HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-07-01 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: W A-07-0IlSchneider DATE OF MEETING: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of an increase to maximum building coverage for property zoned Residential One. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3381 Oak Street APPLICANT (S): David Schneider 3331 Oak Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 OWNER (S): Eunice Williams 3381 Oak Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 13,935 sq. ft. (0.32 ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Residential One (R-I) Location Map Site . 4thi'. w. 32nd PI. ui " . o Administrative Variance W A-07-01/Schneider 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, therefore an administrative decision may be made. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 316.25 square foot building coverage variance for a new single family structure in the R-I zone district. II. CASE ANALYSIS The property is 13,935 square feet in size, has a rectangular shape, and is currently vacant. The applicant wishes to construct a new single family residence (Exhibit I, Site Plan). The R-I zone district allows a maximum lot coverage of25%. Section 26-123 defines building coverage as the portion of lot which is covered by main or accessory structures. Based on the lot size, a total of 3483.75 square feet of structures may occupy the lot. The applicant wishes to construct a 3,800 square foot structure, which is 316.25 square feet above the allowed maxImum. All other development standards in tlte R -I zone district will be met. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA Staff has the following criteria to evaluate variance requests. 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? If the request was denied, the property can yield a return in use. The property is currently vacant; however, a conforming structure could be constructed on tlte lot which meets all development standards. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? If the request was granted, the character of the locality would not be altered. The increase in building coverage is negligible. The house is consistent witlt the size and style of adjacent houses. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? The property has a typical rectangular shape and is relatively flat. The size, shape or topographical condition does not result in a hardship. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? The hardship has been self-created. The applicant could construct a smaller sized house. Administrative Variance W A -07 -0 1ISchneider 2 S. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The adequate supply of light and air would not be compromised as a result of the request. The request would not increase congestion in the streets, nor increase the danger of fire. The request would most likely not have an effect on property values in the neighborhood. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The request would not result a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood, only the property owner. The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. IV. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S) Staff concludes that the hardship has not been created by the property owner, and that unique circumstances warrant tlte approval of the variance request. Upon review ofthe above requests, staff concludes that tlte criteria are supportive of the requests. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for tlte following reasons: I. The character of the neighborhood should not be altered. 2. The adequate supply oflight and air will not be compromised as a result of the request. 3. There have been no protests submitted during the ten-day public notification period. Pursuant to Section 26-115 of tlte Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, the Community Development Director has tlte autltority to make a decision on the variance request. The property has been properly posted and mailing notices have been distributed. In recognition that there have been no protests registered within the ten-day comment period, and based upon the above conclusions and evidence stated, the variance requests are hereby approved. D Witlt Conditions ~i!:o?1J!lons Community Development Director 1~7!o7 , I Date Administrative Variance W A -07 -0 1ISclmeider 3 E~h.\b\+ \ SITE SURVEY NOTES 1. Field verify all underground utility lines. CLEARING AND GRUBBING All surface objects and all trees. stumps, roots and other protruding obstructions, not designated to remain. sholl be cleared and/or grubbed.. ON SITE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION concrete mixed at the job. The use of ready-mixed concrete in no way relieves the Contractor of sole responsibility for proportioning, mixing. delivering. or placing concrete as required in these standards. Ready-mixed concrete sholl conform to 011 the requirements of these standards and ASTM C 94. FINISHING Exposed faces of curbs and sidewalks sholl be finished to true lines and grade os shown on the plans. The surface shall be floated to a smooth but not slippery finish. Sidewalk and curb shall be broomed or combed and edged. unless otherwise indicated by the Engineer. After completion of brooming and before concrete has taken its initial set, all edges in con tact with the forms sholl be tooled with an edger having a 3/8 inch radius. No dusting or topping of the surface. or sprinkling with water to facilitate finishing shall be permitted. EXPANSION JOINTS Expansion joint material shall be provided as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Expansion joints shall be installed at existing joints. structures. peR's, and every 10 feet. CONTRACTION JOINTS Transverse Joints shall be placed at maximum lntervals of ten (10) feet to control random The joints sholl be formed, sawed or tooled to a minimum depth of one quarter of the total thickness. If divider plates are used, the maximum depth of plates shall not be greater than one-holf (1/2) the total thickness. The joints shall be finished with a jointer having a width no greater than 5/16 inch and a depth not less than 3/4 inch. A maximum joint width at the finished surface shall be no greater than 5/16 inch. Con traction joints must be straigh t (:i: 1/4") and perpendicular (:i: 1/2") to the Ion gitudinal axis of work. . TOOL JOINTS Tool joints shall be spaced as follows: 1) Not more thon ten (10) feet nor less than five (5) feet apart in curb and gutter and Q"mblnation curb-walk. thIn fhll. ,.., ,...trUj" (4)'..' '" '1..waIM~ 3) In driveways at least two joints equally spaced at not greater than ten (10) foot intervals. as applicable. 4) As directed by the Engineer. GRADING NOTES 1. plan is for rough and Site Pion. GENERAL 1. 2. CONSTRUCTION PLANS - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE LOT 20 APPLEWOOD RESERVE 3381 OAK STREET WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSI CONDITIONS ON DIFFERENT DRAWINGS AND IN THE FIELD PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 4. CONTRACTOR TO f<OVIDE ALL NECESSARY TEMPORARY AND FLOORS PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF VERTICAL AND SYSTEMS. FOR WALLS LOAD SITE PLAN NOTES: 1.) CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY TOP OF FOUNDATION FOR COMPATIBILITY FOR WATER AND SEWER TAPS, PROPER DRAINAGE AND SITE CONCERNS. 2.) LANDSCAPING DESIGN BY OTHERS 3.) ALL REZONING AND REPLATING DONE BY OTH 4.) ALL DIMENSION'S ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL BLDG. LAYOUT TO BE VERIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. 5.) PROVIDE 10% GRADE FOR 10' MINIMUM AROUND EXTERIOR FOUNDATION FOR DRAINAGE. 6.) DRIVEWAYS ARE TO HAVE A 2% MINIMUM GRADE 7.) . IF ANY DRAINAGE SLOPE IS LESS THAN 0.5% PLEASE ADVISE OUR OFFICE. 8.) CONTRACTOR IS TO STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE SOilS / GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR SLAB-ON-GR,l\DE CONSTRUCTION AND DRAINAGE AROUND THE STRUCTURE. SIZE DATA CHART only. Changes ma y be necessary to bring plan into conformance with approved Final 2. Water truck if called for by the City inspector will be provided to keep wind erosion in check. 3. Any settlement or soil accumulations beyond the property limits due to grading or erosion shall be repaired immediately by the con trac tor. 4. No grading shall take place in delineated Flood Hazard Areas until the Final Oraino(J€ Pion has been approved and all appropriate permits have been obtained. cons true tion debris mud f rom this developmen t shall be removed by the con- tractor. The immediately fix any excavations or excessive pavement failures caused by the development and shall properly barricade the site until construction is complete. Failure by the Contractor to correct any of the above within 48 hours of written notice by the City sholl cause the City to issue 0 stop work order (red tog) and/or do the work and make 0 claim against the letter of credit for on y cost incurred by the City. 6. Areas being disturbed by the grading sholl be reseeded with native vegetation or os approved on the development plan. 7. I t sholl be the responsibilit y of the developer during construction oc tivi ties to resolve construction problems due to changed conditions or design errors encoun tered by the con tractor during the progress of on y portion of the proposed work. If, in the opinion the City's inspector4 the modifications proposed by the developer to the approved plans involve significant changes to the character of the work or to future contiguous public or private improvements. the developer sholl be responsible for submitting revised plans to the City of Lokewood for approval prior to further construction related to that portion of the work Any improvements constructed not in accordance with the pions or the approved revised plans, sholl be removed and the Improvements sholl be reconstructed according to the approved pions. 8. The contractor sholl be solely and completely responsible for conditions at and all persons and property during performance of the work. This requirement sholl working hours. to the job site. including safety of con tinuously and not be limited to normal The du t y of the C it y to conduc t cons truc tion review of the con trae tor's performance is no t in tended to include review of the adequacy of the contractor's safety measures in, on or near the construction site. ABBREVIATIONS AS ANCHOR BOLT ABV ABOVE AIC AIR CONDITIONING AD AREA DRAIN ADD ADDENDUM ADJ ADJACENT ADJUST ADJUSTABLE AFF ABOVE fINISHED FLOOR ALT ALTERNATE ALUM ALUMINUM ANOD ANODIZED APP APPROXIMATE ARCH ARCHITECTURAL ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING & MATERIALS ASPH ASPHALT AUTO AUTOMATIC BEL BELOW BET BETWEEN BIT BITUMINOUS BLOG BUILDING BLKG BLOCKING 8M BEAM BOT BOTTOM B.P> BEAM POCKET 8S 80TH SIDES BRG BEARING BSMT BASEMENT BUR BUILT UP ROOFING CAB CABINET CPT CARPET CI CAST IRON CB CA TCH BASIN C CAULK CLNG CEILING eM CENTIMETERS CT CERAMIC TILE CIR CIRCLE CLR CLEAR COL COLUMN CONe CONCRETE CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CONST CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS CJ CONTROL JOINT CORR CORRUGATED CFT CUBIC FOOT CYD CUBIC YARD DL DEAD LOAD DEMO DEMOLITION D TL DETAIL DIA DIAMETER DIM DIMENSION DIV DIVISION DN DOWN DH DOUBLE HUNG DS DOWN SPOUT OWG DRAWING OF DRINKING FOUNTAIN OW DISHWASHER DBW DUMBWAITER EA EACH EJ EXPANSION JOINT E EXISTING ELEC ELECTRICAL EWC ELECTRICAL WATER COOLER EL ELEVATION ELEV ELEVATOR EMER EMERGENCY ENC ENCLOSURE EQ EQUAL EQUIP EQUIPMENT Ese ESCALATOR EXH EXHAUST EXP EXPOSED EXT EXTERIOR E.I.F.S. EXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEM FA FIRE ALARM FB FACE BRICK FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET FCO FLOOR CLEANOUT FD FLOOR DRAIN FDN FOUNDA nON FE FIRE EXTlNGUISHER FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FLR FLOOR FLOUR FLOURESCENT FOC FACE OF CONCRETE FOF F ACE OF FINISH fOM FACE Of MASONRY FOS FACE OF STUD FP FIREPLACE FPF FIREPROOFING FRT FIRE RET ARDENT FRP FIBER REINFORCED PANEL FTG FOOTING FV FIELD VERIFY GA GAUGE GB GRAB BAR GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GYP. BO> GYPSUM BOARD HB HOSE BIB He HOLLOW CORE HD HEAVY DUTY HDR HEADER HDW HARDWARE HM HOLLOW METAL HORZ HORIZONTAL HT HEIGHT HTG HEATING HV AC HEA TING/VENTlLA TlON I AIR CONDITIONING HWD HARDWOOD ID INSIDE DIAMETER IN INCHES INCL INCLUDE INS INSULATION INT INTERIOR JC JT KIT KM KO LAV. LBL LH LL M MAS MAT MAX MECH MED MFR MH MIN Mise MM MO MTD MTL MULL MW N NIC NOM NRC NTS OA DC 00 OH OPG opp OS PBD PC PCF PED PERF PLF PKG PLAM PL YWD PNL PNT PRE FIN PSI PT PTD PVC PVMT OT RA R RB RCP JANITOR'S CLOSET JOINT KITCHEN KILOMETER KNOCKOUT LAVATORY LABEL LEFT HAND LIVE LOAD METER MASONRY MA TERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MEDIUM MANUF ACTURER MANHOLE MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS MILLIMETER MASONRY OPENING MOUNTED METAL MULLION MILLWORK NEW NOT IN CONTRACT NOMINAL NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT NOT TO SCALE OVERALL ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIMENSION OVERHEAD OPENING OPPOSITE OVERFLOW SCUPPER PARTICLE BOARD PRECAST POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT PEDESTAL PERFORA TED POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT PARKING PLASTIC LAMINATE PLYWOOD PANEL PAINT PREFINISHED POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH paiN T PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PAVEMENT QUARRY TILE RETURN AIR RADIUS RUBBER BASE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RD RE REF REINF REM REV RFL RH RO ROW S SAT SC SD SECT SHT SIM SPEC SPK sa SSK 5ST ST STD STG STR SUSP SV SYM SYN SYS TC TEL T&G THK TOL TOW TV TYP UC UON VB VCT VERT VT WI W/O WB we WD WH WIN WP WPT WTW WWF f. 27 " of lot size 751 s.f. I C1 C2 DEX OF SHEETS - INDEX,SITE & E.C. PLAN - E.C. NOTES I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I \ I \ I I I I I SLIT FENCE THESE NOTES ARE GENERAL IN NATURE AND ARE INTENDED TO SET MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION. WHERE THERE IS A CONFLICT BETWEEN DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND THESE NOTES. THE MORE STRINGENT SHALL GOVERN. INSPECTION AND lOR JOB SUPERVISION NOT PROVIDED SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED FOR BY OTHER CONTRACT. GRADE A1 A2 A3 A4 15 A6 - BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN - 1 ST FLOOR PLAN - ELEVATIONS - ELEVATIONS - SECTION - DETAILS BALE S1 - FOUNDATION PLAN S2 - DETAILS AND NOTES ~ t'~~ S3 FRAMING PLANS ~ ~ I ~ ~~U ~ - 54 - ROOF PLAN PROPSOED GRADE EASEMENTS BACK LINES ---------- Zone District: Size: 1 8. f. Total BuUdlng Coverage: House size: 3049 s. f. Accessory Structure (attached): NOTE: PROVIDE PERIMETER AROUND DWELLING PER SOilS VTC TRACKING STRA W BALE SILT FENCE, TYP. RET. B.O.W. T.O. W. 6.5' . --.. --.. --.. --.. ~.. ~ I \-4++-1-1 \-1 I"j Ill,I"I..1 I..J I<HMN"J ~>li~~,1 U J.jl I I \ I II I I I I I I I I I:i: I ,..". ..... ,." ".., , ~~ - :1 '04~ ; ~.." ~ 1 PROPERTY LINE 139.37' .. --.. --.. --..--.. ! I 1 I ! I N89016'23"E .---..-- +-+++-j ~"i ~,+++,Fi ~,-I ',+l.I.+.~ . I 1 ,,,.!JJ """, IN I~ I 0 (f) . I~ I ~ I >- _......~.... -..... n:: w D- o n::: 0-1 I I r - I .. : ~k- .... ~ Y\ I.... \\~- -8.0' PROPOSED ..JJ,OM'E TOP".O.F--FO'U'NOA TION '''A T ELEVATION 9.0' SUBFLOOR= 10.2' 30" LANSCAPE WALL ...0 ROOF DRAIN REFERENCE REFRIGERA TOR REINFORCED REMOVE REVISION REFLECTED RIGHT HAND ROUGH OPENING RIGHT OF WAY SEALANT SUSPENDED ACOUS~eAL TILE SOLID CORE STORM DRAIN SECTION SHEET SIMILAR SPECIFICA nON SPEAKER SQUARE SERVICE SINK STAINLESS STEEL STEEL STANDARD STORAGE STRUCTURAL SUSPENDED SHEET VINYL SYMMETRICAL SYNTHETIC SYSTEM TERRA COTA TELEPHONE TONGUE AND GROOVE THICK TOLERANCE TOP OF WALL TELEVISION TYPICAL UNDERCUT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VAPOR BARRIER VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VERTICAL VINYl TILE WITH WITHOUT WOOD BASE WA TER CLOSET WOOD WA TER HEATER WINDOW WA TERPROOFING WORK POINT WALL TO WALL WELDED WIRE FABRIC I lO.5' .., . " ,.. .. ., " ~,;" .. ~.; " " .'::' ,,'" . - .~;.. : \ I ! ! I ! I I I I \ 1 I ! \ I 'I' I I I I ! I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I i' I I . I ' I 1 H-l ,I, 1 I I I I I \ I I i I I 1 I I I I I . I i I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Ii I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I ~ I III ljl ! I __ '-...-..__.....-..__..--.. · · --;;o~~ ~N~ ~;3'- N8901- - - - - " ... " .. '4 15' SIDE SET BACK . -~ ~ ......'" ....,- ..,......... ........ ~....... 00 <~ I / ./ I / : ~/. 7.0' L// ~. I I' '1"I"j'; I Ii Ili!:,'l .k'; i ; I t Hi: I I I " ! i : I I I! I I! I I 1 i I II! ! t I ! I t \~ 1. l~ . . ~ . . '-"-' . . __ . . __ . . SILT FENCE, TYP. SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE + ~ 10 0 ~ 5 I 10 , 20 I 40 I ( IN FEET ) 1 inCh = 10 ft. 1. ) WORK PERFORMED CONTRACTOR & SUB_CONTRACTORS ARE TO ADHERE TO THE 2 03 IN RNA TIONAL I !IL tt\J r 'J i^; ! DESIGNED STRUCTURES INC. 4424 EAST VINE DR. FT. COLLINS. CO. 80524 PHONE FAX 493-4773 554- 7646 I- 1.1.I 1.1.I a: I- en ~ C Q ~ 0:::0 ~~ lu~ O:::ot3 ~-JlLJ aOe: OUU) ~LJ -Jc..:,~ ~~O ~-- ~e:~ ,,~CXJ '-JLJN) C\J :J:: tv) h..~ a -J CI) "4-11...... c:: S) ~ Q)-..Q E: '\:) Q.) ~<l>(f) Ul....::, aO \:) Q Q) Q)~ Q) """- tf) Q (f) Q) ::J ~~l> J.::::o~ (l) ~ (J :<: ~ CJ ~ V) ~ 0::: V) ~ ~ ---J ---J ~ VTC z o i= (f)~ zo o~ (/)0 w n::: w r- <( o o z DRAWN BY: SRS CHECKED BY: SRS ISSUE DATE: 1_11_07 SHEET NO> Cl SITE PLAN OF CI OF C1 SHEETS 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge January 5,2007 This is to inform you of Case No. WA-07-01, a request to increase the maximum building coverage by 316.25 square feet, resulting in a 3800 square foot footprint for property located at 3381 Oak Street. The applicant is requesting an administrative variance review which allows no more than a ten percent (10%) variance to be granted by the Zoning Administrator without need for a public hearing. Prior to tlte rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified oftlte request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5 :00 p.m. on January 16, 2007. Thank you. e:\planning\forms\zapubnot.wpd 7006 0100 0006 Thomas Abbott & Isabel Abbott 10780 W 35th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Eunice Williams 7459 AsWand Ln Binningham, AL 35242 .' /Q 7650 6747 0 '1;1 Nancy Waring ':(Jj 3370 Oak St \ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 . 7006 0100 Peter Tedstrom & Nicole Tedstrom 3371 Oak St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 6778 7006 0100 0006 7650 6785 Patrick Koentges & Laurie Koentges 3391 Oak St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Roy Martin & W K Martin 3390 Oak St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 7006 0100 0006 7650 6792 7006 0100 0006 7650 6761 , ! . ******************************* * Search Parameters * ******************************* * Jefferson (CO) * 1/4/2007 * 12,30 PM * * * ******************************* Parcel Number. ..6 39 282 09 034 39 282 09 035 39 282 09 036 39 282 09 016 39 281 17 016 39 281 17 022 *----------------------------: MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Abbott Thomas L Site ,10780 W 35th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,10780 W 35th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm,4 Bath,4.25 TotRm, *----------------------------: Owner :Waring Nancy P Site ,3370 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,3370 Oak St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm, 5 Bath,3.00 TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Koentges Patrick J Site ,3391 Oak St Wheat Ridge Mail ,3391 Oak St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm,3 Bath,2.25 TotRm, *----------------------------: 80033 Co 80033 Owner :Williams Eunice P Site ,3381 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,7459 Ashland Ln Birmingham Al 35242 Use :1111 Vacant, Residential Bedrm, Bath, TotRm, *----------------------------: YB, MetroScan / Owner :Tedstrom Peter Site ,3371 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail ,3371 Oak St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use ,1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm, 6 Bath,3.00 TotRm, *----------------------------: Owner :Martin Roy A Trust Site ,3390 Oak St Wheat Ridge Mail ,3390 Oak St Wheat Ridge Use :1112 Res/Improved Land Bedrm, 3 Bath,2.50 TotRm, 80033 Co 80033 :----------------* (CO) Parcel Xfered Price Phone BldgSF,4,935 Ac,2.25 :----------------* Pool, Jefferson (CO) Parcel Xfered Price Phone BldgSF,2 , 540 Ac, .31 :----------------* YB,2001 Pool, ,136866 ,11/21/1977 ,423215 ,09/23/2004 ,423222 ,03/25/2003 Ac, .34 :----------------* ,423223 ,07/26/2006 ,$265,000 Ac, .31 :----------------* ,423224 '02/27/2004 ,436211 ,11/19/2003 Ac,.57 Information compiledfrom various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of infonnation contained in this report. YB,2000 Pool, MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel Xfered Price Phone BldgSF,4,098 YB,1998 Pool, MetroScan I Jefferson (CO) Parcel Xfered Price Phone BldgSF,2,891 I .5 .5 , "'s (7~ 6:-2,j', b..~ (5650') (10080') 0 S"O') ') ~"'. 0'0, '" ... '" -. -. -. -. -. -W-.J4,"Q=l-P-L-.- - ~ <" I ,- t- f- f- a> 09-036 ;;; '" '" '" '" '" '" 09-016 0 ! r,3;O,.v, 0 09-016 0 0 e ill" e. e. e. v 'le ! (14254') I (14254') /.-..-- ~ 1 " " <" 17-022 a> a> 0 a> a> 0 0 ?-l5'1 .5 .5 0 ... 0 '" 09-035 <: e. 31-;{ 6-;;r (338 ) ~ .(139 ~~~(Q1~ (14203') (13921') V (14203') (13921') .5 ~ V<" ... L.--"' 17-00 a> ~ '" 0 0 0 e. 0 0 .... ... 0 t- o '" 09-034 0 '" 17-016 ~ ~ e. <: e. g .... (137 (14172') (14022') (137 (14172') (140.22') <" ":; ~@lIf 0 0 0 ... 0 0 t ~ ... "' 09-033 0 0 17-017 -::;: '" (8537'\ '" <: ) :::. 00 (77 56') " 0-' C! ~ :: (16293') -' (13 (14101') ( ~IO ,,,,,(} &.",!!",!! (<t;!{I2ill1==ne."'-'n@@(Q1 (13 (14101') (14121,)Tu' <" 0 0 0 ___6 17-0 ... 0 "' a> 09-032 0 17-018 '" a> e. :::. '" '" " '" '" C! .5 .=;'"-' (13 (140 50') (141811 (13 (14050') (14181') c- o 0 '" 0 (;3 09-026 ... 0 "' 17-0 '" 09-031 0 '" 17-019 "' 0 ~ e. <: e. '" co ~ '" ~ .5 .5 -' I (13980') I (14273') (13 (13980') (14403') (13 <" I ,-- 0 0 0 0 ... a> a> "' 0 I 17-020 ~~ 17-0 a> 09-030 0 e. <: ! <" I '- (23155') (121 '" (13900') '" ~~~~ ;;; (13900') 11-. _. _. -. -.. -W. a2ND-Pl-.- e (,Oa9~) 0 ~ I ... "' "' 0 09-029 '" \ r (23~ 30') '" ~ e '" 0_ 09-025 -' ~ 0 " 21-006 "' "' 21-00 0 (13800') 0 '" ) .5 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant EJ\1\<-e... vJ \\\\~S City Address :, '3 "" \ da..k s,.j-y~ State Zip Phone Fax Owner t:uV\\ce. \AJ \ \1 \"'-.11II\ s City \AJh.Rxt IZ.....Asl d , ... . Contacth~\o... S,,-~..,\J,,;w Address Phone 303-"1.<4\-7'7 g City State Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regardi.ng this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Address 3 -S ~ \ State CD oa..1sz. -::,..ty .e..o-t- Zip ~oo:,"3 Phone;lOS"'-")/,<j -2'-1b Fax Location of request (address): 3-s'i:. I OCl.l< S\-v<<-~t- Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side o Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit o Consolidation Plat 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) o Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Right of Way Vacation o Planned Building Group 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign o Site Development Plan approval 0 VarianceIWaiver (from Section ) \B1:lther: Detailed description of request: ei. c.e-E: cJ.... 'N\ \ V"\ \ yV\. U ~ \0 -\- u:;V.<2N o..."';,€-. Reqnired information: Assessors Parcel Number: Current Zoning: Current Use: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and tltat in filing this application, I am acting witlt the knowledge and consent ofthose persons listed above, without whose consent tlte requested action cannot lawfully lished. Applicants otlter titan owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which a ~li M> ion on his behalf. ~~:., .... .~~< Signature of Applicant ~.. T A.<> .<} .r..n...- Subscribed and om; to me this ~ d To be filled out by staff: Date received 1/ ;LID? Comp Plan Desig. ( . Related Case No. ~ /' Fee $;)(JD \3.rceipt No. vO);:}'w7 Zoning L~! Pre-App Mtg. Date . Case No. Quarter Section Map Case Manager .;;L Case No.: IWA0701 Quarter Section Map No.: INw28 App: Last Name: IEunice Williams Related Cases: I App: First Name: Ic/o David Schneider Case History: dm. variance to exceed Owner: Last Name: IEunice Williams minimum lot coverage. . . Owner: First Name: Ic/o David Schneider App Address: 13381 Oak 51. Review Body: jAdm. City, State Zip: Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 App: Phone: 1303-941-7778 APN: ]39-282-09-035 Owner Address: I 2nd Review Body: I City/State/Zip: I 2nd Review Date: 1 Owner Phone: 1205.969-2469 Decision-making Body: I Project Address: 13381 Approval/Denial Date: I Street Name: 10at Street City/State, Zip: Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Conditions of Approval: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: ICrane lA~ti~~ District: 111I Date Received: 11/2/2007 Follow-Up: Pre-App Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 01/04/07 3:39 PM cdb David Schneider RECEIPT NO:C022847 FMSD ZONING APPLICATION F zone AMOUNT 208.00 PAYMENT RECEIVED CA TOTAL AMOUNT 208.00 280.00 ----------------------------------------