HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-14-06City of Wh6atP_jd ",,ge ­ Commt)Nrry DFVEI.( City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 301235.2857 September 29, 2014 Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace Littleton, CO 80124 Dear Mr. Fritz. At its meeting of September 8, 2014, City Council APPROVED Case No. WZ-I 4-06, a request for approval of a zone change fi Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard for the following reasons: 1. City Council has conducted a proper public hearing meeting all public notice requirements as required by Section 26-109 of the Code of Laws. 2. The required zoning has been reviewed by the Planning Commission, which has forwarded its recommendation. 3. The required rezoning has been found to comply with the "criteria for review" in Section 26-112-E and 260 - 303 -D of the Code of Laws. With the following conditions: If you have not done so already, please remove the posting signs associated with this case from the property. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Seely, ly K( "' ig in aggoneir Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes WZ1406CC,doc www.d.wheatridge.coms City Council Minutes September 8, 2014 triovirig Parks Uainteriance operations erations out of Andersoo Park, Building to be next to Public Works shops on 45" A ve, I G. Resolution No 512014 - a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2014 General Fund Budget reflecting the approval of a Supplemental Budget appropriation in the amount of $1 for the purposes of repairing damage to city assets caused by the J uly 7 2014 ha it storm (For roof and paint darriage to several buik*Vs, shelters, sheds and other structures at Anderson PatM D, Motion to approve payment to Insight Public Sector in the amount of $51,618,51 for the annual renewal of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement IScheduled and bu&(geted replacement of Microsoft software licenses at all City sites, I includes support and maintenance for upgrades or new software,) Councilmember Davis introduced the consent agenda, Motion by Councilmerriber Davis to approve the consent agenda: seconded by Councilmernber DiTullio. carried 7-0, 2, Second public input opportunity for the 2015 Budget Councilmember Lan worth introduced Item 2 The 2015 Budget will be presented to Council at the October 6� Study Session, A public hearing is scheduled for October 27, with final adoption on November 10. The proposed budget will be available online on the City website and in hard copy form in the City Clerk's office and at the library Public input is invited on Oct, 27 and Nov. 10, Councilmerriber DiTullio reminded Council about looking at expanding our neighborhood clean-up program - possibly funding one in each Council district, Councilmerriber Davis suggested diversifying the clean-up to include things like paint cans. . ......... — 3. Council Bill 09-2014 - an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 7671 W, 32"' Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard from Residential-Two (R 2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) and for approval of an Outline Development Plan (Case No, WZ-14-06/Yukon Grove 21) Councilmernber Fitzgerald introduced Item 3 Clerk Shaver assigned Ordinance #1557, City Council Minutes Septerr 8, 2014 Page 4 Mayor Jay opened the pUbfi c hearing and swore in the speakers, Council Ou stions What is planned for the 60 ft wide "flagpole" extending out to Wadsworth? Denver Water requires a 30 ft wide paved strip for looping. The northem (30 ft wide) portion of the strip will be for drainage detention and a community garden, cgLnt Bill Fritz (Littleton) said Meredith has done a great job helping them work through the challenges due to the unique shape of the property, City Council Minutes September 8, 2014 With the following condition& Motion seconded by COUncili - nernber Starker Council Starker asked about Denver Water's requirements for a 30 ft wide strip of concrete over their water access and wondered if it could be an impervious (dirt) surface, Mrs, Reckert elaborated and said there would be no vehicular access. She also reviewed the details of the southern portion of the street, Motion by Coup cilmerriber Starker to direct staff to work with Deriver Water about the possibility of leaving the water line easement unpaved, with the knowledge that failure to achieve this would not kill the entire project, seconded by Counc ilia eriche r DiTullio; carried 7-0 Main rootion carned 7-0 12/12/2014 12/12/2014 , JR-k 12/12/2014 RE 6I ouruNE �opww w pama 4 Guiding Docs Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy — upgraded housing stock, variety of housing stock, development of underutilized properties Wadsworth Corridor - Medium high density residential — 10 -21 units per acre , land use transition from Wadsworth, increased pedestrian opportunities Envision Wheat Ridge — Neighborhood buffer, land use and density transition, increasing housing variety and stock, promoting strong households Planning Commission action Reviewed at public hearings held on June 19, 2014 and August 21, 2014 June 19 meeting- recommended approval of the zone change and ODP for the following reasons, The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents- Wadsworth Subarea Plan, NRS and Envision WR Zoning and density provide a land use transition between Wadsworth, surrounding higher density development and neighborhood to west • Consistent with zone change criteria • All requirements for an CDP have been met. With four conditions of approval Agency referrals • Con Mutual Water: Will require a "looped" line over to Wadsworth. • WR Fire: Has approved the street design. Does not need secondary access. • WR Parks: Will require fees in lieu of land. • WR Public Works: Has reviewed and approved preliminary drainage and traffic study. • WR Sanitation: Has adequate capacity to serve. Staff recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of the request with reasons outlined in the recommended motion with five conditions: 1. Additional architectural detail provided at SDP 2. Schematic detail for Lots 7 — 20 be revised 3. Developer to provide a tree friendly plan. 4. Crosswalk be added. 5. 8 one -story models be allowed 50% building coverage with remainder at 40% coverage. August 21 meeting - reviewed modification for building coverage increase from 40•,s to WA - recommended approval of the request with added condition. • Added condition of approval - 9 one -story home models are allowed with a 5W.. coverage with remainder having a maximum of 40% ITEM NO: DATE: September 8, 2014 4-ommunity Development Director 04 Manager ISSUE: The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) and for approval of an Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard, The proposed rezoning area includes two parcels totaling approximately 3.48 acres. Currently, the subject properties contain vacant houses. The purpose of the zone change request is to allow for the construction of a single-family neighborhood with 20 relatively small lots. The zone change and ODP approval is the first step in the process for approval of future development on this site. The second step of the process is the Specific Development Plan (SDP) which will be subject to Planning Commission review and approval. The property will also need to be subdivided, which requires action by Planning Commission and City Council. CAF — Rezoning of property at 32 "` and Wadsworth September 8. 2014 Page 2 PRIOR . Planning Commission initially heard the request at a public hearing on June 19, 2014 and recommended approval for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. 'file proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. 3. The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: I . Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 2, The schematic detail for Lots 7-20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. 3. The developer is encouraged to work with the City Forester to create a tree friendly plan with consideration of old and new plantings. 4. The developer work with staff to add a crosswalk on the southern portion of the street. Subsequent to the June 19, 2014 Planning Commission hearing but prior to the City Council hearing scheduled for August 11, tile applicant realized that several of the proposed lots could not accommodate certain home models due to the maximum building coverage of 40% which was included on the ODP as a development standard. As such, the applicant requested the maximum building coverage for the project be increased. Because of this change to the ODP. the August 11 Council hearing was continued and the case was referred back to Planning Commission for their action. All other components of the June 19 ODP remained the same. On August 21, Planning Commission heard the request with tile amended development standard and recommended approval for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with tile City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan. the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy an Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. 3. The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. CAF — Rezoning of property at 32 and Wadsworth September 8, 2014 Page 3 The staff reports and meeting minutes from the July 17 and August 21 Planning Commission public hearings have been included with the ordinance for second reading. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Fees in the amount of $1,675 were collected for the review and processing of Case No. WZ-14-06. BACKGROUND: Current atid Proposed Zonhig The property is currently zoned R-2 which allows primarily single or two-family dwellings. The proposed uses on the ODP document will be limited to single family homes, in-home businesses and household pets. There is a restriction included prohibiting RV and boat parking. Detached accessory structures would also not be allowed. The neighborhood design is urban in character and will feature smaller lots with a minimum of 3,500 square feet of area. Side setbacks are proposed to be five feet. Front and rear yard setbacks will be modest in size, no more than 10 feet in depth on the front with a minimum of 15 feet on the rear. CAF — Rezoning of property at 32" and Wadsworth September 8, 2014 Page 4 The proposed density for the project results in a gross density of 5.75 dwelling units (du's) per acre. This figure includes street right-of-way. When street right-of-way areas are removed from the calculation, the net density is 8.73 units per acre. The development gains access from a single cul-de-sac extending north from 32 Avenue. The application has been through the standard referral process and all outside agencies or City departments can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. A separate referral process will be required as part of the future application for the Specific Development Plan and plat. Guhling Documents When staff reviews a zone change application., there are specific criteria in Section 26-122.E. of the City Code which must be evaluated in regard to the request. One of the criteria is compliance with the City's guiding documents. In this case, there are three documents which must be considered: the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy, the Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan and the comprehensive plan, Envision Wheat Ridge. The Veighborhood Revitalization Sirwetp, identifies strategies for the City to become a - community of choice." It established goals for Wheat Ridge to be competitive with adjacent jurisdictions by upgrading housing stock, increasing the variety of available housing stock, targeting underutilized properties for redevelopment and redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor. The lf'wlsworlh Co•ritiorSubtireti PItin provides guidance for the future development and redevelopment of properties along Wadsworth. The subject property is shown as Medium High Density Residential on the edge of Medium Density Residential to the west and Medium High Density Mixed Use to the cast. In the description of land use categories. Medium High Density Residential is defined as having 10-21 units per acre, including townhomes, condominiums and apartments. Medium Density Residential is defined as 5--10 units per acre, including single family homes on small lots to be compatible with adjacent single family homes. 1 It'heat Ricke is the City's comprehensive plan and designates this property as being in a neighborhood buffer on the edge of a Commercial Corridor (Wadsworth). The intent of the neighborhood buffer designation is for buffering and transition between low intensity residential areas and higher intensity commercial corridors. Staff has concluded that the zone change and density proposed are consistent with the goals and objectives established by these documents. MODIFICATION, OF OOP DEVELOPMENT STANDARD Subsequent to the Planning Commission public hearing, the applicants informed staff that they wanted to modify one of the development standards shown on the ODP docurnent relative to maximum building coverage. On the OOP document reviewed by Planning Commission on June CAF — Rezoning of property at 32 and Wadsworth September 8., 2014 Page 5 19, the maximum lot coverage is indicated at 40%. The applicant would like to increase allowable coverage to allow slightly larger structures and more flexibility with design. When analyzing the development standards for a new planned development, the most closely related straight zone district is typically referenced as a starting point for negotiating standards with the developer. As an example. if a developer was requesting a zone change and ODP approval for a large lot single family prqject, staff would initially reference the standards in the R- I zone district for setbacks, lot coverage, etc. Staff has considered the potential impact on the development and the surrounding neighborhood and has concluded that the proposed single story models will complement and be consistent with the single story neighborhood to the west. Staff" has also concluded that the increase in building coverage is negligible and will not be easily identified on a lot-by-lot basis. However, the language in Note 2 should be modified to be consistent with Planning C'ommission's condition added at the August 21 public hearing. This language has been added as a condition to the recommended motion for approval. CAT — Rezoning of" property at 32 and Wadsworth September 8, 2014 Page 6 I . City Council has conducted a proper public hearing meeting all public notice requirements as required by Section 26-109 of the Code of Laws. 2. 'Fhe required rezoning has been reviewed by the Planning Commission, which has forwarded its recommendation. 3. The required rezoning has been found to comply with the - criteria for review" in Section 26-112- E and 260-303-D of the Code of Laws. With the following conditions: I . Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 2. The schematic detail for Lots 7-20 must be revised to more accurately represent the largyer, narrower lots. 3. 'file developer is encouraged to work, with the City Forester to create a tree friendly plan with consideration of old and new plantings. 4. The developer work with staff to add a crosswalk on the southern portion of the street. 5. Note 42 under Development Standards be modified to indicate that a maximum of eight one store home models are allowed a 50% building coverage and the remainder one and two-story home models have a maximum of 40% building coverage. ­ M -4 1 move to deny Council Bill No. C39µ2014 . . an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd. from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) and for approval of an Outline Development Plan on second reading for the following reasons: I. 2. I and direct the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution of Denial. to be scheduled for Council consideration at the next available regular business meeting.** REPORT PREPARED/REVIEWED BY: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director City Of WheEV a-tidge COMMUNITY DELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 2014 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7671 W. 32 " Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd PROPERTY OWNER: Jefferson County APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.48 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL P RESENTATION Site Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 ATTACHMENT 2 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. The City's planned development approval is a two -step process. The first step is for the zone change to PRD and approval of an Outline Development (ODP). The ODP document will set allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which labels areas of landscaping, parking, building footprints and access points. The ODP approval requires a public hearing in front of each Planning Commission and City Council. City Council is always the final authority for approval of zone changes so Planning Commission will be making a recommendation. The Specific Development Plan (SDP) and plat is the second step of the process which focuses on the details of the development such as final drainage, street improvements, architecture and final lot layout. The applicant is requesting approval of the zone change to allow the construction of a twenty -unit small lot, single family neighborhood. (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request) II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and both properties are zoned Residential -Two (R -2). Neither property has ever been platted. (Exhibit 2, Aerial photo) Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. To the west are parcels also zoned R -2 including single and two- family homes. To the southeast at 32 and Wadsworth are two multifamily apartment complexes zoned Residential -Three (R -3). Immediately to the north, the property is bordered by the Rocky Mountain Ditch, across which there are additional properties zoned R -2 and R- 3. Finally, to the south across W. 32 Avenue is Crown Hill Cemetery which is outside of the City of Wheat Ridge boundary and is part of unincorporated Jefferson County. (Exhibit 3, Zoning map) The subject parcels both have unusual shapes and each currently have vacant houses built around 1930. The total size of the two sites combined is 3.48 acres. The property at 7671 W. 32 Avenue is long and narrow with about 110 feet of street frontage along W. 32 Avenue. The property at 3299 Wadsworth is essentially a flag lot. The main portion of the property is rectangular with the exception of the northern property line which is angled and parallel to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. The southeast corner of the property includes a "pole" portion which extends east to Wadsworth and provides 60 feet of street frontage. The property is heavily wooded but most of the trees are cottonwoods and Siberian elm suckers, which are species the City encourages. (Exhibit 4, Site photos) The property was subject to a prior land use application. Case No. WZ -05 -13 was a request by Jefferson County Housing Authority for a zone change to PRD for construction of 42 multi - family Planning Commission 2 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 dwelling units in multiple structures. Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on March 2, 2006. Planning Commission gave a recommendation of denial for the following reasons: 1. This is a high- density project that is not compatible with the existing neighborhood. This is not a reason to degrade the neighborhood from R -2 zoning. 2. This project is not compatible with the recent 2020 Plan that recommends more strong households to upgrade Wheat Ridge. 3. This area has a high vacancy rate in both homes for sales and units for rent in the Jefferson County /Wheat Ridge areas. There are plenty of houses for young people to purchase a starter homes. The application was subsequently withdrawn and did not proceed to City Council public hearing. II. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Attached is a copy of the proposed Outline Development Plan which contains two sheets. The ODP will set allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which designates a street layout, proposed lots, building footprints and general architectural themes. (Exhibit 5, ODP document) The applicants have proposed two -story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will feature smaller lots with a minimum of 3500 square feet of area. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet. Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 10 feet in depth on the front with a minimum of 15' on the rear. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly wider than those on the northern portion. The proposed public street will extend north from W. 32nd Avenue with a cul -de -sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right -of -way via a future plat document. Allowable Uses: The property is currently zoned R -2 which allows single- or two- family dwellings (depending on lot size), foster care homes, governmental buildings and group homes. The proposed uses are limited to single family homes, in -home businesses and household pets. There is a restriction included prohibiting RV and boat parking. Detached accessory structures are not allowed. Lot size, Setbacks and Lot coverage: Lot sizes proposed are a minimum of 3500 square feet with 50' of lot width. On the conceptual layout, the smallest lots are Lots 1 -4 on the southern portion of the site with the smallest lot being 3519 square feet in size. The largest is Lot 14 at the end of the cul -de -sac bulb with 6980 square feet of area. Building envelopes are shown which depict minimum setbacks. Proposed setbacks are 10' from the front property line, 15' from the rear property line and 5' on the sides. Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Maximum building coverage is 40% which would allow a maximum of a 1400 square foot structure pad on a 3500 square foot parcel. On Sheet 2, schematic layouts are shown which depict building setbacks, house locations and the shared driveways. The detail for Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. Maximum building height allowed is 35' which is consistent with all residential zone district classifications in the City. Parking Each of the homes will have an attached two car garage accessed via a shared drive reducing the amount of impervious surface in the development. On- street parking will be allowed on the eastern side of the southern portion of the street. Parking on both sides of the street will be allowed on the north. Section 26 -501 of the City's zoning and development code requires that two spaces per dwelling unit be provided when there is street parking available. Staff concludes that the parking is consistent with the city code. Street System and Drainage The development gains access from a single cul -de -sac extending north from 32 Avenue. The street sections being required by the City are detailed on Sheet 2. The southern portion of the street will have 48' of right -of -way with detached 5' sidewalk and a tree lawn on the western side with no parking allowed. The eastern side of the street will have curb and gutter with a 5' landscaped buffer without a sidewalk but parking will be allowed. After the "bend" in the street, the right -of -way width increases to 59'. Both sides of the street will have curb and gutter with a 5' tree lawn and a 5' detached sidewalk. Parking will be allowed on both sides of the street on this wider stretch. The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed these street sections and has indicated that they have adequate room for maneuvering through the development. As such the additional access point from the "leg" that extends east to Wadsworth is not required for emergency access. The street designs are consistent with the Streetscape Design Manual. Public Works has reviewed and approved a preliminary drainage study. The lot is relatively flat. As such, the drainage system has been designed to split the flows between the north and south portions of the site. The stormwater on the south part will be directed to a detention pond adjacent to 32 " Avenue (Tract C on page 2). Another pond will capture flows on the north side in a pond labeled Tract B. The outlet from this pond will release to a pipe system bored under the Rocky Mount Ditch and release onto the property to the north. A preliminary agreement has been made with that property owner which will be finalized at the time of SDP and plat. Another smaller pond will be located on Tract A which is the "leg" that extends east over to Wadsworth. The remainder of Tract A will be utilized for an amenity such as a community garden for the development. The southern 30' of the Tract A will be paved to accommodate the looped water system required by Consolidated Mutual. It is not required for emergency fire access but could provide pedestrian access over to Wadsworth. All three tracts will be maintained by the Homeowners' Association. Planning Commission 4 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Proposed Density and Relationship to Surrounding Area The proposed density for the project results in a gross density of 5.75 dwelling units (du's) per acre. This figure includes street right -of -way. When street right -of -way areas are removed from the calculation, the net density is 8.73 units per acre. The existing neighborhood currently contains a mix of residential densities. Directly to the south and east of the subject properties is an existing apartment building (7669 W. 32 Avenue) containing 33 units. This property is owned by the Jefferson County Housing authority and contains 18 dwelling units per acre. Directly north of the site is another apartment complex addressed as 3445 Wadsworth. This complex contains 40 du's for a density of 22.9 du's per acre. Directly west of the site is a well - established neighborhood which contains single and two - family dwelling units. The neighborhood extends generally from 32 Avenue to 34` Drive, between Yarrow and Zephyr. These properties are zoned R -2. The R -2 zone district density can vary from 4.84 du's per acre to 6.9 du's per acre depending on the mix of housing types (single or two - family). Staff concludes that the proposed zoning and density provides a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Architecture The applicant has indicated that the homes will be designed around a "cottage theme" and will be one and two stories in height. Design concepts include covered front porches and trim detail which will include brackets, corbels, sills and lintels. Materials will be primarily painted lap siding. Staff recommends that at least 50% of the front fagade have brick, stone or other masonry material. Additional architectural designs be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. (Exhibit 6, Architectural elevations) IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in section 26- 122.E. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The property is currently poorly maintained and an eyesore. It has been an attractive nuisance for the neighborhood attracting vagrants and wildlife. The new homes should have a positive impact on the neighborhood both aesthetically and from a property value perspective. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Planning Commission 5 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 All utility agencies have indicated that they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Should the zone change be approved, a more detailed review will occur at the time of Specific Development Plan and plat. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The following documents are applicable to the property and are to be used for guides when considering zone changes. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION STRATEGY — adopted 2005 This document identified strategies for the city to become a "community of choice ". It established goals for Wheat Ridge to be competitive with adjacent jurisdictions by upgrading housing stock, increasing the variety of housing stock available, targeting underutilized properties for redevelopment and redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor. WADSWORTH CORRIDOR SUBAREA PLAN — adopted 2007 This document is considered an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan for this portion of the city. It is intended to be used as both a short-term and long -term planning document by providing guidance for the future development and redevelopment of properties along Wadsworth. The property is shown as Medium High Density Residential (brown color) on the edge of Medium Density Residential to the west (yellow color) and Medium High Density Mixed Use to the east (red and brown striped). In the description of land use categories, Medium High Density Residential is defined as having 10 — 21 units per acre including townhomes, condominiums and apartments. Medium Density Residential is defined as 5 — 10 units per acres including single family homes on small lots to be compatible with adjacent single family homes. Other identified goals being met are: 1. Encouraging a gradual increase in density closer to Wadsworth 2. Preservation and enhancement of the residential neighborhoods to the east and west of the corridor 3. Increased pedestrian opportunities Planning Commission 6 W Z -14 -6 /Grove 21 Site I 32nd A r Unincorporated Jeffco �- J COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Envision Wheat Ridge — adopted October 2009 The property is shown as being a Neighborhood Buffer (brown on the map below) on the edge of Commercial Corridor (red). The intent of the Neighborhood Buffer designation is for buffering and transition between low intensity residential areas and higher intensity commercial corridors. An identified goal of this designation is to encourage investment and redevelopment of properties. Logically, the Primary Commercial Corridor designation relates to Wadsworth Blvd. Wadsworth is the major north -south commercial corridor in the city and is a key target for redevelopment of outdated and underutilized properties. Goals identified for Neighborhood Buffer Areas include: 1. Increasing housing options 2. Promoting strong households 3. Encouraging new housing types 4. Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. 5. Promoting pedestrian connections 6. Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment areas Planning Commission 7 WZ -14-6 /Grove 21 Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Residential -Two zoning designation as it appears on the City's zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify. Wadsworth is one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan area. On the city's street classification plan, it is designated as a major regional arterial and carries over 41,000 vehicles per day (2009 count). Based on increased traffic and intensification of commercial land uses, Staff concludes that there are changed conditions which make this property undesirable for low density residential use. The proposed small lot single family will meet several goals of the city including providing additional housing options, providing entry level housing stock and providing a land use transition between Wadsworth and the lower density residential neighborhood to the west. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Planning Commission W Z -14 -6 /Grove 21 The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staffconcludes that this criterion is not applicable. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre- application meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 11, 2014. There were approximately 20 persons in attendance (Exhibit 6, Neighborhood meeting recap, Exhibit 7, Sign - up sheet,) VI. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve the property subject to installation of improvements. A "looped" system will be required so a paved connection must be made to Wadsworth via Tract A. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Water plan and hydrant locations will be addressed at the time of SDP and plat. Does not need a secondary access into the development. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department: Will require fees -in -lieu of land dedication assessed at the time of final plat. Wheat Ridge Police: Can serve the new development. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved preliminary drainage design and a traffic study. All requirements are being met. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Has adequate capacity to accommodate development. Final design review will occur at the SDP and plat stage. Xcel Energy: Can serve. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed Planned Residential zoning and accompanying Outline Development Plan are consistent with the goals and policies of the City guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. Staff further concludes that the proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Because the proposed zoning and ODP meet the criteria used to evaluate a zone change, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WZ -14 -06 with the conditions listed below. Planning Commission 9 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 14 -06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32" Avenue /3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. 3. The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. At least 50' of the front fagade have brick, stone or other masonry material. 2. Additional architectural designs be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 3. The schematic detail for Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. 4. The developer is encouraged to salvage as many healthy trees as possible." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 14 -06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue /3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3.' Planning Commission 10 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 1, Letter of Request Grove 21 at Wheat Ridge -Overview - This project will consist of 21 single family homes gathered around a new street running off of 32n Avenue West of Wadsworth Blvd. Currently the site is owned by Jefferson County and is surplus property that was proposed for a multi family project. It was submitted to the City in and subsequently withdrawn in 2006 / 2007. We feel that this proposal creates a buffer between the Hilltop Apartments and the single family & the duplex homes immediately to the West. Figure one, attached, shows the current character of the site. The 3 existing single family houses and outbuilding are derelict and provide haven for squatters and present a danger to the children living adjacent. -Why change the zoning - Currently zoned R -2 (9,000 SF lots). The site does not lend itself to the larger single family homes that such zoning would mandate. The proximity to Wadsworth Blvd and the adjacent multi family projects suggests a higher density and moderately priced neighbourhood. Utilizing this parcel as a transition between Wadsworth Blvd and existing R -2 is the appropriate solution. The proposed community will promote an active lifestyle and neighborhood interaction by utilizing a village concept that is walker friendly and invites interaction by reduced front setbacks and front porches on each home. In addition, the shared driveways minimize the impact of automobiles. - Existing zone district physical character - To the North, South, and East, older apartment complexes exist in neighboring zone districts. To the West is Yarrow Street zoned R -2. The rear of the community abuts a 1 acre parcel also zoned R -2 that also abuts Wadsworth Blvd. Across 32 Avenue is the Crown Hill Mortuary & Cemetery. Close by is the intersection of 32' Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd with its varied commercial uses. This community will be a positive addition to the character of the area. With its new construction and additional residents, it will help revitalize an area that is a bit long in the tooth. - Access/Traffic Patterns/Impact- As the included Traffic Impact Study indicates the majority of the traffic generated will utilize Wadsworth Blvd and to a lesser extent 32" Avenue. We anticipate that a portion of the new residents will utilize the Light Rail conveniently located nearby at 13'" Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd. With the minimal amount of additional car trips, the overall impact in the area and adjacent streets will be negligible- -Utilities- X -Cel Energy currently serves the site for Electrical and Gas. The City of Wheal Ridge supplies Sanitary Sewer. Consolidated Water serves the Northern half of the site and they have expressed a willingness to annex and supply all 21 homes. -Effect on Public Facilities - Preliminary meetings have been held with the City to examine and explore services and their impact. A quick summary: Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Fire- Our consultants have met with the Fire Department and no secondary access will be necessary. All road designs meet their standards. Police- No adverse effects are anticipated. Water- Service lines are available on 32 nd . Storm Water- The site will have two detention facilities for controlled release into the existing storm Sewer. We anticipate an offsite discharge pipe running through the Northern adjacent Oak Hill partmenls ). The easements and agreements are currently underway. Roadways — A R.O.W will be reserved on Wadsworth Blvd for future CDOT expansion. A R.O.W will be dedicated on 32 Avenue and appropriate improvements made along the street frontage. Parks & Schools — City mandated contributions, in lieu, have been discussed and are anticipated. -City Policies - Discussions have been held with the City to adhere to all requirements for the rezone process. A neighbourhood meeting was held on February 11, 2014 to solicit neighbourhood input. We feel that the feedback was positive and the adjacent landowners are looking forward to the removal of the adjacent blight. We have committed to meet the requirements for roads, setbacks, heights and associated municipal codes Planning Commission 12 WZ -14 -G /Grove 21 Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo Planning Commission 3 W Z- 14 -G /Grove 21 7679 W. 32nd Ave and 3299 Wadsworth • Planned Residential Development Exhibit 3, Zoning Map Planning Commission 14 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 4, Site photos 15 View of property from W. 32 " Avenue Planning Commission 32 Avenue looking west WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 32 " Avenue looking east View of property from Wadsworth Planning Commission 16 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 House on western portion of property Planning Commission 7 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 House on eastern portion of property Interior view of property Interior view of property Planning Commission 18 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 5, ODP document Planning Commission 19 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 6, Architectural design Planning Commission 20 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 STUL VIEW FMIUAM 11. 1%14 Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Meeting Notes NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: February 11, 201 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner [:, urea Mikulak, Planner 11 Wade Sanner, Planner I Location of Meeting: City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Address; 7671 W. 32nd Avenue & 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard Property Owner(s): Jeffierson County Property Owner(s) Present? No Applicant. Bill Fritz, Bob Nettleton, Mark Thornbrou h (all present) Existing Zoning: Residential -Two (R -2) Existing Comp, Plan: Neighborhood Duffer Area with about I 10 fect of street Frontage along W. 32nd Avenue: the size of the lot is 41,382 square feet (0.95 acres). The property at 3299 Wadsworth is 104,544 square feet (2A acres) but is essentially a flag lot. The main portion of the property is rectangular with the exception of the northern property line which is angled and parallel to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. The southeast comer of property includes a pole portion which extends east to Wadsworth and provides about 60 feet of street frontage. The existing home is located on the southeast corner of the property. Applicant/ Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-2 to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for the development of small lot single-family homes. The applicants have proposed two-story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will feature smaller lots varying in size from about 3.750 to 4,100 square feet, Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet. Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 20 feet in depth. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly smaller than those on the northern portion. Primary access will extend from W. 32nd Avenue with a cul-de-sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right-of-way. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: In addition to staff, 19 members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. Staff explained the site conditions, zoning in the neighborhood, and the reason for the rezoning request. The applicant explained the proposed single-family development, the market conditions that trend to smaller lots, and the village-like feel of the design. The members ofthe public were informed of the process for a zone change. The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. Neighbors compared the proposed design to a previous multi-farnily development and were more receptive the applicant's single-family proposal. Concerns were related to drainage., preservation of existing trees, additional traffic on W. 32 Avenue, and perimeter fencing. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: Pro )sal 2( flow many lots are proposed? The proj)osal inchides 2l single-fi4m ily lots. What is the size of the home? The hoines will rangwfi 1500 to 2000square,II&et. What is the price point for the homes? Planning Commission 22 WZ- I 4 -6 /C rove 21 The homes will be around $300. 000 • Will the homes include basements? Some niqy include basements, How tall are the hornes? Thej) will be qffering h-vo-stoij and ranch st 'Ies . The homes arc custom built, so the total cif J each desii n will be afizinction a 'the market, The al-qVicam is seeing a en qual pt-lerence fire both designs recenlly� • Will the homes be energy efficient? The energy e ,ficiency is measured in IJERS (home energy rating) and consumes about 60% of the energy qfa normal home, Because the homes are custom, they can include 1)(issive solar and onherftatures at the request of flit? buyer. • Has the perimeter fencing been designed? The details of the design, such as the ty)e qfI)erimeterfincing, have not yet been olesigntul, Neighbors ewl)ressed a preftrenceft)r something more durable than a cedar privacy fence such as masontr vinyl. . y o • Will there be an HOA? The applicants do not e-x7,xc1 an HO A; each lo/ will befte simple ownershij,r. • What are the proposed setbacks? The 1)reliminatj site plan shown a minimum 5-tbotsetback which is the standard minimum in all residential zone districts. They rear setback it ill valj, based on the shal7e qffhe lots, The deeper lots could include tof) to a 25jbof setback to maximize backy and y)(ice, • Will the trees be saved? The olyVicants have the desire tea preserve Stqff 'noted that a required submittal will like y include an inventoty and analysis of existing trees on the site. Is the theme of the architecture, Victorian in nature? The homes include asomewhat Victorian design with front 1,)orches and clapboard siding that evoke a cottage- or village-likes fieeL • How will the residents access the garages? Shared driveivqys and garages behind the hoines are a central C jeatur o the design, Residents will access the side-loaded W iragesfironn the street. The garages art setback about 25,leetftom the wewernjn-opeqy line. The notification letter indicated the site is mostly vacant—what does that mean? There are fivo homes and se outbuildings on the site, but lheay are not currently occul)ied and the mqiorilj of the site is undeve What is the expected timeline for the project? The rezoning process alone can take 4 to Cr inonths, plottlingr and sj)ecifit4c site design will ,/b/Imv, T here? is not yet an estimated comlVetion date, How does this compare to the previous proposal by Jefferson County for the site? In 2005, a different a1)j)lican1—ihe .le 1 erson County I Authority requested a rezonin�g to construct 8 residential buildings with a total qfabout 43 dwelling units, The current I)rol)osal is much less dense with only 21 lots and includes detached single fivnilv homes. The Plaimiiig Comniissioti 23 WZ- 1 4 -6, /Grave 21 clInTeta proposal still represents a transitional land use with moderate densily between the undli- g 14 ,finniky and commercial uses on ITadsm tint] the R-2 net, )7borhood to the es • Who currently owns the two lots that comprise the site? The property was previ I ous/v owned bv the,le jft- Couqy Housing A uthority. but null= ,fterson Ontqy itselfoivns the site. ZoaLln Is PRD a zoning designation, and if so is there any minimum lot size in the PRD district? A Planned Residential Development is a .-one district, but it does not include codified development standards in the saine vvtn as other "straig-lit " residential zone districts, A planned developinent is intended to be used fin unique phySical conditions or a unique development proposal, In this case. the unique Conditions include the shape of the lot and the desire to provide a more urban, smaller lot development that is not considered in other residential zone districts. The PRD is a negotiated zoning that allows a developer moreflexibiliq to propose a that ` not be permitted in another -one district, The intent is not to circumvent the z(tning code, and the exypectation is the provision of high qualiqt design in evchang the ,flewibilil.v of ered /?), a PRR Is each PRD established on an ad hoc basis? Each planned development is reviewed individually on its own inerits. Slqffand service e,iy, the t,locittnenistiiidpi Stqff and Planning Conunission will make a recommendation a approval or denial, beat ultimately Q) Council approves each planned development. Because a PRD is a worejkwible, negotiated t vpe a ' ne zo district, the application includes more detail about the proposed design anti is review =ed with more scrutiov than other tjpes qfky right develolnnent. Why are the lots so much smaller than the 9000 square feet required in R-2? 116 us inf pre T ,lerenc s in the real estate market are increasing ,shifting (ni la/gle lot suburban homes. Etnl,,)ty nesters, seniors, anti young- , smaller lots , prq1essionals are seeking `with less maintenance, but thev still want the independence that comes with hoineoivnership. The proposed design is snore similar to the neighborhoods seen in ,Stapleton, Lowij', and Behnar that respond to this neu pre ,krence and increase the variqy of housing options in 1444eat Ridge. tLtility. Drainage Traffic How will you address the abandoned ditch along the southwest perimeter of the property? A neighbor described an abandoned ditch ah)ng= the Avest side a 'lots I through 6. She explained that uwter riglits had been sold, but the ditch had neither been backfilled nor was the easement vacated The , applicants explained thej would be using surveys and title ivork to clean up and remove as inon�v encumbrances (is possible. An abandoned ditch 1vould be included in that effin-1 fit affi?cts the subject propeqy. Will the development impact existing utility casements on the neighboring lots? No, the utilities and easements on the existing lots to the west will not be impacted The new developmeni will include as own utility} easements along the perimeters cif each lot. • Will utilities be undergrounded? Planning Commission 24 WZ-14-6/Grove 21 Ulilitiesfin­ new developments are tvincal4y required to Inc undet�grouuac(,J, A'cel will be given the chance to comment on the application, APplicants tire not required to underground existing utilities in adjacent neioborhoods • Will drainage in the surrounding area be better or worse after the project is completed? The proposal will result in an increase in impervious su face, however, the applicants will be required to complete a drainage report and keep and treat all run,?f " .1water on-site. The Proposed site design includes two detention pon& that will discharg? into the storm selver sj The proposal will not result in surface runoffonto neighboringproperties which mav be happening now since 'low drainage siwem is in place. • Will there be any access on or off of Wadsworth? K-id,sivorth is a state highivqy controlled I v CDOT The only access to Hl'adsworth will be . 16r eniergenqvvehicles. CDOT will 'lot allow access -eral reasons include the ,forsev , fiief then a narrow frontage prohibits construction o 'acceleration1deceleration lanes. The lopograp , o the area and the presence of the Rocky Mountain Ditch complicate access in this area. Pritnaty access will be qf lid '�venue, ,f(?/'W 32 • Will a traffic signal be added at W. 35"' Avenue? The applicants would not be resq)(w7siblefi)r a new stop light at 4' 35' Avenue because it is not aqjacent to the stibiect site, and then- project alone would not increase traffic h C DOT ivould have to approve the addition q1'a trqf ffic at this area a dded when trql )lic signal in this location--new gnals are . fie counts reach a certain threshold, Will Wadsworth be widened? 11 Boulevard is slated to be widened in the future, but there is no iinielinefin- the project. To accommockile the, fulure widening the applicants will be required to provide a 22- fibot wide right-q/4vtn, dedication and a 3 -fitot ivide reservation along the It'advivorlh fi-ontage, What can be done to fix traffic issues and the bus stop location on W. 32 Avenue? The neighbors noted that curb cuts at the gas station and muhi- ami4, development are too fi close to the intersection and make it d�ficult to turn left (easibound) out(,) W 32 nd Avenue. As ciresult, vehic.'Ics.,keqtientli aorta ri >hi(ii crud tuna (iroundon Yorroll'S"Ireet car h weaving throug #4 the neighboi -hood. There is also a bus stop at the bras slation that complicates turning movements in this area. The neighbors art- concerned about this issue in general, and don't want to the see the issue exacerbated by the new development. The applicants will be required to complete a trqI ,fie simly to understand the impacts qfthe new development. Thee expect that the new road will be fiar enough west that the residents will be able to turn It, nd ft (eastbound) onto W 32 Avenue without the same trouble experienced at the has station. Staff received no written comment prior to the neighborhood meeting. Planning Commission 25 W7 - I 4-6/Grove 21 ! .# 1107 =## at 7671 W. 3i" Avenue d 3299 Wadsworth NUM NON . 9 91 I 4/)k L, . Pl,m ng Commission 26 '`T- 14- 61 /Cirove 21 Planning Commission WZ-14-6/Grove 21 9 I O. ( It 12, 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. i Planning Commission 28 WZ-14-6 21 w • • • +IM • • Z:5 uj LWI • r s • � +« • a. W 00 J < O OW LL w • r fly ea o , � u 0 w sit > w V x j Y W Y . 0 0 C� IOL �—z cow Z W 5 w x a- nil u W Z .0 w w ow u NP I P 0 : w o I�IWL Z > f .2O /� �� 1. 0 11 RN The meeting was called to order by Chair BRINKMAN at 7:01 p.rn, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 291h Avenue, NMieat Ridge, Colorado, M�•�� Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: 12 • Boom Development Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Bruce Roome, Recording Secretary k't Was • approve the minutes of May 15, 2014, as written. Motion carried 4-0-2 with It" .-ommissioners WEAVER and TIMMS abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) No one wished to speak at this time. Planning Commission Minutes ATTACHMENT 3 June 19, 2014 fim A. Case No. WZ-14-06:. A request filed by Caller Capital, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32" d Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. Commissioner TIMMS asked if staff calculated the potential on-street parking availability. Ms. Reckert stated she has not done the calculation. The development meets the minimum parking requirements. Planning Commission Minutes - 2 — June 19, 20114 assessment has been submitted • the applicant and we will engage the parks Naturali for suggestions. I Commissioner TIMMS asked if staff has received any additional emails or phone calls from the public since the public notice. Ms. Reckert replied no. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was any discussion between staff and the applicant about making the west slightly shallower in depth to provide more space for sidewalks on both sides of the street. Ms. Reckert stated that the first five lots are at the minimum of 3519 square feet, so there would probably be a reduction of lots on that side. Commissioner WEAVER inquired about first condition for the masonry. Ms. Reckert stated the masonry was to upgrade the architecture. Commissioner DORSEY inquired about the "flag pole" portion of the lot. Ms. Reckert replied that it is 60 feet wide. The southern portion will be used for the water line looping into the development. The water companies require a 30 foot paved easement or an unpaved 50 foot easement. T - L7U ic street wouict ttie city plow it. Ms. Reckert stated there is a hierarchy plowing policy and this would be a low priority. It would • plowed into the pond. Chair BRINKMAN asked staff to confirm that there is no flood plain related to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Ms. Reckert stated there is not, Discussion continued regarding the proposed drainage system and whether the off-site easement would vest with the owner or the property. Commissioner DORSEY asked if the number of houses on the south side could • reduced to 5 to accommodate a sidewalk on the east side. Ms. Reckert stated that could • discussed with the applicant. Applicant, Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace, Littleton, CO 80124 Mr. Fritz spoke briefly about the history of the project. Mr. Fritz introduced his partners to speak and answer questions. Planning Commission Minutes -3— June 19, 2014 Commissioner WEAVER inquired about the home price points and square footage. Mr. Fritz stated that home prices would start in the lower 300's and that average finished square footage will be 1500 to 2000 square feet. Discussion continued regarding sidewalk on the cast side of the street. Commissioner TIMMS inquired about the masonry condition. The applicant indicated they envision a "cottage style" with doesn't accommodate for a lot of masonry accents. Bob Nettleton Project Builder 220 S. Cherry St, Denver, CO Mr. Nettleton stated masonry requirements are not architecturally correct for cottages. He stated masonry accents are desired without a specific percentage of coverage. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if Lots 1-6 could be configured to accommodate a sidewalk on the east. Mr. Nettleton stated there is a five foot buffer between the street and the apartments which could be a sidewalk instead of a landscape buffer Commissioner DORSEY asked about fencing for the apartments. Mr. Nettleton stated there is a wire fence. Ms. Reckert stated she didn't think there was enough room for a sidewalk and fence and there is a grade change between the "C Court" to the south and the property. Discussion on possible solutions continued. Commissioner TIMMS stated he didn't think there was room to extend the sidewalk around the curve. He thought a better option was to stop it at the pavement. Chair BRINKMAN inquired about the pipe installation under the ditch and impact on the adjacent property. She also asked where the snow from the street would be directed. Chair BRINKMAN asked if they can push any snow to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Thornbrough stated no. Chair BRIM AN asked if there would be an official path that connects with the Rocky Mountain Ditch, Mr. Thombrough stated he wasn't sure if it was a public path. Chair BRINKMAN stated it is not. Planning Commission Minutes - 4 — June 19, 2014 Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was anything he could add to the conversation about the lack of sidewalk on the east side. Mr. Thornbrough stated if the sidewalk ended at Lot 20, a crosswalk could be installed to the other side. 1 6 # Ms. Reckert stated there is a strip of land on the west side of the subdivision with unclear title. Mr. Johnstone clarified it is a plat issue, not a zoning issue. Frank Stites 3354 Zephyr Ct. Mr. Stites had questions about where the setback will be in regards to the easement. Carol Greene 3300 Yarrow St. Ms. Greene has requested construction of a masonry privacy fence between the properties. Mike Greene 3310 Yarrow St. Mr. Greene stated he is in favor of the project but wants to be cautious about putting too many restrictions on the developer, Mr. Greene is seeking feedback regarding the property lines on Yarrow and the easement. Pat Hott 3330 Yarrow St. She hopes the development will have an HOA. Chair BRIM MAN confirmed that it would. Mark Thornbrough Mr. Thornbrough stated the easement at the rear of the property did not show up in the title cominitment. He stated the developer is intending to provide a six foot privacy fence mid the setback from the rear of the homes will be from the property lines defined in the legal description. Planning Commission Minutes -5— June 1 9, 2014 Commissioner OHM asked staff if a landscape buffer is required for the paved connection to Wadsworth and if a condition would be required for the crosswalk. Ms. Reckert stated no for the landscape buffer and yes for the condition for the crosswalk. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there is a requirement for on-street parking in a PRD. Ms. Reckert stated this is referred to in Section 26-501. Single or two-family has a require for 4 off street parking space if there is no on street parking or 2 if there is on street parking but it doesn't specify how many on street parking spaces are needed. Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-14-06, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two I« Planned Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32 nd Avenue/3299 Wadsworth Blvd. for the following reasons: With the following conditions: 1. Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SOP. 2. The schematic detail for Lots 7-20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. 3. The developer is encouraged to work with the City Forester to create a tree friendly plan with consideration of old and new plantings. Friendly amendment staff to add a crosswalk. Amendment accepted by Commissioners Weaver and Dorsey to add this as Condition #4. Commissioner TI S stated the 50% masonry requirement is too high for this development but he is sensitive to the reality of the market and to staff. He suggested 25% masonry. There was a discussion about the masonry requirement. Mr. Johnstone stated this will be in front the Planning Commission again as a SDP and architectural criteria will be addressed at that time. Planning Commission Minutes - 6 June 19, 2014 Chair BRINKMAN spoke of the request of the sidewalk to the east. She stated if she had to put in a sidewalk she would rather put it next to the house versus the other side. Commissioner BUCKNAM stated his concern for public safety. Motion carried 5-1 with Commissioner BUCKNAM voting no. An 8 minute break was taken until 9:00 pm B. Case No. ZOA-14-03: An ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the keeping of dwarf goats. Commissioner OHM inquired about enforcing noise impacts. Mr. Johnstone replied that would be a nuisance issue that Code Enforcement would enforce. Commissioner TIMMS inquired about the purpose of the City's Welfare and Control Commission. Mr. Johnstone stated it is an advisory board with a limited regulatory role in making recommendations on the harboring of wild animals. They can issue licenses for exotic animals for a certain period of time. They have a role in reviewing kennel licenses. They are appointed by Council. Commissioner TIMMS asked if there was any discussion that the zoning code is the best place for animal regulations versus other chapters in the code. Mr. Johnstone stated no. Commissioner TIMMS stated the staff proposal is to allow three dwarf goats per residential lot. If someone wanted to have four dwarf goats would they go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance? Mr. Johnstone stated that would be a use variance which the Board of Adjustment does not have jurisdiction to approve. More than three dwarf goats would be reviewed under the large animal regulations with requires a larger parcel. • • • - to I I ILI if Ogg wws P&LVIIIE-EN al 1111111 12MV mrol M • Iffmin9=111"m Commissioner TIMMS asked what cons were found in the research associate with dwarf goats. Mr. Johnstone stated there were none found. There is a little bit of a noise impact, Planning Commission Minutes -7— June 1 9, 2014 Open lot area is needed for space to utilize and for grazing. They are not dissimilar than a dog of the same size. Commissioner DORSEY asked if licensing and immunizations will be required. Mr. Johnstone replied no. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if Code Enforcement would be notified if this passes. Mr. Johnstone stated yes, staff has been working with Code Enforcement on this case. Commissioner DORSEY asked if there would be enough yard space on a multi-family property. Mr. Johnstone stated some larger multi-family properties with a property owner who is inclined to make a goat area available on the property for use by the tenants would be pennitted if the requirements were met. Many multi- family properties cannot meet the requirements for setbacks, open lot area, etc. Commissioner DORSEY asked if code enforcement would be handling any issues. Mr. Johnstone stated yes. Commissioner OHM asked if the fencing standards in Section 605 would apply to goats. Mr. Johnstone stated yes. Commissioner OHM asked if there are fencing standards in 606. Mr. Johnstone stated to the extent of height and construction. Commissioner BRINKMAN opened the public hearing. Melissa Saynourath 4085 Depew St. Ms. Saynourath stated she has raised dwarf goats for the past three years in Wheat Ridge. She has received numerous compliments from neighbors about how quiet the goats are. SundariKraft 3495 Ames St. Ms. Kraft spoke in support of amending the City Code to allow the keeping of dwarf goats. There was some discussion on the different types of goats. Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner OH to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws. _c*rr 1 0 1 * i I Commissioner WEAVER stated there many people are coming to Wheat Ridge who are excited about the openness to urban agriculture and food production. Code enforcement does a good job in enforcing applicable restrictions. Motion carried 5-1 with Commission DORSEY voting no. C. Case No. ZOA-14-04: An ordinance amending chapter 26 and chapter I I of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws by the addition of new section 26-639 concerning marijuana and amending paragraph 11- 321(b){8) concerning applications for primary care-giver licenses. Mr. Johnstone presented the case. He stated the purpose of the ordinance is to place certain limits on the manner in which marijuana is cultivated on residential properties. He reviewed the Planning Commission Legislative Item Staff Report. He stated the ordinance is scheduled for City Council public hearing on June 23, 2014 and Planning Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to City Council for consideration. Commissioner BUCKMAN asked if it is a public safety issue as to why cultivation is not allowed in an accessory structure. Mr. Johnstone stated that is part of the reason, Commissioner WEAVER asked what qualifies as visual evidence. Mr. Johnstone stated that language is mirrored from the home occupation ordinance. The intent is to maintain the residential character of the neighborhood. MUCMA;�W Vf5'YTf44Fr-J1-t;u. r7ir.:XV1111stone statea yes, it'it is habitable and if meets applicable building codes. Chair BRINKMAN requested an explanation for 25% of gross floor area for 6 plants. Mr. Johnstone stated that the logic is the same figure as the home occupation ordinance, Chair BRINKMAN asked if the reference for the use of compressed flammable gas for processing marijuana is for making hash. Mr. Johnstone stated it is used for making products and extractions including hash. Chair BRINKMAN asked if co4majubmMir amount. Mr. Johnstone replied yes. Chair BRINKMAN stated someone may figure out another way of processing marijuana that doesn't require compressed fl ammable gas. She asked if the ordinance should be broadened to say use of compressed flammable gas or any other tool or mechanism for Planning Commission Minutes -9— June 19, 2014 Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing as there was no one in the audience to speak. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner HUCKNAM to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Chapte 26 and I I of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws by the addition of a new section 26-63 concerning marijuana and amending paragraph 11-321(b)(8) concerning applications for primary caregivers licenses. I Commissioner BUCKNAM clarified this ordinance would only regulate distances between MIP's and not restrict the location of any testing facilities. Mr. Johnstone concurred. Commissioner WEAVER asked if there was any consideration for odor. Mr. Johnstone stated there is and that is one of the motivations behind the proposal to classify these businesses as a hazardous occupancy under the building code as it will require different air handling and mechanical systems. Planning Commission Minutes -10— June 19, 2014 Commissioner TIMMS asked if the C- I zone district is the City's most permissive commercial zone district. Mr. Johnstone replied yes, commercial in the sense O f retail/office and light industrial. C-2 is more permissive but there is very little C-2 zoning. The I-E district allows more traditional industrial uses. Commissioner TIMMS asked if the map in the packet with the three circled areas are zoned C-1. Mr. Johnstone stated at least one of them is zoned I-E. The two MIP's that are in the C- I district would become legal non-conforming uses. Commissioner TIMMS asked what triggered the emergency moratorium. Mr. Johnstone stated there was additional interest in these types of uses, Commissioner OHM asked why the map shows the pending manufacturer case no. WZ- 14-04 located at 3924-4096 Youngfield St. Mr. Johnstone stated that is a testing facility which is a separate use class at both the state and local level. They would not be doing any manufacturing, it is strictly testing. In response to Chair BRINKMAN's questions Mr. Johnstone stated the 1000-foot separation from schools, daycares, etc. is measured by the most direct pedestrian route. Chair Brinkman asked if schools in other cities are considered. Mr. Johnstone stated yes. Chair Brinkman closed the public hearing as there was no one in the audience to speak. Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Johnstone stated there was no quorum for the July 3 meeting but there will be a meeting on July 17. III-lon UMIJULEW WN M Ell I ZT. 1111171 Komi IMI Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 Planning Commission Minutes - 12— June 19, 2014 City of 9 (C Wheatjid OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: August 21, 2014 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ- 14- 06/Yukon Grove ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7671 W. 32' Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd PROPERTY OWNER: Jefferson County APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.48 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE Site Planning Commission WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION ATTACHMENT 4 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard with an Outline Development Plan (ODP). The Planning Commission originally reviewed this case on June 19, 2014 and recommended approval. Subsequent to that hearing but prior to City Council, the applicant realized that several of the proposed lots could not accommodate certain home models due to the maximum building coverage of 40% which was included on the ODP as a development standard. The applicant is requesting the maximum building coverage for the project be increased. Staff has concluded that this is a substantial change to the ODP and therefore has referred it back to Planning Commission for their input. All other components of the June 19 ODP remain the same. (Exhibit 1, Original staff report for June 19. 2014) Attached also are a copy of the minutes from June 19, 2014 (Exhibit 2, PC minutes) II. PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO BUILDING COVERAGE The City's planned development approval is a two -step process. The first step is for the zone change and approval of an Outline Development (ODP). The ODP document establishes permitted uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which labels areas of landscaping, parking, building footprints and access points. The development standards required to be included on the ODP include the following: a list of permitted land uses, minimum lot size, minimum perimeter setbacks, maximum building height and minimum lot coverage. When analyzing the development standards for a new planned development, the most closely related straight zone district is typically referenced as a starting point for negotiating standards with the developer. As an example, if a developer was requesting a zone change and ODP approval for a large lot single family project, staff would initially reference the standards in the R -1 zone district for setbacks, lot coverage, etc. The proposed minimum lot size in the subject project is 3500 square feet with a minimum lot width of 45'. Proposed lot sizes on the ODP plan vary in size from 3519 sf to 6192 sf. The smallest single family zone district in the straight -zone districts is R -1C. The R -1C zone district requires a minimum of 5000 sf of lot size with 50' of lot width. The maximum lot coverage of 40% is a standard used throughout the residential zone districts (R -1 B, R -1 C, R -2, R -2A, R -3 and R -3A). Planning Commission 2 WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 The applicant has provided an exhibit whereby the lots are laid out with home model templates identified to illustrate where the increase in building coverage would be applicable. (Exhibit 3, Lot coverage analysis) According to this information, the lots which an increase in lot coverage would benefit are those which would have single-story ranch homes or Model A on the graph. According to the figures provided, the maximum estimated building coverage would be 46.45%. The applicant has provided modified language in Note 2 on the front sheet to address the needed increase in building coverage. (Exhibit 4, revised, front sheet of 0DP plan set) Staff has considered the potential impact on the development and the surrounding neighborhood and has concluded that the proposed single story models will complement and be consistent with the single story neighborhood to the west. Staff has also concluded that the increase in building coverage is negligible and will not be easily identified on a lot-by-lot basis. However. the language in Note 2 should be modified to remove the reference to an average in the development of 40% as this would be difficult to administer and track. Staff also feels that 48% should be increased to 50% and be applicable to only single-story homes. Two-story homes would still need to meet a maximum of 40%. With regard to the increase in building covet-age. Staff has concluded that the increase for single story home models should be negligible and could encourage construction of raneb-style homes which would complement the neighborhood to the west. Staff has provided suggested motions which reflect the Commission's motion made, at the June 19 public hearing and added a condition of approval regarding the increase in building coverage. IV. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A. "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-1 4-06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (013P), on property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue/3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding, higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Planning Commission W;1- 14- 06/Grove 21 3. The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 2. The schematic detail for l.,ots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. 3. The developer is encouraged to work with the City Forester to create a tree friendly plan with consideration of old and new plantings. 4. The developer work with City staff to add a crosswalk on Yukon Court. S. Note #2 tinder Development Standards be modified to indicate that ranch home models are allowed a 50% building coverage and two-story homes have a maximum of 40% building coverage. Option 11:1 move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-1 4-06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODD), on property located at 7671 W. 32"" Avenue/3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3.** Planning Commission 4 WZ- I 4-06/Grove 21 Exhibit 1, June 19, 2014 staff report Planning Commission WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 � City of ' W heat -Midge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 2014 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd PROPERTY OWNER: Jefferson County APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.48 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTAT Site Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for property located at 7671 W, 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. The Specific Development Plan (SDP) and plat is the second step of the process which focuses on the details of the development such as final drainage, street improvements, architecture and final lot layout. The applicant is requesting approval of the zone change to allow the construction of a twenty-unit small lot, single family neighborhood. (Eillibit], fetter of Request) 11. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 7671 W. 32n Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and both properties are zoned Residential-Two (R-2). Neither property has ever been platted. (txhib;if: 2,, Aerial photo) The property was subject to a prior land use application. Case No. WZ-05-13 was a request by .Jefferson County Flousing Authority for a zone change, to PRD for construction of 42 multi-family Planning Commission 2 WZ- 14 -6 /Grove 21 dwelling units in multiple structures. Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on March 2, 2006. Planning Commission gave a recommendation of denial for the following reasons: 1. This is a high-density project that is not compatible with the existing neighborhood. This is not a reason to degrade the neighborhood from R-2 zoning. 2. This project is not compatible with the recent 2020 Plan that recommends more strong households to upgrade Wheat Ridge. 3. This area has a high vacancy rate in both homes for sales and units for rent in the Jefferson County/Wheat Ridge areas. There are plenty of houses for young people to purchase a starter homes. The application was subsequently withdrawn and did not proceed to City Council public hearing. 11. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Attached is a copy of the proposed Outline Development Plan which contains two sheets. The ODP will set allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which designates a street layout. proposed lots, building footprints and general architectural themes. (Exhibit 5, ODP document) The applicants have proposed two-story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will feature smaller lots with a minimum of 3500 square feet of area. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet, Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 10 feet in depth on the front with a minimum of 15' on the rear. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly wider than those on the northern portion. The proposed public street will extend north from W. 32nd Avenue with a cul-de-sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right-of-way via a future plat document. Allowable Uses: The property is currently zoned R-2 which allows single- or two-family dwellings (depending on lot size), foster care homes, governmental buildings and group homes. The proposed uses are limited to single family homes, in-home businesses and household pets. There is a restriction included prohibiting RV and boat parking. Detached accessory structures are not allowed. Lot size, Setbacks and Lot coverage: Lot sizes proposed are a minimum of 3500 square feet with 50' of lot width. On the conceptual layout, the smallest lots are Lots 1-4 on the southern portion of the site with the smallest lot being 3519 square feet in size. The largest is Lot 14 at the end of the cul-de-sac bulb with 6980 square feet of area. Building envelopes are shown which depict minimum setbacks. Proposed setbacks are 10' from the front property line, 15' from the rear property line and 5' on the sides. Plannitig Commission WZ- I 4-6/Grove 2 1 Maximum building coverage is 40% which would allow a maximum of a 1400 square foot structure pad on a 3500 square foot parcel. On Sheet 2, schematic layouts are shown which depict building setbacks, house locations and the shared driveways. The detail for Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. Maximum building height allowed is 35' which is consistent with all residential zone district classifications in the City. Parking Each of the homes will have an attached two cat garage accessed via a shared drive reducing the amount ol"impervious surface in the development. On-street parking will be allowed on the eastern side of the southern portion of the street. Parking on both sides of the street will be allowed on the north. Section 26-501 of the City's zoning and development code requires that two spaces per dwelling unit be provided when there is street parking available. Staff concludes that the parking is consistent with the city code. Planning Commission 4 WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 Proposed Density and Relationship to Surrounding Area The proposed density for the project results in a gross density of 5.75 dwelling units (du's) per acre. This figure includes street right-of-way. When street right-of-way areas are removed from the calculation, the net density is 8.73 units per acre. The existing neighborhood currently contains a mix of residential densities. Directly to the south and east of the subject properties is an existing apartment building (7669 W. 32 nd Avenue) containing 33 units. This property is owned by the Jefferson County Housing authority and contains 18 dwelling units per acre. Directly north of the site is another apartment complex addressed as 3445 Wadsworth. This complex contains 40 du's for a density of 22.9 du*s per acre. Directly west of the site is a well-established neighborhood which contains single and two-family I dwelling units. The neighborhood extends generally from 32 nd Avenue to 34 Drive, between Yarrow and Zephyr. These properties are zoned R-2, The R-2 zone district density can vary from 4.84 du's per acre to 6.9 du's per acre depending on the mix of housing types (single or two-family). Staff concludes that the proposed zoning and density provides a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Planning Commission WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 All utility agencies have indicated that they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Should the zone change be approved, a more detailed review will occur at the time of Specific Development Plan and plat. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The following documents are applicable to the property and are to be used for guides when considering zone changes. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION STRATEGY — adopted 2005 This document identified strategies for the city to become a "community of choice ". It established goals for Wheat Ridge to be competitive with adjacent jurisdictions by upgrading housing stock, increasing the variety of housing stock available, targeting underutilized properties for redevelopment and redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor. WADSWORTH CORRIDOR SUBAREA PLAN — adopted 2007 This document is considered an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan for this portion of the city. It is intended to be used as both a short -term and long -term planning document by providing guidance for the future development and redevelopment of properties along Wadsworth. The property is shown as Medium High Density Residential (brown color) on the edge of Medium Density Residential to the west (yellow color) and Medium High Density Mixed Use to the east (red and brown striped). In the description of land use categories, Medium High Density Residential is defined as having 10 — 21 units per acre including townhomes, condominiums and apartments. Medium Density Residential is defined as 5 — 10 units per acres including single family homes on small lots to be compatible with adjacent single family homes. Other identified goals being met are: 1. Encouraging a gradual increase in density closer to Wadsworth 2. Preservation and enhancement of the residential neighborhoods to the east and west of the corridor 3. Increased pedestrian opportunities Planning Commission 6 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Site >6 ._► no Unincorporated Jeffco COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Envision Wheat Ridge — adopted October 2009 The property is shown as being a Neighborhood Buffer (brown on the map below) on the edge of Commercial Corridor (red). The intent of the Neighborhood Buffer designation is for buffering and transition between low intensity residential areas and higher intensity commercial corridors. An identified goal of this designation is to encourage investment and redevelopment of properties. Logically, the Primary Commercial Corridor designation relates to Wadsworth Blvd. Wadsworth is the major north -south commercial corridor in the city and is a key target for redevelopment of outdated and underutilized properties. Goals identified for Neighborhood Buffer Areas include: 1. Increasing housing options 2. Promoting strong households 3. Encouraging new housing types 4. Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. 5. Promoting pedestrian connections 6. Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment areas Y' Planning Commission 7 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Surf concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Residential -Two zoning designation as it appears on the City's zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify. Wadsworth is one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan area. On the city's street classification plan, it is designated as a major regional arterial and carries over 41.000 vehicles per day (2009 count). Based on increased traffic and intensification of commercial land uses, Staff concludes that there are changed conditions which make this property undesirable for low density residential use. The proposed small lot single family will meet several goals of the city including providing additional housing options, providing entry level housing stock and providing a land use transition between Wadsworth and the lower density residential neighborhood to the west. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Planning Commission 8 WZ -14 -G /Grove 21 The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre - application meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 11, 2014. There were approximately 20 persons in attendance (Exhibit 6, Neighborhood meeting recap, Exhibit 7, Sign - up sheet,) VI. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve the property subject to installation of improvements. A "looped" system will be required so a paved connection must be made to Wadsworth via Tract A. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Water plan and hydrant locations will be addressed at the time of SDP and plat. Does not need a secondary access into the development. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department: Will require fees -in -lieu of land dedication assessed at the time of final plat. Wheat Ridge Police: Can serve the new development. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved preliminary drainage design and a traffic study. All requirements are being met. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Has adequate capacity to accommodate development. Final design review will occur at the SDP and plat stage. Xcel Energy: Can serve. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed Planned Residential zoning and accompanying Outline Development Plan are consistent with the goals and policies of the City guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. Staff further concludes that the proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Because the proposed zoning and ODP meet the criteria used to evaluate a zone change, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WZ -14 -06 with the conditions listed below. Planning Commission 9 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Planning Commission 10 WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 Grove 21 at Wheat Ridge rxft- This project will consist of 21 single family homes gathered around a new street running off of 32� Aven West of Wadsworth Blvd. I Currently ne site is own rM7= project, It wassubmittedt the City in and subsequently withdrawn In 200612007, ;%woemAh- homes immediately the West. Figure one, attached, shows the current character of the site. The 3 existing single family houses and I i i if 111. M a M W 1% �� 01 010111.1 JJ; �� 1 M. I I V 1g. 1 V Will �� 0 Blvd and existing R-2 is the appropriate solution. IMMUMM-ANNOW -9xilling Milm S1 Ph"lol sharlOgrt To the North, South, and East, older apartment complexes exist in neighboring zone districts, To the West is Yarrow Street zoned R-2. 014J. SM0.1, Jill!' 1 J! ilillill!ll 111111111 1 n I ill I I i � J 1111 11111 1 1 0 - . PF residents, it will help revitalize an area that i a bit long in the tooth. Planning Commission WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 Fire- Our consultants have met with the Fire Department and no secondary access will be necessary. All road designs meet their standards. Police- No adverse effects are anticipated. Water- Service lines are available on 32 "'. Storm Water- The site will have two detention facilities for controlled release into the existing storm Sewer. We anticipate an offsite discharge pipe running through the Northern adjacent Oak Hill partments ( ). The easements and agreements are currently underway. Roadways — A R.O.W will be reserved on Wadsworth Blvd for future CDOT expansion. A R.O.W will be dedicated on 32 Avenue and appropriate improvements made along the street frontage. Parks & Schools — City mandated contributions, in lieu, have been discussed and are anticipated. -City Policies - Discussions have been held with the City to adhere to all requirements for the rezone process. A neighbourhood meeting was held on February 11, 2014 to solicit neighbourhood input. We feel that the feedback was positive and the adjacent landowners are looking forward to the removal of the adjacent blight. We have committed to meet the requirements for roads, setbacks, heights and associated municipal codes. Planning Commission j 2 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo Planning Commission 13 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 7671 W. 32nd Ave and 3299 Wadsworth • Planned Residential Development Exhibit 3, Zoning Map Planning Commission 4 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 4, Site photos View of property from W. 32 °d Avenue 15 32 " Avenue looking west Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 32 Avenue looking east View of property from Wadsworth Planning Commission 16 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 House on western portion of property House on eastern portion of property Planning Commission 17 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Interior view of property Interior view of property Planning Commission 18 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 5, ODP document Planning Commission 19 W Z -14 -6 /Grove 21 GROVE 21 AT WHEAT RIDGE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SURVEYORS CERTtl1C!.TF. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN a NM M a Dot Dom. NW ?4 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO NsT d w lOmw[DR. ANMwrd •w aLA], w +GmADA AMC NL tPrLt.+Nr taLDa.DO s + �s, CLNEAT AD lDRld AS R1N] •auam+ AtACRNrT s.o suArcv r Z Q6 „ A Q F{ 8 a� i 63. (SUNS Dltz suU smtRTLw[ OWNER'S OMFICA / u+IFl O CONTROL STATEMENT: M xLLw' s]c14D DNNa(St. a L[DNL• OESNP.L .a«rtsf Mud. 1t$W •GNE DM, M 2AOr(Rry 1LL'YlC aSCAN(D MI[O« .a] a[ axLdtO •4 + ALNNm O(KLOrr[Nt w ACCDM+Na 1NT« M 125[5. ns+wr:an •,m [a+N1n+S m1ARRK0 N n3. n•N, .ND As NNT O DE AT 40 W W (Ir[) r]/r"p IRmI' A W M NIaTI d • Rt2LWRm 10 - DOE D nOT MIDR.OR. •ND ArrROAU d MS CIIRK OENIYL(M rLM4 OAQ CA[A • +CS g10PEAF RANT MCSRO rAdEAty NWq 1Nr R N - 1 11 d l Y1al •ND •CALK Ayt D, A M PAOL'BCI d RCN 21 1. wan 'm CODE d uR - «DlMalt - - CALAiI p ,K 1LC .An d coD ) l ss CO]rrtT d .aT[npR ) M TORlODUC rS1NIypN N3. ACKNOWLmr, WOOF w T1A! ___w d _ - -. AD 201. W-- --�___- Nn1R3S w r m AND OrrcK RA4. w COUA3.w1 E] n. ODP NOTE: *,.s wn NC DnntrNENt >,Ir] a (vua,•n]R]. 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SauN uo M.m swat r•c5nK5 An•DtRD •a t55DW S1NA:nNES NN w, w DAt D. PLANNING COMMISSON CERT MATKK AEmwNN= - AarROTa ,N3. ___ - d W M w T w M CoLAASD011. CITY CERTIFICJTION: A"NPR9 Aft - d __ -. 201. W M ANmT AA]R CW laLwl ATTEST: at.' C -MR 201.. C ECG H!STnw: OAY /R- OS�- ti.R -1. -m L AND TABLE E 05E � . W /K. ;AC. ftwc N 1.19 MA drw SPAR QS 154 Sue rot a d A[50[O1NL RASA 73 n A.n Dal ApNT -d -Aw r. rno NE. 4Da RRpyRGAn1 3.w GAO a RR2TDttl S.Mm 1q ilr slw TOTAL d Ac11, -d wr ,.19 JNf TOTALS 3.49 20 5.73 I.A. 0 CRO!ECT INFORxATION ft BERRY ALLC 2305 r. . CO K. C O NTACT: CO 50 CNTM:i: N[VN 1KRAVL[R ENCIEEBL YAKM ARTIN (Xt rTW ENFANEERS 12499 M. CafA% A4E. IAKflWOD, COLORADO 50215 PN:303 -431 -9100 CONTACT: MARK THORR9Rf)Vr,4. 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SIDRWWATER FLOWS COTNCV[D FROM TRACT 6 WILL K AS ALLOWED PER CR STANDARDS AND RE=AtoN ULX*P1'oRS RIM[ i T an» v i i NOA DWAR LMMTA TR reTR.a ; 1 aaati o; ; Aaa» v _ -- ---- _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a TRACT C SwALL BE FOR DRAPMDE. AID Wx1 BF TAIED er TTK MOE COIICLTEO N N O C ES. A b' WRL K CONVEYED TO fM CRYS STORMUTCR SYSTEM W BURIED PIPE 00 DRMNM.E APPLATTETNNCES. 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Exhibit 6, Architectural design Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 20 Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Meeting Notes NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: February IL 2014 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 Wade Sanner, Planner I Location of Meeting: City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Address: 7671 W. 32nd Avenue & 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard Property Owner(s): Jefferson County Property Owner(s) Present? No Applicant: Bill Fritz, Bob Nettleton, Mark Thornbrough (all present) Existing Zoning: Residential -Two (R -2) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Buffer Area Existing Site Conditions: The site is located at 7671 W. 32nd Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and both properties are zoned Residential -Two (R -2). Neither property has ever been platted. Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. To the west are parcels also zoned R -2 including mostly two - family homes. To the southeast at 32nd and Wadsworth are two multifamily apartment complexes zoned Residential - Three (R -3). Immediately to the north, the property is bordered by the Rocky Mountain Ditch, across which there are additional properties zoned R -2. Finally, to the south across W. 32nd Avenue is Crown Hill Cemetery which is outside of the City of Wheat Ridge boundary and is part of unincorporated Jefferson County. The subject parcels both have unusual shapes and each is currently developed with single family homes which were originally built around 1930. Based on Jefferson County records, the total size of the two sites is 145,926 square feet (3.35 acres). The property on W. 32nd Avenue is long and narrow 21 Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 with about 1 10 feet of street frontage along W. 32nd Avenue; the size of the lot is 41,382 square feet (0.95 acres). The property at 3299 Wadsworth is 104,544 square feet (2.4 acres) but is essentially a flag lot. The main portion of the property is rectangular with the exception of the northern property line which is angled and parallel to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. The southeast corner of property includes a pole portion which extends east to Wadsworth and provides about 60 feet of street frontage. The existing home is located on the southeast corner of the property. Applicant /Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R -2 to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for the development of small lot single- family homes. The applicants have proposed two -story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will feature smaller lots varying in size from about 3,750 to 4,100 square feet. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet. Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 20 feet in depth. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly smaller than those on the northern portion. Primary access will extend from W. 32nd Avenue with a cul -de -sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right -of -way. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to staff, 19 members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff explained the site conditions, zoning in the neighborhood, and the reason for the rezoning request. • The applicant explained the proposed single - family development, the market conditions that trend to smaller lots, and the village -like feel of the design. • The members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. • Neighbors compared the proposed design to a previous multi - family development and were more receptive the applicant's single - family proposal. Concerns were related to drainage, preservation of existing trees, additional traffic on W. 32 Avenue, and perimeter fencing. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: Proposal How many lots are proposed? The proposal includes 21 single-family lots. • What is the size of the home? The homes will range from 1500 to 2000 square feet. What is the price point for the homes? Planning Commission 22 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 The homes will be around $300,000. • Will the homes include basements? Some may include basements. • How tall are the homes? They will be offering two -story and ranch styles. The homes are custom built, so the total of each design will be a function of the market. The applicant is seeing an equal preference for both designs recently. • Will the homes be energy efficient? The energy efficiency is measured in HERS (home energy rating) and consumes about 60% of the energy of a normal home. Because the homes are custom, they can include passive solar and other features at the request of the buyer. • Has the perimeter fencing been designed? The details of the design, such as the type of perimeter fencing, have not yet been designed. Neighbors expressed a preference for something more durable than a cedar privacy fence, such as masonry or vinyl. • Will there be an HOA? The applicants do not expect an HOA; each lot will be fee simple ownership. • What are the proposed setbacks? The preliminary site plan shows a minimum 5-foot setback which is the standard minimum in all residential zone districts. The rear setback will vary based on the shape of the lots. The deeper lots could include up to a 25 foot setback to maximize backyard space. • Will the trees be saved? The applicants have the desire to preserve as many trees as possible. Staff noted that a required submittal will likely include an inventory and analysis of existing trees on the site. • Is the theme of the architecture Victorian in nature? The homes include a somewhat Victorian design with front porches and clapboard siding that evoke a cottage- or village -like feel. • How will the residents access the garages? Shared driveways and garages behind the homes are a central feature of the design. Residents will access the side- loaded garages from the street. The garages are setback about 25 feet from the western property line. • The notification letter indicated the site is mostly vacant —what does that mean? There are two homes and several outbuildings on the site, but they are not currently occupied and the majority of the site is undeveloped. • What is the expected timeline for the project? The rezoning process alone can take 4 to 6 months, platting and specific site design will follow. There is not yet an estimated completion date. • How does this compare to the previous proposal by Jefferson County for the site? In 2005, a different applicant —the Jefferson County Housing Authority— requested a rezoning to construct 8 residential buildings with a total of about 43 dwelling units. The current proposal is much less dense with only 21 lots and includes detached single family homes. The Planning Commission 23 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 current proposal still represents a transitional land use with moderate density between the multi family and commercial uses on Wadsworth and the R -2 neighborhood to the west. Who currently owns the two lots that comprise the site? The property was previously owned by the Jefferson County Housing Authority, but now Jefferson County itself owns the site. Zoning • Is PRD a zoning designation, and if so is there any minimum lot size in the PRD district? A Planned Residential Development is a zone district, but it does not include codified development standards in the same way as other "straight " residential zone districts. A planned development is intended to be used for unique physical conditions or a unique development proposal. In this case, the unique conditions include the shape of the lot and the desire to provide a more urban, smaller lot development that is not considered in other residential zone districts. The PRD is a negotiated zoning that allows a developer more flexibility to propose a design that may not be permitted in another zone district. The intent is not to circumvent the zoning code, and the expectation is the provision of a high quality design in exchange for the flexibility offered by a PRD. Is each PRD established on an ad hoc basis? Each planned development is reviewed individually on its own merits. Staff and service agencies will review the documents and provide comments. Staff and Planning Commission will make a recommendation of approval or denial, but ultimately City Council approves each planned development. Because a PRD is a more flexible, negotiated type of zone district, the application includes more detail about the proposed design and is reviewed with more scrutiny than other types of by right development. • Why are the lots so much smaller than the 9000 square feet required in R -2? Housing preferences in the real estate market are increasingly shifting away from large lot suburban homes. Empty nesters, seniors, and young professionals are seeking smaller lots with less maintenance, but they still want the independence that comes with single family homeownership. The proposed design is more similar to the neighborhoods seen in Stapleton, Lowry, and Belmar that respond to this new preference and increase the variety of housing options in Wheat Ridge. Utility, Drainage, Traffic How will you address the abandoned ditch along the southwest perimeter of the property? A neighbor described an abandoned ditch along the west side of lots 1 through 6 She explained that water rights had been sold, but the ditch had neither been backfilled nor was the easement vacated. The applicants explained they would be using surveys and title work to clean up and remove as many encumbrances as possible. An abandoned ditch would be included in that effort if it affects the subject property. • Will the development impact existing utility easements on the neighboring lots? No, the utilities and easements on the existing lots to the west will not be impacted. The new development will include its own utility easements along the perimeters of each lot. • Will utilities be undergrounded? Planning Commission 24 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Utilities for new developments are typically required to be undergrounded. Xcel will be given the chance to comment on the application. Applicants are not required to underground existing utilities in adjacent neighborhoods. Will drainage in the surrounding area be better or worse after the project is completed? The proposal will result in an increase in impervious surface, however, the applicants will be required to complete a drainage report and keep and treat all runoff water on -site. The proposed site design includes two detention ponds that will discharge into the storm sewer system. The proposal will not result in surface runoff onto neighboring properties which may be happening now since now drainage system is in place. Will there be any access on or off of Wadsworth? Wadsworth is a state highway controlled by CDOT. The only access to Wadsworth will be for emergency vehicles. CDOT will not allow access for several reasons, include the fact that a narrow frontage prohibits construction of acceleration /deceleration lanes. The topography of the area and the presence of the Rocky Mountain Ditch complicate access in this area. Primary access will be off of W. 32 Avenue. Will a traffic signal be added at W. 35`" Avenue? The applicants would not be responsible for a new stop light at W. 35' Avenue because it is not adjacent to the subject site, and their project alone would not increase traffic at this area. CDOT would have to approve the addition of a traffic signal in this location —new signals are added when traffic counts reach a certain threshold. Will Wadsworth be widened? Wadsworth Boulevard is slated to be widened in the future, but there is no timeline for the project. To accommodate the future widening, the applicants will be required to provide a 22 foot wide right -of -way dedication and a 24 foot wide reservation along the Wadsworth frontage. What can be done to fix traffic issues and the bus stop location on W. 32 " Avenue? The neighbors noted that curb cuts at the gas station and multi- family development are too close to the intersection and make it difficult to turn left (eastbound) onto W. 32 Avenue. As a result, vehicles frequently turn right (westbound) and turn around on Yarrow Street or by weaving through the neighborhood. There is also a bus stop at the gas station that complicates turning movements in this area. The neighbors are concerned about this issue in general, and don't want to the see the issue exacerbated by the new development. The applicants will be required to complete a traffic study to understand the impacts of the new development. They expect that the new road will be far enough west that the residents will be able to turn left (eastbound) onto W. 32 " Avenue without the same trouble experienced at the gas station. Staff received no written comment prior to the neighborhood meeting. Planning Commission 25 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 8, Sign -Up sheets February 11, 2014 — 6 PM Neighborhood Meeting Zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth PLEASE PRINT N.me Address 1. At 3330 2. 3 a L � �2a � CY 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. i'3 Planning Commission 26 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 y i--' ff 1 " 1vn `KL I ,.� ► I ( _Cjjh7� L t. 1 9. 20. ��_ 3 �o 3 Loy 21. Z � 22, 23. J� ��f �,b ' 33�o wzGskr 24. `z 7 25. 26. sac 8A)DOd � 27. 28. 29. 3 Planning Commission 27 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 �, 9. 10. G a k� p 3i90 W �.�•�� 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. n. 18. 2 Planning Commission 28 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 2- June 19, 2014 . minutes A. Case No. WZ- 14 -06 :. A request filed by Calier Capital, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32' Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. Ms. Reckert presented the case. She entered into the record the contents of the case file and packet materials, the zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan and the digital presentation. She stated the public noticing and posting requirements have been met. She provided an explanation about the Planned Residential Development and Outline Development Plan processes. Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council which is the final authority. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked for a clarification of the setbacks and inquired about the lot on the north of the pole on the flag on Wadsworth and what the status of that property. Ms. Reckert stated the front setback is 10 -feet, 5 -feet on the sides and 15 -feet on the rear and the lot is vacant. Commissioner DORSEY inquired about the name of the new street and asked if the developer will develop the whole area at the same time. Ms. Reckert stated she didn't know what the street name will be yet but it would follow the Denver Metro grid system and it will be decided at the time of plat. She deferred the development question to the developer. Commissioner Dorsey inquired about parking; that on the south portion parking will only be permitted on one side of the street and parking on the cul -de -sac is permitted on both sides. Ms. Reckert stated that is correct. Commissioner TIMMS asked if staff calculated the potential on- street parking availability. Ms. Reckert stated she has not done the calculation. The development meets the minimum parking requirements. In response to Commissioner TIMMS inquiry about lot coverage, the Homeowners' Association, 50% masonry requirement, signage and condition four with the tree preservation and how that will be monitored, Ms. Reckert stated the size of the lots that were discussed at the neighborhood meeting were larger than what is proposed today. A Homeowners' Association will be required because of the three tracts that will have to be maintained. She deferred the masonry question to the developer. She stated the only signs that would be allowed besides real estate signs and constructions signs would be a subdivision identification sign with a 36 square foot maximum. Home occupations would permit a 2 square foot sign. She stated Wheat Ridge does not have a tree preservation ordinance but there are some mature cottonwood trees on the site. A tree assessment has been submitted by the applicant and we will engage the parks Naturalist for suggestions. Commissioner TIMMS asked if staff has received any additional emails or phone calls from the public since the public notice. Ms. Reckert replied no. Planning Commission 7 WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 Commissioner OHM asked about condition number four. He stated cottonwood trees are typically weak wood and typically are forbidden in most municipalities. He suggested rewording to condition to have the developer perform a tree assessment with the City's Naturalist. He asked if there was any consideration for pedestrian access to connect to Wadsworth. Ms. Reckert stated the southern 30 feet is to be paved which will act as a pedestrian connection to Wadsworth and to satisfy the requirements of Denver Water and Consolidated Mutual Water Districts. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was any discussion between staff and the applicant about making the west slightly shallower in depth to provide more space for sidewalks on both sides of the street. Ms. Reckert stated that the first five lots are at the minimum of 3519 square feet, so there would probably be a reduction of lots on that side. Commissioner WEAVER inquired about first condition for the masonry. Ms. Reckert stated the masonry was to upgrade the architecture. Commissioner DORSEY inquired about the "flag pole" portion of the lot. Ms. Reckert replied that it is 60 feet wide. The southern portion will be used for the water line looping into the development. The water companies require a 30 foot paved easement or an unpaved 50 foot easement. Chair BRINKMAN inquired that since this is going to be a public street would the city plow it. Ms. Reckert stated there is a hierarchy plowing policy and this would be a low priority. It would be plowed into the pond. Chair BRINKMAN asked staff to confirm that there is no flood plain related to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Ms. Reckert stated there is not. Discussion continued regarding the proposed drainage system and whether the off -site easement would vest with the owner or the property. Commissioner DORSEY asked if the number of houses on the south side could be reduced to 5 to accommodate a sidewalk on the east side. Ms. Reckert stated that could be discussed with the applicant. Applicant, Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace, Littleton, CO 80124 Mr. Fritz spoke briefly about the history of the project. Mr. Fritz introduced his partners to speak and answer questions. Commissioner WEAVER inquired about the home price points and square footage. Mr. Fritz stated that home prices would start in the lower 300's and that average finished square footage will be 1500 to 2000 square feet. Discussion continued regarding sidewalk on the east side of the street. Planning Commission 8 WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 Commissioner TIMMS inquired about the masonry condition. The applicant indicated they envision a "cottage style" with doesn't accommodate for a lot of masonry accents. Bob Nettleton Project Builder 220 S. Cherry St, Denver, CO Mr. Nettleton stated masonry requirements are not architecturally correct for cottages. He stated masonry accents are desired without a specific percentage of coverage. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if Lots 1-6 could be configured to accommodate a sidewalk on the east. Mr. Nettleton stated there is a five foot buffer between the street and the apartments which could be a sidewalk instead of a landscape buffer Commissioner DORSEY asked about fencing for the apartments. Mr. Nettleton stated there is a wire fence. Ms. Reckert stated she didn't think there was enough room for a sidewalk and fence and there is a grade change between the "C Court" to the south and the property. Discussion on possible solutions continued. Commissioner TIMMS stated he didn't think there was room to extend the sidewalk around the curve. He thought a better option was to stop it at the pavement. Chair BRINKMAN inquired about the pipe installation under the ditch and impact on the adjacent property. She also asked where the snow from the street would be directed. Mark Thornbrough Civil Engineer 6037 Cole Ct, Arvada, CO Mr. Thornbrough stated that regarding drainage through their property they worked with the owners of Oakhill Apartments to the north and there is a memo of understanding. The storm water eventually ends up in a storm sewer line at Wadsworth. He stated the snow will be plowed to the retention pond located on the east side. Chair BRINKMAN asked if they can push any snow to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Thornbrough stated no. Chair BRINKMAN asked if there would be an official path that connects with the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Thornbrough stated he wasn't sure if it was a public path. Chair BRINKMAN stated it is not. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was anything he could add to the conversation about the lack of sidewalk on the east side. Mr. Thornbrough stated if the sidewalk ended at Lot 20, a crosswalk could be installed to the other side. Chair BRINKMAN opened the hearing to members of the audience. Pat Hott 3330 Yarrow St. Planning Commission 9 WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 Ms. Hott spoke in favor of the development but voiced concerns with an existing easement behind the homes on Yarrow Street and possible privacy issues. She inquired about the empty lot to the north on Wadsworth and wanted to know what could be developed there. Ms. Reckert stated that is under separate ownership and the applicant was encouraged to incorporate it into the site. Ms. Reckert stated there is a strip of land on the west side of the subdivision with unclear title. Mr. Johnstone clarified it is a plat issue, not a zoning issue. Frank Stites 3354 Zephyr Ct. Mr. Stites had questions about where the setback will be in regards to the easement. Carol Greene 3300 Yarrow St. Ms. Greene has requested construction of masonry privacy fence between the properties. Mike Greene 3310 Yarrow St. Mr. Greene stated he is in favor of the project but wants to be cautious about putting too many restrictions on the developer. Mr. Greene is seeking feedback regarding the property lines on Yarrow and the easement. Pat Hoff 3330 Yarrow St. She hopes the development will have an HOA. Chair BRINKMAN confirmed that it would. Mark Thornbrough Mr. Thornbrough stated the easement at the rear of the property did not show up in the title commitment. He stated the developer is intending to provide a six foot privacy fence and the setback from the rear of the homes will be from the property lines defined in the legal description. Commissioner OHM asked staff if landscape buffer is required for the paved connection to Wadsworth and if condition would be required for the crosswalk. Ms. Reckert stated no for the landscape buffer and yes for the condition for the crosswalk. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there is a requirement for on- street parking in a PRD. Ms. Reckert stated this is referred to in Section 26 -501. Single or two - family has a require for 4 off street parking space if there is no on street parking or 2 if there is on street parking but it doesn't specify how many on street parking spaces are needed. Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to recommend approval of Case No. WZ- 14 -06, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and an Planning Commission 10 WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32" Avenue /3299 Wadsworth Blvd. for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. 3. The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the follo-*N conditions: 1. Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 2. The schematic detail for Lots 7 -20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. 3. The developer is encouraged to work with the City Forester to create a tree friendly plan with consideration of old and new plantings. Friendly amendment made by Commissioner OHM to have the developer work with staff to add a crosswalk. Amendment accepted by Commissioners Weaver and Dorsey to add this as Condition #4. Commissioner TIMMS stated the 50% masonry requirement is too high for this development but he is sensitive to the reality of the market and to staff. He suggested 25% masonry. There was a discussion about the masonry requirement. Mr. Johnstone stated this will be in front the Planning Commission again as a SDP and architectural criteria will be addressed at that time. Chair BRINKMAN spoke of the request of the sidewalk to the east. She stated if she had to put in a sidewalk she would rather put it next to the house versus the other side. Commissioner BUCKNAM stated his concern for public safety. Motion carried 5 -1 with Commissioner BUCKNAM voting no. Planning Commission WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 Exhibit 3- Building coverage analysis YUKON GROVE PREL1MINIARY LOT COVERAGE ANALYSIS Lot # Area Plan Lot Coverage Cover % 1 3,519.26 8 1,192.00 33.874E 2 3,519.26 B 1,192.00 33.87 3 3,519.26 S 1,192.00 33.87% 4 3,519.26 B 1,192.00 33.87% 5 3,536.92 B 1,192.00 33.70% 6 4,293.26 D MODIFIED 1,370.00 31.91% 7 3,820.27 A 1,714.00 44.87% 8 3,735.00 D 1,444.00 3866% 9 3,735.00 A 1,714.00 45.89% 10 3,735.00 D 1,444.00 38.66% 11 3,735.00 A 1,714.00 45.89% 12 3,632.76 B 1,192.00 32.81% ' 13 3,956.00 D 1,444.00 36.50% '14 6,548.00 CUSTO10 2,576.00 39.34% 15 3,659.87 A — MAX 1,714.00 46.45% 16 3,690.00 C 1,440.00 39.02% 17 3,690.00 A 1,714.00 45.45% 18 3,690.00 C 1,440.00 39.02% 19 3,691 -57 A 1,714.00 46.43% 20 3,966.54 C 1 1,440.00 36303+6 Average 38.67% 'NOTE: Includes lot sideline adjustment (No net increase) Plan Style Sq Ft Luring Footprint A Rands 1250.00 1,714.00 B 2 Story 1476.00 1,192.00 C 2 Story 1741-00 1,440.00 D 2 Story 1873.00 1,444.00 D MODIFIED 2 Story 1859.00 1,370.00 Planning Commission 12 WZ- 14 -06 /Grove 21 MHNNns m dni I i I � sl Exhibit 4- Revised ODP cover sheet Planning Commission 13 WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 H z p c w L CL o 0 .0 w a0 x w z im �w W a �- ►= z ° o w w �� �W (n o W Ir w M` �o w 1 w , � z z� z w o0 U g � wn o >o ox o z 3 z LL p 0 D U } i lji�q 9 � ;@ fj ag li$ �`S FFA 9 p 1 F } 6Fe p � i _Yaare8 T1 !fi! fili; NMI 211S.r A E �z ^� Y e w t3 R easaases $4 E S��ry'�ra �na { � x ,( ' ' g�YL° FH ER¢� �S ' u t 8 ffi �' �a a E b fe a ?q 8 r r JYg f � r q� ¢¢ ba 8 r V _ h o! .d 3 g e �� s 1 qr Y(sb a s �5 ,ro mwoa>vmwnn'� E' r , 30 tle 31111 `, E s a w I E. 3 L ^� L m �, - I Q ,on O 3AONO NoNm H z p c w L CL o 0 .0 w a0 x w z im �w W a �- ►= z ° o w w �� �W (n o W Ir w M` �o w 1 w , � z z� z w o0 U g � wn o >o ox o z 3 z LL p 0 D U } i lji�q 9 � ;@ fj ag li$ �`S FFA 9 p 1 F } 6Fe p � i _Yaare8 T1 !fi! fili; NMI 211S.r A E �z ^� Y e w t3 R easaases $4 E S��ry'�ra �na { � x ,( ' ' g�YL° FH ER¢� �S ' u t 8 ffi �' �a a E b fe a ?q 8 r r JYg f � r q� ¢¢ ba 8 r V _ h o! .d 3 r F F b Y i� C � y � 3 to �g i� "e W a s t b a g e �� s 1 qr Y(sb a s �5 li p E' r , b r r s `, E s a w I E. 3 s --- r F F b Y i� C � y � 3 to �g i� "e W a s t b a g e �� s 1 qr Y(sb a s �5 f w I E. 3 e J61 e �� s 1 qr Y(sb a s �5 } NV Id 3115 AN NINIl3tld N w'aaavvm vnvvn. nvw>vv ' Nlltl NI1NtlW ��/ c'.p �> m My Q 3AO80 NoNnA W 11 NZ woo w Z vU o Om Z °QH O Z D } LA- O U YM3nv puff I T 2� St �t b r 1 $ 1� Y� 4 Sf � Or l I b�t 1 _ r - - 3 i t r ao tZ ��3 Etl a C ��j Y A l l -7 9d`3 �- 2 i� xe �NY I � r 8 -g rp sp Ise "� Z 0 20 7 33O - �� c W G a,LLg I 0 R l a w a o z 10 1W W W 3 : w a L.L Z -0 (n amb Q W LL W w O cn W W s e�: LO � W 11 NZ woo w Z vU o Om Z °QH O Z D } LA- O U YM3nv puff I T 2� St �t b r 1 $ 1� Y� 4 Sf � Or l I b�t 1 _ r - - 3 i t r ao tZ ��3 Etl a C ��j Y A l l -7 9d`3 �- 2 i� xe �NY B. Case No. WZ-14-06: A request filed by Calier Capital, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. Ms. Reckert presented the case. She entered into the record the contents of the case file and packet materials, the zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan and the digital presentation. Jurisdiction was established. She stated Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council which is the final authority. The property is 3.48 acres in size and is zoned R-2. She stated the case was heard by Planning Commission on June 19, 2014 and it was recommended for approval. Subsequent to that meeting and prior to the City Council hearing the applicant realized that ' several of the proposed parcels could not accommodate the proposed models due to the maximum building coverage shown on the OOP at 40%. The applicant is requestingthat maximum to be reconsidered to better accommodate the proposed development , vas decided that Planning Commission should review the revision. She review Elie staff report and digital presentation. Commissioner WEAVER stated there are asked if Planning qmtmssion can 'lim it tl be added, "not ,"f6 exceed . . ..... 4e, ain numbp; SIMMINNSWO C d issioner 0111 pro , p 0 d. Com. is r Ol l Vl c: Ms. Reckert sttd that O °lM stated r 20 and building coverage. She fitL stated a cov,4iti-tn-could rns about traffic and asked for a copy of traffic generated by the units on the sed concern for sight distance visibility with the crosswalk. d be reviewed again with Public Works. Commissioner hearing there was discussion about a crosswalk between lot I the commission to that add as a condition, Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was any chance of a sidewalk being installed Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 ATTACHMENT 5 Commissioner WEAVER asked the applicant if they are willing to limit the development to six model A's. Mr. Fritz stated limiting to eight would be fine. Discussion continued about location for the Commissioner POPP asked about the prib itia options are limited on Wadsworth. She ed impacts. Mr. Fritz stated the traffic study`inda on traffic in the area. Mr. Fritz believes the d, that fits the urban design with _ t of people retirees. traffic increase and stated the pedestrian about the density relative to the traffic ,ated there would be no discernible impact ,, elotrt t will be a nice neighborhood young urban professionals and i ` 4 Commissioner POPP stated that iii her oliin4nn�; Wheat Ridge has an identity with the mer DORSEY in4u ed if there was a possibility to relocated 32nd Ave. bus to the west due to idjttcency of the new street. Chair BRINK MAN stated the us stop placement is f r connections and for the vision unpaired. the public hearing. D aniel B oise i 11 He stated the sight distance triangle will be obstructed no matter w ere the bus stop is located. He didn't agree with a restriction of six to eight lots for ranch style models. Lesa Mullaney -Meeks 4553 Allison St. Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 Mr. Fritz stated the fend by the ditch will be a split rail fence. He asked if the limitation could be modified to eight ranch style homes at the 50% building maximum with additional ranch style homes at the 40% building maxim Planning Commission Minutes -3— August 21, 2014 k 13 Commissioner BUCKNAM stated he is in is an acceptable solution. Chair BRINKMAN stated she was a concerns was traffic on 32 " Avenue lane and signal was added about a m 0 Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 motion and the added crosswalk ien the 2006 case was heard. One of the big was no turn signal on Wadsworth. A turn Ir and it helps the traffic flow. nm the audience. She submitted an one case for September 4' along with the Wadsworth PEL ;chedule a study session with the city attorney. mben the lighting standards and sign code will be that code revisions will be initiated later in the fall. 18, City Council passed a 90-day moratorium NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The following case shall be heard: Case No. W7,14-06: An applic.itimfiled by Calier Capital LLC for approval of a zone change from Resideimal-Two (R.-2) to Planned Residential Develo f Avenue and 3299 nient (PRO} with an Outline Development flan for the propet ty located, at 7671 W. 32 I Wadsworth. This case was continued ftom the public hearing on August 11, 2014. Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, August 21, 2014 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The following case shall be heard: Case No. W7,14-06: Ali appliczition, filed by Calier Capital LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R,-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with all Outline Development Plall, for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and legally described as follows: kim Waggoner. Add Assistant 1� 1V City of W h4gat .�_�`� C OMMUNiTy DFVELOPM ENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303-2352846 F: 301235.2851 September 4, 2014 Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace Littleton, CO 80124 Dear Mr. Fritz: With the following conditions: Your request for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan is scheduled for public hearing before City Council at 7:00 pm. on September 8, 2014. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. ,Sincerel im Waggoner Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes www.ci.wheatridge.co.us City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 301235.2857 NMEMSEM Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace Littleton, CO 80124 Dear Mr. Fritz: At its meeting of August 21, 2014, Planning Commission recommended approval of Case No, WZ- 14-06, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard for the following reasons: 1. The revised subdivision plat is consistent with the approval by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2. The proposed lots meet or exceed the R- I zone district regulations. 3. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met, 4. Utility districts can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. With the following conditions: Your request for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan is scheduled for public hearing before City Council at 7:00 p.m. on September 8, 2014. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Si c rely, KipmWaggoner Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes www-ci.wheatridge.coms Chair B close the pub It was moved by Commissioner BUC KNAM and seconded 0 4 maj to recommend approval of Case No. WS-14-02,,--a� f, lot plat f pr reas the following f 1 / t I ! whereby all p ublic build 1 n the amount of ere is not ! t � r t r � w N « ° r ♦ r4 m state # water on other properties. She Ms. Reckert stated the case will be herd by City Council on September 22. The commission took x'10- minute break at 8:21 p.m. N ( with an Outline Development Plan for property located a t d Wadsworth B oulevard. c Ms. Reckert presented the • the contents of the case fil • packet materials the zonin or plan a nd the digital Juris diction E P lanning C Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 i LW f ! Commissioner WEAVE state there areg&,Ihomes over a sked if PlanniqZ I ad be i fi proposed iQ� f f r .! coverage, She a condition could « r c generated * f the units on the * * i whether a fence is t distance visibility with the crosswalk. with Public Works. Commissioner scussion about a crosswalk between lot that add as a condition, h a"xpressed interest in ranch style i %Lo one i throu Commissioner BUCKN asked if there was any chance of a sidewalk being installed. Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 need to compartmentalize the community from the landscaping and green space that exists along the perimeter. Commissioner WEAVER asked the applicant if they are willing to limit the development to six model A's. Mr. Fritz stated limiting to eight would be fine. Discussion continued about location for the ranch models. • • bility to relocated 32nd Ave, bus t. Chair BRINKMAN stated the e vision impaired. • Ms. Mullaney-Meek"tated she owns a 6000 square foot property with a ranch style home and would like to downsize to a smaller property with a ranch home. There are a lot of communities inWlieat Ridge that do not have sidewalks. Mike Green 3310 Yarrow St. Mr. Green stated he has an issue with increasing price in development with decreasing the number of lots. Wheat Ridge needs single family homes not apartments and supports Planning Commission Minutes -7— August 21, 2014 the project. He had no opposition to allow more than eight ranches as long as they meet the requirements. Mr. Fritz stated the fence by the ditch will be a split rail fence. He asked if the limitati could be modified to eight ranch style homes at the 50% building maximum with additional ranch style homes at the 40% building maximum. I There was discussion about the Proposed limitation and language for a condition on the motion. NOW1 Chair BRINKMAN closed the public # # CAI Mingi M# MW MEE=# 1#�i ilml MW"Mr r a zone QI&All mts including the Strategy an Envision a logical land use transition between developments and the low density # # Usm OEM 3. 4. 5. W. am Plan have been met. design be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 'Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately rower lots. Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2414 F • 11 ve'lvays Will bide the garages and eliminates more impervious areas. Eventually he hopes there will be a continuous sidewalk along Wadsworth that will connect to the light rail station. Commissioner BUCKNAM stated he is in support • the motion and the added crosswalk is an acceptable solution. Chair BRINKMAN stated she was around when the 2006 case was heard. One of the big concerns was traffic on 32 d Avenue as there was no turn signal on Wadsworth. A turn lane and signal was added about a month after and it hew the traffic flow. 91 0 16)(9 A. Chair BRINKMAN stated Donna application for District IV for Planninjj B. Ms. Reckert stated there is,,one case for update. Staff is also trying ""�140#le a st rinaltwa-TV-4m I IN to Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 III, i # I 1 4 1 # 1 1 # # ORIERWim Kim Waggoner, Recording Secreta, MOVE= no. ,nee. She submitted an WO and sign code will be ♦ City of "� Wheat ridge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: August 21, 2014 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ- 14- 06/Yukon Grove ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd PROPERTY OWNER: Jefferson County APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.48 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESEN S[te Planning Commission WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for property located at 7671 W. 32" Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard with an Outline Development Plan (ODP). The Planning Commission originally reviewed this case on June 19, 2014 and recommended approval. Subsequent to that hearing but prior to City Council, the applicant realized that several of the proposed lots could not accommodate certain home models due to the maximum building coverage of 40% which was included on the ODP as a development standard. The applicant is requesting the maximum building coverage for the project be increased. Staff has concluded that this is a substantial change to the ODP and therefore has referred it back to Planning Commission for their input. All other components of the June 19 ODP remain the same. (Exhibit 1, Original staff report for June 19, 2014) Attached also are a copy of the minutes from June 19, 2014 (Exhibit 2, PC minutes) II. PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO BUILDING COVERAGE The City's planned development approval is a two -step process. The first step is for the zone change and approval of an Outline Development (ODP). The ODP document establishes permitted uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which labels areas of landscaping, parking, building footprints and access points. The development standards required to be included on the ODP include the following: a list of permitted land uses, minimum lot size, minimum perimeter setbacks, maximum building height and minimum lot coverage. When analyzing the development standards for a new planned development, the most closely related straight zone district is typically referenced as a starting point for negotiating standards with the developer. As an example, if a developer was requesting a zone change and ODP approval for a large lot single family project, staff would initially reference the standards in the R -1 zone district for setbacks, lot coverage, etc. The proposed minimum lot size in the subject project is 3500 square feet with a minimum lot width of 45'. Proposed lot sizes on the ODP plan vary in size from 3519 sf to 6192 sf. The smallest single family zone district in the straight -zone districts is R -1C. The R -1C zone district requires a minimum of 5000 sf of lot size with 50' of lot width. The maximum lot coverage of 40% is a standard used throughout the residential zone districts (R -1 B, R -1 C, R -2, R -2A, R -3 and R -3A). Planning Commission 2 WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 Staff has considered the potential impact on the development and the surrounding neighborhood and has concluded that the proposed single story models will complement and be consistent with the single story neighborhood to the west. Staff has also concluded that the increase in building coverage is negligible and will not be easily identified on a lot-by-lot basis. However, the language in Note 2 should be modified to remove the reference to all average in the development of 40% as this would be difficult to administer and track. Staff also feels that 48% should be increased to 50% and be applicable to only single-story homes. Two-story homes would still need to meet a maximum of 40%. With regard to the increase in building coverage, Staff has concluded that the increase for single story home models should be negligible and could encourage construction of ranch -style homes which would complement the neighborhood to the west. Staff has provided suggested motions which reflect the Commission's motion made at the June 19 public hearing and added a condition of approval regarding the increase in building coverage. Option A: I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 14-06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32" Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy and Envision Wheat Ridge, 2. The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west, Planning Commission 3 WZ-14-06,/Grove 21 3. The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. . The schematic detail for Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the lamer, narrower lots. 3. The developer is encouraged to work: with the City Forester to create a tree friendly plan with consideration of old and new plantings. 4. The developer work with City staff to add a crosswalk: on Yukon Court. . Note #t2 under Development Standards be modified to indicate that ranch home models are allowed a SCt% building coverage and two -story homes have a maximum of 40% building coverage." O P tion B: ` I move to recommend DENIAL o Residential t .Z Commercial 0 eq uesto o r It val of zone change from Residential Two (R-2) to Plans p o PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODP), can property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue /3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the fallowing reasons: l.. 2 3." Planning Commission 4 Wz- 14- 06/Grov 21 Exhibit 1, June 19, 2014 staff report Planning Conimission WZ- 14-06/Grove 21 A i City of Wheat id ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 2014 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd PROPERTY OWNER: Jefferson County APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.48 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL P RESENTATION =Site Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I, REQUEST This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. The City's planned development approval is a two -step process. The first step is for the zone change to PRD and approval of an Outline Development (ODP). The ODP document will set allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which labels areas of landscaping, parking, building footprints and access points. The ODP approval requires a public hearing in front of each Planning Commission and City Council. City Council is always the final authority for approval of zone changes so Planning Commission will be making a recommendation. The Specific Development Plan (SDP) and plat is the second step of the process which focuses on the details of the development such as final drainage, street improvements, architecture and final lot layout. The applicant is requesting approval of the zone change to allow the construction of a twenty -unit small lot, single family neighborhood. (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request) II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and both properties are zoned Residential -Two (R -2). Neither property has ever been platted. (Exhibit 2, Aerial photo) Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. To the west are parcels also zoned R -2 including single and two- family homes. To the southeast at 32 and Wadsworth are two multifamily apartment complexes zoned Residential -Three (R -3). Immediately to the north, the property is bordered by the Rocky Mountain Ditch, across which there are additional properties zoned R -2 and R- 3. Finally, to the south across W. 32 Avenue is Crown Hill Cemetery which is outside of the City of Wheat Ridge boundary and is part of unincorporated Jefferson County. (Exhibit 3, Zoning map) The subject parcels both have unusual shapes and each currently have vacant houses built around 1930. The total size of the two sites combined is 3.48 acres. The property at 7671 W. 32 Avenue is long and narrow with about 110 feet of street frontage along W. 32 Avenue. The property at 3299 Wadsworth is essentially a flag lot. The main portion of the property is rectangular with the exception of the northern property line which is angled and parallel to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. The southeast corner of the property includes a "pole" portion which extends east to Wadsworth and provides 60 feet of street frontage. The property is heavily wooded but most of the trees are cottonwoods and Siberian elm suckers, which are species the City encourages. (Exhibit 4, Site photos) The property was subject to a prior land use application. Case No. WZ -05 -13 was a request by Jefferson County Housing Authority for a zone change to PRD for construction of 42 multi- family Planning Commission 2 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 dwelling units in multiple structures. Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on March 2, 2006. Planning Commission gave a recommendation of denial for the following reasons: 1. This is a high- density project that is not compatible with the existing neighborhood. This is not a reason to degrade the neighborhood from R -2 zoning. 2. This project is not compatible with the recent 2020 Plan that recommends more strong households to upgrade Wheat Ridge. 3. This area has a high vacancy rate in both homes for sales and units for rent in the Jefferson County /Wheat Ridge areas. There are plenty of houses for young people to purchase a starter homes. The application was subsequently withdrawn and did not proceed to City Council public hearing. II. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Attached is a copy of the proposed Outline Development Plan which contains two sheets. The ODP will set allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which designates a street layout, proposed lots, building footprints and general architectural themes. (Exhibit 5, ODP document) The applicants have proposed two -story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will feature smaller lots with a minimum of 3500 square feet of area. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet. Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 10 feet in depth on the front with a minimum of 15' on the rear. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly wider than those on the northern portion. The proposed public street will extend north from W. 32nd Avenue with a cul -de -sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right -of -way via a future plat document. Allowable Uses: The property is currently zoned R -2 which allows single- or two - family dwellings (depending on lot size), foster care homes, governmental buildings and group homes. The proposed uses are limited to single family homes, in -home businesses and household pets. There is a restriction included prohibiting RV and boat parking. Detached accessory structures are not allowed. Lot size, Setbacks and Lot coverage: Lot sizes proposed are a minimum of 3500 square feet with 50' of lot width. On the conceptual layout, the smallest lots are Lots 1 -4 on the southern portion of the site with the smallest lot being 3519 square feet in size. The largest is Lot 14 at the end of the cul -de -sac bulb with 6980 square feet of area. Building envelopes are shown which depict minimum setbacks. Proposed setbacks are 10' from the front property line, 15' from the rear property line and 5' on the sides. Planning Commission 3 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Maximum building coverage is 40% which would allow a maximum of a 1400 square foot structure pad on a 3500 square foot parcel. On Sheet 2, schematic layouts are shown which depict building setbacks, house locations and the shared driveways. The detail for Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. Maximum building height allowed is 35' which is consistent with all residential zone district classifications in the City. Parking Each of the homes will have an attached two car garage accessed via a shared drive reducing the amount of impervious surface in the development. On- street parking will be allowed on the eastern side of the southern portion of the street. Parking on both sides of the street will be allowed on the north. Section 26 -501 of the City's zoning and development code requires that two spaces per dwelling unit be provided when there is street parking available. Staff concludes that the parking is consistent with the city code. Street System and Drainage The development gains access from a single cul -de -sac extending north from 32 Avenue. The street sections being required by the City are detailed on Sheet 2. The southern portion of the street will have 48' of right -of -way with detached 5' sidewalk and a tree lawn on the western side with no parking allowed. The eastern side of the street will have curb and gutter with a 5' landscaped buffer without a sidewalk but parking will be allowed. After the "bend" in the street, the right -of -way width increases to 59'. Both sides of the street will have curb and gutter with a 5' tree lawn and a 5' detached sidewalk. Parking will be allowed on both sides of the street on this wider stretch. The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed these street sections and has indicated that they have adequate room for maneuvering through the development. As such the additional access point from the "leg" that extends east to Wadsworth is not required for emergency access. The street designs are consistent with the Streetscape Design Manual. Public Works has reviewed and approved a preliminary drainage study. The lot is relatively flat. As such, the drainage system has been designed to split the flows between the north and south portions of the site. The stormwater on the south part will be directed to a detention pond adjacent to 32 Avenue (Tract C on page 2). Another pond will capture flows on the north side in a pond labeled Tract B. The outlet from this pond will release to a pipe system bored under the Rocky Mount Ditch and release onto the property to the north. A preliminary agreement has been made with that property owner which will be finalized at the time of SDP and plat. Another smaller pond will be located on Tract A which is the "leg" that extends east over to Wadsworth. The remainder of Tract A will be utilized for an amenity such as a community garden for the development. The southern 30' of the Tract A will be paved to accommodate the looped water system required by Consolidated Mutual. It is not required for emergency fire access but could provide pedestrian access over to Wadsworth. All three tracts will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. Planning Commission 4 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Proposed Density and Relationship to Surrounding Area The proposed density for the project results in a gross density of 5.75 dwelling units (du's) per acre. This figure includes street right -of -way. When street right -of -way areas are removed from the calculation, the net density is 8.73 units per acre. The existing neighborhood currently contains a mix of residential densities. Directly to the south and east of the subject properties is an existing apartment building (7669 W. 32 Avenue) containing 33 units. This property is owned by the Jefferson County Housing authority and contains 18 dwelling units per acre. Directly north of the site is another apartment complex addressed as 3445 Wadsworth. This complex contains 40 du's for a density of 22.9 du's per acre. Directly west of the site is a well - established neighborhood which contains single and two - family dwelling units. The neighborhood extends generally from 32 Avenue to 34` Drive, between Yarrow and Zephyr. These properties are zoned R -2. The R -2 zone district density can vary from 4.84 du's per acre to 6.9 du's per acre depending on the mix of housing types (single or two- family). Staff concludes that the proposed zoning and density provides a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Architecture The applicant has indicated that the homes will be designed around a "cottage theme" and will be one and two stories in height. Design concepts include covered front porches and trim detail which will include brackets, corbels, sills and lintels. Materials will be primarily painted lap siding. Staff recommends that at least 50% of the front fagade have brick, stone or other masonry material. Additional architectural designs be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. (Exhibit 6, Architectural elevations) IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in section 26- 122.E. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of' the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The property is currently poorly maintained and an eyesore. It has been an attractive nuisance for the neighborhood attracting vagrants and wildlife. The new homes should have a positive impact on the neighborhood both aesthetically and from a property value perspective. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 All utility agencies have indicated that they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Should the zone change be approved, a more detailed review will occur at the time of Specific Development Plan and plat. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The following documents are applicable to the property and are to be used for guides when considering zone changes. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION STRATEGY — adopted 2005 This document identified strategies for the city to become a "community of choice''. It established goals for Wheat Ridge to be competitive with adjacent jurisdictions by upgrading housing stock, increasing the variety of housing stock available, targeting underutilized properties for redevelopment and redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor. WADSWORTH CORRIDOR SUBAREA PLAN — adopted 2007 This document is considered an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan for this portion of the city. It is intended to be used as both a short-term and long -term planning document by providing guidance for the future development and redevelopment of properties along Wadsworth. The property is shown as Medium High Density Residential (brown color) on the edge of Medium Density Residential to the west (yellow color) and Medium High Density Mixed Use to the east (red and brown striped). In the description of land use categories, Medium High Density Residential is defined as having 10 — 21 units per acre including townhomes, condominiums and apartments. Medium Density Residential is defined as 5 — 10 units per acres including single family homes on small lots to be compatible with adjacent single family homes. Other identified goals being met are: 1. Encouraging a gradual increase in density closer to Wadsworth 2. Preservation and enhancement of the residential neighborhoods to the east and west of the corridor 3. Increased pedestrian opportunities Planning Commission 6 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Site j 32n Unincorporated Jeffco r COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Envision Wheat Ridge — adopted October 2009 The property is shown as being a Neighborhood Buffer (brown on the map below) on the edge of Commercial Corridor (red). The intent of the Neighborhood Buffer designation is for buffering and transition between low intensity residential areas and higher intensity commercial corridors. An identified goal of this designation is to encourage investment and redevelopment of properties. Logically, the Primary Commercial Corridor designation relates to Wadsworth Blvd. Wadsworth is the major north -south commercial corridor in the city and is a key target for redevelopment of outdated and underutilized properties. Goals identified for Neighborhood Buffer Areas include: 1. Increasing housing options 2. Promoting strong households 3. Encouraging new housing types 4. Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. 5. Promoting pedestrian connections 6. Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment areas Planning Commission 7 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Site Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b m laps b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Residential -Two zoning designation as it appears on the City's zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify. Wadsworth is one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan area. On the city's street classification plan, it is designated as a major regional arterial and carries over 41,000 vehicles per day (2009 count). Based on increased traffic and intensification of commercial land uses, Staff concludes that there are changed conditions which make this property undesirable for low density residential use. The proposed small lot single family will meet several goals of the city including providing additional housing options, providing entry level housing stock and providing a land use transition between Wadsworth and the lower density residential neighborhood to the west. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Planning Commission 8 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 'The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need, Slq�f ,fconcludes that this criterion is not applicable. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre-application meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 11, 2014. There were approximately 20 persons in attendance (,Exhibit 6, Neighborhood, meeting, rep apExhibio, Si up sheeQ V1. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve the property subject to installation of improvements. A "looped" system will be required so a paved connection must be made to Wadsworth via Tract A. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Water plan and hydrant locations will be addressed at the time of SDP and plat. Does not need a secondary access into the development. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department: Will require fees-in-lieu of land dedication assessed at the time of final plat. Wheat Ridge Police: Can serve the new development. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved preliminary drainage design and a traffic study. All requirements are being met. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Has adequate capacity to accommodate development. Final design review will occur at the SDP and plat stage. Xcel Energy: Can serve. VIL STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission 9 WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 I k VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: *I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 14-06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and ail Outline Development Plan (013P). on property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue/3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. 'The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding docurnents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan. the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. 'The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. 1 The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: I . At least 50' of the front facade have brick, stone or other masonry material. 1 Additional architectural designs be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 3. The schematic detail for Lots 7 -- 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger. narrower lots. 4. The developer is encouraged to salvage as many healthy trees as possible. Option 13: "1 move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 14-06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Commercial Development (PRD) zoning and ail Outline Development Plan (013P). oil property located at 7671 W. 32 nd Avenue/3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. 2. Y' Planning Commission WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 Exhibit i, Letter of Request The proposed community will promote an e xt. ..» :. ... ! v:.d Invit ;: w..t t s ::.e F is s M! addition ' ! driveways minimize th i of autom . I To the North, South, and East, older apartment complexes exist in Yarrow Street zoned R-2. nei ghboring •. ♦ districts i. the West is The rear of the community abuts a I acre parc also Zoned R-2 that also abuts Wadsworth Blvd, Across 32" Avenue is the Crown Hill Mortuary & Cometery, N 2 +� Energy �. .. se " the site for ... e wer, Wh ea t "` F t w su pplie s Sanitar S • F annex and supply all 21 ho mes, MW { Y Preliminary meetings have been ! with ft Cit to exam and ex p l ore ! th eir i summary q uick Planning Commission W, -14 -6 /Grove 21 Planning Commission 12 W -14-6/Grove 21 Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo Planning Commission 13 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 7671 W. 32nd Ave and 3299 Wadsworth • Planned Residential Development Exhibit 3, Zoning Map 7nninn Man Planning Commission 14 W Z -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 4, Site photos 15 View of property from W. 32 "0 Avenue Planning Commission 32 " Avenue looking west WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 32 " Avenue looking east View of property from Wadsworth Planning Commission 16 W Z -14 -6 /Grove 21 House on western portion of property Planning Commission 7 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 House on eastern portion of property Interior view of property Interior view of property Planning Commission 18 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 5, ODP document Planning Commission 19 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 6, Architectural design Planning Commission 20 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 STR USCAPE VIEW FMUAWY 11.3x4 Exhibit 71, Neighborhood Meeting Notes with about I 10 feet of street frontage along W. 32nd Avenue; the size of the lot is 41,382 square feet ((1,95 acres). The property at 3299 Wadsworth is 104,544 square feet (2.4 acres) but is essentially a flag lot. Tile main portion of the property is rectangular with the exception of the northern property line which is angled and parallel to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. The southeast corner of property includes a pole portion which extends cast to Wadsworth and provides about 60 feet of street frontage. The existing home is located on the southeast corner of the property. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-2 to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for the development of small lot single-family homes. The applicants have proposed two-story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will fieature smaller lots varying in size from about 3,750 to 4,100 square feet. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet. Front and rear yards will be modest in size. no more than 20 feet in depth. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly smaller than those on the northern portion. Primary access will extend frorn W. 32nd Avenue with a cul-de-sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right-of-way. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to staff. 19 members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff explained the site conditions, zoning in the neighborhood. and the reason for the rezoning request. • The applicant explained the proposed single-family development, the market conditions that trend to smaller lots, and the village-like feel of the design. • The members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. Neighbors compared the proposed design to a previous multi-family development and were more receptive the applicant's single-family proposal. Concerns were related to drainage. preservation of existing trees, additional traffic on W. 32 `r Avenue. and perimeter fencing. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: tMosal • How many lots are proposed? The In-ol.wsal inchitles 21 sin /,- g" joniih lots, What is the size of the home'. The homes wil/ ratWeftoni 1500 to 2000 square er • What is the price point for the homes? Planning Commission 22 WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 The homes will be around 5300, 000. • Will the homes include basements? Some may" include basements, • How tall are the hornes? Thej g ill be (.# - 1wo-slory anti ranch styles. The homes are custom built, so the total each design will be afitinclion (.?f the market. The qpl)licant is seeing an equal l')re - both designs recentlr�. Will the homes be energy efficient? The energy e ft iciency is measured in IIERS (home eneW raling) and consumes about 60% the enerky qfa normal home. Because the homes arc custom, the can include I)assive solar find other features at the request ql'the bujer, Has the perimeter fencing been designed The details ql'the design, such as the tiy)e q1',perimeterfiticing, have not yet been designed Nei,ghbors esl-)ressed a prejerence for something more durable than a cedar In-Nacifie , nce, such as masonry or vhvl. Will there he an IJOA? The apl.)licants do not exI)eet an 110.4; each lot will be fie shn1)1e ownership • What are the proposed setbacks? The 1)reliminai y site plan shows a ininitnum 5- lan 17 3 -f ont which is the sta d rd ninin i all residential zone districts. The rear setback ivill var based on the shalpe oaf the lots. The deeper lots could include al) to a 25, foot setback to maximize back jard space. • Will the trees be saved? The applicants have the desire to 1rreserve as inatty trees t. St(it f noted that a required submittal will likely include an inventory and analysis qfavisling trees on the site. • Is the theme of the architecture Victorian in nature? The homes include a somewhat 117clorian design withfiront porches and clapboard siding that evoke a cottage- or village-like.teel, • flow will the residents access the garages? Shared driveirays and garages behind the homes are a centralft-ature of the design. Residents will access the sidc garages, from the street. The garages (ire setback about 25ftelftoin the western I)ropeqy line, • 'rhe notification letter indicated the site is mostly vacant does that mean? There are Ara homes and several outbuildings on the site, but they are not currently occul)ied and the inqjorio of the site is undevelol)ed. What is the expected timeline for the project? The rezoning I)rocess alone can take 4 tea 6 months, planing and spec#ic site design willfi)llaw, There is not yet an estimated comt7letion date. • How does this compare to the previous proposal by Jefferson County for the site? ,In 2005, a th#erent applicant - -- -the Je --requested a rez ,fi?rson County Housing A ulhori�y on in tocoiistruc buildings i4 total (�fabozit43(iii The current proposal is much less dense with only 21 lots anti incl tt(-, single ,fiiiiiilil homes, The Planning Commission 23 WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 curretil proposal still represents a transitional land use with moderate densiq between the 111111ti-janki and commercial uses on JVadsworth and the R-2 neighborhood to the west. Who currently owns the two lots that comprise the site? The property was previoush owned lit' the Je fterson County llousin ,! Autho•im, but now Je ,ft� rson Counq itself owns the site. LZ,on in g Is PRD a zoning designation. and if so is there any minimum lot size in the PRD district? A Planned Residential Devehynnent is a zone district, but it does not include cm develolmient standards in the same iv try as other "straight - residential zone districts. A planned develoInnent is intended it) be usedfin• unique pkysical conditions at a unique (h,welolmient p•oj osal, Itr this case. the unique conditions include the shape of /(,)I and the desire to 1,)rovide a more urban, smaller lot develoInnent that is not considered in other residentiol one districts. The PRD is a negotiated zoning that allows a develol)er more to propose to design that mcx y not be I)eratitted in another zone district. The intent is not to circumvent the zoninl!, code, and the exI,)ectation is the provision cif to high qualiq desigm in exchange fin- the flexibility q1 . e bj� a PRD. Is each PRD established on an ad hoc basis? Each planned develoInnent is reviewed individually on its own merits, Staff and service agencies will review the documents and provide comments. S/q/f and Planning Commission will make a recommendation qfaj)j)roval or denial, but ulthnalelj° City Council alyn-oves each lVanned develol)ment. Because a PRD is a inoreflexible, negotiated �ij)e of,zone district, the aj)plication includes more detail about the jirol)osed desigyn and is reviewed with more scrulin than other tyl,)es (#'bj, right develoInnent. Why are the lots so much smaller than the 9000 square feet required in R-2? Mousing l)re encesinihe rural estate' morkel are large' lot fe r suburban homes. Emj,)ty nesters, seniors, and voting prqlissionals are seeking smaller lots with less maintenance, but thej still itwnl the indejwndence that comes with singlejalnilj, hoineownershil). 7heprqj-)oseddesign is more similar to the neighborhoods seen inStalVelon, Lowrv, and Behnar that resj,,)ond to this new lire Irence and increase the variqj of housing (Ttions in 14/heat Rhkye. flow will you address the abandoned ditch along the southwest perimeter of the property? A tic i f g hbor described (.in abandoned ditch along the west side o lots I through 6. .t he explained that water rights had been sold, but the ditch had neither been backfilled nor was the easement vacated. The _ alyVicants exj,)lained then would be using survejs and title work to clean uj.) and remove as maity encumbrances as possible. An abandoned ditch would be included in that effin fit qftects the subjec jec /)rqj,)eqy. Will the development impact existing utility easements on the neighboring lots? No, the utilities and easements on the existing lots to the west will not be mq.)acted, The nen devehynnent will include its own utilitt easements along the 1)eritneters of 'each lot. • Will utilities be undergrounded? Planning Commission 24 WZ- I 4-6/Grove 21 Ulilifiesfi)r new develoInnents are typically required to be undergrounde-d Xcel will be given the chance to comment on the qty)lication. AI)lVicants are not required to underp- -ound existing utilities in adfacent neighborhoods, Will drainage in the surrounding area be better or worse after the project is completed? The I)rol-)osal ivill result in an increase in inil)ervious sur/ace, however, the aly)ficants will be required to complete a drainagm report and keel) and treat all runql -site. The f water on proy)osed site design includes two detention bond that ivi/l dischargj into the ,storm sewer sys The l)rqposal will not result in surface runo onto neighboringprolierties which ma be hqt l')ening now since no'" drainage syslem is in JVace. Will there be any access on or off of Wadsworth? Wadsworth is a state li way controlled l y C'DOT The on4y access to Wadsworth will be timer ,gency vehicles, (,"DOT will not allow access for several reasons, inclu the 41 fi ct that a narrow frontage I)rohibils construction qf accelerationleleceleration lanes, The t(y)ogral)4y of the area and the 1,)resence (?f the Rocky Akuntain Ditch comtVicale access in this area Pritnar access will be (y Y fqf W 32 nd �venue, Will a traffic signal be added at W. 35"' Avenue? The al)I)licants would not be resymnsible fin- a new .stcal x light ert W 35"' Avenue because it is not a(#acent to the subject site, and their I)rqject alone would not increase tree at this area, CDOTwould have to tilyn-ove the addition of a traffic signal in this location—new signals are added when trqffic counts reach as certain threshold, • Will Wadsworth be widened? 4'adsworth Boulevard is slated to be widened in the, f but there is no litneline the I)rqjecl. To accommodate the fulure witlening the al-y will be required to I)rovide a 22- afoot ivide rigrhI-cif -u qy dethcation and a 24- (,)at wide reservation v rvation along the 14'aivorlh fi ftontage. • What can be done to fix traffic issues and the bus stop location on W. 32" Avenue? The neighbors noted that curb cuts at the? =as station and mullifinnily development are too close to the intersection and make it dif ft ,ficull to turn le (castbound) onto W 32" Avenue. As a result, vehiclavftequently turn right (ivestbound) and turn around on Yarrow Street or by iveavin,g through the neighborhood There is also a bus stol.) at the gas station that comlificates turning movements in this area. The neighbors are concerned about this issue in g eneral, and a`60 want to the see the issue exacerbated by the new? develoynnent. The al)l)licants will be required to contlilete a Irql �ic stu4y to u nderstand the inq)acls elf the new , deve They evpect that the new road will beJar enough west that the residents will be able to turn left (ettstbound) onto W 32" A venue without the same trouble exIlerienced at the �Yas station, Staff received no written comment prior to the neighborhood meeting. Plannitig Commission 25 WZ - -6 /Grove 21 UPUBMIE ### r Planning Commission "t Z -14 -6 /Grove 21 Planning Corntn ssion � � W Z- 1 4-6 /Grove 21 N Planning Commission 2 e ® a : e ® � « � ®_ e � � » e � - �� J - .. a ■ e � ■ , N / /. . � � - M . � � §\ (^ < |! |� \| | §ib! 3 a �' . �j s ^-^, rras m matWxwe. e. v mv..: ,y,TM�rru o- �ww..,�„ . �,,.,. v� - , ti +a„w^ e n* 9xb , �xa.'x':n c+narry *�:.. a nas•+^'N r�� wa, +gar 'cc w.,� � ,�, aav� xv�. Exhibit 2- June 19, 2014 minutes A. Case No. WZ-14-06:. A request filed by Caller Capital, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 "d Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked for a clarification of the setbacks and inquired about the lot on the north of the pole on the flag on Wadsworth and what the status of that property. Ms. Reckert stated the front setback is I0 -feet, 5-feet on the sides and 15-feet on the rear and the lot is vacant. Commissioner DORSEY inquired about the name of the new street and asked if the developer will develop the whole area at the same time. Ms. Reckert stated she didn't know what the street name will be yet but it would follow the Denver Metro grid system and it will be decided at the time of plat. She deferred the development question to the developer. Commissioner Dorsey inquired about parking; that on the south portion parking will only be permitted on one side of the street and parking on the cul-de-sac is permitted on both sides. M. Reckert stated that is correct. Commissioner TIMMS asked if staff calculated the potential on- street parking availability. Ms. Reckert stated she has not done the calculation. The development meets the minimum parking requirements. Commissioner TIMMS asked if staff has received any additional email s or phone calls from the public since the public notice, Ms. Reckert replied no. Planning Commission WZ- 14-06/Grove 21 7 Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was any discussion between staff and the applicant about making the west slightly shallower in depth to provide more space for sidewalks on both sides of the street. Ms. Reckert stated that the first five lots are at the minimum of 3519 square feet, so there would probably be a reduction of lots on that side. Commissioner WEAVER inquired about first condition for the masonry. Ms. Reckert stated the masonry was to upgrade the architecture. Commissioner DORSEY inquired about the "flag pole" portion of the lot. Ms. Reckert replied that it is 60 feet wide. The southern portion will be used for the water line looping into the development. The water companies require a 30 foot paved easement or all unpaved 50 foot easement. Chair BRINKMAN inquired that since this is going to be a public street would the city plow it. Ms. Reckert stated there is a hierarchy plowing policy and this would be a low priority. It would be plowed into the pond. Chair BRINKMAN asked staff to confirm that there is no flood plain related to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Ms. Reckert stated there is not. Discussion continued regarding the proposed drainage system and whether the off-site easement would vest with the owner or the property. Commissioner DORSEY asked if the number of houses on the south side could be reduced to 5 to accommodate a sidewalk on the cast side. Ms. Reckert stated that could be discussed with the applicant. Applicant, Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace, Littleton, CO 80124 Mr. Fritz spoke briefly about the history of the project. Mr. Fritz introduced his partners to speak, and answer questions. Commissioner WEAVER inquired about the home price points and square footage. Mr. Fritz stated that home prices would start in the lower 300's and that average finished square footage will be 1500 to 2000 square feet. Discussion continued regarding sidewalk on the east side of the street. Planning Commission WZ-14-06/Grove 21 Commissioner TIMMS inquired about the masonry condition. The applicant indicated they envision a "cottage style" with doesn't accommodate for a lot of masonry accents. Bob Nettleton Project Builder 220 S. Cherry St, Denver, CO Mr. Nettleton stated masonry requirements are not architecturally correct for cottages. He stated masonry accents are desired without a specific percentage of coverage. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if Lots 1-6 could be configured to accommodate a sidewalk on the east. Mr. Nettleton stated there is a five foot buffer between the street and the apartments which could be a sidewalk instead of a landscape buffer Commissioner DORSEY asked about fencing for the apartments. Mr. Nettleton stated there is a wire fence. M. Reckert stated she didn't think there was enough room for a sidewalk and fence and there is a grade change between the "C Court" to the south and the property. Discussion on possible solutions continued. Commissioner TIM MS stated he didn't think there was room to extend the sidewalk around the curve. He thought a better option was to stop it at the pavement. Chair BRINKMAN inquired about the pipe installation under the ditch and impact on the adjacent property. She also asked where the snow fi - om the street would be directed. Chair BRINKMAN asked if they can push any snow to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Thombrough stated no. Chair BRINKMAN asked if there would be an official path that connects with the Rocky Mountain Ditch, Mr. Thombrough stated he wasn't sure if it was a public path. Chair BRINKMAN stated it is not. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was anything he could add to the conversation about the lack of sidewalk on the east side. Mr. Thornbrough stated if the sidewalk ended at Lot 20, a crosswalk could be installed to the other side. Chair BRINKMAN opened the hearing to members of the audience. Pat Hott 3330 Yarrow St, Planning Commission 9 WZ-14-06/Grove 21 Ms. Reckert stated there is a strip of land on the west side of the subdivision with unclear title. Mr. Johnstone clarified it is a plat issue, not a zoning issue. Frank Stites 3354 Zephyr Ct. Mr. Stites had questions about where the setback will be in regards to the easement. Carol Greene 3300 Yarrow St. Ms. Greene has requested construction of a masonry privacy fence between the properties. Mike Greene 3310 Yarrow St. Mr. Greene stated be is in favor of the project but wants to be cautious about putting too many restrictions on the developer. Mr. Greene is seeking feedback regarding the property lines on Yarrow and the easement. Pat Hott 3330 Yarrow St. She hopes the development will have an HOA. Chair BRINKMAN confirmed that it would. Mark Thornbrough Mr, T'hornbrougli stated the easement at the rear of the property did not show up in the title commitment. He stated the developer is intending to provide a six foot privacy fence and the setback from the rear of the homes will be from the property lines defined in the legal description. Commissioner OHM asked staff if a landscape buffer is required for the paved connection to Wadsworth and if a condition would be required for the crosswalk. Ms. Reckert stated no for the landscape buffer and yes for the condition for the crosswalk. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there is a requirement for on-street parking in a PRD. Ms. Reckert stated this is referred to in Section 26-501. Single or two-family has a require for 4 off street parking space if there is no on street parking or 2 if there is on street parking but it doesn't specify how many on street parking spaces are needed. Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing. _L'AV_F,,Vtan1 ec Commissioner DORSEY to "I, _Nit _ojrrded bv Planning Commission 10 WZ-14-06/Grove 21 Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32 nd Avenue/3299 Wadsworth Blvd. for the following reasons: Commissioner BUCKNAM stated his concern for public safety, Motion carried 5-1 with Commissioner BUCKNAM voting no. Planning Commission WZ- 14-06,'Grove 21 Exhibit 3- Building coverage analysis YMMGROVE VUADU Aver4e *NO km*j&s W Wefine "jusMeW (W rwt imm-asel R: 4 C IIAI C SUO Elm "U'RUM IBM* ME =I t o Aver4e *NO km*j&s W Wefine "jusMeW (W rwt imm-asel R: 4 C C SUO Elm "U'RUM t o Aver4e *NO km*j&s W Wefine "jusMeW (W rwt imm-asel Planning Commission WZ- 14-06/Grove 21 # , , t 12 moms= Elm Planning Commission WZ- 14-06/Grove 21 # , , t 12 x i IN F =r.n w• 1E.�r e�.n r 1E.�r_ Eun � �'�= _' � %/I 8 e dry dal 8r . � ,,; 0 -�- ��� w • EXHIBIT 3 co E u o z 0 "R, DATE DESCRIPMN N71/741 .pfY�MM- PROJECT NO 2014.02 MODEL FILE � DRAWN BY WB CHKD By JWB f 2014 IIEFF %%. BLRNH A%, ARCHITECT SHEET TITLE m IHFFl OF / .. Planning Commission 13 WZ- 14- 06/Grov 21 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, RICHARD A. NOBBE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF HE OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO HE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED. THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. (SURVEYOR'S SEAL) SIGNATURE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE /UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT: THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) HEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PUNNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES. RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PUN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW.I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF A REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. KEVIN HERINGER, OWNER - CALLER CAPITAL, LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS -__DAY OF A.D. 2014 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC ODP NOTE: THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENTS SUCH AS SITE LAYOUT AND BUILDING ARCHITECTURE HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED ON THIS DOCUMENT. AS A RESULT, A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIOR TO THE SUBMITTAL OF A RIGHT -OF -WAY OR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION AND ANY SUBSEQUENT SITE DEVELOPMENT. COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT __O'CLOCK _.M. ON THE __ DAY OF , 2014 A.D.. IN RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (DEPUTY) ALLOWED USES: 1 INTENT: • THIS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IS ESTABLISHED TO PROVIDE FOR A HIGH QUALITY RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, CONSISTING OF SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL USES THAT ARE COMPATIBLE WITH ADJACENT EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AND OPEN SPACE USES. 2. USES: A. ALLOWED USES • ONE FAMILY DWELLING OPEN SPACE B. ACCESSORY USES • HOME OCCUPATIONS HOUSEHOLD PETS QUASI -PUBLIC AND PUBLIC UTILITY LINES, STORM DRAINAGE, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES. DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ARE NOT ALLOWED. RV AND BOAT STORAGE ARE NOT ALLOWED. YUKON GROVE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NW '4 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO HA I _ Ig I ( W 3 r APPROX. SITE LOCATION 2 yl v I i W A I I I VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CHARACTER OF NEIGHBORHOOD: THIS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MEETS THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 26 -301C BY PROVIDING A PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY, SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS A TRANSITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD BETWEEN LARGER LOT RESIDENTIAL TO THE WEST AND COMMERCIAL AND MULTIFAMILY USES TO THE NORTH AND EAST. THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL FEATURE UFESTYLE LANG WITH A VARIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL STYLES INCLUDING ONE AND TWO -STORY HOMES WITH TWO -CAR GARAGES. ARCHITECTURAL STYLE OF HOMES WILL ENTERTAIN A COTTAGE THEME. KEEPING WITH HISTORIC DESIGN ELEMENTS IN THE AREA. COVERED FRONT PORCHES WILL BE PART OF ALL HOMES TO ENGAGE THE STREETSCAPE AND FOSTER COMMUNITY INTERACTION. MATERIALS WILL CONSIST OF PAINTED LAP SIDING WITH TRIM DETAILS THAT ARE ARCHITECTURALLY CORRECT FOR COTTAGE HOMES INCLUDING BRACKETS, CORBELS, SILLS AND LINTELS. ALL HOMES WILL HAVE EITHER STONE OR BRICK ACCENTS. COLORS SHALL BE SELECTED FROM BENJAMIN MOORE'S HC (HISTORICAL COLORS) PALETTE OF EARTH TONE AND LIGHT PASTELS. ALL COLOR SCHEMES WILL BE PREDETERMINED TO ASSURE A CONSISTENT STREETSCAPE. ALL HOMES WILL HAVE ATTACHED TWO -CAR GARAGES BEHIND THE HOME SERVED FROM COMMON DRIVES ON PAIRED LOTS AVOIDING AN OVERLOADING OF CONCRETE AND GARAGE DOORS ON THE STREET. A COMBINATION OF RANCH PLANS, WITH ELEVATED BASEMENTS, AND TWO -STORY PLANS, RANGING IN SIZE FROM 1200 -1800 SQUARE FEET WILL BE THE PRODUCT MIX CREATING A VARIETY OF SCALE AND MASS ON THE STREET. THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL FEATURE ENTRY MONUMENTATION SIGNAGE AND TREE LAWN ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ACCESS ROAD. THIS PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY WALKABLE NEIGHBORHOOD ALLOWS CONVENIENT ACCESS TO EXISTING BUS ROUTES ON W. 32ND AVENUE. AS NOTED ABOVE, EACH RESIDENCE WILL HAVE A TWO -CAR GARAGE, PROVIDING TWO OFF- STREET PARKING SPACES PER LOT. ON STREET PARKING WILL ALSO BE PROVIDED. HE SOUTHERN HALF OF THE DEVELOPMENT WILL PROVIDE ON- STREET PARKING ON THE EAST SIDE OF HE STREET, AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE DEVELOPMENT WILL PROVIDE ON- STREET PARKING ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET. THE PROPOSED PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WILL ALLOW FOR BUFFERING AND DENSITY TRANSITION FROM WADSWORTH TO THE ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD TO THE WEST. PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF 2014, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS -_ DAY OF __ _. 2014 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AL D ESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE S89'45'02'W. 423.03 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SECTION LINE NDO 25.00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF 32ND AVENUE, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S89'45'02'W, 111.41 FEET ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF RIDGEVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE AND ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RIDGEVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION NOO'19'27"W. 370.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE N89'45'02'E, 111.41 FEET; THENCE NOO'19'27V. 466.00 FEET; THENCE S53'44'06'E, 278.98 FEET; THENCE SOO'19'27 "E, 300.00 FEET; THENCE N89'45'02'E, 184.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD: THENCE SOO'19'27 "E. 60.00 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE S89 408.00 FEET; THENCE SOO'19'27'E, 310.00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF 32ND AVENUE AND THE POINT OF FIEGINNIN , . SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 151,495 SF (3.48 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL N MERIDIAN BEARING N89'45'02 "E BETWEEN THE WEST QUARTER CORNER BEING A FOUND 3 IU L, X. ALUMINUM CAP PLS 111 13212 IN RANGE BOX AND THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER BEING A FOUND 3 1A" ALUMINUM CAP PLS / 13212 IN RANGE BOX. LAND USE TABLE USE AC. DU DU /AC. %AC, RESIDENTIAL AREA 1.78 Z= o� 51% OPEN SPACE / DETENTION 0.51 3 F C G o 15% SUB TOTAL OF RESIDENTIAL AREA 2.29 201 8.73 66% RIGHT -OF -WAY W. 32ND AVE. 0.03 3 � 19, RIGHT -OF -WAY WADSWORTH BLVD 0.08 2% INTERNAL STREETS 1.08 U 0 31% SUB TOTAL OF RIGHT -OF WAY 1.19 O 34% TOTALS 3.48 20 5.75 t00R DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 1. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 35' 2. BUILDING COVERAGE: THE AVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE: DEFINED AS GROUND FLOOR AREA OF HOME, GARAGE AND COVERED PORCHES; FOR ALL LOTS AS A WHOLE SHALL NOT EXCEED 40%, ON NO INDIVIDUAL LOT CAN THE COVERAGE EXCEED 48%. 3. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 3,500 S.F. 4. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 45' 5. SETBACKS: A MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK: TEN (10) FEET B. MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK: FIVE (5) FEET C. MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK: FIFTEEN (15) FEET 6. MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH: TWELVE (12) FEET 7. NET DENSITY: 8.73 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE B. GROSS DENSITY: 5.75 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE 9. MINIMUM BUILDING SEPARATION: SIXTEEN (16) FEET 10. PARKING: ALL PARKING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -501 OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 11. 26 LA 02 LANDSCAPIN LAN DS CA PING EQUIREMENTS OF B HE N WHEAT ORIDGECCODE WIT F E CTION 12. STREET TREES: STREET TREES SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 30' WITHIN THE LANDSCAPE BUFFER. THE MINIMUM CALIPER DIAMETER FOR STREET TREES SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 2.5'. 13. EXTERIOR LIGHTING: ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -503 EXTERIOR LIGHTING OF THE WHAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 14. SIGNAGE: ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -709 SIGN CODE OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION SIGNS: • MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: 36 S.F. 14. FENCING: ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -603 FENCING OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 15. EXISTING ZONING: RESIDENTIAL TWO (R -2) 16. PROPOSED ZONING: PUNNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PRO) 17. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT LIES OUTSIDE THE 100 -YR FLOOD PLAIN- PHASING: THIS PROJECT IS ANTICIPATED TO HAVE ONLY ONE PHASE. HOWEVER FUTURE PHASING, IF REQUIRED, WILL NOT REQUIRE AMENDMENT TO THIS PUN. CASE HISTORY: CASE OWZ- 05- 13,WZ -14 -06 EXHIBIT 4 PROJECT INFORMATION: OWNER /DEVELOPER CALIER CAPITAL, LLC 2305 W. BERRY AVE. LITTLETON. CO 80120 CONTACT: KEVIN HERINGER ENGINEER: MARTIN /MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 W. COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 PH:303- 431 -6100 CONTACT: MARK THORNBROUGH, P.E. SHEET INDEX OOP 1 TITLE PAGE ODP2 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN I& UNCC K. eelm ur1uTY NOTIFILI r1DN VoN ll oft y0U ft CENTER OF COLGRADO CALL 811 2- BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN /MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. Za H CC W Z= o� C g o � � 3 F C G o 5< f z '- a' �8 3 � Lu U 0 Q a Z O Y v E Z u _ _ 0 0 o c a N - 0 0 ur 258 0 z 0 ro E ° c z ° f D .. c- u 0 o a` Sheet Numb ODP -1 a c o 5� i • Y F ' u n n r YUKON GROVE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGEND NW "' OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 P.M. PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SECTION LINE CENTER LINE - SETBACK LINE - - PARKING LINE - - - - TRACT 'C' GENERAL __NOTES; CURB k GUTTER DETENTION POND \� _ _NO_O' ,9'27 • W 370.00 __ 35.00 55.50' 95.50' 55.50' 55.50' SS.00' 18.00' 1. TRACT A SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE, UTILITY EASEMENT (30' WIDE) AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR EAST pavEMENr \ \ DETENTION POND AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. TRACT A MAY ALSO BE USED FOR OTHER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 - _ _ _ _ - - - I - - - - - - _ DEVELOPMENT AMENITIES SUCH AS COMMUNITY GARDENS OR OTHER SUCH USES AT THE HOA'S DISCRETION. cONCREK I 1 1 sIDEWAU 2. TRACT B SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA . DRAINAGE COLLECTED IN TRACT B WILL BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY'S STORMWATER SYSTEM VIA BURIED PIPE AND DRAINAGE APPURTENANCES, 1- Ie \ v m O 1� O Io \ I� \ I� O to \ STORMWATER FLOWS CONVEYED FROM TRACT B WILL BE AS ALLOWED PER CITY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE 3 \ 1 3519.26 SF I 3519.26 SF 1 3519.26 SF I 3519.26 SF I 3536.92 SF 1 I 4293.26 SF _ 3. 2 ry \ 1 1 _ _ I : w TRACT C SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. DRAINAGE COLLECTED IN TRACT C o - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _i WILL BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY'S STORMWATER SYSTEM VIA BURIED PIPE AND DRAINAGE APPURTENANCES. + \ A I - STORMWATER FLOWS CONVEYED FROM TRACT C WILL BE AS ALLOWED PER CITY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. C ' 35.00' 55.50' 55.50'= 55.50' 55.50 27.94�_27.8t • ° 2 - - PROPOSED ACCESS ¢ - 5' WALK TYP. 5' IANDSCAPE STRIP _ 32" AVEN - g- _ ASPHALT 6' WIDE ON- STREET -- - - 2.5' VERTICAL . n PA VEMEN T PARKING LANE, TYP \ _. CURB AND GUTTER + .. __ ... _ .___ __ . - - ._. _ _ R58.00' \ X00'19'27 W 466.00'_ - 20 69.00" 99.72' .2a.9" --- -- ... - --- _ � � -� - - 45.00 - 52. ' -- - - - -- -� - - I - - - - / / / ,u 40.37' - 45.00' _ 45.00' 45.00 AVENUE ROW LINE �1..S:E BUFFER, TYP. 1 -_ - -__ 1426.00' 'N 9. I fi3 ___ ___.___ 7 500'19'27 E 310.00 10.00' FUTURE 32ND A I 1 1 4001.53 SF I I 10' DEDICATION FOR 32ND ASPHALT I I I I I I I I I 1 / YYY AVENUE PLAT) OF WAY (TO CROSS WALK PAVEMENT v ° i I O I I$ ® I$ O I l0 1 O I I$ 1 1 I 1 1 2 BE BY PLAT I n 1 Imo -- - I 6192.82 SF m I m I I I i 3942.56 SF i 58.51' I I s 3820.27 SF I 3735.00 SF 3735.00 SFI 1 3735.00 SFI 3735.00 SFI I 1�//� I TRACT "B I 20.00' 1430.50' * �___L_26.75' 45.00' • 45.00' '45.00 - '. 45.00' -17.i B'�AS' \ '�• VARIES VARIES \ \ -�� _ _5' WALK TYP_ _ - R28.00' R48.00' t T TRACT 'A" _ - _ _ - 6' WIDE ON- STREET I SETBACK 1469 0` ` 5' LANDSCAPE STRIP_$ PARKING LANE, TYP. ASPHALT 0 TWO -CAR I I TWO -CAR 6' WIDE ON- STREET $ n 5' WALK TPAVEMENT 5.00, � a\\ o GARAGE I I GARAGE _ I \ ^'d' `ROCKY MOUNTAIN DITCH PARKING LANE. TYP. _D+_. h - ___ _ ___ 5' LANDSCAPE STRIP _. _ ,t SETBACK / - _ ____ -- O° aw I I I 1 I 1y_Oy`� - • 45.00' 4 . 40.31' 45.00' .70' x - 45.00 • • ' • • yy 5 w 16.00' MIN, 1 \ / RESIDENCE I I RESIDENCE I I I - - - - - I I 1 I I - - - -_I I__-- R28.0�0 ______ I ______ 1 I I I I \ _ I \ 15 ,O.DD' 19 • I 18 1 0 Ig 1 6 18 O Im SETBACK a I I� Ig I ° 1� I Im\ PROPERTY LINE $ I I Im Im I Im Im m \ 5' DETACHED WALK m/ I I I DETENTION POND v (A7 BACK OF WALK) 0 1 3966.54 SF 3691.57 SF 3690.00 SF 3690.00 Sf 3690.00 SF 3689.87 SF \� + 1 i I - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ \\60.00' \ \ /TRACT CL TO PL SITE PLAN (LOTS 1 -6) SCHEMATIC v 30.00' 15.00' 45_0' a oS 4LDg 4 DQ 4 4 44 NOT TO SCALE N Soo't9'2TE 300.00' PROPERTY BOUNDARY, TYP. VARIES VARIES I TWO -CAR I I I TWO -CAR o GARAGE I I GARAGE I I al III I I I w I I 16.00' MIN. TYPICAL 1 L RESIDENCE I RESIDENCE 12.00' DRIVE 5' DETACHED WALK 15' 5.00' 10.00' SETBACK PROPERTY LINE (AT BACK OF WALK) 29.5' CL TO PL SITE PLAN (LOTS 7 -20) SCHEMATIC NOT TO SCALE UTILITY EASEMENT LINE / TRACT 'A' POND AREA RESERVED FOR FUTURE WADSWORTH BLVD ROW 1 T AREA OF WADSWORTH 37.47' BLVD ROW DEDICATION (TO BE BY PLAT) 15 S00'19'27'E 60.00' QUARTER SECTION LINE .00' _ 1 - WADSWORrH BOULEVARD R R xl � �I 48' ROW N I•� - t 0' S' LANDSCAPE I 1 1 BUFFER I I 5' MIN PKC -L , 5' LANDSCAPE I� IS ' EjygL K LANE LANE LANE I I BUTTER L 26' FIRE LANE (FL TO 2' INTO PKG LANE) ROAD SEQTION A - 2 -LANE LOCAL STREET MODIFIED CROSS- SECTION NOT TO SCALE c I U x1 1 a 10' 59' ROW N � tO' J_ 5 LANDSCAPE I 5' LANDSCAPE I^ BUFFER 1 BUFFER 2 I 1 .5 I 6• 8' 2.5' g' MIN I I 5' MIN PKG -r- 1 Y 11' PKG SIDEW SIDEWALK LANE l.AT4E LANE 1 LANE 26' FIRE LANE L(ENCROA HES 2' INTO EACH C� LAN ROAD SECTION B_8 2 -LANE LOCAL STREET MODIFIED CRO5S- SECTION NOT TO SCALE �N 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 " =30' LL DI All SMDWN AAE U.S. SLIMLY FEET i s . UNCC bdoK DIY ER OF COLORADO ORADO CALL 811 2- BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN /MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE. MATERIAL. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. Z : � F- Q u � W z a� 8z s 4 ° z u -_ i a a �8 3 � P= < a I LJ Z J O D_ W r n F- V co of } z z O z J W } Of O �o o d m M m E U 2 � N O u - 0 C O v ° a ^.eet Nu-. '. ODP -2 Cc: Owner Meredith Reckert File MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 124" WEST C00AX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLOMW 8021S MAIN 303,431,6100 MARnNMAA'nN.00N1 YUKON GROVE 8/12/20114 PRELIMINIARY LOT COVERAGE ANALYSIS Average 38.87% • Include l s i deline « ! net increase) ' - Sq Ft iv L ot C ove r ag e • ! 's M �� � tt # t* 1 . 00 ! w ! 1, i • f: i s • i! " 0 1 1 i M M M t • 4 D M 1 •t 3, 3, M « t I M 2,57 M J t e ••!..• # : I �• Ili tt 3,690.00 1,440.00 3, 640.60 7 J I i J t Average 38.87% • Include l s i deline « ! net increase) ' - Sq Ft iv Fo ot p rint Eft 1 • I 1i 1 . 00 ! w ! 1, i • f: i s • i! " 0 1 1 m �`^. City of ge no City O1 `7`T heat d�ge COMM IT UNY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE August 5, 2014 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ -14 -06 which is a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan, for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. This request is scheduled for public hearings in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. Planning Commission originally reviewed this request on June 19, 2014 and recommended approval. The request has been modified by the applicant to increase the allowable building coverage, thus requiring another review by Planning Commission. The schedule is as follows: Plannins Commission August 21, 2014 6a 7:00 p.m. City Council September 8, 2014 6a 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend these Public Hearings and/or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303 -235 -2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. WZ 1406.doc www.d.wheatridge.co.us Vicinity Map Site A BARNARD MAPLE ANNETTE RUTHERFORD LOUI E M HOPPA A 7500 W 33RD AVE 3350 YARROW ST POWER CAROLYN WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER CO 80237 • II1I� r EDW y !r' !t DONN Y t • � t t FLOO PO BOX 130548 HOUSTON TX 77019 SMITH CYNTHI Y ARRO W MARKLEY C AS 7777 W 29TH, AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80 03 3 U R ... 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R I D G E CO 80 y EAT R CO 8003 « The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ-14-06: An application filed by Calier Capital LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Develo ment (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan f or the property located at 7671 W. 32" Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth. Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, August 7, 2014 Case No. WZ-14-06: An application filed by Calier Capital LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan, for property located at 7671 W. 32" Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and legally described as follows: Administr4tivc Assistam CAF — Rezoning of property at 32" and Wadsworth August 11, 2014 Page 2 CITY OF WHEAT 2DG IN TRO DU CED _ C AL # C OUNCIL BILL ,; ORDINANCE Ne e.. o f 2014 � ffi � ; All .�a w » ■ <■ 1�,. -, <� .�. M. ® ^: ^- -� -■« ® ^ » © ^ f . #.: § l ow ! .a . < \ e°� .e. $ / 1 ! e at ■ w -`' \� < �f » - ; «» ,■ e. �ee�. « ». <1 « f ■ »� *2.' e- ?� e.�� ■<�.2a :,�, . ■�. -�- «2 s \ « \ , > /�, \. a: �,,.� » ;.. .a ■ <; �$» ��e -�� �. '� � e ., « $. ,� . •a■ « . -a�a ■�_ + - a . READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by 2 vote • - to , this _ day of 2014. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day • 2014. 11-11jelzmIt - Janelle Shaver, City Clerk St publication: July 17, 2014 )d publicatiow Wheat Ridge Transcript: Effective Date: 151IFFM 1 liffm • ZOVZO Alm o 001> LO Jf S£Z£0 kn o cli � SZhLO SlZEO c o �O � Sri O O:'. '�•�... SLbLO 0 1S N� HS91M M o OOSLO 989 10 •'`'� � saslo M M M M ° '- O p _ i . o M r- 08SL0 OOZE i o Hidpms O � 7 J O O p338 `x.OS£EO "' OZEEO ° LL910 C> a 1 ( O ,•iY 1S MO2Rlb'h o' o 0 ♦ C O O O G6££Of �1• v m L c cq cq ro M M M M O O �, O C O O - O•. O _ r W , { .. _ k . Q - AW IA 1A U) ri, 1f7 o N N' N N N N cn co C ti CC CC M M C, M M r M p O ' O MR Cl) N n _ M th c o O O O o O ZEPHY� OLZEO OSZEO !0080 Ci A� j i I r ' t i The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ-14-06: An application filed by Calier Capital In LC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for the property located at 7671 W. 32 and 3299 Wadsworth, Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, July 24, 2014 The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ-14-06: An application filed by Caber Capital LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Develo ment (PRD) with an for the property located at 7671 W. 32 n Avenue and 3299 Outline Development Plan f 7 Wadsworth. Said property is legally described as follows: iTrn NVa" Administrativc Msistant W�� City of Wheat Ridge - Community Development 7500 W, 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re-, Yukon Grove — Revised Building Coverage Percentage Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0606 NZIMIM -- rt' "Wing olverage percentage calculations with this letter, showing each lot, its square footage and the buildable setback area square footage. The maximum buildinDf covera U ZW- Q74 V I H 9 #19- 11 Based on the above noted data, we are requesting to revise the Outline Devel()Pment Plan maximum building coverage percentage of 40% to "Average Building Coverage Percentage Not to Exceed 52,5% for the Yukon Gr • . ve Subdivision Setbacks will still control a lower building coverage for tbp Encl. Buildin I15 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80225 MAM 303,431,6100 MARTINMARTWXOM AVG. Building Covera %-i Buil r �* 11 Max. B Co.:- PLAT DRAWING DATA Lot # Lot SF Building Setback SP Coverage % 1 3519.26 1747 49.64% 2 3519.26 1747 49.64% 3 3519.26 1747 49.64% 4 3519.26 1747 49.64 % 5 3536.92 1741 49.22% 6 4293.25 2248 52.36% 7 3820.27 1827 47,82% 8 3735.00 2023 54.16% 9 3735.00 2023 54.16% 10 3735.00 2023 54.16 %Q 11 3735.00 2023 54.16% 12 3512,76 2022 57.56 %n 13 3716.00 1712 46,07% 14 6908.00 3789 54.85% 15 3689.87 1995 54,07 % 16 3690.00 1995 54.07% 17 3690.00 1995 54.07% 18 3690.00 1995 54.07% 19 3691.57 1997 54,10 %a 20 3966.54 2246 56.62% AVG. Building Covera %-i Buil r �* 11 Max. B Co.:- CAF — Rezoning o f property at 32" and Wadsworth July 14, 2014 Page 2 PRioR ACT.I(ON �N Planning Commission heard the request at a public hearing on June 19, 2014 from the Plann an ing Commi recornmend ed a pproval with conditions. The staff report and meeting minutes public hearing will be included with the ordinance for second reading. FIN -14-06. Fees in the amount 0 1 675 were collected for the review and processing of Case No. WZ BACKGROUND: A z 7671 W. 32" Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd. Both properties are z d The site is located at R-2 and have abandoned homes on them. The development gains access from a single cul•de-sac extending north from 32" Avenue CAF — Rezoning of property at 32 and Wadsworth July 14, 2014 Page 3 The application has been through the standard referral process Mr outside agencies or City departments can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. A separate referral process will be required as part of the future application for the Specific Development Plan and plat. The Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy identifies strategies for the City to become a 64 e community of choice," It established goals for Wheat Ridge to be competitive with adjacent jurisdictions by upgrading housing stock, increasing the variety of housing stock available, targeting underutilized properties for redevelopment and redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor. I rt h Envision neat Ridge is ti City's comprehensive plan and designates this property as being in neighborhood buffer on the edge of a Commercial Corridor (Wadsworth). The intent of the neighborhood buffer designation is for buffering and transition between low intensity residenti areas and higher intensity commercial corridors. I Further analysis of the zoning criteria will occur at the time of the City Council public hearing. CITY • WHEAT RIDGE INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL BILL NO. 09 ORDINANCE NO. Series of 2014 WHEREAS, the proposed zone change is supported by the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalizati Strategy and the comprehensive plan—Envision Wheat Ridge, and, I WHEREAS, the zone change criteria specified in Section 26-112 suppo approval of the request, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Fit 11k �, READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of - to , this _ day of _ 2014. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2014. Joyce Jay, Mayor MHAI*► = 1 1-7w*3 �A m k �1 mm I St publication: Uerald Dahl, City Attorney �nd publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript. Effective Date: City of M��Ae lyh6at T IL ia-cyc City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 303,235.2857 99�3 At its meeting of June 19, 2014 Planning Contmission recommended approval of Case No. WZ-14-06, a request for approval • a zone change from Residential-Tw i 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. I The proposal meets the zone change criteria, 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met, 1. Additional architectural design be required and reviewed at the time of SLAP. 2. The schematic detail for Lots 7-20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. 3. The developer is encouraged to work with the City Forester to create a tree friendly plan with consideration of old and new plantings. Enclosure: Draft of Minutes WWWA-Wheatridge.co.us A. Case No. WZ-14-06:. A request filed by Calier Capital, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. a 0 m= property. Ms. Reckert stated the front • as IN of the setbacks and inquired about orth and what the status of that reet, 5-feet on the sides and 15-feet of the new street and asked if the time. Ms. Reckert stated she didn't follow the Denver Metro grid system rred the development question to the that on the South portion parking will only rig on the cul-de-sac is permitted on both 0 • V1 I ked if #4ff calculated the potential on-street parking itated sh&has not done the calculation. The development igrequirements. In response to`1Co'mm1$$',1'0".n'er TIMMS inquiry about lot coverage, the Homeowners' Association, 50 ma_­$ requirement, signage and condition four with the tree preservation and how that will be monitored, Ms. Reckert stated the size of the lots that were discussed at the neighborhood meeting were larger than what is proposed today, A Homeowners' Association will be required because of the three tracts that will have to be maintained. She deferred the masonry question to the developer. She stated the only signs that would be allowed besides real estate signs and constructions signs would be a subdivision identification sign with a 36 square foot maximum. Home occupations would permit a 2 square foot sign. She stated Wheat Ridge does not have a tree preservation ordinance but there are some mature cottonwood trees on the site. A tree Planning Commission Minutes -2— June 19, 2014 assessment has been submitted by the applicant and we will engage the parks Naturalisl, for suggestions. Commissioner TIMMS asked if staff has received any additional emails or phone calls from the public since the public notice, Ms. Reckert replied no, t . 0 # atitn for the masonry, Ms. Reckert of the lot, Ms. Reckert for the water line Uire a 30 Commissioner D Applicant, Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace, Littleton, CO 80124 Mr. Fritz spoke briefly about the history of the project, Mr. Fritz introduced his partners to speak and answer questions. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 Commissioner WEAVER inquired about the home price points and square footage, Mr. Fritz stated that home prices would start in the lower 300's and that average finished square footage will be 1500 to 2000 square feet. Discussion continued regjLdine idew , t -sidew merits. Mr. Nettleton stated • t ere as enough room for a the property. --t-r-1vt ,,, 111quirou anout the pipe installation under the ditch and impact on the property, he also asked where the snow from the street would be directed. Mr. omb Y regardin • Chair BRINKMAN asked if they can push any snow to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Thornbrough stated Chair BRINKMAN asked if there would be an official path that connects with the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Thornbrough stated he wasn't sure if it was a public path. Chair BRINKMAN stated it is not. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was anything he could add to the conversation about the lack of sidewalk on the east side. Mr. Thornbrough stated if the sidewalk ended at Lot 20, a crosswalk could be installed to the other side. Chair BIN AN opened the hearing to members of the audience. icerns with an existing privacy issues, She inquired to know what could be ownership and the applicant Ms. Reckert stated there is a strip of I title. Mr. Johnstone clarified it is a v] Frank Stites 3354 Zephyr Ct. can the west side of the subdivision with unclear sue, not a zoning issue. setback will be in regards to the easement. fence between the t but wants to be cautious b it MA�HPLLMI ni Pat Hott 3330 Yarrow St. She hopes the development will have an HOA. Chair BRINKMAN confirmed that it would. Mark Thornbrough Mr. Thornbrough stated the easement at the rear of the property did not show up in the title commitment. He stated the developer is intending to provide a six foot privacy fence and the setback from the rear of the homes will be from the property lines defined in the legal description. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 Vor Me concition tor the i•o ed by Commissi Development d MiAPI'W " IL 111AI W. 3 Avenue/3299 Wad worth # 1 ##4 , I WMIMM , --, # # # ants including the Plan and Envision land use transition between l ients and the low density M271M ftd and reviewed at the time of SDP * be revised to more accurately represent KI with work with the City Forester to create a tree old and new plantings. by Commissioner OHM to have the developer work with Ftiendment accepted by Commissioners Weaver and lion #4. Commissioner TIMMS stated the 50% masonry requirement is too high for this development but he is sensitive to the reality of the market and to staff He suggested 25% masonry. There was a discussion about the masonry requirement. Mr. Johnstone stated this will be in front the Planning Commission again as a SDP and architectural criteria will be addressed at that time. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 201 4 Chair BRINKMAN spoke of the request of the sidewalk to the east. She stated if she had to put in a sidewalk she would rather put it next to the house versus the other side. Commissioner BUCKNAM stated his concern for public safety, Motion carried 5-1 with C -Tnviii * * �T An 8 minute break was taken until 9:00pm TT77=idge Code of Laws f . Mr. Johnstone presented the case. He review,i Item Staff Report. He explained th t dw • ME INIUMINNEWIN I UO MM d if there was any discussion that the zoning code is the best versus other chapters in the code. Mr. Johnstone stated no. Commissioner TIMMS asked about HOA's. He stated the City would still allow the use but the HOA could still supersede with a prohibition. Mr. Johnstone concurred, Commissioner TIMMS asked what cons were found in the research associate with dwarf goats. Mr. Johnstone stated there were none found. There is a little bit of a noise impact, R• included in the staff report, He (lic hearing and make a havter 26. Mr. Johnstone replied that # - 0 rpose of the City's Welfare and Control isory board with a limited remilat LVA o MI. #1 Planning Commission Minutes -7— June 1 9, 2014 « 1 i t t # ,� 1 i x 0 .X m i l rat 0 ,� i � : City of � Wheat kg MUNITY DEVELOP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 2014 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -14 -06 /Grove 21 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd PROPERTY OWNER: Jefferson County APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.48 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRES ENTATION Site AVE; �i }� w � — 32 E- — I ■11 ■11 ■11 ■11■ I IN�11�11�11�11 ■ifwtl ■tl�ll � ■ Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. The City's planned development approval is a two -step process. The first step is for the zone change to PRD and approval of an Outline Development (ODP). The ODP document will set allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which labels areas of landscaping, parking, building footprints and access points. The ODP approval requires a public hearing in front of each Planning Commission and City Council. City Council is always the final authority for approval of zone changes so Planning Commission will be making a recommendation. The Specific Development Plan (SDP) and plat is the second step of the process which focuses on the details of the development such as final drainage, street improvements, architecture and final lot layout. The applicant is requesting approval of the zone change to allow the construction of a twenty -unit small lot, single family neighborhood. (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request) H. EXISTING CONDITIONS /PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and both properties are zoned Residential -Two (R -2). Neither property has ever been platted. (Exhibit 2, Aerial photo) Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. To the west are parcels also zoned R -2 including single and two - family homes. To the southeast at 32 " and Wadsworth are two multifamily apartment complexes zoned Residential -Three (R -3). Immediately to the north, the property is bordered by the Rocky Mountain Ditch, across which there are additional properties zoned R -2 and R- 3. Finally, to the south across W. 32 Avenue is Crown Hill Cemetery which is outside of the City of Wheat Ridge boundary and is part of unincorporated Jefferson County. (Exhibit 3, Zoning map) The subject parcels both have unusual shapes and each currently have vacant houses built around 1930. The total size of the two sites combined is 3.48 acres. The property at 7671 W. 32 Avenue is long and narrow with about 110 feet of street frontage along W. 32 Avenue. The property at 3299 Wadsworth is essentially a flag lot. The main portion of the property is rectangular with the exception of the northern property line which is angled and parallel to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. The southeast corner of the property includes a "pole" portion which extends east to Wadsworth and provides 60 feet of street frontage. The property is heavily wooded but most of the trees are cottonwoods and Siberian elm suckers, which are species the City encourages. (Exhibit 4, Site photos) The property was subject to a prior land use application. Case No. WZ -05 -13 was a request by Jefferson County Housing Authority for a zone change to PRD for construction of 42 multi - family Planning Commission 2 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 dwelling units in multiple structures. Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on March 2, 2006. Planning Commission gave a recommendation of denial for the following reasons: 1. This is a high- density project that is not compatible with the existing neighborhood. This is not a reason to degrade the neighborhood from R -2 zoning. 2. This project is not compatible with the recent 2020 Plan that recommends more strong households to upgrade Wheat Ridge. 3. This area has a high vacancy rate in both homes for sales and units for rent in the Jefferson County/Wheat Ridge areas. There are plenty of houses for young people to purchase a starter homes. The application was subsequently withdrawn and did not proceed to City Council public hearing. II. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Attached is a copy of the proposed Outline Development Plan which contains two sheets. The ODP will set allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which designates a street layout, proposed lots, building footprints and general architectural themes. (Exhibit 5, ODP document) The applicants have proposed two -story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will feature smaller lots with a minimum of 3500 square feet of area. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet. Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 10 feet in depth on the front with a minimum of 15' on the rear. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly wider than those on the northern portion. The proposed public street will extend north from W. 32nd Avenue with a cul -de -sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right -of -way via a future plat document. Allowable Uses: The property is currently zoned R -2 which allows single- or two - family dwellings (depending on lot size), foster care homes, governmental buildings and group homes. The proposed uses are limited to single family homes, in -home businesses and household pets. There is a restriction included prohibiting RV and boat parking. Detached accessory structures are not allowed. Lot size, Setbacks and Lot coverage: Lot sizes proposed are a minimum of 3500 square feet with 50' of lot width. On the conceptual layout, the smallest lots are Lots 1 -4 on the southern portion of the site with the smallest lot being 3519 square feet in size. The largest is Lot 14 at the end of the cul -de -sac bulb with 6980 square feet of area. Building envelopes are shown which depict minimum setbacks. Proposed setbacks are 10' from the front property line, 15' from the rear property line and 5' on the sides. Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Maximum building coverage is 40% which would allow a maximum of a 1400 square foot structure pad on a 3500 square foot parcel. On Sheet 2, schematic layouts are shown which depict building setbacks, house locations and the shared driveways. The detail for Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. Maximum building height allowed is 35' which is consistent with all residential zone district classifications in the City. Parking Each of the homes will have an attached two car garage accessed via a shared drive reducing the amount of impervious surface in the development. On- street parking will be allowed on the eastern side of the southern portion of the street. Parking on both sides of the street will be allowed on the north. Section 26 -501 of the City's zoning and development code requires that two spaces per dwelling unit be provided when there is street parking available. Staff concludes that the parking is consistent with the city code. Street System and Drainage The development gains access from a single cul -de -sac extending north from 32 Avenue. The street sections being required by the City are detailed on Sheet 2. The southern portion of the street will have 48' of right -of -way with detached 5' sidewalk and a tree lawn on the western side with no parking allowed. The eastern side of the street will have curb and gutter with a 5' landscaped buffer without a sidewalk but parking will be allowed. After the "bend" in the street, the right -of -way width increases to 59'. Both sides of the street will have curb and gutter with a 5' tree lawn and a 5' detached sidewalk. Parking will be allowed on both sides of the street on this wider stretch. The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed these street sections and has indicated that they have adequate room for maneuvering through the development. As such the additional access point from the "leg" that extends east to Wadsworth is not required for emergency access. The street designs are consistent with the Streetscape Design Manual. Public Works has reviewed and approved a preliminary drainage study. The lot is relatively flat. As such, the drainage system has been designed to split the flows between the north and south portions of the site. The stormwater on the south part will be directed to a detention pond adjacent to 32 Avenue (Tract C on page 2). Another pond will capture flows on the north side in a pond labeled Tract B. The outlet from this pond will release to a pipe system bored under the Rocky Mount Ditch and release onto the property to the north. A preliminary agreement has been made with that property owner which will be finalized at the time of SDP and plat. Another smaller pond will be located on Tract A which is the "leg" that extends east over to Wadsworth. The remainder of Tract A will be utilized for an amenity such as a community garden for the development. The southern 30' of the Tract A will be paved to accommodate the looped water system required by Consolidated Mutual. It is not required for emergency fire access but could provide pedestrian access over to Wadsworth. All three tracts will be maintained by the Homeowners' Association. Planning Commission 4 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Proposed Density and Relationship to Surrounding Area The proposed density for the project results in a gross density of 5.75 dwelling units (du's) per acre. This figure includes street right -of -way. When street right -of -way areas are removed from the calculation, the net density is 8.73 units per acre. The existing neighborhood currently contains a mix of residential densities. Directly to the south and east of the subject properties is an existing apartment building (7669 W. 32 Avenue) containing 33 units. This property is owned by the Jefferson County Housing authority and contains 18 dwelling units per acre. Directly north of the site is another apartment complex addressed as 3445 Wadsworth. This complex contains 40 du's for a density of 22.9 du's per acre. Directly west of the site is a well- established neighborhood which contains single and two - family dwelling units. The neighborhood extends generally from 32 " Avenue to 34` Drive, between Yarrow and Zephyr. These properties are zoned R -2. The R -2 zone district density can vary from 4.84 du's per acre to 6.9 du's per acre depending on the mix of housing types (single or two- family). Staff concludes that the proposed zoning and density provides a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Architecture The applicant has indicated that the homes will be designed around a "cottage theme" and will be one and two stories in height. Design concepts include covered front porches and trim detail which will include brackets, corbels, sills and lintels. Materials will be primarily painted lap siding. Staff recommends that at least 50% of the front fagade have brick, stone or other masonry material. Additional architectural designs be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. (Exhibit 6, Architectural elevations) IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in section 26- 122.E. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The property is currently poorly maintained and an eyesore. It has been an attractive nuisance for the neighborhood attracting vagrants and wildlife. The new homes should have a positive impact on the neighborhood both aesthetically and from a property value perspective. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Planning Commission 5 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 All utility agencies have indicated that they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Should the zone change be approved, a more detailed review will occur at the time of Specific Development Plan and plat. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The following documents are applicable to the property and are to be used for guides when considering zone changes. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION STRATEGY — adopted 2005 This document identified strategies for the city to become a "community of choice ". It established goals for Wheat Ridge to be competitive with adjacent jurisdictions by upgrading housing stock, increasing the variety of housing stock available, targeting underutilized properties for redevelopment and redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor. WADSWORTH CORRIDOR SUBAREA PLAN — adopted 2007 This document is considered an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan for this portion of the city. It is intended to be used as both a short-term and long -tern planning document by providing guidance for the future development and redevelopment of properties along Wadsworth. The property is shown as Medium High Density Residential (brown color) on the edge of Medium Density Residential to the west (yellow color) and Medium High Density Mixed Use to the east (red and brown striped). In the description of land use categories, Medium High Density Residential is defined as having 10 — 21 units per acre including townhomes, condominiums and apartments. Medium Density Residential is defined as 5 — 10 units per acres including single family homes on small lots to be compatible with adjacent single family homes. Other identified goals being met are: 1. Encouraging a gradual increase in density closer to Wadsworth 2. Preservation and enhancement of the residential neighborhoods to the east and west of the corridor 3. Increased pedestrian opportunities Planning Commission 6 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 32n a A Unincorporated Jeffco 4Z T COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Envision Wheat Ridge — adopted October 2009 The property is shown as being a Neighborhood Buffer (brown on the map below) on the edge of Commercial Corridor (red). The intent of the Neighborhood Buffer designation is for buffering and transition between low intensity residential areas and higher intensity commercial corridors. An identified goal of this designation is to encourage investment and redevelopment of properties. Logically, the Primary Commercial Corridor designation relates to Wadsworth Blvd. Wadsworth is the major north -south commercial corridor in the city and is a key target for redevelopment of outdated and underutilized properties. Goals identified for Neighborhood Buffer Areas include: 1. Increasing housing options 2. Promoting strong households 3. Encouraging new housing types 4. Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. 5. Promoting pedestrian connections 6. Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment areas Planning Commission 7 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Residential -Two zoning designation as it appears on the City's zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify. Wadsworth is one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan area. On the city's street classification plan, it is designated as a major regional arterial and carries over 41,000 vehicles per day (2009 count). Based on increased traffic and intensification of commercial land uses, Staff concludes that there are changed conditions which make this property undesirable for low density residential use. The proposed small lot single family will meet several goals of the city including providing additional housing options, providing entry level housing stock and providing a land use transition between Wadsworth and the lower density residential neighborhood to the west. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Planning Commission 8 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 N'Ill. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 14 -06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential g6wbpwsalrDevelo�ment (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32" Avenue /3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. The proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. 3. The proposal meets the zone change criteria. 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: At least 501 the front fagade have brick, stone or other masonry material. 2. Additional architectural designs be required and reviewed at the time of SDP. 3. The schematic detail for Lots 7 — 20 must be revised to more accurately represent the larger, narrower lots. 4. The developer is encouraged to salvage as many healthy trees as possible." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 14 -06, a request for approval of zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential &9��Development (PRD) zoning and an Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 7671 W. 32 " Avenue /3299 Wadsworth Blvd for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Planning Commission 10 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre- application meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 11, 2014. There were approximately 20 persons in attendance (Exhibit 6, Neighborhood meeting recap, Exhibit 7, Sign - up sheet,) VI. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve the property subject to installation of improvements. A "looped" system will be required so a paved connection must be made to Wadsworth via Tract A. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Water plan and hydrant locations will be addressed at the time of SDP and plat. Does not need a secondary access into the development. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department: Will require fees -in -lieu of land dedication assessed at the time of final plat. Wheat Ridge Police: Can serve the new development. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved preliminary drainage design and a traffic study. All requirements are being met. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Has adequate capacity to accommodate development. Final design review will occur at the SDP and plat stage. Xcel Energy: Can serve. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed Planned Residential zoning and accompanying Outline Development Plan are consistent with the goals and policies of the City guiding documents including the Wadsworth Subarea Plan, the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. Staff further concludes that the proposed zoning and density provide a logical land use transition between Wadsworth, the surrounding higher density developments and the low density neighborhood to the west. Because the proposed zoning and ODP meet the criteria used to evaluate a zone change, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WZ -14 -06 with the conditions listed below. Planning Commission 9 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 1, Letter of Request Grove 21 at Wheat Ridge -Overview - This project will consist of 21 single family homes gathered around a new street running off of 32' Avenue West of Wadsworth Blvd. Currently the site is owned by Jefferson County and is surplus property that was proposed for a multi family project. It was submitted to the City in and subsequently withdrawn in 2006 / 2007. We feel that this proposal creates a buffer between the Hilltop Apartments and the single family & the duplex homes immediately to the West. Figure one, attached, shows the current character of the site. The 3 existing single family houses and outbuilding are derelict and provide haven for squatters and present a danger to the children living adjacent. -Why channe the zoning - Currently zoned R -2 (9,000 SF lots). The site does not lend itself to the larger single family homes that such zoning would mandate. The proximity to Wadsworth Blvd and the adjacent multi family projects suggests a higher density and moderately priced neighbourhood. Utilizing this parcel as a transition between Wadsworth Blvd and existing R -2 is the appropriate solution. The proposed community will promote an active lifestyle and neighborhood interaction by utilizing a village concept that is walker friendly and invites interaction by reduced front setbacks and front porches on each home. In addition, the shared driveways minimize the impact of automobiles. - Existina zone district physical character - To the North, South, and East, older apartment complexes exist in neighboring zone districts. To the West is Yarrow Street zoned R -2. The rear of the community abuts a 1 acre parcel also zoned R -2 that also abuts Wadsworth Blvd. Across 32 " Avenue is the Crown Hill Mortuary & Cemetery. Close by is the intersection of 32" Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd with its varied commercial uses. This community will be a positive addition to the character of the area. With its new construction and additional residents, it will help revitalize an area that is a bit long in the tooth. - Access/Traffic Patterns /lmpact- As the included Traffic Impact Study indicates the majority of the traffic generated will utilize Wadsworth Blvd and to a lesser extent 32" Avenue. We anticipate that a portion of the new residents will utilize the Light Rail conveniently located nearby at 13 Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd. With the minimal amount of additional car trips, the overall impact in the area and adjacent streets will be negligible. - Utilities- X -Cel Energy currently serves the site for Electrical and Gas. The City of Wheat Ridge supplies Sanitary Sewer. Consolidated Water serves the Northern half of the site and they have expressed a willingness to annex and supply all 21 homes. -Effect on Public Facilities - Preliminary meetings have been held with the City to examine and explore services and their impact. A quick summary: Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Fire- Our consultants have met with the Fire Department and no secondary access will be necessary. All road designs meet their standards. Police- No adverse effects are anticipated. Water- Service lines are available on 32 nd . Storm Water- The site will have two detention facilities for controlled release into the existing storm Sewer. We anticipate an offsite discharge pipe running through the Northern adjacent Oak Hill partments ). The easements and agreements are currently underway. Roadways — A R.O.W will be reserved on Wadsworth Blvd for future CDOT expansion. A R.O.W will be dedicated on 32 Avenue and appropriate improvements made along the street frontage. Parks & Schools — City mandated contributions, in lieu, have been discussed and are anticipated. -City Policies - Discussions have been held with the City to adhere to all requirements for the rezone process. A neighbourhood meeting was held on February 11, 2014 to solicit neighbourhood input. We feel that the feedback was positive and the adjacent landowners are looking forward to the removal of the adjacent blight. We have committed to meet the requirements for roads, setbacks, heights and associated municipal codes. Planning Commission 12 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo 7679 W. 32nd Ave and 3299 Wadsworth • Planned Residential Development r l y �.- v zj ,� 33RD AVE � -- 3 2ND 'AV E I�1/ �II�IIMI�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�Y�II�II�II�Ili1 ;�11�11�114 ^ �l,j .. Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 I f Exhibit 3, Zoning Map Zoning Man 35TH AVE e7 %T * r a W O f � w � Tr U) -, fl r} 32ND•AVE �t�u�u�xsnuu�u>. nuuuufuuuutnuuuuuun�i�uuu�u�utit�NUn�u - .- S. " 41 Planning Commission WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 14 Exhibit 4, Site photos 15 View of property from W. 32" Avenue Planning Commission 32 " Avenue looking west WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 32 " Avenue looking east View of property from Wadsworth Planning Commission 16 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 House on western portion of property Planning Commission 17 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 House on eastern portion of property Interior view of property Interior view of property Planning Commission 18 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 5, ODP document Planning Commission 19 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 Exhibit 6, Architectural design Planning Commission 20 WZ -14 -6 /Grove 21 STRGEISCAPE VIB'I VVRR(`AV1 „. M4 Neighborhood Exhibit 7, Meeting Notes with about 110 feet of street frontage along W. 32nd Avenue; the size of the lot is 41,382 square feet (0.95 acres). The property at 3299 Wadsworth is 104,544 square feet (2.4 acres) but is essentially a flag lot. The main portion of the property is rectangular with the exception of the northern property line which is angled and parallel to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. The southeast corner of property includes a pole portion which extends east to Wadsworth and provides about 60 feet of street frontage. The existing home is located on the southeast corner of the property. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R•2 to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for the development of small lot single-family homes. The applicants have proposed two-story and raised ranch homes with front Porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the front yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. The neighborhood design is more urban in character and will feature smaller lots varying in size from about 3,750 to 4,100 square feet. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet, Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 20 feet in depth. The properties on the southern portion of the site will be slightly smaller than those on the northern portion. Primary access will extend frorn W. 32nd Avenue with a cul-de-sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right-of-way. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: 0 In addition to staff, 19 members of the Public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff explained the site conditions, zoning in the neighborhood, and the reason for the rezoning request. market conditions that 0 The applicant explained the proposed single-family development, the m trend to smaller lots, and the village-like feel of the design. • The members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. 0 The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. 0 Neighbors compared the proposed design to as previous multi- family development and were more receptive the applicant's single-family proposal. Concerns were related to drainage, preservation of existing trees, additional traffic on W. 32" Avenue, and perimeter fencing. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: P Lo p a I • How many lots are proposed'? The proposal includes 21 single-ffiniil,v 10A'. What is the size of the home? The homes will rang(_ 1500 to 2000 square ftet. What is the price point for the homes? Planning Commission 22 WZ-14-6/Grove 21 The homes ivill be around $300, 000. • Will the homes include basements? Some mqy include basements. • How tall are the homes? The t will be o ring tivo-stor) and ranch s�yles. The homes are custom built, so the total Q/' each design ivillbea ql'thentarket. The applicant is seeing an equal prq/erence,16r both designs recently. Will the homes be energy efficient) The energy cif ,ficiency is measured in TIERS (home enerD rating) and consumes about 60% of the energy (Y'a normal home. Because the homes are custont, theta can include p assive solar. and other features at the request of the buyer. • Has the perimeter fencing been designed? The details ofthe design, such as the tvpe qfperimeterfincing, have not fret been designed. Neighbors expressed a preference,for something more durable than a cedar privacyfince, such as masom:v, or viny Will there be an HOA? The applicants do not expect an 1104; each lot ivi/l be fee simple ounership. • What are the proposed setbacks? The preliminary site plan shows a minimum 5-t6ot setback 1vhich is the standard minimum in all residential zone districts, The rear setback will var) based on the shape o the lots. The deeper lots could include up to a 25,16ot setback to maximize back yard space. Will the trees be saved? The applicants have the desire to preserve as many trees as possible. Stq#'noted that a required submittal will like4 � include an inventori and analysis q1 existing trees on the site. • Is the theme of the architecture Victorian in nature? The homes include a someit hat ['ictorian design ivith front pouches and clapboard siding that evoke a cottage- or village-like ficel. • How will the residents access the garages? Shared driveu ails and garages behind the homes are a central t"the design. Residents will access the side-loaded garagesftom the street. The garages are setback about 25,feet -om the ivestern property line. • The notification letter indicated the site is mostly vacant—what does that mean? There are two homes and several outbuildings on the site, but they are not currently occupied and the majority elf the site is undeveloped, What is the expected timeline for the prqject? The rezoning process alone can take 4 to Cr months, platting and speciflc site design iv ill ,lol/mv. There is not Yet an estimated completion date. • How does this compare to the previous proposal by Jefferson County for the site? In 2005, a elift , rent applicant--the J10ferson Counti Ilousing Author h)�-- rep quested a rezoning to construct 8 residential buildings ivith a total q1'about 43 dwelling units. The current proposal is much less dense ivith only 21 lots and includes detached single, anfilv homes, the Phinning Commission 23 WZ-14-6/Grove 21 current prol)osal still represents a transitional land use ivith moderate density behveen the tnulti-fianily and commercial uses on Ifladsivorth and the R-2 neighborhood to the west. Who currently owns the two lots that comprise the site'? The property ii , previously owned by the Jej y I Arson Countj -lousing Authority but now Je f ns ,jerson County i tself the site. • Is PRIG a zoning designation, and if so is there any minimum lot size in the PRIG district? A Planned Residential Development is a zone district, but it does not include codified development standards in the same way as other "straight " residential zone districts. A planned development is intended to be used unique physical conditions or a unique develoIntient proposal. In this case, the unique conditions include the shape of the lot and the desire to provide a more urban, smaller lot development that is not consid(?rt-: in other residential zone districts. The,PRD is a negotiated zoning that allows a developer inore to propose a design that ma ' y not be permitted in another zone district, The intent is not to circumvent the zoning code, and the aylwclation is the proi qfa high d es i gn 11 V ,fli quality d si, i e the flexibilio of I �1�red b a PRD. • Is each PRD established on an ad hoc basis'? Each planned development is reviewed individually on its own inerits. Stq/ . fand service agencies will review the documents acrd provide. comments. Staffand P'lanning Commission will make a recommendation oj'approval at- denial, but ultimatell Citill Council aj)ln-oves each planned development. Because a PRD is a more flexible, negotiated tvpe of zone district, the al)plication, includes more detail about the proposed design and is revicived with more scrutolY than other tvj)es qf'417 right develoInnent. • Why are the lots so much smaller than the 9000 square, feet required in R-2 11011 sing Pre/crences in the real estate market are inereasinglj shifting away from large lot suburban homes. Etnlaty nesters, seniors, and Young prq/essionals are seeking sinaller lots with less maintenance, but the still ivant the independence that conies with single, family homeownership. The proposed design is more similar to the neighborhoods seem in Suq7leton, Lowri and Behnar that respond to this neiv preterence and increase the variety of housing 01. in It'heat Ridge. How will you address the abandoned ditch along the southwest perimeter of the property? A neighbor described an abandoned ditch along the ive . side of 'lots / through 6. She explained that water rights had been sold, but the ditch held neither been bacA-filled not- ivas the easement vacated. The applicants e.,tTalained they would be using survel"S and title work to clean tip and remove as tnan�y encumbrances as possible. An abandoned ditch ivould be included in that ef . 16rt if'it affects the subject properij • Will the development impact existing utility easements on the neighboring lots? ,Vo, the utilities and easements oil the existing lots to the ivast u4/1 not be impacted. The nelil development will include its own utility easements along the perimeters qfeach lot. • Will utilities be undergrounded"? Plamijig Commission 24 WZ-14-6/Grove 21 Utilities ,16r neiv developments are tIlpical4v required to be under groundcd Xcel will be given the chance to comment oil the application. Applicants are not required to underground existing utilities in adiacent neighborhoods, Will drainage in the surrounding area be better or worse after the project is completed? The proposal will result in an increase in impervious sur /ace, however, the applicants will be required to complete a drainage report and keep and treat all rulloff "14'ater on-Site. TJJe proposed site design includes two detention ponds that will discharge into the storm sewer system. Tire proposal will not result in sari force rung f fonto neighboring properties which inqv be happening noiv since noiv drainqg(-, ysteln is in place. • Will there be any access on or `cif Wadsworth` * ) 0'advivorth is a state highivqv controlled �17 CDOT The only access to Wadsworth will be, fear emergency vehicles. CDOT will not allow accessfior sew , ral reasons, include the fact that a narrow,lrontageprohibits construction qfacceleration1deceleration lanes. The 1qpogrqp1qqf the area and the presence of `the Rocky Mountain Ditch complicate access in this area, Printaty access will beof nd' fqf W 32 Avenue. • Will a traffic signal be added at W. 3 5 th Avenue? The applicants would not be responsible for a new stop light at W 35"' Avenue because it is not adjacent to the subject site, and their roject alone would not increase trq1 at a p fie this rea, CDO T would have to approve the addition q1'a trq1 dded when traffic fic signal in this location—neu signals are a ,fic counts reach a certain threshold. • Will Wadsworth be widened? Tfadsivorth Boulevard is slated to be widened in thefuture, but there is no timeline for the project, To accommodate the fixture widening, the applicants will be required to provide a 22- . 16ol Wide right-elf 4vqv dedication and a 24- ,foot itide reservation along the INadsworth frontage. • What can be done to fix traffic issues and the bus stop location on W. 32 " ` r Avenue? The neighbors noted that curb cuts at the gas station and multi. development are too close to the intersection and make it dif f i cult nl ,ficult to turn k-ft teastbound) onto 32 ' Avenue. As a result, vehiclesjrequentiv turn right (ivestbound) and turn around oil Yarrow Street or bI weaving through the neighborhood. There is also a bus stop at the gas station that complicates turning movements in this area. The neighbors are concerned about this issue in general, and don ' t want to the see the issue exacerbated 1�y the new development. The applicants will be required to complete a traffic stu,41 to understand the impacts ql*the new development. They expect that the neiv road will be'Mr enough west that the residents will be able to turn left (eastbound) onto W 32"" Avenue without the salve trouble experienced at the gas station. Staff received no written comment prior to the neighborhood meeting. Planning Commission 25 WI-14-6/Grove 21 13MMEE OR nfliom Iiii - - I, mm# Planning Commission 26 WZ-14-6/Cirove 21 1 9, M 1, A '° V €,m,. Y ; y} d A f i � 2, F t ` y 2. 1 k w 2. 28, 29. Planning Commission 27 Z -14- /Grove 21 1 Planning Commission ? WI -1 - 6. 1 LI /V t. 1 4, 15, I i, 1 Planning Commission ? WI -1 - 6. 1 GROVE 21 AT WHEAT RIDGE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT i W a O I 5 a 00 z g 0 0 Z E 0 0 U � z u Y d a n m o � �n o a n � M N i .- o n n m N o = a 0 a U 40 o Z r � o � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, RICHARD A. NOBBE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THE OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. (SURVEYOR'S SEAL) SIGNATURE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE /UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT: THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S). OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF A REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. KEVIN HERINGER, OWNER - CAUER CAPITAL, LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF __, A.D. 2014 BY__ WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY PUBLIC [ 8 1 9 1 11111M .1111 THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENTS SUCH AS SITE LAYOUT AND BUILDING ARCHITECTURE HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED ON THIS DOCUMENT. AS A RESULT, A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIOR TO THE SUBMITTAL OF A RIGHT -OF -WAY OR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION AND ANY SUBSEQUENT SITE DEVELOPMENT. NTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT _O'CLOCK _.M. ON THE ___ DAY OF 2014 A.D., IN RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (DEPUTY) ALLOWED USES: 1. INTENT: THIS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IS ESTABLISHED TO PROVIDE FOR A HIGH QUALITY RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, CONSISTING OF SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL USES THAT ARE COMPATIBLE WITH ADJACENT EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AND OPEN SPACE USES, 2. USES: A' ALLOWED USES ONE FAMILY DWELLING • OPEN SPACE B. ACCESSORY USES • HOME OCCUPATIONS HOUSEHOLD PETS QUASI - PUBUC AND PUBLIC UTILITY LINES, STORM DRAINAGE, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES. DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ARE NOT ALLOWED. M, Ain ­AT CTnAAP.c eQC ­T - 11 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NW 14 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO mTtiAvr W 35TH AVE :1 �I APPROX. SITE LOCATION 0 r yl 1 I N I I I VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CHARACTER OF NEIGHBORHOOD: THIS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MEETS THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 26 -301C BY PROVIDING A PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY, SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS A TRANSITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD BETWEEN LARGER LOT RESIDENTIAL TO THE WEST AND COMMERCIAL AND MULTIFAMILY USES TO THE NORTH AND EAST. THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL FEATURE LIFESTYLE LIVING WITH A VARIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL STYLES INCLUDING ONE AND TWO -STORY HOMES WITH TWO -CAR GARAGES. ARCHITECTURAL STYLE OF HOMES WILL ENTERTAIN A COTTAGE THEME. KEEPING WITH HISTORIC DESIGN ELEMENTS IN THE AREA COVERED FRONT PORCHES WILL BE PART OF ALL HOMES TO ENGAGE THE STREETSCAPE AND FOSTER COMMUNITY INTERACTION, MATERIALS WILL CONSIST OF PAINTED LAP SIDING WITH TRIM DETAILS THAT ARE ARCHITECTURALLY CORRECT FOR COTTAGE HOMES INCLUDING BRACKETS. CORBELS, SILLS AND LINTELS. ALL HOMES WILL HAVE EITHER STONE OR BRICK ACCENTS. COLORS SHALL BE SELECTED FROM BENJAMIN MOORE'S HC (HISTORICAL COLORS) PALETTE OF EARTH TONE AND LIGHT PASTELS. ALL COLOR SCHEMES WILL BE PREDETERMINED TO ASSURE A CONSISTENT STREETSCAPE. ALL HOMES WILL HAVE ATTACHED TWO -CAR GARAGES BEHIND THE HOME SERVED FROM COMMON DRIVES ON PAIRED LOTS AVOIDING AN OVERLOADING OF CONCRETE AND GARAGE DOORS ON THE STREET. A COMBINATION OF RANCH PLANS. WITH ELEVATED BASEMENTS. AND TWO -STORY PLANS. RANGING IN SIZE FROM 1200 -1800 SQUARE FEET WILL BE THE PRODUCT MIX CREATING A VARIETY OF SCALE AND MASS ON THE STREET. THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL FEATURE ENTRY MONUMENTATION SIGNAGE AND TREE LAWN ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ACCESS ROAD. THIS PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY WALKABLE NEIGHBORHOOD ALLOWS CONVENIENT ACCESS TO EXISTING BUS ROUTES ON W. 32ND AVENUE. AS NOTED ABOVE, EACH RESIDENCE WILL HAVE A TWO -CAR GARAGE, PROVIDING TWO OFF- STREET PARKING SPACES PER LOT, ON STREET PARKING WILL ALSO BE PROVIDED. THE SOUTHERN HALF OF THE DEVELOPMENT WILL PROVIDE ON- STREET PARKING ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE STREET. AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE DEVELOPMENT WILL PROVIDE ON- STREET PARKING ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET. THE PROPOSED PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WILL ALLOW FOR BUFFERING AND DENSITY TRANSITION FROM WADSWORTH TO THE ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD TO THE WEST. PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS _ DAY OF 2014, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF __ . 2014 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE S89 423.03 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SECTION LINE NGO 25.00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF 32ND AVENUE, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S89 111.41 FEET ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF RIDGEVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE AND ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RIDGEVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION N00 370.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE N89'45'02 'E, 111.41 FEET; THENCE NOO'19'27'W, 466.00 FEET; THENCE S53'44'06'E, 278.98 FEET; THENCE SDO'19'27'E, 300.00 FEET; THENCE N89'45'02E, 184.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD; THENCE S00 60.00 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY UNE; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE S89'45'021W, 408.00 FEET; THENCE SOO 310.00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF 32ND AVENUE AND THE )?QJNT OF BEGINNING SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 151,495 SF (3.48 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL N MERIDIAN BEARING N89 - 02 - E BETWEEN THE WEST QUARTER CORNER BEING A FOUND 3 )4' ALUMINUM CAP PLS 11 13212 IN RANGE BOX AND THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER 'A' BEING A FOUND 3 ALUMINUM CAP PLS 111 13112 IN RANGE BOX. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 1. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 35' 2. MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 40% 1 MINIMUM LOT AREA: 3.500 S.F. 4. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 45' 5. SETBACKS: A MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK: TEN (10) FEET B. MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK: FIVE (5) FEET C. MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK: FIFTEEN (15) FEET 6. MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH: TWELVE (12) FEET 7. NET DENSITY: 8.73 OWELUNG UNITS PER ACRE 8. GROSS DENSITY: 5.75 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE 9. MINIMUM BUILDING SEPARATION: SIXTEEN (16) FEET 10. PARKING: ALL PARKING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -501 OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 11. LANDSCAPING: ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -502 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 12. EXTERIOR LIGHTING: ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -503 EXTERIOR LIGHTING OF THE WHAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 13. SLGNAGE: ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -709 SIGN CODE OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: A. RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION SIGNS: • MAXIMUM SIGN AREA 36 S.F. 14. FENCING: ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -603 FENCING OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 15. EXISTING ZONING: RESIDENTIAL TWO (R -2) 16. PROPOSED ZONING: PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PRD) 17. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT LIES OUTSIDE THE 100 -YR FLOOD PLAIN. PHASING: THIS PROJECT IS ANTICIPATED TO HAVE ONLY ONE PHASE, HOWEVER FUTURE PHASING, IF REQUIRED. WILL NOT REQUIRE AMENDMENT TO THIS PLAN. CASE /WZ- 05- 13,WZ -14 -06 LAND USE TABLE USE AC. DU DU /AC. 7AC. RESIDENTIAL AREA 1.78 51% OPEN SPACE / DETENTION 0.51 158 SUB TOTAL OF RESIDENTIAL AREA 2.29 20 8.73 669. RIGHT -OF -WAY W. 32ND AVE. 0.03 1% RIGHT -OF -WAY WADSWORTH BLVD 0.08 29, INTERNAL STREETS 1.08 31% SUB TOTAL OF RIGHT -OF WAY 1.19 34% TOTALS 1 3.481 201 5.75 100% PROJECT INFORMATION: OW DEVELOPER CALIER CAPITAL, LLC 2305 W. BERRY AVE. LITTLETON, CO 80120 CONTACT: KEVIN HERINGER ENGINEER, MARTIN /MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 W. COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 80215 PH:303- 431 -6100 CONTACT: MARK THORNBROUGH, P.E. SHEET INDEX ODP1 TITLE PAGE ODP2 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN UNCC vmwwbam low. CENTER OF COLOORADO Can before you dig. CALL 811 2- BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE P` EXHIBIT 5 0 0 z 5 a a ° N 5 a 0 u z E o n z S z � Y Q O A , U Q o ' UI o 5 °o 3 a o n ` n I N o ° m a o r � o z 0 0 o - 4 U 0 o Z o < ■, GROVE 21 AT WHEAT RIDGE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NW '4 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 T" P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO `R2-Z01V11VG� TRACT 'C' DETENTION POND _N00' 19'27'W 370.00 _ 35.00 - - - 55.50' - - - 55.50 - - 55.50 - - S5.50� 755 .00 4 _ - - � �I I I I"1 I ® I I� O 1 ic6 © 1 ld m I � I Iri I I I^ 5 ; e I I< 3519.26 SF I I 3579.26 SF I I 3519.26 SF I ; 3579.26 SF I 3536.82 SF I I 4293.26 SF I--- - - - - -I I- - - - - -- I 1- -- - - - - -I L--- -- - - -I L - - - - - -- I � o A v v \ o e i • 75.00' 55.50 55.50'• 55.50' '• 55.50' . 27.94'`27.81' I ° ry PROPOSED ACCESS o 5' WALK TYP. 5' LANDSCAPE STRIP \ \\ I ( N1 TO 32M° AVEN _ -o.g- ASPHALT 6' WIDE ON-STREET --------- 9 �• \ I 2.5' VERTICAL ° PARKING LANE TYP \ - -- CURB AND GUTTER I ' I Soo* I 10.00' FUTURE 32ND I AVENUE ROW LINE 10 DEDICATION FOR 32ND AVENUE RIGHT OF WAY (TO BE BY PUT) _PAVEMENT --- - .._-• -_-_ -- \ \58.00' A R26.00' T 5' LANDSCAPE BUFFER, TYP. ASPHALT R - 3 ZONING 12.00' DRIVE 5' DETACHED WALK 5.00' 15' 10.00' PROPERTY LINE (AT BACK OF WALK) 23.5' CL TO PL SITE PLAN (LOTS 1 -6) SCHEMATIC NOT TO SCALE VARIES ^VARIES TWO CAR AR GARAGE E URESIDIN 15' N. TYPICAL SETBACI RESIDENCE CE 12.00' DRIVE 5' DETACHED WALK 5.00' 15' 10.00' PROPERTY LINE (AT BACK OF WALK) 23.5' CL TO PL SITE PLAN (LOTS 1 -6) SCHEMATIC NOT TO SCALE 5' DETACHED WALK PROPERTY LINE (AT BACK OF WALK) 29.5' �- CL TO PL SITE PLAN (LOTS 7 -20) SCHEMATIC NOT TO SCALE 1�(rf GENERAL NOTES: 1. TRACT A SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE, UTILITY EASEMENT (30' WIDE) AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR EAST DETENTION POND AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. TRACT A MAY ALSO BE USED FOR OTHER DEVELOPMENT AMENITIES SUCH AS COMMUNITY GARDENS OR OTHER SUCH USES AT THE HOA'S DISCRETION. 2. TRACT B SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. DRAINAGE COLLECTED IN TRACT B WILL BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY'S STORMWATER SYSTEM VIA BURIED PIPE AND DRAINAGE APPURTENANCES. STORMWATER FLOWS CONVEYED FROM TRACT B WILL BE AS ALLOWED PER CITY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. 3. TRACT C SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. DRAINAGE COLLECTED IN TRACT C WILL BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY'S STORMWATER SYSTEM VIA BURIED PIPE AND DRAINAGE APPURTENANCES. STORMWATER FLOWS CONVEYED FROM TRACT C WILL BE AS ALLOWED PER CITY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. R2- ZONING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE -- EASEMENT - - - - - SECTION UNE CENTER UNE SETBACK LINE ---- - - - - -- PARKING LINE - -- CURB & GUTTER ASPHALT PAVEMENT CONCRETE/ D SIDEWALK DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE __ N 466.00 �� a0.37 F 45.00' 45.00 45.00 50 T 6 - - - 105.72' 22z�\ - --- -- i -- - --- -- to 1 `1 O I l b O I 18 I I I °o 12 I 3716.00 SF I (� I I 6908.00 SF I 3820.27 SF 0 3735.00 SF 1 3735.OD SF! I 3735.00 SF: I }735.00 SFi 3572.76 SF 69.43' ^\ 230.50' 200 TRACT �L26.75' '45.00' •45.00' '45.00' - '. 45.00' 42.96'_\ TRACT 'A' �\ \ R69.50' - -_ __ - W ALK TYP. o.� -- - - �6' WIDE ON- STREET - \ 5' LANDSCAPE STRIP o _ PARKING LANE, TYP.. �\ __6' WIDE ON- STREET c ASPHALT PG . 5' WALK NP. PAVEMENT -- -- - -� ARKIN LANE T - -- .n - � - -- - - ,:5' LANDSCAPE STRIP ^ •x"'4.70' 40.31' • 45.00. _. - 45.00 . ' •- s�.tAl . - 1 ... 2_1- \\\ .. •.. I -- - - - - I I - - - - - I I - - - - - I I --I I- ---R28.010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16 1 15 I I I I I I I c Ito b I to I to I Im\ I ,� I ,m Im I Im I Im Im 3966.54 SF I ; 3697.57 SF ; 1 3690.00 SF 3690.00 SF ; I ; 369000 SF ; I ; 368987 SF ; DBE \ \ \ � TRACT '8' UTILITY EASEMENT 0 TRACT 'A' Y _ DETENTION POND FUTURE WADSWORTH BLVD ROW LINE r I AREA RESERVED FOR 22.153' FUTURE WADSWORTH BLVD ROW 37.47'1 I AREA OF WADSWORTH BLVD ROW DEDICATION (TO BE BY PLAT) S00'19'27'E 60.00' OUARTER SECTION UNE 15.00' I WADSWORTH BOULEVARD S00'19'27 300.00 - PROPERTY BOUNDARY, TYP. R �I R I 48' ROW u�i � 5' LANDSCAPE BUFFER I I 2.5' 6' 2.5' 5' MIN 11' 11' PKG 5' LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK LANE LANE� BUFFER 26' FIRE LANE 1_ (FL TO 2' INTO PKG LANE) ROAD SECTION A -A 2 -LANE LOCAL STREET MODIFIED CROSS- SECTION NOT TO SCALE U I I � I -10 -�I 5' LANDSCAPE 59 I RDW 5' LANDSCAPE '^ I I BUFFER I BUFFER I I 5' MIN 2.5'6, 11' 11' 6 2.5' S' MIN I I_. _.._... PKG -tom ..,��T^,..,r '1 sIDFWAIN 26' FIRE LANE (-(ENCROACHES 2' INTO EACH PKG LANE) ROAD SECTION B -B 2 -LANE LOCAL STREET MODIFIED CROSS- SECTION NOT TO SCALE ROCKY MOUNTAIN DITCH R -2 ZONING g -N - Iiiir- , - 30 1,5 0 30 60 SCALE: 1' =30' ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET 4 3 , UNCC Know what's below. CENTS OF CCXDRA o CBI( before you dig. CALL 8 1 1 2- BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN /MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. VARIES VARIES 15' I I SETBACI TWO -CAR I I TWO -CAR o GARAGE I I GARAGE 5.00' SETBACK ml I I w 16.00' MIN. TYPICAL TYPICAL RESIDENCE I RESIDENCE 1 ; 12.00 DRIVE 10.00' 5' DETACHED WALK PROPERTY LINE (AT BACK OF WALK) 29.5' �- CL TO PL SITE PLAN (LOTS 7 -20) SCHEMATIC NOT TO SCALE 1�(rf GENERAL NOTES: 1. TRACT A SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE, UTILITY EASEMENT (30' WIDE) AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR EAST DETENTION POND AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. TRACT A MAY ALSO BE USED FOR OTHER DEVELOPMENT AMENITIES SUCH AS COMMUNITY GARDENS OR OTHER SUCH USES AT THE HOA'S DISCRETION. 2. TRACT B SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. DRAINAGE COLLECTED IN TRACT B WILL BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY'S STORMWATER SYSTEM VIA BURIED PIPE AND DRAINAGE APPURTENANCES. STORMWATER FLOWS CONVEYED FROM TRACT B WILL BE AS ALLOWED PER CITY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. 3. TRACT C SHALL BE FOR DRAINAGE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. DRAINAGE COLLECTED IN TRACT C WILL BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY'S STORMWATER SYSTEM VIA BURIED PIPE AND DRAINAGE APPURTENANCES. STORMWATER FLOWS CONVEYED FROM TRACT C WILL BE AS ALLOWED PER CITY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. R2- ZONING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE -- EASEMENT - - - - - SECTION UNE CENTER UNE SETBACK LINE ---- - - - - -- PARKING LINE - -- CURB & GUTTER ASPHALT PAVEMENT CONCRETE/ D SIDEWALK DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE __ N 466.00 �� a0.37 F 45.00' 45.00 45.00 50 T 6 - - - 105.72' 22z�\ - --- -- i -- - --- -- to 1 `1 O I l b O I 18 I I I °o 12 I 3716.00 SF I (� I I 6908.00 SF I 3820.27 SF 0 3735.00 SF 1 3735.OD SF! I 3735.00 SF: I }735.00 SFi 3572.76 SF 69.43' ^\ 230.50' 200 TRACT �L26.75' '45.00' •45.00' '45.00' - '. 45.00' 42.96'_\ TRACT 'A' �\ \ R69.50' - -_ __ - W ALK TYP. o.� -- - - �6' WIDE ON- STREET - \ 5' LANDSCAPE STRIP o _ PARKING LANE, TYP.. �\ __6' WIDE ON- STREET c ASPHALT PG . 5' WALK NP. PAVEMENT -- -- - -� ARKIN LANE T - -- .n - � - -- - - ,:5' LANDSCAPE STRIP ^ •x"'4.70' 40.31' • 45.00. _. - 45.00 . ' •- s�.tAl . - 1 ... 2_1- \\\ .. •.. I -- - - - - I I - - - - - I I - - - - - I I --I I- ---R28.010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16 1 15 I I I I I I I c Ito b I to I to I Im\ I ,� I ,m Im I Im I Im Im 3966.54 SF I ; 3697.57 SF ; 1 3690.00 SF 3690.00 SF ; I ; 369000 SF ; I ; 368987 SF ; DBE \ \ \ � TRACT '8' UTILITY EASEMENT 0 TRACT 'A' Y _ DETENTION POND FUTURE WADSWORTH BLVD ROW LINE r I AREA RESERVED FOR 22.153' FUTURE WADSWORTH BLVD ROW 37.47'1 I AREA OF WADSWORTH BLVD ROW DEDICATION (TO BE BY PLAT) S00'19'27'E 60.00' OUARTER SECTION UNE 15.00' I WADSWORTH BOULEVARD S00'19'27 300.00 - PROPERTY BOUNDARY, TYP. R �I R I 48' ROW u�i � 5' LANDSCAPE BUFFER I I 2.5' 6' 2.5' 5' MIN 11' 11' PKG 5' LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK LANE LANE� BUFFER 26' FIRE LANE 1_ (FL TO 2' INTO PKG LANE) ROAD SECTION A -A 2 -LANE LOCAL STREET MODIFIED CROSS- SECTION NOT TO SCALE U I I � I -10 -�I 5' LANDSCAPE 59 I RDW 5' LANDSCAPE '^ I I BUFFER I BUFFER I I 5' MIN 2.5'6, 11' 11' 6 2.5' S' MIN I I_. _.._... PKG -tom ..,��T^,..,r '1 sIDFWAIN 26' FIRE LANE (-(ENCROACHES 2' INTO EACH PKG LANE) ROAD SECTION B -B 2 -LANE LOCAL STREET MODIFIED CROSS- SECTION NOT TO SCALE ROCKY MOUNTAIN DITCH R -2 ZONING g -N - Iiiir- , - 30 1,5 0 30 60 SCALE: 1' =30' ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET 4 3 , UNCC Know what's below. CENTS OF CCXDRA o CBI( before you dig. CALL 8 1 1 2- BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN /MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ44-06: An application filed by Calier Capital LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for the property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth. Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, June 5, 2014 %L The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ-14-06: An application filed by Calier Capital LL for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRIG) with an Outline Development Plan, for property located at 7671 W. 32 d Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and legally described as follows: Admirw0rative As�sasWt tit City of Wh6atRi:d ,_gc LETTER NOTICE CERTIFICATION (as required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.D) Date of Planning Commission hearing: June_I9 2014 Nate of City Council hearing: Administrative Assistant, �artment , hereby r ». ° , I mailed a total of 45 letters on June 5 2014 to the attached recipient list at =2� least 15 days prior to a scheduled public hearing. City of Wheat j dg COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 ° i Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE June 5, 2014 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ -14 -06 which is a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R -2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan, for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. This request is scheduled for public hearings in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission June 19 2014 A 7.00 mm. City Council August 11, 2014 la 7.00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend these Public Hearings and /or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303 -235 -2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. WZ I406.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Vicinity Map Site A BARNARD MAPLE ANNETTE RUTHERFORD LOUISE M HOPPA A W 7500 W 33RD AVE 3350 YARROW ST POWER CAROLYN S WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER CO 80237 • PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO PO BOX 840 DENVER CO 80201 EDWARD A SERFOZO TRUST UA THE DONNA L SERFOZO TRUST UA THE 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT` RIDGE CO 80033 SCI COLO FUNERAL SERVICES INC 'Ytw SCI MGMT CORP PROP TAX DEPT 8TH FLOOR PO BOX 130548 HOUSTON TX 77019 SMITH CYNTHIA J 3342 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MARKLEY CHRIS J 5040 ASPEN DR LITTLETON CO 80123 SCI COLO FUNERAL, SERVICES INC 7777 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JEFFCO HOUSING CORPORATION 7490 W 45TI-1 AVE WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 !IkTAW JOINT VENTURE 215 UNION BLVD 215 LAKEWOOD CO 80228 LORRAINE J LOEFFLER TRUST 3260 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 al M%' NJ a wa a I 3280 WADSWORTH JOINT VENTURE 215 UNION BLVD 215 LAKEWOOD CO 80228 FLETCHER CARLA L 7580 W 33RD AVE lo�l 0=11 kvil ri 1 WA w t 4 10 Ifni = ADCOCK DAVID R ADCOCK CAROLYN C 3331 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GANTENBEIN KEITH A JR 3400 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OAK HILL APARTMENTS V LLC 17560 S GOLDEN RD 200 GOLDEN CO 80401 SCHIMMING RICHARD SCHIMMING IRENA CHI MIND WALDEMAR 11895 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FUSCHINO GARY FUSCHINO OFELIA L 3362 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 lffi�� JEFFERSON COUNTY - 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 JANICE M DEIBERTTRUST3280 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STITES FRANK GREENE CAROL J JOALTA GROUP LTD 3354 ZEPHYR CT 3 3 10 YARROW ST 3200 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BOISE FAMILY LLC 3433 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LEVEL 5 VENTURES LLC 2655 W MIDWAY BLVD 235 BROOMFIELD CO 80033 DEANEILENE 3332 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RASCON JULIAN JANE RASCONJOANN 7846 W 33RD AVE kwmks • * • 13495 BRAUN RD GOLDEN CO 80401 HOT'I'PATRICIA A 3330 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RAMJIANI KISHORE J EDWARD A SERFOZO TRUST ANGEL SEAN C 9948 W JEWELL AVE C DONNA L SERFOZO TRUST 7575 W 33RD AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80232 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 it ner i iCOLO FUNERAL SERVICES INC FFCO HOUSING CORPORATION CHOLLS DANIELLE K )TT PATRICIA A LRD A SEI L SEAN C b\ � T KO ROSECJOSHUA D DONNA LSERF020 TRUST 9a SCI MGMT CORP PROP I i 3352 PO BOX 130548 770:9 ress 32ND RIDGE RIDGE e \ E POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NQ. 1/1/2 - D S- /, LV2 PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL / BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: I, residing at City of W Z (address) W2- vs= -i� as the applicant for Case No. ki a - /1/ b 6 Public Hearing at % 7 j hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of —WI�A (location)' on this ,--� day of /L,, , 20 and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. 'ar • ,c Meredith Reckerk, AICP City of Wheat Ridge City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 -8001 �t k Re: Response to Comments Letter in Regards to the Second Submittal for Approval of a Zone Change and Outline Development Plan for Property Located at 7671 West 32 Avenue Per the comment letters received from Dave Brossman and Meredith Reckert, dated May 20, 2014 and May 31, 2014, resDectiveiv. we have revised the OUTLINE DEVEOPMENT PL w • SHEET ONE Re ♦ Comments Letter in Regards to th S Sub mittal Outline Development Plan for Property • -r at 7671 West 32 nd Avenue .00� June 6, e i Page 215 Response to Comments Letter in Regards to the Second Submittal for Approval of a Zone Change and Outline Development Plan for Property Located at 7671 West 32n' Avenue .0000� June * 2014 Page 3 15 Response to Comments Letter in Regards to the Second Submittal for Approval of a Zone Change and Outline Devel opment Pl for P # '# at • A venue June 6, 2014 .0001� • i _1M Response to Comments Letter in Regards to the Second Submittal for Approval of a Zone Change and Outline Development Plan for Property Located at 7571 west 32nd Avenue .tune Vii, 2024 Please find the revised plans and documents attached with this submittal for your review and acceptance Should you need any additional information please feel free to contact me at (303) 431 -6100. Sincerely, Mason Talkie ton, P Project Engineer E�: #� This letter outlines our proposed approach to provide Detention and Water Quality for the proposed Single Family Residential development near the intersection of 32 nd Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard. I Our review of City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements indicates that the project will be required to providelOO-year detention and treatment for the Y, of the Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV). Per City of Wheat Ridge drainage requirements, the preliminary design includes detention facilities sized to provide 100-year detention + Y2 the WQCV. These calculations have utilized suggested methods outlined in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) Manual for sizing the ponds. The property is bordered on the north by the Rocky Mountain Ditch, on the west by Ridgeview Estates (a sin i le family residential subdivision , on the south by West 32 nd Avenue and HilltOD RN ". The proposed site contains approximately 3.4 acres of developable area. This in-fill property has a unique "L" shape and currently has two aged residential houses and detached garages and/or outbuildings that will be demolished for this project. Existing drainage is divided to the north and south, with the majority of the runR ff flowing to the north, Preliminary Drainage Letter for 21 Grove at Wheat Ridge Development (32nd& Wadsworth) ~000� June 6, 202 drained to the north, eventually into Clear Creek, The southern property historically drained east, eventually into the South Platte River. Since the Rocky Mountain Ditch was constructed, it appears that drainage from the northern parcel is intercepted by the ditch and is conveyed east into the South Platte River basin. The southern property drains to 32" Avenue where the runoff |m collected bv the City ofWheat Ridge's storm sewer system. The proposed development will feature three Water Quality / Detention Ponds. One pond will capture storm runoff that flows to the north and the other will capture runoff that flows to the south. The outlet structure for the north pond will release flows to a pipe system that will convey the flows under the Rocky Mountain Ditch to the north. An agreement has been formed with the property owners to the north to allow construction uf the storm piping system through this property, and connect to the existing Wheat Ridge storm system in Wadsworth Boulevard. The outlet structure for the south Water Quality / Detention pond will release flows to the existing Wheat Ridge storm sewer system in32 Water Quality treatment of runoff will be provided by grass swales formed along property lines (between the houses) and the proposed Water Quality / Detention Ponds. Runoff will be directed towards the proposed road, and not through multiple lots. The drain time for the WQCV is proposed to be 4O hours. The narrow east-west leg ofthe property's "L" shape will have the third small pond located un the east side to provide water quality for this relatively small contributing area prior to releasing to Wadsworth Boulevard, In conclusion, the proposed development will provide treatment for water quality and stormwater detention that meets City of Wheat Ridge criteria. The controlled release rates will assist in mitigation of existing stormwater poncling that develops at the intersections of 32 nd Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard and the area near Wadsworth Boulevard and 34 Si ncerely, MARTIN/MARTIN ZMERM Re: Preliminary Drainage Letter for 21 Grove at Wheat Ridge Development (32nd & Wadsworth) Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0606 Dear Mr. Brossman, This letter outlines our proposed approach to provide Detention and Water Quality for the proposed Single Family Residential development near the intersection of 32 Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard. Our review of City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements indicates that the project will be required to provide100-year detention and treatment for the Yz of the Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV). Per City of Wheat Ridge drainage requirements, the preliminary design includes detention facilities sized to provide 100-year detention + X the WQCV. These calculations have utilized suggested methods outlined in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) Manual for sizing the ponds. The property is bordered on the north by the Rocky Mountain Ditch, on the west by Ridgeview Estates (a single family residential subdivision), on the south by West 32 nd Avenue and Hilltop Apartments, and on the east by undeveloped property, Wadsworth Boulevard, and Hilltop Apartments. The proposed site contains approximately 3.4 acres of developable area. This in-fill property has a unique "L" shape and currently has two aged residential houses and detached garages and/or outbuildings that will be demolished for this project. Existing drainage is divided to the north and south, with the majority of the runoff flowing to the north. MARTIN/ MARTIN, INC. .M • • '• • • • • • M•' • • •♦ • • «„. • s ••• °• •• •• • �® • •• • � •• • .• • ♦ ! • • • ! i • • • ` • • • •f• • • ' •• • ' d • r - s •r• -• � It- • •• • • •• � .• R • t • ' e •r• •• •^ " •• • • •" i • s s a •• • •. . •• • ; � • .• • :t • WHEAT RIDGE PRO TECTION DO ING 3 880 U Street Wheat Rid Colorad 0 a 0 .00 r s • • tfTiF�°�►.�i a Kelly gooks Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District 11 .04 K 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 S 6 Signage M I M-jK#jNBI i. Fire Apparatus Access Roads Exception: The fire marshal or designated representative is authorized to _ncrease the dimension of one hundred fifty (150) feet where: 1. The building is provided throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with the fire code. Additional Access. The fire marshal is authorized to require more than one fire apparatus access road based upon the potential for impairment of a single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. (IFC 06 5031,2) One or Two Family Residential Developments. Developments of one or two family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall be provided with separate and approved fire apparatus access roads and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3. (IFC 06 D107-1) 00=0 1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or private fire apparatus access road and all dwelling units are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3. 1 1, 903.11.2 or 903,3.1-3.3, access from two directions shall not be required. MIRM Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal itimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between 2ccesses. (IFC 06 D104.3) Division of Fire Prevention Private Street and Alley Widths. Fire apparatus access roads that are private streets or alleys shall have a minimum unobstructed width of twenty six (26) feet. (IFC 06 503.2.1 Amended) 1, The width of private streets may be reduced from the required twenty-six (26) feet, if a specific access and parking design is approved by the fire marshal, (IFC 06 503,2.1 Amended) Vertical Clearance. An unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet, six (6) inches shall be provided and maintained. (IFC 06 503.2.1) Authority. The fire marshal shall have the authority to require an increase in the minimum access widths where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations. (IFC 06 50322) Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of eighty five thousand (85,000) pound fire apparatus and shall be r.urfaced with the first lift of asphalt to provide all-weather driving capabilities, and shall 'te installed prior to above grade construction. (IFC 06 503.2.3 Amended) Dead End Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Dead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for the turning around • fire apparatus. (IFC 06 503.2.5) • Ma Nit* -.E i •� 120-foot Hammerhead, 60-foot"Y" or ==i%IV 0 "11111� Division of Fire Prevention 20WO 28' R TY R 6. 1 7­26' FIGURE 0103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND Turning Radius. The required turning radius for fire apparatus shall be a minimum of forty-seven feet-four inches (47) feet four (4) inches outside radius and twenty six (26) feet six (6) inches inside radius with a four (4) foot bumper overhang. (IFC 06 5012.4) Dead End Fire Apparatus Access Roads in Group R, Division 3 Occupancies. Where a property is a Group R, Division 3 occupancy, the length of a dead end fire apparatus access road may be increased to one hundred seventy five (175) feet without the provision for the turning around of fire apparatus, if approved by the fire marshal. (IFC 0• x Fire Apparatus Access Road Grades. The grade of fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed City of Wheat Ridge Engineering and Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Standards. (IFC 0• 503.27) Curbs. Vertical curbs shall not be placed at the entrance of or within fire access Ian or roads. Mountable curbs and gutter may be used, if approved by the fire marshal, (I FC 0• 503.2.8 Amended) I Marking of Fire Apparatus Access Roads. "No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall be installed on each side of fire apparatus access roads, private streets or alleys to identify such roads and to prohibit parking. The maximum spacing between signs shall not exceed 135 feet. "No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall meet the requirements as set forth as required by the City of Wheat Ridge. (IFC 06 503.3) Water Supply and Fire Flow Water lines and fire hydrants shall be installed, operational and capable of providing the minimum required fire flow for the building sites prior to above grade construction. (IFC 06 508.51) Fire Hydrant Spacing Group R-3 and Group U Occupancies with streets having a thirty-two (32) foot flow line to flow line in width or larger: 1. Fire hydrants shall be spaced at maximum distance of five hundred (500) feet between units. Group R-3 and Group U Occupancies with streets having less than a thirty-two (32) foot flM w line to flow line in width: I . Fire hydrants shall be spaced at a maximum distance of three hundred (300) feet between units. (IFC 06 508.5.1. Exceptions 2.2, Exception 2.3 Amended) 2. Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Water District of jurisdictior and the Division of Fire Prevention. (IFC 06 508,5,l) Fire Hydrants and Installation Fire hydrants shall be painted colors as approved • the Water District • jurisdiction. (IFC 06 508.5.7 Amended) Fire hydrant discharge nozzle threads shall be in accordance with the Water District of jurisdiction standards. • II1 11 1 11 1, l�I ��� City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235,2846 F. 303.2352857 wma�� Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace Littleton, CO 80124 Dear Mr. Fritz: This letter is in regard to the first resubmittal for approval of a zone change and Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue, The application has been reviewed and the following are comments regarding the initial submittal, 1 www.cimheatridge.coms Wheat Ridge Police Department. See attached comments from Kevin Armstrong dated April 22, 2014. Wheat Ridge Public Works. See attached comments from Dave Brossman dated April 30, 2014. Xcel.Energy. See attached letter from Donna George dated April 29, 2014. Any additional referral comments received will be forwarded to you under separate cover. Once the changes have been made, please submit two copies of the subdivision plat, and one copy of the technical documents with electronic copies. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly and submit two hard copies of the Outline Development Plan an electronic copy of all documents. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, N M70MEAM City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Ms. Meredith Reckert 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case Number WZ-14-06 — Calier Capit for Grove 21 — 7671 W. 32nd Ave. and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd. This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated April 16, 2014, regarding the above referenced property, The Company's rules, regulations and requirements further require that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and in order to receive domestic water service, the property must also front a Company main. A separate meeting Must be scheduled directly with the Company's Engineering Section at (303) 238-0451 for an in depth review of the proposed project specific • domestic water and fire protection service requirements. THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER CoM lip ANy 12700)XIest 27th Avenue * P0, B 150068 - Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 • Fax (303)237-5560 Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 4 t"Avenue 14 , Suite 10 4 P -0C ox 288 Whe, Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303 Fay; 303-424-2280 WEEN9M Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Email: mreckert@cLwheatridge.cous Re: WS-14-06 – Cavalier Capita I for Grove 21 On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), marti I nc., act as the District En&wvWW% rv ta erral dated April 16, 2014 concerning a request for rezoning of the property at 7671 W 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd and ability to serve the property, The District has no objection to the zone change and can service the property, The subject lot at the address referenced above is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat V Ridge Sanitation District, Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is pro ided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Meredith Reckert From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 101 PM To: Meredith Ruckert Subject: RE: Land Use referral City of '��Wheat ttle PARKS AN I) RK,'REATICIN CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information, It is intended only for the use • the individual or entitij named 3-7- vo x TrMy r?�'MTVTM VV773775tsciosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited, If you received -reO4ef �111 this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected, Thank you. From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:44 PM To: Joyce Manwaring Subject: Land Use referral The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) at 7671 W. 32 Avenue/3299 Wadsworth Blvd. (Case No. WZ-1 4-06). Please download the application documents from the City drive: , Comments are due by May 1, 2014; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to Wie in touch with any additional questions. woo= (ity of h N�le commuNn'y r)fVrl,0PkifN1 9 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business- confidential inforination. It is intended only for the use of the individual of entity narned above, If you are not the intended recipient you air, notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution. electronic Storage or use of this coln'Thillication is prohibited, If you received this cornmunication in error, please notify= us immediately by e -mail, attaching tile original message, and delete the original inc," from you computer. and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. From: Kevin Armstrong Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 3:26 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Land Use referral City of �� L, Wh6atf i ic ' k�!g ct DEPARTMENT MEMO MUMIL10111101 '10 M, 11, %� TO I- t I v 1 0 N i I rage or �t thl to 0 s communication isprohibited fyoureceived this communication in error, please notify us immediate[y by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Wednesda�, April 6 _,__L, vw To: Kevin Armstrong Subject: Land Use referral Folder: V:\Communitv DeveloDment\ Land Use-Case, Referral File name: Caller Capital for Grove 21 Comments are due by May 1, 2014; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. 0 & Xce,[Energysm 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 M M Z� : �M M M Right of Way & Permits 1123 West V Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile-, 303. 5713660 To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development and per state statutes, Public Service Company requests that the following language or plat note be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision. Public Service Company also requests that all utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats, While these easements may accommodate certain utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. As the project progresses, the property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities including relocation and/or removal and associated costs. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571-3306, Sincerely, City of . ]R lEi Wh6atf<i�!gc LIC W C RKS TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: April 30,2014 SUBJECT: WZ- I 4-06/Calier Capital for Grove 21 I have completed my review for the request to rezone from R-2 to PRD the property located at 7671 W. 32 d Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Blvd, received on April 16, 2014, and I have the following comments: To Mere - Grove 21 ODP_7671 W32ndAve Review-Ldocx Public Works Engineering April 30, 2014 Page 2 WEE�� UMMMEE�# 1. Mark Westberg, P.E. (303.235.2863) has reviewed the Trip Generation Study and has no comments at this time. To Mere - Grove 21 ODP..7671\x'32YidAve-,Re\,iew-l.docx I ae. CFATwr rw1 M $UM w M u•o[ Rr Nc OR LPIXR IJV DREG SUnEM15CN •No TO M n w 1a NNOrA.[OOE. gsogwrCL1 Nm BRRT, N KCwDNCE 1TPH ul •PRNABIL COLORAOD stAlurzS. aMRrR REV4(D Ea1KM AS K DTOEO. M •CCOwPANRNC Pwl KCaGrzIY RCP U,S 540 SLIRKr. (SLRVEhM'S SFAI) SCNATUK - -__ OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN GROVE 21 AT WHEAT RIDGE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT NW 14 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO OWNER'S CERTIFICATE / NIEI D CONTROI STATEMENT 1K K1. 1-1 O.1ICR(5). w LEVAIV OCSX: - - N`(5) -. w KREw - T-r TK PRw(Rrc LE0411 OESCMBEO NpNw BWL RE OEKldNO AS A MNJKD DEV(LOP.EM x ACCOgpwCC W1µ M USES. RESrM 1- •ND -"ONS ngRNNEO W THIS PEAx, AIC A$ NAr O BE KOUMD Rv Uw. I (WE) FLIMNER KCwM2E lwl M[ PgONN w • REZwNC t0 -NUD DEKEO- 9Iµ K N, OF 1 4 OJTLNC DMLOMCM PUN. Day µpr CRUTC • K51EO PROPUrr 4X?IT. KSrtO PROPFRTI MGH15 NAr OK. •R15[ ANO KCRI.E PURSL O M PRa65ONS w SCCMM 26 -121 w M -1 MDOE WE I x:wiURE a OBNCas1 w KxNr <s) srtF w wL SS COLPJM1 w xr)ERSw ) M [paOgNO NSr111KM NAS KXMOaCOLCD BRd6 LK 1M5 tt ------- _ ---- AD. 201. Bv_ ----- _______ 61rKS4 W NNED AND OF( SUL w co- E--. COUNTY CLERK AND R E'ORD R'S CERTIFICATE. sT•rz or cOLwJm 7 ss COVNM1 w JEFfCPSOTI ) KIeBr ttRNr !N•T Iµ4 PLAN wA5 FRro IN M OFrK[ O M Cher Cl[Ta AND RECORRR M xrrERSw CgMM1 Ar cOIDEµ, CO-DO, AT _O'40CK IN BOaI___ -_. P•IY__ -._. TIELEPIXW NO._____ JEFFCRSw cwNn ttcRK AND REaROCq ALLOWED USES' ' uOFM • PUJIxEO RLSOFMNL - EOTWkT --T 4 IS)NluSH[D TO PRO9IX rw A K OUN]M RI.SCE21T,, KCHBOINCOD. CONS4rN10 OF SNOIE roar OE`-. RE90EMLN uses nIA1 ARE COYR "I"X aTN -EN' CCSTWO R(SOCMWL u10 t1PEN SPKC USES. ] USES Dµ SPKE R OX USCS • xONE u nNs • NOUSFMID PRS NorARr SCWEP MID w•rzP SUPRY rKUD[5 .1 K•1E0 KCES$CIn 51MJCTURES JR[ 401 NLOwFO. Pv AND B 11OR C •RE NOT aLOwEO CHARACTER OF NEIGHBORHOOD 1H5 PUxNCD KSCEMLAL OEKLOVIwxT µCRS M Cm w -T MaR CODE aOU� t F- 15 DC S EO, RCS26-!01 C. Br Pg0rC1xC • PE11ESrMYI rMFN0.v, NCti rF n DR• E IXMBL IttKNB0a.000. CONPAWRE N 41E w0x •IID aINUL1LP .LOYLE R TOOo MECIAORxDWS. -1 -1 !P•C[ 0 LOT S- 1K KiC 1BOR1gOp wLL RIRMC Le(S2RE IrvMD wrtx v.RETV o< NrcxlrzcnwuL smES Naudw OLR ArD TWO siDRr NawS. Lm sacs vMV r0 6C COwP•Tblf Tnm •DJ•CFM [i41µ4: g6IXN1W NFCHBOM10001 M NE1a1BOR1u0D [Fl1LIR($ fMRY NONLMNr•ICN SCxK[ D eR(C U w OTx SIX. M5 P ST K o FMEN0.r waxA0.E KN ?100NxOW KLOwS CpFhMEM C[SS f0 E)RtWO BV] ROUFES ON w. ])ND AKNUE. P [µµIN OMMI«ION RTIfl •11Oµ' Kco1JNENOrD T'w APPxavu 1 Dqr Br M wMAi PSC[ PUNNNC CONUSSCx. cHNµPEpSfMI ______ CrTY CERTIFICATION: FPPPO.ED rN1s _ _ olv a __ -_ -_. 201. ar M wNFA. RRXx -1 co-, ATTEST: arr CIfJIX carpe CdMIMh DFKIOPYCNT _cTw Q OPM NT TANOARD I vAX•IW KKAIT: ]1' ]. LMXMUN 64LCMq COKRALf: 401[ ! bwwN Lm NRA ].a! s.r. aNww Lm Bw1N 4s' 5. SRBgatS w MIa11uu F1gNr INTO SEIBKK: TEN (10) FEET e. wN1Nw sa -0 sRRKX rTK (s) Kn < ul.nuw RCM rrro sF1BKN Twcxrr Ito) RR n wuuw DRrv(ru. wa+H. TEN (1o) 11 T ea'r ocNSrTr -. ea OTrtuINC uMrs PcR KRc n. wOSS DDISry 6.0] ONCLIRIC UNrtS RR KNF e. ugJWUN 91a0g1C SIPNU)aN. 51N1[[µ 06) rLR 10 PAMtWO' NL PARMNO 5µ4y H M L'p60RTLANtt w1M SERCN 26 -501 aFr -slap PunnNC aouwElzNrs OF M x w,AT RbcE coo n LAws. 11. EANDSww. u ur6rsuPNC sxuL a w cownRRNJCE wRx sECT1aN as -sot I.wosr NC RfougEKNTS w M -1 RPJCE - a uws. •x nrzROR LKa.rNC LwNVec SNaI e[ N cwrORW]NCE wn SEC 26 -501 Exr[RiOR IwwnNC 0E M rwr MDDE 000E ar 13 . SCN 1 IL SCxK1 -L i M -1oA l WON YL'DON 16 -Ip9 - - Of M wHUT RIOOE COOS or Uws. tlICCPr u FOLL014: A R(SX.- SUBOM61w L • wX!WN SKN MfA: b Sr. 1q FE-. N.1 1CNIONO SNN1 eC M COTR4gYYCt MTH SEc- rEYCMO w M xRA1 RRN9: LOGE w cab. -CT 4 AMgY•TEO To wK DKr OK PHASE. NOWEStR NRIRE PHg51rlC. 11 M-IRED. -1 NOT KO- -EN KT TO DRS PEA CASE HISTORY: � PABCEL a uNw LourtD M mE NDaDWWS ouLq¢q w ucrXK. 2n, T ! RANtt 1N wFS *. w M 6N PRMOPK I40Ldw, uTr or Wear glDU. caLAV1v w xrtERSw. sraE w coLarnoD •rM a(wlc NaTE PARrcaARLr ocsc •s [aLOa: cUNN(NCMC Ar TK CCNrzR o- CwNCR w SNO !CC . 26. IK Se6 47.4,27 FEET NDTIO 1K soNxE %r LINE Or SLD RORMwC$f a1MrrR w SCCTCN 16: TK2CE OCPNRAIO SND VCTTON LJNE µIµ)•113)1. 2100 1ER 10 M NatrlERLr Mali Or - WAV L w 32ND 1K . AND M �e_.BCGBINld: MNCC 5e6V4'l41T, t1 1.11 FEET GONG TM NOgORRr RCM - w _wr LRI[� - - MNtt MPNTIMO S.0 NOOD6gv pCNT-0F -w•r lMF µ00 3TD 00 rEn TKNC[ Ne6•u'Nt. 11 41 RR: MMtt µ00 x66.00 RFi, TKNC[ 1p 44'1]1, T1e.6e FER. MNtt SWK'Ut, JOO.W R: MNCE µ49 >• - i .m soo • rO M wESTCIiLY RCM- p' -w6r "E E or NENC EwAO. iHE1KA sao1v']st. eo as rEn uoNC sm RCM -w r EvR iKNCE IXPAR11xc TO Mwr -w-w•r UK 5e9V4'641, 4p6.Op r[R: TO M -11 RX:Ni- OF -WAr L11x w 32ND AK . 540 -L CAIIfuK 1!1 �9. N ACRE )lei IXNOOEVLEW -1 OF REAMN45 8[ARNOS Aa e•SEO ON TK SOUME STATES 6U4 - OLLLRr[R Of SCCTCx I6 OIJIISNT ! SWRr. RNID[ 66 - OF iK SDTN MNaaa IIE A FOUND X- A L i At�(rw(EN M 1321 O T CObICR %" a111gINY CAP �p- yFrJW) n NNO( BD+ •x0 M ttNRR quRt[R CORKR BPNC A raJlq ! %" µ.41a1 CAP RS ( 1!212 N RNILC BOX. NOTE TNFn r4RNaRblw4�ptrlWwn 6w.w X1r r1E.61e'n awgM AM ti qN hew d ti N4N.wbn NW4 b M ti �44ENEw EIYW).. tvrW1P/ waR. n M Lpr D.r qm. P46t Wwb RyyRLs M66L EJnMnW6C. cmeNd µµ[q114 W6 A6NN 111aW ti f. )1WM 1'n d 6W N4. +PeawM �r caR J6www/16w w Yr r RM9n4gw E.YU +1 PROJECT INFORMATION 121121 /111 E P[:. CALIER CAPITA., LLC 2305 W 8ERRr AA LITTLETON, CO 80120 CONTACT: K"N HERNCE rNCDIMrn MARTIN/ PIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 17499 W. COLFAK AVE EAKETTWD, COLORADO 80215 PH:303 -431 -6100 CONTACTS MARK THORNRROUCH, 1'r (a 4. UNCC +- •+++�+• cW;ZM CdbmdWo ft 811 1 - w sIK55 - ,x --,I GITYa WTIKf mw NWgvG rou DIw ORAOC w CXCAVAU FOR PUMA R NF0.RDIKAJxD YFIIBCq RD1[5 yln O4µ6 MIA OGq 5 /WALxRU�raKSVO p wK B x Tq� ON �14 M COxtwAOTOgS RfSPWSbgm T wNATCTI 4. WRKP. Ia tNAggOql [lA KMr�1K S1( wrERWI. 1IOM)aRN AND KRTK•iL LOUiCN tY Ui0.RR< Mew To rK cawrNCEMEM OF .Nr caaTMxlpN Z 4 �R r W V Q Q W 2 � `a Q CN W O r � V DP -11 w..e . ZNc MAP .o n OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Z, GROVE 21 AT WHEAT RIDGE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT �= NW ?4 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 P.M. s CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LEGEN e - � 1 _ • —r _— u�GH nr cRdVTC i PRdlCRM1 UHC � B I 1, • r - a - wAr L '; � PfTfxRgH PdO - ®� i I �® ® � ! ® • SCCMN lN[ cm [AUa[Hr sx oo' sx oP i �`. cuRe A wn[R 5 12 I` ]exe.e] Y ] w -. sl aTZ• v- J ���� - scH y x AA W SIB s � . 20 _ NBP 9)51 00 -_ Hoo-�resw ],aaP' A - uv oP' m' asoo._ { rsoT a . vBx ].B.' ,w f e' IAlIOeIAPC rrFaL rm. I a 1b" xdutoH Fdl FUnAtE I I 1 I 1 1 ^� L' 3M — IedtT OC car _r 1 1 1 1 - - , _ _ 1 1 3 IR 4 _ o ;)'S)L t r 0 . . 2­3 S, �4 - Erb +95 Y r 4 { O ROa .'. W ] a] ),Y IP •,] >.B) Y Y r I °, ]•.eP Y la ]B -BP 3f ( `, { 5 IAN ).!' t,' tt• IT r ITS' ' L ](J ^ W IAK 1 TANT 'Teunu trMtr lree o- 1 B _ �,�' P r N o ' 1 I • .. ,. � +s.00 � .. .s oo' as oo .. T • •s '. ...,. _ ji(F' W rfyfa.rtltw � Al Fferfr RS)AD SECTION A - reir '� r ,rNx " b 'r tWeE as -srl�] I b� r .A.a rASOOR, rn. - rrrrrarr. 2 - TAME LOCAL STREET MWETED CROSS - SECTION g rARlvto IAxIC Tv. A + calla w.rwc e' Itnf off - zrnfT g S - R7 RL t : viaoac I.w[, TN. _ r tool W+a rAS(]aHr, tYv tr.leWrlw I t S �a dreH - �/ ry'� �racln' wuNrwr .. e.r....11RF. AApLrr {R�RIr. I i5 - ,aSM aB. 50' c'o . Now ]. I'IC u t3L�UM IAHf LµC ^ 'rn pp C ROAD SECTION B - R 1 4 . 1 12 1 J n•TTNrnH J/ E LOCH. STREET MODIFIED CROSS - SECTION -� V 6 e sr PI •O srPI aiO Y y I Y PI . oo as Y i l g. I I I I I 1 • , -J /- aAO m LtAA. Pm x91Y Ilim r�aM rar r .,.�r Har.sv[ of earryrrr 4 eo.00'- Hod,ras�r ]m.m' , reMA'4rlrar lAlrr o ildA+wm, rry - rr }Y yr ,rffZ — TrArAyrelM aarpaf< M HW aelM Je,• wr]rrt [ucnGCKe rIRE ACC[SS o,' ba alarr ea eAMr lAeywret �xr•,tr •eAr HMr OYNS r�r (xo' tnDE) „g� Y rare e. Arr,er FllILALE RpNUIE. 1C ]frr• fr.r ,xs f�r.,an t,Ar roar,• ,Aer fArr'xn ,xfr I E ODP NOTE afw R OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN aPN roar M �. xo d:' ,r { , IERyED"OR lvftm Flow � TURC. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENTS SUCH AS � g E LAYOUT AND BUILDING ARCHITECTURE HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED ON THIS DOCUME LAND USE TABLE NT AS A RESULT, A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN MUST BE AS AND z�- ,.yPRwtD BY THE n �� �� �` fHT•)H PLY+P EXISTING ZONI .fCXR'F[fx POW. RLSNENIW.-IMO (R -]) AREA OF ROW DECFCATON RO BE eY PLAT Har 19 CI OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIOR TO THE P G I TTAL SUBMI OF A RIGH F - T -OWAY BUILDING r+merb (.]Meyertla SUO AND ANY SUBSEOUENT M S DM LEdCJ«OfY.Th. UNCC••- .�reMUa .IAPPyN 914"W 41v Crrr.wEw •w erraa rrMrna _. I. ALL AD,NGEM PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE GL, �� x- BlxBrlrss o+vs m ANO ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NO ADJACENT %[diE .� cPAO( op EfGVAT[ rdl PROPERTY LINES SHOWN HAVE BEEN SURVEYED. .� v um[RCAOLHO KvsL+ I,�ILIms ;V 7. CURB AND SIOEWALK TO BE PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NWnH/wanH ASAIKS HO AFSPdaLeun Cpt LRLm O D P -2 STANDARD DETAIL 5 -AOI LOC. REM. VCC. aGroHS. Hf L 'Tws SH-H o.l ,re5 d4vnHC H•K RfLH PLDTfd FR011 iK ffY AYAeABtC IN[WVAlprl IT 5. IgREVCR, ME Cd•(RAfr,XxS a[SPDHerLItY , d n[Le Kar M I W PIItOrI 1O T rH�f T CWYEMCE 1 L1r ..M CbSrRUC1gN IrR� NO. The only circumstance where no flood attenuation detention is required is if the subject property is located immediately adjacent to a major drainageway, e.g., Clear Creek or Lena Gulch. This property does not meet this criterion and therefore shall provide the 100 -year + 50% WQCV as required by the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements for an above - ground EDB. Please revise this statement. April 9, 2 David F. Brossman, PLS Development Review Engineer/ City Surveyor City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Preliminary Drainage Letter for 21 Grove at Wheat�Ridge Development (32nd & Wadsworth) Martin /Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0606 Dear Mr. Brossman, This letter outlines our proposed approach to provide D ention and Water Quality for the proposed Single Family Residential development near the intersection of 32 " Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard. w o Ity of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requir ments indicates that the project may o I rovide treatment for the Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV), and not dete preliminary planning purpo es, the preliminary esign includes detention facilities sized to provide 100 -year detention + % the WQCV�ese calculations have utilized suggested methods outlined in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) Manual for sizing the ponds. The property is bordered on the north by the Rocky Mountain Ditch, on the west by Ridgeview Estates (a single family residential subdivision), on the south by West 32 Avenue and Hilltop Apartments, and on the east by undeveloped property, Wadsworth Boulevard, and Hilltop Apartments. The proposed site contains approximately 3.4 acres of developable area. This in -fill property has a unique "L" shape and currently has two aged residential houses and detached garages and /or outbuildings that will be demolished for this project. Existing drainage is divided to the north and south, with the majority of the runoff flowing to the north. There are no known existing drainage facilities on the property and the property appears to generally drain from west to east, with the exception of the very north and south ends of the property which drain north and south, respectively. The property is not in a special flood hazard zone. The Rocky Mountain (irrigation) Ditch exists along the north side of the northern parcel and currently receives runoff from a portion of the northern area. The proposed development will subdivide the property into lots for the construction of 21 single family homes. Primary access to the development will be from 32nd Avenue via a private road. The existing property is near, or at the top of, the major basin. Only the adjacent residential development to the west, Ridgeview Estates, contributes minor runoff to the property. Historically, the northern property CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MARTIN /MARTIN INC. PUBLIC WORKS 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE 04/16/2014 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 DATE MAIN 303.431.6100 RECEIVED 04/16/2014 MARTIN MARTIN.COM 1st Submittal Preliminary Drainage Letter for 21 Grove at Wheat Ridge Development (32nd & Wadsworth) April 9, 2014 drained to the north, eventually into Clear Creek. The southern property historically drained east, eventually into the South Platte River. Since the Rocky Mountain Ditch was constructed, it appears that drainage from the northern parcel is intercepted by the ditch and is conveyed east into the South Platte River basin. The southern property drains to 32 Avenue where the runoff is collected by the City of Wheat Ridge's storm sewer system. The proposed development will feature three Water Quality / Detention Ponds. One pond will capture storm runoff that flows to the north and the other will capture runoff that flows to the south. The outlet structure for the north pond will release flows to a pipe system that will convey the flows under the Rocky Mountain Ditch to the north. An agreement has been formed with the property owners to the north to allow construction of the storm piping system through this property, and connect to the existing Wheat Ridge storm system in Wadsworth Boulevard. The outlet structure for the south Water Quality / Detention pond will release flows to the existing Wheat Ridge storm sewer system in 32 " Avenue. Water Quality treatment of runoff will be provided by grass swales formed along property lines (between the houses) and the proposed Water Quality / Detention Ponds. Runoff will be directed towards the proposed road, and not through multiple lots. The drain ti the WQCV is proposed to be 40 hours. The narrow east -west leg of the property's "L" shape will hav pond located on the east side to provide water quality for this relatively small contributing area.prior to releasing to Wadsworth Blvd. In conclusion, the proposed development will provide treatment for water quality and stormwater detention that meets City of Wheat Ridge criteria. The controlled release rates will assist in mitigation of existing stormwater ponding that develops at the intersections of 32 "d Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard and the area near Wadsworth Boulevard and 34` Avenue. Sincerely, r� Mark Thornbrou h, PE Associate Preliminary Drainage Schematic Page 212 The owners under contract of 3299 Wadsworth (Calier Capital/Bill Fritz) and the owner of Oak Hill Apartment/Jim Billings have met, discussed and agreed upon a mutually beneficial storm drainage system that benefits both city of Wheat Ridge and Caller does purchase 3299 Wadsworth. The drain o,.iq_es will be profession-Al� r #21 directly, affected b�, theFi e installatioM, will installation. All parties agree to this and will not change the intent of this agreement . Oak Hill Apartment will notify all the parties (ie their investors or banks) that they feet will need be notified prior to May 15 2014 and Calier agrees to keep Jim Billings updated on all time tables etc, via Tammy in his office. \N' lOCK� MOYMTNN` 'ate 7- Z\ ST,[ dS /trdeserlNluh YYt betlen 1 {, tbvnahfP 1 Swth. ".go seyinniny .t a Point en North .IR1 born CenGrllr.e Of .etd Seetlon fe, vnent'e tM Morth corner o[ sold section 16 beer, North 1511.15 ` ..tl A.P<e Y.et 170 leer: the -, both }0.1 f.etl thence Y..t 7tf.f lslt to 0 .nter3lne or AoeRT M.unt.ln Dltcn: thane. South elonq ... t.,11.. of laid dtten {0 Gec 100.! III an- tonueotng .long center of slid ditch burn Sltl9' Get 11} 1 .:1. — 1 - 1 -9 Cluny Centel of .all dit" 6-" 77 re.t 10.7 f aetf tn•nc• Lsl on Slne pullel Y1 to oust- nounde[y Of sAt MA feet th.— north 1}1 [eety thence Get 110 feet to Point on earth end both tentorline of slid S.'. lenl O hence Yecth .l0°•1 .nld north end South C.nterlln. 12% feet t lin of onelnninq. ° le" "T p13 en.rsl conveyed for hiyhv.y WrP°rea in souk 1113 VJ+ • N Y Y� r; ' —'_'_. _•_'_'_._• —" °_._ — sae TIE PROPOSED RM STO LINE INTO EXISTING WAOSWORTR STORM SEWER ; 1 APPROX ALIGNMENT OF PROPOSED STORM LINE FROM SIX1TN PROPERtt (7299 WADSWORTH) IN190PD®R 30GT701 COITTPIGTE: R N]QiGC6 CU1PAMf: PIR4r BAN! M.A. AMNdu ASSSQ4 lflm dRlMf {ArY Y I 106eDH0: OAX Rill APARtlmDS I IISIm CWTIfY MAT SKIS IMOt . ILICATIfW [FASIPIGTS uA5 RIfPAXBD 3CY Tile IS TUT R IS MOT A LAID S9 M PWT N InP90VD ATY{Y NAT. MT TUT 11 7D1 T3 1l 1 m ." M. TU 6YAALISIp}.Yl' OF `MC.. R111DII4 to CMU FuTue, � eu TIR . COITIiY TUS TIP. InPIOYJIM.S u: IR611p{ Atuelem dll 77W 7YT[, rqT 11. 1 'F.1 7-x, ^e P1 JmUn O1tLY1LI: All WJIMT VITIIIII !8 1 0m ^ • vCIdlCFtx[5 unaM M OT 18 MO MVAJt R VIodeCX MS $I IN A n:1r01Mtro; (ntD1 �[Ad fATILAim, IIAT [R[ IB U AR.M , C&T AS W ( OF . — AA IA. D{: ON V I I OIIRL R MR 0. AS ID 0 0141 MY , �T AS ,C AND T :In PAe41, O 111 1 IOD -TF1R Ri000 t7Ai11 V OIf R l.I.LR. wr,tdrwxm PAND, p), OsSPA BOPS, • �'pl 10717 BJr '_-}VR VEYrNp Nl E AMO ERST DR. K DENVER CO. IMI 1 Sd -{112 3445 W 1V P 0 Vt t 0110. F1RbT pANK MARTIN,/MAR F Re: Preliminary Drainage Letter for 21 Grove at Wheat Ridge Development (32nd & Wadsworth) Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0606 �= Z Our review of City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements indicates that the project may only be required to provide treatment for the Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV), and not detention. For preliminary planning purposes, the preliminary design includes detention facilities sized to provide 100-year detention + Y2 the WQCV. These calculations have utilized suggested methods outlined in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) Manual for sizing the ponds. The property is bordered • the north • the Rocky Mountain Ditch, on the west by Ridgeview Estates (a single family residential subdivision), on the south by West 32nd Avenue and Hilltop Apartments, and on the east by undeveloped property, Wadsworth Boulevard, and Hilltop Apartments. The proposed site contains approximately 3.4 acres of developable area. This in-fill property has a unique 2gl ?fkJ be demolished for this project. Existing drainage is divided to the north and south, with the majority of the runoff flowing to the north. ill I i 111iiii pli Ill iiiiii ll I 1p The existing property is near, or at the top of, the major basin. Only the adjacent residential development to the west, Ridgeview Estates, contributes minor runoff to the property. Historically, the northern property 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEW00n, COLORADO 80215 MAM 301431,6100 MARTINMARTKCOM Preliminary Drainage Letter for 21 Grove at Wheat Ridge Development (32nd & Wadsworth) .00� April 9, 2014 drained to the north, eventually into Clear Creek. The southern property historically drained east, eventually into the South Platte River, Since the Rocky Mountain Ditch was constructed, it appears that drainage from the northern parcel is intercepted by the ditch and is conveyed east into the South Platte River basin. The southern property drains to 32 Avenue where the runoff is collected by the City of Wheat Ridge's storm sewer system. The proposed development will feature three Water Quality / Detention Ponds. One pond will capture storm runoff that flows to the north and the other will capture runoff that flows to the south. The outlet structure for the north pond will release flows to a pipe system that will convey the flows under the Rocky Mountain Ditch to the north. An agreement has been formed with the property owners to the north to allow construction of the storm piping system through this property, and connect to the existing Wheat Ridge storm system in Wadsworth Boulevard. The outlet structure for the south Water Quality / Detention pond will release flows to the existing Wheat Ridge storm sewer system in 32r Avenue. Water Quality treatment of runoff will be provided by grass swales formed along property lines (between the houses) and the proposed Water Quality / Detention Ponds. Runoff will be directed towards the proposed road, and not through multiple lots. The drain time for the WQCV is proposed to be 40 hours. The narrow east-west leg of the property's "L" shape will have a small pond located on the east side to provide water quality for this relatively small contributing area. In conclusion, the proposed development will provide treatment for water quality and stormwater detention that meets City of Wheat Ridge criteria. The controlled release rates will assist in mitigation of existing stormwater ponding that develops at the intersections of 32 d Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard and the area near Wadsworth Boulevard and 34 Avenue. April W.O. No. 20140003 32rid & Wac1swafit',� Frip Distributic',u Let r. Page 2 of 4 the site and Kipling Street west of the site. The proposed development will also accel 32nd Avenue directly and provide an emergency-only access to Wadsworth Boulevar The intersection of 32nd Avenue & Wadsworth Boulevard is signalized. MEMELOS= Generally all proposed developments will be made up of one or more of the following six trip types: new (destination) trips, pass-by trips, diverted trips, and shared (internal trips). In order to better understand the trip types available for land access a description of each specific trip type follows. 32nd & Wadsworth Trip Distribution Letter R 4 of 4 VICINITY MAP C:VTRA Engineering Inc. CIVIL — - FF : ?ANSF ::: C:)F = I - F.&. - FI(Z)N — - rRAF=F=I<- - P.O. BOX 150335 a LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 • 303-653-9200 K*" ­1 mm w PROJECT w­_ LOCATION ..,::,.. r_rwr S w I At A., w . W760 26M M, Qv) WSdhAM WMIE Are, Wldh Aw wmhSw 7. Cw TO SCALE APRIL 3, 2014 VICINITY MAP C:VTRA Engineering Inc. CIVIL — - FF : ?ANSF ::: C:)F = I - F.&. - FI(Z)N — - rRAF=F=I<- - P.O. BOX 150335 a LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 • 303-653-9200 lv� Mq HIN0MS0VM 8 ONZC ,1 LU i I t< 1 o �) c - -- Al ; Cr L) All - . r } �; ® � I . Qw Q � t - `_ - Z � ' W � — --1- -- �..VDI..; -- - - - -- r 3 i 41 U i i Wj1 NOT TO SCALE APRIL 3, 2014 EXHIBIT 2 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN C: VTRA&N Engineering Inc. �� =5 CIVIL — TRANSPORTATION — TRAFFIC P.O. BOX 150335 • LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 • 303 - 653 -9200 i NOT TO SCALE EXHIRIT I AERIAL OF VICINITY APRIL 3, 2014 C:VTRAN Engineering Inc. ��iiiimiiiii n CIVIL - TRANSPORTATION - TRAFFIC P.O. BOX 150335 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 • 303 - 653 -9200 120 NOT TO SCALE EX141RIT 4 TRIP DISTRIBUTION APRIL 3, 2014 C:VTRA Engineering Inc. CIVIL - TRANSPORTATION - TRAFFIC P.O. BOX 150335 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 • 303 - 653 -9200 Photo 1- Looking West on 32nd Avenue along the site frontage Photo 2 - Looking east on 32nd Avenue along the site frontage Photo 3 - Existing site driveway and house (to be demolished) along 32nd Avenue S TATE OF COLORADO COUN EFFE "b fr r t d cd before m �° this day of 20' 2, s President f the s n " r t on" o rsd � r t �� tsar, mssio Expires. - - 2012 Commission expiration dat y .R. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON S TATE OF COLORADO r B na d Rosier, Chas Lard f County tsars ATTES .. *?, Dep uty Cler APPROV TO F ORM: Gay Ummel Assistant County Attorney N Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 Ave 2 nd Floor W h P 10 M XMItt "1 11 I'll I II - I - k�ovttal, LL%-, ffrL-* lloe I pursuant To a rurchase Agre or rit dated September 10, 2013, Please accept this letter as the County's acknowledgement and consent to the applications for rezoning and subdividing the above referenced parcels into approximately 21 single family homes. The County requests a referral on both • the applications so that the County may monitor the entitlement process. The Purchase Agreement contains a provision which requires the Buyer to execute all rezoning and subdivision documents; the County believes this will happen simultaneously with the closing on the property. contact Nourtney IT YOU nave any questions regarding the County's safe of the property to the Buyer. 100 Jeff erson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 http,,.//Leffco.us County Administrator UEOR��• Bank ilame: Account Name: Mr&("NW4'V ABA Number: File Number. Branch: Closer: U.S, Bank, N.A. Chicago Title of Colorado, Inc. 103690302478 122105155 1503580 75 Sheryl Rudey I 11.4 I U.'I I LZ' I rA a 14 L* iwkf M t To: Jefferson County Attorney 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 650: Golden, CO 80419-5-500 To: Caller Capital, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company 2305 West Berry Avenue Littleton, CO 80120 To: County of Jefferson, State of Colorado 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 5000 Golden, CO 80419 Phone Phone: Phone* (303)589-4600 -1. O-U &L%—J I Phone: Phone: Phone: E-mail: FDC00307,rdw End of Transmittal Transmittal Letter American Land Title Association ALTA Commitment Form 4g2p�tqd 6.17-06 ALTA Commitment Form COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued By the Conditions of this C mmitm I. and B and to Chicago Title Insurance Company Countersigned: Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricled to ALTA licensees NUMM IWKWAII and ALTA members in good standing as of the date Of UM All other uses are prohibited, Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association American Land Title Association ALTA Commitment Form Ad2ated 6.17-06 CONDITIONS Copyright American Land Title Association. All right's reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the kIND lm American Land Title Association Z4 go 1111 *:4 a if, 1 :41 k' k A. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate of interest to be insured. G Furnish to the Company an ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey in form, content and re-certification to Chicago Title Insurance Corporation and Chicago Title of Colorado of the ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey that was recorded April 25, 2005 at Reception No. 2005009627. Note. Exception may be made to any adverse matters disclosed by the ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey, E38DOEM H. Furnish to the Company an Improvement Location Certificate in form, content and certification to Chicago Title Insurance Corporation and Chicago Title of Colorado, Notw Exception may be made to any adverse matters disclosed by the Improvement Location Certificate. if 1101 I t Ar.- 1 Lois a LWHI I I r-ION QW=# Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved, The use of this FOrm is restricted to ALTA licensees JONNOW 1 X K A. and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited, Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association F-IM REQUIREMENTS (Continued) J. Resolution by the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado authorizing subject transaction and designating t appropriate person with the authority to execute documents in connection therewith, I - ft - r'WkF'T - W,; 1 rTFU= aTMT7iFV or said document. r s ?"oncy and Loan Policy. Exception number 5 will be removed from the policy provided the company conducts the closing. 24 MONTH CHAIN OF TITLE NOTE, FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following vestin?-,d - J&Q.Q L ly , of the county in which the property is located: I Copyright American Land Title Association, All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees n o r 0 s r and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited, Reprinted u e li an e f om the American Land Title Association 114 I • EXCEPTIONS 1� -F will not pay costs, aAomeysfees or expenses) Mff wte7fi that arise by reason of: I Any facts, rights, interests or claims that are not shown by the Public Records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 2. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees MMWWW .11MCN and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited, Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association U-1111 Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use, All other uses are prohibited, Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association Jk 0 TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane W N W 11�111111p�qiiq 1pq 111 w. APPLICANT (S): Jefferson County Housing Authority OWNER APPROXIMATE AREA: 151,256 sq. ft. (34 ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Residential Two (R-2) All notification and posting 4w :© have been met; therefore, there is jurction to hear this case. Planning Commission ENTER RLTQ RE!CORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS I 1. REQUEST The applicant is requesting a rezoning from Residential Two to Planned Residential 151,256 square feet in size. "A mix of well-maintained residential including single-family, duplexes or multi-family units, located near shopping, recreational and transit opportunitiesfor those who wish to decrease their dependency on the car andprovide a transition between residential neighborhoodi and higher uses. " MEMMMOM= 19 C��� can be reinforced through thefuture land use plan. Planning Commission construction of the internal access drive. Each phase thereafter will include one residential building, developing the site from south to north, as units are sold. There is no timing established for the phasing. Allowed Uses The subject property is currently zoned Residential The R-2 zone district allows single- or two-family dwelling units (depending on lot size), foster care homes, governmental and quasi-governmental buildings, fire stations, and public utility buildings, parking • automobiles for adjacent commercial or non-residential uses, parks and residential group ho JI�IJIqqIIrMfMrX-- 11MM #JJJK'#"VJIj�4 111;�OLMJJJ� I Ii Is # I 'XIM011 k % M IM - M % T& T U_r ' �#WWIMOAWOIM ampmMm"imewl'. establishes a maximum density of 16 dwelling units per acre. This density would allow a maximum of 55 dwelling units on these properties. The applicant has indicated that 42 units would be constructed with this development. However, in Staff s opinion, the layout is somewhat problematic as it creates a segmented feel to the site, The design of the site is a product • the access chive and location of the detention areas. &-cause ittems. VuAtizgs-2re, ssituatoi ar*Awd- the serpentine access drive. difficult Adding to me W1b constralucl order to provide affordable housing. The applicant has indicated that the units will sell for between $180,000 and $200,000 each. Asa companson, ie o e o Tws of 30 percent landscaping, with no more than 60 percent of the landscaped area to be comprised of turf Planning Commission In There are two areas labeled as 'open space' on page 2 of the ODP. These areas are intended to be used as detention areas and possibly playground facilities for the residents, All of the common areas will be maintained by a homeowner's association, which will be established prior to recordation of the Final Development Plan and plat. Building Coverage �,er en�tisproposed on the ODP. Based uvon this maximum lot coverage, a total of 60,502 square feet building area may be constructed. The site plan • page 2 details a total of 33,832 square feet • buildingarea. Building Height/Setbacks The maximum building height for residential structures is being established at 35 feet. The maximum height for the detached garages is being established at 12 feet. Each of these standards is consistent with the development standards in the residential zone districts. Architecture The ODP includes a detailed description of the allowed architectural treatments. The ODP discusses roof forms, minimum fKade treatments and articulation, materials allowed, entryways and garages. The ODP requires an articulated roof form consisting of gables, hips, gabled ends, with a minimum 4/12 pitch and 12" overhang. At least 25% of the building facades must be masonry, wrapped at least 6 feet around the comer to the side facades. The remainder of theficades; must be constructed of cementitious siding (not vinyl siding), with articulated entryways and recessed porches, with a minimurn of two o de (per unit). Additionally, the garages must be attached in groupings • at least 3 garages, and not to exceed 6 garages. The minimum size of these garages groupings must be 750 square feet, not to exceed 1,500 square feet. Plaming Commission A private access drive will serve the units, circulating around the site and connecting to the jints fi I as n uts ar -AW*4aEnSAha cx� n ss vo is bene cia no ew curb c e being introduced to Wadsworth or W. 32 d Avenue. Lighting 26-503 of the Code of Laws forli�-©_htin regulations. Any ligbtingmust conform to this section of the Code. The Code allows freestanding I igbts, not to exceed 18 feet in height. All lighting must be contained onsite. CRITERIA i.2 used to evaluate a chanee-in-zo= That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. �The =-1jeAM currently have Residential Two zoning. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding w« following. There has been no recent change in character ® the area. There is w ;< 9 W multi- Ave,) which . 32�d planning Commission M development exists to the west of Yarrow Street, between W. 32" Avenue and W. 33 A This property was rezoned to P• D in 1978, contains 16 lots on 2.6 acres, for a total d ofjust over 6 units per acre. The properties directly to the west are all single- or two-family dwellings, and have historically been zoned R-2. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. Residential Development, not to exceed 12 units per acre and Single Family, not to exceed 6 units per acre. The proposed density will exceed the maximum dcnsi7T_e_sM is t t y J designation. The Future Land Use Map is one component of the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan also contains goals and policies that need to be considered in finding consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Development ciassITICULT parking located in garages which is subordinate to the mainuse, two major common I areas to serve the residents, the development will provide a transition ftom Wadswor"I and the units will be owner-occupied, streel pary.111t U1 installation of curb and gutter. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area a there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be d 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. This proposed zone change should create a benefit to the community. The applicant is pf * P � t A"'t geaw&'4t�v 4 2V.9Z* r- to should benefitthe conimunitY. This development will provide housing stock for quaed first time home buyers. The City suffers from a high residential rental rate. Owner occupied units should foster a strong sense of community and pride in the neighborhood. #..: t: N ► t equate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type allowed by the ,e of r that it upgrade ti' provide they do not exist or ti ac " ik .II ♦ i a k cost k maintenance of k k 7. That t t g' of r not t versely affect public health, safety or by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, reducing w r air to adjacent properties. Y. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or a is zone district unrelated , adjacent or nearby This change of zone will not isolated district. PRD development k to the west of properties. a to the south and east arc zoned apartment building. The proposed development will, function in a similar fashion to the existing multi-family properties. •, i ak kk Mir k k Exhibit 5. The comments were focused on trafflic and design, of neighborhood was a bit more receptive to this meeting, with a large portion of the discussion revolving around traffic, not the intended use. 9 _OPTION A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05- 13, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential Two to Planned Residential Development, and an Outline Development Plan for properties located at 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and 7671 W 32 Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The following language shall be added to the Outline Development Plan: "An eightfoot tallfence will be located on the westernpro erty i e o e e ,p In t s ry as a buffer to the neighborhood. All otherfencing must comply with Section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge Code qfLa MMMMI�� 9 Wheat Ridge Townhome An Official Outline Development Plan of the City of Wheat ridge A'RAE:..T OF fAN) t OCR ,TEWN Tot SE OF THE NWA OF 5E(M;YN 2L,.,. 3:FJJMY RI 0, !+!f YvS: +? (A 5Nf 61h MIAAM M£ hN T;STVC'1f bVwil Tf4i"xi,af f;�."+Lt!�f'Y1"i`:�;•t EFFfitS',"lN, SfaT'{t"34 L't'T!LCW,x+t.X3 S P �K�ING RAN F 2 PROJECT DATA t FN LVAE °'adV'uSf' roaus'Tr4 1"M nLA.'4T" ,...... -� f k"` 'ttY kti +'#k t oP'4e 4" '"b'Y db > AS �A` irLµY iA tu t 4 I `._ n 3Y • f i h 'v:_" . ' i e .. eat Ridge Townhor4es +rax,aw. sewxxx�n.��.x T Ear C ISrKK°' ON 4} , Ok ffi Page 2 of 3' A. Case No. WZ-05-13: An application filed by Jeffer, on County Hou ing An o ty for 3 s th Ti approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Residential Development and approval of an outline development plan for properties located at 7 32a Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard, This case was presented by Travis Crane, He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case.' Heroviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Commissioner WESLEY asked if the school district had been contacted in regard to the I �roposed project's impact on schools, Travis Crane replied that the school district was no t contacted as pad of the outline development plan but could be done as part of the final development plan. He commented that the proposed development should not have a significant impact on nearby schools. IR I"t ITIT TI L • M the units to the north which are zoned R-3 exceed today's density requirements. These units were built under earlier regulations and have been grandfathered. Chair McMILLIN asked to hear from the applicants. TOM Klein 1215 Elati, Denver Mr. Klein was sworn in by Chair McMZLIN, He stated that Will Johnson from LSC Traffic Engineers and Bill Willis from Martin & Martin were also present to answer questions He then introduced Alan Feinstein from the Jefferson County Housing Authority. - • Planning Commission Page 2 March 2, 2006 AWL, — w - MI'Mr - M , 173 9 ___ OF paying o7ciese units. Mr. Feinstein replied that the land was purchased through a grant of $800,000 and they plan to • a. f � N1.1110MA(iftr"O I I r 1 111 � 1 1RO of ITT and on the east side of Wadsworth. Mr. Klein reviewed access, internal circulation, internal open space and drainage for the project. The existing curb cut on Wadsworth wouldnot be utilized for access to the projectand would be used for emergency access only. This site would be accessed from Hilltop Apartments and the second curb cut on 32 Avenue would not be utilized for this project, Commissioner BRBqKMAN asked about traffic back�p for eastbound 32� Avenue turning onto Wadsworth.. Johnson said at peak time, the furthest back-up was six to eight vehicles 7-7 fssT7=etT'fZ1:TT =ere was a process tor citiz s to. follow to make arequest to CDOT for a turn light, -Travis Crane. stated that the city traffic engineer could make a recommendation to CDOT. Planning Commission March 2, 2006 'ago 3 planning Conm3ission Page 4 March 2, 2006 Chair McNnLIN asked if there were other members of the public who wished 'to address this matter. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing. I lira is project wou p peopi buy their first home, However, traffic on 32� Avenue is a major concern, Commissioner CfflLVERS stated that he would vote against the proposal because it would not berg efit 'the city. Commissioner McMD-LIN commented that the project would help people buy their first home. There is a&quate buffeting between the proposed and existing housing units. Traffic is a concern and it would have helped to have an access from Wadsworth, Commissioner STEMART stated that she had itrixed feelings about the project. She had . concerns with the density issue. The price is right for families starting out with their first home. She expressed concern about parking within the development and adequate facilities for children. She did not believe, the project fit within the 2020 goals. Planning Commission Page 5 March 2, 2006 for roperties o te Tadsworth Anul U following reasons: 11 1 111 # 24WRI-112 f. ,4111 ## L k. This project is not compatible with the recent 2020 Plan that recommends more strong households to upgrade Wheat Ridge., 3. This area has a high vacancy rate in both homes for sale and units for rent in the Jefferson County-Wheat Ridge area. There are plenty of houses for young people to purchase a starter home. Is =b voting no. Meredith Reckert gave a brief update on historic designation developments with the Olinger property at 29 and Wadsworth. 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There, wtre commission reports, Planning Con=isslon Page 6 March 2, 2006 + / ! 0 Zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development • Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth at 7671 W. me e 1. .. A41�t( 0 Address J Ls-t tc C',- - .: Ej RI a M t 0 • 91 e � I 11. 12. 1. 14. im im in Im I) 9. 20. w ml m 3510 4:ls_ 27. 28. 29. m 7679 W. 32nd Ave and 3299 Wadsworth • Planned Residential Development Zoning Map r City of - W heat -Midge MUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zone Change Criteria For a zone change request, the Planning Commission and City Council base their decision on the extent to which the following criteria have been met: The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area; and 2. The development proposed on the subject property is not feasible under any other zone district, and would require an unreasonable number of variances or waivers and conditions; and 3. Adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; and At least one (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city- approved policies or plans for the area. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. What is zoning? All properties within the City of Wheat Ridge are zoned. Zoning regulates what land uses are allowed and establishes standards for construction including building setbacks, lot coverage, and building height. There are many different zone districts within the City including residential, commercial, industrial and planned development zoning. What is a zone change? A zone change is the process of changing the current zone district to a different zone district. A property owner may choose to change the zoning to use his property differently from what the existing zoning allows (e.g., residential vs. commercial). All proposed commercial, industrial and residential applications for property exceeding one acre in size must be rezoned to a planned development district. Why is a neighborhood meeting required? A neighborhood meeting is required for all zone change requests. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of the proposed development in their neighborhood, and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns regarding the proposed project. All residents within 600 feet are notified of the meeting. How do I give my opinion on a zone change? All public hearings for proposed zone changes are open to the public to appear and give testimony. Testimony can include written correspondence or a statement made at the public hearing. Any written correspondence provided to staff will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council as part of the evidence of the case. All pertinent correspondence should be routed through planning staff. Can I contact my council representative? Public hearings for zone changes are quasi - judicial in nature. This means that the deciding body should make a decision only based on testimony presented at public hearings. Please do not contact the Mayor, Planning Commissioners, or City Council representatives to discuss the merits of the case prior to the public hearings; it could jeopardize their ability to hear the case. What is a legal protest? A legal protest is a formal, written protest which can be submitted by adjacent property owners within 100' of a subject property. If 20% of property owners on one side within a 100' radius file a legal protest, it requires a three - fourths vote of City Council (6 out of 8 members present) to approve a zone change instead of a simple majority (5 out of 8 members present). A legal protest is usually filed after the Planning Commission public hearing. Community Development Department . 303 - 235 -2846 . www.ci.wheatridge.co.us City of Wheat , dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT What is a Planned Development? Many properties in Wheat Ridge are part of a planned development zone district, including planned residential (PRD), planned commercial (PCD), and planned industrial (PID) districts. Each planned development has its own list of permitted uses and development standards. There are two distinct steps in establishing a planned development. Step one is approval of an outline development plan (ODP) that establishes the planned development zoning designation, permitted uses, underlying development parameters, and general design concepts. Step two is approval of a specific development plan (SDP) to provide specific site plans, building elevations, and civil documents. The SDP and ODP are both approved at public hearings. Obtaining approval of a Outline Development Plan can take about four months and is treated like a zone change. The process requires two public hearings. A Specific Development Plan can be reviewed at the same time as the ODP. If the SDP is submitted after ODP approval, only a public hearing before planning commission is required. Planned Development Review Process Step 1: Pre - application Meeting Step 2: Neighborhood Meeting (Only required for ODP —not required for SDP) Step 3: Submit Complete Application Step 4: Staff Review, Referral (Typically 15 days) Step 5: Comments to Applicant Changes Necessary? Yes I I No Step 6: Publish Request/Post Property for Planning Commission Public Hearing (15 days prior to public hearing) Step 7: Staff Report for Planning Commission Public Hearing Step 9: Packet to City Council for 1st Reading Step 11: Resubmit Relevant Documents (Based on Planning Commission recommendation, if necessary) Step 12: Publish Request/Post Property for City Council Public Hearing (15 days prior to public hearing) Step 13: Packet to City Council for Public Hearing NOTE: If an SDP is submitted separate from and subsequent to ODP approval, repeat step 1 through step 8—however, step 2 (neighborhood meeting) is not required for SDP approval. TEAT RIDGE PLAZA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BUECHER BARBARA A 1550 P 0 BOX 719 ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034 7550 W VACANT LAND 80033 RESID BURGESS JOHN S BURGESS MARIANNE KE RONALD C WEBSTER 10748 E CRESTRIDGE CIR ENGLEWOOD CO 80111 3470 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR OFSON LOUIS D WHEAT RIDGE CO 7520 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7520 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID ANGUS PROPERTIES LLC 7848 W 8573 MONTE VISTA HILLSIDE CONDOMINIUMS HOMEOWNERS ASSN NIWOT CO 80503 3495 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR LE MARTHA 80033 7604 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033_ 7604 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID �N DAVID 7608 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7608 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI 10 LLC YARROW CT PO BOX 764 80033 ARVADA CO 80001 7710 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR 1SIDE CONDOMINIUMS HOMEOWNERS ASSN % HILLSIDE APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 7710 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 1720 VACANT LAND WEBSTER WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RATTA JOHN 3385 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO PO BOX 1371 MOGANNAM BETTY LOU WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034 7800W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR RATTA JOHN 80033 MULTI STITES FRANK PO BOX 1371 3354 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034 7800_ W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR NDIS BROOKE M 7464 7740 W 35TH AVE 101 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7740 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CONDO RATTA JOHN YARROW CT PO BOX 1371 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034 80033 RESID VACANT LAND BEMUS KATHY J WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 X HILL APARTMENTS V LLC WHEAT RIDGE CO 17560S GOLDEN RD 200 GOLDEN CO 80401 3445 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR )RDON LAFAYETTE GORDON MARY E %JEFFERSON COUNTY TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COU PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 1389 VACANT LAND ST DENVER CO 80204 )HR THEODORE H MOHR SUSAN P _ PHILLIPS P 2160S CORONA ST DENVER CO 80210 7888 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID ISIDE CONDOMINIUMS HOMEOWNERS ASSN % HILLSIDE APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 7710 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 80033 _ VACANT LAND ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 VISUVIUS LLC BUECHER BARBARA A 1550 LARIMER ST 256 DENVER CO 80202 7550 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID BURGESS JOHN S BURGESS MARIANNE 3425 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3425 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID MUNZKE CHRISTOPHER J KLINGENBERG AMY K 3374 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3374 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID �TITT DAVID STITT MICHELLE 7848 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7848 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID HILLSIDE CONDOMINIUMS HOMEOWNERS ASSN FUSCHINO OFELIA L % HILLSIDE APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 7710 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3362 VACANT LAND WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OSPREY ONE INVESTMENTS LLLP 32200 ROBINSON HILL RD GOLDEN CO 80403 7495 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID BOISE FAMILY LLC 3433 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3431 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID DESIATO JOHN PASQUALE DESIATO ROSEANN 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3383 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 3400 WADSWORTH P 0 BOX 650043 WHEAT RIDGE CO DALLAS TX 75265 3410 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SABELL LUCILLE 1720 3385 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3385 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID MOGANNAM BETTY LOU 7464 4530 CABRILLO ST SAN FRANCISCCA 94121 3391 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI STITES FRANK 3345 3354 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3380 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI STITES FRANK 7464 3354 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3354 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SERFOZO EDWARD A SERFOZO DONNA L 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3372 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SEMUS MARK A BEMUS KATHY J 3373 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3373 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID MARKLEY CHRIS J 11910 W 5040 ASPEN DR LITTLETON CO 80123 3404 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SHAFFER JOHN E SHAFFER JO LEE 1389 STUART ST DENVER CO 80204 3365 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI EIAK-HILL APARTMENTS V LLC 3350 17560S GOLDEN RD 200 GOLDEN CO 80401 3445 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMM DISKIN JAMES W 3363 3344 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3344 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID CAMPBELL ELDON H 2655 W 3415 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3415 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID BUECHER WALTER H BUECHER BARBARA A 810S FIELD ST LAKEWOOD CO 80226 7480 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI BERTOLINI STEVEN M 7460 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7460 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID G MPBELL ELDON H 3415 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3415 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID EDWARD A SERFOZO TRUST THE DONNA L SERFOZO TRUST TH 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID FUSCHINO GARY FUSCHINO OFELIA L 3362 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3362 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SCHWINDT DONALD 3402 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3402 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID JEFFERSON COUNTY 100 JEFFERSON COUPKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 3299 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID EDWARD A SERFOZO TRUST UA THE DONNA L SERFOZO TRUST UA 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3361 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI GANTENBEIN KEITH A JR 3400 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3345 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID KEEFOVER KAREN E 1720 GLEN GARRY DR LAKEWOOD CO 80215 3334 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID SANDERS MARK T SANDERS ANN MARI 7464 QUARTZ ST ARVADA CO 80007 3413 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI GANTENBEIN KEITH A JR 3345 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3325 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SANDERS MARK T SANDERS ANN MARI 7464 QUARTZ ST ARVADA CO 80007 3413 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI NICHOLLS DANIELLE K KOROSEC JOSHUA D 3352 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3352 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID FREEMAN BETTY LOU FREEMAN RANDY LYNN 3353 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO _80033 3353 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID PREHN JANET 11910 W 76TH DR ARVADA CO 80005 3360 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID PREHN JANET 11910 W 76TH DR ARVADA CO 80005 3360 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID RUTHERFORD LOUISE M 3350 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3350 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI EDWARD A SERFOZO TRUST DONNA L SERFOZO TRUST 3363 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3341 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI LEVEL 5 VENTURES LLC 2655 W MIDWAY BLVD 235 BROOMFIELD CO 80033 3398 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI RUNDEN DIANE L RUNDEN JERRY S 3324 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3324 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID HOPPAA W POWER CAROLYN S 4030S WILLOW WAY DENVER CO 80237 3333 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SMITH CYNTHIA J 3342 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3342 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID WRIGHT KEVIN L WRIGHT COLLEEN M 3343 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3343 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID Owner 1 7407 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7407 W 3 33RD A AVE W WH BAILEY KIMBALL FAIRFIELD 7 7425 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7425 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID HEN JONATHAN C COHEN ERICA 7 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7475 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID RU N 7525 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7525 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID RUTERBORIES LEROY J R RUTERBORIES SHAVAUN A 7 7575 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7575 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID ANGEL SEAN C 7 3331 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3331 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI A NGEL S ADCOCK CAROLYN C 3 3330 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3320 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI HOTT PATRICIA A 3 3314 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3314 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID S L G GARCIA BECKY RANAY 3 7580 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7580 W 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID FLETCH 3332 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3302 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI EANS E 3333 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3333 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID DD EANS I 4030S W WILLOW W WAY D DENVER CO 8 80237 3 3333 W WADSWORTH B BLVD W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 A A W P POWER CAROLYN S 4 7807 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7807 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI DIANA 7 3332 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3302 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI DEAN DEAN W 7848 W 3 34TH D DR W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7877 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI W S STITT MICHELLE E 7 3304 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3304 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID 3310 Y YARROW ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3300 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID GREENS CAROL J 3 4180 B BRENTWOOD S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3290 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID BURKEPILE MARCUS C 4 3950 J JOHN F KENNED` PKWY 8C F FORT COLLINS CO 8 80525 7 7400 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID LINDELL REAL ESTATE LLC LIND 7 7440 W 3 33RD A AVE 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8 80419 7 7671 W 3 32ND A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID .JEFFERSON COUNTY 1 3235 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3235 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID GORK GUNTER H 7 GORK MECHTHILD M 3 7846 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7846 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI RASCON JULIAN JANE G RASC JO 754 H HARDY W WAY D M MESQUITE NV 8 89027 3 3275 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI HORN MY J PATRICIA 7 6749 W 4 44TH A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 V VACANT LAND HACIENDA LOMA VISTA ASSOCIATION 6 3270 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3270 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI PARSONS GREGORY J JOHNSON DOROTHY 3 3225 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3225 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID CE 3 3235 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3235 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID CORK GUNTER H G GORK MECHTHILD M 3 215 U UNION B BLVD 2 215 LAKEWOOD CO 8 80228 3 3280 W WADSWORTH B BLVD W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 COMMR 3280 WADSWORTH BLVD JOINT VENTURE 2 7580 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7580 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID FLETDHER CAROA L 7 1459 E C CALEY A AVE C CENTENNIAL CO 8 80121 3 3240 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID RAYMOND ERICA L 1 7490 W 4 45TH A AVE W WHEATRIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7669 W 3 32ND A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 R JEFFCO HOUSING CORPORATION 7 7490 W 4 45TH A AVE W WHEATRIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7669 W 3 32ND A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 R �EFFCO HOUSING CORPORATION 7 3265 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3265 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI HELMKE JERRY L STONE LILLIAN V 3 3260 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3260 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI SMITH ALICE E S WILLIAM R 3 3255 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3255 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI YRICK CHARLES COLLIN M MYRICK DAWN C 3 7500 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 7 7500 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID R I 3250 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3250 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI ERICA LEIGH B BINKOWSKI AGNES 3 1459 E C CALEY A AVE C CENTENNIAL CO 8 80121 3 3240 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID 'RAYMOND ERICA L 1 3225 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3225 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID M 3 3260 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3240 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI J EFFLER TRUST 3 26442 S S SEDONA O OR S SUN LAKES AZ 8 85248 3 3241 Y YARROW S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI COOK LAWRENCE L COOK VIVIAN A 2 3225 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3225 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID C O 3230 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3230 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID TUDENY MICHAEL T S STUDENY LINDA K 3 3245 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3245 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI MARK A S S TUDS Y SHARON L 3 PO BOX 956 W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80034 3 3240 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI Y CHARLINE H P 215 U UNION B BLVD 2 215 LAKEWOOD CO 8 80228 7 7500 W 3 33RD A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3280 Y 3200 W WADSWORTH B BLVD W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3200 W WADSWORTH B BLVD W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 COMMR JOALTA GROUP LTD 3 3235 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3235 Y YARROW C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI JAMIE L G MARCUS L HUNZEKEf 3 3230 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3230 Z ZEPHYR C CT W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 MULTI FREDERICK C W WELLS O 3215 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 3 3215 V VANCE S ST W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 RESID SPENCER MORRIS GLEN JR SPENCER 7490 W 4 45TH A AVE W WHEATRIDGE CO 8 80033. 7 7669 W 3 32ND A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 COMMR C0 HOUSING G 13495 B BRAUN R RD G GOLDEN CO 8 80401 7 7649 W 3 32ND A AVE W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 COMMR CARGO 7649 PROPERTIES LLC 1 9948 W J JEWELL A AVE C L LAKEWOOD CO 8 80232 3 3201 W WADSWORTH B BLVD W WHEAT RIDGE CO 8 80033 COMMR A RGO 7 c5 f -- 2 �sl g� Owner 1 lOwner 2 lOwner 3 lCompany IMailing Address St IStreet Name IType Unit lCity IState Zip lProperty Address ISt I Street Name IType lCity [state I Zip Tuse SCHIMMING RICHARD SCHIMMING IRENA SCHIMMIN 11895 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3200 YARROW ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI BOSWELL JERILYN W BOSWELL CLIFTON A 3215 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3215 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI MCLAUGHLIN JAMES A MCLAUGHLIN DEBORAH A 3200 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3200 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI 3201 VANCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3201 VANCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID HANLON RUTH 3205 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3205 YARROW CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI EARNEST SHARON L 3210 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3210 ZEPHYR CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI DEGENHART CAROL J SCI COLO FUNERAL SERVICES INC % SCI MGMT CORP PROP TAX DEPT 8TH FLOOR PO BOX 130548 HOUSTON TX 77019 3195 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 1 COLO FUNERAL SERVICES INC 7777 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 2901 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COMMR 3195 VANCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3195 VANCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID DIOMAR A SANCHEZ TRUST 3185 ZINNIA ST GOLDEN CO 80401 7420 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID ALLEN 8 CHARLENE STIEDUHAR TRUST 3185 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3185 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID BROWNING CAROL£J HARTKOPP JONATHON BLU HARTKOPP KATIE DELETTA 3190- WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3190 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID 3185 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3185 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BROWNING CAROLE J SCI COLO FUNERAL SERVICES INC % SCI MGMT CORP PROP TAX DEPT 8TH FLOOR PO BOX 130548 HOUSTON TX 77019 3175 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RICHTER DANIEL E RICHTER JARELYN S 3145 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3145 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID VASQUEZ GREGORIO H VASQUEZ GREGORIO E 3125 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3125 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESID BAMATTRE FAMILY TRUST TIRE FAMILY TRUST % BUSINESS FUTURES % BUSINESS FUTURES PO BOX 650 PO BOX 650 GOLDEN CO GOLDEN CO 80402 80402 3130 3130 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI 80033 MULTI LAW DAVID W LAW CATHY J 1045 CODY ST LAKEWOOD CO 80215 3070 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MULTI c5 f -- 2 �sl g� 6(v *k, „�+ 1 ►3 N 10 13 IC w 3O 40 w IF R11 I I SCALE: 1 •-3a .t3u o IC GATE Emnlo 117' 117' 113"'C" s LA4D� jG..g� PP Lson"a If, HL �1 v «GR OEIOCFFl7fEO IR7iIIOFMAY 8 .. 8001: 1193 A7 PAGE 793 $ `—\ SOVIH LM OF T11E NORTM= 1N OF SECMN 26, TOWNSUT 7 SOUTK R. NCE 69 WP OP711E 6I1P-%L n k //Wrc4%"&4 ?ARc.3 Z 2 R �rvr �J / r AKG�L � �AtB Itp Ej � o Sf anACRE&O- 8 x:uR IL7 i F=Y. 8 s k 3u 103 6 1 sss3 1 L23 FOMM tm REHAR �r SOIIISO[ALTl;AL o03tMa, sErsrc - .w•• ,d LS91 W. 3L%D AVID" ALTA/ACSM LM OF A Ml" OF TRY W083U YYST lours @ 3 IOUI$ U&M N ME! 0 FOU1.91/2 RMARC" PP X SOUT:1 A1m.CEAS7 OFACIUAL CORNER SEr I I w zs WAsM • i-mm" t ON ACTUAL IT PYOPFYTY CORNE3 4 la)4-111A1 / FOUlm y ' REBAR CAP '_ n k //Wrc4%"&4 ?ARc.3 Z 2 R �rvr �J / r AKG�L � �AtB Itp Ej � o Sf anACRE&O- 8 x:uR IL7 i F=Y. 8 s k 3u 103 6 1 sss3 1 L23 FOMM tm REHAR �r SOIIISO[ALTl;AL o03tMa, sErsrc - .w•• ,d LS91 W. 3L%D AVID" ALTA/ACSM LAND r .Sgr K' REBAR -AP LSRMI Of AlORTIIJN OF7'MM7QIRWBJi1' W O p 34 TOWNSEI R3 SOVrK RANM 69 WW' \ Q17 OF FcoLO R A D01 COEJNIY OF JEFF SiA7E O�ODLOADO OLD FENCE 'R. \ \ w tr i JSB SST SW RBJJAWCAF I.9OLMI v I I 2 I 3 I 3 0 I Ifvr.,..` I k�x9i L� I 1� � s3.14p_ 5.fr it 1 7 AREA 1�� I D*m m m I (� a NOA}URM I OR 39 d I 1 URMOMDANM `EXWMfG MOM AT � sN '� MAD x . •s- PY I�ID�p _ LS f227B9 — 1 Loc — � I GAYA(1H 8 1 SDO &Y LS N333 „ MA RAJ' g� �Pj►Q� PtGFENCE SST SA'RPBAR �—s_ s L4013321 LdW/OROO #" W. 3210 AVENUE SLT I' BRASS WASIRR ti LSNIS321 z 0 A rn � 1 L Q Z n � a o � L g � E s N Meeting Date: January 23, 2014 Applicant.- Bill Fritz Phone: 720-290-3140 Email hp Fritz msn.com Attendees: Bob Nettleton G.J. Gardner Homes Phone: 303-660-4467 . Nettleton Bob. Email B2Lj&=ardner_com Mark Thombrough Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers Phone: (303) 431-6100 • Mason Talkington Attending Staff. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor Specific Site Location: 7671 W. 32"' Avenue & 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard Existing Zoning: Residential-Two Note. This pre-application meeting is afollow-up to the May 2013 pre-application meetings and September 2013 discussion regarding the same project. The summary below addresses only those items discussed on January 23, 2014. 0 9 9 1 Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-2 to Planned Residential Development (PRD) for the development of small lot single-family homes. The applicants have proposed two-story and raised ranch homes with front porches. Shared driveways will reduce the impervious area in the frR nt yards and will provide access to garages at the back of the lots. vi"kw in u lar lots var,�ri in size from - iwtm� about 3,750 to 4,1 square feet. Side setbacks are proposed to be 5 feet,. Front and rear yards will be modest in size, no more than 20 feet in depth. The properties • the southern portion of the site will be slightly smaller than those on the northern portion. Primary access will extend from W. 32"" Avenue with a cul-de-sac bulb at the north end of the site. The street would be dedicated as public right-of-way. 19 Site Design Like Stapleton, Lowry and other Denver neighborhoods, the proposed site will be more u�rban in 0 nature featuring smaller lots, medium densit, and less prominent garage doors. �I devel!Q�vment, homes The off-street parking standard fo • r sinele�& IHVqt - L, L standards. 9 The applicant is strongly encouraged to discuss the street design, turning radii, and emergency access with the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District (Kelly Brooks, Fire Marshall, 303-403-5900). Building Division comments: mments at this time. Process As discussed at the May 2013 pre-application meeting, this request will require, approval of a subdivision plat and outline and specific development plans (ODP and SDP). The three documents can be processed together, or the ODP can be processed first and the SDP and plat can follow. As a third option, the applicant may choose to dovetail these reviews which is also acceptable. kjS3OMWtFIioou meeting is requirea pT �_Itl ffirdy R NI "-v M a �Iqiqiip� I NOT*= 11 ii I Modifications to the subdivision plat may be required as a result of these comments. The app'ical s f must address all comments and resubmit relevant documents. This may occur several time be 0 scheduling a public hearing. After all comments have been addressed, a public hearing before Planning Commission will be scheduled. Planning Commission will, make a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions or denial. The public hearing procedure is replicated before City Council for final approval. Once approved, a blackline mylar copy of the plat must be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. Phone Numbers 9 � I 11 111111 t: 11111111lill 111111�illillillillilli��illillillillI i. WHOM Meeting Date: May 23, 2013 Applicant: Bill Fritz Phone: 720-290-3140 Email: hj2fkitK&Isn.com Bob Nettleton G,J. Gardner Homes Phone: 303-660-4467 Email: Bob.Nettletonn �irdner.com Attending Staff. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Mark Westburg, Projects Supervisor Specific Site Location: 7671 W. 32 Avenue & 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard Existing Zoning- Residential-Two (R-2) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Buffer Area Existing Site Conditions: The site is located at 7671 W. 32 `r Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and both properties are zoned Residential-Two (R-2). Neither property has ever been platted. The subject parcels both have unusual shapes and each is currently developed with single family Domes which were originally built around 1930. Based on Jefferson County records, the total size of the two sites is 145.926 square feet (3.35 acres'). The property on W. 32"' Avenue is long and narrow with about 110 feet of street frontage along W. 32 nd Avenue; the size of the lot is 41,382 square feet ( acres). Planning comments: The following iterns were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: The ODP and SDP are both approved at public hearings; they can be submitted and approved concurrently and or separately; these approval processes are described below. Site Desigyn Staff generally agrees that a medium density development at this location is an appropriate land use to serve as a buffer between the Wadsworth Boulevard and the lower density neighborhood to the west. Given the constraints on the property and the need to allocate land for right-of-way and drainage facilities, it may be beneficial if the site at 3333 Wadsworth could be incorporated into the N development. This site is also impacted by a ditch lateral which traverses the site and by the potential for future roadway widening on Wadsworth, but the additional area would provide more flexibility to accommodate drainage improvements and appropriate roadway widths. Development ,Stand ar(ls While PDs are not intended as a means around the zoning code requirements, development standards are permitted to vary to promote a more flexible and high quality site design. For reference, however, the standards for standard residential zone districts are listed below. When the property is rezoned to PRD, the ODP document will either state new development standards (if they differ from those listed below) or it will include a note of compliance. For example, "All parking shall be in conformance with Section 26-501." ,S'ub(fivivion An application for a major subdivision will be required, Subdivision regulations are within Article IV of Chapter 26 of the municipal code. All requirements of the subdivision regulations for a final plat must be satisfied. The subdivision plat will include not only the proposed lot layout, but also any required drainage easements and right-of-way dedications or reservations. The review process for a subdivision application is further explained below. Other Districts The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full service city. The following agencies and districts serve the subject property: • Wheat Ridge Water District: 303-424-2844 • Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: 303-424-7252 • Wheat Ridge Fire: 303-403-5900 The proposed planned development and subdivision plat will be sent on referral to these agencies for comment; however staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time. This may help to understand any design requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project, Pejrklc4nd Deelication Parkland dedication is required for all residential subdivisions based on the assumption that additional residents in the City will impact the demand for parks and open space. When land is not dedicated for a public park, a fee is required in lieu, The fee is based on the number of residential units that result from the subdivision and is determined based on a standard formula. The formula is based on the assessed value of the property with improvements, per section 26-421 of the subdivision code. Typically, the Parks and Recreation Commission makes a recommendation to City Council who approves the final fee amount. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: ']'here may be an opportunity to reduce this width, particularly on the southern lot where the street is proposed to have homes only on one side. In this area, the width could be 50 feet or as narrow as 42 feet if on-street parking is removed. The concept plan shows emergency access extending along the pole portion of the northern lot to provide access off of Wadsworth. The minimum width of this access road will be determined primarily by the Fire District, There may be an opportunity to widen the paved area to provide some additional parallel parking for residents or visitors. 0 I UM UOM I K M a= Dr4iina,ge Site drainage requirements are based on the area of disturbance created by new development. The project is classified as "major new development" in the City's Site Drainage Requirements, which can be downloaded from the City's website: This will require full hood attenuation, storrnwater detention, and water quality features. Detention should be provided on-site but can be provided through above- or below-ground facilities. A drainage report will be required as part of the land use applications. The drainage design will need to over detain because there are limited options for releasing stormwater. The storm sewer in Wadsworth has no capacity and water may not be released into the Rocky Mountain Ditch. For more information, please refer to the Public Works comments that were, distributed at the meeting. You may also refer to the Site Drainage Requirements available on the City's website or contact Dave Brossman in the Public Works Department. Building Division comments: The Building Division was not present and has no comments at this time. Process This request will require approval ol'a subdivision plat and outline and specific development plans (ODP and SDP). The first step began with the pre-application meeting on May 23. 2013. After all comments have been addressed, a public hearing before Planning Commission will be scheduled. Planning Commission will make a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions or denial. The public hearing procedure is replicated before City Council for final approval. Once approved, a blackline mylar copy of the development plans must be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. If the SDP is submitted separate from and subsequent to approval of the ODP, then the referral process is repeated for the SDP, and the SDP is approved by the Planning Commission. Sub(fiviwort A subdivision application does not require a neighborhood meeting, so the next step is to proceed with an application. The subdivision can be reviewed concurrently with the SDP. When the applicant is ready to submit the subdivision application, an appointment with a Planner in the Community Development Department is required. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. As with the planned development, upon submittal of the major subdivision application, the assigned staff will review the project and will refer it to affected service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, sewer district. etc.) and other City agencies (Public Works, Building Division, etc.) for comment. After a 15-day referral period, the case manager will forward all comments to the applicant. Modifications to the subdivision plat may be required as a result of these comments. The applicant must address all comments and resubmit relevant documents, This may occur several times before scheduling a public hearing. After all comments have been addressed, a public hearing before planning Commission will be scheduled. Planning Commission will make a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions or denial. The public hearing procedure is replicated before City Council for final approval. Once approved, a blackline mylar copy of the plat must be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. Attachments. Public Works Comments MMUMNOMMUM Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak -- Planner 11 303-235-2845 John Schumacher — Chief Building Official 303-235-2853 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863 N City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 Pre-Application Meetine Fritz Major Subdivision (7671 W. 32 nd Ave-/3299 Wadsworth Blvd.) Public Works RNuirements: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review and approval with the Land Use (Concept Plan) Application: I . Preliminary Drainage Report: A Preliminary Drainage Report outlining the anticipated flow direction and rate, proposed storage area, and method of release. Calculated volumes and release rates are not required in the Preliminary Drainage Report. 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review and'approval with the Land Use (Plat) Application: 2. Final Plat Supporting Documents (I hardeopy and I PDF file): a. Geodetic Surveying Requirements: An initialed Geodetic Surveying Requirements checklist shall accompany all Final Plat submittals. The, ' Vlat must contain all items from this checklist. www.ci,wheatridge.co.us May 23 , 2013 Page 2 www.d.wheatridge-coms (05-23-13) 7490 W 45th Ave (Fritz,),docx MI T A W 7 -T May 23, 2013 Page 3 wwwA.wheatridge.co.us (05-23-13) 7490 W 45th Ave (HU),docx r 0 o o ca n • Doi te a ° n 03 a�, 2 2 �fm :o3m,�a 0 3ca ag a ^p N z� 3 3 o � o 0 a C N �t ol N wsvn o cn 0 cn E, O CD N /D D O N w m o x 0>a c ao N N ( O c n N w CD O W Q O O O 0 O 18 s • o N Z D p W N VI = O O O d d d O m n n 0 0 2.9 0 3 0 Z CL <n CD cn p w CD m 3 N N 0 N a` a O . 1. �D �3 CO) a N N N O D ` 3 - ID fD 7 0 `� N " W ~ O^ �N (� 3 n O H £. �.N 2L n C � a n O . , - _gc� � =0 m a ads ?S �a m �d _ O y O N N O 3 O 7 f D) Q J N a 0 N O. O o j A _� y co mO-D 38 L , C1 3 0 2 :3 Z IoD -+ (D a N O� 0 3 3? Q 3 a° 3 0 d m �mm . 8 go3aS � O - n R Q � = j 5"m c m _ w 3 d Q (D C O O cLl d N (D 7 O O (D mo N D. 'R N <, p O D) c7 D N 7 fD O 7 �. ( 7 03 �'- <Kdm.o 2 w a) c a 3 n m I L IO (D N Q CD C ^ 0 ,, C ^ L. V+ O � J 1 IT" - I �, I I * "-, � March 7, 20114 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 Ave 2 nd Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 8003 A Grove 21 at Wheat Ri , J -Overview- This project will consist of 21 single family homes gathered around a new street running off of 32 Avenue West of Wadsworth Blvd. 1 LOJ last a I GATFOR I il a I I HER I US I RAU" M I I is Mg I p1d:49 14 D-4 11 it I= I I a go I gava AN I AWARM T feel that this proposal creates a buffer between the Hilltop Apartments and the single family & the duplex homes immediately to the West. Figure one, attached, shows the current character of the site. The 3 existing single family houses and outbuildina are derelict and orovide hpveii for snuattp 41hy change the zoning- Currently zoned R-2 (9,000 SF lots). The site does not lend itself to the larger single family homes that such zoning would mandate. The proximity to Wadsworth Blvd and the adjacent multi family projects suggests a hither densiteA and moderalgi, triced nebihbourhood. 'XINWipti Blvd and existing R-2 is the appropriate solution. The proposed community will promote an active lifestyle and neighborhood interaction by utilizing a village concept that is walker friendly and invites interaction by reduced front setbacks and front porches on each home. In addition, the shared driveways minimize the impact of automobiles. -Existing zone district ghysicall character- To the North, South, and East, older apartment complexes exist in neighboring zone districts. To the West is Yarrow Street zoned II FATTA A A *0 0 This community will be a positive addition to the character of the area. With its new construction and additional residents, it will help revitalize an area that is a bit long in the tooth. -111.1tifities- X-Cel Energy currently serves the site for Electrical and Gas, The City of Wheat Ridge supplies Sanitary Sewer. Consolidated Water serves the Northern half of the site and they have expressed a willingness to annex and supply all 21 homes, -Effect on Public Facilities- Preliminary meetings have been held with the City to examine and explore services and their impact. A quick summary: -Ci!y Policies- Discussions have been held with the City to adhere to all requirements for the rezone process. A neighbourhood meeting was held on February 11, 2014 to solicit neighbourhood input. We feel that the feedback was positive and the adjacent landowners are looking forward to the removal of the adjacent blight, We have committed to meet the requirements for roads, setbacks, heights and associated municipal codes. i a J Applicant k C Address Phone, City Q State Zi 0 Fax P­-YA21 � -I -v2zy-:� - ) — e Location of request (address): C? ,, /'4 '71 7 � W I IL, ) ' 6' 11� Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists far com OPPlic"Oft requirements; inconirlete applications will not beaccepted. ,8 Change of zone or zone conditions I Special Use Permit CI Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) 0 Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign 0 Lot Line Adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval 0 Variance/Waiver (from Section 0 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 0 Other: I o De lifted out t)y stam Date received Comp Plan Related Case No. Fee $ Zoning____ Pre-App Mtg, Date �lw 1 0 rl Case No, Quarter se`Wi(;Wqa �7 Case Manager Required information: 1 ,7 Assessors Parcel Number: 2 J — Size of Lot (acres or sq 1 11 IV outage): Current Zoning: Current Use ' Proposed Zoning: e 13 0 Proposed Use:,ZL_,�2,(f 7� o W , ,.._,. Recert Case t R•2 ko PR[} with an Qutline Development Pkan r � Name Name Phone 003) 794.2169 Address i „ „ 17w+' / B. Case No. WZ-14-06: A request filed by Calier Capital, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. Ms. Reckert presented the case. She entered into the record the contents of the case file and packet materials, the zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan and the digital presentation. Jurisdiction was established. She stated Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council which is the final authority. The property is 3.48 acres in size and is zoned R-2. She stated the case was heard by Planning Commission on June 19, 2014 and it was recommended for approval. Subsequent to that meeting and prior to the City Council hearing the applicant realized that ' several of the proposed parcels could not accommodate the proposed models due to the maximum building coverage shown on the OOP at 40%. The applicant is requestingthat maximum to be reconsidered to better accommodate the proposed development , vas decided that Planning Commission should review the revision. She review Elie staff report and digital presentation. Commissioner WEAVER stated there are asked if Planning qmtmssion can 'lim it tl be added, "not ,"f6 exceed . . ..... 4e, ain numbp; SIMMINNSWO C d issioner 0111 pro , p 0 d. Com. is r Ol l Vl c: Ms. Reckert sttd that O °lM stated r 20 and building coverage. She fitL stated a cov,4iti-tn-could rns about traffic and asked for a copy of traffic generated by the units on the sed concern for sight distance visibility with the crosswalk. d be reviewed again with Public Works. Commissioner hearing there was discussion about a crosswalk between lot I the commission to that add as a condition, Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was any chance of a sidewalk being installed Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 ATTACHMENT 5 Commissioner WEAVER asked the applicant if they are willing to limit the development to six model A's. Mr. Fritz stated limiting to eight would be fine. Discussion continued about location for the Commissioner POPP asked about the prib itia options are limited on Wadsworth. She ed impacts. Mr. Fritz stated the traffic study`inda on traffic in the area. Mr. Fritz believes the d, that fits the urban design with _ t of people retirees. traffic increase and stated the pedestrian about the density relative to the traffic ,ated there would be no discernible impact ,, elotrt t will be a nice neighborhood young urban professionals and i ` 4 Commissioner POPP stated that iii her oliin4nn�; Wheat Ridge has an identity with the mer DORSEY in4u ed if there was a possibility to relocated 32nd Ave. bus to the west due to idjttcency of the new street. Chair BRINK MAN stated the us stop placement is f r connections and for the vision unpaired. the public hearing. D aniel B oise i 11 He stated the sight distance triangle will be obstructed no matter w ere the bus stop is located. He didn't agree with a restriction of six to eight lots for ranch style models. Lesa Mullaney -Meeks 4553 Allison St. Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 Mr. Fritz stated the fend by the ditch will be a split rail fence. He asked if the limitation could be modified to eight ranch style homes at the 50% building maximum with additional ranch style homes at the 40% building maxim Planning Commission Minutes -3— August 21, 2014 k 13 Commissioner BUCKNAM stated he is in is an acceptable solution. Chair BRINKMAN stated she was a concerns was traffic on 32 " Avenue lane and signal was added about a m 0 Planning Commission Minutes August 21, 2014 motion and the added crosswalk ien the 2006 case was heard. One of the big was no turn signal on Wadsworth. A turn Ir and it helps the traffic flow. nm the audience. She submitted an one case for September 4' along with the Wadsworth PEL ;chedule a study session with the city attorney. mben the lighting standards and sign code will be that code revisions will be initiated later in the fall. 18, City Council passed a 90-day moratorium