HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP-14-04City of Wh6atf)s COMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303235.2846 F: 303,2352857 August 13, 2014 Kareern Moosavi 11 15 S. Flower Cir, Lakewood, CO 80232 Dear Mr. Moosavi: Enclosed please find a copy of the Special Use Pen-nit Approval to allow a change in ownership of an existing vehicle sales facility on property zoned C-1 located at 12301 W. 44"' Avenue. If you have not done so already, please remove the posting signs associated with this case from the property. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Enclosure: Approval of Special Use Permit Cc: SUP-14-04 (case file) www.ci.wheatridge.coms City of dg COMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 3012352857 Approval of Special Use Permit WHEREAS, an application for a Special Use Permit was submitted for a change of ownership o f an existing vehicle sales facility on property zoned C- I located at 12301 W. 44 ffi Avenue, referenced as Case No. SUP] 4-04; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Special Use Permit relying on criteria listed in Sections 26-114 and 1 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and 1(Tfr9Wt=YU0TC7fIons regardin,. NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Special Use Permit for a change of ownership of an existing vehicle sales facility on property zoned C-1, is granted for the property located at 12301 W. 44 th Avenue based on the following findings of fact: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: SUP- 14- 04/Moovasi DATE OF MEETING: N/A (Administrative Review) ACTION REQUESTED: Request for Special Use Permit to allow a change in ownership for a vehicle sales lot LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12301 W. 44` Avenue APPLICANT: Kareem Moovasi 1115 S. Flower Circle Lakewood, CO 80232 APPROXIMATE AREA: 13,250 square feet PRESENT ZONING: Commercial -One (C -1) ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE (X) ZONING ORDINANCE ( ) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Site SUP -14 -04 /Moovasi All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make a determination regarding this request. MEMEMSM The applicant is requesting approval of a change of conditions to an existing Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow the change of ownership of an existing vehicle sales facility on property zoned C -1 located at 12301 W.44 Avenue. Section 26-204 (zone district use schedule) of the Zoning and Development Code prescribes th vehicle sales lots in the C- I zone district must received approval of a special use pen-nit. i Case No. SUP-03-02 (Exhibit 1, site plan) was a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a vehicle sales lot on the subject property. The SUP was granted in June of 2003 with the following conditions: The current property owner is in the position of selling the property; however, due to the licensing restriction, a modified SUP is required to continue use of the vehicle sales lot by a different party. Pursuant to Section 26-114 of the Code of Laws, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for administrative special use approval, without requirement for a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: SUP-14-04IMoovasi 2 The Community Development Director can impose conditions or stipulations upon the approval, which may include physical design, operational, and maintenance considerations to ensure compliance with the criteria for review. The Community Development Director shall also decide the following: I . Whether the SUP runs with the land in perpetuity; or, 2. Whether the SUP is personal to the applicant and may or may not be inherited; and/or, 3. Whether the SUP is granted only for a defined period, after which time the special use shall expire unless renewed subject to all of the requirements of this section The property is .32 acres in size and is located on the northwest comer of W. 40 Avenue and the abandoned 1-70 off ramps right-of-way. There is an existing block structure roughly 1 square feet in size located on the very rear (northern) portion of the property. The rest of the property is paved and access is via a single curb cut to 44 Avenue. No changes are proposed for the property. Before an administrative special use is approved, the applicant shall show and the Community Development Director shall find that the proposed special use meets the following criteria: 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The property in question has historically been utilized for vehicle sales. No substantial changes are proposed to the site. This criterion has been met. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. The property has been utilized since 2003 as a vehicle sales lot. The change of conditions to modify the licensing should not impact the neighborhood by contributing to blight. This criterion has been met. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existil zoning for the property. The site conditions will not change; therefore, there should be no impact on light, air or water to adjacent properties. The property is bounded on the north by a mini-storage facility with I- 70 beyond. The vacant right-of-way for the relocated 1-70 oil/off ramps abut the property on the east. In light of the proximity to 1-70, there should be concern for increased noise pollution. This criterion has been met. SUP-14-04IMoovasi 3 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service of internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. No changes are proposed to the existing access to W. 44 Avenue and the new owner will have to provide adequate employee and customer parking on-site. Emergency vehicle access will be required to be maintained as directed by the Arvada Fire Protection District. This access way will be a 20' wide access from 44 Avenue to the building. This criterion has been met. 5. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with t character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. This criterion has been met. 6. The special use will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services, All utility agencies are currently serving the property. There will be no impact to parks or schools. This criterion has been met. 7. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. A search of the City's code enforcement record has shown that there was a sign code violation warning notice issued to the property owners in 1999. The violation was abated in a reasonable time period (approximately one month). To staff s knowledge, there have be no violations of the existing SUP conditions. This criterion has been met. 8. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth the Architectural and Site Design Manual. i No changes are occurring to the property therefore compliance with the ASDM is not relevant. S(.,'P- I 4-04IMooipasi 4 This criterion is not applicable. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on July 30, 2014. There were no attendees from the neighborhood. (Exhibits 2, neighborhood meeting recap). Referrals were sent out to impacted agencies with a limited response. Staff received comments back from the Arvada Fire Protection District which confirmed their ability to continue to serve the property. Wheat Ridge Public Works and Police commented that they had no concerns. Based on the criteria used to evaluate a special use request, Staff recommends approval of Case No. SLIP- 12 -04, a request for approval of change of ownership of an existing special use permit for property located at 12301 W. 44"' Avenue with the following findings of fact: SUP-14-04IMoovasi 5 y L r 11 4 �x" 1? M 9 9 OW NERS SPMAR USE KRM(T TTS MICHAEL 1, w000ww MTE, PLAN Rn o WOODWARD r4aw tx ** A ,, mx 0 WYK""5 AARY iNLT. Cf°T M'94tMR, T C4,ALORA I x , ,, , , z „ h 9 A g r Y. : x m M�wnwwt� r a x u 3 No S # : r $ , « y fi y t AV r T a Y w. , l "i�h w v�.Mw'n. eaww �B. w�. +mm r. u •+rrwA un n r.an «wnrv�. r aMw�un x rar+w.0 i ww.«.+w,r» +nxwua -• nr�. «w.x*oa^ ..§ ,.a u. .. »n.w.wo� a»ewmrv�m tm r y L r 11 4 �x" 1? M 9 9 OW NERS SPMAR USE KRM(T TTS MICHAEL 1, w000ww MTE, PLAN Rn o WOODWARD r4aw tx ** A ,, mx 0 WYK""5 AARY iNLT. Cf°T M'94tMR, T C4,ALORA I x , ,, , , z „ h 9 k y S # : r $ , « y fi y t y L r 11 4 �x" 1? M 9 9 OW NERS SPMAR USE KRM(T TTS MICHAEL 1, w000ww MTE, PLAN Rn o WOODWARD r4aw tx ** A ,, mx 0 WYK""5 AARY iNLT. Cf°T M'94tMR, T C4,ALORA I x , ,, , , z „ k 8 S # : r $ , « y fi y t AV City of Wh6at!L�dgie City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 301235.2857 I City Staff Present: Location of meeting: U��� Existing Zoning: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner • Second floor conference roorn 7500 W. 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, • 80033 Kareen Moovasi 1 115 S. Flower Circle Lakewood, CO 80232 I= C - 1, Commercial-One Community Commercial Center Applicant's Proposal: The buyer of the property is requesting approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the transfer of ownership for an existing vehicle sales lot. No site modifications will be made to the property. Existing Conditions: The property is .32 acres in size and is located on the northwest corner of W. 44"' Avenue and the 1-70 on and off ramps. There is an existing block structure roughly 1 square feet in size located on the very rear (northern) portion of the property. The rest of the property is paved and access is via a single curb cut to 44"' Avenue. Exhibit 2 www.d.wheatridge.coms 0 City of Wh6atRid (as required pursuant • Code Section 26-109.D) This is an administrative variance review with a 10-day posting period. Public comments concerning this request are due in writing by 5:00 pm. on August 11, 201 113 I Administrative Assistant, hereby certify that I mailed a total • 4 letters on to the attached recipient list. City of Wheat j COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29` Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE August 1, 2014 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. SUP- 14 -04, a request for a special use permit for approval of a change of ownership for a vehicle sales lot in the Commercial One (C -1) zone district located at 12301 W. 44 Ave. Pursuant to Section 26 -114 of the City Code, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303- 235 -2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on August 11, 2014. Thank you. SUP1404.doc www.d.wheatridge.co.us VICINITY MAP Site PARTNERSHIP VII LTD CIO DEPT PT • 27272 • BOX 25025 GLENDALE CA 91201 "0 1 ,P a�� 3� Kim Wag2oner From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:02 PM To: Kim Waggoner Subject: noticing The notice tomorrow will be for a SUP for a change ownership for a vehicle sales lot in C-1 zoning at 12301 W, 44"', i ■ in I ", lo I'v °t • w • • • • • • • • wwo a► • • • • t33 i ■ in I ", lo I'v °t • w • • • • • • • • wwo a► • • • • City of Wheat e �Com Y DEVELOP MENT Standard Schedule What is a Special Use? Special uses are discretionary uses which, if properly designed, developed, operated, and maintained may be approved in a zone district where the special use is permitted. The primary issues to be addressed are those related to the justification of need and special design, as well as operational considerations which mitigate the potential detrimental impacts on surrounding land uses, the street system, and public services or facilities. A special use permit can be granted administratively by the Community Development Director or by City Council. Special use approvals can be vested with the land in perpetuity, can be granted only to the applicant, or can be for a specific period of time. Obtaining a special use approval can take as little as two months or as long as four months depending on the nature of the request and whether an administrative approval occurs. Special Use Permit Criteria Before a special use permit is approved, the applicant will demonstrate that the following criteria have been met: • Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. • Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. • Will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. • Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. • Is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. • Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. • There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/ or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. • Will be in compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Step 1: Pre - application Meeting Step 2: I E __ -_ Neighborhood Meeting - _ .. -- - -- _ Step 3: i Submit Complete Application Step 4: ' Staff Review, Referral (Typically 15 days) Step 5: Comments to Applicant Changes Necessary? Yes Community Development Department - 303 - 235 -2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Step 6: 10 day noticing Aerial Zoning Map I � S1 12301 W 44th AvenuelMoosavi Proposed change in vehicle sales lot ownership in C-1 is required to receive a special use permit (SUP) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE j Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: P Job Address: /_ 4ff-Y j,c, yy Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time '� A M EM Re- Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, call for re- Inspection at 303 -234 -5933 Date: ;V// � V Inspector: CO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE lA0 7 A' —�3C/' X13 3 r v Lu _ 4 OUR. 1.6 i 7 Von= pmmir=m r 4 �VMC*LS44 la % I "� fllIDJQX vh pi 1 mqw . . . . . . . . . . Opt a if 4. W, _.L 'om - taw isiab app MY Wsm"s bh'Y sm - woutmoo TO aft a . vraf(— F¢orq t? F i I i f t 1 t► RAP =OSTAU LAS 'L1tjb� Tee ."AfW 0 � � WNE4t 4 l0h Wh `Ri Building Department BUILftINO ORFICIAL, w t:, validity cf pKrn The fssuanoe of a permit VaPPWBI of Plans, 41 "fKatrons and oompuja!iorts shalt not be a perm4 for, or an approval Oi. WY vic> 3Piln to any of the �rovisims of the building oode or of any City ad -; nr es. perms presurr I jg , to give ", "n!y it wotate or r awv! the piv isms of the bu�dlag "odes or dhed ±f�Md' rr� n� the N't he Yalfd i i . 1 t i f 7'9 Or ' 1 - x � y 2 -c. to FW InSPeCir0 Wire RIdge Suilding Depi. Des: �= Plan .rhea�cer Work shall comply With 2006 'PC, MC, IFGC, IFC, 2001 NEC and any applicable Cite of Aiheat Ridge Municipal Codas. ti ' 4 City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Remodel PERMIT - 201301507 PERMIT NO: 201301507 ISSUED: 11/04/2013 JOB ADDRESS: 12301 W 44th AVE EXPIRES: 11/04/2014 JOB DESCRIPTION: Bring restroom into ADA compliance with larger door and ramp. * ** CONTACTS * ** OWNER (303)898 -9005 IHLE MARY L / WOODWARD MICHAEL * ** PARCEL INFO * ** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: / SUBDIVISION CODE: 112 / BLOCK /LOT#: 0 / * ** FEE SUMMARY * ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 500.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Permit Fee 26.50 Plan Review Fee 17.23 jj�X Use Tax 9.00 ** TOTAL ** 52.73 * ** COMMENTS * ** * ** CONDITIONS * ** KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2011 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanyingg approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authonzed by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this ernut and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with thispemut. 1 furtlicr attest that I am leggally authorized to include alt entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed, an� that all ytprk to b�perfo�ed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. 11-4 Signature of�r CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying p lans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one -half of the originalpennit fee. 3. if this permit expires, a new pernut may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and rocedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Off' and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change, of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. S. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable cod�or any ogdinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Cgcf Buifdhg Official Date REQUESTS MMU BE MADE BY 3P14 ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION TUZ TOWMING BUSINESS DAY, _"Ps' e'. >/9'//91 vraf(— F¢orq t? F i I i f t 1 t► RAP =OSTAU LAS 'L1tjb� Tee ."AfW 0 � � WNE4t 4 l0h Wh `Ri Building Department BUILftINO ORFICIAL, w t:, validity cf pKrn The fssuanoe of a permit VaPPWBI of Plans, 41 "fKatrons and oompuja!iorts shalt not be a perm4 for, or an approval Oi. WY vic> 3Piln to any of the �rovisims of the building oode or of any City ad -; nr es. perms presurr I jg , to give ", "n!y it wotate or r awv! the piv isms of the bu�dlag "odes or dhed ±f�Md' rr� n� the N't he Yalfd i i . 1 t i f 7'9 Or ' 1 - x � y 2 -c. to FW InSPeCir0 Wire RIdge Suilding Depi. Des: �= Plan .rhea�cer Work shall comply With 2006 'PC, MC, IFGC, IFC, 2001 NEC and any applicable Cite of Aiheat Ridge Municipal Codas. CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 4355 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12351 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RE ENT /TENANT 4330 VIVI ST WHEAT R GE CO 80033 CURRENT R DENT /TENANT 4340 VIV ST WHEA IDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12301 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT VACANT, LAND 0 j CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12410 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 4350 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 4385 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RE DENT /TENANT 12200 W 44 AVE WHEAT IDGE CO 80033 CURRENT ENT /TENANT VACAN AND WHEA IDGE CO 80033 CURRENT R ENT /TENANT 12100 W H AVE WHE RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12151 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12190 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12280 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RES DENT /TENANT 12390 W 44 HAVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 I CURRENT SIDENT /TENANT 12400 W 4 H AVE WHEAT GE CO 80033 CURRENT DENT /TENANT 4415 WA RD WHEA IDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12505 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT SIDENT/TENANT 4400 WA RD WHEA IDGE CO 80033 CURRENT R IDENT /TENANT 12420 W 4JZ AVE WHEAT DGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12150 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT IDENT /TENANT 12392 4TH AVE WH T RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12430 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURR� IDENT /TENANT VA D J CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 12300 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT IDENT /TENANT 4365 VI N ST WHE RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 4300 WRIGHT ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MOSS RUBY M 2943 ADOBE DR FORT COLLINS CO 80525 PUBLIC STORAGE EURO PARTNERSHIP VII LTD % DEPT PT CO 27272 PO BOX 25025 GLENDALE CA 91201 ANDERSON CURTIS A ANDERSON NANCY L 4330 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COLLYER BEVERLY E BONGER 4340 VIVIAN ST WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 IHLE MARY L WOODWARD MICHAEL WOODWARD CHERYL 6662 XENON DR ARVADA CO 80004 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 1600 BLAKE ST DENVER CO 80202 FRISK ENTERPRISES LLC 4400 WARD RD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LD HOSPITALITY INC 12100 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HPT TA PROPERTIES TRUST % TAX DEPT 24601 CENTER RIDGE RD WESTLAKE OH 44145 NOTCH DEBORAH J 16550 WILD PLUM CIR MORRISON CO 80465 BECCERA ABNERS BECCERA YVONNE M 9699 W 75TH AVE ARVADA CO 80005 FRISK JAMES A 12390 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CHRISTENSEN JAN M SIMONS WILLIAM J CHRISTENSEN JAN M PERSONAL 12400 W 44TH AVE REPRESENTATIVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7303 ELLIS ST ARVADA CO 80005 EHLEY CHARLES D EHLEY MISTY L 2364 S ACOMA ST DENVER CO 80223 CLASSIC TRAILER SALES INC 4415 WARD RD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FOELLMER TOM J FOELLMER VERONICA S 11755 W 20TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80215 CUNNINGHAM RONALD L CUNNINGHAM GLORIA E 12200 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 REED INC 8808 MILITARY RD OMAHA NE 66134 CROTTY MICHAEL D 12420 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LEGEND PROPERTIES LLC 3650 VANCE ST I WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SYTSMA NANCY 12392 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 44TH OPPORTUNITY I LLC P O BOX 16097 GOLDEN CO 80402 SIGRIST DAVE 2348 K 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 VALERO DIAMOND METRO INC % REAL ESTATE DEPT I VALERO WAY SAN ANTONIO TX 78249 CHRISTENSEN MARTIN D 4365 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Owner 1 lOwner 2 Owner 3 lCompany Mailing Address St Stmet Name IType jUnit City Zip Property Address t Street Name Type City State 23P Use MOSS RUBY M 2943 ADOBE DR FORTCOLUNS 80525 4355 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033'RESID WARD RD WHEAT RIDGE VACANTLAND WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 _ FRISK ENTERPRISES LLC 4400 80033 FRISK ENTERPRISES LLC 4400 WARD RD WHEAT RIDGE rCA 80033 4400 WARD RD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR PUBLICSTORAGEEUROPARTNERSHIPVII %DEPT PT 0027272 PO BOX 25025 GLENDALE 91201 12351 W 44TH AVE WHEATRIDGE CO 80033'COMMR LD HOSPITALITY INC 12100 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE 80033 12100 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR CROTTY MICHAEL D 12420 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE 80033 12420 W 44TH AV E WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID ANDERSON CURTIS A ANDERSON NANCY L 43301 IVIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4330 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID HPTTAPROPERTIESTRUST 1% TAX DEPT 24601 CENTER RIDGE RD WESTLAKE OH 44145 12151 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR LEGEND PROPERTIES LLC 3650 vANCE 4340 VIVIAN 16550 WILD PLUM ST 1 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 12150 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR COLLYER BEVERLY E BONGER ST CIR WHEATRIDGE MORRISON CO CO 80033 80465 4340 12190 W VIVIAN 44TH ST AVE WHEAT RIDGE WHEAT RIDGE CO CO 80033 RESID 80033 COMMR NOTCH DEBORAH SYTSMA NANCY 12392 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 12392 W 44TH AVE WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 RESID IHLE MARY L WOODWARD MICHAEL WOODWAR 6662 XENON DR ARVADA CO 80004 12301 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR BECCERA ABNER S BECCERA YVONNE M 9699 W 75TH AVE ARVADA CO 80005 12280 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR 44TH OPPORTUNITY I LLC P 0 BOX 16097 GOLDEN CO 80402 12430 W 44TH jAvE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033�11ESID REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 1600 BLAKE ST DENVER CO 80202 VACANTLAND FRISKJAMESA 12390 W 44TH AVE 1WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 12390 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SIGRIST DAVE 2348 K 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 VACANT LAND CHRISTENSEN JAN M CHRISTENSEN JAN M PERSONAL REF 7303 ELLIS ST ARVADA CO 80005 12410 W 44TH AVE JWHOCT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SIMONS WILLIAM 1 12400 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 12400 W 44TH AVE 1WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID VALERO DIAMOND METRO INC 1 VALERO % REAL ESTATE DEPT WAY SAN ANTONIO TX 78249 12300 W 44TH AVE 1WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR EHLEY CHARLES D EHLEY MISTY L 2364 ACOMA ST RD DENVER WHEAT RIDGE CO CO 80223 80033 4350 4415 IVIVIAN WARD ST RD WHEAT RIDGE WHEAT RIDGE CO CO 80033 80033 RESID COMMR CLASSIC TRAILER SALES INC 4415 WARD 4365 VIVIAN CHRISTENSEN MARTIN D ST W HEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4365 VIVIAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESOD FOELLMER TOM 1 IFOELLMER VERONICA S 11755 W 20TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80215 4385 VIVIAN Si WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID REED INC 8808 MILITARY RD OMAHA NE 66134 12505 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO SM33 COMMR 7303 ELLIS ST Ico 80005 4300 WRIGHT 5T WHEAT RIDGE ICO I 80033 COMMR CHRISTENSEN JAN M CH RISTENSEN JAN M PERSONAL REP ARVADA 12200 W 44TH AVE 11 80033 12200'W _ 44TH JAVE WHEAT RIDGE ICO I 80033 RESID CUNNINGHAM RONALD L CUNNINGHAM GLORIA E WHEAT RIDGE ag a8 LITY of Wheat Ridqe 00lh/�Nl4 �:� �� ZO, ING APIPLIC'TDON F�E8 CDA01 0189 AMO0NT FMS0 �QNIN8 APPL�C�TIUN F�ES 101.00 PNY #T R[CElVEED AAlOUNT CHEM 3711 10�.00 TOTAL --------------- -------------- Meredith Reckert From: Kim Waggoner Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 3:15 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: POD Importance: High Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Ken Moosavi 303 - 667 -1852 12301 W. 44 Ave J Zoned C -1 Vehicle /Trailer sales V � SUP -03 -02 / Vehicle sales lot / APPROVED with the following conditions: 1) The special use shall be a grant of use to run in perpetuity with the property, unless it is included as part of an overall redevelopment plan of aggregated, adjacent properties. 2) The use of the property shall remain in compliance with the submitted application materials and site development plan. 3) Hours of operation shall be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. 4) Vehicle sales shall be limited to cars, trucks and motorcycles. No RV, boat, trailer or personal watercraft sales shall occur. 5) Freestanding signage on the property will be limited to the existing freestanding sign. SUP -09 -01 /Trailer Sales /APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. The special use shall be a grant of use to the property owner and cannot be inherited. 2. The use of the property shall remain in compliance with the previously submitted application materials and site development plan, including the continued maintenance of two existing landscaped islands. 3. Hours of operation shall be 9 am to 7 pm, M -F, and 9 am to 6 pm on Saturday & Sunday. 4. Sales shall be limited to vehicles including cars, trucks, motorcycles, RV's, trailers, boats and personal watercraft. 5. Freestanding signage on the property will be limited to the existing freestanding sign. 6. The parking and display of vehicles for sales shall not impair the sight distance triangles for the driveway and off - ramp. 7. Emergency access shall be maintained pursuant to standards required by the Arvada Fire Protection District. With this information, I'd say vehicle sales would be allowed but trailer sales would require a SUP in his name. He would like to make an offer on this property this week. Please call ASAP. Thank you 1�ev)tAvo5otVI,@ C Kim Waggoner GMa� -I oV►�1 Administrative Assistant 7500 W. 29th Avenue (/ 1 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303 - 235 -2846 Fax: 303 - 235 -2846 www.ci.wheatridse.co.us 1 I City of Wheat Pjdge COMMUNITY DEVElAPh1ENT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business- confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 2 Applicant .Address --J-A-3-!;i��� Phonc ,, City ­- LV4,�-��� . _ State Zip caner Address Phone City --��.�... State, Zip Fa Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements, incomplete applications will not be accepted. 0 Change of zone or zone conditions M Special Use Permit 13 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) 0 Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign 0 Lot Line Adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval 0 Variance/Waiver (from Section 0 Planned Building Group ❑ Right of Way Vacation 0 Other:__ Detailed description of request: - *.)mac r ( C'X ( � S 'e- - 7P - 6 /- 0 C 1A, P' (" e- -e- Case No. UP14C14 " Date Received Related Cases � �� ���" e.�. L ; Case Fs er 6�eckerf Case u, _. C escriptitir for . a request tcx a3ovat cat a c �....::. . ,._ .� ..... harage for a vehicle sakes tot rr the Comerclel t3rie (C -"1 � zc�re distric# Av &- op!'1rs cv "rrr City of Wheat Rid ZomIN6 APPLICATION FEES CDA01 2 1 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICATION FEES 28@.B@ PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CKEM 3 718 v ' I ' T AL 200.