Wn.lm. uw. uwmw~. . .. .rJ rt~e~maaY~r~r~i1i~~~~wa ..~y, general taxex for the year 198~ and subaequenc yearar 1'b~ pwon~l Y+Y W~+II W~RRMTANDIOREVEROFFFNDNeYwe~a'pr,1's~e ~re W W rsY~p~~~liY v,n.o~ her nu~e.w..~w~~w~.u.rwrr~aee.~~.twyaw.~.rw.d.a~.r~r~e ~nWm+esswxrnwe.m.aw>~.~rve o~ww.~s~r. ~~ i ~ ~..~.-f'.~ . ~ ir Hu J. ~oster ae oria ~at6r ~ ' _ . ,JbM1i~..J'~ :.. . , il~: ~ M:ac... wu..uw~ ~I . . M. ~.••~Gt~`u Jelfezean I' ,~ iwl~+liei~wauae~r~m.w~ ZBth N,~ Ju2Y .n 87 1 ur#H Q:n~~Cer aad Rose Gloria Foster. ~~~~/~ ~ ~ .. yy'`~J w~~ /-'~~i~=FV~slY.// ~~ I Y G.r'wr ~~ •If ~ Duwc w.n-CUY w'. ~ NR1~l.W.JAS. MY4UMYGlIDIl~~~MY~~1 4~IMI~IYy.1lUY.YY.Ii~IIO~I~r. ~ yi%~ Exhibit 3 a 136414-- _ ~l0~~,•3 a :s~oo~g~i ~ . ------ --_ _ - - - --- auomasa~uv TACRAN7YDCFD7970II7TTQIN775 ` ~C ~~"°- ' ~i Osi IHISOCf9WMw~M~YUYwWir~~M1~~wY` W~W Y ~r~ ~~ r xW N W M ~Yl u Y1~ Y F o imi ~ ~ W yl l I I Iw~~ ~ ~MMh W~+l ti~ Mw4 W~wllr ~~ ~II ~ n Y~S~^ ~W w W M~NIW N Mrl~. W u Y wN rwlyV ~iw ~ ~ 43 r '•l yt t IIwYMY~1~.Y ~W~~IYYY~~~I~~~~^^~Y~MIL ~~Y . ~.+. ~ ~ T>~ .d.a~ Septenber 7, 1965 " ~~%M ryr=_ . ~ ~w«+ RAYMOND H. PETLA md RAliQ.ffi1~E. PESLC- ,,.•~.-• eucic ~. Fos~x .m eose c. Fosro~ ~ I ....~. ~ ~I iRNELSLSH.JuJ.ewa.1~~Y~~~.drurNJ~w~M~wMiMWrWwLJYsM~rla ~ I e~M•~~~1 N~sY~~lNIM. M LLwr I~~ Mr I~u. W~W. ~LL swI N~~IY~ w~ W I~~~ Y 'I IY~~~~I.~IIY~MIY.Iy~r~W~rIAI~I~~~~YW ~rrw ,1eEE~rwn ~ ~iwNGlrJrw~~ ' Itut part of the 4~ SEk NE} HfJ} S~ction 25, SaunaF..• .. c.~,ita. R~n~t 69 u~st knoun ~~ and refarred to a~ pare o£ Loe 8, Co~~y fl~iQhts. ~' more p+rcleularlv destri6ed as £alious: Ee;inniug r[ Soutls»ie ,~ curner ot sald Lot 8; chanes ~orth 168 fa~t; thenca East 140 fect; ' cMnee South 168 faec; [hene~ Yea[ Ld0 Le~e to 6e;LnnlnQ~belna CM pxsmises knovn as and numb~red 7516-18 Jay Street. ei - ~~ 71ru./7.G0 TOGEINER .41 ~LL W'WnW r~ `- •..-_ _~N Ywr~ vlyly, r 1~ ~.Iw ~Y .i . i `; ..i~'. ~ TO NAVL AND TO NOlD i4 xY ~I Arywp..W W ~w W~rr, WYYIn~I ~rW I~wr. AJ W I~~. Ir ~I~rLL W MY~. ~~ww r WYMYw f~ ~w~r u~i ~W W ~ /W~~.Y~vMY~MI~rW~YYYLLI~IYJIMrrYWrYY~I~I~M~P~~YI~NYMIW~I ~. r.rM w+ r.q W Y Iw W~1.. W\~ I W~lµ YY ~w~ ~ MIJ W~Y~ r wY r/ rw~ W i •~r« u~ 1.. ~I~rW ~N Jr J~ ~.r ~n M W~W Y~ ~111~~ r1 ~i~ ~~y veyti rL~. 11~~. ~u~. W N wlWwr YIJ ~~uF ~w' YYY i~l DY~Y ~~ ~w W.W ~w~ Y.IVY V~ GY~IwI ~ryYM ~~r~ 1~r1NM+~ W Yr Y ~II~ hN, W Y V~wu 1~M. u~ ~w~ Y~ Mr~l r~ 1~ W w'r r~ .• H+. MI~ 1W.q 1 w 411rIqLL~ Yr 1 ~V4Y~ W Yr ~~w WIJM ~~Ww Y W~W M rw~YL ~rrl~ ~I J~ I~rw~. ~MY Mwr~ rl~r, yJw ~ll W~~I F~~ ~ Iww W1~14 ~W w M~IW W wY ~~I FRYw~I. W I+~~ WY ~~.UI f~Rp.V17 ANG TOR[VCR DLIQ10. Ill tISMIIS 111C7iV Y~ Ar W Yw~u r W~1 W wl J~ M M/r 1 Iw wlr. ~~G~~+7-~ ~~ ~~~Y R rx~...i ,•-~ ~^w ~. CLCy aM c..~r~ Gnwr 1~r ""'~"'~~'~"`~~ S~pt~6~s D, 1965 SA ~M KAIfQ.V.N t. PG17A NovaMr 19. 1966 ~ M~ [ r/ / ~ EC!/" I^ h 1 zs~[.L... ~+.rtiW ( 1~ ~ ~ Q~ ~ a V-~ ~ ~ ~ w.i • • f~~ ~ \ •e .: '~rfMYia[: , . .... :.: tax~.• ~ ~ ~i ~ ~~ Exhibit 4 CASE NO. WZ-93-5 ~~ ~ EXHIBIT 'E' 3516 JAY DESIGN SCENARIO #2 ~~~wa~~y ~ 25.s~' .ti. . . :. . iao.oo' ~ rRAME GARAGE MULII-LEVEL - -- FRAME AND BRICK RES. 3516-i8 JAY ST. ~ ~ ~ . ~ /~ ~::~- ~' , ~; : , ~.......-~;:: / ~ : ;~,. _ ~ ~-.~~:_ ~~. - - ~ ~ ~. ~~~: , ,, . , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ........................................................................................................ / , ~~r i P ~ /'y~ f n / /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~~ ~~ ,cAn ~/ ` ~ ~ V ~ ~ • ^ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~~P'~~ PARCEL 2 L ~ N / / / 0.48B3 ACRFS OR ~~ 20, A00 SQ. FT. M/ L / ~+~ / 1.56' ~ Fx Cor. , ~. / N69'59'S0'W ~ 140.00' (1,~) s t W , ~-~" ~v~ ~ ~ ~. f CASE NO. WZ-93-5 ~ ! Exnibit 5 EXHIBIT 'D' . 3516 JAY ~ DESIGN SCENARIO #1 , '~ r 2s.s~' r 6' °----\~~t.~{?!Qf{h~` q 4'r E'°3'" ' i 140.00' ~ rRAME MULT1-LEVEL GARAGE ~ --' FRAME AND BRICK RES. i ' 3516-18 JAY ST. _ __ , _ ~ ~o , •'~ _~~ , ~~ `;~sc , ~ i ~ / f ' L • .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•, ',~6f~:_': ".~r:. i~ L'.1 .J"' _ ~ / / ~. J ~ I / / ...............................::...........::.::.::I:...:I::::::::::C::::::::::::::.. .......................... ............ 1 .............................~.............~.,....,.......,.............. .............,........ /~P~ ~ .....~ ........................u.............. . ~ , . ..T ........................... ..... , . ~ ~. --~ ,~ ~ ~~, r ~ ~ ~i ~~ ~ ~~n, ~i,' ~ ~ -~ `~/ ~ ~ . ~ / /,~}O~/ / ~.~i ~ x~ ~~ JO" ~~ /j / ~ , /~ ~~ PARCEL 2 ~ ~ ~ / ~ 0.4883 ACRES OR 20,400 SQ.FT. M7L ~,~-i / . ~~'~ 1.56' Fx Cor. _ , % ~ Nas•ss'sa~w ~ao.oo~ (~1~ I ~ a~ ~ _ ~ I ~~ ~I N w ~ ~~ T" ,q.v ~ . ~ 125.45' (M) M ~' ~ -- ~ ~ .._._ tV V y ( w I ~ ~ ¢Q i ( .~ "~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~p + N ~ I z = M , W W ~ M ~-~c TTTfRn~,-~ 1lI1111U11 11 ~ _ , , ~ ~, ~1 11111111illllti ~' .. ~ ~. ,~ .,li1111111;11U111, . U ~ i 3' ~ - f!t~l:l~li`~~~~,~;; ~ ~ .111~II~I;1114~111111 ~_ ~ ~ ~ !liiiil~tlll~Iill111~ l~i ~ ~ ~ j~ ~ . _ ~ ~ .~~~~ ,~~ ~~1:.~~. l ' ~ " ~,. >' 2. /I :lUl lllll11111lIU t l~ tll l ' iCj N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l lll l tllllllllll - illlll!•I~~,~ttlll;l!11~~ ^ ~ ~ i ^ l ~ .. • . I .. :• , ..-~• ~ l i l; l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l; r.{ ~~'• 7t11111111111111111' ,~ . ~ `~~ IttI11111111iIV11I1~ O ~ h ~ + 1111111111111111111~ a Z ~D ~ , ~ i lil_!lll11i1111Ut1 'tl~lillllll w ~ ~ ~ F`1 V Illllllllll U U ~ d v] ~ p Illllllllll Illll:lllll ~ ~ + I m J ~ v~ IIII111fU1 ~ W~ „ 1 J ~ U p x } Illllllllll ,,,utttit (~ ~j ~n 0 W. • p U ~ 1111111111 '" ~ U w ~ a ~ M Ilflllllll 1111111111 j~ '~ ,l u i I111111U1 i W M llllllillll ~ ' ~ 1I11111I1II .~ ~ N ~ ~,,,, ~„t ~ 1111111111 I111111 11' ~ 1 l)llllllll I !II1111111 - ' . - - --. 1111111111 llllllllll . ~ ~ III.(III~I T.,,,,TT,.-.~:~..,... ____._~_.__ lllllilllllllllllllllllilllllllllll 1 lllllllll lll . ~ ,j ~ ' ~~ . IIl 1 1 1 illlp~-~^ 1 1 1 II ' ~~~~'~~~~ '1:~ ~~~~ i~,i. tr i.r,i.~ ii ~ iiii ~~~ ,iii i i.:.,ii; . i ' i •~+ ~ I i iii ini~itiiii~~iiiniiiitini:~ii ~ i~tii~i~iiti ~i~t , ~ w .. . . .. .......... ...................... 1 ............ ..... _~~,~~ ~J ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `' ~ Exhibit 8 CASE NO. WZ-93-5 • AGENCY REFERRALS SLJ[VII~IARY XX Fire: lwhaat Ri~3cra1 Nn nrok~lem, Schools: XX Wates: rwr,aar RiAcr?1 Can serve_ ~ Sewer: ru,r,oa+ n; ~~.o~ ra„ CPY[)P ~.X jJ$ TA]2St ~.'OII1IRllR1C3't].ORS: TTn rocr+nnca XX Public Service Co: No response. 1 ~ State Land Use Comm. (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferspn County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) Adjacent City: American Cablevison: CITY DEPARTMENTS Pllbl].C Works: ~7~„i~ l'iYc ..,,.-t~. ...~*+o.- anA ~iAow=it, =i,. , r.~.,..+. ~Ct.tl Avenue and Jay Street. Would like to improve sight distance at W2SL J7'L17 dRO. ~JC1y .7~iCCC .i.u~cJ.nCU~..~~Il. Parks & Recreation: Police: • Building Inspection: pc/Agencyrefsum 'c~ ~:F;.t>~~ 9 Board of County Commissioners ~ 80033 • To Whom It May Concern: Gary D. Laura District No. 7 Beriy J. Miller District No. 2 Februa 15, 1994 ~ohn P. Stone ~' ~istrict No. 3 Based on our ezperiences at Social Services in child care referral and authorization, licensed child care for infants and toddlers is definitely needed in Wheat Ridge. Ms. Forgo, owner of Wheat Ridge Preschoo] and Kindergarten, has indicated to us that if they are able to add an infant/toddler section to their facility, slots will be available for Social Service clients who's children are in this age group. Our county's Resource and Referral agency, Family First has statistics that show for every three requests for licensed infant slots in Wheat Ridge, only one slot is availabte. Any consideration that you can make to allow this to become an added resource for infants and toddlers for our client population is appreciated. ppro' ~~ ~ rry McDowell ocia[ Services Administrator V Adult Services JG/sp • i .~ 9 I n G gos Social Services Supervisor II CCAP and Employment Pirst DepaRmenf of Human Services Nelson L. Nadeau, M.P.A., Director Human Services Faciiity, 900 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 60407-6070 (303) 271-1386 MS NINA FORGO 3536 JAY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO •~XHIBIT 10 ~ RESERVATIONS KELLY EDEN 237-8205 BOY 24 MOS. 3/94 LINDA SCHAAD -4705 OAK_STREET WHEAT RIDGE 423-2618 1 Y.O. 9/15/92 2 1/2 Y.O. GIRL JOANN 424-8914 2 MOS. OLD BOY SHELLEY CHAVEZ 422-3442 GIRL 2 Y.O. LEE ANN 278-2191 6 MOS. GIRL(1/94) BARRY MCBRIDE H. 278-8314 ELSIE D.O.B. 5/8/93 ROBIN HALSEY H. 278-4045 DANIELLE 1 Y.O. BARBARA WK. 425-0985 3 Y.O. 19 MOS. OLD KATHY ALLEN 422-2461 16 MQS. OLD BOY ANGIE MUNYON GIRL:PIPER i205EN D.O.B. 6-1-93 234-0599 DEBORAH PIICE H. 239-6021 5 1/2 MOS. GIRL 2 Y.O. BOY ROXANNE MCLAUGHLIN RECOMMENDED BY IiURLEYS 5 Y.O., 17 MOS. W. 425-2439 H. 274-8265 LILLIAN GONZALEZ 456-1064 7 MOS. BOY CINDY RETTIG 467-8792 3 MOS. GIRL LAURIE NELSON 420-5144 17 MOS. GIRL BETH SCHAEFFER 422-6588 KARLIE D.O.B. 4/18/92 JENNIFER HOLMAN 424-8155 CHELSIE 9 MOS. KELLY_BALDWIN 238-3021 20 MOS. BOY LISA PARKER GIRL KATIE 13 WEEKS W. 394-7767 H. 422-0786 LAURIE ZARLENGO 422-2689 1 YR. OLD BOY ALISHA 423-4505 1 YR. OLD BOY AUSTIN KELLY MICHAEL 425-7599 28 MOS. GIRL ~ BRUCE FAMILY: MASON MONTOYA'S FAMILY: BABY GIRL NEWSAM'S FAMILY: KATIE BARAN'S FAMILY: ANDREW RICHARDSON'S FAMILY: BABY BOY QUADE FAMILY:TBD! DIANE BRAKE: TBD! OLD . - - - - - -- -- =_- ~- • . L ~ ' . ~ x;3~tn.~ c-\ ,..~ a• c s.~e s .~r ~,~ c\.x ~..x:~.,:1 ~5 aS5\fr w..l 353l~ J~~ Skrss} 1 ~ G1N.vi~y ~rw~t~1<~ ~'IiSE rw~tf k -- ~J~ v~~n~ ~ ~houack.a15o~ 'sR ~l,s ~L~•.l Va....~y ,~2tt~~J' a+>> a ~, • / J~ £.x4.'~b'~ ~ ~Z BOYD BROWN STUDE 8z CAMBERN CXARiEREC i 7]30 E. BELLEYIEW AYENUE-SUrtE 902 TELERiONE]0}7~6l900 ENGLEWO~. COLORAUD E01113619 • • Ms. Nina Forgo Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten 3516 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 P.e: 3535 Jay Sxeet Deaz Ms. Forgo: F1UC ~0}]JOd93~ r~y si, 1994 This letter is in response to your inquiry to George Holte, Director, Wheat Ridge Sanitation District regazding sanitary sewer service to the above-referenced property. It is our understanding that you aze proposing to comert the subject Y...Y:...y from iu current use as a duplex residence into a day caze center for infanu and toddlers. On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, this will confirm that there will be no adverse impacts on sanitary sewer service due to the proposed conversion. If you need any additional information from the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, please call us. cc: - George Holte District O~ce cd:wM~Eaqa.lu Very truly yours, BOYD ROWN STUDE & CAMBERN ~ ~ / /~. ,~~= . J William K. Brown, P.E. Engineer for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District :.i ~ . ~ J011NAe0TO.JR.~WIWAYK.tIIOWN~0.0@ERTA'TUOE~iNED00REJ.GMlERN.JR~MIWrSL'TE4. . . - . . . .. EXHIBIT l3 SOCIAI. SFRVICFS ra~rrrasnSON COUNTY DEPARTbffi~T OF E~ALTH AND L1IVVVIRONMIIVT FA'CIIITIFS Tb0 S. Kipting St.. Lalccwood, CO 80226 IIVSPECIYON ~.a~ „~. : ._., . . _ .,~ Phone: 73Z~6.'~Ol ~ ~ l~. ~°~ r~ ~,d tC ~~r~'~ .,. N~~, .+~r.~ r,~ r. A j1d1G~n ~ I- z ~ 9~ SRLEIAOOIIES U ~~ ~ Q[Y I~ AlROYIOlOIIJRN~ z,~~ ~L' _IGx~ ~T. ~~)~^~ UP ~~,~ srs ia a ~ rvrcocc.~c ~ r( raoes/ ~J wurna cauuvtr - • ~~.• n i't`~ a~ ~ d ~-TCrl1 ~aK ~ ~~`i - !~7"R;`~ ra.tuw.ur coxsnuerwri~/ M Impedba d tYb atabWYat wr ~ade w tYY Yte H aceaW~oe wMY nir uA rqWtfon Iwed b) IYe ColorWo Ikpubat et SaW SQ~kh. Yoa ue Yereb7 orderM to correct tine .,.. . W~biatlon Y6cd beNw. F(]flil PR(1(~r V'r' AvdM Twe. c~~y« Twnn ~AMR~t ~ OOIOMIIATiUN tLC010ls Ytl NO 36~.Y~k ~ ~Y^r8i ~ wA7Q: AAYC~r ~fr~Utlls Y~Y ~~ YAND~QICTWl.fIHl~ql t i0Y/AMIIPdTIDN: Ta MU Lla,a~~~a EXPIRATION DATE: / / U eapree, awna Ca~vaao Depara~at af Sorlal Sa.ioes (t66SS3~• COMhfEN1'S ~-- - - n J~ •' iil ~/;`~.~-~r' t'~nntc )-z7- -~l~ ~+r,/ l~f~s~~ /~~s AY~r',ci`~-!I'~cl lr~ ~ , . ~, nl~~ !~ rn,~~ ,~r,r, I~ .1~~ .,~f- ~S~/o ~j~~~, ~S-~. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~- A. ~t l^~ ~ ~i.~,; l, i; f;~, f ~'~ ~~ N i S ! N-F+~f s ~l V i Y T.( (S]~A 1`ifl I Y-#'1~!'y~l;i 1 f ~~ ~ F n r~~ ntn S,n~~, ii ~l-~ ~r. r~~- (~r~l('pr~~i~C n1g@,~d,~h (~, t~[+`~!(A ~. Ip~~ I , ~ l~_~ l.~r`~ i,4r.` iA;f~r,~~ ~ kir[.(!~E'~ ,/.(;/ ~n rN.i~(~t(f.,t ~~ I I + ('1'I',;~'ti-i~/G~ ~"Y~~~nrG ~'~~~~~ C~J b1;CiltA~ ~~ ~(~Ir/C~'~!1• ,`~ ' i A1 Z 3 r.l~ f ~I ~ rr~ (-l~~J~l I v v~ ac.~cl I'~ i'„ ;' ; C.:1.(~n GZ VL't (t vr~V1.9 i i inn ~ ~ ~\1 1r.)~~t. ~~ ~c' Q ~la~c.x~ ~l.•LPU-~ r~t~nr. ~ ,~I =~1•„ I__ ---h 4< c7. ~n •. r„ , i, `~. e. ,~ f ln ~~(7.~ c~n 1~ t11 , ~~ 1.4C'~- ,~"c 1~.F' Gl~~ i, I °. ~~ ".~ , 'v ! (~r~ .. ~ Il \t A Y N P 1h ~ T"Y~.~ ~ C~, 1~1~ ~ i.1, i1 f r (]n (Y ' ~("+ !~'~i''T~-( Qx C' ~`'l.')~i~-c.~ ~b"/..~~1n~.1. ~~C~~ ~J~w~~ ~'Glt_ ' ' ` 1` ~1 1_ ( \ ~ ~ i , : C'.`-r 'C ~~I i t`CiE~`4P _ t i'~C, `Ft ~ 1"iF . Y~~. o r.~`i-t l`,x\ (l~-)\0 . I ~l ' . ..r ~.l ~p 1~~1}.~~ ~f, AI( A lC) IA {~~~ ~(~ ~~ ~ ~t~ ~\A ~' ~~~GA ~. ~ I 1 ! \ _:t ...,.nr.,ai ~'~i~V 1.,~ii~fF 1.1~i~°'t L^r ~Xi:~(~C~C(~ Q rir~CP~n'~: F)~ \ ~ U L~ ~~,~;~ r~+l ~no~-- « ~.~n~},r,~t ~.. 1 ~ ~~ ~'t~~ i ~'v(~t ti'. C't ~' i Ci ~~ A ( C{ ~ . ~ ('a l 1 . ~'`'~ft~ ( i A U _~J. '~1~( /.~ ('iI 1 ~ (~l' CT`Y'~.C f ' ~..~ ~~" :.f '`~-~,Y i f ~h 1 v~ i~ v~n Ct i 1~ 1'~ ~Y f~ l~ i h i V! ~ il ~.t ~5~. D ~1C'C~.' L`'K. r ~ ` • ` , ~ . tLCL1Vm tY ./1./~~a,~' , ,. ~ ,~~ --~ ~ ~~. r.~~a ~~ ~ ~. ` ~ .a..~.~a„n ._~ -~ EXHIBIT 13A ~ CONTRIBUTIONS OF WHEAT RIDGE PRE-SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN TO THE GENERAL ECONOMY OF WHEAT RIDGE CURRENTLY: 4 fulltime employees, 4 parttime employees, 7 fulltime director/owner 7 employees live within a 2.5 mile radius of the school 1993 Gross wages: $95,000.00(+/-) Property Taxes at 3536 JaY Street, Wheat Ridge: $3,300.00(+/-) ADDITION OF 3516-18 Jay expansion of CHILD CARE FACILITY: ~ • 7 additional employees, full and parttime; primarily Wheat Ridge residents expected/anticipated 1994 Gross wages(6 mos.):' $40,000.00(+/-) Property Taxes at 3516-18 Jay: estimated at $2,500.00 _ ~ ~ xl,:b~~ ~4 MEETIN~ OF NEI~HBORS TO DISCUSS THE SPECI4L USE PERMTT • APPL.ICATION DlaTE: JANUARY 31, 1994 TIME_ 7:OQ P.M. PLACE: 3536 JAY STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. 80033 MEETING STARTED AT: 7:13 P.M. MEETING ENDED AT: 8:a3 P.M. ATTENDANCE: SEE THE ATTACHED SHEET (f4IPdUTES 0~ THE MEETING ARE SUMMARIZED DIALOGUE) Th~e m~eting started witl-i introduction. rJ9nu For°go - started off by stating past meetinqs; 1. Neighborhood meeting in May 2. Zoning meeting in October r;i~._. 'er~o - asked the neighbors what their concerns were? :+,1'I Neighbors - Concerns: 1. Traffic - already the trUffic is far abave a normal resident eial are~_ <'. Sbfety - cars are parl<.ing the ~ wrony way on the >treet. 3. Parl<:iri~ - in general i~ all over. r'.", r: ic~hL-or_ - Asked the r^arents prESent, why~ do you want a two and under racility rir~xt door? r~_; .. E'~~-ucF - Worl:9ng parents have a hard time finding openings for two ~,nd under and the f~~w openings Either ar-e r~eople we dnr~'t trust our cl-ii1dren a~it'h or they are already full. ~d.=i:~-:~,:. ~{ool~ - F.estated F~ow i-iaru it 'is to 'Find good care for- childr-en under tw~. Jo;iri r'aes - States his concerri again about tf-ie increase of traffic in the ar_a. f'~::r !.amlke - Makes the comment that he is a physiciari and he aske~ his cl'ients where they find day care? The answEr- I-~~ get~ i~ they find private homes that only have a few childre~n and the parents have to get creative to find tf'iese fac'ilities. i~. churcti, sFi~ppir~g center~>, o-+ord ~f mouth. -, ~ Id~~~s Fergo - Iri response to finding a day care. The trust level is and issue ~hat tl-ie parents want. Parents return to this facility because the ~ level of trust they feel. Another issue is this ~acility has been here for thirty years and in that time no complaint. Jini Faes - Replys that they moved into the area knowir~g this facility existed and they accepted situatior~ as is however, it is trie growth with the new facility that has him concerned the quality of tl-~eir neighborhood and the quality of tI~E li{e s'*_vl=. Nin~ Forgo - Wants ta know what qualities will change^. Jim facs and John Faes - 1) Parl<ing 1ot will take trees away wh'ich is taking rar~:=n away. 2) Shrubs will be gor~e - all cosmetic problern~. Huar~ Fast~~r - States that the parkins lot can be landscape~ that was reviewed at prior me~-ting and it h~~ been aiorl<.~d out. Another factor I'could of rented it tc~ many tenants already including a family with si>. childrEn ~nd (Rose Added) Anothcr neighibor wants it for cutting and storing wood and ali trie pra~,l~ms and cr-itter~ th~t •invites. Ariother problern is thie development of D-avi= ' ~ praperty. N~!~li~: Hocb - F~ddressing the issue of ti-a{fic, yes their will be• an inc~-ease of trafFic but somE of th~ nEw tenants wi l l share botl-i cer.i~rs , approx. nirit farnilie=.. P~ ~::, 'or-cao - Thought about ttiat issue arid it_ ~is appro::. an increase of 74 car_.. Also the Community ceni:er down the road r~a_ vei~~iou*_. fur~ctivn t.hut dr~+a~a- much mare tr~~ffic tl-~~r~ ~!hst thc, new facility ~,~ould. Joj°u~ r~es - Th~_ Commun~ity canter i~ a need for this community ~ and it is gr~at. The neiah~ur~ us~ tfiE Community center, we de not usc: yc+ur facility. Kan L-amll~.e - TI-ie n~w fa..ilit,y is a Lau thing__~nd nova you (Nina) -is up settina tFie balsnce asking for the permit cFiang~. Tri~y don't like the current faaility and are ag~inst thie new facility. N~;tali~ Hook - She (Nina) is responding to :: cc~mmunity need. Th'is new fac~ility will keep cornmunit.y alive. Ttie rieed h~as beeri m2ntioncd over and aver ~ ag~-in hy th~ parents that attend the current facility. ~ 6eraldine Faes - Other concerns: 1) Noise - kids piaying, crying with the younger kids from the new facility. 2) Now I can't open windows do to the noise. 3) Saw kid cryin9 and staff sitting on bench no_ tehding to the• child. Wanted to come over here herself to seE if child Ok 4i Because of above, when she needed day care shie choice not to brinq her daughter of 3 1;'2 to this fac•ility. N~ir~;~ Forgo - Infant and Toddlers can not go out side Us ofter~ as the children in the current facility_ So thE rioise issue is minimal. Also concerned if you (Ger-aldine) had concerns in the past wh~y did you not come forwarG with them. T(Nina) and RosE have never heard from our • ne.ighbors about any concern in the past. ~~cr~ L~rn'lk:e - In agreeance with 6ersldirie th~t the noise is a factor now and worries about the additional noi_.<_~ in tlie futur-e if th'is new faci7itv is ~tarted. h:en wants Niria's wor,d that she will keep the windows shut to help with nois~. Nir~a For-go - For healthi reasc~ris shr will not ketp the windows sl-iut 100% of -Lhe. timE and sh~ noted that as a ph~~siciar~ h:en sr+ould lcn~~w that is not he~lth~~. Nina asN;s aaain te have concarns stated_ Flll Neiahbore - Conc=r-n=_=.: 1} Safety, mainly with parking / 2i Truffic incr~ase // 3~ Physical Change ~~ Niria Forgo - Nina explainad axactly t.l-ie new par4:inc ideas requested 6y Natal•ie. The plans include parking area pius laridsca~ing iri the are~ plus curbs and gutter>. All of trii_ was done as a result of thie October me~ting. I<ai:ie Field -- Talktd dbaut the topics af safety. That it is a ~ problem that everi after tElling parents anc ask:~ing for policE for help it ie going to happen. Even in neighborhood parties you will ~ have people park wrong. The rioise is ~n issue that will be their but the neighbor not speaking up if she had a concern is not good cqmmunication. r•!ina Forgo - She could help by adding a safety piece about parking and work on the speed sign~ 20mph on Jay and 35th. ~;un L4rnike - Addressed the parents, what do you de whe.n yaur child is sick.~ !\ll Farents - We use our sick days and take off work until our children can ge b~ck. r;~_r~ :uml!<= - Pl-ayed tape for par_nts. Dr. 61aze talking about infectious disease. (B cell ar~d T cell) Ir~fants ~mder age two will get nine upper resp. infec. and last about seven days. Thi~ doubles wherr tl-~eir are more thian si;,: infants ar toddles togethar. Eighteer~ upper resp. infec. and thEy last two weeks noi one. Ken point sick kids is that what you want" ~;L'~ ie• Fie7d - You mipht htuv<_= a point but, th•is i~ a point for us a= parents to deal with and I am not sure ~ what ~his has to do with the new facility Und the neiahborl~ioods concerns. ~. L:~rnl}-.e - This all i<_•. a busine>= issu~ al;-.c~. Niriu wants ~o mal<= money, thK~ Fosters want to mal~:e money. ,.~~ Hoo{•. - WhAt is wrona with want.ing to mal•:e money,? ~,_..,. <<~~ter - Mentions the neighik~or wh~~~ warits to store wood ~n the tr'ian9le lot and how thcy have turned down otFier offers. This wa:: startEd lony zsao b~cause thc love for kids and ^>he want= t!`7~ new {acility for that lovt an~ vt~e• see it 'is meer'ting a need. J Irr, faes - He understands tl~a1: change is I'~ard but he ~oes not want to lool•.. at a parkiny lot. i•: iri~ Foryo - What would happeri is this pre-~ch'iool was not here at all? Praperty vulues. would change if familie~ with youna cl-iildren are not around. Her new facility would I-iav~ sidt walk<_s Und curbs arid Nina thinks that as a~lu:,. . rd_-iqhbors - Gener~,lly don't want curbs and ~idewalk= around tlieir property. Nina Forgo - States that traffic is an issue for both sides ~ and we (all) should work on that together. ~eraldine Faes - Asked Nina if she has thought about relocating? Nina Forgo - Can you tell me where that is affordable and the size and the quality? There are spots on major traffic streets and that is not appealing to parents. Jim Faes - Agrees that the residential site is more appealing than an area on a busy street. nuph Foster - Private homes with a few children as day care could have problem because the,V are not licensE. Kat.ie Field - Kriowing all the issues, Nina seems ta have taken care ef the cosmetic issue a~ the parking lot, traffic is on issue bath sides have a concern, noise is an issue I'm not sure what to do, but what can we do to sFiorteri the gap between the two sides^ Geraldirie Faes - Battom line, We do not want any more noise, any more traffic, no niore qrowtri. . Meial-~t~ors - No more additional re-zoning. We are tolerating thie currer~t Facility but n~ mor~. ni~n,:; ~orga - Reminding thrrti that Davis' property is zoned on north end for R-3 anu soutl'i end for R-2. 1~Pir~ Fuee. - Yes that is a problem and wE all will have to deal with that and wE (,neighbors) all rEady have spal<e aur concerns an th~t issue. Fiugl-~ F~ster - Other cari~tructior~ Pia~ yorie up te mal~.E property values ao dowri plu~ l004. bad. h'En L-amlk,e - My prop~rty vslu~ coulc, go down - hiark: te sell a housr~• next to nois~. I<,~ti~ Field - The commur~•ity will grow ana' this cauld be an assEt to ericour~aye young fam'ilie~ to move into the area. ICeep the scl-iools alive and tV-ie area. Natalie Hool; - I moved intv the area Gnd lovad thc fact that this facility wa~ her_. hiar-y Bruce - They looked in hi9hlands ranch and other ar-eas ~ but chos~ this area. John faes - Property will sell even if this facility is not • here. RaE: Ann Flageolle - Main concern traffic and noise. Chose a day care close to work and doctor. She was wondering if a tall ~ence could be put up to help with the noise? iJina Fargo - Basically surprised at all this. They h~ve beer good neighbors now and back when Rose ran it and it is hard to see these problem occur now_ [EA:Ii; STAND STI~L ON BOTH SIDES) ~~ri Lamll:e ~nd Jim Fses - Would li~e to see all of us meet again after everyone has had ~ ta think abaut everytFiing and after pack.ets have been turned in to everyone can read the facts. N~iri~~ forgo - Meet here same time Tues~ay 6efore counsel meeting Thursday. t,_:r~ l.anilk.e - Better going be{ore tt•ie comm'ittee with some >olution they both agree upon because this will hiElp tl-ie camm~tte~. • ~I~.~nh. ro<_>ter - Not sure why me~=t agGin because he does not see anyories thouaht> have chariged. ~n~ni.:~r°y Cvncarns: 1) Safety (concern for bc>th parties) 2) Tr-affir (concern for both parties) 3j Noise 4j Fhiysicsl chanqe in appearance Solution: lj Stop sigris (Group effort) 2) °,ide walks 3j Traffic Liahts ;'rall =.olutions of'fered by N'ina, r~eighbors had norie) MFetings: 1) P;;c~:ets due February 11th, 1994 2) Next Neighbors Neeting February 1.`i, 1994 3) Meetiny Zaning F~~bruary 17th, 1994 4j Meeting with Council ~ebruary 28th, 1994 • E,. ~~.b~~ \ S ~$ ~ARY 31, 1994 0 P.M. MEETING OF NEIGHBORS TO DISCUSS THE SPECIAL USE PSRMIT APPLICATIO . NAME ADDRESS - ~102MA ~,d~~ 6215 ~l~lESr ~iGl'3 ~ve. . J I I~1 ~' _ ' ~~ - ! `QiLL~,/~t... , JQ.v.o •• ~P~ ~1L ~C7 ~~ ~n.~,~.c.t_ aGa~ n~la.n~ ~ 7 ~~or ~ahQn ~~1 ,d,~ ~~~a~~C~a ~~fic~..~. - - ~~; ~ _ ~,~ (~ ~ ~~9C~ I',~~, ~/l ~ ~-,~ . i ~ ` ~ v_ ~ ~~ ~'~J , + S ,:~~. ~5~` ~/e _ O .T ~K ~~~~ h2~ ~ ~~~~~ /~ /~1~ 4~ -~ ~-a~ ~`~~ ~-- ~ ~ ~, ~ ~o~o Ao'r'~- "~+~?~in ~~w ~-tca. 'w4~f.A-r 2~~C-~ F'~oo'~ ~. , ~ ~, \ ra./ ~ ~e 5 ~ ~~ ~i/ ~~ A/~~',r ~F 205 ~1. 35~ ~ve ~ 1 e~ , ~ -~i `'`"" %l ~`1~.~/~,:1~E~ ~ g~~ ~ ~Je pre Op~~ > sv eV0 2~•,R.•~ ~C ¢ ~ JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 0 J ~ ca~op'no' ~ 182G ~ENVEq WEST DHIVE. BUILDING 1t27 / GOLOEN. COIOBADO 80101 i (30.~) 273~G803 OFFICE OF THE BOAiiO OF FAUCATION ~ i ~ . . ~ :~~. W ~~,<~o, August 7, 1992 vrnro~m Knk C BqOy Fn~t V¢o~~iasiaoni Ms. t~a Forgo , Wheai Ridge Day Care ""5 ~; e ~a.P,.,,e.~, 3536 Jay St Wheat Ridge , C O 80033 "•" 5 ~,::;,'°, ~ Dear Ms. For~o , Y The Jeiferson County Board of Educ~tion wouid like to extend fts Jon DeSialano appreaation for your support of studerrts during the past schoot year. ,,.a,~,a, We value business and education partnerships and the enriching -°"'S p`;,^e „~, e~cperiences they coniribute to ths eduqfion of our children. Thank you for helping an eighth grade studerrt from Wheat Ridge Middle School leam commun~cation skiils for both those older and youngerthan her. Your coMrt~iosle recognized with grdTitude and increases the scope of educaUon ,. . ~'! ~,1 by our vital community resources. ~ SIncerely, ~~ m `~ Nan J. ~c~ Sec etary ~ . ; i i i ~ ~ i ~' ~ . t~g ~e ~~e• JE~FERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS . oc.,, o, YNERT RDGC JUNIOt x14N T[NOOI 710I Y~st 7tt~ Arroue YAt+t RIEqt, Color~~e 60077 May 21, 1992 Wheat Ridge Day Care Ms. Nina Forgo, Director 3536 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Nina Forgo: I would like to take this opportunity to "Thank You~~ for tlse vo3unteer hours that you gave our students throughout the year working with our Apprenticeship Program. . - Without caring people like yourself, the students at Wheat Ridge Middle would miss out on a lot. It's people like you, who volunteer their time, that really show our population what is important in life -- caring for others and sharing one's ta2ents. Thank you again for beinq a part of Wheat Ridge Middle's Finest. Sincerely, Car hiele CS/smk . ~ . ~ ~ _ .., . r. _ --._.: ...~ ` . "' :`1., `~,~,- ,...y. • ~ .". ' ~ x,v :7-„- "iu ~..; s ~^;:~:r'v~~X.. . ~'.~~ . .~~•~~ ~ =. "~`'.fi''" ,a -:~~~~~~' -: •,i: = ~r ~1~~ Are OnR., ..,.. o •-. r° R-L 40 o u e n x W o ~ W ^ `~~on.o~'~ JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS WHEAT HIDGE MIDOIE SCHOOL 7101 Wnt38ih Av~rx~a whau aiaa.. Cobrado eoats OFFICE OFTHE PRWCIPAL Dear `~~-~i~ ~ The Staff and I wish to sincerely thank you for the hours you have given to our students at Wheat Ridge Middle School. This school year is coming t~ a close and many of our students have been enricfied 6q~the giving of your time and love. Thank you for showing our students, through your example, the importance of giving oneself to others so that they may grow and in return reach out and help someone themselves. May this chain never be broken. = QUALITY ~ "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere, effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives." Thank you for the "quality time", you so willingly gave. I look forward to working with you next year if your schedule allows. School starts up again August 17th. May you have a wonderful sumner. Sincerely, ,,~-!'u~-~.~ ~.~-+-- Sherry FulTer Educational Assistant Mentors, please stay in touch with your assigned student over the surmner. ~ ~ • VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA rvu~moN sEmncES oiv~oN 2tl6 Lirvnl~ SVeel • Dern~r. CNOnOO BOZOS22I9 • (303129'-0t11 Jean Gallwvay Charperson ff_L~i~:ciif n~ ln~~ I1`~']P3t' [;1G1~~P Pre-Scho!~1 '~36 ~a~~ Street ~vhe.r,r_ Rid~e,' CO ~00?' :~i t~hnn Zt ~:a~ rnncr~rri: For the past 7~•e.~i•s t~l~ Seni~rs ::t the ~il~?at Ric.~yr• ~Je.ll Site 17.Ea`:r~ efij~7t'~:,d nan~• goo~.l ''iru_S :~iFli thr~ :"un:,;tit:~1'S ,:' Yi~~,~ [~h•'.,~' r,i,ign Pre-5~7hi~~:~ 1 . . C~sually for holida~-5, .iF. Pasr.er, Y_=.i]~,<<een, ,~n:9 ~i~ristr.ias, thr=;- L:cin~~ its .~ i,rngrar., :•_.'. i•::, n~; :::i~:s~ . r~~-•.:t. f;:c '.tr.•ci. It !i,ss been a c-er1' ~]r~~~d -r~r.hange E:+er_crean _:~>i;nc~ ._,r;,•1 r.t,i~ri~•. Slnc?°c•] ~•, ~G~'~iy~~~~s~ Corrine Sr_hilling ~'~~.liirit-_ers of :ar.ieri.:.t ~iiZea~Rid9e ~Ieal Site ~'c,~,r-1ir~._~tr,r II CF; red . ~,~~ A United Way Agency ~ ~,,,~ ~,,,,,~ ~1e, ~,,,,, Diwu L. Kunx PmeiOen M~ Sandf NWNOn Piop~o MWrw~WlreY b Peopa wM N~5 -=_, t'Jc:- _-u 4L'c:V:.= =.~. ~ox~: _ ~. .VHEA i nIGG~. :.O 90C~=-C=~~ . ;,,;y Aa^m. rax s 23»-5?Z- February 9, 1994 ,3031'234-590C ~oiice Deot. Fax = 235-2?a9 Wheat Ridge Pre-School 3536 Jay Street wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To NJhom It May Concern: _ The Crty of ~Wheat ~Ridge For the past three years, the director of the S9heat Ridge Pre- School, ?Vina Foreqo, and I have worked together each year on a special Easter program i.nvolving the pre-schnol children and the seniors. Our seniors dye and hide eggs throu~hout the r.enter and park located next to our 1-iuilding. The children then ~•isit us to find the eggs and to meet the Easter Bunny after the egghunt. The children perform an Easter program at the VO~ mealsite held at the Community Center. Both groups thoroughly enjo~• this program. ~ The wheat Ridge Pre-School also visits the VOA r~ealsite on other occasions throughout the year. Sinc rely, C~ ~ ' tr ~ //~. Karen Ruiz. Direct~ WHEAT RIDGE SENIORS'J [iR: red . ~p Nn,~.~r~evor.~ / ~~ ~ /~u;C~ ~1~ ~ ~~~ ~y~f~ ~ ~ ~ry~`j ~ . ~~~ ~~ ~~ _ ~ ~ ~' ~ _ ~- ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ - ,,~ ~-n~,~ ~~ -~ - ~. wcv~ d`~"- ~` o~-~-~ c~`~~" ~ ~bcn,e~, ~~'`~'~ ~~~~ ~`~~ ~~ # ~ ~,m~ ~ ~` ~ct~e t,~~.~d ~.~~~a ~ ~~~ ~~ ,~,~,~,d ~" y'z`~cl~` Q.,Pr~' ~~ ~~,,,~ R L'r~'t ~"`t'''' Ct'ind ~ : .. t~ ~ ~ . ~~;~` , - y~~-,~ ~y~.~, ix+Y~G. ~ t~lOl.v .~CYsa-r'.~,0 (~v.~ ~A c~.R ~ ~u' `1,~~.~ ! ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ .,~„ ~.,.~.. .~~.. .~~.~. • ~,,c~t~ ~-- ~ .~,~.~ ,~.~„ ~t~.~. ~,~k~,C,Q . ~ ~~ ~ lrP~v~.w t', ~~ ~c~ ct~.~ , l~'~uc~ . ~ l'.~.c".r'c'~ , ~,,t- ~ ~ ~ ~~ }~T~-c.) .~-ll/~ ~ ) ~ GQ^'' , St~` . ~ `~l~ ~„ ~-~.~~- "~ !~.a~r~~~6.5~ ~ ~ ~'.~, ~ , a4~~ Si.~v.d ~to Pa~- ,~-aw ,'ru~.c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ h~ ~~ ,~ ~~ ~ ~ J~ ~ ' ~ ~,~, w~.~.l-- ~~ ~~ ~.d ;-k~,~k- v~.+~Z. ~x~.a.-'- -tT~..o ~c...u.~ .~.s~.v~ t15:~,r- ~~~ ~ 1 ~~~.-~..{a~ ~~~1.-- .Q-c.~~y~ - ~a ~ 788839 + ~ ~ ~'' 'I o ~ 1b iLC'.r li I~ 9 + 13~T 742J • o.~..o~a~.nAm». WOlMY.4 . "R'' .. _ x.. .:'r^~': . .Y•Y~1 . c... .. , . ., . . . '" . . . ~'^,[~9.. , .. ,_ ,. 2 -~_~`~ _ M __-- ~ .~~. ~: ~~ ~~ ~ ~: ~~~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ow ~~~ ~~ ~~ . ~. ~-~e ~ ~ t~ t!~ ~ ~ ~` ~ i`~ ~` ~~,~-~ ~ `~e . ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~'~~ ~ J d~ ,a ~ ~ ~ . ~.G~o~t1 ~61ir~~ , ~~ ~-~.+~ ,~ . , ., *,~,~-, ~~,_,_ 1 c, ~1Lrt.o~p ~ . , , ~..~,e~..3 ~o~ ~._L..f~..~s2Ji.es + ~ n~ , ,~, vC~..~+ ~ ~ 1 ~j ..~1U~ ~ca~ v,~ -s--r-; ~~u_ ~ . zq . c~ A ,r-ae ~ ~ -1- ,9,.~ ~D vs~ ~1~.J ~~ ~ ~~a1~- o~4o~L`. J - ~#.si1m ~o-~ Q~.Q ~.'~' i C~c~r~ ~ l~c ~cc J -~a I~10 q^~'C~t,~ - -_ ~..5 , Q, a `, (,(J l .. ~ ~ja ~~ ~ oc~. O~V~~ • s~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~. ~ • ~.o~~~ ~____ __~__._. ~ ._ _ _~ _ ___ ._._. _._ _. __.. ____. . _. _ .. ___ _ _ -- ___ ___ __ _ . .___ __ _ _ __.. __ _ . -- -- --- --~d-1~-C~ ~, ~'~ --~ . y~ L asZ~ ~, _ : ~ ~~` ~ ~e r~ ~ _ _. ~ . _ _ __ _. _ __ . ~ ~, ~ _ --, 1 j _ ~~-y ; ~a,E ( p~ i ~ _~~ ~ ~ LJ • ~lN~ ~ cc,a~Z¢" 4 ~ ~ s ~ ~~~~-e ~ ~~ _ C ~,~"~ ~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~-t C~c. /~ ~ ~ ~ -~~` ~a~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ .~ `~[JGJ~/L ~ Gv ~ /L.GC r~ _ :~ ~ ~~ y ~~ ~~, , ,~ w ,o ~ ,_ _ ~/ ~ .-.~~-c ~~e~ 9 ~~E. 3 ~ w~'. ~~e-e a'~~~ ~_ ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ .~-~~.~~-e. ~ ~ ~~ ~- L~~` ,~u.e l~ ~~ , z`~ ~ GO iI r?` ~o~/t1l c~ C ~ ~a~-~ G~, ...~~~ ; ~ \. J .,. ~--~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ._5~~~'~,-~ t ~~. ~~~~ -~ ~'1, ~e,t~ ~ u-~-~ 1~Q~5 7-"~ - . ,.:,.,.:~~ ~.~1~~0 . i t ,I ,ti ..Q~v ~, ~~ ~~~~ Q~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ .~~ , ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . , ~ ~~ ~ ~ro~ ~ ,~ , ~.~~,~~~~~~ x~~ ~~ ~`"~~'`~~ ~~. 7o~r~`i? 'u~' -~ ~, ~ , . . ~ ~`~" , , p''m I t ~ , ; ~ ~ _ .~Y.: _ . , . . - . . . ~ . . ....... . ... ..~...~........... ~,.,.,~.» •~...,a.. ' . .. .,. . ~ .. _ ..~...... • • ~~' 'CWL ~W/~-~, L9 ~v/C.K+~'Y' iGi~%/N'C.W i ~i~'js~/~~/ ~~ ~ c~- c~ ~a~~~ _ G~~ u~a~r.t.~ a! ~to .~~~~u ~, ~ c~a.~rx. ,~o ~.~f- ~.~ l~ilz~c~Z~~g£ , ~ :~~: a c:~~c~Lo -~L C~ J.~~G'_e~wicy a~~c~.L~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ .LV.,~:t~e. ~ .da~-x. ~2~ ~~~-C~ . '~i'~ .t~ev &~ F~ c~. G~x~~ ~v£~. ~~ ~ ..cy9{.~- !,~c- C,~' . ~~~~~~u~ ~ ~ .fi~ .~.9-r/ ~ G~~ ~ i 0 ~.~~C2.D~ C'~~ ~ ~ G:~ygu~ ~~•_ % . u~/.~u~~-~ .i~i~1.4.(~C,[~ J (%, ~ ~~.~, ~a~~'~~~~~~~. Nina Forgo-Small- ~irig Cn.i`~5 Her Business "I prefer to work mith yaanger children mho ar¢ still open to the possibility o~'becomirsganything they mant to be. ' These are not, as you might eapect. the words of a profesaionally•trained educator. Rather, they are the words of Nina Forgo-Small, M.B.A, DirecWr and Owner of the Wheat Ridge Pre- School and Kindergarten For Nina Forga Small, cariag is her business. 4Vhy a pre-school and kind~. bo. ~,en after getting an M.B.A.? Forgo-SmaIl eaplained her decisioa this way: "It Y.:.:.ants tfie syntfiesis of the two things in my life that mean the most to me: worldng with children and owning my own businesa - in that order. Besides, in what other business can you make sand castles in the morning and do the fiasncials in the . Forgo-Small's philoso~hy of child development is ~a~...~ed by the SchooYs logo which she desigaed - a teddy bear holdiag three baloons: one red, one blue, and one yellow Forgo- Small eaplained the meaning. "Red, blue and yellow are thep ' colors. They serve as a reminde~at pre- school and kind~.ga..2n aze a child's ~ primary learaing eaperience. They also represent the three kinds of development for which we are .~,Y.,.: sible: cognitive, social, and psycho- logical. I never look at the logo with- out t~+~U~ng about our purpose in being here." Asked what distinguishes the Wheat Ridge Schoal in a very com- petitive mazket, Forgo-Small gives an answer that makes it clear she lmows the benefits of her product. "What makes the School unique is that it has been here - at the aame locatioa - for 32 years. We have ch~ldren whose patents graduated from the SchooL With a 32•year history, we offer the advantage of consistency - consis• tency of philosophy, of purpase, and of personnel.'i~lce our petsonnel, for eaample. The average tenare of the staff is nine years and one teacher has been here for 20 yesrs. But it's not 'ust the longevity. It's the profession~m of ovr staff combined with a very tov- ing and caring attitude.•, Fotgo-Small a•*+RnAtey such a loviag and caring attitude herself that it is c2early she who sets the toae for the SchooL Having survived a plane crash' aad the subseqaent agony nf eight months of hospitalization and 20 operations, Nina embodies a ldnd of courage that is rarely encountered. It was her owa idea, as part of her recovery program, to pursue an M.B.A., which she was awarded in 1987. Thea she went looldng for a business to buy and found the Wheat Ridge SchooL "We had only 27 chil- dten when I arrived. Within four months we had 57 - which is our ca acity. We aze still at capacity toaay. ~ Forgo-Small is very active in the day-to-day management of the School and even takes great pride in such duties as answering the phones. "I believe in .being as available to the parents as I am to the childrea.•• Wlule she has plans forezp ansion, ForgaSmall stressed she doea not want "to merely duplicate what we do here somewhere else. Rather, I want to dovetail with what we do best here -provide a place for children to zealize their full potentiaL Tn that sense, I would eapaad upoa a philo- sophy instead of eapand upon a busineas.,• When the subject of advertising came ap, Forgo-Small had interestiag information to shere. "While I do advertise locally, our cuatomers do the majority of our advertising for tis. Even though our average customeris oniy three or four years old, they rave about us to their friends who, in turn, tell their pazents, who ... well, you cangu ess the rest" What brought Forgo-Small to Women's Bank? "First. I'm literally a `Small' business," Niaa responded *~+rninfiilly, "and it's a bank that cares about small businesses. Seriously, at Women's Bank, you don't get lost in the shufIIe as you do at lazger banks. Secoad in my business consistency is important. I place gteat value on it and so do the patents of our ch~ldren. What I like about Women's Bank is that they aze consisteat in the levei of service they provide." With customers as special as Nina Forgo-Small, we at Women's Bank find providing good service is its own reward. (For more informaLion on The Wheat Ridge Pre-School and Kinder garten, contact Nina Forgo-Small at 424-748u`.1 Harold Bates-A Valued New Member of The Women's Bank Ti~am When Women's Bank hized Harold Bates in ApriI as its new Vice Presi- dent and Cashier, it actually hired three employees in one-azt indivi- dual with strong qualificaCions in bank managemen4 ,.--r__,::s 5nance. and data Y.....~,,s;ng. In sddition to his nine years of banlong eaperience, Harold Bates has beea aaindep~dmt 5nanaal consultant and anaiqst, the Cluef Fiaancia2 Officer for an import- ing firm, and the Corporate 1Y~easurer for a group af natioaaT~ .:.,,,,gnized gourmet restaurants. Aa Bates him- self aclmowledges, ••FIaving heen a .... r..• ~te 8nancisl manage~ I have a better understanding of banldng from a client's point of view" Asked why he decided to re~enter banidng. Bates..::.r....ded,'•I wanted to retura to a:.~,, ,;,anding, finan- ciallysound, independent bank. Women's Bank fits that description. In addition, it also happeas to be uai- que among the banka on 17th StreeG It is reaily a 560 mitlion comm¢nity bank in a wrporate banking markeG We are a hiB~Y P~ commer ciat bank. That gives us a reai advan- tage in ,,,,..,Y~:..,.g for businesa.,• The first challenge that greated Bates in his new job waa the conver sion irom an outside data,,.,,,,,;,,,,;,,g buteau to aa in-house system. Bates, who has ezten~ve previws ezperi~ce with computer ..Y~.4.,.ans both as a banker and.,,,r...~ Snancemanage~ commented. "I w~l be u~8 mY ~P~` ience with computers to facua a gieat deal of attention to cost accounting, assetlliability management, and ratio analyais - all i..Y,,..,ent issues.•• Womea's Bank is fortunate to fiave as a new member of its management team an employee with the uniqne combination of taleata that Iiaro(d Bates possesaey. , . . . .. 'vM1:: _ °< E ~x ~, '~ b't ~ ~"7 %:..i',.: `.w~'.: ' , .: .;:;;x, crrr o,C wr,~~ , : ;-. ' ~ .. -1t~ ., ~~ cE . D~ Neighborhood Conditions RE: SUP-94-1 (If one or both businesses are passed) F~81 r:y~~ ~~~~~ ' ~ I~f L~'`.s~~,l.l ~e~ ~ ' ~~: 1. At 3536 Jay Street business, neigiibors want compliance with Sectm71~~~8~ ~~pME~T a Speaat Use Pesmit is granted. ' 2. At 3536 Jay Street business comply wfth "Minimum Rutes and Regulations for Chiid Ca~e Centers", issued by the Oifice of Chiid Care Senrices, Coforado Department of Sociai Senrices. 3. At 3516 Jay Street business comply with `Minimum Rules and Regulations for Child Care Centers", issued by the Office of Child Care Seroices, Cotorado Department of S.ocial Services. : 4. Comply with the Americans with Disabi(ities Act - D~~~r'~"~ 5. Require asphait parking at 3516 Jay Street. .- 6. At 3516 Jay Street business comply with safety codes regarding required off-street parking, Sect'son 26-31. - p ~ 7. Compiy with Condition #2 of the (X) Staff Recommenda6ons, dated 126/94, 3536 . ~. Jay Street which states, "The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care cerrter for up to 45 preschool children and kindergartners.' 8. Altow, no more than 23 infants and toddiers which is the number stated by Nina Fargo as the number she expected at the i~rfant and toddler cerrter. . r 9. tnclude the Faes' exhibit conceming iandscaping at 3616 Jay Street business. -~ _ . . , . c~~i'" 10. Install stop sign going east and west on 35th Avenue at Jay Street. -~pSS ~~ 1 t. Noise mitigation plan to inciude: Solid double wood fencing or equivaferrt; ' ~ Staggering times chifdren at pre-school area ovtside; Supervised planned actlvi6es when children are outside; DepaRment of Social Servioes approved air conditioning and ventilation system at ir~fant arxi~toddfer center to allow windows at infant and toddter cerrter to remain closed at all times, onty exceptions: air pollution, breakdown of air conditioning or ventila6on system, emergency exit due to fire. 12. Landscaping to include removal of sign on 35th Avenue. Any sign on Jay Street should blend into the neighborhood. ~ ~~.,,.. ~~,..~,y' • (J s ,{~^ C' ' Y.~ ( '~ ~ i.~,~.. r ~~. ~.y~ aaQds",,~q~p F~ nn , t s p o"'^' , j:e~~~.r ~~ ` ~`' , t i r _ LY ~ ~ ~r ~~., ~y` a Y ~ t ' ~ r~k~ , ~ i i ~ _ _., ~1 ~ _ a .~• ~ .. . , ., .,y: . ~ ' , .. .. . . .L ~tY~ y~~'`k~'.kw. Wj ~• d U ~ .`1 13. Applicant to obtain variance from 26-31 (C) (6) (b) design standards that require 100 ft. spacing between errtrances or exits on same lot. We oppose granting such a variance because the applicanYs proposal, a 45 ft. distance between entrance and exit, aggravates a pub(ic safety probiem created by the presence of traffic from the . . existing p~e=school. We believe the public works director may not modify or waiver this requiremerrt under 26-31 (C) (6) (~ because a modification or waiver woufd not have , its primary purpose of preserving public safety. -~' ~,~, ~, o;,~.; ~~ • , .{ .'~:.. , . ~~'., ~X~~b\'~~~,$ , . , .~ ~ SCHEDULB FOR A TYPICAL DAY at WHEAT RTDGfi PRE- SCHO.OL AND K]NDERGAttTEN :~ - 7:00 a.m. to 8:15---Arrival, sign-in, special concerns discussed, f~ ce play 8:15 to 8:25---Clean-up of free play 8:25 to 8:35---Moming Stretch, talk about the plans for the day aiid the group play that morning 8:35 to 8:45---Watch Mr. Roeers' Neiehborhood, _ 8:45 to 9:00---RoIl call and gross motor activity in large circle ~ 9:00 to 10:15---Group work by age, with snack at die end of grou~~ ~ 10:15 to 11:00---Outside play(weather permitting), games, free play, music ~ ~ 11:00 to 11:15---Story Tune 11:15 to 11:30---Wash-up time 11:30 to 12:05-~-Lunch 12:05 to I230---After lunch group, with story, alphabet, film stri>>. ~inger Play, etc. 12:30 to 2:45---Rest time 2:45 to 3:30---Bathroom needs, tie shoes, put bedding away 3:30 to 3:45---Snack time 3:45 to 4:45---Outdoor playtime 4:45 to 5:00---Pick up time \• 5:00 to 5:30---Sesame Street, ~~ ~~ ~ . . . YR E MA~ ~ i ~ M~ . 5:30 to 6:00---Departure, Sangs, gan~cs, story : - - -- - ; 4 N .°' ~ Y ' ¢ °~~:~x;`~ ~ .~~ - ' b'~~ 9 ~ ~- :;:~ . ~x1-,' ` ~' ~~ :,~,a;: ~~ . ~ , .k: ` ' ~+' ~ ' ~ t,~ :~;K ~ . . ' ' . ~. ~ yt': ~ ~ . v ~ .. ~ ' ' . , ' L Y.'F ~ • • .. ~b. Z ......t" ~,~ ~ ' . . 3~~:y,. ~ K. , i. .ir~ ytl~`: 'A~ . '11" ~.. ~..,_. .. .r. .~ ., . .. '.f.'.i .:.~.~. • . , ......, ~ ,..,.`~.~ . . '~~. 1. • , ' _, ~ ' . . , ~.1'~". . ~• ,. 2 ~ ' ~ ,-.. . :: .:.'~ .,~:a, . :~3...7 _.,;:.~~•.. i n. :~': , . ~ ~•~%; ;n~., ~;:.~v~~,.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~" .. a . . - 3 . " , ;::~', .,' ,~1:r, ~. ;~z . ~~•Y;~ .~ a.^~ -,. .. >.,. :;;1, .~ . . ~ . ~?'i~,-t;-~r ~.i~ t~'!t:?}~(1fqr. ~. ..;r^ r 4 , . t.~.,. ,.f~l' 3^i?'#C? 'fiF<7<:(art,°:F7?•!., s~S' . . S' . ''i ,',' ~'~.~,~,,, ,'.'..~ '7'.7.:: :.:'.,-~'~~Cs g,e'.~.;/,T.uJ3 i>~'Y";'.. , ',tr .' g ' S , DRAFT OF PROPOSED , .., ~. , `r•:s.x ,.~~,.' . v ~, , ... „~ ."~,=_~,,:-~;~;°.. ar, . ~.rr.i ' P. 6 • ~ •i~~/ ~ ' !i ~ .e ~ 4 { ~ RULES AND REGULATIONS C30VERNING ,~:~ ...'~ iC.'r,'. ~~S °%i , ~~~~ . . .i 'T y''i ~r:.~:v~~l.~a,..~~. ' , ,~fl' ~ ..i'-, .'.".£ .+`:' i:: ~ g , THE SANITATION OF • ... > ,. .~ ~•., ~. . ;~~.:. : ~.~ .,~., .`, ,; ~ . .. a.:..:..s,:~;r. r: ::.~ ,a :tr:i_~~::,s-~ ,. . ` ~ ~ • CHILD CARE CENTERS IN ~ THE STATE OF COLORADO , ~, • . . ..~ ~ 11 , _.... -.°..'. _.._. ;", __:.~..__, . . , ... . ;.: . ' ' .~. . ,. , . . , ... _,,.,;., ,.. ~~,:~ ... ...~ :, ,~:'i~ ... ... .~ .. , ., ~ . ._'~. ~2 . . . ~~ ~ . .. . ~.,:~, .,~ x: ~ ,. ..'.,.::;, ~gr~ s:~z 13 14 . September 7, 1993 • 1 S '. . : ~ . . i . ..; . . . 1 ~ : ' ..~: =h."t:.Tx' _%.. J . . ' . ...... {~ ~ ., . . . •' • . ' ' ' ~ ~ ' r. l • . . 1 . . x~~:~ ~~-~ *-~.. ;~~ lr. ~. ' ' . . ~~' ~I~ 'Y^~ • ' ' ,J.~; 1 ' • Z CHAPTHR ONE 3 GENERAL PROViSIQ1dS 4 ` PURPOSE 5 6 1-101 ~uthori~. These rules and regulations, promutgatcd pursuant to Titles 25-1-107(m}, 7 25-1-1U8(t)(c){I) and 25-5-508 C.RS. 1973 as amended, shall be applied to promote their 8 underlying purpose of protecting the public healtii. It shall be the respoasibility of the owner, e , 1 9 manager and employees of eny child care center to. moet these minima! standards. !0 .~EFINITIONS • ,,... ~ ~ ~ . ,., , 1I 1-201 Definitions, The following definilions shall appty in the interpretations and the 12 enforcement of these regulations unless the context clearly states otherwise. , ;,s, . , . .. . ~ • ,. 14 (a) ~nnroved shall mean accopeable io tho Colorado Department of Hesith or its 15 authoriud agents or employees based on detcrmination of conformance with these 16 '• and othor a,.r...~.riate standards and good pubtic health,practice. 17 l8 (b) Chitd care exnter shalt mean any facilily defu~ed as such in Sections 2b-6-182 and 19 , 26-6-103, C.RS. 1973, as emended. 20 21 (c) e t shall mean Colorado Department of Health or its authoriud agents or y 22 emptoyees. ~ 2 • ~:'. ~' ~~ -_ ~ ;~e"$:i,, A', . sa,e. _ • . ~ u ~~y.~, s . v .. +*~4. , . .. ~ ~ ' k,,x ~` ~.~ d %. ~ ¢.'. 4 '~'` 1 , . ~ ..'~, . ~[,.. .. ~ ~1l~~ 1~~.;. ~1 "?.{{j 5:;11~3}3-t Ql 9: ~ :iii .z ....:.iE... .. .,.'~.,s~S 28 `t,~A2:sr a tlri"a~3:~7r,• !l.:~i:•)tsid'~4S3vE7~ ::, ' ~ ~ . rr , x'°+:~.~.,,~ ~ '~ Y•. ~r~t 7 ~.. ~ 2 (d) . Emolovee shal[ mean any person working'or volunfcering to$perfocm duties in a ,. 3 child care center. ' E ~ ~ r =, •3~ t~~ " ~; 4 , ~ „ .;,. ..~a~~~ ~ -i,, a,. .~ F;,, .,f `s,.~:~ ~'.. ~~rtyv. "x:z ~~~c. '~ ,.~ - - ~rz t 5 (e) ~xtensive remodefinq shait mean any temodeling'that, normally' wodid require a ~ a 6 bailding permit from locat government. Routine maintenance, repairs, or cosmetic ? changes shall not be defined as extensive remodeling. . 8 ~ 9 .(fl Infant shall mean a child betwern birti- end the age of eighteen months and who is 10 enroUed in an infant center. 11 12 (g) New child cate center sha(I mean a facility which is newly Consttucted o[ sn ~~~ - existing structurc thatis converted for use as a chitd care center. • 14 (h) ~otentialtv ha7ardous food shall mean any food in a form capable of supporting 15 rapid and progrossive growth af infectious or toxigenic microorganisms or the 16 slower growth of Clostrfdium borulinum with a water acdvity value of 0.86 or 17 gr~ter, or a pH• level of 4.7 or Jess. f8 19 (i) •~tefuse shall mean any gacbage, trash, or other forms of'soIid waste. 20 . ;b: . - . 21 r G) ~Saniti~ation shall mesn effective bactericidal treatmrnt by a process that provides . , . ~ enough accumulative heat or coa..~..:.w6on of chemicals, registered with thc U.S. . , ., . . ` • 3 ~ ~ ti . '"~e : ,!"'c .. F~. '~'vt ~ ~' ~'; '`~'`ER4. T~n +...~!`j'(4%'~i? `~ ~ k #.~}~~F'R't 4' ~tJu~ , r -0- .r ~~9~p ~~: ~TM !~',+~ . , ' ~ I S.y ta* t ;. 4~' 7 , ~ . . ' a.. , ' •~.: .9 , , . . .. .. . , . 1 Enviconmental ProtecGon Agency as disinfeptants, for ~cient time to reduce the i ,2 , bacterial~~,p includin tho ens to,a~,~{~e leveL~ .~~~ ,~ (~} ~~' ti (?! i'.':'`;siCJ !IT£:~i"i'F# iJ7 '~j~~E'~~lv,~:+ tv g ~«a.~g.. S's,.y 44' .: .. ~:~3~ :ix .~" "'T~ . , 7 3 ~ ~ ' xst:b:.;:, a'~~ AP;r~'9 ~ . 4 ~(k) Toddler shati meau a child who walks independently 6etween the ages of tweive ~- . S - j~]ontt-s and thirty-six months and, is onrolled in the toddler ater:= :; i ~bY £' `.:',..,0^. ~t `'i110'~~ q:is~i'ic, , ,:~a.r ,3.:.,v.. . ~- ~ , ..... ,,.. . c..,rr....--' -.. ~.. .~.__.~c . . 6 .~:.t:..l?._, s;~ gal~" .. ~.::~° "~`, . . 3:';ti'd" `~ .~:E"'~i}C'fvZf~.:Y:^.'~ fRC3^§.o":.-~r:+'Q :i:t':,.: .,.±t;}:~SSI.'C,~ U 3° .,... _~. *,...:s'~Y:;1 ~.ro ~ ...;ro? ~:, ._,,'_~ ., a.?;~. , ~s .. ^c(v,~ .. ;''l.ts,.n». ~,.~,~F:,i "i ° • „," , ; i?2C: iz't~.r ,, , , , .. ..~"..,.,.. ' ~ ., , .__::s ' i~l ~ ... . .. ,. 3„ ':i' . .!. 'Y.' ... . 't'NC . . ~ , , ~i , . . ~i ?Sk%tY' ' , .`f" .......i~~ '.~~:1:. _.`:~ , ~ ' . . . . , . x ~. ' ' fl ., f".. .. .. ... . .. .. . . . ~ ,. ,'.~i . .. . ,a. . . .. ' '4 -or • ., . . . t ;.dn p~'d . .. ... ... ..:f=" '.,~.- • . . . ~ . . ~t .:l: . .. ~ . .. - . . . ..' ,. _ ~%u::i ,. .:7.'iaf:~ 1 ~ . . . ' ., ~ta . .. . . . ~ ~ ' . ' . ~ , ... ' 'i ..~, >€r:~.~'.~~A ..~.h,, .. ,`l:",i~~..z', i t?.i .. . t , F7. . ~.c.~, ~ .."j ., ~ • . . . . U . ~: i Y ' . 7 ' Onc method of demonstrating effective bactericidal treatment is by an average platc count 8 per utensil sutface exaznined of not tnore than 140 colonics, or aot more thau 12 1/2 colonios per 9 square inch of equipment examined ia eccordance with the procedure detailed in Public Health 10 Service Publication No. ! 631; "Procedures for the Bacteriological Examination of Food Utensils 11 aad for Food Equipment Surfac~s." This is not intended for use as a routine field procedure, but 12 only for the supplemental evaluation of sanitation procedures. ~ . 4 ~ . ~.~' _ , , . . .:~. ly , , .. . . ~~k,~ . in k , 1 ~. CHAPTER TWO ~ ~ : ,{~;: x~~ t`: 2 ~Ci tA>u. .i:i.t~ ... ...:" . i':.c3 ~ t:'st;'~ , ,,p~"~.~.~.5. , ,'~, :~W:'.~ •i~3i'1:+::t~i ;f,9 :~~ ~°f, ~ ~ s ~ cROUrrDS .:~. ~.~,::,~,::~ ~;~~;: 4 ' . . £`.. 5 2-101 Geaeral. ~'he grounds and premise shall be well draieat and free of refuse, litter, ~'. 6. animal droppings, insect and rodent harborages, wad ov...6. ~.~th, and un~sed equipment. T'he ~ ~ 7:.saad and .soils in ptay areas fihall not conta9n hazardous levels of any toxic cheaucal or `~' {. 8 .' ~. substances. ^ . .. , . . . 9 , , - , ~.,vi~.+ , , , ,. .:,:.. , . . :, . ~ 10 2-102 Maintenance. At! outdoor areas shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and be' 11 free of insect and rodent harborages, atid the following wtprotebted items: we(15, grease traps, 12 cistems, cesspools, septic tanks, ut~d/or utility equipment. Tteatment of outdoor play equipment ~ ~ 3 ,::with materials which have a toxic residua( shall be pcohi'bited. " ~ 14 ,. .. . . . ' . 15 ;:. 2-103 .,,. ,. Solid waste. .. , ~ ``. 16 (a) .,- • Exterior garbage and rubbish cantainers shall be easily. cleana8le,' covered, we11 '' ' ,~ 17 , ^ maiMained and inaccessible to children. ..., ', ',° . l8 _. ,. .. . ;, ~. . • . . . :~ 19 (b) . Stored refuse shatl be inaccessible to inseets,rodents azsd oth~r pests. 20 • • . . . , , `' ~ 21 (c) Refuse shall be removed on a regular basis in a manner which would prevent 22 • creation of a nuisance condidon. • 5 ~ . ,,~ . ~ t~ Interior garbage ~nd rubbish conisiners 'shall be easily cleanable and shall be '~',~_. emptied whenever full. • _ `E ` . 3 . ]°., .y. y ' •. , • ' (b) Only portable wading pools under close supervision, shall be used. Use of portable .~ wading poo~s by infanis and toddlers who are not Wilet trained shall be prohibited. -' Portable wading pools shall be emptied after usc by ~ach group of chiidren or at least daily and placed in storage when not in use. A contamiaated wading poot POOLS 4 ,,»:s~^ ':,:~~~ ~ ~<: ::~ -r.:~: ~.~ _ t . 5 __:"'2-201 ~,,,_..:,:~Swimmin~eonls ar~d wadin¢ oools . ..: .. . :. . .:. . .r. , ~. r; 6,, 4_, •, _,.(a) . Swimming pools and pemianenl wading poots shalt meet'ttu requitements of the '. 7 1993."Cctlorado Depar~ient of Fiealtfi Swimming Pool Rcgutations and Standards". ~. 8 • When Iocat health or building departments have adopted codes equivalent to or `•? 9_. ~ ., moto stringent tban itie above, those codes shal! apply. an 10 lI 12 ~3 i4 ~ 15 . 16 17 18 f9 A i~ _" . ri :~ , sha{! be empGed, clcaned and disinfected. Wading pool water shall be chemically :~. disinfected by meaqs of not (ess than O.A parts per million (ppm) and no more than two (2.0) ppm free availabie chlorine or by meaas of equivalent approved disinfection. The concentration shall be mcasured by aa approved chemical test kit _ availab~p on sitc. . , . • 20 (c) Thc water temperature shall be maintaiaed betwan ?7°F end 90°F while the pool 2l . ig in use. ... y • 6 ~. ~ I ,~.,y~ '.~:`i . . . , ~ , „ ' . +~" '~~~s ~±t: ' , ~_.~ ' . t, _ 2 .. .IL&'''l.YI ~"rCI-IAPTER~~TI-tREE~~~ ~ai :~-£if~v iStiS.si~.'"1'~[~ ~,~f ~ 3 . BUILDIN~i ~ 4 / '.. , , , :2S . v},:,`,I~,.•• ~°:~a~:. • ~ .,:~ ..~;~?"~; 1.~~. ~J, ~.~~~~ , ;a:.*~-Z':,~~,_ f:~) i::;'~S~I:a.~.s':Y~ i4f ...F ~~ n . .R. . .~ , ~. '.r ?.er"~,~~' S ~;3-10I a General. The buitding or buildings wherein a'child carc ceiiter is operated shatl be 6 maintairted in good cepair end shalt not pose s health fiaiard to the cfuldren attending the center. 7 Buildings shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. ~ ' ~i ":~ C :~ ~ u 8 . •E n , 9 o-3-102 ~~ ;~:i Doors and windows. All openings 40'ffi0 ~outside shall be effectiveiy protected I O against the entrance of insects and rodents by means of self-closing; iight fitting doors, screening ! 1 of openable windows and/or other effective means. ^ ~~' ~ Y 1~ ... ~~. '.1a . n it r.. 1L :1 ~i . . . . . , . • u ~ .. .~.ni.. d ,:)• . .: . : : "' S. ' ~ 3-103 ~•.. ` ~'~inishes; " . ' ~4 ~ ~ 15 (a) Room finishes shall be easily cleanable and inaintained ciean. 16 ' ' . ~ ,: . . 17 . ;;.; (b) Hand contect and splash areas of doors, wa{]s, cabincu and shelves shall be smooth, , I8 non-absorbent and tasily cleanable. . l9 . ' . . . • 20 (c) . Floors shall be smooth, dry, cleanable and fra of cracks, spiinters, and utility 21 outiets. ' . . ~' ~ u ~ ~ C R ~ Q i.' ~y. ..... .h;y~ , e '°'75 x~ .~y~~ ~ ~ir ~~ 11j ' a:..... . 4,. . ' ~~~yL'?7 ,. , 'C.;~:,YLL.R ".w ~ ^ .... ~ ~~ ~~~A;... ~..' fu • p' • `~S. A x~~ t 1}~ . , +. . !,~ . , . 1 ,~ 3) . , _ . , rv ag " ' . r .~~,F` 1 ~~;~, l.. (d) . . Carpeting shall be 6ghtlyi~voven aad y in good repair. ~p~ l ~ ~r,=. ~ ,. ,:<.~ ._ t ~" C ~ ~ ~ ' . 5 F . Y:~4~,:L~'.:t,Yi~'r 4~: ..iY~. . .~ 3 (o) Carpeting shall not be pecmitted in kitchens, restrooms, utility rooms, mechanical ~' h, 4 ' tootns or laundry areas. In_ new or extcnsively remodeled facilities, permanent ?! ' .~,.: ,;,..~, ;;>:~: , . v . . ., . ~ 5 cacpeting shall not be petmitted under and azound dining and watar ciaft ta6les, or '' 6 ~ ~ , ' d ~:IJi~' sinks. ~ , .... ..~, . .. ,. ~ r. . . . . : . ; .~r :~a =~. :.r :,~~ . .... ... ..... . ..... . ~ ~ ~ , 7 . ~ . 8 (~ Floor wall junctures in al! areas not cacpeted sha1L be tighdy coved with approved 9 . . , ; co~ca~e coving. . . , , . . i::~ss ~ .: °~n. ;,. . i.., . ,~ - 10 , . , ,.,~ ~. . , . .. :.€ 11 3-104 Ventilation. VenGlaGon, mxhanical or natiuai, shali be maintained to minimize ,= ~ 12 health haTards iacluding excessive drafts, odors, exireme temperatures, humidity and temperature • fluctuations. . ~ 14 3-105 ' hti , ql( areas of We ceater shall be adequately (ighted.. 15 • . . • . _ 16 (a) A minunum of thirty (30) foot candles of light shaIl be provided upon work and . i7 ~ play surfaces.. . , • 18 , . . 19 (b) . A minimum of twenty (20) foot candies of light shall be provided in restrooms. 20 , , . . , . ~ . ~ ' I ll . {c) A minimum of ten (10) foot candles of light shall be pmvided in hallways, i ~ a u stairways, aad thc remainder of the facility. ' ~ I ~ • 8 • ' ~$+.:4, *i J'Sk;~;;~rca^ ~_ ~ ~' ' • , .Y" !~y `y~`~ "f~ k ~ e ~: A _~'.,'f ~~ l~A .(a sy ~ S ~ ~ l . : h ! '.-.'~. ~T Yr::~ ~ . .. . ~ „ ~~ ~ ' ;°i~. ' ~ , s': ~` ~ ' ~0 -i:'Y.'M3. `+,t , , Y , . , . , ~ . ~ , , ~ . ~ L„ , .. • , . . . . : .. . , ;,RE.~~;~'J"g~~ q ~ 2 3-106 Heatmg, Heahng fac~lifies shatl maintain a draft_frx tempetatur~ of at least 6S°F ~_tos?r_._. - ~. ~~~~~~~~ ~~a~..;v~~ ~ 3 at floor levei in occupied rooms. ~ 4 , ~.`,~~(iZ AI;~~V.! ~ . 5 , „ . 6 '13;fY~:3 9~.Fia ~:5d~ ~J~~C! 2Z)..:T,:t 9i~ iLeti ~".~'9•w"':t :s~t~$Yd:~t 1;0'<<ijyL~: ."f.~+~~T!1?°+~ i$A .~e~,y°~~ . 1{~''i•~., ' o~ ~ • ~ ~. Fi ;?~~:, 3e3iCb.;+'9?5'pCKk: ff f'4Y~~^: :~,: 1~[~.: ["!Yb4 iit `{i3i6i:.e,~6:~ °. ;l,rf; ;, iY3't:6•.?;5 ,S~iFkioSltS~°J' !a~ iit LS~iYCiT~ _^ _~t 51511: 7 • 4. ^y^ .`.. ~.!J r, ' ~ , '} _ , 1 g_i9 Fa~;,;~ ,f'~...1:Y~QSFIfF:y !'~.'.S <`:31£!'~?'. :it.5 .--:'.i '~t.t.d}l:£:i;. ~ '}' ti y';_..'i4 .. . 'i' buuiJ~`J~~" , ~ .~i9E'~SS:1n1E:.: , r ..., . . _.~.~ ~3I S,j~_,.. ~a~fi i . }i".bS:e:Ve„~~ i~x1~~0~:~ „ZG.Yry.`li , ~~ . . ~ .i ~ . • ~. ^ ;"~i:. x;; ~ ;"~,'~S'ta C~~t?Y.i4f3~ ~ .i.F~.~?I "~~~ia+' :3fti:iS':1~ 1'x~9tb'.::~ ~5+,~'".~ x~ .., .:tl~ ~' ~~t_i_'.~. C!;.~;~.. ..r ' , .:~,'; ?ii`.~:~`.~, .`,G.i'? ,kRf Y f.[7 U:9',. .. ",'3 ~::ik.ai3E.A .'.}r ,,,:;; L~1N , ~ t:;~(~L~~ 9:" '~'y ._"'74' .. ~ • • .:3:°C:A:'Si[si,$.iL1~i:; ,~~:i,:! ' ,. . . .. . , . . . ' .~ . . . . . .. . . :' "1~. , ~ r"f .t1: ~.Pe ~*ll~ ( ~ `~`~ll.~J l.'. ~~' "' ! ~(. n~ ... ~... ....~......e....~. ~~. ~. N.~.... ~r .1 , , r.~ . . Y T. i: 1~+. . , .. r .. . ' S' ? ; .._ ~ r .i .... .. . . ' . , ~Y~:..L~i~ , ~. ... ~ , . • . '.' .. ... 34 ... . .o .''':.x(~'i~ ,, at' : _. .s~~ ~ `.k'4!~~. RI'. ' 'du ...,~hY6f3e°~ .r~'SPLl;Si:.. , ' qd` is`~.~ ?4 ~Pn°. . ~. ~ ir, .e _- - ~'~r? "r .idl ~e ., .. , . '.ti? 2R'i .. ~.,r,im «;Gt! i'` .} 6~' a', ... ~ i~ :? e; +'~ i ;% t . 9 . ... ~..,i. ~~~ .p:. .., . .. Y ~ . ;~~: ~ i.,;.,~ , . ~ .. . , . .. ~ ~ n" . . , . . ' ' .~ ,.~. / 1 ' , CHAPTER FOUR , r "~~AFi ~'~i It ?J '~z..~.Y"`!~''.".4°'~1~?"Jl: i.~ :~ ~w,;: '~'. .:,i~ ~.'~ :.e~iLti •ar . .u;Y'{ .~i~S,Ik~=~~ +1.~5•l`. ~~ • 2 _ ~ SANITARY BACILITIES AND CONTROLS ,_ ~~ . ~ ' .. S,:YV.'•Jsi f27 .:"i:7! 'f~1~`. E.5 fr. 3 WATER SUPPLY . ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 4-101 ~ General. Ats sdequate supply of potable water for the needs of the child care center ~ 6 shall be provided in We building housing the establishmen4 and shalt be from a source constructed ? and opecated in comptiance with the "Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations" and S regulations adoQted pursuant to Title 37-91-1 !0 C.R.S. 1973 as amended. 9 10 4102 Boceted wacer, Bottled and packaged potable water shall be obtained from a sourco i l that is approved by ihe Department and sl~sl! be handfed and stored in a way that protects the 12 watcr from contaminatioa. ~3 - . 14 4-103 ri ki wster. Dricdcing water shalf Ix readily aeeasible to ehildren whenever the 15 facility is operating. 16 ~ 17 (a) Drinking fountains sliall be equipped with angled jets and orifice guards located 18 above the rim of the fountain. The pressure sha!! be regulated so ihat the watec i9 stream does not come in contact with the o~ce nor splash onto the floor. Drinking 20 founta'ins on restmom bandwashing sinks shall be prohibited. In new os extensively 21 remodeled facilides, drinking fountains on designated art or science sinks shall not 0 22 be appSOVUl. • _ S ' 10 . ~ ' ^ ~ ;;~r: . . ' ~. . p~~, ta, jt , y i~n'.. ~ , . 4~~~~~ ,.. . . ' ' . , , . ' "t4',` ~ ' a.~ho~ tr~tt~u6a aawi ~.rnat~r~q::_ ~ti~i,::., >.: .. ..t r~ ac . . . . `~:~ ~r~.d. . . . ,i ; ~-2 (b) Individual drinking cups shall be dispensed by ~the staff or through an approved cup ~ i; .. .. .. .;.,. . , 5;~.'„:,' 3 dispenser. Children may not share drinking cups. ~„_ 4 ' ~ a~fs~:a~Yt~ ::•+ ~a~ea.i .:;x.~ ~ ^t.~~: , . . .. ~~Eria.. ~... 5 (c) In ali new or extensively remodeled centers a separate angle jet,drinking fountain ~ 6 shall be instaIled st an apr..,r.:ate height for use by the children in the center and ~, 7 shall be installed using the "1991 Colorado Plumbing Code ( the 1991 Uniform ; ;;,:~, . ~f,.~, ;, .., . , 8 ~ Plumbing Code [CJPC]) as a guideline. ,,;,;. n `li;~^~i. ~. E~t; ';. . ~ . .~~._ . , - ~ .. ~ 9 ' r . ., `:r.; . 10 4-104 ~Iot Watr.r Suenlv. Hot water shalt be provided at al! times. ~~ 11 12 ' • . SEWACE ~~3 • ~ • , . ~ , < <.. 14 4-201 . Generai. Alt sewage, including liquid waste sha11 be discharged to a sanitary sewer 15 or to a sewage system constevcted ..r,:.~.:Ld and maintained according to law: . .. ... . , . .. , 16 ' ~ 17 , pLUMBING ~ 18 • • . ~, ~ '. 19 ~ 4-301 Generai. A1l plumbing shall be sized, installed and maintained in accordance with 20 applicable state and locat plumbing codes, ordinances, tegulations and standards. There shall be 21 tto cross connections between the potabie water supply and any non-potabte water supply, or any 22 source of contamination. Plumbing shall be designed and constructed using the "1991 Colorado • 11 , ~ ,~,; ~~ ~ ~=~,~,~s ~~ t. .: 5 ,~ ~,~~ ..... ~ a.`,'. ' , . . . , ' ~ . ~ . . . , , .. ,. ~':•:s'. 1 Plumbin Code" ~ ' g (UPC) as a guideline. Where local buiiding departments have sdnpted codes ; ~ ~ .,: ^:; •2 ~~''equ'ivalent or moro`stringent than the abave, ~{hose codes shall apply. ~~- 3 . . . . ... ~ € 4 4-302 Backflow. The potable water system shall be installed and maintaincd to preclude .. •: 5"' ihe possibility of baclcftow or back siphonage. 6 .. . •> • . ,. 7 ` 4-303 '~ion-nntablP water lines, The piping af any non-pota6le water system such as air 8 conditioning and fue protection systems shall be labeled aad identified so as to be readily 9 distiaguished from piping that carries potable water. 10 ~ t I TOILET FACILITIES 12 ~ 4-401 . General. Only flush toilet facilities shall be instatied in the establishment, shall be d4 ` accessible to children, and propcrIy maintained in a clean end sanitary condidou utiliyng good 15 hygienic prectices. The "1491 Colorado Plumbing Code" (1991 UPC) shall be used as a i6 guidelinc. Summer camps shall have adequate toilet facilities avaitable for use. 17 l8 4-402 ~nishes. Toilet room walls end ceilwgs sha(1 be constructed of easily cteanable, 19 ~~nonabsorbent materials. Floors shal! have an impervious surfeic~. Floor wall junctures sha!! be 20 tightly coved with apQroved concave coving. . ' 21 Y ~ . ' ~ ~3 ~~~~. Toilet fixtures shall bc of an easily cleanable design and in all new or ~ , ~: • 12 l~ j 1 extensivety remodeIed facitities be of appropriate siu and height for the children in the center v,z='ir.7a ~rzs~i~z ,. .. <<<:4 ..,; , .. . .~ . . .. .. _ ,,. ~stt'i ..... ,,~..u ~Z ,;..,. . . „ ,. .,. , 3 ~ 4 4-404 ~rivies. The use of privies in child care centers is prohibited, except that the 11se 5 of privies located in remote areas of summer camps may be altowed oniy after obtaining the 6 approval of the Department and meeting applicable standards and guide(ines. Privies shall be . . , . _ . . . . .. `t... yra: ~ ~ ., , . . . ' . . . . , ... " . •.~',. . , . ~ 7 sepazated from sleeping, acGviry, food preparation and storage rooms by g minimutn of fifiy (50) , ~.:,~,~s ,°, . . 8 feet. ~ ' ~~ ~ ~ .. . J'.: J1+~: . . ~. . . .. , .... ~ ~ 9 ' • 10 il 12 ~~ 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 ?r~... -. ,... - • 4-405 Suanlies. M adequate supply of tollet tissue shall be evailable from a wall hung '~, . '7,y,;i . . . dispenser located adjacent to each toilet. ~ ~:~. ' '.fl:4~' ~ !`. ~,;° ~, ~; ~: ': ~., '_ I ~• .5 ~ ~ ~ ~. 4-406 - Toilet seat inserts. Toilet seat inserts, when used, sha[I bb constructed of durable, . easily clean861e materials and maintaincd in a clean and sanitary manner. . ~ ~ • •~ 4-407 Ven6latioa. All toilet rooms in new or extensively remodeled faciliti,es shaYl have adequate mechanical ventilation to the outside. Chemical air fresheners which contain toxic substances shall not be used. HANDWASHINGBATHING FACILiTIES : 22 4-501 ~ General. Handwashing and bathing , facilities shal[ be installed using the "1991 13 .. i.q:ir'i,' .~~'" ' ., ' ,`Yd` .. _ `..;f a..~.:/': , , . , . .'e4. ~ '~~ ~ .1'~S1'S7'3~t l:if. :a ': .' ., rre: ".r~~ ';?°~r.4s :~..tt .Tt::(^ ':JB;:'..;:"~'zi6~fi; ~,r~: 25ti.i>':tii; ,'' ~,. , .. ;, . . ., ,~n , • 1 Colorado Pliunbing Code" (1491 UPC) as a guideline and be maintained in a clean, sanitary '.'_.;., 2 condition. `~' ' ~ 3 . m ) •.s ~ , •,, , : ,s . .. i . ..~ l ,J~OT ;RA +A~S Yl..," . . ~ :1.., « . J . . N ~ . °)w~ :.Y . ..• . . , ~ 4 4-502 ~.ocation. ... ' +~ ix ~:`;fP•°Gf,Y . ~ '(` :J: ' . ~. !>'~ T~. . . . 1i'„ _. _ ' , . .. ~ a 5 ;f~ i)4" rlt~;i.. ,' '' . , •.1!1,.;~;~.'' ..'' .•' '::~ " , . , :`<_ , .. . . , a. 6 ~~(a) Handwashing facili6es shall be located in or immediately adjacent W toilet rooms, „ ! . ,. • ,. . ,. , :,; , • 7 ` diaper chasiging areas, aad food r...r~..~tion areas es well as any othcr area where 8 activities require frcquent handwashing. In ali new or extensively remodeled centers 9 . providing care to iufants, toddlers or pres~hoolers, ~ handwashing sink shall bc E ,, ' allff:t ~.a':x~ &. i. , ~ ~'.:~i. *~ ' . ".[. . •~ ~. - . 10 ., accessible without bairiers allowing the caregiver to visually supervise the group of , 11 children during handwashing activities. In all new or extensively remodeled child ~2 care ccnters, children's handwashing sinks shalt be at an apprnpriate height for the ~ 13 -~ children ip the center. . • 14 15 (b) Bathtubs ot showers, when used, shall be located withia the facility or within an , . .. ~~F,:,? , .. . . • ' . ' , 16 , approved building. . , . • :•r; .' ~;~::rr; , • . 17 , . 18 19 4-503 Water e nerature. 20 21 (a) Each handwashing sink shali be provided with hot ead cold water through a mix'sng z u valve or ~ombination faucet. Hot watcr at sinks accessible to children shail not • 14 . . ~ ; fi.-: >t~-,H'r~ t~. r . . ~ . ' - . .. ' . , M,1~8'yF" +C ~~'~, ' . . S~~ X h~ ~ ~ I . , ; ~ 1 exceed a tempcrature of 110°F. • • L ° •~ ' ~'' '' ' , ( ~.. ..,,.. _~ i{tIIi.i ~'~d 1 ~l?:.. ' . '.,...." ~~ ... Ji\./.:Y~: , 2r: ;~,. r;.o r' ~ {iLl`v ':"...d!.i: ".'. ,... llij . ~a ,, ' , ~ .,: ~ ~ 2 p (b) .~ 'Hot water delivered to bgthing Cacili4ies shall be et least 90°F And shall not exceed ~ i3S~{.y: , -f '' . ' ' ~ ~ .. .. ... . . . , . ~ . , . . . 3 110°F. . . . . ,... ~ 4 ~ , ~ 5 4-504 Suno(ies. Single setvice hand towels from a wall-hung dispenser and soap shall be > :,;,:. • .,,. .:. .. . . , , - 6 provided at each handwashing sink at a height accessible by chiidren in th6 antet. M~chanica( a . 7 air drying devices may be used in lieu of towels. The use of common towels .is prohibited. s g ~~........ . . . .... , ;. ,-. ~ • 9 ~ 4-SUS ~inishes. Bathing facility walis and cei[ings shall be constructed of easily cleanable, ~ f~ ~ , . ~..... z ~ ~ 10 nonabsorbent matcriais. Floors shall have an impervioe~s surface. Floor wall junctures shal! be ;~j 1 I tightly coved with approved concave coving. t r 12 • ' • ' - ~ ' t. j . ~ ~ .. , ` . . CUSTODIAL AREAS ~ • - 14 . 15 4-601 ~,aundrv. . - 16 . (a) Laund .ry facilities, when provided, shal! be installed using the "1991 Colorado 17 Plumbing Code" (1991 UPC) as a guideline; and sha(! be well maintained in a clean 18 • condition and be inaccessible to chiidron: . 19 2~ (b) In al( new or extensively remodcied facilities where tauttdry facilsties are provided, 21 properly vented ges or electric dryers shall be installed. 22 . 15 . F ~ :. _ . , . 3'~ ,.r ' ~ ~' :.4:~.~ ~ "{~~.'~.. ,~,~ *''S~"~';;:" ' '::': ~ i ~. '~ ~ , ~ ~ '~ , ~, i~4 .~. `, ~ F :' . ~53~ 4 a. ~. , . , . ~''~~ ~ ~y• ?YYtIl9.}~m"• 'qt•W ~F+a'~j5'n.r ' 1 1 (c) Soiled linens shall be stored in aonabsorbent or washabio laundry bags until • Z K'3~~'~~' ~~~.'i;,~ICAlOVCQrfar l~undeiing~shall ~be~stored ~'separate &om cIean linens%nd clothin ~- ~~~~ g, and r 3 shall be iaaceessible to chitdren. ~ ` 4 . . ~ 5:`~ t'::r r~a~, ~': I.~4ndry facilities sball bt separated from food'pieparatioa, food storage, and ; 6 ':at:' 'testtaom , • . , , ~.~; . , ' , ~ :1 .. . ~Fas• . • . y,.: ~ ":, ~ . . • „ ,` . , .. , `t ~. . .. . 8 (e) Thc water temperatura for the laundry sha11 be m,aintainal above 140°F uniess an ,fi[r,:::.r,e;'J ~3 ~, . . . ~.. ~ . , ,:,r,,,,.., .. ,,.~ ~..p.. , ~ „ •.-, .. , ^ . 9 `~' ". approv~d c(isinfectant is applied in tht riase cycle oi the dryer uses heat above '` . , •. 10 :_; ,.; :_;':'~`,'"140°F as specif~ by the manufacturer. , . ,.. l l ~?, . , , , !2 (~ Soiled linen aad clothing contaminated with blood, vomit, urine, or stool shall be ~ ~3 • scored and laundered separately. ` •' • ~ i4 IS 4-602 to . •- - -- 16 ., , . • 17 (a) "+" Adequato storage space shall be provided and a~sintaiACd in a clean and sanitary ~ g manner. . . 19 ~ . ~~ (b) Gesaing materiais, bleaches, detergents, medications, and other toxic chemicals '-t ~shal! be properly latufed, and 'enaccessible to childrea ~~ y . ~ . . ~ • 16 ~ ~~};~.:. . t~'~ ` 'ql`~ ., 1 (c) Clcan linens anJ clothing shal! t~e storcd in a cican ria~ ~~a rf~~c~c~~i r~~~~~ ;.;r~~ :4z:3'r~F~~f'~ ~ ~ .. ' ~ contamination unGt used. ' ;,+Filx'r~;_ Sti,~..z:?T"vft "x ~ 3 ?i~y'(:i;;vi~,~~:f{ ~ie~~'rti)i'S~?.:ii .... ~ 4 • _ ' ~ „ ,c:t 'lPii ~`:~:•',"GY'~ :^::i t~c~'i2 2,5:";"P.Y' ,. '"i.., r:a9R~c:EE9iki 3tA7:h~,~.,wC~, -:~J1E'."rl~".i;~U«S',.,' ~'.~~1 ~~'~-~ .. . , . •.:~ ~,"h ~~~G{ ,?:;~~I:~''~;> ::~li~.i ',!1.5'Y5 ~ '"Ff:~O~^v ~.1fG ?..~:':i~I9 Fw:rv~., ~•..,r a~x~, _ .. . . , . ... . . . _f :~'ara ~.~^ ., ~?ii(;~? ~ • .c~ ~~il&[i ~%fa:,7,~::+ ~y•::'~?1T, 2G:~ :•w`5. ~4~ t:, dt~ '.~liij: i:»:3t1,{ 1 ~. ~ ~ ,_...~..:.:~..'_.,~..',7~. ~.,d.3 '} ~ .. ~~' , .. . ~ . ' .' . ., , +~x . ~ . ic;z e° . ;<' ...' ', ' . ~ . . :~s"; _.. . ~F '- t.; ~~ ~' ;~,.. i x .~n ,..7i ~~~' _ 'l?" .. 1' , JG~ '1i. . .:1:. ~SqCe :'~ . .. .~',i?5"~!?.A'' . . y, 'Ei ,: °. ~-! ~~.:~i' ... . ~ ~ .. ~ ~ . . ~ ~.~ ~ ... t Y _ .. , .. ~ il•:•. _.. . ~ ~ i .. . , r . . . , " ~ .. , , r, i + - , i ~ .i .. .. .~'.:J r!.l.r' . . . n..~ ~'..-:.uJ• • i ......... .. . ...~ ~ . ~ . ~.'y :' :.'.~6~.~ l~J:l~Xi!\5 .(i~1 ..}~~ . ~ _ !}~ ~!:!i ~ , . ~r'1 r, ' ....y,.. „ ~ . v~: ., f.. . ~ . . 17 - •~~ ~5'. , ~~ ~y,,¢p - -- -~ $_..:,~. . , t y~~C. . Y~y._bJl~~~~'~5PT°i3~EY ~ .. , ; M4~ 9 C J r~AO { .. . -~l'i I M YJ i~Yi ' ~ f~~~~ . . . . ' ' . . ' ' ~ r~ . . YfY. „ 4 rracizl Ir~da~',<i~r; tac~ a~alt~ n~t~ a: rsl :: .. ':.~: „r. .,.i~ I,~ss ~'sI na~l~ {~~) ,~,;.;;. • I CIiAPTER FIVE ~ , ~ ::~ 'i°~c~° r.ailn^.;rir^Trrri~ ~_ `; 2 ~NTERIOR DESIGN ~ ~. 3 4 ~ 5-301 ' ¢,.. 5 5-101 Individual stornve, Separate identified storage areas shall be provided foi each 6 child's and staff inembcr's pcrsonal et£ects nnd clothing. Individua( cubicles, lockcrs, or coat 7 hooks shall be provided for storage of coats, hats, etc. 8 9 ~LAX EOU[PMENT IU 5-201 ~oy,s.. Toys and art supplies shall be made of safe, non-toxic, durable materia(s, 11 and stiall meet the requirements of regulations adopted pursuant to Title 25-5-508 C.R.S. • .12 . 13 - 14 I5 IG 17 ~'TRSONAL I3GLONGINGS NAPPING AREA AND EOUIPMF..NT ~ianoinn suonlics. All napping supplies such as cots, beds, cribs, floor mats, or linens shall be maentained in s sanitary manner. 18 (a) Mattresses, mats, or pads shall be wvered with .impervious easily cteanable 19 materials. Cots shall be constructed of easily cleanable materials. 20 E~' ~ ~ ~ , ~?si '~r~r.f l . ~ ro> ~2 3 4 5 ' ~ ~ ~ . . .~.' '~~' ~ , . ,' ?,(;+ ~ ~ s ~~, ,k . k ~, Individual cribs, sieeping mats, wts or linens shail be issued to each child and ;; ':~:;... . ,;~:~'~.ea~aqv~ vairf•Jt;,'.{: '7fE~y ~'~''R ~'X9:.~~tt1~ YRd'~1A'~1'~ 6C+i3(i:t`£f311E~ ,~.~'~.~;,: marked with idendfying tnformation.. ~ ' `: ;; :,: `~~` ?O <ti~:)Li'' ~<) !TC . ~ ..., ,~,i'~ ~~~,^.~'.: .^,~ ,~~, ~~o f....~~'J4i~ .~;~ i~~d~ ;..wtu ~,•~,:s'`!' ';{F a!;? C". (c) Each crib, mat,~ or cot shall bc thoroaghly cleaned and sanitiud prior to use by .s ~~~:~ ?i~ 1~ ;iu3:.< r:~::z:;~~~i P another child, 6 7 (d) Sleeping linens, tnats, or cots shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized whenever 8 soiled. S[eeping maes shatl be stored so that there is no contact with the sleeping 9 surface of another tnat. l0 I1 ~ ~ ~tEST(NG AREA 12 • ~ 3 5-401 • ~rovision. Each facility shalt include a testing erea designated for the cate of any 14 ill or injured child awaiting the nrrival of a pazent or gnazdian. IS 16 (a) Such an area shall be adequately ventilated and heated. 17 18 (b) The resting area shall be equipped with a bed or wt which meets the requirements 19 of SxGon 5-301 of these Rules and RegulaGons. 20 ~ 21 Y (c) The resting area shall be located within close proximity to toilet and lavatory 22 faciliGes, and whete health and sanitation measures can be cazried out without ~. 19 ~~ 1 ~2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ii 12 ~3 !4 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 ~ .t~~, .,,; , 3 t, ., ~ ~~ involved in both chiid care and food preperation~shall wear a clean smock wheneverthey are involvcd wil6 food preparation. ^,L~: ±'{: `L'.:?G:?: rt ~ ' ., ' , ~+~b:ia • ,,. '3; z_~sb hr~:: . . , ~::~raaiW: 6-206 Personal articles. .,:.; ; u, ' ~A{:'~in...u.... ',ll f.....;~. ,....u ~ n , i•1r~ cs 'ri}{l~ {:.~i~3~'~~ .'.~"S.'.L'u. . . '-~~~) ~'•:li.Fi ]:i :. . . , . ...~. :Lb.4~:'iti ._.'i: 1`%7...,. . ~_ ~.,..q•itlt,.•;e _, . _. .. .. ?::'r..i'tSl~'i:i ;~; ,~ , ~'' ,h;~ u, i : S +:~ . p (a) A supply of clean etuldren's clothing shaIl be available for chaaging wet or soiled clothing. . . ,:,:rti.:•Y2 h.,.,,,~ :, .. ~ . .i;~,~},..L; i: ii; ... ..,;~. S_ir; ..~_ .. , '~' .. • .. ... _.,~. ~~'' . (b) Personal hygiene aeticles, svch as combs, toothbrushes and wash cloths, etc., sha(1 bc individaalty identified and stored in a sanitary manner so they do not come into contaet with onc another, and shall not be shared between children. 6-207 press-uo ctothing. Dress-up clolhing, wigs and hats shall be washable and sfialt be maintained in a clean condition. 6-208 , ~lav tab[es. Water tables, sand tables, and other play tables shall be mais-tsinsd in a clean and.saaitary manner. . . 6-209 ,Sanidzation of tovs. Toys that are piaced in chitdren's mouths or are otherwise contaminated by body seccetions or exeretions s6ai1 be cleaned end sanitized prior to use by another child. All toys shall be maintained in a clean and sanitmry condiGon. t~ .' ~ i ; 2 ~~ t .~ 23 r S 4 ~ , ,~^'m_ r„~.r~b~Sx.,. ~:~"s~' ~~~ ~" i . ;eF;~1 `F ,a': ;~~ t,. ~is~v:: ~:: ~aYdC% ~~~ ~~~~k~'~i ~~`-y~ '~ ~. '4,.~ i.~r> • ~ f 4 ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. 1.~ ~ ~'.' • ' } ~ . . ~ ~ 'J' . . , . ~ 1, svs °t~rtt ~s:.~..~,;w ~p r~ds a 7~e~rr- ~vtED1CATIONS' ,a~;'. ` -, ~; • `'~'i~~ t~3~_i ni '•.;~~~~ifl~rrsi:. . 4 :~,i:i~'Ca ~'Si'i?~i i.~:'W ~r~YiO~%:':i a .2 -- ' '.' ~ 3 6-301 Storaae. Medicafion shall be inaccessible io children and shall be stored in the ~ 4 origu~al container iu a controlled erea separated from food, eleaning compounds and other toxic ? ~ 5 substances. If refrigcration is required, the medication shatl be stored:'.'~~'=~'=~ `'"•`~~'Q ~ 6 . 3 ~ ,,; ,-, ,_~a~ ,., ,in a sepazate nfrigerator a~sintained for that purpose only,'or .?~ ~~. . , 8 ~~ i.,..;,•, b 9 (b) ia sn impervious secondary containcr in a designated area of a food storage `A f 0 i; tn . h~ refrigerator separated &om food and inaccessible w children ~.., ~. "~ '' ... ,..,, ._ .. O~F~I ^iG' 7.i :t5i7 Q: Y3A`_i ,. . ~ . ~. ~... i ' .. ~~.. . ~:~ 9 . ~. ~ .~ -.~^'.~ . Y3.~'Jf?: ' .It.'.P:x'li~ ;.T~.."~.. , I~iL'~S . . . . ' e ' .. ~. ~:\},: .r.~ • . . ~-H, ;~: .{~` f: ?T' ~. ., t~ , .. ~. . . :~P~~.~ .1. . f..)Q " .... .:: ..':i ,. ~ •r~~'~ . : ' ' ' .., . ~ .... ~'?r ~ ~ ,. .. ~. 3 '.S x"~~.":....:li~ . .. .. .. ...-i . , . ~ . ~ ''~.. ~'. ~. .. 9 • . 24 ~ s p,~ ~:~.ria'.,~'„'`. j. ~~ ~ I ~2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~l0 11 12 ~i3 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 2d 22 , s . ,+~"' . ... , C . ty. ''y, ~,'. fw ~~`-: e)u CHAPTER SEVEi~i . . ~.. ~ ;,. . . _.... , . . .,.t_., . .,, .. . ...:,a ;,~. FOOb SERViCE ~:': ~;: . :ii^.....y "::ES'SG3Y.( :, f:a~ •i', '..' .', ; . „ : .-~.', ; ~`.i ~..;. 7-1bT Sanitarv rcauirements. Child care cenfers serving meais shall meet the requirements . ~ i:;: . i'' ~C..~~~ ,:;'{ ~ , ,p' - of the "1990 Rules and Regulations Governing the Sanitation of Food Service Establishments in ~ . the State of Coloredo" with ihe following eacceptions: • •~ .-;i,. . ~_ ,•~ . ~ ' . ,, • :r ... . ;.~<fr; . ~(a) The number of toilet faciiities sha!! mxt tho requirements of the Colorado , .. * D..ra.....ent of Social Services "Minimum Rules and Regulations for Child Care ~ Centers"; • • ~ _. ~;i. , • . , ~. ;,, (b} Commarciai ventiiation systems shall be nquired oniy when grease cooking is done - routinety; ' - , '3 (c) Children may use the same room for tating aad napping; ~ (d) Domestic food equipment is permiKed, providing it is approved by the Depaztment and mainteined in good repsir. . •~ (e) Domestic dishwashing machines are approved if: ~ (1) The water temperature in dishwashing machines equipped with n heat sanitizing • , 25 '~;'•~,:?:I~ ~ :.. `:~ €~;~1 cycle reaches a minimum of 150°F; s.~.~?~,_. i: ' ~~~: t 3 (2) ~The water temperature ia dishwashing machines without a sanitizing cycle ~teaecr~as,s;r• ~: ec,. ;; .. ~ :~: ,,. .., , _. . ,. _., . .:.!;._. .. ... __ ... ~~ a 4 ~ reaches a minimum of 155°F; ~?i . :Ri„l.:.~<':l.fr.~'~ . ~ ..... . ~ . ,! „ 1~.,,. , . , ' -• ... 5 ,,. .. . :.. ,~ 6 (3) Dish volume is such that ali dishes end utensils can be washed and sanitized ~ 7 by tuing not morc thau two compiete cycles of the dishwashing machine for each C~i3F,:.,.,.. 9: ;:f " ,. " , . . . ~ . . . ~ ~ „ , . ' . ~ , ' , . 8 of the following: brcakfast, lunbh, dinner, end soacks. •. .'~.~.' i;i. °': r~... . ., _ , ' . _ 9 ~ . . ' 10 (~ Where domestic equipment is permitted and used, domes6c equipment installation ~ ll methods shall be acceptable provided the equipment and su:rounding erea arc ~ =1idi.!.] dP ;y`Y: . . . . , , . . . . , . . . maineained in a cleaa sanitary condition. ~; t3 - l4 (g) Ia child care centcrs serving snacks containing only non-potenGally ha7ardous foods . 15 ~ from approved sources and sesved in single-service containers, t6e following shall ,,,, 16 apply: ~r.. ..,,,:4:~: , ' . . . . , ,. .i e 17 . 18 (I) All foods and singlo-service articles are protected during hansportation, srorage, i9 prepazation and service; . 20 . .. . 21 (2) Good hygienic prac6ces are employed; , 22 • 26 • ~'I ¢k+k~ frY' TI d` !' ,i ~ n~ ~.,1 :.S{:. '.i''-.', . .. i ~~ . 3 4 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 il •2 ~3 ~ r:l.'.. . ~. . . A~~Q y (3) Fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed during prepazaGon in a clean and j r.y +., , ,. , `~ :"';, :, .. .. „ • ... sanitized kitchen sink; ('The use of a handwashing sink for this purpose is not w ' approvcd.) ~ ~ ?~~ . _, .. • , ~, (4) Uteasils used in food preparation are cleaned and sanitized in a manner ~ e approved by the Depactment, and properly stoted after each use ('fhe usc of any s . c: handwashing sink for this purpose is not approved.); and i „ ;: ~ 9i.~:3':c.~. ..~ ~ii ~c; . , . . (S) Single-service items are nof reused and nre diSposed of piopedy. ,,~:.., ,-; i ~(h) Child care facitities where individual meats and/ot snaeks art fumished by ihe ., ti parents shall be restricted to their own c6ifd and labeled with tlte chi~d's name. _ • Adequate tefrigcration at 45°F or below shall be provided for safe storage of ail I4 ~ • potentially hazerdous foods including infant fotmulas. •~ '~ 13 . ..... , . .. .. 16... .. -. .7-102 :.. ~-~ ~rohibited foods. Service of honey to infants shalt be profiibited. 17 I8 7-103 ~rohibited activities. StafT shali not be invotved in the care of children and food 19 preparation concurrentiy. Nothing in this secGon shall prohibit cooking ttachiag projects if good 20 hygienic practices are observed. • .... ~ 21 22 • 27 , „ ::r~ b x~ .~;~, t~,~k>.r~i ,. ' , .~ ~;,r~.~ta a ns ttai3~s~r~u ~rix:a b~z.~.~ ~r€sf~:snY~;~s •~ ~:~ ;:5~;~~s~x u,4~ ~3'-~ra~ {~~ • 1 CHAPTER E1GHT '~..'t 3t 9~^O"~}'TL[C~ ~2,':'~ 1L?~ ;~dYS~ ~!3E.":~~`.+~~v!3[~:;.z ~. :s.:' ~'.ai• '1"~r?si::.~ 2 ~TIFAM' AAID TODDLER NLJRSERIES .:~~: , R~>,~~s 3 ~OUiPMENT REOUIREMENTS w ~ `;~ . ~,p. ,. { . . S~= £ d~ ~ . 5 ,rrs;~,: s. ~.. `~.~a1R-,:;.s ~_::a a:",., ., . „ . :; , t;,) : ~ , :'> ~lv "=i:.1 i{l; ) SZ. C$~_~i :;lr~a. , . ~, ... , ., ~ ~. '..~., . ' , lsi.'. ° .: ~'~f:~;~~ ^3 '~ j'ERSOA[AL TTEMS , ';. - ~ "'F~1...'i .. 7 v u y . ~ ; 8 8-101 ~ li s. Adequate sapplies of diapers, clean clothing aad linens shalt bc avaitable •`r. ,y r,.~ c~~,~~* ~~. :,,. ,.: -. , . ,. . . . 9 for the noeds of ~ach infanE end toddler. ,,i( 1~ :,.~., .,~ sr~~i~'f-.;,:~ . , y~,' ~~ . ' .. .. , .., .. 11 8-~02 $tora¢e•' Adequate seorago space shatl be provided for the personal itcros of each h t,,,{;,c, q'+. ,ta,.~. . .. ~2 in~aat and toddter. . , 1 , ~ l3 ' . , , r, - 14 8-103 Wipin¢ Ic oths. Each infant and toddler shall be provided with two individual wash 15 cloths azsd one towel or an adequate supply of soft, non-irritating disposable Wwels . , 16 ~ . . - 17 INFANT CARE . l8 :"'' :~, . ...., .. ., .. . ' _: { , 19 8-201 `~ .'S'toihi,~Q. Clothing wom by staff inembers to and from work shall be covered or 20 replaced by~ clean non-irritaGng washable smocks or similar clothing. ~ 21 22 8-202 et Pets are prohibited in infent iuuserics. ~~ . ' ~ 28 _ ' ' . . . , , ' ~ ~ ~ . .. wni44_ r. , . _ .. ~ ' . . . 1 ilYAili.~'1~[3~ , ' , ' ' ,i, ~` ~ 2 INFANT FEEDING 3 ~ ~{i:., r, • ~ s !i, ~g ~ 'ia'u's;f1 Z-..,.r~:5>gT [7:~:i.,a •r, ,_~;G .^.t <-.+.:r.'~ -'i- n xit~;~. .. . ~gsxx: ,., e $ 4 8-3b1 Hveienic »ractices. 5 ° „ ~ ' :•.~. ,:., . .r . .. . ., =: .:~:;a.:., . :~.t..::.~.,~ ~ .r~a;...,_~.;'sis`~,.. .-!'? SG` . ' 6 (a) , Staff inembers shall wash their hands aniS teplace'~4heii''''sinocks"~ivhen sriiocks. ; , 7 become soiled. 'n..w::iat ~:~`-;•ss:,t~. ..+~ ~ (e). ., . ~ -, : • 8 . , .. . . ~.. u , 9 (b) . Staff inembers involved in handting Wants and changing diapers shall be prohibited 10 from preparing meals and snacks for children not in their group. I 1 ;:. ,.. r , . .. . .. . . . . 12 8-302 a. .- Food storage. . - ' • ~ . ~: w ~. . "r•`, ~3 _ ,. , . ~ . 14 (a) Infant food shall be stored in original, labeled, covered cantainers and be separated 15 from other food stufl's. 16 .. . . • ~,• , C~ 17 (b) .. Infant formula in bottles and opened moist baby foods sha11 be (abe4ed with the i8 ' . infanYs natne, stored at 45°F or below, dated and discarded at the end of the day. 19 This shall not apply to froun brbast miik. ~'* ' " 20 , ~ . . _ • • . 21 (c) ' No more than one infant shall be fed from the same container of food or with the 22 same utensil. • 29 ~ ~ : k ... , '~ '.,'~"~'': . ~ `: .,,; ~'~%~~'~" ., , ~ ' i •2 3 4 5 6 7 DIAPERING i ~T.. r~ '",, ~~r. ~ ....... Il~,..~.'J7:_~..~..._..:~ ta,y .. 8-401 Chaneing. Wet or soiled diapers and clothing shall be changed promptly. ~: . ~ ~ .~;~~1r.~',zS?..>:,,..,.;~;~.~3 (;1':-3 A'. . 8-402 Chanoan~~tation. A permenent diaper changing statioa shal( be provided and r' locsted se~arated from aay food preparaGon, awrage ar serYing area, and shali include: • >.: ; ,,: ., , . ~ ~ 8 (a) A changing tabte of sturdy construcGon with a smooth, durable, nonabsorbent and 9 ; , ,casity cteanable surface. x:- , . ~,,~ , _ ; ) . _...,..: . . •; • . 10 11 12 ~ 14 15 ib l7 18 19 20 21 22 - . . '. .. . r.. . _ ~'' (b) A handwashing sink located adjaccnt to the changing table and equ'spped with hoi ''~ and cold running water delivued under pressure through a mixing faucet. Soap and • sin !e service toweis from a walt hun dis ~ 8 g penser or a mechanical drying device . shall bc located at each handwashing area. _: ,., ~ , i (c) A solution of 1/4 cup of cWarine bleach per galion of water or a soluGon containing .apy other chemica( senitizing agent registered yvith 1he U. S. Environmental ProtecGon Agency as a disinfectaAt that will provide We equivalent bactericidal and ,: . ~ viricida! ef~bct of a salution of 1/4 cup of hypochlorito per gallon of water. This soludon must be in a labeled contaiaer located completcly out'of the rcach of children. . y . . • ' 30 • ~ ! 1 (d) ~' 2 , 3 4 8-4b3 5 changed: ,,.r_•; . }:~ :i ~. r~. ~~~ ~~'. ,._.K..>.,. ..,,> ~.,. ~ A washable, coversd container lined with a plastic bag.locatzd adjacent to the ;;"~~ _,, a.. ....::.,:~ ,. changing table and inaccessible to children, ~: , S p• . .,{ . . ;~.;~~.,.`~ . ~ procedures. The following procedure shall be conducted each time a diaper is p, 6 ' , ,.. ,, '~,:~, , . '4.. , . . . ~ . .. 7 (a) ' The child shall be placed on a clean, sanitized, dry changing table. 8 9 10 11 22 ~i3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (b) Thrchild shall be cleaned on the body wherever hecessary. ., t. ~ ... . (c) Soiled diapers and clothing shat( be replaced with clean diapcrs and clothing. (d) Soiled clothes shatl bc placed in a plastic bag for parents to take home. Soiled diapers shaIl be pdaced in a covered,impervions plastic iined teceptacie. ~ (e) An infant's hands shall be washed using soap and warm water and dried with disposable towels. A toddier's hands shall bc washcd using soap and warm running water and dried with disposable towets. - (~ The child thcn may be ._~,~...~d to a clean crib or W play. (g) The staff member shall then clean end sanitiDe the foltowing: t~ • 31 ... .~ .~ T . ~~.. !~ ' F" .~• '1'F~~ ~ 9',. ~\ H.:~ .~Y~`~.~ '~k ~ ~ . , . ; {' , . I 9t{~' <'3~ ~":SaHF~? i -.• ' ,. - ~, ,,,~ ~"'lfil[ 1~Isin~,~w~?.J i~ ft;} ~+~G' ~.~4"vsl' 2~ t~f ~ . ~ ~~} ~]1C t118PCT-Il$ StC87r ,..~ ~ _ ~, t ~:.?... ~ ~ tri.y .... t+' ~ •3. w:,i ~te , <:.'.'; ":.~"~,3 r~ ~~: 2 (2) The equipment or supplies touchut duting diapering; and E 3 (3) Thc soiled crib or cot. 4 `'i+4F,"!'~. g ~ r'_Ti;3 ~'~,~r.~ , , ., 3ti . . ~~3~y';ft~l:.~{?e•t Y3,fa:, ':i~.}S ..~~~A .G'3~.s,'i1.J~. G~5'-U `f~ ~E , . ,vv~ini'~'.:! F . 5 (h) 1'he stat~' member shatl then thoroughly wash his/her hands with soap and warm d 6 running wator and dry lus/her hands with sauitary disposable toweis or a mechanica! i,' ~ i .q~y..:t. `g %n ~s: . ':Y.C i i . „ 9'. ,., .. :. . .. ... ,. . . ~~ . .. . . . 7 drying devicc. . • 3 8 ~ . , t (.y.~,'.r i.:.:,'.. ;'~' ; :.. O ,~ . ~y. ~ :.J.~i "M1(2'~ Y^ 7'~ v.. ~..".. 9 8-404 Cloth diaaers. If cloth diaperS are used, a toilet shall be easily accessible for the r' ~ 10 cemoval of waste contents before placing the diapers in ihc wastc receptacle. Cloth diapers or ,,:; . , ; ~ f i " 11 clothing shall not be rinsed. Cloth diapers shall be cteaned ia accordance with practices approved ~12 by the Depactment. • ., , ., r 4~; , ~' . ..~,•, ~~i ~ . ~ ~,•~ ,,., ~ .;: 0 ~ ~ 32 ~. ' .,i~ ' • k~ Nl1f • 'y.~. ' 17, t „6 ~~ P g 7 ~'y ~il. RF ~ t?tty V f l ?~ rr~ t~1]I'r ~ , F ~~~ ~ 51y fiY'.-~ . ! t 4e ~ 6 S ) ;i'S , J~. , .. ~ , .Fr4i .,.} y . ~ y . ~ r _ ~t. ~ . .. ' ~ • ' C`HAPTER NTNF, ~ r ' ue' ~ ~ ~L ~ ~~y i ~ E~&R~~ b~ S:P'F3'.#~.+5 ~ i~ i: ~ ~iF,L';t'3 E.flCl1„Yi.~l;~}~ ~ ~. ~*E i ~ ; :k Z ~ ' ~ - ' , .., iW i , ~ CA ANIMA1 5 ... ~ . . , „~ . , ~ ~. .,. , ~E~' 4L t : .: ~ ~ tt,~~ , ~~~ ' . _~ s =.is'~3~':.r'%k3 ~i33.~':#F2":~ Y;3C"j~".~ :i: .~Y:lYT . ~~- # 9~ ~~ ~{~;~, :~..3 ~~~'~..~9$:31LCiV',~13L~'e}. ~ ,...x ......, . , , . ; ...~ .,?,~ f? ~ ?a.d:ti1X1~2 a'Id t~r~'YSP'~, 4~~ '~ 9-141 ~Tumber, For e classroom of 25 children, not more than thra adu(t caged animats, S under five pounds each, or one larget animal which has beCtt immuniuyyd. in accordance~~w~'t~ . ~. . .~ ~L ~ -•. . .,: . ., yi. 'mvx'~ xn3? e ....•;~ X? ft'?i:~e': ~3;2:"a. ~.,9?iS2~ ~.t'~'x~: .?<.."4~i~~~~i..a . ~' , 6 lrccommended vetennary' practices may be provided by ths oenter as pets. .Nothing in this 9 provision shall prohibit the propcrty located, stabied and coaallal Iivestock such as horses at a 8 summer camp or fish ia bowls or aquariums. ' 9 . . 10 9-102 Prohibited animats. Psittacine birds, turtles or any other animai which may pose a { t ha7ard to the health of the childron shall be prohibited in the child care center. Wild, dangerous t2 or potentially aggressive animals or fish shalt be prohibited. ' ~ • ' . l4 9-ID3 Cleaning. l5 ' (a) The cages of each enimal shall be easily cleanable and cieaned as needed. 16 (b) Al! animal wastes on outdoor play areas sha11 be pcomptly nmoved and placed in 17 18 , ~ a closed~disposa! container. 33 ~~ ti i ~,,~. y ~"~~~~~ ,~ ~~ ~. -~~,_~ "~",u~, a'~, f- m -. ~ ~ y ' [ ]~~-T ~~ ~e M ':`4 } .rrcf . N *~' iEtr P ~.r r Yr 't . '.. . . .< '~^[~f " _'..v'+- . n +F .~. ~: ~ `~ . n. ' ~~i'~,_ ~? . 3'5.:~4^ ~r`~ ' . ... ~ ~ y'~ -,:~,}-' T ~ s F ~ `~ ~ . r~ J ~ f ~ ':,1 9 104 '~hlld nart~ctnation CEuldcen m . 1-: 4 , ay parti~cipak in the cere bf teme animals; however, - (C~A ~~! ~ . , , ~: .. • , ~,~ ,~# • .. ~ .. S.. ~ they st~aIl be supervised in proper handliag techniques and pcoper handwashing foltowing contact r , • . _ . , ~, 1 3 _ with We eaimels. xta: ~krnr is~~a~ sf~;u~ a.~~rt~ n~.=3..3 ~o.:~ f~is ;:~~3~,ia,~a 2S'3~ mo~t:z~?a ^,€r'~ .z.;_e~` t~:_? p,_ 4 ; • 5 . ~t t«! ~'S:JS'L~~'.+Yd^w'7~ f£4 ~..Y' SZ¢2£i!1`l11TS ~192}i~ ~.i'~ S~.'1~~CF f afYiF!t'II 'fPb~ti7~ Qf"6St TQ•et~Sba Z~.+''`t!t:::.4~ 9Y2~~ 4~,`".,.~1Si.P - ~.;~ ' 9 105 .Anim_ a( {~~. A11 ~ feed shall be stored ~ separate from hnman food F , a ~ , "t +,_ , , , _ ~ , 2ili~ Yk3 ;',.(iiF~li,e~3 .aY:Yy ,,,3+ T9,Fti:.. .gfi1 .v ~i.~CV't.!t~ ~,'~ 're:d;i G..+1;7..~~ix. e~li.~Ed;~, : 5 ~ ..':i f)~ ^'3~Ci~~'~ia? S'~'Ji."E :{.?£A3E9'it~ ~`~w~i;,'PiC7J ~)C.`~3 ~'i~''tL~.f;S~. ~~i~tS:K:< i~'?:rt;'.}yai :s4'f.P ~Li:IZ;.;.,4Y :.d::±'C~~Sfd?'ur-;~ ~ $ "rii ~' ,~'.. . ... • ~ ,,^h•.r#„strln ',,. .:a':N"i ~1 .':'~ "., . .,_ '..,.r....,> .~bt;. G: ' @~ 92Ct~:? ySf~Y' i~3€r'•i ~i3~?k~,8 t'..~:~3",! "•,;:~ T:: 2.'~.~.1"f'~ ~2~'t:sb~ `_ ,. . .'.2': ~_r.-,•iiRc_ 'y!,fr^;'i,..- _~ ~ E: : T.~;... -4~ _ _ i , ..St,+re:,c.4;..~' S?f'~!V` ,,.;i2~,'.1 :}Ys'S3fJlP's'S °~[~$ Yt~'. ~'` • ts.r ~ ~ ~ rii :cf~~ 3~ ,'{~,:' '' . . ,. _~Ssst .}}9`'i:5H.1,` ~.' {R t4::'i_r.. ' . , . , . , , ' ... , ' Ln~' ~7'r7,^.. y ' ;' a ' ,a,. '. ... ' -, . ..~ : ~S ~ .: ti~ 1. , a.'Ty . . ~.tt.:`~: .. .. .) ;:._ . .. .. .:~ .~1..5- ,. . ~ . . •'. r ~ • . .i. . ,:'i; .. n. -"ii'~,..y ~:!;"::) , .`:Yi . . . .~ ..:L " ... , ' ~ t" .. .. . `.>~ .~,~, . :'r'r,; . ; ' ;; ~ ... , . , , -• . • . . 7 1~ 34 ~ l ~ ~ k ~ ~' . a ~ a b r - • - ~ ,.~ R: . , , , ' ' '.,.,~;~~ 'y F o' ,• L' ~" 3# - . iA +~,9 .; ~ ~ . ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ •;, ~'~~',. I '- . ~ ~~ , ~ ~ ~5~12~iqA tr,.''~tne.: az~ .~ .;,. ` CHAPTER TEN • ' . ,. , ~, ~.~~. rh ~ ~ ~y '' ~ ~ ;'fOXIC MATERIALS MANAGEMEIIT ~ w~?~. , 4 • '~NSF.CT AND RODENT CONTROL i,, ~.;~;.~ ~~ ,:. $ ~ _e ~ ', ... . _•~fi~~~: 6 10-101 Control: •~ ~ • ~ .,` T, `' . . ~ ,. ~ ~s~a~;c~q;:~:~: . . . Y . . .. • ~ . . , 1' , g ~~t="u"""(a) ~g `~ 'fhe use of poisonous compounds to control weeds,'rodents, insects, and other pests Q. _ ~i 9 shall be implemented only aftei other, loss toxic means have been used for control. „ 40 Thesc compounds ahal! be used accordiag ta labeled instructions. ~ ~ i l bn~, .~isn^~s~ ~.~~ . . . . . ,; .. . . • ' . ~ . . t2 °'; '~'"(Ei)' '' All food, food utensils, and equipment, bedding, toy~,~ ~leeping tuats and othet - • equipment, materials nnd items ihat will wme into contaet with food or children ~~ . l4 must be complet~ty protccted during the tjme pesticide apQlicstion is being t5 '`.= .'-- -' conducted. Pesticides shalt be applied otily in such n mazuibr aS to~prevent skin ,. ~ . , l6 "".`! '? r contact and other ~..r,..,.irt to children br stdf~ Applicntion shalt tiot be conducted t7 .. •+{.~ whtn children are r.~,~..t ' ~ 18 l9 (c) ' Oniy approved insecticides, rodcaticides, and berbicides can be uaed. Applicatioa t ?0 ~"~must strictly follow afl labe) instruetions and must bc authorized by the director. ? 1 y;. , Rodenticides she11 be dispensed in 1:..«~r .. proof boxes, must have a distinctive color , '.2 so as not to be misteken for food, ead sha!! be in cake or pellet form. ' ~~ . 35 ~ . ~ - N'*4~(~~ ~ - ~ ~ t : •.. ~ ._ . ' r~G'• ' ~~ ~ . .. !- v d~ ~ ~ ~i~~"d"'~~ y } ~ ~ . ~ ~ - `Y . . ' , ~ .Y. .~, ` ~~ ry n , iS~) ' 1 . ~ '.`~'~ ' ' . . ~ . . 'p:, ,' 4 1, . (d) . Restricted pesticides st-all bc applied on2y by a certificd pest control applicator or v ~'~ ~ ,` • • fi ,.~.,r . . . ,~. , licatar ~ f c 6ed l a i rt t tr i E 2 . • pes pp sion o a e l con o rect superv under the d t .. .._ ,,:.:.._ .~ ~ . . , ' ~ .., . '~- ~ . , . . . ..~.r~: ~• ; . ~,t'~~r _~.:: ~:._ ..,. .... ._ . _ .} • ~¢1S~NOUS OR TOX[C MAT~RIALS ~ ,. fri :, :; ~ . 5 '. •-. . ~:a~..~;~~ t~tt>t?t. ~ . ~~ . 6 10-201 presence. Ttsere ahalt be pcesent in child care estabIishments oaly thost.poisonous ~~:_:.~a: 7 ot toxic materiats necessary for general maintcnance of the bwlding,,,grounds, end.equipment. : g u. t .: .,., , .:~ . , .:,,z:. t,: , . ~.': 8 accotding tA labeIed ipstructions. . L .`These cottipounds shalt be 4~sed an~ ' ._ . . . . ~ Fy~?.,.: . 9 . ,t+'4..r{J v'l~'e t; . _ ... . :.. , . ... . .. - ~- ; ~ .. '~'# ~ . . , , . - • IO .. , ..,. : 10-202 Containers. Containsn of poisoAoys or toxic materiats ahall bo prominenily and I~ , 11 distinctly labeled for essy identificadon of contrnls. Poisonous or'Wxie matmals shall not be S~ 12 ;';, , .:.. ,. , transfecred wW food or drink containers. , ~ • . ~ , _ . . ~ . . ~ ;. .. ::?~ sa E,t : ,. ' ~. 3 ~ ..,. . l4 , 10-203t~ y Storaae. Poi{onaus o; Wxic rostcrials spal! noi be atored or used in a way that cnuld ~ i 5 t~" ; ~ contaminate food; food utensil,c pnd equipcnent, bcdding, aleepiag mats; toys aad othcr eqiupmeat, :9 s :i l6 jnaterials aa~ ite~ .tha~ wiU come inW coata~t with food oi chitdren. •. Toxic materials shall be ,`.'°" 1? ctored in compliance with Scetioa 4-602 of these Rules anci Regulatians: .~ .~~.` i8 ~ ~ _ ~; 19 ' ,.. ~, : 10-204 ~' ` Jj~. Sanitizers, oleaning c..~..~.. ~nds ot othu compaunds inunded for use on food 20 cautaat sucfaces ~nd body ~outact surfaces shall aot be ltsed in a way that teaves a taxic tesidue 21 on such surfaces. , . ~ , . . . ~ ~ . . 22 . ~ . ... . ~ ) ~ 36 ~~~,. ,rt : s:~;. ~- Y : ."rKa~ •i~i' • ' . .,y~A ' . .:(`~' . . . . ,. .~:...J'.:.''+f`£. , . '\' 1~_" 10-205 • filsbestos. Before the start of any remodeling, atl child care facilities shalt be r~ ~ ~~ 2, N examined for the presence of asbestos by a State certified asbestas inspector. If asbesfos is found, ,~ 3 it shall be managed in accordance with the "1993 Colotado Air Quatity Control Commission ~' 4 Regulaliott Number 8 Part 8." ~ ~ . , S .:I . . - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' r . ~:k9f~l:.:.~ ~ . _ ' :i' ~ ., , .~ ' ~ .. , . ' . . , . , ,a: , . . , . • ~ /~ . 6 r` 10-206 Ursa-formaldehv~le foam insulatioe. The use of nrea formaldehyde foam insutation ,~, • . ,,~• , , . . T is prohibited. - ~ g st ~~;: . 9 x: ,. . _ . . 'J: 10 ~ • ~t~ND SCIENCE 1,v~A~IALS ~ ~ 11 ( l2 10-30I General, Art and science matecials must be nontoxic, safe az-d ~sed in a way so as • 13 not to constitute a hazard to the childron or staf~: 14 IS 10-302 ~rohibited chemicals. The use of con„_ti;.~..td or strong acids.and bases; 16 carcinogenic matetials; toxic organic solvents; materials that produce#oxic dusts, plasters, gtaus 17 and dyes; nerosol spray paint cans end air brushes shsli be prohibited. Nontoxic, water-based 38 materiais should be used. . 19 . . 20 10-3Q3 Storage. All art and s~icnce materials must be stored in original containers, out of 21 tho reach of children. Art matcrials sha[I not be tran..f~..,.d into food 'or drink containers. All , 22 art and science materials, unless easily idenGfiable, must be ciearly label~. ~ t'~ 37 }'... } 1 " ~ 6 ~ . ~ ~ , p : i~y a" ~ ~ ~A } . ~ . .~.~~ _ ~~! 6 Y ~ r ~ F ~ ~. ,' . , , {. x r„x,~ .~ ~,~~ ~l.,y y.,, -M ' ,: eFn. . . ~~ ' E`il ~,~r,t~ S a,$~`, ~ ~, y t .. . . !; . ,. . . ~X K4 ~ ~ .~.~~,y,S,. ' : . , , . ; : - . r~i~ / • ~MTN ~y~N'+,~ ~+~R,7Wi~ R ikA 1V !~ i~? ~.,~riu4G ~t~~`.M~ ~3I~~ ,;~ ~... :~ .''~dt2' '~Tia:7~'` u",i,!~3g;'~7~,i'°} ~~I\-~~~ ~, . ~2 ~sriiv'# ~~ aaf~,adz~''~Y'_xtis~se~t~~ za~~t.een 5c~#s#r~ s9~2 ~ ~a3 ~c~~:~c:'aa'?a .. ~ ~~~s,•~ ~,~~ . ~ : "- ,r , :-~.,~ s ~ ~ .3 _. , : ' +~ rstif~.~rrt~rae:7 tc~stca'~ ~if~u~k.uA,r~~s~4s~3 ~Pk'C" ~tft a~tr~~ aa~s.-Y~~a~:: » rzz Wc> ,~~-w _: , ~;, ;; . } ..4 ~ ' . • , ' , , . n.~,7, ~"z:i'/Y i'.'Yi; :t' 7',~si";~ .,} ~* . A . . , - ~ 1};eS'~A .. Y'.. .$::_': Copia of Qu •Ru~a and Re~uytioas Governiny tLe Sanltuian of CLiid Gm Ceuters in fi~e Sfaie of Colocado ' ue r, ', . s av~itable for refueace {rom 14e Dircctor, Consumq Pratec~ioa Drviswn, OoW~ado popu~p~pt of Healct~, 4300 Cheay ' : ry sft'c:'u w ': ^~,.~. ~Gs . ::u3:tt,'-':o. ~s<:' i=t ~:;i ~ _..~~, .,,._.. :-sc>..~ `st~~".~~<_, ..._ : ' u~,.„ ~ , ~~:._-. .~, Creek Uriye, South, Denvu. Colondo i0222-153a. • . . 8 , ~ +:~:::..r:isa~i,.~~zf C .. 9 A cnpy oC anY ~tforoace mle, ~ode, or stsndud that lus been inurponted in theu m[es and reeula~ions is avaitable for S. (0 refqeace at Ihe Coacu~oer Protection Divlstoa, Colaado Depuyteat of Haltb, 4300 Chaty Cteek Drive Sou4~, Denvu~ ~ ~ 1 Cotowdo lU222-1530. Tdis ce&Kaa dou, not lgclude,lue~ ~mnwdmena kt,o~ ediUons of tIu,^~,~,,~r . ~ ' x.:..+u.u..r_: .......:n...._•'s;:::.d'r.~:La: ..,.`~a:. . .... ~`R^'~`~ Q11tCl13~. '1i ~2 . . ~i ~i3 ' ~ ~ 2Pa t~2 YP:xr k:. " Y~.9y;1•;`.::73 *iS~r r:ltiia:Y'~Si.',. w.:fi't%::ifi7.~.5...;~.c.'!""1:~~....~;,- .~~.,.:,: ;~~:. ,,;~;; ccr~g893.reg . ' ??~*a >a •':' . , .. ~'; tr:, . .. .. > .s~•., ,,- , . ;~~ - .._~~~`„ .., , . :r• a•'.'i . ~ : ' ~ . , , . ... .„_. . , _.c .r _ . 2':;.. .~,'. F : L}.,''' . .,L~ , , '~7,j , ~ ~ -?' . .. „ ]~ _ , ~i ~ • . . . . .. . ., ,. , . .. ~ ,. . , . 4`i~''rzi , 1 ': <`%d , ~... +iFiA;'•'s .',, ' i:~~ ~~: a. `:1" ~ i'ft3; .. '„'y'f.t!~:u 5::+ ..... .. . . .. ~~ ' ~ . . ~ l ' ~ ' , .r t• . ~ .,~ . .. . . ..._... . ....:1' ~ . ..., .., . ~. ~. .. ~~ ' . . ~ ~ f . ' . . . . "' . .. . ' . 36 ~ ) . ~ ... :a ~'i7._~ ' ,.., 1 9-104 ~hild nartici~ation. Chiidren may participate in the Care of tame animals; however, _,~-~: ~~ ,~_~~:.:="-, : , ~. ~~ they shall be supervised in proper handling techniques aztd proper handwashing following contact 3 with the animals. , , f ~ , ., . :..,. h,..-.Z,. :s. ... .;_>~d5 ~ •, ir 1F~t. .. . < . ~ ..,. . " ~ _.... 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APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 14, 199~+ Motion by Mr~. Eafanti for the approval of the Minutes of rebrvary 14, 199~; seconded by Mr. Siler; carried $-0. PROCLAMATIONS AND CEREMONIES Mayor hilde announced that the Proelamation for "Sons of italy° was delivered to them yestel~day. CITIZENS' RIGHTS TO SPEAK Peter Hombur~er, 8991 ld• 38th Avenue, was sworn in by the Mayor; he spoke in favor of undergrounding ^tilities on W. 38th Avenue between Cody and Kipling and to leave the width at 36 feet. Thomas SZattery, 6869 W. 32nd Avenue, was sworn in by the t~[ayor; he represents Wheat Ridge United Neighborhoods, an~ read their i.etter into the recor~, which requests Council to repeal Sections 4 and 5 of Ordinance 945, because they question the legality of sai~ Sections since they feel it was done without benefit of public knowledge and input. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINAMCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Council Bi11 39 --An Ordinance provi~ing for~ the approval of a SpeciaZ Use Permit to allow a Day Care Center/Kindergarten in a Residential-Two Zone District on land located at 3~16 and 3536 Jay Street, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case [do. SUP-94-1) (Nina Forgo and Rose Foster) Council Bill 39 was introduced by Mr. Siler on second reading; title read by the Cla~^k; Ordinance No. 953 assigned. Mt^. Gidley gave t'~e staff report for both pat^cals and answered questions. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: February 28, 1994 Page -2- Motion by Mr. E~wards that this Item be heard in two portions as to presentation, publie testimony and motions; seconded by Mrs. Worth; failed 3-5 with Councilmembe~s Worth, Fields, and E~wards voting yes. Nina For~o, 890 S. St. Paul Street, Denver, applicant, was sworn in by the hiayor. She explained that she wanted to combine the two parcels, get rid of the non-conforming use permit and get out of the grandfather elause that wou13 ~aquire application in the ysar 2000; that is why she applied for the Special Use Pe~mit for 353b Jay Street. 3536 Jay Street wi11 continue in operation as it has since 1957; they have been licensed for a varying number of child~en-- between 55 and 65; there is need in the area for licensed childcare. They have former students` children enrolled now an~ are caring for a second gene~ation of ehildren. Parents are intereste~ in having their infants carad for in the same facility that is caring for thei~ pre-sehoolers; this would not impaet traffic. S~e feels the traffic count would be less than presented. Childcare serves the community and should be in a resiflential area. Noise is i~suaZly only created du~ing warm weather; outside playtime is limited. Speaking in favor of Council Bill 39 and sworn in by the f~ayo~ we~e: Yatalie Hook, 34~1 Harlan Street, Kate Kyanne, 3559 Ingalls Street, Dennis Blish, 6120 W. 35th Place, Hu~h Foster, 3441 Fsnton Street, Katie Field, 7790 W. ~1st Avenue, Mary McAvoy, 4515 Quay Street, Patrick Bruce, 2620 Newland Street, Miehelle Glements, 7245 W. 13th Avenue, Martv Chipos, 3247 Jay Street, Anna Rilev, ~360 Depew Street, Lee MeKibbit, 3329 Swadley. Their comments included: llaycare fo~ infants and to3~lers is ext~emely important, but hard to find; Wheat Ridge needs these services to entice younger families to move here; quality of care at this Daycare is excellent; don't make people transport chiZ3ren to two different ~laces; noise isn't that bad and most people are at work anyway; noise is a good, fun noise anyway--children playing and laughing; don't take the grass away and turn it into parking area; children belong in residential, not in commereial areas; traffic is not much of an issue, peopZe are very ~areful, Speaking in opposition and sworn in by the P9ayor were: Nick Faes, 5025 Stuart, Geraldine Faes, 6205.W. 35th Avenue, Norma Faes, 6215 W, 35th Avenue, Susan Seeds, 6147 W. 35th Avenue, John Faes, 6205 W. 35th Avenue, Randy Fla~eolee, 6130 W. 35th Avenue, Ken Lamkin, 6147 W. 35th Avenue, Dorothy Thompson, 3014 Chase Street, Lar~v Merkl, 7175 W. 3~th PZace, Ron Selstad, 2890 Lamar Street, Jim Du~Ran, 6138 W. 35th Avenue, Shirley Hei~hton. 6160 W. 35th Avenue, Jim Faes, 6215 W. 35th Avenue. Their comments ineluded: Concerns abo~t a3equate parking; air, water, and noise pollution; increased traffie; int~usion of a business in the residential neighborhood; decrease in quality of life; not against ~aycare, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: February 28, 1994 Page -3- only against expansion of the Center; Mayor Wilde has an interest in tha Daycare sinee his wife works there; he should not be allowed to vote on this; petitions have been passed a~ound the neighborhood objecting to an increase in the size of the Center; Counci2 woul@ set a negative precedent if this Special Use Permit would be issued; property values in the neighborhood will decrease; how would you like to have 80 children in yovr bloek; this should be a rezoning case not a Special Use Permit. ~pplieant, Nina Fo~go, was given an opportunity for rebuttal and answered Council's questions. City Attorney, Kathryn Schroe.dar, addressed some of the issues that had been raised by proponents and opponents. As to the issue of the enact- ment of Ordinance 945, the Wheat Ri3ge Charter was followed, there were remedies available to citizens after passage of the Ordinance. In her opinion, this zs not a rezoning procedura, this is an application fo~ a Special Use Permit and not subject to a legal p~otest. Counefl has to look at the wording of the Ordinance, not the intent. Motion by.Mr. SiZe~ that Council Bill 39, (Ordinance 953) with specific ~agard to 3536 Jay 5treet, to allow a day care/kindergarten in an R-2 zone district be approved for the following reasons and with the conditions stated: i. The erite~ia ~sed to evaluate a SpeciaZ Use Pe~mit proposal support approval. 2. This use has existed at this location for 37 years without undue confliet and camplaints. 3. The Permit shall be issued to Nina Fo~go only, as owne~ and operator. 4. The Pe~mit is Zimited to day care for up to 57 preschool and kindergar- ten chz23ren (ages 2 1/2 to 6 years old) at any given time. 5. Use of the property sha1Z be in aecordance with Exhibit D. 6. Exhibit D shall be revised to show asphalt pu11-off a~ong the north side of the structure (West 35th Place) and such paving shall oceur within 90 days of effective date of this Permit; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Mayor Wilde stated that his wife has wo~ked at this school for 23 years; she teaehes kindargarten; she has no financial investment in it and whether this is passed or not, she will still be working at that school at the same rate of pay ~anti~ such tiroe as Ms. Fo~go wants to give her an increase. She is probably within 1 yea~ of retirament. Fle feels he should be allowed to vote on this, but asked the City Attarney for input. Kathryn Schroeder stated that in her opinion his wife's salary, which is not going to be dependent upon the outcome of this case, is not a sufficient financial investment in the property o~ the change to cause him to be disqualified from voting. Howevar, he is welcome to submit his ability to vote to City Counc.il. Mayor Wilde 2eft it in Council's hands. ~onsensus was b-2 to let Mayor Wi1de vote. Motzon by Mr. Edwards for an amendment to add condition 7. That aZl non-conforming parking at 3536 Jay Street be brought into compliance; seconded by Mrs, rie2d; faile~ 2-b with Mr. E~~wards and Mrs, Fields voting yes. Tony Soiano stated fo~ the record that he did have a child at the school at one time. CITY CQUNCIL MINUTES: Feb~uary 28, 199~ Page -u- Mrs. Worth apologized to the citizens and he~ fe2low Councilmembers that the Day Care Centers were put in the same Or3inanee as Pawn Shops; she will however vote fo~ this Special Use Pe~mit. Mr. Edwards agreed with Mrs. Worth that it was unfortunate that Day Care Cente~s were in the Ordinance with Pawn Shops. He will not support this. Original Motion carried 7-1 with hlr. Edwards voting no. Motion by Mr. Siler that CounciZ Bill 39, COrdinance 953) with specific regard to 3516 Jay Street, a request for a ehild care center/nursery in an R-2 zone distriet be approved for the following reasons and with conditions stated: 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit proposal support app~oval. 2. it is determined that the benefits to the community outweigh the potential minor impacts to the neighborhood. 3. The Special Use Permit be granted ta the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten at 351b Jay Street under the ownership and ope~ation of Nina Forgo. 4. The SpeciaZ Use Perroit be limited to a day care center for up to 23 full-time infants and toddlers (ages six weeks to 30months). 5. The use of the property be in conformance with Exhibit E. 6. That visibility at the intersection of Jay Straet and West 35th Avenue be improved, as per Publie Works Department request. 7. That curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be construeted along Jay Street with the ehange of use. 8. That a landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a 9ense buffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible be~ming; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Mrs. Worth will vote no; sha thinks the concept of having infant care and preschool care elose together is an axcellent coneept, but she feels it is an impact into this neighborhood. M~. Edwards wi11 vote no; he believes if this we~e g~anted it would have a detrimental effect on the health, safety, welfare, and convenience of the persons resi~ing and working in the neighborhoo3; it will adversely effect the air, create noise, traffic hazards, unsafe parking. Mrs. Fields is a great believer in the petition process; she does not like to have petitions coming to Council and being ignored; listen to the people who live and are being di~ectly impacted, ~r. Solano has agonized over this decision; they have just t~ied to find baby-care and it is difficult to find. He feels this will adversely affect the neighborhood. Motion failed 4-4 with CounciZmembers Ha12, Eafanti, Siler, and Behm voting yes. Mayor Wilde b~oke the tie by voting yes. Motion carried 5-~. PLAUT ^ LIPSTEIN ~ MORTIMER ^ PC A T T O F N E V 5 March 9, 1994 Dan Wilde, Mayor Vance Edwards, Councilmember Ken Siler, Councilmember Donald R. Eafanti, Councilmember Dennis Hall, Councilmember 7500 West 29th.Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 ~=i':{~;~;~ ~ ~'~; ;~ ' ~, ~ ~ Jean D. Fields, Councilmember Tony Solano, Councilmember Rae Jean Behm, Councilmember Claudia Worth, Councilmember Councit: - Jist;!but°d to; ~; RE: Request for Reconsideration ,,. ~ ~? i'°-~ i MayOC. Case No. SUP-94-1 , i~,;;~e; k ~ City Adm: ' ,~,+,~ Treas: ~~~ A~' ; , Dear Mayor Wilde and Councilmembers: ~: , ~~:- ~~~.r,~;.,_..~ Dept Heads: This firrrt has been retained by the following citizens of Wheat Ridge: John and Geraldine Faes, 6205 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge James and Norma Faes, 6215 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Susan Seeds and Kenneth Lamkin, 6147 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Norm and lhyree Burkepile, 6285 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Jerome and Rae Ann Flageolle, 6130 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Paul and Einor Lohne, 6154 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Jim Duggan, 6138 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge We are writing on behalf of these citizens to request that you reconsider your actions of February 28, 1994, in Case No. SUP-94-1. Reconsideration of your action is warranted for the following reasons: 1. The Council failed to consider the effect of a legal protest ~led pursuant to Section 5.10 of the City Charter. The granting of the special use permit with respect to 3516 Jay Street clearly had the effect of supplementing the regulations and restrictions of the R-2 zoning district within t}ie City of Wheat Ridge. The legal protest was therefore effective, and a favorable vote of three-fourths oF the Council was required. Nothing in Section 5.10 of the Charter suggests that a supplement or change in restrictions must affect an entire zoning district to be subject to the legal protest. 12600 West Colfax Avenue, Suite C-40D Lakewood, Colorado 8027 5 Phone (303) 232-5751 Pax (303) 232-5161 Dan Wilde, Mayor March 9, 1994 Page 2 2. The relationship of a member of the family of Mayor Wilde to the agplicant was not given proper consideration. The employment of the mayor's wife by the applicant represents a substantial interest in the outcome of the case. Basic concepts of fairness which are embodied in the Constitutions of the United States and of Colorado require that those involved in quasiyudicial proceedings be free of conflicts of interest and avoid the appearance of impropriety. The mayor should not have voted on this case. 3. The Council did not give proper consideration to the many factors which compel the conclusion that a daycare/kindergarten/preschool with approximately 80 students is an inappropriate use of the properties in question. As the staff report noted, the use in question was nonconforming at 3536 Jay Street. The additional use at 3516 1ay Street will dramatically increase the number of children being cared for. Prior to the amendment of the special use permit ordinance last year, this use woufd have required commercia] zoning. As the staff report notes, traffic and parking have been significant problems with the existing use, and these problems will only worsen with the increase in the number of children at the facilities. The use is clearly not low density residential, but is a high density, commercial use inappropriate for the area. The staff suggestion that some 80 children will produce minimal noise in the neighborhood is simply unbelievable. We were originally asked to proceed directly with judicial review of your action of February 28, 1994. It is our hope that you will reconsider that action, and it will not be necessary to become involved in court. We look forward to favorable action by the Council at its meeting of March 14, 1994. Sineerely yours, G~ v-'T... j~ - Evan S. Lipsiein ESL:jsb t; cc: Kathryn Schrceder` City Attorney ~~ The Wheat Ridge Jefferson Serrtinel, March L7, 7994---Page 3 = Neighborhood day-care expansion gets go-ahead .Iliart of red beer tame,. Kiilian, who ~s famiiy's 6eer, toured the Golden +i from Ireland. , ~ ~ifl seek ~ vacant 20 pOSt ~v- <Y aC 1r 3- ~~ Opponents unhappy with a bigger school near their homes 6Y JEF WNRE The Clty Councll narrowly - and amld much controvessy - approved an eacpansion fora resi- denttal day-care cenler that wti( allow the factltty lo look after 23 tnfants and toddlers. Roponen4s of Lhe expanston of Wheat Rtdge F're-School and Ktndergarien hatied the decislon as providing a much-needed servtce Cor young Camllles search- 1ng for quallty day caze. OpFwnen[s, however, say the expansbn ts a fttrltter inWSion oC a business m the residenttal neighborhood surrounding West 35Ui Avenue and Jay Slreet and fear an fncrease in nolse and traf- tlc wf R adversely affect their qual- Ity oC ltCe. Afler approvfn~ a speclal use pcrmlt that allows [he pre-school and kindergarle~~ to conUnue op• eratmg m the locatton tt has oc- cupied stnce 1957, the counctl then voted 5-1 to permit its ovmer, Nina Forgo, to expand her business in[o a duplex dlrec0y north of the extsflng ~hool. Mayor Aan Wllde voted ln fa- vor of U~e expanslon after the council deadlocked 4-4. Opponents crled foul over Wilde's vote a(ter the mayor ac- knowledged tha[ his wl(e, Martha, has been an emptoyee of Wlieat Ridge Pre-school and Kin- dergarten toc moce than 20 yeazs. Ctty Attorney Kathryn Schroeder ruled Wllde's vafe did not consUtute a Iegal confllc[ ot Inierest. "Ttianks a IoL mayor," one op- ponent shouted In an~er a(ter the [ive-t~our hearing, whlch lasled past mtdnlghL `YOU sure did it to us flils ume." The expu~sbn oC llte Caclltly w1!] provide r~m for 23 InfanLs and toddlers at a tlme, 1n addl- Uon to tlie S7 children ~es 2 1/2 to 6 wlio currently occupy lhe adJacent pre-sr,hool and klnder- garten. 6ecause nol sil children stay the enilre dav, there wfll actualty be more than 80 chlldren en- rolled at the xhool once U~e eY- panston is coinplete.~ The 25 opponenfs who spoke out against the expansion - many of whom Itve very near the tacillty- tear lt will increase traf- ilc congesUon and alr and noise pollutton, as well as hum the aestheUc quallly of their nei~h- borhood. Tttey also had a problem wtth the etty's wtilingness to expand a buslness located in a resldentlal area, and quesUoned the overali procedure that added day-care centers under [he speclal use permtt umbrella during a recenl ruling that dealt roainly wlth pawnshops. "Weie not a~alnsl day care and we're not againsL chtldren," sald Geraldtne Faes. one oC sev- erai H~es' (amily members to speak acainsl [he expan.sion. "We Just feel Nina For~o Is askin~ too much oC our nelghborhood." Nelghbor Shlrley Helghton agreed. "They're trying to crowd an awCul lol into a littfc arca," she sald. Former Counclfman Ron Sel- stad Cell lhe ctty was setttng a dangerous precedent by expand- ing a buslness tn a restdenflal area. "Day care ts a very unusual, very excepUonal treatment," he satd. "The issue ls nol child care or day care. ICs where tt ls." Susan Seeds may have ex- pressed the GustraUon of her fel- low opponents best wlien she said. "enough ts enough." "How would you feel about having 80 chlldren on your block?" she asked counc0 mem- bers. Forgo, however, ar~ued that traRic has not bctn a problem !n the area during the 37 years the pre-sehool has been operatlng. and noted that Inf<vus and tod- dlers u~~der 2 1/2 are rarely out- side and make very IitUe nmse. She also satd the school pro- vides a muNi-needed service for Uie clty's young faenflies u~d has a fong-siandii~rt reputatlan lhal speaks for Ilseff. "Parents need ur ha~•,~ chofces to feef comforWble,".slie satd_'1 believe we have br.en a good ^elghbor, and we owe thls type of serulce to the young tamiltes of Wheat Rtdge." Many members of U~ose young famllfes spoke In favor oC the ex- pansion. Nearly all sald they acluatly were attracled [o the school be- cause oC its resldenUai a[mos- phere. and they sald tt wou~d be much easter to drop otf both thetr infan[s and pre-schoolers at one location. "IPS aimosc lmpossibie to Md day care !or chlldren undec 2 In Wlieat Rtd~+e," sald Natalte Hook. "Wlien l found Wheat Rldge F're- school. I felt it wasJust flkea I1[tIe red schoof house, but iCs white. The people are very loving. We need services ftke this to en[ICe new fimtltes to tlie cily." Many proponents wt~o llve ^ear the school beileve that traC- flc Isnt an issue and said not everyone dtsflkes the aound oC chfldren playing outdoors. "I Ihlnk klds pfnying Is a healthy notse," said Katherlne F~eld. "fPs not a bad noise, ICs a good nolse" Palrlek Bruce sald ll~e Issue of provlding quali ty day care gces to the very cote oC many of loday's problems. "Every single tssue ~n ~hts country ls concerned with how our kldsaze~rowingup."hesald. "The people who are opposed to this shou]d reali•r.e these are good kids growing up," Before the vote, counctl mem- bers sLruggled witli llie lssue as well. "1 thlnk the concept of having infant care and pre-school care together Is excellenL"sald Coun- ctlwoman Claudla Worth. "But. [ feel strongty that thts would Im- pact the nefghborhood. IL fs needed, [ can see that, but [ thlnk tlie lmpac[ would be too nega- tlve." Desplte a^ the wrangltng, however. [he tssue maV not be dead. City Cierk Nhnda Sant; had n COUCt iC7lorLe~ al the, hearin~ fo record d~c meetlngon paper. "Cnt eXpecUctg a lawstdt wlil probably be flled ellher wap." slie sald- . , - . . C~~ s~eks s~ ~~~~~l1 ~I~~~r~ w,ow m.e.ycoons eRENmG ca ~--i !~ ; ~ ym~.- ~1~-,-.~ L d~rfa.d.~f nPVC C' DISTRIC'£ CO[3R`~ , SEF~'EItSflI3 CO[Ft3TY , COL4Rk.F?O Case No. 94CV541, Diviszon IS -- GFP ORDER GI'sk2A~,DINE FIsES, JOHN FAES, JIM L. FIEIGHTOI3, SHIRLEY FI~IGH`FON, JAMES O. DUGGAN, EII3AR LOHN~, JAMES FAPS, NORMA FAES, JERONFE J. FLAGEOLLE, RAE ANFI FLAGEOLLE, SUSAN SEES AND ICENI3ETH LAMKIN, Plaintif€s, v. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, DAN WILDE, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, NINA FORGO AND ROSE FOSTER, Defendants. THIS MATTER comes before the Court on the Plaintif£s appeal, ~ proceeding under C.R.C.P. 57 and C.R.C.P. 106(aj(4). The court, having reviewed the briefs of the parties and the file, and being advised in the premises, finds and orders as follows. Three questions are,before this Court. First, did Council Bill 30 and Council Bill 39 as adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge ("the City") violate Section 5.8 of the City Charter. Second, did the City Council violate Section 5.10 of the City Charter by failing to recognize the protest of the surroundinq homeowners. Third, did the Mayor violate Section 5.9 of the City Charter by voting on Council Bill 39. The court finds that the both council bills violated the City Charter, and thus repeals the.ordinances. The facts are fairly straightforward. The Defendant Nina Forqo ("Forgo") operates a day care for schoolage children in an 1 area of Wheat Ridge zoned R-2. Although this zone does not include child care, her use predated the City's incorporation, making it a permitted non-conforming use. In 1993, Forgo wanted to expand her day care to include infants and toddlers, and contracted to buy the home adjacent to the existing day care for that purpose. However, in order to expand the property needed to be rezoned for commercial use. Therefore, she.applied to rezone both properties. In 1993, the City was considering where to locate pawn shops. As a result, Council Bill 30 was introduced to establish the proaedure for issuance of special use permits regarding pawn shops. That bill passed its first reading in November. When the Bill was read for the second time, on December 13, 1993, an amendment was introduced adding day care centers. It passed on that date. Following the passage of Council bill 30, Forgo abandoned her commercial zoning application and applied for a special use permit. Her applications for both properties were consolidated into a sinqle council bill, Council Bill 39. The second reading on that bill took place on February 28, 1994. Prior to the second hearing, several neiqhbors filed protest against having a special use permit granted. At that hearing, the city attorney indicated that the protest procedure provided by Section 5.10 of the charter did not apply and the bill could be passed by a simple majority. During the February 28 hearing, the Council learned that the Mayor's wife was employed by the defendant and the facts surrounding her continued employment. The city attorney indicated that the confl~ct rules of the city charter, presumably Section 2 5.9, posed no difficulty to the Mayor voting. Even so, the Ptayor turned the issue over to the council who voted to allow him to vote in case a tie occurred. The council voted on the two 'parts of Council Bill 39 separately. The provision regarding the existinq day care center passed by a 7 to 1 margin. The provision regarding the expansion for toddZers and infants was tied, 4 to 4. The mayor then cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of expansion. The Complaint in this action was filed on March 29, 1994. I. The first question put before the court is whether Council Bi11 30 and Council Bill 39 violated Section 5.8 of the City ChazteY. In pertinent part, section 5.8 of the Charter of the City of Wheat Ridge states: The council shall act only by ordinance, resolutzon or motion. All legislative enactments of a permanent nature shall be by ordinance; all other actions, except as provided by charter, may be in the form of resolutions or motions. All ordinances and resolutions shall be confined to one (1) subject . . . . In interpreting statutory language, the rule is clear. If the lanquage of a statute is plain, and its meaning is clear, it must be applied as written. Willi.ams Natural Gas v. Mesa O~erations Ltd., 778 P.2d 309, 311 (Colo. App. 1989). Words are given their commonly accepted and understood meaning. Triad Paintin~ Co. v. Blair, 832 P.2d 638, 644 (Colo. I991J. As ordinance is a synonym for muhicipal statute, Black's Law Dictionarv 1097 (6th ed. 1990), the rules of statutory construction apply. In this case, the languaqe in question is "confined to one f11 3 subject." (Emnhasis ours). It is hard for this court to imagine a more plain word than "one." One does not mean several, or more than one, it simply means one. As such, each ordinance can only have a single, solitary subject. Council Bill 30 expands special use for pawn shops and for day care centers. Broadly speaking, the bill's subject is special use. ~ From that perspective, it is about one subject. However, using that interpretation of one subject, the ordinance could be about the special use of an infinite number of topics. However, strained or forced construction is to be avoided. Triad Paintina Co., 832 P.2d at 644. Certainly, this construction would be strained as it would allow "one subject" to encompass many items or agendas. It is clear that Council Bill 30 is about two distinct subjects: pawn shops and day care. As such, it violates the city charter. Council Bill 39 is somewhat more problematic. To be sure, it is still about special use, and as defendants have pointed out, it is about one day care center. However, simply because one organization is at the heart of the ordinance does not mean that the ordinance is about one subject. The ordinance dealt with two parcels of land. If the two lots had already been in use as one cohesive day care unit, perhaps the court might be persuaded that there was one subject to this ordinance. Iiowever, the ordinance had two parts: 1. existing day care, and 2. establishment of a~future day care. Further, the establishment of the new. day care required the construction of parking, other street improvements and was intended for younger 4 children than the existing day care served. To be sure, the subjects are closely related. However, being related still does not equal one subject.t If the court were to adopt the defense~s position, any organization, under the guise of being one organization and thus one subject, could propose multi- part ordinances of varying subjects without violatinq Section 5.8. When interpreting statutes, the court looks to the intent of the legislative body. Triad Paintina Co., 812 P.2d at 644. Therefore, we must follow their intent; to confine ordinances to one subject. To take this position would violate the very intent of the City in mandating that only one subject will be discussed per ordinance. As such, Council Bill 39 also violates the City Charter. II. The next argument posed is whether the city council erred in not allowing a protest to be brought. Section 5.20 of the City Charter reads, in pertinent part: The council shall have the power to amend, supp.lement, chattge or repeal the requlations, restrictions and boundaries of zoning districts within the city. Such changes shall be adopted by ordinance after a public hearinq at which parties in interest and citizens shall ~ave an opportunity to be heard ... In the event of a protest .... such changes will not become effective except by the favorable vote of three- fourths of the entire city council. The question then becomes whether a special us~ permit falls ~ Although the City and Countv of Denver v. McNi_cols, as cited by the plaintiff, is not on point, it does illustrate the fact that an ordinance for benefits for employees and for officers covers more than one subject. Citv and Countv of Denver v. McNico75, 268 P.2d 1026, 1030 (Colo. 1954} 5 under the rubric of Section 5.10.~ To be sure, a special use permit and rezoning are not the same. A special use permit allows an individual or entity to do something not previously allowed, whereas rezoning allows the activity to be conducted by anyone in that rezoned district. Thorne v_ Board of Freemont, 638 P.2d 69, 71 (Colo. 1981). However, simply because rezoning and special use permits perform different functions does not mean that they are not equally covered by Section 5.10. The defendants would have this Court believe that because an entire zoninq district was not involved, that the protest procedure does not apply. This Court refuses to do so. The changes in question were proposed in ordinances 30 and 39 respectively. FoZlowing their enactment a change will occur within a zoning district, allowing a use previously not allowed. Nowhere in the language of Section 5.10 is it indicated that the entire zoning district must be changed. It merely says that the City Council has the power to make alterations regarding the zoning districts. This Court is persuaded by the lanquaqe of Bowen v. Hider, 37 N.Y.S. 2d 76 (1942). If switching part of a zoninq district from residential to commercial does not effect a chanqe to a zoninq district, this Court must wonder what does. As plaintiffs note, Council Bill 39 permitted a use in the R-2 district which had not ' As noted in Section III, sunra., judicial review pursuant to C.R.C.P. 106(a)(4) allows the reviewing court to reverse the Board only if no competent evidence exists to support the decision. ~o]-eman v. Gormley, 748 P.2d 361, 364 (Colo. App. 1987j. However, this standard is inapplicable here, because no decision was made by the Board. 6 been permitted before. To allow the defendant's interpretation Section 5.10 would allcw the City Council to proceed with any changes to a zoning district, without protest from those whom it affeets, as long as the change falls short of reconstituting the entire district. To allow this interpretation would undercut the protest rights of the property owners who are affected. As such, this Court finds that the protest should have been allowed, and the ordinance approved by three-fourths of the council. III. The third issue posed before this court is whether the mayor acted properly in casting the tie-breaking vote on Council Bill 30. The issue, however, is more properly phrased in terms of whether the City Council erred in permittinq the mayor to vote. This is because judicial review pursuant to C.R.C.P. 106(a)(4) allows the reviewing court to reverse the Board only if no competent evidence exists to support the decision. Coleman v. Gormtev, 748 P.2d 361, 364 (Colo. App. 1987). The scope of review of-the district court is strictly limited, extending no further than to determine whether the inferior tribunal has abused its discretion. Citv of Colorado Sorinas v. Di_strict Court for El Paso, 519 P.2d 325, 327 (Colo. 1974). Otherwise, the weighing of evidence and the determination of fact are function of the rezoninq board and are not matters for consideration by the reviewing court. Coleman, 748 P.2d at 364. Here, the Court finds that the City Council had sufficient evidence and did not abused its discretion. A presumption of regularity supports the official acts of public officials, and in 7 the absence of clear evidence to the contrary, courts presume that they properly discharge their official duties. Citv of Colorado Snrinq~, 519 P.2d at 327. The Council had all of the relevant facts. They knew that the Mayor's wife worked for the day care, and how her employment wouid continue regardless of the vote at hand. Because the evidence was in front of them, and plaintiffs failed to show this court any evidence of an abuse of discretion, the Court cannot contradict the Board's findinq. However, as the Council Bills were void to begin with, this point is moot. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Council Bill 30 and Council Bill 39 be set aside. Done at Golden, Colorado this 3rd day of October, 1994 BY THE COURT:, ~ ~•~~°: ~ :~ ~ P i~ ~1,~- ~c~.n ~ PAIj/~'. PERRICONE DISTRICT COURT JUDGE . 8 CERTTFICATE OF MAILiNG I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing ORDER was placed in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the following this 3rd of October, 1994: Evan S. Lipstein Suite C-400 12600 West ColEax Ave. Lakewood, CO 802I5 Kathryn Schroeder Plaza 6000 - Suite 1-110 6000 East Evans Denver, CO 80222 Chris A. Porter 4465 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Nina Forgo 3536 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~~ ~ : ~~~~ 9 e ~ S' ~ , 1 j ~ ` . ~ INTRODYTCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SILER Council Bili No. 39 ORDZNANCE NO. 953 Series o£ 1994 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMTT TO AT,LOW A DAY CARE CENTER/KINDERGAE2TEN IN A RESIDENTIAL-TWO ZONE DISTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 3516 AND 3536 JAY STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIaGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF `PHE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Sacti~n 1_ Upon application by Nina Forgo and Rose Fostes for approval o£ a Special Use Permit in Wheat Ridge, Colosado, Case No. SUP-94-1 and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a Special Use Permit to ailow a day care center/kindergarten on R-2 zoned land is hereby approved £or the following described land: 35~fi ,7av Straet - That part of the west 1/2 of the 5outheast 1J4 0£ the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West known as and refarred to as part of Lots 8 and 9, Conway Heights, more particularly described as foliows: Beginning at a point 168 feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence continuing north on west line of said Lot 8, 125.22 feet, more or less to a point 139 £eet south of north line oE said Lot 9; thence east and parallel to said Lot 9, 125.67 feet to a point lOQ feet west of east line of said Lot 9, thence south and parailel to east line of said Lots 8 and 9, 125.22 feet to a point 168 feet north of south line of said Lot 8; thence west 125.67~feet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Condition~ 1. The Speciai Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschooi and Kindergarten at 3536 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Spec3al Use Permit be limited to day care for up to 57 preschool and kindergarten children (ages 2 1/2 to 6 years old) at any given time. 3. Use of the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit.'A'. Improvements shall occur within 9~ days of e£fective date of this permit. ~, l", ~-.. Ordinance No. 953 , Series of 1994 Case No. SUP-94-1/Forgo Page 2 sPr,ti~n ~_ Upon application by Nina Forgo and Rose Foster for approval of a Spacial Use Permit in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. SUP-94-1 and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ri@ge City Council, a Speciai Use Permit to allow a day care center/kindergarten on R-2 zoned land is hereby approved for the followiag described iand: ~,Rt h ,'ra~~ Rt-raa~ That part of the W 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, known as and referred to as part of Lot 8, Conway Heights, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence north 145.5 feet; thence east 140 feet; thence south 145.5 feet; thence west 140 feet to the point of beginning, County o£ Jefferson, State of Colorado. Conditi.c~t~,g, 1. The Speciai Use Permit be granted to the Wheat Ridge Preschool and Kindergarten at 3516 Jay Street under the ownership and operation of Nina Forgo. 2. The Special Use Permit be limited to a day care center for up to 23 fuli-time infants and toddiers (ages six weeks to 30 months). 3. Use o£ the property shall be in accordance with Exhibit 'B'. Improvements shall occur within 90 days of ef£ect3ve date o£ this permit. 4. Curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be required to be constructed along Jay Street with the change of use. 5. A landscape buffer that does not violate sight distance triangle standards yet provides a dense tauffer, be placed between the parking area and Jay Street. This could include trees, shrubs and possible berming. 6. The visibility at the intersection o£ Jay Street and West 35th Avenue be improved. sect3.nn 3_ vested PrnDertv R3.ahts. Approval of this special use does not create a vested property right. This special use is approved subject to the revocation and termination provisions of Ordinance 945, Series of 1993. Sect9_nn 4_ Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general golice power o£ the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is ~ Ordinance No. 953 , Series of 1994 Case No. SUP-94-1/FOrgo Page 3 promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaxe o£ the public, and that this ordinance is necessary Por the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of publ3c convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative ob~ect sought to be atta3ned. Ser_t~.on 5_ Severabil tv. If any ciause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be ad~udged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not aEfect, impa3r or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. ~gction 6. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days a£ter finai publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of $ to 0 on this 24th day of January , 1994, ordered published in full in a xlewspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and cons3deration on finai passage set for Fe6ruary 14 , 1994, a~ 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, ?500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2l14/94 Continued to February 28, 1994; carried 8-0. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 7 to 1 , this 28th day o£ February , 1994.(for 3536 Jay Street), by a vote ot 5-4 for 3516 ~ay ~treet. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 29th day of February , 1944. . ~ ~ ~ i/GC~,t.~.-'~L~ l2v,cT Wanda Sang, City C1~ ~S~r~,~(~t/.a rcr•L-..J DAN WILDE, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CYTY ATTORNEY ~~~, ~ KATHRYN 5CHKbSDER~ TORNEY lst Publication: February 2nd Publication: Marcfi 15, wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: March 30, <pc>ordsup941 1, 1994 1994 1994 ~ ~ .1~ ~,o;~ ~~i:;il:lU III1;I 1:l;;lllllllilitllU 1111;11;111i;:i;Uri . ;i t~~~;t , it:i ~ ii ~trlt~tA~~(~iiit~ ~ ii ~•~~ ~ ,:i . ii~iB~i,Ia~ai~~i~tii ~ lil .111111t11 1,1lilillllllll . . llllltlllllllill111111 .. ~ ' . liil;::Il1' lll ! lllllil ;4llliltll ~ lUllllttl~. Illllllllll lltlllllll ' llllllllll llllllllll N I lllillllll Op i lilillllll ~ Illlillllll Illllllllll ~ Illi1111111 m t~i~~ ~'[j Illllllllll ( 1I1t1tt1li t~ ~ W ~ 1 ! 11 l1tit111 ~ m M lltll;ttll~ A A N ~ Illllllllll Illl lll i lll ~ ~ ~ I ll~lil'.illil - ' r llllllllll~ 111 tllli ~,~~~<<<,~~~,<<<~<<< ~o ,;,<<~.,~~;::~;;:,,,, ~,x ,~~,~: :~:.:,:~ . ~ ~--~ ~.~,..~., .:,~. 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Application was originally for a zone change (WZ-93-5) and was converted to a Special Use Permit (SUP-94-1).