HomeMy WebLinkAbout5361 Nelson StreetCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 77670 BUILGING INSPECTION LINE -(503-2345953) Date : 9/9/2004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: HAMMERSMITH MANAGEMENT Property Address : 5361 NELSON STREET P'~^ . Cqn±ractor L icense No. : 18484 Company : Head Electric Phone : 9223395 OWNER/CC"<TRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDWG AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiL hat the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenanls, e..sc ments.or restrictions of record; that all measurements hown, and allegations made are accL u ote; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditio~ printed on this application, and that I assume full re sgonsi6ilit~ co ce Ittli(e N/,heat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicybie W at i, e r na evor ~under this p rmi (OWNER)(C~"!?RACTOR) SIG DATE Descripticn : ELFC. SERVICE FOR SPRINKLER TIME CLOCK Construction va!ue : $1,000.00 Perm'r. Fee : $54.37 Plan Revi:.. -ee : $0.00 Use Tax : $12.00 ~otal: $66.37 Use : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Ming Comments: SIC : Sq. Ft. : l\pproval : Zoning Ofting CamrtienW ".pproval : %&Vic VJorks C0mment4: Approval : Occup~rcy : Walls : Roof : Stories : ResidenYal Units : Electrical I icense No : Company : Expiration ';~te : Approv..I : Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Mechanical '-ense No : Company : Expiration D^!e : Approval : (1) This pernnt was lssned in accordance with the provisions set fodh in yopur application and is subject to the laws of thc State o, lorado and to the Zoning Rxn•~' •.~~ris and Br.llding Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or anyother applicable ordinances af the City. (2) TI_on .n shall t- ; re lf (A) the work aWhonzed is not commenced wilhln sixty (80) days from issue date or (B) the building e,.~i nrize0 Is suspended or . lor a p. diJ of 120 days. (3) If tI -.)ern,a expuo,, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normaly required, provided no changes i-~ been or will be made in the o. . ,i. I pi.ms anJ -pecifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) yeac If chanyes u:e maJ,: . ...pension or abandonment ez,enis one (1) ye. v, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) N>+ k of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel Flow of waler causing a drainage problem. (5) C.., ator shall noiify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive written appre:-al on inspection cald before proa ~dling with successive phasea of the job. . (e) 71 nce of a pcrmit or the a r f dra ' s and speafc s shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nsr m appr-•I of, any violation of ihe pnrl m soflhebulldingc ~ot Nin ce rre9ulalion. Chief e ,dding Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: BUIIDING INSPECTION IINE - 303-234-5933 - Date: ' a CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ^ n " 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION property owner:, ~.cti~ 2s=in r H^~ Property Address: j~,~ C) N Phone: Conaacior Licensc No.:/ Company:_ Phone~~.j IT OWNERlCONTRACTOR &GNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereDy cerGty Nat the selback tlistances proposetl by tliis permit aDPlimlion are acwra4, and do not violate aDWipble aCinances, ru)es or repulations of Ne Ciry of W heat RiOpe a covenanis. easemenu a restrictions of recad: tlut aN meawremmis shown, anA albyaGOns ma0e are acw2u; that 1 have road antl apree b abide by all conEitiOns printeA oo Uiia avvlitaGOn and that f assume II responsibiliry tor complianee with the Wheat Ridye BuiWinp Cotle S~.B.C) a 0 a,l other a iwble W hwt Rbye Ordinaaces, for work~ Nis rt. ~ '-CnarEn I/Cic/ Description:F, ~'F~-C Cf~C_GC Sq. Ft. sdMd Construction Value:$/6C C),Q~ Permii Fee:$ Pian Review Fee:$ Use Tax-S Total:$/ddc~ -cl 0 ( C rl/. c liz -~j- p- (k- /19- iL2~ ExpiraGon Date: Expiration Date: Expirdtion Date: pDI)rovai: Approval: ApDroval: (1) nus psrmn was issuea in aoc«aanoe,Mm me vrov^sions set torm in ywr aopwaBOn ana is aubject a me laws m me s+ata of Cobndo an0 b Uw Zoninp RepWa9ons antl BuiWirq Codes o/ WMeat Ridps. CdoraJo a arry otlbr apdicabb ordinanoes of me Ciry. (2) TAis DwTm shall expi+e if (A) IM wak aullarized fc not oommenoed wiMin sixly (60) Cays hom iuue Oate w(B) tthe builAinp Ht1tl1011aW it w13DMIdlE W ib1A0011ld fW i pwood 01120 diyf. (3) tl tlYs psnNt exp4ss. a nsw Demwt maY W ac0uirsd br a Iss of mahalllns ema+n normatlY repwed. V^oviOeE no dunDes havs bsln awW ba nyds in 1M oripinl plw aM spsdM1utlons anO anY vieDwwio^ aabwOomwM fiw rat exeeedsC one (1) Year. Ii clurqes havs been or it wsps^sion or abandombnt eaoesOs ane (1) Year. lua fees shaP be paiO for a new DertniL (4) No wak o18m msnnm shaB be dwm thet witl cha'pe the naWral Ilor+ of waler causilq e Cninape pro0bm- (5) Cmtratbr " ndiN tho Buildir+G I^Wactor twe^tY4our (24) fwvs in a0vanw kr all inapectims an0 shatl receive wrinen aVMOVai on inspsc0on wrd Dstora Prooeetlu+D wiMi successive Wwes o1 tln pb. (6) The iasuance o( a Pa+gt a the aVpovW of drawwips and sVeciRntions shM rat be oonatnro0 W be a Dwm0 for. nor an approval oi, any vidation o1 the provisiona of Me buiMinp todes a any oMer orOinanx, law, rule a regulalion_ Chief Building Official Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: