HomeMy WebLinkAboutWV-14-01r City of ]��Wh6atpj,dgc COMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Case File V-14-01 FROM: Lauren Mikulak, Senior planner DATE: February 27, 2015 SUBJECT: Ordinance not effective The vacation ordinance was approved by City Council with the condition that it not be effective until the school property is sold to the Fruitdale Building Corporation (FBC). The sale did not take place and the purchase contract with FBC was terminated per the attached letter and per a motion made by the Housing Authority on February 24, 20115. If the vacation is necessary for a different buyer, this request will need to be reheard by Planning Commission and City Council under a new case number. R. a sfrrr&,"7 t),491-4000 2696,5. (,( 7ci1.{(Y,� (f�i .„ �idte #_58/ Tmaaifr rzrf�esartbdirei�C�fk�rrrceest,r�:t Denver, C;'oformfo 80222 February 25, 2015 VIA EMAIL kjohnsto e a?ci.wheatridge.co.us Mr. Kenneth Johnstone Wheat Ride Housing Authority 7500 W. 8`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Purchase by Fruitdale Building Corporation ("Buyer" or FBC") of real property located at 10801 W. 44"' Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado (the "Property,"') from Wheat Ridge Housing Authority ("Seller"), Dear Mr. Johnstone. As you are aware, the undersigned represents Buyer with respect to the purchase of the Property{. Buyer recently met with you and Ms. Mikulak regarding closing issues for the Property. Unfortunately, due to a lack of support and funds at this time, Buyer will not be able to close. Accordingly, this is formal notice that Buver is hereby terminating the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property dated effective October 15, 2014 between Seller and Bu er as amended. Should you have any questions regarding these matters or wish to discuss them, please contact the undersigned at the address or phone number above. Sincerely, Carleen 7". Clark cc: Gerald Bahl Esq. (GDahl(r 1,mdkrlaw.com) Ms. l-,auren Mikulak lnikulakt ci. vlteatridge.cca.us Mr. Leigh Renfro (lrenfro q.Jtgc.com) Ms. Karen Bailey (karen.eic entalatl(c yalioo.com) Fruitt9nte 'FitCe O2jeution Letter 103014 � "° •� "" r a • a- s a 0—r et First •-2014: January 16, 2015 t000nd " ♦ •Joouwy29.2016 Wheat Ridge +: EffectiVe ...... . 6 4 # 4 Ste tiot 4. Published: Wheat Fridge Transcript and d !1900124:1 Ira *j*f*T:jltk � s # s « # • • # � � «o (p # # a w N e 1 PORMY 010 MZ X 1 or S&TJVX St. r 8 ; R, go r ! "" P. if , Olff OF Ir AT PJZ. COUMT 04P -MMS Garr, AVZ Of COLORADO WMIN 1 4Ile MASS #0 t NORTWAST IN CONCIRM L& 13212 FOUNO 31/4* BRASS Ot$K PER 1 1 X3212 PER MONUMINT RECONO IN 1 1 0 � t PIN 39-212-00-095 #std 39212091C PAW 451 � 1 N W41*3r Lr WOW�WM 0240. SM Ft 0.14 ACKS PONT OF BEGOOM0 Nam MiHt-or-WAY LM lt,ug t —X—L—I'lliftconm g, Z 1-- w ".W N W46W ill' MW ST 44TH AVENUE S SW415 t 260.0' 4RECEPIM 140. 20090013% Wtl"04 NO. 2000001396 IN RAW LS. 1"37 PER MOWJMMTAE 04 Rom L& 13212 IN RAW WW Lt 13212 1 CENTM 4 SE IN ROM�1CLt 13212 PCX 11 AMM 1 ft. THIS EXHOT DOM W REPRESENT A M. WOOLDRIDOE DSURVEY. IT I$,. SOXsum z OF 2 Cfty Council t0inutes January 26, 2015 Page 10 Jennifer Yates (WR) urged a no vote on this ordinance as it allows marijuaria businesses to circumvent proper procedure, Patricia Lazarri (WR) spoke against the ordinanceaaid gave details about how retail is a very different product and business type, John Clark (WR) talked about how medical versus retail is actually medical versus recreational, Retail means recreational and medical marijuana is sold as a retail prodUct- Sandy Mador(Conifer), one of the owners of Chronic 'rherapy, explained why they started out as retail. She supports this ordinance because she doesn't think its fair for some storefronts, to be able to have both licenses and other not, Mayor Jay closed the public hearing Motion by Coon cilmember Fitzgeraid to approve Council Bill No, 03-2015, an ordinance amending sections 11-305, 11-415 and 11-416 of the Wheat Ridge —Code of Laws concerning the coflocation of medical and retail marijuana establishments, order it published and that it shall become effective upon the signature of the Mayor, seconded by CouncHmember Pond, Motion by Councilia ernber lir Tuffic, to postpone indefiniteiy Council BiH No, 03-2015, an �,Tdinance amending sections 11.305, 11-415 and 11'416 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the collocation of medical and retail marijuana establishments for the foHovong reasons 1 Thordinance serves the purpose of assisting one Ml Ps business applicant that =orrectly completed its papemvork submitted to the City, error's ori the appl�car&s part do not constitute a code amendment on the City's part, 2. Mernbers of the community have expressed a concern of allowing two current marijuana store fronts to be collocated which are near parks, increasing traffic frorn, additional customers near neighborhoods, seconded by Councilmember Urban, Discussion followed. Attorney Dahl explained what "indefinitely postpone" rneans, The motion to postpone indefinitely carried 5-3, with Counciltnembers Starker, Fitzgerald and Pond voting no, 4 Council Bill 17-2014 — vacating any interest held by the City in a portion of 44"' Avenue, a g7-- ublic, roadway, morn cilia eerr ber Langworthy introduced Council ill No, 17-2014, Clerk Shaver assigned Ordinance 1565, Mayor Jay opened the public hearing, Attorney Dahl gave the staff report, As required by Code this vacation of public right of way went before the Planning Commission, Due to a disparity in the legal description of City Council t0inutes 'J'anuary 26, 2015 Fruitdale School (currently being sold) there is question that the Southern 30 feet of the property may be under some City right of way, lt*s clear the City has no right of way interest m this piece of property. The ordinance will remove this cloud from the title for the current and future real estate transactions, Public Comment doesn't know of it's proper for the City to give up this 30 feet just yet. He referenced a recent Denvev Post article about the school. The City spent $250,000 upgrading the building and then the Housing Authority sold it to Mountain Phoenix School for $1 According to the article d appears likely the City will end Lip owning this property and it makes sense to keep the 30 feet, He urged a no vote, In answer to a question Attorney Dahl advised that Council COUid include a conditional effective date Motion by Councilmernber Davis to continue the meeting past lliOOpm, finish Item ,4, consider items 5 and 9, and then adjourn, second byCOU116IMeMIDer Starker" carried 8-0, Mayor Jay closed the public hearing for Item 4, Motion by Councilmernber Langworthy to approve Council Bill 117-20,14, an ordinance vacating any interest of the City in a portion of 44th Avenue, order 11 published, and that It to effect upon approval and signature by the Mayor, as permitted by Section 511 of the Charter; seconded by Cour cilmernber Wooden, Motion by Councilmernber DiTullio for an amendment to provide that the vacation becorne effective if, arta only if, the pending sale of the properly takes place, seconded by Councitniernber Urban-, carried 7-1, with Councilia emfar Fitzgerald voting no, The motion to approve Council Bill 17-20,14 carried 8-0. At the request of Councilmernber Davis It rt 9 was considered next, 9. Resolution 08-2015 —A resolution approving the renewal and amendment of an Inter govern;,—nental Agreement for Ambulance Set -vices among the City of Wheat Ridge, the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and RuraVlVletro of Central Colorado dba Prideniark Paramedic Services, LLC COUncilmember DiTullio introduced Resolution 08-2015, Chief Brennan presented for the staff. The City, the WR Fire De partment and Pridemark meet monthly to assess performance and address any issues. Two changes are recommended for the annual renewal of the agreement, City of ITEM NO: d ATE. ecember 8, 2014 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION ,£Ir,— TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 17 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING ANY INTEREST OF TETE CITY IN A PORTION OF 44'h AVENUE PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCES FOR I ST READING (December 8, 2014) BIDS/MOTIONS ORDINANCES FOR 2 ND READING (January 12, 201 S) RESOLUTION QUASI-JUDICIAL. El YES NO City Attorney City Manager ISSUE: An ordinance vacating any interest of the City in certain land adjacent to, and potentially a part of, the 44`x' Avenue right -of --way. n BACKGROUND: The Wheat Ridge previously purchased from contractDistrict the Fruitdale Elementary School. The Authority has entered into a FruitdM.le Building y nd its continued use as a school, along potentialwith restrictions preserving the architectural features and name of the school. in preparing the title work for the transfer, a defect been discovered there is some inaccuracy the original deed, creating f potential southern side, bordering 44 1h Avenue, might have been subject to a dedication as right-of-way. This area is not used in any way by the City as right-of-way, and in fact is outside of any potential facilitate the property, it is requested that the Council act to vacate any interest of the City in this area. Council Action Form -- Vacating, Right-of-way December 8, 2014 :Page 2 RECOMMENDATIONS* Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bili No. 17-2014, an ordinance vacating any interest held by the City in a portion of 44`x' Avenue can first reading; order it published, public hearing set for Monday, January 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication. Or, "I move to postpone indefinitely Council Bill 17-2014 vacating any interest held by the City in a portion of 44"°' Avenue for the following reason(s) REPORT PREPARED BY: Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Patrick Goff, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 17-2014 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL BILL NO.17-2014 ORDINANCE NO. Series 2014 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT VACATING ANY INTEREST HELD BY THE CITY IN A PORTION OF 44TH AVENUE, A PUBLIC ROADWAY VI'MEREAS, due to a potentially inaccurate legal description, certain property lying immediately north of 44 th Avenue may be subject to a dedication as a part of the 44 th Avenue right -of way; and 'WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted by C.R.S. §§ 31-15-702(l)(a)(1) and 43-2-301 et seq., the Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, has determined that the nature and extent of the public use and the public interest to be served is such as to warrant the vacation of this area, and WHEREAS, the portion of the 44 th Avenue right-of-way to be vacated and which is the subject of this ordinance is more fully described on Exhibit A attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, no property abutting said public roadway Will be left without an established public road or private -access easement connecting said land with another established public road, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED B Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Vacation. To the extent of any City interest therein, the following portion of a Avenue right-of-way is hereby vacated, the same being no longer required for public use and the public interest will be served by such vacation - as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibit A. Section 2. Severabifily, ConfliSiting Ordinances Bemaled. If any section subsection or clause of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or' otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. 13 _Section 3. Recording. This Ordinance shall be filed for record with the office of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after final publication, as provided by Section of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of —to on this day of , 2014, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for 1 2015 at 7:00 pm., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 2015. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2015, Joyce Jay, Mayor ATTEST: Janelle Shaver, City Clerk Approved as to Form LeTEM. ro a First Publication'. Second Publication, Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date* Published* Wheat Ridge Transcript and www,ci.whggtdgg.cs 2 L 'x -at bAJ vl\,p 1"ITNI No�Z— DATE 111�51�al�, 12-21,15 ON REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTI TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 17-2014 AN ORDINAN(`E VACATING ANN' INTEREST OF THE CITY IN A PORTION OF 44"' AVE�NUE ' L, }E LIC' 1 -1 1' A R I N("J El ORDINANCES FOR I""' READfN(,,j (December BIOTJONS EX ORDINANCI S FOR 2a` t: ADIN Rf-SOLUTIONS`, QIJASI-JUDICIAL: NTS N 0 .. ....... .... .. City Attorney City Manager ISSUE: Ali ordinance vacating any interest of the Citv in certain land a(bacent to, and Potentiall) a pan ()f� the 44"' Averrue ri_ghl-(A*-Nt-,ty PRIOR ACTJON: Noric BACKGROUND: firom tht� Jel'Yerson Countv School The Wheat Ridge Housing, AuthoritY has previouslY Purchase '�d District the Fruitdale Elementary School. The Authority has entered ijjj(,a as contr et Ntijil' a tile Fris kdale Bill Id i rig Coq)oration f0f "le, Oft fie property'and its con t i nued us its a se 1)ool, a Io tlg with restrictions preserving tire architectural Features and name of the school, In preparing tile, title work- ft)r tile trams ;r, a potential defect has been discovered - there is SOlue inaccuracy in the migirtal deed, creating as potential claim that approxin'lately 31 ft of the prope\1 011 tile ,cwt ern side. hordering 44"T Avenue, mig)it have hears sut�jcc-t to as dedication as right-of-W.11V, This area is not used in all), Nvay by the City as right-ofway. and in fact is out,ide ofariv potential fits` such use. Ili order to hCJP Clear title to this area and 11tcilitate the Authority ,s sale of the property. it is requested that tile Council act to vacate any interest of the City in this area, The Code cel` l-im s requires tile Planning Commission to conduct a Public licaring to rc\ ickk and niakea recontmendation on proposed vacatiolls, The Coltimissioll ic'scheduled to do so (it, Councli Action F"(:wni Vzicatlng RIghi-of January 12, 2014 Pq;�e 'I January 15. Accordingly. Council is asked to open the public hearing on January 12, take any testimony, then continue the licaring to its January 26 meeting for any additi(,nial testiniony and final action on the ordinance, RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recomniends approval of the ordinance, R ECO �I NI EN DE �DNJ OT 10N. "I nj(,we to contillue te hearing on Council Bill No. 1_7-2 Ainance vacaunganN _L) 14, an f, i interest held by the City in as portion of 44"' Avenue, for 1"inal action at the regularly scheduled Council meefing ot"January 26, 201 5 Or, -1 move to postpone indefinitely Council Bill 17-2014 vacatingany interest held by the City in a ponion ot'44"' Avenue for the fi,41ow"i-n—g—reason(s) REPORI PREPARED QY- Gerald Dahl. City Attonvy flatficGofK City Manager ATTAQ,LNIENTS. 1, Council Bill No� 17-2014 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DAVIS COUNCIL BILL NO.17-2014 ORDINANCE Series 2014 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY F WHEAT RIDGE VACATING AN INTEREST OHELD BY THE CITY IN A PORTION OF 44T" AVENUE, PUBLIC ROADWAY I WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge holds public rights-of-way in trust for t public and the landowners abutting such rights-of-way', an I WHEREAS, due to a potentially inaccurate legal description, certain prope lying immediately north of 44h Avenue may be subject to a dedication as a part of t 44'h Avenue right -of way-, and I WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted by C,R.S, §§ 31-15-702(l)(a)(1) and 43-2-301 et seq.,, the Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, has determined that the nature. and extent of the public use and the public interest to be served is such as to warrant the vacation of this area; and WHEREAS, the portion of the 44th Avenue right-of-way to be vacated and,whi is f WHEREAS, no property abutting said public roadway will be left without an established public road or private -access easement connecting said land with another established public road. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. yacation. To the extent of any City interest therein, the following porfion�­of the 44h Avenue right-of-way is hereby vacated, the same being no longer required for public use and the public interest will be served by such vacation, as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibit A, AjgpgaX. sgveraWlity. Cooicbrin Ord,i,n,ai,angeells.-Rh-eoeitLeg. If any section, subsection or clause of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repeated, AlSfign.1 fl#g9___9. This Ordinance shall be filed for record with the offi of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. I Afta4:hmont i Section 4., Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after final publication, as provided by Section 5,11 of the Charter, INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 5 to I on this 8th day of December, 2014, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for January 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29'h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of -- to --_, this-_ day of 2015. SIGNED by the Mayor on this _ day of 2015. :F0 —M-eY­e ATTEST: Janelle Shaver, City Clerk Approved as to Form Gerald E, Dahl, City Attorney First Publication: December 11, 2014 Second Publication, Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date, Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript and )6�.C!�-whea�tride.�co.qs 2 AT City 03q h6atR1qge_ (OVIF ITEM NO: — DATE: January 26, 2015 REQUW FOI�&Y COUNCIL ACTION TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 17-2014 AN ORDINANCE VACATING ANY INTEREST OF THE CITY IN A PORTION OF 44'h AVENUE PUBLIC HEARING El ORDINANCES FOR I Sr READING (December 8, 2014) BIDS/MOTIONS ED ORDINANCES FOR 2 N) READING (January 26, 2015) RESOLUTIONS QUASI-JUDICIAL: YES NO City Attorney City Manager ISSUE: An ordinance vacating any interest of the City in certain land adjacent to, and potentially a part of, the 44`x' Avenue right-of-way. PRIOR ACTION: None BACKGROUND: The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority has previously purchased from the Jefferson County School District the Fruitdale Elementary School. The Authority has entered into a contract with the Fruitdale Building Corporation for sale of the property and its continued use as a school, along with restrictions preserving the architectural features and narne of the school. In preparing the title work for the transfer, a potential defect has been discovered – there is some inaccuracy in the original deed, creating a potential claim that approximately 31 feet of the property on the southern side, bordering 44h Avenue, might have been subject to a dedication as right-of-way. This area is not used in any way by the City as right-of-way, and in fact is outside of any potential for such use, In, order to help clear title to this area and facate the Authority's sale of the property, it is requested that the Council act to vacate any interest of the City in this area, Council Action Form - Vacating Right-of-way January 26, 2015 Page 2 The Code of Laws requires the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing to review and make a recommendation on proposed vacations. The Commission did so on January 15 (Planning Commission recommendation attached). RECOMMENDATIONS: RECOMMENDED. MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill 17-2014, an ordinance vacating any interest of the City in a portion of 44"' Avenue, order it published, and that it take effect upon approval and signature by the Mayor, as permitted by Section 5.11 of the Charter. " La "I move to postpone indefinitely Council Bill 17-2014 vacating any interest held by the City in a portion of 44Ih Avenue for the following reason(s) REPORT PREPARED BY. Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Patrick Goff, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 17-2014 2. Planning Commission recommendation CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DAVIS COUNCIL BILL NO.17 ORDINANCE NO. Series 2014 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE VACATING ANY INTEREST HELD BY THE CITY IN A PORTION OF 44THAVENUE WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge holds public rights-of-way in trust for t public and the landowners abutting such rights-of-way; and WHEREAS, due to a potentially inaccurate legal description, certain prope lying immediately north of 40Avenue may be subject to a dedication as a part of th- 44th Avenue right -of way; and I WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted by C.R.S. §§ 31-15-702(l)(a)(1) and 43-2-301 et seq., the Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, has determined that the nature and extent of the public use and the public interest to be served is such as to warrant the vacation of this area; and WHEREAS, the portion of the 44th Avenue right-of-way to be vacated and which is the subject of this ordinance is more fully described on Exhibit A attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference, and WHEREAS, no property abutting said public roadway will be left without an established public road or private -access easement connecting said land with another established public road. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Vacation. To the extent of any City interest therein, the following portion of the 44'n Avenue right-of-way is hereby vacated, the same being no longer required for public use and the public interest will be served by such vacation: Section 2. Severabili!y. Conflicting Qrdinances Reggaled. If any section, subsection or clause of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. Recording. This Ordinance shall Z be filed for record with the offi of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder, 'A Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption .2nd signature by the Mayor, as permitted by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 5 to 1 on this 8th day of December, 2014, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for January 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, continued to January 26, 2015. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to this - day of 2015. Janelle Shaver, City Clerk day of - 2015. First Publication; December 11, 2014, January 15,2015 Second Publication Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript and www-qi.whP-qtridgP r US 2 A portion of the North One-half of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado more particularly described as follows: Basis of bearings. The Basis of Bearings for the above described parcel of land platted on Fruitdale Patio Homes to be N 00*09'23" W from the East 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M to the Northeast Comer of said Section, said East 1/4 being a 3 1.4" brass cap and post set in range box stamped LS 13212 per monument record and the NE Comer being stamped 13212 1984 per the monument record. Sheet I of 2 EXHIBIT A A PORTION OF THE N 112 OF SECTION 21, T- 3 S- R 69 r' OF THE 6TH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO j NORTH 1/4 SECTION CORNER NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER BRASS DISK 1321 2 FOUND 3 1/4�CBRASS SK FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE L.S. 13212 IN RANGE BOX L.S. 13212 PER MONUMENT RECORD PER MONUMENT RECORD T5 C14 0 PIN 39-212-00-095 PIN 39-212-00-095 SOUTH PROPERTY UNE BOOK 9, PAGE 451 cv Cr) 0) 2W N 89*41'32* E 99-Ot1r) r4e) �-� 6240.2 SO. FT. z z 0A4 ACRES -to 100 CL Q- OF BEGINNING r C4 r 9 TPOINT 8 NORTH RIGH—OF—WAY LINE 8 ,Z. 1 86049897 ;; N 89*59'33* W 99-01' -8 N 89*46*59* W 99-00' 0 ptq i 8 I 9 WEST 44TH AVENUE s 89*59'33* E 264,&87' (M) S 89*4659" E 2654.02- (M) --- — — — — — — — — — — S 89-43.5 E 2649.0's 891,31.1' E 26541' RECEPTION NO. 2009001396 66' 1 R.O.W. RECEPTION NO. 2009001396 FOUND 3 1/4*SKI ig I IN RANGE BOX LBISASIS04 6837 PER MONUMENT RECORD 00 WEST 1/4 SECTION CORNER8 EAST 1/4 SECTION CORNER to FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS DISK I FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS DISK z I IN RANGE BOX L S 13212 IN RANGE BOX L.S. 13212 PER MONUMENT �E'CORD PER MONUMENT RECORD S 89*35'10" W 2644.40' N 89*35'05" E 2652.38 CENTER 1/4 SECTION CORNER FOUND 3 1/4!' BRASS DISK IN RANGE BOX PER MONUMENTL.S. RECORD13212 12-04-14 28669 ffflr '%I. LAP I inch = 40 ft JAMES M. WOOLDRIDGE P.L.S. 28669 THIS EXHIBIT DOES NOT REPRESENT A FOR AND ON BEHALF OF CROSSROADS SURVEYING, INC. MONUMENTED LAND SURVEY. IT IS ONLY TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRIP11ONS FOUND #6 REBAR/RANGE BOX SHEET 2 OF 2 CROSSROADS SURVEYING, INC fO25O W. MISSISSIPPI AVZ # 1106 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226 (720) 974-6088 Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes of January 15 Summary of Planning Commission action on Case No. WV -14-41 presentedMs. Mikulak zoning ordinance, t the digital presentation.t the public noticing and posting requirementsPlanning Commission finalCouncil which is the authority. reviewedstaff report the and digital presentation stated the purpose of the vacation which is to clear title allowing future sale of the Fruitdale Schoolproperty. The property owned by # ge Housing Authority. After the staff Commissioner TIMMS asked about the nature of the small accessory locatedbuilding stated been t as a caretaker's library,over the years. It is not subject to the historical designation be removed if not reused. Chair BRINKMAN asked why the property was not being rezoned to consolidate the multiple zone districts that cover the site. Ms. i +t. d M of the t..*t considered premature t user is certain. Chair BRINKMAN asked why historical designation had been sought since it can create an additional barrier to redevelopment. Ms. Mikulak indicated that the purpose of the Housing Authority's purchase preserve Chair BRINKMAN opened the public hearing. wished to speak.• i closed ! t ♦ ► • ! ! t !vacatrim ! x My Uly mterest in the t adjacent to, and potentially part of, " ! and adjacent! 10803 W. 44th Avenue, forfollowing ! proposed vacatiott leave any adjoining land without access to an established t t 2. The proposed vacation is in conformitymost '4. goals and policies of t! !n section of ! i plan of of Ridge. 3. The proposed vacation not impact ! of City of Ridge. 4. The proposed i !! i legal! t! ! facilitates the redevelopment of building. Attachment 2 ♦SAI City of Wh6atp,j,dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak DATE OF MEETING: January 15, 2015 CASE NO. & NAME: WV -14-01 / WRHA ACTION REQUESTED: Request for vacation of any city interested in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 44`h Avenue right-of-way and adjacent to 10803 W. 44'h Avenue LOCATION OF REQUEST: Southern property line of 10803 W. 44"' Avenue APPLICANT(S): Wheat Ridge Housing Authority PROPERTY OWNER(S): Wheat Ridge Housing Authority APPROXIMATE AREA: 6240.2 Square Feet (0.14 Acres) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial -One (C-1), Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3) PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant historic school building COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor / Public ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION LOCATION MAP Case No. WY --14-01 / WRHA Vacation Area All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WV -14-0 is an application by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority requesting vacation of any city interests ' the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 44th Avenue right-of-way and adjacent to th southern property line of Fruitdale School. The school is located at 10803 W. 441" Avenue (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The purpose of the request is to clarify the property's legal description which was originally written in the 1880s. The vacation, if approved, will help clear the title and allow sale of the property to a charter school operator. Section 26-118 of the code establishes that right-of-way vacations can occur by ordinance upon review by the Planning Commission and City Council. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS Fruitdale School Background The property at 10803 W. 40 Avenue was originally donated to Jefferson County School District in 1883 for use as a school. When the original school building was destroyed by fire in 1926, the school was designed and rebuilt by noted Denver architect Temple Buell. The original two-story, red brick structure was completed in 1927, and two wings were added in the 1950s. The building was used as an elementary school until 1978 and as a preschool until 2007. The building has been vacant since 2007 when the Norma Anderson Preschool was opened on the property to the east. The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA) purchased the building in 2011 to save it from demolition after the Jefferson County School District was unable to repurpose the building. Since then, WRHA has obtained grants from the State Historic Fund (SHF) to complete a structural assessment, preservation plan, and construction documents for critical restoration work. With assistance from Colorado Preservation Inc., Fruitdale School was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2013. The Authority has invested approximately $285,000 in the property including) T acquisition, site cleanup, a new roof, security and maintenance of the property, and in matching funds for SHF grants. million dollars are needed to address deficiencies and to repurpose the building. In 2013, WRHA commissioned a valuation and market assessment of the property to determine viable reuses for the property. This study indicated that a residential reuse of the building is not practical or economical; not surprisingly, it indicated that a school would be the most appropriate and viable reuse of the building. Based on this determination, the Authority solicited proposals for reuse through a Request for Information (RFI) process in 2014. Vacation Request As a result of the RFI, the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority is currently under contract to sell the Fruitdale School property to a public charter school operator. In preparing title work for the sale, a potential defect in the original 1883 legal description has been identified. Case No. WV -14-01 / WRHA 2 Based on the 1883 legal description, there is some confusion related to the southern property line that parallels W. 44th Avenue. Lot lines and right-of-way boundaries are supposed to be one and the saine, but the original legal description leaves some question as to whether there may be a gap or overlap. This confusion creates a potential claim that approximately 31 feet of the Fruitdale property might have been subject to a dedication as right-of-way (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The City's official right-of-way maps do not identify this area as right-of-way, and it is not used in any way by the City as right-of-way. Research is ongoing to determine if or when the City or County may have previously vacated this land. Meanwhile, in order to help clear title to this area and to facilitate the Authority's sale of the property, it is requested that the Council act to vacate any interest in this area. III. RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the right-of-way vacation criteria outlined in Section 26-118.13 of the municipal code. Before a vacation can be approved, the following findings of fact shall be made: 1. That the proposed vacation will not leave any adjoining land without access to an established public right-of-way. The proposed vacation affects only the Fruitdale School property and will not impact access to the property. The vacation will confirm that the right-of-way and property lines are one and the same which will ensure access between W. 44`x' Avenue and the school. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. That the proposed vacation is in conformity with the most recently enacted goals and policies of the transportation section oft1 the current comprehensive plan of the City of Wheat Ridge. wh The City's official maps in cate that the W. 441h Avenue right-of-way ranges from 66 to 71 feet in width in this location. The 'ght-of-way width encompasses all existing improvements. The vacation request does not act from this width and is consistent with the transportation considerations of the comprehensive plan. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. That the proposed vacation will not have a negative impact on the infrastructure of the City of Wheat Ridge. There is no physical change proposed in association with the vacation. The request will not have a negative impact on infrastructure. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 4. That adequate easements have been reserved for use and/or maintenance by the city or other utility agencies. Case No. WV -14-01 / WRHA Adequate easements and right-of-way are in place to accommodate existing public improvements. No additional easements are required. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed the legal description and exhibit associated with this request and has no concerns (Exhibit 2, Vacation Exhibit). VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed vacation will not leave any adjoining land without access to the public right-of-way. Staff further concludes that the vacation is in conformity with the most recently enacted goals and policies of the comprehensive plan and that the vacation will not have a negative impact on the infrastructure of the City of Wheat Ridge. Finally, staff concludes that the vacation is a cleanup of conflicting legal descriptions and that no additional easements are needed to accommodate existing public improvements. The right-of-way vacation criteria have been met, and therefore staff recommends approval of the request. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WV -14-01, a request for vacation of any city interested in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 44th Avenue right-of-way and adjacent to 10803 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed vacation will not leave any adjoining land without access to an established public right-of-way. 2. The proposed vacation is in conformity with the most recently enacted goals and policies of the transportation section of the current comprehensive plan of the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. The proposed vacation will not have a negative impact on the infrastructure of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. The proposed vacation clarifies conflicting legal descriptions and facilitates the redevelopment of a vacant rorty." 1 �^ Option B: J "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WV -14-01, a request for vacation of any city interested in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 44th Avenue right-of-way and adjacent to 10803 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. ..." Case No. WV -14-01 / WRHA 4 EXHIBIT l: AERIAL In the image below, the red lines indicate the right-of-way lines based on the City's official right-of- way maps. The area that is subject to this vacation request is the 31 feet north of the right-of-way line outlined in yellow. This area is not used in any way by the City as right-of-way and is outside of any potential for such use. The vacation will confirm that the area in yellow is definitively not right-of- way and is in fact part of the Fruitdale School property which is outlined in blue. Fruitdale School Property Area Subject to Vacation Request Right -of -Way Line (Based on City's official ROW maps) Case No. WV -14-01 / WRHA EXHIBIT 2: VACATION EXHIBIT Property description for vacation area: A portion of the North One-half of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North Line of that certain property described in Reception No. 86049897 being the North Right -Of -Way Line of West 44th Avenue, said point also lying 642.56 feet North of the Center of Section on the North-South Centerline of said Section 21; Thence N 89°59'33" W along said North Right -Of -Way Line, a distance of 99.00 feet to the Southerly extension of the Westerly Line of that certain property described in Book 9, Page 451, Thence N 00°18'28" W along said Southerly extension of the Westerly Line, a distance of 30.88 feet to the Southwest Comer of said property; Thence N 89°41'32" E along the South Line of said property, a distance of 99.00 feet to a point on said South Line also being a point on the said North-South Centerline of said Section 21, Thence N 89°41'32" E continuing along said South Line, a distance of 99.00 feet to the Southeast Comer of said property; Thence S 00°18'28" E along the Southerly extension of the Easterly Line of said property, a distance of 32.33 feet to a point on said North Right -Of -Way Line of said West 44th Avenue; Thence N 891,46'59" W along said North Right -Of - Way Line, a distance of 99.00 feet to the Point Of Beginning and containing 6240.2 square feet or 0.14 acres more or less. Basis of bearings: The Basis of Bearings for the above described parcel of land platted on Fruitdale Patio Homes to be N 00009123" W from the East 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M to the Northeast Comer of said Section, said East 1/4 being a 3 1.4" brass cap and post set in range box stamped LS 13212 per monument record and the NE Comer being stamped 13212 1984 per the monument record. Case No. WV -14-01 / WRHA 6 EXHIBIT A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE Op COLORADO Q NORTH 1/4 SECTION CORNER NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS DISK FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE L.S. 13212 IN RANGE BOX LS. 13212 PER MONUMENT RECORD zz PER MONUMENT RECORD I ui I 'o I I PIN 0 o 0 PIN 39-212-00-095 !z i o 1 I SOUTH PROPERTY LINE _ BOOK 9, PAGE 451 #y N 89"41`32* E 99.00' N 89 4!'32" E 99.00' w I 6240.2 SO. FT. 0.14 ACRES !irk C I 0. mossamiullimI .• OW POINT OF BEGINNING # c3 " I N 89"46'59" W 99.0v 44TH AVENUE I S 894659" E 2654.02' (M) 97 66' I R.O.W. RECEPBTION'NO. 2009001396 I I FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS DISK to IN RANGE BOX L.S. 16837 PER MONUMENT RECORD 00 N sa ax z v) WEST 1/4 SECTION CORNEREAST 1/4 SECTION CORNER I m FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS DISK z I FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS DISK I IN RANGE BOX L.S. 13212 1 IN RANGE BOX L.S. 13212 PER MONUMENT RECORD S 89.35'10" W 2644.40' N 89"35'05" E 2652.38' PER MONUMENT RECORD CENTER 1/4 SECTION CORNER FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS DISK IN RANGE BOX L.S. 13212 ��1�i\�l`kt1141IRIIEI /'s' PER MONUMENT RECORD , 12-04-14 2:x3669 1 Inch = 40 ft. THIS EXHIBIT DOES NOT REPRESENT A JAMES M. WOOLDRIDGE P.L.S. 2866 MONUMENTED LAND SURVEY. IT IS ONLY FOR AND ON BEHALF OF CROSSROADS SURVEYING, IN TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTIONS lj� = FOUND #6 REBAR/RANGE BOX SHEET 2 OF I CROSSROADS SURVEYING, INC. 10250 W. MISSISSIPPI AVE. # 1106 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226 (720) 974-6088 WV -14-01 / WRHA Request for approval of a vacation of any City interest in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, W. 441h Avenue at 10803 W. 44t' Avenue Planning Commission January 15, 2015 . p f LZ rte• u Mpi NO1 View from W. 4411' Avenue r:. waodhnve � J OJE I. Aerial Recent History 2011 — Wheat Ridge Housing Authority purchased Installed new roof 2012 — State Historic Fund (SHF) grant for structural assessment 2013 — Listed on National Register Commissioned market study 2014 — Published Request for Information (RFI) M IN ■ i i _-` i.--�_—� W 44th Ave�- d Aerial Vacation Process Section 26-118 — Requires PC and CC hearings — Approved by ordinance Criteria — Will not cut off access for adjacent parcels — Conforms with comp plan transportation goals — Will not have negative impact on infrastructure — Adequate easements are in place, if needed Staff Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of the request City Council public hearing on January 26 PUBLIC NEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION January 15, 2015 Case No. WV -14-01; A request filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for vacation of any City interest in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the W. 44th Avenue right-of-way for property adjacent to 10803 W. 44th Avenue. (Please print) Name Address InFavor/Opposed NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on January 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. Individuals lvith disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City q1" Wheat Ridge. Call 11cather Geyer, Public Information Q1 ,ficer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in adz once of'a meeting ifyou are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. The following case shall be heard: Case No, W,V-14-01: A request for vacation of any city interest in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 44"' Avenue right-of-way. Said property adjacent to 10803 W. 44"' Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: A portion of the North One-half of Section 2 1, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North Line of that certain property described in Reception No. 86049897 being the North Right -Of -Way Line of West 44th Avenue, said point also lying 642,56 feet North of the Center of Section on the North-South Centerline of said Section 21; Thence N 89'59'33" W along said North Right -Of -Way Line, a distance of 99.00 feet to the Southerly extension of the Westerly Line of'that certain property described in Book 9, Page 451, Thence N 00118'28" W along said Southerly extension of the Westerly Line, a distance of 30.88 feet to the Southwest Coiner of said property, Thence N 89°41 "32" E along the South Line of said property, a distance of 99.00 feet to a point on said South Line also being a point on the said North-South Centerline of said Section 21, Thence N 89'41'32" E continuing along said South Line, a distance of'99.00 feet to the Southeast Comer of said property; Thence S OO'l 828" E along the Southerly extension of the Easterly Line of said property, a distance of 32.33 feet to a point on said North Right -Of -Way Line of said West 44th Avenue; Thence N 89'46'59" W along said North Right - Of -Way Line, a distance of 99,00 feet to the Point Of Beginning and containing 6240,2 square feet or 0.14 acres more or less. Basis of hearings: The Basis of Bearings for the above described parcel of land platted oil Fruitdale Patio Homes to be N 00°09'23" W from the East 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M to the Northeast Comer of said Section, said East 1/4 being a 3 1.4" brass cap and post set in range box stamped LS 13212 per monument record and the NE Comer being stamped 13212 1984 per the monument record. p,mer, Admiiiisma�vvc As,,,osiant CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS IJEREBY GIVEN that the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on January 26, 20,15 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Municipal Building at 7500 West 29"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to consider Case No. WV -14-01, a request for a vacation of any city interest in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 441h Avenue right-of-way. Said property adjacent to 10803 W. 44t" Avenue. The proposed ordinance is available in electronic form on the City's official website, www.ci.xvhcatrid w.co.us, Legal Notices. Copies are also available in printed for in the Community Development Department. Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, January 8, 2015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on January O��!-! at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of , , t Avenue, 15 the Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29t Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. Individuals ivith disabilities are encouraed to participate in allpublic meetings sponsored by the City of 11'heat Ridge. Call IIeather Geyer, Public lilforination Qfficer at303-235-2826 at least one iveek in advance oJ'a ineeting ifyou are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance, The following case shall be heard: Case No. WV -14-01: A request for vacation of any city interest in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 44"' Avenue right-of-way. Said property adjacent to 10803 W. 44"' Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows - A portion of the North One-half of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of'Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North Line of that certain property described in Reception No. 86049897 being the North Right -Of -Way Line of West 44th Avenue, said point also lying 642.56 feet North of the Center of Section on the North-South Centerline of said Section 21; Thence N 89'59'33" W along said North Right -Of -Way Line, a distance of 99.00 feet to the Southerly extension of the Westerly Line of that certain property described in Book 9, Page 451, Thence N 0011828" W along said Southerly extension of the Westerly Line, a distance of 30.88 feet to the Southwest Coiner of said property; Thence N 89'41'32" E along the South Line of said property, a distance of 99.00 feet to a point on said South Line also being a point on the said North-South Centerline of said Section 2 1, Thence N 89°41'32" E continuing along said South Lille, a distance of 99.00 feet to the Southeast Comer of said property; Thence S 0018,28" E along the Southerly extension of the Easterly Line of said property, a distance of 32.33 feet to a point on said North Right -Of -Way Lille of said West 44th Avenue; Thence N 89'46'59" W along said North Right - Of -Way Line, a distance of 99,00 feet to the Point Of Beginning and containing 6240.2 square feet or 0.14 acres inore or less. Basis of bearings: The Basis of Bearings for the above described parcel of land platted on Fruitdale Patio Homes to be N 00'09'23" W from the East 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P,M to the Northeast Comer of said Section, said East 1/4 being a 3 1.4" brass cap and post set in range box stamped LS 13212 per monument record and the NE Comer being stamped 13212 1984 per the monument record, ivv ora tea #zart 6» rN&'Ilinisi rat we Assistint CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Wheat Ridge Planning Corlimission will conduct a Public Hearing on January 15, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Municipal Building at 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to consider Case No. WV -14-01, a request for a vacation of any city interest in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 441h Avenue right-of-way. Said property adjacent to 10803 W. 44"' Avenue. The proposed ordinance is available in electronic form on the City's official website, www.cLwheatridg.co.us, Legal Notices. Copies are also available in printed form in the Community Development Department, Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, January 1, 2015 City of Wham:at Rog LETTER NOTICE CERTIFICATION (as required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.D) Case No.: V-14-01 Date of Plannin Commission hearing: 4gnua 15 2015 Date ofCit Council hearing: Janus 26 2015 I I 1 Wa Winer, Administrative Assistant, Communit Develo meat De artmnthereby certify that I mailed a total of 63 letters on December 30 2014 to the attached recipient list at least 15 days prior to a scheduled public hearing. Signature: Date. ` 3c)j I q City of Wheat�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.13) December 30, 2014 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WV -14-01 a request for vacation of any city interest in the land adjacent to, and potentially part of, the West 44th Avenue right-of-way for property located adjacent to 10803 W. 44th Avenue. These requests are scheduled for public hearings in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission January 15, 2015 6a 7:00 p.m. City Council January 26, 2015 Q) 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of ffheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. WV 1401.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Vicinity slap Site MMD APARTMENTS LLC HOLSTEIN CHESTER L JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL 2517 TAFT CT HOLSTEIN ROSA L DIST RI LAKEWOOD CO 80215 3995 EASLEY RD 1829 DENVER WEST DR GOLDEN CO 80403 GOLDEN CO 80401 CANNON CLINT D 5240 JUNIPER CT GOLDEN CO 80403 GONZALES CARLOS J GONZALES EVAN A 10860 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FRUITDALE BAPTIST CHURCH STEPHENS JIM 10555 W 44TI-I AVE STEPHENS MICHAEL WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 VAUGIINTAFFY 31488 CONIFER MOUNTAIN DR CONIFER CO 80433 FICCO LOUIS J 3650 VANCE ST I WHEAT` RIDGE CO 80033 THRASH MARY G 10940 W 44TFI PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SHERRILL RICHARD C SHERRILL SHELLEY K 3228 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WRIGHTTHOMAS WRIGHT SUSAN 9625 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 s,rREETDIANNE ELIZABETH 10938 W 45TH AVE WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 SANTOSCOY DEIRDRE A 3205 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BLOSSER JOELY A 10940 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STRANFORD J A JR, 3220 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 TABRIZI MAKAN A 4342 OWENS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FRUITDALE CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION WEST 45Tli AVENUE LLC 7100 GRANDVIEW 10 AR VADA CO 80002 ROMERO GILBERT VOS JOHN ERIC ROMERO FELIX R 10760 W 44TH AVE 7743 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 AR VADA CO 80003 ROBERT PRALL QPRTTRUST DAHL CARL ROBERT MARY M PRALL QPRT TRUST DAHL SUSAN TIGNOR 3225 IRIS CT 3215 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STREMEL ROBERT L STREMEL LEXIE K 10770 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MCALEER, TERRANCE MCALEER, ANN M 3245 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CARPENTER THOMAS CARPENTER ALICE 3310 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FRANKS GREGORY E 4375 NEWCOMBE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GAMMON JOHN D GAMMON DEANNA 1, 3305 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 TRUJILLO INDALESIO B TRUJILLO ODILA MKRAPES DAVID A 10991 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENINGER GILBERT M DENINGER, MARY J 4342 BROOK WOOD DR HIGHLANDS RANCH CO 80130 R & J ASSOCIAXES TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY 2520 GOLDEN CO 80419 DEVRIES RICHARD D DEVRIES DIANE M 4300 PARFET ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 NENE HOLDINGS LLC CLEARWATER TOWNHOME CONDO BLUE SKY III LLC 4608 W 36TH AVE ASSOC INC 10047 ALLISON DENVER CO 80212 TREASURER BROOMFIELD CO 80021 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 INDOOR SPORTS COMPLEX LLC GIBBONS ASHLEY RENEE 10900 INVESTMENT 19181 STATE HWY 8 GIBBONS JASON MANAGE MENTLLC MORRISON CO 80465 10942 W 45TH AVE 6504 MOSS CIR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ARVADA CO 80007 oTA GEORGIA MCKEARNAN NEIL J VECCHIARELLI GENEVIEVE E 10936 W 45TH AVE 1.700 GLEN MOOR DR VECCHIARELLI JAMES P WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10750 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LOBDELL PHYLLIS M JEFFERSON COUNTY PAULA B HARGRAVE COLORADO 10720 W 45TH AVE 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY REVOCABLE TRUST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PKWY 3224 JELLISON sT GOLDEN CO 80419 WHEAT RIDGE CO, 80033 COVINGTON SAM G MYRON MARGARET ROSE ANTHONY H 10840 W 45TH AVE 10820 W 45TH AVE 9799 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WRIGHT TOM WICKERSHAM WILLIAM E JR HELTEN RONALD J WRIGHT SUSAN WICKERSHAM CLEOTILDE M HELTEN MARY ROSE 9625 W 32ND AVE WILSON 10231 PRESTWICK TRL 3295 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LONE TREE CO 80124 VALLEY BOYS LLC MARTINEZ BENITO Q PISNEY MICHAEL 10710 W 44TH AVE MARTINEZ DEBBIE L STEPHENS KELLEEN WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 14369 W 69TH PL 9801 W 32ND AVE ARVADA CO 80004 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MORRIS WALTER L GHANI MOHAMMED A RDVK LLC MORRIS ROSE A GHANISAYEEDA PO BOX 391 3285 INDEPENDENCE CT 6101 PHEASANT CT KIOWA CO 80117 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FORT COLLINS CO 80525 10810 44TH LLC TORRENCE WILLIAM C REGRUT MICHAEL W 17454 W 67TUI AVE FARNUM DEBORAH L 8548 67TH PL ARVADA CO 80007 17494 W 43RD DR ARVADA CO 80004 GOLDEN CO 80403 ALLEN FREDERICK L ANDERSON HOLLY J DICK T & CHARLENE S ALLEN SUSANNE G 10921 W 44TH AVE MORISHIGE REVOC TRS I" 10756 LIVING TON DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 1909 PARFET ESTATES DR NORTIIGLENN CO 80234 GOLDEN CO 80401 PALT JOSEPH DE MOT F QUALIFIED LARSON NANCY L PERSONAL 3240 IRIS CT ANGELATHERESA DE N10-rl- QUALIFIED PERSONAL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3229 JLISON ST WI IEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DUREN MICHAEL DENNIS 3210 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 8003 )3 Owner 1 lOwner 2 Owner 3 IC—Pany IMallingAddress St iSbreet Name [Type jUnit lCity IState lZip lPropertyAddress iSt Street Name [Type lCityState 23 Use MMD APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10939 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10933 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME HOLSTEIN CHESTER L HOLSTEIN ROSA L 3995 EASLEY RD GOLDENCO 80403 10911 W 44TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR MMID APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10917 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DIST R1 1829 DENVER WEST DR GOLDEN CO 80401 VACANT LAND CANNON CLINT D 5240 JUNIPER CT GOLDEN CO 80403 10890 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI GONZALES CARLOS J GONZALES EVAN A 10860 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10860 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 MULTI HEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 7500 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10803 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR FFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R 1 1829 DENVER WEST DR GOLDEN CO 80401 10801 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR STREMEL ROBERT L STREMEL LEXIE K 10770 W 45TH WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033_ 10770.W AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI FRUITDALE BAPTIST CHURCH 10555 W 44TH _AVE AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10555 W _45TH 44TH SAVE WHEAT RIDGE CO _ 80033 COMMR STEPHENS JIM STEPHENS MICHAEL VAUGHN TAFFY 31488 CONIFER MOUNTAIN DR CONIFER CO 80433 VACANT LAND MCALEER TERRANCE MCALEER ANN M 3245 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3245 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID FICCO LOUIS 3650 VANCE ST 1 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3205 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PICCO LOUIS J 3650 VANCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3230 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SANTOSCOY DEIRDRE A 3205 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3205 INDEPENDENCICT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID CARPENTER THOMAS CARPENTER ALICE 3310_ INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3310 INDEPENDENCICT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID WW APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10941 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME THRASH MARY G 10940 W 44TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10940 W 44TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10929 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME MO APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10923 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME BLOSSER JOELY A 10940 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10940 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME HEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 7500 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10803 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR FRANKS GREGORY E 4375 NEWCOMBE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4375 NEWCOMBE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SRUITDALE BAPTIST CHURCH 10555 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10555 W 44TH SAVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SHERRILL RICHARD C SHERRILL SHELLEY K 3228 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3228 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID STRANFORDJ AJR 3220 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3220 JELLISONST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID GAMMON JOHN D GAMMON DEANNA L 3305 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3305 INDEPENDENCICT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID WRIGHT THOMAS WRIGHT SUSAN 9625W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9625W 32ND AVE WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 RESID TA8RIZ1 MAKAN A 4342 OWENS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4340 OWENS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI TRUJILLO INDALESIO B TRUJILLO ODILA M KRAPES DAVID A 10991.W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10995 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR MMD APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10947 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10949 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME STREET DIANNE ELIZABETH 10938 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10938 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME FRUITDALE CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIA- WEST 45TH AVENUE LIMITED LIABILITY C- 7100 GRANDVIEW 10 ARVADA CO 80002 VACANT LAND WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENINGER GILBERT M DENINGER MARY J 4342 BROOKWOOD OR HIGHLANDS RA CO 80130 10810 W 44TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR ROMERO GILBERT ROMERO FELIX R 7743 NEWLAND ST ARVADA CO 80003 10805 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 7500 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10803 W AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR IEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DIST R1 1829 DENVER WEST DR GOLDEN CO 80401 10801 W _44TH 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR VOS JOHN ERIC 10760 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10760 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID R 8 J ASSOCIATES TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY 2520 GOLDEN CO 80419 VACANT LAND ROBERT C PRALL OPRT TRUST MARY M PRALL OPRT TRUST 3225 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3225 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID DAHL CARL ROBERT DAHL SUSAN TIGNOR 3215 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3215 IRISCT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID A6NTOSCOY DEIRDREA 3205 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3205 INDEPENDENCICT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID DEVRIES RICHARD D DEVRIES DIANE M 4300 PARFET ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10930 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 COMMR NENE HOLDINGS LLC 4608 W 36TH _ AVE DENVER CO 80212 10900 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR CLEARWATER TOWNHOME CONDO ASSOC INC TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 VACANT LAND LEARWATER TOWNHOME CONDO ASSOC INC TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO _ 80419 VACANT LAND MD APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10925 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME KIM APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10913 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME CLEARWATER TOWNHOME CONDO ASSOC INC TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 VACANT LAND BLUE SKY III LLC 10047 ALLISON BROOMFIELD CO 80021 10740.W 44TH AVE RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR INDOOR SPORTS COMPLEX LLC 19181 STATE HWY 8 -MORRISON CO 80465 10601 W 44TH AVE _WHEAT WHEAT RIDGE CO _ 80033 COMMR MMD APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10937 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME GIBBONS ASHLEY RENEE GIBBONS JASON 10942 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10942 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME MO APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10919W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME 10900 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC 6504 MOSS CIR ARVADA CO 80007 10900 W 44TH PL -WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR OTA GEORGIA 10936 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10936 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME HEAT RAGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 7500 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10803 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR MCKEARNAN NEIL J 1700 GLEN MOOR OR LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10800 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI VECCHIARELLI GENEVIEVE E VECCHIARELLI JAMES P 10750 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10750 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI LOBDELL PHYLLIS M 10720 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10720 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI JEFFERSON COUNTY 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 9307 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80215 PAULA B HARGRAVE COLORADO REVOCABLE 3224 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3224 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID MD APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10943 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME MMD APARTMENTS LLC COUNTY SCHOOL DIST R1 2517 1829 TAFT DENVER WEST CT DR LAKEWOOD CO GOLDEN CO 80215_ 80401 10927W 10801 W 44TH 44TH AVE AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME 80033 COMMR HEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 7500 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10803 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR COVINGTON SAM G 10840 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10840 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI MYRON MARGARET 10820 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10820 W 45TH -AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI GTRANFORD J AJR 3220 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3220 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID IN Owner 1 lOwner 2 lOwner 3 lCompony iMailingAddress iSt ifteet Name [Typo Unit lCity ]State[Zip Property Address ISt iStreet Name IType [City istate I Zip juse ROSE ANTHONY H 9799 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9799 W _32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID WRIGHT TOM WRIGHT SUSAN 9625 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3235 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID WICKERSHAM WILLIAM E JR WICKERSHAM CLEOTILDE M W 3295 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3295 INDEPENDENCICT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID NIMD APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10935 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME D APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10931 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME HELTEN RONALD J HELTEN MARY ROSE 10231 PRESTWICK TRL LONE TREE CO 80124 4350 OAK ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI VALLEY BOYS LLC 10710 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10710 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE.CO 80033 COMMR MARTINEZ BENITO 0 MARTINEZ DEBBIE L 14369 W 69TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 10612 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R 1 1829 DENVER WEST DR GOLDEN CO 80401 10801 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR PISNEY MICHAEL STEPHENS KELLEEN 9801 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9801 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID MORRIS WALTER L MORRIS ROSE A 3285 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3285 INDEPENDENCICT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID GHANI MOHAMMED A GHANI SAYEEDA 6101 PHEASANT CT FORT COLLINS CO 80525 4341 OWENS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI RDVK LLC PO BOX 391 KIOWA CO 80117 10852 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE* CO 80033 COMMR 1081044TH LLC 17454 W 67TH AVE ARVADA CO 80007 10810 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR TORRENCE WILLIAM C FARNUM DEBORAH L 17494 W 43RD GOLDEN _ __ _CO __80403 _ 4351 _OAK .ST WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 MULTI REGRUT MICHAEL W 8548 67TH _OR PL ARVADA CO 80004 4440 PARFET ,ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10945 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME ALLEN FREDERICK L ALLEN SUSANNE G 10756 LIVINGSTON DR NORTHGLENN CO 80234 10951 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME ANDERSON HOLLY J 10921 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10921 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME D APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 10915 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOME DICK T & CHARLENE S MORISHIGE REVOC TRS 1909 PARFET ESTATES OR GOLDEN CO 80401 10880 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE�CO 80033 MULTI 1044TH LLC 17454 W 67TH _AVE ARVADA CO 80007 10810 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE,CO _ 80033 COMMR ALLEY BOYS LLC 10710 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10710 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR JfiMRSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R 1 1829 DENVER WEST DR GOLDEN CO 80401 10801 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR PAUL JOSEPH DE MOTT QUALIFIED PERSONAL ANGELA THERESA DE MOTT C 3229 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3229 JELLISON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID LARSON NANCY L 3240 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3240 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID CO LOUIS 3650 VANCE ST 1 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3220 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 IRCCO LOUIS J 3650 VANCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3210 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID DUREN MICHAEL DENNIS 3210 INDEPENDENCE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3210 INDEPENDENCICT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID IN Lauren Mikulak From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 201411:27 AM To: 'Chad Harr'; 'Janice Thompson'; 'Jennifer Walter'; 'Thomas Abbott'; 'Tracy Langworthy' Cc: Kim Waggoner Subject: Fruitclale Update Happy (almost) New Year! Just a quick update regarding to Fruitdale. We are continuing to work with the charter school to advance to a closing hopefully at the end of January. You may see yellow public hearing signs on the property over the next several weeks, and this email explains why: Because the property was transferred to Jeffco Schools in the 1800s, there has been some confusion on the legal description as it relates to the southern property line that parallels W, 44 in Avenue, Lot lines and right-of-way boundaries are supposed to be one in the same, so there is neither a gap nor an overlap. The 1800s legal description leaves some question as to whether there may be a gap or an overlap. I A My 4� hearings. Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I'll see you January Thanks, Lauren E. Mikulak, AICP Senior Planner 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2845 Fax: 303-234-2845 Mffly.ci.wheatridge.co.us CAN, 4A, CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE; This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Ifyou are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. Ajo"%b6o. NM11A Wheat Ridge Housing Authority REQUEST HistoricRedevelopment/Reuse Historic•School 8 Wheat Ridge, • 80033 t redevelopmentire-use of the 1927 Fruitdale Schoohocated at 10801 W. 4411 Ave. in Wheat Ridge ! CO * It is seeking redevelopment plans for the adaptive re -use of the building that will revitalize one of the community's significant historic structures. This request is intended to provide the opportunity for interested developers/parties to demonstrate their interest and capability to develop such a project. nses the Request for This invitation, together with its Supplemental Information, romp * Information IRFI). The objective is for prospective developers or development teams to submit sufficient information so that the WRHA can select a short list of finalists who will be invited to present their project concepts to RH Aand other interested parties. •. responses are due by 5:00p.m. June0 2014.Late responsesnot #,. accepted. look forward to your submittal. Building History The Fruitdale School was designed by noted Denver architect Temple Buell and constructed in 1926-1927. Buell designed the Paramount Theater and original Cherry Creek mall among other notable Denver buildings. Buell designed the Fruitdale School after the original school, constructed in 1883, was destroyed by a fire in 1926. The Fruitdale School building is representative of Temple Buell's early work in the Denver area where he designed several school buildings after Fruitdale. Elements of the building such as I I P a g the decorative brickwork are typical of Buell's work. The original 1927 structure is a distinctive red brick, two-story building. The building, originally part of the Jefferson County School District, remained in use as an elementary school until 1978, The building was then used as a Jefferson County School District preschool until 2007 when the new Norma Anderson Preschool was opened adjacent to Fruildale. Additions were added to the original building on both the east and west sides of the building in 1954. The west addition, which houses a gymnasium, cafeteria and kitchen, remains. The east addition was removed in 2006 when the new preschool was built by the School District. There is also a one story frame and brick "caretaker's house" on the site. The land for the school was donated to the original school district in 1883. In the original 1883 deed conveying the land to the school district, the grantors of the land included a restriction in the deed that states if the building ceases to be used for school purposes it will revert to the grantors or their heirs. This deed restriction was determined by the WRHA attorney to still be legally enforceable, The WRHA could assist with addressing the deed restriction. Later in the RFI options for the deed restriction removal are discussed. JIM IMTT" MM 0 In early 2012, the WRHA obtained a grant from the State Historic Fund (SHF) for the 4evelopment of a Historic Structure Assessment and Preservation Plan (HSA) of the building SLATERPAULL ARCHITECTS were hired to develop the assessment which was completed in late 2012. The HSA identifies construction improvements necessary to restore the building to a habitable condition and the associated costs. Approximately $2.2 million in improvements were identified for the building divided in critical, serious and minor deficiencies. With assistance from CPI, Fruitdale School was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2013. The building is therefore eligible for federal historic preservation tax credits. A valuation and market assessment of the property was prepared by Butler Burgher Group, LLC in 2013 to assist the WRHA in determining the viability of converting the building into a housing use. This study includes an analysis of the highest and best use for the building looking at a range of uses. Upon review of this assessment, the WRHA decided not to pursue use of the building for housing given the cost and in consideration of other WRHA projects and available funds, As a result of this decision, the WRHA decided to solicit informational proposals for the reuse of the building. are available for review by parties interested in preparing a submittal for this project. 21 P age areas away from 440' ve. Y niily and a mix of no -residential minantly along el th Ave. .. property surrounded # # to #. south, housing to the north and a preschool to the east, to the west/southwest in Golden. Theneighborhood has itlt accessibility with primary roadwaysbeing the boundaries of "i t« to« The Regional Transportation District (RTD) has bus routes on 40 Ave. providing good transit service to the area. In addition, RTD's FasTracks Gold Line commuter rail end of line station will be located in Wheat Ridge off of Ward Rd. and 50th Pl. less than two miles to the northwest ofthe Fruitdale The Clear Creek greenbelt is located on the south side of 44th Ave. The greenbelt is a major asset tothe City with trails connecting tothe east andwestportionsRthe Denver metro area along the greenbelt. Prospect Park, a large City park, is located Y2 mile to the west of Fruitdale offering numerous recreational and leisure time activities. The 70,000 square foot Wheat Ridge Recreation Center is approximately one mile to the southeast of the site on Kipling St. The Fruitdale School building # 13,564squarehouse"additional 1,200 square feet bringing the total gross building area to 14,764. The buildings sit on 1.2 acre The site is located in the Valley Water District and the Frultdale Sanitation District. The Arvada Fire Protection District provides fire service to the area, The buildings are currently without any utility services, In preparing the building for demolition, the Jefferson County School District redirected the water and sewer lines to the new adjacent preschool. New water and sewer taps would need to be acquired. Current Conditions The Fruildale School building has been vacant since 2007, A new roof was installed on the building ! f Besides u•'" «. roof, buildinghasbeen 't against«. vandalismto the structure, Environmental'# # performed on building # !the JeffersonCountyo«« District in preparing the building for demolition. The playground for the Norma Anderson Preschool is currently located on land that is pari of the Fruitdale School property deeded to the WRHA. An agreement was entered into with the Jefferson County School District for use of this playground by the Preschool until the 3 1 Page reaevetopmenT MTMPMM, . I'' " qqm I F 7*T^ be moved. The location of the playground in relation to the Fruitdale parcel is outlined on the parcel map •"# with the RFI. r«• EI4MMUM701 The property on which the buildings sit is currently a mix of zoning including R-2, R-3, A-1, and C-1 zone districts. The property will need to be rezoned to accommodate a new use. int* to redevelopment of the site. The City of Wheat Ridge 2009 Comprehensive Plan, Envision Wheat Ridge, designates 40' Ave. in this area as a Neighborhood Commercial Corridor. These corridors ideally would contain a broad mix of activities, including small scale pedestrian friendly mixed-use retail, commercial • and residential, In 2007, a subarea plan was created for this section of 44 th Ave. entitled the Fruitdale Subarea Flan. The recommendations in the plan focus on encouraging the revitalization and redevelopment of properties along the corridor. In keeping with agricultural history of the area, gardening and related land uses are recommended particularly for the western portion of the corridor. Nodes of mixed-use neighborhood serving businesses are encouraged at a few key intersections along the corridor. The plan specifically supports finding a viable new use for the Fruitdale School building. The City of Wheat Ridge is an inner -ring suburb west of Denver with a population of approximately 31,000. Wheat Ridge provides a small community feel while still being near the center of the large Denver metropolitan area and is convenient to both the foothills and • The City has made concerted efforts to revitalize and reposition the City for redevelopment to create a community that will attract new home owners and • These efforts have proven to be successful with the ongoing revitalization of 38th Ave. into a much needed downtown and community gathering spot for the City. With reconfiguration of the roadway to create a • pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment, many new businesses have located along the corridor as well as new homeowners in adjacent neighborhoods taking advantage of 4 1 P a g e e emerging energy and identity of the redevelopment efforts taking place. ffleffisalm^ first time home buyers. The Authority does not currently own or operate any rental housing, including Section 8, with this function being handled in Jefferson County by the Jefferson County Housing Authority. I Project Vision The WRHA and the City of Wheat Ridge desires to see the redevelopment of the historic building to a viable new use for the community. The redevelopment would ideally preserve the historic features of the structure and work to restore many of the original elements of the building. Despite this desire, the WRHA is interested in receiving submittals for all potential ideas for use of the building without limitation including ideas that would involve demolition of the building and development of the vacant land. Suggestions for creative or innovative uses of the site of encouraged. Relgvant Documents Various documents regarding Fruitdale School are either included as part of the RF1 packet or are available for review in person at the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building. Some may be found on the WRHA website at hftp:LAwA_rw.!�t.wheatridge.co.M§Linoex.aspx?nid=265 A complete list of relevant documents can be found at the end of this RFI. WRHA/Ci!y of Wheat Ridge Participation in Project The WRHA is willing to be a joint applicant, where appropriate and necessary, for government or non-profit grant applications. The building could potentially qualify for Historic Tax Credits, New Market Tax Credits and Low Income Housing credits. The WRHA could assist in exploring or obtaining these tax credit incentives. 5 1 P �i g e ININ i I IM WIN 11 111111 p � III I Publication and distribution of the RFI: Site tour (mandatory) RFl Addendum deadline* RFI response deadline: Review period: Notification and scheduling of potential interviews: Selection announcement: R919BffMz1;J March 28, 2014 April 4, 2014 June 30, 2014 July I - 11, 2014 July 14 - 18, 2014 July 25, 2014 Evaluatigg,E_rocess The intent of the RFl step of this developer selection process is to identify qualified parties interested in implementing the vision and concepts outlined in this RFL The selection of a qualified developer will be based generally upon their credentials, relevant experience with similar projects, the financial capacity to implement such a project and the timeline for project completion. The WRHA staff and other City staff will conduct the review and selection process. The WRHA reserves the right to request clarification or additional information from individual respondents and to request some or all respondents to make presentations to the WRHA Board. Evaluatign 9dLed?l Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria. This is not an exhaustive list but a general indication of the main benefits desired from this project, • The extent to which the proposed use maintains the historic use of the building for learning purposes • The extent to which the proposed use maintains and preserves the historic architecture and design of the building • Specificity and certainty of funding sources and overall project financing plan • Demonstrated marketability of the proposed use, particularly if the use is speculative • Financial resources and stability of entities providing funding for the redevelopment • Amount of assistance requested from the WRHA or the City • Timeframe proposed to reach final redevelopment of the property • Stability and tenure of proposed final owner/occupant(s) • Qualifications and experience of project team in executing similar projects • References "9,- OAA't!LEdb1JU-P=5 219 Gill 0 The Authority reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional information from any respondent. 6 1 P a g e • The Authority will determine from information submitted in the responses, the most qualified developer or development team to meet the stated goals as evaluated under the criteria set forth herein. • The issuance of the RFI and receipt and evaluation of submissions do not obligate the Authority to select a developer and/or enter into any agreement. • Any submission does not constitute business terms under any eventual agreement. • The Authority will not pay costs incurred in responding to this RFL • The Authority may cancel this process without liability at any time prior to the execution of any agreement. • The Authority has the ability to award the contract to multiple developers, depending on the developer's expertise or specialization. • The Authority reserves the right to reject any and all RFI respondents at any time and to terminate any negotiations implied in this RFI or initiated subsequent to it. [C -M -.3 iT, I k 11-C-1 M.-J;C#J I I JOAMA40 Submittal Reguirements: The proposal must include responses to the following: 7j P a g e be considered. p r v li-titln,,-tt,-JLtT,*-30.-2044-. City of Wheat Ridge Aftn. Sally Payne 7500 W. 2e Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 A site tour is required of all respondents and is tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2014. Project ContactIguestions: For further information regarding this RFP and the Fruitdale School, contact Sally Payne, WRHA Deputy Director, at 303-235-2852 or Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director at 303 235-2844. No contact with members of the WRHA Board may be made. Any contact shall disqualify the applicant. WIWORAL NTAL INFORMATION Supporting Documentation/Materials: The following documents are included or are available for review from the City to use in the preparation of your proposal: • Site/parcel maps (included with RFI) • Architectural renderings (available for review at Wheat Ridge City Hall) • State Historic Fund - Historic Structure Assessment as prepared by SLATERPAULL Architects (available on City website) • State Historic Fund - Construction documents (draft, possibly final - available for review at Wheat Ridge City Hall) • BBG Market Assessment Fruitdale School (available on City website) • City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan (available on City website) • Fruitdale Subarea Plan (available on City website) 1 70WZTO��� 8 1 P a g e Fruitdale School Location Map 911'ai-,c Fruitdale School Site Map 101 Fruitdale School Fruitdale School 121Page Fruitdale School 131PaLc 4f VCity of ]�qrWh6atR�e LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 291h Avenue * Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 0 Phone (303) 235-2846 (please print or type all information) Applicant V City Y Address_75 Plione_3D3-235-2845 State_jaQZipjgD33_ Owner--$A—mg agAbDvg_ Address_ Phone City , State Zip_ — Fax Contact_Laurgn_MiKWAL3gnQLplaDnff Address Phone _3Q3 -215-2B45 City State Zip_ Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application. provide additional infiormation when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staffreport prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements, incomplete applications will not be accepted 0 Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: MaJor (More than 5 lots) 0 Flood Plain Special Exception Cl Site Plan approval 01'emporary, Use, Building, Sign 0 Lot Line adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval Cl Variance/Waiver (from Section 0 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 0 Other: Detailed description of request: Assessors Parcel Number:_39- 2j2-Qo-Q95_ Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 12 Current Zoning: C-1 and A-1 Proposed Zoning:_nD_QhaD9e Current Use: yag���.... Proposed Use:_agbppL I certij,i� that the htfi)rniation anil exhibits herewith stibinitte4l (ire true and correct to the best Qf tttV know/e(lAze anel that infiling this awlication, I urn OCH14,11 with the kiwn,ledge and consent of those p -sons fisted have, without whose consent the requested action cannot laic ht ly be accomplished ApjVicants other than onwers tnusi submit p wer hornet",, fit th acct r which api.7roved of /his action on his beha�l' Notarized Signature of Applicant State of Colojdak ss County of The foregoing instrament (LLaajfliAdjt,j�s�e �Processin�!I) %vas acknosviedged KIM WAGGONER by m h' day, of k46VSW, 20 04 by NQo OTARY PUBLIC I A 1�� STATE OF cOL0,W0 Not ik-Vu b -i -tic • My commission res To be filled out by taff: Date Comp Plan Related Case No. Fee S Receipt No. Zoning--- Pre -App Mfg, Date_,_—Wt* Case No. -AV7N--RL----.-- Quarter Section Map," IOU Case Manager Case No. WV1401 £ Rate Received 121812614: Related Cases - ,., w. a,. Case Mikulak Case Gescri tierRegrest for va�aton of _a.n. y_ City interest in the land adjacent'to,.. and p.o. tentially p.wart of, the.aW. . 44th Avenue right-of-way. raj* . ,rrraflrrN" ywohim Name Wheat Ridge HousingAut Name . .. ._; i p ly 003j 235-2845 .. . Address 7500W. 29th Ave,City Wheat Ridge State Co ; zip :bbb33. Name +heat Ridge Housing AuC Name Phone tl, 235 2845 .. Address ,75C1QW.2JthAve. City Wheat Ridge ",) State ',.CC dip SQ033 Name Lauren M'ik'u'fa_k'_,'SeniofPfi Name Phone Address City . .. ,. ....rov State dip ...r. ...... ... ... ... ., .. ._. ,M.e .., ......._....... . Address 0661 � Street .1 W:'d4thA,venu � � ., � City Wheat Ridge State dip �SflU33 � �... Location Description Project Name. "Fruitdale Schoot ...... . .. , Parcel No Qtr Section tJistrrpt No ,�, 3921200095 NE21 Parcel No, lV „ 39212i?q 95 DOSectio NE21 Dis;trrctNa: Pie -App gate Neighborhood Meeting Date APR No: � Review Type Review Body Review gate [disposition Comments Report Public Hearing...........` �First Reading .. "r. .... ,. r .. _.� w . ubli+w Heanng �, ..... M. .. ..... _ .. _ . .. 3 t Case Disposition 1�] Disposition Crate r Conditrons of Approval Nates Res 4 Did# � ..�, � m.. 'Open StorStates Wheat Ridge Housing Authority 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 303-235-2846 To: Community Development Department From. Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Subject; "Vacation of W. 44`i' Avenue Date: December 8, 2014 The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority is under contract to sell the F'ruitdale School building to a public charter school operator (pruitdale Building Corporation). In preparing title work for the sale, a potential defect in the legal description has been identified. There is some inaccuracy in the original 1888 deed, creating a potential claim that approximately 1 feet of the property on the southern side, bordering; 44`°' Avenue, might have been subject to a dedication as right-of-way. The City's official right-of-way maps do not identify this area as right-of-way and it is not used in any way by the City as right-of-way. Research is ongoing; to determine if or when the City or County may have vacated this area of land. Meanwhile and in order to help clear title to this area and facilitate the Authority's sale o the property, it is requested that the Council act to vacate any interest of the City in this area..