HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP-14-03Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554 Informational Notice of Section 106 Filings Date: 10/01/2014 Reference Number: 826939 Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 City of Wheat Ridge - City Council 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 The following new Section 106 filing has been submitted: Consultant Contact Information: Name: Kate Pirot Title: Consultant PO Box: Address: 165 South Union Boulevard Suite 310 City: Lakewood State: CO Zip: 80228 Phone: (303) 218-3536 Fax: (303) 988-2583 Email: kate.pirot@us-bureauveritas.com NOTICE OF FRAUDULENT USE OF SYSTEM, ABUSE OF PASSWORD AND RELATED MISUSE Use of the Section 106 system is intended to facilitate consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable laws. Any person having access to Section 106 information shall use it only for its intended purpose. Appropriate action will be taken with respect to any misuse of the system. Page I of 1 FCC 813 April 2414 City of Wh6 at P- C c , ,t - , ��j g d=k C c MM DEVFLOPMEN�r City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.2352846 F- 303.235.2857 September 25, 2014 Irene Cook PO Box 423 Taberhash, CO 80477 Enclosed please find a copy of the Special Use Pen Approval to construction of a freestanding communication tower on property zoned Commercial -One (C- I) located at 10930 W. 44 `x' Avenue referenced as Case No. SLIP- 1 4 -03. If you have not done so already, please remove the posting signs associated with this case from the property. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Enclosure: Approval of Special Use Permit Cc: SUP-14-03 (case file) SUP1403.doe www.ci.wheatridge.co.us City of Opt 0A Wh 6 at 4 1 AL-2 1 %­- iL4 lkvaklufl! City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W� 29" Ave, Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P : 303.235.2846 F: 301235.2857 IMMIM WHEREAS, an application for a Special Use Permit was submitted to allow construction of a freestanding communication tower on property zoned Commercial-One {C - located at 10930 W. 44 `i' Avenue referenced as Case No. SUP- 1 4 -03; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Special Use Permit relying on criteria listed in Sections 26-114 and 1 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26- 109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; and WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Special Use Permit to allow a freestanding communication tower on property zoned C-1 is granted for the property located at 10930 W. 44"' Avenue based on the following findings of fact: I . This request for an administrative special use meets all applicable conditions as required by Section 26-114 and 1 of the zoning and development code. 2. Staff has not received written comments in opposition to this request from the noticed property owners. 3. All agencies can continue to serve the property. With the following conditions: 1. The special use shall be a grant of use to run with the property. 2. The use of I the roperty shall remain in compliance with the submitted application materials and site devel(lpi plan. P Director Date www.cLwheatridgexo.us City of Wheat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: SUP- 14 -03/ Cooke for Verizon ACTION REQUESTED: Special Use Permit for construction of a freestanding communication tower LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10930 W. 44` Avenue PRESENT ZONING: Commercial -One (C -1) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE O DIGITAL PRESENTATION r ,,7 " r w i l { i � � , .`. } 'fit I i k SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, the Community Development Director has jurisdiction to make a decision regarding this request. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a construction of a freestanding communication tower on property located at 10930 W. 44` Avenue. Section 26 -114. (Special uses) of the Zoning and Development code defines the purpose of special uses as follows: "Special uses are discretionary uses which, if properly designed, developed, operated and maintained, may be approved for any specific location within a zone district wherein the special use is enumerated. The primary issues to be addressed are those related to justification of need and special design and operational considerations which mitigate potential detrimental impacts of a special use on surrounding land uses, the street system, or public services or facilities. In order to protect the public interest, a special use may be approved, approved with modifications or denied." Special use permits begin as an administrative review with a 10 -day noticing period. If legitimate objections are received, a public hearing can be held in front of City Council. Since no written objections were received as a result of the noticing, this case can be approved administratively by the Community Development Director. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located at 10930 West 44` Avenue, at the southeast corner of West 44` Avenue and Parfet Street. The site is zoned Commercial -One (C -1) and is part of the DeVries Subdivision. (Exhibit 1, Aerial photo) Based on Jefferson County Assessor Records, the property is 72,310 square feet (1.6 acres) in size. The site contains a 9,807 square foot office /warehouse built in 1974, a 2,490 square foot single - family home built in 1940, and a 4,599 square foot office /warehouse built in 1974. The property is owned by the DeVries family. Directly south of the subject property at 4300 Parfet Street is a single - family home zoned Agriculture - One (A -1). This property contains a 1,644 square foot single - family home owned by the DeVries family, the same individuals who own the property at 10930 West 44` Avenue. Surrounding properties include a variety of zoning and land uses. To the north, across West 40 Avenue are two properties zoned C -1 and Residential -Three (R -3). These two properties contain an office /warehouse and a number of townhomes. To the west are three parcels zoned C -1 and used as office /warehouses. To the south are several lots zoned A -1 and used as single - family homes on large lots. To the east are three parcels zoned Residential -Two (R -2) and Restricted - Commercial (R -C). The R -2 properties contain duplexes, and the R -C zoned property contains an office building. A 68 -foot wide utility easement owned by Xcel Energy runs from the intersection of West 44` Avenue and Parfet Street through the southwest corner of the property. (Exhibit 2, Zoning map) III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant, Irene Cook representing Verizon Wireless, is proposing to construct a 50 -foot high galvanized steel monopole with 12 panel antennas mounted at the top. The new site will be located in the rear parking lot of the Four -To -Go automotive accessory dealership at the southeast corner of SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon 2 Parfet Street and West 44`' Avenue. (Exhibit 3, Site photos) The proposed cell tower is being constructed to improve coverage and capacity along West 44' Avenue. In addition to the cell tower, the applicant is proposing to construct an equipment building (11.5 -feet wide by 25.5 -feet long by 10.5 -feet high) with stone flake finish to house electrical equipment. The 1,400- square foot leased area will be enclosed with a 6 -foot chain link fence for security. Atop the chain link fence will be barbered wire. (Exhibit 4, Site Plan) The proposed tower will be over 100' from the rear property line. A 6 -foot high fence surrounding the rear of the building provides screening to the south. The proposed tower will be screened from the 44` Avenue by the existing Four -To -Go building. The tower will be more than 100 feet from the east and west property lines, as well. A photo- simulation was provided to illustrate the proposed conditions showing a view from the corner of Parfet Street and West 44` Avenue. See applicant responses. IV. SPECIAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA Before a special use application is approved, the applicant shall show and the Community Development Director shall find that the majority of the proposed Special Use criteria have been met. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the SUP criteria. (Exhibit S, Applicant Reponses) 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood will not be disturbed as a result of the tower. There are visual impacts that are impossible to mitigate based on the required design of the tower. The convenience of those who have Verizon cell service should be improved as a result of the increased phone and wireless coverage for the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. Per state law, blight is defined as having four or more of the following conditions: deteriorating structures, inadequate street layout, faulty lot layout, unsanitary conditions, site deterioration, unusual topography, defective title, fire danger, unsafe buildings, building code violations, environmental contamination or inadequate public utilities. While there may be visual impacts as a result of the tower, it does not constitute blight and the increased cell and wireless service will provide a benefit. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. The property is zoned Commercial one. The C -1 zone district allows a variety of land uses, many of which can have negative impacts visually, from noise generated by the use or from associated traffic. Examples of the uses allowed would include lumber yards, grocery stores, liquor stores and marijuana facilities. There are utility lines owned by Xcel Energy that cross the site at an angle. SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon 3 Staff had requested that the antennas be enclosed with a "canister" however; this was not possible based on the equipment required. Staff concludes that while the use itself is not impactive, there will be visual impacts. Staff'concludes that this criterion has not been met. 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service of internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. There will be minimal impacts to traffic in the area as a result of the tower construction. The tower itself will have a service check once per month. While the facility will be located in the middle of the rear parking lot, there is ample room for vehicles in this area to maneuver around it. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 5. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. Other than the communication tower and maintenance /equipment shelter, minimal improvements are proposed for the site. The rear of the property is already surrounded by a 6' high solid fence. It would be impossible for the new tower which is 50' high to be completely screened. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 6. The special use will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. There will be no impact to utilities, parks, schools or other public facilities and services. There should be benefits as a result of the tower construction to Verizon cell phone and wireless users in the vicinity. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 7. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. No history was found regarding code requirements or violation of prior conditions of approval on the subject property. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 8. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon 4 The ASDM does not apply in this case V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input required by the SUP application was held on June 25, 2014. Meeting notes and sign -up sheet are attached. (Exhibit 6 and 7, neighborhood meeting recap and sign - up sheets) VI. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. Valley Water District: Can continue to serve the property. Fruitdale Sanitation District: Has service lines in place that serve the property. The tower will not have an impact continued service to the property. Arvada Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Wheat Ridge Economic development: Would prefer to see a canister design. Wheat Ridge Police: No concerns. Wheat Ridge Public Works: No impact on drainage or traffic will occur as a result of the tower construction. Xcel Energy: Can serve. VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that there will be visual impacts as a result of the tower design but that there will be no negative impact on the general health, safety and welfare, and traffic in the area and on -site. Staff further concludes that utility agencies are currently serving the property and can continue to do so. The new tower will benefit those who have phone and wireless service from Verizon. Because no written objections were received as a result of the noticing, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. The special use shall be a grant of use to run with the property. 2. The use of the property shall remain in compliance with the submitted application materials and site development plan. SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon 5 Exhibit 1, Aerial Photo ` e -� �. r r ►J r lit SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon w �� 1r Y a Ib _ ,. ►J r lit SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon Exhibit 2, Zoning Map SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon Exhibit 3, Site Photos View of property from 44` Avenue AMW Rear of property from Parfet SUP -14 -03 /Cooke for Verizon verizon v000 wireless PROJECT: NEW BUILD - ZONING DRAWINGS SITE NAME: DEN SOD HOUSE SITE I.D. #: - ADDRESS: 10930 W. 44TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 VICINITY MAP ^"L INSTALL NEW 50'H MONOPOLE WITH (12) NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS. INSTALL NEW PREFABRICATED SHELTER FOR VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE. FROM VERIZON WIRELESS OFFICE, TRAVEL WEST ON S. VAUGHN EXISTING ZONING C-1 COMMERCIAL -ONE PROPOSED LAND USE COMMUNICATIONS SITE WAY AND TURN LEFT ONTO C083N RAMP TO 1 -225; MERGE ONTO S. NO - VB FULLY SPRINKLERED: TOTAL AREA PARKER RD. AND TAKE 1 -255N RAMP; MERGE ONTO 1 -225N AND PARCEL NO. 39. 212 - 13.002 72,310 S.F. (1.6 AC) A1.0 SITE PLAN TRAVEL 7.5 MILES; TAKE EXIST 12A ON LEFT AND MERGE ONTO 1,300 S.F. SURVEYING & ENGINEERING WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 A2.0 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 1 -70W AND TRAVEL 15.4 MILES TO KIPLING; TAKE EXIT 267 FOR 5935 S. ZANG STREET 6551 SOUTH REVERE CONTACT: RICHARD DEVRIES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 TABERNASH, CO 80478 SUITE 550 KIPLING ST. AND TURN LEFT (SOUTH) ONTO KIPLING; TRAVEL 0.4 PARKWAY PHONE: 303.421.5876 AURORA, CO 80014 A3.0 ELEVATIONS MITO 44TH AVE. AND TURN RIGHT (WEST) ONTO 44TH AVE; SUITE 165 PHONE: 303.489.7836 A3.1 ELEVATIONS TRAVEL O.6MI; '4 TO GO' BUSINESS SIGN IS ON SOUTHEAST ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 CORNER OF PARFET ST. AND W. 44TH AVE. PHONE: 720.488.1303 1m nnTU nvc 3 a q E Ev �m o< mN n . nm A N 'w— `c' w m Ua SITE DATA TABLE EXISTING ZONING C-1 COMMERCIAL -ONE PROPOSED LAND USE COMMUNICATIONS SITE INSIDE 100-YR REGULATORY FLOOD PLAN NO - VB FULLY SPRINKLERED: TOTAL AREA NO. OF STORIES: PARCEL NO. 39. 212 - 13.002 72,310 S.F. (1.6 AC) EXISTING BUILDINGS 16,896 S.F. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SITE 1,300 S.F. PROJECT TEAM DIRECTIONS PROJECT DATA JURISDICTION: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE APN: - 39- 212 - 13-002 ZONING DESIGNATION: - C-1 OCCUPANCY GROUP: - U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: - VB FULLY SPRINKLERED: - NO NO. OF STORIES: - 4 GOVERNING CODES IF APPLICABLE: 2012 IBC, 2012 IMC, 2012 1FC, 2011 NEC, A.D.A. COMPLIANCE: THIS FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. OWNER CLIENT SITE ACQUISITION RE ENGINEER ARCHITECT CML SURVEYOR RICHARD & DIANE DEVRIES VERIZON WIRELESS IRENE C. COOKE VERIZON WIRELESS CHARLES STECKLY, AIA CALVADA 04300 PARGET ST CONSTRUCTION MANAGER CLOBBER CONSULTING LLC MICHELLE MOHRMAN CSN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 DAN BERNATOW 1599 CO. RD. 5221 P.O. BOX 423 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY 5935 S. ZANG STREET 6551 SOUTH REVERE CONTACT: RICHARD DEVRIES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 TABERNASH, CO 80478 SUITE 550 SUITE 280 PARKWAY PHONE: 303.421.5876 AURORA, CO 80014 OFFICE: 970.726.4574 AURORA, CO 80014 LITTLETON, CO 80127 SUITE 165 PHONE: 303.489.7836 MOBILE: 970.531.0831 PHONE: 720.315.4439 CELL: 303.210.8972 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 OFFICE: 303.932.9974 PHONE: 720.488.1303 FAX: 720.4881306 ver �n wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA, CO 50014 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME DEN SOD HOUSE SITE I.D. 1 D930 W. 44TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT DRAWI INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION T1.0 TITLE SHEET LS1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEROF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FORGOING INSTRUMENTS WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _ DAY OF A.D. 20_ BY . WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ATTEST DIRECTOR O F COMM D EVELOPMENT A 05107114 ZD REVIEW JDL B 05'15114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL C 07102114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL D 0710&14 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL E 0711& /4 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL F 07a$114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL C 0782114 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL TITLE SHEET T1 n EXHIBIT 4 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITTLETON. COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303.932.9974 1� 1 1 E. LQ C 0. A(-� Title Report PREPARED BY: WO TIRE OARNREE COHPANI DRIER NO.: LC7701037W EFFECTIVE DOE F®UNN 24, 2014 44TH AVE. Legal Description ' LOT 1, BLOCK 1. DEN8E5 SJBWISON, COUNTY OF JEFERSOK STATE OF COLOR", I-I -- PSW EASID"I ROTTED N AFFIRM COCA MYI I \ \ \ I \ \ I \ \ LOT 2 n I \ Egg I \ \ lfu OW PI.A!FPC CAP I \ \ I \ \ U • UNNIIY CASE1p/T I Di I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE I 20 0 10 20 ® I FEET j I I L . \ \ \ \\ 1 I \ � y R I\_ SS_SS_ I NO A \ G� LOT 1, BLOCK 3 \ E ATNSPSn r3' Acarssvn , uscNFNr DEVRIES SUBDIVISION - COUNTY OF JEFFERSON 1 I I MO ASANALF PA/NYM. —A roc POINT OF WIBENCEEW ' [EAY —R4— OWOfAD ELECTRIC LINE -T MCI OF ASPHALT >* —I 'A' R PF I I�MASas7 _ — swm'DP• I F3 \\ (SUM PrS� ( N5; R.OM lsm AN31 SWW-00• \ I I IA OWN ,.W' I tw[ I I un/ 5 r I \ \ I 1 I \ w T n I ® SEVEN MNHHOIE R I \ \ — F 1 1 III I I \ I •--IB I \ I - - - - -- - - - -- ----- _°�'�� - - - -- J--- - - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- N>KEATSJ \ IM]I' I (5ktllb5/ I-I -- PSW EASID"I ROTTED N AFFIRM COCA MYI I \ \ \ I \ \ I \ \ LOT 2 n I \ Egg I \ \ lfu OW PI.A!FPC CAP I \ \ I \ \ U • UNNIIY CASE1p/T I Di I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE I 20 0 10 20 ® I FEET j I I L . i W 11. RAWL" NO NATURAL GIOU1D 3 CbiEADA nu - PARING BOLLARD DIAMETER MO POINT OF BEGI roc POINT OF WIBENCEEW ' OEMXXIS TREE —R4— OWOfAD ELECTRIC LINE -T MCI OF ASPHALT >* POWER POLE R FILM FLOOR PROPERTY LINE F3 FINISH SOLACE R.OM RIGHT OF MY 1 FN HOA/AIT ® SEVEN MNHHOIE R FLOW LINE — - POST I FOUND I KNA69 AS NOTED •--IB STREET LIDO STADWD iOUD SELTON 110OAEIO TELEPHONE PEDESTAL GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION rm IYECAI t GAS METER L an METER I IRRIGATION GOMM VALE L Mn'R VALVE Certificate of Survey DRS IS TO CER RAY THAT THIS TCWOGWAPMC MAP MM �� 1= A1pJ702VEMEh' 3HONN ARE CORRECT 70 7HE BEST N' MY KNO '.ANA BELJEF F JESUS A. LUGO, PLS 38081 P `v TONS DOES NOT REPRESENT A MONUMEWW SURKY REFS DICE IS MADE O A 0DWW EM FOR TTRE INSURANCE. NUIBER LCT704W753. ISSUED BY LAID TITLE GUARANTEE W WANY. AND HAVWD AN ETTECTNE DUE a FEBRUARY 24. 2014, THIS SUNEYOR 1415 CODE NO MVESTATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASEEHTS OF RECORD, DICINIVNCM RESNCTNE G'MNAYIS, OETER9IP TIRE EVIDENCE. OR ANY OTHER FACTS RAF AN ACCURATE AND CURfhM TITLE SEARCH W1' DISCLOSE THE LESSONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND RECORD BOUNDARY ARE SHOWN HEREON FOR REFERENCE ONLY >6 IWIlY DBLS TOT Ilr A N+Y 6 tNVIW'e I<Mf4TY Line Legend SUBJECT PARCR BOUP Wt LIES - SECTOR HIES - ADJOINING PARCEL BGIOVTY LIE --- - - - - -- • EASEMENT LINES . RIGHT OF WAY LINES ................... ROOD PLANE LINES — — — — — - BARRED 011 FENCE — — — — — • C". FENCE - L.OER6RN.M ELECTRIC LIES ONOFRWOUND tt5 LNS - 00" ELECTRIC LINES LROERRWWOIIAO SWUM' SEMEA LINES - UNDERGROUND IEEE 4m LINES • IIFOFAAWDIIID INTER LINES Lease Area /Access & Utility Easements LEASE AREA BEING A TELECMMNCAT06 LEASE PARCEL LYING MAIN A PORTION OF LOT I. BLOCK 1 DEVOES SLH1NL40N, COUIR' OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO. BEING 1101E PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS Assessor's Parcel No. 39- 212 -13-M Easements C) EAYMONTS, CDNDXDONS. COVENANTS, RBIWTONS. RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RA' 0� DEIFIES SIBMISION RECORDED APRIL 30. 1974 DOER RECEPTOR No. MID. WIFECIS SUBFLT NO is now WM Geographic Coordinates as Shown 1963 DATUC LATITUDE 39'46'39.3211 LON(DIOE 1060113.70Y Date of Survey ARIL 21, 2014 Basis of Bearings 'It COLORADO STATE PLME COORCNN7 SYSTEM, 'COW ZDN( (HAM) QAS561Gr'DN NN'.N1;4 cdOYEiRK ILn!? SAVOt?:: TWO 50 m� . I: IODDO Bench Mark MAIM SN:AIN HEREON ARE BASED ON RIND 66 DQW AS DERIVED VDILM SPOERNE RTK REFERENCE NEMORK COINNKAIO AT THE SOUrWST CORNER OF SAO LOT 1: THEACE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT, NW32'36'E 12911 FEET: THENCE NW2T721E, 57.59 FEET TO THE POW OF BEGINNING; THENCE SBD'WOOb, 25.00 FEET TO A POINT HEREINAFTER RUMS TO AS POINT A•: THENCE 10706001. 3138 FEET To A POINT HEAEIAFIER REFERRED TO AS PONT '8': THENCE CONTINUING NOO00007, 20.68 FEET: THENCE N9W00'CO4. 25.00 FEET: THOICE SWOO'W'E, 51.95 TEET TO THE PONT OF BLGONIG. CONTAINING 1399 SO. n. OR 0A30 ALES MULE OR LESS Legend BEING A SW OF LAND SOO FEET N WDM LYING WITHIN A PORTION OF LOT I, BLOCK 1, WO IES SUBOA W COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COUNW. LYING 2.50 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE F KUNG DESCRIBED CENTERUW CDWIENONG AT PONT 'A' As DESCRIBED ABOF& THENCE WWOOIF, 230 FEET TO THE PONT OF BEGINNING. TIERCE SWOW00t 52.81 FEET TO THE ED OF SAID STOP OF WO. ACCFSS/UOM EASEMENT BEING A SRN OF NANO 1500 FEET N EOM LYING ROOK A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOC( I. OEIRES SUBDMSION. CORNY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLOPMO. LYING 7.50 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOW DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMIIENONG AT PONT W AS OESCRBM, THENCE S9PW'0011, 750 FEET TO THE POINT OF BLpOYIG. THENCE SWW'WE, U78 FEET: THENCE SWWOD 54M FEET: THENCE NirWO3N. 144.37 FEET TO THE EASTERLYROXF -OF -MY LINE OF Pwr STREET AND THE ENO OF SAID SRN Or LAND ERLEPT ANY PORTION LYING WW THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF PARFET STREET. SIOEIES OF SAID STRIPS OF LAND ARE TO BE LENOTHE ED ANON SHORTENED TO PREYEW GAPS AD /N+ aEWn 1 • RBI � �. A 2 11 _P -a p j0 2 11 C N ; BEt < C�� . W Cn O Cn z E- W Q SIMON c 4 4 E a E: e g W v� �O iv a W 44TH AVE. OVERHEAD — ELECTRICAL (TYP.) TRANSFORMER ON POLE WOOD FENCE D 1 - SITE PLAN 116' -3• TO MONOPOLE 131' -9• TO MONOPOLE 106' -1• TO SHELTER 124' -5• TO SHELTER NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE EXISTING U.N.O FIBER PULL BOX W I JDL D 07IM14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL E 0711 &14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL F 07121/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NEW U.G. FIBER ROUTE G OT22114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL Ir 0 IN 5'W UTILITY o 1 J ~ I m EASEMENT RE: LS1 W I N O I ix \ Q. I I� l TRANSFORMER ON POLE \ \ I \I x (E) BUILDING \\ I I I (E) BUILDING u) W Lu 0 � � - 1 0 I ACCESS GATE \ \\ \ NEW 15' UTILITY III EASEMENT RE: LS1 '? I \ \ \ m VERIZON WIRELESS q \ LEASE AREA WITH NEW EQU SHELTER ra x I \ \ \ \ n 1 NEW 50'H MONOPOLE WITH I (12) NEW VERIZON H \ \ § 1 WIRELESS ANTENNAS w x -- � zs' 70•-0• d x 5'W UTILITY EASEMENT Lj I — — I,— — / — — I F =F18ER = GIBES"— �€ j�- - -- _ -- -- — — — — — — — — — - -- --fix \ \ \\ Ix I \ BUILDING (TVP.) I I x I \ NEW U.G. ELECTRICAL ROUTE IN 5'W UTILITY EASEMENT RE: LS1 1 JDL 0 05)15114 CLIENT COMMENTS W C 01/02114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL D 07IM14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL E 0711 &14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL F 07121/14 CLIENT COMMENTS 0 G OT22114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL Ir 0 F o J ~ W N O ° i0 t�D NORTH w SCALE: 1' = 25' 25• 0 50 vent n wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA, CO 80014 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME DEN SOD HOUSE SITE I.D. 10930 W. 44TH AVENUE. WHEAT RIDG CO 80033 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT A 05/07114 7D REVIEW JDL 0 05)15114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL C 01/02114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL D 07IM14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL E 0711 &14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL F 07121/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL G OT22114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL SITE PLAN A1.0 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITTLETON. COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303.932.9974 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME DEN SOD HOUSE SITE I.D. 10930 W. 44TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TOWER INFORMATION S' I- W -0' 1z-8" 31'-3' 1 1 c c 4 a 4 E aR c� mo c � 4p �w U d i7 (E) GRAVEL/ DIRT LOT 1 - ENLARGED SITE PLAN 52' -O' VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA 46 '• 2 ' 5' -10' FIBER — IBER —FIB I —FIBER FIBER — —FIBER FIBER —FIBER —FIBER FIBER —FIBER - -- E 07/16/14 CLIENT COMMENTS (2) MAIN OVP F 07/21114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL 'E E ROUTE NEW COAX & E I E P E E— EE E— W I W �M (9) RRHS l,- HYBRID CABLE IN NEW WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE TO 2 N 4 I 5' W UTILITY EASEMENT MOUNTED UNTE D TO MONOPOLE AWS o MONOPOLE VERIZON WIRELESS I RE: LAND SURVEY pC y 12"W DOUBLE EQUIPMENT SHELTER 6'H CHAINLINK FENCE WITH * -, CELL 15'W UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT IS THRU WALL AC UNITS (3) STRAINS OF RAZOR LTE LTE (TYP. OF 2) uj WIRE WITH SLATS WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE NORTH uj COLOR: BLACK TO MATCH (E) FENCE W J w 50'H MONOPOLE WITH AWS METER AND DISCONNECT cc (12) NEW VERIZON WIRELES ANTENNAS Z 3 PCs PCs 1X2X2 FIBER CONCRETE STOOP N r s ENCLOSURE SECTOR CELL �FCT AWSe 1C ; ;01, 1 3 50" I LTE L CLOTH (VERIZON LEASE AREA) (E) GRAVEL/ DIRT LOT 1 - ENLARGED SITE PLAN 52' -O' VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA 46 '• 2 ' 5' -10' 8' SCALE: 1/4• = t' 4' 7 0 F' ver►Zn wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA. CO 80014 CONSULTANT A OW7114 ZO REVIEW FIBER — IBER —FIB I —FIBER FIBER — —FIBER FIBER —FIBER —FIBER FIBER —FIBER - -- E 07/16/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL F 07/21114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL 'E E E E I E P E E— EE E— W I W �M 2 N I 5' W UTILITY EASEMENT o FOR U.G. ELEC &FIBER v I RE: LAND SURVEY ui 12"W DOUBLE GATE 15'W UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT NOTE: I ALL ITEMS NEW U.N.O. NORTH 8' SCALE: 1/4• = t' 4' 7 0 F' ver►Zn wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA. CO 80014 CONSULTANT A OW7114 ZO REVIEW JDL B 05115114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL C 07107114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL D 07NB114 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL E 07/16/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL F 07/21114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL G 07/17/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL ENLARGED SITE PLAN A2.0 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITTLETON, COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303.932.9974 3 4 a 4 E E� cE �a n o� q❑ �w NK �o Ua NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE NEW U.N.O NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE NEW U.N.O TOP OF LIGHTNING ROO n I $ G ROD LIGHTNING ROD TOP OF MONOPOLE & ANTENNAS L VAI = AN is wam RAD CENTER OF VERIZON WIRELESS TENNAS A = - 6'H CHAINLINK I W1(3) STRAINS RAZORWIRE INSTALL NEW SLATS IN FENCE. COLOR: BLACK TO MATCH (E) FENCE (12) 6'-6 VERIZON WIRELESS (12) 6'-6 VERIZON It ANTENNAS COLOR: GREY L WIRELESS ANTENNAS COLOR:GREY (2) MAIN OVPS (2) MAIN OVPS (9) RRH (9) RRH MOUNTED TO i MOUNTED TO MONOPOLE MONOPOLE ROUTE NEW HYBRID CABLE ALONG OUTSIDE OF m MONOPOLE. ROUTE NEW COAX WITHIN MONOPOLE 50'H MONOPOLE 50'H MONOPOLE COLOR: NATURAL GALVANIZED COLOR: NATURAL GALVANIZED 6'14 CHAINLINK FENCE W/(3) — STRAINS OF RAZORWIRE NEW PREFABRICATED VERIZON WIRELESS GPSANTENNA EQUIPMENT SHELTER COLOR: NATURAL AGGREGATE 1X2X2 FIBER ENCLOSURE GPS ANTENNA NEW PREFABRICATED VERIZON - WALL UNITS E SHELTE FIBER ENCLOSURE —� (TYp OF COLOR:NA URAL AGGREGATE 6'H CHAINLINK I W1(3) STRAINS RAZORWIRE INSTALL NEW SLATS IN FENCE. COLOR: BLACK TO MATCH (E) FENCE INSTALL NEW SLATS IN FENCE. COLOR: BLACK TO MATCH (E) FENCE IN II CONCRETE STOOP venVp wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY. SUITE 550 AURORA. CO W014 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME DEN SOD HOUSE SITE LD. 10930 W. 44TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT A 05007114 ZD REVIEW JDL B 06115/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL C 07/02/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL D 07/08!14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL E 07/16/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL F 07(21114 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL G 07x72/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL ELEVATIONS 2 - NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4' =1' a - r o 4 I _ WEST ELEVATION 4' SCALE: 1 /4' = 1' 2' 1' 0 4' 0 A3.0 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET. SUITE 280 LITTLETON COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303.932.9974 Xv It L INSTALL NEW SLATS IN FENCE. COLOR: BLACK TO MATCH (E) FENCE IN II CONCRETE STOOP venVp wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY. SUITE 550 AURORA. CO W014 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME DEN SOD HOUSE SITE LD. 10930 W. 44TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT A 05007114 ZD REVIEW JDL B 06115/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL C 07/02/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL D 07/08!14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL E 07/16/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL F 07(21114 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL G 07x72/14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL ELEVATIONS 2 - NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4' =1' a - r o 4 I _ WEST ELEVATION 4' SCALE: 1 /4' = 1' 2' 1' 0 4' 0 A3.0 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET. SUITE 280 LITTLETON COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303.932.9974 0 - I d a E Eo mm �r oa m� �4 0 gN 6 fp is N A � 30 I NF Z)o r_i a NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE NEW U.N.O NEW PREFABRICATED VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER COLOR: NATURAL AGGREGATE GPS ANTENNA FIBER ENCLOSURE 6'H CHAINLINK FENCE W/ (3) STRAINS OF RAZORWIRE NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE NEW U.N.O LIGHTNING ROD d TOP OF LIGHTNING ROD L A I 5N = 54'- STOP OF MONOPOLE _& ANTENNAS LIGHTNING ROD ELEVATION = 50 RAD CENTER OF VERIZON_ WIRELESS ANTENNAS L VA I N = 46' -9" (12) 6' -6 VERIZON (12) 6'-6' VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS ANTENNAS ANTENNAS COLOR. GREY COLOR: GREY (2) MAIN OVPS (2) MAIN OVPS RRH (9) RRH M MOUNTED TO MOUNTED TO MONOPOLE MONOPOLE ROUTE NEW HYBRID CABLE ROUTE NEW HYBRID CABLE ALONG ALONG OUTSIDE OF OUTSIDE OF MONOPOLE. ROUTE . MONOPOLE ROUTE NEW NEW COAX WITHIN MONOPOLE COAX WITHIN MONOPOLE 50'H MONOPOLE 50'H MONOPOLE COLOR: NATURAL GALVANIZED COLOR:NATURAL GALVANIZED NEW WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE 6'H CHAINLINK FENCE W/(3) — STRAINS OF RAZORWIRE NEW PREFABRICATED VERIZON - THRU WALL AC UNITS WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER (TYP. OF 2) COLOR NATURAL AGGREGATE INSTALL NEW SLATS IN FENCE. - COLOR: BLACK TO MATCH (E) FENCE 2 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 114' =1' 4 2 0 TI 1 - EAST ELEVATION 4' r SCALE . va• =1 0 a V �. veri n wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA CO 80014 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME DEN SOD HOUSE SITE LD 10930 W. 44TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT A 05/07/14 ZD REVIEW JDL B 05115114 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL C 071&14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL D 07IM14 CLIENT COMMENTS JOL E 01/18114 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL F 0721114 CLIENT COMMENTS AX G 0723!14 CLIENT COMMENTS JDL ELEVATIONS A3.1 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET. SUITE 280 LITTLETON, COLORADO 80127 OFFICE'. 303 932 9974 1 14LXITTEN REQUEST for SPECIAL USE PERMIT and SITE PLAN REVIEW PROJECT: Verizon Wireless DEN Sod House Commercial Mobile Radio Service ("CRMS") Facility 10930 West 44 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPLICANT: Verizon Wireless (VFW) LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless 3131 South Vaughn Way, Aurora, CO 80014 OWNER: Richard and Diane DeVries 4300 Parfet Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 AGENT: Irene Cooke, Closser Consulting LLC P 0 Bo x 423, Tabernash, CO 80478 Phone: 970 -531 -0831; Fax: 970-726-6953 ,Email: LrsLpes Verizon Wireless respectfully requests review of the attached site plan application, and special use permit application for the above referenced project. Required checklists, fees and materials have been submitted with this request. SPECIAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA: The proposed facility will have no detrimental effects and, in fact, will have a beneficial effect on the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the 0 0 0 61 SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION VERIZON WIRELESS DEN SOD HOUSE ADDENDUM Please note that the property at 10930 West 44 Avenue is the only location available for the proposed Verizon Wireless site, Sixteen other properties were considered and were either not suitable or not interested: ui 0 0 0 W 0 V a L 0 �N L a 0 Q. 0 L a a 0 V L Q MEN No mi M ■ _I NO 1� JW Al j= r � - 1 n v A i a S a z 0 0 0 3 C m 0 u O C Ot m a c V 0 m m w 0 0 0 z 0 O z N cD 0 0 X z C) U) 0 c 5 x m D v m z U) O CL m O C N m k A le V, City of COM�W V V -Ogl COM UNiTY DEVEIDUL�2 City of Wheat Rid ge Municipal Building 7500 W, 29" Ave. Meat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 301235�2846 F: 303.235.2857 Meeting Date: Attending Staff. Location of Meeting: Property Address: MEMEXE= Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jefferson County Michelle Mohnnan, RF Engineer Existing Zoning: Commercial-One (C_ Existing Conip. Plan: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at 10930 West 44 Avenue, at the southeast comer of West 44 Avenue and Parfet Street. The site is zoned Cominercial-One (C-1) and is Part of the DeVries Subdivision. used on Jefferson County Assessor Records, the property is 72,310 square feet (1.6 acres) in size. The site contains a 9,807 square foot office/warehouse built in 1974, a 2,490 square foot single-family home built in 1940, and a 4,599 square foot office/warehouse built in 1974. The property is owned by the DeVries family. Directly south of the subject property at 4300 Parfet Street is a single-family home zoned Agriculture-One (A-1). This property contains a 1,644 single-family home owned by the DeVrics family, the same individuals who own the property at 10930 West 44' Avenue, The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: The following issues were discussed regarding the Special Use Permit request and propos construction: I The original proposal showed the tower and equipment shelter located on the south property line. Why has the tower been moved to the center of the site? City staff required the toiver be relocated aiva , -it propert�y line as there .) front the southei is a home to the south. Even though the house properti is owned by the same owners q1' the Four-To-Go property, this mqy not alivqvs be the case. F uture owners ref f the house will be les impacted ifthe toiver is awqy, Does the photo simulation presented show the tower at the new location? No, it reflects the tower adjacent to the southern propeqv line. Could the antennas be located inside the pole? The antennas required are too big to it inside the pole or a canister. There would be more impact with a larger pole. Sometimes stealth installations can be used such as antennas being located inside a church steeple or a ivater toiver but none ivere appropriate . for this location and equipment needs. Why isn't a roof mount installation being requested? The building isn't high enough to provide adequate covet-age. Why is there so much equipment required? P'crizon has dif ferent antennas ,for different purposes andfirequencies. More equipment is needed to serve riot only cellphone calls but also data services required by customers. The more users there are results in additional "trqffic " . Over the past three years, data usage has increased 3000%). This has resulted in a smaller network of "honcycombs with antenna being closer together. Does Xcel Energy allow collocations on their power poles and towers? Yes, in some circumstances. Are service lights being proposed? No. It was noted 41 one attendee that she ivas more concerned with aesthetics than health impacts and that she would like to see the tower as, far aivqj the neighborhood as possible. Other attendees expressed concern for health impacts. Staff received no written comment prior to the neighborhood meeting. I � y\ 8 a 0 I I Te, \ \�. � �� : � �� < :� � \ � y am. I I awl \ \ \� 00 m Im City of' Wh6atR:idgc (as required pursuant to ode Section 2,6-109.D) This is an administrative variance review with a 10-day posting period. Public comments concerning this request are due in writing by 5:00 pm. on September 4, 2014. certify that I mailed a total of 10 letters on Au ust 25, 2014 to the attached recipient list. City of Wheat ' idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29` Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE August 25, 2014 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. SUP- 14 -03, a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a freestanding communications tower on property zoned Commercial -One (C -1) and located at 10930 W. 44 Avenue. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1291, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303 -235 -2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on September 4, 2014. Thank you. SUP 1403.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us VICINITY MAP A DEVRIES RICHARD ! P ST HA SERER RICHARD A TRUSTEE HAIDERER ALISSA L TRUSTEE HAIDERER PAUL RAYMOND TRUSTEE HAIDERER LINDA WTRUSTEE 3449 ENTERPRISE AVE HAYWARD CA 94545 MILLER DANIEL 4365 PARFET ST M � r Mla 4355 PARFET ST SHANN PA ST WHEAT M • •i OWNWIRROM 13653 W 78 PL A CO 80004 I s R JULIE P ST M a , 9 City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P: 303235.2846 F: 303.2352857 August 22, 2014 August Irene Cooke Closser Consulting Limited Liability Company 159 County Road 5221 P.O. Box 423 Tabernash, CO 80478 Dear Ms. Cooke: This letter is in regard to an application filed for approval of a Special Use Permit application to allow a freestanding communication tower on property zoned C -1 located at 10930 W. 44" Avenue. The application has been reviewed and the following are comments regarding the first submittal. SHEET T1.0 I Under the Site Data table, indicate that there are no modifications to the existing landscaping and paved surfaces on the site. 2. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WA-73-38,WZ-82-01,SUP-14- 03 3, Designate who will be signing the document as the owner. SHEET 1.1 I The geographic coordinates in the center of the drawing are illegible when the document is printed. SHEET A1.0 1. Add height and type of fence. SHEET A3.0 1. Designate materials for the proposed equipment shelter. SHEET A3.1 1. Designate materials for the proposed equipment shelter. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Fruitdale Sanitation District.- See attached letter from Bill Willis dated August 5, 2014. Valle j. Water District. See attached letter from Kathleen Kadnuck dated August 4, 2014. Community Development Meredith Reckert 303-235-2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Traffic Engineering Mark Westberg 303-235-2863 Once the changes have been made, please submit an electronic of the site plan for review. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner N t MARTIN /MARTI PP ............ Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Email: mreckertoo.ci.wheatridgeCO.LIS Re: SUP- I 4-03/Cooke for Verizon — 10930 W. 44" Ave. — Fruitdale Sanitation District Dear Ms. Reckert: Oil behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District, Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced referral dated August 4 2014 concerning a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow construction of a freestanding communication tower. The District has an 8" sanitaty sewer mainline running South to north along Parfet St. to W. 44"' Ave, west of the proposed communications tower. Also, the District has a 15"sanitary sewer mainline running west to east along W. 44 Ave north of the proposed communication tower, The District has no objection to the Special Use Permit as it does not appear to affect the sanitary sewer mainlines or the sanitary service to the property involved. Existing service is provided for the property, If future development changes are planned, the District will require review of development plans for changes to the existing conditions. If any modifications to the interior plumbing of the existing parcel is scheduled or a new sanitary sewer connection or easements are planned, these modifications/improvements shall be reviewed according to the Rules and Regulations of Fruitdale Sanitation District. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (303) 431 -6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis District Engineer MARTIN/MARTIN, Inc. Cc: Gary Charbonnier — Fruitdale Sanitation District 12499 West Colfax • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 * Telephone: 303-431-6100 • wmv,martinniartin.corn Civil Department Fax: 3034314028 # Structural Dcpartment Fax 303431-0866 • Marketing Department Fax: 303-456-9923 03/04/14 RON 13:40 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 10001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT imi WBST s2ND AVENUE WKSAT RIDGE, COLORADO W Meredith Keckert City of Wlicat Ridge 7500 W, 2q Avenue Wheat Rid CO 80033 Please feet free to contact me whir any WestiOlM Meredith Reckert From: Steve Art Sent: Monday, August 04, X114 3:09 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Land Use Referral VINNOTITIM671 =_ 1, 1 think the tower should be a slimline version and not have the spreading wings. 2. The fencing around the structure should not be chain link, but something that will look more appealing and stand the test-of-time better, such as a split block faced structure, Steve Art Economic Development & Urban Renewal Manager Direct: 303-235-2806 Cell: 720-454-9040 Fax: 303-235-2806 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 www.ei.wheatridoge . W City of' h6at R , * jg, ?t'Y MANAGER'S OFFICt CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information, . It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named at*Ne. IC you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in em)r,, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 2:10 PM To: Steve Art Subject: Land Use Referral I M - 91 ON 11 M I I I EMIM0101 AAA IN MVIZ4 A FAS 11 Comments are due by August 18, 2014, o response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Meredith Reckert, AlCP Senior Planner 7500 W, 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone. 303-235-2848 Fax: 303-234-2857 Meredith Reckert From: Kevin Armstrong Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:14 AM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Land Use Referral CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. I€ you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. . ........ .. From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 2: PM To Kevin Armstrong Subject: Land Use Referral Comments are due by August 18, 2014, no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel fred to be in touch with any additional questions. U�# � I TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: August 4, 2014 SUBJECT: S LJP- 1 4-03/ Cooke for Verizon I have completed my review for the request for approval of a Special Use Permit and Site Plan received on August 4, 2014, to allow for a freestanding telecom tower at the property located at 10930 W. 44"' Avenue, and I have the following cornments: I It does not appear that the current proposal entails any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Therefore, Public Works has no comments at this time. 7 o Mere - Cooke for Verizon_ 3 09N W, 44th Ave I st Revievv,docx XcelEnergyrsm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3 Id Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3660 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Re: Cooke for Verizon, Case # SUP-14-03 As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. - . . . City of .r head d� CC?MMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT" City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date. June 25, 2014 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Location of Meeting. City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building; 7500 W. 2` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Address. 10930 W. 44' Avenue Property Owners ). Jefferson County Property Owner(s) Present`.' No Applicant. Irene Cook Colosser Consul Llc. 4305 Darley Avenue Boulder, CO 80305 Phone; 970 -726 -4574 Email: cooks % nail.coiT Michelle Mohrman, RE Engineer Existing Zoning. Commercial -One (C -1) Existing Comp. Plan. Neighborhood Commercial Corridor www.6wheatridge.co.us Directly south of the subject property at 4300 Parfet Street is a single-farnily home zoned Agriculture-One (A -1). This property contains a 1,644 single-family home owned by the DeVries family, the same individuals who own the property at 10930 West 44"' Avenue. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • The members of the public were informed of the process for a special Use permit. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearing, if required. The following issues were discussed regarding the Special Use Permit request and proposed construction: The original proposal showed the tower and equipment shelter located on the south property line. Why has the tower been moved to the center of the site? City sta ff 'required the tower be relocated aiva�yftom the southern property line as there is a home to the south. Even though the house property is oivned by the same owners qf' the Four pr qper y, this may not alu ), be the case. Future owners ql'the house will be les impacted if'the tower islarther alvay. Does the photo simulation presented show the tower at the new location? ,No, it reflects the toi-ver adjacent to the southern property line. Could the antennas be located inside the pole? The antennas required are too big to fit inside the pole or a canister. Thereitwuldbe more impact with a larger pole. Sometimes stealth installations can be used such cis antennas being located inside a church steeple or a water tower but none were appropriate for this location and equipment needs. Why isn't a roof mount installation being requested? The building isn't high enough to provide adequate coverage. Why is there so much equipme-rit, required? Merizon has dffi . 1i , rent antennas for di flerent purposes and firequencies. Moreequipment is needed to serve not only cell phone calls but also data services required by customers. The more users there are results in additional " traffic ". Over the past three years, data usage has increased 300M6. This has resulted in a smaller network of - honeycombs with antenna being closer together. Does Xcel Energy allow collocations on their power poles and towers? Yes, in some circumstances. Are service lights being proposed? No. It was noted 4y one attendee that she ivas more concerned with aesthetics than health impacts and that she would like to seethe tower as awq�vftom the neighborhood as possible. Other attendees expressed concern fin- health impacts. Staff received no written comment prior to the neighborhood meeting, 3 I lj� :`� �� � � � r am* P WON 0 0 0) 2) #Wfk WAMM Amwo somm 0 0 = :E Ml f 0 Immo 0 � � .� \ ` �� \� �� > M \ � CL > CL C/) M lj� :`� �� � � � r am* P WON 0 0 0) 2) #Wfk WAMM Amwo somm 0 0 = :E Ml f 0 Immo 0 � � .� \ �. �� \ �^ �� � \ � �� lj� :`� �� � � � r am* P WON 0 0 0) 2) #Wfk WAMM Amwo somm 0 0 = :E Ml f 0 Immo 0 0 . H ml Meredith Reckert From: ni <rnorehorses3@rnsn.com> Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 9:08 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Cell phone tower location Follow Up Flag: Follow up Iag Status. Flagged I propose that the Planning Department stand back and let the owners determine the specific layout of their own parking lot. Please let me know if I can be • any help in clarifying any of my statements. I may be reached at home at 303-374-3936 or during the day at my office in the National Park Service building in Lakewood at 303-969-2391. Sincerely yours, Nancy Cocroft 4301 Parfet Street 4 0033 ■ 2 ■ 16 ■ NMI it I (D r M 41 _ I (D CL Cr F_ CL < NMI it I (D r M 41 g i ZMMM= 1 1111 1 1 Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 6:00 PM at City of Wheat Ridge offices, 7500 W. 29th Avenue in the Second Floor Conference Room. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for a Special Use Permit, all applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearing in front of the Community Development Director and/or City ' Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at: (303) 235-2846, If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 29` Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Meredith Reckert From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi, Irene Below is a response to your email. Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Office Phone: 303 - 235 -2848 FAX: 303 - 235 -2857 Meredith Reckert Tuesday, June 17, 2014 10:08 AM 'Irene Cooke' RE: Verizon Wireless Site Justification 10930 W. 44th Avenue SUP criteria.pdf Oily cal V`l heat j id;L�c 0)MA111NIIY DIVII( Whit N1 t From: Irene Cooke [mailto:irene.cooke @gmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 8:17 AM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Verizon Wireless Site Justification 10930 W. 44th Avenue Hello Meredith, Pursuant to our conversation last Thursday, I submit the following justifications for siting the Verizon Wireless facility in the proposed location at the rear of the parking lot behind the Four to Go business at: 1) The City has raised concerns about the future owners of the residence south of the proposed site. Any future owner would be aware of the condition of the property prior to purchase; proximity to the tower would be a consideration in negotiation of the purchase price. Since Mr. and Mrs. DeVries are the current owners of both the subject property and the residence, they will bear any financial loss caused by the existence of the tower. If the tower is located in the center of the parking lot, the entirety of the site will actually be more visible from the residence. With the site located at the rear of the property, the existing wood fence screens most of the site from residents' eye level. We have no means of screening the entire tower, regardless of where it is located on the lot. City staff acknowledges the inability to totally screen the tower and associated equipment; however, there are other concerns in addition to the visual impacts. The rear of the property is surrounded on three sides by residential properties. And although the owners of the commercial property also own the residential property to the south, this may not always be the case. Typically with a communication tower, there is a generator that is installed that provides emergency power. Generators can be large and loud. In the event of emergency servicing for the equipment, late night repairs are not out of the question. 2) Of the 17 properties contacted in the vicinity of West 44` Avenue between Tabor Street and Moore Court (the area required by RF engineers), only the subject property had willing owners, sufficient space to comply with setbacks and C -1 zoning that would allow antennas at 50 ft. level. Therefore, Verizon Wireless must accommodate the existing operations on this property as best we can. I am well aware of the number of properties that were investigated as we met several times to discuss potential locations. City staff offered suggestions regarding alternatives to a new tower. In the pre - application meeting, we suggested a stealth installation using a screening element for the antenna and we were told that this is not possible due to the design of the tower and antennas. Other properties considered were: a. 11722 W. 44 Avenue — lumber yard - not interested; b. 11220 W. 45 Avenue — City Maintenance Shop — not available; c. Prospect Park — Per Joyce Manwaring, not interested; light poles cannot be replaced; d. 11501 W. 44 Avenue — existing tower; not enough height and was obscured by trees; e. 10555 W.44 th Avenue —church - interested but zoning would not allow additional height on building; f. 11111 W. 44 Avenue — office building - interested but property is currently leased to USGS; g. 10601 W. 44 Avenue — gymnastics studio — not interested; h. 11440 W. 44 Avenue — pet boarding facility — not interested; i. 11600 W. 44 Avenue — RV park — not interested because would need to amend their PUD; j. 11130 W. 44 Avenue — concrete business — not interested; k. 11072 W. 44 Avenue — supply store — not interested; I. 10740 W.44 th Avenue - HVAC business — not interested; m. 10801 W. 44 Avenue — Jeffco Schools — not interested; n. 10805 W. 44 Avenue — unoccupied commercial property - interested but blocked to east by tall school building; also, owners reluctant to give up space required to meet setbacks; o. 11049 W. 44 Avenue — interested but zoning would not allow rooftop antennas at sufficient height to be feasible; and p. 11401 W. 44 Avenue — rental business — not interested 3) There are several businesses operating on the subject property with special access needs: a. SCS Electronics — ( 10960 W. 44 Avenue): has a single bay door used for delivery of commercial goods; b. Ramon's Garage — ( 10950 W. 44 Avenue): has a single bay door used for auto access and deliveries; c. D &D Auto Electric — ( 10910 -10920 W. 44 Avenue): has 4 bay doors used for auto access and deliveries; d. Space not rented — ( 10940 W. 44 Avenue): has a double wide bay door that could be used for multiple purposes; and e. Four to Go — ( 10930 W. 44 Avenue): has 3 bay doors on south side of shop used for repair and modification of vehicles. All of these businesses receive daily deliveries of goods used to generate revenue; mail trucks, UPS and FedEx trucks and other commercial carriers need access to these businesses. Trash collection trucks also need access. Placing a 35 ft. x 40 ft. fenced enclosure in the center of the parking lot would limit access and turning radius into the entrances and bay doors of these businesses. Four to Go uses the parking lot near the south facing bay doors to park customers' vehicles during various stages of repair. Customers of the other businesses park their own vehicles in front of those businesses and in the center of the parking lot. The building has a front parking area with 25 or so parking spaces. A view of aerial photos from 2001 through 2012 shows that at most this lot is barely half full. The rear parking lot on the south side of the building measures roughly 200'x 170' for an area of approximately 34,000 square feet. Although many of the businesses in the rear have bay doors and delivery needs, this area is inefficiently used. The illegal RV /vehicle storage in the southwestern corner of the site displaces 7500 square feet of parking area. The proposed equipment and shelter is only 1400 square feet in size. There appears to be ample room to accommodate the required space in the middle of the lot. It may even help define available parking for the building tenants. The bottom line is that City is staff is trying to accommodate your client's needs but ultimately a special use permit is required for anew tower. The criteria used to evaluate a special use request relate to design considerations including compatibility with the surrounding area, especially adjacent properties. See attached. It is always our goal to work with applicants to reach a positive outcome. But at the time of this writing, Staff will not support the application as proposed. This property is one of a very few commercially zoned lots in the vicinity with sufficient space to accommodate multiple business uses and provide parking for a variety of vehicles needed to conduct those businesses. Placing the tower compound at the rear of the property results in the least disruption to the business activities. Thank you in advance for your consideration of these points. I look forward to discussing the project with you soon. Sincerely, Irene Cooke Irene C. Cooke Closser Consulting LLC 1599 Co. Rd. 5221 P. O. Box 423 Tabernash, CO 80478 (970) 726 -4574 - office (970) 531 -0831 - mobile (970) 726 -6953 - fax irene.cooke(agmail.com VICINITY MAP DIRECTIONS I I I LS1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (PENDING) n: a I Ey • r Imomfiffi INSTALL NEW 50`H MONOPOLE WITH (12) NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS. INSTALL NEW PREFABRICATED SHELTER FOR VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE. P JURISDICTION: - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE APW 39- 212 - 13.002 ZONING DESIGNATION: C -1 OCCUPANCY GROUP: U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB FULLY SPRINKLERED: NO NO. OF STORIES: 4 GOVERNING CODES IF APPLICABLE: 2012 IBC, 2012 IMC, 2012 IFC, 2011 NEC. A.D.A. CONIPLIANCE: THIS FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. OWNER CLIENT SITE AC QUISITIO N, RICHARD & DIANE DEVRIES VERIZON WIRELESS IRENE C. COOKE VE WI CHAR #f . t t .. , . C LLC PRINCI BE ENGINEER MICHELLE t WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 DAN BERNATOW 1599 CO RD. 5221 P.O. BOX 423 DAVID BORN 3131 S, VAUGHN WAY $935 S. ZANG STREET 6551 SOUTH REVERE C ONTACT: 'i i l 80 78 3131 S VAUGHN WAY SUITE 550 SUITE 280 PARKWAY PHONE� 303A21.5876 AURORA, CO 80014 OFFICE: 970126.4574 SUITE 550 AURORA, GO 80014 LITTLETON, GO 80127 SUITE ` tt PH ONE* I AURORA 80 • / t 303 t 303 # 03 72 0 . 4881306 DRAWING IN SHEET DESCRIPTION T1.0 TITLE SHEET At0 SITE PLAN A2.0 ENLARGED SITE PLAN A10 ELEVATIONS V �. ven w VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 5,50 AURORA, CO 8W14 CONSULTANT 5935 SOUTH TANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITFLETON, COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303.932.9974 LONG: - 105.120592 W HYBRID CABLE FROM MAIN OVP @ SHELTER % O TO MAIN OVP @ ANTENNAS ON MONOPOLE HYBRID CABLE LENGTH TO RRH ACCESS GATE BUILDING ANTENNAS s NEW (2) 112" COAX IXI HYBRID LTE AWS RRH LTE L_-- I CABLE MAIN OVP TRANSFORMER1 ON POLE AWS1 RRH 1XI HYBRID CABLE LTE 4 w (D uj SECTOR SIZE LENGTH QTY. NOTES SIZE LENGTH QTY, NOTES x 0 NEW (2} 112" r ------ I SHELTER 6X12 80' 8 I (1} 1XI I &.W I 1) MO UNT MONOPOLE IXI HYBRID t3 700 RRH u it J LU CABLE PCs X a -0" MONOPOLE @ W LL % 1 @ f-- NEW (2) 112 COAX 1XI HYBRID -T NEW 5WH MONOPOLE WITH (12) NEW a- MOUNT RRH TO W CABLE U) LTE 1 8 W e W Lr cr (2) 112 COAX W NEW x f X ANTENNAS 0 Lu w MOUNT NEW MAIN 1XI 8 MONOPOLE @ x C;2 (2)112"COAX x I () ul 9 W 1XI HYBRID RRH 0 co CABLE AS (2) 112 COAX 6X12 6X12 80 (1) OVPTO MONOPOLE @ ANTENNAS NEW IXI HYBRID RRH ANTENNAS NEW 1X1 HYBRID �p I - 11 1 RRH PCs �CAbLt f MAIN OVP @ k — LL to 0 C', C', cc L ca x LTE A (2) 1/2" COAX NEW 0 MAIN OVP @ IXI HYBRID COAX I L f PCs CABLE MOUNT RRH TO Y 3 - HYBRID CABLE DIAGRAM 1XI MONOPOLE @ ANTENNAS NODE PDF NODE RRH 700 B a ANTENNAS CABLE w s OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TO BUILDING (TYP) % O ACCESS GATE BUILDING ANTENNAS s NEW (2)1/2'COAX LTE TRANSFORMER1 ON POLE AWS1 RRH 1XI HYBRID CABLE LTE 4 w (D uj (2) 1/2 COAX N 1XI H YBRID n NEW RRH BUILDING "MA N MOUNT NE Z 6X12 80' 8 I (1} 1XI I &.W I 1) MO UNT MONOPOLE 4� CD a. CD u� (o 7 CABLE PCs X a -0" MONOPOLE @ W LL % 1 @ f-- NEW (2) 112 COAX 1XI HYBRID -T NEW 5WH MONOPOLE WITH (12) NEW a- ANTENNAS VERIZON WIRELESS T ANTENNAS 0 Lu w 700 LTE F���� CABLE I MAIN OVP @ >- (2) 112 COAX SHELTER NEW IXI HYBRID RRH PCs CABLE 2 - HYBRID CABLE CHART 3 - HYBRID CABLE DIAGRAM s OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TO BUILDING (TYP) % O ACCESS GATE BUILDING A C 2 s 0 TRANSFORMER1 s OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TO BUILDING (TYP) % (E) BUILDING ACCESS GATE BUILDING A C 2 # NEW 15 ' UTILITY/ ACCESS EASEMENT TRANSFORMER1 ON POLE BUILDING 0 W LL % 0� < \ \ NEW 5WH MONOPOLE WITH (12) NEW a- VERIZON WIRELESS T k I ANTENNAS &Mmumm NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE EXISTING LLN.O WOOD FENCE 0 m VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE 0 AREA WITH NEW EQUIPMENT SHELTER RE: A2.0 (E) BUILDING (E) BUILDING Y NORTH � SCALE 1W W 25' 0 Ioc SITE PLAN ven"_n wireless VERVON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA, CO 80014 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT 121m 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITTLETON, COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303,932.9974 I agm ALL ITEMS ARE NEW U.N.O. I- z W :F >- uj Ur U) U, in AL �11 vi Rik filml! m KPX& Lei 010=019mm AWS E — WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE I co co (E)PARKINGAREA cn I I— --Npmwp moRm mattemom-111maguz I GRAVEL/ DIRT LOT ---/ 13'-6" 22'-U'_ 11 m 25'-6' 35`-6" VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA 15'W ACCESS EASEMENT LTE N 4' 21 0 verJ wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA, CO 80014 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT 5936 SOUTH ZANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITTLETON, COLORADO $0127 OFFICE� 301932.9974 �W' S �' 'cr, ly PCs ROUTE NEW COAX & HYBRID CABLE IN NEW WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE TO MONOPOLE CELL < 6`H CHAINLINK FENCE WITH (3) STRAINS 9! OF RAZOR WIRE < LTE E VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT U) LU SHELTER RE: AZO rr z 0 LU THRU WALL AC UNITS 5'W UTILITY EASEMENT ED U.G. ELEC & FIBER RE: LAND SURVEY uj L E — E—E—E—E—E—E—E—:—E — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — ---- -- E FIBER FIBER — F BER FIBER FIBER FIBER FIBER — FIBER FIB R FIBER (E) TH WOOD FENCE N 4' 21 0 verJ wireless VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S. VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA, CO 80014 TOWER INFORMATION CONSULTANT 5936 SOUTH ZANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITTLETON, COLORADO $0127 OFFICE� 301932.9974 I ELEVATION -- 5W.0' BAD CENTER OF VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS ELLVA TION = 46'-9" 6'HCHAIN LINK FENCE WITH (3) STRAINS OF RAZOR WIRE GPS ANTENNA-, I 3 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE� V8' 11 NOTES: 'L ALL ITEMS ARE NEW U,N,O 2. TOWER AND WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY COAX ENTRY PORT NEW 1 9'-6 " x25 -51/2" PREFABRICATED VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER 64 Immig maj a Immmumm TOP OF�40NOPOLE & ANTENNAS -1 17 - ELEVAT RAO CENTER OF VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS ?7 NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE NEW U.N.0 THRU WALL AC UNITS NEW PREFABRICATED VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER COLOR: NATURAL AGGREGATE FIBER ENCLOSURE -- 6'H CHAINLINK FENCE W/ (3) STRAINS OF MUNN (12) 6'-6 VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS COLOR: GREY viol W-qu Z41 [k ELI a " ELI XFW walb" 1 154; Il H L w-la la VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES 3131 S, VAUGHN WAY, SUITE 550 AURORA, CO $0014 ummz� CONSULTANT 5935 SOUTH ZANG STREET, SUITE 280 LITTLETON, COLORADO 80127 OFFICE: 303,932M74 WRITTEN REQUEST for r d T $ r respectfully Verizon Wireless F use permit application for the above referenced project. Required checklists, fees and materials have been submitted with this request. The proposed facility will have no detrimental effects and, in fact, will have a beneficial effect on the general bealth, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the R 93 maintenance and monitoring. During a brief period of construction, heavy equipment including a crane, will be required to place the tower and equipment shelter. However, construction activity will be limited to the parking lot area, Design of the facility provides sufficient access to existing businesses facing the parking lot and traffic flow for service vehicles within the parking lot, 0 SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION VERIZON WIRELESS DEN SOD HOUSE ADDENDUM Please note that the property at 10930 West 44 Avenue is the only location available for the proposed Verizon Wireless site. Sixteen other properties were considered and were either not suitable or not interested mmmm W O O N z W 0 N I V O N i N O CL O L a a� L a O V m L a 7l • ra V • r :'9. w A v o m v v 0 z 0 A REPRESENTING VERIZ WI LETTE A UTHO R IZATION for Verizon Wireless, to subtrut any or building pernixt applications necessary �o ensur�c zoolug Verizon Wireless' ability to use the property for the purpose of constructing and operatling ja c ommunicatio ns Signature of Authorized Verizon Wireless Agent: Jill mmigW pA _ Z24 j ag ! Z WVTIO# NO. F1953122 1/30/2004 17s19:09 PG: 001-001 PS FEE: 6.00 STATE DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO rr For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, grantor sells and conveys unto the grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor has in and to the real, property, together with improvements, if any, in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, described as follows: Also known by Street and Number as.- 10908-10960 W. 44 th Avenu Wheat Ridge, Coloz • I • !!"1 1 11,;1111mill 111 0 Wit"'Ifor • • # I t • HAVE AND TO HOLD together with any and all appurtenances and privileges, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the grantor, either in law or equity, to the only proper use and benefit of the grantee, its successors and assigns forever. The grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. r- N DIANE M. DEVRIES STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on 2004 by RTCHARD D. DEVRIES and DIANE M. DEVRIES. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: I- Nlotary Public I IV' City of LAND USE CASE P AP�PLJCATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29 Avenue 0 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Phone (3031235-284 (Please print or t} pc all information) VERIZON WIRELESS (VAW) LLC Applicant_ D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS.---- Addresses a1_,iyAUjaKN_WAy Phone 303-873-2726 City AURORA State _Co Zip 80014 Fax -AO!ff73 2684 OwnerjiLCBARQ_ANDDjANE_DEvRi_E$ Address_43aQpAREET$TR Phone 303-421-5876 City -- Wl�' T RIDGE StateC_Q_ Zip_ 80033 Contact_jRENE_CDDjT _AGENT __ Address p_Q_RQX 423___.__— Phone--970-531-Q83t City--!&BERNASH State f-n Zip Fax_91D-726-05a_ (The person listed as coutact will be contacted to answer estions =,ardi this ap9lication,,provide additionkinfim-y — 1* v public heating signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owncr) Location of request (address): 10930 WEST 44TH AVENUE Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Rease refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements; inconWlete applications will not he accepted 0 Change of zone or zone conditions M Special Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) 0 Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval C3 Temporary Use, Building, Sign 0 Lot Line Adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval 0 Variance/Waiver (from Section 0 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 0 Other: Required information.- Case No. ISUP1403 Gate Received "/22 4 RaIated Gases Case Planner Rickert ..... ...... _... _ ..,.......v,...i ._ ... Case Dascriotiorl�J ; rte L7;�r Irtliri�rxr Name Richard Devries 4...,._... Name Diane Deries { ... , v _,i.. .._. ._....w..._x Phone ,(303 421 5876 Address 4300 Parfet St a City Wheat Ridge ,�. ,= State CO dip 80033• "cMrJ.�se�°7rrlictiru �... _..:. Name Irene Cook w .. Name r Phone `(970J 531-0831 Address PCt 8 423 City T rerhash w. State CCl zf904 7£3 ip Andress 10930 Street r 4v 44th Ave. City Wheat Ridge State ,CO Zip 80033 C Location D escription i . Pro Name arcel No tr eRion istrict No ,, Pane[ No. 39-212-13-002 Qtr Section NW21 District No : Ai 3921213002 t IV )Ve Pre-App Date Neighborhood Meeting gate App No � .,�.. .... -.t .......... ....� �w _ y w Review Type Review Body? Review Date Disposition comments Report Review Admn ..... ...... tai VC1`titr�sV7 Case Disposition vra�r Disposition Date -...., �. .a Condit of Approval , Notes Status lCtpen Res #1 r ` Ord storage: City of Whea Ridge w H f`3 iiPPLItPdoN 107C AMOUNT WHING ORATION,' FEEES, 7J8. fie r ESL: 17 74 ii i 798. 79 & &3, Meredith Reckert From: Irene Cooke <irene,cooke@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 8:47 PM To: Wade Sanner, Meredith Reckert Subject: Verizon Wireless Application 10930 W. 44th Avenue Follow Up Flag: Follow up .1lag Status: Flagged I have received the Summary of our May 15 pre-application meeting for the proposed Verizon Wireless SUP at 10930 W. 44 `x` Avenue and have a few questions. go go* T Sc eih�� e neignoorn000 meeting for Wednesday, June 2 5, 2014 at 6 PM, I nd.5 c7ricerris WWW1 tie tower wan respect to tuture owners of the single family residence adjacent to the south of the proposed site. Verizon Wireless and the property owners believe that the best location for the tower is at the location shown on the existing site plans, Anyone who purchases the property from the DeVries family would have ample notice of the tower's existence and would negotiate the purchase price based on the location of the tower, Thanks, Irene Irene C. Cooke Closser Consulting L 1599 Co. Rd. 5221 P C. Box 423 Tabernash, CO 80478 (970) 726-4574 - office (970) 531-0831 - mobile (970) 726-6953 - fax maiLcn _q_ me pked) L q! 4' City of - A Wh6atp i e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE- APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 15, 2014 Applicant: Irene Cook Colosser Consulting llc. 4305 Darley Avenue Boulder, CO 80305 Phone: 970 - 726 -4574 Email: cookeaa,gmail.com Attending Staff: Lauren Mikulak, Planner II Wade Sanner, Planner I Specific Site Location: 10930 West 44` Avenue Existing Zoning: Commercial -One (C -1) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at 10930 West 44 Avenue, at the southeast corner of West 44 avenue and Parfet Street. The site is zoned commercial -one (C -1) and is part of the DeVries Subdivision. Based on Jefferson County Assessor Records, the property is 72,310 square feet (1.6 acres) in size. The site contains a 9,807 square foot office /warehouse built in 1974, a 2,490 square foot single- family home built in 1940, and a 4,599 square foot office /warehouse built in 1974. The property is owned by the Devries family. Directly south at 4300 Parfet Street adjacent to the subject property is a single - family home zoned Agriculture -One (A -1). This property contains a 1,644 single - family home owned by the Devries family, the same individuals who own the property at 10930 West 44 Avenue. Surrounding properties include a variety of zoning and land uses. To the north, across West 44 Avenue are two properties zoned C -1 and Residential -Three (R -3). These two properties contain and office /warehouse and a number of townhomes. To the west are 3 parcels zoned C -1 and used as office /warehouses. To the south are a number lots zoned A -1 and used as large lot single - family homes. To the east are 3 parcels zoned Residential -Two (R -2) and Restricted - Commercial (R -C). The R -2 properties contain duplexes, and the R -C zoned property contains an office building. A 68 -foot wide utility easement owned by Excel Energy runs from the intersection of West 44` Avenue and Parfet Street through the southwest corner of the property. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Irene Cook for Verizon Wireless, is proposing to construct a 50 -foot galvanized steel monopole with 12 panel antennas mounted at the top. The new site will be located in the rear parking lot of the Four -To -Go automotive accessory dealership at the southeast corner of Parfet Street and West 40 Avenue. The proposed cell tower is being constructed to improve coverage and capacity along West 44` Avenue. In addition to the cell tower, the applicant is proposing to construct a storage building (11.5 -feet wide by 25.5 -feet long by 10.5 -feet high) with stone flake finish to house electrical equipment. The 1,400- square foot leased area will be enclosed with a 6 -foot chain link fence for security. Atop the chain link fence will be barbered wire facing into the site. The proposed tower will be 30 feet from the rear property line. A 6 -foot high fence exists on the property to provide screening to the south. The proposed tower will be screened from the north by the existing Four -To -Go building. The tower will be more than 100 feet from the east and west property lines. A photosimulation was provided to illustrate the existing (top) and proposed (bottom) conditions showing a view from the corner of Parfet Street and West 44` Avenue. y Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? Yes, a neighborhood meeting will be required for a special use permit (SUP). Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning The site is zoned Commercial -One (C -1). According to section 26 -6185 of the City code, commercial mobile radio service facilities (CMRS) are permitted in a C -1 zoned district. Process According to section 26 -114, free - standing CMRS facilities must be reviewed by the community development department for compliance with the zoning code, and must receive a special use permit (SUP). For construction of the new monopole facility a site plan review will be required in addition to a building permit. 2 y During the pre-application it was pointed out by staff that a number of recreational vehicles (RV) being stored on the southern portion of the property. According to section 26-628, storage of recreational vehicles is not pennitted on G I zoned properties. Any land use entitlements for the property will be conditioned upon compliance with the municipal code and removal of the RV storage, from the property. Building Division comments: The Building Division was not present at the meeting and has no comments at this time. Public Works comments: The Public Works Department was not represented at the meeting and has no comments regarding the application. Special Use Permit The meeting should be coordinated with the assigned staff member. A fee of $100 is required for staff to be present at this meeting. The meeting will be led by the applicant and should inform those who are in attendance what is being proposed. After the neighborhood meeting is held, the applicant may submit their application for the Special Use Permit. A site plan will be required as part of the application. M Upon the submittal of the application for the Special Use Permit, the application will be reviewed by the case manager and sent to outside agencies for review. This referral period is 15 days long and allows time for agencies to comment on the application. Modifications to the application may be required as a result of these comments. Site Plan Rei. Building Fier nut Approval of the site plan application does not mean that a building permit has been issued. Once site plan approval is attained, the applicant may submit a building permit application to the Building Division. Please refer to the Building Division's permit submittal checklist for new multifamily 91 City of Wheat Ri q 04/2912@14 09:02 CDBA ZONING APPLICATION FED: "gig CDA889872 AMOUNT PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT 04ECK: 3144 2 ,1 09. 00 TOTAL 200.60 Closser Consulting Limited Liability Company 4305 Darley Aveim Boulder, CO 80305-6027 Closser Consulting Limited Liability Company 4305 Darley Avenue Boulder, CO € 305 -60 Closser Consulting Limited Liability Company 4305 Darley Avenue Boulder, CO 80305-6027 Dear Mr. Sanner, Our firm provides land use consulting services to verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC, d/b/a/ Verizon Wireless and, on its behalf, we have requested a pre-application conf erence f a new communications site special use permit. The proposed site is intended to improve coverage and Capacity for wireless voice and data service In the vicinity of West 40 Avenue, The new site will be located in the rear parking lot of the 'Fo T Ge automotive accessory dealership at the southeast comer of Parfet Street and west 44th Avenue. The Property Is owned by Richard and Diane DeVries; the legal description is: Lot I Block 1, DeVries Subdivision. front yard setback is satisfied. The tower Is more than 2W from the property lines on either east west, more than meeting the required S' per story side yardsetback. i t ! ! ! ! ! T s ! !!! a !: s ! t a ! •. If Y—Ou require more Information prior to the e-a!rficatio cnnfA respond immediately. I look forward to discussing this proposal with you in ivlay Sincerely, Irene Cooke Site Acquisition Consultant RM 4 sc 1 � 1 r n ol la-