HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-06-09 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge August 9, 2006 Larry Muehe 3895 Allison Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Muehe: RE: Case No. WA-06-09 Please be advised that at its meeting of July 27, 2006, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your requests for (A) a variance of 5 feet from the lO-foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5-foot side yard (northwest) setback and (B) a variance of 5 feet from the lO-foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5- foot side yard (west) setback for property zoned Residential Two and located at 3895 Allison Street for the following reasons: I. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. This hardship was not created by the applicant. 2. The location and orientation of the house would impede vehicular access to a code complying garage. 3. The lot is large at 15,703 square feet; therefore, the request will not affect the adequate supply oflight or air to adjacent properties nor would this variance appear to cause negative impacts as related to variance criteria number five. 4. Letters of support were received from immediately adjacent neighbors. 5. There appears to be no alternative practical location for the garage. Enclosed are copies of the Certificates of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date ofthe meeting, July 27,2006. This variance shall automatically expire within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date it was granted, January 23,2007, unless a building permit has been obtained. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, , ~~~ Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificates of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: WA-06-09 (case file) Building File \\srv-ci-eng-OOl \users\kfield\Kathy\BOA\CORRESP\2006\wa0609approval.wpd CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION to)r~ 7 - I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 27th day of July, 2006. CASE NO: W A-06-09 (A) WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and APPLICANT'S NAME: Larry and Sharon Muehe LOCATION: 3895 Allison Street WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-06-09 (A) is an appeal to this Board from the decisIon of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days reqnired by law, and in recognition that there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-06-09 (A) be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 5-foot side yard setback variance from the 10-foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5-foot side yard (northwest) setback for property zoned Residential Two. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. This hardship was not created by the applicant. 2. The location and orientation of the house would impede vehicular access to a code complying garage. 3. The lot is large at 15,703 square feet; therefore, the request will not affect the adequate supply of light or air to adj acent properties nor would this variance appear to cause negative impacts as related to variance criteria number five. 4. Letters of support were received from immediately adjacent neighbors. Board of Adjustment Resolution W A-06-09 (A) Page two (2) 5. There appears to be no alternative practical location for the garage. VOTE: YEs: NO: ABSENT: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, HOVLAND, HOWARD LINKER DRDA DISPOSITION: A request for a 5-foot side yard setback variance from the 10-foot side yard setback reqnirement resulting in a 5-foot side yard (northwest) setback for property zoned Residential Two was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 27th day of July, 2006. J~~ Board of Adjustment U~-'VVIX::~~ Ann Lazzeri, ~cretary t. Board of Adjustment CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION (CO)fV r, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 27th day of July. 2006. CASE NO: W A-06-09 (B) APPLICANT'S NAME: Larry and Sharon Muehe LOCATION: 3895 Allison Street WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-06-09 (B) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-06-09 (B) be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 5-foot side yard setback variance from the 10-foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5-foot side yard (west) setback for property zoned Residential Two. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. This hardship was not created by the applicant. 2. The location and orientation of the house would impede vehicular access to a code complying garage. 3. The lot is large at 15,703 square feet; therefore, the request will not affect the adequate supply oflight or air to adjacent properties nor would this variance appear to cause negative impacts as related to variance criteria number five. 4. Letters of support were received from immediately adj acent neighbors. Board of Adjustment Resolution W A-06-09 (B) Page two (2) 5. There appears to be no alternative practical location for the garage. VOTE: YEs: NO: ABSENT: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, HOVLAND, HOWARD . LINKER DRDA DISPOSITION: A 5-foot side yard setback variance from the 10-foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5-foot side yard (west) setback for property zoned Residential Two was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 27th day of July, 2006. t Bell, ChaIr oard of Adjustment / \ /') / '). .yY . C.~ C-"")y~ Ann Lazzeri, Secretary /. Board of Adjustment CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting July 27, 2006 OR~f1 L CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Bell at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Tom Abbott Janet Bell Bob Blair Paul Hovland Bob Howard Larry Linker Davis Reinhart Members Absent: Paul Drda Staff Present: Travis Crane, Planner Jerry Dahl, City Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment minutes for the public hearing of July 27,2006. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office. of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. PUBLIC FORUM There were no individuals present who wished to address the Board at this time. . 4. PUBLIC HEARING All individuals wishing to testify regarding the following cases were sworn in by Chair BELL {/ A. Case No. W A-06-09: An application for approval of (A) a 5-foot side yard setback variance from the 10- foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5-foot side yard (northwest) setback and (B) a 5-foot side yard setback variance from the 10- foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5-foot side yard (west) setback for property zoned Residential Two and located at 3895 Allison Street. The case was presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He Board of Adjustment 07-27-06 - 1 - DRAFT reviewed the staffreport and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Board Member ABBOTT, Travis Crane stated that the lot meets the minimum lot size standard for R-2 zoning and far exceeds requirements for a single family dwelling. Most of the houses in the . neighborhood have attached garages; however, there are other detached structures in the neighborhood. Board Member REINHART asked if staff believed the applicant could meet his goals if the garage were in another location. Mr. Crane stated that the garage would have to be turned which would take up the entire back .yard and would possibly have some impact on the existing structure. Turning the garage would leave a small yard area between the garage and the house, but staff felt it would not be a functional piece of open space for the applicants. In response to a question from Board Member HOWARD, Travis Crane stated that the city had not heard from the adjacent property owner. Larry Muehe 3895 Allison Street Mr. Muehe stated that the garage, as planned, would enhance the back yard. Turning the garage would create a lot of concrete and little grass. The garage would back up to the garage belonging to the neighbor to the north and would not be visible to the neighbor to the west because it would back up to the fence. He stated the garage is planned to be 22 by 30 feet and designed to match the house with lifetime vertical siding because it was impossible to match the brick. He stated that this house was inherited from a family member and they plan to move into it when remodeling is complete. . There were no other individuals who wished to address this case. Upou a motiou by Board Member ABBOTT andsecoud by Board Member BLAIR, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was deuied permissiou by an administrative officer; aud Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-06-09 (A) is au appeal to this Board from the decision of au administrative officer; and Whereas the property has been posted the fifteeu days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Board of Adjustment 07-27-06 -2- Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detrimeut to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Case No. W A-06-09 (A) be, and hereby is approved. For the following reasons: DRAft 1. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. This hardship was not created by the applicant. . 2. The location and orienfatiou of the house would impede vehicular access to a code complying garage. 3. The lot is large at 15,703 square feet; therefore, the request will not affect the adequate supply of light or air to adj acent properties nor would this variance appear to cause uegative impacts as related to variance criteria uumber five. 4. Letters of support were received from immediately adjaceut neighbors. 5. There appears to be uo alternative practical location for the garage. The motion carried 6-1, with Board Member Linker voting no.. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and secoud by Board Member BLAIR, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicaut was denied permission by au administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-06-09 (B) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas the property has beeu posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were uo protests registered against it; aud Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the iuteut aud purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustmeut Case No. W A-06-09 (B) be, and hereby is approved. For the following reasons: Board of Adjustment 07-27-06 - 3 - L5. DRAft 1. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. This hardship was not created by the applicant. The location and orientatiou of the house would impede vehicular access to a code complying garage. . The lot is large at 15,703 square feet; therefore, the request will not affect the adequate supply of light or air to adjaceut properties nor would this variance appear to cause negative impacts as related to variance criteria uumber five. Letters of support were received from immediately adjacent neighbors. There appears. to be no alternative practical location for the garage. 2. 3. 4. The motion carried 6-1, with Board Member Liuker voting no. B. . Case No. W A-06-10: An application filed by Lewis Candy Company for approval of a 9- foot setback variance from the required 10- foot setback for a freestanding sign, resulting in a I-foot setback for property zoned Commercial One and located at 6140 West 38th Avenue. The case was presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons, and with a condition, outlined in the staff report. Board Member REINHART asked if this would be the most protruding sign on the block. Mr. Crane stated that it would be the northernmost freestanding sign on the block. If the sign were in a conforming location, it would interfere with parking. Board Member BELL commented that the sign would not be out of alignment with other signs down the block. Mr. Crane stated that no right-of-way was dedicated on this property for the 38th Avenue capital improvement project. In response to a question from Board Member HOWARD, the code requires that a freestanding sign not block other signs within twenty feet from an adjacent property. The size of the sign is in conformance with the city code. Board Member BLAIR asked if the city had received any comments from adj acent property owners. Mr. Crane stated that no comments, either positive or negative, had been received. Myron Lewis 6140 West 38th Aveuue Mr. Lewis, owner of Lewis Fine Candies, stated that if the variance is not granted, the sign would block the sign to the east. The business presently has a visibility Board of Adjustment 07-27-06 -4- ,1'\ JJ ~ 3895 Allison Street A request for approval of a 5-foot side yard setback variance for the northwest property line and a 5.foot side yard setback variance for the west property line ~> '\\ \ \ BoardofAdjuslmenl Thu'sday,July27,200B 1 2 Request is lor two setback variances: . 5-foot side yard (northwest property line) . 5-foot side yard (west property line) Detached garage development standards: -Minimum10-footsideyardselback(if8feettallormore) . Minimum 10-100t rear yard setback (il 8 feel tall or more) . Minimum 3D-foot front yard setback ~:::- . Minimum 3D-foot setback when adjacent to street ~~~MaXlmUmhelghtof15feet '_~;'Ofl000""O"""(R2) \ \ ~ ~ L'JT' Northwest property Ii", ~. . ^,,<" 4" ~J: ^,' ,,-0. West property line LeUers of support have been subrniUed 3 Conclusions Each variance request will require a separate motion Staff is recommending approval for reasons oUllined in the staffre port 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: W A-06-09/Muehe DATE OF MEETING: July 27,2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a 5 foot side yard (northwest property line) variance resulting in 5 foot side yard setback and a 5 foot side yard (west property line) setback resulting in a 5 foot side yard setback for property zoned Residential Two. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3895 Allison Street APPLICANT (S): Larry Muehe OWNER (S): Same 3895 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 15,703 sq. ft. (0.36 ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Residential Two (R-2) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Site Location Map All notificatiou aud posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Board of Adjustment W A-06-09/Muehe I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of two variances: a 5 foot side yard setback variance for the northwest property line resulting in a 5 foot side yard setback, and a 5 foot side yard setback variance for the west property line resulting in a 5 foot side yard setback for a detached garage (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). II. CASE ANALYSIS The property is 15,703 square feet in size, has an irregular shape, and is relatively flat. The applicant wishes to construct a detached garage in the southwest corner ofthe property (Exhibit 2, Site Plan). One existing shed would be removed as a result of the construction. The garage would be accessed from the existing driveway, with a drive extension on the northwest property line. The drive extension will be 8 feet wide at the most narrow point, which can accommodate a vehicle. Setbacks for accessory structures are dictated by height. Au accessory structure 8 feet or less in height may be located 5 feet from the side and rear property lines in the R-2 zone district. Au accessory structure which is greater than 8 feet tall must be located at least 10 feet from the side and rear property lines. The maximum height for a detached garage is 15 feet. The maximum size for a detached garage in the R-2 zone district is 1,000 square feet per unit. The applicant wishes to construct a new 22 foot by 30 foot detached garage 5 feet from the northwest side property line and 5 feet from the west side property line. The garage will not exceed the 15- foot height limitation. All other development standards will be met. The entire neighborhood is zoned R-2, and consists of well established single family homes. There has been one variance granted in the neighborhood for a side yard setback for the construction of a new house. It should be noted that as recently as 2003, the R-2 zone district allowed a minimum 5 foot side and rear yard setback for accessory structures. The property has an abnormal shape, and has frontage on two public streets. The northern (front) property line is adjacent to W. 39th Avenue while the eastern (side) property line is adjacent to Allison Street. The property has 5 'sides': the two property lines with street frontage, the rear (southern) property line and a northwest side and west side property line. The shape ofthe lot, orientation and position of the house limit the opportunity for location of a detached garage. If the garage were to meet the required 10 foot setback for the western and northwestern property lines, it would be extremely difficult to access the garage. Two letters of support have been included as Exhibits 3 and 4. The letters are from the property owners directly to the north and south of the subject property. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA Because there are two separate requests, staff will discuss each request independeutly. The side and rear yard setback variauce requests can be approved (or deuied) separately. Board of Adjustment W A-06-09/Muehe 2 Request A: Side Yard (Northwest Prooerty Line) Setback Variance Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only uuder the couditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? If the request were denied, the property can yield a return in use. The property currently contains a single-faJllily structure, and this use may remain regardless ofthe outcome of the variance request "A". The house has an existing one car attached garage. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the esseutial character of the locality? If the request were granted, the character of the locality would not be altered. The garage will be in a location which should not impact adjacent lots, due to the irregular shape of the subject property. The adjacent property owners most directly affected have submitted letters in support of this request. 3. Does the particular physical surroundiug, shape or topographical conditiou of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconveuience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? The property does have a unique shape. Further, if the garage were in a conforming location, it would be difficult to access given the shape of the lot and location of the house. These two factors limit the opportunity for construction of a detached garage. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person preseutly having au interest in the property? A person who has interest in the property has not caused the hardship. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. The location and orientation ofthe existing house further complicates the matter. It would be difficult to access the garage if it were located in a conforming locatiou. 5. Would the grantiug of the variauce be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, amoug other things, impairiug the adequate supply of light aud air to adjaceut property, substantially increasiug the congestion in public streets or increasing the dauger of fire or eudangeriug the public safety, or substantially dimiuishing or impairiug property values withiu the neighborhood? The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The adequate supply of light and air would not be compromised as a result of the request. The request would not increase congestion in the streets, nor increase the danger of fire. The request would most likely not have an effect on property values in the neighborhood. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variauce result iu a benefit or coutribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished Board of Adjustment W A-06-09-Muehe 3 from au individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would grauting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The request would not result a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood, only the property owner. The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Request B: Side Yard (Western Property Liue) Setback Variauce 1. Can the property iu question yield a reasonable return in use, service or iucome if permitted to be used ouly under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district iu which it is located? lfthe request were denied, the property can yield a return in use. The property currently contains a single- faIllily structure, and this use may remain regardless of the outcome of the variance request "B". The house has an existing one car attached garage. 2. If the variauce were grauted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? If the request were granted, the character of the locality would not be altered. The garage will be in a location which should not impact adjacent lots, due to the irregular shape of the subject property. The adjacent property owners most directly affected have submitted letters in support of this request. 3. Does the particular physical surrouuding, shape or topographical coudition of the specific property iuvolved result in a particular and uuique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere iuconveuience if the strict letter of the regulatious were carried out? The property does have a unique shape. Further, if the garage were in a conforming location, it would be difficult to access given the shape of the lot and location of the house. These two factors limit the opportunity for construction of a detached garage. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship beeu created by auy persou presently haviug an interest in the property? A person who has interest in the property has not caused the hardship. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. The location and orientation of the existing house further complicates the matter. It would be difficult to access the garage if it were located in a conforming location. 5. Would the grautiug ofthe variauce be detrimeutal to the public welfare or iujurious to other property or improvements in the ueighborhood iu which the property is located, by, amoug other thiugs, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasiug the congestion iu public streets or iucreasing the danger of fire or eudangeriug the public safety, or substautially dimiuishiug or impairing property values withiu the neighborhood? The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The adequate supply of light and air would not be compromised as a result of the request. The request would not Board of Adjustment W A-06-09-Muehe 4 increase congestion in the streets, nor iucrease the danger of fire. The request would most likely not have an effect on property values in the neighborhood. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are fouud, then, would the granting of the variance result in a beuefit or contribution to the ueighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit ou the part ofthe applicant, or would granting ofthe variance result iu a reasonable accommodation of a persou with disabilities? The request would not result a benefit or contribution to the ueighborhood, only the property owner. The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. IV. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S) Each request will require a separate motion. The requests cau be approved or deuied iudependeutly. Request A: Side Yard (Northwest) Setback Variance Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the criteria are supportive of the request. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage ou two public streets. 2. The location and orientatiou of the house would impede vehicular access to a garage if it was in a conforming location. 3. The request will not affect the adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Request B: Side Yard (West) Setback Variance Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the criteria are supportive of the request. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The lot has an irregular shape and has frontage on two public streets. 2. The location and orientation ofthe house would impede vehicular access to a garage if it was iu a conforming location. r 3. The request will not affect the adequate supply oflight or air to adjacent properties. Board of Adjustment W A-06-09-Muehe 5 Variance Criteria: a. The nature of the lot layout is restricting accessibility to the backyard. b. Character would be improved as front lawn would remain as is - no second drive - and less concrete in backyard. c. Wanted to avoid eucroaching upon the 8' utility easement (south side) of residence. Wanted to keep aesthetically attractive and maintain neighborhood appearance by using existing drive. d. The problems being layout of property, causing additional expense, and variation of enjoyment and further reducing an already small backyard. e. This would be an improvement in appearance in the neighborhood and property value. f. This would be a benefit to all - more attractive and keeping with the appearance ofthe neighborhood. Summary: In general, the reduction in setbacks from 10' to 5' will make the garage more accessible, less expense, leaving us with a more usable back yard, and in no way alter the appearance in the neighborhood. EXHIBIT 1 <- <- '" , '" o 'it ID o -, o o " ID ~ ~~ ~ o '" "- <- '" "- '" o o M M w !;: o f- Z w ::; U ... OJ z r:1 5 ~ ;i! 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To whom it may concern: I have no objection to the building of a detached garage on the north side of my neighbor's backyard at 3895 Allison St. /f;cJkl'rJ ~G'-tP(;S, D ^ Name /J ~ 1J9?6 uJ} 3?~Ap~ Address ylU/Vl / 6/ O~ Date EXHIBIT 3 To whom it may concern: I have no objection to the building of a detached garage on the north side of my neighbor's backyard at 3895 Allison St. :fi!/N<Z' E ;;!,clVlyr N e 3?YS ;f! /(3~ GJ-- Address b//'J!o 0 Date I I EXHIBIT 4 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235.2857 The City of W"heut Ridge July 13, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. W A-06-09 which is a request for approval of a 5 foot side yard setback variance from the 10 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5 foot side yard (northwest) setback and a 5 foot side yard setback variance from the 10 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5 foot side yard (west) setback for property zoned Residential Two (R-2) and located at 3895 Allison Street. This case will heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on July 27, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. \\srv-ci-eng-OO 1 \users\kfield\Kathy\BOA \pubnotice\2006\wa0609.wpd }&! t::J!~_-.c!_! / A1_~ MetroScan Owner :Muehe Larry HjSharon P Trust Site :3895 Allison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :9310 Meade St Westminster Co 80031 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:l.75 TotRm: D~4- 7/.27/6f / Jefferson (CO) : _n____nnnn_* Parcel :023697 Xfered :03/14/2006 7006 0810 0000 5108 4068 Owner :Butz Judith A Site :7985 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :7985 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1958 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Simonson Thomas/Kimberly Parcel Site :7990 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :7990 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Fitzpatrick C Suzanne VSite :7960 Melrose Dr ( No Mail tfMail :7960 Melrose Dr ( No Mail Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:2.50 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Brooks Laura A Site :3863 Allison Cir Wheat Mail :3863 Allison Cir Wheat Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Hill Site : 7965 Mail: 7965 Use :1112 Bedrm: 3 Brett G Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Res,Improved Land Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Castellano Vincent B Site :3880 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Mail :3880 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:2.50 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Gutierrez Gary Anthony Site :3855 Allison St Wheat Ridge Mail :3855 Allison St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Walden Linda Gene Site :3850 Allison St Wheat Ridge Mail :3850 Allison St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.50 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Crist Betty J Site :3850 Allison Cir Wheat Mail :3850 Allison Cir Wheat Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Davis Kent Oliver Site :8080 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Mail :8080 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: {fi BldgSF:2,152 Ac:.36 :----------------* Wheat Ridge 80033 Wheat Ridge Co 80' :023828 :02/28/2003 0810 0000 5108 4075 7006 YB:1956 Pool: BldgSF:l, 344 Ac:.25 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :023877 V-F=~.....,.J .... J.. - ,- -- 7006 0810 0000 5108 "none :303-424-2050 BldgSF:l,532 Ac:.38 :----------------* Ridge 80033 Ridge Co 80033 4082 YB:1955 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :023918 80033 Co 80033 7006 0810 0000 5108 4099 Phone BldgSF:l,770 AC:.26 :----------------* YB:1957 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :023937 .ne I, Q l")r'l/''1'':!. 80033 Co 80033 v.&:__-...:I 7006 0810 0000 5108 4105 Phone YB:1956 Pool: BldgSF:l,412 AC:.20 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :__n_nn_n_n_* Parcel :02~q~~ 70Gb 0810 0000 5108 4112 ....~,c.:::J,uuu Full Phone BldgSF:l,446 80033 Co 80033 YB:1957 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel AC: .24 :----------------* :023981 80033 Co 80033 7006 0810 0000 5108 4129 Phone YB:1957 Pool: BldgSF:l,412 Ac:.20 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :024199 7006 0810 0000 5108 , , _ v v J. ..........1. 4136 Ridge 80033 Ridge Co 80033 Phone YB:1961 Pool: BldgSF:l,653 Ac:.22 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :n__n_nn_nn* Parcel :024213 v.&:-.___' 7006 0810 0000 5108 80033 Co 80033 4143 .Phone BldgSF:2,372 AC:.25 :----------------* YB: 1961 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :024214 7006 0810 0000 5108 4150 T---/............ Phone BldgSF:2,391 Ac: .21 :----------------* :024258 7006 0810 0000 5108 4167 YB: 1965 Pool: Phone BldgSF:l,679 Ac: .33 Infonnation compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Sorrentino William A Site :8125 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :8125 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: (CO) :----------------* Parcel :024280 Xfpr-~ 5108 4174 7006 0810 0000 ,rH\Jlle BldgSF:l,678 Ac: .25 *----------------------------: YB,1957 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :----------------* :024288 Owner :Jacoby George W Site :3955 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge Mail :3955 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: 80033 Co 80033 Ac: 7006 0810 0000 5108 4181 Phone BldgSF:l,446 *----------------------------: YB:1957 Pool:Yes MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :----------------* :024506 7006 0810 0000 5108 4211 Phone YB:1958 Pool: BldgSF:l,840 Ac:.21 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : nnnn_nnn_* Parcel :024732 Xfpr;~06 0810 0000 5108 4228 YB:1958 Pool: BldgSF:l,657 Ac:.20 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : n n n n _ _ n n n * Parcel :024751 Xfpr~n _nr/~~J-- 7006 0810 0000 5108 4235 Owner :Guest Mary J Site :8050 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Mail :8050 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm, 5 Bath:l.75 TotRm: YB:1957 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Christopher Wienecke Living Trust The Parcel Site :8015 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :8015 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:2.25 TotRm: Owner :Arndt Ronald E Site :3885 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :3885 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:2.50 TotRm: YB:1959 Po *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jeffers Owner :Glenn E Overholt Family Ptnshp Site :3860 Allison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :3860 Allison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land kAN Bedrm:3 Bath,2.50 TotRm: \1BI:'1957 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson Owner ,Morse John E/Leal R Site ,3845 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :8583 W 68th Pl Arvada Co 80004 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.50 TotRm: *------------------------~---: Owner :Ricciardi Eugene J Site :3870 Allison St Wheat Ridge Mail :3870 Allison St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: 80033 Co 80033 *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 *----------------------------: YB:1957 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Davis Kristi L Site :7975 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :7975 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge Use ,1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 7006 0810 0000 5108 4198 Phone BldgSF:l, 644 Ac: .22 (CO) Parcel :----------------* :024523 ''t7.r:._ 7006 0810 0000 5108 4204 Phone BldgSF:l,575 Ac: .20 :----------------* (CO) Parcel ,024568 _ n., I., 0 /.,nnr:. "U".r:._~__...J ,rUU.lJ.t= BldgSF:l,514 Ac:.30 :----------------* :024940 7006 0810 0000 5108 4242 Phone BldgSF:l,846 Ac: .26 :----------------* Pi'lrf"'~l 5108 4259 7006 0810 0000 ,$330,000 r.L.Ll,.;~ Phone BldgSF:2,373 Ac: .32 :----------------* YB:1956 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Owner :Ricci Elmer Site :3905 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge Mail :3905 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: 80033 Co 80033 : 025196 ..." I., 0/1 QQJ:! 7006 0810 0000 5108 4266 Phone BldgSF:l,806 Ac:.27 *----------------------------: YB:1959 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :025326 Owner :Brown John Trust Site :3874 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Mail :3874 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.50 TotRm: 80033 Co 80033 YB:1956 Pool: :----------------* 7006 0810 0000 5108 4273 Phone BldgSF:l,585 Ac: .21 Infonnation compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of infonnation contained in this report. :----------------* :025331 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Macri Deborah A Parcel Site :3890 Ammons St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :3890 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: Owner :Rogers Andrew F Site :7900 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :7900 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: YB:1958 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Stone Domenic G Parcel Site :3880 Allison St Wheat Ridge 8003~~.1 Xfered Mail: 3880 Allison St Wheat Ridge Co 8 0' )( 7006 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: Y:1959 P 1: BldgSF:l,505 Ac:.20 *----------------------------: MetroScan Jeffer 0 (CO) :----------------* Owner :Sec Of Hud Parcel :026086 Site :7960 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge ~O,~ 3 ,,~---~ ."ho/1QRR Mail: 1405 Curtis St Denver Co 8020'ijV 7006 0810 0000 5108 4358 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land ~ ~one Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: Y BldgSF:l,316 Ac: .22 *----------------------------: MetroScan (CO) :----------------* Owner :Fourcade Harriet Parcel :026522 Site :3865 Allison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Y"--7-0-'06 0-81'0 0000 5~108 4365 Mail :3865 Allison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:l.75 TotRm: YB:1957 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Townsend Elnora F Co Trustee Parcel Site :3950 Ammons St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :219 Chestnut St #C5 Windsor Co 80550 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Trefz Family Trust Site :3875 Allison Cir Wheat Mail :3875 Allison Cir Wheat Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Matsuda June S Site :3855 Allison Cir Wheat Mail :3855 Allison Cir Wheat Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Alengi Richard Site :3910 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Mail :3910 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:6 Bath:3.00 TotRm: *----------------------------. Owner :Santorno Joseph A Site :3864 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Mail :3864 Ammons St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Siler Kenneth K Site :3940 Allison St Wheat Ridge Mail :3940 Allison St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: 7006 0810 0000 5108 4280 Phone BldgSF:l,613 Ac: .27 YB:1955 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :----------------* :025446 Ridge 80033 Ridge Co 80033 v.c_~_...J . r...., /..,..., /., n...,..., 7006 0810 0000 5108 4297 Phone : 303-422-0333 BldgSF:l,388 Ac:.26 :----------------* 80033 Co 80033 :025567 :08/22/1995 0810 0000 5108 4303 7006 BldgSF:l,904 Ac:.24 :----------------* YB:1956 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :025722 80033 Co 80033 . - - '- - ~~ 7006 0810 0000 5108 4310 Phone BldgSF:l,598 Ac:.21 :----------------* YB:1956 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel : 025737 . nc./1.1.11 CJR.; 80033 Co 80033 ~.-'" _ ~_ _...J 7006 0810 0000 5108 4327 Phone :.:5U.j q.j.L-/.J":I:....> BldgSF:2,210 Ac:.26 :----------------* YB:1958 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :025999 V'.c_.__ -" 7006 0810 0000 5108 4334 pnone :303 420-2730 BldgSF:l,473 Ac:.24 :----------------* 4341 -Pl1one BldgSF:l,446 Ac: .24 :----------------* : 026613 7006 0810 0000 5108 4372 Phone YB:1958 Pool: BldgSF:l,325 Ac:.20 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :026618 x";OO: 0810 0000 5108 4389 -~~------; YB:1957 Pool: BldgSF:2,705 Ridge 80033 Ridge Co 80033 Ac: .24 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Owner :Urbana Joseph A Site :7980 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Mail :7980 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.50 TotRm: *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 (CO) :----------------* Parcel :026654 Xf"r~" 51Q.~- 7006 01\10 0000 - L..u,-,.ut= *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Lumpp Mary Catherine Site :3955 Allison St Wheat Ridge Mail :3955 Allison St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: YB:1956 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF:l,827 Ac: .21 :-----------------* :026677 80033 Co 80033 "T-"'~ _ 7006 0810 0000 5108 4402 *----------------------------: --Phone--- YB:1956 Pool: BldgSF:l,504 Ac:.23 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :026725 7006 0810 0000 5108 4419 . -, ~~ ~~~~ 80033 Co 80033 Owner :Besel Ralph C/M E Trust Site :3860 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge Mail :3860 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.50 TotRm: *----------------------------: YB:1957 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF:l,429 Ac: .22 :----------------* Owner :Stone Domenic G Site :7980 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :7980 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.50 TotRm: *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 7006 Phone BldgSF:l,671 :026777 . no./");() 1,'gS3 ~810 0000 5108 4426 Owner :Lewis Richard V Site :7990 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :7990 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:l.75 TotRm: YB:1956 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Colorado Congress Of Parents Teachers Parcel Site : 7859 W 38th A: #1 Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail: 7859 W 38th Ave W .8 Co 80033 Price Use :9179 Exemp, arltab and Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: BldgSF:l,515 Ac:.03 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Colorado Co ss Of Parents Teachers Parcel :163530 Site :7859 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/20/1997 Mail: 7859 W 38th Ave at Rid", Co 80033 Price Use : 9179 Exempt d Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: BldgSF:l,026 Ac:.02 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Colorado Congress Of Parents Teachers Parcel :163531 Site :7855 W 38th Ave #3 Wheat Ridge 80033 Xf"r,," .0,/00/'000 Mail :7859 W 38th Ave #1&2 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0810 0000 5108 4440 Use :9179 Exempt,Charitable,Land ----~PTICJIIe Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: BldgSF:l,026 Ac:.02 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Culver James R Parcel :163532 Site :7853 W 38th Ave #4 Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :7853 W 38th Ave #4 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :2112 Com, Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Couse Nancy Lee Site :7861 W 38th Ave #5 Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :7861 W 38th Ave #5 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :2112 Com, Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Dumke Susan H Site :7863 W 38th Ave #6 Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :8442 W 24th Ave Lakewood Co 80215 Use :2112 Com/Improved Land Bedrm: Ba th : TotRm: 1 YB:1957 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Ac: .21 :----------------* :026832 7006 Phone BldgSF:2,120 Ac:.29 :----------------* 0810 0000 5108 4433 :136195 :05/20/1997 7006 0810 0000 5108 4457 (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF:l,320 Ac: .03 :----------------* :163533 ..... I..... I.. /"\/"\n 7006 0810 0000 5108 4464 Phone :303-420-4900 BldgSF:l,515 Ac:.03 :----------------* (CO) Parcel :163534 7006 0810 0000 5108 4471 YB:1981 Pool: Phone BldgSF:l,026 Ac: .02 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of infonnation contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan n (CO) Parcel :----------------* Owner :Ramirez Pete L Site :7867 W 38th Ave #7 Wheat Ridge 80 Mail :16285 W 71st Pl Arvada Co 80007 Use :2112 Com/Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: *____________________________: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Ramirez Pete L Parcel Site :7867 W 38t Xfered Mail :16285 W 71st Price Use :2112 Com,Impr Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: BldgSF:l,320 Ac:.03 *____________________________: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Zephyr Medical Commons Ph II Parcel :202038 Site :7859 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7006 0810 0000 5108 4495 Mail :7859 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 ~~--- Use :4151 Agr,Home Owner Association Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: 'Pool: BldgSF: ~y.r ____..;:) :163535 . (\1 1')'7/1 qqq 7006 0810 0000 5108 4488 Phone BldgSF:l,026 Ac:.02 :----------------* :163536 :01/27/1999 : $158,000 Full Ac: .97 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of infonnation contained in this report. Larry & Sharon Muehe 9310 Meade St Westminster, CO 80031 Laura Brooks 3863 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Vincent Castellano 3880 Ammons St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Gary Anthony Gutierrez 3855 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Betty Crist 3850 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kent Oliver Davis & Barbara Jean Davis 8080 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thomas & Kimberly Simonson 7990 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 William Sorrentino & Charlene Sorrentino 8125 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ronald Arndt & Patricia Arndt 3885 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 E Overholt Ptnshp Glenn 3860 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Eugene Ricciardi & Gloria Ricciardi 3870 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Guest Mary J & Sherry Brown 8050 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kristi Davis 7975 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Elmer Ricci & Josephine Ricci 3905 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Deborah Macri 3890 Ammons St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jnne Matsuda & Jean Matsuda 3855 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Joseph Santomo & Roxana Santomo 3864 Ammons St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kenneth Siler & Lauren Siler 3940 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Domenic Stone 3880 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Hud See 1405 Curtis St Denver, CO 80202 Brett Hill & Sybil Hill 7965 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Linda Gene Walden 3850 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Judith Butz 7985 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 George Jacoby 3955 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 John & Leal Morse 8583 W 68th PI Arvada, CO 80004 Wienecke The Christopher Urbanowski Li Teresa 8015 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 John Brown 3874 Ammons St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Richard Alengi & Margaret Alengi 3910 Ammons St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Andrew Rogers 7900 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Harriet Fourcade & John Younger 3865 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Townsend Elnora F Co Trustee Horner Diane Co Tr 219 Chestnut St #C5 Windsor, CO 80550 Trefz 3875 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mary Catherine Lumpp 3955 Allison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ralph & M E Besel 3860 Allison Cir Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Richard Lewis & Ruth Lewis 7990 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Congress Parents Teachers Colorado Students "-., 7859 W Aye #1 'dge, CO'-80033 Congress Parents Teachers Colorado Students 7859 W 38th Ave #1&2 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James Culver & Diane Culver 7853 W 38th Ave #4 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Susan Dumke 8442 W 24th Ave Lakewood, CO 80215 Pete Ramirez & Maria Carmen Ramirez 16285 W 71st PI Arvada, CO 80007 Zephyr Medical Commons Ph II Officeowners Assoc 7859 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Joseph Urbana & Della Urbana 7980 Melrose Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Domenic Stone & Elizabeth Stone 7980 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CongreSs,Parents Teachers Colorado Students 7859 lh Wheat Ridge, Nancy Lee Couse & George Desborough 7861 W 38th Ave #5 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ******************************* * Search Parameters * ******************************* * Jefferson (CO) * 7/12/2006 * 11 : 12 AM * * * ******************************* Parcel Number.. .47 39 233 12 005 39 233 12 006 39 233 12 007 39 233 13 001 39 233 13 003 39 233 13 004 39 233 13 005 39 233 13 006 39 233 13 007 39 233 14 004 39 233 14 005 39 233 14 006 39 233 14 007 39 233 19 005 39 233 19 006 39 233 19 007 39 233 19 008 39 233 19 009 39 233 19 010 39 233 19 011 39 233 19 012 39 233 19 013 39 233 19 014 39 233 19 015 39 233 19 016 39 233 19 017 39 233 20 001 39 233 20 002 39 233 20 003 39 233 20 004 39 233 21 001 39 233 21 002 39 233 21 003 39 233 21 004 39 233 21 005 39 233 21 006 39 233 21 007 39 233 21 021 39 233 21 022 39 233 21 023 39 233 21 024 39 233 21 025 39 233 21 026 39 233 21 027 39 233 21 028 39 233 21 031 39 233 15 007 5-003 "" ~ -'i (12180') (12180') ~-004 a; ~ ~ (12230') (12230') 15-005 12301') (12301.') 15-006 15-007 364' (11620') (11620') -010 ;;: .3 (11620') (11620') " . 11 m 8 12 N ~ ~ f11580') ~ (11580') " ~ ~ -013 0 . <1: (11531') I (11531') I ~ ! -014 . ! (11521') ! (11521') I -015 ~ I . I 5 (11571') ! (11571') I -016 I ! 194 ') I I (9070') ':J 14-009 ;;: ;;: 14-003 ':J I ~~II'~iI\\~ ~@~@~12252') :1 \ (1f722') (12252')' \ 14'00~ ~ \ !:l \ (1229 ') \ (122.93 \ ~ N ~ s ~ ~ " ~ o 14-008 1J . - ~ . ~ N ~ ~ ~ N ~ 13-005 16680' v ~~ ~~ ~~ 19 (8600') N <0 c/ ~ ~ 0 ,/ . . m .5 . ~ 21-001 850' 8480' 8400 I (11600') (13631') k " ',21-004 " ~ . ~ N 0 ~ S N . C 007 " ~ m '" ~ (1680') {1680'IJ 19 5 ~ ~ 33 (10670') J'(10670') (8570') jl (9 (9750/' \ ~iii 20-00~ _~/2 - -002 '" 19- 17 ~I :3 \ \ a; \ o \ ~ \ ""' . (11730') (11730') (10720') (10720') " N ~ N ~ q :: - " ~ q ,\~...'!fj~ ~';,'\- ~ 19-004 19-018 (11800') (11800') " . . '" " o . (7166') 19.003 (11821') (11821') m N ~ 19-019 gg - - ~ ~ 19-021 19-002 ~ ;;; 10419' (110431 (11070') (11070') lE~ill~~) (1030S') . o ~ 19-024 N ~ f5s @ [ 0 ;. 19-023 ~ E- 19-022 10500' 10320' (12820') (1Z700') (11570') r-(11570') "" 21-005 . ~ ~ (11500') ;(11500') "" 21-006 ~ ~ 0 ~ (11470') V \{11470') \ " 21-007 m ~ 5 '" ~ o o ~ 21-008 (11400') (11400') '" ~ . o ~ 21-009 ':J .3 (11380') (11380') " ~ l; 21-010 (11430') (11430') ~ . '" 21-011 ~, 9971 (147..55') '" ~ ~ (30 1ii<2 ~ "(J -'(302,~ ~ :3 5 '" m 3 i031 " m ~ l@fPJl1'jf 1M tdI C@ b b . ~ ~ ~ '" (16304') 21-020 16334' (16334') ~ ""~ ~ ~ . , (2' 0 N ~ 0 ~ (27 :ij<1 0 3 m N 5 (12900') NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on Thursday, July 27, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers ofthe Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard; CaslNo.WA-06-09: An application filed by Larry & Sharon Muehe for approval of a 5 foot side yard setback variance from the 10 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5 foot side yard (northwest) setback and a 5 foot side yard setback variance from the 10 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5 foot side yard (west) setback for property zoned Residential Two (R-2) and located at 3895 Allison Street. Case No. WA-06-10: An application filed by Lewis Candy Company for approval ofa 9 foot setback variance from the required 10 foot setback for a freestanding sign, resulting in a I foot setback for property zoned Commercial-One (C-l) and located at 6140 West 38th Avenue. Case No. W A-06-11: An application filed by William Packard for approval of a 5 foot side yard setback variance from the 10 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 5 foot side yard setback and a 5 foot rear yard setback variance from the 10 foot rear yard setback requirement resulting in a 5 foot rear yard setback for property zoned Residential Two (R-2) and located at 3065 Reed Street. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To be published: Date: Wheat Ridge Transcript July 13, 2006 Residential Worksheet (SF/Duplex) Submittal requirements: Copy of Deed ~ Site Plan (to scale) w Elevations D Address: 3R9S 1\\\\<;,0{'. S-t. Use: 'f2Es, Zoning: {2.. Z Property in the flood plain? t-l-.::. Lot Size: l Sl.o 3 sq. ft. Lot Width: St- ft. Maximum Lot Coverage: 40 % Cc,2 8\':S sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. U.45 % Existing Improvement(s): House: Z \ Sz.. sq. ft. Shed: sq. ft. ,....Qctached Garage: SSo Other: no sq. ft. Total: 2'6I~L sq. ft. sS sz. sq. ft. sq. ft. Proposed Improvements: House: Addition to House: *Shed: Detached Garage: ( 0 {f/D Proposed Lot Coverage: (Total) 1-\ Required Setbacks: FR 30 ~ \0 S .....It{q fJ" S S LO R Lo SW-R '2..S : . lo s{iS Provided Setbacks: FR ....--- Maximum Height: Proposed Height: ? IS ft. Maximum Size: Loc:>o sq. ft. ft. Proposed Size: Ce<oo sq. ft. Access Notes For one and two-family dwellings, the flIst 25' of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. For all uses other than one and two family dwellings, no vehicle entrances or exits may be closer than 25' to any property line, except when used as joint access for two or more lots. In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width. One and two-family dwellings may have horseshoe driveways, provided that the street accesses are at least 30 feet apart, measured from the interior edges. For all uses, one access point per property is permitted. 'Metal sheds in excess of 120 s.f. not allowed. Landscaninl! Notes For one-and two-family dwellings, one tree for every 70 feet of street frontage is required. 100% of the front yard and 25% of the entire lot must be landscaped prior to issuance ofC.O. Street trees required: Street trees provided: 3895 Allison St 30 (Dimensions are approximate) . ' o 30 60 Feet k CORRECTED PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES DEED (TESTATE ESTATE) THIS DEED CORRECTS a deed recorded on March 14, 2006 in Jefferson County Colorado, filing No. 2006031046. THIS CORRECTED DEED is made by Sharon Muehe, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Richard P. Clinch, deceased, Grantor, to: Sharon P. Muehe Living Trust and Larry H. Muehe Living Trust, as tenants in common, Grantees, whose legal address is: 9310 Mead Street, Westminster, CO 80031 WHEREAS, Richard P. Clinch died leaving a will in the County of Jefferson, Colorado on November 25,2005; WHEREAS, Grantor was duly appointed as Personal Representative of said Estate by the District Court in and for the County of Jefferson, and State of Colorado, Probate No. 05PR1231, on December 15, 2005, , and is now qualified and acting in said capacity. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers conferred upon Grantor by the Colorado Probate Code, Grantor does hereby sell, convey, assign, transfer and set over unto Grantees, for and in consideration of Zero Dollars ($0.00) the decedent's interest in the following described real property situate in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado: Section 23, Township 3, Range 69, Quarter sectiou SW, Subdivision 523200 (Melrose Manor), Block 012, Lot 01, commonly known as: 3895 Allison Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 With all appurtenances, subject to covenants, easements and restrictions of record. As used herein, the singular includes the. plural and the masculine gender and the feminine and neuter genders as the context may require. Executed.~I~ \Ua~ Sharon Muehe, as' personal representative for the Estate of Richard P. Clinch, Deceased. \\11\\111111111\\11\\1111\\111\\111111111111\\\\11\\1111\11\ 2006047070 04/21/2006 08:52:33 AM 1 page(s) Jefferson County, Colorado R $6.00 D $0.00 PRD STATE OF COLORADO ) ss COUNTY OF JEFFERSON) ~. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13 day of , 2006, by Sharon Muehe, as personal representative for the Estate ofR:J.CJ:lard P. cr h, Decti~II"",,,, ~~\''I'O\\O'J :JO~""'~' ~-~ ........ ~~ Witness my hand and official seal. ~f!i' ... ... ;I.:~ frJ....a 118 n c/ ..~\ = .. .. = ::: II' .. ..:: %~~....{ 1:1 '110 l-\ ::~J ,%'\>'"6... ..~~~ ~ VIAl. .. A--V ~ ~1. 'Y ....utl~"O~ "/1/1111 \t' \f 0. \\""'" JlIl/llnU1\\\\" My Commission Expires: Dee 06, 20~ ~ 7Mf~ &/ /lJ Notary Public District Court Jefferson County, Colorado Court Address: 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80401 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: RICHARD P. CLINCH alk1a Richard Clinch .. .. Deceased COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division 05P-Bt~31 C rtr 0 LETTERS Sharon Muehe was appointed or qualified by this Court or its Registrar on as: f.B Personal Representative. The decedent died on November 25, 2005 (date). o These are Letters of Administration. (The decedent did not leave a will.) X These are Letters Testamentary. (The decedent left a will.) D Special Administrator in D an informal D a formal proceeding. These are Letters of Special Administration. D Conservator. These are Letters of Conservatorship. o The protected person is a minor whose date of birth is o Special Conservator. D Guardian. These are Letters of Guardianship for: o an incapacitated person. 0 a minor whose date of birth is o Emergency Guardian (Expires on (date), not more than 60 days after appointment per !l15-14-312, C.R.S.) Appointment or qualification is by 0 court order. D will. 0 written instrument. DEe 1 S 2005 (date) D Dated: D'- .- t tL 5 lOOS //:;,~;;:;~~i;~~~'-~", " These Letters evidence full authority, except for the following limitations or restrictions N/a (D nrr 1 ~..:. :JL.t...., -~ ~.i "n.n", LUu" CERTIFICATION /'-~l?r'--... Certified to be a true copy of the original in my i""":. \ 'c') '"< ". ') .....ClJstody and to be in full force and effect as of: (:~(~:j~~,~:~!~':\ - \ . ,. c" \. ,,',I l] ~r'~,:;'\":,.'e...... ;e. o ~(:\,.. -,':, , ,;J,'r ',,' '" ' ~" "' '.....---.--<>' Certification Stamp Dated: LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (please print or type all information) Applicant L/f7U:.Y t Sr-M~()rv fi?.lLellE City WI/eAr f!.t '{)f!r6 Address 3f'l:J At..L(~N ST. State (!.O Zip ){ooJi Phone Jl!3-</:Jf-<f177 Fax Owner L/:rEfL'f tf{ _JHIit2fJtJ !lI..uetf€ Address Jg?5'" ALL60N Sr. PhoneJc3-'I;})j-~171 City tA)fleArt0.6tJ..o State eo Zip l('oo3r Fax Contact LflR..l!\.f "'SI/IIIi'()I'./ !JW.erlE Address ..3&''10 I/L/../~J Sf. Phone;Jo3-lf,jf-'{f71 City ~EfIr~."r...Ei State eo Zip fi'()()3/ Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regardi,ng this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side 00 Change of zone or zone couditions 0 Special Use Permit o Consolidation Plat 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) o Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) o Lot Line Adjustmeut 0 Right of Way Vacation o Planned Building Group 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign o Site Development Plan approval 0 Variance/Waiver (from Section ) o Other: Detailed description of request: , Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: LOT I (6!OC/<' I'L , Current Zoning: te z Current Use: Re..Vt&--r,'ap) Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Proposed Zoning: 12- f{, Proposed Use: ~:J:,;'f} K I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from he owner which approved ofthis action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant ,20.QL VINCENT CRUZ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO VP VKiC. - ~I; ~:~,;,,~s;o~ :~p~es ,:/:~~u~; · \0\ HI z-oo~ To be filled out by staff: Date received r# It '? /ot Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. _= ~ /'/1'7/ ~r- Fee~'d/O ReceiptNo.GU.,o( 7.:?':? Zoning ;P - ;;..... Pre-App Mtg. Date Case No. h/fA-.-&fe -0 9 Quarter Section Map .:3&J -,,-,,'5 Case Manager c..~~ Case No.: IWA0609 Quarter Section Map No.: ISW23 App: last Name: IMuehe Related Cases: I App: First Name: ILarry & Sharon Case History: 5 ft. side/rear yard setback Owner: Last Name: Isame ariance . . . Owner: First Name: I App Address: 13895 Allison 51. Review Body: IBOA: 7/27/06 City, State Zip: Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 App: Phone: 1303-428-4177 APN: 1390233-19-01 i Owner Address: Isame 2nd Review Body: 1 City/State/Zip: 2nd Review Date: I Owner Phone: Isame Decision-making Body: IBOA: 7/27/06 Project Address: 13895 Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: IAllison Street City/State, Zip: Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 Reso/Ordinance No.: Case bisposition: Conditions of Approval: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow~Up: District: III Date Received: 16/19/2006 ICrane {Active I I Pre-App Date: