HomeMy WebLinkAbout5630 W. 38th Avenue Master PlansCITY OF + R IDGE • g • a • • f ' •: e ce r if, No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM � • is •c • s: R / ' Date. Inspe Ins pection Type J ob Add P ermit Plea ROVIOWFOO: Vt , T�D,O Building Permit Application PP (if di erent than property address) Address: Cc City, Stete 3c6r-a Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form � . «/ . . . Xce[Energlysm PUBL SE RVICE C O MPANY June g, 201 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3" Avenue Denver, Colorado do 0 3 Te�ephone: 303,571.3306 FacsimHc 303, 571,3660 dofitaa,..r r r e((Pxce tenr rcgy care Donna Georg Contract Right of Way Referral Processor or Public Service: Company of Colorado + � of \\ \ <: .. 2 \� a � � � .. \ e \ \ % ƒ� d2c� ti \ MF,N / ~ . . . \ \ Memorandum d� c 2 m e 3 cit or y, �cre CITY OF WHEAT ME)CC BUILDING AND 1�,SIICCTIUVSEioxES DIV6100 iSM W 901 Ave WIMM &C, CO 8003 '"001 t 3012'37.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review copy ref this f rm must b completed by eacti agency ;r�r�ic tecS � t #� permi E�e � � submission the project t and be - a ta-hed t the Building e� °rt�it �a g�i'scat; � at l c C3C1E1 i resen presented for vv tl - jout completed Proof of ubmss ;1011 f0-M from a requ eu agen � xf1 not e,a cePte r proCesse .. Date: �i+ 3C& f ID 4 Project Ad d ss. r, f it i iduaI submi ting docu eats: rr s n . Same a �;; 1 tc �- Ir Project Ty /Desc s tion:, � res ntat�v Signature f Firm Re ,„�.. 3 NOT ITE3 f i d 3 ' 3 A Y tJS k �f X 1 f o ear * am a duly authorized r preseritat'sve of the agency in be lo w and c4 '. 4 �rtaute bets, hereby crsuv9 ug, rest of d ocuments necessa for review an al rov�l .es$ Et s ta?Oject ind above, A M V r rst ,. 9 (please check one) o Wheat Fudge Fire prot ption Wheat Ridge S M , nation Dist , rict . . Wheat Ridge Water District t r'ict,, p Other 0 �3env Water"- Agency rtes: Signatur any }3lsresetative y \,v]:le-at 1, c:L:7e, CffY OF olHL A PRAA� I 1 503 "' 2'.) 111 A"'t 'Wrx"It R,Aer, Q SO 03 3 P 1,1, 12 151, 2 i5'�, , ,303.'., 92q 'an Revie Proof of Submission for Permitting/Pt w A copy of this foon m ,4st be completed by ea k° igency irdicated or the Permit SubnNtwl Check4st for the project type arid, be 'attached to tire BulUing Petrm�t Applclt�'on at the zitne of subriiason, Applications pres tnited tok subrrlssion w' hout a cornpieted Proof of Submission frinn 1rorr, a reqWred agency v. riot be accepted or prricessed Da 2 Project Address LLD r cil-1. 1 of FrrinAndividuat sdOil'tting docurnents -AI — 'd !:lllzn - Project Type/ Des r; pbon: 77 - "T- h , ignature Of Firm flepresen* tqs-t'70r cS DO NOT WMTE THlS,4P"d,­%T,.,-'T , OR AGENCY USE OM-Y .1WIV —th '06zed rapit-sentative of he agEncy indlIcated belaw and do, by rny,a�Oa'Vur� be rcct or documeuits ner-, crsary for review and aprr?�jl jpf-t6 e 06ajact indicwted :�bcve. , x Wheat R�rlgq �Varnr Mq tdc.L 0 Otlwt Agency Notes: i"xly nu 7)t Ec. W,,:` n's ta I t or, i h- 4 a " et opf CS k V e) • M= 2180 aooth Ivanh<>e Strout, Suites 5 O,env4ar, Colc>rado 80222-5710 303-759-8100 Fax 303-756-2920 wwwagwassenaar,com N ,4.!; ' r;r4 7 The field exploration included drilling two 4-inch diameter auger borings at the approximate diagonal corners of the anticipated building footprint to depths of approximately 20 to 25 feet. The subsurface materials encountered consisted of: 11' to 18' Clay, stiff, silty, sandy, moist, brown to rust broms 18' to 20' Claystone (bedrock), medium hard, silty, sandy, moist, rust brown to brown to olive M NT Dwellings, LLC Project Number 135107 November 29, 2013 Page 2 Depth to water: Boring 1 Dry at the time of drilling 13 feet 4* after drilling Boring 2: Dry at the time • drilling 13Y2 feet 4 days after drilling M NT Dwellings, LLC November 29, 2013 Page 3 kirm-mmolf-ILOSSAW* , 111 Testres T it MTV n 77FTMUFM slab movement, slabs supported by the expansive subsurface materials should be constructed using the following criteria: 1 Slabs should be separated from exterior walls and interior bearing members with a joint which allows free vertical movement of the slab. Z Slab bearing partitions should be constructed with a minimum 2-inch void spac Stairways bearing upon the slab should be constructed in such a way as to allo at least 2 inches of slab heave, In the event of slab heave, the movement shou not be transmitted directly through the partitions to the remainder of t residence. slab, however, the void spaces recommended are not intended to predict total slab movement. Care should be taken to monitor and reestablish partition voids and flexible connections when necessary. We are available to provide further consultation regarding slab performance risk assessments. IT Dwellings, LLC Project Number 135107 November 29, 2013 Page 4 — NT Dwellings, LLC November 29, 2013 Page 5 T rf I MM I as much as praciical d turing construction. 2 The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the foundation should be maintained in such a manner as to provide for positive surface drainage away from the foundation. At completion of construction, we recommend a minimum fall away from the foundation of ♦ inches in the first 5 feet, This slope should be continuous across the backfill zone. 4. If lawn edging is used around the exterior of the foundation, it should be constructed in a manner to prevent ponding of surface water in the vicinity of the backfill soils. i All drainage swales should be constructed and maintained a minimum of 5 fe away from the foundation on side yards and 15 feet away from the foundation back and front yards. Drainage swales should maintain a slope of at least 2% of the lot, Swales must not be blocked by fences, landscaping, paths or oth Homeowner installed items. 1 1 6, Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of founclati backfill, I & Plastic membranes should not be used to cover the ground surface immediately surrounding the foundation. These membranes tend to trap moisture and prevent nM rmal evaporation from occurring. We recommend the use • a weed suppressant geotextile fabric. "MMM= M W T 7 T67n W, r f ITT IT - TZ rf 47-T November 29, 2013 Page 6 Tz - Sincerely, 11, R "0 cq/"' X G, WA EN VIA :0 Senior En ineer a W FP� M A — r - 7�W Tay or, --.ent MRC/DLT/lia Attachment: Figure 1 kkV&4"MAK Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants NOT i I. DRAIN MUST SLOPE TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET AND/OR TO SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING 2. SLOPE BOTTOM OF TRENCH AND PIPE AT A MINIMUM OF 1/8" PER FOOT (Le. I I/Io) PIPE (ASTM 2729 MINIMUM SCHEDULE 20), OR AN AP tr • 10 BACICFILL s • *IF FIV4; D SEAL 1 L ola 0 su D GROUND SURFACE SLOPED TO THE DRAIN MIN.�l DRAIN PIPE - NOTES #2 & 3) (SEE AT LOCATION OF HIGH POINT, ESTABLISH BOTTOM OF DRAIN PIPE AT LEAST 8" BELOW BOTTOM OF FOOTING OR PACT FOOTING FOUNDATION FTC 5 INT CRAWL TYPICAL INTERIOR DRAIN DETAIL MARCH 2€ 06 FIGURE 1 r r• (::7�� FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT PERRIN'S ROW FILING NO.2 SUBDIVISION 5670 WEST 38 AVENUE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO Prepared for: Richard Oneslager Jr. Crosswire Investments LLC 1100 Broad Street, Unit B Milliken, CO 80543 Prepared by: Henry Hollender, P.E. HVS Engineering, Inc. 9201 West Tennessee Avenue Lakewood, CO, 80226 September 10, 2013 I. INTRODUCTION A. Site Location Perrin's Row Filing No. 2 Subdivision is located on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of West 38` Avenue and Depew Street in Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado. (See Vicinity Map in the Appendix.) The property is bordered on the north by West 38` Avenue, to the east by Depew Street, to the west by commercial property, and to the south by an apartment building. Commercial property, single family homes and duplexes are located across West 38` Avenue from the property. Apartment buildings are located across Depew Street from the property. B. Site Description The lot is 1.4 acres in size and is currently vacant. Most of the site is covered with grass with sidewalk and landscaping located along the street frontages. There are also several existing trees located along the west boundary line and an existing retaining wall located along most of the south boundary line. The lot generally drains from south to north with a grade drop of 6 to 7 feet over 200', sheet flowing over existing sidewalk into the gutter on the south side of West 38` Avenue. Curb inlets are located in the gutters along West 38` Avenue and Depew Street that drain into a storm sewer in West 38 Avenue that drains to the west. Roof drains from the north side of the apartment building to the south drain onto the property through weep holes in the retaining wall. C. Proposed Project Description Twenty -six townhouse units in seven different buildings will be constructed on individual lots for each townhouse unit. A 20 -foot wide rectangular looped alley will be constructed on the site with two points of access being provided by extending the north and south alleys onto Depew Street. There will be no vehicular access from the site to West 38th Avenue. Three four -unit buildings will be located between the north alley and West 38` Avenue, one four -unit building located on the east side of the west alley, one handicapped accessible two -unit building located on the north side of the south alley, and one four -unit building on each side of the east alley. A detention/water quality pond will be constructed in the middle of the site. The outlet pipe from this pond will drain into an inlet located in the gutter on the south side of West 38` Avenue. D. Flood Hazard and Drainage Studies Relevant to Site The site is not located in any local or federally designated flood hazard area. II. HYDROLOGY A. Major Basin The site is located in the Clear Creek Basin. The major basin is urban development with mixed uses and topography. B. Historical Basins Historically, the entire site drains into the south gutter along West 38` Avenue. However, historical flows are considered in two basins. Basin H -A consists of the eastern 0.835 acres of the site that drains to the inlet that the detention pond outlet will drain into. Basin H -B consists of the remaining 0.569 acres on the west side of the property that drains into the gutter downstream from the inlet. The rational method is used to determine flows from the minor (5 -year) and major (100 -year) storms in Basins H -A and H -B. Urban Drainage spreadsheets are used to compute these flows. These spreadsheets require the area, percent imperviousness, NRCS Hydrologic Soil Group, storm return period, one -hour precipitation for that period, and flow path information necessary to compute time of concentration for each Basin. The drainage areas for Basins H -A and H -B are delineated on the Drainage Plan in the rear pocket of this report. The entire site is grass covered, except for the sidewalk along West 38` Avenue that currently exists on the property, but which will be dedicated to the City, so the percent impervious is assumed to be 0. Soils on the site are identified in the Web Soil Survey for Jefferson County as Nunn — Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes, which is in Hydrologic Soil Group C. One -hour precipitation values of 1" for the 2 -year storm, 1.35" for the 5 -year storm, and 2.7" for the 100 -year storm were used. Flowpath information was obtained using topographic information for Basins H -A and the same time of concentration is used for Basin H -B. The calculated flows are as follows: Basin Q5 Q100 HA 0.42 2.83 HB 0.29 1.93 OS 0.25 0.65 Total Runoff 0.96 5.40 The UDFCD "Calculation of Peak Runoff Using Rational Method" spreadsheets are included in the Appendix. C. Proposed Basins The proposed site is divided into three basins. Basin A consists of the majority of the site, which drains into the detention pond. Basins F -A and F -B are fringe areas that will drain off site in sheet flow undetained. Basin F -A is the portion of Basin H -A that is not included in Basin A after development. Similarly, Basin F -B is the portion of Basin H -B that is not included in Basin A after development. The off site area that flows onto the property from the south is labeled Basin OS. Again, Urban Drainage spreadsheets are used to compute flows from the minor (5- year) and major (100 -year) storms flows for Basins A, F -A, F -B and OS. The same hydraulic soils group and one hour precipitation rates that were used in for the historical flows apply in the developed condition. The drainage areas for developed and off site are also delineated on the Drainage Plan in the rear pocket of this report. For the developed and off site basins, the percent imperviousness used in the spreadsheets is based on actual values of the proposed development (or, for the historical flows, existing condition) using Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) recommended values of 100% imperviousness for pavement and 90% imperviousness for roofs. Therefore, % Imperviousness is calculated as follows: % Impervious = [(100 % Paved + 90% Concrete + 90% Roof) / Area] Composite Impervious Coefficient A Basin Area Paved Impervious 100% Concrete impervious 90% Roof Impervious 90% Basin Impervious A 1.03 0.29 0.24 0.33 0.80 F -A 0.24 0.02 0.09 0.06 0.15 F -B 0.14 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.07 OS 1 0.11 0.00 1 0.00 0.08 0.07 Totals 1 1.52 1 0.72 Runoff Summary - Developed Basin Q5 (cfs) Q100 (cfs) A 2.14 5.17 F -A 0.40 1.08 F -B 0.20 0.61 Total Site 2.74 7.55 Offsite: OS 0.25 0.65 III. HYDRAULICS & PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. Criteria Basin A is designed to drain to a catch curb on the inside of the alley loop. The outside of the loop is designed as a spill curb. The curb in front of the townhouse units will be mountable curb to allow access to garages located in front of the units. The remaining curb will be vertical. 1.5' gutters will be used even where vertical curbs are used due to the narrowness of the alley. The catch curb will be constructed at a minimum I% grade to a curb cut on the south side of the north alley, which will drain into a detention/water quality pond. The pond is designed to provide enough capacity to detain the 100 -year volume plus '/2 the WQCV with 1.0 foot of freeboard from the 100 Yr +' /2 WQ level to the finished floor of the lowest building elevation. The outlet structure is designed to release the water quality volume using UDFCD recommendations (except that no standing water will be allowed), and release the 5 -year and 100 -year storms at the UDFCD recommended rates of 0.17 cfs /acre and 1 cfs /acre respectively. For detention release rates, the area is the combination of Basin A and Basin OS. Basins F -A and F -B will leave the site undetained. A 12" RCP will connect into the box of an existing inlet in West 38' Avenue. A manhole will be required to change direction of the outlet pipe. B. Capacity of Downstream System Prior to construction, 0.96 cfs leaves the site from Basins OS, H -A and H -B during the 5 -year storm and 5.40 cfs during the 100 -year storm. After construction, during the 5 -year storm, 0.60 cfs will leave the site undetained from Basins F -A and F -B. This is a decrease of 0.36 cfs undetained runoff. After construction, during the 100 -year storm, 1.63 cfs will leave the site undetained from Basins F -A and F -B. This 3.77 cfs reduction of undetained flow should help alleviate flooding during the major storm event. C. Detention/Water Quality Design The 5 -year and 100 -year volumes for the detention pond were determined using the UDFCD UD- Detention Modified FAA spreadsheet for determining pond volumes. The pond volumes required are for Basins A and OS and the composite impervious value for basins A and OS are based on UDFCD Table RO -3, calculated as follows: Com osite Impervious Coefficient Basin Area Paved Impervious 100% Concrete impervious 90% Roof Impervious 90% Basin Im ervious A 1.03 0.29 0.24 0.33 0.80 OS 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.08 1 0.07 Totals 1.14 1 0.77 Recommended release rates identified in III. A above were used as default values for CI, C and C C- Values, Time of concentrations and flowrates were found using UDFCD "Rational Method" spreadsheet with the "USDCM Recommended Value" for the time of concentration. C- values were computed using the UDFCD "Rational Method" spreadsheet and used as the default values to compute the 5 -Year and 100 - Year flowrates. The required volumes for Water Quality, 5 -Year and 100 Year return periods are calculated using UDFCD UD- Detention "Basin" spreadsheet. Due to the nature of this irregularly shaped pond, the "user input" column is used to evaluate the pond volumes based on the contour areas at 0.10 foot intervals. Per the City of Wheat Ridge storm design requirements and UDFCD procedures for calculating pond volumes based on the Modified FAA method, the pond volumes required for the 5 -year storm and the 100 -year storm is the 100 -year volume plus % of the Water Quality volume, where water quality is calculated using UDFCD Equation 3 -1 for a 40 hour drain time, while the volume for the 5 year and 100 year return periods are found using UDFCD "Modified FAA" spreadsheet. The volumes are as follows: Water Quality = 0.04 Acre -Feet EURV = 0.07 Acre -Feet 100Yr + ( 1/2 Water Quality) = 0.13 Acre -Feet Maximum 5 Yr Release Rate = 1 0.19 cfs Maximum 100 Yr Release Rate= F 1.14 cfs Water Quality = 1,557 ft 5 -Year = 3,049 ft 100Yr + 1/2 Water Quality) = 5,663 ft The elevations for the pond volumes are as follows: WQCV = 5414.4 ft Water Level, EURV = 5415.0 ft Water Level, 100 Year + 1/2 WQ = 5416.0 ft The outlet structure has been designed in accordance with UDFCD UD- Detention "Outlet" spreadsheet and is a 3'x3' concrete box with an invert for the pipe lower than the pond finished grade. The finished grade of the structure is 5412.0' while the invert of the pipe is 5411.15'. The outlet structure will consist of one row of 2 -1" holes at 6" on- center for the release of the Water Quality volume. The holes will be covered by a screen, which is designed to capture trash prior to entering the outlet structure. The 5 -year water surface elevation is at the top of the box, where it will flow into the box through a grated top. The top of the box is designed to allow for 50% blockage of the grate. The 100 -year will overtop the box. Emergency overflow will flow east along the north alley to Depew Street. From there, the water will flow into an existing storm system located in Depew Street. The alignment of the proposed storm pipe from the outlet in the pond to the existing inlet in West 38` Avenue is such that a manhole will need to be installed. The proposed 3 -foot diameter manhole will be located approximately 9.5 feet behind the back of walk and in the sidewalk. A 6" PVC pipe will carry the water from the outlet structure into that existing inlet in West 38th Avenue. The approximate 85 feet from the outlet structure to the 3 foot diameter manhole will be at a slope of approximately 6 %. The 25 feet from the mahole into the existing outlet will have a slope of 0.5% . From the inlet, the water will flow into a storm drain system and eventually into Clear Creek. Detention is not provided in the fringe areas, Basins F -A and F -B. However, water quality will be addressed in these areas by using an approved water quality device in the roof drains. The UDFCD "Calculation of Peak Runoff Using Rational Method" UD- Detention spreadsheets for sizing the pond are included in the Appendix. IV. CONCLUSIONS The proposed Perrin's Row Development will reduce the flows from this site to offsite in both the 5 -year storm event and the 100 -year storm event. Currently, the site is undeveloped, therefore, the flows from this site and the offsite that flows through this site pass through undetained and untreated for water quality issues. With the development of this site, there will continue to be undetained runoff, however, the runoff will be less than historical rates in both the 5 -year and 100 -year events. With the development of this site, the majority of the site and what comes on the site from offsite will be detained then release at rates recommended by Urban Drainage Flood Control District. Due to the nature of the outlet structure, water quality for the majority of the site will be achieved through detention and release rates. For those fringe areas not flowing into the pond, roof drains will be equipped with a water quality device, thereby achieving water quality enhancements. For those fringe areas not flowing into the pond, roof drains will be equipped with a water quality device, thereby achieving water quality enhancements. APPENDIX 1In1AlIT \/ 11 A A f'1 viUnvi 1 r MAP N.T.S. W. 38TH AVE a cn J SITE 00 z a z o z Q � Z w Ul W. 35TH AVE. W. 33RD AVE. W. 32ND AVE. C ITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, �O CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Perrin's Row Townhomes Catchment ID: H -A 5 -Year I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = H -A Area = 0.84 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 0.00 NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= _ P1= Ill. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Ovencle Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = 1 (inch/hr) = C1 ` P1 /(C2 + Td) ^C3 5 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of C1) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 1.35 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.15 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.15 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heav Tnage/ Short Nearl Grassed Paved Areas 8 Type Meadow Runoff Pasture! Bare Swale s( Shallow Paved Swales Coeff ante Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2.5 0�7 minutes 10 15 20 Calculations: Reach ID Overland 1 2 3 4 I Sum I 363 1 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 2.59 inch /hr 3.39 inch /hr 3.39 inch /hr uomputea I c =I 10.95 Regional Tc = 12.02 User - Entered Tc = 12.02 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.32 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.42 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.42 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin HA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 1:55 PM Slope Length 5 -yr NRCS Flow Flow S L Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ante V Tf ft /ft ft C -5 fps minutes input input output input output output 0.0230 213 0.15 N/A 0.19 19.02 0.0040 150 20.00 1.26 1.98 Overland 1 2 3 4 I Sum I 363 1 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 2.59 inch /hr 3.39 inch /hr 3.39 inch /hr uomputea I c =I 10.95 Regional Tc = 12.02 User - Entered Tc = 12.02 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.32 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.42 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.42 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin HA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 1:55 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Catchment ID: I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = H -A Area = 0.84 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 0.00 NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = C1 = C2= _ C3= _ P1= III. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Ovencle Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearl y Grassed Paved Areas & Type Jr Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Shallow Paved Swales 19.02 1 Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2 5 00 10 15 20 Regional Tc = 1 12.02 User - Entered Tc = 12.02 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 5.18 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 6.77 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.77 inch /hr Perrins Row Townhomes H -A 100 -Year I (inch /hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td) "C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.50 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.15 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.16 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.83 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.83 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin HA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 2:01 PM Calculations: Reach ID Overland Slope S ft/ft input Length L ft input 5 -yr Runoff Coeff C -5 output NRCS Convey- ante input Flow Velocity V fps output Flow Time Tf minutes output 0.0230 213 0.15 N/A 0.19 19.02 1 0.0040 150 20.00 Computed 1.26 1.98 2 3 4 5 Sum 363 Tc = 20.99 Regional Tc = 1 12.02 User - Entered Tc = 12.02 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 5.18 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 6.77 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.77 inch /hr Perrins Row Townhomes H -A 100 -Year I (inch /hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td) "C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.50 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.15 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.16 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.83 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.83 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin HA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 2:01 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Perrin's Row Townhomes Catchment ID: H -B 5 -Year I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = H -B Area = 0.57 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 0.00 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = Cl = C2= _ C3= _ P1= III. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient. C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient. C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = I (inch /hr) = C1 . P1 /(C2 + Td) ^C3 5 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 1.35 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.15 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.15 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration LEGEND D B bi.nn.ing F1mv Dinrtio i Catcl—ent Boundary NRCS Land Calculations: Tilla e/ 9 Short Neart Y Grassed Paved Areas & IF —T Heavy Type Meadow Fi eld Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Shallow Paved Swales 19.02 1 Lawns Ground Wate ways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2 5 00 10 15 20 Regional Tc = 12.02 User - Entered Tc = 12.02 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 2.59 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 3.39 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.39 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.22 cfs 0.29 cfs 0.29 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin HB, Tc and PeakQ 9/1312013, 1:55 PM Calculations: Reach ID Overland Slope S ft /ft input Length L ft input 5 -yr Runoff Coeff C -5 output NRCS Convey- ance input Flow Velocity V fps output Flow Time Tf minutes output 0.0230 213 0.15 N/A 0.19 19.02 1 0.0040 150 20.00 1.26 1.98 2 3 4 5 Suml 363 Computed Tc = 20.99 Regional Tc = 12.02 User - Entered Tc = 12.02 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 2.59 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 3.39 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.39 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.22 cfs 0.29 cfs 0.29 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin HB, Tc and PeakQ 9/1312013, 1:55 PM FE:7 CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Catchment ID: I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = H -B Area = 0.57 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 0.00 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= _ P1= 111. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = Perrin's Row Townhomes H -B 100 -Year I (inch /hr) = C1 ' P1 /(C2 + Td) ^C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0386 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") re (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.50 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.15 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heav Tilla e/ Short Nearl Grassed Paved Areas & Type Meadow Fie d Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Shallow Paved Swales output output 15 N/A Lawns Ground Wate ways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2 5 � 0 10 15 20 Calculations: Reach Slope Length 5 -yr ID S L Runoff Coeff ft/ft ft C -5 Overland 0.0230 213 1 0.0040 150 2 3 4 5 Sum IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 5.18 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 6.77 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.77 inch /hr Computed Tc = 20.99 Regional Tc = 12.02 User - Entered Tc =1 12.02 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.47 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 1.93 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 1.93 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin HB, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 2:00 PM NRCS Flow Flow Convey- Velocity Time ante V Tf fps minutes input output output 15 N/A 0.19 19.02 20.00 1.26 1.98 Computed Tc = 20.99 Regional Tc = 12.02 User - Entered Tc =1 12.02 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.47 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 1.93 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 1.93 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin HB, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 2:00 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Perrin's Row Townhomes Catchment ID: Basin OS - 5 Year Nearl Y I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = OS Area = 0.11 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 68 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= P1= Ill. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient. C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = I (inch /hr) = C1 ' P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 5 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of C1) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 1.35 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.51 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.51 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration overland LEGEN Reach 1 MAY Reach 2 0 _ - -- Flay Directioi Catc"W nt Reach 3 Boundary NRCS Land Length Till Short Nearl Y Grassed Paved Areas 8 IF — Heavy Type Mea dow FPasture/ Velocity Bare Swales/ Shallow Paved Swales Coeff ante V Lawns Ground Wate ways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2.5 00 input 10 15 20 Calculations: Reach D Slope Length 5 -yr NRCS Flow Flow S L Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ante V Tf ft /ft ft C -5 fps minutes input input output input output output 0.091 22 0.51 N/A 0.15 2.41 Overland 1 2 3 4 I Suml 22 1 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 5.31 inch /hr 3.64 inch /hr 4.58 inch /hr Computed Tc = 2.41 Regional Tc = 10.12 User - Entered Tc = 5.00 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.29 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.20 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.25 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin OS, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013. 1:54 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Perrin's Row Townhomes Catchment ID: Basin OS -100 Year Nearl I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = OS Area = 0.11 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 68 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D If. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= P1= — III. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient. C = Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Calculations: Reach ID Overland Tit e/ Short Nearl Grassed Paved Areas 8 Type Meadow Fie d Pasture/ Bare Swales! Shallow Paved Swales Tf ft C -5 Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance input output output 22 0.51 20 Calculations: Reach ID Overland Slope S ft/ft input 0.0910 1 L 2 Convey- 3 Time 4 Coeff 5 V Length 5 -yr NRCS Flow Flow L Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ante V Tf ft C -5 fps minutes input output input output output 22 0.51 N/A 0.15 2.41 m IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc. I = 10.63 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 7.27 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 9.16 inch /hr I (inch /hr) = C1 ' P1 /(C2 + Td) ^C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.67 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.51 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Gompute0 I c = 1 2.41 Regionaf Tc = 10.1 , User- Entered Tc =1 5.00 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.76 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.52 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.65 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin OS, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 1:59 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Perrin's Row Townh( Catchment ID: Basin A - 5 Year I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = A Area = 1.03 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 78 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= _ P1= III. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = I (inch /hr) = C1 ` P1 /(C2 + Td) "C3 5 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 1.35 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.60 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.60 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration _ - overland LEGEND Reach 1 flan Reach 2 0 Begvmvrg Flow Direction E Catchment Reach 3 Honnda.y NRCS Land Heav Tdlage/ Short Nead Grassed Paved Areas & Type Meadow Fie d Pasture/ Bare Swale s/ Shallow Paved Swales 15.18 1 Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2 5 00 10 15 20 Regional Tc = 11.59 User - Entered Tc = 11.59 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 3.05 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc. I = 3.44 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.44 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Op = 1.90 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.14 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 2.14 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin A, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 1:58 PM Calculations: Reach ID Overland Slope S ft /ft input Length L ft input 5 -yr Runoff Coeff C -5 output NRCS Convey- ance input Flow Velocity V fps output Flow Time Tf minutes output 0.0100 286 0.60 N/A 0.31 15.18 1 2 3 4 5 Sum 286 Computed Tc = 15.18 Regional Tc = 11.59 User - Entered Tc = 11.59 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 3.05 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc. I = 3.44 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.44 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Op = 1.90 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 2.14 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 2.14 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin A, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 1:58 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Heav Catchment ID: Shot I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = A Area = 1.03 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 78 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= P1= 111. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient. C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient. C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = Illustration NRCS Land Heav Tillage/ Shot Nearl Grassed Paved Areas & Type Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swale w Paved S) ales fps 4 output Lawns Ground Waterwa s Sheet Flow Conve ante 25 00 == 20 Calculations: Reach ID Overland Slope S ft /ft input Length L ft input 0.0100 286 1 Time Coeff 2 V Tf 3 fps 4 output input Sum IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 6.10 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 6.88 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.88 inch /hr Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin A - 100 Year 1 (inch /hr) = C1 ' P1 I(C2 + Td) ^C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.73 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.60 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) 5 -yr NRCS Flow Flow Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf C -5 fps minutes output input output output 0.60 N/A 0.31 15.18 Computed Tc = 1 15.18 Regional Tc = 11.59 User - Entered Tc =1 11.59 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 4.58 cfs Peak Flowrate. Qp = 5.17 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 5.17 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin A, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013. 2:03 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Hea vY Catchment ID: Short I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = FA Area = 0.24 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 64 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= _ P1= III. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin FA - 5 Year I (inch /hr) = C1 ` P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 5 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of C1) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 1.35 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.48 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.48 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration overland LEGEND Reach 1 fl Reach 2 0 Be g ,?nning _' J F7mr Direction Cahhment Peach 3 Boundary NRCS Land Hea vY Tillage 9 Short Nearl Y Grassed Paved Areas 8 Type Meadow Field Pasture! Bare Swales/ Shallow Paved Swales 12.29 1 Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2.5 00 10 E15 l 20 Regional Tc = 1 11.27 User - Entered Tc = F 11.27 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 3.35 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 3.48 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.48 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.39 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.40 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.40 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin FA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 1:57 PM Calculations: Reach ID Overland Slope S ft /ft input Length L ft input 5 -yr Runoff Coeff C -5 output NRCS Convey- ante input Flow Velocity V fps output Flow Time Tf minutes output 0.0260 228 0.48 N/A 0.31 12.29 1 2 3 4 5 Sum 228 Computed Tc = 12.29 Regional Tc = 1 11.27 User - Entered Tc = F 11.27 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 3.35 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 3.48 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.48 inch /hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.39 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.40 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.40 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin FA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 1:57 PM [7: CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Calculations: Catchment ID: Short I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = FA Area = 0.24 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 64 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ C1 = C2= _ C3= P1= Ill. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = Illustration LEGEND D Beiing Flo%v Direction Catchment Boundary NRCS Land Calculations: Tilnage/ Short Nead y Grased Paved Areas 8 IF -- Heavy Type Meadow FPasture( 228 BareShallow [,Swalse s/ Paved Swales 12.29 1 Lawns Ground ate way s (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2 5 00 10 15 20 Regional Tc = 11.27 User - Entered Tc =1 11.27 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 6.71 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 6.96 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.96 inch /hr Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin FA - 100 Year I (inch /hr) = C1 " P1 /(C2 + Td) ^C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of C1) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.65 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.48 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.04 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.08 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.08 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin FA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 2:02 PM Calculations: Reach ID Overland Slope S ft /ft input Length L ft input 5 -yr Runoff Coeff C -5 output NRCS Convey- ante input Flow Velocity V fps output Flow Time Tf minutes output 0.0260 228 0.48 N/A 0.31 12.29 1 2 3 4 5 Sum 228 Computed Tc = 12.29 Regional Tc = 11.27 User - Entered Tc =1 11.27 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 6.71 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 6.96 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.96 inch /hr Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin FA - 100 Year I (inch /hr) = C1 " P1 /(C2 + Td) ^C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of C1) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.65 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.48 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.04 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.08 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 1.08 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin FA, Tc and PeakQ 9/13/2013, 2:02 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Slope Catchment ID: Short Nearly I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = FB Area = 0.14 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 47 NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = C1 = C2= _ C3= P1= — III. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin FB - 5 Year I (inch /hr) = C1 ' P1 /(C2 + Td) ^C3 5 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of Cl) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 1.35 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") to (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.38 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.38 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration OveTland LEGEND Reach f flow F1mv Directio E Catchment Reach 3 Boundary NRCS Land Slope Tilla e/ Short Nearly Grassed Paved Areas & IF -- Heavy Type Meadow Fie d Pasture! Bare Swales! Shallow Paved Swales Coeff ance Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conveyance 2.5 00 minutes 10 15 20 Calculations: Reach ID Overland 1 2 3 4 5 Sum IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 3.39 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 3.56 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.56 inch /hr Computed Tc = 11.95 Regional Tc = 10.67 User - Entered Tc = 10.67 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.19 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 0.20 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.20 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin FB, Tc and PeakQ 9/1312013, 1:56 PM Slope Length 5 -yr NRCS Flow Flow S L Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf Wit ft C -5 fps minutes input input output input output output 0.017 121 0.38 N/A 0.17 11.95 Sum IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = 3.39 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = 3.56 inch /hr Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 3.56 inch /hr Computed Tc = 11.95 Regional Tc = 10.67 User - Entered Tc = 10.67 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.19 cfs Peak Flowrate, Op = 0.20 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.20 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 5 Yr Basin FB, Tc and PeakQ 9/1312013, 1:56 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Heavy Catchment ID: Short I. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = FB Area = 0.14 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 47 % NRCS Soil Type = C A, B, C, or D II. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = _ Cl = C2= _ C3= _ P1= III. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C = _ Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = _ 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C -5 = _ Overide 5 -yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin FB - 100 Year I (inch /hr) = C1 ' P1 /(C2 + Td) 4 C3 100 years (input return period for design storm) 28.50 (input the value of C1) 10.00 (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70 inches (input one -hr precipitation - -see Sheet "Design Info ") re (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment 0.60 (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 0.38 (enter an overide C -5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C -5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Ti, e/ Short Nearl Grassed Paved Areas 8 Type Meadow Fie d Pasture) Bare Swalesl Shallow Paved Swales Coeff ante Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conve ante 2.5 00 minutes 10 15 20 Calculations: Reach ID Overland 1 2 3 4 I Suml 121 1 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.79 inch /hr 7.12 inch /hr 7.12 inch /hr Computed Tc = 11.95 Regional Tc = 1 10.67 User - Entered Tc =F 10.67 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.58 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.61 cfs Peak Flowrate. Qp = 0.61 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin FB, Tc and PeakCi 9/13/2013, 2:01 PM Slope Length 5 -yr NRCS Flow Flow S L Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ante V Tf ft /ft ft C -5 fps minutes input input output input output output 0.017 121 0.38 N/A 0.17 11.95 I Suml 121 1 IV. Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I = Rainfall Intensity at User - Defined Tc, I = 6.79 inch /hr 7.12 inch /hr 7.12 inch /hr Computed Tc = 11.95 Regional Tc = 1 10.67 User - Entered Tc =F 10.67 Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.58 cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.61 cfs Peak Flowrate. Qp = 0.61 cfs Perrin's Rational Method UDFCD - 100 Yr Basin FB, Tc and PeakCi 9/13/2013, 2:01 PM REQUIRED WATER QUALITY AND POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS HVS ENGINEERING, INC. 9201 W. Tennessee Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80226 303 - 940 -5807 Basin A TITLE Perrin's Row Townhomes JOB NO Perrin's Row ADDRESS 5670 West 38th Ave DATE 9/12/2013 Wheat Ridge, CO REV. DATE REV DATE SUBJECT Drainage Report By: LMR Paved C Concrete R Roof Basin 0.80 0.15 1.02 0.723 Determine Impervious Coefficient For Offsite OS 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.88 0.769 Determine Water Quality Capture Volume UDFCD Eqns 3 -1 & EDB -1, Vol 3, A WQCV = a (0.91 i - 1.19 i + 0.781) watershed inches a, 24 Hour = 0.90 a, 40 Hour = 1.00 Determine Composite Impervious Coefficient For Site Basin A Area ( Paved C Concrete R Roof Determine Composite Impervious Coefficient For Pond A 1.03 0.29 0.24 0.33 0.80 OS 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.08 Totals 1.14 Composite Impervious , _'I /� A: Composite Imperviousness, I = 0.77 UDFCD "Full Spectrum Worksheet" Water Quality = 0.04 Acre -Feet 5 -Year = 0.07 Acre -Feet 100Yr + (1 /2 Water Quality) = 0.13 Acre -Feet Maximum Release Rate WQ = 0.19 cfs Maximum 5 Yr Release Rate = 0.19 cfs Maximum 100 Yr Release Rate = 1.14 cfs Water Quality = 1,557 ft 5 -Year = 3,049 ft 3 100Yr + (112 Water Quality) = 5,663 ft 3 WQCV = 5414.4 ft Water Level, EURV = 5415.0 ft Water Level, 100 Year + (112 WQ)- 5416.0 ft WQCV = a 0.31 watershed inches Area Draining to Pond = 1.14 Convert Watershed inches to Ac -ft: WQCV '1.2'A112 24 Hour = 0.28 in 0.03 ft 40 Hour = 0.31 in 0.04 ft 13 Composite Imperviousness, I = 0.77 UDFCD "Full Spectrum Worksheet" Water Quality = 0.04 Acre -Feet 5 -Year = 0.07 Acre -Feet 100Yr + (1 /2 Water Quality) = 0.13 Acre -Feet Maximum Release Rate WQ = 0.19 cfs Maximum 5 Yr Release Rate = 0.19 cfs Maximum 100 Yr Release Rate = 1.14 cfs Water Quality = 1,557 ft 5 -Year = 3,049 ft 3 100Yr + (112 Water Quality) = 5,663 ft 3 WQCV = 5414.4 ft Water Level, EURV = 5415.0 ft Water Level, 100 Year + (112 WQ)- 5416.0 ft WQCV = a 0.31 watershed inches Area Draining to Pond = 1.14 Convert Watershed inches to Ac -ft: WQCV '1.2'A112 24 Hour = 0.28 in 0.03 ft 40 Hour = 0.31 in 0.04 ft 13 DETENTION VOLUME BY THE MODIFIED FAA METHOD Project: Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin ID: Pond (For catchments less than 160 acres only. For larger catchments, use hydrograph routing method( (NOTE: for catchments larger than 90 acres, CUHP hydrograph and routing are recommended) Determination of MINOR Detention Volume Using Modified FAA Method Determination of MAJOR Detention Volume Using Modified FAA Method Design Information (input): Catchment Drainage Imperviousness I, = Catchment Drainage Area A = Predevalopment NRCS Sw Group Type = Return Period for Detem- Control T = Time of Concentration of Watershed Tc = Nlowole lint Release Rate V = One -Hour P- ptabon P, = Design Rainfall IOF Formula I • C; P,l(C.,.T,)•C, f r Coeent One C, = Coefficient Tvo C, = Coemnem Three C, = 78.9 percent rives A B. C. or D yeare (2. 5. 1O. 25. 50. « 100) mnutes dsl-e incnee Design Information (Input): Catenment Drainage Impemounness, I, = 7690 percent Catchment Drainage Area A = 1 140 aces Predmelopmem NRCS Sal Group Type - C A B, C, or 0 Return Per,00 for Detention Control T = 100 years 12.5.10, 25.50. or 1001 Time of Concentration M Watershed Tc = 5 minutes Alone unit Release Rate R = 700 dslave One-hour Preaptason P, = 2.80 n,ches Design Rainfall OF Formula 1 • C; P,l(C,rT,)•C, Coelfiaenl One C, = 28.500 Coempent Tso C, • 10.000 Coef6oent Three C, = 0.789 1.140 C 5 5 0.17 1.38 28,500 10000 0.789 D etermination of Averacie Outflow from the sl C culax Ru-ff Coef cent C = 059 Inflow Peak Rurrof Qp ,n = 312 ds Nli wabie Peak Oumov Rate Opout = 0.19 ds Mod FAA Mirror Storage Volume • 2.992 cubic feet Mod FAA Minor Storage Volume • 0.069 ac-ft 1 <- Enter RiMa, L`. , at- "n ental Increase Value Here e 5 for 5 Mnutms Determination of Ares a Outflow from the Basin (Calcul Runoff Cuemeent C = 0.72 Inlla Peak Runoff OPm = 7.18 ds Allo+2ee Peak Outflow Rate OPOut = 1.14 oft Mod. FAA Major Storage Volume • 5,4112 euale feet Mod. FAA Met. Storage Volume • 0.136 _.ft Rainfall Duration mnutes Rainfall Iffasity inches 2 air Inflow Volume acre -feet Adjustment Adjustment Factor 'm' 0 Average Outlbw de 0 Dutllav Volume ­feet Storage Volume ace -feel o R-101 Duration mmutet 72 Ranfell Int-ty nldw Ih, Inflow Volume _r Pteet Aqustmem Fedor sou Aver age OuMow ds OuMav Volume ac 4- 1 Storage Volume acaleet 5.20 0 014 0 018 1.01 0.19 0.001 0.014 3 979 0.033 1.00 1.14 0 005 0.029 4 4.90 1,00 0.19 6001 0.017 4 9.24 0.042 1.00 1.14 0 006 0.035 5 704 0 022 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.19 at$ a17 0.001 0.001 0.002 6020 0.023 0,025 5 a 7 8.75 8,311 7.912 0.049 0.058 0.053 1.00 692 am 1014 1.05 0.95 0.008 00009 6009 0.042 0.048 x053 6 4.41 0025 7 4.21 0027 - 0030 8 4.12 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.73 0.18 0.15 0115 0.14 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.028 0.030 0.032 0.034 a 9 10 11 7.58 7.26 897 871 0.009 0.074 0.079 0.003 gel 0.78 a75 0.73 0.93 O.M 0.85 0.83 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.058 0.083 0.067 0.071 9 3.85 0032 10 170 _ 0034 11 3.511 0 036 0 038 0040 _ 0042 0 043 0 045 12 3.43 0.71 014 0.002 0.035 12 847 0.080 0.71 0.81 0.013 0.074 13 3.31 0.00 a13 0.002 0.038 13 6.24 0.002 0.09 019 0.014 0.078 14 3.20 O,ss 0.13 x003 0.039 14 GW 0.006 ass 0.77 0.015 0.081 15 3.10 0.67 0.13 0,003 0.040 15 5.85 0.000 067 0.76 0.016 0.083 18 3 .01 0.05 045 0.64 043 0113 0.82 041 0.61 0.13 0.13 0,12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.009 0,003 O.OW 0.00 0.042 0043 0.044 0.045 0.046 0 _0 4 7 0.048 0 049 76 17 1s 19 2f1 21 22 23 5.67 5.50 5 520 506 493 _ 481 470 459 448 - 4 36 4.29 00103 0.108 0.109 0.06 015 0.64 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.016 x017 0.018_ 0.006 0.085 6091 17 202 0046 18 284 0047 _ 19 276 0 G49 0.112 0.63 0.72 0 019 0.003 20 200 0 050 0.114 0083 0.71 0.020 0.005 21 2.62 0051 0.117 0.02 0.71 0 .020 0.097 22 2.55 0052 0.120 0.61 0.70 0.021 0.098 23 2.49 0 053 0.122 0.61 0.09 0 022 0.100 24 2.43 0.054 0.00 0.12 0.004 0.050 24 0.124 asp 0,69 0.023 0.102 25 238 0.055 1 0.80 0.12 mood 0.051 25 0.127 0.90 0.64 1 0.024 0.103 25 2.33 0.056 060 0.12 0.004 0.052 25 0.129 0.00 048 0.024 0.105 27 228 0.057 0.50 0.71 001114 0.053 27 0.131 0.50 0.88 0025 also 28 1 2.23 0,058 0.59 0.11 0.004 0.063 28 4.20 0.133 1 0.59 0.67 0.026 a107 29 2.18 0.059 0.59 0.11 0.005 0.054 29 4.12 0.135 0.59 0.67 0.027 0.108 30 214 0.000 0.58 0.11 0.005 0.055 30 4.03 0.137 058 0.67 0.027 0.100 31 210 a05D 0.56 0.11 0.005 Class 31 3.9s a139 058 0.88 0.028 0.110 32 2011 0.061 0.58 0.11 0.005 0.058 32 30811 0.140 0056 O fib __- 0 029 0.177 33 2.02 0.002 ass all 0.005 0.057 33 3061 0.142 o.ss 06G 0030 0.112 34 1.99 0.083 0.57 0.11 0.005 0.057 34 174 0.144 0.57 0.65 0 031 0.113 35 1.95 0.053 0.57 all 0.005 0.058 35 186 0.145 0.57 065 06031 0.114 36 1.92 0.064 0.57 0.11 0.005 0.058 30 341 0.147 0.57 0.85 0.032 0.115 37 119 0.005 0.57 0.11 0,006 0.050 37 3.55 0.149 0.57 0.65 0.033 06116 38 1.85 0.065 0.57 0.11 0.006 0.090 38 3.49 al so a57 0.65 0.034 61111 39 1.82 0.059 0.50 all 0.008 0.000 39 3.44 0.152 0.55 0.64 0.035 06117 40 1.110 0.067 0.58 all 0.006 0.051 40 3.38 0.153 0,56 0.64 00035 ails 41 1.77 0.057 0.58 0.11 0009 0.051 41 3.33 0.154 0.56 0.64 8038 0.718 42 1.74 Mole aw 0.11 0.008 east 42 3.28 0.156 0.56 0.64 0.037 0.719 43 1.72 ages 0.58 0.11 0.008 0.002 43 3.23 0.157 a56 0.64 0.038 0.119 44 1.119 0.000 0656 all 0.007 0.082 44 3.10 6158 0.59 0.83 0038 0.120 IIA7 Class ss 0.56 0.11 a007 0.003 45 114 0.180 0.55 0.63 0039 0,120 46 1.64 0.070 0.55 0.11 x007 0.093 45 100 0.191 0.55 0.83 0.010 0.121 47 1.62 01071 0.55 0.11 aw 0.054 47 105 0.162 0655 0.03 aW1 0.121 48 1400 0.071 0.55 0.11 0.007 0.051 46 3.01 1 0.163 0.55 0,63 0.042 0.172 49 1.56 0.072 0.55 0611 0.007 0.094 49 2.97 0.164 0.55 0.03 0.042 0.122 50 118 0.072 055 0.11 0.007 00065 50 2.93 0.106 0.55 0.63 0,043 00122 51 153 0.073 0.55 0.71 0.007 0.085 51 zas 0.167 0.55 0.63 0.040 0.123 52 1.52 0.073 0.55 011 0.009 x005 S2 zas 0.168 0.55 0.02 0.045 0.123 53 1.5o 0.073 0.55 1 011 0.008 0.006 53 282 0.164 0.55 0.62 0.048 0.123 54 1.48 0.074 0.55 0.11 sore 0.066 54 279 0.170 655 0.62 0.046 0121 55 1446 00,4 0.55 0.11 0.006 Mass 55 275 0.171 0.55 0.62 0.047 0.124 50 1.44 0.075 0.54 0.11 0.006 0,067 56 2.72 0.172 0654 0.02 0.048 0.124 57 1.43 0.075 0.54 011 0.008 0.067 57 200 1 0.173 1 9.54 0.62 0.049 0.124 58 IAII 0.078 0.54 0.11 0.008 0.067 58 265 0.174 0.54 0.82 0.049 0.125 59 1639 0.076 0.54 0.11 0.009 0.058 59 282 0.175 0.54 0.62 1 0.050 1 0.125 80 1.38 0.077 0.51 0.10 0.009 of es so Z.50 0.176 0.54 0.82 0.051 0.125 61 1.30 0.077 0.54 010 0.068 111 267 0.177 0.54 0.112 0. 0.125 62 1.35 0.077 0.54 0.10 0. O.00D 000 00.069 62 254 0.179 0. 64 1 0.32 0.053 0.125 113 1.33 0.0711 1 0.64 1 0,10 0.009 0.069 0.3 251 0.179 rie 5 0.02 0.053 8.125 ,.,,,.,. �,,...� .w.•„e tvr.• , cl' nor sole aaapa vwurw Aurae rtl • 11.1114 Mod FAA Minor Storage Volume (awe -tL) • 0.0687 Mod FAA Maim 6tara0a Volume Iswe4c) • 0.1254 UDFCD DETENTION BASIN VOLUME ESTIMATING WORKBOOK Version 2.32, Released March 2013 Pemmi UD Detention_v2.32. Modred FAA 9/1X2013, 2211P14 STAGE - STORAGE SIZING FOR DETENTION BASINS Project: Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin ID: Pond D_ * L z n_ W: i -.! srp z n,. Fk A w� t-- ��Jd ----------- ---- - - - - -> sAt srpz w ♦ ��/ L Design Information (Input): Check Basin Shape Width of Basin Bottom, W ft Right Triangle OR... Length of Basin Bottom, L = ft Isosceles Triangle OR... Dam Side -slope (H:V), Z = ft /ft Rectangle OR... Circle / Ellipse OR... Irregular X (Use Overide values in cells G32:1352) MINOR MAJOR Storage Requirement from Sheet'Modified FAA': 0.07 0.13 acre -ft. Stage- Storage Relationship: Storage Requirement from Sheel'Hydrograph': acre -ft. Storage Requirement from Sheet 'F ul I- Spectrum': acre -ft. Labels for WQCV, Minor, & Major Storage Stages (i nput) Water Surface Elevation ft (input) Side Slope (H:V) ft /ft Below El. Basin Width at Stage ft (output) Basin Length at Stage ft (output) Surface Area at Stage fe (output) Surface Area at Stage ft' User Overide Volume Below Stage ft (output) Surface Area at Stage acres (output) Volume Below Stage acre -ft (output) Target Volumes for WQCV, Minor, & Major Storage Volumes (for goal seek) 5412.00 (input) 0 0.000 0.000 5412.10 0.00 0.00 2 0 0.000 0.000 5412.20 0.00 0.00 4 0 0.000 0.000 5412.30 000 0.00 9 1 0.000 0,000 5412.40 000 0.00 15 2 0.000 0.000 5412.50 0.00 000 23 4 0.001 0.000 5412.60 0.00 0.00 32 7 0.001 0.000 5412.70 000 000 42 10 0 001 0 000 5412.80 0.00 0.00 54 15 0.001 0 000 5412.90 000 0.00 68 21 0.002 0.000 5413.00 0,00 0.00 832 66 0.019 0.002 5413.10 0.00 0.00 892 153 0.020 0 004 5413.20 0.00 0.00 952 245 0 022 0.006 5413.30 0.00 000 1015 343 0.023 0.008 5413.40 0.00 0.00 1078 448 0.025 0.010 5413.50 0.00 0.00 1143 559 0.026 0.013 5413.60 0.00 0.00 1209 676 0.028 0.016 5413.70 0.00 0.00 1276 1 801 0.029 0.018 5413.80 0.00 0.00 1346 932 0.031 0 021 541190 0.00 0.00 1419 1,070 0.033 0.025 541400 0.00 0.00 1504 1,216 0.035 0.028 5414.10 0.00 0.00 1584 1,370 0.036 0.031 5414.20 0.00 0.00 1664 1,533 0.038 0.035 5414.30 0.00 0.00 1 1743 1,703 0.040 1 0.039 WQCV 5414.40 0.00 0.00 1822 1,881 0.042 0 043 WQCV 5414.50 0.00 0.00 1900 2,068 0.044 0.047 5414.60 0.00 0,00 1978 2,261 0.045 0.052 5414.70 0.00 0.00 2055 2,463 0.047 0.057 5414.80 0.00 0.00 2131 2,672 0.049 0.061 5414.90 0.00 0.00 2205 2,889 0.051 0.066 5 -Year 5415.00 0.00 0.00 2295 3,114 0.053 0.071 5 -Year 541510 000 0.00 2367 3,347 0 054 0.077 5415.20 0.00 0.00 2438 3,588 0.056 0.082 5415.30 0.00 0.00 2506 3,835 0.058 0.088 5415.40 0.00 0.00 2573 4,089 0 059 0.094 5415.50 0.00 0.00 2638 4,349 0.061 0100 5415.60 0.00 1 0.00 2723 1 4,617 0.063 0.106 5415.70 0.00 0.00 2855 4,896 0.066 0.112 5415.80 0.00 0.00 3028 5,191 0.070 0.119 5415.90 0.00 0.00 3236 5,504 0.074 0.126 100 Yr + 112 WO 5416.00 1 000 000 3571 5,844 0.082 0 134 100 Yr + 112 WQCV Perrins UD- Detention v2.32, Basin 9/13/2013, 2:26 PM W J F M O U d 3 W 2 D J O W H a Q U J Q D W F W S F LL O W a S U W 0 a a � m HA a s e 0 E d d d tl 44W v 0 0 0 �0000 0000� 0000 0000 0000 0000 A z x; r� o F E F x 3 9 0 U E Z 1-69 m ii. Q 2 � 2 V N Q o Y 2 E $ $ A E u ° E m y s 2 z' 2 E oom 5 o m O N O E a > E > 00 o s n g i ^ 8 U U > m o p a 5 0 5 i u > O o U yy i O 0 ; p a ; > C � d 3 m 3 Q U `o 0 0 U O 3 Q a° Idl U O 3 Q a° N W U O J Q U_ W Q J U U O u.. V Z V , W Q J N a O U_ N W 1.6 N CD 0 L C O O w N C a c O d U — m c O d m m X a) N N U) U U O O LO V O N O O a) > V V — O N Lo U5 >o n n n ii u O L > ❑ C a) W (1) W L a a) ❑ c c O � m � L , Q O W (0 N ❑ , C � . 0) > C_ C a) O ❑ °; L N m - E C N — W Y ❑ U O U W "— LL w C UO cu 0 m U a) U Q U 00 U) N N N 0 O > ( n i a � 6 � N O V CY) o O M ~ O u u u u O O L LL- ~ C rn U a) 0 c N U m C a3 Vu a3 c C N O O) .> C cu C @ Q O O 41 W a) a) V 7 C 3 O U w m V @ L) LL = LL c u O f° o n: c U O 3 0 U 7 (4 U V O a) m� N C N N U U L N 7 (h O V O . LO N L6 n u u u u u Q ~ >- rn �d L 17 W E O 0 O m a) _m d a) Fi L a) a) N ❑ � c m m U) d � ❑ o m O N U d O C-i m O v O L L ) _ L v C O o 1— ° v o r 0 ° m > 0 lL Q O c n o o m a) � O E O d c (a o c c a) °) o na @ — U 3 3 0) > N w O O ._ T S L% H S w Q� ♦. w w w LO h N N � O O N u u L' a W � O _N C d U Q W 6 W CD U w O m U r m m � u ` O � � c U w t U > Of � C d (6 6 U W d O c c d O cr W W o .- L o c U CL (D N N ('7 O N M m (1) (U O U a) N Cl) N > c 0 a) w c STAGE - DISCHARGE SIZING OF THE WEIRS AND ORIFICES (INLET CONTROL) Project: Perrin's Row Townhomes Basin ID: on w>uko r><m.l rswe.ret Rnu��ne (kdu r) ($r,elc Soael Current Routing Order is 02 Design Information Ilnputt: Horizontal Orifices #1 Honz #2 Honz. #1 Vert . 02 Vert . Water surface Elevation ft inked Circular Opening Diameter in Inches Dia. = 01 Vert. Collection Capacity cis o #2 Vert . Collection Capacity cis (output) Total Collection Capacity cfs (output) inches OR 5412.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rectangular Opening: Width m Feet W=l 3.00 1 0.25 i 0.55 It 0.00 Length (Height for Vertical], L or H = 3.00 048 0.60 1 0.20 If, Percentage of Open Area After Trash Rack Reduction % open = 50 0.00 50 100 % 0.000 Onfice Coefficient C. = 060 0.000 0.65 0.60 0.00 0.00 Weh Coefficient C. = 2.55 5412.40 0.000 0.00 Onfice Elevation (Bottom for Vert cap E, = 5415.00 _ 5,414.40 1 5,411.15 If Calculation of Collection Capacity: 5412150 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Opening Area (after Trash Rack Reduction) A„ = 4.50 0.08 0.11 sq. it OPTIONAL. User Overide Net Opening Area A, Isq it Perimeter as Weir Length L. 9.00 ft. OPTIONAL. User- Ovende Weir Length L, In Top Elevation of Vertical Onfice Opening, Top = 5415.00 5411 35 ft Center Elevation of Vertical Onfice Opening, Con = 5414 70 5411 25 n Routing 2: Water flows through WQCV plate and #1 vertical opening and #1 horizontal opening into #2 vertical opening ( #2 horizontal opening is not used. Horizontal Orifices Vertical Orifices Label$ for WQCV. Minor. 8 Major Storage W.S. Elevations ( input) Water surface Elevation ft inked WQCV Plateaser Flow cis rknked 01 Hertz. #1 Flonz. Weir Onfice Flow Flow cis cis o 0 92 Horiz. 02 Honz Weir Orifice Flow Flow els cis 0 (output) 01 Vert. Collection Capacity cis o #2 Vert . Collection Capacity cis (output) Total Collection Capacity cfs (output) Target Volumes for WQCV, Minos 8 Major Storage Volumes (link for goal Seek) 5412.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.000 5412.10 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 048 1 0.000 5412.20 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.000 541130 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.000 5412.40 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.57 0,000 5412150 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.000 5412.60 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.000 5412.70 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.000 5412.80 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.o0 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.000 5412.90 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.000 5413.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.000 5413.10 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.000 5413.20 0.009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.010 541130 0.013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.010 5413.40 0.016 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.020 5413.50 0.018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.020 5413.60 0.020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.020 541170 0.031 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.030 5413.80 0.037 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.040 5413.90 0.041 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 018 0.040 5414.00 0.045 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.040 5414.10 0.049 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 1 0.050 5414.20 0.052 0.00 0.00 0.o0 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.050 5414.30 0.055 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.050 WO 5414.40 0.058 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.060 5414.50 0.061 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.01 0.95 0,060 5414.60 0.063 0.00 O.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.97 0.100 5414.70 0.066 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.98 0.140 5414.80 0.068 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.00 0.180 5414.90 0.071 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.01 0.230 5 -Year 5415.00 0.073 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.03 0.290 5415010 0.08 0.73 8.85 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.04 1.040 5415.20 0.08 2.05 9.69 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.05 1.050 5415.30 0.08 3.77 11.87 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.07 1.070 5415.40 0.08 5.81 13.70 0.00 0.00 1 0.33 1.08 1.080 5415.50 0.08 8.11 15.32 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.09 1.080 5415.60 0.09 10.67 16.78 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.10 1.100 5415.70 0.09 1144 18.13 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.12 14120 5415.80 0.09 16.42 1938 . 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.13 1.130 5415.90 0.09 19.80 20.56 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.14 i.140 100 Yr . 12 WO 5416.00 0.09 22.95 2187 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.15 1160 4" Pernns UD-Detention_v2.32, Outlet 9/1 312 01 3, 2.26 PM URBAN DRAINAGE, VOLS 1 & 2, DEC 2011 UDFCD Table RO -3 Land Use or Surface Characteristics % Impervious Business: 2 Yr 5 Yr 10 YR 100 Yr Commercial areas 95 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.89 Neighborhood areas 85 0.66 0.68 0.71 0.79 Residential: Single-famil Multi -unit detached 60 0.41 0.46 0.51 0.63 Multi -unit attached 75 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.71 Half -acre lot or larger Apartments 80 0.60 0.63 0.66 0.74 Industrial: 0.04 0.15 Light areas 80 0.60 0.63 0.66 0.74 Heavy areas 90 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 Parks, cemeteries 5 0.08 0.18 0.28 0.52 Playgrounds 10 0.11 0.21 0.30 0.53 Schools 50 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.60 Railroad yard areas 15 0.14 0.24 0.32 0.54 Undeveloped Areas: Historic flow analysis 2 0.05 0.13 0.21 0.41 Greenbelts, agricultural 2 0.05 0.13 0.21 0.41 Off -site flow analysis when land use not defined 45 0.31 0.37 0.44 0.59 Streets. Paved 100 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.96 Gravel (packed) 40 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.58 Drive and walks 90 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 Roofs 90 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 Lawns, sandy soil 0 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 Lawns, clayey soil 0 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 Colorado 5 -Year Rainfall Distributions based on NOAA Precipitation- Frequency Atlas 2, Volume III (1973) 5 -Year 1 -Hour Design Rainfall Depth, P1 = 1.38 Inches 2-Hour: P2 = 1.59 inches 5 -Year 6 -Hour Design Rainfall Depth, P6 = 2.00 inches 3 -Hour: P3 = 1.75 inches Optional: Custom Area, A = sq. mi. See For! of Tahle for Total Rainfall Denths and Maximum 1 -1-Inur Rainfall Intensifies 5•minute Incremental Rainfall Depth in inches Time Range of Applicable Watershed Area Custom Area Hr:Min 2 sq mi 5 sq mi 15 sq mi 30 sq mi 50 sq mi 000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0:05 0.0276 0.0276 0.0276 0.0276 0.0276 0:10 0.0511 0.0511 0.0511 0.0511 0.0511 0:15 0.1201 01165 0.1093 0.1021 0.0780 020 0.2111 0.1816 01436 0.1161 0.0887 025 0.3450 0.2967 0.2346 0.1897 0.1449 0:30 0.1794 0.1543 0.1220 0.0987 0.0753 0:35 0.0800 0.0776 0.0728 0.0720 00720 0:40 0.0607 0.0589 0.0553 0.0546 0.0546 0:45 0.0497 0.0497 0.0507 0.0502 0.0502 0:50 0.0497 0.0497 0.0507 0.0502 0.0502 055 0.0414 0.0414 0.0422 0.0418 0.0418 1:00 0.0414 0.0414 0.0422 0.0418 0.0418 1:05 0.0414 0.0414 0.0422 0.0418 0.0418 1110 0.0414 0.0414 0.0422 0.0418 0.0418 1:15 0.0345 0.0345 0.0352 0.0348 0.0348 1:20 0.0304 0.0304 0.0310 0.0307 0.0307 1:25 0.0304 0.0304 0.0310 0.0307 0.0307 1:30 0.0304 0.0304 0.0310 110307 0.0307 1:35 0.0304 0.0304 0.0310 0.0307 0.0307 1:40 0.0207 0.0207 0.0211 0.0209 0.0209 1:45 0.0207 0.0207 0.0211 0.0209 0.0209 1:50 0.0207 0.0207 0.0211 0.0209 0.0209 1:55 0.0207 0.0207 0.0211 0.0209 0.0209 200 0.0179 0.0179 0.0183 0.0181 0.0181 2:05 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 2:10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 2:15 0.0000 110000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 2:20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 1 0.0132 2:25 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 230 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 2:35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 2:40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 245 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 2:55 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 3:00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 3:05 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:15 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 320 0.0000 0.0000 0,0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:25 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:30 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 345 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:50 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 3:55 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 4:00 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 405 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 4:10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 1 0.0091 4:15 0.0000 0.0000 00084 0.0089 0.0091 4:20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 4:25 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 4:30 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 4:35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 00089 0.0091 440 00000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 445 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 4:50 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 4:55 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 5:05 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 5:10 0.0000 0.0000 00084 0.0089 0.0091 5:15 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 5.20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 1 0.0089 00091 5:25 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 5:30 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 535 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 5:40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 00089 0.0091 545 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 5:50 1 00000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 555 00000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0089 0.0091 6:00 00000 0.0000 1 0.0084 00089 0.0091 Depth (inch) 1.60 1.49 1.81 1.72 1.60 0.00 Max 1 -Hour Intensity in /hr 1.31 1.20 1.06 0.95 0.83 0.00 Depth = Total rainfall depth in inches after areal reduction. K118 -3 Rainfall IDF, 5 -yr 9/512013, 11:53 PM Colorado 5 -Year Rainfall Distributions based on NOAA Precipitation - Frequency Atlas 2, Volume III (1973) Project: 0.40 0.35 0.30 N d u 0.25 C C A C 0 20 N C d E m 0 15 c 0.10 0.05 0.00 0:00 5 Year Rainfall Distribution 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 Duration In Hours : Mlnutas —2 sq nu — 5 sq rni 15 sq rni —30 sq mi — 50 sq rni — K118 -3 Rainfall IDF, 5 -yr 9iS2013 11 53 PM Colorado 100 -Year Rainfall Distributions based on NOAA Precipitation - Frequency Atlas 2, Volume III (1973) 100 -Year 1 -Hour Design Rainfall Depth, P1 = ���sq. inches 2 -Hour: P2 = 2.93 inches 100 -Year 6 -Hour Design Rainfall Depth, P6 = inches 3 -Hour: P3 = 3.18 inches Optional: Custom Area, A = mi. See End of Table for Total Rainfall Deolhs and Maximum 1 -Hour Rainfall Intensities. 5- minute Incremental Rainfall Depth in inches Time Ran a of A pio lkable Watershed Area Custom Area Hr:Mm 2 sq mi 5 sq mi 15 sq mi 30 sq mi 50 sq mi 000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0000 0:05 0.0260 00260 0.0299 0.0299 0.0299 0:10 0.0780 0.0780 0.0897 0.0897 0.0897 0:15 0.1196 01196 0.1375 0.1375 01375 0:20 0.2080 0.2080 01600 0.2288 0.2080 025 03640 0.3640 0.2657 0.2330 0.2111 0:30 0.6500 0.6500 0.4745 0.4160 0.3770 035 0.3640 0.3640 0.2657 01330 0.2111 040 0.2080 0.2080 0.2184 0.1976 0.1768 0:45 0.1612 0.1612 0.1934 0.1934 0.1693 0:50 0.1300 0.1300 0.1495 0.1495 01365 0:55 0.1040 0.1040 0.1196 0.1196 0.1196 1:00 0.1040 0.1040 0.1196 0.1196 0.1196 1:05 0.1040 0.1040 0.1123 0.1175 1 01196 1:10 0.0520 0.0520 0.0562 0 -0588 0.0598 1:15 0.0520 0.0520 0.0562 0.0588 0.0598 1:20 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 1:25 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 1:30 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 1:35 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 1:40 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 1:45 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 1:50 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 1:55 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 2:00 0.0312 0.0312 0.0337 0.0353 0.0359 205 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 00258 2:10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 2:15 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 2:20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 2:25 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 2:30 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 2:35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 2:40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 _ 2:45 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 2:55 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 3:00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0223 0.0233 0.0258 3:05 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 3:10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 315 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 320 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 3:25 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 3:30 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 00097 3:35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 3:40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 3:45 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 3:50 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 3:55 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 405 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 1 0.0097 0.0097 4:15 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0,0097 425 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:30 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 435 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:45 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:50 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 4:55 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:05 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:15 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:25 0.0000 00000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:30 0.0000 0.0000 00092 0.0097 0.0097 5:35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 540 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 00097 5:45 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 _ 5:50 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 5:55 0.0000 0.0000 0.0092 0.0097 0.0097 600 00000 0.0000 0.0092 00097 0.0097 Depth (inch) 3.01 3.01 3.45 3.33 3.21 0.00 Max 1 -Hour Intensity ( in/hr ) 2.65 2.65 2.46 2.29 2.14 0.00 uepm = i otai ramtau aepin in inches atter areal reaucnon K118 -3 Rainfall IDF, 100 -yr 9/5/2013, 11:53 PM Colorado 100 -Year Rainfall Distributions based on NOAA Precipitation- Frequency Atlas 2, Volume III (1973) Project: 100 Year Rainfall Distribution 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 Duration in Hours : Minutes —2 sq mi —5 sq mi 15 sq mi —30 sq mi —50 sq" — K118 -3 Rainfall OF, 100 -yr 915/2013, 11:53 PM 5 -Year Weir Calculator Given Input Data: Weir Type ....................... Rectangular Equation ........................ Suppressed Solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ........................ 0.1938 cfs Coefficient ..................... 0.5500 Height .......................... 4.0000 in Computed Results: Depth of Flow ................... 3.1075 in Full Flow ....................... 0.2830 cfs Velocity ........................ 1.4968 fps Width ........................... 6.0000 in Area ............................ 0.1667112 Perimeter ....................... 14.0000 in Wet Perimeter ................... 12.2150 in Wet Area ........................ 0.1295 112 Percent Full .................... 77.6875% 4.0' TOP OF BANK EL. 5417.0; Qioo HWL EL. 5416.0' _ 60)_ 3.0' , 2" OVERFLOW GRATE EL. 5415.35' Q5HWL EL. 5415.0' m _ � a WQCV* HWL EL. 5414.4' u,_ - 4 "X6" ORIFICE OPENING TRASH RACK ASSEMBLY 2 WQCV -1 "0 a HOLES ® 6" OC EL. 5412.02 L ELEV = 5412.60' E __ � _CL ELEV = 5412.00' r .a a ° a < a Z G 12" 0 PVC DISCHARGE PIPE INV. EL. 5411.15' • . a . a A CAST IN PLACE POND OUTLET STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE PER URBAN FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT SPREADSHEET, "DETENTION BASIN VOLUME WORKBOOK ", SPREADSHEET "OUTLET." VI. REFERENCES Criteria and Technical Information used in preparation of this report: "City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements" Urban Drainage Flood Control District's "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volumes 1 and 2." Published June 2001, Revised April 2008. Urban Drainage Flood Control District's "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 3." Published November 2010. Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Spreadsheets. 8 2.5' FRONT SETBACK TOS=S TOP OF SLAB DENOTES GARAGE SLAB LOCATION AND ELEVATION MM - DENOTES 70P OF PORCH LOCATION AND ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES: I ) PLOT PLAN NOT TO BE USED FOR EXCAVATION PLAN OR FOUNDA71ON LAYOUT, 2) PLOT PLAN SUBJECT TO APPROVAL By ZONING/BUILDING AUTHORITY PRIOR TO STAKEOUT, 3) EASEMENTS DISPLAYED ON THIS PLOT ARE FORM THE RECORDED PLAT AND MAY NOT INCLUDE ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 4) RECORDED PLAT PREPARED By VALERAN 5) LOT CORNER ELEVATION CHECK: NOT TAKEN 6) THIS PLOT PLAN IS ONLY A REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSED LAYOUT AND DESIGN SUBJECT TO CHANCE AS VARIOUS CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, SUBDIVISION: PERRIN'S RC W FILING NO. 2 COUNTY: JEFFERSON CITY: WHEAT RIX, urveyin , Inc. REVISIONS: L ION 61--(7)S'-14---gUTt7DTNG—i�4SF—D-6--V NEW GRADING PLAN, BAY AND DECK �qADDED PER DEK - AL, 6841 South Yosemite Street Centennial, GO 80112 HSA Phone. (303) 850-0559 F'ox, (303) 650-0711 E-mail. infoahisurvey.net DRAWN BY: AL CHECK BY KP DAM 11-25-13 T 6F _ CAE -_1 ------ NT Perrins LLC �k Ty),jz� CSR FltTa N0 .2 %MWSIoKKN FON f1 U`*n 0 2 %WM40044.w lIV2014 UIA0 AM, **w PLAN LOTS 9-12 'PLOT RE ISE 2 f4 va S 5 59 "'Ras - 071w _ NW59 57 % S r. SAS, 1 �E�AiER A SENE ; 3 4 — EWE Y,, ATER 17 DR 17,5 -2 au 13X 1 '2� T 8 2.5' FRONT SETBACK TOS=S TOP OF SLAB DENOTES GARAGE SLAB LOCATION AND ELEVATION MM - DENOTES 70P OF PORCH LOCATION AND ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES: I ) PLOT PLAN NOT TO BE USED FOR EXCAVATION PLAN OR FOUNDA71ON LAYOUT, 2) PLOT PLAN SUBJECT TO APPROVAL By ZONING/BUILDING AUTHORITY PRIOR TO STAKEOUT, 3) EASEMENTS DISPLAYED ON THIS PLOT ARE FORM THE RECORDED PLAT AND MAY NOT INCLUDE ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 4) RECORDED PLAT PREPARED By VALERAN 5) LOT CORNER ELEVATION CHECK: NOT TAKEN 6) THIS PLOT PLAN IS ONLY A REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSED LAYOUT AND DESIGN SUBJECT TO CHANCE AS VARIOUS CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, SUBDIVISION: PERRIN'S RC W FILING NO. 2 COUNTY: JEFFERSON CITY: WHEAT RIX, urveyin , Inc. REVISIONS: L ION 61--(7)S'-14---gUTt7DTNG—i�4SF—D-6--V NEW GRADING PLAN, BAY AND DECK �qADDED PER DEK - AL, 6841 South Yosemite Street Centennial, GO 80112 HSA Phone. (303) 850-0559 F'ox, (303) 650-0711 E-mail. infoahisurvey.net DRAWN BY: AL CHECK BY KP DAM 11-25-13 T 6F _ CAE -_1 0 20 40 LEGEND TOS- TOP OF SLAB ( D - DENOTES GARAGE SLAB LOCADON AND ELEVATION IM- DE TOP OF PORCH LOCATION AND ELEVATION GENERAL. NOTES: 1) PLOT PLAN NOT TO BE USED FOR EXCAVATION PLAN OR FOUNDAWN LAYOUT, 2) PLOT PLAN SUBJECT TO APPROVAL, By ZONING/BUILOiNG AUTHORITY PRIOR TO STAKEOUT. 3) EASEMENTS DISPLAYED ON THIS PLOT ARE FORM THE RECORDED PLAT AND MAY NOT INCLUDE ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD, 4) RECORDED PLAT PREPARED BY VALERIAN 5) LOT CORNER ELEVATION CHECK: NOT TAKEN 6) THiS PLOT PLAN IS ONLY A REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSED LAYOUT AND DE=N SUBJECT TO CHANCE AS VARIOUS CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. mm s \ \ v w s v s s e e v v»ƒ w s � \ \SIfE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN\ \� & \g \� & \g {»} , \ . 2 /won \ //o . $� 2. 2� d d � a ƒ on 2/ . « \»>)a 1 �1 ^ !i t� � a a NO 2/ J ;< m« , _r : � ) � - » \