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communif~ development PLANNING COMMISSION RECEIPT NO.~ DATE REC; a~ RECEIVED BYE /w~ CASE N0. PROJECT )NFORMATION APPLICANT Lutheran Medical Center ADDRESS 8300 West 38th Avenue PHONE 425-4500 OWNER Lutheran Medical Center, ADDRESS 8300 West 38th Avenue PHONE 425-4500 LOCATION OF REQUEST a West 38th Ave., Wheat Ridge CO 800.33. AREA EXISTING USE- Ancillary hospital uses and open space EXISTING ZONE H-2 & R-2 PROPOSED USE Ancillary hospital uses, Including psychiatric facility PROPOSED ZONE-2 & R-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION OF REOUE$r= Approval of a planned building groin pursuant to_provisions of _ ., Section 27 of the Zoning Ordinance providing for the location of a psychiatric facility, together with the 7_ocation of an improved vehicular and pedestrian circulation with the hospital complex. _- ~- -. _ ~ . °. G - ~ PERSONS IN INTEREST ALL PERSONS B COMPANIES WNO NOLD AN INTEREST IN THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY~AS OWNERS NORTiAGEE~LESBEE, O~TIONEE, ETC. NAME MAILING ADDRESS PHONE INTEREST Lutheran Medical Center ~3oo'38g0-West_38th Avenue ,,,, 425-4500 Eee Owner Wheat Ridge,_ CO __ ~ CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION AND E%kIG ITS HEREWITH SU BN ITTED ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT IN FILING THIS APPLICATION.I AN ACTING WITH THE KNOWLEDDE ANO LONS€NT OF THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE, WITNOU7 WNOBE CON6ENT THE REQUESTED ACTION CANNOT LAWFULLY BE ALLOMPLI9HED. APPLICANTS OTHER THAN OWNERS MUST 3UBN1T POWER-OF-ATTORNEY FROM THE OWNER WHICH APPROVES OF THIS ACTION ON HIS BEkALF. NAME OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF APPL SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO ME THISaOT ~[iAY OF ~""- ,197 SEAL /~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _ '°-~ '~~ + • a..xar •• _.Y.k_~- __ a.rpeta x.... Q65995_._--. a T.ns Daw, a.r eu. ! ~ - W •[ August L W rte of a Led en prp••d •1•t 1•Mt+i W tiaty fWr rt..<. DAV1n Wtxneeame .rw ' GwtrK Jefferson Wttw ,[ eaerNe. d w nne p•nt W S.IILHERAti ROSPI'fAL AtiD MEDICAL CEtiIEli, • •ws°u° rp+Wd °d <aiW.t pdn W b Ne¢, d w L.• er W at.ta er Colorado er W xw,.. pn; i 1 ~ S~~ 99~~ arawx ~ST6 `~.. °.R'::~.wo FILES dE ON Luc 10 3 ie 1H'L4 [;e, ... ... apu a"RNa6aE[a, trt tlr ••Y .rty M W f1M pro rx W Iw .°+d.e.de. e[ w .m t 'fEN DOLLARS AND OIHER GOOD AND 1'hLUABLE COEiSIDERATI0N5 ---- ~~ a tr ,eld Mr[ y al w n.w p•n Y r.+ pu U w ru p.rb .[ w .r.r pa. w t°M•t vhww[ r rnsr a.d..wd W dwtW.d. r a sr.•t•d. rrpleed, •elt W •wnged. W H ww pr•+r• Y et anat. rmlq w14 w•M W wnr•e. pL W rid MN .[ W ••eW WS 1ta •vxwn W a.it•e trww, W L W feDewl•[ dwcrll.d YC x pe•eI e[L•4 e14rr, Ir1af aaL rl•a Y W G°tr .[ Jefferson Wltate of C•1•nY. r..a; A part of the Northeast quaz[er (NE}) of the Northeast quarter (lam) of Section twenty-seven (27), 'fownahip three (3) South, Range Sixty- nine (69) West, Jefferson County, Colorado, described at follows: Beginning et a point on the South Loundary of Weat 36th Avetly± tfiich is 30 feet South of and 276.E feet Wea[ of the Northeast corner of said Section; [Fence South on :line parallel with the East bound+ry of Laid Section 56D feet to South bank of the South brmch of Rseky Mountain Ditch; thence along said South bank North 59°53' WesC E7 feet; Chance '.forth [.n a line parallel viLh East boundary of said Section 516 feet to South line of West 36th Avenne; thence East along said South line 75 feet to place of beginning. +'OGatHm[ wlth W sad •r[•Yr W hmin•reate W •natee•fea W,or hdt.tl•e ee d °r.iw •pperriviat. W W n<m av W pe<gW,r~Wf W nrvd<ra. trq hre• W pe~aY U<nN; W W We orate. rl[ht, an,, lai<nut slit W Nen•vA wr4enar e[ W rid I•rty .r W !b•t p•n. ellher Iv Yw x Meib..l, Y W Y W •Me S•epi••d fe~Yr.+rW tl • MNltu°b W •9Ar1~sa TD HAfe AND to 80LD W W pr~ir •re• WtYxd W dexrlW, pith We appans••wr. pY w old pant of tr •,aneA p+4 W •aae•eera W Whr hewer. Ad the rald pety H W neat pet. ter hi¢ rt f,Ks Mir•, ,uwvim4 W Ma61Mwn, da e9 <exap4 aev4 rmY W aar•e b W ,dU the rid Mnl of the wwrvl p•*t. W ,c+wr, W x•Ip4 Wt at W fire N w enwll•a W ddherr ~ ww. r~nte, he is +.u r~xe v W ~W •hw< wv.<red. r w pad, eoR, perrxl, .romt< W Iod.rulNe rYte er u.e,inw, r taw, Y !w tlwpk, pd r b trd,IahL fW pwm W Iew1N •ewrib n sons, rms. xn am ,e..~y w rw ~ .ea.<r W fors ° •twrJ{ W Wt W rr. aw r,w .•a rdur re.x atl fnm<r aml etbx moss, rrpw,..1e•.Ii.r. tsar, •rrs••t• W 1•awnbrur•. er wrt.w. Y:nd er pevn .« r, except caxea for the year 1966 and thereafter. m rw .rw rmY<d prw.w r w +.ht W pr<etal aeroek• er W .Ca pro W o< wwnd pn, +r w+wmn •d •xif•r. °aN~el W W <xy Mer• a peaty. 1•whal <iuaLt x x <Wr w wbek w anf I•rt tLe„eL w eW prt' .[ W r4•t pn ,ra W ,rW WAIIRA.`ir AND rOtuv6a DLTCND. pN ~'rrxaes tvdasaor, tr r,d pn y d W not pn r s rn..te rt his r.d _. ~~_ e- [~ ~ I ~, t ~ rAte or cowaADO t _ ~- ./ i `F ow+b .[ Jefferson i rr r•nnYt fxwrr t w rbe.INa.d wen.e eW / y ' rr t August irtift,!r Cavid Windecker. •k~ s -, .'TT_ :. ~ Qommiuisa p'1~jitj As[.'H,ilS~i'-_.._,..- -'- ' " fir: i::.. -- Jv+' ....r oa.r i HEALTHCAP,E Ih1TEP.NATIONAL, IhlG. PSyC:HIATRIC HdSPITAL PLAhdNEG RI~ILGING i:ROUP LL~THERAtd MEG I CAL ~ CENTEP. BITE ACCESS BTUG'v` UJHEAT RI GCE, CdLdP.AGd h1A1~' 1'?87 Prepared #or: Harvaoad F<.. Smith ~t Partner= 1111 Plaza of the Americas, Narth LB 307 Gal 1 as, Te?:a=_. 75201 a Prepared bY: f1ATTHEW J. GELIdH, P.E. 3413 Banyan A'.~enue Loveland, Galorada 80533 i Pharie 30^a-669-2061 EXECUTIVE SUh1h1AP,`( The Healthcare Interna#i anal Inc. Psychiatric Ho=_.pital is a proposed psychiatric hospital to be located at the Lutheran hledical Center in ~.~!heat P.idge, Colorado. Thi=_. #raffic impact study invol~~~ed the steps of trip generation, trip distribution, trip assignment, capacity analysis, and traffic signal warrant analysis. This study rise=_.sed the impacts of the psychiatric hospital an the short range a.nd long range street system in the vicinity of the proposed de~.~elopment. As a result of this analy=_.is, the fallovaing is concluded: - The haspi#al is feasible from a traffic engineering standpoint. - The er,isting crass sections of 3?th and 32nd Avenues =_.hauld be adequate far the expected traffic volumes. - The signalized acr_ess intersection vaith 33th Avenue v,~itl operate at level of service A vaith the car~struction of the psychiatric hospital. - The stop sign r_antrolled access intersection with 32nd Avenue will operate acceptably as an urisignalized intersection. - The neua north/=_outh parkway connecting 3Sth Avenue Gt~itl-~ 32nd Avenue will preside alternative access for hospital related traffic currently using Cud1eY Street. This has the paten#i al of reducing the impacts to the neighborhood west of the Lutheran hledical Center. - There is much excess inter sec#ian capacity at the intersections which currently ar_ce=_.s and are proposed to access the Lutheran hledical Center. Acceptable peak hour aperat i are vaaul d =_.t i 1 1 occur !rai th a Riare than daubl i nq of the traffic prgJections shovan in this report. Introduction TI-~e pur•pos.e of this report i =_. to document the oper•at i on of 82nd Avenue and 38th A~:,enue vaith the de~:,eiopment of the Healthr_are International Inc. Ps;+'chiatric Hospital (Hos.pita.l! on the Lutheran Fledir_al Center. An exis.tir~g conditions. traffic study of the Lutheran t4edical Center was performed by Leigh, Scott +~ Clear>• dated April 1986. The traffic study for the Hospital utilizes. this study in developing traffic pro.]ections. Existing Conditicros Land use along 88th A~.,enue and 32nd A~..~enue is predomi- nantly residential. Lutheran Medical Center is located betu,~een 32nd Avenue and 38th Avenue, and Dudley 5tr•eet and Ammons street. Access is via 38th H~,~enue and Dudie)' street. The site location is shown in Figure 1. Thirty-eighth Avenue is currently a four larre arterial street in the vicinity of the site. L,les.t of Lutheran t°ledical Center, 38th Avenue narrows. to tvao travel lanes. Thirty- second A~:,enue i=_ ccrostrur_ted to tG~,o travel lanes. Daily traf#ic r_o,~nts taken at 8°th A~.,enue and :32nd Avenue in 194b are shown in Figure 2. In addition, peat, hour directional taunts ~h,er•e taH;en in htar•ch, l9R6 i~t the intersection of the Lutheran tledical Center main access and ;38th Avenue. These are at so shown in Fipur•e 2. Faun count data. i=_. sho~Am in Appendix A. Proposed Development The Ho=_.p i tal i s .a gropesed ps:,'ch i atr i c hospital to be located uaithin the Lutheran Medical Center property. Acce=.s i =_. proposed to both 38th A~,,enue and 32nd A~.~enve via a pa.rkt.~,ay runninq_ north south through the property. The access on 88th A~.~enue uaould be at the exi=_•tinp signal iced intersec#ion. Access on 32nd A~•,enve u.,ov 1 d be ~., i a. a neea uns.i gnat i zed "T" intersection. The facility ~a~ould be developed in tu.,r_, phases. The first phase to be completed in several rears uaould be a 48,000 square foot_C64 bed! hospi#.al The ultimate development of the site v,~ould be a ~~9,000 square foot {120 bed? hospital. Tr• i p Ger~erat i on T;.pica7ly, a psychia+.ric hospital does not generate as much traffic as a full-service hospital. The ITE Trip Generation P.epart, u,,hich is the standard source of trip generation members, doe=_ not i roc 1 ude any i reformat i cm on 1 Z ~~ ~~ SITE 'OSED LUTHERAN :WAY 5t Figure 1 Site Location ,~ s a .r "'~ C ~Y ~ N d' M M Z ~ ~ w Q r Y M MAIN ACCESS TO HOSPITAL. ~.~..~ Q C N C'') T T u! ,~ u/ m 0 T ~ \~ m~ ,~- m N r 2662 DUDLEY STREET F V1 m 3 ~, 54/ 146 ,~ 21 /,94 I Y c'J M ~~ ~~ M 2671 N M Daily Traffic Volumes Source: City of Wheat Ridge, 1985 AM/PM Peak Hour Traffiic Source: Leigh, Scott ~ Cleary, Inc., 1986 Figure 2 Existing Traffic psychiatric facilities. mince trip goner?.tior~ information ,,Uas not available for this =_ite, traffic pro;iections vaere developed a=_.irig knovan information on the hospital's operation from the proposed operator of this facility. This inform?.tion is based upon their considerable experience in this specific medical field. The psychiatric hospital ual 1 1 ha~,,e tv,,o type°_' of employees. The medical staff ,,•aill consist of doctors, nurses, dieticians, hou=_ekeeping and maintenance gorse+nnel. The medical staff will operate on 3 shifts. per• day !7:~4 AP1 - 3:04 Ph•1, S:tlO F't1 -11:00 F'1°1, and 11:00 PP1 - 7:0C, Aft?. The ::Ot1 At1 shift change uaoul d be the only change that occurs during a peal:' hour of traffic operations of the street. To provide a conservative analy=_.is., it is as=_umed that the night shift will all lea+:,e a.nd day shift vei11 arrive between ?:Oi] Ahl and fi:QCl AM. The hospital administrative staff ~,uill worF; from ~:~C~ At1 to S:InO Ph1 on vaeekday=. The traffic genera.}ed from the adminie.trati+;e staff !.Dill impact both the Ah1 and FM peak hour=_• of traffic operation. The vi=_.itors to ?. psychiatric hospital are much fa_vaer in number• than to a full-ser•~.,ice ho=_.pital. Hr_nae+,+er, some visitors will dri~ae to and from the hospital during the F'hi peak hour. To 6e conservati+,,e, it is. assumed that 10': of tha patients will have visitors during the Fi°t p°=.k: hour. Thi=_. information on the operations of the facility uaas transl ated to tr?.{{ i c prof ec t i ens sho,;an i n T.a.bl e 1 . For a conser'.,at i+.+e anal Ysi s, no rideshar i ng or• transit use vaas assumed. BacF:ground Traffic Tuvo future planning horizons t_uere considered in thi=_ analysis: the short range - {shortly after• opening of Phase I de'.+elopment) and the long range - Cfull de+,,elopment of the psychiatric hospital?. Ire the short range future, traffic on v~th Avenue and 3~nd Avenue is expected to be a=_. described in the Lutheran t°ted'+cal Center Existing Traffic Conditions and Issues. Exiting traffic count=_ vaere increased by• 2C't, to reflect long range traffic +..~alumes. This increase represents a mode<_•t increase in traffic typical in developed ?.real such as 4;~heat P,idge. Traffic at the main access and 8$th Avenue vaas redistributed f.o reflect the completion of the on-site parKvaay to ~~nd Avenue. 1 Tahle 1 Trip Generation Land Use Phase I Hospital Medical Staff Administrative Staff Visitors Total Ultimate Geveloc~ment Hospital Medical S#aff Administrative Staff l?i si tors Total A.1°1. Feak P.h1. Peak Trips Tries Trips Trips in out in out 30 11 - - 51 - - S1 - - 5 81 11 5 °,6 60 ~2 - - ~o - - .n _ _ c S 130 22 9 ?i Trip Distribution and Assignment Based upon the employee and patient distribution data available from the existing condition=_• traffic study, the follvuaing distributions vaere used. Appr•aach to site Phase I Ultimate Development 4Jestbound 38th 34'1. 3D%' Eastbound 38th 20'r'. 2a:4 4~iestbound 32nd 3C+'l. 30;C ' Eastbound 32nd 20% f. 20 Figure 3 =_.hotms the peak hour assignments of the hospital along with the short range traffic. The long range projec- tions, with the ultimate site generated traffic, are shouan it Figure ~}. A=_. a. matter of policy, traffic =_ignals are riot installed at any lace+.ion unless warrants a.re met according to the Manual c?n Uniform Traff i c Control Device=_•. Houaever . i t i s possible to determine wh?ther traffic signal warrants are liN.elY to be met based Upon estimated ADT and peak hour projection=_~, and utilizing the tables and v~arrants shaven in Appendi>: 8. based on the long range total traffic projection, traffic signals uaauld net be uaa.rranted at the Access/32nd intersection. The acce=_.s intersection t~.+ith 38th Avenue is already signalized. Operational Analysis Capacity analysis wa.s can ducted at the intersections of Accessf38th and Ar_cessf 32nd to assess the imp.e.ct of th i s de':+e 1 opmen t . Tehn i ques. provided i n the 1985 Hi ghuaa.y Capacity 1lanual uaere used for• th i s anal Ysi =_~. Tabl e 2 i 1 1 us•trates. the level=_. of service attained"at the intersections far the short term and long term traffic projection=_•. The definitions for 1?eels of ser'.'ice are gi'.'En in Appendix C. Calculation farms are provided in Appendix D. As can be seen from Table 2, bath intersections kuill operate acceptabl7' for the short term a.nd long term de':!elopment. rtnly very minor dela7's. would be expected at either acce=_•s intersection. The acce=_.s inter=_-ection at 32nd Avenue could operate s.atisfactor•ity with a single lane approach. Havaever, a tuna lane approach would assure that right-turning vehicles uaould not he delayed by left-turning vehicles. Due to the excess capacity available on the nar•th.'sauth roadvaay, it is likely that some hospital traffic uahich is curr•ent17' using the Dudley Street access a~+ill use the parkuaaY instead. This is particularly true of 'dehicles wishing to 3 Z ~ ~~ w s .-. co O W ~ CO ~ ~ m ~ N N r CODY STREET 30/90 PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL ~ LOCATION 13/58 .* ~- r O (p N M ~ ~ ~ er to v M WEST SERVICE ROAD AM/PM Peak Hour w Q c N C~'J m 0~ N d N ~ ~ N N h W 30/90 -! 13/58 '~ O m N 7 ~ r ~ \ to N m Figure 3 Total Traffic Short Range Z ~ ~~ w Q s m CO m m ,a cD ~ ~ ~ ~O o N I+ Il. 1 i CODY STREET w Q c N ~I 34/97 PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL R-- LOCATION 15/63 ~- ~ ~ ICI m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 •~ N Q 1O M r ~ 1 C`7 N C ~ ~ ~ " `° 1 t ~ 34/97 15/63 ~ '~ ~ N ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ WEST SERVICE ROAD AM/PM Peak Hour Figure 4 Total Traffic Long Range Table 2 Intersection Ga.pa.citY Analysis Summary Le~ael of Sera i ce Short Term Lony Term Ah1 Fht Ahi F'h1 'Sbth.~Acce=.=_. A A A A 82nd.'Access Left turn from ?2nd A A A A P,iyht turn from accese• A A A A Left turn from ar_r_ess A A a e enter or exit at 82nd Avenue. It is difficult to predict hove many this would be. However, since there is sa much evicess capacity at either the 88th Avenue ar 32nd Avenue intersections, this increase can be handled vaith little deterioration in operation. As Hated an Figures 3 and 4, an acce=_s known as the blest Service F~aad is proposed to access 35th A~.~enue across from Cady Street. PJa psychiatric hospital traffic vans assigned to th i s acce s_s, since the Lutheran ParK4day access i s the rr,ast convenient far thi=_. traffic. The approach taken in this site access study is conservative, showing all the psychiatric hospital trips canf i nod to tvao acce=_•=_•es. Th i s presents. a vaar•st case scenario. Any diversion of traffic to other access locations would only serve to lessen the impact at the Lutheran Parl4way intersections. As stated ealier, there is much e>:cess capacity aWailaGle in this area. The analyzed inter•sectians would still operate acceptably with a mare than doubling of the traffic pro,iectians shaven ir, this report. Conclusions Based upon the fareyoing analyses, the fallovaing conclusions can be drawn regarding the traffic impacts of the Healthcare Internatiar~al Inc. Psychiatric Hospital at the Lutheran Pledical Center in Wheat F.idge, Calarado. - The hospital is feasible Pram a traffic engineering standpoint. - The existing cross sections of 35th and 3Lnd Avenues should be adequate far the expected traffic volumes. - The signalized access intersection-with 35th Avenue will operate at level of service A with the construction of the psychiatric hospital. - The stop sign controlled access intersection vaith .32nd Avenue vaill operate acceptably as an unsignalized intersection. - The new north/south par4<way connecting 88th Avenue with 32nd Avenue will pra~,~ide alternative access far hospital related traffic currently using L~udleY Street. This has. the potential of reducing the impacts to the neighborhaad t~~est of the Lutheran htedical Center. - There is much e>:cess intersection capacity at the intersections which currently access and are proposed to access the Lutheran Pledical Center. Acceptable peaK hour operation would still occur with a mare than doubling of the traffic pro,iectians shown in this report. 4 AFPEPdDlX A EHST EXIT 9/O 38TH HVE. FULL ROF041HY HOUR - - OUARTF.R HOUR - - HOUR OF OHY !5T 21JD 3RD 4TH TUTFL 12 FM O U O 2 i HM 0 O O U 0 2 FM O O O O O 3 F1M O O O O O 4 FM O O O 0 0 5 HM O 0 u D O b HM O 0 0 O O 7 HM U b 3 2 ~ 8 HM 1 4 1 3 9 9 HM 1 0 7 11 10 HM 2 4 1 !U i 1' HM O 7 6 7 20 12 FM 6 3 S 4 18 1 F'M 3 1 1 3 B 2 F'M 4 4 3 11 22 3 pry b 7 26 17 36 4 PM 26 12 16 i0 64 B FM 13 12 8 6 39 6 F'M 4 4 2 6 10 7 FM 4 3 1 1 9 e FM 4 0 4 O B 9 FM 0 1 1 0 2 10 FM O 3 1 0 2 i1 FM O 6 1 n 1 EHCH + REFP.ESEMTS 4 VEH iCLES F DRSH MERhi5 HOUR VULUME L 2 k __~_~___.. . k kk kkk ~kk kkkkk kkkiFM kk iFiFkkkk kKkkkkkif M~kkkkk kkkkkkkMkkkkkkkk k1FkY %%if 1F kiE kkk kk kk TUi'HL VOLUIIE IS 296 VEHICLES. FEHG HOURS: IMOFUIIh18 PEHf; HOI IR VOLUME OF 20 EEG7M5 AT 11x00 FM (b%> EVEtIINS F'ERU; HOUR l'OLUI~IE OF 53 flESINS FlT 5:30 PM f27%) DF\TF COI.LEC7IUW DEOP9'J HT iF'M ON UIEDNESDFV. HPft IL 9. 1986. N N J `' ~ UWI = Z I WJI ~ A >ol ^: y a > ~ • •.• m~ i # WZ 11 ~; FL N # L fi N INyI N 1 # * # # / L] 5 W W I e # # * * # # * # # # # Ol n 2 Q 1 9v # ~ # * ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 W k i ~ ~ a # # ¢ ¢ ¢ N U ^ # # # # # # +*k f 4 # * # * # # * # # N N N N Z Z v m r w ¢ i a # # * # # * * # # # * W W ¢ z CIaMNMMNI IP^MMMML]^^"" ~+~" W y ¢.. ~¢ INiN L]MYIM ~" ~ 7 V L ''- Z~a or, o = O I L W W ^~ F I nCl^~' ^NN NNnPOP Nm~OnPpdCIGQI N pp E w3 Ici T r NI]...aa p 0 ¢ ~ I .+CIO..a O1~M0 N'UPNO P nP a3' j )) Z =C 1 . jJ (9 F9 I ~ O ~+ m PP aONN ~+n C+I M+a ill :'!N L] 2i ~ I a I ,~ 6N I NaPN~wNI^la Ol~aCv ~ •. L'LL U N N N J i HMI L].+^000'4 'UOP j CZZ N I O 7 '"' Z O -'I > =xw v F~s~aaia ~ ,..mow ¢ r I sFS~eawa.. r ~ ¢ ~¢ILLEEESSEEF¢aia ~^I¢¢6R¢¢¢¢66 aMaL]+ln me µ^ ° a ^ I CI .~NMaLL]dn W P ~NN`~ = O I !' 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W. 35th to W. 38th Michael & Juanita Stites H. Douglas Teague D. W. Patrick John W. Geiger, Jr. Harold G. Ellingson P.L. Smith Gerald C. Rasey David C. Deuben R.L. Verretta Albert S. Thomas Williard Ferson David & Gladys Cox E. H. Belyeu, Jr. W. C. Cramm Tom Gish J. P. Longman C.G. King ` Jack Sherry Donald & Enid Thompson Donald C. Schworer Warrington Richards Elmer J. Steiner Michele Rundall Carr St. W. 38th to W. 39th Louis F. Clements, Jr. Timothy J. Nugent John Ripsam Steve Cessa Peter & Irene Spomer V.M. Horinek Domenic Capobianco Balsam St. W. 32nd to W. 38th Jack L. Swanson George Losasso John Picconi Todd Boothe Robert Kaffer Virgil R. Anderson Edwin Vandervort Richard Carkeek Marv & Jean DeSelm ~~~ !~ ~ - Brentwood St.W. 38th to W, 39th Don Crilly S.J. Lofing Dale L. Young Charles Schneider Howard Jarrell S. B. Jarrell Luther H. Zieschang Charles Pepper Paul Ares R. A. Spomer Cody Street Norvel & May Robbins Peter Kahler Raymond Shavlik Raymond Ayres Bob & Lisa Zoellner Dover Street W. 38th to W. 39th Tom & Sandra fiddes Charles J. Lehrer Steve Pattison Dean Stackhouse Harry H. lewis E. Acheson D. P1. Lamb John A. Burch Dudley Street W. 38th to W. 39th Ted Fasso John DeBuno C. E. Lewis Alfred Dumke 'A. B. Poltera Dean Bennett B. J. Willis Richard Arnold Estes Street (W. 38th to W. 39th J & M. Reinsma Robert Biddinger Robert Junge, M.D. (Res} - Marvin L. Alms Elizabeth Grant Jessicca & Shane Fitzgerald ~' Clifford Merkle Allison Street W. 37th to W. 39th E. Benes B. Hovorka F. Sylvester Joseph D. Sisneros John Schwab Elmer E. Hoots Gene Grano L. G. Walden E. Wilson Harry W. Fox C. J. Warren M. E. Zyla E. J. Ricciardi John W. Cross, Jr. Field St. W. 32nd to W. 33rd Joe & C.F. Lembeck Keith Raygor Cleo Frehner Donald Rhodes Martin & Diana Lopez Dan & Joey Kimball Estes Street W. 32nd to W. 38th M. T. Sechler John & Kim Hambright Perry Southwell Remy Vitry Debra S. Palmer Wayne Koch Harold F. Schnebly G. W. Wesch Fred & Kim Linton W, R. Goodner W. L. Beasley Wilbur Herbert Clayton D. Sites Ernest Strieter Jim McCoy Walter Anderson Claudette Stalie Furman Clark John Riter Robert C. Brooks Ray & Mary Wilcox Pamela Jamruszka Estes Street Jordon Mencher Thomas Scheer Daniel Sandoval James W. Isham Herbert Cielens Richard Bueb W. E, Moore Kathleen Spray Donald Fray J & M Reinsma Garris~et W.38th to W.39th Fred W. Putz Jerome W. Boettcher Margaret Taylor Webb Elmer E. McMillan Noble Chalfant Ted Palumbo Norman B. Clark Herbert G. Schillereff Garrison Street (W. 32nd - W. 37th Dan Allen Shirley M. Reid John H. Shope. Dan Fruh L. B. Carl Gerald Cusack Jerald & Karen Watson Carl & Jean Todd John Eldredge CM Sgt. G. J. Tumey Kennon B. Stewart R. E. Seymour Michael G. Tell Ira Onken Flower St. W. 32nd to W. 34th P. Morman Dave Reeves Gene Iacino Nathan Jernberg Gilbert Gross Paul Sickafoose Steve Hults Donald Donner Fred Tepley Paul Cheney Everett St. W. 34th - W. 37th Michael E. Taylor D. K. Pro gar Henry A. Anderson S. A. Smith Ronald Mayster J. H. Sennett Frederick W. Z. W41ker Henry Rowe Edward & Janet Cielens Dudley Street W. 32nd to W. 38th Alexander Soehn John F. Storm Arthur S. Maselo Warren McCoy Patrick Coursey Lee Gerbig Fred Lucci Mrs. C. C. Christiansen H. J. Throckmort John W. Hoehne V. F. Pickard Norman C. Roglitz S.M. Marshall Ronald Lee Smith Gerald Malone W. 35th Avenue - 8705 to 9195 Richard J. Norn Leroy Michael E. L. Sellers Emil Ballast Dennis,Nocton Charles Montony Norman Lawson C. Paulson Milton Vallery Bradley & Elizabeth Myers Robert Rae B. J. Larson A. A. Hartshorn K, Mahmood Stephen Novakovich W. 37th Avenue - 8850 to 8888 Leonard A. Cessar Max Y. Graham S. E. Malin Allison Street - 3500 to 3771 Thomas Lundy Domenic Stone Fritz & VL Simon Bruno Maffei Donald K. Martin Robert Russell Benjamin Balay Donald Richards Verle Breon John R. Doyle E. M. Doyle Gary Breon Dannie & Diane Thomas Raymond Roche William Field Peter Spoor P.oscoe Marsico George Leland M. J. Tepley Velma Carroll F.B, Dehn t+~ax Ritterband John Rich Alex Kahre Chris Endicott idilliam Endicott ;~endel Ingram Evelyn mary Bonan Y. E. Lahey Deanna Leino Albert & Eidth Malenck Albert Colaizzi Lester Bright W. 35th Avenue - 7604 thru 7800 Donald Cunningham David Sun James Erfurdt Brad & Dottie Pemple Tammy Nixon Tony Venturo John Hickey Frances Zatoris B. Heithoff Raymond Schmid Paul Allen B, Bell Dan & Judy Erfurdt Mark & Rhonda Barry P.L. Horton L. Makatura E. S. Steinke James Kindler Donna Humphrey Robert Whalen C. L. Evans L. Quernheim Al Lund Patricia Kilpatrick Eric & Lori Featherston John Haberman 5. M. Garcia Doug Richter Lorene Moore N. E. Keeprs Bruce Scott A. R. Elmore C. W. Markham Peggy Henderson Mark Miller James Arvidson L.J. Dinges M. L. Spomer Kathy Surratt S. Campesion ~,~ Yukon Ct. 3707 to 3747 M. E. Bradley Chris Pezdirc Ronald & June Palmer Larry Pace Michael Castillo W. P. Danko Carrot Higgins Floyd Irwin L. H. Miller Glenn E. Lochrie P. E. Phillips L. A. Barker Ann Martin M. A. Aspegren C. A. Hammond M.P. Pastor R. A. Stein F. E. Mitcchell Craig A. McBride L. K. Humphrey L. Tafoya Hilda Schumacher Bill Kelly J. F. Jackson E. E. Berg C. B. Hinchman Allison Street - 3209 to 3275 E. L. Edwards Charles Beacch J. A. Singley Jack Bailey G. E. Overholt W. 33rd Avenue - 7807 to 8140 Russell Durano F. Graff C.B. Warren Ramona Ditolla Delinda Hardy Carl Tomberlin Wilbur Hegwood Leona Ritchey Micchael & Brenda Lees Yarrow Street - 3200 thru 3281 Hal Williamson Harry Swett M. E. Brandt L. J. Loeffler J. C. Lancaster Robert Hill Gayle Voygt E. E. Nelson John Ferguson William Colton Ronald & Shirley Anderson G. H. Richardds Stephen & Suan Hatfield Richardd Marcum Jacob Fisk L. L. Johnson David Kreason Ernest D. Volz Yarrow Ct. - 3302 thru 3383 Anthony J. Deane, Jr. Lawrence H. Cuneo Ilene Deane Mary Deane A.F. Zwart Russel] Gates Arthur Knief L. E. Freeman John L. Fuschino Edward Serfozo B. J. Andree John P. DeSiato Zephyr Street - 3220 - 3950 James R. Hoshour Guy Kaskie Donald E. Pitner S. Powers Ernest A. Cavalieri Alvin Sihler Edward Delbert Lloyd R. Shade Clifford M. Boyce Alfred Bernhardt Frank Stites F & D. Baxter Robert E. Kaufman Frederic C. Dobson Larry E.~ Peppel Frank & Rosemary Palmeri Alma Elliott Elmer & Virginia Ricci Roy Stein D. E. Wi7kin ,r7 ~So "~ OCC~Q~"at -' '~ ; 33 3~ ?~ ~3v~ 3 37r 339E Ammons Ct. - 3201 - 3271 M. J. Hughes Pullen I. Lunt Ivan & Florence Bilderback Stanley Ross Kris & Michael Horn Ronald K. Pierce J. Stuart Moore - Balsam St. - 3200 - 3280 M. J. Spengler John W. Maxwell W. Wes Hamilton, Jr. William Hinz Paul Looper Donald DeBerard R.L. Klutsch 5;~.~/,u~;..t sass'~3.~rsg,~ Cody Ct. - 3200 - 3295 E. E. Youngblood - H. E, Volz H. L. Whitney D. E. Dallas Lloyd B. Johnson J.J. Miner G. Hubert lee ' W. 34th Drive - 7848 - 7928 Lyle Polson Jay E. Reasoner West 32nd Avenue - 7661- 8465 C. E. Rist Solomon Malin Jim Capra B. Griebling B. Hanlon K. Mason Eric Rust Theresa Sample Vince Alvarado Ray Kelley E. A. Wojtkewicz A. Patrick P.J. Anderson T. Sample Terry Gilkey C. Casson W. Schwindt W. 32nd Avenue - 7561 - 8465 (continued) Paul Nienhuis T. Radcliffe D. Flora Robert G. Sollenbarger M. Steinmetz L. W. Elias Paul & Debora DiRusso Jack,Ruland Karen Martin A.J. Williams J. K. Kroeter D. Nelson ' W. L. Beye A. D. Zinanti Verne Eason Pam Vest John Baumann Gary Voiland Phillip & Louis Trujillo D.H. Schneby 0. J. Hursh W. 32nd Avenue - 8805 - 9120 Merle Albrecht Nenry Rosen Warren & Jeannette Tripp Thelma Cochran E. L. Alexander M. E. Fenn L. A. Langley S. A. Wilcox John G. Heinz Ruth Kahre Irwin L. Freed berg Lon Roybal Y,irk Grosshans Claude Burke Ralph Strong Larry & Michelle Griffin D. Campbell W. 38th Avenue 7770 - 7823 A. E. Pierson L. K. Waldeck A. S. Colange Timothy Blodgette Mrs. Jack Hileman Victor Fentress M. E, Jeske H. 0. Behrens W. 38th Avenue 7770 - 7823_(continued) B. H. Carver George Bigelow Bill Esterbrook Irvin B. Larsen Gilbert Moritz William Reichel P. E. Brown M.J. Brown David Flores Frank C. Weilminster Jewrry Daughtery John Pietro Peter Corona J. Cahtelainn John Hummel Leon O'Brien Elizabeth Beck Yngve Hanson Gary Gray Marlon Capillupo M. Major E. M. Di Paolo victor Pieropan ,George Aiello Claude Luekens, Jr. J. G. 5maldone William Samland Robert $rannan Pasquale Marchesi Milton Hinst M. G. Boise William Pope Mrs. Henry Merz Mrs. C. C. Christiansen W. 38th Avenue 8391 - 9180 Ronald H. Moewes Denis Searles Dick Isaacs Carl Kirchmar Russell Sage Logan William Paulson Mark Broncucia I. R. VanBuskirk Robert Vigil Lt. Col. N.P. Callas 0. C. Meyer Jack Bennett Dan Wagner Christina Wfietsel Donald Whetsel Lee Bakken Roma Sorensen W. 38th Avenue 8391 - 9180 (continued) Wide Horizon Santorium Mary H. Steward Peter & Ruth Homburger William Bowman Jeff & Shannon Neustaedter Leonie Jones Karl Bongers Rev. A. Lawrence Angus W. 32nd Avenue - 9200 to 10000 K, Wilm Don & Michal West Stephen Finnis A. W. Tschannen Georgia Lodders William J. Stephens .6 ~ Meeting - May 11, 1987 - LMC Auditorium - Neighbors from Allison Court Present: Wiley_Barner - Healthcare International Rick Bengert - Cedar Springs Hospital (Administrator) Sonny Moore - Cedar Springs Hospital (Asst. Administrator) LMC Staff present- Richard Taylor ' .Tom Stegbauer Kathy Lindquist-Rleissler Joyce Angel About 25 people attended from the neighborhood - signed list Dick Taylor opened the meeting with introductions and a brief discussion of the proposed roadway design showing a new access to .the property from 32nd Avenue, and a "Y" shape through the LMC property, with two signal lights on 38th - one at present location, and an additional one at Carr. Also commented that the type of psychiatric patients anticipated to be treated in new facility are now being treated here -. in the Emergency Room, some are admitted, and some treated by physicians on our staff as outpatients. ,Wiley Barney was introduced and briefly described the physical facility of the_planned center, the background and expertise of HII (40 years experience beginning with the Brown Schools in Texas). He showed the location on the LMC, property. He explained that it would be a residential, non-institutional facility, built in phases with the first being two residential modules of 32 ,beds each, an education building and an Administrative area built around an inner-courtyard. Patients are short-term - average length of stay 24.8 days. Meeting was then opened to questions. (Q. indicates question or comment from the audience - and A. the response and by whom.) Q. What type of patients will be housed in facility? A. (WB) "Your neighbor" - children, adolescents and adults with problems - but not the criminally insane. 96~-97g are admitted voluntarily and about 3o are there on court-prescribed 72-hour mental health holds for evaluation. Q. How do you figure this facility will benefit us as neighbors - it is 'against' us - It has already lowered the value of our property. Don't see how it can help at a11. The hospital ,has always been high-handed and uncooperative (continuing flood situation - parking problems, blacktop problems, etc.) This would just add more streets and cars - too much traffic already. This facility should not be built here. Neighborhood cannot handle it. Plans as shown will not be any improvement in traffic. ;_~ Meeting - May 11, 1987 Page 2 A."' (DT) The plan has been designed so that more of the traffic will be internal, on hospital grounds, than on the streets. Q. Comment that many people now use the hospital grounds to cut through from 32nd Avenue to 38th Avenue - and that would increase., Q. About a traffic light.- An'additional light would be installed on 38th Avenue - probably at Carr, possibly at Cody. The accusation was made that the hospital doesn't care of the neighborhood problems it causes now - no reason to believe they will in this case. We've been here a long time - 25 to 30 years experience with the hospital. Comment was made about closing Allison to 35th Avenue - meant to be a plus for the neighbors. Q. Will the patients have freedom of the grounds or will they be confined? A. (WB) and (RB) - Every hospital is different depending on patient population. Proposal is for a free-standing hospital - anticipate three programs, for children, adolescents and adults - the goal would be to not have locked units -.some will be necessary from time to time - only when additional security is needed - it is a psychiatric ICU with one-to-one staff to patient population. Design is that of a campus with ambulatory patients. Q. Is there any thought about widening 32nd? - They hope not! A. (TS) Tom discussed at length the traffic study, the number of trips per day on the various streets around the hospital, and the fact that 32nd carries limited traffic. Psychiatric unit would add total of 160 trips per day (80 in morning and 80 at night) - with maximum of 200 at full capacity. He explained that the City of Wheat Ridge has plans to widen 38th Avenue to a maximum of four lanes over a 4-year period beginning at Sheridan and moving to Youngfield. The City will begin sometime in the 1990's to build 32nd out to YOungfield. Q. Have there been any incidents (at Cedar Springs) where patients have caused problems in the neighborhood? A. (RB) Bengert stated that in his 2~ to 3 year tenure at Cedar Springs Hospital, not one incident has caused a problem for the . neighborhood. Even has a letter saying that the neighbors consider- the hospital a "good neighbor". Cedar Springs has been operating as a psych facility for 60 years. (Our neighbors find it hard to believe that there have been no problems at ali because. of patients) Meeting - May 11,1987 Page 3 Q. If a Judge can designate someone to go to this facility on a 72-hour mental health hold, there will be some there who are too violent? Will they be taken? A. (DT) Only on a 72-hour hold if required. (R$) The hospital will have its own admission criteria. It is not in our best interests to take the. kind of patients who are criminals - not intended to be a forensic unit where "guards" would be required. (Dr. Cohen) - Patients are currently processed here in these instances through the Emergency Room - 2 or 3 a week. They are then sent elsewhere - not keeping violent patients. (DT) Any human being can come to the Emergency Room for treatment - no matter what the problem. . (WB) Health professionals who practice here will create admission policies and procedures and will decide the kind of patients who are appropriate for this facility - but there can be no guarantees. Q. It will not be a half-way house? A. (WB) No. Q. Is there any way it is tied.to..a CON? Q. (DT) Dick described the CON process LMC has gone through at length. Started 5 years ago and then-discontinued. It was reassessed because of the need. in the community. Five other facilities also submitted CON's. Eventual application submitted jointly betwen LMC and HII was granted. Said that after July 1, CON's will no longer be required. Q. Will this joint venture be continued indefinitely? A. (DT) This will be a long term relationship. LMC owns the land and the building, HII will construct and operate the facility. Q. How will the traffic plan coincide with that of the Foothills Medical Office Building? A. (DT) Doctors will have access only to 38th - no internal traffic. Q. What is situation for traffic light coordination on 38th? It is areal problem to get from Allison onto 38th. A. (DT) Have ,plans to try and add a light at Carr. Tom again explained that, we currently have 9 curb cuts and the intent would be to reduce that to"keep most traffic on the 'campus. Meeting - May 11, 1987 Page 4 Q. Will the roadway impact the fitness area? - Also, there should be some way.to buffer or protect the area from construction.- Need physical. barriers or berms to protect neighbors. A: (TS) Crosswalks are planned, Walking or jogging track,,will..be planned. Also plan to correct the drainage problems. There will be a 100 ft. buffer 'strip of undeveloped property between houses and the first building. Q. How.come we didn't get a 100 ft. strip? -- Q. Tf.Foothills.will only have one curb cut, traffic will be terrible when all doctors, employees and patients_try to leave for the. day. The neighborhood is caught right between the medical staff and the City Council. Q. You keep saying. the "good of the community" - LMC is doing this for their own pocketbooks. "You won't do a damn thing about tfx~ traffic problem with the city - Not one word has ever been the truth." Q. One lady said kids go to Wilmore-Davis School - Will they still be able to cut through the property or will the psych facility area be closed off? A. (DT) Facility won't be closed off in that sense - we will have a path for pedestrian traffic. Q. What are you doing about lighting and sound control? Comment that traffic now proposed for 32nd is not strictly for psych facility. Also - concerned about ambulance traffic. A. (TS) Ambulance traffic will remain on 38th Avenue - the hospital has strong control over ambulance traffic and will keep it on 38th. Lighting system will'be diffusional, shooting light downward but will not have a football field look. Q. One neighbor said he could read his newspaper from parking lot lights now. Will you specify lights that will not bother the neighborhood? Q. Any sound control fencing planned? A. (TS) 32nd Avenue will have high enough berm along the entrance to hide a car - also trees. Do not want to do a fence on the edge of the road for appearances. Q. What about east side of parking lot? Fence is currently maintained at the resident's expense - he would prefer the hospital build. something and maintain it at their expense. Q. Trees have been planted - but neighbors have to water. Meeting - May lI, 1987 Page 5 Q. How far ,along is this project? A. (TS) Will be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge on May 22 for 7/13 approval. Q. What does the Mayor thindc? A. (TS) He will be here tomorrow nigk~t. Q. Assuming detrimental impact on property, would something be done? Q. We appreciate and need the hospital - basically, we all appreciate it. Feel that the hospital pays minimal amount of attention to fitting in with the neighborhood. Expansion of parking lots has been a problem and poorly planned. A. (DT) We have planted trees and put in $11,000 worth of curbing - more still to be done, but not much. Q. Resident who lives in last house on, Allison Court - Has weed patch behind his house - we planted pines and called that landscaping - poor attempt at best. Parking would not have to be in people's back yards with all that property. Q. Why have we selected .this parcel to develop the psych facility when we have other areas? A. (DT) No one specific reason - One is size of that particular parcel. Wiley Barney added that in planning, the lower profile buildings are better around the periphery of a property - which also leaves the center open to expand the main hospital when necessary to add ambulatory services, doctors' offices, and other facilities which have to be near the main. hospital. The psych facility can stand alone and is not dependent on the hospital. Q. About our long-ago petition for R-1 zoning. A. (TS) Originally rezoned for an administrative office building which has not been built. Still has R-1 zoning. Q. Do you intend making the roadway entrance and exit on 32nd at the same time the psych facility is opened?' A. (DT) Yes, Roadway plans will parallel psych development. Q. How long will it be under construction? A. (DT) Roadway may be next year - Wiley Barney said building construction would take 7 to 9 months to begin by early fall. Meeting - May 11, 1987 Page 6 Q. Is that the complete roadway or will other entrances be added in future? A. (DT) This is the roadway we envision to 'be adequate .for the next 20 years. Q. What can we expect i~ traffic is heavier than expected after 10 years? A. (TS) As determined by the City, 38th will be widened to a maximum of 4 lanes. Q. Since this property is high in regard to our area, has drainage already been confronted? Something will be running off concrete. A. (TS) 7 drainage zones coming 'out of property - Drainage has to be planned before any development can begin. 100 of runoff has to be retained on our property. It will be detained and released slowly so that City storm drains can"handle it. Three new detention areas will be created. Q. How will you quickly get some of the drainage from psych facility? A. (TS) IInder the employee parking lot - cannot stand on concrete or be dumped into existing ditch. Q. What is maximum number of patients after all three building are built? A. (WB) First phase (two buildings) will house 64 patients (48 with usual population of 80~ capacity). Three buildings would house 120 at 100 occupancy, which is unlikely at any one time. Q. Where are these patients being treated now? A. Jefferson County patients are not now being treated anywhere in Jefferson County - thus the need. They now go out of the community - to Mt. Airy, Bethesda, Boulder. Adolescent patients being housed out of area creates problems for, physicians, families, etc. -The CON hearing officer determined a.need in Wheat Ridge. Other facilities now-are full with waiting lists. Q. Who will actually own the facility? A. (DT) Lutheran Medical Center will owri the,land'and the building and HII will operate. Q. Suppose HII has financial problems or something else happens in the future? What assurances do we have that this facility would not 'not change its focus:. to house less .desirable patients? A. (DT) LMC,has no interest in that type of facility. Would find another company with same philosophy and quality-consciousness or operate it ourselves. HII has 40 years in business - problems unlikely. Meeting - May 11, 1987 Page 7 (TS) added that facility would be built for this specific purpose and only possible alternative use could be a nursing home. Q. Strong'"comment to finish discussion was that if we (neighbors) allow this to be built, we are asking for it. The neighbors should 'stop this facility from being built at all. 'Lutheran Medical Center is interested only in money. Wiley Barney showed slides of similar facilities they operate around the country. One side comment heard after the meeting - Are there any government funds involved in this project? No. Some of the neighbors have long-standing resentment against LMC for various perceived grievances - some dating back to the major flood of 1965. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. - Coffee, punch and cookies were served. Joyce Angel /~~- ~~ /vt f y e. Coffin ~.~ ~ti~~ _ _ .... _ .... l~ ~ ia_ ~~ '~- - (/,~{/(~ [L _ s Ate. °~ '7 < [ ~ J ~. ~ l ~y/~_~,~ ~ 1 /4~ _'^' - C/. / J J. (.C/~.1/`G.f""/mµµ_ Gi, . JJOLCG ^% `T n/ TAGI.[~' 3S ~S /~-~L /,1UN C % _ . ct . . f 3 ~ ~ .~ _ iS6.r ... \~/'A~„ ~i~xfEr 3355 ~e~~~c,Jr ~~ f ~~1P~v~~c(ct e~ ~'C,~ ~~c`33 •-iJCrJ ~~ z. r. ~ .... r. ... ~ y~e ~ .. ~~.~,~~ ... ,_ . ^, ~ ~ ~S ~ L~,r.,~ ~ . 1,/vl•"~L~ ~ - ...J ~~s~y ~(~}SG~ S~(, f~l(tson; .~~,.~ • • Meeting - LMC Auditorium - May 12, 1987 -- Neighborhood Groups from Zephyr Court and 32nd Avenue Present: Wiley Barner - Healthcare International Rick Bengert - Cedar Springs Hospital Dr. Dave Wahl - Psychiatrist on LMC Staff Neal Bastable- Landplan Design Group LMC representatives -.Richard Taylor Tom Stegbauer Kathy Lindquist-Rleissler- Helen Matthews Joyce Angel Dick Taylor opened the meeting, as the evening before, with introductions, an explanation of the roadway plan, and a brief description of the plans for a psychiatric facility. Wiley Barner gave a much more comprehensive description of the plans for the physical facilities anal the types of_patients who would be admitted. ___ Meeting was opened for questions from the audience. Q. Who will own the facility? A. (DT) Land and facility owned by Lutheran, and leased to HII for construction and operation of the hospital. Q. How was that particular site chosen as opposed to one closer- to the hospital? A. (DT) Traffic layout is intended to leave room through the middle- of the property for future facilities which need to be closer to and connected with the main hospital - such as ambulatory services, doctors' offices, taller buildings Psychiatric facility can be free-standing and independent of the hospital, and have a much more residential look to fit in better,. closer to the neighborhoods. Q. How many are in Cedar Springs facility? A. (RB) Licensed for 100 patients - current population about 83. Q. How about ambulance sirens in the middle of=the night? A. (DT) It is not our intention to allow ambulances to go through the 32nd entrance and cut through the campus.- we can control this and will allow them only to use 38th Avenue entrances as they do now. Q. What about helicopter pad? A. It will be in same location. Q. Will 35th Avenue be cut through to Wadsworth? A. (DT) Nothing at all will be done to change_35th Avenue t_o t_he ,east or open it to Wadsworth. Meeting - May 12, 1987 Page 2 Q. At what street will the new entrance from-32nd Ave. be placed? A. (DT) No particular street - It will. be constructed on the. greenhouse property which we currently own - probably closest street would be Cody Court. Q. Is there. any danger that some time in-the future Cody would be cut through - and not be a deadend street? A. (DT) To be honest, don't know what future developments will be - but it is not our intention to open any of the. current deadend streets into our property. One of our objectives-is-to keep as much traffic as possible internally on LMC campus. Q. How will you keep people from using often the emergency road which will go around the psychiatric facility? A. (WB) The road is intended to be a fire lane only or for other heavy emergency-type equipment. It will be. narrower and probably surfaced differently to discourage general vehicle traffic. It will also be controlled_with few_parking areas accessible £o it. Q. As to types of patients to be admitted - will there be any drug and alcohol rehab patients? A. (WB) No drug and alcohol patients will be admitted for treatment. Focus will not be toward addictive people. Part of the admission criteria will be "medically stable, ambulatory, etc." not people going through withdrawal or from abusive situations. Q. How about people screaming and yelling, leaving the facility, strolling thrquah the -neighborhoods, etc? Are you familiar with Parkside? They have problems with people urinating in the area, robberies, problems around the houses, etc. I live closest to Module A and am con_c_erned about these patients. A. (WB) Focus is not on that type of patient. Children and adolescents in HII facilities are well.-behaved, orderly, have many activities, and are closely supervised. A. (Dr. Wahl) Parkside focuses on the drug and alcohol rehabilitation patient, but it is not just a matter of diagnosis. When patients and children act that way; it indicates that the facility is not meeting their needs - a quality place such as HII has gives a sense that patients are cared for by the staff and they respond with better behavior. Q. Was a study done as to what happens to real estate values in the area? A. (DT) No impact study was done. Q. Where is the Cedar Springs facility located? (WB) In a multi-use area, near the Broadmoor and other residential areas. Meeting - May 12, 1987 Page 3 Q. Again - no study as to real estate values was done? A. (WB) No,but planning staff feels values will be impacted in a positive way due to quality of the planned facility. Q. How would you feel about having a facility like this in your neighborhood? A. (WB) Since I am familiar with our facilities, I wouldn't mind having a facility like that in my neighborhood because it has minimal impact - although. you may feel my response is biased. Q. I do think your answer is biased! Q. Would like to talk to people that live near there. Q. You say that criminally adjudicated or insane people would not be an appropriate admission. Can the Courts say this is an appro- .. priate admission for this facility and have someone admitted? A. (WB) No - admission criteria will be established. Court cannot order a patient to go to a specific place.- except on basis of a 72-hour mental health hold for evaluation. Q. Will the new road be a county highway? A. (DT) It will be a private road, maintained by Lutheran. Q. Speed limit 65? A. (DT) The road was deliberately designed not to be straight to discourage speeding. Q. Concerned about roof heights and visibility - are roof heights up to 28 Ft? {would be equivalent to 3 stories on high ground.) A. (TS) Sloped roofs will be 28 ft. with tile. Peak of hill needs to be reduced in order to .get a proper entrance and a slope of no more than 4~ grade. (Neal Bastable) Discussed in detail how ground would be lowered where buildings are to be built - what elevations would be etc. Ground would be about level with roadway. Q. Who will handle Security? _ A. (DT) •LMC working with HII to decide how security (RB) Security in Cedar Springs is handled by two people along with-other staff members always on d here can be better_ controlled by proper. design of External security people on duty at Cedar Springs 7:00 AM. will be handled. specific security ity. Security facility. from 6:00 PM to Meeting - May 12, 1987 Page 4 Q. Do they shut down each quarter at a certain time? A. (WB) "Lights out" will vary, but. be a definite time each day. (RB) What you will find is that this facility has fewer security problems than other types of medical centers. Patients are in treatment .about 18_hours a day, supervised by professional-.staff at all times, and some are in school. Q. Are the 3$ more difficult patients locked in or treated like others? A. (RB) if someone is acutely in need of additional security, un-its can be locked. Decisions made by doctors, staff, etc. Q. If patients get outside, they can go anywhere they want? A. (RB) Yes, but they are supervised. Q. Do they go into the neighborhood? A. (RB) Have never had that problem at our facility. Normally, patients are. in bed with lights out no later than 10:30 PM for__ adults - children about 8:30 PM. Families are frequently there during the evening for meetings, discussions, etc. (WB) Wiley also said earlier that only entrance and exit from the patient room buildings would be through a nurses' station where someone is always on duty. Q. Do the patients wear uniforms? A. No - street clothes - their usual attire. Q. What is type of patient you have admitted right now? What problems do they have? A. (RB) Patients suffering from depression mostly - some with suicidal tendencies. (Dr. Wahl) - I can't take away the stigma we feel. about psychiatric problems. Patients are like most of us except stresses get to be too much to .cope with. Sometimes suicide is. a solution they consider. They just need an opportunity to get out of-their home situation or work situation or whatever is the problem to discuss it and get their perspective back.- This facility is for this type of patient. Security is partly to keep people out. The patients want to be there. I see patients now 2 or 3 times a week who belong in a setting like this rather than having to return to the situation which is causing their problems. There's always a risk - some percentage of patients might want to run away - some might actually come with withdrawal problems - or following some criminal activity but as soon as that was identified,. they would be moved to an appropriate facility... Meeting - May 12, 1987 Page 5 Q. Can you compare this with St..JOSephs 5th floor? They have a ._ unit designated as a psychiatric unit. A. (Dr. Wahl) One problem with wards in general hospitals is that - they tend to get people who are more disturbed, need medication, and the hospital 'mentality is to get-them in, treat them quickly, and get them out. A separate,- free-standing hospital is much better. (WB) This environment provides a more normal setting in facility where more interaction is possible with staff, family, clergy, the patients' doctors, etc_ Q. These would be people who are more dangerous to themselves than others? Q. "Except for the 3~" Q. Any facts about the number of people brought into Cedar Springs in the 3~ category? A. (RB) We have 100 to 110 admissions monthly - about 1200 per year. Out of .that, perhaps 30 admissions were brought in involuntarily. Q. Is there any possibility that criteria for admission could change in the future to include more serious, more abusive cases?--_. A. (WB) No - bylaws and criteria will be written to preclude that. (DT) It is not in the best interests of Lutheran to change to that type- of patient. (RB) We work closely with the public sector, to be supportive of the community, and to see that patients are treated in a place that is most responsive to their problem. Q. With all the undeveloped land, why was this particular piece--- chosen? A. (DT) Explained again - because it can be a.free°standing facility independent of hospital and to allow more residential type facility on perimeter of .property. Q. Assuming all approvals, when would construction start? A. (DT) Roadway and .facility this summer. Part of roadway would probably be finished next year. Psychiatric facility should be ready to open mid-1988. Q. Traffic flow with proposed road. .Will main road be 2 or 4 lanes? A. (DT) Road on east would eventually be 5 lanes - 2 each way with a turn lane - we perhaps would not build it that big all at once. West road would be more private, service type with 2 lanes plus ,turn lane. Q. With 32nd entrance so close, Cody Court residents will have difficulty even with traffic signal, with stacking traffic backing up to cover their street - difficult to make a left turn and possibility of'more accidents.- -::.~ Meeting - May 12, 1987. Page 6 A. (TS) Discussed traffic density and said Lutheran would work with residents to solve that problem because it will be one. Q. Having been here 25 years - where will we dump branches if "Frog Hollow (?)"'disappears? Wiley Berner showed slides of other HII facilities. Said meeting rooms were heavily used by the public for conferences, meetings, etc. Wiley reiterated (and also invited Monday night's group) that anyone interested could come and tour the Cedar Springs facility to see for themselves what the place and type of patients were like. (One couple indicated on sign-in sheet they would like to do that - I heard another man say he was interested and one on Monday night wanted to visit - don't know if they told anyone else or not. Joyce) Q. Ohe lady said we really aren't here to look at the decor. I think it looks like a quality facility, but I wish it wasn't in our back yard. I am concerned what it is going to do to us as residents. I bought my lot because of view and it is going to take my view. A. -(WB) One reason to stress decor is that it is relevant to the environment of the neighborhood. This type of facility will have much less impact than higher buildings, ambulance traffic, etc. all of which could be built here instead as Lutheran expands, -- which it will do. Q. What will happen down the road? A. (DT) Because of design, about the only thing it could be converted to would be a nursing home, or retirement facility. Q. Most of us on 32nd are concerned you will open the deadend streets in the future. I hope future roads will be off planned entrance inside LMC property. Q. Does state require any specific permit? Has it been OK'd? A. {DT) It will be. submitted to City - it is zoned for psychiatric facility. (TS) Tom explained process indicating that the Planning Commission and City Council meetings are open to public and will be announced in the Sentinel. Q. When will architectural drawings be available of actual design? Will there be an opportunity for people to review? A. (TS) We can show them to you - you can come in tq see them. No meeting currently planned for that. a 4 ~ • • Meeting - May 12, 1987 Page 7 Q. How well lighted will this area be? A. (WB) Downward directed lighting will be used in open spaces and lots, and some garden type light fixtures. Q. (Comment overheard after general meeting ended. "I think they are selling us a bill of. goods and once it is done, they will change the type of patients admitted and there won't be anything we can do about it.") Meeting adjourned about 8:50 PM - Many stayed to ask individual questions. Joyce Angel r ~. ~ ~ _ ... x: r-.y ~ ~ ~-O'~_.... .'3.3.5 q~ -- - ~_- -------- -----....:. -~-- --- - - .. ~~ o s _...~ .......... ...- ------._.... _ I': -- -- . .T. ~ ~c~tf.J7~~~,p - ~/o~ lfi ~Z ~~-~ :... ; .,~.~.~.~ :a~~d,R-- 327 5' ~~ G'~ , ,~ _ ,~ ,~~ 3~~~ ~~ /~~ ~ l,~ c~~JTS 'r'O ~ ~ `('~ See C' ~r ~ ~ r ~ n~~ _:- ~ _._. 1~ ..._ .. .. .. ~ ... ~. .. ___ ~_~ _ ! Meetiag - LMC Auditorium - May 13, 1987 Neighborhood Groups from Dudley West and along 38th Avenue Present - Wiley Barner, Healthcare International Dr. Al Levine, LMC Medical Staff ._. LMC Representatives r Kathy Lindquist-Kleissler __. Tom Stegbauer Helen Matthews Joyce .Angel Kathy Lindquist-Kleissler greeted the audience, made introductions, and presented the introductory remarks about .the planned projects. Tom Stegbauer discussed the overall site plan and plans for the new roadway through the property and to 32nd Avenue. Wiley Barner described HII and the psychiatric facility. Issued invitation for attendees to visit the Cedar Springs facility and asked them to indicate if,they were interested on sign-in sheet. Opened meeting to questions from the audience. ~Q. How does this differ from the facility at 32nd and Kipling? A. That is a longer term,_ residential treatment facility - Ours will not be a half-way house in any sense. Q. Once patients complete treatment and come out, do you come back with treatment as outpatients? A. Generally, No - As program matures, it-might be a possibility. to have a day-hospital, but that is not currently planned. Q. You really won't be generating too much additional traffic? A. (WB) No - a traffic study has been done. there will not be a constant flow of traffic.. ~ Q. Would there be much family visiting? A. Family visits are a very important part of the program - the physician decides that schedule - most visits would occur_early_ in the evening and on weekends. Q. Weekends are the only time we get any relief from the traffic! - (lives at 34th and Dudley) A. (TS) New road should really help that situation. Q. You mentioned that patients will not be criminally insane. What types of patients will be admitted? _. A. (Dr. Levine) - Patients I now see at Lutheran are then currently being referred to east side of town. One problem has been lack of access nearby_for_care o£ these patients.. There is a high teenage suicide risk, perhaps an overdose by an adolescent. Biggest adult problem is depression. .Increasing evidence that Meeting - May 13, 1987 Page 2 Depression is biological perhaps not eating, not not able to function at in nature. Some people are despondent, sleeping, not taking care of themselves, home or at work. Another type is the medical patient who is already in Lutheran for medical rather than. psychiatric reasons'- something may go wrong such as medications, etc. and they develop an "organic brain syndrome" causing extreme upset or.confusion_ which requires short term treatment until they are stabilized. Other types of patients might be young people and even children with acute psychotic conditions, schizophrenia, etc. Sometimes happens to children who are neglected or abused, refuse to mind or go to school, etc. One All facility has 14 beds for -the 5-10 age group and it is full with a waiting list. Q. Addressed to RLK as Planning Director -This appears to be first broad, long. term planning of full site. is this-the beginning of rapid development beginning with the psychiatric unit? What are your next steps? Financially, what will this cost and how much do you have in the bank to do it? A. (KLK) - This is an overall master site plan attempting to look. at the next 25 years or so, trying to organize development of our whole campus. Can't tell specifically what will go in each proposed site. We do have a list of potential projects, but the industry changes rapidly, and perhaps the needs of the community and the hospital will change - so we will make our plans as they seem to best fit the situation. Q, Are you going to be out there with bulldozers and other heavy equipment? What about handling drainage for whole project? A. (TS) City of Wheat Ridge has two-step process to solve drainage problems. When anyone who owns a parcel wants to do- a development, they have to do a drainage plan for the entire piece. We have to show exactly how we will deal with a 100-year storm. First phase of drainage plan was approved today. Q. What is your completion date? A. (TS) Road during 1987 construction season, but may not,be finished. The facility will take 7 to 9 months with construction beginning about September. Q. (Jack Swanson) The road will require removal of several houses - what ones? - what about Blue House? Why are you taking the road out in the middle of a block instead of the middle of an intersection? A. (TS) Many decisions-have to be made about the houses, the trailers, the Blue House, etc. Costs of developing the full road will determine our schedule and-allow us time to make decisions.- If we bring the road .out at Balsam to 38th, it would be almost a straight road through to 44th and draw_a-lot of additional traffic. Our plan divides £he property into more developable sites, and also "T" intersections are safer. Meeting - May 13, 1987 Page 3 i q. It is dangerous to try to get on 38th from Brentwood. The light shows red for eastbound but when ybu'puIl out, the light for westbound is green and traffic is right there. A. (TS) We will get together to discuss-.that because that is a problem that can be resolved through discussion with the City. Q. Where are construction trucks going to go? Every time there is construction, streets are torn up (Dudley). A. (TS) We did repair some=damage from our road construction - or at least we paid to have it done becuase the city requires it. Q. Construction trucks move out of designated areas. Dudley is built to handle 27-,000 lbs., and trucks weigh 54,000 lbs. When they drive there, we have to call the .police. Followed one one day which supposedly was going to Foothills construction project, and it actually went to a project on Kipling near Ridge Home! Q. Are you going to have that road off 32nd pretty well developed before you begin anything? A. We will be working on them simultaneously. Q. Will you be hauling dirt? A. Perhaps not - we will be digging dirt, but will also have many places to use it, so may not have to take it off-property. Q. Db you really think that road on the right going through the property is.going to take away from Dudley enough to be measurable? What will happen to 38th if that increases traffic there? A. ITS) Tom explained the traffic study, trips per day on various streets, etc., and said we honestly believe that almost 2000 trips per day will transfer to 32nd. Q. What will you do about traffic when additional development is done? A. (TS) Traffic will depend on type of development. Hospital trips are actually down, and we may develop types of facilities which do not have heavy traffic requirements. Q. We have seen impact just with the medical office buildings. A. (TS) Will have to .have a solution before the city will allow us to proceed. Q. Regarding 35th Ave. extension. A (TS) City OK'd previous plans but they have not worked well, and we are still trying to solve those problems. Slides were-shown of HII facilities. ~3 iy~ es . _ 1~/a~1 tl'~~G .!~~v 5~``. _. . _,.-7Y~Z__Vpi,.~c t,~~~~..C.(~-8cx>o~ ... .:;: . ~ ~ -- ---- . _ iu-wcT ::. .:.;; i-. ~ S.'.~-.~.,. _.. ,... 3.7/l . A s-~.-~- ------- -~'-0033 --- ! n.t~, `~ .,CLl~s~ T~.u..at~- _ .... 3 ~f.2 S' ~ v. ~-~ S7' lti~`'.~.~~~~~ ~0~33 ~~4~°zi's~ `G~ _ _ :-~~ ~; ~ f7~~ 3~i s~ ~.~ ,~ :t s ~ ~ y`'~.Z.(~!.v :3775 f~c:i..l~ Vl~-Lk 1' Ll.~~l~r ~~ f ~ .- ,; U _ .. P.O.aOX638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City Of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 Wheat Ridge May 26, 1987 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for annrnvat of a Planned Buildine Group plan . Your response to t e following questions an any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by June 5. 1987 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE N0: PBG-76-1/LUTHERAN MEDICAL CENTER LOCATION; 8300 W. 38th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: APProval of a Planned Building Group Plan PURPOSE: Construction of a mental health facility AREA; 94 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this,,dAehvelopment? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lin s available to the development? -~'t~s F~ou7 w°~- ~ ~PrvC~~D~n7~ YES N0 If "NO", please explain below.u~on 'N^~ p~opos~h ~`~~, L'DnnPC{eD /p ~' Gua~l/ Ala/n 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES =,°r- NO If 'NO'S please explain below. ~. Can and will yotm agency service this proposed development sub3ect to your rules and regulations? YES; NO IF "NO"~ please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? ~/D CITY Please reply to': Meredith Reckert D OF w~'FAT ;Q.r,~r Department of Community Deve opment 'E~ Current Planning Division DISTRIBUTION: ~Y ~~ k98~ ' r xx Water District ( W.R. ) American Cable Vision xx Sanitation istrict ( j; R • ) xx Jefferson Co. Scahools~~~ri~'g~~ D'&'y,~Q Fire District--( W.x. Adjacent C1ty ( ) xxJefferson Co•. Commissioners p~ xx Public Service Co. Wheat Ridge Post Office xx Mountain Bell xxWheat Ridge Police Dept. State Land Use Commission Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. . State Geological Survey Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colo. Division of Highways Wheat Ridge Building Division "The Carnation City" Rev. 8/23/85 i i D~D~~ ~IDG~ ~i~~ ~~O1~C1100 DISi~ICI r.o. sox soy 3880 Upham Stree4 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 June 9, 1987 Jack Pmse Tan Stegbauer Glen Arden Paul McCorrison City of Wheat Ridge Lutheran N~dical Center Hascaood K. SYnith & Partners, Inc. Paul C...McCorrison, P.E. Re: N~eting Report June 2, 1987 Gentlemen: Having reviewed the minutes of the_JLme 2, 1987 meeting ~ncerning Hanaood K. Smith project No. 3281, Psychiatric Hospital at Lutheran N~dical Center, I sulanit the follaving correction on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Fire_Pmtection District. Point #24 should be corrected as follaas: The fire loop road must be an all weather hard surface road not less than twenty (20) feet in width unobstructed. .Also such fire hydrants as may be rerniired must be in place, charged and tested prior to combustible construction products arriving on the site. The fire-loop road will be required and must be maintained during construction. su}xni.tted by, ~ - J. M. WiLis: Administrator JMd:mlb cc file CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~}~{~ i ~~ 1987 ~. L ., _ ~ SOAI3AUNISY DEVELt3?MEHT P.O. 80X 636 - - TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE .WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 cWheat Ridge May 26, 1987 The Wheat Ridge Department of approval of a Planned Buildi has received a request for aL tine property described below Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by June si1987 No response from you by this date will constitute no obJections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE N0: PBG-76-1/LUTHERAN MEDICAL CENTER LOCATION; 8300 W. 38th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a Planned Building Group Plan PURPOSES Construction of a mental health facility APPROXIMATE AREA: 94 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YF~ NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? ~ 7 YES NO If "NO", please explain below, (( 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? ,,.~ YES NO If 'NO', please explain .below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development sub,)ect to your rules and regulations? ~' NO IF "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to': Meredith Reckert ~P e o V C Y Department of Co®unity Deve opment Current Planning Division ,,DISTRIBUTION: __ -__ -_ -_ __ -Water District (__w.R. CITY pF WHEAT RIDGE - - ) American Cable Yision ~ ~ (~~ XxSanftation District ( SW.R. ) xXJefferson Co. Health Dept (~.L~.-~~ xX Fire District ( W.R. ) Jefferson Co. Schools AdJacent City ( ) xX Jefferson Co. Commission D .~~~ 0 ~ 1987 xx Public Service Co. Wheat Ridge Post Office ':~ xx Mountain Bell XXWheat Ridge Police Dept. t:.:.. -'-~ ~- State Land Use Commission Wheat Ridge Publie Works Dep UHF Eik~ELQ~ State Geological Survey Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colo. Division of Highways Wheat Ridge Building Division "The Carnation City" Rev. 8/23/85 ~. We do not have sufficient information as to requirements for us to give an unqualified answer. However from preliminary plans submitted by the developer for the proposed installation of new mains between West 32nd Avenue and West 38th Avenue, we believe the area can be served adequately. This would probably require the installation of a master meter vault and probably booster pumps. Final plans cannot be made without a hydraulic study by a qualified hydraulic engineer. P.O. BOX 538 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 he Clfy Of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 ~ileat Ridge May 26, 1987 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a Planned building Group plan . Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by June 5. 1987 No response from you by this date will c e no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO PBG-~l/ THERAN MEDICAL CENTER LOCATION: 8300 W. 38th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a Planned Building Group Plan PURPOSE: Construction of a mental health facility AREA; 94 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If 'NO', please explain below. ~J. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your ru1'es and regulations? YES' NO IF "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to': Meredith Reckert Department of Community Deve opment Current P1 Division DISTRIBUTION: xx Water District ( w.R. (Co Mutual) erican Cable Vision xx Sanitation District ( W• Jefferson Co. Health Dept. xx Fire District ( w•R• ) Jefferson Co. Schools Adjacent City ( ) xxJefferson Co. Commissioners xX Public Service Co. Wheat Ridge Post Office Xx Mountain Bell xxWheat Ridge Police Dept. xx State Land Use Commission Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colo. Division of Highways Wheat Ridge Building Division "The Carnation City" Rev. 8/23/85 THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • P.O. Box 15068 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 Telephone 238-0451 June 11, 1987 h1s. Meredith Reckert Department of Community Development Current Planning Division City of Wheat Ridge P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 RE: City of Wheat PBG-76-1/Luthera Planned Buildin 38th Avenue. Dear Meredith: Q:ITY OF ~,~Ik-iEAT R.ft~(;B F JU~t 1~ 1987 ~~~ ~~ ~ COMMiJNITY OEVELOPM~NT Ridge Case Number n medical Center, g Group, 8300 West This will acknowledge-receipt of your correspondence dated may 26, 1987, received in our office on June 9, 1987.- Please be advised that-the shove referenced. project, specifically the Pyychiatric Care_Center and__that portion of the Lutheran medical Center lying southerly_of West 35th Avenue -projected, is in an area served by The Consolidated mutual Water Company by virtue of a Distributor's Contract_witl-i the_Qenuer_Water Board. Domestic water service may be be made available to this property subject to compliance- with the Companyts rules, regulations and requirements for such service and. the water tap allocation policies as established by the Denver Water_Board. Fire protection requirements should be obtained from the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District. and forwarded to this office as soon as possible. We have had two (2) preliminary meetings with both the Fire Protection District and the Civil Engineer for this project. It appears, that subject to the completion of certain system improvements, The Consolidated mutual Water Company would be in a position to serve the Psychiatric Care Center as proposed on the "Planned Building Group" plans. Significant system improvements would development beyond what is anticipated per also the question of dual service since West Consolidated f~utual Water Company's service a Ridge Water and Sanitation District. be required prior to-any this submittal. There is 35th Avenue separates The rea from that of the Wheat I/2 . _ There are several hurdles that must be overcome regarding the question of dual service and installation and ownership of the necessary system improvements before the full development potential of this property could 6e realized. While it is apparent that the immediate project, i.e. the Psychiatric Care Center, could be served subject tq completion of certain system improvements, the overall project's future is subject to very careful study, hydraulic analysis, and ultimately, a-determination of whether it is ser~ced by both.- The Consolidated mutual Water Company and the Wheat Ridge Water and Sanitation District, or in its entirety by one or the other entity. These are fairly complex questions and all we can do at this point is to advise you that we are working on a mutually satisfactory solutien and anticipate a meeeting of all parties involved regarding the water service question in the very near future. If you have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Wally Welton, PLS/PE Uice President Engineering and Operations WW:jl cc: Jerry Barrela, Denver Water Department Ralph Johnson, Wheat Ridge Water and Sanitation District Paul C. me Garrison, P.E. mike Queen, CInWCo Superintendent of Distribution Robert Rivera, CP1WCo Engineer Chief Jack Willis, Wheat Ridge Fire and Protection District 2/2 L. J m Public Service UUN 11 1967 PLA1dIVING DEPARTMENT CITY ®9" ~'1~EAT RIDGE P O EOM X38 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Public Service Company acknowledges receipt of ion pumlc sarvlc® Company of Colorado P.O. Box 840 Denver, CO 80201 - 0840 (3031 571 -7511 of the preliminary plot plan We have examined the proposed plot plan of the above captioned subdivision and suggest that defining easements for electric and gas service should be delayed at this time. Easements cannot be adequately delineated at this time due to the uncertainty of the service needs and locations to allow for the most desirable and economic system design.- Easements shall be granted to Public Service Company when service locations are made known for the construction, operation, maintenance, and replacement of their facilities as may be. necessary to provide service within this subdivision or property contiguous thereto, through, over, across, -and under streets, utility easements, and other public places or common areas. Approval of electric and/or gas service to this subdivision is subject to Public Service Company of Colorado rules, regulations and tariffs on file and in effect from time to time with the State Public Utilities Commission, State of Colorado. If you have any questions regarding the above subject matter please contact Ms. Ann Larkin at 571-3531...- >~ ~/~ J. Belecky Electric Distribution Engineering Manager RJB:AL:ah aF wHear hrDCe JUN 2~ f987 C1~AiMUN1iY DEVF.~Qp NT 8300 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 60033 - -- --. (303) 425-4500 II~1'1 LUTHERAN 1i!~~JJ MEDICAL CENTER June 15, 1987 Mr. Glen Gidley Director of Planning City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Glen: • CITY OF 1^JHEAT RIDGE D ., r2-_~..~ sup ~ 1~s~ ,~~tCu . COMMUf~iTY DEVELOPMENT Lutheran Medical Center has submitted for a Planned Building Group approval from the City of Wheat Ridge. Planned Unit Developments/Planned Commercial _ Developments require a significant amount of pro- cessing. It is my understanding that PBG's require less processing. One of the significant areas of difference is in community interaction. Zoning changes require community meetings whereas PBG's do not. Lutheran Medical Center feels the responsibility to be interactive and open with our community. To be consistent with that philosophy, we held three open community meetings. Invitations were sent to everyone shown on the attached lists. Sign-in sheets and minutes are available from those meetings should you have a desire to review them. Lutheran Medical Center intends to be very open in the process of having our Planned Building Group approved. I hope you find the attached lists helpful. Sincerely, /~ `Tom Steg auer - Assistan Vice President TS/ja Enclosures. O4 CO~ yew0~ #.~. .. ~ /876 ~ STATE OF COLORADO _ ROY ROMER, GOVERNOR OFFICE OF COLORADO LAND USE COMMISSION 1313 Sherman St, Rm. 520 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 866-2156 May 27, 1987 Meredith Reckert Department of Community Development City of Wheat Ridge P.O. Box 638 7500 41est 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80D34 Dear Ms. Reckert: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of information regarding PBG-76-1/Lutheran Medical Center Approval of a Planned Building Group Plan. The Colorado Land Use Commission does not-have any specific comments at this time. Thank you for the submittal. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 866-2156. Sincere 1~~es~Z JG~~ ~w~ Charles T. Unseld Staff Administrator CU/lm C1TY CF WHEAT R1DG$ ~ _.. MAY2E1987 ea~s~us~lTr 1)ElafL13P>'WENi CITY OF WFIEAT RIDG~t DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~??,,~~ /r' TRANSMITTAL LETTER PROJECT N X'tiJl~" '" ~~ a DATE: /j~~, ~ To: ~2 QS ~ ... - ... - ,.__ __..._ .. From: *~ ~ `vu-r,~t'~'`~t" ~ ` C/ SUBJECT: The item(s) listed below: ^ :Attached ^- Under Separate Cover IS/ARE ^_ TRANSMITTED HEREWITH FOR YOUR: ^ _Approval ^ InformationlFiles ^ Return_ __- f ~_Rev_iewlComments__ _ _ _ ^- Signature(s) ^ Other IS/ARE_ ^ RETURNED HEREWITH BY: _ . ^- Approved ^ Approved. as Noted ^ For Revision & Resubmittal ^ Other ~ Additional Comments Attached Return Date:_ I #emc -Trn nem i ##orl • - - ^ Disapproved.. Copy to 1. 2. 3. 4. ^ Action. ^ Corrections C.6.1 Additional Comments: ~ifSfi~,tr~ v~ /~-C'.~Ge~ ~iLdti1/ti'tilr- Z>Z~-~rL~`- MEMORAPID UM TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner FROM: John Oss, P.E., Civil Engineer DATE: June 10, 1987 SIIBJECT: Lutheran Center Master Drainage Report Sorry about the long time review of this document has taken, but there were so many problems with the report, we didn't know where to start. We asked for a master drainage report on the whole site and received what maybe grudgingly called a preliminary report that is notable only for its size and lack of information presented. The attached list of comments details our main concerns on the report. They need to be addressed in a major revision of this document. As discussed earlier with both Planning and Mr. McCorrison, we do not intend to review, in detail, the Psychiatric Center drainage report until the master drainage report is accepted and approved. Please _do not hesitate to contact- me concerning this matter. Please forward a copy of the comments to Mr. McCorrison for his review and comments. Thanks. X17`4° CTF tfrJ~~E~:T Rf~~E JO : f g (l .. ~i~~.s~ ~~ attach. !{ JI ,~~~ 111987 ~_, ~ia~:aaorr~rr ~~vF~oPrA~~ P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 cWheat Ridge "The Carnation City" LUTHERAN CENTER SITE 1. The site is near the upper boundary of Clear Creek/5loans Lake Basins. 2. There are reports that the ditches have overflowed downstream of the site; capacity of the ditches is of course, dependent upon the amount of upstream rainfall; the amount of irrigation water in the ditch at the time of rainfall. A point of interest: Lakewood is dumping storm drainage into the ditch through a storm drain system upstream of the site. Your assumption that the ditch intercepts all run-off is probably okay under most circumstances. 3. How many acres o£ paved parking are we talking about on the hospital parking lot site to the north of the ditches? 4. There are Rl and. R2 zoned hospital must have some idea as be platted and zoned. plotted lots along Dudley. The to proposed uses so the land can 5. How much run-off is being currently accepted by the ditches from the south of the current location? 6. A storm sewer constructed by the City in 1971 is along West 38th Avenue and was sized for the 5-year 1-hour storm. The area intended to be sewered by this line lies to the north of the irrigation ditches and is bounded by Dudley and the north side of West 38th. 7. E-1 --The paragraph does not make sense. The drawing shows two areas which appear to extend to West 32nd Avenue; one with a greenhouse and the other with a residence. 8. It would appear the low area elevation 14 drains basins E-1, OE-3, OE-9 and 0E-10 and they need to be routed to obtain the proper Q and time of detention. 9. A certain portion of the Crown Hill area drains to West 32nd Avenue and may overtop the street crown. This needs to be addressed in more detail than just a statement on the report that West 32nd Avenue intercepts all the run-off. 10. Basin E-2 accepts flow from Basin OE-1 and OE-2. 11. While Basin E-1 and E-2 are low areas without outlets that collect run-off and allow it to evaporate or percolate, the volume of natural detention/retention should be addressed. 12. Basin E-4 - There are questions as to where the irrigation ditch goes after it enters a pipe near 35th Avenue or even if the pipe is still operable. This needs to be addressed as Basin OE-4 and a certain amount of Basin E-4 drain to-this pipe. 13. Basin E-5 lies to the south of West 35th Avenue and is enclosed by the MOB2 perimeter road. It would appear from the map that run-off flows north to the perimeter road and is collected and retained at the detention pond. 14. Basin E-6 - This area is served by a detention pond and the design parameters o£ the pond should be determined. How much of this run-off is not conveyed through the detention pond? 15. Basin E-7 - I do not recall an irrigation ditch along the east side of Dudley to the north of West 35th Avenue. This would mean OE-6 contributes directly to the, basin. This basin must be constructed in accordance with the approved drainage plan -and report dated 4/8/85 and completed by Robinson Engineering, of which you have a copy. 16. Basin OE-2 - Need proof that the ditch on West 32nd does intercept all the run-off from Crown Hill or, if not, how much crosses the road and gets to the hospital property. what evaporates or percolates the water low area on Medical Center property? 17. How much will the low point in Basin E-2 hold before overflowing to Zephyr Street? Has the low point overflowed? 18. OE-3 - Doesn't make sense; need proof of the capacity of West 32nd Avenue (Note 16). 19. OE-4 - We have discussed the irrigation ditch previously in this document. 20. OE-5 - We have discussed the apparent lack of an irrigation ditch along the roadway. 21. 0E-6 - Discuss the existing drainage report. 21a. OE-7 - Mostly pavement so impervious percent should be greater. 22. OE-8 - There is an existing drainage report for this parcel that should be reviewed and discussed in this report. 23. OE-9 - What evaporates or percolates, run-off, Medical Center property or low area? 24. What happens to the run-off created by the new roadway? Is it conveyed directly to 38th and Ammons; caught by the detention ponds; where will the run-off be picked up, etc.? 25. Need to put key for symbols on each drawing. 26. Need to call out design points in each basin description. ~~ ~~ 27. P-6, P-7, P-8 - You are talking about West 38th Avenue, not 32nd Avenue. 28. Talk run-off coefficients as well as impervious percent in your discussion. 29. OP-7 - Should probably include all of West 38th Avenue, not just the south half, as well as a certain amount of landscaping. The roadway may be eventually storm sewered on both sides and will dump into the 38th Avenue sewer. 30. OP-6 - Why didn't you use the same percentage impervious or run-off coefficients as was used in the original report? 31. OP-9 - Would appear percentage impervious should be higher than 50~. 32. The Jeffco criteria has not been accepted by the City of Wheat Ridge as a drainage criteria manual; the equation shown on Page 20 of the report will not be accepted as shown without backup information. In specific, the equations are based upon the premise the 10-year allowable release from a pond is .30 cfs/acre and the 10.0-year event allowable release rate is 1.0 cfs/acre. It would appear to me that, because the coefficient in the equations are based upon the above release rates, the resulting detention pond volume would need to be larger if numbers smaller are used. The City may allow use of this methodology upon receipt of a letter from Ben Urbonos of Urban Drainage, which will address the decreased run-off coefficients used in this report. 33. During our several meetings and conversations, we have discussed the capacity of the existing storm sewer in west 38th Avenue. This pipe was constructed in the early 1970's and is sized to accept the 5-year 1-hour storm from the drainage basin to the north of the ditches. The City maintains the pipe is at or above capacity with the current level of development of the hospital site, and the City's position throughout the course of this project and our meetings, is that the flows received at the storm sewer pipe cannot be increased beyond existing conditions for either the 5, 10 or 100 year events. We have suggested additional detention on the areas of parking that currently have undetained run-off, upsizing the current detention pond in area E-6, and decreasing the release rate from the pond, and construction of a staged release for the detention areas to the south of the ditch so the release would occur after the peak run- off from the areas to the north of the ditch. ~~ !~ 34. Basin E-4 would normally drain through Basin E-7 under the existing condition. Basin OE-4 and OE-5 may also contribute to the overall run-off to design point 7. If you insist on utilizing 2-4 separate basins for the same collection point, the run-off from each basin needs to be routed through the main collection point to obtain the proper time of concentration. 35. Basin E-7 has a graveled parking lot. This would tend to increase the overall basin imperveability and require use of a higher value of C than .20. This basin is supposed to drain to the pond at E-6 according to the design plan and drainage report. This also indicates the lot was to be paved. 36. Basin E-8 --Are the pipes really flowing full? Is the slope you used the average slope, or just a point slope. The slopes and pipe sizes need to be shown on the plan. Basins OE-8, OE-6, E-6, E-8, E-9, OE-7, and E-10 all reach design point 17 directly. All of these except OE-7 and possibly E-9 drain through the pipe in question. These additional basins need to be routed through the pipe and a more reasonable time of concentration established for the original condition (see note 39). 37. OE-8 - There has been an existing drainage report- for the site. What does it say for Tc? 38. Existing coefficient table - Basin E-5 50~ impervious 5-yr c =.50; 10-yr c = .60; 100-yr c = .70, rather than that shown. 39. Assumptions basic to the rational method include 1) the maximum run-off rate is a function of the average rate of rainfall during the time of concentration, and 2) the maximum rate of rainfall occurs during the time of concentration. The time of concentration is defined as the flow time from the most remote point flow timewise in the drainage area to the design point in question. The critical design point for the hospital project is the inlet at West 38th Avenue and Ammons Street. The City has maintained a stance, during our several meetings, that the 36" RCP in West 38th Avenue is at capacity and cannot be expected to accept flows in excess of those which currently reach the inlet. As the system was originally designed to accept run- off from the area to the north of the Rocky Mountain Ditch, this leaves a very large area south of the ditches which must be accommodated, in addition to the existing run-off from the areas to the north of the ditch, especially when one considers basins OE-3, E-1, OE-9, 0E-10, OE-1, OE-2 and E-2_all are detailed and retained in Basin E-2 which is a natural low area. During our several meetings, the City has suggested routing the various sub basins through each other to obtain realistic and reasonable times of concentration. An example would be routing basins OE-4, OE-5, E-4 and E-7 to design point 7. Another example would be to route OE-8, OE-6, OE-7, E-6, E-8, E-5, E-10 and E-9 to the 38th and Ammons Street manhole. Examination of --- the various possible routings will yield the correct time of concentration. Calculation of the various alternatives should be part of the calculation portion of the report. The use of the numerous sub-basins, as presented in this report, and the large number of design points for which individual times of concentration and run-off amounts-has been calculated, leads to higher rates of run-off than would be reasonably expected if the separate basins were routed. through each other. As such, this report is, in the main, inaccurate and unacceptable to the City as presented. we also discussed routing of run-off for the developed phase. This may indicate the peaks from the detention ponds to the south of the ditch may occur after the peak from P-6 et al has passed, or if the site was considered. as a whole, may lower the overall peak flow from the site. 40. I am not reviewing the calculations on the proposed basins because of the need for proper routing of the run-off from the various basins and the lack of proper backup for your methodology. 41. You cannot compare the critical times of detention as you are doing on Page 44 (see note 39). tf all these basins reach the inlet at 38th and Ammons, the time of concentration is the longest of the times of concentration, not the shortest time. The proper time of concentration needs to be ascertained by routing the. sub-basins to find the proper time of concentration. You are also not using the same design point for all the sub basins which also invalidates your ccnclusions. 42. If the storm sewer in Basin E-8 has a capacity of 49 cfs, what happens to the remaining 53-73 cfs generated by the site? This cannot just sit and wait to evaporate. 43. Pages 46 and 47 -are invalid due to the assumption of tc = 10.8 minutes. 44. On Page 48, I do not see how the run-off will pond at inlets based on the contour map presented with the report; contours indicate the existing ground slopes to east side of the property, and then the flow would go overland to .38th Avenue. .. 45. The proposed 12" RCP from the south retention ponds may not be big enough. 46. The capacity of the 36" RCP on West 38th Avenue appears to be 70 cfs. I have checked with other members of City staff about the sewer being overloaded and no one I have talked to indicates a problem with the system bubbling up at an inlet or manhole during a severe storm. 47. If the on-site 30" pipe has a capacity of 49 cfs, it is reasonable to assume that this 49 cfs can reach the 36" rcp in a faster time than any run-off which must travel overland. This overland flow which appears to flow over the parking lots to the north and east would also serve to increase its time of concentration in Basin E-8 and P-6. You need to do a routing which will compare the pipe flow time to the overland flow. 48. Detention pond calculations not checked in light of previous notes. 49. The City asked for a Master Drainage Plan, not a preliminary drainage plan. This report is very vague and only discusses general lay-of-the-land. If area P-1 is to serve as a regional detention facility accepting run-off from areas such as P-4, etc. the pond be sized to accept the flow and reasonable assumption made concerning permeability, etc. Any changes to the master plan could be addressed as the remainder of_the site develops. The Psychiatric Center is scheduled for construction this year. This means the interior road system will -be built and the site will be broken into the new drainage sub-basins. At the very least, the report needs to address staged construction, maximum release rates, and routing of future discharges from future basins, sizing of pipe and detention facilities, 50. Proof read the next version of the report. P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 cWheat Ridge June 4, 1987 Paul C. McCorrison, P.E. 224 Reed Street Lakewood, CO 80226 Re: Drainage Report - Lutheran Medical Center Dear Paul: The City is in receipt of the drainage report for the Psychiatric Center at the Lutheran Medical Center. The report has numerous references to the preliminary drainage report for the entire Medical Center site and refers to Jeffco drainage criteria. The City has not adopted the Jeffco Drainage Manual. The City has requested (several times) backup on some of the procedures you are utilizing in determining detention volume, including a letter-from Ben Urbonas. To date, we have not received any ~ the information requested and cannot continue review of t e preliminary report. Please prepare the drainage reports using the UDSCM which the City has adopted or provide necessary backup material as requested. In any event, the City reserves the right to require the drainage report be prepared in accordance with the UDSCM. The preliminary drainage report has not been approved. As per our earlier discussion, the City does not intend to review the Psychiatric Center drainage report 'until the preliminary drainage report is approved. Respectfully, C U ~'1 _ John Oss, P.E. Civil Engineer JO: fg cc: Meredith Reckert, Planner Bob Goebel, Sr. Project Engr. "The Carnation City" P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237.6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 cWheat Ridge M E M O R A N D II M TO: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning FROM: Laura Anderson, Civil Engineerp~-~ DATE: June 5, 1987 SDBJECT: Site access study for Psychiatric Hospital at Lutheran Medical Center I received this site_access plan on June 2, 1987and have several comments. This report is documenting only that traffic generated by the proposed psychiatric .hospital and ignores traffic. to and from the Lutheran Medical Center. This results in a false capacity analysis. As a minimum, I would require the following: Provide the generation rates used for the psychiatric facility; Provide a figure showing all existing and proposed access points to the Lutheran Hospital complex; On a figure, show locations of the traffic counts_in Appendix A; Appendix B refers to .the new peak hour warrants for traffic signalization. The consultant should plot the proposed peak hour volumes on the charts provided; All levels of service calculations must be redone incorporating the psychiatric hospital traffic with the proposed Lutheran Medical Center traffic. LA:fg `°The Carnation City" P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237.6944 The Crty of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 cWheat MEMORANDII~idge TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II A FROM: Laura Anderson, Civil Engineer y~~ J,4~~ DATE: June 25, 1987 ~/ r_ ` SDBJECT: Lutheran Hospital Traffic Report Review I have reviewed the traffic report prepared by Matthew Delich for Lutheran Hospital.. With the inclusion of the revised traffic figures dated June 21,1987, I have found this report to be acceptable in terms of intersection levels of service. At this time, with the redevelopment of Lutheran Hospital, we are also reviewing the traffic patterns in an effort to determine the best access point locations. The existing mid-block entrance at West 38th Avenue creates some traffic problems. The signals' proximity to Brentwood Street causes confusion among those drivers exiting onto West 38th Avenue. In addition, the mid- block location reduces stacking distances for traffic making a left turn; primarily, the eastbound 38th Avenue to northbound Balsam movement. Our preference would be to see the main entrance of Lutheran moved opposite Brentwood Street. I realize this would eliminate some parking directly in front of the main building; however, this parking lot is a high accident location and needs some modifications regardless. This alternate location would-also provide for better spacing of signals along West 38th Avenue. In addition, this location would greatly reduce any infiltration of hospital generated traffic into the neighborhoods north of West 38th Avenue. My final comments concern W. 35th Avenue. It has been the Public Works Departments' understanding that with the redevelopment of Lutheran Hospitals there would also be a dedication of W. 35th Avenue to Dudley Street. We would strongly support such a dedication in terms of overall area circulation. s/luth.rev CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~uN zs ~ss7~ l=1 ~ i.i 'J `yL COMMUNITY GEVEtOPMENT ee °`The Carnation City P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237.6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 ~]6lheat Ridge M g M O R A N D II M TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II FROM: Laura Anderson, Civil Enginee~/q ~~9~ DATE: June 30, 1987 SIIBJECT: Lutheran Hospital - Traffic Review Since my memorandum of June 25, 1987, we have discussed several alternatives to our initial preference for Lutheran Hospital to realign their main entrance. with Brentwood Street. I'd like to further clarify these alternatives. It is still our recommendation that the Brentwood Street entrance would best address the traffic concerns of this area. It would improve the left turn stacking problem currently experienced by westbound traffic on West 38th Avenue. It is a better location for a traffic signal in terms of traffic flow along West 38th Avenue. In addition, this entrance- would address an existing access problem for those residents of Brentwood Street. It also eliminates any direct infiltration__of traffic into the neighborhood north of West 38th Avenue since Brentwood Street ends in a cul-de-sac. In my previous memo I also expressed our support for a dedication of 35th Avenue. We feel a Brentwood Street location adequately addresses our circulation concerns for this area. While we still believe the 35th Avenue issue needs to be addressed, we do not feel the dedication is necessary to make the Brentwood alternative function properly. Another alternative we have discussed is realigning the hospital entrance opposite Balsam Street. Again, we feel this location would improve the stacking problem experienced by westbound traffic turning left into the Lutheran facilities; however, this location may encourage traffic from the hospital to continue north along Balsam Street into the_neighborhood. We believe this problem can be addressed by proper signalization (left turn arrow neighbo rhoodt ontinuesoto bens problem, that can be1addressed by channelization north on Balsam at West 39th Avenue. °`The Carnation City" CITY OF WHEAT RID ,~{}~ 011987 ~ ', COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT While the Balsam Street location is certainly a workable solution, we still have some reservations. Traffic circulation may not function as well at this location as it would at Brentwood. Also, we may be shifting an existing problem of westbound traffic from Lutheran turning north onto Balsam to another location. With this proposed alternative, we feel the the West 35th Avenue dedication may still be necessary to accommodate traffic circulation. Maintaining the existing access location with minor improvements is the option proposed by Lutheran Hospital. The current operation of this access is considered by the Public Works Department to be an offset intersection with Balsam Street to the east. With the limited stacking distances (due to its mid-block location) and the northbound-to-eastbound-to-northbound movement, this becomes a hazardous intersection. It creates problems for Balsam Street traffic wanting to turn left onto West 38th Avenue. It also creates confusion to Brentwood Street traffic since their proximity to the intersection gives them a clear view of the signal. To ensure the safe operation of this alternative, we feel it would be necessary to dedicate West 35th Avenue for future traffic circulation. Another alternative we discussed was the realignment of the main access with Ammons Street along the east edge of the Lutheran Hospital properties. There would be some benefit with this location; namely, the consolidation of this signalized intersection with Allison Street. However, to properly build this alternate, there would be substantial right-of-way takings and the need for West 35th Avenue to be built. At this time we would like to dismiss this location as a non-feasible alternative. Every option discussed has been with the premise that the circulation road through the Lutheran Hospital parcel will also access West 32nd Avenue. We agree with the traffic report submitted by Mathew Delich that a signal will not be warranted with the addition of the Psychiatric facility. However, with future development of Lutheran Hospital, we can see travel demand along this parkway increasing. At some point in the future, should a signal become warranted at West 32nd Avenue, it will be the responsibility of Lutheran Hospital to provide for the installation. LA:fg ~~ City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 West 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 Re: Case No. PBG-87-1 Dear Planning Commission, 3355 Zephyr Court Wheatridge, CO 80033 June 30, 1987 ~IT'Y OF WHEAT RiDGE~ JUL ~ 11987 ...~ ,~. i~ '~- COMMUNITY 6EVELUPMEN~T We are writing to express our objections to certain aspects of the proposed construction of a Psychiatric Facility at Lutheran Medical Center. There is no question that the proposed development will lower our property values, since it will be very close to our west property line and will damage-our view of the mountains. This is the main reason we bought the property in the first place. However, we recognize that some development is inevitable, and so, our concern is centered around the following: o The height of the building is excessive. A 28 foot roof height (as reported at the Lutheran Hospital presentation of the development) is equivalent to a three story building. This is inappropriate for the location and for a one story occupancy. o When the high roof line is coupled with the site location, on the highest piece-of ground in the area, it will create a domineering development that will overshadow our private residences and will seriously damage our view of the mountains. We realize the developer has proposed lowering the first floor elevation by excavating into the top of the hill. However, this does .not go far enough to prevent the problems described above. o Since the project is so close to us, we need guarantees that a maximum effort will be made to reduce the detriments of noise, encroachment by people and their activities, and nighttime lighting. An alternate location closer to Dudley would minimize the disturbance in the neighborhood. Why not consider an alternate location on the property? ~ ~~~ Don T. Pyle Fran Baxter ~--'~~- ~ .. N ~- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on June 18, 1987, at 7:30 P.M., at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-87-3: An application by William Baldy, Jr., for Congdon Investment Company for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan and Pinal Plan and Plat. Said property is located at 7750 West 38th Avenue and is legally described as follows: Tract 2 except the south 268 feet thereof, Adkins Subdivision, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado being a portion of the NW 1/4 of Section 26, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of the NE 1/4 of said Section 26; thence N 90° 0' 0" W along the north line of said Section 26 a distance of 660 feet; thence S 0° 7' 45" W a distance of 30 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of West 38th Avenue, said point also being the NW corner of Tract 2 of said Adkins Subdivision and also being the point of beginning; thence S 0° 7' 45" W a distance of 230 feet; thence N 90° 0' 0" E a distance of 140 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Yukon Court; thence N 0° 7' 45" E along said westerly right-of-way line a distance of 215 feet to a point on a curve to the left having a radius of 15 feet, a central angle of 90° 7' 45" and an arc length of 23.59 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of West 38th Avenue; thence N 90° 0' 0" W along said right-of-way line a distance of 125, feet to the point of beginning. 2. Case No P8G-87-1: An application by Lutheran Medical Center for approval of a Planned Building-Group Plan for property bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, Extended; West 38th Avenue, Dudley Street and Allison Street Extended. Said property is legally described as follows: A tract of land located in the northwest one-quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., and the northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6L•h P.M., Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line common to said Sections 26 and 27 from which the north corner common to said, Sections 26 and 27 bears N.0°10'56"E. a distance of 35.00 feet, said point being the south line of that tract of land described in Book 2577 at Page 401 of the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado; thence N.89°52'56"E. parallel to the north line of said Section 26 and along the south line of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401 a distance Notice of Publ~a~ng - June 18, 1987 ~ ~ Page 2 of 986.03 feet to a point on the east line of the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°04'52"W. along the east line of the west' one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 1290.82 feet to the southeast corner of the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.89°56'28"E. along the north line of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 269.43 feet to the northwest corner of the east 60.00 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°D2'S0"W. along the west line of the east 60.00 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 878.70 feet to a point on the north line of the south 447.40 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.90°00'00"W, along the north line of the south 447.4 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 842.40 feet to a point which lies 417.40 feet easterly of the west line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°10'56"W. parallel to the west line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 417.40 feet to a point 30.00 feet northerly of the south line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.90°00'00"W. parallel to said south line a distance of 208.70 feet; thence N.0°10'56"E. a distance of 417.40 feet; thence N.90°00'00"W. a distance of 208.70 feet to a point on the West line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°10'56"W. along said west line a distance of 417.40 feet to a point 30.00 feet northerly of the southwest corner of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence 5.89°43'26"W., parallel to the south line of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 200.00 feet; thence N.0°10'56"E. parallel to the east line of said northeast one-quarter a distance of 417.40 feet to a point on the north line of the south 447.40 feet of the east one-half of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27; thence 5.89°43'26"W, along the north line of the south 447.4 feet of the east one-half of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 607.65 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 8, Lutheran Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado; thence N.0°07'42"E, along the west line of said Lutheran Subdivision a distance of 833.55 feet to a point of curvature; thence along a curve to the right, whose radius is 15.00 feet, whose central angle is 89°40'13", and whose chord bears N.44°57'50"E. a distance of 21.15 feet, to a point of tangency; thence N.89°47'55"E. along the north line of Lot 1 of said Lutheran Subdivision a distance of 110.09 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence N.0°07'42"E. a distance of 30.00 feet to the northeast corner of said e Y Public Hearing ToL'Sc~ June 18, 1987 ~ ~ Page 3 Lutheran Subdivision; thence N.89°47'55"E, along the south line of Longview Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado, a distance of 74.50 feet to the southeast corner. of said Longview Subdivision; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the east line of said Longview Subdivision a distance of 30.00 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 24 of said Longview Subdivision; thence 5.89°47'55"W. along the south line of said Lot 24 a distance of 199.50 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 24; thence iJ.O°07'42"E. along the west lines of Lots 24 through 18 of said Longview Subdivision, a distance of 700.00 feet; thence N.89°47'55"E, along the north line of said Lot 18 a distance of 199.50 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 18; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the east line and its northerly extension of Lot 17 of said Longview Subdivision a distance of 123.07 feet to a point on that agreed line described in Reception Number 86128262 of the Jefferson County Records; thence easterly along said agreed line the following three courses and distances: 1) S.80°40'23"E. a distance of 33.34 feet; 2) S.77°55'06"E, a distance of 75.09 feet; 3) 5.73°19'13"E. a distance of 79.81 feet to a point on the west line of the east 426.80 feet of the northeast corner of said Seetion 27; thence N.0°10'56"E, along the west line of the east 426.80 feet of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 487.00 feet to a point 30.00 feet south of the north line of said Section 27 and 426.80 feet west of the east line of said Seetion 27; thence N.89°52'25"E. parallel to the north line of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 232.99 feet to a point on the west line of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401; thence S.0°10'56"W. parallel to the east line of said Seetion 27 a distance of 5.00 feet to the southwest corner of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401; thence N.89°52'25"E. a distance of 193.80 feet to the point of beginning, containing 94.095 acres, more or less. Seemah Betz, Secreta Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be published: May 28, 1987 Wheat Ridge Sentinel N O T I C E The June 18, 1987, Planning Commission meeting has been cancelled. Cases scheduled for that night were Case No. WZ-87-3 (Vinnola's Market at 7750 West 38th Avenue), and Case No. PBG-87-1 (Lutheran Medical Center). These public hearings have been rescheduled for July 2, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Office at 237-6944, Extn. 248. c P.O. BOX 636 ~' ~ TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WtIEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80034 cWhea ~Ridg POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE N0. PBG-87-1 PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: July 2, 1987 I, Tom Stegbauer, for Lutheran Medical Center t n a m e ) residing at 4125 Yarrow Ct., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ( a d d r e s s as the applicant for Case No. PBG-87-I , hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 8300 W. 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 1 o c a t i o n') on this 16th day of June , 198 7 , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled .day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature:-/~s~i~/~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the blie hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicants case file at the Department of Community Development. M A P 1 P.O. ROX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237.6944 The City Of 1500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80034 cWheat Ridge .Tune 22, 1987 CERTIFIED MAIL This is to inform you that Case No. PBG~87-1 which is a request for AkPRpVAL Ok' A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP FOR LUTHERAN MEDICAL CENTER property lOCated at 8300 WEST 38TH AVENUE will be heard by the Wheat Ridge QLANNING CON~MIS$ION in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West ?_9th Avenue, at 7:30 P.M. on JULY 2, 1987 All owners and/or their Legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the PLANNING CONa4ISSI0N As an area resident or interested party,, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. MEREDITH RECKERT PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City" CERTIFIED MAILING - CASE N0. PBG-87-1/LUTHERAN H. Douglas Teague Joha W'. Geiger, Jr. P. L. Smith 3525 Allison Ct. 3545 Allison Ct. 3565 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge; CO 80033 -Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • David'-C. Deuben _.. R. L. Varretta Albert S. Thomas 3585 Allison Ct. 3605 Allison Ct. 3625 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 : Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 i L __.. _. _. David & Gladys Cox ~. W. C. Cramm .. _. . Tom Gish 3645 Allison Ct. 3665 Allison Ct. 3685 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 i ~ C. G. King _ __ Jack E. Sherry Donald C. Schworer 3695 Allison Ct. ~ 3715 Allison Ct. 3735 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Elmer J. Steiner ~ Michele Rundall Lois F. Clement, Jr. 3755 Allison Ct. X775 Allison Ct. 3825 Carr St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ Wheat Rildge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ' Timothy J. Nugen Sack L. Swanson George Losasso 38'30 Carr St. 3803 Balsam 3820 Balsam Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Don Crilly S. J. Lofing Dale Young 3825 Brentwood St. 3825 Brentwood !~B 3840 Brentwood Wheat Ridge, CO 80033- Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Tom & Sandra Fiddes Steve Pattison E. Benes 3820 .Dover St. I 3855 Dover. St. 3801 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 B. Hovorka I F. Sylvester Joseph D. Sisneros 3801 Allison St. ~ 3803 Allison ~ 3804 Allison Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 LJheat Ridge, CO 80033 I Alexander Soehn I John F. Storm Arthur S. Maselo 3220 Dudley 3258 Dudley St. 3260 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ^ Warren McCoy 3275 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CER~ED MAILING - CASE N0. PBG-87-1~UTHERAN Patrick Coursey 3298 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lee Gerbig 3375 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Fred Lucci Richard J. Horn 3425 Dudley St .' 3705 West 35th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jack E. Bailey G. E. Overholt 3270 Allison St. 3275 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 , Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Carl _.._ .. Tomberlin Wilbur Hegwood 7990 W. 33rd Ave 8080 W. 33rd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 , Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Michael & Brenda Lees Edward Delbert 8140 West 33rd Ave. 3325 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 F.& D. Baxter Robert E. Kaufman 3355 Zephyr Court 3365 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 R. L. Itlutsch J. J. Miner 3280 Balsam St. 3290 Cody Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge,. CO 80033 W, L. Beye 8001 W. 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 D. H. Schneby 8301 West 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Denis Searles 8485 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Verne Eason Dominic Stone 3501 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 30033 Delinda Hardy 7990 W. 33rd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Leona Richey 8090 W. 33rd Ave. biheat Ridge, CO 80033 Alfred Bernhardt 3345 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Larry E. Peppel 3385 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 G. Hubert Lee 3295 Cody Court Wheat Ridge, CO 30033 8075 W. 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge,_ CO 80033 i _ --. . 0. J. Hursh 8321 .West 32nd Ave. ~ Wheat Ridge,. CO 80033 . Pam Vest 8075 West 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ronald H. Moewes 8455 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dick Isaacs Carl Kirchmar 8501 W. 38th Ave. 8501 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CERTIFIED MAILING - CASE N0. PBG-87-1/LUTHERAN William Paulson 8511 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Maurice Fox 4465 Kipling Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Paul McCorrison 224 Reed St. Lakewood, CO 80226 Mark Broncucia 8601 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lutheran Medical Center Tom Stegbauer 8300 West 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Neil Bastable Landplan Design Group 777 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80215 I. R. Van Buskirt 8601 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dick Hain HNTB 3609 S. Wadsworth Blvd.{220 Denver, CO 80235 I I I i NGTICS OF FDBLIC HEARI P~ r ,¢'s'7 ,. Notice is here give~f a Public Heari to be~eld before O I the City of Wheat Rid,ge,Planning Commission on July 2, 1987, at 7:30 P.M., at, 7500„West ,29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments., The .following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-87-3: An application by William Baldy, Jr ., for Congdon TnVestmeht'Compady for approval of an amended Qutline Development Plan and Final Plan and plat. Said property is located at 775D West 38th Avenue and is legally described as follows: Tract 2 except the south '268 feet thereof, Adkins Subdivision, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado being a portion of the NW 1/4 of Section 26, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of-the NE 1/4 of said Section 26; thence N 90° 0' 0" W along the north line of said Seetioh 26 a distance of 660 feet; thence S 0° 7' 45" W a distance of 30 'feet to a point en the south right-of-way line of West 38th Avenue, said point also being the NW corner of Tract 2 of-said Adkins Subdivision and also being the point of beginning; thence S 0° 7' 45" W a distance of 230 feet; thence N 90° 0' 0" E a distance of 140 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Yukon Court; thence N D° 7' 45" E along said westerly right-of-way line a distance of 215 feet to a point on a curve to the left having a radius of 15 feet, a central angle of 90° 7' 45" and an arc length of 23.59 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of West 38th Avenue; thence N 90° 0' 0" W along said right-of-way line a distance of 125 feet to the point of beginning. 2. Case _N o_ PBG-87-1: An application by Lutheran Medical Center for approval of a Planned Building Group Plan for property bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, Extended; West 38th Avenue, Dudley Street and Allison Street Extended. Said property is legally described as follows: A tract of land located in the northwest one-quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., and the northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South; Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line common to said Sections 26 and 27 from which the north corner common to said Sections 26 and 27 bears N.0°10'56"E, a distance of 35.00 feet, said point being the south line of that tract of land described in Book 2577 at Page 401 of the .official records of Jefferson County, Colorado; thence N.89°52'Sb"E. parallel to the north line of said Section 26 and along the south line of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401 a distance ~ ~ • • Notice of Public Hearing - July 2, 1987 Page 2 of 986.03 feet to a point on the east line of the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°04'52"W. along the east line of_the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance 'of 1290.82 feet to the southeast corner of the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.89°56'28"E. along the north line of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 269.43 feet to the northwest corner of the east 60.00 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°02'50"W. along the west line of the east 60.00 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 878.70 feet to a point on the north line of the south 447.40 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.90°00'00"W. along the north line of the south 447.4 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 842.40 feet to a point which lies 417.40 feet easterly of the west line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°10'56"W. parallel to the west line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 417.40 feet to a point 30.00 feet northerly of the south line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.90°00'00"W. parallel to said south line a distance of 208.70 feet; thence N.0°10'56"E, a distance of 417.40 feet; thence N.90°00'00"W, a distance of 208.70 feet to a point on the west line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°10'56"W. along said west line a distance of 417.40 feet to a point 30.00 feet northerly of the southwest corner of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.89°43'26"W., parallel to the south line of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 200.00 feet; thence N.0°10'56"E, parallel to the east line of said northeast one-quarter a distance of 417.40 feet to a point on the north line of the south 447.40 feet of the east one-half of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27; thence 5.89°43'26"W. along the north line of the south 447.4 feet of the east one-half of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 607.65 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 8, Lutheran Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the west line of said Lutheran Subdivision a distance of 833.55 feet to a point of curvature; thence along a curve to the right, whose radius is 15.00 feet, whose central angle is 89°40'13", and whose chord bears N.44°57'50"E. a distance of 21.15 feet, to a point of tangency; thence N.89°47'55"E. along the north line of Lot 1 of said Lutheran Subdivision a distance of 110.09 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence N.0°07'42"E. a distance of 30.00 feet to the northeast corner of said Public Hearin~tice July 2, 1987 • . Page 3 Lutheran Subdivision; thence N.89°47'55"E. along the south line of Longview Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado, a distance of 74.50 feet to the southeast corner of said Longview Subdivisidn; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the east line of said Longview Subdivision a distance of 30.00 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 24 of said Longview Subdivision; thence S.89°47'55"W. along the south line of said Lot 24 a distance of 199.50 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 24; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the west lines of Lots 24 through 18 of said Longview Subdivision, a distance of 700.00 feet; thence N.89°47'55"E, along the north line of said Lot 18 a distance of 199.50 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 18; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the east line and its northerly extension of Lot 17 of said Longview Subdivision a distance of 123.07 feet to a point on that agreed line described in Reception Number 86128262 of the Jefferson County Records; thence easterly along said agreed line the following three courses and distances: 1) 5.80°40'23"E. a distance of 33.34 feet; 2) S.77°55'06"E. a distance of 75.09 feet; 3) 5.73°19'13"E, a distance of 79.81 feet to a point on the west line of the east 426.80 feet of the northeast corner of said Section 27; thence N.0°10'56"E. along the west line of the east 426.80 feet of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 487.00 feet to a point 30.00 feet south of the north line of said Section 27 and 426.80 feet west of the east line of said Section 27; thence N.89°52'25"E. parallel to the north line of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 232.99 feet to a point on the west line of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401; thence S.0°10'56"W,. parallel to the east line of said Section 27 a distance of 5.00 feet to the southwest corner of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401; thence N.89°52'25"E. a distance of 193.80 feet to the point of beginning, containing 94.095 acres, more or less. 3. Case No. WV-87-4: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a right-of-way Vacation for a portion of Dudley Street. Said property is located at approximately 3355 Dudley and is legally described as follows: That portion of Lot 9, Estes Heights Subdivision, which was dedicated as a cul-de-sac built by virtue of Estes Heights Subdivision, T3, R69W, NE 27, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, containing an area of 3179.25 square feet, more or less. Seemah Betz, Secretar Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be published: June 11, 1987 Wheat Ridge Sentinel CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT T0: PLANNING COMMISSION Date Prepared•,~j~''Jfune 25, 1987 DATE OF MEETING: July 2, 1987 Case Manager:` Meredith Reckert CASE N0. ~ NAHE: PBG-87-1/LUTHERAN MEDICAL CENTER ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Planned Building Group LOCATION OF REQUEST: 8300 West 38th Avenue NAME ~ ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Lutheran Medical Center 8300 West 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, 80033 NANE ~ ADDRESS OF OWNER: Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 94 Acres PRESENT ZONING: H-2, PCD, R-2, & R-1 PRESENT LAND USE: Hospital and Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N, E, S: R-2; W: R-2 & PCD SURROUNDING LAND USE: N, E, S: Low Density; W: Low Density, Medical Office COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR AREA: Public/Semi-Public _1 Date Published: June 11, 1987 Date Required to be Posted: June 15, 1987 Date Legal Notices Sent: June 22, 1987 Agency Check List (XX%) ( ) Not Required Related Correspondence (XXX) ( ) None ENTER INTO RECORD: (XXX) Comprehensive Plan (XXX) Zoning Ordinance (XXX) Subdivision Regulations (RX%) Case File & Packet Materials (XX%) Slides (XXX) Exhibits JURISDICTION• The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notifica- tion and posting requirements have been, met. therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. STAFF REPORT • • CASE N0. PBG-S7-1 PLAHMLNG COMMISSION - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 2 I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a Planned Building Group Plan for Lutheran Medical Center. The purpose is for the construction of a psychiatric center on the southeast quadrant of the property. The holdings of Lutheran Medical Center are bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, extended; West 38th Avenue; Dudley Street and Allison Street, extended. The approximate 9A acres is comprised of Hospital-Two, Planned Commercial Development, Residential-Two and Residential-One zonings, with several primary structures and multiple parcels. Because of this non-conforming status the City has requested a Planned Building Group be submitted for master planning on the whole site in regard to drainage and traffic and for specific design review on the psychiatric center. Remaining vacant portions will be handled similarly, prior to development. The Psychiatric Care Center will be considered as Project No. 1, with subsequent proposals being approved separately. II. OVERALL PLANNED BUILDING GROUP She Planned Building Group Plan for the site shows an inventory of the existing structures on the property. It also indicates the location of the proposed Lutheran Parkway and the structures which will be demolished prior to its construction. A master drainage plan and access study have been submitted. The drainage report is still being evaluated by the Engineering Division and has not yet been approved. The following recommendations have been made based on the traffic study: 1. That the major access point at West 38th Avenue be shifted west to align with Brentwood Street. 2. That a full width right-of-way dedication be made for West 35th Avenue. III. PSYCHIATRIC CENTER The majority of new construction will take place on the Psychiatric Center site. This area has Hospital-Two zoning which would allow the proposed facility as a use-by-right. The Psychiatric Center site covering roughly 14 acres will be constructed in two phases. Phase One will include an administration building and two patient care units. Constructed within this phase will be Lutheran Parkway, a private road linking West 32nd Avenue with the northern portion of the site and West 38th Avenue. STAFF REPORT ~ ~ CASE NO PBG-87-1 PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 3 The second phase will consist of an additional patient care unit, an addition to the administration building and expansion of the education building. Approval of this Planned Building Group request will permit both Phase I and Phase II construction. Overall building coverage would be 13.6%, with 13.6% of the site covered with parking and drives and 73% in landscaping. A loop road will encompass the development, however the east side will be accessible only to doctors and emergency vehicles. The main parking area will be on the western portion of the complex. A system of interior paths will pro- vide pedestrian circulation. Buffering to the adjacent residences is provided by physical separation and landscaping. Modules A and C will be setback at least 65 feet from the easterly property line. A 60 foot wide strip of land owned by the Denver Water Board increases this separation to 125 feet from the closest adjacent residential property. The City would like to see this strip included in the hospital's maintenance plans to preserve the aesthetics of the area regarding weed control. Module B is located 280 feet from the southern property line. Vegetation and berming along both boundaries will provide visual screening. The Hospital-Two zone district regulations require 100 foot side setbacks and 50 foot rear setbacks. Staff concludes that these minimums have been met. All structures within the development are shown within maximum building envelope lines. This will provide maximum flexibility at the time of construction to optimize the drainage situation and overall building layout. IV. AGENCY COMMENTS All agencies can provide service with certain improvements. PUBLIC WORKS has received a preliminary drainage report on the entire site and a final report for the Psychiatric Center. They have not yet been approved. A traffic study has been submitted and Public Works has made the following recommendations based on this information; 1. That the major access point at West 38th Avenue be shifted west to align with Brentwood Street. 2. That a full width right-of-way dedication be made for West 35th Avenue. V. NEIGHBORHOOD REFERRAL Prior to application, Lutheran held several meetings to receive input from the surrounding neighborhoods. Attached are sign-up sheets and minutes from those meetings. STAFF REPORT CASE N0. PBG-87-1 PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 4 VI. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that all requirements for a Planned Building Group have been met. Staff further concludes that the Psychiatric Center is a use-by-right in the H-2 zone and that all minimum standards have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of APPROVAL is given. However, prior to the issuance of a building permit, drainage plans for the overall site and the Psychiatric Center must be approved. In regard to access to West 38th Avenue and the dedication of West 35th Avenue, Planning Commission must make a decision based on the recommendation from Public Works. Planning Commission should be aware that this recommendation may re- quire that the Plan be revised prior to City Council review. • i CASE N0. PsG'S7-i AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (WHEAT RIDGE): May have to increase line sizes. Schools: Water: (WHEAT RIDGE WATER DISTRICT) Can Serve ,(CONSOLIDATED MUTUTAL WATER COMPANY): Can Serve newer: NORTHWEST LAREWOOD SEWER DISTRICT: Can Serve Mountain Bell: No Response Public Service Co: Can Serve State Land Use Comm.(over 5 acres): No Comment State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferson County:(HEALTH,COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) No Response Adjacent City: Other: CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Has received preliminary drainage reports and a traffic study. Parks & Recreation: Police: Can Serve ^" Building Inspection: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 4 B. Case No PBG-87-1: An application by Lutheran Medical Center for approval of a Planned Building Group Plan for property bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, Extended; West 38th Avenue, Dudley Street and Allison Street Extended. Commissioner STEGBAUER asked to abstain from voting in this case. The Chair approved the request. Ms. Reckert presented the staff report. A memo from Laura Anderson, City Engineer, regarding traffic, was distributed to Planning Commission. Also, a letter from Don T. Pyle and Frank Boxter, stating their objections to the proposal, was distributed. All pertinent documents were entered into the record which Chairman WINGER accepted. Commissioner CERVENY requested clarification of the request. Ms. Reckert stated that the property currently has Hospital-Two zoning on it and a Psychiatric Center would be an allowed use in that zone district. What Planning Commission is looking at is site design and not zoning. Mr. Gidley stated that he would like to make it very clear that the issue at hand is a site planning exercise to deal with platting and site matters, such as traffic impact, drainage, etc. It is not a question of use. The use is a permitted use in the H-2 zone district provided it is developed in accordance with specified standards in the zone district. Commissioner SCOMA asked staff about the entrance at Brentwood. Ms. Reckert stated that the plan shows the access point at 38th, where the light presently exists. The applicants do not want to change that. Brentwood is a dead end street. Ms. Reckert stated that representatives from Public Works Department are present to discuss traffic. Laura Anderson, City Engineer, 9072 East Eastman Place, Denver, Colorado, was sworn in. She gave a report on the information contained in her memo of June 30, 1987, which had previously been distributed to the Commission. Ms. Anderson stated that her memo outlined several alternatives regarding the main access point into the facility. They have received many complaints regarding 38th Avenue, particularly around the hospital. In looking at alternatives to the hospital's main entrance and in the best interests of the City, their main recommendation is for access at Brentwood Street. Brentwood Street is the preferred access in terms of traffic flow on 38th Avenue. A signal at Brentwood would work better than the signal which presently exists. The other benefits of the Brentwood access include infiltration of traffic from Lutheran to the neighborhoods to the north since Brentwood is a dead end and the traffic would have to turn right or left. There may be some engineering problems for the hospital but the City is looking at the overall design that would be the best interests of the City in terms of traffic flow in the area. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 5 Commissioner SCOMA stated that she felt the hospital should keep their same entrance and if additional access is needed, the far east of the property where the parking lot is now located could be made a one-way street and right hand turn only on to 38th. This would take care of a lot of traffic. Ms. Anderson stated that the streets within the hospital are out of the control of the City. Alternatives within the hospital for circulation is something the applicant has to address. Commissioner JOHNSON asked what would happen to the emergency entrance if the Brentwood access were implemented? Ms, Anderson replied that the design that she has seen shows a "skewed" in- tersection with Brentwood Street. The emergency access is physically separated from the main access and maintains it's own circulation. They, in effect, put a barricade between the Brentwood access and the emergency area and made an internal circulation for the emergency vehicles. The emergency vehicles would then exit opposite Cody Street. One of the designs they have shown maintains the emergency circulation and it cuts it off from the main access. Regarding 35th Avenue, previous decisions have been made based on 35th Avenue going through at a future date. The other concern is that there is no east/west connection through the hospital property. Right now the impact can be handled safely and adequately, however, because of concern of increased traffic in the future, Public Works has reserved 35th as being necessary in order to insure traffic circulation. With the Balsam Street access Public Works would need to look at it further. They cannot say, yes, they will need dedication or no, they definitely will not need it. With the existing location they would need 35th, with the Brentwood Street location 35th would not be necessary to make it function properly. However, Public Works feel that they cannot make a recommendation one way or another For 35th Avenue, What they are saying is that 35th Avenue needs to be addressed. Right now they have not looked further west than Dudley, right now they are asking for dedication for future need, they are not asking for construction. To build 35th to Wadsworth, would need a lot more City involvement. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 6 Kathy Lindquist, 12426 West Temple Drive, Morrison, Colorado, was sworn in. She stated that there are several people present .'- representing Lutheran Medical Center. She gave the Planning Commission background information regarding the project. A significant amount of time has been spent to respond to the traffic, circulation and drainage issues and concerns expressed by the City and by the neighborhood. The plan presented will resolve a number of the issues and improve the neighborhood areas. The facility they are proposing is a facility that will be working jointly with Healthcare International to provide the required services. They have gone through a Certificate of Need process with the State. The hearing officer determined that there was a need for psychiatric facilities in Jefferson County. The Certificate of Need legislation in Colorado "sunsetted" as of July 1st. There is no current Certificate of Need in the State of Colorado, therefore the hearing officer's decision was never acted upon by the Health Facilities Review Council. At this point, they feel the project merits the decision that the hearing officer made and they feel that they will provide quality service that is needed in the community. Dick Scheurer, Robinson & Scheurer, 6610 W. 14th Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado, was sworn in. He stated that Lutheran Medical Center has taken advantage of Section 27 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to accomplish the goals of Lutheran Medical Center. They have a use-by-right for the proposed facility, however they wished to develop in a thoughtful manner the traffic layout and circulation taking into consideration the impact on the surrounding neighborhood. They held three neighborhood meetings and the plan presented was discussed. In addressing the recommendations made by Ms. Anderson, Traffic Engineer for the City, they see concerns with the volume of traffic currently on West 38th Avenue and the safety involved with the movement of traffic and the access points. They looked at the Brentwood and Balsam access recommendations. They have concluded that the plan they have prepared is the best plan. With regard to the issue of volume, the recently updated traffic study verified that the traffic levels on West 38th Avenue are level "A". It would remain "A" after the facility is built. There is currently the main access point, and the plan opens up another access point at Cody and extends the Parkway down to West 32nd. Stacking problems are going to be abated. They believe that opening up the West 32nd Avenue access will go a long way to abate current problems. Mr. Scheurer concluded his presentation by stating that in regard to traffic the hest plan is the plan they have presented. It represents volume reductions on West 38th, it allows for the fact that they can control the problems at Brentwood, they believe it is the best spacing, it preserves the integrity of the buildings within the LMC campus, it does not destroy the site at the northeast corner and it does not allow uncontrolled access of Lutheran Medical Center traffic on to the adjoining neighborhoods. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 7 Commissioner SCOMA asked about building sites if the entrance were on Brentwood. What type of building is proposed since there are some houses on that site at present. Also, ' Commissioner SCOMA requested an explanation of the emergency room entrance and vehicles having to make a sharp turn. Mr. Seheurer explained the traffic flow of vehicles on the Plan. The problem is that the vehicles would have to make a severe turn to the east and anybody that is westbound would have to make a hard turn which is just about impossible. At the existing intersection there is only one reported accident in one year's period of time. As far as proposed buildings in that particular area, that is reserved for future development, such as adminis- trative buildings. There are no plans at present For removal of structures. What they are trying to do with the alignment of the road is to allow for maximum flexibility which is the purpose of Section 27, in grouping and siting structures in the future. There is no immediate plan for any structure in that area. Eventually it will be developed, but if Balsam is put in there it would immediately limit or reduce the potential for the kind of building that could be developed, because of setback requirements, the possibility of any structure in that area would be virtually eliminated. Tom Stegbauer, 4125 Yarrow Court, was sworn in. In response to Commissioner SCOMA'S questions, Mr. Stegbauer explained the concept of development. On the inside intense medical develop- ment, with large buildings. They want to buffer this with lower scale properties, trees, small buildings, etc. Therefore, if this is developed it would need to be developed in scale. He presented a graphic showing the elevations of the buildings and development pattern. The graphics depicted the neighborhood, a buffering zone, single or approximately single story development on the perimeter. As the development moves in, there is additional buffering, then higher buildings until the main de- velopment area is reached. Consistent with that philosophy, multiple accesses are cut off that are currently along 38th and in order to internalize traffic in the hospital. Internal traffic routes would insure that traffic stays in Lutheran with- out going out into the neighborhoods. Commissioner SCOMA asked Mr. Stegbauer to point out on the map where the present entrance is located. She asked if this would take out any houses. Mr. Stegbauer stated that they are showing on the plan the entrance at Cody and that is what they are requesting. They are planning to remove the house at the east side of the main entrance, there are also trees and the Blue House located there, and a water tower. Regarding the Blue House, there are options available. They can move it but at this time they don't know what they are going to do. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 8 Commissioner JOHNSON asked if a light is planned at Cody. Mr. Stegbauer stated that Public Works has informed them they would not support a light at Cody. However, it does provide major access to their property from east bound 38th Avenue. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Mr. Stegbauer about the proposed roadway to 32nd Avenue, why is it aligned to one side of the greenhouse instead of the middle of that parcel? Mr. Stegbauer stated that in realilty the road will shift and will nearly bisect the parcel. They are responding to the neighborhood in this area and providing three to Four foot berms, trees on the roadway, and lighting that is directional. In responding to questions by Commissioner JOHNSON, Mr. Stegbauer stated that the proposed roadway would be a two lane roadway from 32nd Avenue to 38th Avenue. An island would be placed at every intersection on the .private roadway. A pathway will wind through the areas to provide recreation for the community, staff and patients. Commissioner SCOMA asked Mr. Stegbauer if they could construct a walkway along the fence that is located at the southeast corner of the new units so that people to the east and south could come in and use the walkway without having to go all the way around to the road. Mr. Stegbauer located the corner on the Plan and he stated there is a strip of property deeded to the Denver Water Department and they will landscape and maintain this strip if the Denver Water Department has no objections. Commissioner WINGER asked about the height of the buildings. Mr. Stegbauer stated that building elevations have been carefully considered. The ridge that cuts across will be reduced by removing earthwork approximately 5 to 13 feet. Building elevations are 26 feet. The placement of the facility was discussed and Mr. Gidley stated there is a 100 foot setback from the street and also R-1 zoning does not allow that type of facility. The combination of the two, zoning and setback does not allow for the facility to be placed anywhere else. Upon questioning by Commissioner CERVENY, Mr. Stegbauer replied that Lutheran Medical Center began acquiring the site in 1904. Additional land was donated in the early teens. Lutheran Medical has held the property for more than 50 years. Upon questioning by Commissioner SCOMA, Mr. Stegbauer stated that the Board of Directors have approved this project, The application before the Commission is being made on behalf of the Board of Directors. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 9 - Wiley Banner, Health Care International, 2135 Southgate Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado, was sworn in. He presented a background history of Healthcare International. He explained the mental health and psychiatric care services which will be provided. There were no questions asked of Mr. Banner. The Chair declared a 10 minutes recess. Upon reconvening, Dennis Nocton, 8930 West 35th Avenue, was sworn in. He presented a petition in support of the Planned Building Group containing 42 signatures. These were accepted, marked as Proponents' Exhibit A, and made a part of the case file. The petition expressed support of the application, including the road system. However, they urged that 35th Avenue be cut off at Dudley and they oppose any dedications which permit 35th Avenue to be connected to Wadsworth. Ervin H. Belyeu, 3660 Allison Court, was sworn in. He stated concerns relating to traffic on Allison Court, drainage and pollution problems. He felt that the plan shown will not be adhered to. Hospital employees are inconsiderate and create heavy traffic on 38th Avenue at the end of shifts. Alan J. Levine, M.D., 3781 Myersville, Kittridge, Colorado, was sworn in. He spoke in favor of the application. This facility is needed in Jefferson County. The only other facilities are located at Mt. Airy or Bethesda. Albert S. Thomas, 3625 Allison Court, was sworn in. He stated the same concerns are Mr. Belyeu, adding that diesels park and idle in the hospital parking lot. The people who live on Allison Court are in a trap. Employees coming off shifts also create traffic problem and he feared that the "open campus" would create problems with patients. Commissioner CERVENY questioned the distance of the parking lot in relation to Allison Court. Mr. Gidley stated that it was 25 feet. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked for parking lot regulations. Mr. Gidley stated that current regulations do not require permits for parking lots and where a parking lot is adjacent to residential a 15 foot separation from the edge of the parking lot to the property line, landscape area, is required. A 6 foot fence may be constructed in lieu of landscaping. Don T. Pyle, 3355 Zephyr Court, was sworn in. He related concerns regarding the four large buildings proposed which would be practically in his back yard. He felt that the roof elevation of 26 to 28 feet would encroach upon their view and the use of their property.. In addition, he felt that it would reduce property values and there is no guarantee that they will build according to the plan. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 10 Commissioner CERVENY stated regarding height of the buildings, this is not a consideration for the Commission; as long as the development adheres to codes, it is a use-by-right. Adjacent property owners have no rights regarding view protection, as long as all applicable codes are met. Mr. Gidley stated that they have a right to go up to 65 Feet, with a 50 foot setback. They are much lower than what is allowed. A 28 foot high structure is similar to a residential structure. Regarding the security of the plan, Mr. Gidley stated that the Plan being submitted is very detailed in terms of landscaping, berms, setbacks. The Planning Commission is hearing it and if it is approved they must build in accordance with that plan down to flower beds, size of trees, location of berms, heights, etc. This is a very detailed plan. Dolores Jutze, 3395 Zephyr Court, was sworn in. She stated that the need for such a facility exists, however if the Plan is approved, they may come back at a later date for further expansion. She asked if the mentally ill would be there volun- tarily or would they be there by mandatory court order. She asked why a floor of the hospital not be used instead of 54,000 square feet to house patients when the hospital is not full. They are thankful for a one-story building, however, she expressed concern that the use may be changed later on and the building be expanded. ~" Mr. Gidley stated that one of the issues is the intensity of use. Planning Commission can limit the intensity of use. Ms. Jutze expressed further concerns about the type of patients that will be housed at the facility. Who decides when a patient should be moved to a more secure facility? Who determines the patients who stay and the patients who go on to a more locked facility? Commissioner WINGER stated that this concern will be addressed at time of rebuttal. Jane Oldonettel, 3696 Quail Street, was sworn in. She asked who would have control and would the patients be screened so that people who need to be in Ft. Logan are not admitted. Janice Kasey signed the roster in opposition but had nothing to say. Helen Verretta signed the roster in opposition but had no comments. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 11 Dr. Ramona L. Reed, 10185 W. 49th Avenue, was sworn in. She is the Chairperson of the Psychiatry Department at Lutheran Medical Center and she also has a private practice in Wheat Ridge since 1978. She stated that she wished to respond to some of the concerns expressed. People are envisioning a psychiatric facility that would look something like "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" and that is not what is planned. The proposed facility is going to be a real credit to the community. This is not going to be a facility where judges sentence people to go after they have pled not guilty by reason of insanity. Those people go to the Forensic Psychiatry facility in Pueblo. Dr. Reed likened the psychiatric care to Dr. Friedman's role in the MASH television series. The Dr. talks to his patients in a calm, reasonable situation. That is more in keeping with the kind of image that they plan to have and the kind of patients they will be serving. David C. Deuben, 3585 Allison Court, was sworn in. He stated that his property abuts the parking lot. The area between the parking lot and his residence is an eyesore. The hospital needs to do more than what they have done in the past. The proposed street is close to Allison Court. There are traffic problems on 38th and he is opposed to 35th Avenue going through. He is not opposed to the overall development and the people on Allison Court should be taken into consideration. People on Allison Court who are trying to get out have a difficult time. The plan that the hospital has proposed would be an improvement provided there is a stipulation that access on to 38th which leaves the east parking lot is blocked and terminated. Mr. Deuben stated he is opposed to 35th Avenue going through. Commissioner BURT asked Mr. Deuben whether the drainage coming off the parking lot on to their properties is a problem. Mr. Deuben stated his property is not impacted. The water sometimes comes down Allison Court, the neighbors who live closer to 38th may be more affected. Mr. Thomas who lives on Allison 'Court came forward and stated that they have had a problem with drainage for quite a few years. He lives in the center of the block and three of the homes have been flooded and had their furnances damaged. Six years ago they had to build a retaining wall and last year curbing has been installed. The curbing is eight inches high and it will help. When the snow is plowed, it is dumped on to the curbing instead of on the open field. Upon questioning by Commissioner SCOMA, Mr. Thomas stated that he had visited a similar facility in Colorado Springs and he found out that some of the patients are locked in. They were shown an out-patient setup, but they found out the patients could be there for up to 90 days or more. He felt that this type of facility does not belong in an older neighborhood, R-1 neighborhood like his. CITY OE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 12 Robert Russell, Registered Engineer, 3560 Allison Street, was sworn in. He stated his primary concern is the traffic flow into the new facility and he did not agree that 35th Avenue west should be a dedicated roadway and should not be opened up. There is no need to open 35th Avenue from Wadsworth to Dudley. At the corner of 35th and Allison there is a steep embankment containing two ditches so if 35th was ever extended there would be a tremendous dangerous incline. David W. Cox, 3645 Allison Court, was sworn in. He stated that in addition to the previous comments. There is a 6 ' 4" water main owned by the Denver Water Commission that runs under 35th. They had a difficult time putting that conduit in the street. Mr. Scheurer, in rebuttal to the testimony of the neighborhood, stated that is not their intention to "bulldoze" through. They do have a use-by-right and they could ask for building permits but it is the intent on their part to come in under Section 27. Planned Building Group to do something other than just plain building grids. Lutheran has made a real effort to address the concerns of the community and that is their main objective. Several issues were brought forth: (1) the issue of visual im- pact of the structures and, specifically, concerns expressed by the residents on Zephyr Court; (2) the traffic impact on the residents on Allison Court and the problems with employees coming off shifts; and (3) the issue of what the site facility would be now and in the future and what type of people would be there, what goes on inside. Regarding the visual impact of the structures and the impact on the people on Zephyr Court, Mr. Scheurer stated that they are proposing low profile, single level structures, 26 feet height limitation. Pitched roofs are similar to residential structures. Height of 26 feet vs 50 feet is very reasonable. Regarding Allison Court, they did not look at that issue as much as they did Brentwood and Balsam, which were the recommendations of the traffic engineers. What is happening at this time, the vast majority of the traffic will come in and go out of the current main entrance. With the plan that has been submitted, they are going to be adding two significant, additional access points. Some of the problems experienced by the people on Brentwood and Allison will be abated by the fact that one out of four to one out of every two cars that are currently turning out of the main entrance will now be using 32nd Avenue. That will have a beneficial effect. Mr. Scheurer stated that in terms of the visual impacts and the traffic, this plan offers an opportunity to improve the situation from its current situation. They are very sensitive to the visual impact that the facility will have. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION pAGE 13 MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 Commissioner JOHNSON asked if any landscaping could be done on the parking lot facing Allison. Mr. Scheurer stated that they have not discussed this and he had no comment. Mr. Scheurer was asked whether he anticipated more traffic coming out of the west exit to Dudley. Mr. Scheurer stated that much of what comes out on Dudley, goes down Dudley and back east. There would be an abatement of the problem when people would obviously take the Parkway. Mr. Wiley Barney, Health Care International, addressed the ques- tions relating to kind of patients, kind of security and also what is available. Also, why not use a floor of Lutheran Medical Center? A floor is not an appropriate place, clinically it does not work. The two environments are dissimilar and the most appropriate facility for the kind of patients they will receive is a free-standing facility designed to be an environment that is clinical and therapeutic in itself. The design of the facility is for very specific use. In terms of the kind of patients, they set the admission criteria. The hospital staff sets the admission criteria, the State does not direct or order a patient to be in this facility. In the hospital in Colorado Springs, they do not accept patients who are referred or di- rected as part of a sentencing procedure, they do not accept homicidal patients. Control is not in terms of locked units or unlocked units, which can be either. Control is by the staff and patient mix, by programming the activities. The average length of stay is 23.8 days in Colorado Springs. Patients who are admitted are sick people, not criminals. They are charged to treat these patients as human beings, in the least restrictive environment possible. Regarding the two story construction, the overall campus plan shows the full extent to which they want to have the facility built. The roof structures and the design will not support a second story. They do not want to go to second story. They do not wish to create an institution environment. Kathy Lindquist, representing Lutheran Hospital, came forward and stated that in evaluating the need for this facility they considered the possibility of utilizing space within the exist- ing hospital. They chose not to do that for a number of reasons including the fact that there is not sufficient or appropriate space available for renovation. More importantly, they deter- mined that that is not the appropriate setting for providing the best environment for the patients and to do that in a medical/surgical hospital is not the best place to provide the care that these patients need. Currently the hospital treats a number of psychiatric patients and the intent is to provide a better environment to serve those patients who are already being treated at the Lutheran Medical Center. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 14 Mr. Stegbauer came forward and stated that he wished to address -, the question of drainage. They have worked with the Public Works Department and they are still having discussions to satisfy the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge. Public Works is requiring that Lutheran take care not only of drainage that may occur, but drainage basins have been defined that include properties on top of Crown Hill. Zephyr all the way up to 35th. Runoff from Lutheran's parking lot is not going to be a problem. Runoff from Crown Hill is not going to be a problem. Regarding the site plan, Mr. Stegbauer pointed out on one of the slides a "water solution". This is defined as 200,000 cubic feet, that is to take all of the drainage requirements for that portion of the property, including runoff from 32nd Avenue, retain it on the property 24 hours and still have room for a 10-year storm within that 24 hours. All of the runoff from the City will have passed this point at Lutheran property before the water is re- leased. They are committed to doing that and that is what they are going to do because they are committed to .the people with drainage problems. Regarding the exiting problem, Mr. Stegbauer related the path of the vehicles, pointing it out on the Plan. Brentwood has been proposed by the Public Works Department as a solution to problems along 38th. They see signalization advantages along 38th. They also see solving some problems for people who live on Brentwood. The problem is that people cannot tell that the traffic coming from the east is going to stop or if it is going to pass through. They cannot tell because the signal does not let them know and second because it is hard for people to see. For the resolutions of those problems Lutheran feels the solution may be to increase the line of sight which the neighbor on the corner has agreed to do, including dedications to the City and he has communicated that to the City. If this solution is not sufficient, signalization of the Lutheran intersection can do a lot to alleviate the problem. In conclusion, Mr. Stegbauer stated that Lutheran feels that the recommendation from staff is appropriate with the exception that the intersection proposed at Brentwood and the referrals to 35th Avenue. They feel strongly that 35th Avenue will put inappropriate traffic in to the neighborhood and that the problem be resolved by adding the additional major intersections at 38th and on 32nd which will decrease the traffic requirements on 32nd. Mr. Stegbauer thanked the Planning Commission for their support. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Mr. Stegbauer if the intention is to close off the exit at the northeast corner at such time the exit out on 38th is placed? Mr. Stegbauer stated that it is possible to do that if the hospital keeps its exit on to 38th where it is. Mr. Stegbauer added that he has made a personal commitment to Mr. Cox, Ed Thomas, Dave Deuben, to take care of the landscaping to improve the situation between the hospital and their property lines. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 15 Commissioner SCOMA asked if the hospital prefers the street where it comes in and the light at its present location. Mr. Stegbauer replied they prefer that because they can not document that it is unsafe. There has been one accident at that location in the past year. If they need more stacking at that entrance they can give the City an additional lane of dedication from Lutherans properties so that there is a double stacking lane at that light. This would be a more reasonable solution than moving the intersection. Commissioner SCOMA stated that she is concerned with the moving of the parking lots so much further away from the hospital where people have to park and have a long distance to walk. Mr. Stegbauer replied that their concern is to make closer parking available to patients, visitors and medical staff. Most of the people that are trying to park closer are employees. They have a paid, close parking lot for people who need to be in and out quickly. There is no charge for two hours, longer than two hours it costs 25 cents. In recent Gallup survey, parking was rated better at Lutheran Medical than any other medical facility in the metropolitan area. The Chair asked for rebuttal from the opposition. Albert S. Thomas, 3625 Allison Court came forward. He stated that he wished to thank Mr. Stegbauer for his commitment to landscape the area between the hospital and the property lines of the residents in his area. Eddie Deibert, 3325 Zephyr Court, was sworn in. He stated traffic problems on 32nd Avenue. It is dangerous at present, there are no sidewalks and the increased traffic would create further problems. Is it going to be improved? Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that he has the same problems on 32nd. John Oss, Public Works Department, was sworn in. He stated he is Drainage Engineer for the City and also handles traffic engineering. He reviewed the various access alternatives. They have reviewed the Ammons access which would involve taking 2 to 3 properties which is not feasible. It also causes a problem on Allison Court and would make the situation worse. They investigated the Brentwood access and they like it because there is no possibility of traffic filtering to the north on Brentwood. Left turns would be facilitated for people getting out. It addresses the sight distance problem that people on Brentwood have. If the hospital does not want the Brentwood alignment the second choice is the Balsam alignment. As far as drainage, Mr. Oss stated that he has been in close contact with the drainage engineer. They have agreed to place a mayor detention facility at the northeast corner of the site. At the 38th and Ammons corner. The City has taken a stand that they will not accept any more flows from south of the ditch than can be mitigated through improvements in the detention on the north side of the ditch. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 16 There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a ~~ motion. Commissioner SCOMA asked if this motion could be separated into two motions, the traffic pattern and the roads, from the rest of the motion. Mr. Gidley replied that there are two parts. The overall plan for the entire site, the Planned Building Group, and then the specific project which is a Psychiatric Care Facility which is one of the sites. If the Planning Commission wants to make a recommendation for amendment to the plan, then that is one recommendation. Such as, the major access to 38th Avenue be some place other than where it is shown on the plan, then that recommendation could be part of the motion, which will go on to City Council. Commissioner SCOMA stated she is not happy with their overall traffic pattern. She would like to have a study session on the traffic pattern and the streets and study it further. One thing she is not happy with is making the four-lane road coming in off 38th. It is not necessary. Chairman WINGER asked Mr. Gidley how much the Commission has to say about the roads within the private property. Mr. Gidley stated that within the private property itself, that is pretty much a private decision. Even though Planning Commission is dealing with an existing facility and a proposed facility, there is still another 30/40 acres to be developed and they are looking much further down the road than just what is presented. There is a lot of undeveloped land remaining that is going to carry a lot of traffic. They are showing a major interior parkway, such as on a college campus or Denver Tech Center. That is the kind of interior street that is proposed. It is not a public street, but it will function the same as a public street, as a collector street, because it will collect all the vehicle trips ,throughout the day and it is incumbent upon them and smart on their part to realize that they will need that kind of capacity some day. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that this is a major item and due to the lateness of the hour he would suggest that this item be continued to a study session and brought back to Planning Commission. He stated he had concerns relating to drainage, traffic, access and other concerns. He asked Mr. Gidley when this could be done. Mr. Gidley stated that this could not be discussed at a Study Session. The Public Hearing must be continued. Mr. Gidley pointed out that this case is set for City Council hearing on July 27th. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 17 Mr. Seheurer came forward and stated that they would like to go on record that they do not accept the continuance on this and would do so only under protest. They have been delayed two weeks already. The site facility is behind schedule. It jeopardizes the hearing before City Council, The conditions and concerns expressed by the Planning Commission are duly noted, but they are also the proper consideration of any conditions of approval. They would request that Planning Commission act upon it and oppose if they see fit. Mr. Scheurer urged the Planning Commission to go to Resolution on it and not to impede their progress in trying to meet the July 27th hearing date before City Council. They are already behind on this process and this will further delay it. Commissioner EDWARDS stated that he did not think a Study Session would accomplish anything, and that the plan before the Commission was a good plan and therefore, Planning Commission should vote on it. Chairman WINGER agreed with Commissioner EDWARDS. Motion was made by Commissioner SCOMA that this matter be continued until July 9, at which time a decision would be made. There are lots of questions to be asked. Motion was seconded by Commissioner ECKHARDT. VOTE: YES: Scoma Eckhardt NO Burt, Winger, Johnson, Cerveny, Edwards Motion failed to carry. 2-5. Motion by Commissioner CERVENY to continue this session to 12:00 o'clock midnight. Seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON. Carried 7-0. Motion was made by Commissioner BURT, that Case No, PBG-87-1, Lutheran Medical Center, application for approval of a Planned Building Group and Site Plan at 8300 West 38th Avenue, be APPROVED, with the following conditions: 1. The drainage plan must be completed by applicant prior to submittal to City Council. 2. The traffic circulation plan is accepted with the under- standing by the applicant that it may need to be modified in the future, especially if the 38th and 32nd Avenues intersections, as Future uses within the site increases the traffic flow into and out of the site. 3. The exit from the parking lot on 38th Avenue near Ammons Street will be closed upon completion of the planned Parkway. 4. Landscape buffers on the east side of the property are to be completed. 5. 35th Avenue will not be considered for Lutheran site access. ~ -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING - JULY 2, 1987 PAGE 18 Commissioner ECKHARDT requested clarification of condition No. 5 and it was ascertained that "35th Avenue to the east will not be used for Lutheran site access." Commissioner JOHNSON asked clarification of condition No. 4 regarding landscaping, and Commissioner BURT clarified that he meant "by the parking lot as well as to the east of the building site." Commissioner ECKHARDT asked clarification on whether the drainage plan must be "•completed" or "approved" and by whom? Commissioner BURT stated that if it, it could reasonably go on to the merits of it in the interest any longer. If it needs to be a approve it, maybe it should come review if there is dissention as plan. Public Works does not approve City Council and let them ,judge of not holding up the request pproved and Public Works can not back to Planning Commission for to what a reasonable drainage Mr. Gidley stated that no building permits can be issued until a drainage plan is approved and Council has to approve the drainage plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked whether "berming along the east side of the parking lot" can be included in the motion. He felt that berming helps in parking lots. Commissioner BURT stated he did not wish to add requirements like that to the motion and he preferred to leave out specific types of landscaping. Commissioner CERVENY asked whether the motion precluded any further dedication on 35th Avenue, east or west. Commissioner BURT clarified that in condition No. 5, "35th Avenue to the east of the site will not be considered for Lutheran site access." Mr. Gidley stated that from that standpoint, within their site, he would read that as saying "no dedication for 35th Avenue to the east is recommended." As far as dedication to the west of 35th Avenue, it was determined that there is some dedication already which may have to be vacated in the future. Dedication to the east is a critical point which needs to be settled by City Council. VOTE: YES: Burt, Johnson, Scoma, Winger, Edwards, Eckhardt, Cerveny NO None Motion carries 7-0. Resolution is attached. PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO• ~~~J~~ 1 __>-- _ __-_- ___ ____.- uniu ~~se No PBG-87_x, An application by Lutheran•Medical REQUEST: enter for approval of a Planned Building Group Plan for operty bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, Extended; West 38th Avenue, Dudley Street and Allison Street ~xt e n d e d. -_-~ -- i ; Position On Request; i i ; (Please Check) ~'J/~i S /~OG ~S-~ a yF s J DDRESS ~ ~ f o ~ T bale 3356 ~ ut,'F IC l ~G E ~ , i ~ i ` i -~ i ~' i i i ~.,- i GJ C o x 3 L t S ~'t//: ~A, L T ]~ a u i~ - . - - -- ~ _ - r ~~ 1 ,, .., _ ~, ~~ ` f I We, the undersigned, hereby express our support of Lutheran Medical Center's Planned Building Group. We are especially concerned with traffic in our neighborhoods and feel that Lutheran's road system will reduce traffic near our residences. We are concerned with any dedication of 35th Avenue and do urge Lutheran to "cut off" the 35th Avenue intersection at Dudley to limit the Canter's impact on our neighborhood. We are opposed to any dedications which may permit 35th Avenue to be connected through Lutheran Medical Center to Wadsworth Boulevard. ADDRESS . __,~.. ~._i PHONE a~~ -G~sz ~ old z~ ~{3/ /06 ~~ 01, ~~~ ,_ _ a33-~i3z, We, the undersigned, hereby express our support of Lutheran Medical Center's Planned Building Group. We are especially concerned with traffic i.n our neighborhoods and feel that Lutheran's road system will reduce traffic near our residences. We are concerned with any dedication of 35th Avenue and do urge Lutheran to "cut off" the 35th Avenue intersection at Dudley to limit the Center's impact on our neighborhood. We are opposed to any dedications cahich may permit 35th Avenue to be connected through ,1 Lutheran Medical Cern~t~ecr~to (W~ad~s(}w~or,,th Boulevard. ~~~-)(~~~} ~_ ice. n. JJ V ~ "' "~-.~^"""" ~.~'• .I i~ "i~~- ~~ w ADDR~ /'' __ 7f_, ulJ: ~ ~ '% WeweeN y" ~~~'flison 3 ., S~~ %f°a~~"O _ _ ,-r .. -~,~-. 3ar~o C~2~~n, ~~ '~Sa~ ~a.~L~it: ®..~4-~cJ,~,~ PHONE ~~_ ~~ ~~ ~e N i~ _~ ~ ~~s3 ~Z~r~~ ~a~' ~ 9 3~ ~~~ - ~3 s9 yet-3g~9 ~a/-~~7~ ~%/-~8~r ~ ~ ` 03~ 4z~-~~~ 1f~-~--~ s-~ 9 ~t~2 - ~o`l 8 ~a~,~ 9S ~~ ~~ We, the undersigned, hereby express our support of Lutheran Medical Center's Planned Building Group. We are especially concerned with traffic in our neighborhoods and feel that Lutheran's road system will reduce traffic near our residences. We are concerned with any dedication of 35th Avenue and do urge Lutheran to "cut off" the 35th Avenue intersection at Dudley to limit the Center's impact on our neighborhood. We are opposed to any dedications which may permit 35th Avenue to be connected through Lutheran Medical Center to Wadsworth Boulevard. NAME r~~ ~ ~ .~ < .~oadr,~c~m~~.- C BiI~W ADDRESS 3~fG~ ~ >;~ 3 ye's' f lr~ ,~` PHONE ~~ m233-~6s j ,t 33-/ 65'i ~l -~~o cJ~7~ ~~ ~`,~ ~c3 D ~ 0'1 ~d'~~ SL6f ..~' BloGl/~3~5"~ 4~~~'~~~~~' ~~ ~ 6~~... a ~.,,,,.~,,,. /-1 s 3 5 ~^'-L c~`"~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ We, the undersigned, hereby express our support of Lutheran Medical Center's Planned Building Group. We are especially concerned with traffic in our neighborhoods and feel that Lutheran's road system will reduce traffic near our residences. We are concerned with any dedication of 35th Avenue and do urge Lutheran to "cut off" the 35th Avenue intersection at Dudley to limit the Center's impact on our neighborhood. We are opposed to any dedications which may permit 35th Avenue to be connected through Lutheran Medical Center to Wadsworth Boulevard. ~o vet 5~ ~5 ~~~_---- PHONE a33_/g7.~ ~~z_~lj~ ~v-lli4~ S~~S=7C~~,7 n ya5. soz~ NAME ADDRESS ~~ r , ~~ We, the undersigned, hereby express our support of Lutheran Medical Center's Planned Building Group. We are especially concerned with traffic in our neighborhoods and feel that Lutheran's road system will reduce traffic. near our residences. We are concerned with any dedication of 35th Avenue and do urge Lutheran to "cut off" the 35th Avenue intersection at Dudley to limit the Center's impact on our neighborhood. We are opposed to any dedications which may permit 35th Avenue to be connected through Lutheran Medical Center to Wadsworth Boulevard. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Z~ r P.~~ ~~~ rrrxl•xoN ~• :Je, the undersigned residents of the 7800 and 3900 block of Brentwood Street pe ci tion the City of 4iheat P.i dge to correct a dange rows traffic condi- tion [hat exists at the inte rs ec [ion of 38 Ch Avenue and Brentwood Street. This condition is described as follows: 1. Brentwood Street dead-ends approximately one block north of 38th Avenue, making 3S [h Avenue the only means of ingress and regress to our residences. ;dhen approaching 38th Avenue from the north, the view of west bound traffic on 38th Avenue is blocked by a hedge on the nor rheas[ corner of the in Ce rsec ti on, which the city apps ren [ly has no power to correct. Tlris makes it necessary [o pull. sligh [ly into Che west bound traffic lane before Che west bound traffic on 38th Avenue can be seen. 2. There is a traffic signal on 38th Avenue an pr oximately 75 feet cast of Brentwood Street at the entrance [o Lu[he ran toe di cal Center. The we s-t side of the traffic signal can be seen clca rly fnn:: Um in[ersec ti on of 38t1i and B ren Cweod, however, uC Che time that the left turn arrow frr west bound traf- fic into Lutheran Hospital Corns green, thm light for [he west bound traffic on 38th Avenue is also green. A[ [he same time, thu signal shows red for all east bound traffic o^ 38th Avenue. P1iOPOSGD SOLUTION 1. Install a traffic signal s-e nsor in 6ren[wood Stce et near 38th Avenue so that the traffic signal will rematn red for both east and west bound traffic aC the same time. 2. Re-cycle the traffic signal so that west bound traffic on 38th Avenue cannot proceed so long as the green left turn arrow into the Lutheran A[edical Center is on, making the signal shoor red for both east and west bound traffic at the same time. ire, [he undersigned, respectfully request that [he City of Wheat .Ridge take iuaaedi ate action to alleviate [his dangerous condition in order to mini- mize [he risk of inJ ury, dea tli and prop er Cy damage. ' dame Add ess .~ ~O lima / Ad r ss ~7~L ,1,~~>rlir<<;~,f blame ~~ ~~, r~~I f~~ Address ~Or~~ ~f~,~tim cCc~ idame 3 5 0<+ J~tC.V~$..-~~ Address' /~ G5~ .~t'~ N am~ ^C~ Address ~p~ ~ ~me ~I"2h V nt+2~' ~~9 ~ Address y~t.~yY~.9/_J ~ 1 ~n1 \ J ~i l_...,~ . rr t~. Name Address :~ .J /~ ~ le, GG- , , ,,,;. ~~~' Address ~~ ~~ ~lamc Address Num; i Address -r~ ~ ,, //An9c ~ G g ` Q. 3 k' ~ D ~'~ah_~aU h ., ~ 90 /~~f~'az --- -_.. _.._ o~~ __ . _ ..._----------~-- ~n7~ ~n'n9E ' ~3~C~~~c-u/ v ... ~ ~~ U ----.-_ _ _• -~~ .>l ~s~~ nv~e _.. _. - 7 isypK./,t /~ irMc ,~ n~ - ,? . 9 i a s ~"~- r----- ,n ~ ~ C , ~- _ - ~yyirE' (`~~~ _ ~ ~ a~ 0 ~. ,--~ ~/La/~ CASE N0. PBG-8T-t (~ APPLICANT(S) NAME: OWNER(S) NAME: REQUEST: APPROXIMATE AREA: CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WNEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: 8300 West 38th Avenue Lutheran Medical Center 8300 West 3$th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lutheran Medical Center Approval of a Planned Building Group 94 Acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of. factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and it was moved by Commissioner BURT , seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON , that Case No. PBG-87-1, be forwarded to City Council with Planning Commission recommendation for APPROVAL, with the following conditions: 1. The drainage plan must be completed by applicant prior to submittal to City Council. 2. The traffic circulation plan is,aecepted with the understanding by the applicant that it may need to be modified in the future, especially if the 3$th and 32 Avenue intersections, as future uses within the site increases the traffic flow in to and out of the site. 3. The exit from the parking lot on 38th Avenue near Ammons Street will be closed upon completion of the planned parkway. 4. Landscape buffers on the east side of the property are to be completed. 5. 35th Avenue will not be considered for Lutheran site aceess.~ DOTE: YES: Burt, Johnson, Seoma, Winger, Edwards, Eckhardt, Cerveny NO None *Planning Commission agreed with Mr. Gidley~s statement that no dedication for 35th Avenue to the east is recommended." I, Seemah Betz, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge; Colorado, on the 2nd day of Jul 1987. AY J. ER, JR. irman~- Seemah Betz, Sec tar WEfEAT R PLANNING MMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ ~~ ~~ Edward A. Deibert 3325 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 July 6, 1987 Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Dear Planning Commission, I would like to point out several fundamental problems with case PBG-87-1 which is now in front of the committee. First, at the last meeting of the commission, I was the only person to address the problems with the increased traffic on 32nd avenue. No official of the Wheat Ridge City Govt., the Traffic Commission or of the Lutheran Hospital Board addressed the problems which would be created by placing the excess traffic from 38th onto 32nd. Due to non-existant side- walks in that area of 32nd, the lives of pedestrians will be endangered. Is the city of Wheat Ridge financially ready for the cost,ofi'new bike paths and new sidewalks in order to provide for the safety of these people. Also since the traffic is already heavy on 32nd and the intersection of 32nd and Wadsworth is already very congested, is the city prepared to provide a turn signal for that intersection. Second, when the concerned citizens of the area were addressing the problems of the safety of the people adjacent to the new facilities, the people were not concerned about criminally insane people being committed at the center, but actually were concerned about patients with multiple personalities and with violent tendencies and schizophrenic patients and various other dangerous patients. Today, I read in the paper about people under private psychiatric care committing violent crimes. These people still were not committed by society into mental institutions for the criminally insane when these crimes took place. This project does not address any sort of safety precautions. Finally, I would like to address the problem with the holding pond. A few years ago, heavy rains and inadequate drainage created a lake in the same area as the site. This lake lasted for a few weeks and was infested heavily with many mosquitoes.. Who will be spraying for insects and who will be addressing the environmental problems of mosquitoes and other insects created with the standing water in the holding pond. I would like for the entire commission to take all of these problems with this case under serious consideration before you reach a final decision on case PBG-87-1. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely yours, Edward A. Deibert ~'tn ~F WHEAT RIDGE JUL 08 1987 _~~ Il :i COMMUNiFY DEVELOPMENT Case No: ~ - l Case Name• L~' ~.lii~ivi I fLt O/t ~ hereby cpe-rtif~ that ~f . ~p 'lam- ~/~ 19~(date) and that the scheduled public on attached map. Si NOTE: This form will be kept in the applicant Community Development. file at the Department of PC~f ,,BOA: Hearing Date: ~-,~~_,¢~ la~,~,/ an official of the City of Wheat Ridge, have posted the notice of public hearing at ~,~Q CJ _(address/location) on ~ said sign shall remain in place or the 15 days prior to hearing of this case. Sign was posted in position shown Photo ~ M~ ~J P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 903/237.6944 Tho Cily o/ ]500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 cWheat Ridge July 13, 1987 This is to inform you that Case No. PBG-87-1 which is a request for approval of a planned building group plan for propezty located at 8300 West 38th Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chambers of the {lunicipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. , on July 27, 1987 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the CITY COUNCIL As an atea resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this public Hearinq and/or submit written comments. Ik shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION "Tlce Carnation City" CER7~D MAILING - CASE N0. PBG-87-1~HERAN Warren McCoy 3275 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ;~ _ . _:'~.' ' Patrick Coursey 3298 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Fted Lucci 3425 Dudley St.' Wheat Ridge, CO . ' I Jack E. Bailey 3270 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Carl Tomberlin 7990 W. 33rd Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 I~fichael & Brenda Leea 8140 West 33rd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Richard J. Horn 8705 Weat 35th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 G. E. Overholt 3275 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 t Wilbur Hegwood ' 8080 W. 33rd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Edward Delbert ' 3325 Zephyr Court T,Theat Ridge,- CO 80033 ~ - o' F .S D. Baxter 3355 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ R. L. Klutsch ' 3280 Balsam St. ~ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ W. L. Beye j 8001 W. 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 D. H. Schneby 8301 West 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Denis Searles 8485 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Robert E. Kaufman 3365 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -- -.: J. J. Miaei' 3290 Cody Court Wheat Ridge,, CO 80033 ~. • . , .., ,.. .. Verne Eason 8075 W. 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~'~ . ~,~, 0. J. Hursh~cF 8321 West 32ad Ave. Wheat Ridge,`C0.80033 :~' Dick Iaaacs~ 8501 W. 38th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lee Gerbig 3375 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dominic Stone 3501 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Delinda Hardy 7990 W. 33rd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Leoaa Richey 8090 W. 33rd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Alfred Bernhardt 3345 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Larry E. Peppel 3385 Zephyr Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 G. Hubert Lee 3295 Cody Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 i.._.._ Pam Vest 8075 West 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ronald H. Moewes 8455 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Carl Kirchmar 8501 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CE•FIED MAILING - CASE N0. PBG-8 • UTHERAN William Paulson 8511 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mark Broncucia 8601 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 I. R. Van Buskirt 8601 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Maurice Fox •• 4465 Ripling Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Paul McCorri:son 224 Reed St. Lakewood, CO 80226 Lutheran Medical Center Tom Stegbauer 8300 Weat 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. ~ Neil Bastable Landplan Design Group 777 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80215 ... ., i i i Dick Hain HNTB 3609 S. Wadsworth Blvd.//220 Denver, CO 80235 ~ CERTIFIE~ILING.- CASE N0. PBG-87- 1/LUT H. Douglas Teague John W'. Geiger, Jr. P. L. Smith 3525 Allison Ct. 3545 Allison Ct: 3565 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge; CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 . __ ...__ ., °j ' David'-C. Deubea ; R. L. VarreCta Albert S. Thomas 3585 Allison Ct. 3605 Allison Ct. 3625 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ; Wheat Ridge,: CO 80033 ~ , .,, . ~ - a:~. j Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David & Gladys Cox W. C. Cramm Tom Gish 3645 Allison Ct. ' 3665 Allison Ct. ~ 3685 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 i Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 C, G. Ring ~ .- ~- - .: Jack E. Sherry Donald C. Schworer 3695 Allison Ct. j 3715 Allison Ct. 3735 Allison Ct. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 4 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Elmer J. Steiner I _. I Michele Randall , Lois F. Clement, Jr. 3755 Allison Ct. 3775 Allison Ct. 3825 Carr St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat R~tdge, CO 80033 ~ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Timothy J. Nugen Jack L. Swanson George Losasso 3830 Carr St. 3803 Balsam 3820 Balsam Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, C0 80033 j Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Don Cri11y S. J. Lofing Dale Young 3825 Brentwood St. 3825 Brentwood 4~B 3840 Brentwood Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Tom & Sandra Fiddes Steve Pattisoa E. Benes 3820 Dover St. 3855 Dover St. 3801 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80.033 j Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 B. Hovorka ~ F. Sylvester Joaeph D. Sisneros 3801 Allison St. 3803 Allison 3804 Allison Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Alexander Soehn ~ John F. Storm Arthur S. Maselo 3220 Dudley 3258 Dudle St. 3260 Dudley St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice fs hereby given of a Public Hearing to be held before the City of Wheat City Council on July 27, 1987, at 7:30 P.M., at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: 1. Case No PBG-87-1: An application by Lutheran Medical Center for approval of a Planned Building Group Plah for property bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, Extended; West 3$th Avenue, Dudley Street and Allison Street Extended. Said property is legally described as follows: A tract of land located in the northwest one-quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., and the northeast one-quarter of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line common to said Sections 26 and 27 from which the north corner common to said Sections 26 and 27 bears N.0°10'56"E, a distance of 35.00 feet, said point being the south line of that tract of land described in Book 2577 at Page 401 of the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado; thence N.89°52'56"E. parallel to the north line of said Section 26 and along the south line of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401 a distance of 986.03 feet to a point on the east line of the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°04'52"W, along the east line of the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 1290.82 feet to the southeast corner of the west one-half of the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.89°56'28"E. along the north line of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 269.4.3 feet to the northwest corner of the east 60.00 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°02'50"W. along the west line of the east 60.00 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of $7$,70 feet to a point on the north line of the south 447.40 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.90°00'00"W. along the north line of the south 447.4 feet of the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26 a distance of $42.40 feet to a point which lies 417.40 feet easterly of the west line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°10'56"W. parallel to the west line of the northwest onesquarter of said Section 26 a distance of 417.40 feet to a point 30.00 feet northerly of the south line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence N.90o00'00"W. parallel to said south line a distance of 208.70 feet; thence N.0°10'56"E. a distance of 417.4D feet; ' Notice of Publ~Hearing - July 27, 1987 ~ Page 2 thence N.90°00'00"W, a distance of 208.70 feet to a point on the west line of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence S.0°10'56"W. along said west line a distance of 417.40 feet to a point 30.00 feet northerly of the southwest corner of the northwest one-quarter of said Section 26; thence 5.89°43'26"W., parallel to the south line of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 200.00 feet; thence N.0°10'56"E, parallel to the east line of said northeast one-quarter a distance of 417.40 feet to a point on the north line of the south 447.40 feet of the east one-ha3f of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27; thence 5.89°43'26"W. along the north line of the south 447.4 feet of the east one-half of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 607.65 feet to the southwest corner of Lot $, Lutheran Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the west line of said Lutheran Subdivision a distance of 833.55 feet to a point of curvature; thence along a curve to the right, whose radius is 15.00 feet, whose central angle is $9°40'13", and whose chord bears N.44°57'50"E. a distance of 21.15 feet, to a point of tangency; thence N.89°47'55"E. along the north .line of Lot 1 of said Lutheran Subdivision a distance of 110.09 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence N.0°07'42"E, a distance of 30.00 feet to the northeast corner of said Lutheran Subdivision; thence N.89°47'55"E. along the south line of Longview Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the official records of Jefferson County, Colorado, a distance of 74.50 feet to the southeast corner of said Longview Subdivision; thence N.0°07'42"E, along the east line of said Longview Subdivision a distance of 30.00 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 24 of said Longview Subdivision; thence 5.89°47'55"W, along the south line of said Lot 24 a distance of 199.50 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 24; thence N.0°07'42""E. along the west lines of Lots 24 through 18 of said Longview Subdivision, a distance of 700.00 feet; thence N.89°47'55"E. along the north line of said Lot 18 a distance of 199.50 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 18; thence N.0°07'42"E. along the east line and its northerly extension of Lot 17 of said Longview Subdivision a distance of 123.07 feet to a point on that agreed line described in Reception Number 86128262 of the Jefferson County Records; thence easterly along said agreed line the following three courses and distances: 1) 5.80°40'23"E. a distance of 33.34 feet; 2) 5.77°55'06"E. a distance of 75.09 feet; 3) 5.73°19'13"E, a distance of 79.$1 feet to a point on the west line of the east 426.80 feet of the northeast corner of said Section 27; Notice of Public Hearing - July a 1987 Page 3 thence N.0°10'56"E, along the (west line of the east 426.80 feet of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 487.00 feet to a point 30.00 feet south of the north line of said Section 27 and 426.80 feet west of the east line of said Section 27; thence N.89°52'25"E.'parallel to the north line of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 27 a distance of 232.99 feet to a point on the west line of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401; thence S.Oo10'56"W. parallel to the east line of said Section 27 a distance of 5.00 feet to the southwest corner of that tract of land described in said Book 2577 at Page 401; thence N.89o52'25"E. a distance of 193.80 feet to the point of beginning, containing 94.095 acres, more or less. l , ~ 4 f..~,\ o.~., Seemah Betz, Secretar Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be published: Denver Post - July 10, 1987 Wheat Ridge Sentinel - July 16, 1987 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT T0: CITY COUNCIL Date Prepared:~ly 21, 1987.; DATE OF MEETING: July 27, 1987 Case Manager: eredith Reekert CASE N0. ~ NAME: PBG-87-1/LUTHERAN MEDICAL CENSER ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Planned Building Group LOCATION OF REQUEST: 8300 4dest 38th Avenue NAME ~ ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Lutheran Medical Center 8300 West 3$th Ave, Wheat Ridge, 80033 NAME ~ ADDRESS OF OWNER: Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 94 Acres PRESENT ZONING: H-2, PCD, R-2, & R-1 PRESENT LAND USE: Hospital and Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: NN, E~_S: R-2; W: R-2 & PCD SURROUNDING LAND USE: N, E, S: Low Density; W: Low Density, Medical Office COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR AREA: Public/Semi-Public Date Published: July 10, 1987 Date Required to be Posted: July 13, 1987 Date Legal Notices Sent: July 13, 1987 Agency Check List (RXR) ( ) Not Required Related Correspondence (XXX) ( ) None ENTER INTO RECORD: (XXX) Comprehensive Plan (XXX) Case File ~ Packet Materials (XXX) Zoning Ordinance (XXX) Slides (XXX) Subdivision Regulations (XXX) Exhibits JURISDICTION: The property is xithin the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notifica- tion and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL - JULY 27, 1987 I. REQUEST CASE N0. PBG-87-1 PAGE 2 The applicant requests approval of a Planned Building Group Plan for Lutheran Medical Center. The purpose is for the construction of a psychiatric center on the southeast quadrant of the property. The holdings of Lutheran Medical Center are bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, extended; West 3$th Avenue; Dudley Street and Allison Street, extended. The approximate 94 acres is comprised of Hospital-Two, Planned Commercial Development, Residential-Two and Residential-One zonings, with several primary structures and multiple parcels. Because of this non-conforming status the City has requested a Planned Building Group be submitted for master planning on the whole site in regard to drainage and traffic and for specific design review on the psychiatric center. Remaining vacant portions will be handled similarly, prior to development. The Psychiatric Care Center will be considered as Project No. 1, with subsequent proposals being approved separately, II. OVERALL PLANNED BUILDING GROUP The Planned Building Group Plan for the site shows an inventory of the existing structures on the property. It also indicates the location of the proposed Lutheran Parkway and the structures which will be demolished prior to its construction. A master drainage plan and access study have been submitted. The drainage report is still being evaluated by the Engineering Division and has not yet been approved. The following recommendations have been made based on the traffic study: 1. That the major access point at West 38th Avenue be shifted 'west to align with Brentwood Street. 2. That a full width right-of-way dedication be made for West 35th Avenue. III. PSYCHIATRIC CENTER The majority of new construction will take place on the Psychiatric Center site. This area has Hospital-Two zoning which would allow the proposed facility as a use-by-right, The Psychiatric Center site covering roughly 14 acres will be constructed in two phases. Phase One will include an administration building and two patient care units. Constructed within this phase will be Lutheran Parkway, a private road linking West 32nd Avenue with the northern portion of the site and West 3$th Avenue. STAFF REPORT CITY_COUNCIL - JULY 27, 1987 CASE NO PBG-87-1 PAGE 3 The second phase will consist of an additional patient care unit, an addition to the administration building and expansion of the education building. Approval of this Planned Building Group request will permit both Phase I and Phase II construction. Overall building coverage would be 13.6, with 13.6% of the site covered with parking and drives and 73~ in landscaping. A loop road will encompass the development, however the east side will be accessible only to doctors and emergency vehicles. The main parking area will be on the western portion of the complex. A system of interior paths will pro- vide pedestrian circulation. Buffering to the adjacent residences is provided by physical separation and landscaping. Modules A and C will be setback at least 65 feet from the easterly property line. A 60 foot wide strip of land owned by the Denver Water Board increases this separation to 125 feet from the closest adjacent residential property. The City would like to see this strip included in the hospital's maintenance plans to preserve the aesthetics of the area regarding weed control. Module B is located 280 feet from the southern property line. Vegetation and berming along both boundaries will provide visual screening. The Hospital-Two zone district regulations require 100 foot side setbacks and 50 foot rear setbacks. Staff concludes that these minimums have been met. All structures within the development are shown within maximum building envelope lines, This will provide maximum flexibility at the time of construction to optimize the drainage situation and overall building layout. IV. AGENCY COMMENTS All agencies can provide service with certain improvements. PUBLIC WORKS has received a preliminary drainage report on the entire site and a final report for the Psychiatric Center. They have not yet been approved. A traffic study has been submitted and Public Works has made the following recommendations based on this information: 1. That the major access point at West 38th Avenue be shifted west to align with Brentwood Street. 2. That a full width right-of-way dedication be made for West 35th Avenue. V. NEIGHBORHOOD REFERRAL Prior to application, Lutheran held several meetings to receive. input from the surrounding neighborhoods. Attached are sign-up sheets and minutes from those meetings. STAFF REPORT CASE N0. PBG-87-1 CITY COUNCIL - JULY 27, 1987 PAGE 4 VI. PLANPIING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed this application on July 2, 1987. A recommendation of approval was made with the following conditions: 1. The drainage plan must be completed by applicant prior to submittal to City Council. 2. The traffic circulation plan is accepted with the understanding by the applicant that it may need to be modified in the future, especially at the 38th and 32nd Avenue intersections, as future uses within the site increase the traffic flow in to and out of the site. 3. The exit from the parking lot on 38th Avenue near Ammons Street will be closed upon completion of the planned parkway. 4. Landscape buffers on the east side of the property are to be completed. 5. 35th Avenue will not be considered for Lutheran site access; that is, no additional dedication for West 35th Avenue be made. In regard to the conditions made above, items 3 and 4 have been incorporated into the current plan. The drainage plan has been revised and re-submitted, however, it has not been approved. VII. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that all requirements for a Planned Building Group, with the exception of an approved drainage plan, have been met. Staff further concludes that the Psychiatric Center is a use-by-right in the H-2 zone and that all minimum standards have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of APPROVAL is given. However, prior to the issuance of a building permit, drainage plans for the overall site and the Psychiatric Center must be approved. In regard to access to West 38th Avenue and the dedication of West 35th Avenue, City Council must make a decision based on the recommendation from Public Works and other testimony and facts presented. STAFF REPORT CASE N0. PBG-87-1 CITY COUNCIL - JULY 27, 1987 PAGE 5 VIII.RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. PBG-87-1, a request for approval of a Planned-Building Group Plan for Lutheran Medical Center, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a Planned Building Group have been met. 2. The Psychiatric Center is a use-by-right in the Hospital-Two Zone District." 3. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. A right-of-way dedication be made for West 35th Avenue. 2. The major access point at West 38th Avenue be shifted west to align with Brentwood Street." Option B: "I move that Case No. PBG-87-1, a request for approval of a Planned Building Group-Plan-for Lutheran Medical Center, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ...., Option C: "I move that Case No. PBG-87-1, a request for approval of a Planned Building Group Plan for Lutheran Medical Center, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3• WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. 2. 3. ...,, CASE N0. PBG-87-1 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (WHEAT RIDGE): May have to increase line sizes. Schools: Water: (WHEAT RIDGE WATER DISTRICT) Can Serve ,(CONSOLIDATED MUTUTAL WATER COMPANY): Can Serve ,newer: NORTHWEST LAKEWOOD SEWER DISTRICT: Can Serve Mountain Bell: No Response Public Service Co Can Serve State Land Use Comm.(over 5 acres): State Geologist: No Comment State Highway: Jefferson County:(HEALTH,COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) No Response Adjacent City: Other: CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Has received preliminary drainage reports and a traffic study. Parks & Recreation: Police: Can Serve '° Building Inspection: 1D7~ J 1 V JJ ' °"V 4~tfh ~M UULti ••••~••••, •• D06 ODZ DOI 09 0 oz uFpTinq pauusid 3o Tseo.xddy ='1S3no3a uzuoZ ~~JA110NnOti~3nS ia~ua~ TsoFpayl uszaq~nZ./T-L8-9Hd ~3S\Y~ U~-. WQ ~ .) ~~N i 'a Nolsl Dens WWro ._..._ ,. ~cWi~' i L-tl-SM # ~ O Y u L 5~_ NO t 3 3~i' nbisln/aens u Yenw •_ 1x SN30tlb'9 M3/~13eOltJ l S31 d1 S3 i ~ ~^ ` u wow _ !~ b'H ~ -, 7 b' ~ .. . W ~ y Q ~ it W R ~ ~h v o y~~m i ~ ~a~~ ~; - ..... Nasinaails sooon~ L N ~ Y/N ~ 7/15 S31Y S3 M.7GL790/N ~ ~-'~ u .~ -~~ i ~:::~{: :~:.'~ iii::: ::• :•.: ~. ~:: ............. ::::. ~:::::::r. ~:. .................v . ~: . . ::. ~ .: ........ ::::.:•::. ~::: .............. ::.: .......:::. :::::• ::•:::::...:::•:::..... : ... :::. . . i :n_::::::. ~. ............. ~::::v.v.: ~::. w. ..............:.. :, ~ ........:::.::: • ..._ y........... .1y,` 'r:+i: Y :.~:~• _ . ~ 1 :~ i;i¢; :; :; ~ ~f -- W ~ I J t _ _ ..,; --~ -- ' J . Q ,I ~ ~ i 1 ~ ~~` y 1 ~ i ~ ~ W ~ t o3an/3w d r ~, ~ ... • ._ _ N ~ y ~~ Q' ~. ~... ..._-__._ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: July 27, 1987 Page -2- Item 2. Application to approve the Transfer of Ownership from Ronald E. Graebing, dba Hillcrest Liquors, 4403 Waasworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to Hillcrest Liquors, Inc. Applicant Ronald E. Graebing was present and sworn in by the Mayor. Motion by Mrs. Ibbison to approve the transfer of ownership from Ronald E. Graebing, dba Hillcrest Liquors, to Hillcrest Liquors, Inc. This is a Class D - Retail Liquor Store License with extended hours; seconded by Mrs. Keller; carried 5-0. Item s Application for a Special Events Permit for the Muscular Dystrophy Association to dispense 3.2$ Beer at the location of 38th & Youngfield in the Applewood Village Shopping Center, Wheat Ridge, during the Carnation Festival on 8/20/87 through 8/23/87. Chairman of the Carnation Festival, Wayne McKee, was present, representing the applicant. Motion by Mr. Merkl to approve the Special Events Permit for the Muscular Dystrophy Association at the location of 38th and Youngfield, in the Applewood Village Shopping Center, Wheat Ridge, to dispense 3.2$ beer on 8/20/87 from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.oi., 8/21/87 from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., 8/22/87 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and on 8/23/87 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; seconded by Mrs. Ibbison; carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 4. Application by Lutheran Medical Center for approval of a Planned Building Group Plan for property bounded generally by West 33rd Avenue, Extended; West 38th Avenue, Dudley Street and Allison Street Extended. (Case No. PBG-87-1) Glen Gidley presented the case. Councilmember Davis stated that he and his family have been represented on several occasions by Robinson & Shearer, who are the attorneys for Lutheran Medical Center. He has not discussed this hearing or case with them and plans to hear the case and vote on it. Chair accepted this. Speaking in favor and sworn in by the Mayor were:. Dick Taylor, 11269 W. 74th Place, representing Lutheran Medical Center, and Dick Shearer, 6610 W. 14th Avenue, who addressed the development. Elizabeth Myers, 9120 W. 35th Avenue, read a statement into the record and presented petitions in support of the Lutheran plan. Dr. Ramona Reed, 10185 W. 49th Ave., addressed the concerns of the neighborhood as to the type of patients the facility will have. Dr. David Wahl, 12600 W. Colfax, also addressed the concerns of the neighborhood as to the hospital. Speaking in opposition were: Ervin H. Belyeu, 3660 Allison Ct., who related the problems he and his neighbors have had with Lutheran Hospital; he feels the development is sorr,ething the City cannot afford. Al Thomas, 3625 Allison Ct., who spoke about his problems with Lutheran's paving that was previously done. Bob.Anzia,'3328 S. Allison Way, answered questions regarding traffic. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: July 27, 1987 page _3_ Discussion followed. Tom Stegbauer, 4125 Yarrow Ct., answered questions on removal of Blue House. Mr. Goebel recommended to add the following conditions to the motion. 1. 12 feet of right-of-way be dedicated along 38th Avenue for an additional travel lane; a sixth lane on 38th Avenue, either be constructed by Lutheran prior to their build-out or that they participate in the cost associated with construction at the time the City reconstructs 38th Avenue, which is currently scheduled for 1991. 2. Lutheran be responsible for costs associated with modifications to the existing signal on W. 38th Avenue, required to accomodate both initial and final construction. 3• Lutheran install a traffic signal at the W. 32nd Avenue access when signal warrants are met. Motion by Mr. Davis that Case No. PBG-87-1 be approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a Planned Building Group have been met. 2. The Psychiatric Center is a use-by-right in the Hospital-Two Zone District. 3. Staff and Planning commission recommend approval. With the conditions recommended by Mr. Goebel (listed above). Mr. Merkl asked to add another condition as a friendly amendment. The drainage plan be approved by staff. This was accepted by the motion maker. Motion by Mr. Merkl to amend that the Blue House is saved or moved; seconded by Mr. Johnson; carried 4-1 with Mr. Johnson voting No. Vote on original motion as amended carried 5-0. Mr. Merkl clarified that the vote was a legitimate good faith effort to save the Blue House. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 5. An Ordinance amending Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, by adding thereto Article III, Emissions from Gasoline or Diesel Engines, and providing a penalty for violation thereof. (Council Bill 305) Council Bill 305 was introduced by Mrs. Keller on first reading; title read by Clerk. Mrs. Keller explained the Ordinance and made an amendment to Section 12-11. twenty 20~ should be forty 40~. Motion by Mrs. Keller that Council Bill 305 with amendment be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, August 24, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Bldg., and if approved on second reading, take effect 1 day after final publication; seconded by Mr. Merkl. Mr. Davis will vote No, because he has a problem with someone with two hours training is authorized to write tickets. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Davis voting No.