HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-94-7rna crry or ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid a Department of Planning and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ph (303) 237-6944 one Applicant f/r/,i O r'~ ~~ Address ~l ~ r/o ~~A~i~i S r phone A~- Addres's /~-~B,Srwygr~ ll`/=Phone7{~-~G~7 Owner ~„7~i9 ~- ~/ ST, Location of request ~- ~ /> / ~'y Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Variance/Waiver Site development-plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit ~] Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit Interpretation of code. Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation 8 Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ [] ** See attached procedural guide ~ Othererai extraction permit. for specific requirements. Dpetailed /D-ascription of request G r Fri C ~- f'~h ~ A l~~~~y List. all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee,. optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this actin on his be alf. Signature of Applicant2~~ ~ - -.- Subscribed and sworn to me this ~ day of 19 Notary Pu lic` SEAL ''`` My commission expires(-~~t- Date Received (~-~- Receipt No.~}(p~~-tc z~ Case No. ~`~ ~, + ~Ya 7 w a ~ ~ J O O ~ W '~ l~mi'i ~. 14M tir dq a! July , If65 I i.t^~... MAItJORSE L. K~LTEON 2~/~-f n//D, ~ ~.. ~.•~ ~0I 't b . .~ ~ YTATE OF t~d.ORdsnQl' RECE?TIOtf N0. 9'-'070137 07/26/83 13e12 ~•~ . ~~ _ pwall~f Jeffars~ adahla-ae ~ cniae.+a. ~ w fhap~ a.d . MHLVZH W. XDELTZflW, 12365 W. 46th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado 60033 at ty O~qut Jefferson, sad alaM ad Cabead~ at lie aaroad pu; ~PTPNEAaETH, 7'Mt ti. said party d tM 9sat part, !wr sad m aaarridratfan a[ fL net o[ TEN DOLLARS AND CTHER GDDD AND VALUA6LE CCit751DERATiDN ---~-"' b the said part ad tie ~. f~ 62 W4 paid b tM aabi pself M kke fawtM )att. tea la~l/t etbu~ ht basab) raafaawd ad adooxA~d[ad, b{ 8 ea~Ia!1d. eaHaaad, aoid. taaeaJd sad QDIT ~ tb aae~d p-+t riser prpaata do eg raaa4ee, n1wa, ae6, ~*4 sad Q17IT a^* . tY mmf. tie said pa+t y his tetra. sad a~Ea-•, tan*e, s6 W rLd~4 tltlR fnbrtrt, flair of Wd df~uM. bdL part of tie drat part Ng m ud m tie !alesrlaY descried tat ac parW br;,= ha rya Couatr of Jeffera9n wl ELti od Caiae+de. V ~'' 9eginnirsg at a point 51 reds 14 feet north of the southweatcorner of the *ivtl/dSWl/4 cf Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 64 bleat; theses east d36 feet; thence north 229 €eet; tbenc@ northwesterly 4d0 fee tc vest line of Section 22 at a pcin~.302,feet north from point. of beginning; thence south 302 feet to st of beginning, exceFt the south 92 feet thereof, together with akl eater and sster rights, ditch and ditch rights appurtenant to the above deacr?!^° property including one (1T inch of water from the Ouillette Di*_=- and exrept that parcel conveyed by Melvin W. Roeltzow and Mazj;• L. Aoeltzcw_ay,Special Warranty Deed to The DeFarteent.of HighN .scare of Qolo~, dat~cf ee0[+~ Y7, 19ig. -~af~d red:orded z.FrSl ~ 4; Reception No. 321523, at Book 2043, Fages 631 sad 638, Jefferaor .County records. ~,~xoeltr w,rsJeffersonPCOtustytDistrict CourtfCase No.18 DR 6~. {also known as s~reet number: 4240 - 42d2 KiPling StreeU Sltned, Srakd sad LYlivrrxd iP tie Prtamm of 70 aAV€ ,4I:n TO HOLD ttr tuu., ma«>,at eYi all and atraedar LM apps sad pairBeLaa tiwraaeetr beleasb:s or to aaswGa thereanm appat4falM. aad aA tie eemtr, rkit, tiW, merest sued elaiw wia~a~, of She xid Parts of the 11nt Part• drier m for or a9alh'. m the oct) Per ~. beaa6t sad keioef of fie raid part S. d ffie rroad P~+ ia4a asd aaee~as fereser. IN WITiKES6 #eHEY$Ol, 1Ta atld party of tke 't+at Dart 1aS Mr't°m sat hCr iac+l a,d seal t1r da) aad nrr 211K a:~.,re wr°teaw•s , Ma 7 ie`L: Rae t~.._- (eBIU.I _.. .., _IrnuLl ... .... ...... _[8Rih1 _.., ..._ _ IaiR43 &T1TL AF CoIAtADO. l1` Cnemtr of Jef ferscnJ~ - ~ ~ ~~ T'be taaiaeelaY .mt .raa arlmaerlsd#ad hdon ees tits .~5~ dal « July i#g5.br° ?drrjarite~+L. XOe1t2Cw Yp an~pbaim acPh+a !/ ~ N ~ i#~G ~`+~O u hued asd aCkial aaa7. ~~k i, I ~~. ~o.',f ~' . 0. Mrln.c ur rvou. o...~°^hearin GountY ieco,as; inenc. a •--~- nd ap~ the wdh line d that tray of u-: d almp Ndbe ~ ~ , l Bon YYMet 'dpe rd Book 1088 at Page 290 _ 58 IeM to 1M wuthwez Jurb 23. 7904. elm 274 ~ . d } d lldjwtmera en P.Y., µ~«~'dtiiens oornerdthal bad'dlerd desenbed in sa: 63 it Pt9a 299; tMnc9 '~ RYge. d~Pypc 7fe.r~M Book 16 maad b epeek 0:14'r0'E. a dldwce d 0.82 leel to t`r The JEFFEFtSt]N SENT IiVEL_S ar. r or aubrdt snnbn mwrMnta-Th'7°a°'"n° eoahw+t comerd that tract of ra-: Nero slWl M bNed: deeedbed In Book 1882 et Page 528 0l t-. ' t b 1 ~~ 4 W a d s W n r t h B ~ V d oste~ . a ~p~.4; A" nd a JeOenon CcuntY r•o°t~:lMnce w RhertY'linss d that lraC ~~dbdfor r:POr'ot'~t Lakewooda Cin C3tT:_15-61C1~=: tM sa - ~ - fanddncrwedbaaeBooktes2atPa~« TemDOnry'~u!eba {used sain dlke slang 'three (31 wurws ar: 528 the foeawkt9 .-~7 ;l-y;=_,'; N] - - -- -- - - 7~~r1 sorted lnd9slrid. Bald oe Drape Y isbgbd M.9150W.43th Awmw dielanus: 1JS77'49'30'YJ.adbtanead 158.99 tae' perly 1 'r op oet ~ el tolawe; -.. a~rd b~lepYYy~,yN nglMnat SO'14'10'W.ad{abnoa.d20A0 A Yad d rand 9 S 90'OObO'w. a dirtana d 70.00 te< PINY O ~ ± THE CITY CLEF;k:S -OFFICE F AG~liatio^- tM CBE dy+.~ ~~B°dl''~°9 Y.. JeBenaa CoudY. roar or aPProval c' 8th P ( O 7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ra ~. Weer d ~: peQlndng amen bed 23: Temporary Us• Permd to allow dwor Coraado d acid Sedran rl on Property zone T vr--,~1[7 W ~'=/TH A~/E t ~ al aarrbr , rt s4>ea'e 2hwreeSO'74.7PW.. onw"n'b Mr'^0' additional un of lM norlttweet Rnidedul-Two. SaW ProPe, Y' reetandist•Ca li C`.I_I tj Cl~ 1! WHEA-C RIDGE ' ne along IM west on.auarterdsaidSedbn23ad4tarE dpi2ry5edNufollowa N 90'00'00' tMnpe f 7 5 I t ~ . I ~ of 200.00 lyl: Blo' ~ d b ~ ri0ah me d (lie riariraaeet TM north r lha north 12 nd Gudem. CcuntY of Jellas: hl l ~ l .. _ . E ' ~ d r - ~ IIV4UIC:E: LEGAL N.,JTIC:E a H p rr VO F'i.J~<t. it ~ jh~p i a 3t°tedCAbrado' ~i Y: M~puaaGor S O'74'77 Our rr urn t,er-: WR'!t>1A.rw7 Yn UI" ~~ I ii fi is BEtlIBiNB: (hence yral alavarir eietnroe d 790.00 feel b a Pokit d 7n. in oa l=ow .pvr 0 0 1e M 8)) toct Nrto '! '^ : ! ~Y ~ ion 23: to allow Asia ( ~te- eodh fine orb d eai M S d 75 Yard setbsck Sai Drop. d 182 d i. l.pa PUBLICATION DATES: '?4%0='/OT thrciu~hl . .- O tN9D'00~ ~ 9bwea7 4240 KIPIln9 Slnet .n rgre.quarlerd described m bllows: f ds 141eet r; 1 ~d NUML-:ER OF L-INES: 1~2 ro Ow pr9nwe 5 ~76f Ae9ieninwu~~wTerd7n.Nw+r<= h d{an z7; 0 47 ~ f : p COPIES REGIUEoTED p .r d eaias. f..t ~.e o a 1 t2 ~ot Sedlon 22. Township 3 So. aakIanrpp+t»~F1e bth. wn7« i14 69 WaF thenco oast a36 9~•t ~' ~ Range ol.aid Cnw~ tn e m Z ~? ~ r'-.:~ F r i rl t i n 3: n< west wt to the srrYr'lired Cle north esterly µll' Np One d Nb noilhwee d 302 feel north ~. gepbn zz ~. Pd apoa~i' on h ' O t~O a~ ~ : oe N 0'1 E. point d mninq; thence wrot ~+rr o ew.w ih . Copies : d ~ w , xa; d {rmP'9, tM east I{ne of lM northwest ~ tMred, ope0rr w9h ail water ; lon i C flit' eCt 1 Un5 ~~{~~~ g a c oee~arW:d tM~t~d wapr rights, dtleh and ditch r desa~: F•~ TOTAL DLJE: ~ ~ -6~ - to apaklt an 9b eoutlr '896d aPPUrbnant to IM above t,eda.eamedbeook783.iwp!F..a. araP.m „,d~ar9 ~.~c7{!^d' °{N TFtank: you for- advertisi i n the Jefferson Sent: i rte I hLaw The JEFFEFiSOhI SENTINELS 1224 Wadsworth L•:Ivd _ Lakewoads CO ,~t7 239-9c9O - THE CITY CLER}:S r_rFFICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7FC0 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 8621 INVOICE: i_EGAL NO-I"ICE Pl.!F9t. ?_-.TIC;^i 17ur nurnGer: WRin14.GO7 Ynur i ~rlr_:n^.; i f' i i:.at:. ~ar~: PUBLICATION DATES: 9•~/Ot'a/OT througl-. 74fOeb/o7 NUMBER OF LINES: it2 COPIES F;EtIUESTED: :~ Frintirtg: CoF' i es: Cc'rrect i sins TOTAL DUE: 53.rr t~,i7_{ p.C>O yYe d Colorado, dated ~ I and recorded Apnl a. Na.321523, al Boak :. r and 838, Jefferson Cc. W Mary Lau Chapla• Sec- Ridge Ja:'e 'i hart k' V~?tl fur adVP~'"`i: i S i ii< i n 'the Jefferson Sent i rte F hlr~w ,p.+.p1s•r-`, ~ ~1 ,, s. ''•~Y' ~ S S`s, r x;. ~1 ~~ .r'~I'~ „v". V~, ~J ;~ys 190.00 feet to the southeast corner o£ that tract of land described in Book 1668 at Page 293 of the Jefferson County records; thence 573°49'30"W. along the south line of that tract of land described in said Book 1668 at Page 293 a distance of 274.58 feet to the southwest corner of that tract described in said Book 1668 at Page 293; thence NO°14'10"E. a distance of 0.62 feet to the southeast corner of that tract of land described in Book 1662 at Page 526 of the Jefferson County records; thence westerly along the southerly lines of that tract of land described in said Book 1662 at Page 526 the following three (3) courses and distances: 1) 573°49'30"W. a distance of 156.99 feet; 2) 50°14'10"W. a distance of 20.40 feet; 3) 590°00'00"W. a distance of 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 2. Vase No TUP-94-5:_ An application by James W. Stuart for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow an additional unit on property zoned Residential-Two. Said property is located at 3255 Harlan Street and is legally described as follows: The north 75 feet of the south 150 feet of the east 150 feet of the north 1/2 of Block 1, Highland Gardens, County of Jefferson,-State of Colorado. 3. ~~~e N~_ wA-94-7:= An application by Melvin Koeltzow for approval of a variance to allow a six (6) foot fence within the front yard setback. Said property is located at 4240 Kipling Street and is legally described as follows: Beginning at a point 51 rods 14 feet north of the southwest corner of the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West; thence east 436 feet; thence north 229 feet; thence northwesterly 440 feet to west .line of Section 22 at a point 302 feet north from point of beginning; thence south 302 feet to point of beginning, except the south 92 feet thereof, together with all water and water rights, ditch and ditch rights appurtenant to the above described property including one (1) inch of water from the Ouillette Ditch; and except that parcel conveyed by Melvin W. Koeltzow and Marjorie L. Koeltzow.by Special Warranty Deed to the Department of Highway, State of Colorado, dated March 17, 1969, and recorded April 4, 1969, Reception No. 321523, at Book 2093, Pages 637 and 638, Jefferson County Records. -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O.BOX638-- ---------__-- --- - -- - TheCityof- WHEAT RIDGE_CO 8003=-0638 -1303) 234-5900 R x TL eat City Admin. Fax # 234-592= Police Cent. Fax ~ 2352949 ~ ~ldge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. G(I~Y-~y_~' PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: ~a -cT(,l~J ~'~ I, residing at n a m e a d der e s s as the applicant for Case No. /A~~¢ - 9-/ - '7 hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at (1 o c a t i o n) on this ~ day of ~ L1icf F 19 ~~, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature ~~~/,~/.~,~,-,,,,- ~C- -r~'--- _ 7" ~. NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. M A P <pc>postingcert rev. 05-19-94 `, Ca a,, ,~nan„~~. ~.~ i P.O. BOX 638 __ TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The Clfy Of 75001NEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 Wheat Ridge June 7, 1994 This is to inform you that Case No. WA-94-7 which is a request for approval of a variance to allow a 6 foot fence located within the front yard setback for property located at 4240 Kipling Street will be heard by the Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 P.M. on June 23, 1994 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. I£ you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City" c~.a~ U C z 3 u c c (p 0 0 P 918 242 977 -P 918 242 978 a~+ » ~ ~ m. R y 9 9 m n y c m c n y A m ti ~ ~I ~, ~ ffi _- ~ ~ N _ _.. __ -z. c- p ~ ~ 3 G C 3 C I -e...__~~ A I ~ I i n" ~ ~ _ ~ 3 ~ ~ £, ppp y n. ~ m - °" ! ~o t+ °.. ~ m en m m ( _ T O ~ ~ ~ ~ .z 3 ` C C m c m ; j ` H I r ~ .6~9U ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ n _ ~ v + N' :~. ~~ ~. _ N 0 N Q 7J W O O W m n m ll 0 n m m O ~_ r =P 9Z8 242 979 N G G v OJ O W W C Y 5 6 fi ~ Gr -pt p s W 49 + t+ 4 R ® z aC v ~ ~ # z ~ H t-~ p! ~ '3 R a ° ~ . z r ' n ' ~ m c Z m y ~ nm °o ~_ °a~ .~n m 3 w j - Q m 3 Q m <o m C 77 Z v, m W$~• ~ •y am~~a~~nni o~_c=- v mmx~.J _c~y -6 A' ~Rm n~~2F' 9 9~O 3~u~ 3~3 ~dm m a ~ a Tao o ~p~ $d° f~3 NON ~$C ?PO' ~_~ n = €~d. ~dm ~^ _~ W~I• ~ •y aEtiFa'~~ooi °°_mm ~' 333°m m°°~ °aA m m3 °c mm a',°H~F' ~__ N ~~o ~'~3 3 ~~~ 3.0 O '~~j A m p. ~ 0 Flo mwn. NQ, OdC 3 6 p?2 6_ N fJ ~p ~N.A N a ~ o WIa..,-...yi 'P ~ y' «y ~ . °A'3 m W_. D ~ ~ n ago O nn ~:~ ~~ ~ ~~~ 6Y~ ~f ~ F,°~o ma'N ~ ~ o ~ fL !-~ G o a o Y N 53° H ~ ~ ! ~ ~ i3 - --' ° f° R n o 'u m = ' O i _ ~ ~ ,F ~ 3' m m 3 m c N W V Z 4 ~ m ~ O „m ~O ~. a y Q N '` y Q coo w O: y IMPORTANT! PLACE STICKER AT TOP OF ENVELOPE TO ,_ THE RIGHT OF RETURN ADDRESS. =. n N ~ a m m ~~ec+ o ~mx o=T ~ ~P~ ~ p' N L s ~ _ °' - ~ A ~ 3 n D ~ 0 N ~ N ~ ^ ^ ~ ~ 3 y c Q] Q N ~ 71 D ~ o ~ N O. < N. ~ O >- ~ 3 ~ m _a IL y a m o m m O b+ ~ n J <' .~ < Q m a m m ~ m ~ m ti ~ . m y w m N N CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Date Prepared: June 8, 1994 Date of Meeting: June 23, 1994 Case Manager: Greg Moberg Case No. & Name: WA-94-7/KOELTZOW Action Requested: Approval of a variance to allow a six (6') foot fence to be located within a front yard setback. Location of Request: 4240 Kipling Street Name & Address of Applicant(s): Melvin Koeltzow 12385 W. 48th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Name & Address of Owner(s): Same ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate Area: 65,977.77 square feet Present Zoning: Residential-Two Present Land Use: Multiple family Surrounding Zoning: N & ~: Commercial-One, E: Residential-One A, S: Residential-Two Surrounding Land Use: S: City owned parking lot, N: Vacant, E: Single-family, W: Office Date Published:- June 7, 1994 Date to be Posted: June 9, 1994 Date Legal Notices Sent: June 9, 1994 Agency Checklist: ( ) Attached (XX) Not Required Related Correspondence: ( ) Attached (XX) None ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Exhibits ( ) Subdivision Regulations ( ).Other ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- JURISDICTION' The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Date Prepared: June 8, 1994 Date of Meeting: June 23, 1994 Case Manager: Greg Moberg Case No. & Name: WA-94-7/KOELTZOW Action Requested: Approval of a variance to allow a six (6') foot fence to be located within a front yard setback. Location of Request: 4240 Kipling Street Name & Address of Applicant(s): Melvin Koeltzow 12385 W. 48th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Name & Address of Owner(s): -Same ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate Area: 65,977.77 square feet Present Zoning: Residential-Two Present Land Use: Multiple family Surrounding Zoning: N & Jd: Commercial-One, E: Residential-One A, ~: Residential-Two Surrounding Land Use: S: City owned parking lot, N: Vacant, E: Single-family, ~: Office Date Published: June 7, 1994 Date to be Posted: June 9, 1994 Date Legal Notices Sent: June 9, 1994 Agency Checklist: ( ) Attached Related Correspondence: ----------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) Comprehensive Plan ( ) Attached -------------- (XX) Not Required (XX) None ----------------- (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Exhibits ( ) Subdivision Regulations ( ). Other --------------------------------------------------------- JURISDICTION The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO. WA-94-7 I. REQUEST Page 2 The applicant is requesting approval of a variance to allow a six foot. high fence to be located: within a front yard setback. Section 26-30(I)(1) states: "Permitted fence, etc., heights: No fence, divisional wall or hedge above the height of 48 inches. shall be permitted within a minimum required front yard, or above the height of 6 feet in instances not otherwise specified." Section 26-15(F) requires that the minimum front yard setback is 30 feet for property zoned Residential-Two. Therefore, to allow the applicant to place a 6 foot fence in the location requested, a variance is required. The fence appears t~ be roughly 6' from the applicant's western property line. II. SITE The subject site currently has multiple single family residences located on it. These residences are located on the east half of the property while the west half is occupied by a horse corral. The 6' fence that is currently under construction started without approval of a fence permit. The property owner was cited by Code Enforcement and the applicant applied. It was found that the fence under construction was not in conformance with the current height standards. The permit was approved with the condition that adherence to the fence height requirement be maintained. The applicant has subsequently decided that he would like the fence to remain in the present location. It is for this reason a variance has been applied for. III. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted: to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations for the district in which it is located? The .property is and has been used as a residential property for many years, therefore it is reasonable to assume that if the site is permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations for the district in which is located, the property can yield a reasonable return in use; and 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? As this site is under the same constraints as are all other residential properties within the immediate area, thn plight of the owner is not due to unique circumstances; and 3. if the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO. WA-94-7 Page 3 The granting of this variance could alter the essential character of the local neighborhood as there are no other 6 foot high fences located in front yards. 4. Are there any particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the property involved that would result in a particular. hardship? There are no particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the property that would result in a hardship that would necessitate the need of a 6 foot fence to be located within the front yard setback; and 5. Are the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? Because staff has not found a hardship nor any unique circumstances, conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based would be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification; and 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make more money out of the property? The purpose of this variance is not based exclusively upon the desire to make more money out of the property; and 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? The hardship has been created by the applicant as the fence was constructed without first obtaining a permit; and 8. Will the granting of the variation be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? The granting of this variance will not be injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood; and 9. Will the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety and substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? The granting of this permit could endanger public safety by obstructing the view of traffic of the property to the north when it is developed. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO. WA-94-7 Page 4 IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the preceding findings of fact, staff has reached the following conclusions: 1. The property is and has been used as a residential property for many years, therefore it is reasonable to assume that if the site is permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations for the district in which is located, the property can yield a reasonable return in use; and 2. As this site is under the same constraints as are all other residential properties within the immediate area, the plight of the owner is not due to unique circumstances; and 3. The granting of this variance could alter the essential character of the local neighborhood as there are no other 6 foot high fences located in front yards. 4. There are no particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions_of the property that would result in a hardship that would necessitate the need of a 6 foot fence to be located within the front yard setback; and 5. Because staff has not found a hardship nor any unique circumstances, conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based would be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification; and 6. The hardship has been created by the applicant as the fence was constructed without first obtaining a permit; and 7. The granting of this permit could endanger public safety by obstructing the view of traffic of the property to the north when it is developed. Therefore, staff would recommend that Case No. WA-94-7 be DENIED. t tts too5 ~ ~ i j O O ~ 00 ~ * OO~yy * ~ ~ * ~ ~ M O O -~-~ p O> ///p~ O) rn O O~ O j -- ~ G *~ 49 *NN M ~~ ~ D M ~ - ~~ ~~ " G f'cR GREEK * ~ ~ S V ~u~ o y~ °o ~ M ~ ~ rn Ro ~ ~ / \ I ro i W 43R W 43RD ,4VE - v ~_ R ~~~ ~~ I ~ ~ ~ N 4300 `r .` L o `~ 42so 0 U SIGN NET D. ~41N R ~ N NODE 10 ~ z `~ TES o - -?~ J \~~~~ ~ \~ ~ ~ IX ~ \ . _ d~ O .` c ~~ <.~~ ~ ,. ~~- ~~ GREEN '- I ~?- ~-2 0 0 0 o rn rn rn w rn rn rn rn c W 41ST AVE 5T ~4VE °`D ° o I ~ rn rn w *I I rn I *rn rn c o_ o o~ ..~ I I I I 5 ~ ~.~ L V - I k EXHIBIT 'A' ~o KOELTZOW - DAUGHE ~BAUGH AGREEMENT S00°17~35`~E 139.83 I , ; ~ / / I RECEPTION NO. 89051058 ~~ _.. ` jl, m~° hro ' 7_ O ~ / C7 O g/ ;. ~ ~~ ~ N -i I L7 h/ `D P0.8 PAR CEL B .. r lal U,I / I.I 0: In a / ° m ~ z/ i / ~o N / ~ :, , m' W .,.. ~ h li ni I l v ~~~~ ~ } ~ ' ~ ~ o >:...j ~ I I ` ~ 10~OEDICATEO FOR BY PLAT - :. hl' { ', 1~ ~ - ~ .-- - ~ ' ' ~ 13995 N00°17~35~W ~- + + u is i t / ' 37 m ' 15bEDICATEO TO STATE ( ~, 15 OEOICATEO TO STATE HIGHWAY w i HIGHWAY DEPT. 9N 2120, PG 266 ._-. ~ w ~ _ DEPT• BK 2114, PG 469 ~_ , , I i~ - / - .m ,Z /, _ om iO ~~ N m P 9 _ / ~ Z .00: "~ ~' 58 f 139.95 _ _ _ _.l. l - .- - ~- -, _ _2,651.8 600°22'00'E~' _ - ~ - `FOUND PK NAIL --- 197.95 WI/4 CORNER SEC. 22 T35, R69W, 6th P. M. FOUND BRASS CAP IN RANGE ,BOX OF TERMINUS ' ON LINE OF :MENT ~--137.00+ --~ 14 t co a p a ~ O ~' I ~ ~ /, I ` -' RECEPTION N0. 85070137 -~ i i i !, ~ ` a, m, r~ _- ' N ~. ; 0~ M .g 3 O O O d' ~- Z 3 ~ ~ N . N ~~ J m PO B.-COMMON LINE BY 4GREEMENT B PARCEL A -- ~ -38,47' ~r_._.-_ --- .._- 2,432.31____. 2IOA0' ~ - ~-- ,_ WEST LINE SEC.22 500° K/PLING STREET ( COLO. STATE H/GHGYAY N0. 39/J .~ .., WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 28, 1994 Page 3 Board Member ABBOTT asked about the other structure mentioned and Mr. Lammers said it has been on the every since he has rented there which is roughly seven years. Board Member ABBOTT asked staff if the other trailer requires a permit or does it need to be put on a foundation, and Mr. Moberg said he would have to look into it. However, if it has been there for seven years there is not much we can do since it is .difficult to prove. No further-questions were asked. Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT that-Case No. TUP-94- 4, an application by U.S. Truck Driving School, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The property is and has been used as a truck driving school for many years, therefore the'proposed use will not have a detrimental affect upon the general health or welfare, safety, inconvenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. 2. The applicant's testimony states that this structure will become obsolete for its current use in approximately six months. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. The Temporary Use Permit will be for one year. Motion was seconded by Board Member HOWARD. Motion carried 6-0. Resolution attached. B. Case No. WA-94-7: An application by Melvin Koeltzow for - approval of a variance to allow a six foot Fence within the front yard setback. Said property is located at 4240 Kipling Street. Greg Moberg presented the staff report. All pertinent documents were entered_nto record, which Chairman JUNKER accepted. Board Member ABBOTT asked how far back the fence would have to go to be legal in the sight triangle, and Mr. Moberg replied the sight triangle is not a problem. The property is zoned and used residential and therefore is exempt, the problem is the front yard setback. A six foot fence is not allowed in the front yard setback. For the applicant to be legal he would have to move the fence posts approximately 25 feet to the east. WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 28, 1994 Page 4 Board Member ABBOTT said the concern seemed to be a safety hazard on the north side of the property because of the potential development, so he thought there would be a sight triangle problem on that north corner. Mr. Moberg said there could be a problem if that north corner develops out. A six foot fence is not allowed in the front yard whether it is commercial or residential so anything in a sight triangle would have to drop down to 48". Board Member ABBOTT said he was thinking of having the applicant lower the fence down to 48" but staff is saying it doesn't factor into this. Mr. Moberg said the way the code is written anything that high is going to inhibit any kind of vision along there because the entire length will be six foot high, and we don't know where the .drive will be. Discussion £ollowed. Board Member HOVLAND asked in regard to the sight triangle if that would ever obstruct the sight coming out of the trail head to the south, and Mr. Moberg said it could obstruct pedestrian vision that would be south bound on the sidewalk, but not vehicular traffic. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if_the'fence posts that currently run south will affect that fence, and Mr. Moberg answered no, he can continue placing that fence. The posts on the west side have been taken down. This fence is in the Flood Plain and but was approved as long as the applicant keeps 50~ open face. Board Member ECHELMEYER wanted commercial could it ,have a six said not in the front yard. to .now if this property goes foot fence, and Mr. Moberg Board Member HOWARD asked i£ the applicant is asking for a 25 foot. variance, and Mr. Moberg answered according to the survey he received there has been some exchange with the property to the north, so he does not know where the property line or the fence is. The Parks Director says it is approximately 4 1/2 to 5 feet from :the property line. Mr. Moberg added the applicant wants to keep the fence in the same location. Board Member HOVLAND asked if the existing fence on the property is in compliance, and Mr. Moberg replied he was told it was 30 feet back, but that should be asked of the applicant. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked could this go up in the same location if it was a four foot fence, and Mr. Moberg replied yes. WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 28, 1994 Page 5 No further questions were asked of staff. _.. ^- . The applicant, Melvin Koeltzow, 12385 W. 48th Avenue, was sworn in. Mr. Koeltzow stated he hired the same contractor that was working for the City and felt they had a handle on what could and could not be done. They set the fence four feet back from the property and said they had a verbal agreement from the City that if he would allow the City to use that frontage that they would allow the six foot fence. Mr. Koeltzow assumed they had initiated the permit to do this and was already putting in the pickets when a city official told him he would have to get a permit. He tried to trace and find who did this agreement for the six foot fence in exchange for the City using to use the frontage and all of a sudden there is nobody that knows anything about this. Mr. Koeltzow said he is not trying to place the blame on anyone, he is just a property owner trying to get a fence. He feels he was negligent in not coming into the City and finding out all the details and wi!.1 do whatever the Board rules. The six foot fence will be an advantage as far as seeing the corrals from the street, sound from the street and privacy from the park. Mr. Koeltzow feels he was caught in a situation but did not intentionally do anything illegal. Whatever the ruling is, he will comply with. He feels.it will be an advantage to the area to have the same height fence all around. This fence is a considerable distance back from Kipl3ng Street and there should be no sight or traffic complications. Board Member ABBOTT asked if he felt the extra two feet would be a noise buffer,'and'the applicant said yes, and he felt it would provide a little more of a deterant of vandalism since the park will initiate public use. Board Member ABBOTT feels the fence with the spacing would not do to good of a job at buffering noise or maintaining privacy. Mr. Koeltzow said to keep in mind the alternate spacing will partially block vision and maintain semi-privacy. Board Member ECHELMEYER questioned the applicant if this fence is the corral fence or would he continue to keep a separate fence, and Mr. Koeltzow answered the tenant will provide an electric fence inside this fence. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if there is an electric fence now and wanted to know if the horses belong to-the applicant. Mr. Koeltzow replied there is an electric fence now. The horses belong to the applicant's tenant (he is the owner but does not live on the property). _ WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 28, 1994 Page 6 Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the horses have ever broken out onto Kipling Street, and the applicant answered no, not to his knowledge. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if he was planning to go ahead with the six foot fence on the south, and Mr. Koeltzow replied yes, because of the park he would like to have as much of the six foot fence as he could possibly have because he feels he is more vulnerable to parties and vandalism. The applicant said the fence is necessary and if it wasn't he would not spend the money because this is not a cheap endeavor to fence that much area. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if he would have any trouble with a four foot fence on the west, and Mr. Koeltzow said the trouble with a four foot fence will be the double cost. To cut the fence down will cost him a considerable amount because the material has already been purchased. He would feel more comfortable with the six foot fence to reduce any liability from the horses and also feels the property will look better. Board Member HOVLAND asked the applicant to clarify the statement that someone from the Parks department wanted the fence across there so they could make a planting buffer or something. Mr. Koeltzow said the way he was approached was he was led to believe there was an agreement with the contractor and somebody from the City, but never got any documentation. The applicant pulled the permit as soon as he was aware of the situation. The contractor has agreed to move the fence. back. No further questions were asked of the applicant. Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-94- 9, an application by Melvin Koeltzow, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The fence would greatly enhance privacy and peaceful use of this residential property from this busy thoroughfare. 2. Since horses are kept on this property, a six foot fence would help mitigate.an attractive nuisance for neighborhood children. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Then fence must be lowered 48" maximum for 15 feet in each direction from the intersection of the west fence line and the north fence line at the driveway. 2. The Flood Plain requirements must be met. ~~ WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ' MINUTES OF MEETING: June 28, 1994 Page 7 3. Livestock must be kept a minimum of four feet from the fencer 4. This four foot space must be kept clear of weeds and trash. Motion was seconded by Board Member ECHELMEYER. Board Member ROSSILLON stated he would be voting against this motion even though it is somewhat of a unique circumstance but feels there is no necessity for a six foot fence. The Board will open themselves up for other applicants to try and justify the six foot fence. Chairman JUNKER said she also would be voting against this because six foot fences are not allowed. Board Member ECHELMEYER will be voting for this because Kipling Street is almost totally commercial, and there will be no precedent set relative to R-2 and R-1 districts. He is afraid of an accident on Kipling Street with the horses. The request would be a different story i£ the property were R-1 or R-2. Motion denied by a vote of 2-4, with Board Members HOVLAND, HOWARD, JUNKER, and ROSSILLON voting no. Resolution attached. C. tease No. WA-94-5: An application by Diana and Terry Olson for approval of a 20' variance to i:he 30' required side yard setback adjacent to a public street; in a Residential-Two zone district. Said property is located at 2990 Saulsbury Street. Greg Moberg, presented the staff report. .,A],l.pertinent .. " documents were entered into record, which Chairman JUNKER accepted. Board Member ROSSILLON asked if the plan is to be just 10 feet from the property line, and Mr. Moberg answered the site plan shows a 10 foot setback from the north property line and 11 feet back from edge of asphalt. There are no curbs, gutters or walkout, nor are there any plans to be. Board Member ABBOTT said his problem is the side yard setback, and asked when staff says there is an alternative location are they talking about pushing the garage further toward the house. Mr. Moberg replied pushing the garage back further into-the rear yard is an alternative, they however will lose most of their backyard.. PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: wA-94-7 DATE• June 23, 1994 REQUEST: An application by Melvin Koeltzow for approval of a variance to allow a six foot fence within the front yard setback. Said property is located at 4240 Kipling Street. 1 ; Position On Request; 1 (Please Check) ; i SPEAKER'S NAME~& ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT) i IN FAVOR i OPPOSED ~ /,,~ // /lE~ 5'0256 Sn<?.tJ Y// ~.~ /P Of_ L T 9-? !l G) 11.J R Sc -~ 1. 2 ~/ f/T~` /~~l c- 1 ~ 1 ~"~ ! 1 ~ i i 1 ~ f I ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ I 1 ~ 1 I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ I 1 ~ 1 I ~ I 1 1 1 t I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 ~ I 1 I ' 1 1 1 .~ CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION ~ I, Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 23rd day of June 1994. CASE NO: WA-94-7 APPLICANT'S NAME: Melvin Koeltzow LOCATION: 4240 Kipling Street Upon motion by Board Member ABBOTT seconded by Board Member HOWARD the following Resolution was stated. WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an Administrative Officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application, Case No. WA-94-7 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an Administrative Officer; and WHEREAS; the property has been posted the required 15 days by law and there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS; the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-44-7 be and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 25' to the 30' required setback and a 2' height PURPOSE: To allow a six foot fence within the Front yard setback FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The fence would greatly enhance privacy and peaceful use of this residential property from this busy thoroughfare. „ 2. Since horses are.-kept on this property; a six foot fence would help mitigate an attractive nuisance for neighborhood children.' WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Then fence must be lowered 48" maximum for 15 feet in each direction from the intersection of the west fence line and the north fence line at the driveway. 2. The Flood Plain requirements must be met. 3. Livestock must be kept a minimum of four feet From the fence. 4. This four foot space must be kept clear of weeds and trash. VOTE: YES: Abbott and Echelmeyer NO: Hovland, Howard, Junker, and,ROSSillon DISPOSITION: Variance denied by a DA ED this 2•rd day of June, 1994. SUSAN JUNKER Chairman Board of Adjustment vote of 2-4. Q Ma L u Chapla, Sec etary Board o Adjustment