HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP-13-04 & WA-13-18of AI/ h at U, City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 303,235,2857 Eric Checkal 8480 E. Orchard Rd. #6900 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Enclosed please find a copy of the Special Use Permit Approval with variance for a commercial drive through facility with a 10 -foot variance to the build-to line in a G -1 zone district at 3210 Youngfield St./12755 W. 32 Ave. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Enclosure: Approval of Special Use Permit and Variance Cc: SUP-13-04 (case file) WA-13-18 SUP 1304 and WA I 318.doc www.d.wheatridge.co.us City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 P. 303.235,2857 Approval of Special Use Permit and Variance WHEREAS, an application for a Special Use Permit was submitted for the property located at 3210 Youngfield/12755 W. 32 d Avenue to allow a drive-through facility with a 10' variance to the build-to line in a C - 1 zone district, referenced as Case Nos. SUP -13 -04 A- 13-18; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Special Use Pen and Variance, relying on criteria listed in Sections 26-114 and 1 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; mid WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Special Use Pen to allow a drive-through facility with a 10' variance to the build-to line in a C -1, Commercial-One, zone district (Case Nos. SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -1 S) is granted for the property located at 3210 Youngfield/ 12755 W. 32 Avenue based on the following findings of fact: WE= 1. The grant of use shall run with the property. 2. Prior to site development, a two lot consolidation plat be processed. 3. Prior to site development, a site plan and architectural elevations be reviewed and approved by Staff to ens'pa compliance with the C-1 zone district regulations and the Architectural and Site Design Community Development Director Date www.ci.wheatridge.coms IV City of "�9 id c COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT g PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE: December 6, 2013 CASE NO. & NAME ACTION REQUESTED: LOCATION OF REQUEST APPLICANT: APPROXIMATE AREA: SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers Request for Special Use Permit to allow a drive through facility with a 10' variance to the build -to requirement 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32 " Avenue Eric Chekal for Regency Centers .86 acres PRESENT ZONING: C -1, Commercial -One COMP PLAN: Mixed Use Co mmercial /Primary Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE (X) ZONING ORDINANCE SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make a determination regarding this request. I. REQUEST The applicant, Regency Centers, is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) for the redevelopment of properties at 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32 Avenue with a drive - through facility. This request includes a variance to the build -to line in the Contemporary Overlay district. The property is zoned C -1 which allows a variety of commercial uses including restaurants and banks. Both of these are permitted uses in the C -1 zone district, but the drive - through component for any C -1 use requires an SUP. This request also includes an administrative variance to the 20' build -to line in the Contemporary District of the Architectural and Site Design Manual. (Exhibit 1, aerial) Pursuant to Section 26 -114 of the Code of Laws, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for administrative Special Use and Variance approval, without requirement for a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A completed application package has been submitted and fee paid; 2. The Community Development Department has notified adjacent property owners by letter notice and the site has been posted for at least ten (10) days; 3. No written objections have been received in such ten —day period; 4. The Community Development Director concludes that the criteria for approval, as set forth below, are substantially complied with and support the request. The Community Development Director can impose conditions or stipulations upon the approval, which may include physical design, operational, and maintenance considerations to ensure compliance with the criteria for review. Staff is recommending conditions of approval with this request. The Community Development Director shall also decide the following: 1. Whether the SUP runs with the land in perpetuity; or, 2. Whether the SUP is personal to the applicant and may or may not be inherited; and/or, 3. Whether the SUP is granted only for a defined period, after which time the special use shall expire unless renewed subject to all of the requirements of this section. H. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site includes two properties which are addressed as 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32 " Avenue. The properties are zoned Commercial -One (C -1), and surrounding parcels include a mix of commercial zonings. (Exhibit 2, zoning map) To the north are parcels zoned Commercial -One (C -1) which include a Chili's Restaurant, Wells Fargo Bank drive- through, and Mucilli's Shoes and Repair. Beyond these parcels to the north and east are additional parcels associated with the Applewood Village Shopping Center. All are zoned PCD and include Applejack Wine and Spirits and vacant buildings to the east. The parcels to the south across 32 " Avenue are zoned PCD, and are used as a Walgreen's pharmacy and First Bank. Other properties on the south side of 32 " include a law office and residential homes. To the west is the I -70 corridor. SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 2 Currently existing on the subject parcels are a vacant gas station and small commercial strip center. According to the Jefferson County Assessor the following conditions exist on the sites: Regency Centers is the owner of the adjacent Applewood Shopping Center and while the subject properties are not included in the shopping center PCD, they have been considered and function as a part of it. The properties are owned by Longs Peak Metropolitan District and were acquired as part of the acquisition for right -of -way for improvements to the 32 " d /Youngfield intersection. Right -of -way acquisitions for the street project included 10' from the Youngfield frontage and 30' from the 32 Avenue frontage. The intent of the acquisitions and improvements is to accommodate a future regional commercial node to the northwest known as Clear Creek Crossing (CCC). The development of CCC has not occurred but the associated 32 " Avenue street improvements were recently completed by the City. The existing structures on the subject redevelopment parcels have been vacant since 2006. Regency Centers is currently under contract to purchase the properties. To accommodate future redevelopment, Regency Centers' intent is to obtain a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a drive through commercial use on the property. At this time the applicant has not identified a tenant. (Exhibit 3, site photos) III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant has submitted a two -page site plan which shows existing structures being demolished and the two parcels combined into one. The first page of the document shows general development parameters including an explanation of the proposed redevelopment and general development parameters. Zoning parameters addressed include parking, lighting, signage and landscaping which are all consistent with the C -1 zone district regulations. Architectural elements and materials are described and photos of other buildings in the shopping center are shown as examples. (Exhibit 4, site plan) The second page of the document includes two conceptual site plans which depict development scenarios for a restaurant and bank, each with a drive- through element. Sample Bank Site Plan The proposed site plan places the building at the southwestern corner of the property with the drive through facility further to the east. West 32 " Avenue is considered the primary frontage and as such, SUP- 13- 041WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 3 3210 Youngfield 12755 W. 32nd Ave. Owner Longs Peak Metropolitan District Longs Peak Metropolitan District Land Land Area 16,522 sq. ft. 18,156 sq. ft. Building Existing Structure Vacant Gas Station Vacant Commercial Center Year Built 1990 1972 Building Area 1,876 sq. ft. 5,124 sq. ft. Regency Centers is the owner of the adjacent Applewood Shopping Center and while the subject properties are not included in the shopping center PCD, they have been considered and function as a part of it. The properties are owned by Longs Peak Metropolitan District and were acquired as part of the acquisition for right -of -way for improvements to the 32 " d /Youngfield intersection. Right -of -way acquisitions for the street project included 10' from the Youngfield frontage and 30' from the 32 Avenue frontage. The intent of the acquisitions and improvements is to accommodate a future regional commercial node to the northwest known as Clear Creek Crossing (CCC). The development of CCC has not occurred but the associated 32 " Avenue street improvements were recently completed by the City. The existing structures on the subject redevelopment parcels have been vacant since 2006. Regency Centers is currently under contract to purchase the properties. To accommodate future redevelopment, Regency Centers' intent is to obtain a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a drive through commercial use on the property. At this time the applicant has not identified a tenant. (Exhibit 3, site photos) III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant has submitted a two -page site plan which shows existing structures being demolished and the two parcels combined into one. The first page of the document shows general development parameters including an explanation of the proposed redevelopment and general development parameters. Zoning parameters addressed include parking, lighting, signage and landscaping which are all consistent with the C -1 zone district regulations. Architectural elements and materials are described and photos of other buildings in the shopping center are shown as examples. (Exhibit 4, site plan) The second page of the document includes two conceptual site plans which depict development scenarios for a restaurant and bank, each with a drive- through element. Sample Bank Site Plan The proposed site plan places the building at the southwestern corner of the property with the drive through facility further to the east. West 32 " Avenue is considered the primary frontage and as such, SUP- 13- 041WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 3 the building location is consistent with the required 20' build -to with a 17' setback. Parking for the facility is located north of the bank and canopy structures. Landscaped coverage is shown at 33.9 %. Sample Restaurant Site Plan The proposed restaurant is located in the northwestern corner of the property with the drive - through located on the north side of the building. Parking is generally to the south and east of the structure. The applicant has requested a 10' variance to the 20' build -to from the primary frontage to allow a 30'setback from Youngfield Street. Justification for the variance includes protection of views of the existing restaurant to the north and circulation around the structure. Landscaped coverage is shown at 25.6 %. Because parking is located adjacent to 32 " Avenue a landscaped buffer and screen wall are being shown. Common elements for both development scenarios include a right -in access from 32 and right -out access to Youngfield. Both scenarios depict additional access from 32 Avenue from an existing drive located off -site to the east. Potential internal connections are also shown from the parking area to the north. Right -of -way reservations are shown as being 6' for Youngfield and 2' for 32 Avenue. IV. SPECIAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA Before an administrative special use is approved, the applicant shall show and the Community Development Director shall find that the majority of the proposed special use criteria have been met. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the SUP criteria. (Exhibit S, Applicant's response to SUP criteria) 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The proposed redevelopment of the site will not have a detrimental effect on the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. This property has been considered and functioned as a part of the Applewood Village shopping center serving the needs of the community since the 1960's. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. The request will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood and should be an improvement in contrast to the vacant, deteriorating buildings and lack of site maintenance. The construction will replace the existing conditions with new construction. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. The list of C -1 permitted uses allows a variety of commercial operations many of which are more impactive than a bank or small restaurant with a drive - through. The design of the site SUP- 13- 041WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 4 has taken into consideration safe access and upgraded site and building design which will be compliant with the C -1 regulations and the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service of internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. Both Youngfield and West 32 " Avenue are considered minor arterials and as such, the site will have restricted access to both streets. Internal access to adjacent properties in the shopping center will occur from the north and the east. The city has recently improved the intersection with street widening and new curb, gutter and 8' wide attached sidewalk. Although the Streetscape Design Manual advises the sidewalk should be separated from the street improvements by a 6' wide tree lawn, the City is respecting the street section previously designed and recently built. A vehicle generation report was submitted and approved by Public Works with the conclusion that the resultant traffic can be accommodated. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 5. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The single story structure is consistent with the requirements in the zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. The redevelopment will be compatible and compliment adjacent commercial uses and the shopping center as a whole with similar architectural elements and materials. The site which is currently devoid of landscaping will have fresh new landscaping and street trees installed around the perimeter. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 6. The special use will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All utility agencies were previously serving the property and based on referral responses received, will be able to do so with the proposed redevelopment. There will be no impact on parks, schools or other public facilities or services. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 7. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. No history was found regarding code requirements or violation of prior conditions of approval on the subject property. SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 8. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Staff has reviewed the conceptual site designs and building elevation and has concluded that the proposal will generally be consistent with the ASDM. This would include upgraded architecture and internal connections with adjacent properties. The one exception is the proposed 10' variance to the 20' build -to line in the Contemporary Overlay. See variance discussion. Prior to any site development, a consolidation plat, a site plan and architectural elevations will be reviewed and approved by Staff. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. IV. VARIANCE CRITERIA Included with this application is a request for a 10' variance to the 20' build -to line required in the Contemporary Overlay district in the ASDM so that based on tenant type, the proposed structure can have a 30' setback from Youngfield. In order to approve an administrative variance, the Community Development Director must find that the majority of the criteria for review listed in Section 26- 115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. (Exhibit 6, Applicant's response to variance criteria) 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service, or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. The property could be developed without the variance but the greater setback allows for full circulation around the proposed structure. Without the variance, it is unlikely that at restaurant drive - through window could be accommodated. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. Part of the rationale for the variance is to provide provide building placement consistent with the building to the north. The existing Chili's Restaurant which was built in 1990 is setback 30' from the Youngfield right -of -way. At the time, the ASDM was not in place and the building was in compliance with the C -1 regulations which allow a 30' front setback if completely landscaped or a 50' setback with drive aisle or parking in the front setback. The potential owner is concerned that if a new restaurant is built at the 20' setback line from Youngfield, it will block motorist - visibility of the Chili's signature fagade and color scheme for cars exiting the freeway and traversing the 32 " d /Youngfield intersection. SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 6 A cursory review of aerial photos of buildings along Youngfield indicate that all of the structures north of the subject site have at least 30' setbacks and in several cases, 50' to 60' setbacks. The recently constructed First Bank building on the south side of 32 Avenue has a 40' setback from Youngfield. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. The city would like to see this property redeveloped as it is currently an eyesore and is underutilized. When the right -of -way for the intersection improvements was acquired, the site was reduced 30' from the south and 10' from the west. This project represents substantial investment in the property which may not be possible without the variance. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. The property configuration with a shallow north -south depth creates development challenges. While the property may be able to be developed without the variance, it may not result in the highest and best tax - generating use. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. The hardship was created when right -of -way acquisition occurred for intersection improvements with 30' taken from the 32 Avenue and 10' from the Youngfield frontage. This acquisition drastically reduced the developable area of the parcel. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to neighboring property or improvements. It would not hinder or impair the development of the adjacent property and will maintain visibility of that existing restaurant. Because the setback of the building to the north would be consistent, the supply of air and light would not be SUP- 13- 04 1WA- 13- 18/Regencv Centers compromised. The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it increase the danger of fire. The request will have a positive effect on property values in the neighborhood as the aesthetics of the property will be greatly improved. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. While many of the properties along Youngfield and 32 Avenue were impacted by the right - of -way acquisition, this parcel was impacted more than most. The lack of north -south parcel depth due to the 30' acquisition for 32 "d creates circulation challenges for many of the desirable uses for the property. Staff finds that this criterion has not been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Approval of the subject variances would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Staff finds that this criterion is not applicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manuah Staff has reviewed the conceptual site designs and building elevations and has concluded that the proposal will generally be consistent with the ASDM. This would include upgraded architecture and internal connections with adjacent properties. Prior to any site development, a consolidation plat, site plan and architectural elevations be reviewed and approved by Staff. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. VI. PUBLIC INPUT A meeting for neighborhood input required for the SUP application was held on September 11, 2013. Only two representatives from the neighborhood were present and were generally supportive of the property being redeveloped. A summary of the meeting has been attached. (Exhibit 7, neighborhood meeting recap) There were no positive or negative responses to the administrative posting and noticing for either the SUP or administrative variance. VII. AGENCY REFERRAL SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 8 Referrals were sent out to impacted agencies and all responded that the property can be served with improvements at the developer's expense. The following specific comments received: Xcel Energy: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Can serve. Additional fire hydrants may be required. Will continue to work with the developer based on final user and design. Wheat Ridge Police: No concerns. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has approved a preliminary drainage report. Will require a final report drainage report at the time of building permit. A traffic impact analysis was reviewed and approved. CDOT: No issues. VIII. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Regarding the Special Use Permit, Staff has concluded that the evaluation criteria support approval of the request for the following reasons: 1. The proposed improvements are appropriately designed and are consistent with the C -1 zone district regulations and ASDM. 2. The recent street improvements and proposed right-in/right-out accesses can adequately serve the property. 3. Approval of the SUP will result in unmaintained, underutilized property being developed. 4. The proposed SUP will not have a detrimental effect upon the general public health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding area. In relation to the proposed front setback variance, Staff has concluded that the evaluation criteria support approval of the request for the following reasons: 1. The proposed setback will be consistent with building locations to the north and south. 2. It will maintain visibility for the existing restaurant directly adjacent to the north. 3. There are unique conditions based on the current configuration of the property after the right -of -way acquisitions. 4. The proposed variance will not have a detrimental effect upon the general public health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding area. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for Case Nos. SUP -13 -04 and WA -13 -18 with the following conditions: 1. The grant of use shall run with the property. 2. Prior to site development, a two lot consolidation plat be processed. 3. Prior to site development, a site plan and architectural elevations be reviewed and approved by Staff to ensure compliance with the C -1 zone district regulations and the ASDM. SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 9 Exhibit 1- aerial photo SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 10 Exhibit 2- zoning map SUP- 13- 04/WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 11 Exhibit 3- site photos Photo of retail building from 32 " Avenue Looking west towards gas canopy SUP- 13- 041WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 12 Photo of fueling facility from 32 Avenue M fthlk, Photo of fueling facility from Youngfield SUP- 13- 041WA -13 -18 /Regency Centers 13 ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN CURRENT ZONING C - 1. BUILDING AND SITE DESIGN TO BE CONSISTENT MATH THE WHEAT RIDGE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL RETAIL AND MUTED USE IN THE CONTEMPORARY OVERLAY AREA AND AS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT. 2. THE 20 FT. BUILD -TO LINE MAY VARY BY 10 FT. ALLOWING A 30 FT, BUILD -TO UNE ON YOUNGSFIELD. THE BUILD -TO LINE ON WEST 32nd IS NOT REQUIRED. 3. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND IS INTENDED TO ACCOMMODATE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF A USE PERMITTED IN THE C -1 ZONE DISTRICT WITH A DRIVE- THROUGH. UPON DESIGNATION OF A SPECIFIC USER AND DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO, IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THE PROPERTY WALL BE DEVELOPED WITH ONE OF THE PROPOSED DESIGNS ON PAGE A-2. MODIFICATIONS TO THESE DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS ARE ALLOWED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ON THE PROPERTY. A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-111 WALL BE REQUIRED TO BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED. 4. FENCING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 5. PARKING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26 -501 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE WITH REOUIRED OFF- STREET PARKING BASED ON A UNIFIED SHOPPING CENTER USE. 6_ SITE AND BUILDING LIGHTING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND SHALL PERMIT METAL HALIDE OR LED EXTERIOR PARKING AND BUILDING LIGHTING. 7_ SIGNAGE SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH ARTICLE VII OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 8. A PLAT DOCUMENT ELIMINATING THE EXISTING INTERNAL PROPERTY UNE AND SHOWING THE RIGHT-OF-MY RESERVATIONS ALONG YOUNGFIELD AND W, 32ND AVENUE WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. THE RIGHT -OF -WAY RESERVATION AREA IF LANDSCAPED CAN BE APPLIED TO THE OPEN SPACE. SITE DESIGN BUILD-TO REQUIREMENT FOR THE BUILDING WILL APPLY TO ONE STREET FRONTAGE PARKING. DRIVE AISLE AND DRIVE -THRU LOCATIONS WILL BE ALLOWED ON BOTH STREET FRONTAGES. BUILDIN DESIG � -- --- - - - - -- new rt.. wrx = BUILDING DESIGN TO BE - - - -_- CONSISTENT WITH THE APPLE ��n•s _ _ SHOPPING CENTER AND COMPLY r�r, WITH THE WHEAT RIDGE w urn<wo - ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN — MANUAL, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.1 aw ra• *��Ta.•I t — � 1 ■ COMMERCIAL RETAIL AND MIXEDi•cyas _ it USE — — — CONCEPT 8110.10 FACADE TO DEPICT MATERIALS AND MASSNO SAMPLE FACADE 20 UNITS TALL BASE RATIO: MIN. 3 UNITS - MAX. 13 UNITS BELT RATIOS: MIN. 7 UNITS CORNICE RATIO: MIN. 1.5 UNITS TOWER OPTIONS: 2.5 UNITS TO 8 UNITS SCREENING TRASH ENCLOSURES. MATCH PRIMARY BUILDING MATERIALS. ROOF EQUIPMENT: SCREENED WITH PARAPETS. GROUND MOUNTED EQUIPMENT: SCREENED WITH LANDSCAPING LOADING AREAS: SCREENED WITH LANDSCAPING. LAN DSCAPING LANDSCAPING DESIGN TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE WHEAT RIDGE STREET SCAPE DESIGN MANUAL AND SECTION 26-502 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CODE. YOLP6 STREET A VIM 32nd AVE • 6' WIDE LANDSCAPE ZONE WITH LANDSCAPE GRASSES AND GROUND COVER (EXCEPT WHERE THE BUILDING IS WITHIN IT OF THE PROPERTY LINE) • STREET TREES AT 35' ON CENTER • PUBUC IMPROVEMENTS WERE RECENTLY COMPLETED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AS PART OF THE 32ND AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT (lS -02 -11 j INCLUDING LANE WIDENING AND INSTALLATION OF AN 8' -WIDE ATTACHED SIDEWALK. FUTURE STREET IMPROVEMENTS BY OWNER COULD INCLUDE A SEPARATED SIDEWALK WITH TREE LAWN IF SO DESIRED BY THE OWNER. BUFFERS AT PARKING AND DRN THRU. • 5' WIDE BUFFER WITH LANDSCAPE GRASSES, GROUND COVER AND TREES OR SHRUBS • 30' TO 42' TALL SCREEN WALL CONSISTENT WITH THE PRIMARY BUILDING MATERIALS. OP EN SPACE • 20% OF THE LOT AREA SHALL BE OPEN SPACE. 35% OF THE 20',, MAY BE RARDSCAPED. r� CONCEPT BANK DRIVE -THRU PRE4 MATERIALS BRICK. INTEGRALLY COLORED CU STONE. MANUFACTURED STONE, HARD STUCCO S MATERIALS CU, IFS. REFINISHED METAL, METAL OR FABRIC AWNINGS TRANSPARENCY RETAIL AND RESTAURANT MINIMUM 60% FACING THE PRIMARY STREET. MINIMUM 30% OTHER FACADES. BANK MINIMUM 40% FACING THE PRIMARY STREET. MINIMUM 25% OTHER FACADES. Iftams I pm _ \ 901N• VV•• EUIIIIIIIW 4 4 � I 4 Alw 41 r I I 1 } i I I I R ! w I co CA W U J • it • 7R_ Q WEST MW 7 ® 0 �. OM1E•sfS•T EXIS71NG D 0.381 AC O DRAWING NOTES: O P EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE P 9� POTENTIAL VEHICLE LAND USE P LA N PARCEL 2: 0 i LINE BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT. P Q 1 PROPOSED RIGHT -IN CURB CUT. P 10 POTENTIAL PEDESTRIAN P Iron co CA W U J • it • 7R_ Q WEST MW 7 ® 0 �. OM1E•sfS•T EXIS71NG D 0.381 AC O DRAWING NOTES: O P EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE P 9� POTENTIAL VEHICLE LAND USE P LA N PARCEL 2: 0 0.416 AC Q LINE BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT. P Q 1 PROPOSED RIGHT -IN CURB CUT. P 10 POTENTIAL PEDESTRIAN P 0 4W //\\ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR REVIEW ONLY. DOCUMENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE JURISDICTION AND THE DEVELOPER DIMENSIONS AND AREAS ARE APPROXIMATE. Naos Design Group, LhC SPECIAL USE PERMIT CASE HISTORY SUP -13-04 wA -1318 SHEET 4949 SOUTH SYRACUSE ST. SUITE 460 SUP -13 -04 WA -13 -18 DENVER, COLORADO 80237 3210 YOUNGFIELD ST. and 12755 W. 32nd AVE. 09/23/13 REVISION DATE (� : 0 ^ o \ (P) 303.759.5777 (f) 720.360.4281 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO REVISION:1. 11/7/13 3 (� v www.naosdg.com REGENCY CENTERS JOB# 2013050 CQPYR THESE DRAWINGS, OR PARTS TH FOR ANYPURP06 EXHIBIT 4 AMA'JIAUM A%", AMA'JIAUM A%", J NO 0 1 1 a' I I I I } R =39 SO' 77 R9'3633' ( =61.78' _ CHS- N453951 "W CH[ =5567' �D 1 I i J Z 0 I (r 'NO A I I &9.1633' L= 61.78' CHB =N45 j931'lV Ow SS 67' Naos Design Group, LLC 4949 SOUTH SYRACUSE ST. SUITE 460 i ts DENVER. COLORADO 60237 41 (P) 303.759.S777 (n 720.360.4281 wrw.naosdg.m 1 u 1 1 WEST 32nd AVENUE SITE TABULATION: SITE AREA: 0.797 AC 34.747S BUILDING AREA 4,100S LANDSCAPE AREA: 11,791 S 33.9 % PARKING: 20 STALLS 4.8 CARS / 1000SF SAMPLE BANK SITE STUDY SITE TABULATION: SITE AREA 0197 AC 34.747S BUILDING AREA: 3,500 S LANDSCAPE AREA: 8,923S 25.6'70 PARKING: 33 STALLS 9.4 CARS / 1000SF OPOSED C 8WW" BY WHEAT IOBE -! I SAMPLE DRIVE -THRU r R.I.ONLY FULL �� \ I J MOVEMENT RESTAURANT SITE STUDY y WEST 32nd AVENUE O THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR REVIEW ONLY. DOCUMENTS MUST E APPROVED BY THE JURISD AND THE D DIM A N D AREAS ARE APPROXIMATE CASE HISTORY I SUP -13.04 WA -13.18 SHEET 3210 YOUNGFIELD ST. and 12755 W. 32nd AVE. SUP -13-04 WA -13-18 DATE: 09/23113 A2 CONCEPT SITE PLANS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO REVISION 1: 11!7/13 REGENCY CENTERS COA10Onc301M`OOawwao� REVISION: - � �� ;,',: � ���. a.� "" JO 2013050 $ East (hc'hmd Road 1 303 300 `5300 F 303' 6 "ven"w"Od vfflam-, CO "Re'." 'mcoln - TencyC�alu e Regency C 11.1 e-triter'S. Prepared 9/23/13 Special Use Permit Evaluation Criteria Responses for Northeast Comer of West 32 "d Avenues anti Vniinriftairl StII-�-13-0411 "enters 14 8480 Fas� 3 =.303 300 5300 st 619,00 VINage, c"o 3Iojj I Recrencv Exhibit 5 - SUP criteria. SUP-13-041'1t Centers 15 hasr, kuud Road P 303 30() ,300 6,900 F 303 691 (, foo C"08o"'ll , I CWT; Regency Centers. Prepared 9123113 SUP- I 3-0411YA - 13-18IRegency Centers 16 8,480 Fast Orchrud Road 303 30 lb'3o'cl smtv 6900 G vd'Uac Regency Ce.t, Exhibit 6 - Variance criteria Sb'P-13-()41'1 i° Centers Exhibit 7- Neighborhood Meeting Notq Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing changes to the two existing lots by consolidating the two existing lots in to one lot. The current vacant buildings existing on the two lots will be removed. This lot combination will make one lot suitable for the development of a small commercial building with drive through facilities. SUP-13-04� Centers 18 NEIG14BORHOOD MEETING NOTES Date: September 11, 2013 City Staff Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Wade Sanner, Planner I Location of meeting: Applewood Village Shopping Center Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property location: 3 8 10 Wadsworth Blvd. Applicants: Eric Chekal Regency Centers 8480 E. Orchard Rd, Suite 6900 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 303-300-5335 Email: EricCh:i "I i i 1 1 1 1 �i ii "Ill,iii ::: i i iCenterscom Property owners: Long's Peak Metropolitan District Property Owner(s) present? Yes Existing Zoning: C - 1, Commercial -One Comprehensive Plan Mixed-Use Commercial/Neighborhood Commercial Designation: Member(s) of the community present: Roberta Rivera and Vince Austin - 12550 W. 32" Avenue Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing changes to the two existing lots by consolidating the two existing lots in to one lot. The current vacant buildings existing on the two lots will be removed. This lot combination will make one lot suitable for the development of a small commercial building with drive through facilities. SUP-13-04� Centers 18 The proposed development places the building at the western end of the property and the drive through facilities along the northern or eastern end of the property. Full restricted vehicle turning access to the property will be on/off W. 32 Avenue. Restricted vehicle turning access will be a right-out exit onto Youngfield. Parking is proposed to be either north of the building or screened if it is south and east of the building. Two site users have been explored for the site as either a bank with drive-through or a restaurant with drive-through. The two different users would dictate development on the site. Existing Conditions: The site includes two properties which are located at 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32" Avenue. The properties are zoned Commercial-One (C -1), and surrounding parcels include a mix of Planned Commercial Development (PCD), Agriculture- I (A -1), and Neighborhood-Commercial (N-C). Currently existing on the subject parcels are a vacant gas station and small commercial strip center. According to the Jefferson County Assessor the following conditions exist on the site: The following issues were discussed: What will happen to the reset of the shopping center? The existing bank building to the east is currently vacant. At this point, it is unclear what will happen to the existing shopping center. Isn't this parcel too small for new development? How big is the parcel? The proposed redevelopment site is actually made up of two properties; the old gas station and retail strip center. They comprise about .7 acres total. Could a fast food chain be built on the site? What does Regency prefer? The site would be too small for certain fast food chains such as McDonald's. It could accommodate a Taco Bell or Starbucks but Regency prefers a new bank with drive-through. Is there the possibility of installation of traffic calming devices to slow down the students from Wheat Ridge High School cast on 32nd? It is unlikely that any traffic calming devices would be installed on 3 "`e Avenue as it is a minor arterial and emergency route. St,'P-13-041fLt Centers 19 SUP -13 -C) 4. -13- 15'1; t' ,, Centers 20 City of Wheat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE November 21, 2013 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. SUP -13 -04 and WA- 13 -18, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a commercial drive through facility with a setback variance on property zoned Commercial One (C -1) and located at 3210 Youngfield St. and 12755 W. 32 Ave. Pursuant to Section 26 -114 of the City Code, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on December 2, 2013. Thank you. SUP 1304_and_WA 1318.doc is is i%.ci.%% heatridge.co.us , , ►S dVW AlIM131A UUMMON � ��» ? © ■ LONGS PEAK METRO POLITAN DISTRICT 7400 E ORCHARD RD 3300 GREENWOOD VIL LAGE CO 80111 FIRST O F 12345 W C A VE L A K E W OOD C 700 2120 002 5547 4465 ]� \� , :� � _ \. . \ \)� d� / �� » «�� � a2 :: \ \ \� / � � \ \. < . . < � }w \. / >< . 2 0` d ?RK? » � � \� : «?« J.. \\ . .� . / . ?j S� w»J \\� y \ \ \ \md2 % »\2 � � . .. \�. � 2 » \/ \�:��:����::w \. \2��\ /dam \�\y �� {�� / |\ m���� .� `�� \� �� /�} � *{ �� -� « \ . . \ . \�� \ «} -, Schedule: 214036 Status. Exempt WHEAT I :y:. .4«« 07400 E Wu��� Property Address: 12601 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Mailing Address: c,(o PROP TAX DEPT PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX 78279 0830 Neighborhood: 242 - Jill 111111111111 w „. III IIIJ11111p s r City of Wheat �idge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. _ -1';- 0 4 A j• . w A 13..18 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: (name) residing at Z2 Sp wsS � L I T - T - 1 for Z (address) S uP - l3_ 4• as the applicant for Case No. r. , . 1 3 _ 1 6 , hereby certify that I have posted the sign for Public Notice at 3210 A I"27SS' w - /� P'7 % s (location) on this Z I of IJO., c , rz z , 20 13 , and do hereby certify that said sign loss been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the k�wf deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. C (Z) Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. 03 210 �` ` �� 512755 . Q-) A-)LP � Cc, )b: Ho. Jr D �i''r' tai ` � �, )b: Ho. 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Regency Centers, November 7, 2013 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 29` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 Attn: Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Re: Special Use Permit and Variance Request for 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32 Avenue, 2nd Submittal Dear Meredith, We have addressed the comments from your October 16, 2013 letter in regard to our application filed for approval of a Special Use Permit application to accommodate a drive - through as ancillary to a primar use in C -1 zoning located at 3210 Youngfield/12755 W. 32 °d Avenue. Included with the SUP request is also an application for a 10' variance to the 20' build -to line in the Contemporary Overlay District of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). Below in red are responses to your teams comments and attached are two copies of the following revised items: Sheets A 1 and A2, Preliminary Drainage Report, and Traffic Analysis Letter. SITE PLAN SHEET Al 1 Under Architectural and Site Design Statement, address inclusion of a 10' variance to the 20' build -to line in the contemporary overlay district. Addressed, please see note #2. 2• Add a note regarding the C -1 zoning on the property. Addressed, please see this statement above the Architectural and Site Design notes. 3 • Add a Statement of Proposed Development (suggested language as follows): The proposed development plan is conceptual in nature and is intended to accommodate future development of a use permitted in the C- 1 zone district with a drive- through. Upon designation of a specific user and development scenario, it is likely that the property will be developed with one of the proposed designs on page A -2. Modifications to these development scenarios are allowed at the discretion of the Community Development Director. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for new 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Regency Centers. construction on the property, a site development plan consistent with Section 26 -111 will be required to be reviewed and approved. Addressed, please see note #3. 4. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: SUP- 13 -04, WA- 13 -18. Addressed, this was added at the bottom right corner of sheet A 1. 5. Add the following note: Fencing shall be consistent with Section 26 -603 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. Addressed, please see note #4. 6. Add the following note: Parking shall be consistent with Section 26 -501 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. Addressed, please see note #5. 7. Add the following note: Site and building lighting shall be consistent with Section 26 -503 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. Addressed. please see note #6. 8. Add the following note: Signage shall be consistent with Article VII of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. Addressed, please see note #7. 9. In the Landscaping note, add a reference for consistency with Section 26 -502 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. Addressed, please see the note below the Landscape heading. 10. In the Landscaping note regarding Youngfield Street & West 32 Avenue indicate that public improvements were recently completed by the City of Wheat Ridge as part of the 32 Avenue Widening project ( #S- 02 -11) including lane widening and installation of an 8' -wide attached sidewalk. Future street improvements by owner could include a separated sidewalk with tree lawn. Addressed, please see the third bullet below the Youngfield Street & West 32 " Avenue heading. 11. Add the following note: A plat document eliminating the existing internal property line and showing the right -of -way reservations along Youngfield and W. 32 "d Avenue will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Addressed, please see note #8. 12. In the Existing Site Tabulation show a total for Parcels 1 and 2 in square footage and acreage. Addressed, this area was added. 13. In the graphic, show potential vehicle and pedestrian connection locations to the north. Addressed, arrows were added to the graphic. 14. In the graphic, add lot dimensions. Addressed, dimensions were added. 15. In the graphic show the western curb cut to 32 Avenue as being right -in only. Modify note #6 for consistency. Addressed, the access was revised to right -in only in both the graphic and the note. 16. In the graphic, show right -of -way reservation along Youngfield and 32 Avenue as 6' and 2', respectively. Addressed. We made the 2' to 6' transition through the curve at the corner so the dimensions of 2' and 6' are at the PCRs. 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Regency Centers. SHEET A2 1. In the graphic, add lot dimensions. Addressed, dimensions were added. 2. In the graphic show the western curb cut to 32 "d Avenue as being right -in only. Addressed, the access was revised to right in only. 3. In the graphic, show right -of -way reservation along Youngfield and 32 " Avenue as 6' and 2', respectively. Addressed. We made the 2' to 6' transition through the curve at the corner so the dimensions of 2' and 6' are at the PCRs. 4. In the graphic for the restaurant, show tentative location for the order board. Addressed, a tentative location was added. 5. In the site tabulations for both drawings, modify open area to landscaped area. Addressed, landscape area was added. Below are responses to comments received from other city departments and outside agencies: Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District. Concerning the letter from Patrick Roberts dated October 8, 2013 we acknowledge his comments and look forward to working with him during the Site Development Plan and Building Permit process. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Below are our responses to the letter from Kelly Brooks dated October 14, 2013. 1. Thank you for the Commercial Site Planning Guide we will utilize this information during the Site Development Plan and Building Permit process. 2. Fire hydrant locations will be determined when a site plan is finalized and a water system is designed during the Site Development Plan process. 3. Thank you for the heads up on the dead in access lane distance concern, we will definitely take this into consideration when preparing the final layout for the site. During the final layout we will contact Kelly to discuss this requirement to make sure we meet the Fire Districts expectations. 4. Thank you for the heads up on the potential permits. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Concerning the memo from Kevin Armstrong dated September 30. 2013. Thank you. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Below are responses to the letter from Dave Brossman dated October 11, 2013. 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Regency Centers, Preliminary Drainage Report 5. A paragraph has been added to the "Historic (Existing) Drainage System" section to address this comment. 6. a. Language in the second paragraph has been revised to reflect Public Works b. position regarding a common detention facility. i. A description of both options (common WQ /detention and on -site WQ /detention) has been included in this section. ii. The last paragraph of this section contains a statement as requested by the City. 7. Appendix F contains the On -Site Stormwater Concept with the required notes. Preliminary Drainage Plan 1. The "Existing Condition Sheets" have been correctly re -named as "Existing Drainage Map and Proposed Drainage Map ". 2. Items a, b, and c of this comment are shown on the exhibits contained in Appendices E and F. 3. The required notes are shown on the On -Site Stormwater Concept in Appendix F. Traffic Analysis Letter 1. With acknowledgement by the City of the full access at the east property line of the subject property being allowed to remain we have revised the 32 " Avenue access to a right -in only. Xcel Energy: Concerning the letter from Donna George dated October 14, 2013. Acknowledged. CDOT.• Concerning the letter from Bradley Sheehan dated October 18, 2013. We are not proposing to perform any street improvements within the intersection of 32 " and Youngfield or west of there, therefore I do not believe we will need to pursue a permit with CDOT. Thank you for the comment though. 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Regency Centers. As requested enclosed are two hard copies of the conceptual site plans two copies of the technical documents and a thumb drive of these plans and reports. We look forward to posting the property for the ten day posting period and hopefully receiving an Administrative decision on or about November 25, 2013. Please let me know when the signs are available for pick up so we can post the property. Thank you for your time, do not hesitate to call me if there are any questions concerning this resubmittal or if there is anything you wish to discuss. Sincerely, Regency Centers Eric A. Chekal Senior Project Manager Enclosures Cc: Mr. Dick Ansteth, Naos Mr. Gabe Krell, Kimley Horn A OF COLORADO -- - - __ - --- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Access/Utilities Permits Roadside Advertising Region 1 2000 South Holly Street Denver, Colorado 80222 303-512-4272 FAX 303-757-9886 October 18, 2013 City Of Wheat Ridge Meredith Reckert 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Thank you for referring the proposal for our review. CDOT Right of way maps show we control 75 feet cast of the 32" d Ave. bridge structure and approximately to centerline of Youngfield Street, The addition of the turn lane may require some work in the right of way. To obtain permission to perform any work within state highway right-of-way, a Utility/Special Use Permit is required. Please visit our website at littp://www.dot.state.co.us/lJtilitvProlEaiii/Process, or obtain the application through this office. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-521-4271, Sincerely, Bradley T. Sheehan P. E. Access Engineer CC R6: Ref: 095013-doc File (1-70) X- Ref, 015606 Page 1 of 1 City of City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303,2351857 October 16, 2013 Eric Chekal Regency Centers 8480 East Orchard Road Suite 6900 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Dear Mr. Chekal: This letter is in regard to an application filed for approval of a Special Use Permit application to accommodate a drive-through as ancillary to a primary use in C- I zoning located at 3210 Youngfield/12755 W. 32 Avenue. Included with the SUP request is an application for a 10' variance to the 20' build-to line in the Contemporax Design Manual (ASDM). The application has been reviewed and the following are comments regarding the first submittal. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Nortinvest Lakewood Sanitation District. See attached letter from Patrick Roberts dated October 8, 2013. ►f'heat Ridge Fire Protection District: See attached letter from Kelly Brooks dated October 14, 2013. Wheat Ridge Police Department. See attached memo from Kevin Armstrong dated September 30, 2013. 11111JJ�p�11!1�1'' I ill illl ill Jill ill 11 1 � Jill iii IF1 11 m#w Xcel Energy: See attached letter from Donna George dated October 14, 2013. Additional referral comments may be forthcoming and will be forwarded. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303-235-2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Traffic Engineering Mark Westberg 303-235-2863 Once the changes have been made, please submit two hard copies of the conceptual site plans, and two copies of the technical documents with electronic copies. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, AICP Senior Planner The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed the Community Development Referral and has the following comments regarding our ability to serve this property- I . Refer to the attached Commercial Site Planning Guide for an overview of the Fire District requirements and considerations during the site planning process. For complete requirements, reference the 2006 International Fire Code and adopted City of Wheat Ridge amendments, 2. Additional fire hydrants may be required, The building construction type is not listed yet is required in order 4 determine hydrant quantities, locations, and distribution based on Appendix B and C of the 2006 IFC. Any required new fire hydrants shall be in place and operational prior to the delivery of combustible construction materials. 3. Fire Department access for emergency purposes appears to be adequate in the 'sample bank' concept. However access in the 'Restaurant' concept will need to be further evaluated to ensure dead in access lane distances are not exceeded and/or access to the public R.O.W. is provided. Refer to the 2006 IFC for these requirements. I 4, The applicant should be made aware that the proposed project(s) may require one or more of the following Fire Department permits: unris are acq ME= Kelly Brooks Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District A 0 0 City of h6atR-, ge cE DEPARTMENT TO: Meredith Reckert, Community Development FROM: Kevin Armstrong, Sergeant, Crime Prevention Team SUBJECT: Case No.: SUP-13-041WA-13-18 Regency Centers I have reviewed the Community Development Referral Form for Case Number: SUP-13-04/WA-13-18 Regency Centers. The police department sees no concerns with this request. a. � I DATE: October 11, 2013 SUMECT: SUP- I 3 -(14 A - 13-18/ Regency Centers I have completed my review of the Special Use Pen request received can September 30, 2013. The SUP for a drive-through restaurant or bank has been requested by the Applewood Village Shopping Center (Regency Centers) for the two lots located at 3210 Youngfield Street/] 2755 W. 32 d Avenue. I have the following comments: IMHMMMMM k # To More- Applovood Review,docx Public Works Engineering October 11, 2013 Page 2 IM Traffic Analysis Letter Please refer to the following comments from Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager (303.235.2862) pertaining to the traffic analysis: 1. The comment I have is in regards to the proposed right-in-right out on 32" a. This access should be a right in only due to its location with respect to the full access east of there, and the traffic signal at 32 Avenue and Youngfield Street. b. Traffic exiting this location could have the tendency to make an To Mere - Applewood Village SIT X210 Youngfwld, ki ReNiew,docx i ,i*T tngineering October 11, 2013 Page 3 To Mere -AppleNmid Villagw S(W, 3210 Youngfield I m Re� iew.dmx jo XcelEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 93= Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3 Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303, 5713660 &AL I • I — � * �16# � � ,Yof W atidge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: September 30, 2013 Response Due: October 14, 2013 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit with a site plan to allow a drive — through facility associated with new construction in a Commercial -One zone district. The application also includes a 50% variance to the 20' build -to requirement in the Contemporary Overlay area identified in the Architectural and Design Manual. The property is comprised of two parcels located at 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32 Avenue. It is expected that the property will be redeveloped into a bank with a drive - through or a restaurant with a drive- through. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: SUP -13 - 041WA -13 -18 — Regency Centers Request: Approval of Special Use Permit to allow commercial construction on property zoned C -1. Potential development scenarios include a bank with drive - through or restaurant with drive - through. Both of these uses are permitted in the C -1 zone district. The SUP is required only for the drive - through feature. Attached are a massing plan and two tentative redevelopment design scenarios. This request also includes a variance to the 20' build -to requirement along Youngfield. If approved the setback would be 30' versus 20'. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert @ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Wheat Ridge Fire District Consolidated Mutual Water District Northwest Lakewood Sanitation CenturyLink CDOT Xcel Energy Wheat Ridge Economic Development Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Police "The Carnation City " Vicinity map The Carnation City" Applewood Village SUP 3210 Youngfield Street & 12755 West 32 nd Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado Regency Centers Prepared by: 99■ South Broadway — Suite 2■0 Denver, Colorado 80209 MEMEUMMOM M, xpplewood Village SUP Preliminary Drainage Report TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS '--^~-^^—^~~`~-'^''~^—~~~^~~ ~'—~~~~ ^..--^^'~~`~--^~~^~~~^^~~`~^~—^~^--~'~-'2 PREPARER'S CERTIFICATION ~~.~.~~. � ............,..,......,..........,.......,,,,...........,.......,,,,......^...,....,...........,,4 SITELOCATION . ..... ____ ......... ,.....-.~.._...... ....... .~ ....... _._.~....~~~_._.~_.__._.~..~-.4 EXISTING SIrDsaCRIPnom._-......._......~...-......_.-__,_~,...._.~.~^._.,~_,,,,^_.,~^,^_4 EXISTING SOIL CLASSIFICATION ........... ...~-._.—_...,_....._.~.~_.^.............. ......^.^..._--...~_~..~..4 EXISTING FLOOD PLAIN DELINEATION .~.... ..... ~............... .,....^.`~.-........ ...~...^.........~..._.......,_'...._4 PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....... ..... ..... ........... ...._.....-..._,_^.~.^.._.~....~^~.~.._......_^......S RELEVANT DRAINAGE STUDIES AND MAPPING .... ___ ........ .._..~...^-_.,__,,^....... ,,_,,~_,._~,___.~,,.,,.,,'g RELEVANT DRAINAGE CRITERIA ~.~_..~.~.~-.~.~..~...~~.~..~~__~.~..~..,_~,.~,',,..~,,~_,~.,,~..,_.~~~~~5 CRITERIA .~......... ....... ........ ~,,..__,'_^~~^,_,. ....... _,,,___^,.^,,.~~.^,_,_~,^,,,,__,,.,~.,,~..5 HYDROLOGIC DESIGN CRITERIA ........... .... .. ......... ..._-........ _...~^.`................ ~..^'..-.~~^^__.-__,,..,5 WATER QUALITY TREATMENT CRITERIA ... . ..... ...... ................. ......._.......... ^. ... ..... .... ........ .^.^_...~.-..-S DETENTION STORAGE AND RELEASE CRITEnm-. ... .... ....... .......... ..^_........ .. ...... .~..^_~~^.^_.....~_..._.-6 HISTORIC (EXISTINuG)DRAINAGE SYSTEM ~..~.~~~.. S UB-BASIN AND SITE onmmAGs..._. ..... ._..... .. ......... ....... `............. ...... ............ ...._^_...~.._......_...~.-..6 PROPOSED (DEVELOPED) DRAINAGE SYSTEM .~ HronouOsIC CyxoAcTenmnCs.._. ... . .......... ~.....~_...__.—^..._...... ...'...`.—..~.._.—..-.......~......---.6 Sronwwwrsn QUALITY AND DsTewnow— ... — ...... _—..~....... ...................... ._ ...... ,........ _.__~_..7 CONCLUSION~,~^~~.~.~.~..~..~.^.._'......^~.~~ ~~~^~~~~-~~~'~~`~'~~'`~^..~~^~~^^~^~~~~~~~'`-~~^~~-7 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CRITERIA .... ._........... . .......... ...--.................... _........-__._...__.,._7 IMPACT o9 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS_ .......... ...... _...... ___ ......... ...... ...... _______.__._.___._..7 REFERENCES ..~.~....~~~.~~..~-.~.~.~,,~~,~~~~_~~,~^,,..~,~.~,~~~,~ 8 APPENDIX A-NRCS SOIL ~—.~~~~-..~~.-.~'_,~.~.~~~~,~~~__~~,~,,,~,,,_~,~~~,~9 APPENDIX 8-FEK8AFLOOD PLAIN MAPPING ................................................................................... 1D .... APPENDIX C- EXISTING HYDROLOGIC RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................... 11 APPENDIX D- PROPOSED HYDROLOGIC RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS ........... ........................................ 12 This Drainage Report (the Report) has been prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, in qubstantial accordance with the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge (CoWR) Site Drainage Requirements Manual. N Applewood Village SUP Preliminary Drainage Report 12755 West 32 nd Avenue (the Site), As identified herein and within the SUP request, the current application is being processed for potentially multiple conceptual plans which will be narrowed down prior to submittal of a Specific Development Plan (SDP). The SDP will be reviewed and approved under similar drainage criteria. As such, this Report has been prepared at the request of the City to identify the existing drainage conditions as well as future conceptual drainage requirements applicable to the Site. SITE LOCATION The Site is located at the northeast corner of Youngfield Street and 32nd Avenue within the City of I '� Wheat Rid • e, Colorado �the Cit"LvarcaeLt6nr'69i& Township 3 South — Range •9 West of the 6 Principal Meridian. Adjacent land uses consist of the following: • East — Commercial (ApplewMir Village Shopping Center) • South — Roadway (West 32 nd Avenue) BE= EXISTING SOIL CLASSIFICATION By scaled map location and graphical review only of available National Resources Conservation Services V m *,, #Ask en m-A k Slopes). The corresponding predominant Hydrologic Soil Group for onsite soils may be classified as NRCS Type C. PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION Site s!.3ecific develoUment glans are unknown at this time, Application, may consist of a future Bank or Restaurant use, which will be subject to site specific development plan review and approval. RELEVANT DRAINAGE STUDIES AND, MAPPING Previous drainage analysis and studies referenced within the preparation of this Report consist of 2vailable design reports for the Conoco Site and Applewood Village, The respective reports have been ,provided by the City and are referenced within the References section of this Report. IM Q Discharge: Calculated Discharge in Cubic Feet per Second (CFS) C Runoff Coefficient: Runoff Coefficients were calculated on an individual basin weighted basis utilizing Runoff Coefficients in accordance with Table RO-5 of the Criteria. I Rainfall Intensity: Rainfall Intensity values were calculated based on individual basin drainage conveyance' methods, Time of Concentration and Rainfall Intensity Values in accordance with Figure 5-1 of the Criteria in Inches per Hour A Basin Area: Tributary Basin Areas were determined based existing/proposed site drainage characteristics in Acres (AC). WATER QUALITY TREATMENT CRITERIA Water Quality design criteria utilized within the preliminary analysis of the water quality requirements consists • the following criteria as referenced within Volume 3, Section 4.4.2 of the Manual. Water Qualily Capture Volume Elzm= wmc A DETENTION STORAGE AND RELFASE CRITERIA M"4 0 rakn!rg phr TAT"Tk 4 MIME 1111($1 WIM10110 M- Storage Volume S--Yeggr-Stara P Volurtip- V—= MUMMMM AT = Tributary Storage Area in Acres (AC) Storme,g2le2§g UMM3M SUB-BASIN AND SITE DRAINAGE Existing runoff conditions for the Site were identified based upon available survey, previous drainage- analysis and onsite observation utilizing the previously referenced Hydrologic Criteria and may be further described as follows: 3210 Youngfield Street (the Conoco Site) The Conoco Site consists primarily of impervious (roof and pavement) land use with limited onsite landscaoe. Site runoff charaitAristics ari ii J. J141111141 ai nd conrejIFIFF to a• jacem: Tounguelo Street and West 32 Avenue. Limited portions of the Site flow northeasterly to the adjacent Retail Site, No provisions for onsite water quality or attenuation are present. infrastructure and conveyed to downstream stormwater quality and storage facilities within the Applewood Village shopping center as outlined within the Stormwater Quality and Detention section of this Report, WQCV = Provide the Required Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) 5-Year = Provide Stormwater Attenuation for the 5-Year Storm Interval + Full WQCV` 100-Year = Provide Stormwater Attenuation for the 100-Year Storm Interval + Y2 WQCV am Applewood Village SUP Preliminary Drainage Report z N a M SZ 8 oSo M E£ 8 oSOT 000T0" 06£TOVh 08£TOW OL£TObb 09£TObb z rn v 7 R R o w K w 0 M Sz 8 eSOT M t1 0 0 N (n N zn (0 a R . 06£TO" OWT0" WOO" 09ETOOO OS£TO" OKTOG6 I I I I I 1 i U) Z� a a o m o m � Z o IN Q f ti m Ln _u N Z d � C, o o ` d 3 C z --iiiiz Z U M,££ 8 aSOT Q z a 9y >+i . 06£TO" OWT0" WOO" 09ETOOO OS£TO" OKTOG6 I I I I I 1 i a) O 0 U m a a m O a) N m 0 O ❑ n) C N O m a 0 T O O U C6 d Q a) O a O 0 U) U m O O - O T Z O O Z a 0 Z w 0 W J c a C CD O O V N m a) CL CL m E N 3 O Q 0 T N U7 a U r N ( ch O N N C 07 a) N O N U ° C (Cp U U U U m m O -p IT U N 4) C ai a m a� N C — E m m m p0) cnE ?� a m U m : m o N E 3 m > � U L 3 a m o w T'0 C C O O N T 1] .LO-. E a1 aom a m m E DE 0 O 20 p ° C � . E N —, C O E m m E m c O Y C E m )n w E a cn Cl) V O O N N Cl) N N O1 O) m a T U � O Z � p a) m O N U a o U c O m Z m U N Z U N � N � C O N O d +• a' m c m 7 N m C m O z U Z E a) N O M O y = m U m > m O C O O a t > o ` m N U a)rmco m m > �? Q a) to 3c_ a U O) > L m U N O "O m N a) O N O .= m E (n N _ N 6 U E w ❑ U O c a E Y O O 2 ` _ 'C O u) a O — N o m E n "' O y a) m m u U U N r m m N a o N O (U M a� a) a n O c Z Q) d O O Q ° _- n m 0 p p a) Z a° C o C o w m E ° w U u a N > m U Q ❑ m N O 3 O ° _ 3 m O N N O m p L a L (n u) ,_ O w L a N C C E2 Ln Q) L L) m C a) p C N 0 � T U C m d m o Q a m 0 U m o m D c � m o ma o a c ° o ¢ a) _ c - - m N 3 E c f� Q N p E— m m L a) �O. G D- 2 m O a) Y C C m m L °- p E S] m L m (!1 a m lo .O a) 2 2 N cd p U m (9 J> N a C U m� (D Q L m L Z E p- < O m m > C O ° N m C .� ° N° m Q T N Q) N m N C a) 0) C .. cU O m a) E LM N 'D C N a T u N .E m m t cu N a) m m O O 0- N 0 0 � m a s a rn a c m w E O C E � m° c O U O� o F a) Z O Q � a a) m a E L O m n ( a o❑❑❑❑❑❑ N a, fC0 a j a. ` O a> (n p) N E N N O .n d m a E ° o L) U 2i 6L v N H L — 3? o — D ° m E m E U) y U) U) to c o Q 1L ° .E o Cl) V O O N N Cl) N N O1 O) m a T U � O Z � p a) m O N U a o U c O m Z m U N Z U N � N � C O N O d +• a' m c m 7 N m C m O z U Z E > m O C N m c m U T 3 t r n m `o v = a O E m o r a m n m o 0 U U O z 3 N O c Z) r 2 - a Q f C 7 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ d O `r O cn a� m m Q n N m O C cp 0 a) C O N C rn O v C O ° w Q o m m c n v d o 0 0 0- c o 0 0 ° 0 a � o a s a rn a c c m m 0 c) o z m ¢ Q c m CO m c3 o z c < Q m m C o❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 0 7 t : oo ®.. d N O (1) y N Q U) Cl) V O O N N Cl) N N O1 O) m a T U � O Z � p a) m O N U a o U c O m Z m U N Z U N � N � C O N O d +• a' m c m 7 N m C m O z U Counties - M � = M • 0 1101011101 VATATAIM IzTa These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 o ag 0 Counties NOW" I IMMIMIARILZILTA H-Or-RIAMMMIP&M Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 912312013 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 �1; " 1m. 133UIS F�UML MIL I 9 • . I WWW CD �/ � � #I,�� CD i � it own LL LL V AM Mw R � 1. URBAN CT ti L uj �VIVIANCT _WMAN CT ul 3: cn 133UIS F�UML MIL I 9 • . I -a 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 a 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 d6 1 17 1!j 19 • M! � ... .... .. h ru EXISTING RESTAURANT . .... .. . "Ji Mason 5524 A 6519 EX2 5520 EX4 0, U EXISTING �O9 2 1 0,20 927 FUEL A Al EXISTING RETAIL *0 4m rwr an — un ow MI 5524 EX1 /"EX3'� am 0,01 Aft go wo so MIIMN so wo M Im MMMC J o n im so m wo M #w WO No so MAO *m so m so m we *a 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 , I EXISTING WINE AND SPIRITS 27 1 28 1 29 1 30 I DRAINAGE LEGEND P(Aw &wN (A0 lCM (CFSI 0,01 003 as) OM 097 1,61 a FY3 0,14 0.39 4 CX4 032 ales 1,23 1 "w 261 5 Us 0113 0,43 0,60 073 in • z :5 ul z ow C) • w z 0 z 001 W o 0 z x W 096060013 APPLEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Rainfall Intensity IDF - Intensity, Duration, Frequency Data Time Intensity Frequency Tabulation TIME 2 YR 5 YR 10 YR 100 YR 5 160 5.00 5.90 9.50 10 2.65 3.90 4.55 7.35 20 2.00 2.95 3.30 5.40 Note: Intensity values based upon City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements - Figure 5 -1 K: \DEN_Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Applewmd CIA - Existing.xls 096060013 Composite Basin Calculations APPLEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Landuse I C C CIO CrOO Landscape 0% 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 Roof 90% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 Paved 100 1 % 0.89 090 0.92 0.96 Basin Designation AWTAL (AC) A TUTLL SF ALAMOSCAPE (SF) AxooT SF MAVED SF) IWEIGNTED Ci Cs CIO CEOO EX1 EX2 0.01 0.20 315 8,530 315 370 0 2,700 0 5,460 0% 92% 0.04 0.80 0.15 0.82 0.25 0.84 0.50 0.90 EX3 0.14 6,080 267 2,555 3,258 91% 0.79 0.80 0.83 0.89 EX4 0.32 14,005 1,533 5,112 7,360 85% 0.74 0.76 0.79 086 EX5 0.13 5,820 0 0 5,820 100% 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.96 .+ •v,00i ta,o7o 9U7u U.15 U.80 0.83 0.89 K: \DEN_Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Applewood CIA - Existing.xls O O Q K O O O O u 3 W a � a � Q r Q x 3 m O O O O c0 O Z � try m X X !� Z W W X W W a O z � � lJ Z N D �--� N M O lA w a O 0 Q v V ll CJ ✓ 0 0 0 0 0 N V O V O N N H M 1 0 W d u c C O E E r- 3 0 c m o 00 0 - .� t O y w:° U v m C m `� o m 3 0 0 O OtJ O Co 'O Q v 3 3 N , 3 LL �i VLf 2 d 6 n Z W W X C N W Q U O F t!1 I F-- t V1 O O ? + + Z t ti t t0 V 01 V V1 y Q N N H H N N N N W O � � U N_ Z = = m l l.7 LL O O G G N N V V1 w z w 'y 0 a E� ] U ] I F M M M vi N N O O O O O O ry i ✓ W W c co w m m _O LL N N N N N N N c W L ~ U U N N N N N N N N H J Q H d o o 0 0 o o N N N N N N N S F Z C CO t t!1 N N M M � F F= v v K Ki S Sri o o r ri O g z � a W W? � � b �p _ O O a N O O O O O O N N O a 2 2 _- L LL o o L Ln Z Z Z ' '" 4. N N N N ci in N O V 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 U U U O O D D U U � w p a y U O v m c w U F w U O O O m c O C Z Q m Q O ` Q � C C cc Q `• c M L LA O �O N `-' a act n r 0 Q v V ll CJ ✓ 0 0 0 0 0 N V O V O N N H M 1 0 W d u c C O E E r- 3 0 c m o 00 0 - .� t O y w:° U v m C m `� o m 3 0 0 O OtJ O Co 'O Q v 3 3 N , 3 LL �i VLf 2 d 6 n Z W W X C N W Q U X C N W Q U O Z Q H O ° p p O O O a � ¢ � O V ? a Z a ° �� U Z Z _ s a a O LL - ? ¢ u � O Z [C a o ' _ = a U — I 2 O U O ill M eG Q N O U O x vt N �D O O O t0 N n oD O LL O 1p 71 0 O � O m 1 U O C O ti O m U — O ¢ pp ¢ pp O S O S S ¢ O O o o 0 LL = O O O O O � Z m ni m m ' m j O 0 Z vi vii�fi vl Vt Z __ m el O� m Z vi IA ui Vi ut O Z Oi Oi O1 O1 Oi N N N . Cc N CO M p U O O O O O O U 0 0 0 0 0 O U 0 0 O G I C p U O C O C O Z H vi N m = F O O O N O r O O O O O — VI V1 of 0 � vi vi vi ui vi O U O O CO T V m n n m p U CO a0 n m �+ N W aC 1� m [ C O C 0 0 0 O O o C:; O [ O U O C C G O O U N O 01 O CO C W O Cr O O O O p ~O O z3 O V ry o Z , w U O N N M m C w U O C N� o U _ w Q O 0 0 0 0 U O . K¢ V Z Q •.•• O C C 0 0 0 O O N N M W Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z O U K Q O C O O O O - Q y� Q ti Q Q _ a Z O -� O O 3 � v Z E - C v LL O E. Z a €= 0 Z � a ZZ v Z Z Z [ ?? O Q Di X K Q X m[ � Ox[ X �. W O eY } gy m O V1 O Z 5 W W W < N m O ut u X X Z Z d Nf m w D CI W W w {/� d m Q W W m Q p d C w W w p m C o ¢ Q W W W W W m p 0 cu Q d r�. 0 - z 0 q CC rj z o_ z c z Q y O N Q N M < V O N Z 7 Z N N m v V O U Z O V ry p Ln¢ ti M � O - O CD O 2 O � 096060013 APPLEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Site Runoff Summary DESIGN DRAIN AREA Q2 Q5 Q10 Q100 POINT BAS IN ( AC) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) 1 EX1 00 0.01 0.01 2 EX2 57 0.80 0.97 3 EX3 a 20. 39 0.56 0.68 E2.63 4 EM 85 1.23 1.5 5 EX5 43 0.60 0.73 u.av Z.Z4 3.Z0 3.89 6.73 K: \DEN_Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Npplewood CIA - Existing.xls 096060013 APPLEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Composite Imperviousness Summary DESIGN POINT DRAIN BASIN AREA (AC) Site Area ( %) I ( %) Weighted M 1 EX1 0.01 1% 0% 0% 2 EX2 0.20 25% 92% 23% 3 EX3 0.14 17% 91% 16% 4 EM 0.32 40% 85% 34% 5 EX5 0.13 17% 100% 17% 0.80 100% 90% K: \DEN_Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Applewood CIA - Existing.xls 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 a 1 9 1 to I It 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 . . . ................. . .. .. I EXISTING RESTAURANT No so Im m Ism go no m wo wo go aw A-3 ACTUAL, DfSCHARGE LOCATION SUBJECT IC S�TE 9PEORC MCLOPMENT PROPOSED SITE (SUBJECT TO SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN) M I Z Is 1 0 21 1 22 EXISTING WINE AND SPIRITS 25 1 26 1 27 1 28 1 29 1 30 1 31 1 32 POINT (TRAIN BASIN AREA (AQ ({,FS) (ush Ps� tcM 2,D4 1-In B ss "6 mm t m ow 4D4 om 4m SCALE IN FEET w2 4186 o'll o'l? Q8 o,Pl 20 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET umi'llb le-elb pop ft loft 096060013 APPLEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Rainfall Intensity IN - Intensity, Duration, Frequency Data Time Intensity Frequency Tabulation TIME 2 YR 5 YR 10 YR 100 YR 5 3.60 5.00 5.90 9.50 10 2.65 3.90 4.55 735 20 2.00 2.95 3.30 5.40 Note: Intensity values based upon City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements - Figure 5 -1. K:\ DEN_ Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Applewood CIA - Proposed.xls 096060013 Composite Basin Calculations APPLE WOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO ILanduse I II q Cs CIO Cioo 0.65 Landscape 0% 0.04 0 15 0.25 050 0.79 Roof 90% 0.73 11 0.75 0.77 0.83 Paved 100% 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.96 Basin ATOTAL ATOTAL AUMOSCAM Aaoor ArAVED Designation (AC) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) IWFJGHM 1 0.72 31,465 3,150 4,000 24,315 89% LIM 0.02 875 350 0 525 60% UD2 0.06 2,410 965 0 1,445 60% Total 0.80 34,750 4,465 4,000 26,285 86% Notes C2 Cs Cio C100 0.78 0.81 0.83 0.90 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.78 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.78 0.76 0.79 0.82 0.89 Subbasin 1 (Developed Site Area) Developed Land Use assumed to reflect a 10% Landscape and 4,000 SF Building (Roof). ' Un- Detained Basins ( "UD ") - Developed Land Use assumed to reflect anticipated 40% Landscape /60% Hordscope Amenity Zone. K: \DEN_Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Applewood CIA - Proposed.As O O O O O u 3 W J CL C a � Q F Q W 3 e7 0 0 cp 0 0 0 z � � S2 M 0 0 0 c z W � L V1 N Vl M H • � a c9 O Z O ca `p a •_ z ? }} O O O m W 0 0 0 U W U N U F Q = H m Z LL O O O K H CL Z O O O ~ O O C U ~ O O O O O O u a 00 m c0 p LL v N N N � � c G W � a F N o o O o O O O Z � ' v W J 0 z N o 0 0 _ o 0 0 0 W f N N O J a_ = Z — Z W v J O O V o0 C9 UD 'D O O O 00 lD �D J W O ° u u u n 0 0 a W H V 0 o a s 0 0 o c z_ m m Q 10 Ln o u O cc V1 ••-' a r l W nl m n z co ry z r cc O z z y O N N M d O Q u v ° v V1 O O O O O N V1 r` O Ln O M �`I O O U U v � � � m 3 O O j Yn O M H • � a c9 cc cc O ca `p a •_ 3 a v ^ > v H d O/ O � 1 10 > G/ ��. Q C W W 3 i°� ii v z C7 a 2 .. O m � O O O O v 3 w a a Q m r ¢ 3 m O O O O O CY Y Q L r � U LL o ° O V ry o O r LL � O = Z Z m G a O v o 0 0 ? o a o O LL m o z O 2 0 Z Z vi uS vi K G O V o O O Z o 0 0 r � ui vi O Z 0 � Uli °� r oq ri o o m W � O 2 o m o m o m Z Z v v v K G W O V o O o Z o 0 0 Y ¢ K J it 2 O Z Z - r O u z N �D In N e1 LL � O Z z of of of G Q In O o v o 0 0 PI99 u 0o in - n an u, ;; 8 8 „, ¢ � LA c C m m I C 2 0 0 o N O u o 0 o C p u �� o 0 0 Z z - of o O Z Z O Z Z D 7 7 5 K m O v O V p V C Z z Q n 0 0 0 p Z ¢ Q n O O m U Z U r � U LL o ° O V ry o O r LL � O = Z Z m G a O v o 0 0 ? o a o O LL m o z O 2 0 Z Z vi uS vi K G O V o O O Z o 0 0 r � ui vi O Z 0 � Uli °� r oq ri o o m W � O 2 o m o m o m Z Z v v v K G W O V o O o Z o 0 0 Y ¢ K J it 2 O Z Z - r O u z N �D In N e1 LL � O Z z of of of G Q In O o v o 0 0 PI99 0 ° o 3 a 0 G T V Z D u 0o in - n an u, ;; 8 8 „, �n w � LA c C m m I C 0 0 o N O u o 0 o C p u �� o 0 0 p - - of o n o n o O C Z z Q n 0 0 0 p Z ¢ Q n O O m U Z U n o o a0 2 w V n O O m O V O o 0 0 o U O �. o c c o O Q a o 0 o 0 0 O Q? o c o 0 ++ O O C < r ._ o v o x a E v 0 E E v Z v o o z z z 0 0 z z o z z z Q Z z z L! o a a m .+ >> 0 2 n ¢m a o m 0 0 `” 7= o o a o o o a o 0 h m O C m m C O Q1 L 01 L � o v 6! L q p Z f p c r l7 c Z r 2 l7 Z Z > Z .cl O 0 O 0¢ 0 0 ° o 3 a 0 G T V Z D 096060013 Site Runoff Summary APPLEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DESIGN DRAIN AREA 0 ,2 Qs Q10 Q100 POINT BAS (A C) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) 1 1 0.72 2. 2.91 3.55 6.16 2 UD1 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.15 3 UD2 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.21 0.41 0.80 2.19 3.14 3.84 6.71 K:\ DEN_ Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Applewood CIA - Proposed.xls 096060013 APPLEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Composite Imperviousness Summary DESIGN DRAIN AREA Site Area 1 Weighted POINT BASIN (AC) ( %) ( %) ( %) 1 1 0.72 91% 89% 80% 2 LIM 0.02 3% 60% 2% 3 LID2 0.06 7% 60% 4% 0.80 100% 86% K: \DEN_Civil\ 096060013 \Eng \Drainage\Applewood CIA - Proposed.xls 111"' = „ Kimley -Horn and Associates .inc 990 South Broadway - Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80209 Project: Applewood SUP Prepared By: GMK Project Number: 96060013 Checked By: GMK Date: September 23rd, 2013 Detention A Storage Volume (V =KA Method) Contributing Basin Characteristics Area Impervious (AC) ( %) Site Area = 0.72 89.0% iality Capture Volume UDFCD V3 Fig SQ -2 WQ Watershed Inches = a +.0781) ab= 0 . 7 (6 -Hr Drain Time) a = 0.8 (12 -Hr Drain Time) a 0.9 (24 -Hr Drain Time) a40= 1.0 (40 -Hr Drain Time) UDFCD Sec. 4.4.2 WQCV = (WQCV /12)'(Area) WQCV Impervious (Site) = 89.0% a= 1.0 WQ Watershed Inches (Site) = 0.393 WQCV Area (Site) = 0.72 WQ Capture Volume (Site) = 0.024 AC -FT WQCV Sediment Factor = 1.2 WQ Design Volume (Site)= 0.028 AC -FT UDFCD V2 Eq. SO -1 V,= KA UDFCD V2 Eq. SO-4 K (0.771- 2.65)/(1000) k = 0.066 10-Yr Detention Volume = 0.047 AC -FT 107 Detention UDFCD V2 Eq. SO -1 V, = K,A UDFCD V2 Eq. 50-3 K 300 = ( 1.781 - .0021 3.56)/(900) k.= 0.154 100 -Yr Detention Volume = 0.111 AC -FT IF 300-Yr Detention Volume WQ Capture Volume = 1,233 CF 10 -Yr Detention + Water Quality Volume = 3,299 CF 100 -Yr Detention + 1/2 Water Quality Volume = 5,461 CF Storage - 9/23/2013 11111P� t• „ Kimley-Horn \. t• and Associates, Inc. 990 South Broadway - Suite 450 Denver, Colorado 80209 Project: Applewood SUP Prepared By: GMK Project Number: 96060013 Checked By: GMK Date: September 23rd, 2013 Pond Volume (V =KA Method) Standard Design Release Rate UDFCD Table 50 -1 5 -Year 100 -Year QA LIOWABEE = 0.17 1.00 CFS /AC AREAmiBurABr = 0.72 0.72 AC Calculated Site Release Rates 5 -Year 100 -Year `VLLLOWABEE = 0.12 0.72 CFS le uired Incremental Pond Volume Summa WQ Capture Volume = 1,233 CF 10 -Yr Detention + Water Quality Volume = 3,299 CF 100 -Yr Detention + 1/2 Water Quality Volume = 5,461 CF Volume Summary - 9/23/2013 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 u i W W fn O o� JV _W J LL m Z O i. l I I u 18 I 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 A d n � LC L —11 EXISTING RESTAURANT L 1 1 1 � 1 1 0,72 89% 1 e 1 n I ACTUAL DISCHARGE LOCATION SUBJECT TO 1 SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN ' PROPOSED SITE 1 000 (SUBJECT TO SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN) UD1 1 1 1 1 0.02 60% 1 1 8.00' 1 BUFFER (CONCEPTUAL) � 1 . A e .ii•..,. fro.. 4 � a � d d " I— 4A a WEST 32nd AVENUE (PUBLIC ROW) 23 1 24 25 1 26 1 27 I 28 1 29 1 30 1 31 DRAINAGE LEGEND m m m m m DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY EXISTING WINE AND SPIRITS # # = BASIN DESIGNATION AC= AREA IN ACRES � AC I I = WEIGHTED BASIN IMPERVIOUSNESS EXISTING OFFICE DESIGN POINT 3 RUNOFF PATTERN NOTES 1. PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERNS BASED UPON REVIEW OF THE FOLLOWING: • ALTA SURVEY PREPARED BY POINT CONSULTING, LLC., DATED AUGUST 21ST, 2013. • ONSITE AND AERIAL BASED OBSERVATIONS COMPLETED BY KIMLEY —HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AT THE TIME OF COMPLETION. • ASSUMED CONCEPTUAL PROPOSED SITE GRADING. SITE RUNOFF SUMMARY DESIGN POINT DRAIN BASIN AREA (AC) Q2 (CFS) Qs (CFS) Q2o (CPS) Q2oo (CFS) 1 1 0.72 2.04 2.91 3.55 6.16 2 UD1 0.02 0.04 OA6 0.08 0.15 3 UD2 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.21 0.41 a d < DESIGN POINT 3 RUNOFF PATTERN NOTES 1. PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERNS BASED UPON REVIEW OF THE FOLLOWING: • ALTA SURVEY PREPARED BY POINT CONSULTING, LLC., DATED AUGUST 21ST, 2013. • ONSITE AND AERIAL BASED OBSERVATIONS COMPLETED BY KIMLEY —HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AT THE TIME OF COMPLETION. • ASSUMED CONCEPTUAL PROPOSED SITE GRADING. SITE RUNOFF SUMMARY DESIGN POINT DRAIN BASIN AREA (AC) Q2 (CFS) Qs (CFS) Q2o (CPS) Q2oo (CFS) 1 1 0.72 2.04 2.91 3.55 6.16 2 UD1 0.02 0.04 OA6 0.08 0.15 3 UD2 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.21 0.41 0.80 2.19 3.14 3.84 6.71 2 1 3 H w w of U) 0 LLJ J LL m Z IL D %.. 0 4 D D 5 1 6 1 7 I 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 r i i ' .5524 r E2 0.20 s2% a i • 0 0 • , EX1 5- 4 ------- 12 16 1 17 1 18 I 19 1 20 21 1 22 I 23 1 24 1 25 EXISTING WINE AND SPIRITS 13 { 14 { 15 u J I 9-- - -- - EX4 EXISTING '� � -_ 0.32 85% FUEL 1 I ! i A EXISTING RETAIL • e • 1 1 I EX3 �! `; EX5 w 0.14 91% I' 0.13 g00% s 1 D WEST 32nd AVENUE (PUBLIC ROW) C C Q Q Q M O O 20 0 20 40 tO 0 SCALE IN FEET fO rn 0 IfMrr 111rN01A1, L w 26 1 27 1 28 1 29 1 30 1 31 DRAINAGE LEGEND DRAIN BASIN AREA (AC) Q2 (CFS) m = m DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY Qio (CFS) Qioo (CFS) # # = BASIN DESIGNATION EX1 0.01 0.00 AC = AREA IN ACRES e 0.01 0.03 AC I 0.20 0.57 0.80 I = WEIGHTED BASIN IMPERVIOUSNESS 1.67 3 Q DESIGN POINT 0.14 0.39 X> RUNOFF PATTERN 0.68 1.17 NOTES EX4 0.32 1. EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERNS BASED UPON REVIEW OF THE FOLLOWING: 1.23 1.50 • ALTA SURVEY PREPARED BY POINT CONSULTING, LLC., DATED AUGUST 5 EX5 21ST, 2013. 0.43 • ONSITE AND AERIAL BASED OBSERVATIONS COMPLETED BY KIMLEY -HORN 0.73 AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AT THE TIME OF COMPLETION. L C SITE RUNOFF SUMMARY = DESIGN POINT DRAIN BASIN AREA (AC) Q2 (CFS) Q5 (CFS) Qio (CFS) Qioo (CFS) 1 EX1 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.03 2 EX2 0.20 0.57 0.80 0.97 1.67 3 EX3 0.14 0.39 0.56 0.68 1.17 4 EX4 0.32 0.85 1.23 1.50 2.63 5 EX5 0.13 0.43 0.60 0.73 1.22 a E 0.80 2.24 3.20 3.89 6.73 kh 9 ,1 52 11 3 11 UMMEMMM= i t Mr. Brossman, SeDtember 23, M IF."IMARIMS- 30,3 r Project traffic assignment for the possible two redevelopment uses was obtained by applying the distribution of Figures 1 and 2 to the estimated traffic generation of the project shown in Tables I and 2, as appropriate for each use. The fast food restaurant with drive through traffic assignment is shown in Figure 3. Figure • illustrates the bank traffic assignment. staff wou 3 unZ ood 7er Mat city "I prefer that the proposed access al ng 32 Avenue be a right-in only access, This analysis has been prepared illustrating the 32 nd Avenue access to allow both right-in a U 4L rieht-out movements. simil Mr. Brossman, Avenue across from this project, We believe that providing a right out exit at this access will be important for traffic circulation. Otherwise it will be difficult for traffic wishing to exit the site and travel west • south. 228-2300. ---.A "orbs D. Rowe, P,E., PTOE Vice President it Po' izo (20%) (5%) U 2 ui Ld to ry f Lu L 'i cli L,— L4— 'D Z z ul) D C) it Po' izo (20%) (5%) so C\l ( 1 P PP m tl ul <-- 15% LEGEND XX%(XX%) Entering(Exiting) Trip Distribution Percentage APPLEWOOD VILLAGE NEC 32ND AVE • YOUNGFIELD ST FAST FOOD RESTAURANT FIGURE 1 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION a � o (20%) LLJ LJLJ U) Ld ul 04 (15 %) z Cam? 0 ff a° j (20%) Q 0 ra e 20 °lam —(5a >) t . 4 a ) `-15% 20 °Pfl 0 L XX (XX%) Enter Trip Distribution Percentage APP LEWOOD VILL NEC 32ND AVE & YOUNGFIELD ST B A NK I T R I P DISTR =06 R!S 9(6) 22(16) Ld ui CD C\1 4(3) z 0 ......... 32nd AVENUE ---------- °' 14(1 <— 18( i3 E- - - 4(3) rr e5 19(14) 0-4(31 <— 14(1 14(10) fz q 37(27)----> 37(27)--�' i5 rn LE Q END XX(XX) Weekday AM(PM) Peak Hour Traffic Volume APPLEWOOD VILLAGE NEC 32ND AVE & YOUNGFIELD ST FAST FOOD RESTAURANT PROJECT TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT LEaND XX(XX) Weekday AM( 1) Peak Hour Traffic O VlUmes III I I III 1 ] AP its D VILLAGE NEC 32ND AVE & YOUNGFIELD ST BANK '*lROJECT TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT Kimiey—Horn AA71 and Associates, lnc� K ;z Z;5 6(13) T � 1-- Ld CY- F- V) 0 -j bi ca 3(8) z D 0 ............... .......... 32nd AVENUE <-- (l 0) 4 6( ( l 0) 13) 4(8) <— 6(10) 12(20)---> 12(20)---o LEaND XX(XX) Weekday AM( 1) Peak Hour Traffic O VlUmes III I I III 1 ] AP its D VILLAGE NEC 32ND AVE & YOUNGFIELD ST BANK '*lROJECT TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT Kimiey—Horn AA71 and Associates, lnc� C NEF1 Kmley-Hom IN and Associates, Inc. FWg Job No, 96060015 Sheet No, I Of I TRIP Q9N9&ATjON MAb[U& JECLINIQUgg ITE i IQ - n - ManvA 9th Edition, Average Rate Equations UL>urBetwg2nAaodfiem, (2492 19141 Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 52% ant. 48% exit. T = 32,65 (X) T = 131 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T = 32.65' 4,000 68 entering 63 exiting 68 + 63 = 131 ekdav (oaae 191 Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting T = 496.12 (X) T = 1986 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T = 496,12 4D00 993 entering 993 exiting 993 + 993 = 1986 Saturdav Hour of Generator (Pa 1218) Directional Distribution: 51% ent 49% exit, T = 59,00 (X) T = 236 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T = 59.00 4,000 120 entering 116 exiting 120 + 116 236 Non-Pass -bv Trel Volumes {pages 68 and 70, Trip Generation Handbook. June 2004 AM Peak Hour = 51% Non-Pass By PM Peak Hour = 50% Non-Pass By IN Out Total AM Peak 47 45 93 PM Peak 34 32 66 Daily 497 497 994 PM Peak Hour Rate Applied to Daily Pij§§:hX Ido M21MIne§ (gag2s §A and 70. Trip Generation Han&22h, JUD2 ?QQ4 AM Peak Hour = 49% Pass By PM Peak Hour = 50% Pass By IN Out Told AM Peak 46 44 89 PM Peak 34 32 66 Daily 496 496 992 PM Peak Hour Rate Applied to daily Y* NO Ertl AffIRIMSIRAM * I Project Subject 91 n Wesigned by C#?k Date _,, September 18, 2013 Job No. 096060.015 Checked by Date Sheet No. 1 of I TRIP-GENERATION MANUAL TECHNIQUES ITE Trix Generation Manual 9th Edition, Average Rate Eiijuations Land Use Code - Drive-in Bank (912) Independant Variable -1000 Square Feet Gross Floor Area (X) Gross Floor Area = 4,200 Square Feet X = 4,200 T = Average Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Traffic One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. (Page 1843) Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 57% ent. 43% exit, T = 12.08 (X) T = 51 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T = 12.08 * 4,200 29 entering 22 exiting 29 + 22 = 51 Peak Hour of Adiggent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. (Da 18441 Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 50% ent. 50% exit. T =2430 (X) T = 102 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T = 24,30 * 4,200 51 entering 51 exiting 51 + 51 = 102 pmm Average Weekday T = 14815 * 4.200 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting T = 624 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 312 entering 312 exiting R=- . • * - I . Average Saturday 4,201 Directional Distribution: 51% ent, 49% exit. T = ill Average Vehicle Trip Ends 57 entering 54 exiting 57 + 54(*)= 111 Weekday PM Pass-By Trip Percentage: 47% Applied All Other Time Periods IN Out Total AM Peak 15 12 27 PM Peak 27 27 54 Daily 165 165 330 SAW } D F- w f— Zn o� 8 m W �g Q < « Lu • a g °sp a w co y m o C¢ - m 'o g <� S oNane 9NTMO uj 3x{fo oNUVa �1 �o orusm Q W w Y C 3AM ONILSIX3 ' > 3AIkf0 'JNi1SgC3 SS300V j O SS333V niiHl'3N2lO — I to _. _ j' Lo ic* y M'a a� coo❑¢ —7 k- < F - N O a� C;i H Z Y I (Q J W 00 —i C-) U— UL 4 3: pO __ m �• I OOH I Z ❑ • W I O ¢ d W OO> _ O E Ir F 3AR10 } Q -- i 43SOdotld .. 0 - -"_ 03SOdOHd� . , 0 w I a m ci a! _ i I w I c �n ueuou1 ___J a ueicm u.o.. j IL w f ill j w « ur �. ° � .60« Q ¢ .SZ'L9 O Y U .00ss m o cn ¢ � � Q g � eL IIIr � ❑ ❑ . m U) g0n W 133a1s ai31NnoA o� 8 m W �g Q < « Lu • a g °sp a w co y m o C¢ - m 'o g <� S oNane 9NTMO uj 3x{fo oNUVa �1 �o orusm Q W w Y C 3AM ONILSIX3 ' > 3AIkf0 'JNi1SgC3 SS300V j O SS333V niiHl'3N2lO — I to _. _ j' Lo ic* y M'a a� coo❑¢ —7 k- < F - N O a� C;i H Z Y I (Q J W 00 —i C-) U— UL 4 3: pO __ m �• I OOH I Z ❑ • W I O ¢ d W OO> _ O E Ir F 3AR10 } Q -- i 43SOdotld .. 0 - -"_ 03SOdOHd� . , 0 w I a m ci a! _ i I w I c �n ueuou1 ___J a ueicm u.o.. j IL w f ill j w « ur �. ° � .60« Q ¢ .SZ'L9 O Y U .00ss m o cn ¢ � � o Awo o a 1338 MOW= 133a1s ai31NnoA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fl la s _ I tc o a' s z' C/) C 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Gieenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Regency Centers. Variance Request to allow for a 30' Build-To Area in lieu of the current 20 Build. To Area from Youngfield Street for the Property which is located at the Northeast Comer • West 32n Avenue and Youngfield Street D) The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the s•- p p particular and unique hardship (u•on the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, - As mentioned in item A. above the property is very narrow and difficult to develop, 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Re enc wr 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters,com 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 691 6905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCentays.corn Regency ( 0- N ....ente Cn U"t -�► W N rev > m rn M C * CA _ Q cr ..... .* Q -' � Q 0 CL 00 t 4 -n 0 X ®* .,a► > m rn 0 Aerial 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32nd Ave • Bank and Restaraunt wnniY mejJ Banks and restaraunts are permitted uses in the C -1 zone district, but any use or development proposing a mo- tor vehicle drive - through is required to obtain a Special Use Permit for the drive - through. City of �C OMML!NiTy Wheat Edge DEVELOPMENT chedule Standard S What is a Special Use? Step 1: Before a special use permit is approved, the applicant will Pre - application Meeting Special uses are discretionary uses which, if properly No designed, developed, operated, and maintained may be Step 2: approved in a zone district where the special use is Neighborhood Meeting permitted. The primary issues to be addressed are those related to the justification of need and special design, as Step 6: well as operational considerations which mitigate the Step 3: potential detrimental impacts on surrounding land uses, Submit Complete Application the street system, and public services or facilities. A special use permit can be granted administratively by the Community Development Director or by City Council. Step 4: Special use approvals can be vested with the land in Staff Review, Referral (Typically 15 days) perpetuity, can be granted only to the applicant, or can be De cision for a specific period of time. Obtaining a special use approval can take as little as two months or as long as Step 5: four months depending on the nature of the request and Comments to Applicant whether an administrative approval occurs. Special Use Permit Criteria Changes Necessary? Before a special use permit is approved, the applicant will demonstrate that the following criteria have been met: No yes • Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. Step 6: • Will not create or contribute to blight in the 10 day noticing neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. • Will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. 7: • Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic Step Administrative hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or De cision internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. • Is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, Approved , e especially with adjacent properties. • Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. • There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/ PV Step 8: City COUnd or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. • Will be in compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Community Development Department . 303 - 235 -2846 . www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 5300 Suite 6900 F 303 6916906 Greenwood ViHage, CO 80111 RegencyCenters,com Regency Centers. The purpose of the Special Use Permit request is to allow for a drive-through on the subject Property. The &r"o is Zo-u-4 -J whicl!i I LIMM MIM (W VKJV If IrAV I 110111 U I WI I I I R11 I w If you have any questions please feel free to call the City of wh ea t Rid planning Division at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may also mail commen t WAVITA W" RTT"ra - - 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Sincerely, Regency Centers Eric A. Chekal .0eff.4,-a SWA WHEAT RIDGE LLC THORNHILL BARBARA J ARGUELLO ANTONIO J 25700 SCIENCE PARK DR 12238 112 MICHIGAN ST MARIPOSA HELENA I BEACHWOOD OH 44122 GRAND TERRACE CA 92313 3120 XENON ST LAKEWOOD CO 80215 LONG PEAK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT 7400 E ORCHARD RD 3300 GREENWOOD VILLA(;E CO 80111 HILLSTEN TIMOTHY W 3115 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WMA90" 1,2500 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ASHFORD N W 12420 W 20TH AVE tAVEW-00, - - a GARRETT LLOYD R JR 3145 XENON ST • & ACO INC VANDELINDER BRETT L C/O JEFFERSON COUNTY TREASURER VANDELINDER LETICIA M 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY 2520 3341 WRIGHT ST GOLDEN CO 80419 3130 YOUNGFIELD ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 92MVIN ku Z I 3175 XENON ST ""& BLEYLE DONALD K BLEYLE MARY ANN 3145 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 By I I WA 0 ti I Kei �Zaloltll# 70 WBC LLC ROBIE DAVID B A ROBIE GINA K 3125 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WELLS FARGO BANK WEST NA CiO THOMPSON PROPERTY TAX SERVICES PO BOX 2609 CARLSBAD CA 92018 CHRISTENSEN HOWARD LYNN PO BOX 301 GOLDEN CO 80402 COLORADO PO BOX 840 DENVER CO 80201 BLATTER, JEANETTE S 10712 BLUE JAY LN 611#1r,w SAGE ARON BRADY THOMAS H MARTIN RICHARD G SAGE SANDRA 3160 XENON ST 3150 XENON ST 3185 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 LONGS PEAK METROPOLITAN DIST BOURG JEREMY THOMAS JEFFERSON T 7400 E ORCHARD RD 3300 3155 WRIGHT CT TOBIAS CHARISE A GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 31.15 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 N,qmT&x2Twm * a a GARDNE PATR ICIA 3140 XENON ST * � Ir HARDESTY WILLARD B HARDESTY FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 12600 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 12700 W 32ND AVE 32 10 YOUNGFIELD ST 3135 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 7M7RTXY7M7Tj7 Tr7lf =� 3115 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 INAL "M Ill CURRENTRESIDENT/TENANT 3230 YOUNG FIELD SERVICE RD WHEAT RIME CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 3150 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 3291 YOUNGFIELD SERVICE RD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80401 �f�r b • • • CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 12779 W 31ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 • I Mml M TMI I UIF 91mmotil • CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 12515 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 rOVKKE'M - KESTIFE - ITI'T ll 3150 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT CURR E T ESIDENT/ TENANT CURR CENT/ TENANT SID 12700 W 32ND AVE 3155 XXEN ST 3120 XEN 0 ST 'T I 'T I WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT I E CO 80215 WHEAT D 080215 170MTEN - T<MY , E 3115 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 CURREN ES NT/ TENANT 12500 W 32 AVE WHEAT OCO 10033 UNAM "M 1 1 kwilmmofflam CURRENT SIDENT/ TENANT A 12550 W 32!XV WHEAT RI G CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 12779 W 3 1 ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 1-1 CURREN SILENT/ TENANT I 0 VAC AND 0 S CURR T t IDENT/ TENANT 12590 W D AVE WHEAT' CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 3200 WRIGHT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80228 AN N ST CO 80215 T7 T CT It kCO 80215 M 7co • CURREN IDENT/ TENANT 3125 RENO ST WHEAT G 080215 CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 12525 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT IDENT/ TENANT 12655 W CURRENT WHEAT IDG, C, 0 80215 IM CURRENT RESIDENT/ TENANT 3150 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 2.7 CURREN ESIDENT/ TENANT 3185 NE ST WHEAT' kCO 80215 ID CURRE RESIDENT/ TENANT 1 3115 W G T CT WHEA RID CO 80215 * mumMoll- I I M I IN al Ko • lei oxt Loi ="# 3200 WRIGHT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80228 mm_ • MI RMINIMMIJ1,114" MAM I I WTV 0 M I m CURRE *RSIDENT/ TENANT T 3160 XE� ST WHEAT RI E CO 80215 It CURREN RE DENT/ TENANT 3180 XEN T WHEAT RI �CO 80215 CURR T SIDENT/ TENANT 1 3162 WRI T CT LT WHEAT DCO 80033 CURRE RESIDENT/ TENANT 1� 0 � X E N ST WHEAT RID CO 80215 S CURRE SILENT/ TENANT 1 3155 WRI T CT WHEAT ICDO 80215 ., .. ,l M • • • • /) • M pW 1111 • • •# � ! t ! t• i• i! I® t♦ p# t* #! R# K t #•# 4 t t R !• i• {( ; t M g t ! t!• i • i t • •If pk • • ! 4 * t w • r • !r i • !• • • • •► A/ • pl • ! IM • ! � il� • tR •! • tk ! rr • • ♦ • • # • • • � • ! • • • • 111 • • • • • • ! ! • • • # • • • • • • • M • • • # • • • ! • • ! • • ♦ • • • • • M • r a .� .. +►, .•.� w.. • r +r r. r. r + rw r .. + • w r r • • r w � w y, "` �, • �, • • t # • t k ! ! # Y i i # t ( # i ! • F • f ! • t ! W 111 • ! ! • r• • if R M • t! • • • M 11k i/ M 111 ! i M 4 • • t• f • t t { M • 4 t i M f p i Owner 1 Owner 2 lowner 3 company 25 - SWA WHEAT RIDGE LLC 700 SCIENCE PARK DR BEACHWOOD OH 12238 1/2 MICHIGAN ST GRAND TERRACE CA THORNHILL BARBARA J 3120 XENON ST LAKEWOOD CO ARGUELLO ANTONIO J MARIPOSA HELENA 1 7400 E ORCHARD RD 3300 GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO LONG PEAK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT 12420 W 20TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO ASHFORD N W 3145 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO GARRETT LLOYD R JR 3115 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO HILLSTEN TIMOTHY W PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX US RETAIL PARTNERS LLC US RETAIL PARTNERS LLC - PROPERTY TAX DEPT FLUETSCH RAYMOND L FLUETSCH KIMBERLY M 3175 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 12500 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO MCTAGGART DENNIS ASHLEY 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY 2520 GOLDEN CO ACO INC %JEFFERSON COUNTY TREASURER VANDELINDER BRETT L VANDELINDER LETICIA M 3341 WRIGHT ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 3130 YOUNGFIELD ST WHEAT RIDGE CO MAPLE GROVE GRANGE #154 12590 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO WINTON DONALD K 4505S YOSEMITE 371 DENVER CO 70 WBC LLC % DWAINE RICHTER AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO AUSTIN VINCENT E RIVERA ROBERTA E 12550 W 32ND PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX --k PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT U S RETAIL PARTNERS LLC PO BOX 7474 LOVELAND CO GHBU APPLEWOOD LLC PO BOX 301 GOLDEN CO CHRISTENSEN HOWARD LYNN 3175 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO WASINGER JAMES P HARTFORD KOURTNEY A 3125 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO ROBIE DAVID B ROBIE GINA K 601 CORPORATE CIR GOLDEN CO 70 WBC LLC %SUE KNUTSON 3145 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO BLEYLE DONALD K BLEYLE MARY ANN PO BOX 2609 CARLSBAD CA WELLS FARGO BANK WEST NA % THOMPSON PROPERTY TAX SERVICES %JEFFERSON COUNTY TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY 2520 GOLDEN CO -f,ACO INC PO BOX 840 DENVER CO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO 12655 W 31ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO RAITZ BRIAN LEE 12625 W 31ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO DALLAROSA KARL LOUIS DALLAROSA MARY F PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX WS RETAIL PARTNERS LLC % PROP TAX DEPT BLATTER JEANETTE S 10712 BLUE JAY LN NORTHGLENN CO 3185 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO SAGE ARON SAGE SANDRA 3160 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO BRADY THOMAS H 3150 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO '/ MARTIN RICHARD G PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX TUS RETAIL PARTNERS LLC US RETAIL PARTNERS LLC - PROPERTY TAX DEPT 7400E ORCHARD RD 3300 GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO LONGS PEAK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT 3155 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO BOURGJEREMY 3115 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO THOMAS JEFFERSON T TOBIAS CHARISE A PO BOX 2609 CARLSBAD CA WELLS FARGO BANK WEST NA % THOMPSON PROPERTY TAX SERVICES PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX S RETAIL PARTNERS LLC % PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT 12345 W COLFAX AVE LAKEWOOD CO FIRSTBANK OF WHEAT RIDGE 3180 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO NORGARD PEARL L 7050 W 120TH AVE 20 BROOMFIELD CO DDK PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 2609 CARLSBAD CA WELLS FARGO BANK WEST NA % THOMPSON PROPERTY TAX SERVICES HERITAGE BRIAN L HERITAGE MICHELE D 3162 WRIGHT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 12519 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO VJB PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX U S RETAIL PARTNERS LLC %PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT HARDESTY WILLARD B HARDESTY FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 12600 W 1/ ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 12238 1/2 MICHIGAN ST GRAND TERRACE CA THORNHILL BARBARA J X 12238 1/2 MICHIGAN ST GRAND TERRACE CA - C- THORNHILL BARBARA J 3140 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO GARDNER ARTHUR R GARDNER PATRICIA J 7180 KOLL CENTER PKWY 100 PLEASANTON CA CONVENIENCE RETAILERS LLC PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO TX - FUS RETAIL PARTNERS LLC % US RETAIL PARTNERS LLC - PROPERTY TAX DEF � 10712 BLUE JAY LN NORTHGLENN CO BLATTER JEANETTE S �� 'ok I X tkjut�, (3 A�o Jkx�"-ft 0 a a �j n �Z -cam O 8 N O 1 Z N $ v z E o 00 +MZ NOLLYIS 3NnHOLL" z O N Y O 2j ` �+ nZ-, I a rc o �O ZIV U d W l Y y K o� W H N Y W U N wx w N C I W Y H I I W W H m 3 a gE It � J I Y ¢ U Z < Q it U' r K�Z LU O < _�= Q N Z i Q _ _ N N N I Q' M rn & o o A1NG N o o ME z ix w I o \ (y N N N N N = Q s p z O < _ + w?�� K _fix J ymj N i Ir G � d I a y yp� G • tiZ a 4 �# �X F = b3G 1F •o � DoY / N z -j x 3 Z o z a a w Z o s 00 tiL 00 +09l ,r00+L9l Y o. J - t- g a?'— W N U N o N y I= N _ is a13l4E)NnOA z U To /d m U C O > E W h O E S 7 O 1, EE 1� — -- � �O Urcra o d 13 u 31VlSkl31NI 93 v iQ31VA313) -- y m < o w o R OL 31V1S831N1 83 N N p - �� O O— G \ C O v <H 0 0 Z + , ��a 0080 _� o zz (n coo z! 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Orchard Rd, Suite 6900 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 303-300-5335 Email: EricCliekal(a),ReeencvCenterscom Attending Staff- Wade Sanner, Planner I Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 Meredith Reckett, Senior Planner Steve Art, Economic Development Manager Specific Site Location: Existing Zoning: UMMEMOMMIM Existing Site Conditions: 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32" Avenue Commercial-One (C- 1) Mixed-Use Commercial/Neighborhood Commercial The site includes two properties which are located at 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32" Avenue. The properties are zoned Commercial-One (C-1), and surrounding parcels include a mix of Planned Commercial Development (PCD), Agriculture-] (A-1), and Neighborhood-Commercial (N-C). To the north are parcels zoned Commercial - (C -1), which uses include: Chili's Restaurant, Wells Fargo Bank, and Mucilli's Shoes and Repair. Beyond these parcels to the north and east are a number of parcels associated with the Applewood Village Shopping Center and are all zoned PCD. The primary buildings are Applejack Wine and Spirits and vacant buildings to the cast. The parcels to the southeast on the south portion of the shopping center are zoned Neighborhood- Commercial (N-C) and Residential-2 (R-2), and are used as a law office and residential homes. The parcels to the south are zoned PCD, and are used as a Walgreen's pharmacy and First Bank. To the west is the 1-70 corridor which is zoned Agriculture-] (A-]). Currently existing on the subject parcels are a vacant gas station and small commercial strip center. According to the Jefferson County Assessor the following conditions exist on the site: The properties are owned by Longs Peak Metropolitan District. Regency Centers, Acquisition, LLC is currently under contract to purchase the properties. Prior to closing on the properties, Regency Centers' intent is to obtain a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a drive through commercial use on the property. At this time the applicant has not identified a tenant, but is currently marketing the property. The applicant is proposing two concepts for the future site. WIM The applicant is proposing changes to the two existing lots by consolidating the two existing lots in to one lot. The current vacant buildings existing on the two lots will be removed. This lot combination will make one lot suitable for the development of a small commercial building with drive through facilities. The proposed development places the building at the western end of the property and the drive through facilities along the northern or eastern end of the property. Full restricted vehicle turning access to the property will be on/off W. 32 "d Avenue. Restricted vehicle turning access will be a right-out exit on to Youngfield. Parking is proposed to either north of the building or screened when it is south and cast of the building. Two site plans have been proposed for the site: 1. A bank with drive- through. 2. A restaurant with drive-through. Proposal 1: Batik with Drivc-fhrough Buildinz Location: The site proposal depicts the building at the southwestern corner of the property with a setback off of Youngfield Street approximately equal to the existing Chili's building setbacks on the adjacent property to the north, so as not to impede the visibility of the Chili's building. The N proposed financial facility building will be located at the southwest corner to allow a fi drive-through facility on the east side of the property. Access and Parking: Pedestrian circulation will be connected to the Applewood Village Shopping Center and to the street sidewalk. 0 en - An outdoor seating area and landscape improvements are proposed on the plan. ,p - 12ace, Buildt*LigDesigiiatidSisy,i7gge.- Since the project does not have a specific tenant, the buildings have not been designed at this time. However, the applicant is proposing the building design to be compatible with the existing shopping center as well as accommodate the guidelines of the ASDM Commercial/Retail and Mixed Use sections. Signage for the site will be consistent with Article VII of the Zoning Code that establish massing, transparency, facade articulation, finish materials and signs for the property. Qraina e: The applicant is proposing drainage based on the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Z requirements. The applicant is proposing to decrease the amount of impervious area on the property with landscaping. Prol.7osal 2: A Fast Food Restaurant ivith Drive-Through Buildinz Location: The site proposal depicts the building at the northwestern comer of the property with a setback off of Youngfield Street approximately equal to the existing Chili's building setbacks on the adjacent property to the north. A dual drive through will run along the north between the proposed building and the existing Chili's Restaurant. Access and PaLkjjzg. Pedestrian circulation will be connected to the Applewood Village shopping center and to the street sidewalk. 0 pen ace: An outdoor seating area and landscape improvements are proposed on the plan, , _ S 9j- Building Design and Si, rra, e: Since the project does not have a specific tenant, the buildings have not been designed at this time. However, the applicant is proposing the building design to be compatible I with the existing shopping center as well as accommodate the guidelines of the ASDM Commercial/Retail and Mixed Use sections. Signage for the site will be consistent with Article VII of the Zoning Code that establish massing, transparency, facade articulation, finish materials and signs for the property. Drainygel- ' The applicant is proposing drainage based on the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage requirements. The applicant is proposing to decrease the arnount of impervious area on the property with landscaping. Yes, a neighborhood meeting is required for a special use permit (SUP) application to accommodate the drive-through. Planning Division comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning and Special Use The property is zoned Commercial-One (C -1), The intent and purpose of C- I is to establish and provide for areas with a wide range of commercial land uses which include office, general business, and retail sales and service establishments. This district is supported by the community and/or entire region. Development standards (setback, height, building coverage), are set forth in Section 26-218 of the City Code. Restaurants and banks are permitted uses in the C- I zoning district. The applicant is proposing drive through facilities for both the bank and the restaurant. According to Sec. 26-633 of the City Code, any use or development proposing a motor vehicle drive - through shall be required to obtain a special use permit. Eating establishments or banking institutions requiring a drive through in the C-1 zoning district require a special use pennit. Architectural and Site Design Manual The City's Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) provides guidance related to the site and building design of new commercial, industrial, mixed-use and multi-family development. The site at 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32 d Avenue is located in the Contemporary Overlay District in the ASDM. Chapter 2.2 of the ASDM states that: The Contemporary Overlay District E applies on commercial corridors where a walkable environment is desired but where greater flexibility for the placement of buildings and parking lots is sensible. It promotes site design that makes buildings visible from the street but utilizes a greater build-to range than the traditional overlay. Chapter 3 of the ASDM includes guidance related to site design, and includes standards relating to pedestrian connectivity, building placement build-to areas, parking placement, and screening buffers. Chapter 4 includes building design standards for commercial /retail and mixed-use buildings. Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. The utility and service providers for this property include: • Consolidated Mutual Water District: 303-238-0451 • Northwest Lakewood Sanitary District: 303-987-0655 • Wheat Ridge Fire District #2: 303-403-5900 The building division was not present and has no comments at this time. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Public Itnj)rovements When new properties are created in the city through the subdivision process, staff reviews the proposal based on current standards. In addition to ensuring that new parcels meets minimum lot size and width standards, staff also confirms that adjacent street improvements meet current roadway design and drainage standards. In order to promote high-quality multi-modal streets throughout Wheat Ridge, the Bicvcle and Pedestrian Master Plan establishes design standards for the City's bike/pedestrian routes. W. 32" d Avenue is identified in the plan as a bicycle route. When a new subdivision is platted along bike routes, right-of-way dedication and/or installation of streetscape improvements are typically required. osmm 9 32 nd Avenue Timing of Improvements A lot consolidation essentially combines two or more adjacent parcels and creates a single larger lot. In this case, a consolidation plat is the document that will remove the lot line currently separating the two parcels that make up the property at 3210 Youngfield and 12755 W. 32" d Avenue. Tile consolidation plat must be prepared by a surveyor who is licensed in the State of Colorado. The first step in the process began with the pre-application meeting on August 29, 2013. The next step will be to proceed with the consolidation plat application. An application for the lot consolidation may be submitted at any time. After a complete application is submitted, a staff planner will be assigned to handle the case. This person is the project manager for the case and will be the contact at the City throughout the entire consolidation process. Once all comments have been addressed, a black line Mylar will be submitted to the Community Development Department with appropriate recording fees. Findings will be prepared by the case manager for the Community Development Director who will sign the plat document Mylar for M recordation. When the plat is recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder the lot consolidation becomes official. Special Use Permit (SUP) Process This request will require a special use permit, and the first step in the process was the pre-application meeting held on August 29, 2013. If the application is reviewed administratively and denied, the applicant can be appeal the decision to the City Council. If a hearing before City Council is required for any reason, the neighborhood will be notified and the property shall be posted for a 15-day period. At the public hearing staff will present evidence to recommend the approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the Special Use Permit. The public will be allowed to present evidence or give testimony in support or in opposition of the project. The 0 City Council will approve, approve with conditions, or deny the project based on the testimonies given by staff, applicant, and the public. The following is a summary of the City's fees which will be associated with the subdivision plat: Administrative • Application Fee with Site Plant - $300 + $300/acre • Application Fee without Site Plan - $200 Non-Ad niinistrative, Hearing Required • Processing Fee - $200 • Publication/Public Notice Fee - $240 Lot Line Adjustment, Plat Atnendinent, or Consolidation Plat without Dedication • Application Fee - am Consolidation Plat with Dedication, R-0- W Vacation, or Street lf'idth Design • Application Fee - $500 • Publication/Public Notice Fee - $450 Attachments: NITIVVBffrM= Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak — Planner 11 303-235-2845 Wade Sanner — Planner 1 303-235-2849 Steve Art — Economic Development Manager 303-235-2806 M Meredith Reckert From: Mark Westberg Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 2:00 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: RMF Called and left message today, Briefly discussed project and possible need for addonal Very conceptual design shows need for 18' on both sides of Tabor Street. City of Wh6atf4d 1, JJ B LI' WORKS _,ge From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 10:19 AM To.* Mark Westberg Subject: RMF Please call Ken Hope at 303-420-3331 regarding the widening of Tabor in front of the Rocky Mt. Forest Products property. Meredith Reckert, AlCP Senior Planner 7500 W 29' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 yvww.cr.wheatridee.co.us, City of COMMUNITY 0MU)MENT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 8480 East Orchard Road P 303 300 6300 Suite 6900 F 303 6916905 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 RegencyCenters.com Regency Centers, Pre-Application Narrative for n Pal tar V em—erty-* Two Lots - 3210 Youngfield Street and 12755 West 32 rd Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ("Property") 6muest.. Approval of a Special Use Permit to allow for a Bank with Drive-Through Facilities or a Restaurant with Drive-Through Facilities at the subject Property Date: August 20, 2013 Submittal to schedule an August 29 2013 Pre-Application Meeting The Property is owned by Longs Peak Metropolitan District Regency Centers Acquisition, LLC is currently under contract to purchase the Property. Prior to closing Regency Centers' intent is to obtain a Special Use Permit (*SUP") to allow for Drive-Throughs on the Property. At this time as we progress through the SUP process. Since we have not identified an end user we are submitting two drafts or potential site plans for the Property. Please note when an end user is Ietermined the site plans may be revised to accommodate the end users preferred layout for their specific operation. AV vDiage snoppin A �MFRT W. center and to the street sidewalk. Parking will be on the West 32 Avenue side of the lot with landscape buffering and a screen wall (this applies to the restaurant plan only due to the building location and setback from 32n Ave.) as described in section 3.7 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). Access to the lot will be off of 32 Avenue at the current drive aisle between the retail building and the office building to the east and a right-in right-out only access will be located east of the proposed building. We are also proposing a right out egress onto Youngfield Street on both the restaurant and bank site plans. The other existing access drives will be closed. An internal dri will connect the Property with the shopping center parking field to the north. ODen sDaoe: An outdoor seating area and landscape improvements are proposed on both plans. Remn I and 91 Since the q��ect does not have a specific tenant_the-.*Wb time. It is understood that the building design will need to be compatible with the existing shopping center as well as accommodate the expectations • section 4.1 of the ASDM for Commercial/Retait and Mixed Use. Similarly, the signage will need to be within the standards of the shopping center and accommodate the expectations of Chapter 5 of the ASDM. Guidelines Will be established for the massing, transparency, finish materials and signs for this Property. CITY OF "AT RUM 89/39/13 4:49 M tdi Regency Centers RECEIPT NO-CDM8974 ARM FMSD Pre-App ll PAYMENT AUNT CK 1036 r TOT AL From: udrk-� To: 5mAftdn &=Agao Cc: Uff2ddLR9.d= VAda LaVrSn_M&L& Subject: NE Comer of 32nd & Youngfield Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 4:31:35 PM Attachments: NUPIRMW The attached drawings show the planned improvements along 32 nd and Youngfield. Youngfield • Current plan has an attached 8' walk and multiple 1.2' lanes. • East of this location 32 has bike lanes and attached sidewalks, so this segment was riot included in the BikePed plan for improvements. However, logically we would extend bike lanes beyond where they currently stop. Also, the standard street sections are for 6' • We could collect fees in lieu. CONFIDE NTIAU'rYNOTICL This e- mail contains business-confid entity named above, If you are not the intended recipient, you, or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this attaching the original message, and delete the original message 0 t' orage 1 1111111, 11 I I . ... ..... . I Ir 111 ;a Limited Purpose — Special Use Permit Application WHEREAS, the Longs Peak Metropolitan District, a quasi-municipal corporation and Political subdivision of the State of Colorado (the "District") and Regency Centers Acquisition, LLC, a Florida limited liability company C"RegencY), have entered intoa contract for the purchase and sale • certain real property as Rather described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property'); and and WHEREAS, under the Property's current zoning, drive-throughs are not a pennitted US] I . Power gf_At_to_m_ey. The District grants to Regency this limited purpose Power of Attorney for the sole purpose of executing, signing, acknowledging and delivering the Application to the City and proceeding with the Application process, including attending and participating in any public hearings related to the Application. 2. Affected RLQpqr_ty. Regency's power to act under the Power of Attorney shall be limited solely to the Property as set forth in Exhibit A. 3. Termination. This Power of Attorney shall automatically expire by its own terms upon completion of the limited purpose set forth herein, or at any other time as the District may determine in its sole discretion. 4. District Partici ati The District shall have the right to participate in all portions, of the the Application. 5. Re—cit—als The foregoing Recitals are an essential part of the Power of Att orney 11 jg !, _60jim=�; 11V I •r � # r 1 r �, � , r # # # # r t ## a t R r # M A tract orparcel of land No. A301 of the Department of Transportation, State of Colorado, Project No. M361-004 in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly descri r r EXCEPTMG therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge, a home rule city of the State o f Colorado by deed recorded October 26, 201 at agggption No 2011096840. Said Parcels A and B are also known ass A parcel of land situated In the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, In Jefferson County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: ATTACHED PLEASE FIND THE FOLLOWING: Revised Title Conmlitment WHEN MAKING TITLE INQUIRIES, PLEASE CONTACT: ALTA Commitment (6117/06) Countersigned: AA Aut 0 t Stewart Title 55 Madison Denver, Colorado 80206 Phone: 303-331-0333 File Number: 960407-Revision No. I ste r A / j, C awa ft _.... ,.,-Ijtle guaranty company Senior Chairman Of the Board *Ch. �8..,d an f the President AL,TA Commitment (6/17/06) 1X SCHEDULE 1. Effective Date: September 3, 2013, at :5:30 PM File Number: 960407 - Revision No. 1 2. Policy or Policies To Be Issued: Amount of Insurance: (a) A.L,T.A. Owner's (Standard) Proposed Insured: Regency Centers Acquisition, LL, a Florida limited liability company . The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment itment and covered herein. is: Fee Simple 4. Title to the referenced estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: Iron Peak 1Vletro olitan District a uasi- munici al co oration . The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: See Attached Legal Description Purported Address: Statement of Charges: 3210 Youngfield Street These charges are due and payable before a Policy can be Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 issued: 12755 West 32nd Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Commercial Rate: Owner's 2006 ALTA $1,390.00 Policy: Owner's Deletion of $60.00 Extended - Standard Form : Exceptions -6 Form 103.5 Water $139.00 ALTA 9.2 -06 Comprehensive $556.00 Waiver of NPC Arbitration ALTA 17 -06 Access and $278.00 Entry ALTA 19 -06 Contiguity $100.00 ALTA 25 -06 Survey $556.00 ALTA 18 -06 Tax. Parcel $100.00 ALTA 3.1 -06 Zoning $695.00 ( Schedule No. 214036 - -- Parcel A and214 -- Parcel B) LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract or parcel of land No. A300 of the Department of Transportation, State of Colorado, Project No. M361-004 in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: That portion of the South 530 feet of the West 610 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as: BEGINNING at a point on the Northeast comer of the intersecti n of West 32 d Avenue and Y ungf e ,d 0 o i Id Street, thence East along the North line of West 32 Avenue, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence North at 89 degrees 37 minutes, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence West at 90 degrees 23 minutes, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence South at 89 degrees 27 minutes, a distance of 150.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. I EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge by deed recorded February 15, 1990 at Reception No. 90013512. • U114111mil VAM��Bmm r 73 �11 r A tract or parcel of land No. A301 of the Department of Transportation, State of Colorado Project No. M361-004 in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: That part of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, described as follows: EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge, a home rule city of the State of Colorado by deed recorded October 26, 201 at Said Parcels A and B are also known as: A parcel of land situated in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: 6 �-V�t REQUIREMENTS File Number: 960407-Revision No. I The following are the requirements to be complied with: I . Payment to or for the account of the grantor(s) or mortgagor(s) of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record. 5. Receipt by the Company of Lommercial Lien Affidavit, executed by seller(s), NOTE: If the property is currently under construction or new improvements have been made, this commitment is subject to additional requirements. 6. Receipt by the Company of Comni�Lrcial Lj!�'n,,Afflidq it, executed by buyer (s). YL NOTE: If the property is currently under construction or new improvements have been made, this commitment is subject to additional requirements. 7. Payment of any and all taxes and assessments now due and payable. NOTE: Upon verification of payment of all prior years taxes, the exception relating to taxes under Schedule B of the policy (ies�) to be issued will be amended to read as follows: Taxes and assessments for the year 2013 and subsequent years, a lien, not yet due • payable. 91111� �-'* �� I M �PMUXWIII� 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, (c) minerals of whatsoever kind, subsurface and surface substances, in, on, under and that may be produced from the Land, together with all rights, privileges, and immunities relating thereto, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the Public Records or listed in Schedule • 7, Water rights, claims or title to water. NOTE: The Owner's policy, when issued, will have attached thereto and made a part of, Endorsement 103.5, providing additional coverage for the above exception. • Ditch and ditch rights as evidenced by Quit-Claim Deed recorded May 10, 1880 in RBggok 9 at Page 268. NOTE: The Company makes no representation as to the present ownership of any such interests, There may be leases, grants, exceptions or reservations of interests that are not listed. 1 0. Reservation of oil, gas, and other minerals contained in Warranty Deed recorded September 24, 1962 in 9B 2ooQ kkil 15 2244 a t P -4jggq64. (Affects Parcel A) NOTE: The Company makes no representation as to the present ownership of any such interests. There may be leases, grants, exceptions or reservations of interests that are not listed. 11. Right-of-Way Agreement granted to The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, a Colorado corporation recorded October 1, 1975 in Book 277511attYPAagg l9, as shown of Survey 1. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at www,alta.orp-. so S t title guaranty company addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252. CITY 09123113 2:41 PH tss Regency GRI U F Z 3 iE U I � `\ O t c O p E O O c . 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Completed, notarized application 2. Fee -'S. Proof of ownership (deed) TiYLaC�.,.,,..,i,.�, ✓4. Power of Attorney (if an agent is acting for property owner) Written request, including response to the evaluation criteria -i (Jr Signed submittal checklist ✓7 . Detailed site plan, to -scale (may not be required for all applications) N/A 8. Mineral rights certification form (may not be required for all applications) As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. 1 fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, 1 understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2" full review, I will be subject o the plicable resubmittal fee. Signature: Date: 9 I 19 13 Name (please print): C R c A , 6 Z V.4L Phone: C 03� 3 co -s - 3 3 S 10 -2012 City of' ]�qrWh6atP�Jtd ,ge LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department Lo do Tf7e u e s t ( Detailed description of request: M, To be filled out by staff: Date received — ----- — — Fee $ No. Case Comp Plan Design, ZoT1ing — ­ Related Case No. ------ Pre-App Mtg, Date Quatter Section Map Case Manager______ * � � � e Case No, 9UPt304 DateReceived 812612013 'Relate dCasesWtA1�3I8asePlanner Rckett Case Descriptior" n C -1 ... �� merCial {jite through factJrty in �Cdir?`Y J ,... .. Name Regency Canters i Name Phone (3Ci3i 300-5335 Greenwood Villa.. e .. . #6§66 C ` Address 8480 E Orchard Rd :00111• g .....� State ;CO zip .... .. .. .... ..... ... ..... ... .. ... .... 6'WAff IIAWAM r(T,1Rf Names long Peak Metropokian D Name Setef & Vander Wall, PC ? a Phone ;(303) 770 -2700 Address 7400 Orchard Rd Ste 3300 Cov Greenwood Village State CO Zip ?80111 C'af.�fTtrfiris� aMS¢arr Name Name Phone 9031300-5335 -- ---- Address 5480E Orchard Rd #6900 City d Village Gteenwoo „ _ u State CO Zip '50111 ...... ., Address 13210 _ Street Youngfield 5t City 1n heat Ridge -- i State CO , Zip $0033 w Location Description Description 3210 Youngfiadl St. & 12 755 W. 32nd Ave, _ _. _ � ': Project Name . :.. arcel Nr Qtt Section District No „ .. ,,. Parcel No. 38 292 00 01 5 Qtr Section: N4d29 Distfict No 111 3828200015NW28 3 .,. -�: .�... ,,.w...,.., 3929200016; NW29 .......... flerkow Pre -App Date 812912013 Neighborhood Meeting [late 9/11/2011 app No, ;APP132€t Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report .A Review adman .,... ,.,. , ...,_.,` ... :, ..... .. . ..... . ...... ... ... . ... ....., .. .. ii .. {._i Case Disposition Disposition Date Conditions of Approval Notes .. . Status „ . Open 1 Res # Ord # ........ ,,. _ ...: . , ­1,� Storages Name I Regency Centers i Name 8480 E. tlrcha #d Rd, tt phone t3G3) 5335 Address5i8t1E. tlrchardC3d. #69013 City GreenwoodVillage r State Cti dip ;817111 - � c V, t lrrlXr, ;fir err Name Eric Chekal w Addters 84811 E. Otchard Rd , #6900 �QD ,ip ;6x1111 Name Phone ,(303j€t1 5335 w Ci GreenwooclLillage Stag CD Zip 817111 t /Jrsa Address } 321q� € Street Youngfrekf St Cit7a �VJhe k Rxdge State CQ dip 800 3 .. . 11 ., .,, , e . �,HU: _.. .,. ,. _,... ... � .. AV F e_ . �., _. 1 "ouniieldst &72�55"vd'.32ndA�e ��� . Project Name s tx action istrict � o �,,,, Parcel No. 392921!015 Qtr Section: ,NE29 District No.:;jll ... ,.. . Rim Case No. 4VA1318 gate Received 9126120113 Related Cases Case Planner ;Beckett CaseQescriptior _ ... M.. . u... . ,....::: �, .. ., ......., . 5 bind to variance request