HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUP-12-03City of ii& r-rV=k City of NVheat Ridge Municipal Building November 19,2012 Ms. Carol Jarnutowski Dye Enterprises 4855 Miller Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Ms. Jamutowski: This letter responds to your request for a second and final extension of the temporary pen-nit granted pursuant to Case No. TUP-1 2-03. The original approval authorized the temporary continuation of a nonconforming auto sales business at 4855 Miller Street with the condition that the tenant begin the process for obtaining a Special Use Permit. Staff recognizes that you have initiated the application process for a special use permit. A pre- application meeting was held on October 4, a neighborhood meeting was held on October 24, and a follow-up meeting with staff was held on November 16. Based on the latest meeting, staff is expecting the submittal of a complete Special Use Permit application by November 30, 2012. Pursuant to Section 26-115.D.2, up to two (2) renewal requests may be requested by the applicant, and staff acknowledges your request of a second extension. The Community Development Department hereby grants a final renewal of the 30-day temporary permit. The expiration date for this temporary permit is now Friday, December 21, 2012. Sincerely, V A, 1 1, +_ VItItIv VIIII, Community Development Director cc: Case File TUP-12-03 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P: 303-235.2846 F: 303,235.2857 w€NiN,xi.wheatridge.co.us Lauren Mikulak From: Carol Jarnutowski <jamut711@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 8:33 AM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: Estension of Temporary Special Use Permit Dye Enterprises is requesting renewal of our temporary use permit which was approved per TUP- 12-03 at 4855 Miller Street. We are preparing to submit for a permanent special use pennit within a couple of weeks. ufim� Carol Jarnutowski Comptroller Dye Enterprises iamut7l I (&-Lnnailcom City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 3012352846 F: 301235.2851 Ms. Carol Jamutowski Dye Enterprises 4855 Miller Street Wheat Ridg Pursuant to Secti n low I The Community Development Department hereby grants a renewal of the 30-day temporary pen The expiration date for this temporary permit is now Wednesday, November 21, 2012. m Lauren Mikulak From: Carol Jarnutowski <jarnut711 @gmail,com> Sent: Monday, October 22, 20112 8:48 AM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: Extension of Temporary Sepcial Use Permit Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dye Enterprises is requesting renewal of our temporary use permit which was approved per TUP- 12-03 at 4855 Miller Street. We are preparing to submit for a permanent special use permit after the neighborhood meeting which is scheduled for October 24, 2012 uz� Carol Jarnutowsk Comptroller Dye Enterprises iarnut71 I (& 02=11 City of W heat�idge TO: Case File DATE OF MEETING: CASE NO. & NAME: PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert N/A (Admin. Review) Case No. TUP -12 -03 /Dye and Dearing ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a one month Temporary Permit to allow the continued use of a non - conforming vehicle display and sales lot LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4855 Miller Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (S): David Dye (applicant) Daniel Dearing (property owner) APPROXIMATE AREA: .78 acres PRESENT ZONING: Commercial -One PRESENT LAND USE: Vehicle display and sales lot ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION low 4 W SITE Administrative review Case No. TUP- 12- 03/Dye and Dearing JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to make a decision regarding this case. The purpose of the request is to allow a new tenant to take over operation of the property while a Special Use Pen is being pursued. Pursuant to Section 26-115 (temporary pen for uses, buildings, signs and nonoperative vehicles), the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for 30-day administrative Temporary Use Pennits, without requirement for a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: The property is approximately .78 acres in size. It is zoned C- I and contains an 1800 square foot metal office building. A single access point is provided from the West 1-70 Frontage Road North. The remainder of the property is used for vehicle display {" xhibit 1, Aerialphoto Use: Vehicle sales lots are special uses in the C-1 zone district. A special use permit was never granted for the car lot use. The commercial vehicles sales standards also require a 1500' Administrative review Case No. TUP- I 2-03/Dye and Dearing M. CASE ANALYSIS This application is intended to allow the new tenant to take over operation of the property "as is". At this point only minimal improvements are being proposed including painting of the structure from red to an earth tone. The owner also owns the properties immediately to the north and east. While staff would not normally encourage the "piecemeal" approach by addressing just the subject property, the current application will be beneficial to the city in numerous ways. By approval of the TUP and pending SUP, there will economic and physical benefits and, foremost, an illegal has the potential to be brought into compliance with the zoning code. If the Special Use Permit is approved, the owner and applicant will be required to upgrade the site in accordance with Section 26-628 if the zoning and development code regulating vehicle display lot standards. The property is surrounded by a variety of zoning and land uses. To the immediate north is all A- I zoned parcel which is currently vacant and owned by the same property owner. Beyond that Administrative review Case No. TUP- I 2-03/Dye and Dearing is an office/warehouse facility zoned PID. Property to the cast is zoned C-1 and contains the American Motel. Land to the west is also owned by the property owner. It contains a 20,000 s.f vehicle repair facility. The facades of this structure were recently upgraded. Staff has the following criteria to evaluate temporary permit requests and shall determine that the majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.D.3of the zoning and development code have been met. The applicant has provided his analysis of the application's compliance with the variance critefia (Exhibit 2, Applicant narrative). Staff provides the following review and analysis of the temporary permit criteria. 1. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare and safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use; and While there have been detrimental impacts to the area with regard to the zoning violations on the property, the owner and new tenant have been cooperative in addressing the violations. Approval of this TIT is the first step of this process. Stqff conch des that this criterion has been met. 2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution, or cause drainage problems for the general area; and No drastic changes are proposed for the property at this time which should not affect light air, pollution or drainage impacts on the surrounding area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site; and Approval of the one month permit and continuation of use of the vehicle sales facility will have minimal impact on traffic, parking or loading on or off-site. .Sty f ,fconcludes that this criterion has been met. Administrative review 4 Case No, TUP- I 2-03/Dye and Dearing 4. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with the adjacent properties; and The one month permit will have minimal impact to adjacent properties. The property was posted and adjacent property owners noticed for a period often days. No objections or concerns were voiced regarding the application. Slqf ,f concludes that this criterion has been met. 5. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. The request will have no impact on the capacity of streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities and services. Upon application for a Special Use Permit, all utility agencies will be contacted for their ability to serve the property. Stqffconcludes this criterion has been met. Having found the application in compliance with the findings of fact, staff recornmends APPROVAL of a 30-day temporary permit to allow the continued use of a nonconforming vehicle sales facility in a C-1 zone for the following reasons: 5. The request will not impact the physical character of the area. 6. The request will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities and services. 7. No objections to the one-month temporary permit were received during the public notification period. With the following conditions: 1. The temporary permit shall expire 30 days after approval and may be renewed twice. Requests for renewal shall be provided in writing prior the expiration of the original approval. Administrative review 5 Case No. TUP- I 2-03,'Dye and Dearing 2. Within the first 30-day approval, the tenant and property owner must begin the process for Special Use approval including a pre-application with Staff and neighborhood meeting. Failure to move forward with the SUP process will result in an immediate summons and complaint to Municipal Court. Administrative review Case No. TUP- I 2-03/Dye and Dearing 6 EMMA lo , �,� y. op 311-AIA fit\ VA �� M MILLE --S.T, OdN imp ww 197 Jl EXHIBIT I �I��s�l US-EMMEM City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 'Itj 0 Wheat Ridee u MaM Re: Dye Enterprises, Inc. Business Plan 4855 Miller Street Wheat Ridge, CO W= To describe to the City of Wheat Ridge Community Development group the proposed business plan and contemplated improvements to the property located at 4855 Miller street, Wheat Ridge, Co. Dye Entepanses is current with all tedera,,z9k,,g.z.A4#r. - Ww& The company is in good standing with the CO Dealer Licensing Board with no complaints ever filed with the Board. It has been Dye Enterprises' practice to maintain an excellent reputation with its customers, its vendors, and in its banking relationships. A list of references is attached for your consideration and review. Company management has no political or religious agenda- Dye Enterprises desires to be a good community Partner, provide a quality product to its customers. enhance its employees' and business partners' lives with high-paying, quality jobs while enhancing the condition of the jQcjj Phone: 303.286 .1665 Fax: 303.227,3018 6280 E 49 Drive, Commerce City, CO 80022 Page I MkIpta 0 economy. Company management looks forward to a working cooperation with city and county government in the Wheat Ridge area bringing a fresh, new attitude toward business, Scope: Phone: 303.286,1665 Fax: 303.227.3018 6280 E 49th Drive, Commerce City, CO 80 Page 2 7500 West 29th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wh6at'F i�-�gie 303.235.2846 303.235.2857 Em= WHEREAS, an application for a temporary permit was submitted for the property located at 4855 Miller Street referenced as Case No. TUP- 12-03 /Dye and Dearing; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the temporary permit, relying on findings of fact listed in Section 26-115 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; and WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the temporary permit application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a 30-day temporary permit is granted to allow continued use of a non-conforming vehicle display and sales lot on property located at 4855 Miller Street and zoned C- I (Case No. TUP- 12-03/Dye and Dearing), bas on the following findings of fact: With the following conditions: 1. The temporary permit shall expire 30 days after approval and may be renewed twice. Requests for renewal shall be provided in writing prior the expiration of the original approval. 2. Within the first 30 -day approval, the tenant and property owner must begin the process for Special Use approval including a pre - application with Staff and neighborhood meeting. Failure to move forward with the SUP process will result in an immediate summons and complaint to Mu T'pal Court. e Kenneth Johnstci , AICP 4 ti . 1 Date Community Dev lopment Director 2 W City of �C(OIMAAMUNiTy DEVELOPME I NT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 301235.2846 F. 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE August 31, 2012 This is to inform you of Case No. TUP- 12-03, a request for a 3 0 -day temporary use permit to allow continuation of a non-conforming vehicle sales lot on property zoned Commercial-One (C-1) and located at 4855 Miller Street, If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on September 10, 2012. USE= www.6wheatridge.coms 10501 WEST 48TH AVENUE LLC 2717 S SIMMS WAY LAKEWOOD CO 80228 MJB MOTELS L L C 7 01 2 1010 000l ?2?? 2741 3300 NW JEFFERSON ST 610 _. BLUE SPRINGS MG 64015 4859 MILLER STREET LLC c ' 2717 S SIMMS WAY LAKEWOOD CO 80228 DEARING DANIEL R 7112 1010 2717 SIMMS WAY _ a LAKEWOOD CO 80228 'w> FI NOMINEE LLC 7 012 1010 o0ol 7277 t c/a COUGHLIN & CO 140 E 19TH AVE 700 DENVER CO 80203 HAZEN JOHN WATSON 11 PO BOX 1599 70 :_.�w. � _ 1010 001 .__ 7277 2727 __. O N. WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Dcpaftmcnt Memorandum TO: Ken Johnstone FROM: Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: 4855 Miller Street DATE: September 17, 2007 (updated December 2010) The following is to serve as the sequence of events with regard to an auto sales facility at 4855 Miller Street. It also contains information pertinent to 4859 Miller Street. All properties are owned by 4855 Miller Street LLC (Richard and Daniel Dearing). PROPERTY CONFIGURATION AND ZONING The property in question is owned by Dan and Dick Dearing and is comprised of four parcels, SEQUENCE OF EVENTS ? 2000: Mr, Wolf leases the west half of 4855 Miller Street. The east half is used by a moving company (Two Men and aTruck). When the moving company's lease expires Mr. Wolfappliesfior a business license to occupy the structure on the property for office space. August 7, 2000: Business license is approved for auto leasing and sales for what Mr. Wolf claims as the east half of 4855 Miller. Approved by City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department. Address is shown as 10501 W. 48"' Avenue, Unit A. November 8, 2004: Property owner was put on notice via letter regarding the need for paving, February 3, 2005: Mr. Wolf meets with City personnel regarding the properties at 4855 and 4859 Miller Street. At the meeting Mr. Wolf was informed that he needed an SUP to expand the car sales lot and allow auto service, repair and maintenance on 4855 Miller Street. Discussed also were the requirements for a commercial zone change for 4859 Miller and the existing zone violation for parking lot paving at 4855 Miller Street, April 30, 2007: Hagerman, Backus and Reckert meet on-sire with property owners (Richard and Daniel Dearing), Mr. Wolf and Tony Kervitsky to discuss violations. May 11, 2007: A fence pennit is issued for 4859 Miller Street. A condition of issuance is that the permit does not imply that the property can be used for commercial purposes. May 21, 2007: better sent to property owners regarding clarification of the violations. May 22, 2007: A letter is sent to Mr. Wolf detailing the violations on both properties. Attached was a copy of the pre-application meeting minutes where Mr. Wolf was informed that he needed an SUP to expand the car sales lot and to allow auto service, repair and maintenance on 4855 Miller. Discussed also were the requirements for a commercial zone change for 4859 Miller and the existing zone violation for parking lot paving on 4855 Miller. May 30, 2007: David Moore, an engineering and design consultant, met with Meredith to discuss the violations and what is needed to correct the situation. We discuss both the SLIP and zone change requirements. Ile is informed that he and the property owner need to apply fWa - Bare - application meeting. July 19, 2007: Daniel Dearing and his consultant, David Moore, meet with the Planning Staff in a pre-application meeting to discuss the requirements for a commercial zone change. The property which is zoned A- I does not permit the use of the property for commercial auto sales and storage. At the pre-app, staff indicates that code enforcement action will be put "on-hold" if the applicant proceeds with the necessary steps for zone change. August 29, 2007: Letter is sent to Mr. Dearing regarding lack of activity on the needed zone change at 4859 Miller Street. September 7, 2007: City officials receive a "request for production, of documents." The request is forwarded to Jerry Dahl, October 2, 2007: Complaint received regarding 4859 Miller. Violation notice issued for littering, unlawful activities, weeds. August 2008: Per negotiation with city prosecutor, tenant (Wolf) agrees to pave, install bushes around the perimeter and get a sign permit. Pennits approved, Inspection performed on parking lot improvements for 4855 Miller. All complete including landscaping. June 30,2009: Received complaint re. 4855 Miller Street regarding violations for obstructing sidewalk and prohibited (illegal) sign (sign on boom vehicle). Warning notice sent by isty Sh Also observed that landscaping installed was dead. July 2, 2009: zone change modifications submitted, July ,15,2009: Surnmons, sent July 27, 2009: Mr. Wolf pleads Not guilty and pretrial conference is set for august 26, 2009 August 5, 2009: comment letter sent regarding zone change application. Owner informed again that staff does not support without southern parcel included. August 26, 2009: Mr. Wolf pled guilty and was fined with suspended fines subject to no violations in one year. January 15, 2010: zone change modifications submitted. February 11, 20 10: comment letter sent. March 15, 2010: letter sent regarding scheduling for April 15, 2010 planning Commission hearing. April 15, 2010: Planning Corninission public hearing for zone change on 4859 Miller Street to PCD. Staff recommends denial for the following reasons: Staff report is attached. Planning Commission recommends denial for the following reasons: I . The Proposed rezoning would effectively allow for the expansion of an illegal nonconforming use. I The City's zoning and development code does not make allowances for "interim uses" 3. There will be minimal economic benefits to the City, Planning Commission minutes are attached. May 5, 2010: Follow-up meeting to April 15, 2010 Planning Commission public hearing. Persons in attendance: Meredith Reckert, Ken Johnstone, Dave Brossman, Dan Dearing, Dick Dearing, Andy In May 12, 2010: Discussion at micro dev regarding alignment OfMiller and whether it can be shifted to the cast onto the American Motel property. City Council first reading on zone change set for June 14. May 13, 2010: 1 email Andy to inquire about moving forward with first reading at CC with current plan and staff denial recommendation, He thought that unless there was a change in the roadway design, Dan would probably want to move forward. June 28, 2010: Mark Westberg provides written analysis regarding right-of-way needs. Andy shows different display lot drawings. Dave thinks the site drainage required by the net reduction on the south with new 10' wide before could be compensated on the north with improvements. We suggest that we move forward with concept C. and define uses for future development of entire piece. Andy says he will prepare some drawings showing impact and tentative layout with reservation and 10' wide buffer. August 31, 2010: 1 email Andy asking the status of a resubmittal. No response. City • � AV) TV h6 at COMAAMAVNjTYD NT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 301235.2846 F: 301235.2857 August 27, 2012 David Dye Dye Enterprises, Inc. W "-s"ama Re: business license application This letter is in regard to a business license application which was recently applied for to allow automobile sales at 4855 Miller Street. Win Senior Planner C: Daniel Dearing www.d.wheatridge.co.us Property appraisal system = LII" GENERAL INFORMATION PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Subdivision I.M. V!, View Mill Levy Detail For Year 12012 Mill Levy Information 1 District K"# ARVADA FIRE DIST, iCLEAR CRK VLY W&S DIST, �REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. to VALLEY W. DIST ,2011 Payable 2012 View Mill Levy Detail For Year 12012 Mill Levy Information 1 District K"# ARVADA FIRE DIST, iCLEAR CRK VLY W&S DIST, �REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. VALLEY W. DIST http://jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=042800&oft"set=4 /17/201 TAX INFORMATION Property appraisal system Imp 52,3741 1 . ... .. .. . 1,24,7581 Lr u rtLInfo at ig n Page 2 of 2 http://jeffco. us/ats/displaygencral.do?sch=042800&offset=4 9/17/2012 Location of request (addres Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request ). Application suhmittal requirements on reverse side Required information: Case No, "'T UP1203 I Date R eceived ReWedCases Case Description 00 to allcnv co n on conforming vehicles tes lot . . . ....... Case Planner rIO , Zip Pleyiect . . ..... . .. Address . ....... Street Willer Street ... ... .. Cit at Ridge State iC I tp i8ljo: 0 z Description Location Des . .. .... ...... Pr N olect ame .... .... .. Parcel N o IT ect No District . .. ........... .... . ....... ... 3916400016 , Stlb 5 Parcel No 0trSection 'SE'16 District No.: Pre App Data i ... ... . ... Neighborhood Meeting Date AppNo F"" Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report eview ------ to obi ... §Adhi --J Case Dis position 2Disposition Date . ..... —1 Conditions of Approval 7' 7 .... .... .. Notes f Res Ord Status tUpen .. ... ... .... Storage: CITY Y R'IDE 0811,11 3:3S, PN ed D a Da Ads - N A110 ZONE WOUNT 'OK 870 HUB TOT H,, 200" 00