HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP-97-1Architecture, Planning, Interior Design 9605 W. 49th Avenue Suite 300 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 431 8600 Fax (303) 4226341 ~~ ~~ Jan 30,1997 Meredith Reckert Planning Department City of Wheat Ridge, CO 7500 West 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith, FEB 0 3 1997 We have mailed letters inviting 102 neighbors within in the 600' plus distance from the Queen of Vietnamese Martyr Church to the informational meeting on Feb. 4,1997. I gave enclosed a copy of the letter and a copy of the map which shows the mailing area. ir'Ve obtained a list of owners of the properties from the Jeffco Assessors Office. The letters vrere mailed Monday January 27, 1997. Three letters have been re#urned indicating that the listed owners are no longer residing at those addresses. All invitations far a~nmers living alo^g Ingalls and those properties across 47th Ave from the Cl~urch property were hand delivered. We are looking forward to this meeting. She ely, Reek Architec:t for the Project ~ __ __ .: ~ - Q- ~:, ,,. ---- - ,~~ _ -- .Y~~" `~U ~'' `_" _L~-ram- ,, ~;~ ~ _ - - - -- I, ~ ~ ~' ~- ;, `I~ ~_ - _ -- - - __ -- - ~ - _ -- ~-,^~' ~ ~--~e~ sf ~h: ~.~... _.. q ,I \~ ~K~~-r Name and Address Please Print _ rox i -~a ~ (=,A L~5 T, .~-, ~ ~ ,q 2 F iJCi= ~,q[..c ~ c I, ? +.{ ~- itJ ~ ~ ?~ ~1 A rJE ~- LG~av ~ C ~1-Li - 1~,'/( (d 9S/-~i ~17,t~ ~- .~ ~ ~ d '- 1/ ~ R ~~ 1K ~ fU ~I ~ (~i/~~ '~ b I ill fA~ y ~ 7y ~ ~i ~ Q C _ ~ ~ I~~d4 /H t - .(~ `~1 ~ ~ CZIL ~ ~ ~ ?Z>VE . p ~ ~ ~o- ~~ ~; 44 ~ ~ ~, ~f ~ ~ ~~ S ~ 1 rh ~i- ~ vl ri-z-t ~ ~, r S t.[rB'l,.~F S7' ~~r ~/a~ fi da 19 u~~ N ~ b P~ ~' t~ S6 . _ ~ix~3 ~ll-tf?S f~}- P~6S~/ /<'Gf/~ ST ~A~ ,r-~7Y~r" c~G~ X33 The City o) Wheat ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Rid e Department of Planning and DEVelopment g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, ~0 80033 Phony (:~(1:~1 7w_tionn - - ApplicantQUEEN OF VIETNAMESE MARTYR;A dress 46,55 HARLAN ST. -Phone 431-0382 - Owner. ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER Addres's 200 JOSEPHINE P hone 388-4411 Location Lof request SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 47TH AVE AND HAP,LAN472SEE .AT'[gCHED .LEGAL Type of-action requested ~oheck one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception X Conditional use permit Interpretation o£ code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification - Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation 8 Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ ^ ** See attached procedural guide mineral-extraction for specific requirements. ^ Other Permit Detailed Description of request - SEE ATTACHED _ - ~__. :,_. ,vi F* i qy List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the .described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optioriee,-etc. NAME ADDRESS ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER PHONE __ _. _ _ , .-,,,,,,, ,- _,,,__dy x.200 yIOS~EPHI~VE~ ,DENVER, CO. 8020.6 „: 8-4411 Y .,.~ t ~. 'L.. + ., ... - ~. _.. _.... ate. Ewa. _ _ , c.-r ,_ - _ ,e I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true-and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application,_I am acting with the knowledge and conserit of those persons listed-above; without whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of--attorney from the owner which approved of this action o his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed a savor t t i@ d of 19 ~~ __. .~ ~ ary Publ' - -- ---- SEAL My commission expires ~-~~! ~~ Date Received ~3-/a -•- ~~ .Receipt No. ly.~/v _Case.NQ, 7500 West 29th Avenue The Cily Of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ~tCQt Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge March ]0, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for annroval of a conditional use permit and consolidation plat to allow a church and ancillary uses in the Commercial-One and Residential-Two zone districts at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 25. 1997. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: CUP-97-1Niemamese Queen of Martyrs Church LOCATION: 4615 Harlan, 4685 Hazlan, 4660 Ingalls & 4690 Ingalls REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Consolidated Plat PURPOSE.; Allow,construction of a 40,000 square foot education building (in two stories) and playground.. APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES ~ NO_ If "NO", please explain below. t w ~2.., Are service lines available to the development? ;~;•;:-.. YES / NO. If "NO", please exp]ain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES / NO_. _If "NO",please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? XES /NO_. If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concems or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect appnroval of this request? y's5wct K°7~/~°csstcr~af~i~s ~ Please reply to: Meredith Reckert 1,~ •C ft ha ~iPi,ess e~C y ~ '`'~""~ Department of Planning & Development ~~ ~ t~~.-r , W//r>~/°D /,LVtSGS DISTRIBUTION: ~ j-1Z-P7' X Water District (Wheat Ridge) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) X Adjacent City (Lakeside) X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State i,ane Ilse Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transponatiun ColoraduDiv. Of Wildlife TCI of Colorado Jeffco Health Ucpartmant. Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X Dever Water Board X WR Post Office X WR Police Department X WR Public Works X WR Parks ~ Redre:uion X WR Fatstry Division X WR Building Division C~ lU~~fll ~IDG~ fl~~ ~~O1~C1100 DISI~IC1 P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 January 29, 1997 To: Meredith Reckert Planning Department City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge Co., 80033 Subject: Queen of Vietnam Martyrs Location: Approximately 46 & Harlan St, Wheat Ridge , Co. Dear Meredith, After a review of this preliminary proposed project by Reck & Assoc., I am submitting the following information: 1. The proposed driveways do not currently meet the turn radius of the emergency equipment currently in our fleet. The distance curb to curb does not allow for the clear operation of emergency equipment within the proposed street. Suggest that architect contact the Fire Marshal Office to obtain the necessary turn radius'. He can phone 424- 7323 for an appointment concerning this project. There may be additional unforeseen issues not addressed at this time that will be addressed as the need arises. Respectfully, /~~ Dave Roberts Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District cc:file IU~~RT ~IDG~ fl~~ ~ROj~C1100 DISI~ICT P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 January 30, 1997 To: Meredith Reckert PIanning Department City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge Co., 80033 Subject: Queen of Vietnam Martyrs Location: Approximately 46 & Harlan St, Wheat Ridge , Co. Deaz Meredith, After a review of the revised proposed project by Reck & Assoc., I am submitting the following information: 1. The proposed driveways still do not meet the turn radius of the emergency equipment currently in our fleet. The distance curb to curb does not allow for the clear operation of emergency equipment within the proposed street. Suggest that azchitect contact the Fire Marshal Office to obtain the necessary turn radius'. He can phone 424-7323 for an appointment concerning this project. There maybe additional unforeseen issues not addressed at this time that will be addressed as the need arises. R<~fu11Y, /~'~~'~` Dave Roberts Fire Mazshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District e cc:file a MEMORANDUM TO Meredith Reckert Planning and Development FROM Deri Putt Police Department SUBJECT Case No: CUP-97-1 Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church 4610 Harlan, 4685 Harlan, 4660 Ingalls, & 4690 Ingalls DATE March 13, 1997 I have reviewed the plans for the above listed site. I have the following recommendations: PLAYGROUND: 1. The playground may be better located on Lot 2 or 3. Having the playground more to the center of the complex, allows for mare of a buffer zone separating where the children are playing and any pedestrian and street traffic within the neighborhood. Moving the playground places the children in an area where there will be the potential for more observation by the adults. A relocated playground to lots 2 or 3 is a more effective psychological barrier to undesired users not associated with the church and related church activities. Strangers and undesired users will be less likely to intrude onto the playground. 2. There should not be any 6' solid fencing around the playground as indicated on the site plan, (south side of the playground). This provides concealment and obscures the view to the playground by the adults using the complex. 3. The landscaping surrounding the playground should be minimal and care taken to ensure maintenance of the plants to provide clear and unobstructed observation to the playground. LANDSCAPE: 1. All trees to be trimmed of branches up 6'-8' from the ground to allow for natural visual observation from surrounding areas to the parking lots and building. 2. All shrubs and bushes mature height to not exceed 36". This height reduces the risk of persons hiding. It also allows for natural visual observation onto the property both for the parking lot and building. 3. Plants/landscape immediately next to the buildings should be low-growing ground cover, not to exceed 18" mature height to allow for maximum natural visual observation and eliminate concealment for potential offenders. 4. There should be minimal landscaping immediately next to parking areas and sidewalks. Landscaping near vehicle and pedestrian areas often raises the perception of criminal activity. 5. Ground cover should not include rock material. Rocks can be used to break windows in the buildings and cars. BUILDINGS: 1. The building finish should be with an anti-graffiti paint or sealant. Although the expense is initially greater, the ease in clean-up often outweighs the initial cost. 2. It is unknown from the plans were the buildings have entrances and windows. Prdvided that there are several entrances and windows that would allow for consistent observation of the parking areas normal users and traffic, the parking layout appears to be adequate. If there are places around the buildings that do not allow for observation, the parking areas should be reconfigured to reduce the risk of criminal activity to persons and property. 3. From the site plan, it is difficult to review the interior layout of the education building for crime prevention recommendations. FENCING: 1. Any solid privacy fencing/walls should be avoided as they provide cover and concealment, raising risk and-fear of crime. Fencing should be constructed of material or in a manner that allow s for observation through. Material or a design such as wrought iron provides visibility and discourages/prevents climbing over. 2. Fencing and privacy walls should be sealed or finished with an anti-graffiti paint/sealant to aid in the ease of clean up. SITE: 1. During construction, the property should be clearly posted with "No Trespassing" signs. This may help deter trespasses, and allow the Police Department to cite offenders with the crime along with any others offenses that may be committed by trespassers. 2. What is the development plan for lots 2 and 3? Are they to be left empty for future development? If they are to be left vacant, the land should be cleared of all debris and the bushes and trees kept trimmed as recommended above. 3. It is unclear from the site plan how the "No Access" to/from Ingalls St. in the cul-de-sac will be controlled. Is this by a physical barrier such as fencing or landscaping? LIGHTING: 1. Exterior lighting around the buildings and in parking lots should be a minimum of 1.5 candle minimum maintained. This will provide for brightly lit areas that discourages criminal activity due to the illusion/perception of observation and recognition. 2. Interior halls of building should be lit with a minimum of three foot candle minimum maintained. Brightly lit accesses and passage ways, discourage criminal activity due to the illusion/perception of observation and recognition, thus giving a higher sense of security for the normal users. From these plans, I have no further recommendations at this time. Revisions in the plans, may alter my recommendations. t Y While my recommendations do not guarantee acrime-free environment, it has been experienced that application of the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) will reduce the opportunity for crime to occur and will enhance the quality of life. Thank you. Deri ~ ' k. 7500 West 29th Avenue T/tC Clry Of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Rll~ge Mazch 10, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for aRprova] of a conditional use permit and consolidation plat to allow a church and ancillary uses in the Commercial-One and Residential-Two zone disfricts at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 25, 1997._ No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: CUP-97-(/Vietnamese Queen of Martyrs Church LOCATION.• 4615 Hazlan, 4685 Harlan, 4660 Ingalls & 4690 Ingalls REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Consolidated Plat PURPOSE: Allow construction of a 40,000 square foot education building (in two stories) and playground.. APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a I. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES\` NO If"NO", pteasz explain below. t 2., Are service lines available to the development? ;- s;- YES NO _If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES_~ NO. If "NO", please explain below._ 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES_~ NO_ If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there y c tcerns or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Q c~.P c~ Please reply to: Meredith Reckert _. ,_, Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Wheat Ridge) X Sanitation Disrict (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) X Adjacent City (Lakeside) X Public Service Co. X US West Communicatipns' State Lane Use Commission Slate Geological Survey Colorado inept. Of Trunsponatiun ColomdoDiv. Of Wildlife TCi of Colo:ado .icffw Health Department .ieffw Schools Jeften Commissioners X Dever Water Board X RJR Post Office '~'P:Piiitc`~ Di:pa~fnogt X WR Public Works X IUP. Parks tX Recreation X WR Forestry Division X N'12 Building Division MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II FROM: Greg 'Knudson, Development Review DATE: March 12,.1997 SUBJ: 4615, 4685 Harlan Street & 4660, 4690 Ingalls Street, Vietnamese Queen of Martyrs Church/CUP-.97-1 The Public Warks Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated March 10, 19.97 for-the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. We will need a final drainage report. 2. We will need. engineered street construction-drawings for those public improvements proposed along the Harlan Street, West 47th-Avenue and Ingalls Street frontages.. ,_ 3. We will need an engineered_ access plan showing the existing _ islands, and the proposed access dimensions-and configurations-- on Harlan Street and West 47th Avenue. 4. In conjunction with item 2, an itemized cost estimate, -- compiled by the project's consultant civil engineer, will . need to be submitted for the proposed-public improvements.. -_ 5. An acceptable form of guarantee (letter of credit, escrow) will need to be submitted for review and approval for the - proposed public improvements. 6. A Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit will need to be processed. Iri conjunction with this permit an erosion control plan may need to be submitted for review and approval. 7. We will need .all relevant legal documents, for review and approval, concerning the proposal to consolidate this property. cc: Glen-Gidley, Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File MEMORANDUM Approved _ Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner j FROM:. Gary Wardle, Director o£ Parks and Recreation ~ ~// RE: Conditional IIse Permit, 4615 Harlan DATE: April 3, 1997 On Wednesday March 19,.1997 the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the Conditional Use Permit £or 4615 Harlan Street Vietnamese Queen of Martyrs church. One of the uses proposed is a new playground. The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested this playground be kept open to the residents of the neighborhood. The City does not have any park facilities in this neighborhood. __ This playground would. provide a place for the children in this neighborhood. This was approved_by the Parks and .Recreation Commission 7 in favor and l opposed. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City Of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ~1elCl Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge March 10, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request forToproval of a conditional use permit- _ and consolidation plat to allow a church and ancillary uses in the Commercial-One and Residential-Two zone districts at the- , property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 25. 1997. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: }- Y-I ietnamese Queen of Martyrs Church ~~*,- ' LOCATION.' 4615 Harlan, 4685 Hazlan, 4660 Ingalls & 4690 Ingalls REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Consolidated Plat PURPOSE: Allow construction of a 40,000 square foot education building (itt two stories) and playground.. APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a I. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? , YES NO tf "NO", please explain below. 2„ Are service lines available to the development? ,:: ;; _, ; a . YES NO . If "NO", please explain below. 3. Doyouu have adequate capacities to service the development? YES- NO_ If"NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency sen•ice this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES- NO If"NO", please explain below. _ _ _ 5. Are there any concerns or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply toi Meredith Reckert _ _ _ _ _ _ Depatttnent of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X Wa[erDistrict(WheatRidgeJ~ X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) ~ X FireDistrict(WheatRidge)i X Adjacent City (Lakeside) X Public Service Co. X liS West Communications State Lane Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation ColorndoDiv. Of Wildlife X'fCtofColorad~ ~ .1e17co I~calth Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X Dever Water Board X W R Post Office ~ X WR Police Department X WR!'ublicWorks- X lVR 1':uks R•. Rccreatiat- X WR 1'nresiry Division X WR Building Division . 7500 West 29th Avenue 7'{ZC Clly Of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge Mazch 10, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for~proval of a conditional use oermit and consolidation plat to allow a church and ancillary uses in the Commercial-One and Residential-Two zone districts at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 25. 1997. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections o; concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: CUP-97-1/Vietnamese Queen of Martyrs Church ~OCATION.• 4615 Hazlan, 4685 Harlan, 4660 Ingalls & 4690 Ingalls REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit attd Consolidated Plat PURPOSE: Allow construction of a 40,000 square foot education building (in two stories) and playground.. APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? ~ YES NOS. df "NO", please explain below. /.~'yp,~,,,,,~; 2Eco eat;-~ ,eta ~„cep t~p~cA,~ f-~e~ /K~Ew J~kD.tAwc: ~EQul.CEIJ C,Lk orite.cs f7e..e.e>-~ 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES X NO If "NO", please explain below, 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES aC NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES X NO. If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X WaterDistrict(WheatRidge) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) X Adjacent City (Lakeside) X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Lane Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation ColoradoDiv. Of Wildlife TCI of Colorado Seffco Health Department Jeffco Schools 3effco Commissioners X Dever Water Board X WR Post Office X WR Police Department X WR Public Works X WR Pazks & Recreation X WR Forestry Division X WR Building Division ~~ ~i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on April 3, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: I. ,Case No WZ-97-6• An application by Good Times Drive Thru Inc., for Walter R. Morris for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development final development plan. Said property is located at 4020 Wadsworth and is legally described as follows: Lot 1, Currier Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2. Case No MS-97-1 • An application by Edmond Schaeffer for approval of a three (3) lot resubdivisian on property zoned Planned Residential Development located at 3500 Parfet Street. Said property is legally described as follows: Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Schaeffer's Planned Residential Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3. Case No CUP-97-1 • An application by the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Parish for the Archdiocese of Denver for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church and ancillary uses in Residential-Two and Commercial-One zoned districts and for approval of consolidation plat for properties located at 4615 and 4685 Harlan Street, 4660 and 4690 Ingalls Street. Said properties are legally described as follows: Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 2 RO-CHAN SUBDIVISION, City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado, and, A parcel of land located in the NW 1/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the SEl/4 NE1/4 NW 1/4; thence Westerly along the South line of said SEI/4 NEl/4 NW 1/4536.15 feet, more or less, to a point 125.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of said SE1/4 NEl/4 NW 1/4; THENCE, Northerly parallel with the West line of said SEI/4 NEI/4 NWI/4 319.48 feet more or less, to the South line of Lot 7, Block 1, RO-CHAN SUBDIVISION; thence Easterly at an angle of 90° to the right and along the South line of said Lot 7, Block 1, RO-CHAN SUBDIVISION 118.25 feet to a point of intersection of said South line of Lot 7, Block 1, RO-CHAN SUBDIVISION with a curve whose radius is 46.00 feet and which is concentric with the turnaround at the South end of Ingalls Street as shown on the recorded plat of RO-CHAN SUBDIVISION; THENCE Easterly along said concentric curve a distance of 80.12 feet to a point; thence Easterly at right angles to the West line of ~r ~ ~ ~~ Public Heazing Press Release Public Hearing 4/3/97 Page 2. said SEl/4 NE1/4 NWl/4 125.00 feet; thence Northerly on an angle to the left of 90° a distance of 42.58 feet to the South line of Block 2, RO-GRAN SUBDIVISION; thence Easterly on an angle to the right of 90 ° and along said South line of Block 2, RO-GRAN SUBDIVISION projected to the East, a distance of 224.67 feet, more or less, to the East line of said SEl/4 NEl/4 NW 1/4; thence Southerly along the East line of the SEl/4 NEl/4 NW 1/4 381.66 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, Except the east 30.00 feet thereof conveyed to Jefferson County by deed recorded in Book 1184 at Page 298. Mazilyn Gunn, Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript ' - 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado The City of Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 March 21, 1997 ~~ Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. CUP-97-01 which is a request for annroval of a conditional use to allow a church and ancillary uses in Residential-Two and Commercial-One zone districts and for annroval of a consolidatin plat for property located at 4615 & 4685 Harlan St. and 4660 & 4690 Falls St, will be heard by the Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION in the Council Chambers of_ the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 P.M. on April 3.1997, All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the PLANNING COMMISSION. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thankyou. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City'° ~. ~ ° George & Treva Schrade 6190 W. 47 Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The D Mai 4410 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ronald Mahoney Ronald Sweet 6055 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Victor W. Lewis 6075 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Robert & Ruth Howard 4695 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Clarence & Fiola Palcic 6145 W. 47th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Evazist & Alice Haselhorst 4610 jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Andrew Bragger 4670 Jay St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Raymond Girardo Marilyn Woelfel 125 Iroquois Dr. Boulder, CO 80303 Joseph. Oney 11828 W. Jewell Dr. Lakewood, CO 80228 Rev. Bartltolemuel Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church 4655 Harlan St. _ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 FSM Lakewater LP c/o Sevo Miler, Inc. 5801 W. 44th Avenue Denver, CO 80212_.. Frances L. Sawyer 6095 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO .80033 Glenn & Yvonne Kruk 7485 La Quinta Ct. Littleton, CO 80124 Rebecca J. Parrington 4685 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jimmie Archuleta Josephine Flores 4680 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Virgil & Kathi Vigil 6141 W. 47th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Hany Haliw 4660 Jay St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Robert Hilsenroth 7986 S. Vincennes Way Englewood, CO 80112 Glenn & Yvonne Kruk 6145 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lakeside Office Ltd. C/o Donald Cook Dpc. Dev. Co. 7000 E. Belleview Avenue Greenwood Village, CO 80111 John McGuire Archdioces of Denver 600 Josephine Street _-_ Denver, CO 80206 Betty A. Riley 6175 W. 46th Avenue Wheat. Ridge, CO 80033 Albina C. Talbot Kathleen R. Brown 4630 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Royal & Florence Wiltse 4665 Ingalls St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. _ - Richard & Kathryn Woodard 4620 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lloyd & Faye Caudill 6095 W. 47 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Richazd Wanczyk 4645 Jay St. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 Boris Klein 867 S. Grape St. Denver, CO 80222 w 4aTH nve ~---~ S $ ~ R F R K A I $ ~ R i ~ 4 g ~ R R R R R o o - s ._o Y Y I u w i i nr r r r r ~~ I r r i r r n r i i t r ~.~ . , R-3 ' W 4'lTH •~ .e R ~ ° W8 3f~R, ~. 3 RI ~ ~ $ n ,a15 ~ "~ 3~ eI _a.__.J~ ~t I h s IB "s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ a ~' a ~I ~ ~~ e~ e m ~ e e e W d4.TH AVE - _ -- . MARTENSEN ELEM. SCHOOL _ ~ iZ-2 3 R 8 e - - ' a L ~ ~ ~ ~ R w asTH Ave $ S $ $ $ ,~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ m -3 R-G t ~-G w ro ~~ SU6~ ~ R ~ $ e a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ 3 I el e m S m R m o °`5~~- R~ I ~ I !"-f-1 ~" T-T-1 1 Tf-1 I T I~"t' ~ i i i r'r r O~~I C~ ~"' - -ZONE DISTRICT~BOUNDRY z O~ I N 6 M~~ PARGEL/LOT BOUNDRY I - I j~ D /~' (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIPI Y~I I~~~ ICI DIJ~ -~-~~'=CITY LIMIT LINE COLO~f~DO DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES MAP ADOPTED: J~rne 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 19, 1996 ~ ~ ~i ~ ~i~~ i ~ ~ ~ = I Ul ~.. -T~' 46 HA ., ~° ~ G-I F N N N „ W gg v( ~ p< a ~/~ o ~ Y e°I V / . ~ Q ~ I W 45TH hVE ~~ q oN L~' ~ ~ ~~ u s ~ ea s use S I 4aeo aa)6 ~ aaeD ._ . . 7~- 4~x~ ~ ~ ~yY g ~ ',~ m SUB ~ ~+ E.. ~ G_ R- E 410 - `„ _ ~ a "s` ~~~ w a4Tr+ nve n T1 I T I `I Y Y ~ I Noe1N o w rm aw xo 4L0 - - - - - SCALE I'-1,00 ~~ARTMENT OF PWJWNS )Jm DEVB_OPMB~R -235-1b52 -- _ - W;S\PLANNTNG~~.6S\idW24 Mon td~r 10 15:36:31 9997 ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ assD 4510 ~$j 430D `~ ~ a' ~i ~ ~ n _~ ~ ~ $ J Y ~ "~ S ~ ~ q 3 ~ n q d W 45TH AVE i ' Lakeside Office Ltd c/o. Donald P. Cook Dpc Development Co. 7000 E. Belleview Avenue Greenwood Village, CO 80111 The D. Mai 4410 Jay Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Kenn Wm. Feldman 6265 W. h Avenue Wheat Ridge, 0 80033 F ank and Barbara West 620 45th Avenue Wheat Ri 0 80033 'chael and Angela Gleiforst 62 .45th Place Wheat ge, CO 80033 Crai and Marjorie Arnot 6280 .45th Place Wheat Ri e. CO 80033 uise M. Hazlewood 458 y Street Wheat Ri CO 80033 FSM Lakewater L. P. c/o. Sevo Miler, Inc. 5801 W. 44th Avenue Denver, CO 80212 ~oH~ Nic u-er~ rchdiaces of Denver /o Properties and Real Estate Department 00 Josephine Street Denver, CO 80206 Lucille Mcf 6235 W. 4 Wheat Ridge, M R. Sack 6200 45th Place Wheat Ri _ , CO 80033 Ca n Linville Larry erson 6260 W. 4 Place Wheat Ridge, 80033 Monic o Villalva 4590 Jay eet Wheat Ridge, O 80033 Dona and Mary Davis 7623 fV land Street Arvada, 80003 Dana Razee 4540 Jay et Whea dge, CO 80033 Ted De Lescins 4520. Jay Sure Wheat dge, CO 80033 Peter A. tehr 4515 ails Street t Ridge, CO 80033 Lawrence W. well 45351ngal treat Wheat ge, CO 80033. Pedro and~ann Flores 4595 In~~ga°Ils Street Whea~Ridcae. CO 80033 Herbert G. 1~! Fflitehead 4510 Ing,,,,~~Hs Street WheatRidge. CO 80033 Authur Lorenz` Helen Mari stet 4530 Ing Its Street Whe~t~`Rid4e, CO 80033 Eugene and C ene McGee 4530 Jay et Wheat ge, CO 80033 Thomas an ary Rudnick 4500 J treet Whe Ridge, CO 80033 James an ebra Bowie 4525 I ~ alls Street Whe- Ridge, CO 80033 Lucille Vo Intel 4545 In Is Street Whe idpe, CO 80033 James and Ki erly Ducey 6448 Lak e Court Littl~o , CO 80033 Larry and Jeff Morehouse 45201ngall treet Wheat R' ge, CO 80033 Housing Aut~o~ty of Jefferson County 1445 Ho~afid Street Lakewood. CO 80215 Jacqueline .Anderson 10725 6th Avenue Whe idae. CO 80033 Ronald Mahoney Ronald Sweet 6055 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Frances L. Sawyer 6095 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Betty A Riley 6175 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James Ma en Slusser 6385 W 5th Place Whea idge, CO 80033 Mildred M. Haman 107 Will Creek Parac te. CO 81635 Carl and M an Frodine 6305 Avenue Wheat dge, CO 80033 Boris Klein 867 Grapes rest Den er', CO 80222 Victor W. Lewis 6075 W. 46th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 r ,,: ` Glenn and Yvonne Kruk 7485 La Quinta Court Littleton, CO 80124-8979 Magorie ulton 6365 .45th Place t Ridge, CO 80033 Mike and Julie = is 6380 W. 4 th Avenue Whea idge,.CO 80033 Zachary and ri Blanchard 6330 W.4 Avenue Wheat ~ ge, CO 80033 William 6285 W. ~raine Rouch Avenue CO 80033 f Ina L. Clark 6265-W. 46 Avenue Wheat Ri e, CO 80033 Jeanne Lyann S ith Gerald Duane rutsch 6205 W. 46 Avenue Wheat Ri qe, CO 80033 Edward- G. Oliver Michelle L. A ~ re 6230 W. 46 Place Wheat R' ge, CO 80033 Donald and el Presse 6280 W. 4 Place Wheat dge, CO 80033 Maurice and oraine Gribble 6320 W. 4 Place Wheat R' cae. CO 80033 Elmer and Irene cMillai 3850 Garriso treet Wheat Ridg_ , CO 80033 Glen and Jun . Fry 6245 W. 46tJ~ Place Wheat R~~ e, CO 80033 No forwarding dress Phil J. Taylo 6235 W. h Avenue Wheat edge, CO 80033 Rose M. Stro 6200 W. 46,t Avenue Wheat R~.d'ge, CO 80033 ~.. '' Jerimy Alle ox 6260 W. th Place Wheat ~ ge, CO 80033 Kay L. Ed .ards 6300 W~6th Place Whew= Ridge, CO 80033 Richard orge Wanczyk 4645 y Street Wh t Ridge, CO 80033 IVo forwardi address William an ebra Cherrette 6235 Wth.Place Wheat. idae. CO 80033 Karl and Ker Berryman 6255 W. 4 Place Wheat Ri i ge, CO 80033 Eva Kiss Sofia Specht 6265 W. 46 lace Wheat Ri . e, CO 80033 Marilyn K. ~~afid Judson H Lightsey 1850 S. ~s6unty Road 29 Lovel d, CO 80537 Beverly 6230 W Wheat F Jesus Ag 4675 Jay Wheat Ri Avenue CO 80033 CO 80033 Raymond B Girardo Marlyn W Ifel 125 Iroa is Drive Boulder CO 80303 Andrew and S ley Bragger 4670 Jay Str et Wheat Ri . e, CO 80033 Dixie C. Linde 6370 W. 47 Avenue Wheat R~ ge, CO 80033 Alice B. Waltg~ 6240 W. 4,~~th Avenue Wheat f~ic~ge, C® 80033 Gavin and~llian Wilson 6220 IIV~,~'''47th Avenue Whea Ridge, CO 80033 Anna C. Talbot Kathleen R. Brown 4630 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Harry and Lillia alive 4660 Jay Str t Wheat Ri e, CO 80033 Raul Herna ez 4680 Ja treet Whe idge, CO 80033 Santos M and P gy J. Barraza Robert and Ruth Howard 4690 Jay Stree 4695 Ingalls Street Wheat Ridge, O 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Rebecca J. Farrington 4685 Ingalls Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Royal and Florence Wiltse 4665 Ingalls Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Patrick and K Brine Clark 6235 W. 47 Avenue Wheat Ri oe. CO 80033 Freddy D. 6215 47tY~ Wheath u No forwarding Robert ahd 6155 W.47t Wheat Rid. CO 80033 Cath ine Langdon h venue CO 80033 expired) Clarence F. And Fiola 0 Palcic 6145 W. 47th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Bradley an Carol Hughes 6160 W. th Place Wheat id4e, CO 80033 Robert Hils roth 7986 S. ncennes Way Engl ood, CO 80112 Jimmie Martin Archuleta ' Josephine Ann Flores 4680 Ingalls Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Andrzij and T esa Strzeszewski 6225 W. h Avenue Wheat edge, CO 80033 Dennis and Ro Williams 6205 W.4 Avenue Wheat dge, CO 80033 Tammy L. Wie Matthew G ilonas 6151 .47th Avenue Wh Ridge, CO 80033 Willard an onnie Dunn 6100 .47th Place Whe Ridge, CO 80033 George and Tr a Schrade 6190 W. 47 Place Wheat Ri _ e, CO 80033 Rita Jane Rolins 6210 W. 47th PI Wheat Ridge, O 80033 Ruth and Ken Mondragon 6230 W. 47t lace Wheat Ri e, CO 80033 Ross Smith d Harry Hipple 6215 W. 47,t Place Wheat Ri ge, CO 80033 Authur and rgaYet Rencehausen 6185 W. 4 Place Wheat ge, CO 80033 Robert and 4210 S. Ya wine Salazar Court 80235 Convenience Eleeti-onics Corp. 4509 Harlan Stet Wheatridae. 0 80033 ,y Richard and Kathryn Woodard 'i 4620 Jay street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 `- Patrick and Sh Rogers 6220 W. 47 lace Wheat R~fd e, CO 80033 Stanley E. ~S~iokes 6240 W.~47th Place ~nmPat.Ridae. CO 80033. Harold J. and race Hardesty 6195 W. 47 Place Wheat R' ge, CO 80033 Ronald and ephanie Sanders 6115 W. th Place Whea idae, CO 80033 Donald and argie Seyfer 4501 Harl Street Wheat _ edge, CO 80033 Evarist and Alice Haselhorst 4610 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Virgil H. and Kathi A. Vigil 6141 W. 47th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 and Faye Caudill W. 47th Avenue at Ridge, CO 80033 Robert Joseph I ~ 14253 W. Cen r Drive Lakewood~CO 80228 E~ ~~ Nangnoi Ubo~barn 7174 W. 38th Avenue Wheat~Ridge, CO 80033 a,.~ L James R. Tru 8725 Wadsworth Blvd. Arvada.=GCO 80003 Joseph and Falizia'Oney P.O. Box 250'133 Lakewo~ CO 80226 4 Floyd and Frances~Arevalo 6247 W. 63rd Avenue Arvada, C0,.80003 .~ ~, Marilyn Joan Eby 6355 W:'47th Avenue Wheat~Ridge, CO 80033 (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1)Situs:4670 JAY ST ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3763 0008 APN :39-242-08-007 Assd Land:$2,190 Use :SFR County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$8,230 Date:01/05/93 B1dar:1000 MapLoc:16-H* . Zone: Total Val:$10,420 Doc#:1532 Rooms: /4 /1 RTSQ :69W03S24NW Lot Size : Sale:$86,500 Story:l Pool: 69W03S24NW Subdiv:RO CHAN 1stTD:$86,500 Yrblt: Owner :BRUGGER ANDREW Phone303/467-9884- - Own2nd:BRUGGER SHELLEY A Mail :4670 JAY ST; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3763 C008 2)Situs:4660 JAY ST ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3763 0008 _ APN :39-242-08-008 Assd Land:$2,190 Use :SFR County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$7,370 Date: B1dar:1025 MapLoc:16-H* Zone: Total Val:$9,560 Doc#: Rooms: / /1 RTSQ :69W03S24NW Lot Size : Sale: Story:l Pool: 69W03S24NW Subdiv:RO CHAN 1stTD: Yrb1t:1952 Owner :HALIW HARRY J M Phone:303/424-9362 Own2nd:HALIW LILLIAN S Mail :4660 JAY ST; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3763 C008 ` ` 3)Situs:4645 JAY ST ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3762 0008 APN :39-242-09-034/01 Assd Land:$2,190 Use :SFR County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$7,110 Date:07/03/90 B1dar:1062 MapLoc:16-H* Zone: Total Val:$9,300 Doc#:58528- Rooms: / /1 _- RTSQ :69W03524NW Lot Size : Sale:$82,000 Story:l Pool: 69W03524NW Subdiv:DUDYMOTT 1stTD: Yrb1t:1951 Owner :WANCZYK RICHARD GEORGE Phone:303/421-4893 Own2nd: Mail :4645 JAY ST; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3762 0008 4)Situs:4640 JAY ST ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3763 0008 APN :39-242-08-009 Assd Land:$3,280 Use :DUPLEX County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$9,940 Date:08/25/94 Bldar:2138 MapLoc:16-H* Zone: Total Val:$13,220 Doc#:156934 Rooms: / /2 RTSQ :69W03S24NW Lot Size : -Sale: Storya Pool: 69W03S24NW Subdiv:RO CHAN 1stTD: Yrblt: Owner :GIltARDO RAYMOND B Phone:303/494-5672 Own2nd:WOELFEL MARILYN /EA Mail :125 IROQUOIS DR; BOULDER CO 80303-4213 CO15 S)Situs:4675 INGALLS ST ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3758 0008. APN :39-242-08-002 Assd Land:$2,190 Use :SFR County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$7,520 Date:03/27/87 B1dar:1538 MapLoc:16-H* Zone: Total Val:$9,710 Doc#:44723 Rooms: /3 /2 RTSQ :69W03S24NW Lot Size : Sale:$72,000 5tory:1 Pool: 69W03S24NW Subdiv:RO CHAN 1stTD: Yrblt: Owner :HILSENROTH ROBERT Phone: Own2nd: Mail :7986 S VINCENNES WAY; ENGLEWOOD CO 80112-3333 C024 » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guazanteed « (C) 1996 TRW RED! Property Data 6)Situs:4601 HARLAN ST ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3626 0008 APN :39-242-16-006 Assd Land:$4,230 Use :SERVICE STATION County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$16,910 Date:02/08/95 BIdaz:1721 MapLoc:16-H* Zone: Total Val:$21,140 Doc#:F14354 Rooms: / / RTSQ :69W03S24NW Lot Size :A0.33 Sale: Story: Pool: 69W03S24NW Subdiv:CARPENTER 1stTD: Yrblt: Owner :KLEIN BORIS Phone: Own2nd: Mail :867 S GRAPE ST; DENVER CO 80222-2331 C029 7)Situs:6005 W 47 AVE ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3604 0008 APN :39-242-00-004 Assd Land:$4,220 Use :APARTMENT County:defferson CO Assd Imp :$16,890 Date:10/28/94 B1dar:9440 MapLoc:16-H* Zone: Total Val:$21,110 Doc#:94172033 Rooms: / / RTSQ :69W03S24NW Lot Size :A0.41 Sale:$164,200 Story: Pool: 69W03S24NW Subdiv: 1stTD:$164,200 Yrblt: Owner :ONEY JOSEPH D Phone: Own2nd:FALIZIA A Mail :11828 W JEWELL DR; LAKEWOOD CO 80228-4433 C064 8)Situs:6145 W 46 AVE ,WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3737 0008 APN :39-242-16-002 Assd Land:$3,280 Use :DUPLEX County:Jefferson CO Assd Imp :$5,180 Date:03/07!91 Bldaz:988 MapLoc:16-H* Zone: Total Val:$8,460 Doc#:20011 Rooms: /3 /2 RTSQ :69W03S24NW Lot Size : Sale:$70,500 Story:! Pool: 69W03S24NW Subdiv:CARPENTER 1stTD: Yrblt: Owner :KRUK GLENN R Phone: Own2nd:KRUK YVONNE B Mail :6145 W 46TH AVE; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3737 0008 » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data ul O a ttl ..0 m m yo r~ S 0 a flJ m m o- ~ -~ -_ _ - - - POSTAGE ~ 'ENbE - ~ I also wish to receive the RETURN 1 r_EomPlete items 1_antl/or 2 for additional services. sROw ro w+IGM following services (for an extra fee): RECEIPT apORESS OF oEL .Print your name antl atltlres-s_on tbe_[everse_of thislcrm~JltaLwesanJeturn this rartl -- - OERTIFIEDFEE+ tam' 1. ^ AddfeSSee'S AddreSS SERVICE -Attach this farm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back H space Coes not permit. 2. ^ R25tflCfed DBIIVBr TOTAL POSTAGE t -- - - Y ' ~ tta¢ttbeariicf¢-uastleliveredantl the date tleliveretl. 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Service Type -_- Y'-YAK _ ^ 5~ ,txi ~3~33 -• ~ cA1P-97-pI - - ---__- - -- ~ CERTIFIED a ___wv -- - - - ~ , .DER: - ' ®I~so wls Ti serve the I 0 owm9 services or an extra fee): PosTaGE T ftipt your name and atltlress on the reverse of This tam so chat we can return this caN _ RETURN GHOW ro wt+oM, [: ag03' 1. ^ Addressee's Address RECEIPT ' o' ^_~' ^~n~, ehadci _ ace_tloes_not permit- ADDRESS OF Ditu - ~ ra Lsp 2. ^ Restricted Delivery - fl.l SERVICE OERTIFIEO FEE -R6 ~ The Return R¢Ceipt will show t0 Wham the article was Bali eretl a r ~EOnsult postmaster for fee. O IDTAL PosmGE A Article tlressed to:. - _ _ -- ---- - &a._Arlicte...Number ~ SENT TO: °rvGTFpR -P 963 362 102 >: .n" ~ ~- ~457~T c`&ij.' ~„ ° . i 4b. Service Type m ~ 's3'est i,.:~~, ~3 :;'733 4&70 Ja ~w' m ~ y~~~ ~ ~ CERTIFIED ~`~.~uA / (SSl ~` . _ _ _ 7. Da f Delivery q 5. Received By: (Print Name) S. Addressee's Address PS FORM 3800 UF- 6. or ~_... --- - - -- ---- _ _ -_P,S`F'ORM3 1~Janua~y,1996 .~ - ,,,polnesticF f . 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Signature: dd~eJ~see: s.PSA FORM 3811,Ja Y1996 ~--.-------- -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: April 3, 1997 DATE PREPARED: March 18, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: CUP-97-1IQueen of Vietnamese CASE MANAGER:'~redith Reckert Martyrs Catholic Church ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and ancillary uses. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4615 Harlan, 4685 Harlan, 4660 Ingalls & 4690 Ingalls NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Parish 4655 Harlan Street Wheat Ridge, CO NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Archdiocese of Denver 200 Josephine Denver, CO APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.486 acres (Residential-Two zoned property) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial-One and Residential-Two PRESENT LAND USE: Church and ancillary uses, vacant. SURROUNDING ZONING: N: R-3; S: C-1, RC-1, R-2; E: Lakeside; W: R-2 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: multi-family, low density residential; S: low density commercial; E: commercial; W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: neighborhood commercial/low density residential DATE PUBLISHED: March 14 DATE POSTED: March 20 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: March 21, 1997 RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (X) ATTACHED ()NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER (X) CASE FILE 8 PACKET MATERIALS ( )SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church I. REQUEST Page 2 The applicant requests approval of a conditional use permit to allow expansion of a church and ancillary facilities into aResidential-Ttivo zone district. The Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic church has established itself into acampus-type facility with multiple buildings on multiple properties. The properties with structures include 461.1 Hazlan Street and 4660 Ingalls Street, however, their ownership also includes land located at 4685 Hazlan Street and 4690 Ingalls Street. Both of these parcels aze currently vacant. The current facilities consist of three buildings on the southern C-1 zoned portion ofthe property (4615 Harlan Street) and the rectory which is the southernmost dwelling on the east side of Ingalls Street (4660 Ingalls Street) with Residential-Two zoning. An "outlot"just south of the rectory is used as gazden area. The buildings on the commercially zoned property are as follows in accordance with the attached site plan: Building A (6800 squaze feet) Building B (9600 square feet): Building C (2400 square feet): Education building Sanctuary with current capacity of 800 Meeting Hall There aze rivo curb cuts on Harlan Street which provide access. A 6' high chainlink fence with slats surrounds the property on the west and south sides. This fence ne[ds to be repaired in some places which could become a condition of approval. A church is a permitted use in the Commercial-One zone district regulations. II. PROPOSED PLAN The applicant proposes an expansion onto the vacant R-2 zoned land to the north and northwest of the current facility. Because the property functions as a "campus", Staff requested the existing property be included in the review for expansion. Please refer to E.e}tibit `B' which is the applicant's explanation of the proposed plan. Attached under Exhibit `C' is a traffic destination survey of membership based on zip code. A 21,00 square foot education building is proposed for the northern lot (4685 Harlan Street). The structure will be 35' high and will have potential seating capacity in the auditorium of up to 1200 persons for Holy Day masses. The parking requirements for a church are based on the seating capacity in the main assembly area at a rate of I space for every 4 seats. Required parking for the entire campus is 300, where 323 are provided. Included in this count are 12 handicapped spaces dispersed around each buildings and overflow parking behind the rectory. An additional entrance onto fire property is provided from West 47th Avenue running south behind the new education building. The City will require a 5' right-of--way dedication for 47th Avenue which has Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church been reflected on the site plan. This curb cut will be limited to right-hand turns only exiting the site. A "no left toms" sign and a raised median will be required. The construction of an additional lane will be required from the curb cut east to the intersection with Harlan Street. A playground will be constructed on the R-2 zoned property at the southeast corner of 47th and Ingalls Street (4690 Ingalls). A specific landscape plan for the property must be submitted and approved prior to construction. A four foot high chainlink fence will enclose the property on the west and north sides. The applicant is working with the neighbor to the south regarding fencing and buffering. Staff would recommend that the pathway from the playground to the east intersecting the drive aisle be moved north to align with the exit door from the education building. A crosswalk should be used across the drive aisle. Only one dumpster is shown for the entire campus, that being on the north end of the new education building. This dumpster needs to be enclosed with a 6' high view obscuring fence. Staff would recommend that the service spaces adjacent to the dumpster be lengthened to avoid service vehicles from blocking lanes on 47th Avenue. Other dumpster locations with screening need to be shown on the plan. A 300 Square foot addition is proposed for the Building C on the south parcel. Regazding circulation on the south, Staff has recommended stop signs be installed to the west of Building B and that the northern curb cut on Hazlan be limited to right turns out. The installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk will be required along the Ingalls, West 47th Avenue and Hazlan street frontages of the currently vacant property. There is existing curb, gutter and sidewalk running along Harlan Street south from the vacant lot. For the Residential-Two zoned property, building coverage proposed is X3.2% with landscaped coverage at 49.4% and parking and other hard surfaces comprising 17.4% of the site. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 4, 1997. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert -staff Steve Nguyen -staff Tont Reck -applicant Jolut McGuire -applicant Vi Pl><~ttn -applicant Anton Nguyen -applicant Louis Ha -applicant Becky Harrington - 4655 Ingalls Robert G. Howard - 469 Ingalls Planning Division Staff Report Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church Vi and Clazence Palcic - 6145 W. 47th Avenue Fay and Lloyd Caudill - 6095 W. 47th Avenue Kathi and Virgil Vigil - 6141 W. 47th Avenue Josephine and Jim Archuleta - 4680 Ingalls The following concerns were expressed: Page 4 * The amount of traffic generated from the site and potential increase with the expansion * Whether r-o-~v dedications and improvements would be installed along West 47th Avenue. It was pointed out that 47th Avenue "bottlenecks" to the west of Ingalls Street * The fact that the Hazlan/W 47th Avenue intersection, although signalized, is. offset and whether there would be any improvements to this intersection? * Whether there is adequate fire service (hydrants) and fire access * How many people attend mass? Is the applicant expecting a lazge increase in memberships? * Whether there would be any on-street parking along 47th Avenue * Whether there were any plans for a pazochial school on the property? * Height of the new building * Whether the City has any traffic accident counts in this vicinity? * How would installation of a playground on the corner of 47th and Ingalls affect property values in the area? * Concern for noise generated by the playground. Would the playground be fenced? Would it be open to the public? What aze the liability issues if it is open to the public? * Buffering along western property line * Whether a crosswalk button would be installed at 47th/Hazlan intersection? * Construction time? (Approximately 8 - 9 months) * Whether it would be possible to limit the turning movement at the 47th Avenue curb cut? (no lefthand turns) * Concern regazding the amount ofsemi-tractor/trailer traffic through the neighborhood * Whether the Ingalls Street cul-de-sac would ever be opened to the south (there is a 1' spite strip azound the bulb which prohibits this from happening) IV. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regazding the criteria used to evaluate a conditional use permit Y. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The proposed conditional use will allow the expansion of an existing use. Because vacant property will now contain a playground, parking and drive aisle and a building almost 35' in height, it would be naive to assume there will be no affect on the neighborhood. Whether this affect will be detrimental on the health, safety, welfare and convenience ofpersons in ttie neighborhood is subjective. There will be Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church traffic entering and exiting the site from West 47th Avenue, which will have an impact on traffic in the neighborhood. The new playground will be available for public use which should have a positive affect on the area. 2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. The new structure may impact the amount of light and air to the property located directly to the west (Archuleta residence at 4680 Ingalls). The other t~vo properties most directly impacted belong to the church. Air and water pollution should not be a factor. There will be noise generated by children using the playground. 3. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Neighborhood Commercial on the C-1 parcel (461 Hazlan) and on the R-2 parcel to the north (4685 Harlan), and as Low Density Residential on the lot 5 fronting on Ingalls. Please refer to attached exhibit `D'. A church and associated ancillary uses are typically thought of as being consistent with and complementary to a low density residential neighborhood. As such, Staff concludes that if the R-2 zoning remains in place, there is consistency with the low density residential designation on the western portion of the property (4690 Ingalls). The existing C-1 zoning on the southern portion of the property is consistent with the Neighborhood Commercial. However, if the_R-2 zoning on 4685 Hazlan Street is inconsistent with the Neighborhood Commercial designation on the northeast piece, it stands to reason that this portion could be rezoned commercially. Staff concludes that the current proposal (R-2 zoning with an ancillary church building) is more appropriate and compatible regarding zoning and land use than a true commercial designation and use. It also provides a land use transition from a commercial-type structure of the east along Hazlan to the playground and low density neighborhood to the west. 4. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The internal circulation on the existing site is very poor with undefined driving aisles, conflicting traffic movements and poor parking arrangement. Staff has required a revised circulation plan which will help alleviate internal traffic congestion and potential hazards. In regard to traffic off-site, the new plan will add a new access point to the property from West 47th Avenue with no left turn movements, add additional lanes at the 47th/I-Iarlan intersection, upgrade the existing two curb cuts on Harlan Street and provide public improvemehts along the Ingalls, 47th Avenue and northern Harlan Street frontages. Based on this, Staff concludes that potential traffic congestion and hazards on and off-site will be mitigated as much as is possible. Planning Division Staff Report Page 6 Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church ~. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. All minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance have been met or exceeded regazding setbacks, height, parking, landscaped coverage and buffering. Because the structure is so massive (21,500 squaze feet with 35' of height), Staff would recommend shifring the building as faz east as possible (at least S). Buffering could than be increased along the west side of the drive aisle to 47th Avenue with upright landscaping installed in this azea and west of the overflow parking. Where possible, mature trees on the property should be saved. There is an existing 6' high solid fence on the east and north sides of the property to the west not owned by the church (4680 Ingalls Street). The applicant is negotiating with the owmer regazding any additional fencing requirements. 6. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All responding agencies can provide service to the property with certain upgrades. Appropriate on and off-site traffic improvements should accommodate any increase in traffic on surrounding streets. There should be no negative impact on parks in the azea as the church is providing their own recreation anlenity with the playground. There will be a public benefit to the neighborhood as the playground will be available for public use. V. AGENCY REFERRALS Public Works will require a drainage report and construction plans for public improvements along Harlan Street, West 47th Avenue and Ingalls Street. They have suggested stop sign locations on the southern property for internal circulation purposes. They will require a 5' r-o-w dedication for 47th Avenue and an additional lane for left hand turns at the Harlan intersection. The curb cut on 47th will be signed for no left turns and a mountable island will be required. The northern curb cut on Hazlan should be limited to tight-outs only. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District will require relocation of a hydrant on Hazlan Street. Slight modifications aze needed for some internal curb radii. Wheat Ridge Water District will require relocation of a hydrant on Harlan Street. Anew hydrant will be required on Ingalls. Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed this request at their meeting in March. They requested the playground be available for public use. Planning Division Staff Report Page 7 Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church VI. STAFF CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Although the proposal is inconsistent with the Neighborhood Designation from the Comprehensive Plan for a portion of this property, Staff concludes that the proposal is more desirable than a true commercial use at this location on Harlan. Staff concludes that the conditional use evaluation criteria support approval of the request. Because the proposal provides a land use transition from a more intensive use along Harlan to the playground and low density neighborhood to the west, a recommendation of Approval is given with the following conditions for the site plan: 1. The existing fence on the westem property line of 461 Harlan Street be repaired where needed., 2. The curb cut onto West 47th Avenue be limited to right turns only with a sign posted and a mountable median installed., 3. An additional travel lane be constructed from the curb cut on 47th to the Hazlan Street intersection., 4. The pathway to the playground be moved north to align with the reaz exit door of the education building and that a crosswalk be installed across the drive aisle., 5. All dumpster locations be shown with appropriate screening., 6. The vehicle service azea spaces off West 47th be lengthened to avoid vehicles from blocking travel lanes in the street., 7. The new building be shifted as far east possible (at least S) so the landscape buffer along the west side of the reaz drive aisle can be widened., 8. Internal stop signs be installed in front of Building `B', and, 9. The northern curb cut on Harlan Street be limited to right-out turns only. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. CUP-97-1, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and ancillary uses on properties located at 4615 Hazlan Street, 4685 Hazlan Street, 4660 Ingalls Street and 4690 Ingalls Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is more desirable than an additional commercial use along Harlan Street., 2. The evaluation criteria supports approval., 3. It provides a land use transition from the more intensive use along Harlan Street to the playground and low density neighborhood further to the west. With the following conditions: 1. The existing fence on the western property line of 4615 Hazlan Street be repaired where needed., 2. The curb cut onto West 47th Avenue be limited to right turns only with a sign posted and a mountable median installed., 3. An additional travel lane be constructed from the curb cut on 47th to the Harlan Street intersection., Planning Division Staff Report Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church Page 8 4. The pathway to the playground be moved north to align with the rear exit door of the education building and that a crosswalk be installed across the drive aisle., ~. All dumpster locations be shown with appropriate screening:, 6. The vehicle service area spaces off West 47th be lengthened to avoid vehicles from blocking travel lanes in the street., 7. The ne~vbuilding be shifted as faz east possible (at least S) so the landscape buffer along the west side of the rear drive aisle can be widened., 8. Internal stop signs be installed in front of Building `B', and, 9. The northern curb cut on Harlan Street be limited0. to right-out turns only. Option B: "I move that Case No. CUP-97-1, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and ancillary uses on properties located at 461 ~ Harlan Street, 4685 Harlan Street, 4660 Ingalls Street and 4690 Ingalls Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. w 4811 AVE - 8 1 +$ n 1 i 3 In $ g q "9 X o ~~ ~ $ o $ ~ R 8 S $ ~ $ I $ 3 $ ^<~ g g ^ 3 7 ~ a ~ d .g $ .R , -~ ~-'~ L~K vi ev R 5 $ A $ ~i $ ml R ~ $ $ of ^I ~ R ~ $ „1 $ "i i a a ~ ~ ~~ 8 I~ $ Ri ^ ~~ ~ R 2 $ ~ R 3 le 8 «I •R $ ~ Hcs Ht5 a x ~ 3~ H]5 a W H0.5 D w n4rr n. _ ~ R ~ X' S a It` x ~ = ~ S R~ G- ~ ~ R-G' ~ ~ i r-r~ 1----rte-~ I r~-~ I r~-~ I r----tom-1--r~ I r~- O~}~I *~I I/~~~~( D -ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY ZONING I " I J~ I - PARGEL/LOT BOUNDRY '.IJ~ /~ (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) - YVI I~T~T RI DG~ -~-~•--CITY LIMIT LINE COLORt~DO DENOTES MLLTIPLE ADDRESSES MAP ADOPTED:.lnc 15, 1994 Laat Revision' Sep+em6er 19, 1996 W W Q J - w 44rH nvc ~ - ._. ... T N lnl 24 ~~ noRm o w wo so aoa .oo - SCALE I'~400 c~ne]rexr cx at,wuus AXJ-De~s_cwrlevr - zas~asl _ -. - - - - - _ - - -- Reck and Associates Architecture, Planning, Interior Design 9605 W. a9th Avenue Suite 300 Wheat Ridye, Cobrado 80033 (303) 4318600 Fax (303) 42206341 ~~ ~~ March 5, 1997 Planning Dept. City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado The Queen of ~ethamese Martyrs Parish of the Archdiocese of Denver wishes to submit f'or a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to develop a Community Center and Educational Center to be located on an undeveloped tract of land at the southwest comer of Harlan and 47th Avenue. The building will be adjacent to the existing Rectory, Sanctuary, Meeting Hall and Education Buildings of the Parish. Tha new facility will house a 10,000 square foot meeting room with performance platform, administrative offices, 200 seat chapel and 30 classrooms. A kitchen will be placed adjacent to the meeting room. The Meeting Room is planned for social and instructional functions of the Parish and Holy Day Masses. Dinners, wedding receptions and similar affairs seating up to 800 people at tables will be held evenings and Saturdays. The performance platform which is part of this room is designed to accommodate non professional plays, children's performances, musical groups etc. which are supplemental to the social activity of the main room. Holy Day Masses said during four periods of the year. (Christmas, Easter, New Years and Labor Day) presently held in the Sanctuary will be held in this room because of the high attendance at these services. The room will seat 1200 people for these occasions. ~~ Daily Mass will be said in the Chapel. Seating will be approximately 200. Services are held normally at 6:00 on weekday and Saturday momings. These services are currently held in the Sanctuary. Small weddings will be held in the Chapel. These will normally be on Saturday momings and attemoons. The second floor will be used for the Religious Education Programs of the Church. Currently the programs are held in the small building near Harlan which was originally a savings and loan office. Twenty-eight to thirty classrooms will be built. Each classroom is designed for about 20 children or adults. The educational program is strictly for religious education. A full time school program is not planned nor is a day care facility. A day care facility is not possible because the classrooms are above the first floor. Building and Fire Codes prohibit these uses into facilities other than ground level spaces. A small playground of 9600 square feet is planned for the lot at the comer of 47th Avenue and Ingals Street. This will be used for the younger children in the youth program. It will be used after the Sunday morning 10:00 Youth Mass, normally from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This lot will be fenced with a four foot high metal vertical picket fence which would be predominately open for security reasons and to provide a more open park like setting for the neighbofiood. The fence will protect the children from straying oft the property onto the streets. The playground will have both hard and soft surfaces, landscaped, and with play equipment appropriate for younger children. We believe that this facility will be a pleasant feature for the community, appropriate for use by young children of the neighborhood. The small size should limit the number of children to no more than 40 children and that to only about three hours a week. 47th Avenue will be widened. The Parish will dedicate 5 feet of its property along the south side of 47th Avenue from Ingals to Harlan. They will build a curb and gutter with an attached sidewalk along 47th and southward aloud the west side of Harlan to the existing curb, gutter and walk. The existing facilities of the Parish will remain and will be used much as they are used today. Religious services on Saturday evening and Sunday momings will be held in the Sanctuary. The Meeting Hall in the southeast comer of the property will be used for storage. The kitchen will be removed. The small building along Harlan will be used for offices The priest will continue to live in the present rectory. The offices presently in the rectory will be transferred into the new building. ~~ Since a predominance of the parishioners live outside the immediate neighborhood, most traffic to the site comes from the I-70 Harlan interchange and departs to the same intersection. The majority of cars entering the site will use the two improved existing accesses along Harlan. Leaving the site has been difficult for all northbound traffic as the median strip in Harlan precludes left hand turns from the south exit. All northbound traffic must leave by the northern Harlan exit .Anew ingress/egress drive will be built along the west side of the new building which will provide access to 47th Avenue from the church's property. This drive will allow the north bound exiting traffic access to 47th Avenue and to the traffic light at the intersection of Harlan and 47th Avenue. We thank you for your consideration of this request for Conditional Use Approval. We strongly believe that this new facility will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in any way and request that you approve our CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Sincerely, i % ~ Tom Reclc, Architect Representing Queen of Vetnamese Martyrs Parish Enclosure: Application for Conditional Use cc: Rev. Bartholomew I.,at yette ~~ -_~ ~ r tsngnton ~-°'°~'~' ~~ ~ 't.... --. 0' - 25 J6 IAllISVllle ___ I _ m ~ m ~~` ` o .,,-~ . I ~ 74 I T ~~ 3 a5 I _ ,~ B~oomh ~ 5 38 - --. j 6 ° 1 1 `° I;uin Ave 3 v 128 _ ~ ` 1 hlh'~~" N rthg enn Tho to 1 ` ~ g] idtdylrar> 1 L~nulf4 I t I ^i RI IOdfn AvC I ~ ~ Wet t r g -° -- 1 1 r ' I I I ~. m p ~ ` a. ~ esm Ave .~ ? v4 I 1 I~e9,DtY 1 ~ ,°, Bdm Ave 1 lnrernnri°un! I i `~, sonA14 m LL Cq rce ty ~~:v ~ ~ nirr><~rr I ~ > Muuufain o I 1 q Arvada ~ ~ ¢ I m n,.r',,,d I I ~ t l c° o ]gnu Ave '" I I to Ave __ HaIS:_on qtl 3 '~ o ,¢t o I yo g ~ E 1 ~ 'n ¢ ~ ' ~ 6 ~ ~'d ~ I 5Gm Ave U ~ ~ _ . - _ I °' o a 0 C I c m v°O ° ~7 ° $LlJdNnrl I S S 70 O ,,,fir ~ ~' illlgl u . \\ I 59 ,n ddl ve o °m ~ ve qc` r rryvv ° \ oo y VI o a ~ U ~ ~~ a 70 y h Ca°en a° ~ m C°r1a.11 A f ~ E Cola. Ave a '~~` 1 Golden ~rO' e e - :~ t 61v Ave ^ w ; on Av yy ; > L lXJ ^' ~l ~ 70 e ° _ = urora ~ 1 6 gFoo 7U _ ,.. <`,s AlampQa 1 ° YS ~ ~e 0 E Mrss~ss~oo~ Ave 133 ' s' Jewen ave `~ ' S 1 N° ~ ~ Eva~~s Ave 2 ,spP En W Od \ E udr ave 1 \ 77 ~~ aT° W Ita r ien Amp ~ I Morrison erI ; t Hamu°e, ve riamo°en Ave ! a me ° m o I berry -. _ / YI C w H1115 Cre'rk`~ ~ Ou~ncy Ave ! - `d7o w a` o Bow MarE Benev~ew av Srap '° ~Ot ' E °~`» " --~ lnuelonelva ReCrfrr(rWr ~~ yhrr 1 u, Y ; Bowies Ave ?w a Litt eto ARV 1 .fl 9° I .- enwoo V ila e 1 ~ 1 47 Gnat Mme Va ,~' Mauanoe Ro 29 crvrrrl„~,,,, , _~ nan~em m m Argrurf i ,r Count Lne Hu \\ ~ ~' i i - - a .d7 If m U - m Pa, ,~ ° A ° rf a a,rlrl,l•r,r ~ ~ ~ ~ Smrr r l~.fr,„r;,,,, Highlan s Ranch i ( Arcn n < < l!1 • C 3 1 ~ 25 n\, B3 Coo ~ HS ~~ CONGREGATIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS QUEEN OF MARTYRS VIETNAMESE CHURCH _ ,-:-_ _ ~~ 8F / \ _ i~Jeighborhood ~.ornmerual - _ __ Low Deneity Resideni'i~al 3 W. tl~~ 1 .... r-,ri i ~j J { L ~~~ R-3 ~ r~i r RI-3 R +~~ ~~ ~n/ ci u ~,., n..,., rna cay or Wheat Ridge ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Department of Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Ave.,-Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303). 237-6944 ApplicantQJEEN OF VIETNAMESE h1ARTYR~ 0~-mer a4CHDIOCESE OF DENVER WALT WOSTENBEP.G Location of request Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions. listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change of zone or zone conditions D Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit ^ Flood plain special exception X Conditional use permit Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision - Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary Miscellaneous plat. Final Solid waste landfill/ _ LJ ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request SEE ATTACHED List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER 200 JOSEPHINE DENVER, CO 80206 388-4411 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested actior._cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed SEAL Date Received S 19 ~~ ry Publ My commission expires -l.L~?' "~j~ Receipt No. (~S(oU Case No. ,4655 HARLAN ST. Phone 431-0382 _Address 200 JOSEPHINE Phone 388-4411 DEM/ER, CO. 80206-4720 -- CORNER OF 47TH AVE AND HAP,LAN SEE ATTACHED LEGAL tl~ ~I! it i i I a T>-f 11' IT~f T~1T~-~TTITf Tf I'I ~E~~~ ~ ~ a~ o+ ii t o ~ ~ n Ole ~ :y y W m ~^ , ~ G =i S:.°o v c~ ?; ® ~ ~ b ~ s ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~~ ", -.n'g J. .A t ~ V ~ ~ f W o ~~pp ~~pp 61 tJ~AN c~aaNin°i p =S~ ~ N ~m~m a®m~ ~ ~m~m" m ~, a x ° `~ oQ. a Z E J ~` Y D QUEEN OF VIETNAM MARTYRS CHRCH •FlAT R®OE, COLORADO NC~,4L~8 STfiz~ET N 1 >m )X 3t~ _~ i ~ £~ I~ 'z W I a - ~- a ~ ~ ja z . m -~- N I ~ -~ ~ --N- I~ ~° ~ I ~ LI .~' I I ~ ~_ n ~ X13 OA ~ ~ m -+ m m - O ~r m z p -+ N ~ o -~ N I~ z m - 0 n y ~ ~ _ _.. I r-U7 z O ~~Dm~ m~~ I ~ ~ O ~ m ~ '~(o "E X05-4~`•. I I r- Xl D }w}~ V • l]~ V` J ~~ N I ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ rn i i i i i \~~ `~ (i~ N EIS o Y J J i~ i u NXI ~ ~NI DPI 3 ~ripl ~I m~ i i i ,r ~ --.- --- --- - , ~r~~ ~~ ~~'~D b~ ~?~-~ ~~ - ~v m `~ °~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ 9 k ©~ NA9'004 DI W' TfTI I~IT~h'1"1'1TITf 1 QUEEN OF VIETNAM MARTYRS CHRCH MItEAT RRtOE, COLORADO E .aA D I iEk-~ i-ICit'r' ~ ~' Reck and Associates Architecture, Planning, Interior Design 9605 W. 49th Avenue Suite 300 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 4318600 Fax (303) 422-6347 ~~ ~~ March 5, 1997 Planning Dept. City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado The Queen of Vetnamese Martyrs Parish of tPie Archdiocese of Denver wishes to submit for a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to develop a Community Center and Educational Center to be located on an undeveloped tract of land at the southwest comer of Harlan and 47th Avenue. The building will be adjacent to the existing Rectory, Sanctuary, Meeting Hall and Education Buildings of the Parish. The new facility will house a 10,000 square foot meeting room with performance platform, administrative offices, 200 seat chapel and 30 classrooms. A kitchen will be placed adjacent to the meeting roam. The Meeting Room is planned for social and instructional functions of the Parish and Holy Day Masses. Dinners, wedding receptions and similar affairs seating up to 800 people at tables will be held evenings and Saturdays. The performance platform which is part of this room is designed to accommodate non professional plays, children's performances, musical groups etc. which are supplemental to the social activity of the main room. Holy Day Masses said during four periods of the year. (Christmas, Easter, New Years and Labor Day) presently held in the Sanctuary will be held in this room because of the high attendance at these services. The room will seat 1200 people for these occasions. Daily Mass will be said in the Chapel. Seating will be approximately 200. Services are held normally at 6:00 on weekday and Saturday mornings. These services are currently held in the Sanctuary. Small weddings will be held in the Chapel. These will normally be on Saturday mornings and afternoons. The second floor will be used for the Religious Education Programs of the Church. Currently the programs are held in the small building near Harlan which was originally a savings and loan office. Twenty-eight to thirty classrooms will be built. Each classroom is designed for about 20 children or adults. The educational program is strictly for religious education. A full time school program is not planned nor is a day care facility. A day care facility is not possible because the classrooms are above the first floor. Building and Fire Codes prohibit these uses into facilities other than ground level spaces. A small playground of 9600 square feet is planned for the lot at the corner of 47th Avenue and Ingals Street. This will be used for the younger children in the youth program. It will be used after the Sunday morning 10:00 Youth Mass, normally from 11:00 AM to 1:QO PM. This lot will be fenced with a four foot high metal vertical picket fence which would be predominately open for security reasons and to provide a more open park like setting for the neighborhood. The fence will protect the children from straying off the property anto the streets. The playground will have both hard and soft surtaces, landscaped, and with play equipment appropriate for younger children. We believe that this facility will be a pleasant feature for the community, appropriate for use by young children of the neighborhood. The small size should limit the number of children to no more than 40 children and that to only about three hours a week. 47th Avenue will be widened. The Parish will dedicate 5 feet of its property along the south side of 47th Avenue from Ingals to Harlan. They will build a curb and gutter with an attached sidewalk along 47th and southward alond the west side of Harlan to the existing curb, gutter and walk. The existing facilities of the Parish will remain and will be used much as they are used today. Religious services on Saturday evening and Sunday mornings will be held in the Sanctuary. The Meeting Hall in the southeast corner of the property will be used for storage. The kitchen will be removed. The small building along Harlan will be used for offices The priest will continue fo live in the present rectory. The offices presently in the rectory will be transferred into the new building. ~~ Since a predominance of the parishioners live outside the immediate neighborhood, most traffic to the site comes from the I-70 Harlan interchange and departs to the same intersection. The majority of cars entering the site will use the two improved existing accesses along Harlan. Leaving the site has been difficult for all northbound traffic as the median strip in Harlan precludes left hand turns from the south exit. All northbound traffic must leave by the northern Harlan exit .Anew ingress/egress drive will be built along the west side of the new building which will provide access to 47th Avenue from the church's property. This drive will allow the north bound exiting traffic access to 47th Avenue and to the traffic light at the intersection of Harlan and 47th Avenue. We thank you for your consideraticn of this request for Conditional Use Approval. We strongly believe that this new facility will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in any way and request that you approve our CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Sincerely, y/ /._ ~~ " ~-~r~ Tom Reck, Architect Representing Queen of'~etnamese Martyrs Parish Enclosure: Application for Conditional Use cc: Rev. Bartholamew ,..~.. Louisville ~/( ~__.. _- - ~..` N m o v 74 °~ q m 12UIh Ave S` -~~ ,~ ..y.........~ ,~ ~i 28~ ! ~____~~ 1 1Cllcrs[»I '•~ Rpid~y Flab I Cnunlu I ~ AiryUrf 1 We ~ ~ S 1 12 tirnnrllcvl G+AC ~, _ "14 1 ~ 801h Ave ~ n Arvada th Ave ~ RaI51pn Rtl 1 I I ~ i 1 °' i ~ o ~ 1 CO O O ~m Golden t OeN Ave BBIh Ave 1 '~ ~ I Brighton ' .__ .O T-- .__. -. -~~ .~ 38 ~ F/B/T ~G ~ I 1 ~ z 64 ~ I 1 I I I Ufll UPr 1 lnlenmfiunal ~ f,' Rocky • i ; AirF+nrl , Mountain ¢ 1 p Arsenal u, I 1 ~ ~ 5 " `~ ~ U ~ 1 1 ~ 61h Ave v ~ _ _ _ w SfairlClnrr o • a nal r a - . V • lrlxlr _ m • , h E Collar Av_e a ~ 1 W t > 1 Av v 1 = urora ~ 2 I - c. 1 n'eda 1 ~ - E MissiSSippi Ave 1 1' E n.n Ave ` `~ / 7 30 1 1 ~ Hdmptlen Ave 1 t hersy _ _ / Crefk~~l ~ Owncy Ave 1 $IafC `~ v `SM ° + 1 1 Rerrcaliar ~'n yv"p 1 ArNa 1 .9 v''o 1 ~ Vlla a 1` I Qw4'n+ria! u I Airyvrl ~~ \ 1 ' ~ ~f- . "~ e o _ 2$ ~ m a 6 a~~ ~j / P O ' ~ f ors a " Ala v ~ Jewell Ave 13 3 25 `~ spo `~d En ew od Evans "ve a ~o W Ha i.tlen Aue erl ; E Hampoer v y uintl o cD n m \ ; rr} Hills ', {n7o ~ , x t a o BOw Mdr$ eeuev~ew Av £ o' 3 -_ UtOelo n 61Vtl y ~ 3 BOwIeS Ave QG Lit a eto G -- , reenwol ~4 Coal Mine [i 7 ~ - - . 4' ~ 29 Arapahoe Rtl ~ m m Par I' J u, v ~ o ~ i f CGnfJirld j srarC ~ i ~_l I Hi plan j Rcrrealinn g s Ranch ( Arta 1 ) fl l y ( & } y e~ ~ 25 n ( 7 n ~ 83 - C BS ~ '_ ~ \ CONGREGATIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS QUEEN OF MARTYRS VIETNAMESE CHURCH 66 --- 7 E'x-H ~,Bl T ' D ` ~leigh{~nrhood ~.ommercial Low Density Residentieal r 1 ~ 3 ~ ~- rN • cr yrt-+ Svc.. C~aS~ l~l~. W ii~~~-9~--2 ~leighborhood Commercial Low density Residentie~l J • ~~~ ~~~ PUBLIC FIEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: CUP-97-1 DATE: April 3, 1997 REQUEST: A public hearing to consider approval of an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Parish and ancillary uses in a Residential-Two zone district for properties located at 4615 & 4685 Harlan and 4660 & 4690 Ingalls, City of Wheat Ridge. osmon on equest Ple se h c k ,~-; 4 / x.6.3 ~' f ~G~~ ~ ~+?taS 'Sz" S lto~4,~u ~ZL ~' f2+~"K~ ~fb? y./~ ~® ~~ fn Y"~-ate- ~ °I ~ifL t? E i 1 Planning Commission Minutes April 3, 1997 Page 4 5. Lot 1 be restricted that no fence will be installed in the drainage easement area as illustrated on the revised plat, and, 6. That Tract A will be dedicated to the City of Wheat Ridge." Motion carried 6-1. Commissioner SNOW voted against this proposal because she feels that any wetlands, no matter how small, aze a valuable asset to the City and that the City should not approve the fill. The three approved lots could be built upon as they are. There aze numerous lots in the surrounding azea of the same size of 75' frontage and 9,000 feet. Director GIDLEY stated that this is a major issue as it relates to the rights of property owners. The Supreme Court decision in the Dolan Case requires consideration of public restrictions on development to the extent that there aze certain public benefits derived from regulation. If it is to become policy of the City to regulate wetlands to the extent that no development whatsoever could ever occur, the City needs to seriously look at the possibility of acquiring such wetlands or at least the rights to those lands as it relates to development. C. Case No. CUP-97-1: An application by the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Parish for the Archdiocese of Denver for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church and ancillary uses in a Residential-Two zone district for properties located at 4615 and 4685 Harlan Street, 4660 and 4690 Ingalls Street, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ms. Reckert passed out a memorandum from Pazks and Recreation and presented an overview of this case and entered into the record, overheads and slides which provided colored azeas designating the different zones involved on this property. The church has established itself into a campus type facility with multiple buildings on multiple properties. Currently there are three existing buildings on the southern portion of the property zoned Commercial-One and the pazish house and rectory aze located on Residential-Two zoned land. There is a six-foot high chainlink fence with slats in need of repair that surrounds a portion of the property. Because the church has multiple buildings and zonings, Staff requested review of the total site for access and pazking. Appropriate pazking including handicapped requirements and access are being proposed. Ms. Reckert stated that the exit on 47th Avenue will be limited to right-hand turns only and that Staff is recommending that it be signed as no left-hand turns and there be a raised median constructed. Staff is requiring that the appropriate number of dumpsters and screening from view be added to the plan. In addition, internal signing is being recommended to control traffic flow within the complex. Public improvements will also be required for curb, gutter and sidewalk as well as appropriate percentages of landscaping. Ms. Reckert relayed that a neighborhood meeting was held on February 4, 1997, with good attendance. Much of the discussion included traffic and vazious other potential impacts on the neighborhood such as fire access, number of membership, would there be a membership drive planned, on-street parking, height of the building, would the church be expanding into a parochial school (which there aze no plans at this time), installation of the playground, noise, fencing, would playground be available for public, construction times, etc.. Ms. Reckert provided information of the criteria used to determine appropriate Planning Commission Minutes Apri13, 1997 Page 5 use of this proposal and found that it is within limits and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Public Works Department will be requiring a drainage report and construction plans for the public improvements. Discussion took place regazding the City right-of--way, lengthening of the parking spaces, the playground vs traffic, dumpster placement, buffering, landscaping, fencing, building heights, and installation of a crosswalk to the playground. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tom Reck, 9605 West 49th Avenue. Mr. Reck provided information regarding the use of each of the existing and new buildings, overviews of access, traffic flows, the playground, and stated objection to the norther curb cut on Harlan Street being limited to right-out toms only. Mr. Reck stated that this church draws attendance from all over the metro azea as it is the only Vietnamese catholic church available. Mr. Reck has had discussion with area property owners and relayed that there appears to be no opposition to the proposal. A question was raised regazding the opening of Ingalls. Mr. Reck stated that there is a restriction from doing that due to a one foot strip being in place which is not owned by the church. This strip was placed there when the property was originally platted so that there would be no access from Ingalls into the church property. He also reviewed his summary of the affect of traffic flows and access. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in The Mai, 4495 Harlan. He supports the proposal. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Anton Nguyen, 6634 Kendall St., Arvada. He supports the proposal and would like reconsideration ofthe right-out only tom requirement. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Dr. Robert Hilsenroth, 4675 Ihgalls Street. Dr. Hilsenroth stated he had a couple of concerns including who owns the spike strip on Ingalls Court and asked that it be checked. He stated he owns a property at 4675 Ingalls and does not want Ingalls opened. He believes that it will devalue his property. He questioned the squaze footage of the prior IHOP building and was advised it was approximately x,000 with the new building having 21,000 squaze feet. He stated that he believed that even though it had been stated that there was no anticipated growth, he felt there would certainly be some especially in light of the fact that this is the only Vietnamese Catholic Church in the metro area. He wanted to point out that the older children aze actually using the col-de-sac area which he did not have a large problem with, however, his main concern was the playground area. He stated that he views the future as providing a preschool and has objection to this use and wants to know what guarantee he has that this will not occur. Director GIDLEY stated that this could happen as an accessory use by the church. Dr. Hilsenroth stated that he felt that when he goes to sell his property he feels it will be devalued. He does not concur with the playground or possibly preschool/day care use. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Clarence Palcic, 6145 W. 47th Avenue. He wants to support the proposal, however, he felt that speeding was a problem in 47th Avenue and requested speed bumps be installed to handle current and future traffic. He further stated that vehicles do not abide by the stop sign Planning Commission Minutes Apri13, 1997 Page 6 at 47th and Jay Street. Director GOEBEL stated that he would fotwazd this complaint to the Police Department. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Robert Howard, 4695 Ingalls. He stated that in the 1950's it was established that Ingalls Street would never be opened. He further stated that he did not have a problem with what the church was proposing, however, he was concerned about the width of 47th Avenue. Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner GRIFFITH seconded, "that Case No. CUP-97-1, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and ancillary uses on properties located at 4615 Harlan Street, 4685 Hazlan Street, 4660 Ingalls Street and 4690 Ingalls Street, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It is more desirable than an additional commercial use along Hazlan Street, ?. The evaluation criteria supports approval, 3. It provides a land use transition from the more intensive use along Hazlan Street to the playground and low density neighborhood further to the west. With the following conditions: 1. The existing fence on the western property line of 4615 Hazlan Street and along the south side of the property be repaired where needed, 2. The curb cut onto West 47th Avenue be limited to right turns only with a sign posted and a mountable median installed, 3. An additional travel land and appropriate stripping be constructed from the curb cut on 47th to the Hazlan Street intersection, 4. The pathway to the playground be moved north to align with the rear exit door of the education building and that a crosswalk be installed across the drive aisle, 5. That additional dumpster locations be shown with appropriate screening, 6. The vehicle service azea spaces off West 47th be lengthened to a length prescribed by the Planning Department to avoid vehicles from blocking travel lanes in the street, 7. That the new building be shifted as far east as possible (at least 5 feet) so the landscape buffer along the west side of the rear drive aisle can be widened, 8. Internal stop signs be installed in front of Building `B', 9. That Ingalls Street may not be opened for vehicular traffic even if the church acquires the spike strip, 10. That the playground be opened for neighborhood use, 11. That the mount requested by the Public Works Department be dedicated along 47th Avenue, 12. The northern curb cut on Hazlan Street be limited to right-out turns only." Motion carried 7-0. CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO_-'~CCIP=9'1= C LOCATION: 4615 & 4685 Harlan St. 4660 & 4690 Ingalls St. APPLICANT(S) NAME: Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Parish OWNER(S) NAME: Archdiocese of Denver REQUEST: To allow a church and ancillary uses in a Residential-Two zone district. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.486 Acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, Case No. CUP-97-1 Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner GRIFFITH seconded, that Case No. Cup-97-1, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and ancillary uses be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It is more desirable than an additional commercial use along Harlan Street. 2. The evaluation criteria supports approval. 3. It provides a land use transition from the more intensive use along Harlan Street to the playground and low density neighborhood further to the west. With the following conditions: 1. The existing fence on the western property line of 4615 Harlan Street and along the south side of the property be repaired where needed.. 2. The curb cut onto West 47th Avenue be limited to right turns only with a sign posted and a mountable median installed. 3. An additional travel lane and appropriate stripping be constructed from the curb cut on 47th to the Harlan Street intersection. 4. The pathway to the playground be moved north to align with the rear exit door of the education building and that a crosswalk be installed across the drive aisle. 5. That additional dumpster locations be shown with appropriate screening. 6. The vehicle service area spaces off West 47th be lengthened to a length prescribed by the Planning Department to avoid vehicles from blocking travel lanes in the street. 7. That the new building be shifted as far east as possible (at least 5 feet) so the landscape buffer along the west side of the rear drive aisle can be widened. Cenificate of Resolution Page 2 Case No. CUP-97-1/Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church 8. Internal stop signs be installed in front of Building `B'. 9. That Ingalls Street may not be opened for vehicular traffic even if the church acquires the spike strip. 10. That the playground be opened for neighborhood use. 1 I. That the mount requested by the Public Works Department be dedicated along 47th Avenue. 12. The northern curb cut on Harlan Street be limited to right-out turns only." VOTE: YES: Williams, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Shockley, Snow, Griffith, Thompson NO: I. Maril}~n Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by an 7-0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 3rd day of April, 1997. Harry Williattts, Chairperson Marilyn Gunn, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANN[NG COMM[SSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ^ F 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~- WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax 4 235-2949 May 9, 1997 Tom Rack Reck and Associates 9605 West 49th Avenue Suite 300 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mr. Reck: The City of Wheat Ridge This letter is in regazd to your application for approval of a conditional use permit for the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church at 4615 and 4685 Hazlan Street. This case was reviewed and approved by Planning Commission at their April 3, 1997 meeting. A recommendation of Approval was made with the following conditions: 1. The existing fence along the western property line of 4615 Harlan Street and along the south side of the property be repaired where needed, 2. The curb cut onto West 47th Avenue be limited to right turns only with a sign posted and a mountable median installed, 3. An additional travel lane and appropriate striping be constructed from the curb cut on 47th to the street intersection, 4. The pathway to the playground be moved north to align with the rear exit door of the education building and that a crosswalk installed across the drive aisle, 5. That additional dumpster locations be shown with appropriate screening, 6. The vehicle service area spaces off West 47th Avenue be lengthened to a length prescribed by the Planning Department to avoid vehicles from blocking travel lanes in the street, 7. That the'new building be shifted as far east as possible (at least 5') so the landscape buffer along the west side of the rear drive aisle can be widened, 8. Internal stop signs be installed in front of Building `B' 9. That Ingalls Street may not be opened for vehicular traffic even if the church acquires the spite strip, 10. That the playground be opened for neighborhood use, 11. That the amount of right-of--way requested by Public Works Departrnent be dedicated along West 47th Avenue. There were no appeals to the Planning Commission recommendation filed with the City Clerk's office, therefore, their decision is final. The conditional use approval is akin to a development plan and ,therefore, the site plan must be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's office as an official development plan. The conditions of approval must either be incorporated into the drawing or noted CO RECVCIED PAPEF ,. as a condition of approval. In regard to Planning Commissions conditions, Planning staff has the following comments: Items 1, 9 and 10 should be included as notes on the plan. Items 2 through 8 need to be incorporated into the site plan. The amount of right-of--way dedication for West 47th Avenue and the radius needed at the 47th/fiarlan intersection (item 11) will be determined by Public Works staff once street construction plans have been reviewed. Once the amount is determined, a warranty deed can be prepared for acceptance by the Wheat Ridge City Council. This should be done by the applicant's surveyor after review of the legal description for the r-o-w dedication. In order for the document to be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office as an official development plan, the following format must be used on a 24" x 36" backline, photographic mylar. -The title should read "Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church" "An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" -Legal description of the entire site -Vicinity map -Owner's certification with notarization block -Signature block for the Director of Planning and Development -Signature block for the Chairman of the Planning Commission -Signature block for the Mayor with an attestation by the City Clerk -Recording block for the Jefferson County If you have further questions, or need additional. clarification , do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. It was a pleasure working with you through the process. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Senior Planner cc: CUP-97-1 file __ Father Bartholemuel Planning Comtnission Minutes ( April 3, 1997 Page 4 5. Lot 1 be restricted that no fence will be installed in the drainage easement area as illustrated on the revised plat, and, 6. That Tract A will be dedicated to the City of Wheat Ridge: ' Motion carried 6-1. Commissioner SNOW voted against this proposal because she feels that any wetlands, no matter how small, aze a valuable asset to the City and that the City should not approve the fill. The three approved lots could be built upon as they aze. There aze numerous lots in the surrounding azea of the same size of 75' frontage and 9,000 feet. Director GIDLEY stated that this is a major issue as it relates to the rights of property owners. The Supreme Court decision in the Dolan Case requires consideration of public restrictions on development to the extent that there are certain public benefits derived from regulation. If it is to become policy of the City to regulate wetlands to the extent that no development whatsoever could ever occur, the City needs to seriously look at the possibility of acquiring such wetlands or at least the rights to those lands as it relates to development. C. Case No. CUP-97-1: An application by the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Parish for the Archdiocese of Denver for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church and ancillary uses in a Residential-Two zone district for properties located at 4615 and 4685 Harlan Street, 4660 and 4690 Ingalls Street, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ms. Reckert passed out a memorandum from Pazks and Recreation and presented an overview of this case and entered into the record, overheads and slides which provided colored azeas designating the different zones involved on this property. The church has established itself into a campus type facility with multiple buildings on multiple properties. Currently there are three existing buildings on the southern portion of the property zoned Commercial-One and the parish house and rectory aze located on Residential-Two zoned land. There is a six-foot high chainlink fence with slats in need of repair that surrounds a portion of the property. Because the church has multiple buildings and zonings, Staff requested review of the total site for access and parking. Appropriate pazking including handicapped requirements and access aze being proposed. Ms. Reckert stated that the exit on 47th Avenue will be limited to right-hand turns only and that Staff is recommending that it be signed as no left-hand turns and there be a raised median constructed. Staff is requiring that the appropriate number of dumpsters and screening from view be added to the plan. In addition, internal signing is being recommended to control traffic flow within the complex. Public improvements will also be required for curb, gutter and sidewalk as well as appropriate percentages of landscaping. Ms. Reckert relayed that a neighborhood meeting was held on February 4, 1997, with good attendance. Much of the discussion included traffic and various other potential impacts on the neighborhood such as fire access, number of membership, would there be a membership drive planned, on-street parking, height of the building, would the church be expanding into a pazochial school (which there aze no plans at this time), installation of the playground, noise, fencing, would playground be available for public, construction times, etc.. Ms. Reckert provided information of the criteria used to determine appropriate Planning Commission Minutes Apri13, 1997 Page 5 use of this proposal and found that it is within limits and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Public Works Department will be requiring a drainage report and construction plans for the public improvements. Discussion took place regarding the City right-of--way, lengthening of the parking spaces, the playground vs traffic, dumpster placement, buffering, landscaping, fencing, building heights, and installation of a crosswalk to the playground. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tom Reck, 9605 West 49th Avenue. Mr. Reck provided information regarding the use of each of the existing and new buildings, overviews of access, traffic flows, the playground, and stated objection to the norther curb cut on Hazlan Street being limited to right-out turns only. Mr. Reck stated that this church draws attendance from all over the metro area as it is the only Vietnamese catholic church available. Mr. Reck has had discussion with area property owners and relayed that there appears to be no opposition to the proposal. A question was raised regarding the opening of Ingalls. Mr. Reck stated that there is a restriction from doing that due to a one foot strip being in place which is not owned by the church. This strip was placed there when the property was originally platted so that there would be no access from Ingalls into the church property. He also reviewed his summary of the affect of traffic flows and access. l Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in The Mai, 4495 Harlan. He supports the proposal. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Anton Nguyen, 6634 Kendall St., Arvada. He supports the proposal and would like reconsideration of the right-out only turn requirement. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Dr. Robert Hilsenroth, 4675 Ingalls Street. Dr. Hilsenroth stated he had a couple of concerns including who owns the spike strip on Ingalls Court and asked that it be checked. He stated he owns a property at 4675 Ingalls and does not want Ingalls opened. He believes that it will devalue his property. He questioned the squaze footage of the prior IHOP building and was advised it was approximately 3,000 with the new building having 21,000 square feet. He stated that he believed that even though it had been stated that there was no anticipated growth, he felt there would certainly be some especially in light of the fact that this is the only Vietnamese Catholic Church in the metro area. He wanted to point out that the older children aze actually using the cul-de-sac area which he did not have a lazge problem with, however, his main concern was the playground azea. He stated that he views the future as providing a preschool and has objection to this use and wants to know what guarantee he has that this will not occur. Director GIDLEY stated that this could happen as an accessory use by the church. Dr. Hilsenroth stated that he felt that when he goes to sell his property he feels it will be devalued. He does not concur with the playground or possibly preschool/day caze use. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Clarence Palcic, 6145 W. 47th Avenue. He wants to support the proposal, however, he felt that speeding was a problem in 47th Avenue and requested speed bumps be installed to handle current and future traffic. He further stated that vehicles do not abide by the stop sign Planning Commission Minutes April 3, 1997 Page 6 at 47th and Jay Street. Director GOEBEL stated that he would forwazd this complaint to the Police Departrnent. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Robert Howard, 4695 Ingalls. He stated that in the 1950's it was established that Ingalls Street would never be opened. He fiu~ther stated that he did not have a problem with what the church was proposing, however, he was concerned about the width of 47th Avenue. Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner GRIFFITH seconded, "that Case No. CUP-97-1, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and ancillary uses on properties located at 4615 Hazlan Street, 4685 Hazlan Street, 4660 Ingalls Street and 4690 Ingalls Street, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It is more desirable than an additional commercial use along Hazlan Street, 2. The evaluation criteria supports approval, 3. It provides a land use transition from the more intensive use along Harlan Street to the playground and low density neighborhood further to the west. With the following conditions: 1. The existing fence on the western property line of 4615 Harlan Street and along the south side of the property be repaired where needed, 2. The curb cut onto West 47th Avenue be limited to right turns only with a sign posted and a mountable median installed, 3. An additional travel land and appropriate stripping be constructed from the curb cut on 47th to the Harlan Street intersection, 4. The pathway to the playground be moved north to align with the rear exit door of the education building and that a crosswalk be installed across the drive aisle, 5. That additional dumpster locations be shown with appropriate screening, 6. The vehicle service area spaces off West 47th be lengthened to a length prescribed by the Planning Department to avoid vehicles from blocking travel lanes in the street, 7. That the new building be shifted as far east as possible (at least 5 feet) so the landscape buffer along the west side of the rear drive aisle can be widened, 8. Internal stop signs be installed in front of Building `B', 9. -That Ingalls Street may not be opened for vehicular traffic even if the church acquires the SAilee~~SIOrTE, strip, 10. That the playground be opened for neighborhood use, 11. That the mount requested by the Public Works Department be dedicated along 47th Avenue," .~, _ Motion carried 7-0. x The Crty of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 heat City Admin. Fax a 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge December 23, 1997 Tom Reck _ Reck and Associates 9605 West 49th Avenue Suite 300 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 _ Deaz Tom: This letter is in regard to your submittal of a consolidation plat for the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church. I have reviewed the submittal and have concluded that the following must be added or changed on the plat document: 1. In the dedicatory statement, the reference to Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph should be changed to U.S.West Communications 2. Under the dedicatory statement, a signature line must be added for the property owner 3. Note number 6 should be revised to read as follows: "Tract A as shown hereon has been dedicated by separate instrument to the City of Wheat Ridge for road right-of--way. 4. In note number seven, the zoning should be designated as R-2, not R-1. 5. The signature block for U.S. West, Public Service Company and the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission should be removed. 6. The certificate block for the Planning Commission should be removed. 7. In the case history box, add Case No. CUP-97-1 8. Show existing buildings 9. The note regarding Tract A should read as follows: Street dedication by separate instrument recorded at 10. Detention easement location should be shown with attached language added_ as a note. In regard to note numbers 3. and 9., if the right-of--way dedication occurs by this document, it will have be reviewed by Planning Commission and City Council at public hearings. If the right-of-way is dedicated by separate instrument, it can be presented to City Council for acceptance by deed. Please advise me how you wish to proceed. Attached are comments from the Public Works Department. All of their comments must be addressed as well. CD RECYgIED PgPER If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848 Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Senior Planner cc: Case No. CUP-97-1 file Building permit file ~o~DUrs Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Enginee ` DATE: December 19, 1997 SUSJ: QVM Subdivision, West 47'h Avenue & Harlan Street - Plat/Right-of--Way Comments Per our discussion of December 18, 1997, the following aze review comments for the above referenced plat document received on December 16, 1997: 1. Need to show the existing lot lines from Ro-Chan Subdivision. 2. Please add the word "hereby" to note number 6. 3. Please verify if sidewalk easements are to be.cledicated by this plat. 4. Please include a legend, or an additional note which explains "AM & B", and pins on north side. 5. Please conect typo in legal "NWQ I/4". 6. A chord bearing will need to be provided for the non tangent curve in the cul-de-sac. 7. PIat could be titled "Minor Subdivision", or "Consolidation Plat" . 8. Please verify if a parks commission signature block is required. 9. Based upon our discussion, it is my understanding that processing of this document can be completed administratively if the required dedication ofright-of--way for West 47~' Avenue is achieved by a sepazate deed (also see item 3 above), and referenced accordingly on the plat. If this option is chosen, a copy, of all the respective legal documents for this dedication will need to be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department. Please return all red-lined prints with the next submittal, and thank you for your assistance in this matter. cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File 1~~' I ~ E A ~L. 7 500 U~ ES T 29TH A V EN U E WNtgT _ °~ jC1 ~o R I D G E ~I//////..?~3m WHEA7 RIDGE. COLORADO ~80]I S FAX# (303) 235-2857 I'l .1~'~'I~G :11:U 7.UNING - PARKS .A<`'i) It f.c'RF.A'I1ON PUBLIC 15'nRKS l iU ~! 8J6 HP Office7et Fax Log Report for Personal Printer/Fax/Copier DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 Dec-2A~-97 09:22 AM Identification es t Paees Tvoe ate _ ime urati Dia ostic 94226341 OK 02 Sent Dec-24 09:20A OO:OI:28 002584030022 Reck and Associates ~~ Architecture, Planning, Interior Design ~~ 9605 W. 49th Avenue Suite 300 Wheat Fidge, Colorado 80033 (303) 4318600 Fax (303) 4226341 December 30, 1997 Meredith Reckert Senior Planner Ci#y of 11Vheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wrteat Ridge, CO 80215713 ire (2ueen of Vietnamese Martyr's Parish Cass Ne. CUP-97-1 +- ~Corisolidation Plat Per your commehts dated December 23, 1997 regarding the above mentioned consolidation plat, this is to advise you that the right-of-way for West 47th Avenue will be dedicated by a separate instrument. Therefore, it is our understanding that the consolidation plat can be presented to the mayor for acceptance. We are preparing a deed far tract "A" and will submit this along with the signed consolidation plat. ~~iar(k y~ru iar your ~,iCip~. iiii ~i~S l.~l Tilatt"aS'r. Regards, Thomas E.-Reck ~cc: 13ev.~Bartfiolomew Do Thai How John McGuire, Archdiocese of Denver Doug Beam' ... _. Greg l~niidson ,_ .., The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE MTh e at WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 __ (303) 234-5900 _ City Admin. Fax A 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax q 235-2949 Ridge January 28, 1998 Mr. Gary Theander, P.E. Mountain States Engineering 12860 West Cedar Drive, Suite 102 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Re: Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church Subdivision, West 47"' Avenue & Harlan Street - Second Review Comments of Subdivision Plat Dear Mr. Theander, The second review has been completed fort he above referenced document receive by the City on January 13, 1998 with the following comments nosed: 1. Please provide the closing distance in the legal description on sheet 1 of 2. 2. The center 1 /4 corner monument shown on the plat is not on file at Jefferson County or the State Board. Please contact the Board, or John McGuire to_ report this monument location. PLEASE RETURN ALL RED-LINED PRINTS WITH THE THIRD SUBMITTAL. Any questions regarding the above comments can be addressed to Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. at 235- 5 . Sic ely, ' ~ . - - - I ~ Greg Knudson, M.P.A. _ Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File CO RECyCI r_;; i>„np~a _ __ _ --- - _ MEMORANDUM ~U~ ~ r~ ~-~- / ~ Approved Date TO: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Bob Middaugh, City Manager John McGuire, City Surveyor FROM: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer, DPW ~~ RE: Dedication of Right-of--Way DATE: May l5, 1998 A con§olidation plat for the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church development has been approved by the Department of Public Works and the Department of Planning and Development. The development is located at the southwest comer of the intersection of Harlan Street and W. 47"'Avenue. Included on the plat is dedication of a strip of right-of--way along the north side of the property. The dedication was required by the Department of Public Works for a right turn lane from W. 47`h Avenue to Harlan Street. Attached is a copy of the portion of the plat which shows the right-of--way dedication identified as Tract A. The dedication was granted by the property owner as a requirement of the development and at no cost to the City. Prior to signature by the mayor and recording the consolidation plat, acceptance of the right-of--way dedication by city council is required. It is recommended that the right-of--way dedication be accepted by the City. SUGGESTED MOTION "I move that the street right-of--way dedication, identified as Tract A on the corsolidation plat for the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Church development, be accepted by the City." Q S n 3 'is NtllatlH ~- -- -- ~_ ~ - -- i m C _.._ a - - - o - - -1 a ___. ~ W 1' ~ F Z Z W W O ~ Z N S = U U ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 = U U ~ a ~ a ~z '1S NtllBtlH ~~~ - _M ~- _ o- z '1S Ntll?!tlH N VI M F O M ~ N N U M - - ~ ~ N _7 __. O M ~ ~ ~ ~ W _ Z oM - ,O __ Z a _ ~ _ _~ _.. 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Ser~ri __ 5 6 380 355 393 403 365 _ 10 -13 -10 7 232 251 264 305 269 18 ~ -32 -~ -41 ~ 8 191 170 141 154 195 149 203 164 185 151 15 -3 ~ -8 -8 -15 9 10 113 121 132 137 _ 134 13 -19 -5_ 11 88 78 60 93 88 95 93 83 55 ; 5 -5 ~ -5 ~ -7 2 _5 ; _ U N 12AM; 1 81 67~_--,_ 61 _-~~ ____ 63 58 65 ; 60 __ 69 ~ 48 ~_~ 9 ~ 4 ~ -10 _ -_ 2 -_2 ! ~~- 2 3 _ 48 39 ~~ _ 26 51 _~ 37 40 60 ^~ 9 -11 _ _-3~___ 4 j --~- 5 - ~ 16; 14 ---- 30 I ~ 23 I - , 13 -- 20 16 20 12 ~ 28 -2 _2 -~ 3 ' _ g : .~__ -3 ~_.-_-_~ 0 r _~_..._.~.-.~-- _ _ 6 _ - _ ' 84i~ _^45 - __ 86 ~ 1 92 1 51 ~~ 9 ^ 6 ~- 11 ~ -2 _- 22 w~-ivc . ____-6, , ~ t~ g: ~ 7 -- - 8 114 ; 107 ~ 162 ~ ~ 261 -~ ~- __ 92 204 9 206 6 _ 249 _.~ -~ 87 ~ a , -- --~ : __ . rn~ ~, _ 9 10 ~ __ 420 ~ 264 _-_----- _. -- 421 289 309 396 _ 381 408 ~- 372 288 ~._ 108 1 ~ ; -~j 111 25 -12 4 _ , -9 72 ' - t~ ,____.,, _~ ~ ~ _ i 501 541 _ 492 77 49 ~ ! -40 ~ ~ _ 11 550 415 r~ 524 525 _ -29 9 -28t T ' 12PM 554 505 496 _ _ -}2+1M v 1 __ 467 T 500 607 742 ~ 499 Law •-~ -1 ~i -140 ^3 -135 ~- rele 2 454 450 474 502 461 64 __ 11 11 _ -20 21 -28 11 f 3 485 375 464 475 3 - _ __~ __ _ - - B LEFT I - AT N0. EN -' RANCE E SOUTH IN AT SO. NTRANCE ~ _~~_ f C LEFT O TAT NO. NTRANCE F SOUTH UT AT SO ENTRANC _L__ ARIGHT IN AT NO. E TRANCE - v ~- ~ j ~ (D) RIGHT bUT AT NO , ENTRANC ~ __ _ L-_- I - iic~ i~ T-•~+ ~u~`t~ .__ _ ~-_T 1 -l-}- ~'IZ I L-- l TH Iz~T _ - . LT . Tt~ _ C2~" 1--.1 --`~ - - °°- ~~T 3/°tla7 SuN. , . - 12'15 .-_lz~--3C .. ....~ 9 _. C~. - --..~- . -. 7 G' __.. °-.. - _....~ -12.5....x- - _.~L_ _ .~.o___ __ ~_ I2=3o- )z:y~5 l3 -! __- - 2., y- U . . rv' _. - 3 ..125_. 2. ~ _ _1.17 _ `~ tz:~s - ] : co (o C~ 3 - 2. . _o Z O 1 Z3 ~( 7 l.z7 `1 1:oc-- I: ~~ 2$ Ci. ~ a-- C` Z.' ~~-~Zlg S ID .... 133 - _ tf . 1:«. - l:3c l~ O t z. U ~ 3 t7o ~ 10 Itz.... Iv -i°vT ~. .~~ ~ X14 Izz o t5 to X36 z5 3~ 489 3`~ / 3~12.1~7 ~t~~ `I'vT~ F~ I~71}- .~: S-~E .30 1z ~ ~ g . C 37 4 13? 12 _. .~zz 14g (S 4:~-4:qs .. .9 1 - 1 22 z 37 1 l7¢ .z~ _k~ 27 - .tBZ L7 4~S-~:oa . Il O___. _ .Q __ _ 2l 5 . -.4Z 2 174- 11 ~"PI~ l~ l~ ~ :is.-~':~ .. _5 _1 :. . _ Z. Z~ O 3.7 Z, 1 tJ-- 1 ~' ~ ~- l~-( l6 `-C"~-r~:t_,-. _ __ 37 _ Z.------ -3 _.__ 7~ ~. l53 9 61~ mil- _ _ wit ~~ ~~F Si9n~~ - _ ___v~~h'~s.--- _.._--- - .._........_ _ ...._ .... _ __ __-._ HARLAN ST. AT 47TH AVE. WEEKDAY VS WEEKEND TRAFFIC 1500 1250 o: O 1000 o! w ~ 750 w U = 500 w 250 0 - WEEKEND - WEEKDAY 12A 2 4 6 8 10 12P 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 TIME OF DAY HARL,4 ST. AT 47 HAVE. ~_ ' --- TIME _ 12AM 1 WEEKEND ~ 141 128 WEEKDAY s 73 45 ~ 2 87 53 __ _ ~ ~ _ 3 77 T 28 , _ 4 30 41 5 53 139 6 129 _ 451 7 221 895 8 423 845 9 684 900 _ _ j _ 10 11 ~ 710 965 _ 961 1 4 i ~_ ^~ r 12PM 1059 1221 ~ 1 967 1226 2 904 1248 ~ - 3 860 1326 _ ~ 4 _ 974 1_498 _ .~____- ' ___ `- ~ i~ ~ _ _ ~T _ ! ~ ..__., _ 5 6 _ 7 ~ 8 9 ~_ 10 11 907 _ 735 483 ~ 361 295 234 ~ 166 1469 1019 689 532 ~~ 423 ' 241 138 __ f~~ _ _ ~ ~~ _ _ ~ ~'__ TOTAL _ 11593 16545 _ WEST 47TH AVENUE WEST OF HARLAN 150 ~--__ _ i _. _- -- - , - -., ,~.. ~ ~ ' ~ i 5 ~. f O j I ', i t~ = 100 I it i t F` ` /' I I 11 1 W ~ W I ~ f e\ ../ J i ~~ ,,~, _ ~ , W , i, i ' > I I ~ l i. t i _' I i I i ~ i I ~ 7 I I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~.~L~L„._L_I_~ J A I I I I ~ I I I I I I 12A 2 4 6 8 10 12P 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 TIME OF DAY - WEEKEND -~ -WEEKDAY iWEST 47Th( AVENUE EST OF H, RLAN ST. r~~-~----~ (TIME _~WEEKEND -__.- WEEKDAY ---.__.~ __ - i 12AM; 17 ~~~ 18 ~ '. 1 17 12 _ 2 ~ 4 _ ____6. _.._~_ ___._~ 'i 3 7 4 ' 4 3 7 5 4 ___ _ 13 ~~~ 6 13 46 ~ ~-~ 7 21 72 8, 32 52 ~ _ f I _ 9 77 74 r __1 j 11 ~ 53 89 _ 69 72,i ~_ ~ 12PM 82 __82; _ ____ ~__ 1 _ 91 671 ~ _ j 2 96 ~ 80 ~ ~_.~ 3 92 85 4 95 ,_1_41 ~ _ __~~ ~.___~..___. 5. 115 _136 T - -____- 6 --- 99 ---- 72 -- ~ L 67 ~~._~ 61 _. ~~ j 8 49 46 45 39 ~ _~_ 10, 55 26 _~ ~.- _ _ 11 ~ -- - 29 16 fTOT L ' ~~~s 1253 _ 1295 _ facsimile T R A N S M I T T A L to: Tom Reck fax #: 422-6341 re: Traffic count on West 47th Avenue west of Hazlan Street date: Apri12, 1997 pages: 3, including this cover sheet. Attach please find the traffic volume count for the above location. The count is slightly lower than the weekday count. The weekend traffic is generally spread out during the day while the weekday has peaks. 97ADT = 1253 AADT = ADT_ * .95 = 1253 * .95 = 1190 Vehicle Per Day 85ADT = 1022 AADT = ADT * .95 = 1022 * .95 = 970 Vehicle Per Day Traffic Volume on West 47th Avenue west of Hazlan Street during the last 12 years 1997 1190 VPD 1995 1150 VPD 1992 1000 VPD 1985 970 VPD Let me know if you want the traffic numbers (similaz to above) for Hazlan. Please call me if you have questions From the desk of... Steven Nong Nguyen, P.E. Traffic Engineer City of Wheaf Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 (303)-235-2862 Fax: (303)-235-2857 fE 1 - .09:15:52 03 A~ 1937 M....... LOC .......... . ...........:......... ADT...:. ATM.. ~V TYPE.... DIR M7d RAC RDO~D W11-R ~ DESv' LICE-11.. TCD PPn CZN NJI M1PI I+~C =1~8 W.47.A~4145.PN.ST 01-23-97 ~:~51H Ef~6TCE D~' hCTE INTSY~v u"`^,.i it N 2 0 0 R~arrk Prod GE 1 03:1$:47 ~ A92 1937 3~1....... ICC ................................ PDT..... ATM.. LIAY TYPE.... DIR hpJ RAC RED 4dPrR RD CES~ L.TQiI.. TCD PFR CZN N~+I MI IVY I-12529 W.47.A~4~.AN.ST OG-~-95 18:2b TH REAR-E1`D S 11 WE7 RAIN INf F~cL DAY~ITE 1 N 2 0 0 S 21 1 Raab P~roce~s1 ~E 1 Q3:79:50 03 PPR 1437 YM....... LCD ..............:...........:..:.. PDT:::.. ATM.. D9Y TYPE.... DIR M7J RAC ROCCM WTH2 RD Ct;~ LIC+ff.. TCD PPR CZN Ni1I f~PI ~F'K -3~7 W.47.A1+Fl1-WR_Fl'd.ST CC--25-94 ]2:20 FR REPR-EW S 1 1 DR'f NSE INf f~1. D4Y~ITE 1 N 2 1 0 S 21 1 R~ords Prod ~ 1 03:22:01 03 A°R 7997 pfd....... LOC ................................ ADT..... A1N1.. DAY T`d c.... DIR M7J RPO RED Wfl-R Rfl DESr, LICTiT.. TCD PPR CZN NJT PPI rPK 2-2587 W.47.A[~hV~PoAN.ST CQ-14-92 73:30 FR BRD6ICE S 1 8 CR:' ISr`E INT9S! DAY~ITE 1 N 2 0 0 E 11 1 E-5I66 W.47.AVE/HW~AN.ST 04-x-9213:3) TH BRC6ICE S 1 1 CIn' IdOd= INTSCN D4Y~ITE 1 N 2 0 0 E 51 1 '?-201.0 W.47.AVE/~-Wr~~MI.ST 10-20-92 C~:53 TU Bf~SIDE S 11 CRY IVO~E INT97V DhYLTTE 1 N 2 1 0 NE 51 1 R~orcJ; Pr1 RFaorr~ PirocE~d ~:23:a3 m PAR 7997 GE 1 :M....... LLB ................................ CATS.... TIhE. CAV T`rFE.... DIR M7J. PLC ~ Wil-R RCwD LITE Cc'N RPC ~A TCD M1I PPI i~FK -J~95 W.47.A1+E/1-WPo.PN.ST 10-~-91 08:00 TU 2F~6ICE ~ ~ 1 CK~f CfR 1M DAY N ~ i 2 0 0 R~ore~ Prc> __ 09:24:03 03 ASR Ln97 GE 1 'P1....... LCC ................................ PDT...... ATM.. QAY lYFE.... DIR NGU RAC PoXSS~D WTFR ~ CESC LIC+ff.. TCD PrR CZN NdI rPI IVY( r-~5 'W.4,'.AVE/li°Po.PN.ST CFi-24-9012:C6 TH ~TCE 5 i 1 C~2`( fV~E INT97`1 LkYLITE id P! 2 1 0 NrJ 51 Rarorcts Proce~~ 7~~UJti'S ~ ~ acca'c~•eut-s ~-e-VQ~-o ~ aui~-ew'C'/`~-eat-- r. r t 4 _ ' ~ ~ i ~ , i -WEEKEND I~ , ~ r . -, ~/~ ,- ; ~/; -\: ~ WEEKDAY -- -- - HARLAN ST. AT 47TH AVE. WEEKDAY VS WEEKEND TRAFFIC 1500 - - ~T--~ _. 1250 ~ ~ - ,.- ... --- --- i 0.' , .._1 I ~ j ~ ~ s ~ --~ r --• -- O 1000 ~ a 750 ~ ; ~/ ,i j W ; ~ . J _._ ..,.~.. ....... ~ ~ ~,, 2 500 ~ / - ._ . W 250 ~ ~ _ I r ~ ~.~ ~~/ ~ i f ;. 12A 2 4 6 8 10 12P 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 _____ TIME OF DAY Apr-02-97 01:31P DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 P.02 .., i _ ... ......,. WEST 47TH AVENUE j WEST OF HARLAN 150 ~ 1001 I t11 I a- :w !~ 2 50 i ;W ~~ i I j 0~ 12A 2 4 6 8 10 12P 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 TIME OF DAY , ._ - WEEKEND WEEKDAY ~~ 0 ~ o. _ z ~ '15 NVl21VH n Z M M J O U ~ M ~ w Z ~ ~ N ~ -~ ~ M O n ~ ~ O Z~ z m ~ -_~ ~/-"_ w N M m C O w w ti ~ Z M I ~ ~ a O Z 7 _ 2 I- Vl ~' ooa 3 w Q 2 H n a 3 '1S NVl21VH ~- ~- C - - / m~ _ - a -~ U f- Z W O Z x U U ~ ~ y [~ w I( Z W O N U K 7 2 U ~a~ a ~ 0 i ° z ~ ~ '15 NVl21VN ~ N O O O' ~I U " ~~ Z v - --- "a ~- ~ ~ w z ~_ ~ ~ C h M! ~ J Z ~ __ ~ O M ~ ~\~ ~_- I W w } ~,. - ~ n, ~ w C w ¢ o ~ I m w ~ O ~ ZZ I I = O W ^~ 3 MI ~ ^ 3 20 LT CHNANDES [g001 10 CARS / CHANt3E 24b 200 CARS / 1/2' HR. ~ 48 [41 1 W. 4'tth AvENU ~ ---~------------------80-------=' - 7 t75 22-~ 2 ~ ~o [37 I ~~Aj _ 60 a cArs ~ T STACIG SPACE CAPA ITY / 1/2 R. b1 CA S / LT C ANGE w U t <F- 7b ' $S -~ w WEEKEND TRAFFIC - 1 PM TO 1.30 PM 225 -SUNDAY 13001 -WEEKDAY 430 TO 5 PM 4 N N r N x I' = 60'-0' 0 !S 30 fA F'EE' ~~o _ms i ~ ~ ~ ~~-/ ~./ I I 50.6' P(8-42) V m cn -' W ~ N 25' N~ ~ ~ I I 1 Ot~ u i N c rl I ~' ~ 50' 1p~ P(8-64) W 22' t~11 P(8-42) ar D(607-265)x- I rn mw i A .Ni ~ I ~- ~-~- -~- a~ .~.. ~ I ~ - I ~ I I x ro r J I P I --- Im m -a a ~~ I ~ ~ I O~ i .~ I I 5D' i P(8-64) ~ 50' P(6-10) 1 J a2' m I ~ I 00 _~40~ / g-----~ m Ip 50' ,p '(8-40) ^ C m ~ i v~ v I a I i ~~ I ~ Ii, C]O~ .~. v IT. ~ NT ....v v~ ~~ v ~~ I n~ W n 0o v ~ OA I ~ D ~ i N '0 ~ 00 O~w v~ ~ v i . , N 0'16'49" W 2641.42 ~, - - t ~ N - p)v 49' P(9-49) 50' a P(9-49) i ~~ O j P(11-37) 30' JN ~O "- INGALIS V n Vw v~ 20' 30 19 p(11-37 r r_ , N .P Cn~ '~n. yI ID I : A x 1 r v m :~ 9 ~o .: w~ , [~] !~ w I ~~ I ~. 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From: LS1L~~ f~ .. .. w: S Date: ,~ ---- - ,.- I 1\0. of Pages `3 (not including cover sheet} n~1 I Comments: r ---. - - ----- PL:~NNING :GNU %UNING - {'ARKS ANU RE('REA'iIUN_ PUf3L1C 1PURKS - ..---'~------- t7t1112+i~?h77 ii113)233-?841 (i0-il ?ii.2gJG - ~~PP flfficeJet personal Printez/Fax/Copier Identification 94226341 vao _ Fax Log Report for DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 Dec-23-97 10:19 Alvf gesult Paves T_X~ Dat ~e Duration Diagnostic ` OK 04 Sent Dec-23 10:16A 00:02:38 002584030022 - ,. , 4~. ~_ _ ~~ ~ry's`~ - .ud Y.. ~ .~y .r; k ...... Y a+xNa"+L.~~ *A, "~y~. ' r' ..c~.C~.. $ ' 'T:LS':m6K~'+Y'.,~r J- ~~X~'Y_.'~'dR1Y 'djd. I^g`,eNp'.A~:ihLy~iYaTSht*~KPAV}"+;AF51~~ .yY~LL~a~}N_\l~~ ~ x"I~AHtl$Ih~V~~~~' L1,T~~VF;WFIEATQ,;RIDGE~,;ev ~..~;" Hr ;._ .. ,. -- ~T OFD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT '' ,~~~~ ~ :: TRANSMI_TTi4L: LET ER` ' ,~~,~~~„~,~~~ ~,, . 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