HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-10-06City of Wheat .Og , e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Case File WZ -10 -06 FROM: Lauren Mikulak, Planner I DATE: September 18, 2012 SUBJECT: Signs:: Applewood Shopping Center PCD, FDP Amendment #8 Per building permit #20121126, the wall sign on the south fagade of the Wells Fargo Bank has been removed and replaced with a wall sign over the entrance on the southwest facade. The sign is in compliance with Article VII and the building permit has been approved. No FDP amendment is required. Photosimulation of proposed sign on southwest fagade (38.3 sf) t Fascia band height approx. 3 high Site plan showing signs ns Existing wall signs on the north and west facades will remain. The wall sign on the south facade will be removed. A wall sign on the southwest faqade will be added. o e ^ C %A4- 1144 110 4t V� .4tr PVC OT P&M M VIA& PD. *PC VO'JF"".' Existing wall signs on the north and west facades will remain. The wall sign on the south facade will be removed. A wall sign on the southwest faqade will be added. o e ^ C %A4- PVC OT P&M M VIA& PD. *PC VO'JF"".' mac-- Existing wall signs on the north and west facades will remain. The wall sign on the south facade will be removed. A wall sign on the southwest faqade will be added. o e ^ C %A4- uti City of Wheat Idge - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Case File No. WZ -10 -06 FROM: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner DATE: June 13, 2011 SUBJECT: Addendum to FDP file The intent of this memorandum is to memorialize a modification made to Case No. WZ- 10-06 which was an administrative FDP approval to allow construction of a new bank facility at 3490 Youngfield Street. (~Whit7„X.etter of request) The original approval occurred in December of 2010. The FDP was recorded under the title of "Applewood Village Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development, Final Development Plan — Amendment #8" at reception #2010119958 on December 30, 2010. (Exhibit 2,ltocorclecl �bP;arneridnent) Subsequent to recordation, the bank decided to remove a proposed ATM drive -up lane on the south side of the building and replace it with landscaping. The FDP for the property is hereby amended as attached. ( zhibit 3, FDP amendment modificatio [) An accompanying change to the building plans has been submitted as well. (Plan #102779) Ila KENN EY ARCHITECTS, P.C. May 24, 2011 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Dear Ms. Reckert, We respectfully the following documentation to supplement our recently amended FDP for the Wells Fargo Site at the Applewood Shopping Center. The FDP currently shows a drive up ATM in conjunction with an existing drive lane. Wells Fargo has decided the ATM is no longer necessary, and, therefore, no longer has a specific need for the drive lane. Due to relocation of the telecommunication lines, the majority of the drive lane has already been demolished. Rather than restore it, we would like to eliminate it, and replace it with landscaping. Please accept these updated plans as our intended construction. They construction documents have been updated and turned in to the city as well. Let us know if you should need anything else. Sincerely, Jennifer McDaniel, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP ARCHITECTURE MAGEMENT SERVICES 222 EXHIBIT I :��..fe APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT #8 WELLS FARGO BANK AT APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE TENANT A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED WELLS FARGO CORPORATE PROPERITES GROUP AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0193712, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, CASE HISTORY WZa3 -14ACA to RC WZ -75- 5 R to PCD WZ- 77 -19: tat amandment WZ- 828:.2nd ainenOment WZ- 84-18: 3rd amendment WZJffitb: 4th amendment WZ-B4-4: 5I1 amendmenl MS-BB -2: plat WZ -98-3: SUN amendment WZ- 04-09:7INamendment WZ- 10-06: 8th amendment ATTN: LORI TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO S M ITH DENY BROADWAY AY DENVER, (W3)8 5106 6D 80274 'HONE: (38 - 52 EMAIL; (303)86 }5230 EMAIL: bri.asmiNlOwells(Orgo.com ARCHITE IANDSCAPE ARCHITECT KENNEY ARCHTECTS. P.C. CHRISTOPHER HOY DESIGN GROUP ATTN: JENNIFER MCDANIEL ATTN: CHRISTOPHER HOY 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE 1184 WEST 11THE PLACE DENVER. COLORADO 80222 NORRIGLEN. COLORADO 8023A PHONE: (303) 694 -2445 PHONE: (303) 451 -7996 FAX: (303) 290 -8115 FAX: (303) 45 =7987 EMAIL: ImcdonieRikenneyorchilects.com EMAIL: chayOchdq —inc. om APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, BEING THE OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY OF 29.969 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PART OF THE EAST ONE HALF OF. THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29;' TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE sm PRINCIPAL MERIOWI. DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF YOUNGFIEW STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29. WHENCE THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 BEARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, 1382.42 FEET AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER BEARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST 60.00 FEET; RUNNING THENCE NORTH CO DEGREES 51 MINUTES 4B SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF Up SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF YOUNGHEID AREET, 654.34 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE, NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST 667.77 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29. THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST. ALONG SAO NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO THE FAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF TOUNGFIELD STREET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID EAST RICHT —OF —WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 135.14 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE Of 77 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 48 SECONDS AN ARC DISTANCE OF 245.96 FEET; A RADIUS OF 182.00 FEET AMID A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 37 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST WITH A DISTANCE OF 670.37 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF APPLEWCOD VILLAGE: THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH UNE, A DISTANCE OF 0.68 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID APPLEWOOD KLUGE; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID APPIEWOOD MLLAGE, A DISTANCE OF 1162.88 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, A NSTANCE OF 192.43 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING 30.00 FEET NORTH (MEASURED PERPENDICULAR) OF THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29: THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET NORTH OF SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 342.51 FEET; THENCE NORTH GO DEGREES 51 MINUTES A8 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF $DO.W FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 149.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH GO DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 24.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, A OISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1,305,444 SQUARE FEET OR 29.969 ACRES, MORE OR LESS VICINITY MAP scALE:,• =ass EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENT THE FOLLOWING ADMINWRATVE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ENTAILS THE PROPOSAL OF BUILDING A NEW WELLS FARGO BANK IN THE PLACE OF A CURRENTLY ABANDONED BANK STRUCTURE, WHILE THE FOOTPRINT WILL INCREASE BY APPROXIMATELY 1.000 SQUARE FEET, THE INTENT OF THE NEW STRUCTURE IS TO MINIMIZE IMPACT TO THE EXISTING SITE LAYOUT. PARKING AND TRAFFIC FLOW WILL REMAIN AS IS. AND LANDSCAPING WILL BE INCREASED SLIGHTLY IN ORDER TO BOTH ACCOMMODATE RUN —OFF AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL TREES Y PUNT MATERIAL, ROOF DRAINS WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE PROPOSED DRYWELL TO PROVIDE WATER QUALITY TREATMENT. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE NEW PROPOSED STRUCTURE WILL REMAIN A PART OF THE OVEPALL APPLEW000 VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER. THE CENTER CURRENTLY HAS SINGLE STORY RETAIL. PRIMARILY IN THE BIG BOX A STRIP CENTER STYLE. THE EXISTING FACADE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CENTER CONSISTS WITH B STRIPED COLUMNS k EITHER RED METAL PANEL ROOFS OF LIGHT TAN STUCCO WI BURGUNDY STIR FD COL OR CONCRETE SHINGLES. THE NEW PROPOSED STRUCTURE WILL BE REPLACING AN COSTING WOOD THAT WAS NOT CHARACTER WITH REST OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. NEW ST THE PROPOSED NEW STRUCTURE WILLILT TWO —TONED MASONRY VENEER, WELL AS WILL M ON TWO ARC H ITE CTURAL RS RI ND St STACKED STONE A P WILL H FEATURE WHI WILL ED MATCH ITS RETAIL NEIGHBOR TO TO THE NORTH. THE TOWERS WILL ERS HAVE LOW PITCHED ROOFS IN SIMILAR STATE. TO OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE DEVELOPMENT. COLORS WILL BE COMPLIMENTARY TO THE EXISTING ARCHITECTURE. '3 SCALE: 1 = 600' ...AL IA.IC .. 01 CERTIFICATIONS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below signed mrw a), or legally designated agent(s) thereof . do hereby agree that the property legally rib desced heroin will be developed as a Planned Development in aCromance With t uses, restrictions, and conditions Contained in this plan, and as may olMwise be neulred by law. I (MW) furtnar recognize that the approval of a rezoning to Planned Davebpment, and approval of thk fNW development plan, does not ornate a Wstad property night. Vested property r may only State and acchro punwnt to the provisions of Section 28-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of taws. Slate of Colorado ) County of Jefferson ) CROPS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE The owner, his successors and assign grams limited rights and privileges to sccess and to free movement through those areas indicated as'Cmssaccesel'mgress -egress easements'. as illustrated upon this plan: S ch grant of easement shell be limited to the owner, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore Brant access to and flee movement through said easements to those entering said easements from similarly reoonJeci easelnerns from adjacent propergac and/or from aburong public streets. SHEET INDEX COVER SHEET 1 SIZE PLAN /SITE DATA 2 IFNOSACPE PLAN 3 BUILDING ElNAl10N5 4' SITE LOCATION TA q v a v � JTNO AY£NUE s y y v s v VICINITY MAP scALE:,• =ass EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENT THE FOLLOWING ADMINWRATVE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ENTAILS THE PROPOSAL OF BUILDING A NEW WELLS FARGO BANK IN THE PLACE OF A CURRENTLY ABANDONED BANK STRUCTURE, WHILE THE FOOTPRINT WILL INCREASE BY APPROXIMATELY 1.000 SQUARE FEET, THE INTENT OF THE NEW STRUCTURE IS TO MINIMIZE IMPACT TO THE EXISTING SITE LAYOUT. PARKING AND TRAFFIC FLOW WILL REMAIN AS IS. AND LANDSCAPING WILL BE INCREASED SLIGHTLY IN ORDER TO BOTH ACCOMMODATE RUN —OFF AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL TREES Y PUNT MATERIAL, ROOF DRAINS WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE PROPOSED DRYWELL TO PROVIDE WATER QUALITY TREATMENT. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE NEW PROPOSED STRUCTURE WILL REMAIN A PART OF THE OVEPALL APPLEW000 VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER. THE CENTER CURRENTLY HAS SINGLE STORY RETAIL. PRIMARILY IN THE BIG BOX A STRIP CENTER STYLE. THE EXISTING FACADE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CENTER CONSISTS WITH B STRIPED COLUMNS k EITHER RED METAL PANEL ROOFS OF LIGHT TAN STUCCO WI BURGUNDY STIR FD COL OR CONCRETE SHINGLES. THE NEW PROPOSED STRUCTURE WILL BE REPLACING AN COSTING WOOD THAT WAS NOT CHARACTER WITH REST OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. NEW ST THE PROPOSED NEW STRUCTURE WILLILT TWO —TONED MASONRY VENEER, WELL AS WILL M ON TWO ARC H ITE CTURAL RS RI ND St STACKED STONE A P WILL H FEATURE WHI WILL ED MATCH ITS RETAIL NEIGHBOR TO TO THE NORTH. THE TOWERS WILL ERS HAVE LOW PITCHED ROOFS IN SIMILAR STATE. TO OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE DEVELOPMENT. COLORS WILL BE COMPLIMENTARY TO THE EXISTING ARCHITECTURE. '3 SCALE: 1 = 600' ...AL IA.IC .. 01 CERTIFICATIONS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below signed mrw a), or legally designated agent(s) thereof . do hereby agree that the property legally rib desced heroin will be developed as a Planned Development in aCromance With t uses, restrictions, and conditions Contained in this plan, and as may olMwise be neulred by law. I (MW) furtnar recognize that the approval of a rezoning to Planned Davebpment, and approval of thk fNW development plan, does not ornate a Wstad property night. Vested property r may only State and acchro punwnt to the provisions of Section 28-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of taws. Slate of Colorado ) County of Jefferson ) CROPS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE The owner, his successors and assign grams limited rights and privileges to sccess and to free movement through those areas indicated as'Cmssaccesel'mgress -egress easements'. as illustrated upon this plan: S ch grant of easement shell be limited to the owner, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore Brant access to and flee movement through said easements to those entering said easements from similarly reoonJeci easelnerns from adjacent propergac and/or from aburong public streets. SHEET INDEX COVER SHEET 1 SIZE PLAN /SITE DATA 2 IFNOSACPE PLAN 3 BUILDING ElNAl10N5 4' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, G'F/,cltr ~4 M4&,z4. dDhareby CWrdfythat Ia property boundary information shown herein on the !L/ir /z.Aa has been Venfled by me and to the beat of my Immeledge, Infom abort, and belief, is Correct and In accordance MAIN the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws and all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition u amended. Furthemmre, upon completion of the projeet I agree to furnish an As -Built survey accurately 8 all constructed Item.. urAyo sSgratulr_ CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day of 01 C.. . AD. 20L by the city of Wheat Ridge. ATTEST City Cie Tk {ft'� ayar ommunity De pment Director COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE..: State of Colorado ) ),SS acantyof Jefferson ) thereby this plan Was itedl in the office of the County Cb and Recorder of Jefferson County at �Got���(en, Coloiado, at.�In: O'CbdX &.M. on the s•T>; or — ., A.D. 20jo, in Seok Page_, Reception N izyaa JF,SF OUON,C N REC(fN' �Deeputy " ' X, UN — M, AK i M Q W O LL J W 3 W / de W V k K � .EY O�OW Aa L E X1111511 G APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT #8 WELLS FARGO BANK AT APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0193712, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, SITE DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SITE FEATURES \'R \. EXISTING PROVIDED ZONING: POLE LIGHTING EXISTING TO REMAIN A _ ° a FOOT PNCPEan UNR 5ET9Pq( UNITS of cauBraumlox PROPOSED SITE POD POD NEIGHBORING SITES PLL & C -I EXIST NGLGHLF0.ETO REMAN SETBACKS: T NONE PROPOSED WEST 50' -C' 63 ' -3" NORTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE EAST NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE SOUTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE BUILDING INFO: HEIGHT 1 STUFF STORY 1 " L -J" AT MAIN 32' -10' AT TOWER 'JSE BUSINESS BUSINESS BANK- 100% BANK - 1009. C O LOT COVERAGE 16,574 &E 16.5]4 5 F. 0.3805 ACRES 0.3805 ACRES BOILERS COVERAGE 5. SE 33% 6.42} SE }B3 LANDSCAPED AREA 3.489 SE 212 3.465 S.F. 21z IMPERVIOUS AREA 7.625 5 E 46% 6.686 BF 41% .AS THIS IS NOT A FREESTANDING PARCEL. 1 THE SITE COVERAGE STATISTICS REPRESENT THE cXISTIQG METES & BOUNDS suRVc & THE PROPOSED LIMITS OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION, PARKING DESIGNATION: IRIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A UNIFIED SHOPPING CENTER OF MORE THAN 100,000 SQUARE FEET; THE PARKING FOR WHICH IS CALCULATED FOR THE TOTAL AREA OF THE SHOPPING CENTER, THE PROPOSED PLAN MODIFICATION IS CONSISTENT WITH THE SHOPPING CENTER PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 25 -501XE OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. SITE FEATURES \'R \. -FINE XYOPMIi POLE LIGHTING EXISTING TO REMAIN A _ ° a FOOT PNCPEan UNR 5ET9Pq( UNITS of cauBraumlox __ XO Ean ONE E%PMVSION OF DARTING,PNOSUPE IBIANO NEWtAFp KLAPING PYO CANT, M"737) EXIST NGLGHLF0.ETO REMAN NOT ALLOWED T NONE PROPOSED BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATED ON TOWERS ON NORTH, WEST, & SOUTH FACADES - } REFER TO SHEET 4 OF 5. EAST NG RE TO REBUT , EXOLOSURE F. MASON I IN M/ NATGI L I I NEW BU MINING I .4ACT 3 >: WELL O aPN OGRG Y. Y " I I I }{ppWNGFIELO Sr. NEMT RIDGE .G09O]d8 l I Pa0FO8E0 ED, BE cl EXPMVSIg10F EXISTING I&VNO � / - - LIGHITNG POLE LIGHTING EXISTING TO REMAIN BUILDING LIGHTING NEW PROPOSED - REFER TO SHEET 4 OF 5 SIGNAGE POLE SIGNALS NOT ALLOWED MONUMENT SIGNAGE NONE PROPOSED BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATED ON TOWERS ON NORTH, WEST, & SOUTH FACADES - REFER TO SHEET 4 OF 5. I _ y I I VSPYaY L J HT V AN x VNSlXG iPEe6 J TO REMAN HOU) HST EASTIN TRERIM EMMAD PROPOSED DRI AM DWRIPASEMENT / �T ®m W, MN, AK AK .N AK Yd Q Q Z Q co W O: W ee N LL W J O W 3a z KENNET ARCHITECTS, n(oN� 2uc .45 SHOIM' �NO,CmEm' 19, X1 /O I 42 L✓ �El114 e va[bng Transl —r EnGlusure ' > 1' -0' APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT #8 WELLS FARGO BANK AT APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0193712, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, - TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO -DEG I. r. PROPOSED WELLS FARGO BANK 7 EM .c ma J I 0 10' 20' 40' 60' LEGEND DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE r - EXISTING EVERGREEN TREE _ SHRUBS 9 GRASSES GRANITE BOULDERS PERENNIAL / GROUNDCOVER IRRIGATED TURF PLANT SCHEDULE LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES 1. STARE ALL TREES AND SHRUBS BASED ON THESE DRAWINGS, EXACT LOCATORS OF PLANT MATERIALS TO BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST TO EXACT LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD. 2. PERENNIALS TO BE PLACED IN THE FIELD BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHTEC 3, ALL PLANTING AREAS TO BE AMENDED AND PREPARED PER WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. 4. PROVIDE MATCHING FGRM AND SIZES FOR PUNT MATERIALS WITHIN EACH SPECIES AND SIZE AS DESIGNATED ON ME DRAWINGS. 5. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL TO BE DISEASE AND INSECT FREE. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW PLANT MATERIAL AT SOURCE PRIOR TO SHIPPING. 6. ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS ARE TO BE MULCHED WITH 4' MINIMUM LAYER OF-SUPREME PH FIBER MULCH OVER PLANTING SOIL, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED IN THESE DRAWINGS. 7. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE TO BE IRRIGATED WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. PLANT TYPE: DECIDUOUS TREES Abbr. No. Genus S ecies Gammon Name Min. Size S acin Notes SHA 3 Gladitsia triocanthos inermis Shademaster Hone ocust I I Per Plan MINIMUM REQUIRED PLANT TYPE: SHRUBS Abbr. No Genus S some Common Name Min. Size otes ALP Ribes aI mra 'Green Mound' Green Mound Currant 5 Gal BUC 9 Rhamnus Fran ula 'Columnaris Columnar Buckthorn 10 Gal 3,465 SF 1 TREE / 1000 SF EMR - 20 Rosa x Elsie Mo Shrub Rose 5 Gal 86 EA W as 30 Sumac aromatics IGraw -Low' Grow Low Surtioc 5 Gal POT 17 Potentilla fruiticosa 'Yellow Gem' Yellow Gen Poteptilla 5 Gal RTD 5 Cornus sericeoIsantF Isanti Do wood 5 Gal PLANT TYPE: PERENNIALS & GRASSES Abbr. No Genus S ecies Common Name Min. Sas S acin Notes AVG 59 Helictotrichon sem ervirens Blue Avena Grass 1 Gal Per Plan DFG 71 Penniselum olo ecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 1 Gal Per Plan FRG 9 Calama rostis acJtiflora 'Karl Foerster' feather Reed Grass 5 Go I BOB 35 Persicaria finis Border Jewel 1 Gal LBG 46 Pennisetum olo ecuroides 'Little Bunn Little Bunn Gnoss 1 Gal MIRE 37 Mahonia r ens Gres in Hotly 1 Gal M PCF 13 Echinacea ur area Purle Coneflower 1 Gal BHT 10 Oicentra s eotabilis Bleedin Heart 1 Gal SWW 20 Galium odorctum Sweet Woodruff 1 Gal VIN 27 Ynca minor 'Bowles' Periwinkle 1 Gal n IANnscAPE REQUIREM LANDSCAPE AREAS S ON ARCA SF FORMULA MINIMUM REQUIRED PROVIDED -SITE SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA 20% MIN, 16,547 SF 207 OF GROSS LOT AREA 3,310 SF 3,465 SF TREE REQUIREMENTS 3,465 SF 1 TREE / 1000 SF 3 EA 3 EA J SHRUB REQUIREMENTS 3,465 SF 10 SHRUBS / 1000 SF 35 EA 86 EA NOTE: AS THIS IS NOT AFREESTANDING PARCEL, THE SITE COVERAGE STATISTICS LI5ILU ABOVE, REPRESENT THE UMDS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PROJECT. Liles i z m .J W 3 re � d W Q V Z ARCHITECTS, �,WHI6LP T.q TO10 4 3 APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT #8 WELLS FARGO BANK AT APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0193712, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, SITE DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO EXISTING PROVIDED 20NING: .NA, MN. AK PROPOSED SITE POD POD NEIGHBORING SITES ROD & C -1 RICO & C -1 $EfBACK4 MNANT R WEST 50' -0" POLE SIGNAGE NORTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE EAST NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICRBLE SOUTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE BUILDING INFO' I HEIGHT 1 STORY 1 STORY 21' 7" AT MAN 32' -10' AT TOWER USE BUSINESS BUSINESS BANK- 100% BANK SITE COV ORE LOT COVERAGE 16,574 S.F. 16.574 S.F. 0.3805 ACRES 0.3805 ACRES BUILDING COVERAGE 5,460 S.F. 33% 6,423 S.F. 387. LANDSCAPED AREA 3.489 SF, 21% 4,331 SF. 26% IMPERIOUS AREA 7,625 SF. 46% 5,820 S.F. 35% EAS THIS IS NOT A FREESTANDING PARCEL, THE SITE COVERAGE STATISTICS REPRESENT THE EX' BEING METES & BOUNDS SURVEY & THE PROPOSED LIMITS OF PROJECT F CONSTRUCTION. PARKING DESIGNATION: THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A UNIFIED SHOPPING CENTER OF MORE THAN 100,000 SQUARE FEET: THE PARKING FOR WHICH 15 CALCULATED FOR ME TOTAL AREA OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. THE PROPOSED PLAN MODIFICATION IS CONSISTENT WITH ME SHOPPING CENTER PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 26- 501.E. OF THE WHEAT HIDGE ZONING AHU DEVELOPMENT CODE. SITE FEATURES I LANTOS CONCRETE CM .NA, MN. AK EXISTING TO REMAIN `FIRE m A K AK SHEET 4 OF 5 MNANT R POLE SIGNAGE ETOACK LIMITS OF NSTRUCTION " C" '-FAA PROPERtt LIKE S FO �IELA PER INS EXPANSION Oi E%ISPNG LANDSC PE ISWiO NWALANOSGAPING / 57071 MONUMENT SIGNAGE NONE PROPOSED BUILDING SIGNAGE �PSCOESMi R1 EXISTING LIGHT MILE TO REMAIN - - -- fff WEST, & SOUTH FACADES - I ' E SO NGLOSURETOBEREBUILT 26 1 I NEW BUILDING MATCH 2 Elevation at TYBNBfORIIer Endosure 14' =1' -0' ` EXISTING TREETO REMAIN WELLS FMGO BANK 5190 YOUNOFIELO ST. F WHEAT RIDGE L00�03 / \ O PROPOS EO 6AASF W } ' CC O G � ,�J 0 � 'z \ A, + I O a Q TR + REMAIN -lm� Uj J EXPANSION OF - � �. e a EMSTING ISLAND cc U _ _ uj IL r-- JG W ROPOSEB BR LocnnoN OR W WATE0.0WLITYTREATMEM PERPETUAL ESMi 1 FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN 3 r BROW LTTRSSOIM PAGA ESMT % yj 1 , BFI ` UNOERGROUNO } LL LANTOS CONCRETE CM POLE LIGHTING EXISTING TO REMAIN BUILDING LIGHTING NEW PROPOSED - REFER TO SHEET 4 OF 5 SIGNAGE POLE SIGNAGE NOT ALLOWED MONUMENT SIGNAGE NONE PROPOSED BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATED ON TOWERS ON NORTH, WEST, & SOUTH FACADES - I REPER TO SHEET 4 OF 5, NNE' ARCHITECTS, RISES AS SHOW F XNTRTT Z 1 } EXIGTI MGM - POLEi aEMAx -; Too M G TREES iOflEMAIN EXISTING LIGHT \ \ POLETO REMAN \ \ OWS EASEMENT Ell Site Plan CONCRETE CM aRICKOEBEE. SPUTFACE MANSCNRY ANNSCOT I 2 Elevation at TYBNBfORIIer Endosure 14' =1' -0' NNE' ARCHITECTS, RISES AS SHOW F XNTRTT Z 1 } EXIGTI MGM - POLEi aEMAx -; Too M G TREES iOflEMAIN EXISTING LIGHT \ \ POLETO REMAN \ \ OWS EASEMENT Ell Site Plan APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT #8 WELLS FARGO BANK AT APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER PERENNIAL / GROUNDCOVER IRRIGATED TURF PLANT SCHEDULE LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN 0 10' 20' 40 60' LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS LANDSCAPE AREAS AREA SF FORMULA INIMIUEL D RE PROVIDED TON —SITE SF OF 16,547 SF 20% OF GROSS LOT AREA 3,310 BE 3,465 SF (LANDSCAPE AREA 20% MIN. randiFlora Brilliant Serviceberr 8' Clum Per Plan TREE REQUIREMENTS 3,465 SF 1 TREE / 1000 SF 3 EA 3 EA ;SHRUB REQUIREMENTS 3,465 SF 10 SHRUBS / 7000 SF 35 EA B6 FA NOTE: AS THIS IS NOT A FREESTANDING PARCEL, THE SITE COVERAGE STATISTICS LISTED ABOVE, REPRESENT THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PROJECT. PLANT TYPE: DECIDUOUS TREES Abbr. No. Genus Species Common Name Min. Size Spacinq Notes ALP Abbr. No Genus SiPsoles, Common Name Min. Size S acin Notes ABS 3 Amelanchier randiFlora Brilliant Serviceberr 8' Clum Per Plan 10 Gal SHA 3 Gladitsi. triacanthos inermis Shademoster Hone ocust 2.5" Per Plan 5 Gal PLANT TYPE SHRUBS Abbr. No. Genus Species Common Name Min. Size Spacinq Notes ALP 6 Ribes al inum 'Green Mound' Green Mound Currant 5 Gal I Per Plan BUC 9 Rhamnas frangula 'Columnans' Columnar Buckthorn 10 Gal Per Plan EMIR 19 Rosa x Elsie Ma Shrub Rose 5 Gal Per Plan GLS 25 Sumac aromatics 'Grow —Low' Grow Low Sumac 5 Gal Per Plan POT 17 Potentille fruiticose 'Yellow Gem Yellow Gen Polentilla 5 Gol Per Plan RTD 5 Corpus sericea 'ISantF earn DO wood 5 Gal Per Plan PLANT TYPE: PERENNIALS & GRASSES Alban. No. Genus Species Common Name Min. Size Sp..inq Notes AVG 104 Helictotrichon I sempervirens Blue Avena Grass 1 Gal Per Pion DBM 22 A astache can. Double Bubble Mint 1 Gal Per Plan DEG 61 Pennisetum alo ecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 1 Gal Per Plan FRG 9 Colamo rostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Gross 5 Gal Per Plan BOR 35 Persicarin afOni. Border Jewel 1 Gal Per Plan LOG 13 Pennisetum alo ecuroides 'Little Bunny Little Bunny Grass 1 Gal Per Plan MITE 37 Mahonia re ens Creeping Hall 1 Gal Per Plan PCP 7 Echin.ce. purpure a 'Alba' Mits Coneflower 1 Gal Per Plan BHT 10 Dicentr. s ectabilis Sleedin Heart 1 Gal Per Plan SWW 20 Callum od.ratum Sweet Woodruff 1 Gal Per Plan VIN 27 Vnca minor 'Bowles' Periwinkle 1 Gal Per Plan YAM 12 Achilles 'Mean. Dine' Moonshine Yarrow 1 Gal Per Plan NOTE: PLANT TOTALS ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING PLANT QUANTITY TOTALS. AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0193712, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LEGEND LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES 1. STAKE ALL TREES AND SHRUBS BASED ON THESE DRAWINGS. EXACT LOCATIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS TO BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN THE HELD PRIOR TO DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE INSTALLATION. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST TO EXACT LOCATIONS IN THE HELD. 2, PERENNIALS TO BE PLACED IN THE FIELD BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. "6 ORNAMENTAL TREE 3, ALL PLANTING AREAS TO BE AMENDED AND PREPARED PER WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. / 4. PROVIDE MATCHING FORM AND SIZES FOR PLANT MATERIALS WITHIN EACH SPECIES AND SQE EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE j AS DESIGNATED ON THE DRAWINGS, 5. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL TO BE DISEASE AND INSECT FREE. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW PLANT MATERIAL AT SOURCE PRIOR TO SHIPPING. EXISTING EVERGREEN TREE - - = 6. ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS ARE TO BE MULCHED WITH 4" MINIMUM LAYER OF SUPREME FIR FIBER MULCH OVER PLANTING SOIL, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED IN THESE DRAWINGS. SHRUBS &GRASSES 7. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE TO BE IRRIGATED WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. GRANITE BOULDERS I LYJ LW L —PP Z J IL m W d 0 W d V Q LL W JW C JC Z 3 J J Z V6 INEY ARCHITECTS. P.c •w- .moron mo-e,: A1605 X 20'' -0' APRIL 11, 1071 4 ��3 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 12/20/10 11:21 AM cdbb KENNEY ARCHITECTS RECEIPT NO:CDB005601 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING MISCELLANEOUS 44.00 ZONI PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 15157 44.00 TOTAL 44.00 WELLS FARGO BANK AT APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE M WELLS FARGO CORPORATE PROPERITES GROUP ATTN: LORI SMITH 1740 BROADWAY DENVER, COLORADO 80274 PHONE: (303)863 -5106 FAX: (303)863 -5230 EMAIL: lori.a.smith ®wellsfargo.com ARCHITECT KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. ATTN: JENNIFER MCDANIEL 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80222 PHONE: (303) 694 -2445 FAX: (303) 290 -8115 EMAIL: jmcdoniel@kenneyarchitects.com LEGAL DESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CHRISTOPHER HOY DESIGN GROUP ATTN: CHRISTOPHER HOY 1184 WEST 11THE PLACE NORTHGLEN, COLORADO 80234 PHONE: (303) 451 -7986 FAX: (303) 45 -7987 EMAIL: choy@chdg— inc.com APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, BEING THE OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY OF 29.969 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PART OF THE EAST ONE HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29; TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF YOUNGFIELD STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, WHENCE THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 BEARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, 1382.42 FEET AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER BEARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST 60.00 FEET; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF YOUNGFIELD STREET, 654.34 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE, NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST 661.77 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF YOUNGFIELD STREET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 135.14 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 77 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 48 SECONDS AN ARC DISTANCE OF 245.96 FEET, A RADIUS OF 182.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 37 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST WITH A DISTANCE OF 227.66 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 76 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 701.71 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RIDGEVIEW ACRES, THIRD FILING; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID RIDGEVIEW ACRES, THIRD FILING, A DISTANCE OF 670.37 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 0.68 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE, A DISTANCE OF 1162.88 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 192.43 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING 30.00 FEET NORTH (MEASURED PERPENDICULAR) OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET NORTH OF SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 342.51 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 600.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 149.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 24.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1,305,444 SQUARE FEET OR 29.969 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. w nsAW c C x Z y 4 � � U) W gTN AVE SITE LO z ti V y W 34 N AIC MWER DR w .33 W PL Y wwW y a , ' 08 ti ~ o J2ND AVENUE � x ti ti VI MAP SCALE: 1" =600' THE FOLLOWING ADMINISTRATIVE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ENTAILS THE PROPOSAL OF BUILDING A NEW WELLS FARGO BANK IN THE PLACE OF A CURRENTLY ABANDONED BANK STRUCTURE. WHILE THE FOOTPRINT WILL INCREASE BY APPROXIMATELY 1,000 SQUARE FEET, THE INTENT OF THE NEW STRUCTURE IS TO MINIMIZE IMPACT TO THE EXISTING SITE LAYOUT. PARKING AND TRAFFIC FLOW WILL REMAIN AS IS, AND LANDSCAPING WILL BE INCREASED SLIGHTLY IN ORDER TO BOTH ACCOMMODATE RUN —OFF AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL TREES & PLANT MATERIAL. ROOF DRAINS WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE PROPOSED DRYWELL TO PROVIDE WATER QUALITY TREATMENT. THE NEW PROPOSED STRUCTURE WILL REMAIN A PART OF THE OVERALL APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER. THE CENTER CURRENTLY HAS SINGLE STORY RETAIL, PRIMARILY IN THE BIG BOX & STRIP CENTER STYLE. THE EXISTING FACADE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CENTER CONSISTS OF LIGHT TAN STUCCO WITH BURGUNDY STRIPED COLUMNS & EITHER RED METAL PANEL ROOFS OR BROWN CONCRETE SHINGLES. THE NEW PROPOSED STRUCTURE WILL BE REPLACING AN EXISTING WOOD STRUCTURE THAT WAS NOT IN CHARACTER WITH REST OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. THE PROPOSED NEW STRUCTURE WILL BE PRIMARILY TWO —TONED MASONRY VENEER, AS WELL AS STUCCO ON TWO ARCHITECTURAL TOWERS AND STACKED STONE AS A PILASTER FEATURE WHICH WILL MATCH ITS NEW RETAIL NEIGHBOR TO THE NORTH. THE TOWERS WILL HAVE LOW PITCHED ROOFS IN SIMILAR STYLE TO OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE DEVELOPMENT. COLORS WILL BE COMPLIMENTARY TO THE EXISTING ARCHITECTURE. CERTIFICATIONS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described herein will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions, and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of a rezoning to Planned Development, and approval of this final development plan, does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 -121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Jennifer McDaniel, Owner's Agent State of Colorado ) )SS County of Jefferson ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , A.D. 20_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary • CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE The owner, his successors and assigns grants limited rights and privileges to access and to free movement through those areas indicated as 'cross- access/ ingress - egress easements', as illustrated upon this plan. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to and free movement through said easements to those entering said easements from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties and /or from abutting public streets. SHEET INDEX COVER SHEET 1 SITE PLAN /SITE DATA 2 LANDSAAPE PLAN 3 BUILDING ELEVATIONS 4 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby certify that the t R_0 information shown herein on the Applewood Village Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development, Final Development Plan - Amendment #8, Wells Fargo Bank at Applewood Shopping Center, has been verified by me and to the best of knowledge, information and belief, is correct and in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws, and all applicable Colorado statues, current revised edition as amended, and that upon completion of the project I agree to furnish an As -Built survey accurately locating all constructed items. Surveyor's Signature Surveyor's Seal CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day of , A.D. 20_ by the City of Wheat Ridge. ATTEST City Clerk r Community Development Director COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE State of Colorado ) )SS County of Jefferson ) 1 �e I hereby certify this plan was filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, at O'Clock M. on the day of , A.D. 20 in Book ,Page , Reception No. 1 1 : 1 . . • w i By: Deputy s, RECEIVED �•- ..�:�1"� - `L try CIVIL ENGINEER ATE SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS 1 -600 0 300 600 1200 SCALE: 1" = 600' ORIGINAL GRAPHIC SCALE DRAWN JM, MN CHECKED AK DESIGNED JM, AK FILENAME < rJ a G • M M • M m � M0011 w W • o a a a ° ® o a ��° > 7 Z F tom~!, ��iIn ¢aa Q� DRAWN JM, MN CHECKED AK DESIGNED JM, AK FILENAME • • M0011 • DRAWN JM, MN CHECKED AK DESIGNED JM, AK FILENAME KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P. 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80222 (303) 894 -2445 FAX (303) 290 -8115 kopc®kenneyorchitectacom JOB NO. A 1605 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE November 05, 2010 SHEETS SHEET 41 • • • KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P. 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80222 (303) 894 -2445 FAX (303) 290 -8115 kopc®kenneyorchitectacom JOB NO. A 1605 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE November 05, 2010 SHEETS SHEET 41 Edo LI E LI E o zl:gLlmi FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT ff WELLS FARGO BAN111( AD EP[�� �T f-11 PL� %mo ,.,)D on(DPPIN�G �CENTER NMI mmumumm EXISTING PROVIDED ZONING: POLE LIGHTING PROPOSED SITE PCD PCD NEIGHBORING SITES PCD & C-1 PCD & C-1 SETBACKS: SIGNAGE WEST 50'-0" 63'-3" NORTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE EAST NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE SOUTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE BUILDING INFO: D HEIGHT 1 STORY 1 STORY 21'-7" AT MAIIIJI .32'-10" AT TOWER USE BUSINESS BUSINESS BANK- 100% BANK - 100% SITE COVERAGE*: c 16,574 S.F. 0.3805 ACRES 0.3805 ACRES BUILDING COVERAGE 5,460 S.F. 33% 6,423 S.F. 38% LANDSCAPED AREA 3,489 S.F. 21% 3,465 S.F. 21% IMPERVIOUS AREA 7,625 S.F. 46% 6,686 S.F. 41% *AS THIS IS NOT A FREESTANDING PARCEL, THE SITE COVERAGE STATISTICS REPRESENT THE EXISTING METES & BOUNDS SURVEY us & THE PROPOSED LIMITS OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. PARKING DESIGNATION: > CENTER OF MORE THAN 100,000 SQUARE FEET; THE PARKING FOR WHICH IS CALCULATED FOR THE TOTAL AREA OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. THE PROPOSED PLAN MODIFICATION IS CONSISTENT WITH THE SHOPPING CENTER PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 26-501.E. OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. Ln z 0 0) m m < Q a NMI mmumumm EXISTING PROVIDED ZONING: POLE LIGHTING PROPOSED SITE PCD PCD NEIGHBORING SITES PCD & C-1 PCD & C-1 SETBACKS: SIGNAGE WEST 50'-0" 63'-3" NORTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE EAST NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE SOUTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE BUILDING INFO: HEIGHT 1 STORY 1 STORY 21'-7" AT MAIIIJI .32'-10" AT TOWER USE BUSINESS BUSINESS BANK- 100% BANK - 100% SITE COVERAGE*: LOT COVERAGE 16,574 S.F. 16,574 S.F. 0.3805 ACRES 0.3805 ACRES BUILDING COVERAGE 5,460 S.F. 33% 6,423 S.F. 38% LANDSCAPED AREA 3,489 S.F. 21% 3,465 S.F. 21% IMPERVIOUS AREA 7,625 S.F. 46% 6,686 S.F. 41% *AS THIS IS NOT A FREESTANDING PARCEL, THE SITE COVERAGE STATISTICS REPRESENT THE EXISTING METES & BOUNDS SURVEY us & THE PROPOSED LIMITS OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. PARKING DESIGNATION: THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A UNIFIED SHOPPING CENTER OF MORE THAN 100,000 SQUARE FEET; THE PARKING FOR WHICH IS CALCULATED FOR THE TOTAL AREA OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. THE PROPOSED PLAN MODIFICATION IS CONSISTENT WITH THE SHOPPING CENTER PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 26-501.E. OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. SITE FEATURES LIGHITNG POLE LIGHTING EXISTING TO REMAIN BUILDING LIGHTING NEW PROPOSED - REFER TO SHEET 4 OF 5 SIGNAGE POLE SIGNAGE NOT ALLOWED MONUMENT SIGNAGE NONE PROPOSED BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATED ON TOWERS ON NORTH, w! WEST, & SOUTH FACADES - REFER TO SHEET 4 OF 5. CONCRETE CAP BRICK VENEER SPLITFACE MANSONRY WAINSCOT FIRE HYDRANT A I PROPERTY LINE � Iff ZIZ= 50 FOOT PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION EXPANSION OF EXISTING LANDSCAPE ISLAND NEW LANDSCAPING PSCO ESMT. (2745 737) EXISTING LIGHT POLE TO REMAIN I r r� - 711� EXISTING TRANSFORMER ENCLOSURE TO BE REBUILT IN MASONRY TO MATCH NEW BUILDING 2 6 ' 1" 7V" rr COMPACT \EXPANSION OF EXISTING ISLAND i i WELLS FARGO BANK 3490 YOUNGFIELD ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 PROPOSED 6,423 S.F. EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN 1- rT u 7 H -L k R'l J11 f I I EXISTING TREE TO `Ax REMAIN �� 0 1 7 - - ------------- i� �/_\' PROPOSED DRY WELL LOCATION FOR WATER QUALITY TREATMENT PERPETUAL ESMT. & ROW (1189 326) EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN r T PSCO ESMT. (2745 737) PROPOSED DRIVE-UP ATM UNDERGROUND w/ CANOPY COVER ELEC. (1877 157) EXISTING LIGHT POLE TO REMAIN < EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN EXISTING LIGHT POLE TO REMAIN /� \� ' Z \ DWB EASEMENT DRAWN ,/M, MN, A CHECKED AK DESIGNED ✓U, A I F eV 2 4w KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO OD222 (303) 694-2445 FAX (303) 290-8115 kopeftenneyarchitects,com I JOB NO. A 1605 1 SCALE AS SHOWN Elevation at Transformer Enclosure Site Plan bv _=-11-o" 1 1 20#-0## 0 Zi w! 0 6 0; L > cl A z! us I F eV 2 4w KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO OD222 (303) 694-2445 FAX (303) 290-8115 kopeftenneyarchitects,com I JOB NO. A 1605 1 SCALE AS SHOWN Elevation at Transformer Enclosure Site Plan bv _=-11-o" 1 1 20#-0## 0 AAML OW!ZM USEM Ed { 1 . 5 U_ U_ WELLS FARGO BANK AT APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER I�`. t DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES 1. STAKE ALL TREES AND SHRUBS BASED ON THESE DRAWINGS. EXACT LOCATIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS TO BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST TO EXACT LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD. 2. PERENNIALS TO BE PLACED IN THE FIELD BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE 3. ALL PLANTING AREAS TO BE AMENDED AND PREPARED PER WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. 4, PROVIDE MATCHING FORM AND SIZES FOR PLANT MATERIALS WITHIN EACH SPECIES AND SIZE AS DESIGNATED ON THE DRAWINGS. EXISTING EVERGREEN TREE 5. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL TO BE DISEASE AND INSECT FREE, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW PLANT MATERIAL AT SOURCE PRIOR TO SHIPPING. SCALE: 1 ° = 20' -0" 0 10' 20' 40' 60' SHRUBS &GRASSES o + 6. ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS ARE TO BE MULCHED WITH 4" MINIMUM LAYER OF SUPREME FIR FIBER MULCH OVER PLANTING SOIL, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED IN THESE DRAWINGS. GRANITE BOULDERS 7. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE TO BE IRRIGATED WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. PERENNIAL / GROUNDCOVER IRRIGATED TURF PLANT SCHEDULE PLANT TYPE: DECIDUOUS TREES Abbr. No. Genus Species Common Name Min. Size Spacing Notes SHA 3 Gladitsia triacanthos inermis Shademaster HOneylocust 2,5" Per Plan PLANT TYPE: SHRUBS Abbr. No. Genus Species Common Name Min. Size Spacing Notes ALP 6 Ribes alpinum 'Green Mound' Green Mound Currant 5 Gal Per Plan BUC 9 Rhamnus frangula 'Columnaris' Columnar Buckthorn 10 Gal Per Plan 1 TREE / 1000 SF EMR 20 Rosa x Elsie May Shrub Rose 5 Gal Per Plan GLS 30 Sumac aromatics 'Grow —Low' Grow Low Sumac 5 Gal Per Pla POT 17 Potentilla fruiticosa 'Yellow Gem' Yellow Gen Potentilla 5 Gal Per Plan RTD 5 Cornus sericea 'Isanti' Isanti Dogwood 5 Gal Per Plan PLANT TYPE: PERENNIALS & GRASSES Abbr. No. Genus Species Common Name Min. Size Spacinq Notes AVG 59 Helictotrichon sempervirens Blue Avena Grass 1 Gal Per Plan DFG 71 Penniseturn alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 1 Gal Per Plan 1 TREE / 1000 SF FRG 9 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass 5 Gal Per Plan BOR 35 Persicaria affinis Border Jewel 1 Gal Per Pla LBG 46 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' Little Bunny Grass 1 Gal Per Plan MIRE 37 Mahonia repens Creeping Holly 1 Gal Per Plan PCF 13 Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 1 Gal Per Plan BHT 10 Dicentra spectabilis Bleeding Heart 1 Gal Per Plan SWW 20 Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff 1 Gal Per Plan VIN 27 Vinca minor 'Bowles' Periwinkle 1 Gal I Per Plan MIAMI LANDSCAPE AREAS AREA SF FORMULA MINIMUM PROVIDED JN REQUIRED ON -SITE SF OF L ANDSC APE AREA 20% MIN. 16,547 SF 20% OF GROSS LOT AREA 3,310 SF 3,465 SF TREE REQUIREMENTS 3,465 SF 1 TREE / 1000 SF 3 EA 3 EA SHRUB REQUIREMENTS 3,465 SF 10 SHRUBS j 1000 SF 35 EA 86 EA NOTE: AS THIS IS NOT A FREESTANDING PARCEL, THE SITE COVERAGE STATISTICS LISTED ABOVE, REPRESENT THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PROJECT. DRAWN CH CHECKED JN DESIGNED CH FILENAME L -PP .. i 0 Uj i i christopherhoydesigngroup LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1184 WEST 111TH PLACE NORTHGLENN, CO 80234 303.451.7986 JOB N0, A 16°05 SCALE 1 =20 —O" DATE NOVEMBER 05, 2010 SHEETS I SHEET gin IV MASONRY SPLITFACE WAINSCOT BRICK VENEER FIELD SOLDIER COURSE ACCENTS STONE VENEER BASALITE #638 SPLITFACE, INTERSTATE BRICK TUMBLEWEED WALNUT CULTURED STONE DRYSTACKED LEDGESTONE CHARDONNAY r STUCCO TOWER r •' TOWER CANOPIES t 7 Perspective toward Main Entry East Elevation ­­� North Elevation = 1' 1/8 -0" I F'%Wl 1_V L11711111VV METAL PANEL R iArr B T op ! ! STUCC ASSEMBLY #! i rt *!.' ' To p of S 1 6 l - 0 11 BR ICK i in ► 11:11 1 SPLITFACE MASONRY WAINSCOT *. i • - o ff MET AL PANEL `ii Top of To wer L SIGNAGE T op o B R ICK VENEE STUCC ASSEMBLY ST SPLITFACE MASONRY WAINSCOT !# ! .• o f IM SICNAGE LOCATION Elevation at Main Entry_ 1/8" West Elevation ._! 1/8 1 9 -011 South Elevation - 1/8 l —1 -0 a COLOR BENJAMIN MOORE 1062 BAKED CUMIN 1r DARK BRONZE METAL PANEL DARK BRONZE METAL PANEL -- ---- Top_of Tower -.' � 27' - 0" ' .._V Top of Parape 21' -7" Top of 16 O Top of or : # .. O NOTE: SITE & BUILDING LIGHTING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26 -503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. METAL PANEL RO OF •f of f 4- STUCC ASSEMBLY G T opof Parape i BRICK VENEER !! o is ]i m m om f m 0 1n *: i w I w o a CLo c Uj U w w w zi # U) z a z� r STUCCO TOWER r •' TOWER CANOPIES t 7 Perspective toward Main Entry East Elevation ­­� North Elevation = 1' 1/8 -0" I F'%Wl 1_V L11711111VV METAL PANEL R iArr B T op ! ! STUCC ASSEMBLY #! i rt *!.' ' To p of S 1 6 l - 0 11 BR ICK i in ► 11:11 1 SPLITFACE MASONRY WAINSCOT *. i • - o ff MET AL PANEL `ii Top of To wer L SIGNAGE T op o B R ICK VENEE STUCC ASSEMBLY ST SPLITFACE MASONRY WAINSCOT !# ! .• o f IM SICNAGE LOCATION Elevation at Main Entry_ 1/8" West Elevation ._! 1/8 1 9 -011 South Elevation - 1/8 l —1 -0 a COLOR BENJAMIN MOORE 1062 BAKED CUMIN 1r DARK BRONZE METAL PANEL DARK BRONZE METAL PANEL -- ---- Top_of Tower -.' � 27' - 0" ' .._V Top of Parape 21' -7" Top of 16 O Top of or : # .. O NOTE: SITE & BUILDING LIGHTING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26 -503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. METAL PANEL RO OF •f of f 4- STUCC ASSEMBLY T opof Parape i BRICK VENEER !! o is STONE VENEER SPANDREL GLASS SPLITFACE MASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab 0 ' V METAL PANEL ROOF #s o 27 - Off • # P arape t LOCATI SIGNAGE T op o f Structure s () BR VENEE i MAS SPLITFACE WAINSC SPAN !• # DRAWN JM CHECKED AK DESIGNED JM, Aft' ML KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE DENVER, DORADO 80222 (303) 694 -2445 FAX (303) 290 -8195 kopc#kenneya`chitects.com SCALE AS SHOWN DATE November 05, 2010 SHEETS I SHEET Elm� I .arnlvvnL� vlr��� rnvrv.JCV uvn i llvv 4- he i is i- om f *: Uj zi # ML KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE DENVER, DORADO 80222 (303) 694 -2445 FAX (303) 290 -8195 kopc#kenneya`chitects.com SCALE AS SHOWN DATE November 05, 2010 SHEETS I SHEET Elm� I .arnlvvnL� vlr��� rnvrv.JCV uvn i llvv Pagel of 2 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 2:21 PM To: 'Jennifer McDaniel'; Dave Brossman Subject: RE: 3490 Youngfield St. - Applewood Shopping Center Attachments: PW comments 2.doc; comments 3.dot; image005.jpg Hi, Jennifer It looks like we're ready to go to mylar except for Dave's comment on the surveyor's certification. Let me know if you have any questions. Meredith Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior f'tanner Office Phone: 303 -23� 2848 61" a! W heat F!4d (Te From: Jennifer McDaniel [ mailto: JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Frid , November 12, 2010 8:48 AM To: Dave B ssman Cc: Meredith Reckert % Subject: RE: 490 Youngfield St. - Applewood Shopping Center Thank you very uch. I will be bringing in all of the plans / and our application today, including the grade /fill applicati n & narrative you discussed with Mr.,Yoshimura. Jennifer NN lt1c. t' Naar From: Dave Brossman [ Sent: Friday, November To: Jennifer McDaniel / Cc: Meredith Reckert/ Subject: RE: 349�o Jennifer — t:dbrossman i.wheatridge.co.us] 2010 8:36 AM d St. Applewood Sho ing Center Public_Xorks will not require any traffic information a ong as the traffic circulation pattern remains the same (no re- configuration of curb -cuts, drive isles, etc.). If this remains the case, then the statement from the Planning Department is corree The use is essentially the same as the bank that was there prior, but we of course always resew e the right to require further information until we have reviewed the building permit construction plans. But based on what I 11/23/2010 Page 2 of 2 saw on the FDP set, at this point I don't believe we will require any traffic info. Please let me know if I may be of further assistance in this matter. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review 1 n inear. /Cny sur.eyor Office acid Pax: - 103 -23 i -"Rfi4 ( iiy ,ff From: Jennifer McDaniel [ mailto: JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:27 AM To: Dave Brossman Subject: 3490 Youngfield St. - Applewood Shopping Center Good morning Mr. Brossman, I'm anticipating bringing our plans in for building permit review today for the news Wells Fargo branch and had a quick question for you. The planning department did not see any need for a traffic impact study for the FDP review nor for this review. However, I wanted to confirm that public works would not find it necessary either since the building will be replacing an existing bank in an existing shopping center. Would you agree? Thank you, Jennifer W. McDaniel, tl.ti tiC'a m L' ;.9 All _._- v39.h.. i 11/23/2010 r City of COMM Wheat t ?, UNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building November 22, 2010 Jennifer McDaniel Kenney Architects PC 5570 E. Yale Avenue Denver, CO 80222 Dear Ms. McDaniel: 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of an administrative amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center for construction of a Wells Fargo Bank facility at 3490 Youngfield Street. I have reviewed the third submittal and have concluded that all Planning comments have been addressed. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the most recent document submittal. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See comments from Dave Brossman dated November 19, 2010. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. Once all changes are made, please submit two paper copies of the modified plan sets for administrative approval. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Case No. WZ- 10 -06 www.d.wheatridge.co.us ` \d City of WheatWiidge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DIU DATE: November 19, 2010 SUBJECT: WZ- 10- 06 /Applewood Village Shopping Center FDP Amendment #8, Wells - Fargo Bank — 3490 Youngfield Street I have completed my 2 " review of the administrative Final Development Plan (FDP) Amendment #8 (the 3` submittal to the City) received on November 15, 2010, for the Wells Fargo Bank located at 3490 Youngfield Street, and I have the following comments: 1. All previous comments have been adequately addressed; the Plan is approvable from the standpoint of Public Works. 2. I highly suggest however that the Surveyor's Certificate be modified from the old certification shown (used prior to 2008) to our current one below which specifies that ONLY the property boundary information is being certified by the surveyor and that As- Built plans will be supplied upon project completion. For instances where a previously recorded ODP or FDP is in need of amendment, and where no boundary survey will be performed but As -Built plans are required (no zone change; structures were built): SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby certify that the property boundary information shown herein on the has been verified by me and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, is correct and in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws and all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended. Furthermore, upon completion of the project I agree to furnish an As -Built survey accurately locating all constructed items. Signature Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 8:51 AM To: 'Jennifer McDaniel' Subject: RE: Monument sign Attachments: image004.jpg Jennifer The signage for the entire shopping center is constrained by the original planned development documents. The only freestanding signs recognized are the Walmart sign on Youngfield and the tenant sign at the 32 Avenue entrance. I did find one reference to a "Reality World" sign 5' in height in a 1982 version which may work for your client. It is something I will have to field check to see if there is already a monument sign at this location. If there isn't, I'd be okay allowing a monument sign with reasonable dimensions. The shopping center management company is aware of the freestanding sign limitations and is apparently working on a FDP amendment to allow more. This is the most prevalent comment I get from tenants — lack of freestanding signage. Many of the freestanding signs out there are not recognized by the planned development and were put up without proper permits. Meredith Meredith Reckert, A1C'.P senior Ptamler Office Phone: 303 2 j 2848 L 11 cd { t� V Y [ i 2C CYC. {.4�Mddl. 111 i5E di xa7;. ,�.., L.. From: Jennifer McDaniel [mailto: ]McDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 10:36 AM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Monument sign Good morning Meredith, I've just recently learned that Wells Fargo is interested in having a monument sign for this building, preferably across the parking lot just inside the property line. Is this something we can pursue? Thanks! Jennifer W. NIeDaniel,AIA, WARB. f e.LDAP l'rcic.x �9anas�.i�:r 55 rO I - ;i33E FHie 'i VC. 11/18/2010 City of Wheat Rj,dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Dave FROM: Meredith Reckert DATE: November 15, 2010 SUBJECT: Case No. WZ- 10- 06/Wells Fargo Attached is one copy of the third submittal for the FDP amendment for the Wells Fargo Bank at 3490 Youngfield. Please review and comment back at you convenience. Page 1 of 2 Meredith Reckert From: Jennifer McDaniel [ JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 8:48 AM To: Dave Brossman Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: 3490 Youngfield St. - Applewood Shopping Center Attachments: image001.]pg Thank you very much. I will be bringing in all of the plans and our application today, including the grade /fill application & narrative you discussed with Mr. Yoshimura. Jennifer W. llctDaniel, �! , Ac x;Z t t A' D AP Pro Uc+ liana +,C, am Pals• V, �% From: Dave Brossman [ mailto :dbrossman @ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 8:36 AM To: Jennifer McDaniel Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: 3490 Youngfield St. - Applewood Shopping Center Jennifer — Public Works will not require any traffic information as long as the traffic circulation pattern remains the same (no re- configuration of curb -cuts, drive aisles, etc.). If this remains the case, then the statement from the Planning Department is correct. The use is essentially the same as the bank that was there prior, but we of course always reserve the right to require further information until we have reviewed the building permit construction plans. But based on what 1 saw on the FDP set, at this point I don't believe we will require any traffic info. Please let me know if I may be of further assistance in this matter. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review t n sneer City Surveyor Office and Fax: 303- 235 -2364 tcI'of 1' L ttS l s ge From: Jennifer McDaniel [ mailto: JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:27 AM To: Dave Brossman Subject: 3490 Youngfield St. - Applewood Shopping Center Good morning Mr. Brossman, I'm anticipating bringing our plans in for building permit review today for the news Wells Fargo branch and 11/15/2010 Page 2 of 2 had a quick question for you. The planning department did not see any need for a traffic impact study for the FDP review nor for this review. However, I wanted to confirm that public works would not find it necessary either since the building will be replacing an existing bank in an existing shopping center. Would you agree? Thank you, 3rnF�ifcr t4 ". �'IcDaniet, .ill �E�id U3 � ` � 13 ='.3' 11/15/2010 City of Wheatfidge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building October 21, 2010 Jennifer McDaniel Kenney Architects PC 5570 E. Yale Avenue Denver, CO 80222 Dear Ms. McDaniel: 7500 W. 29'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of an administrative amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center for construction of a Wells Fargo Bank facility at 3490 Youngfield Street. I have reviewed the second submittal and have the following comments: PAGE ONE All changes have been made PAGE TWO In the graphic, northeast corner, correct the spelling of "landscaping ". PAGE THREE Amend the title of the document as follows: "Applewood Village Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan Amendment #8 Wells Fargo Bank at Applewood Village Shopping Center An official final development plan.... State of Colorado ". PAGE FOUR Add the following note regarding lighting: "Site and building lighting shall be consistent with Section 26 -503 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code." Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See comments from Dave Brossman dated October 25, 2010. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. Once all changes are made, please submit two paper copies of the modified plan www.d.wheatridge.co.us sets for administrative approval. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Case No. WZ -10 -06 e sv Clty Of WheatRj:LggC PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner 1-\1 FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer A J-4 6 DATE: October 25, 2010 SUBJECT: WZ- 10- 06 /Applewood Village Shopping Center FDP Amendment #8, Wells Fargo Bank - 3490 Youngfield Street I have completed my 1" review of the administrative Final Development Plan (FDP) Amendment #8 (the 2 nd submittal to the City) received on October 15, 2010, for the Wells Fargo Bank located at 3490 Youngfield Street, and I have the following comments: Sheet 1: Sheet 2: 1. In the Legal Description (please refer to the redlined FDP): a. Need to add the word OF in the reference to "...the southerly ROW line OF W. 38 Avenue..." as indicated on the redlined Plan. b. Add spaces between the words as indicated. c. Need to add the word TRUE in reference to the True Point of Beginning in the last sentence. 2. They will need to modify the "Explanation of Amendment" statement as follows: a. Remove the words "ADDITIONAL" and "ADD" as indicated in the redlined plan. b. Add the statement, "ROOF DRAINS WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE PROPOSED DRY WELL TO PROVIDE WATER QUALITY TREATMENT." 3. They need to correct the numerous typographical errors which are present (please refer to the attached redlined FDP). 1. Modify the text for the "future dry well" to read "PROPOSED DRY WELL LOCATION (FOR WATER QUALITY TREATMENT)." 2. They need to provide of the Jefferson County Reception Numbers or Book/Page for all of the existing easements shown on the Plan. `_\ UNNF MCHI E M P.C. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W.29 th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303.235.2848 Dear Ms. Reckert, October 12, 2010 On behalf of Wells Fargo Bank, I would respectfully like to submit the following revised documents for Administrative Final Development Plan approval. This is in reference to the proposed Wells Fargo Bank branch at the location of 3490 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 in the Applewood Village Shopping Center. The following is a response to all items of concern brought up in our first review. City of Wheat Ridge Summary: Reduce set to five sheets, amend title, update certificates, correct spelling errors, designate limits of construction, and modify wording as requested. Response: All items have been corrected as requested. Xcel Energy Summary: Requested utility locates be performed and upon completion review with land rights agent. Also have developer contact Builder's Call Line for application of service modification prior to demolition and construction. Response: The located were performed and the survey was updated. The lines are now shown on sheet 2 of 4. The land rights agent reviewed the proposed plan and confirmed that lines could be relocated back into easements. It will be the responsibility of Regency and Wells Fargo to be sure to order the lines be properly relocated (both permanent and temporary) prior to work being performed. They are aware of the necessary application process. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Summary: Perform fire flow calculations & identity fire hydrant locations. Response: Based on a Type IIB construction and a 6,423 sf building area, our required fire -flow is 1,750 gpm as shown in Table B105.1 of the IFC 2006. Our available fire flow is 2,380 gpm out of the nearest fire hydrant based on the information provided to us by the water department. The nearest fire hydrant is now shown on sheet 2 of 4 near the northwest entry drive and is well within 300 feet of our site. Consolidated Mutual Water Summary: Informed us of our current domestic water tap number and its continued use being acceptable upon receipt of new change of use application. Response: It will be the responsibility of Regency & Wells Fargo to apply for the change of use, in order to cap the line for demolition and then reconnect it to its new entry location. ARCHITECTURE a PLANNING ■ INTERIOR DESIGN ■ FACILTIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE ■ DENVER, COLORADO 80222 (303) 694 -2445 0 FAX(303)290-8115 If you have any other questions, or feel there are any other outstanding issues to be resolved, please free to contact me at any time. We appreciate your time and effort Sincerely, Jennifer McDaniel City of Wheat - COMMUNi ry DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building September 8, 2010 Jennifer McDaniel Kenney Architects PC 5570 E. Yale Avenue Denver, CO 80222 Dear Ms. McDaniel: 7500 W. 29 ° ' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of an administrative amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center for construction of a Wells Fargo Bank facility at 3490 Youngfield Street. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: PAGE ONE Amend the title of the document as follows: "Applewood Village Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan - Amendment #8 Wells Fargo Bank at Applewood Village Shopping Center An official final development plan.... State of Colorado ". 2. Since this is not a plat document, remove the dedicatory language after the legal description. 3. In the vicinity map, correct the street name label from 32 " Street to 32 "d Avenue. 4. Correct the spelling of " amdendment "in the Explanation of Amendment. 5. In the third line in the Explanation of Amendment, correct the spelling of "square ". 6. In the fifth line in the Explanation of Amendment, correct the spelling of "landscaping ". 7. In the first line of the Character of Development statement, insert "Village" after the word "Applewood ". 8. In the fifth line of the Character of Development statement, correct the spelling of "conrete ". 9. Add a signature line for the Community Development Director. 10. Add a signature block for the Mayor with City Clerk attestation. 11. Use alternate language for the Surveyor's Certificate (see attached). 12. In the owner's certificate, designate the name and title of the person who will sign for the owner. 13. In the case history box, add the following case information: WZ- 73 -14: RC -1 to RC; WZ- 75 -15: RC to PCD; WZ- 77 -19: 1" amendment; WZ -82 -6: 2 " amendment; WZ- 84 -18: 3` amendment; WZ- 86 -15; 4 amendment; WZ -94 -4: 5"' amendment; MS -96 -2: plat; WZ -98 -3: 6 "' amendment; WZ- 04 -09: 7"' arnendment; WZ- 10 -06: 8"' amendment 14. In the "sheet index ", remove the reference to sheet 5 — survey /improvement location certificate. 15. Renumber the sheet to be 1 of 4. PAGE TWO Amend the title of the document as follows: "Applewood Village Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan Amendment #8 www.d.wheatridge.co.us Wells Fargo Bank at Applewood Village Shopping Center An official final development plan_ _State of Colorado ". The site development statistics table appears to be in "half- tone ". Please darken it so it is legible upon recording. Add a note to the table under "site coverage'. I would suggest the following or similar language: "As this is not a freestanding parcel, the site coverage statistics represent the limits of project construction ". 4. Designate `limits of construction" on the drawing corresponding with the note requested in #3 above. 5. Delete the language under "parking designation" and replace it with the following: "This property is located within a unified shopping center of more than 100,000 square feet, the parking for which is calculated for the total area for the shopping center. The proposed plan modification is consistent with the shopping center parking requirements in Section 26- 501.E. of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code." 6. In the graphic, northeast corner, correct the spelling of "landscaping ". 7. Renumber the sheet to be 2 of 4. PAGE THREE 1. Amend the title of the document as follows: "Applewood Village Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan Amendment #8 Wells Fargo Bank at Applewood Village Shopping Center An official final development plan.... State of Colorado ". 2. In the graphic, northeast comer, correct the spelling of "eclosure ". 3. In the graphic, southeast comer, designate that concrete pavers are to be "2' x 2 "'. 4. Add a note to the table under `landscape requirements ". I would suggest the following or similar language: "As this is not a freestanding parcel, the site coverage statistics represent the limits of construction ". 5. Designate "limits of construction" on the drawing corresponding with the note requested above. 6. Under `landscape planting notes", note #1, modify "tree" to "trees'. 7. Renumber the sheet to be 3 of 4. PAGE FOUR I. Add the following note regarding lighting: "Site and building lighting shall be consistent with Section 26 -503 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code." 2. Renumber the sheet to be 4 of 4. 3. The material colors table to be in "half- tone". Please darken it so it is legible upon recording. PAGE FIVE 1. Remove sheet 5 from the plan set. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Xcel Energy: See comments from Donna George dated September 8, 2010. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: See attached comments from Kelly Brooks dated August3l, 2010. Consolidated Mutual Water District: See comments from Greg Stroeder dated August 27, 2010. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303 -235 -2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303 -235 -2864 Traffic Engineering Steve Nguyen 303 - 235 -2862 Project Supervisor Mark Westberg 303- 235 -2863 This case is being processed administratively. Please resubmit four copies of the revised FDP document for review at your convenience. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby certify that the information shown herein on the (FLIP Amendment name) has been verified by me and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is correct and in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of laws, and all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended, and that upon completion of the project I agree to furnish an As -Built survey accurately locating all constructed items. (Surveyor's Seal) Signature i Final Development Plan Required Items SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby c y that the survey of the boun of develo ment I name was made by me or under my dir supery n and to the best of my knowledge, informa' and belief, in accordance with all applicable Colo o st tes, current revised edition as am t e accompanyi plan accurately represents said s urve :// (Surveyor's Seal) Signature OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of a rezoning to Planned Development, and approval of this final development plan, does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 -121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Signature of Owner(s) or Agent(s) State of Colorado County of Jefferson SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _Day of , A.D. 20_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE The owner, his successors and assigns grants limited rights and privileges to access and to free movement through those areas indicated as 'cross- access/ ingress- egress easements', as illustrated upon this plan. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to and free movement through said easements to those entering said easements from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties and /or from abutting public streets. PLANNI COMMISSION CEI ATION Recommende appr I this day of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. C irperson / CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day of by the 4- C;} 0 �v, , , ai �R, c�Ge ATTEST J City Clerk Mayor Community Development Director COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE State of Colorado ) )SS County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plan was filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, at O'Clock_. M. on the day of A.D., in Book , Page , Reception No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER By: Deputy SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby certify that the information shown herein on the (FDP Amendment name) has been verified by me and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is correct and in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws, and all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended, and that upon completion of the project I agree to furnish an As -Built survey accurately locating all constructed items. (Surveyor's Seal) Signature j Xcel Energysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY September 8, 2010 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert RE: Wells Fargo Bank, Case # WZ -10 -06 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3 Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3524 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) owns and operates underground electric distribution lines and associated land rights as shown within this property. Any activity including -grading proposed landscaping erosion control or similar activities involving our existing right -of -way will require Public Service Company approval. Public Service Company is requesting that, prior to any final approval of the development plan, it is the responsibility of the property owner /developer /contractor to contact Frank Grady, Land Rights Agent, at (303) 425 -3874 to have this project reviewed. It is requested that the owner call the Utility Notification Center, at 1 -800- 922 -1987 to have all utilities located to determine if relocation of PSCo facilities is needed. As planning and building progresses, the developer must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1- 800 - 628 -2121 and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service to this project. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Should you have any questions with this referral response, please contact me at 303- 571 -3306. Sincerely, Donna George Contract Right of Way Processor Public Service Company of Colorado f?; , WHEAT RI DGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DOING THE R IGHT THINGS AT THE RIGHT TIMES FOR THE RIGHT REASONS 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 • ph.303.403.5900 • www.wrfire.org DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION August 31, 2010 Te! Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29` Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Community Development Referral CASE No.: WZ- 10- 06Mells Fargo Bank The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed the Community Development Referral and has the following comments regarding our ability to serve this property: • Fire flow calculations will be required in order to verify that fire flow requirements are met by the existing infrastructure per 2006 IFC Appendix B and the attached Commercial Site Planning Guide. • Existing fire hydrant locations shall be identified in order to insure that existing hydrant spacing is adequate to meet the requirements of the 2006 1 F and the attached Commercial Site Planning Guide. Please forward the attached Commercial Site Planning Guide to the applicant for additional information and requirements applicable to this project. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with respect to this review. Reviewed by, =1 =01 IF Mm Kelly Brooks Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District SITE PLANNING GUIDE FOR COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES Division of Fire Prevention F WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DOING THE RIGHT THINGS AT THE RIGHT TIMES FOR THE RIGHT REASONS 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 • ph.303.403.S900 • www.wrfire.org Table of Contents General Information 2 Signage 2 .. ....... ..... ....... Pd vate Street Signs Building Address Numbers Fire Apparatus Access Roads 3 - Additional Access - Commercial and Industrial Developments - Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads - Fire Apparatus Access Road Widths - Vertical Clearances - Authority - Surface - Bridges and Elevated Surfaces - Dead End Fire Apparatus Access Roads - Turning Radius - Fire Apparatus Access Road Grades - Curbs - Marking of Fire Apparatus Access Roads Water Supply and Fire Flow 6 - Fire Flow Calculation Area - Minimum Required Fire Flow - Reductions in Minimum Required Fire Flows - Sprinkler Systems not Permitted for Reduction Fire Hydrant Spacing 7 .. .. ..... ... ........ -, ......... Sprinkler or Standpipe Systems and Hydrant Location Fire Hydrants and Installation 7 ........ ......... .,. - ...... ..... - .... . _........ ......... .... Obstructions - Clear Space Around Fire Hydrants - Fire Hydrants Subject to Vehicle Damage - Other Barriers Fire Protection - Group E Occupancies - Group F -2 Occupancies - Group S -2 Occupancies - Underground Lines for Fire Protection Systems - Backtlow Prevention - Fire Sprinkler and Standpipe Control Rooms - Fire Department Connection Locations - Fire Department Connection Height - Access to Fire Department Connections - Locking Fire Department Connection Caps Utilities 10 ....,.. .. - - .- ............._,,... ......... ....... ........ ..................... _........ ................... Electrical Rooms - Gas Meters Subject to Vehicular Damage Miscellaneous Features 11 ....... ....... ...... ......... .... ......... ..... - Electrical Rooms - Gas Meters Subject to Vehicular Damage WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention General Information This site planning guide for commercial occupancies is based upon the 2006 International Fire Code and the 2006 International Building Code as amended and adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge and the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District. For site plan purposes, commercial occupancies include all buildings other than one and two family dwellings and townhomes as classified by the International Residential Code. This guide has been prepared for use within the City of Wheat Ridge and within the boundaries of the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District. This information is intended to be used as a guide for site planning purposes and is not intended to be inclusive of all code requirements. Additional requirements based upon the International Fire Code as amended may be applicable once a site plan submittal has been reviewed by the Division of Fire Prevention. Signage Streets and roads shall be identified with approved signs. Temporary signs shall be installed at each street intersection when construction of new roadways allows passage by vehicles. Signs shall be of an approved size, weather resistant and be maintained until replaced by permanent signs. Street signs, temporary or permanent, shall be installed prior to above grade construction. (IFC 06 505.2) Private Street Signs. Street signs for private streets are not provided by the City of Wheat Ridge. The installation of street signs shall be the responsibility of the developer. Street signs shall meet the requirements of the Model Traffic code. The street sign design shall be approved by the Division of Fire Prevention prior to installation. (IFC 06 505.2) Building Address Numbers. New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed upon the building in a position that is plainly legible and visual from the street or roadway fronting the property. The address numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Address or building identification numbers shall be a minimum height of not less than four (4) inches, and with a minimum stroke width of not less than 0.5 inches. (IFC 06 505.1) When address numbers are placed on buildings that are accessed from alleys or private streets away from the main street frontage, address signs and or address numbers shall be posted at the entrance to the alley or private street. The address signs shall be approved by the Division of Fire Prevention prior to installation. (IFC 06 505.1) 21Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Fire Apparatus Access Roads Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of the fire code and shall extend to within one hundred fifty (150) feet of all portions of the exterior wall of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. (IFC 06 503.1.1) Exception: The fire marshal or designated representative is authorized to increase the dimension of one hundred fifty (150) feet where: 1. The building is provided throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with the fire code. 2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protection is provided. Additional Access. The fire marshal is authorized to require more than one fire apparatus access road based upon the potential for impairment of a single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. (IFC 06 503.1.2) Commercial and Industrial Developments. Buildings of facilities exceeding thirty (30) feet or three stories in height shall have at least three means of fire apparatus access for each structure. (IFC 06 D104.1) Buildings or facilities having a gross building area of more than sixty -two (62) thousand square feet shall be provided with two separate and approved access roads. (IFC 06 D104.1) Exceptions: 1. Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 one- hundred- twenty -four thousand square feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings are equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system. 2. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses. (IFC 06 D104.3) 31Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding thirty (30) feet in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the areal apparatus access roadway. (IFC 06 Appendix D105.1) Fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of twenty- six (26) feet in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than thirty (30) feet in height. (IFC 06 Appendix D105.2) At least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of fifteen (15) feet and a maximum of thirty (30) feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel on one entire side of the building. (IFC 06 D105.3) Fire Apparatus Access Road Widths. Fire apparatus access roads or fire access lanes shall have a minimum unobstructed width of twenty -four (24) feet. (IFC 06 503.2.1 Amended) Vertical Clearance. An unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet, six (6) inches shall be provided and maintained. (IFC 06 503.2.1) Authority. The fire marshal shall have the authority to require an increase in the minimum access widths where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations. (IFC 06 503.2.2) Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of eighty five thousand (85,000) pound fire apparatus and shall be surfaced with the first lift of asphalt to provide all- weather driving capabilities, and shall be installed prior to above grade construction. (IFC 06 503.2.3 Amended) Grass - crete, Ritter Rings or similar landscape treatments that will prevent a fire apparatus access road from being maintainable as an all- weather surface and immediately discernable, shall be prohibited. (IFC 06 503.2.3 Amended) Bridges and Elevated Surfaces. Where a bridge or elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHITO HB -17 and City of Wheat Ridge Engineering Standards. Bridges and surfaces shall be designed for a live load of a minimum of eighty five thousand (85,000) pound fire apparatus. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges. Where elevated surfaces which are not designed as for use of fire apparatus, approved barriers or signs shall be installed and maintained. (IFC 06 503.2.6) 41Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Dead End Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Dead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for the turning around of fire apparatus. (IFC 06 503.2.5) TABLE D103.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR DEAD -END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS LENGTH WIDTH (feet) (feet) TURNAROUNDS REQUIRED 0-150 20 None required 120 -foot Hammerhead, 60 -foot "Y" or 151 -500 20 96- foot - diameter cul -de -sac in accordance with Figure D103.1 120 -foot Hammerhead, 60 -foot "Y" or 501 -750 26 96- foot - diameter cul -de -sac in accordance with Figure D103.1 Over 750 Special approval required Turning Radius. The required turning radius for fire apparatus shall be a minimum of forty -seven feet -four inches (47) feet four (4) inches outside radius and twenty six (26) feet six (6) inches inside radius with a four (4) foot bumper overhang. (IFC 06 503.2.4) 0 20' a6' y / �'-- 26' R 26' 26' 26' R TYP.' TYR, 20'� 20 20' 96' DIAMETER 60 , "Y" MINIMUM CLEARANCE CUL- DE-SAG AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT C26" '—j 28' R P. TY' � 120' HAMMERHEAD 28' TY R 7o 20'-- T 20' ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120' HAMMERHEAD FIGURE D103.1 DEAD -END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND 51Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Fire Apparatus Access Road Grades. The grade of fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed City of Wheat Ridge Engineering and Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Standards. (IFC 06 503.2.7) Curbs. Vertical curbs shall not be placed at the entrance of or within fire access lanes or roads. Mountable curbs and gutter may be used, if approved by the fire marshal. (IFC 06 503.2.8 Amended) Marking of Fire Apparatus Access Roads. "No Parking Fire Lane' signs shall be installed on each side of fire apparatus access roads, private streets or alleys to identify such roads and to prohibit parking. The maximum spacing between signs shall not exceed 135 feet. "No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall meet the requirements as set forth by the City of Wheat Ridge. (IFC 06 503.3) Water Supply and Fire Flow Water lines and fire hydrants shall be installed, operational and capable of providing the minimum required fire flow for the building sites prior to above grade construction. (IFC 06 508.5.1) Water lines shall be installed and looped in accordance with the Water District of jurisdiction standards. Fire Flow Calculation Area. The fire flow calculation area shall be the total floor area of all floors within the exterior walls, and under the horizontal projections of the roof of a building except as modified in Section B 104.3. (IFC 06 Sec B104.1) The fire flow calculation area of buildings constructed of Type IA and Type 1113 construction shall be the area of the three largest successive floors.(IFC 06 SecB104.3) Minimum Required Fire Flow. The minimum required fire flow for buildings is calculated from Appendix B, Table B 105.1. (IFC 06 Appendix B) A copy of Appendix B, Table B is available upon request from the Division of Fire Prevention. Reductions in the Minimum Required Fire Flow Area Separations. Portions of buildings which are separated by two (2) hour fire walls without openings, constructed in accordance with the 2006 International Building Code are allowed to be considered as separate fire flow calculations. (IFC 06 Sec B104.2) A reduction in the required fire flow up to fifty (50) percent as approved by the fire marshal is allowed when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.1.1. The resulting available fire flow 61Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention shall not be less than one - thousand -five- hundred (1,500) gallons per minute for the prescribed duration as specified in Appendix B Table B 105.1. (IFC 06 Sec B105.2) Sprinkler Systems Not Permitted For Reduction In Minimum Fire Flows. NFPA 13- R Sprinkler Systems are not permitted to be used for a reduction in the minimum required fire flow. (IFC 06 Sec B103.1 Amended) Fire Flow Test Information. Fire flow test information may be obtained from the Division of Fire Prevention of the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District. Fire flow tests are usually completed within ten (10) working days, unless conflicts or weather conditions arise in scheduling tests with the Water District of jurisdiction or the Division of Fire Prevention. (IFC 06 508.4) Fire Hydrant Spacing Fire hydrant spacing in commercial and multi - family occupancies shall be installed at a maximum of three - hundred (300) feet spacing between units. (IFC 06 508.5.1 Exp. 3 Amended) Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Water District of jurisdiction and the Division of Fire Prevention. (IFC 06 508.5.1) Sprinkler or Standpipe Systems and Fire Hydrant Location. A fire hydrant shall be installed and maintained within one - hundred -fifty (150) feet of a fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system. (IFC 06 508.1 Amended) Fire Hydrants and Installation Fire hydrants shall be painted colors as approved by the Water District of jurisdiction. (IFC 06 508.5.7 Amended) Fire hydrants shall be installed in such a manner that the four and one half (4 -1/2) inch discharge nozzle on the fire hydrant is a minimum of eighteen (18) inches above finished grade in accordance with the Water District of jurisdiction standards. Fire hydrant discharge nozzle threads shall be in accordance with the Water District of jurisdiction standards. Obstructions. Posts, fences, vehicles, growth, trash storage, mail kiosks, transformers or other materials or objects shall not placed or kept near fire hydrants that would prevent such equipment from being immediately discernable. (IFC 06 508.5.4) Clear Space Around Fire Hydrants. A minimum of a three (3) foot clear space shall be provided and maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants. (IFC 06 508.5.5) 71Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Fire Hydrants Subject To Vehicle Damage. Fire hydrants that are subject to vehicular impact shall be protected by posts that comply with the fire code or by other approved physical barriers that comply with the fire code. (IFC 06 312.1) 1. Constructed of steel not less than four (4) inches in diameter and concrete filled. 2. Spaced not more than four (4) feet between posts on center. 3. Set not less than three (3) feet deep in concrete footing of not less than a fifteen (15) inch diameter. 4. Set with the top of the posts not less than three (3) feet above the ground. 5. Located not less than three (3) feet from the protected object. Other barriers. Physical barriers shall be a minimum of thirty -six inches in height and shall resist a force of twelve (12,000) pounds applied thirty -six (36) inches above the adjacent ground surface. (IFC 06 312.3) Fire Protection Systems For information on sprinkler or standpipe systems that may be required by the International Fire and Building Codes or required for access, fire flow requirements for water supply, please contact the Division of Fire Prevention or the City of Wheat Ridge Building Department. Sprinkler System Requirements as Amended In addition to the required sprinkler system installations as specified within the International Fire Code, 2006 edition, the following occupancies shall be required to be provided with automatic sprinkler systems: Group B Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group B, Occupancies where the floor area exceeds twelve- thousand (12,000) square feet or eighteen- thousand (18,000) square feet on combined floors and mezzanines. (IFC 06 903.2.1.6 Amended) Group E Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group E Occupancies where the floor area exceeds twelve- thousand (12,000) square feet or eighteen- thousand (18,000) square feet on combined floors and mezzanines: (IFC 06 903.2.2 Amended) Group F -2 Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group F- 2 Occupancies where the floor area exceeds twelve- thousand (12,000) square feet or eighteen- thousand (18,000) square feet on combined floors and mezzanines. (IFC 06 903.2.2.2 Amended) 81Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Group S -2 Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group S- 2 Occupancies where the floor area exceeds twelve- thousand (12,000) square feet or eighteen- thousand (18,000) square feet on combined floors and mezzanines. (IFC 06 903. Amended) Underground Lines for Fire Protection Systems. Underground fire lines and water lines shall be adequately sized for the sprinkler system design density and required inside and outside hose streams. Underground contractors shall be licensed with the Colorado Division of Fire Safety and the Water District of jurisdiction. Underground fire line design and installation will need to be approved and inspected by the Water District of jurisdiction. The two- hundred (200) pound hydrostatic two (2) hour test shall be witnessed by the Division of Fire Prevention. (IFC 06 508.5.3) Back Flow Prevention. Back flow prevention shall be installed on all new sprinkler and standpipe systems. (IFC 06 903.3.5) 1. Double Check back flow prevention devices may be installed for sprinkler and standpipe systems without chemicals. 2. Reduced Pressure back flow prevention shall be installed on sprinkler and standpipe systems using anti - freeze or chemicals. Please contact the Water District of jurisdiction for installation and type of back flow prevention that is approved for installation. (IFC 06 912.5) Fire Sprinkler or Standpipe Control Rooms. When an automatic fire sprinkler system or standpipe system is provided within a building and serves more than one tenant space, the main control valves shall be located within a room of sufficient size that has access provided from the building exterior with a door that is provided for fire department access. Said door shall not be less than three (3) feet in width, by six (6) feet eight (8) inches in height and shall be appropriately labeled with a permanent sign having letters of not less than one (1) inch in height stating, "Fire Control Room ". (IFC 06 903.1.2 and IFC 06 905.1.2 Amended) Fire Department Connection Locations. The fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system shall be located on the front of the building as approved by the fire marshal. (IFC 06 903.3.7) Fire Department Connection Height. A fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system shall be installed at a minimum height of not less than three (3) feet nor more than four (4) feet above finished grade. (IFC 06 903.3.7 and IFC 06 905.5.1 Amended) 91Page WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Preven0on Access to Fire Department Connections. Immediate access to fire department connections shall be provided and maintained at all times and without obstruction by fences, bushes, trees, walls, or any other object for a minimum of three (3) feet. (IFC 06 912.3) Locking Fire Department Connection Caps. Locking Knox fire department connection caps shall be provided on fire department connections for water -based fire - protection systems. (IFC 06 912.3.1) Contact the Division of Fire Prevention for Knox application form. Utilities Electrical rooms. The doors to the electrical room shall be labeled, "Main Electrical Disconnect' in a minimum of one (1) inch letters on a contrasting background. (IFC 06 605.3.1.2 Amended) Gas Meters Subject to Vehicular Damage. Gas meters that are subject to vehicular damage shall be adequately protected by posts or other approved barriers that comply with the fire code. (IFC 06 312.1) 1. Constructed of steel not less than four (4) inches in diameter and filled with concrete. 2. Spaced not more than four (4) feet between posts on center. 3. Set not less than three (3) feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a fifteen (15) inch diameter. 4. Set with the top of the posts not less than three (3) feet above the ground and located not less than three (3) feet from the protected object. 5. Other barriers. Physical barriers shall be a minimum of thirty -six (36) inches in height and shall resist a force of twelve (12,000) pounds applied thirty -six (36) inches above the adjacent ground surface. (IFC 06 312.3) Miscellaneous Features Key Boxes. A Knox Box key box shall be provided on all buildings that have required sprinkler systems, extinguishing systems, standpipe systems or fire alarm systems. Please contact the Division of Fire Prevention for a Knox application form. (IFC 06 506.3 Amended) The key box shall contain all necessary keys to gain access to the building and fire control rooms and shall be maintained at all times. (IFC 06 506.2) Trash Enclosures. Trash enclosures shall be of non - combustible construction including gates or doors. (IFC 06 304.2.1 Amended) 101Page 0 QLIDATED mutual water August 27, 2010 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Ms. Meredith Reckert 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case Number WZ- -10 -06 — Wells Fargo Bank Dear Ms. Reckert: _7� This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated August 27, 2010, regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced properties are in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company by virtue of a Distributor's Contract with Denver Water. Domestic water service may be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service as well as the water tap allocation policies as established by Denver Water. Our records indicate that the property addressed as 3490 Youngfield Streeet is currently receiving domestic water from the Company through a 1 -inch meter (CMWCo Tap Number 9300 /Account Number 01109875 -01.) Domestic water service may continue to be provided to this Property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service: The Company requires that a new application for water service be completed by the owner and returned to the Company at the time there is a change in use. The Company considers a remodel or building addition as a "change of use." The Company's rules, regulations, and requirements further state that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and in order to receive domestic water service, the property must also front a Company main. THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700. West 27th Avenue • BO. Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 - Telephone (303)238- 0451.• Fax (303)237 -5560. City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Ms. Meredith Reckert August 27, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Fire protection requirements should be obtained from Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and those requirements forwarded to this office by the Fire District at the earliest possible time. We can then determine if additional system improvements would be required to meet the demands set forth by the Fire District. if you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerely, Gre - er"_ Water Distribution Manager /lw cc: Kelly Brooks, Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Michael E. Queen, CMWCo President Scott Hatcher, CMWCo Project Engineer City of � at�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: August 25, 2010 Response Due: September 8, 2010 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received an application for approval of a Planned Commercial Development administrative amendment to the final development plan for the construction of a Wells Fargo Bank in the Applewood Village Shopping Center at 3490 Youngfield Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ- 10- 06/Wells Fargo Bank Request: Approval of an administrative amendment to the existing final development plan to allow for redevelopment of property located at 3490 Youngfield. Current use of the property is as a bank. The redevelopment will consist of demo of the existing building and reconstruction, including landscaping improvements. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert@c i.wheatridge.co.us Water District (Consolidation Mutual) Fire District (Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge Building Division Renewal Wheat Ridge Xcel Energy Sanitation District ( Applewood) Wheat Ridge Public Works "The Carnation City" "The Carnation City" lZa UNNE MCH1 M PC Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303.235.2848 Dear Ms. Reckert, August 23, 2010 I would respectfully like to apply for a variance from the Wheat Ridge Architectural & Site Design Manual's requirement for a minimum of 60% transparency at all street & pedestrian facing facades. We have met all the requirements regarding the varied plane depths & material changes, as well architectural features such as canopies. However, we are short on the transparency requirements for several reasons. One is that, due to the function of building as a bank, there are numerous security issues that require the use of spandrel glass where one might normally like to use clear glass. I've included the floor plan so you can see why spandrel glass is being used at the varied locations. The second reason we aren't meeting the required 60% transparency is that the Wells Fargo building standard calls for a homier feel of square windows set at a lower more human scale. To glaze the elevations to such an extent to meet 60% would change the character of the building to be a far more contemporary style commercial retail building. Now, the definition used for determining the 60% area is from finished grade to second level finished floor, or in our case top of structure. This height is 16-0" in order to give the building appropriate massing proportions for its length. That being said, I know that other municipalities (such as the new Denver zoning code) consider the transparency factor to be important only at the human scale, where pedestrians are engaging the building. Please see the attached code example. I am in no way attempting to critique or contradict your design guidelines, but rather, I am simply requesting that despite not meeting the actual target number, you consider that we are indeed meeting your design intent. Our current transparency percentages are as follows (assuming the 16' -0" required height & inclusive of the spandrel glass): South — 31 % South West — 53% West — 33% North — 21 % East — 26% Please note, we are happy to make adjustments, and look forward to settling on a design with which Wheat Ridge is pleased. Sincerely, y� A Alf nnifer McDaniel ARCHITECTURE ■ PLANNING ■ INTERIOR DESIGN ■ FACILTIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE ■ DENVER, COLORADO 80222 (303) 694 -2445 ■ FAX(303)290-8115 SAFE DEPOSIT WORKROOM VAULT WOMEN MEN 114 Article 13. Rules of Measurement & Definitions Division 13.1 Rules of Measurement b. The required amount of transparency shall be provided within the zone of trans- parency for the subject building, unless an exception or alternative is allowed by this Code. C. Within the zone of transparency, all windows used to satisfy the transparency re- quirement shall be a minimum of 5 feet in vertical dimension. d. No existing building shall be altered in such a way that the amount of glazing in the zone of transparency is reduced below the required amount, and if the amount of glazing in the zone of transparency is already below the required amount, it shall not be further reduced. 3. Minimum Transparency Requirements a. Window glazing used to comply with a transparency standard shall be clear and shall transmit at least 65 percent of the visible daylight (visible transmittance shall be 0.65 or greater). b. No interior or exterior modifications, including temporary and permanent signage, window tinting, furnishings, fixtures, equipment or stored items within 3 feet of the windows will be allowed to reduce the effective minimum transparency standards by more than 25 %. Open display of individual merchandise is permitted. Zone of Transparency Figure 13 -28 SECTION 13.1.4 FENCE AND WALL HEIGHT MEASUREMENT Fence and wall height shall be measured from the base of the fence or wall at the higher of the finished grade at the inside or outside of the fence or wall, to the topmost point of the fence or wall. SECTION 13.1.5 MEASUREMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE OR TRAILER LENGTH When measuring the permitted length of a motor vehicle, including but not limited to recreational vehicles, trailers, buses, or trucks, the following rule of measurement shall apply: The distance measured from the front -most to the rear -most portion of the vehicle (e.g., to the front and rear bumper), except, however, when extensions or projections are added beyond the front -most or rear -most portion of the vehicle, then the mea- surement shall include such extensions or projections. DENVER ZONING CODE 113-27 June 2s, 2010 I .® UNNE MCHIiECIS PC August 23, 2010 Wells Fargo Standard Wall Signage The attached document is a shop drawing for the standard Wells Fargo lettering for their building signage. The proposed Applewood branch will be very similar with the exception that our sign will be 9' -0" x 9' -0 ", which is just a bit smaller than the sample you see attached. We are proposing the signage on the towers of the south, west, and north facades as shown on our elevation drawings. ARCHITECTURE ■ PLANNING ■ INTERIOR DESIGN ■ FACILTIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE ■ DENVER, COLORADO 80222 (303) 694 -2445 ■ FAX(303)290-8115 N C Vl N x v Y V R H J m C A .tl V N C N o. y Q d cC + H E � a ¢1 d 1. C �+ E E E � E G V d W C ` N � C 1 � m b 4Y 4i x t u N � N 4 y ^ N t OSaa �^ •y 9 �:N U V 4mG1tlWtL U' 2 -'7 �E jf�, m a° �e ff y b C m A in a = U � P N � O q � 6 �- p p � m C Q J' C� sx d- JI ^ � 0 U- yy Ql U m.F'. J m r W M e cri c co & Mfltltl SNOISIAN a all T H e v � Z x 3 O W ey e 6 s LI 4 bj nsT' � (OII�I II R $21.00 When recorded return to: �-.�` � I D $0.00 2008093175 BSD Michele Spencer 10/06/2008 11:58:10 AM 4 Page(s) H.C. Peck& Associations, Inc. Jefferson County, Colorado 4001 Fox Street Denver, Colorado 80216 L' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED �O KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that U.S. Retail Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, formerly known as BPP Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, whose address is One Independent Drive, Suite 114, Jacksonville, Florida 32202 ( " Grantor "), for the consideration of the sum of $163,920.00, hereby sells and conveys, to Longs Peak Metropolitan District, a quasi - municipal corporation ( " Grantee "), whose address is 7400 E. Orchard Road, Suite 3300, Greenwood Village, CO 80111, the real property, with all its appurtenances, situated in Jefferson County, State of Colorado, described as follows (the "Property"): See Exhibit A attached hereto GRANTOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF HABITABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE), WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE ARISING BY STATUTE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY, THE ZONING OF THE PROPERTY, THE SOIL CONDITIONS OF THE PROPERTY, THE PRESENCE ON OR BENEATH THE PROPERTY (OR ANY PARCEL IN PROXIMITY TO THE PROPERTY) OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES OR - MATERIALS (INCLUDING ASBESTOS), OR THE SUITABILITY OF THE PROPERTY FOR GRANTEE'S INTENDED USE. BY ACCEPTING THIS DEED, GRANTEE FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT GRANTEE IS PURCHASING THE PROPERTY "AS IS" AND IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION AND THAT GRANTEE IS NOT RELYING UPON ANY REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND OR NATURE MADE BY GRANTOR OR BY GRANTOR'S AGENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY. BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS DEED, GRANTEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT GRANTEE'S OPPORTUNITY FOR INSPECTION AND INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPERTY HAS BEEN ADEQUATE TO ENABLE GRANTEE TO MAKE GRANTEE'S OWN DETERMINATION WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Bargain and Sale Deed as of the date set forth above. GRANTOR: U.S. Retail Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: U.S. Retail Partners Holding, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its managing member By: Macquarie CountryWide- Regency II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its sole member By: Macquarie- Regency Management, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its managing member By: Regency Centers, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, its managing member By: Regency Centers Corporation, a Florida corporation, its general partner & Name: Matthew J. Booth Title: Vice President VI STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF _DWV6r ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of October, 2008, by Matthew J. Booth, as Vice President of Regency Centers Corporation, a Florida corporation, the general partner of Regency Centers, L.P., a Florida corporation, the• managing member of Macquarie- Regency Management, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the managing member of Macquarie Countrywide- Regency II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the sole member of U.S. Retail Partners Holding, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the managing member of U.S. Retail Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Wim my hand and offi 'al sealll.. Notary Public MyCommWon Expires My commission expires. 0912512010 EXHIBIT A Leal Description of the Property PRQ78CrNUXM' CCM361.004 PARCR.NUMBBM: 302 Pwj nt Costa Y6063 Data Sepkmbm' 27, 2007 DMCRTMON V1 A and 61- M o melofl®d 23SAC ollae D ,l,,, in 114 Soon 1) M361 69 W ea,, 0.433 be Bkm Pdas of mme ldt a. City yf"a hwM 179 tY OfJt . m% Stal e o 3 fCOl lteoge 69 ori oitmtpal Maldlery(SgofWheetridga Cowgof le&'aaon.3ldfColorado zaidt,xla paoe76eulemae pktladaydosalbcd n ®noun: Cemmudng at " Want 174 ootnaofmld ycodon29, When WW rtbwaatmmaofsdd Santos 29. tAD dm,oeN87°IB'37"S bmoN0 fL tlWaf'ealdNO¢ 6 wert UA2.64 abet, 1,673.10�etkd3aWanlme ofLoll of tea m'OA9LIBSS' """' ' ]towed® Nmobab91937121ntheleff n n C o " mdy Cledeiad Beeoadaso®ce, nid Dafabdog the Pokt of mstoulm i. 3lienea N99 °48S6'S,32.S6f* 2, 11ame8(l0 °ll'94"7;2.ODfastolbopobdafmrva mofacu oWneava NOrtbr c Y, havinga mdlueof9.50kaµ 9. 'IbaiwSouOwdalY.lkougheuaxml aogk °f90 °40'44 ". efwelheamafaddomry 15.04 feel; 4. 7benee N99 "3,136.21 feetktlrc Out cfeurvdaa ofoaorva ennmvaNOrthwankrly, having a endive of 9.50 fad; 5. 7'henm N W h e a tt e d y . though ac g d a ngleaf89 along the an ofmld euvm 14.95 fcdl 6. 1fimlcaNW27D8 "W, &16 feeq 7. Thm=N89°M!) °B,B7.36ftatoo 11010 o4nMQW"QM5b*. bavinga mtlimof9.50 feet __, 8. Thmwe Somismskrly, tluougbeeokmlangko( 87 °l4'46,dwg Weeti o[eOld carve, 14.46 flat; add auvebavingo DADA ofO.l I feat whidt bane S44°36'�°E: 9. Timm S88 °!3'58 "11. SUS Mto thews[ Daaafadd L04 l; 10. 1'Imnw So0°5397"%slong mid3e611m, 2931 Nit, the Soulh SaeofWd 1A311 11. Thano S89°2730 "W, doagnid bum One, 348.57 fea o Bold Waallne of Lot 12. 'IlunoeNOO ° 53' }7 edd Wanttlm,37.69 Rot to tboPAotaf3agl®3og, com9lNaB 30,7hi amoa lcet a 0.235 saes more or ten. Dnm ofBearlalpe Baerinp ere based on the Wallltn ofihol'Imibxeat Qtlaimof Sec3on29,7'smoahip 3 Souih,7ta¢Be 69 Wenaflha 6 PrimipdMarldl4nbratingNoM01 ° 01' 48 ' Wcaleod k monkmcAOd on uNo,a and (Nard weg eomaofsettion 29) bYa- 3 W B" olio¢29 jtnw a� & UM.132 m,roaurnm bm and=the gDwkcnd(WcdQart No.13212 in montm,ont box Prepared tarandonbdnlfufthe . .— .__ Colorado Doparhd W t of THIMPOrtnOan Mtohbd L. Bouchard, PLS62494 .._'.. Pamsvrodh QrrIwkc; '— _..� .. ... ............. .. . 5801 N. UAOMMVIL colorado Spr'IAM CO 50933 CO APPLEWOOD VILLAGE JEFFERSON COUNTY When recorded, return to; EXXIS 10• F0922239 Mandel Buder& Verger 9/05!1999 15:40;11 PG: 001 -019 g PAGE FEE: 65.00 DOC.FEE: 3567.70 101 Vallejo Street RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO San Francisco, CA 94111 Attn: Danna Kozerski, Esq. ecordedat o'clock M., Reception No. v' j b Jefferson County Recorder. - A, $L'I •�A Warranty Deed This deed, made this y of At1611d , 1999, between AMB PROPERTY, L.P., a Delawsm limited partnership, grantor, and BPP RETAIL, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company whose legal address is 100 Bush Street, 24th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, grantee: 7- Witness, that the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, the receipt and a sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, not in tenancy in common but in joint tenancy, all the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, j lying and being in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property'). Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor(s), either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenmrces; To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. The grantor(s), for himself, his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns does covenant and agree that gantor(s) shall and will warrant and forever defend the above - bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantees, their heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons claiming the whole or any part thereof by, through or under the grantor(s). PROVIDED HOWEVER, that this Deed and the warranty of title contained herein is made expressly tt: Q subject to the following: A. Real property taxes for the year 1999 and subsequent years; t �sn B. All zoning and other regulatory laws and ordinances affecting the Property; $ cn w a a pa- 346791v3 SRLD TA JF 922239 - 1999.001 F0922299 C. All restrictions, reservations, covenants, condifions, declarafions, easements and rights ofway of record and all other matters of record affecting the Property, D. All matters shown or that would be shown on a current ALTA survey of the Property, and E. All those matters set forth on the Est of Permitted Exceptions attached hereto as Exhibit Band made a part hereof. In witness whereof the grantor(s) has executed this deed on the date set forth above. AMB PROPERTY, L.P. a Delaware limited partnership By: AMB PROPERTY CORPORATION, a Maryland ration, its ge neral partner /0 Ry, C . Headapohl Vice President STATE OF CALIF F Ll/iLG�G r 0 )as. COLLNTY OF } On 1999 before me, TLS �� . �e ivu".` - "_7 J � , personally appeared Carlie P. Headapohl, ttesse t,. nlvn ,, .. .ra -- o provod to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons) whose name(s) istare subscribed to the within instrument. and aclarowledged to me that halshelthey executed the same in hi.rher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisihedtheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seat. i pa 346191v3 SKLD TA JF 922239 - 1999.002 EXHIBIT A TO COLORADO SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED LEGAL DESCRE'TiON REMMS 30L F0922239 pa 34679W SKLD TA 10.199.164,102 JF 922239 - 1999.003 EXHIBIT L1 DRSCRMrOM AECFFAON A0, F0922239 PARCEL 1 LOT 1, APPLENOOD VILLAQR SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, AS PER THE PLAT RECORDED NARCH 1, 1996 AT RECEPTION NO. 80193712, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: T}IAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TIM NORTHWEST QUARTER OF- SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL NEETDIAH, DESCRIBED AS: COMdfwcn G AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OP THE RL.ST RIflRT OF WAY OF YOUNGFIELD STREET AND THE BOOTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, VRfEaCE THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTIOH EPARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST. 1382_42 FEET AM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TEE SO UTIUL T QUARTER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER REM SOUTH 89 DEURSES 31 =NoTmg 42 SECONDS WEST 60,00 FEET) RUNNING THENCE NORTH 00 DEGPPF3 57 MSHOTES 48 BECOME WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND ALONG EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OP YOUNGFIELU STREET, 160.00 FEEL TO THE TRUE POINT OF EEGINN7AW: THENCE CONT NUIM ALOHO SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE. NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MNTUTES 48 SECONDS WEST 274.32 FEET; TRENCH LEAVING SAID EAST RIGHT OP WAY LIRE NORTH 89 .DEGREES 31 NSNOTES 42 SECONDS RAST, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID HORTHWEST QUARTER, 140.00 C: TAE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH SAID PAST MOAT OP WAY LINE 17S. 66 FRET, THENCE NORTH 89 DEGR EES 31 MINUTES 42 SEGO NDS FAST S THENCE 500TH DO DEGREES 51 F EET; 'oe 46 EECONAHS EAST, PARAL rm EL WITH SAID EAST EIGHT of WAY LINE, 450. 00 FEETt TRFNOE SOUTH 89 DRU'REEe 31 MINUTES 42'SBOdNDS WEST PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, 290.00 FELT. MORR OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF EEGINNINQ, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, ' STATE OF COLORADO. NON - EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR ACCESS. AND FOR PARRI2.4"s. AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IS THAT CERTAIN RECIPROCAL EASIMMT AND UNIFIED CONTROL AOREENEW RECORDED NARCR 1, 1996 AT RECEPTION NO. F0193724. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, �y�,) STATE OF COLORADO. ' many , pp o, ' le wo SKLD TA JF 922239- 1999.004 EXHIBTP B TO COLORADO SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS HEQ nEl VD. F0922239 pa- 346791v3 SKLD TA 1D.199.164.102 SF 922239 - 1999.005 3ECEPTM 190. F0922239 EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS �(7 .• Rights or claims of parties in Possession not shown by the public records. T Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. Discrepancies, conflict* in boundary lines, shortages in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct eurVaY and inspection of the Premises would disclose and which are not Shown by the public records. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not sbown by the public records. .. Taxeo or special a9ae6aM&ot9 which are not shown as existing liens by the public rocorda. . The mcrtgayo 0r trust dead, if any, referred to im Item 4 of schedule A. ExeRPTIOMIs NUMBERED 1 -6 ARE HEREBY DELETED nmm THE OWNER'S POLICY. 7. TAXES AND ASSESSMF1iTS FOR THE YEAR 1999 AND SUHSE,=DNT YEARS, A LIEN, NOT YET Dun OR PAYABLE. S. AN EASEMENT FOR WATER PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES ORANT2D TO THE CITY AND COONTR OF DENVER BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 20, 1936 IN BOOK 379 AT PAGE 68 AND MARCH 26, 1951 IN BOOK 712 AT PAGE 339, AND AS SHOWN ON mM RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 9. AN EASEMENT FOR IRRIGATION LINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RESEW= 8Y MAUD B. BMITE IN THE INSTRDD=T RECORDED KhRCH 22, 1956 LR EODK 985 AT PAGE 343, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, AFFECTING PARCEL 1. O. AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER LINES AND 3NCIDEMTAL PURPOSES GRARV= To NORTHWEST LAREWODD SANITATION DISTRICT BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUUOST 23, 1960 IN BOOK 1297 AT PACE 391, AND 'AS SHOWN OM THE RECORDED PLAT FOR "PLO*= VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, AFFECTING PARCEL S AND A SMALL PORTION OF PARCEL 2 . 1. AN EASEMENT FOR SEWSR LINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO NORTHWEM LAXEWOOD SANITATION DISTRICT BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGSUT 23. 1960 IN BOOK 3,297 AT PAGE 355, AMID AS SHORTS ON THE REOORDRO PLAT FOR APPLSWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SOHDrTWION, AFFECTING PARCEL 1 AND A PORTION OF PARCEL 2_ Continued SRLD TA 7F 922239 - 1999.006 A EMW ML F0922239 EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 12. AN FASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES CHANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 1963 IN BOOK 1652 AT PAGE 38, AND AS SHMM ON WE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILTACR SHOPPING CENTER SMMSION, UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 13. AN EASEMERP FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AM INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED MRRCB 17, 3,964 IN BOOK 1690 AT PAGE 580, AND AS SHOW ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THE T ERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 11 14. AN EAS EMENT FOR PUBLIC VTII,TTTZS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RBCORDEO DECEMBER. 31, 3964 IN BOOK 1168 AT PAGE 164, AND AS SHOWN ON TOE "=WED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION. UPON TRS TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 15. AN BASEMENT FDR SEWER LINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE WFSTRIDGE 3ANITAT3DN DISTRICT BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 5, 1965 IN BOOK 2.832 AT PAGE S58, AND AS BHM ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE -SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 16, AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL, PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED ,TONS S, 1966 IN BOOK 1877 AT PAGE 157, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDEO PLAT FOR APPLEWOOU VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THS TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARSER. 1. 17. EASEMENTS FOR THE CONTENDED USE AND MAYNTERANCE OF THE MaSTLNG UTILITIES AS CONTAINED WITHIN VACATED 35TH AVENUE, AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION RECORDED JANUARY 9. 1967 IN BOOK 1916 AT PAW 458, AM AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VIL SHOPPING CENTER SUEDIVTMON, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 18. THE EFFECT OF SAID LAND REIND INCLUDED WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, AS UP FORTH IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 7, 1971 IN ROOK 2305 AT PAW 895. 19. AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 21, 1971 IN BOOK 2309 AT PADS 906, AND AS B90M ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SRL)PPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, ULK+H THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. SRLD TA JF 922239 - 1999.007 REMM M. F0922239 EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS / 20. AN BASEMENT. FOR WATER PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THS COMSOLIOATRD H(ftVAZ W&%`7R COMPARY BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 31, 1972 IN BOOX 2440 AT PAGE 840, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLBwom VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 21. AN FASEHENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORD90 NOVEMBER 24, 1972 IN BOOK 24d9 AT PAGE 154, AND AS SHOW CN THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLW35 SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THE TERMS AM CONDITIONS SET PORTS IN THE INSTRUMENT. OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 22. AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED DEMMER 1, 1972 IN BOOK 2451 AT PAGE 672, AND AS BROWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 23. AN EASEMENT POE PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC BERVICB COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 29, 1972 IN BOOR 2459 AT PAGE 062, AND AE SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLMOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH TN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 24. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, (BUT OMITTING THBRE£RON ANY CUMANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RAC3, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL CRIOIN, 1T ANY) WHICH DO NOT INCLUD2 A FORFEITURE OR EEVPRTBR CLAUSE. AND ANY AND ALL SUPPLEMENTS, ANSFN)HEHTS AND ANNEXATIONS THERETO, SET FORTH IN TNB INSTRUMFNT(5) RECORDED MAY 12, 1975 IN BOOK 2728 AT PAGE 300, AFFROZZE0 PARCEL 1. 25. AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIRS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY TEE INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 3, 1975 IN BOOK 2745 AT PAGE 737, AM AS BROWN US THE RECORDED PLAT FOR AeFLEWOUD VILLAGE SEOPPZNG CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 26. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS OF A NOTICE OF GROMW LEASE, EXECUTED BY APPLEWOOO VILLAGE, A PARTNERSHIP, AS LESSOR(S) AND THE BANK OF APPLEWOOD, AS LESSEE(S), RECORDED AU UST 27, 1976 1N BOOK 2895 AT PARE 308, AND ANY AND ALL PARTIES CLAIISNG BY, TSROUGR, OR UNDER SAID LES SEE(S), AFFECTING A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. SUCH L2AHE CONTAINS NO RIGHTS OF FIRST REBUSAL OR OPTIONS TO PURCHASE IN FAVOR of THE LESSEE Tti 7pER, SKLD TA JF 922239 - 1999.008 RFL�ACA lL F092223S EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 11 27. TERMS, CONDITIONS. PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED UNDER THE APPLEWDOD VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1976 IN BOOK 2896 AT PAGE 160. 28. AN 2,5EMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17, 1976 IN BOOK 2904 AT PAGE 162, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR Al- K&VOOD VILLAGE SHOPPINNG CENTER SOBDIVISION. UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OP PARCEL I- 29. COVEHANNTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, (BUT OMITTING THEREFROM ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON AMR, COLOR, RELIGION. SEC. HAINDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, IF ANY) WHICH DD NOT INCLUDE A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, AND ANY AND ALL SUPPLEMENTS, AMENDMENTS AND ANNEXATIONS THERETO. SET FORTH IN TEE INSTAOMENT(S) RECORDED NOVEMBER 12. 1976 IN BOOK 2.926 AT PAGE 530, 30. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVIBIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED UNDER THE OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MAPS FOR AFPLEWOM VICd.ANE SHOPPING CENTER RECORDED AUGUST 19, 1977 IN BOOK 3056 AT RECEPTION NO. 909490, DROEMSER 28, 1977 IN BOOK 3323 AT RECEPTION NO. 949552, NOVEI93ER 18, 1982 AT RECEPTION NO. 82081092, OCTOBER 22, 1984 AT RECEPTION NO. 84099038, SEPTEMBER 11, 1986 AT RL'CEPTION N0. 86108656, SEPTEMBER 2, 1994 AT RECEPTION NO. 94145758, AND SEPTEMBER 22, 1995 AT RECEPTION NO, P0119550. 31. AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SPRVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 31. 1978 AT RECEPTION W. 78068312, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAUS SHOPPING CENTER SUP,DIV29ION, UPON THE TERNS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE ENSTROMF.CTP, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 32. AN EASEMENT MR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMpANy OF COLORADO By THE INSTRUH= RECORDED OC.'TORML 25, 1978 AT AECEMOM N0. 78098129, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THM TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL I. 33. AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER LINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE NORTHWEST LAKM90W SANITATION DISTRICT BY THE INSTRUMENT R'ECOUVRO OCTOBER 7, 1985 AT RECEPTION NO. 85096474, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RELOADED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOR23MG CENTER SUBDIYLSICU, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. SKLD TA JF 922239- 1999.009 3&MA08 310. F0922239 EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 34. AN BASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED JOSE 13, 1986 AT RECEPTION NO. 86064191, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT POR APPLBWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 35, TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS OP A SHORT FORM LEASE, M=CUTED BY APPLEWDOD VILLAGE, INC., AS LESSOR(S) AND WAL -MART STORES, INC., AS LESSEE(S), RECORDED NOVEMBER 18, 1987 AT RECEPTION N0. 87140164, AND ANY AND ALL PARTIES CL&INTNG BY, THROUGH, OR UNDER SAID LESSEE(S), AFFECTING PARCEL 1. SUCH LBASE'CONTAINS NO RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL OR OPTIONS TO PURCHASE IN FAVOR OF THE LESSEE THERE4NDER. 36. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS OF A MBMORANDOM OP LEASE, FD(ECUTED BY APFLEMOD VILLAGE, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNSNBHIP, AS LESSOR(S) AND DIMON COMPANIES, INC., dbR RING SOOPERS, AS LESSEB(S), RECORDED OCTOBER 19, 1988 AT RECEPTION NO. 88102321, AND ANY AND ALL ) ARTIE9 CLAIMING BY, THROUGB, OR UNDER SAID LEMBO), AFFECTING PARCEL 1. SUCH LEASE CONTAINS NO RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL OR OPTIONS TO PURCHASE IN FAVOR OF THE LESSEE THEREUNDER. 37. 'TEEMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS OF A MEMORANDUM OF LEASE, EYECOTED BY GERALD M. BIEHL, AS LSSSOR(S) An CRILI.S, INC., AS LESSEE(S), RECORDED APRIL 17, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO. 89032473, AND ANY AND ALL PARTIES CLAnC= BY, THROUGH. OR UNDER SAID LESSEE(S), AFFECTING PARCE& 2. SUCH LEASE CONTAINS NO RIORT3 OF FIRST REFUSAL OR OPTION'S To PURCHASE IN FAVOR OF THE LPSSES T'HEREUNUEE. 38. AN IAS=MM FOR DRAINAGE INLET AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 19, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO, 89061577, AND AS SHOWN ON TBE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPL$WODD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OP PARCEL 1. 39. AN EAS EMMM FOR PUBLIC SIDEFALES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE CITY 01" WHEAT RIDGE BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 19, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO_ 89061578, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLENOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION Up PARCEL 1. 40. AN RA 67 MEMF FOR TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 1989 AT R =PTION No. 89101626, AND AS BROWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPE.SWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. SRLD TA JP 922239- 1999.010 PBCfDLM W. F0922239 EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 41. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS OF A MEMORANDUM OF I' LEASE, EXECUTED BY APPLEWOOD VZLLA03 SHOPPING CENTER, A COLORADO OENEIWa PARTNERSHIP, A9 LESSOR(S) AND PACIFIC COAST DI9TRIBUTINO, INC., AS LESSEE(S), RECORDED DECEMBER 26, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO. 89111291, AND ANY AND ALL PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, OR (RIDER SAID LESSEE(S), AFFECTING PARCELS 1 AND 2, SUCH LEASE CONTAINS NO RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL OR POTIONS TO PURCHASE IN FAVOR OF THE LESSEE 79EREUNDER. 42, AN FA9EHENT FDR WATER PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90016474, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLHWOoD VILLAGE SNOPPINO CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 2. 43. AN RASEKM FOR WATER PIFMINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90016475, AND AS aHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 2. 44- AN EASEMENT FOR WATER PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TD THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90016476, AND AS SHOWN ON TBE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLBWODD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OP PARCEL 1. 45. TERM. CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH THE CONSOLIDATED MDTBAL WATER COMPANY RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90016477, AFFECTING PARCEL 2. 46. AN EASMOM POR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND 13tCIDn=L PURPOSES OFANTRD To PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 14, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90020962, AND AS BROWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR A.ppLOMO VI7 *.Am SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, UPON THE TEEMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 2 47. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AMID OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED UNDER THE FIRE LING AGREEMENT WITH THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY RECORDED APRIL 23, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO, 90032752, AFFECTING PARCEL 2. 46. AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED To PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY THE INSTRDNEIM RECORDED FEBRUARY 5, 1997. AT RECEPTION NO. 91010272, =0 AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION. UPON TUB TEEMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUMENT, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL I SKLD TA JF 922239 - 1999.011 9MW'3 10A AD. F0922239 EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 49. TEEMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED UNDER THE l 1-0 PIKE LINE AGREEMENT WITE THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY RECORDED V (j SEPTEMBER 18, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92116033, AFFECTING PARCEL 2. 50. AN EASEMENT FOR WATER PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 10, 1993 AT RECEPTION NO. 93186124, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL I. $1. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIGNS SPECIFIED UNDER THE EIRE LINE AGEEEMENT WITH THE CONSOLIDATED MOTt" WATER COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1995 AT RECEPTION W. 70106078. AFFECTING PARCEL 1. 52. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS SPBCIPISD UNDER THE FIRE LINE AGREEMENT WITH THE CONSOLIDATED NOTUAL WATER COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1995 AT RECEPTION NO. F0108079, AFFECTING PARCEL 2. , 53. AN RhSzmN**^ FOR WATER PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY BY THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 1996 AT RECEPTION NO- 70183243, AND AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLENOOD VSLLRGE SHOPPING CENTER 6'OBDIVISION, OVER A PORTION OF PARCEL 1. 54. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY RECORDED MARCS 1, 1996 AT RECEPTION NO. F0193344, AFFECTING PARCED 1. 55. SOUJECT TO THE EPFECT OF THE NOTES PERTAINING TO DETENTION AND RETENT= AREAS AND CROSS ACCESSISNORESS- EaxssB EASEMENTS, AND THE APPROffiMAT8 LOCATION OF IRRIGATION CONDUITS, ALL AS SHOWN'CN THE RECORDED PLAT FOR APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISIOU. 56. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS SPECIFIED UNDER THE RSCIPROCAL EASEMENT AND UNIFIED CONTROL AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 1, 1996 AT RECEPTION NO. P0193714. 57. LEASES AND TENANCIES AS EVIDENCID BY THE ATTACHED RENT ROLL DATED , WHICH LEASES AND TENANCIES DO NOT INCLUDE RIGRTS OF FIRST REFUSAL OR OPTIONS TO PURCHASE IN FAVOR OF THE IX99ESS TNEREUNDER. SKLD TA JF 922239 - 1999.012 PWROI 10. F0922239 EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS S. HATTERS AS DISCLOSED ON THE SURVEY PREPARED. EY CLC ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED FEERUARY 5, 1996 AS .70B NO. 95 -074: Al ALL LABF.T,ED ENCROACHMENTS AS SHOWN Ymmm N. 1. ENCRo=S, F27T OF ONE STORY BUILDING DESIGNATED 3490 YOUNGFIELD ONTO THE £ASEKENTS RBFLIUMD TO IN FARAGRAPHS 16 AND 25. 2. ENCROACHMENT OF ONE STORY BUILDING DESIGNATED 3410 -3460 YOONGFI ONTO AN 8• SANITARY SEWER LINE, WHICH LINE MAY EVIDENCE OF AN EASEMENT OR LESSER SERVITODB IN FAVOR OF A THIRD PARTY. 3. ENCROAiCBNENT OF ONE STORY BUIlMINQ DESIGNATED 3490 YOONGFIELD ONTO THE EASEMMS REFERRED TO IN PARAGRAPHS 16 AND 25. 4. EN(2toACHdFNP OF TRANSFORMER AND RETAINING WALL LOCATED ON PARCEL 1 ONTO PARCEL 2. S. ENCROACHMENT OF ONE STORY BVILZM DESIGNATED 3310 -3326 YOONOFIELD ONTO THE EASEMENTS REFERRED TO IN PARAGRAPHS 23 AND 28. 6. ENCROACHMENT OF THO STORY BUILDIM DESIGNATED 3230 -3326 YOUNGFIELD ONTO THE EASEMM REFUa= TO IN PARAGRAPH 13. 7. =cROA:Cm=m OF OV&RNANG OF TWO STORY JR;nMING 13WICMTED 3230 -3250 YOUNF3JLD ONTO THE LAND TO TM NORTH DESIGNATED "(TAT 2) NOT A FART'. 8. ENCROACHMENT OF ONE STORY BUILDING DESIGNATEU 3300 -3540 AND 3610 YOUNGFIELD CWW THE BASEMENT REFERRRED TO IN PARAGRAPH 8, AN 4" SANITARY SEWER LINE, WHICH LINE MAY EVIDENCE OF AN EASEHMM OR LESSER SERVITODH IN FAVOR OF A THIRD PARTY; AM THE FASEtUM REFEREED TO IN PARAGRAPH 17. 9. ENCROACFEU M OF RETAINING WALL ONTO THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR W. 38TH AVENUE. D) THE FACT THAT Tim FENCE LOCATED ON THE EASTERLY PORTION OF SAID LAND DOES NOT FOLTAW THE PROPERTY LINE. C) THE EEISTENOE OF SANITARY SEWER LANES, STORM SEWER LINES, OAS ==, WATER LINES AND IRRIGATION LINES OVER VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE LN4D THAT ARE NOT CaNTAINED WITHIN A RECORDED EASEMENT, SKLD TA .7F 922239- 1999.013 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Re: Applewood Village Shopping Center 3400 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge, CO Ms. Reckert, Please accept this letter as authorization for Kenney Architects, PC, (Architect) to act as a agent of Wells Fargo (Tenant) and US Retail Partners, LLC (Owner) for the purpose of submitting document to the City of Wheat Ridge as it relates to the proposed site improvements. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance. 0 K. Beer Regency Centers Corp 8480 E. Orchard Road, Suite 6900 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 P:303- 300 -5300 ionbeer@.regenc 8480 EAST ORCHARD ROAD, SUITE 6900 . GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 . 303.300.5300 . 888.920.9500 . FAX: 303.691.6905 . REGENCYCENTERS.COM I N KENNE MCHITE , RC Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303.235.2848 Dear Ms. Reckert, August 23, 2010 On behalf of Wells Fargo Bank, I would respectfully like to submit the following application for Administrative Final Development Plan approval. We are proposing a new Wells Fargo Bank branch at the location of 3490 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 in the Applewood Village Shopping Center. The proposed building will be a 6,423 square feet, single -story structure of primarily brick construction and will completely replace an existing bank structure located on the west side of the shopping center. We have followed the requirements of the PCD zoning requirements & Wheat Ridge Architectural & Site Design Manual to the best of our ability, with the exception of the transparency requirements which is explained in detail in our application. Our intent is for the Wheat Ridge Community Development team to review and accept our proposed site plan and elevations, so that we may proceed into the construction document phase of this project in preparation for a building permit application. We look forward to addressing any concerns or questions you may have about our submittal. Sincerely, nnifer McDaniel ARCHITECTURE ■ PLANNING ■ INTERIOR DESIGN ■ FACILTIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE ■ DENVER, COLORADO 80222 (303) 694 -2445 ■ FAX(303)290-8115 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235 -2846 (Please print or type all infomation) Il wwe h- I W L- -k5 �(' r Applicant ;:J ,q li µL aniLJ Addresi 5570 E. �4tu-. fv-L • Phone 3o3.1o1q. JX4 City 9 p ytV{ v State rp p g0is2. Fax _ftl. 27D. S/PS Owner K QG /n6N Ctn4trs Address 9 64%0 I=. Orc lnaroL p d.. Phone Sips. 9to.53 City ViLlaSe� State co Zip $0111 Fax 301. 4'f41o9- Contact s�µpu�/.i }• c 4 -1 Address SS ?o E. �:JaLc- fl Phone 303. &94. 2M City _ State Go Zip Qio2zz Fax 303. 240. Sl h (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side O Change of zone or zone conditions O Special Use Permit O Consolidation Plat O Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) O Flood Plain Special Exception O Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) O Lot Line Adjustment O Right of Way Vacation O Planned Building Group O Temporary Use, Building, Sign Site Development Plan approval O Variance/Waiver (from Section ) O Other: Detailed description of request: Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: , per.1; a , n 0193112 Size of Lot (acres or square footage): D. 3 805 ptr Current Zoning: ?C b —� Proposed Zoning: ?Ct3 Current Use: 73ai k – Proposed Use: $arlk– I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power -of- attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of - IZABET". FEREC NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO My Commission Expires 10/13/2013 and sworn to me this `oJ3 day of 20 "M ota f ry Public My commission expirew //-K A� To be filled out by staff: Date received 1r 3 b o Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. l 4 -- 6 a Fee /30QS(, Gceipt No e Zoning Pre -App Mtg. Oate b Case No. /N� 4 — /z ' Quarter Section Map Case Manager ec Zr City of -�,6atRdge LAND USE APPLICATION FORM ,,, I " j - Commu, DEVELOP&AFNT Case No. RTF= Date Received Related Cases Case Planner [R Case Description Final Development Plan Amendment Name Jennifer McDaniel Name Kenney it Phone [303j 694-2445 _ — Address VEE. Yale Ave. City Denver — ' - 022 - 2- ----- 7 State J Zip 8 Name Regency Centers Name J Phone 1=(30 — 300- - 53 - 2 - 5 ----- Address 8480 E. Orc hard Rd. --= City Greenwood Village State CO zip Name Jennifer McDaniel Name r Phone Lou —6942445 -- Address L57l) E. Yale Ave. City Denver State [Co Zip 180222- J Address 3490 Street City Wheat — Ridge I State CO Zip 80033 J Location Description Project Name Parcel No, Qtr Section: FN District No.: F11 ----------- v R.-YRNff Pre-App Date 875 Neighborhood Meeting Date App No: TAM 0 v] Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report in=v F ------- ------- --- 1 ---- --- =v Km1 ,Review V-11 Record: [ff)[K]F [EHH of 3891 < r �of Wheat�dge City of Wheat Ridge Pre - Application Transmittal Sheet Date: August 5, 2010 Property location: 3490 Youngfield Street Now that the required pre - application meeting has been held, the next steps in the process will be: ❑ Schedule a neighborhood meeting ® Submit land use application ❑ Submit building application The following documents are required upon submittal of the FDP Amendment Application: ® Pre - application transmittal sheet ® Property deed ® Land use application ® Letter of request ❑ Building permit application ® Property owner consent ❑ Full set of civil drawings ❑ Drainage report ❑ Outline Development Plan ❑ Traffic impact letter ® Final Development Plan ❑ Traffic study ❑ Final Plat ❑ Soils report ® Site Plan ❑ Grading /erosion control plan ® Survey /I.L.C. ❑ Electronic copy of Plat (In AutoCAD format) ❑ Other: All of the listed items must be submitted to constitute a complete application. If any of the items are not included in the submittal, the application will be returned without review. City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W. 29' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Building Division - 303.235.2855 Planning Division - 303.235.2846 Inspection line- 303.234.5933 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 2 P y City O Wheat jqgle � MUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE - APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 Applicant(s): Andrew Kenney Jennifer McDaniel Kenney Architects 303 - 694 -2445 akenney @kenneyarchitects.com Scott Steputis Crosbie Real Estate Group step @creginc.com Attending Staff: Adam Tietz — Planner I Sarah Showalter — Planner II Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer Site Location: 3490 Youngfield Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Existing Zoning: PCD Existing Comprehensive Plan: Mixed Use Commercial/Primary Commercial Corridor Existing Site Conditions: The property is zoned Planned Commercal Development (PCD) and is located at 3490 Youngfield Street. It is part of the Applewood Village shopping center, a large retail development along Youngfield between W 32 °d and W 38 Avenues. The subject site, which is located on one large parcel that has several retail buildings in the shopping center, including a King Soopers grocery store, contains an old World Savings Bank that is currently vacant. The existing building is approximately 5,430 square feet. The building is surrounded by parking and access drives on the west, north, and south sides. To the east, behind the building, is a pedestrian walkway and landscaped area, as well as another building that contains a restaurant use. The restaurant has outdoor seating that is immediately adjacent to the plaza area. To the west of the Applewood Village shopping center is Youngfield Street and I -70. On the west side of highway is vacant land zoned PCD, which is the location of the proposed Cabela's commercial development. South of the site, across 32 Avenue, is commercially -zoned land with commercial uses. To the north and east of the shopping center are residential uses, zoned R -1 and R -2. None of the residential areas are adjacent to the bank site that is part of this proposal. Applicant /Owner Preliminary Proposal: The owner of the Applewood Village shopping center, Regency, will demolish the existing bank and the applicant is proposing to construct a new bank for Wells Fargo in roughly the same footprint. The new one -story structure will be 6,500 square feet in size. The new footprint will cover an existing landscaped area just northwest of the existing building. The applicant is proposing to offset this area with new landscaping south of the new building, where the current drive -thru for the existing building is located. The new building will not have a drive -thru, though it will likely have a walk -up ATM. There are no proposed changes to the parking lot layout or circulation around the redevelopment site. Wells Fargo has an existing drive -up facility for customers very close to the proposed site, at 3298 Youngfield. This business will remain open without changes after the proposed bank is opened. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting is not required. Planning comments: The site is zoned for commercial use, under the Applewood Village Planned Commercial Development (PCD), originally approved in 1972. The PCD does not establish specific setback requirements, so the typical commercial setback of 50 feet from Youngfield Street will be required for the new building. The PCD does have a minimum landscape requirement of 10% of the development area. The applicant should include landscape calculations with the land use application submittal, demonstrating that the new plan fulfills the 10% requirement. The new building will require an amendment to the Final Development Plan (FDP). The FDP Amendment will be an administrative process (see below for more detail and timing). The FDP Amendment should include: • Cover sheet, which may utilize the existing legal description since no parcel boundaries are changing • Site plan that shows the new building footprint, proposed landscaping, and a site data table showing the percent of landscaped area coverage, building, and hard surface coverages (existing and proposed) • Building elevations, with materials clearly labeled and transparency calculations • The improvement location certificate (ILC) that has already been completed for the building pad. There is a Denver Water easement that crosses the development site, as shown on the original plat. Denver Water typically allows encroachments by non - permanent structures, such as canopies, at the risk and cost of the owner. There is also an existing PSCO easement that the current building encroaches into at the southwest corner. The applicant should work with Xcel directly on this issue as they typically do not allow buildings to overlap their easements. A vacation and relocation of the line may be necessary. Process Prior to applying for a building permit, an Administrative Amendment to the Final Development Plan (FDP) will be required. The first step in the FDP Amendment process is to hold a Pre - Application meeting, which was completed on August 5th. The next step is to submit an FDP Amendment Application. Please note that you must schedule a meeting with a staff planner to submit the application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. After the FDP Amendment Application is submitted, a staff planner will be assigned to review the case. The case manager will review the submittal application for content. If all submittal requirements have been met, the proposal will be referred to outside service agencies and other City agencies for their review and comment, generally for a period of 15 days. After all comments have been received, the case manager will forward those to the applicant. Modifications to the Final Development Plan may be required as a result of these comments. There may be more than one review required before the documents are ready for administrative approval. Once all comments and requirements have been met, the Final Development Plan application will be submitted to the community development director for approval. The director can approve, deny or approve the FDP with conditions. If the FDP is approved, a blackline mylar of the FDP with original signatures must be provided to the City for recording with the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder's office within 60 days. The applicant may apply for a building permit while the FDP Amendment is under review, but the permit will not be approved until the FDP is approve and recorded. Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) The Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) applies to any new commercial buildings in Wheat Ridge. Please review the manual for design requirements, especially those relating to transparency requirements, fagade articulation, and change in material. The building elevations submitted with the pre - application documents do not appear to meet the transparency requirements, especially on the east side of the building. Because this fagade faces a pedestrian walk and plaza area, the 60% transparency requirement from the ASDM will apply. Building Division comments: The existing building that will be demolished has some asbestos. The Chief Building Official, John Schumacher, said that the State will have to approve the asbestos removal. The Wheat Ridge building division will review the building permit simultaneous to the state's review of the demolition, but will not approve the permit until they have received final approval from the state that the asbestos was properly removed. The building division will review the building permit application simultaneous with the FDP Amendment, but will not approve the permit until the FDP Amendment is complete and recorded. Public Works comments: Public Works requested that the roof drains from the new building be designed to drain into the new landscaped area at the south of the building. Because there are no significant site changes and the building area increase is quite small, no further stormwater improvements will be required. Attachments: Pre - application transmittal sheet Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303 - 235 -2848 Sarah Showalter — Planner II 303 - 235 -2849 John Schumacher— Chief Building Inspector 303- 235 -2853 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303 - 235 -2864 Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Jennifer McDaniel [ JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:44 AM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: Lori.A.Smith @wellsfargo.com; Andrew M. Kenney Subject: Wells Fargo Applewood Elevations Attachments: Wells Fargo Applewood_Elevations.pdf; Wells Fargo Appiewood_Floorplan.pdf; Transparency Example.pdf Good morning Meredith, In preparation for submitting our administrative FDP on Monday (hopefully), we had promised to get you updated elevations to review today. We were able to make adjustments regarding the varied plane depths & material changes, as well architectural features such as canopies. However, we are still very short on the transparency requirements for several reasons. One is that, due to the function of building as a bank, there are numerous security issues that require the use of spandrel glass where one might normally like to use clear glass. I've included the floor plan so you can see why spandrel glass is being used at the varied locations. The second reason we aren't meeting the required 60% transparency is that the Wells Fargo building standard calls for a homier feel of square windows set at a lower more human scale. To glaze the elevations to such an extent to meet 60% would change the character of the building to be a far more contemporary style commercial retail building. Now the definition used for determining the 60% area is from finished grade to second level finished floor (or in our case top of structure). In our case this height is 16' -0" in order to give the building appropriate massing proportions for its length. That being said I know that other municipalities (such as the new Denver zoning code) consider the transparency factor to be important only at the human scale, where pedestrians are engaging the building. Please see the attached code example. I am in no way attempting to critique or contradict your design guidelines, but rather am simply wondering if despite not meeting the actual target number, are we, in fact, meeting your design intent? Our current transparency percentages are as follows (assuming the 16' -0" required height & inclusive of the spandrel glass): South — 31 % South West — 53% West — 33% North — 21 % East — 26% Could you kindly review our drawings and comment? They are not on their final sheet layouts because I wanted to include some perspective for you to review as well. We are happy to make adjustments, and are looking forward to settling on a design with which Wheat Ridge is pleased. Thank you, Jennifer W. McDaniel, -1I ; V'A, B, L! 1 1.Y KellA2Y Arch Cate s, '.!.. 8/19/2010 Pagel of 3 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 10:13 AM To: Jennifer McDaniel; Sarah Showalter, Andrew M. Kenney Subject: RE: Pre - Application Meeting Notes Attachments: image006.jpg We actually round the acreage up so we would assess it at one acre so $300 plus $250. Also, on the site data breakdown, since there are no internal property lines, let's focus the change in building footprint and landscaping. In other words, old footprint square footage and new footprint square footage, old landscaping square footage and new landscaping square footage. Does that work for you? Meredith Reckert, AIC:P Scnior Planner Office Phone: 303 -235 -2348 .a A heap I ickyce r'..•asu'�rt3 €r +�.rt+r?_ From: Jennifer McDaniel [ mailto: JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:42 AM To: Sarah Showalter; Andrew M. Kenney Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Pre - Application Meeting Notes So I was able to determine the area for our particular parcel that was agreed upon between Regency and Wells Fargo in the metes and bounds survey. The parcel is 0.3802 acres so I'm assuming our fee will be $95.05 + $300.00. Will you be in need of more than one copy of the survey with our application (versus the 18 copies of our proposed FDP sheets)? Jennifer W. bief)aniel +1 3 i A ,. A 1 55?0 1 <a ; 1"alc Al c. CO n022 From: Sarah Showalter [ mailto: sshowalter @ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 1:01 PM To: Jennifer McDaniel; Andrew M. Kenney Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Pre - Application Meeting Notes Jennifer— Meredith is out of the office today. Let's see what she says when she returns and responds to your email. Best, Sarah Showalter, AICP, LEED AP 8/18/2010 Page 2 of 3 Planner 11 Office Phone: 303- 235 -2849 C.t} crt �l)kt'dtI7V771 t)E 4'E14yfrvt €Nl CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e -mail contains business - confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e -mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your compula is connected. Thank you. From: Jennifer McDaniel [ mailto: JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:38 AM To: Sarah Showalter; Andrew M. Kenney Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Pre - Application Meeting Notes Actually, that's a great question; one that I had just emailed Meredith. Could you tell me how to determine exactly where my site ends since there are no lot lines? Should I include any of the parking or just include the curbs? Is this a question I need to pose to the developer? IIiY.7i1C�.�TF71 3elmifeh \�'. f1IcIDnniet V.r '�C'A c 1. ; _� =,P Ptrr >i�'c: '`'a3 �ttis!�er From: Sarah Showalter [ mailto: sshowalter @ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:33 AM To: Jennifer McDaniel; Andrew M. Kenney Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Pre - Application Meeting Notes Jennifer. The fee for an administrative FDP Amendment is $300 plus $250 /acre. If you send us the size of your development site (since it is a smaller piece of the overall Applewood Shopping Center) Meredith or I can calculate the exact fee. Sarah Showalter, AICP, LEED AP Planner Ii Office Phone: 303 -235 -2849 City of fply�.''' W h6 at is xc- -. (. )N"ItINI rY t'f@427SlF'MI749 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business - confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage m use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e -mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 8/18/2010 Page 3 of 3 From: Jennifer McDaniel [ mailto: JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 8:40 AM To: Sarah Showalter; Andrew M. Kenney Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Pre - Application Meeting Notes Thank you Sarah. Is there an application fee for our submittal? Jennifer W. A�ICDaniet, � 3 t.isi? ,� A�•r. From: Sarah Showalter [ mailto: sshowalter @ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 3:42 PM To: Andrew M. Kenney; Jennifer McDaniel Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: Pre - Application Meeting Notes Hi Andy and Jennifer, Attached please fine the notes from our meeting last week. Please note that we added a few sentences regarding Jennifer's question on the PSCO easement. The easement that we discussed in the meeting was the Denver Water easement, but we were not aware of the PSCO easement that the building footprint overlaps. Now that you brought it to our attention, we looked at the plat and can see that there is indeed an encroachment by the bldg footprint. This will need to be worked out with Xcel /PSCO directly. We don't think that they will allow the building to overlap the existing easement and our Building Division typically will not issue permits for a building that overlaps a utility easement. Our contact at Xcel is Teresa Wilson ( teresa .i.wilson(a)xcelenergy.com She is in the ROW department so probably will not be the correct person, but can hopefully point you in the right direction. Best, Sarah Showalter, AICP, LEED AP Planner II 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303 -235 -2849 Fax: 303- 235 -285? www.ci.wheatridae.ce.us Oily (,I W heat P j . e come tf:l`.3 f Y [7[i F 1 iVWN t CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e -mail contains business - confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use ofthis communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e -mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any netwm'k to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 8/18/2010 Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Jennifer McDaniel [ JMcDaniel @kenneyarchitects.com] Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 10:09 AM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: Andrew M. Kenney Subject: Easement clarification Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Attachments: mage001.jpg Hi Meredith, I have a couple of quick questions for you on easements. I know we touched on them briefly yesterday, but I'm not sure if they were ever fully addressed. The existing building at the Wells Fargo site encroaches on the PSCO easement at the north side and, due to our footprint size, our bank is as well. Is that allowable or do we need to modify its length? Or do we need to speak to the utility company directly? Also, we were discussing whether or not awnings & canopies were an issue, and it was my understanding that they would likely be acceptable as long as the client understood it was at their own risk if work ever needed to be done at that particular location. Could you offer your feedback when you have time? Thanks! Jennifer W. McDaniel, ti 1 \CA F , . FD .AP t'.nN.t 11ana,ci v`+I :.'. rj 8/11/2010 Applewood Center Wells Fargo Bank Support Documents for August 5, 2010 Pre - Application Meeting General Project Concept: • The proposed project is to be constructed at the location of the existing World Saving Building located at 3490 Youngfield Street in the Applewood Center (see attached Site Plan). The new building will be approximately 6,500 SF and will be an adaptation of a prototypical Wells Fargo Branch Bank design. Adaptations will include site specific requirements as well as modifications for compatibility with predominant building materials of the Applewood Center. Specific uses proposed and intensity of use proposed (floor area and parking demand) • The use will be a Wells Fargo Branch Bank; per prior discussions, we understand that no rezoning, zoning or land use amendments are required provided that the new design requires no changes in the existing parking lot layout. Proposed Construction Timing: • Wells Fargo anticipates construction in mid 2011 General Concepts Concerning Building Size and Exterior Materials and Site Plan Concepts: • 6,500 Square Feet • Masonry, Stone; Stucco - colors compatible with Applewood Center • Site Plan attached; There is no landscape plan at this time • Please see attached conceptual Elevations An Exterior Materials Package Including Roof Material and Color, Wall Treatment, Glass and Glazing: • Please see attached conceptual Elevations, • Masonry, Stone; Stucco - colors compatible with Applewood Center • Roof Material to be light EPDM and asphalt shingles; roof will have PV panels and typical HVAC units Site Plan Concepts Including Site Organization, Landscaping, Irrigation, Grading, Lighting and Signs: • Site Plan attached; There is no landscape plan at this time • Grading is expected to match existing at transition to Existing Parking • A new monument sign will be proposed by others (sign company); new building signage is expected to be similar to the prototype drawing (attached) Submitted on behalf of Wells Fargo Bank by Andrew Kenney Kenney Architects, P.C. 303 - 694 -2445 July 27, 2010 p1 of 1 0 We lls Fargo 'arg "e"s r Porch B rch & No =Drive-up dn-OAIJU oNj iy qaiod q ad,ljojwd fi IT 6 NI it WELLS FARGO Preto Type B -ta Scale:3 /32°= V -0" Preto Type B -2a Scale:3 /32 _ V -0" 3 0 a Proto Type 8 -3 Scale:3 /32 "- V -0" Prato Type 8 -4 Scale:3 /32 _ V -0" WELLS FARGO amom,.wom � a a o � o z 3 ° � V i~ O F ew m ` a z i ii hod I 4 /.l m L lJ ^ = KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. coves Xxx a YO Z � QO mz Op 0 �o Jw J J Q ISSUES 8 RENSION cESCLVnw maEU,sty PROJECT WELLS FAROO BANK APPLEWOOD DENOVO 3490 VOUNGFIELD 5f. Wr1EAT RIDGE, CO 90033 SHEETTIRE PTos d Soildin9 ocation 20' -0 " SITE PLAN SHEET# PROJECT# AS101 I r N d i p mal KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. On M0.A�MIme� P'oluazW Ie%(HI�ID< WR ®W�'prWeY�en WORKROOM 04 BREAK 0] JAN. 08 s�>M XX j 1 1 SAFE DEPOSIT cc 1 rcx uaxxe..acx�.PC ;t wre n � "❑❑ � LD o� � VAULT ID3 MEN 09 II���� _ /❑❑ DO ❑❑ ❑❑ ® O ® COUPON BOOTH WOMEN 110 CORRIDOR Y � Z� Q Z 00 W 0 Q " ` 111 ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ I Q O LL 0 J W UT J J Lij a- O� CO LOB BV 103 Q n. Q APPLE WOOD DENOVO 101 3490 YOUNGFIELD ST. WHEAT RIDGE, C080033 SMEETTfILE FLOORPIAN CIE] 1:111 PROJECTM - AE101 100 \J VAULT ISSUES 8 REVISi0N5 ATM F - 1 1 - 2 7 , -' LAN I ELEC WORKROOM 114 n Level One Floorylan wre o� � PROJECT WELLS FARGO BANK APPLE WOOD DENOVO 3490 YOUNGFIELD ST. WHEAT RIDGE, C080033 SMEETTfILE FLOORPIAN P SHEET# PROJECTM - AE101 WELLS F"GO CM FROPERTES VM MACµµ. C7300 -120 1700 LMC0LN DENVER. COLORADO 80274 LIJ W f � V l J LAJ M z r Site Plan Plan w/6500 SF Bid Bid 2!`01 C• 7— do ' c .s I 0 20 40 I INCH = 40 FEET LIAM 5.1'LID "nHTFOLE ix LIGHT POLE } CECIDuOUi TREE I CONIFER 'REE W. 1 N 6 x HIIII N4 LOT 1 0 • 0 4 � A t� O � 0 w � BED 3490 Youngfield St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 _ Date: Proj. #: File: Sheet Title Site Plan w/ 6500 Sq. Ft. Building Sheet No. of IMPROVEMENT LOCATION EXHIBIT A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0193712, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON A WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION HAVING A BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N 89 E, 150.00 FEET AND MONUMENTED AS FOLLOWS; 0 20 40 THE WESTERLY CORNER BEING A FOUND 5/8" REBAR 1" BELOW THE ASPHALT. —THE EASTERLY CORNER BEING A FOUND 5/8 REBAR SLIGHTLY BENT 1" BELOW THE y �2"W xou zrn 1 INCH = 40 FEET ASPHALT. p DATE 5.12.10 - COMMENCING AT THE WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LINE DESCRIBED ABOVE; LOT 1 ""'° '" a '°" 0 G 9 " RS°0M90M THENCE S 33'33'07" E A DISTANCE OF 77.54 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; 183Y xEe wo. �aamz PAM 30A4 ° THENCE AROUND SAID PARCEL OF LAND THE FOLLOWING 12 COURSES: 4g LIGHTPOLE 1) S 90'00'00" E A DISTANCE OF 123.47 FEET; 2) S 00'41'01" E A DISTANCE OF 51.20 FEET; Xx LIGHT POLE 3) S 88'36'42" W A DISTANCE OF 9.43 FEET r 4) S 00 E A DISTANCE OF 23.56 FEET; DECIDUOUS TREE 5) S 1832'45" E A DISTANCE OF 14.59 FEET; o. cme 6) S 06'52'33" W A DISTANCE OF 14.98 FEET; „• CONIFER TREE 7) S 00'45'05' E A DISTANCE OF 62.61 FEET; s um nzc 8) N 90 "W A DISTANCE OF 15.90 FEET; 9) N 47 W A DISTANCE OF 34.47 FEET; 10) N 81'42'24" W A DISTANCE OF 29.70 FEET; 11) N 49'47'03" W A DISTANCE OF 63.13 FEET; nmrn 12) N 0014'47' E A DISTANCE OF 98.17 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 16,574 SQUARE FEET OF 0.3805 ACRES MORE OR LESS. e INUM ewea snm,ca IS s F j "QESS To 6 ,nz+moc sr. POINT OF r / BEGINNING SOW WOWE =47' low r � MEN I— W �I I �[ � i h IMPROVEMENT LOCATION EXHIBIT A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0193712, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON A WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION HAVING A BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N 89 E, 150.00 FEET AND MONUMENTED AS FOLLOWS; 0 20 40 THE WESTERLY CORNER BEING A FOUND 5/8" REBAR 1" BELOW THE ASPHALT. —THE EASTERLY CORNER BEING A FOUND 5/8 REBAR SLIGHTLY BENT 1" BELOW THE y �2"W xou zrn 1 INCH = 40 FEET ASPHALT. p DATE 5.12.10 - COMMENCING AT THE WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LINE DESCRIBED ABOVE; LOT 1 ""'° '" a '°" 0 G 9 " RS°0M90M THENCE S 33'33'07" E A DISTANCE OF 77.54 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; 183Y xEe wo. �aamz PAM 30A4 ° THENCE AROUND SAID PARCEL OF LAND THE FOLLOWING 12 COURSES: 4g LIGHTPOLE 1) S 90'00'00" E A DISTANCE OF 123.47 FEET; 2) S 00'41'01" E A DISTANCE OF 51.20 FEET; Xx LIGHT POLE 3) S 88'36'42" W A DISTANCE OF 9.43 FEET r 4) S 00 E A DISTANCE OF 23.56 FEET; DECIDUOUS TREE 5) S 1832'45" E A DISTANCE OF 14.59 FEET; o. cme 6) S 06'52'33" W A DISTANCE OF 14.98 FEET; „• CONIFER TREE 7) S 00'45'05' E A DISTANCE OF 62.61 FEET; s um nzc 8) N 90 "W A DISTANCE OF 15.90 FEET; 9) N 47 W A DISTANCE OF 34.47 FEET; 10) N 81'42'24" W A DISTANCE OF 29.70 FEET; 11) N 49'47'03" W A DISTANCE OF 63.13 FEET; nmrn 12) N 0014'47' E A DISTANCE OF 98.17 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 16,574 SQUARE FEET OF 0.3805 ACRES MORE OR LESS. lPN£SC G°11kM eciouza � y y 0 W i w w N euinnG LOT 1 z 0 r NOTES: 1) THIS IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT OR IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT. 2 THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY JEHN ENGINEERING, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OF THIS TRACT OR TO VERIFY THE DESCRIPTION HEREON, OR THE COMPATIBILITY OF THIS DESCRIPTION WITH THAT OF ADJACENT TRACTS, OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. LOT 1 REFERENCE SCALE 1" =800' 4) ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING ARE 20 REGULAR PARKING SPACES AND 1. HAND[ —CAP PARKING SPACE. 5) NOTICED THAT THIS IS A VERY BUSY MAIL BOX DROP OFF POINT AND SHOULD B CONSIDERED IN THE PLANNING OF THIS AREA AS A STAGING AREA. r / MEN �I I lPN£SC G°11kM eciouza � y y 0 W i w w N euinnG LOT 1 z 0 r NOTES: 1) THIS IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT OR IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT. 2 THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY JEHN ENGINEERING, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OF THIS TRACT OR TO VERIFY THE DESCRIPTION HEREON, OR THE COMPATIBILITY OF THIS DESCRIPTION WITH THAT OF ADJACENT TRACTS, OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. LOT 1 REFERENCE SCALE 1" =800' 4) ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING ARE 20 REGULAR PARKING SPACES AND 1. HAND[ —CAP PARKING SPACE. 5) NOTICED THAT THIS IS A VERY BUSY MAIL BOX DROP OFF POINT AND SHOULD B CONSIDERED IN THE PLANNING OF THIS AREA AS A STAGING AREA. ® KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. COPYRIOM x E¢EN CU�iuiv x rcawEV wadnECrsac 4t 7 i..,Ra.ox O a YO Z >O m z Op o0 ¢O O LL iLu J W J J Wd �a ISSUES 8 REVISIONS o[svavnax wmruv tw o-..nq ns.ca PRQ ECT WELLS FARGO BANK APPLEWOOD OENOVO 34W YOUNGFIED ST. - WHEAT RIDGE, C08W33 SHEETTIE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS P SHEET# PROJECT# A001 Top of Tower 27 ' - 0" Top of Parapet 21' -7" SIGNAGE LOCATION Two of Structure I W - 0" BRICK VENEER STUCCO ASSEMBLY STONE MASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab 0' - 0" Top o f Tower 27' - 0" To of Parapet 21' -7" SIGNAGE LOCA' T of S tructure 16' -0" BRICK VENEER STUCCO ASSEMBLY STONE MASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab Top of Tower 27' - 0" Top of Para et 21' -7" SIGNAGE LOCATION Top of Structure 16'- 0" BRICK VENEER STUCCO ASSEMBLY STONE MASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab 0' - 0" Top o f Tower /1 2T - - 0 " Top of Parapet A 21' 41' �-i T of S tructure 16 -0" BRICK VENEER STUCCO ASSEMBLY STONE MASONRY WAINSCOT Tom of Slab /1 0 - 0" \-1 T oRof Tower 27' - 0" To p of Parapet 21' 7" SIGNAGE LOCATION Top of Structure 16' - 0" STUCCO ASSEMBLY STONE VENEER STONE MASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab 0' -0" Top o f Tower 27' - 0" SIGNAGE LOCATION Top of P 21' -7" T of S tructure 16' -0" - STUCCO ASSEMBLY STONE VENEER - STONE MASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab 0' -00" I T oo of Tower 27 - 0" To p of Parapet 21' -7" SIGNAGE LOCATION Top of Structure 16' -0" STUCCO ASSEMBLY STONE VENEER STONE MASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab 0' -0" SIGNAGE LOCATION Top o f Tower 27' -& _ Top of Parapet 21' -7" T of S tructure STUCCO ASSEMBLY - STONE VENEER STONEMASONRY WAINSCOT Top of Slab � 0' -00" St, CITY OF MOT RIDGE B7/28/18 4.19 PM edbb AN KENNEY RECEIPT NO:CDBBA4987 AMOUNT Z MGD ZONING APPLICATION F 2N. GB ONE PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 337 M. Be TOTAL m.BB ARCHITECTURE PLANNING FACILITIES SERVICES KENNEY ARCHITECTS, P.C. ANDREW M. KENNEY, AIA, NCARB PRINCIPAL OFFICE (303) 694 -2445 5570 EAST YALE AVENUE FAX (303) 565 -1494 DENVER, COLORADO 80222 MOBILE (303) 435 -8740 akenney @kenneyarchitects.com TOLL FREE (877) 251 -8953