HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-07-05 lkpt#: C025135 BA#: 13729 Change: .00 Posted: 01/23/03 2:39 PU (, , 30 -0 f' ;P~~ ~ ~~,,~-~ o-1U- ~~ - - Eugene Kiefel 2935 Kendall Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 February 21,2008 The Rocky Mountain Water Company P.O. Box 507 Golden, CO 80402-0507 Attention: Mr. Neil G. Jaquet Dear Neil, This is a summary of out telephone conversation of this date, regarding the 'matter of relocating the ditch at 6330 W. 30th place; as it flows into my property. On December 6th a public hearing was held by the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission regarding the approval of a 3-lot subdivision at 6330 W. 30th Ave. (See attachment marked A). I wrote a letter on December,6th to he read at this hearing. My wife, Estelle, read the letter, and it was accepted into public record. During the hearing it was pointed out that the developer was responsible to maintain the ditch, plus a flood plain of 5 feet on either side. (See attachment B) On January 28th I received a letter from Hyland Enterprises informing me that the ditch was to be moved 5 feet to the north. (See attachment C) On February 9th I wrote a letter to Hyland, stating that I felt a engineering report was to be presented, to make sure that the flow was unimpeded into my property; at the present' point of entry. This letter was sent by certified mail. I have a signed receipt. (See attachment D) . On February 20th I delivered a copy of attachment C and D to City of Wheat Ridge Building Department. I am forwarding a copy of this letter with attachments to Gelmaine Peterson, Manager, and Dave Greeno, Co-Manager of our lateral. Thank You. Sincerely, EUge~ /4)yP 6.5 7' 13s"7 ~clJ~05/q0 9;3& tJ~:J 0 Eugene Kiefel Title holder of property: Eugene Kiefel Trust 2935 Kendall Street Wheat Ridge, CO. 80214 February 9, 2008 CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUijrED. Hyland Enterprises 2380 Harmony Park Drive Westminster, CO 80234 Dear Mr. Brazanskas: This is in response to your ktter of January 28, 2008, regarding the relocation ofthe Ditch by 5 feet to the North, I have a number of concerns about this relocation: 1. 5 feet to the north would put the ditch DOWNHILL, right where my pump house is, and would disrupt the natural flow into my property. 2. Usually there is a steady, slow stream coming down the ditch, but at times when there is a down poor, it tends to overflow. This is why a 5 foot easement on either side is required. Otherwise, the water would overflow into the Duplex north of my property, and flood their basement. Before I can sign off on your request, an engineering re and submitted. Sincerely, ?;:ttA"4d:' ~'I/ '(pJ Eugine Kiefel 303-237-6422 r 5. L. ('7"'7 t/ r~ .-<~, I-- C>Clv-€ f9 (ceV\.O J zfjtS" Xt'h ~ ~"3)'- ~ '2. - 7'b~9 ~--I-'l.H--t.,-f , ( I 51' ~ )o3~ fLf:s.~-(75"3 ;0-, '~Dct> "'^' ' '\ jV_}~)J .."" - fj(;v + ~L .0wnQ..f5 q$7V~ )"b'\ ~ ..f) 'i, 1vc'. , ' hoAR. k ~'1 }I\tt,f eo\. n'\4c\ e - D:'hA <Wkf~ Au " , ryvfH 'N ~ r1M Jo ,"'."w"! N.feVJLr ;'4.."" ,4.- -!.te,,- ,4;1tJ . :> U..,~e",.. v 'r~ 'j j "V"i"l' , 1\ c, -\ ~ l,,~ co, ,- '~tr'v\l'<. ., ,,"< ......f<_""\.d:~ r '\I., ,e-\ ~O"il<f5 \:4!l";~~ l'\... ~"-I\'<J~,e" ''''to!' Hyland Enterprises 2380 Harmony Park Drive Westminster, CO 80234 January 28, 2008 Eugene or Lenore Kiefel 2935 Kendall Street Denver, CO 80214 Dear Mr. & Mrs, Kiefel: Hyland Enterprises is the developer for the property at 6330 & 6340 West 30th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80214, With the development of this property, we will be relocating the diteh running through it approximately 5 feet to tlle north. The new ditch will be cleaned out and laid the length of the property with concrete. The improvement of the ditch will be completed before any run-off begins, and afterwards, we expect it will improve the current water flow through the property by cleaning out debris and reducing ground absorption, Since you are a partial owner of the water running through the ditch, we are obligated to notify you in writing and request your consent. If yon have questions or would like more information, please call me at 720-290-0562, Sineerely, ~ Hyland Enterprises 720-290-2562 Please sign below and return in the addressed, stamped envelope: I have been notified and give consent for Hyland Enterprises to relocate the ditch on 6330 & 6340 West 30'h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80214. Signature Date Community Development Escrow Transmittal Sheet An escrow has been submitted for the property located at 6330-6340 West 30th Avenue. The escrow is in the amount of four thousand nine hundred Fifty-seven dollars and sixty five cents ($4,9457.65) The escrow is submitted for: D Landscaping: i:8J Public improvements: Curb, gutter and sidewalk on W. 30th Avenue D Other: The escrow shall be held by the City in perpetuity. Notes: ~ 2.6 ~ 08 Name Dafe W.35nlA'oE ~ I I . W.2O'lHAV. VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) OWNER'S CERTIFICATE I, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 0.928 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: mE WEST ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN (115) FEET OF LOTS ONE (1) AND FOUR (4). BLOCK FIVE (5). EXCEPT THE soum TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT (258) FEET mEREOF, A~ENDEO PLAT OF HENDERSON'S SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ~ORE PARTICULARLY OESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CO~~ENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W, WHENCE mE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25 BEARS NORTH 89"41'48"EAST; THENCE soum 63"5459'EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1540.54 FEET TO mE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1. BLOCK 5, A~ENOEO PLAT OF HENDERSONS SUBDIVISION, BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89-41OS"EAST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01050"EAST, A DISTANCE Of 351.64 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89"4O'28'V/EST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH OiOSO"WEST. A DISTANCE OF 351.67 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; HAVE LAID OUT,SUBOIVlDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE ORA'MNG HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME ANO STYLE OF HYLAND'S HILL MINOR SUBDIVISION PLAT, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF \'/HEAT RIDGE, COLORAOO, AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE AND THOSE ~UNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES. THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, ~A1NTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT lIMI1ED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS. STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES. DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. OWNER STATE OF COLORADO 55 COUNTY OF JEfFERSON mE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNO'M...EDGED BEFORE ME THIS ~ DAY OF _~ A.D. 20_ BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFlOAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES; NOTARY PUBLIC DEDICATORY STATEMENT NO ADDIT10NAL RIGHT-OF-WAY IS TO BE DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT. CROSS.ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS lI~ITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'CROSS-ACCESS / INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENTS,' AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS. CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIf.lllARLY RECORDED EASE~ENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROf.l ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. STANDARD EASEMENT LANGUAGE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AS SHOWN HEREON. mESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR mE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECO~MUNICATlONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHAll. ALSO BE PER~ITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTIJRES AND WATER ~ETERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASE~ENTS. HVLAN D'S HILL MINOR SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT OF PARTS OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 5, AMENDED PLAT OF HENDERSON'S SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PM, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 NW CORNER NE CORNER <i}.W.2L4, SEC. 25 _ _ _ _ _ _ N89'4r4~~44.60' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S~/~SE~2~ ..........PO!NTOf CQUUENCEUENT BA~S OF BEARINGS 1.'<-..- ~. '" <;;<:l?" 1~~9' ~ I ~ ~~~ .,,",,,, liii ~r ~ - J___L_L- - - ?s"5 - - - ~'- '- !1t ~ 30lH AVE. (50' R:6t.)" :::El:. /" .................... :5 /" .................... ~--~8.1'DW ---- /7" .......... .......... S !:l8!t41'08-E(AM) 11S,oo'(Id;lf TRUE POINT Of &GlNNING .... /' 1a5.80'(~) g} ~:-: 3 ~~S~9 /!.' U~'#~~T ( ~ 1~~.Q1~ :It"''\$. 1>-- r" 1'"'--;(" I~ If I I~ ~I ; I J ~ 0 Q g~ \ LOT 1A 0 o;!:l 12,5JS SF 0 _ 0"" I !::il ~ R2 ZONING I~ 10 ~I ~ I I"' ~ I . ~L _______J 110' ORAJNt~l4'U,:%f,f WiDOT I 1I5.oo'-~ 10'ORAINAGE:&UTlUTYEASDJ T ,--------l 3 I I " " " 1 ~ I~ I ~ ~ I~ ,1 ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ . J j.ij LOT 2A ~ b::) 2~ ~ 0 <:5 l2 13.800 SF >- "'I tilT ~ R2 ZONING ~ 1~ , . ~I ~ ~ I' I s I" jLJ______L-.J ~ 10' ORAJN~O:9~'l!g#~r; EASEMENT\ b 115.00' b I - !2:...PRAJNAGE:& UT/LJTYEASf!!ffiL l>-- b I ~ o -.....[0'1. I~ Z ,...... ~>\'IO LOT JA '" 3 I ~ .... ~~~ /4,105 SF \~ ~ ~~ ~),,?~); I" :1 't&.... ~~ ~ R2 ZONING ~::) l'-. ~/C''::.... ............, ~oll ~~ "'?(-a........ ~1'". ~ ~<.:i $...."" :'----.. ~l ~ ~~~ S8~ ~I ~ '(4". ..........~/..t~ rs ~ ~S.......... "'18! _ J" l;.-------- . 10'DRAINAG€&UTlUTYEASEJ.fENT 1 ~ ~ . . t32.3' S. 66.2~'(AJ,I)- ~ PART OF LOT 2. BLOCK 5 _LEGEND_ @ SET 15 REBAR w/ 1-1/2" ALUMINUM CAP FLATIRONS SURVE'J1NG LS 16406 '. FOUND /J5 REBAR w/ PLASTIC CAP PLS 9655 AEGIS '. FOUND 1-1/2" BRASS TAG IN OIISLELED CROSS IN CONC. - PLS 9655 AEGIS '. FOUND /J5 w/ PLASTIC CDU.AR PLS 7735 CHICHESTER '. 5. '. FOUND SPIKE FOUND/J5REBAR FOUND 1/2" SQUARE PIN FOUND CHISELED CROSS + (AM) AS MEASURED ow DENVER WATER PROPOSED LOT DATA ARE IN ITAUCS SCALE:1""'3Q' I " I o 15 30 60 " 0 ~ S o N" 'i" << ';' ~ ~ ~ o " " : ~ , 0 g N ~ '" ~ cc o ~~ '" i< "' ~ 'i" << 1;;' :il " b o ~ 11 " 0 ~ S o N S 89"40'28- W(AM) 115,OO'(AM) o . g " . ~ 'Z ~ 2 : '" ~ cc ~ 12' E1 o' . a: ~ " '" . "' ~ ! I" ~ 3. \ I ~ _2Y'~1~ EXCEPTED PARTOfLOT4,BL0Ct<5 I R2 ZONING i 1.6'[, NB9'39'35"E(AM) FOUl<>l>t&I.ED 199.90'(AM) _ 115.00'(AM)_~w.t101'~~ _ 29TH AVE. (50' R,O,W.) 1.8' E. """i&iT I ~ \ . ~-----~~----J-- 3 ~ (I) 51.5' S. " ~..J ..J <( o '" 4 Z ~ la'li 6.1' N.- UI ~ \2.0' W 6 1--~1fAM)~-~'rl I e. ~ I ~50.63'(~) PARTOFLOT1,8LOCK5 MAPCHECK Select fi91,1re: Figure Nome: 53,162 Course: COl,lrse; COl,lrse; COl,lrse: Distonce: Distance: Dlstonce: Distonce: 115.00 351.64 '15.00 351.67 N 89-41-08 E S 00-10-50 E S 89-40-28 W N 00-10-50 W Perimeter: 93J.31 Areo: 40,440.29 SF 0.928 acres Mopcheck Closure - (Uses I1sted COl,lrses '" COGO Units) Errer ef Closure: 0.008 Col,lrse: S 00-13-09.6 W Precision 1:120355.99 CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE BooK_ PAGE__RECEPTlON__ ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OFJEFFERSONCOUNTYATGOLOEN,COLORADOONTI1IS_ DAY OF 20_ AT _ O'CLOCK ---"l. JEFFERSON COUNTY ClERK AND RECORDER BY; DEPUTY ClERK PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPRO'k:O THIS DAY OF OF 'MiEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. 20~BYTHECITY CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS OF 'MiEAT RIDGE. ATTEST DAY OF 20~BY"!HECITY CITY CLERK MAYOR COt.Af.lUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL NOTES 1) FlRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY COMMITMENT NUf.lBER 253-HOI65010-033-TFA, AMENDMENT NO.1, DATED APRIL 19,2007, AT 8:00 A.f.l., WAS RELIED UPON ENTIRELY FOR RECORDED INFORMATION REGARDING RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEf.lENTS AND ENCUf.lBRANCES IN "!HE PREPARA TlON OF THIS SURVEY. "!HE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBEO IN SAID TlTLE COMMI1J..IENT. 2) ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU ~UST COf.lf.lENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WlmlN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFiCATION SHOWN HEREON. 3) BASIS OF BEARINGS: A BEARING OF NORTH 89'41'48" EAST, ALONG "!HE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, T 3 S, R 69 W, AS SHOWN HEREON, PER CITY OF 'M-IEAT RIDGE DATIJf.l. ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RELATIVE mERETO. 4) FLOOD INFORMATION; THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X (UNSHADED), "AREAS DETERf,!!NEO TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN", ACCORDING TO FEf.lA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NU~BER 08059C0214-E, DATED JUNE 17, 2003. NOTE: FLOOD INFOR~ATlON IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. S) ANY PERSON 'MiD KNO'MNGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY f.lONU~ENT AND/OR BOUNOARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) f.lISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATIJTE C.R.S. SEC 18-4-508. 6) mE WORD .CERTlFY" AS SHOWN AND USED HEREON ~EANS AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINION REGARDING THE FACTS OF lHlS SURVEY AND ODES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 7) EXCEPTION NO.8 IN SAID TITLE CQMf.l11J..lENT REFERS TO RIGHTS-Of-WAY IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED APRIL 28. 1941 IN BK. 437 AT PG. 552, AND DOES NOT AFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPEIlTY. SAID DEED REFERS TO PROPERTY IN BLOCK 7 OF Af.lENDED PLAT OF HENDERSON'S SUBDiViSION. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JOHN B. GUYTON, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY Tl-lAT A SURVEY WAS MADE BY ME IN AUGUST, 2007, OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, AND Tl-lAT THIS PLAT IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVE'"". I FURTl-lER CERTIFY mAT THIS PLAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 38-51-102 OF THE COLORADO REVISED STATIJTE. JOHN B. GUYTON DATE- COLORADO Pol.S. #16406 FSI JOB NO. 07-53,162 CHAIRMAN/CEO, FLATIRONS. INC. DA 1ES OF PREPARA TlON REVISION 8 2.J 2007 FiRST SlJ8MITTAL II 15 2007 REVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTS 1 10 2008 REVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTS CASE HISTORY MS 07 05 PLOffiD 1/10/2008 ...,1... " ~ ",. .. Cit)'of Y7WheatR!9ge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.8001 p,303.234.5900 f 303,234.5924 December 13, 2007 Palrick Hyland 2903 Reed Street Denver, CO 80033-8117 Dear Patrick: At its meeting of December 6,2007, Planning Commission APPROVED Case No, MS-07-05, a request for approval of a 3-lot minor subdivision plat for property zoned Residential-Two and located at approximately 6330 West 30th Avenue for the following reasons: 1, All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2, All required utility easements are being provided, 3, Adequate infrastructure will be constructed with the development to serve the proposed use, With the following condition: 1, The lateral easement shown on Lot 3 shall be moved to encompass the actual location of the lateral. Enclosed is a draft copy of the minutes stating the Commission's decision, A blackline photographic mylar of the plat with original signatures needs to be submitted for recording with Jefferson County within 60 days of final action, Enclosed are Jefferson County's recordation requirements, The fees for recording with Jefferson County are $11 per page. Please submit payment along with the mylar. The fee in lieu of parkland dedication and escrow for public improvements will be required prior to recordation of the plat. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, K~udP Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes cc: MS-07 -05 (case file) MS0705,doc email: infoifljci.wheairidge.co.usww\v.ci.wbeatridge.co.us 7, PUBLIC HEARING F' A, Case No, MS-07-04: An application filed by Brian Johnson for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision plat with a lot width variance for property zoned Residential-Two and located at 3516 Jay Street. At staffs recommendation, it was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to continue Case No, MS-07-04 to January 17, 2008, The motion carried 7-0 with Commissioner SPANIEL absent. B, Case No, MS-07-05: An application filed by Patrick Hyland for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision plat for pro~erty.zoned Residential-Two and located at approximately 6330 West 30' Avenue. The case was presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinen.f.clocuments into the record and advised the Commissiontltere was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital pre$elltatioll: Staffrecommerided approval for reasons outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Commissioner REINHART, Mr. Crane stated that there are no driveway spacing requirements for this tYPe.of development. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if any neighborhood meetings were held. Mr. Crane replied thattherewere no meetings. However, neighborhood meetings are not required in these types of cases. In response to a CJ.u'e~ti?n'fr9tn..<..:0111missioner STEWART, Mr. Crane stated that the ditch location sho!fld nof.tfffeolLa.ccess between lots 2 and 3. Commissioner BRcINKMAN,asked if Public Works was concerned about the amount of hard sur;t<ice goillgdownhill with no eurb and gutter and the possible effecton the neigh15(D'r acrOSs the street. Mr. Crane replied that Public Works did not provide a cott11U'eht on that matter. Patrick Hyland 2903 Reed Street Mr. Hyland, the applicant, addressed questions presented by the Commission. He stated that the two back lots would be serviced by new water and sewer lines which will be established within the private drive. He stated that the units will be marketed around $350,000 which will probably attraet primary homeowners rather than rentals. In response to a question from Commissioner MeMILLIN, Mr. Hyland stated that the third duplex could be built without affecting the ditch. His intention is to leave the ditch open. He would like to have a turn-around at the end of the street Planning Commission Minutes 2 December 6, 2007 which might require a solution such as a concrete boundary with a removable steel surface. He is stilI working with the ditch company. Rolf Dahl 2845 Newland Street Mr. Dahl spoke in opposition to construetion of more duplexes in the neighborhood. This part of town is saturated with duplexes and cutting lot sizes has the potential to deteriorate the style of life in the neighborhood. He stated that his quality ofIife has increased in the ten years he has lived on Newland Street. Linda Ingalls 6415 W, 29th Ms. Ingalls spoke in opposition to the eonstruetion ofdtiplexes whieh would affeet the charm and character of the neighborhood. She expressed cone ern about removal of mature trees noting that one hundred year old tree has already been removed. Estelle Kiefel 2935 Kendall Street Mrs. Kiefel appeared on behalf of her husband, Eug<;ne Kiefd, to express opposition to the applieation. She submitted and read into the r<;cord a letter written by h<;r husband. The letter expressed coneern that the duplexes would inerease the density of the property and supS't(\ntially increas<; traffic in the neighborhood. The letter also stated that the ditch has to be located so water flows unobstructed to the northwest corner of the lot at 2935 Kendall to prevent flooding property at 6330 W. 30th A venue when the ditch water is turned on in the spring, She also expressed concern about the removal of mature trees. They irrigate their property with th<; ditch water and did not want to see anything happen that would affect that situation, Dan Rathe 6411 W, 29th Aven.ue Mr.Rathe spoke in-opposition to the application and expressed coneern about traffic.. The advertisin~ brochure states that the duplex properties will have easy access from 29th or 30t Avenues offa private drive which is across Mr. Rathe's property. He also stated that the ditch got clogged up this summer and flooded his garage. Commissioner McMILLIN asked if there was any documentation showing an access drive to 29th Avenue. Mr. Crane explained that there is a private drive from 29th Avenue that accesses four single family properties. There is another property directly north of those properties and west of the subject property that is also for sale and there is a marketing brochure that says that property can be accessed from 29th or 30th. That cannot happen because it would exceed the maximum number of dwelling units accessed by a private drive and, further, they would be utilizing someone's private drive. Planning Commission Minutes 3 December 6, 2007 L 8, Patrick Hyland returned to podium. He stated that he also owns a portion of the water in the ditch and he will make sure the ditch isn't clogged or harassed. He did not know about the flooding that Mr. Rathe referred to. He stated that everything will be cleaned up well before the ditch is opened in the spring. He also plans to take precautions so that his properties will not sustain any flooding from ditch water. Commissioner REINHART asked ifthere was a documented easement with a legal description for the ditch, Mr. Crane explained that there is not and that is the reason an easement is required on the plat. Commissioner McMILLIN stated that he did not believe the lack of a reeorded easement compromises the legal right of the ditehto be there. Mr. Crane agreed. There was no one else to address the Commission. Chair SCEZNEY closed the public hearing. Commissioner McMILLIN stated that while he could sympathize with the neighbors who don't want to see the property developed, the property has been zoned R-2 for many years and the owner is well within his rights to develop it as such. He was not coneerned about the ditch issue bedi\lse ditches have some of the oldest property rights in Jefferson County. It was moved lly'CoWmissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner REINHART to approve Case No. MS-07-0S, a request for approval of a three-lot subdivision plat for property located at approximately 6330 West 30th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met, 2, All required utilitye~sements are being provided, 3. Adequateinfrastructure will be constructed with the development to serve the proposed use, With the following condition: 1. The !literal easement shown on Lot 3 shall be moved to encompass the actual location of the lateral. The motion carried 7-0 with Commissioner SPANIEL absent. OTHER ITEMS . Travis Crane informed the Commissioners that there are no agenda items for the December 20th meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Planning Commission Minutes 4 December 6, 2007 A request for a minor subdivision at approximately 6330 W, 30th Avenue Planning Gommissjon T~ursd.y. DecemberS. 2007 1 W: 30"'Ave.-lookiflg east 2 Reauest Applicant is requesting a 3-101 subdivision 'nopublicdedication Planning Commission is final deciding authority All lots must meet zoning standards . lot size " lot width The plat must: . meet standards in Article IV (Subdiyision Regulations) . meetCRS standards for plats ExistinaConditions The property is currenlly zoned R-2 "40,440 square feet in size . slopes from south to north R-2zoning minimum lot standards: " g,OOOsquare feelf75feet for SFR . 12,500 squarefeelf100 feel for two-family Appiicant Is currently conslf\Jcting a two-famiiy dwelling on Lot 1 . structure was designed in anticipation ofsubdiyision " struclure will meet selbacks from all created lot lines 3 Lot Sizes Lot1-12,535/115 Lot2-13,800/115 Lot3-14,105/115 Min.fortw'o-family: 12,500/100 Easements WatereasementinNW COR Proposed lateral easement (red) Actual lateral location {blue} Staff suggests lateral easement shall be moved ~'~<~~ ~ -"---r::~;~~1' - - - - ~ - f"?' =~-~ -,.-.= IH- .\~ i ',:, ,;jl , ~ :.: __Ji 'l~.~ =:S;::=",,_~,) 1~ , ,. , 'i" 11: It' , -:-~:~~:;-,~w ~ ---"~ ~ '~'''-W'__ "",,--.--' - 0'", =-,-;;;: ~~~-rrp. , , _1.--e""ND_ " ~;;:;-;;:':;:'-.;~'. " ,~._...~-~- . __-",.;,''i;~,__, i ~! , :~~~:i;~~~]'l '----------- --~ _.....~.,O:.,I" ,--7'"'''' , ',' '-~ 1 dj' ".' ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ::~;:;::~,,=-~ i,'." 1)" ~i : ;l!"::~::L !,l," " :. : ~ ~ ! ; ~ h Access -"--...'""~ - - ----'--.~ -';;.;:",,!--;;,~T' - - -- ,,.,,,,It;'";~;'.' >O! ,; 'ill "'" >1 Ii l:~~/:! H H I!'~ ;:[ .; ~li ' ,t~::~j , Jj' ""~"'! , d !' t:~~::~:~J,: ;:; -t '':;<;''.1[-:1-> ! -p:;-.=w Per Zoning Code- only4 DU'smayuse private drive Lotl-W.30"'Ave. _l.E""ND_ " .~:~;:~::;;;;,'-.~'" '. ~.._'-"-."-'~- Lot2-privatedrive Lot3-privatedrive ~ I Conclusions All responding referral agencies can serve property Fee in lieu of parkland dedication required "feeis based upon number of dwelling units & value of land Escrowforcurb,gutterandsidewalkrequired "no public improvements adjoining property " City will retain escrow and build at appropriate time Staff is recommending approvalwill1 one condition: . lateral easement shall be moved to actual location of lateral 4 Eugene Kiefel 2935 Kendall Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 Cb "no, i11 '3- O}-o':::, /d - C; - 0 7 S"'hm;;-led PY G5/e//.." /.(;~fe-/ December 6, 2007 TO: City of Wheat Ridge RE: Request for dividing a 3 acre propertv into 3 one acre properties at 6330 West 30th Ave. If the intent is to build three Duplexes, placing three Duplexes in close proximity to each , other would increase the density of the property, and increase traffic substantially, in what is basically a residential area. Reminder: There is an irrigation ditch running through the property at 6330 W. 30th Avc., providing ditch water to several homes with ditch water rights. These homes are located to the east and southeast of the above listed property. Aecording to the Roeky Mountain Ditch Company, these property owners actually own the ditch along this lateral. This ditch, or possibly an underground eulvert, has to be located so that the water flows unobstructed to the northwest corner of the lot at 2935 Kendall Street, as it has always done. Otherwise, when the ditch water is turned on in the spring, it will flood the property at 6330 West 30th Avenue. Additional information regarding the easements for the ditch is available from: Rocky Mountain Ditch Company P.O. Box 507 Golden, Colorado 80402-6780 (303) 277-6780 Co-Manager of Lateral listed above: Dave Greeno (303) 232-7889 I herby appoint my wife, Estelle D. Kiefel, to speak on my behalf at this meeting. C"LB ';fa?? -E~K;feI (EUg~1 Trust) (303) 237-6422 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION December 6, 2007 Case No, MS-07-05: An application filed by Patrick Hyland for approval of a 3- lot minor subdivision plat for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at approximately 6330 W. 30th Name Address In favor/Opposed "~j f DQ"^,, :L'X;' tz; N w \ Qy-.~ St ~sd \ LlrcQA..:::C~o,11 '> C,V l <:; vJ 2.~ ftvp , t; ,ppo~~ ~j't7L ~., 1 J,ci3)Ken J of} o-n~o\ 4/l.1J1l .' /':)::..-.(, (/ WI u), :::Z'7lh;~/6 /}~C7 ~7G P , < ~.,,, '" . '.;;lC."" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: MS-07-05/Hyland DATE OF MEETING: December 6, 2007 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a tbree-Iot subdivision plat for property zoned Residential Two. LOCATION OF REQUEST: approximately 6330 W. 30th Avenue OWNER (S): same APPLICANT (S): Patrick Hyland 950 Greenway Drive Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 APPROXIMATE AREA: 40,440 sq. ft. (0.92 ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Residential Two (R-2) ENTER INTO RECORD: () COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Loeation Map Sit Planning Commission MS-07-05/Hyland (X) (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant (owner) is requesting approval of a three-lot subdivision plat. The property is currently zoned Residential Two (R-2). The applieant wishes to subdivide the property and ereate three lots. The R-2 zone distriet allows single- and two-family residential struetures (depending on lot size) and accessory buildings. The property is 40,440 square feet in size and slopes from south to north. The applicant is in the proeess of constructing a two-family structure on the northern portion of the property. A building permit was reviewed and approved in October of this year. Plaeement of the structure was designed in anticipation of the subdivision; all setbacks and lot coverage requirements will be met if the subdivision is approved. II. SUBDIVISION PLAT The plat will subdivide the property into three lots (Exhibit 1, Plat). Lot 1 will have direct frontage on W. 30th Avenue. Lots 2 and 3 will be located directly south of Lot 1 and will be accessed by a private drive. The Code of Laws allows a maximum of four dwelling units to be accessed by a private drive. The private drive will be located on the western side of the property, and will be 20 feet in width. When subdividing one pareel into multiple pareels, each newly ereated pareel should meet the district standards for minimum lot size and width, The minimum size and width of an R-2 lot is based upon type of residential strueture located on the lot. A single family structure in the R-2 zone distriet requires minimum lot size of at least 9,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of at least 75 feet. A two-family strueture in the R-2 zone district requires minimum lot size of at least 12,500 square feet and a minimum lot width of at least 100 feet. The applicant is currently constructing a duplex on the northern portion of the property. Therefore, Lot 1 must meet the minimum lot size standards for a two-family dwelling, Lot 1 will be 12,535 square feet in size, Lot 2 will be 13,800 square feet in size. Lot 3 will be 14,105 square feet in size. All of the lots will be I 15 feet in width, Beeause all lots will gain aecess from the north, the lot width is measured at the northern property line, which is eonsidered the front yard. All three lots will be large enough and wide enough for a two-family strueture. Easements Typieal utility easements are being established around the perimeter of eaeh lot. There is an existing water easement located in the northwest corner of the property. A main water line is located within the easement. The duplex eurrently being eonstructed on what will be Lot 1 does not eneroaeh upon this easement. There is an existing lateral ditch which bisects what will become Lot 3. An easement has been established on this plat which runs east to west on the lower third of Lot 3. This easement as shown on the plat is the proposed location of the lateral, not the actual location. Staff recommends that as a condition of approval, the easement be shown at the actnal loeation of the lateral. The applieant may negotiate with the owners ofthe lateral to reloeate the lateral, The applicant has indicated that eonversations regarding moving this lateral have begun; however, an agreement has not been reached to date. Planning Commission MS-07-05/Hyland 2 If the lateral and easement are relocated, an administrative plat amendment will be required, Aeencv Referral All responding ageneies have indicated that they can serve the property, and the applicant will bear the cost of upgrading any service to the property. Water service will be provided by the Wheat Ridge Water Distriet. The Wheat Ridge Fire District indieated that the width of the private drive was aeeeptable. An approved turn-around will be required at time of building permit for Lot 3. The Fire District has indicated that this ean be aeeompIished by constructing a larger driveway whieh aceesses Lot 3. The Subdivision Regulations require that parkland dedication is required for any residential subdivision. Typically, this takes the form of a fee in lieu of land dedication. The applicant will be required to pay the fee in lieu prior to recordation of the plat. The Public Works Department has indicated that an escrow will be required in lieu of installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk adjaeent to W. 30th Avenue. Because the adjacent properties do not have any of these pubIie improvements installed, the escrow will be retained until sueh time that it is feasible to install the public improvements. III. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S): Beeause this is a three-lot minor subdivision, Planning Commission is the final deciding authority. Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision meets all of the requirements of Article IV of the Code of Laws. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the subdivision plat. OPTION A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. MS-07-05, a request for approval of a three lot subdivision plat for property located at approximately 6330 W. 30th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2, All required utility easements are being provided. 3. Adequate infrastructure will be eonstructed with the development to serve the proposed use." With the following condition: 1. The lateral easement shown on Lot 3 shall be moved to eneompass the actual loeation ofthe lateral." OPTION B: "I move to DENY Case No. MS-07-05, a request for approval of a three lot subdivision plat for property located at approximately 6330 W. 30th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. " Planning Commission MS-07 -05/Hy\and 3 w. 38TH AVE. HYLAN D'S Etn,b,-\- \ HILL MINOR SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT OF PARTS OF LOTS 1 AND 4, B~OCK 5, AMENDED PLAT OF HENDERSON'S SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 W. 32ND A ....: . (/) z NW CORNER < SW 1/4, SEC. 25 -..J 0::: ~ ~OINT OF COMMENCEMENT -- < ~ I ...J ....: ~ ~:S-'St' CD W2TH (I) ...J CD 7S'St~9" FE -..J ,S'St'~ .....: -..J Z a:: (I) <( < a i w z C () w 0:: (J) 0::: ~ LaJ ~ w C 0: Di ~ ~ NE CORNER _ _ _ _ _ _SW 1/~SEC. 2~ "y ,~~ , ~ \.\ YO 1- ~~~. --1--~--J /_ /,,55 30TH A VE. G50' R:O. W.) / / -/- +- ~ / 128.1'~W ~ !jB~ '08"E(AM) I N89041' 48"E 2644.60' --~-- BASIS OF BEARINGS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t-= Lt: -< 2 ~ I \ L------~----~ 3 (J) 5 1.5' S. 160.63'(AM) ..J ..J <( C 4 Z 1.8' N. 6.1' N.. W 12.0~ W. 6 ,-- 55~M) --- !I I ~ I ---~ ~ ~ 11500Q'(AM) W. 20TH A V. f 32.3' S. 66.24'(AM) . 3 0.4' N. VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) OWNER'S CERTIFICATE I, ----__________________________, BEING E OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 0.928 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE WEST ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN (115) FEET OF LOTS ONE (1) AND FOUR (4), BLOCK FIVE (5), EXCEPT THE SOUTH TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT (258) FEET THEREOF, AMENDED PLAT OF HENDERSON'S SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W, WHENCE THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25 BEARS NORTH 89041 '48"EAST; THENCE SOUTH 63054'59" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1540.54 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 5, AMENDED PLA T OF HENDERSON'S SUBDIVISION, BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89041 '08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0010'50"EAST, A DISTANCE OF 351.64 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89040'28" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0010'50" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 351.67 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF HYLAND MINOR SUBDIVISION PLAT, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES, THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. + (AM) @ c---w ------------------------------ OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS -------_ DAY OF ________, A.D. 20____ BY _______________. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 0.3: E.~ 3 G?--~\~~gl }Jt TIUTY EASEMENT 0.1 N. ~ o'~.r~.~ ~ _ _ ( ~r~ I~'f-~;;;~ ~/r - ~ L() y ~o (Jj I / h.: L5.r ~ ~I tj I j:::: U) ~ t3 I .. I ct: l{) ~ ~~I ~ t~ I ~ I ~ I ~ LJ I -1 I ~ I ~ I t3 ~ ~ I ~I t3 ~ I ---- ~ I I -1 P ART OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5 LEGEND C> L() Z ~ u Z g o CD N N I- o ~ ...J 0::: lJ... , 0 N ~ 0::: ~ @ SET #5 REBAR W / 1-1/2" ALUMINUM CAP FLATIRONS SURVEYING LS 16406 FOUND #5 REBAR W/ PLASTIC CAP PLS 9655 AEGIS FOUND 1-1/2" BRASS TAG IN CHISLELED CROSS IN CONC. - PLS 9655 AEGIS FOUND #5 WI PLASTIC COLLAR PLS 7735 CHICHESTER FOUND SPIKE FOUND #5 REBAR FOUND 1/2" SQUARE PIN FOUND CHISELED CROSS AS MEASURED WA TER METER UTILITY POLE -ovu- OVERHEAD UTILITY -x-x- FENCE PROPOSED LOT DA TA ARE IN ITALICS OW DENVER WATER ------------------------------ NOTARY PUBLIC DEDICATORY STATEMENT NO ADDITIONAL RIGHT -OF - WAY IS TO BE DEDICA TED BY THIS PLAT. CROSS-ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'CROSS-ACCESS / INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENTS,' AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. STANDARD EASEMENT LANGUAGE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AS SHOWN HEREON. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. 1.0' C> L() Z ~ u Z g o CD N r-r) b 1.2' ~ ...J 0::: l.J... ,0 N ~ 0::: ~ LtJT 1A 12,B35 SF J R2 J ZONING 10' UT/LI1JY EASEMENT NBg.;"1 'OB"E 11 $. 00' \ .J.![ UTlU7rY EASEMENT _ \ _ L()T 2A 13,800 SF ~ -q:: 5: ~ ~ )..... ctJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eJ eJ ::t: t3 ~ -.J ~ CJ -..J R2 ZONING 1O~~~LJrg~~fMENT- r 115. 00 ' .J.![ UTlUT~ EASEMENT _ _ "I I~ ~ '- J..- .. I ~ ~ L5 ~ ~ .CS 'in LOT 3A 14,105 SF R2 Z:ONING - - 5' DITCH EASEMENT - - ---~_.--.- 10' UTILITr EASEMENT S 89.40'26" W(AM) 115.0q'(AM) EXCEPTED P ART OF LOIr 4, BLOCK 5 R2 ZONING 85 ~ I I J P ART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 5 ~ ~ <( ~ -:q. to . ...... l() t") L() ~ C> u 0 Z ...J CD - ... Z ~ 0 I- 0 N ...J lJ... N 0 I- 0::: et:: <C 0- ~ ~ <( ~ W : o l() b r o CJ) MAPCHECK Select figure: Figure Name: 53,162 Course: N 89-41-08 E Course: S 00-10-50 E Course: S 89-40-28 W Course: N 00-10-50 W Distance: 115.00 Distance: 351.64 Distance: 115.00 Distance: 351.67 L() ~ u C> 0 ...J Z CD - ~ Z I- 0 0 ...J N lJ... 0 N I- et:: 0::: <( 0- Perimeter: 933.31 Area: 40,440.29 SF 0.928 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses & COGO Units) Error of Closure: 0.008 Course: S 00-13-09.6 W Precision 1: 120355.99 \ --.l.9' ~ 1 N 1.6' E. N89'39'35"E4AM) FOUND CHISELED 199.90'(AM) 115 OO'(A~) CROSS IN CONC. 2 · ~ 0.15' W. OF TAG-----..... 29TH AVE. ~50' R.O.W.) 1'8' E. ] I o SCALE: 1" = 30' I I 15 30 I 60 CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE BOOK ______ PAGE ______ RECEPTION ________________ ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON THIS ______ DA Y OF _____________, 20__ AT ______ O'CLOCK __M. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: ___________________________ DEPUTY CLERK PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS ------_________ DAY OF ____________________. 20___, BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. ----------------------------------- CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _______________ DAY OF ____________________. OF WHEAT RIDGE. BY THE CITY A,TTEST ------------------------------------ CITY CLERK ----------------------------------- MAYOR ----------------------------------- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ------------------------------------ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL NOTES 1) FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY COMMITMENT NUMBER 253-H0165010- TFA. A,MENDMENT NO.1, DATED APRIL 19, 2007, AT 8: 00 A.M., WAS RELIED UPON ENTIRELY FOR RECORDED FORMATION REGARDING RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS SURVEY. THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN SAID TITLE COMMITMENT. 2) ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 3) BASIS OF BEARINGS: A BEARING OF NORTH 89041' 48" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, T 3 S, R 69 W, AS SHOWN HEREON, PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM. ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RELATIVE THERETO. 4) FLOOD INFORMATION: THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X (UNSHADED). "AREAS OF 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD; AREAS OF 1 % ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 1 % ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD", ACCORDING TO FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 08059C0214-E, DATED JUNE 17, 2003. NOTE: FLOOD INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 5) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT AND lOR BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) ~ISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE C.R.S. SEe 18-4-508. 6) THE WORD "CERTIFY" AS SHOWN AND USED HEREON MEANS AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINION REGARDING THE FACTS OF THIS SURVEY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 7) ONLY SURFACE EVIDENCE OF UTILITIES VISIBLE AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD WORK IS SHOWN HEREON. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MUST BE FIELD LOCATED BY THE APPROPRIATE AGENCY OR UTILITY COMPANY PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION, PURSUANT TO C.R.S. SEC. 9-1.5-103. 8) EXCEPTION NO. 8 IN SAID TITLE COMMITMENT DOES NOT AFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JOHN B. GUYTON. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SURVEY WAS MADE BY ME IN AUGUST, 2007, OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, AND THAT THIS PLAT IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 38-51-102 OF THE COLORADO REVISED STATUTE. JOHN B. GUYTON COLORADO P.L.S. #16406 CHAIRMAN/CEO, FLATIRONS, INC. DATE FSI JOB NO. 07-53,162 DA TES OF PREPARA TION REVISION B 23 2007 FIRST SUBMITTAL 11/15/2007 REVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTS Flatirons, Inc. - surveYing, Engineering & Geomatics CASE HISTORY MS-07-05 3825 IRIS A VENUE BOULDE~ CO 80303 PH: (303) 443_7001 FAX: (303) 443_9830 EstabliShed 1983 655 FOURTH A VENUE LONGMONT, CO 80501 PH: (303) 776_1733 FAX: (303) 776_4355 www.flatsurv.com PLOTTED 11/28/2007 .~. <, -dI\. ~.''''''\I ........ "~r --> '- '", ' City of Wheat Ridge \ \ Department of Public Works 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 (303) 235-2861 FAX (303) 235-2857 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS January 2, 2008 Mr. John B. Guyton, P.L.S. Flatirons, Inc. 3825 Iris Avenue Boulder, CO 80303 303.443.7001 Re: Second Review Comments of the Hyland's Hill Minor Subdivision Plat. Dear Mr. Guyton, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents for the parcel located at 6363 W. 29th Avenue received on November 29,2007, and I have the following comments: Land Surveying Comments 1. The irrigation ditch that runs across the property will need to be a minimum of 10' in width to allow for proper maintenance, and needs to be shown as "10' IRRIGATION DITCH EASEMENT HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT". 2. Written approval from the ditch company or from those affected will be required prior to approval of the ditch realignment and the plat. 3. Standard Drainage & Utility Easements need to be shown along the sides (5') and the front and rear (10') of each lot. 4. Include a digital file of the Plat with the next submittal. This may provided on CD-ROM or by e- mail. 5. All other comments have been addressed. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, ;)....../,;:f-~ David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer dbrossman@ci.wheatridge.co.us CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Travis Crane, Planner If File Hylands Hill Minor Sub]lat. review2.ltr.doc -1- t ~ ,....., ----- :::!: 10' UTILITY EASEMENT <( N89'41'08"E '-" w . 115.00' . 0 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 0 It) -- ----- I It) 0 0 ..-- I~ ..-- 0 0 0 II $0, 0 z I~ (/) 1.0' W.3 ~ " ~,o-B' <4lJ. I~ ~ V (') t::. !f Z;!!.4< ;::: I '" OC) I~ - ~ . . LOT 3A bJ ~ ;:;s 14,105 SF 't I is ~ "- I.:: ~ + .c.s 7NOV07: r-- "" THIS FENCE ------ Q) IS GONE -=- - 5' DITCH EASrENTr -=--=- 0 L() 15.3'x10.0' I Z ~ FRAME SHED "- L() - () l/) -~ + Z 0 "J ~ -' -- ----- co () 0 [l) 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 1.2' W'1 N 0 0 --' N ....., [l) Z S 89040'28" W(AM) - 5 1.2' W. ..,: Z .- -' 115,OO'(AM) I- 0 0::: lL. ~ 0 ::2: --' N '" 0 <( I- ~ U- N ~ 0 n::: L() ~ N 0::: <( ....., I- D- o EXCEPTED n::: 0::: ~ P ART OF LOT 4, BLOCK 5 <( D- 3. r-- L() ~ J ::2: R2 ZONING <( ~ " r-J , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on December 6, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following cases shall be heard: Case No. MS-07-04: An application filed by Brian Johnson for approval of a 2- lot minor subdivision plat with a lot width variance for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2), located at 3516 Jay Street, and legally described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING APART OF LOT 8, CONWAY HEIGHTS, AS RECORDED IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE, SITUATED IN THE NW ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIP AL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRffiED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8 FROM WHENCE THE CENTER ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25 BEARS S23 o04'29"E A DISTANCE OF 1438.62 FEET; THENCE NOoo20'20"W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 8 AND THE EAST R.O.W. LINE OF JAY STREET A DISTANCE OF 168.00 FEET; THENCE N89047'40"E A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 10, GERALD LEE HEIGHTS RESUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE SOoo20'20"E A DISTANCE OF 168.00 FEET TO A POINT THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, LINE ALSO BEING THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NE ONE-QUARTER OF THE NW ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE S89047'40"W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE OF LOT 8 AND SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE NE ONE- QUARTER OF THE NW ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 25 A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING (23,520 SQUARE FEET) 0.5399 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Case No. MS-07-05: An application filed by Patrick Hyland for approval of a 3- lot minor subdivision plat for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2), located at approximately 6330 W. 30th Avenue, and legally described as follows: THE WEST ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN (115) FEET OF LOTS ONE (1) AND FOUR (4), BLOCK FIVE (5), EXCEPT THE SOUTH TWO HUNDRED FIFTY- EIGHT (258) FEET THEREOF, AMENDED PLAT OF HENDERSON'S SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W, WHENCE THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25 BEARS NORTH 89041 '48" EAST; THENCE SOUTH 63054'59" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1540.54 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 5, AMENDED PLAT OF HENDERSON'S SUBDIVISION, BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89041 '08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0010'50" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 351.64 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89040'28" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0010'50" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 351.67 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: November 21,2007 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge November 21, 2007 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. MS-07-0S which is a request for approval of a 3-lot minor subdivision plat for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at approximately 6330 W. 30th Avenue. This request will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on December 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\Doc..mcnts and SCltings\kathyf\My Documcllls\K.alhy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\Pcnoticc\2007\ms0705.wpd -ONEILL PATRICIA ANN HEFNItR JAMES H 3091 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE CO RO? 14 7006 3450 0002 4529 2521 HOLT BEVERLEY A 6440 W 31ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 OHARA DONALD WAY CYNTHIA 3040 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80433 7006 3450 0002 HARVEY ERIKA HARVEY MARTIN 3002 LAMAR ST WHEAT RI 4529 7006 3450 0002 4529 BRYAN MICHAEL KEVIN BRYAN JENNIE 3045 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 MARTINEZ HOWARD 1 2990 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2 ('tb 7006 3450 0002 4529 2777 AMOROSIA JOSEPH F 3125 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 2623 MALLORY RICK L MALLORY CINDY L 6497 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2754 MANGO JOHN MANGO MARTHA R 6405 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2535 2722 n r LAND PATRICK 950 GREENWAY DR GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 4529 2692 7006 3450 0002 4529 2524 SNYDER KURT E SNYDER TAMERA 6530 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 FISHER DAVID L FISHER NANCY E 2990 MARSHALL CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 2705 7006 3450 0002 4529 2675 SWIADER THEODORE V SWIADER DONNA 1: 2980 KENDAL1~L_' WHEAT RIDGb~ 14 7006 3450 0002 4529 2655 WELLER RITA E 3290 INGALLS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7430 7006 3450 0002 4529 2514 NOBLE KRIS ROBERT 2991 MARSHALL CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2647 DISANTO FRANK R 2998 MARSHALL CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 BAREIS FREDERIC C 2970 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 HUBBARD ROBERT H HUBBARD KATHLEEN M 2950 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 2760 7006 3450 0002 4529 2654 7006 3450 0002 4529 2753 FIRST SP ANISH ASSEMBLY OF GOD 6475 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2661 EUGENE KIEFEL TRUST 2935 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2576 BURTON CLEO BURTON LA VENA 1972 10TH ST LAVERNE CA 91750 7006 3450 0002 4529 2616 LILLO LAWRENCE LILLO FLORENCE V 3004 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2507 QUALTERI FAMILY LIVING TRUST 3001 KENDALL ST WHEAT RTDGF rn RO?14 7006 3450 0002 4529 2552 WELLSPRING BIBLE CHURCH 3010 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2545 PECHACEK J JOHN 6320 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 2739 SMITH KIRK A 6630 W 31ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 7006 3450 0002 4529 7512 CHANDLER CHAD M DAWN CHANDLER 1407 FALCONPL ERIE CO 80516 7006 3450 0002 4529 2715 DAVENPORT BE AMIN E 6363 W 29TH AVE . 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" . ~ . . CITY LIMITS - ~, - PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) ---- WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES r-:--:l 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) iel 0;1 0;1 ii:l wi L ~ ~ ~. ~~~tO ~~~~"' /~~~ ~ ~~- ~t a -VI ~ 13. o~ ,~"' ~. Il ~ . 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C ~ 0 " ~ 0 0 0 0 0 " ~ ~ iii . . ;;; " . , . 0 0 0 , . 0 " " " " " " " ;;; ij " " 0 8 8 . 8 " Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Date: 11 October 2007 Community Development Referral Form Response Due: 31 October 2007 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a minor subdivision at the property located at Lot 1 and 4, Block 5 Henderson Subdivision (Directly north of 6363 W. 29th Avenue). No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: MS-07-05/Hyland Request: Subdivide the property into three lots. The property is approximately 40,480 square feet in size. The property is currently zoned Residential Two (R-2). The applicant plans to construct one duplex on each of the newly created lots. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Travis R. Crane Voice: 303.235.2849 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: tcrane@cLwheatridge.co.us Subject Property DISTRIBUTION: Wheat Ridge Water District Consolidated Mutual Water District Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Wheat Ridge Fire District Xcel Energy AT&T Broadband Qwest Communications Wheat Ridge Parks & Rec. Dept. Wheat Ridge Public Works 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge 22 October 2007 John B. Guyton Flatirons Surveying 3825 Iris Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80303 RE: Hyland Minor Subdivision/Approximately W. 30th Avenue and Lamar Street Dear Mr. Guyton: I have completed my initial review of the proposed subdivision plat for the property located in the approximate southeast comer of West 30th Avenue and Lamar Street in Wheat Ridge, and I have the following comments: 1. General: A. I have included all comments from responding referral agencies. Of note, the Wheat Ridge Fire District has a few requirements for the access driveway and service to the properties. If you have questions regarding any of the referral comments, please direct them to the agency which generated said comment. B. A Planning Commission hearing has been set for Thursday, December 6, 2007. The hearing will be held at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Please be aware that the applicant (or his representative) must be in attendance at the hearing. C. I have attached a mineral rights certification form for your completion. Ifthere are any mineral estate owners on this property, they must be notified of the public hearing, per State Statute. D. An escrow will be required for the installation of public improvements. Please see the attached Public Works comments for clarification. This escrow must be paid prior to the recordation of the plat. E. Pursuant to Section 26-421(D) of the Code of Laws, all residential subdivisions must provide proportionate parkland dedication which typically takes the form of a payment in lieu ofland dedication. The total fee for parkland dedication is $7,008.57, or $1,168.09 per dwelling unit. This fee must be paid prior to the recordation of the plat. F. I have included all red-lined copies of the plat for clarification of comments. 2. Subdivision Plat: A. Please add a legal description which ties into a City of Wheat Ridge monument. B. There appears to be a lot boundary which bisects "lot 3A". Is this the existing southern boundary oflot 1, block 5 of Henderson's Subdivision? If this lot boundary is to be dissolved or moved, it should be shown as such. Additionally, if everything to the south of this common lot boundary is presently part of lot 4, block 5 Henderson's Subdivision, lot 4 must be made a part ofthis subdivision. J.B. Guyton 3825 Iris Ave. C. Please show and label standard utility easements around the perimeter of each lot to be created. The front and rear yards should have ten foot easements, while the side yards have five foot easements. Please be aware that the front yard for all lots will be the northern lot line. D. Please show all new lot lines to be created, and label as 'lot line hereby created by this plat'. Additionally, please show distance and bearing for each new lot line. E. Please detail the size (in square feet) of each lot to be created. F. Please show existing zoning on adjacent lots. The red-lined plat created by the Community Development Department details this adjacent zoning. G. Please label each newly created lot as "lot 1 ", "lot 2" and "lot 3". H. Please add a case history box which includes the following case number: MS-07-05. I. Please correct the signature line under the Planning Commission Certification to read "Chairperson". J. Please correct the typographical error in line two of General Note number 1. K. Please change line two of General Note number 9 to read: "but said map does not specify... " L. Please change line one of General Note number 10 to read: "subject property along the east... " Please make the required corrections prior to the next submittal. In preparation of the Planning Commission hearing, the Community Development staff will create a public hearing sign to be posted on the property two weeks prior to the hearing. The sign must be posted by Thursday, November 22nd. Additionally, please submit 18 full size (24" x 36") copies and one reduced (11" x 17") copy of the plat for the public hearing. These plats must be received no later than Wednesday, November 28th. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at 303.235.2849 or tcrane(cU,ci.wheatridge.co.us. Sincerely, OKL Travis R. Crane Planner II Cc: Patrick Hyland J.B. Guyton 3825 Iris Ave. 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SINGLE-FAMILY/DUPLEX BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW ~\" ~, <~\:,,-.,~;.~\ ~"'~'-- - / '~1.-:';:<,' City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works Date: )0 /Z3/0 7 Location: G.3~.3 U). 2..9+>1. AvE ~~#.3 ATTENTION: BUILDING DEPARTMENT I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a Dv I~ to be located at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. I. V Drainage: a. Proposed GradinglDrainage Letter & Plan required: _Yes No b. Lot drainage/grading to be reviewed by Building Division: ~ c. Site drainage/grading plan have been reviewed and are: _OK _ NOT OK; refer to stipulations. 2. V Public Improvements to be completed: a. street paving/patching: Yes v No b. curb & gutter: Yes ---'<:::: No c. sidewalk: Yes ....- No If not, the amount of escrow taken: $ ~ q 57. &'0 1 Items escrowed for: C, G. SW ~ 4s"i>~ p~,v(",-. . " The Planner informed of the Escrow Agreement: YES - /ii!Av15 ~e= ~JJ ID/z.3/6 '7 . 3. -.L Does all existing roadway/alley R.O.W. meet the standards of the City: .........-Yes No If not, what is required? A,) fA- IfR.O.W. is required, has the deed been received: Yes No 4. L APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and hereby approves this Permit Application, subject to the above and/or attached stipulations. :J--i4-~ Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. 10/.2..3/07 Date' 5. NOT APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and does not approve this Permit Application for the reason(s) stated: Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Date 6. ~Stipulations: ~ ~,,) MlJ$'T Be;: REC.$Jvs:' .8'7' 7ME u.7Y I'lLItJL 7tl t$Sv;9vcE .:>F GO. ~HE Sne.Go-M1J/~ *;1 R,ctJ/= lJ~mMS' 7. A Drainage Certification Letter is required prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (e.O.) 8. ~ NOTE: ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AS A RESULT OF THIS CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE REPAIRED TO MEET CITY STANDARDS BY THE PERMIT APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. ..... Cl.l Cl.l .c: '" ..:.= ... o ~ = o .. ..... .. '" .. '1:l Cl.l Q '1:l = .. ::2 ... .. ~ () L0 I S ~ ;>-. 1:: ;:l o U = o '" H ~ 't ...... ;>-. ,n "0 (l) ~ 'G (l) P< '" '" '" (l) ;:l <;l ;> "0 = '" ....l <;l fJ .,,; c(l ] ....l "8 '" '" (l) '" '" .,,; <...- o (l) OJ) '" l) ;> .,,; ~ ~ '" .. ~ QQ ~ o II o \0 Vl '" "" -I- ~ ....; '" ~ [;j ~ ;; = - .. ;;.. ..... o ..... o q.- ;; .l:l en ..... o ..... , .... t:l. Cl.l ..... en N t:l. Cl.l ..... en ~ (l) H Q '" H (l) P< 11 '" ~ <...- o = o .. ., ;:l <;l ;;.. ~ -.9 8 rf1 I (l) H Q '" l) P< (l) ;:l <;l ;;.. II tj) ~ o ~ '" (l) H Q '" .9 ~ (l) N i:I3 ..... o ....l .1. ~ '" (l) H Q '" .9 ~ (l) N 'o;j ..... o ....l ;>-. ..Q '1:l Cl.l '1:l .. ;> .. '1:l (l) ;:l <;l ;;.. o ~ S- (l) ;:l <;l ;;.. ..... o ....l ..... o ....l '" t:l. (l) ..... en II 't:i Cl.l ... .~ e (l) OJ) .. Cl.l ... '" '" (l) .c: ..... ~ "0 (l) H .. ;:l ~ (l) H '" (l) H Q '" '1lc ~ (l) ,n ~ ~ .~ (l) H 5b ~ '" ~ 'D ~ C! ;>-. ,n "0 (l) .. ~ P< .. ~ ~ () II 'D ~ C! :>< '" .. 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'" 13.~ q H ;> 0 'S ~ '.g ~,n Q <J) ;::I .- HCI)""g lj"O"O .....="0 '" '" = .- +-> ('j K '" ~ o-a~ ,n (l) '" (l).c:>,-< -BC:::u5 q o.~ .. = = (l) 0 ;:l ;........... co 5b..... = 'rl~;'::: ~H~ (l) 0 (l) .c: Q :;: ~~"'d (l) ..= ..... ;>-. ,n "0 (l) ..... '" .. ~ '" '" "2 '" ~ (l) .;:I -a o <...- o (l) ;:l - '" ;> "0 (l) '" '" (l) '" '" '" (l) .;:I = o S< "0 (l) '" '" ,n (l) ,n - <;l ~ (l) ;:l <;l ;> ..... o - (l) .;:I~ Cl)"~ H .a .a Q Q '" 2"0 1i) ~ bI)"O = (l) .. '" ..... '" .~ Cl) K '" (l) i(l 8 (l) ",.;:I = (l) 'Cd b1) 1:: '" o 6:5 Q ;> "8$ "0 ..; .. 0 ;> '" ~ ii3 3 ~ "'.,,; (l) ;>-. ,n..... B S ;>-'0 t::U (l) = P<o 8 ~ P<~ "'''-' ~~ h ~ o -' --' rJJ ~ 0) ('{l "* 7. t o -- U' L0 N o ~ O)~ ~ IU' J 4l v ~ v V" V' -;::t' ~ ~, ~\\. --~:- '"I Gty of Wheat Ridge \ Department of Public Works 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 (303) 235-2861 FAX (303) 235-2857 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS October 22, 2007 Mr. John B. Guyton, P.L.S. Flatirons, Inc. 3825 Iris Avenue Boulder, CO 80303 303.443.7001 Re: First Review Comments ofthe Hyland Minor Subdivision Plat. Dear Mr. Guyton, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the parcel located at 6363 W. 29th Avenue received on October 11, 2007, and I have the following comments: Land Surveying Comments 1. Per Section 26-407 of the Municipal Code of Laws, please include a metes and bounds description that includes a tie to the Section in the Legal Description. 2. Please show the centerline of ROW for 30th Avenue, with the distance from said centerline to the boundary line of the subject property 3. Need to show the following on the graphical portion: a. Section tie and the Basis of Bearing as the section (or Y. section) line. b. Point of Commencement and Point of Beginning. c. Identify the irrigation ditch that runs across the property. You may also wish to provide a 10' wide easement to perpetuate the ditch and its associated maintenance area. d. The proposed 20' Private Drive as a 20-ft wide ingress/egress easement across Lots lA and 2A. e. Standard drainage & utility easements along the sides (5') and the front and rear (10') of each lot. f. Show all zoning, both on-site and for adjoining properties. g. The bearings for all lot lines. 4. Please clarify or modify the parcel line common to Lots I & 4 of Block 5. If there is an existing lot line there, it appears the intent is to remove this line. If this is in fact the case, the line should be identified and shown as "LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT".\ 5. Include a Case History Box; Case Number MS-07-05. 6. Include a Date of Preparation and Revision box. 7. Correct the typos in the General Notes. 8. Remove the word "PLAT" from the title and place in the subtitle position as indicated on the redlined plat. 9. Please submit the following with the next submittal: a. The plat electronically in AutoCAD DWG format, either via e-mail or on CD-ROM. b. Include a copy of the proof of ownership in the form of a deed or title commitment for the subject property. Hyland Minor Sub_Plat -reviewl.ltr.doc The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, ;)....../,;:f- d. <, .,~ ---- David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer cc: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Travis Crane, Planner II File Hyland Minor Sub_Plat - review l.Itr.doc Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 44th Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303-424-7252 Fax: 303-424-2280 [RJ lEe; IE ~VIE/D) OCT 2 II 2007 October 18, 2007 Mr. Travis R. Crane City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Certificate of Sanitary Sewer Service Hyland Minor Subdivision, Parts of Lot 1 and 4, Block 5 City of Wheat Ridge Case No. MS-07-05/Hyland Dear Mr. Crane: This letter is in response to your request for confIrmation of the availability of sanitary sewer service for the above development. By supplying this information, the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (District) is not liable for the misidentification or misrepresentation of the development. The location of the development is based solely on the description provided by the requestor, and the District is not responsible for the way in which this information is used or disseminated. The development is entirely within the boundary and service area of the District. The District collection system in this area consists of an 8-inch sanitary sewer main line within 30th Avenue to the north of the development. Treatment of sewage generated within the District is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). The District will be able to serve the development and planned duplexes with respect to sanitary sewer service. The District's Rules and Regulations are available to the owner upon request, and some general requirements from that document are highlighted below. . The parcel will be subject to the assessment of both District and Metro tap/permit charges. The 2007 taplpermit charges for each single family equivalent (i.e. each unit in each duplex) are $1,500.00 for the District and $1,980.00 for Metro ($3,480.00 total), but are subject io change for 2008. . Each unit of each duplex shall have an independent service line connecting to the sanitary sewer main line. The service lines shall be installed per the District's Rules and Regulations. . Installation of the new service lines will be subject to inspection by the District and paid for by the owner. The 2007 inspection fees are $100 per service line. . A new 8-inch sanitary sewer main line and a minimum of two (2) manholes per the District's Rules and Regulations shall be installed by the owner as part of the construction. The tie-in to the existing sanitary sewer main line in 30th Avenue will depend on the alignment of the new segment, but is also the responsibility of the owner. . The owner will be subject to the Charge Back Agreement, which requires the owner to pay for the District's cost associated with review of plans and inspection of the new sanitary sewer main line segment. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 44th Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303-424-7252 Fax: 303-424-2280 . The new sanitary sewer main line segment shall be conveyed to the District, along with an appropriate easement to access the new segment for inspection, maintenance, repairs, etc. The District requires that the owner provide additional information as plans for the development move forward. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. My telephone number at Martin/Martin Inc. is 303-431-6100 x322. Sincerely, / h William A. Raatz, P.E. Senior Project Engineer, Martin/Martin Inc. District Engineer, Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Cc: Sue Matthews - Wheat Ridge Sanitation District DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SINGLE-FAMILY/DUPLEX BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW '>:", CityofWhe3tRidge .." Department of Public Works Date: J 0/2.3/0 7 Location: '-3"3 U). Z9-f11. AvE f>~::tf::.3 ATTENTION: BUILDING DEPARTMENT I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a D'" 1t.SX to be located at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. 1. V' Drainage: a. Proposed GradinglDrainage Letter & Plan required: _Yes No b. Lot drainage/grading to be reviewed by Building Division: ~ c. Site drainage/grading plan have been reviewed and are: _OK _ NOT OK; refer to stipulations. 2. V Public Improvements to be completed: a. street paving/patching: Yes V No b. curb & gutter: Yes ~ No c. sidewalk: Yes .....- No If not, the amount of escrow taken: $ ~ q 57. (Po Items escrowed for: c., G> ,:it...? ~ .4s1'~ p~,vGr- . " The Planner informed of the Escrow Agreement: Y'ES - /Ii!AvIS ~~ ~A.J 11)/2.3/6'7. 3. -.L Does all existing roadway/alley R.O.W. meet the standards of the City: .........-Yes No If not, what is required? A) /1'/- IfR.O.W. is required, has the deed been received: Yes No 4. L APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and hereby approves this Permit Application, subject to the above and/or attached stipulations. :J--i4~ Signature David F. Brossman. P .L.S. 1(>/2.3/07 Date' 5. NOT APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and does not approve this Permit Application for the reason(s) stated: Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Date 6. L Stipulations: ~ ~,,) 1140 s-r B5: ~vs::' B.,.. ~ ~7Y fJ/!-I,,"-- n::, J..SSv;9vcE ~F GO. "HE S/7liZ. Gr.t..#J/~ ~1 R.c(J/= lJi!/t7MS' 7. A Drainage Certification Letter is required prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (e.O.) 8. .:l.- NOTE: ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AS A RESULT OF THIS CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE REPAIRED TO MEET CITY STANDARDS BY THE PERMIT APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Page 1 of 1 Travis Crane From: Sent: To: Doug Saba [dsaba@wrfire.org] Thursday, October 18, 20073:34 PM Travis Crane Cc: James Payne Subject: Case MS-07-051 Hyland Subdivide lots. Travis Crane, This letter is in response to the submittal of the proposed subdivision. o The fire apparatus road shall have a minimum 25 feet width and a minimum 13'8" in projected height, for trees servicing the access road. o Fire flow requirements for fire hydrants shall be a minimum of 1500 gallons per minute, with hydrants within 400 feet travel distance to the structures. o Fire access roads exceeding 150 feet shall have an approved turn around per fire code standards under the 2003 International Fire Code ( Appendix D) o Other requirements may apply do to the size and intended use of the proposed properties. Please Contact me for any questions and or clarifications. Reviewed by, Douglas J. Saba Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District. 303-403-5902 dsaba(Q)wrfire.orq 10/18/2007 ~NSOLIDATED IRlIEC IE ~\9IEJD) OCT 1 9 2007 ..,.,.%--------- mutual water ~ October 17, 2007 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Mr. Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case Number: MS-07-05/Hyland - 6363 West 29th Avenue Dear Mr. Crane: . This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated October 11, 2007 regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company by virtue of a Distributor's Contract with Denver Water. Domestic water service cannot be provided to this propenyat this time. The developer of this property is advised to contact our office to schedule a meeting to discuss necessary system improvements needed to provide water service to this property. Any additional fire protection requirements should be obtained from West Metro Fire Rescue and those requirements forwarded to this office by the Fire District at the earliest possible time. If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerely, Michael E. Queen President Ilw cc: David Abbink, West Metro Fire Qistrict; Division Chief Fire Marshal Greg Stroeder, CMWCo Water Distribution Manager Neal Santangelo, CMWCb Senior Project Engineer Scott Hatcher, CMWCo Project Engineer THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue. P.O. Box 150068 . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 ,Fax (303)237-5560 (l Xcel EnergYSM PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Siting and Land Rights 550 15'" Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 October 30, 2007 ~IECIE~VIED OCT 3 n 2007 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 --------------- Attn: Travis Crane Re: Hyland Minor Subdivision Public Service Company of Colorado has reviewed the plans for Hyland Minor Subdivision. As always, thank you for the opportunity to take part in the review process. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development and per state statutes ~31-23-214 (3) and 30-28-133(e), Public Service Company requests that the following language or plat note be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Eight-foot (87 wide dry utility easements are hereby dedicated on private property adjacent to the front and rear lot lines of each lot in the subdivision. In addition, eight-foot (8') wide dry utility easements are hereby dedicated around the perimeter of tracts, parcels and/or open space areas. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities (Dry Utilities). Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said dry utility easements. Public Service Company also requests that all utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. Please note: For clarification of the Company name, Xcel Energy is only the holding company or "brand" for Public Service Company of Colorado. ALL utility facilities and related rights, including fee property, easements, permits, etc., are owned and operated by Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado Corporation. In addition. 31-23-214 (3), C.R.S.. reauires the subdivider, at the time of subdivision plattina. to provide maior utilitv facilities such as electric substation sites, transmission line easements and aas reaulator stations as deemed necessarv bv PSCo. While this provision will not be reauired on everv plat. when necessarv, PSCo will work with the subdivider to identify appropriate locations. This statute also reauires the subdivider to submit a letter of aareement to the municipal/countv commission that adeauate provision of electrical andlor aas service has been provided to the subdivisions. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 for utility locates prior to construction The developer should contact Public Service Company's Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 regarding gas and electric service to this project. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571-7735. Thank You, Kathryn Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor lPrllE~!E]VlE[D) NOV 1 9 2007 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CERTIFICATE OF WATER AND SEWER SERVICE AVAIL .-r;....- : \ -:~-------- Note to Applicant: A building permit will not be issued without this Certificate signed by the District or Agency supplying services. This Certificate expires one vear from date of approval bv authorizing agent. Ie}:; ~ - Co;S Yo \.--> Job Address Lo~s I. 1..-1 l)icc,", 5 Le~1 Description Dupk:><- ~!~~~g~~~G-~ Owner 1_}'-' ,\ ..Y-J - i-\,-",-- )1~e.r~P~; S--,S 1\'\l.-v-=1- Date Z '::>'to Hu.--.c --/!t.''< lY ~ Address "-<::S}_.':"'."j.".- (= EP'G'-/ 3c:> / . bb9-Z-oSo Telephone WHEAT RIDGE Name ofDistJ;ict: SANITATION DISTRICT SEWER Individual Septic Permit No. ~er Service Available ( ) Sewer Service Not Available Comments or Conditions: AlP I.~co-"":'+ re-~ ft'lY1<;" ;b &.. +err L/~5 J /6"u-{",-./-~s ail ili . is as indicMed above. C<7'n1 0 ;>;"".r 0 iN .<h" I Date Date WATER Name of District: Colorado Well Permit No. ( ) Water Service Available () Water Service Not Available Comments or Conditions: I hereby certify that availability of service is as indicated above. Signature of Authorized Agent Date Jefferson County Health Department (IF WELL) Authorized Signature Date Submittal requirements: ~ Subdivision Worksheet (\~ -G oM.. ~ \ ~ ~ ~~:>J ~'\\'Wf \lY1)f') Copy of Deed 6 Plat (18 copies) ~ Fee ~ Application Address: is)'I.b I ~ Cst ~) Zoning: R.'2- Property in the flood plain? No Subdivision Size: 40, 4'2/ sq. ft. (0.326 ac.) Min~e: \2,'500 sq. ft. Do all lots meet minimum size? '( Min. Lot Width: 100ft. Do all lots meet minimum width? '{ Parkland Dedication Required? '1" Public Improvements Required? SIA or Development Agreement Required? Right-of-Way Dedication Required? ~' ~ CC,G wj Letter of Credit or~Required1 ft. Will any Structures Remain? Required Setbacks: FR Provided Setbacks: FR S S S S R R Form and Content of Subdivision Plat .......--T. Title of document (centered at top of page - Located in the 1/4 Section, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian) - D. Complete Legal Description with ties to the section that the subdivision lies within ..c::? Small scale location map, with north arrow and scale ~. Ownership/Unified control statement .....-s: Name/Address/Phone number(s) of architect, engineer, or surveyor associated with the project /"1). Graphical representation of the property boundary (corresponding to the Legal Descripti~ O7. Existin~ot lines, complete with distances and bearings ~. Subdivision name and lot number for adjacent properties ~ Existing and proposed street right-of way /"10. Proposed and existing ingress/egress easements LTl. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') ~. Certification blocks, including surveyor's certificate (examples below) ~. Standard utility and drainage easement language (examples below) _ 14. Data table with total area to be subdivided, smallest, average and largest lot size B5. Proposed area for each lot (in square feet and acreage) 6. Case history box and date of preparation 7. Location and size of utility and drainage easements L::::J8. Location and dimensions of any dedication required (with dedicatory statement - included) ies) Qs. Location of any significant land features (ditches, stream or lakes) ~. Cross-Access language (with graphical representation) - 10. HOA Covenants - 11. Phase 1 environmental assessment --12. Complete set of construction drawings Supplemental Information: Any variances needed? / Lot size ~ Lot width /' Cross access easements needed? t'Bo\Jlt>E'P / Drainage easement/tract needed? SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE I, do hereby certify that the survey of the The owner, his successors and assigns grants limited rights boundary of (subdivision name) was made by me or under my and prtvileges to access and to free movement through those direct supervision and to the best of my knowiedge, information and areas indicated as 'cross-access/ingress-egress easements', belief, in accordance with all applicable Colorado statutes, current as illustrated upon this plat. Such grant of easement shall be revised edition as amended, the accompanying plat accurately limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the represents said survey. owners, and shall furthermore grant access to and free movement through said easements to those entering said (Surveyor's Seal) Signature easements from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties andlor from abutting public streets. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE INVe, (choose one) , being the owner(s) of real COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE property containing _ acres described as follows: State of Colorado) Description: (Insert surveyed property description of entire )SS area being platted) County of Jefferson ) have laid out, subdivided and platted said land as per the drawing I hereby certify that this plat was filed in the office of the hereon contained under the name and style of (insert subdivision County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at name), a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Golden, Colorado, at O'Clock_. M. on the and by these presents do dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and _ day of A.D., in the public those portions of real property shown as right-of-way, and Book_, page_, Reception No. do further dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and those municipally owned and/or municipally franchised utilities and services those JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER portions of real property shown as easements for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all By: services. This includes but is not limited to telephone and electric Deputy lines, gas lines, water and sanitary sewer lines, hydrants, storm STANDARD EASEMENT LANGUAGE water systems and pipes, detention ponds, street lights and all appurtenances thereto. Ten-foot (10') wide easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all public streets and front and rear Owner property lines of each lot in the subdivision or platted area. State of Colorado) Five-foot (5') wide easements are hereby granted on private )SS property adjacent to all side lot lines of each lot in the County of Jefferson ) subdivision or platted area. These easements are dedicated The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, _Day of , A.D. 20_ by gas, television cable, drainage and telecommunications Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent Notary Public structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Recommended for Approval this day of For plats with a platted detention easement or tract, use , by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. the following example: The storm detention area here shown as shall be constructed and maintained by the owner and subsequent Chairperson owners, heirs, successors and assigns. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owner, the City of Wheat Ridge shall have the right to enter CITY CERTIFICATION such area and perform necessary work, the cost of which Approved this _ day of _' _ by the Wheat Ridge City said owner, heirs, successors, and assigns agrees to pay. No Council. building or structure will be constructed in the detention area ATTEST and no changes or alterations affecting the hydraulic characteristics of the detention area will be made without the City Clerk Mayor approval of the Director of Public Works. Director of Community Development Director of Public Works I LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) "''So Gree..........><../ Dr. ~"'~ Address Phone {j,r:; -D:>S;::, State c= Zip 81<:P1 Fax <i,o '1'-/> -S;f,;:, C\S= G."4....~c/ [J. :)0'> Address Phone (,b'l-Z",s.;:;. State C= Fax ;..-'i7~ 'j4S-$f. I-\e~te/Sc>'- Su S~ :,,u___ Type of action reqnested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side o Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit o Consolidation Plat ~ubdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) o Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Right of Way Vacation o Planned Building Group 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign o Site Development Plan approval 0 VarianceIWaiver (from Section o Other: . \)' ., '"';\ \ -\% Z . . . v, ~ VCrc<- ..:> ~aIled descnptlOll of reques.t: \ ' \'::>J \-cy ls - L",\.. IA L,..,I C;v'I:..- C;"~$S La\.-:> ,-,: II C\CCe5S "" r.->e.- ) ',,,,-k Required information: Assessors pa~ber: Current Zoning: ..... - Z-- Current Use: _ vc.<:&-)- Size of Lot (acres or ~uare footage): ,'iz (fV\- Proposed Zoning: r;::-- Z- Proposed Use: 'k'-'l. :) T.:>....{'1~7e).--.. I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the bcst.ofmy knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent ere uested actio otlawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of. attorney fro e owner which approved ofthis action on his behalf. Signature of Applican Subscribed and sworn to me this ota ub lic My commission expiF<&mmisslonExplres08l22l2011 To be filled out by staff: Date received JeJ/9/07 Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. Fee$i/<!IJO() ReceiptNo.CO)Cf55~ Zooi~ t2. - ') ~ Pre-App Mtg. Date Case No. ..{;tS-07-oS_ Quarter Sectio~~';>'-S Case Manager .~' lC= ~ ;,; ~ " " " o 8. tn '" Cl 13 " ~ '" ~ :i: ::: ili ::: Q S ~ .:., ~ ~ o o 3 3 Vi o. ~ i .. ~ <2 ~ ~ >e 8' " ~ ~ ~ :T ~ "" ~ "" o Ell <> if 0'" " :T < " B CP "g @ ..~ i"'" 5' "" S. ~ ~ " 3 " a " e; '" <> !r ~ " "" "" " p. ~ " &T <> ~ 5' " "" !l "" ~ o 3 om 0'" !2:':i ..,m .-<0 0'" ..,0 o 0" 00 C:'" 0;>>- ,,0 ;>>-0 m S :T " S' ~ " 3 " ;>>- '0 2: N .-.l N '" '" -.l :T '< "" " " -;. :; S. t'l ~ ~ !e to " 2. 3 S. to o ~ " " '0 o ::< fJl "' t"' t"' l"l ?:I ~f1Q ~ "0 >-l -oL.,O::rO=-- ~s..2.~O :l~('p~~ ~ tn 0 C";l:I :2:::r ""'l ii",g t'!'j~g-g Q ~ C"''< III tn ~ ~ ~ ~ [- ~i _ ~.:, tr:lo":::r::S ::::s ~~~oo.. ~......O""':i:: OCllg,s=-:::.: ~..... 0""" . 0..,,,,,..,, e-e?.::r;;; ~ iij ~ ::l Cll C ::r;;: 0'" -_.z ""'l ~ e; tIl ~ :T :T Pol ::! 2. > 00 -.., z ~ g.~O g ~o..>-tj g. Ul p:J 0 '" :T~'" 0. t>>~. l:I:l go :=~-< 00. 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Wkcc.\.- f?2~ ('=" 0 '--.-l OCO ~ "::, 'Dee r Co.---~0-" t-; Devebr-J- k:i K 'S. . '~/' c;.- "I \ ' ~ __ _ ~/'.:+: _~ ,,=> '10-" .-k, '~e~es.+- c; ~',V\ar 50S6',--'~'s;,""-" -C/ b> b::' ~ l,qJl.,. A~ ( Lets 1 (S 01=- \~C-<d'=~; S0b2,v"o~ ') ,1""',c ,"'Go qU~, '-io/4cf( ~0::..I'<:- r~\- Ie,} :5 LOJIC___.+-1j Zo,^eG K L I c:;.--.. (CDe<t:~':J ~,e~ le" e",,~':':, uecCe.'- (c,.--f': ~'~ or Lot fA f 1'1 D ,,0 "t5'c~ k.', 00, ZA I';, '1>= 't>~"'- r L 7 A I Z. />= S7:...uC/t- -k.e.,J. L""J:i. A '\--': I \ hc.~ .\-e,eJ' 0 }. ..:> \.J ~ , r 7-"' ~~}" A~ c-"- Lr,h Z" c_L "A ~: I' qcc<>> ,,~ ~ /" f ~, ,,0"" C;u^'> f~- 4 t zp' ~:?<- r>-"vd-<- ,O,:~ ~- A..;Je. . )~cv(,( yi:>-;J ~+rcY Gr ~/ +',V'-Z, ~y\c_c Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: iMS0705 IHyland. IPatrick l~~~e I ]9500 Greenway Dr. IGlnwd Sprgs, CO 81601 1303-669,2050 /same lsame 16360 /West 30th Avenue /Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ICrane iActive Quarter Section Map No.: I~W?~ Related Cases: I Case History: 3.lot minor subdivision. . . Review Body: APN: Ipc 139-253-11-019 1 1 1 1 I 2nd Review Body: 2nd Review Date: Decision-making Body: Approval/Denial Date: Reso/Ordinance No.: Conditions of Approval: District: \1 Date Received: \10/9/2007 Pre-App Date: \5/10/2007 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 10/12/07 . 9:24AM cdb Patrick C. Hyland RECEIPT NO:C024556 FMSD ZONING REIMBURSEMENT zreim FMSD ZONING APPLICATION F zone PAYMENT RECEIVED CK 1455 TOTAL AMOUNT 240.@0 900.00 AMOUNT 1,140,@0 1,140.0@ ---------------------------------------- Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 10, 2006 Attending Applicant: Patrick Hyland Address/Phone: 10403 W, 44th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, 303-669-2050 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert - Senior Planner, Adam Tietz - Planner I Address or Specific Site Location: 6363 W, 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Existing Zoning: Residential Two, R-2 Existing Compo Plan: SF(6), Single Family Detached Residential (Not to exceed six dwelling unit's per acre) ApplicanUOwner Preliminary Proposal: The property is ,93 acres and extends south from W, 30th Ave, 325 feet and is 115 feet wide, The property does not have any access to W 29th Ave, even though its address is from W, 29th, All access to the newly created lots will be gained from W, 30th Ave. The applicant is intending to subdivide 6363 W 29th Ave, into 3 lots, Two of the lots will meet the minimum lot size for a two family unit in an R-2 district of 12,500 sq ft, The remaining lot will be approximately 15,480 sq ft, Duplexes will be constructed on all three lots and do have access to utility service with upgrades at the property owners' expens, The northern lot will have drive access directly off of W. 30th Ave while the southern two lots will have access to their property via a 20 foot wide private drive, Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? A neighborhood meeting will not be required for a minor subdivision. Planning comments: The parcels on which the action is being requested are zoned Residential Two District, R- 2. This district is established to provide high quality, safe quiet and stable low to moderate density residential neighborhoods with single and two family dwelling units and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with residential character of area. The applicant currently owns 6363 W 29th Ave. The lot is long and narrow but is still large as it is nearly an acre (352 ft x 115 ft). The surrounding lots in the area are similar to those being proposed by the applicant. The surrounding lots all have single or two family units on them except the lot to the west. The lot to west is vacant and has the possibility of being redeveloped as well. A church is located to the west as well. The lot on which the subdivision will occur cannot be fully developed or used to its full extent because an irrigation ditch runs through the southern portion of the property. This limits the size of the lots and their building areas that will be created for the construction of the duplexes, The applicant has been in contact with the ditch company to see if it can be moved, If the ditch can be moved there would be more room to work with which could result in the possibility of bigger lots, If the ditch is unable to be moved a variance to the minimum lot size may need to be requested in order to create the three new lots, The two southern lots will need a larger private drive to access their properties then what is being shown per site plan, The City of Wheat Ridge requires that private drives be a minimum of 25 feet wide with a minimum of 20 feet paved. The fire department may require more width for the private drive in order to provide fire protection for these lots. They may also request additional areas be provided for fire trucks to be able to turn around, Other utilities such as sewer or water may also require more land in order to extend lines up to the duplexes, In many cases utility companies require easements to be placed on the land over their lines. If easements are required by utility companies for this project, it would likely result in the creation of substandard lots depending on how much land was required to be placed in easements, The maintenance and access issues of the private drive will also need to addressed and recorded on the plat as an access easement. Staff will also require a maintenance agreement through homeowners' association covenants, Typically, a surveyor, someone who practices real estate law or who is qualified to draft such documents can do so once the guidelines have been established, Front yard setbacks are determined from where a property gains access to the public Right-of-Way, Since the two southern lots are gaining access from W, 30th Ave, via the private drive, the front yard setbacks have to be applied to their northern property lines. The site plan currently shows only a five and ten foot setback from the northern property lines while applying the front setback to the western property line, The site plan that will be submitted must reflect this change, Staff was concerned that the lots may not be able to accommodate this change and should be reviewed thoroughly by the applicant. The maximum building coverage allowed on lots zoned R-2 is 40 percent with minimum 100 percent front yard landscaping and an overall lot minimum landscaping of 25 percent. The duplex footprints come close to exceeding the allowed 40 percent maximum building coverage. This leaves very little room to be landscaped especially since there will be large amounts of concrete for the private drive, each individual driveway and their required parking (4 spaces per unit), and other non landscapable surfaces, This not only raises concern about the lack of landscaping and lot coverage but drainage and density as well. Drainage will have to be addressed in some fashion in which storm run-off is released at historic rates, A Drainage Letter will be required describing the historical drainage pattern, how the site is to be graded and specifying what measures are to be incorporated into the design to minimize any negative impacts to adjacent properties, The Drainage Letter shall be accompanied by a Drainage Plan showing the historic drainage pattern, proposed site grading including grade percents, drainage direction, water quality features, and roof drain (release) directions. Both drainage documents are to be signed and sealed by a Colorado licensed Professional Engineer. The density of this project may be too intense for how small this tract of land is, The lots on the south are crowded while providing only the minimum (and in some cases not) development standards. If the duplexes were constructed and variances were needed to be asked for on all issues that were addressed it could lead to a denial of the variances and ultimately, the subdivision plat. This tract of land may lend it self better to a single family home development. Minimum lot sizes, setbacks, widths, maximum building coverage, minimum landscaping requirements, drainage issues and density would all be less of a concern if this were the case, An escrow agreement will be required for future improvements along W. 30th Ave, with the development of this parcel. The escrow agreement will include curb, gutter and sidewalks, Other improvements to the street or public right-of-way may be required if indicated by Public Works, Dedication of land for parks and open space is mandatory with any subdivision when creating new dwelling units. In smaller subdivisions actual land is typically not dedicated within the subdivided area, Instead of dedicating land in this subdivision the applicant will pay a fee based on the size of the subdivision and number of new dwelling units created, That money will be set aside in an account where it will be combined with other fees to purchase land for parks and open space nearby, The first step in the subdivision process began with the pre-application meeting, Under normal circumstances the applicant would be able to submit their application for a subdivision at this time, However, it was suggested the applicant revise the current site plan to reflect the changes that were discussed at the pre-application meeting, Once the revised site plan is submitted and reviewed and there are no other major changes required, the applicant may submit their application for a subdivision, If variances are being requested, an application for the variances may be submitted at the same time for concurrent review, Incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed, All required documents must be included with the application otherwise the application will be considered incomplete and returned to the applicant without review, Upon submittal of any application, the assigned staff member will review and make comments on the project. These comments will need to be addressed before a public hearing date is set The project will simultaneously be reviewed by other departments and utility companies for their comments, When the review is complete the staff planner will inform the applicant of other issues from other departments that need to be addressed or if all requirements have been met If all requirements are to the satisfaction of Community Development Staff the applicant will be scheduled for a hearing before the Planning Commission with a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial. At the hearing, staff will present evidence to support their recommendation, The public will also be allowed to present evidence or give testimony in support or in opposition of the project The Planning Commission will recommend approval or denial of the project based on the testimonies given by staff, applicant and the public. Public Works comments: Public Works was not present at the meeting, See attached comments, Further comments will be made upon submittal. Building comments: Building Department not present at the meeting, Comments will be made upon application submittal. Streetscape I Architectural Design comments: N/A Attachments: pre-application transmittal sheet, subdivision plat packet, variances packet, Public Works comments Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert - Senior Planner Travis Crane - Planner II Adam Tietz - Planner I Chad Root - Building Official Dave Brossman - Development Review Engineer 303-235-2848 303-235-2849 303-235-2845 303-235-2853 303-235-2864 ~ . ~.\, ~\' ~.'.;~\l., ---y . ..~- Oty 01 Wheat Ridge ~ Department of Pub6c Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29th A VENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Fax (303) 235-2857 May 10,2007 Pre-Application Meetinl! 6363 W. 29th Ave. (Patrick Hyland) Public Works ReQuirements: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review (include with Building Permit Application): I. Drainage Letter and Plan: A Drainage Letter shall be required describing the historical drainage pattern, how the site is to be graded and specifYing what measures are to be incorporated into the design to minimize any negative impacts to adjacent properties. The Drainage Letter shall be accompanied by a Drainage Plan showing the historic drainage pattern, proposed site grading including grade percents, drainage direction, water quality features, and roof drain (release) directions, Both drainage documents are to be signed and sealed by a Colorado licensed Professional Engineer, 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan: A Grading & Erosion Control Plan signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer, including specific details for all BMF's to be utilized both during and subsequent to construction. 3, Construction Plans: Construction Plans (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado) for all drainage-related items and curb, gutter, & sidewalk along the 30th Avenue frontage. Include civil engineering drawings for any public improvements to be constructed. Include all COWR standard details for all proposed constructed items. 4. Site Plan: A Site Plan to include the following: a, 24" X 36" sheet format b. A Vicinity Map. c. The boundary of the site and existing and proposed lot lines are to be completely described using bearings and distances, d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section, e. A Basis of Bearing statement (using local City coordinate system), f. Signed Certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado for the parcel boundary and topographical information on the Site Plan. g, A scale and north arrow. h, Date of map preparation, and the name, address, and firm of who prepared the map, I. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable, J. Existing and proposed contours at 2-ft intervals. k. Adjacent streets, including Right-of-Way widths, names, and ROW centerlines. L Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights-of-way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. Additional Information: I. Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, the City's Street Construction Standard Details in AutoCAD@ DWG format, ROW maps, and City-base coordinate information is all available on the City of Wheat Ridge website: www.cLwheatridge.co.us (5-10-07) 6363 W29th Ave (patrick Hyland).doc If AItf 1~ Db J... a,; rel!-"0 "V ~~-A\Yl Introduced at Micro Dev Project Submittal- Internal Checklist sf 2-to 1 f' ,f" ,r, 1..Oct'\ 1, Property Address \0 ~ ~) w D Neighborhood Meeting Required AI PROCESS D Building Permit D Class I Flood Exemption Permit D Class II Flood Exemption Permit D Consolidation Plat D Final Development Plan D Lot Line Adjustment D Major Subdivision D Minor Subdivision D Outline Development Plan D Rezoning D Special Use Permit D Variance REVIEW BODY D Administrative Review D Board of Adjustment ~anning Commission ~r Su b ") (fl." fmx vw,iwIV" fen, o City Council . REVIEW D Drainage study required? At time of initial submittal? At time of building permit? D Traffic study required? D Traffic impact letter required? D Any right-of-way dedication needed? Where? How much? D Any easements required? Where? How wide? D Full civil drawings required? At time of initial submittal? At time of building permit? D Public improvements needed? What type? Where? Any escrow needed? SWPIA needed? D Are the access points acceptable? i/ ~arkland dedication needed? D Is the building architecture acceptable? Patrick Hyland 10403 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 669-2050 April 20, 2007 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Community Development Staff; I am writing to you to schedule a pre aI,Wlication meeting for an intended minor subdivision of parcel #3 at 6363 W. 29 St in Wheat Ridge. Parcel #3 is currently zoned R-2 with an area of352' by Il5' or 40480 square feet. I intend, with your approval, to divide the lot into two 12,500sq' and one 15,480 duplex lots. Lot 1, see attached plat, will have direct access off of 30th St. while the remaining lots 2 and 3 will be serviced by a 20' wide private drive also originating off of 30th S1. Water, Sewer, and Storm Drainage are all located directly in front of the lot in 30th S1. Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to working with you in the future. ~incerely -{cJ;-C \/I Patrick Hyland CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE G4/27/G7 2:25 PK cdb PATRICK HYLAND RECEIPT NO:CG23491 AKOUNT FKSD ZONING APPLICATION F 2GG.GG ZONE PAYKENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 1412 2B0oGB TOTAL 2BUB """ , r lMPRoViiMDo'"f t.OCA TlON CtlllTll'lCATE ~~M~"'O.8G) .' ''1~.\-~ A 6363 M1IH'lt1 WEST Z9Tti A~ SHEEr 2 Of <I '---':/~ ~ A..rt . ~ . ~ .*- f9----. ~ ; p-= ~ s. . (l .\,- 6i I ,_f,S' /IP't V'" 4-1) <i.~ 'Y l\~i' , I '..1 o.l! k. ." V' 4i <J.'f ~ (pO,r; . ll~ ! .. . \ &/4' ......... Q 1.5.0 . l'-.- ~ . - ..... ; .. "','" 4'\ (~~: tl ....., L I ..~_.I T~ I 1 ~1,- I - IT.~_1Ac;(WLi1l eGI_--'" _Al",tilMliX*o'T rlOPIl:1V.... 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