HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-96-4 The Crty of ~1Vhe at ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~Rid~re Department of Planning and Development S 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 i r Applicant ~ Lt! ~7~C Address 20 7~ /7~*r Phone 67- /cam Owner /~/i~N~4-~~ L~~i~Gh~ Address >G7 ffJ/,/ ~Y Phone ~Op-Q~7c~ Location of request- '3707 /-1i~ ~ l'....,,, 1- Type of action requested (6heok one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your-request.) d Change o£ zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit- Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final ^ ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Detailed Description of request ~y~ i Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change. Flood plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception- Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid-waste landfill/ -- mineral extraction permit ^ Other ._ t ~.I List all persons and companies_who hold an interest in_ the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee;_optibnee,-etc.. 17, I certify that the information-and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons Sisted above, without whose consent the requested action cannot law£uily be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must_ submit power-of-attorney from-the owner which approved of-this a~ on his behal£c Signature of Subscribed and sworn to me this ~Z day of lg ~~_ SEAL RPCPIVP~ ^- My commission expires ~ '.3 - ~ nj '~ - - n-,......: -i. ~.. .. ~ . ;: NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING ' Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing-is to be held before -the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on May 16, 1996 ---- ~:~ at 7:30 p.m. at 7500-West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. . All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions `.:.- shall be heard: - ,- _ , 1. Case No, MS-96-5: .An application by ;Daniel Schneider for the Estate of Julia Marie Cobb for approval of a four-lot minor subdivision for property located at 12345 West 38th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29-AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, BOTH OF TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, DESCRIBED ,AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S. 0°28'23"E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29 (BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29 BEARS 5.89°36'42"W.) A DISTANCE OF 184.83 FEET TO A POINT 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY (MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES) OF THE CENTERLINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE 5.76°41'37"W. PARALLES WITH THE CENTERLINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 275.96 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 2367 AT PAGE 645 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE N.0°07'44"W. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF-THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN SAID BOOK 2637 AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN BOOR 2367 AT PAGE 642 A DISTANCE OF 796.38 FEET TO A 1' BY 1' CONCRETE PILLAR MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 2367 AT PAGE 642 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 449 AT PAGE 439 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE N.45°57'49"E. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN SAID BOOK 449 AT PAGE 439 A DISTANCE OF 372.04 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF' THE SOUTWEST 1/4 OF.THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN SAID BOOK 449 AT PAGE 439; THENCE N.43°29'08"E. A DISTANCE OF 12.96 FEET TO AN EXISTING FENCE CORNER, THENCE S 52°02'53"E. ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE, A DISTANCE OF 3.74 FEET TO AN EXISTING FENCE CORNER; THENCE 5.00°17'00°E. ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE LINE A DISTANCE OF 995.30 FEET TO AN EXISTING. FENCE CORNER; THENCE 5.76°41'37"W. A DISTANCE OF 14.29 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 252,797 SQUARE FEET,. MORE OR LESS. 2. ~=use No._MS-96-4:, An application by Richard Carpenter for Michael Lynch for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with variances. Said property is located at 3707 and 3711 High Court and is legally described as follows: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF ~.. ~y~~ i ~ !-~1. . ~{WHAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ~,3~EGINNING AT A POINT 1177 FEET WEST AND 390 FEET SOUTH OF THE. .- ;~~TORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES WEST - ;,~1,35;FEET; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTH 100 FEET; THENCE AT RIGHT - ANGLES EAST 135 FEET; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES SOUTH 100 FEET TO ~~THE.POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTIN DESCRIBED IN BOOK 310 ~iT PAGE5 96 & 97 DEDICATED AS HIGH COURT. ~~.: ~ , o •.NrSs' ~ _.. _ Sandra Wiggins, cretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: April 26, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript b:\c51696.phn 7500 WEST 29TH AVENU~ - P.O.BOX 638 ThE City Of April 1, 1996 WHEATRIDGE.C080034~0638 (303)234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with variances on R 3 zoned -~-an s~ __ _ _ --- at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ~~r;7 1~, ~4~_, No response from you by this date will constitute no ob,7ections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: MS-96-4/Carpenter LOCATION: 3707 High Court REQUESTED ACTION: 2-lot minor subdivision with variances for lot width and lot area PURPOSE: To create an additional single family residential lot APPROXIMATE AREA: ,26 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO - ~ f "NO",_please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO 1f "NO",_ please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YE$ NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: -ems N~~ ~ M RP~ti r+ Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX water District (Wheat Ridge XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge Adjacent City ( ~ XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX TCI of Colorado Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners DAnver Water Board W R Post Office XX W R Police Dept. XX W R Public Works Dept. XX W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. XX W R Building Div. <pc>referralform r~ ~r..,.r.,:~„... ~~ m Public Service° April 9, 1996 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) acknowledges receipt of Pu61ic Service Company of Colorado 2707 W. 7th Avenue Denver, CO 80204-4114 Carpenter #MS-36-4 PROJECT TITLE PSCo has examined the proposed plot plan of the above-captioned project. PSCo has no apparent conflict at this time. PSCo would like to remind the developer to have all utilities located prior to construction. If you have any questions regarding the above subject matter, please contact me at 571- 3735. Thank~yo)u, , ~~ ~L%~~ Teresa Wilson Right-of-Way Processor i TW/p9 ~u~~'~~z~zo~ z~r~o ~~ cc~~~~~~ za~coz~~, ;. CONTACT NUMBER: 1 DATE: 2 APRIL, 1996 SUBDIVISION NAME: 3711 SUBDIV ENGINEER: NAME: TAKE ENGINEERING PHONE: (303) 233-4042 FAX: (303) ... rrmy REpg SEA CHUCK BRADEN REMARKS: 1, i.rnc+r++-+n Tn y~.+LL WITHIN OUR TOLERANCES 2• BEARING ON C/L HIGH COURT DISAGREES WITH OURS (21'46" TO 24'51") ~+ienim nrmv aTT(!TTTIIL~a aT O K - _ 4: CHANGE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH TO US WEST (DEDICATION) ~ DECIMAL IN SO FT SHOULD BE COMMA (GRAPHIC PORTION) Sz _ _ _ _ _ 10: How contact made: person~ne'letter fax --- REPRESENTATIVE: City: Engineer: S~'c-uE L.' str~ Callback 1 Date: Remark: _. - - Callback 2 Date: _ __, Remark: Callback 2 Date: Remark: _- 7500 WEST 29TH AVEN~ P.O. BOX 638 ~J The Crty of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 800340638 (303) 23»5900 GWheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235.2949 ~Rid~e April 1, 1996 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with variances on It-3 zoned ~..,~ at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on-this proposal would be appreciated by AiJr;1 1 19 6 No response from you-by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: MS-96-4/Carpenter LOCATION: 3'707 High Court REQUESTED ACTION: 2-lot minor subdivision with variances for lot width and lot area PURPOSE: To create an additional single family residential lot APPROXIMATE AREA: .26 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve t is development? YES ~. NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES ~ NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you h3ve adequate capacities to service the development? YES_ee/ NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rule~s- and regulations? YES r/ NO If."NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? ~-~-c...-s no= ~Q~casc~/aT 7k,,,:s `t~..~ wi,L( be ~~~as-l~.e.ko~..Q Please reply to: ~ ar`~~/L. ~~~~ M Ra~kart epartment of Pianning & Development WyG~~/?~- DISTRIBUTION: ~~-r6 XX Water District (Wheat Ridge Jefferson Co. Health Dept. XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge Jefferson Co. Schools XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge Jefferson Co. Commissioners Adjacent City ( ) Denver Water Board XX Public Service Co. W R Post Office XX US West Communications XX W R Police Dept. State Land Use Commission XX W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey XX W R Parks & Recreation Com. Colorado Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div.. of Wildlife - XX W R Building Div. XX TCI of Colorado <pc>referralform G ~. TO: Meredeth Reckert Department of Planning and Development FROM: Deri Patt Police Department DATE: April 9, 1996 CASE NO: MS-96-4/Carpenter LOCATION: 3707 High Court Meredeth, I have reviewed the site plan that accompanied this proposal. From the site plan, I have no concerns or problems that would affect approval of this project. Deri MEMORANDUI~ TO: FROM: DATE: Meredith Reckert, Planner II Greg Knudson, Development Review April 3, 1996 U PLANNING R DEVELOPMENT Engineer ~, SIIBJ: 3707 High Court, MS-96-4/Carpenter The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated April 1, 1996 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. We will need 5-feet of right-of-way dedicated for the entire lot frontage in order to meet the minimum 50-foot right-of- way width requirement. The existing right-of-way is 40-feet. Chuck Braden will coordinate dedication requirements with the property owner. cc: Glen Gidley, John Oss, Sr. Steve Nguyen, John McGuire, Chuck Braden, File Community Development Director Project Engineer Traffic Engineer City Surveyor ROW Technician ~'1 L! U 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ThB City Oi NlHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6797 (303) 234-5900 Wheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ;# 235-2949 Ridge April 18, 1996 Mr. Richard Carpenter 7120 Routt Street Arvada CO 80004 Dear Mr. Carpenter: I have reviewed your request for approval of a minor subdivision pursuant to Case No. MS-96- 4 and have the following comments: 1. The title should indicafe that this is a minor subdivision. 2. A history box should be added. 3. Releases by the holders of the deeds of trust must be added using the following language: "Holder of deed(s) of trust hereby releases claim to areas dedicated to public use. ~~ , 4. Also add five foot right-of-way dedication for High Court, with dimensions and lot areas adjusted accordingly. 5. Aten-foot-wide easement along front property line needs to be added. 6. Add adjacent zoning and land use. 7. Also needed are current deeds for both properties. Attached are comments received from outside agencies. Please be aware that City staff will not support the request as proposed due to the extreme degree of variances being requested.,. Because of the right-of-way dedication being required with the plat, any previous variances granted are null and void. This case is scheduled for public hearing before Planning Commission on May 16, 1966. I will need 13 copies of the revised plat no later than May 6. If you have questions, please call me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw attachments cc: Michael Lynch Steve Lister nN18=3fi-4 file <, - P.O. BOX 638 'T`ELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE .WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 cWheat Ridge April 24, 1996 - This is to inform you that Case No. nrtq_gti_q which is a request for ~proval of ~ wo-lot minor subdivision ~;rt, a,- a ces to lot width and lot area for property located at 3707 and 3711 Hiah Court -• will be heard_by the Wheat Ridge pTann;ng ommi sion in the ,Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7.~~ o m , on -"'Tai'-i F, ~ gati All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning Commission _ _ As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform "Tlze Carraation City" 1 ~- ~7 D- :~ s O U w,~ W 7 ~ ~ ( ~} m_ __ _.. ~!" 'SS3tlOOtl w I Ol 3d0'13AN3 d0 , p ~ ~ d ~ l ~ z~ r 't 1 s o ~~ Z U . D a~ M M O Tt O ~-t W t }J O d> ~ w ° q U N ~ l c a ~'i a ~ ~ ~~ ~ a~~ow rl •rl ai Cf] ~i ~ 'x o~ ¢ a z o`~ w ~ ~ R~11 ~-1 V +~ ~ ~ d O .. ! 30 c 1C-N - 6 z a 6~ Q z M 3 ~ ~ ~ ~O u o h< 4 ~ a U W Z ,1 ~ ~~ m m ~ ~ ~-_ _ N O m O W O WO ~ J Q O x N N W 3~ °o x n3 N r ~ ~ M ~ d ~ m ~ ~ o f1J ~ Y I o' m ~° m ~E ~ '~ ~ `!' 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V T .~ ~_ _. 1~. j xr ~ lP i o t r.~ ~ ~ ~ 4a'1 °'I~ Cli :> i -- ~ I ~ erty Da~ TRW REDI Pro ( p 1996 1)Situs:3785 HIGH CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6329 760 Use APARTMENT Assd Land:$3 APN :39-261-00-022 CO , Assd Imp :$15,040 Date:ll/01/91 B1dar:3954 County:Jefferson Zone: Total Val:$18,800 Doc#:103076 Rooms: / / MapLoc:20-B RTSQ :69W03526NE Lot Size :A0.35 Sale: Story: Pool: 1stTD: Yrblt: Subdiv: _ Phone: Owner :ORR ROBERT ALLEN Own2nd: Mail :PO_BOX 12379; DENVER CO 80212-0379 B004 » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is-not guaranteed « ~(~ 7 ~' ~. ~ ~0 ~ ~~ ~ ~z---~ • ~ (C1 1996 TRW REDI Prope a rty D 1)Situs:3710 HIGH CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6 _. 330 -- APN :39-261-00-018 Assd Land:$2,190 790 $6 d I A Use SFR Date:06/08/88 B1dar:982 County:Jefferson CO- MapLoc:20-B Zone: , mp q ss Total Val:$8,980 Doc#:55925 Rooms: / /1 l RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot Size :A0.20 Sale: : Story:l Poo Subdiv: - - 1stTD: Yrb1t:1935 _ ----- Owner :_WRrGHT GERALD J Phone:303 424-5268 Own2nd:WRIGHT EUGENE F -__-_ Mail :3710 HIGH CT; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6330 CO10 2)Situs:3702 HIGH CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6330 APN :39-261-00-019 Assd Land:$2,190 030 $8 d I A Use -:SFR Date:09/23/94 Bldar:1139 County:Jefferson CO MapLoc:20-B Zone: , mp : ss Total Val:$10,220 Doc#:94155077 Rooms: /5 /1 l RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot Size :A0.28 Sale:$98,000 : Story:l Poo Subdiv: 1stTD:$97,300 Yrblt: Owner : BOYD JAMES Phone Own2nd: _------- _ _ - -- Mail :3702 HIGH CT; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6330 CO10 3)Situs:3720 TELLER ST_- WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6243 APN :39-261-00-028 Assd Land:-$2,190 Use SFR County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$5,760 Date:01/19/96 B1dar:984 /2 /1 s R MapLoc:20-H-- Zone: Total Val:$7,950 Doc#:F173620 oom : l l P RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot Size :A0.22 Sale:$98,500 : oo Story: Subdiv: 1stTD:$97,900 Yrblt: Owner fKIBSELL MICHAEL S Phone: Own2nd: _ -- Mail :3720 TELLER ST; WHEATRIDGE CO 80033-6243 CO10 4)Situs:3710 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6243 APN :39-261-00-029/01 Assd Land:$3,640 Use :SFR County:Jefferson CO- Assd-Imp :$8,500 Date:05/29/92 B1dar:1125 s / /1 R MapLoc:20-B Zone: Total Val:$12,140 Doc#:63085 oom : l l P RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot Size :A0.29 Sale: : oo Story: Subdiv-: 1stTD: Yrb1t:1930 Owner :SLINGSBY BEA Phone:303/422- 3728 Own2nd: _ - ,_._ .. -- Mail :3710 TELLER ST; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-5243 CO10 7)Situs:3700 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 8003 3-6243 APN :39-261-00-069/01 Assd Land:$3,640 Use TRIPLEX County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$14,640 Date:02/12/93 B1dar:3003 /8 /5 s R MapLoc:20-B Zone: Total Val:$18,280 Doc#:19964 oom : l P RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot Size :A0.38 Sale:$96,500 oo : Story:l Subdiv: 1stTD:$67,500 Yrblt: Owner :_BERKOWITZ DEBRA S Phone: Own2nd:- Mail :-3700 TELLER ST; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-62 - 43 C010 ---------------------- » Reported data believed ------------------- to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « + ~ 1996 TRW REDI P t Da roper y ta ----------------------- 9)Situs:3715 HIGH CT ---------------------------------------- WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6329 ----------------- APN :39=261-00-070 Assd Land:$1,810 IIse :SFR County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$4,590 Date:08/18/92 B1dar:810 MapLoc:20-B Zone: Total Val:$6,400 Doc#:101972 Rooms: / /1 RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot Size :A0.14 Sale: Story:l Pool: Subdiv: 1stTD: Yrblt:1948 Owner.:DEL PrCCOLO LUCIANO Phone:303/468-8763 Own2nd:MORRIS MARIO /EA Mail :611-WILLOW BRIIK RD; SILVERTHORNE CO 80498-2397 » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO:. Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: May 16, 1996 DATE PREPARED: May 7, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: MS-96-4)Carpenter CASE MANAGER: E~redith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Two-lot subdivision with variances LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3707 and 3711 High Court NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Richard Carpenter, 7120 Routt Street, Arvada NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Wad W,Water3man, 3707 High CourtaWheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AREA: 10,974 square feet PRESENT ZONING: R-3 PRESENT LAND USE: Single family residential ~ ~~'u'~~' ~~'~ ~~~ SURROUNDING ZONING: All sides: R-3 SURROUNDING LAND USE: Single family residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Low density residential --- DATE PUBLISHED: April 26, 1996 DATE POSTED: May 2, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: April 24, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (xx) ATTACHED ()NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: () ATTACHED --~---(~) NONE - ------- ENTER INTO RECORD: __ (~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (xx) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE (~) SLIDES ( xx) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (xx) EXHIBITS OTHER ~!/vl'i S ~ ~~ ---------------------- JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report ~~ Case No. MS-96-4(Carpenter 1. REQUEST Page 2 The applicant requests approval of a two-lot minor subdivision wkh lot size and lot width variances. The property in question is located at 3707 and 3711 High Court and is zoned R-3. There is an existing residence on Lot 1 (northern lot). If the subdivision is approved, asingle-family residence will be constructed on Lot 2 (southern lot). This property is designated as low density residential on the Comprehensive Plan map (1-6.9 units per acre). Single family R-3 lots equate to a density of 5.8 units per acre. This proposal resuRs in 7.3 to 6.6 units per acre. A 5' right-of-way dedication-will be required for High Court. Public improvements were previously built. All requirements~or a subdi ision eve been met. . x L Staff would note that the property was•_'it'1jeigva~lly~aub~divid~ed4••by deed. When staff realized what had occurred, an after-the-fact subdivision was required. The applicant is the previous owner. II. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can serve the property. Pubic Works will require a 5' rigfit-ot-way dedicatio~n.~~'~~' ~ ~ ~ W ~Ci III. VARIANCES = ~ i?~ ~ a~~ The R-3 zone district regulations require a minimum of 7500 square feet of lot area with 60 feet of lot width. The two lots proposed are grossly substandard to these requirements. REQUIREMENT Lot Width:60 feet Lot Area ~ 7500 square feet LOT 1 LOT 2 46 feet (23.3% variance) 54' (10% variance) 5059.5 (32.5% variance) 5939.5 (20.78% variance} Variances must be considered separately from the ottxr cases and requires agreater-than-majority vote based upon Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 2~3(s). and Section 266(Ox2)- Staff has the tolbwing comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income it Permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? The property is currently being used as asingle-family residence (on the north) and as accessory yard space (on the south). If the variance is denied it will continue to be used thusly. 2 Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? Circumstances are not unique. 3. H fhe variation was granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? There are other legal non-conforming lots in this area. The property to the south of Lof 2 Is roughly 5400 square feet in size with 45 feet of lot width. If the variances are granted and a residence is built on Lot 2 Planning Division Staff Report Case No. MS-96-4f Carpenter Page 3 it would not alter the character of the area. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specfic properly involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? The shape and topography of the lot do not constitute a hardship. Any hardship in this case could be considered salt-imposed. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a vari~ion is based 6e applicabk, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? If the variances are granted, a precedent could be established for similar requests. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the ProPe~ The variances are being requested primarily to make money out of the property. 7. Has itre alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in ttro property? The hardship has been self-imposed. The City's subdivision regulations are in place to ensure that this type of illegal subdivision with substandard lots does not occur. The applicant willingly violated Ci4y and State law. 8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to fhe public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is kxated? The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to other properties ar improvements in the neighborhood. Although proposed Lot 2 has historically been a "weed problem", subdividing and building a house are not a proper means to correct this problem. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the publ"ic streets or increase tire danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? Approval of the variances could affect the amount of light and air to adjacent properties as a house would be buiR on land which is vacant and is substandard in size. h would increase use of High Court 6y approximately 10 vehicle trips per day. Granting of the variances could negatively affect property values although a neighborhood eyesore would be eliminated. Staff concludes that the criteria do not support approval of this request. N. STAFF CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that there are no unique circumstances and that the hardship was self-imposed by the applicant by willingly violating the subdivision regulations. Staff further concludes that a dangerous precedent could be established for similar requests. For these reasons, a recommendation of denial is given for both the variances and the subdivision. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. MS-96-4/Carpenter V. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS VARIANCES Page 4 OPTION A: "I move that the request for lot size and lot area variances for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. There are no unique circumstances. 2. A precedent could be set for similar requests. 3. In general, the variance criteria do not support approval of this request. OPTION B: "I move that the request for Lot size and Lot area variances for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court, be approved for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " SUBDIVISION OPTION A: "I move that the request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court 6e Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " OPTION B: "I move that the request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court be approved for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " b:~ms964.sr CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: May 16, 1996 DATE PREPARED:,~l~May 7, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: MS-96-4JCarpenter CASE MANAGER: rMeredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Two-lot subdivision with variances LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3707 and 3711 High Court NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Richard Carpenter, 7120 Routt Street, Arvada NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Scott Wilson, 3711 High Court, Wheat Ridge Warren Waterman, 3707 High Court, Wheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AREA: 10,974 square feet PRESENT ZONING: R-3 PRESENT LAND USE: Single family residential SURROUNDING ZONING: Ali sides: R-3 SURROUNDING LAND USE: Single family residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Low density residential DATE PUBLISHED: April 26, 1996 DATE POSTED: May 2, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: April 24, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (:oc) ATTACHED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: () ATTACHED ENTER INTO RECORD: ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( )ZONING ORDINANCE (:ac) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER ( )NOT REQUIRED (:ac) NONE (xx) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS { )SLIDES ( xx) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. MS-96-4/Carpenter I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with lot size and lot width variances. The property in question is located at 3707 and 3711 High Court and is zoned R-3. There is an existing residence on Lot 1 (northern lot). If the subdivision is approved, asingle-family residence will be constructed on Lot 2 (southern lot). This property is designated as low density residential on the Comprehensive Plan map (1-8.9 units per acre). Single family R-3 lots equate to a densfty of 5.8 unts per acre. This proposal results in 7.3 to 8.6 units per acre. A 5' right-of-way dedication will be required for High Court. Public Improvements were previously built. All requirements for a subdivision have been met. Staff would note that the property was illegally subdivided by deed. When staff realized what had occurred, an after-the-fact subdivision was required. The applicant is the previous owner. IL AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can serve the property. Public Works will require a 5' right-of-way dedication. III. VARIANCES The R3 zone district regulations require a minimum of 7500 square feet of lot area with 60 feet of lot width. The two lots proposed are grossly substandard to these requirements. REQUIREMENT Lot Width:60 feet Lot Areal 7500 square feet LOT 1 46 feet (23.3% variance) 5059.5 (32.5% variance) LOT 2 54' (10% variance) 5939.5 (20.78% variance) Variances must be considered separately from the other cases and requires agreater-than-majority vote based upon Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 2~wf(s). and Section 26b(Dx2). Staff has the folbwing comments regarding the crfteria used to evaluate a varianx: 7. Can the properly in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to 6e used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which ft is kkated? The property is currently being used as asingle-family residence (on the north) and as accessory yard space (on the south). If the variance is denied it will continue to be used thusly. 2. Is the p1igM of the owner duc to unique circumstances? Circumstances are not unique. 3. H the variation was grarded, would ft aNer fix essential character of the bcality'? There are other legal non-conforming lots in this area. The property to the south of Lot 2 is roughly 5400 square feet in size with 45 feet of lot width. If the variances are granted and a residence is built on Lot 2 Planning Division Staff Report Case No. MS-9li-4/Carpenter k would no4 aker the character of the area. Page B 4.. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular hardship (upon Ure owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, ff the strict kilter of the regulations were cartied out? The shape and topography of the lot do not constkute a hardship. Any hardship in this case could be considered self-imposed. 5. Would fhe condkions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other properly within the same zoning classification? If the variances are granted, a precedent could be established for similar requests. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the property? The variances are being requested primarily to make money out of the property. 7. Has the alkged d"dficuky or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the properly? The hardship has been self-imposed. The Cky's subdivision regulations are in place to ensure that this type of illegal subdivision with substandard lots does not occur. The applicant willingly violated Cky and State law. 8. Would the granting of the variations 6e detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other properly or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to other properties or improvements in the neighborhood. Although proposed Lot 2 has historically been a "weed problem", subdividing and building a house arc not a proper means to correct this problem. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of IigM and air to adjacent property or substantially increase tfre congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair properly values wkhin the neighborhood? Approval of the variances could affect the amount of light and air to adjacent properties as a house would be built on land which is vacant and is substandard in size. k would increase use of High Court by approximately 10 vehicle trips per day. Granting of the variances could negatively affect property values although a neighborhood eyesore would be eliminated. Staff concludes that the criteria do not support approval of this request. IV. STAFF CONCLUSION AND RECOAA~AENDATION Staff has concluded that there are no unique circumstances and that the hardship was self-imposed by the applicant by willingly violating the subdivision regulations. Staff further concludes that a dangerous precedent could be established for similar requests. For these reasons, a recommendation of denial is given for both the variances and the subdivision. Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. MS-96-4/Carpenter V. RECOfiAMENDED MOTIONS VARIANCES OPTION A: "1 move that the request for lot size and lot area variances for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. There arc no unique circumstances. 2. A precedent could be set for similar requests. 3. In general, the variance criteria do not support approval of this request. OPTION B: "I move that the request for Lot size and Lot area variances for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court, be approved for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " OPTION A: "I move that the request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " OPTION B: "I move that the request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court be approved for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " b:~ms964.sr ~ ! Case No. MS-96-4 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (Wheat Ridae) Can serve. Schools: Water: (Wheat Ridge) Can serve. Sewer: (Wheat Ridae) No response. U S West: No response. Public Service Company: No problems. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferson County: (Health, Commissioners, Planning) Adjacent City: TCI: No response. CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Will require a 5' right-of-way dedication. Parks and Recreation: Will require $75 in lieu of land dedication. Police: No problems. Building Inspection: No problems. agrefsum.frm May 6, 1996 Planning Commission -- City o£ Wheat Ridge Dear Members: Case ',~'MS-96-4 3711 High Ct. We are writing in regard to the May 16, 1995, hearing of Case MS-96-4. We live on the west side o£ the lot in question. Dividing the one lot into 2 residential home properties does not meet Wheat Ridge zoning. The proposed lots would be 5,278 sf and 6,196 sf. R-3 zoning requires a minimum of 7500 sf for one family dwelling. Then, 2 additional variances would be needed for lot width and lot area. We oppose this subdivision as it is a violation of the Wheat Ridge zoning laws and would set a precedent. The problem of weech on the south portion of the lot is the owners responsibility. Apparently the fine is low enough to ~~1et the city do it~~. We are sorry we cannot attend the hearing as we will be out of town at that time. S~i~~ncerely, /,LL' l ~ ~li/ Bea Slingsby ~ > Pau~~`~~ 3710 Teller St. Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 ~J _ _ __ DEL PICCOLO/t=t21:NTEX 303468 b849 P. 01 L. t)El PICCOLO 611 Ntitlowbrook Road P.O. Box 2397 Si{verttwrne, CO 80498-2397 Tel (97u) 468.8783 Fax (970)468-6849 May g, 9996 OA021 Ol~Zld96-60-50 The Clty.of Wheat Ridge P.O. box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 AK: PLQNNtNG DIVI510N Ms. Meredith RECKERT, Planner ViA FAiC (303) 2345924 Re: Case No. MS-96-4 Dear Ms. Reckert: Thank you for advising us of the Public Hearing to be held on May 16, 1996 regarding a request for a subdivision with variances for the property located at 3707 and 3711 High Court. My brother, Mario Del Piccolo, my sister Lidia Del Piccolo-Morris, and i own the property located at 3715 High Court, bordering the subject property to the Sovth. Our property has a single family dwelling on it in which our mother has resided for aver twenty years. (am writing this letter on behalf Of all owners of record of 3715 High Court, since it may not 6e possible to be present at the Public Rearing. l wish to express our strong opposition to the proposed Subdivision. This is based on ffi®fact that subject property would be well below the minimum standards for tot area (5,926 sq. ft. net of City ROW, or 79.0°~ of [he stipulated minimum of 7,500 sq. ft.) and for lot width (54 ft., or 9045 of the stipulated minimum of 60 ft.) We are well aware that similar variations from standards were inherited innumerous instances at the time of Wheat Ritlge's incorporation; however, it is our contention that public policy should not further erode land use ragutations. We would also like to point out an additional fact with respect to Subject property. In 1991 this property was on the market. Recognizing that the lot was quite small and that the puilding of a new dwelling on the site would have had a serious crowding impact on our mother, we decides to make an offer to purchase the property so as to keep it a open space as long es our mother would be abPe to five there. We felt that subsequently we would have two small lots which could have had a reasonable use when combined or Left as they era. In pursuing the purchase, having obtained the 7itfe Company report, we became aware or the problems associated wish the property. We advised our agent Mr. DeVto of REMAX West (Ward Road Office) of our f"mdings and of our position. This was clearly communicated to the then owner of the property, Mr. Richard W. Carpenter and to his agent, Mr. T. Ryan of REMAX West (Youngfieid Street Office). t attach a copy of a letter from our Attorney dated November 7, 1991 which spells out our position antl fintlings. ___ DEL PICCOLOiFRINTEX 3634686849 P_62 • In conclusion, I wish to emphasize that the then owner and his agent were fully aware of the problems relating to the property and that during good faith negotiations should have disclosed them to a buyer. Again, f wish to stress our opposition to the pending request and thank you making this a paR of the record, Sincerely, ~~y Luciano pel Piccolo Enc: SILVANA DEL PICCOLO ATfORNFY aT i nw 7 ~agle9 Nest Court P.O. BOx 2217 • Dillon, CO 80435-2$17 Tel, (303) 488-8763 tvnvember 7, 194_ Mr. Jue llivito REriPdx WFSI' SA40 war°d Road~5uitr 11,ci Arvada, c0 E10002 SY 1'ELEF~pX: (303142©-5232 RP: Contract Hated C)ctoberh, 1991 Dekw2en }?trharci W. Carpenter (Sellar) antl 3`lario Del Piccgla (purchascry, Revised '('itle insurance Commitment Dear tor. i.liVito: iJn November 4, 1971 Security 7it1e 6uarantea Company issued a rt?v±sed Title insurance Commitment for tre land covered by the referenced ct~ntract_ Such revised commitment was due to the Improvemen± Location CertlTicnta n, ~"~'-490r), dated DCtobcar '~4. 1997. submi:l'ted tt~ BecLirity Tit).e Guarantee company on t3rtnber ;Si, 3 9`?1 . rust of all, en behalfi O-f my clients. Marta i7et Yaccnlo and Luciano D~1 F},i.CCOIo. I wish to note for the reCpr U a ;Sra.ach pt contract .by Seller. ~Jnder Particle (3(b) ofi the rPnulred, no later than t3ctpber "true ccdDieS p_f- all 1~?ases and bFrrtaining k•.n the PrDperty'• and or Ol'her Litle rnattrars not shown has ar_t~.ral knc~wlr~dyi?". referenced contract, Seller was 11 . 1991, i O del aver' to Purch~.ser sl3rveyi S7 in $B1 SPr'S DDSSB~SLOn to disclpse "ail easements, liens by f.~ublic records of whiC:h Seller ;lPiler faLled to provide any such information to Purchaser not o>,.ly by the ccntract deadline but by the priginal r.losint~ pate. Ciosxn2 could Hui: take plaC>~ tseca~xse ofi Seller's inability to brovide proper title docurrsents. Purchaser agreed to extend the closa.ng riata-ta allow Seller tp correct 'the aratalem. Ha:.:evsr, based on the conflicting iniOrmation and confusion surfaCetl at clbsing, Pi.~.rchasar was very Cuncc.rnt=d about puss^'ble boundary orr~blam:, Yr;d repgatedly requested Sellar to provide an improvRment __ DEL PICCOLO/FRINTEX '0034686849 • P.03 survc=v or io share with Purchaser the t:osts Dr g pxn s~.,rvey. Even 'though Seller had rBCOrtlS in his possesszcir, zndi„atzn6 boundary prodlems, Seller oat gr,ly- faded tb disclose such records but Se1lRr also rejected any requests fo+- Surveys t7y Purchaser and threatened forfieiture 07 Purchases°'s earnest money if Pr~+rCMa3~r failed to prgceed with clbslnn without any adtlztianal information by SE_Sller. {t was only on pctooer ~], i991, twenty -•f our d3vs after Contract date ahd fit teen dais after The original c.1 OSl.np tlaYp, that 5[?11Er -afi•er _repeatad additional inquzrie~ by Vnrchaser- fina),ly relrsa sed the .L9a7 lmorovement i_ocation Carr,ifzcate ahovg mentioned. This is a clear case o7 bad faith in negotiation;. in add~txon, at the time pt release of said certif7.tate, we had been assured by a>=lJer that the en true c. r,m~nts nod a]reanv ocean Corr E'C tetl, which turned out not to be true. Hnwsaver, Purchaser is Still interested in proceed.tr.n with the rgntract_ Therefore, without waiving >ny ri ~7ht PUrChaSer may nave in cDnnection with Srrl ler'S ;-onCuct. Purchaser submits the rtU:lowing prnppsal for Seller'5 CgrrRCtlnn pf the en c, r'nachmc+nt ...`:crptiDnS specified in Schczdule 13J Section 2, Paragraph 7: (a) Seiler Shall CarrL+Ct the notc,+d enCrUa.C hmei+t5 of bird cages and concrete walk and shall provide to Purchaser proof that tt*e prabi_ems have. been properly and fully remedied. Such proof shall corsi.st of: - revised Ti+.le Insurance Commitment araviCinU a guarantee of boundaries based bn 1~1.7R survey as customary; eta to meet holding Purchaser harmless 'From env damages which rosy have been Caused to the adjacent lqt if~arcel n~f land descri'oetf ~in the title Insurance Cormitment. cxclwding the south Sr~~ feet) by Sel ler'y carrectzon of the noted tncroachments, which statement snail DC: zss:Aed dy )1lJD or by the new pL,rr,haser of such adjacent.lot under gentling contract with HllE~; (h)i the d0 c~,mentatlgn iist2d in sU17UaraCj raL~h (a) shall h° pro•.~zded to Purchaser no later than three days briOr tb closing date. Seller' shall have two days from the date of tr.is letter '_o accept F>urChaser 5' propasal_ If Seller and Purchaser UU nOt reach a written agreement in Settlement hereof witnin such deadline. the referenced contract shall becgme nail and void and earnest money shall ae returned to Purchaser without delay. Sincerely. *(C) 1996 TRW REDI Propert • ata 2)Situs:3707 HIGH CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6329 APN :39-261-00-020 County: Jefferson CO Census:107.01 RTSQ d69W03S26NE MapLoc:20-B ___ Subdiv: Owner :WATERMAN WARREN K Mailing:3707 HIGH ST; WHEAT Last Sale Transfer Date:l]./13/91 Document # :107508 Document Type: Price__ :$56,OOOF First TD Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$616.20 Exemption RIDGE CI 80033 Prior Sale 04/06/90 28166 F Lender _ATLANTIC MTG & INV CORP Seller : Title Company: County Use:1112 - __ Lot Size :A0.12 Lot Area :5,227 Zoning Heat Park Type Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,810 Assd Imp :$5,050 Total Val:$6,860 Assd Year:1994 ~Improved:73 Phone .Bldg/Lvarea:780 Yrblt/Eff :/1933 # Stories :l Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :5 Full Baths :2 Half: Total Baths:2 Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$71 Construct :FRAME Foundation Roof Cover Comments :SHED-0324;SCHD#194640;LA 14100;IA 39300;69-03-26-000000- NE-331 Legal :TR69-03_-26/ ACREAGE _ _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « 1)Situs:3711 ~(C) 1996 TRW REDI Propert• ata HIGH CT , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80004 LOT APN :39-261-00-021 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO. Property Tax :$104.20 Census:104.03 __ RTSQ :69W03526NE Exemption MapLoc:20-B Subdiv:_. _ Owner :WILSON SCOTT A Mailing:3711 HIGH. CT; ARVADA CO 80004 Last Sale Prior-Sale Transfer Date;.01/05,/96 11/04/87 Document # :F16820$ 140961 Document Type:WARRANTY DEED Price :$14,OOOU First TD :$1.2,OOOC Lender Seller _- :-:.CARPENTER RICHARD W Title Company: Use:RESIDENTIAL Assd Land:$1,160 Assd Imp Total Val:$1,160 Assd Year:1994 °~Improved: Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff :/ # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths Total Baths: Fireplace Pool . $Sgft . Half: County Use:llll _ Lot Size :A0.14 Construct Lot Area :6,098 Foundation Zoning Heat Park Type Air-Cond. ._ Park Spaces: Site Inf Roof Cover Comments :SCHD#025363;LA 4000;69-03-26-000000- NE-080 Legal :TR69-03-26/ ACREAGE » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « May 6, 1996 Case #MS-g6_Q 3711 Righ Ct. Planning Commission City of Wheat Ridge Dear Members: OS-07-96PU3:47 RCVp We are writing in regard to the May 16, 1995, hearing of Case # Ms-gb-4. We live on the west side of the lot in question. Dividing the one lot into 2 residential home properties does not meet Wheat Ridge zoning. The proposed lots would be 5,278 sf and 6,196 sf. R-3 zoning requires a minimum of 7,500 sf for ane family dwelling. Then, 2 additional variances would be needed for lot width and lot area. We oppose this subdivision as it is a violation of the Wheat Ridge zoning laws and would set a precedent. The problem of weec~G.on the south portion of the lot is the owner's responsibility. 9pparently the fine is low enough to 111et the city do it". We are sorry we cannot attend the hearing as we will be out of town at that time. Sincerely, ~~~~~~ Bea S/~lingsby ,~/ ~ Paul S1ing~~~s~y O 3710 Teller St. Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 -~ The Crty of ~Wh eat ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~Rido~e Department of Planning and Development b 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 23'7-6944 Applicant / ~u~ (,~f (~,~ ,p~r~ Address]/2o /~, ur r Phon G7 -- e /c2~ ,,,~ ~O~.rner ///~c g~~4,,.O~ G~~ /~~~ . ' / Address ,70,7 ffiL./ G!Y Phone_~O`~-~,/]~ Location of request Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change of zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final ^ ** See attached procedural-guide for specific requirements. Detailed of request ~~i Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change ^ Flood plain special exception Interpretation of-code Zone line modification Public .Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit ^ Other List-all persons and companies-who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. ADD a r~ ,~ tort w ~~ ~ 7~~L_/~/!~t/-CST- 7L 7 Oa ! 7 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, i am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners-must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this a~ on his behalf Signature of Appli Subscribed and sworn to me this ~Zday of //)~y,,Qn,,./ , 19r's!~ SEAL My commission expires y -3 - ~ ~j 7 a i'P Ror~ci voA - -rte ~~~ l.a$E NO. PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: MS-96-4 DATE:. May 16, 1996 REQUEST: An application by Richard Carpenter for Michael Lynch for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with variances. Said property is located at 3707 and 3711 High Court. SPEAKER NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE (PLEASE PRINT) Position o Please IN FAVOR Request heck OPPOSED ~~ ©) 68~~?63 PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: MS-96-4 DATE: June 6, 1996 REQUEST: An application by Richard Carpenter for Michael Lynch for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with variances. Said property is located at 3707 and 3711 High Court. (continued from 05-16-96) PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: MS-96-4 DATE: June 20, 1996 REQUEST: An application by Richard Carpenter for Michael Lynch for approval of a two- lot minor subdivision with variances. Said property is located at 3707 and 3711 High Court. (This case continued from 06-06-96.) ~e¢~, wi~aaa~/ PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: MS-96-4 DATE: July 18, 1996 REQUEST: An application by Richard Carpenter for Michael Lynch for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with variances. Said property is located at 3707 and 3711 High Court. (This case continued from 06-20-96.) (C) 1996 TRW_REDI Property Data 1)Situs:3711 HIGH CT , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80004 APN :39-261-00-021 Assd Land:$1,160 Use :RESIDENTIAL LOT County:Jefferson CO -Assd Imp Date:01/05/96 Bldar: MapLoc:20-B Zone: Total Val:$1,160 Doc#:F168208 Rooms: / / RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot _Size :A0.14 Sale:$14,000 Story: Pool: Subdiv: ~ 1stTD:$12,000 Yrblt: Owner :WILSON SCOTT A ~ ` Phone: ,Jk Own2nd: Whet' ~d?~- goo3zj~l0 Mail :3711 -HIGH CT; ~~YB ~ CO 8~6b'0~~"' 2)Situs:3707 HIGH CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6329 APN :39-261-00-020 .Assd Land:$1,810 Use :SFR County:Jefferson. C.O Assd Imp :$5,050 Date:ll/13/91 B1dar:780 MapLoc:20-B -Zone: Total Val:$6,860 Doc#:107508 Rooms: /5 /2 RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot-Size :A0.12 Sale:$56,000 Story:l Pool: Subdiv: _ istTD: Yrbltc Owner :-WATERMAN WARREN K Phone: Own2nd: Mail :.3707 HIGH ST; WHEAT RIDGE CI 80033_ » Reported data believed tcz be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « ,. ~s ~' ~~' \ ~~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 2fr16 Sec. 26-16. Reaideatial-Three District (R-3). (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium- to highdensity residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium- to high-density residential character. B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land shaII he used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R=1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2 and R-2A districts. (2) Multifamily dwelling. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-LA, R-1B, R-SC, R-~ ~^a R-7A dietriric (D) Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permi' Planning Commission, following procedures as sec forth in L~ ~ ~ (I) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-1A, R-IB, R-1C, R- ~ ~ 2.. ~ (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted o ~ lj ~ ~ ~ V 0.V C` ~ `~ Wing Commission and city council, following procedures as (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA, R-1B, R-1C, R 6r Ud`~. ~" ~~ (2) Small day care center. (See section 26-5, Definitions. (3) Nursing home, home for the elderly or congregate c~ L ~-~ (4) Day care center. (F) Deaelopment and Use Regulations-Residential-Three One-family dwelling Two-family dwelling Multifamily (3 or more dwelling unifs) Group home Detached garage or carport Private storage shed Minimum Building Maximum Couer~ Height age"' 35' 90% 35' 40% 35' 40% 35' 4090 20' 600 sf per unit 20"" 900 sf/ 4 d.u. Z~cs~- Minimum Lot ~- ~7J!- = ~~'mu ~r¢~zc. ~Q,-~-' Arra Width Setback Setback'°°' Se[back1b1 7,500 sf 60"" 30'"' S' 10' 9,000 of 75'~ 30"d 5' SO' ?2.500td1 sf 100', 30' 15"" 10"•' 9,000 sf i5' 30"O 5' 30' 9.000 sf 75' 30^" 5' , 9,000 sf 75' 30' S"" 5"" Churches, schools, government 35' 4090 I acre 200' 30'0" 15""'"' 20' and quasi-government build- ings, golf rnurses, small day care center, and nursing, eld~ erly and congregate care homes All other uses 35' 909< _ 500 sf 60"" 30"" 5' 10' Sal Side and rear yard setback shall be ten 1101 feet for the firs[ cwo ~2) stones and an additional Gve 15) feet for each additional story over two 12! storieiJ loot Any side yard which abuts a public street shall }lave a minimum setback of thirty l30) Cee! for all structures. fb1 Any rear yard wh~rh abuts a public street shall have a mmemum setback of thirty (30) fee[ for al! structures Svpp. No lY 1?j;j § 26-16 WFIEAT RIDGE CTfY CODE (c) Front setbacks for one- ar two-family dwelling strucwres on lots or portions of lots which abut cul-de-sacs may be reduced to ten (10) feet Cor those portions of lots which abut a culde-sac bulb. fSee Figure 265.3.) (d) A minimum of two thousand one hundred (2,100) square feet oC land area shall be required for each dwelling unit Cor multi- family buildings. (e) Any building or structure which houses animals, except a residence, shall be set back fifteen (15) Ceet. (0 Poultry houses and pigeon coops are limited to a maximum height of twelve (12) Ceet. (g1 Minimum twenty-five l25) percent landscaping required on site. (See section 26-32.) (h) Minimum ten (10) feet of landscaping is required within the front and side Yazd setbacks adjacent to public streets. (See section 26-32.) (i) Corner lots shall have a minimum lot width of eighty (80} feet for both street frontages. (Ord. No. 1989.796, § 7, 6-12.89; Ord. No. 1990-827, § 1, 4-9-90; Ord. No. 1992.899, § 4, 6.22-92; Ord. No. 1993-945, § 5, 12-13-93) Supp. No. 12 1776 (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1}Situs:3711 .HIGH CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80004 APN :39-261-00- 021 Assd Land:$1,16 0 Use :RESIDENTIAL LOT _ County:Jefferson CO _ . Assd Imp Date:01/05/96 Bldar: MapLoc:20-B Zone:- Total Val:$1,160 Doc#:F168208 Rooms: / / RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot-Size cA0.14 Sale:$14,000 Story: Pool: Subdiv: 1stTD:$12,000 Yrblt: Owner :WILSON SCOTT A Phone: Own2nd: Mail :3711 HIGH CT; ARVADA CO 80004 2)Situs:3707 HIGH CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6329 APN -:39-261-00-020 Assd Land:$1,810 Use :SFR County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$5,050 Date:ll/13/91 B1dar:780 MapLoc:20-B-_ Zone:' Total Val:$6,860 Doc#:107508 Rooms: /5 /2 RTSQ :69W03S26NE Lot Size :A0.12 Sale:$56,000 Story:l Pool: Subdiv: 1stTD: Yrblt: Owner :WATERMAN WARREN K Phone: Own2nd: Mail :3707 HIGH ST; WHEAT RIDGE CI 80033 » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed ZONRdG AND DEVELOPMENT § 26-16 Sea 26.16. Residential•Three District (R-31. (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium- to highdensity residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium- to high-density residential character. (B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2 and R-2A districts. (2) Multifamily dwelling. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: {1) Same uses as permitted in R-I, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2 and R-2A districts. (D) Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as sec Corth in section 26-6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2 and R-2A districts. (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon appmvaI oC the Wheat Ridge Plan- ning Commission and city council, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2 and R-2A districts. (2) Small day care center. (See section 26-5, DeCuritions.l __ (31 Nursing home, home for the elderly or congregate care Cacility. (4) Day care center. (F) Development and Use Regulations-Residential-Three District (R-3): Maximum Minimum Building 4finimum .'. finimum Front M inimum bfirsimum Maximum C¢uer- Lot Lot Yard Side Yard Rear Y¢rd ' Ileigh! ageu' Arra Width Se[back Setback'°°' SelbackfD' OnrCamily dwelling 35' 40% 7,500 s7 60""' 30"" 5' 10' Two-family dwelling 35' 40% 9.000 sf 75ib 30"d 5' 10' Multifamily (3 or more dwelling 35' 40% 12,500141 sf 100' 30' IS'°' 10"" unitsl Group home 35' 4070 9.000 sf 75' 30"" 5' 10' Detached garage or carport 20' 600 s( 9,000 sf i5' 30"O 5' ., per unit Private storage shed 20"^ 400 sf/ 9.000 sf ;5' 30' S"" 5"" 4 d.u. Churches, schools, government 35' 40% 3 acre 200' 30""' 1 5""~'"' 20' and quasi~govcrnment build logs, golf nurses, small day care center, and nurstng, old erly and congregate care homes All o(her uses 35' 40% 7.500 sf 60"" 30"O 5' 10' (al Side and rear yard setback shall 6e ten 1101 feet fart f "' ` "' ' ~~' over two (21 stories. hi h d b bli l A id ll } h ~ C~-1 ~< ` _ _ f w laa e yar c a uts a pu c street s a ny s h h b bli t h tbl A d ll h ~^ ( '~ ~~ w ic a uts a pu c stree ny rear yar s a : ~L 'f `~ 2 ~ ~ Supp Nn 1^ ~~ N)/(p( l~/ r § 26-16 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE (c) Front setbacks for one- or two-family dwelling structures on lots or portions oClots which abut culde-sacs may be reduced to ten (10) feet for those portions of lots which abut a culde-sac bulb. fSee Figure 26-5.3J (d) A minimum oC two thousand one hundred (2,100) square feet o(land area shall be required Cor each dwelling unit (or multi- family buildings. (e] Any building or structure which houses animals, except a residence, shall be aet back fifteen (15) Ieet. fq Poultry houses and pigeon coops are limited to a maximum height of twelve (12) feet. (g) Minimum twentyfive (25) percent landspping required on site. (See section 26-32.) (h) Minimum ten (10) feet of landscaping is required within the front and side Yazd setbacks adjacent to public streets. (See section 26-32.) (i) Corner lots shall have a minimum lot width of eighty f80) feet for bath street frontages. (Ord. No. 1989.796, § 7, 6-12-89; Ord. No. 1990-827, § 1, 4-9-90; Ord. No. 1992.899, § 4, 6.22-92; Ord. No. 1993.945, § 5, 12.13-93) Supp. Ido. 12 1716 . .. Y CASG N0. CASE NAblE LOCATION • {~ ~'~~- SUBDIVISION PLAT • ~ MINOR SUBDIVISION• REVIEt4 GENERAL INFORbt4TI0N CO!1 DEV) ~ OK 1. Name of Minor Subdivision Plat ~ --~ Z. Scale, not less Lhan 1:100. ~• north arrow 3. Date prepared. case history box 4. Vicinity map, margins • 5. Zoning on sitb and adjacgnt to • _ 6. Letter size (1/8" min) ,~ 7. Name,•address, telephone numbers A. Owner(s) S. Surveyor '~ C. Preparer of plat 8. Readability for recording purposes 9. Certification Blocks A. Planning Commission )(• B. Parks 8 Recr. Commission X C. litn. States Telephone ~ D. Owncr $ Notary E. Public Service y~ F. Director of Com. Dev.~ ~(', G. City Engineer ~• H. Public Works Director X ._ I. liayor/City Clerk (required - only if a'dedication or _ • reservation is required) ~C l0. Location of existing structures or significant land features k NOT OK CObL•tENTS ~1~rJd(L ~~~ ~_ L,Y-=-` .mot .1. •, II 7 f c ~j ' - LEGAL nES" ~ltIPTION (PUBLIC NORKS) OK NOT OK 1. Boundary closure 2. Individual lot closure _ 3. Area of total site ,~ 4. Legal description r.;f ~;z:::::: ;. ? •• ~ s,; .: ; " ~,:.._ 5. Deed(s) ' ~6. •SuTireyoriscertification - " '~ 7. Point of beginning • 8. Dedicatory statement X • 9. Lots/blocks identified---• ?•r _ ,. STREETS. & PUBLIC Ib1PROVED>ENTS (PUBLIC it'ORKS) 1. Location of existing streets 2. Location of proposed streets 3. Street vacation required 4. Access easements S. Additional dedications __.. . 6. Surrounding streets 7. Irrigation canals and laterals • 8. Existing and proposed easements • 9. Street names 10. Curbs/gutters/sidewalks • 11. Development agreement ~~= ~ 8. Proposed" C~iNENTS ~i <~ ~~ ~,v-Y'' ii' ~J-~ ~ ~. ~~ .- O:I1tER. (,BEFYFt' Cft;t D@V • ~°PUBGiC WORKS) OK NOT OK C0.~IENTS (Not always required) 1. Drainage plan 2. 100 year flood~'_'.:n 3. Proposed uses other than residential 4. Geological stability S. Existing contours at 2' .intervals - 6. Location, size and type .. of utilities 7. Other problems/comments i - Public Works Review By: Date City Engineer:,. Date Com Dev Review By: Date ~S.' 'i~r - _q:'J'. Jul-18-96 03:53P Law OPf ices 420 4306 P.O1 FACSIMILIE COVER SHEET STEVEN E. F(LAUSING ATTORNEY AT-LAW 8400 RALSTON ROAD SUITE 120 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 (303)456-6177 FAX: 420-430fi SEND TO: ~ ~ //J /~~1~_ ~~^ COMPANY NAME: vvv~w _("~CC~~ J ATTENTION: t ~~~ '' , f DATE: _ _ FAX NUMBER: r~ ~ 5 r~ ~ ~ ~1 PHONE: -, TOTAL NUMBER PAGES, INCLUDING COVER SHEET l-- COMMENTS: /~~~ / ,~~t GNi ~v,,; Note: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE. !f the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is siridty prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us by mail. Original Document will: -Follow by Mail -Follow by Federal Express -Not be sent Jul-18-96 03:53P Law Offices 420 4306 Telephone: 303/456-67 77 Fax: 393/420-4306 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheatridge 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheatridge Co.80215 Re: Carpenter Minor Subdivision Dear Ms. Reckert: July 18, 1996 P-02 8190 Ralston Rtl. Suita 120 ArvaGa, CO 60002 As you know I represent Mr. Richard Carpenter in regard to a request for a minor subdivision at 3707 High Court, Wheatridge. This matter is set for public hearing before the city planning commission tonight at 7:30. Over the past several days we have been aggressively pursuing a sale of this property to an adjoining property owner and at this time are pleased to inform you that we have a tentative agreement for a sale. Over the nest several days i will be preparing the required documents for review. At this time I would like to request, on behalf of my client, that the public hearing be postponed. If all goes as platuLed we will be able to have a signed contract soon and at that time we will withdraw our request. If this is acceptable to you please indicate so by calling my office and leaving a message. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Attorney-At-Law cer ly, ~ ~ .~./.3,., Steven Klausin' g J The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Wheat Ridge August 30, 1996 Silvana Del Piccolo 611 Willowbrook Road P.O. Box 2397 Silverthome, Colorado 80498-2397 Deaz Ms. Del Piccolo: Please let this letter serve as afollow-up to our conversation of eazlier this afternoon regazding property located at 371 I High Court within the City of Wheat Ridge. The properly in question is zoned Residential-Three and contains roughly .12 acres of land. As a freestanding pazcel it is considered unbuildable for a single family home as it has insufficient lot area and lot width, however it would be possible to be used to augment an existing, adjacent parcel for the creation of additional units. The situation as I understarrd it is that you aze the owner of property directly south of the above referenced piece of land. Your property is considered nonconforming as it has on it a single family residence but is substandazd relative to lot size and lot width, appazently having been built azound 1940 prior to the incorporation of the City of Wheat Ridge. You have indicated that the property owner of the land to the north has offered to sell you the remnant piece which you have agreed to if it could be combined with the substandazd parcel which h you own. You have also indicated that you would be interested in adding an additional unit to the single family residence once the property transfers and would like confirmation from the City of Wheat Ridge if this would be possible. According to the information available, your pazcel's dimensions aze roughly 40' x 115' or 4600 squaze feet. The property you wish to purchase is 49' x 115' or 5341 squaze feet. The combined square footage of the two lots would 9941 squaze feet (89' x 115'). The required minimum lot width and lot size for an R-3 zoned duplex lot aze 75' and 9000 square feet respectively. Based on the figures specified above, and provided that the two parcels are consolidated into one building lot, said lot is entitled to build an additional, attached dwelling unit with the assumption that there would be no future changes to the underlying R-3 zone district standazds. I believe that consolidation ofthe two pazcels into one building lot could be easily accomplished by the creation of a new deed with a new boundary description of the two, combined pazcels. The new deed will be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. A copy of the new deed will be required when you apply for the building permit for new construction. I hope this correspondence adequately addresses your concerns. If there is something I have overlooked (303) 234-5900 ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 -POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 or if you would like to discuss this further, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner a:delpicco cc:MS-96-4 7500 W EST 29TH AVENUE The City o! WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6797 (303) 234-5900 cwheat City Admin. Fax H 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ ~Rldge August 30, 1996 Silvana Del Piccolo 611 Willowbrook Road P.O. Box 2397 Silverthome, Colorado 80498-2397 Deaz Ms. Del Piccolo: Please let this letter serve as afollow-up to our conversation of eazlier this afiemoon regazding property located at 3711 High Court within the City of Wheat Ridge. The properly in question is zoned Residential-Three and contains roughly .12 acres of land. As a freestanding pazcel it is considered unbuildable for a single family home as it has insufficient lot azea and lot width, however it would be possible to be used to augment an existing, adjacent pazcel for the creation of additional units. The situation as I understand it is that you aze the owner of property directly south of the above referenced piece of land. Your property is considered nonconforming as it has on it a single family residence but is substandazd relative to lot size and lot width, appazently having been built azound 1940 prior to the incorporation of the City of Wheat Ridge. You have indicated that the property owner of the land to the north has offered to sell you the remnant piece which you have agreed to if it could be combined with the substandazd parcel which you own. You have also indicated that you would be interested in adding an additional unit to the single family residence once the property transfers and would like confirmation from the City of Wheat Ridge if this would be possible. According to the information available, your pazcel's dimensions aze roughly 40' x 1 IS' or 4600 square feet. The property you wish to purchase is 49' x 115' or 5341 squaze feet. The combined squaze footage of the two lots would 9941 square feet (89' x 115'). The required minimum lot width and lot size for an R-3 zoned duplex lot aze 75' and 9000 squaze feet respectively. Based on the figures specified above, the City would be willing to issue a building permit for an additional, attached dwelling unit provided the two pazcels aze consolidated into one building lot. I believe that this could be easily accomplished by the creation of a new deed with a new boundary description of the two, combined pazcels. The new deed will be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. A copy of the new deed will be required when you apply for the building permit for new constnrction. I hope this correspondence adequately addresses your concerns. If there is something I have overlooked or if you would like to discuss this further, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner a:delpicco cc:MS-96-4 r~ , . - - - -~ FRINTEX ITALINVEST j Umited Liability Company Limited Liability Company t r)~ r `~ y L. D7?c PICCOLO L Presitlent L-- 671 Willowbrook Road P.O. Box 2397 SilveRhorne, CO 80498-2397 U.SA. 1 k___ Tel. (970) 468-8763 Fax (970) 468-fi849 -. Silvana Del Piccolo Attorney at Law 617 Willowbrook ROad P.O. Box 2397 Silverthorne, CO 80498-2397 U.SA Tel. (970) 468-8763 Fax (970) 468-6849 1 _To r, \~~~~ Q_ _ ^ AM Date Time ^ PM ~~~ HE,,,~o From the desk of m Glen Gidley Planning and Development Director CD~ORPOO (303) 235-2844 ~~,~~ (O ~ L%e-vim`-r~~"'- . L/~3~ C ~~ ~~~~~ An - . ~~ WHILE YOU WERE OLlT M ~j ()C4 [~~ of 1, n ~ ~ Phone ~) l~~ `~~~~") y ~ ~ ~ /. /~ Area Code Number Extension /q~ `~p ~ /, (,JI,-/,`('-~N TELEPHONED, PLEASE CALL ,~-- il/~`~^V ~~"// CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN ~ ~ J~ WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT ~~ ~„~,M _ Jl~/-~(//y~ RETURNED YOUR CALL iU ~!~/_~-~ . Message ~7 1 Q 1 ~l/«J:/J ~~ n. V Operator _ AMPAD REORDER QEFFICIENCY` •xa-oao d ~' G ~~ ~.3 ~~~~~/ d~-~ c - ~; /. r~u l.5 /~~ ~• l 3 S ~G~~ ~' rn~~ ~z~- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ - 3,5 ~ So,S a2~y,~,e~~A~.1~a . ~.r,~,.-~.. ~-~-~^^.~-- ~~ ~.. U,,,, ~'~P6„~ (4•ie 7h S 9d -Y ~- ~ ~ G~ e W H E A T 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE FAX# (303) 235-2857 F A C s I M I L E To: ~'-i~-a~ From: ~(F-~tsl-,~~'~. _ Date: ,~ -- ~=_~~ No. of Pages (not including cover sheet) R I D G E WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 -" \ ~- _ ~~ I ~IIIIIII~I~IIL11T.n: \\ i PL1\\'IA'G ANU ``/,ONING ~ PARKS .AtiU Rf,('REA'CION ~ PCBLIC WORK (~Qi)2~?-ZRaG {:Ilij!ii-7g?- ~., rZr~~I~;;.7gGl HP'Uffice7et Fax Log Report for Personal Printer/FaxlCopier I)gVRgVFAJ{ 303 235 2857 Sep-06-96 11:38 AM Identification 919704686849----121 Aeau(t Panes F~ Time OK 02 Sent Sep-D6 11:36A puntion - osYa 00:01:20 002180430020 Sao } 3~0~ ~' 371 hf l G N c.T. OFFIGI}~L ZOh11 hiG MAP WH~>hT RIDGE GOLOR,~DO MAP nDOPTcD: !ore i5, X994 ! as. Revs:or:.bnoary i2. 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L~l I I,S('N f ' { i i r t v. ~ j rl , ~ ~ ! ~ 1 k Q~.~ ~ `a ~ m s i - rn o, i ~a~q~.;~ Y e ~ ~ ~ _ 9 ~ 4 ~ s"" ; t° ~ ~ y` ~ t1f~ $ t y ~ a., t.....~ ` w i i i k € f s a ~ pyi i'. a, } l ~ _ - e LL. i ! I C' ! k hl f.. rat 1 s t) cur1 rrv i' A ccE PIT 1) FO R FOR FILING IN TIIE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY _ AIRI Ct,F?R}~ !,ND Ili?,CrJRi?ER OF JEk'FE JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON Phi P 1F _ .9 T i L s E y 35TH AVE B: JEFFE'RS'ON COUNTY CLERK DEPUTY - F I L'L PREPARED BY IINll IZECOP 1)EA R LA- R WW LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. i• { ! E ~ti I ~ tp n 9500W. 14TH AVE.,LAKEWOOD, CO. CASE HISTORY w 4 AV (303) 233-4042 [ F y W 1. PREPARED MARCH. 1996 PROJECT NO. 0188-I j /Vj J