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___ i ~ The City of ADMINISTRATIVE.PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid e Department of Planning and Development g._ 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 ~c c. looters Ureen u r, c~vly x715 Applicant c.~,~nac•tn,m r _p_ Addressmg~w~~m Rntii Phone f'i03)770-3830 O~~ner City of Wheat Ridge Address 7500 w. 29th Ave Phone (303)237-6944 Location ,of request Municipal Telecommunications lower Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change o£ zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final (] ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change ^ Flood plain special exception Interpretation o£ code_ Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid waste landfill./_ mineral extraction permit ^ Other. Detailed Description o£ request Request to place up to 9 panel antennae on municipal tower List all-persons and-, companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PH~~)488-9396 Sbrint Spectrum L.P. 4700 S. Syracuse St, Suite 600; Denver, W 80237 I certify that the information and exhibits-herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of-my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above,. without whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-o£-attorney-from ,the owner which approved of this action_on his beha f. Signature of Applicant ~/~/ j~ - d , Subscribed and sworn to me this ~~day of,~~~,!C1~~ , 19 ~~ - SEAL My commission expires 9'2 ~-ZdpO Received /Z- S' l (P Receipt No. 9e'~ Case No. yYw G" 3'S K r d n. e a , r c M,a >, o 9' N • aarorda at_..g21~.&.fi._.~i. 147'z qCT -6 6N ffi !15° Raeepefon N~ a~ rbr at Jefferson 5 jtRCd&. ~~' Tffis D>t~, N,detw ay et Sep tembe= fa the rear of ao< Lord au thavawd a[w hwdzad avd seventy-ei1 betwnn FRANK S. HAYWARD~and GRACIE IRENE HAY~A~} ' Hue'Dand and Wif4t ~• tower et a eraon wa seat, of Gierade, of eh. tint yar4 and .TEFFERSON COUNT?, a bo< pDlltic and cnrporate~~ axmamsaayr¢,w,d and .aline[ aaar wa be r1rtu. of eh. Lwa at me seat. of Colorado of the eaeond put: .-Q u WIIN89881II, ITat Na dd part ieS o1 ata Orsi part, !or avd la rouldentlon of the ruin o! TWO NUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND F?'E HUNDRED ($23~ 500 00~--- _noLLnas, m the uld WK iea of the f4at part la 6wd t• 'd lp the WD pane of i eeeovd W tha recalpt wherrot h Wnbe eonlereed sad ukvawlad[d, 6a Ve[naM.; bar[ahud, uid wd eennred, wd be Were ymevta do mv4 bardR sdl, roam avd naflrm, unto the eald Dartl al the aeroad part, iea evanwn wd au1¢va Sonru, aLL o[ the followin[ deealbed Iot or parcel of )sad. dtutr, lefv[ sad holy[ 1a the Cawte ai Jefferson avd 91x4 of Colorado, to-wftt Lat I, Black 3, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION EXCEPTING the North Half of tha East Half of auid Lat and the Weat 6 feet of said Lot therefrom Thn [l thin !rend ,La, a enCtad ~~J1 ~.j' PAOVE RS TO FOAM cr.:~c r.P ~~ ~ ' „ • ..•. rr c ; ~ :.. ~:;as or SEii~LRSUi1 Cu.lli'1. C' t:LJ ISS STANT U ~ A'TT EY IIY. r- IC r_ ~rzc['W,w.q . IIhalrnan 7068Ta12a wIN all and da[vlw !ha 6endlfamaata wd ipVdrlelunea therwvm belevRla[ oe Iv aarwW wprtaidv[r avd the menien avd meMeu, navlvdu avd nmalnden. rents, Wuu sad DnOG thereof; avd dl tha sate, d[ht doe, Iatma4 oWm sad demand whaWme of the uld yart of tha MC part, tither In lax er evWte, at, lv avd b the abore bar[alned premlaeF with Ne heted(tameab and apyurtuanua. TO IIAVE AND •M DOLD tha Wd prrmLu aban bar¢alned wd daemfbed, xi0t No ayynrGUVCea, unto the rvW Part? of tM reeved pae4 !ta avvcwwn wd udNa letmr. Aad the nld part iea of the !fret Dart, for Chem uNeathe~lan, enaevten, avd admhdstnton, de rnnaw4 Nw4 bugaly wd aNae m wd xith the eaW pane o! the asovd par; Its eveewon wd wl¢ttr, that at the time o[ the enwally[ wd dennq a! tdeu Ptrunt; are reel! adsW of tha 9remlaan ahem roarpad, u of Ned, sure. yerfee4 nbwlab avd lvdefeuW4 es4b of lvbedtawe, !n law, Ia fn dmPle, wd L V e Nod d¢hk full paver wd Lwtd authedte m Rw4 baz[ah4 rW avd ronrq the came 1n roamer avd form u aferaald, a~ that the umr m !me and due Snm dl forma avd other [+avty hat[du, udu, lleu, eanu, uewmen4 sad Ixumbewm oS xhaGru klnd or nvtun umr, except taxes far the year 1976 and subsequent thereto. I ci3.'Sr ed~`. viiw r~ii_ 'spr~'C ~ II . , wd Ne shin Ws[aloW Pnnilau In the solo! and peudn! pouauWn of the Wd Dart7 of the eeeoad part, lea sv«euon sad wlNa, aplnR all wd am7 penev ar yanwa 4wh08 dalmly[ er to eWm tha whe4 or aof Dart thaxao4 tha rdd part 16,t ebr flnt part ahna aM wN WA88ANT AND 80REYEa DEFEND. Df Drl'1T7S9S WIIEBEOF, 1Le tdd part iea of tM lint Dart have hartmta ut the r hwd e wd vela Wa doe avd law tint shin wrltte4 ~ l etN.4 aided and DearmN In eM Prauoee eL f/e.se YJ 5~/~ ,f (,t•b' - an 'Ha3wa~rd, "fitraU ad-LSEAL7 vy _.__ C9EAL] ~,,a~.~,~u, ~tlN~ esAf. •. :;,.;-.sr~1aa or caLaaAno .. , ,. ~pp[i~en[wu ieknew4d[ed bdvn m. [hilt . ~ :: „' 9~ ~•: w++~aa'hf 5•?d~`rad vfnaW wL -. ~'p~d1 °•`' a' is i~ip::, .~~~. 9 .NC pF COLp.~y~~. N~'•~•IhnMnlla'~ Ne. rss waaaaxrr ~ m rem ~I' r ti ' '919` i;?:`:. :. ~ J~ ~Z~.t3~7 8 2 18 6 7 • : UCr -s ::~ s~ c!s w' N . ar J±!(¢rscn Slave o: ri ^a 2911 920 --- s ti ~,a Recorded at ...................o'clock...............M............ o a n T Reception No .................. .......................Recorder ~ COMMISSIONERS DEED M THIS INDENTURE ma e this 1~ - nine hundred ands/ ~~' ~y ofC~~`'---°''~ one thousand 666"'---~ between the Coup y of Jefferson, State of Colorado, acting y and through its duly constituted and ap- pointed Hoard of County Commissioners and Commissioner Joanne K. Paterson to convey and execute deed, first party, and City of wheat Ridge, n municipal corporation, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the Board o£ Ccunty Coamliasioners of the County of Je £Eerson, State of Colcrado, did at a regular meeting o s said Boar h ld ppt the Courthouse in said County on the v?~- day of a, ,4c,i A.D., 1976, duly adopt and pass a resolu- tion au z nq a conveyance of the hereinafter described real property to second party, and did by said resolution appoint and constitute the undersigned as Commissioner to convey and execute deed for said real estate to second party for and on behalf of the said County of Sefferson, State o£ Colorado, and did further authorize the und.•raigned to execute this deed and to affix *he seal of the County hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dol- lar and other good and valuable conaidarationa, in hand paid by second party to said County of Sefferaon, State of Colorado, receipt of which is hereby. confeaaed and acknowledged, the undersigned, acting as Commissioner aforeanid, does by these presents remise, release, Hell, convey and quit claim unto second pnrty, its aucceesora and aaaigna forever, all the right, Jefferson t®Sta to ofaCOloradoemhaa iniand~to thedtollowingfdes- $ cribed real property situate, tying and being Sn the Co+utty of ?. ca Je lferaon, State of Colo radon d m v~ Lot 1, Block 3, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION C~ ERCEP'fING the North Half of the East Half o£ said Lot and the West 6 Pent ~ of said Lot tl~e refrom. o j TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular appurtenances and privi legea thereunto belonging or in anywise therevn to appertaining, and all the estate, right, title. interest and claim whatsoever, of tho said Ceunty of Tefferaon, State of Colorado, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and aaaigna ao long as said property is used andlbenefit of theere identsnofpSefferaon®COUnty within~thent intent and purpose set forth in the Jefferson County Board of Ccunty Commissioners Resolution adopted September 26, 1972 and approved by the electorate of Jefferson County on November 7, 1972. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ATTEST: ~~LL ~~ ~'4' c"` C ti! sa ones ~to Convey and to Deputy Cler and actor er - ecu9~E to Deed gor and on behalf of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado APFAOVE~ h ; io FoF.LS 2911 920 ' 8648 • -- _ .. , ~ w, ... __..._..._......_~..._ -. 68 r; Y i ~n~ Rnceptiph \ ... ... ....... - .__.._.__... I .¢ _« __ 7th 8q of ...„. .. .....__..._Idl.l.. af.•~ t ( Q<d<r -._-- _ t - -- - -- _ > +o o '~ T711S HEED, dfade this •• • df Jeff rn 3n a.;2 pf (: > ~ r. ;~ to 77. b<tw<en APri~l_,:::~1 IN Jefferson County, a bodv politic and ~ ~ ~~~~ 136 '; corporate li ^! w< county ¢r Jefferson and sraea of ~ ~ DnlonJo, of the Cnt part. end r City of wheat Ridge, a municipal corpora- orgnniseJ +,.d~esisUn( unJer end by virtue o! thr laws o! tha 54G o! Colorado ,rat eha .<eond wn: WITxI•:StiI.71L That :he aid pasty a! the ftnt part, for and in conaldantf¢n o! tha sum pf :'en and No/100 Dollars - -DOLLARS, i to Ne naiJ pert y o! the lint part in hand Said by tha uld art of [he seeaM • ----- is h<reby c¢nflya<d and neknowkd ed, ha p Y p rS ~¢ Hemp[ wherm! ( 5 rcm[sed, rclened, mld, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by thca< Dreacn to dre5 rcmin<, nleuc. wll. [army and QUIT CLAM unm the dd party of the aernnd part, lta sate[. aon and euiKnn [nrcveR afl ri(ht tltle, Intetxa4 claim and demand whkh Ne saki part o! the ~I ffnt part ha 5 in and to the foliowinq described Od rcel y ~ tuat<, I3'inK and bein m the (' C¢unty or Je EFersort and 9tata ¢f Colorado, to wip ~ ':he Sy of Lot 1, Elock 3, except the West 6 feet thereof, Earth's Subdivision, City of cPheat R'_dge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, specifically including that reversion in rite Commissioners' Deed to the City of wheat Ridae, d^.ted September 23, 1976, dl ae sook 2911 Page 920 in the records of the Clerk r M1,; and Recorder fcr Jefferson County, Colorado. ~; c d ..~.. ~ 4~, ~' [C O q-; ~:.. v m v~ ' ;; pxovl; r~ To Fora .. 'I SIS MIT Cr:7T~i ~~ \ Q[: TO EIM1YE ARD TO IfOLD the u,ma tnaathar with all and sin(ular the appurtenaneu and prlvll¢(u thereunto ~'. hdongin( or In anywls¢ theeuna appertainin(. and alt tM ea4ta, rl(ht, tltl¢, Inrenst and elalm whatawvar, of tM [nfd pert y o[ the fln[ oar; eiWsr In taw or epuitY. to tha oral of dm second Y Dn-er use, b¢nant and hahnof pf We aid pally ppn, Its wcccetrra and uai(ns 7¢nrer. IN WITNF39 WIIEREDF, 7h¢ uld pan y of the not part ha 5 h¢nunto set and Heal the d• i t5 hand y and ynr fine above written. 9umrd, 9<nled and D<livend in the Preaen<a n!l JEEF£RSLL~]_CppyTY.«_a~igd}!._.pghf},c and ccrporate ........._.._.._._ _ .. _..__. ._......_.-_._.__(SEA _' L] ... ............__._.._. ...._......_..._.._. ...__...__i Ratttrt F. ement, Chairman ..... .. ........._..--..-:--~:-1 ....Anard...n£_Cpdtnty_.Cotnmissinntxs STATE OF COLORA UO, 7 county ¢f Je FEerson ... The foreq¢InK iuslrumene waa aekpowisd(<d halore ma thb 7th daY o! A ril 10 7nbr' Robert F. CA1QH}ct„• Chairman, Board of County Commissioner::. ~ -! Hv rommisaion esnim ~ ` .r.lj. /(/7 7 _ . ~; n;•^ •y.: Witneu mY hand and offielal mal. . -. ... .,_. P. • x.,.,r r.w. ~~. - .. i .... ..~... ~..a ..., .,,1` .,, A .,o., .. . .~.. .. ~; ... ,,~..., ._u...,., Z,F. FROM: ^56P DENVER • FpX NO.: 3037705082 ~I S8A of Denver, Inc. • Wireless Communicatlons Consultants 6312 South Fiddler's Cireen Girlie Suite 510 North Englewood, Colorado 80111 Fax: {303) 770-5082 Phone: (303) 77q-3830 12-17-96. 12:518 P.01 National & Intematio~a! FAC5IMILE TRANSMISSION ~~_~~~ TO: ~/~.AC.~v~. ~~ FROM: G~ /~tJc.t~[~' COMPANY:~~~~,;p~o DATE: ~~ ~~y' ~ OO FAX: oC3~{_ r,~-'S2r'{ You should receives,, page(s) including this one_ tf you do nat receive all pages, call (303) 770 - 3830. ~_ ~~ , u mf~~wi MESSAGE: ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~ IN ~'~-~.1~. ~ ~ D 1 ~ ~.t ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~S aY _/n~~~nr~. I DEC 0 21996 Tiff: INFORMA'fiON CONI'APNE~`3MITt1115 FAC.~MILO IS ~PR)YU,E( In"rF,NDF,D ONl.1' FOR 'ri1F USF. OF Tl1E IN'fF:NUkD RF CIP[FAT I I N'I'1>NDEU RISC)PIi:N'r, YU4 AR6: IiBRF.aY NOT(IYKn TiIAT AN1' ( 1>IStiF:MINA'IYUN OR DpTRID[I'r10N OI+ rC T'O ANYDNP: OTIIF:I 5'I'IEICI'l.1' PR<)IIIRr)'Eq. IF 1'OV ItAYf; R[iCF.R'F.I1 TIIU IMn1F:1)IA'i'4:LV NU'1'tP1' I!$ DY Tlil•FRRONF: AN0 Inyi'VRN 'fil F. 0 ~ ~~_ sv~-~~~ tSv~ 25~(S'Eir9, Ct~d~iS -f~w~- - s~la- ~- ~ FROM: y 56~q DENVER • FAX NO.: 3037705082 November 26, 1996 Dear Neighbor: 12-17-96 12:S1q P.02 SBA of Denver, on behalf of Sprint PCS, invites you to a neighborhood meeting at Wheat Rltlge City Hall, located at 7500 W. 29tH Avenue, an Tuesday, December 3 at 8:30 p.m. (signs to meeting room wii! be posted). The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Sprint PCS's proposal to place wireless telecommunications panel antennae on the existing municipal telecommunicatienstnwer. Sprint PC5 selected the Wheat Ridge municipal tower because the tower is designed to hold additional antennae. Aiso, using an existing tower allows Sprint PC5 to operate its wireless telecommunications network without cons#ructing additional tpwers or monopoles in this area. The height of the tower will not be increased to acwmmodate Sprint PCS's antennae and the antennae will be smaller than those already mounted on the tower. The accessory equipment boxes will be located beneath the tower on an existing equipment pad. Sprint PCS would like your input into its proposal to locate antennae on the Wheat Ridge municipal tower. We look forward to seeing you on December 3rd. If you have any questions regarding Sprint PCS or the meeting, please call meat 770-3830 extension 115. Sincerely, Ann M. Prouty SBA of Denver, Inc. Colorado Mortuaries Inc c/o SCI Management Corp P. O. Box 130548 Houston, TX 77219-0548 Paul R & Donna M McEncroe Trustee 2990 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 TMP Company 3060 Teller Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Rosabelle Hooten & Judith C Doxtator 2920 Vance Street Denver, CO 80215 Boyd W Hise & Wendy K Pierce 424 Vance Street Lakewood, CO 80226 Beth Eden Cenetary Baptist Church William A & Marcia B Kemper 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard Trust Lakewood, CO 80215 7363 W 26th Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Frankie D Wilbanks & Sadie S Hill William L Hedberg & Venita M 7313 W 26th Place Armstrong Denver, CO 80215 260SVivian Street Lakewood, CO 80215 Jefferson County 100 Jefferson County Pkwy Golden, CO 80419 Roger Lee & Betty J Baker 7313 W 26th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Donald B & Elizabeth C Benson 7365 W 28th Avenue Denver, CO 80215 Herman E & Mazgazet G Busse 7335 W 27th-Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Joseph M Aragon 2453 Fenton Drive Lakewood, CO 80227 Angie E & Robert J Batash 7250 W 29th Avenue Lakewood, CO 80215 R Michael & Linda A Brown 2955 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Eugene A & Lucille A Butzen 2653 Teller Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Lucille U Johnson & Dan Urso 2980 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Garnet I Firth Trustee 25 Connie Lane Bella Vista, AR 72714 Linda M Gordon & James G Christensen 2790 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Harold & Anna Jewell Trust 7360 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Louise A Pastore & Roxanne M Delbozque, c/o Nicole J Bronson 7200 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Clara Helen Ashcraft 2925 Teller Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Esther H Bell 2935 Vance Street Denver, CO 80215 William F & Carol E Burke 2675 Upham Court Lakewood, CO 80215 George E & Elnora S Cable 7330 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Cazol King Calkins Lavern C Cattau Donald A & Geraldine E Cerrone 7345 W 28th Avenue 2660 Upham Street 2625 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Daniel A Sponsel and Jill K Hada 2905 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Lee & Georgia Lee Chaney Robert & Joann Clay 7300 W 30th Avenue 7305 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Ronald A & Barbara Dahlberg 7340 W 26th Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Larry J & Anita M DeSehn 622 Partridge Circle Golden, CO 80403 Lorn Bent Earnhart 2940 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Donald W & Janet M Edelen 2935 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Daniel E & Bonnie L Gallegos 2942 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Linda A & Frank A Homer 7320 W 26th Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Patricia B Kirk 2970 Upham Street ~ Lakewood, CO 80215 Philip R & Carol L Lorenzen 2920 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Sally Anne McCormick 2610 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Bobby Gene Croom 2910 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Thomas H & Mary Lou Duckworth 2560 Allison Street Lakewood, CO 80215 Edgar O & Kathleen A Eastman Brian D & Diane L Echtenkamp 2900 Vance Street 7340 W 27th Avenue .Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Roxie J English 7295 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Linda L & Joyce A Farris 7205 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Matthew J & Mary Jane Green 2960 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Robert L Hunt 2433 Ford Street Golden, CO 80401 Timothy J & Yvonne M Kraus 7225 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Thomas M & Bab-E P Madden 2915 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Alice H & James K McDowell 2965 Upham Street - Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Martin 7 & Rebecca N Green 2960 Webster Street Denver, CO 80215 Margaret C Jennings 7235 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Lisa A Kulp 2925 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Leonard & Naomi V McBride 7265 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 James E McHugh 2700 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Betty J McKay Jessie A Messenger Dorothy M Miller P. O. Box 1391 2795 Teller Street 7260 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Lakewood, CO 80215 Lakewood, CO 80215 Mary B Mills Joseph P & Katherine A Murphy 2945 Upham Street 2995 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Elizabeth M Murphy Nancy L Nehls 2950 Upham Street 7205 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Herbert J & Alice Hope Olson Victor A & Sharon D Olson 7200 W-29th Avenue 2620 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Bernice & Paul J Parachini John F & Georgene H Powers 3011 Teller Street 2405 Willow Lane Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Lakewood, CO 80215 Thomas A & Louise M Prose Johnathan C & Ethle M Puckett 7295 W 28th Avenue 7425 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Marianne Rodriguez Mark A & Diane M Rowland 7290 W 29th Avenue 7235 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 8021 S Frances Rebecca & Alfonso A Angelo G & Rita Sanelli Salazaz' 7350 W 27th Avenue 7330 W Florida Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Lakewood, CO 80226 Ronald R Schleisman Chris J & Patricia J Schmidt, Jr 7036 S Niagara Court 2633 Teller Street Englewood, CO 80112 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Beverly A Solomon Helen M Steele 2915 Upham Street 7325 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Lawrence D & Georgia F Thompson James H & Ione A Tiernan 2670 Upham Street 7380 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Katherine A Murphy 2960 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Robert N & Gertrude A Newcomb 7343 W 26th Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Robert C & Barbara E Otto 7360 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 William H & Gloria M Preston 7230 W 28th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Glen D & Theresa M Pursell 2980 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Charles A & Pamela M Rudman 2935 Teller Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Waldemar Schimming 9775 W 22nd Place Lakewood, CO 80215 Catherine A Snyder 2995 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Patricia Warner & Patrick D Stone 2691 Teller Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Lee T & Ronald Lee Tomblom 2900 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 John F Towell, Jr. 2975 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Thomas R & Patricia A Walden 7300 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Donald D & Patricia M Watson 3081 Nelson Drive Lakewood, CO 80215 Donald L & Susanna M Wilson 4137 Irving Street Denver, CO 80211 Gabriel & Linda Tresco 7323 W 26th Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Ruby G Warren 7365 W 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Vernon E Weiskopf 2930 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Violet L Wiscamb 2613 Teller Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Thada Walden 2940 Webster Street Denver, CO 80215 Scott R Watkins 7305 W 29th Avenue Lakewood, CO 80215 William D & Laura C Whitfield 2975 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~£ a~ , Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on January 2, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heazd: `~'~~1. tease Na 4ilP 96~ „~ application by SBA of Denver, Inc. For Sprint Spectrum L.P. for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow nine (9) commercial mobile radio panel antennae on an existing lattice tower. Said property is zoned Residential-Two and is located at 7500 West 29th Avenue and is legally described as follows; Lot 1, Block 3 of Barth Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2. Case No WZ-96-16~ An application by Wycolff Construction Inc. for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Planned Residential Development, approval of an outline development and preliminary development plan and plat. Said property is located at 11361 West 44th Avenue and is legally described as follows: The west one-half of the northeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one- quarter of Section 21, Township 3 south, Range 69 west of the sixth principal meridian, except the north 263 feet thereof, and except that portion conveyed to the city of Wheat Ridge, in Deed recorded October 21, 1985, under reception No. 85101331, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Marilyn Gunn, Secretary Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: December 13, 1997 Wheat Ridge Transcript „.. ~~ •`50C WEST 29TH AVENUE F.O. BOX 638 T~City Of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 8003~~-~_a' _-- `- ~ - - 1303) 23u5900 c`jVheat City Atlmin. Fax ~ 23a-592 Folice Deot. Fax = 23529-9Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. 5UP- 9~ -5 PLANNING COt~l2 CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADNSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: ~ Z/~~ I ~ ~ I E _ ~i: c.(/~./t~ 5 ice- Se.[ ¢ci~~n. S~,+ecz, i 'mot- Fe a- ~'b 0} ~ ~,~,y~.. ~L (n a m e) - residing at 1~34y ~ rtddl.~-r's (,rw,,,~z,rc,t~„ 5}t~"Jp ~;, ~_ L¢..ac.~c;. Cr3 ~1, ~ (a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. ~~" q~ ~~ hereby certify thya,~t~ I ~Qhave _p('ostlee)d the Noyt}~i~cenof~ PublicH~,erya~ring at ~,~y l I'~- (~a~~! lv?- W~/'~'.a+l" ~[-""lam !-~"na C..~~ct ~'7~7 CPl I ~S~Q W ~i ~'"~ ~7'U•'~, (1 o c a i o n) on this ~7~ day of _ ~2~„w,~,,.-- , 19 91b and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: (.~.-z. ~- -fit NOTE: This form must be submitted at the publitc hear ng on•this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. <pc>post ~ rev. OS- , ( i -~ • • 700 West Z9th Avenue The City of ~theat Ridge, Colorado Wheat Telephone 3031237-6944 Rldge Decen7her 1 s, ! 9>6 T'hi.c is ro infin-m you thus Ccrse A'o. SLIP-9(-.S u-lricl7 is a r~~rlue.r! fi)r annrovnl ojn Spec•inl Use Pernrir _ ro allow rriee /9) conrnrerciul mobile radio petrel mrtenurr nrr an exrti7rn; lrrftice lower for properfi locrrlyd at 7500 YYes1291/r Avenue (Gift Hal/ property) will be hecn"J by (hey 14%hc>w Ridge PLANrb'1.~'G ('O:11:11LSSIOIJ in the Coru7cil CITan7herc of t17e Alrmicipnl C'onq)(es, iiO(1 I4'eci 29th:1 renuc~ u1 7: i0 P.M. on Jrurunr}~ 2. 1997 :411 c» rners and/or their le~nl c•otuas'el of the pcn•c'el 7/r7dPr C'077.5'7(l~'r'C711077 r777Lt'1 I7C J)r"CSL'r11 l11 1/715 17N[1T711~ befc)re the PLANA7NG CDA1A17SSION. .1s an area resident or inrerc.cled parry, you hus•e the ri,~~17t ru attend this Puhlic• Hearing a7ad/or srrhnril irrillen co»nnc~rats. L shall be the applicant's respollSlh!llly 10 77017fj, any orlrer pe rsorrs• +yhn.ce presence is desire d ar this n7ec~lir7g. 1% 1'ou bare any gues7ion.c nr desires to revies+~ ur7p plans', please contcrc! the Planning Dirisinn. "1.17ank yo:r. PL.9NAr1A7G Dll'ISIO.'s' ~~ • Arn ~ rbuty, SBA,.of-enver, Inc., Suite S10N 6312 S. Fiddler's Green Circle Englewood, CO 80111 Daniel Sponsel Jill Hada 2905 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 8 James & hone Tiernan 7380. W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO-3'- Harold & Anna Jewell Trust 7360 West 27 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO i Rebecca &~~~a~i Green 2960 Webster Denver, CO.89-x-13 ~~C!/ Jonathan &Puckett 7425 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, C0~80'33'- James McHugh 2700 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO ~oa~s Colorado Mortuaries, Inc. c/o SCI Managemnent Cotp. P.O.Box 13048 Houston, TX 77219 Lee & Ronald Tomblom 2900 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO $9933- -- Linda Gordon James Christensen 2790 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 8D2i3~ `~~~~o'u~ ~ ~ Colorado Mortuaries Inc. SBA of Denver, I9rc., Suite S10N Rebecca &~~Green c/o SCI Managemnent Corp. 6312 S. Fiddler's Green Circle 2960 Webster P.O.Box 13048 Englewood, CO 80111 Denver, CO 80215 Houston, TX 77219 Daniel Sponsel Jill Hada 2905 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.. Jonathan & P ckett 7425 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lee & Ronald Tomblom 2900 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James & Ilone Tiernan 7380 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James McHugh 2700 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Linda Gordon James Christensen 2790 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Harold & Anna Jewell Trust 7360 West 27 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 f t I _ - - ,POSTAGE - -SENDER: T - I also wish to receive e ms i andi/or z for additanal services. following services (for an extra fee): I RETURN Complete 2e - __-__ __ SNOW i0 W4VJM. 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INOT oo"a INiERNnn ~~ddl'2SS"ee d/-Agenf) _ -~ ~~ P]CO61G~ Rp438i1, January 1996 Domestic Return $$~ C~ 19@l1Y£t~~_ 5323 S. Bic3dia -.. - - 6= _ - Engl~s~saod, Cti ~ 0 313 ~ s ,L~tP-~'b- a~j --- ---- .PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service °~ Receipt for a Certified Mail o X i N.. w '- CITY-OF~ W HEAT RIDG E PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: January 2, 1997 DATE PREPARED: December 23, 1996 2V~'ENO.:&_NAb>,.E,; ~.CCP-9,G-5T BA _ CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Special Use permit to allow collocation of CMRS antennas on tower LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7500 West 29th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): -SBA of Denver, Inc. For Sprint Spectrum, L.P. 6310 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, SION Englewood, CO 80l I I NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: N/A PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Two PRESENT LAND USE: City-Hall, Parkland SURROUNDLNG ZONING: N: R-2, R-(A; E, S: R-2; W: Jefferson County SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: mortuary, low density residential; E: low density residential; \V: cemetery; S: church/school COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: public/semi-public DATE PUBLISHED: December 13, I99G DATE POSTED: December 19, 199G DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December I8, 199G AGENCY CHECKLIST: O ATTACHED (X) NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: O ATTACHED (X) NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: ^~~ ^~ ~ _. (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - _ - (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Q SLIDES Q SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS ()OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report January'2, 1997 Case No. SUP-96-5/SBA I. REQUEST • ,~ Page 2 The applicant requests approval to allow the addition of commercial mobile radio panel antennas on an existing lattice tower on R-2 zoned property located at 7500 West ?9th Avenue (City Hall property) II. CASE HISTORY City Council recently passed legislation relating to the erection of commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) facilities. Attached under Exhibit `A' is a copy of the new regulations. Pursuant to the ne~v regulations, freestanding CMRS facilities aze generally not allowed on residentially-zoned property. In this instance, since the City Halt property is zoned R-2, the existing tower is considered a legal nonconforming use. These facilities may remain in place, however, any antenna addition to these nonconforming, freestanding towers requires special use review. Attached under Exhibits `B', `C', `D' and `E' are a site plan, tower elevations and photo simulations of the existing and proposed antennas. The existing lattice tower is 160' in height and was constructed in 1994. The existing equipment on the tower is owned by At&T and the City as part of the new police communications system. There is an existing equipment shelter structure and a 8' high fence surrounding the tower and equipment housing. The proposed panel anteruias will be hung I O' above the existing antennas at a level which is 110' above grade. An additional equipment cabinet would be installed adjacent to the tower. There would be no other changes to the property. The applicant has indicated that this is a desirable site for the antennas because of the height of the existing tower. Any towers built under the new ordinance would be limited to a maximum height of 50'. By using the existing tower, the applicant will require fewer monopoles and roof-mounted in the city of Wheat Ridge. - III. SPECIAL-USE, PERMIT CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a special use pertnit. 1. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill,a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. If the special use is approved allowing additional antennas to be hung on the existing tower, it will eliminate the need for one or more additional freestanding towers of a lesser height. Staff feels the additional antennas will be less obtrusive than an additional tower. Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 January 2, 1997 Case No. SUP-9b-5/SBA 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, Fvelfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. It has been proven by the industry that the operational characteristics of the proposed PCS facilities (low power and high frequency) do not pose a health risk to persons residing or working in the vicinity. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. There will be no changes in the operational chazacteristics of the day-to-day functions at City Hall which would contribute toward blight in the area because of the new panel antennas. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. Because the additional panel antennas aze not obtrusive regazding mass, there will be little or no affect on the amount of light and air to adjacent properties and no negative affect due to air, water or noise pollution. ~. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Development Plan designates this municipally-owned property as Public/Semi-public. Because the underlying R-2 zone classification will remain in place, consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is maintained. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. According to the applicant's submittal, there will be one service visit per month to the tower. Therefore, Staff concludes that the additional panel antennas will not have a negative affect on traffic or loading in the vicinity of City Hali. 7. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. It would be impossible to screen this type of facility (the tower) from adjacent properties. The additional panels create only slightly more visual impact than the existing tower and antenna. However, the fence enclosing the equipment cabinet is made of chainlink. Additional screening would be provided if slats were added to existing fence. Planning Division Staff Report ~ Page 4 7ariuary 2, 1997 Case No. SUP-96-5/SBA 8. Will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All appropriate utilities can serve the facility. There will be,no affect on pazks or schools in the area. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a SUP support the approval of this request. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on December 3, 1996. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert -staff Ann Prouty -applicant Andrew Orlonski -applicant Don McVaugh -applicant Gary Pultz -applicant V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can provide service to the property. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that pursuant to new legislation adopted by City Council, a special use permit is required to allow collocation of CMRS panel antennas on the existing lattice tower at 7500 West 29th Avenue. Staff further concludes that the attachment to the existing tower would alleviate the necessity of several CMRS towers of a lesser height. Since the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit support this request, a recommendation of Approval is given for Case No. SUP-96-5. VIT. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antennas onto an existing lattice tower on R-2 zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: .t A special use permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower, ~" • • • . Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 January 2, 1997 Case No. SUP,9.6-5/SBA 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers, 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request." Option B: "I move that Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antennas onto an existing lattice tower on R-2 zoned property located at 7500 West ?9th Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. ,> ~. __ _ _ _ ~ _ ~ - __ 4 " ~~ PdTY 7F .:EF _ __ . _ >=r_ _C_?DES _'1 ..L _ °ALu .x:9 . __ ~~ ~ 'tl .. 33tJ w~ ____ ____ - a ~ - g ~ ~ _ _ ~ R-3 _ r' _ _ ` a~ e I I ~ " ' _ 8 1 R I ~ £ R ~ - r < i I { R = ~ ~ _ , ~ - a ~ n i ^' ... o ~ R - ^ R ., ~ ~I F ~gg nT~~~ R ~ n R 9iSr ~.8.~_ R ^~e _'- ~ R• N 4 -~ 9qy R U~ n R _ „ + LL. R R J o R ~ - R I y R r R (Y R• R ~ Q ~ ~ 8 Y o ~ ~ !~ 4 rc ~ ~ I ~ Q R ' e R I e ~ a Z R _ R o I f .. 90TH ~~E s. 90tH A`rE ! ~ ~ " ^ • P E I l a I 9 I ~ R i R_~ (n }~ Q rm 8 ~ I S' ;, ~ ~ I - R R __ig uJ aN r. ~• °I ai ~ ' i ~ I ,. ~. 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EXt-4l glT `,C~' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SILER Council Bill No. X39 _ - - -~- Ordinance No. 1045 Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF LAWS RELATING TO COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ,WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Article 1, Chapter 26-5; Definitions, is hereby amerided by the addition of new definitions as follows: - Building or Structure Mounted Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) facility: A CMRS facility in which antenna are mounted to an existing structure (e.g., water tower, light pole, steeple, etc.) or building face. Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Accessory Building or cabinet: An unmanned building or cabinet used to house equip- ment associated with a CMRS facility. Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Site: An unmanned facility consisting of equipment for the reception, switching and transmission of wireless telecommunications, including, but not limited to personal communications service (PCS), enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR), paging, cellular telephone and similar technologies. Freestanding Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) facility: A CMRS facility that consists of a stand-alone support facility (monopole and/or lattice structure), antennae, associated equip- ment, accessory buildings and equipment cabinets. Roof Mounted Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) facility: A CMRS facility in which antenna are mounted on an existing building roof. Section 2. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Article 1, Chapter 26-30. General Regulations are hereby amended by the addition of the following new section: GED187027\188385.2 __ ~r ~~ (T) Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) facilities: (1 } Prohibition: No CMRS facility shall be constructed in any -- reside`ritial 'district (with the exceptibn of Planned Residential Districts pursuant to subparagraph f3) hereof). (2) Review Procedure: General: Proposed CMRS facilities in the RC-1, RC, C-1, C-2, I, A-1 and A-2 Zone Districts shall be reviewed pursuant to the following procedures: (a1 6ailding orStructure Mounted CMRS facilities shall be reviewed by the Department of Planning and Development for compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. (b) Roof Mounted CMRS facilities must receive a conditional use permit, pursuant to the procedure at Section 26-6(A). (c) Freestanding CMRS facilities must receive a special use permit, pursuant to the procedure at Section 26-6(B). f3) Review Procedure: Planned Development Districts: Roof _ . mounted and freestanding CMRS facilities proposed for 'construction in any Planned Development District (includ- ingPlanned Residential Districts); unless specifically listed Qr shown as such in the Final Development Plan, require amendment of the Final Development Plan. Building or structure mounted CMRS facilities proposed for construc- tion in any Planned Development District (including Planned Residential Districts), may be permitted by the Department of Planning and Development pursuant to Section 26-25, provided the proposed facility is consistent - with the character of the District. (4) Multiple Providers: No more than one (1)roof-mounted or freestanding CMRS facility may be constructed or maintained upon a property in single ownership, provided, however, that additional CMRS facilities may be approved at the same location by conditional or special use review, consistent with subsection (T)(2), provided all other requirements of subsection IT) and the Zoning Ordinance are met. GE016]027t168766.2 - '-2- - -- - -- ~' (- (5) Building or structure mounted CMRS facilities shall be subject to the following requirements: " (al "Such facilities shall be architecturally compatible with and colored to match the building orstructure to which they are attached. (bl The maximum protrusion of such facilities from the building or structure face to which they are attached shall be two (2) feet. (c) Building orstructure mounted whip antennas shall extend no more than 10' above the highest point of the building or structure to which they are attached. (61 Roof Mounted CMRS facilities shall 6e screened or camouflaged as appropriate from view from adjacent property lines. Such facilities are additionally subject to the following requirements: (a) Such facilities shall be architecturally compatible with and colored to match the building orstructure to which they are attached. ibl Roof mounted CMRS whip antennas shall extend no more than 10 feet above the parapet of any flat roof or ridge of a sloped roof to which they are attached. (c) Roof mounted CMRS panel antennas shall extend no more than 7 feet above the parapet of a flat roof or ridge of a sloped roof to which they are mounted. (d) Roof mounted CMRS accessory structures shall extend no more than 7 feet above any parapet of a flat roof upon which they may be placed, and shall not be permitted on a sloped roof. (7) Freestanding CMRS facilities shall be visually screened from adjacent residential development and public rights- of-way as follows: (a) All accessory buildings and equipment cabinets shall be totally screened from vjew from adjacent property lines. GEO\57027{168385.2 .3 ~~ ~( (b) Screening, landscaping and/or exterior building finishes and colors shall be compatible with the existing character of the site and adjacent -" -- `properties and shall be determined as part of the special use permit review process.- (8) Pursuant to Charter Section 5.10.1, and notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, no CMRS facility shall exceed the height limit applicable to the underlying zone district in which such facility is located. (9) The construction and use of a CMRS facility shall not cause interference to other adjacent CMRS facilities. The City of Wheat Ridge shall be held harmless if interference occurs. (10) CMRS facilities which are abandoned by disconnection of power service, equipment removal or loss of lease for greater than six months shall be removed by the CMRS facility owner. Should the owner fail to remove the ' facilities, the City may do so at its option, and the costs thereof shall be a charge against the owner. (11) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section T to the contrary, any freestanding CMRS facilities legally existing upon the effective date of these regulations: November 18, 1996, shall be considered legal noncon- forming uses. Additional aritennas may be permitted to be collocated upon such facilities, provided such facility is certified by a registered, professional engineer that it was originally designed and constructed, without need of structural modifications, including increased height, to handle the additional load. Any such addition to noncon- forming freestanding facilities will be allowed only upon ' special use review and approval pursuant to Section 26-6(B). This provision does not apply to roof or building mounted CMRS facilities. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public . convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Emergency Ordinance No. 1049 Repealed. Em_ ergency Ordinance No. 1049, Series of 1996; is hereby repealed. GED\5 302717 86 36 5.2 ~-4- ~ ~ ~ Section 5. Severabilitv. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder'df this Ordinanc~'or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on the 12th day of August, 1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for October 28, 1996. Revised, ordered, repu5lished in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage continued to November 18, 1996 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of S to 4 ,this 18th, day of November, 1996. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 26th day of November 1996. DAN WILDE, MAYOR ATTEST: WANDA SANG, ;TY CLERK APPROV~ AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTO~IVEY" _ ~ ~ ., / GERALD E. DAHL, CITY A 1st Publication: August 16, 1996 2nd Publication: October 4, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript' Effective Date: November 18, 1996 3rd Publication: November 8, 1996 4th Publication: November 29, 1996 GEDi53027~188388.2 _5 SL.~1~ ' SBA of Denver, Inc. Wireless Communications Consultants _ _ National & International SBA of Denver, Inc. 6312 S. Fdd(er's Green Circle, Suite StON Englewood, C080777 FAX: (303) 770.5082 •Ptione: (303) 770-3830 - - -. 12/5/96 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Zoning 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 RE: Special Use Permit application for PCS antennae on Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower SBA of Denver, Inc. is the authorized agent for Sprint Spectrum, L. P. iri their request to locate Personal Communication Services (PCS) antennae on the existing municipal tower, located at 7500 W. 29th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. Sprint Spectrum is the leading national participant in the PCS market. It is a limited partnership comprised of four major corporations, Sprint Corporation, Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), Comcast, and Cox Communications. In the Spring of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auctioned all 51 MTA (Major Trading Area) licenses for the PCS portion of the radio frequency spectrum (1850 to 2200 MHz). Sprint Spectrum purchased 31 of the U.S. licenses, including the Denver MTA license. The Denver MTA is made up of most of Colorado, parts of Kansas, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota and Nebraska. By FCC mandate, Sprint Spectrum must have 33% of its licensed markets built-out within five years and 66% in ten years. As part of the build-out, Sprint Spectrum is applying to mount up to 9 panel antennae on the existing 160' municipal tower. The tower's existing height will not be increased to accommodate the antennae. The ancillary equipment boxes will be located on the ground on an existing equipment pad directly west of the tower. The antennae supports will be smaller and less visually disruptive than the existing cellular antennae currently located at 100' on the tower. Sprint Spectrum's antennae will be located at 110' (see enclosed photosimulations). .. ............... _ Page 2 Enclosed is a brief narrative detailing the project description, information pertaining to the PCS technology for your reference, and the following Special Use Permit application materials: 1 Check for $100 filing fee 1 Completed Administrative Process Application form 1 Copy of City's deed to site as proof of ownership 1 List of adjacent property owners 1 Copy of Memorandum from Wheat Ridge Purchasing Agent 2 Photosimulations 1 Survey, including legal description 1 Type 1 Site Plan On December 3, SBA held a neighborhood meeting about this issue. Notices announcing the meeting were sent to all owners of property within 660' of City Hall. The notices were mailed on November 25. There were no attendees at the meeting. To meet its deadline, Sprint Spectrum must begin mounting the panel antennae on the Municipal Tower no later than mid-January. Any assistance you can provide in helping meet this deadline is greatly appreciated. Please contact me at 770-3830, extension 115 if you have any questions. I look forward to working with the Planning Department on this project. Sin rely, ~~~ Ann M. Prouty SBA of Denver Enclosures cc: Gary Pultz, SSLP PROJECT CONTACTS ~~ Applicant: ._ Sprint.Spectrum, L.P. 4700 South Syracuse Street, Suite 600 Denver, CO 80237 (303) 488-9399 Contact: Gary Pultz Agent: SBA of Denver, lnc. 6312 South Fiddler's Green Circle, Suite 510N Englewood, CO 80111 (303) 770-3830, extension 115 Contact: Ann Prouty Lessor: City of Wheat Ridge Property Owner: City of Wheat Ridge Construction Mgmt.: Bechtel National Inc. 4700 South Syracuse Street, Suite 600 Denver, CO 80237 (303)488-9374 Contact: Randy McKelvey Surveyor: C:R. Moore Land Surveying PO Box 5153 Arvada, CO 80005 (303) 422-1918 Contact: Creig Moore Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site ~ Special Use Permit Application i • -. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Legal Description: - REDES BLK 3 LOT 1 EX W6 KEY A Ownership: City of Wheat Ridge Lessor: City of Wheat Ridge Space under lease: 125 Sq. Ft. Zoning: R-2 (Low to Moderate Density Residential) Current Use: Municipal Center, with existing municipal tower and equipment pads Surrounding Zoning and Existing Land Uses: • North - 29th Avenue, R-2, R1A (Low Density Residential); Single family housing and Crown Hill Cemetery Facilities • East - R-2, Single family housing • South - R-2, Low to moderate density residential and additional municipal structures • West -Wadsworth Blvd. and Crown Hill Cemetery (Jefferson County) Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site 2 Special Use Permit Application - -_ INTRODUCTION SBA of Denver, lnc. is the authorized agent for Sprint Spectrum, L.P. in their request to locate Personal Communication Services (PCS) antennae on the existing municipal tower, located at 7500 W. 29th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. Sprint Spectrum is the leading national participant in the PCS market. It is a limited partnership comprised of four major corporations, Sprint Corporation, Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), Comcast, and Cox Communications. In the Spring of 1995, the Federai Communications Commission (FCC) auctioned all 51 MTA (Major Trading Area) licenses for the PCS portion of the radio frequency spectrum (1850 to 2200 MHz). Sprint Spectrum purchased 31 of the U.S. licenses, including the Denver MTA license. The Denver MTA is made up of most of Colorado, parts of Kansas, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota and Nebraska. By FCC mandate, Sprint Spectrum must have 33% of its licensed markets built-out within five years and 66% in ten years. As part of the build-out, Sprint Spectrum is applying to place up to nine panel antennae on the existing 160' Wheat Ridge Municipal tower, located on the south end of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Center. Related equipment boxes will be located on an existing equipment pad on the ground directly west of the tower. The Wheat Ridge City Council approved Sprint's lease with the City in July 1996. One additional wireless telephone company currently has antennae mounted on the tower. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sprint Spectrum proposes to place up to 9 Personal Communications Services (PCS) antennae on the existing 160' municipal tower, located at 7500 W. 29th Avenue. The tower's current height will not be increased. The applicant will place nine panel antennae on the tower at an elevation of 110'. In addition, Sprint will lease a 125 square foot area for the related equipment boxes. This leased area is within an area west of the tower that contains the City building's mechanical equipment. The lease area will be developed with three equipment cabinets, each 5' tall, 30" wide, and 30" deep. Coverage Objective__ Sprint Spectrum's objective is to provide seamless coverage to the City Wheat Ridge and to Wadsworth Boulevard. The Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower site will also help complete Sprint Spectrum's PCS network, providing complete coverage to the entire metropolitan area. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application Site Analysis Zoning and Land Use The Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower is located within a R-2 (Low to Moderate Density Residential) District. The property is developed with City Hall, a 160' transmission tower, and mechanical equipment for City Hall. In addition, a large parking area surrounds the facility. The tower currently holds several municipal antennae along with an array of 9 AT&T Wireless panel antennae. The proposed PCS facility is an appropriate use for this tower because the tower is capable of supporting additional antennae with no increase in the tower's height. This site is ideal because it was specifically designed to accommodate multiple antennae. Sprint Spectrum has completed a structural analysis that demonstrates the tower is capable of supporting the additional antennae. By using the existing municipal tower for its new PCS facility, Sprint Spectrum will require fewer monopoles and roofmounted facilities in Wheat Ridge. In addition, Sprint's lease will provide revenue to the City of Wheat Ridge. Impact on Surrounding Residents The impact to surrounding residents will be no more than that of the existing Municipal Tower facility. The additional antennae will not require an increase in tower height and will not increase traffic to the area. In addition, the PCS antennae array will be small and will have less visual impact than the existing antennae array (as shown in the attached photosimulation). Facility Height The existing tower is 160' in height. The current AT&T Wireless antennae are mounted at 100' elevation. The Sprint Spectrum antennae will be located at an elevation of 110'. The tower's height will not be increased. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application CRITERIA FOR REVIEW Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. Compliance with Cn#ena The municipal tower facility ensures a complete and effective PCS network that will offer premium service to Wheat Ridge residents. This alternative is the most appropriate because it requires no new Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise, pollution. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading; service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening, and landscaping, so as to.be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent Wlll not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services Because the PCS facility will operate at a low power and high frequency, this facility will in no way affect the health, welfare, safety, and Because this proposal uses an existing tower rather than requiring construction of a new tower, the PCS facility will in no way encourage blight in the neighborhood. The facility will not adversely affect the environment and will cause no noise pollution. The facility will ensure that a full range of PCS services are available to the community. Also, because no new tower/monopole will be required, land will be used in a responsible manner. Because the facility will be serviced only once a monfh by one technician, there will be no increase in traffic or parking requirements. The antennae will be placed on an existing tower already supporting several antennae and will therefore be compatible with the area. Also, the PCS antennae support will be smaller and less visually disruptive than the existing antennae on the tower. The facility will not adversely affect public facility and services. The facility will actually improve the community by providing revenue to the Citv. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site 5 Special Use Permit Application w Facility Specifications Equipment Cabinets The three proposed equipment cabinets contain all PCS equipment necessary to run a communication site, including radio transceivers, batteries, cooling fans and an interior monitoring system. The cabinets are pre-fabricated, weather-resistant, self-contained units specifically manufactured to house PCS equipment. Each cabinet is approximately 60"h x 30"w x 30"d. Antennae Array Nine panel-type antenna will be added to the existing tower. The antennae will be arranged in a three sector configuration with up to 3 antennae per sector. Each antenna is 54"h x 7"w x 3"d and is mounted tower with mounting brackets. These mounting brackets are less obtrusive than those currently supporting cellular antennae on the tower. Perimeter Fencing The existing masonry wall surrounding the tower will remain. In addition, the existing 8' fenced gate currently surrounding the equipment box location will remain. No additional fencing will be required. Facility Maintenance The facility is generally serviced once a month by one technician driving a small passenger vehicle. The service visit will take up to two hours and is typically for preventive maintenance purposes. Access 1 Easements The PCS Facility will be accessed through an existing ingress-egress easement from the City Hall's main entryway. Utilities Power and telephone utilities will be provided by existing lines and will be accessed through a 10' utility easement. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site 6 Special Use Permit Application __ ___ INTRODUCTION TO PCS AND SPRINT SPECTRUM Personal Communications Services PCS is the name of the radio spectrum band located between 1850 and 2200 megahertz (MHz).' PCS is the next generation of wireless telecommunications, including familiar technologies such as mobile phones, paging, and wireless fax as well as new innovations such as wireless PBX (Private Branch Exchange), wireless Local Area Network (LAN), and mobile data. Sprint Spectrum's PCS network is based on digital technology, as opposed to the analog technology historically used for wireless communications. The advantages of digital technology are higher voice quality, increased privacy, and a significant increase in call capacity. Unlike major broadcasting and standard cellular systems, which operate at higher power and lower frequency, PCS facilities operate at low power (10 to 100 watts) and higher frequency, limiting the signal to the small area it is intended to cover.2 With PCS, repeated use of the same channels increases the number of telephone calls handled by the system, making PCS available for everyone. The PCS system uses a lightweight, multi-function, portable telephone. This telephone will offer a number of features such as call screening, call waiting, voice mail, and text paging. Sprint Spectrum's goal is to integrate mobile services with fixed communication networks by combining local, long distance, and wireless services. Sprint Spectrum's Site Selection Process , To ensure development of acommunity-compatible PCS network, Sprint Spectrum engaged in an innovative "pre-design" process. Traditionally, development of communication networks have been driven strictly by Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering requirements. Engineers determined where the network required sites regardless of zoning, community and strategic planning needs. Sprint Spectrum retained the services of SBA of Denver for the acquisition and planning of PCS sites in the Denver Area. SBA's innovative, community-friendly approach, utilizes the existing zoning to form the basis for the design of the network. The first step was to identify favorable zoning districts which allow or encourage PCS facilities. Secondly, site acquisition specialists inventoried all existing structures in each jurisdiction that were community-friendly and realistic from a leasing standpoint. RF Engineers were able to use the inventory of existing structures to fit the network to the communities. Through this process, Sprint Spectrum is able to build a network that provides maximum coverage while minimizing the impact on the community. ' Standard cellular facilities operate within 800 and 900 MHz. z Standard cellular facilities generally operate at over 100 watts. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site 7 Special Use Permit Application _ _ __ __ _ __ The need for a site is governed by capacity and coverage requirements for the specific area to be served. PCS facilities operate at a lower power and a higher frequency than cellular facilities, and therefore rely more on line-of-sight coverage (or the ability to overlap signals between network sites). Sprint Spectrum's PCS system requires that a customer be in contact with two sites at any given time to reduce dropped calls. Therefore, sites must be within close proximity of one another. Finally, although coverage will extend beyond major traffic corridors, locating sites along major corridors is preferred due to the high volume of wireless communication use. In summary, the selection of a specific site in a target area is determined by the following factors: Local topographic and geographic features Ability to mitigate the antenna mounting structure's visual impact Compatibility with existing land uses and zoning Ability to negotiate a mutually beneficial lease with a landlord. To accomplish this goal, the sites must be placed in precisely calculated positions. Because all the sites in the network function together, the location of one site will affect not only the coverage area surrounding that particular site but also the coverage areas of all adjacent network sites. Integrating the proposed PCS facility into the network will ensure that Sprint Spectrum is able to meet both its FCC mandate and its commitment to the public to provide the highest quality uninterrupted service. Development Assurances _ 1. The proposed facility will emit no noxious odors, heat, noise or other pollutants. 2. Traffic to the facility will be negligible. Local, full-time, trained employees of Sprint Spectrum will be responsible for regular inspection and maintenance of the site (approximately once a month or in an emergency). Access to the site will be restricted. 3. Construction of the facility will exceed industry safety standards, and all construction will comply with all applicable local and state building codes and regulations. 4. The proposed facility has been designed with local wind and weather conditions in mind. 5. The proposed facility will comply with all applicable FCC and FAA regulations. 6. The facility will not interfere with television or radio reception. 7. Normal household electric service (single phase 220 volt/100 amp) will be brought to the facility. 8. The facility will not require sewage disposal, water or garbage service. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application .. .. ~ • Y ` Conclusion - Sprint Spectrum's commitment to_a long term presence'in the community is the driving force behind its system design and site selection process. Its engineers are actively involved in testing new technologies, which will provide significant benefits and better services to the consumer. The proposed Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower PCS facility is essential for Sprint Spectrum to construct a seamless PCS wireless network serving Wheat Ridge and the entire Denver metropolitan area. Increasingly, consumers rely on advanced technology to meet their communication needs. Sprint Spectrum is pleased to have this opportunity to introduce its regional PCS network to the area and stands by the fact that the construction, maintenance and operation of this facility will in no way be detrimental to the health, safety or well-being of the community. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site 9 Special Use Permit Application ___ ___ __ - ____ _ ., ~. me c;ry or ~1Vheat Ridge ADMINISTRATIVE.PROCESS APPLICATION Department of Planning and Development -- 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge,_CO. 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant cnr_ ,~nP~an,m rcp_ Addressw„gio~,,~,,,~~ m~R~i~i Phone~3p3~7jp~3830 Owner City of Wheat Ridge _ Address ?500 W. 29th Ave Phone (303)237-6944 r Location of request Municipal Teleco~rnnunications Tower Type of action requested_(check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change of zone or zone conditions Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval 8 Nonconforming use change Special use permit ^ Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction-permit for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request Request to place up to 9 panel antennae on municipal tower. List all persons and"companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHQ~.~E Sprint Spectrum L.P. 4700 S. Syracuse St, Suite 600, Denver, ~ 80237 ~.tu.i)488-9396 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W.-29th Avenue, ea Ri ge; - I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to-the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, 2 am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested-actior~ cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action_on his beha f. Signature of Applicant D Subscribed and sworn to me this g~day of,t~, l9 Notary Public SEAL My commission expires 9'z ~'Z000 Date Received /Z-.S~ °I~ Receipt No. 9~~ Case No. L Q} PO e Y~`l +n4v F ~t a ~ t T Spnn-, S k FL'_. t " 1, 1 Wheat }ridge Muni Tower, 7500 West 29-th Avenue I Wheat Ridge CO 80215 Facing: Northwest _ E i ~ ~~~ PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST ~r~~~ ~~~-~ _ - DATE: January 2, 1997 z___ - ~ . REQUEST: Application for approval to allow the addition of commercial mobile radio panel antennas on an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue (City Hall Property). MINUTES OF MEETING i January 2, 1997 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. CALL THE MEETING OR ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on Januazy 2, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT 3. 4. 5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Carl A. CERVENY Robert ECKHART Carolyn GRIFFITH Warren JOHNSON George LANGDON Jay RASPLICKA Janice THOMPSON Hazry WILLIAMS Meredith Reckert, Planner Marilyn Gunn, Secretary APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the Agenda for the meeting of December 19, 1996, as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0 to approve the agenda. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES -December 19, 1996 Commissioner CERVENY moved to approve the Minutes of December 19, 1996, as printed. Commissioner LANGDON seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 to approve the Minutes with Commissioner GRIFFITH abstaining due to absence from this meeting. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 2 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appeazing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda) No one was present to speak. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Case No. SUP-96-5: An application for approval to allow the addition of commercial mobile radio panel antenna on an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue (City Hall property). Ms. Reckert presented Staff s report on Case No. SUP-96-15. She stated that the applicant was SBA of Denver, Inc., for Sprint Spectrum, 6310 S. Fiddler's Green Circle, Englewood, 80111 and that the owner of the property is the City of Wheat Ridge. This property is zoned Residential-Two and is used for the Wheat Ridge City Hall facility. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all proper posting and notification requirements have been met, therefore, the Commission does havejurisdiction to heaz this case. This is a request for" a Special Use Permit to allow additional Commercial Mobile Radio antenna to be installed on the City Hall lattice tower. Ms. Reckert advised that recently City Council passed new legislation relating to these types of facilities and generally the regulation states that towers such as this are allowed in commercial zones and aze not allowed in residential zones, however, since there is an existing tower located at City Hall, this would be a legal nonconforming use. She advised that there was a neighborhood meeting held December 3, 1496, for input from residents of the neighborhood. However, she stated that the applicants and herself were the only ones present. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Ann Prouty, 6312 S. Fidder's Green Circle, Englewood, who represents Sprint in their application to place nine (9) Personal Communication Services antenna on the existing tower. Using this tower she stated would eliminate the need to request to build other towers in the City and will provide extensive service azea. It will also not interfere with current radio/cellular trafftc. She further stated that City Council had approved the lease for this facility in July, 1996. The tower has been analyzed and can hold the additional antenna without any problems. She provided overheads to elaborate on the appearance of the tower before and after uid requested that the Commission approve this request. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Gary Pultz, 7667 E. Warren Drive, Denver, the engineer for Sprint. , He stated he was in attendance to answer any questions of the Commission. He stated that Arvada, Lakewood, and Jefferson County Police Department Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 3 had been contacted and they have all responded that they have no problem with the lease of this facility. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Andrew Orcowski, 7667 E_ Warren Drive, Denver. He stated that as an engineer for the company, he was in attendance to clazify any questions. He wanted to address the capacity question. He stated that their proposed request has been designed to include expansion for the next five (5) years including additional channel banks. Therefore, he stated that additional towers for this company would not be needed in the City. Questions raised by the Commission included the concern regarding police department needs and use; numerous tower use requests; ability to withdraw the special use to allow the antenna to be used for emergency/safety purposes; how many antenna can the tower feasibly handle; would this and other companies request additional antenna; how wide the coverage. A request was made by the Commission that the surrounding entities be checked to see if they have a need or potential need to use this antenna for emergency purposes and to assure the capabilities for City Hall use in the future as well as structural integrity. Commissioner CERVENY motioned and Commissioner LANGDON seconded, "that Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antetma onto an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: t. A Special Use Permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower, 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers, 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, 4. Agencies have indicated no adverse considerations with regazd to this addition, 5. Property owners and notificafion requirements have been met. With the following conditions 1. The City recheck before City Council meeting to assure that the Wheat Ridge Police Department feels that this will not interfere with any future needs of the City. 2. That the neighboring communities be recontacted for input into their future needs ad possible use of this antenna." Motion carried 8-0. Plamting Commission Meeting Minutes ( January 2, 1997 Page 4 2. Case No. WZ-96-16: An application for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 11361 West 44th Avenue. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the staff report regarding this request. The applicant and owner is Tom Sloan for Wycoff Construction Company, 6428 Newcomb Street, Arvada, 80004. The approximate area of the site is 2.7 acres and is zoned agricultural. She entered into the record the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, case file with packet materials a~td exhibits. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, the Commission does have jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert clarified that the plan development approval is a three step process. The outline development plan which is the first stage is a concept plan to establish parameters as far as the design guidelines for the property is addressed and is fairly general. The second two steps are the final development plan and the platting process. lit this case the applicant is asking for outline plan approval only. Ms. Reckert noted that prior to any building permits being issued, the applicant would have to go through attother development review process for the final development plan and plat before the Planning Commission and City Council. Ms. Reckert further stated that City Council is considering the possible purchase of this property for park land purposes. At their December 18, 1996, meeting they authorized a study of this property by a architect who specializes in historic preservation to determine the significance of the property and establish a monetary cost estimate for refurbishing some of the existing structures on the property. At City Council's meeting of January 13, 1997, they will be presented the information from the architect who is working with the Director of Parks and Recreation. Ms. Reckert continued the staff report with regard to rezoning. She stated that a neighborhood meeting was held on December 19, 1996, which had a very good turn out. Many concerns were expressed at the meeting which were addressed. Various agencies responded with special needs required by their agencies. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tom Sloan, 6428 Newcomb, Arvada. Mr. Sloan stated he was providing attractive and affordable housing for citizens. Mr. Sloan provided an overview of his vision of this site. He stated that City Council appeared ready to spend a considerable amount of money to restore and purchase this property. He stated he hired an architect to evaluate this situation as well. Mr. Sloan has been advised that the property does not qualify for state or national historical designation. Mr. Sloan stated he has been trying to give a historical building to the City which in turn could move it to another location to save and restore it. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 5 Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Michael Casey, 1768 Platt Street, Denver. Mr. Casey is the architect for the Wycoff Company. Mr. Casey clarified that the property is a little over three (3) acres which includes the property dedication requirement. He further elaborated on the proposed development which overall equals 9.6 units/acre. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tom Shockley, 11605 W. 46th Avenue, Wheat Ridge. Mr. Shockley stated that he is against the rezoning, density, and that he felt the proposal is not compatible with surrounding area. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Kim Stuart, 11700 West 46 Avenue, Wheat Ridge. Ms. Stuart stated she was against the rezoning but would support single family dwellings and not duplex or townhouse type homes. Explanation regarding the City Council's moratoriwn on building permits and rezoning approvals were provided to the audience. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Diane Mattox, 4515 Robb Street, Wheat Ridge, Ms. Maddox stated that she would prefer if zoning remained agricultural. She further stated that she also would prefer single family units with space if the area could not become a park. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in George Jorgenson, 4515 Robb Street, Wheat Ridge. Mr. Jorgenson stated he feltthe same what other residents did. He does not want multi- family residential. Single family housing is preferred. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Paul Anderson, 4610 Queen Court, Wheat Ridge. Mr. Anderson is opposed to rezoning because it would have a negative impact on local wildlife, (Prospect Park holds a vaziety of wildlife that the subdivision would disrupt), several other project are in process therefore, how much growth is needed, traffic is overburdened in the azea'and the new subdivision will make it worse, water and sewer systems are already taxed, there is an obligation to future generations to, show what the origins of Wheat Ridge were and should allow the Historical Society to shaze this property with all citizens. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Claudia Callas, 8701 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge. Ms. Callas stated she did not support the zoning change. She was concerned about the historical value of the property and the wildlife. She stated as a member of the historical society that they have been pursuing this land and dedication of its historical value for over two years. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Alice Datma, 4645 Robb Street, Wheat Ridge. Ms. Plaiming Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 6 Datma stated she was not opposed to therezoning. She also owns 4655, 4665, 4675 as well. She stated she is appalled with the messes that must be cleaned up when people do not keep their promises as it relates to the sod house, the new post office, the barn housing old farm equipment at the Wheat Ridge Historical Park. She would prefer to develop the area to clean it up and hopefully the property values would increase. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Terry Moore, 6428 Newcombe Street, Arvada. Ms. Moore is the realtor for the applicant. She elaborated on the product being proposed and stated that this would be the fifth project that she and Mr. Sloan have worked upon together. General discussion was held and the concerns expressed by the Conunission included saving various lazge trees located on the property, number of units being proposed, curb cuts, pazking, fire response, street width, traffic, landscaping, open space, density, transients and income housing vs family residential, townhouses/duplexes vs single family, affordable dwellings, zoning changes, overall development of this parcel, and historical value. Ms. Reckert advised the Commission that they did not have to approve or recommend this proposal. They could approve it, deny it, approve it with conditions, or continue for more information. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that "Case No. WZ-96-16, a request for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Planned Residential Development for property located at 11361 West 44th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I. It is consistent with the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan, 2. The rezoning evaluation criteria support approval of the request, 3. All requirements for a Planned Residential Development outline development plan have been met " Motion carried 7-1, with Commissioner Thompson voting no Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, that Case No. VJZ-96-16, a request for approval of an outline development plan for property located at 11361 West 44th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for planned residential development outline have been met, 2. It is desirable for the City of Wheat Ridge to have affordable housing. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 7 With the following conditions: I. The builder/developer shall provide a clause in the purchase contract that identifies that the purchaser intends to use the dwelling unit as primary residence, not a rental, 2. There will be a minimum of 35% landscaping, 3. That all mature trees as practical, are to be preserved, 4. There will be no more than 9.6 units per acre. Commissioner CERVENY wished to enter into the record the observation that six (6) residents were in opposition to the development with one in support. Also that the developer consider modifying his plan to see if affordable housing is still practical by providing increased landscaping along 44th Avenue and allowing these units to be either doubles that aze sold as individual units per site or single family detached homes. Commissioner THOMPSON stated for the record that she would be voting against the motion. She felt the design of the buildings are very nice, however, being a representative of this area and finding that so many residents are opposed to this proposal, (' she would rather wait and see this postponed and give the Commission an opportunity to F see what the City of Wheat Ridge is going to do with the Baugh Property and also it would give the Commission an opportunity to discuss with the developer what will be built. Motion carried 5-3 with Commissioners THOMPSON, GRIFFITH, and ECKHART voting no. 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to discuss. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. CASE NO. ZOA-96-15: Ordinance re Parking Regulations: Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the pazking regulation including changes to encompass Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, multifamily and office/warehouse parking. She stated that there has been some concern regarding the parking ratios particularly as it pertains to multifamily units. Commissioner THOMPSON commented that off street parking is still a problem in most areas of Wheat Ridge. She requested that the regulation be flexible and even though it is being increased at this point, she believed that the number of units should be reduced to increase parking. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 8 Ms. Reckert stated that parking changes would have to be presented at a public hearing. Commissioner THOMPSON asked that in regard to multifamily parking that a provision be made for allowing additional parking exceeding the 5-10% increase if no on-street parking is adjacent to the development. Acceptance was reached by consensus with Commissioner RASPLICKA voting no. B. CASE NO. ZOA-97-I: Industrial D-strict Regulations Ms. Reckert reviewed the Industrial District Regulations to the Commission. She stated that City Council was concerned as they thought the regulation was too loose. There was thought given to rezoning all Industrial areas to PID which would be a difficult endeavor. Director Gidley is recommending that Commercial-Two district uses be reviewed and perhaps stiffened to require some allowed uses as special uses. Acceptance was reached by consensus with Commissioner RASPLICKA voting no. C. `NEW SLIDE PROJECTOR Commissioner THOMPSON requested that a new slide projector be purchased so that all information can be reviewed. Ms. Reckert stated that the sound and A/V systems need to be revamped or replaced. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if this could be included in the budget. Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner LANGSTON seconded that Staff investigate all alternatives to providing an updated AV system and new slide projector. Motion carried 8-0. I1. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS Ms. Reckert stated that there is some concern regarding the new procedure of holding one Public Hearing and one Study Session per month. For the month of February's Public Hearing there are already three cases. It will be a testing period to see if this plan is feasible. It was suggested that if there are obviously too many cases that part or all of the Study Session be dedicated to becoming a Public Hearing. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes , ~ January 2, 1997 Page 9 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT There was consensus to adjourn the meeting. Chairperson WILLIAMS adjourned the meeting at 1 I :10 p.m.. The next Planning Commission meeting will be held 1/16/97. CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: SUP-96-5 LOCATION: 7500 West 29th Avenue APPLICANT(S) NAME: SBA of Denver, Inc. OWNER(S) NAME: Sprint Spectrum REQUEST: Special Use Permit to allow the addition of commercial mobile radio panel antenna on an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue (City Hall property). APPROXIMATE AREA: N/A WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public heazing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner LANGDON, that Case No. SUP-96-5, an application by SBA of Denver for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antenna onto an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: '. 1. A Special Use Permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower, 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers, 3. The elevation criteria support approval of this request, 4. Agencies have indicated no adverse considerations with regard to this addition, 5. Property owners and notification requirements have been met. With the following condition: 1. The City recheck before City Council meeting to assure that the Wheat Ridge Police Department feels that this will not interfere with any future needs of the City. 2. That the neighboring communities be contacted again for input into their future needs and possible use of this antenna." Resolution -SUP-96-S/SBA Page 2 VOTE: YES: Eckhazdt, Williams, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon, Griffith, Thompson and Johnson. NO: None I, Marilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 8 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 2nd day of January, 1997. ~ ` ~~ Harry illiams„ Chairperson Mazi n Gu ,Sec • y PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING CO ISSION ' - ~ --'SOD WEST 24TY. lNENUE P.o. sox 638 ~ The Crty of WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034-Dca ;3031 234-5900 - ~ - Wheat City Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 Police Deot. Fax: 2352949 ~idge POSTING CERTIFICATION 6 CASE NO. .~~ - ' PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: I, residing at n a m e (a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. `y./r - ~lp ',~ hereby certify that i-have-posted the Notice-of Public Hearing at (1 o c a t i o n) //_ / on this C~S~ day of .~ _ -- 19 ~, and do hereby certify that said sign has en posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below: Signature: ~- ~ ~ _ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. i i <pc>F s rev_ 0 a, s, i ~~ i s~ ~I ?+ ~I =1 ]Dn. nw ~I ;.1 ^~ b A' .3 !~vc~:JB ~~~~~ I ^' ~ ~O^• Savq~I~/=~`ZI xw u. n ~~ 1 1 _-_ - ..__.. _. .. .. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Rldge February 5, 1997 This is to inform you that Case No. SUP-96-5 which is a request for anprov_ aL of a Snecial Use Permit to allow nin~91 commercial mobile radi~anel antenna on an existinn lattice tower for nronerty located at 7500 West 29th Avenue~City Hall nronerty) will be heard by the Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at :00 on FebruarX24 1997. All owners and/or their legal counsel• of the parcel under consideration mu t be present at this hearing before the CITY COUNCIL. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicants responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. Ifyou have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City " PX/ ;~ j Ann Prouty ~ ' SBA of Denver, Inc., Suite 51 6312 S. Fiddler's Green C' e Englewood, CO 80111 D ponsel Hada 2905 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~es & Ilone Tiernan ~ "/380 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Hazold & Anna Jewell Trust 7360 West 27 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ecca & Martin Green 960 Webster Denver, CO 80215 onathan & Ethel Puckett 7425 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ,mimes McHugh /2700 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 C ado Mortuaries, Inc. c% SCI Managemnent Corp. P.O.Box 13048 Houston, TX 77219 I~& Ronald Tornblom 2900 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ' da Gordon James Christensen 2790 Vance Street -Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 1 ~Yµ_^._ I -~-' I I ~ T SENDER: I also wish to receive the Complete gems t anaror z ror additional services. following services (for an extra fee): ~ _ _ _ - _P6n our name antl adtlress on the reverse of this form so tnat we can return this cam 1 ^ gddrL'ssee s Address - -. ..------------ -- -._ _ - - - - -- - '- POSTAGE -a-AHach This Corm to the Front of the mal pece, or on fFb~c I spf arc d-~ESrrolyermlt. - - - 2. ^ RBStrlCted De IVery RETURN SHOW To venom c •The Return Receipt wil(sho~o> <+ om the artiDl€wasdellveretl antl the date deliveretl. COnSUIt pCStmaSter for fee. RECEIPT ADDRESS CF DELIV ~_ _ -. __ - 4a. 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(Addressee or Age ) - PS FORM 3800 _ _ - - - - -._ - - _.. _ - -- -_ - ---- - - -- _ ---_ f BPS F6RM 3811, January tsss Domestic Return Receipt --- -_-= - I I RETUR -PDSmcE _ POSTMARK OA RATE _ o I N RECEIPT SHDW i0 WHOM, DATE AND RESTRIGrED AppREES OF DELIVERY ~ DELNERY / - pt h ~ `cEmIFIED FEE+RENRNRECEIPT W SERVICE tn ~ r1l TOTAL PQRTAGE AND FEES Z W o SENT TO: " NOT FORINTERNATIONAL MAILED LLO ^ 0 e m ,2~tt I~souLy ~ SBA of D~iVeT, TnC+ Suits 51~f _ s `" ' ~ . , , . _.. . m .. 63.2 S. Fit]dlex's C1 {~' a -a o- . EYx93;atar)od, CYJ $03.17. ~ U ~ ~ Q ~, ,. _ U~ (~~^~~~~ryy~ 7O ~lK J $ . ...., a F 'BPS FORM 3800 US Postal Service Receipt for a r i ~ SENDER: • Complete items tantl/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the ' -'-- - .Print rour name antl adtlress on the reverse of this farm s° That we can return this cartl following services (for an extra fee): I--- tO ro°~ 1. ^ Addressee's Address + Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does rqt permit. 2. ^ R2StrlCted DEIIVery +The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was deliveretl and [he date deliveretl. COnSUt pOStmaSter for fes. Fku: L'x~aui~ --=~'wA'u'+Ce~ aaytit/r ,tr 7.f34:ar ~rt1.t.? .cil'~' fi37.2 S. PS.:.x3lr~rr~ ;~ t.;s. -- 5`~'-`'fir v? ~'-Ili2 - .: --~=il~=ar 9. Received By: (Prrni Name) 6. uellvery ~T ~C t 7. or 4a. Article Number P 963 362 036 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and tee paid.J RTv1 871 Januar 1996 - - - DOt112StICF PS r:. -y-~ ~ ---- - -. -._. - - --- --- TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: February 24, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: SUP-96-5lSBA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT DATE PREPARED: February ]0, 1996 CASE MANAGER:rMeredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Special Use permit to allow collocation of CMRS antennas on tower LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7500 West 29th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): SBA of Denver, Inc. For Sprint Spectrum, L.P. 6310 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, SIGN Englewood, CO 80111 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W.29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: N/A PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Two PRESENT LAND USE: City Hall, Parkland SURROUNDING ZONING: N: R-2, R-1A; E, S: R-2; W: Jefferson County SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: mortuary, low density residential; E: low density residential; W: cemetery; S: church/school PLAN FOR THE AREA: publidsemi-public DATE PUBLISHED: January 17, 1997 DATE POSTED: February 10, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 5, 1997 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X~ ZONING ORDINANCE Q SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Q OTHER JURISDICTION• (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS 0 SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Council Bill Page 2 I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval to allow the addition of commercial mobile radio panel antennas on an existing lattice tower on R-2 zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue (City Hall property) II. CASE HISTORY City Council recently passed legislation relating to the erection of commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) facilities. Attached under Exhibit `A' is a copy of the new regulations. Pursuant to the new regulations, freestanding CMRS facilities are generally not allowed on residentially-zoned property. In this instance, since the City Hall property is zoned R-2, the existing tower is considered a legal nonconforming use. These facilities may remain in place, however, any antenna addition to these nonconforming, freestanding towers requires special use review. Attached under Exhibits `B', `C', `D', `E' and `F' aze a site plan, tower elevations and photo simulations of the existing and proposed antennas. The existing lattice tower is 160' in height and was constructed in 1994. The existing equipment on the tower is owned by At&T and the City as part of the new police communications system. The proposed panel antennas will be hung 10' above the existing antennas at a level which is 110' above grade. The base of the tower is enclosed by an eight (8) foot high masonry wall. The equipment cabinet will be placed on an elevated concrete base just to the west of the tower. The equipment housing will be enclosed on three sides with masonry walls. A six (6) foot high chain link fence gate will run across the south side. There would be no other changes to the property. The applicant has indicated that this is a desirable site for the antennas because of the height of the existing tower. Any towers built under the new ordinance would be limited to a maximum height of 50'. By using the existing tower, the applicant will require fewer monopoles and roof-mounted in the city of Wheat Ridge. The applicant has requested that this ordinance become effective the day after publication. If approved, the ordance must be changed and published accordingly. III. SPECIAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit. 1. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. If the special use is approved allowing additional antennas to be hung on the existing tower, it will eliminate the need for one or more additional freestanding towers of a lesser height. Staff Council Bill Page 3 feels the additional antennas will be less obtrusive than an additional tower. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. It has been proven by the industry that the operational characteristics of the proposed PCS facilities (low power and high frequency) do not pose a health risk to persons residing or working in the vicinity. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. There will be no changes in the operational characteristics of the day-to-day functions at City Hall which would contribute toward blight in the azea because of the new panel antennas. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. Because the additional panel antennas are not obtrusive regarding mass, there will be little or no affect on the amount of light and air to adjacent properties and no negative affect due to air, water or noise pollution. 5. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Development Plan designates this municipally-owned property as Public/Semi-public. Because the underlying R-2 zone classification will remain in place, consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is maintained. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traflc conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. According to the applicant's submittal, there will be one service visit per month to the tower. Therefore, Staff concludes that the additional panel antennas will not have a negative affect on traffic or loading in the vicinity of City Hall. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. It would be impossible to screen this type of facility (the tower) from adjacent properties. The additional panels create only slightly more visual impact than the existing tower and antenna. However, the fence enclosing the equipment cabinet is made of chainlink. Additional screening Council Bill .. _ _ Page 4 would be provided if slats were added to existing fence. 8• Will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All appropriate utilities can serve the facility. There will be no affect on parks or schools in the area. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a SUP support the approval of this request. IV PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on January 2, 1997. A recommendation of approval was given for the following reasons: 1. A Special Use Permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower, 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers, 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, 4. Agencies have indicated no adverse considerations with regard to this addition, 5. Property owners and notification requirements have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The City recheck before City Council meeting to assure that the Wheat Ridge Police Department feels that this will not interfere with any future needs of the City, 2. That the neighboring communities be recontacted for input into their future needs and possible use of this antenna." Attached under Exhibit "G" are letters showing no problems from adjacent jurisdictions. Attached under Exhibit "H" is correspondence from the City of Wheat Ridge Police Communications Division indicating no problems. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on December 3, 1996. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert -staff Ann Prouty -applicant Andrew Orlonski -applicant Don McVaugh -applicant Council Bill Gary Pultz -applicant VI. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can provide service to the property. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Page 5 Staff concludes that pursuant to new legislation adopted by City Council, a special use permit is required to allow collocation of CMRS panel antennas on the existing lattice tower at 7500 West 29th Avenue. Staff further concludes that the attachment to the existing tower would alleviate the necessity of several CMRS towers of a lesser height. Since the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit support this request, a recommendation of Approval is given for Case No. SUP-96-5. VIII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antennas onto an existing lattice tower on R-2 zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A special use permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower, 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers, 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. With the following condition: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to Sprint Spectrum LP." Option B: "I move that Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antennas onto an existing lattice_tower on R-2 zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: I. 2. 3." Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 2 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Heazing section of the agenda) No one was present to speak. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Case No SUP-96 5• An application for approval to allow the addition of commercial mobile radio panel antenna on an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue (City Hall property). Ms. Reckert presented Staffs report on Case No. SUP-96-I5. She stated that the applicant was SBA of Denver, Inc., for Sprint Spectrum, 6310 S. Fiddler's Green Circle, Englewood, 80111 and that the owner of the property is the City of Wheat Ridge. This property is zoned Residential-Two and is used for the Wheat Ridge City Hall facility. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all proper posting and notification requirements have been met, therefore, the Commission does have jurisdiction to hear this case. This is a request for a Special Use Permit to allow additional Commercial Mobile Radio antenna to be installed on the City Hall lattice tower. Ms. Reckert advised that recently City Council passed new legislation relating to these types of facilities and generally the regulation states that towers such as this are allowed in commercial zones and aze not allowed in residential zones, however, since there is an existing tower located at City Hall, this would be a legal nonconforming use. She advised that there was a neighborhood meeting held December 3, 1996, for input from residents of the neighborhood. However, she stated that the applicants and herself were the only ones present. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Ann Prouty, 6312 S. Fidder's Green Circle, Englewood, who represents Sprint in their application to place nine (9) Personal Communication Services antenna on the existing tower. Using this tower she stated would eliminate the need to request to build other towers in the City and will provide extensive service area. It will also not interfere with current radio/cellular traffic. She fiuther stated that City Council had approved the lease for this facility in July, 1996. The tower has been analyzed and can hold the additional antenna without any problems. She provided overheads to elaborate on the appearance of the tower before and after and requested that the Commission approve this request. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Gary Pultz, 7667 E. Warren Drive, Denver, the engineer for Sprint. He stated he was in attendance to answer any questions of the Commission. He stated that Arvada, Lakewood, and Jefferson County Police Department Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1997 Page 3 had been contacted and they have all responded that they have no problem with the lease of this facility. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Andrew Orcowski, 7667 E. Warren Drive, Denver. He stated that as an engineer for the company, he was in attendance to clarify any questions. He wanted to address the capacity question. He stated that their proposed request has been designed to include expansion for the next five (5) years including additional channel banks. Therefore, he stated that additional towers for this company would not be needed in the City. Questions raised by the Commission included the concern regazding police department needs and use; numerous tower use requests; ability to withdraw the special use to allow the antenna to be used for emergency/safety purposes; how many antenna can the tower feasibly handle; would this and other companies request additional antenna; how wide the coverage. A request was made by the Commission that the surrounding entities be checked to see if they have a need or potential need to use this antenna for emergency purposes and to assure the capabilities for City Hall use in the future as well as structural integrity. Commissioner CERVENY motioned and Commissioner LANGDON seconded, "that Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antenna onto an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A Special Use Permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower, 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers, 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, 4. Agencies have indicated no adverse considerations with regard to this addition, 5. Property owners and notification requirements have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The City recheck before City Council meeting to assure that the Wheat Ridge Police Department feels that this will not interfere with any future needs of the City. 2. That the neighboring communities be recontacted for input into their future needs ad possible use of this antenna." Motion carried 8-0. CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: SUP-96-5 LOCATION: 7500 West 29th Avenue APPLICANT(S) NAME: SBA of Denver, Inc. OWNER(S) NAME: Sprint Spectrum REQUEST: Special Use Permit to allow the addition of commercial mobile radio panel antenna on an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue (City Hall property). APPROXIMATE AREA: N/A WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public heazing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner LANGDON, that Case No. SUP-96-5, an application by SBA of Denver for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CARS panel antenna onto an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. A Special Use Permit is required to allow the collocation of CARS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower, 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers, 3. The elevation criteria support approval of this request, 4. Agencies have indicated no adverse considerations with regard to this addition, 5. Property owners and notification requirements have been met. With the following condition: 1. The City recheck before City Council meeting to assure that the Wheat Ridge Police Department feels that this will not interfere with any future needs of the City. 2. That the neighboring communities be contacted again for input into their future needs and possible use of this antenna." Resolution -SUP-96-5/SBA Page 2 VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon, Griffith, Thompson and Johnson. NO: None I, Marilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 8 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 2nd day of January, 1997. George J. Langdon, Chairperson PLANNING COMMISSION Mazilyn Gunn, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION SB.~~ -- SBA o~ f D~r Inc. wireless Communicatlans Consultants _ _ National ~ International SBA of Denver, Ina 6312 S. Fiddle's-Green Circle, Suite 510N Englewood,C080777 FAX: (303) 770-5082 • Phone: (303) 770-3830 12/5/96 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Zoning 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 RE: Special Use Permit application for PCS antennae on Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower SBA of Denver, Inc. is the authorized agent for Sprint Spectrum, L.P. iri their request to locate Personal Communication Services (PCS} antennae on the existing municipal tower, located at 7500 W. 29th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. Sprint Spectrum is the leading national participant in the PCS market. It is a limited partnership comprised of four major corporations, Sprint Corporation, Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), Comcast, and Cox Communications. In the Spring of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auctioned all 51 MTA (Major Trading Area) licenses for the PCS portion of the radio frequency spectrum (1850 fo 2200 MHz). Sprint Spectrum purchased 31 of the U.S. licenses, including the Denver MTA license. The Denver MTA is made up of most of Colorado, parts of Kansas, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota and Nebraska. By FCC mandate, Sprint Spectrum must have 33% of its licensed markets built-out within five years and 66% in ten years. As part of the build-out, Sprint Spectrum is applying to mount up to 9 panel antennae on the existing 160' municipal tower. The tower's existing height will not be increased to accommodate the antennae. The ancillary equipment boxes will be located on the ground on an existing equipment pad directly west of the tower. The antennae supports will be smaller and less visually disruptive than the existing cellular antennae currently located at 100' on the tower. Sprint Spectrum's antennae will be located of 110' (see enclosed photosimulations). Page 2 Enclosed is a brief narrative detailing the project description, information pertaining to the PCS technology for your reference, and the following Special Use Permit application materials: 1 Check for $100 filing fee 1 Completed Administrative Process Application form 1 Copy of City's deed to site as proof of ownership 1 List of adjacent property owners 1 Copy of Memorandum from Wheat Ridge Purchasing Agent 2 Photosimulations 1 Survey, including legal description 1 Type 1 Site Plan On December 3, SBA held a neighborhood meeting about this issue. Notices announcing the meeting were sent to all owners of property within 660' of City Hall. The notices were mailed on November 25. There were no attendees at the meeting. To meet its deadline, Sprint Spectrum must begin mounting the panel antennae on the Municipal Tower no later than mid-January. Any assistance you can provide in helping meet this deadline is greatly appreciated. Please contact me at 770-3830, extension 115 ifi you have any questions. I look forward to working with the Planning Department on this project. Sin rely, ~~/ "~ Ann M. Prout G~~ Y SBA of Denver Enclosures cc: Gary Pulfz, SSLP PROJECT CONTACTS Applicant: . _ Sprint_Spectrum, L.P. 4700 South Syracuse Street, Suite 600. Denver, CO 80237 (303)488-9399 Contact: Gary Pultz Agent: SBA of Denver, lnc. 6312 South Fiddler's Green Circle, Suite 510N Englewood, CO 80111 (303) 770-3830, extension 115 Contact: Ann Prouty Lessor: Property Owner: City of Wheat Ridge City of Wheat Ridge Construction Mgmt.: Bechtel National Inc. 4700 South Syracuse Street, Suite 600 Denver, CO 80237 (303)488-9374 Contact: Randy McKelvey Surveyor: C.R. Moore Land Surveying PO Box 5153 Arvada, CO 80005 (303) 422-1918 Contact: Creig Moore Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site 1 Special Use Permit Application PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Legal Description: REDES BLK 3 LOT 1 EX W6 KEY A Ownership: City of Wheat Ridge Lessor: City of Wheat Ridge Space under tease: 125 Sq. Ft. Zoning: R-2 {Low to Moderate Density Residential) Current Use: Municipal Center, with existing municipal tower and equipment pads Surrounding Zoning and Existing Land Uses: • North - 29th Avenue, R-2, R1A (Low Density Residential); Single family housing and Crown Hill Cemetery Facilities • East - R-2, Single family housing • South - R-2, Low to moderate density residential and additional municipal structures • West -Wadsworth Blvd. and Crown Hill Cemetery (Jefferson County) Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application 2 INTRODUCTION SBA of Denver, Inc. is the authorized agent for Sprint Spectrum, L.P. in their request to locate Personal Communication Services (PCS) antennae on the existing municipal tower, located at 7500 W. 29th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. Sprint Spectrum is the leading national participant in the PCS market. It is a limited partnership comprised of four major corporations, Sprint Corporation, Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), Comcast, and Cox Communications. In the Spring of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auctioned all 51 MTA (Major Trading Area) licenses for the PCS portion of the radio frequency spectrum (1850 to 2200 MHz). Sprint Spectrum purchased 31 of the U.S. licenses, including the Denver MTA license. The Denver MTA is made up of most of Colorado, parts of Kansas, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota and Nebraska. By FCC maridate, Sprint Spectrum must have 33% of its licensed markets built-out within five years and 66% in ten years. As part of the build-out, Sprint Spectrum is applying to place up to nine panel antennae on the existing 160' Wheat Ridge Municipal tower, located on the south end of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Center. Related equipment boxes will be located on an existing equipment pad on the ground directly west of the tower. The Wheat Ridge City Council approved Sprint's lease with the City in July 1996. One additional wireless telephone company currently has antennae mounted on the tower. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sprint Spectrum proposes to place up to 9 Personal Communications Services (PCS) antennae on the existing 160' municipal tower, located at 7500 W. 29th Avenue. The tower's current height will not be increased. The applicant will place nine panel antennae on the tower at an elevation of 110'. In addition, Sprint will lease a 125 square foot area for the related equipment boxes. This leased area is within an area west of the tower that contains the City building's mechanical equipment. The lease area will be developed with three equipment cabinets, each 5' tall, 30" wide, and 30" deep. Coverage Objective Sprint Spectrum's objective is to provide seamless coverage to the City Wheat Ridge and to Wadsworth Boulevard. The Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower site will also help complete Sprint Spectrum's PCS network, providing complete coverage to the entire metropolitan area. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site 3 Special Use Permit Application Zoning and Land Use . The Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower is located within a R-2 (Low to Moderate Density Residential) District. The property is developed with City Hall, a 160' transmission tower, and mechanical equipment for City Hall. In addition, a large parking area surrounds the facility. The tower currently holds several municipal antennae along with an array of 9 AT&T Wireless panel antennae. The proposed PCS facility is an appropriate use for this tower because the tower is capable of supporting additional antennae with no increase in the tower's height. This site is ideal because it was specifcally designed to accommodate multiple antennae. Sprint Spectrum has completed a structural analysis that demonstrates the tower is capable of supporting the additional antennae. By using the existing municipal tower for its new PCS facility, Sprint Spectrum will require fewer monopoles and roofmounted facilities in Wheat Ridge. In addition, Sprint's lease will provide revenue to the City of Wheat Ridge. Impact on Surrounding Residents The impact to surrounding residents will be no more than that of the existing Municipal Tower facility. The additional antennae will not require an increase in tower height and will not increase traffic to the area. In addition, the PCS antennae array will be small and will have less visual impact than the existing antennae array (as shown in the attached photosimulation). Facility Height The existing tower is 160' in height. The current AT&T Wireless antennae are mounted at 100' elevation. The Sprint Spectrum antennae will be located at an elevation of 110'. The tower's height will not be increased. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application CRITERIA FOR REVIEW Wril meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the gener health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use_ Will not ac nor cause Is consiste affect the adequate light and rht air, water or noise oollutio with the plan Will not result in undue traffc congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether_on or o_ff the site. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening, and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas-and neighborhood, especially with adjacent ~~~.~~f: Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application Compliance with Criteria The municipal tower facility ensures a complete and effective PCS network that will offer premium service to Wheat Ridge residents. This alternative is the most appropriate because it requires no new monopole/tower construction. Because the PCS facility will operate at a low power and high frequency, this facility will in no way affect the health, welfare, safety, and convenience of adjacent neighbors. Because this proposal uses an existing tower rather than requiring construction of a new tower, the PCS facility will in no way encourage blight in the neighborhood. The facility will not adversely affect the environment and_will_cause no noise. pollution. The facility will ensure that a full range of PCS services are available to the community. Also, because no new tower/monopole will be required, land will be used in a responsible manner. -. ~ .,,_. Because the facility will be serviced only once a month by one technician, there will be no increase in traffic or parking requirements. The antennae will be placed on an existing tower already supporting several antennae and will therefore be compatible with the area. Also, the PCS antennae support will be smaller and less visually disruptive than the existing antennae on The facility will not adversely affect public facility and services. The facility will actually improve the community by providing revenue. to the Citv. 5 Facility Saecifications _ _ . _ - Equipment Cabinets ., The three proposed equipment cabinets contain all PCS equipment necessary to run a communication site, including radio transceivers, batteries, cooling fans and an iriterior monitoring system. The cabinets are pre-fabricated, weather-resistant, self-contained units specifically manufactured to house PCS equipment. Each cabinet is approximately 60"h x 30"w x 30"d. Antennae Array Nine panel-type antenna will be added to the existing tower. The antennae will be arranged in a three sector configuration with up to 3 antennae per sector. Each antenna is 54"h x 7"w x 3"d and is mounted tower with mounting brackets. These mounting brackets are less obtrusive than those currently supporting cellular antennae on the tower. Perimeter Fencing The existing masonry wall surrounding the tower will remain. In addition, the existing 8' fenced gate currently surrounding the equipment box location will remain. No additional fencing will be required. Facility Maintenance The facility is generally serviced once a month by one technician driving a small passenger vehicle. The service visit will take up to two hours and is typically for preventive maintenance purposes. Access /Easements The PCS Facility will be accessed through an existing ingress-egress easement from the City Hall's main entryway. Utilities Power and telephone utilities will be provided by existing lines and will be accessed through a 10' utility easement. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application INTRODUCTION TO PCS AND SPRINT SPECTRUM Personal Communications Services PCS is the name of the radio spectrum band located between 1850 and 2200 megahertz (MHz).' PCS is the next generation of wireless telecommunications, including familiar technologies such as mobile phones, paging, and wireless fax as well as new innovations such as wireless PBX (Private Branch Exchange), wireless Local Area Network (LAN), and mobile data. Sprint Spectrum's PCS network is based on digital technology, as opposed to the analog technology historically used for wireless communications. The advantages of digital technology are higher voice quality, increased privacy, and a significant increase in call capacity. Unlike major broadcasting and standard cellular systems, which operate at higher power and lower frequency, PCS facilities operate at low power (10 to 100 watts) and higher frequency, limiting the signal fo the small area it is intended to cover.2 With PCS, repeated use of the same channels increases the number of telephone calls handled by the system, making PCS available for everyone. The PCS system uses a lightweight, multi-function, portable telephone. This telephone will offer a number of features such as call screening, call waiting, voice mail, and text paging. Sprint Spectrum's goal is to integrate mobile services with fixed communication networks by combining local, long distance, and wireless services. Sprint Spectrum's Site GQlection Process To ensure development of acommunity-compatible PCS network, Sprint Spectrum engaged in an innovative "pre-design" process. Traditionally, development of communication networks have been driven strictly by Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering requirements. Engineers determined where the nefwork required sites regardless of zoning, community and strategic planning needs. Sprint Spectrum retained the services of SBA of Denver for the acquisition and planning of PCS sites in the Denver Area. SBA's innovative, community-friendly approach, utilizes the existing zoning to form the basis for the design of the network. The first step was to identify favorable zoning districts which allow or encourage PCS facilities. Secondly, site acquisition specialists inventoried all existing structures in each jurisdiction that were community-friendly and realistic from a leasing standpoint. RF Engineers were able to use the inventory of existing structures to fit the network to the communities. Through this process, Sprint Spectrum is able to build a network that provides maximum coverage while minimizing the impact on the community. ' Standard cellular facilities operate within 800 and 900 MHz. z Standard cellular facilities generally operate at over 100 watts. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application 7 The need for a site is governed by capacity and coverage requirements for the specific area to be served. PCS facilities operate at a lower power and a higher frequency than cellular facilities, and therefore rely more on line-of-sight coverage (or the ability to overlap signals between network sites). Sprint Spectrum's PCS system requires that a customer be in contact with two sites at any given time to reduce dropped calls. Therefore, sites must be within close proximity of one another. Finally, although coverage will extend beyond major traffic corridors, locating sites along major corridors is preferred due to the high volume of wireless communication use. !n summary, the selection of a specific site in a target area is determined by the following factors: • Local topographic and geographic features • Ability to mitigate the antenna mounting structure's visual impact • Compatibility with existing land uses and zoning • Ability to negotiate a mutually beneficial lease with a landlord. To accomplish this goal, the sites must be placed in precisely calculated positions. Because afl the sites in the network function together, the location of one site will affect not only the coverage area surrounding that particular site but also the coverage areas of all adjacent network sites. Integrating the proposed PCS facility into the network will ensure that Sprint Spectrum is able to meet both its FCC mandate and its commitment to the public to provide the highest quality uninterrupted service. Development Assurances 1. The proposed facility will emit no noxious odors, heat, noise or other pollutants. 2. Traffic to the facility will be negligible. Local, full-time, trained employees of Sprint Spectrum will be responsible for regular inspection and maintenance of the site (approximately once a month or in an emergency). Access to the site will be restricted. 3. Construction of the facility will exceed industry safety standards, and all construction will comply with all applicable local and state building codes and regulations. 4. The proposed facility has been designed with local wind and weather conditions in mind. 5. The proposed facility will comply with all applicable FCC and FAA regulations. 6. The facility will not interfere with television or radio reception. 7. Normal household electric service (single phase 220 volt/100 amp) will be brought to the facility. 8. The facility will not require sewage disposal, water or garbage service. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application Conclusion Sprint Spectrum'scommitment taa long term presence'in the community is the driving force behind its system design and site selection process. Ifs engineers are actively involved in testing new technologies, which will provide significant benefits and better services to the consumer. The proposed Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower PCS facility is essential for Sprint Spectrum to construct a seamless PCS wireless network serving Wheat Ridge and the entire Denver metropolitan area. Increasingly, consumers rely on advanced technology to meet (heir communication needs. Sprint Spectrum is pleased to have this opportunity to introduce its regional PCS network to the area and stands by the fact that the construction, maintenance and operation of this facility will in no way be detrimental to the health, safety or well-being of the community. Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower Sprint Spectrum PCS Site Special Use Permit Application ~~ -BCD.-DED..- -~~m:rr ,;~ >_-_-=-' = r - -- _cq ?: , %b Lu i. .n 3G . ~1 .. 3]tO n~ _"__ ____ ]L .:. 9 s Q^` RIY ~ R RoR A -- ~ R• R - ~ ~ S a r 8 e ~ ~° iJg~ ~1 . ~ '~ I~~~A ~R V ~ R < • _ R ~ AYR I ~ 11 R ,. d pp I~ j .. 'JOfN n~ ~ .. ~pfH nVE o ( n e WI ~ Y . ~ F I R i ~ .I _^~ ?_ R Q x R _ ~ ~ " i fr r 1 I D > <^ W ~ ~ Rtn s - ]iT _ J ^ ~" ='1 dl0 - ~~ ~~ I „6 ] R £ ~ _ _ ~~ xi ~ s _ BII 4, •• I . . . w.+ JT of . _: z S. _ - m i ' ~ 1 '': Tf.. RD"~a •' J ~~RC._ ~ ~ ~ .. I ~ ~ 1>7 R R-I ~ x " _ s - .,i x _ ' ° a Wl " . 1 _ ... .............. ..::........... I U ' .r ]DTM A - -- - V J ~ a s~ ~ s x~ I nort~ ~ N$ a ~ ~ " .~ l ~ ~ L I ....: ' ... _. :: - _ _ ..... ::. ~ ....,.... ..... ~ O ~ I ~I ~~m.d~ ~.81 :NOR~N EN - ~I I I S I I of P' O 'p •• Z I i % j x 1.1 "1 ~Jf ]40 ~ $ 6 J ( N ~1~1 ~ / ~ ~ (C` 1 j ~ ~ o S F 1 4 i ; ' ' ' ~ ~ ~. IJ ' V R ` ^ I 1 l ~ ~ ~ ~ 9a .F !~ .a~.e. :m - j " ' .,' at ~ of $j - s _•__•-_•__ V+KF~IOOD o~1=1ci~L ~- ZONE :^.:STRIGT 3OUNDRY - - 5~ 2h ZONE NG MAP - PnRCF_/~OT ~~RY ~ NERSru~' Wf~E~4T RIDGE _ ~Y'G"u;T~ _~ _._~ , G .~ ~ OLOR~DO ----:df:TER =EiT~R° - ° O~NOT=S. MULT.'?LE /c'JDRESSES - scn~e r.<oo .. - - *7hP LDOPTED: _:M S, 1994 ~HETi£'(f OF PJ.W Kx IJID 6'V~-pp~+(~ _ Z~` X851 _ _ _. __ - ~tcN~ 81T `A` CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SILER Council Bil! No. .~9 "- - -" Ordinance No. "1045 Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF LAWS RELATING TO COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORA00 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: __ Section 1 . Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Article 1, Chapter 26-5; Definitions, is hereby amended by the addition of new definitions as follows: Building or Structure Mounted Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRSI facility: A CMRS facility in which antenna are mounted to an existing structure (e.g., water tower, light pole, steeple, etc.1 or building face. Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS1 Accessory Building or cabinet: An unmanned building or cabinet used to house equip- ment associated with a CMRS facility. Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Site: An unmanned facility consisting of equipment for the reception, switching and transmission of wireless telecommunications, including, but not limited to personal communications service (PCS1, enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR), paging, cellular telephone and similar technologies. Freestanding Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS1 facility: A CMRS facility that consists of a stand-alone support facility (monopole and/or lattice structure), antennae, associated equip- ment, accessory buildings and equipment cabinets. Roof Mounted Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS} facility: A CMRS facility in which antenna are mounted on an existing building roof. Section 2. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Article 1, Chapter 26-30. General Regulations are hereby amended by the addition of the following new section: GE075]0371708785.3 (T) Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) facilities: (1) Prohibition: No CMRS facility shall be constructed in any reside'ritial district (with the exceptibn of Planned Residential Districts pursuant io subparagraph (3) hereof). (2) Review Procedure: General: Proposed CMRS facilities in the RC-1, RC, C-1, C-2, I, A-1 and A-2 Zone Districts shall be reviewed pursuant to the following procedures: (a) 6ailding orStructure Mounted CMRS facilities shall be reviewed by the Department of Planning and Development for compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. (b) Roof Mounted CMRS facilities must receive a conditional use permit, pursuant to the procedure at Section 26-6(A). (c) Freestanding CMRS facilities must receive a special use permit, pursuant to the procedure at Section 26-6(8). (3) Review Procedure: Planned Develo _ment Districts: Roof mounted and freestanding CMRS facilities proposed for construction in any Planned Development District (includ- ing Planned Residential Districts); unless specifically listed Dr shown as such in the Final Development Plan, require amendment of the Final Development Plan. Building or structure mounted CMRS facilities proposed for construc- tion in any Planned Development District {including Planned Residential Districts), may be permitted by the Department of Planning and Development pursuant to Section 26-25, provided the proposed facility is consistent with the character of the District. (4) Multiple Providers:. No_more than one (1)roof-mounted or freestanding CMRS facility may be constructed or maintained upon a property in single ownership, provided, however, that additional CMRS facilities may be approved at the same location by conditional or special use review, consistent with subsection (T)(2), provided all other requirements of subsection (T) and the Zoning Ordinance are met. GEOLfi703711fi6765.3 2 r (5) Building or structure mounted CMRS facilities shall be subject to the following requirements: (a) "Such facilities shall be architecturally compatible with and colored to match the building orstructure to which they are attached. (b) The maximum protrusion of such facilities from the building or structure face to which they are attached shall be two (2) feet. (c) Building or structure mounted whip antennas shall extend no more than 10' above the highest point of the building or structure to which they are attached. (6} Roof Mounted CMRS facilities shall be screened or camouflaged as appropriate from view from adjacent property lines. Such facilities are additionally subject to the following requirements: (a) Such facilities shall be architecturally compatible with and colored to match the building or structure to which they are attached. (b) Roof mounted CMRS whip antennas shall extend no more than 70 feet above the parapet of any flat roof or ridge of a sloped roof to which they are attached. (c) Roof mounted CMRS panel antennas shall extend no more than 7 feet above the parapet of a flat roof or ridge of a sloped roof to which they are mounted. {d) Roof mounted CMRS accessory structures shall extend no more than 7 feet above any parapet of a flat roof upon which they may be placed, and shall not be permitted on a sloped roof. (7) Freestanding CMRS facilities shall be visually screened from adjacent residential development and public rights- of-way as follows: (a) All accessory buildings and equipment cabinets shall be totally screened from view from adjacent property lines. GE01670275168365.2 _3_ ib} Screening, landscaping and/or exterior building finishes and colors shall be compatible with the existing character of the site and adjacent "properties and shall be determined as part of the special use permit review process. (8} Pursuant to Charter Section 5.10.1, and notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, no CMRS facility shall exceed the height limit applicable to the underlying Zone district in which such facility is located. i9) The construction and use of a CMRS facility shall not cause interference to other adjacent CMRS facilities. The City of Wheat Ridge shall be held harmless if interference occurs. (7 OJ CMRS facilities which are abandoned by disconnection of power service, equipment removal or loss of lease for greater than six months shall be removed by the CMRS facility owner. Should the owner fail to remove the facilities, the City may do so at its option, and the costs thereof shall be a charge against the owner. (11) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section T to the contrary, any freestanding CMRS facilities legally existing upon the effective date of these regulations: November 18, 1996, shall be considered legal noncon- forming uses. Additional antennas may be permitted to be collocated upon such facilities, provided such facility is certified by a registered, professional engineer that it was originally designed and constructed, without need of structural modifications, including increased height, to handle the additional load. Any such addition to noncon- forming freestanding facilities will be allowed only upon special use review and approval pursuant to Section 26-6(e). This provision does not apply to roof or building mounted CMRS facilities. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public . convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Emeroencv Ordinance No 1049 Repealed. Emergency Ordinance No. 1049, Series of 1996, is hereby repealed. GED15 3 0 2 711 8BJ65.2 4- Section 5. Severabifity. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder df ihis'Ordinance`orits application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on the 12th day of August, 1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for October 28, 1996. Revised, ordered, repu5lished in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Nearing and consideration on final passage continued to November 18, 1996 ai 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 5 to 4 ,this 18th day of November, 1996. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 26th day of November 1996. ,.,e.~-~ (A\/T~T(\~E~~S T: WANDA SANG, ;TY CLERK DAN WILDE, MAYOR APPROV AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTO~iVEY _ /1 _ ~ LD E. DAHL, CITY A 1st Publication: August 16, 1996 2nd Publication: October 4, i 996 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: November 18, 1996 3rd Publication: November 8, 1996 4th Publication: November 29, 1996 GED15302 717 8 87 85.2 _5. :::i°. Cellular Didlsion September 19, 1997 Mr. Carl Richard SBA of Denver, Inc. 6312 South Fiddler's Green Circle Suite 510 North Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: Collocation-Wireless Facilities Dear Mr. Richard: AT&(Tj - ~ ~ AT&T Wireless Services Suite C-1 ~~ ~ ~ 7001 16th Street .. Denver, CO 80265 Reference is made to your request to collocate on the tower owned by the City of Wheat Ridge located at 7500 West 29th, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Based on the information provided on the Technical Data Summary forwarded to this office, AT&T Wireless Services does not anticipate any interference issues. Please be advised that in the event interference occurs afrer your facility is operational, AT&T will invoice the provisions of lease agreement with the Ciry dealing with this specific issue. Thank you for your attention to this matter and should you have any questions, please call me at 573-3277 Sincerely; ~ay ~G =• Woyclzlak. R I fate M ger cc: Mr. Paul Edwards-City of Wheat Ridge ~7~ Recycled Paper .._.- __.. _ •.--~-• rnn rtu.. JtlOf fC.Ytl2fZ •' 7i6/S orDep+rgr, lnr ' YYIrYe1CaSCOg7YilUntgtiong{:AtMIW}antS St3A ofElegver, ine, &~9~ $, C:iddFQr'g 0r9pn Circle, SU1tg 530N ~ . P~ 308 77o SOf1i t ) Q$082 Phone: (308) 77'0-3836 January B, 1999 ~hlef bavid Roberts City cf Edgewater Police tepartment 24!71 She~iderl.~lvd Edgewi3t~r; C'f1:$fr294 _ :,;;;:. _. Mme, ~„- Re: . Locattnn of Sprint PCS anfennav on Wheat Ridge Murucipai lower Dear Chief Roberts: , 86-01-47 81 e43P P.BZ As wt? discussed, Sprint PCS is applying to fhe City of y1/heaf Ridge to place 9 Personal Do-nmUnlcations u~eMCes {PG$; 1g5Q Eo 22170 MWz) panel antennae on the existing Wheat Rldgn Municipal lower. The 8ntennae wi[- b®piaced at 110' and will not interfere with arty pf the communications equipment currently located on the tower qr in the viCEnity of the tower. "The City_of WheafiRidge Planning Cornrrifasian h2s requested that SBA, Inc., reprmoentiri ~ "" __, . g,S~~?rint• Pt;S, aortfirrrr That the lndggyyg~. Police Department has no concerns related tti,the=ac7tlifianat antenrl$Q, .. 'i~ri' ~,• Ptees~ insifaate yeUr~~g9ent to Sprint t'CS's instaitation and operai,on at the PDS fadlity by signing below. Thank you tar your coaperaUon please call me st 77{l~3t33O, extenslo~t 115 if you have any gUBSttons. Sinaerely~ G/A/~~tnn,.tvt. P~rosr~y~u./ 2'artin9 SpBCialiSt ~: , ~z,ij:~d:, ,z.;, ~, ~r 1. Y'1~' ., v.L ~ q Accepted by' t3ewater Police Department By; 7"itl9: ACTING CHIEF pg ppLICE E7at8: 010697 FILE No. d27 0103 '97 17~d9 ID:SSLP - DENtIER 303 290 6367 PAGE 3 Sprittt Spectrum L.P. October 16, 199E Randy 5mil,h Jefferson County Sherift's Dopartntent Communications Scclion 200 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80'}01 --=rw Spl'itlt-a n700 $uulh Syracugp Smtx fi(HI Oenvor, Culnagn 00237 lelnphme; 303,999.9790 Re: Compatibility of Systems for Co-location on 'Qlrheat Ridge Municipal Tower. Dear Sir or Madam; This letter is to confirm the understanding between Sprint Spectrum L.1'. ("SS[..P"} and Jefferson County regarding tl3elr communications service facilities ("Systems") located, adjacent to one another, 7500 WcsK 29t'h Avenue, commonly know as the Wheat Ridge Municipal 'tower. Jefferson County , by executing this letter, acknowledges and al;rees that it has met with and reviewed SSLP's plans, specifications and technical tequirements for installing and operating a System at the Site, and that 551,P's System will be compatible with, and not interfere with, its- awn ,System. SSI.P and Jefferson County agree to wrn'k together to resolve any future conl7icts that may hereina$er arise as a result of the operation of the two Systems on the Site. Pk:ase indicate your consc;nt to SSLC"s installation and/or operation of our system described in this letter by your signature in the space provided below. Thank you 1•or your cooperation. Accepted by Jefferson County lay: - +t'~~._..~C....__ Title: gb ~g S1i~nce~rely, ~~ ~• ~4~'r~-'- have Jones DIRECTnR - ENCiNI,ERING ~ NETWORK. UPERATIUNS Dale: 10-30-96 FILE No. 427 OliD3 '97 17:p9 ID:SSLP - DENUFJ2 ,~:~ 303 29fl 6367 PAGE 5 Thank you for notifying the City of Lakewood concerning your proposed use of the Wheat Ridge communication tower. Sirtc~rely, ~~ /ylo n P. Miller Court Administrator cc: City of Wheat Ridge Gity of Arvada FILE No. 427 Ol/U3 '9'.' 1709 ID~$SLP -DENVER 303 29fl 6367 PAGE 4 November 18, 1996 have Janes Sprint 4700 South Syracuse Suite 600 Denver, Catorado 80237 Dear Mr. Jones, Lakewood Municipal Court 445 S. Allison Parkway Lakewood, Colorado 80226 Office: (303} 987-7400 FAX: (303) 987-7447 This letter is in response to your letter dated October 16, 1996. The letter was forwarded to me since the microwave system located at the City of Wheat Ridge communications tower is jointly operated by the cities of Arvada, Lakewood, and Wheat Ridge. There is an intergovernmental agreement (IGA} between these cities and Jefferson County relating to the operation of the microwave system for video arraignment of prisoners at the Jefferson County Jail. As a result of this prior existing IGA it is felt that any interference caused by the use of this communications tower by others, subsequent to the IGA, that the party causing the interference would have the responsibility to either discontinue use or cause the interference to cease. The parties to the IGA would not be responsible to fix any interference problems caused by others. Tam Mahron of Legacy Communications has reviewed your proposal and has determined that there does not appear to be any reason that your proposed use would cause interference problems.' It'is also my understanding that the City Council of Wheat Ridge has reserved to ,itself the right to determine any further uses on their communication tower. Therefore, I am sending your letter to the City of Wheat Ridge unsigned. ~,. FILE No..427 O1i03 '97 17:09 ID:SSLP -DENVER 303 29D 6367 ...-:---.- CITY OF1 l.i'~VtV.JA ,,;~ ==-~, lli~ F% I~UI.ICE DECALLTMENT Y1~„~,~~L 303 4;i•L-3050 P11oNG ~ 303 431-3034 FwCSenu ~K ~ T1717 4:L4-}379 November Z0, 1996 Dave Jones Director -Engineering and Network Qperatians Sprint Spechum L.P. 4700 South Syracuse, Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80237 LtE: Compatibility of Systems for Ca-location on Wheat Ridge 1VIunieipa) Tower Dear Mr. Tones: I am writing to respond to your request for the City of Arvada's aclvwwlcdgment of the Sprint PCS equipment to be placed an the tower at 7500 W. 29°i Avenue, commonly known as the Wheat Ridge Municipal Tower. As you know, the to~+er supports equipment currently used to conduct arraignments by video between the Ciiy of Arvada Court and the Jefferson County Jail, I have had a chance to review the plans you sulbmitted stating that your system will not interfere with the video arraignment system. To the extent the Sprint system will not interfere with the existing video arraignment system, the City of Arvada does not object to its placement an the tower. When and if any such interference occurs, the City of Arvada reserves all rights to exercise whatever legal recourse is necessary to resolve the situation. ~.: , • cc: George Boyle, Arvada Municipal Judge Ran Sloan, Chief of l'olics • Phil Cortese, Assistant City Manager Nora Buchanan, Assistant City Attorney ' City of Wheat Ridge City of Lakcwodd Jefferson County Sincerel ~~ ~~~~ ARVADA LICE DEPARTMENT Timothy N'. Dunn Technical Services Administrator P,U. BDX A7A1 ~ SYO7. CL.lLSTON ILaAb ~ ARVAI7A. C6LORAI]O L 8Qaa1-8101 __ _ _ _ -_.- __y -_- _...._ EICMISIT N WHEAT RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning and Development FROM: Larry Stodden DATE: 021197 SUBJECT: -SBA I have been in contact with Legacy Communications, the company that the city presently contracts with for our radio maintenance, and Motorola Inc., the manufacturer of our new 800 MFIZ franked radio system, reference the Special Use Permit requested by SBA for the addition of cellular telephone antenna placement on the City's tower location here at 7500 W. 29th Avenue. You advised me that SBA's system will operate in the 1.9 Gig. frequency spectrum. This is far above the frequency spectrum that we presently operate in, therefore I do not anticipate any RF interference possibilities with our 800 MHZ system. The department's plans for the fixture may include the addition of a microwave antenna for voice and data communications in the 800 band spectrum, however the proposed placement of SBA's antennas should not interfere with our needs. It is my desire, however, that any contracts between the City and SBA include protection clauses for the City's radio system and equipment for unidentified concerns or problems that may subsequently arise from SBA's operation. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Page 212 Job 653 Oec-03 Tue 12:25 199fi~', CITY 4F WHEAT gIDGE--I~MQRANDUM T0: Sean McCartney, Planner aR,o~s: Paul R. Edwards ~~ Purchasing Agen SU8.78CR': chronology of Sprint Contract DATE: December 3, 1996 The fallowing is a chronology of the events regarding the contract with the City of Wheat Ridge and Sprint Spectrum. 5/21/96 This is the approximate date Chat negotiations began between the City of Wheat Ridge and SBA of Denver (Representing Sprint}- 7/16/96 A final dxaft contract was completed which would rent space on the tower located at the municipal building. '7/22/96 Authorization was requested to sign a contract with Sprint and was approved by the City Council. 8/1/96 The contract was signed by the City of Wheat Ridge. S/14/96 The contract waa signed by Sprint and $100.00 was received by the City far signing the contract. 8/28/96 The removal of the equipment from the dock area wriere sprint's equipment was to go was completed. $1,250.00 was contributed by Sprint. 9/1oJ9& rentcof $12, Oe 00 forg the space an theitoWerear's If there are any additional queationa regarding the above please let me know. Also, find attached a copy of the complete contract with Sprint. X cc: Ann Prouty, Sprint Spectrum/SBA INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL BILL NO.. _ ORDINANCE NO. _ Series of 1997 2~~rs~ d TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE COLLOCATION OF PANEL ANTENNAS ON AN EXISTING LATTICE TOWER INRESIDENTIAL-TWO ZONE DISTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1 Upon application by SBA of Denver, Inc., for Sprint Spectrum, L.P. for approval of a Special Use Permit in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. SUP-96-5 and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public heazing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a Special Use Permit to allow collocation of panel antennas on an existing lattice tower is hereby approved for the following described land: Lot 1, Block 3 of Barth Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Section 2 Conditions: _ 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to Sprint Spectrum, L.P. Section 3 Vested Prgperty Riehts Approval of this special use does not create a vested property right. This special use is approved subject to the revocation and termination provisions of Ordinance 945, Series of 1993. Section 4 Safety Clause The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declazes that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. 4PC.tlon 5 Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder • ~ ~ Ordinance No. page 2 SUP-96-5/City of Wheat Ridge of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. ecti .This ordinance shall take effect days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to _on this _ day of .1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat-Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for 1996, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to _, this day of _ , .1996. _ SIGNED by the Mayor on this _ day of 1996. _, ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: DAN WILDS, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY • i January 17, 1997 TO: t"Larry Stodden FROM: Meredith Reckert RE: Police Communication System The City Department of Planning and Development has received several requests for attachment of commercial mobile radio panel antennas onto the existing lattice tower at City Hall. At the January 2, 1997 Planning Commission meeting, an inquiry was made regarding future needs for the City's dispatching/communication system in light of the requests for collocation. A City Council public hearing is scheduled for review of a request for special use to allow collocation by Sprint Spectrum on Feburary 24, 1997. Another application by Western Wireless is scheduled for public hearing in front of Planning Commiision on March 6, 1997. I would appreciate your input as far as the City's potential future needs for our tower. Please let me know what you need as I have plan sets available for review. I will be preparing a staff report for review by City Council the week of February 10th and would like to include information regarding this topic. Thanks for your help. Please contact me at x2848. ~, -- :: --- • W H E A T 7500_ WEST ,29TH AVENUE R I D G E 1! WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO R02I5 ~~ FAX# (303) 235-2857 A y~ C From: ~~7L~'TjG7~•4 ~--'~' Date !/ ~ Z l _~(2______ ~ S ( No. of Pages 2- j M (not including eo~~er sheet) ' I I Comments: ~ A~rr~a-~ r 5 M~ 'ri,.~--~., x~c ~ Niri-~ c~,/ tJ r~ ~~D ~ _____ L ~t-r~r~s ~v ~f__A- ~c~n ~ L~`trt~.- yo y ea"r1_ v.~'-.------ E ~ ! /t1 fG_.~--~'-Q r~.~l Li- L- L a~'1T~72_ _ r c R ~ ;'7'~~ -... G~'1-~- 1 ~ YDJ ~~1'~'~ C.~vt"~Tlot'~J6 - 23 S- ~&"`d Sr --- ~- ----- __ - _ _... ~~SQ(~` etJ, 2A~'"" dye, ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ _ s._" ._ _ ~ ., PLANNING AND 'CONING PARi~S AND RECREA"1~[ON ~ PUBLICY,1'ORI:S (303)235-2846 ~ (303)235-2877 (303)235-2861 5 N t- V 8 a 0 LAKEWOOD OFFI GI ~L - ZONE DISTRICT eou1.>nR-r ZONING M~hP J~ WI I~~T RI DO~ - PARCEL/LOT BoIRdDRY (DESIGNATES OWt~ZSHiP) =~''`- CITY LIMIT LINE Go~o~,~DO - ~~ FEATURE DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES MAP ADOPTED Las+ Revisiarr. Auq~st 17, 1993 DH'/diit8tt OF FLAMING ND DEVHAR'eQT - 7i`r2B52 5~ 2h ~~ ~ ~_ o m vo~ SGh1.E 1.4CD i ~ GENERAL NOTES 1. DRAWINGS ARE NOT ~IO BE SCALED, WRITTEN pIMENSIOf~JS TAKE PRE`C'EDENCE, .AND THIS SET 0~ PLANS IS INTENDED TO BE USED F{~R DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY, UNLESS NOTEQ OTHERWISE. THE GENERAL Ct~NTRA,CTOR'S SC(JPE OF WORK SHALL INCLUDE FURNISHING ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, ~ABQR, AND ANYTHING ELSE DEEMED NECESSARY TD CaMPLETE INSTALLATIONS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. 2. PRIQR TO THE SUBMISSIOty OF BIDS, THE CONTRACTQRS INVOLVED SHALL VISI1 THE JC?B SfTE AND FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES Wi7H ALL CONDITIONS A~F~ECTING T~-1E PROPOSED F'RUJ~CT, WITH THE CONSTRUCTION AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, ~IE~D CO~~DiTIONS FEND CONFIRM THAT THE PROJECT t~,,1AY F3~: ACC~MP~iSNEO AS SHOWN ~'RIOR ~f0 PROCEEDING VvITH COPvSTRUC71~N. ANY ERRQRS, OMISS40NS, OR DISCREPANCIES ARE TO BE BROUGHT TO ~f ~~E AT~CENTl0~1 OF THE ARCNiTECTjENGINEER. R 3. THE G~ NERAL_ CQNTR.ACTOR SN,~I_i_ ~tCr ~'~E 'V~'RITT~N AIJTNQRIZ~,TIQt TO Pt~tUCEED WI TN ~0~`~S i R~SC~10~J PRiOF? TO STAF~TING WORK ~N ~~'~Y +T~M N{~T 't s CL~E~RLY DEFIP~iED t3Y TNE_ ~;~JNSTR~aCT101~~ DRAWI~JGSfC~NTF~ACT i~0~~~".'~=NTS. 4. THE CQNTRACTOR SHAD S!JPERV!SE AND DIRECT THE PR~.1~C1 C~E`_CRIF3E~ HEREIN. THE C~NT~~ACTQR SHA~~ BE S(7LE~Y RESP(~NSiBLE FOR AL.I_ CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METNOQS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES AND PR~JCEDURES AND FAR COORDINATIP~G ALL PORTIONS OF THE WCJRK UNDER THE '~O~JTR~CT. 5. T~~E CONTRACTQR SNAIL i~~STA~L a~L ECJUIF'MEr~JT AND ti1ATERIA~_S -1~C~JRDIf~1G i 0 MANUF~,CTURER'S/`JE~IDOR'S SPEClF IG/~.11C~NS UNLESS ~IOTE[~ OTHERWISE CSR WHERE I~QCAL ODES OR ~RQINANCE=S TAKE PRECEG~NCE. '4' 6. ALL UVORK PERFORMED ON PROJECT t~ND MATER),A~S INSTALLED SH~,~L IN STRICT ACCORDANCt WITH ALL APPLI~AB~E CODES, Rt~GU~AT(ONS, r.`~D T ORDINANCES. CONTRACTOR SNAL~ GIVE AFL NOTICES AND C0~~1PLY ~"~i7N ALL SAWS, ORDINANCES, RUES, REGUL~~TIONS AND LAWFUL ORDERS OF A,NY ~UB~IC AUTHC7RITY, MUNICIPAL. AND UTi!_ITY COMPANY SPEC+~!CA.i10"'JS, AND ~~CAL AND STATE JURIS0ICTlONAL CODES BEARING CAN THE PER~OwMANCE 0~ THE WORK. 't 7. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ?~T THE PROJECT SIDE ~ ~~~1_L S~ ~ OF L CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS UPDATED WITH THE LATEST RFViS10NS AND ADDENDA OR CLARIFICATIONS FOR THE USE BY ALL PERSONNEL W'~flLVED -,rte WITH THE PROJEC 1~. ,5'. _ THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF THIS PRQJECT SlTEf ~~CILMTY A~r:_ NOT TO BE ALTERED BY THiS CONSTRUCTION PR~JJECT UNLESS NQTED OTHERWISE. g, DETAILS INCLUDED HEREIN ARE INTE~JDED TO SHOW END RESULT OF DESIGN. ~~~.~r,n .~r~nirirn-rir~nic ~~nv nr' ocni~iocn T~1 CIiiT i(lR (`(l~l(lIT((IRiC (1 G7 MIIVl1YC iv~Vl.1~r t~.,r+ ~ ~v vJ rv ri t~L r~t~wu i_u v ~v ~ Jv ~.Jv v v ~dJ .J I l_. J ! ! ~ t1 L-- l- . ~ L.~ ~ i- v li SITUATIONS, AND SUCH MQ~IFICATIONS SHALL_ BE ~NC~UDE~ AS ~'Af~T OF Ti-~E S ~ J ~ T ~ 1 ~ ~r THE PROPOSED PRO r' ~ L. ~vl~~4f1 l~, ~ 1 r~ ~r` ~ 1~ i N S T A L L A T{ 0 N 0 F~ A r,~ou►~TFt~ ~r~ ~xMsZi ARC H I TEC ~ INSTALLATIQN OF 3 PROJECT INCLUDES; LLV l-1 L_ v t~.~vr~ ~ r ~ ~ v ~ SCOPE OF WORK.. ~~As~ TRAr~scE-~~~E~ sTAT~oN ~aTS> s~TE ~~a~c~~ r~o.: a~--58-os-Y~ 10. SEAL PENETRATIONS THRQUGN FIRE-RATED AREAS '~'JITH CJ.~. ~ISTE~ DR F12E xMS ~ ~ G CO~~CRETE F~qD; Si TE~ ~ t~RC~~_ ~~~~P~1E.: INNEAT RIDGE MU~Jf Tt~'~E.F~ MARSHALL. APPROVED MATE_RiALS IF ~,PP~_ICABLE TG TH1~ ~,~CI~ITY ~~.rtiiD~QF? PRJJECT SITE. EXISTING TOWER. ~ 1 . PRQUIOE A PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITN A RATING OF NOT ESS TN AN 2-A OR 2-A10BC WITHIN 75 FEET TRAVEL. D15TANC~ TO ALL POR INNS a~ I~~C ARCHITECTS.Ef~1GI~E~~RS,P.C;. ~s a~~aYsj ANrEr THE PROJECT AREA DURING C~NSTRUC~ION. w(~ .aim 3 i,+r# ~5~~~wK{.... 3~9 ? _SC.~U TN J AM A.I~; C; T. iNST~{~~tiTioN o~ 12. IMPROVEMENTS, EASEMENTS, PAVING, CURBING, ETC. DURING CONS1'<UC7lQN. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY DA~,~ACE THr~T M,AY HAVE OCCURRED DUE TO CONSTF?UCTION ON C3R ABDUT THE ~'R(~PERTY. 13. CCI`JTR~CTOF~ ~HAI_L SSE TU !T THAT GENERAL WORK AREA IS KEP` C~~A~v A,NJ HAZARD ~R~~ Dt~'RiNG ~.~:~"vUT~~ CT'~N AND D3SPOSE ~F- AFL (~4r?T, DEBRIS, RUBBISH ANQ REMO'L`E EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIED AS ~?Eh~1AiNiNG 0£`r THE PRQPERTY. PREMISES SHALL BE LEFT IN CLEAN CONDITIQN AND FRf:=E ~R~M PAINT SPOTS, DUST, DR SMUDGES OF ANY NATURE. 14. THE ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS NAVE MADE EVERY EFFORT TO SET FORTH IN 1 r THE CONSTRUCTIQN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS T~~E COMPLETE SCOPE OF WORK. CONTRACTORS BIDDING THE JOB ARE NEVERTHELESS CAUTIG'~ED THAT MINOR OMISSIONS OR ERRORS Ifv THE DRAWINGS AND OR SPECIFICATIONS SHAD NOT EXCUSE SAID CONTRACTOR ~RC~M COMPLETING THE PRGJECT AND IP~~~='ROVEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INTENT C~~ THESE DQCU','ENTS. THE BIDDER SHA~~_ BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY OF NOT~~YING (IN WRITING;} THE ARCHITECT f Ef~JGiNEER 0~ ANY CONFLICTS, ERRORS, UR (~M1SS3~NS PRIQR TQ THE SUBMISSIO~i 0~ CONTRA!„TOR'S PR~POSA~. IN THE EVrNT 0~- DISCRFF'ANCIES THE CONTRACTC7R SNAI_L_ PRICE. TNT MORE COS7~Y OR EXPENSIVE WORK, UN~_ESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 7 5. CON TRACTOR MUST PE~FQRM WORK pURWG OUJNER'S PREF ERRE=D HOURS TO AV010 DISTUROING NORMAL. t3USINESS, 16. ADA COMPLIANCE: FACILITY IS NOT STAFFED AND N~JT NORMA.~LY OCCUPIED. l' e~w a t e r UIt~~L ~ UN T c~ ~UMMAK T, I CY- W DWG'S LIST AND NOTES ~ a o , SHt=LF_T NuVBcK Y 20TH Norse Pork Spivo American Medical Cente COD A- DWG NAVE: WHEAT/T-1 DATE: 12/3/96 329 PM W. 29TH AVE. ~ CURB BUT N89"56'OQ"E 623 623.44' 36' N o CONSOl1aATED MUTUAL NOR7H LINE LQT 1, BLOCK 3 LINE OF ~~3 WATER DISTRICT EA5EMEN7 REC. ~J 78057759 ~ EXlST'G BLDG. 104° CUT OPENING IN EXIS7'G MASONRY WALL FOR CABLE TRAY SEE DETAiL 5568 LEASE PARCEL (12" MASONRY WALL ON 3-SIDES) 2~~ 30~~ ~ 30~~ , i u ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ iFUTURE~ a N r ~ ~ ~ _ ~ - m ~ Ct w PARCEL MI ~ ~-'I O U a ° N 0 N 1 /2, E 1 ~2 OF PROPOSED GPS ~ ~ 0 o Q ~ .ANTENNA ~ ~o~r ~ , ~~ocK ~ ~R~M Z BAR SEE DTL. 561 ~ BARTH'S SUBDIVISION PARCEL I ~ ~ m ~aT 2, !3~OCK 3 ~y B,ARTH'S SUBDIVISION co ~ ~ P WR f r ~ ~ 3' - 0 x m 9. 0„ NIGH v MASaNRY W~~~ ~ EXISTING ~ ~ ~M W MANHOLE f- G, I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . b.8.e1 i ~p~ 't++~,. oa~ o z ~ ~ t ~5 8g~ ~ p.SEM~N NEW TRANSFORMER :rt -3 S~, .~a 12 ~ ~~1~.~5 t ~ ~G~ESS ~9~~~ EXlST'G PAIR 0~ ~ Z ~NGRES~N'Iti 3a~2 E CHAIN UNK GATES N c0 ~ 73.3' w w ~ yy o 0 EXISTWG CaNCRETE PAO ~ ~j p o o ~ ~ N ~ r~ ~ o ~ 22.7' 2` -3" ABOVE SIDEWALK ~ o ~j p 'v 'sn CONSTRU ~ o ~ WHEAT RIDGE CI fY OFFICES z ~ 750Q W. 291N AVE. 2 SCALE: Z /4" = 1 1 ~ 3.3 w F- . dR 1' z w o U ry R .7 s y ~ ~:~j ~ 6~ 1- N s ~ 3 .8' O ~ I ~0 28.1. z ArchitMs -Engineers, P.C. 5 ifi t . - ~t I YY i v. ~ 3091 S. JAMAICA p. SURE 200 ~ ' ~~c l.. ' ~ ~ ~~--**1 ~ i~ ~J Aurwo, CO. 90074 303.750.5999 FA% 75p.0236 N ~ 1 ° LEASE PARCEL 1 4 ~ ` TIC I a'• 125 SO.F~T', u.c. e~~cr~~c ~ ~ .1' ~ LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES ~ / O / ~ XiSTING E AND BECHTEL WER GAS G RISER ALLIANCE 3 TELEPHO~vE U.G. GAS ~ G Sf?9°56 27 W 64.94 ~ U.G. PEDESTAL a TE~EPNONE -t ~f75d0A ASPHALT ~y T z a T T 6 VERT. CURB 10~ UTILITY '4 'S¢"~ (TYPICAL) 24.2 3' SPRINT EA5E►~ENT SPECTRUM S89'S412 W 623.48 L. P. sE~ 2 a-~ PCS INSTALLATION F PROJECT 1 ~I TE P~A~I sca~~: ~ =50 -o ~ ~<F ci2~.~~, WHEAT RIDGE MUNI TOWER 7500 W. 29th AVE. ANTENNA CABLE 1 5/8" pIA. 24" MIN. BENDING RADIUS WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 E X I5 T' G W A L G 45-58-06-Y1 4. 12" LApDER TYPE OUTDOOR CABLE TRAY EQUIPMENT CUT OPENING IN EXIST'G WALL FOR CABLE TRAY AND ANTENNAS SITE. PLAN _ CONSTRUCTION P'~_;aN I DETAILS SEC;UHEU fU SLlaE3 WITH 3/8" X 7/8" HILTI CONDUIT--_-_ -INSULATED GROUNDING TYPE k SHEET NUMBER EXPANSION ~3C1_TS ! BUSHING THREADED 0-Z GEDNE TYKE HPLG ~L RACEWAY ANTENNA CABLE ROUTI DWG NAME: WHEAT/A-1 DATE: 12/3/96 320 PM t~-'~ i M vL ~ ~ ~ NW COR.. SW 1 4 at SE 1 /4 SEC. 26 T3S, R69W, 6TM P.M. W. 2 9TH R VE. i `V ClJRB CUT t 36' 1 gB.O 59 8' CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL i } WATER DiSTRtCT EASEMENT REC. # 78Q57759 r°~ S LEGAL DESCRIPTION -ENTIRE PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION - 5' UTILITY EASEMENT _ 104'- _J _ ' t . r` - rC I '~,r i~ t. ci n N i,a ~1 OG 1 ~ ~ r O U 1 b Q ~ I to ; t0 1 PARCEL PARCEL L• AN EASEMENT, 5.00 FEET IN WIDTH OVER A ~ ~ LOT 2, BLOCK 3 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION Y. J • } ~v- a ~i ~ a t0 cD M Z v r,~ t~ { = 71' '3812" I ~ R= 38.00' l= 47.51' / 13 89 p,SEM~N~ ~ ~ CND= S35'49'O6"W /~~2"`~ ~-(~(E ~ i l 1 44.48' ~5~~~~8 Sc~ ~c V~~ ~9 C+ _ ~ _ 1 ■ I'- \ - ~ I ,mss-EGR~ - ^~c ~9~. t. ~N~R~~+ N~~'3a ~ ~ v IAIVbGIVI ItitlVl:t PVVKIf7 VU VV UV tA,l A UI5IANC:t Ut Sfi.U(~ httl lU A POINT OF ~~v~.cr~n o~ vr~vnvr~rvt,~ oi;~ JGRIC.7 v M CURVE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF OVERA~I OWNERSHfP BY THE CITY OF WHEA tp 71'38'12", A RADIUS 4F 13.00 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 16.25 FEET, WHOSE CHORD RECEPTION N0. 83009860 IS A CABLE EASEi BEARS NORTH 35'49'06° EAST A DISTANCE OF 15.22 FEET TO A POIPIT OF TANGENT; ON THE ATTACHED SURVEY AS AN EXHIBIT I TFIENCE NORTH 71'3$ 12" EAST A DISTANCE OF 190.79 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00'00 00" ~GfliL.~ Vr 1 1 ~ ! n13 HttGH VYN3 IIV t.l_Ut~LU IIV 1 t"[t 1~-IEAT RIDGE. ~~i./ ~ ~ EASEMENT 1NHICH CAN NUT BE LUCATED CI~APHICAI~~.Y M EAST A OISTAPICE OF 276.97 FEET TO ~4 !'DINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE RECEP110PI N0. FQ162179 IS A FIRE LINE AG N SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID WEST 29TH AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 89'56'00" WEST AN EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT OVER THE S 1 2 ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE SOUTH RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ~ kIBIT IS I'~UT INCLUDES IN THE TITLE WC3R~C_ D= 7138' 12" (n ~ R= 13.0 ~ 73.3' w 29TH AVENUE A OtSTANCE OF 59.98 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING. MAY BE WARRANTED BY LEGAL COUNSEL. N o Q L= 16.25 tO ~ OF THIS SURVEY. Q s ~ ° ~Q co GHDa td35'49'O6"E io Q LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN - 10~ UTILITY EASEMENT cp ~j f~ aiI ~ S~ ~ 15.22' 22.7' od CV " M O O ~ i AN EASEMENT, 10.00 FEET IN V~DTH, OVER A~tD ACROSS A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3„ to 2 ~ EARTHS SUBCNYISiON, COUNTY OF JEFFERSOPI, STATE OF COLORADO, 6EING 5.00 FEET OfV °o ~ WHEAT RIDGE CITY Z Z 7500 W. 29TH A EITHER SIDE OF TFiE FO~LOV~RNG DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT A POINT 6.00 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, SAID r' a=- _ r POINT BEING QN THE EAST RIgiT-OF-WAY UNE OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD; THENCE S i~ NORTH 00'0530" WEST ALONG THE EAST RIGHT-Of-WAY UNE OF SAID WADSWORTFt ` BOULEVARD A DISTANCE OF 44.63 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING; THENCE THE Z ~ 4s. ~ 1. k FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID EASEMENT: U) r 1. THENCE SOUTH 78'05'16" EAST A DISTANCE OF 111.81 FEET; n 2. THENCE NORTH 89'56'27° EAST A DISTANCE OF 120.00 FEET; ~ L I- N 3. THENCE NORTH 00'43'56" WEST A DISTANCE OF 24.23 FEET TO ThtE POINT OF TERMINUS. H ~ 38'4443" ~ R= 260.50 N ~ L~ 176.16' O Q_ ~ GHQ= N19'25'55"W ~ 17 2.82' O Z F. N O N a la LEASE Whew Ridge PA EL 125 SQ.FT. d= 51"14'55" '~1 ~ 1 t; - '44'4 R= 40.00 M d R= 285.50' L= 35.78' o L= 193.07' CHD= N64'25'S4"W CHO= S19'25'S5"E 34.60' S00'43~54"E 189.41' S ~ 4.84' RISER I Si TE L_ ~ TELEPHONE U.G. GAS ~ ~ S89'S6 27 W 64.99' ^ PEDESTAL S89'25~44"W M t ~ ~ Crown Hill Lnke j~ . i (#7500A ~ ASPHALT 25.00' I M y TM ~u~ i T~-"_ ~ is i H Q ~ 1 ~ '0 '16 111.81 ` - m iii 10' UTILITY N89'56'27"E~ EASEMENT 1201.00' n- ~ 3 D= 517 5'03" ~o o ~0 8a 41 2 TN R= 65.00 L= 58.14' ` CHD= S64'25'S4"E r- L SCALE: 1 40' arse Park I 56.22' LEGEND Spiva FOUND PIN & CAP + y U.G. =UNDERGROUND e BOTT. = BOTTOM j LS 43 .Y _ ANT. = ANTENNA Araericn T =TELEPHONE ~k; 6.00 EAST OF SW COR. SOT 1 Y t0 O) e G =GAS 5r e-- L I S 1 4 COR. SEC. 26 r E = ELECTR4C VICINITY MAP c~•~ FOUND 2 1 /2" ALUM. CAP NOT TO SCALE ~ IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 J i BENCHMARK -ELEV. 5474.99 t .r s v z SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P. N Q SCALE: FILE NO. SWEET NO. C OORE Q 1 40" DISC 266 M I R LAND SUR VEYING W P. 0. BOX 5153, ARVADA, CO. 80005 PHONE (303) 422-1978 DA 7E- BOOK NO. 11 nF'- -9 TOP TOWER 5643.5 BOTT. ANT. 5518.8 80TT. ANT. 5529.6 BOTT. P00 5553.9 BOTT. POD 5559.3 BOTT. POD 5574.4 80TT. ANT. 5567.3 BOTT. ARRAY 5579.9 80TT. ANT. 5226.0 BOTT. ANT. 5643.5 \ GAS \ RlS it ~ TEL 5 UTILITY ` ~ ~ m ~ 5481~Q ~ ~ e RISER ?`'~N~, 81.t 2 ELECTRIC CONC. i7 ~C9 "9 SA \ N00'38~02"W PA ELS IN~E o 10.0' FENCE 4'97, ~a.o ' 81.3 N ~~8 8" BRICK WALL ~'8 X X X X --u-- ~9~T GATE ~'A~ S00'43'S4"E ~ A 8589'25'44"W Tpyr g~g;~ ~ G ~ 4.84 ~ _ _ 9.02 _1_ _ ~t 1 \ U.G. GAS G ,r \ INGRESS-EGRESS & 4 UTILITY EASEMENT ~ N --s--- U.G. TELEPHONE ~ T V N89'S6'27"E 120.O ~ 10~ UTILITY EASEMENT - ~ . - .o-. R I K N89'54'12"E 225.59' ca rn I n N U s S z SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P. Y N 0 Q C OORE SCALE. FILE NO. SHEET NO. DISC 266 MUNI R LAND SURVEYING i P. 0. BOX 5153, ARVADA, CO. 80005 PHONE (303) 422-1918 1 1 P i