HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-06-16 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge 8 June 2007 Jason Timmes 4675 Lamar Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 RE: Variance Extension/W A -06-16 Dear Mr. Timmes: I am in receipt of your letter of request to extend the variance (Case No. WA-06-16) which was granted by the Board of Adjustment on December 13, 2006. Pursuant to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a variance shall expire within 180 days of final action unless a building permit has been submitted within that time period. Your letter requested a sixty day extension to the variance approval. Your request for extension to the variance approval has been granted. Please be aware that if a building permit has not been submitted to tbe Community Development Department by Friday, August 10, 2007, the variance will expire. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at 303.235.2849 or tcrane{a>,ci. wheatridge. co. us. Sincerely, ~ Travis R. Crane Planner II Jason Timmes 4675 Lamar 51. Jason Timmes 4675 Lamar St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 June 8, 2007 Travis Crane Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 291h Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 fRlIECIE~\'l'IED JUN 0 9 2007 ---------- Mr. Crane: I am writing to request a 60 day extension to the front-yard setback Variance that has been approved for my home at 4675 Lamar St. in the city of Wheat Ridge. The current Variance is scheduled to expire on June 11, 2007. I have continued to develop the plans for our addition in accordance with the approved Variance, and am currently working on having the framing and foundation plans reviewed and approved by a structural engineer. Once that review is complete, I intend to apply for a building permit as soon as possible. Although I hope to have the structural review completed in less than 60 days, I am in the process of getting bids from other engineers now since my original structural engineer had to remove himself from the project due to a family emergency. A 60 day extension should be adequate to allow us to find another engineer, complete the review, make any required changes to the plans, and submit them for a building permit. For reference, I am attaching a few small printouts of the plans to demonstrate that we have made progress and intend to begin and complete the project as quickly as feasible. Thank you very much for your continued time and assistance, and please feel free to contact me at 303-921-7818 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~Z7<Mu Ul [T1 n -\ C5 :z 1> , rv Ul <> o '" " :>i ~ w ~ n o ~ !;' "i li ~ ~ o R ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;>>~ ,p' o~ 8. g;q =H!=' =<0 ~ ~ ~ ~ w x o z , ~..,":1; ~x_ z~" ::Ene ~ ~E~ ::E ~33 ~. :-,~:g- -< ~ 1'. ~ ~ ~ "i ~ ~ ~ '" R , ~ iji z \ 7'"117/8' ;; I ~I;t~ '" .:>..""",,-, @ g~ ~ ~~n~~ ~. 3:: ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 r l>q z 8 <Tlo ~ ~~h ti)3? !'.; ~ ~ Q ~ ~ "' Q m X ~ ~ ~ ~ 9'-lve' ::j ~ ~ n " ~ Il ~"W ro ro z }> uoUJo ~~}> "'~" '" '" , 0 --j "'1\:'" ~ 5;. ~ '" 5;. :ff1l~ N~N Q "" 0 ~ U> ~~D 0 ~ ~' , , ~~~ w 0' 0 '" ~ ;n.;:' :rD ::;:: iiS' ? ~ '" 6:-'~ ~ c --j", ~_O \----< 3: U> N ,g-g-\ -.jo~ 0- ~Z~ ,,~ I'l ~o~ ~ ~ U> 3 ::0 .. 8~O U1 m~ '9. }> ",. m :z: N I '" '" N '" ~ ~ " rv " , ~ m ~ n x . '" ~ ~" ~ r i15S i ~ ~ tt1 a ~ 1'; ~ Qi ,,'" ~ '" ~ i;? ~ ~ :., ~ 25 '" g ~ ~ ~ *0 ei ,- ~ ~ E\ 8 1'1 ,.... r<1 ,~ ~ L o 0 "i ~ ::j x "i li s ~ ~ o " L o ~ <J B ~ L o "i w . "i p ~ o ~ . "i o " ~ ~ ~ ~<I: ~ ~ ~6 ~~ w" n ~~ ~ ~ ~ m w . 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I ~ ~ ~ r '" z U> ; ; m ;;: .j' ~ ~ ~ ~ " ": " .; f... ", "'~ /:!r~-.--' ! ,I ," i! " in ~ . it ~ ~ \..../ " .'--{ [( ~"W ro ro z '" ~CJ }> gJ(J)S? ~~}> "'~"- '" --\ ~~& ~ 0 ~ ",0 .~ " .' *. ~ !:!2t . 0 ~~CJ ~ N' ~ ~. ~---\~. ::;:: ~Q..if w 6' '" N :rv iiS' ? ~ '" z ~ ::;:: &~~ " ~I\=! _.0 0---\ . n '<' ~a--\ f1l "'''~ ill;;' ~~ tjoll- 0 ~ 3 00" 8~O ()1 00'<' " "" I 0 (D :z: N :;;; 7Q '" '" ~ ~ 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge January 3,2007 Jason Timmes 4675 Lamar St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Timmes: RE: Case No. WA-06-16 Please be advised that at its meeting of December 13, 2006, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request for a 15-foot I-inch front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 14-foot II-inch front yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two and located at 4675 Lamar Street for the following reasons: 1. The request will not negatively change the character of the locality. Many adjacent properties have main or secondary buildings which do not meet the required 30- foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. 2. While the hardship can be perceived as being self-imposed, the presence of right-of-way on two property frontages severely impacts design alternatives for an addition to the existing structure on a comer lot. 3. The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare, The request would not impair the adequate supply oflight or air to adjacent properties. 4, No height variance is being requested therefore minimizing the possible bulk plane appearance, 5. Petitions in favor were submitted by eight adjacent neighbors and staffrecommended approval. 6, By turning the garage on its vertical axis, it allows minimal side setback encroachment while maintaining functionality ofthe structure and driveway parking and provides an interesting design element. 7. Improvements are in concert with concepts outlined in the Neighborhood Revitalization Study. Enclosed are copies of the Certificates of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, December 13, 2006. This variance shall automatically expire within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date it was granted, June 11,2007, unless a building permit has been obtained. Jason Timmes Page 2 January 3,2007 Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~' ~ Kath~ Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificate of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: WA-06-l6 (case file) Building File \\srv.ci..eng-OO 1 \users\kfield\Kathy\BOA \CORRESP\2006\wa0616approval. wpd rc~~r CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 13th day of December, 2006. CASE NO: WA-06-l6 APPLICANT'S NAME: Jason Timmes LOCATION: 4675 Lamar Street WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and W A-06-I6 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there WAS one protest registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose oftbe regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No, W A-06-I6 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: I5-foot I-inch front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a l4-foot II-inch front yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The request will not negatively change tbe character of the locality. Many adjacent properties have main or secondary buildings which do not meet tbe required 30-foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. 2. While the hardship can be perceived as being self-imposed, the presence of right-of-way on two property frontages severely impacts design alternatives for an addition to the existing structure on a comer lot. 3. The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare, The request would not impair the adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties, Board of Adjustment Resolution WA-06-16 Page two (2) 4. No height variance is being requested therefore minimizing the possible bulk plane appearance, 5, Petitions in favor were submitted by eight adjacent neighbors and staff recommended approval. 6. By turning the garage on its vertical axis it allows minimal side setback encroachment while maintaining functionality of the structure and driveway parking and adds an interesting design element. 7, Improvements are in concert with concepts outlined in the Neighborhood Revitalization Study, VOTE: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, HOVLAND, HOWARD, LINKER None DRDA, REINHART DISPOSITION: A request for a 15-foot I-inch front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 14-foot II-inch front yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 13th day of December, 2006. ~'~j~ ~ J a!f~t;Bell, Chair BOard of Adjustment ,,/7 .r) ~.,,~p , ,/~ Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment DRAFT ~A. Case No. WA-06-16 (continued from October 26, 2006): An application filed by Jason Timmes for approval ofa l5-foot I-inch front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a l4-foot II-inch front yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two and located at 4675 Lamar Street. The case was presented by Travis Crane, He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case, He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. He entered Exhibit 6 into the record which was a letter of support from Andy Cameron at 4675 Lamar Street. Staff recommended approval of the request for reasons outlined in the staff report, Jason Timmes Mr. Timmes, the applicant, stated his purpose in requesting the variance is to enlarge his house in order to remain there to raise his family in Wheat Ridge, He commented that he has recently joined Wheat Ridge 2020, Regarding the third bay of the garage, he stated there is an additional I-foot 8-1/2 inches difference from a flush design, In response to a question from Board Member HOWARD, Mr. Timmes explained that he wanted the extra foot and 8 inches in order to make the structure more aesthetically pleasing, He is also trying to preserve as much of his back yard as possible since his house is located on a corner with 30-foot setbacks from two streets, He stated that he hasn't decided whether he will remove the tree in the front yard, Rhonda Champion Ms, Champion referred to a comment made at the previous hearing on this matter that the variance would fit with the goals of Wheat Ridge 2020. She commented that the vast majority of homes in this area are one-story, two-bedroom, one-bath homes, If others decide to alter their homes as the applicant wishes to do, it will significantly change the character of the neighborhood. She believed the variance was for a side yard setback, not a front yard setback. She was concerned that inconsistent setbacks would interfere with delivery of mail, hinder police efforts to patrol the neighborhood, and could affect Xcel Energy's easement. She believed the applicants could achieve all oftheir goals without a variance. She asked the Board not to approve the variance in order to accommodate a design. There were no other individuals present who wished to address the case, therefore Chair BELL closed public testimony on this case. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member BLAIR the following resolution was stated: Board of Adjustment December 13, 2006 - 2- L Wh th I. t d' d .. b d' . t t' ffiDRAFT ereas, e app Ican was eme pernusslOn y an a nums ra Ive 0 Icer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-06-16 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas the property has been posted the fifteen days reqnired by law, and in recognition that there was one protest registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Case No. WA-06-16 be and hereby is approved. For the following reasons: 1. The request will not negatively change the character of the locality. Many adjacent properties have main or secondary buildings which do not meet the required 30-foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. While the hardship can be perceived as being self-imposed, the presence of right-of-way on two property frontages severely impacts design alternatives for an addition to the existing structure on a corner lot. The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The request would not impair the adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties. No height variance is being requested therefore minimizing the possible bulk plane appearance. Petitions in favor were submitted by eight adjacent neighbors and staff recommended approval. By turning the garage on its vertical axis, it allows minimal side setback encroachment while maintaining functionality of the structure and driveway parking and provides an interesting design element. Improvements are in concert with concepts outlined in the Neighborhood Revitalization Study. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The motion carried 6-0. B. Case No. W A-06-17: An application filed by Robert Christensen for approval of a 13,650 square foot variance to the one-acre minimum to allow expansion of a cattery on property zoned Agricultural-Two and located at 4300 Wright Street. Board of Adjustment December 13, 2006 - 3 - PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT December 13, 2006 Case No. WA-06-16: An application filed by Jason Timmes for approval of15'1" front yard setback variance from the 30 foot front yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 14' 11" front yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 4675 Lamar Street. Name Address In favor/Opposed -j C\ // ( i /~j~alkda.-\ f/jtJ,vr IOU ~tho iAJ2/t,J.kf// ;qCfO<;~-I'j , andy cameron attorney at law /;'71-1/817 (p O;+S';; Jr)o, uJA--o&-//o 1758 emerson denver, colorado 80218 (303) 831 8309 fax (303) 894 0404 email: acameron001@gmail.com December 7, 2006 City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment 7500 W 29th Av Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~ Re: WA 0616 4675 Lamar Dear Board: My house is on the corner of 46th Avenue and Lamar. 1 have had an opportunity to review the proposal along with information supplied by my neighbor. I do not know them personally but believe that since my property is immediately adjacent my property will not be adversely affected by the setback, I am in favor of allowing the setback, I believe that the proposal incorporates a substantial improvement to the property and an increase in property value to that property and surrounding properties, Sincerely licensed in colorado, new mexico and michigan fVlJjij.~ril!J!illflflJ@[,) 4675 Lamar Street A request for a 15 foot 1 inch front yard setback variance Bo"malAdJustment WednesdayDe<ember13,2006 1 2 LamarSt. (looking south) 3 4 ReQuest Applicant is requesting 1S-foot 1-inch front yard setback variance ~ lone district requires: o 30-foot front yard setback o 30-foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way o S-footminimum side yard setback (total of lS feet) o 10-footrearyard setback o Maximum 40% lot coverage Applicant would meet all development standards except east (front) yard setback of 30 feet , i i , I A~pl1cant is requesting front yard setback variance o Plans show a second story addition on existing structure and addition . R-2 zone district allows 35 foot structure height o Appl1cant is proposing 26-foot building height (approximate) Site Plan I *1ddition will acwallybe2S feet from street Proflosed Elevation ~ 0; ;:; ",,,,,(,,,,;0', ('" ';C<I <...,'.-,.. =''''5<_[' --1,.)',+; ", (-" "..~" ;, 5 Letter.jofsupport have lJeen included ~ed~tseveral neighbors AnOth~r letter was submitted after t~e staff report!wentout Conc:lusions Staffi$ recommending approval of the requestwithol.ltconditions 6 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: WA-06-16/Timmes DATE OF MEETING: December 13, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a IS-foot I-inch front yard setback variance resulting in a 14-foot II-inch front yard setback on property zoned Residential Two. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4675 Lamar Street OWNER (S): Same APPLICANT (S): Jason Tirnmes 4675 Lamar Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 10,522 sq. ft. (0.24 ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Residential Two (R-2) ENTER INTO RECORD: DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE (X) Location Map Site Board of Adjustment WA-06-16/Tllnrnes All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval a l5-foot I-inch front yard setback variance resulting in a 14- foot II-inch front yard setback. The variance would allow an expansion of an existing single family structure (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). The applicant has indicated that this addition would allow an expansion to the existing structure while preserving a small area for a usable back yard. It should be noted that the applicant indicates that an administrative side yard setback variance is needed for the southern property line. This is not a true statement; the proposed side yard setback on the southern property line does not need a variance. This case was originally scheduled for hearing in October. The case was continued because a publication advertised the request as being a side setback variance. The Board of Adjustment felt it was appropriate to continue the case and republish for the December hearing. The applicant has since circulated a letter of explanation to neighbors since the October hearing. This letter has been included as Exhibit 2. II. CASE ANALYSIS The property is 10,522 square feet in size, has a rectangular shape, is located adjacent to two street frontages and contains an existing single family structure. The applicant wishes to add to the existing single family structure (Exhibit 3, Site Plan). The property is bounded by Lamar Street on the east and West 46th Place on the north. The addition would face Lamar Street. The addition will be constructed on the south end of the existing house angled towards Lamar Street (Exhibit 4, Elevations). The entire addition will not be constructed 14- feet 11- inches from the eastern property line. Only the southeast comer of the addition will encroach to that limit. The addition will be for a three car garage and living space above. The garage will be 22 feet deep; a standard garage length. The applicant is showing living space above the garage and above the existing structure. The R-2 zone district requires a 30 foot front yard setback and a 30 foot setback for any structure adjacent to right-of-way. Further, the R-2 district requires a minimum 5 foot side yard setback, with a combined total side yard setback (on both sides) of 15 feet. The rear yard setback is 10 feet. The front yard of this property is the eastern property line adjacent to Lamar Street. Because this is a comer lot, a 30 foot setback is required for both the north and eastern property lines. All other required setbacks (northern, western and southern property lines) will be met. The property is 10,522 square feet in size. The R-2 district requires a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet for a single family structure. The site contains an existing 1,539 square foot one story house and a 96 square foot shed. The R-2 zone district allows a maximum lot coverage of 40%. Based on a lot size of 10,522 square feet, 4,209 square feet of building footprint is allowed. The applicant is proposing 2,710 square feet of total lot coverage, or 25.75% of the lot. The structure will comply with all other standards outlined in Article II of the Zoning Code. It should be noted that the south-eastern comer of the addition,will be located 14 feet 11 Board of Adjustment WA-06-16/Timmes 2 inches from the property line. This area ofthe structure will be a garage. A typical driveway length is at least 18 feet, the length of a standards parking space. Projecting a perpendicular driveway to the right-of-way shows that the south-east comer ofthe driveway will only be 17 feet in length. The northeast comer of this driveway will be at least 22 feet in length, meeting the minimum requirement. The Code requires two parking spaces for this property, and this will be achieved with the additional garage space. There have been two variances granted for properties in the neighborhood to reduce setbacks adjacent to the right-of-way. The first variance was granted for the property directly south and east of the subject parcel at 6385 West 46th Avenue. This property is located on the comer of Lamar Street and West 46th A venue. The property received a 26- foot side yard setback variance for a detached garage adjacent to Lamar Street. The second variance granted was for 6415 West 45th Place. This property received a 12- foot side yard setback variance for a detached garage adjacent to Lamar Street. In addition to these variances, there appear to be numerous other properties which contain structures which do not meet the required 30 foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. Many ofthese non-conforming structures are located on comer lots in the surrounding neighborhood. A signed letter of support has been included as Exhibit 5. This letter includes additional names which were gathered since the October hearing. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA Staff has the following criteria to evaluate variance requests: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? Ifthe request were denied, the property can yield a return in use. The property currently contains an existing single-family structure and attached garage, and these uses may remain regardless of the outcome of the variance request. lfthe request were denied, the applicant would not be able to construct in the proposed location. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? If the request were granted, the character of the locality would not be altered. There are multiple structures in the area which do not meet the required 30-foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. The location ofthe proposed addition would be compatible with other attached and detached structures in the neighborhood. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter ofthe regulations were carried out? The property is rectangular in shape, and meets the required lot size for a single- family structure in the R-2 zone district. The property does have right-of-way located on the northern and eastern property lines. The presence ofthis right-of-way requires a greater Board of Adjustment WA-06-16rrimmes 3 setback for the northern property line. Ifthis were an internal lot not adjacent to right-of- way, the applicant could construct an addition 6 feet from the northern property line. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? A person who has interest in the property has caused the hardship. The structure could be constructed to meet the required 30-foot setback; however this would diminish any small amount of usable back yard. It can be argued that the presence of right-of-way on two property lines causes a unique situation and severely impacts design alternatives on this property. s. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injnrious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or snbstantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The adequate supply oflight and air would not be compromised as a result of the request. The request would not increase congestion in the streets, nor increase the danger of fire. The request would most likely not have a negative effect on property values in the neighborhood. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The request would not result a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood, only the property owner. The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. IV. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S) Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the criteria are supportive of the request. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: I. The request will not change the character of the locality. Many adjacent properties have main or secondary buildings which do not meet the required 30 foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. There have been two variances approved for structures on comer lots in the immediate area. 2. The applicant is proposing an addition to the existing structure which would be an attractive expansion and significant investment in the property. 3. While the hardship can be perceived as being self-imposed, the presence of right- of-way on two property frontages severely impacts design alternatives for an addition to the existing structure. 4. The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The request would not impair the adequate supply oflight or air to adjacent properties. Board of Adjustment VVA-06-16/11in1n1es 4 October 3, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to detail my request for a Variance for a proposed addition at 4675 Lamar St. in Wheat Ridge, CO, We are planning to add a three (3) car garage on the south side of our existing home, as well as adding a second story over the entire structure, In the interests of preserving a backyard space as well as designing with a nice aesthetic appearance, we plan on building the garage at an angle towards Lamar St, to the east (please reference the site plan included with this letter), This angle would have the front corner of the garage 14' 11" from the front property line, which requires a Variance be granted for the addition, The southern rear corner of the garage would also be encroaching 8" our on side setback (9'4" from the property line), although it is my understanding that this side setback Variance may be handled administratively, To address any concerns regarding elevation, the new structure would be approximately 26' tall, well below the city limit of35' for the current zoning at our address, Since we are nowhere near the elevation limits, no elevation plot has been submitted with this Variance application, The overall appearance of the structure upon completion, although still being designed, will be done with the intention of maintaining a clean, consistent appearance. It will not be obvious to people viewing the home which section was the existing home, and which section is the new addition, The intention of this addition is to create a home large enough that we may raise a family in Wheat Ridge, without ever needing to worry about having to move into a larger home, My wife and I have decided that we like our neighborhood, respect and appreciate our neighbors, and would like to remain long term residents of this city, Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, Regards, ~97~ Jason 1. Timmes 303-278-6975 jtimmes@yahoo.com EXHIBIT 1 October 29, 2006 An open letter to our neighbors: Please allow us to introduce ourselves. Weare Jason and Courtney Timmes, living at 4675 Lamar St (on the southwest comer of 46th Place and Lamar St.), Some of you know us well; some of you do not. Although we are relatively quiet neighbors who tend to keep to ourselves and stay busy with our jobs, we have been living at that address for over four years now, Courtney is a native of Edge water and has lived in this area her whole life. Jason came to Colorado for college at the School of Mines in Golden, and has never left. We are currently planning to build a significant addition to our home, with the intention of building a home large enough to raise a family, We like this neighborhood, like our neighbors, and hope to remain long term residents of the area, We also have family in Wheat Ridge, Edgewater, and Littleton, which is further incentive for us to stay in this area, Recently you should have received a letter from the City of Wheat Ridge via certified mail letting you know of a public hearing related to our planned addition, I recently received feedback from one of my neighbors that some people didn't understand what this letter was referring to, and that they found the legal wording of this letter confusing, As it turned out, the City made a typo in this letter. To correct this error, new letters are going to be sent out, new signs will be posted in our yard, and another hearing will be held on December 13, To try and clarify the official letter, Courtney and I wanted to put together our own letter explaining to everyone in the neighborhood what we are planning to do, and why a public hearing is being held, We want everyone to be properly informed of our plans, and we hope you'll support our desire to raise a family in the neighborhood and live here for many years to come, The City of Wheat Ridge has zoning requirements for every house, which includes details like how close the front of your house can get to the street it faces, This is called the "front setback" (other setbacks are defined for the sides and rear of your house), The front setback for our home (and most of the homes in our neighborhood) is 30 feet. EXHIBIT 2 Figure 1: Proposed addition site plan We plan to add on a laundry room and a 3 car garage to the south of our existing house. Please refer to Figure 1; the yellow area is our existing house, There is also a front and back patio shown on this diagram. Our current house has a large front yard and a large yard to the north (which also has a 30 foot setback, since the north yard also faces a street), But our home has a relatively small backyard. In planning our addition, we are hoping to preserve as much of our current backyard as possible. To accomplish this, we are hoping to angle the garage towards Lamar St. This resulted in a design that gets closer to Lamar St than the official front setback. This requires us to get a Variance from the City of Wheat Ridge; a waiver to allow us to build closer than the front setback. The area in orange in Figure I is the area that requires a Variance, and is the topic of the public hearing, The front comer of the garage would be 14 feet, 11 inches from the City's "Right of Way". It would actually be 25 feet from the street itself, but the City technically owns part of our yard, and could widen Lamar if they ever chose to (or put in a sidewalk, etc,), If they widened it to the maximum limit, the garage would be 14' II" from anything the city could build. In deciding if you are in support of our Variance request or not, please keep in mind that several homes on Lamar Street in our neighborhood have structures that violate the current zoning setbacks, In fact, one of my neighbors directly across the street has a garage that is much closer to the street than 14' 11". I do not wish to publish anyone else's address or information, but I encourage you to go walk Lamar St if you are curious, My current garage is exactly 30 feet from the City's Right of Way, Any structure (garage, shed, etc.) on any house that is closer to Lamar than my current garage is closer than the official setback. Some of these homes received Variances; many did not. I'm guessing many homes were built before the setbacks were set at their current limits, but it doesn't really matter. The point is, we're not asking permission for anything that isn't already in the neighborhood, ~ ill ( L5F ~~ IP 'i Figure 2: Finished house (front porch, number of windows, etc. is incomplete) We also plan to add a second story over the entire house (the existing house and the new garage, see Figure 2). We know at least one of our neighbors has concerns about a two story house being built in the neighborhood, We'd like to point out that there are several homes in the area that are already two stories, If you're not familiar with these properties, please come talk to us; we'd be happy to show them to you. We hope you'll also understand that we are not trying to change the neighborhood, nor are we trying to create a focus of attention in the neighborhood, The simple truth is that our current home is too small to raise a family in, and as long as we're building an addition, we want to build one large enough to accommodate our future plans, so we can stay in the neighborhood we love for many years to come. Given our 30 foot setbacks facing Lamar and 46th Place, we simply can't build a home of that size without adding a second story, We'd also like to clarify that no Variance is required for us to add a second story, although we are happy to discuss all our plans with you if you are interested, Zoning also has height limits to buildings. Our home could be built up to 35 feet high; we are only planning the top of our roof to be 26 feet high, so we're still 9 feet below the point where we'd need to consider a Variance for the height of our home, Obtaining a Variance not only helps preserve our backyard, but also helps angle our addition away from our neighbor to the west, who has already expressed concerns about our addition reducing privacy and blocking available light. By angling our home further away from the home to the west, we are attempting to be as respectful of our neighbor's privacy and access to light as we can be, We have always tried to be good neighbors in our community, and we are trying our best to plan for our future while continuing to be good neighbors, This is why we decided to put together this letter, to help inform everyone of exactly what the City's letter is describing, We would welcome the chance to discuss this with you if you're curious or have any questions, You already have our address, or you can also call us at 303-278-6975, If you do choose to support our Variance request, we would appreciate it if you'd be willing to add your name and address to a list we have of neighbors who are supporting our request. We initially went around and talked directly to our immediate neighbors, although some of you weren't home when we came knocking, We decided to send this letter to everyone who received the City's letter, after we heard that some people were confused by what the City sent out. Thank you for your time and consideration, ~z;~~ t 5ca1e< l' = 30' Wes+ 46th Place 50' R.O.W. 75.00' <r '" m .S-,vl ~5-S :~~E .,,-~ "'_0 ~~u 5'Q~ ""'> t::05;1; :38 3 c5 ~ '" ~ ~ '" ~ E ~ ~ ~ <= i\i iI3 c ~ .:l " ~ " " " ~ > " ~ .3 . 0 ~ "'- <D .,. g ,j; .~h0~ .lhvl r 'x w 'r ...3i\.____.., , l1!:ldJ jUaua5113 ,g _.,_.._-.-------_._~~~~---.--_._._._..- 00)1 JlIMOcl pOarJ Ji:lAQ IXl!tSl.K3 EXHIBIT 3 o o Cl JL-JI V) '- -s I ~ I:! Q ~ ~ 0 <:./: ~ rJ ." ~ -J: rJ ~ -+0 (i \;" ':'\ 1 v ~ ~ }- ~ ~ {1 '* 8 ~ <>l 0 .>..... % c -- >-. -0 'lo - ~ ~ '$ .:: (! ~ "'- ,~ \D\\ -0 ':l E c 0 ::1 g ~ d 't.. '^ ~ c- D " ,~ ~ u '^ <: ., " a c: <:..J ~ EXHIBIT 4 Petition for bnildiof! variance at 4675 Lamar St. We, the undersigned, being neighbors of 4675 Lamar St., give our support to tbe application for a variance to the ,[immes family residing at 4675 Lamar St. in Wheat Ridge, We understand that the garage of the proposed addition would reside closer to tbe front and side property limits than is typically allowed, but feel that tbis would not harm or diminish the neighborhood in any way, ,..,~') .r...... ame: Ii i..L.<;, 71-1 /~ llm::c' , ~1)~~,_ C"l ;1/. ..."..; Comments: Name: Na~..,..," / " .. Cif L1 "(j , , .. ::~...:l"",:,.,t~....;............".. I "1 l^ i (, ,~) ():. V.)(IG~," (r/ I lL_____~,_..2,_, '_'_~_""''''_''___'_'''''''_'_____'''_''_'''''_''''''''''''''___I I ..._........."'.._,...,...,_,_....."................".....,..""......._..,....,______..........,"',...,...-,----1 I . ,_."....,......",.....,-,.."....,.....,..........',..,...."-_...,,..-'-'_..-..------..".."".."....."..-, f 'i.. ' .. 1 ..._,,' _;l~'\....".."~v'\<::1~..2__,___'''',......,_'''..,_,,..,__,.......,..,....",,,,,,,,..,,,..,,__ ! I I I I I i ...,_..,_....,_...."'.."......_...._....".......,...._....",...".."....__.._..____...._,...__,__,....."".."................,.._-----l I ..-....-""-.......'''''----..----; i I I I I I I Address: {/ Comments: Name: ~~-~: &4/'{ ~.J .. ....~tJ.QJtL~~,~:......."...,___..,_..... Comments: ,~,- A~d.~~L ~JtO~_..,~ ,_,iJ..~_~..._,i?JA,r.,e....~J'-,JJJ~J2c1j1' .9.!:!mments: .......'..'..'-..-.....-../f----" f11wtr 5 / ~~ ~~~1r..u- \ It? 5[0 11" ~--r-~ ' "t/ ~tp\ y EXHIBIT 5 Petition for buildinl.! variance at 4675 Lamar St. We, the undersigned, being neighbors of 4675 Lamar St., give our support to the application for a variance to the Timmes family residing at 4675 Lamar St, in Wheat Ridge, We understand that the garage of the proposed addition would reside closer to the front property limits than is typically allowed, but feel that this would not harm or diminish the neighborhood in any way, Name: s\ w.. L\)\) Address: \sJ -4-~ Name: Comments: Address: Comments: \\ ncoP~:j \'-( '0"1 ' Y. ip,\v<0 Cj (GGJ Name: Address: Comments: Name: Address: Comments: Petition for buildinl! variance at 4675 Lamar St. We, the undersigned, being neighbors of 4675 Lamar St., give our support to the application for a variance to the Timmes family residing at 4675 Lamar St, in Wheat Ridge, We understand that the garage of the proposed addition would reside closer to the front property limits than is typically allowed, but feel that this would not harm or diminish the neighborhood in any way, Name: qI0-1~<-\cl Address: 90033 Comments: l.lX- 6u Q ~c:R.-r- Ab <=> ecr! Name: Address: Comments: Name: Address: Comments: Name: Address: Comments: 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The Cjty of Wheat Ridge November 29,2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WA-06-16 which is a request for approval ofa 1ST' front yard setback variance from the 30 foot front yard setback requirement when adj acent to a public street resulting in a 14' II " front yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 4675 Lamar Street. This case will heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7S00 West 29th Avenue on December 13, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments, If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-23S-2846, Thank you. Planning Division, \\srv ~ci ~eng ~oo 1 \users\kfield\Kathy\BO A \pu bnotice\2006\ wa0616. wpd 5(~-U ~ IJJ :z S~l-:" /~ * ,I " \ ~--...........~--.................... l:il "I .1 ,1 I ". - , - ! ~ - ~ 1) ~ --- - ~ - ~ ill ~ ~ R 2 ~ "--- . " ,~ 11. 1) " . 1) ~ ~ 1) ~ fJ 4741 ~ ,~ "" - = {j ~ " ~ . :;;. ~ . ~ILL!I' I WZ-";'1~ !!. ( . . 10& ! . m " ~ ~I . ;l - " " " ~ ~ ,,,, . . ~ . ~ ~ . . PCD ~ ~ "" W47THPL !!. ~ , ~ ~ ,I ~ ~ ~ on, no 4721 I~ ~ ~~ . . ~ ~ ! . ~ ~ ! " IT ~ ~ ~ ~ 710 ~ W . \fl' ~ R-3 . . - . 4711 4711 :: ~ ,~ " g ~ lL m ~ . ~.... 4701 4700 m, iI iI ii ! ! ii ii ~ . ii !!. ~~ W4ITHAVE . . . . !!. i . ~ iiI R.3 iiI . . . . W 4TTH AVE 1 V; v. LAKE~EV 5 B . . , ~ . ~ . iiI ~ ~ iiI ." - IE . . ~ ". - - !) :f U E~M IT . iiI !) ~ 4R-2 !) ~J N 55 B . . ~ ::> "- -= UI?!) ... ~" SLB . - i.m . _I i " . ''''' ~ ii ! ! ! . fj fj fj fj ii m ii i .f ~ - . " Q R-3i;; W 46TH PL i. - n;'~ ~ ! . ~ . . ii ~ . i ! . ~ i ii ~ fj fj ~ ii - ~ --" !) . iii, ll. 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R-3 D_"'. ; P S " 5 : ~ ~ .5~Fw2 N C R-d C-1 I-c~ c== C-1 R-C J I~ cr S B "" R-C w wz- ~~~~B-10 _ WZ.864~ 1 iiI iiI ii * ~ " SUP-95-1 I I ~ ~ . . " 0 "':\ I f _I -. , - _I -, . , I .J o. , _I ., J - I ",1011- _I -, -, , -. I _I I _II r SW24 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO - PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) --- WATER FEATURE NW24 * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES @ o 100 200 XX) 400 feci ~ 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) DEP ARTMENI OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 10, 2001 Owner :Volkert David F Site :6410 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4000 Depew St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: *-----~----------------------: Owner :Debello John C Site :6440 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4849 S pitkin Way Aurora Co 80015 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.75 TotRm: *-------------~~-------~-----: . * 'r!l!~_q~jJ:'_ IF:!] !?'L~ ~ Owner :Lowe Site : 6505 Mail :6505 Use :1112 Bedrrn: 3 Jeneene Ann W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Res,Improved Land Bath:1.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Mayo Site :6360 Mail :6360 Use :1112 Bedrm:3 Rita A W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Res/Improved Land Bath:1.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Timmes Jason J Site :4675 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Mail :4675 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1,OO TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Linden Dixie C Site :6370 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6370 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1,OO TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Edwards Kay L Site :6300 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail :6300 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1,OO TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Garcia Angelina A Site :6390 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6390 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:5 Bath:2,OO TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Mitchell Randy Site :6435 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :7585 W 48th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1,OO TotRm: *----~-----------~~----------: BoJ1. /d-/13/oL MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ----------------* Parcel :023793 Xfered :05/14/1gR4 7006 0100 0006 7650 5207 9; 80033 Co 80033 ~~~~~-- BldgSF:1,381 Ac: ,34 :----------------* :023850 -f"\O/")")!')[l[l.1 7006 0100 0006 7650 5214 Phone BldgSF:1,186 80033 ~~I'I,-o Co 80033 \'~~\~\V YB:1948 ~ool: Met:roScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Ac: .21 :----------------* :023876 .07/15/2002 0100 0006 7650 5221 80033 Co 80033 v&.~....."",..;z 7006 Phone BldgSF:1,239 Ac: .21 :~-~-------------* 80033 Co 80033 :023879 :10/07/1985 0100 0006 7650 5238 7006 r'ilUllt;: YB:1951 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF:1,194 Ac: ,23 :-----------~----* :024169 - - ,- - ,- - - - 7006 0100 0006 7650 5245 Phone BldgSF:1,337 YB:1952 Pool: Met:roScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Xfered Ac: .22 :----------------* :024183 :03/12/1993 moo 0006 7650 5252 80033 Co 80033 7006 J:'llU.1.1<;;;; YB:1951 Pool: Met:roScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF:1,064 Ac: ,23 :----------------* :024200 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5269 Phone :303-433-6826 BldgSF:1,671 Ac: :----------------* YB:1951 Pool: Met:roScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel 7006 . [l')A")"J1l 0100 0006 7650 5276 ~~~.....'- Phone YB:1954 Pool: BldgSF:974 Ac:.25 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :024321 7006 0100 0006 7650 .. 5283 80033 Co 80033 Phone BldgSF:916 Ac: .24 :----------------* Owner :Gallo Victoria L Site :6420 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :10571 W 77th Pl Arvada Co 80005 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1,OO TotRm: *~-------~~--------------~---: Owner :James Norma L Site :6365 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail :6385 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1,OO TotRm: :1,\(7,. r. ~, ~-.'t :024378 .f'l7!1h"/1993 7006 0100 0006 7650 5290 Phone BldgSF:886 Ac: ,22 :----------------* ~. <= _ ___...J YB:1951 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :024384 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5306 YB:1951 Pool: Phone BldgSF: 996 " ~""<~;;, ;.. /' <:-: ~....~. Al(' 25 ,0 . /', !(~ ,'\;0'\ I.u r>.' \-::; '(f) ~ I I \ '\~l:5 jl(,1 " c::, /('1 \..,. Q) ,0:-:1;' C?/ Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: Owner :Snow Site ,6380 Mail ,7128 Use ,1112 Bedrm: 2 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ,----------------* Parcel ,024394 Xfered ,12/17/2004 7006 0100 0006 7650 . ~~....~~- 5313 Margie L W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Devinney Ct Arvada Co 80004 Res, Improved Land Bath,1.50 TotRm, YB,1951 Pool, MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF,1,321 Ac ,25 *-----------------~----~~-~--: :----------------* Owner :Healey ~evin/Tammy Site ,6460 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6460 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm,2 Bath,l,OO TotRm, ,024422 80033 Co 80033 V~U70'06 DiDii' 0006 7650 5320 Phone BldgSF,1,070 Ac, ,20 *----------------------------: :----------------* Owner :Frodine Carl F Site ,6305 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6305 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm, 3 Bath,1.00 TotRm, ,024536 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5337 - - BldgSF,1,484 Ac, ,24 *----------------------------: :----------------* Owner :Dudley James C Site ,6365 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6365 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm,3 Bath,1.75 TotRm, ,024938 80033 Co 80033 . f'A /..,.. /.. --- 0100 0006 7650 5344 r.Lluue *----------------------------: YB,1950 Pool, MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF,1,327 AC'.25 :----------------* Owner :Beshore David L Trust Site ,6255 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Mail ,6255 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm, 3 Bath,l,OO TotRm, ,025028 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5351 *----------------------------: Phone YB,1951 Pool, BldgSF,1,310 Ac, ,24 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel ,025050 ~-7006 0100 0006 7650 5368 Phone BldgSF,1,064 Ac, ,25 Owner :Noller Erin Maureen Site ,6465 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,2362 Coors Dr Golden Co 80401 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm, 2 Bath,1.00 TotRm, *----------------------------: YB,1950 PooL MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Xrprpn :----------------* Owner :Gribble Maurice B Site ,6320 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Mail ,6320 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm,3 Bath,l,OO TotRm, *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 ,025080 : OR/?g/l qgl 7006 0100 0006 7650 5375 .l:'llUIle Owner :Cardenas Ralph J Site ,6425 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4954 Newton St Denver Co 802.21 ;ir / Use : 1112 Res, Improved Land l f\' ~ _ Phone Bedrm, 3 Bath,l.OO TotRm, '1J~95 Pool, BldgSF,1,334 Ac, ,34 *----------------------------: MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Cameron Andrew Parcel :025095 Site ,6385 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 v~o~o~ ,n,!nQ!?nnl Mail ,1738 Emerson St Denver Co 80218 7006 0100 0006 7650 5399 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land ~none Bedrm,2 Bath,l,OO TotRm, YB,1950 Pool, BldgSF,1,043 Ac,.23 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner ,Kembell Mary L Parcel ,025097 Site :6465 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 V~=~=~ .^a/~~/~^^~ Mail ,6465 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5405 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Phone Bedrm, 3 Bath,l,OO TotRm, YB,1955 Pool, BldgSF,1,126 Ac, ,34 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Kiss Eva Parcel :025130 Site ,6265 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 v.~~~~O"'~"'OOO" Mail ,1312 S Lamar St Lakewood Co 80232 7006 0100 0006 7650 5412 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Phone Bedrm,3 Bath,1.00 TotRm, YB,1951 Pool, BldgSF,1,486 YB,1951 Pool, MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF,1,064 Ac, ,24 :----------------* ,025094 7006 0100 0006 7650 5382 , Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Ac :/;--2igE~~"/);, / / -:&- <, (~( ~:?;-! \~~ 1}, \:...0......... / ", '-~-~- -'-. *----------------------------: MetroScan / XBfEerson Owner : Slaughter Matthew D J..~ :~p Site :6510 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 ~~\~ Mail: 6510 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Co 80033 ,"v..",\\V Use : 1112 Res I Improved Land , Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1955 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :025148 Xfpypn ~l%~/?n04 7006 0100 0006 7650 5429 l:'Il()lH~ Owner :Koogle Marguerite L Site :6525 W 46th P1 Wheat Ridge Mail :6525 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1,OO TotRm: *----------------------------: (CO) Parcel BldgSF:1,796 Ac:.24 :----------------* :025152 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5436 Owner :Paul S L Site :6485 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 ~ Mail :6485 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 8003~ Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB: Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Obrien Kerry L \~ Parcel si te : 6490 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 \.. \~Q ..e -..- ~ Mail: 6490 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Co 80033 \', "\-0 7006 0100 0006 7650 5450 Use : 1112 Res I Improved Land ''''^f\l\ Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1,75 TotRm: YB:1955 'Pool: BldgSF:1,462 AC:.22 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :williams Jennifer L Parcel :025370 Site :6400 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 v~~~~~ '0'/02/2005 Mail :6400 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5467 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:804 Ac: ,23 *----------------------------: MetroSaan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Friberg Morris E/Christina .\ Parcel :025399 Site :6405 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 \..~\~O.k Xfered :05/22/1997 Mail: 6405 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Co 80033 \\ 'r'-;'I\\.p 7006 0100 0006 Use : 1112 Res, Improved Land \ \'" "'llUu~ 7650 5474 Bedrm:3 Bath:1,OO TotRm: YB:1955 Pool: BldgSF:1,381 Ac: ,36 *----------------------------. MetroSaan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Nguyen Chi Parcel :025590 Site :6420 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6420 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:1,035 Ac:,23 *----------------------------: MetroSaan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Garcia Frank G Parcel :025876 Site :6495 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfpypn .1?/nd/1qq? Mail: 6495 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5498 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land r'Ilone :.jU.j ..:::,q/j ,q.j':l:/j Bedrm:4 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1955 Pool: BldgSF:1,597 Ac: ,35 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Blanchard Zachary J/Lori A ~~ .0 Parcel :025905 Site : 6330 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 ,\'T."" 7006 0-1-0'0-- '__M Mail: 6330 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 \ ,\-l ,-"V 0006 7650 5504 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land \ Phone :303-423-4590 Bedrm:3 Bath:1,OO TotRm: YB:1948 Pool: BldgSF:1,169 Ac:.23 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Foster Ralph Clarence Life Estate Parcel :026003 Site :6450 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Vf'~7~0~~06 01^iio~-0'oD6 7650 5511 Mail :6450 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1,OO TotRm: Phone YB:1955 Pool: BldgSF:936 Ac: ,33 MetroSaan / Jefferson (CO) : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Parcel :025173 7006 0100 0006 7650 5443 ~~~~ .yUJ/~~V ru~~ Phone BldgSF: 796 Ac: ,23 :----------------* :025183 - ^') /., C !""Jnnc:. 7006 0100 0006 7650 5481 ronone BldgSF:1,184 Ac: .22 *----------------------------: YB:1951 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :----------------* Pool: :026018 7006 0100 0006 7650 .r.L........~ . Phone B1dgSF:1,290 5528 Owner :Mower Timothy E Site :6335 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6335 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: 80033 Co 80033 YB:1950 i,,:>." AGC: , 2.L:!::Q: .., , ',:~,C::>, ! 0J '"' 1-0 ..., ICIl . CD \ f:.? 'e,:' Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :----------------* Owner :Borowiec Michael A Site ,6360 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail ,6360 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm,2 Bath,l.OO TotRm, ,026020 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5535 *----------------------------: YB,1952 PooL MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF,964 Ac, .24 :----------------* Owner :Gomez Audrey J Site ,6540 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6540 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm, 2 Bath,I.50 TotRm, ,026026 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5542 *----------------------------: Phone ,303-955-0545 YB,1951 Pool, BldgSF,I,229 Ac,,21 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel ,026158 Xfered '01/23/1995 n,_' 7006 0100 0006 7650 5559 80033 Co 80033 Owner :Champion Rhonda L Site ,6420 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail :6420 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm,2 Bath,I,75 TotRm, YB,1954 PooL MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF,974 Ac ,23 *----------------------------: :----------------* Owner :James Norma L Site ,6385 W 46th Pl Mail ,6385 W 4~h Wheat Ridge Use ,1112 Res mpT~d Bedrm, 2 B th,I.00 TotRm, ,026484 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5566 Phone BldgSF,984 Ac: *----------------------------: :----------------* Owner :Blomstrand Ann K Site ,6415 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6415 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm,2 Bath,I.00 TotRm, *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 ,026566 ,06/09/2006 ,$192,000 Owner :Redosh Douglas J Site ,6400 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,15021 W 29th Ave Golden Co 80401 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm,2 Bath,I,OO TotRm, *----------------------------: YB,1954 Pool, MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Ac, ,23 :----------------* 7006 ,026609 . r'll::: I' ~ /?OOS 0100 0006 7650 5573 Cary E W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Res/Improved Land Bath,I,OO TotRm, YB,1957 Pool, MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF,890 Ac, ,20 :----------------* Owner :West Site ,6505 Mail ,6505 Use : 1112 Bedrm:2 ,026860 80033 Co 80033 - - ,_ - 1- ~~-. 7006 0100 0006 7650 5580 *----------------------------: YB,1953 Pool, MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF,I,057 Ac, ,24 :----------------* Owner :Lamoreaux Joanne Site ,6380 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6380 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm,2 Bath,I.00 TotRm, ,026900 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5597 *----------------------------: YB,1949 Pool, MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF,I,403 Ac, ,21 :----------------* Owner :Beach Cecelia G Site ,6380 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail ,6380 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm, 2 Bath,I.00 TotRm, ,026916 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 5603 YB,1952 Pool, Phone BldgSF,898 Ac, ,23 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no repre ntations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. -WH""" ~ :z~>, , ~ \~ Ie: ':) !en ';:;; Gl \~O '" m \(0 g}; \ --' ''''-. "-/' Jeneene Ann Lowe 6505 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Rita Mayo 6360 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dixie Linden 6370 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Volkert & Cynthia Beardsley 4000 Depew St Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Angelina Garcia 6390 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 John Debello 4849 S Pitkin Way Aurora, CO 80015 Victoria Gallo 10571 W 77th PI Arvada, CO 80005 Norma James 6385 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kevin & Tammy Healey 6460 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Carl Frodine & Marian Frodine 6305 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Beshore 6255 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Erin Maureen Noller & Benny Noller 2362 Coors Dr Golden, CO 80401 Ralph Cardenas 4954 Newton St Denver, CO 80221 Andrew Cameron 1738 Emerson St Denver, CO 80218 Eva Kiss 1312 S Lamar St Lakewood, CO 80232 Matthew Slaughter 6510 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 S L Paul 6485 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kerry Obrien 6490 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Morris & Christina Friberg 6405 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Chi Nguyen 6420 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jason Tinnnes 4675 Lamar St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kay Edwards 6300 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Randy Mitchell & Elizabeth Mitchell 7585 W 48th Ave ' Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Margie Snow 7128 Devinney Ct Arvada, CO 80004 James Dudley & Nettie Dudley 6365 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Maurice Gribble & Loraine Gribble 6320 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mary Kembell 6465 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Marguerite Koogle 6525 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jennifer Williams & Trent Williams 6400 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Frank Garcia & Bong Garcia 6495 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Zachary & Lori Blanchard 6330 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Michael Borowiec & Valerie Connelly 6360 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Norma James 6385 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cary West 6505 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Foster Ralph Clarence Life Estate 6450 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Timothy Mower & Juliana Mower 6335 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Audrey Gomez & Gregory Yanos 6540 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Rhonda Champion 6420 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ann Blomstrand 6415 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Douglas Redosh & Rhonda Teitelbaum 15021 W 29th Ave Golden, CO 8040 I Joanne Lamoreaux 6380 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cecelia Beach 6380 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ******************************* * Search Parameters * ******************************* * Jefferson (CO) * 11/29/2006 * 8:25 AM * * * ******************************* Parcel Number. ..42 39 242 09 006 39 242 09 007 39 242 09 008 39 242 09 009 39 242 09 010 39 242 09 011 39 242 09 012 39 242 09 021 39 242 09 022 39 242 09 023 39 242 09 024 39 242 09 025 39 242 09 026 39 242 09 027 39 242 09 028 39 242 09 029 39 242 09 030 39 242 12 004 39 242 12 005 39 242 12 006 39 242 12 007 39 242 12 008 39 242 12 009 39 242 12 010 39 242 12 011 39 242 12 012 39 242 12 013 39 242 13 001 39 242 13 002 39 242 13 003 39 242 13 004 39 242 13 013 39 242 13 014 39 242 13 015 39 242 13 016 39 242 14 001 39 242 14 002 39 242 14 003 39 242 14 004 39 242 15 005 39 242 15 006 39 242 15 007 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on Wednesday, December 13, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No, WA-06-16: An application filed by Jason Timmes for approval ofa 15'1" front yard setback variance from the 30 foot front yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 14'11" front yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 4675 Lamar Street. Case No. W A-06-17: An application filed by Robert Christensen for approval of a 13,560 square foot variance to the one-acre minimum to allow expansion of a cattery on property zoned Agricultural-Two (A-2) and located at 4300 Wright Street Case No, WA-06-18: An application filed by Sherri Leggett & Julie Peters for approval of a fence height variance to allow a fence which is 7 feet 9 inches tall of its highest point for property zoned Residential-One (R-l) and located at 14 Twilight Drive. Case No. W A-06-19: An application filed by Mansour Fotovat for Gas Plus for approval of a sign height variance of up to 10 feet and a sign setback variance for up to 5 feet to allow a free-standing sign on property zoned Commercial-One (C-l) and located at 6595 West 44th Avenue, Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela y, Anderson, City Clerk To be published: Date: Wheat Ridge Transcript November 23, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT October 26, 2006 Case No. WA-06-16: An application filed by Jason Timmes for approval ofan 15'1" side yard setback variance from the 30 foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 14' 11" side yard setback for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 4675 Lamar Street. ,/ ) / Name U Address In favor/Opposed )TLud~ l1ary( fJL/ (PC;,?O t() L/~<ltL fl t:;~po f;V.J. ;!l2d-l .<<./M.b..t-U ?!J~> tJ 4&<l-u.. PI C?~P()<;s..e d I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: WA-06-16/Tirnmes DATE OF MEETING: October 26, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a IS-foot I-inch side yard setback variance resulting in a 14-foot II-inch side yard setback when adjacent to right-of-way on property zoned Residential Two. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4675 Lamar Street APPLICANT (S): Jason Tirnmes 4675 Lamar Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 10,522 sq. ft. (0.24 ac.) OWNER (S): Same PRESENT ZONING: Residential Two (R-2) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGIT AL PRESENTATION (X) Location Map Site Board of Adjustment WA-06-16rrllnrnes 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval a 15- foot I-inch front yard setback variance resulting in a 14-foot II-inch front yard setback. The variance would allow an expansion of an existing single family structure (Exhibit I, Letter of Request). The applicant has indicated that this addition would allow an expansion to the existing structure while preserving a small area for a usable back yard. It should be noted that the applicant indicates that an administrative side yard setback variance is needed for the southern property line. This is not a true statement; the proposed side yard setback on the southern property line does not need a variance. II. CASE ANALYSIS The property is 10,522 square feet in size, has a rectangular shape, is located adjacent to two street frontages and contains an existing single family structure. The applicant wishes to add to the existing single family structure (Exhibit 2, Site Plan). The property is bounded by Lamar Street on the east and West 46th Place on the north. The addition would face Lamar Street. The addition will be constructed on the south end of the existing house angled towards Lamar Street (Exhibit 3, Elevations). The entire addition will not be constructed l4-feet 11- inches from the eastern property line. Only the southeast comer ofthe addition will encroach to that limit. The addition will be for a three car garage and living space above. The garage will be 22 feet deep; a standard garage length. The applicant is showing living space above the garage and above the existing structure. The intent is to create a larger living space. The R-2 zone district requires a 30 foot front yard setback and a 30 foot setback for any structure adjacent to right-of-way. Further, the R-2 district requires a minimum 5 foot side yard setback, with a combined total side yard setback (on both sides) of 15 feet. The rear yard setback is 10 feet. The front yard of this property is the eastern property line adj acent to Lamar Street. Because this is a comer lot, a 30 foot setback is required for both the north and eastern property lines. All other required setbacks (northern, western and southern property lines) will be met. The property is 10,522 square feet in size. The R-2 district requires a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet for a single family structure. The site contains an existing 1,539 square foot one story house and a 96 square foot shed. The R-2 zone district allows a maximum lot coverage of 40%. Based on a lot size of 10,522 square feet, 4,209 square feet of structures are allowed. The applicant is proposing 2,710 square feet oftotallot coverage, or 25.75% of the lot. The structure will comply with all other standards outlined in Article II of the Zoning Code. It should be noted that the south-eastern comer of the addition will be located 14 feet 11 inches from the property line. This area ofthe structure will be a garage. A typical driveway length is at least 18 feet, the length of a standards parking space. Projecting a perpendicular driveway to the right-of-way shows that the south-east comer of the driveway will only be 17 feet in length. The northeast comer ofthis driveway will be at least 22 feet in length, meeting the minimum requirement. The Code requires two parking spaces for this property, and this will be achieved with the additional garage space. Board of Adjustment VVA-06-16fTllnrnes 2 There have been two variances granted for properties in the neighborhood to reduce setbacks adjacent to the right-of-way. The first variance was granted for the property directly south and east of the subject parcel at 6385 West 46th Avenue. This property is located on the comer of Lamar Street and West 46th Avenue. The property received a 26- foot side yard setback variance for a detached garage adjacent to Lamar Street. The second variance granted was for 6415 West 45th Place. This property received a l2-foot side yard setback variance for a detached garage adjacent to Lamar Street. In addition to these variances, there appear to be numerous other properties which contain structures which do not meet the required 30 foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. Many of these non-conforming structures are located on comer lots in the surrounding neighborhood. A signed letter of support has been included as Exhibit 4. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA Staff has the following criteria to evaluate variance requests: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable retnrn in nse, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? Ifthe request were denied, the property can yield a return in use. The property currently contains an existing single-family structure and attached garage, and these uses may remain regardless of the outcome ofthe variance request. Ifthe request were denied, the applicant would not be able to construct in the proposed location. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? If the request were granted, the character of the locality would not be altered. There are multiple structures in the area which do not meet the required 30-foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. The location of the proposed addition would be compatible with other attached and detached structures in the neighborhood. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? The property is rectangular in shape, and meets the required lot size for a single-family structure in the R-2 zone district. The property does have right-of-way located on the northern and eastern property lines. The presence of this right-of-way requires a greater setback for the northern property line. If this were an internal lot not adjacent to right-of- way, the applicant could construct an addition 6 feet from the northern property line. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? Board of Adjustment VVA-06-16rrinrnles 3 A person who has interest in the property has caused the hardship. The structure could be constructed to meet the required 30-foot setback; however this would diminish any small amount of usable back yard. It can be argued that the presence of right-of-way on two property lines causes a unique situation and severely impacts design alternatives on this property. 5. Would the grautiug ofthe variauce be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply oflight and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property valnes within the neighborhood? The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The adequate supply oflight and air would not be compromised as a result of the request. The request would not increase congestion in the streets, nor increase the danger of fire. The request would most likely not have an effect on property values in the neighborhood. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individnal benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The request would not result a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood, only the property owner. The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. IV. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S) Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the criteria are supportive of the request. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The request will not change the character of the locality. Many adjacent properties have main or secondary buildings which do not meet the required 30 foot setback when adjacent to right-of-way. There have been two variances approved for structures on comer lots in the immediate area. 2. The applicant is proposing an addition to the existing structure which would be an attractive expansion and significant investment in the property. 3. While the hardship can be perceived as being self-imposed, the presence of right- of-way on two property frontages severely impacts design alternatives for an addition to the existing structure. 4. The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The request would not impair the adequate supply oflight or air to adjacent properties. Board of Adjustment vrA-06-16rrhnrnes 4 October 3,2006 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to detail my request for a Variance for a proposed addition at 4675 Lamar St. in Wheat Ridge, CO, We are planning to add a three (3) car garage on the south side of our existing home, as well as adding a second story over the entire structure, In the interests of preserving a backyard space as well as designing with a nice aesthetic appearance, we plan on building the garage at an angle towards Lamar St. to the east (please reference the site plan included with this letter), This angle would have the front comer of the garage 14'11" from the front property line, which requires a Variance be granted for the addition, The southern rear corner of the garage would also be encroaching 8" our on side setback (9'4" from the property line), although it is my understanding that this side setback Variance may be handled administratively, To address any concerns regarding elevation, the new structure would be approximately 26' tall, well below the city limit of35' for the current zoning at our address. Since we are nowhere near the elevation limits, no elevation plot has been submitted with this Variance application, The overall appearance ofthe structure upon completion, although still being designed, will be done with the intention of maintaining a clean, consistent appearance, It will not be obvious to people viewing the home which section was the existing home, and which section is the new addition, The intention of this addition is to create a home large enough that we may raise a family in Wheat Ridge, without ever needing to worry about having to move into a larger home, My wife and I have decided that we like our neighborhood, respect and appreciate our neighbors, and would like to remain long term residents of this city, Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, Regards, ~97~ Jason 1. Timmes 303-278-6975 jtimmes@yahoo,com EXHIBIT 1 t ScaIe:r=3e' West 46th Poce 50' R.o,W. 15.00' ~ .. m S-,vl , ~f~ ~~:g ~~o ~b e:;fi 1>8 J ~ 3i ci " oi ~ i 10 E ~ w ~I ~ i= " ~ ~ <15 c s " ~ " ~ > 0 ~ ~ . ~ 0 '" '" '" j l" ~ " , 1- I __nnnnU\._ ___ ._~ , all1 j3MOd p03H Ja~o l\!!tS!X3 .00,! hl-,0\:: ,~ ilf !g> ~ iQ .lhvl {t~dJ jUawa~o3 ,S EXHIBIT 2 D o lD jl Il V) '- ~ ! ....s: t;! Q <:L -+- ~ q-. " 01 ." :-r -;: 01 ~ "0 (l' "" -\. '1 ~ ~ ~ }- <:L ~ a + 8 ~ oJ % a >--.. C> ~ >- ~ 'lo - ~ ~ ~ ~ f! ';J "- D\ --0 '- :< <::: <:: 0 :1 g ~ d -f' '" -5 "- <:: CJ " ,~ -\ 0 II' <: ~ c Q '---' U EXHIBIT 3 Petition for buildinl! variance at 4675 Lamar St. We, the undersigned, being neighbors of 4675 Lamar St., give our support to the application for a variance to the Timmes family residing at 4675 Lamar St. in Wheat Ridge, We understand that the garage of the proposed addition would reside closer to the front and side property limits than is typically allowed, but feel that this would not harm or diminish the neighborhood in any way, Name:, ress: (fts. Chr-mp;rm {ater c~ose. +0 w;+hJr&fl.V ~("r sUffor+) Comments: Name: -n( PJ Comments: Name: ~"::>1vMr) Address: tRy Ie) W. Ll V\V-e... Comments: Name: (p OS Address: Comments: EXHIBIT 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on Thnrsday, October 26, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7S00 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. W A-06-1S: An application filed by Richard Moreno for approval of a 9 foot side yard setback variance from the IS foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 6 foot side yard setback AND a request for approval of an 800 square foot variance to the 1000 square foot maximum resulting in an 1800 square foot barn on property zoned Residential One (R-l) and located at 6671 W. 26th Avenue, Case No. W A-06-16: An application filed by Jason Timmes for approval of an IS'I" side yard setback variance from the 30 foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 14' II" side yard setback for property zoned Residential- Two (R-2) and located at 4675 Lamar Street. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To be published: Date: Wheat Ridge Transcript October 12,2006 I i 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge October 12, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. W A-06-16 which is a request for approval of a 1ST' side yard setback variance from the 30 foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 14' II" side yard setback for property zoned Residential- Two (R-2) and located at 4675 Lamar Street. This case will heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers ofthe Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on October 26, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. \\srv-ci-eng-OOl \users\kfield\Kathy\BOA \pubnotice\2006\wa0616. wpd #!tt:J(f-l~/7:'Mm4, MetroScan / Itf:1;" ~~/oz-{y1~m_mmm* ,"y/-' ~f Owner :Lowe Jeneene Ann Parcel :023793 sf i~~ \ si~e : 6505 W 46th Pl Wheat R~dge 80033 7006 0100 0002 8316 IUu~ 8f' '\ '], i Mall :6505 W 46th Pl Wheat Rldge Co 80033 \~~~ I Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Phone -~\" 0 Bedrm:3 Bath:l-OO TotRm: YB:1955 Pool: Bldg:S_F__: 1__, 3_8_1_______A_C_*: .34 ~'.:---0 . *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) -- Owner :Mayo Rita A Parcel Site : 6360 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge ~80033 f\. I 700 Mail: 6360 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge C ~ 6 0100 0002 8316 8192 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: B:1948 Pool: BldgSF:1,186 Ac:.21 *____________________________: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Timmes Jason J Parcel :023876 Site :4675 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 vF~r~~ :07/15/2002 Mail :4675 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 0002 8316 8208 Use : 1112 Res I Improved Land t'nou~ Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: BldgSF:1,239 Ac:,21 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Linden Dixie C Parcel :023879 Site :6370 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/07/1985 Mail: 6370 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 0002 8316 8215 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land ruuJ......... Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:1,194 Ac:.23 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Volkert David F Parcel :024169 Site :6410 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4000 Depew St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: :023850 7006 0100 0002 8316 8222 Owner :Edwards Kay L Site :6300 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail :6300 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: YB:1952 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF:1,337 Ac: .22 :----------------* :024183 80033 Co 80033 V~-7006 0100 0002 8316 8239 Owner :Garcia Angelina A Site :6390 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6390 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:5 Bath:2.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: Phone YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:1,064 Ac:.23 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel .n?4?nn 7006 0100 0002 8316 80033 Co 80033 .l:"".L.J.\...t::: : ;;>~.l/, tlUU 8246 Owner :De Bello Clyde J Site :6440 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4849 S Pitkin Way Aurora Co 80015 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: Phone :303-433-6826 YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:1,671 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ----------------* Parcel :024234 V~_.. . 0002 8316 8253 7006 0100 *----------------------------: .Phone YB: 1954 Pool: BldgSF: 974 Ac: .25 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :024321 Xf~rp~ .~~/~^/~~~- 7006 0100 0002 8316 8260 rliune :303 421-0339 YB:1950 Pool: BldgSF:916 Ac:.24 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :02437A 7006 0100 0002 8316 8277 80033 Co 80033 Owner :Mitchell Randy Site :6435 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :7585 W 48th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: Owner :Gallo Victoria L Site :6420 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :10571 W 77th Pl Arvada Co 80005 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: YB:1951 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF: 886 Ac: .22 :----------------* Owner :James Norma L Site :6365 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail :6385 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: :024384 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0002 8316 8284 YB:1951 Pool: Phone BldgSF:996 Ac: .25 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan Owner :Snow Margie L Site ,6380 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,7128 Devinney Ct Arvada Co 80004 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm, 2 Bath,1.50 TotRm, I Jefferson (CO) ,----------------* Parcel ,024394 v~700b 0100 ~O~~ 8316 8291 *----------------------------: Owner ,Healey Kevin/Tammy Site ,6460 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6460 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use ,1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm, 2 Bath,l,OO TotRm, *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 Owner ,Frodine Carl F Site ,6305 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6305 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath,1.00 TotRm, YB,1951 Pool: MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF:1,070 Ac, .20 :----------------* ,024536 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0002 8316 8314 *----------------------------: YB,1950 Pool, MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF,1,484 AC' .24 :----------------* Owner ,Dudley James C Site ,6365 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail ,6365 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm, 3 Bath,1.75 TotRm, *----------------------------: ,024938 80033 Co 80033 y-F""'.....=rl _"" I.... I.. ",^ ^ Owner :Beshore David L Trust Site ,6255 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Mail :6255 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Use ,1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm, 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm, .l;'none YB,1950 Pool, BldgSF,1,327 Ac,.25 MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) ,----------------* Parcel ,025028 v~-"7006 0100 0002 8316 7006 0100 0002 8316 8321 80033 Co 80033 8338 Phone BldgSF,1,310 Ac,.24 :----------------* *----------------------------: YB,1951 Pool, MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel ,025050 Owner :Noller Erin Maureen Site ,6465 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,2362 Coors Dr Golden Co 80401 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm, 2 Bath:1.00 TotRm, *----------------------------: YB,1950 Pool, MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel - - '.... - I........,,") 7006 0100 0002 8316 Phone BldgSF,1,064 8345 AC' .25 :----------------* Owner ,Gribble Maurice B Site ,6320 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Mail ,6320 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Use ,1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm, 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm, *----------------------------: ,025080 Owner :Cardenas Ralph J Site :6425 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 * Mail :4954 Newton St Denver Co 80221 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land \ \/ Bedrm:3 Bath,1.00 TotRm: . '\jB':1955 Pool: *----------------------------, MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cameron Andrew Parcel Site ,6385 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,1738 Emerson St Denver Co 80218 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm, 2 Bath,l,OO TotRm: *----------------------------: V-F",~~...::I ",,'.....-1---- 7006 0100 0002 8316 .l;'none YB,1951 Pool, BldgSF,l, 064 Ac,.24 MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) ,----------------* Parcel ,025094 xfPr7~06'O{OO'0002 8316 80033 Co 80033 8352 r.1.LV.LH::::: 8369 BldgSF,1,334 Ac, .34 :----------------* ,025095 Owner ,Kembell Mary L Site ,6465 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Mail ,6465 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm, 3 Bath,l,OO TotRm, Phone YB:1950 Pool: BldgSF:1,043 Ac,,23 MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :025097 Xfered :10/07/?nn? 7006 0100 0002 8316 8383 7006 0100 0002 8316 8376 80033 Co 80033 . .................... Eva W 46th PI Wheat Ridge 80033 S Lamar St Lakewood Co 80232 Res,Improved Land Bath:1.00 TotRm, YB,1955 Pool, MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF,1,126 AC:.34 *----------------------------: Owner :Kiss Site :6265 Mail: 1312 Use : 1112 Bedrm: 3 :----------------* ,025130 7006 0100 0002 8316 8390 YB,1951 Pool, Phone B1dgSF,1,486 Ac: .24 Infonnation compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) oWner :Slaughter Matthew D Parcel Site :6510 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge 80033 ~ Mail :6510 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge Co 8~03 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: 55 Pool: BldgSF:1,796 Ac: .24 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Koogle Marguerite L Parcel :02515? Site :6525 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge 80033 7006 0100 0002 8316 8413 Mail :6525 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1955 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner : Paul SLy Site :6485 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 ~ Mail :6485 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co \110 ~\ ' Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: B:1951 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Obrien Kerry L Parcel Site :6490 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6490 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: :----------------* : 025148 7006 0100 0002 8316 8406 Phone BldgSF:936 Ac: .33 :----------------* p;:ay,..""l .n?E:\17':l. 7006 0100 0002 8316 8420 rL~~~ :Qo~,q~U ~u~~ Phone BldgSF:796 Ac: .23 ;----------------* :025183 7006 0100 0002 8316 8437 Phone BldgSF:1,462 AC: .22 YB:1955 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel Owner :williams Jennifer L Site :6400 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6400 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1951 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Friberg Morris E/Christina Parcel Site :6405 W 46th Pi ( No Mail) Wheat Ridge 80033 1kMail :6405 W 46th Pi ( No Mail) Wheat Ridge Co 80033 P1 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1,OO TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Nguyen Chi Site :6420 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6420 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 :----------------* :025370 7006 0100 0002 8316 8444 Phone BldgSF:804 Ac:.23 :----------------* :025399 7006 0100 0002 8316 8451 Phone BldgSF:1,381 Ac: .36 :----------------* 7006 :025590 : 04/11/2006 0100 0002 8316 8468 BldgSF:1,035 Ac: .23 YB:1951 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:1,184 Ac:,22 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :026018 7006 0100 0002 8316 Owner :Garcia Frank G Site :6495 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge Mail :6495 W 46th Pi Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:1.75 TotRm: 80033 Co 80033 *----------------------------: YB:1955 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Blanchard Zachary J/Lori A Site :6330 W,46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6330 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 8003~~ \ Use :1112 Res,Improved Land ~ Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB: Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan~/ efferson Owner :Foster Ralph Clarence Life Estate Site :6450 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6450 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Mower Timothy E Site :6335 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6335 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: 80033 Co 80033 YB:1950 Pool: :----------------* :025876 v.f:=..,.",,-:J _.,,,J"A I....."'... 7006 0100 0002 8316 8475 ~none :303-248-4348 BldgSF:1,597 Ac:.35 :----------------* Parcel :025905 V.l::___..::I _.,., J., ^ J., nnt'> 7006 0100 0002 8316 Phone :303-423-4590 BldgSF:1,169 Ac:,23 (CO) :----------------* Parcel :026003 Xfp.r""n. - ^" 1...- 1__ 7006 0100 0002 8316 8482 8499 .r:~~V1J.t= 8505 Phone BldgSF:1,290 Ac: .24 Infonnation compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of infonnation contained in this report. *c---------------------------: MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) OWner :Borowiec Michael A Parcel Site :6360 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6360 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Irnproved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.00 TotRm: YB:1952 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Owner :Gomez Audrey J Parcel Site : 6540 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 y-F""rpn Mail: 6540 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 8003~ (\ ) 7006 Use : 1112 Res I Improved Land ~ '-../" t'UUHt= Bedrm:2 Bath:l.50 TotRm: 951 Pool: BldgSF:l,229 Ac: .21 *____________________________: MetroSc I Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Champion Rhonda L Parcel :026158 Site :6420 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6420 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.75 TotRm: *----------------------------: ;----------------* :026020 7006 0100 0002 8316 8512 Phone BldgSF: 964 Ac: ,24 :----------------* :026026 .oR/01/2006 0100 0002 8316 8529 7006 0100 0002 8316 8536 Phone BldgSF: 974 Ac: .23 :----------------* Owner :James Norma L Site :6385 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail :6385 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 :026484 ~04/?7/1qAl 7006 0100 0002 8316 8543 rLJ.V.1.l1:: BldgSF:984 Ac: :----------------* 7006 :026566 :06/09/2006 0100 0002 8316 8550 Owner :Blomstrand Ann K Site :6415 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6415 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Irnproved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 Owner :Redosh Douglas J Site :6400 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :15021 W 29th Ave Golden Co 80401 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.00 TotRm: YB:1954 Pool: BldgSF:944 Ac:.23 MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) : ----------------* Parcel :026609 Xfprpn :OS/13/200S 7006 0100 0002 8316 8567 .t:".1.Lu.uc Cary E W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Res,Improved Land Bath:l.00 TotRm: YB:1957 Pool: MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF:890 Ac: .20 *----------------------------: Owner :West Site :6505 Mail: 6505 Use : 1112 Bedrm:2 :----------------* :026860 80033 Co 80033 ..._ I....... /............. 7006 0100 0002 8316 8574 *----------------------------: YB:19S3 Pool: MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel Phone BldgSF:l,057 Ac:.24 :----------------* Owner :Larnoreaux Joanne Site :6380 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Mail :6380 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: :026900 80033 Co 80033 yf""'....oA n.... J.. - 1- -- 7006'0100 0002 8316 8581 .l:'HOne Owner :Beach Cecelia G Site :6380 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Mail :6380 W 46th Pl Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res,Irnproved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:l.00 TotRm: YB:1949 Pool: MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel BldgSF:l,403 Ac:.21 :----------------* :026916 80033 Co 80033 7006 0100 0002 8316 8598 , YB:1952 Pool: Phone BldgSF:898 Ac: .23 Infonnation compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Jeneene Ann Lowe 6505 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Rita Mayo 6360 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dixie Linden 6370 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Volkert & Cynthia Beardsley 4000 Depew St Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Angelina Garcia 6390 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Clyde Debello 4849 S Pitkin Way Aurora, CO 800 IS Victoria Gallo 10571 W 77th PI Arvada, CO 80005 Norma James 6385 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kevin & Tammy Healey 6460 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Carl Frodine & Marian Frodine 6305 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Beshore 6255 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Erin Maureen Noller & Betnly Noller 2362 Coors Dr Golden, CO 8040 I Ralph Cardenas 4954 Newton St Denver, CO 80221 Andrew Cameron 1738 Emerson St Denver, CO 80218 Eva Kiss 1312 S Lamar St Lakewood, CO 80232 Matthew Slaughter 6510 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 S L Paul 6485 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kerry Obrien 6490 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Chi Nguyen 6420 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Frank Garcia & Bong Garcia 6495 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jason Tinnnes 4675 Lamar St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kay Edwards 6300 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Randy Mitchell & Elizabeth Mitchell 7585 W 48th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Margie Snow 7128 Devinney Ct Arvada, CO 80004 James Dudley & Nettie Dudley 6365 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Maurice Gribble & Loraine Gribble 6320 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mary Kembell & Larry Kembell 6465 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Marguerite Koogle 6525 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jennifer Williams & Trent Williams 6400 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Zachary & Lori Blanchard 6330 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Foster Ralph Clarence Life Estate 6450 W 47th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Timothy Mower & Juliana Mower 6335 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Audrey Gomez 6540 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Rhonda Champion 6420 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ann Blomstrand 6415 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Douglas Redosh & Rhonda Teitelbaum 15021 W29thAve Golden, CO 80401 Joanne Lamoreaux 6380 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cecelia Beach 6380 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Michael Borowiec & Valerie Cormelly 6360 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Norma James 6385 W 46th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CaryWest 6505 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ******************************* * Search Parameters * ******************************* * Jefferson (CO) * 10/11/2006 * 10:35 AM * * * ******************************* Parcel Number. ..42 39 242 09 006 39 242 09 007 39 242 09 008 39 242 09 009 39 242 09 010 39 242 09 011 39 242 09 012 39 242 09 021 39 242 09 022 39 242 09 023 39 242 09 024 39 242 09 025 39 242 09 026 39 242 09 027 39 242 09 028 39 242 09 029 39 242 09 030 39 242 12 004 39 242 12 005 39 242 12 006 39 242 12 007 39 242 12 008 39 242 12 009 39 242 12 010 39 242 12 011 39 242 12 012 39 242 12 013 39 242 13 001 39 242 13 002 39 242 13 003 39 242 13 004 39 242 13 013 39 242 13 014 39 242 13 015 39 242 13 016 39 242 14 001 39 242 14 002 39 242 14 003 39 242 14 004 39 242 15 005 39 242 15 006 39 242 15 007 1ii ~ "~, _,_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,_,_,_,_W-47T-FI,AV€-,-,- " S rr 0, g g g g 5!5! b c ':> . . 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LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (please print or type all information) Applicant .}C\5on j ITYI1l'1tes Address 4 ~ 75 Lo.t>1o.r st Phone 303-d 7'fj-{,<t7S City Whe.c.t Rid.j<- State C 0 Zip '60033 Fax Owner S,\""e.. "'s "'ff \;cc,l1t Address Phone City State Zip Fax Contact 'S"'II1c.. OIS "pD I i Lat'lt Address Phone City , State Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regardi,ng this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Locationofrequest(address): 4(,,75 lAmar St. Wh!2?lt R,'d.ge, co <7?0033, Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertaiu to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side o Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit o Consolidation Plat 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) o Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Right of Way Vacation o Planned Building Group 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign o Site Development Plan approval ~ VarianceIWaiver (from Section zc. - 20'( ) o Other: Detailed description of request: V<>..(' .qllce.. ~r :\' e.-tb"lCb lion. - qcl..,.....; +r '" Il CL. V"l(":'l"ce.). See.. "'\f-,,,ched. Je,;c('/f-/-'Q'1 +'",r ",()re. qJd. '1-10"l +I.... -t d. id + <ie.tail . <UtcrOGl.ch J . i:f. ;f;'111l... Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: :,'t - 2ttZ. -12. - 00'3 Current Zoning: R. 2- Current Use: i,_s,cl,,,+;..1 Size of Lot (acres or squarefootage): I05:z.Z.5 f/ Proposed Zoning: ~ '2.. Proposed Use: R.e.sM.lA+'~ I Signature of Applicant , 20 oC::, , ary Pu?li~ MY GOi.lMISSlOIi EXP1. S 9;21/20'J7 My commiSSIOn expires To be filled out by staff: Date received 10 Ij)/o ~ Comp Plan Desig, Related Case No, Fee $ fro Cf:J-- Receipt No, Zoning p -:2- Pre-ApF Mtg, Date Case No, /;J1r~ 0& -I r:", Quarter Section MMtU ~'f Case Manager fJl!:- "-'w._"" -N- --'.- -........_,.- ,_.;-....,.;...,.....:-... ............. .---.-------... -,. ............-....---. -- --..--.....,. -'- --- . -'-'-.;.;.-.-.;<'-.:,.-..." ..-...-----,----'--- ,--.-- ...... u u_____ <':<<".:.:':.:.: .,.....:.;-:-,.,-,: ..,-....-... "".W' ...... ..... . ....,......... ... .................,....... ::.'.:...w:':" El;I;r[E]jEPA.RTl\-IENT~'DELlVERY TRANsi\1I~IUt'Ai' ,sltCtffilfl:'TITI.;EGtTAR\l'\TY co. '" '" , :'~rm;ffl'X~3~t~!iJ)/1:~1f9:~!;:~AJ:"!i:ad~h(tQJ~j;l(J:Q3:~_.f-11;_ Qi-t:.1}~:2;?::1\!3~_. ........,.....,................. ;::,;;;:f:V:;}~,:f .... ':::':'::::~::::::.::;:::::':/:::;:.::::::;::;::,{.: . i;Mt;,;;;;;i;;'tUAtti;1liNE'?;. 2002." '.'""" .....,..;.. ' 'ORDER 'NO' 'W040643A02 ' .,.,.".,!,RtIPADl,JR: "4675 Lamar .street, , !;t;;;9\\~~MWYEl:EJa"ori'J;Tinunee Wheat Ridge, CO 60033 ....'.':.'.'-'.'.'-;.'-,_:_,----.'..:.'.'-"_::_,_::.';.'.:.'-'::-' ..-_....-.-,.:.:-:<-,-,-,.;,.-- .,."''''''..,,,,,.,...' ".""."";;"",;;..'.,:'..",,,PLEASE DELIVER TO THE ClJSTOMER .',lCLoSING OFFICE ; # COPIES: "security, Title Guaranty co. Arviida-- - Vance 7626 Vance Dr., #209 Arvada, CO 80003 1 ATTN: Gina Lara PHONE: (303} 422-0238 FAX: , (303} 431-0420 ROUTING METHOD: DELIVER' TO: Countrywide Home Loan" 6433 Church Ranch alvd. #300 Westminster, Co 80021 ! # COPIES: 1 ATTN: aever1y Ger"sner PHONE: 303-410-9100 FAX: 303-410-9900 ROUTING METHOD: DELIVER' TO: Metro Brokers-Willmarth Real Estate services 12191 W 64th Avenue, #210 Arvada, CO 80004, L,# COPIES: 1 ATTN: Barry Willmarth PHONE: 303-422-1915 FAX: 303-420-9662 ROUTING I<IE'I'HOD: DELIVER ,..-----. ; TO: Jason J. Timmes Glenn SeberII' - CUstomer Coding 1969 Denver West Dr. #1026 Golden, Co 80401 ! # COPIES: 1 ATTN: / PHONE: (303} 889-8464 1'.1 FAX. ' i,' "," '.l''';' ROUTING METHOD: MAIL ! /., "'~... .._______~.___U_.______.~________ TO: Enid L. Kaup 4675 Lamar, St. ~lheat Ridge, Co 80033 ATTN: PHONE: 303-431-1011 FAX: 303-273-6313 ROUTING METHOD: MAIL 1 It COPIES: l' ~_.mh"'''''''.'''..__. .... ,- ., ,. . THE. ABOVE,:rSA LIST, OF CLIENTS, TO WHOM THEATI>ACHED MATERIALS HAVE aEEN DELIVERED. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONEfREGlIRDING THESE MATERIALS, PLEASE CONTACT SECURITY TITLE GU..ARAr.'TY CO. AT THE AElOVE PRONE NUMBER. ,PLEASE REVIEW THE ENCLOSED MATERIAL CAREFULLY AND TAKE, NOTE OF, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CONTAINED THEREIN: SCHEDULE'A C6mmi-titient No: r-l,)<10a43AG2 "i:;,-- .. commitment Date: Ha:.":<.;, ~;-U(;2 a:: -8-':';:;0 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: (a) OWners Policy Proposed Insured: ~ " Jason J. Timmes (b) Loan Policy Proposed Insured: u...a)/ ;~p.:pea.:r- C'ount!}fI...:ide Home Loett..s, :ir.:.c.. i t:s sUcces,sc-ys a.nd," cr" assign.s as t.heir 3. Fee Simple interest in the land described in this Commitment is owned, at the Commitment Date by: Enid L. Raup 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: Lot "'1"'1' .>,.,., .J:?ty SUDdi v:Ls icn, Ccun.ty Gr Jeffers~)n, Stat.,:;, of-- Col;:)radc. {f. or infc::nnaticr.taJ. pu:cf'CS&S cnly) 4675 Lau~r Street 1?REl1IU!~f : ()'j.lt.:.wr:-~-5 Po.lic....~.. .{QEC; '" :,047.G'0. S!--Nortgage Policy-CL."'\I'I:'"\' $ 110.GO 'X'ax.'.Certi ficate . 25~OO Fo:~ ID0~R~strictions , .-:;: 35.00 Perm 14G'-~ l...EPA-Residential $ 35~OO ,Q.~..(05/.:::.2.. .12.: 10 :02 <2r: 14~2jd . ,-.-... u ~ -~ 6/ 5/2002 I _n_ .... ."-....-...'..-..j!; ^' .....:..--.. . u. ..."..... ''''-'__._._.'_''"~''' -.....-~-;-.-:..-.'.'.w.'....; IV "I ,."",,)!,......,,!!!I,Lml1,lJllK..,dWlIllJl!1C, .'.", 0" """./'",'.',' .~':~':'.' .........<'.<<:.g.'.<<:.<~w~'.'.::::~:::~-:'."-'-::,:w1r:::~f~:~::::~:~~::::::~::::::~~:::::::.,-- '. SCHEllULE B- der No. ~~O..il0843A02 Requirements e following requirements must be met,:, i:~i:.:Y t.ht..~ ag!:'ef~d amo\..L.'l!:S for tJ'J€ in.1:.(~rest 1.2".,. the land (iud/or for ..th~ mor'tgage 'to be inBL:..!:(:::d. Pi'.l.Y us the prerrdums, fei::S and charges for the PO.l..1CY. Obtain a certificate of taxes due from the county treasurE~r or the county t:ceasurer I s. authorized agen~. Pro'vide us the "F~f.j:ida\:it: and Incf::rr;.nity''' B-igned by t.he pax't.ies li.::;t:ed in Paragraph 3, Schedule A of this Cormr:.:l.tment and not.ari~~ed. ('l:he ferm will be p.r-ovicted at closing by the Agent f The Ag(~nt must conduc1: [he: closing of the transaction to be ir!sur."ed under this Co!nmitment. or properly executed instrument.s ex-eating the estate or interest to be i!'lsured must be oHlivered to the Agr:mt: issuing the Commi tme:::n: -v-iithin 24 hours of the closing~ ThE:! follO'oh"ing documentB satisfactory t.Q ".lS must be signed, delivered and recorded: {Jal"ranty Deed sufficient: ::0 convey t.he fee simple estate or interest in the Iand described or. r-ef'21,-red to herein, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule ki- Itetn 2.1:.'.. 2. Deed of Trust sufficient toencUlrJ)er the fee simple estate or. ir.:.t.€:rest in the land described or referred to herein for the benefit of the Proposed Insured, Schedule }:.., Item 2 B. 3. Release of the Deed of Trust. from Enid. L. Kaup to the Public Trustee of Sefferson County for th-e benefit -of Norwest Mortgage, Ine. to S€!Gun:~ (in indebtedness in the principal sum. of $95,500.00, and an)/ othe!:. amounts arid/o.!:" obJ.ig-ations secured thereby, dated Febru.ary 22, 1999 and recorded loiarc:h 2" 1999 at Recepti.on No. F0813427. 4. F:elease of t.he Deed of Trust from Enid L" Kaup to the Public 'rrust:ee of Jefferson County for the benefit of Wells Fargo Bank West, Na~i0nal Association t.o secure an indebtedness in the_ principa~.,. ~~~ of $90, ODO. 00 ~ aad any other amoun:.s ar:dfor obligations secured tbe!-eby, dated .:;pril 4. 20D2 an.d recorded April 24, 2002 at: Reception No. F14.6B'9..?,? .~.. NOTE; ThB item sho~~ as No.4 above appears to secure the pa~~r:ent of indebtedness :lnder a LINE OF CREDIT' account~. IF THE S"u.LES pR.rCE OF THE SUBJECT P.ROPEKl"'Y., EXCEEDS $l 00, GOO. 00 '"fi1E:. SELLER. ;....;... BE. REQUIRED T"O COHPLY ~'VI-1'H THE DISCLOSURE OR irlTHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. ~2-6Q4.5 {NONRESID~? WITHHOLDING). ,6/5/2002 rder No. W04D843AD2 "y policy we issue will have the" 0' our satisfaction: lmy and all !;.npaid taxes, assessments ancf unr"edeented---tax sates-.--'-'- Ea!?ement along the rear and side 5 feet of S':..lbject property for Ut.:l.lltles an.d drainage, as shO\.\"D on the recorded Plat. of said Subdivision. . . ,. " Covenants, condiLi.ons and/o::.- restrictions, 'which -do not "'include a:"for-~e:.f!:'-tire 01" re-.;~r-ter clause, set fo:.r:t:h 0::... t.he ,rec0r-dea plat 0i -sai.d ~;-:'.lbd.i'v:L!:;li~or~-;" 6/ '" I I OJ OJ , '" r- 'It >< OJ .. 0 g -, z 0 tJ 0 <Jl F 0 [L U) ~ .. <Jl ii' i'5 '" () '" <Jl ~ lJ) H 0 M H W <Jl W .. ~ 0 H ., W H -' :> ~ "- Z .. 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'!:i <<I () cEO .m t:~ r~ '" cD -...:C~0l .g~ OlH Cii Q):!:: o.!: ~" "O.~a:€S:a.m ~ g~. ~ ::J>-Eo S: ~ iD- Qi'- (; o.s15 o ~,l':: - ~ >- 0-...; ~ c :;::.cE -0" ..:::t::tj::Juic(l)Q) Ol~..c: >- (/) CD Q) Q) E -E" ~ E _ c Q) (fJ Q) "E" '0 g: (ij"E ~ 0-<: 0 8g~ u) ECai~Q) q;,,~ -iii Q)Q)ca.>- .. Pi~ '" >Eo"Oc III~~ .c 00>:;:: Q) <<I u8~ " "'>u.c_ a.oQ)'~o t:.!Q 1:: E E...cu 01j~ - a.c (I) c c ... E 0 0>.2l '@" 0 0._ U"O CIJ iE"",s ...J)~ ON ,,"" N~ III , . 0\..1 .... . , c -QI 0\" >- " :z: i o A. iii 1:: QI .a o II: o z ". io ~t oz< .<. -0 w~~ ~~~ zu Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: IwA0616 trimmes !Jason J. Isame I 14675 Lamar 51. Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 1303-278-6975 Isame I ~ame 14675 ILamar Street Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 Icrane IActive I I Quarter Section Map No.: INw24 Related Cases: I Case History: 15'1" side yard setback ariance when adjacent to a public street. . . Review Body: APN: IBOA: 10/26/06 (39-242-12-008 2nd Review Body: 2nd Review Date: Decision.making Body: Approval/Denial Date: (BOA: 10/26/06 Reso/Ordinance No.: Conditions of Approval: District: In Date Received: 110/3/2006 Pre-App Date: CITY OF UHEAT RIDGE 18/13/86 11: 12 A" cdb JASON m"ES RECEIPT NO:C822423 F"SD ZONING APPLICATION F ZONE F"SD ZONING REI"BURSE"ENT ZRm PAY"ENT RECEIVED CK 1558 TOTAL A"OUNT 388.88 188.88 A"OUNT 488.88 488.88