HomeMy WebLinkAbout11880 W. 38th Place_ 1 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 0 C ZUF Job Address: Permit Number: 2.012069�6 14 No one available for inspection: Time (p AM Re -Inspection required: YesNo When corrections /have been made, caiffor re -in ction at 03 x45933 Date: U i 2 (( Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 4 City of i . gi ,j CommuNiTy DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building January 23rd, 2017 Owner/Occupant 11880 W. 38th Pl. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 RE: Previously permitted project plans available for retrieval — Permit 201501572 (New Single Family Home) Owner/Occupant, This letter is being sent to you because a project for which a permit was issued by the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division and plans and/or other documents were required was recently completed and approved. In accordance with the Building Division's document retention policy, the associated plans and/or other documents are scheduled for disposal. We are writing to offer you an opportunity to retrieve those approved plans and/or documents prior to their disposal by the Building Division. The plans and/or documents are available for retrieval for a period of 20 working days (4 weeks) from the date of this letter and must be retrieved in person at the Building Division offices. This letter must be presented at the time of retrieval of the plans and/or documents. Plans and/or documents available for retrieval CANNOT be mailed and plans and/or documents will NOT be available for retrieval after the expiration of the retrieval period, which is 60 days from the date of this letter. You may retrieve plans and/or documents between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Building Division offices located at 7500 W. 29th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. Cordially, Melissa Mackey Senior Pennit Technician 7500 W29th Avenue s Office Phone: 303-235-287 Fax: 303-237-8929 City of 1-11 h6 at Fide �CM.MUNrry DEVELOPMENT www.ci.w heatridge.com s ACNA at . . . . . . !ITYD+ LUWCONTRACTOR AUTHO• r 7777777 1 1 �r A rry " �rr2 0 r r.. IT- -M.- of Authotized Agent Date, *T,bis applicationmust be signed bysub-contractor the same. Y. City of Wh6atRi:�ce PUBLIC WORKS Date: Location- ATTENTION: BUILDING DIVISION I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a located at the above referenced address. Please note the comments checked below. L —Z Drainage: a. Drainage Letter & Plan required: Yes b. Site drainage/grading plan have been reviewed and are: —70 K 2. _L Public Improvements required & to be completed with project: a. street paving/patcbing: Yes No b. curb & gutter: Yes No c. sidewalk: Yes No d. Other (specify): Yes No 4 No refer to stipulations — Completed — Completed — Completed — Completed For items not constructed, the amount of funds taken in lieu of construction: $ Does all existing roadway/alley R.O.W. meet the standards of the City: V_ Yes No If not, what is required? If R.O.Wis required, has the deed been received: Yes No (see Note below) NOTE: All deeds must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. AEPRONTD: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and hereby approves this Pernut Application, subject to the stated requirements and/or attached stipulations. i attire Date 5 N NOT A PPROVED. The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and does not approve this Permit Application for the stated reason(s).- Signature David F. Brossman, P,L.S. Date 6, 1 Stipulations -Awl10 ERA T _�/ A Drainage Certification Letter accomparn Led by As -Built plans from the Engineer -of -Record shall be required prior to the issuance of the Certificate ofOccupancy. 8. NOTE: ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING I UBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AS A RESULT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED PER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, Cit} of WheatR�iqge_ City of )'heat Ridge Municipal building 7500 W, 291h Ave. Wheat Midge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235,2861 F, 3013.235.2857 PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENTFEES Date. Location of Construction Purpose of Construction - Single Family Commercial Multi -Family even m,,nl e e p essl Fee ..,...... 100.00 ( Required of all projects for document processing) SIn Ie F'artxi esld ee ies review Fee ,........ ,C6 uterx°eia tclti�F iI ie Fees: Review ofexisting or minimal technical documents: $20 ..,...... .00 Initial review' of technical civil engineering documents (Fee includes reviews of the I" and 2"' submittals):... ........ $60(t.00 ......... Traffic, Impact Study review Fee; (Fee includes reviews of the I" and 2" d subn ittals):.. , ......: .dI "Trip Generation Study Review Fee.., $200. 00 0 & M Manual Review & SMA Recording Fee,,. ...... ...____ ......$100.0() 'Each Application will be reviewed by staff once and returned far changes, If atter review of the second submittal changes have not been made to the civil documents or the Traffic Study as requested by stalf, further reviews to the fallowing Resubmittal Fees: of the Application will be sub* 3'd subinittal ('r'z initial review fee)- ......... .......e.....,,.....,..:... $300.00 Oar submittal (fall initial review fee) :... ..................... .................. $600X0 All subsequent submittals ....................... ...... ......... ......... 6 1FOO (Full initial review feed TOTAL REVIEW FEES (dile at time of Building Permit issuance): : PLEASE NOTE THAT IN' ADDITION 'I'C? ff[E ABOVE FEES, THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL LIGF'I S TNG D PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHINT PUBLIC RIGHT -OAF -WAS', Rev 12112 t`i€Ycs` i WIC lo Cit} Of Whet Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29v' Ave, Wheat Rid � 80033-8001 O1 R' 303.235,2861 l~: 303,2351857 'f`I"I('NFOR PUBLIC DATED: Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval Of the building ,address, this c s to info you tat existing Permit application forabove referenced frontage of said address shall b rest at public i pro vcments t �sra c acceptable condition, as determined b c fi ity cdamaged arra re cc�r�str ctle�rr to an f ext Ridge Public to c lssa arrcc of crtf tc fOccupancy, arks,l p mcra d prier Prior to anY construction carrarrarrcira g, the inspection to determine the existing crxditi City's f s ref he s u tr�c'ill conductan c p rc a rc�cr�rats t thisis ad acidres. If you have any questions please contact met 303.235.2864, Sincerely, David R Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer Cc: File Rev 2,108 KOV, V414� I I MMU Doud Subdivision, Filing 2, Lot ,kddress: )�pplicable survey conditions: FXD (surve foundation) NRS (survey prior to CO, ifwithin 2 feet of setback) DOUDI Oandscaping) DOLJD2 (setbacks) L'ot S. maximum buildmg Coverage (40%): —2LI-1 �' sq- -,7, sq. ft. Total proposed Building Coverage: % Required Provided setbacks: Front interior Side Side on Street/oPen space Interior Rear ------ =_ 1 t ^A A 1 4- perimeter Rear I ba gsetr Is the structure within 2 feet of minimum cks? _LLL�L— (if yes, add surveying condition FND) coniderations er GDP rchitectural review -w and/or open space tracts shall utilize same minimum Horne Of lots siding public- r -O space as front facades. architectural treatm S on side, *adc facing 17-0-w Or open ,ks shallvarY a rainimurn of 2.5 ft. No three adjacent homes or homes directlY across Front setbac ack. the street shall have the same front setb same architecturally detailed C, No two adjacent homes or homes across the street shall utilize the elevation. such as cornices, eaves, belt courses, bay windows, sills, canopies, Porches, C1, Architectural features may extend or project into a setback a maxim= of thirty inches. decks patios, and balconies ation shall have a minimum of 67% masonry: brick, brick vener, Q The first floor of the front elev I return (Minimurn 4' high) wainscoting stucC01 stones, stone veneer or synthetic Stone, with a ful on the sides of the hornes. '� Drv—wa reviewc nsi era S.,O ! C �e�xted 24' in width Ll Diiveways cannot ex Main •• • r• .• - Finished Basement Standard 3 Car Garaze— In NlWlt sr as ,w #M OP =RZ a .a CL m Cal OW) as CL 0 2v as aw' a , a a *a .01 int + • � a , e • . ar a a CL Mo elw OD G" t ! a • q D 3 g ci ry' tS — — ..wig . , . w a, w 00 v' CONEMENIS .40 MON A9" 4 21130 South tvanhoo Streot, Suite 5 .".WaSsenaar , Otonvor, Color. -Wo 80222-5710 .2#. * 'o. * «#i NUMM M I - I Subject: Soil and Foundation Study Proposed Residential Structure Lot 4, Block 1 Doud Overlook Wheat Ridge, Colorado Project Number 135265 �9= 303-759-8100 Fax 303-756-2920 www,agwassenaar.com 0' to 2' Fill, sand, medium dense, siltyw i M `# # # ME 0 M-• to water: 14 feet at the time of drilling Caved at 14 feet 2 •. after drillil III M 05511 1= STEN k-leomytGat zmley OA�eaal 01 UPRI15170 3011, arlu Irlelf 1waci structure performance. Standard Pacific of Colorado, Inc. Project Number 135265 January 31, 2014 Page 2 The foundation walls backfilled with on-site materials should be designed for a lateral earth pressure based upon an equivalent fluid density of 65 pounds per cubic foot (pcf]i for the "at rest" condition or 50 pcf for the "active" condition. The "active" condition should only be used where wall movements of at least 0.5% of the wall height are allowed. These values have been provided without considerations for sloping backfill, surcharge loading or hydrostatic pressures, Construction of a drain system and proper surface drainage as discussed later in this report may lower the potential of developing hydrostatic pressure in the backfill materials, Minor cracking of concrete foundation walls should be expected. For sites with a risk assessment of high or very high, we recommend an interior floor system engineered for expansive soils be constructed. An alternative to the use of an engineered floor system, such as soil modification to reduce the risk assessment, may also be considered. In addition, an engineered interior floor system is recommended for all finished areas or any other areas where floor movements cannot be tolerated, Standard Pacific of Colorado, Inc. Project Number 135265 January 31, 2014 Page 3 M If the Builder and/or Owner desires to construct a concrete slab -on -grade and accepts the risk slmvement, stas ##o# "'f bp y the exansive bo susurface materials shuld be construct using the following criteria: I ab obpp I Slabs should be separated from exterior walls and interior bearing members with a joint which allows free vertical movement of the slab. 2Slab bearing partitions should be constructed with a minimum 2 -inch void space. Stairways bearing upon the slab should be constructed in such a way as to allow at least 2 inches of slab heave, In the event of slab heave, the movement should not be transmitted directly through the partitions to the remainder of the #® 4. Where a forced -air heating system is used and the furnace is located on the slab, we recommend provision for a collapsible connection between the furnace and the duct work to allow for at least 3 inches of slab heave. Utility connections should also be provided with flexible connections capable of accommodating the same magnitude of movement as specified above. slab, however, the void spaces recommended are not intended to predict total slab moveme Care should be taken to monitor and reestablish partition voids and flexible connections wh necessary. We are available to provide further consultation regarding basement slab performan risk assessments. The crawl space ground surface should be sloped to the perimeter drain system. Trenching or itishimf#vt itf the crawl so�ace is m#t rec#mmeititz4, wnless a4raim system is 0;Iace4 ii-rlftae areas in such a manner to facilitate drainage. The recommended clearance from the crawl space ground surface to the engineered floor system should meet applicable codes as well as be increased by the recommended foundation void height. In addition, all plumbing lines should be isolated from the ground surface or foundation walls by at least the height of the previously recommended void thickness. Standard Pacific of Colorado, Inc. Project Number 135265 January 31, 2014 Page 4 During construction, the crawl space area should be checked for standing water or very moist conditions, construction debris, and other deleterious materials, If these conditions exist, the area should be evaluated and mitigated, as necessary. Crawl space areas should be constructed with consideration given to proper ventilation arr- moisture management. Provisions such as the installation of a vapor retarder should be utili to reduce the amount of moisture (humidity) in the crawl space air. The Client and any futu Owner should be aware that crawl space areas are subject to various air quality issues. consultant specializing in ventilation and air quality control should be contacted to provide a additional recommendations. Such recommendations are beyond the geotechnical scope of th, 1 study. The environmental division of A, G. Wassenaar, Inc, is capable of providing such service Refer to "Homeownees Guide To Moisture Management" by Tri -County Health Departme (Brochure Number S-323) for additional information. As a minimum, we recommend providing a subsurface drainage system around the lowest below grade area. The purpose of the drain is to collect water which may become trapped on the surface of the excavation and enter the basement or crawl space areas. A drain should be constructed similar to the attached drain detail (Figure 1) and should be uniformly sloped to a positive gravity discharge or sump. r carefully planned and maintained surface drainage, The following recommend ions should be implemented during construction and maintained by the Homeowner after the residence is completed: ?s much as practical during construction. 2. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the foundation should be maintained in such a manner as to provide for positive surface drainage away from the foundation, At completion of construction, we recommend a minimum fall away from the foundation of 6 inches in the first 5 feet. This slope should be continuous across the backfill zone. Standard Pacific of Colorado, Inc. Project Number 135265 January 31, 2014 Page 5 4. If lawn edging is used around the exterior of the foundation, it should Fn constructed in a manner to prevent ponding of surface water in the vicinity of t backfill soils. I 5. All drainage swales should be constructed and maintained a minimum of 5 fe-m away from the foundation on side yards and 15 feet away from the foundation back and front yards, Drainage swales should maintain a slope of at least 2% of the lot. Swales must not be blocked by fences, landscaping, path$ or oth Homeowner installed items. 6, Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of foundati backfill. i 7. Watering adjacent to the foundation should be reduced as much as practic Landscaping which requires excessive watering should not be located within feet of foundation walls. Main sprinkler lines, zone control boxes and drai should be located outside the limits of the foundation backfill. Sprinkler hea shod be positioned such that the spray does not fall within 5 feet of foundati walls. I ul 8. Plastic membranes should not be used to cover the ground surface immediately surrounding the foundation. These membranes tend to trap moisture and prevent normal evaporation from occurring, We recommend the use of a weed suppressant geotextile fabric. skill and care ordinarily exercised by practicing design professionals performing similar design services in the same locality, at the same time, at the same site and under the same or similar circumstances and conditions. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. The location of the test boring drilled and the laboratory testing performed for this study were designed to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of subsurface conditions for design purposes, Variations in subsurface conditions not indicated by the boring are possible and expected, Therefore, we should be retained to observe the foundation excavation and construction in order to verify or revise our recommendations. If unexpected subsurface conditions are observed by others during construction, we should be called to review our recommendations. i This report was prepared for the exclusive use of our Client for the sole purpose of providing Js geotechnical design criteria for the subject structure based upon the existing site conditions as encountered. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be Standard Pacific of Colorado, Inc. Project Number 135265 January 31, 2014 Page 6 considered valid for use by Others without written authorization from A. G. Wassenaar, Inc. In addition, the state of practice in geotechnical engineering is constantly evolving, Therefore, findings presented in this report should be reviewed and revised, if necessary, prior to actual construction. a= FIT, 154' D=nald . Tayib- nt MRC/DLT/lia Attachment: Figure I Statement of Services BACKFILL NOTES - 1. DRAIN MUST SLOPE TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET AND/OR TO SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING 2, SLOPE BOTTOM OF TRENCH AND PIPE AT A MINIMUM OF 1/8" PER FOOT (i.e. I%) & 3 OR 4 -INCH DIAMETER RIGID PERFORATED PVC PIPE (ASTM D2729 MINIMUM SCHEDULE 20), OR AN APPROVED SUBSTITUTE )NDATION 4. GRAVEL SPECIFICATION: 2" MINUS WASHED WALL ROCK/GRAVEL, POORLY GRADED WITH NO MORE THAN 30% PASSING THE 3/8"SIEVE AND NO MORE THAN 10% PASSING THE #4 SIEVE, OR AS APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER --SLIP SLIP JOINT 1611T '19010 w*' ruNiqlailm DRAIN GRAVEL - (SEE NOTE 4) c -A* Al WA 1 IN IN I M M' -4 A• PIPE AT HIGH POINT. —BACKFILL---/'� '44, SLOPE TO i DRAIN PIPE - (SEE NOTES #2 & 3) DRAIN MINIMUM AT LOCATION OF HIGH POINT, ESTABLISH BOTTOM OF DRAIN DO NOT EXCAVATE PIPE AT LEAST 4" BELOW WITHIN 1:1 LINE BOTTOM OF FOOTING OR PAD EXTENDING DOWN AND AWAY FROM CREATE MINIMUM 4" PATHWAYS THROUGH EDGE OF FOOTING OR UNDER THE FOOTING WITH SOLID PCV PIPE (NOTE 3) OR FOUNDATION VOID MATERIAL. THE PATHWAYS SHOULD BE BENEATH EACH WINDOW WELL AND AT APPROXIMATE 15 FOOT INTERVALS AROUND THE FOUNDATION. DR � FTG 1 INT-SOG MTF JULY 2010 NOTE: NOT TO SCALE A.G. Wassenaar Geotechnical and EnAronmental Consulta ts FOOTING FOUNDATION TYPICAL INTERIOR DRAIN DETAIL Manual S, D, Standard Pacific, Fireside Pura 5057 Equipment: Air Conditioner = Carrier Madel CA .3( A036****(A,B) Tran) Evaporator Carl = Carrier Model CMP *4221AL*+TEAR (3.5 Tan) Main trunk airflow: Largest LSmallest trunk diameter: Smallest runout diameter argest ! .Z Z4 F ♦ t i l Furnace Meat Mise ---Used 58 Degrees on Program 0 2 SR -420 ��ssmt R-42€1 Low 3 a, E3amt Craw to R-420 (Available SES x t /TEL) SPECIRCATION t a} "sum Sum, } } n .a rr,.mr VnIvL-vNt..AI.A(COUTI UN lis 59th 9 9 3 1700 ism 1900 2m 2106 9914 �.07� .��� .�`�� X23 Wat �. 8.932 t3.93 A,293 a77 f'070 x.833 �a.14 k 992 65,2 3 Ci 0 2414 o tsar2497t35 i6.t7 56:0048 MO&REM 0064 t3.iCi.My 1014 � �.2iffi �, 9i. @. 72 8.878 FS4i4 80895 8 82 8.329 4. Q.98 8 3017 96.Q42 t3„ .TC#2 8.l 8.886 i2.9 8 3898 8. 8 .,9 Q,92 d#.57 8;1 8225 8 T3617 9 a4� :171 OAW O. s ! 8. i0 0. 8MISS958 8.93.! O.t .2i 8 a 8. .� Q.985 Q.92 X9.9 C4t25 s�#7 `5. . 8.353 . 54 9 81298 8. 8. 89t8 .53 ii.882 8.978.. 82 0,294 8.388 p. 0 96.9 95.9 6.94 5 8. 82 8 2 8, 0, 4 o.os ca. u.595 .9.5 0.97 92a4 6024 as a7 8.03 8 s95 S a.t 8.972 .935.a .25 a, o293 T6M Detailed Cooling Capacities DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# CONTINUED CONEWNSER —ENTERING IV, EVAPORATORAJR 75(23,9) 85 (29,) t) we cap-Ity matt, 7 ie via matinlow CFM F ) .«tem 70 '* 1 8 a' 1 EEM).. 2 6,.2 3d1. t.f7 .7 29.3 .tit s.27,30 2577 1200 tie, li s.4 4 AD 16 9A 37.7 .2q ,tai 2111 2,98­34,19E135o J:J= Sensible Heat Gain = 28260 BTUs AC Delivers 30890 BTUs 28260/30890 = .914 or 8.6% over Standard Air Conditioner ter (Combined) CA13NA036�(A,B)+CNPV*4221AL*+TDR jet Number CA13NA036 --- (A,B) 13 SEER PURON AC lufacturer CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING facturer ' lacity ' 33000 city Hqh' Speed 0 city Low Speed 0 13 )sad 0 11 ad 0 tee Number 6395468 or wity ' 33000 ' Naffanty ' rity ' ' ' __ Droject Report r-fujuka 1 mu. otditudw rttumu ritubiuv rian ovot Designed By: Bob Guenther Project Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Client Name: Standard Pacific Company Name: Smith And Willis Heating And Air LLC Company Representative: Bob Guenther Company Address: 8450 Rosemary Company City: Commerce City, CO 80022 Company Phone: (303)688-4487 X- 102 Company E -Mail Address: bob@smithandwillis.com Reference City: Wheatridge, Colorado Building Orientation: Front door faces Northeast Daily Temperature Range: High Latitude: 39 Degrees Elevation: 5476 ft. Attitude Factor: 0.817 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Do( Bulb )8tet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum PU Bulb Differenc e Winter: 1 021 81% 30% 70 34.16 Summer: 91 59 15% 50% 75 -39 Ainvac IS an AU(;A apprWea aianuaj q ana aianuat vcomputer program� Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, And ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather m4y� vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. Y:\...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM Winter: 1 0.21 81% 30% 70 34.16 Summer: 91 59 15% 50°lam 75 -39.04 Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 9.90306 0.01000 Pressure prop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 fit. 0.1000 in.wg,/1001 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ,ft./miry 450 ft./ruin Maximum Velocity: 900 'ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Freight: 0 in. 0 in: Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Winter Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.350 AC/hr 0.250 AC/hr 122 CFM 122 CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.309 AC/hr 0.309 AC/hr Above trade Volume: X 29,195 Cu.ft. X 29,195 Cu.ft. 9,008 Cuft./hr 9,008 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 150 CFM 150 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM ---System 1 --- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 14.39 = (1.10 X 0.817 X 16.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent {gain Multiplier: -21.70 = (0.68 X 0.817 X -39.04 trains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 62.04 = (1,10 X 0.817 X 69.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: 0.250 AC/hr (122 CFM) Summer; Infiltration Specified: 0:250 AC/hr (122 CFM) a Supply Garage Open Crawl 0.06 8 283.8 Yes. Return Garage Open Crawl 0.06 8 22 Yes _._1_, ...... __w. Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM �Port i , I , Net' ft i Seni i La� I NO Sen! Sys 1 Sys - Sys� Duct Scope To; /To� Arew GaW Gaini Gainj Lossl C Htg F C 191' CFq Actj Iz Building 2.36 1,984 4,298 28,267 -2,274 28,267 55,590 1,066 1,200 1,200 System 1 2.36 1,984 41298 28,267 -2,274 28,267 55,590 1,066 1,200, 1,200 25x1 Duct Latent -217 0 Humidification 2,309 Zone 1 4,298 28,267 -2,057 28,267 53,281 1,066 1,200 1,200 12x16 i 1-Rec Room 929 1,321 -134 1,321 7,272 145 56 145 7,7 i 2-B93 5 177 518 -37 518 1,766 35 22 35 6 11 3-Bath 4 47 9 -5 9 296 6 0 6 4 4-Mech/ Storage 322 88 -61 88 3,109 62 4 62 5 5-Project lam 152 1,582 -231 1,582 2,720 54 67 67 6, 6-Mud Room 79 624 -165 624 1,768 5 27 35 6 7-Kitchen/Nook 399 6,708 -412 6,708 6,563 131 285 285 7,7,7, 8-Great Room 527 3,916 -101 3,916 5,916 118 166 166 7 7,7,7 9-Bath 3 48 152 -49 152 536 11 6 11 4 10-BR4/Opt Study 179 2,048 -104 2,048 3,749 75 87 87 7,7 11 -Entry 92 463 -152 463 1,715 34 20 34 5 12-Master BR 276 3,679 -50 3,679 4,199 84 156 156 7,7,7 13-BR 2 181 989 -106 989 1,616 32 42 42 7 14-Bath 2 71 171 -41 171 511 10 7 10 4 16-BR 3 191 1,895 -20 1,895 2,927 59 80 80 7,7 16-Laundry 61 311 -32 311 523 10 13 13 4 17-Library 269 2,183 -41 2,183 3,525 71 93 93 6,6 18-Master Bath 189 980 -156 980 2,526 51 42 51 6,6 19-WIC 1 51 283 -114 283 1,261 25 12 25 5 20-WIC 2 58 346 -46 346 783 16 15 16 4 Sum of room airflows may be greater than system airflow because Stem room airflow 0 tion ue the mater of iteattrl or cool'sn Y:\ ... \Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM 1111 111 1 11111qiiii�11'111111 , ---Duct Name: T-250, Effective Length: . Trunk 0.0003 12.9 275 0.000 Up: ST -240 55 14 0.010 0.000 Rect 1.5 10 0.0 0;000 Presize 267 6 0.200 0.520 ---Duct Name: "-240, Effective tive Le th:1.2 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 222 0,000 Up: ST -200 55 14 0.014 0.000 Rect 12 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 313 4.7 0.250 0.520 ---Duct blame: ST -200 Effective length: 2.3 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 369 0.000 Up: ST -140 55 14 0.013 0.000 Rect 2.3 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 359 9.3 0.230 0.520 --- Duct Name: ST -190, Effective length: 4.2 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 216 0.000 Up: ST -250 55 14 0.007 0.000 Rect 4.2 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 210 15.7 0.279 0.521 ___Duct Name: ST -180, Effective Length: 7. Trunk 0.0003 12.9 194 0.000 Up: ST -190 55 14 0.006 0.000 Rect 7.7 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 169 30.7 0.279 0.521 --- Duct Name: ST -170, Effective Length. 5.2 Trunk 0.0003 6.7 230 0.001 Up: ST -150 55 4 0.019 0.000 Rect 5.2 10 0.0 0.001 Presize 64 12.1 0.277 0.523 ---Duct Name: ST -160, Effective length: 9.7 Trunk 0.0003 12,9 141 0.000 Up: ST -180 55 14 0.003 0.000 Rect 9.7 10 0..0 0.000 Presize 137 38.7 0.279 0.521 --®Duct Name: ST -150, Effective length: 2.5 Trunk 0.0003 6.7 306 0.001 Up: ST -160 55 4 0.031 0.000 Rect 2.5 10 0.0 0.001 Presize 85 5.8 0.278 0.522 .------- Y:4 ...\Pian 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM ---Duct Name: ST -140, Eff( Trunk Up: ST -120 Rect Presize 12.9 1 10 4.70.280 0.520 37 t 0.018 0.0 --Duct Name: -240, Supplies: Kitchen/Nook, Fittings: 2.1, 4»H, 8-A2, 8-A2, Effective Length: 70.9 Runout 0.0003 7 266 0.003 Up: ST -260 55 5.4 0.011 9 03 011 Rnd 13.3 7.7 57.6 0.013 Presize 71 24.4 0.264 0.536 -a-Duct Name: SR -250, Supplies: Kitchen/Nook, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, Effective Length: 83.6 Runout 0.0003 7 266 0.004 Up. ST -340 55 5.4 0.010 0.012 Rnd 22.3 7.7 61.3 0.016 Presize 71 40.9 0,262 0.538 __.Duct Name: SR -260, Supplies: Kitchen/Nook, Fittings: 2-1,4-H, 8-A2, 8-A2, Effective Length: 94.6 Runout 0.0003 7 266 0.005 Up: ST -290 55 5.4 0.019 0.013 Rnd 24.0 7.7 70.6 0.018 Presize 71 44 0.260 0.540 ---Duct Name: SR -270, Supplies: Mud Room, Fittings: 2-1, 4-G, Effective Length: 85.5 Runout 0.0003 6 176 Oi003 U: ST -230 128 4.7 0.010 0.005 Rnd 31.8 6.6 53:7 0.009 Presize 35 50 0,271 0.529 --- Duct Name: SR -280, Supplies: Project Rm, pittings: 2-1,4-G, 8 -A2,8 -A2, Effective Length: 92.1 Runout 0.0003 6 173 0.003 Up: T-360 55 4.7 0.011 0.007 Rnd 28.7 6.6 63.5 0.010 Presize 34 45 0.268 0.532 ---Duct Name: SR -290, Supplies: Project Rm, Fittings: 2-1, 4-G, Effective Length: 77.5 Runout 0.0003 6 173 0.003 Up. ST -280 55 4.7 0.011 0.005 Rnd 32.0 6.6 45.5 O»008 Presize 34 503 0.271 0:529 ---Duct Name: SR -300, Supplies: Kitchen/Nook, Fittings: 2-1,4-H, Effective Length: 76.1 Runout 0.0003 7 266 0.003 Up. ST -220 55 5.4 0.019 0.011 Rnd 16.7 7.7 59.5 0.014 Presize 71 30,5 0.265 0.535 Y",\ ..,\Plan 5057:rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM ---Duct Name: SR -310, Supplies: Entry, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, Effective Length 46.8 0.0003 Runout 0.0003 5 249 0.000 Up: ST -110 128 3.9 0.023 0.011 Rnd 0.5 5.5 46.3 0,011 Presize 34 0.7 0.274 0.526 --Duct Name: SR -320, Supplies: Bath 3, Fittings: 2-1, 4-H, Effective Length: 31.3` 7 Runout 0.0003 4 126 0,001 Up: ST -330 123 3.1 0.010 0.002 Rnd 10.7 4.4 20.6 0.003 Presize 11 11.2 0.281 0.519 t •• :" •• • e ° a "a • " r Runout 0.0003 7 161 0.002 U: ST -310 55 5.4 0.008 0.005 Rnd 28.0 7,7 67.6 0.007 Presize 43 51.3 0.277 0.523 _--Duct Name. SR -340, Supplies: ER4/Opt Study, Fittings: -1 4-G, 8-A2, 8-A2, Effective Length: 89.4 Runout 0.0003 7 161 11.001 Up: ST -110 55 5.4 0.008 0.006 Fend 18.5 7.7 70.0 0.007 Presize 43 33.9 0.278 0.522 _-Duct Name: R-350, Supplies, Great Room, Fittings; 2-1,4-H, EffectiveLength* 40.8 Runout 0.0003 7 206 0.000 Up: ST -260 55 5.4 0.012 0.005 Rnd 0:7 7.7 40.2 0.005 Presize 55 1.2 0.273 0.527 ---Duct Name: SR -3611, Supplies. Great Room, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, -A2, -A2, Effective Length: 83.8 Runout 0.0003 7 206 0.001 Up: ST -2.70 55 5.4 0.012 0.009 Rnd 8.7 7.7 75.1 0.010 Presize 55 15,9 0.268 0.532 ---Duct Name: SR -3711, Supplies: Great Room, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, 8-A2, -A2, Effective Length: 92.0 Runout 0.0003 7 206 0.002 Up: ST -290 55 5.4 0.012 0.009 Rnd 155.2 7.7 76.8 0.011 Presize 55 27.8 0.267 0.533 --- Duct Name: ST -340, Feeds Into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 8.5 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 203 0.000 Up: T-270 55 14 0.006 0.000 Reet 0.5 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 197 2 0.278 0.522 Y:\ ...\Plan 505 .r v Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM ---Duct Name: ST-320, FeedsInto: Mech/ Storage, Effective Length: 1.8 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 521 0.000 Up. ST-330 55 25 0.022 0.000 Rect 1.8 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 1,085 11.3 0.284 0.516 --- Duct Name: ST•310, f=eeds Into: Mech/ Storage, Effective Length: 1.3 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 544 0.000 Up: ST-110 55 25 0.024 0.000 Rect 1.3 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 1,134 8.2 0.265 0.515 ---Duct Name: ST-300, Feeds Into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 3.4 Trunk 0.0003 15.2 353 0.000 Up: ST-260 55 20 0.014 0.000 Rech 3.4 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 400 17.1 0.278 0.522 ---Duct Name. S"-290, Feeds Into: Rec Roam, Effective Length: 0.8 Trunk 0,0003 12.9 389 0;000 Up: ST-360 55 14 0.010 0.000 Rect 0.8 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 378 3.3 0.278 0.522 ___Duct Name: ST-280, Feeds Into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 4.0 Trunk 0.0003 15.2 377 0.001 Up: ST-230 55 20 0.016 0.000 Rect 4.0 10 0,0 0.001 Presize 524 20 0.279 0.521 ---Duct Name: RT-270, Feeds Into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 0.5 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 259 0.000 Up: T-290 55 14 0.000 0.000 Rect 0,5 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 252 2 0.278 0.522 .--Duct Name: ST-260, Feeds into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 0.8 Trunk 0.0033 12.9 130 0.000 Up: ST-340 55 14 0.003 0.000 Rect 0.8 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 126 3.3 0.278 0.522 ---Duct Name: ST-230, Feeds Into: Rec Roam, Effective Length: 1.0 Trunk 0.0003 15.2 397 0.000 Up: ST-220 55 20 0.017 0.000 Rect 1.0 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 551 5 0.280 0.520 Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12 2014, 8:08 AM ---Duct Name: ST -220, Feeds Into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 1.2 Trunk 0.0003 15.2 457 0.000 Up: ST -210 55 20 0.022 0.000 Rect 1.2 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 535 5.8 0.280 0.520 --Duct Name: ST -210, Feeds Into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 0>8 Trunk 0.0003 15.2 485 0.000 = Up: ST -130 55 20 0.025 0.000 j Rect 0.8 10 0,0 0.000 Presize 575 4.2 0.280 0.520 ---Duct Name: SMT -100, Feeds Into. Mech1 Storage, Fitting: 1-1-11, Effective Length: 132.8 Trunk 0.0003 15.9 690 0.000 Up: Fan 55 25 0.043 0,056 Rect 0.8 10 131.9 0.382 Presize 1,197 4.9 0.285 0.515 --- Duct Name: ST -110, Feeds Into: Mech/ Storage, Effective Length: 1.3 Trunk 0,0003 18.5 575 0.000 Up: SMT -100 55 25 0.028 0.000 Rect 1.3 12 0.0 0.000 i Presize 1,197 8.2 0.285 0.515 s ---Duct Name: ST•120, Effective Length: 1.7 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 377 0.000 Up: ST -380 55 14 0.018 0:000 Rect 1.7 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 366 67 0.281 0.510 --- Duct Name: ST -130, Feeds Into: Rec Rooms, Effective Length: 2.5 i Trunk 0,0003 15.2 515 0.001 j Up: ST -380 55 20 0.027 OMO 1 Rect 2.5 10 0.0 0.001 !. Presize 715 12.5 0.280 0.520 ---Duct Name: T-330, Feeds Into: lechi Storage, Effective Length: 1. Trunk 0.0003 18.6 524 0.000 Up: ST -310 55 25 0.022 0.000 Rect 1.7 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 1,091 10.3 0.284 0.516 ---Duct Name: SR -380, Supplies: Rec Room, Fittings: 2 -1,4 -AD, Effective Length: 83.1 Runout 0.0003 7 273 0.006 Up: ST -370 128 5.4 0.018 0.0109 Rnd 31.4 7.7 51.7 0.015 I Presize 73 57.6 0.263 0.537 Y":! ...\Pian 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 A ---Duct Name: ST -350, Feeds into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 0.8 Trunk 0.0003 12,9 453 0.000 j U: ST -370 55 14 0,026 0.000 Rect 0.8 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 440 3,3 0.278 0.522 --Duct Name: SR -390, Supplies* Rec Room, Fitting: 4-C, Effective Length: 59.6 Runout 0.0003 7 273 0.005 Up: ST -350 123 5.4 0.018 0,006 Rnd 26.5 7.7 33.1 0.011 Presize 73 48.6 0.267 0.533 ---Duct Name: ST•360, Feeds Into: Rec Room, Effective Length: 0.8 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 424 0.000 Up: ST -350 55 14 0.023 0.000 Rect 0.8 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 412 3.3 0.278 0.522 _-pint Name: SR -400, Supplies: BR 5, Fittings: 2 -1,4 -AD, Effective Length: 57.4 - Runout 0.0003 6 178 0«002 Up. ST -300 128 4.7 0.010 0.004 Rnd 16:0 6.6 41.4 0.006 Presize 35 25.1 0.273 0.527 --Duct Name: ST -370, Feeds Into: Ree Roam, Effective Length: 1.6 Trunk 0.0003 15.2 337 0.000 Up: ST -300 55 20 0.013 0.000 ; Rect 1.6 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 468 7.9 0278 0.522 ---Duct Name: SR -410, Supplies: Rath 4, Fittings: 2-1, 4 -AD, Effective Length: 30.4 Runout 0.0003 4 69 0.000 Up: ST -230 128 3.1 0.003 0.001 Rnd 9.2 4.4 21.2 0.001 Presize 6 9.6 0.278 0.522 ---Duct Name: SR -420, Supplies: I1 echi Storage, Fittings: 2-1, 4 -AD,; Effective Length: 53.4 }x i Runout 0.0003 5 455 0.010 Up: T-320 128 3.9 0.067 0.026 Rnd 15.3 5.5 38.0 0.036 Presize 62 20.1 0.248 0.552 , --- Duct Name: ST -380, Feeds Into: plea Room, Effective Length: 8.8 Trunk 0.0003 16.9 623 0.003 Up. ST -320 55 25 0,035 0.000 Rect .8.8 10 0.0 0.003 g Presize 1,081 51.5 0.281 0.519 , Y:\...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014,8:08 AM --Duct Name. -100, Supplies: Master BR, Fitting: -G, Effective Length: 32.6 Runout 0.0003 7 195 0.001 Up: ST -170 55 5.4 0.011 0.003 Rnd 5.0 7.7 27.6 0.004 Presize 52 9.2 0.273 0.527 ---Duct Name: S-110, Supplies. Master SR, Fittings: 2-1, 4-G Effective Length: 68.8 Runout 0.0003 7 195 0.002 Up: ST -160 55 5.4 0.011 0.005 Rnd 16.8 7.7 49.9 0.007 Presize 52 84.5 0 271 0.529 -.Duct Name: SR -120, Supplies: Master BR, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, Effective Length. 75.8 Runout 0.0068 7 195 0.002 Up: ST -180 55 5.4 0.011 0.006 Rnd 19.0 7.7 56.8 0.008 Presize 52 34.8 0.271 0.529 ___Duct Name; SR -130, Supplies: WIC 1, Fittings. 2-1,4-H, Effective length: 30.3 Runout 0.0008 5 183 0.000 Up: ST -170 128 3.9 0.014 0.004 Rnd 2.2 5.5 28.1 0.004 Presize 25 2.8 0.273 0.527 ---Duct Name: SR -140, Supplies: !Ulster Bath, Fittings: 2-1, 4-H, Effective Length: 37.1 Runout 0.0008 6 127 0.000 Up: T"150 128 47 0.006 0.002 Rnd 4.8 6.6 82.2 0.002 Presize 25 7.6 0.276 0.524 ---Duct Name: SR-150,'Supplies: Master Bath, Fittings: 2-1, 4-H, Effective Length: 45.5 Runout 0.0008 6 127 0.000 Up. ST -190 128 4.7 0.006 0.002 Rnd 4.8 6.6 40.6 0.008 Presize 25 7.6 0.277 0.528 ---Duct Name: SR -160, Supplies: WIC 2, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, Effective Length: 39.6 Runout 0.0003 4 183 0.001 Up. ST -250 128 3.1 0.018 0.006 Rnd 6.7 4.4 33;0 0.007 Presize 16 7 0.272 0:528 ---.Duct Name: SR -170, Supplies: SR 2, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, Effective Length: 77.8 Runout 0.0003 7 157 0.001 Up. ST -250 55 5.4 0.007 0.004 Rnd 18.8 7.7 59.0 0«006 Presize 42 34.5 0274 0.526 Y:\ ...\Pian 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 A _--Duct Name: SR -I $0, Supplies: Bath 2, Fittings: 2-1, 4-H, Effective Length: 40.8 Runout 0.0003 4 115 0.001 Up: ST -140 128 3.1 0.008 0.002 Rnd 15.2 4.4 251 0.003 Presize 10 15.9 0.277 0.523 ___Duet Name: SR -190, Supplies: BR 3, Fittings: 2-1,4-G, 12-S, 12-S, Effective Length: 110.7 Runout 0.0003 7 150 0.002 Up: ST -130 55 54 0.007 0.006 Rnd 29.8 7.7 80.9 0,008 Presize 40 547 0.273 0.527 _._Duet Name: SR -200, Supplies: BR 3, Fittings: 2-1, 4-H, 12-S, 12-S, Effective Length: 96.5 Runout 0.0003 7 150 0.002 Up: ST -210 55 5.4 0.007 0.005 Rnd 25.3 7.7 71,2 0.007 Presize 40 46.4 0.273 0.527 --Duct Name: SR -210, Supplies: Laundry, Fittings: 2-1, 4-G, 8-A2, 8-A2, Effective Length: 50.3 Runout 0,0003 4 149 0.002 Up: ST -220 55 31 0.014 0.005 Find 14.2 4.4 36.2 0.007 Presize 13 14.8 0.273 0.527 ---Duct Name: SR -220, Supplies: Library, Fittings: 2-1,4-N, 8-A2, Effective Length: 52.7 Runout 0.0003 6 234 0.000 Up: ST -200 55 47 0.018 0,009 Rnd 0.8 6.6 51.9 0,010 Presize 46 1.3 0.270 0.530 --Duct Name: SR -230, Supplies: Library, Fittings: 2-1, 4-N, 8-A2, Effective Length: 59.5 Runout 0.0003 6 234 0.001 Up: ST -240 55 4.7 0.018 0,009 Rnd 7.7 6.6 51.9 0,011 Presize 46 12 0269 0.531 Report Units: Pressure: in. c3, Duct lengths: feet, Duct sizes: inch, Airflow: CFM, Velocity: ft./min, Temperature: F Notes: Static pressure available values for return ducts are at the entrance of the duct. For supply, they are at the exit. The cumulative static pressure loss value for a return trunk is with respect to the entry point of the return runout upstream with the highest static pressure available. Total and cumulative static pressure loss values for the supply main trunk include any device pressure losses entered, and the cumulative may also include the total static pressure loss of the return side. Number of active trunks: 29 Number of active runouts: 33 Y:\ ... \Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8*08 AM Total runout outlet airflow: 1,418 (lain trunk airflow: 1,197 Largest trunk diameter: 18.6 ` ST -320 Largest runout diameter: 7 SR -240 Smallest trunk diameter: 8.7 , ST -170 , Smallest runout diameter: 4; SR -320 Supply fan external static pressure: 0.800 Supply fan device pressure losses: 0.325 Supply fan static pressure available: 0.475 Runout maximum cumulative static pressure less: 0.552 SR -420 Return loss added tosupply: 0.133 Total effective length of return ( ft.): 405.4 lsmt Low Total effective length of supply { ft.): 102.3 SR -420 Overall total effective length ( ft.): 597.7 Bsmt Low to -420 Design overall friction rate per 100 ft,: 0.079 (Available Sly x 1001 TEL) System duct surface area (leo Scenario): 908.9 System duct surface area (Scenario 2): 283.0 Garage (Linked to duct load) Total system duct surface area: 1190.7 ._ u....,.. _.. _. . Y:\ ...\Flan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 Ali ---Duct Name: `-140, Feeds From. Kitchen/Nook, Effective Length: 6.6 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 498 0.002 Up: RT -120 75 14 0.029 0.000 Recti 5.5 10 0.0 0.002 Presize 484 2 -0.050 0.011 --- Duct Name: Low, Returns From: Entry, Fittings: 6-13, 6-H, 8•R3C, Effective Length: 167.6 Runout 0,0003 12.9 352 0.000 Up: RT -160 75 14 0,016 0.026 Rent 0.0 10 167.6 0.026 Presize 342 0 4027 0.026 ___Duct Name: Low, Returns From: Kitchen/Nook, Fittings: 6-R, 6-H, 8-83C, Effective Length: ` 167.8 Runout 0.0003 12.9 352 0.000 Up: RT -180 75 14 0.0165 0.026 Rect 0.2 10 1657.65 0.027 Presize 342 0.7 4024 0.027 --_Duct Name: RMT -100, Feeds From: Mech/ Storage, Fittings: 5-H1 5-N, Effective Length: 219.2 Trunk 0.0003 13.6 660 0.000 Up: Fan 75 25 0.035 0.076 Rect 0.7 12 216.5 0.076 Presize 1;417 4.1 -0.057 0.133 --.Duct Name: T-110, Feeds From: Mech/ Storage, Effective Length: 7.0 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 660 0.002 Up: RMT -100 75 25 0.035 0.000 Rect 7.0 12 0.0 0.002 Presize 1,417 43.2 -0.055 0.130 --Duct Name: RT -120, Effective Length: 4.2 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 496 0.001 Up: RT -170 75 14 0.029 0.000 Rect 4.2 10 0.0 0.001 Presize 464 16.7 -0.052 0.013 ---Duct Name: RT -130, Feeds From: Rec Roam, Effective Length: 2.0 Trunk 0.0003 16,9 197. 0.000 Up: T-170 75 25 0.004 0,000 Rect 2.0 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 342 11.7 -0.053 0.029 ---Duct Name: RT -160, Feeds From:Mech/ Storage, Effective Length: 3.0 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 352 0.000 Up: RT -230 75 14 0.016 0.000 Rect 3.0 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 342 12 -0.054 0.027 Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:06 AM ---Duct Name. RT -176, Feeds From. Rec Room, Effective Length. 7.5 Trunk 0.0003 16.9 476 0.002- .002Up. Up:RT -230 75 25 0.021 0.000 Rect 7,5 10 0.0 0.002 Presize 325 .43.3 -0.053 0.014 ---Duct Name. RT -180, Feeds From. Rec Room, Effective Length: 11.5 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 352 0.002 Up. RT -210 75 14 0.016 0.000 Rect 11.5 10 0.0 0.002 Presize 342 46 -0.050 0.027 ; --Duct Name: RT -210, Feeds From: Rec Room, Effective Length: 8.5 Trunk 0.0003 15.9 197 0.000 Up; RT -130 75 25 0.004 0.000 t Rect 8.5 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 342 49.5 -0n052 0.923 .--Duct Name: RT -220, Feeds From. Ifechl Storage, Effective Length: 4.1 Trunk 0.0003 10 457 0.001 Up: RT -110 75 7.8 0.031 0.000 Rnd 4.1 10.9 0.0 0.001 Presize 249 10.7 4053 OA 29 c ---Duct Name: RT -230, Feeds From: Mechl Storage, Effective Length; 1. Trunk 0.0003 18.5 551 0.000 t Up: RT^110 75 25 0.024 0.000 Ret 1.5 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 1,158 9.2 -0..054 0.015 .«_ eruct Name: Rs t Low, Returns From: I echl Storage, Finings; 6-C, 6-G, 5-A2, Effective Length: 175.2 Runout 0.0003 r 10 457 0.000 Up: RT -220 75 7.8 0.031 0:053 Rnd 0.0 10.9 175.2 0.053 Presize 249 0 0.000 0.053 ---Duct Name. I str Ceiling, Returns From: Master BR, Fittings: 6-C, 6-L, Effective Length:. 77.9 Runout 0.0003 12 315 0.002 Up: RT -140 75 9.3 0.012 0.008 Rnd 13.2 13.1 64.7 0.010 Presize 247 41.6 -0.040 0.010 ---Duct Name: Haff Ceiling, Returns From: Library, Fittings: 6-C, -L, Effective Length: 73.1 Runout 0.0003 ' 12 302 0.001 Up: RT -140 75 9.3 0.012 0.007 Rnd 9.0 13.1 64,1 0.008 Presize 237 28.4 -0.041 0.008 Y:\ „.\Pian 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM s- • s Main trunk Rirflow: Largest diameter: Largest runout• . runoutSmallest trunk diameter: Smallest • Runoutmaximum cumulative static pressure Return loss added to supply: Total effective length of duct surface area (No Scenario): System • • System r - • Total systerq duct surface area: 11 1,417 1,417 18.8' RMS` -100' 12.9 Low 10 R`-220 10 Bsmt Low 0.053 Bsmt Low 0.133 405.4 Bsmt Lew 247.8 70 Attu (Linked to duct load) 22 Garage (Linked to duct load) 339.5 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are; performed per ALGA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and A CA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets bath sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014; 8:88 AM Total Buildim Summary Loads - ------ ---- Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and fflanual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. data at your design conditions, Y -.\..,\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM Atrium. Glazing -.31/.33, a -value 0.31, SHGC 0.33 525 11,230 0 15,075 15,075 R6.2 Door: Door -U=,161 41.8 " 465 0 148 148 15815 -Ow -9: Wall- 1194.4`` 4,238 0 74 7 151315-0w-8: Wall -Basement,, framing with R-15 sill to 225.6 794 0 13 13 floor in 2 x 4 cavity, core; no board insulation,` plus interior finish, wood studs, 8° floor depth 151311 -Ow -9: Wall- 74.5 292 0 7 7 Basement R11-9: Wall -Basement, Custom, R-11 599.9 2,195 0 36 36 Basement wall 12F-Osw. Wall -Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, 3048.2 13,672 0 2,237 2,237 no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 1613-38. Roof/Ceiling-Linder Attic with Insulation on Attic 1787.2 3,205 0 2,138 2,138 Floor (also use for knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrana, R-8 insolation 21 A-32: Floor -Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 1153 1,591 0 0 0 or more feet below grade; no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 32' wide 21 A -3-c: Floor -Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 321.8 444 0 0 0 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, carpet covering, shortest side of floor slab is 32' wide 20P-30: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Massive, 317 766 0 66 66 R-0 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 38,892 0 19,794 19,794 People. 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment. 0 1,200 1,200 Lighting. 0 0 0 Ductwork. 5,076 -217 1,744 1,527 Infiltration. Winter CFM. 150, Summer CFM. 150 9,313 -3,257 2,161 -1,096 Ventilation. Winter CFM. 0, Summer CFM, 0 0 0 0 0 Humidification (Winter) 6.30 gal/day : 2,309 0 0 0 AED Excursion _ _. __ ...,...-,,.. _........... ..... ... _»,. .,_ ,.. ,....,,,,. ............ ... ...... ,. ,.....,...... ...... _........ 0 ..., ..,. .. .........._... 0 ._..._. .. 1 988 ...,.,� ....,_,...._. 1 988 .a ..,.s,. ------- System 1 Whole House System Load Totals. 55,590 -2,274 28,267 25,993 100 % 0 % 2.36 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performan data at your design conditions. I Y:\ \Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12; 2014, 8:08 AM IF System Type. Standard Air Conditioner t Outdoor Model. CA13NA036****{A,R} t Indoor Model: CNPV*4221AL*+TIER Tradename: 13 SEER PURON AC Outdoor Manufacturer: CARRIER AfR CONDITIONING HRI Reference No.: 6306468 4 Nominal Capacity: 33066 Efficiency. 13 SEER Heating System Type,. Natural Gas Furnace Model. 60SC2R080S21--20 Tradename. Carver Manufacturer. CARRIER CORPORATION Description: Natural Gas or Propane Furnace Capacity. 75000 Efficiency: 82.1 AFUF i G 4 3 i x t S } } Y:1;..\Plan 505 .rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM Room Length: Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Number of Registers: Htg. & c1g. 101.7 Occurrences: 1 364 928.9 % System Number: 1 1162 1'0 ft. Zone Number: 1 0 929.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 145 CFM 10.2 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.9 AC/hr 9,444.0 cuft Req. Vent, CIg: 0 CFM 2 5 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 3.6 279 Percent of Supply.: 0 % SE -Wall -15B11 -Ow -9 7.3 X 10.2 74.5 Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM 0.1 0 Percent of Supply: 0 % 0,047 U Actual Winter Infil.: 6 CFM 22 10.2 Actual Summer Infil.: 6 CFM SE -Wall -15B15 -0w-9 10 X 10.2 101.7 0.047 3.6 364 0A 0 7 SW-Wall-15BI5-Ow-813 X 10.2 1162 0.047 3.5 410 0.1 0 7 NW -Wall -151315 -Ow -910 X 10.2 101.7 0.047 3.6 364 0.1 0 7 SW -Wall -I 5BI 5 -Ow -9 7.5 X 10.2 76.5 0.047 3.6 274 0.1 0 5 NW -Wall -151315 -Ow -9 7.7 X 10.2 78 0.047 3.6 279 0.1 0 5 SE -Wall -15B11 -Ow -9 7.3 X 10.2 74.5 0.051 3.9 292 0.1 0 7 NE-Wall-15BI5-Ow-9 31.5 X 320.4 0,047 U 1,148 0.1 0 22 10.2 SE-Wall-15BI5-Ow-9 17.8 X 165.3 0.047 3.3 552 0.0 0 3 102 SW -GIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 16 0.310 21.4 342 30.8 0 492 SE -GIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 16 0310 21.4 342 30.8 0 492 Floor -21 A-32 1 X 928.9 928.9 0.020 1.4 1,282 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 6,196 0 1,058 Infil.. Win.: 6.2, Sum.: 6.2 158 2.422 383 0.563 -134 89 Ductwork: 693 82 AED Excursion: 93 Room Totals: 7,272 -134 1,321 Y:\...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM s Load r Calculation Mode. Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 i Room Length: 14.3 ft. system Number: 1 Room Width: 12.3 ft. ;done Number: 1 s Area: 177.0 sq,ft. Supply Air:" 35 CFM Ceiling Height: 102 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.2 AC/hr Volume. 1,796.0 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg. 0 CFM Number of Registers. 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.. 0 % Actual Summer Vent.. 0 CFM Percent of Supply.. 0 % Actual Winter Infil.. 2 CFM Actual Summer Infl.. 2 CFM $ i W -Wall -151315 -Ow -9 14.3 X 145.7 0.047 3.6 522 0.1 0 10 10.2 NW -Wall -151315 -Ow -8 12.3 X 139.4 0.047 3.5 384 0.1 0 6 10.2 NW®GIs-Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 16 0.310 21.4 342 25.6 0 409 Floor -21A-32 1 X 176«3 176.6 0.020 1.4 244 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure:' 1,492 0 425 Infil.. Win.. 1..7, Sum.. 1.7 44 2.419 106 0.570 -37 25 Ductwork. 168 32 AFD Excursion. 36 ; Room: Totals. 1,766 -37 518 fi I i 1 Room Length:, 3.2 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 5.2 'ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 47.0 sq.ft, Supply Air: 6 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.2 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.7 AC/hr 1 Volume: ` 482.0 cuft Req.. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 °lam s Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % , Actual Winter lnfil.: 0 CFM E Actual Summer lnfil.: 0 CFM E �NW-W�alkl 5131 �5-Ow�5.2 X 10.2 �0.0�47�3.6� 188 0.1 �O�4 Floor -21A-32 1 X 47.4 _ . , 47.4 0 020. _ 1'4 55 0.0 0 _ _ _ 0 ? Subtotals for Structure: 253 0 4 lnfil.. Win.. 0. 2, Sum.: 0.2 8 2.377 15 0.634 -5 4 Ductwork: 28 1 AFD Fcurs:on, 1 Room Totals. 238 -5 0 S 4 : } I i t i q i E 3 f 2 i i Y':! ..,\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014; 8:08 AM Room Length: 321 .8 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 1.0 ft. Zane Number: 1 Area: 322.0 sqft, Supply Air: " 62 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.2 t. Supply Air Changes: 1.1 AC/hr Volume: 3,271.0 bu.ft. ' Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 °l Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 3 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 3 CFM t 4 N -Wall -Basement R11-9 2p« (f0, C�wCl1 3. "iii t}.1 t� f 2 z 10.2 NF -Wall -Basement RI 1-9 12.3 125.4 0.051 3.7 459 0.1 0 8 X 10.2 SF -Wall -Basement R 11-9 8.5 X 86.4 0.051 3.7 315 0.1 0 5 I 10.2 NF -Wall -Basement RI 1-9 6 X 61 0.051 3.7 223 0.1 0 4 10.2 SE -Wall -Basement R11-9 11.6 120.3 0«051 3.7 440 0.1 0 X 10.2 Floor -1 A-32 1 X 321.6 321.8 0.020 1.4 444 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure. 2,639 0 36 I Infil.. Win., 2.8, Sum.: 2.8 72 2.417 174 0.556 -61 40 Ductwork. 296 AED Excursion,6 _ i Room Totals: 3,109 -61 8 , �:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM f«t z:� . ^:■ < �.�,r �*� : <<f » ■ » 2� - ».,t: -� ©,<®� ■< »,�: v 2 *- .� ®� <t»\ :2:# »< -!,«t<� ■ 2;« -® «:� ?� f< ■ w ?z< ?! : < ,< »;� «!» �° ■ ■ }; »�; 2■:.,;;»;,. ::■ ,#i, • �® �° ■ ; �©: 4< ■ 2:!& 2 ■ »�, © � °£■ ■ ,� ©»■2<� z. #<,■ , ■; # 4« «, <,■w 2 :■ivy. Subtotals « Structure- 80 ! 1,40 06 » 10. 273 2422 661 0.561 Ductwork: ' -! ED Excursion:\ Room Totals: <.■1,582 Y:\ ... \Plan 5057.Ey a 2,.2» « » d Wednesday, February 1 2014,8:08 AM Room Length: 13.2 'ft. System Number: ' ` 1 0 Room Width: 6.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 3.5 Area: 79.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 35 CFM Ceiling Height 10.2 tt. Supply Air Changes: 2.6 AC/hr Volume: 803.0 cuft Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 0.559 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 168 Percent of Supply.: 0 % AFD Excursion.44 . ... ...._._ ... ....... ........... .... ................ ....._ .. ....... ... .. ....,..,...... ........ .. .. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM t Roam Totals. Percent of Supply: 0 % k -165 624 Actual Winter Infil.: 8 CFM Actual Summer Infil,.: 8 CPM -Wall-12F-Osw 6 X 10.2 53 0.065 4.5 238 0.7 0 39' NE -Door -R6.2 Maur 2.7 X 67 17.8 0,161 11.1 198 3.5 0 63 8 -Gls-Atrium hgc-0.33 OTS 8 0.310 21.4 171 30.8 0 246 Subtotals for Structure, 1,128 0 433 , Infil.. Win..: 7.6, Sum.. 7.6 195 2.421 472 0.559 -165 109 Ductwork. 168 39 ; AFD Excursion.44 . ... ...._._ ... ....... ........... .... ................ ....._ .. ....... ... .. ....,..,...... ........ .. .. t Roam Totals. 1,768 -165 624 Y:\ .,,\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014,8:.08 AM j %awkwakful I IVIVUU. rity. Ot L;jy. vwurrences; 1 Room Length: 398.6 ft. System Number: I Room Width: 1.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 399.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 285 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.2 ft. Supply Air Changes: 42 AC/hr 1 Volume: 4,0510 cuft Req, Vent. Clg: 0 CFM I Number of Registers: 4 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply. - 0 % Actual Winter lnfil.: 19 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 19 CFM �SW-Wall-12F�-Osw 13 �XIO �2872 �0. 0 6 �5 �4. 5� 391 0.7 0.70�64 NW-Wall-12F-Osw 10.1 X 102 38.5 0.065 4.5 173 0.7 0 28 NE-Wall-12F-Osw 14.8 X 10.2 150.8 0.065 4.5 676 0.7 0 Ill SE -Wall -1 2F-Osw 9.9 X,10.2 70.7 0.065 4.5 317 01 0 52 SW -Cls -Atrium shgc-0-33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 E. SW -GIs -Atrium shge-0.33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 SW-Gls-Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 NW -GIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 64 0.310 21.4 1,369 25.6 0 1,636 SF -GIs -Atrium shgo-0.33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 SE -GIs -Atrium shge-0.33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 UP -Cert 16S`38 128.3 X 1 128.3 0.026 1.8 230 1.2 0 153 Subtotals for Structure: 4,761 0 4,349 Infil.: Win.: 19.0, Sum.: 19.0 486 2.421 1,177 0.561 -412 273 1 Ductwork: 625 414 AFD Excursion: 472 Eqq,i.plme-,nt.,:--,-,,,,--,--""-l.-ll__ I'lI 1 11-1-1- - " . . . ... ......... . ... ... . ..... - . ... .. .... . ..... . ... .. .. 0 .. . . ... 1,200 Room Totals: 6,563 -412 6,708 �':\ ... \Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM Room Length: Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Number of Registers: tg. & c1g. 242.6 Occurrences: 1 1,088 526.9 ft. System Number: I 76.3 1.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 0 527.0 q.ft. Supply Air: 166 CFM 10.2 ft, Supply Air Changes: 1.9 AC/hr 5,357.0 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Cig: 0 CFM 3 461 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 21.4 321 Percent of Supply.: 0 % SW -CSIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 30 Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM 301 0 Percent of Supply: 0 % 0,310 21.4 Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM 384 Subtotals for Structure: Actual Summer Infil.: 23 CFM NW -Wall -1 2F-Osw 25.3 X 102 242.6 0.065 4.5 1,088 0.7 0 178 SE -Wall- 1 2F-Osw 7,5 X 10.2 76.3 0.065 4.5 342 0.7 0 56 NE -Wall- 1 2F-Osw 3.5 X 10.2 35.4 0.065 4.5 159 0.7 0 26 SW -Cls -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 SW -CSIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 SW -CSIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 30 0.310 21.4 642 301 0 922 NW-Gls-Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 15 0,310 21.4 321 25.6 0 384 Subtotals for Structure: 3,921 0 2,607 Infil.: Win.: 23.1, Sum.: 23.1 591 2,420 1,431 0.561 -501 332 Ductwork: 564 242 AFD Excursion: 275 People: 200 IqVPqr, 230 sen/per: 2 400460 . ......... --11-111-" Room Totals: 5,916 -101 3,916 ..... ... .. Y:\.,.\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM room Lengm: X3.5 it. System Number: 1 345 Room Width: 5.7 t. Zone Number: 1 32 Area: 48.3 sq.ft. ;, Supply Air: 11 CFM Ceiling Height; 132 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.3 AC/hr Volume: 490.0 cu.ft. Reef. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.. 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 3 % Actual Summer Vent.: 3 CFM Percent of Supply: 3 % Actual Winter Infil.. 2 CFM Actual Summer Infl.: 2 CFM k UP-Ceil-166 38 48.2 X o ._ _. _ 48.2 3.325 . �.1_ _ . _. _ 8 . 1 0 58 Subtotals for Structure. 345 0 100 E Infil.: Win.: 2.3, Sum.: 2.3 58 2,428 143 0.555 -49 32 Ductwork: 51 _; 8 AFC Excursion: I1 l Room "totals: 538 -43 152 i 3ip x i k e:\ ...\Plan 505 .rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, &08 AM Room Length: 178.8 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 1.0 ft. Zone Number: ' 1 Area: 179.0 sq.ft, Supply Air: - 87 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.2 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.9 AC/hr Volume: 1,818.0 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Gig: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 14 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 14 CFM i NW-Wa11-12F-0sw 14.0 X 10,E 132.5 0.068 4.5 594 0.7 0 97 NF-Wall-12F-0sw 12.3 X 10.2 105.4 0.065 4.5 473 0.7 0 77 SF-Wall-12F-0sw 8.5 X 10.2 86.1 0.065 4,5 386 0.7 0 53 NW-Gl -Atrium shgc-0.33 0%S 15 0.:310 21.4 321 25.6 0 384 NF -CSIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 0%S 20 0.310 21.4 428 25.6 0 511 UP-Ceil-1613-38 178.8 X 1 178..8 0.026 1.8 321 1,2 0 214 t Subtotals for Structure: 2,523 0 1,346 Infil.: Win.: 14,0, Sum..- 14.0 359 2.421 869 0.563 -304 202 Ductwork: 357 126 AFD Excursion: 144 Peo tle: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/ er: _ I e ._ ._ _ _ e 200 _ 230 _ Room Totals: 3,749 -104 2,048 (:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhu Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM I Room Length: 01.7 ft. System Number: 1 1 Room Width: 1.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 92.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 34 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.2 ff. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr € Volume: 032.0 cupft. Rett. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.. 0 CFM ; Percent of Supply.. 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % t Actual Winter 1nf l..: 7 CFM Actual Summer lnfil.: 7 CFM t �NE-Wa�11-12F�-Osw6 X 10.2 �37 �0.0�65�4.5� 166 047 �O�27 i E-Wall-12F-Osw 11.7 X 10.2 113.7 0.065 4.5 532 0.7 0 87 NE -Door -R6.2 Door 3 X 8 24 0.161 11.1 267 3.5 0 85 UP -Cell -1613-38 85 X 1 85 0.026 1.8 152 � 1.2 , 0102 % Subtotals for ;structure: 1,117 0. 301 i 1nfil.. Win.. 7.0, Sum.. 7.0 180 2.421 435 0.562 -152 101 Ductwork: 163 25 AED Excursion . u ..,_ .,.. _ .. , . _ w.__ _ _ . _ 3 Room Totals: 1,715 -152 463 4 t } f i q�q i i t f i f �:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12 2014, 8;018 AM Room Length: 275.6 ' ft. System Number: 1 0.7 Room Width: 1.0 f1. Zone Number: 1 21.4 Area: 276.0 sqft. Supply Air: ' 156 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 2,503.0 cu.ft, Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 SE -GIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 OTS Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 267 30.7 0 Percent of Supply.: 0 % 0.310 21.4 267 Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM UP -Cell -1613-38 275.6 X 1 275.6 0.026 Percent of Supply. 0 % 0 330 Actual Winter Infil.: 12 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM SE-Wall-12F-0sw 17 X 9.1 129.4 0.065 4.5 580 0.7 0 95 ; SW-Gis-Atrium hgc-0..33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 SW -GIs -Atrium h e-0.33 O%S 15 0.310 21.4 321 30.7 0 461 SW -GIs -Atrium shgc"0.33 0%S 20 0.310 21.4 428 30.8 0 615 SE -GIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 OTS 12.5 0.310 21.4 267 30.7 0 384 SE -GIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 12.5 0.310 21.4 267 30.7 0 384 UP -Cell -1613-38 275.6 X 1 275.6 0.026 1.8 494 1.2 0 330 Subtotals for Structure. 3,085 0 21797 ij Infil.: Win.: 11.5, Sum.: 11.5 295 2.420 714 0.563 -250 166 Ductwork: 400 227 AFC? Excursion: 259 People. 200 latiper, 230 sen r: _ _ _ 200 230 Room Totals. 4,199 -50 3,679 m :i ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014,8:08 AM t u.:. .Kqi ___Load Proc Calculation Mode: ltg. clg. Oc urrences: 1 Ream Length: 180.9 ft. System lumber: 1 Room Width: 1,0 ft. Zone lumber: 1 Area: 181.8 srf.ft. Supply Air: 42 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1,5 AC/hr Volume: 1,6544.0 cu.ft. Reg. Vent. Clg: 0 CFI Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.; 0 CFM Percent of Supply.:. 0 % , Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter~ lnfil.: 5 CFM Actual Summer lnfil.: 5 CFM �SW-W�all-12F�-Osw 13 �8X 9. 109 �0-0�65�4.5� 491 0,7 �O�80 SW-t ls-Atrium shgc-0.33 0%S 16 0.310 21.4 342 30.8 0 432 t1p-Cell-1613-38 180.9 X 1 w e. 180.9 0.026 1.8 _325 1.20 e . _ 216 Subtotals for Structure: 1,158 0 788 lnfil.: Win.: 4.9, Sum.: 4.9 126 2.421 304 0.557 -106 70 Ductwork: 154 61 AFD Excursion: 70 Room Totals: 1,616 -106 989 Y.-\ ...\plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February i i y i 12 2014, 8:08 AM Room Length: 5.3 ft. System lumber: 1 345 Room Width. 13.3 ft. ZoneNumber: 1 27 1 Area: 71.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 10 CFM Ceiling Height; 0.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.0 AC/hr Volume: 645.0 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFMr Dumber of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.:. 0 CEM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 2 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 2 CFM UP-Ceil-16B-36 71.1 X 1 n. 71.1 0.026: 1.8 128 1.2 : e _ t 5.1 Subtotals for Structure: 345 0 121 Infil.: Win.: 1.0, Sum.: 1.0 48 2.416 117 0.558 -41 27 1 Ductwork: 49 11 ' AED Excursion: 12 Room Totals: 511 -41 171 ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM Room 15 ol BR _a.e. "'Detailed _µRoom Loadsm� Load rrr 6 Calculation Made: Mtg. & c1g. 07ccurrences: 1 Room Length: 1913 ft. System Number: I Room Width: 1.0 fit. Zone Number: 1 Area: 191.0 sg.ft. Supply Air: ; 80 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,738.0 eu.fit. Reg. Vent, Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CF Percent of Supply.:: g % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 10 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 10 CFM SW -Wall -F -Or 15.2 9.1 1177 �0-0�65�4.5� 528 0.7 , �O�86 Niel -Wall -1 F-Osw 13.5 X 9.1 112.6 0.065 4.5 505 0.7 0 83 SW -Cls -Atrium shgc-0.33 0%S 20 0.310 21.4 428 30.8 0 615 NW -Cls -Atrium hgc-6.33 0%S 10 0.310 21.4 214 26.5 0 256 UP -Cell 1613- 8 191.3 X. ... 191.3 . x}.026._, _ 1 84 1.2 0. we _229 Subtotals for Structure. 2,018 0 1,269 Infil.. Win.. 10.2, Sum., 10.2 260 2.420 639 9.561 -2203 146 Ductwork: 279 117 AFD Excursion. 133 People: 280 Iaiiper, 2303 sentper. 1 X00 230 Room Totals: 2,927 -20 1,895 Y:\ ...\plan 5O57,rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014,8:08 AM t;aicuia ion moae: Htg. a crg. occurrences: 1 ? Room Length: 269.2 ft. System number: 1 € Room Width: 1.0 ft. Zane number: 1 y x Area: 269.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 93 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.3 AC/hr Volume: ' 2,445.0 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Gig: 0 CFM f Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM I Percent of Supply,: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter lfil,: 11 CFM Actual Summer lnfil.: 11 CFM NW -Wall -12F -Ow 7 �8X 9.1 621 �Ok�65�4.5� �279 0,7 ' �O�46 NE-Wall-12F-0sw 11.7 X 9.1 94 0.065 4.5 421 0.7 0 69 NW-Wall-12F-Osw 1.1 X 9.1 10.4 0,065 , 4.5 46 0.7 0 8 NE -Wall -12F -Ow 10.7 X 9.1 78.9 0.065 ' 4.5 354 0.7 ; 0 58 ? NW-Gls-Atrium shgc-0.33 O a 9 0.310 21.4 193 25.6 0 230 NE -GIs -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 6 0.310 21.4 128 25.5 0 153 NE-Gis-Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 6 0.310 21.4 128 25.5 0 153 I'VE-Gis-Atrium shgc-0:33 O%S 6 0 310 21.4 128 25.5 0 153 NE -Cls -Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 6 0.310 21.4 128 25.5 0 153 NE -Cis -Atrium shgc-0.33 O S 6 0.310 21.4 128 25.5 0 153 !-Ceil-1613-8 269.2 X 1 269.2 0,026 1.8 483 1.2 0 322 Floor -20P-30 1 X 35.3 35.3 0.035 2.4 85 0.2 ' 0 7 Subtotals for Structure: 2,501 0 1,505 lnfil.: Win.: 11. 1, Sura., 11.1 284 2.420 688 0.563 _241 160 Ductwork: 336 135 AED Excursion: 154 People. 200 latlper, 230 senlper: 1 _ e _ .. �, . , � �. . _. 200 230 ... Room Totals: 3,525 -41 2,183 f Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. 0.065 Occurrences: Room Length: 188.6 ft. System Number: Room Width: 1.0 ft. Zone Number: Area'. 189.0) sq.ft. Supply Air: Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: Volume: 1,7110 uft. Req. Vent. Clg: Number of Registers: 2 0.310 Actual Winter Vent.: 150 25.6 0 Percent of Supply.: UP-Ceil-16B-38 188,6 X 1 188.6 0.026 Actual Summer Vent.: 338 1.2 0 Percent of Supply: Floor -20P-30 I X 179.7 179.7 0.035 Actual Winter Infil.: 434 w 0.2 0 Actual Summer Infil.: NE-Wall-12F-Osw 16.2 X 9.1 132.8 0.065 4.5 596 07 51 CFM 1.8 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 7 CFM 7 CFM NE-Wall-12F-Osw 16.2 X 9.1 132.8 0.065 4.5 596 07 0 98 1 SE -Wall -1 2F-Osw 2.2 X 9:1 19.5 0.065 4,5 88 0.7 0 14 1 NE -Cls -Atrium shge-0.33 O%S 7 0.310 21.4 150 25.6 0 179 NE-Gls-Atrium shgc-0.33 O%S 7 0.310 214 150 25.6 0 179 UP-Ceil-16B-38 188,6 X 1 188.6 0.026 1.8 338 1.2 0 226 Floor -20P-30 I X 179.7 179.7 0.035 2.4 434 w 0.2 0 Subtotals for Structure: 1,838 0 747 Infil.: Win.: 7.2, Sum.7.2 185 2.421 447 0.563 -156 104 Ductwork: 241 61 1 AE... .0. Excursion: ....... .... . ..... . . ... i 1 Room Totals: 2,526 -156 980 1i Y:\ ... \Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM 4 i.Od I(;UIdUvf I lvluuti. f iL & Gf%�. t 1 Gilff f�G£' i Room length: 5.3 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 0.5 ft. Zane Number: _ 1 Area: 51.3 sq.ft. Supply Air: 25 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.3 AC/hr Volume: 460.0 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFI Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.. 0 % Actual Summer Vent.; 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter lnfil.: 5 CFM ' Actual Summer lnfil.: 5 CFM I �NE-Wa�11-12F�-Osw 5.3�X9.1���484 �0-0�65�4-5� 217 0.�7��O�36 SE-Wall412F-Osw 0.5 X 0.1 36.3 0,065 4.5 367 0,7" 0 63 1 UP-Cell-1613-38 50.7 X _1 50.7 0.026 1.8 01 1,2 0 61 Floor-20P-301 X 40.5 40.5 0.035 2.4 120 _ 11_11 0,2 0 .. 1 Subtotals for Structure: 315 0 176 lnfil.: Win.: 5.3, Sum.: 5.3 135 2,421 326 0.564 -114 76 Ductwork. 120 17 AEDEx.c...u.,.....rs._i.oe,..n. , „.. ,.. _ �.a.._.... _ .. ... w _. _.. _... 11_11 ..,... 1 .. 0 _ 1..21.11. Room Totals: .......,..,a.., .. m,..,.1.,.... 1111 »_1111,_,. aa.......w. ........... .......»........ 1111,_ �...,:,...... ...:«1111.,, ., .. w:. ».. 1,261 .,.,.,,....,,_., .. ,.:,,,.m. 1111 ., ....,.... .,..._....«.., ,...,..;...,...._ -114 ,. .»1111.. .._. 1:111... 1111. ..e <..,. 283 ! l!} l S S ! ! Z t s i d 1111.. _._.......5 r':\ .,.\Plan 5057,rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 3:08 AM x Detailed Room Loads Room 2 CrLoad Proce� Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences. I Room Length: 6.0 ft. System dumber. 1 r Room Width. 9.7 ft. Zone Number: 1 i Area. 58.0 sg.ft. Supply Air. 16 CFM Ceiling Height. 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes. 1.8 AC/hr Volume. 527.0 cu.fty Reg. Vent. Clg. 0 CFM Dumber of Registers. 1 Actual Winter Vent.. 0 CFM Percent of Supply.. 0 % Actual Summer Vent.. 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 2 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 2 CFM I NE-Wall-12F-Osw 6 X 9,1 48,5 0.065.5 217 0.7 s f 7 0 36 NE -Cls -Atrium shgc-0.33 0%S 6 0.310 21,4 128 25.5 0 153 UP -Cell -1613-38 58 X 1 58 0.026 1.8 104 12 0 69 t Floor -20P-30 1 X 52.5 52.5 0.035 2.4 127 0.2 0 11 Subtotals for Structure. 576 0 269 Infil.. Win.. 2.1, Sum.. 2.1 54 2.423 132 0.569 -46 31 Ductwork. 75 ` 21 s AFC+ Excursion. ..,..... . ... .. ..... .. ........ .. .... .. _ ... ..,.... .........e.. _.._.,.... _ _ .. .. .. ,_.. _.. ... _. . ... e............4 Room "totals. 783 -46 346 3 l 3 s qp f y ??i 9 s } E 5 z Y:i ...\Plan 505.rhv I } k 9 Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM i Natural Gas or Propane Furnace 92.1 AFUE 13 SEER 75000 n/a n/a n/a 33000 33;000 Btuh 0 Btuh 6395468 Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12 2014, 8:08 AM 1 Roc Room 929 7,272 145 7,7 1,321 -134 73 145 2 BR 5 177 1,766 35 513 ,; -37 29 35 3 Bath 4 47 2961 6 4 9 -5 1 6 4 Mechl Storage 322 3,109 62 5 88 -1 5 62 5 Project Rm 152 2,720 54 6,6 1,562 -231 88 ' 6 6 Mud Room 79 1,766 35 6 624 -165 35 ' 35 7 Kitchen/Nook 399 6,563 131 7,7,7,7 - 6,766 -412 373 265 8 Caret Room 527 5,916 118 7,7,7 - 3,916 -161 216 166 i 9 Bath 3 48 536 11 4 - 152 -49 8 11 10 BR4/Capt Study 179 3,749 75 7,7 2,048 -104 114 87 11 Entry 92 1,715 34 5 - 463 -152 26 34 € 12 Master BR 276 4,199 84 7,7,7 - :3,679 -50 205 156 } 13 BR 2 181 1,616 32 7 - 980 -106 55 42 14 Bath 2 71 511 10 4 - 171 -41 9 10 15 BR 3 191 2,927 59 7,7 - 1,895 -20 105 80 16 Laundry 61 523 10 4 - 311 -2 17 1 i 17 Library 269 3,525 71 6,6 - 2,183 -41 121 93 18 Master Bath 189 2,526 51 6,6 980 -156 55 51 19 WIC 1 51 1,261 25 5 - 283 -114 16 25 0 WIC _. _ 5 .. 783 15 . :346 .n.._u .. __. _ -46 19 _ .. .,__.. 1 I Humidification 2,309 ...,_ . , Duct Latent _ _ . w . _. r.M. . _ _ -217 � ym 1 total 4,298 55x 1,066 n 28,267 ._ -2,274 1,572 1,200 System 1`Main Trunk Size: 26x10 in: Velocity: 690 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.. 0.043 in.w 1 Duct size results above are from Manual is Ductsize. Runout duct velocities are not printed with duct size results from Manual D Ductsize since they can vary within r the room. See the Manual t3 Ductsl e reD rt for duct velocities and other data i Natural Gas or Propane Furnace 92.1 AFUE 13 SEER 75000 n/a n/a n/a 33000 33;000 Btuh 0 Btuh 6395468 Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12 2014, 8:08 AM a Rotation Report j A's y��original orientation. yeast Auto during the building l tab of the Select Reports r4 %s. w7frini f _.._. _,.... Northeast -1,572 -26, bU -..-J 450 East 1,521 27,349 Zane 1. 2.28 900 Southeast 1,469 26,421 -2,273 2.20 1350 South 1 Rec Room *145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 7, 2 BR 5 35 35 35 *7 35 35 35 37 6 3 Bath 4 *6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 Mech1 Storage *62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 5 5 Project Rm 88 *89 77 58 71 78 79 67 6,6 6 Mud Room *5 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 6 7 Kitchen/Nook *373 399 347 348 344 299 357 365 7,7,7,7 8 Great Room 218 *227 192 144 189 215 267 168 7,7,7 9 Bath 3 *11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 BR4/O t Study 114 115 117 107 *117 112 110 99 7,7 11 Entry *34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 5 12 Master BR *205 204 182 142 167 178 182 161 7;7,7 13 BR 2 55 *61 48 33 46 56 51 39 7 14 Bath 2 *10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 15 BR 3 *105 104 96 82 95 100 101 90 7,7 16 Laundry 17 12 17 *20 18 13 18 20 < 4 17 Library 121 *135 127 106 125 128 116 94 6, 18 Master Bath 55 *65 57 51 55 60 51 51 6,6 19 WIC 1 *25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5 20 WIC 2 19 *24 21 16 20 22 18 16 4 * Indicates highest CFM of all rotations. 00 Northeast -1,572 -26, bU -..-J 450 East 1,521 27,349 -2,273 2.28 900 Southeast 1,469 26,421 -2,273 2.20 1350 South 1,290 23,102 -2,273 1.93 1800 Southwest 1,428 25,677 -2,273 2.14 2250 Nest 1,420 25,529 -2,273 2.13 2700 northwest 1,474 26,507 -2,273 2.21 3150 north 1,349 24,264 -2,273 2.02 * Indicates highest value of all rotations. YY.1:..\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 AM Y:\ ...\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 A 17,000.4_ .....w._. ----- -- .. Sam gam 10am 11 am 42 pm f pm 2pm Spm Apm 5prn bpm 7pm Time of Day Front door faces Northeast Front door faces East Front door faces Southeast Front door faces South Front door faces Southwest Front door faces West Front door faces Northwest Front door faces North Y:\ .,.\Plan 5057.rhv Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:08 A Install Balancing Clampers on all Supplies CFM GIVEN HERE ARETHELARGEST BEC TEN SLASONSTHATWILLRt; REQUIRED FROM ELITE SO `ARTS ,MOR1,AG7 A N D NIAYU5F.00MMO ROOMS TO XW.' VP SUPPLY AIR CFMi MAT IS REQUIRED AS Slit}SM".r' ON MR PANS �.i A .PAGE SIZE. 11X17” .., SCALE; 1f8" = 1'0" { prawn: Approved: Date: Job Number: 3 SR -250,7°"S71 CFM,RegAOx4 SR•240,7",71 CFM, .IOx4 SR -260,r%71 CFM,RetpYOx4 SR -280,6",34 ht Reg:7€kx4SR-360,7"',55 LSR.350,'r',S$ CFAI,AegaOx+t CFM, 10xd !SR -370,7",55 C.iCegtlt 14x6"" Transr Grille,if door psese?at w� p ... {#I4" ..._10.,14xlW',342CFM,SrEete.1 RrojoctRm SR-290,e',34CFtrt,Regn10 i ' 11 !' Cruet Room w sR•270,6',35c,Reg. Rarerrr �. s r .,. °. ., I a,7 71 CFM,Reqi1Ox4' I ., 9 7 . _ w- , s --tow,14XIO",342 CFN or911e.1 Ducts in'"gerage potting '� 1ax10" #otanio E3 Proposed: Frame In R Sh Entry at 3 Low 1400" Return F - duct in ctceeF ...,� -SA-320,4",11 CFK .10x4 Proposed: Fla SR -310,F,34 C ,RegAOx4 to ()84xF0"dakcaa to oars" Ceffing 1010" Transfer Grtlle $R tlopt study 7 513-340,7,43 CFM,Rog.10x4 SR'�530„7",43 CFtd,Reg:lOx4 Install Balancing Clampers on all Supplies CFM GIVEN HERE ARETHELARGEST BEC TEN SLASONSTHATWILLRt; REQUIRED FROM ELITE SO `ARTS ,MOR1,AG7 A N D NIAYU5F.00MMO ROOMS TO XW.' VP SUPPLY AIR CFMi MAT IS REQUIRED AS Slit}SM".r' ON MR PANS �.i A .PAGE SIZE. 11X17” .., SCALE; 1f8" = 1'0" { prawn: Approved: Date: Job Number: 3 SR-3goxm CFM RoO10A --- --- - --- 7" SR-3$0,7'*,73CFM,Req:10x4, 13R 5 ----------- SR-400,6",35 CFMReg:lOx4 -14x6,' Transfer Grille M*4 ...... . SR -410,4",6 CFM,FWWIOX4 . . ........ . ... . 14xlW'up, --'sy to garow— Jasmt Law,10",249 CFM,Gdllezl ceiling -7-7 -r­x­T­, it unfinished Saseftnuu, tunfirrished basement, 4, 1 delete line return and nstal$ as designed but lotion the sarne size lure .-I - remove bath supply Proposed: Frame j --- and Quite 41, the ceiling In In (2)14xlD' to COMM041 area of garage cefflngbasement in the ceiling at 911" of 1010" Wast 10,01, from water . ............. .... ... beater .......... SR -420,5",62 CF9R*gA0x4 Meant Storage 7�1 ark Install Balancing Dampers on all Supplies STANDARD PACIFIC BASEMENT FIRESIDE PLAN 5057 WORST CASE SCENARIO Low energy consumption criteria, Building design equipbrent locations, and local building code requirements may hinder customer comfort preferences. Conthrous, blower operation may be required to equalize temperature differences, 1 PAGE SIZE; 11X17' SCALE, 1/8" = I'll" -1/14"'1441 Drawn: North # Approved: Date: Job Number- x x °r u u,, `" ..,..._ ° tin Get t,) acs 0 ..� t [Ti AT t♦w fur ff C ",.. cc IL yy} cc f :rem 0* cc cr x k me z ccm _.. 'p"' (j 1 } k k � i 11 1 C} w 44 4 f pp E ec {i i OD cc CL CL LU 14�: Y GE SI R �L NAMIIW 1S t Luv i zyLL Ci ti E ,Z+ t ! CL { !RI S S.R. W } I Sheet p INEER , , CALCULATIONS STD. 8' x 20" MODULAR OFFICE UNIT STATE F COLORAD MINI PREPARED FOR: MOBILE INC., MARWPA� AZ. o r 2003 International Building Code Roof Uve Load = 40 psf (snow) 10 Roof Dead Load' = psf Roo Uve Load = 50 psf a Floor Dead Load = 10 psf 24600 Wall Dead Load 7 psf .# Wind ... , 1w 1.0 Height & r .' , Exp. a MWFRS Load = 15.9 pst (roof slope: 0 — 5 . 1. Seismic Load "Shi D, Design Category D 0 . 25, Fa = 1. , k Sds 2/3Sm N Ali Allowable it Swing Pressure 1, 1. Foundation Pads icy precast concre o r min. 3/4 thick pressu re—treated plywood * (rnarked PS 1). See Foundation Plan r pad sizes. stands 2. Support Piers — Adjustable steel jack m 4 lbs. capacity. 3. Tie—Down Anchors — Minute Man Model 4430—DH 3/4 MMA-6 r auge r —type anoWs min. holding power = 4,725 . Install per manufacturees r P—T Plywood pads: min. 31e thick for 16" x 1W; min. 110 thick for 24P x 24". �� � P .� d � �"' *' ,� ,� � � ..V � � #W' �P.y�.• � '.. M � :. .y j '�. Ai': : M � WR :� � � `$ �:, yp �. .1116 �' d �. T' �h � �.. � y� , 4 A A �; W W s � �, ; � �, � .gam #p yy i �y VA+ ,yik. +Mk'. iYr^. iF ;� ;�6�. °i' / e`, Y; k .• � Ye M +iN X' da . 9� AY � A' .... R%.. fi dk ,. ,y li 'Al # ' tl� � M4 'IM � � iM � ' �� � P .� d � City of W3.6atR I d C ,,,�g COMMUNny DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 301235,2857 March 20, 2014 OFFICIAL ADDRESS NOTIFICA Z2IR!EAjMNMP CODE CORRECTION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: PROPERTY OWNER(S): Standard PaciFic of Colorado Inc. A Delaware Ca ration OLD ADDRESS: None '90 abor Cr. Wheat Ri d e Co '0033 '0 NEW ADDRESS: 3 "0 't'ab � or Ct. 80033 Block 1_ Lo t25 3870 ab I or Ct. 80033 033 3 60 1, ab 8 or Ct Ile t Ri e C W 0�810033 80033 3 5 Ta b or 8 0 T or Cr. Ct W heat R i C e 081 Blac o 'oc t 2 8 Block 1 -Lor 6 3801 Taft Ct. Wheat Rtd e C{ 3 3830 T abor Ct. Tab block l _ I of 3819 `Taft Ct, Wheat I2id e CC) 3 Black 1 Lor 9 3829 Taff Ct. Wheat Rzd CC 3 Black t -Lot 10 3839 "Taft Ct. Wear Rid e CC? 33 Stock l _Lot 11 384 Tafr Ct. Wheat Rid e C) 33 Black 1 -Lor 12 38E9 Tafil Ct. Wheat laid >e C( 33 33 Block I Lot t4 3889 Taft Ct. Wheat Rid e CCU 33 'oc "o' '90 abor Cr. Wheat Ri d e Co '0033 '0 Block I - Lot 4 3 "0 't'ab � or Ct. W heat: e R id 80033 Block 1_ Lo t25 3870 ab I or Ct. Wheat Ri e 0 80033 C B l ack 1 Lot 26 3 60 1, ab 8 or Ct Ile t Ri e C W 0�810033 S to c k Lot .1 1 7 3 5 Ta b or 8 0 T or Cr. Ct W heat R i C e 081 Blac o 'oc t 2 8 384 Ta b 0 or Ct' t R ea 80 0 0033 d e �Q� : Mac k 2 I -ot 9 3830 T abor Ct. Tab i Co hea R �e 33 �( 8 � �ock I Lot 30 38 0 or Ct Wheat Co e R id 80�033 3 Black 2 - Ilot 3 383E `Taft Ct. Wheat. Rid e CCU 80033 Black 2 - Lat 4 3848 Taft Ct. Wheat Rid e fC} 3 3 33 WWWA-Wheatridgexo.us I 1] IM1 4 JIM I I I 101 (Block l,ot 1 2 3871 Tabor Q. Wheat Rid (Block 2 – Lot 13) 3861 Tabor Ct.,Wheat Ridge, co 8o033 Block 2 -• -Lot 14 3851 Taber Ct. Wheat Rid e CC) 80033 (Block 2 -.- Lot 15113841 Tabor Ct,,Wheat Ridg cO 80033 fRIA01- I – T tit I Al 'A R I I 'rnl nr Of 1X71-4 DA,.- f^t onlill SUIRDIVISION: Doud Overlook Subdivision aka Fireside at Youn field Subdivision LOT(S): KEY: SECTION: — JEFFERSON COUNTY RECEPTION #: 2013143668 9mmmusm NOTES: This is a courtesy notification, AUTHORIZED BY. DATE: JUL-11timu NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: DATE: R69W 601 ALUM. PPE W/ 3 -1/4 GRASS CAR EO STAMP LS 13212' N RANK 8O% PONT 14109 N-708326.7466 E- 1025512566 T35, P.2' I I I I 1 I i I I I I I� i� 1 I, M la IY� IW I I LOT 11 3819 0710 38M P p TV s s O 11858 11842 11828 NEST 39TH PLACE 0 2 1871 11851 RP 11831 G 2 11811 • 0 0 o s 398 H.O.A. C 3881 LOT 7 LOT 12 3884 3871 LOT 6 LANDSCAPING 3872 LOT 13 3881 LOT 5 C 3550 LOT 14 I 3851 3821 LOT 4 3848 LOT 15 3841 LOT 3 3836 1 <\ 1 0 LOT 22 11810 TRACT 8 E. 1/4 CORO" SEC. 20 T35, R69W 6TH P.Y. S AIW. i'Pf W/ 3 !BASS CAP l STAIIREEI ,313=13- N RAHOE E01 05310 ADDRESS PLAT PONT 14209 11212' N 9 RA" 0.1 a•0 DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 BEING A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION, --� LOCATED IN THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 AND THE WEST HALF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, `s TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 48 LOTS, 5 TRACTS & PUBLIC R.O.W. — 14.872 ACRES I 1 r 1 LOT 23 3890 1 rI �1 I TRACT USE I A 1 HO.A LOT 16 3831 1 H.O.A. C t UTUTE3 LOT if D UTRITES DRAINAGE k EYEROENCY ACCESS LOT 2 E LANDSCAPING N.O.A. TRACT C 3889.5 LOT 14 C 3m I 3824 3821 LOT 24 3880 h LOT 25 3870 M I LOT 26 3880 LOT 27 3850 LOT 28 3840 LOT 29 3830 1 * I LOT 17 - - - - * I j I 1 3812 11831 O M LOT 8 LOT 1 _ LOT 30 MI 3819 O 11871 3820 1 C I y8T11 PU►_�� POINT a T LS ,ea7 _r LOT 7 w -' TW •1RACT 0 LOT 31 + Lr 11820 t — 'a UN v K I? 3610 BRASS CAP y1p 11880 c r�oR7risioo 1331:• N RANK NI2 I 11890 11880 1 N- 7056727126 E- 1025618715 I 3801 W N O 3800.5 1RACT SE 1/4 SEC. 20� CAP 1 0 of ��` `� 1M►Tf �— _—J DD05TM0 \ I I2' LIB I N I I 1 I I IR TRACT USE TABLE TRACT USE OWNER A LANDSCAPING HO.A 8 DETEMI110H POND k VTMUTES H.O.A. C t UTUTE3 H.O.A. D UTRITES DRAINAGE k EYEROENCY ACCESS H.O.A. E LANDSCAPING N.O.A. 1 N N.O.A. -HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION 1� I I I IEOE10 1 Nlocx ,RrLR SICWaR COINER R4W. RMT -OF -MY "ammy Lm LOT LINE 0057N0 PLATS rz:71cm uw ROAD O911ER Lm I x I 1 -4 POINT Of OMSV ICDIENT BE CORRNf SEC 20 TM. RRf 6TH P.Y. AWL PPE W/ 3-1/4 BRASS CAP STATED. %S 13512' N RANK BOX PONT ism — — N-705701.5458 E.1052301675 I I— 'SCALE: 1" - 60' CPI Vry.AL tPAOM: _:..LI DEVELOPER ENGINEER \SURVEYOR rlr`■rsn.�6 *"DAIQDPACtfjcHomjs CA RROLL& LA NGE- MA N HARD •/•RV6,Nro anLelA1►a aoYRWPn V A .P. a •et1`..- ��ira: �WriWR.i...�ow1• LOT 16 i LOT 17 11874 ' 1182'0 LOT 16 { I 3901 I 11900 I I LOT 15 V 3899 1 1 I TRACT C 3889.5 LOT 14 1 I 3WO I f LOT 13 j 3879 LOT 12 i � � "� d 3889 I