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4300 Parfet Street
0 ~ 7 O F a n ~ ' _ :r ~ p N o g s o ~ ~a m 30 O a n C SD o t m ;(D x o~ N ~ m o ' G 7 (O ~ o a ~ N A ~ ~ C- ~ v~ R d Q r ~ O N 0 ~ ry1 C ,y c ? ~ A , ~ co ..a a ' ~ ~ o„ ^I _ ~ ~ 7 0 q ~ a ~ ~ o " S • i » y r - O y , y C 2 ~ a ~ S ~ .o co 3 d m N N O a lm 0 r 0 v (D ~ ~ 0 o ~ O CA) • C ~ ~ N v Z 70 `n D ~ C ~ m 3 (D ~ ~ ~ o u (D~ ~ E ~ ; ~e ~ o ~ ,c Q(D 0 ~ N e y c 3 a c i ~ CD ~ y 1 m m a ~ C ~ C) =r ~ ~ . ~ m m _ Q r ~ w Q p~ ~ v 'n n O H , 0 m o -4 ~ D 'C n , m 3a \ o~ rl o rh w , m 0 ~ 0 - ~ p N .r A O = W ~ m mo yc D ~ ° C ~ ~ o cn , x N CD \ Q 3 3 r~ N O -0 ~ S rt I71 co~, ~o N(D n m 0 l U2 F ~ y N 0 i a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 10380. BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 4/17/00 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 4300 PARFET ST Contractor License No. : Phone : 425-5957 Company : Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback disWnces proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridga or covenants, easements or restridions of rewrd; that ali measurements shown, and allegations made are aecurate; that I have read and agrea to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibilitv for comPliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat ftidge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : 40' X 60' Garage Construction Value : $23,379.00 Permit Fee : $377.25 Plan Review Fee : $245.21 Use Tax : $584.48 Total: $1,206.94 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : 2400 Approval : MLC Zoning : A-7 Approval: DM Approval : Occupancy : Walls 40 X 60 garage. Complies w/A-1 regulations, See stamped driveway requirement Okay w/comments. NO elect, plumb or mech. part to this permit Roof Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth In yopur applica6on and is subect to the laws of the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning Regula0ons and Building Cotle of Wheat Ridae, Coloratlo or any other applicable ortlinances M the City. (2) This peimit shall rxpire H(A) the work authonzed is rrol commenced within sixry (80) tlays from issue date or (B) the building authorizetl is suspentled or abandoned for e penotl ot 120 days. (3) If this permtt eupires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount noimaly required, provitled no changes have been or will be made in the onginal plans antl speufications antl any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If chan9es are made or if suspension or abantlonmenl eacceeds one (1) year, (ull fees shall be paM for a new permtt. (4) No woAc of arry manner shall be tlone that will Uanpe Ma naNral flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contrector shall notiry the Bulltling Insoector twenty-TOUr (24) hours in atlvance for all fnapecGOns and shall receive written approval on InspecBOn card before pppr~~~oc~~-eetliing with successive phases of the I~ob. (8) i71/~uance of a rmit or the approval of drawings and spedfiwtions shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, airy violaUon of the provisions w.~hep or any other oMmance, law, rule or regulatlon. Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TFI AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 A PPLI CAT Io N Property Owner: ehQ, t Q h Z~ 1 eS PropertyAddress: L4 30 0 Po.r~e~- Phone:3c=::~? 4ass-q57 Contrector License No. Company : ~ UL1 I' Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restnaions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printetl on this application, and that I assume full responsibihry for compliance vijith the Wheat Ridge Builtling Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicablqyVheat Ridge_ ordinaryKes.,tpr work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEWAQ ljt-CI I I&~U IUXl) DATU"_ -ZUse Description: tq'es~ ~OX(eQ aa / BUILDING D PARTMENT USE ONLY LbMp`QuS 1-V _k otC(~S. sIC: Approval ` ~ Zoning : ~t . ~e`D'caon 26.De! 0►a1 Smin (N).of WR Code oflaw ~Approval Forresidential uses, the first 25 feet frC y~~`Ch7 edge of pavement of a public street into pmperty s.hall be paved to a width no le Approval : than 20 feet. Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : R Electrical License No : Company : Plumbing License No : Company : Permit Fee : zPP-r ~ Use Tax: Total : Mechanical Company : 3~ ~.zs a45.2 Il S ~q.<l8 Sq Ft. aAvC) -c l! ~ . 0 A10 R G 7 2 i;u17 al Units : icense IVo Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pertnit was iuuetl in accortlance wiU the pmvisions set foM in yopur aDMiw6on antl is auDject to Me laws of the State at CaloroOO antl ro the .'.oning Regulatlons antl Builtling CaAe oi Wheat Ridge. CaloraCO or any otner applirable oNinances M the Ciry. (2) This pertntt shall ezpiro if (A) the work auMOnzeE is not commencaC wkhin eixry (80) Cays hom issue Cate or (B) the Duiltling authonzeC is suspentleE or abantlonetl kt a penoC of 120 tlays. (3) I( lhis pertnit expires, a new pe~mrt may be acquired (or a fee of ono-hal( the amount nortnally aquimd, O~itleO no chan9es have Oaen or will be matle in the onginal plans anC specifiwdons antl any ampenaion or ahantlonment nas not exceetletl one (1) yeac If Uan9es are maCe or if suspension or abanEOnrtqnt exceeCS one (1) year, (ull feea ehall be paitl for a new pertnil (a) No vrork ot any manner ehall be Cone Mat will change llie netural flaw of waMr causing a dreinage pro0lem. (5) Contractor ahall notlry the Builtlinq Inepector twmN•four (24) hours in atlvance tor all inspeclions antl shall receive writlen approval on inspection nr0 Eefore procaetliing wilh suaessive P~ses of Ma p~ b. (fi) The issuance of a~ rtnR or Ne ap0~~al W Erawings anE specifiwtions shall not be consWetl to be a pertnit kr, nor an appmval of, any violation W Me Drovisions of the builtlingycoe ar aqy,othel oNinance, law, rule or regulatlon. Chief MRR-02-2000 10:23 AECORD AND RETURN TO= 15TBANK WHERT RIDGE FiratSaak of Wheat AiCge, N.A. 6350 wndsworth Houlevnrd Wbeat Ridge, CO 80033 1670363 DeVrias [SpxaMo.eThlsLineForRoeordioCDotsJ ~\o DEED OF TRUST THIS DEED OFTRUST ("Sccurity Instrumcnl") is madc on FESRiMRY 20, 1998 Aichard D. DeVries and Disne M. DaVriee, Jeint Teannte ("BorroweY), the Public Trustee of aefteraoa FiratHank of Whent Aiflge, N.A. which is argnn;zrd and easting under the lawa of the Vnited addresSis 6350 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheat Ridge, NINE17^EI68T THOVSANA PIVE HVNDRED AND NO/100 P.92i07 I~-1~ , among the grantor, Couary ("Trustcc"), and thc bcncfidary, etates , end whose co' s0033 ("Lenda'). Borrower owes Lender the principel sum of . Dollers(U.S.$ 98,500.00 This debt is evidenced by Bonower's note da[ed the same date as this Securiry Instrument ("Note"), which provides for monllily payments, with the full debt, if aot paid eulier, due and payable on ewtCB i, 2005 . This Security lnscrument secures to Leader: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, witli interest, aad all renewals, cxtensions aad modifications of thc Note; (b) the paymen[ of all other sums, with in[erest, advanced under paragaph 7 to protect the security of this Security Instrumrnt; and (c) the performance of Borcower's covenants and agreements under this Securiry Instrument aad the Note. For this purpose, Borrower, ia consideration of the debt aad the trust herein created, irrcvocably granu and conveys ro Trustee, in tnut, with power of sale, the following deeaibed property locatedin Jefferson County,Colorado: Lot 2, Hlock 1, DEVRIES SV9DIVISION, Couaty of Jafferaoa, 6tate of Colcrsdo Together rith ell water end vater riqhts of any type uhieh ere appurtenent co 2he property or whioh are or may be used on or in connection with the property af the preeent tim or any time hereefcer including~ but not limittd to eha folloving: adludicated vqter righea end decrees end prioritSes therefor; unedjudicetcd va2er nghis end epproprietions; riphtsin uater froe tM6utsry and noneributsry sources,uhether surfece or underground;eondltlonel vater rights; rights to eaiating under well perAits ieaued by the Scece Engineer or other iederel, atsta or municipal authoricies; righco end permlts end designeted ground vMer basins; all rights claimed unEer oontrsct, exchenge,or plens o[ eugmentation; all diichea, cenals reservoSrs, pipelines, tunnels, velle and other atructurea for diverting erM oonveyinp vater and oll rights of uey and easeeenta therefor; and ell sheres of atock or other instrument6 evidencing any or all righta to any such vster herein w~7'iich~as tLe addtess oF 6300 Parfet Street, Piheat Ridgo [SCrceq Ciry], Coloredo aooaa [zipcoee] (^PropcrryAddress'); COLORAD0.SInple Famlry-FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTAUMENT 3006 1 /91 6%91 ~-eR(CO) p+eoeq wnr raomcno¢ Forwt - I~Issi-~zci m C030081++r~/ae~ rnwdeNed sv Fo~en r.ohnacab•. mo. (eool07479e P.g. i of e 303 456 2195 MRR-02-2000 10:24 15THANK WHEAT RIDGE 303 456 2195 P.03i07 TOGETHER WRTH all [6c improvcments now on ccrcafu;r eretted on the propcrty, and all eascmcnts, appur[enanccs, and fixtures now or hereafter a part o[ the property. A11 replacements and additions shall also bc covered by t6is Sccuriry Instrument. All of the (aregoing is rc[csred to in this Sccuriry lnstrument ax the "Property." BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawFully seucd of the estatc hcrcby conveycd and hws the right ro gant and convey the Properry and that thc Properry u unencumbrsed, except for cncumbrances of rccord. Borrower warrants and will defend generalty the title to the Propetty against all eltim5 and demands, subjea to any cncumbrances of record. ~ 'IH15 SECURITY 1NS?RUMENT combines uniform wvcnanLS [or national usc a¢d non-uniform covenanls with limited variatioas by jurisdiclion Lo conStiNte a uniform soeuriry instiumcnt envering real propcrty. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcndcr covenant and agce az follows: 1. Puymcnt uf Principal and Interesh, Pnpeyment aod Lnte Charges• Borrower shall promptly pay wLen dua the principal of and interect on the dc6t cvidcnced by the Note and any prepayment md latc charges due under lhc Note. 2. Funds for 7ax¢s and Insurunee. Subjcct to applieable law or to a written waiver by Lendcr, Borrower shall pay to 1,enAer on the day monthly payments aro due under the Notc, uatil the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Fuads") for: (a) yearly taxcs and asscsxmcnts which may a[tain priority over this Security Instrumr,nt as a liea on the Propcaty, (b) yearly leasehold paymcvts or gROUnd rents on the Propcrty, if any; (c) yearly hazazd or properry insuzance premiums; (d) ycaz]y llood insuraace premiums, u aay; (e) ycarly mortgage insurance prroiums, if any; aiid (f) any sums payable by Borrowcr to Lender, in acwrdaoce with the provisions of paragaph 8, ia lieu of the paymrnt of mortgage insurancc prcmiums. These icems arc callcd "Esvow ltems:" Lendcr may, at any time, coUect and hold Funds in an amount nol to cxceed the maximum amount s lender for a federally related mor[gage loan may requ've for BorroweYs escrow account under the fcdcral Rca] Estate Settlement Procedures Act oI 1974 as amended from time [o time, 12 US.C. Scc[ion 2601 et scq. ("RESPA"), unless anotlier law that appGes to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any dme, collut and hold FLnds in an amount not to cxcccd the lesser amouat. Lender may estimete the amount ot Funds due on the basis of curren[ data and rcazonable estimates of exp enditures of future Escrow Items or othenoisc in accordance avith appGcablc law. T'he F'unds shall bc hcld in an instimtion whose depositt aze insured by a fedcral agency, instrumentaliry, or entiry (iadudi¢g Lendcr, if Lcnder is such an institution) or in any Federal Home I,oan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Esuow Items. Lcnder mey not charge Boaower for holdiag and applying the Funds, aanually anal}viag the esc:row accounG or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Londer pays Borrower iaterest on the Funds and applicable law permits Leader to make such a charge. However, Lendcr may require Borrower to pay a one-time chazge foc an iadependeat real estate tax reporting scrvicc used by Lcndcr in conneaion with this loan, unlcss applicable law providea otherwisc. LJnless an agreement u madc or applicablc law rcquires interest to be paid, Leader shall not be required ro pay Borrower any iaterest or earnings on the Funds. Bonowex and Lender may agree in writing, however, that iaterest sball be paid on the Funds. Lcader shall pive to Borrower, without chazge, an annual accounting of the F~tnds, showi¢g uedits and dcbits to the Fundt and the purpose for which each debit to the Fuads was made. The Funds are pledgcd as addiaana] security for all sums secured by this Secwity Instrument. If the Fltnds held by I.ender esceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Boxrower for the excess FVads in accordaace with the requircmants of applicable ]aw. If the aznount of the Funds held by Lender at any time is not sufficieat to pay the Esaow Items when due, Lender may so notify Soirower ia writing, and, in such case Borrower shall pay to Lcndcr the amount aecessary to make up the dcfidcncy. Boaower shall make up the defirieory in no more than twelve monthly paymenta, a[ l.ender's sole disaction. Upon payment ia full of all sums secured by tLis Security Instrument, Leader shall prnmptly reEund to Borrower any Funds held by L.cndcr. If, under paragaph 21, Lcndcr shall acquirc or sell the Propury, Lenda; prior to the acquisition or sale af the Properry, shall apply any FLnds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or salc as a aedit against the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. 3. Applicapon ot Payments. Unlcss applirable law provides o[hetwise, all payments received by Lcader under pazagraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applied: first, to aay prepayment chazges due under the Note; second, to amounts payable under parap}aph 2; th'ud, to incerest due; fourth, to prindpal duc; and last, [o any latc churges due uader the Note. 4. Chaiges; Liens. Bonower shall pay all caxes, assessments, chazges, fines and impositions at[ributablc to the Properry which may attaia priority over this Securiry Inshvment, and leasehold payments or grouad reats, if any. Borrower shall pay these obligatinns in the manner pravided in pazagaph 2, or if not paid ia that manner, Bo*rower shall pay them on time directly to the persoa owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furn'sh to Lendcr all noticcs of amoun[s [o be paid nnder this paragaph. rf Borrower makea these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly fiunish to Leader receipts evidencing the paymeats. Borrowez shall prompdy diccharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unlcss Borrower: (a) egrees ia writing to the paymene of the obligauon secured by the &en in a manaer accep[able to Lender; (b) contests in good faitb the liea by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings aLich in the Lender's opiaion opcrate to prcvent the enforccment of the liea; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien aa ageemeat satisfactory to Laader subordinating the lien to this Security ]astrummL If Lender dctcrmincs that any part of the Properry is subject to a liea wluch may a[tain priority over this Securiry lnstrument, Lender may give Borrower a nodee identifying the liea Botrower shall satisty the liea or take one or more of the acrioas set forth above wi[hin 10 daya of the giving of nouce. ~ -6p(CO) (eeo¢) Form 3006 1 /91 mC030061ii/a/aei regezae MAR-02-2000 10:24 SSTHRNK WHEAT RIDGE 393 456 2195 P.04i07 5. Haznrd or Pruperq• lnsuruace. Borrowcr shall keep the unprovements aow cxisting or 6ereafter ercetcd on the Properry insured against losc by firc, hazards included within t6e term "eaZended covcragc" and any other hazards, including floods or floodiag, for which Lrnder rcquires insuraoce. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounu sad for lhc periods tbat Lender requires. The insurancc carrier providing the inxurance sha11 be chosen by Borrowcr subject to Lender's approval which sh:ill not be unreasonubly withhcld. I[ Borrowcr [ails ro maintain eoverage dcsQibed above, Lender may, at Lender's op[ion, oblain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Propcrty in accordance avith pazagaph 7. All insurancc poliucs and rencwals shall bc acceptable to Lcnder and shall iaclude a standard mortgage clause. Lender sbxll havc thc right to hold lhe poliucx and rencwaLs, If Lcndcr rcquires, Borrower shall promptly gve to Lender all receipts of paid premiums :mJ rcucwal notices. la [6e event of loss, Bwrower shall gvc prompt notice to the insurancc carricr and ~ Lcndcr. Lcndcr may make proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrower. Unlcss l.endcr and Borrower othcnvise agrec in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to resroratinn or repair nf the Propercy damaged, if the restoration or repair it economically Feavble and Lender's security is not lessened. I( the restoration or repau is aot ccoaomicaRy feasiblo or Lendci s security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applicd to the sums secured by this Security lnshument, whether or not tbcn duc, with any excess paid to Boaower. If Boaower abandons the Property, or does not answer withia 30 days a noticc Erom Lender that the insurance carrier has offered [o se[de a claim, thcn Lender may collcct the insurance proe:eds. Ls.^.der mty use tht; procccds to rcpair or restore the Property or to pay suau secured by this Security lnstrumcnt, whciher or not then due. The 30-day period will bcgin when the notice is givca. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ngree in wrifing, eay application of procceds to prindpel ahsll no[ txtrnd or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount nf the paymcnts. If undcr paragaph 21 the Properry is azquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insuranec policies and proceeds resultiag from damage to the Property prior to tLe acquisition shall pazs to Lender to the extent nf the sums secured by this Securiry Insuumcnt immediately prior co the acquisition. 6. Occupancy, Preservatioq Maintenance end Protection o[the Property; Borrower'n Loun Applicstion; Leaseholds. Bonowcr shall occupy, establish, and use the Yroperry as Boaower's principal residenec within sixry days after the execution of [hit Security Instrument and shall con[inue [o occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residcnce for at Icast one year after [he date of occupancy, unless l.ender otherwise agees in writing, which consent shall not bc unrcasanably withhcld, or unless cxtenuating circumstancea eadst whicb are beyond Borrower's coatrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the Properry, aAow che Properry to deteriorate, or commit waste on [he Propcrty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeitwe action or proceedinb+, whe[her eivi) or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judpncnt wtild rosult in forfei[ure of [he Propetry or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrament or Lender's securiry inteces[. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstatc, as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lcndcr's good faith detexminatinn, precludes forfeiture of the Borrowcr's interest in thc Properry or other material impairmcnt of thc licn crested by this Socuriry Instniment or Lender's stcuriry intcrest. Bocrowcr shall also bc in dcfault if Bonower, during the loan applicatioa process, gave materially false or inaccurate informstioa or statcmcats to Ltndtt (or failed to provide Lender with any material information) in connection with Wc loan cvidcnccd by tLo Note, iaduding, but not limited to, representations conccming Dorrowei s occupaacy of the Properry as a principal residence. If []iis Securiry Instrument is on a Ica.ccbold, Boaower shall comply with all the provisions nf the lease. If Borrower acqu'ues fee ti[le to the Propcrty, thc loaseLold aad [he fee ude shall not merge ualess Lender agrees ro the mcrgcr in writing. 7_ Protectio5 0!? eedc.-'s Righls in the Praperty. If Bocrc%ver f:ils te pc--form the mvtannts and agreementa coatained in this Security Instrument, or there is a lcgal proceediag that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the PrQperty (such az a procecding in banlauptcy, proba[e, for condemnation or forfeiture ar to rnlorcc laws or regulatioas), then I.ender may do and pay for whatever is neressary to protect thc valuc of thc Propcrty snd Lender's rigjits in the Propesry. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which haz priority over this Securiry Iastrument, appeazing in court, paying reasonable attomeys' fees and eatering on [hc Propcrry [o make repairs. Although Lender may take action under tbis paragraph 7, Lendcr dots not hava to do so. Any amounts disbursed by Lender uader this psngaph 7 shall bccome addidonal debt of Borrower secured by [his Securiry lostrumeat. Unless Bonower and Lender agree to othu tcrms o[ paymcnt, thcsc amounts shall boar interest from the date oC disburscmeat at thc Note ratn and shall be payable, with interest, npon norice from I.ender to Borrower requesung payment. 8. Mortgage Iasuraoce. If Lender required mortgage insuraacc as a eondition of makiag the loan secured by tLis Securiry Instrumeny Borrower shall pay [he premiums requircd to maintain thc marcgagc iasuranco in cffcc[. If, for any reason, the mortgage iasurance covcragc rcquired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, $oaower shall pay the premiums rcquired to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mor[gage inswance previously in eHect, at a cos[ substantially equivalent to the cost ro Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in cffoct, from an altcrnatc mortgagc insurer approved by Lcnder. If substaatially cquivalcnt martgage insurance coverage is aot available, Borrower shall pay to Leadcr cach moath a sum cqual fo onc-twcIIth of the yeazly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the ;nsuranrc covcrage lapscd or ccased to bo in eHeet. Lender will accept, use and retain these paymeats as a loss reserve in ~-BR(CO) l0eee) Form 3006 1/91 C03006 p ila/867 a.ae a or e MRR-02-2000 10:25 iSTBRNK WHERT RIDGE 303 456 2195 P.05i07 Geu of martgage insureace. Loss reserve payments may no longer bc required, at the option of 1-endv, if mortgege insuranca coverage (in the amount aad for the period that Lender requ'ues) provided by an insurer approvod by Leoder again becomes availablc and is obtained. Sonower shall pay the premiums required to maiotain mortgage insurance in cffcct, or to provide a ]oss resecve, until the rcquirement for mortgage insurance ends in accord'ance wit6 any written agirecmcnt betavccn Borrower and Lender or appliwble law. 9. lnspecdon. Lendcr or its agent mny make rcasonable entries upon aod iaspections of the Property. Londer shall gve Borrower notice at the timc of or prior to aa inspection specifyiag rcasonable cause for the inspcetioa. 10. Condemnation. The procccds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequenual, in connouion with any condymnation or othher taking of any pazt of the Property, oc for conveyancc in lieu of coudemnation, arc hrseby assignod and shall bc paid to Lender. In the cvcnt nf a total taking of the Propcrry, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrumcat, whether or not thca due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taldng nf the PropGrry in which the fair mazket valuo of the Property immediatoly before the taking is equal to or greater than the amown[ of the sums secured by this Security Iastrnment immediately before the taking, unless Borrowcr and Lender otLe:wise agee in writing, the sums securcd by this Securiry lnstrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proccods multiplied by the followiag fraction (a) the total amouat c. the sums secured imma'.ia:ely before the tal-.ing, divided by (b) the fair market rluc nf the Property immediatoly before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Bonowcr. In the cvcat of a partial taking of the Yroperty in which the fair mazkct valne of the Properry immediatrly beforc thc caking is lcss than the amoun[ of the aums securod immediately beforc the taking, unlcss Borrower and Lender othuv+ise agrec ia writing or unless appliwble law otherwise providcs, the proceeds shall bo applied to the sums secured by this Security Ias[rument whother or not Wo sums are then duc. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender ro Borrower that the condemnor offcrs to mal:e an award or setde a claim for damages, Boaower fai]s to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dete the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at iu option, dther to restoration nr repair of the Property o: to the sums sccured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agee in writixg, aay application of proceeds to priatipal shall not ei¢rnd or postpoae the due datc of the montbly payments referred ro ia peragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of such payinents. 11. Borrower Not Released; Focbeannce By Lender Not e Waiver. FSctension af the time for payment or modiFication of amorfizadon of the sums secured by this Securiry Iasavmcnt granted by Lender to anY suceessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to rclcase the liability af the arienel Borrowcr ar Borrower's successors ia incerest Lender shall aot be rcquired to commeace proceedings against any succesaor in interest or reFuse to extend time for paymcnt or otherwise modify amomzation of the sums secured by this Security Iashvment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Hoxrower's succcssors ia interest Aay forbcarance by Lendar in exerrising any right or remedy shall aot be a waiver of or predudc the e:erase of any right or remedy. iZ. Saccessors and Asslgne Bound; Jolnt and Seveeal LlabWty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of tLis Stcuriry 7astrumwt shall bind and beaefit the suecessors and assigps of Lender a¢d Bonower, subjeu to the provicions of pazagraph 17. Bosrower's wveneats and eemeats shall be joint and several. Aay Borrower who co-sigu this Secutity Instrument but does aot wceeure the Note:~) is eo-signing this Sceuriry Inshumeat only [o mortgege, Burt and eomey that Borrower's interest ia the Propcrty undec the terms of tbis Security Inserument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrumeat; aad (c) agrees that Lender and any other Bonower may agtee to cxtcnd. modify, forbcaz or make any accommodaaons with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instxument or the Note wi[hout tLat Bonower's consent. 13. Loan Chargea. Tf the loan secured by tLis Sernrity Iastrument u subjed to a law which sets meximum loaa chargas, and that law is Snally interpreted so that tho interest or other loan charges colluted or to be collected in conneetioa with the loaa excecd the pcrmitted limits, then (a) any such loan charge shall bc reduced by the amouat aeeessazy to reduee the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected &om BorroWer wbich exceeded permit[ed limits will be refuaded to Borrower. I.endcr may ehoose to make thit refund by reduang the prindpal owed undcr the Note or by makiag a direct payment to Bonawer. If a refund rednces prinupal, the reduction will be trcated as a partial p:epayment witLout aay prcpayment chazge under the Note. 14. Notices. Any aoace to Borrower provided for in tbis Secucity Instrument shall be given by drdivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requiros use of anothu method. ?he notice shall be diretted to the Property Address or any other address Bonower desiFpates by aotice to Lender. Any noace to Lender sLall be given by 5rst dass meil to I.endees address sW[ed herein or any other address Leader designates by notice to Bonower. Aay notice providtd for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have beea given to Borrower or I.ender wLen given az provided ia tbis pazaBaph. 15. Govern[ng Law, Severabiliry. Tiris Senuity Instrument shall be govemed by fcdcral law and the law of the juxisdicIIOn in which the Property is locatcd. In the event that any provision or dause of this Security Inshvment or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such coaflict shall not affect other protisioas of this Security Inshvment ox the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this cnd the provisioos of this Security Iasb-ument and the Note are declazed to be severable. 16. Borrower's Copy_ Bonower shall be givea oae conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Insorument 4D $R(CO) ~aeoq Fwm 3008 1/91 C03006 bt /3/ae1 Ppe a o1 e MAR-02-2000 10:25 SSTHRNK WHEAT RIDGE 303 456 2195 P.06i07 17.'ltivns[cr o[ the Preperty or e Bene6cial Interest in Borrowcr. !f all or any psrt of the Properry or any intcres[ in it is sold or transCerred (ar if a bcncficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferrcd and Borrower is not a natural pcrson) without Lender's priar wriucn consenc, Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full o( all sums sccurcd by this Security IaaUUment. However, this option shxll noL be cxcrcised by Lcnder if exercise is prohibi[ed by federal law ns of the datc of this Sccurity Tnstrument. If Lender acercises this oplion, Lcoder shall gvc Sorrower notice o( aceeleration. The noticc shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice ic delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secuzed by thu Security ]nstrumcnt. lf Borrower Ixils tu pay these sums prior to the cxp'vation of tUis period, Lender aaay invoke any ~ remedies permitted by this Sccurity lnstrumeat without furthcr notice or demand on Borrower. ~18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower mee[s certaia coaditions, Borrower shall have the right lo have enfortement oF this Securi[y Instrumtnt discontinued at any timc prior to the carlier of: (e) 5 days (or such o(her period as applicable law may spccify for rcinstytemrnt) bcCom sale of the Property pursuant to any powcr oC salc contained in this Seeuriry Insvumcnt; or (b) entry of a judgnent enforcing this Security InstrumeaL Thosc conditions are that Borrower. (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under Chis Securiry lattrumcnt and the Note ns if no acceleralion had occurred; (b) cures nny dofault of any other covenants or agccmcnts; (c) pays all cxpenses incuned in en[orciag this Sccurity Instrument, iucludiag, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takea such action as Lendcr may reasonably require to assure Chxl the lirn nf Ihis Security lnxtrumcvt, I.cnder's riFhts m the Properh, and Borrotvci s obliga[ion to pay the sums sccurcd by this Security instrument shall continue unchenged. Upon reins[atemcnt by Borrower, thic Secunty Iastrumcnt and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effecuve as $ no eccelerauon had occurred. However, this right to rcinstate shall not apply in the wse of acceleration under pazagraph 17. 19. Sale of Notc; Change oI Loan Servicer. ?he Note or a partial iaterost ia the Note (together with this Securiry Iostrument) may be sold one or morc timcs without prior aotice to Borrower. A salc may result in a change in the cntity (known as the "Loan Scrvicei") thal collects monthly payments due under the No[e and this Security Instrumcat. Thcre also may be oae or more chaages nf the Loan Servicex unrelated m a sale of the Note. If thcrc ie a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrowcr will be given written no[ice of the change in accordancc with pazagrap6 14 abave and applicable law. The notice will state the namc sad address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also coatain any other information required by applicable law. 20. Haxardous SuDsfsnces. Borrowcr shall not cause or pe:mit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Haurdous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrower sLa11 not do, nor allow anyone else to do, any[hiag aft'ecting the Properry that is in violation of auy Environmcatal Law. The preceding two sentences shall aot apply to the presencc, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Huardous Substaaces that are genaally rccogvized to bc apgropriate to normal residential usos and to maintenance of the Property. Borrowcr shall promplly givc Lcndrs written notice oE any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmenta] or regulatory agenry or private parry involving the Property aod any Hazazdous Substaaee or Environmeatal Law of which Borrower Las accual knowledge. lf Borrower learns, or u notified by aay governmental or regulatory authority, that any rcmoval or other remediation of any Hazardovs Substancc affec[ing the Properry is necessary, Borrower shall promptly tal:c all necessary remedial acoons ia accordance wifh Environmental Law. As used in this paragrapS ?A, "Hazazdous Substances" are those substances defined as toidc or hazardous substances by Enwonmcntal Law sad the following subs[ances: gasoline, kerosene, other flemmable or touc petroleum products, toxoc pesticides and herbiddcs, vola[ile solvencc, mazeriaLs containiag asbcstos or formaldehyde, and radioactive maeerials. As used in this pazagraph 20, "Environmental Law" mcsas federal laws and laws of the jurisdictioa where the Propcrry is locattd that rclacc to health, safery or environmeatat protccdon. NON-TJNIFORM COVENAIV'TS. Borrower and Lcnder furrhe.r covenent and agree as follows: 21. Acceleration; Romedies. Ixnder shall give no6ce to Bcurower priur to acceleratlon foltowing Borrmver's breacb of aoy covenant or egreeme¢t in tLls Security Instrumeat (but not pHor to acceleradon under pnragrapL 17 ualess applicablr law provldes otherwise). The notice shall specity. (u) the deEault; (b) the ection iequired m cure the de[ault; (c) e date, nm less than 30 days [rom the date the notice Is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cuted; and (d) that failure to cure the detault o0 or before the date specified in the notlce mey rcsult in occelerntioo of the suros secured by this Security Instrument and sele of ffie Property. The notlce shell Pucther lntorm Borrower o[ the right to reiavrate eRer accelerbtion and the right to assert io the foreclosure proceeding the noo-epstence of s ddaWt or any other defense ot Borrower to acecleration and sale. IC the default is not cured on or be[ore the date specified in the notice, Lender, at nts option, may require immediate paymeot iu full o[ all sums secured by this Security losWment without tlirther demsnd and may invoke the pow¢r o[ sale and auy other remedies permiued by appllcaDle law. Leader shall De entitled to collect a11 expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thls patagraph 21, includiog, but not limited [o, reavunable ettomeys' fees nnd costs of title evidence. It Lender invokes the power o[ sale, T.ender shaU give written notice to Trustee of the oacurreimce o[ an event ot de[ault and o[ Leuder's election tu cause the Properry to be sold. Lenda xLell mail e copy o[ the eot[ce to Bonower as provtded In paragraph 14. TYustee shall record a copy oi the notice iu the county in which the Property Is Ioceted.lYustee shall publish a notice o[ sale [or [6e tlme and in the manner provided by epplicable law end shall mall coples oC the notice of sale in the manner prescribed by applieable law tu Borrower and to the other peesons preacribed by applicable law. (o -eR(CO) pem Form 9006 1/91 ~C03006 p t/gfafl VeBe 5 ot 8 MRR-02-2000 10-26 1STBANK WHERT RIDGE 303 456 2195 P.0?i07 atter the lime required by applicable lew,'Rustee. without demnnd on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public nuMion to the highest bfdde[ for casH et the lime and placc and under the terms designated in the notice of snle in one or morc purcels nnd in any order Trustee delcrmines. 1rustee may postpone snle ot any parcel o[ the Property by public announcuncnt ut the timc and place a[ any previously schcduicd snlc. Lender or :ts designcc may yurchase the Property at rny sale. 'hustee shall deliver to the purchascr Trustee's certificate descrlbing the Prnperty nnd the time the purchaser will be entitlcd to 7.1'usteds deed. 'I'he recitnls in the 71'ustee's deed shall Uc prima fncie evidence oC Uic truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds o[ the sale fa the tollowing order. (a) ta all cxpenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable Truslec'S und attomeys' tees; (b) ta all sums secured by t6is Secucity lnstrument; eed (c) uny ezces9 to the pcrson nr persnns legxtly entit]ed to it. 22. KMense. Upon payment of nll sums seaired by this Security lnstrumtnt, Leeder shall request lhnt Trustee rclcasc this Security lastrumcnt and shall produce for Trustta, dtily cancelled, sll notes evidencing debts sewred by this Security [nstrument. Trustee shall rclcasc Lhis Securiry lnstrumcnt without further iaquiry w liability. Borrowez shall pay any recordation costs and the stacuiory Traacee's [ees. 23. Waiver of Homestead. Borrower waives all right o[ homestead exemption in tha Propetry. 24. Riders to this Securicy lnstrument. If one or more riders are execated by Borrower and recordcd toFet6er with this Securiiy Iastrument, [ne covenan,s and agrcr.menes of eacn such riticr snell oe incorpora[ed iuto aad shall amend aad supplemem [he covenants and ayccmcnts o[ this Securiry Instrument as if the rider(s) wcrc a pazt of this Securiry Instrument. [Check applicable box(es)) E::] Adjactable Race Rider ❑ Coadominium Rider gg 1-4 Faa+ily Ridcr ~ Crraduated Payment Ridcr Plaaned Unit Developmcnt 0 Biweekly Paymcoc Rider 0 Balloon Rider ~ Rider Rnte Improvement Rider ~ Second Home Ridcr ~ VA Rider 0 Other(s) [specify] BY SIGNING BL•LOW, Borrower accapts and agrees to the terms and covcasnts contained in tlais Sccwriry lnstrument and ia any rider(s) cxccuted by Borrowcr and recorded with it. /I , Witnesses: -Donvwcr STA1'E OF COLORADO, Jef£erson (Seal) s Richard Streei "BOR°a~I Wheat R~dge, CO 8003 ~ (Seal) Diaae N. DeVries -Hovowcr 4300 Parfet Straei Whent Ridge, CO 80033 The foregoing insvument was aclmowledged before me this 20xa 1998 ,by RicLard D. DeVries aad Diaae H. DeVries Witncss my Land and official seal. My Commission Expires: MARCH 30, r ~ i : io • . C:>,' ,c: County ss: -Hoxxowcr day of FEBRUARY . .J ~ 4R(C0) (aeool ~ C03006 (I i/s/e,e~ ep+ ot6 Sorrower's mailiag addreas ia: 4300 ParfetP reet, Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 Form 3006 1191 c TOTAL P.0? MAR-02-2600 10:23 1STBRNK WHERT RIDGE 303 456 2195 P.01i07 *-`Y8AW OF WHEAT RIDGE TD: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT.• 4350 wADSWORTH BOULEVARD WNEAT RIDGE. GOLOPAOO B0033 303-421•14DO FA%:303-a56-2195 FAX TRANSMITTAL Fax # ( ) ? G~ - 4NJ S- --SL-c.4.,r Fax # (303) 456-2195 .9_a_ov I/W~c'1-l1 P~ SL°30 O Y01'1 SHOULD RECEIVE PAGES (INCLUDING THIS ONE) F:\WC.ZD\FOrn.s - Genersl\Fez Form.doc HL:ltlTACi1: BUILDING'SYSTEMS CO .~rr1t,E~,~D, COPy i~IPLE1'E RETLR:V 141TH C Date: 12/16/99 HBS Job No. CO 14209 Chanee Order 001 ne: RICHARD DEVRIES CompanY: StTeet: 10930 WEST 44TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE State: CO Z1D; 80033- Chanres to be madc: For Clazification: One 12' x 12' framed opening to be 1' from center column in right endwall. One 10' x 10' framed opening to be 41' from left endwall in front sidewall. ~ J', t, doors aze field location. Delivery to be at the end of Apri12000. Base condition is Base Angle Trim. Overhead model will be: 624 Sectional. All (8) Wall lites to be placed on the second wall panel from each end on each wall. Original Contract Amount $11,746.71 Previous Change Orders $3,473.00 This Change Order $0.00 Subtotal $15,219.71 Tax Rate a, 0.063 Tax $958.84 therTax $0.00 Totai Tax $958.84 New Contract Total 120t,, $16,178.55 Previous Deposits Received / ' $2,34934 Additional Deposit Received $0.00 New Contract Balance $13,829.21 New Building C.O.D. $13,829.21 Insulation C.O.D. $0.00 Other C.O.D. $0.00 The above change has been made and approved by: Purchaser Heritage Building Systems, Inc. By By Title Title Date Date Note: This change order will not be processed until a signed copy is returned to this office. All terms and conditions of the original purchase order apply. P.O. BOX 470, NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72115 501-9453377 NATIONWIDE 800-643-5555 ~ : -nc. vPME J ..CB uRnE n . F___' I SU?°'R ~ C f Cr, ? .411 ^?oct , . FEi~2CTiOr, N^T^' IC•,` HL - c ..on.,o ocrori?nnl TAAI F VR ~ COLUMN LcFT COLL'MN RiCHT CCLUMN F_ASc P=_PTE 8.OX9 .0;<0.375 7 0~C9 .OXG. 375 NNC BOLTS a) -3;4 ! I l,OqO GRCUP , Hl. Vl. ~ I LI_ HR I VH I LR 7-EL J.3 t.tl 0. 0 -0. 3 I LL ' SNOW 1.9r 3 i3.Jj 8.4'i 0. 0. 0 0 -3. 3 C i2.0 2.q O !'C`i .L' .L C O.OI C -O. I G.CI 0 .0 _ 102 0. 0 -2. 8 -4.3I 0 .0 1-S. 0 .0 1 . r i o 5 C. O ~ - ~ t -6 6' 0 - .0 l. . Lc~ - I I. bd u. n t , s z.,,Q O r .c 45 l.5 2.0 C .17 0.4;~ O .C L~0 CROUP O E,4CR 1 P7 ( ON OL . p,oo~ Ce~a LacG UL . RooF Li,ie Load JNi:nl . RooF rJf1Ow LOGCI 7!7 . Lnt=rat Seism~c Lona ~„L I, , Lc+zrnl pr;mnrv W.nd Load WL2 . Lc'.=_r'nl Prisarv Wind Laad VdLi Lon9itudinnt Pri mnrv Wind Laad LS . Unbnlcnczd i_eft RooF Snow Load RS . Unbclenced R[3ht RooF Snow Lond ..c..,.+c~.57 532z5~ i i( ai i ~t &,1-6 /W,3 FftHrc oESC4lPifo,u- Ua R Na,"E '.i ~ a .,u 7~~~c. i-~ 4O.i~.u.i19.ao3 30 .i30.i3 jOc NanE 5.1Z2~. ~ F L,0322A Mm~. 5Vo,n,R7 RcBCii0N5 r0R LOFO CCMBIPI'lT[ONS F4RNIE !0 c•.7l LOC'7i;ON.i-c-s In=s 2-3 7i,MEAC.45.57 ^ a ar- a 'n k"s ,I k,O-FvAV- . _ .n> rrom I I5 d ur, J f aolksjbiw coJ de 3n ese _aGe ,uJe m ~ cin~f'at'on Fcc o' nen~so ..:'.r 1 0 ~a s ~~~*ons o o _ 53315n tv o: ' a.:nG n ~=s' y _ ~.o noslv the La J - _ . ~oo-,Orlnka„fOr Gh2 COnC 2•P FOUnd6. 0l d259n. ftGFICT l Oh' •'^T^r e nN< HL ~VL ~ I'J R 1/ i_OFlO COM6I4FlitON HAXIMUM REf7CTI0N TF78LE CCLUMN LEFT COLUMN R[CHT COLUMN 8°SE PLAiE 8.OX9.Ox0.375 8.OX9.OX0.375 ' 4NC 20~T5 I ;a;-3/4 I41-3/4 ~ LOF,O COMB ~ RL ~ VL . LL HR VR LR GRf7`II7Y LOHO C0M8INATION 4.6 13.1 0.0 -4.6 13.1 0.0 u r un i r.an rf1MR f NAT f ON l2 3.8 6. 2 0. 0 -3.8 6.2 0. 0 7 - _g.7~ 0. 0 9 . 4 0. 5 -s.z 9.8 a. e 3. 0 0 .0 -7.5 3.8I 0. 0 ~ g ! C -S .S 0 .0 -l.n -S.S 0. 0 EFaRTHGURKE LOF10 COfl81NAT10N S p,4 t.t 0,0 -0.3 1.10.0 I a 0 3 L I 0 0 -0.4 t.l 0.0 iOqO ~OMB~NP T(ON QESCRlP7(ON ~ OL +LL a . CL +0.7143E0 5 . OL -0.7143EG 7 OL +WL1 g . CL +LWL l ti . OL +SNOW *D.SWL2 12 CU +SNOW +O.SLWLI 14 . 0L +O.SSNOW +WL2 z<~~tr+x+::~=t+<:e't**n-.tx~x,f~++~~+rt<+.~+Ftx~xFtr+xxxr:~« <...~t~k~xt+.=xt:^xKri*xY 3'_ VE°SIOV V25 ODT 01/05/00 AT 10.~1:29 r~, ,;t51 R5G=0v ` * ~JB: 53224 run01 BY: js-'~.enas x~+t~x:r,rx~,a~t~~,t+~~x:t*:tt,rz+~x~++~~+~~~***~:t+~:t~~t~~+~+:txr:.xr<xx+~x*~x:t:t,t~xx++* MAIN BUILDING ENDWALL COLLJMN DESIGDT x***" (ENDWALL COLUMN RE ACTIONS) COL COLUMN BASE REAC TIONS BY LO GROUP NLTM D L S W+ 351 0 3. 271 2.289 -3.848 -3.848 V ~ . 0 000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HX . 0.000 0. 000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 FiY 0.701 6. 094 4.266 -6.921 -6.921 138 4 V i-iX ~ 0.000 0. 000 . 0.000 -4.104 000 0.000 0 HY 0.000 0. 000 . 0.000 ~f 351 0 3 .271 2.289 -3.848 -3.848 0 V xx rl . o.oao 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.00 000 0 HY 0.000 0 .000 . 0.000 0.000 HX =HORIZONTAL MAJOR AxIS ITY= HORIZONTAL NIINOR ~XIS V=V ERTICAL IN KIPS a ~nY2 Footer Plan r 8 1/2" -f- - - - - - - - - - - - - I bolt Group Spacings c/o I Verify from Mfgr Plans i I 19'-3 1/2" I 60' 20' V-0 7/8" r 8 1/2" 18'-11 1/4" Frame Support Piers: (10) 16" SO (min) to frame base height Minimum height is 16", maximum height is 24" Two #4 rebar hoz stirrup at top of pier enclosing vertical bars and one #4 stirup just above footing. Piers must be tall enough to accept anchor bolt embedment or placed at the some time as footer. Center End Frame Footings: (2) 42" SO x 14" (min) deep Footings #4 rebar 8" c/o each way at bottom, 3" cover Four vertical #5 dowels located within pier rebar and 3" bend at bottom. Corner End Frame Footings: (4) 30" S4 x 14" (min) deep Footings #4 rebar 8" c/o each way at bottom, 3" cover Four vertical #5 dowels located within pier rebar and 3" bend at bottom. 8 1/2 11 Place footings on undisturbed soil or structural fill compacted to 1500 psf (min). 5' Install anchor bolts, centered as indicated and corresponding to manufacturer drawings. Each pier to have four 3/4" anchor bolts. (40 total) Bolts should have 2" projection from finished concrete and have 12" minimum embedded length including a 1.5" L-bend. Concrete contractor is to clean projected threads. Mid-Buildina~ Frame Footings: (4) 5' SO x 14 (min) deep Footings #4 rebar 8" c/o each way at bottom, 3" cover Four vertical #5 dowels located within pier rebar and 3" bend at bottom. - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 3'-6" 3'-6" - t~ It is the owners responsibility to verify the foundation dimensions match the final building specification. " ~o Qe ccda floor 6r o~ P~ a ~ ~a Design Assumptions: 90 mph - Exp B Wind 30 psf roof load (Snow) Concrete work to conform to all ACI recommended practices Concrete fc - 3000 psi (min) Steel: Grade 40 (min) Footing design based on DL plus 1/2 LL on 1500 psf soil resistance. Drawn by: Geoff Robinson Revisions: Footer Plan Page Gha~/e5o6rn5on, PIE C~7Q~ q'~5-0i78 Reviewed by: Charles Robinson Custom Heritage Building Systems Steel Portal Frame Building Project Reference: 00-021 1 3195oufh6rodAv fvc t=orlGollin9 Colorado 8052/ Date: February 9, 2000 Owner: Richard and Diane DeVries File: DeVries 2.AutoCAD12 Location: 4300 Parfet Street, Wheatridge, Jefferson co, CO 80033 m o o o c PD 37'-10 1/4" 'sa ~ o -c o ~ ~ a n 19'-3 1/2" -J I I I I Perimeter of Building and Floor Slab I I I 4'_6" ]E111 4'-6" -L 19'-3 1/2" I 1'-0 7/9' 8 1/2' Footer Plan 1'-C 3/4' 4-0' 60' F- 8 1/2 h 0 ~i--------- ,t J Bolt Group Spacings c/o J Verify from Mfgr Plans r----~ r 1'-0 7/8„ - 8 1/2" 7- - 18'-11 1/4" i8'-11 1/4" - 20' I ~ I I 19'-3 1 /2° I I I I Concrete Slab 4° (min) thickness floor to customer specification Thicken perimeter of slab to 12" thick for a minimum of 12" from perimeter. Install #5 top and bottom continuous in thickened perimeter. J Compact any fill under slab to 1000 psf min Cut control joints with areas no larger than 15'x20' max I Slab may be placed after frame and roof installed. 19'-3 1/2" I I I - r----~ r--- n~--- ----------I~ ~I---------------I~ 0 L--J 8 1/2' Place footings on undisturbed soil or structural fill compacted to 1500 psf (min). L----J L± 19'-3 1/2" 19'-3 1/2' 8 1/2" ~I I I I I I ( -r I ~l IL I I I I I I I _J( 1'-0 3/4" Perimeter of Building and Floor Slab ~I L-_J Design Assumptions: 9C mph - Exp B Wind 30 psf roof load (Snow) Concrete work to conform to all ACI recommended practices Concrete fc - 3000 psi (min) Steel: Grade 40 (min) Footing design based on DL plus 1/2 LL on 1500 psf soil resistance. It is the owners responsibility to verify the foundation dimensions match the final building specification. Drawn by: Geoff Robinson Revisions: Floor Slab Details Page Ghar/e5 'o6in5on (97Q) 495-oii8 Reviewed by: Charles Robinson Custom Heritage Building Systems Steel Portal Frame Building Project Reference: 00-021 2 3195outhGioniiVvenx I orlGall/rn Colorado 80~Z1 Date: February 9, 2000 Owner: Richard and Diane DeVries File: DeVries 3.AutoCAD12 Location: 4300 Parfet Street, Wheatridge, Jefferson co, CO 80033 < o Q O B~ 37'-10 1/4' a L----~ V-0 7/8" Genera! Notes This plan assumes builder and contractors use competent methods of constractlcn, demonstrate quality workmanship and recognize customary rcspo.sibilitles within the scope of this project. --The structure'. de=sign a` tS"Is drawing set assumes the owner and contractor vrl t~. cbse:rvc fi:e practice presented in the 1997 Uniform Building Code. -The general ccrtrector fs responsi'o e to supply a qualifed soil report if necesscy for this project. I` supplied, the design m~i:ll incorpcrd- releve- in`c,mahcr `ray- arc soi'. repo.. he soul ,ecort may ccntain add.onal Info,mz:on thus a:. conc,cctc,s osscciatec with fo..ndatloc co tr ccoa s,rc read the so~ report one incarcerate soil report requirements into the co-vtrucucr,. -Soil report: nc sell soar, Design based an accepted m mums Prom 1997 IJDC Allowabie scil bearing pressures: Maximcm allowable pr 1500 pat DL s ^.5 Minimum t;-,,e c .tare: N/A as` ~L aNy Active ea egaivc fluid o,essure: ..c pd Lateral s c coef aenz: VA Maximu r r a cted s II I ---The general c 1rectc r°soansibie r ac u,CC} c c formetio~ supplied rearcnt is aesi Use o 're &ot: such as submissign of drgwin.gs to afflcia!9 or ooysical initatian o` work, indicates t'ne drawngs ware acceptable as drawn. -All design work is bases on =.nformatior supplied by general conzcector in the `arm of fair, li hec olons asd card i rforrnaten soccl`Ic to this project. Design must be based on supplied information or reasonable engineering assumptions. Non-dise,osed '.case cam-.at be, covered by design. loads from structure s o lc be defined p. r :o foondatom design. (Truss plans should be province of -L me c' design.) -Any structural c'nanacs arlny construction shall be ocary disclosed to the onalnee, a con as loss b;c o-te, chances cre noticed. -The cc-crate cemporcr. s of e design a based o typica' ACI code agd practice. All concrete should be placed !n cccerdance wit- local orccr.ce and AC: 3328-84 desiar. edide. If conformance to a particular concrete standard, such es ACI 318, is aesirad, please notify engineer. Reinforcement stee', s'noll be 40 grade (thin) unless acted. -Brick ledges, patio slabs., -dc non steps, sleeves, In=sets, beam pockets and windows may eat be folly shown. -°°AII footings shall have e minimum thickness of 8" unless noted. -Exterior ends small bear on undisturbed =_o.. -Backfill in 8"-12" comnected ~Ifts, max fill 2" below top of well. Gina) grace to d'l.,ect wctcr evrey from =_c,ucture. -Install perimeter footer crain Sf specified ey soil repor:. -Slabs shell be Isclated from crane beams, coicmn buses, foundetien walls or any other Ioedbearing foundation ccmponent by use of a 0.5" expansion joint -c. cnal unless specified othernise. -Footers shall be pieced on undisturbed natural soils or aopraved structural fill. -If a soli test has been provided, we recommend on open 'nole inspect.cn to verify sal conditions ore consistent with the report. -All slab-on-crack floors will move some over time. If this is not acceptab e, c s':ructural floor cars be des!gned for most condit cns. --Concrete slabs cad veils typically show shrinkage cracks within the first 6 months after concrete is olaccd. These small cracks do not affect structural function. -All concrete to be a minimum of 3,000 psi compressive strength at 28 days, ca-.-,dining Type II cement and air entrained 5% 1%. r5 vertical ,sear top and bottcm in perimeter Typical Slab Perimeter R4 rebar around vertical bets Four 5 verticl rebar a racer 6" c/o each way ir4 Portal Frame Support Base Section Portal Frame Support Base Plan View its, Four J1, verticl raider Extended Faster Reinforced Concrete Pier Portal Base Anchor Bolts per Manufacturer A1. Concrete work to conform to all ACI recommended practices. Concete f - 3000 psi (min) Steel: Grade 40 (min) Footing design based on DL plus 0.5 LL on 1500 psf soil resistance. Scale: As shown Drawn by: Geoff Robinson Revisions: Footer / Foundation Wail Details Page Reviewed by: Charles Robinson Char./e5 P0b1n5on, P C~7~> g/3~Qf / 8 Project: 00-021 Custom Heritage Building Systems Steel Portal Frame Building 5195oAGrad Averue Fail GollingGolorado80521 Date: February 9, 2000 Owner: Richard and Diane DeVries File: DeVries 4.AutoCAD12 Location: 4300 Parfet Street, Wheatridge, Jefferson cc, Ca 80033 Design Assumptions: 85 mph - help C Wind 3C psf roof load (Snow) 4" (min) slab with thickened perimeter Charles C Robinson, PE (970) 493-0178 319 South 6raat Avenuc, Fort Collins, Colowdo 80521 Fox(970) 407-7392 Friday, March 10, 2000 Wheat Ridge / Jefferson Counry Building Department and Richard DeVries 4300 ParFeY Street Wheaf Ridge, Colorado 80033 RE: Soil desien assumptions for buildin¢ at 4300 Parfet Street.Wheat Ridae. Colorado. Dear Sirs, The plans submit[ed for the DeVries building by Charles Robinson, PE should be dated Feb:uary 9, 2000 and have Sle identifiers of "DeVries 2.AutoCAD12", "De Vries 3.AutoCAD12" and "De Vries 4.AutoCAD12" in the dUe blocks. The project reference for tlris building is 00-021. The building is to be placed on native soils that at that location could be described as sandy gavel, river cobble and/or river run. The foundation was designed according to accepted minimum soil classification standards presented in Chapter 18 of the 1997 UBC, summarized in Table 18-I-A Our design assumed a 1500 psf allowable foundation pressure (maximum pressure), lateral bearing of 150 psf per foot below grade and a lateral sliding coefficient of 0.25, identified as Class 4 in the table. It is our opinion that for that site, the soil pressures used for design are clearly conservative and appropriate. Geoff Robinson Ctiarles Robinsoq PE ~ ~rr%•~ File: DeVries Building Soil 1-10-0O.doc i o 0 0 ~.d. V ~.~V JZ ~.J!L__J nt ~ sl m 1~ .1~C ~ ~~t ~ ..NLJ V I?T TAT 9 F 1 BUILDING SPECIFICA TIONS THE STRUCTtlRE UNDER THlS CONTRACT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND DETAILED FOR THE LOADS THE BUDDER MUST SECURE AL AND CONDITIONS STIPULATED !N THE CONTRACT AND SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. ANY AGENCY AS REQUIRED. f AtTERATlONS TO THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM OR REMOVAL OF ANY COMPONENT PARTS, OR THE DESIGN LOADING ADDITION OF OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERJALS OR LOADS MUST BE DONE UNDER THE ADl/lCE .APPROVAL OF HERITAGE BUILDI OF A REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Cl~IL OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. HERITAGE BUILDING SYSTEMS CORRECTLY INTERPRETED AND WILL ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOADS NOT INDICATED. SPECIFICATIONS. (SECT. 4.2.7 THIS HERITAGE METAL BUILDING !S DESIGNED USING STANDARD DESIGN PRACTICES BASED ON WHERE DISCREPANCIES EXIST B PERTINENT PROCEDURES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING ORGANlLATIONS AND CODES. OTHtR T~,4CiES, THE STRiiCTUR AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION: "SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN, STANDARD PRACTICE, 9th FDITI FABRlCA T10N AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS; 9th EDI TION. DESIGN CONSiDERA TIGNS OF AN BUILDERS RESPONSIBILITIES THIS STRUCTURE IS DESIGNEa UTILIZING THE LOADS ~c nu nc-nr tuz~n- ,tnnnni~e~ t~,~rrLnrne,rirc- rnn,u -rr rr n onr~nnr~r n z,- INDICATED AND APPLIED AS REQUIRED BY.• AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE.• "SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN OF COLD j~ HERITAGE ARE THE RESPONSIBI FORMED STRUCTURAL MEMBERS" 1986 EDITION WITH 1989 ADDENDUM. i ENGINEERING UNLESS SPECIFICA AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY.- "STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE" AWS D1.7-92, CHAPTER 5 THE BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE PART B RELATING TO WELD QUAUFICATlON AND CHAPTER 8, PART B RELATING TO W(TH HERITAGE CONSTRUCTIDN ALLOWABLE STRESSES. TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, SUCH MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF STEEL PLATE AND SHEET STEEL USED IN THE FABRICATION OF ~ FOR ERECTION WILL BE DETERM PRIMARY RIGID FRAMES AND ALL PRIMARY STRUCTURAL FRAMING MEMBERS (OTHER THAN COLD I RISC CODE OF STANDARD PRA FORMED SECTIONS) CONFQRM TO ASTM A-36 MODIFIED WITH A MINIMUM YIELD OF 50,000 PSI, j OR A-570 OR A-572 GRADE 50. ~ lT (S THE BUILDERS RESPONSIBI AIVD REGULA TlONS, AND PER O MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF COLD FORMED LIGHT GAGE STEEL MEMBERS CONFORM TO THE KE C~UIh~EMt N I S Ut AS IM-5 /0, WI TH A MINIMUM YIELD OF 5.5, 000 PSI. i ~r~t tSWLUt K i~ Kt JYCIiV,~ItSLt t J/tSLt fUK !i-!t VtKlt/C,H1fUN Ut HLL J/i/f-'MtN1,5 Kt(.t/VtU, ANU MUSI /N~/~NIORY BUILDING A T TIME OF DELIVERY. HIGH STRENGTH BOL TS AND THEIR lNSTALLA T(ON SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPECIFICA TIONS CONS T V C Rof Y A-325 AND ARE DESIGNED AS BEARING TYPE CONNECTIONS WITH THREADS INCLUDED 1N THE SHEAR PLANE. TIGHTENING OF THESE BOL TS !S RECOMMENDED BY THE TURN-OF-NUT METHOD, NOT FOR CONS TRUC RON PER 'RISC SPECIFiCAT10NS FOR STRUCTURAL JOINTS". i PERMI TS ONLY ALL STEEL MEMBERS EXCEPT BOLTS AND FASTENERS SHALL RECEIVE ONE SHOP COAT OF ' lNHIBI TI UE PRIMER UNLESS S TA TED OTHERWISE !N THE CONTRACT. i APPROVAL SHOP AND FIELD INSPECTIONS AND ASSOCIATED FEES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 0 T HER CONTRACTOR, UNLESS STIPULATED OTHERWISE. APPROVAL ORDERS MUST BE RELEASED FOR FABRICATION WI THIN 30 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER SUBMITTAL DRA WINGS ARE ISSUED OR THE ORDER WILL BE SUBJECT TO ANY CURRENT PRICE INCREASE m ~ _ o . w~h,•rw.,••w ~s+~«.. .vr..w~.nY,.~,..p.ya.t..!.;.M••..tK^~YY'.{4.a'+,W Y~`...'kM!IMM+.~'~Fw~.r4 ?atwcrty••T+,+.P'.•aw.seMMk+rh+w%~9N~+.~.~. ~.n'~'1 ~.t h ~A~w.'nuM+w~-sir m...x.,e~nw~54~.'M1n~..t4~.~T„r.+Mwrw.,M+u~+,iMM.yfYlb~MgMMMkM4"IM~sWn!4a~.~~Mw»~,M9NMIf.Y~MMMMIIR//r~11PPY47Wi11(J'~0Y4M.MM'A{/~M4/~~~I~A,a e ~ 4 ' r' MYiAyyy Ma1Yth/M'.dns+nWrt~yw,~V.+~ . .~ror..wM'a!.WwrW ryManarvY~4h+lASS~+x!h~R rMM~.w~w~r..we.r"w..,..s....w..u.r.v.n.~rr..n..~...»».-+.rir,r.w~...• . ~ a . , ~ ~ 1 1 o a ~ ~ ~ 1 > ~ c ~ ~ a ~ A , s . f • • ' ~ ^ ~ ~ .a P a o P ~ a 9 o e 4 9 p . a , . + MM'M~rIM~Mbt'MIwINAiY+I~M•MM•M •1•/MA~rtM••Ai'ryIMA 4Fa•~~!•• u a a a a _ n waayf ef~nleM l..iiYJ t ' a . ~ P c o 9 it > B 0o n ^ 1 1 0 4 1 P ' ~ i ' a 0 'L t 1 "~'A s 7 t . I a 4 fr.4a1 rwm. p.rY .+a r 1.M.I1F/s9P fkMa.MA Ir / 1 e A ..iNMa/f u e em.M► el®flt rbrMRaq. « f r i 0 ,B Mk Ors rf+l 1 a . 1 ' a .s a.a.saa er►,at a1r~Y/v o4~0 4W14aw +roV9 epo w.vM errs UaM1 s4'f w`i4i ..ara 1/tMV IrM ~I/. ♦fatM eaa N e • f ~~'r r/nw/wwfa~aw lrwMM~+MOpaRewpa►r/pf p ' • MaM/aWraa •M"rf . f e S ~ r - - P >IW ~w 'N//eN aWfaa !M~ IMiM ~IWM arlf e i t { 8 . 1 iMM+~A X14 a 1 ifiM► MMA Mnsy♦ ~r M/*g 1 ° 1Ww o.. . A 6 ~ ®aes Y /~0~ ~fI f j~~ ~ f M! l J ~ wwfl~sw.., y. ~...rewaafaao'~iMM+ow+~peewlam M/MM /M►MM/."~~"~tMna*ilwaw.lf ~r1 ~e~~ f ~ , ~ _„,~~7a 1'~ ♦ seafeeafriralpr;.qsO.Ir11R1.brlflas"Mfaugeylar.e/4eaN Mqa, 4.aOrIM4/M1a,a rsrr }1~ar 1ra.•f I.c ..a. lawi ,ssw rrum UMM rf• •arMf pylar «M aanrt l.fq rMaF arp fatlM ~/M~ pNr e mrNa J~ r,.r f 8" C ~ 01° - x ♦ p '~N W tY~ ~ J 4 n e- t~ A i ~s 1 ~ 1 Y a ~ j } 1 ~ yr ,s r*.+~' s ,s+ w r ~ o. I t ~ a f~, r . arr.www~w~e+lrww~+e MwWw•e~v~wMr~w • ~haM/M4MMwtrAwwgrA+ ~ ' w~waoM►w w~wrw~u~y e~~1' 4w f . _.w. _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ . f. M wiy,,~ 0 ~w►wMyMiwewpwMwMrew wwwrssr a P B 1 AT FACTORY ❑CAT D ~PENIN S• 2 AB1 W/ 1 1/2." PROJ, ar FIELD LOC ~PENINGS• 2- I/cam ~ EXPANSION ANCHORS 2- i~~ ~ C BY ETHERS) EXP. ANCH. ' S t BY OTHERS) I ~ s 9 3/4" ~ N W ~ a J N \ ~ a ~ I . 3 3" FRAMED ❑PENING SWING DODR WIDTH WIDTH SECTIDN THRU SLOPE HEDULE CONCRETE EDGE D DETAIL ~ C8 3~4• JAMBS) DETAIL O J DETAIL QUAN, ANCHOR BELT DESCR I PT I ❑N BOLT CL 278 1 MARK PROJECTION QUAN x ~;j~ s 23 ~ , cU 1/2" 0 EXPANSION ANCHORS CBY OTHERS) CAS REQUIRED) S t~ 4 ~ ii ~ k' ~ COLUMN 1 AB1 1/2' DIAMETER ~ 1~2~ 8 J 3 ~ , AB3 3/4' DIAMETER 2" 40 WI IDTH i 3 3 t'---1 q 3 AB5 1" DIAMETER 3' N/A AB6 i iia" DIAMETER 3- N,q COLUMN BASE PLATE SIZES BOLT MARK WIDTH LENGTH ELEV. PROJECTION ANCHOR BELTS TD BE 8 $ 100'-0" a- r- DESIGNED BY F~UNDAT I ON 8 9 1t7o~ -0° ENGINEER USING DIAMETERS SHOWN. S_ l _ i X11 1 Y L t i E C t it r ~ ~ AB3 E1 d ~ 0 1 ~ o v Y "t i i 0 i - -s v t S D B ~ AB3 4 E1 \ V O Q ti V ~ ~ ~ 1 ti E1 ~ ~ AB3 A ~ ,.1~, . - 1 ' -0 3/4" 1 S' -11 1 /4„ 2 - 1 3 4 1 A%lCHL7f~ 117N JOB NO. a- Cz i r - i r ~ •S •1 .N ON 133HS NOSN3/131S 3N1{N ~d321 ~y~s f'f'008 0~ 3.~01?Jl d3NM f £'008 0~ 3~OkJ1 b'3HM a 1332f1S 13~Jb'd DO£'~ 3iiN Hlb~ it1 0£'601 ■ 60Z~1.~0~ S3/2U130 a2tdN~l?l S3/t~i130 O~JdH,~12~ 31d ` Q3~o~lddd 3~d r~ ~Ol dlHS ~tl3WOlSfla ssss-e~9-oos SW31S.tS ~NIt771n8 oo-~z-t ~a~ 31 dQ Q3~lJ3N.~ 32/d 66- -~ZZ~'S srrz~ ~d '~~o~r d~~~, ~ ya~~~N ~J Y 1 1 ~~H otti XIS 'O 'd 00-~Z-1 P71 i i s L3ro sOr 31 b'U roh b'2la 3Nd All- - r~ L '6 .r i _ i i -~~Zi r~ I r ~ g 6 l8 ~ ~ r I i W I~ O Y-; I~ -ta -t.1 -P I~ 1 O 'A ~1 QI ? ~ ~ r s _u t-° _ -P ~ I~ 1 . ~ O SZ_ l t1 i t `s t , i t I~ r. v 8 'd M I d~~ dl~ sN s8g,, •S'~ .5.~ 688- sN s88~ 688 I S jib •S'-~ _ ~ ~ `y 688 68~~ ss ,t ~d M ~oz7~ g~ 5 ~9-~~ ~ g `-b ~O s ~,t~0-,~ S ZL Zl 1 r° t a F ~ ~J z ~ z~ r mot. z `1 T l rt _ l2 2 t~ 5'-0is 5 4'-6a 4~-5 PC37 RBC1B~ & RSCIBR W. P. (2)CL 702 R/L I CL 709 Z7 CL 716 CL 702 R/L ti v I 4 T ~ Q Z6 CL202 0 i ~ v i a- -..1 Z6 1y CL202 0 ~T~ i _ tA/ D " (2)CL278 (2)CL278 i i 0 i .t _ r 19'-32 ~-~J l=J CBC3BL CBC48R & C ONE FB86 ~ ONE F886 C~ ENOWALL ELEVATION "4" -PANELS UTILIZED AS DIAPHRAGM BRACING & ARE INTEGRAL PARTS OF WALL STRUCTURE. DO NOT MODIFY. 12 2 - 13 ~+tD ~s 5'-0 s 3 5 -0 f"~ 4 ' ' ' PC:37 ~ ~ 1 ` RBC2A~ & RBC2A~ W. P. ( ~ CC709 Z13 (2)CL702 R/L RBC2AR & RBC2AL CL 709 Z14 CL702 R/L CL 716 CL 702 R/L CL716 ti d- Q Z12L Z12R w CL202 0 i CL202 i Z12L 2121? CL2D2 0 i (2)CL278 (2)CL278 81 19'-3 r C8C3AL CBC4AR & C TWO F886 ~ TWO FB86 ~ 1 2 ENDWALL ELEVA TlON "3" 3 KEY PLAN 4 r i 1 _ a C~ v EtR E2 QENO TES CG203 ~ DENQ TES CL204 5 , ® Zt51~ ~ _ 9 Zt8 a N v ~ S f88 119 TYP, i 9 A Q 0 k ~ ~ ~ ~ U W Vs O ~ ZtSR E 9 ~ ~l ~ d t i Z 5~. D r O k 41 ~ ~ I V ~ F882 116 (T?'P. PURLN r ~k ZtSL 218 ~ Eft Q _ E2 r~- h t "...Q~ zo'_ fl t Rat J i ~ eL 709 ~ 12L 14 '2 E1L r ~ n ~ ~ W ,I 2 ~ z~~ rr~ ~ zr5t ~ • ~r Zt Z3 W CL255- CONNECTS THE TOPS OF ~ a TN OW • ~ ~ L SlDEWAEL SAVE STRUTS y. TOCETHE~ '~S i CL268- A T AFL EA vE STRUT TO ctxuMN caNnrECnOnrS, EXCEPT 1t • z~s rte. ~ ~ AT THE CORNER COLUIUNS 4 a Q yea ~ k b ~ 00 ~2)ct27~ cLZ~z+, ~ ~ i ~ r~-a~ zQ'-O a CBC,TAR CiA ONE fBB6 ~ 7"-4 Sl©EWALL ~L~V~ M . ► Ct 709 ~ 22t 14 i ~ o • ~ T ~ ~ It 14 w t . Ct255- CONK o Errs THE reps ~ THE tow s~t~EwAtt SAVE sr~?UTS ~ rOC~rHEr~ •E cc2ss~ ar ~u SAVE spur r0 COttJMN CONNECtION~, ExcEPr Zt Z4 A r THE CORNER CtX U~fNS 4 2 Ct2~6 ! -04 20 -O 2 4 ~ CBC3AR C1A ONE F88f, ~ KEY PLAN JOB NO. 3 r- SfOEWAL E L LEVA i c - r f t DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 8989 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date : 6/1/99 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 4300 PARFET ST Contractor License No. : 20017 Phone: 425-5957 Company : ALL-WAYS ROOFING Phone : 467-7770 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : Tear off to deck, replace with 40 year elk (barkwood) Construction Value : $6,940.00 Permit Fee : $139.25 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $104.10 Total: $243.35 Use : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : M1w1W. Approval : ~..~~m ~r. e, Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pertnit was issued in accordance with the provisions sel forth in yopur application and is subjecl to the laws of the State of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulations antl Building Cotle of Wheat Rid9e. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within siMy (60) days hom issue date or (B) the builtling authorizetl is suspentled or abandoned for a period of 720 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permM1 may be acquired for a fee of one-halt the amount normally required, providetl no changes have been or will be made m e original plans antl speciFlCations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or iF suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contractot shall notify the Builtling Inspector lwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The Iss~u of a pyrpait~nVth~hePord nal ce law~nr9ilse secifiwtions shall not De construed to be a permit for, nor an approval o[ any viola[ion of the provisions ~.d/P~Gt ~ Chief Building Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : 61 C~C-~ Property Owner : MQ~•c\0.S Property Address : y 3pp Contractor License No. : Company : OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE Of UNDERSTANDING AND I hereby certi(y lhat the setback disWnces proposed by this permit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or resUidions of racord; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accunte; that I have read a aaree to abide bY all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full po ibil~'ty far compliance wilh the VJheat Ridge Building Coda (U.B.C.) and all olher a cable eat Ridg(k ordinances, for woAc under this pertnit Phone:'lQ..s 5 95 7 Phone: t-141-) _"11' ConsWctionvalue: (p,<;tyd Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total: $0.00. Use: Description: ~ ~ (d \<1 '~G Approval: Zoning : smrarrsy fgmmgm Approval: P_QISIC&W5fIZaG'OtHPPf€flt39 Approval: Occupancy : Walls Electricai License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Roof : Stories Piumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: SIC : Sq. FL : ResidenGal Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (t) This cermil was IuuM ReguWtlone and BuiWu (2) TTis permil shap espin aWn0aie0 ta a perla (7) U this pennit axpiree, a ) No wwk ol any Iiumer fha (s) convaaor sn,uroury tne e - proceeEnrqwiu+suaessive (6) The isawnce d a permil o( a ft wiuMy coau «any Dvlsions set IoM in yopur aDWication and b suqecl b the ImsW the Sule d CobnCO and W tla Zoninp ;olondo u any otAer applica0le adUunces ol the Cily. la nol mfmKnceO wNun sury (60) days from Iasue Oata or (B) the Wildlnp aNMiized h iuspenEeO or ed for a lee W ww-hatt the amount nartuly taquLeC, provWed no Wnyea havs been or wi4 be made in the don or a0andonment lus nol exaMed ana (1) year. II tlianpa ara maEe a d wspensbn a aOaiMOnmant naw pem~il upa ihe naWral Ibw ol wala ousirp a draina9e yodem. ity-lour (44) laun In a0vance tor all InapeUlans arW shap receNe writtm appowl on impaction nrd belae nps and speci(IaUons sha0 nol be consWed W Ue a paimit Iw, nor an approrW of, amy vblalbn d the provtsbns mle or requWtion. . Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION