HomeMy WebLinkAbout9 Paramount ParkwayCity of ': �MMUNI*TY "11 -12 -1 DEVELOPMENT B uildi ng n It Swvk" Dh4slo 7500 W, 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 2855 *_ F Fax 303-237-M i(�@ # a n.. s 3-2 Building Penntt Application Add Paramount Prk wv ,w Karon Jenks mwfw. L03-232-2918 Ma llino Add : (ff dWerent that) PAVNW Fd CO. Sw `• 802.15 4 w B. A O We Windows 14 Doors 0 cw* 8 d v I0uIx 18,894 � AC A, lrs Lt ♦ t y�M1 }.. ` k . M w 0 MW .. V 0 t 0 d a R/ W 5; Ic "I E Q a (D cr 1 C.. fn C3 E m M COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 15380 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date : 4/23/2003 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: CHRIS JANKS Property Address : 7& 9 PARAMOUNT PKWY Phone : 232-2918 Contractor License No. : 21378 Company : Colorado Deck Works Phone : 445-6855 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $1,300.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and Permit Fee : $62.31 do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and alle9ations covenants Plan Review Fee : $0.00 , made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on ihis Use Tax : $15.60 application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Cede (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W h,a i ge ordinances, for work under this p mit. Total: $77.91 DATE 41 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED 11 Use Description : REPLACE THE EXISTING 410 X 4/0 WOOD LANDING AND STEPS AT REAR OF RESIOENCE W/ 5/0 5/0 WOOD LANDING AND 4/0 WIDE STEPS. BOTH UNITS 7& 9. BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ Zoning Gorriments:? SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : MA 4121/03 zoning : R-z pwnn/ Please Note: C"trector i Building Com[nents: s responsible for locatin JineS ~d cons~cting improv b Properh' APProval : BG 4121103. OK cments acco:din~ aPpro d plan and reyui; e;j dElr he The Cit is opment blic Works Com,m.ents:l P d. ~ sta not recpon „i ~ - i aGC 3 SL}bRl]'I'd4A7L~I1 - Ll,ltlr. . u Approval : , cis resull; g Iri n ;na - Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Flectrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Fxpiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This pettnit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of W heat Ridqe, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work aulhorized is not commenced within sizty (80) days fmm issue dale or (B) the building aulhorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid tor a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the nalurel Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notiry the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before pmceediin i successrve hases of the job. (6) The i ce ~yl~e aPProval of drawings and sPecifcations shall not be canstrued to be a Permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provis o e b~I i des or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building In~'pector oF wHEAT COMMiJNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Pemiit Number: , y BUILDING INSPECT'ION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: ~ m CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WFIEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) C~(ORPQ~ F APPU~TdON Properry Owner: L r( ~ S , q r7 Y- S Property Address: 'F 7 e q PAR RAOUrJT PK"jy iON QkT n 1 py E Phone : 3 0 5- 2 3 Z• Z 9 1 8 Contractor License No.: Z 137 g Company: CoLORAPO DEcK WoR~[s Phone: 3o3-'aq5-Gg54;- OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the seWack dis[ances proposed by dils pcmilt application arc accun[q and do no[violate applicable ordinances, rules orregulations of the CiTy of V✓heat Ridge or cwenanis, easements orreshiclions ofmcord; tUat all meuuremcnts shown, and allegations made aze accurate; that I have read md agree [o abide by all condifions printed on this applicatlon md that I assume fu]] responsibility for compliance with the V✓heat Ridgc Building Code (U.B.C) md all othet applicable Whcat Ridge Ordinances, for work under Nis pemv[. Construction Value:$ 3 00 Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tas:$ Total:$ DESCRIPTION: KEPLAGf ?41Ll- EXt5TIn1,; 1410Y ~ wOOD LAPJ1>/nJ< ANO SrrPS AT REA r oF ICEs 11>£A1LE u1TU s/o x 5/0 woon Lqti1Di i.1C, p,VC> ql4 vtDg S'Tt4-_- S, gOTN UrJ I TS zt7 e9 BUII..DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMENTS: Approval: '6i'~~ 4 [2-k /c~ Zoning: C)_ ~ BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: SIC: ~ Sq.Ft.: ~ 10;^ ~ ~ 1 72003 `Occupancy: Walls: RooE Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expirafion Date: Expiration Date: Expuation Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (I) This permi[ was asued iu ucordence with tLe provisions set forth in yow application aud is subject N the laws ofthe State of Colondo md w the Zaning Regulatioat md Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colomdo or euy othu epplicable ord'mances of the City. (2) T6is pelmie shall expue if (A) the work authorized is not commrnced witLia sixty (60) dnya from issue date or (B) Ne building aulhorized is suspended or abaudoned for a puiod of 120 days. (3) Ifthis pexmit expiru, a new pttmit may be acqu'ved tor a fre of one-half fhe emomt normally iequirzd, provided no changes have Lern w wil] be made in theorigwalplaos and specifications andeuy suspemion ora6andonmmthasnot uceededone (I) year. Ifchnngeshavebeeu ori(awpension orabandonmmt uceeds one (1) yesq fu➢ fres sha116e paid for a new permit (4) No work of any mnnner sLall be don< tLat will change the naNm1 flaw oFwata causing a deainage problem (5) ConicacmrsLellnotitytheHuildingInspecmrtwenry-four(24)Lom in advance for all inspectionsandshallrecdvewrittenapproveloninspectiweardbefott proceedi¢g with successive phesu of thejob. (6) T'he issuance af a pamit rn Ne approval of dnwings md speci5catioas shall not be covstrued ro be a permit foq nor eu approval of, any vidafion of the provisiops of the building codes or any otha ordinance, 1aw, rule oz regulation ~'Z z Chief Buil ' Inspector V 1 rH 46'-0" 7 C) P - 03 c c N I--I 03 303. U, a O s ct a loS i 3 x a 0 E Cd a, ~ a ~ O M M ~ a ~ w p V° o N v A o ~ ~ ~ \ m c~. a ~ Building Guide Colorado Chapter of the International Conference of Building Officials At least three completed documents must be provided to apply for a building permit: 1. Complete this Building 6uide by filling in the blanks on page two, and indicating which construction details will be used. 2. Provide a Floor Plan (site plan) showing dimensions of your project or addition and its relationship to exisring buildings or structures on the property and the distance to existing properry lines. 3. Fill out a bdding permit appl"~cation. The majority of permit applications are processed with little delay. The submitted documents will help determine if the project is in compliance with building safery codes, zoning ordinances and other applicable laws. The Colorado Chapter of the Intemational Conference of Building Officials is a professional organizalion seeking to promote the public health, safety and welfaze relarive to building construction. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. To obtain a master copy of this Building Guide, please write to Colorado Chapter of the Intemational Conference of Building Officials, P.O. Box 961, Arvada, CO 50001. This handout was developed by the Colorado Chapter af the Internatlonel ConTerence of Building Officials as a basic plan submittal under the 1994 Uniform Codes. It is not intended to cover all ctircumstances. Check with your Building Oepartrnent for additional requiremenis. How to Use this 6uide s/97 'Sing ' Famn"y Re I ' a ( ' ' 1 Decks a 1 o . DlrecUons 1. Fill in the blanks on pages 2 and 3 with dimensions 7~#9 + PA o ~A ~ ~A y and materials which will be used to build the gAh uN r ~ structure. Please printlegibly. 2. Indicate in the check box which detail from page 3 wi ll be used. #5Mgr* decking WekrNep- PeST p~cKiact , (ewndeizaor2x6) Dedk-~~ Existing bldg. 36 inch high guardrail with pickets or intermediate rails 2x $ joists spaced so that a 41nch diameter spaced l(o " apart sphere cannot pass through (arampa: zx io•wacWza'eer,aan) ~ E m Naii decking to joists with ~ galvanized deck nails or screw 10 beam to joists with non-corrosive , io ~ see eerai e1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A: m joist f 0- see Attmete B7 6 B2) ❑ Detail B ❑ Altemate Detail Bt posts I 0 Altemate Detall B2 5~ apart Detail A (see Pe9e 9) 3) poSCS speced 8' epert) c m tp . 5 ~ ^ O S ple: 13'- 4' ) Deteil C • (see Pa9e 9) ~ • Finished rade i C ty~r a • ~ Note: If an exit or egress from the existing • building passes under the proposed deck, or if ~ there is an existing patio under the proposed L deck, a minimum Gear headroom of not less ~ than 6ft. 8in. must be maintained under the ~ beam. Please indicate c>penings in exisbng wall. m Note: A floor plan (plan view) showing the dimensions of your project or add'Rions and its relationships to existing buildings or structures on the property must be included. In addftion to project dimensions, your fioor plan must also show other details such as post locations and spacing, joist and beam spans, and any other pertinent information not shown on the section drawing. mis nandout was aevre4W ey mma caorado cnvWr a ft imBffkin«W . Conlerence of Building ONicials as a basic plan submittal under the 7994 Unilorm Codes. It is not inteMed to cover all cireumstances. :::1 Check with your Building DepaAment for additional requiremenls. 2 sis7 Open guardrails and open hand2ils on decks and stairways more than 30 inches above grade or a floor below shall have pidcets or intermediate rails spaced so that a 4 inch diameter sphere cannot pass through. Guardrail ~ Stairway Notes: 1. Stairways shall be not less than 36 inches in width. 2. Stairway rises shall be not less than 4 inches nor greater than 8 inches. 3. Stairway treads shall have a minimum run of 9 inches. 4. The greatest riser height and largest tread run in a stairway shall not 36" min. exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. height Handrail (see details below) Deck I I gq . 38 above i Guardrail required if more than 30 inches 9 inch min. run __1 Landing ~ Not less than 4 inch min. - 8 inch max. rise width of stairway V Finished grade Handreil Notes: 1. Handrails shall be continuous on at least one side of stairs with 4 or more risers. 2. Handrails shall be placed not less than 34 inches nor more than 38 inches above stair nosings. 3. The handgrip portion of handrails shall be not less than 1-7/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in dimension. 4. Handrails shall be placed not less than 1-1/2 inches from any wall or other surtace. 2 inche Wall '/z inches min. rnis handaA was develaPed q' ft Cobrado ChaPter d Uie Intemationa~ Conterence of Building 08icials as a basic plan submirial urMer the 1994 UnAorm Codes. It is not intended to wver all circumstanees. Check with your Building Department for additional requirements. 6/97 Existing buildin Nail to joists with galvanized deck nails or screw to joists with non-corrosive screws Galvanized metal joist hanger Lag bolted to existing bldg. with lag bolts spaced 16" apart. Locate bolts to penetrate rim joist or wall studs. ag bolt railing to beam Galvanized metal posUbeam connector '/z" Diameter anchor bott embedded 7" min. into concrete pier or the equivalerrt u - This handoul was devebped bY Me Cdwado Chapler ol the IMematlmal Conference of Building OXicials as a basic plan submittal under the 7994 Unifortri Cades. It is not intended to eover all circumstances. Check with your Building DepaAmant ior additlonal requirements. Galvanized metal joist hanger Full depth 2x solid blocking 24" max. Galvanized metal post anchor Lag bolt railing to beam Gaivanized metal posUbeam wnnector Lag bolt railing to beam Galvanized metal posUbeam connector 6" min. If less than 6", post mus[ be treated or redwood c E m d L U C ZD n 3 Whether you hire a conhactor or build your project yourself, note: treated wood a'ill last a long time, therefore so will your workmansitip. You'll be happier - and your proJed will look better - if you take your time and ob- serve good construction techniques. * Before you begin nailing, lay out your lumber with the best-looking face exposed. Decide wttich pieces you want for visible areas, and which Pieces for understruchue. + Separate deck boards as follows to allow for expansion and contraction. If heavy and wet, separate boards no more tlian 1/16" as some shrinkage will occnr. If LP,ht and dry, separate boards no more tlhan 1/8". ' Avoid long spans in consttuction The geater the distance between supporting points, the more force developed within the wood as it dries. A1sa avoid de- signs with long cazrtilevers imsecured at one end. * Use enough nails. Sldmping dcesnY pay. Use two nails across a 2 x 4 and three across a 2 x 6. Drive nails at a sligbt angle toward each other. « Nails azd other liardware sliould be hotdiPpad zinc-coated or equally well protacted material. Other- wise, weath¢r may cause them to mst, leaving streaks. s Witli a pneumatic nailer, use no more pressure than necessary to drive nails flush with tlie surface. « Screws take somewhat longer to drive tlian nails, but iLey hold boards securelY, allow for easier removal, amd eliminate unsighfly indentalions from hammer blows. s To reduce Splitting, drill a pilot hole about three quazters the diameter of the nail. For dease or brittle wood, gnnd shazPness from nails or blunt ihe points by strildng them carefully with a Uammer. Blunt nails cut through; sLarp ones pry apart. * Use 12d nails on nominal lwo-incli decldng. Use two at each joint with 2 x 4s ]aid flat; use thrce for 2 x 6s laid flat. lOd nails are recommeoded for 5/4" decking. * Lumber wider ttian six inches should not be used as a flat surface. Wide, flat boards are subject to ponding of rain water, which can lead to cupping Prablems. It is better to use two 2 x 6's than one 2 x 12. * If a board is bowed, install it with the crown up. Gcaviry and the weight of people and fumitwe will flatten it. * If a board has a slight bend to it, it sometimes can ba stiaiP,htened as it is nailed in p1ace. Building Guide DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEN7 Building Permit Number; 7841 a: ISWLCItNG iWSPEGTIBN QIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEA1T RIDGE Date : 8117/98 75001NEST 29TH AYENUE WHEAT'RIDGE, CO 80215 RroPerty bwner : Prcperty Address : 9 ParamountParkway Phone : 232-2818 Conttacflw L'u:ense No. : 17152 Cumpany: Precise Plumbing Phone : 534 08$1 OWNER/CdAYTRACTOR SIGNA7URE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Consdvctbn Uaiue : $491:00 (OWNERxCON'fRAGTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : Replace water heater,'ready for inspection Permit Fee : $22.00 Plan Review Fee : S0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $22.00 Use: 2oning : Approvai : ARFrovaI : Occupancy : Wa11s USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Fk . Roof : Stories : Residentiai Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No Company: " Company: Company: bcpimfim'Date : Expiration Date : Expirafion Date : ApProval % Approval : Approval : . (t) ~wn Iwea ln aaoidencs with g+a Pmuldm aN tamM rqwr applICauan ara re to me Wwe ama stam a caaada am a ms zomp WM 8Wypq Code o( Whek Gob~stlo W arry dMr applkabk atlin~nxs d~ ~ Gly. ' . (a) 7Ma partaEEsM~q aS BW Uw waic aW~etl le ~at wrm~ed wNhin shc' (e0) deri trom leaue aete a(B) the ouudpip auaroAsea b+!nWnpp q. . a6amldrcedfiDl'a t#130 . (s) n mNPa+nk~ ' mev be eoa~kw a aro m oneMn ni. amourrt nonr~ly requhaa. qoviaea no have cheiwee wen aw1{6rffimMe erMUmwa,s.. ~OMMI P~ and antl anY w eppndonment hn not exceeded one (7) Year. Hcharges ma mstle a R wapainbn a qnt. aapCa atm Y~, fi~ te» pail W P~~a mw . (e) NowWlcure/rmammrensuwaoneawtwwcharqe a~impu.ifbw~mwebrce~,a aarae~apeqonbm. .(5) Co~ pu1a~~w ~~nyv~,b~mur ~a+~~ ~a. m ea~nce r« ai ~sa~s eoa.nni reo~nrewmm~,.pprovalaninw.cuon cre uxwm (8) ~ P~ or tlro ~~R~e~ ot~taxAnpt antllpedflc~lbne ehall rwt ba consVUed lo be a pemik funor an ePP~e~ of, anY WoMtlOn OfMa provi6bnt ot.Mep~&W.OOdasuanYdllM.ortlina~e.laW.NlBOrnpWatlM. . . . . . ~iy~~~ / hief8u Mspectoc 7HIS PERMI7 VALID ONLY 1MHEN SIONED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING IN$PEGTOR AND MAYOR . GALL: 2345913 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUtLDING DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Bufiding Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 238-2866 Date : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 ProPeRY Owner : 4 0 LT etv kC S ' Property Address Phone : a Contractor License No. 7/ S-'~2, CompanY : P- le c.is c ';Z;~ c- Phone : S'.~y o S's~'/ ~ OWNEWCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hsroby certAy that Me setbadc Oistances proposeC by this permrt apOiiGtion are axunte. antl Go not valate apDUcaDie ommances. rulea or reguuuons of the City of IMieat Ridye or LOVQIIintS. eaEQmnb Of flSNLd0115 Of flGOftl: tllit 711 meisuflnMfILS EhOWII. intl 711lQifWns im800 ara acCUrdiR: Iflat I h9ve fe6tl antl iqI!e to aW0! Oy sll COntlitiOnS pnntltl on lhiE appYCation. and tnat I assuma full roa ~Iity for compnanca wM Ne WMat Ritlge BuiWiny Cods (U.B.C.) ana au oMer appbcabb~WMat Ridge oramanoea. for work under m1s pemmt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED D'°`TE cl~ ConsVuction Value : z,1~71 Pertnit Fee : .2 -t Use Tax : .5~P,0^5 Total : 2 z Descnption : / ce 4014' '14-~ /fva 14i^ / d 1`4 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ME2.011 Approval Zoning : aauarhklaXilfflffi~ Approval ~e. _ N Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : SWries : Residential Units : Electncal License No : Plumbing License No : nnecnanicai ucense rvo : Company : Company : ~ ,E , , r_, Company : - _i''i?<<f 7 ~c 1. - . . . . . . Expiratlon Date : Expiretion Date :b r.'c nl),(e~ Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approvaf : qurrea~ Pna=.Re-guired:-~:~ ~ kp ~ rPJWFU (1) nus pamrt was nwea n saaaance 110011 me orowans tet rortn m yoour aoWaaa+ ana u suq«x ro tna inw of the Suu W Cduam ana w tM 7.orunY Rtquuuons ana BwWirq Coae ol W1iest RWps. Caoraao w arry oNx aopuame orolnarqa of Na City. f27 This ps- snan axpue d fAI me wwK aummzea n noi mmmanoea mvun sury (80) Erys hwM issw Cau a(8) IM buildin0 auUimzea o suspaWOG a abWOnea tor a peraa W120 Cays. (7) ii wf permrc sxwros. a naw wrmt m+y os awuveo Ax a Na W onanan the amount normauy raquusa. provqeG no chanqn now Oaan a wil W mWft n tM prgelal planf an0 SpMafK'AOOns an0 a1ry w70ansan w a Wn0onlnMt nas nd sxqWetl Ona (1) YeL. tl chLIQq aro rtloOS Ot 11 autpenmOflOf sW1WmMi11 GxUlCa OIfQ 11) Y! V. hlli h!f fMq DQ Mq fOf i nQw OlIIM. (4) No wwx of anv manner ansn De oone wt vnu enarpe ma natuni eow W walar eauvnq a anuuga protMam. (5) Convaccor snau nouM t+e Buiwmg iasoecta nvanry•iour (24) nours in aavance ior an inspecaons ana anaq rxene wntten aOGmnl ui inspecoon eara uMOre Grooeecnng wnn successne onases ol tne pb. (6) Tne osuance of a pertnrt or v+e aoGrovai ol arnnngs ana soeafiauons fnau not oe conswaE to De s pertml for, na an spprovai ol. airy vidaoon o1 Na prwisqna of Vle Dunamq c00e5 a any oiner oromanCe. Ww. N;e or requlaVOn. Chief Building Inspecror For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-1387 Date :7/12/95 Property Owner : Property Address : 9 PARAMOUNT PKY Contractor License No. : 17258 Company : Drury Bros. Roofing Phone: 232-5687 Phone: 722 2213 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full resp sibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable leat Ridge ordinances, for,work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : REROOF Construction Value : $10,000.00 Permit Fee : $117.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $150.00 Total: $267.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ..=.~4.~..APProval..-:., Zoning : ~~1~!?~~"►-I~iPi~ Approval : Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: N Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : IN Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is sub'ect to the laws of the State of Coloretlo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ortlinances of t~e City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixry (60) days From issue date or (B) the building authorizetl is suspended or abantloned for a periotl ot 120 days. (3) If this permit ezpires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitled no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceetled one (1) year. It changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid Por a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Confraclor shall notiy the Building Inspeclor hventy-four (24) hours in atlvance (or all inspeqions and shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before roceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) pThe issuance of a permit or the approval of tlrawings antl specifications shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval oF, any violation of the provisions of f fe builcHng codes or any other ortlinance, law, rule or regulation. r"iief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION t-~,__ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 Date : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner Property Address Phone : 57 Contractor License No. : I-)'2 S(~D Company : DA" &"'Z' ~ Phone : "7~ ~D 1 3 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit appiication are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulalions of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibdity for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Rid9e ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description:_1f~t\,g4 (lM~ ~ti~" efj~ Construction Value : 0,"~ ~ Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~r~7~ig'~~iFi►i[~'~~ Approval : Zaning : BLllilFn~Roaiirie[i.~ Approval : F~lilicfW~rlcs GB~men~ Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : ~ ,Plans Required,;: ; ~ Company : Expiration Date : Approval : A P.IAns Required ;J Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : r Pt2hs;~2~quit$tl> (p This permrt was issued in accordance with lhe provisions set forth in yo0ur applicalion and is subjecl lo lhe laws of Ne Stale of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applica6le ordinances of the Ciry. (p) This permit shall expire it (A) the work authorizetl is not commenced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the builtling aulhonzetl is suspended or abanCOnetl for a perioC of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a tee ot one-half the amount normally required, provitled no changes have been or will be made in ihe original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are maCe or if susDension or aCandonment exceetls one (1) year, full fees shall be paiC for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall De Eone that will change the natural flow of water wusinq a tlrainage problem. (5) Contrector shall nohry the Builtling Inspector Iwenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection cartl before pmceetliing with successive phases o/ the job. (6) 7he issuance of a permit or the appmval of drawings and specifiwtions shall not be consirued to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions ofthe building codes orany other ortlinance,taw. mle orregulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID O ALL W2345933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO~INSPECTION ECTOR AND MAYOR