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3381 Oak Street
tNSPEGTIO�j p' livSPEC r1 NLtNE FARM, htt :// ON RECOR INSPECTION R^`- ci. whe °c-- EQUEST atridge.co.us/ins **RegUen Inspections tions will not be LINE: (303 pection p hon before 11;59 performed ) 234-5933 p•m• (midni unless this card is t;bt) to receive ani P°sted on the ins the following bu project site. Foundatio inspector Must Si business day. Pier n Inspections Sign ALL Spaces Pertinent to th;s Concrete Initials protect Encased Ground (CEG) Foundation / P.E Letter Comments UndergroDO Not Pour Concrete und/Slab Ins Prior To Electrical Inspections Date Approval Inspector Sewer Service Initials Of The Above Inspections Plumbing Comments Do Not Cover Under round or BeIOW/ln Slab work Pr; Rough Inspections - Wall Sheathing or To Date Inspector gpprova; Of The Mid -Roof Initials Above Lath / Wall Tie Comments inspections Rough Electric /7 Rough Plumbing/Gas Rough Mechanical Line Rough Framing Rough Grading Insulation Drywall Screw/ Nail F►nal Inspections Landscaping & Parkin Date Inspector 9 /Planning Dept. Initials ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. pection Inspections Comments Fire Ins (if applicable) ns from these Inspection / Fire P °"e week in adv entities shout Final Electrical rotection Dist. inspections ance. For landsc d d a call spin quested =final Piu inspections call 3 03 235-2846. For g and parking tubing contact the 235-2861. ROW and drainage final Fire Protection For fire ins Mechanical District for inspections oof Your project. nal Window/Doors 7 fiat Building SIC. A!! ite co/77P/eteat must be upancy is issued. A mpleted ow volts pprov and approved b 9e permits _ al of the Final guildin P/arming, Pub Building Division. Please be sure that rou 5 inspection works does not constitute and ,(I din 9h inspections authorizati'Ing before OCcupanc are completed fro a Certificate y Is Not Per m the Fire District and of occupancy. mitted Until q Ce electrical low voltage Protect T Certificate of Occ This Card From The upancy is Issued Weather City of wheat Ridge pER1V1IT _,201704213 0'r tial Roofing 13 / 2013 Redden 03 / 13 / 2018 ISSUED: shingles - EXPIRES: Ultra HD asphalt 201"104213 Tiumberline SIO: 3381 Oak ST roof to install GAF RESS: Residential Re- ;CRIPTION: 54 sq i- ***ROBERT )NTACTS 5062 WILLIAMS (303)943- Manuel Rocha (303)239-1111 _ A INFO , CODE: CODE: IVIS ION UA / Unassigned VILLAGES, 9 Horn Brothers Roofs -ng 02112 USE: LOT#: PROSPECT V BLOCK/ — 2403 / APPLEWOVA JECT LUATION: O WOW=— *** FEE SUMMARY al Valuation T ax _mit Fee TOTAL ** ESTIMATED PR FEES 0.00 313.55 283.55 59-7-10 --.000— UA / Unassigned 0 / 14,931.00 *** ved midroof :* COMMENTS an appro final wire rior to tions req alled, p insp on shingle installa Covering is in a approved spaced ONS *** q asphalt 0f the roof requires entire roof when ** CONDITI ember 1, 201 ,25_35 percent new or overlaY)e on the les are when thing Asphalt shing Ice and Effective De conducted of roof sheathing exists• shingle s and is requRr inspection, 1atiOn cover half inch 6 nails per 3 feet above Instal Of ANY roof cO of extending approval• ation exceeding one minimum A ladder inspections• to install h Aoy the ep ro° f deck with a s required• 0r all roof prior thing with and rake meta to be provided f r board shea fasten and/or manufacturer inspection shield is required- Eave requir Codes ass a final from the required to be licable In Order to p rOval d in place Rs $ecure t0 Comply with app ent inspect-- the antheap oof at 1prO7ect water eave and required is more string 0f roof s whichever s, a letter lication of On for (roof the ventilation is Roof ven instruction roof covering that ,the app instructi Of final tRon similar type stating installation the time installa or resentative be 0n site at elastomeric with the of technical rep accordance required to the 3rd cturer lied in is requiredI Inanufa has been app roof covering 0n will be address) name) inspecti Ormed by City of material brand 3rd party ection perf inspection' S 6/12 PITCH: insp 1 not be completed. insp ROOF OVER ected at fl ail roofI ion wil for co ll the fin inspect inspections ort wino b available Roof inspection rep party idge• If report Rs Wheat R ��°��nY field,-ass Th�he City of W permit iss ed r ''r C, .lyd Fant F°rr Che ld9e date 2� 5 k List _ z pr°Perfj, D., ®—net to fo rOperty pyy ger !nf rmatiO rr"aeon �- nergddress n �`� T ,' rdti�� /nSp cction ComPar�or ►nfo�a . /n for �a y _ _bort sAector Contact i nfo 1` 1 he arhv aclns actor s that to are undefkno e 1 thy- arid *1h 6712 m roof 1 a Acknowl !g d f°und iocanow1 9e the, inspe edl pectin9 i 671 merit re C as well as a rn corn/;a r0ofin9 s Y the Citi, of 2 or °ver al! corn all Ci nce with t Ysfem for the Wheat did roofs /ngPec or�datio tY of eat Rid he rninirn referenced 9e Buid n9 sAec' 9e poi;cies and Urn pU ire building h Dept. cations. *l �, oceu e an the 2072 !�n insPected my cons ackn wied finer stated Manu facturer's and 2072 in ji ant 9e gethat Date. feu I'r°Ae °f the tY o f l fisted thvvh /r am the °w,partyr�e f Ackn0 1 /I � O�'ner/,�gnt�at R�d9e 8ui1d;P,ctr°n of tcorn he buildngeef� et This ory ng D;Vlsion iPan o n ev;1d; genal Y t°Pert � above an ^ dOcu inspection. rrn mY roof inspection I ge s o�;ea/ withDrop 0in , as well as th P rrnit � In Person V en dam of roof n9 chec t Dao' — 75p6 cOunter e� insPe� ' must be W hea id9 VV 29thve d °Or tion. Submitted to the Chief COC60p33 Submit via fCcOor� cf. Mail wheatrid e, co. us Drafted Date: 7726/7 7 Please leat add note to ��- reverse side Roof Ins ❑ QtCtion Pass ON/A ED Pass ❑ Fair ❑N/A ❑F 1 InspectioThe n of Wheat Ridge Check List notes Final Roof � ypass ai N/A �' ❑ Fair structural roof L1 Pass Verify that Components ID Fail no more ❑ Pass - N/A ❑ Fail if Inew rsh for roof and walls I aYers of shingles exist sheathing is rnstalle st N/A ❑ Pass (]Fair permit descriptiond verify Pass Verify she (Valuation Y that it is listed in the N/A Pass [—� Fail ahing nail must be ad' NIA ❑Fail Crickets and pattern (See lusted) LJ 1/ Pass Verify B ve saddles where n policy & Proceedure N/A (_1 Fair Verifynt must haveeeded s) ❑ N/A �l'ass (._I Fail Verify vent caps boot same gauge WN/,q Pass 0 Fair Ste fy no fl ashin as ❑ Pass gs are pipe ❑ N/A ❑ Fail Verify flashing shall be damaged or rusted Pass min. N�q ❑ Fail Ice y scuppers allow for Of 4x4 Piece L1 N/A Pass and water per shingle ❑ Fail Underly shield 2' in Proper drainage EJ N/q Pass 13 Fail Yments heated Wall �J Pass ❑ Fay Verify roof slopemorst follow 2012 tRC spaces ❑ N/A N/A Pass ❑ Farr Slope shall pf°per drainage2012 tF3C t Pass Dri ge should have ruin o f Pass ❑ Fail uld exten 2n overlap ❑ Fail Dripedge shall be d down 90 LB roll r mech al min 2„ past roof deck less oofing shalt anic y fastened 12" ofd k notOC be (�N/q patios Ca than 2102 slope.. lope: Except Exception to roof slopes ( N CJ Pass 1:1 °pen on three detached garages, f' N/A 13 Fail 2 Sues v�f►tn YJ ❑ Pass Modifiedmin_ N/A ❑Pass ❑FairAbove Bitumen, EP pe of YJ N/A IJ Fail rooBelow roof Insulation R 25 TPp min slope 1/4:1 ❑ Pass N/A FJ pass ❑ Fair residential 2 slope C] Fail Below roof R-38 Modified commercial R_32 must Bitumen, EP be installed in DM, TPp min slope specifications_ accordance with pe 1/4' 12 slo Metal f c. warfan have manufac pe N/A 1- --- >hin les tY with the ust manufactufehe turers ❑ Pass Re uIr@ address o s letter of ❑Fail rYI@nts n the letter f NSA Metal roof S for final inspection LY N/A ED Pass C] Fair 3:12 shingles shall not be Pass Metal v installed on slo ❑ Fail alley flash pe less Metal valley flashing shaft be the centerline with g shall extend same in material a min. min o f $„ as roof rib built-in at the flow °f 3/`f „ from the Tile Roofs Ft@ a min. of 4„ w fine with high splash diverter N/A seCtlonS ❑ Pass uirenments Overlapping Aping ,a Clay and concrete ile Slopes 4:12 and untde SmgUhave a 2-1/212 min. e double underly slope '" Yment Cornu - '.n4' Inspector Date Of in Pature: the City of,eat Ridge Inspection Oheck List notes Final Roof -Qt zw-t� rid arty of Wheat Ridge Property Address Th Permit Number 8 rty Form Check List Permit Issued pate g 2 Pro ner I parr Owner I nformation Proper, nformation ner gddress Ins ector t t ~ c fns Faction Compan nformation Inspector Name Y Inspector s Contact into. _ L Ins actor that are rbY acknowledge ttatement and A ck and e roof I a Howled ems I hearbY acknowledge must b m inspecting is nt and vile a inspects 611 IBC found to be in come the roofings s by the City o f Wher over all roofs as well as pliance Y em for the at Ridge B al With the minimum refer uidin pt. recommendati CI d s heat Ridge Poli mum requirements building has b e Inspector: p ciflcations. cies and Proc nts of the 201 been Inspects ed ure and d Manu facto era's d 2012 Pro e my a SY acknowledge 'that Statement Date: / In lieu Of ent for the listedhat l am the ow of,geknowled Pro the City of thrrd_pa ner of the b eMent eery owner/ wheat Rid third-party inspection building referent Agent: 9 — i/ding Divisio mpanY to perfo ed above and l This ori n inspection rm my roof inspection T i s original dot pection 9 Oft tai document as we11 as the Date: within seven da roofing that YS of k list C Drop off In peri nal i must sub the ti ns be Pefmit co on Pection mitts 7500 y� anter 2nd floor d to the Chief Wheat 9e C ve ,Submit at Rid via O $0033 °soca Email Drafted pate: 7126117 Please add note to revers .-, a side Roof Ins ❑ N/A ` ' — ecfi2n ❑ ` I N/A Pass "❑ rail ❑ Pass ❑ N/A ❑ f The City of Wheat Inspection Chec k LiRidge st nates Mid -Roof an Pass Structural ❑ N/A Pass ❑fan Verify that roof components Pass ❑fair Flashing no more than 2 la N/A rail ew for roof and walls Pers of shingles exist If n sheathin ❑ Pass permit 9 is installed verify N/ALD ❑ Fait description fy that it is listed in th N/A ❑Pass [� Fail Verify sheathin (Valuation must be ❑ N/A Pass Crickets and g nail pattern adjusted) e Fair Veri saddles where See policy & Proceedures Pass ne ❑ N/A ❑Fail fY B vent ede N/A Pass ❑ran Verify vent caps st have boot same gauge ) Pass ge as �N/A ❑ Fa;r Verify no flashin pipe ❑ Wa Pass [� Fan Step flashinggs are damaged Pass Verify shall be or rusted C1 N/A fY scuppers min. of 4 PKass ❑Fair Ice and water allow for proper drPiece per shingle ❑ NiA ❑ Fair Underla shield 2 fn age ❑ N/A Pass Yments heated ❑lair Veri must follow 2012 lRC jpaces Pass fy roof slo ❑ N/A ❑ran pe for Pass Qriped e proper drai 2012 IBC ❑ N/A ❑ ran Driped g shall have rain o f nage Pass XN/A 17J P"" ❑ rail ge should ext en 2 overlap i ❑ lair Dripedge shall be d down min 2" 90 LB roll roofing mechanical past roof deck less than 9 shall not 2-12 Sbe Y fastened 12" OC Patios, carports lope:'xceptiOn, detach roof slopes Pass on three ed Saraj"I/A ❑lair 1:?2 � sides with ges, /A ❑ Pass ❑ Fair Modified Bitu min. slope of Below men EPD 25 TP min slope 1/4: J Pas, Above ' M O N/A ❑ r31r roof insulation C i Pass r�/A ❑ lair Bela roof residential R-38 12 slope ❑ Pass I❑ r3ir w roof commercial Modified Bitumen, EPp R-32 must ie installed i M, TPp specifications_ n accordance mm slope 114:12 slope fetal Roaf warran ns- Must have ma with the manufacturers N/A Shing! Re vire with the address on nufacture5 letter of ❑pass ❑ r-;3rr mems the tetter Metal roofs for final ins N/A hingles shall n pection ❑ Pass N/A CJ Pass ❑ F,3ir Metal :12 of be installed on slo ❑ F"'' Metal v alley flashing shall b pe less alley flashinge the same centerline with a mishall extend a material min of 8., as roof rib built-in at the of 3/4 hi from the Tile Roofs a min. of 4�, flow line with s high splash diverter ❑ Pass Ro< Uirery�en fs actions Overlapping XtqlA ❑ roil ppin9 a Clay and concrete Slopes 4:12 the shall have and under requirea min. 2-1/2: double 12 slope underlayment The insp cY City of Wheat Ridge 1on Check List notes Mid -Roof NAo. tes Company Name: Inspector —'�--- Date Signature; Of Inspection: A � City of Wheat Ridge Vr Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201704213 PERMIT NO: 201704213 ISSUED: 07/17/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 3381 Oak ST EXPIRES: 07/17/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install GAF Tiumberline Ultra HD asphalt shingles - 54 sq *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)947-5062 WILLIAMS ROBERT SUB (303)274-1111 Manuel Rocha 021129 Horn Brothers Roofing *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2403 / APPLEWOOD VILLAGES, PROSPECT V BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 14,931.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 313.55 _ Permit Fee 283.55 --`� ** TOTAL ** 597.10 ------ *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) requires an approved inspection prior to installation of ANY roof coverings and is require on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. Ice and water shield is required. Eave and rake metal is required. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. In order to pass a final inspection of elastomeric or similar type roof coverings, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Roof inspections for ROOFS OVER 6/12 PITCH: 3rd party inspection will be required, the 3rd party inspection report will be collected at final roof inspection performed by City of Wheat Ridge. If report is not available the final inspection will not be completed. ,. , 4 i City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201704213 PERMIT NO: 201704213 ISSUED: 07/17/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 3381 Oak ST EXPIRES: 07/17/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install GAF Tiumberline Ultra HD asphalt shingles - 54 sq I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications1 applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this perm1t. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and t_ h t all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. _2—c;, — 1 Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official 'Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Dane Lovett 2cl7cY 21l From: no-reply@ci.wheatri dge.co.us Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 9:36 AM To: Permits CommDev Subject: Online Form Submittal: Residential Roofing Permit Application Categories: Dane Residential Roofing Permit Application This application is exclusively for new permits for residential roofs and for licensed contractors only. This type of permit is ONLY being processed online --do not come to City Hall to submit an application in person. Permits are processed and issued in the order they are received and due to the volume of requests, time to process varies and is subject to change. YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WHEN YOUR PERMIT IS READY FOR PICK-UP AND WILL BE GIVEN A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME WINDOW TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION. You will be notified if your contractor's license or insurance has expired, and you may update those documents at the time you are issued your permit. For all other requests: Homeowners wishing to obtain a roofing permit must apply for the permit in person at City Hall. Revisions to existing permits (for example, to add redecking) must be completed in person at City Hall. All other non -roofing permits must be completed in person at City Hall. The Building Division will be open from 7:30-10:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to process these types of requests. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN REROOFING UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for a Yes residential roof? How many dwelling units Single Family Home are on the property? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 3381 Oak St Property Owner Name Robert Williams Property Owner Phone 3039475062 Number Property Owner Email humberto@hornbrothersroofing.com Address Do you have a signed Yes contract to reroof this property? It will need to be provided at the time of permit pick-up. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name Contractor's License Number (for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone Number Horn Brothers Roofing c z112N 7203912444 Contractor Email Address humberto@ horn brothersroofing. com Retype Contractor Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Are you re -decking the roof? Description of Roofing Material humberto@ horn brothersroofing. com No GAF Timberline Ultra HD Select Type of Material: Asphalt If "Other" is selected Field not completed. above, describe here: How many squares of the 54 material selected above? Does any portion of the property include a flat roof? If yes, how many squares on the flat roof? No Field not completed. TOTAL SQUARES of all 54�' roofing material for this project Provide additional detail Remove asphalt shingles and install asphalt shingles pitch 7:12 here on the description of z work. (Is this for a house or garage? What is the roof pitch? Etc) Project Value (contract 14931 \l value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that this Yes application is NOT a permit. I understand I will be contacted by the City to pay for and pick up the permit for this property. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have been Yes authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Name of Applicant Humberto Cruz Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 3 Horn Brothers !Roofing A Colorado Company In Business Since 1984 2325 S. Jason Street Denver, Colorado 80223 303-274-1111 Roofing Agreement OWNER Robert Williams STREET 3381 Oak St. DATE 6/2812017 CITY, STATE, ZIP Wheat Ridoe, CO 80033 EXISTING SPECIAL ATTENTION AREAS PHONE: 303-947-5062 PHONE: ® COVER POOL/DECK ® PROTECT LANDSCAPE EMAIL: SPECIFICATIONS ® TEAR OFF one (1) LAYER (additional layers extra $) ® REPLACE WITH GAF Timberline Ultra HD ® COLOR OF SHINGLE Weathered Wood ® MANUFACTURER'S LIMITED WARRANTY Lifetime YEAR(S) ® HORN BROTHERS WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY tk% 3 ` YEAR(S) ® VALLEY Closed 90# Felt SOFFITS boxed ® RIDGE MATERIAL GAF TYPE 2 -Ridge ® DRIP EDGE ® EAVES � RAKES ® HW/SW FLASHINGS ® HEADWALL ® SIDEWALL ® REPLACE PIPE JACK BOOTS ®REPLACE LP VENTS ® PAINT ROOF STACKS COLOR match ® I & W ® EAVES ® VALLEY ® PENETRATIONS ® CHIMNEY(S) ® 1.5X SKYLIGHT(S) INSTALL SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT EXTRA WORK ® CLEAN-UP & HAUL OFF ROOFING TRASH ® CLEAN OUT GUTTERS ® ROLL MAGNET AROUND HOUSE PERIMETER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS I&W DOUBLED at eaves ❑ GUTTERS (ANY OLD DAMAGE) replacing �] PITCH: ANYAREAS UNDER 4/12 ® YES ® NO FLAT AREAS ❑ YES ® NO LEAKS: WHERE ;' No ® INTERIOR DAMAGE: WHERE NIA ® DOES DRIVEWAY HAVE CRACKS ® YES NO EXISTING TYPE ROOF phalt. AGE 5+ PITCH 7:12 ACCESS 0.00 STEEP 0 b0"" 2S`fORY 0.00 Price includes' , e e-guit�aps 6. ,94FS 8,4*4dewaspeats by Santos – 720-309-9111 with a 3 -year workmanship warranty Gutters calor: C.._ Downspouts color:�re� Approximate date of installation: 4-6 �S TERMS WE HEREBY PR SE to furnish labor and materials in accordance with the specifications, set out herein, for the sum of When fully executed by Company and Owner, this Roofing Agreement becomes a binding contract subject to the scope of work specified herein and the terms on the ce attached Buyer's Rights and Homeowner Protection Agreement. This Agreement does not include any hidden structural issues uncovered during the tear -off of your roof, such as bad/rotted decking, fascia, trusses, skip sheathing issues or additional layers of shingles. BILLING AGREEMENT: ACCEPTED BYler"A /_(wDATE 612 812 01 7 Robert I' ACCEPTED BY DATE 612812017 Insurance Carver. C 4 3' 04 SALESMAN ' n Da Policy # Q U /' 13 ?2_ Q2 9 'PIL o N e E arQhombrothersroofing corn Phone # & Fax #: 9OO 3` _ fj cell: 720-483-0183; "office: 303-2741111 INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Qtr FIAs�L Job Address: 338( r ,4+ 1 _ 57 Permit Number: c'F/977 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM /PM Re- Inspection required: Yes c "When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: , Vbyl, ®4° Inspector: r ' DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ ♦ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE f Building Inspection Division r (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 235 -2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: d}!1J.' C'4 Job Address: ? seql r; , Permit Number: lob' I r � 7 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 7.66 AM t!!M Re- Inspection required: Yes No I When corrections have been made, call I fo or r j re - ins at 303 - 234 - 5933 Date: C C Inspector: t Y �4. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 091877 PERMIT NO: 091877` 'ISSUED: 09/01/2009 JOB ADDRESS: 3381 OAK ST EXPIRES: .02/28/.2010 DESCRIPTION: Reroof-.b2 sqs, ***CONTACTS owner 303/947-5062 Robert William sub 303/507-0842 Gumercindo Nunez 09-.0215 GN Roofing,,Inc. PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: ua >USE: ua i. SUBDIVISION: 0649 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT: VALUATION: 10,974.00: 1. FEES r' Permit Fee 253.90 Total Valuation pp't ".L'__r.; Use Tax 197.53 * * TOTAL * 451.43 Conditions: 6 nail installation mid-roof. inspection required. Board sheathing spaced more ` than _a 1/2 of an inch apart requires plywood overlay on entire roof. Ice and water shield required from eave`.edge to 21 inside exterior walls.: " Subject to `field inspections. r I:hereby certify.'. that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations` of the City . of wheat Ridge or covenants, easements. or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate;. that I have. read and agree to abide. by all conditions printed on this ' application.. and. that I assume full responsibility: for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. Signature of contractor/owner : d ato - C„ 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions. set forth in your. application and is subject to the laws of the j State of Colorado and to the zoning Regulations and Building Codes of wheat Ridge, . Colorado. or. any other applicable ordinances of the city. 2. This permit shall expire 180 days. from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received, prior to expiration r date. An extension maybe granted at the discretion of the Building Official. 3. If this permit expires, `a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no p changes have been or will be made in the. original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment' has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment :exceeds one (1) year, full fees :.shall be paid for anew permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor,. shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive :written approval on inspection card before :proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be :construed to be a permit for, nor ' an approval f, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. A1S pla re is subject to field inspections. o signat o hief Building: Official date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM. ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR. INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. ~a U piy of ""~Tq City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Date: m 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Plan COCORA00 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Permit r~y Building Permit Application PropertyAddress+ 33j~/ s 1vY12ad R ~9c Property Owner (please print): e.)r,,- tT I f p N✓t Phone:303-g4-7- ,-jQ~Z Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Contractor: Contractor License © q 1r) `Z) j Phone: ~ jQ`?~ Q 14Z Sub~Contractors's Electrical City License Company: Plumbing City License Company Mechanical City License Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): ~2- I~OfJ f Construction Value: $ DeSCrlption OUwork (as calculated per the Building Valuation Data sheet) Plan Review (due at time of submittal): $ Sq. Ft./L. Ft added: Squares 62, BTU's Gallons Amps OWNEWCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field ins action. CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNER) . C NTRACTO or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: GA I1.n<Y(-Il~f ))e'z SIGNATURE: (S:0M-r]C J4cf~7 a If ti~~ Date: q.& /~7q Bldg Valuation: FEB.08'2007 15:90 3038192959 Golozado Enqinoecinq Gastle Aock N25Z9 P.001/001 Boerd of CountY Commleaiccrcra • ' , ' Mlchelle tswnnes I+'Ot1MAT.[ON C0N~'1.TANGE FOR1V.i . Patdcta B:}iolbwoy ~ . . • ~ mffict No..2 iPpE"IX L'HAPTR 18. John P.Stone nzviszox 1v Do Not Atter Tbia Fona► . . . (plaace Ye1nt I,e;ibty) . . , ~ ~ . TSIS FOR1Kbti1ST B.SPXI.LED OUT COMPLSCSLY ,iBF'FSR90N COUN7'I'BUII~DING DSPARTNI&flT g,=~G o ~~~a 100J~I~ICOZ3NfY P.dRKWb.X ' :DAT808~~• GOLDS[$ COLORAD080419-3540', CONSTA[7CTION 8lTa ADJA'g.. CON1'RACTOR'e •NAMSQe.~ . 1 ADDg= , r ~ _ _ 1 . .i _ _ , r _ ~ - 1'-XP,80FFOT114DAI7ON: ~ DrmadPkrc . Nsrsow8pre~dFbotlq~ ' BPresd bboqnesi ~ ha!~» ~ I+c., ~J' b0~`t ac. ' Pa8 dk Grade Beem - Oeee (Ptamse spedf~) ~ . - - p~eAraed a . bomrAft a as psomduw m~ti7 a ~d As~iEaed ~co~wM 9~e,~eat ota~Cotarxdo ~Oend~oEo~ swpemi0+~ti;lwe6odritiicYad5ltloa~lfi~y~cqoos~s~4 ma~a • speadatlostiowpUdtbrmlM!~lYtt5s~6~s~noedp ffiede~ae~erfln+~leeetiuiq~~swal ao~(MaawAl~sw+ JeQasm Qbmq•SI~mP ad beoa~,loY dbw A~1 ~ revi~e~plw ~anlut masimo~a~an eubmtwa to /6.8~; ~Ck7ZON OF II~iBtECTION . . . . Out ~ W e~ep~nQme ~PP~l~ ~~6tbisd aea~wlq~tl~e ~ddel~sdl~elhfi►.4~~~l~~ ~po~t~tware'lse~o~plua wlf6.lsipl~iad~i~atl s ate . _ , hf4tl&.` "ed ph+r. : odeproiWd~ piveaiucal idlu me~d. ~'b! ~Oed Cko~ aopr` ' . w W. iftmr'b tlk p~s aud . [6retf~ieqYikqd W oftlsslt ~ draelsrDeirlslthe• by tili &Sliv molmw ani. ' o (wL4Yqpp@ahb? ta ~ ~n baotaffiouanlwiaMffieo7sa'9PalkrmMrcaoft5e,%oddatlonqrEtDa: l~.oalSec~YnAge~e~lwoo~7~hd~odhzmpa~Leritlfthe~eqa~d~ps~~' . . BSU we sed~s.a(y Itmaap mum end ~io mmwlad+d aad ~i'1wPoadbMibi mE sea!d" 4*e0110m . . . ' . . t0o JeMrobn Goun0' P* *m, Geldsn. ColonOO' lO419 . . . . • (,1"2774511 . . . . ~ , ~ . N L Q ~ H W c W 0 0= U ' ~ F- N ' Z > c L W'~ O U O M a~ ~oZ ❑ O d Q~ J C~ ~l l(') L ~ -O N O ~ N > N col M ~ ~ ❑ o ~L;NU ❑ N ° W r- ~ NM yw/„ ~ ❑ = O ~GE U N \ O p W ~ 6 0 ; a N N N ~ Q ~ O C O U N d ~ N ~ ~ a ~ o Q o I a a m n ~ d ~ N ~ 7 E c 0 U N n N C vi Z O O ~ ~ ~ w N ~ O V > ~ Q co a ~ 4) w ~ c C V O 6 O O m Z ❑ ❑ ❑ M Of b ~ N M O ~ ~ o \ N c i ` O ~ t1 v W m d a > ~ t G O 0 u d 3 . ~ w m 0 N t O F- ❑ ~ W ~ v Z y ~ U ~ `J ~~•«-'~0~ ay~oZ~❑= o f) N Luo) Z L ❑ ~ W N N N > Ln~ ❑ W CvO1i^U~ N, r"+~NM y~y. ~ Z d R ` I.f. ~ , 7 ~ N M ~ c V O o w U ~`ooE ~ ~ °d ~ 0 'i ~o "b '~A~ C~ O U a c d 0 O a 6v la ~ a ¢ I E ~ s o N a N c tfl ` O O N ~ w ~ N N _ .0 t5a> a~ N Y C V O O ' Q~' m ❑ ❑ n N 'a N . . ~ 0 ~ A c 0 V u ~ N Z . 2 s ~ ~ 15 E N W e ~ c ~ ~ ~ a ~J - ~ d ~ 3 m x ~ m c 0 z IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE J N 89°16'22"E FENCE END IS 1.5'W t yl W u ~I 0 PILLARS ON DECORATIVE MASONRY WALL EXTEND OVER LOT LINE A MAXIMUM OF 0.4 15 ' /27.5 / Q 0 w 0 0 z o ° a r ~ a J ~ L FENCE IS 1.4'W AND 0.4'S LEGEND o x~-xx z TI ~ 139.31' (139.3 z o/ o M, a cli . 5 3 13 4' / /7.7' j" r _J A 4 /3 7' C . ,10,5' a^ 1, LL 1-STORY BRICK /20.5' CN _CN HOUSE oc LOT 20 3381 OAK STREET N / 31.6 o C) 0 4 ` 0'/ 23 ° . 4 a a ° a. 45 - a 1 A E END 4 66 a ° ° 6- 0.3'S a a ° S 89°16'23"W 139.25' (139.33') 5' OFFSET WITNESS CORNER DESCRIPTION: LOT 20, DISTINCTIVE ADDRESSES AT APPLEWOOD, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE WAS PREPARED FOR ROBERT AND EUNICE WILLIAMS, THAT IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT OR IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND THAT IT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL, ON THIS DATE, MARCH 9, 2007, EXCEPT UTILITY CONNECTIONS, ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARCEL, EXCEPT AS SHOWN; THAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS UPON THE DESCRIBED PREMISES BY IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY EXCEPT AS INDICATED, AND THAT THERE IS NO ADJOINING PREMISES , APPARENT EVIDENCE OR SIGN OF ANY EASEMENT CROSSING OR e w BURDENING AWY PART OF SAID PART OF SAID PARCEL, EXCEPT AS w NOTED. ° 00 P,EGIS Q~ T FP oo'u c~qs a Y te : i ~ Q i' No z 4 O 16837 rn= o; n "REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR F •.9~zs~U7• P Jp~q S4Q COLORADO N0. 16837 NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LA U MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN a THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. NOTES: ~Q 1. 5/8 INCH DIAMETER BRASS WASHER STAMPED IS 16837" RECOVERED AT POINT SHOWN THUS: O SCALE 120' 20 0 10 20 30 INDICATES FENCE LINE INDICATES CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS INDICATES UTILITY PEDESTAL INDICATES MASONRY WALL 4 PREPARED BY: LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 TEL: (303) 233-4042 FAX: (303) 233-0796 2. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT AND DEPENDED ON INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER. 3. FENCE CORNER TIES REFER TO APPROPRIATE PROPERTY CORNER. EXAMPLE: "FENCE IS 1.4'W AND 0.4'S" INDICATES THAT THE FENCE CORNER IS 1.4 FEET WEST AND 0.4 FEET SOUTH OF THE NEAREST PROPERTY CORNER. 4. DIMENSIONS IN PARENTHESIS ARE PLATTED DIMENSIONS WHICH VARY FROM FIELD MEASUREMENT. REVISED: SEPTEMBER 25, 2007 PREPARED: MARCH 9, 2007 PROJECT: A87-5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Permit# 070041 Issued: 09/27/07 Stipulations: This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/ or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 3381 Oak Street Parcel Number: 39-282-09-035 Owner: Eunice Williams Contractor: For the Following Purpose: Res. New SFR Code Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of 2003 ICC/2005 NEC this building without prior notice 2003 ICC/2002 NEC and a new Certificate of Occupancy 1997 UBC/2002 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. S 'nkler System 4C, B ding Inspector Zon g Administrator CERTIFICATE MUST BE POSTED BY FRONT DOOR OF COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE. INC. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 9500 W. FOURTEENTH AVE. • LAKEWOOD, CO 80215-4716 STEVEN D.LISTER TELEPHONE:303-233-4042 Professional Land Surveyor FAX: 303-233-0796 EMAIL: laneengf@COfnCaSLnel September 25, 2007 Ms. Eunice Williams Go Applewood Building Company 3331 Oak Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Finish Surface Grades 3381 Oak Street Dear Ms. Williams: RICHARD M. ROMBERG Professional Engineer Recent field measurements show that the above-referenced final site grading has been performed in a manner that is in essential coriformance with the intentions of the approved construction plans for Lot 20, Applewood Preserve. A Record Improvement Location Certificate is included herewith, showing final surFaces grades as actually constructed. Very truly yours, 4~4jlff4' Richard M. Romberg, File: A87-5 Date: / p Certificate of Occupancy 7 Completion ~ has been requested for: , 2 ~ AT)oRFss: { ~~IC ~ PURpOSE QF STRUCTUitE: r < ~ Buiiding Department Approval: ; I ~ Remarks: Zoning ApprovaL ~ Remarks: ` Public Work5 Approyal• , t Remarks: - ~ Fire Marshalt Approval:_ ~ (If Appticable) ♦ l Remarks:- . t ~ ~ Sanitafion Di5 { cabie Proval: ~ (If App ) ' ~ Remarks: < ~ Water District Approval: ; (If ApQilcable) Remarks: : ( J ; ; S > % < r < 2 ~ 7 : ~ r ~ 0 x ❑ ❑ ❑ W ~ (U N O O ~ O m a N ~ V o ~ m ~ 'V N ~ N Q N z ~ ~ d o c . 7 ~ ~ _ N m (D d ~ o m o 3 c ~ r O ~ a (D v \ N d a I ? ~ M o 1 ~ D o d ~ w 'D ~ v ° a G1 W L 0 Q a a m N N 11 m p ❑ -a c ❑ Q ~ •N.• ~ ❑ ~ N CD 0 a ❑ El w acf) ~ C n. ~ ~ ❑ O ~ m 1 CITy O = P 9Q Y 0 3oo~a 0 O O'O C n 7 N ~ 0 WWcnm m • ~a r (D 0 oM 0u+3 ~o•°m ' ~ • . z (D 0 ~ ~v m ~ INSPECTIOlt RECORD 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 235-3855 wInsvectfon Line (303) 2345933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site 24 Hours notice required for inspections Job Address DJ Building Pertnit.No. Owner un Contractor Contractor Addres I TYPe I OQ ~~Jncy I INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Foofings/Caissons stemvwall - . Reinforcing or Monolithic aMQ F - Weatherproof / French Drain Water/Sewer Service Lines UNTIL BEEN CONCREfE SLAB FLOOR EJectricai (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) Heating (Underground) . e~.~ u..~ ~e~ I luru AonvC 41AC GI(:NFII ~~lkcr<1\ C: }t Y~ 5 ..'T C pecfrical Service Rough Electric Rough Plumbing Air Test Gas Piping (J _ Rough Mechanical e) Framing O - Roofing (!V Insulat'an Drywall Screw 5= FiNUs Electrical -o~_ Plumbing • , v/F t c ~ Y-7•v-d Mechanical Frame / interior Finish /,1?e ~ R.O.W It Drainage ~i 7s~ e'1 :]16 Fire DepaRment Parking & Landscaping **NOTE: ADD/T/ONAL /NSPECTIONS / COMMENTS ON BACK OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL C:ERTIFICATE vF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER J LO/ZT/ZO p LO/60/ZO SILL'dS5 SQ SNI LO/EZ/ZO pn Ou LD/Z2/Z0 pR Ou LO/ZZ/ZO Yn ou LO/TZ/LO Qn ou LO/TZ/ZO Qn ou LO/Li/ZO We ou LO/60/ZO W9 ou SQ 03H OHM ZJNJ ta/ZZ/ZO nw L LO/iZ/ZO ZZ00-LO scw 9 LO/TZ/ZO ond S co/oz/za soce-ta s?w ~ LO/OZ/ZO 60L8-TO dwp E LO/60/ZO 60L8-TO no; Z LO/60/ZO WHy T 4377YJ #xSNOJ 3dxS # :N0I1'dWH03NI NOISJ3dSNI (TO-LO-VM) panozdde aoueuen v?wpV 'paaatwqnsai sveid L0191110 ZBZO-90 #'IddV WOU3 Q3SV38J LO/Gt/SO stenoidde Ma 5 ~PZd '6ptg Pan?aoaz - panosdd2 ;?wiad LO/ct/TO 'S3.LON SIWN3d OEZ065E£OE fiM1508 OJ ']omtN 9LOT xog Od 4liaM 'H izEJ 'DvI ieo?ueqoaW pzez?M 89J fl[IS 0i5TOZ4E0E EE008 OJ 'a6pi}] aeayM 'd I?up 'IS ioqey 6b55 $O?UIoTS 'H saweP 'DuI 'O?'IDai3 Pa?Zdd[ yqD qns 69fiZ69650Z swe?ttiM a3tun3 zaw+o SSJVSNOJ 5Z"550"OT bZ'b50,0i 55' SSE'S 55" SZf"S 95" LOC56L xPy asR Op' 00 9S LOC56Z uo?leniep Ze]oS bL' L9L'T 4Z' L9L'T 95' LO£'S6Z aa3 ma?nag aejd EB' BiL'Z f8' BTCZ 95' LOE'S6Z aa3 ]?wsad E9 "ZOT E9' ZOi 00 ]?wiad Ti?3/aVzJ 00 'OSi 00' 0St 00 1a3 ma?naE 'u16rs3 :QIVd 3[l4 .[S a 5333 awou di?w23 aj6U?s man !NOIYdIHJS30 HOP p :oft 31DoZa ~ao'I ~Q xau~ty ~1a a~og ~se7 0 'f1Q :dzZ/]5/A1?J ssasppy ewetZT?M a~?un3 :2i3NM0 SEO-60-Zez-6E 'PJ 1a0s2d laaiI5 xe0 ieEE :ssazppy te6aq pau6isseup :ad7,y ]uo3 pau6;sseun ~vo?szncpqns pav6cssean :asR 11-n3 N35 iepuaPxsay +PJ avoZ ~NOISVWt103NI 'I3J21Vd QNtl'f LOOZ/tT/80 : saizdxg LOOZ/LT/ZO :]a ;?wsad H35 maN 'saa :PJ ]?wxad Tb00L0 ~k~tw~ad ~NOISVWUOdNI SI4S83d O~~nysx 1400L0 -:SOIZYWti`.NI YIWU3d sj-ZOLdq a6p?, qQayM 3o hl?D Li'EE:6T LO/ZZ/ZO T a6ea a~-15qCYt a-~-t, ~ VvM -rk,` -rn"-t ~'a ~ ~ „b a ~'~-t ~i i g ~-~r~a-~,~ z~ lo~b5 ~ • -Xno i J~ -kS u 1 ~~roZrsln~ ~a-rw.~lol-o p,,,,,o ~panta~aa ~ • W I1~ c~1 ti"'61'T""""~`^'~ Page 1 of I Kristy Shutto From: Kristy Shutto Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:51 PM To: 'David Schneider' Subject: RE: 3381 Oak - Subcontractor List David- Please see notes below. All subs must have current licenses in order to get their inspections. Also, what portions of the project are Voge/ Canstruction and Better Home Buitders doing? (Roofing, Framing, Insuiating, eta=.) Thank you, Kristy Shutto Permit Technician City of Wheat Ridge 303-235-2855 From: David Schneider [mailto:applewoodbldg@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:40 PM To: Kristy Shutto Subject: 3381 Oak - Subcontractor List Here is the subcontractor list for 3381 Oak Street we discussed today. Applied Electric - License expires on 2/28l07; Needs to renew license in a few days. Better Home Builders - NO license for City of Wheat Ridge; Needs to obtain license before inspections. Wizard Mechanical - Received licenses for Plumbing and Mechanical on 2/20/07 - will expire 2/20/08 Vogel Construction - License expired. Needs to renew contractors license prior or calling in for any applicable inspectioris. Home Security Systems - NO license for City of Wheat Ridge; Needs to obtain license before inspections. Absolute Drywall - NO license for City af Wheat Ridge; Needs to obtain license before inspections. 2/22/2007 / hm ~ ~0 sa -(~'l c-e l 0~ O'l -x l'r \jo `i,F,l ~ J ~ ~Ll~~.. {'jLc'O w rCC ~fE~/~ ~ 1f~~ ~ Robert C. and Eunice P. Williams 7459 Ashland Lane Birmingham, Alabama 35242 February 12, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: We, Eunice and Robert Williams, are serving as general contractor for our home that is currently under construction at 3381 Oak Street in Wbeat Ridge. Eunice Williams is the owner of the lot and tbe house. We have hired a consultant to assist us in the construction of the home, namely Applewood 3381, LLC, of which David Schneider is principal. Mr. Schneider assisted us in the design and is now consulting on and managing the construction of the house. With our permission, Mr. Schneider has placed his company's sign on the property. Eunice Williams w Robert Williams City of Wheat Ridge ~~81 -o,/ Res. New SFR PERMIT - 070041 PERMIT N0: . 070041 ISSUED: 01/17/2007 JOBADDRESS: 3381 Oak Street EXPIRES: DESCRIPTION: new single family home PleaseNote: n....._-'---.. - . CONTACTS owner 205/969-2469 Eunice Williame -4~....g uuproVOIICt1LS 2cCOI4'itig to the approved pian and required denIopmerrt stmidards, The City is not resnonsihle . PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: R-1 SUBDIVISION: ua elTOrs u~a ang fioru, wauuwu USE: in020mvft information. BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 295,307.56 FEES Engin. Review Fee 150.00 Grade/Fill Permit Permit Fee Plan ReviewFee Total Valuation Use Tax 102.63 2,718.83 1,767.24 .00 5,315.54 Sectlon-26-501 (D, I) Fwax.nrnro.jamijydw¢pjngf, tie first twey,rifjw feet R52 o,fd,r," voy,K,fi,,,~~exisring edge oj Pallaw~Inlo«sileshn116eaurfceedwiJbowunM4 mphQ& brlckp°ver6weimil~rnaferrals. TOTAL 10,054.24 Commenta: CR: OK w/ notea. Subjectto field inspectiona. Must comply w/ 2003 IRC & 2005 NEC. . TRC: Admin variance approved (WA-07-01) DFB: OK. See attached sheets. I hereby certify.that the aetback diatancee propoaed by this pemit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinancea, zules or regulatione of the City of wheat Ridge or covenanta, eaeements or reetrictione of record; that all meaeurements ahown, and allegatione made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditiona printed on thia application and that I aseume full reepanaibility for compliance with the wheat Ridge Huilding Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable wheat Ridge Ordinancea, for work under thie permit. Plana su6Ject Co field inepection. L /-/7- zoo 7 ~ ~ Signature of con actoTx+nez date 1. Thie pemit wae ieaued in accordance with the provieione aet forth in your application and is aubject to the lawa of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulationa and Bullding Codes of wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancee of the City. 2. This pemit ehall expire if (A) the work authorized ia not commenced within eixty (60) days from iseue date or (B) the 6uilding authorized ie euepended or abandoned foz a period of 1B0 days. 3. If thie pemit expiree, a new pemit may be acquired For a fee of one-half the amount noxmally required, provided no changee have been orwill be made in the original plane and epecificatione and any auepenaion or abandonment hae not exceeded one (1) year. If changee have 6een or if suepeneion or abandonment exceede one (1) year, full feee ehall be paid for a aew pezmit. 4. xo workof any manner ehall be done that will change the natural flow of water cauaing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor ehall notify the Building Inapec[or twenty-four (24) houre in advance for all inepecCiona and ehall receive written approval on inepection card before proceeding with eucceseive phases of the job. 6. The iaeuance of a pemit or the approval of drawin9s and spwificatione ehall not be conetrued to be a pemit for, nor an approval of, any violation ofthe proviaiona of the tiuilding codea or any other ordinance, law, rule or zegulation. All plan review is subject to field inepections. ie u Offical date NREQ ST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (393)235-2855 MtJST BEMADE BY 3PM ANY SUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. OFWHEAT V V"' "r V`Gl ~u!/'VZ Tp-C ~ o City of Wheat Ridge Building Pertnit Number: Community Development Department Date: ~LORAO~ SINGL4e AND l IF V°I'A1!'2IL L BUILI?ING PERMIT APFLICATIQN Property Owner. Eunice Williarns t Voberir Property Address: 3381 Oak Street Phon 03-941-7778 _ Conh~actorLicenseNo.: F4o►bF ~A►EJ~ G'a~'~C~ q~~ Company: Phone: _ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AOREEMENT I BuT/dina Deat. Valuatlon Figure: $ I hereby certify that tha setback distances proposed by this permk application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City ot V3]lle:$ Wheat Ridge or covenanis, easements or reatridions of record; that all measuremeMs ahown, and allegations made are aceurate; that I have read and agree to abide by aIF POirillt F00:$ wmP enoa w~inin oWheat Ripge Bui~ ~g codehi~e c~ ii an~e~ ~~e eil~ i vm a~ ` Plan Review Fee:$ Ridge Ordinances, for work undar this pertnk. Pla -subject_to field inspeetlon. I U e T l~li~n/ L .L. (ONMENHCONTRACTOR):SIGNED DATE o~ oC .-1 TO161:$ ~ (ONMER)(COHIRhCTOR):PRINTED _ . DATE Use of Space (description): Descriptlon of work: Sq. Ft added BUILDIIV(G DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: 7 COMMENTS: APPlOVeI: ~ wft"fS('~~ Zoning: ~ IGCOMMENTS: ApProval: WORKSCOMMENTS: OK~ ~,I 1-7/0 ~ ~r~, ~ APProval: SE~ fYlTftz~rc'" ~ DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: Approval: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: * Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Dafe: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (t) This pertnk was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your applicetion and is subjed to the laws of the SWte of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulafions and BuiWing Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other appiicable ordinances of the City. (2) This pertnd shall expire ff(A) the work authorized is not commenced wkhin sinty (60) days from issus date or (B) the building aulhorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this pennit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-haNthe amount nortnelry requi[ed, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension orabandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. It changes qava been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees ahall be paid tor e new pertniL (4) No work of eny manner shall be done that will change the natural Mow ot water causing a dreinage problem. (5) ConireGOr shall notify the Building Inspedor tweMy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspedions and shall receive writlen approval on inspection carcl Defore proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of drawings and specificafions shall not be consWed to be a pertnil for, nor an approval of, anyviolation of the provisions ofthe building codes orany olher ordinance, law, rule orregulatlon. Ail pWn revbw b subjeet W field inepection5. Chief Building Official ,TEFFcRSOV COLTIvTTY CERTIFICATE Oe tdATcP. APITJ Sct:TE- Sr-RVICE AVAILABILITY Note To Applicant: A building permit wi1l not be issued without this Certificate signed by the District or Agency sunplying services. Exoires one Year from date of anproval by authorizing agent. 338 1 0?41< -,'i ~ 1-:~lfe~oG Job Address Date LO'T 620 S7 ~ S'r7 N C--TI V~ ~}OS72E SS~ S~ ,e~PL~WO ol~ Lega1 Descrzption S) N GLC, - i L- Use of Building , niic~ L L i,0+ ~-OS 33~1. d~K ~ST 3o3-~i4~1-7~~8 Owner ' Address Televhone See reverse side for•facilities requiring Health Deoartment P1an RevieFr ' Name Sani ation District.•or Agency (ewer Service Available ( )Sewer Service Not Available' Individual Sentic Permit rio. Comments or Conditions: ~5e»ey- f2pPts2len (~vm. _i1XGAp ~ Al r ' cx ~1 ✓Y~'~1 ~ I hereby certi=y that v2i 2bility os service ~s 11-11- vl)~ R-- 2s in3icate 2bove. l 2 I ~ o~ I O I O Sigaature ot Aut` krorized 2.gent ~ate Jeiferson County,Hezlth or Zonino Department ' ' Signatcre Date WATER COAkSt Li 0,4MU7-V19z co . Name of W2ter District or Agency + (~C')Water Service Available ( )Flzter " Service Not Available " e11 Pe=-mit ir Colorado W Comments oi Conditions : SEvev ) GE 1 5 c.URRF- N~Y S-rv33FD "/r-j ` IS Suf3a-Et-"F `Ta CMtnlCo's RL)L!~S ` RE4Ui~~~~S I 7ereby certii nat availability oi service is as -naicate above. O Sigaztu - or' ent Z`e Jef=erson County Health of Zoning Department ff"e Signature ! ~F W HEq p~i DEPARTMENT OFPDBLIC WORKS U m SINGLE-FAMILY/DUPLEX °otoRPO° BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW Date: ///?D-7 Location: 338/ 9,4k 57W-Ea7- ATTENTION: BUILDING DEPARTMENT City of Wheat RiAge Departmen[ of Vublic Wocks I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a 5in,~c.~- ~~"i~*~Ly ~S • to be located at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. ~ Drainage: a. Proposed Grading/Drainage Letter & Plan required: Yes _ No b. Lot drainage/grading to be reviewed by Building Division: c. Site drainage/grading plan have been reviewed and are: JZO'K _ 2. V 11 Public Improvements to be completed: a. street pavivg/patching: b. curb & gutter: c. sidewalk: If not, the amount of escrow taken: Items escrowed Y'or: Yes ✓No _ Yes ~ No Yes ✓No The Planner informed of the Escrow Agreement: NOT OK; refer to stipulations. 3. Does all existing roadway/alley R.O.W. meet the standards of the Ciry: sz~Yes _ No If not, what is required? ,tJ16- If R.O. W. is required, has the deed been received: _ Yes _ No 4. ✓ APPROVED: 7'he Public Works Departinent has reviewed the submitted ma[erial and hereby approves this Permit Application, subject to the above and/or attached stipulations. ZC.-,-a-~-~ / h7~6 7 Signature David F. Brossmaq P.L.S. Date 5. NOT APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submit[ed material and does not approve this Permit Application for the reason(s) stated: Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Date 6. ✓ Stipulations: PkJ G✓/~t- 1uSPEL1 TK'C• SlT~ (~.Q/t'b/nJls 7D ENSu.e~ PA610E2 DA.-a-1A,'A6~-C ?.e/bR -ra <SSV.4~ Or-:- C. o- Z-Z A Drainage Certification Let[er is required prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (C.O J 8. ~ NOTE: ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AS A RESULT OF THIS CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE REPAIRED TO MEET CITY STANDARDS BY THE PERMIT APPLICANT PRIOR TO TAE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 1" 17-Zo 0 Applicant: &4r71C'P !1 J///ioir,✓/S Phone # a o S- 96 9- a1169 Location of Construction: 338/ O.4x S7-A49a f7- Purpose of Construction: 15.F71_1- Building Perxnit Value: Single Family C Commercial Multi-Family DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES Development Review Processing Fee: $100.00 $)OD • 00 (For document processing) Single Family Residence Review Fee: $50.00 $ .S,O .0 (For review of applicable technical documents) CommerciaUMulri-Family Review Fee: •(For review of existing technical documents) $100.00 $ •(For review of technical documents for construction in Right-of-Way, Final Drainage Report, and Erosion Control Plan) $500.00 $ CDOT Access Permit Fee: $150.00 $ (for document application and processing) Traffic Impact Study Review Fee: (For document review and processing) $200.00 $ TOTAL REVIEW FEES (due at time of building permit issuance): $ /51D • D~ PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE FEES, THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL LICENSING AND PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Signature of Applicant lL.t~c~ Date /-9-2ao7 K?FORMS & LE7'IERS\DEVELOPMENT FORMSTe< Strucmre (68-04).doc Rev 6/04 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION DATED_1/lT/O 7 ADDRESS 33ff/ DfK .Tr4zj27- Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building pernut application for the above referenced address, this letter is to inform you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, (if damaged from related construction) to an acceptable condition, as determined by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to deternune the existing condition(s) of the public improvements at this address. If you have any questions, piease contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer Cc: File Rev 4103 ~ WNE4J APPLICATION FOR MINOR GRADING/FILL PERMIT otoano° APPLICANTS NAME: UniC J&i ~S APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 3 3 `6 (Incmae cia, ADDRESS OF FILL: 33~-l OC.P,t S4v ,~f DATE OF APPLICATION: 1'17- Z 007 All permits shall be applied for through the Public Works Department. An approved pemut is effective for a period of one (1)'yeaz from date of issue and may be renewed. All fees shall be in accordance with those fees established by the Uniform Building Code or other applicable City adopted Resolutions or Ordinances. Note: All publrc improvements, when consfructed, sha11 be maintained (by the respective individual(s) and/or enmpany respansible for the consbuction of that pu6lic and/or private improvement in the respective development) on a daily basis, or as needed, such that they are free of mud and other construction debris tracking from the site. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the enforcement of Article 77, Specified Nuisances, Section I5-16 (4) ojthe City ojWheat Ridge Code njLaws. MINOR GRADING. EXCAVATION. AND FLLL PERMTTS 1. 1-50 Cubic Yards: No permit is required for dusnping or excavation of eartU materials, which do not exceed 50 cubic yazds, provided, however, that any fill deposited is on natural terrain of less than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical slope, or such fill is less than three (3) feet in depth and is not intended to support permanent structures, and in addition, such fill or excavation does not obstruct or otherwise adversely affect any drainageway. Should any of the above standards be exceeded, or a drainage waX be affected, a permit shall be required under the guidelines for No. 2. 2. 51-500 Cubic Yards: Duuiping or excavation of earth materials not exceeding 500 cubic yazds may be allowed with a pernrit approved by tbe City Engineer. All applications aze to be submitted on the appropriate completed application form and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and sketch plan indicating the following informarion before the permit will be issued. A. Locarion and dimensions of all property boundazies and structures on the site. B. Location and extent of azeas to be filled and/or excavated. C. Locarion of eacisting and proposed drainageways, irriga4on ditches, etc., and indication of how and where historic run-off wiil be maintained on and through the site. D. Cross-section azea to be filled and/or excavated indicating original slope, new slope and depth of fili. E. Statement that indicates the proposed use or purpose for said fill or excavalion. F. Relative elevation of adjacent properties. G. Erosion control plan showing placement of control devices such as hay bales, etc. 3. 501-10,000 Cubic Yards: Operations in which earth material fill or excavation exceeds 500 cubic yazds, but does not exceed 10,000 cubic yards, may be allowed by a pernilt issued by the City Engineer after review of an application and supporting inforxnation. The following information shall be submitted with the required application form: A. A site plan, prepared and signed by a Colorado registered professional engineer, at a scale of no less than 1 inch to twenty feet (1:20) which illustrates the following: B. Location and dimensions of all property boundaries and structures on the site. C. Location and extent of areas to be filled and/or excavated. D. Location of existing watenvays and drainage courses indicating any changes. (for a site containing an established irrigation ditch, a letter of approval from the appropriate ditch company shall be required). E. Location of existing and proposed points of ingress. F. Location and extent of existing vegetation, proposed changes in such vegetation and methods of rehabilitation on site vegetation after earthwork operations aze complete. G. Erosion control plan. H. Grading plan with existing (dashed lines) and proposed (solid lines) ground contours with contour intervals of 2 feet and spot elevations. At least two cross sections (east to west and north to south) through the site showing depth of fill and/or excavation. J. A drainage report may be required if site runoff chazacteristics are changed. K. Relative elevations of adjacent properties and structures. L. Statement of purpose of intended fill and/or excavation. 4. Performance Standards: The following provisions shall apply to all Minor Grading, Excavation and Fill Permits: A. Rehabilitation: Within thir[y (30) days after cessation of filling and/or excavation, rehabilitation for the site shall have been completed in accordance with the approved plans. ReLabilitation shall consist of leveling, gading, landscaping or any combination thereof to minimize potential erosion and be acceptable to the City Engineer. B. Debris: Debris and/or contaminants shall not be used except with the approval of the City Engineer. "For the purpose of this Section, the term debris sball have the same meaning as the terms "gazbage, trash or junk" as defined in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 15-4." In no case shall debris or contamiuates identified or classified as hazazdous waste by local, state or federal agencies be used as fill in any fill azeas within the Ciry of Wheat Ridge. C. Excavation and/or fill azeas shall be graded to facilitate weed control untII final grades aze set and site rehabilitation and use occur (must be leveled with side slopes not to exceed 3 to 1). J:TORMS&L6TTFR5\APPS&PDUA'fS~mCmdinB&Fi1lPmmn.d« 2 Revl/O$ 5. Permit Fees* 50 cubic yards or less 51 to 100 cubic yazds l Olto 1000 cubic yazds for the first 100 cy $23.50 $37.00 $37.00 3 7, &V plus for each additional 100 cy or fraction thereof 3• 7 s cy X$17.50/I OOcy ~O S6 3 1001 to 10,000 cubic yazds for the first 1000 cubic yazds $194.50 plus, for each additional 1000 cy or fraction thereof cy X$14.50/1K cy *Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 5-76. TOTAL s /aa • 63 All pemvts shall be applied for prior to fill deposition or excavation operations begin. Any pertnit applied for afrer cutting or filling operations on site aze in progress shall be subject to a double fee and other penalties as prescribed by Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-1004. Any fill requested under this permit within the 100 yeaz flood zone MUST COMPLY WITH WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, SECTION 26-801, FLOOD PLAIN ZONING ORDINANCE. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT TffiS APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND UNDERSTAND THAT I CANNOT START TffiS PROJECT UNTIL THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. I SAALL COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO AND WITH THE ZOPTING REGULATIONS AND BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ANY VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE TERMS WILL CAUSE IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT AND COMMENCEMENT OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THIS APPROVED PERMIT WILL BE KEPT IN MY POSSESSION OR PERMANENTLY ON THE JOB SITE. APPLICANT: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: Applicant's Si ature City Engineer Owner's Signa e(if different than above) Approval Date~ I:70RMS R LE1TEftS\ APPS & PFRM[1SV.fmor GnEing d Fili Pcrnit0oc 'j Rev 2/05 City of Wheat Ridge F WHEqp O a Community Development Department ~ Memorandum COCORA~ TO: Building Conuactors FROM: Planning Division SUBJECT: Items to be completed/New Single- or Two-Family Structures DATE: 13 Apri] 2005 Listed below aze a few items to consider while finalizing conswction of a single-or two-family sWCture. Before a certificate of occupancy can be issued for a new single-family or two-family structure, the following items must be complied with. 1. If a driveway is proposed, the first 25 feet of drive surface azea must be paved. The driveway may be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick pavers or similar materials. The driveway must abut the existing edge of asphalt on the sVeet, which may require paving within the right-of-way. If paving occurs within the right-of-way, a right-of-way permit is required from the Public Works Department. 2. One street tree must be installed for every 70 feet of street frontage. If the structure is a corner lot with frontage on two sveets, each frontage is subject to this provision. These sVeet trees must be at least 2 inch caliper specimens. 3. One hundred percent of the front yard must be landscaped, excluding driveways and sidewalks. The front yazd is defined as the first 30 feet from the front property ]ine adjacent to the sVeet. 4. At least 25 percent of the entire lot must be landscaped. The front yazd landscaping may be counted when calculating this figure. 5. No more than 50 percent of the landscaped azea may be comprised of turf. I.ow water turf (such as buffalo grass, blue grama grass and tall fescue) is encouraged. 6. No more than 35 percent of the ]andscaped azea may be non-living material, such as rock or bark. Living materials planted within rock or bark beds may be excluded from the non- living calculations. 7. If the ]andscaping cannot be completed due to indimate weather, an escrow must be sabmitted for the estimated cost of landscaping installation and quantities. The escrow shall be in the form of 125% of the value of the required ]andscaped area. 8. It is possible that the Public Works Department may require either construction of curb, gutter andlor sidewalk or that an escrow be submitted for the full amount of these public improvements. It would be beneficial to contact the Public Works Department to discuss the potential for public improvements. 9. Any fence, outbuilding, shed or detached garage will require a separate building permit. If you have any questions regarding these or any other requirements, please contact the Planning Division at 303.235.2846, or go online at www.ci.wheatridge.co.us t]y~i~t11\ 1 1 LL' L' L THIS DEED, Made this 12t6 day of July, 2006 between Davld R Schnetder and Anneliese K Schneider of the Cotiwty of Jefferson, State of Colorado, granmT and Eunice P. Wiltiams whose legal address is: 7459 Ashland Lane, Birmingham, AL 35242 of thc Counry of Jefferson, State of Colorado, grantee: WITNESSETH, That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars and NO/100's ($265,000.00) the receipt and sufficiency of wkrich is hereby aclmowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presenta does gant, bazgain, sell, convey and confssm, sntuate l~ng and being in the assigns f of Jefferson, and StatepoOLORADO, de~scnbed as ollows:y Lot 20, Distinctive Addresses at Applewood, County af Jefferson, State of Colorado. also ]aiown by strcet and number as 3381 Oak Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 TOGETHER with all and singulaT the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and pcofits thereof, and all the estate, right, dtte, interest, claun and demand whatscever of the gantor, eithec in law oz equity, of, in and to the above bazgained premises, with the hereditamants and aPPurtena°ces. 1'p HpVB pND TO HOLD the said premises above bazgained and described, with the aPPurtenances> l'°t° the grantee, lris heus and assigns forever. And the grantor> for himself, his heirs, and personal ~t at representatives, does covenant, gant, bazgain and agree to and witU the grarnea.lus heixs and assi~ the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawfiil authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in mannei and form as aforesaid, and that t6e same aze frce and clear from all former and other gran1s, baz'Bains, sales, liens, taxes, assesaments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature scever, except all taxes and assessments fox the current yeaz, a lien but not yet duo or payable, and those specific Exceptions described by reference to recorded documenu as reflected in the Title Documents accepted by Buyer in accocdance with section 8a "Title Review", of the contract dated July 10, 2006, between the parties. The grantor shall and wi11 W ARRANT AND FOREVER DEF'END the above-bargained piemises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the ganue his heirs and assigns, against all and every person ot persons Iawfully clauning the whole or any part thexeo£ The singular number shall uiclude the plural, the plural the singulaz, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. I1V WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. SELLERS: hI l David R Schneider Ameliese ,~AK cder STATE OF COLORADO } SS: COiJN'TY OF Jefferson The foregoing insuument was acknowledged before me this 12th day of duly, 2006 by David R Schneider and Anneliese K Schneider Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: 12-12-06 lFR0JEC-SW97-5\dwgAA9)-SNwq 1220106 ~85621 PM M1IST m - z in n m 00' N 00'20'26" W 100 z ~ ~ m . `~O . .q- y- C Z Z O ~ 10' U TILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT N x ~ 00 m~ I xo z m z z z z I~ o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ A n D D ~ D y U1 r~ m N m G VI VI t/~ N OJ N m t0 D z K n ~ Z r O y A 0 N ~ J < Z-I O G X O < m w D O A D~ Z ~ A~ m r 00y ~+lmmz A C ~ D y A UI fl 2 v f ~ ' fm~lA r D G UI m p ~ p r ~ Z n m t'~ A *I ~ Z ~ m W ~ ~ o u Lo - moA ~ l w ~ > U ~ W N A ~ o~o ~ w N y { m Z U UI(P or~m ~ o 0 NCm (*1 Z ~ Z N . ~ 10' UTILITY EASEMENT ~zm ~ . „ oo~ , . . . ~P m 0 m OAKSTREET N n A ~ U0< N ~zC~ ~ ~o= N ~ <(n ~~IA V(~~'1ti+ WZN A~Z CJmm-~~Z (l ZWD➢C~CO- m~D~- ~ D' AA ~IOX K~ ~'1 O mm<Im0 OA m OC~OUDtim~t C yZ p O OAD Cl ti A mAG)y ,A"~~OArNC Z~V~ o K 3 pmL U ZK'~ Z A ti O[n~ I ~ ti R1 D n O yy ~O O D ~O Z my A A O O m a ZUm yl~1 AAmZ my2 A~.. ?l~ m Df`1 Zm--irlmZ Z OAm m AZ ~SA 1 f*tc~ ZUl A n~~An O~1 ZZz2 nmm 0ti Rl< ~ Ot~ ~t+tv 15 momu~ mZ timDyti Ort 010mmOOA 0~~, m p D O X ➢ f) TO ~-In S~IAZA AO< ti zmn,-Zp O➢ ZpmOp!'1>A pwmOA ~ f~t OK ~T O Km~Clti_!>~ ~A{ T O p2 Dp~ mmmm m, OD IKtyDO rnoN DO~< C] r-~ Am-A ~ K OODmV~Z wwl' DCJfn;pmrAy D Ko ~ tiUl ~y Zf~l `<AC~Af~I, W pmUlm ~ y - f'1D ti m~ -Iti Zm~ O JC ti ~ O~ ~-1 O nAi *--m Z ~mz O"lc~ << 2ZD ~c O-~i ~ CZ tiD~ c/~At~ ti7 s m2Z~CU0 n t'~ cAnAopyti C~Am Z] A'~ I-i= -~'2z ➢m Om AD O '~Vlmm~ml"y ~ S m ~l~1 V1AG DDT p~ ~Z>"~IZ~ A NPZU~ZmU1S mZ-,N A f'Iw AOm ZZm A N ZtimlA/1O m-~ZOm KO.Z~JD- Tt Z C1D O~A o!^i T~ ZO-i~A 0NUI2AD~ m.UO<Z~ C~ O O CC O O y m~ A m~ A ~!.1 m~A oo. Z* NN ~1m N~0 AZOK Ofrl,CO< !~~I .ZIA ~ L~ f !~l ~2 D!'1 AZOl,~ rv hi(~.l7~< 0m Z Z2f~1 Z _U 00 A UI I"ID~A-I~~ mUI~nf~~l O . O~ D Z~ ~00 Oti cn TZA~`L„•IV Wmp"~IKZ ?Z (lA ~D O(lA z-i D OKVIZO~r,. mOf~'lyZWlti/1 rm,~Cj`2_r Im O o-~ > ~ o a - ~zzz yv = m~nm om a imC ~momo A~ O Am mn0 I fl Z -Im T1TA K Z r ymcVl M..... mAS0f~1~N2 Zy~ O U'K c~ m~ yo yT 0 O~Zn~n ~~yZnZpn -,-iIZ ti ~ ti O Om➢ O cJ ~ O tio AtiA ~Z O~ mti~K~ !'1Ny➢OD' W Z-1!`l ~ ZMti nL) ZDAf't0 l0-A N $ ND m~~ C J ~N2~Z f~lOAKZI/1Clm Z-1~T > T C] D ~ H U f`t ITI A O 2 m D A~ Z O~ m D a i O A A M-, m Z, Cp 0~ r~ > m o z~< 1mm om ~ z ~n z1m yo o, m > z a K o ~ ~T N 0 ~ ~ ~ m z ~ r O^ l/ D ~ O Z n mT N ~ ol (7 D ~ rn f*1 p ~ ~ ti N A N A N O ~ O ti O ~ Z ti D Cl m ~ ~ m ry O~ ~ O Am ➢ W O m O N ➢ ti ~ m O 0 0 ti O T SPREAD FOOTING TYPE FOUPlDATION WALL CAMPAGTED FILL (90A5 OF DI551) WALL ON GRADE TYPE EXPANSION JOIMf , EXPANSION JDINT ~ FLOOR FOOTINb MINIMUM 45 DE61REE5 FROM FOOTIN6 6RAVEL - MINIMUM TO 4" ABOVE PIPE 3" MIN. DIA. PERFORATED PIPE POLYETHYLENE FILM, ~ MOP TO WALL AND GARRY BENEATH 6R4VEL AND PIPE 1. Gravel size shall not be less than I/2" in diameter and not greater than I I/2" in diameter. 2. Diameter oP perforatad pipa varias with amovnt of seepage expected, threa Inch diamater is most common. 3. Pipe shall ba Iaid at a minimum grade of I" in 10'. 4. Outfall to be unobstructed, gravlty outfall If posstble. Use sump and pump only IP gravity outPall does not axist. Dtscharge portion of ptpe shall be non perforated past area to ba dra(ned. Owner is responsible to maintain daylighting of drain. 5. Extarior earth backfill material should be compacEad to at least 805K maximum modifiad proctor density in the upper threa feet of ffll. b. Filtar fabric shall be mirafi 140 s or ecj,uivalant. 'i. Drain pipe shall be lald below area servlcad or protected, as shown in detail above. 8. Mop polyethylene film to wall and carry baneath gravel and plpe: a. Tne poiyethylane film shall be continued to the adge of the axcavaEion. NOTE: CONTACT THIS OFFICE RIMETER DRAIN BUILDER: Eunice Willlams JOB 061-0699 JDRE55: 3381 Oak Stree! CASTLE ROGK OFFICE 15 S. bllbert Straot GASTLE ROGK, GO 80104 (303) 688-9475 FILTER FABRIG PLAGE TOP OF PIPE HELOW BOTTOM OF FOOTIN6 OR WALL AT "HI6H POINT" - II FLOOR -1 MINIMUM 45 DE6REE5 FROM WALL ON 6RADE DENSITY TESTING. SUBMITTED FOR: EUNICE WILLIAMS LOT 20 3381 OAK STREET DISTINCTIVE ADDRESSES AT APPLEWOOD JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT NOVEMBER 6, 2006 PxoJEC'r # 061-0699 SUBMITTED BY: N°vo(o ,ss>; , . PAUL R. BRYANT, P.E. COLORADO ENGINEERING & GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 15 SOUTH GILBERT STREET CASTLE ROCK, COLORADO 80104 303-688-9475 AGREEMENT OF PURPOSE AND DISCLAIMER The pazties specifically agree and contract that the purpose of this soIl invesugation is to test, analyze, and xeport on the condition of the soIls encountesed only as these tests pertain to the suitable design and construction of an appropriate foundarion fox the pxoposed building and/ox xesidences to deteimuie the load beasing capaciries of the soil. The partier rpecifically agree that Colorado Engineenng and Geotechnical Group, Inc. har not been retained nor vnll tbey render an opinion concerning environmental i.rauer, baZardour rvatte or any other knomn or unknown conrk7ion r tbat may be pre.rent on tbir rite. INTRODUCTION: This tepoxt summaxizes the xesults of data obtained during a soIls test of Lot 20, 3381 Oak Sueet, Distincdve Addxesses at Applewood, Jefferson County, Colorado. Investigation occuxred on Octobex 24, 2006 and was pexfoxmed in undistuxbed soil in accotdance with ASTM 1586-99. The puxpose of the investigation was to xeveal the engineering ptopexries fox foundarion pucposes fox the pxoposed construction of a single-family xesidence. The site is currendy vacant. Other aspects xelating to the pioposed construction aze psesented. A component docutnent to this plan will be an Open Hole Report that will be ptoduced aftez the Open Hole Inspecuon, which is not billed with this tepoct. The puxpose of the Open Hole Report is to detexmine whether any significant vaziarion fxom this xepoxt and the observed condition exists and whethez the foundation design will iequue modification. FINDINGS: The soil encountexed in test hole one consisted of light bxown/tan, &ne to coarse-gxained clayey sand with loose density to the five foot depth ([Jnified Soil Classification System symbol SC). From the five foot to the sixteen foot depth, the soil consisted of tan/light green, fine to modexate-gxained sandy clay grading to clayey sand with stiff/loose consistency (Unified Soil Classificarion System symbols CL and SC). Fxom the sucteen foot to the tcventy-eight foot depth, the soil consisted of gxeen, fine-gxained claystone with very sriff/haxd consistency (Unified Soil Classificadon System symbol CL). The soil encountexed in test hole two consisted of light bzown/tan, fine to coazse-gzained clayey sand with loose density to the five foot depth. Fxom the five foot to the sixteen foot depth, the soil consisted of tan/light green, fine to modexate-gTained sandy clay gxading to clayey sand with sriff/loose consistency. Fxom the sixteen foot to the eighteen foot depth, the soil consisted of green, fine to modexate-gxained clayey sandstone with high density. Attached axe gtaphic suinmaries of the boring logs of the field conditions encounteced and a sutmnary of laboxatory testing iesults. It should be noted that the soil descriptions shown on the boring logs axe based on the geologist's visual classification of the samples in the field at the depths indicated. Actual subsurface soil condirions may vary between samples and locarion tested. Gxoundwatex filled in to the twenty-seven foot depth in test hole one and filled in to the sixteen and a half foot depth in test hole two at the time of this invesrigation. The presence of shallow bedxock beneath surficial soils is favotable fox the formarion of "peTChed" gtoundwater. The depth and Project 061-0699 Page 2 of 8 www calnradoenetneerin¢2roun.com occutxence of gxoundwatex can vary ovex time depending on hydrologic conditions such as pxecipitarion, sutface dxainage, ixxigauon, and othez condirions not appatent at the time of this seport: RECOMMENDATIONS: Due to the pxesence of loose, uncompacted fill material at foundation depths, we feel that any foundarion elements bearing ditecdy on this material would be susceptible to long-tesm setdement. Therefoxe, the foundarion shall consist of spxead footings resting on over-excavated and xeplaced materials. The depth of the oveT-excavarion shall extend at least three feet below and thzee feet beyond the exterior of the foundation. The replaced matexial may include the original material fzom the excavation. Compaction of the structuxal material shall be to at least 95% Modoed Pmctor Denrity and shall be tested by the Engineex in 12 inch lifts. The potenrial fox foundation movement is considered low if footings ate utilized. Maxunutn allowable bearing strength of the soil shall not be taken as gteater than 1,500 psf fox elements xesting on pxopetly compacted structuxal fill. Equivalent fluid piessuces of the native soil, assuining normal consolidation, may be taken as 45 pcf active and 275 pcf passive. These values axe based on litexatuxe and wexe not established by site-specific laboratory saxnple analysis of sheaz strength. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: Depth of foundarion elements shall be detexmined by the foundarion engineer, but should be at least as deep as the ininiinutn depth xequized by the govexning building authority. ConcLete slabs shall be free floating and isolated fxom load-bearing elements. Partition walls, utility and HVAC connections shall be capable of a mini.,,utn of 1-1/2 inches of movement of the foundarion and slab. An attached detail sheet diagxams a typical floating wall design. The roil bearing rtrength above ir rubject to cbange baaed on obreruationr made at tbe open-bole in.rpection. Ownezs shall be made awaze of the contents of this repoxt and the fact that mater accumulatzon around foundakom elementr ir the pnmary caure of foundation dirtrerr. FOUNDATION DESIGN: Tlvs report is not a foundation design. The foundation design engineex will deteunine the exact configucation of foundarion elements, to include footex (if any) width and thickness, wall thickness and height, pad and pier sizes and xeinforcement schedules. Howevex, the foundation should be designed foi a ten-foot free span. This zepoxt does not adckess general hillside stability, landslide potential, or othex natural hazazds. Several axeas of the Colorado Fzont Range have known geologic hazaxds associated with them. We xecommend that readets of this xepoxt furthet educate themselves as to the eacistence of geologic hazaxds on or azound theix specific pxopeity of intexest. Colorado Engineering can assist in the development of site-specific assessments of Geologic hazards. The Colorado Geologic Survey {htm•//geosurvey.state.co.us/ or 303-866-2611} is a good souxce foi publications (maps, reports, etc.) dealing with specific geologic issues and/oz issues xelated to specific geogxaphic azeas. ProJect 061-0699 Page 3 of 8 www co[oradnen¢ineerinperoun.com FIELD INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE: Exploratory borings wexe advanced using a four-inch nominal diametec, truck-mounted continuous- flight auger. The approarimate boring locations ate indicated on the attached site diagram and wese established in the field by pacing and measuring angles fxom identifiable site Lefexences. The pxoperty owner designated the location fox exploration. At depths determined by the supervising geologist, samples were obtained by means of a two-inch diametet split-spoon samplex, advanced by a 140-pound drop-hammei falling a distance of 30 inches, in genexal compliance with ASTM D-1586. The numbex of hammet blows xequixed to advance the samplet ptovides an indication of the in-situ telarive density of the soIl, and in combination with the laboxatory analysis of the soil, psovides data xequixed fot derivation of the engineexing pxoperties sought by this exploration. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND WEATHER: The genexal topogxaphy azound the site of this invesdgation is a zeto to three percent slope to the north/northwest. Vegetation consists of weeds, grasses, trees and bushes. Weathet was cool and cloudy at the time of the investigation. The elevadon measuted at 5,350 feet above sea level. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE: Foundation drain sequirements shall be detexmuied at the open-hole observarion; howevet, dcains axound any below-gtade useable space, including ctawl spaces, should be anricipated. See the attached detail sheet. SURFACE DRAINAGE: The excavation shall be ptotected $om surface runoff and excess ptecipitation during construction. Aftet backfilling, the soil atound the foundation shall be graded away from the srivctuxe at a minimurn slope of six inches over ten feet. Gutters and downspouts shall be installed to cairy watei actoss the azea disriubed by construction. Areas that setde shall be backfilled to prevent ponding of watex. No vegetarion teqLUring itrigation shall be installed within five feet of the foundarion. Watex from uphill shall be diverted azound the structuce. The future ownexs aze caudoned against the installadon of a lawn sprinkler system within 5 feet of the foundation walls. If a sprinklex system is installed, the sprinklex heads should be placed so that water spray from the heads undet full pzessuxe does not fall within five feet of the foundation walls. Lawn irrigation should be controlled to pxevent excess wetting of subsutface soils. Lawn, flowezs, shrubs, and othex plantings within five feet of the foundarion walls should be hand watexed and this watering should be minimized. If a drip itrigation system is used, one should limit the amount of watex to sustain the plantings. One is also advised that any irrigation line can leak and/ox bxeak, releasing excessive amounts of water neax foundations and can cause damage to slabs and foundation walls. P.oject 061-0699 Page 4 of 8 www.coteradoearineerinzeroup.com BACKFILL: Any soil disturbed adjacent to beaxing foundation components shall be ie-compacted to a m;.,;,,,um of 85% Standazd Pxoctor Density. Soil suppoxting concrete slabs sha11 be compacted to 95% Standaxd Proctox Density. Mechanical compaction methods shall be utilized; watex-flooding techniques are piohibited. See Compaction Section for moxe information regazding compacaon requixements and techniques. CONCRETE: All concrete shall be Type II, Sulfate Resistive, with 28-day sttength requirements determuied by the foundation design engineer. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR CONCRETE SLABS: Excess moistuce in the soIl and impropex compaction undei slabs will incLease the possibiliry of slab heave, setdement and cracking. The builder and futuce ownexs should be awaze of and undexstand that there is a definite risk of futuce damage with any slab-on-grade construcrion. If floor movement due to expansive soils is not acceptable, finished room floor areas should be supported on wooden or steel joists, or on a reinfocced concrete slab, over a crawl space area. If the builder and futuce ownets axe willuig to accept the defuute risk of some damage due to concrete floox slab movement, the following recommended details will help pievent, but not guarantee, wetting of the soils underneath the slabs and minim~e damage when wetting of the soil does occux. Interiot concrete slabs shall be isolated fxom the foundation, utility lines and non-beazing paztirion walls. SepaLate the slab ftom all load bearing membets and utility lines of at least one-half inch to allow fot independent movement of the slab. Pxovide a posirive control ox slip joint at the construction joint between the slab and foundation walls Slabs shall have conteol joints at appxoacimately ten feet on centei each way to lessen the possibility of tandom cxacking. These contxol joints may be installed as construcrion joints, saw cuts and/oz scoring of the slabs. Cuts should be made at least'/a the total thickness of the slab. A good quality concrete sealant should be installed in these joints to ptevent sutface dischazges of water from penetrating slab subgxades. A minimuin void ox clear space of one and a hal£ inches should be provided at the bottom of all non-bearing paxtitions and fuxring sttips placed ovet the concrete slabs (see Fioating Wall Detail). One should also pcovide a one-half inch space at the bottom of all door-jambs to allow for limited movement of the floor slab. The ownec is hexeby notified that it is their zesponsibiliry to maintain these void spaces. In the event a hot watez heating system is used, the pipe should not be placed beneath the concrete floot slab. In the event a fotced ait furnace is used, a two-inch collapsible connection should be provided between the fumace and the heat ducts. Project 061-0699 Page 5 of 8 www.cnlaradoenetneerin¢eroun.coin The soils that will suppozt the concxete slabs should be kept moist duxing construction by occasionally sprinkling wateT and especially a day or two priox to pouring of the slab. This ptocedure will help maintain the moisture content of the underlying soil. In addirion to the above zecommendations, another means with which to ceduce the risk of movement and ctacking to slab-on-gxade construcrion would be to ovez-excavate the below slab soil two or more feet, xeplace with compacted structutal fill material, pout the conctete slab six inches thick with a teinfoccing mat of #4/60 bazs at 18 inches each way. RADON: Thexe is not believed to be any unurual hazatd itom natutally occurring soutces of xadioactivity at the site. Howeves, most counties in Colorado have avexage tadon levels (measuxed in homes) above the U.S. EPA tecommended "acuon level" of 4 picoCuries per litez of air (pCi/1). Fot instance, Tellet County averages 3194 pCi/1, Pazk County avetages 8.28 pCi/1, El Paso County avetages 4.73 pCi/1, and Douglas Counry averages 7.53 pCi/1. Results of a 1987-1988 EPA-supported radon study fot Colotado indicate that the granitic rocks, in particulaz, generally have elevated levels of ucaniutn. These rocks have the potential of producing higheL than average radon gas levels in homes. Ptoviding increased ventilation of basements and crawl spaces and sealing of joints can mitigate build-ups of zadon gas. This mitigation is best implemented ducing the design and construction phases of residences. The Coloxado Geologic Survey {httv://geosurvey.state.co.us/} and the U.S. EPA fwww.el2a.gov/iag./--radon) aTe both good souxces for addidonal information regarding radon. OPEN-HOLE OBSERVATION: It is necessary to assuxne the soil in the sutrounding azea will be similaz to that which was observed in this uutial invesrigation. Howevet, variadons aczoss the test borings and site can and do occux. Tberefore, it zr required tbat a gualifzed roil engineer in.rpect tbe completed foundation extavation pnor to tbe placement af any foundation component to determine wbetber amy .ngnificant variation finm tbir repart exirtr and whetber tbe foundation deszgn rvill nquire modifzcalion. Pleare contact thir offzce a minimum af 24 hour,r in advance to .ahedule a repre.rentative to ob.rerve the completed excavation. The open-hole ob.reruation i.r not included a.r part of the roil repon amd i,r .rubject to an in pection fee. Failute to obtain this tequired inspecrion prioi to placement of foundation elements renders this report and its zecommendarions null and void. COMPACTION: If compaction of the narive or bosxow soils is requised, it is highly iecommended that you pick up an informative bLOChure provided at any Colozado Engineering and Geotechnical Group, Inc. office. In genexal, to compact clayey or silry materials: Placing Fi!!.• No brush, sod, ftozen material, or othet perishable or unsuitable material, or stones of fouc inches or greater in maximum dimension shall be placed in the fill. The distribution of the material on the fill shall be such as to avoid the fonnauon of lenses, or layers, of material differing substantially in chazacteristics fsom the sutsounding material. The xnaterials shall be deliveted to the backfill surface at a unifoxtn xate, and in such quanrity as to permit a sarisfactory construction procedure. Unnecessazy concentsation of travel tending to cause ruts ProjeM 067-0699 Page 6 of 8 www. coloradoenain eerinearoun. com and other hollows more than six inches in depth, shall be regaided and compacted. After dumping of fill material on backfill surfaces, the material shall be sptead by appxoved methods in approximately 6 inches compacted thickness. Moirture Control.• The material in each layet shall be compacted by tolling and shall contain the optimum moisture requized for maxnnum compaction, as neazly as pxacricable and as detennined by the soils engineet. The moistute content shall be unifottn throughout the layers. The contxactor may be tequized to add the necessary moistuxe to the backfill material in the boxxow axea, If in the opuuon of the soils engineer, it is not possible to obtain moisture content by adding watez on the £ill susface. Compactian: When the moistuxe content and condition of each sptead layex is satisfactory, it sha11 be compacted by a method appxoved by the soils engineex to 95% ASTM D698 (Standatd Pxoctox Densiry) for slab azeas, and 100% ASTM D698 for footing and/or pad azeas. A Standaxd Proctor test shall be pexfoxmed for each typical fill material and frequent tests of the density of the fill must be taken. Nottnally, eight passes of a sheepsfoot zollex loaded to 4,000 pounds pet lineal foot on a six inch soil layet is sufficient to achieve 90% ASTM D698. In general, to compact cohesionless free-diauiuig materials: Note: Tbe aboveguideline.r aGo apply When compacting cohesionless fxee-dtaining materials such as sands and gtavel, the tnaterials shall be deposited in layezs and compacted by treads of a crawlex type ttactor, surface of intemal vibTatois, smooth ox pneumaric tollers, hand ox power taxnpets, ot by any othex means approved by the soils engineex. The thickness of the horizontal layer after compacdon shall not exceed 6 inches compacted thickness if compaction is petformed by ttactor treads, sutface vibrators ox sitnilas equipment, ox not moze than penetrating length of the vibiatox head if compaction is perfoxmed by internal vibratoxs. The material may not be ponded or flooded to aid in the compacrion only if free dtauiuig materials undeLlies new fill unless specifically tecommended by the Engineen When the moisture content and condirion of each spxead layer is sarisfactory, it shall be compacted by a method appxoved by the soils engineet to 90% ASTM D1557 (Modified Ptoctor Density) for slab azeas, and 95% ASTM D1557 for footing and/ot pad areas. If compaction testing is to be pezformed by Colozado Engineering & Geotechnical Gtoup, Inc. we will xequixe a Proctox Cutve, Standaxd or Modified (which ever is appzopriate for the matexial tested), from an approved testing facility. Colorado Engineering & Geotechnical Gtoup, Inc., if iequested, will petform this test(s) for you, ptovided a sample of the material(s), 5-gallon bucket(s) full, be supplied to Coloxado Engineering & Geotechnical Group, Inc. a minimutn of 72 houts pxiot to testing. The sample(s) will be used to deternvne the maicixnum proctoi densiry and optimum moistuce content for that xepxesentative sample. Additional chatges will be incuned for each sample tested and for field compaction testing operations if cequired. CONCLUSIONS: This xeport is valid only for the use of the client listed or ptopexty owner for the type of construction listed above. Use by any other is pxohibited, as is the use for othet types of construcrion without the express, written permission of this office. Ptopetty ownexs and buildets ue xeminded that wateL accumulation azound foundation elements is a prixnary cause of structucal distcess in homes. Project 067-0699 Page 7 of 8 . www.coloradoene!Aeerinrrmup.com Foundation movement under any condition can be minimized by maintaining a stable moisture content of the soil supporting the foundation. Surface dxainage is paxamount to minimizing the potential fox watet to penetrate backfill to the level of the foundation. If watex penetcates thxough to the sofl suppotting the foundarion, movement is likely: Any movement that does occux should be less than 1". LIMITATIONS: This tepoxt and its xecommendations do not apply to any other site othex than the one described hetein and aze pxedicated on the assutnption that the actual soil condirions do not deviate in any significant way fcom those described in this iepoxt. In the event that any variations ox undesuable conditions aze detected during the construction phase ot if the pxoposed construction varies from that planned as of this report date, the owner shall uimiediately notify Colorado Engineering and Geotechnical Gtoup, Inc., so that supplemental xecommendations can be ptovided, if needed. Praject 061-0699 Page 8 of 8 www. coloradoen eineerirt eerouo. com PHONE BOX 1~1 1 ~ la~ t awse oax 0 a ~ y ~ X ~ m m TH-7 4 Y TH-2 t sLove o-ax 4A~~ ~ r \ 0 3 10 75 20 6RAPHIC SCA~ET SCALE: V = 20' SITE PLAN JOBN: WNERf BUILDER: Eunlce Willlams 061-0699 ~10B AUDRESS: Lo! 20, 3381 Oak St., Je(ferson County FROM TO DISTANCE BENRINO Phano Box TX-1 TS' 897E T14t TN3 45' 376E CASTLE ROCK OPFIGE 15 S. Gilbert Street CASTLE ROCK, CO 80104 (303) 688-9475 TEST BORING: 'I DATE: 1 O/24/2006 v r. Z ~ ~ d J f 6 J a ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION G N f m 0-5' CLAYEY SAND GRAIN: FINE-COARSE DENSITY: LOOSE MOISTURE: LOW-MODERATE 3 CLAY: LOW-MODERATE 6.9 8 SC PLASTICITY: LOW 12 COLOR: LIGHT BROWN TAN 5-16' SANDY CLAY grading to 6 CLAYEY SAND GRAIN: FINE-MODERATE CONSISTENCY: STIFF/LOOSE ~ 6 1 CL MOISTURE: MODERATE-HIGH 9 . 2 CLAY:MODERATE-HIGH PLASTICITY: LOW-MODERATE COLOR: TAN/LIGHT GREEN 16-28' CLAYSTONE GRAIN: FINE 12 CONSISTENCY: VERY STIFF/HARD ~ g,g 1 O SC MOISTURE: HIGH ~ 2 CLAY: HIGH PLASTICITY: MODERATE 15 COLOR: GREEN 18 28.3 24 CL 12 21 24 GROUNDWATER FIU.ED IN TO 27'. 27 50 28' SAMPLE UNRECOVERED. 2 30 TEST BORING: 2 DATE: 1 O/24/2006 0 o V = ~ ~ V 1 i . ~ Z 6 v I d H ~ y F ~ J G a O N SOIL DESCRIPTION u ! e m 0-5' CLAYEY SAND GRAIN: FINE-COARSE DENSITY: LOOSE MOISTURE: LOW-MODERATE 3 , CLAY: LOW-MODERATE PLASTICITY: LOW COLOR: LIGHT BROWN TAN 5-16' SANDY CLAY grading to 6 : CLAYEY SAND GRAIN: FINE-MODERATE CONSISTENCY: STIFF/LOOSE MOISTURE: MODERATE-HIGH 9 CLAY:MODERATE-HIGH PLASTICITY: LOW-MODERATE COLOR: TAN/LIGHT GREEN 16-18' CLAYEY SANDSTONE GRAIN: FINE-MODERATE 12 DENSITY: DENSE MOISTURE: MODERATE CLAY: LOW-MODERATE PLASTICITY: LOW 15 COLOR: GREEN GROUNDWATER FILLED IN TO 16.5 18 21 24 27 I 30 I B 0 R I N G LO G CASTLE ROCK OFFICE OWNER/BUILDER: Eunice Wllllams J08 061-0699 I 15 S. 61lbart Straet JOB ADDRE55: 3381 Oak Straat GASTLE ROGK, GO 80104 (303) 688-94"f5 ~ ~ N Ld r ~ r ~ L 0 .Q m J ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ :3 cn 07 0) co O co 0 a~ n E =3 z .n 0 ~ J ~ U J a d !n T U m . i ~ T c V c a7 U) N ~ N N ~ ~ T J ~ ~ fn c~a v ~ U 0 j U ~ U ~ ~ ~ X o rn N J 'd N Z M V C . 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' _ ~ ,o G z - - - vo 60 - : : _ Q . . - d - - _ z 50 w . . . _ ~ w 40 _ _ ~ _ . . 20 - _ . _ 10 ~ 2- r ~ . o 001 002 005 .009 .019 .03 7 .297 .074 .149 .42 .50 1.~9 z 2.38 4J6 9.: DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS AND CLAY TO SILT FINE MEDIUM COAR E I~ 1 38.1 76.2 127 7 52 V L ^ COBBLES 10 20 30 0 w z ao ? ~ 50 ~ z w 60 ~x d 90 I CLASSIFICATION SC NOTES: O.a 70 mviawIc vvu•~... GRAVEL 0.0 % SAND 58.4 % FINES 41.6 % BLOWS 8112' HOLE# 1 DEPTH 3 Jab Number: 061-0699 HYDROMETER ANALY515 SIEVE ANALY515 STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SOUARE OPENINGS U S " " " " " 24 HR 7 HR TI ME READINGS 4 iMIN 2 . . 00 100 50 40 30 16 10 8 4 3 8" 3 4" 1-1 3 2 5 8 6 0 45 MM 15 MIN 6 0 19 _ _ 100 _ ~.::.r. . . io . . - 20 so _ _ _ - -r- . . ' _ . 30 0 70 ~ _ - w z _ - _ . 40 F N m 60 . . _ . _ ~ W d . . _ . ~ 50, 150 _ . . . z . . _ . ' . ' . 60 u~ qp . _ : - - . . w a W a ~ _ . . . . . . . - . . 70 30 . _ ' . ' - 80 p - - 90 10 ' - - _ 100 - - - - - - 2 127 152 200 o 0 0 05 09 A 19 03 7 .0 74 .29 9 7 1.1 9 9 2 2.38 9 52 19.1 38.1 76 4.76 .001 . . .002 . IN PARTIC E OF AMETER D MILLIMETERS SAND GRAVEL COBBLES CLAY TO SILT INE M DIUM COA E FINE COARSE CLASSIFICATION CL nO1°°; 16.1 %MOISSUfe Vonzen[ GRAVEL0.0 % SAND 47.7 % FINES 52.9 % BLOWS 12112' HOLE# 1 DEPTH 8 J0 h Number: 081-0699 COLORADO ENGINEERING AND GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. GRADATION TEST RESULTS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS 24 HR 7 HR TIME READWGS 45 MIN 15 MIN 6 0 19 4 1A 100 90 _ _ 80 ' 70 . z N gO Q " 150 . ' . W w 40 - 10 O ~ CLAY TO SILT ,.inu cr SIEVE ANALYSIS iANDARD SERIES C 40 30 16 10 8 4 3/E 74 .149 .297 .42 .59 1.19 2 2.3 METER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIN SAND FWF M DIUM COAF uores: 19.9 % Moisture Content 9.52 19.1 6 8" O EA10 qp F - ~ 50, _-r ~ w 60 ~ 70 . _ . ' _ _ 80 _ - ~ - 90 100 127 152 200 COBBLES GRAVEL 0.0 % SAND 54.7 % FINES 45.3 °k BLOWS 10112' HOLEN 1 DEPTH 13 Job Number: 061-0699 HYDROMETER ANALY515 SIEVE ANALYSIS 24 HR 7 HR TIME READINGS U. S. STANDARD SERIES C 45 MIN 15 MIN 6 0 19 4 1M IN 2 00 100 5 0 40 3 0 16 10 8 4 3 E 1 00 . . . . ' : . 90 . . . ' . ' _ " _ _ 4 - - 70 . " . . - _ ~ vNi 60 . < . , . Sp _ . . . ~y c~ . . ~ 40 a _ . _ . . 30 - _ _ _ " _ - 20 - _ " 10 - _ _ _ - ~ : - _ . I o - - ~ 001 002 .005 .009 019 03 7 297 9 .42 9 1 ~ 9[ . . PARTIC E OF DIAMETER N MILUMETERS SAN CLAY TO SILT CO FINE MEDIUM ARS FIN iD 151 CoBBLES CLASSIFICATION cL rwrES: 28,3 % Moisture Gontent GRAVEL 0.0 % SAND 27.2 % FINES 72.8 % BLOWS 24N2" HOLE# 1 DEPTH 78 JobNumbec 061-0699 1 10 20 300 z 40 ~ ~ 50 ~ w 60 ~ d 70 - - SLbb-6@9 (60E) bQ108 O'J '~I'J021 3"IlSV'~ ~ qooaqS 4~09119 'S SI Mooa aiisva se.■as Wo ~eee 299aaaad eor, 6690•690 'a 901" swelll!M ealun3 213a-lifl9/213NM0 Z'Iv1V1 -DNIZ`d 0'Id '321fLL'~(I?J.LS 32111N3 3h11 1f10 Ff9f1021H1 5'IIb'M 9N0'M 9NI-N7`o'210 '~I13W50'n aNV 'S3W'dZJd NOOQ Q3d21b'M Ol QV3'l NV'~ -77dM 9NIlVO'ld 3Hl "I'Td15N1 .l-w3dOTJd Ol 32{(I'11b'd'9 '9H"15 2100-61 3Hl QNV 53W'd2id JOOQ d0 W01109 3Fil N3~vi139 1'd07d „L/I V 15V3"f ly 3QIA021d'S 'WIHS -17VMAtlQ 3FIl d0 3943 d01 3Hl QNb' 'llb'MJ.21Q 3Hl d0 3903 NW0-1 3Hl N33M139 dV9 ,.L/I-I V NIVINI'dW '31V"Id 9NIlH01d 3Hl d0 39Q3 21W0'i 3Hl MO"139 QN31X3 lON Q"VIOHS -IIb'M.421Q'b 'S31`dZd N33M139 1V0'Id d0 „L/I-I d0 WfIWiNIW V 30IA021d'E '9NIQ-TOW d0 3903 d01 3Hl >"1(1`dV lON Oa'Z '31Y"1d ,PNIlVO'1d Ol HVd11V lON OQ 'Jl"INO 31V-Id W01109 Jl21VNO11ri15 Ol 9NIQ1OW '11HN3 =S310N D D p v . ~v - . . p . o p v D 9'd"15 31321'~NO'J ~ ?JOO'id 43H51NId t/ d 9NI`d ~T 1H WIHS "'1'div1J.TJ4 ~~L/I D~ N 10 '.l"1N0 _ ~d-id wouoe 31`d1d W0110S J.?JdN011'd15 J.?J'dNOllb'15 , , Ol 9NI4-IOW "llb'N 9NIQ"tOW ~l`d"Id 9NIl`dO-Id ~9NIQ-10W -40 39a3 'I-l'dMJ.2i4 ..Z/I Ol >Ilfid' lON OQ SafU.S '1-i`dM tiXL 53'10H -1I`dN 71ITJQ-~21d '''O .,z6 a 3NIdS p06 „Z/I-fr Q31dLLH3o 659 5@E hL6 dM1 ee! ie w153~ od AnsuoO ❑ 'IlixB ~=Of=BliM ~ £0 aaj t iZ08 00 `zanuaQ ~~~I~Csuuad S 591i atuasald poomalddy uixl'j aAa7S ~ :tl3UN38 , ARTICLFS OF ORGAPiIZATION ot . 28 AR PARINERS LLC ~ Y51095202 1" $50,00 5'ti,REinR`i UF 5 AT_ The undersigned, a natural person of at least 18 years of age, acting)~sQqg"ury pptepy forms a limited liability company by virtue of the Colorado Limited Liability Company Act, and executes and delivers the following Articles of Organ'vation for such limited liability wmpany. ARI7CLE I.; 951DS32G2 ~ 15c. fiC 5Ei,RETr1RY uF 3in`c Name and Address 07-24-55 The name of the limited liability company is 28 AR PARTNERS I,LC and its principal place of business is 1165 So. Pennsylvania St., Denver, CO 80210-1530. ARTICLE U. The regis[ered agent of Ihis limi[ed liability company in [his state is Alan D. Laff. 1'he business address of the rogistertd agent is 7730 Fas[ Belleview Avenuq Sui[e 204, Englewood, Cobrado 801I1-2616. ARTICLE M. 1'he managemen[ of the Company is vested in the Members. ARTICLE IV. bScm4cz5 The names and business addresses of the initial Members are as follows: 1 r f'IEfE ppWpU7ER UPDRT6 C~ , N= aadress AR Group 1165 So. Pennsylvania S[. Denvw CO 80210-1530 Marvin R. Gazt 1IX01 Lincoln Street Denver, CO 80203 IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have signed these Articles of Organization this 24th day of July, 1995, and I aclmowledge the same to be my true ac[ and dced. ~ Alan D. Iaff, QaWitr STATE OF COLARADO SS COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE The foregoing Articles of Organiufion were signed and swom to by Alan D. Laff, az Organizer, who affirmed, under penalty of peijury, that the facts shted herein are true, on this 24th day of July, 1995. P,~'..=V4`y1 ~ my hand and official seal. TERESq VDERSON ~ r Notary Public ~F CO~~Q ' ion expires: CONSENT OF RbGISTERED AGENT The undersigned hereby consen[s to act as Registered Agent in the State of Coloredo for the foregoing entity. Alan D. Laff LAFF STEIN CAMPBELL TLICKER & DELANEY, LLP ALAN L. STEW, P.C. LAFF, CAMPBELL & DELANEY, P.C. Alan D. Laff Darrel L. Campbell Stacia Bank Delaney RONALD C. TUCKER , December 15, 1998 City of Wrieat Ridge 7500 W. 29' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Attn: Building Department ATTORNEYS AT FINANCIAL PLAZA, BUILDING A 7730 EAST BELLEVIEW AVENUE. SUITE 204 ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80III-26IG ~ Dft'~ ~AA/ ~ .i Re: Lot 20, Applewood Reserve/Paul Koentzes rt f^-! ~ Dear Sir: This office represents 28 AR Partners, L.L.C., a joint venture partner of Applewood Reserve Venture, the owner of the above-captioned Lot. A dispute has arisen between Mr. Paul Koentzes and the joint venture with regard to the conveyance of Lot 20 to him and his right to construct improvements thereon. Let this letter serve as notice to you that, as of the present time, Applewood Reserve Venture still owns the property and has not conveyed its interest in the property to Mr. Koentzes. Consequently, building permits should not be issued for the development of that L,ot until such time as a closing has occurred and Mr. Koentzes obtains title to the property. You may direct all further correspondence regarding this matter to me. Very truly yows, LAFF STEIN CAMPBELL TUCKER & DELANEY, LLP Ronald C. Tucker, Esq. RCT:sva c: Steve Elken Wheat Ridge City Attorney / \ \ ~ \0~ ~ Telephone: (303) 740-7200 Facsimile: (303) 740-7300 y-s l1 / i ~ ~4~~. MRY 13 '99 09:50RM H C BROWN & RSSOCS HUNTINGTON C. BROWN 8c ASSOCIATES ATYOANBYS AT UW 303FA4T171tLAVFNUCSUn'E400 DBNVU~ COLORAD080203 TSLECOPY COVER LETTER Date: Mav 13. 1999 To: Dassen_Morgan Paul Koentges P. 1/2 PHONE 303$309808 pAX 303-8304ao4 Facaimile Number 0031 235-2857 (303) 275-9014 From: HupLinaton Brown Subject: Lot Purchase - 3381 Oak Street. WheatridgQ. Colorado Descrip. Notice of Trial Original will XX will not follow by mail. Number of pages (including cover letter): z If you do not receive all of the pages of the fax transmission, please call (303) 830-0808 as soon as possible. CONFIDENTIAIdTY WOT[CE The information contaiaed in or a[tached to this PA}C message is in[tnded only for the use of thc individuat(s) named above. If you aze not tLe named reapient, or an agent responsible for delivcring it ro che named recipient, please note thae you havc reeeived this document in eaor and thaz review, disseminauon or wpying of this communication is prohibited_ If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediaecty by telephone and return the originai documents to us by maiL Thaak you for your cooperazion. FOR OPSR7ITOR IISE ONLY Time submitCed to operator: Time transmission completeds Operator Initials: /g~jYlk 72- ? SC MRY 13 '99 09:50RM H C BROWN & RSSOCS ' f,.. DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF JEFF£RSON, STATE oF COIARADO Civil Action No. 98 CV 3802, Division 7 P. 22 NOTSCE OF TRZl►L TERA KOENTGES, Plaintiff, v. APPLEWOOD RESERVE VENTURE. Defendant. ,-i,,~. q'p 'pHE DEFfiNDANT AND ITS COUNSEL OF RECORD: YOU WZLL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the vithin entitled action has been set for a one-day trial to the Court on June 14, 1999, sCarting at 9:00 a.m. in Division 7 of the Dlstrict Court for Jefferson County located at 100 JePfezson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado. Respectfully submitted, H[TNTINGTON C. HROWI 6 AS90CIATES By: Hunti n C. 8 R . 8216 Atto ys for n iff 30 ast 17t enue, Suite 400 er, Col ado 80203 (303) 830-0808 ~ ✓ ✓ / /Z/y~ G~ }j~ 23 gi oJ~ ~.lq-,2,, ~ /~~.U"l~i)~✓ G~'. ~5~~~ is _ "'o 'Ac _119, 1-.It--d-e--- '~0'4 J% ~ ^ O u2c c _ ar, or}~ vlis. _ _ . ."'7s. . S'cE-S-/ ro ~J ~ Qll iJKOTF O~./ ~ ~ ~ p~,a.~S ~ ~>a~.~rl l~. ,;,s~~1cr~ by ~ens~~? ~'io~xo•~P r DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILUING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner Property Address L' se No %vLj Te/tA 14eey" a~3 / ~co crNrL .s r /u7L~! 4 77C7t=Tr(-z 1 s ~VHe~~~dy_/~ - , Phone J 47Pc-iacJ-7-I.ie4lj Date o~~" / Contractor icen Phone Company : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : 1X?,_6V6_ I hereby eertify lhat the setback disWnces propos y is pefmit appliwtion are accurate, permit Fee : and do not violate appIicable ordinanees, rules oyfeg lio of the City of Wheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restridions of recordi4hat urements shown, and allegations Use Tax : made are accurete; that I have read and agrGe lo by conditions pri bn lhis application, and that I assume full re sponsiW7' i n eat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wh¢5t dg. work under this pe it. t81 : (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE ~ U52 : Description l i BUILDING ARTMENT U E ONLY ~b , P~P S~LT •'~H-3z, (i~) a~ : , ~61C : ~ a 'S ~qPP~o~~-~. .~k Zonin9 ll~ \S I ~"3; , ~ 1998 t~ Approval :V< . I► xRb.~~'Y•~~ ►o ~ ~ Ils : of : V" $0.00 Electri License tvo : Plumbing Licen No : Mechanical License No Company : Company : Company : \ Expiration Date : Expiratio ate E/piration Date Approval: val: pproval: l/ (1) Thrs permit was luued In a nce with the pmvisions set IoM in Y r aDWication and is suEtf'ect to the laws ol Ne State of Cob2do a(W W the ZmiM Regula0ons aM Buii0in9 C Whee tu1R~id~~ ~~vY o ~~60Cays fmgmr h issue E te w(B) Ne builtlhp aulhorized ia suspmdcd or (T) This pemut stwll expire d(A) apzntloneC far a period of 120 da ms, the cha (3) Ioriginal planseardid spedfira6'a at bs s~pen~s on w aha ment h s rwt exuceed~ed o~Ie (1~Ye~~ra.. ~DrNa^9es are m ~atle aaif suspension waEanda+menl exceeOS one (1) year, Nll leea ahal pald !w a new pemril. (4) No work ol any manner ahall be dona Nal will change the natural Ibw of waler wusing a tl2inage poblem. (5) Convacfor shail notlry the Builtlin9 Insoectw twenN-four (24) hours in aCvance for all Inspections aM shall receive writtw approval on Inspectiw cxb bNae proceeEiing wilh successive haxa ol Me /qb. cod a a~y o pUe Po nl ance. Ww~nnile ordr ~uWGon~s shall `wl De consWeE m be a pemut fU. nu an aPPrwal o(, efry vbWtio~ of the provis na .(e) o the builCI'p^o es Chief Building Inspector For Mayor SIGNED THE ILD THIS PERMIT VALID CONLY ALL W 34 5933 24 HOURS PRIO'R TO~IN PIE TION ECTOR AND MAYOR Building Permit Number : The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWheat GRidge Tt>G"iE LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION DATE NO q~ ADDRESS C)k.Y- JT ,0 l 2C> Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building permit application for the above referenced address, this letter is to inform you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, (if damaged from related construction) to an acceptable condition, as determined by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to determine the existing condition(s)of the public improvements at this address. If /you/have any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. vtcy i~afuuov,., . . .n. Development Review Engineer cc: File 4-jL /~jc/y g I 0 (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234•5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 The Ciry of ~~~F W HEqT ,~~o GWheat ~ ~ ~'m ~Ridge ~a~oRpoo SINGLE FAMILY MINOR EXCAVATION AND FILL PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT: rP.)L- MA ' J ~ ADDRESS OF EXCAVATION/FILL: „zn l nw APPLICANT ADDRESS: DATE OF APPLICATION: All permits shall be applied for through the Public Works Department. An approved permit is effective for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance, and may be renewed. All fees shall be in accordance with those fees established by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), or by other applicable City adopted Resolution or Ordinances. Grading Plan Review Fees*: EWL> Oto 100 cubic yazds $22,50 . lOlto 1,0(bcubic yards • • ~ • ~ ' ~ $30.00 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yazds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 10,001 to 20,000 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUB-TOTAL: Grading Permit Fees*: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.0 0 to 50 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O . . 51 to 100 cubic yazds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 to 1000 cubic yazds $22.50 for the first 100 cubic yards, plus $10.50 for each Amount Due: $ additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof: C. Y. lus $9.00 for each 00 for the first 1,000 cubic yazds, p $117 . 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards rds or fraction thereof: C. Y. Amount Due: $ bi c ya additional 1,000 cu 10,001 to 20,000 cubic yazds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $238.50 00 TOTAL FEES DUE: $ ~J0• (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 Building sites whose total excavation and fill exceeds 20,000 cubic yards must be processed under the provisions of Section 26-33 of the Wheat Ridge City Code. Upon conformance with Secfion 26-33 of the City Code, grading plan review fees and grading permit fees shall be established in conformance with Section 3310, Table A-33-A, and Table A-33-B respectively of the Uniform Building Code. * Uniform Building Code, Section 3310 I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT, AND UNDERSTAND THAT THE REQUESTED WORK CAN NOT BEGIN UNTIL THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, WITH ZONING REGULATIONS AND WITH THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ANY VIOLATION WILL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, AND COMMENCEMENT OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THIS APPROVED PERMIT WILL BE KEPT IN MY POSSESSION, OR PERMANENTLY ON THE JOB SITE. APPLICANT: vAFi 11 /io I98 Approval Date mexfillp.frm PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SUILDING PERMIT REVIEW CHECK LIST Adaress: `33aA c~7 '-01-zo Zoning: R _ i Pp Existing use: Permit is for: ~ F Deed: ✓ Survey: Plot Plan: STANDARDS v~x v~ Setbacks/Height: Requ+red- Proposed Front: EL Side: S )C)- - 15 Side: ti Rear: w- Structure Height: Coverages: Building Coverage: Lot Coverage: aSojv ,g ~c Area and Width Lot Area: t3 q35 ~ Lot Width: , Landscaping Requirements: Landscaping Percentage: Fli SC76 Number o£ Street Trees: Number of Trees/Shrubs: .Parking Requirecpents: Required Parlcing Ratio: Number of S aces: Number of andicap: Signs: Location Size/Area Free tanding: • " Wall. Oth r: ting shown: e ~ . PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS Date Ni /lo Applicant ~~talk Y-xcrrb&S Phone # '±M 1017 Location of Construction (address) VAV. ST• Purpose of Construction (]t%4 5~L Building Permit Value $1~'J~ 000 Commercial _ Residential A DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES (this section to be completed by City) Development Review Processing Fee: $50.00 $ S0. 00 Single Family Residential Review Fee: $25.00 [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way] $ 2S Multi-Family/Commeroiai: .$50 minimum fee [confirmation of existing technical documents]. $500.00 maximum fee [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way, review of preliminarylfinal drainage study and erosion control plan(s) if required] Site Plan: $50.00 (Not applicable for single family residential) Right-0f -Way/Easement $40.00 + $5.00/page recording fee Development Agreement Residential = $50.00 Commercial = $100.00 State Highway Access Pertnit $75.00 application fee Traffic Impact Review 8 Report: $100.00 processing fee Flood Plain Variance: Class I=$75.00 Class II =$150.00 TOTAL REYIEW FEES: (due at time of building permit issuance) $ -O- $ $ $ g O - $ Please note that additional fees will be assessed for those permits related to construction of public improvements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Devebpment Revievr office at 235-2868. Signature of Applicant Date N,or_CNOV ~9 '98.12:30PM CMWCOyFqX 303 235 2857 P•2`z P_02 CTfY OF WHEAT P IDGE CERTIFICATE OP WATERAND SEVYEF SERVICE AVAII.ABTI.ITY Note to Applicant: A building permit witl aot be usued Hithout this CectiScate signed by the ' Digt[ict or Agency supplyiag services. enificate e:gires one year from date of approval by_authotizin¢ a¢ent Za~ ~AK SY P,EE~ 11-q - 4P~ )ob Addresa Date - A-= zo Legal Description use auaa;~ ~AUt_ C~Et 1ZC~__. Owner . Address Tclephoee " SEWER Name of District Individusl Septic Pamit No. Sewer Service Availsble Sewu Servi :e NM AvailaWe Commeals oc Conditions: i hereby certify tliat availability of sefvice is as iodiated above. Signadue o( Autlwriud Agent Date lefferson Cowny HeatW Depannuat (EF SEPTIC) AwLoriud;.gnaWte Date Naiae of Disaict: ater Go.WA1'ER Colondo Well Permit No. Water Savix Availsble Wamr Secv x Not Available CommmtsorConditioas• Wa'ter service. is subject to compliance with the Company'S rules, regulations and requirem¢nts for such service. MMM uhof seMca is as ;ndicmW abo,e. d9P Sipunue of uthoriud ent ~ Date leffemn Counw Halth Depstanent (IF WELL) Aut6oriud ; .gnawro Date 11!10i88 09:07 FAY 4:4:628 1SESTRIDE SANIT a 002 NoV-09-98 qJL:jSF' DEVREVFAX AuthOrized S C1TY OF WHEAT R CDGE CER ('IFIGA.TE OB wArIER AxD SEwER SERViCE AVAII.?►BILI'TY Nou en Applicaut: A building pecmit will noc be issued, vithout this Ceitificate signed by the Dis-uicc or Agency supplyinQ seivices. TEus Certifrcate a oires one vear from daze of aperoya! bv suthari23ne ent 33a1 C`)ctK e~zq RrP--r ~ 1-q - 4a Iob Address Daze ►.s»-r a.o AvcMAYIM Lega! Desctiption Ff kmx~~ use Butici;ing Au~ ~F7- Owaer _ Address Telephone i' ' SEWER Nmne of Bistrict ,W R-ME Individoal Septlc Pamic Se.[vice Available Sewer Seivi n Na Availsble CotnmCntsorCondiQans. 67~ t.f'~~ ~Q._- L-.:1~1 'Le, .Uu J - I hemby nraty tiiat availabiU%fy of savia is as iadiwsed above. Signataie of Autho ' ed Agem Da~e Jeeecaun County Health Deparuvz•,• (IF SEPI'IGS 303 235 2857 Dale M~~ ivaAne OFAi5C1CL' L<l1V • nmk~A wnTEx Comrado well Petmit No_ Water Seevir.e Arailable WatC[ SCrv CC Not Availabie ComenmEt ct Coaditi0nt: ' I hoeeby c¢tify tM[ avallabilRy of aavicc is m indioted above. Signaate otAUftrind qpnt Date IeElaaon Coumt3' Hea(th L1aParutCa (IF WII.I.) AuUwciud: ignxtorc Date P_02 11/09/98 12:32 TJC/RX N0.1385 P.002 0 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 The City of ~OF W HEqTR iQ GWheat zy- m GRidge cot ORAlo O LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION DATE 1p Jcl~ ADDRESS Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building permit application for the above referenced address, this letter is to inform you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, (if damaged from related construction) to an acceptable condition, as determined by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to determine the existing condition(s)of the public improvements at this address. If ou have Si erely~ Greg Kquds Development cc: File any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. , M.P.A. Review Engineer (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234•5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW Date: t> Case/Building Perntit No.: Location:_1D1 lJe-4 7'c'• Attention: Building Department I have reviewed the attached materials submitted in application for approval of a 1f~r...) S~R at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. 1. l 2. / 3. 4. Boundary Closure: ~ OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. Drainage: a. Drainage plan and report needed _ b. Drainage plan not needed c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and are found to be: -X_ OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. NPDES Pernvt Required: Yes ~ No Legal Description: 5OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. If not OK, please explain: 5. Public Improvements: a. street paving needed: Yes X No b. curb and gutter needed: Yes X No c. sidewalk needed: Yes K No d. street lights needed: Yes K No e. storm sewer needed: Yes -4 No f. escrow required: _ Yes K No If an escrow is required, for what improvements? Amount of escrow: 6. -.eL' Development Agreement required: _ Yes 1S No 7. 8. ✓ 9. 10. If Yes, Traffic State F New rc If ves. analysis and report required: Access Permit needed: or alley R.O. W. dedication recommended: recommended? Ail e ting~edlcated roadwaYs/alleys meet If n whic do not and what is requested: _ Yes ~ No _ Yes No _ Yes ~ No y: Yes _ No 11. Ap RO AL: The P lic Wor Department has reviewed this request and hereby gives its ap ov , subject the abov and/or attached stipulations. i )I /i o /ia Sign ture Gre Knudson Date 1 r 12. _ NO APPRO AL: T'he Public Works Department has reviewed this request and does not give its approval for the reasons stated: Sipnature Greg Knudson Date 13. Stipulations attached: Ye x No 14. ,SummarvComments: ~ I ~oL ~.~l~ha otr 5t~-c vlar► L n~v_da11 i .Irr.mi c:~..f~wiaPm,tz.sm TN CNERRY CREE% 11/23/98 08:25 FAS 509 588 8982 _ ^ - - - .4~- A~ 1~ DEED OF TRUST Y '::roollRS [BT ~IAPIHC+TON YL ` ¢rt, rn 80333 Ma'HO. ~ . . JSTT6R80N ~~~'i'Y pGil'tC =avsiEB h nonsMttalion ol the b~ ~ Fniein. rihiah meY bmaa11N anG ¢ul~wwkY W which W. nweCy+cM~w'MdC~ hiaoucxswn amY "NBns, A Fuc<. fa ~B g 1' under tl~b OMG of T,ust, mM P~r ~ 4aMxvaY Morefl In xiY w iM rwl VI^pli/Y duemeE In ppeME! wil~ YI QN4YM lIM~ nmAa ol eve~ ~ranater irom lNs ieal eervoir and mMaN hamV ParnM br ilx yprpver, M hrMi W9ttN11. CMMM. e~ 1. OBIIGAT10l18. 7 ppwniMS oi Balowa (a) Mis Oeed ot Te }UTE ~AAIAeI.6 A W3oozJoos \1 x U~ ClJI ~~.A9Decs5 " ) 0023~ OWhdwian. nerenana svKaiee and enr hnwe aevnno.a a i~- ObSiew"^', •s °a" us1 M~einMx mn~tioned an0 elner Y~ ~~~~rc W Ti~ 'ems bugaMS, ae11Y, ttartlns, y i i V~avoM~T o a3-w ~ oavaa.. _SQ.-. antl syon dl ol (L~mr'a cmmt md iuwn ealsle. H9~ ~m Me M1I ol atRy w~d I✓ a~ MIM b s11cME N Mk OaeO el Tnrct ~~v rW Mroln by tt~ no~e«nR. Mn'IMOn W mSeMinnY. um: 0 t"mO p - - d P~~sNatt bcsletl on a ueaC in ronneclen R. xroElbmenh, nE appurten- Y¢WdnO ~9 AevebwM^~ rf9MS a6wdMM wifi eE m tAe rW ProMM Fam otMr real PWMY a nva a MieaMr su+xPn6Y ol W Yuus. Xcenua and ofiu a~wmenk: eM rcMC, iswas antl Orvlila: NI waler. wdl, tliM, Me ieal puOe~Y K".lArelY'PrcP"WO ot Olri90t°^aeecwetl h~ rc~M' ~~~a wowm,i aM ac~lBm. VMiI paym br Wenlor ~rd paMa's IMxe~:4 ~OW<MIANwee" wcxa9aa, uM ~'c~ ~ercW' otP 115ItlMf: iammdrwcc..w++.na?sua. ,..ewwreindaxwmSS' naa9eec,uaip.limt+^d ~su~aam~~~o.~~m...._._._.-•c mlanneepursuaMro: m "anror (cumWauw%'OMNWwl n and tlrefoflewmp MomisaoN nwbs am1 otM~ u9reamenes: T~_ i96iR ~ : ~i 05/16/99 001 -J$360,000.00 11/16/9B ~ 1 - . I m~NS Deea o~ Truc~ (WwYw ac~eutee rot Me a~ne or (b) all o1hH Pro&sM n I0ture. «rinan agrauma~s wnM1 t°'W°~ wat nlx Wxi11r~~Y dNINM P~w tlW~tlN Inayein~: e^Y BwnnN N o1Ni8~tiens of Wwr W~~ 9Nen m LeMn nax a nerarter eseculeC tlxt M~nb ron~empoge tOeeahp i1 ueanlon M Utia Deed W Trust, (c) (C) 1uNre eCVancea, wheNer abfqebiY or aPq^^~, w rtie sa~ nm~l u il nrde ^~+yY ~ ~n oi MJa W W W mWearacMSOmaanbe~adoi(#anmra8wrawr. fY~roraWut~Nllane W tM0EA0atloirc k o6roelaeOa~Mr I~ TruY Snall conGw~ w~W ~^vundinO~M ne Um NN t~~ INn vl Nb O~sd ~T~x4'ml irwluJi~9 aum~s atlwnce0~b Wo~e~~ ~~~iv vi tM lirrol no Daluka maY qsy~.pD0. 00 :~e fiY OwE a irua4 wtuvU $h a wbstlwtbnem enY d O~e rorapdne. N) ~II sm~ndmanM, wtbn&oM, iwwwd0. motlifa4ona. reWsae~^a^ ~W in Nk P~r'7~ 1. Mie MrM fiaMw Yb Bo~rowe, s1uM Y~elutle aM alw mow anY O~tw m BO/rowe~ H man NM aq. A. 2 REPRFBlMAiIONS,WA1iRMI1E81WDCOVULaMf6 OanarrePR~^MS.wmianUOM Ir~ea alWl wm, evew~Mm~weris.wWUnba~s h) hanmr nw tee %in+pe msilteubt om m me AuMM aM chall maimaM me ProPMY and owms e.eem W W. oeee a noet ana ~AeBtao r b 6, which ia atled~etl ro iM, Oeed ol T~ust aM I~Vaaled Mein M/ rHeann.wlYM Oranw prewmpeY~P° MIWi nlnutllmNaYm, ~~a~ wf lL.~Mm le m wmd'rnw in dl mapeUe M+tM1 N spp~rcable 4Eeol _nate ~na bral [.w~b ~V, iI and M„W M htlxY nMenei, oe wasm - wmriebN aa0K10117 Pul' q 9edion 311 of 1M CM Na~Wa0. (~'~Rmfc 4ub44 !kcwery l et a~ry arr OuECfancO puwwll W r~plM.emaMa ~ ih~t sm m1 k~fe m V~rmq Yro i IAivCOUa MMerials w 1 (e) NlappFmbblows• ,.YOI.xor. vrwnup.ex muniopm wtlnrity wM "hn. lieencen, pa~tiM YGS']M HMI 1114plCik IM racpxl M aMUOnm~mai m~~a~a ~ iter nw, lo tlis best d OreMa ~ M~' t wk~~dy yq QeaEd hlflNl. II1 CMM wmmil m pemiit auchaetions to be' a a becomea napula,atl by onY BW ~rycnbrinma dWwnYil, N") mens aW n Yhltr ALt a IisIM pwWVM tu Sen eee. maWiae er.uN, tlefiMd as • ldmelib of Rplt¢md11s w IM\ 81a1 aion 101 a m. comwenwti~e EnM ft ble~ d " M PropenY m e bnam m iewbsbnxs, I regulPfbM. irMWing. ~wt umlM ~~rw1Mx) eM ~M xaning ~nU buildln yisEinion ow Mm Pr°WM. pxmM, uW wM4aau+w ewYw~i ImawO. 11pOfQlNS). WM1BOK! MtI1pM8~Y Uf Dhl e and wnen- necnanry rmi m in IK lufure. ~ne mm -rezmww ae.. mmal ~wna~nc induein§, bw nm Ix,mad m. (~l v+~nnd^: Fl nnble w v~ae, mMaiW or wa&YO Meignakd a+.'~~~~m"' P11-anl ~ 3, ot tM aean vhatar Aa m aro amenemania or iaplawmmx o mese xmduw waMa" pwaumt b Seelirn 1006 d Me Resawce C*nMm4on un0 ; and (,J) Neu aubsuncn, maWialc a wcln tlNinOtl u a'haonEOUc ,~p,yny pesiounge., Gqmysnssuon nnN WG16N Mt. m aM amandmmro n Mm, ru4. nWlWen a adnw nor or Mr.aNar in aReci (3~ wlWl ith bronsnf .now a~rtlbns +r nwn m wnammemn m me Proa^v , pnd q~Scans witli pieSpitllwa N.1,12 U.S.C. Bection 12101 N tp. (anG WI eM reBWabm rN61nB v Ne Roprb' 7Y Wnw W" WMrW. w# or ena ~W W murvw entl mmpNW vnm . Y mawiM nepeen. W ali OW ~Nrm1a0 b mNnO vYiLroli. Wa^iel ceaeVho^° IM ronooMp~MO ,ent wnkn aie marcrW ro me use and oeeupaney W Ne RopeM- p-^m`Y . . a: ve aiw enui o0 omd~. weasrve (e) (iranwr nas ma ripm ana re aay aumonzetl m e.w,vb ana w~rorm Im aag.~wm unaei ~me oe.a nf mn aw m.w rerau ao ~ae m,e aha9 ro1 eanWM wiN IM OoamMS al inY sbl "Walien, wAineroc, rule M lavr. eoMaaN d oMx ap"enreM vhieh mLY M QildSp M Gnnmr a aM O^a: Propt~ly; arM KI NoaclianmV~~Mm9%wNWIbePM~inporNrsm~rtlrhicfimiYh~mshnaMYSllwYfha mGMpt lut M1 valiWe and NaM m1 vblNa pry eroMRe, rt9uhGOn. oNiuiwe. lula oi Iw4 owil11C1 a olher aprtemenl WnduC~lnB,p, )W~t no~t IimiNE b. tlwse 8^'~~MJ IYaaMeut MtleriYal whiai~ m9h\ matalaNY a%ect Me Ropefb or leiNm4 d9Ma w ima/M=c~ I~~ 1 pvwari! ro tMS DeeU of T~usi. K n~ NC(F1~0.LMnM.H~NMCO.P/V~I R~1p].~1N Pw~« - J. PMOR 1 aetiorln en yyN X1en G memUyam arW rcmed 4. nuxsi eomna ra pynefiEiili P~MIM ~ Im taM ul M I S ASSIOI sP Cranbr ,ny.,a.A..11 may keaP 1M eypenx aM pbfpnlione. 7 6 LEh5E3 A B. USE I11N1 Wunlcnwnec - rn... _ 1114EOn. Giamor aMn not mmmil a P^'mN anY vnuNe m u cani ~npIli(ICC WII~1 C~bC~OIiN illd MWlifIR pdIM6 QI~I1~W E~1id lerdU'e?dN n~wen hale~~~9~9 fo LMtlx.~6M1al ml o~s t~emowd ~weiw, 9. LOSSORNlMfE OrMlorah+PbwtMmtirtnok0lIAYIMa. a anY OoaOn AHe01 kan MY aA"e0 ~r. ti Ne avMt d ai IhppN/to NL MWAM8 CIXIUItlon or pay m cwx t0 be Pgd m LaMd to. IN9URANCE me ProMM MI be keVt inwfM Ia IS WII Mw puue bv nooa, unlpwk?. ammo ntl fire. Nen m aMx GcuMa lA 1 a~lf! awpa q, N mee kgii L.M. MW na1 eSaw (JWqCl. Ci~0! YWI ftwm, ampbYr° aM n, aetlam. wft aM oMa mcMetwiNa) . ~mr.l xRnaas mE oMar h ~ ~ms at (N~lor'aa Wt OceOOf TNL. mval.«aaWmww Mn u.aen i pF~s acawU intereel 11U ~19B141i9 wy ssrlges w lender em.a a aro Pa*aM t prearronle ~r ~r wiN Mw ImmWlau W enY nuwe naw a t oul al IM ns, uv aod hnurancs iwuica cwwlM bp Iweee3 earWx ol an ~oy p~re. ~ yy wwpanu q Me rntl rMniN enCn Po m eenxn~ ro en~ tlwiR m M~~0 P~slona « k WaMO~Y uw o tAV RaW M h- - ~ B N!'~MinYeU af !b]f1dDMd N~ M m P~Vab WVe ~...n ~n.iaac ro W. ~mB P~w+e 1s. TM a am. A A TIC M1er, I mwilN aro., m4wiY mmla apurnt wex m " a.nr fta~ m,.n.x arnm. roceees. M ou~u I,hNnW ~I~nl, w ammr's aok tlw PnopartY Na sNeeleC IX dYneDa ~m Vr cOmPNY w e Nsumw .Mvb De ~eby rsipne1 ro tsmiar aml ma' pNaN aesl io conmaon wiN, ew ~yypns IX n~ reamrs6on or nW''d N lemw wiM wii~ ~mm ~ e nY w CUM~~Y-U- Im a cmvovasY P^^m^'^9lnersw. a eesaiwdm mis ~ wn~ iume~v in Mit pva9~' nork oNigauona wiM fespe« b Me x~-~~p1a~jry ~p hWtl tsnar uW iro Xmp~~y nS,OU<1101 ~IITNE Onddl nd lemderirom ewJi tlWms. rM VnY ynnW' 11/27/88 08:27 FiY JOS 388 8992 _ _TN CNERAY CR£F.R pmelil d anY dilPalf'n or pa~, ry LenCer's ~EHDFA. Lwdor, al Dv Granmr w m miwaw vry i ~_,--sy~aMe rz1a4n9 to the poP°"°° due ana immcAiaroh Wc`"tle tendar m one~he~~ IV~~) o, ine osumaed SMENf4, GraMOr SMII WY ali ip.~ nfor a. tlepok" ritn lwneer e.ch mm mouMt Wp G aOW W m Ne nme.UP°~~~'equeelWlwNer, mMePrweNV.SOton9x0ierssnodebul~~lMw „nasoleoWlon.W m. tnw a~d svnnmM~s peM1SMinB1Yi0 RO . In tM .vent ot dehu11.1e~H aMl l~w~e tlrc np~ ~MS ~i~E q nJ~ 9s W~G°~- 4nY 1und6 aPi~ o^°Y, ~t LeMwY aDM1On, bo aVpiN in rewtu OMar ol Me b WY e^'/ W.B o~ ro w~~ro a..am~~. me mwm +M ~ROPERT'/, ~8r XECMDS FN' PlVORTS. GtaMU shaW dlow UMNr han 6me ~o tims. G~eMor NM VteWCe ntpacl mM mske oopAe ot GraMOr's bwwe+g^~d M~^~~°1d6 0°~°~'inp te 1M ~WM ~ yie racwda ahall ba py IIMMi br Uqse PurPc+u' GrnW slWf no1~ Ne etlaMntE~n11 ot V~ ^ bneRUY inWM in irc Eaok+ anU racorEs and aM wMOkte 1n NI re fl+"°~s. IrilamaUm o Nntler mry nWwd~ Ndvbe ae, t{y. ACtl11i011MW. GMIIX SII~II r~pOnin a loml ~i91dCIdY ~~I INbGI GanbS !%OrM et m and comPlN in ell IIGan u Me i~opoM. TIiY inlofinebon shNl be Ia sual~ panW an Len~ ~Y netr. PN YqwnNtion Iwriahad W~^1or ro Uf~ a~N ba wa, ~uw GIGnlOf d 1L110N tNUCSh. ~y~qet~ilYllbt ShiN d[INB~ b~1MC1. qb~~Y~ o1111b ~MpeuOM' I~ICATE4. bn (1U1 daYe a11G MY ro n9 y~TOm vW~'/'~G a) Ma aNahnON9 ,p~et tM WanY na.4v~a . a eW^ea eM acN~wwlad9^a ro Nw O~WUrom ana~ n ao. ne n.W~ ot wch ~ ppqepstas dsiM6. tlaiennt, cMO11s O( mums~dKms wlt~ ~'nTK~~~~~ lhal laMer ms~/ mika to fhe ~nllMled dla o~ caumerolamis. l~eMa wiM be ~tlsa~ We ~b~~aretl st~ment in a tlmeN mawr. afwe n Ma ewm mthese ma11Me m fire Own, NntGruu ~e..tlib Oeetl et Trvn W the Tusmab P^~ ahN bacorro M+H atl 6mmr.8anarer ar anY wa"ra^ (a) tWle ro peY ~^Y ~~On m 1 enEer whsn 0ue, nant w leniu conbinM In l~b Wsd af Truat a ry othe~ Pna~n1 w N) 1Odt 10 P~~ 2-Y OblrelUOn w dMCh01 LnY wM1eiM m cvW confic~tian. or coiMemiWlm: Wrv~e e9r~°M UaPiu{roMfnoMnmleriN~~M~to~subl~MCPIVV°~!'mxiswo. k) MstrM%.loeeaadcm+9~ f' arm q U~dar, b1 ~e.¢. ro rwo~, n~an.u a1 an~^`a eR'~s «°Y111,Mtta Ys insalv Mil ~os a^ ~slgnment Itt ^~~1 af aNXma. laik fiNd ~n wNCI~ N) dle~. CeWme9 ~epaPY inwTPNen„. l u~Wm 1M hMrol GnkrvWM lewa hvs en Imdun~W W~ in OanMiuP~ p p~y aeed n MoY Oeemw Oue, flke s Pe6w uMOn uMm ~nY wIl a P~~ae ei wu~t; prnMOr.Bwm~r a enY WMN1m Is n9.metl, ar ~as V~W'LY MMadMn„m us ot vArh. R 111c9M-. m 9 emny9pppe bbOUSM.bYmp0ftil a9*W~a11NeP~OpC1~Y~MlW9MOL~~.~MEKT111GIIWMMIIO~LMON~m Ot Ms PAP°M: or N IYMW. In 9u°d 1eN.immrreeson. (0)aiwwsenYP~YO~her~hendamor«sonv. naawmeawdartMeenrObL9e~ (11) CeuN~ 111Mtr N tlWT mlII i~t9Wn Aue b a'JBNfiCBM~AecFne in iM vYYE pNiny,q~lNe DeosPeclM WY~^~IX WhE~monos 191Tp ~ 19. W6NT3OF LENOEp ONlYEIIi OF OEFMnT. UW^ Hu occurtmcs ot an Even1 N DA~~ un0er tltla OMd e1 Tws1~ u~Wa~ WX Ce • m exemnee an~ or morc W~»w IaMowMr9.emefXOevMlwul oo~ice d OemaM h~M M~VUneE h' kw1: Mlstr il Me Erem ot Oeh~ll ' i~.mcaia~eN Gu~ aM PaY^bk M fuN. a~el~ amek~ekun aiW~ E~ eutanxlie wW Irmm 1c a 9Mro unda Me wnx~~V~' y°°'~ wnsb ( lMeWaunN^BOOIiBelanealtAmwiNOUt~amrlinBloNCictialpoeaY: H (p) el m m~eeoWNMOl r Gronkw m tlefrver vk m~e avtlla0ie to l.+~d any Pe~a'°~ P°P°M ar L~taM cma~I~utln9 tlie PmMNV at a P~e iea wmninieM b GnMa end LaMn: ta a OC1s~Mnb IM ~PW~Mmmt ot a rewMr antl. N Lende(a aplbn. (E) m eM~r upon end M4e pmfession ol th0 Propeny v~111auh mMlt~° OOIqMkeu aM MIhaA oNrMir meellnG ~1' qM"b^/ eonQi4oro ro appoinf a 2ceNtt wlllnul ~d. fliN din9i^9 Int s racervOr: intended yw y~ ry~a syM, WMai in T~ustee's awn name. in Me nsme oi LentMr er M the name al that pj ~°^ipbyF° mana9i^9 ~ of Me `PbP~^Y dl hm U's eorAw4ual n9M roaPPo M ot all neceaaNY ~xgas aM Glanm" aM ramver M. Iwm. Incames, rcauM eM PrdM1S ol fie irWeM Md WWY Me sartN, aMil WYN Men0re• 0, MOY"t °1 thP Obligations: to pao~ ft M+~iry M MK M~ d TNrt or b wrt sm/ dalaWt (q b pay MY ~e I. sny 1wm w mainx w'^'°d °"P°aent bMer oHKtU1M WY^°^t ol nrtwpt o, Wnclpal on Me ObI90I g} ntorodo.s misoeanwr,udi~aiealN^~^~^1~FimN~neowe,nc.wnn.pp~N.d•uI'°: (Mi w mton CqMtm'c anu9atls aee1mt anv .moums ow.a anmw W tender inaatli dn na nmirca W. moiwc, mso-ummM. rM dapeW accouMS mWMCinoC wNh LenEet a aM wmMIY axis^M or Nwre aNiNale ol Untlu: ana pl m..xd.. m~ an.r rpnro we~iw~e ro tanrw i.~aer mr omarwrin.n.on^^°^' °fpp~unie ~.w. ue cumWM'e a'M I~Y b° °+ercltl bpOm°r, eepYWlY. ~^tl m arry oi afa Aer. h the ewM 1hN U~dm InsliWks'n ~ ly~der'~ ripMS re 1M iecwerv ot .nr W#w Pro Nv W w~Y of a v~~l~9mai1 r•metlv in an amion w a~y u~le: Y~i Uro swM~Un~Ye~PW"+ui Mme RbOnd oP~M u~ mipM o1M~wia he inNbaA. Cerder w tanOSfa tlee~0a mey Wrchsaa 1M RaW~N Tius~ee cml~ MuM ro wah e~wN. TM Haps~ty w Ure iruabe's wN. ~nan~ LaMwt OM Mk+ mawdc ~Iw OW~W~4 Leikw ah~ll psy In M wls Okc~slbn NwY. arM one m mws aeauM potcels. man~r w aNer as L~nOO _a ~ IX~~9~~s a~e piE In iWl. ~y p~ y~bi may w wie in on~pa al. er in aFeiciw d fhs Oowe~ I~e~ein grer~lM ✓~11 nd oFqnpWM w e~tlwusl Ne pONN uMOU Na entlrc Prapaily ~~~m an0 s roMw T1 ~UU IFOR„ CO~0p to. SEClM~T' INfl11l9T IINDER t b 1M V~~~^>vasl Gotle (~s W~pMd y'~ ~~C ~ g a' Ro Irabd) wve~iq MnNbt aXacPW to w W Oe we0 ~n eenronron ~.nn mo D~' baemm wnn flnW~o fiMq P'y~~~^~ .~.~..d n a agBnt wi11h i m isnwer. Owmri-r , OMa d Nentor in INO Prope pMOUMTS fXPEMDEO BY IIIY W OnMIY010 M likm idstNV eeimbune LaMtt 10 Me pagimw6 0, VouK+. a"-........_._. _ e ppllpalbm Wn As bedmin9 el WdleNlen ol nobee oI N TIVwII, Md L1/N~OI i11 CMnlEilO11WM !Md ~lioOdan. Itt. arM a nswrubk M 10 tlN Ttunoa.vW Mk OecU oi Tn OpR1G110N OF PATMEXTS MD OHm°^K ^1°aQ b'/ or o myi kas and kyd ~+Pe^^°e) in eennaeenn wIM ma nara 0 rtTB11111f8 Mm in wtmilavw dAtt LentlH ch0ava6 PoWEN OP RTTaxxEY. Gfentar n-EY WP°~me t.mae menK perbinh9 M Me Obl'0ideOm a DnE al Tlual. In x ~n WWI ~~iuti iN'rra C/eMer from My OGl9etbn orM,c-a w! ~n ceuPkd wIM - IMeRM vd ue ufwocede. SU9flOGAT10M Of LEpOEP. Lerbor ahW Oa aubrepata M1eroed wiM NndY eNN~ DY LarNM tepvakw vl wLe LpCd", 0 JamH.~wwm.p/l/%1 M; errsw [0 OOdi009 llppn Mnwnd. GruMr snM mJN. ewecub ane oeow, ~p~Wx n pry Mne msY aeem riawwMV a p^P°' 01 I isaure m do eo. U~~ u annmfta ro vpn Mv s~ yy~~~ry Hy we~ tenn i3 GlflMd In mW Unifam mr. 6.neur.~n. nw~ev.c e~ My wne uo~ ~~rt 14 n 11mm'J^8 alahmenb aM 1m pi. MKn9 thaoot N the IIIAOEIEOITfY6IWinW~M10d1~Yb0 Ww~ I~~IL 4 tane m¢,esrm a,ama in.na ro.~%' rona m~. or MruMr mw~ Ma~sd M~an~w a ina plion. maY axMnC MOa (ndILE1119 elro~~ys INi aM ,nt w remetlY~°i Lender wM Ne~eon tl 1twTIMr oi Lqldtf ~Opu_-~e~ „ mwtllNrdnsdrNmEwxm<M Ttisasums ill o1xpl Wa^b0 Mnie. N Me Oblipatlo^^ °R VOW kr Man. eI ns wro wMm. wma1 Canmr ro WY MYVW ie q'"' MmPplprrcys iw ne r ueW ~d ~a orrieya eWi uMnw m0 fw. lsntlw 1~"b'W u applMd o9a'^~I ln. anlounR PYd bY s EecuTM in 1Fp OwE el Trup aM M" m Me WYmam rx.., n. on all Nsburtienda eM oNM M. M1dOOt b mV Pr°nman ion• xwft iMenM or e11CWnbenp a~oun~y intemm or atlia aMwnbn^as hM Men releaeW of em nori Gmxw p~ i~iyQ p. y~ tar ane mcn Incunad on m~ in a P^rtio^ ol Me PmpeM W°1Ma„^Y an0 recarCMY one er nmro 0+raid rebaae3 ~e x ei Me N°PMY- ~'^0 I~ndn sl~lU Oe tlxiMd b Odipau LarMer ro b pn 05). ror en.n Lendar e. obfi0~ 1o rnnee anv P~ ot m. ebMM r In pt Pay~iq5 - ll. MOdF 'U.ATION AND M. 6UCCE590F8 AND ASSIGNS. 7tils OeaO M TruY e1Wl b Wi6n9 uPw anU trurt O fiO MMI of IXu"a bM LenGer eW MNr "W~ oucce~sm~sui9n9, vuauea. femi~ WmirvaM1aba. Wwul rtMasmbliwe. hgIMn WnE dfti"u. tims. My aurh netld w Wvn anE eeM b✓ fir%dss fnuM. WuaB° Pxopm, Nwi Da Gwima 9hm m~ Wnnr o~.me~ pi a.n m.= N•••• - XIIL IX M}IBII IK~~~ by " perean ro vArom aucli mli ii Nb9 9^'w'-Undift 90. SEVENABIU err mr ~ rii TInch rim v~iwaf tM I~aw e~% ru TwHOrceade, Me M~ e daE M TwM~dWl cmtlnu m Ee rdi~A~tlM mie iaw. n anv a eniqx&ble, k~hl~ Ira~ 37. /~PPLICABLE Uw. Thie D~OE el TNtI MMI w gwwruea W Ma 1- W Mre tm wNw tu rd qoperty ie IomMd. UnNH +pp~ pf0V1cue50MEMl%. ONM CMaMIS b IM jucifAiEYO11 WM Y011w Gf NY Wuf1 YMGI04 bY 1111ckf. (11 ft 50t0 dllq6E011.WCsbd i/1111at mib- 32. '°C 4 W8. banlor vW LaiiGer aWee 1M 1iMY A M IM aamre Cyuibr wenes Pnomml-M• d*hwIll b pryrtwM. -l"we A tlialroror W "1nt e+icaVt aa 149uvq EY law. NI raNhanme m QaMer In Nia Ratl oi Tu0 MiWI indutle all Pxtnirc spnkq bebw, p Mue ia ~yej10 M! e un«wi pen ~w np a tl~is rt~~mD in0 CIXIdidON6 mis oaea of nun ~eomema ms wmW.e, inairalaa umors~nama oeexaen 31 XO THIRO YMiTY AIOM$ No prsan k w NLI be a Mhtl WtY Mna11aW ^t a^Y POVW°^ d IMa Oeed N T.W. NI PoAaiom dMis O"d of Truei in hvor of lmdx Aro fneandsA aalaly br tlw OeneTa of Lanaer, uM ro MhE PeM 4AM a N~ m wume a expmt Aat laiaer will waiw or wna,M b IM maElMC~lbn ol am/qevla~an af fib Oeed ol TrWI, in IMAer'c eala dimntlon. ....~e.e....~...~ ne ~~..n iev eYn saiewm w~~.~ro m. we+M w ee~.a...r. w~mr. «.~yowm~a a ms oag.v_e~•. w,~r ua re m io. MevwH mai e: e..m.E. M uqubing wm Iive.eM n rameauw rn••,u.rc. mr.u., m -,....,~..o........ dn. ppn tM Paymant aM qrlarmance in (ull W N al Ne OCIigeYOne, UMw %Q aeoute a^a um'K p W°^1° ft9° iaqulrad m W. tNa OeeC of TrvA of rtwrd. (iuMer Md 6B r<60Mubk lo WY oM' Cosb W faWltlMion. L01W. ~ Tida OetC of Trvat ba oonattuoKon men9°V uWa ft lFJlerm Cartvriearal CeOa. b mswro an odipatlm c9on W an NnVOwment an ien4 inGUQin9 V. IoWieitien mris oi land. TNS OxE of Tml Mwros a cenaNUeean ban, ~ flro trms d e consuuc6on ban ag',wment baeween Gnnerc enC teMae MV maleriWS, puPmem m w00iea uxd a aanaUUCeon. OevalWmanl. el eMritlon of the RaOaM, MIetlN+ staM on p oM Ma Vropeiry, 00 alw be wEiq tc IN 37. WANFlI Of MOYCBTlM. CxanMr harebY wah'e9 NI homMMW .,ampUons N X¢ Propnly b vAiigh GfNW +aWd aVwmse bs entiWd untler eny appkabls Iew. ~GR~NTf1nMFAE6YMNVEAM'~ RIGNT70TRYLL 8YJURYINANYCMLACTWNANIbR~C+011TOF. ~ BJYy~E~ INOII~ TM6~ ~T yy. ADOITIONILL YlRNS: Ganfor adnowl°dBx Nal dMror h¢s roa0, unMrcwiJL antl 99" b Ow MTO aM edMiYOnS of Ws Oeed ot Trvn . OsYtlNis 16TX aryw.29o%W=. 1998 Y 6 Ci~ANTUM1 T. GMMOIL GMNTO0. G0.WTOA: fAYXTOR GMNTOiI fih~: 11/27!98 08:29 fA.L 300 388 899: _ 1T.' CHERRY CREE% IMOOBi009 dBYal.--- "-bY--- and ihKirekw'mniwneekirowktlBetlCel" meanNkC. antl nNa_-- 1Of {hil - • WRNE55 W MMlO ANO OFFlG~ 5~'~- MyCAmrttiasionnpirm--_"'-..- ----'Pmry~yb7'p smwo; C-_~arc,cv CounYot_~-~ _ IdW Of 1 `l7J ~ G1 G c~ . -W- Thlek,elrvrtwMwUYk~O"M~CbMaemeaoNS_.L.w.=-- WITNESSM'IHPNDONDOFYK:Vl FAL MyCo,,11911011C%pmp:_~.~~t~`tC__.- ~ Y. $IBiBUi-- CAYnNOt_. . . .,W . 7MnlroUUnemwesxhn,,Wjqt4EMmg me entlay°l_. , YYITNESS Mv XRNOANO OFF1C~ SFM. . pryCammieWmeiWi~es: - ' ~ryP~~ , CHEDWLf A Tla eneel otldreev of tM P~M (OsPGksbiO) i"3tiERA'LRSDGeT CV 80033 County: ~Wmw ypT 30. DISTINCTIVS ADDRSSS AT ]1PYLYAOOD. 00111I21 OB JBRSR506. SSASE OP COLOR11u0 . SCHEdDi:E.H j N/A 7hls doCUWut!N `xas P-Pared Dy: WARAWTy pAM JaM TR93T CaPIPAt1Y ~ >q^f NfAS++OJoon H M~Cn M/~m 1oc1 m`np . 'k • ~ z t ~ f ,345`) 3-723 % OCATION OF VIOLATION 3371e~ Tl'PE OF VIOLATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: lJ~' ^ LAFF STEIN CAMPBELL TUCKER & DELANEY, LLP ATTORNEYS AT FINANCIAL PLAZA, BUILDING A 7730 EAST BELLEVIEW AVENIJE, SUITE 204 ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO 80III-26IG ALAN L. ST'EW, P.C. LAFF, CAMPBELL & DELANEY, P.C. Alan D. Laff Darzel L. Campbcll Stacia Bank Dclaney RONALD C. TUCKER December 15, 1998 City of W heat Ridge 7500 W. 291' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Attn: Building Department Re: Lot 20, Applewood Reserve/Paul Koentzes Dear Sir: Telephone: (303) 740-7200 Facsimile: (303) 740-7300 33~1 This office represents 28 AR Partners, L.L.C., a joint venture partner of Applewood Reserve Venture, the owner of the above-captioned Lot. A dispute has arisen between Mr. Paul Koentzes and the joint venture with regard to the conveyance of Lot 20 to him and his right to construct improvements thereon. Let this letter serve as notice to you that, as of the present time, Applewood Reserve Venture still owns the property and has not conveyed its interest in the property to Mr. Koentzes. Consequently, building permits should not be issued for the development of that Lot until such tune as a closing has occurred and Mr. Koentzes obtains title to the property. You may direct all further conespondence regazding this matter to me. Very truly yours, LAFF STEIN CAMPBELL TUCKER & DELANEY, LLP Ronald C. Tucker, Esq. RCTsva c: Steve Elken Wheat Ridge City Attomey 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 January 25, 1999 Applewood Reserve Venture c/o Steve Elkin 1165 South Pennsy]vania, Suite 103 Denver, CO 80210 The Ciry of ~~pF WHEqT PO i GWheat ci m GRidge c~~ORA~O RE: Lot 20 Applewood Reserve / 3381 Oak Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mr. Elkin Due to the above referenced property being in litigation and concerns from adj acent property owners regarding the open excavation and safety issues, we must inform you of this hazard and require the hazard be eliminated by filling in the excavated area. All fills must be compacted in lifts reaching 90 percent of maximum density and will require inspection and tests be performed by an engineer licensed by the State of Colorado. Please provide test and inspection reports from your engineer no later than 30 days after completion of work. Completion of the fill work must be done no later than February 3, 1999 and the site is to be brought back to its original condition no later than February, 5, 1999. Upon completion, an erosion control fence must be erected azound the entire lot. The City would greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact our office at 235-2853. Sincerely, , I D n Mor Codes Administrator cc address file Mr. Paul Koentzes, APA Distinctive Builders, 810 Quail St, Lakewood, CO 80215 Ronald C. Tucker, Esq., Financial Plaza, Bldg A, 7730 East Belleview Avenue, Suite 204, Englewood, CO 80111 Alan White, Planning and Development Director Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer Bob Gaspar, Comb. Building Inspector (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 Feb 01 99 08:59a Computer City Customer 303-275-9014 P•1 Fax Transmission No. of pages incl. this one: 2 To: Darin Morgan Gity of Wheat Ridge Fax number: VoiCe: cc: 7-,3 S- a-~-S From: Paul Koentges Date: January 29, 1999 If you do not receive all pages, please contact: Paul Koentges pager 599-1438 f8x (303) 275-9014 Subject: 3381 fak St. Special lnstruc#ions: Attached. Feb 01 99 08:59a Computer City Customer 303-275-9014 p.2 Pauland Tera Koentges 52 W. Irvington place Denver, CO 80223 7annary 28, 1999 City of Wheat Ridge c!o Darin Morgan 7500 West 29th St Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: 338LtkftWj-- ~0 ~Iewood R llear Darin: Tharek you for cooperatmg with us on our pending construction. We are in receipt ofyour ]etter dated January 25th. Per our phone cottversarion oa the 26th, we have agreed to mstall a chain 1'mlc cqnstruction fence on the referenced ]ot. This will eliminate any hazard and safety issues. The fence was ordered on the 19th, following our initial conversation. The fence company is scheduled to install on or about Febmary 2nd, subject to the availability of fence panels. We also confinn that we are the Owners of the referenced lot. We have filed suit agamst the Seller for specific performance. It was stipulated 6y us and Steve Elken before the Jefferson District Court Division 7 chat we are responsi'ble for working with the City of Wheat Ridge re8arcimg the build'mg site. Steve Ellcen is prohibited from interfering or trying to cause additional requiremems concernmg the (ot. Please direct all correspondence directly to us at the above address. We trust that you will keep us informed of any m»tters or conversations you may have with the above referenced parties. Thank you 8gau~ -your cooperation. _ Sincerely, , Paul & Tera Koentges cc fle Applewood Reserve Venture, Patrick Koentges Hunt Brown, Esq. `''v ~CF /J 7~ ~a ~ ~✓1'1~. h The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEATRIDGE,COLORAD080215 GWheat 9Ridge May 26, 1999 Applewood Reserve Venture c/o Steve Elkin 1165 South Pennsylvania, Suite 103 Denver, CO 80210 RE: Lot 20 Apalewood Reserve / 3381 Oak Street. Wheat RidQe Colorado Dear Mr. Elkin Due to the above referenced property being in litigation and concerns from adjacent property owners regarding the open excavation, storage of building materials and trash on the lot, we must inform you of this hazard and violations of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. The hazard must be eliminated by filling in the excavated azea and returning the lot to its original condition. All fills must be compacted in lifts reaching 90 percent of maximum density and will require inspection and tests be performed by an engineer licensed by the State of Colorado. Please provide test and inspection reports from your engineer no later than 30 days after completion of work. We must require that the fill work and the removal of the trash and building materials be completed no later than June 4, 1999 and the site is to be brought back to its original condition no later than June 9,1999. Upon completion, an erosion control fence must be erected azound the entire lot. Your cooperation would greatly be appreciated in resolving this matter. Failure to complete these issues by the above referenced dates could result in further enforcement action. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2853. SincereLv, Darin Morgan Codes Admim rator Certified Article Num6er cc address file Mr. Paul Koentzes, APA Distinctive Builders, 810 Quail St, Lakewood, CO 80215 Ronald C. Tucker, Esq., Financial Plaza, Bldg. A, 7730 East Belleview Avenue, Suite 204, Englewood, CO 80111 Alan White, Planning and Development Director Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer Bob Gaspar, Comb. Building Inspector (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 Paul & Tera Koentges 52 W. Irvington Pl. Denver, CO 80223 June 15, 1999 City of Wheat Ridge c/o Darin Morgan 7500 West 29th St Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: 3NMkSbick LM 20 Applewood Reserve Dear Darin: Thank you for taking the time to meet with Patrick Koentges ofApplewood Reserve Venture, regard'mg the captioned lot and the requirements outlined in your letter of May 26, 1999. It is our understanding that you were mformed ofthe continued litigarion regarding ownership of the lot and its effect on further delaying construction of our residence. You discussed the various complaints you have received regarding the open hole, tree limbs, and construction material being stored on the lot. It is our understand'mg that the requirements outlmed in your letter shall be revised as follows: All building materials and any remaining tree limbs are to be removed from the lot. You are to drive by the lot and determine if the neatty stacked Srewood can remain. The roofmg tile wlrich is located on our lot is to be removed. The lot is to be keep clean. We will not be required to backfill the lot as long as the existing fence remains in place and ownership is being litigated. The work shall be completed by June 18, 1999, weather permitting. We agree to the above requirements and, upon compliance, confirm that we are not in violarion of the Wheatridge Code of I,aws and no further enforcement action will be taken. Furthermore, we want to clarify that we will not be held responsible for materials stored upon or the condition of adjoining lots. Please f~fw d any additional concerns you have to the above address. Sincerel ~ ~G ~ Paul Koen ges cc file Hunt Brown, Esq. ay.. 'FRy i- rq*; i 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 June 16, 1999 Paul Koentges 52 W. Irvington Place Denver, CO 80223 Fas,(303)275-9014 RE: 3381 Oak Street. Lot 20 Anulewood Reserve Dear Paul, The Ciry ol WHEqT o GWheat ~ ~m GRidge °°toRaoo Per my conversation with Patrick the week of June 7`h, I informed Patrick the lot was to have all tree limbs, building materials and trash removed from the lot no later than June 16, 1999 and I would check the lot on Thursday, June 17, 1999 for compliance. Weather will not be a factor in the completion of the work nor will an extension until June 18, 1999 be acceptable. If all items are not completed by the end of the day, June 16, 1999, all items listed in the May 26, 199 letter will stand and the City will be forced to proceed with further enforcement action. If you have ant further questions or comments please feel free to contact me at 235-2853. Sincerely, X)- Darin Morgan Codes Administrator cc address file Bob Middaugh, City Manager Alan White, Planning and Development Director (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234•5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 7500 West 29'h Avenue Planning: Pnrks & Recreation: Public Works: Fax: DATE 6'26 - Name; Orgnnization: Fax: Phone; ~ -e Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Phone # (303) 235-2846 Phone # (303) 235-2877 Phone # (303) 235-2861 Phone # (303) 235-2857 From: Dept: Subject: # of Pages: Comments: Oi Planning~ Parks & Recrention ❑ Public Works ❑ (Including cover pnqe) Z- Original to follow in the mail ~es ~ ❑ No HP OfficeJet Fax Log Report for PersQnal Printer/Fu/Copier DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 . Jun-11-99 02:59 PM IdentiScation $ggult Paees T~.M te Time Duration Diarnostic 93032906152 OK OS Sent Jun-11 02:56P 00:02:41 002586030022 z..o HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fu/Copier Fu Log Report for DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 Jun-16-99 01:34 PM Identificaiion Resutt Paees Tvue Date Time ura "on Diagnostic 93032759014 OK 02 Sent Jun-16 01:33P 00:00:48 002586030022 z..o Ji.iri if: 99 12:041D Spza:;. alty Hui Lclers Grnup, 3N:1:-1-2T5-8014 P. 1 ~ • t 1~ T'ra~nsrr.i,~.~~s~_~c~x~ No. of page.s inr,l. ilhis cene; Yc,,: Farx number: Cr... FrPaen: Data: D;3rirk N9c rgar► 3032;:A-.1i924 Voice: Pauil Kaemtges VlWeidrte?s.dlay, .lurie 16, 1999 li you do riot. rE:r„eive 1,111 pac,es, please contact: Paul Kaentc;em (303) 275..90~12/(4;(:+~li)275-9Ct14 fax Sirbject: 1120 Appfewood Re;seme Speci,al rnstraecfroras: ,ee attar,hed letter ;0 F(3yei.'J.tl: fl/1B!93 It:SEAI.I; Juri 11:; 95 12 :i04p Paid & 'I'era ;Ko "'argEs 52 1'V. hvingCnn Pl. [Jie•ever, CO f'0223 1une: 15, 1949 Cir,y c+1' Whr:a+t 1Ridge 303 2JE 901 4 C1lY UP m/~'.E.ATqILGc;; F'age^ 2, Spec. alty &ui Lders GrOup, l~"~ p.2 c/o Dsrin Nlargan 7500 West 2!A,1i St VUheatRidge, Colorado k3C2]5~ Re; 338Y..(exls S?reei, hit ZQ t!ip~nvopd ]f-e;ene I7ea r Darin: Thaak yau fbr• takittg the lirme t) maet with Patrick Koentge:; ofApplewood lkes-crve ryJeatuxe;, rceg,arding the c aptioned lot and the requirements outlined in your IetEe:r nf Mahr 26, 1499. It is oiw iincleastlndung; thnt yuu wsre mfm enul ofthe com:intiiecl litig:tticn resarduig oti-Asershiy.r of the 1ot .snd iti€ ef£;ct ott ficnthv• r{ela}ing a;unsti uction of our rosidence, 's'au ilisc:ussed dhe various complaaits yoa have received rk garcimg the olien hole, tree limUs, &ld cmv~ui.u:tion material bi:ing storr,d on thr, Icr!. lz is niwr nnders:n;iiling tliat e,hcuequiremelits cutl+med in your letterbatl Ire tevic*j as:ltSlav,,s; A111 bui[ciing ixiaueiials aand any rcmaining rtree Gmbs are to ba recoioveck I`.niar! t!he lc•t. Yau. areeo drivc: by tlbe VoK arid deternir.ie if Yhe neatly slacked firewaid r,an renmiin. `I7ee rco6ng ti6e Wclixc7i is loc,ated on cicr tvt is to bc rerr;ovo3. The l01 is to be keep clesw, wVe vill na-t b.. rcyn:ued ta backfill the loY (ang as tlhe, E;,d tini; fenu; rcriains in place: and awui;r;Jiip is bein,; litif;ated. T7ie ework shal[ be c~ittpleted b.v,fwie 18, 1999, w•cather permittmx. VA/e agres to tlae, above reqai;re:in;nts and, upon compliance, aonfirm that we arre xccrt in ~ri.olafioia of [he; Wlieatricl,g+:; l_ode ceflLxtin^s wd no fiu7:her enforcement a.ctinn will ti:; taken. F urdiettnoze, tw; want to ci1a rily jat we cvill not he held responsible foi n5al.eripLs morai upmv oar 6e; condition caf ailjoinv"ng; I,azs 1P'lease #Avaol-d wtiy add.itiomal ce Merus you halle to the above aildteK:;. i Siocerel,~ ,r 1?'a.u] 24oenYge, cx: file Huut 13aroii;An, Fsq. x3y'. FMr a ovt>ri 1 The Ciry of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWheat GR.idge August 11, 2000 Applewood Reserve Ventures / 28 AR Parfiers, LLC 1165 South Pennsylvania Street Denver, CO 80210 Notice to Abate Address: 3381 Oak Street Wheat Ridge. Colorado Legal: Lot 20 Distinctive Addresses at Aaplewood Section 28 Townshio 3, Ranee 69 To Whom It May Concern, The Codes Administrator finds the above referenced property to be in violation of Section 15-25(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws that states, ODen wells cisterns or excavations. It is hereby declared that excavations exceeding five (5) feet in depth, cisterns and wel[s or an eccavation used for storage of water within the city are public nuisances unless the same are adequate[y covered with a locking lid, or other covering weighing at least sixty (60) paunds or are secure[y fenced wifh a solid fence to a height of at /east five (5) feet and it shall be unlawful far any person to permit such nuisances to remain an premises owned or occupied by him. You are hereby notified to abate the aforementioned violation no later than Auaust 24, 2000 by completing the following, 1. Backfill the existing excavation in lifts not exceeding two (2) feet, maintaining a compaction density o£ not less than 90 percent. Provide a soil engineers report upon completion. 2. Re-seed lot to maintain erosion control and limit blowing dust. 3. Install an erosion control fence azound the entire site, installed per manufacturers recommendations Failure to abate the violation by said date will result in the City abating the violation and billing the property owner the actual cost of abatement plus an administrative fee of five (5) percent. A notice ofprotest pursuant to Section 15-7 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws may be filed with the director of planning prior to August 24, 2000 if you wish to protest the findings of the authorized inspector with regards to any matters stated in this notice. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerely, i'/ ' Darin Morg Codes Administrator cc address file Alan White, Planning and Development D'uector Alan D Laff, 7730 E Belleview Avenue, Suite 201, Englewood, CO 80111 Tera, Paul Koentges, 52 W. Irvington Place, Denver, CO 80223 Steve Elken, 9065 East Crestline Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 234-5900 ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 Certifietl Article Number SENOERS RECORD The City o1 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWheat e August 11, 2000 GRidg Applewood Reserve Ventures / 28 AR Partners, LLC 1165 South Pennsylvania Street Denver, CO 80210 Notice to Abate Address: 3381 Oak Street. Wheat Ridge, Colorado Legal: Lot 20, Distinctive Addresses at Annlewood, Section 28, Townshiu 3, Range 69 To Whom It May Concem, The Codes Administrator finds the above referenced property to be in violation of Section 15-25(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws that states, Open we[[s, cisterns or excavations. It is hereby declared that excavations exceedrng five (5) feet in depth, cisterns and wells or an excavation used for storage ojwater within the city are public nuisanres unless the same are adequately covered with a lacking lid, or other covering weighing at least sixty (60) pounds or are securely jenced with a so[id fence to a height oJat least fve (5) feet and it sha116e un[awful jor any person to permit such nuisances [o remain on premises owned or occupied by him. You are hereby notified to abate the aforementioned violation no later than Au2ust 24, 2000 by completing the following, Backfill the existing excavation in lifts not exceeding rivo (2) feet, maintaining a compaction density of not less than 90 percent. Provide a soil engineers report upon completion. Re-seed lot to maintain erosion control and limit blowing dust. Install an erosion control fence around the entire site, installed per manufacturers recommendations Failure to abate the violation by said date will result in the City abating the violation and billing the property owner the actual cost of abatement plus an administrative fee of five (5) percent. A notice of protest pursuant to Section 15-7 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws may be Filed with the director of planning prior to August 24, 2000 if you wish [o protest the findings of the authorized inspector with regards to any matters stated in this notice. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerely, Darin MorgaTr ' Codes Administrator cc address file Alan White, Planning and Development Director Alan D Laff, 7730 E Belleview Avenue, Suite 201, Englewood, CO 80111 Tern, Paul Koentges, 52 W. Irvington Place, Denver, CO 80223 S[eve Elken, 9065 East Crestline Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 08/11/80 13:44:33 RightFHX-> 303 235 2857 RightFHX Page 082 N~ ~tdiio~ B~dae B~~UP~nmte~ C~a~u6l:frgi~IS.F i143YM-08.7L'00 266197 36v SWbwiW Corporate Information: Co oratfon Name: 28 AR PARINERS LLC Addrea Line 1: 1165 SSYi-VANIA ST ~ Addrep Line 2: C1ty: DENVER Stata, CO 7J Code: 802101530 9tatur. GOOD 07201999 Flret Annwl Repat Nnmber: 19991136196 9ec~d Aenasl Repart Data 11201997 Second Annoil ReDort Nnmber: 19971186790 Th1rd Annual Re ort BRt~ Third Annosl art Nam6er: Home StatG CO 9us ead Date: Term: PER Pn e Data ent Bp qpn Iptc tered Agent Date: F" Data 07241995 itegistered Agent Name E lration Dqte: Age~'s Lettaot Resignatlon Dste: T a DLLC Re~tared Agent Nam~ Regiftered Agent'e Addrps I.iee 1; LAFF ALAN D '7730 E BII.LEVI&W AVE STE 204 eed A ent'e Addreea Line 2: ent's Chy: Re btered~Ap ENGLEWOOD . aE tfl'!d CM'9 $LiZC CC, Re 'rteed A eat's ti Cada 90111 Nsme's Lmnded: N Officer Records: Director Records: http://www.cocis.com/CORP-2ndTier.CFM7session=266297 8/11/2000 811/11/00 13:44:28 RightFAX-> 383 235 2857 RightFAX Page 801 GORSUCH KIRGIS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW T0: DARREN OF: CITY: FROM: Madonna Wyman (DIRECT: 303•376-5148) DATE: Friday, August 11, 2000 1:43:08 PM MESSAGE: This message may constitute privileged attorney-client communication or attorney work product, and unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please advise us by calling collect at (303) 378-5141 and forwarding the document to us by mail to the address listed below. CIIENT NAME: wr FILE NO FAX NO.: 303235-2857 PHONE NO NUMBER OF PAGES: 22 (not including this page) FOR ASSISTANCE, CALL (303) 378-5148 Gorsuch Kirgis LLP Tower I, Suite 1000 1515 Arapahoe Street Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 378-5000 Telecopy: (303) 378-5001 53027 3032352853 ± Distinctive .Townsnip 3, Rdnge 69 9B1DER: City of tdheat Ridge 8uildiriy Departmenti gectiOn 289 lewood> Wdre5se5 at ApP I wsowis~~for~anVex~ratee) following s~' ❑ 3~bP~ magwAamo DEUVEW ,stmyster for fee. 4a. AAicle Number a 5 144 s. nrtlae"--- - ppplewood Reserve Ventures/ 28 pR partners, LLC 1165 South Pennsylvania Street Denver, CO 80~10 p9743 4b. cl \ E- ALPINE DEMOLITION 5790 w. 56TH Ave.#B A[Vad4 CO 80002 Telephone (303) 421-3366 gex (303) 940.0868 DEMOLITION PROPOSAL DATE: AUGUST 15, 2000 SUBMITTED TO: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ATTN: RAY CARLYLE PHONE 0: (303)487-5910 p/X P. (303) 431-7139 JOB SITE ADDRES3: 3381 OAK ST. ~ ; ff~jLe/Y~ OLi S,r-naF OF WORK BACI(FILL AND COMPACt IN 1 FT LIFTS TO 80°.6 WITH SHEEPFOOT VIBTOREVY COMPACTOR. . . Q) BRING UP TO NATURAL GRADE. 3) PREP WITH LOADER TEETH FOR SEED. ,I) SEED WITH WILD GRAS MIX AND WATER WITH WATER TRUCK. AID PROPOSN.: $3,600.00 PROPOSAL D(CLUSlONS A) ANY HAZARDOUS MNTERIAL HANDLING OR DISPOSAL INCLUDING ASBESTOS. PAYMENT TERMS: DUE UPON JOB COMPLETION. CONTRACT SIGNATURES: INE &oLIjTl0hN lll~ 11,.P~ - TITLE ACCEPTANCE SIGNATURE DATE: -I S DATE: TITLE ( Must be 8 prinup81~ ~~~~8 °fficer)