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I'lity of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W 29 Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.2351846 F: 303,235,2857 August 12, 2014 Robert J. Joyce 3061 Union St. 90215 Enclosure: Approval of Variance and Staff Report Cc: A- 14 -1.2 (case file) www.d.wheatridge.co.us 7500 West 29th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 c 303.235.2846 303.235.2857 9 1 NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a request for approval of a 7-foot 5-inch variance (49%) from the 15-foot side yard setback requirement to allow for the construction of a I 0-foot by 26-foot (260-square foot) garage addition in the Residential-One (R -1) zone district (Case No. WA- 14-12 / 3061 Union Street), is granted for the property located at 3061 Union Street, based on the following findings of fact: With the following conditions: 4- City of Wh6at1<,j9e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director DATE: August 11, 2014 CASE MANAGER: Wade Sanner CASE NO. & NAME: WA -14 -12 / 3061 Union Street ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a 7 -foot 5 -inch variance (49 %) from the 15 -foot side yard setback requirement to allow for the construction of a l 0 -foot by 26- foot (260- square foot) garage addition. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3061 Union Street APPLICANT(S): Bob Joyce OWNER(S): Bob Joyce APPROXIMATE AREA: 20,773 square feet (0.48 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential -One (R -1) PRESENT LAND USE: Residential (20,773 square feet) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map 1 .Ab?A Variance Case No. !VA -14 -12 /3061 Union Street All notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to make a decision. I. REQUEST The owner of the single- family residence at 3061 Union Street is requesting a 7 -foot 5 -inch side yard setback variance to allow for the construction of a 260 - square foot garage addition (Exhibit 1, Submittal). The proposed construction would require a 49 %, 7 -foot 5 -inch from the 15 -foot side yard setback requirements for the Residential -One (R -1) zoning district (Exhibit 2, Zoning). The construction of the proposed garage addition into the north side yard setback is to store roofing equipment inside and clean up the property. Though referred to as a garage addition, the structure would be used primarily for storage for the applicant's roofing business, and be attached to the existing garage. Due to the limited space in the garage, the applicant must store his roofing equipment outside on the north side of the home. Recently two ladders were stolen off the property. The property owner would like to build the addition on the north side of the home as there is an existing driveway to the proposed building site. Section 26 -115.0 (Variances and Waivers) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Director of Community Development to decide upon applications for administrative variances from the strict application of the zoning district development standards that are not in excess of fifty (50) percent of the standard. II. CASE ANALYSIS The subject property is located at 3061 Union Street in the southwest corner of Wheat Ridge. The property is zoned Residential -One (R -1) and is part of the Mountain Shadows Subdivision. The property is embedded in an R -I zoned neighborhood, surrounded by single - family homes. Across Union Street to the east is the City of Lakewood. According to the Jefferson County Assessor, the property is 20,773 square feet. The 1,331 square foot home existing on the property was constructed in 1969. The home contains a 506 square foot attached garage and a 126 square foot covered porch. Though it is not listed by the Jefferson County Assessor, from aerial images a storage shed exists in the northwest corner of the property. The lot width and square footage of the property meet the minimum R -1 standards for lot size. The lot is slightly irregular in shape, but the irregularity impacts the rear of the property, away from the proposed addition. The home is in similar size and scale as surrounding properties. Topography The property is located in the middle of a hill which has 30 -foot change in grade from the crest of the hill to Union Street (Exhibit 3, Topography). Due to the property's location on the hill, the topography renders portions of the property unbuildable. On the east (front) of the property, there is a I 0 -foot change in elevation from the front of the house to Union Street. In the rear of the property, there is a gradual 8 -foot change in elevation from the east to west that the property owner has landscaped. Rear Yard Access There is a portion of the rear yard adjacent to the house that is flat and suitable for construction of an accessory building (Exhibit 4, Rear Yard). On the north side of the property, directly adjacent to the proposed garage addition, there is an abrupt 8 -foot drop in elevation from 3061 Union Street and 3071 Union Street. This slope is covered by large amounts of vegetation. Variance Case No. WA -14 -08 / 4005 Holland Street Access along the northern property line to the ear y is problematic, , x , , ff, , c r (E hibt 5� j)?ear,,XqrdAccess). The steep grade, existing chimney, and vegetation create a narrow access from the front of the house to the rear. The width from the northeast comer of the home, adjacent to the garage, to the edge of the pavement is 8 feet. The width from the northwest comer in the rear of the home to the edge of the pavement is 6.5 feet. Access along the southern portion of the house to the rear of the property would require significant amounts of paving from the existing driveway. Two mature trees would need to be removed to provide sufficient space for an access drive. Screening The proposed garage addition would be screened from Union Street with large mature vegetation in the front yard. The garage addition would be screened to the south and west by the existing home, and landscaped areas in the rear of the property. However, the garage addition would be very visible to the adjacent property owner to the north. As discussed earlier, there is a significant grade change making this area of the subject property very prominent on the north side of the property 00#" , . JO 10-Day Posting During the I O-day posting, staff was not contacted by any of the adjacent property owners. Submitted with the application was a signed letter of support from the adjacent property to the north, 111. VARIANCE CRITERIA In order to approve all administrative variance, the Community Development Director must determine that the majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the variance were denied the home would continue to function as a single-t• rn, ily home. Further, external storage would continue to occur on the paved slab on the north side of the home. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 1"ariance 3 Case AT6. ff"A-14-08 / 400.5 Holland Sir 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. According to building case files, the applicant has done significant improvements to the property including: constructing a new enclosed back porch, foundation repair, a new roof, and finishing the basement to the house. The applicant did all renovations with proper approval and permits with the city. The applicant also renovated the adjacent home at 3051 Union Street and did all the improvements to the home with proper permits before selling it. The applicant has invested significant resources into his home and the home to the south. To further improve the property, a variance is needed due to limited access and topographic issues. The construction of a garage attachment would not be possible without the variance. Staff finds this criterion has been met 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. Though the shape of the lot is irregular, the irregularity does not impact the location of the garage addition. The topographical hardships exist due to the property resting on tile northeastern slope of a hill, creating constraints to exterior improvements on the property to the west, north, and east. Due to this significant change in elevation and mature vegetation a significant portion of the property is undevelopable. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. The alleged difficulty and restrictive nature of the property, including lot shape, vegetation and topography are inherent in the property and not created by the property owner. When the home was built in 1969, the home was constructed in its current position and configuration, before the applicant owned the property. Staff finds this criterion has been met. The garage addition would feature prominently to the neighbor to the north. Screening is not possible on this portion of the property as the slope is too steep. However, this property owner Variance 4 Case No. A- 14 -d)8 x`4005 HollandStreet has submitted with the application support of the proposed setback encroachment and the construction of the garage addition. The proposed garage addition would not impede the site distance triangle or increase congestion on public streets. The proposed garage addition does not impair the adequate supply of light and air. It is unclear if the structure would increase surrounding property values in the area. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. The topographic features restricting development necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood. From the crest of the hill all properties within a 700 foot radius are impacted by various slopes. The topography of the surrounding properties results in various irregularly shaped lots. Thus, the constraint to development on the property is not unique to the property but inherent in the neighborhood. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Single- and two- family homes and their accessory buildings are not required to meet building codes pertaining to the accommodation of persons with disabilities. Staff finds this criterion is not .Appli cable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the A rchitectural and Site Design Manual The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to single and two family dwelling units. Staff finds this criterion is not m Having found the application in compliance with a majority of the review criteria, staff recommends APPROVAL of a 7-foot 5-inch variance (49%) from the 15-foot side yard setback requirement to allow for the construction of a I 0-foot by 26 -foot (260-square foot) garage addition. , Staff has found there are unique circumstances attributed to this request that would warrant approval of the variance. Therefore, staff recommends approval for the following reasons: 1. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality 2. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. f'ariance Case,Nlo. 1,1,"A-14-08140t)-51,1(-)IltindStreet With the following conditions: 1. The design and location of the home addition shall be consistent with the attached exhibits. 2. The setback variance applies only to those portions of the home addition along the northern property line. 3. A building permit shall be obtained prior to installation of the garage addition. Variance 6 have Na f& - 14-08 / 40 05 Holland Street Exhibit 1 - Submittals 7900 W.29 Avenue RE Administrative Variance Request for 3061 Union Street Emma= Thank you for your and Meredith's time to discuss m varianc r Kariance 7 Case No, IIA-14-08 / 4005 Holhind So-eel G, These unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property, That is why the Mintken's next door were granted a front setback variance as well as others in the neighborhood to enhance their properties and the use thereof Those enhancements have improved the look of the neighborhood as well as increase property values, their uests to weprade their �#, That is m ciolp intention he (e-, and secure place to store my belongings, J'afitince 8 Case No. 1VA-14-08 / 4005 Holkind Slr•eet Variance Case No. WA -14 -08 / 4005 Holland Street Variance Case No. WA -14 -08 / 4005 Holland Street Metropolitan Appruisers; Inc. txrsrrr aa.^ssrssxteawt #63 avra.txm am�:x axw raga rrea sMr eowrr< axeax a,.t�c..as„ amrrc»a msmsre 9705 EaM Hitippien Awomma, 01 � yy 10 taa h bar mC6 tow err I awws+srvaxs W b NO# "C C'r;ati' + rax °i4'a`3C aCi YRtl &@4 t�� n vC� CTbat� vr+easas,sar biN °.a utASSe %wa $dS @x W &- b *0 #C-- MY V A e aria �w,'-ttaattmrwru nwa wrx:x�rv„x an svaatt crarx�+wvcaarm�z� ata:raxem+sa *1" j" C RT ea;ewa xatc:a,ar. mr e•< •bras rmrtem rm a vr* xa:aux vWW xavttt rurac t. FA �� ^�}�, 2 rtr 1111f P.`tAIKMA S�>x�Xr fwl"'x4T, R' dM1 ^Ri.w�+d"'# Ge.TA: All Basements er JOB : UNI - 3061 Recorded Plat unless BORROWER: Joyce otherwise noted. I MPROVEMENT LOCATION lf6t� �� Vmr�ra $trl is far tillo lxbmsaro"t etaaessmvaoassf isuvfemacm m t 0. Is it.* 1110 teed 61 m aitm taamismction. is of it'.. alateur not �tttt rlca by lonrd tassmrty caaa. net ara rkerr ++rem tsm dun mar�t�t {m l cmrtmtmt {jai +W 1. $6461a1�C laAt$aa68t88q�d81# roa0 ilwemm set aacsscyanlluaa, Ao n0um8 f �axav�y t� rsuSaaarmd$'d 11 attacl #s»tmttuum at twastxassrrttnrmralm aer �.. a d" a ff "ty mesa $ 4W M4. a w en. a • h O "ww�.7PCx:."a�"Y w. p 1A. � �� � i' g, p E Ammo- � �'. ✓� dx r ifi $vim Q� H ".. ° _ . ADDRES 3061 Union Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, TTIock 3, (Per Lender) MOUNTAIN SHADOWS SUBDIVISION FIRST FILING County of JEFFERSON, State of COLORADO. CERTIF I itTaTCEBY CERTIFY THAT °. HIS PRCaVEME T TACATTON CERTIFICATE A PREPARED OR:: 1; LJ H 101 Vi L:r PNATIONAI- MORTGAGE Colt p THAT IT TS NOT TC LAND SURVEY PLAT On IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT A ND T"AT" IT IS NOT TO BE l2E I E D UPON VOR THE 21° 8'AD1a7S$$MENT OF FENCE, E, t3U I I..DI Ca OR O'C'1tpR FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. I $TT.1TEBY CERTIFY THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL ON 1/5/ 1994 EXCEPT UTILITY CONNECTIONS, ARE ENTIRELY WITH— 9 N THE P01ITtiTDAR F E S or THE PARCEL, RXC. °d'TPT AS SHOWN, TUAT THERE ARE NO VISIBL ln:NC7tC:tA fMt NTS ON 'T'"K DESCRIBED 3sREMIS S, EXCEPT AS INDICATED, AND R'4iERE IS NO SAID PAnCEL, EXCEPT VS TIC >"IED. I F'URT'HER CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED TDf.T2EON d J f! `T Cat IS NOT WT "TN A T "TxC"OD "AZAR D fiTL"iE.TFTDARY ITS ACCORDANCE E WI T`H THE CwlTt2$2ENT H.U.D. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP DATED /4/19 TE3 BEARING COMMUN ITY T "TOtrTEL NUMBER 08507 0005 C. Case ?Vv. IFA-14- 08 / 400-5 Holland Street Wade Sanner From: ROBERT JOYCE <joycell.00@rrisn.com� Sent: Friday, June 27, 2034 5:55 AM To Wade Sanner Subject: 3061 Union tfeet Quick Review Please keep in rnind this is just not an ugly shed V going to throw up, i am going to the expense to make it took just like my garage so as to be aesthetically pleasing and blending in with my current structure, I was told during the lengthy permit and building process that the city wants it's residents to be successful in their quests to upgrade their properties. That is my only intention here, to have a good looking and secure place to store my belongings, from here, Thank you for your time and con sicte ration, Vdfiunce 12 CtiseNo. IVA44-08 / 4005 Holland Sti-eel March 28, 2001 Pleas e grant thein their request fc)r a variance. Sincerely, Bob and Stephanic,joyce VVI-I F �T R I 1,)C T", CO I'Op 'k UO C 1 Vciriance Oise Alo, ff'A- 14-08 / 4005 Holkind Stwel 14 . INTgN RESIDENCE - . for .. \ � . . .. .. N .� . . . . ORNE TO BE : >� NEW C § \ . . © W DECK \ \ \ PORCH .. :. . .. /» .. . \ . \ 22 \ / «. � SPOE FMLY � r �e��� .. \� \° »»£« \ ^ .� . .. 22210' . \ ... . . ADDRr�,s!,- 3061 Union Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 3, (Per Lender) MOUNTAIN SHADOWS SUBDIVISION FIRST FILING, County of JEFFERSON, State of COLORADO. * CERTIFICATM; * HEREBY CERTIFY TUAT TITIS IMPROVEMENT LOCATTON CERTIFICATE WAS PREPARED FOR* SUNBELT NATIONAL MORTGAGE CORP. or George G. Haller, PLS #25946 1,"driance 16 CaseAto. 1,1,',1-14-08140()-511oll(indStitet LEGEND ices Residence OR Overhang U E 440fity Easement AC Alt CoaditIO" G E Gas Externe"t w1k wAfh 0 r Dral"Af* Casement Sty Story Car Garage Let Laval lies Driverray Refs Ranch f Framo Sto Storage elk stock Stb Stable Stir Brick *4*t Metat Cott Concrete CL Clothes Lino Asp Asphatt V*m racreachmeat fig flag'Atorto + Plus at Minns Cyt Gravel w* wellfwater) Pat Patio y L Yard Light P patch Fast found S Steep 1 Chiseled Cross or Mark Ch Chtwonty at Tat Pitts ow Day window 0 Pitt, hat or elpf or George G. Haller, PLS #25946 1,"driance 16 CaseAto. 1,1,',1-14-08140()-511oll(indStitet t ":t S t 6 jf rq Std r ?4C E T fF R I • between t of the County of J1RF1?TR9M t tato of rotor , of the first pert, F J. JOYCE and IE w JOY the aboved bargained s lrs the qu,'ot Peaceable s f e" sold parties of the part, the survivor of them, their the the hears e s of s aur°vavor', e ei t &A and every person s r to etei the mettle i n c lude art !her , the sofa Party of the first t shat! Witt �r 4 ER D F EWO i s3 �tCer r shat! the ¢m4aar.el the ptar�aE the si ps =• � f ftEf' the g enders. r Mh use of r shat t be appticab(t to a ll IN IT ES REOF, the said Forty of the first pert her to se; his h wr'stt " seat the day ad d yo&r first ateve h tEla Variance 17 Case A'cr, TIA -14 -0 14005 Holland Street whose Lo addr*$% it, 3061 LVION Sua= rAFEWOOO, COMPAM $0215 of the County of JEFTIM- and State of Worado, of the second part- WITNESSETH, That the said party of th#. first part, for and in comideration of the sum of (*i*$200,000.00) TUD RED THOUSAW DOLLARS AND 00/1001HS Val - Crnc,c, 18 Case Nei. IV - 1 Holland Street t v1 1 - i I ti 3 I i .J �1 ff) + Z Variance 19 Case No. WA-14-0814005 Holland Street The property is slightly irregularly shaped, but the irregularity affects the rear of the property, away from the proposed development. To the east is the city boundary between Wheat Ridge and Lakewood. Variance Case No. WA -14 -08 / 4005 Holland Street Exhibit 1 - Site Location Exhibit 2 — Zoning The subject property is embedded in an R -1 zoned neighborhood, and is surrounded by single - family homes. The home is in similar size and scale as surrounding homes. Variance Case No. WA-14-0814005 Holland Street The house sits in the middle of a hill with a 30 -foot change in grade from the crest of the hill to Union Street. Due to the property's location, the topography renders some portions of the property unbuildable. On the east of the property, there is a 10- foot change in elevation from the front of the house to Union Street. In the rear of the property, there is a gradual 8 -foot change in elevation from the east to west that the property owner has landscaped. Exhibit 3 — Topography Variance Case No. WA -14 -08 / 4005 Holland Street Exhibit 4 — Rear Yard Looking north: There is a portion of the rear property that is relatively flat that could support an accessory structure, but this area of the property is difficult to access and would be built in front of a covered porch. Exhibit 5 - Rear Yard Access Northeast corner of the home looking west: The proposed garage addition will be built on the north side of the home allowing the property owner to store his roofing equipment inside. Due to the steep change in grade to the north and the existing chimney, access to the rear of the property narrows restricting truck access. (Below is the same section of property looking from the east.) Variance Case No. WA -14 -08 14005 Holland Street Aerial: Though difficult to see from this 2014 aerial, the access to the rear of the property is restricted due to grade changes and the existing chimney. Variance 4 Case No. WA -14 -08 14005 Holland Street Looking west: Access to the rear of the yard along the south side of the property is not possible as there exists two trees that would need to be removed, and significant amount of paving would need to occur in a very visible portion of the property. Exhibit 6 - Screening Looking south: The garage addition would be very visible from the adjacent property to the north. Variance 25 Case No. WA -14 -08 / 4005 Holland Street Looking west: The garage addition would be screened from Union Street by a significant amount of vegetation in the front yard of the property. Variance 26 Case No. WA -I4 -08 / 4005 Holland Street CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT MIDGE, COLORADO 8003 °III.: _ w TT : , w l tt tr tit PROPERTY ADDRESS:—.3DaVnjQn DATE,_% CHIET BUILDING OFF 7-ON NIGADMINTIST RA Variance 27 Case Na ff ",4- 14-08 / 4005 Hollcandl Stre?et DEPARTMENT • PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number 1271 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-6933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date � 8/30/1 7600 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, • 80215 - (303-236-2865) Description 3 PHASE PROJECT I- (A to E WA-01-05) KITCHEN REMODEL, 2- POP TOP OVER GARAGE, 3- GARAGE ADDITION NC CASE A BLIILD�NG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy waft PROP, HAS 12* FRONTYARD SETBACK VARIANCE. SEE ATTACHED al of 1 - 5 6-- Roof : Stories Residential Units � Electrical License No 207 3,4 Plumbing License No:21 110 Mechanical License No . 17977 Company :MONTANO ELECTRIC Company .7- -T Plumbing Service, Company: KC A Companies Inc, Expiration Date - 1 2/2W03 Inc Expiration Date : 5R/1996 Approval: OKIKS Expiration Date : 917/02 Approval: Approval okiks (1) " Of coolwo " to t* Zonft (2) &ASWUed is w&perdW 0 (3) tevt beet (Y wC t* mad# in ft 0 it uapmsw 0, s now"Iftn' I a 'C W r�24 ob "hM W bO OMM*d R!, t* ,% PWW #X, 40"20 UMOVal 0, Of OW ONNMIMS VaHance 28 Case No, lf',4- 14-081400.5 11611andStr-eet Propedy Owner Property Address 3071 UNION ST Phone - 233-6065 Contractor License No, 18548 Company Hughes Remodeling Go, Phone 274 8041 ion Value ermit Fee,, $993,76 eview Fee: $64594 Use Tax: $1,500,00 'Total $3,139.0 Description 3 PHASE PROJECT I- (A to E WA-01-05) KITCHEN REMODEL, 2- POP TOP OVER GARAGE, 3- GARAGE ADDITION NC CASE A BLIILD�NG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy waft PROP, HAS 12* FRONTYARD SETBACK VARIANCE. SEE ATTACHED al of 1 - 5 6-- Roof : Stories Residential Units � Electrical License No 207 3,4 Plumbing License No:21 110 Mechanical License No . 17977 Company :MONTANO ELECTRIC Company .7- -T Plumbing Service, Company: KC A Companies Inc, Expiration Date - 1 2/2W03 Inc Expiration Date : 5R/1996 Approval: OKIKS Expiration Date : 917/02 Approval: Approval okiks (1) " Of coolwo " to t* Zonft (2) &ASWUed is w&perdW 0 (3) tevt beet (Y wC t* mad# in ft 0 it uapmsw 0, s now"Iftn' I a 'C W r�24 ob "hM W bO OMM*d R!, t* ,% PWW #X, 40"20 UMOVal 0, Of OW ONNMIMS VaHance 28 Case No, lf',4- 14-081400.5 11611andStr-eet not * support e d ' by found property Car- ner markets was based on analytical correlation of Public improvements and lines of occupation. An actual Property Survey is reconuneded 11 exact locations of froproventents, and deed lines are requited. • 0 DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 3, (Per Lender) MOUNTAIN SHADOWS SUBDIVISION FIRST FILING, County of JEFFERSON, State of COLORADO. I LEGEND Res Residence 0" Overhang U E Utility Easement AC Air Conditioner G E Gas Easement Wilk Walk D E Drainage Easement Sty Story Car Garage Lvl Level Dvy Driveway Bch Ranch Frm Ulk Frame Block Ste Sib Storage Stable Wit Brick Met Metal .......... Con Concrete Cl. Clothes Line 4 % Asp Asphalt Ent Entroathmont Fig Flagstone Plus or Minus . . GO Pat Gravel Patio W* Y L Well(Water) Yard Light . . . ....... 1,JAfiuAry 21, 199 P S Porch Stoop rod + Found Chiseled Cross of Mark BLS #12346 Ch Chimney 0 Tag or Plug or George G. Haller, PL S #25946 OW Bay Window a Pin,flebar or Pipe I ♦ • ! * ♦ i ea 0. 7 r I I i i is • wII�M► MOUNT DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 3, (Per Lender) SHAD C ounty of " COLORADO h 8 rwR Ys • I 40 40 40 n I 4 z C. 0 > E- Z C. w 0 cn 0 4=-; cz > � , CQ H t GS 4 tj to; r4 E-4 E-4 Z > W 04 E E-4 0 ul Ya in A Z E 0 E ti z E- a Z a m f:4 � C4 Z E W 4 t '=" W V -,4 . ww f . tj �4 �4 0 Cl) 0 Z r-4 V 41 H 9 0 40 40 40 n I 0 > E- Z 0 cn 0 cz � , CQ H r4 E-4 E-4 Z > W 04 E E-4 P" 0-4 0 Z E 0 E > C E- 0 Z Z Z a m f:4 � C4 Z E $ z 0 Z - H E C� z c E4 • > E C) 0 P4 H 0 Z C4 0 w 9w H H 44 Z &4 C-4 C� z H > z w H 0 E go z 0 rr 44 E- 0 Z E- E-4 0 E- rZ4 U Z H H u 44 > E--i 1.4 Q 0 z C4- �t4 S-i s::� E--i U 0 H (3) 2: *= -Z M 4-) mom U. E.4 E-4 z E- 4 P. 4 > H M zz 4-) 1-4 ik zo o m z z l< z w > c < m �t 0 z � g W z z 0 rZ4 H > rZ4 C- rZI, C-4 rH c w 4 w t-D u z 0 u z ✓ m Ln M -P r--4 4-4 w l z Cl) c o z 0 4-) z 4J �D 0 0 0 >4 a 1 0 , 4 1 cr, ctl 4 Z U U 2 W — 0 Z X CIO n z z 124 z z > c1r =� :Z4 W r4 E-4 z CZ C: 04 a) u z $::w < E-4 o E-i cn u 04 H ::) w z z a4 < Case No. WA1412 Date Received RelatedCases, Case Manner "S a nr' r re 1017 request for approval of a 7-foot, 5•inch variance (49%) from the 1 5-foot side yard setback requirement to allow for the ..... Case Descript' construction of a 10-foot by 26-foot(260-squafe foot] garage addition resulting in a 8-foot, 7inch side setback in the RI zone district. CDBO10518 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICAT104 FEES 2011.00 P RECEIVED AMOU147 CHECK: 6657 Name RobetkJ Joyce Name Phone 1303) 905 2011. @A Address �'3061 Union St. city .. ...... .. Z State 1 C0 � iP i80215- 9#wev /A&VzVj0i?W Name Robert j.joyce Name . ........ . ...... .. . .... . . ... .... ..... — . ....... Phone J303) 905-1100 Address ;3081 Union "§C' City State Zip Name Ao6ari'i'J'0 Nam Phone Address coy eat Ridge ........ ... State IP :8021$ - --- ------- Address : j061 Street � St. city z S '8'-0-'21'5' . .... .. , t Ridge S ZO Zip Location Description Protect Name Parcel No Qtr Section District No Parcel No 392940703 . .... ...... -294-07-035 QtfSection: SE2§"' District No�: lld ----- --- ---- - ------- Pre App Date Neighborhood Meeting Date App No: Review Type Review 84 Review Date Disposition Comments Report Revi ew 0, .... . ...... . . . ......... .............. Case Disposition pate ate Conditions of Approval Notes Res # Ord# Status "p d en Storage: City of Wheat Ridge 07/17/2014 M07 CUB 2"AING APPLICATION MiS CDBO10518 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICAT104 FEES 2011.00 P RECEIVED AMOU147 CHECK: 6657 208.00 TOTAL 2011. @A (Please print or type all information) Applicant Cit Owner City_ t 'I '10, 5 Addres Phone State Zip Fax Address State 0 ■ Contact Phone---, City State---- Zip _ __ Fax (" he person listed as contact will fie contacted to answer questions regarding this application. provide additional infor rnation _NvIien necessary. post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public I learing. and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner,) Location of request (address): 'C: Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements, • incomplete applications will not be accepted. 0 Change of zone or zone conditions C3 Special Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) 0 Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign 0 1,ot Line Adjustment: 0 Concept Plan approval )R Variance/Waiver (from Section 0 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 1 0 Other:---- Detailed descripti n of request: City of -1R Wh6atp,,d ie COMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT C'it} of Wheat Ridge Nfunic:ipal Building 7500 W. 2(Y' ,Awe. Wheat Ridge. CO 13(1()33 -8001 I': Io 1. 35,284(i F: 303.2 35.2857 Submittal Checklist - Variances administrative and non - administrative Project Na Project Location Applicant: Date: Project Planner: Fee Paid: Information to be submitted and accepted with variance applications Plan: I. Completed, notarized application 2. Fee - 3. Proof ofi ownership (deed) 4. Poorer of Attorney (if an went is acting for property owner) 5. Written request including; justification for this request as responses to the evaluation criteria 6. Survey or Improvement Location Certificate for the property. 7. Proposed building elevations As al)lVicant,fi r• this project, 1 herebj, ensure that all tY`the above requirements have been included with this ulunittul. I frill , understand that if otty one cif the items li.stecl on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed fin- Ott r vr "eiv. In addition, I understand that in the event ant revision, need to be made after the second ( ° '" r ) frill review, I will be subject to the up1plicuble re.sulunittal Signature: [date: Name (please print )T Phone: ww- °.ei.ww heat ridge.co.os City of Wheat Ridge N I was told during the lengthy building process that the city wants its residents to be successful in their quests to upgrade their properties. That is my only intention here, to have a good looking and secure place • store my belongings. City of Wheat Ridge Wade Sanner, Planner 1 7900 W.29 Avenue Wheat Rid e. CO 80033 Y" WfTe — L -, #7t - TWFsS mtTlartance request or 3 , 1 ' S order to build an 10' X 26'extension to my garage. I had initially designed a bigger addition but scaled it down to accommodate the setback requirements. The addition would architecturally match my existing house. The addition would be V lower than the existing structure and setback 2' to give it dimension. The small overhead door would exactly match the existing garage door in style and color. G. These unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. That is why the Mintken's next door were granted a front setback variance as well as others in the neighborhood to enhance their properties and the use thereof. Those enhancements have improved the took of the neighborhood as well as increase property values. I tieS W 1 IRC IS ITI J Uri q I I it Inturl nere, to nave a g 0 11 Mgg'p 'ro 77'r My and secure place to store my belongings. 11111lill lji;Iili 11111 Iili;plilrl:111 • MEN � � /� ,A ww 6 ANA a � . � ` W� �� » Ir �` k wy jt:4 77 Wade Sanner From: ROBERT JOYCE <joyceI100@rnsn.corn> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 5:55 AM To: Wade Sanner Subject: 3061 Union Street Quick Review My name is Robert Joyce and I live at 3061 Union Street. I met you last Thursday June 19th when you Please keep in mind this is just not an ugly shed I'm going to throw up. I am going to the expense to make it look just like my garage so as to be aesthetically pleasing and blending in with my current structure. I was told during the lengthy permit and building process that the city wants it's residents to be successful in their quests to upgrade their properties. That is my only intention here, to have a good looking and secu place to store my belongings. 1 D OF�KeUale UJI. Trollo granT Me a snort meeting to discuss this turther and how to move forward from here, Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, July 1, 2€}14 Plannin and Dev eoptrient Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 2 ' Avenue Wheat Ride:, CO 80215 To whom it may concern: Robert Joyce at 3061 Union Street has approached gas explaining his desire to recut a variance in order to build a garage addition. He explained that he would need a 501/o variance into the cnw 15 -foot setback. Having seen the Mans we support his desire to seek a variance in the code.. The addition would not affect our property whatsomer and the addition would improve property values as well as us not having to look at all his "s ' Please grant hire his request for the variance, Sincerely, I Paul and Stag Ntintken v . I WwKqw-v City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 'fo Whom It May Concern: Please grant them their request for a variance. Sincerely, Bob and Stephanie Joyce 3061 UNION STREFT WHIPAT RIDCP-, COLORADO 9021; RECEPTION NO. 94021121 25.00 RECORDED IN COUNTY O JEFFERSON STATE OF :OLORADO 1/31/94 14:10 Im Im THIS DEED , made this day of January 27, 1994 between D t# ° t M and MONEW � P. of the County of E. »rrw and State of c o t orado , o th e f i rs t pa ROBERT J. JOYCE and SIEPHANIE A. JOYCE FI LING ST wh ose t addre i 3061 • E LWWOD, COLORADO 80215 of the County of ' ' li and State of Colorado, of the se p WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in cohsjd O f th Sun of (***$200,000.00) a nd o good i # : # vatuab cons to th e sa par ; .. # pa b the said parties of th second part, the receipt whereof is #..' c on f essed and ac knowledged, hai granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, ax by these presents does grant, bargain, Salt, convey and confirm unto the Said parties of assigns forever, x it the fe)ltowing described lot or parcel of Land, tying .i: n in tenancy in comwon #:., j MM" be C o f f State of cotored t w it : and the aboved bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession 0 said parties of the second part, the survivor them, their assigns mid the heirs mid assigns of such su rv i vor, a gainst aA an ever per o r pe rs o ns sin or to ctaim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the"first part Shalt and witt WARRANT AND f #. t he p p fi DEFEND. Th 10 WITNESS WHEREOF. the ! par o f th fi pa rt has hereunt se: his i .y # `,: y and year first abo written. vel Signed, Seated end Oativered in the Presence of (SEAL) whose legal address is 3 061 UNION STR o f the County of JT 2T7KRS0 K WITRESSETH, That the . .. k part, consideration • second .f (***$200,000.00 and other good and valuable consideration to the said party of the f r t t in h id by the id rti of e second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and a te I S Par and P& $a pa es th auiow doed, has granted. bargained, sold i these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto th said parties of the second conveyed, and p ar t , and lying and being in the County of J EFFER SON f descr R or parce O f I I. R aboved bar prem q ♦ p possess o s par o th e secon par surviv o f them, their assigns mid the heirs and assigns of such survivor, against a ll and every person or pers la cl k ♦ t.. t . FOR D EFEN D . num singular inclu t p lural, be app icable to at I, gen IN WITNESS WHERE th sa party o f the first part has hereunto set his hand and seat the day and year first above Signed, Seated and Delivered in the Presence of RA��I � 11 (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) The foregoing instrumt was acknowledged before me this day of LTarim 27,, 1994 Form 921A COWMER WARRANTY DEED - To Joint Tenants 4 « .t D18556.0399323 B0399323 3061 Union St - Google Maps t x Page I of I fi le:/HC:/Users/Bob/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/Z8KYBETX.htm 6/13/2014 MW - A l may. N City of Wheat jgc City of Wheat �idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29''' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE July 17, 2014 Dear Property Owner This is to inform you of Case No. WA- 14 -12, a request for approval of a 4 -foot (27 %) variance from the 15 -foot side yard setback requirement to allow for the construction of a 21 -foot by 13 -foot (273- square foot) home addition at property located at 3061 Union Street. The attached aerial photo identifies the location of the variance request. The applicant for this case is requesting an administrative variance review which allows no more than a fifty percent (50 %) variance to be granted by the Zoning Administrator without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent yrouerty owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on July 28, 2014. Thank you. W A 1412.doc w�%%N xi.%cheatridge.coms Site Plan r A request for approval of a 4 -foot (27 %) variance from the 15 -foot side yard setback requirement to allow for the construction of a 21 -foot by 13 -foot (273 - square foot) home addition at property located at 3061 Union Street. Site A $�° � e■ - 30 71 UNION S» WH RID , CO 8» CHANJAMES CHANJENNY MO SHA DO W S WHE AT O SCRUGGS JAY ■ HANSON JOHN SEKIRNJAK CHRISTIAN 3082 MOUNTAIN SHA DOWS ■< HANSON ILENE R SEKIRNJAK D EBORAH W HEAT - ■ O 80215 307 MOUNTAIN SHAD§ DR 3051 UN W HEAT ! ■ CO 802 WHE R C