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3160 Simms Street
City of Wheat Ridge aiemorandum TO: Accounting Department F17.;I#T MOMMM Please refund: Contractors License$ ( KOAVT T W-T_*MXW9MFIW# 15773 E. Custer Dr. Aurora, CO 80017 III a 0 PITIM MI 201400388 CDR010056 03/31/14 PRM 93.35- 201400388 CDB010056 03/31/14 USE 40.50- TOTAL 133.85- GL Posting Summary 01-101 BPS PERMIT PAYMENTS 133,85- O.00 01-500-02-505 BPS PERMIT PAYMENTS 0,00 40,50 01-510-00-516 BPS PERMIT PAYMENTS 0100 93.35 TOTAL 133.85- 133.85 1§ *f <2y22? ?«\ WN ; % q x442 � ®® 2 »w Address Ci ty, State, , $§koot/§ n \\E \ \ <?d? \?2w \dy <y?\d §dam ?\ Phonc Complete all i o£m■#6% on BOTH sides of this for Sq. FULF Btu Gallons a Amps 0M ° Squares Other §. ,.,