HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-07-20 ~". " . City of '~Wheat~dge .~OMMUNI1Y DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 February 12, 2008 Philip M. Benallo 6088 W. 39th PI. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Benallo: RE: Case No. W A-07-20 Please be advised that at its meeting of January 24, 2008, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your requests for approval of (A) a 10-foot rear yard setback variance from the 30-foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 20-foot rear yard setback (39th Avenue); (B) an II-foot front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a 19-foot front yard setback (39th Place); and (C) a IS-foot side yard setback variance from the 30- foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a IS-foot side yard setback (Ingalls Street); and located at 6088 West 39th Place for the reasons and with the findings and conditions as specified in the enclosed minutes and Certificates of Resolution. Enclosed is a copy of the Certificates of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, January 24,2008. This variance shall automatically expire within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date it was granted, July 22, 2008, unless a building permit has been obtained. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, -K/f'd:iM ~~ Kat!:; Fi~I~Y"" Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificates of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: Gerald M. Benallo 5885 Clear Creek Dr. Denver, CO 80212 WA-07-20 (case file) Building File w AonO.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us . , ~~l.( _ r City of ?Wheat~ge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting January 24, 2008 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment was called to order by Chair BLAIR at 7:03 p.m. in the City Council Chmnbers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Tom Janet Bell Bob Blair Alan Bucknam Betty Jo Page Board Members Absent: Larry Linker Paul Hovland Bob Howard Staff MembersPtesent: Meredith :~eckert, Senior Planner ~,d,ilIIl!i~tz, Planner I A11i1Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PUBLIC FORUM No one wished to address the Board at this time. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS f'A. CaseNo.W A-07-20: An application filed by Phil Benallo for approval of (A) a IO-foot rear yard setback variance from the 30-foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 20- foot rear yard setback (39th Avenue); (B) an II-foot front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a 19-foot front yard setback (39th Place); and (C) a IS-foot side yard setback variance from the 30-foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a IS-foot side yard setback (Ingalls Street); and located at 6088 West 39th Place. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -1- , , case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. The applicant is requesting approval of a three-fold variance request in order to construct an addition to the existing single family home on the property. Staff concluded that there are unique circumstances due to the property having three street frontages, however the extent ofthe requests is excessive. There are alternatives such as reducing the size of the addition lessening the need for a variance on at least one side. For these reasons, staff gave;j, recommendation of denial for variances on three sides but would support variances on two sides with conditions as set forth in the staff report. She entereqailetter into the record from S. A. Burson, 7311 Braun Way, Arvada, Coloradoexpressi]].g opposition to a variance being allowed on all three sides of the property. TlJ'is letter was the same as the one originally submitted to the Community DevelopmentDirector with a change in date to January 22,2008. Board Member ABBOTT asked why Comrnunity Development Director had declined to approve the case. Ms. Reckert expl;j,i/1ed the Director thought it would be best for the case to be heard before the Board due to a letter of opposition which was received'frQtp.a citizen. Board Member BELL commented,that theptoposed building would be within the 40% lot coverage. Chair BLAI~ asked to he.ar from the applicant and members of the public. Phillip Benallo 60!\~~(\~t~9th AVell.!l~ Mr. Benallo,tlre:~pplicant,was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He stated that without all three variances3Ahe house would look out of proportion and would also affect the value. He stafegthat he would remove all the outbuildings and would not be rernQ~i.ng any trees.LWhen the garage is built and outbuildings are removed, there would2be:!W vehicle:sparked outside the house. He plans to install matching brick wainscofiiil.g'f!Toun,<i'the house and incorporate the design to blend in with the existing house. Board Member ABBOTT asked why the garage has to be so long. Mr. Benallo replied that the garage would accommodate a motor home, a boat and his vehicles. There would be a storage room above the garage. Board Member PAGE expressed concern that the garage is so large that it could accommodate a business. Mr. Benallo assured the Board that no business will operate out of the garage and that it would simply accommodate his cars, motor home and boat. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -2- . , Board Member BELL commented that removal of the present RV parking would provide for more yard space making the property more attractive. Jason Hart 6050 West 39th Avenue Mr. Hart was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He expressed his support for all three variances. He stated that he has lived at this address since 1998 and Mr. Benallo's plan is the first improvement he has seen in the neighborhood. The proposed improvement will eliminate parking the boat outside and therefore improve Mr. Hart's property value as well. Emmett James 6060 West 39th Place Mr. James was sworn in by Chair BLAI~. He has lived in the neighborhood for thirty-one years. He spoke in support ofthe application and stated that the addition to the house would be an improvement to the neighborhood. Betty James 6060 West 39th Place Ms. James indicated from the audience that she was in favor of the application. Tony Thiemen 12000 Pecos SfIteet,'",e:stminster Ms. Thiemenw~s swom:jn by Chair BLAIR. She spoke in support ofthe application. She:stated that she is a ReMax realtor and a cousin of the applicant. She has been inv0lyed witl1the.ilPplicant in making plans for the property. She was confident that the addition, and the meticulous manner in which the applicant takes care of hispropetty;would improve the appearance of the neighborhood. Ll\rry Douglas 10413 Owens Circle, Westminster Mr. D0uglas was sw-Qrn in by Chair BLAIR. He spoke in support ofthe applicatiOn. Be stated that he is a friend of the applicant and has been involved in the planning Qverthe past three years to construct an addition that would blend in with the neighborhood. The applicant's grandfather built the house and the applicant has lived in the house for eighteen years and plans to continue living in the neighborhood. There were no other individuals to address the Board at this time. In response to a question from Board Member ABBOTT, Ms. Reckert stated that the city had not adopted a Dark Skies ordinance. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 - 3- Board Member BELL indicated her support of the request. What the applicant is proposing would be an improvement to existing conditions in the neighborhood. It would also have better sight clearance than the property to the north. Board Member BLAIR commented that he knows of no other situation in the city that compares to the applicant's property. Board Member BUCKNAM commented that it is favorable that the house is being remodeled to remain a single family structure. In response to a question from Board Member PAGE, Mr. Benallo stated that the addition will not be constructed as a second unit. Upon a motion by Board Member AB.Q0TT and second by Board Member BELL, the following resolution wautlll!\d: Whereas, the applicant was denied permissi9'P::;by an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been poS'ted tjl,e fifteen dUIYs required by law, and in recognition that there was one protest registered against it: and Whereas, the reliefa'i!iJ1ied for maybe granted without detriment to the public welfalie~nd witlj.Qut substanti~llyimpairing the intent and purpose of the regulation&EgQverning the City of~heat Ridge. Now, therefore, be itresolvedtlIatBoard of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-07-20 (A), a lQ..:foot rear yard setback variance from the 30-foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street, be and hereby is approved. For the following reasons: 1. There aF.e a considerable number of substantial encroachments in this neighborhood within one block ofthis property. 2. There are seven other large residential structures within one block of 6088 West 39th Place. All are in the Residential-Three zone district. 3. There is no living space above the over-height bay. 4. Staff fonnd the first variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 5. Staff found that the second variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 6. Staff found the third variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -4~ 7. Staff found that the fourth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 8. Staff found that the fifth variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 9. Staff found that the sixth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 10. Stafffound that the seventh variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs to a degree. 11. Stafffound that the eighth variance criterion is 110t applicable and the Board concurs. 12. Staff found that the ninth variance criterion is'Iiot applicable and the Board concurs. 13. Several neighbors testified in favorofthe variance. With the following findings: 1. This variance is not on a lot line immediately abutting neighbors' homes. 2. This structure sits on ll.srnall parcel with two street corners resulting in three setbacks from streets. 3. There are seven large multi-family structures within one block of this parcel, therefore this is not necessarily a small single-story, single- family neighborhood. 4. Many other snbstantial encroachments in the setbacks within the neighborhood exist, some of ag!l.eater magnitude. 5. Design const..aints were imposed. 6. Single family use is being retained on a Residential-Three zoned lot. 7. It can he argued that completion of this structure in this neighborhood works in several ways toward the goals of the City's NeighborhOod Revitalization Strategy. 8. Lots across(~9th Avenue are elevated above the site in question thus offering some mitigation to view plane encroachment caused by the variance. With the following conditions: 1. The addition will be built consistent with the applicant's Exhibits 5, 6 and 7. 2. All existing outbuildings and temporary structures will be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The existing driveway on the south side of the home will be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 4. A brick wainscoting three feet in height matching the original home will be provided on the 39th Street elevation to lessen incongruities and visual impacts caused by the variance. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24,2008 - 5- 5. Any outdoor lighting attached will generally meet Dark Skies concepts in retaining lighting leaving the property to a level that will cause no annoyance to neighbors. The motion carried 5-0, with Board Members HOVLAND, HOWARD and LINKER absent. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member BELL, the following resolntion was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there was one protest registered against it: and Whereas, the relief applied for may be grantetfwithout detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairin,g the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved thl\t BoardQf~gjustll1ent Application Case No. W A-07-20 (~)'l!lll1-foot front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setbl\ckrequirement, bel\nd hereby is approved. For the followingreasons: L There are aConsiderah'Iel').llmber of substantial encroachments in this neighborhood within one block of this property. 2. There ate seven otb.efIarge residential structures within one block of 6088 West39th Place. All are in the Residential-Three zone district. 3. There is no living space above the over height bay. 4. Stafffoundthe first variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 5. Stafffound that the second variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 6. Staff found the third variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 7. Staff found that the fourth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 8. Staff found that the fifth variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 9. Staff found that the sixth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -6- 10. Staff found that the seventh variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs to a degree. 11. Staff found that the eighth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 12. Staff found that the ninth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 13. Several neighbors testified in favor of the variance. With the following findings: 1. This variance is not on a lot line immediately abntting neighbors' homes. This structnre sits on a small parcelwith two streetcol"ners resulting in three setbacks from streets. .. There are seven large multi-f:ftfi'~!~ structgres within onel111>ck of this parcel, therefore this is not necess1Ji?i}y a.,sill.all single-story, single- family neighborhood. . Many other substantil\1 encroachmentS:i~llthe setbacks within the neighborhood exist, sOm.e<of a greater magnitude. Design constraints wereirtJ.Jl'o$l\lI. Single family use is beingntairiedou a Residential-Three zoned lot. H can be, ~~9~~d that completion of this structure in this neighbj!rliooll"~;grks in sever,al ways toward the goals of the City's N eig~~(jrhood'8:!lvitalization<Strategy. Lots aCI'(jss 39th<""venue are elevated above the site in question thus offering some Iliitigati(ju to view plane encroachment caused by the variance. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. With the followi(Ig conditi(jns: 1. The additioll.:<will he built consistent with the applicant's Exhibits 5, 6, aud 7. 2. A:1I1~~istingJ'outbuildings and temporary structures will be removed prior2tRls!mance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The ex:fsting driveway on the south side of the home will be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 4. A brick wainscoting three feet in height matching the original home will be provided on the 39th Street elevation to lessen incongruities and visual impacts caused by the variance. 5. Any outdoor lighting attached will generally meet Dark Skies concepts in retaining lighting leaving the property to a level that will cause no annoyance to neighbors. 6. The driveway on the north side will be removed. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -7- The motion carried 5-0, with Board Members HOVLAND, HOWARD and LINKER absent. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member BUCKNAM, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there was one protest registered agliillst it: and Whereas, the relief applied for may be grall.ted without detl.'ifi).ent to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intentllilld purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board ofA1djustment Application Case No. W A-07-20 (c), a 15-foots;de yard setbackVl\riance from the 30-foot side yard setback requirement wheiladjacent to a public street, be and hereby is approved. For the following reasons: 1. There are a considerable number of substantial encroachments in this neighbol'hood Within one blocl{,ofthis property. There areseyenQtiIe-rl~r~eresidential strnctures within one block of 6.Q,~.!l'Yest 39th'place. A:Ul\re in the Residential-Three zone district. Thereisllo living space above the over-height bay. Staff fou.nd-the firstv.ariance criterion has not been met and the Board COIfl;lurs. Staff found'!!tpat the second variance criterion has been met and the B!!ard concl"tl-s. StllifUOUllll!:the third variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. Stafffound that the fourth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. Stafffound that the fifth variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. Staff found that the sixth variance criterion has been met and the Board concnrs. Staff found that the seventh variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs to a degree. Staff found that the eighth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -8- 12. Staff found that the ninth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 13. Several neighbors testified in favor of the variance. 14. Lowering the west wall, thus increasing the pitch ofthe west roof, would be more impactive than the proposed height of the encroaching wall. With the following findings: 1. This variance is not on a lot line immediately abutting neighbors' homes. This structure sits on a small parcel ",ith two street corners resulting in three setbacks from streets. There are seven large multi-familY structures withinotieblock of this parcel, therefore this is not necesSl\rily a small single-story, single- family neighborhood. Many other substantial encroachmeti[tS;ijn the setbacks within the neighborhood exist, some of a greater'm.agnitude. Design constraints weteitp.posed. Single family use is being retaip.e4on a Resi~~ntial- Three zoned lot. H can be argued that completion oJ this structure in this neighborqRR~.\Vorks in se-vera1waysto",ard the goals of the City's N eighb()rhood~evitalization Strategy. Lots across 39t~(.i\;venue are elevated above the site in question thus offerill.g;i$ome mitigation to view plane encroachment caused hy the variance. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. With the following conditions: 1. The addition will be built consistent with the applicant's Exhibits 5, 6 and 7. 2. All existing outbuildings and temporary structures will be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. A brick wainscoting three feet in height matching the original home will be provided on the 39th Street elevation to lessen incongruities and visual impacts caused by the variance. 4. Any outdoor lighting attached will generally meet Dark Skies concepts in retaining lighting leaving the property to a level that will cause no annoyance to neighbors. 5. Upright bushes or trees, as approved by the city, will be planted along the Ingalls Street frontage to lessen incongruities and impacts caused by the variance. Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -9- L The motion carried 5-0, with Board Members HOVLAND, HOWARD and LINKER absent. (Chair BLAIR declared a recess at 8:20 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:28 p.m.) B. Case No. W A-07-24: An application filed by Karen Stor for approval of a 5-foot side yard setback variance from the 5-foot.side yard setback requirement resulting in a 0- foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential-One C and located at 3025 Eaton Street. This case was presented by Adam Tietz. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hearlhe case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation The applicant isrequesting approval ofa 5-foot side yard setback variance for the purpose of replacing an existing carport. Staff recommended approval of the request with conditions outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Board Member BLAIR, Mr. Tietz stated that staff had received no comments regarding the application. In response to a question from Board Member BELL, Mr. Tietz explained that the existing concrete wall is four inches from the property line and won't be moved. The support beam for the new carport would be abutting the inside of cement wall. In responseto questions from BoardMember ABBOTT, Mr. Tietz explained that the Karen St0r's&pplication requested a O-foot setback, but upon further study it is. apparent that itis actually a I-foot setback. Chalt BLAIR asked. to hear from the applicant. Karen Stor 3025 Eaton Street Ms. Stor, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. The existing carport is leaking into the house so she will have to remove it whether or not she can replace it. She submitted a letter into the record from neighbors in support ofthe application. She explained that the downspout will drain into the garden. Julian Kasprzak 3025 Eaton Street Mr. Kaspryzak was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He stated that the replacement of the existing carport would improve the appearance ofthe property. A 0- foot Board of Adjustment Minutes January 24, 2008 -10- CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION' fr:> ro\\ riH~,\ \'1' ~YU~' U I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 24th day of January 2008. CASE NO: W A-07-20 (A) APPLICANT'S NAME: Phil Benallo LOCATION OF INTERPRETATION: 6088 West 39th Place WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case Number WA-07-20 (A) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer and in recognition that one protest was registered against it; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case Number WA-07-20 (A) 3 be, and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 10-foot rear yard setback variance from the 30-foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 20-foot rear yard setback (39th Avenue) on property zoned Residential-Three. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. There are a considerable number of substantial encroachments in this neighborhood within one block ofthis property. 2. There are seven other large residential structures within one block of6088 West 39th Place. All are in the Residential-Three zone district. 3. There is no living space above the over-height bay. 4. Staff found the first variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 5. Staff found that the second variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 6. Staff found the third variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 7. Staff found that the fourth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 8. Stafffound that the fifth variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. , " Board of Adjustment Resolution No, : WA-07-20 (A) Page two (2) 10. Staff found that the seventh variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs to a degree. 9. Staff found that the sixth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 11. Staff found that the eighth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 12. Stafffound that the ninth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 13. Several neighbors testified in favor of the variance. WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: I. This variance is not on a lot line immediately abutting neighbors' homes. 2. This structure sits on a small parcel with two street corners resulting in three setbacks from streets. 3. There are seven large multi-family structures within one block ofthis parcel, therefore this is not necessarily a small single-story, single- family neighborhood. 4. Many other substantial encroachments in the setbacks within the neighborhood exist, some of a greater magnitude. 5. Design constraints were imposed. 6. Single family use is being retained on a Residential-Three zoned lot. 7. It can be argued that completion of this structure in this neighborhood works in several ways toward the goals of the City's Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy. 8. Lots across 39th Avenue are elevated above the site in question thus offering some mitigation to view plane encroachment caused by the variance. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The addition will be built consistent with the applicant's Exhibits 5, 6 and 7. 2. All existing outbuildings and temporary structures will be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Board of Adjustment Resolution No. : W A-07-20 (A) Page two (2) 5. Any outdoor lighting attached will generally meet Dark Skies concepts in retaining lighting leaving the property to a level that will cause no annoyance to neighbors. 3. The existing driveway on the south side of the home will be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 4. A brick wainscoting three feet in height matching the original home will be provided on the 39th Street elevation to lessen incongruities and visual impacts caused by the variance. VOTE: YES: ABSENT: NO: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, BUCKNAM, PAGE, LINKER, HOVLAND HOWARD None DISPOSITION: A request for a 10-foot rear yard setback variance from the 30-foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 20-foot rear yard setback (39th Avenue) on property zoned Residential-Three was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 24th day of Januarv. 2008. Robert Blair, Chair Board of Adjustment Ann Lazzeri, Secreta Board of Adjustment CERTIFICATE OF-RESOLUTION (Cory I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 24th day of January 2008. CASE NO: WA-07-20 (B) APPLICANT'S NAME: Phil Benallo LOCATION OF INTERPRETATION: 6088 West 39th Place WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case Number W A-07-20 (B) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer and in recognition that one protest was registered against it; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case Number W A-07-20 (B) 3 be, and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: An II-foot front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a 19-foot front yard setback (39th Place). FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: I. There are a considerable number of substantial encroachments in this neighborhood within one block ofthis property. 2. There are seven other large residential structures within one block of6088 West 39th Place. All are in the Residential-Three zone district. 3. There is no living space above the over height bay. 4. Staff found the first variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 5. Stafffound that the second variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 6. Staff found the third variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 7. Stafffound that the fourth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 8. Staff found that the fifth variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. , .' . Board of Adjustment Resolution No. : W A-07-20 (B) Page two (2) 9. Staff found that the sixth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 10. Staff found that the seventh variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs to a degree. 11. Staff found that the eighth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 12. Staff found that the ninth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 13. Several neighbors testified in favor of the variance. WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. This variance is not on a lot line immediately abutting neighbors' homes. 2. This structure sits on a small parcel with two street corners resulting in three setbacks from streets. 3. There are seven large multi-family structures within one block ofthis parcel, therefore this is not necessarily a small single-story, single-family neighborhood. 4. Many other substantial encroachments in the setbacks within the neighborhood exist, some of a greater magnitude. 5. Design constraints were imposed. 6. Single family use is being retained on a Residential-Three zoned lot. 7. It can be argued that completion of this structure in this neighborhood works in several ways toward the goals of the City's Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy. 8. Lots across 39th Avenue are elevated above the site in question thus offering some mitigation to view plane encroachment caused by the variance. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The addition will be built consistent with the applicant's Exhibits 5, 6, and 7. 2. All existing outbuildings and temporary structures will be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. .' Board of Adjustment Resolution No. : WA-07-20 (B) Page two (3) 3. The existing driveway on the south side of the home will be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 4. A brick wainscoting three feet in height matching the original home will be provided on the 39th Street elevation to lessen incongruities and visual impacts caused by the variance. 5. Any outdoor lighting attached will generally meet Dark Skies concepts in retaining lighting leaving the property to a level that will cause no annoyance to neighbors. 6. The driveway on the north side will be removed. VOTE: YES: ABSENT: NO: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, BUCKNAM, PAGE, LINKER, HOVLAND HOWARD None DISPOSITION: A request for an II-foot front yard setback variance from the 30-foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a 19- foot front yard setback (39th Place). was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 24th day of January. 2008. M~~ Robert Blair, Chair Board of Adjustment , Ann Lazzeri, Secretar Board of Adjustment CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION ~Q)~11 I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 24th day of Januarv 2008. CASE NO: WA-07-20 (C) APPLICANT'S NAME: Phil Benallo LOCATION OF INTERPRETATION: 6088 West 39th Place WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case Number W A-07 -20 (C) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer and in recognition that one protest was registered against it; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case Number WA-07-20 (C) be, and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A IS-foot side yard setback variance from the 30-foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a IS-foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a IS-foot side yard setback (Ingalls Street). FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: I. There are a considerable number of substantial encroachments in this neig'hborhood within one block ofthis property. 2. There are seven other large residential structures within one block of 6088 West 39th Place. All are in the Residential-Three zone district. 3. There is no living space above the over-height bay. 4. Staff found the first variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 5. Staff found that the second variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 6. Staff found the third variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 7. Staff found that the fourth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. Board of Adjustment Resolution W A-07-20 (C) Page two (2) 8. Staff found that the fifth variance criterion has not been met and the Board concurs. 9. Staff found that the sixth variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs. 10. Staff found that the seventh variance criterion has been met and the Board concurs to a degree. 11. Staff found that the eig'hth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 12. Staff found that the ninth variance criterion is not applicable and the Board concurs. 13. Several neighbors testified in favor of the variance. 14. Lowering the west wall, thus increasing the pitch of the west roof, would be more impactive than the proposed height of the encroaching wall. WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: I. This variance is not on a lot line immediately abutting neighbors' homes. 2. 3. This structure sits on a small parcel with two street corners resulting in three setbacks from streets. 4. 5. There are seven large multi-family structures within one block of this parcel, therefore this is not necessarily a small single-story, single-family neighborhood. 6. 7. Many other substantial encroachments in the setbacks within the neighborhood exist, some of a greater magnitude. 8. Design constraints were imposed. 9. Single family use is being retained on a Residential-Three zoned lot. 10. It can be argued that completion of this structure in this neighborhood works in several ways toward the goals of the City's Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy. 11. Lots across 39th Avenue are elevated above the site in question thus offering some mitigation to view plane encroachment caused by the variance. . " Board of Adjustment Resolution W A-07-20 (C) Page two (3) WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. The addition will be built consistent with the applicant's Exhibits 5, 6 and 7. 2. All existing outbuildings and temporary structures will be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. A brick wainscoting three feet in height matching the original home will be provided on the 39th Street elevation to lessen incongruities and visual impacts caused by the variance. 4. Any outdoor lighting attached will generally meet Dark Skies concepts in retaining lighting leaving the property to a level that will cause no annoyance to neighbors. 5. Upright bushes or trees, as approved by the city, will be planted along the Ingalls Street frontage to lessen incongruities and impacts caused by the variance. VOTE: YES: ABSENT: NO: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, BUCKNAM, PAGE, LINKER, HOVLAND HOWARD None DISPOSITION: A request for a IS-foot side yard setback variance from the 30-foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a IS-foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a IS-foot side yard setback (Ingalls Street) was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 24th day of January, 2008. ;e-e--e~~ Robert Blair, Chair Board of Adjustment ~<~~~ Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment .............. o M I t"- O I -< ~ . o Z ~ \IJ. = U = ClJ o ~ ~ ~ ~- ~~ ..c-= ......... 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PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 24, 2008 Case No wa-07-20 An application filed by Phil 8enallo for approval of (A) an ii-foot front yard setback variance from the 3D-foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a 19-foot front yard setback (391h Place), (8) a 15-foot side yard setback variance from the 3D-foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 15-foot side yard setback (Ingalls Street), and (C) aiD-foot rear yard setback variance from the 3D-foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 20-foot rear yard setback ~391h Avenue) on property zoned Residential-Three and located at 6088 West 39t Place.. Name Address In favor/Opposed 60S0 wY9!f A e 120m (lcUi.5 .# If/W o,c( lOr ~ / iI /N N7LJO!!j .6"060 k'./ Y4ttf ,J I-... I U ()6{:J W. .? t't{ rP/ //"/'" t!wefl ~,,.. 4.--'e-"/-fo1' d-u (!c . -::en F4VOY:-- G/2-<ZIJ5r1.71e.V,Ct((O I~s-('le'l"'-('R-tek..D"-,,,~ Oe'fJ"~ eo .:Eth.u<'e- f))//.!.. !3e'A.;.4(!tS 66,5/5" /1.) -qCj """'B-p 1_ Wl/-eit7/!/iJ&r' J...YJ f-At!t7~ .. > -- 9 ... ." , ) "l ,,/ ") - I Jan. 22, 2008 J<~7~ ;/Lf-o ~ f'v-~ ~~ o. ~,1i\\ cLff {; 0/1" lcka.r,'A 'j 1 f-Z.3-6~ /-;l'1-0?;' 7311 Braun Way Arvada, CO 80005 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Case No. WA-0-7-20 Following are my comments regarding Case No. W A-07-20. As property owner of an adjacent property (6090 W. 39th Ave.), I am not opposed to an addition to a single family home. However, a 33% to 50% setback variance on three sides of the property at 6088 W. 39th PI. seems excessive. The proposed variances seem to allow for a building to land ratio that is out of proportion with most of the surrounding houses in the neighborhood. In addition, not having at least one setback of 30 feet is out of character with neighboring homes. It would seem that an addition could be built with an allowable variance on one or at most two sides; or a much lesser variance on all three sides. I am also concerned the variances, if allowed as is, would permit the future building of a sizeable multi-family unit in an area of generally small one level homes. Again, the building to land proportion would be out of character, and as such, a detriment to the neighborhood. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. ~ G- ~'\'-- S. A. Burson Jan. 22,2008 ~l ~ 7311 Braun Way Arvada, CO 80005 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Case No. WA-07-20 Following are my comments regarding Case No. W A-07-20. As property owner ofan adjacent property (6090 W. 39th Ave.), I am not opposed to an addition to a single family home. However, a 33% to 50% setback variance on three sides of the property at 6088 W. 39th PI. seems excessive. The proposed variances seem to allow for a building to land ratio that is out of proportion with most of the surronnding houses in the neighborhood. In addition, not having at least one setback of 30 feet is out of character with neighboring homes. It would seem that an addition could be built with an allowable variance on one or at most two sides; or a much lesser variance on all three sides. I am also concerned the variances, if allowed as is, would permit the future building of a sizeable multi-family nnit in an area of generally small one level homes. Again, the building to land proportion would be out of character, and as such, a detriment to the neighborhood. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. 0- G- ~--- S. A. Burson CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WA-07-20/ Benallo DATE: January 17, 2008 ACTION REQUESTED: A 10' rear yard setback variance, a 15' side yard setback variance and an 11' front yard setback variance LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6088 W. 39th Place APPLICANT (S): OWNER (S): Phillip Benallo Gerald Benallo APPROXIMATE AREA: 10,375 s.f. PRESENT ZONING: Residential- Three (R-3) PRESENT LAND USE: Single family residence ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) (X) ( ) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( ) DIGITAL PRESENT AnON I Location Map JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, the there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1 W A-07-20/Benallo I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a three fold variance request in order to construct an addition to the existing single family home on the property. The individual requests are as follows: 1. A 10' rear yard setback variance from W. 39th Avenue (south side) resulting in a 20' rear yard setback. 2. A 15' side yard setback variance from Ingalls Street (west side) resulting in a 15' side yard setback. 3. An 11' front yard setback variance from W. 39th Place (notth side) resulting in a 19' front yard setback. This case began as an administrative variance request but was denied as one letter of objection was submitted. II. SUBDIVISION mSTORY The property was subdivided as Lot 7 of Harlan Court Subdivision which was approved by the Jefferson County Commissioners in 1951. The subdivision originally contained 10 lots. W. 39th Avenue runs along the southern boundary of the subdivision with W. 40th Avenue running along the northern limit ofthe subdivision. Abutting the subdivision on the east is Harlan Street with Ingalls Street on the western perimeter. All of the "local" streets dedicated with the subdivision (40th Avenue, 39th Avenue and Ingalls Street) are 40' in width which is substandard in width to today's 50' standard for local streets. (Exhibit 1, Harlan Court Subdivision plat) Harlan was dedicated to the half width of30'. It appears that Lots 3, 4, 7 (subject property) and 8 were further resubdivided subsequent to original plat approval. (Exhibit 2, Assessor's parcel map) Staff has not been able to ascertain when this occurred. Aside from two five-plex structures on the Harlan frontage of the subdivision, the majority of the homes are single family ranch-style construction built in 1952. Another exception would be the structure on lot 9 which is a two story "farm house" built in 1923 broken into four multiple units with a carport connection to a four-unit structure built in 1963. At the time of construction of the majority of the homes, a private "alley" was built along the interior of the common shared lot lines of the subdivision. This "alley" was privately owned but named W. 39th Place. Many of the homes built "fronted" this interior roadway and at some point, were addressed to it. (Exhibit 3, aerial photo) The private roadway known as W. 39th Place was not built to the City's standard road construction section for width and pavement thickness and was inadequately maintained by the homeowners. In 1987, the subdivision residents approached the city to inquire about dedication of this private roadway. In 1988, W. 39th Place was dedicated to the City Council by a "dedication plat". (Exhibit 4, W. 39th Place Roadway Dedication Plat) There is existing "Honywood" curb with an attached sidewalk along an of the street frontages in the area. Pursuant to the R-3 zone district regulations, front, side and rear setbacks from public streets are required to be 30'. Dedication of39th Place as a public street resulted in the creation of numerous nonconforming setbacks in the subdivision. Any new construction must meet the required setbacks. III. CASE ANALYSIS 2 W A-07-20/Benallo The applicant, Phillip Benallo, is requesting the three variances as the representative of the property owner, Gerald Benallo (his father). The property is addressed as 6088 W. 39th Place and faces notth. Ingalls runs along the western side property line and W. 39th Avenue runs along the southern rear property line. The applicant lives in the home and wishes to construct an addition to the residence to accommodate his father. (Exhibit 5, site plan) The R-3 zone district allows for single family and two family dwelling units as well as multi-family dwelling units and accessory structures. The property measures approximately 100' x 104' with 10,375 s.f. of total land area. The property would be able to accommodate a duplex as it exceeds the 9,000 square foot minimum lot size requirement and the minimum lot width of75 feet for a duplex. It is not large enough to accommodate a tri-plex. The R-3 zone district allows for maximum lot coverage of 40%. Based on a lot size of 10,375 square feet, 4150 square feet of lot coverage is allowed. The proposed single family home with addition will be 4150 square feet or 40% of the lot if developed as proposed. The home meets all other development standards including the interior side setback and maximum height. The existing home is single-story brick construction. It faces notth onto W. 39th Place (formerly the private street). A single car garage is provided on this northern face as well as a shed which violates setbacks. The existing setback on the north side is 29'. The southern elevation of the structure faces onto W. 39th Avenue. There is an existing double car driveway with a covered patio area. There is also a metal carport structure which does not meet setback in this area. The western portion of the yard where the addition will occur is landscaped with sod and upright junipers. The existing setback on the south is 45'; however the covered porch and carport extend into the required 30' setback. The proposed addition will be two-story and will include another bedroom and bath intended to be used by the father and a large family room all on the first level. The second story will include a master bedroom and bath and a loft area. A large garage/shop area measuring 27' x 66' (1782 s.f.) is also proposed on the bottom level ofthe addition. The westerly garage door is high enough to accommodate a recreational vehicle. The addition will be stuccoed and roughly 21' in height at mid-roof. (Exhibits 6 and 7, house elevations) In 2007, the applicant submitted an application for approval of a lot consolidation to reassemble the two halves of the lot which were resubdivided subsequent to original subdivision approval. A lot consolidation plat was recorded on November 20, 2007 which reassembled the two lot portions back into a single parcel. (Exhibit 8, lot consolidation plat) One letter of objection was received in response to the administrative posting and noticing. (Exhibit 9, letter) III. VARIANCE CRITERIA In order to approve a variance, the Board of Adjustment must determine that the majority ofthe "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-1 15.C.4 ofthe City Code have been met. The applicant has provided their analysis of the applications compliance with the variance criteria. (Exhibit 10, applicant letter) Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. 3 W A-07-20IBenallo 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request were denied, the property may yield a return. The western portion of the property currently is vacant and would accommodate an expansion of the existing single family residence or the addition of another unit. If denied, the applicants would stilI be able to construct a house addition on the lot but it would have to meet the 30' setback requirements on the notth, south and west, Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. Several homes and other structures in the area violate the 30 foot front, side and rear setback requirements. The number of nonconformities greatly increased when W. 39th Place was dedicated as a public street. (Exhibit 11, aerial with 30' setback overlay) Although the addition is two stories in height, the general appearance and construction materials will be consistent with other homes in the neighborhood. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property that will result in a positive outcome. The investment in improving this lot wilI substantially increase the value of property and could increase the value of neighboring properties. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. Although the property is rectangular in shape and is flat, there are unique conditions related to the physical surroundings that hinder the developability of the vacant portion of the property Double- fronted lots (lots with streets along both the front and rear property lines) are prohibited in the Subdivision Regulations. It is highly unusual to have a lot that has three street frontages. Given 30' setback requirements on three sides, only 900 s.f. of the western portion of the lot is buildable. At least six of the 11 lots in the subdivision have nonconforming setbacks adjacent to streets. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. 4 W A-07-20/Benallo The original owner of the property was the applicant's grandfather. Gerald Benallo, the applicant's father, was one of the petitioners requesting dedication of39th Place. The applicant has created his own hardship by proposing such a large addition. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to neighboring property or improvements. It would not hinder or impair the development of the adjacent property. The adequate supply of air and light would not be compromised as a result of this request. The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it increase the danger of fire. The request will most likely not have an effect on property values in the neighborhood. The home would not cause an obstruction to motorists on the adjacent street and would not impede in the sig'ht distance triangle. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. The unusnal circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. There are unusual circumstances which impact all of the homes in this subdivision due to the public dedication of 39th Place and the 30' required setback. The neighborhood is unique in that there are a large number of nonconforming setbacks. However, none of the homes have encroachments to the extent of this application. The addition could be reduced in size, lessening the need for such extreme variances. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Single family homes and their accessory structures are not required to meet building codes pertaining to the accommodation of persons with disabilities. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to single and two family dwelling units. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. 5 W A-07-20/Benallo IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that there are unique circumstances due to the property having three street frontages, however that the extent of the requests is excessive. There are alternatives such as reducing the size ofthe addition, lessening the need for a variance on at least one side. For these reasons, Staff gives a recommendation of Denial for variances on three sides. Staff would support the variances on two sides with the following conditions: 1. The addition be built consistent with the applicant's Exhibits 5, 6 and 7. 2. All existing outbuildings be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The existing driveway on the south side of the home be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 4. A brick wainscoting three feet in height matching the original home be provided on all three street elevations. 6 W A-07-20/Benallo -c f------- r- 1 , 10 !<: I /66_ N t 1 .1, 'io' .~bd,.-,d.~ 10 1'2 ,.. S~ale I" 50' nis!-t. " 50 50 200. " ;$ nor '~is subdivision ~ eC/.-\- 6'{)--D J 5T-t-.e.. F')iOT_ECTIYJ~_ C;QVENAJ\jL'i jJ. No building Or s"uclure sholl be erected, placed or oltered on ony building plot in Ihis sUbdivis;on"n/,'/ Ihe buirding plans, sp~cifico,jons and plot plan showing the loce//on of such building or structure ho\'. bun approved in wrilinQ os to genefc/ p!<11l and external design olld os 10 {"CIHian 01 the builaing or structure with respect 1<1 properly and setback lines by 'he subdivider or his legally' oppoiMed ogenl, successor, "e;r of ossig,~. i I 'I I B. No no.dous or offensive trode or acliv;ly sholl be aondvded upon ony lat nor shall onythi,ng be done thereon ...hiah may be or become on annoyance or ntJl~once 10 Ihe neighborhoOd. C. No dwellinfl sholl be erected OT permifted Dn (Jny 101 with (J ground floororeg, exclusiv," at one-story open porches and qaraqes, tess fhan 720 square feel for slngle-sloTY .tr'-'ctures or less 'hon 650 squore feel tor m!llfi-sfoTY strllcluTes D. No Jursement, lenf, shock, garage, born ,ir 'raifer, or any other outbuilding Shalf be occupied or used as a 'es,dence '",mpororily or permanently, nor sholl any lempOTorr st'ucfu'e be oecupied as a 'esldenee except by spBcil1l writtan permission from Ihe subdi,;_ ide,s 'or II perl'ld net 10 exceed s;" monlns during const,uclion of permone"f build!llg~ {'~i , ... Nor/';- ii,-iii,s T , 1 01 40 ':21 I li;'o 5 '. .,9~5J 6 acre frael i"cludedin HARLAN A SubdiVISion "___U_ ...._ of (Jo,! Qf t~e T 5,5, -'ODdi~l.ia-n-,~===2~~~.=-_~~---==-=-=-:":: . D . 40'" AVENUE w COURT l- lL: :::> o C> r-----T09~ 'iii 1 , 01 =1 sy, NEY.SEY.SWY. SecrlOn 24 - -- ---_.,----- REi.9v\i i_~ I a . r~; ~i:t' loeA 85 100 1.;060J (.;040J I ..,.,~C.! I i~ ;) , 4 ~I NI -I 01 N, 100 +--- 1 --t---- ! ({) -.J -.J <J: '" 2: ~I I (6('65) , , i 01 ~I I '"'''' I ~__~Qli..-_L 8 9 7 16085J " 100 w AVENUE 39" Na' .vDdieidO<l E. An easemeM 15 feel wide is reserved 'llong 011 re<lr 101 )1<le5, and 5 feet wide o-Iong 01/ side lot lines for ,,/llIty inHatla.ian and maintenance. A righl.af-way is reSerVe!! for itriglllion eli/ChI'S shown o,,'the plat. F. These cceenonts rUn with Ihe land and .."all bind aUport;es claiming under them unti! Januory I, /971, at whiCh rime 'hey sholl be automatically eJltended far successive I",n.year periods. unless by a .ole of tile owners or a majorily of Ille lots said ~avenants 'lre tllen changed in whole or in part. G. InvalidoJion of ony of Mese covenants by JudgmeM Courl Order $flall in no ""ise afte~1 any of Hie olher (TTo.'slans ...hleh sholl .temain ill full force o,'d effect. I :1 ". ., ~ -! , . I I Ja'h. -----' ~ L__L_.-L " f3975) 124 , -.-----------------, ! (J!l2:5i 10 109 5,E.comer.af S'nNE14SEY...SWY.. >+ ,O~ r , 01 I ;~..f..1 ~30 ,- ." . . o . o ..:1~ ~~ :1: ~ DEDICATION --:l300/< /0 Rr- Z/ KHOW ALL "EN BY THESE -PRESEHTS; THAT lf~ TH~ VNO~F1"SIIl[O, Eaward C, YOllrel!, Own".' of 011 of t~o following ~f$crilHd I/ecl nc"p' ~J acre in f~e SI!' cllff..r; T"~ 5'hNEIJ.SEV.SW'I.OF StCTlON 2:4, T35, R l>9W OF 'H~ 6~H P.M., If..H C"OS~O TH~ ,..,.~ To eE LAJa .O'UT. SUB-DNfOtD AND PUTTED lKTO Lars, STREETS ANI> AHKIIU OKDU TNE KAIlE OF HARLAN COURT AS SH"ION ON T~E "CCo"/'ANr'l(& ....,,; 0101> U rHESE /'~fSEHTS OD &F1AN1 AND ~ONvn To THE CO"NT~ of JEHE~SO", '10 FIE ""PLE, FOR r~( I,/S[ OF TilE "UH'C,OLL OF THE STJt(EYS SH"II\( aN U'" ..AI'. tN WfTNESS WHEREOf' "-E~HE"E~EII"TOSU05~~j6rl> OV. "AllDAND SEA. TIlIS.~I/A,."f ~__,_'9"f, SUrE DF (:OLotIAlIO } GOUIIH "F JE"nllOM ..s. ~"RLAf\I COURT .AS AG~KO.fLEOGEO Ed..-ord C.Y""roIJ Till: MOIII BEfORt "'" :------~-----l ! I I (J"'6.~) ~I i Mr co,.aUUfoN f:'"Ea.~s:;!'is';' E"PJOIlS APPROVALS F:':/___/@ k. u.tt7 O..-NV ANo --FOIIEMINI IMP THIS~""rOF .ulD Dl.OtO.\nOIl '", MAr' ,'Sf BY diJuJ<f}~ NOTARY PUBLIC APPROVED 81' TilE JEFfERSON COUfHY PLANNING BOARD 1KfS ..)0"''' ~y PF />'7<;rj' ,'551 CHA'IIIitAN. /rj;/ //. .....#;2. /' Sruu,"",Z /I !f(~ V..=~ '~7. ....';>12...._, l ,>T 't"" (/ TilE 'a"~j>(I"f... "'~r '5 APPROYEO fOIl fH.J~ AM!' <;ONVEYANGE Clf 1'l4 POILI(: WOr1l, _ ANO sTlllUJ, SKOlfM T~lKOfl fS AeeEPTn I' THI COUIITT lV' Je"',fllllOllo COl.ellAJ)O, rN~ -4-- l1<lY OF ~"-- "'f, sl,/._r 10 T"E I'OI.U"''IfIIf eo""m_i T. c-T .AU. 111111I:11- un(~ ..AJN.fflI,lNCE OF "NY SlIGH PUIU.JC W...., .1IOAf) 011 "'lInr "IILY UTE" eO_TlON "" SIIGN _, ltOoAII OIl STlt([1 ""S IUN 3A1'IS'''CTORIU 'OIolPLETm 8V THI: SUIOlVlIlfFlS. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS c1= .t~.~f:;"-,_,"tI<~_ eH_IIl"" Cl-ERK Alie RECOROElf5 CERflF,.cATE ,A'U"TEl) 'O~ flUNG 'N TIIf. COI.OR~80. ~H'S _. .1! OFFlGEllf TNE JI:....!IISOII OAVOF__~ 3t,.s- f!M. ;..04:{~;'1 *"" ENGIHEER'S.__..CERTlFICATE d?>d.wrff.?( "-Ur- Ct.E". eQU,"" OI,U..lWD REC\lRDER H GO"OE" "51. (_.Xlt~ -.... ,..y:x.,,~~ CI.U~ ~-;~IIE. I. P.H,HOllltJ$, RUfSHlIEII CIVIL Etl6fHEER IN TNE STATE 01' -COI.O/UlJO, 00 HE"ElIY '("7'''1 7N4T TIfE 5v".ET Of HARI.AN COURT W..S ""DE O"OE~ IIY SIlPEJlVfSJON,,,IlD 1H41 TNE AC'alolPA"YrHG PLat T"OI.~ AlfO Pft~'~<tJ'.';~SOfD 901lIIVfSfIlN. // :zL~"'" ~ . _ U./y.. ~ REG1STiFlED C,y ENGllf~I:JI S TATE Of COL~RADO) 5.5. COON1VOf J!;-""t./l.BO>l rHJ5.f-oAYOf~, (/ '9",. SUSSCRIUO A"ll SWORN TO 'E>OllE fIlE 01 P.H.,NolI"'S, ....;; MY CO"'USSfOH EXPfRE5~~jf't.r'l___ /.f.J4.~h~/;" NOT" J PU'LI' "'~, :. EXHIBIT 1 'c,"'':; .>1 '. " , , " ( ~5D 5-A 2 (025) 5-B (000 6-A (907) 6-B 2-A l-A @ 8-C RT 9-A (008) UB. (010) 39th @> 1 @i) _'~W~.%~. (902) 2 >< , e-v L.vYij, X:~ ~) tzJ' EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 3 ( N ."" ~ J.3T# flACE 1f00PWAY ./JEP/CAT/OII PLAT /,fA).L 4# C'Ot/RT IN S'L/BL?IJ//SIOJJ PUJr .w S~ AlE~ S'E!4 SW~, SECT/OJ! iN, T.3SJ R6'9W CITY OF Wh'EATIi'/OGE, ./EFFE/i!G'OJlCOUun: STATE or CVL0A;:400 LOTS ~ ~.5j ~ ~ ~.9 AlltJ 10 I/IC'LUS/VE J'o.c-....rJFP """""" DIOW ALL IlZK 1'1 tllESE RESENtS; nlii WE TBt UllDERSICIIEll. 0IillEaS OF LOtS...oa PJ.l.TS or LOtS lIO'S 1, 2~ 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. AIlD LO UICLllSIVI OF 1l.Ul-..Ul: COUI:'l SUlDIYISIOlf. CIt'Y OF-llIIU.tI..UlGe, JErnasow COUIttY. SL\TE OF COLOL\DO, RA'l! LAID our TlIE sootll' 19.26 FUror LOTS t, 2. 3. AlIIl 4 INCl.. AND rm: IlOttII 20.74 FE!tOrLOTS 7. 8. 9, AID tOIIICL. 'lOllEDICARA40POOTII1D!UClI1:.,or-w.rFOlAstlUTASSlICMIONTHlS PLAT.ulDIJYTlIPEPRESDltsIlOGRAHTAXDCOII'lEY to 1'lIECITY.or WlllAttlDGE,COLOlAPO. IN fZ! ~IMPLE. PO. '11IE lJSl OF TB! PUBLIC. .~. ~.:? ~; ~L~!l~ ~~.~ ; J:f~~~~ """"',.__,l.,,,,.,.... w.;" - """"u."",,,,, """~' '~t~i" m"".".._,.,'e~=, '~'7~- l,v".../iiftt ~'" mn~ ""..:, ~,,> -=~"""""'~..:9-'''''~~~~':'~.l. .........~.... "''" :,.:'. . ,~.. IlDIUTA:\.. 'l'lIOKA$ WI:lLOt 3~' __~ , STAttorcoLOIWlO DOtlALDr'~EliLOT4 . ~ d<f .. ~ :~ cotllm: OF JEFFDSOIl """" .. """""" '" '" 'D _ ,'" ~ ~- t. ~.qN;:;( ...:iiRAL ." fIOTAly nm.U; III fIlE STATE OF COLOUllO. DANIELE IUCHTE1I. \ll:lLO'l:4 _ '" ~ DO~CmlnTlL\T11ltRllSOtfSIlBOSE~APPEARMIOv!;.AlIDWBO..uE P!RSONA1.LfDlOllll to lIE, APP'tAUII BUOIlE lIE. III P'ERSOII'. AMD ACllIIOI/LEIlGE AlID.SIGllED<1lISP'LA1'. .."', ) . ~ ; ~ ~".b'~ :..:$:.. ,..4. tJ.b7A (:e. .1'1- 1) /.. "'~, r3 ~/J. ND 'IAlft!~ GIVEN OWDEIl KJ EWm All\') IIOTARIAL SEAL TIllS 1988, KJ r.oMU5S-10!l ElPIRts /D-;z..:L~91 . ~....."'!;~.k p..-,; (~,,*17, u.'~ROO tlOTARYP'UILIC 7;!! DAY or :;;;;.,~ .. . JAIlELYNS. UCIl:rU. CEllALI)M.IEHALLO Wit LOT 7 EilLOt7. w\l<[l:!LOT 7 I<< ADIlIlESS IS ,4D 7s-" // (..f p.-.:.;.t; .;;..... GEltALDIt.1l!:HALLO DOLOittSI.IlEIlALLO JEmRYL.WlIITE KAIlDlR. UGGIlIS w; co>. =c,':~j:r. DOIfIlAIl.WEG'IlAN N ~ WEST 401/1. AVENIJE' ~ ~' /,,~, 3D' , g' ",. .n?' /0, .~. "'. \,,~ .. w~~rl + Lori 3 LOT2 LOT I ~ ~ ~ ~ E', '0 W'. F" ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J77' If)' /t!.,~ ~ ,I-.:; ~ WEBT 391ft. PLACE m~~ -:::_ -1-_ , - so ~~ ~ J./EREt;y OE/)IC~TED "1.0 '"'t; \r.J ~ 'J :::<; ~ 7 LOT 8 LOT ~ ~ LOT ILl ~. : ~ ~ F'. ~ W'. [If. ~ 'l ~ " ~ ~ ~ " " ~ <>-. '" ..,. ~ ~,. \ #" rD' g' fD' /,(/i:"~ 101' >d' " ~ WEST 39TfI. AIIF'(/(jE' ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ .~ r':~ T ~ ~ ~ " !Ii: ~ EIIGIIlEEIlS CUTlFlCATE I, EUGENE L. P'AI)Oll, A I\f:GlStEUD P'lOrtsSlOlW,- ElIGll1ED. AIQl LAtlD- SUllYE'tUl III THE STATE OF COLOlVdlO. IlERElIY CtliTlFICATES THAT TIl! STUn AS SIlOWllASW39thP'LACEWASSUkVEYEDIlYKEOllTllECROlllItlAllDTllATTHESIllEIIALXS,CURlS, GlITtERS AND ASPlIALT P'AVEllENT1.IES.II1T1l1N TIl!RICll'1:-<lF-llAY AS P'LATTED All\') THAt TIlDE WAS 110 PI!-IVATE Stll.UCTIJUS E:lfCROAClllNG IIfYO Tl!E STkUT RlGIIT-<lF-WAY" ~"L t.. _ / --:;;z: A../.. .~ ~L.1L\OOlI UG.COLO.P.t.&L.S.2065 ~ Al'~VEDP'UIftlIlIGCO!II'IlSlON,ClTYOFWIlU.nIDGE /:J /0 U : SECREtARY ~p 1: ~J+,"",,", APPkOVED OEPAR1lUlIt OF PURIC WOMS ~L.4- /""..-L I "[UC'IOR '. ',," APPlq1'EJ)BYTKECIrrCOUNCILOl'Wll!ATI!.IIH;t,OIlTI!E .:1,,""'- '.'~. or ~'--.4 ,191t.. ~tL-..I~~ CL[1lK .'~~lU.YQK JtQIIMII" /"--10' I'OVED Dt:""'"n~n"'ilNINt & .DEVELOPOIlIT .1... t. ...- ~"" DIJl.ECrot'. . ll!COU/!l'S CEl.ttfICUE 113(J63/6)' h~eption No. AeCf1'UD POl nLllfG 01' tEE omc! OF Tlll!: COUKTr CI..EU ,\lID lXOOJDn or.n:rFEUOIlCOUln'YUGO~,.COLOlVdlO-OMot'ITHIS~DATOf QJ.-tL- 194M ~O'CLOCZ. .;..C..H. / n " . W..!b'TIU1YE: f ~~ L'4~ .JEt:'. , U~m_ EXHIBIT 4 ..O....-....-.'co..., ~.IIr,IfU:ibN___. H>< ~i~ di3: 0' uf:) U'} I ....lH ::z:: ....lc:J ~'':'i c:J1.,. ~o """ WEST 39th PLACE RIGHT-Of-WAY Na9 *53' 07" E r- - - -1! 'j' - -1- - - -,ROPE.miNE - - - - ---+-- :1 ,JI-- ,~-----'.'-- ",---l : ':Z~ I 'I!i L":."ii..;-+ I L:~~I : I t-- :if.: I , I :7-:71-:--1---------- ". 11' I U I ~~=.,~ I I I I I fo<'~ I I I I I I Jw fDI5 .....'t:ro "'I~~ ;- ~$ o 0 o ~ z,~ I I _'~-!IOOT ACOITION. GARAGEI6TORAt.:.E . i,ll!>!> SCt FT. LIYIN:;:; SPACE. J.el)2 SGl.FT TOTAL FOQ1PR'NT . un, 5(;1, FT. = \ \ 'l'o~\ ["".".,'H".. c~;. ",,~-?? " 6::'~':,_.. .'. '..~. _ ':. '%, 0.,.~ ~. ''b.V...~ '-- ':,:'.;.'~,.;., \t;?~:i;~ --L I <t: ;p. ~. ip l&-."" __....'&:.:~.::......._ ..--J / ( I I ..... ' . .., -- . - -.. - " -. -'. ".: ExisTiNG' : DF!I~WAr - -:. ""- Ir(.:o.o.":=:.-", -"'-"'-=-=..:.----.:~....;-:=:=_- --il II, I: 'i,_-_,_--~_-c~~_-=;,~)l: :: , " ':: I, III II 'II 'I III II III EX;~oTIN'" II 'II I-lCU5E, II IW 'II 1,1~5Q_FT. 'I' III 'I ""'~ d ' 11~'g;: ~;.;:;i."..~) :: I: . :11 :1 ~ III I' ::i ,00 I~~_- -~ i-'c~-=--- ~~~""'---=---~ ---=:~"=--~-=:--::I-,C ~Jj ~ ~ 0' I ~, ':::~ I LOT 7 I ~ I i 10,375 SQ. FT. I II I i (6,3480PENSPACE-62%) I I I , I ! I ~ I " '11 I II ,! I .~ ----I'~---]Jl! ___J : PROPERTY LINE ;"'11 I 850T 'I · _____L___________ S89 "52' 33" W , I LOT 8 ~,- '""""'j ~=--""'~ N WEST 39th AVENUE 40' RIGHT-Of-WAY SITE PLAN 1/8"; 1'-0" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WEST 112 & THE EAST 1/2 OF LOT 7, HARlAN COURT LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO EXHIBIT 5 The_.~_ specilications rept8SGnledherewitlOnlll'll ~ndshal remainlheso/epropectyot: Philip & Sharon 8enallo -- napsrtlllereaf6hanb\lusecl... copied witIIouIwrIIl8n approval "'.." Philip&SharooBenallo U) c o 'in 'S: " a:: 8 ;! ., ., w ~ ~ ~ w () Z w Q iii w D:: o ...I ...I <( Z w III o ~ 'i8~ lB..9!:i: "'a. . c.c 0 2l$Q (tit") ai .c'm {f.)~:g "'m- ~m 0 .- 0 Ql if:tO~ >. "' c ;: 0::: ili is.;2 ~ !!~ ~ ~ i II'" . , ! ~ , z o i= 0- il! o <II W " .... W W " <II z :I 0- W .... u; JEFFERSON COUNTY WHEAT RIDGE SHEET SITE ~..:'1'''''[~~ ; . ; , IlTU:::cof..,&H. ~~~ TO YERFT TE><t\IIII:E .oHDco.."",WICIItE,. +r?,OF~ J ,- ~r~lIl1V 1II.Fa.T~IOLA'I"I'E>IT ~~O~.el~TJ.l_ lC>"-~' mr-:;,!=..~ moo llUU!.J ~. OOORII IUNO} . / m , / ====}/ EXTERIOR ELEVATION (NORTH) lO>"'lIl'UCCOB.<lHC ~'~ (TYPlCAL' [OJ , . I [OJ \Z>".""" ~.V EXTERIOR ELEVATlOIN - (WEST) ",".~' I I -.J 1/4" = 1'-0" [OJ I 1/4" = 1'-0" . IR~~=..~." [9J I (rYF'ICALOFo;, I 1- """.,,,. [OJ I l:!>'."" ,- " =. ".0;. lIT\X:COf"'1IH. 1R.oODI1et::tlTRoolCT"'" TOvEF;:FrT!'XTUO:E JJit)COI.""'IIVO.<t\E,. J ~~~ IlTU:::coflNllIU. ~~~ rovERlFYTEl<TUO:l! >><C>COI.""'~ , } T,!,a<~-4- EXHIBIT 6 Tlleicleas,dllsignsancl specifications I'8Ilf8$III1lodlwullll\tklare ....... f9lT\81n the sole properI:yd. Philip & SharonBenallo --- 00 part lherllofllhall be used copiedwillloutwrillensppn;w "'" Philip & Sharon Benallo '" " o .;;; .~ 0:: 8 8 " '> 8 " w ~ ~ oc w o z w o in w 0:: o ...J ...J <( Z W lD o ~ 1ijf1)~ ffi.M~ ",a. . C~ 0 em" ~~ g "':;:~ ""co::: 0.'" ~ '-0 f1) &<O~ >. "' c . 0: ,!j ;2 ! o L] !II ! 8 E ~ i- '1' i c.~ . ~' ...=~,., [9J ~un'~vEAL , IlYI"IC4LOi'''' I Z o i= ... ii: o ., w o .... w W % ., Z oz -0 !:;:- >.... wO ...w w" 0::0 oii!; -0 0::... w- ....=> )(01 W JEFFERSON COUNTY WHEATRIDGE -+-~~~ , Snx:coFI>lI~ tR4OE(:ClN'I'R4C.TO!> TOVERjFYTE><Tl.RE ANt>CCl.OI"WIO.I.NE" +T9"'Cl'lIL_AB ~~ YENB M !O:ECIJII'l:ED "~~~~TE , *=:~~- ,nx:coRNI$!.l. fRADEc;OI<1lU(:TOF'- TOVEIilFY~ """'CCl.OlI<WIO.lHER F~ReT FL,,?" IOl::>OF PlTCIl TO l'IATCIlE><l&TI>t;o <FlELPVERlFn ~-4~ , .= IDDD~"'=- 0 . ~~~~UNa} M m .".=- CD. wn"REYl:Al. 'TYPICAL/ o E><"T~ROCF P1TCIl ,%~" , .C?: , =. [JD] ,4DP11lctl o EXTERIOR ELEVATION (EAST) o , .17': 1/4" = 1'-0" , =. 1/4" = 1'-0" o " =. \ , .."'TUO::o~ wn"!'lEYl:Al. AT ALL ~'~'UJ<t>1 "'"e1\lCCO~ wn'l'iEVEAL (TYPICAL' 'TUO::oFINl~ TlOAPECGlNTR4CrQft TOYl:RF1"~ """'CCl.OlI<~R E><"TN::;_IO<: EXHIBIT 7 Tbeid8ss,designsand sp&eificalions I'llPf'8SElnledhef&wlthln!ll'll ."'... remain tII8 $Ole propeiIYof: Philip&SharonBenalkJ H_ ""paillbemofsha~blIusad copi8dwilhoutwrittenllPS'n>" -' Philip&SharonBena!lo '" l: o '.. "S; " '" 8 ~ " 8 " ~ ~ OJ ~ w o z w c in w 0:: o ..J ..J <( Z W 113 o '" 1ii B~ lii..!!!~ <Do. . C ~ 0 em" CU(")<!i ~ .", oo3:g ...",- c."'''' .- 0 IV '=(OJ:: If. ;; ~T!Ii../lH:AJ!!SWo' IYFELT\N:lf:Ill.A~ OYl:Ref...oe~~AT"1>IG e.s1\ICCO......., WfJ"IO:EvEAl. <TYPICAL) ....eTUO::o~ wn"~\IEAl. ,TYPICAl./ &'ST\lCCO~ IIIr.l'REvEAl. ITYPICAL' "'STUO::o~ wn'REVEAI. AT ALL UlNPOJ.I3'~'uJ<t>J E><.STNc; EXTERIOR ELEVATIOIN (SOUTH) (' B' )~M ~_ ~ "- <XI ~ " o ;2 i!] hi 'I" " , f ! . L--. 8 jE ~ ~~ z o i= ... ~ o U> w o .... w w :>: ., z oz -0 !;(- >.... wO -,w w" ",0 o:!!: -0 "'-' w- ....::> XlD w , JEFFERSON COUNTY WHEATRIDGE !<. l? C uri o,.J #- :3:51: 0 + VltI'f_'rY..~OllOSJ::ALE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: a'.2~~~~Of'REAlIlflM'EllTYClltttAI~ ~~~t~~~cJbP-o~ COlIll, "" :~F~"l~y~cJbRo'W"" COUll. ~~ aTATE OF Clll.llRADO }ss """'"........ TtfEFOIlf(lOI....INSTRllIlENTIUiS~lIEFOAElE TIi~!lAVllFr'2f..~~ A.D.. 20Ctbv >.:;,." ...~IC'I'~' M'l'COIlMIllSI~EXl"lfIEll:/-Z.J..z..c:t""4 ~g,t iii, ,,~ . ...e., l!iJ/IIt>~7 CITY cERnFICATION: APPAlIYEOTKESc q""ft.'(OF~-&'''4..f~.... CtTYOF'olIEAT~ METES fil 6Ot.INJS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TJ!..!!W..sa.~ M. EAST 112 <<' L.IJT 7. tWUNll!!!!lT.-..... . tY~~NSAPAlfrOFTtEsl;RK.~/4 l~tIl'"M6.J(~.M.. ...P~~~ASFDl.LlIIIS; ~ar:~e;,~BOlITtEAST."if~HW 1'" IENIINiIIIII'I1IlOO'1e'.'iidT.'..'ll MA:lI 4'lIM8SbP PUI:13ii!j2.ClfTtEMXlnt.AIfJ'8'I'A3' .JlIJ!l 0!ClM!:J<<lATti, IJillAU. RARX_t:GNT"bi!DftElEIN. TtEJlf:TO. Le. iI~ .."" .. A Final Plat Consolidating the West 1/2 & the East 1/2 of Lot 7, Harlan Court, Located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of'the 6th P.M" City of Wheat Ridge. County of Jefferson. State of Colorado. Sheet 1 of 1 ----~__r"--- , I 1 1 t--~ @ @ ~ ~ , "I ~ ~ 1> gl " ~! :! ~ m ~\ ~ "-----'3! 8 ~: (J) ~' ::: . I ~ ~: ~ G ~T..1f_3! ~~~_ _u_ q;r""/ I '" ~ ,", -, " "I & WI ~~. n.. . ~ ~;t:: .._, 5ti \~ N . 189.54'- (=-"~ ~~_. ~fIOtI.'lfIIIIJ3IN I J I I I 1 I I I I~ I~ sl~ ~~ o~ ~~ ~ ~ ~!li ~lO:: ~ ~ 'I~ ;;;1" ~ ~ -- _..- --. - -~: ;, ~ ~m I~ t.i t/) Q... ~ -:z ~ IX) I~ 10;( I~ I~ ~ I I ~. ~ 'oS' - --~~.__.~ I ~ I ~I m ~I :Ii mt ~~~-l i lzobWt~ '~1 I "\ \ ~189_ "__'.'4..',_.,E__.~96.~~_'H,I.,;_4.96.04'_(f1! ~~.: ~~::,:,:':'::_,~] - ._______J ~ 1 I Cf _.:!::--~..". ~ ;0" \ I I I;:;; I: o I~ --- ---.J~ ,..._ __ ___ _A~ o 0) -~---I--_-L-_+------r _._1 _ __ _ NS8~''!I.:E~~..Ji2:J.M)_~26.4'~ ___ .1_ __. W. 39TH PLACE 40' RIGHT-OF-WAY (39TH PLACE ROADI'IAY DEDICArION PLAT REe. NO. 88063162) -- ,... "- -t --- ---- -- .-- - -- ..,..-- - , ' i0n,O'IM) JOO' ) ~ .rLOTUIE\ ~~ ~~~l Ii i Il..l' I i~ ~t~ ~ .E.!I~ I ~ ~&~ <<~t 1 . I ~ : . ~ I 85.07" (loI) 8t5' (1'\) I Ii ~..t'-t6 ...~#. "":;'~,!:,.~. . . if. ~ I I I f::' ~i I"..,":! s ~~ I !'Is, II . iq> @ "~ g. .~ .; i s @ ~J:Ill6i ! __.. _ L-- -~ ~1~~51..L..... ~- - S99"$!'33"W 396.54" (loll 396."-' (AI k:' "39TH_AVENUE 40' RIGHT-QF-JiAY j~ -, '\I.. ,. ssg'52'3s('W A9Ei.~' 00 0496..1$' (AI q~ ~.-~-_. *-- .- -- -- ~- -. - - 33i.55'lMl ill.F(Rj-- '~-' . "~"..,, IIZlXNrI~~ I~T..~31 SIlJ1HV4 . ~llf-=~ lif.""W. tl! IN I ~ (fO ~ , t, LE6ENO~ .- o o & . . " " -SECTllll<.COII1AOl.IlOIAAEJfTASllESCI\1IlEOIEllEON -1'[IIJNQB!S"llEBdINOc.u> ..FtUIO 112" RIIWlNCICAJ> -FOl.W f/2" SQU4flE.I'1H ..m 'IS" lU" Rel\AIlII/I'lEOPlASTtC"CAPP\.SV26S -llETANCHOl'IRALl.*VU!fdPl..S27as9 --- -"'''''''' aENEAAL. NOTES: ~OF~ MEASTLDEOFl;€5IlU1'IQSTU<l0f''JIE 11.04 OF IETJ~~.. '!llINBIlIP 3-SOUlH. IlAH&E liS !!Prr.!!F '~'idif..rSASSl.JEDfOIllWl_TtlOO'fG'.g.IlEtlT.AS'~ ttElIfON. TtlALLIlURDllill"OONTAINEOIlEREDIAaAfMTlEAlml. ~~5UA~ICl<<IIlI"'V~~~~oriAKY ACIDIlDIlV,COIIl1TS~TWO"1liMIBlll!lEANl1I'I NT TO STAt!"ST,.lUTE 1---' C.II.S. $ . :~I!l:" _~i 0, :hrOH~l:ort~. TWTll'if~~.Ht ~'1heo~cnr~[EFECT. 1HHOd.~lilf TI'U.T"''TEN YWIS fFlClll TIE /MTE ~ r.flmrCATl~ tEJlEON. ~ ~UT~,ttt'~~N1C2..~~Il~t..tf02f.H.I etmif TO ,tf~~/lUIPT'COHSttTUTES A8A1!ENBiT jy';;E ~J~VDllESNClTC0H8mUTE~TnL.ESEAIIl:HTOOETEAIIIIE 71fHEZONIOOOFTlEPIIOP2flTYI&R-3,PERC1TVOFI!HEA.TIIIlllEZllNIJIQ. SURVEYOR'S CanIFIG"re: COl.MY CLERl< AND REtOflDEflS CfATIFICA TE: llSlE8VceATIFYTHlTTtllSI'UTUSFIL.ElJl~TlE. ~.'.~.'..'~' CDlIlTYCI.ElIl<4'lOAS:ORllEROF..eFFERSDNCIlUIfTYA!j,." ::.",:>--. ClJWIAtlO. .a.Tx..tt.P.~.Ii. ONnE~~~'" . 2007.U.. JNBOOK.-:::. P~ ~..~":~.", ""'..&~ ~-w..\ .\~ .,;,?-,'i~).51!lit. ~ ., '-'~ r./) {l.l~~ '" ..Hry (;t "t..,"r...... 'jO/- ,,;:.,c1,pf ~, . '111,~ ~'w ., ~ GRAPHIC SCALE l"s40' , 60 120 bod - o 40 """""'" JG0.07~3 EXHIBIT 8 -- 12/13/2007 7:24 PM FROM: Fax TO: 3032352857 PAGE: 002 OF 002 Dec. 13, 2007 7311 Braun Way Arvada, CO 80005 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Case No. WA-07-20 Following are my comments regarding Case No. W A-07-20. As property owner of an adjacent property (6090 W. 39th Ave.),] am not opposed to an addition to a single family home. However, a 33% to 50% setback variance on tbree sides of the property at 6088 W. 39th PI. seems excessive. The proposed variances seem to allow for a building to land ratio that is out of proportion with most of the surrounding houses in the neighborhood. In addition, not having at least one setback of 30 feet is out of character with neighhoring homes. It would seem that an addition could be built with an a\lowable variance on one or at most two sides; or a much lesser variance on all three sides. I am also concerned the variances, if allowed as is, would permit the future building of a sizeable multi-family unit in an area of generally small one level bomes. Again, the building to land proportion would be out of character, and as such, a detriment to the neighborhood. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. '~_G.:... ~ S. A. Burson 'EXHIBIT 9 Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Variance Criteria for Review Staff uses the set of criteria listed below to critically evaluate a variance request when they are performing their review. Applicants must also submit a written response to each of the applicable criteria with their application for a variance. The criteria listed below are applicable to all variance cases with the exception of the final two criteria, which are not applicable for variances for properties with single family and two family dwelling units. The responses must reflect why a variance should be granted. The community development director, board of adjustment, planning commission or city council shall base its decision in consideration of the extent to which the applicant demonstrates a majority of the following criteria have been met: A. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. B. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. C. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. D. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience. E. If there is a particular or unique hardship, the alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. F. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. G. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. H. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation ofa person with disabilities. 1. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. EXHIBIT 10 QUESTIONAlRE FOR VARIANCE CRITERIA REVIEW FOR 6088 WEST 39TH PLACE A. Subject property would not yield a reasonable return, service or income if not permitted for variance applied for due to minimal square footage of existing dwelling (806 square feet, two bedrooms and one bath). The approximate 10,600 square foot lot can and should be used to accommodate a more serviceable residence. B. The proposed application for variance would not alter the character of the locality as the neighborhood has much larger homes both single family and duplex/tri- plex/four-plex type housing. Proposal will enhance the character of this area. C. Yes, the applicant is proposing a "substantial" investment in the subject property which would not be possible without the proposed variance. D. Subject property does present particular and unique hardships upon the owner due to lot being somewhat of a peninsula; as subject is surrounded by tbtee streets, 39th Place on the south, Ingalls on the west and 40th on the north. The setback requirement due to said three streets creates an extreme hardship on owner as these restrict and/or limits improving the serviceability of subject property. E. The unique nature of subject property does create a hardship on current owner. Current owner has not created hardship, as unique nature of property location being sided by tbtee streets was created apparently by original developer in the 1950's. F. Definitely, the proposed variance would not be detrimental to the public or be injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood. In fact the proposed variance would be advantageous to the neighborhood by improving the neighborhood values, site usage specific to subject property by updating and improving subject property value. No additional congestion on public streets will occur with this variance as the proposal improves existing residence and does not substantially increase number of occupants at subject property. Applicant has letter from local fire jurisdiction with no conflict to proposed improvements and no endangerment to public safety will occur. G. The neighborhood due to age is quite unique in it's self and the unusual location of subject property requires said request for variance. Applicant does not believe the variance request is unique to subject property. H. N/A I. N/A (- N EXHIBIT 11 ,,~J.. ~ ~ City of ,WheatRLdge CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE January 10,2008 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. W A-07-20 which is a request for approval of I) an II foot front yard setback variance from the 30 foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a 19 foot front yard setback (39th Place), 2) a IS foot side yard setback variance from the 30 foot side yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a IS foot side yard setback (Ingalls Street), and 3) a 10 foot rear yard setback variance from the 30 foot rear yard setback requirement when adjacent to a public street resulting in a 20 foot rear yard setback (39th Avenue) on property zoned Residential-Three (R-3) and located at 6088 W. 39th Place. This case will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on January 24, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235- 2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303- 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. W AOnO.doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p.303.234.5900 f 303.234.5924 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us . , ~ 11 -"- . --'- i1 1 . " ~ ~ ~ . ..!! " -; ~ -" , UJ == '" ~ -"- " 2. >I ---" -.! - " --'" ~ ~ ~ "'- !!!. "'- ~ ~ ~ = = "JlL ~~; ~. ~ !l) .... 8 ~I:\';, ~ ; ~)C:C.; ~ i~.." R-2 -I -I -1 ~: :~:a ~~~ ~.R-C ~ " " · ~If\---'- I- ~:1- ~ W43RDAVE /t/ 'st ~ ~ - rn s '. ~ ,-;.; r:a ~. · ""\ <J) If\ ;!Ilt'- ~ - I'- => ~ "-c-. \ .. (j). Ib !t:~ :!l=- T" ,I;!~! ,-",it' ~ ~~~ '~<~\<D~I",~1 ~ ~ :;: ~ !:! ~ W42NDAVE <C . ! s : ~.. /,r ~ ~. ~. ~. :; ~ "L.. ~ ~.:--.J '" ,,..,,<D :; ! . "'.! - I~ --...., ~ ::J. g < ~ " '" ~ 2 .~cn ~ ;--~t;:; ~ ~ ~ ~ L- ~ ~ ---1 L- Z~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ i 8 2 ~ ~ - (j)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:03 ~ ~-3 ~;- "z~ . ~r ~~:;;:cn:;'" ~ "~U:- -0+-= . > ~ 1"...; i. ~ W4:!NDAvE nL l(l a IS) l;;!i :q <Il - ~ ~:; ~ :;;: ~ :; j ~ lJJ N ~ ~ -;. <;. ~ g ~ KUS~~~OFF ~ . If\ l ; ~ '-\' ; - ~ ' ~.. }-R2 ~\,~;If\ 8 _~ ~ ~ ~)L-.:~ ~ ......... ffi ~ ~ ~ - ,~~. ~ . 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L- \ 1) ---;' ~ --.J iJ . r::.. .. . "" "----"~'" ..' fA ;-h to", ~ 4~ q -/ ~ S 4190 ~ ~ .~ :a ~ i '1 NW24 <!l l31 l311::1 '1 I .1 01 ;;;1 -I !~".I:':.';..~ ". i!i ". " ,,9 ill . \- --" -;,,- . . ~ . "--9- ~ ~<~ ~~! ~~ . lL -=!3. " <J) " z- r: g .A'" ----;;; ~ ........ ~ ~ ::::! t ~ ~ ~ a ~ a R2 ~ - ,,~ ~ ~ r:a ~ ~ " ! " ! ! ! ~ W41STAVE ~ ! ~ .]1 ~ ! 2: ! ~ '"') .." ~ ~ ,,/~ W:ll ~ --l ~ ~ -- ~ UJ. til~ ;5J~ I;; ~ ~ 3926 .s ~~~ ~ 3910 ~ w. ! 8 : ~ $! 8" " :> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . R-2 1;;' . b. ,~, g 3902 3895~[L:J i:I - - ~ 3960 ,~ R-3 "'" 3910 ~ 3870 ~. J/ - ~ ~ ~, o==,' - - . ~ 3Il8O - "'" IANF.L- .' . /... Al:.__ W WZ-79-4p' R-C 0 ~EB~, c.1~1 ~ fJC-1 ~ 6 . . 3640 _384 - C-1 . , ....,; -,., I 01 .1 . . .el S!I "I 1 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO ~ 't -:-' ,;-:Ji"1-o . ,,51'......... ?'"' ". - ~ f- I" fJ I ~ f- , , " L Sl.r 5!1 I NW25 ",I pi ",Ill I I I I .1 .<:ll $1 'I SW24 - PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) ---.-. WATER FEATURE . DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES @ o 100 200 !(XI 400 f<'d; ( f":":l 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MAP ADOPTED: June 15,1994 Last Revision: September 10, 2001 CJA--(J7-~O!~ ~?)fr I! 61--//0 Y IE- CALVIN D MARBLE F AMIL Y WEBB DUANE JARVIS RANDAL L TRUST DTD 3/29/85 FLYNN GREGORY S 6l40W.41STAVE PO BOX 5669 1275 FRANKLIN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SANTA BARBARA CA 93150 DENVER CO 80218 7006 3450 0002 4529 1404 7006 3450 0002 4529 7006 3450 0002 4529 1428 1411 MEIER GLORIA YOUNG ZIMBELMAN EARL W KNAPP DANNY L MEIER LARRY ZIMBELMAN MARY SUE KNAPP BARBARA 6045 W. 40TH AVE 2601 W,52NDAVE 6025 W, 40TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENVER CO 80221 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1435 7006 3450 0002 4529 144<, 7006 3450 0002 4529 1459 CARTER SAMUEL F MOLENAAR CRAIG EICHELBERGER CHAD A CARTER LILLIAN M 7395 W. 47TH AVE 4030 JAY ST 3855 INGALLS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1466 7006 3450 0002 4529 1480 CARRASCO MATTHEW J CARRASCO NATALIE N 3860 INGALLS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1497 WEGMAN DONNA M WEGMAN LEE S 6080 W. 39TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1527 JARVIS GEORGE L CO TRUSTEE JARVIS NEDINE K CO TRUSTEE 13260 W. 16TH DR GOLDEN CO 80401 7006 3450 0002 4529 1558 SCANLAND NANCY A SCANLAND mDITH A 6095 W. 39TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 158~ JAMES BETTY ANN 6060 W. 39TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1619 SCHAU~RL 7135 M C MONTI . 960 7006 3450 0002 4529 1640 BARAN ALFRED S BARAN MARGARET S 2718 LOGAN DR LOVELAND CO 80538 7006 3450 0002 4529 1671 BURNHAM LISA ANN 6005 W. 39TH AVE ~-G'EC"" WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033;';:7 0 ~ 7006 3450 0002 45 '1J 6 ~ 1688?E? . . 2008 '. ,,/ \ \' / . ) '" \, ,/, ~-BPV 7006 3450 0002 4529 147~ YANKO DIANA H 3965 INGALLS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 150? MORA JOSEPH A MORA GLORIA D MAREZ 3985 INGALLS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1534 HAZEN WAYNE W 2655 VAN GORDON DR LAKEWOOD CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 1565 VERNON JAMES STANLEY VERNON JANICE M 901 GARRISON ST LAKEWOOD CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 1596 WINGER NONA K 300 DENNIS ST MONTr, V v 7006 3450 0002 4529 1626 HOFMANN JAMES H HOFMANN mLIANNE 5900 CHERRYWOOD CIR CENTENNIAL CO 80121 7006 3450 0002 4529 1657 CUl:SLbN lL &. ,:')iJ..:,.L-U'-l~o..) LLv 6005 W, WHEA 7006 345 3 4529 J:lENALLO GERALD M 5885 CLEAR CREEK DR DENVER CO 80212 7006 3450 0002 4529 1510 . SHEA DWIGHT T JR SHEA BETTY M 6035 W. 39TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1541 BROOMFIELD LENDING LLC PO BOX 1224 BROOMFIELD CO 80038 7006 3450 0002 4529 1572 MORTON AUSTIN W LIFE ESTATE 4020 JAY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1602 CALDWELLLAWRENCED CALDWELL YOLANDA C 4004 JAY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1633 BRETONPAULK BRETON NANCY T 6040W.39THAVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1664 GONZALES MARY D GRAY STEVEN E HARRS~ 4585 FIELD ST 4000 JAY ST 391lING S T ~ WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT 0 7006 3450 0002 4529 1701 7006 3450 0002 4529 1725 7006 3450 0002 4529 1718 EKSTROM JAMES ALLYN BURSON S A CUMMING EDNA 3895 HARLAN ST DEVINCENZO ED 60603 W, 39TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7311 BRAUN WAY WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 AR V ADA CO 80005 7006 3450 0002 4529 1732 1756 HART JASON T 7006 3450 0002 4529 1749 HART STACEYL MALLON MILDRED SANDRA HOUSTON WILLIAM M JR 3895 INGALLS ST 1650 PENNSYLVANIA ST 5555 W. 51ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENVER CO 80203 DENVER CO 80212 7006 3450 0002 4529 1763 7006 3450 0002 4529 177LJ 7006 3450 0002 4529 1787 EVANS JEREMY MICHAEL W ALTER PHILLIP D SLENSKER DALE B WALTER DENISE J SLENSKER VIRGINIA L 3890 INGALLS ST 3880 INGALLS ST 3855 HARLAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1794 7006 3450 0002 4529 7006 3450 0002 4529 1817 1800 HALL JENNIFER ROBB MITCHELL MARK BIDDLE JERRE D ROBB THOMAS L MITCHELL MARCENE BIDDLE CLARA A 1386 NEWTON ST 10048 W. 82ND LN 3870 INGALLS ST DENVER CO 80204 ARV ADA CO 80005 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 1824 7006 3450 0002 4529 1831 7006 3450 0002 4529 1848 ~ " ~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 000UDUUUOUUUUUUUUUUUUOOOOUOUUUUU0000UUOOOOOOOOO ~llillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillillilli QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQoQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ oc~ococ~ococ~~~~ococococococ~ocococococococococococ~ococococococococococococococococ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ~'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~&IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~&IIIIIII u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$~~~~~~~ ~w wwwww w wwwww www >>r>>>>>rrrr~~r~>~~~rr~rrr>>>>>rrrr>>>rrrrrrrrr r<W<<<<<oooooooo~~ooa<aaaooooaoooooo<<<<<oooooooo<<<oooooooooooooooooo r2XXXXX ~~~II~IIIII~ I~ ~IIIII~ ~ZIII~Z~~ZZ~~~ o~jbbb5b <<<~~<~b~~~~ ~~ ~b~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E~~~~~~~r~~~~~0~~~~~~r~0r0~~~~~0r0~~~~0~~~~~~~0 ~~~~~~~~~ZZZ~~Z~~~~~Z~~Z~Z~~~~~Z~Z~~~~Z~ZZ~~ZZz =~~~~m~~g~g~~g~~~~~~o~om~~go~~~~8~~gg~~mgg~~~~g e~oo~~ooo~~moomooooo~o8~om~~ooomom~ooooomoooooo~~~~ ~~V~~~~~V~~~~~~~~~~~M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MMMMM~~~~ ::l ~ . .. e 0. ~g~~N~~~~~~~~8M~~~~~~~;~gN~ffl~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~ 8~88880oo8888o~g888888~8~~omo88888888888888888 ~m~~~oogggrooooo~~~~~~~~~~oo~vggggrooo~~~~~~~ro~~~~oorooo .. 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'it>! it! "')'7 L P L (address) as the applicant for Case No. tA,) A -cJ 7 - 26 , hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at . c:;PtJ fsK to 3'7?2:i {JL, (l 0 cat ion) on this !1- day of ~ :.J J4. tV t..( i4-fL Y ,20~, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted' and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case, The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. 'A~~dV Signature: ~./71 ~ NOTE: Tills form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. OIJ I ., lil; I 11,)1 W 41ST AVE "" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ . ~J l~ -1- nu I~-I,I ~I L .......... ~;o .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ "'" ~~ ~~ "'" "'" .__]1155 , ,." "" = ~" "" . ~ ~. . " ,.. 'i . 0 " " ~ > i . . (!; :;c $ ltl ..., ~ · 8 -,"'~, ,.' . ~ ~ : lillIiii .1 . ~l 3945 '" <D <D <D '" ~~i[]mr~1 ,d ~:: - W39THAVE ." 3875 ~ "'" ~ e:\planning\forms\3910 Rev. 6/6101 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Case File CASE MANAGER: Meredith Recker! CASE NO. & NAME: WA-07-20/ Benallo DATE: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: A 10' rear yard setback variance, a 15' side yard setback variance and an 11' front yard setback variance LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6088 W, 391h Place APPLICANT (S): OWNER (S): Phillip Benallo Gerald Benallo APPROXIMATE AREA: 10,375 s,f, PRESENT ZONING: Residential- Three (R-3) PRESENT LAND USE: Single family residence ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) (X) ( ) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( ) DIGITAL PRESENTATION I Location Map JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, the administrative decision may be made. Administrative Variance W A-07-20/Benallo 1 I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a three fold variance request in order to construct an addition to the existing single family home on the property. The individual requests are as follows: L A 10' rear yard setback variance from W, 39th Avenue (south side) resulting in a 20' rear yard setback. 2. A 15' side yard setback variance from Ingalls Street (west side) resulting in a IS' side yard setback. 3. An 11' front yard setback variance from W. 39th Place (north side) resulting in a 19' front yard setback. Section 26-115.C (Variances and Waivers) of the Wheat Ridge City Code allows that the Director of Community Development may grant administrative variances from the strict application of the zoning district development standards, Administrative variances are allowed for up to 50% of the development standard, II. SUBDIVISION IllSTORY The property was subdivided as Lot 7 of Harlan Court Subdivision which was approved by the Jefferson County Commissioners in 1951. The subdivision originally contained 10 lots. W. 39th A venue runs along the southern boundary of the subdivision with W. 40th Avenue running along the northern limit of the subdivision. Abutting the subdivision on the east is Harlan Street with Ingalls Street on the western perimeter. All of the "local" streets dedicated with the subdivision (40th Avenue, 39th Avenue and Ingalls Street) are 40' in width which is substandard in width to today's 50' standard for local streets. (Exhibit 1, Harlan Court Subdivision plat) Harlan was dedicated to the half width of30'. It appears that Lots 3, 4, 7 (subject property) and 8 were further resubdivided subsequent to original plat approval. (Exhibit 2, Assessor's parcel map) Staff has not been able to ascertain when this occurred. Aside from two five-plex structures on the Harlan frontage ofthe subdivision, the majority ofthe homes are single family ranch-style construction built in 1952. Another exception would be the structure on lot 9 which is a two story "farm house" built in 1923 broken into four multiple units with a carport connection to a four-unit structure built in 1963. At the time of construction of the majority of the homes, a private "alley" was built along the interior of the common shared lot lines of the subdivision. This "alley" was privately owned but named W. 39th Place. Many of the homes built "fronted" this interior roadway and at some point, were addressed to it. (Exhibit 3, aerial photo) The private roadway known as W. 39th Place was not built to the City's standard road construction section for width and pavement thickness and was inadequately maintained by the homeowners. In 1987, the subdivision residents approached the city to inquire about dedication of this private roadway. In 1988, W, 39th Place was dedicated to the City Council by a "dedication plat". (Exhibit 4, W, 39th Place Roadway Dedication Plat) There is existing "Hollywood" curb with an attached sidewalk along all of the street frontages in the area. Pursuant to the R-3 zone district regulations, front, side and rear setbacks from public streets are required to be 30', Dedication of 39th Place as a public street resulted in the creation of numerous nonconforming setbacks in the subdivision, Any new construction must meet the required setbacks. Administrative Variance W A-07-20/Benallo 2 III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant, Phillip Benallo, is requesting the three variances as the representative of the property owner, Gerald Benallo (his father), The property is addressed as 6088 W. 39th Place and faces north, Ingalls runs along the western side property line and W. 39th Avenue runs along the southern rear property line, The applicant lives in the home and wishes to construct an addition to the residence to accommodate his father. (Exhibit 5, site plan) The R-3 zone district allows for single family and two family dwelling units as well as multi-family dwelling units and accessory structures. The property measures approximately 100' x 104' with 10, 375 s,f. of total land area, The property would be able to accommodate a duplex as it exceeds the 9,000 square foot minimum lot size requirement and the minimum lot width of 75 feet for a duplex. It is not large enough to accommodate a tri-plex, The R-3 zone district allows for maximum lot coverage of 40%. Based on a lot size of 10,375 square feet, 4150 square feet of lot coverage is allowed. The proposed single family home with addition will be 4150 square feet or 40% of the lot if developed as proposed, The home meets all other development standards including the interior side setback and maximum height. The existing home is single-story brick construction. It faces north onto W. 39th Place (formerly the private street). A single car garage is provided on this northern face as well as a shed which violates setbacks. The existing setback on the north side is 29'. The southern elevation ofthe structure faces onto W. 39th Avenue. There is an existing double car driveway with a covered patio area. There is also a metal carport structure which does not meet setback in this area. The western portion ofthe yard where the addition will occur is landscaped with sod and upright junipers, The existing setback on the south is 45'; however the covered porch and carport extend into the required 30' setback. The proposed addition will be two-story and will include another bedroom and bath intended to be used by the father and a large family room all on the first level. The second story will include a master bedroom and bath and a loft area. A large garage/shop area measuring 27' x 66' (1782 s,f.) is also proposed on the bottom level of the addition. The westerly garage door is high enough to accommodate a recreational vehicle, The addition will be stuccoed and rougWy 21' in height at mid-roof, (Exhibits 6 and 7, house elevations) In 2007, the applicant submitted an application for approval of a lot consolidation to reassemble the two halves ofthe lot which were resubdivided subsequent to original subdivision approval. A lot consolidation plat was recorded on November 20, 2007 which reassembled the two lot portions back into a single parcel. (Exhibit 8, lot consolidation plat) One letter of objection was received in response to the administrative posting and noticing, (Exhibit 9, letter) III. VARIANCE CRITERIA In order to approve an administrative variance, the Director must determine that the majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 ofthe City Code have been met. The applicant has provided their analysis of the applications compliance with the variance criteria. (Exhibit 10, applicant letter) Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. Administrative Variance W A-07,20lBenallo 3 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request were denied, the property may yield a return. The western portion of the property currently is vacant and would accommodate an expansion of the existing single family residence or the addition of another unit. If denied, the applicants would still be able to construct a house addition on the lot but it would have to meet the 30' setback requirements on the north, south and west, Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality, Several homes and other structures in the area violate the 30 foot front, side and rear setback requirements. The number of nonconformities greatly increased when W. 39th Place was dedicated as a public street. (Exhibit 11, aerial with 30' setback overlay) Staff finds this criterion has been met. Although the addition is two stories in height, the general appearance and construction materials will be consistent with other homes in the neighborhood. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property that will result in a positive outcome. The investment in improving this lot will substantially increase the value of property and could increase the value of neighboring properties. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. Although the property is rectangular in shape and is flat, there are unique conditions related to the physical surroundings that hinder the developability of the vacant portion ofthe property Double- fronted lots (lots with streets along both the front and rear property lines) are prohibited in the Subdivision Regulations. It is highly unusual to have a lot that has three street frontages. Given 30' setback requirements on three sides, only 900 s.f. of the western portion of the lot is buildable, At least six ofthe 11 lots in the subdivision have nonconforming setbacks adjacent to streets. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. Administrative Variance W A-07-20/Benallo 4 The original owner of the property was the applicant's grandfather. Gerald Benallo, the applicant's father, was one of the petitioners requesting dedication of 39th Place. The applicant has created his own hardship by proposing such a large addition, Staff finds this criterion has not been met, 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to neighboring property or improvements. It would not hinder or impair the development of the adjacent property. The adequate supply of air and light would not be compromised as a result of this request. The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it increase the danger of fire. The request will most likely not have an effect on property values in the neighborhood. The home would not cause an obstruction to motorists on the adjacent street and would not impede in the sight distance triangle. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. There are unusual circumstances which impact all of the homes in this subdivision due to the public dedication of 39th Place and the 30' required setback. The neighborhood is unique in that there are a large number of nonconforming setbacks, However, none of the homes have encroachments to the extent ofthis application. The garage could be reduced in size, lessening the need for such extreme variances. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Single family homes and their accessory structures are not required to meet building codes pertaining to the accommodation of persons with disabilities. Staff fmds this criterion is not applicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to single and two family dwelling units. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. Administrative Variance W A-07-20/Benallo 5 IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Although the majority ofthe evaluation criteria have been met, an objection has been filed against the request. For this reason, the administrative variance is denied, Administrative Variance W A-07-20/Benallo 6 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Denial of Administrative Variance Requests WHEREAS, an application for approval of administrative variances was submitted for property zoned R-3, Residential-Three located at 6088 W, 39th Place, referenced as Case No, W A-07-20 as detailed below: 1. A 10' rear yard setback variance from W, 39th Avenue (south side) resulting in a 20' rear yard setback, 2, A 15' side yard setback variance from Ingalls Street (west side) resulting in a 15' side yard setback, 3, An II' front yard setback variance from W, 39th Place (north side) resulting in a 19' front yard setback.; and, WHEREAS, City Staff has analyzed the variance requests, relying on criteria listed in Section 26- I I5,C, of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; and WHEREAS, there was one registered objection regarding the application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that the application for administrative variances (Case No, W A-07-20) is denied for property zoned R-3, Residential-Three, located at 6088 W. 39th Place for the following reason: I. A registered objection was filed against the application (Exhibit I, Letter of Objection), e, AICP lopment Director I -~ -bY' Date 1211312007 7:24 PM FROM: Fax TO: 3032352857 PAGE: 002 OF 002 Dee, 13,2007 7311 Braun Way Arvada, CO 80005 I;~~ City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division 7500 W. 29'" Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Case No, WA-07-20 Following are my comments regarding Case No, W A-07-20, As property owner of an adjacent property (6090 W. 39th Ave.), I am not opposed to an addition to a single family home, However, a 33% to 50% setback variance on three sides of the property at 6088 W, 39'" PI. seems excessive. The proposed variances seem to allow for a building to land ratio that is out of proportion with most of the surrounding houses in the neighborhood. In addition, not having at least one setback of 30 feet is out of character with neighboring homes, It would seem that an addition could be built with an allowable variance on one or at most two sides; or a much lesser variance on all three sides, I am also concerned the variances, if allowed as is, would penuit the future building of a sizeable multi-family unit in an area of generally small one level homes. Again, the building to land proportion would be out of character, and as such, a detriment to the neighborhood, Thank you for the opportunity to comment. .,'S..,G:..... ~~ S. A, Burson . EXHIBIT 1 POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. Jt) II- - (1) ~ZO DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: /2.' / C./-t?'/ m l3e IJA //0 q 6/C',€?/( j) ~npame) W37 ,. L (address) I, jJ J! /t!/ i/~ &~f5'b /\/1 ~;J4/1() residing at t<.J flf?A.Tfll () G '(' as the applicant for Case No, tJ 11 -Of - 20 ,hereby certify that I have posted the sign for Public Notice at 6 () g ~ t>> 3'7 'Th-fJ L. (I 0 cat ion) on this S- day of .b e c (' /1/l /3 e /L. , 20~, and do hereby certify that , said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case, The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below, .fja_~dJ.m ~ Signature: ~/J1 h/Vj'~ NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file, ] I1STAVE i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . ! ~ ~~ ~ g . ~' i (illBt[i[]R N. c> ::~.P.,. 3945 ",!Ii <D S "' ~~~ i~r ~I ,~I ~~:' W39THAVE ~" - :: ~ - . ~ . ~, "" ~~ = - 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The Cjty of Wheat Ridge December 5,2007 This is to inform you of Case No. WA-07-20, a request for approval of (1) a 10 foot rear yard setback variance (39th Avenue), (2) a 15 foot side yard setback variance (Ingalls Street) and (3) an 11 foot front yard setback variance (39th Place) on property zoned Residential-Three (R-3) and located at 6088 W. 39th Place, The applicant is requesting an administrative variance review which allows no more than a fifty percent (50%) variance to be granted by the Zoning Administrator without need for a public hearing, Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m, on December 14,2007, Thank you, e:\planning\forms\zapubnot. wpd BENALLO GERALD M 5885 CLEAR CREEK DR DENVER CO 80212 2837 31- ,};Lj3 -/ 9-(}/)/ tJl;;;L 7006 3450 0002 4529 3026 VERNON JAMES STANLEY VERNON JANICE M 901 GARRISON ST LAKEWOOD CO 80215 5864 ?/i- J~3-) f-oo / 7006 3450 0002 4529 3019 ----.--.--- '~CA'NLANIJNANCY A SCANLAND JUDITH A SIMKA VITZ SUSAN K 6095 W 39TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 5153 3 7- :2 rj 3-- 1 CZ~ () 0 :J- 7006 3450 0002 4529 3002 BROOMFIELD LENDING LLC PO BOX 1224 ?/1- )... Cf 3- /9- 60 ]' BROOMFIELD CO 80038 7006 3450 0002 4529 2999 WEGMAN DONNA M WEGMAN LEE S 6080 W 39TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 5100 5 CZ-:L'l 3-/7 - 0/0 7006.~450_-~0~?--,,-~?~-~."l8.2. ...- BURSON S A DEVINCENZO E D 7311 BRAUN WAY ARV ADA CO 80005 7006 3450...0002 "-529_?~~~ 3 9- ;Uf3-~J---()(J ) GONZALES MARY D 4585 FIELD ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ') q - :?4?- ()O - (j,;}-/o 7006 3450 0002 4529 2968 HARR SALLY 3911 INGALLS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 5124 7006 3450 0002 4529 ') 1- .J--Cf,3- 00 - O::L 7 2951 WHEAT RIDGE 2020 INC 4350 WADSWORTH BLVD 420 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3 '7- :).J?3---~ € -IJO 7 7006 3450 0002 4529 2944 .. -0~Sg-}Oc~ "ic'J;--- '~, ,I ~, . :3( r >~'" ) \'S-,\ '\)'<-" ~ i .;;.,' "-' \ ~ ~! ". '- 'Js"< / kJ,~::,d/;v C9 cJ6-07~6/~ 4 1 - ....: , ! -;;; . -'- . -'- " -; --"! . -" " -" . -" . ..!! . ..!! . ..!! . ~ .J UJ ~ <Sl - ~ -"- --'" . 2. . -" 1 -c::- " -" ~ m, ~, = ." - ~ ~ ~ ~ r _F \ :;1 ~r ., ~ R- " ~, .,0 . ~;;::~ t;;-D " I~ D I -1: "..::~ I~ ~~ij ~~ . lL c.......'1 . <J) . -'-St ~ . ..:: . :; - ~ ~ :=! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ij 8 W i ~ -3 ij "") ,,~" ---" R-2 ,8 . R-3 ~ '. l;;8 " ~8 ,- ., ~I l NW24 ~I ~I!;II &:1 ~I ~r I t,;1 tOl ;01 $1 16) I L ';,~ L!~! N-I'!~ ! ! ~-[ !:t ~~'I ; ij ~.C" C ; . ';I~' R.2 I " ."-~;~o. " ." 8.l::-.', .R-C. "" "..-\1 ~ " - : i ,<\ r:a: ; "'OAV' .,"!t <J) ~: lEi!' '~ !.. . . => ..J. 1-'-0- ., \ "' (j). .. ii ~;::;:: (f\ ~ 1;; ~ t I ~I ~ ~" " t " D , ~~ ..;! ~! ,:;;: it" '4 ~ 11' " nl~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~~I W42NOAVE '" ~ '" : U / ~ ~. ~~' ~- I!: · ~.~:; ij !; ~ 4155 ~I ~:; ... :;;: ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 .~tQ 2 0 . ~ ~:; ~ ~ ~ ~ Z~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !i! _ (j)~ ~!i! ~~ ~ 1.2 ;" 3" -" " '. liI' 142< ._ ~ :;: "' t- 4155 ! - ~ ~ * en :;:;;: :; I- ~ ,...... 1; ~ ~ ). ,,/:>: ,.... ~ :q <Il :; ~ _ 4 W42NDAvE l,Jo<.; ~ l;; ~ :; ~ 0 "' . lil ~:; lil ~" :l:)- 0 i-'. ~ _ ~ "" ~ ~z~ KUSHNIRFF en l!l <:> ~:o. ;- ~ SUB " ~IJ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ \ '~ ; If\ :21 '21:il1 ml JI ~r:a ~~ ~ ~ ! " " L..:" UJ ~'" ~ W41$TA'IE ~ ~ 4046 d~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~09[l . ~ ~ ~ i ~ . il !? l.l.J. rcc w. ~ ~ "~ ~. 1-,. . )';:; " ~" . ~ - ~-1' ~ ~~ ~ ijg~"~ . ~ ~ ~" Wi!) > ;-::; I ij >. ~ . ! '" ,~! ! ~t; ~~...D....~ ~(\'\.'J_<Il~ -:-: :1-8 ~4onr;; ~ Q 3926 -""- g:;;! t; --.. 5 ~ ::l ~ .. <Il 3985 ., ~ "~~ ~: ~ ~ ~! ~ L,~ ~ " · ~ ~ . "" II" ~ ~t~1 .01 IlLL" "'Wf---W:l!:;:~8:5Ri.~:.:@:q J9451- : ZeEI"" '~~':~i ;~ ';, ~~* ~ ~i'.. ,~I ~ ~ 4000 <D... "'z "'''' '" <D f ~ ~' a LGW40THA~ W39THAVE SB; 3895& ~ L i "'go 3911 _!;;~I'. ~ · -~n' ~ ""--;, " g ,~ ~ "." R · ---'-<... "I "":,,",C ' "". 3 · --" - ~ !.3 3870 3925 ~ ~ ~. -:r-f- ~ ~ _ ~ - - fEL-- I 3SSO "^ ;$:lliI.IB A E .::: -_.- Ij) 3Il75 "':;;~ f-f -~o3~~J'ii -; - ~, -~~...I'~--r-',. 3835 :>84021 ,'" ~ '" . R C --""- - ~- S~C; '!, ~ 0 <J) ~; ffl ~ g- 19 ~ ~ ~';l ."_ ~ Z lJ)~ t:l N l;j <Il ~ ~ ".. - ,~ "'" 3910 "'" ~ - ~ ~ - "'" ANF.L- ~, c. ~'. WZ-79-4 R-C " Ii: c-1~1 ~ .C-1 ~ Ii ~ ~ ....!! -... I 01 S!I d OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO !t:.....: C.1 . a ~ - C-1 , . " ,- - - g).1 ,; !?! S!I gl I 01 1 NW25 I gl pj ,,11111 I I ~I lill .1 ., I I - PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) -"-"---- WATER FEATURE SW24 * DENOTES MULTI PLE ADDRESSES I""':l 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN G.:J (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) @ o 100 200 XJO 400 red; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 10, 2001 Q) 1- u N co @ 0... .c a:r ..... , 0 C"l <::t u @ 1- ro ":, 0 C"l a:r \ , <:t S 1- <:t pno:) Slle6uI ~ 1- 1- a:r a:r , en , '" '" en @ @ @ @ @ N C"l ~ @ @ @ @ @ N 1- '" ~ co N <0 u: @@~ @ - N _ 0:: ~ :i2 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Address fP{) eg LJ .3'7 ---rJ:p L State ('tJ!O Zip 8/J1J::e Phone Y'I'Z y -Z/9 Fax ' Address .5:& ZS- (' / C' /VL {'/LedC,o/L.. State ('010 Zip gtJZ/L Phone-r</zz -<7-975, Fax Contact Address S~e 115 A-b(}v<::'" Phone City State Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): !of') g5S w ~7 L-7L i1J1!('rlflit/j)6L C'.do fseJ"'33 Type of actiou requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Applictition submittal requirements on reverse side o Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit o Consolidation Plat 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) o Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Right of Way Vacation o Planned Building Group 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign o Site Development Plan approval M..Variance/Waiver (from Section ) o Other: ( Detailed description of request: (l tI/lt!/!"fYC-e.... F;l()M. ILM1 :L;J1SF/l55TLS/be / lfi{# Art--IANe'€- Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Current Zoning: Current Use: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be lished, Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which ap ion on his behalf. ~~" . ,,', .:~<' Signature of Applicaut ~.' 0 T A~~:;f. rn to e thIs ....L.....:. da , 20 07 5/02./80 I () To be filled out by staff: /1 h1tJ7 Fee $ Receipt No Zoning I< -g Pre-App Mtg. Date Case No. /AI A~O 7 -,;)..0 Quarter Section Map S fA ) rl.-~ Case Manager Il t' C i::.t ;- Date received Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. ,..-fin . ,/ Treasurer ;efferson County Pkwy. ,den, co 80419-2520 ,J03) 271-8330 - Office Web site http://jeffco.us/treasurer JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO TAX DIST. 3139 SCHEDULE NO 023748 2006 TAXES PAYABLE 2007 PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT TAX NOTICE DOING BUSINESS AS: I PROPERTY LOCATION: FIN. INST. VACANT LAND SEC.TWN. RNG. QTR. SQ. FT. LAND BLK LOT KEY BOOK PAGE h- AX AUTHORITY TAX LEVY TAX AMOUNT HARLAN COURT SCHOOL 24 03 69 5160 0007 OOA Fl171456 SCHOOL GEN 37,7780 190,78 . SCHOOL BND 11.2500 56,81 COUNTY CNTY GEN'L 12.9440 65.35 DEV DISABL 1. 0000 5.05 R&B SRVCS 3,2800 16.56 sac SRVCS 1. 7100 8.64 CAP'TL EXP 1. 9120 9.66 LIBRARY 3.5000 17.68 CNTY OTHER WHR 1. 8300 9,24 UI}PCD .5420 2.74 UDFCDSPLAT .0660 .33 WFD 4.4000 22.22 WSD .5830 2.94 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY VALUATION TAX LEVY 408,00 80,7950 VALUATION ACTUAL ASSESSED LAND 63,440 5,050 ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: 7.96% ALL OTHER PROPERTY: 29.00% BENALLO GERALD M 5885 CLEAR CREEK DR DENVER CO 80212-2837 11,,1.11.....1.1...11..1.1.,1.11..1,..11,1..,11.,1..1.1..1..11 d ~t<S ~..19 ~ 1 ""d'S/tot( ~...€"I<- p.-lljOl FULL AMOUNT DUE APRIL 30 408.00 OR FIRST HALF DUE FEBRUARY 28 204.00 SECOND HALF DUE JUNE 15 . 204.00 IF PAYING IN PERSON BRING ENTIRE'TAX NOTICE ~I=I= ~I=\II=R~1= ~Inl= I=nR 1=11RTI-II=R INl=nRMATlnN R~ll.l'1\1 TI-II.~ pnRTln!\1 I='nR vnllR l::II:::r:nRn~ Faye Griffin ~ounty Treasurer 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80419-2520 (303) 271-8330 - Office Web site http://jeffco.us/treasurer JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO TAX DIST 3139 SCHEDULE NO 023747 2006 TAXES PAYABLE 2007 PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT TAX NOTICE DOING BUSINESS AS: I PROPERTY LOCATION: FIN. INST. 6088 W 39TH PL SEC.TWN. RNG. QTR. SQ. FT. LAND BLK LOT KEY BOOK PAGE AX AUtHORITY TAX LEVY TAX AMOUNT HARLAN COURT SCHOOL 24 03 69 5427 0007 OOB Fl171456 SCHOOL GEN 37,7780 487.34 SCHOOL BND 11. 2500 145,13 . COUNTY CNTY GEN' L 12,9440 166.98 DEV DISABL 1. 0000 12.90 R&B SRVCS 3,2800 42.31 SOC SRVCS 1. 7100 22.06 CAP'TL EXP 1. 912 0 24.66 LIBRARY 3.5000 45.15 CNTY OTHER WIlR 1. 8300 23.61 UDF€D. .5420 6.99 UDFCDSPLAT .0660 .85 WFD 4.4000 56.76 WSD .5830 7.52 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY V ALUA TION TAX LEVY 1,042.26 80.7950 VALUATION ACTUAL ASSESSED LAND AND BUILDING 162,020 12,900 ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: 7.96% ALL OTHER PROPERTY: 29.00% BENALLO GERALD M 5885 CLEAR CREEK DR DENVER CO 80212-2837 , "..1,"","1"",1,"1""1,11"'",1",",1,,,,,,1,',.,.,1' FULL AMOUNT DUE APRIL 30 OR FIRST HALF DUE FEBRUARY 28 SECOND HALF DUE JUNE 15 tie.~,r h,z(f L'* '/t{(.'j fd CA.~<! f'-. - .J.N07 1,042.26 521.13 521.13 IF PAYING IN PERSON BRING ENTIRE'TAX NOTICE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR VO!lR R"r.nRn~ Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: IwA0720 IBenallo jPhilip M, IB~~an~ IGerald M, 16088 W. 39th PI. Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 1303-956-6799 15885 Clear Creek Dr, lpen~~r, CO 89212 1303-422-4975 16088 Iwest 39th Place Iwheat Ridge, CO 80033 lReckert IActi~e 1 1 Quarter Section Map No.: 1~V\f~4 Related Cases: I Case History: Review Body: APN: 2nd Review Body: 2nd Review Date: Decision-making Body: ApprovalfDenial Date: ResofOrdinance No.: 10ft. rear yard setback ariance & 11 ft. front yard setback variance. . . IBOA? 139-243-19-011 1 I 1 I I Conditions of Approval: District: III Date Received: 111/9f~QO! Pre-App Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 0&/25/07 3:14 PM cdb PHILIP M BENALLO RECEIPT NO:C023882 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICATION F 508,08 ZONE PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 8135 500.B8 TOTAL 580.B0 ---------------------------------------- "'~