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W City of W he-a j ,,.dg Comm muNriN D EVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave, Wheat Ridge. CO 80031-8001 P: 301235.2846 F: 3012352857 October 31, 2013 Mr, Roy Hurley 4090 Fenton Court Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Case No. WA -13 -21 Dear Mr. Hurley: Attached please find notice that your request for a 200 square foot (33%) variance frorn the 600 maximum accessory structure standards has been APPROVED to allow for the construction of a 300 square f« of detached garage addition on the property located at 4090 Fenton Court. Please note that there are three conditions on the approval: 1. The design and location of the attached garage shall be consistent with Submitted exhibits. 2. The accessory structure lot coverage variance applies only to those portions of, ara e addition along the northern property line, 3. A, building permit shall be obtained prior to installation of the proposed garage, with a required separation in habitable space and garage space for the structure. Enclosed for your reference is a copy of the Approval of Variance. All variance approvals automatically expire within 180 days of the date approval unless a building permit for the variance has been obtained within such period of time. The expiration date for this variance approval is April 30, 2014. Please feel free to be in touch with any further questions. wane canner Planner I wwwxi.whealridgexoms VIT11 City of eat l)-, Ldge WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the application; With the following conditions: k ennetb JoblistO e, AICP Date Community Detpment Director 1 * � A 4 City of ` r Wh6atP, id e g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director DATE: October 28, 2013 CASE MANAGER: Wade Sanner CASE NO. & NAME: WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a 200 square foot accessory structure variance, to allow for a 300 square foot detached garage addition on property located at 4090 Fenton Court and zoned Residential -Three (R -3). LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4090 Fenton Court APPLICANT(S): OWNER(S): APPROXIMATE AREA: Roy Hurley Dale (Roy) and Brenda Hurley 8,722 square feet (0.2 acres) PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: Residential -Three (R -3) Single - Family Residential ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map Site Location Administrative Variance Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make an administrative decision. I. REQUEST The applicant, Roy Hurley, is requesting a 200 square foot (33 %) accessory structure variance, at his residence at 4090 Fenton Court. The additional 200 square foot variance would allow for a 300 square foot addition to an existing detached garage. Section 26 -115.0 (Variances and Waivers) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Director of Community Development to decide upon applications for administrative variances from the strict application of the zoning district development standards that are not in excess of fifty (50) percent of the standard. II. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant, Roy Hurley, is requesting a variance as the property owner of 4090 Fenton Court. The property is located at the southeast corner of 41" Avenue and Fenton Court (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The variance is being requested so the applicant can construct a single -car garage addition to an existing detached garage. The applicant would like to move a vehicle he parks on Fenton Court into an enclosed space. The lot has an area of 8,722 square feet and currently contains a single - family home. The property is zoned Residential -Three (R -3), a zoning which provides high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium to high - density residential neighborhoods. The property is embedded in a residential neighborhood. The properties to the west and south are zoned R -3. The adjacent properties to the east are zoned Residential -One A (R -1 A). These properties are all used as single- family homes. To the north across 41" Avenue is Randall Park. Properties to the northeast are in the City of Mountain View (Exhibit 2 — Zoning). On the property is a 939 square foot single story ranch home that was built in 1950. On the back of the home is an attached 317 square foot covered porch, which buts up against the southwest corner of the existing detached garage. The applicant purchased the property in 1984. The existing detached garage is 500 square feet in size. It is divided in half with a 250 square foot workshop, and a 250 square foot parking garage. The garage /workshop was constructed prior to the applicant owning the property. The applicant would like to add an additional 300 square foot parking stall to the already existing detached garage to allow for a two -car garage (Exhibit3, Submittal). The existing garage is currently nonconforming to the 25 -foot setback for structures abutting a public street. According to Section 26- 211.A.5, when there are existing residential setback encroachments that lawfully existed, any additions may be allowed to build in line with the nonconformity. The proposed garage addition would be in line with the northern fagade of the existing garage, which is setback 15 feet from West 41" Avenue. The following chart compares the existing and proposed conditions to the R -3 zone districts regulations. Administrative Variance Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court 4090 Court Existing Conditions Proposed Conditions i and Sq. Ft. Total Lot Coverage A Primary Structure (Sq. Ft.) WA Max. Size or" Accessory Structure (Sq. FRI Detached Garage (Sq. Ft Habitable Space (Sq. Ft.) Ir e Garage Space (Sq. Ft.) Ion ............ During the public notification period no comments were received from the surrounding property owners, 111. VARIANCE CRITERIA In order to approve an administrative variance, the Community Development Director must determine that the m4jority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request were denied, the property would continue to yield a reasonable return in use. The property would continue to function as a single-family home, regardless of the outcome of the variance request. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. A number of homes in the neighborhood have detached garages, similar in size and character to the proposed garage addition. The single family residence across Fenton Court at 4095 Fenton Court has a garage addition with significant street frontage along 4 1" Avenue. The property Administrative Variance 3 Case Vo IV A - 13-21 / 4090 Fenton Court owner at 4095 Fenton Court acquired the appropriate permits from the city for construction of this structure. The garage addition proposed by the applicant would be 1/3 the size of the garage addition at 4095 F C (Exkb enton ourt it 4, Site-photographs). Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. The Jefferson County Assessor lists the 500 square foot structure as a detached garage. However, this assessment is a bit misleading as only 250 square feet are used as Parking. The other 250 square feet is habitable space. The 250 square feet of habitable space is used as a workshop which was incorporated in the initial construction of the building before the applicant owned the property. Conversion of the workshop into another garage stall could prove problematic. Upon inspection by the building division, it was determined that this space functions as an additional room detached from the borrie, with proper insulation, drywall and amenities for habitation. This habitable area is classified by the county as a garage due to the monolithic foundation of the building. Plus, there is no direct access (garage door) front this portion of the garage onto 1" Avenue demanding structural alterations to allow access that may be cost prohibited. To allow for an additional indoor garage space, the applicant would be restricted by the maximum accessory building standard for the R-3 zoning district. Staff finds this criterion has been rnet. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. The lot is regularly shaped and has no topographic conditions that create a unique hardship or prevent any development on the site. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. The limits on the existing building were not created by the applicant, but were present in the property before being purchased. The future perceived traffic concerns and their impacts from the InCarnation development were not created by the property owner, or anyone with interest in the property. Staff finds this criterion has been met. Achninistrative Variance 4 (7ave No. OA-13-21 f4090 Fenton Court It is unlikely that the request would impair property values in the neighborhood. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. When the property owner purchased the home in 1984jenton Court was a cul-de-sac. The transition from a cul-de-sac to a through-street with the InCarnation development will have an increase in traffic volume for all the properties along Fenton Court. This increase in traffic is the motivating factor of the property owner requiring more garage space to park indoors. Staff finds that this criterion has been met, 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Single family homes are not required to meet building codes pertaining to the accommodation of persons with disabilities. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the A reltitectural and Site Devign Manual The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to single family dwelling units. Staff finds this criterion is not a Wficable. IV, STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Having found the application in compliance with a majority of the review criteria, staff recommends APPROVAL of a 200 square foot variance from the maximum lot coverage standards to allow a 300 square foot garage addition to the existing 500 square foot workshop/garage. Staff has found there are unique circumstances attributed to this request that would warrant approval of the variance. Therefore, staff recommends approval for the Hollowing reasons: Administrative Variance Case Alo. TVA -13 -21 /4090 Fenton Court With the following conditions: I . The design and location of the attached garage shall be consistent with the attached exhibits. I The accessory structure lot coverage variance applies only to those portions of garage addition along the northern property line. 3. A building permit shall be obtained prior to installation of the proposed garage, with a required separation in habitable space and garage space for the structure. Administrative Variance 6 Case No, 1VA-13-21 / 4090 renton Court EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Administrative Variance 7 Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court EXHIBIT 2: ZONING "see 04090 01948 0594e 059 4 1 R-3t 05940 Al ' g. X10D 05890 05918 05908 05945 0591oo.,490 05935 0912 0 I 059 14 05910 05918 05920 0"32 M924 ' D.930059280 92f 45922 0-,943 V925 L� 0410! O OWao R-lA 06770 04075 N 040e! m oe! OW40 I N I A 0 1-801 05301 0055 Administrative Variance 8 Case No. WA-13-21 / 4090 Fenton Court EXHIBIT 3: SUBMITTAL o4- o-- 4-1 4-- d C,�.� � cam✓' � E-� u� -�5�� � r a CAJ 0 V-i4 0_/6a Lo wS f L /'\-o z S e e / W e c, cdl s- ck- c-- ct- 4&/ Lc g j -V C /L�_'Q-tl� T/O w 0 . Gk k C-a-V S f/el a,\- � � y Y �� reel i w o Lit Lj Fe_ C_K.C-,f. L V OL� rl— c, J/Yf �ZSVST -tie. ©o cC , Jco 4CU 0� S �► i q u-- w Administrative Variance 9 Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court u.�T� (,'� loo v�• R ?W—, 30 NL 9-04' .- T S `t�o T ✓ c �-- �C t S ` U � g� � � E �- ��fT ��' �° a-c- !J c� do.� � 0.s �' �CC� ✓�.dt Cam' 4 L,,-1 L/ CL � ! / Cot-j l 7 / f c l CIL l O-cl-f e-- C" �s .0 0 _ L , m � 317 S 6� Vc--Lo Gt) �4.. -1 14 O( Q 4 44-� c / c �t�.,�T- l e- � fi : 2, S -- - ;2-(f) s w ��( cam- w ff e cr � c—I . r t ✓ ��� �L S . ��� ✓ C32- d C� �� ✓ d =��0 l� i S �! t � � o CL- 0- Q-M- IV - S Lk-C- l� 4.s yam"" F� Administrative Variance 10 Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court ct-S C- 0 /7 -- (5?/� aa 6 -e 4 � A��� G C`'�c " Z�'LS JVOLL[k "I C _ t4�ae- (�Lc_ Lio Cam yf t � t YES y Administrative Variance 11 Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court X' , Z4 4CLC r r 2 � /Zx (44- V l r � T V i �1 N Administrative Variance 12 Case No. JFA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court d N Z.< u o �8 m CL d R �� �i Ili 3 04 {d'4 Asa U c iS NO1N3d i 0 0 1 i � o w a Q • _o l� NOlN3d Administrative Variance 13 Case No. YEA -13 -21 /4090 Fenton Court 71403 5813 West 41st Awm e - Goog le M am 714113 5821 West 41st A�erwe - Goog le Maps Administrative Variance 14 Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court G0og] ^ Address 5813 West 41st Avenue (` Atltlrpys a appanmate G o ,SlL Address 5821 West 41st Avenue EXHIBIT 4: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS The detached garage looking south, the single car access is to the left, and garage workshop is to the right. The garage /workshop was incorporated in to the original construction of the detached garage, and has no access on to 4l" Avenue. Administrative Variance 15 Case No. WA -13 -21 /4090 Fenton Court Current access to the garage is 9 feet wide. City code allows for up to a 24 -foot wide street access. The attached garage access would be added on to current paving, and would not extend beyond the combined 24 -foot width requirement. Administrative Variance 16 Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court Garage addition at 4090 Fenton Court built in 2004, with significant street frontage on 41 Avenue. The addition was approved and permitted by the city. The proposed size and scale of the garage addition at 4095 Fenton Court would be 1/3 the size of this structure, and not the same massing or scale. Administrative Variance 17 Case No. WA -13 -21 / 4090 Fenton Court . 'Zkx - i 11 City of WheatRkgge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WA -13 -19 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: I, Roy Hurley (name) residing at as the applicant for Case No. Public Notice at 4090 Fenton Ct. (address) WA -13 -19 hereby certify that I have posted the sign for 4090 Fenton Ct. (location) on this day of 0�. -t—� and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: �.a� %C )v ,,L, NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. MAP C it y t W heat Midge PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: ■ The sign must be located within the property boundaries. ■ The sign must be securely mounted on a flat surface. The sign must be elevated a minimum of thirty (30) inches from ground. ■ The sign must be visible from the street without obstruction. ■ The sign must be legible and posted for ten (10) continuous days prior to and including the deadline for written comments [sign must be in place until 5pm on Monday, July 1 2013] It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. City of A�C Wh6a-tWope OMAMOL)Nmy DEVELOPMENT TO- FROM: DATE: Memorandum Ken Johnstone Wade Sanner SUBJECT: Courtesy Variance for 4090 Fenton Court Ro Hurley applied for a courtesy variance for the property at 4090 Fenton Court on September 13", 2013, The courtesy variance was applied for to evaluate if staff would support the construction of a 600 square foot garage addition to the already existing 500 square foot detached garage. The initial proposed addition would result in 1,100 square foot major accessory building, requiring an 83% major accessory structure maximum building coverage variance. Staff mentioned that because of the structure was built on a monolithic slab the structure is correctly registered with Jefferson County as a garage. Even, though there is 250 square feet habitable space the proper foundation and separation is not sufficient to classify the structure as livable space with the county. If any type of garage addition was constructed, a definite separation of habitable and garage space would need to be built for fire rating. The fire separation wall will need to extend fi-om the foundation to the attic in the truss system to divide the garage and the habitable space. Waite Saran r° - Stqf ,J'Planner Staff mentioned that staff would not support due to the massing of the accessory building in regards to size and scale of the existing house. An 83% variance would not be supported by staff and we would recommend denial, and the case would need to be heard by the board of adjustments. Staff also mentioned that the proposed garage access could only have a 24 foot maximum width. Currently existing is a 9 foot width, but the final concept proposed in the courtesy variance was larger than the 24 foot threshold. The new driveway would need to be bottlenecked to accommodate the full proposal. Proj,7osed A Iternative Staff proposed an alternative concept to Mr. Hurley that would meet city requirements. The alternative proposed by staff was that the attached garage would be scaled down to 300 sq. ft. (I car garage) and would be 33% variance, and would be more supported by staff in size and scale. Mr. Hurley's brother did not feel that this was an option and that Roy should move through the public hearing process and the city required any modification that this would be undertaken after a verdict of denial was made by the BOA. Process Staff explained the process if Mr. Hurley chose to move through the public hearing process. Mr. Hurley stated he would discuss it with his wife and let staff know a decision. Staff was contacted a week later and Mr. Hurley had decided to apply for a variance using the modified proposal that staff had proposed, This variance was subsequently approved administratively. -` City Of W heat j�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE October 22, 2013 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WA- 13 -21, a request for approval of a (33 %) 200 - square foot lot coverage variance to allow for construction of a 300 - square foot garage on property zoned Residential -Three (R -3), located at 4090 Fenton Ct. The attached site plan identifies the location of the variance request. The applicant for this case is requesting an administrative variance review which allows no more than a fifty percent (50 %) variance to be granted by the Zoning Administrator without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent Property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on October 31, 2013. Thank you. WA 1321.doc %-%%i%xi.icheatridge.co.us Site Plan Request for approval of a (33 %) 200- square foot lot coverage variance to allow for construction of a 300 - square foot garage. �3 �x�9 � y �,�},, r i ,ski -� �w •+y, I Prop °S� f 'I Q i ` C V A ",CIA Schedule: 026441 Parcel ID: 39-244-16-001 Ed Property AddressOa4QWfERTO*t" WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Mailing Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PROP66Y . .. .... . .. Schedule. 024338 Parcel ID: 39-244-16-OG2 mmlll�� Schedule, 025680 Parcel ID: 39-244-16-010 PriL I Schedule: 0250 9-244-16-009 Lrint f- Property Address:NOOOIVOIW�� WHEAT RIDGE.CO-80212 HAA#A�tBFCCA ANNE Mailing Address: SAME ADDRESS AS ik6PERTY .... . . . . .... . .... . . . . . ...... 7 . .. ..... . . Schedule* 021835 Parcel ID: 39-244-16-011 Print Ugip Property Address: 05770 W 41ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Mailing Address: === I 1� )70 fp �.A m FENTON ST---- W W Q4075 EAk T()N "ST 04095 rjn (,I, �A ��jl Cj 0 C9 "r UJ W w C " 4� NJ (,`5 3 0 t V 5928 f'A 05926 05924 Ln C-11 CA r-P �-A 015-8 #�, Co To m I 1� )70 fp �.A m FENTON ST---- W W Q4075 EAk T()N "ST 04095 f'A Case No. `rf,47321 , Data R '. 1Rf21P2t}i3. R aetc ; can ...... ..._., . ....�., Nwe �_ .. v.,. Nam A 4kkeis �+E,tF'entwt�t CRv `413re�Fiw.bae � � Stata iE:%l ; 4p 712 Name lu t R. Hwik y 3 Na . .` . ; w * t(3tY334403 r R,ckNfta 406f Ct ' ., Csty Whawt Rdgs � � State _� X212 _.. N_ _ .....r, F Nww DdaR H -: Nary 43Q3t420 F Adiesak4E11FCA CRY �Rp Staaa L'tl� 2' #'.E212 ..._.'. r z.,.._. _, x _..w �,... ...,. ,.__.. .. l3�ie!ctl A s i _ , Speed iFeaav t C 1vN�ttakR ., 5tda co .. ...,"� 12 . 3Y t'rap�t Hama A5 to 1 �w t, .. .. .. p Na 2Ad t601Q .... GO Sectim fSt t D No (t! Fh -: Date a..:�.. ,` N , Date. ........,. AwNa' .... A"+ 8ewvaay. ?yyxe W6 Revkw Date 1 itpww. Rd ,.. ....,,.... ._.,.,... . ..� :................. ..� �: ,ter Ca�D' !�jD1s D�a No" ` ..Rcef stdut Ras #'`_ #' ' -... ..... CITY OF d: RIDGE 11 11 '.53 AM di: RECEIPT NO:CDAugm NOT FMS Viriance Fee r zom P VS 936 RECEIVE d A uth Co %m a* OJ. w Applicant WI c Address Phone.-�� ? 't,�>U-6f 4/0 /: (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements; incomplete applications will not be accepted. ■ Change of zone or zone conditions ■ Special Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ■ Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit ■ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ■ Flood Plain Special Exception ■ Site Plan approval ■ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ■ Lot Line Adjustment ■ Concept Plan approval - trVariance/Waiver (from Section ■ Planned Building Group ■ Right of Way Vacation ■ Other: Detailed description of request: .2 0 c 0 e-? d , C/ , To be filled out by staff- Date received Jka-k],D . , Comp Plan Design.______ Related Case No. Fee $ "#� ceipt No. Zoning Pre-App Mtg, Date_ Case 2- 1 Quarter Section Map , Case Managcr—�a� Zip C- 4 , / �' Fax Owner Address 4 1pl �I Phone 3 City ....... State __.6 �, Zip C Fax Fcz/ - L- Contact 1v llt'v'itiv Address Phone City....... State Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements; incomplete applications will not be accepted. ■ Change of zone or zone conditions ■ Special Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ■ Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit ■ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ■ Flood Plain Special Exception ■ Site Plan approval ■ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ■ Lot Line Adjustment ■ Concept Plan approval - trVariance/Waiver (from Section ■ Planned Building Group ■ Right of Way Vacation ■ Other: Detailed description of request: .2 0 c 0 e-? d , C/ , To be filled out by staff- Date received Jka-k],D . , Comp Plan Design.______ Related Case No. Fee $ "#� ceipt No. Zoning Pre-App Mtg, Date_ Case 2- 1 Quarter Section Map , Case Managcr—�a� Y9957 7t3 \� ! \< 2 ! - ! \ � � \� f f..? /I 7� f 0 � ��. � . � MM Address 5813 West 41st Avenue Address is approximate » a •sa • � • .i'f t M °. `" •w° f)a • i iri s . ! ` f i i « Goic:sle Address 5821 West 41st Avenue Address is approximate $ } \�\ $za � e |�( || | | | | | |( `u /j� // | <!\!!!|f;!!! � / \ �_ ■!,!, |! | |, /i) _. �z ) � � /0 M 2 3' F . � ¥ � � � m CL cc m rAe raM AM If -1-o 17� at= Mm ME= ♦ ti • • ♦ • • All ♦ E 0 a: L L 0 a C w ♦ w E 0 Coo .1 i A fM • &oil I • • tl • ♦ ♦ • '01 c 0 I NORM ♦ • • ♦ • • ♦ RJLPOKF LAN D S U RV E Y I N G 5460 WARD ROAD + SUITE 160 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 (303) 4204788 ADDRESS 4nqn FRNTnN rorTRT NAME Rev RXTRr Fv LEGAL DESCRIPTION IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (PER CLIENTS LOT 1, Note: AUDREY SUBDIVISION, Certificate is Based on Existing Possession Lines, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, An Improvement Survey Plat is Recommended STATE OF COLORADO for Precise Location of Improvements. N Scale: 1 " =20' West 41st Avenue Asphalt I21.0 121.0 I 1 I I I LOT 2 1 I I I I � I OS 4 Concrete .. ! Qj � + Concrete �� 1 24.5 24.3 n o N A •_ A Gary e ag e N V I► d I ���` � ED �..� i 4 o �� • i t°.._.._. a One Story `° ' a t0 U '. • Frame M 0 . 9.2 ::.o w Concrete LOT 1 ° 33.5 - 35.0- , 121.0 I 1 I I I LOT 2 1 I I I I � I