HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP-93-3nr Oar of cWh ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION GffiftV 7500 Westt 29th Ave Ave W� at Rid eV CO m 80033 Phone 1303) 237 -fo44 Applicant URIE ENV "rA TH IV Address 114C ,y, - 70 FRT, Phone 420 4303 ROAD N. Owner ,.rCHARD ��RrE Address w„ T _ Y � r n An�l lhone SxMZ JOAN ENEHAN Locat=.on of request 50 40 TABOR ST. WHEATRI.lar ^n Annll Type of action reevuestad (choek one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your rayuest.) Change of zone or zone condit� ,, ns Site developa.ent plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final ❑ *• See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Variance; Wai- er Norconforming use change Flood plain special bxception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvemant Exception street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid waste lancfill mineral extraction permit 13 Other Detailed Description of request SE ATTACHED. List all persons and companies who hold do interes� in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME AD ; - ARC _. _: - ,417 «. YJ.1 pp pp R T. RD. N. WMEATRIDGE C0 80033 -4303 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitteu are true and correct to the best of :ay knowledge and '.hat in filing this application, 1 am acting with 'he knowledge and consent of those person; listed above, without whost consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit p -of- attorney from the owner which approved of this action on him hv,y✓o Signature cf Applizant Subsczi,ed and sworn to me s `mil day f 19 SEAL Notary Public - My commissio[, expires ry e Received Ease No. _.RIF rw ' R Wr L � ._.c � ': - -- I3 PROP03ING Ay 0M*g • AN! ^ N TO � TT'D AT :. — •yE � '" y Zt7� 4E T:yE A1:D DATE FOR 74I5 MEE- IliL 74E PJ P:SE FOR TN_; PROPOSAL _1d :A_' \•._ 't .A IN '.� :rN•F. S c AV•r. F'IR PRf1Rn i ':e :it: :f whfat Rf nas ado application fir t : 1dg49 n p ted a requirement that, prior to properties rnich /- excess or ono (ij &or* for rSpacial L30 Permits a:::w a special use C. land, an applicant '"u3t notify all ^esldfnts .!thin 60C feet and invite them to a Mfighborhood I.put ""mg- 'Ze purpose for tRis meeting is a:: t = � �e applicant t e3e -: -.s proposal to the neighborhood allow the '• ly t a n and a:s: 3n: =' to 0xpres- direct t: issues a-d desires. The ninds,of co ncernsprfs2 Qfnta h e�rmally e r.rvf are as f7l.ows; ,-roposal compatible with surround.ng :AMC -sea and zoning? * Are there adequate utilities and services ; serve ta0 pro,�ect? : :ace cr r P opoafe to * :Rat is the impact on our streets" ,R .Rare •ill the storm drainage jc? =o "::: the pro�noo ac:e .^ter than JeLract fro.a tht aelghborn000? be des:gned to enn --• * 'wnat speelfic changes :3n to made in the ;r: ;733. to make it more acceptable to me? ter attending the ':elghbornood Input 49sting, =-lawn space and t plea use the 7 = oaal. he tack of this fora t: list any specific =:nc0rrt .332 or suggestions which you may have regarding this ' :eaae sign :t an° give It to the applicant, as no ;3 " .•• _ 3 a • ^ ^ovide .r.ese forma to the City a::. `" "6 with his 1 .n :'Zz fjTT F7 Nr P.Vi_C• ORAN': 4,191 T.an. ^« ABOR ST, IOW 17. 1993 J Urie Environmental Speeialieft in Environmental Consuiting & Training CHry of I1IW Ridge Deputumm of Ptsrinmg u►i DL%vkVa=t 7500 Test 29th Avenue %%to Ridge. Colorado 3a)o33 SLWFC T: RFQ EN'T Foe 'rwt.4L l PFMOT To %bom It May concern • WHEp-T R,r,�c 1` C JL�-; � y piV�,p'r11t.N1 [: nc Environmratal Heal:_,. In, naa I :rreptl\ pur,hace.+ 4.4 a,re, located at 504u labor ^ Venue in What Ridge, Colors: It is the ►meat : t the - Ninpan. r. utilize this pn\prrt\ a.. in Environm.•ntal Safet% Training Center. Such application apparent" rryuLrft a Spekial Use Pcrm:t. Pleie rrvre\v the enclosed application materials at Your ear.; , mVauen_e. L -- ie hope gin ttutunj at the ta,ilrt\ this summer. pending your apps \ai A public hearing nee been c:onlluctnl .,lu for your time. Sinc.errl\ . UFLIE ENVIRONMENTAL HL.-kLTH. INC y i B\ R ham' Une. C.I.H ?resident RL':Iw 0 0 - SCC WEST -97>4 aeENUE T P O SOX 638 The City of 9 /O Wa•EAT RIDGE 'C s,7Q34_C*38 30- 234 -WX V . heat T11 :.'v Aar n Fast 234 -�?_: �o [eoc ran a 235.'949 RldgP July 1 13, 1993 0 7 A T.ae Wheat Ridge Department of Coesrnity Development has rec !ivsd a request for approval cf a Specia' Use Perm to a llow an envlronrenta. at the property descriued below. Your rest use to the following questions and a -y uomrnents o,, this Proposal would be appreciated by July 2 _1993 No rc,poise from you by th.s date will :�n3titute no objections o r concerns regar::ng this proposal. CASE NO: _'F -93 -3 U rie En.iro:.mental LOCATION: 5040 Tabor Street REQUESTED ACTION: Special Use Permit approval PURPOSE: _f an environmental _raining center APPROXIMATE .AREA: ; , y 3c; eS 1. Are public :acilit -al or services p Ovided by your agency aseq; :ate t.> serve this developm ant:' YES NO If "NCB ", please explain below. 2. Are :. ervice lines ava -sable tc the development? YES Aso__ If "NO ", please explain be_cw. 3. Do you have accquate c..pacities tc service the development: YES ✓ NO I£ `O ", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development saD to your ✓ tiles and regulations: YES NO , f "NO ", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or prob.ens your agency has identified which would or should affect approval o: this reque§ t^ Afar 'A'7AAeye • i7rE /i• 67W &-W Please reply to: / �e�a'/i Department of Planning u Development 7/j .5193 DISTRIBUTION: X water Distr -ct (Valley .:enter eater B.3. TCI of Colorado X Sanitation District (Fruit-4a,14 XJefferson Co. Health Dept. X Fire District (Arvada ) Adjacent City ( ) Jefferson Co. Schocls X Puhlic R.rvina. r:, Jefferson Cc. Ccmmissicr.er_ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING D STAFF REPORT TO: Planniag Cormission Date Prepares: August 13, 1993 Date of Meeting: August 18, 1993 Case Mar.Agrr:`'N.wredith ReckPrt Case No. & Name: SUP -93 -3 /Urie Action Requested: Special Use Permit a allow a research lab in an Industrial zone Location of Request: 5040 Tabor Street Name y Address cf Applicant,$) Urie Environmental H ?alth 11407 W I -70 Frontaas Rd North Name b Address of _lwner(s). Same -- -- - - -- -- - Approximate Area: 4.4 acres Preser' Zoning: lndustria. Present Land Use: Research lab vacant SurroundinI Zoning: KI A -2; a• Industrial; E: Arvada Ni Industrial, Surrounding Lind Use: N,-; railroad; a-i residence. farm; IC residence, contractor; Et sor er field Comprehensive Plan cor Area: : ndustrial ------------------------------ - - - - -- - -- Date Published: August 3, 1993 dare to be P03te3: August 4, 1993 Date Legal Notices Sent: August 3, 1993 Agency Check List (XX` Attached ( ) Not Required Related Correspondence (XX Attached ( ) None ENTER INTO RECO Comprehensive Plan XX) Case File 6 Packet Materiai; (XX( Zoning Ordinance ) Slides ( ! Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits JURISDICTION The property is within th. City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have bee- met, therefore there is iurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Commission Staff Report Page l Case No. SUP- 93- 3 /Urie 1 . RE4UIM The applicant requests approval of a Special Use Permit tz) dl"ow expansion of an environmental ra9earch lab facility /training center at 5040 Tabor Street. The property in question Is zoned Industrial and has been previously used as a lab. Since the applicant will be expanding the use to occupy the property surrounding the existing building, a Special Use Permit is requested. II. &ZTIL CQ FIMMAT'I4NLAUTE PLM The p- opert.y has roughly 4.4 acres, however, only the northwestern 1ne -third of the property has been developed and utilized as a lab. There is an existing building 3000 square feet in size with an associated parking arc--a to the north. 1 site currently is nonconforring in rey.rd to parking lot ac( -ess and front setback ,30 feet where 50 feet is required). The applicant proposes a three -phase expansion plan for the environmental - esearch;training facility as indicated on the attache3 site plan. Please refer to Exhibits A' and 'B' which are a site play, and an explanation of the request. The first phase includes expansion of the existing parking lot, construction of a new parking lot, iandscapinq and the installation of "training stations'. Phase two includes construction of another structure (3500 square feet) and additional "training stations ". The third phase includes more " traininc stations" and a dormitory. Staff has the following comments in regard to the proposed site plan: 1. All parking areas seed to be paved unless a variance is obtained. Staff would not support this. 2. :he parking provided does not appear adequate for long -range build out, i.e., s total of at least 75 spaces). 3. New parking area needs to be revised to meet current access requirements. 4 A six - foot -high sc'id ieace needs to be constructed , 'ong the no -tn, soutr and east sides of the property. 3. The site plan, in general, does not meet the requirements for a Type I site plan. Although it indicates the use of the property, it deeds to be re -drawn to meet the requirements laid out in Section 26.6(E) of the wheat Ridge Ccie of Laws. All utilities can pro service to the property 0 0 Plarn.ng Cose.ission Staff Report Page 3 Case ho. SUP- 93- 3 /Urie Arvada Fire District will require an additional hydrant when the second building is constructed. A fire land to the rear of the property is required. Public Works will require a drainage report and street improvements with the new building. Jeff >rson County Health Department wil: require an air pollution. emissiin permit. They have Ilso quoted noise standards t(- be complied with. See Exhibit 'C'. V1. MTZ81A Staff has the following comment= regarding the criteria used t3 evaluate a Special Use Permit. 1. Will skvt a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate of the location proposed, considering 4 - +lable alternatives. 'he field of encironrental research and hazardcu�: m,te a.., `.andling # is -: that is expanding. F.xpansi, ?i, it the. iai.ity will fill a :;id in services. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The use should not negatively affect adjacent residen ially -used industrial -zoned properties if buffering is provided and if tho standards set up by Jef`ers)n County Health Department are complied with. 3. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. If the operation is conducted as explained In the proposal, there• should be minimal air, water and noise pollution. 4. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. _he expansion _c , c- F_stent with the Indu:3trial designation on 5. Will not r -suit .i& undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loadino, service or iiternal traffic conflicts to the detrimett of persons wLetAer on or off the site. The site plan does not alequateiy addr.-ass cn -site tr and must be revised accordingly 1W qW Planning Cussaission Staff Re pOIL Page 4 Case No. SUP -93- 3 '1'rie 6. will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping. no as t, be in harsony and cospatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. .nom area is generally industrial in nature, however, there is a residence to the south adjacent to where the second office will be constructed. The portion .Jjacent to the outdoor training area is ltilized agriculturally. Addit.orally. the site plan needy to be modified to include perimeter buffering for protection for the residence to the south. 7. Will not over burden the capacities of the existi,ig streets, utilities, parks. schools and other public facilities and services. The proposl: should not over - burden the c. of e>.istinci streets. utilit.es, narks or schools. Based on the answers given above, Staff concludes that the cri�t_ a used to evalulte a Special Use Permit s pp��rt approval f tRi request. V. NXIOHO ORHOOD REFERRAL A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 17, .993. Actachea under Exhibit 'D' are evidence of the meeting. VI. CONC LUSIONS i RBCOl4SVNpfi Staff concludes that there is a void in services which will be met with the expanded lab. Staff further concludes that there should be minimal impacts if the prcperty is used in conforma.ice with applicant's proposal and meets the standards established by Jefferson County Health Department. However, the site plan submitted as part of the application is lacking in regard to parking, access and buffering. It alsc does not meet the - equirements of a Type 1 site plar. For these reasons, a rpcommenGation of Approval is given for the Special Use Permit, with the conditi .3n that Staff's concerns outlined in Section IT of t %Js report are incorporates into the site plan prior to City Council review. O,3 1ON A: "I move that Case No. SU, -93 -3, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a research lab 'training center at 5040 Taber Street be Approved for the follow n3 reasons: Planning ^oeMMiasion Staff Report Page S Case No. Sl'P- 93- 3'Uzie 1. it will f. a void in service. 2. There w .1 be minimal negative impacts to the adjac Pi ol'erty. 3. Staff recomme dF Approvai. Wi h the following condition 1. That the c.;nccrns outline0 in Section II of this staff report be i.ncorperatod into the site plan prior to City Council Review. OPTION 9: 'I move that rase No SUP -93 3, a request for approva, of a Special Use Permit to allow a research :ab,`raining center at 5010 Tabor Street be Denied f the following reasons: 1. 2. ,�pc>srsup933 0 0 CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CIT1 OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: SUP -93 -3 LOCATION: 5040 Tabor Street APPLICANT(S) NAME: Urie Environmental Health, Inc OWNERS) NAME: Sare. REQUEST: Special Use Permit to allow a research lah in an Industrial zone APPROXIMATE ARFA: 4.4 acres WHEREAS, the Ci,y of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list Of factors to be considered %ith the ahove request, and said list - i factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by refer (-n -.-P, -nd made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, thare was testimony received at a public hearing heard by Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NCW, rHEREFOhE, based apon the facts presented and conclusion, reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT, seconded by COR.missioner CERVENY, that the request for approval of a Specia. Use Permit to allow a research lab in an Industrial zone at 5040 - aboi Stree*_ be forwarded to City Council with a recommendatior for Approvai for the following reasons: _. Staff ccicludes that se=v :.fs can be met; and The proposed .ise is COMpatitle with adjacent uses. Wi'h the following conditions: 1- prior to City Council re%iew, the -31te plan wo..ld be upgraded to meet the Zonina Ordinince requi- ements for a t -pe I site plan; &nd 2. A proper security screening fence bn :nsta)iod around the ar -a being actively utilized. VOTL: YES: Eckhardt, ')wens, Cerveny, Langdon and Rasplicka NO: None I. Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolutio•i was duly aGopted by a Q vote of the members present ae their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Bui ding, W eat Ri e, Colorado, on the 18th day oS;August, 1993. George Langdon, Chairperson San Wiggins, ae e�y WHEAT PIDGE PLANNING COMM WHEAT RIDGE Pa COMMISSION <pc>resosup933 INTRODUC n al COUNCIL MEMBER PHIL FDI,IA Council Bill 1 ORDINANCE NO. 944 SO of 1993 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIN3 FOR TH,: APPROVAL OF A SPELIA', USE PERY.IT TO ALLOW AN ENViRnNMENTAL TRAINING CENTER IN AN INDUSTRIAL ZONE DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5040 TABOR STREET, CITY Or WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT OrDAINED BY THE CIT', 1:OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: 5eCt1pR 1 Upon application by iris Environmental Health, Inc. for approval of a Special Use Permit in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Cam' No. SU1-93 -3, and based upon a recommendation for approval from the Wheat Ride Planning Cc%mission and pursuant to findings made based in testimony and evidence presented at a p•:blic hearing befo the Wheat Ridge City Council, a Special Use Permit to allow an environmental training cent?r in an Industrial zone district is hereby approved for the fcllowinq descried lance: That portion of Lot 19, Standle} Heic•:ts, which he]ins at a point formed by the intersection of the Eas, line of Tit-or Street with the Southerly right -of -way line of the C`D -ado and Suu*hern Railroad right -of -way, which point Of t lies 358.6 feet, more or less, North or the South line of said Lot 10 t:. -nce South .long the sai�_! East 1_ne of Tabor Street 2_3 feet t� a Point; thence East and par.Ilel with the So -1 line c' said Lot 19; a distance of 54 .5 feet to a Feint cn the East line o: said Lot 19, thence Ncrth alor• t`. tart line of Lot 19 a t:.tance of 389.7 feet to a point un t..e Southerly right- of -w;f � 1_ns of the lozido and Southern Railway, thence southwesterly a':)ng said Southerly right -of -way line a distance of 660 feet mc:e or less to the point of beginning, County of Jef erson, etate of Colorado. SAQ_1 n 2 yg sted Property gightq_ Approval of this Special Use Permit dons not create a vested property -fight. Vestec property rights may o - -ly arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c) of Appendix A of the Code c Laws of the -ity of Wheat Ridge. Section i � d_ety Clause_ 'he City Council hereby finds, determines aid declares -hat this ordinance is Dromulgated under the general tolice power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is Promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of thQ public, and th this c:dina..ce is necessary fcr the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public cc.ivenieice and %.c!fare. The City Cc;ncil further determines tnat boa the ordinance to be attaa ra ined. relation to the proper l egislative object sought be attained. "rd 4 nance No. 944 ,ase No. SUP-S37 Page 2 Sactli: a. This or3i..4nce Shall taws effect one day after final Publication. INTRODUCED, READ, \ND ADOPTED on first reading by a vats of �1 to _Q_ on this 27th day of _ September , 1993, ordered Published in full in a newspaper of general circulation In the City of Wheat Ridge and Public. Hearing and consideration on final passage se= for , 1993, at 7:30 c,'clock p.m., in the Council - harnbers , 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 10/25/93 Notion to continue to November 22. 1993 carried 8 REA>, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of _8 to 0 this 22nd day of November 1993. - SIGNED by the Mayor on this 23rd day of November , 1993. r Wanda Sang, !ty _ ark ATTORNEY lst Publication: Oc_ober 2nd Publication: December Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: December <pc>ordsup933 r WILDE. MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY KATHRYN SCHRO CITY ATTDBWE✓ 5, 1993 14, 1993 15, 199,