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i City of WheatRLgge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WA -14 -10 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: Thurs June 19, 2014 I , residing at as the applicant for Case No. Chad Knoth (name) 7610 Three Acre Lane (address) WA -14 -10 hereby certify that I have posted the sign for Public Notice at 7610 Three Acre Lane (location) on this 9 th day of June, 2014 and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. _ Signature: Q, NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. MAP Case No. VtWA1410 Date f eoeived 619, 20 d` Related Cases m Cans Planner Sanner Case Desoriptiot°�Reguest for a 50% variance fora 9-foot fence height from the 6-foot height standard. � , y J, AMOUNT Apphi7ant1k amofsert' 208. 00 PAYM R . t tr .�_w....... w__ Name Chad Knoth game Phone 1303 377.5335 TOTAL L l ire. 00 Address 1340t?E Bayudve #296 CiEy Denver State CCt €p :811219 &x/u" 11AM Name Three Acre Cane LLC Names Phone Address 7$10W. 42nd4Ve C€ty bVheatRldg .. k State SCDw.., zip '80033- con tact %rrhxrxua/a W Name Chad Knuth Dame Phone 3 ^try f"INJr#r s(,]YJJJP% f. Address `3900 E.. 1ayaudAve tk290 City iDenver m.,_m.. ._ . w... ....w. State 8Ct209 ..w.....,.. _ .... .. . ...,.. ..., ..._.w,., Address ,1610 Street Three Acre Lane City 4v heat Ridge State CO. €p '600133 Location Description w i Project Name t" arcef No Qtr Section District No e Parcel No. ' 39 -233-00-048 Qtr Section: :Sbv 23 District No:: if 39233000401SW23 1.1, r . .M ,. ,,.... .. ._ . .. .... .. .... ._,.. ,., , Pre-App Date .... _ Neighborhood Meeting Gate .. l App No: i Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report , r ...,„ m.� ,Review Admrn P i t7 ` Case Disposition Disposition Date Conditions of Approval r: 4...e ....... ...... . Notes w... - - - -- ------ - .,. _._.. .... ,._,_. Status ;Ope y Res # Ord #C Storage: ' City of Wheat Ridge 9 08x01. t'R ZONING APPLICAFION FEES CDA810057 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICATIGH FEES 208. 00 PAYM R . t tr to { d�T „ 21 TOTAL L l ire. 00 City of W heat P �icee LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 2 9 Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all infortnation) Applicant 4-�.X e s e* , Address 3 1 ^-Az�ft Phone 14>1� City State Zip�"i'zo4t Fax—, Location of request (address); I'D - P* -" 4c 4, &-%t Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or square foolage): 1" Z's Current Zoning: _V j r . I __ _ Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: I certif y that the iti/biwitilion and exhibits hewtvith submitted care true tits correct to the best qfniy knowledge and that infilin , his application, I earn g I acting with the knowledge and consent qf those i nersons listed above Aitut whose consent the requested action cannot laitfitdly be accomplished Applicants other than owners must submit liotver-of- -ne er n 'tie apl)roi7etlql'thivtictic)n Tara his behatf Notarized Signature of Applicant To be filled %M staff: Date received I Iq Fee UO Receipt No.C Case No. WA - 1 4— (0 c i g"n' . Zoning Comp Plan D Related Case Pre-App Mtg, Case Manage, V. City of 6 ie OMMUNITY ItC City= ot'Wheat Ridge Municipal ipal Buildi g 7500 W. 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P 303. 235.2846 I'. 3()3.2352857 Submittal Checklist - Variances administrative and non - administrative Project Name: -1 0 AtAk- Project Location: Applicant: A Date: G Project Planner. Fee Paid: Rev. 4/10 wwwA.wheatridge.co.us Written Responses to the "Variance Criteria for Review" TOW 1. As the 9' fence is only 3' taller than the existing fence, and is designed to screen the grade change on-site, this should not endanger the character of the neighborhood, The taller fence and the construction • a building addition and/or accessory building is a significant cost to the applicant and would not be possible without the variance. D. The higher grade of the property relative to the street level, has allowed the standard height the fence to be mute, and has allowed a Violation to occur. If the property had been properl screened, said Violation might not have happened. I E. As the building and site were originally constructed in approximately 1938, and the current owner has only owned the site since 1993, Three Acre Lane, LLC (owner) did not create the hardship. MEN G. As the town has grown over the years, the houses to the north have been built after the initial construction of the building. in a planned community, these uses would not be adjacent to each other, and the property should not be punished due to the prior design of the city, H. Granting this variance will not affect the ability of a disabled person to effectively use the sitl The fence will be designed in compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the "architectural and Site Design Manual," ,. Wheat Ridge Police Case Number 7500W. 29th Aye. W HEAT RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT 2 01404973 Wheat Ridge CO,80033 INCLUSIVE CASE REPORT Printed 06 /18.f2014 Page I of 4 O FFE N SI V E Report Title 1 5 - Oi`�"E NSI TRA OF BU (M) ReportDate.{ 5 /20/2014 1 :45 : 38 PM Occurred On or Between Daternme 5/20/2 1.: 0 9 : G 0 PM Incident Location 7610 THREE ACRE LN Apt City WHEAT RI DGE State CO , N ame / Business ACTION RECYCLING Case Clearance Case Clearance Date Offense Offense Cod 15 Offense OF'F'ENSIVE TRADE OR BUSINESS SS CSA Location COMMERCIAL/OFFICE BUILDING Offense Clearance OPEN Offense Code 15-24 Offense LITTERING CSA Location COMMERCIAL/OFFICE BUILDING Offense Clearance OPEN Offense Code 24-51 Offense WEED CONTROL ROL CSA Location COMMERCIAL/OFFICE BUILDING Offense Clearance OPEN Offense Code 26 - 625 Offense ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES CSA Location COMMERCIAL/OFFICE BUILDIN Offense Clearance OPE OffensoCode 26 -631 Offense OUTSIDE DISPLAY OR STORAGE; REQUIREMENTS CSA Location CO M EaRC IAL /OF°F`IC'E; BUILDING Offense Clearance OPEN Person Person Type SUS PECT Name Type LEGAL Last THREE AC.E R LANE First Middle Address Type BUSINES Address U. 761.0 W 42ND AVE Apartment City WHE;A`.I` RIDGE State COLORADO Zip € 0033 Phone DOB Age at Incident Sex Race height Weight Hair Color Eye Color Driver License State Person Type ADDITIONAL PERSON Name Type LEGAL Last PYELL First PATT Middle Address Type EIt S INESS Address U: 7610 3 AC ER LANE Apartment City HEAT RIDGE State COLORADO 'i 80033 p Phone (333) 31.- 6I 75 DOB Age at Incident Sex FEMALE Race C" H I I L, Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color _ Driver License State Reporting Officer L C OD II I NGTON Report Date 5/20/2014 Supervisor Review M MC KE NNA Review Date 5/28/2014 Date Printed 6/18/2014 Time Printed 1.1 :4 8: 5 1 Page I of 4 mml 0 ME �Ye WHEAT RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT Wheat Rhe CO,80033 INCLUSIVE CASE REPORT W O [ 2 FIMM. t4"glve-R Attachment Notice of Violation copy of the mailing envelope On 05/20/2014 1 responded to 761 tt Three Acre Lane on a report of code violations on the property. The reporting party stated they would like remain anon ,.s y�rro I The citizen stated Action Recycling was not picking up the trash from, the street and area. The citizen stated the y had nwitiple Tsipster, they were loading trucks with items a .. I'a the street, and trash was blowing all. over the neigInborhood. Fhe citizen stated they were having a very difficult time getting out of their property. I told the citizen to contact the police when their driveway was blocked. i told the citizen I would respond to the property later in the day. The citizen stated the understood. At approximately 1318 1 responded to 7620 Three Acre Lane. 'Upon arriv<al i observed the followincg violations: - trash and hay was blowing into the street and on the property. - is camping trailer was parked on the west side of the property along the street. - a large amount of recycle items stored in the sight of the public. - three metal storage boxed, one with miscellaneous iterns arid two storing hay, were located or', the north side of tire property - tall grass and weeds exceeding 12 inches in height located on the property. I obtained owner information via the jefferson County Assessor's repwAs Oil 05/22/2014 1 issued a Notice of Violation to S! Three A, Lane LLC for 15-16 Offensive Trade of Business, 15-24 Littering, 24-51 Weed Control, 26-631 Outside Displav orSstorage requirements and 26 Accessory Buildings and Structures. .L mailed the notice to 7610 W 42nd Ave Wl eat Ridge Co 80033 via first class rnail. Recheck Date: 06/07/2014 Submitted By L Co,Jdington 052 CS Narrative - Supplemental I Cm 05/27/2014 1 spoke with P1 Patty Pyell via telephone. Patty stated she was one of the owners of Action Recycling. Patty stated they had received the notice. Patty stated she knew the property had been a mass because one of the other recycling facilities had closed down and brought all of the inventory to them. Patty asked if we could meet on the property to discuss the issues. i told Patty I could meet her on Thursday (05/29/201,4) and asked what Reporting Officer L CODDINGTON fkeport%te 5/20/2014 Supervisor Review M MCKENNA Review Date 5/28/2014 Date Printed 6/18/2014 1 Time Printed - 1 1 : : 4 8: 5 1 Page 2 o f 4 On 05/29/2014 at approximately 1015 I. responded to 7610 Three Acre Lane. Upon arrival I observed some of the recycle had been i.emcve d. i observed a large flatbed truck with several pallets of crushed cans. I observed a large pile of card board, radiators, black trash bags, etc located on the south side of the property near the door. I observed several full dumpster, a large pile of metal, several pallets of electronics, and miscellaneous items. i observed a large pile of loose hay and stray. I observed the tall grass and weeds exceeding 12 inches in height located on the property. I contacted PI Patty , yell. Patty stated she and her sisters ran the business. Patty stated they were starting to get some of the piles under control. Patty asked to have the violation explained. I told Patty the property had to be cleaned up and all of the items contained. i told Patty the pile of loose hay or straw had to be removed. i told Patty the 4 metal containers on the property had to be removed. I told Patty all of the tall grass and weeds had to be cut to less than 12 inches on the entire property. Patty stated she understood but would not Le able to bring the property into compliance by 06/07/2014. Patty stated they would like to build a permanent building to replace the metal. boxes arid raise the height of the fence. I told Patty they would have to talk to Planning and Zoning. I told Patty I would assign areas to be cleaned up. Patty stated she could bring in some "lugger tubs" for all of the radiators, and clean up the south side of the property. I told Patty I would return around 06/07/2014 to recheck the property. I told Patty i would require the south area to be cleaned up and organized. I told Patty I would require they contact the city and start the process for the building and fence. Patty stated she understood. Sa,,brnitted By: L Coddington 052CS Narrative. Supplemental 2 On 06/10/2014 at approximately 1109 1 responded to 7610 Three Acre, Lane tO Meet with the owner. Upon arrival I contacted S! Patty Pyell. Patty and I walked the property. i observed all of the tall grass and weeds had been cut to Less than 12 inches in height. I observed the most of the area had been cleaned up. Patty stated the large duinpster located on the north side of tile property would be remove in the morning. Patty stated the most of the pallet of TVs will be removed today or tomorrow but she did not think they would be able to removed all of them, Patty stated she would be placing as trash. dumpster inside the fence where the TVs were. Patty stated they would be taking a load of radiators by the end of the week. I told Patty i could see considerable improvement on the property. I observed a notice to address the fence height. Patty stated she had hired someone to help with the fence and out building. Patty stated Chad would be talking to the city to construct an shed for the hay and straw. I told Patty I would like to see the area where t:. .t° cardboard arid cans cleaned up. I asked Patty about the lugger tubs. Patty stated she had brought in some but when they were full they were taken to their other warehouse. I suggested they bring replacement Reporting Officer L CODDINGTON Report gate 5/20/2014 Supervisor Review M MCKENNA Review Date 5/28/2014 Date Printed 6/18/2014 Time Printed 11:4 8:51 Page 3 of 4 Wheat Ridge Pohce 01404973 7500W. 29thAve. WHEAT RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT - Wheat Ridge, p 06/18/2014 CO,80033 INCLUSIVE CASE REPORT Page 4 of 4 on a regular bases, Party stated she would'. i to'ld Patty I would return to rechec the property -in two weeks (06/24/201.4). 1 asked Patty to contact me w-itI a ti,nne that works for. he Par-ty stated she woulld. Recheck Date: 06/24/2014 Submittec, By: !, Coddi.nqton 052r Reporting Officer L CODDINGTON Report Gate 5/2j)/2014 Supervisor Review M MCKENNA Review pate 5/28/2014 Date Printed 6/18/2014 Time Printed 11: ` : 51 Page 4 of 4 f': , SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED PATTY S. PYELL, whose address is 9140 Stuart Street, Westminster, Colorado 80031, County of Adams, and Terri Pearman, whose address is 8030 Marshall Circle, Arvada, Colorado 80003, of the County of Jefferson, the Grantor, for the consideration of Zero Dollars (SO), hereby conveys, and warrants the title against all persons claiming under me, to THREE ACRE LANE, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, I the Grantee, all my right, title and interest in and to the following property, with all its appurtenances and warrants title to the same: Also known as 7610 W. 42" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 PATTY S.� STATE OF COLORADO CO U N T Y 0 F STATE OF COLORADO ) ss, COUNTY OFa:#>-4Z/— MM Add '9 Sk 66 y commission Expires- C7- 11 -0<� i Ili T li ril Le I i ksail L ................... . , M M t• • r i Patty Pyeii Managing Partner Three Acre Lane, LLC June 6, 2014 Wade Sanner, Planner I 7500 W, 29th Ave, 2nd Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Fence Variance 7610 Three Acre Lane Wheat Ridge, CO Dear Mr. Sanner: I have been retained to assist the owners of the above property in trying to rectify the Violations from the City of Wheat Ridge observed on May 20th , 2014. One of the ways we are hoping to be good neighbors is an asking for a Fence Variance. The current fence on the property is 6 feet tall, and we would like to ask for a 9 feet tall fence (See Exhibit A for location). Please take these items into consideration and the Written Responses to the "Variance Crjteri;�, for Review" in Exhibit B, and respond at your earliest convenience, N� M Exhibit A 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Visit us at www.isri.org, find us on © and at Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc., and follow us on Q @isri The Scrap Recycling Industry: The Original Recyclers From the earliest uses of scrap thousands of years ago, to the optical scanners, x -rays, and air jets separating materials (see bottom image) in today's high - tech shredders, scrap recycling has evolved as the major industry dedicated to transforming materials to create new products and driving economies by making the old, new again. Today, the U.S. scrap recycling industry employs 138,000 men and women. As the original recyclers, for decades — and indeed, centuries — the scrap recycling industry has been purchasing, processing, and brokering old materials to be remade into new products, providing critical resources for America's manufacturing industries. Now, with a continuing societal focus on protecting our natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the scrap recycling industry is being recognized as one of the world's first green industries, while playing a prominent role as an economic leader, job creator, major exporter, and environmental steward. Imagine a world without recycling The world would be a dramatically different place, with more pollution and greenhouse gases, increased energy use, and dramatically faster depletion of our virgin natural resources. The scrap recycling industry annually transforms more than 135 million metric tons of obsolete materials from consumers, businesses, and manufacturers into useful raw materials. Without scrap recycling, more mining and use of virgin natural resources would be required. The world would be headed in a dangerous direction. Scrap recycling protects the earth's air, water, and land, allowing society to have less impact on the planet and directly contributing to our quality of life. made in the of the raw material United States is manufactured using ferrous used to make new paper products comes scrap. from recycled paper. conserves 2.500 saves 3.3 cubic lbs. of iron ore, 1,400 lbs. of coal and 120 yards of landfill space. lbs. of limestone. WT77r comes from domestically recycled aluminum. ' conserves up to five metric tons of bauxite ore and 14 megawatt hours of electricity. using recycled materials versus virgin materials tip to: percent ft percent fc nr!reent fr Sources: EPA, International Aluminum Institute, Recycling Research /nstriule, SRI, USGS. 0 2013 Instiuds of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved ; The Scrap Recycling Industry: Environmental Stewards The U.S. scrap recycling industry, which employs 138,000 men and women, is also a pivotal player in environmental protection, resource conservation, and sustainability. The scrap recycling industry recycled more than 135 million metric tons of materials in 2011, thereby transforming society's outdated and obsolete products and materials into useful raw materials needed to produce new products. In doing so, the scrap recycling industry has made great savings in both energy and natural resources and thus has had an extremely positive impact on our environment. Further, by purchasing products at the end of their life and processing them back into raw materials used in the manufacture of new products, scrap recycling reduces the need for virgin materials, such as iron ore, trees, and other natural resources. Scrap recycling offers real sustainable solutions for balancing economic growth and environmental stewardship. Scrap recycling stimulates economies from small towns in rural America to major cities to international trade. The result is economic and environmental sustainability for our nation and our world. Recycling Saves Energy Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions by significantly saving the amount of energy needed to manufacture the products that we buy, build, and use. The energy saved by recycling can then be used for more important purposes, such as heating our homes and powering our automobiles. The scrap recycling industry takes the job of environmental steward extremely seriously. Visit us at www.isri.org, find us on 10 and IM at Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc., and follow us on Q @isri The total estimated is approximately 500 million tons per year. from scrap recycling globally Source: BIR, U.S. EPA Durable Goods Calculator, WARM Calculator http://epa.gov/climatechangetwycd/wasteAools.html 0 2013 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved One Car 502 Gallons of Gasoline 8,811 1. One Computer & CRT Monitor 27 Gallons of Gasoline 404 lbs. Four Tires 18 Gallons of Gasoline 323 lbs. 1615 L Street, MM NW, Suite 600 10 lbs. of Aluminum Cans 7 Gallons of Gasoline 16 lbs. Washington, DC rd 20036 Visit us at www.isri.org, find us on 10 and IM at Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc., and follow us on Q @isri The total estimated is approximately 500 million tons per year. from scrap recycling globally Source: BIR, U.S. EPA Durable Goods Calculator, WARM Calculator http://epa.gov/climatechangetwycd/wasteAools.html 0 2013 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved WADSWORTH BLVD I MA In f , PA "amp M 2z CA CC 0 Mo z > 4 MA In f , PA aa� 0 W City of at (as required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.D) This is an administrative variance review with a 10-day posting period. Public comments concerning this request are due in writing by 5.00 pm. on June 19, 2014. Administrative Assistant, Communit Dtv� ment artMerlt Y— qtop hereby certify that I mailed a total of 8 letters on June 9 2014 to the attached recipient list. M M City of /ge MUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29` Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE June 9, 2014 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WA- 14 -10, a request for a 3 -foot (50% variance) fence height variance from the 6 -foot height standard, resulting in a 9 -foot height fence on property zoned Mixed Use - Commercial (MU -C) located at 7610 Three Acre Lane. The attached site plan identifies the location of the variance request. The applicant for this case is requesting an administrative variance review which allows no more than a fifty percent (50 %) variance to be granted by the Zoning Administrator without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adiacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2014. Thank you. WA1410.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Site Plan A request for a 3 -foot (50 %) fence height variance from the 6 -foot height standard, resulting in a 9 -foot height fence on property zoned Mixed Use - Commercial (MU- C) located at 7610 Three Acre Lane. Proposed 9 -foot fence iA is Nk THREE ACRE LANE LLC 7610 W. 42 ID AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 PEARMAN TERRI PYELL PATTY S 8030 MARSHALL CIR ARVADA CO 80033 KAISER DAVID J KAISER TAMARA K 7765 THREE ACRE LN a"wlwm�fQ • 9wwp-p9p 4 THREE ACRE LN WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BCS commuNiTy CREDrf UNION PO BOX 1036 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034 CINNA LLC 41 00 AMMONS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HOCKMAN DENNIS 7661 W. 41 Sr AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 YANG THOMAS S YANG SUSAN Y YU CFltJA GIM LAND C/O APPLEWOOD 01 IC" PARK 2700 YOUNGFIELD #280 LAKEWOOD CO 80215-7055 f2l OD {{4 I „. �pp' Y ; �,j q -THE COU rl T A N� III q • P EFFEC 7111 <, PROPL Y MAY N( �I T _ T . �tE T OF A ERT , 74.w @y py CURRENT Tu Tf :> I. : EDGE OF ry �� �Y,,j� T �y RE J$y PY,l'y i§�h: {�� �p q,�+�4a 45 99 1.p 1IiP9w?L Via 0 COLORADO M UST AC TION 2) ACCORDING 7 ' .. - r fi4 N THI T4'7THII4W ,. ' ... �,e T AN ON +� YOU FIRST P : m . 1�6� ,. :.. ..... .... 8AS UP01 ANY DE IN THI SU p F, ... ME _I. .,,.. .. �. E .,_.. ,_ .. ... ,:.._, ^� .... THE Sy,gt�y Op 0.F _ ...... RE TAININ G q l� CONCR R ETAINING C ON C RETE -. g p( : ' ..: 81. y ��yy pq.,,��yyR� C ENTER - . .... . . .....9. �� i g � �$�+y MERIDIAN i9V� R ,yam , :. � � THE : 1!'1. ...... 04 ..... �4 � .: ' __ fU IN hd i�E : :. T �G Ct7 � TE .®6C �; � �Tt T � � s�&4'1� P A N �j � T L �1 . THE ); # 4 I GRAPHIC SCA : I 3 w 40 IN FEET i inch 20 CORNE FNI) MONUMENT FIELD OF SURVEY. IN RA O prepared h y. •; . RUBINO SURVEYING 9150 W. JEWELL. AVE. SUITE 1_ _ < COLOR 232 ( 303 ) 985 -30 p x e � ,