HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-07-23 '9 4 <f ~ < 0/ .... . City of "(VWheat.B49rTe ~OMMUNI1Y DEVELOPMENT ~ City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 April 14, 2008 Milton & Mary Austin 15 Twilight Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Austin: RE: Case No. W A-07-23 Please be advised that at its meeting on March 27, 2008, the Board of Adjustment DENIED your request for approval ofa 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot side yard setback requirement on property zoned Residential-One and located at 15 Twilight Drive. Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision. Should you decide to appeal the decision of the Board, you will need to file the appeal with the Jefferson County district court within 30 days of the Board's decision. Sincerely, Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. !{t~~ Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificate of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: W A-07-23 (case file) wa0723denial.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION CC~~y I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 27th day of March 2008. CASE NO: WA-07-23 APPLICANT'S NAME: Milt and Mary Austin LOCATION OF INTERPRETATION: 15 Twilight Drive WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case Number W A-07 -23 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY NOT be granted without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case Number W A-07-23 be, and hereby is DENIED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot setback requirement resulting in a 7.5 foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential One. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Staff finds variance criteria number one has not been met and the Board concurs. Unique to this lot is the possibility that there is no place on the lot where a shed would not be considered obtrusive to an adjacent neighbor although required setbacks could be met. 2. Staff fmds that variance criteria number two has not been met and the Board concurs. 3. Staff finds that variance criteria number three has not been met and the Board concurs. In the opinion of the Board, investment does not rise to the level of substantial in this case. 4. Staff finds that variance criteria number four has not been met and the Board would concur in this case considering that three 30-foot required setbacks are unusual. However, the lot immediately adj acent to the shed site sits a few feet lower than the shed site itself thereby exacerbating the impact of the setback encroachment requested. Board of Adjustment Resolution W A-07-23 Page two (2) 5. Staff finds that variance criteria number five has not been met and the Board concurs. 6. Staff finds that variance criteria number six has not been met and the Board concurs. 7. Staff finds that variance criteria number seven has not been met and the Board concurs. This situation would be generally unique to the neighborhood. 8. Staff finds that variance criteria number eight is not applicable and the Board concurs. 9. Staff finds that variance criteria number nine is not applicable and the Board concurs. NO: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, BUCKNAM, HOYLAND, HOWARD, LINKER, PAGE None YOTE: YES: DISPOSITION: A 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot setback requirement resulting in a 7.5 foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential One was DENIED. ADOPTED and made effective this 27th day of March, 2008. ~~~ Ann Lazzeri, Seer ar Board of Adjustment Robert Blair, Chair Board of Adjustment ....u,.( ~ ~ City of ?WheatRL-dge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting March 27,2008 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustrhellt was called to order by Chair BLAIR at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Challlbers ofthe Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Tom Janet Bob Blair Alan Bucknam Paul Hovland Bob Howard Larry Lillker BettyJo Page Staff Memb,ms 'Present:; Ken JOhrlstone, Community Development Director ,'. Adam TieI:'jI,:Planner I "<""""%llIl.,La'jl'jleri, Secretary ,,,.;......~ 3. PUBLIC F0RUM No one wished to .address the Board at this time. 4. PUBLIC HEARIN~S VA. Ca'se~o. .~~-07-23: An application filed by Mary Austin for approval of a~~.#ooi: side yard setback variance from the 15 foot side yard setback requirpillent on property zoned Residential-One and located at 15 Twilight Drive. This case was presented by Adam Tietz. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. The applicant would like to construct a 117 -square-foot wood frame shed, 10 feet in height, on the west side of the home within the required side yard setback. Staff recommended denial for the for reasons outlined in the staff report. Board of Adjustment Minutes March 27, 2008 -1- Board Member ABBOTT asked ifthere had been any calls in favor of the application. Adam Tietz explained that the person who originally sent a letter of opposition is now in favor after meeting with the applicant and more fully understanding his plans. Milton Austin 15 Twilight Drive Mr. Austin, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair BLAIR'..J:Iedistributed copies of exhibits to each Board member which were made p~,onhe case file. He reviewed each exhibit. He stated that the proposed IQ0~~ti2n is the best one for his shed. The shed would improve existing conditiog~.:an hls~p~operty and would maintain the character of the neighborhood. Pl~ci\:r& the s!\'~~';~l1any other place would put it more in the middle of the yard and that is the reasqIfhe wanted to build the shed as close to the house as possible. . . ',',0""""" ,i ......M...". Board Member ABBOTT stated that he ~d1ij~sIlPpl!iftapermanent ~dl.!ition to the house, but not a shed in this location. Mr. Art~~in'-stated that the shed would be constructed and painted to mat:\-ip: the house. ",<.<:..:.. ,>,.<.; :,.".~...,..."".. .." Board Member BELL asked ifNJ.;..'~U.*N~g~~d consid~f~{itbuilding the shed next to the house on the side with lands~aping,~n~,-pr~y~cy fence where he would not need a variance.ryir,f'ustin stated :tl1iswould'placethe shed in front of the master bedroom window.'BCl.~~ Member HELL commented that a small area between a shed and a :D,..e.l1G.e usuallY.;RtOOCOmes an a:r~a to store things. She also asked if he had ......". ....,.. _;..M consideredblli}g1.11g the *.wed near the aiif:]g;p'nditioning unit. Mr. Austin stated that the land slopes qm.,~e1a Rii1i11'that.are. a.1 ' .;.' ".',",;";.' "...,.,..,..".,,;...;.-....;.................. OW%~suggested the applicant consider building a shed that oreH:il).gt]a; Bo'a.i\~' AND stated that while he could appreciate Mr. Austin's intent . shed in an unobtrusive place and the fact that the neighbors were no e plan, he was concerned that it would change the character of the neig He also believed there are alternative locations that would not require a> iance. He stated that he had difficulty in finding uniqueness to the situation that would warrant a variance. Board Member LINKER asked Mr. Austin ifhe had considered moving the air conditioning compressor and placing the shed in that area. Mr. Austin said that it would probably be possible but the area slopes quite a bit. There was no one from the public to address the Board at this time. Therefore, Chair BLAIR closed the public hearing. Board of Adjustment Minutes March 27,2008 -2- Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member PAGE, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-07-23 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen'd'IlYs required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered agllinst it. Whereas, the relief applied for MAY NO],*ff~'granted wlthli'il.t substantially 'ej:' ",>.~ impairing the intent and purpose of t~~.,fegulations governing;t~e City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYEIl'tl1,ttBoard of Adjustment Application Case No. W A-O?'cp be and herebYcltsDENIED. For the following reasons: _,.,. -";-"':'/-;':"<:'-'" 'c' "'. '""-.""'''.'o''/^':.:.;. : 1. Staff finds iance criterij! J,!.!Jiiibe;':;&~~cl1hS not been met and the Board c.iI niqne to tli'J.s lot is the'possibility that there is no plac,!%:;;~~ the 10 ere a shedc'\Yonld not be considered obtrusive to an adj'ilct~ i h althongh re'!t!Jited setbacks could be met. 2. Staff fin criteria number two has not been met and gard c 3; Stag.!!$ tha iance criteria nnmber three has not been met and the Bohraiie.oncu he opinion of the Board, investment does not rise to th' el of. stantial in this case. 4. Staff finds t variance criteria number four has not been met and ;~!,\~Board.;; uld concur in this case considering that three 30-foot re'!ti!l:ired ~!l.tbacks are unusual. However, the lot immediately adja'~~!j.Fto the shed site sits a few feet lower than the shed site itself therepy exacerbating the impact of the setback encroachment requested. 5. Staff finds that variance criteria nnmber five has not been met and the Board concurs. 6. Staff finds that variance criteria number six has not been met aud the Board concurs. 7. Staff finds that variance criteria number seven has not been met and the Board concurs. This situation would be generally unique to the neighborhood. 8. Staff finds that variance criteria number eight is not applicable and the Board concurs. Board of Adjustment Minutes March 27, 2008 - 3- l 9. Staff finds that variance criteria number nine is not applicable and the Board concurs. The motion for denial passed 8-0. (Chair BLAIR declared a recess at 8:07 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8: 14 p.m.) B. Case No. WA-08-01: An application filed by the City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department for approval gf (1) a 3 foot variance to the 4 foot maximum fence height requirement withi.rl a minimum 30 foot front yard setback; and (2) a I-foot variilIlce to the 4'fgot maximum foot variance to the 6-foot maximum fengel1eight requiremel1.tbehind the front setback line resulting in a 7-footJ~h\;e on property zoned(@B.~ercial One and Agricultural-Two and loci;lte't'l;.l\t43l5 V'!iJ.ll Gordon Street. ^"....... ."..". -.., ":<:;j)',:,;; .:,};;r-/x,,, This case was presented by Adam Tietz. H~'8'~~~r:gd allpertinent documents into the record and advised the Boar~there was juri~dl'~t:jon to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and dig,ital>presentation.'N1eH.subj,ect property is currently undeveloped and will f~pYa.itij~.this mannei.'~~ area would be used for storage of landscape and planelJ.1ateri~]sj~t,e&.r~l to'1:he operation of the Parks Department. Staffrecommended approval withCohditions as outlined in the staff report. ,'-., In response to.a~~JJ~stion,jirom Board MeJ;Ilber ABBOTT, Mr. Tietz explained that the seven. feet isb'e;j,!1.~reqp.~~~~.~.i)1orclerto be consistent with the other seven footsectiol1~on thePf!;\perty '-J50axiJ;iMember ABBOTT commented that seven feet would proyige more.security. Board Member HOVLANU'asked if the variance would stay with the land if it should ever changepwnership. Mr. Tietz explained that the fence would stay unless>tne Board pl<l~red a condition on the variance. In responsetl!ia,qtlestion from Board Member BUCKNAM, Mr. Tietz explained that, for the intended use, the code requires that landscape materials be screened from adjacent properties which can be accomplished with a screened fence. Board Member BELL suggested that pine-beetle-kill lumber fencing with pickets for security be used, which would be much more attractive than chain link with screening strips. The wood fencing could be added to the existing chain link fence. She also suggested installing landscaping in front of the fence. In response to a question from Board Member HOWARD, Mr. Tietz stated that the subject property is not in the floodplain. The reason the city purchased this Board of Adjustment Minutes March 27, 2008 -4- PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT March 28, 2008 )1 Case No. WA-07-23: An application filed by Mary Austin for approval of a 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 7.5 foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential-One (R-1) and located at 15 Twilight Drive Name Address In favor/Opposed TSC j;: I' ti I!3JTS 5 oB m j T T~ 0 1'5 yo I'l1JL-T j}us TiM fiT 3-;)'1:-0'6 eofJ Phone: Jj &:1'3 te I Jt/ C- FAX: email: Case t'(/(), 0.H7- 07-;}? TSC f\-?~1 Thursday, March 27, 2008 Applicants response to letter to the Board of Adjustments by the Staff of Wheat Ridge zoning committee for proposed shed placement at 15 Twilight Dr. Wheat Ridge CO. in the subdivision known as Paramount Heights. Case #W A-07-23/ Austin. If approved the request will increase total lot coverage to approximately 20.5%. Well within the allowed maximum allowed for zone R-1. (max. 25%) The property at 15 Twilight Dr. is unique in that it has 3 frontage streets where setbacks are increased to 30ft. on those frontages. Ultimately this situation causes placement of a shed within the required setback for R-l zone challenging. The Applicants strongly believe that the proposed variance request is ultimately the best option to maintain the character of the locality. The Staff of Wheat Ridge zoning mentions that only one variance on the block has been granted since the subdivision was platted. The Applicants observe that the block in question has only 6 lots on it and is the smallest block in the subdivision. Applicants Response to Yariance Criteria 1. Agree 2. The applicants are very aware of the character of the locality and intend to make the presence of the proposed shed blend in with it's surroundings. Will paint and shingle to match house. Will be in the least visible location for curb appeal. Applicants feel this criterion has been met. 3. The applicants are proposing an investment that will improve the existing conditions on the property. Due to the unique conditions with R-l zoning for properties with multiple frontages, and the mature landscape that is an essential part of the character of the locality the Applicants strongly desire the proposed shed placement. t\-,. 'Ycr ?- 4. The Staff concurs that the increased setback of 30ft on the frontages could present challenges for the shed placement and has resulted in the request for the variance. The Applicants still believe the proposed location best fits the desire to maintain the character of the locality. 5. The fact that increased setbacks are governed by R-l zoning in this unique situation have not been created by the Applicants who have interest in the property. The Applicants feel that this criterion has been met. 6. Agree. 7. The properties in this location are all as individual as there are properties. ~ , , .j , 1 ft"'~: ' '~i1f'-:' ~_:~:' I R ! , B 3:'/ ..-- ,4.~ ~~' ~ -"'~.._- tI- ,""':'} .r ."" .~~;;':'J::.'~ ."~/C."'.~ ..._...- - . Prl .-.'- ..---- .- ;p <;,..., ~ .__,__l, .- - - . . . r~ ~'. ::(- ;l1* ' ' , . " (l-.9 . ..~~ ~ .~ ~. ..!.... . ""~. 'lO - ,1),0"''''''''''''''1" n . . . ) . ~. . -- ;.;;:>"'---~ .;~.:_;~;},- \; . C"y . . , . . "" \I' "" . y . . ..n_i. . (~ \.1 .:.. ;<,..-. . ..~.. . "...~. .. /' ~ J.. .,. '" --.- "'- J;;;... ~...... A '" ~~.. r,- " '> " (" '" ..~. '" ~..- V' . ~, :. ~;.. - - . 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'-' '.'.. .-' ~".."... ......r_.. .....~-.... ~-......._---_.....~ ....._-......................~ .~ "i ~, .....~-. 1 . '<'-c. . D;". . '\ --..~.5j , -" '<J -....-. .# .f .p cF, '.; .,. /' /' LOTS r-HUI:.. tlJ.. ROBERT PARKER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTUR.E c/O - V UIUW< DESIGN PlANNING tNNOVATlV! SOLUTIONS WITH RfSPECT FOR. TRADITION 25 February 2008 By Fax )-303-333-2487 Mr. Milum Austin 15 Twilight Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Ref: Zoning Variance of Side Y li{d Setback for Proposed Shed Dear Mr. Austin, Thank you fOT your fax and drawing showing the proposed location of the storage shed. If the shed is located per YOW' drawing as submitted and, is paimed out white to match YOW' house, Sylvia Parker and myseJfhave no objection to the reduced side yard setback. The correspondence from the City of Wheat Ridge did not specific location or details of the proposed storage shed. Yon may advise the City of Wheat Ridge that we have no objections per above. Sincerely yours, cc Sylvia A. Parker DEUVEKlOS, '11 Ni&/I""'wk Tnll III Pr.do, Now Moxlco 87529 . Tll/f"'" 505-:151-11163 MAILII''''' PO _1193 11100. New Mellk:o 87571 . ......" rp.-.........<Oll\ ::; OJ < CD OJ ::; CD OJ ~ "i' CO 0- CD 0' CD - ::; CD OJ .E, c: '" 3' CD a 0- o OJ a. 0' ~ ::E ::; CD !a ::0 c: co CD o ::l -i ::; c: :" W - '" ::::! o 00 @ :-:J o o '" 3 - -i ffi~ CD' 1'l ~ CD o CD ::l a. S- g CD CD '" - ~ ::; o CD '" '" CD ~ ,zo- OJ S' n CD '" - S' a S' 3 CD ~ '" CJ] ffis a. .... i:J.! ::;: ::; 0' ::; ~ 0- CD S' CD a. (ii' or ::l () CD =l' o 3 as: o OJ c: -< ~ OJ ::; ::l g a. '" CD OJ OJ ~ _ CD ~ OJ ClI'" -1~ ~. :;' =: (Q co _ ::; 0 - ~ o OJ :" '" o a: 0- CD ~. ~ c:a. OJ '" c.q ~ ~o- ~ ~ '" '" ::; < CD OJ a. ~ Oi' ::l @ o ::l - ::; '" ~ '" - '" c: '" :r: o '" '" S' (ii' - :;' a. '" '< o c: [ ::E CD ::l a. 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"' ::r (!) a. ~ I t.A1 ~ )J LX ~ f::, NE28 1\ ~I ~II -, -, ~:\_-:::1"; ~ :;, "' ~ ~ I W31STPl Si~ " . SKYLINE DR , . ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ " ~ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ " '" li @ ~ ~ W ~ PARAMOUNT PARK R-1 R-3 ~--~. ~ . . ~ R-Z' ~ .; I C-1 tI :;0; ~ fOrTY I (',Urs I I ,.........",..._.....~...~.i: I I OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO - PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE SE 28 * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES ~ 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) (fSJ o 100 '1fX) XXJ ~OO fed. OEP AKfMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 10, 2001 Page 1 of 1 Adam Tietz From: Milton A. Austin [MAAustin@coffeeservice.com] Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 4:56 PM To: Adam Tietz Subject: apology Adam, I must apologize for my foul language after the meeting the other night. It certainly was not directed at you. You have been very helpful and informative throughout this process. I feit very frustrated about how the meeting with the board of adjustments went. I felt that I had presented a good case for the variance request and it fell on deaf ears. Feeling that I had presented a good case I was astonished that not one of eight members of the board could see my plight. I was also furious by the fact that the ladder in some of the sight photos was an issue or what I was going to put into the shed which I feel was totally irrelevant. Once again, sorry for unloading on you, Will probably be in to see you soon for some more punishment. (new request) Mlit 03/31/2008 1 ':'._:':r.'!!_~_._ __._ _ _.__ -, " " " " " " , ; -'.i , ; .....:..............;i i ; ; ........... ...-,-.. 2 MOll'.... '1+ 3 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustments CASE MANAGER: Adam Tietz CASE NO. & NAME: WA-07-23/Austin DATE: March 27, 2008 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval ofa 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot setback requirement resulting in a 7.5 foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential One (R-l). LOCATION OF REQUEST: 15 Twilight Drive APPLICANT (S): Milt and Mary Austin OWNER (S): Milt and Mary Austin APPROXIMATE AREA: 13,514 square feet (.31 acre) PRESENT ZONING: Residential- One (R-l) PRESENT LAND USE: Single Family Home ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENT AnON Site Location Map Board of Adjustment W A-07-23/Austin 1 JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 7.5 foot side yard setback variance for the purpose of constructing a 117 square foot shed, resulting in a 7.5 foot setback. All other development standards have been met. Section 26-1l5.C (Variances and Waivers) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide on variances from the strict application of the zoning district development standards. Variance requests of over 50% from the development standards are required to be heard at a public hearing, before the Board of Adjustment. II. CASE ANL YSIS The applicants, Milt and Mary Austin, is requesting the above variance as the property owner of 15 Twilight Drive. The property is located in the Paramount Heights Subdivision on Twilight Drive in an R-1 zone district. The property is bounded by Rangeview Dr. to the north, Dawn Ct. to the east, and Twilight Dr. to the south. The lot is 13,514 square feet or .31 acres. The R -1 zone district allows for maximum lot coverage of25%. Based on a lot size of 13,514 square feet, 3,378.5 square feet oflot coverage is allowed. The home and other existing improvements on the property cover approximately 2,778 square feet or 20.5% of the lot. The applicants wish to construct a 117 square foot, wood frame shedthati~ ~Of~Tthi~~ on the west side of the home within the required side yard setback ~jl:~1i(~J.~i~!!~r~t@). The R-1 zone district allows for single family dwelling units and accessory structures, which includes sheds. The required setback in an R-l zone district for all accessory structures is 15 feet. The proposed shed would be 7.5 feet from the west property line. With the proposed shed, the lot coverage would increase the lot coverage to 2,895 square feet or 21.4%. The property in question is unique in that it has 3 street frontages (~~!~!fi.~[i$!r~l~M~p1. In situations where a property has more then one street frontage the setbacks along those streets are increased to 30 feet. This may limit the ability of some owners to place or construct accessory structures on their property. However, the lots in this particular subdivision were platted larger then the R-1 minimum lot size of 12,500 square feet, including the property in question. Even with the increased setbacks on 3 side~,~e property has a large amount of space where improvements can be made ~~>>lE~~i$!!~ ~ilq(~~. The shed is proposed to be constructed on the side of the home that does not have any street frontage but is constrained as the result of the home already being approximately 2 feet from the setback requirement j'!j~11!~\!!.!m~i~1~$Jl~lg1\glg'~ Board of Adjustment W A-07-23/Austin 2 There has only been one variance granted on the block since the subdivision was platted. The variance was for a fence height in 2006 at 14 Twilight Dr. A visual inspection of the aerial photographs, research of building files and site visits ~eve~,~er~aI'ever~few properties in the neighborhood with accessory structures~lm!1:>i!~;A.\lr!~RI1.QtQj. It appears that the properties that do have accessory structures comply with the required 15 foot side yard setback requirement. The Community Development Director is empowered to decide upon applications for which a variance of fifty (50) percent or less is being requested from the strict application ofthe development standards pertaining to the zone district. He has denied the applicants the right to an administrative review and has required the application be heard at a public hearing where the decision will be made by the Board of Adjustments. III. Y ARIANCE CRITERIA Staff has the following criteria to evaluate variance requests and shall determine that the majority ofthe "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.CA of the City Code have been met. The applicant has provided their analysis of the applications compliance with the variance criteria (F;@'i~tt.;'Z~. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. 1. The property in question wonld not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be nsed only nnder the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request were denied, the property would still yield a reasonable return in use. The property currently has a single family home and it may remain in this manner regardless of outcome of the variance request. If denied, the applicants would still be able to construct a shed but it would be required to meet the setbacks for the R -1 zone district. Staff fmds this criterion has not been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. If the request were granted, the character of the locality could possibly be altered. The subdivision consists oflarge lot, low density single family residential units. There are very few homes in the area that do have accessory structures. Of the homes that do have them, the structures have been built in compliance with the setbacks. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which wonld not be possible without the variance. Board of Adjustment WA-07-23/Austin 3 The applicant is proposing an investment in the property that could improve the existing conditions on the property. The investment in the property would still be possible without the granting of this variance. The large lot does provide other areas where the shed could be constructed that would meet the setback requirements. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved resnlts in a particular and nniqne hardship (upon the owner) as distingnished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. There are surrounding physical conditions that have resulted in the request for the shed to be constructed on the west side of the property. The property has three street frontages and the setbacks along those property lines are increased to 30 feet because of it. However, the shape, topography and the location of the home do not preclude the construction of a storage shed in the appropriate location. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. A person who has interest in the property has caused the hardship. The request relates to the location ofthe proposed storage shed that does not meet current development standards. It is possible to relocate the proposed shed in a location on the property where the required side yard setback could be met. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the pnblic welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate snpply oflight and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or snbstantially diminishing or impairing property valnes within the neighborhood. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to neighboring property or improvements. It would not hinder or impair the development of the adjacent property. The adequate supply of air and light would not be compromised as a result of this request. The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it increase the danger of fire. The request Board of Adjustment W A-07-23/ Austin 4 will most likely not have an effect on property values in the neighborhood. The home would not cause an obstruction to motorists on the adjacent street and would not impede in the sight distance triangle. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. The nnnsual circnmstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not nniqne to the property. The circumstance necessitating the variance request is the fact applicant would like to construct the shed in a location that will be screened from the public view as much as possible. The request is unique in that there are very few homes with accessory structures in the area. It is also unique that the shed is proposed to be constructed within the required side yard setback in relation to the rest of the neighborhood as the few homes that do have them, have constructed them in a location where they do meet the setback requirement. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Single family homes and their accessory structures are not required to meet building codes pertaining to the accommodation of persons with disabilities. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. 9. The application is in snbstantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to single and two family dwelling units. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. IY. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Having reviewed the application for a 7.5 foot side yard setback variance at 15 Twilight Drive. Staff has found there not are unique circumstances attributed to this request that would warrant approval of the variance. The applicable review criteria are not supportive of the request; therefore, staff recommends DENIAL for the following reasons: Board of Adjustment W A-07-23/Austin 5 1. Granting of the variance could potentially change or alter the character of the neighborhood as a majority of the structures in the neighborhood all meet the required side yard setback requirements. 2. Other opportunities may exist where the shed could be constructed while complying with the development standards in the R-l zone district. 3. The hardship has been created by a person having interest in the property. 4. There are no physical conditions or other irregular conditions present on the property or neighborhood that would preclude the shed from being constructed in a manner that meets the set back requirements. Board of Adjustment WA-07-23/Austin 6 / , / ;' I I t I . I . I . I , \I! ,$01 .::\1 4:'1 \. tI' ~l (t. I . I , I I . 1 . 1-- --- '- " , '... ~.. ;ii;lf W' <UJ "'/ '" ',~ ... <Y ,~ ...<:1" "- "- " /------- .------- . ............"'.... . / / . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ":3- \to . . . . . . . . . . --..._-----^ . . . . . , . :i ....( -d , . . . . . . , . tI IJ :& . ,:>- a . '" ...... .t . . . . , '( . . . , a :;,... . -i:-+ ," ~ '" :! ... \1\ ~ ~ ::r A'1'''''''''!.A(! -'-,-""'" --' . .. .. "f,\'~ ... () . . t\..- ,_ I...T" .... ~_.. ...." . 'z.~ .;"\ ..L ~ ~ ~ 'I ^'--' -.... ~ ......_.... ...._..~_..." .'._._..._ ,'-'\,::;-- -t-~_"L --- -",# ._. __ .__.~,...___..__.__..'"":\'1C.___.._~- . ' ....'" ,- . ~ ~ <l ::t: ~~ f;~ 1<-10' - - ... *' ,.. \ ~:r ,. .. '- 1 I \.. ;-;;0-1 I I . )1 I I ... 1 ", /' 1-- ~ .... .~ .D ~ "" . I , 1 i i a I 1:l <l) 10 s.~ 00 00 ::l ::l '~<r: -o~ <r:", <,.;N o~ -00 til..d: ~~ ..-,/ ",.--- ~..---_.._..-.._-_.._.._.._.._._.._.._.._.._..r''''. 00007 00009 00011 00003 00006 00004 \3: , iW 00001' :> 00001 ~ Z 00001 ~ 00007 00002 00004 i 00006 Board of Adjustment WA-07-23/Austin 00015 00021 00019 00014 00017 00017 00 15 00008 00015 00011 00009 00008 00014 00011 00012 / / 0': "9'L. -~ 00010 00017 00015 Exhibit 2 00022/ 00019 00021 00019 00016 'lVtt1l.IG "'''' ~ i;l " "~ ~ f 00018 00020 00018 00027 00025 00023 00020 8 Exhibit 3 Board of Adjustment WA-07-23/Austin 9 Board of Adjustment WA-07-23/Austin 10 V") "0 a 'T vo - ~ r X ~ Exhibit 6 Board of Adjustment W A-07-23/Austin 11 Response to Variance Criteria Shed Placement 15 Twilight Dr. Milton and Mary Austin (Owners) A. The placement of this shed will increase storage and value For any property owner of this property. It will increase the Over all desirability and value of this property. B. I do not feel that granting of this variance will effect The the essential character of this locality, in fact The shed should blend in nicely. C. The investment that I am making is the actual Variance request itself. The time and money spent By myself is for the good of all. I am trying to put The shed in the most inconspicuous place possible. So as to not make it outstanding or overly visible In the locality. t- ... .~ ..0 ~ D. This unique property has 3 frontage streets. The proposed Placement Of this shed will minimize its visibility from The frontage streets, E. The shape of the yard and frontage streets of the property Has not been created by any person having interest in the Property F. The location of the shed would not be injurious to the Development of any adjacent property nor would it be Detrimental to public welfare. It will not impair adequate Supply of light or air to the adjacent property. It will not Affect congestion on public streets in any way. It will not Endanger public safety or diminish property values in The neighborhood. It should not increase fire danger. G. I have noticed that it is not unusual for sheds to be Placed closer that standard variance allows in this neighborhood. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on March 27, 200S, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. W A-07-23: An application filed by Mary Austin for approval of a 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 7.5 foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential-One (R-l) and located at 15 Twilight Drive. Case No. W A-OS-Ol: An application filed by the City of Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department for approval of a 3 foot variance to the 4 foot maximum fence height requirement within a minimum 30 foot front yard setback AND a 1 foot variance to the 6 foot maximum fence height requirement behind the front setback line resulting in a 7 foot fence on property zoned Commercial-One (C-l) & Agricultural-Two (A-2) and located at 4315 Yan Gordon Street. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk To be published: Date: Wheat Ridge Transcript March 13,2008 TSC Tse p.l Phone: FAX; email: Farsimile To: @Fax: From: Date: Re: Pages: Adam Tietz Milton Austin Monday, February 25, 2008 @ 3:28PM Shed placement 15 Twilight Dr, 2, including this page Adam, I talked to Robert Parker and Sylvia Parker about their concerns about the proposed shed placement at 15 Twilight Dr. I am sending a copy of the letter I received from Robert today stating that they do not have objections to the proposed shed placement.. I hope this clears things up and we will not require a public hearing. I will call you in the near future to see where stand. Thank You, Milt Austin 15 Twilight Dr. Wheat Ridge CO 80215 303 333 2244 Day Phone 303881 0002 Cell p.2 f"H\:lt:. tlJ. u~,~~, ~v~v ~~.~~ ROBERT PARKER ASSOCIATES ARClflT!CT\JU UI\MI< DESIGN PlANNING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS WITH RESPECT fOR. TRADiTiON 25 February 2008 By Fu 1-303-333-2487 Mr. Milum Austin 15 Twilight Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Ref: Zoning Variance of Side Yard Setback for Proposed Shed Dear Mr, Austin, Thank you for yoU! fax and drawing showing the proposed location of the storage shed, If the shed is located per your drawing as submined and, is painted out white to match your house, Sylvia Parker and myself have no objection to the reduced side yard sethack. The correspondence from the City of Wheat Ridge did not specific location or details of the proposed storage shed. You may advise the City of Wheat Ridge that we have no objections per above. Sincerely yours, cc Sylvia A- Parker Gwvn"', n Ni8hlhAwk Troll BI P,.do, Now Mexico 87529 . TILl'''''' 505-7>1-1963 MAlLlNG; PO Pox 893 bDl, New MexicG 87571 . fMAlt.: rpaOlwWJne.ll: .(:om FW: Shed Variance Page I of 1 Adam Tietz From: Mary Austin [m2austin@ecentral.com] Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11 :48 AM To: Milton A. Austin Cc: Adam Tietz Subject: FW: Shed Variance Thanks, Adam. I'm forwarding this to Milt. We will be in touch. Mary ------ Forwarded Message From: Adam Tietz <atietz@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:28:19 -0700 To: <m2austin@ecentral.com> Conversation: Shed Variance Subject: Shed Variance Mary, Milt stopped in the other day to drop off the posting certificate and the responses to the criteria for review. When he was in I informed him that we had received a written objection to variance from the neighbor at 11 Twilight Dr. and that we would be discussing it at our staff meeting in order to determine if the objections were substantial. In our meeting we did determine the objections were substantial enough to require a hearing for the side yard variance. The next board of adjustment meeting will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2008. If you would like to request a hearing before the Board of Adjustments an additional $280 will be required to received by Wednesday, March 5, 2008. If the additional fees are received and a hearing is requested, your variance request will be placed on the agenda for that evening. As the applicants, you will be required to attend the hearing. The hearing before the Board of Adjustments is a public hearing. At the hearing, staff will present the case and give their recommendation to the Board. The applicant will also have the opportunity to present their case to the Board and answer any questions from the Board regarding the variance request. Since the hearing is a public hearing, any person present in the audience will also have the chance to speak on this matter. They can speak in support or against the request. The Board of Adjustments will decide on the outcome of the variance request and have the ability to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request. If you or Milt have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. 1 ~n AtUM~1. ADAM TIETZ Planner, Community Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheal Ridge, CO 303.235.2845 ------ End of Forwarded Message 02/21/2008 Address: Residential Worksheet 1vll,yri Pr. Lot Size: IS '1---( \~5(y Lot Width: ft. sq. ft. Property in the flood plain? ~ Zoning: Maximum Lot Coverage: ~ % 337 ~<S sq. ft. Existing lrhJ?rovement( s): sq. ft. House: 217'0 sq. ft. sq. ft. Shed: sq. ft. sq. ft. Detached Garage: Sq.~ # Z <61:5 % 2./. tj;{ sq. ft. sq. ft. Proposed lrhprovements: House: Addition to House: Shed: (17 Detached Garage: sq. ft. Proposed Lot Coverage: (Total) Required Setbacks: FR '70 S '}O S IS R 50 Provided Setbacks: FR )0 S $," S 7.f R 30 Maximum Height: 10 ft. Maximum Size: L.{oo sq. ft. Proposed Height: 10 ft. Proposed Size: 117 sq. ft. Access Notes For one and two-family dwellings, the first 25' of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. For all uses other than one and two family dwellings, no vehicle entrances or exits may be closer than 25' to any property line, except when used as joint access for two or more lots. In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width. One and two-family dwellings may have horseshoe driveways, provided that the street accesses are at least 30 feet apart, measured from the interior edges. For all uses, one access point per property is pennitted. Landscapin~ Notes For one-and two-family dwellings, one tree for every 70 feet of street frontage is required. 100% of the front yard and 25% of the entire lot must be landscaped prior to issuance ofC.O. Street trees required: Street trees provided: .~ ,,' , " City of '(VWheat~dge .~OMMLJNI1Y DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE March 13, 2008 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. W A-07-23 which is a request for approval of a 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 7.5 foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential-One (R-l) and located at 15 Twilight Drive. This request will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on March 27, 200S, at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. W A0723.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us NE28 ~ '" "' ,.. ;:1 ;:11 -, -I .-.. ;,,:::::yr ~ ~ ~ . S/~ " . SKYLINE DR . . ~ ~ L1.J " i ~ " ~ " " ~ ~ ~ i . ~ ~ U ~ " " U ~ ~ ~ - WZ9THAVE U. W ~ PARAMOUNT PARK R-1 H R-3 ~ ~ . . i R-2'i C-1 ~ ...+v..U....rs I I I I OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE SE 28 * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES r';"J 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN L...:..c.J (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) @ o 100 200 ~ 400 f,ct DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MAP ADOPTED: June 15,1994 Last Revision: September 10, 2001 DIEHL DAVID A SCHNEBLY SCOTT S GARRAMONE JOHN DIEHL JUDITH A GARRAMONE ROSE M 21 RANGEVIEW DR 19 RANGEVIEW DR 3 HILLSIDE DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0490 0506 7006 3450 0002 4529 0513 7006 3450 0002 4529 DRIFTMIER STEPHEN W LICHTY ROBERT W KORNELL Y MARVIN L LICHTY HAZEL L KORNELL Y CAROL JEAN 17 RANGEVIEW DR 16 RANGEVIEW PL 15 RANGEVIEW DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0520 7006 3450 0002 4529 0537 7006 3450 0002 4529 0544 CASSON JEAN F URBAN MARZENA KRAWIEC BRENNAN MARY 9 RANGEVIEW DR URBAN MICHAEL D BRENNAN DANIEL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 11 RANGEVIEW DR 17 TWILIGHT DR mUEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0551 7006 3450 0002 4529 0568 7006 3450 0002 4529 0575 SHURI RICHARD L DZINSKI SANDRA AUSTIN MARY LEMAN HOERNER PEGGY A BETTENCOURT STEVEN L 15 TWILIGHT DR 19 TWILIGHT DR 23 MORNINGSIDE DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 LAKEWOOD CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0605 7006 3450 0002 4529 0582 7006 3450 0002 4529 0599 SCHW ANKL LORETTA DITlRRO BINDERPAULL MYRTLE KIELSMEIER F AMIL Y 1 RANGEVIEW CIR MORRISON WENDY L TRUST LAKEWOOD CO 80215 8 RANGEVIEW DR 6 RANGEVIEW DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0612 7006 3450 0002 4529 0629 7006 3450 0002 4529 0636 PARKER SYLVIA A FELTON DOUGLAS E PETERS JULIE A 11 TWILIGHT DR FELTON PATRICIA L LEGGETT SHERRI WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 4 RANGEVIEW DR 14 TWILIGHT DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0643 7006 3450 0002 4529 0650 7006 3450 0002 4529 0667 JOHNSON DOROTHY B TANNER ALEX J KLING LIVING TRUST THE PO BOX 150321 TANNERLAURAC 19 MORNINGS IDE DR LAKEWOOD CO 80215 21 MORNINGS IDE DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0674 7006 3450 0002 4529 0698 7006 3450 0002 4529 0681 KIMSEYFAMILYTRUSIIJ:ib HAYDEN DIXIE KAY 12 TWILIGHT DR 3865 AMMONS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 3450 0002 4529 0704 7006 3450 0002 4529 0711 7006 3450 0002 4529 0728 MEURER QUEEN E MARCINE J CORLEW REVOC STEARNS FRED P INTERVIVOS TRUST STEARNS RUBY G 8 TWILIGHT DR 10 TWILIGHT DR 15 MORNINGS IDE DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 0735 7006 3450 0002 4529 0759 7006 3450 0002 4529 0742 IV A -07 - 23/ Austin BOA 3/27/0S 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 00000000000000000000000000000 ~oorooooorororooororooooooooorororororororororororororororo N 2 ~ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~oooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoouuouuouu wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww gggggg88ggggg8gogggg8gggg88gg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~oooo~oooooooooouooooooooooooo w w w w w ~~~~~~~~ 9 ~~~~ 9 9 9 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>>>>~~z~~>>>>~IZI~~ZIIZIZ ~wwwWWWWW~0z~~WWWW0~z~00z00z0z m0~~G0000~~~~~0000~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~mv~~~m~~m~~~ro~~vv~~~mNm~o~ro~ ~N~~~~~ ~~~N~~ ~~N~ ~~ ~~ ~ e "0 "0 " ~ . 0. e 0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~88888888888888888888888888g88 Nrororororororororororororororororororororororororororororo . ~ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oouuouuouuouuuuuuoouuuuoouuuuou wwwwwwwww wwwww wwwww wwwwwww ggggg8g880gg88808g88808888888 ~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~g~~~~~g~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~ u~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~j~~~~~j~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oc~oc~oc ~ococ~~ococ ~oooo~oooooooooooooooo 00000000 W UJ N W W s~ ~s~~~ ~ s~~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~w~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~00~~ ~~g~~~~~~~~a~~~~~aa~axa~aaza~ ~~~W00000--Z--000~--Z-O-z--o-z ~zz~zzzzz~~oc==zzzz~~oc=m=oc==~=~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . e "0 "0 " '" ~ 'm :;; 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U:ii.7.i U:iU5 U3U) wen 0U3U5 '" U50 U5U:i cow U5U5 <Ow UjU5 U5Ci? en U5U5 . ww ww ww ww www w ww ww ww ww ww ww ww w ww '" 0"" "'''' "'''' "'''' "''''''' '" "'''' "'''' "'''' "'''' "'''' "'''' "'''' '" "'''' 02/15/2B28 B8:35 5B57511963 PAGE Bl ROBERT PARKER ASSOCIATES AR.CH ITECTUR.E lIUAN DESIGN PlANNING INNOVATIVE SOtuTIONS WITH IUSrECT fOR. TAAOtTlON 15 February 2008 By FlIl to 303-235-2845 Mr. Adam Tietz Community Planner City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, CO S0215 Ref: Zoning Variance Request: Case No. WA07-23: 15 Twilight Drive Dear Mr. Tietz, Thank you for talking with me this morning about the Tequest for the proposed zoning variance on 15 Twilight Drive. I am writing on behalf of my Stepmother, Ms. Sylvia A. Parker, in regard to this case. She resides at II Twilight Drive, inunediately to the east and adjacent to the property in question at 15 Twilight Drive. My understanding is that the request for the zoning variance is for a reduced side yard setback from 15' to 7.5' for the purposes of erecting a storage shed on the east side of the subject property. You stated that the proposed shed is to be of frame construction, but are unaware of whether it is a custom built or pre-manufactured structure. In discussion with my Stepmother, we wish to object to the proposed zoning variance in this matter. Our objection is based on several concerns including; . the probable reduction in property value for her property by a erecting storage shed this close to her property line and; . without knowing the particular design of the proposed storage shed, it is not possible to ascertain how it might or might not fit in visually with the prevailing architectural styles in the neighborhood. If it is to be a pre-manufactured frame struCture it is unlikely that it would aesthetically be compatible with the predominately brick, single family homes in the area and; . we do not have knowledge of its proposed exact location in respect to the publicly visible areas of the subject property and the possible visual effects on Ms. Parker's property. Ifit were to be located toward the front area of the subject property it would visually be incompatible with front yard areas in the neighborhood. If it is to be located toward the DELlVIRIES, 72 Nighthawk trail III Prodo, New Mexico 87529 . TfVfN(; 505-7S1-1963 M-<lLlHG, PO Box 893 To,,", NeW Mexico 87571 . EMAll<rp..Onewmex.com 0"/15/2028 08:35 5057511953 PAGE 02 rear of the subject property along the east side, it will block views from Ms. Parker's rear yard. Therefore, we do not support the proposed zoning variance in this matter. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to get in contact with me. Sincerely yours, G. Robert Parker President cc Sylvia Parker 0I!15!2028 08:35 5057511963 PAGE 03 ROBERT PARKER ~. ASS 0 C I ATE S ARCHITECTuRE t)R6AN DHIGN PLANNING INNOVATIYE SOLUTIONS WITH ItESPECT FOIt TRADITION Fax Transmittal Fax No. j-JIJ3-235-2e4-5" D... Ifi :; ~ N~ p"g.. ...Id. C.." 3 To: ~~ '----- ~ , , t4~ulW~. From: Nj PtU!ur} Ref: ~ ~ /J~ ~ CM.t '" WAo1-23 ~ $ ~ LdIJJ, f4M &f,I/~4J41/ /5 ~) ,jtJOf. ).OCATION. 72 Nighthawk Trail El Prado, New Mexj<o 87529 . TELlFAX.505-751-19&, MAILING: PO 80x 893 Taos, Ne-w Mexico 87571 . EMAlL: l'pa@newmex_com f~~fm .~ -1'1.;0 ffA:-t?~ -.- '-L-____ ,.., ::..' "., \ . '" .' ~,." ~ ";'-"~' ,)U~ "': '. .' . . . . . . I' j '- -==I- .' tl (2Jf<lr--6-f3/,:: ,5-0 12~.. --;;:;p <::::- _ ~D ~..~ ~,~, ~. '~J2 "~ft~'" ~~~~~- d-~, .' '.' ?60 ~~/ _ -*~t;:://~/~ ~ - _'-~-~----O __~_~_'" , ~-- ~:~~~~-~-;--~---- - --h-==~== --~'.5~--~T;<-<~--~--~--~- ~ .,. __ ~ ~_ Co-<4, ~~ .~-./-&4~M ~~~-~~~~--- ~~~A-- (~ -;:;----e3~ serf' - ~ ,t ~'~ ' --~~ .. " " J " .Jc% " __~____,,^,.,.GF'/'Ctf-...._ ._C _ _ 0 ~&F.-Str.-b(7:' , -- ___ /J/C.~./P-/~.s ' ~ --y-~ C'..<-vlfv'f;wtLi -~ I'C/&r Zb S c....C<2. / -----e-' l' ~ ~'L TfJ S;6<~ ' <..- .u ' ~ () VV !.. ~/L dlF 1-- <UJ-.C@r<.A ~ " ----_.~-~--"~~----_._---------~-~ " .J. -~._,---~---------~--_._-"~ " fe--ci;' =--=~~ ---;~~ ,~-C_~____"___ ." ~M wSl'lg;o ~1P-r-#- ____________ Pe--c.17 V'16V'F " ......... . " "t\,(~,4\;::' . j.i~''''''t~ -" i ,(, tf:. ------~1Ii--~ '~_ju_____~~~i-:j- ,.&~____ .-------+l~l~k-~~ ~v'J2.thJtJtiL ,{~f;----- tJ-~~ vtt(~ :(Jl4 '~~ ~_ , :[~~~cl "fhR v<t,:ttf\ve, I--\/tt "'~ '10 _ 7~~~---P~~' -' \ -" -- H.~---'&b.-7_ hO C~~~~rwt& tk>~JeoI". - ------ ,,_k~Va,f~M~_~ f~~k4~_XhL~~_ =-=___:__ ----------------~1ff~=i:-~ A; f=___=____<________ "~ ---.------------'----. -~_._---~ __-.._..__._________".__u______ _ ==---=- [_ ~:= . _ . u_ ___... u. ~=_.. ... ..-: u I =~~-==u--t-===_~_____u ______ ____ ___ _-~----- .... ~ .j .( ~Of WheatRt....dge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. W A-07-23/Austin DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: February 15. 200S I, f//l:{-I-vYl A ~vs.-f;n I ' ~am~ residing at /.< ~ '/'d l1"?Jy 1,Jr..fu-.+':(~;>J of' (J) (address) eIJ;},t r- as the applicant for Case No. W A-07-23/Austin , hereby certify that I have posted the j-rr-< on this ~y of sign for Public Notice at / S /w..)~, Jd ;;1" (10 at ion) ;:::-d. . , 20 0 g' , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Si~;h :;r, ;P~' NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. 1 P5.J ~ 00007 00000 ~ 00002 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Commnnity Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenne, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (please print or type all information) Applicant m al/i1 IJ U s-h iU Address / S- T wi I / j h+ Z>v. Phone 30'3 'f.)-S' m City /AJkea+ 72,4 State ('0 Zip ROd-/<!; Fax Owner l11av:t Ao<;;-h/J Address /~ TU/,'!tjh-f'Vn'W!... Phone 303 4'd-.SSS2d' City tJh ea,j e..J(f State (' ,0 Zip S CH-1 '5 Fax Contact Lo..nce Ca.h-hIJ Address >70 S, 'ToJ!- Phone ;303 ":<-9 'i<?'-::"'7 City Lalc-ew<rod State CO Zip 2o~f?- Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regardipg this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): /5 rw,'/' vi~ Whewt-72Id CO 'fOg-IS Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side o Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit o Consolidation Plat 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) o Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Right of Way Yacation o Planned Building Group 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign o Site Development Plan approval .I2rYariancelWaiver (from Section ) o Other: Detailed description of request: COhS+vUC+>'O,., of SA-ed - s+0"-6fJ S,hf'J. =Plo..cefYle,,+ Perm' Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Current Zoning: Current Use: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. .'filt:) ~ (7f luJ -~ '_ _ Subscribed and sworn to me this -1- day of ]) <: c e"" kv , 20 QL JUiu~" ;} A~tZr- Notary Public My commission expires Ie / Z '" /c 9 Date received Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. 06 /' /1 Fee~0/tl6 ~ IWceiptNo, v42tJJXl3 Zomng IL:-L Pre<App Mtg. Date Case No. tU/J-{)7-;J-3 Quarter Section Map ~J-' Case Manager 7/\ City of Wheat~idge CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE February 6, 2008 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WA-07-23, a request for approval of a 7.5 foot side yard setback variance from the 15 foot side yard setback requirement resulting in a 7.5 foot side yard setback on property zoned Residential-One (R-1) and located at 15 Twilight Drive. The applicant is requesting an administrative variance review which allows no more than a fifty percent (50%) variance to be granted by the Zoning Administrator without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on February 15, 2008. Thank you. WA0723.doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.234.5900 f. 303.234.5924 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us tv A-Q7 -~3/ 1hs-h11 AUSTIN MARY LEMAN 15 TWILIGHT DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 2364 BINDER PAUL L MORRISON WENDY L 8 RANGEVIEW DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 2395 P ARKER SYLVIA A 11 TWILIGHT DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 2425 Aim 1 'n. YJ t-he.. .L ;;../ (p - J../;:r PETERS JULIE A LEGGETT SHERR! 14 TWILIGHT DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 237~ KIMSEY FAMILY TRUST THE 12 TWILIGHT DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 2401 15 KORNELL Y MARVIN L KORNELL Y CAROL JEAN 15 RANGEVIEW DR "VHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 2388 DRIFTMIER STEPHEN W 17 RANGEVIEW DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 2418 BRENNAN MARY BRENNAN DANIEL 17 TWILIGHT DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7006 3450 0002 4529 2432 NE28 " . SKYliNE DR . . ~ ~ " ~ i M " ~ ~ . s~ " ~ " . ~ ~ ~ i " <l0 " " . ~ ~ (\J 8 :;:: W 29TH AVE U. W <l) . ; ~ 4-- ~ ~ I . 1\ PlI I" ';:<1 ;<11 It -, PARAMOUNT PARK R-1 R-3 ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C-1 ~ I ""~".''':rS I I I I OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES ~ 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) SE 28 @ o 100 200 :?OO 400 feet DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 10, 2001 , m@ 8 (?) .......... III M , <:t ~ @ M <( @ @ @ .,J. 0 ~ ~ en I- @ @J: "' @ N 8c;, ~ ~ (lJ ~ @ () - ~@ ~ W <t J: <D S ~ .(lJ @ L!) S; @ ~ (lJ N @) ~ @ r?' cf ~ @ N @ '" M ~ oo@ Z @ @ o ::> 0 $ 2:"" ~ .~ ':) ~ > "' a:":,. C;(' III ',:; / 'D @~ / , //-' M III <} /~" w@ OJ M OJ [ C LL c <} 0 co <D a: ~ <D r-= @ @c- +-' ~ N .c "' @ OJ @ ~ ~@ ~ /'- @ L!) M@ @ OJ U -0 .... ~ @ u <i. @@ +-' <:t@ $ OJ OJ OJ > .... OJ +-' OJ (fJ @ C N co a: -, Response to Variance Criteria Shed Placement 15 Twilight Dr. Milton and Mary Austin (Owners) A. The placement of this shed will increase storage and value For any property owner of this property. It will increase the Over all desirability and value of this property. B. I do not feel that granting of this variance will effect The the essential character of this locality, in fact The shed should blend in nicely. C. The investment that I am making is the actual Variance request itself. The time and money spent By myself is for the good of all. I am trying to put The shed in the most inconspicuous place possible. So as to not make it outstanding or overly visible In the locality. D. This unique property has 3 frontage streets. The proposed Placement Of this shed will minimize its visibility from The frontage streets. E. The shape of the yard and frontage streets of the property Has not been created by any person having interest in the Property F. The location of the shed would not be injurious to the Development of any adjacent property nor would it be Detrimental to public welfare. It will not impair adequate Supply of light or air to the adjacent property. It will not Affect congestion on public streets in any way. It will not Endanger public safety or diminish property values in The neighborhood. It should not increase fire danger. G. I have noticed that it is not unusual for sheds to be Placed closer that standard variance allows in this neighborhood. I ~r 7--~,; I-'~ t1/- f)", 7L /"~ Q 1<1,-,..10- >vi ,/_.......... >C }6)7 1/ C _ t,-, ---=._--~ h -;;A-----~-/1---'--,.--..-'-- F- Xc 'f)... .:....- ~ U,;.. ~:- "..- ..==---. r;t: At" ---~'-~~"5"'-'---+'-~, ,,,. '.'------------ / ) ---~ / .i c;....-c;~y I 7L{;~ //\ i , Ii I \ " " ' _~-' '.._~--~-,.-~_"..,.___._''',J J pJ", ' I l/ ;;:: . _,j . r. V {- r:::'"' .5:/- - ~ '5 j"---C-.hc. C, /(L((/o, T t/l c..- I --~...~..""..~ ~,I! (c (?/~-<' L/ C' {'1~' a 1-------'-------. _. 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"'-.../ ..................: ~ -- , ...-J--...__." ..to I i y ~ .... '. 1 . . . .,1 ~ ~~ ./', -$ ~ LMS - ~\ - C9 .~ /'" Ol -0440 (t;;d Storage Shed Placement Permit (for storage shed that DO NOT exceed 120 sq ft in floor area) Department of Planning and Development CitY of Wheat Ridge 1500 West 29tlt Avenue Wheat Ridge. CO 80215 - 303-235-2855 Properly Owner: Ma.'f1 Avs-nrV Property Address: 1$ It.JI (~'h+ :Dviv-'Z... t ~ f'\:f Phone: 303' tfCt- ~. 55" C, 8 Contractor: Horneot"ll)ev Phone: 303 <(..:;}--:> ssocY . - --~~, OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed for this permit application are accurate, and do not violate appiicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. .\:;. Date: (OWNER/CONTRACTOR) Signature: Description: )O'J(\?-- S~') Use: f''l&f /l /-rtu1'l., Zoning: f - I Sq. Ft.: Building Setbacks. Side: (~Rear: IS Front: S c:> ~ ~en- Hl- ".d,..LJ ~~~ J __ ''''\;In:. ""TT'-tVfVt-lf ,- ~- -- -~~~ Approval: _~l!i!!!!!!!!!!1Pill;W~ awm~~]:~ Approval: II il II No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of storm water causing a drainage prohlem. Owner I contractor shall notify the huildlng department twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections, and shall receive written approval an inspection. The issuance of a permit or approval of drawings shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any ordinance, iaw, rule or regulation. Sheds must be properly and securely anchored at all corners. PLEASE NOTE: Owner I conlractor is responsible for locating properlY lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required developmentstandards.1l1e City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and anll construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. Codes Administrator -...l~ ~ _ ~ City of . ?WheatRL-dge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.234.5900 f 303.234.5924 November 21,2007 Mary Austin 15 Twilight Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 rr (0"., ")J ~ ~\::2J ' ~ RE: Storage Shed Placement Permit Dear Ms. Austin: Your storage shed placement permit for the above property has been reviewed and I have the following comments: 1. As the site plan shows, the side yard setback is set at 5 feet. This setback will be required to be increased. City code states, all accessory structures in an R-l zone district are required to have a minimum setback of 15 feet. The property 15 Twilight Drive is located in an R -1 zone district and the shed is required to have a side yard set back of 15 feet. 2. The maximum height a storage shed may be is ten feet in height. Please indicate on the plans the proposed height of the shed. The heighfis oIllieshed is determined by the height at mid roof, halfway between the bottom ofthe eave and peak. 3. According to city data, the property line may be closer to the home then indicated on the plan submitted. Please provide an accurate depiction of the property boundaries and the placement of the shed in reference to these boundaries. (see attached aerial with property lines for further reference) If you wish to proceed with the site plan as previously submitted a variance will be need to be requested. Since the request of having a 10 foot side yard variance is greater then 50%, a hearing before the Board of Adjustments would be required with the associated fees. If a variance is not desired, please resubmit a new site plan showing the location of the shed with the correct setbacks. The site plan should also show the height of the shed. More information may also be required to be provided by other departments depending on their comments pertaining to this permit. Please feel free, to conta~th any questions or concerns at 303-235-2845. Sin~~ Adam Tietz r Planner, Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado p. 303.235.2845 f.303.235.2845 atietz@ci.wheatridge.co.us email: info@cLwheatridge.co.us www.ci.wheatridge.co.us ./- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI 2007074936 06/27/2007 12:56:20 PM 1 page(s) Jefferson County, CoLorado R $6.00 D $41.90 WD .----' THISDEED, Made on this day of June 25, 2007 TIMOTHY L. VERNIER AND SHERJ: L. VERNIER , between o \.. WARRANTY DEED of the MARY LEMAN AUST:IN MI-fir scud County of Jeff~nd State of COLOMDo , the Grantor(s), and whose legal address is : 15 TWJ:LIGHT DRIVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 of the County of JEFFERSON and State of COLORADO . the Grantee(s): WI1'NESS, That the Graritor<sf, for and in conSideration of the sun of C $419,000.00 ) *** Four Hundred Nineteen Thousand and 00/100 *** DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm I6ItO the GranteeCs), his heirs and assigns forever, all the real property, together with inprovements, if any, situate, lying and being in the CotrIty of JEPFERSON and State of Colorado, described as follows: LOT 4, BLOCK 11, AND THE EAST FIVE ~ OF LOT 3, BLOCK 11, PARllKOUNT HEIGHTS, PART POUR, COtINTY OF JEFFERSON, STATZ OF COLORADO. Stata'Dbcumsm'l'V Fae also known as street I1UIbE>r 15 TWILIGHT DRIVE ~T RIDGE CO 80215 TOGETHER .with -all .and singular. and heredit n~'-and.appur.tmi"rk~?~ereto beionging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder andremal rs, ,~'lssues aild profits thereof; and all .the estate, right title interest, claim and demand. whatsoever of the Grantor(s), either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, wHhthe hereditaments and appurtenances; TOHAVEANDTOHOLD the said premises above bargained and described with appurtenances, I.I'Ito the Grantee(s), his heirs and assigns forever. The Grantor(s), for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and w.ith the Grantee(s), his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee sinple, ancIhas good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, s~ll, ,arxt "convey tile. ,same in.~I":::.~flCI.,.~~[I'l",.~",'"af~r~.aid,. ..iMld. ,,~~~tt~4:' ,s8ffle.are, "fr:ee anrJ "c~'~r, from all fOrmer and other grants;bar:9.aJ11S_i ,sa,l~~,.liens.:;.t~~,','~se$sments,.~~rances-.aridJ~es.trictions'::of ,Whatever kind or nature 'soever, subject: t:o general t:aXes Eor t:he year :2007 aDd t:hose ',;p.aiEla bcept:iODB described by reEereDce t:o reaozded docuzae.at:. _ .reflect:ed i.zJ t:.&e !l"lt:le DoCllaleDt:S accepted by Qraat:ee(.J b acGOzcfaDce ,,1t:'& Sect:iOJl 'B& (Tit:le Renew) of che COJlIt:r&at: t:o Buy and Sell Real &lC.t:e relat:ing t:o t:be above desc:r:Lbed pzopert:y; cU.t:ribut:.:lOll uUJit:y eaaareat:. (.:lDcJ.udJag crable W); t:hose specif:1aaJ.ly desar.:lbed rlghts of t:::bird part.:les .aot: s.boIm. by the public record. of wl&:Lcb Oraat:ee(.) baIf 40t:U&l kDowledge a.ad which were accept:ed' by Ora.at:ee{.) .f.a accoriaace w.:lth Sect:1OD Bb (Jratt.-. .bot: SIxnrm by the Public~) and' Section Bc (Survey Renew) of t:he Co.atract: t:12 Buy and Sell Real ~t:.te re1at:.:lDg to the ,aJ,ove described zeU p~; .i.aclusjon of the ..Properf:Y "ithin any .pedal t:.x d.:l.t:dcf:; aDd, t:.he beaef.:Lt 4t1d bw:deJUI of any declarat:.:lo.a ar:td party w&1.1 agreeztfeDt:., if any aDd ot:her NONIl The Grantor(s) shall and will'WAiRAtn::]QID FOREVER DEFEND the above bargained premises. in tbe quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee(s),.his heirs and assigns, against all. and every person or. persOnS lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof . The singular'nu1ber_ shall include .the..plural, and the plural the si:ngular, and the use of any gender shall be appl icable to all genders. mWITNESSWBEREOF the Grantor(s) hasexecut:::;~d~ .L. V'B.RNI.KR By, q;J( ~ M t~ -^- ~ SSP,I'r.-...vmiN:IBR .. STATE OF COLORADO crrrAND County of D""""R ) )SSe ) pr~~~s-~- grant, bargaln, ~t::""t:"',:",'~:-I r~aLproperty, tog~th~r with improv_nts, ifarrt, situate, wlllgana ~..~ ... _n_ JEFFER!!ON and State of Colorado, described as follOWS: r.<:.lTX;'lILoClt 11, AND TIlE BAST F:IVl!l pUT OF LOT 3, BLOCK 11, pARl\MOUNT BB:tGBTS, PART FOUll.. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLOlUIDO. State Obcument<:nv Faa also known as street IllJ1i>er 15TW:tL:tGBT DR:IVl!l ~T R:IDGE CO 80215 I TOGETHER -th II nd l and h ed-t S. -~ 'LtIJ'/O th t bel' - -' - - , w' aa singu ar er' ,."a.~.appur.~*~~.... ere 0 ong,ng, or '" anyw,se appertam,ng and the reversion and reversions, remainder and rerne' r,. ",-'issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right title interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the Grantor(s), either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the_ hereditaments and appurtenances; TOBAVEAl'ilDTOHOLD the said premises above bargained and described with appurtenances, ....to the Grantee(s), his heirs and assigns forever. The Grantor(s), for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the Grantee(s) , his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ansealing and delivery ;.:,;:",~..::,:;.:,~.;~j".,~,;;;;r.,,,;::~...~ ,;;;"..,."';".:.!:f',;;;;,;":.;:i. '=~". grantsib8rg~il1S,s1'~~~i Ii ens..t'~~i:~~~~ts...~~ranc~aridr~triCtjOf1S'Pf.'whate'ler"kind ..or I)lOtures9"ver, ....,. Subj~t to general t.xe.' for the ye"" 2001 .... tbo.e "p-ifie _opd""" desorihed by referen- to recorded _to .. ""neoted iD the 1'.iUeDoo=eDt. aooopted by arant_C.) iD &Ooo...."oe with section Ba C1'.itle _ow) of the """tract to BuY and Sell Real ".tate r.latin9 to the"""'" de._ PEOpertY; di.tdhution udHty ..._t. Cinoluding oabl. ",,); tho.. ...-ifioa11y de._ rights of third parties not ._ by the pubHo ""00.... of ..hich """"t_C.) - actual kDowled9. and ..hi.h ..or<< _.pted by arant_C.) iD &ooo.....oe with Section Bh c...ttera not Shown by the ......Ho """,,_) aDd section Bo (survey Review) of the cont_t to BuY aDd Sell Real ".tat. r.lating to the abo'" deser!bed zeal p~; inoludon of the PEOPertY within """ ...-ial tax di.triot; ..... the .....fit aDd hu%den. of """ declaradon .... party wall agreements; H aD.Y aDd other ~ Th~Grantor(s) shall and will \/ARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND th~aboV~ bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee(s), his heirs arid assigns, against all and ~v~ry person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part th~reof. The singularlllJ1i>er shall include the plural, and the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders~ lNwrfNESSwm:REOF the Grantor(s) has executed this ~~t~ set forth Jd"'~e~ By' /::ZC:~:y(_J-/V ~ ~L._ By' Cf(/l Q ^~ \t -^ ~ ~ S1V<BI L. - - COlI'\ty of DJDjIf/B1L ) )ss. ) -- -.-- -_.-~- STATE OF cr.rr AJID COLORADO ,.~-'---.----- lh~ foregoing instf'tl1ll!l1t was acknowledged before me on this day of """. Z5, Z'01 by T~ L. ~ AJID S1IBRI L. 11BllmBl! Name and Address y r a ~~ Notary Pool i c My comnission expires Witness-my hand and off JULIE MEYERS dal OOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORAD Escrow# A70185469 Title# K70185469 Form 84 08/29/04 \lIl1 IlARRAN~!iJ\~tographiC) 5-106.5, C.R.S.) 15 T111L1GHT DRIVE \/HEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 {50m35} Page 1 of 1 Adam Tietz From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 2:13 PM To: Adam Tietz Subject: FW: 15 Twilight Drive Hi, Adam- Can you follow up on this? I believe it was approved last summer. Should've been a fence height variance. Thanks - Mere From: Kenneth Johnstone Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 2:00 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: 15 Twilight Drive Meredith, Chief Brennan lives next door to 15 Twilight Drive and was wondering what the variance request was. He was under the impression that they were requesting a 7.5-foot tall fence, which I do not believe is the case. Could you please have Adam send me an e-mail with a brief synopsis that I could forward to Dan. Thanks. Ken Johnstone, AICP Director of Community Development City of Wheat Ridge, CO (303) 235-2844 02/15/2008 Page 1 of2 Adam Tietz From: Sent: To: Daniel Brennan Friday, February 08, 2008 1 :32 PM Kenneth Johnstone Cc: Adam Tietz Subject: RE: 15 Twilight Dr. Variance Thanks for the clarification. eftioj BrOHHttH Daniel Brennan, Chief of Police Wheat Ridge Police Department 7500 West 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone' 303-235-2913 This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notifY me immediately by telephone or e-mail and destroy the original message without making a copy. Thank you. From: Kenneth Johnstone Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 11:56 AM To: Daniel Brennan Subject: FW: 15 Twilight Dr. Variance Dan, Attached is a summary from Adam Tietz regarding the variance request in your neighborhood. The property owner has applied for a variance, which is eligibie to be processed administratively (Director approval) provided non neighborhood objections are received and the application meet the variance criteria from the municipal code, We have not completed our analysis of whether it meets those criteria. Please let me know if you have questions, comments, etc. Thanks. Ken Johnstone, AICP Director of Community Development City of Wheat Ridge, CO (303) 235-2844 From: Adam Tietz Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 3:04 PM To: Kenneth Johnstone Subject: 15 Tiwlight Dr. Variance Ken, The residents living at 15 Twilight Dr. submitted a building permit for a storage shed at the beginning of December. Upon initial review, the structure was proposed to be constructed within the required side yard 02/15/200S Page 2 of2 setback for a shed in an R-1 zone district (15 feet). The applicants were informed the structure would violate the setbacks and that it would either need to be constructed in a different location or a variance would need to be approved before they could construct a shed in the proposed location. Shortly after being informed of this, the applicants submitted an application requesting a 50% or 7.5 side yard setback variance. When they submitted the application it was not complete and were told the application would not be processed until all the missing documents were submitted. Last week, the applicants submitted the remaining documents that were required and the case is now being processed. The shed that is being proposed will be 117 square feet (9x13) and 7.5 feetfrom the property line instead of the required 15. The posting of the property and noticing of neighbors began yesterday, Feb. 6. and will go until the 15th at 5 p.m. The variance is for the side yard setback for the proposed shed, not a variance to the fence height. ADAM TIETZ Planner, Community Development City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 303.235.2845 303.235.2857 fax 02/15/2008 l5 Twilight Drive application for shed construction Page 1 ofl Adam Tietz From: Mary Austin [m2austin@ecentraLcomj Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 10:43 AM To: Adam Tietz Subject: 15 Twilight Drive application for shed construction Hi Adam- We've checked with the neighbors whose property abuts ours about any objections to the construction of the privacy fence and shed we are planning. While we are waiting for our permit, I am forwarding our neighbor's response in case it is of any benefit. Sincereiy- Mary Austin 15 Twilight Drive Wheat Ridge CO 80215 303-425-5538 n____ Forwarded Message From: wendy morrison <wendymorrison8@yahoo.com> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 12:48:47 -0800 (PST) To: Mary Austin <m2austin@ecentral.com> Subject: Re: Fence and stuff Hi there - Don't worry about the shrubs. I can pick some up next spring if I really want to. Thanks for trying. And as far as the fence and so forth, I don't see any problems, so feel free. FYI, you may want to be careful about the adjoining property line because there is a phone line running there that hasn't been on the plots in the past, and there have been outages twice. The phone and electric companies took care of the repairs once they finished fighting about who was responsible, and it should be on the plots now, but you know how that can go. Anyway, I hope all is well with your mom and you had a good trip to my home town - San Fran. - Wendy Wendy Morrison wendym orrison8@yahoo.com n___ Original Message un From: Mary Austin <m2austin@ecentral.com> To: wendy morrison <wendymorrison8@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, December 3, 2007 2: 18:41 PM Subject: Fence and stuff Fence and stuff Hi Wendy- First, the truth about the sumacs. We got them dug up and put in pots, and then Rufus, while unsupervised, chewed them up along with the buckets they were in. I am very sorry about that. Anyway, 1 was wondering if you had any objections about the fence and shed I mentioned. We might be starting up on those soon and wanted to make sure it's all ok with you. Best regards- Mary Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now. < htto: I Ius. rd .yahoo .com/evt=5t?31/*htto: I Imobile. vahpo.com/soorts: vlt=At9 gQ.~vtAbMuhl G1S0tBI7ntA~J> nnn End of Forwarded Message 02/05/2008 . "i 1 ~ j; l t ''; I ~. 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Taft ILakewood, CO 80228 1303-829-8329 115 Twilight Dr. Iwheat Ridge, CO 80215 1303425-5538 115 jTwilight Drive Iwheat Ridge, CO 80215 Case History: Review Body: APN: 2nd Review Body: 2nd Review Date: Decision.making Body: Approval/Denial Date: Reso/Ordinance No.: jTietz !Active j I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 03/04/08 12:50 PM cabb milto-n austin RECEIPT NO,CDB000010 FMSD ZONING APPLICATION F zone FMSD ZONING REIMBURSEMENT lTeim PAYMENT RECEIVED -CK 2314 TOTAL AMOUNT 100.00 180.00 AMOUNT 280.00 280.00 -- ---- ------- - -- ----- ------ ------- - ..---- Side yard setback variance \Adm. 139-284-11-001 I 1 I I I Conditions of Approval: District: 111I Date Received: 11:2141:2997 Pre-App Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 12/07/07 11:07 AM cdb Mary L. A"stin RECEIPT NO:C024893 FMSD ZONING APPL ATION F zone , " n:, ~' , ".t, PAYMENT RECEIVED CK 1936 TOTAL 1