HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-96-9LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DEED DATED September 30, 1996 Description of Parcel B: N Cn M av Being a portion of land described in Reception #83047.942 with the Jefferson :„County Clerk and Recorder, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: _ LL ~3 Y1 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., marked by a #4 rebar with a yellow plastic cap, number illegible; Thence continuing on said South line of the Northwest quarter of Section 16, North 89'32'45" East, 15.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence on the West line of land described in Reception #83042942, being parallel to and 15 feet from said West line of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 16, North 00"12'20" West, 381.40 feet; Thence North 89'32'45" East, 447.58 feet; Thence South 00'15'21" East, 562.89 feet to tk±e base of a bent #4 rebar; Thence on the Northerly right of way ridge road as described in Book 184 at Page 132, South 74"44'11" West, 463.62 feet; Thence on the West line of land described in Reception 1183042942, being parallel to and 15 feet from the West line of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarY.er of said Section 16, North 00'16'33" Nlest, 300.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. The basis of bearing is the South line of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 Sdest of the 6th Principal Meridian, assuming said line to bear North 89'32'45" East. The Flest quarter corner_of said Section 16 being marked by a 3 1/4" brass cap on a 2" pipe in a range box stamped "City of Wheatridge Survey Monument, L/S/ 13212,T35, R69W, 517/516 1984". The center corner of said Section 16 being marked by a 3 1/4" brass cap on a 2" pipe in a range box stamped "City of Wheatridge'~SUrvey Monument, L.S. 13212 C1/4 Sec 16, T35, R69W, 1986". County of Jefferson, State of Colorado ~ ~~'7 0 ~ 7d INwS~'S~ S'r~r-„£s '7 39-~~z-~~-o~c~ f o~~f'' o ~ S 9z rS yG4p ntB F6~~ ~5' ~ ~1~' q~ y7E5 CRS ~~~ ;~:' >:~ ,, -;:~ ;~_ _ . _~. a a N a j ,,~. ~;. :fi ~'~ ~~, Y 0 ~~ ,~. ..::q::`.': ;~;: t c, Yi..j f~. 4, .f;: ~~. r~ ti~~_ Y ;,~, a r w. i 4 ': ~a ~.I.Y•. -.' ,ERA E _." a ,. ?~ ~L f HEK•~~. ~ A POATION * i 83042942;_WITH~M RECORDER, STATE DESCRIBED AS `FZj ~ ~ COMMENCING A T QUARTER OF THE=1 A TOWNSHIP 3-SOUTI MARKED HY~A~/ ` ." ..... NUMBEIG y. LINE O A110{~7 89°3 S~t£AS~ OF LAND*bE ' SCRI)3>; PARALLETOAN T ~ ~ HE SOUTHEAS ~; ~ SAID__`SECTIO 6~ ~ ° TO THE,--TRDE~pO~~ ° ; ON THE WEST°LIN R . µ~ ' ECEPTION~NO >83i - ~~..,w FEET TO~THE~ NOR ~a SAID RECE .TYC) -~• THENCE NORTH..89d°,3 NORTHEAST.'CORNE y N0. 8309294Z;TFI~.R ~~ PLASTICsCAp, NUMB , LINE OF, LAND DESC SOUTA 00°15'21"4-E TO THE SOUTH LINE SECTION 16, SOU T37 _ THE TRUE POINT OF THE HASI3~OF~BE' SOUTHEAST„~QUARTEI~ .. 16; TOWNSHIP,.3p1 P.M ''tASSUMING A~ '_ EAST „~TAE=iV1;'`5 ' BEING MARKE -• A RANGE~BO}C~~pM I " - MONUMENTt~LS~.],~2 CENTER yCORNER "0 3 1/4~ HRASS~CAF ' i C "CITY O HEAT - SEC- 16IY COC " - `n' + . 3 4 S " MP • _ y s r ;,~ F ~, ~ y .' n~ G ~ „" _..~. -. RECEPTIONNO ..- - Y -~} LERK- AND -- - - (/,~` 1RTI¢ULARLY j- ''; ` i ~F~~THE SOUTfiEAST SECTIAN16,- ' HE~6TH P.M., ~ - GASTIC CAP, .~~ ~_ r bN#SAID SOUTH - - ~~~ ~~~ a tI0N~16y~ NORTH '? !3'fI~WEST LINE~< - ~ 3042942 aBBING",~:. a- _' _ ~_ > IN~OF - _ i' - 1~QUARTER OF - - € '38Ic40 FEET ~ ~ :E~~CONTINUING _- ' 0",±WEST, 277.98 DESCRIBED _IN -' _ . - ~' -, 1 ku --+--~..=....N~-..3 -- q} ~-~ n~ __• _~'~ 1Ck~A¥4 REBAR+ ~ EET~TO- THE -'~- ~SAID~RECEPTION ' I .' CH'-~A'-YELLOW . - - - ' €ON~THE EAST . ~# - ~"''- ' [ON_NO.- 83042942. ~~ ~ ~,~~~ iNCE-PARALLEL 1RTER OF SAID ~` 58 -FEET TO ~ ' F .~OF-THE -- d RTER~OF SECTION THE° 6TH - - ~f89°32'45"~= ~ , SL`CTION ~ 16 -- ~ - A-2"~ PIPE; IN i 1 ^1984.". THE- << 'MARKED HY-A-_-- ~ -~ 3E=80%--STAMPED - 5313212 C1/4 .- ?r - 4. f v" * .; , _ ,~ {~gyyh '' ~ _ i 'T~ ° ~' UUU .,.~,.3UyZ'yz 'PIf1SDRED, MndoUtis 11th dnyof ~ a~'rnrderrtiamp tf}fi3 ,betweon Noni Eixchangc Company __..._Y~r JiRS~l.9 V1/R11i ~~~y•~D 'IiL•tnrrir•r. ofthe Caunl.,v of I Colorado, of t he first part, rtnrl , Statr of .Jamus P. Wagner and Joan A. Wagner 1 whaseleknlruldressis 5230 Quail Street I . ott.he wheat R..td9i'-r ColoraGo County°f Jef.fcrson nndStatenf Cnlorndo• of ! hr second part: I, s'i .., W ITNT?SSF%Tll, Thnt. the said part y of the first part, for Bend in eor;airleration nft.he sum of n ^1 !o t hr said part y of the first part in hand paid by the said partn•s of the socond port, t.h,• rai•cipt .--1 cehereof is hrrcbv rottfessed rind neknowledKCd, ha 1>Lri.l.A RS $ elnimed, and by these presents do s remised, relensod, sold, nrn vrryed and q,rit c p:u~lias of I he second p:u•t. their hr r :ut! nmsifinseforiyvercnotrin G•nnnry(irn rnmman rlurf riu,joint trnnncy, nll the rifiht, 1.itlo, krterest and demand which th<~ snid part y of th<• firs! port. tors in and to Lhc follnwinl; desrribr`d lot hoinfiintho or parcel of Innd sifunte. Iyinfi:cnd . ("nunt.,V Of JC[fcrs~n :rod SL•rte of Cnlarndo, to wit: lAtl<y.;i, ONg: Qncrtittcinq nn the West line of the SG, of the NW; of Section 16, Tcaviisli.rE? 3 Srxlth, Range G9 West of the Gth Principal Meridian, at a North of the South l.i.nc of. the said SE)t of the NWsr, p:?.inC of kn:cJJinninii]~ ix~i.nL fiGO ft. Ivwy, 223.5 ft..; iJlenc oROUth and`~nd parallel with the SrnlthrlinclotfthctSE4l)oftthe }k7rallcl with the snid Wngt line of the SEc; of the ~' cxteixkxl, to the Northerly Ix+unda~7r line of the right-of-wny of the Colorado SoutJ)ern Raiiwa C Y Sfoul}iwestc:rly al.onc~ysi3dtio~nda~11'~ ffsaid Sailw7 xridht-of1On Ifs, thcrn.c: r t. ca$ltrr of the W~St 1~r1e o sad , oY the SW~ Y ~ t, w")Y to a 1 int l~ trite lx c of said NEB of the SW7 athe,West l.uictofnc ;raocot' :~nd.A`?rf?~~o~ to the __~ -_point.gf becrinnzn~_ rn.,,,«r..._ .._.._ 231~Ct. txinq )q Past vortn or Northerly,] tl)enc.~e North to !x>u) also known ns street an of ~ ++.:a vt lV'y SWa lid SCtitl(x1 toaEastlline ofvtract first}ai>UV~ frr~n s`7ici North line of Count Road desc:riixxl; & S. rightrof-wa y Srunninc~ Northuast- Y) : thence Southeve • ~r. r 1 y a I nn<x to point due South of point of tjeginninq; -°......• • azzU-5230 Quail Street, Wheat Ridge, Cal.orauo t3r103i 1'O fiAVE AND TO FlOt.i) the same, tofiether with etll and sinfiular thi• :yrpur'tenancrs and pric•ik•fios thereunto bclonfiinfi or in anywis^ tl:ercunto appcrtaininK, and all the estate, rifiht, unto the an ii epnrrticsnof thcisecondopart,stheireheirs and assifinspforr veq rnotnini emu cy in common buL in joint tenancy. 1N WITNESS W11F',I2EOF, The snid party of the first part hers hereunto set hand and seers the day andYear first above written. its Sifined. Scaled :uul Delivered in the presence of t9QN1-. EXCHANGE .COMPANY .. .,_ .... 13~ Au Ti riz d .4 "T'"'`'''--(SF,AI,I .__ .. , -..__. STATE OF COLORADO, l County of rss' DENVP•,R J The forefioinfi instrument was acknowledfied before me this 11th day of May 19 83, by James P. Wagner., Authorized Agent of Noni Exchange Company, My commission expires 6 -••r .~c o or less &is of /23/85. The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, C080215-6773 (303)234-5900 Wheat City Admin. Fax N 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge k, November 13, 1996 ,~ 9. r7l iil. Mr. Samuel Soti'rs, P.E. Gillan's Engineering, Inc. 8471 Turnpike Drive, Suite 200 Westminster; Colorado 80030 Re: Big Rock Farm Subdivision, Ridge Road & Quail Street -._First~, Review of Subdivision. Plat Dear Sam, This letter is to inform you that the first. review of the subdivision. plat submitted on November. 5, 1996 for__the above referenced site, has been completed with the following -- corrections needed: -. _ 1. Please indicate the. true-point of beginning.,on the drawing- 2. The City's information for: the west line. of the SE 1/4,_of .the NW 1/4 of Section 16 is N 0° 14 ', 56" W; the chest line of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 16 is N 0° 15~' 56" W; and the north line north line of Ridge Road. bears S 7`4° 39'.27"_W. Please clarify these discrepancies. ~~. 3. A 10-foot wide dedication for right=_of-way__will.~be required along the entire length of the Quail.Str~et frontage. 4. The City shows deeds at B3.17, P225, B587 and P24 ~oritrary to --__-_-_ _- - note #5 on .the plat.-for-_Quail.Street-right-of-way. Please clarify. 5. Per City regulations, please dedicate aril show easements. 6. Please note only one Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman. , .~ 7. Please provide name of existing irrigation ditch `an~ provide the respective ditch company contact name and number. 8. Please clarify specific ownership of those lands west of Quail Street as red lined. CJ RECYCLED PAPER ~' I hav any estio s, please contact me at 235-2868. . Y, _--_ Development Review Engineer cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner. John McGuire, City Surveyor Chuck Braden, ROW Technician File a¢~'Rr~ ~~ oY, ~'~~'S, ~' C-,p -rte ~ ~""_~ G