HomeMy WebLinkAbout3655 Otis StreetA gesidential ty of Wheat Ridge Roofing PERMIT - 060032 PERMIT NO: 060032 ISSUED: 02/22/2006 JOB ADDRESS: 3655 OTIS ST EXPIRES: 08/22/2007 DESCRIPTION: R/R 26.65 aq. 30yr dimensionalw/ ice/water shield CONTACTS gc 303/971-0256 Mike Post 01-8582 Caleb's Management Enterprises owner 303/654-0797 Ronald Holstine PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOTq: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 4,100.00 FEES Permit Fee 144.70 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 73.60 TOTAL 218.50 Comments: Documettts fmm the mamrfacturer shall be onsite j'or final roof fnspection which specify roofing materfals have been tnstalled to meet 110 MPH three-s1econd wind gust-IBC fA~~ I hereby certify that the setback distances propoaed by this permit application are acwrate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or cwenants, easements or reatrictions of record; that all meaeurements shown, and allegatior.s made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditiona printed on this application/and tha[ I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Aidge Building Code Q.B.C) and all other annliae9le/WheatiRidqe brdinx5ges, for work under this permit. Plans eubjec[ Co field inepection. date 1. Thie permit was issued in accordance with the provisiona aet forth in your application and is aubject to the laws of the Sta[e of Colorado and [o Che Zoning Aegulations and Building Codes of Whea[ Ridge, Colorado or any o[her applicable ordinancee of the City. 2. Thia permit ehall espire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from iaeve date or (B) [he building authorized is suapended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. 3. If thie permit expires, a new permit may be acquired Eor a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fu11 fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will chan9e the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor ehall notify [he Building Inspectar twenty -four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The iasuance of a permit or the approval of drawinge and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of y viol ' he provisiona o£ the buildin9 codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regula[iov. All plan v s iect to field spec[ione. Signatvre of Chief Building Offical date INSPECTZON REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUZLDZNG OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTZON THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. COMMWNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: oF W"E'0T BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234•5933 Date: ~ P'o~, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ° 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) ~<oaPO~ APPI.dCATTQN PropertyAddress:~WS OTlS S'~'• Contractor License No.: 1b"S8c)- con'Pany: /'R/ LR14, Phone:~3-ESy-6 7g 7 Phone: 303 971 6 2S~ OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT 1 Buildfnn Dept Valuation Figure: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not vlolate applicable ordinances, rules or regulaGons of the City of Va]lle:$ Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; thatall measurements shown, and allegatfons made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide 6y all Pernut Fee:$ crondiGons printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for plan Review Fee:$ compliance wlth the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all otherapplirable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under thi ertnit. lans subJect to feld inspection. Use T3X:$ y (OWNER)(COMRACTOR):SIGNED DATE,/40 TOY'dl:@ Use of Space (description): s~~~~~ Description of work: ~ A, ~0 Ve ,r RP p~.A~G .L• LS '4t4u' oF ~or Sq. FL added jZ, #t~ ~,,,,d., s,sv e~ 7 a ~B 10 4r, Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permitwas issued in accordance with the provlsions setforth In your applicaUon and is subject lo the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Reguladons and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo oranyother applicable ordinances of the City. (p) This pertnit shall expire if (A) Ne work authorized is not commenced within sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may ba acqulred for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel tlow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contrador shall notiTy the Building Inspector iwenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on Inspection card before proceeding with succassive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and speciflcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, anyviolation of the provisions ofthe bu(Iding codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review Is subJed to fleld Inspections. Chief Building Official Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING - - - )UIL~Di`r`G ;NSr'ECTiON DIViSiON - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: '-Ol ~i`•'~° ) ly 11`G' Property Address : 3CQ5S C~i'S 5~. Phone : C4a ~-3~ 7~ Contractor License No. : 1rj$C-91~ Company : d-)ll~COC/-}Cl&00L Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereCy certify that the seWack distances proposed by this pertnit appliwtion are accurete, and do not wolate applicable ortlinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ritlge or covenants, easements or restridions of rewrd; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; lhat I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on lhis application, and that I assume tull responsibility for complianee with the Wheal Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applieable Wheat fiidge rdinances, for work under this erm (OWNER)(CON7RACTOR) SIGNED ~.P/Y~r `~'DATE~ Description w BUILDING Z3F11mnmmmm Approvai: Zoning : EIBtIf0'CfifllPfm P.p?rova! : Construction Value Permit Fee C~00 (00 `3D SIC : Sq. Ft. : USE ONLY P_Qtf1 ' Approval: Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Occupancy: Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) TTiy pertnil was IssueC in xmbance wiN Ue provisions xt foM in yoDur aDPl~bon anC is sublM to Ne laws of Ne SWta ol ColoraCO an0 to Me Zonin9 Regulatlona and Builtliny Cade M Wheat Ritlge, Colo2EO or aM oNer aOW~ble oidinances of Ne Ciry. lEl (2) Thia pafmit shall azqro d(A) the work auttwnzed is rrot wmmenced within sury (60) Eays from issue Oata or (B) Na Cuinq aW+onzed 'u swpendad or aynEOned lor a perioC of 120 Aaya. (3) It Mia pe'mil expiroa. anew Demiit mY ~~~imd fa a lae of ono-haM the amount nortnaily repuireQ proviEed rw changes hare bW a vrill Oe rtade in e aM am suacension w abanEOnmeM has not excee7e.d one (7) ynr. If Uanges are maEe a if suspenaion or abanCOnment exceetls ona (1) Near.1uq lees ehall he pald w a new pertni . (a) No wak W a~Y °W D° dona Nat will Uu~e the naWrol tlow ol water nusi(y a d2inage pro0lem. (5) Contraclw sha0 notiN ft Butl0ing InsGeccar M'enry-lour (24) houn In atlvance kr all inspeUions an0 shall receive vttitlm+ apWOVaI on inspection rarC Delore wiM wxes~fvep1u us a tha p~ D. moddng (e) e isawnca of a pamut or tha aOP~~ a dm'^ngs anC spacificstlona shatl nol De conswed W DeS Pemut tor, nor an aPProvaI of, any vioW6on of the pmhswns 0f UM bYlldiflQ GO401 Of ifly 0Ulf OfdlllillGl. IaW, NIB Of fEGi1WU011. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID CONLY ALL W234 5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO~IN P' E TIONPECTOR AND MAYOR 5~ I Use Tax : ~0 Total : 'M C90 $0.00 w►urm 6wrip Ne ' ovwm BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 Date : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : ~10154')'A)gj /7LlC E- Property Address : 3~~5 Phone : q'0- gq 7~ Contractor License No. : 1 7J-r'a? Company : !fy ~I`sw IfAK¢/lvR~ Phone : G G<' ~qLfq OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hercby certily that the setbadc Cistances proposed by this pertnrt appiiw6on are accurate. and do no[ vlolate apptiwble orEmances. Mes ar regWations of the City of Whea[ Ridge or wvenants. easements ar restnctions of recorC: that all measurements shown. ana allegations maOe are aecurate: that I have read and agree to ablde by all contlitions pnnted on this application. and that I assume full rosponsibihty for comphance wrth the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) ana alt ather applicabie N/heat Rid~1q'eyor,7mances, tor work unaer cnis pemrt. ~y,~; ~ - (OVYNER)(CO"!7R'.CTOR) 31GN£ _DAI --r' _ . _ Descnption : pC- fa~rom ~ EPARTMENT USE GJA,WKCX-0S Zqx["°g~....E86~~eii Approval : Zoning : BHlldtnsr~~ Approvai : PQ6lf(."~Ylftirja C6mmenzs Approval: Occupancy : Walls Roof : Stories ConswcUon Value : / 300 Pertnit Fee : qq, °O Use Tax : Total : (s p S L ff~Rii~ Y Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiratio,i Date : Ezpiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ~ rPlIr►s.FjF-qulred= ~ "P18'hsRequired:`.,1 -4 p~ u1i821~ (1) This permn was issueC m aaomaKe wIN Me praviswns set toM in yoour aoouvbon and is sua:ec[ ro Ne Iaws of ihe SUIe of Colondo ana to tl+e Zoning R[qulanons ana BuilEing CoOe et Whaat Ridg4 Colonao or any omer apphwble orainances of -e CiN. (2) 7hb permrt snall ea0iro d(/1) the wotk auNOniea is not Commen[ea wimin 5iary (60) tlays Irom issua tlate ot (B) Ne building auNOn2eC is 5u5penCeC ot aOanEOnea for a oeno0 of 120 Eayz (3) If Nn permn e:qros, a new OertnR maY be acquire0 for a tee of onchaM the amount normally recurteQ proviAeG no changes have Eeen or will Ee maEe in the oryuul plans and specifici0ons and arry suspension or ahantlonmmt has not exceeCeO one (1) year. If chanqes are maCe or it suspension or abanCOnment exceeas one 11I yeaL Nil fen sOaC be paiA for a new pennn. (4) No work of airy maener shall De Cane tliat will Uanqe Nr. naN2l Ilow of water causing a Erainace Droblem. (5) Centranor sn notiN Ue BudOing Inspector tweny-lour (21) hours m aCvance lor an mspecuons ana snall receroe wntten aOProval on inspeetion cam Eelore prorLetliing Alit successrve pnases of the j06. (fi) T+e usua f a permrt or ine aDMoval of tlrawmgs and spe0fifa110113 shall not De constme0 to :e a pertnit lor, nor an aDPmal ot, any dolaaon ol Ne provlaions ot me emi mdcofuiff; w any o er ortlloance. law. rme or regulaUOn. Chief uilding Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID CONLY ALL W 34-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO 1~NSPE TIION ECTOR AND MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-978 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :5/15/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Praperty Owner : HOLSTINE ALICE Property Address : 3655 OTIS ST Contractor License No. : 428 Company : Phone : 421-3471 Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenls or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat idge ordinances, for work under this permit. Construction Value : $1,905.00 Permit Fee : $45.00 Use Tax : $28.57 Total: $73.57 (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGN DATES-~S 9S Description : 200 A SERVICE CHANGE AND REMODEL KITCHEN Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: .1 . . . w (1) This pertnit was issued in accordance with the provisions set torU in yopur application antl is sub ed to the laws of ihe State of Cobrado antl to Ne Zoning Regulations antl Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloretlo or any other applicable ordinances of t~e City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzetl is not commenced witliin sixry (80) days from issue date or (e) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned (or a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations antl any suspension or abantlonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) ye8r, NII fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall De tlone ihat will change the naturel Oow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-(our (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspec6on card before proceediing with successive phases ot the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be construed lo be a permit tor, nor an approval ot, any violation of the provisions ofMe building codes or any othq~ ordinai+ce, law, rule or regulation. Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION , m DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 234-5933 P.O. BOX838 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SiGNED BY THE CHiEF BUII.DING INSPECTOR ANC RECEIFTED BELOW. ~ ~ S ~FjLICATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT Q I~ ;V'\ JOB ADDRESS OWNER . CONTFACTOR ADDRESS ~Sf ✓ ~ ^ C~ G PHONE `TZI ~ ZIP CODE ADDRESS CITY J v ~ ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ f5 - } C~~ LDL7 LICENSE NO. DATE PHON" 01hsr 5 1. TYFE Ground ❑ Woll❑ Proiectinp❑ w D Fan Total Squort FaN 2. MATERIAL SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yee❑ No❑ TYVS Eled Psrmit No. App~w~d,2on~ Inap~eta Zone 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY IINE N_ S_ E O'' ❑ Diwpprwed (SDacify which ie fronl) ❑ ❑ 1. TYPE SolidE] More Than 80% ODei Leu Thon 80% OWn MATERIAL Heipht FENCES Zom_ AvCrw~d,ion~ In~o~cta 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ 5._. E.,_ W fSoati}vwhith is front) ❑ E] cl Dimpprovod I OTHER 2 13. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE fENCE,5IGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVih'G D15TANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACNS OR PROJEGTIONS INCIUDED) ~ SPECIFV NORTH STREET NAME SHDIS AINCE N TO S PRFROM OPERT'Y lN 58NOTDIMAXIMUMJOR 1AVER EEDISTARNCE S,AND PROPERTY LINES;ON IRREGULAR LATS, SMOW LEESI ppPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO JMINUM WRE UNDEP SIZE 8 ILLEGAL TEMPORARY METER NEW SERVICE - /+MPS ~ CHANGE SERVICE -AMVS r ~ LIGHTING HEATING pOWER SUB-GFCUITS . UTILITY (RANGE, OISPOSER, ETC ) ~ FI7(TURES WIRING MOTORS d CONTROLS SIGNS TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS CnDITION TO OLD WORK _ _ REMARf(S ~ I hsreby acknowled9e thot this aOD tion ia correct and understond thoi I cannof start this prOlgtt until this apDli- totion it oOGrOVed. 1 zhall comply with fhs laws ai the State ol Colorado and to }he Zoninq Requlations and Buildinq Code of the CitY ol Wheoi Ridpe. Any viololion of ihe above terme will cause immediale revocafion oi this permit lI l) ~0 D PLUMBING PERMIT STATE UCENSE 40. FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH WATER CLASET WASH BOWL BATH TU8 SHOWER SINK C,ARBAGE DISP WATER HEQTER AUTO.WASHER DISH WASHER FID(Ni DRAIN URINAL SEWERS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURES ~ f~ ' Y~ t. M/;/n n ~~~,a, v1G1 p_ y~ . ~ PERMIT FEE USE TAX I a g.. TOTAL FEE . d / APPROVED DISAPPROVED CHIEF BUILDWG INSPECTOR,Cityof Wheat Ridqe Date Issued MECHANICAL PERMIT NOT VAIID UNLESS CALL 2345933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS ivo~~eaM• 91pm~w. 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED 0Y DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. JOB ADDRESS `(~~~~S~S . CONTRACTOR ~-K-~° ~Pix e r - ADDRESS p 7` d~"~ -q ~G3-- 3--- CITY "P ZIP CODE 0 PHONE LICENSE NO. YPE Ground ❑ Wol I❑ I. T 2. MATERIAL ❑ TYDs $IGr1S 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No 4 SET BAGK FROM PROPERTY LINE N n S n E DATE: ,7-12 BLDG. PERMITM PERM ITM BLDG. CONTR. rarua7 aROPER LINE (SDatify whith ie front~ - . Mora T~an 80% OpenO L~~t Thon BO% ~W^ I. TYPE ~olid~Cr H~ipM~ 2, MATERIAL E~W~ Zone ~DO ed.Zon~InsDacta FENCES 3 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N-- S~ ~ DiaoDD~a~ed fG~eifv whith ie frOM) ~ I OTHER 2 3. _ DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIViNG nISTANGES FROM VROVERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCWDED) RT a REA 7 iNE INSPECTION TICKET 91 J°B ~ ADDRESS 3 6 S S ~ C) S~ SUBCONTRACTOR STREET NAME SHD TANLENTO PROPERTY LINESBNOTDIMAXIMUMJOR 1A ERAGEEDISTANCES'AN DATE INSP. REQ. 01 ppPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICA THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ( TYPE OF INSP. _ PERMIT WILI EXPIRE 1B0 DAYS fROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE I PLUMBING PERMI INSPECTION MADE E---~ECTRICAL PERMIT J [ STATE LICENSE NO REMARKS /1/Q ~C~YICe STATE LICENSE N0. BSM IST 21 GAL FLOOR GAL _UMINUM WI E B ILLE WATERCLASET ~'~Ja~-P j~~e ,OOPS WASH BO`N~ ~ TEMPORARY METER_ BpTH 7U8 ~NEW SERVICE - AMPS SHOWER W1SnFORM71~ CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS gINK ~G LIGHTIN6 ~ y GARBAGE DISP ~'l HEATING yrqTER HEATER ppWER SU9-CIFCUITS A11T0. WASHER RS 9 CONTROlS FLO(~ DRAIN - URINAI :RS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS OLD WO?K OTHER R I HP TOTAL fIXTI 1 hsroby acknowledpe Mot this ovFlica- tion u correct ond undersiand tl+ot I connot stml thie Oroltltf until this WDD„' cotion is aDproved. I st+all comply fhe lawa of Ihe Siote ot Colaado and 10 the ZoninG Repulatione ond Buildinp Code otthe Cify o1 Wheat Ridpe. AnY violotion ol 1he above terme will cause immediate revoconon o1 ihi~9erm,i PERMIT FEE USE T TOTA qPPROVED DISAPPROVED CHIEF BUILDII ANC RECEI n, .11 PERMIT N0 17~~ OWNER ADDRESS PHONE 4 a i-34~1 ZIP CODE 4-- CONTRACT PRICE $ Mp"e DATE Djpsr S or D Fou Total Squore F"t Elotf. Psrmit No. Zona__ ADVrwed.Zo^e Inspecfor NOT VAIID UNLESS REGEn $ SZ 2o City of Wheoi Ridqa -7-2 5-2 1 pote Issued CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS