HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP-97-4The Cfty of ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid a Department of Planning and Development b 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant ~ ,/~d ~ w ,~n d,N~lddress `~j ~ Phon lr~ Owner •, p _1/-~t~J'e./ Address (`(jp ~,~-,.~,~,~. ~{- Phone`1-~-~$'~j Location of request ~' ./,~, Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change of zone or zone conditions ~ Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Descri tion of request ,('~t4~drx~'~(IddS~Ip~0tn~.~~ List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee,-'lessee, optionee, etc. ADDRESS PHONE ~P-sl~z~-~~ e-~ 1~rt~r~ i'~1D s /-r S~ ~~7 Z~-s~3 d, 6 I certify that the information and ex ibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and Consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot law£uliy be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to me this ~~ of ~~f~'~, 19 otary Public(/T~ SEAL My commission expires ~-~-rJ--'Z Date Received ,~ -9 -~J.~ Receipt No. ~~(~3 { 11 Case No. ~Un- 9~- MRY-09-9T FRI 10:20 RM DONWOLLENZSEN 303 338 8988 P. 01 '4 ~ ~ D~ OF TRTJ3T • ' 7H1S INDENTURE, Madt this 30ihday of June ,19 69 , by and between ~ .1 y - WHEATRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CRURCR whose addrcssu 9180 West 36th Avenue, Wheattidae, Colorado 80033 __ Gty of Wheatridee ,County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, hewinaflet designated parry of the Flnt Part, and the Pubht Trustee of the Covnty of Jefferson ;in the Stateof Colorado, Party of Ore Second part, _ . Wff'NESSETH, Thar Whettas, the Patty of the Fhst Per[ has executed his Promissory Note bearing even date herewith Cot the sum of Ei¢hteen Thousand and no(100-------------------------- --------------~__ __----_----____"'-_ _-__~_____~_~-....__-_-'.Dollars ... .. ., ..: . - (S 18,000.00 - _ )payable to the order of The Colorado National Bank of Ilenver And Whervs, iC said No[e o[ any related agrcemrnt provides Cor additional adnnces rt the option oC said Bank, it is spedfically agreed that said advances shall 6e s part of the principal indebtedness, that all of the covenants and agreements evidendng such advances shall >x a pan hereof, and that ibis Deed of Trust shall acute, [n addition to the original indebtedneu, any additfonal advances made by acid Rank [o the Maker or . Maker's auccesson in ti0e, The PubBc Trustee may, upon the produttion of said Note, duly canceOed, tefeau this Deed oC Tma withou[ further showing m [o aid additional advances and without liabWty Eor so doing; such releau ahaO also cons[irule a relcau of the lien for any suds advancements. And Whereas, saM Party of the First Pan is desirous of securing the payment of the principal end interest and ail other sums due under the firms and conditions of said Noee and thfs Deed of Trvst, in whoa hands soever the said No[e may be: NON, THEREFORE, said Parry of the Fast Part >n wrtsidera[ion oC rhea premises and Cor the purport aforesaid, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the sold Pany of the Second Part, In trust forever, the following dexribed property situate la tht County of Jefferson _ __ _ _ _ _ _ and State of Colorado, to-wit: The aorth 205 feet of the east 75 feet of the E 1J2 W 112 W 1/2 NW 1/4 NE 1/r. of Section 27, Township 3 South> Range 69 West of the 6th P. M., together with easements and rights of way ae reserved in deeds recorded in Rook 933a Page 117 and in Book 1290 at Page 519, except any portion lying within West 38th Avenue, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. together with dl improvemenu and addition now or hereafer situam thereon, othervaiseknown and numbered as 9100 West 38th Ave a K4/o6f, Wheacridae ,Colorado. _ _ _ _ TO HAVE AND TO FfOLD the same, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances the[eunto belonging, including all the heating, plumbing, righting fixtures, and all other fixtures, and equipment now or hereafter auached to or uud in connection with said premRes; alu the rents, profits and income derived and to be derived from said pnm'ves. FN TRUST NEVERTHELESS, That in case of any default hereunder by Party of the First Pan or nis successors in interest, according w the tenor and effect oC said Note and this Deed o(7rnt, dm Bank ar the Iegar halde[ Of the indebtedness suuted hereby may fdc notice wirh Parry of the $ccood Pun, declaring such default and its decrion and demand Chas said propeny be advertised for sale and sold In accordanec with the sw[u[es of the grate of Colorado N such taus made and provided; and thereupon raid Party oCthe SeeonU Pat[ IT-Ilai/oa n048a Dear of Traft wimout CUrow __ _ MRY-09-9T FRI 10:22 AM DON WOLLENZIEN __ 303 ao8 69,$@„ P. 01 (the Public Trustee) shah se8 and dsspose oEsaid premses (en mate o[ in sepann parwls, as said Public ee may think best), and a8 right, title an rest oC the. said Party of the Fsst Pan, his heirs or assigns n ,~ ' at Public Auction at the Eront door o owl house or a wch platy es simgar sales are Shen Gusto dy held N the Colorado Courtly or CSty an umy Sn which sold premises are located, or on sold premises as may be Specified in the nofke of wch sale, fo[ the highest and best price the lama wiB bring w cash, Cour weeks' public nonce having previously been given of the lime and placeroF wch axle, by adve[tising weekly, in some ` newspaper oC general esculauon al that timt published in sa,d Cokndo County or Ciiy and Covnty;copiea of said notice shall be mailed in accordanu with the solutes o[ Colorado governing sales o(real estate by Public 7wstee, and uid Public Trosta shall make and give to the purchaur of said property at wch sale, a culificaro in writing, describing such property pumhaud, the sum paid ehuefor, and the time whm the purchaxr (or other person entitled thereto) shah be entitled to a deed therefor, unless the same shag be redeemed as provided by law; and said Public Twstee shall upon demand by the party holding the said certiRcau of purchsu, when sold demand is made, or upon demand by the parry en«tled [o a deed to and for [he property purchased, at the time such demand s made, the ume for rodemptlon having expired, make and execute to such patty a deed Io the said property purchased, which sold deed shall be in the ordinary Fomt of a conveyance and shall be s(gned, acknowledged, and delivered by [he said Public Trustee as grantor std shag convey and quit claim to weh patty or pattks entitled to wch dad, a gnnta, the said property purckuxd as aforesaid, and aB doe right, Utie, inte[es[, benefit, and equity of redemption of the Parry o£ the Fsst Part, his hefts and assigns therein, and shag recite the sum fo[ which the propecty was sold and shall mCe[ [a the powu of sale heroin contained and to the sale made by vswe hereof; and U eme of an assignment of such cenifirau of purchau, or incase of the rodemption of such property, by a subsequent eneuntbnaay wch assignment or cedempWOn shat] also be referred w in such deed; but the notice of sale nod oat be ut out in wch decd; and the said PubBc Trustee shall, out of Um pcocads of such sale, alts[ Sat paying and retaining a!1 firs, charges and costs of makin6 wdt sate, pay the Bank hereunto err the legal holder of said Note, the principal and interort due on said Note, acco[dirtg ro the tenor and effect thereof, and aB moneys advanced by she Bank or legal holder of ttid No[e Fot insurance, taxes, assessments, repass, and other charges with interost theuon at note [ate plus -3- percent pu annum, aoe to exceed the maximum interut allowable by law; rendering the over- plus, if any, unto the aid Patty oC the Fss[ Part, his legal [epreronta6ves or nvigna; which ale and said deed w made shall be a p<rpemal baq both in law and equity, against the aid Party of the First Parr, his help, assigns, and wccesson in lnroru[ and all othu persons claiming Ute said property, or any pan thereof, by, item, though, o[ under the said Perry of the First Pan of any of them. Tlu Bank or the holdu of said Note may purchase said property or any pas thereof, and it shall not be obligatory upon the purchaur at any such sate to ire to the application of the purchau rooaey. I[ a rdeax deed be required, it u agreed that the Patty of the Fssr Pan, his hells, assigns, or successors m interest will pay the cxpmua the[eaf. , And the said Party of the Fits[ Part for himulf and for his heirs, executors, and administrators, warrants title [o and possession of the enwmberod premises end hereby waives homestead exemption sad any other exemption newer heroattec provided by law and furthe[ warrants that said premlua ace free and clear of aU - liens and encumbrances, excepit the general real estate taxes and assessments fez the yea}' 1989 and all subsequent years thareefter; except covenants, condiclons, xeaervacions, restrictions, easements, and rights of very of recozd, if any; THE SAID PARTY OF THE F[RSTPART FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: To pay pmmptiy a6 and singular tltt principal and intezest and all other sums of money payable by virtue of said Note and this Deed of Tws[ an the days cespaGvely [hat the same uvexaUy become due and to perfo[m each and every stipulation, agreement, and condition in sold Not¢ and this Deed of Trust, that Irt the event the Bank shag be or became Babk for or obligated to pry any tax or assessmem whatever undtt State or govemmenoi law or levy, for and ort account of the said Note o[ this Iked of Trust ucuring UIe same, or the indebtedness [epreunted [hereby, to pay the Bank at lwst tea days ptioe [o the due date of said tax or asxssmcn[, the full amount of such tax or assessment. To leap the ;mpmvements on said premises inwted againss toss by fie, windstorm, and ouch other hazards as rho Bank may re vice, is wch campanks sr may be approved by the Bank, in an amount not less than the amount clue the Bank hereunder, and if the insuror erects io pay a loss or damage in cash lathe than to repalq rebuild, or replan We property lox oc damaged, the Battle shall have the option to apply the p[oaeds of Birch cash se[Uemeat of wch loss upon the sum hereby ucurad up to the fu8 amount of the insured's indebted- neu to the Bank; all inwtance policies on improvements on a real enate hereinabove dexnbed sha8 ba repined by Bald Bank with old Note and Tws[ Dad and every sudt inwsance po8cy must have a mortgagee's dauu anached [hereto in favor of said Bank, in form utistactory to aald Bank. ' To pay promptly all axes, essessmcau, Ieviea, avatar rents, inswancc premiums, and aB other ]iab8i[ies, obligaeiom and encumbrmcas as they become duo. That II all or any put of the roa1 pmpeny herotn described is sold a tonsCerred 6y Party of the Fin[ Pact without the Bank's priac written wnunl, the Bank may, at the Bank's option, d<dam all cams secured by this Trust Dad to be Immediately due and payable. Bank V entitled to reame payment on account of said Not¢ from persons ocher than Party of the Fast Put. Receipt o£ payments under said Note by a pazry other than Party of the Firs[ Pan shat) nos be deemed [o coaatltute a consent 1a transfer of propecty or subs[imUOn of parties, which asunt may otdy ba <vldenced by exp[ess dgned siatemen[ of the Baak. That if any improvements, fepain, o[ alterauoro have been mtnmenced and Rave nos been completed more than throe months pprior to the date hereof, Party of the First Par[ will receive the proceeds of this loan as a twst Cund to 6e applitd fin[ to the payment of the costs of ehc improvements and that the sam<wili be so applied before using any pa[[ of the total For any oNer purpou; that tF work <eaus on any proposed im- ptavemmts, repass, or al[cotions for a period of ten days or mote, then said Sark may a[ its option, without notice, declare uid indebtedness due and payable o[ said Bank may take posusslon of slid premises and let convect for o[ proceed with the completion of said improvements, apass, o[ alterations and pay the cosu thereof out of the proceeds of money due said Party of the Fss[ Paz[ upon uid loan and should the cost of completing said impovemcnn, repairs oraltetaGons creed the balance due said Party of the First Party by said Bank,ehen wchadditional cost may be advanced by lh¢ Bank and shag bear fn[e[est at the same n[e as p[indpil indebtedness and secured by this Dud of T[usy provided, however, such additional cost stall be repaid by said Party of the First Party to said Battle within to days after completion of said improvements, repai[s, or alterations; the[ said Parry of the First put, regudiess of natuxat depraiation, w81 keep said propecty and [he improvements thereon rt an times m good condition and repair; and upon the mfwal err neglect by Yarry o[ flit Fast Pa[[ to keep said property and [he hnprovements thereon at ell times in good repaiL [o pay promptly aB taxes, insunnca premiums, water tent, asussmen[s, abstract and recotd(ng Cees, levies, liabitiues, obi'~gaaons, pzincipal, or toreros[ on this or on any other mcumbnna on Bald real propcny or to perfomt any other agtcemenn, conditions, stipulations, or covenants as herein provided, the Bank may have wch things done at FI[50 Party's con and may make any [easornble expenditure oc outlay neasssry rhe[eunder. Thal Bank shat have the sight of entry on rho described property a[ any aasanable time for IDe purpose of inspecting the p[operry. That if any part of said decribed property shall be condemned or taken Co[ public uu under eminent domain, or in Case the p[opc[ty shall be damaged either by public works o[ private ems, all damages and com- pensation paid thueCor shall be paid to the Bank and applied upon the indebtedness due undo said Notes and this peed of Tmst. Thal the Bank shall have the ri~tt m file and to defend suns at the expense of the Pony of flit First Parr, in his name or in the name of [he Bank, for the recovery of damage, to uphold the lien o! thu Dad of Tlus6 [o preserve the Bank's eights hereunder, or in any action whatsoever m which the Bank or Puty of the Fast Part may be made a patty or may clot to commence by aason aF ehu instcumcot or indebtcdncss, including actions _ _ _ _ _ __ _ MpY-09-9T FRI 10:25 pM DON WOLLENZIEtj. _ 303 338 6988 ` P. 01 brought by Party of the Firs! Psrl agafn3'l~ihe Bank, or shall have the right [o employ manor to an cffo• prevent, to compromise, or to negotiate any inch propoud Btigation, and ill sums expended as costs in connection therewith or advanced Dy she Bank sftall be repaid by Ratty of [he Fizst Pazt upon demand or as may be exptesuly agreed upon by the Bank, and, if wch sums, with intact thereon a[ [he then eurmnt canUact interut rate, be not paid Dy Pnxty of the First Pa[[, she Bankmay declatt all of the indebsedness, including alt such sums, (mmWiateiy due and cohecUble or, ax [he Hank's option, such sums shall become so much additional indebtedness ucured by this De¢d of Tmst, which shall ba a lien to said additional extent on the premius hcreinabove dcuribed prior to any right, title, or interest attaching oraccwing wbsequent to the lien hereofand such indebtedness shall bepaid unde[ the provisions of the Promissory Note ucured hereby and any subuqucnt modiGtaUon a&eemen0. IF this Trust Deed is foreclosed through Public Tws[ee, s reasombie win for atwmey fees droll 6e added as a cos[ of foreclowre and iF foreclosed through the Courts, a reasonable win for attorney tees shall be taxed as oazt of the roatc of f~..d,.n.... 1T IS SPE^CIFICALI.Y AGREED, That time is of the essence of this wntrect and chat in the event the Party of the Fuat Par[ fails to pay said Bank eny end aB wins due according to the terms of said Note and this Deed ofTmst and Fails to perform any of the covenants and agreements contained in said Note and this Deed of Trust, said Bank may at in option declare said Note and the remainingindebtednessowing thereunder due and payable and any taxes, assesvnents, in:unnce premiums, or other advances made or paid by said Bank and no[ repaid to said Bank by Party oC the First Part shall become an additional indeblednesshereunder and secured by this Deed of Trust, and in case of wch default, the Bank, or in cast of sale under foreclosure, the holder of the certificate of pu[chau, shall a[ once hecom<entided to the ppsseuion, use, and enjoyment of said properly and w the rents. Incomes, and praHts thereof, which ron[s, profits, and inwme shall be applied w the payment of the indebtedness ucured heeby and, iE pottesdon is not obtained, shaD be entitled es a matte of right, without regard to the solvency or insobenry of the Party of We First Part, or to the then owner oC said prop- erly, whave arecejv¢r appointed by any Court of compeientjurisdic[ion upon ex pane application and without notice-notice being expttnly waived-and such receiver when w appointed, shag apply all rents, income, and pcofles therefrom, wbject to rho ordu and directions o{the Court,to the payment of the indebtedness secured hereby. Patty of the First Pace shall have the right to prepay the indebudness secured hereby, without penalty. Prepayments shall be credited first to interest and penalties, if any, and then to the principal due on mid Note. Thar each right, power, and remedy hettin mnlexttd upon the Bank fs eumulalhw of every other right or remedy of the Bank whether herein o[ by law conCerad and may be antorc¢d concursen tly therowith: that no waiver, express or imppBed, by the Bank of the performance of any covenants herein or in said obli• gstion contained, rhaB thercafur In any manner effect the right of the Bank to require or enColm puform• ana of the same or any other of avid covenanp; and no payment o[ advanument 6y the Bank hereuntler on behalf aF the Pany of the First Part shag fie deemed a waiver of the breach oau[ring or of the nigh[ w elect to foreclose the Deed of Trust, and the failure of the Bank to dedaze the entire indebtednes due and payable upon the default of any oL sold terms and wndifions shall not, even ehough such default be [epeated, be wnsuued as a waiver of the right of the Bank to exerUse such option at eny time ehereafmr, and witheue notice to the Party of the First Paz[. ' That aB of the mvrnants and agreements huein rnntainad shall ax[and to and fie binding upon the Beira, executors, legal reprcsenutives, successors, and assigns (whethu voluntary or involuntary by open[lon of law) of the respec4va parties hereto. No person shag be a dsird party beneficiary of any provision otthis Trvst Dad. Whenever the singular or plural number, of the mauuhne or feminine or muter gender, is used herein, ii shall equilty include the odten. Should any provision of iTh Tms[ Deed be found to violate the ]aw of the Stara of Coio[ado, of of rho United States, such provision shall be deemed to be amended to conform to such law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, dte mid Party of the First Par[ has hettunto se[his hand the day and year ^tst above written. WREATAIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCB By ~~ii..~~..`~ , ,,,/~>• r~i ~;Sreasurer ~SL~WO12enzien r7 STaiE OF COLORADO _ ss. Jfcy and COUNTY OF 1SI ,AVnr Tha Cottgeing Nstrvment was acknowledged 6efox¢ me this 30th day of June , 19~rL, by ldarle Nolletuienr as Treasurer of Wheatridge Presbyterian Church. Witness my hand and official ual. My commission expires Avs:ust 29. 1489 ~-~'/J Noss Public ~, Sheryl L. rgda~l ~.- r MRY-09-9T FRZ 10 e2T eM DON WOLLEN2IEN 303 538 8988 rls~~lctvror• era~rs • nv~ a-y ~ °_'° m ~.. ~ ~~~ m n ~ ~ ~, ~' ~' a y ~~ J e WHEREAS,-L7linacridRn Presbyterian Church ha,~made, Cxecuud and dchvued ro Th c ~ d Net ~ Bn k o D n er herein caged the Bank, a Promissory Note fo[ S 18.000.00 xcured by Deed oFTrun upon the real estau described In the Deed of Truce preceding this Assignment of Rents exewted by the Makers hereof; aM WHEREAS, the undersigned desire further to secure and the said Bank has required as additional and furthu ucurity for the payment of said indebtedness, as assignment of [he rents, profits, and income oC said dcuribed reil estate, in tax of tleGu1[ In the payment of any sums due thereunder, including taxes and insun ante payments, and as fu[thet ucurity to[ Lhe patto[mance of aB of the terms and conditions expresxd in said Noteand Deed oFTrust; NOW, THEREFORE, for and N consldentioaoF the sum of 11,00 and other valuable comidera[ion, the [eceiyt whereof is hereby uknowkdged, the undersigned do hereby, fo eau of default in the Daymen[ oC said indebtedness or any part thereof or failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of said Note and Deed of Trust, assign, transfer and Sat over unto the said Bank all rtnts, profits, and income derived from raid prcmius and Crom the buildings and improvements thereon, together with all rights oCposussion with full and complete authority and right in said Bank to demand, caBect, receive, and receipt for such rents, income, andprofits, to take possession ofaaid premises without having a receiver appointed tlurefor, to rent and manage the same from time to time, and to app1Y the net proceeds oCsuch rents, income, and profits from said progeny upon said indebredncss unto all dilinquendes, ndvan<es, and the indebtedneu secured hemby and by the Deed of Trust oC evm date herewith rite paid in Cull by the appGntion of said rents or until title is obtained through foreclosure orotherwlu, A release of said Deed of Tntst shall reteau this Assignment of Rents. Witness___lEE_hand [his the 30th day of Juna , 19 8 . STATE OFCOLORADO 4 ss. Citv aced COUNTY OF Benvyr~. WREATRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCR P. 01 - G v B n » t it.S %/: ®~e„ -„~ Treasurer }M ri'~follenzlea ~~ The fare=oing instrument wu acknowledged before me [his 30th d,y of June ,19~. by Naria~~Wollenzien as Treasurer of Whearridge Presbyterian Church. Witness my hand and officul scar. dry commission expires Auguge 29, 1989 i si:, r ;, t 1 .. 11( (~ [, o~ N `. / f,! a l ~ GCO Sheryl L. E rgdal c m r R ~ y z g 8 ? ~ m i 5' S ~ +Oi `l O 2 m ~ n ~$ ~zFs i ~ SS ~aK z ~ ~° of n~,~ ~~~~ ~ O ~ O r a .~ n C O o p ~ Y e D ~ ~ y m °' g ~3 7 3 O ~ M1 C ~ s ^ m d g ~ 6 Y Q ~ 6 ~ v K ~i:i'n,•. c vl~IY• 11$~t+ :t ~tff~g4iyw~vk ;,. ' , .t.;1v., 1 11. ~ i_xt_ wltf it i,,,~~ n~' rc a '~""' '~ .c 5 ~";r'f'tieo~r+t1'1r' ~ IU iy ~ _ i'. 4 r ,~ ~' Ya1'!OR' Atr. Mtx M 1krsZ PRSaszns, ~TLatx Wo r ~ THE CHU9CH ~Y.T'dtISI017 ~~ li F30ARD OP Tf(F, F}?ESBYTERY OF DENVER ~~. SYNOD Oly.:.COIARADO, f'HESi3Y':'HftIAN ax.. ~ C({t1f2C II, U, 9.A. ft ~ . I r .. .. ~•~ ..r +l; '„ I M i~ o(tba j Ooantr bf ' •{ Jefferson ~ ~'~' ,and 84U of 6okrado, p i,, • /, {~ a "_ ~ ~~•,~.' '~. , `• I' _ I !ot Wa aoosfderatloo o! the aUm Of ~' ~ ' ~ ' i One ~ _ ~ Dotlar~ n ' ~ inband pa(d, hereby aali aad <onrej !o. , _ •~ n body 1'cll t1c the 9iate of Cntondo, or of tba Coanfq o! ,lcfferron/ .~ Lba Inllo*in[ real property, ai foals is the Connlp of Jr. f fCrrr n and 84ta of Colorado, ta.+it: "i•r 5r'~:th 1 foot, of `~c ::.':rr ~ 0 fc[•L n:' L' .. o:' .' r ~ .. • "~~ "i o° chC ..., o:' the 7.=. :ccLion 2y ':'~:' iif;9);, TI-.e Soul.h I foot. of Che East 20 feel- of the W z of t:he W? o£ L}ie W`~ of h.he NW; of the NG; Section 27 T3S R69W. }<r.r'an<• of the •(lh,(ln deed Sa ~='~ e•ll~in dead +! ~ocep fed ll.'. •~ r.~.~,•. ar~lyd tl~t .....17.... ~r of ,/ //daY of .....~. ...'.'P.'....195..'.-. . K/~/ ~,,, ,, ,.. .195.41. ffO/.RD Or C07F:Y fOllut ES:Cta:1t° 'r JC"+~` ,~Y fIJ.FItI(NfC/~f~jCJJIW :SS IC4 UQ~k50H COUNTY,/ CL`L~O{pfUCO• ~ ' ~ !1 ~,, CC1lfaaa ...., .. .pin w3 th all {[. appurtenm~ra tfirned yd dallru+d i§fa jOth dap o! '?arch ~ , A. D. 19 °, ~ The Churctl,}3xtgn~y'{,(1t,Board of Vlc Prestytery of Cenver, 5ynor? o.' ..o1cr::o, Presbytar~.y Q~•P' '~/~U7' A. . ~ S• ;,• ..G., . ;'"'^fr ;. •,p• '1 eJ%''?1 r~ .. .. I~[~4--//a1S,,lReni. , , //~~ ....._. j{ ~~ •".'f l'N.lt '1 ::'I'•' TCGIA gIJ r[:r. ~ ~. t . . . ~" '[k¢. .:x.~'~~.i ~d Jefferson ~... .r',. . T'6. fotvoln+t~nl waa ''fada•d b•[on tbia 0th "day •' {•1a rC h, :, ~~'~~•• ;•. ,•'''tp~,~~ '_G~~~ e.n.la55,6;•Henry,D. Oregory~ as~reai~ent anQ~¢vis L,t.Stsinp~~,""3s~, ~ ' Treasurer, ot.The Church Extension,'Board o~ the PreshpteY/}F;~,verYgi~~ .. lfjtlaW17B10mEmtA1 '.:!,? :xXNtX .~~IIhM a7lrod anry oekLl aeaL'i't•7 ~i\,! ~~';r`a •, Synod of Colorado) Preaberien Church; ,U, S, A,t s corpQ~t'2~1'"til~„a" m,n:nua~ ,. Hy commission expires ~y~ _ y {,n~ r~ ~ • Harah'21t~'1g59. r ~ ~,ZVera ~. oyerl" <~4a ~.~}~l!tt'..r~f. .? ~ *1'.,' .!'' N.+iY.Lt'+~.1 ~,, t:: ~.i r~R \:;; r~ •'r, . t.:~.~l~. .t: .,., iC 'C•.: P'-Y w"iTj'Iil•'$'..a_'[^.i" :z2f."`Yt7',liy 1.!'.:»0.. „ .. , ' ' . ; { . ' ~ ~ • 'S -~ y~F , Itor ~ ............._... D39 k ~ x, ~ I~~...~.st11.1~ •~`•: ' • ~$ :SUTf:f 1R+a.n~..+ No_., EKT 1F .~ l~.ir1M..__.J¢«oN.r. -- - e + ~` ' ' ., .. . Tins Daan, x.a. Nta day nr June m ihr rrar of +! oar lard ow thova.nd nln. huMr•d and f if ty-S1V• , b•IRNn 2?{E Clil1RCH EXTENSION :~ 'BOARD QF Tf1H PRESBYTERY.OF DENVER rur POrwllnn duly or¢.nla•J ,all r+ialin[ under nnA by wirier of ihr hY.a n( ihr fl41v or Col Ored O er ter nna 1,. re, .Mf T!~ WfzT:A'TRIDGE PRF.SDYTER IA71 C!(LRCH . rvn ponllnn duly oru ulhrA nul •, 411n[ under •nA h)• vlrtur of the iaw+ of the alatr n! CO1 Or ad 0 „f Ihr r.•rnml Pert, IP ITN F.9fl tT II, Thnt Ihr uld party of tin' Ar,l Part, for and In <anrldrn llnn m ter rmn ~/ fen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pnLi ill., (nd other good and valuable consideration, s to the aald parry' r( Lht Anl pan In hind IIaW Ly Ihr nIJ pony n( tLr rt~•o11J part. Ihr rvcrl pt Yhar,. .n 1. canfen.rrl and uknowlr'I¢rvl, hath nmlird, rvlrrt+aJ, wld, ennvp•rd and QVIT CLAIUF:h, and by th. •. I,r. .,, d• rl. nmire, rrin,r, ulh ennvrp •nJ QUIT,CLA IJI unto ihr anW pant n( the arconJ yun, Ita rung..,+..a•' •,,,,xn. rorrvr r, aii ihr rl¢h0. title, In terrvl, rlilm and JcmanJ which Lhr enld puq• of the flnl Pan h.:1. i• /~~ fnllowln[ drrcrllyd r dtudrr IYIn[ and Lrln[ta{,1 h•~ fnvnl)' n( Jefferson and slate n( Cn1nnIL,, lo•wlll ' The North 507.6 Ceet of the W~'d1~W}NV} of the NE} of Section 2J, Township 3 South, Ranqge by Wast, Cogatnor vita •j inches of eater fro.•r the Rocky 1{ourttdin Ditch Compar>;,r and ell other eater and dltc^ rigncs belonging to and eppertaining to said land, loge trier vi to perppetual right Co use of water from the spring oC water on S¢SkE~NE}N'df of Section 27, Tovnahip 3 South, Range b9 'dest, except all irrigation ril;hes of vny and road or street rignts oC way. 1'V IL\1 ): A1'U I'U ^VLU tM ,nmq lo¢rlhrr whh all unl nn¢ulnr tee ygmrmun••.. nn,l I m'Ir v• ~ Ihn-unl L.dnn¢Inu, err hl nn1 Y'Ir,• tevrounu, nPln'n,lr,vl u. and all i hr ..rtYlr, nuht, t(tl r, lulrrnl nn.i rhml YLnI ~,... r. •d th,~ ..I•I Intl) of Ihr Ara port, cltMa In law ,.r r.pJq. P, tl,~. end; Pr,gn.r n .• L. nvAl and 1..1 .,nf „( Ii,. .,L1 I•arl) ••f ihr ..r •rml pan. Il++unrnnn and md¢na (men•r, I\ 111'1?'iSS 1C II I:I3I Al t'. 1'lu' +nW P•R, of Iin• not Pall bulb cY n.,Yi h. rnllmntr uarur lV Irc Irrrranly •VhrfrlhaYl Ii 1' Ile 1'1,"Idrlll, \Ir,I II• tYnlr'rr Yl r• r,•nI Ir, In' IlrfrVll'..r all l}1'd, Mllrrl rv IrV llr . ,. nn.q', ihr rLq and yr•r I',. nl drnvr wriu rn. , )~I1?JJ~..J~r Nv„ _ ~-. V ~1 ~ ~}.r~ ~. ~ ' '~ N.r~n 1. r) C.1 (X : V5 TtiE CHG'RCH EXTENSION BOARD OF ~ ~ , , .= `.;,:; ~;. ~ TES PRESBYTERY OF DE;7~R ~ ~ n • = 1 .~ +rlt• .~ .J• , Y V // tiTATf: OF C(II,UIU/116 C .J v 1 1.~. ~ ., r... Coumy of /"J• ....... ~ f ~~ TLr~f yrt~uoln[~~,In~~~.trwrlrnl w/ur~.e4na [rd before mr lhb ~~ e~ day u( Juna ' IV 55, liy ~<L !"J•py~ a pn.ldrnt and The Ch.~reh *: sl p`k~l r s.rreabytery of" 9rerel.ryof 'r.' a, Denver, ~ y/,. ~.(.• ~ h• y jr ~ / a, ~f~' .• , a for pon tlon. ~• ~ x eomml.alon ~+~ ro~ ~ E93! ,- r r 'S ' R'Itrlw mr h.nd .r.~ ~~jcy + J {l,~ f //,//~J/~ / ~ '~'//wy/,/ J/1,. ~~_ i^ i'~ ~ ~/ ~~ t ~A.(..Y_.f•..7 ..ir.}'..W_.-h/.r•• ..l C-a1F'..~fLCC.~Tk-._ 4 ,~ P ....... )' 1'~ + •v0/,~..•yv 1. ,'N _ Net,n hrNM. pp 1 ...,. ._____~_. _ .__~ ~'Y'411: :If Ke. ~,. ,et)!1• f..I.A ~~• ~~ ~.MMnw rM. CrY, Mf1w 1tMl.~.v Lr.ri [Y.h G..wr, ~i:l.~.:2r~'LIl.'Yrl~iS~' • Ju"41Y.r,wH!iiii2d~¢n1i k1Y4+,•..>.. r. •• :.i.wr 8a3 Y~ J .I'~~ '~:it 'V ~`~ Rawytloa N^ti 1 2~ Hf 1 (yn Tmy Tl r:en, 4t.dr lLl.• 15t.h d.T Ot July I I \ In the T..r of our Lord one lhauued nln. huodnd and H i x t y j L.lw r+a • ~ JEAN IiINNANUER BERRY of tht• County o1 Nor loop and GERTRUDE R3 NNANUER F'ROEUE _• of lha ' covml of Jc f f c•rson and 844 of Colondo, of tha nnl part, and WNEATRIDGE PRESBYTh:R1AN CIIURCIl, n Colur•ndo Cforporation o the CeantT of Jeffol•x u^ and 9t.lr of Calendo, of the rx, nd Part: _ n•trr J prJrl .''~rl H'ITNN88ICTL, That tha uIJ part 1cx at lhr nnl put, far and la eooddrnllon of the rum o[ Tcn DOIIRI'H and other xnoA noel v¢iunblo uunxldornl.Len gg~( to tha ralJ part 1 ux o! thr'flnt per! In hand pdd LT the aalJ part }' of the arcand part, the rrcelpt whereof 6 Larebl eonfeurd anJ uknowld¢eJ, ha ye RnnteJ, bar¢dnodr Geld and eenrrmd, and bl thew pnren4 do Rraot, LarRaln, rrll, eonrq and tontlrm, m4 rho add yart yr of Iha rttonJ put, l halo and udRw fanrar, dl'lha followlnA druribd lot :i. er '+:` '+ pared ,,t~. ~I o! Lndr diode, hlnR and being ' , Ie the ':%k~CounlT of JCf frI•ROn '~" 7rr; 114.:p~~, ~ 844 of Colorado, to•wltf 'fhc North 290tfout of the F,~ of thr,W~ of Chu W~ of the NW} of rho NE} of SccCion 27, Townshfp 9 South, R¢nxe 69 Wcxt'~ E%CEPT rho North 2U5 feet of the Enxt 75 Sect thereof, and Except thc• Wcht 2fi fact thereof, and nil cxlxt lox roads, dltchex, ut111tlce, plprrl loon and cnxemcn[x tbcrclor, roxorv lox to thc• pnr•t lox rrl [hu I Irxt pnr•C nn unxt•mt•nl of rlxht ul wny I Ivt• taut !n width ux tundJnx h•om the Suu Lhennt Cornt•r nl Cht• I land cnnvcyetl nkmx thu Eaxt boundary thcroul to the Soutnonxl Corner u! [hu Innd borate oxurptod, n [~ dlxtnnca of R5 7rvt more or lane.. r~~t Tf1C }; i'II F:II with dl anJ .InRUlar the hrrrJla meet. anJ appnrtrn. nrr. ll.. rrlo L•IonRInA, or In anT.rin a PP<rW nln A, anJ Iho nrerrlon anJ nnrrlnnr, rrmnlndrr anJ rrmdnJrrr, reels, Inure anJ profh+ Ihrnoh and d1 the ulatr, rl¢ht, slue, Intnrrl, <41m'and drmaod whr br„ err of lhr aalil partl l•N of Iho flat put, either In lax or erlult Y. u(, In anJ fu the alr,re I~arRalnrJ premiere, with tLe hrreJl4 men4 and appurtr name r, Tn IIAYY. ANII TU IIr11.U the ralJ pnmlrre al+,re L+rgdnnl and drrrrllyd, with Iho q,purtr nnnr••e, vote the +.IA In rt y n( the e, rv~nd Put, 1..Ir. end u.ivm foi.n r. Aml the mIJ Le rt J t•ti ~•f Ib~ lb+t p+rt, !er Chum rrl ya•x hAn, rrrvub~n, +n.l adminlrt r+l nrr• Jo amru nl, Rnnt, Inrp+in,~ wJ a¢rre to rnJ with the nil put y of the ntunJ I•+rt, l t x h.ln anJ auiRv, that at the tlrnr .,f tL- , nee nl• InA and J, Ilrrry of Ih..r prt u~ntr, thl'y nl'1• well rrBnl of Il,r• prrmLrr aloe, rvmryv~l, +r •.f ¢•^'•I, wen, pert rat, aLwlme anJ Imlrfe+dblr nta4 0( Inhrrl4 n<r, In law, In feo dmple, and lu VU [uoJ rIRLI, foil Mwhr and I+w(vl authnrltl b, grant, Ixr rRdn, all and rem r.T the ramr In manner and from ar aGneea Ll, anA thnt ih^ ume rr fmr amt rlru loon dl former anJ olLrr Rna4, Lar¢ainr, wire, Iirm, Our, uawmrnd anJ rnr mnlmr nrr. of wlv4rrr 41nJ or loran .oe.rrl except xe•ncrnl tnxcr. lur IUGt! pnynblt• rn IUU! anJ xpuelnl and lful lot Tunnel nxhol.xmun tn,lut• IBtiU and yoarn xubxcqucnl 't .., .. •~,~, and the aben [deed Prrm leer In lhi quirt and Prand,ir Pnunrlr,n of thelra~d part y.,z of the rrrnn•1 Part, 1 Ctl hdrr +nJ ualRnr atdmt ell anJ rrrr7 p.nan nr Lrrnm 4wfu11T r61m InA nr In rldu Lhn wM4 or and part lhrr.+. ,the uIJ part 1 ex' of Ihr floe Mrt rhall and alit R'A VILA N'T AKf) YUREVCR,UY.fY.rtD. IN N'IiNF:xB N'II F:IU:n i', lhr old Part fox o[ th. tint Part h• ye hrnunb wL,Lllp.l rb~~"'r and rwl Ihr del aoJ Trar fine aLon wrlt4n. .• , ..•• •..,^r, ':. ' ~ ,~ ~ l fit.~i..~'~.1.L~~tr:.f._^~'I'..£.f~~•.y ft~ . ~ ~. I( / _./ta:__!~1._utrLr~1[._.i.,~}!.YY t871af1~: Rin . nF• YlfYO~TeW( AR I'l.ONA I~' ~rrl"'^~~"^""••~• G.vnV of YARICUPA n. ' The fon(olnR imlru meet wu aeknowl.drd baton ma lhla ~ J `R., daT of Jp IY tiD.1960,L1 JEAN RINNANDXR'BERRY and GERTRUDE RINNAt{DER FROEBE MT comml.alvn azplrw YT (imniSll¢II fJpltM Aa(, ]r )~ , r 39 ~.r, Wllnea9 mT band and o[lk4l real j'~s:r, , '1 1`V Jr Ct~d ~ /JIn Ff,tl('rrJt„''~r~.' I ~~~',. I,l'"•' r'I ti6L '• t:r~i Y: Y , ~ ~••r,.,u.r)"sc.l~nu+ rR ni, f.y ~J,ox-[ ! ...'A~fid°: r'i t'. r --- 1.1 z / ~. ~. / ~~'~Qt .. rdv. -- Tms D=av, b=ad. ells ~I T' dar at /r :..-, e . In Wa Taar o! o¢r Lard ono Uro¢aand alas hmdnd and Sap~er F a ixty-one batx«n wktb, combo= Jefferson, a body politic and cor`)orate Ifala1t81ata of Colonda, of ~, flnl part, and WheaCIidge ~y'., Presbyterian Church, a.;Colorado corporation.^~~' at,~, combat. Jefferson , `,. and 81ata of Colorado, of Wa aaaoad earl, W I'ITIffias•tn. Thal Lha sold Darty of lha lint Dam. for and In conaldanllon Df Lha avm of DOL[.Alitl, to tha sold Darly of lha nnl part In land Dnd~ ~ rolwad, sold, aonnped'andd QV T CI.AISIED, aM bT la MnbT oonfwad and aelmowlad[ed, lu 1 11,e.e ptnenta do (S nm6e, rolaau, [all, wool and QUIT CLAIbI unto tha uld party of t1+a second part. ITS hrin, raoorawn and W1[na, =Door, a4 tha r1[hl, atla, InGrwt, eLlm and Gnuad whleh thr aalJ part Y of tha flat part M,S In and W tha fo!lawln[ da.erll»d R ~~~ and Stall o! altuaU, 1T1n[ and Mtn[ In tha ~, Comb of Jef f arson color.ao, to-wlu Tract of land in the Wii W1i Wdl of the NWk of the NEB of S~nrion 27, Township 3 South, Range 6.9 West, described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the Wts W~ W} of the NW?t of the NE't thencf•. South a distanca,of 506.6 feet, thence west n distanca ~f 20 feet co a point on the circumference of !t circle ~f 45 font raaius whose center is 462.6 feet South and 20 feet West o£ the point of beginning,•thence Northwesterly along said circulference a distance of 136.42 feet to a point 25 feet Weat of the Enst line of W~; W~; W} NW }; NE>t, thence North to the North line of section 27, then East a distanc~ of 25 Eeet to tllc point of beginning. Tha South 1 foot of tho Enet 20 feet of tltc W~ W'iW~ of tha NWT of tha NEB of Section 27, Township 3 .South, Range 69 West. The;west 25 feet of the North 290 feet of E~ s, W~ of the NWT of the NW~4 of'Section"35',-Township-3 South, Range--" -1' Vv b" 69 West. •~• ~""' ,.F'~" y. ~.,.. '.., ' rtG•. I TO HAVE AND TO MOLD tha uma, Gnthand all lha utal+^d[ht. ~thplnt+ro~t and eLlm whatao<nq a! tfir I Wlo n[In[ or In anT^'Iw lharvunW app<t41nInG ` .aid port y o! tha flat part, dth<r In he or a7ultY. b lha oniT DroDv Wa, hrnaflt and Whoo! of tha raid put •, of LW r«ond part, /YS hdn and ud[na fonrar. IT.~ hanJ i IN N'11'N 1~5 WII P.NEOF, Tha sold Dart ~yt of tha fiat part ha ,f h<rounlo ut and .sal lhrdry and Tear flat aban wdltan. 80q d of County Cammiss toners OE Jet~erson County, Colorado I (SEAL) .... ( SI[nnl, Smlro and D<IIr<rod In lh< Pnunn o! ' i~ i~~..~LLct,.2,4.C..C.:;4: ~.3aa-.L~..t.v.' (sEALI ....................._.._..._..__.. (sent( 1 STATE OF' CO LO RAUO, ~~}u ' CountT Of Jefferson "d 1I ' .. L. , f ~ .. /t/"' oar of 9~pr~trnc~r 7h< fanralnR Inatrumrid wu acknowlod¢od Wfon m, tblr ^•'1.7° 61• ,bT• Cfauricu E.'~IIauer, County Commissioner of JcEf~~un[ laun4rorJYatla?-tal - ,. xSK _, .. ,, Wltnou m~ hand and offldal acs{. y',. , b4C ;416` . ..,.~:,oo,,y.q, .. ,pt ...,,~, ,.. _ s ~::~~ ~~ •r~r ti/. • rl..,r•I•• • _,;,,~ '•._ County Clerk &•Recorder Ih 1 I ', f I hf ' ,;, f 1 :~r-•,.nf o«•e+«a«,^'+1•^ l.a~<~ivinr<uiu Mfr i~.lul o~i~li4rir ~[rwl~pir erwiii5k,~~ V tilal nfb.r ~~l« r~ 1 soars,/~an~n'.rl IIM i,«rt um <! Wv, a1 a u In• rn,W~t o~ <iL« of ~iwn of a.rL rvnor+ va, ,u,nlw It-Jr«,ivn I~ j / tw ~lL..•.,u, /•i•%rw //Ii„~Y NiM« M aNwr ]ta dL. aVrrCL4rYalaa.-1.d1~itAW<, rV~a•_Yr^6{4..1,Lw1 a1~A.1a14«Fb•., ,1 P~.r, rwi+.... i NI/4 I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ i 10 ~ i ~ i ~ ;~ ~gl el i I I I I i I I I 10 i i I I I I I 007 COIWEI~ Financial Senic'es June 25, 1982 Wheatridge Presbyterian Church 9180 West 38th Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 RE: Loan No. 30106 4180 W. 38th Ave. Wheatridge, CO Dear Sirs: Enclosed please find the recorded Release of Deed of Trust and the cancelled Deed of Trust and Note pertaining to your recently paid loan with The Colwell Company. Please put these documents in a safe place, as you may need to refer to them at a later date. Keep in mind that you are now responsible for paying your own taxes and insurance when due. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you in the past. If we can be of any assistance to you now, or in the future, please feel free to contact us. Again, thank you, ,U,-~ lwi • ~/ J e A. Gonzales b~ ~~~ I estor Services JAG:ms Enclosures (3) The Colwell Company Lincoln Center Building, 1660 Lintoln Sfreef, Denver, Colorado 80264 Mailing Address P.O. Bo: 5773, Denver, Colorado 80217 (303) 839-1900 A Financial~Service n( i3af~ tdvw;r~ U~ 5VH[EATRIDGE PRESSYTERl•CHURCI3 9180 West 38th Avenue ' Il $ 67,000.00 t „•, ..- -'- y.- - ~ .. i~ ,7 .,. ~ 1 ~I ;; I. li J~: it ~; '~ I 1' 11.7 ~.:~. ~'', .~`s, . . • RB -Code 5 Note No. 45~:L~ Augttst 20 , Ig. 65 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, each of the' iitdersigne~, promis@s, to pay to the order of the -----------------------M----l----_-~--_- SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND AN -_---_-- DOLLARS, _ at its principal office in Lakewood, Colorado, the sum of - D NO/100 -------- With interest on the unpaid balance of said principal amount at the rate of -6- per cent per annum. Said principal and interest shall be paid in monthly installments of $ 880.49 , or more, per month on or before the 20th day of each and every calendar month hereafter, commencing Seotember 20 Ig 65 ,except that, if not sooner paid, the entire balance of principal remaining and interest accrued shall become due and payable Auatxst 20 , 19 73 It is agreed that.iE Shis note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest nt the rate or el Iltg___per cent per annum, and that failure to make any payment of principal or interest when due or nny default under any encumbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to became due nt once, without notice, or the interest to be counted as pr'ncipal, nt the option of the holder of the note. The holder shall not, by accepting payments of principnl or interest after default or alter exercising his option to accelerate maturity, be deemed to waive -his right to accelerate maturity, unless such waiver be in writing and signed b'y the holder. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment Eor payment, protest, notice of nonpayment and of protest, and agree to any extension of time of payment and partial payments before, nt or otter maturity, and iE dhis note or interest thereon is not paid when due or suit is brought, agree_to pay all reasonable costs o_f collection, including attorney's lees and nlso waive all exemptions in case suit is fined. The mortgagee ma'y nt his option collect a 'late dharge" not to exceed I% of each monthly payment more than Eiva dnys in years to cover extra expense involved in hnndling delinquent payments. This note is secured by a deed of trust of even date on real estate situate in lhe- Cotznty _o~ Jefferson ,state of Colorado,-as follows, to-wit: _ _ PARCEL A: The North 290 feet of the East one-half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, EXCEPT the North 205 feet of the East 75 feet thereof, PARCEL B: The North 507.6 feet of the West one-half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P. M. , together with the improvements situate thereon, known and numbered as 9180 West 38th Avenue, Wheatridge„ all in County of Jefferson, State of Colorado ~~ ~ a S-~B-Ba- THE COLWELLCOMPANY, f/k18 ~ag Com B ............~.:~ aul A. Alberico, r. Vice President As Servicing Agent for Jefferson Bank & Trust, f/k/a Jefferson County Bank of IakPwnnA i~ " .-; PARCEL A: "" 'f'he North 290 feet of the East one-halt of the West one-half of the West one°1:uif of the Northwest oae-quarter of the ::~rtheast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range G9 West, EXCEPT the North 205 feet of the East 75 feet thereof, PARCEL B: The North 507.6 feet of the West one-half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P. M. ,together with the improvements situate thereon, known and numbered as 9180 West 38Ux Avenue, Wheatridge, all in County of Jefferson, SL<1te of Colorado. ~~~,~ ~~ o o u-, -- -` ~ ~ M C~ . ~~ c. <'w ~ e - M v. .,~ C7 __'.~`~ N ~ •: ..: tai w ~ , "'', ,_ L~ U_ u_ l~ ~ \~ b D 3 ;,i'= ~ Recorded at ~ U ~' ~ b~ ~ o'clock ~~~ 1 tl ~ ~ u u Reception No. JEFFERSU ~QUATT,COI.UPhp[! ___ Recorder. .__~_..~_.~.-..___.c'a.._.. ~._..__.-.___-_..._ _. _. ---- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, Whereas, WHEATRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of the County of Jefferson in the State of Colorado, by DEED OF TRUST dated the 20th day of August Clerk and Recorder of the the 15th day of September , 19 65 Reception No. 137327 19 65 ,and duly recorded in the Office of the County County of Jefferson in the State of Colorado, on in book 182/ ~ at page ~ 3 { (Film No. of the records, in said office, conveyed to the Public Trustee in said County of Jefferson certain real estate in said Deed of Trust described, in trust tq secure the payment of the indebtedness mentioned therein. AND, WHEREAS, Said indebtedness has been paid and the purposes of said trust have been fully satisified; NOW, THEREFORE, At the request of the legal holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and in consideration of the premises, and in further consideration of the sum of Five Dollars, to the in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I, as the Public Trustee in said County of Jefferson , do hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the present owner or owners of said real estate and unto the heirs, successors and assigns of said owner or owners forever, all the riglFt, title and interests which I have under and by virtue of said Deed of Trust and to the said real estate in said Deed of Trust particularly described, reference to which is hereby made for greater certainty. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging forever. AND FURTHER, that the said Trust Deed is, by these presents, to be considered as fully aFrd absolutely released, cancelled and forever discharged. WITNESS my hand and seal this 16th day of June , 1982. NANf Y FI FTT (SEAL) I, As the Public Trustee in said County oC Jefferson By ~~,~~ L~ v~ Deput~ub ids ee The Public Trustee in said County of Jefferson Colorado: Please execute this release, the indebtedness secur d b the Bove memtio dd De d of Trust I having been fully paid. Tie Cyolwel ~ Company, ~r/k/a ~Jmteti ,; Mort age Company, as Servicin Agent for~Jeffer os n Bank And„True, f/k/a ~~' ,i Jefferson County Bank of Lakewood ,I The legal bolder oC the indebtedness secured by said Deed n! Trus[ By ~awQ. Q QO~e~.~. Pau A. Alberico, Sr. Vice President STATE OF COLORADO, ss, ~ I County of Jefferson J The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 16th day of June , 19 82 ,by ETHLE M PUCKETT as the Deputy Public Trustee in said County of Jefferson ,Colorado. My Commisston Expires April 79. 19A3 My commission expires 17(%~ Ar:apt°oe Strcrt Golden. Crlmc,(o BD~419 Witness my hand and official seal. a .. ~~ ~ k \ • r ~.•.• L { Notary Public No. 904 RF;LIiASF, OF nFa':o OF 'TRUST RY TOE PURLIC TItUSTEF;. ~ ~ - <' Bradford Publishing, 5825 W. 6[h Ave., Iakewaod, CO 8021 d - (303) D3~6900-1081 c ~..~.+. •. 1 .• ~ yFG, (~ a z m fH db-1 ~ Om~ a Wo .. C7O ~ ~ o ~m ° vn na'~ ~ o .a co fl, K '-. V .. ~ ! ~ ~ ~ , O ~ ~~ ~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~,, P x ~ __ __ o r w f~ ~ -~ ~, ~ CJ n ~ . ~ i, •~~,r p.}".0 ~ 571 Z o C I ~ ~ ry F~ ~ `` y ~ o m n H Ky CD z O H O ~ O O ~ 0 oW ~ w ~ O ~ txf7 1--~ CD o' x- ~ ~ U] CD p O c. ' `Tl m _~ o m .n O ~ ~ ~-h ~ _ y C _ _ - ~ ~ c r{- .1 a ............ .._...._....----........ - ,; ll~a~~4l:~~it Recordedat_i o'clock.......:._.M-.._ ................_...............~_ ~i~15 -~.t t.` 1~~~ Reception No_.._~~~~~~ ..-.Clerk andi Recorder. THIS INDENTURE, Made this Twentieth •' ~' day of RECORDER'S ySTAMPi~ t~ ~ mi q AUgllSt in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred ' • -~ ~ •1p0'" l _ - (15 ~ K o and Sixty-five between .` ~ r • iZ O ~ ~ ~ WHEATRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , acorporation ~ ~ CJ rn ~ duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of " ! ~ ~ ' ~ fTl ~ ~ ~ ~ Colorado ,whose address is ` t-• ' 9180 West 38th Avenue, Wheatridge in the r ~ ~- ( ~ County of Jefferson G N O ~-`UI €? and State of COlOrado ,party of the first part, ~ ~ O O f and the Public Ttvstee of the -tj 2 ~ ~ County of Jefferson in the State of C1 • Colorado, party of the second part, Witnesseth: TRAT, WHEREAS, The said WHEATRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~ ~ ha S executed itS romisso note p ry ,bearing even date herewith, for the principal sum of SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 -----° -----Dollars payable to the order of THE JEFFERSON COUNTY BANK OF LAKE WOOD ---August 20, 1973 ----------- - - after the date thereof, with interest thereon from the date thereof at the rate of ------S1X-------- per cent per annum payable lri monthly instalments of $880. 49, or more, per month on or before the 20tH day of each and every calendar month hereafter-, commencing September 20, 1965, except ~ha~t,,}f not sooner paid, the,e~ntiwre balance of'principal remaining and interest of said promissory note , in who- soever hands said note or ang of them maybe. NOW, THEREFORE, The said party of the first part, in consideration of the premises, and for the purpose afore- said, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and hereby does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of th6'second part, i' ,trust foiever, the following described property, situate in the ~ r.~Connty of JeffersC "~ State of Colorado, to-wit: • -~ - - ~~~ :1.54 ~3 RE-RECORDED TO CORRECT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances, there- unto belonging: In Trust Nevertheless, That in case of default in the payment of said note , or any of them, or any part thereof, or in the payment of the interest thereon, accordin~• to the tenor and effect of said note or any oP them or in payment of any prior incumbrance, principal or interest, tf any, or is case default shall be made in or is case of violation or breach of any of the terms, conditions covenants or agreements herein contained, the beneficiary here- under or the legal holder of the indebtedness secured hereby may declare a violation of any of the covenants herein contained and elect to advertise said property for sa]e and demand such sale, then upon filing notice of such election and demand for sale with the said party of the second part, who shall upon receipt of such Notice of Election and Demand for Sale, cause a copy of the same to be recorded in the Recorder's office of the county in which said real estate is situate, it shall and may be lawful for said party of the second part to sell and dispose o£ the same (en masse or in separate parcels, as said Public Trustee may think best), and all the right, title and interest of the said party of the first part, its successors or assigns, therein at public auction at the West front door of the Court House in the Countyy of JCLfei'son sad State o£ Colorado, or on said premises or any part thereof, as may be s ecified in the notice of such sale, for the high- estand best price the same will bring in casht four weeks' public notice having been previously liven of the time and place of such sale by advertisement weekly to some newspaper of general circulation at that time published in said County of Jefferson , a copy of which notice shall be mailed within ten days from the date of the First publication thereof to said party of the first part at the address herein given and to such person or persons appearing to have acquired a subsequent record interest in said real estate at the address given in the recorded instrument; where only the county and state is given as the address, then such notice shall be mailed to the county neat, and to make and give to the purchaser or purchasers of such property at such sale a certificate or certificates in writing describing such property purchased, and the sum or sums paid therefor, and the time when the purchaser or purchasers (or other person entitled thereto), shall be entitled to a deed or deeds there- for, unless the same shall be redeemed as is provided by law, and said Public Trustee shall, upon demand by the per- son or persons holding the said certificate or certificates of purchase, when said demand is made, or upon demand by the person entitled to a deed to and for the property purchased, at the time such demand is made, the time for redemp- tion having expired, make and execute to such person or persona a deed or deeds to the property purchased, which said deed or deeds shad be in tho ordinary form of a conveyance, and shall be signed, acknowledged and delivered by the said Public Trustee, as grantor, and shall convey and quit-claim to such person or persons entitled to such deed, as grantee, the said property purchased as aforesaid, and all the right, title, interest, benefit and equity of redemption of the party of the first part, its successors and assigns therein, and shall recite the sum or sums for which the said property was sold, and shall refer to the power of sale herein contained, and to the sale or sales made by virtue thereof; and in case of an assignment of such certificate or certificates of purchase or in case of the redemption of such rop- erty by a subsequent incumbrancer, such assignment or redemption shall also be referred to in such deed or deeds• but the notice of sale need not be set out in such deed or deeds; and the said Public Trustee shall, out of the proceeds or avails of such sale, after first paying and retaining all fees, charges and costs of making said sale, pay to the bene- ficiary hereunder or the legal holder oP said note the principal and interest due on said cote according to the tenor and effect thereof, and all moneys advanced by such beneficiary or legal holder of said note for insurance, taxes and assessments, with interest thereon at el lit per cent per annum, rendering the overplus, if any, unto the said party of the first part, its successors, legal representatives or assigns; which sale or sales and said deed or deeds so made shall be a perpetual bar, both in law and equity, against the said party of the first part, its successors and assigns, and all other persona claiming the property aforesaid, or any part thereof; by, from, through or under said party of the first part. The holder or holders of said note or notes may purchase said property or any part thereof; and it shall not be obligatory upon the purchaser or purchasers at any such sale to nee to the npplicatioit of the purchase money. IP a release deed bo required, the party of the first part, its successors or assigns, hereby agrees to pay all tits expenses thereof. No. 23A. DEED OF TRUST. To Pv611e Trvnteee.-Carporatbv. Rece(ver's Clouse.-Attorney s Fem. -Hrndford-Rob[nsoa Printing ComPnny, 1824-4G Stout Street, Denver, Colorado ~~~ :l ~~4 ~ ,.. .~'~~~ ~i And the said party o£ the first part, for itself, its successors and assigns, eonvenants and agrees to and with the said party of the second part, that at the time of the ensealing of and delivery of these presents it is well seized of the said lands and premises in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid; and that the said property is free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatever 110 EXCep tiOriS v t and the above bargained property in the quiet and peaceable possession oP the said party of the second part, his successors and assigns, a ainst all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will Warrant and Forever Defend. And that said party of the first part will in due season pay all taxes and assessments levied on said property and all amounts due, or to become due, on account of principal and interest on prior incumbrances, i£ any; and will keep all buildings that may at any time be on said Lands, during the continuance of said indebtedness, insured •~ m against loss by fire in such company or companies as the holder of said note may, from time to time, direct, ~ U Yor such sum or sums as such company or companies will insure for, not to exceed the amount of said indebted- ness, except at the option oP said party of the first part, with loss, if any, payable to the beneficiary hereunder as jtS interest may appear, and will deliver the policy or policies of insurance to the beneficiary hereunder as ~ further security for the indebtedness aforesaid. And in case of the refusal or neglect of said party of the first part, to thus insure and deliver the policies of insurance, or to pay such taxes or assessments or amounts due, or to ~,n become due, on any prior inevmbrance, if any, then the holder oP said note , or any of them, may procure such ~ insurance, or pay such taxes or assessments or amounts due upon such prior incumbrances, if any, and all moneys thus paid, with interest thereon at Eight per cent per annum, shall become so much additional indebted- ' ness, secured by this deed of trust, and shall be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the property aforesaid, if not otherwise paid by said party oY the first part, and may for such failure declare a violation of this covenant and ~ ~ agreement. AND THAT IN CASE OF ANY DEFAULT, Whereby the right of foreclosure occurs hereunder, the said party q is '~ of the second part or the holder oP said note or certificate of Bale, shall at once become entitled to the posses- sion, use and enjoyment of the property aforesaid, and to the rents„issues and profits thereof, from the accruing of such right and during the pendency of foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, iP any there be; and such possession shall at once be delivered to the said party of the second part, or the holder of said note or certificate of purchase, on request, and on refusal, the delivery of each possession may be enforced by the said party of the second part or the holder or holders of said note or certificate oY purchase, by any appropriate civil suit or proceeding, and the said party of the second partf or the holder or holders of esid note or certifi- cate of purchase, or any thereof, shall be entitled to a Receiver for said property, and of the rents, issues and profits the3•eof, after nny such default, including the time covered by foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, if any there bo, and skull be entitled thereto as n matter of right without regard to the solvency or insol- vency of tlce party oP the first part or o£ the then owner of said property, and without regard to the value of the propp- erty, and such Receiver may be appointed by any court of competent ~urisd3ction upon ex parts application, and with- oro ertlc shalltbe a plied to the payment of the 9ndebtedness hereby secured, according to law and the orders and directions of the court. AND, That in case of default in any of said payments of principal or interest, according to the tenor and effect of said promissory note aforesaid, or any of them, or any part thereof, or of a~breach or violation of any of the covenants or agreements herein, by the party of the first part, its successors or assigns, then and in that case the whole of said principal sum hereby secured, and the interest thereon to the time oP sale, may at once, at the option of the legal holder thereof, become due and payable, and the said property be sold in the manner and with the same effect as if the said indebtedness had matured, and that if foreclosure be made by the Public Trustee, an attorney's fee of the sum of Six HUndrEd Fifty and n0~100 -----e,dollars for services in the supervision o£ said foreclosure proceedings, shall be allowed by the Public Trustee as a part of the cost of foreclosure, and if foreclosure be made through the courts a reasonable attorney's fee shall be allowed by the court as a part of the cgst"of"3 reclosure, and in either event s~a11 be and become a part of the lien hereby secured. ' my~EBS - WIILRL•`OR, aho -said party of the first part has- caused its Corporate name to be hereunto ,tc;. . i~i.h,: ilnulisdr?ped bete."+ i , . President, and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its Secretary :;tli~ dA+}an r flrstrabgve written. . (CORPORATE ~, WH ~ T _PR~~S~3YTERIAN CHURCH . ,~,~. `~' xi ?~ :'.~C a.~ .r, h~. " ~ ~ s -Treasurer ;~ 'lA~ EST" it ~'~' '~`' r:aC ~~,e; %~ . r r ~ , x...... ~ ~,- . i i~ , +~ ~ TE OF COL ADO Jefferson as. ~y ~~~ti ~ ~ :.Qouryty oP ......................-------'------~_._.....,•--' 20t1i ,The~'arzt]tlfuv,~7fd;,foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this........._.. _._...___._.._..-.-------_- -.-day of - ` ..Auguust _-19 65°-, by-.......E,.._W.,.._Flamme.--°---'---------°•-----the ...........- ~i~3iTef# Treasurer a'd.y ~'I?~:r~Si ,7., i•]right......._---...---•--'----------- -...__-_..__-.~...-------~'----..._..,-.-,.,.the Secretary of~ .....~le,~.~d~~,.~?x~.sl~-Xte~ fstl..Clalir.~h.....a..Csl.oxa~.o..~.oxp.Qxation...----'-'-- ------.....-'----...._-------- - +;u seal. of Jefferson foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me W. Flamme, the Treasurer, and Mildred J. Wright, ian Church, A Colorado Corporation, d and official sea 1,. expires ~,~y (;~1i11~lISSIGIr°,Rn118S ~8 f ~'0, 1 D;ifj,.~ . pM ~ ~ o n o 3 ~ 0 Um > m0 ~ ~ ~ ' fl.D this 20th day of the Secretary, ~fl ;;: ;; ~ --~ _ _ - _ - _ ~ `~ li ~. _ ---- - _ _ _... ~~ _ .. __ _ _.. -- _ ~,~-~c_ _ _ ~- _ _ _. _ - - - -- . ~~ - -- -- ... _. - _ _ _ __ - ----__ -__ ~~ __ ._ . --- --- ._ __ - --- ~ ~_ _. G-~~.-.. ~Q--- _.. - - _ . - «_~ - _ .. .emu,-~-t~ u - _ ----- _ _ . _ _ • -- --- - . _ _ -- - -- -_- ---- ~' . ~ 3 ~- n~ .5-~-~, _. __ _ . _ __ .c.~--e.r~_ _ -- G' --- ~ 01%x- _ _ ~ n~f~~~~~'~- ~ .__ . _ ._ - - _ .--- - _ -- 1 - - Name and Address Please Print , ~- _ irCle ~GfPa~~~~~ "'~ - - ~~ _ _ //vU~ A ~~a L-~Nc-~ `~fi/~ a _ ~~ _ ~ df~~N~ ~~ f UDulu ~~/ orl~ ~ field R ~~KC}t~Omr~ ~~. . -. __ ~ ~ . I n_ _ _I SIN ~T. ~ ~ e~' ~l.m -~ ,,,..., C~ r~ " ~~ ,~~~A~ ~ # w c {NHEATRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LARRY A. ANGUS 9180 W. 38th AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033-4232 MINISTER (303) 422-2354 n ~ ~~~~~ V Where People Care MAY Q 5 1997 April 29, 1997 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Dept. 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Ms. Meredith Reckert, Planner Dear Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, We, at the Wheatridge Presbyterian Church, would like to develop an Outdoor Worship Center. It could be used for special worship services, weddings and occasional talks or musical productions. Most would be during the daylight hours. We would not want activity past 10:00 p.m. We do not intend to disturb the neighborhood with noise or lighting. We do not want, or plan to be, a "Fiddler's Green." We will work with the city and neighborhood with any complaints. Sincerely, Larry A. Angus Minister :=. ,'R-~S-J7 :'~~11•i O8: '~ __. RI'1 Fi E~a7R iLGC i'Cc_L'Si3 Y'fLRl Ri~l :3 F73 45~. PJS33 F.Oi vv~ ~ WHERl'RIpGE PRESRYTERI~IN CHURCH IARRT A. ANGUB 9180 W. 38th AVENUE, WHEAT Aipt3E, GOLORAaO 80033-4232 M~N>,~Fn (303)422-2364 WliareAsoUleCare ~~~~0 `~ ~© APR ~ ~ 1997 ~JdTfC~EO~ NEf ~••,•••'~•••nnrnrnD~•~~ETI~ -------- Wheatridge Presbyterian Church is proposing to build an Outdoor Worship Center and Memorial Garden an the properly located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue. The location of this meeting is Wheatridge Presbyterian Church, Fellowship ball, 9180 W. 38th Avenue at 7:30 p.m. 0n Tuesday, May G, 1997. Tho city of Wheat Ridge has adapted a requirement that, prior to application for rezoning of property to a higher use, or for properties in excess of one (1) acre, and far special tJse Permits which allow a special use of land, an applicant must notify all residents within 600 feet and invite them to a tdc~'tghbarhood Input Meeting. The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the neighborhood to express directly io the applicant fhair concems, issues and desires. i aweveri the P annerewiiltremain impa~ialsregard ng P elbil ly of the p otject. and the process involved, ILeep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of fhe meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front 0f the Planning Commission and Cily Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in ihedecision-making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. ' Thca kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: is the proposal compatible with surrounding land users and zoning? Are there adequat© utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? What is the impact on our streets? Where will the storm drainage 907 liowwnfl khe project ba dosigned to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me7 After attending the Neighborhood input Meeting, please use the following space and the back of this {orm to list any specific concerns, issues or suggestions wfiich you may have regarding this proposa-. Please sign it and give, it to the applicant, as he is required to provide these Forms to the city along with 17is application. ADDRE55 PHONE PRINT VAMP RCMARKS: e~ ~P-rt~r`A =int~Pl ~,N,,,,~n ~1rv or WNc.~~ zt~(A~ ._ _ 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of ~l eat Wheat Ridge, Colorado soo33 Ridge Telephone 303/ 237-6944 May 13, ]997 allo>~chut hl a~d ~u~do t rt w t o~Ca am ruing R ~'denotia!'Two nsneceivea afire ~~ ~ ~°~ described below.n Pour aesponse to the following questions and arty comments on this proposal would be appreciated by Aori1~997• No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbytertian Chruch ' LOCATION: 9180 W, 38th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a conditional use permit in a Residential-Two zone district. PUR°OSE: To allow a church and outdnrUbrship area in a Residential-Two zone district. APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.35 acres ,' I, Are public facilities or s~rviNO P please explyain below. adequate to serve this development? YES / NO_ f Z, Are servic lines available t~~ a please plain below. YES_. NO_ f 3, Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES ~'NO_ If "NO", please explain below. q, Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? y~ / NO_ If "NO ", please explain below. 5, Are there any concerns or problems you agency has identified whic~ would or shouldnn affect approval ofnthis request. < ,l SSwSS NoTacQ~/~~b-~" tFCLia ~".'G r~tt~ J7G ~oQeDieSSCCr~ '~~ux ~ /~sGS_ Please reply to: Mer dit Recker ^ ~ ~ Y ~ ~~ ~ Department of Planning & Development ~ s-za- ~7 DLSTRIBUTION: TCI of Colorado Jejfco Health Department X Water District (Wheat Ridge) J¢ffco Schools X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) Jeffco Commissioners ,y Fire District (Wheat Ridge) perrver Water Board Adjacent Ciry Q WR Post Office ,y Public Service Co. ,y WR Police Department US West Communications X public Workr Dept. State Lane Use Commission WR Park & Rec Commission State Geological Survey X WR Forestry Division Colorado Dept. Of Transportation WR Building Division Colorado Div. Of Wildlife "The Carnation Ciry _ _ , MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer riamF• Mav ~9. 1997 -\- SUBJs 9180 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church Worship Area Expansion/CUP-97-4 The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated May,13, 1997 for the above-referenced .site, and has the following comments: 1. We will need a final drainage report prepared by a Colorado licensed professional civil engineer that is in conformance with the City's site drainage criteria. 2. We will need an executed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill .Permit, along with fees due submitted for review and approval. In conjunction with this permit, an erosion.-control plan_may be required for review and approval by the City. 3. Public improvements along the West 38th Avenue frontage will_..___ not be required by the City. 4. We will need an improvement location certificate. 5. The existing fences along the W. 38th Avenue frontage will need to be set back from the street as needed to improve sight distance at driveways. cc: Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File - ro _ .a MEMORANDUM Tp Meredith Reckert Planning and Development FROM Deri Patt Police Department SUBJECT Case No: CUP-97-4/1Nheat Ridge Presbyterian Church 9180 W. 38 Avenue DATE May 21, 1997 I have reviewed the plans for the above listed site. From these plans, I have no recommendations at this time. Revisions in the plans, may alter this. Thank you. Deri _ The City of 7500 West 29th Avenue ~1 alit Wheat Cnlnrado 80033 Ridge Telephone 303/ 237-6944 May 13, 1997 al ow cHurchtagdDu~doortwo,°hCarar in aW Dsiden~iame w h oneceived atie~~o~e ry ade°scribed below.n Yfour response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by Anrilll4 1997. No response from you by this date will cotutitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: CUP-97-¢/Wheat Ridge Presbytertian Chruch LOCATION: 9180 W, 38th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a conditional use permit in a Residential-Two zone district. PURPOSE: To allow a church and ourdor .rorship area in a Residential-Two zone district. APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.55 acres 1. Are public facilities or services pr lease ex lainrbelow.y adequate to serve this development? YES `~ NO_ {f ..NO., P ... P ~~4 2. Are service lines available t~~ e please explain be~ . YES NO_ f 3 Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? y~ ~ _NO_ If ~•NO~~, Please explain below. ¢, Can an ~ ill your agency service t~eQ eroepxolain b olwpment subject to your rules and regulations? YES_ 'ND_ If ,.NO„ P p _ 5. Are there any concerns or probfems you agency has identifred which would or should affect dpproval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Re kert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: TCI of Colorado Jeffco Health Department ,y Water District (Wheat Ridge) Jeffco Schools ,y Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) Jeffco Commissioners X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Denver Water Board • Adjacent City Q WR Post Office X Public Service Co. ,y WR Police Department US West Communications X Public Works Dept. State Lane Use Commission WR park & Rec Commission State Geological Survey ~y WR Forestry Division Colorado Dept. Of Transportation WR Building Division Colorado Div. Of Wildlife "The Carnation City i • -gib 7500 West 29th Avenue The Ciry of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat ' Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge :- May 13, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for aanroval of a conditional use permit to allow church and outdoor worsho ara in a Residential-Two zone at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and arty comments on thisproposal would be appreciated by April 14. 1997. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: CUP-47-4/Wheat Ridge Presbytertian Chruch LOCATION: 9180 W, 38th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval ofa conditional use permit in a Residential-Two zone district. PURPOSE: To allow a church and outdor sorship area in a Residential-Two zone district. APPROXIttiIffTE AREA: 2..i5 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO ", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO ", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO ", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there arty concerns or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert .. Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Wheat Ridge) X Sanitation District (YVheat Ridge) X Fire District,(Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City Q X Public Service Co. US West Communications State Lane Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife X X X '~T722 CQY32al10Yt Clly ~~ TCI of Colorado Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners Denier Water Board WR Post Offce WR Police Department Public Works Dept. WR Park & Rec Commission WR Forestry Division WR Building Division ;'' ,~ ., i G _ ~I ~I I ~ i ,~7~, ~I m ~ c ~ ~~~ ~ ~~F zz ~~~ ~ ~ n '' ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ i -- o i ~__ ~~ - o° ~ ~ oo A Q~ O ~ J ~ S ~~ u c ~_ o @ ~ ~ ~~ ~ o ~ 11 I-~-~ ~' o~ ~ ~~ -~ ~ ~ ~~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ L_ ~ ~ = a. zry ~ ~ z ~,I l ~ i 0 ~ o_ a ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~__ 1Gy:L6 •. ____ .... _7 .. .._.., __~_..__ _______._~._._ .. _ --~_,_.____. m_. ._ _~ __-.- _ _ _.,_ ~-__ W. 36Th AvE. a n ~ o_ o _ 3f34"x §LF `2 ~°~~~ s a ; ' a WriF.°.TWD4E FR~C7Y'CL`etAN GI-IURGIi ~~;§ F~~+e~„§~~~s #~s ,$ '$ § ait,P~?fzw~sHi?4M~~FP~wP.u.. a°j9s$~~~~~~~~~ ~~ _~ ~ 3 ~ { ~ qp :~ ~' "[q IUD(' ~-.S'' SR~i~Sy.g~tli ~ .°O i/EJ I- - 7 `~P 9lS¢ W .3bTH Aye. ~e':f '9i§s9@9~ai§ ~ ~ := 38th Avenue East of Kipling Count Dates: 6/8194 to 619/94 800 ~ , - -~ '~ i !~ I ~ ! 600 , i' I i ~ ~ Eastbound .~ 400 I i ~ H ~ ~ Westbound ~ -, - ' I I ~ i - - -- I 200 ~ 'it , I _. -- ^~ - , I D 1AM 3 5 7A 9 11 1PM 3 SPM 7 9 11 Hour 38th Avenue East of Kipling Count Dates: 6/8194 to 619/94 1500 I, IIII ~i illi' - --1- t 1 ~ li 1, ~ l i ~ ~, ', 1DD0 ~ I i i ' i I I I ' W : ~ N , > `_j~ ~ -- - ------ ^ Total Vehicles = --~ ,-- i ~ ~ i, I ~ i , , I ~I ~ I , 500 i I I I i i i Ij I ~ -. -- _~__I - -- - I ~~ ~ I,- I _. IIII III I~ I~~ li ~~ 0 1 AM 3 5 7 AM 9 11 1 PM 3 5 PM 7 9 11 Hour 24 Hour Traffic Volume Count 9900 West 38th Avenue (just East of Kipling) June 8-9, 1994 Hour Eastbound Westbound Total 1 AM 16 28 44 2 12 21 33 3 11 11 22 4 16 23 39 5 66 79 145 6 212 236 448 7 AM 364 379 743 8 ~ 340 429 789 9 363 463 826 10 321 519 840 11 388 543 931 Noon 395 601 996 1 PM 391 530 921 2 383 545 928 3 385 589 974 4 399 603 1002 5 PM 417 727 1144 6 323 547 870 7 275 403 678 8 218 346 564 9 152 247 399 10 84 156 240 11 59 78 137 Midnight 19 46 65 Total 5609 8149 13758 W H E _A T 7 5 0 0 W E S T 2 9TH A V E N U E QF WHEAT • _~ ~-o R I D G E rU fTl WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 FAX# (303) 235-2857 A C From: /~-1~~~ ~ ~`~ S Date: ~ - ! Z - ! ~ - _. I No. of Pages Z M (not including cover sheet) I Com ents: ~ L ~n~ ~t~s ~~s . E - - PLANNING AND ZONING PARKS AND RECREATION PUBLIC WORKS (303)-235-28-16 (303) 235-2877 (303) 235-286] HP OfficeJet • ~ Fax Log Report for Personal Printer/Fax/CoJfiet DEVI2EVFAX 303 235 2857 Jun-12-97 02:23 PM Jdemli~cation _ _ -= Resu t Pales Tine Date Time Duration Diaggostic 94239462 OK 03 Sent Jun-12 02:22P 00:01:09 002486030022 co NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on June 5, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. ('ase No CT TP-97 4• An application by the Wheat ridge.Presbyterian Church for the Presbytery of Denver for approval of a conditional use pennif to allow a church and an outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned property located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: cel :The North 290 feet of the East one-half of the West one-half of the West one- half ofthe Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, EXCEPT the North 205 feet of the East 75 feet thereof, arc B• The North 507.6 feet of the West one-half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., together with the improvements situate thereon, known and numbered as 9180 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, all in County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Beginning at the NE corner of the W%2 W'/2 W'/2 of the NW %< of the NE%< thence South a distance of 506.6 feet, thence west a distance of 20 feet to a point on the circumference of a circle of 45 foot radius whose center is 462.6 feet South and 20 feet West of the point of beginning, thence Northwesterly along said circumference a distance of 136.42 feet to a point 25 feet West of the East line of W'/4 W'/< W'/4 NW'/4 NE%4, thence North to the North liner of Section 27, thenEast a distance of 25 feet to the point of beginning. The South 1 foot of the East 20 feet of the W'/: W %z W %z of the NW %4 of the NE'/< of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West. The West 25 feet of the North 290 feet of E% W%2 W%2 ofthe NW%4 of the NW'/< of Section 35, Township 3 South, Range 69 West. The South 1 foot of the East 20 feet of the W% of the W% of the W% of the NW'/< of the NE'/a Section 27 T3S R69W. The North 205 feet of the East 75 feet of the E% W% W% NW% NE`/o of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., together with easements and rights of way as reserved in deeds recorded in Book 933, Page 117 and in Book 1290 at Page 519, except any portion lying within West 38th Avenue, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2. Case No WZ-97-5• An application by Pacifica Holding Company, LLC, for Pacifica Development Properties, II, LLC, for approval of a rezoning from Commercial-One to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan and a fugal development plan and plat with variances. Said property is located at 9500 West , 49th Avenue and is legally described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of 70 Execufive Center Amended Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3. Case No. WZ-97-7: An application by Louis J. Ficco for Dorothy J. Smith and Lenore. A Harris for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two and Commercial-One to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan. Said property is located at 6225 West 48th Avenue and is legally described as follows: An undivided '/z interest in: That part of the South half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, lying east of the easterly line of LaVeta Avenue and South and East of Southeasterly line of Block 19, Berkeley Heights 2nd Filing (except Blocks 12, 16, 17, and aten-acre tract heretofore conveyed to Belle Bush by deed in Book 117 at Page 479 said land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of Section 13, 786.4 feet Wesi of South Quarter corner of Section 13, thence North 650.5 feet, thence South 53 ° 47' West 123.75 feet, thence North 89° 13' West 104 feet; thence South 45° 38' West 140.3 feet; thence South 30° 02' West 90.3 feet; thence South 09° 28' East 109.6 feet; thence South I S° 51' East 38 feet; thence East 185 feet to stake; thence South 259 feet to South line of said Section 13; thence East along said Section line 136 feet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 4. Case No. ZOA-97-2: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of an amendment to Section 26-30 (T)(9) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to Commercial Mobile Radio Facilities. Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: May 16, 1997 Transcript NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COM IS- SION on June 5, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak. at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The fol- lowing petftions shall be heard: 1, Caen Nn. GUP-97.4: An application by the Wheat Ridge 'Presbyterian Church for the Presbytery of Denver for approval of a conditional use pertnlt to allow a church and an outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned proper- ty located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: The North 290 feet of the East one-half of the West one-half of the West one- half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, EXCEPT the North 205 feet of the East 75 feet thereof, and, The North 507.6 feet of the West one- half of the West one-half of the West one-haH of the Northwest one-quarter of jhe Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., together with the improvements situate thereon, known and numbered as 9180 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, all in County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and. Beginning at the NE comer of the W1/2 W7/2 W1/2 of the NWt/4 of the NE1/4 thence South a distance of 506.6 feet, thence west a distance of 20 feet to a point on the circumference of a circle of 45 foot radius whose center is 462.6 feet South and 20 feet West of the point of beginning, thence Northwesterly, along said circumference a distance of 136.42 feat to a point 25 feet West of the East line of W1/4 W1/4 W1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4, thence North to the North liner of Section 27, then East a distance of 25 feet to the point of begin- ! Wing. The South 1 foot of the East 20 feet of the W1/2 Wt/2 Wt/2 of the NW7/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West. The West 25 feet of the North 290 feet of Et/2 Wt/2 W1/2 of the NWt/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 35, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, and, The South 1 foot of the East 20 feet of NWl%4/of theaNE11/4 Stectionl/27 T3S R69W, and, of the Ert 2 W1/2 W1/2 NWE/4 NE1/4 of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., together with easements and rights of way as reserved in deeds recorded in Book 933, Page 117 and in Book 1290 at Page 519, except any portion lying within West 38th Avenue, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. _, J1/~( - 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 W/2e(lt Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Rldgg ~yll~1at~ aZti'~,~ Mayt~l3, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a conditional usegermit to allow church and outdoor wor ltp aka in a Residential Two zone at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by Anril I4. 1997. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbytertian Chruch LOCATION: _ 9180 W, 3Sth Avenue REQUESTED ACTION. Approval of a conditional use permit in a Residential-Two zone district. PURPOSE: To allow a church and outdor sorship area in a Residential-Two zone district. APPROXIMATE AREA: 2. SS acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are_servicelinesavailable to the development? YES X NO If `NO", please explain_below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES 1C NO_. If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES ~C NO_ If "IJO'; please explain below. 5. Are there any concerru orproblemsyou agency has identified which would or should affect approval ofth~s request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Departmem ofPlanning~ & Development DISTRIBUTION: TCI of Colorado X Water District (Wheat Ridge) / Jeffco Health Department X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) Jeffco Schools X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) JeJfco Commissioners Adjacent City ~ Denver Water Board X Public Service Co. lYR Post Office US West Communications X WR Police Department State Lane Use Commission X Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey WR Park & Rec Commission Colorado Dept. Of Transportation X WR Forestry Division Colorado Div. Of Wildlife WR Building Divrsion "The Carnation City" ~~ 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge June 5, 1997 This is to inform you that Case No.CL/P-97-04 which is a request for anyr, oval of a conditional use hermit to allow a church and outdoor worship area for property located at 9180 West 38th Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 P.M. on June 19 1997. All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration mztst be present at this hearing before the PLANNING COMMISSION. A.s an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City" Douglas Stiverson Howard Collins Bonnie Harden 3720 Garrison St. 3875 Field Dr. 3780 Garland St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thomas Bant r 9290 W. 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 John Stabenau 3805 Gamson St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 William Erbsen -- 3720 Garland St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Joanne Hahn ~- 3760 Garland St. RTheat Ridge, CO 80033 Karen Snyder 9111 W. 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Charles Dalbec 3810 Garrison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Roy Raymond 3730 Garland St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Vernon Drwenski 3770 Gazland St. Wheat Ridge,, CO 80033 Bill Trefz 3875 Allison Circle Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Galon Meyer 7420 Pikeview Ct. Lakewood, CO Walt Petit 3930 Eaton St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Tim Kathka & Gary Loplain 1580 Lincoln St. #1130 Denver, CO Roger & Carol Palm 3905 Garrison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jim Niquette 3860 Everett St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jeff Neustaedter 9099 W. 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wide Horizons Inc. Attn: Dwight Stafford 8900 W. 38th Avenue _ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Milton Tedford 3570 Golden Gat Canyon Rd. Golden, CO 80403 Robert Brown 271 Youngfield Drive Denver, CO Charles Miller 3360 Braun Rd. Golden, CO 80403 Edith & Hollis Fender 3850 Holland St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 4a. Ai title Number P 963 361 773 t>r,na~ Ri4pa C~r:;re^atic~-;: CCiC I4b.ServiceType _.7~~~'.7 ii. 29th !vE't?tl° ~ CERTIFIED >~t6es, Cd 3.224 of Delivery d rruuieaxc a nu...ooo (ONLY it requested and fee paid.) " U "" " Domestic Return Receipt -- -- ~ __ -- - --- --- -=SENDER: ~~ ~ --- I also wish to receive the i ~ J PosTACe -E01"pTete items t andior z ror additional services. following services (for an extra fee): I I RETURN • Print your came antl atltlress on the reverse of this form so that we can return this SHOrv TOU cab 1-^ AddreSSee~S AddreSS RECEIPT ~ypG ADDRESS ~A[t1t-fits oo~rtheTro~~lhe ma pl c~6lroFrthi~~l s~tloes notp~, 2-^ RQStrlCted DE'lVery fPl SERVICE CERTIFIEDP "rThe Return Receipt will show to wham the article was delivered antl the date delivered. ConSOlt postmaster for fee. o --= Tone POSi_ rtiGe.AddressE•.d_ta' _4a_Article Number ~ SENT TO: "'~<T - P X63 3_61. 503______-- - :,tom ~ ~ ~ ~'j ~ :x~~„~,; ~~:. - -' 4b. Service Type - fT'1 J7~~ C'm~L°, :d$7A:c.~ ~y .v-~~ rw ~ ~;:) i-':.' -. rn t x4~ ~ CERTIFIED ' - ~ = - - - c - - - - 7. Da of Delivery ~ A ~_$T~ ~i s : (Print Name 5 c ' e Address 8. Addres _- _ (ONLY if requested and fee pard.) - I PS FORM 3800 . _ _ - - _ 6. Signature: (Addressee or gents X ` ° - - ----- ' " ' p ' "~"'~" PS FORM 3~8~ 1, January 1996, ; ;~ ~ .- ' ' : - ` ODmestio Return Receipt t RETURN POSTAGE DATE PNO RESTRICTED SHOW TD WHOM ~(~1{ ~~(! ~ T `~ `- ( ~' - f , ADDRESS CF DEWERY ~ pELIVERY ~ ~ = RECEIPT _ __ - CEFTIFIEO FEE +RETURN RECEIPT S O SERVICE TGTAL PGSTAGE ANG FEES ~ ~ - ' rr Lrl SENT T0: INOT FOR NTERNATDNAL MAIL /~~~~~~ ~ £[F nr Fn ~mFl } ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ " ~ 3e~ NtaracCBedter I' -Vi=i w rn rn f ~ ~ "T 8099 W. 38 Avt~syls F ~ '~ rn - s ~" r'`I ' i ~ _. ~ ~ .- S$ t~at R dges, S~7 80t13~~ ~ 't ~Q ., a ~~ I ~~ ~~ +~-97-~ R ~ '~ ~ fT e PS FORM 3800 US Postal Servi~ ~ r I P ~ ~. 6~ ~-.'~_.-. _ ~ - I I POSTAGE P1U - Tsy-DER: - ~ ' ' - - __-.1 alcy0 ~Sh_t0_C2G2IY2111e- _z I RETURN ii ~l aa31E€d. . G ompTefe ilems~!arr io r IIOTSr~ wP snow ro wHOM. ADDRESS OF DELI; followin services (for an extra fee 9 ) - ' pECEIPT Pant your name antl address on the reverse of this form so that We can ret ERrIRED FEE-R urn [his rzrtl 1. ^ Addressee's Address r` SERVICE - c tG you --- - ------_-- TOTAL POSTAGE An • Attach this form to the from M the mailprece, or on a ac i space oes no permit ~- '"""~. ^ Restricted Delivery Lf7 ---- -- - - N 50 N '-.7h~ liZur~in ecelpl wlll s~~f,ou~i trrearti7e wasdEllvared-and the aste dalroered. Consult postmaster for fee. 7-- - SENT TO: NoT FOR- cticleAddresse4tD: _._._-.__-_-.-_._ ____. 4a Article Number _.. a P 963 361 457 .n - tn ~~ ~~ _ .it+u-;iii:; ..$:3-J~'.Xav:= 4b. Service Type Rt ~~24 ('~'ri.11CJ1 ~~~ 7 ~ ziYY'I.*.'rt}f•. `:C. [ '.',;' .i"r'1:i'i :'.t.;~,+= 9g~ ~ - . _.', k ~. CERTIFIED - r . ,. .,.. .. ~ ~~?~ - '.-~, ~, 1-~s. 7. Date of eliv el~d-By: (Print Name) ~ 8. ddressee's Address PS FORM 3800 t,_ (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) ~ t 6. Signafu ~ (Addressee or Agenq ~ - PS FORM~3811, January 1996" r , D6rrTeStiC Return Receipt .~ S ra .~ m m u' d { -- t .1.: i` SENT TO. NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL I ~V~Y f"~~1A~~ .. 9ff94 i~'. 38 Avelru~s ~ ~ - 6+tt R1s~e G16 80033 I CJP-97-4 POSTAGE RETURN sHOW TO WHOM; GOT PND FEGTRIGTEO ~ / ' I DELVERY ADDPERS OF DELIVERY RECEIPT ~ f CERTGIED FEE +RETURN RECEIPT , ' SERVICE - TOTAL POSTAGE PND FEES I -~ N URA EC AGE D - - ~I PS FORM 3800 _ - ~/-; US Postal Service ~~ J a ~ ~° ~ ~. a r d \- l ~rJ ;. :. ^~ M M O O rCyOT V m~ J~ ~ T' -~ - _"- _~__ f 1 ~ 6] ~ ~ _~r- II ~ ~~ ~ I P08TAG y I I RETURN SHOW TO WHOM. DATE AND/ RESTPIOTED ~ ~_ 7' -.o m m o- [L. RECEIPT AODPE559F DELIVERY DELIVERY \ -.. ____ ..T-....+ 1 CERTIFIED FEE-RETURNRECEIPL - -.__ _,_~..____ _ _ SERVICE TOTAL POSTAGE ANtt - - --- - -- - - _ENDER: SENT TQ:.,. 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I also wish to receive the I ,dior z far atlanonal services. following services (for an extra fee): I re s r otlHl3"t~so tfrai we-can remm mis caM c 1-^Jidd[esse~s-Add[ESS .-_ the fmpt nf_tUe_mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. _ __2_ ^ RBSY19Cf_ed D81VEry _ ,.al ~n,.U, m u~w~m Iro Rrtica was tlelivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. -- - T TO: NOT FC-- -rTe":~~'~T5 Y fi T rzF+ CC~~ ',`fit =:Pa.-k <?~ l'zl :L°3i:# 3$75 E~IX 5. Received By: (Print Name) x-97-4 PS FORM 3800 =I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. ^ Addressee's Address 2. ^ Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. Article Numher P 963 361 467 Service Type CERTIFIED 'SENDER: a Comdete items 7. Date of Delivery Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee pard.) - - - - ` - - - _ ~~~/~/~ ~ ~._PS FORM'3811; January 1996 - -_ _ -_ --_ ""`'DI _ ~--.~.._,_ ....,._ .~,v...._. _ Number ~ -- 963 361 466 4h Se~ce Type ; CERTIFIED liecelpt I - D R: - I also wish to receive the I PGSfAGE .Complete Reins 1 antl/Or 2 for additional services. following services (for an extra fee): I RETURN aoo Essc ~ ~ °[ Your name antl address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this caM 7 p Addressee's Address RECEIPT - - SERVICE CERTIFIEDF . gttach Mis form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back it space tloes wt permit 2. ^ ReSfrlCted Delivery t+7 .~ TGTaI. FosT • Tne Return Receipt will show Ie whom the article was delivered antl the tlate deliveretl. - C)onaUlt postmaster fOr fee. - ----- a - SENT TO: - " I He _~l~rflce resse o: 4a. F~rtlc~6lum~er ,a 1~9~~67; DES rrl i Si ~i t. ~i:i irf 7 4b. Service Type n1 . . . : • ~~.~. t1Q. 38 r- ':ei irt?FhC :~3... Et: '. ~ ;-rt3:S ,~ g~ ~ CERTIFIED o- - 7. Date of Delivery a s-' 7-~i ~ ~ / 3 -'~ ~ t~F-97"4 - -5. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's Address ~8A'L~ r q eue sted~_e~d.) _ PS FORM 3800 = ~i- ure:( dressee - A nt =~SFO M 381'1, Janua - 996- ''' ~ ~ "Domestic Return Receipt 1 ~ i --- - DER: - ~ I also wish to receive the I POSUGE ; ~ Complete items 1 antl/or 2 for adtlidonal services. ----- --fQ_II¢W~.$erViCE$_~fOr an B%tra fee): I RETURN RECEIPT aFyyyy Tp ADDRESS •Print your name antl address on the reverse of this form 50 that we Can return t Is ~ - - - -- -- - - -- ca 1 ^ Addressee's Address CERnFlEr--- --' µ this term_lo_the /roM_nflhe rs"I ' the back'( space tloes rrot permit. 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OWNER NAME FULL: ----- p -- ~-~T-TfION1AS- Tir 2) MAIL ADDRESS:--_--- 9111 W 38TH AVE MAIL CARRIER RTE: WHEAT RIDGE CO MAIL CITY: OD008-4231 MAIL ZIP+4: ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: - 9 ~ 38 AvE SITUS CARRIER RTE: -----~.___~_~ `WHEAT RIDGE SITUS CITY: STATE: CO _ 80033--4231 SITUS ZIP+4: LOT SIZE: A1.13 LOT AREA: OWNER NAME FULL: 49,222 ~NYDER KAREN COPLE - Y -- ----- -- 3) MAIL ADDRESS: - _. 9001 W 38TH AVE MAIL CARRIER RTE: WHEAT RIDGE CO ~"fAIL CITY: 4205 80"0'3 MAIL ZIP+4: __ __ __ ZONING: SITLTS ADDRESS: - _ - - 9001 W'__38' AVE SITUS__ CARRIER RTE: _ WHEAT RIDGE _ '_ SITUS=CITY: - - -` STATE r' - CO 80033-4205 SITUS ZIP+4: . LOT SIZE4 =~ A0.68 _ -~ LOT AREA:_-" - 29,62D LYNCH DONALD P - OWNER NAME FULL: ------ ---~------ ------ ---- - ~ y _ -- -: ~: lieved^to be reliable but accurac is riot guaranteed « b e » Re orted data P ,~ ~ ._ =; (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data - - -M1 - 4) MAIL ADDRESS. 7500 W 29TH AVE ' MAIL CARRIER RTE: C058 MAIL CITY:- _ LAKEWOOD CO MAIL ZIP+4: 00008--6713_ _ ZONING: SITUS ,ADDRESS: _ ' 9009 F7 38 AVE SITIIS CARRIER RTEy WHE31'P RIDGE SITUS CITY: _ - _ - STATE : 80033-4205 = SISLiS ZIP+4: ~ = LO'I=SIZE : A0 . 5 6 LOT~AREA: 24,393 _ - -CITY OF WHEAT RIDG --E OWNER NAME FULL: 5) MAIL ADDRESS. 9099 W 38TH AVE MAIL CARRIER RTE: -0001 -WHEAT RIDGE CO MAIL CITY: 8003"3-4205- MAIL ZIP+4: ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS : ~ 9 W-'38- AVE ' SITUS CARRIER RTE: ~~-HE~.~~~E SITUS CITY: _ _ --~~ STATE : 8.0033-4205 SITUS ZIP+4: LOT SIZE: A0.56 LOT AREA: 24, 393- - _--- ~7-~5"I'~AEDTER JEFF A OWNER NAME FULL: - ,r---- -.------ ... ----- ;_: 6) MAIL ADDRESS 3805 GARRISON ST' MAIL CARRIER RTE: WHEAT RIDGE CO MAIL CITY: OD008-4212 MAIL ZIP+4: _ ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: X8'65--=G.~RRISON -ST" SITUS CARRIER RTE : - ~~iEA'P BTTJGE'- SITUS CITY: STATE: ='-CO 80033=4212 SITUS ZIP+4: LOT SIZE: LOT AREA: OWNER NAME FULL : ~~,.. p ~ST_-ABF~NAU JOHN D _ lieved b to be reliable but accuracy is riot"guaranteed « e » Reported data ~ r .' ~ (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 7) MAIL ADDRESS: 3810 GARRISON ST MAIL CARRIER ATE: C001 MAIL CITY: WHEAT RIDGE CO MAIL ZIP+4: 80033-4213 - ", ZONING: --_ - --- -- SITUS ADDRESS: r:3S10 GARRISON ST~ SITUS CARRIER RTE: -- - SITUS CITY: =WHEAT RIDGE STATE: CO SITUS ZIP+4: 8~-0~-3=-4.213- t LOT SIZE: A0.28 LOT AREA: 12,196 OWNER NAME FULL: ~I3ALBEC -CHARLES A 8) MAIL ADDRESS: 7500 W 29TE-AVE _- MAIL CARRIER RTE: MAIL CITY: WHEAT RIDGE CO - .---' MAIL ZIP+4: -- ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: 9100 W 38 AVE SITUS CARRIER RTE: SITUS CITY~- STATE: CO SITUS ZIP+4: LOT SIZE: ZA0.30 LOT AREA: 13,068 - OWNER NAME FULL: CITY OF WHEAT RIDG E » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « T (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data - - --- 1) MAIL PJ3DRESS: -fl9A0 W 38TH AVE 1 ~ ~~~n,va ~' MAIL CARRIER RTE: X061 __- ~L -~LJ MAIL CITY: ~1T DG 0 Y I ~-~ ~' MAIL Zip+4: 80033-4204 ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: 8900 W 38 AVE SITUS CARRIER RTE: ydHEAT RIDGE SITUS CITY: CO STATE: SITUS ZIP+4: 80033=4204 LOT SIZE:. A8.62 LOT AREAL 375,487 OWNER NAME FULL:- ~ID~E FORIZONS INC ---- -- ---- - () MAIL ADDRESS: "'3~2-0 GART;A`ND ST _ MAIL CARRIER RTE: Cn16 MAIL CITY: EAI' RIDGE CO MAIL ZIP+4: 8003=5831. ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: 3720 GARLAND ST SITUS CARRIER RTE: WHEAT RIDGE SITUS CITY: CO STATE: SITUS ZIP+4: 80033-5831 LOT SIZE: LOT AREA: - -`-°`- -- OWNER NAME FULL: R`BSEN RTI,LTAM ETAL _--- - ,, , 7) MAIL. ADDRESS _ ~ 3 MAIL CARRIER RTE: ~C0-1~6-, MAIL CITY: Wtirp.T- RIDGE -CO MAIL ZIP+4: $~-5831--= ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: 3730 GARLAND ST SITUS CARRIER-RTE: WHEAT RIDGE SITUS CITY:. STATE: CO ' SITUS ZIP+4: 80033-5831 LOT_SIZE: _ LOT AREA: _. ~:.. OWNER NAME FULL: RAYMOND-ROY D-Ii __-________ -'.-- » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not aranteed « (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data ------------ -- ---------- ---- ----- --------------.---- --° ~ >: _ GFYTE ' `~ON"~R - - - _ ~... 8} MAIli ADDRESS: 3-S-10 c~vLlir,L~7` ' ~ MAIL CARRIER RTE: R006 ~ ' ~ MAIL CITY: MAIL ZIP+4: ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: SITUS CARRIER RTE: SITUS CITY: STATE: SITIIS ZIP+4: LOT SIZE: LOT AREA: OWNER NAME FULL: ~OZDEN CO 8_04Q3-8771 3740 GARLAND ST WHEAT RTDGE CO 80D33-5831 ~I'EDFbRD "I~IILTON C ' _ _ _ , -- ------ -- --- -- -- ------------------------------------------------- - 9) MAIL ADDRESS: 3760 GARLAND ST " MAIL CARRIER RTE: C016 MAIL CITY: WHEAT RIDGE CO MAIL ZIP+4: -00008-5831 ZONING: SITUS ADDRESS: STTUS CARRTER RTE: SITUS CITY: STATE: SITUS ZIP+4: LOT SIZE: LOT AREA: OWNER NAME FULL: _____.Y_'____~'_.r."_' 10) MAIL ADDRESS: MAIL CARRIER RTE: MAIL CITY: ~'~6Q GARLAND ST ;F- WHEY~ RSD -_. -C~" - - 'ts U~ S .i - S$31 '~3AI3I~7- u~rv~.dE--' p ~z ~. - ___'_~,-__'_.___ ~.-____"_"__„______'___,'____'~~_`.__".__," 3-~~I-O lzllfCLHLVL -.S~'T - '" ' " ~" ~ .-. .., . . ~D7.E --WI~3~T~IDGE CO ° MAIL ZIP+4: ZONSNG: SITUS ADDRESS: SITUS CARRIER RTE: SITUS CTTY: STATE: SITUS ZIP+4: LOT SIZE: LOT AREA: OWNER NAME FULL: 8-0-033_-5831_ - ~ 3770 GARLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-5831 -DRS+7ENSKS VERNON R Sft~ ------ - -----------,~_----------- ---------- » Reported data believecl to be reliable~but accuracy is not guaranteed « - -._ _ _ . _-- _ 7 _ ~ ~ ~- ., , ~1~30 ~ Y~ ~'"~.o-~ f1~- 9~~ ~ ~~- w~ ~. c.~93 ~ -~ .~'~ cam/ ~- MINUTES OF MEETING CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION June 5, 1997 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on June 5, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Harry Williams, Chairperson Anne Brinkman Carl A. Cerveny Cazolyn Griffith Jay Rasplicka Thomas Shockley Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Glen Gidley, Director Planning & Development Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary PUBLIC HEARING The foLowing is the off cial copy of Planning Commission minutes far the Public Hearing held on June 5, 1997. A copy of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) A motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SNOW to approve the agenda with additions made by Commissioner CERVENY to Section 11, Discussion Items: Comp Review Plan. Motion passed 7-0. Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 2 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Commissioner RASPLICKA, second by Commissioner SNOW to approve the Minutes of May 28, 1997. Motion passed 7-0. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing Section of the Agenda.) There was no one present to speak. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-97-7; An application by Louis Ficco on behalf of Dorothy Smith and Lenore Harris to rezone from Residential-Two and Commercial- One to Planned Commercial Development and outline development plan for property located at 6225 W. 48th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the case and submitted into the record slides, comprehensive plan, exhibits, staff report and other related materials. All required notifications have been met. She stated that Staff is somewhat concerned about some of the more intensive uses that are being proposed with regard to the residential property located to the north. She also said that a note is to be placed on the plan disallowing any billboards on the property and further that brick accents on sides visible to the streets will also be added.. She said that the Economic Development Coordinator stated that there is need for this type of tenant space in Jefferson County and that spot zoning is not an issue. On March 13, 1997, a neighborhood meeting was . held and the concerns expressed regarding drainage aze being addressed in addition to outside storage. Escrow will be required for the public improvements that are necessary. This application has been recommended for approval. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Louis Ficco, 11315 W. 38th Avenue. Mr. Ficco elaborated on the surrounding area pointing out that the property would not be appropriate for residential use especially with the highway proximity, public storage to the east, and the industrial operations to the west. He stated that there is one house which is approximately 100 feet from the proposed building in addition to a 25 foot drop off from the future business and did not feel that noise would be a problem. He further stated that he understood that the City of Wheat Ridge is interested in purchasing the house including surrounding properties to create a pazk. He said that the fence would not exceed six feet. Those who need outside storage, will not be permitted to exceed the fence height or store in any area visible to the public. He felt that the horsepower restrictions should be reviewed. The five HP limit is antiquated especially considering new technologies. New motors are closer to 35, 40 or 50 HP and run extremely quiet. He would not Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 3 anticipate excessive noise from a new 35 HP motor as opposed to what was the case with older 5 HP models. Discussion was held regarding semi-trucks, fill to be used, flood plain concerns, reluctance of having a tire recapping business, landscaping, loading zones, general traffic, noise, zoning, horsepower limits, time limited semi parking, outside storage, type of businesses allowed, and effort to save as many trees as possible. A motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SNOW, "I move that Case No. WZ-97-7, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two and Commercial-One to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan for property located at 6225 West 48th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is within the City of Wheat Ridge, posting notifications have been met. 2. Although some of the uses aze semi-industrial in nature, the proposal is consistent with adjoining zoning and development. 3. The property cannot be reasonably developed under current zoning. 4. All responding agencies can service the facility. With the following conditions: That performance standards as "Exhibit A" be included under the list of allowed uses. 2. A note disallowing billboazds be placed on the plan. 3. If feasible and subject to approval of the Final Development Plan, brick accent he used on those building elevations visible from adjoining streets. 4. Outside storage can be allowed on the northern most building provided that it is not accessible by vehicles and will be reviewed at the time of the submittal of the Final Development Plan. 5. Mature trees to be preserved as practical. 6. No above ground loading docks be shown on the Final Development Plan. 7. In the list of uses, tire capping be eliminated. 8. That the plan provide noise standazds that aze acceptable per State standazds. 9. Repair or maintenance ofsemi-trucks be eliminated. 10. Regular parking or storage of semi's outside the premise will not be allowed." Motion carried 8-0. B. Case No. WZ-97-S: An application by Pacifica Holding Company LLC to rezone from Commercial-One to Planned Commercial Development, outline Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 4 plan approval and final development plan approval with a variance for property located at 9500 W. 49th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of this case and entered into the record, zoning ordinance, comp plan, slides, exhibits, and other pertinent information. Ms. Reckert stated that the applicant has requested rezoning to eliminate some of the allowed uses that they feel aze undesirable for the neighborhood and to expand some of the allowed uses. There was one letter of objection which was included in the packet. Allowed uses include C-1 uses with the exception of undesirable businesses such as adult entertainment, auto repair, and bars. It has been required of the applicant to include performance standards into the list of allowed uses. Availability for outside storage is a concern due to visibility and Staff is requesting that storage be excluded from the eastern two buildings and limited storage for the western buildings which would include outdoor screening. She discussed the sign size and height originally denied when presented to the Boazd of Adjustments in Mazch, 1997. The sign change constitutes a reduced request for sign setback variance. The developer installed an improper sign during original development due to a misconception on their part regarding what aspects of the development were covered by the building permit. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Mike Kendall of Pacifica Holding Company, 5350 S. Roslyn. Mr. Kendall stated that they would remove the request for outside storage in order to create a "business park" atmosphere. They plan to remove inappropriate uses and replace them with more desirable businesses. He stated there have been considerable requests for azeas that include some storage inside behind the front offices. He stated that 80% of this type of use is office business space with the remaining 20% light industrial. The horsepower request stems from technology improvements and an effort to be flexible for future tenants. He is willing to compromise. however. He said that higher horsepower with new generators will generate less noise and pollution. He stated that uses they would eliminate include adult entertainment establishments, auto/light duty truck sales/rental, out-of-service repair shops, hotels/motels, mortuaries, motor fueling, woodworking, drive-in restaurants, pawn shops, bars, theaters or night clubs. Tazgeted business for this project are of the 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. type businesses. He feels that Pacifica is trying to make the project as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Chris Rusch, 6108 S. Pierson, Littleton, 80127. Mr. Rusch is the sign designer and presented the proposed sign overview. General discussion included elimination of all outside storage, appeazance of the building, light industrial usage, free standing signs, maximum machine horsepower, noise created by generators and the opening of the garage doors for ventilation, truck traffic, screening of the apartment buildings, what type offence would be installed, fire department concerns regarding the indoor fire system and various site improvements. Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 5 The following motions were presented: Outline Development Plan Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner THOMPSON seconded, "that Case No. WZ-97- 5, arequest for approval of rezoning from Commercial-One to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan for property located at 9500 West 49th Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. The number and type of industrial uses included make it industrial use not commercial. 2. As such it is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan which shows office/retail at the Kipling Activity Center Master Plan. 3. It is not compatible with the adjacent residential properties. 4. It can reasonably be used within the current zoning. 5. Allowing rezoning uses to industrial uses in one of the designated commercial activities could establish a precedence to ignore the intent of activity centers throughout the City. Motion failed 3-5. (Commissioners Rasplicka, Cerveny, Brinkman, Griffith, Snow: denied), Final Development and Outline Plan Commissioner BRINKMAN motioned, Commissioner CERVENY seconded, "that the request for approval of an outline and final development plan for property located at 9500 West 49th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A rezoning is required to expand allowed uses as recommended by Staff which would allow a land use transition. 2. All requirements for a PCD outline development plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. In the development standards, the perimeter setback next to the right-of--way be changed to 50 feet. 2. No regular long term parking of semi-trucks and trailers be allowed. 3. No outside storage be allowed. 4. Any use not permitted under the Commercial-One and not listed under the additional light industrial, cannot occur between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.. 3. Any use in excess of 35 HP in the two most eastern buildings be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Staff. Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 6 4. In the two western buildings, any use in excess of 40 HP will not be allowed without Staff s discretion. 5. No attachment of additional equipment such as special equipment, cranes, lifts, etc. to outside walls or roof will be permitted. 6. Eliminate uses listed on the plan under #8. 7. No woodworking businesses will be allowed." Motion carried 5-3. (Commissioners Snow, Thompson, Shockley: denied). Variance Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner CERVENY seconded, "that the request for a five foot sign setback variance for property located at 9500 West 49th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. Approval of the reduced request would not prove,a hazard to the public health, safety and welfaze. 2. It would not had a negative impact on property values or public welfaze. 3. Proposed location is more aesthetically pleasing than other locations meeting setbacks. With the following conditions: 1. Landscaping be installed around the base of the sign. 2. No other freestanding signs be allowed on the property." Motion carried 8-0. C. Case No ZOA-97-1: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to consider proposed amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 24. Light Industrial District Regulations regarding uses allowed as "Principal Permitted" and "Special Uses", City of Wheat Ridge ,County of Jefferson, State of Colorado (Continued from April 3, 1997.) Director GIDLEY presented an overview of case history. He stated that he has rewritten the ordinances which were attached to the packet for review. There are four separate issues being addressed in order to meet State Constitutional requirements. The Council Bills address Semi- Trucks and Trailers, Outside Storage, Landscaping, and Special Use Permits. It does not rezone any property or retro-apply to any existing use. The only way it would apply to any existing use is if the owner started a new business, built a substantial addition or redeveloped property, and is Planning Corrunission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 7 not intended to apply to any existing businesses that are currently operating. Director GIDLEY reviewed each Council Bill. Discussion was held regarding grandfathering, defining or deleting non-cormercial uses, parking azeas, specific definitions which are provided in the Bill, number of trucks allowed to park in every cotmercial district, concern regazding three semi's being allowed to park in every commercial district business, the rewording of Section 1 of the Ordinance or deletion, and Section 2, (7)(a), verification of "any noncommercial use of such truck-tractors...", outside storage, increasing fence height to provide aesthetics, azchitectural embellishment to the walls, lot coverage/landscaping, future review of landscaping requirements, definition of special uses, vesting of land or ownership in industrial zones, and affect on current owners. Director GIDLEY stated that these changes will not affect the current business/land owners with the exception of semi truck/trailers, vacant land development, and substantial expansion. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in the following meeting attendants: Evan Asby, 8414 W. 87th Way, Arvada. He felt that dealing with a City that is consistently undergoing change is very difficult. However, those that are in an industrial area, know they are in such an azea. He believes that in these areas that storage is necessary. However, he questions the need to screen everything in these azeas and objects to a 10 foot high wall. He feels there is nothing to be ashamed about regarding visual impact of industrial azeas and used his dislike of the train's boxcars as his compazison for the need of screening. He likes landscaping between zones. However, he disagrees with an industrial azea that requires so much landscaping. John Silveson, 12300 W. 49th Place. Mr. Silveson stated he felt the ordinances were appropriate and no longer felt there was a threat to his business even though there may be some things yet to be resolved such as the time limit trucks could be parked. Deliveries were questioned and Director GIDLEY stated that it was directed at drivers who come in later and sleep vs length of time it takes to make a delivery. He questioned special uses and how they applied to his properties. Director GIDLEY stated that planned industrial zoned property does not apply. Shazon Peterson, 12360 W. 49th Avenue: She felt that the truck parking restriction should be reconsidered. She also felt that the outside storage areas in an industrial azea, which is not visible from the street, should not have to be screened. Jim Oglevie, P.O. Box 2808511, Wheat Ridge. He stated that notifications should be sent out any time this subject is going to be discussed. He also questioned the fencing requirements which Director GIDLEY clarified for him as well as permitted uses. He questioned the fencing requirements which Director GIDLEY clarified for him. Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 8 Jackie Oglevie, P.O. Box 2808511, Wheat Ridge. Her concerns were regazding if any of their tenants would have to secure a new permit should they buy the building and notification requirements. She was advised by Director GIDLEY that the purchasers would not need a new permit and that they would only have to change the business license. Director GIDLEY clarified that there are no guazantees that notifications would be made regarding changes and that all public hearings are published. The following motions were made by Commissioner SNOW, seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY:_ "That Council Bill Exhibit `A' regazding: An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, pertaining to parking and storage oftruck-tractors and/or semitrailers upon property located within Commercial and Industrial zone districts, be forwazded to the City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL with a request of the Staff to further define the phrase "any noncommercial use" and that Paragraph 8 be deleted." Motioned cazried 7-1 with Commissioner CERVENY voting no. "That Council Bill Exhibit `B' regarding: An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, pertaining to outside storage requirements in Commercial and Industrial zone districts be forwarded to the City Council with the recommendation of APPROVAL." Motion carried 8-0. "That Council Bill Exhibit `C' regarding: An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, pertaining to maximum lot coverage and minimum landscape requirements within the Light Industrial (I) zone districts be forwazded to the City Council with the recommendation of APPROVAL." Motion carried 6-2 with Commissioners THOMPSON and CERVENY voting no. "That Council Bill Exhibit `D' regarding: An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, pertaining to Special Uses be forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL with the following changes: 1. That Item `B' remain as it was with no changes 2. That Item `B' (1) last sentence be changed to: `Approval of these special use permits shall become a vested property right which may transfer with the land or lease, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval.' 3. That Item `B' (2) first sentence be changed to: `This category of special use is less Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 9 dependent upon unique site and/or building site and/or building improvements to accommodate the use but is highly dependent upon proper management to ensure that operational aspects of the use..." Motion carried 5-3 with Commissioners CERVENY, BRINKMAN, and GRIFFITH voting no. D. Case No. ZOA-97-2: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of an amendment to Section 26-30(T)(9) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to Commercial Mobile Radio Facilities. Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, "that Case No. ZOA- 97-2 and application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of an amendment to Section 26-30 (T)(9) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to Commercial Mobile Radio Facilities be forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation for APPROVAL." Motioned carried 8-0. 8. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner THOMPSON suggested reviewing the horsepower standards and high tech businesses. She felt many may have a low impact on the area and she would like to know whether or not these uses should be allowed in commercial areas. She stated she would like other cities to be polled, review of their rational, and what high tech businesses entail. A motion was made by Commissioner THOMPSON, seconded by Commissioner CERVENY to review these items. Motioned carried 8-0. Commissioner CERVENY requested copies of CPRC Minutes and Neighborhood Meeting comments. Commissioner SNOW provided Commissioner CERVENY with an update of what has been happening. Minutes aze currently being sent to the Commission and City Council, however, there was discussion by the Commission to take time to discuss them during Commission Study Sessions. In addition, Commissioner CERVENY requested copies of information from the neighborhood meetings and goals and objectives. Commissioner CERVENY stated concerns regarding the CPRC regarding dissemination of information, and ability to reach consensus on vazious items. Commissioner SNOW stated that she did not receive the agenda for the week in question and therefore could not approve or change it. She stated that the Committee thought they were going to present the density issue and Staff thought they were Planning Commission Minutes June 5, 1997 Page 10 discussing issues on the agenda. She felt that if the agenda would have been sent to her, the meeting would have been less confusing. Commissioner SNOW expressed her feelings regarding this meeting as well as follow-up issues. Commissioner CERVENY expressed his concerns regazding the citizenry having distress with government because they do not have a chance to be fully awaze of what is happening in the City. He wants to be aware of what is going on with the CPRC and specifically the density issues so that he may have all information available to make viable decisions. The Recording Secretary will prepaze notebooks of CPRC Minutes for all Commissioners. 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. by consensus. Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary The next meeting will be held June 19, 1997. _ _ __ _ ~___ • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN~ Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on June 19, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Heazin~ or submit written comments- The following petitions shall be heard: Case No C -97-4• An application by the Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church for the Presbytery of Denver for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and an outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned property located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: The North 290 feet of the East one-half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, EXCEPT the North 205 feet of the East 75 feet thereof, and, The North 507.6 feet of the West one-half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., together with the improvements situate thereon, known and numbered as 9180 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, all in County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and. Beginning at the NE comer of the W'/x W'/x W'/x of the NW'/< of the NE'/a thence South a distance of 506.6 feet, thence west a distance of 20 feet to a point on the circumference of a circle of 45 foot radius whose center is 462.6 feet South and 20 feet West of the point of beginning, thence Northwesterly along said circumference a distance of 136.42 feet to a point 25 feet West of the East line of W'/< W.'/< W'/ NW'/4 NE'/a, thence North to the North liner of Section 27, then East a distance of 25 feet to the point of beginning. The South 1 foot of the East 20 feet of the W %x W'/x W'/x of the NW'/< of the NE'/4 of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West. The West 25 feet of the North 290 feet of E%x W'/x W'/x of the NW'/4 of the NW'/4 of Section 35, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, and, The South 1 foot of the East 20 feet of the W %x of the W %x of the W'/x of the NW %4 of the NE% Section 27 T3S R69W, and, The North 205 feet of the East 75 feet of the E''/x W%x W'/x NW'/4 NE'/4 of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., together with easements and rights of way as reserved in deeds recorded in Book 933, Page 117 and in Book 1290 at Page 519, except any portion lying within West 38th Avenue, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk Mazilyn Gunn, Recording Secretazy To be Published: May 30, 1997 Transcript NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~ Notice is' fie}eby groen that a PubOc Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMIS- SION on June 79, 1997, at 7:30 p.m, at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing i or submit written comments. The fol- lowing petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No CUP-a7-4' An application by the Wheat Ridge Presbyterian! 1 Church for the Presbytery of Denver for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and an outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned proper- ty located at 9784 W. 38th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: The North 290 feet of the East one-half of the West one-half of the West one- halt of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, EXCEPT the North 205 feet of the East 75 feet thereof, and, The North 507.6 feet of the West one- half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., together with the improvements situate thereon, known and numbered as 9180 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, all in County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and. Beginning at the NE comer of the Wt/2 W1/2 W7/2 of the NW7/4 of the NE1/4 thence South a distance of 506.6 feet, thence west a distance of 20 feet to a point on the circumference of a circle of 45 foot radius whose center is 462.6 t feet South and 20 feet West of the point ~ of beginning, thence Northwesterly along said circumference a distance of ,_ 136.42 feet to a point 25 feet West of the Last hne of W7/4 wt/4 W1/4 ~ NW1/4 NE1/4, thence North to the '. North liner of Section 27, then East a distance of 25 feet to the point of begin- ning. The South 1 foot of the East 20 i feet of the Wt/2 Wt/2 W1/2 of the i NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 27, ; Township 3 South, Range 69 West. The West 25 feet of the North 290 feet of E1/2 W7/2 Wt/2 of the NWt/4 of the NW7/4 of Section 35, Township 3 . South, Range 69 West, and, '' The South 7 foot of the East 20 feet of the W1/2 of the W7/2 of the W7/2 of the NWt/4 of the NE1/4 Section 27 T3S R69W, and, The North 205 feet of the East 75 feet of the E7/2 Wt/2 Wt/2 NW7/4 NEt/4 of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P, M., together with easements and rights of way as reserved in deeds recorded in Book 933, Page 177 and in Book 7290 at Page 579, except any portion lying' within West 38th Avenue, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Secretary ~50D WEST <<"9TH AVEiVUE ' , P.O. BOX 638- t The ~Of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 8003~~Oc33 ,3031 2315900 ~1Vheat City Admin. Fax K 23a~592~ Police Deot. Fax: 235~29a9 Ridge /J n /~ POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. C:. !J /~ ^ ` ~ -1~ PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF AD I' HEARING DATE: ~~~~^ (q (~ C(' 7 ~! One) I, s~.~4L.-- ~ETT~~ JUN i 2 1997 residing at ~~c,~0 ~~~ j D n a m e //~~(a d d r e s s) as the applicant £or Case No. c_:.C>f = g'7-. ,~ hereby _cert3£y that I have po//sted the Notice o£ Public Hearing at (1 o c a d o n) ~~ on this ~ day of 1~CJ~!/G 19 g'7 ,, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior. to and including the scheduled day of public hearing 'of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: ~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. ICATFIICA LOPTIEN •icxnie°ii =L~Ow+Niryc C~iRT not oiuci 1580 LINCOLN STREET SUITE 11 S0 PENVER,COLORAQO 60203 703.632 M67 FAX 303.8;2 6079 MEMORANDUM 17 June 1997 FM: Tim Kathka TO: Meredith Reckert RE: Wheatridge Aresbylerian Ghurch VIA: FAX to 234-5924 Per your request, I offer the following data far the Flannlag Commission Meeting: APPROXIMATE SITE AREAS BUILDING COVERAGE LANDSCAPE AREA FORMAL NATURAL PARKING ~ HARD SURFAGE (other than parktng~ BEFORE AFTER 6300.SF 6300.5E 14000.5E 2I000.SE 50200.5E 37800.5E 48200.SF ~ 48200.5E 24 00.5E 69 00.5E TOTALS copy: Mr. Galen Meyer cYyp~ryyC,cTlufCrurycLNN W 122900.5E 122900.SF r KATHKA LUPTiEN •llNll[!O 'ESLIO^NM YL CO111}jm~ Nf lOl Y 1580 CiNCOLN STREET SMITE 1130 DENVER}CALORApp 80203 303.832 4167 FAX 303.832 6079 MEMORANDUM 19 Tune 1997 FM: Tim Kathka TO: Meredith Reckert RE: Wheatridga presbylerum Church VIA: FAX to 234.5924 Per your request, [ offer the fallowing data for the Planning Commission Meeting: APCRPXIMATE SITE AREAS BUILDING COVERAGE LANDSCAPE AREA FORMAL NATURAL PARKING HARD SURFACE (other than parkBlg) BEFORE 6300.5E ~$%) 14000.5E (~ 1. N %~ 50200.5E (t!o- ~%~ 48200.5E (y', 9. Z 4200.SF ~ 3. b% AFTER 6300.5E ~5%) 21000.5E <<~ . /% 37soo.sF (3a• x °ro 48200.5E X34. 2~ 9600.5E ~ ~- -~/ TOTALS copy: Mr. Cmlen Meyer ~nuul 122900.5E 122900.SF __ _ _ __ _ L/ ~ //" ~Z / ` _- V ~ ~"", // C jam'" ` ~- ~,~,~..,y,.'~' ,,c~~.-.,.c.--~r°,.-~,- /^~" " ~~'~-~ .,~ ,~ /y,,.c-'~ 7~" ~ Gam,. ~,.. t.._ t~-- ~-., . ~~_ ~~; mac."'-' ~~~~~r ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~" ~~ ~2I~~~ ~~~~ ~.tim ~~ r Js'! (,"I"°" ~d~ G..C c~C, ~ c.,._G~.. J~uO I ~*ti'N l 3720 Garrison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 June 17, 1997 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 To Whom it May Concern: We have reviewed the plans at the City offices with regard to case No. CUP-97-04. We are an adjacent neighbor to the Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church and have found them to be very good neighbors. We have NO 06JECTIONS to their plans for an outdoor worship area as proposed in the plan. Sincerely, ~/ , 6`~%} ~`~ c`~'L Doug Stiverson J-~~-- Jo Stiverson __ _ _ ~13- ~~n~ ~~~i~97 KATHKA LOP'i7EN A 1lOiEfftONAb COl10l ATION wtexnroTVxl rtwxxnc ~xTwm~ aumx 1560 LINCOW STREET SUITE 1130 DENVER,fALONAtp 80Y03 303.83Y M67 FA%303.83Y 6079 MEMORANDUM 17 dune 1997 FM: Tim Ka4hka TO: Meredlih Reckert RE: WheaL~idge preslrylerian Church VIA: FAX to 234-5924 Per your request, I offer the following data for the Planning Commission Meeting: APPROXIMATE SITE AREAS BUILDING COVERAGE LANDSCAPE AREA F(7RMAL NATURAL PARKING HARD SURFACE (other than parking) BEFORE 6300.SF (j %) 50200.SF (yo. ~% 48200.SF (~ 9. 2 %a 4200.SF ~ '3, b% AFTER 6300.SF ~S%) 21000.SF L« ~ ~% 37800.SF ~3d.S% 48200.SF X34.2% 600. ~ } _~j j. TOTALS copy: Mr. Galen Meyer 122900.SF 122900.SF ~VGldwipiYxpCUttatet r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission .- DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 1997 DATE PREPARED: June 13, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbyterian CASE MANAGER: eredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Conditional Use Permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9180 W. 38th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church 9180 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Presbytery of Denver 1710 S. Grant Street Denver, CO APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.55 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Two PRESENT LAND USE: Church, vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N: R-1; S: PHD, R-2; E: PHD; W: R-2 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N:, S:, W: low density residential E: institutional COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: publiclsemi-public ---------------------------------------------- DATE PUBLISHED: May 30, 1997 DATE POSTED: June 5, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: June 5, 1997 ---------------------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: _ (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Q SLIDES () SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS () OTHER (X) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Staff Report Page 2 June 13; 1997 CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned property located at 9180 West 38th Avenue. Pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-6(A) Conditional Uses are "Permitted Uses" which are subject to review to ensure the use is properly designed so as to mitigate potential negative impacts to the neighborhood. II. SITE PLAN The applicant has submitted a site plan showing the existing church facility and associated parking on the western portion of the property with a 145 seat mini-amphitheater on the eastern parcel which is currently vacant. The vacant property slopes downward from the northeast to the southwest with an approximate 20' grade change allowing maximization of views towazds Longs's Peak. A small stage will be the focal point of the seating area. In addition to the amphitheater, a S'-6' high memorial wall and a contemplation garden will also be built. There will be the potential for seating for an additional 75 persons along the memorial wall. Buffering will be provided by a combination of benning and landscaping, although the landscape plans are still being finalized. Staff has prepazed Exhibit `A' which is across- section diagram of example buffering showing a berming with adouble-sided wooden fence and dense landscaping. The outdoor worship area will be used for church service when the weather permits, weddings and occasional performances by the church's youth group. The amphitheater will not be covered and will not be lighted although electricity is being wired in. Low level courtesy lighting may be installed for safety purposes. A 200-watt P.A. system will be used for voice amplification. There is a property line encroachment which occurs along the eastern side of the existing pazking area. This strip is shown on the site plan with an existing chainlink fence. The church is negotiating with the adjacent property owner (Wide Horizon) for acquisition of this strip. HI. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 6, 1997. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert (staff) Tim Kathka (applicant's architect) Gary Loptien (applicant's architect) Bi11 Trefz (applicant) Walt Pettit (applicant) Galen Meyer - 7420 Pikeview Court Dwight Stafford - 8900 West 38th Avenue Roger and Carol Pahn - 3905 Garrison Street Staff Report Page 3 June 13, 1997 CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church Charles Miller - 3360 Braun Road Jim Niquette - 3860 Everett Street Edith and Hollis Fender - 3850 Holland Street The following items were discussed: The amount of seating capacity in the outdoor worship area: The fact that there would be no permanent chairs built into the amphitheater. Whether there would be a cover constructed. What types of events the amphitheater would be used for. Whether there would be lights installed for nighttime use. The fact that there is a property encroachment by the church's fence on a strip of land owned by Wide Horizons. What type of public announcement system will be used. What type of buffering/sound attenuation is being proposed. Attached are two letters submitted regarding the proposal included under Exhibit `B'. Of particular concern, is the letter from Wide Horizons Sanitorium, the adjacent property owner to the east of the church. They have indicated that they would like to see construction of a masonry wall to help with sound mitigation based on proximity of living units on their property. Please refer to their development plan attached under Exhibit `C'. The church has indicated that construction of a masonry wall is not economically feasible and has attained an acoustical engineer to assist in the design process. In regard to enforceable noise ordinances, there is nothing in the zoning ordinance with specific decibel limitations for any uses, residential, quasi-public or commercial. The Police Department has the ability to enforce "Disturbing the Peace" laws, however, these are handled on a case by case basis and are highly subjective based on the nature and circumstances detailed in a formal complaint. IV. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria to evaluate a Conditional Use Permit. 1. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The proposed conditional use will allow the expansion of an existing use. There will not be a major impact on traffic on West 38th Avenue. There is potential impact regarding noise generated from outside functions. The use of a solid, double-sided fence on top of a bean, with heavy landscaping with evergreen trees would mitigate this potential impact. 2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. Construction of the new worship facility will not affect the amount of light and air to adjacent properties Staff Report June 13, 1997 CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Chutch Page 4 as there will be primarily surface improvements and no building mass. There will be a negligible affect of the amount of vehicles traveling to and from the site since there are no ambitious plans to increase membership nor will the new worship area dramatically increase seating capacity. There could be a noise impact to area residents, however, the applicant is attempting to mitigate the negative affects with fencing, berming and landscaping. 3. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Development Plan designates this area as Public/Semi-Public on the edge of Low Density Residential to the west. The use of the property as a church would correspond to the Public/Semi-Pubic designation. A church is considered compatible and complementary to a residential neighborhood. Staff concludes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. There will be a negligible impact to the traffic on West 38th Avenue since the congregation will not greatly increase in size. The current parking area behind the church will still be used. The parking area is striped with appropriate parking stall size and adequate aisle width and sign`ge. Parking and loading on-site could not be considered to be hazardous. 5. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. Height and bulk are not an issue. The applicant is attempting to reach a compromise with the adjacent property owner who is most affected (Wide Horizons) in regard to buffering. A combination of fencing, berming and landscaping will be used. The church has indicated the construction of a masonry wall as requested by Wide Horizons will be cost prohibitive. 6. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. Staff has already concluded that there will be a small impact on public streets. All agencies can serve the property. There will be no affect on pazks and schools as no new dwelling units aze being proposed. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can serve the property. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has no concerns with the proposal. Public Works will require a final drainage report for the proposed improvements with a fill permit as well. Staff Report Page S June 13, 1997 . CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church VI. STAFF CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes at approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required to allow the construction of the outdoor worship area. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that noise impacts to adjacent properties can be minimized with proper landscaping design and improvements. Since the criteria used to evaluate a conditional use support this request therefore a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. The use of the amphitheater be used only for church functions, not by outside community groups or as amoney-making venture (IE, renting out for private affairs). 2. No permanent lighting be installed other than low-level courtesy lighting. 3. No increases in wattage for sound system be allowed 4. The church and Wide Horizons come to a compromise regarding noise mitigation such as illustrated by Staff under Exhibit `A'. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. CUP-97-4, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area on property zoned Residential-Two located at 9180 West 38th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A conditional use permit is required to allow construction of the outdoor worship area (amphitheater). 2. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan., and, 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. With the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. Option B: "I move that Case No. CUP-97-4, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area on property zoned Residential-Two located at 9180 West 38th Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ill I l!/I/ ~ - jll /I~l;~ I y _ j I I _ 11/111 /I1 ~ /l(/. .~I i1 i (/I ~I ; ',I„ , I .o>e _ __.___ ~ ~~. '~93 11 ``}\~~}' (/~~/ ~ e '0aa ~~ . ~ ~ ~ i..! ~ ~ ~ I .' 1~~.59a5 3998 ~ {3Q t[# 'L s. ~ _ `\ $ z 5 ~, ap I ~~ i .__ y s>65 F p 9~ ~ w: T ) ~3)IS Y 5Y00 3)05 l"36351 u urH •m 3603 3610 ~ u as)x nw ,R ~ ~ axi 3ern 3 ~ A-{ „~ p /nb ~ 'J _ w iisT nvE ® m µ --- gg~ s 8 Sri < J ,,- WIDE Ho21 ~A!/ A ~_ PHD "'> wi-vo-i - ~ wz-ea-Ij F N I l 11 33; ~ ~ ~ ~ 3sz _ 350 gg wgg3sngg~ nve g 8 8 Y~ 8 8& 8 m $ - - G t - ~S I _ : "~ 1~~ 310.5 -H" _ Kii ~ ~ $ ~,.~. - - ~ ~ ~ L Y1 9 a $ ~~„ ~~ ._.. ~ .,. N N~ W ~~~ I E~~Irf3r r `A' ~~ ~' a w d ~ S 3 _~ pp 1~ ~. Q~ ~ 1s ~ .~ S 3 '~, ~ a ~ o a '~ S i i i • ~ • W I D E H O R I Z O N GAStn/D. cvR9,z-`~ May 20, 1997 Meredith Reckert Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80215 Dear Ms. Reckert: ~,~ ~y9j ```` We want to thank you for the opportunity to express our views regarding the Presbyterian Church's proposed construction of an outdoor worship center and memorial wall. The Wide Horizon Board of Directors has two major concerns about the project. 1. Wide Horizon's site development plan, approved by the City, shows living units within 40' of the outdoor worship center. We feel that the noise factor would have a negative effect on these units if we built consistent with our site development plan. We are concerned that the worship center will develop alternate uses as the years go by. For instance, it would seem quite natural to use it for community events. If this were to occur, the modest 200 watt amplification system and pedestrian lighting now planned may prove inadequate for new uses. Upgrading these systems would have a significant impact on the neighborhood and Wide Horizon's property. In order to mitigate our concerns, Wide Horizon suggests that the church amend their plan to include a more effective sound barrier. While we appreciate the landscaping plan that will undoubtedly disperse some sound, most of us have found that landscaping does not adequately resolve the problem. In addition to the landscaping, we suggest the construction of a masonry wall of a suitable height along the south and east perimeter of the project as an additional sound barrier. Wide Horizon is prepared to approve the church's request and convey to them our rights to a strip of land (25' by 217') vacated by the County along our common property line and an additional strip (5' by 217') east of our existing property line in exchange for an adequate sound barrier. 8900 Wesc 38th Avenue • Whew Ridge, Colorado 80033.303/424-4445 It is our deepest desire to remain good neighbors. We want to work with the church and the City in finding solutions so all of us can develop and use our property in ways that fulfill our individual goals and objectives. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, QQ /~ Dwight Stafford Administrator c: Presbyterian Church (_. The CJty of ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid a Department o£ Planning and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 J Owner ~il~d...~,e.,ni d' ~11/Q/ Addres' f`(lr~ ~. ~~~ ~ Phone-- _ ~j Location of request Type-of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change of zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change Flood plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit ^ Other a List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee,`lessee, optionee, etc. ,~ ADDRESS PHONE `f~77 _ ' I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner' which approved o£ this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to me this ~_~ ~of ~ 19 i ~~~~ otary Public SEAL) ., ~ y My commission expires ~-~j~~/~- Date Received ,~-q-9~ Receipt No.C'C5G3111 _ Case No. ~U~-9~- `~ l0 ~, V ~_---~ N ~.- .~ ~~ .. .. ~' ~_ yuou ~ i~~~OC~O~]C~ D ,o~ s .~ ~ G L J C~° V l 1 4 - ~ I ~~\~ ~_, 111-j _ 1's i>YdL M]d0 O8Y8nW GGVY> ONV GYBYV OM IIMY'Ia 081>3'IHG JO C1CICxOD 3dV>6DNY'1 t XY'rYl 133! 3tlVD06 GLC'L19 :3>Vtl3no> 03dV>GOMYI 1Y101 IXL'6l 133! 3tlY00c 96E'VY :v3tlv D3nva lvlal ovn lav atlvnes 9n •c6 :3>vtl3nD> >x1p1:nY rout a lav aavnee eso•ee6 > c3a>v Lc6•L2 :uzc 9v1o1 v t v Q s s x s ~M02ItlON 30IN~ cY31131 'IYOOInIOMI GLYtlY .6 3Y Ot '91V0 133tl1G H1YL 1Y AtlM06VY XL 031Y>Ol N>]6 :3>VMDIG MOtl[ 1H>nOtlN OMY XDIaO HDIN .D-.r :(133a16 N19L) DXI>x3! n3M ' " LXt'1 MIVN> N>IX ..0-.9 YHOI'1 Mn00 031MODN TDd :DXIIX9I'1 ~-'. 63DNVY31N3 DN [0'IInY :9]MYY1Xi l~ ltl3ni190 DXY dnM3Sd IY3tlV OMIDYO'1 t 03N99tl>G ONV D3aV>PoNVI :63tlO6o'p N3 NGVtll 1 03X6]10 X90 3Y D1 DXID'1IIIY 9MI1GS%9 03X6110 X30 9Y O1 DM [01[00 DMIt Ll%3 M '0'c OOL'l :V3tlY tlDOV GGOtlp NOIN .LL AYD16 3X0 IOXfO1S n0 6MOMYD> ] 'O'L 000'Ii v3tlV tl00V 660tl> NOIN .9l Atlo16 3XD .ONID1f 0Y 3tlV0 3nICW1MI Y 9C G1lXp !0 tl]VYpN 1V101 'O'G 9:. 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Y ~ ~ i M.% . 6vvn 9 Y . ~tv.,s'P 1~ ~ . n --- PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST ('.ARE NO: CUP-97-4 DATE: June 19, 1997 REQUEST: A public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned properly located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue. Y Position on e P1 as ch quest k ~~~ '~~~~ 23 3 ~ tRrn U4h M~4trau ~ ba u1.~@ ~G.4 ~3 0 4~`~3` 22 i r; ~. ~ ~ A n ~.,~' /did 1st ~,d ,~ y,~; to t"~ /,~. !~-t "l4-'t.r>t~~~C~~L.~6{~ 1,38-SY3Ea~ / 1. ~~S Gv l Il.t~~G..2.. 3~~3 '+''~,r',.~ ra ~f3 Z'~~'u I 1 p w ' 1 ~ ~ ' ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~C~ ~ W H E A T 7 5 0 0 WEST 2 9TH A V E N U E FAX# (303) 235-2857 F A C S I M L E To: r~~-C'~ R I D G E WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Fram: / ~~~~r~ Date: /o - Zs-`~~- No. of Pages Z __ (not including cover sheet) Comments: `SD r v ~ ~ ~ r~ Sv 5 lc~ uJ .- PLANNIIv`G AND ZONING PARKS AND RECREATION PUBLIC NORKS (303) 23i-28-16 ~- (303) 235-2877 ~ (303) 23~-286I w c WHEATRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9180 W. 38th AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033-4232 ~nRRV a. aN~us MINISTER (303) 422-2354 Where People Care e+OTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Wheatridge Presbyterian Church is proposing to build an Outdoor Worship Center and Memorial Garden on the property located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue. The location of this meeting is Wheatridge Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, 9180 W. 38th Avenue at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 1997. The city of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that, prior to appiicatiori for rezoning of propery to a higher use, or for properties in excess of one (1) acre, and for special Use Permits which allow a special use of land, an applicant must notify all residents vwthin 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the neighborhood to express directly to the applicant their concerns, issues and desires. ~',~:. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of the Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land users and zoning? Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? 4ti'hat is tho impact on oar streets? Where will the storm drainage go? How will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make if more acceptable to me? After attending the Neighborhood Input Meeting, please use the following space and the back of this form to list any specific concems, issues or suggestions which you may have regarding Phis proposal. Please sign it and give it to the applicant, as he is required to provide these forms to the city along with his application. PRINT NAME ADDRESS PHONE U/J~r/ ~~G'~,0,~ r~iFi~(C- ..~,i~71/ ,Q.~L,A~VD Sl ~.3 ~~ 2 -~° ~3 REMARKS: ~ C.-~22~!~' ~~/j ~~ 3720 Garrison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 June 9 7, 1997 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 To Whom it May Concern: We have reviewed the plans at the City offices with regard to case No. CUP-97-04. We are an adjacent neighbor to the Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church and have found them to be very good neighbors. We have NO OBJECTIONS to their plans for an outdoor worship area as proposed in the plan. Sincerely, Doug Stiverson Jo Stiverson 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Rldge FAX 303123.4-5924 July 22, 1997 Bill Trefz Wheat Ridge, Presbyterian Church 9180 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Deaz Dr. Trefz Please be advised that your request for ~,proval of a Conditional Use Permit to construct an - outdoor worship area pursuant to Case No.CUP-97-4 for property located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue was approved by Planning Commission on June 19. 1997 Conditions of the approval were as follows: 1. That is is primarily an amphitheatre for church functions. 2. That;ere is a problem with noise, the Staff has the right to mitigate the problem with the (anal result being~if the cannot be mitigated between staff and the applicant, that the conditional use could be brought up by the staff review.. 3. No permanent lights be installed other than low level courtesy lights.. 4. The church and wide Horizons must come to a compromise regazding noise regulations. Attached you will find a copy of the Minutes from that meeting. Sincerely; PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT _ eredith Reckert Senior Planner Attachments ~" cc: Tim Kathka Walt Pettit CUP-97-4 case file Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 1997 Page 2 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Commissioner RASPLICKA, second by Commissioner SHOCKLEY to approve the Minutes of June 5, 1997, with change on Page 5 to replace Commissioner Snow's name with that of Commissioner WILLIAMS. Motion passed 6-0. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not apgearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing Section of the Agenda.) There was no one present to speak. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. C~« Nom- CUP-97-4: A request by the Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church to approve a request of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned property located at 9180- W. 38th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the case. She passed out copies of a letter from adjacent property owners supporting the case. She submitted for the record the case file, staff report, exhibits, and other related materials. She stated that this request provides for outside worship azea with seating for approximately 75 parishioners. She also stated that the church would also like to incorporate some community functions for this area. Buffering would incorporate berm and possible fencing although final plans have not been made. The theater would not be lighted or covered. However, exit lights would be included. They aze also requesting a 200-amp speaker system. There was a question as to encroachment to the property line. Ms. Reckert stated that there had been old street right-of--way, however, the existing fence line was in place at the time of vacation. Several representatives were present to discuss this request. Staff concludes that all agencies can service the area, is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and the impact on adjacent property owners can be minimized with proper landscaping design and, improvements, criteria has been met, and Staff is recommending approval. _ Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in the following speakers: Tim Kathka, architect, 1580 Lincoln St., Denver. He is the azchitect for the church and wished to emphasis the church's desire to be a good neighbor and an asset to the City with regazd to this facility. Bob Mahoney, consultant 2333 Engleton Avenue, Boulder. He spoke to the sound that will be generated and how the neighborhood would be protected. He felt that berm would not be the first choice to buffer any noises that may be generated. He feels the most effective way to deal with \. Platming Commission Minutes June 19, 1997 Page 3 noise is not to generate a lot of noise in the first place. He stated the Wheat Ridge does not have noise standazds but has considered other city's noise ordinances and has recommended to the church that the sound system is never played louder or would be conceived as louder than rush hour traffic. He suggested using a loud speaker system that focuses the sound only on the amphitheater. Dwight Stafford, 13559 W. 23 Place, Boulder. He is the administrator of Wide Horizon and stated that there is a very good cooperative association with the church. Their only concern is to secure the value of the property for economic development in the future. He stated that the church has been very receptive to any concerns Wide Horizons may have had. He wishes to see the acoustical design analysis to be part of the decision making process. Wide Horizons does not have difficulties with the amphitheater being so close to the property line. Bill Trefe, 3875 Allison Circle. He stated that the church is a good neighbor. He briefly discussed review of the Master Plan and has no desire to create an adverse condition. He also discussed the sound system to be purchased which would solve any noise problems and would not be cost prohibitive. (Due to technical recording problems, some testimony was unreadable.} f~ Bob Eckhazdt, 7400 W. 34th Avenue. Mr. Eckhazdt stated he is for the proposal and is glad that the acoustical system is being at looked in detail however does not believe it will be a problem in any case. He also stated that he thought it was sound to look at potential problems with noise for future growth of the area. Discussion took place regarding building setback, irrigation system, acoustical system, amount of wattage, property lines, conditional permits, modifying noise, future use, future surrounding building concerns, berm/fencing/walls and elevation. A motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY "for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and outdoor worship azea on property zoned Residential-Two located at 9180 West 38th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is within the City of Wheat Ridge, therefore, the City has jurisdiction. 2. Appropriate notifications have been made. 3. A conditional use permit is required to allow construction of the outdoor worship azea {amphitheater). 4. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. 6 All agencies can serve the area. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 1997 Page 4 With the following conditions: 1. That this is primarily an amphitheater for church functions. 2. That if there is a problem with noise, the Staff has the right to mitigate the problem with the final result being if this cannot be mitigated between staff and the applicant, that the conditional use could be brought up by the Staff for review. 3. No permanent lights be installed other than low level courtesy lights. 4. The church and Wide Horizons must come to a compromise regazding noise mitigation. Motion passed 6-0 S. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner BRINKMAN inquired if Staff was to remind Applewood Baptist Church that they must reapply for their use request. Director GIDLEY stated that Staff is not responsible and that the burden is upon them to provide adequate information within the time restraints to be able to be reheazd in August, 1997. Commissioner THOMPSON inquired if there would be a conflict of interest since she is a member of this church. Director GIDLEY stated that unless there would be a personal interest, there would be no conflict. She was advised that if she was uncomfortable voting on the Applewood Church request, that she could abstain. 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ~ DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS Director Gidley addressed the By-Law revision target date and what would need to happen next. He stated that the Commission originally wished to wait until the training session was completed and back up to full strength. He suggested to Ms. Reckert that this item be revisited in July. Discussion was held regazding the CPRC and related information. Director GIDLEY presented an overview of the CPRC and the origination of what needed to be accomplished. The Director advised that he does not believe that the members of the community who were selected to work on this committee are not representative of the community, youth, poor, various racial or ethnic groups, or of the business community. The group had been hand selected and many of them have a history within the community that they brought with them. History may or may not contribute to the positive outcome that hopefully will occur. He believes that this contributes to the slowness and the overall process taking more time. The Committee has been meeting for over a . ICpTHKA • LO~N A P[OrESSIO NALa`CO RIO @ATiO: w~<.naovu s~..u .wxuw. ~~ . 1580 LINCOLN STREET SUITE 1130 ~ { DENVER, COLORADO 80203 ~I 303.832 4467 FAX 303.832 6079 i s ~ j TO' -- EM t~iY~d-VI V~ `V-~'~'r ~I ~~~ ~~ _ WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached ^ Under separate cover via_ ^ Shop drawings ^ Prints ^ Plans ^ Copy of letter ^ Change order ^- COPIES q~DATE li 5 ~ NO. m V 1 ~ ~ m ~~ d~~~ o~ ~aQa~~a~~a~ the following items: ^ Samples ^ Specifications THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: `^ For approval ^ Approved as submitted ^ Resubmit copies for approval ^ Approved as noted ^ Submit copies for distribution ^ For your use ^ Returned for corrections ^ Return corrected prints ^ As requested ~I For review and comment ^ ^ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ^ FOR BIDS DUE 19 MARKS f RE U g ~ ~-~c~l~t~~ ~ ~Pr ~,r ~ `'n .Y ~ p d deb 'Y ~ ~ ~ U eh a _. - COPY TO _ _ SIGNED: ~ '~ I Z~ If andeaurva era ^x~ay~`k(ntlly notiy ua at once. __ _ ~, _ Z ~ I ~ ;~~ ~~ ~ , a ~ J a _' ~ _. : _.. ..... _. r -:r-...___ _ •." --~'_ 38TH AVE. _ - _.._ A ---1 __ ....:_ ._- '~ II -T III . __ ~/~ T~~`- x r I~^ v _~• I ~ , 'eti ~ ' saa,,~ 1 - 4 ~ = _ / .' , I _ Ir SOD .. ...J _+ \\ `,.\y ~.~ _ SII I_ \U r___ _ ~•. 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A'r~ rl ~ (J 4 ' ~ ~ L 1 ,, ry1L " I . ~ i'~YSJh vxMl~`W~I ~ 1 ,., ~ iX cw O 1 ~ l x x N T A . ~ , ~ AJ ,+ ,.__... ~~" ~~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ac _, ~; ~ ~~ ~ '\ ~ ~ ;~ 4 t s __ s~3 y j~'' ~` z tea; ~~ / .;~ - _ ;V ~,_ ! - _ .. __ 0 ~ ~ ~~~~- a ~ ~ w ~~ ~ P ~~~ ~~~ ~z o ~ ~ . z~ 0 ~~ \~ .. ~, -~ ~; z I~r ~ s I ~' ~ n ~~_. w, 4Lrn .we. s trre~ a ~ n ~ ~ x VJrIG'.TPJGYaG PRC'SCffGRIAN GI7UIC~.t1 q 'S'il 8 ~ ~ ~ fti~ S .. ~ Off WOR~.F11P 4Mf]~'1oF1~+L WALL- ~~.i: ~ ~s, 9ibo W. 3pTH W/G. <o{~~ ~,,,: ~ F.~. _~ r c`:~ C€s ;~ •.5 ' S £RR :i~ E.E € :c ~s °?e i:Z } GS.r~ ~~ R~ ~~ ~~ to 3= zr z ~, z .~ ILS.4G ~ _ ... _. .. _~,. _ I ~•I ~-, ~~~ /,. / ~ ~~ - - -- ^-- {~ --~ II -, ~_ !I _ ~ _____ ~' e. .._ / .. -- -- 1 -- - -- ~ ---I 1 ~ - - ~ i i _` i~ ! ~ ~) _~ W, 4bTh P.~E r-~-------' -- y" ~ _ ' Z 4 _ _ ' ' ` }' _D ' s s ~ 4 a ~ 1UP.~.IY _ ~-~CsYT~P~V.N L.t WriG°~TfGi Gt aE PR~ ' _i v ~' ~ ~ !/ OJfDGb(e' W~(~1?E, MCM%}4~+L WALL- F ' .~ i. IL ~ ` \\ 9ibo W. '~b'fn lv/C, ! - ~9 ;_,y r t: I ~1 O I ~I M~t1 CAM ~l ~D L~ Q nMD ~ MG~3 ~C L~06L^11PC~D 9nf~'! IPG~C~ I~iIC~~IP G,'I~dlr Ofr ~G~C~ G~J~GW~/'C;II~fi'/C~S~p ~Ml~G~7~LG~ O ~MG°QG~S~G(~ OG~ ~C~G'~~OG~f X77, 7~01~7G~I~CPp ~ ~~C95~G;1, 4~~1 n~Ic~G ~9 ~ PG~9G~IG~G°~G^Qd G~C~G~9~9QGJ, 68~~7 l~i%G2GQ5~G~~~~C~, C~OM~'I'~17 OG~ dC~G~~L~G~~OIn~, ~H~ T OF 1 3 ~ ,p S 22 G7 v S `2 7 Of W3~~T,P ti ~ 2 G T3S R69W m S 22 S 23 ~ 1984 ~ S 27 5 28 LS 28279 RECEPTION Y~ E►JT c.3~~li 048~~ ~ ~ ~ o' RIG HT - 0 ASSUMED BASS OF BEARING 9~U~~ oW ~o ,h A~JE~T(JE (N89°37'28°E) ~ RECEPnoN / 1 ~ NA61 (14A~ 3 ~a 165.66' N89'37'28"E 25. i J ~ - r--. i a ° ~ t I, LARRY F. FISHER, A REGISTERED PROFESSION%,L L THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THA r,L LAND SURVEYOR IN ~ ~ z v. . ~ ~ E~" e~.,, THAT THE PROPERTY W a > ~ ~ , ~ ~ ` ~ a HEREON DESCRIBED WAS SURVEYED UNDER MY f~IRE THAT THIS PLAT IS A TRUE REPRESENTATION Tf-~RE CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WIT-I S OF THE COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. \"r~~~s~a~p~i ogP... [?IRECT SUPERVISION, AND ~ r Q I r c,. 3 a `3..,H 3 1-~REOf. I FURTHER ~ ° N i r k ~ - 1 S89°53'53"W FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM ~~~T~~~~ z C; a ~ ~ p ~ f i ~ a FOUND N0. 5 74.74' ~ . ~ ~x .r i r ~ q d a.'_, d z REBAR WITH RED CAP NFi9'24'S0'~F 0.44' FROM ¢ e PLASTIC CAP, GATE CALCULATED POSITION OF CORNER i u F^ ~ . ~ x r ' i5: ~ ~ $ P.L.S. 22094 DATED THIS __~~~L~_ DAY OF / w {f. n' - ,.0 : ~ ~ m ~ , ~ i X a,. 5 i>~ ~Y F LARRY F. FISHER, L 2209 m~, Y _ ^ ~i I t i i ~ r. f f fix' ~ ~ - ° 'n~ ~ Fri ~ r~ ~ x. ~ r ! d i ~ - 1, f. - - FILING CERTIFICATE - t tr, k ~ ~ ~ I DEPOSITED THIS DAY OF AT ______.M. IN BOOK OF THE 1:'. ~ i LAND SURVEY/RIGHT-OF-WAY SURVEYS AT PAC'. _ N0. e N r . 3 - ~ - 3 i F ~ ~ ~ ( , i { i r ~ - - COUNTY SURVEYOR y l ~i t _ ` ft.. e a ,v ~ v 1 1 + i. e k ~ - t ~ t ~ e ✓ r. w ~ h ~ ~ i j s .i w I - k'~ ~ ~ S. r- , r[~ i n.e J . a 7 A x dp~f i a 1~f t f i P BY DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR o ~ x ` 2 n it b s. F w f F a i NOTES: h ii ~4 ~ ~ DENOTES A SET 5/8" REBAR WITH =ED STAMPED: CMS PLS 22094 J i ~l OR m DENOTES A FOUND 30° LONG ALUMi'JUM 3-1 /4" BRASS CAP AS PER MONU~'_NT ~ DENOTES WATER METER r~ f ~ DENOTES UTILITY POLE .y a` L DENOTES UTILITY LINE i DENOTES TREE a a. q ~ ~ F. ~ " F r DENOTES GUY ANCHOR c $ p [ ~ ALL DISTANCES AND BEARINGS IN F4RE PER RECORDED RIGHT-OF-WAY MAC & Tk  IVVR IIl VIVO - rl /1LF .~LI.IIVIV G/ P~ RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th PRIN&'AL , . ~ k ~i ? i 3 UTILITY LINE RUNNING ALONG THE 'd;EST ' ~.z -k " ..c-...... - S - _ '..y~: PARCELS A AND B MAY CONSTITUTE A i EASEMENT BASIS OF BEARING IS AS SHOWN HEREC _ i... ~ ~ ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN F-=RE THIS IC A PRFI IMINARY Ll AT I I 1~t101~N~~tIC~M~C~D L~Q nI~]~ ~MG°~ ~I dOGl~llC~ OG~J 5fG7C' 6N/L~I~ G~'llQdf~ ~G~ I~G,'IC~ G~JOf'~G;14bC~~311 ~ML^QGW~'GG~ ~ ~~9QG~~CG~ Old ~L~C~~POG~I ~~I. ~~~nNl~adG°~ ~ ~01~5~C, G~~1nM~C C~~ ~ pG~BG~IC~~PQd G~,tIC~G~9~9~1GJ, GBi?lY ~G~ 6~G~IL~~15~G'B~C~C; 60(D~'I~iY OG~ ~9L~~G~CG~~OG~I OF 1W 3 2 T'P << OF 1W 3 2`~ TEA r~•~ ` S 22 ~ v s •27 T3S R69W ' 1984 ~ ~~U1. TO ti v c>p RECEPfiION WEST 38th - S 22 S 23 ~ ~ S 275 2H #84104822 ~ o (~0' RIGKT - LS 28279 ~o 00 ASSUMED BASIS OF BEARING 9~~ To ~o .h AVENUE (Nas•s~'28"E> RECEPTioN °m°r- y 165.66' N89°37'28"E ~ 25 FOUND 3,~J. 5 - 0 F WAY) (2sso.s~) #aa,oaa23 RAIL FENCE 250' . N89'37'28°E / REBAR "~','I TN RED PL,~-STIC CAP, P.(...S. 22094 s_ ~s p  CERTIFICATION ; I, LARRY F. FISHER, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONA~._ LA 9 _ r. s. r._.~... a_ - THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY 'HA HEREON DESCRIBED WAS SURVEYED UNDER MY L~IREC m 1 f~ 3 # THAT THIS PLAT IS A TRUE REPRESENTATION TH;-RE CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITF- SE OF THE COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. ~`~a~nm~"~~uun~~~~ a d6 RFC,,, DATED THIS __~L_~~ DAY OF _~ye ~f_~^ 1 n ~ 11 _ _ _ ,v ~ ~ _ _ _ _ d. - _ ..a , , . _ ~ a L LARRY F. FISHE&; ~.5~ 22094 . ~ / .i iiiiu ~i~~~~ p~~o j Yom! FILING CERTIFICATE DEPOSITED THiS _ DAY OF AT ----.M. IN BOOK ~F -~-{E LAND SURVEY/RIGHT-OF-WAY SURVEYS AT PAGE N 0. ~ _ i4 - _ 1 n. o N i. ..~r COUNTY SURVEYOR , . , ar ~ ~ i ~ t~ ` u BY DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR A ~ ~ ` ~ a.~ NOTES: o DENOTES A SET 5/8" REBAR WITH RED P STAMPED: CMS PLS 22094 _ r, I OR m DENOTES A FOUND 30° LONG ALUMINUM 3-1 /4" BRASS CAP AS PER MONUME':T ~ DENOTES WATER METER DENOTES UTILITY POLE _~r~ - - DENOTES UTILITY LINE DENOTES TREE 'u _ . ~ DENOTES GUY ANCHOR A_ _ ~ ~l  HLL u ~ ;Avl;t~) HNU titAHINC;S IN PAFENT FiFNTHP~P:~ ARF Aq _ PER RECORDED RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP MC e f a ~ ~ - r NORTH ONE-HALF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP e ~ `w d ~ a i,_ ~ ~ ~ ~~`3 f 7 ,r! ~ , ,.1 RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th PRINCIP/LL M 4' s t UTILITY LINE RUNNING ALONG THE WEST Sl x , , F , PARCELS A AND B MAY CONSTITUTE = PR h EASEMENT iu~ . . BASIS OF BEARING IS AS SHOWN HER-ON ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN HER=ON ~ a~~a~r~ as ~ar~ r~c~~ aaa~ ~~ac a~c~~c~~r~~p ~~uar~~~c~ ~r~ t ~l9QG~~C~~ ~G~5~9~~n1 X77. 5~~1~I~nI~G~BP ~ ~~(~S~CI. G~~~nI~C~ l~/C~ pG~~n~IC~Op~1d G~C~G~~~B~1G~I. C~1~'17 OIL Pl~G~G~~G~C~~C~. 6~(~n~15~b ~G~ ~9C~(~(~GG~~~G~I, e 3 i J _ i - ~ r w 4 i i i M~ y: ~ _ ~ .r ~ ` ~ ~ ' f i ~ i f I 4 X t I ~ i ~ t p, ` a ~ ~ l i ~ 1% / { ~ f it ji i j ~ ~ ~ i ~ a t ~ ~ _ ~ ~ F , j 1 r' i , t ~ E ,r 1 t _ i r~ X ~ ~ ii a ~'rs i, ~ ~ rr ~ i ,t fir, ~ Y "'f~ I r J~ f r r G u ~ ~ j ~ i~ ! ~ :x;. R ~ ~ (i I r , ` ' ; e~ ~ % ~ t' x i ~ a k T6 . : E~ J { ~ ~ ~ ,I ~ ~ r" r ; x ~ ~ tj i r ~ 3 ~ i. 1` y'. ~ r ~j A i 1 i - ~ f,. '4~/ ^ ! I~ r' ~ V E F r~_. r ' l t I ~ t~ t i ~ `~f. I ' W. J i i } NOTICE C~~ / i` ' ~ ~ # 4 :1 y~ i r' ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ,ANY r ~ ~ ~ r DEFECT IN TNIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. 'i r i ~ ~ H .1 ~ ~1_ - ~"~I IN N~ EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN TNIS SURVEY BE COMMENCE MORE TNAN TEN YEARS FROM .SN.E QA~F ~E- ~k-i€- C-ERT~Fl~ATtOf~--5t~t8WRt~?E err ti f r r" ! ~ !s r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `r'~ € { r 1 F ~ ra~ t ~ ~ MONUMENT DEFACING STATEMENT l !i 1 O . _ , . _ _ ; . < - ~ ~ i ~ V ~ I ~ ANY PERSON WHO KNOWfNGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURV~:Y I P ~ - ~i ~ ~ / r p.. j~''~ _ . , , r r t , "1.. ~ ~ H i MONUMENT OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MIC'.'L- MEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. i F 1 ~ ~ ~ / r" ~ ~ r ~ ~ 'J 1 J ~ # ' # ' t } ~ / 'fit i w ~ ~ ~ 1 PER MONUMENT r ~ ~ - r r i ~ ~ ~ i i r . r F~l f / l ~ ~ ~ i i / I' 1 /F ~ I l~ ` i » ~ ~ ~ < r r' i r i~ I ~ i j ~ r r i ' II l 1 ~ ~ ' f ~ Jl/ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ -r f ~ / ~ l; / ' i i ~ ~ ~ J ' r ~ , i i ~ ~ i' CERTIFICATION ~,J x t ~ ~r 1 < . , ! f / r i I, LARRY F. FISHER, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF ~ ~ ~ { ) % f ~ / COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY HEREON DESCRIBED WAS SURVE`'-_D t ~ % I ~ i~ r j j ~ ~ ~ ' j r y f J I / UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIQN, AND THAT THIS PLAT IS A TRUE REPRESENTATION THEREOF f J f 1 j,~ > ~ i I ( ' ~ I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS IN COMPLfANCE WITH SECTION 38-51-102 OF THE / - J ~ 3 ~ r ~ ~~C P - i r ~ F' r i i ~i I / i ~ ) ( i 1 { ~ 1 f F / ~ / COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. I / { 1 ~ ttt f ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ / i e , , , i N DATED THiS DAY OF ~ ~ 1995 ; i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ y; r ~ ~ ~ r f r a ~ ; t , 1'S ~ ~ - fi ` ~ ~ r ,d ,f 5 t ~ e 1 ~ r' a ~ E 1 r 1 j 4 tom.. 1 ( J ~ i 1f ~ ( f } ~ i r f. ~ i i ~ : v4 t ~ , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ LARRY F. FI ~ P.L Q94 ~w~e~~~*~ / ' ~ ~ 1 i t > J jf J 1 [ t, i ~,Q I.~►~~,~.> j' ~ ,r ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ; , i i ~ T C ~ ( # M1 r / E ~ t1 1 k ~ i` i' ~ f l J ~ ~J f z ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ t FILING CERTIFICATE i,~ ~ z I ~ ~ ' ~ ~ l~l_ ~ ~ r ~ ~ % ~ ) DEPOSITED THIS DAY OF 1995, AT _ .M, IN I ( 1 ~ ~ % ~ ~ ~ iF t I ~ BOOK OF THE COUNTY SURVEYORS LAND SURVEY/RIGHT-OF-WAY F ~ ~ r~ ~ f`e ~ i r ~ l T I i / 9 r ~ F b~ ~ i ri + i L _C f SURVEYS AT PAGE RECEPTION NUMBER ~ n ~ t Y -Y ~ ~ / I ~ r~ ~ ~ , 1 ~ _ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ' ~ ~f ~ l f i Y i [ It / ~ / _~l' ( ~ Y ~ t -OF-WAY MAP i r i ~ _ ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ` ~ ) ~ r ~ r ~ f c - ( f~ ~ 1' ~ ~ ~ f ; i , j . r' fl M~ F r / r' %y f ~i- i.._ r' Ar r ` '(e.t it, r' 9, ' t } Z s COUNTY SURVEYOR r t Y I 1 ii r ~ i m a i ,.,,yt,e.,,,,,~.,,--  t ~ .,o PARCEL J 00 LL /'""0.1045 ACRES M/I. M _ FT- I q _ 165.60' S89°37'28'TJV - FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH YELLOW ,Job no. 1 129699 PLASMIC CAP STAMPED GR. MOORS S4C r u PLS 10945, S62°0437 E 0.45' Date 09116196 FROM SET CORNER z SHEET' 1 E 1 1 f 1 b~. . i F I b Aj s Mx ~.e , ~r~ P ~ _ . ~ ,_a. - r~,.._~. ~„~~_~.o a .~n.._.,~ _.e.,,.,, w ~ ~.4~~..~.. y fi ,e,. r,, ` I ~ I ~ € 4je ~ PR~3PcS50J~iAl, ~t~RP'JRA7'~~ h~cM~r~cruu~ ~~.~~~as~i~ ~ ~~rF~~a~ oks+t k i i E yyI 4 I F i 1 J f 1~ t fi ~f 1 j t Y 7 15~C~ L1~(~C~L1~1 STR££T ! i k { 1 THE COPtiTRACT DE3C`UMENTS DESCRIBE THE CONSTRUC 3 4 AND SERVICES REQUfREO FOR THIS PRUJECT TNtS DRA'> C7!~ES NCT NECESSARILY INDIC~,TE OR DESCRIBE ALL WORk f tF C~UtREO FC~}R 1 HE Fl1LL_ PERFORMANCE A'~i'D CL~7'MP!ET(C3R THE 4'~`ORK CONTRACTS WILL BE C_ET ON THE BASIS OF ALL THE CONTRACT DC}C!_t~.1ENTS V~/9Tt1 TI-~E UNDER'STAN09r~~G ? F THE CONTRACTOR, SURCON T RACTORS AND SiJPPL#ERS ARE ~ PROVIDE ALL.. CONSTRUCTION.. SERVICES AND MATERIALS E, r CUiRED FC)R PROPER COMPLETION OF THE WORD IN ACCO DANCE W!TH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND AS MAY B t { 3 ' REASONABLY INFE.RAB?.E FROM THEh.~fi AS BEING NECESSAR TU PRODUCE ~ HE INTENDED RESULTS i E 4 ~ f t 6 6 THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIQNS. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SER ! VICE, ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHd- i TECT, AND SNA!_l_ NOT BE USED QN ANY OTHER PROJECT.. UNLESS THE ARCHITECT NAS AGREED TO SUCH USE (N WRITING E f ~ AND WITH APPROPRIATE COMPENSATION TO THE ARCHITECT i t a r t'C3~E'~ q[ 1 a x f t g~g 3 t r i F y h i .u»...~s~ W- E}§~ , ' [ a F F 0- d t~ F .-'n w F ~ g _ , { { t o- 3 4 f i s f T ` a •a J {  ~,,a a ,a; 1 - ~ ~ , d ~r ~ 4 777 ~ ~ 4 i u= , , 1 _ J i 1 s~ y1 i i P S I Y a++ v I ~...r.. TTY,. 4,~ ¢ i' r - - Y~ yy 4' ~.,.a...~~~.. »-•rvva~e. n~.w.a.i mu«+~.r~~rr~r=+~ r ~;asvmwwTV:wwuw~eiwr ~ yyNte:....,r+esau... -.:.u..++ra~v..~ ~~....~-AZT .a.. ~ °y\ .g ~ 1 a~~ ~ , a ' W„_~~.m,~.____r_~.~. P f ~9, r, M1 ,m... +v- m..r~.,...-~..r~,.~.. ~wiu. W ~,i 'A~ F ' , J x"; I' i, n A'. -a  Sheet of ~~.a ~4 r