HomeMy WebLinkAboutPBG-96-1_ _ _ The City of Wheat ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Rid~ra Department of Pianrling and Development t~ 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant ~ O Address_ '~- Phone ~x-ay~~ Owner KWClL L f1a~1!- Address 3u3S~ (iii-.t Crr3 ~- (Ji,,,t Phone `~ ~+ Location of request ~ ~{ ~.C~ ~~}~{-~ S'7- Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below hi h w c pertain to your request.) ^ Change cf zone or zone conditions 8 Variance/Waiver Site development-plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Conditional use permit Flood plain special-exception Temporary use/building permit Interpretation of code Zone line modification Minor subdivision Subdivision Public Improvement Exception 8 Preliminary Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Final ** See attached procedural guide Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. ~ Other Pin Detailed Description of request _. _ __ :._ _. _u .... _~ ~ ~ _ _ . ~. - List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee~ etc. NAME `> ADDRESS PHONE K K)-Rt LJr i t~ 3~3~v ~~ / ~ ft 3 ~`4 G ire _ __z ... Y~ ...- ~.-' - -~-._ s. ,..+-- .~ - ... I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application I am acting with the knowledge and consent , of those persons listed above without whose consent the requested acti , on cannot lawfully Be accomplished Applicants other than owners must submit hi h . power-of-attorney froth the owner w c approved of this action o his beh alf. Signature of Appl3carit / ~ Subscribed and sworn to me this ~ day of ~\ 19 q((; ti~ \ ~\ 1 ~~1 C1..11~Q Notary Public SEAL My commission expires ~ -~C{_C~`1 ~~~c icevelvea ~~~-,3„~,_y~~ Receipt No. ~V~~ Case No. ~' U v~ k~ ~It4 Q ` G ~c T J e T aea,.,.w.d:,,_ I<vuaxiua No. P,.. WARIL\N'1'Y ULfiU '1'1IIti 1)I!P.D, Plxdc this 25th Jay of Oc Caber .l9 96. Lchvcvu Patricia Martin ul'tlm COUn Cy of Jefferson and sl:ne ul Colorado gnnnm.:uml Karl J. Koch whesc legal xddresx is 4920-9940 Jay Str¢e t, Wheattidye, CO 80033 'uf lbv CnnnCy oC .7eE fcrsr•u ~.nnl Sla:e.~f ~nl nrnrl ra ,en~nxc \Yl'I'NIr1SP"1'll.'ILal thv gnmun. lm .nut fn unr.idauliinnd llm.mn~~l ttPlli IIUCIUkHU PU[t'1"1 TIIUUSAND AND NO/100__________________________________________~_______.._,___________________ __________________________________________n___________UULLrUtS.(6140, 000.00 ). the mccipt and .xuCfrcictroy of which ix hereby aeknuwlalgcd, Inn grxnlcq, b:ugnincd, s,dJ and amvcyal, and by Wcxv prrsenls tlece grand, bargain, sell, wnvey ;nut undim6 unhr the gr:nnee. bix Iwirs :uul xaigns lorever, uIl Ibe re~il pmpa'lY logdher wiW impmvemenlx, if any. .cihmlc, lying xn<I being in the County of Jef Eerson ,and Stale oC Culumdu, tlra'crilmd :n f rlluws: ' Lot 3, 4 and th¢ North 60 feet LoC 5, }tale >ubdiv is ion, ~ Counl:y of JcE Eerson, GCate of C~i i'tti'ado (4i;;'iG:i '.L.u kninvn by strcvl and numba'ux 447,0 4430 F 440 Ja Street, When Cridye, Colorado D0033 1'OUl•; I'll Pat with all anal singular the Imredinnnenl.< and apparmmnluc,e Ihercunar belaugiog, ur iu auywice nplwrtuining, anA lhu reversion :uul revenimlx, remainder :nnl ren:ainden, rcnl<, ixzaac and pru(ita then+rf, xud nIl the axlate, rigltl. 41k, interest, claim muI Aanand whalwmva n( the grnnhs, eilber in law nr cyuily. ¢f, in and In Ilre uhuvc burgainrd premixrs, wish Iha hurcdil:nuarlc and nppurlcnarxu. 'I'U IL\VI: ANU •PO IIOLD Ure said lrremixex ab¢vc b~rtgaim'd mld descrihval, with the uppurlenunwe, unto We grnn0.c, his heirs anal ucsigns linuver. And the grnUar, I'm himsd[, his Lein and Ix:nnmil represmrtalives, Jura covensnl, grant, bargain and agree ar and with the gmnlce, his Lein mul assigns. Ihul al the linre of the mrxeuling and Adivcry of Ihuse presenk, ho is well avi'ced u( the premises uhuvc conveyed, has gnarl, sure, ped<cl, ahuulrne anal intlcfe:uible eslula of inheritance, in law, in fcc simple, mul h:n gaud right, full Ixnvur and I~nvlid authority ur grand, bargain, .xdl :old amvey the s:nne in manner and [ono us aforesaid.:msl that the ..xanw mr free and dear from all fnrnur xud other grant<, hargainx, x;dez, lions, Iuxcs, xcsesxnunla. enuwnhrmccs auJ rcxlridiuns of whalmer kind ur nature nwver. escape for nixes fur the current year, rl Ifen but nut yet due or p:ryahlq ca.<cmruL., n:+lrlctiune, ruscn•aliuns, cnecnamts:wA riglns-uFn'ny uC ruarrd, if:my, . '(Im grauhn' xlydl and will W ARItANTAND PUItGVF:IL DIi1rIiNU the above-b:n'gained premises in the gniat and pevu:ublu pussa- .vun ul' the gmulce. his Ireinc wul ussigax, against all and every pcnan nr pcrsnux lawfully daiiniug the whale nr any pmt IhettrrC. The singnl:m number shall indudc the plural. the glued llre xingul::r.:ulJ the uxc o(uny gender shall ha applicable to all gaulen. IN \1'I' :IQltiti W Illil[I;f Ilr, the grantor hvs execme<I Ihix deal un the dada xd both uhuvc. ,. , .. ~a~ Pa riCir n~~ 6'fA'I'Ii UP COLORADO ) ).v. CUUN'Il'UIr ARAIL\IIOS 1 97m I'urcgaine inNnnnan was ucknawlttlgcd bd6rc nwlhis 25tft Patricia MarL'in . • `iil r„ . , .,. Ply Cummissimr r:x,,ilcc:07•//• ~~' . lfl lti'•~, ' ~• ` `: ~s: : ac,mxu •:.. r~ ,.;~.' . .: ' w.uuld.+n'mx'u la„rmn,,,.r.,,a,l, u~.~arm ":,__~.-.: . October , 19 96 ,by ] ;5 _ z~~b -~s; S ¢; e::g - " ~- - - ma±al`'ee s ~y~ ~y2=€'a:Y ~': ~:u~w5_3_ ~ ~ .i~_ ~ 1Y:pW~$~ 4 ~ 2 %3 ;WZgSCw_ iT G 5 __ Ga~(~u'~:' i Yg ~ .7 x gs~~w~!.~ ~ i ~ 9= 2 ~ xBa 4' e~tiy:'c4 'd 3 `~' ZN~ e^ o F=- F ~- ~ iw.an.osi ~y~y 41bb Vw ~ N O - aww ~oQ M ~ ~ Z Ow0 ~F~ 4pw QZQO m~F - ~ J ~00 a~ _ 0 m J a x ~i O a LL ~' x 8 ~ a ~ 0. ~a .-- - _ ~ 4.e ~ ~ Y ~ 3 _ IT a ~' ~ i? ~, -n~ a t,: i ti?Yi:-' "~` ~ „pi ``? I ; ~? z~y ~- L 's .I M gg ~y 9g :a~ s~ _ Viz rc ~ ~ '" C S ~= \71 B $_ ; ~ ~ ~ y j ° I eC M o -- ''= n~ ~ ~3 ~ ~~ _ V LY ~ E?' " ~ 5 g 6 Ti }„ L- p I6s 18 $~ Y i ~'6~a Y? ~ .x ~ iy„ . I ~ a e ,! b 'I b BI `I I e 1 :'r , ~ ~~ '~ ~~' ` 1. ~'~ . .~." ~ a~ 1'a fix` sg ~ V x a 8 ~ _ ~ _ _ _I_ z~ _ _ _ _ ~ _p _ _ J g $ 9 ~- p a __- ___ _ __ e_ YLv ~ 1 ~ I u, N r 1 ~ • ... . inn ns"~a .. ~iio.w ivew ~~~ g Yy v~g B ~ .1 6 I `~ nt ~x ze ¢~ w..ar - -ruuA~c~„- - I ~~„~ -6VcS 12? I u ~V~iV'vc - F 0. 3OX og3/S~ /l :.':y Ac-ain. Fza = 234-592= - October 25, 1996 The Wheat Ridge Depa for agprnval cf a n Your response to the would be appreciated date will constitute CASE"NOc PBG-96-1 Tne Ciiy c; ~1Vheat Ridge rtment of Community Development has received a request LannPd R i i l ri i ng C;rntip _ at the property described below. following questions and any comments on this proposal by November 15. 1996 No response from you by this no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. LOCATION: 4420 Jay Street REQUESTED ACTION: Planned Building Group PURPOSE: To allow for more than one (1) structure on R-3 zoned land APPROXIMATE AREA: 33,860 sf 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate tb serve th's development? YES ~ NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are ser3rice lines available to the development? YES ~ NO If_"NO", please explain below 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES ! NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development-subject to your ru s and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request?_ ~;~}-~ ,~~~J n~c~ i w t r';'cQ.~i'("~6Ha( ~c12.v' {,l~d~/aw't'acQ.QaQ• Please reply to: ~~' W~r'P"~' De a tme t of Plannin Developmenty /~,~^' DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ridge Jefferson Co. Health Dept. XX Sanitation-District (Wheat Ridge Jefferson Co. Schools XX Fire District ( Arvada ) Jefferson Co. Commissioners Adjacent City ( ) XX Denver Water Board XX Public Service Co. XX W R Post Office XX US West Communications W R Police Dept. State Land Use Commission XX W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey XX W R Parks & Recreation Com. Colorado Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div. of Wildlife W R Building Div. XX TCI of Colorado - <pc>referralform ~, ~ENVE~ VVATE~ 1600 Wei 12th Avenue •Denver, Colorado 80254 Phone (303) 628.6000•Telecopier No.(303)628-6199 October 31, 1996 S. McCartney Department of Planning and Development Ciry of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue, P. O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 Re: Case No. PBG-96-1 Dear Mr. McCartney: ~ r.; ~~ ~ ~ 1~~fi g,i , The above referenced development is located within the Contract Service Area of the Wheat Ridge Water District. This proposed subdivision is eligible to receive water service subject to the Operating Rules, Engineering Standards and Charges of both the Wheat Ridge Water District and Denver Water. Questions concerning water service requirements of the Wheat Ridge Water District should be directed to the District's Manager, Walt Petitt, at 424-2844. Questions on Denver Water's requirements should be directed to one of our Plan Review Coordinators at 628-6100. Sincerely, ~~~ f ~~ James F. Culligan Distributor Services Supervisor JFC/rma cc: Walt Petitt, Manager, Wheat Ridge Water District N:\WPUFCIMCARTNEY.DOC CONSERVE Tra n Sys-te m s Engineers & Planners Atl/vlsionofj~ Ccn~a-iAnoiv Denver Corporate Center, Tower II .7800 East Union Avenue, Suite 500 _. Denver, Colorado 80237 Tel: (303) 740-8900. Fax: (303) 740-8934 November 1, 1996 S. McCartney Department of Planning & Development P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 Iii! ~~'{` ~~ ~ ~~~ , ~'(.~ir~nsfrm ri i?~r'ti~'l.OPF~I:, Re: 4420 Jay Street Case no. PBG-96-1 Dear Mr. McCartney: This letter is in response to your inquiry regarding the availability of sanitary sewer service for the above location, Accordingly, we are responding in our capacity as Engineers for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. The subject property is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing Wheat Ridge Sanitation District facilities in this area consist of an 8-inch sanitary sewer main within an easement parallelling the eastern property line of the subject property. This parcel is subject to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District and Metro tap charges. The subdividers and/or developers may be required to extend sewer lines to their project sites, and/or share in the cost of providing additional capacity to serve their projects. In addition you should be aware that the District requires approval of plans for sewer service connection as well as inspection of constructior. by the District's Engineer. If you have any questions regarding this communication, please call us. Very truly yours, TranSystems Engineers & Planners William K. Brown, P.E. Engineer for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District cc: District Office Barry Hudson of wHEgT - MLi'MUltANDUM ~- - _ _ _ (~ m - - - - - - - _- - _ _ Approved - Date ~~LORA~~ - - - TO: Sean McCartney, Planner I FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: November 6, 1996 SUBJ: 4420 Jay Street, PBG-96-1 The Public-Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated October 25, 1996 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. A final drainage report for the site will be required. 2. A Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit will need to be processed. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan may need to be submitted for review and approval. 3. There will be no requirement for the constrcution of public improvements as there is existing curb, gutter and walk along the Jay Street frontage. 4. The proposed site-has been previously platted as the Hale Subdivision. 5. The Traffic Department has reviewed this site and has no comments at this time. cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File - - pox gas ~O E~G3-:535 ,_ - - -- Octohar 25, 1996 F~IHEAT The Ciry of ~~ ~~," ~°~ '4~0 Wheat ~ :. :. m Ridge cotoR ao° The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for an~~al of a piarne~ n..:,~__-. Your response to the following questions andtanyecommentsyonethisbprdoposal would be appreciated by Novem er 15 1 9F No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CA5E N0: pBG_96-1 LOCATION: 4420 Jay Street >y ~: n : ? i ~ tITB y REQUESTED ACTION: Planned Building Group ~~ ~~ Y. ",~` ~~'~~ PURPOSE: To allow for more than one (1) structure on R-3 zoned Iand APPROXIMATE AREA: 33,860 sf 1. Are public facilities or services serve this development? prbvided by your agency adequate to YES NO If."NO", pleas e explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES ~ NO If "NO", please explain below. o o ~ f ~ a 3. D y ha ve dequate capacities to YES service the development? NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can 2nd will your agency service th your rules and regulatiohs? is proposed development subject to YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems would or should affect your agency has identified which approval of this request? Please reply to: De a tme t of Plannin DISTRIBUTION: Developmenty XX XX Water District (Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (Wh Jefferson Co. Health Dept. XX eat Ridge Fire District ( Arvada-) Jefferson Co._ Schools Adjacent City ( ) .Jefferson Co. Commissioners XX Public Service Co. XX Denver Water Board XX US West Communications XX W R Post Office __ State-Lahti-Use Commission W R Police Dept. State Geological Survey XX W R Public Works Dept. Colorado .Dept. of Transportation XX W R Parks & Recreation Com. Colorado Div. of Wildlife W R Forestry Div. XX TCI of Colorado W R Building Div. <pcSreferralform _, Wheat Ridge Water District RO. BOX 37 G827 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034-0037 PHONE (303) 424-2844 PAX (303) 423-9462 DIRECTORS GEORGE LOKMER FRANK STITES JAMES MALONE PAT GARRITY CLARENCE DEGENFIART October 24,1996 Department of Community Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colo. 80034 Re: Water service at 4410-40 Jay Street Dear Ms. Reckert, This letter is to confirm water availability at the above mentioned addresses. Please be advised that each address is served by a 3/4" tap. Currently only the tap at 4440 Jay Street is active, the others are only Stub-ins and are not paid for. Mr. Cook is aware of the water situation. We feel that his proposed development will, at best, be marginally served by the 3/4" taps. Respectfully, 1~~c~~~~ Walt Pettit, District Manager Wheat Ridge Water District ~ i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on December 5, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No WS-96-2• An application by James R. Turgeon for Park Orchard Development for approval of a six-lot major subdivision on R-3 zoned land at 11700 and 11790-West 46th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING THE EAST HALF OF LOT 14, LEE'S SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF SAID LOT 14, MARKED BY A 1/2!' GALVANIZED PIPE; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14, SOUTH 00°18'02" WEST, 328.90 FEET, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 14; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14, SOUTH 89°59'09" WEST, 331.13 FEET, TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID EAST HALF. THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, NORTH 00°19'20" EAST, 328.98 FEET,_TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14, NORTH 89?59'57" EAST, 331.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 108,900 SQUARE FEET (2.500 ACRES), MORE OR LESS. 2. Casa No PB6-96-1: An application by Karl Koch for approval of a four structure planned building group and a replat on Residential-3 zoned .land at 4420 Jay Street. Said property is legally described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NORTH PARCEL) LOTS 3, 4 AND THE NORTH 60 FEET OF LOT 5, HALE SUBDIVISION, s AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8 AT PAGE 38, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89°58'23" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE SOUTH 00°18'53" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 A DISTANCE OF 239.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°58'23" WEST A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JAY STREET; THENCE NORTH 00°18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 3,4 AND 5 AND ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 239.80 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 33,859 SQUARE FEET OR 0.773 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION - (SOUTH PARCEL) A PORTION OF LOTS 5 AND 6, HALE SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8 AT PAGE 38, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE NORTH 00°18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 6 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00°18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°58'23" EAST A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE SOUTH 00°18'53" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°58'23" WEST A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 14,120 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3241 ACERS MORE OR LESS ATTEST: Wanda Sang,-City Clerk To be Published: November 15, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript ~s K 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Rldge November Z0, 1996 This is to inform you that Case No. P$G-96-I ~~hich is,a request for a four ~4) structure planned buildittg_,aroup and a~/at for property located at 4420 Jav Street will he heard by the Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION in the Cvurtcil Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 P.M. vn December 5 1996 _ All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the PLANNING COMMISSION. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public hearing and/or submit written continents. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to not fy any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank You. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City " ~.,. ,-.~ ~~-'~IFi:R~~~-I C`-'vfi:~' L7 ~~~ ~ c: ~~:a ~;~ ' N .'.a3F~ ' 117 , .~"s o ;j NP,q 6~-' U ~ r ~ 0- ., .~ @$ ~~ 3 _`~ €. _ ~~.. ,, \.~,~ J ~~., ~~ cCf bA =' ~'C U aF UVF'EAi' RfDGE '~I r I~~l .~.~'i ~~ NOV 2 ~ °` ~, °'~"3~ h2h E`Ih ^96" d_ ~__ t _,_..,_.~.~ -- ~- ----_ -DER: - ~ I also wish to receive the I FosrAGE - - _ rtia~rl s-~.v"~' fol owing services (fib~alrextra fee): I RETURN EHOW IDevNOa, 6aTEA .ThTMywrname~rW adtlress on the reverse of this form sG that we can retain this card ~ ~ gddreSSee'S Address ~ RECEIPT ADOPESS OF DELIVEFV -- 10 )CU. _ :, ' cERnFIEO FEE'REruaN !..Attach this Corm tO the ron o , ma piece,o O i ce~~s,n mT'rt--°"'-°-- -3~ ^ Restricted Delivery f1J SERVICE -- - --~ - ~ R~"c€fit wll~w o'-SKi dm ihEartbie was Delivered antl the date del'ryetnd, .. Y Consult pOSfmaSfer for fee. S TOTAL POSTAGE PND FEES _ _ _ _ . _ _ - ' --- --- of sa --, rB'de Addressed to: ~~ ~ ~ - 4a. Article Number fn SENT TO_:. - ..Nor FOa lNI£AN•~ __--- __---___-- ------- __ _ ,a _- - -P-9.6.0--413 426 s =- - v#rhl`~=+r#3 t.;~k€:iGti -.. t CY I_-;E~F5 4b. Service Type iW~rren Cf RutYs ~_- ~, 7rt ;~. T~ kv-~:. M:s .-. ~ $~9,,..9.`$ 87. n72h .AVif~-_ i>,rv:~:d~, ~., 3~;~a ~~.`~~' ,.~ ~ CERTIFIED a __ ~I ~i^`/ ~ .Date of Delivery ~. {1 ~ 1~ `~ 5. Received By: (Pdnt Name) c4 • a 8. Addressee's Address - .dy !ONLY if requested and fee paid.) 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N _ _ - - - .~ a. ~s PI`lYl V121~021c,~' _. _ F7Sieat T'3.ii.,jn 441t~ day 3t. 9~#lmat Ridge a :: Received By: (Print Name) PS FORM 3800 US Pos_ - Ignature a or M) v , -p nRM 8811, aenuary lass Domestic Return Receipt ~: ~• .. ~. .. i .. - .... ~ .. --__ -__ ~- ---- - _ ---P 96O 413 425 -4b. Service Type - CERTIFIED D e f Delivery Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) SENDER: i '~ _ -~~~leteatemv..andcor2toradaiuonalseruices~ ~ I also wish to receive_the _ ___ I ~' aosrAOe _'. nn youryour amet n and ad ress on the reverse of Nis form so that we can return this caN `fOIIOWing services (for an extra fee): I I RETURN -t - °'- - -1. _^ Addressee's Address SHOW i0 [~ RECEIPT ADORES". _ ~ Attach thle form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back it space does not rmd. ___'L^}3e$}ClCted DEiLrLery CERilFlEO • The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. ConSUlt pCStmaster fer fee. rl.l SERVICE - ---____.__..__. _. ._, .. 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The Return Receipt well show to whom the artcle was delivered and the date deliveretl. m RECEIPT PDDRF55 r>F DELIVER ,. ___ _ _ - - _ C.OnSUIt pOatnla5ter fOr fee. SERVICE CERTIFIED FEE r RETL 3.~ICe Addres d t0. - PU - -- ~ ~4a. Article NUI71tleL ~ TGTAL POSTAGE AND F-- - - _ + . - r .7.~L~TY'_.~e . m SENT TO;.. NOT FoR wT _ tii.allttelp~V`. ~_- ~-7:r Ja;~ St. O '1"011A I~Y1LLid (--`. vYr~lc?d3 ~. ii1L: sv r .: J .~J J , ,~ ~ 4'475 Jay . ~-- ~~ .~ Wheat R . , ~"=_ =~, PS FORM 3800 U PS I (Print Name) ~,_ ka. ~ Pi r50r-~ ~ressee or Agent ~T P 960 4.13 li JantlaYy, 1996 / - ~,,. .. a.,; ., a.ua-:;~.asa y vit s3 ~.)..1-J m S m a S O ~- ~. I ~- POSTA(iF RETURN SHOW To WHOM RECEIPT ADDRES_OF OE SERVICE CERTIFIED FEE+ TOTAL POSTAGE , I[]; I .._..NOT FORY_ t1.1,.~4r~ :rw .fr~'..ti~iri ..; - i.. -~ar:~r Ira ,ra;~ as.4ss r~ . ;=-- ~R-eceived By: (Pdnt Name) PS FORM 3800 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery J I --2-3 -- ~~ 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY it requested and fee paid) :rI Receipt h96~.413 43~ Service Type CERTIFIED ~~ 8. I also wish to receive the owing services (for an extra 9-^ Addressee's Address 2. ^ Restricted Delivery ues~f an/G~ee paid.) PU~~ /~ ~~'.~ C M+l i I I~-.. RETURN fll RECEIPT .;' fLl SERVICE 7 m SENT ra I S 0 .n ^' l1 POSTAGE SHON! TO WHOM, DA PDDRE550F RELIVE CERrIFIEO FEE + RE' TOWL POSTAGE AND r T':P~FORNT387 7, January,1996 , f: , . . f30712StIC HetUrp H@C21pi .- '. i. -~~ . x- _----- ~- ,- ~_ _ - __= - _ _ - --_- - - ' - - -- -- ~_r SENDER: ~ ~ ~ ~ I also wish td receive the i Ccmplete kerns t and/or 2 mr aadelonal servides following services (for an extra fee): I ~.'~rTt ywr name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card ~ ^ Addressee's Address ~!AU ctiNis form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit 2. ^ R2StrlCted DeIlVery 0..eirThe Return Receipt volt show to whan the article was delivered aM the date deliveretl. COnSUt pOStlltaStef far eT e. ti ~ nM ro arldra<cen to: ~ ~ ~' ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4a. Article ~ er I .._.. _..a'i'nrli`~ Kevin A/2#ta1~T 4455 In+*a t ~, r_ PS FORM 380 ~'. Received B 0 US rc v p t O! as F6a 3811, _ - - ---°---°- - - - ~-l~ti )' Ae items 1 arld/or 2 for additional services wr name an n f'rnl o tfHt~ii"thi: thls Farm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permH. CERTIFIED 7. Date of ~Jr~ll ey ~. B.B. Addressee's Address (ONLY N requested and lee paid.J -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING:December 5, 1996 DATE PREPARED: November 26, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: PBG-96-1 l Koch CASE MANAGER: Sean McCartney ACTION REQUESTED: Consolidation Plat and Site Plan and 16 Lot Subdivision. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4420 Jay Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S) Karl Koch 30550 Pine Crest Drive Evergreen, Colo. NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S) Same APPROXIMATE AREA:.77 acres (33,860 square feet) PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Three PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N: and S: Residential-Three, E: Residential-Three and Commercial- One,and W: Restricted-Commercial, Residential-Three and Residential- Two SURROUNDING LAND USE: N and $: Multi-family residential, W: Auto shop, Multi-family Residential and Single family Residential, E: Retail Commercial and Single-family Residential DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: AGENCY CHECKLIST: RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ENTER INTO RECORD: November 15, 1996 November 21, 1996 November 21, 1996 (~) ( ) ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) ZONING ORDINANCE (XX) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )NOT REQUIRED (XX) NONE (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (XX) EXHIBITS (XX) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Board of Adjustment Staff Report Page 2 Case No. PBG-96-1 REd~lUEST The applicant requests the approval of a 4 structure, 16 unit, Type I Site Plan and replat for property located at 4420 Jay Street. The purpose of the site plan is to allow for the consolidation of three existing parcels into one, construct 4 - 4 unit town home structures, and replat the property, allowing for sale of the individual townhomes. The property is zoned Residential-Three, which allows for multi-family residential, at a density ratio of 1 unit per each 2100 square feet of lot area (16 units are proposed for this property, which is maximum allowed). In accordance with section 26-30(D), the proposed site plan is designed to avoid the construction of overly large buildings. The applicant has devised a plan that meets the intent of a Planned Building Group, by encouraging the construction of 4 smaller buildings, as opposed to one large building. The provided site plan proposes adequate setbacks for the buildings, 3B% (total site) landscaping on common green spaces, enclosed parking that complies with established standards and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Also, the proposed development does not impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent parcels, allows for fire protection access and does not negatively impact the character of the neighborhood. II. SITE PLAN A site plan has been submitted, as well as a replat, showing the consolidation of the three existing parcels, and the request for 4 - 4 unit multi-family town homes, with separate parcels. The property size is 33,860 square feet, and the building will cover 38.8% of the property. At it's existing size, the consolidated property may occupy 16 units (2,100 square feet per unit). The 4 unit structures on the north and south of the properties will be two-story buildings with attached two-car garages. The town homes are designed with 375 square foot private yard spaces and will front a 24° wide concrete drive. The two central structures will be three-story buildings, housing 4 units apiece. These structures will also have an attached two-car garage per unit. There will be a 24° wide concrete drive proposed between all four structures, maintained by the home owners association. This will act a the main access for all residential units. Section 26-31(F) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws requires 2 parking spaces per each 2 or 3 bedroom units. The required parking spaces will be provided by the attached two-car garages. The landscaping is being shown within the required front yard and along the rear buffer. The front yard landscaping, as well as the rear landscaped buffer, will be maintained by the homeowners association. Evergreen Quniper) shrubs are being proposed underneath the windows of the buildings which front Jay Street Street trees are being proposed in compliance to the Wheat Ridge street tree requirement of 1 street tree per 30' of street frontage (a minimum two-inch caliper is Board of Adjustment Staff Report Page 3 Case No. PBG-96-1 required). Approximately 375 square foot privacy yards are being proposed for each unit, where the owner of each unit will be required to maintain their own yard. According to section 26-32 (D)(2)(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, there needs to be 1 tree or shrub for every 1,000 square feet of lot area. The applicant is proposing 2 additional trees and 16 additional shrubs throughout the front yard setback. To comply with code, there needs to be 15 additional shrubs or trees throughout the site. Concrete walkways are also being shown for interior pedestrian circulation. Staff concludes that the proposed plan encourages the development of multiple structures, which alleviates the need for one large structure, and promotes public health, safety and welfare through established building setbacks, fire protection access and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulations Overall design standards comply with the development regulations established in the Residential-Three zone district. III. CONSOLIDATION PLAT The applicant is proposing to consolidate lots 3, 4, and the north 60 feet of lot 5, of the existing I1aIe Subdivision, to create one block (known as Koch Subdivision, Block 1). Within the proposed block, there will be 16 separate parcels on which the 16 proposed town homes will be placed. This proposal will condominiumize the property, creating 16 ownable lots. The proposed density of the existing lot complies with the Residential-Three development regulations stated in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. The two exterior parcels (both north and south parcels), contain lots that are approximately 1,482 square feet. The two exterior parcels will contain lots that are approximately 888 square feet. Individual tracts (i.e. tracts A,B,C,etc.) will be created for all the proposed common areas. Both the front yard and rear yard landscaping will be common areas, maintained by the homeowner's association (as stated in the attached draft covenant). Also, the two internal drives will be designated as tracts and maintained by the homeowner's association. There are 5' utility easements designated on the north, south and east property line, and a 10' utility easement along Jay Street. Run-off and drainage will be contained within proposed detention ponds located within the common green spaces (as shown on plan). A drainage plan and report is currently being prepared and should be completed and approved by Public Works prior to City Council review. Because of adequate right-of-way, there will not be any need for land dedication. IV. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Zoning and adjacent land use surrounding the property include Residential-Three zoning for the properties to the north and south, both properties exist as multi-family dwellings. To the west, Board of Adjustment Staff Report Case No. PBG-96-1 Page 4 there is Restricted-Commercial, Residential-Two and Residential-Three zone districts, accommodating general commercial, and single-family residential, respectively. To the east, there is Commercial-One and Residential-Three zone districts, where single-family dwellings and general commercial land uses exist. Staff concludes that Townhouse units are compatible with surrounding land uses. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property and have no problems with the proposed site plan. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District states that the subdividers and/or developers may be required to extend sewer lines to their project sites, and/or share in the cost of providing additional capacity to serve their projects. Wheat Ridge Fire will require at least one hydrant. Public Works will require a drainage report (to 6e submitted prior to City Council hearing), a Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, and an erosion control plan. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed Planned Building Group, which is proposed to be developed on a property currently zoned Residential-Three, is compatible with the existing neighborhood land uses. The Traffic Engineer of the City of Wheat Ridge, has reviewed the plan and feels that it is adequately served off of Jay Street and would not negatively impact the traffic flow into the neighborhood. If approved, staff recommends the plat plan be finalized and the homeowners covenant be completed prior to City Council hearing. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move that the consolidation plat and 16 lot subdivision, for a property zoned Residential-Three and located at 4420 Jay Street, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The existing zoning of Residential-Three supports the use ofmulti-family residential. 2. The consolidated property allows for the density of 16 units (1 unit per 2,100 square feet). 3. Adequate fire protection, vehicular and pedestrian access is supported off of Jay Street. 4. Staff recommends approval. Board of Adjustment Staff Report Case No. PBG-96-1 TXPE I SITE PLAN Page 5 OPTION A: °'I move that the proposed site plan, for a property zoned Residential-Three and located at 4420 Jay Street, be approved for the following reasons: 'l. The site plan is consistent with the minimum requirements established in the Residential- Three zone district. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 3. Staff recommends approval. PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE N0: PBG-96-1 1 DATE:_ly/~~g~__ REgUEST: An ap ication by Karl Koch for approval of a four (4) s cture planned building group and a replat on Residential-3 zoned land at 4420 Jay Street. Position On Request; I I i I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 i I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I i i _ ' _ ... -. _I - -- i I ~ ' 1 r, i I I I 1 I I ' 1 i 1 I __ : 1 ._ _ ~... I . I i I 1 1 1 I I I ... _ _ .. I _. I I I I i - . 1 1 _ : i ._ 1 I i I 1 1 1 1 I _ I ~1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1_ 1 I _.. I- i 1 1 1 1 1 _ - 1 _ I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I .. __ ~ 1 i I ___ _ I 1 _ - - 1 I - _ I _ I .. I I _ I I I ~ ~ 1 ` ~ ~ I I 1 I I i I - _.. 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I _. I .. I I I I I i I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 __ - - I 1 ~ .- I I I - I 1 1 1 I _ - _- _ I - t- _ -,- 1 1 _ I I I I I I I I - - I _. -.~ _ - - 1 _ ; 1 1 I 1 1 - I 1 1 I ~ I - 1 _ .... . 1 _. ._ _ I I 1 i I i I I i _ I _ _. __ _.-__ ~ ... ... ~. - ,,.. 1 _ 1 1 I I I j I I CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RH)GE PLANNING COMMISSION 0_PBG=96=1 LOCATION: 4420 Jay Street APPLICANT(S) NAME: Karl Koch OWNER(S) NAME: Same REQUEST: Approval of a four (4) structure planned building group and a replat on Residential-3 zoned land at 4420 Jay Street. APPROXIMATE AREA:.77 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division bas submitted a list of factors to•be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Plauning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, the following motions were made as stated regarding Case No. PBG-96-1, an application by Karl Koch for approval of a four (4) structure planned buildinggroup and a replat on Residential-3 zoned land at 4420 Jay Street. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, that Case No. PBG-96-1, a request of a consolidation plat and sixteen (16) lot subdivision for a property zoned Residential-Three and located at 4420 Jay Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The existing zoning of Residential-Tltree supports the use ofmulti-family residential. 2. The consolidated property allows for the density of sixteen (16) units (1 unit per 2,100 square feet.) 3. Adequate fire protection, vehicular, and pedestrian access is supported off of Jay Street. 4. Staff recommends approval. 5. The drainage plan is approved prior to issuing permit. 6. Any plantings in the east portion of the property do not interfere with the power lines and that all landscaping requirements be met. With the following conditions: I. Minimum of four (4) additional parking spaced will be added to the plan. 2. Additional parking will be for visitor use only and parking of recreational or other vehicles will not be allowed. 3. Staff will work with developer to establish location of four (4) minimum additional parking spaces. 4. The additional parking spaces will be provided by the developer. Motion carried 6-0. Certification of Resolution PBG-96-1 Page 2 I, Marilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the day of , 1996. ~curgc r,gngagjt; ~nairperson~ Maruyn Gunn, secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December S, 1996 Page 4 by the Commission. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to approve Case No. WS-96-2, a request for approval of a six-lot subdivision on Residential-Three zoned property located at 11600 and 11690 West 46th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I. Staff recotnmends approval. 2. The property is in the City of Wheat Ridge and properly zoned. 3. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Minor legal description problems be corrected prior to review by City Council. 2. That the right-of--way for Simms Street be extended south to the southern property line in the event that any time in the future the property to the south is developed, then this right- of-way is needed to improve traffic circulation in the neighborhood. 3. Lighting on the premises must meet City code. There was no additional discussion. Motion was APPROVED 5-I with Commissioner GRIFFITH voting no. 2. Case No. P6GA6-1: An application by Karl Koch for approval of a four (•1) structure planned building group and a replat on Residential-Three zoned land at ~t420 Jay Street. Director Gidley pi_esented overheads and slides as it relates to this case. This property is owned by the same person but assessor's records reflect the property as divided into three parcels. A site plan was provided for review. The size of this property is approximately 3/4 acre. Director Gidley reviewed the various types of zoning and buildings in the immediate area. He entered into the record Zone Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, packet materials, and all exhibits. All notitlcation requirements have been met, the property is within the City, and the City does have jurisdiction in this case. Director Gidley stated that all the Residential-Three district and subdivision regulations have been met, all agencies have stated an ability to serve, and therefore Staff has reconunended approval of the plat and site plan. A drainage plan is currently being reviewed by the Public Works Department, therefore, this plan is not available at this time. Director Gidley suggested that the drainage plan be required by the Commission to be fully reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department before this matter is scheduled for City Council Commissioner Th[OMPSON raised concern regarding enough trees and shrubs, and, trees being planted that would interfere with the power poles to the rear of the proposed building. Planner. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December ~, 1996 Page 5 McCaztney stated that the applicant would address these issues. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Carl Koch who resides at 30350 Pine Crest Drive, Evergreen, Colorado. Mr. Koch addressed the issue of trees and stated that there were almost 100 trees available on the lot but that the architect had only sketched in 10 or I5. There should be more than the required amount. He fiirther stated that they did not plan on planting any trees in the back by the power poles. He presented an overview of the subtnitted plan and stated that the homes would be individually sold. General discussion took place. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Thei Mai who owns property at 4410 Jay Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. He expressed concerns regarding parking and drainage. He was advised by Chairperson WILLIAMS that the draining plan according to Staff was being reviewed and said that the drainage problem would be addressed prior to issuance of a permit. General discussion was held regarding parking and Director Gidley stated that the applicant has met requirements. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tina Pierson who resides at 447d Jay Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Ms. Pierson asked the definition of a replat. Director Gidley explained that it was platting the land into lots. She stated she didn't have any problem with the development. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Kent Schroder who resides at 10201 N. Park Drive, Westminster, Colorado. Mr. Schroder owns property to north of proposed development. He was concerned regarding the boundary of the properties as it related to his enclosed dumpster area. He stated he did not have a problem with the development as long as the boundary dispute could be resolved as he did not want to have to move the dumpster and concrete enclosure. He also wanted the drainage problem addressed and that the drainage not be directed to the ditch. Director Gidley advised Mr. Schroder that the property owners would have to resolve the boundary issue and that one foot over boundary would not interfere with the development. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Sally Schroder who resides at 10201 N. Park Drive, Westminster, Colorado. She stated her concern was that she wanted in writing that the drainage system would be in and that proper drainage would be away front all of their land. She stated she was afraid that water would be in all of their apartments and that she felt that this development was too big for the area. General discussion was held again regarding drainage and parking availability. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore iii Dan Kalmes, who resides at 7200 E. Dry Creek, Denver, Colorado. Mr. Kalmes is Mr. Koch's surveyor. He addressed the drainage and boundary issues and stated that he did not feel the boundaries were an issue and that all monuments were found. Platming Commission Meetin, Minutes December ~, 1996 Page 6 Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Brian Ladd of B&S Consulting Engineers, 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Mr. Ladd addressed the drainage issue and stated that the plan called for the drainage to terminate on 4th Avenue where it enters the storm sewer. Director Gidley affirmed that the drainage proposals would have to be approved before any permit would be awarded. Discussion was held regarding parking, encroachment, replatting ideas and drainage. Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner GRIFFITH seconded that the consolidation plat and sixteen (16) lot subdivision, for a property zoned Residential-Three and located at 4420 .iay Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: . I. The existing zoning of Residential-Three supports the use ofmulti-family residential. 2. The consolidated property allows for the density of sixteen (16) units (I unit per 2,100 square feet). 3. Adequate fire protection, vehicular, and pedestrian access is supported off of Jay Street. 4. Staff recommends approval. ~. The drainage plan is approved prior to permit. 6. Any plantings in the east portion of the property do not interfere with the power lines and that all landscaping requirements be met. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner TI-IOMPSON motioned, Commissioner CERVENY seconded, that the property located at 4420 Jay Street, be required to add a minimum of four additional parking, that the - a~~lters of the property be required to use this parking for visitors-and could not be used by the- residents to park their vehicles or recreational vehicles on this property, that the developer and Staff work together on the number of additional parking spaces as well as the location of those and that they will be provided by the developer. Discussion was held. Motion carried 6-0 3. CLOSE THE PUBLIC [[FARING Chairperson WILLIAMS closed the public hearing. 9. OLD 13USINFS5 Director Gidley reviewed the status of the I I/25/96 and 12/5/96 City Council meetings. Memorandum To: City Council From: Sean McCartney, Planner Date: January 13, 1997 Re: Case No. PBG-96-1, a request for a four (4) structure planned building group and replat for property located at 4420 Jay Street. This memo is to inform you that staff recommends continuation for Case No. PBG-96-1, a request for a four (4) structure planned building group and a replat for property located at 4420 Jay Street and zoned Residential-Three. The required drainage plan has not been approved by the Public Works Department. Staff recommends this case be continued until the January 27th City Council Public Hearing. The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 MTh eat City Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 Police Dept, Fax a 235-2949 Ridge January 15, 1997 Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E.,P.L.S. P.O. Box 440374 Aurora, Colorado 80-044 Re: Karl Koch Subdivision, 4420 Jay Street - First review Comments of Final Drainage Report, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Dear Mr. Jennings, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received by this office on January 14, 1997 for the Karl Koch Subdivision, and have the following comments: Drainage Report & Appendices Drainage report and appendices was reviewed with no corrections noted at this time. Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan 1. Please include on-this plan the City's standard driveway and -- sidewalk chase section details. A copy of these details have been provided. 2. Please-note Jay Street and the existing grade of this street. 3. Please note the location of all roof drains for the proposed structures as well. as the proposed direction of flow from these drains. 4. Please note the location. and elevation of City benchmark(s) or benchmark(s) referenced to the City. 5. Please note on this plan: The owner of said property shall be responsible .for insuring that Jay Street is maintained on a consistent basis such that it is free of tracking and debris from all related construction traffic. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a discontinuation of all onsite construction by the City. ~~ RECYCLED PPPER Mr. Ed Jennings Page 2 Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to any onsite grading an Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit and fees due must be-processed. A copy of this application has been forwarded to Mr. Karl Koch Right-of-Way Construction Permits/Municipal Contractors License Prior to the construction of any public improvements, the necessary-right-of-way construction permit (s? and respective licensing by all contractors will need to be processed by the City. Subdivision Plat The proposed site has been previously platted/recorded as the Bale Subdivision. Traffic Engineering The Traffic Department has reviewed this-site, and has no comments at this time. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If ave any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. S nce y, _ l ~ ~ ~ ___ Greg ~Knu son Development Review Engineer cc:-Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor - Meredith Reckert, Planner II File ~, ~ , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on January 13,1996, at 7:00 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WS-96-2; An application by James R. Turgeon for Pazk Orchazd Development for approval of a six (6) lot subdivision and a site plan on R-3 zoned land at 11600 and 11690 West 46th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING THE EAST HALF OF LOT 14, LEE'S SUBDIVISION, CITY OP WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF SAID LOT 14, MARKED BY A %' GALVANIZED PIPE; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14, SOUTH 00° 18'02" WEST, 328.90 FEET, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 14; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14, SOUTH 89°59'09" WEST, 331.13 FEET, TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID EAST HALF. THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, NORTH 00°19'20" EAST, 328.98 FEET, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14, NORTH 89°59'57" EAST, 331.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 108,900 SQUARE FEET (2.500 ACRE5), MORE OR LESS. 2. Case No. PBG-96-1: An application by Karl Koch for approval of a four (4) structure planned building group and a replat on Residential-Three zoned land at 4420 Jay Street. Said property is legally described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NORTH PARCEL) LOTS 3,4 AND THE NORTI3 60 FEET OF LOT 5, HALE SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8 AT PAGE 38, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: r ~ COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89°58'23" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE SOUTH 00 ° 18'53" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS 3, 4, AND 5 A DISTANCE OF 239.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°58'23" WEST A DISTANCE OF 14I.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JAY STREET; THENCE NORTH 00 ° 18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 3, 4, AND 5 AND ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 239.80 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 33,859 SQUARE FEET OR 0.773 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION - (SOUTH PARCEL) A PORTION OF LOTS 5 AND 6, HALE SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8 AT PAGE 38, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE NORTH 00°18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 6 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00° I8'S3" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°58'23" EAST A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE SOUTH 00 ° 18'53" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 A DISTANCE OF ]00.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°58'23" WEST A DISTANCE OF 142]:20 FEET TO THI TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 14,120 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3241 ACRE~ORE OR LESS. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: December 27, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript 1-29-97 REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION WHEATRIDGE CITY COUNCIL I am requesting that I be able to appear before City Council for the purpose of requesting reconsideration in regards to the sight plan for 4420 Jay Street, Wheatridge, Colorado. I believe the members of the Wheatridge City Council had legitimate concerns about the sight plan (pedestrian access from the street, landscaping, fire access, pazking, safety, etc) and I have made modifications and revisions to the sight plan to address these concerns /comments that were brought up at the Wheatridge City Council Meeting on 1-27-97. I hope the members of the Wheatridge City Council realize my sincerit}+ in both requesting this rehearing and in making these positive changes / adjustments to the sight plan. I also sincerely hope that I can work together with City Council, and speak with City Council members to address all legirimate concerns about the project: in a reasonable and professional manner. Thank you forty//ou time, J~n p J / ~i(/~ Kazl John Koch ~,. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge December 24, 1996 This is to inform you that Case No. PBG-96-I which is a request for~our (4) structure. planned building groug and a replat for propert,~ located at 4420 Jav Street will be heard by the Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL in the Cozancil Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 P.M. . on Janua~ 13 1997 All owners anaYor their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the CITY COUNCIL. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desires to revie~~ any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank You. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City " FM,' L,TD. 801 Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80206 Roger & Patricia Stanley 4465 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Warren & Ruth K. Folkers 6784 W. 72 Avenue Arvada, CO 80003 Steve Hamann Life Estate Gertrude Hamann Life Estate 680 E. 99 Place Thornton, CO 80220 Phu Vu/Dong Mai/Vui 4410 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kent Schroeder 10201 N. Park Drive Westminster, CO 80030 Michael & Tina Pierson Albert & Eleanior Drumright Kevin & Molly Chapman 4475 Jay Street 11159 W. 85 Place 4455 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80005 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ,. I I ~. SENDER: .complete items 1 and/pr 21pr adtlitional services. _- ~~~__t_ .~yjp~yrTir nap and~t~tl{a~on the reverse of this I FosTACS ` .Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the RETURN SHOW TO wHOr .The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was ADDFESS DF OF _ fll RECEIPT ' AtfIC7Z A~dre~-I0: u~ SERVICE CEmIFIED FEE -- frl TorAL FOSrAGE „- r- ... ,( 'u-~ fr SENT TO: - nowraor Fl _ - vs~ _ -•_-a. ,~ ,.. . 4455 Ingr :!.: - - - _ wheat a~~ , _ - _a-~ - ~ . _, . - . - tT7 ,. ~' P$~9~s3. - - 5. Received By: (Print Name) _1 k~l,~N CWT ~ nn .~ ~J PS FORM 3800 - - ~~~ '~F RM 381.1, January,1996 . 1. I also wish to receive the I following services (for an extra fee): I -I-^ Addressee's Address - rvlce type CERTIFIED 7.•Date of Delivery 8. 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Domestic Return Receipt ~S CORM 3811, January 1996 - ~ I also wish to receive the I fVDER: r i following services (far an extra fee): I ces. ;.Y;prnplete Hems T a7id~or 2 roc addironal serv ~he reverse of to - ' = '-r - ts form so that vre can return mis card 1 ~ Addressee's Address on a~aress antl e ~~ - = .e-•- ~ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ Resfrfcfed DBlivery i POSTAGE _ RETURN SNOW To wH in; s f r~the front of the mailpiece, or on w t' l t the back if space tlces rrot perm as tleliveretl and the date delNered. ~~ ConaUlt pOStmaStBr for fee. w e AooPESS OF osur Tht<6et Rece'pt will show to whom the ar G~ATtiCIB NUmbef RECEIPT - - - ' - ~ cEFmFIEa FEE- - - "- - - - messed to: - ~ 3' (TI SERVICE TOTPL POSTAGE AM -~_ i __ P~ 6 p 413 3 4 ~ - _ _-__ _ PA __._ 'rev. d! , ~ _ SENT TO: Nor FOw- .. ~ - -..•~. .' _. - -- -- - 4b Service Type rrt s Wil,Zr@ri & Rt _ ; iz"~=:-: a ~ -:. ; , ~~ , -~ ..~ ~ CERTIFlED 5789 W. 72 o ..0 - - ~ A~~dt~.i ~? ;~ -. 7. Date of eliv, ry --- a e ~-1 - _- -__ _. _ - - -- -- .~ „G T - 8. Addressee's Ad ress - _ . __ ~B~gS®~ 3: Received By: (Pont arse p `. ~ '_(,ONLY if requested and fee poi . ~ . V ~ '¢ V genry- j- '1.- _ PS FORM 3800 ~ ' n ''' °.~ t > -. -- ~ '- ' Dorhe~C Return Receipt .`-PSFORM -1, January" 6 - - - - ~ - ' ° I also wish to receive the I ,ENDER: following services (for an extra fee): I -- - e - e_itg 1 ant/or 2 for additbral services. _- r~ss°om hs orrlrso tharw~can return mis card 1 ~ Addressee's Address POSTAGE .__ .. RETURN sNOw ro wRGt. AGGRESS of pEFaJAtt2~ this form to the front of the mal piece, e IriT Spaeetloes rwi nerm(t. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery rvered and me date aenvered. Consult postmaster for fee. "d d e RECEIPT CERTIFIED FEE • i The ReWrn Recelp wl s fra~ft;e arnme was - __ - - .Article Number ~ ~s .~- r'rl SERVICE - - e _ roTAL POSTAGE-_ - _ _ -~ ~ _ - ~-~r~ >~t- ~-_ ..__P 960 413 -348 ~.,-t r - "'NOrFI--'-- ~ rrl . t j. ,,u SENTTO: ~ -Service Type __ _ ___ _ ~- ~ CERTIFIED ~~YUd@ ~ Tti „ N7'' Q~ .Date of Delivery Q ~O~~QS1 s P ~.~ ~ ~ .- j - X18 NOl~ a PHC,-•95~.}, - 8. Addressees Address ~, R ived By: (Flint Name) (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) PS FORM 3800 - o u _ fA dr or AgBM) :: ; t Domestic Return Receipt _ PS FORM 3811, January 1996 - - _ - _ _ _a<,_-~ m m a S D o-. d POSTAGE , ~ RETURN sHOw TO VJH ~ RECEIPT AOPRESS aF. ' CEmIFIEp FEa $ERVICE and%or 2 for atldflionai services. - - md arltlress on the reverse of this farm ~ the front of the mailpiece; or on the back rt will show to whom the article was derive TOTAL POETAe °~- .t_ :.bi'~r1OX• IT TO: ROT- . ~~•.. , + ., i t<~~, ,. ~~~s -~-- AZbftYt Sr ` 1115! W. £~" _ _ PBCa`gfi '~' '~ Received By: (Print Name) - I also wish to receive the i _, following services (for an extra fee): i `~ .' ~•. -.~~~ ` ~>~ . ~t ~l ~• CERTIFIED [TAI of ueuvery Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) PS FORM 3800 _~~ r FO'f~M 3811, .Jan4ary isss • ; , ~` ~ °- - - -. Domestic F$eiiurn. Receipt - ,. -_ SENDER: I also wish to receive the I Complete items 1 and/or 2 far adtlitional services following services (for an extra fee): I ' .Print your name antl atltlress on the reverse of this tam so that we can return this cartl -m you. 1. ^ Addressee's Address ' - . rAua~ this of rm rihe~t~mal pi@cfl,~2r o,Lth acl~i spacstlcesoot aermt 2_ J3estricted Delivery POSTAGE .The Return Receipt vAll show to whom the article was delivered and the tlate delivered. .._-- _. __---_ - „-___ _.-.__- _- _. Consult postmaster for fee. _ RETURN Aoo~sosca Article Addresse to RECEIPT - - - - _ 4a. Article Number ~ 417 m CERTIFIE^ ~- SERVICE - TorALPOS ~,~~ y~+ -vr~,i; :w+.j%:,1 P 9611 413 3SlJ - - - - SENT.SO:- r;.. .T :, l .:3, ~,ir,• t. 4b. Service Type 7 ~,:: ~,xt .i-: --,, •. _ .^ :' ~Z( CERTIFIED Phu ,. tt _ rte. ~ A410 >~•= r+-•"'~~_L 7. Date of Delivery 5. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addre see's Address C t PLUG-~` ~ ~ • ~ ~ (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) ' - ~ 6. Signat ~ ~ltess A PS FORM 3500 ~5'FORM381,~,. January.tgs6 - - . Domestic Return Receipt + r_ ~ i 1i'. III ~ 11ii ~ .t -'i' I'I t' -- 4 . ~ - ' ~_r. I also wish to receive the i ' SENDER: - ' , Compkte,tems t aMror z mr additional services following services (for an extra fee): i ' .Print your name arld address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this prtl ~ ^ gddressee's Address ' ~ oron4hebackHspace83d3F0P~?frrrdt ~~. h aI PI£de~ ~ 2. ^ RestrictedDelivery e r POSTAGE _-_ le I - fT°RetIIrrTRedeiprctall show to w>~the arlle xas i:llvered-antl the ~aTe delivered. Consult postmaster fof fee. ~ RETURN sHOw rov ApGRESSC- ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ '- RECEIPT .a~vllcle ASdressed to: '- 4a. Article Number ~ U7 GERTIFIEG I-~ SERVICE ~~-- °-- - _- - --~-p 960 413 351 ~ . fib. Service Type m _. ~ Rr'~ SENT TO: - S ~9iTit 3C:lf ~ CERTIFIED _ ~ ~f(68'~l~.T!l6~~ ,~ ., r : 7. Date of elivery " - f 0 a 5. Received By: (Pint Name) 8. Addr see's ddress ~ (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) P~~g~,,,l ure. Add nt ~ ~~ . ~~ - ~ ~ . PS FORM 3800 -- ~ Domestic Return Receipt p5 0 811, January tgg6 -- - _ r,_ _ . ~ .-~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: January 27, 1997 Page -2- Motion by Mrs. Fields to add an Item 10. A. to reconsider Resolution 1577; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 8 -0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Amendment to PID final development plan for Western PCS III, for property located at 4836 Van Gordon Street, Wheat Ridge. (Case No. WZ- 96 -12) Item 1 was introduced by Mrs. Dalbec; title read by the Clerk. Gary Reiff, 410 17th Street, Denver, was sworn in by the Mayor and asked for approval of this plan. Sworn in by the Mayor and answering questions were: Ken Kastning and Georgia Lichde. Glen Gidley was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Motion by Mrs. Dalbec that Case No. WZ- 96 -12, a request for an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for property located at 4836 Van Gordon Street, be approved for the following reasons: 1. A plan amendment is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing tower in the PID zone. 2. The plan amendment will alleviate the necessity of additional'shorter towers. 3. The plan amendment is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. With the following condition: All of the provisions of Section 26- 25(B)(3) be met before recordation with Jefferson County; seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried 8 -0. Item 2. Approval of a planned building group plan and replat for property zoned Residential -Three and located at 4420 Jay Street. (Case No. PBG -96 -1) (Karl Koch) Item 2. was introduced by Mr. Siler; title read by the Clerk. Sworn in by the Mayor were: Karl Koch, 30350 Pine Crest Drive, Evergreen, applicant, who presented his case and answered questions. Kent Schroeder, 10201 N. Park Drive, Westminster, who owns property the north of proposed development, stated there was some boundary dispute, but he thought it could be worked out and he didn't need to comment any further. r T CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: January 27, 1997 Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Page -3- Motion by Mr. Siler that Case No. PBG -96 -1, a request for approval of a planned building group plan and replat for property zoned Residential -Three and located at 4420 Jay Street be approved for the following reasons: 1. The existing zoning of Residential -Three supports the use of multi - family residential. 2. The proposed replat allows for the density of 16 units (1 unit per 2,100 square feet). 3. Adequate fire protection, vehicular and pedestrian access is supported off Jay Street. 4. All minimum requirements of the R -3 zone district have been met. 5. Both interim and long term use of the property is consistent and compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. With the following conditions: 1. At least a minimum of four short -term visitor parking spaces be provided for additional on -site parking. 2. Proposed trees in the rear of the property be planted so they will not grow into the existing power lines; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Mr. DiTullio is concerned about the boundary dispute, the off - street parking and the density, he will be voting no on this. Mrs. Worth will vote against this proposal; she is concerned about the density and only four parking spaces for visitors; doesn't like private driveways; how will the Fire Department get in? Mrs. Dalbec will vote no because the Planned Building Group should show that pedestrians moving between buildings are not unnecessarily exposed to vehicular traffic and she doesn't think that this plan shows that; the consolidation doesn't seem to fit the intent of the development on multiple parcels, it actually increases building sizes and she doesn't feel that's compatible with the intention of the law. Motion failed 3 -5 with Councilmembers Siler, Eafanti, and Solano voting yes. Item 3. Council Bill 1 - An Ordinance adopting a temporary moratorium on the acceptance, processing and issuance of demolition permits for historical structures within the City. Council Bill 1 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Worth, who also read the title; Ordinance No. 1064 was assigned. Motion by Mrs. Worth for the approval of Council Bill 1 (Ordinance 1064); effective date is January 29, 1997; seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried 8 -0. -500 LNEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. 60X G33 WHEAT RIpGE. CO 3CC3a-C538 1303)234-5900 City Admin. Fax = 234-5924 February 10, 1997 Mr. Karl Koch 30550 Pine Crest Dr. Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Follce Dept. Fax w 235.2949 The Cify of Wheat Ridge RE: Koch Subdivision, Proposed Townhomes at West 44th Avenue and Jay St. Dear Mr Koch, The Public Works Department has evaluated the traffic generation from the proposed development and have the following comments: The number of trips generated is based on a total of 14 dwelling units Total trips generated on an average weekday (24 hour period) 82 trips Total trips generated by this site during A.M. peak 7 trips Total trips generated to the adjacent street during A.M. peak 7 trips Total trips generated by this site during P.M. peak 8 trips Total trips generated to the adjacent street during P.M. peak 8 trips The above numbers were taken from the City's adopted national guideline, the 5th edition of trip generation published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The Public Works Department believes that the above generated trips are low and thus will not require a traffic impact study for this development. I hope this letter will provide you the information regarding the traffic issues for this development. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 235-2862. Sincerely, ~~~~-~-- Steve Nguyen, P.E. Traffic Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Senior Project Engineer Greg Knudson, Development review engineer Sean McCartney, Planner Memorandum To: City Council From: Sean McCartney, Planner ~1'1.~-- Date: March 24, 1997 Re:. City Council rehearing of case no. PBG-96-1, an application by Karl Koch for approval of a four (4) structure planned building group and a replat on Residential-Three zoned land at 4420 Jay Street. Case no. PBG-96-1 was last presented to the City Council on January 27, 1997. It was at this public hearing that the request for approval of a consolidated site plan and 14 lot replat was denied. On January 29, 1997, the applicant requested a rehearing of case no. PBG-96-1, stating that he would modify the site plan to lessen the proposed density on the site, and provide on-site parking for four (4) visitor parking spaces. This memo is intended to highlight the amendments provided on a revised site plan. The following is an outline of those changes: 1. Twelve (12), 2 and 3 bedroom townhomes are being proposed, instead of the original fourteen (14) unit density. 2. The four (4) on-site visitor parking spaces are to be located near the front of the property, 30 feet from the front property line, instead of the original location in the rear of the property. 3. Public walkways to allow access to the proposed backyards on both the north and south property lines (optional). 4. 39.6% landscaping. The City Traffic Engineer was asked to review the proposed townhome site again, to insure there would not be any additional traffic impact or congestion to the existing neighborhood. According to his letter to the applicant (see attached), he concurred that the calculated trip generations are low and would not require a traffic impact study for this development (note -the study was calculated using the original density of 14 units). 1 PSG-9~~~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on March 24,1997, at 7:00 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Heazing or submit written cornments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. ase No PBG-96-1: An application by Karl Koch for approval of a four~(4) structure planned building group and a replat on Residential-Three zoned land at 4420 Jay Street. Said property is legally described as follows: LOTS 3,4 AND THE NORTH 60 FEET OF LOT 5, HALE SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8 AT PAGE 38, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STA 1 E OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89°58'23" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE SOUTH 00° 18'53" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS 3, 4, AND 5 A DISTANCE OF 239.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°58'23" WEST A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JAY STREET; THENCE NORTH 00°18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 3, 4, AND 5 AND ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 239.80 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 33,859 SQUARE FEET OR 0.773 ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: A PORTION OF LOTS 5 AND 6, HALE SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8 AT PAGE 38, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE NORTH 00° 18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 6 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00° 18'53" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°58'23" EAST A DISTANCE OF 141.20 FET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE SOUTH 00° 18'53" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°58'23" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1421.20 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 14,120 SQUARE FEET OR 03241 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 2. Case No. WZ-97-2: An application by W.R. Miller Properties LLP for H.R. Hodge and J.E. Strader for approval of a Planned Industrial Development final development plan and plat. Said property is located at 4951 Miller Street and is legally described as follows: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHENCE THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION BEARS SOUTH 0°30' WEST 961.0 FEET, WHICH POINT IS THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTER LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 31.19 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID POINT BEING 30.00 FEET WEST OF SAID NORTH- SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 16; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 404.297 FEET; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO SAID NORTH-SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 112.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 404.297 FEET TO A POINT 30 FEET WEST OE THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH AND 30 FEET WEST OF SAID NORTH-SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER ADISTANCE OF 112.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. And, BLOCK 1, BLOCK 2, AND LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5 OF BLOCK 3 OF L&K INDUSTRIAL PARK, CITY OF WHE COUNTY OF RS N, STATE OF COLORADO. n Gunn, ecr -- ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: Mazch 6, 1997 Wheat Ridge Transcript to the Ail interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following pall-: tionsshall be hearcl: ~... ~ ; ~- - 1. Case No. PBC•96-1:'An applie0tioriY -by-Kad-Koch-ToFapproval of a tour (41' . .:: , 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado .Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge March 10, 1997 This is to inform you that Case No. PSG-96-I which is a request fora rehearing of a fou_ r (4) str cure alarmed building~roup and a replat for pamper located at 4420 Jay treet twill be heard by the Wheat Ridge CITYCOUNCIL in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 P M on~tYlarch 24.1997 AIZ owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the CITY COUNCIL. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notes any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. Ifyou have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank You. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City " ~~9 ~~~ FM, LTD. 801 Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80206 Roger & Patricia Stanley 4465 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Warren & Ruth K. Folkers 6784 W. 72 Avenue Arvada, CO 80003 Steve Humane Life Estate Gertrude Hamann Life Estate 680 E. 99 Place Thornton, CO 80220 Phu Vu/Dong Mai/Vui 4410 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, Cb 80033 Kent Schroeder 10201 N. Pazk Drive Westminster, CO 80030 Michael & Tina Pierson Albert & Eleanior Drumright Kevin & Molly Chapman 4475 Jay Street 11159 W. 85 Place 4455 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80005 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~..,.~ -__ ___ -----------_... ._--.._...._ I ___ _ .w __ ~ aeruaN _~ENDER: I also wish to receive the i ~ RECEIPT ~ Aoo[ ~ ComplNe items 1 arb/or 2 for adtlitional services following services (for an extra fee): ~ SERVICE ceaf ~ Print your name antl atltlress on the reverse ot this form so that we can reNm thi m ya, s caM 1. ^ Addressee's Address ,~ , . 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V ,~ ._ PS FoRM 381 i,(~fanuary ~ ss _ Domestic Return Receipt .i ~ P~ ~ Print your name antl atltlresg on the rever9e of ihis form so Ihat vre can mtum this I RETURN wrd ~aiuwi°ng serwoes ~ror an excra ree~: ~ poc ~~~ ,.,~ ~ 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ RECEIPT cEF ~ pnach this form to the front of the malpiece, or on fhe back rc soa<e eoes ~oc Pe~m~~, 2, ^ Restricted Delivery m SERViCE .iheqewrn Receip~ win show io whom the anicie was tleiiverea antl ihe date deiiverea. rox -_ COflSUlt poStmeSt2f fOf fee. N - ~-.l~f.,~cie~,ddca~~~ ~~~ N SENTTO: ' - ~• - ` ' 4a, Article Number .______ ~~ r• -. - - - - ~ ~ p 963 362 223 ru - ~ .tuw_•._,. '~ ~lL3~ ~ '~.7~~~. iv p~ i,~'~,yE; 4b. Service Type ~•' 1Q2b2 - ~~, t~ ~'fn3n _ . m ~ ~frRTIFIED -~ - ~ ,q - _ Q' t- ~~~ ~ ~ - ~~~ il ~~ ' 7. 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'~~~ ~~ -`~~~-- - 4b. Service Type N - - o - ~ CERTIFIED - Fhti ii ~ rc,. _ m ~14 t ,.'~ 7.Dat' f~livery m p~t ~' `~ Z "~' `7 '~ -5. Received By: (Pr' Narne) ~. - 8. Addresse~.+s Address/ ' ~ P'SC~x"~( (ONLY if requested and fee paid.J ` _6_ Signatury: ( ddressee or AgentJ . ~ ~~ ~ ~ I PSFORM3800`~----~ ~ `~" ~-. ~ ~:~ - --~ C... . . I ~P5FQRtv13& , January 1ss _. _.. . _ . „ ..- Domesfic Return Receipt __.....__ ,. , . , __ ... _ -_ , ,.,,,,~ - ' - , / ~ Items 1 antl/or 2 Far atltlltlpnal nem n~a r =a ,~ th I I - RETURN RECEIPT CEPTIFIEO FEE-PET. - ~ SERVICE 4$ddCESSP.CLto~ TOTPL PLGTAGE ANG F r-- - ru SENT TO: " NOr FOR IN" _ ~ '~ `~~'~z^ N = Ee. EE;i F~y.~ 91 313.59 F~. $5 3 - r^ T3'C{tZ1d8.~ p0 -- o~- - ~1 a _ Received By: (PrrM Name) -- -- FORM 3800 U~.~'~~atur~e: (yAdtlressee or Age ~.-P-S-FORM 38 1, January 1996 Reca_ini ' ENDER: t I also wish to receive the Complete items 1 antl/or 2 for atltl' i ices I ~ following services (for an extra fee): . ~ Print your name and dr~o~ a this form so that we cap return this cab _ .-.- >--~---.--~jo~rr wi~(y 1. ^ Addressee's Address ROSTAGE ~~Attach this for f he~n~~C, or on the back i1 space tloes not permit. Z, ^ R2StriCYed DBIIVery RETURN sROw To wi-Inm ¢ . T~ e ~I~p' o e wsam the article was tleliveretl and the date tleliveretl. Consult postmaster for fee. RECEIPT ADOREGG OF OEI-rvr--. -- _ LERrIFIEG FEE-RE; AI-I'ICIQ AOdreS$a!d -. i_r r ... _ 4a. rtf~IC~1~U e~ SERVICE N romrPOSrAGEAn'I--''-~, ~~~~~ - P- 963 362 22U R1 SENT TO: " NoT FORT. _- - - < ~- - 36YF.3:tiLfr? I~ae~t5t~il, I~.~9 fi 46. Service Type_ (i.l _ Ft~ $... ~ ~~ _ _ _ .~ SteVi~ Htxt~tY 'fir {~,~? ,~ ~ CERTIFIED m ~ X317[ - / m ~~ ~.~ 9g Pi Ff~!. ~-9u•-1 ~~ 7. Date of livery p- R41OL'Tl~i Q -- --- - -5. Received By: (Print Name) r see ddress a ~~ f Si ng a :IA dies&ef P ;FORM 3800 U~ )~ ~-,,,_-,_ ~ SENDER: ~ fomplete items 1 antl/or 21or atlditional services. ~-~~-""~7 rf~ir~amrran~lr -3dress on-f}le reverse off~eTOrm sa tFat vue can reTUrn-thl`s c I also wish to receive the fgllgwi~ services (for an extra feJ " - - - 7- ^ Addressee's Address POSTAGE RETURN SHOW TO wNOM o< chlhislormAOlhe_tmnt of_themailpiece.or on the back if spacedoeslmt permit. 2. ^ RBStrlCted DeIlVery RECEIPT aODRESE of [>FI-IVEI .The Return Receipt will show to wham the article was tleliveretl antl the date tlelivered. Q¢nsldf pO5tma5ter fOr fee. CERTIFIED FEE -RET'~~~CIB AddreGGed I0: Q- SERVICE 4a_ArZCIe_Number ~ rornl. FoswGE atuG -- ~ p 9 6 3 3 6 2 219 _ ~ SENT TO: " Nor FGR~ - _ - ' -i$. - -46. Service Type .33 ,,, .}j3i l.Y ~` ~ ~ CERTIFIED r" 67$9 6t1. 72 i - y ~, /f ;s e. ~: ~ ~$~s ~ _ ~~3. , P~ / ~ti~~ \TY 7. Date of Deliv ... i1' - - - is=: j ~ ~ - Q„ 5_ Received By: (Print NaneJ `• 'f~ ~~ ' ` S. Addressee's Add, ss PHCr96-3. `~6~-~ ~$ (ONLY if requested and fee paitl) r y ig Adz si sr~3i AgeTit7 ;PS FORM 3800 U~~,'`,~- Tom" ~.~~ -_ _ :. PS FORM :~t3l,l. r._January 1996, _ y l ted and fee paid.) ~q ~,, T ' a d ~' f' fc, .urn Receipt „ ,.s,. ..c mm u. u n nianylece, or on me cock rt space noes not permit. will show to wham the article was tleliveretl antl the tlate tleliveretl. ping services (for an extra fee): ' ~ Addressee's Address ^ Restricted Delivery - ~ 4a-Article Number _ P 3 362 221 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of De ivery 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY ii requested and tee paid.) . ' ~ f ' I plete items 7 antl/pr 2 for atltlitipnal services. a150 wish t0 receive the I I - PGeTAGe . Pdntyouvuame_ar,d_aadress «,_u,e,e`rerse_or-mis +orm so mat we can return mis RETURN cam following services (for an extra feel: sHav To ~ ro you, ADDRESGr t. ^laddressee's Address - RECEIPT ceRnel A aCnlhls O~~ a rant Ot the mailpiece, Or on the back i! space does rrot permit SERVICE ED ~ Il - _ 2. ^ Restricted Delivery to ~ ~ - ie_Retu[aReceipl will show to wham the article was tleliveretl antl the date tleliveretl. TOTAL PGG - -e~ COnSUIt pOStmaSter tOr tee ~ ~ r~ ENT TO: - N ~~- - - . a. rticle Number r y ~'~ P 963 362 21B ~ ~2 - ~ ~ a m ~ ~~77 J3 _ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~• 4b. Service Type m ~----_-:-_...._._' ti$>~3C FC .n ~ '-..•...,., ~ CERTIFIED - ~ 7. Date of Delivery m -~ ° o _ ~-~3 -9 -7 av" .. r S:77dceived By: (flint Name) .Addressee's Address P~ FORM 3800 ~: --_ I RETURN RECEIPT ~ SERVICE r'~ ru SENT W^". N r13 m .n Q- POSTAvE SHGW TO WHOM, WTE ANO/ PDDRESe OF DELIVERY CERTIFIED FEE 1 RETURN RECEIPT TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $Ol. tblo~acb B~.VCT Dm~ez'~ flfJ 84206 cLiT~FFIJ°L PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service O J . >y WO LL~ ~ H aZ Opmp Q W tt¢ ' . .. .. ..- . .. WLL x0 ,. ~~ W~-..: -- W ii ~ QW J 2 6 I- „: _ - Receipt for ~ - Certified Mail ~ m - - PCSWGE _ - - - SENDER: _ rC~cmplete Items t and/or z ror aaaluonal services. I also wish to receive the =following services (for an extra feel: ' RETURN sHC>-,, TO wt, ADDRESS OP ° ~ ~ Y°Or name and address on the reverse of this 7orm so that we can return this card ^ Add Add t ' RECEIPT ressee ress - _ s SERVICE CERTIFIED FEt - ~F1h b fOIT io 1he !root 0! the mail I c OY On [he back if SD2Ce dOES DOt rmit. -2~^14e$trtctad_Deltve L~--- - C` ~ TORa POSTAL- r. The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered antl [he date tleliveretl. DOnSUf ostmaster for fee. IL SENT TO: " iNOr- a_ :oracle addressed to: 4a. Article Number rv j ~ ~ ~~ r,~,~y~~~sr ~ -- P 9 6 3 3 6 2 -217 - - m '~°"~"" ~ _ r<.t~~j T ~ 4b. Service Type - 4465 Issc,~ et~;~edt ~~I~r ~ 333 ~ ~ ~ CERTIFIED ~„ rr ~ c:-. -"~"Z '~ - 7. Date of Delivery o~ , ~ ~"''~- _ -~i. Received By: (Print Name) ~ - B. Addressee's Address ~ PS FORM 3800 - --t - (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) . ~ - _ _ _ _ _ r,~ e B. ature: Addr -orr Agen ~) ~ /J __ \! `~L ~`T/d ,L4., nB !r 1~4~~J1~iJ_-.. Ne... _ - - __ (Addressee or agent) ~ ~ 311 J nt{a(y 1996 , ; , , , ~. ', j Imestic, Return RecE .~ ,.I. , POSTMARK OR DATE o RESTRICTED W DELIVERY ~ .- d U - -- ---- Receipt CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: March 24,1997 DATE PREPARED: March 14,1997 CASE NO. & NAME: PBG-96-1 \ Koch ACTION REQUESTED: Site Plan and 12 Lot Replat. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4420 Jay Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S) NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S) APPROXIMATE AREA:.77 acres (33,860 square feet) PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Three PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant CASE MANAGER: Sean McCartney Karl Koch 30550 Pine Crest Drive Evergreen, Colo. Same SURROUNDING ZONING: N: and S: Residential-Three, E: Residential-Three and Commercial- One, and W: Restricted-Commercial, Residential-Three and Residential- Two SURROUNDING LAND USE: N; and S: Multi-family residential, W: Auto shop, Multi-family Residential and Single family Residential, E: Retail Commercial and Single-family Residential DATE PUBLISHED: March 6,1997 DATE POSTED: March 10, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: March 10, 1997 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ( ) ( ) NOT REQUIRED (XX) NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ~ SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (XX) EXHIBITS (XX) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. City Council Staff Report Case No. PBG-96-1 March 24,1997 Page 2 I. REQiTEST The applicant requests the approval of a four (4) structure, twelve (12) unit, Type I Site Plan and Replat for property located at 4420 Jay Street. The purpose of the site plan is to allow for the consolidation of three {3) existing parcels into one, construct 2, 4 unit and 2, 2 townhome structures, and replat the property, allowing for sale of the individual townhomes. The property is zoned Residential-Three, which allows for multi-family residential, at a maximum density ratio of one (1) unit per each 2100 square feet of lot area (12 units are proposed for this property). In accordance with Zoning Code section 26-30(D)(copy attached), the proposed site plan is designed to avoid the construction of overly lazge buildings. The applicant has devised a plan that meets the intent of a Planned Building Group, by encouraging the construction of four (4) smaller buildings, as opposed to one large building. The provided site plan proposes adequate setbacks for the buildings, 39.6% (total site) landscaping on common green spaces, enclosed pazking that complies with established standazds and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Also, the,proposed development does not impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent parcels, allows for fire protection access and does not negatively impact the character of the neighborhood. II. STTE PLAN A site plan has been submitted, as well as a replat, showing the consolidation of the three existing parcels, and the request for 2, 4 unit and 2, 2multi-family town homes; with separate parcels. The property size is 33,860 square feet, and the building will cover 37.3% of the property. At it's existing size, the consolidated property may occupy 16 units (2,100 square feet per unit). There will be a 24' wide concrete drive proposed between all four (4) structures, maintained by the home owners association. This will act a the main access for all residential units and as fire protection access. Section 26-31(F) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws requires two (2) parking spaces per each two (2) or three (3) bedroom units. The required parking spaces will be provided by the attached two and three car gazages, with four (4) additional visitor parking spaces in the front of the property. The landscaping is being shown within the required front yard and along the rear buffer. The front yard landscaping, as well as the rear landscaped buffer, will be maintained by the homeowners association. Evergreen (Juniper) shrubs are being proposed underneath the windows of the buildings which front Jay Street. Street trees are being proposed in compliance to the Wheat Ridge street tree requirement of one (1) street tree per thirty (30) feet of street frontage (a minimum two-inch caliper is required). Approximately 375 square foot privacy yards are being proposed for each unit, where the owner of each unit will be required to maintain their own yard. Concrete walkways are also being shown for interior pedestrian circulation. Staff concludes that the proposed plan encourages the development of multiple structures, which alleviates the need for one-large structure, and promotes public health, safety and welfare through established building setbacks, fire protection access and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Overall design standards comply with the development regulations established in the Residential-Three zone district. City Council Staff Report Page 3 Case No. PBG-96-1 March 24,1997 III. REPEAT The applicant is proposing to consolidate lots 3, 4, and the north 60 feet of lot 5, of the existing Hale Subdivision, to create one block (known as Koch Subdivision, Block 1). Within the proposed block, there will be twelve (12) separate parcels on which the twelve (12) proposed town homes will be placed. The proposed density ofthe existing lot complies with the Residential-Three development regulations stated in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. The two exterior parcels (both north and south parcels), contain lots that are approximately ],482 square feet. The two exterior parcels will contain lots that are approximately 888 square feet. Individual tracts (i.e. tracts A,B,C,etc.) will be created for all the proposed common areas. Both the front yard and rear yard landscaping will be common areas, maintained by the homeowner's association (as stated in the attached draft covenant). Also, the two internal drives will be designated as tracts and maintained by the homeowner's association. There are fave (5) foot utility easements designated on the north, south and east property line, and a ten (10) foot utility easement along Jay Street. Run-offend drainage will be contained within proposed detention ponds located within the common green spaces (as shown on plan). Because of adequate right-of--way, there will not be any need for land dedication. IV. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Zoning and adjacent land use surrounding the property include Residential-Three zoning for the properties to the north and south, both properties exist as multi-family dwellings. To the west, there is Restricted-Commercial, Residential-Two and Residential-Three zone districts, accommodating general commercial, and single-family residential, respectively. To the east, there is Commercial-One and Residential-Three zone districts, where single- family dwellings and general commercial land uses exist. Staff concludes that townhouse units are compatible with surrounding land uses. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property and have no problems with the proposed site plan. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District states that the subdividers and/or developers may be required to extend sewer lines to their project sites, and/or share in the cost of providing additional capacity to serve their projects. Wheat Ridge Fire will require at least one hydrant. Public Works has reviewed and approved a drainage report and plan. City Corancil Staff Report Page 4 Case No. PBG-96-1 March 24,1997 VI. PLANNING COMMISS%ON APPROVAL Planning Commission received this request at a meeting held on December 12, 1996. A recommendation of APPROVAL was made with the following conditions: 1. Plant the trees proposed for the rear of the property so they will not grow into the existing power lines. 2. Include the addition of atleast four (4) short-term, visitor pazking spaces, to allow for more on-site parking. There is no parking allowed in the proposed fire lanes. 3. A drainage and erosion plan must be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to City Council scheduling. VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that all minimum requirements of the Residential-Three zone district have been met. 5tar'f further concludes that the proposed Planned Building Group, which is proposed to be developed on a property currently zoned Residential-Three, is compatible with the existing neighborhood land uses. The Traffic Engineer of the City of Wheat Ridge, has reviewed the plan and feels that it is adequately served off of Jay Street and would not negatively impac8 the traffic flow into the neighborhood. Planning Commission conditions 2 and 3 have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. Proposed trees in the rear of the property be planted so they will not grow into the existing power lines. VIII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move that Case No. PBG-96-1, a request for approval of a planned building group plan and replat for property zoned Residential-Three and located at 4420 Jay Street, be APPROVED for the following seasons: 1. The existing zoning of Residential-Three supports the use ofmulti-family residential. 2. The proposed replat allows for the density of 12 units (I unit per 2,821 squaze feet). 3. Adequate fire protection, vehicular and pedestrian access is supported off of Jay Street. 4. All minimum requirements of the R-3 zone district have been met. 5. Both interim and long term use of the property is consistent and compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: At least a minimum of four (4) short-term, visitor parking spaces to be provided for additional on-site parking. 2. Proposed trees in the rear of the property be planted so they will not grow into the existing power lines." City Council Staff Report Case No. PSG-96-1 March 24, 1997 Page 5 Option B: "I move that Case No. PBG-96-1, a request for approval of a planned building group plan and replat for properly zoned Residential-'T'hree and located at 4420 Jay Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." ZONING ARID DEVELOPMENT (7) Reduction in landscape area of total site, or relocation of landscape areas which aze re- quired as buffer yazds or establish project character. i8) Increase in the gross floor area of struc- tures beyond the authorized maximum al- lowed with the approved planned develop- ment. (C) Any changes or revisions of a final develop- mentplan which aze approved, either administra- tively ar by council action, must be recorded with the Jefferson County Recorder as amendments.to the original recorded development plan. Y) TEMPORARY USE PROVISION Subsequent to rezoning to a Planned Develop- :Went District and approval of a final development plan, but prior to development and use of a pazcei in accordance with the approved plan, the prop- erty may continue to be used in accordance with the previous zoning or for cultivation of agricul- tural products, or the raising and keeping of live- stock, as would be permitted in any residential district; provided, however, that no new perma- nentstructures or additions to existing structures will be permitted. :Ord. No. 1989-807, § 2, 9.25.89; Ord. No. 1990- 827, § 1, 4.9-90) Secs. 26.26-26.29. Reserved. Sec. 26.30: General regulations. The provisions and regulations set forth in this section are generally applicable throughout the various zone districts. Furthermore, these regula- tions are in addition to any regulation, standard or requirement specifically set forth in any other section of this Zoning Ordinance or any other sec- tion of the Wheat Ridge Cade of Laws. tA) Storage of Flammable Liquids or Gases: No aboveground storage of flammable liquids or gasses in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons shall be permitted in any district other than the Industrial District unless approved as a special § 2630 use and in conformance wiih the Uniform Fire Code and other applicable laws. tB) BuiZding Lots: Every building or structure hereafter erected within the City of Wheat Ridge shall be located on a lot, as defined herein, and in no instance shall there be more than one f 1) main building on one (1} lot except as permitted within a Planned Development District as set forth in section 26-25, or as permitted by the Planned Building Group IPBG) provisions set forth below. (C) Planned Building Groups tPBG): (1) Purpose. The primary purpose of this pm- cision is to allow flexibility and diversi~i- cation in the location of structures and the design and land use of a lot held under single or common ownership by permitting more than one (11 main structure to be con- structedthereon. It promotes better overall utilization of a building site by promoting improved vehicular and pedestrian circula- tion and access, more efficient layout of pazking and a better overall landscape and architectural design scheme for the total site, while at the same time ensuring ade- quate standazds relating to public health, safety, welfare and convenience in the use and occupancy of buildings and facilities in planning building groups. !2) Scope and limitations. The procedures and provisions sec forth in this section shall be applicable to all zone districts except Planned Development zone districts as those district regulations provide for mul- tiple main structures on a lot under dif- ferent procedures and provisions. It is not intended for this provision to be used to circumvent the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for lot perimeter set- backs,lot coverage, residential density or any other provisions for the Zoning Ordi- nanceexcept the requirement that only one (1) main building is permitted on one fl) Su¢p. No. 5 1769 § 26-30 wFIEAT RIDGE CITY CODE lot. It also shall not be construed to waive any provisions of the subdivision reg~l~- tions. Any subsequent division of a Iot de- veloped in accordance with the provisions set forth herein shall be required to meet all subdivision requirements. (3) Application procedures. All applications for Planned Building Groups shall be filed with the department of planning and develop- ment by the owner of the entire Iand area to be included within such plan and shall be accompanied liy a fee of one hundred dollazs X3100.00), adequate proof of owner- ship, acertified survey of the parcel, and a Type II site plan which meets the provi- sions set forth in section 26-6(E)(2) of this Zoning Ordinance. All applicaticns under this section shall be reviewed by the department ofplanning and development for completeness and, if found to be complete, shall be transmitted to any other agency which might be affected by approval of such applications. Any such agency may transmit comments and recom- mendations to the Department of PIanning and Development. The Zoning Adminis- trator, the Planning Commission and/or City Council shall consider such agency comments and recommendations when es- tablishing neeessaryconditions and limita- tions, and approving applications consid- ered herein. i4) Approval procedures: (a) Administrative Review: The zoning ad• ministrator shall have the authority to review and approve, approve with mod- ifications, or deny applications For Planned Building Groups for no more than four (4) main structures on a single lot or parcel, except in the R-1 series, R•2 series and A-1 zone districts. Applications for more than four (4) main structures or more than one (I) main structure in the R-1 series, R-2 series and A-1 zone districts, and ap- peals by the applicant of the zoning ad- ministrator's decision, shall be referred to the planning commission for review. Sapp. Na. 5 In reviewing such applications, the zoning administrator shall consider the standards for approval set forth in sub• section (d)4. below and shall have the authority to establish necessary condi- tions and limitations to cazry out the intent of this section. (b) PIanning Commission Review: The planning commission shall review and make recommendations to city council all applications for Planned Building Groups which exceed administrative re• view authority and upon applicant ap- peal of an administrative decision. Such application shall be heard at puL-lic hearings, with notification by neigh- borhood meeting, newspaper, letter and posting as set forth in section 26-6(F). (c) City Council Review: City council shall review and decide upon all Planned Building Group applications forwazded bythe planningcommission. Such heaz- ings shall follow notification and hearing procedures as set forth above for planning commission heazing. Ap- peal from a decision of the city council shall be to the Jefferson County Dis- trict Court as specified in the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedures. (d) Standards far Review: The zoning ad- ministrator, planning commission and/or city council shall have the right to approve, establish necessary condi- tions and limitation in approving, or deny an application for a PIanned Building Group; provided, that the fol- lowing standazds shall be applied in such approval, denial or in establishing such conditions and limitations. In re• viewing the Planned Building Group application, the following shall be con- sidered: 1. Whether the proposed plan is con- sistent with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and of the Comprehensive Plan and that it would not be contrary to the gen- eral welfare and economic pros- perity of the city or the immediate 1770 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT neighborhood and that the plan has been prepared to achieve the benefit of improved design; 2. Whether there are provided an ad- equate amount and proper loca- tion ofpedestrian walks, malls and landscaped spaces to prevent pe- destrianuse of vehiculazways and pazking spaces, and to sepazate pe- destrian walks, malls and public transportation and loading places from general vehicular circulation facilities; 3. Whether the design provides for an arrangement of buildings and ve- hicular open spaces so that pedes- trians moving between buildings aze not unnecessarily exposed to vehicular traElic; 4. Whether the plan provides for proper height, orientation and lo• cation of signs compatible with ad- jacent azeas and with respect to traffic-control devices;.. 5. Whether the design is adequate for internal efficiency of the plan, con- sideringthe functions of residents, tenants and users, and including, but not limited to, public access, safety and such other Factors in- cluding storm drainage facilities; 6. Whether adequate and convenient ..-.,arrangement is provided for road- ways, driveways, off-street parking and loading space, facilities for waste disposal and illumination; 7. Whether external effects of the plan aze controlled, including, but not limited to, movement and con• gestion of traffic, arrangement of 8. 9. 0. § 26.30 signs; placing of Iighting devices to prevent the occurrence of nui- sances, and the prevention of the accumulation of litter and trash: Whether the plan is in compliance with the building and fire codes rel- ative to all aspects of construction and site development, including, but not limited to, accessibility by emergency vehicles: Whether the plan has considered the comments and recommenda- tions made by the various review agencies to the greatest extent pos- sible orpractical under the circum- stances; Whether necessary public improve- ments, including, but not limited to, curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway and drainage facilities as required, are provided for in the plan for con- struction and dedication. (5) Recordings of Planned Building Group plans. All approved Planned Building Group plans, including all conditions and limitation stated thereon, shall be recorded in the office of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder as an "Cfficial Development Plan," and no building or site preparation permits shall be issued on property subject to such plan until such plan has been duly recorded.- All Planned- -Building Group plans, together with associated recording fees, must be submitted to staff within sixty (60) days of the approval date, otherwise such approval may be reconsidered. L;pon the fare of such plan, the following decla- ration, signature blocks, approvals and cer- tification shall be stated: Declaration of Planned Building Group Whereas, (I,nsert name of all appIicant(s) and owner(s)) have submiited a Planned Building Group Plan for the City of Wheat Ridge's approval pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, section 26.30(C), for the land azea legally described as: {Insert legal description of entire land area to be covered by the Planned Building Groups; and WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has approved said plan on • (Insert date of approval) Supp. No. 5 1771 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26~a corder in the same manner as the origi- submit sepazate sheet(s) in addition to naIly approved and recorded plan. Any with- the Planned Building Group plan. drawai or partial withdrawal of an approved and recorded plan shall be certified by the (D) Development on Multiple Parcels or Lots recordation of a "Declaration of (ConsoZidatiorzPlatorDeed):Itistheintentofthe Withdrawal" of a Planned Building Group. City of Wheat Ridge that where a development f7) Subdivision of Zand subject to Planned ~ entails the aggregation or consolidation of two ill Building Group Plan. Where it is desired to subdivide a parcel of land, exclusive of con- dominium subdivision, which is either cur• rently subject to, or is proposed to be sub- ii jest to, the provisions of a Planned Building 1 Group Plan, all requirements of the under- Iying zone district shall apply, except that ff setback from interior lot lines lthat is lot 1 Lines not abutting public streets or abut• t ring adjacent sepazately owned propeny) l may be less than normally required if ap- proved by the planned commission and/or' city council at the time of subdivision ap- proval. In addition, any land or facilities used in common, such as, but not limited to, drainage facilities and azeas, common parking azeas, ingress/egress drives, and i landscaping or open space areas, shall be reserved by easement, or other acceptable instrument, for the continued right of common use of these azeas or facilities. Maintenance of any such areas or facilities shall accrue to the owner of each individual lot wherein such common area or facility lies, except that other property maintenance' agreements may tie acceptable if approved by the city attorney. i It is the intent of this section 26.30(C) that subdivision review maybe carried out simultaneously with the review of Planned Building Group plans per- mitred herein. All requirements of the subdivision regulations far either minor (four t4) or fewer lots) ar for m$jor (five (5) or more lots) subdivisions, in addi- tion to those of a Planned Building Group plan, must be satisfied if there aze any parcel divisions created, or if there are any dedications for streets or other public purposes. In cases where subdivision requirements are to be met as described herein, the applicant must Supp. So. 5 or more lots or parcels of land or portions thereof in order to accommodate such development, such shall be considered a development lot. Prior to issuance of a building permit in such instances. the owner shall file a consolidation plat or a con- solidation deed, together with certified boundary survey, which plat or deed and survey shall be reviewed by the department of public works far accuracy and, if found to be accurate, shall be recorded, by the owner, with the JetTerson County CIerk and Recorder. - All consolidation plats or consolidation deeds for multifamily dwelling development shall be ac- companied by a Type I site plan, as set forth by section 26.6(E) of this ZoningOrdinance. Such con- solidation plats and deeds, together with the site plan, shall be subject to review by the planning commission and city council following the same application procedures, notice requirements and approval procedures and standazds for review as for a PIanned Building Group. The purpose of these provisions is to avoid the construction of overly lazge buildings which may negatively impact sur• rounding neighborhoods by obstructing light and air and by making access for fire protection ai:Ti- cult, and to prevent construction of one (1) lazge building to avoid compliance with the subdivision regulations,, and to encourage construction of smaller buildings which could give opportunities for better design ofsetbacks, landscaping, parking, vehicular and pedestrian circulation and drainage facilities. (E) Cluster Subdivision (1) Definition. A cluster subdivision is a subdi- vision of land in which the areas and widths of residential lots are reduced below the min+mum lot area and lot width require- ments of the zoning district in which the subdivision is located and where common space areas are provided to crompensate for such lot reduction. 1773 ZOPIING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26-16 Sec. 26.16. Residential•Three District (R•3). (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high qusiity, safe, quiet and stable medium- to high-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium- to high-density residential character. B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R=1A, R•1B, A-1C, R•2 and R•2A districts. (2) Multifamily dwelling. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Same uses as permitted in R•1, R•1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2 and R•2A districts. (D) Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as set forth in section 26.6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA, R•1B, R•1C, R-2 and R-2A districts. (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Plan- ning Commission and city council, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA, R•1B, R•1C, R•2 and R•2A districts. (2) Small day care center. (See section 26-5, DeFinitionsJ (3) Nursing home, home for the elderly or congregate care facility. (4) Day care center. (F) Deuefopment and Use Regulations-Residential-Three District (R-3): Maximum Minimum Building .tifintmum !.finlmum Front Minimum Minimum Maximum Cover- Lot Lat Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Height ageU' rUea Width Setback Setback'°°' Setback"' One•family dwelling 35' 40% 7,500 sC 60^0 30^O 5' SO' Two-family dwelling 35' 40% 9,000 sf 75"" 30Ntl 5' 10' MultiCamily,f3 or more dwelling 35' 4090 !2,500161 sf 100' 30' 15"" 10"" units) Group home 35' 40% 9,000 sC 75' 30''" 5' 10' Detached garage or carport 20' 600 eF 9,000 sC 75' 30"" 5' v per unit Private storage shed 20i0 400 af/ 9,000 sf 75' 30' S"" 5"°' 4 d.u. Churches, schools, government 35' 4090 I acre 200' 30'0" 15""•'"' 20' and quasi•government build- ings, golf courses, small day care center, and nursing, eld- erly and congregate care homes All other uses 35' 40% 7,500 sf 60"" 30"" 5' 10' (a) Side and rear yard setback shall be ten 110) feet for the first two 121 stories and an additional five (51 feet Coreach additional story over two (21 stories. foal Any side yard which abuts a public street shall hove a minimum setback of thirty 130) Ceet for aJl structures. fb) Any rear yard which abuts a public sired shall have a minimum setback of thirty (30) Ceet for all structures. Supp. No. 12 1715 § 26.16 WHEAT ItiDCE CITY CODE (c) Front setbacks for one- or two-family dwelling structures on lots or portions oC lots which abut culde-saa may be reduced to ten (10) feet Cor those portions of lots which abut a ml-dreac bulb. (See Figure 26.5.3.) 1d) A minimum oC Lwo thousand one hundred 12,100) square feet oC land area shall be required for each dwelling unit far multi- family buildings. fe) Any building or structure which houses animals, except a residence, shall be set back fifteen l15) feet. (4 Poultry houses and pigeon coops are limited to s maximum height of twelve (12) feet. (g) Minimum twenty-five (25) percent landscaping requued on site. (See section 26.32.) (h) Minimum [en I30) feet of landscaping is required within the Cront and side Yazd setbacks adjacent to public streets. (See section 26.32.) (i) Corner lots shall have a minimum lot width oC eighty (801 Ceet for both street frontages. (Ord. No. 1989-796, § 7, 6.12-89; Ord- No. 1990-827, § 1, 4-9-90; Ord. No. 1992.899, § 4, 6.22-92; Ord. No. 1993-945, § 5, 12-13-93) sups, \„ 12 1716 § 26-16 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE Icl Front setbacks Cor one- or two-family dwelling structures an lo[s ar portions oClots which abut tulle-sacs may be reduced to ten (10) feet Cor those portions oC loLS which abut aril-lease bulb. (See Figure ld) A minimum oC two thousand one hundred (2,1001 square fee[ o! land area shall be required Cor each dwelling unit for multi family buildings. (e) Any building or atrudure which houses animals, except a residence, shall be set back fifteen (15) feet. (0 Poultry houses and pigeon coops are limited Lo a maximum height oC twelve (12) Cect. (gl Minimum twenty-five (25) Pemnt landscaping required on site. (See section 26-32J (h) Minimum ten (107 fee[ oC landsraping is required within the front and side Yazd setbacks adjacent to public streets, (Sec section 26.32.1 ii1 Corner lots shall have a minimum lot width oC eighty (80I feet Cor both s[rect frontages. (Ord. No. 1989-796, § 7, 6-12.89; Ord. No. 1990-827, § 1, 4-9.90; Ord. No. 1992-899, § 4, 6.22.92; Ord. Na. 1993-945, § 5, 12.13-93J Su„ ~~ n„ r: 171 G § 26-v1 ~Pt~`.AT 3IDGE CITY CODE (F) Schedule of Required Off Street ParRing: Use Vew single- and two-family residential: -with street pazking -without street pazking -~ l~fultifamily residential tilultifamily elderly housing, exclusively devoted for persons 60 yeazs or older Elderly group home Congregate caze center Boarding and roominghouse Hospitals, nursing homes or other similar uses Standard Requirement 2 spaces per dwelling unit 4 spaces per dwelling unii I.5 spaces per 1 bedroom unit 2.0 spaces per 2 or 3 bedroom unit 2.5 space per 4 or more bedroom unit 1.25 space for each 1 bedroom unit 1.5 space per 2 bedroom unit ii pazcel is 1 zcre or larger, or 1.75 spaces per 2 bedroom unit if parcel is less than i acre: 2.0 space per 3 bedroom unit; 2.5 space per 4 or more bedroom unit 0.5 space for each elderly occupant, plus the s[an- dazd residential dwelling. requirement - 0:75space per each bedroom plus 1 space for each employee on ma~cimum shift 1 per guest room 1 per each 5 beds plus 1 for each employee on mar imum shift Residential group homes for youths 18 years and ? oer home with str eec parking or 4' oer ^ome younger without street pazking plus 1 per each eight beds Churches Preschool, daycare, nursery Educational institutions (public o: private): -Elementary schools -Junior high schools -Senior high school -College, university, vocational, trade or com- mercial school Places of public or private assembly, such as com- munitybuildings, clubs, lodges, auditoriums, sta- diums, gymnasiums: 1 per each 4 seats in main assembly azea 1 space per each faculty or staff member ?ins I otT-street loading/unloaaing per each 8 stude^cs or children plus 1 parking space for each bus or van operated by the child care facilitc. 1 space per each classroom or each 20 students. whichever is greater, plus 1 space for each teacher and administrative staff. 1 space per each 10 students or I space per each 5 seats in auditorium or main assembly area. «•nich- everis greater. 1 space per each faculty or staff plus 1 space per each ~ students or 1 space per each 5 seats in an auditorium or assembly area, whichever is greater 1 per each faculty or staff plus 1 per each 100 sq. Ct. of class room area Jupp. ii o. 5 lsaa ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26.32 (2) Topographic contours and spot elevations tureorberm over fortytwo(42)inchesabove on final grading plan adequate to identify the level of the roadway or street is regu- and properly specify landscaping for area la£ed by section 26-30(I) of this Zoning Or• needing slope protection; dinance. (3) The location, size, surface materials and color of all structure(s), parking azeas, storm detention areas and other man-made ele- ments; (4) The location, type and size of major ex- isting plant materials; (5) The locations, types, sizes and quantities of proposed -plant and other materials. Common and botanical names shall be iden- tified adjacent to all plant material or by use of a key and legend; (6) Location and type of the irrigation system provided- (C) Iandsc¢pe Area Requirements: (1) Any combination of two (2) or more of the following: grass, flowers, shrubbery, decid• uous and coniferous trees, which shall be maintained in an orderly manner, and, in addition, any combination of bark, rock or ornamental object not exceeding twenty (20) percent of the landscaping azea may be used. In no event shall vaziances be ap- provedwhich reduce livingmaterials to less than fifty (50) percent of the total land- scaped azea. The intent of permitting vazi- an~es is to allow for well-designed xeriscape (lo~v water use) planting design. Coverage shall be determined for the projected growth after two (2) full growing seasons. (2) If the lot area used for pazking is placed between the public right-of-way and the structure(s), a screening of the parking area shall be established between the right- of-way and the parking azea. This view- obscuring screen shall be at least thirty-six (36) inches but not to exceed forty-two (42) inches high and may be composed of live plantings, berms or aztificial structures as approved by the planning division. (3) On corner lots, within the regulated sight distance _triangle, the growth of any plant- ings or the erection of any landscape strut- r (4) Except far approved street trees, the land- scaping required on the right•of--way be- tween the property line and the curbline shall not be permitted to obtain a height greater than forty-two (42) inches above the level of the roadway. (5) Landscaping shall be installed only on the property or portion of property to be devel- oped or for which a building permit is ap- plied. For properties with existing develop- ment, landscaping in addition to existing landscaping shall be required on a per• tentage basis determined either according to square footage added, or substantially altered, or value added to the premises by proposed improvements, whichever is higher, up to the maximum required for that district. Existing valuation and valu- ation ofproposed changes shall be based on Uniform Building Code valuation tables. The term "substantially altered" means that the value of remodeling excess fifty (50) percent of the value of the building prior to such improvements. (6) In all districts, any azea of the lot not cov- ered by building, parking, walkways, storage or display area, must be landscaped. (D) District Requirements: (1) Single- and two-family residential uses: (a) One (1) street tree per seventy (70) feet (or portion thereof) of street frontage to be placed within the front setback prior to issuance of the certificate of occu• panty. This should not be construed to mean trees placed seventy (70) Eeet on center. (b) No less than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross lot azea and no less than fifty (50) percent of the front yard, shall be landscaped. (2) Multifamily residential uses: (a) Required within the minimum building setbacks abutting public right-of-way, Supp. No. 5 1807 § 26-32 (b) (c) WFDser1T RIDGE CITY CODE one (1) tree, deciduous or evergreen, for every thirty (30) feet (or portion thereofl of street frontage. This should not be construed to mean trees placed thirty (30)feet on center. In addition to trees required based upon public street frontage, one (1) tree or shrub is required for every one thou- sand (1000) square feet of lot area. Except for pedestrian and vehicular ac- cess, the minimum required front yazd shall be fully landscaped. (3) Nonresidential uses: (a) Required within the minimum building setbacks abutting public rights-of--way, one (1) tree, deciduous or evergreen, for every thirty (30) feet (or portion thereofl of street frontage. Tliis should not be construed to mean trees placed thirty (30)feet on center. (b) In addition to trees required based upon public street Frontage, one (1) tree or shrub is required for every one thou- sand (1,000) square feet of lot azea. (c) Required landscaped azeas shaII be as follows: 1. For nonresidentially zoned prop- erty, landscaping shall not be less than ten (10) percent of the gross lot azea. 2. On any nonresidentially zoned property abutting 44th Avenue, 38th Avenue, KiplingStreet, Wad- sworth Boulevard, Youngfield Street, Wazd Road, Sheridan Bou- levard, or I.70 frontage roads, a landscaped area measuring ten (10) feet from the edge of the right- of-way is required for the entire length of the property abutting these roadways, except For curb cuts. This azea may be used to meet the other azea requirements. On residentially zoned property, a minimum of ten-foot landscape buffer is required adjacent to public streets abutting front or sideyazds (d) An azea of not more than three (3) feet of street right-o£--way may be included Supp. No. 5 3. in meeting the minimum requirements if intended to be landscaped. Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit any land owner from land- scaping in excess of the minimum re- quirements stated herein, either on their property or within public right- of-way, if approved by the public works director; however, off--site landscaping cannot reduce the on-site requirements. {E) Plantings: (1) Minimum size of plant ¢nd other materials: (a) Deciduous trees: two-inch caliper, mea sured one (1) foot above the ground. Trees with a caliper in excess of five (5) inches may be counted as two (2) trees. Trees with a caliper in excess of ten (10) inches may be counted as three (3) trees. Where clumps of aspen or sim- ilazvarieties are proposed, each two (2) stems, if under two (2) inches in cal- iper, may be counted as one (1) tree. (b) Ornamental and Flowering Trees: Two- inch caliper, one (1) foot above the ground. (c) Evergreen Trees: Six (6) feet in height. (d) Flowering and Evergreen Shrubs and Hedges: Five-gallon size. (e) Vines and Ground Covers: One-gallon size. (fl Redwood Bark Chips: Two (2) inches in size at least three(3)inchesin depthin azeas protected from wind erosion. (g) River Rock: One (1) inch to two (2) inches in size at Least three (3) inches in depth over a 10-mil minimum plastic ground cover. (2) Completion of landscaping. When the final landscape plan is submitted, a date For com• pletion of all plantings and related work shall be included on the plan. Landscaping shall be installed and completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. In extenuating circumstances, such as ad• verse weather, where occupancy is re- quested prior to completion of landscaping, an irrevocable letter of credit or escrow ac- 1808 RECEPTION NO, FOb'78884 6.00 PG: 0001-001 742 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 7/05/95 10:28 _ ~_ - ~- - -N - - I'A , i~: ~?-3 ;~ I~_: C- I - ~w to ~ a `` : ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ i 4 ~ . ~ .. ~ i ~ ~L3; 1 i i GOLOR,4D0 - ~_~:o-_~ ~-~~-GPs -~~~~s~~ - - '~r.P -..717%T=~. .ivne '9. 99? ~ _- .; c>' ~e~i>,o~' Ncy 3i.' 1943 ' .,~ l ~ _ ., : _ ~, R-3 _ - ~ AV°_ W CASE No. PDG •9(0 • l O~~ I G I ~L ~ m::_ 7:sr~;cT as h7Rr ZONING M~~' ----PARG3/LOi 301~'7i2'' WHE~hT RIDGE __ `7=s,e~:.~r~sasau~sL~P, :~ ~e i ~ ~ " ..i mow'.-» _ ___ _ ~' 3,er. p~ no a ~ ue _ f _ _ ~ ~ ~` F, - . V y vf] ' M!S~pi ~~:U h ^' 5 Y4 xrr ~a L tl p y Y } r S may V 1. • ~ +~ ~;~ ~Q y ij `~~ u ~ a 3~ p . ' ~ #~ ~ :~ ~ 33 . xv M I a+r~ beV m4 . g~~ } -. ai ; ' ~ a ~; So=R `4t3 ~ `) Y p ~ ~i.~O i~~ Y .1 )~ d a N I ` y V4e0 3 ~ rNyfi a 3 'u 4 f 111 ~a¢I\~u~ a 1. 2 i' ~ ~, ii~~G 2 v ~ yy~ i I~ M ~ a~pY (~~ ~ r O°=e~+b3 ~. ~` ~ z 3 3`}yuo-o ~ ,~ 1 J^IYLC( i M+4 9~~~~~ I l YY' (/~) p „ y ~ l.~ Q -•~ ~~ ~,~ ~ ` ~~_ V \ } ~ u` s` ~~ '~N 30 ~^ ...; ;.: :I!. .r ~; . n~tl tiyii ~~Ifj IT1~, __ II~F.i ~': ;!,dpi r ip{ ~ Y `m ixl .:µ N i~i• EL r i u y y ` ~ i i ` N 3 w v ~ u x VV ~ (`~ ` n ~ ~f V ~ F ~ i w J . ~' Rot •, a i, . y a ~, °ona , h W ' ~ / 3v k U ~ Y naw ~) % $L~lf ~ ~ ~ ~ k i ,~ ' (J~ 1 ~Y ^` t ~C u j v xY ~ 2 ( J e~l xl x y H ~1 \~ ~ ~ F In M : Y t I Z •° Y k . e~ am° I i ~ o I :. \ ~ {{~ ^ ` ~~ i i ~ ~ ~.. ~, ; --' ~ ~ ~ - ~~` ~ o-.~ 1_. ~, I ~ -~ ~; ; ~ I ~ ~ 2 I I .I ' ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: March 24, 1997 Page -3- Motion by Mr. DiTullio that Council Bill 10 (Ordinance 1073), a request for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural -One to Planned Industrial Development for property located at 4951 Miller Street and for approval of an outline development plan, be approved for the following reasons: 1. It is required to incorporate 4951 Miller Street into the L & K Industrial Park. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. 3. All requirements for an outline development plan have been met; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8 -0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that the request for approval of a subdivision plat for the L & K Industrial Park and property located at 4951 Miller Street be approved for the following reasons: 1. It is required to incorporate 4951 Miller Street into the L & K Industrial Park. 2. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8 -0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that the request for approval of a final development plan for the L & K Industrial Park and for property located at 4951 Miller Street be approved for the following reasons: 1. It is required to incorporate 4951 Miller Street into the L & K Industrial Park. 2. It is consistent with the general design parameters of the underlying outline development plan. 3. All requirements for a PID final development plan have been met; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8 -0. Item 4. Rehearing on application for approval of a four structure planned building group and a replat on Residential -Three zoned land at 4420 Jay Street. (Case No. PBG -96 -1) (Karl Koch) Item 4 was introduced by Jerry DiTullio; title and summary read by the Clerk. Dick Sharp, 143 Union Blvd., representing applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor, presented revised plan and answered questions. Karl Koch, applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor and answered questions. Kent Schroeder was sworn in by the Mayor; he owns property to the North; he still has some boundary dispute with Mr. Koch. Mr. Gidley had no additional testimony; he referred to the original staff report previously submitted to Council and answered some additional questions. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: March 24, 1997 Page -4- Motion by Mr. DiTullio that Case No. PBG -96 -1, a request for approval of a planned building group plan and replat for property zoned Residential -Three and located at 4420 Jay Street, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The existing zoning of Residential -Three supports the use of multi - family residential. 2. The proposed replat allows for the density of 12 units (1 unit per 2,821 square feet). 3. Adequate fire protection, vehicular and pedestrian access is supported off Jay Street. 4. All minimum requirements of the R -3 zone district have been met. 5. Both interim and long term use of the property is consistent and compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. With the following conditions: 1. At least a minimum of four (4) short -term visitor parking spaces be be provided for additional on -site parking. 2. Proposed trees in the rear of the property be planted so they will not grow into the existing power lines; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Motion by Mrs. Worth to add a third condition that the walkway beginning on Jay Street surround the complex all the way around to the East and back down so that the people living in the far eastern units have the option using the walkway rather than using the driveway going past the garages; seconded by Mrs. Shaver; carried 5 -3 with Councilmembers Eafanti, Siler, and DiTullio voting no. Original Motion as amended carried 7 -1 with Mr. Solano voting no. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 5. Council Bill 11 - An Ordinance amending Article III of Chapter 7 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to elections. Council Bill 11 was introduced on first reading by Mrs. Worth, who also read the title. Motion by Mrs. Worth that Council Bill 11 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, April 14, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8 -0. DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MOTIONS Item 6. Appointment of Board and Commission members. Motion by Mrs. Fields to appoint Bea Slingsby to the Animal Control Commission for District I; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8 -0. Motion by Mr. Siler to appoint Debbie Mauldin to the Animal Control Commission for District II; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8 -0. w ~ ~ t _ . , - f _ _ _ „k n j F 4 i i ~ tii:'. r >ti;., ~ r t Q F {1 1 k i U P. 1 6 s - a r r g t t6 d ' _ r  r=n.Rw.s+w s..,sJs mnP m.,i w„r 3! ~i ~ k i ~ ~ t;,)'im~` 4.! 1 ~ ~ e Y t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w I 3 ' ~ ~ 0 a. E H ~ ~a ~o Q -3 O 4 O t' ~ o a u~i 3fl ig _ ~ 30 Bt} q 4 ~4~ .~J sc~`~E z 3~~EE~r LEGEND =FLATTED M = MEASURE[3 NTS =NOT TO SCALE l~T~ p---..... ~ N 89° 58~ 23 t~E 2643, 80' W Ifs COR, SEC. 24 Found 3 I/4 Whit F~ ~ &ass Cap in R~r ~t~;~ -  Qi tlcrvi i %..,vverI i aUliYCTLIIC 00RE A~ , SC ALE ~ s~ MLANV (30 e JAY P. O. BOX 5153 ARV-40A ClLO. B4C~s