HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-94-19The Cify o1 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~Wheat ~Ridpre Department of Planning and Development 6 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 AppliCant GORDON SIGN COMPANY Address Zg3Q W. 9th Avenue pkyone 629-6321 Owner Dennys Addres's 993Q W. 49th Phone ~55-9547 Location of request 9930 W. 49th Type of action requested (check one or more o£ the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ] Change o£ zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final []** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change Flaod plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modifioation ~ Public Improvement Exception Street vacation J Miscellaneous plat J Solid waste landfill/ minerai extraction permit ^ Other Detailed Description of request One sinqle faced wa11 display at 56.87 square feet on the front eleva aon. Neon border around tne parapnet .une. at .04' x 289' = 12 sauare £eet. . . - _ List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~ I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best o£ my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot law£ully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action n hisi~~f. Signature o£ Applicant _ --- - Subscribed and sworn me his ~ day af ~7'D8Ll~, 19 ~7 ~a~„~ . /1/t ~ ~~„ p - ` ' (~Qotary Public (~ SEAL c My commission expires ~ ~L~ /95J .. . Date Received /b - Z~~ g~ Receipt No. ~9<-/ ~~ Case No. 11/10/94 09:28 $`808 597 8112 FLAGS'fAR NP-3 4~ 1~ y ~ ro C:i y -. 6: [ e. ~/ 7~ - i~:,i CCT I':; „~( f~ 3. ~, ~~o~~~..7 .r._3o~-a~k........._.~......._....! ........_. .....p._........_. ~r -~~ 3 Count~ a` JeiEr.r^^,t 5_ .. ai C~ .. • &ecePtion No..._......_........._.... _._._ ......... scorder. ` ~ RECORDER'$ 8TAM$ ?4 ~ y~ THIS DEEDi Made thia 25th a~y oe September, ty' in t5e pear of our Lord, one lhovsand nlne hundred and e i ghty one, 6etwem C.& H. DEVELOPMENTCO.,A CAL~FiA7IA CuntvttATION c corporation dvly organized aud existirtg under aad hy viriue of the lawe '~:y~~ n'"of the State of Colorado of thc Hrot part, ana1~489 ~dustry ~:i7~c1B ~ .DENNY'S, INC., a Ca7ifarnia corporation/ ry~q ra~a Ca ~~ a corporatton duly or~anized and enietiog under aud by vi~C~e'di tHF'Ta'wa. ' ~"~ o£ the State of Ca i i fornia of the aewnd garl; `=~ WITNESSETH p;, ,~ : , Thai the aaid party of the £ast part, for and in coasideraton of the aum of ~ '" TEN AND NO/100----------------- and other valuable considerations----- Dotr.nxs s~ ~~~ to the said party ot the first pari in hand Dud by the eaid party of the seeond part, the recdpt whereof ie pereby ~`s ~ coafeased and aeknowledged, hath granted, bargained, aold and conveyed, and bq these preemts doea grnnt, bargain, ~ ~ se11 conve and wntirm unfo the said ; N~ ~`, , y ~ party of the second part, its soccessors and aeaigns forever, all khe foiloaing C.': deeeriGed 3Pparcd of land, situatq lying and betag in the Couaky of Jefferson ~:: ~ , and Statt of Colorado, to-wit: Lot 1, TOGETHER WITH 9ngress-egress and parking easement lying within Lot 2 as contained in Ingress-Egress and Parking Easement Agreement recorded November 7, 1979, at Reception No. 79101066, Qenny's Addition, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. '.OOY I~ ~ C» O ~ C:F'1 "~I C:t~ -~:: TOGETHFLR, with all and aingulsr the hereditamrnts and appurtenanccs tRereunto belonging, or in anywiee appcrtaining, and tl+e revereion and ceversions, remainder and remaindera, rents, iasnea and profits thereof; and atl the cstate, righq tiHc, interest, claim snd demanB whatsoever of tl~c said pnrty of the 4irst part, either in law or equity. of, in and to thc above bargained premiaee, with the hereditameaie and appurtenaaen. TO F3AliE ANA TO IiOLD the nafd pcemfsea a6ovt bargained and described, zvifh the appurtmanees nnW the eaid party of thc second parl, its succesaor; and nesigns forever. And the said ~ C. & H. DEVECOPMENT CO.. , a Caiifornia Corporation party of the first part, for itself, iYs succeesors and aaeigna, doth covenanE, granf, 6argatn and agree to aad with fhG sa3d party oE tite second par4 its successors and asslgns, Yhat ak thc kimc of !he ensealiag and del9very of t}teee pree• I enta it ia wetl aeized of the premiaca a6ovic eonveyed, as af good, aure, perfce4 abeolute and 9ndefeaeble whte of irt6eritance, ia law, in fec simplc, nnd hath good dght, full poacer xnd Iawfnl authoritq Eo grant, bargain~ ae11 and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the nazne are free and clcar from all former aad othc grant9, bargaine, eales, liena, taxes, assessmenta and incumbrances of whatever idnd or aature aoever; _ DENNY'S, INC., a California Corporation, and tUe a6ove bargained premiaea in the quiet and peaceab(e poesession of the eaid party ot the second pnrt, its sac- eessors and aesigns against alt and every peravn or persons lawfutly ciaisning or to ctaim the who2e, qr any part [hereof, the said party oF the first part shall and witl WARRANT AND FOREVER DLREND. ~' .>,tit ~: 9Kt • IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The eaid party o£ khe first part hath caused its corponte nam~'to be hereunto~e~t.ti=~"' ecribed by its preaideaq and ite corporate ecal to 6e herevato nEfixed, kNE~i-Ly-ikr .,'~'~" '~~ ~?'' ~~ ~eereteey, tfie day and year first abooe written. ,;_`:;.~;+%` <~:~ "- .' ~~,, aee~e: C.&H. DEVEL~~;.,••~;~~;y,4: a::_~li'f:;~;,Co~~ tation . .= ~~Y,;. . . r; ~ i.n.';..~.`,~~.% ... _._..._... By_ _ _ :..:.'{L::.il'.; ~ i i.J.:."~::...:{~_.L:: ." ~,r~.:...:.'+.{r.T~C;~ P;aitdan,j.. ..~. ; ,y; ~;:'':2 ' .";^ 'rF fiN"•.,. STATE OF fi19d3C73L.LDZ7(ZXCd71'F 1"f17d ".~` i~i~`'': ~~"'•`%~' :~ *'!'` ~Ti;i id..:.. •.;rSt;:: `. . :: p :~: ~ ,.. '.. - . ^~ E.:. ~ . . CO ~t0 88. ...n..:.. v... ...;..y. ~J-:d"~ ................... ..COUnIJi Of...YQP.L.C.d.._.....5.... ~•: .....:'.Wdr1 :.Y,.:i%;t;i1b(. .. .. The fozegoing iaatrumettt wae aaknowledged before me this gth day of OCtcS~:~~'" "~"' ,t,~~r ___ ~_ 19 81 _. br _ Takeo H i raha ra a= V i ce Pre~i$tus eud '-'--------------------- -----------' --as----`-------..' S~akirq:~o~ C S H DEUELOPMENT C0. ee...,.,..~~ ~ a c^r--..-•an. ~ ~.ty rtoteria! commission 'ues AU9u5t lb~ ~982 . ..: •%~ ; Witnecs my hand and ofEieiail swt, - . w I „ , , ' k'~' ~~' A~IAdAFAII~l11Aflr ~jl ' ~ ! , ~,: _.;.,, Z , ...._......,.. -• • - -- . . ._. . . . . .. ... M„ c~~,. ~+~w ~a ~ ~ / ; No4t~ Publia .:.._.-~~~..._ -,..~~--L~-- ~-. I Na 767. WARRANTY DEED-Carp~rnlton t~ Grperttfon. -DrndfoeA-IIoblowa PNntlne Cumy~ny, 1BLMtG BWUt 6trcec, Danveq Cotondo NOV 7'94 06:28 BH:3 597 8112 PAGE.002 ~;. .,.;..;;; ~'.. ,~ ~ 4. t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment on December 8, 1994, at 7:30 p.m., at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. A1l interested citizens are invited to speak at the public hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WA-94-16: An application by Herbert Daniels, Sr., for approval of a four and one-half foot variance to the minimum required sideyard setback of five feet and a sixteen foot variance to the minimum required 30 foot rear yard setback. The request is to allow a carport to be located 6 inches from the north property line and 14 feet from the east property line for property zoned Residential One-C. The property is located at 3950 Kendall Street and is legally described as follows: Lot 3, Swanson's Subdivision County of defferson, State of Colorado 2. Case Na. WA-94-18: An application by Gordon Sign Company for approval of a 26.5 square foot variance to the total area allowed for a free- standing sign. The request is to allow the relocation of an existing non-conforming freestanding sign. Said property is located at 4300 Wadsworth Boulevard and is legally described as foltows: The west one-half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, except the north 35 feet thereof as described in Book 723 at page 158 and except portion described in Book 1187 at Page 448. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3. Case No. WA-94-19: An application by Gordon Sign Company for approval of variances to Section 26-409(9) and Section 26-412(0)(2) to allow a roof sign and to atlow a wall sign on a wall that does not front upon a public street. Said property is located at 9930 W. 49th Avenue and is legally described as follows: Lot 1, TOGETHER WITH ingress-egress and parking easement lying within Lot 2 as contained in Ingress-Egress and Parking Easement Agreement recorded November 7, 1979, at Reception No. 79101066, Denny's Addition, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. , ~~~eC~~~~ Mary L~hapla, Secr tary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be published: November 17, 1994 Wheat Ridge Sentinel i _ I ~ ~ r I ~ ' ~ n . ~. ~ ~ - , ~S S/~~ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~~~`~ Planning & Development Departrnent ~ INVOICE Re: Case No. wA-94-19 Date: 11-23-94 AppliCant Gordon Sign Company Add~BSS 9930 W. 49th Avenue 1. Puplication Dates(s) - BOA 11-24-94 Number of lines: 15 Amounf Due: $6.60 2. Pubfication Dates(s) - PC Number of Lines: Amount Due: 3. Publication Date - CC Number of lines: Amount Due: 4. Certified mailing No. 6 X$2.60 = 15.60 5. Recordation charge: 6. Parkland Assessment: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $22.20 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80215 (303)235-2846 ~ ~-- - M I • _ _ t -5a~ NlES- 2°TH AVENUE ?.o. BoX.3& WHEAT nICGE. CC 80034-0638 CityAdmir, F2x#235-5924 CASE NO. ~,~/r-t "17^~ a The Crty of i303) 234-5900 cWheat ?olice Deot. Fax ~ 235-2949 ~Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: ~ ~ ~}' ~~f I. ~ n~--.v`Q. `~G(~a vY. ti f'.( '~ . -~n a m e) residing at c~(~~1 ~ ~`Y~ ~1 Q (a d d r e s s) as the applicant £or Case No. , hereby certify that 2 have posted the Notice o£ Public Hearing at ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ( o c a t i o n) on this ~ t day of ~~ , 19~y , and do hereby certi£y that said sign has been posted and remained in place for £ifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day oP public hearing o£ this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: ~~,~(.~n.~, - ~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. M A P <pc>postingcert rev. 05-19-94 Ca e.,. ,,,:., r.,,,~~, < P.O. 80X 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 November.22, 1994 This is to inform you that Case No. The Ci(y of ~1Vheat ~Ridge WA-94-19which is a request £or _3pnroral of var'an c to Ser.tion 2Fi-4~0_9~9~ anrl cA7'_'_"" .'-~_~..1~ (O~1 i-~ a~.low ? rc?of sinn 3??~3, F~' a11ow a wa~ ~=ian nn a~aal l+h~t does not front a public street ~ for property located at AQ"~n wPGt d0~_Awam~o will be heard by the Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 P_M. , on Tlanamhar P. i4aa Ali owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration muGt be present at this hearing before the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant`s responsibility to notify,~any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. I£ you have any questions or desire to review any pians, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION ",1'h~~ ('cr,-~~ntion C`ity., ~ S~EN~ i G .c < , ~i :~o~R: i a,aia z {ar mano~sw~i~s. '. . F ~ENDER: Conwla{e items .o ~ ComPiete itenta 1 atNVw 2 io! addilio~l serv~ ~ CanPlete ilet~ 3. &M 4a ~ b. re~eree d lhis torm sq e ComP~e items 3. and 4a ~ b. • Print ym~r name atd ~`re~ °~ ~ ~• N ~ Pnnt YWr ~e~ne aM address oai tM re erse o(. ~o YW~ ••y ^ 1 ~~_ • Attacn ~his lorm [o Ihe ~ronl ot ~he m2~Pi~e; a on thB b. ~re ~y~~. • Aftach ttus brm io ~he iron~e ~ o t~~~e.~ • Nhite "~eWm ReceiPl Requ~ste~l: «~ the t~ ~~twe ot ~tM . The ~elum Recew~ Fee wul provda yw 3. AAiCIe Addressed 10- , ~ - receive the ~~ ;for an exha feel~ ~I ~e's Address ~ ~ pelivery ~ . ~,~,~-"~ ; ,- ~ i O~SSU~t"F~o~tmaster Eor fee. , t . W. . :.~ _ . ~" I qa. qrticfe Number 331 ~ P 918 2~~ ~ • Wrile"aefumRecap(~9~ t ~h ~~~~ ~ T~ (ye~urn ReccxPi Fee w~N pro'~ide YW ~~ 3 3~A ~C e~ A tlCessetl to: ~~~,~,~~ied -~+ d.ite ot ~Irv^~~- 3. A~t~de ~tlressetl io: /w~ a L d~ ~^~y~~ ~~~~~~ ~y r • -. W#!:~'Yr~x`i~ ''rS'o n r~, L ~ ~'~?~ ~B~.~G) cc+zz~.~c sa~~ e~m~e~',. j 29~ W. ~lCh ,AVm~a» 13~r:r, ~ ~~ts~4 i ~ t~ -QU-1~t 5. Signature - (Addressee) 1~ 6. Signa re - A nt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (nqer 1~91 ~ P Form38 1, ece, {~i ~ ~ja" Y~€4F#.4tcyi.•... _ - g~,Efr'.Y'~~ ~vo~ ~~~~a~n~ ~~d 4 ~~~.z ~4 ,8~ds~i~son TX 75249 ~ ttea 48'3Q Kip n~r ~~°~xtY ~ '.~.N4 ~~1Q~1 SC~.~?~1S7~jr 1~~~ SS+9nat ~.f ~~ i./r~~~!~ ee1 1 4b. Service Type ~ CERTfFIE~ ~ 7. i Deli ry ~.,~,..- ~~- -~- - ~ G. Addressee s Address (ONLY it requested and fee paid.) - 5. Signature - {Address ' ~ ~ 9'~ _ 6.Sign tura - tA9ent) ~'~~ ~ ,pOMEST RE9`~1RN ~t~CEIP7 ~ 6. Si9nat 2 _ (A~ --'-- , ; ~Q~~~ Decemher 1891 '' ~' i ~ ~C~4~t^^u^""'--~ PS Form 381 i~ ~, r.._~ ~" i ~`. _~f,l. ~.~..__'- .n , • ' ~~ PS orm 3811, December i99~ I' ,.r- _- ~~ ~ _ ~ _.._-- _.-~.:-"~_- r-"_ 4~S1MAflH OR 6~TE - ~ -- _:.._ ` ~-=' ! a '_" -"^".r_ ^V. T.. ~~~ ~_ VOSLIGE / -_ O -.- -~' T^ POSTN REStPoGSE~ ~ « --- - ,--. ` +.'^ • - FETUPN ~ SHOW io'MioM. w.~E ANO/ uE~ryEav _ ~ W pppqES..S~FDEWFPY ~f.E1FT ^^'°~~'~~~~ ~ np5 RETURN p=D~ flEGE1P7 ~E~nFlEDFEE'~T~~` Wp RETUFIN 5~~ RECEIPT CE~~ SE~1~CE ND EES ~ O Q AOD TOTP4 PQ5 ~ 6 ' PEGEIPT ~R SERVIGE r rpint ~ - n~~wsu[w+ ~ ~~ ~ N NOTFOPIN OPN~~ ~MqD = SE0.NCE 1Orp ~ ~_ m~ SENT TO: _ _ ~~y SENT TO~~ m ~~,gS a w s SENT 70 L_ m ~'~~d~~~~~ ~ ~o m N ~BiAt -'- ~ ru P f) T3tsX 2246 ~s ~ L•~~ P. „ _ - w~ s c~,..~ , . ~ aoa~ , - ~i ~ . , ~r~~.~. ca si~5a gW N t"~C~~,Li~ i:. ,~ aSh ~y<~' ~ i • ~ Q`. ~.~.tiCf I ~xti~' ~~t.~ . ~ ~d:. 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AYGdP AddBSSed ,' w~~~ ur~~fleceW will Rrovide Y~ ~ ~~~t+~ ~ : Wr~Re~~Rece~AtFea ~~~~rY7~ Q~ l aa~eosxwe~. / .s ~ ~,fl~"' 3.Art~cleAddrPaseAto: ~~i Sd` <S!'C) ~ p~~,~()(~ T,s~ ~n~~s~~ ~,~,~ C 75pg~ ,~~ ~~k'x~ S J'~nk~ ~ ~ ~~ TX. du'~tri~ m,~ cara 1. ^ DakverY ~ ma~ ~ ~^ "',urn F{ySlfiCled tee. ~~ serv~s~ ~5 ~ cernut 2. ~ os~master tor ~Q0.a g'~~tlvereve+seof tli on ~g~y srnc~enumbar. dtoa~d~~ Gonsutte nd ~inonl N llte mh2 niacW~ece~e ~i~ ~~on de+.iaere ~ f~t1~CP N~ 1 g ~ L} Z~ 9 ta!h,e,e ~ested'.°,~~uthes~9na ~{ tre.~•.. ttGln Addi~essea t¢ ~ ~ ~~e,rat~.n~3 ~ p `~~~ ~"~~ Fa~1rT+~a`l ~,a~~~. n~a.~.$~.~5~av ~a~.3.~.~! ~~ ~~~ ! ~~t~4:" ~4 99~a ~ d9th ~dUp Sts }37Gt7ta3A~~s3.d ~a ~ 99~~ ~~6C ~~ nature-t~dressee) t , 5. S~9 ~~y~~yptt ~~~ ~ ~ pddresseel '~B € ' 5. Si9nature " ~ - ( 6. S' atu (Addresseel `~e t) S.S'~9nature~- ~ mber i~J9ti n ;zes~'~S~d fee PaidJ ~t ~equesied ~' s.s 3 1~,0 , _ ,_.- ~ '! PSForrt~~3811 t~ ,i'~ ~"1~' ` P + ,n~~', PSp~rm~ _._.,~, - .-"' `~ ~ mber 7 _ . 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't ~ j,'~$t ~~~ 'a tT~~&~ Q s ~8 ~ pS FORM 3800 `, a M 3800 " PS FQR ~{EGE~P ~ FEEs i SEFNICE ~iALGOSV•~„~~J , ~EF ._, scA11AR~W "~ SM el ~ ~~16~~ m ~ ~a~ ~~ ~ j~46~~ ~~ll.as i~axk'~~~ N " ql,ti.3.~:8a$ T7~ '152~13 eo 31V B e L?Y~~ ~ -~'- ~ ~= 992~ `~ ~`~~~.i T F~R CE~FIEQ MAIL m 3soo ~ RECE~P PS FOR~ ~s Ah ervice 'Y~~ I ~ CERTIFIED i~ z ~'', ~ 1~ i WHEATRIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER SYSTEM WSRMD08 11-21-94 10:0'7:08 MASTER ATSI002 Next Screen: Key: 39-153-00-013 Schedule: 109723_ Status: 1 Parcel ID: 39-153-00-013 T-Dist: 3103_ Reason: C84 79 C79 Related Schedules Ownerl: MEYER C FREDERIC Owner2: C/O: -- Mail: Dir: Name: P O BOX 2206 Ty: Sf: Ut: * City: VAIL St:-CO Zip Code: -81657 - Prop: 04890 Dir: Name: KIPLING Ty: ST Sf: Ut: * City: WHEAT RIDGE St: CO Zip Code: 80033 - DBA: Actual Assessed Most Recent Sale Data Date Land: 25520 7400 Date: 4-24-1981 Code: 00 Assessed Imps: 102080 296Q0 Amt: 392000 Deed: 4-27-1993 Total: 127600 37000 Sdiv Reception B/T Lot Key Sec Twn Rng Qsec Land Area Tot Acres 82023752 044 15 3 69 SW 22015 .505 Sub: Nhood: 231 Area: Struc Use- Built Unit Cons-Bsmt Blds Flrs GT Liv Area Bsm Area Total Land COMMR 353 1978 A 1 1 4992 22015 F7=Additional Master Info F8=Print Master Info Last Change Date: 2-18-92 JMC ~WHEATRIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER SYSTEM WSRMD08 11-21-94 10:07:46 MASTER AT5I002 - Next Screen: Key: 198909 Schedule: 198909 Status: 1 Parcel ID: 39-153-99-001 T-Dist: 31_03 Reason: Related Schedules Ownerl: CAFETERTA OPERATOBB 109724 167972 Owner2: C/O: PE_PENNINGTON & CO INC Mail: 04006 Dir: Name:-BELTLINE Ty: RD Sf: Ut: 240 ~ City: ADDISON St:_TX Zip Code: 75244 - Prop: 04900 Dir: Name: KIPLING Ty: ST Sf: Ut: _- * City: WHEAT RIDGE St: CO Zip Code: 80033 - DBA: Actual Assessed Most Recent Sale Data --- Date Land: 273440 79300 Date: 3-27-1992 Code: 44 Assessed Imps: 1093760 317190 Amt: Deed: DEED 4-16-1994 Total: 1367200 396490 Sdiv Reception B/T Lot Key Sec Twn Rng Qsec Land Area Tot Acres 421000 92034376 0002 15 3 69 87504 2.595 Sub: KIPLING 5000 BUSINESS PARK FLG NO 2 RPL LOT 1 Nhood: 171 Area: Struc Use Built Unit Cons Bsmt Blds Flrs GT Liv Area Bsm Area Total Land COMI~2 321 1983 1 A 1 1 11416 113030 F7=Additional Master Info FB=Print Master Info Last Change Date: 6-14-94 DCW ADDITIONAL LEGALS EXIST ~WHEATRIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER BYSTEM WSRMDOS 11-21-94 10:08:16 MASTER ATSI002 Key: 39-153-00-009 Schedule: 167972 Status: 1 T-Dist: 3103 Reason: N85 X84 Ownerl: IND~r~1ullEDTCE SQUARE LTD LIABILITY CO Owner2: C/O:-9 JOSEPH J JENKINS Mail:-02400 Dir: Name: livuu~TRIAL City: BROOMFIELD Prop: Dir: Name: VACANT LAND City: DBA: Most Recent Sa1e Data Date Date: 11-1i-1993 Code: 26 ----Assessed Amt: 1368000 Deed: SWAR 4=19-1993- Sdiv Reception B/T Lot Key Sec 'Twn 9.3191101 056 15 3 Sub: Struc Use Built Unit Cons Bsmt Blds Flrs GT Next Screen: Parcel ID: 39-153-00-009 Related Schedules 004283 Ty: ZA Sf: Ut: 1520 * - St:_CO Zip Code: 80020 - Ty: Sf: Ut: * St: Zip Code: - Actual Assessed Land: 700 200 Imps: 0 0 Total: 700 200 Rng Qsec Land Area Tot Acres 69 SW 2614 .060 Nhood: Area: 2 Liv Area Bsm Area Total Land 2614 F7=Additional Master Info FB=Print Master Info Last Change Date: 1-06-94 SMC •WHEATRIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER 11-21-94 10:08:32 MASTER Key: 39-153-15-001 Schedule: T-Dist: 3103 Reason: Ownerl: DENNYS REALTY INC Owner2: C/0: %~ENNYS 200-06-1424 Mail: Dir: Name: RASH City: RAWLETT Prop: 09930 Dir: W Name: 49TH City: WHEAT RIDGE DBA: DENNYS RESTAURANT Most Recent Sale Data Date: 2--15-1990 Code:` 44 Amt: Deed: DEED Sdiv Raception B/T Lot 203800 90020367 0001 Sub: DENNY'S ADDITION MINOR SUB Struc Use Built Unit Cons Bsmt COMMR 321 1980 A F7=Additional Master Info F8=Pr 004310 Status: 1 C81 P80 152 SYSTEM WSRMD08 ATSI002 Next Screen: Parcel ID: 39-153-15-001 Related Schedules 004310 PO BOX 1600 Ty: Sf: Ut: * St: TX Zip Code: 75088 - Ty: AV Sf: Ut: * St: CO Zip Code: 80033--- Actual Assessed Date Land: 97820 28370 Assessed Imps: 391280 113470 6-20-1994 Total: 489100 141840 Key Sec Twn Rng Qsec Land Area Tot Acres 15 3 69 1~010 .413 Nhood: 1 51 Area: Blds F1r5 GT Liv Area Bsm Area Total Land 1 1 6062 18010 int Master Info Last Change Date: 3-03-94 MRJ •WHEATRIDGE JEFFEASON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURE 11-21-94 10:08:43 MASTER Key: 39-153-15-002 Schedule: T-Distc 3103 Reason: Ownerl ~ MOTEL 6 OPERATING L P Owner2: C/O:-a TAX DEPT 1016 Mail:-1~651 Dir: Name: IJALLAS City: DALLAS Prop: 09920 Dir: W Name: 49TH City: WHEAT RIDGE DBA: MOTEL 6 Most Recent Sale Data Dat~:_ 1-31-1989 Code: 00 Amt: 1211000 Deed: WARR Sdiu Reception B/T Lot 203800 89012003 0002 Sub: DENNY'S ADDITION MINOR SUB Struc Use Built Unit Cons Bsmt Blds Flrs COMMR 315 1980 92 A 1 2 F7=Additional Master Info FB=Print Master 004647 Status: 1 N81 R76 Nhood: i31 Area: GT Liv Area Bsm Area Total Land 22350 98221 Info R SYSTEM WSRMD08 ATSI002 Next Screen: Parcel ID: 39-153-15-002 Related Schedules 004647 Ty: PRWY Sf: Ut: * St:_TX Zip Code: 75240 - Ty: AV Sf: Ut: * St:-CO Zip Code: 80033 - Actual As sessed Date Land: 177600 51500 Assessed Imps: 710400 206020 4-27-1993 Total: 888000 257520 Key Sec Twn Rng Qsec L and Area Tot Acres 15 3 69 98221 2.255 Last Change Date: 1-24-94 DCW CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board ot Adjustment DATE OF MEE7ING: December 8, 1994 DAIE PREPARED: November 28, 1994 CASE NO. & NAME: WA-94-19/Gordon Sign CASE MANAGER: Greg Moberg~'\ ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of variances to Section 26-409 and 26-412(0)(2), to allow a roof sign and to allow a wall sign along a wall that does not have street frontage. LOCATION UF REQUEST: 9930 West 49th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S) NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S) APPROXIMATE AREA: N/A PRESENT ZONING: Commercial-One PRESENT LAND USE: Restaurant SURROUNDING ZONING: N: & E: C-1; S: A-1 & W: R-C Gordon Sign 2930 W. 9th Avenue Denver, CO Denny's 9930 West 49th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO SURRaUNDING LAND USE: N:, W: & E: Retail and service; S: State Highway DATE PUBLISHED: DATE TO BE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: AGENCY CHECIa1ST: (XX) NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ( ) (XX) NONE -------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: _ _ () COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( ) ZONING ORDINANCE (XX) EXHIBITS ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( ) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notificatian and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. November 17, 1994 November 24, 1994 November 22, 1994 Board of Adjustment Staff Report Case No. WA-9419 Page 2 REQUEST The applicant is requesting two variances. The first is to allow a roof sign and the second is to aflow a wall sign to locate on a wall that does not have street frontage. Section 26-409 (9); prohibits roof signs. The applicant would fike to run neon lighting along the ridge and eave lines of the roof of the structure. Though the neon is just lighting (ie. there is no words or logos) Staif feels that the neon is a sign based on the Sign Codes definition: Any object or device or part thereof situated outdoors or indoors, viewed trom outdoors by the general public, and which object or device or the effect produced thereby is used to advertise, announce, identify, declare, demonstrate, display, instruct, direct or attract attention by means including, but not limited to, words, letters, figures, designs, fixtures, cotors, motion, illumination, sound or projecting images. Ila. If the neon was to be used as site lighting along eaves to illuminate a walkway, the neon would not be considered a sign. However, lighting along the ridge of a roof does not help with the lighting of walkways and in fact is pfaced onfy fo attract attention to the building. Section 26-410 (0)(2); allows a wall sign upon any wall which fronts upon a public street. The applicant would like to place a wall sign above the main entrance of the restaurant which does not 4ace a public, the entrance faces the parking lot to the east. Because neither sign is allowed approval of both variances is required to allow the signs as proposed. FINDINGS OF FACT (roof sign) Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations for the district in which it is located? It can be assumed that the property can yield a reasonable return in use it permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations of the current Sign Code, as required by alt other businesses within the City of Wheat Ridge; and 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? There are no unique circumstances; and Board of Adjustment Staff Report Case No. WA-9419 Page 3 3. !f the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? The granting of this variance would not alter the essential character of the loca! neighborhood; and 4. Are there any particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the property involved that would result in a particular hardship? There are no particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the property that would result in a hardship; and 5. Are the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? The conditions upon which the petition is based would be applicable to other properties within the same zoning classification as there are no unique circumstances nor hardships that separate this site from any other; and 6. (s the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make more money out 04 the property? The purpose of this variance is based exclusively upon the desire to make more money as a roof sign attracts attention and hopetully more clients; and 7. Has the alleged ditficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? No hardship has been created by any person presently having an interest in the property; and 8. Will the granting of the variation be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? The granting of this variance will not be injurious to other property or improvements in fhe neighborhood; and 9. Will the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the pubtic streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety and substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? The granting of this variance will not impair the adequate supply of light to the front yard of the property directty to the north of the subject site. Ilb. FlNDINGS OF FACT (wall sign) 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regutations for the district in which it is located? Board of Adjustment Stafi Report Case No. WA-9419 Page 4 It can be assumed that the property can yield a reasonable return in use if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations of the current Sign Code, as required by all other businesses within the City of Wheat Ridge; and 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? A unique circumstance could be considered as most main entrances of businesses face public streets; and 3. If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? The granting of this variance would not alter the essential character of the local neighborhood; and 4. Are there any particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions ot the property involved that would result in a particular hardship? There are no particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the property that would result in a hardship; and 5. Are the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generaliy, to the other property within the same zoning classification? The conditions upon which the petition is based would be appticable to other properties within the same zoning classification only if the main entrance does not face a public street; and 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make more money out of the property? The purpose ot this variance is based exclusively upon the desire to make more money as any signage attracts attention and hopefully more clients; and 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an .interest in the property? A hardship has been created by whomever designed the building so that it does not front a puhlic street; and 8. Will the granting of the variation 6e detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? The granting of this variance will not be injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood; and 9. Will the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety and substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? Board of Adjustment Staft Report Case No. WA-9419 Page 5 The granting of this variance will not impair the adequate supply of light to the front yard of the property directty to the north oP the subject site. ~ ~ y ~ a ~ ~ I ~~ , ~ ~ Ull6~' ~ p2~tr Qc~436 ~-.- ~, ~ ~ Slc~~ SS6b ~'~ 5E6~ ~. SS6tr S Lei' h L5L6 ~ ,~. -- ~Z6~ ' t ~ - ~ ~ 4 ~ OQ b6 - _ ~ ~ ~... / ~- s ost v ~ ~ su+~ ~ _, ~ ~ a;~t~ c,6L~ zaos utus sa~v l-LULO "~~ ~ w ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1 l~(~ -G~1- ~ ~ ~i~~//as' ~s~/1~/~~ Ntarnhr ~ Se1.~7(. Stata ,~ Strcct Addre:a gqd 7.1n Coda 025~ 7573 W. Sth Avenua _ -- - - -- Donvcr, CO 80226 OZ67 ~ --- _........__.. - 2093 S, Cototado Bouieva[d ~` Denvcr, CQ .____ 802Z2 0?.6$. . . .. .. ~~~1605 N. W.~Federal Hoaievacd '_. .~ .. . ..... . Dcnvet, CO .~ 80Z04 0369 17A90 ~.~40tb Avcnuc.~.._ .~'~~ . Dcnvcr~ ~Cn 80239 0370-'90(T~/osi Alamede Avenua Dcnver, CO 80223 . 0372 ~~.._7351`Peoos~5trec!_._---_.... .... ~_._------_. . ......_ _..._._.____ __, • Dcnvar, CO 8022I I076 ----._._ _ -- 2905 Baselln4 Road .__._._---.--.~__-_--.--------. _.._._.__..._.._..._....~_._._,_.... Boulder, CU 80303 _ ______.__ __...... . _ 1091 -- 3380 $o. Wadsworih -_. _.,_._ . _...._.._.__.._.__.,. Lakcwood, CO 80335 1110 ._... _. 585 Unlon ~oulevard ~ ~ ~ . _ .i ...----_,_ .__. __-- 1~-kewoo~, CO 80228 ' .` 127I .. 2329 8lh Avenuo ._ . ..- - -._... ""_ ---. -.-- .- . ..-- C~reoly, CO SOG31 ......_...... _. _. ... ]274 7943 N. Wadsworth ._.. . Arvada, CO 80003 w~~ ]30S __ 6699 L~etsdalc D~Ivc _.... . _, _ ._ .._..._.__. ~._ ._______...... . . _._. • Denvcr~ CO 80224 1324 ~. _1~03 Soutti I~avana ------ _ _ . - -'.------ --- _. -- Aurora. CQ 80012 l3dS ___ ]3800 L. hi3~~ls~t j _._~_._...._... PP ._~_---------------- ----_- .._..---.__.._. _ . _ . . .. Aurvra, CO 8W j2 ~ 1382. _~ ------- 36D0 Foz Str,ect ..__...__.~_.,_ ~_..__.~._ _. __ _ _._ ,._..._.~._ __---__..___ t)envcr. CO 80216 14~4 _._____---__~ 9930 W~d9th Stroet _._ Whoai Rldge, CQ ~8(~03: ]913.._ __.14400 E,_6ch Avenuc , _ Aurora, C0~80031 ` _-___.~._... 2Q13 ~~ 350 Fqst lOdth Avenue _....__. ....'_._ ._ .--,......... Thotnton CO 80Y29 20a6 31~0 South~a~kci ~toaii Au~ora, CO 6001~ ~~ ~~/>li~ ~p~/2oU~~ ~ ,~-,P/~~/r- ~•t~/~o ~ ~~%r~/G ,,q~op~/~'~rlo~ ~ CfOrJ~%T/Or1//'L/OT~~ ~~o~ ___. _. .~ .........._._... . ~ ~~~ sr~N.~ ._.___._.._ ~~ D,~ox _.._...__._..__. ____.._...__.__~1/ _ ~~ - ~~~ - Oil/~AU~~~. ~~ ~ ~%'~z=2 ,~,~i~ir- ~ , ~/''~ ~j ~~Q ~ ~~/0~ ~v ,/,qq1'1"~iA~"~~ 1 1.// ~4V v ,1~.~~C.'~Iti7 ~ / ! .~"_ ~C.r L~r ~/~/D/V 7V .~~1//~i~/Cf~ ~~ ~- ~//.TN~"co T~ ,~ GOrYT%C~C.~~/k~~,~D.~ . Gtlff~NDBT.9irY~ ~ ~. ~ ==~~: ;;:i;; OI'iIONAL "SHIZQUD"\~ e ~-•''-- ~ ~ 1 ~ ~_I_{~'I~ FRON7 ELEVATION F ROOF & SIGN Oi'TIONAL "SHROUD" ~ - ° ~' e H ~ ~~I I , ~T .l ~ ~ ~rjCf',C~Lc~G~ 6~ 01'TIONAL "DORMER SHROUD" ~ ; 1013" ~ ~~ ~-~ ~x1 CENTER LINE OF ROOF & 51GN , ~ - - ~ ~ ~ a"~ ~~1 _ ~`~ „ 9n ~~e~° : ~ ---- - - -- - ~- -- - _ -- ~ . _ II ii ~T~i ~ ~ 1-- ~ .-:; ~. ~ ~ ~ _ ~ - RI6HT ELEVA710N BUILDING ELEVAT10N5 BUILDING MODEL PKOi0149 (FLAGSTAR) 9GALE: NT5 ~ r,ev~~~uotS'7REl~Rif.y: ~ oes+~r~o wR DENNTS W FLAGSTAR A~: 1424 '7msuanor;y;re~u,a,dm.aere,.ng,cixmimoyMmasdays.ine.nissudninaetaryar ~EC~~p~pnoN: gg3pNrE5'f49ch5YREEi • WHFAiRIDGE. LO . pxsnal ~n in amoction x:MeM P2i~ ~+5 F~+^o0 M 7a M' Nlen OisPlay~.lnc. tt e nolmCeaMiwitomY~^~~Y~~9~o^^.narnhWhcwed.rqxatluce7~aP~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SPLESAGEM`. NWB /H5E oa1c~ 5l~4/94 awRtibileainanYtastimwnn~wever.AN«aryv~aftluseesign(acaMragstwed •-ov~ :. . .,.~_ .,~~-.::..,. DRnvnnGNO. 142A-A3 OMWNBY: 7•WOOD SGLE: N75 ~f&~81151{S~l~INIIItl'1@P'O~Yl~'O~~lla9~~.~f14 --. _ _ _.. -. ~ '_ ~~ .:::"`-'n_ `.j:r.: WE5749th~VENUE ~~ ~~ ~~. .~ ..~. ~~ ~~.. ~~ .~. ~.. ~ 419 ~. r~ ~.~ .ew ~~ e.~ e ~.~ ~~ s a • o i i ~~ `~/~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ..e... \ ~ .~.... ~~ .~ ~~ ~. .~~. ~. ~o ~ ~ rr LJ I ~FD4D-ENT ' '-•~ J PqRRKING FD~•~ z ~" I ~ ~ ~~ ,,,f~.~ I FD42 !'- ~ y ~ ~~ ;_...._..~._~ ~ N~ . ~ ~ i~l _ ? ~ ' I 56-7 ;I ~ < ~ i d i~ ; kFSYAURANT z - ~o BUILDIN6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~~..~.~ ~ 129-FDREPLACEMENTCA8INET FD4P-EN7 ~ ~ ON-~L5TIN6~TeEL '- ~ 114.83' ~! ~4 ~ ~,.L.\ p'~KLVG ~ v LI~ _ . """" "'+~. '~~" ^`e~.. '~.., ~` ~ 379~ "'°^+ "^~... d FRgViAGEP,p~1~ ~ ~"°"~ '~"",., i ~~~~ _ ~~1~ # 1424 N ~S~ONS / REMPAK$ Tisbanarg'vulu+pd%seEaranng,cmtedEyAtlnD'uYds+e lne.ttbaubmnedlaya+ ~5(3NEDFOH: nFPINY5HvF1Af~YA2 1424 - pereonslinsnm~u~ottimwfhtMprqenbougpanntliorjoiieyaianw~ays~ti.nn noltobeLwwn4a^Y~~~eY~a9a+m~.rp~kltbbsweE.~°... _.,~~ PROJECTLOCA7101t QQNIWF4T6MF5TPFFT. WHF4TWIf)r= r/l amdiiblloainr7lmmnwMSOever.Pllvarrypu[afNadss9nlar~T~~~ , ~ OATE 5/~6/94 sniESnGExi: NYJB /HSE vaa•manaPsermnme nw~Y otAtlen D'ispa~s, ~ne. - ' . ,I .. - . . a , - , . • ~ . x . ~t .• IXuW~n~G t~o. 7424A4 DaAtv 8'r. 7N'IOOD scuE NT5 WHSAT RIDGS BOARD OF ADJIISTMLNT ..~.~.,~sS OF I~sni.uVi,: December 8, 1994 Page 6 3. The relocated sign must meet all current sign code requirements. Board Member ROSSILLON suggested to change alI wording to read "legal non-conforming sign". Motion was seconded by Board Member ROSSILLON. Motioa carried 6-0. Resolution attached. C. Case No. WA-94-19: An application by Gordon Sign Company for approval of variances to Section 26-409(9) and Section 26-410(0)(2) to allow a roof sign and to allow a wall sign on a wall that does not front upon a public street. Said property is located at 9930 W. 49th Avenue. Greg Moberg presented the staf£ report. All pertiaent documents were entered into record, which Chairman JUNRER accepted. Board Member ROSSILLON asked if there are currently three signs on the property, and Mr. Moberg aaswered yes, they have three legal signs. Board Member ABBOTT questioned if they were asking for an additional wall sign oa the east above the entrance, and Mr. Moberg replied yes, they are replacing aa illegal sign that had not received a variance. Board Member ECHELMEYER said the diagram submitted does not indicate where the I-70 ideatification sign sets in relation to the building. Mr. Moberg aaswered it shows the sign to be oa the west side of the building towards the corner. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the property could have two signs on the same side of the building, and Mr. Moberg replied yes. Free-standing and wall signs are figured completely separate and it does not matter which side of the building they are on. Board Member WALKER asked at this point if we are addressing the neon request also and Mr. Moberg answered yes. Board Member HOVLAND questioned the sign at Motel 6 being a roof sign, and Mr. Moberg replied tecSnically it is nob a roof sign because the roof is not peaked. A roof sign can be 3 feet above a flat roof. The mo~el also has right-of- way all around the property so that is why they have the aeon. Furr's Cafeteria also has neon but it is all under the eaves. • wa~T xaaGS sor~xn o~ ~-nJUSx~rr b,,.avu,.uS OF 1~8TING: December 8, 1994 Page 7 Mr. Moberg continued saying neon is a fairly recent request (within a 3-5 years) ancl the initial interpretation was if it was used as lighting it would not be considered a sign. Discussion followed regarding various businesses within the City that have neon lighting. Board Member WALKER wanted to know if there was ever a problem with Christmas lights, aad Mr. Moberg said fortunately they are temporary, and therefore have no impact. Mr. Moberg added if somebody left their lights up until February and there was a complaint, we would have to go out and tell them to remove the lights. No further questions were asked of staff. Mr. Renny Kling of Gordon Sign Company, was sworn in. Mr. Kling entered into record a permit log showing the 19 locations of Denny's that are going through the same remodeling, labeled Exhibit 'A', and 11 photos showing the signs and lighting, labeled Exhibit 'B'. He gave a full explanation to the board of each photo. Mr. Kling said the ohjective is to create a uniform image of their faci.Lities and they have pretty much been able to that within the Denver metro area except for two locations. He was not opposed to the neon on the eave line as he agrees with the Board's objective saying the neon would create down lighting around the walk system, but the objective oE Denny's is waating to maintain uaiform appearance of their faoilities. Mr. Rling coatinued saying the construction of this store happens to be the same as 11 of ~he 24 in the state of Colorado. They are basically done with the image change and have installed all of the signs they can code wise, repainted a11 of the structures, an@ have installed all of the neon. All of the facilities will have the neon appearance at aight. The second issue regarding the wall sign proposal is basically the same approach to being consistent with the uniform appearance and all will recognize the same sign as being a Denny~s facility. Lakewcsod wil.l make a decision whether they classify it as a roof sign or not and allow the sign on the dormer or roof. Those have been the only difficulties encountered on the i.mage change. Board Member ROSSILLON asked what is the intent of the dormer shroud, aad Mr. Kling answered the shroud is basically a covering behind the north elevation sign and WSEAT RIDGS BOARD OF ADJIISTMSN'P Duavu~nS OF MSSTING: December 8, 1994 Page 8 will be bnilt into the roof system. Pre-manufactured trusses will not be used. Board Member ECFIELMEYER asked if the seven flood lights along the roof edge wi11 remain, and Mr. Curtis said they are planning to leave them up. Steve Curtis, 5224 Estes Circle, Arvada, CO, was sworn in. Mr. Curtis continued saying the lights are high pressure sodium lights, but they real2y do not provide much 13ghting as they point upwards and illuminate the roof itsel£. The parking lot lights provide much more light. Soard Member WALKER questioned the permits from other municipalities saying some are only approved with eave lighting, and is that real dilatoriness to the image they are trying to create. Mr. Kling said Deany's is looking more for consistency but there was concern for the lights being in reach. Mr. Curtis said the lights on the eave that face down and illuminate the walkway are actually florescent. The buildings that they were having problems with were not this style of building. Eleven.out of 24 are this style, and it would look completely odd not to have the neon on this building style and kave it on the rest. The neon will be only on the top of the flat wall. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the white eave light will continue to stay, and Mr. Curtis answered yes, it is not considered a sign because it is illumi.nation, to the sidewalk. Mr. Curtis clarified the triangular sign on the south side in the picture would be that style of sign that will be in the front. Board Member HOVLAND asked about the triangular sign on the south and Mr. Curtis said there would be a'dog-house' behind that, with the main concern being the prevention of snow build-up. Soard Member WALKER asked if the slanted roof portion is just a slanted parapet per se, and Mr. Curtis rep.Lied it is a roof sign, but the air conditioaing equipment is behind it and that is why it has a cnrved wall instead of going up to a peak. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the large sign aot on the lauilding is being taken into consideration when figuring the sign area, and Mr. Moberg.said the way the sign code deals with wall signs and free-standing signs are completely difEerent. WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJIISTL~TP MIx~.;~sS OF MESTING: December 8, 1994 Page 9 Mr. Moberg added free-standing signs are per square footage of building, and wall sigas are per lineal foot of building £rontage, and at this point we are dealing only with wall signs. Board Member HOVLAND said change anything as far as across the way, and Mr. M~ should be considered roof published and posted they signs. since this roof is flat does that making it similar to the motel ~berg answered all those signs signs. The way this case was could still be approve as roof Board Member ROSSILLON wanted to know if the only request at this time is for the neon lighting straight across the top and all the way around, and Mr. Rling answered yes, and said neon will not be on the slaated portion. No further questions were asked. Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-94- 19, an application by Gordon sign Company for Denny's Restaurant, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. Both signs are an integral part of the national Denny's Restaurant and identification scheme for this particular building style, therefore a benefit for the general and traveling public. 2. Abseace of both wall and roof signs would probably cause incoavenience to the general public. 3. The proposed signage has beea accepted by virtually all neighboring municipalities as being reasonable. 4. The neon roof lighting will provide some small beneficial effect by providing additional lighting to the parking areas and sidewalks. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. All proposed wall signs will incorporate the shroud construction illustrated in drawings provided by the applicant. 2. The neon will occur only on the horizontal ridge of the roof as illustrated in photos submitted. Motion was seconded by Board Member ECHELMEYER. Correction was made to the section on the agenda and sta£f report to read "Section 26-410". Motion carried 6-0. Resolution attached. PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE N0: WA-94-19, DATE: December 8, 1994 REQUEST: An application by'Gordon Sign Company for approval of variances to Section 26-409(9) and•Section 26-412(0)(2) to allow a roof sign and to allow a wall sign on a wall that does not front upon a public street. Said property is located at 9930 W. 44th Avenue. ; ; Position On Request; ; ; (Please Check) ; ; SPEAKER'S NAME & ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT) ; IN FAVOR ; OPPOSED ; ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i f I ~ l ~ I ~ I i ~ \ ~U ~ ~ ~r~ ~ S ~ 2 Z ~''' Cs~ e,f' `~\'C- i ~ i i _ i i i i i ~ ~ i i i ~ i i ~~Y V 1-\4h~~, 1\ ~ 22.~5 ~lqrQW~an1 i ~ i i i ~ i i i i / i i i ~; !~iU/~C/ ~/l~C~ 2l'30 lrt~ G/~h~l ~ ~/ ~ ' , , , , , , ~ , , , , ~ , , , , , , ~ ~ , ~ ~ , ; ; ; ; , ~ ~ ~ , ~ , ~ : ; ; ; ~ , , , , ~ ~ , , ; ; ; , , ~ ; ; , ~ ; ; ; ;_ ; ~ ; ~ ; ; ; ~ - ; ; ; ~ , , , ; , , , ; ; ; ; , , , , , , , , ; ; ; ; ~ ; ; ; , ; ; ~ ~ , ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ~ , , , , , , , , , , , , ~ , , , ~ ; ; ; ~ ; ~ ~ ~ , , , ~ , , , , ; ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ; ; ~ ; ; ; ~ ,- ; , ; ~ ; ; ; ; CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION 2, Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Soard of Adjustmeut, do hereby certify that the followiag Resolutioa was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 8th day of December , 1994. CASS NO: WA-94-19 APPLICANT'S NA~: Gordon Siga Compaay LOCATION: 9930 W. 49th Avenue Upon motion by 8oard Member ASBOTT , seconded by Board Member _ECHELMEYER , the followiag Resolutioa was stated. wannEAS, the applicant was denied permission by an Administrative Officer; and wnnnEAS, Board of Adjustment Application, Case No. WA-94-19 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an Adm~^~strative Officer; and ~.nnnBAS, the property has been posted the required 15 days by law and there WSRE NO protests registered against it; and ~~~~-~--, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detrimeat to the public welfare aad without substantially impairiag the intent aad purpose of the regulatioas governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOSP, ~~,a~6FOR8, BH IT RESOLV&D that 8oard of Adjustmeat Applicatiou Case No. wA-94-19 , be aad hereby is APPROVSD. TYPH OF VARIANCE: A 4 1/2' to the miaimum side yard setback and a 16' to the minimum 30' rear yar8 setback. PIIRPOSH: To allow a carport to be Iocated 6" from the aorth property liae and 14' from the east property liae. FOR THS FOLL09~ING RSASONS: 1. Both signs are an iategral part of the aational Denny's Restauraat aad identificatioa scheme for this particular building style, therefore a benefit for the general aad travelixig public. 2. Absence of both wall and roo£ signs would probably cause inconvenience to the general public. 3. The proposed signage has been accepted by virtually all neighboriag municipalities as being reasoaable. 4. The aeon roof lightiag will provide some small beneficial effect by providiag additional lighting to the parking areas and sidewalks. ~~iin 2'HE FOLLvwuw CONDITIONS: 1. All proposed wall signs will incorporate the shroud construction i1lusCrated in drawiugs provided by the applicaat. 2. The neon will occur oaly on the horizontal ridge of the roo£ as illustrated ia photos submitted. VOTS: YSS: Abbott, Echelmeyer, Hovland, Juaker, Rossillon and Walker 110 a Pione . Request as.r~...ed by a vote of 6-0. DATSD this 8th day of December, 1994. ,~.~ ~~ . ,~,~, _ ~.~~`cc~~~ SIISAN J~~~~,(Chairman Ma u Chapla, Se retary Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment