HomeMy WebLinkAbout3645 Marshall StreetCity of Wheat Ridge E -Res. Furnace Replacement PERMIT - 201803307 PERMIT NO: 201803307 ISSUED: 12/28/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 3645 Marshall St EXPIRES: 12/28/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Replacement of 44K BTUs/80 percent efficient gas furnace. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)424-7118 SUB (303)421-3572 CON (303)421-3572 TADOLINI ANTOINETTE M William Buras Dominic Breton 017865 Lakeside Heating & A/C *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 2,000.00 FEES Furnace Replacement 40.00 Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 42.00 ** TOTAL ** 82.00 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Both the front and back of this permit are required to be posted on the job site at all times. If the complete permit is not present, inspections WILL NOT be performed. Work shall comply with 2012 IRC & 2017 NEC. Per IRC Sec. R314, smoke detectors are required to be installed in every sleeping room, in hallways outside of sleeping rooms, and on every level of the structure. [, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, �pphca le building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by �rmed e legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with [hiseritfurtherattestthatIamlegallyauthorized toincludealperand that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This pen -nit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original ermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 1. No work of any manner shall be perfonned that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. >. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. The issuance or granting of aermit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable co any ordinarlct or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. signature of Chief Building Official Date tEQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Lagenia Reimer OC/�(/ 7 From: no-reply@ci.wheatridge.co.us Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 7:53 AM To: CommDev Permits Subject: Online Form Submittal: Residential Furnace/Boiler Replacement Permit Application Categories: Gina J Residential Furnace/Boiler Replacement Permit Application This application is exclusively for RESIDENTIAL REPLACEMENT FURNACE or BOILER - LIKE FOR LIKE ONLY. YOU MUST ATTACH A VALID CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE PROCESSED. Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for a Yes replacement residential furnace or boiler like for like? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address Property Owner Name Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Property Owner Email Address Attach Credit Card Authorization Form - **DO NOT ATTACHED RANDOM FORMS** 3645 Marshall St. Dominic Breton 303-756-5361 Field not completed. Credit Card Authorization Form .pdf CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Lakeside Heating & A/C Name I Contractor's License 017865 Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone 303-421-3572 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contractor Email Address becky.b@lakesideheating.com Retype Contractor Email becky.b@lakesideheating.corn Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK What type of unit is being Furnace installed? Number of BTUs 44000 What is the efficiency 80 (%) of the unit? Is the unit GAS or gas ELECTRIC? Where is the furnace or basement boiler located (for example, basement, crawlspace, etc)? Project Value (contract 2000.00 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit 2 has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have been Yes authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Rebecca Buras Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in Vour browser. ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ' Building Inspection Division ~ (303) 234-5933 Mspection line ; (303) 235-2855 Office ' (303) 235-2857 Fax ! INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: r,,v,¢' Job Address/Permit Number: aG'Vf a?t~7L ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ir:3t AM/PM Re-Inspection required: Yes ,1_0,~ *When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: i/1rf c~F Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ~ _ _ City of Wheat Ridge Residential Electric PERMIT - 080026 PERMIT N0: 080026 ISSUED: 01/10/2008 JOB ADDRESS: 3645 MARSHALL ST EXPIRES: 07/08/2008 DESCRIPTION: 150 amp service change CONTACTS owner 303/423-3692 Antoinette Tadolini gc 303/524-9521 William Jackson 02-2340 Bam Electric PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: r-3 SUBDIVISION: 0477 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTZMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 1,750.00 FEES Permit Fee 62.16 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 31.50 TOTAL 113.66 Comments I hereby certify that the aetback ddstances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rulea or regulations of the City of Wheat Rid9e or covenants, easements or restrictions of zecord; tha[ all measurements ehown, and allegations mace are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume fu11 responsibility for compliance with the wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable wheat Ridge Ordinances, fior work under thie permit. P1ans subject to field inspection. Signature of contractor/owner date 1. This permit was iseued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your applica[ion and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to [he Zon'_ng aegulations and Building Codes of wheat Rid9e, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2- This permit shall expire 180 day:; from the issue date. Requests Eor an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted a[ the discretion of the Building Official. 3- If this permit expires, a new per.mi[. may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made iu the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeda one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permi[. 4. No work of any manner ahall be done that will change the natural flow of water caueing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Huildin9 Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a pexmit or the approval of drawings and specifications sha11 not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any v'olation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review ect to field inspections. ✓ / Signature of C f 2 lding Official, date INSPECT20 REQUBST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. WHE4rq. ~ m City of Wheat Ridge Cot ORPp Residential Electric PERMIT - 080026 PERMIT NO: 080026 ISSUED: 01/10/2008 JOB ADDRESS: 3645 MARSHALL ST EXPIRES: 07/08/2008 DESCRIPTION: 150 amp service change CONTACTS owner 303/423-3692 Antoinette Tadolini gc 303/524-9521 William Jackson 02-2340 Bam Electric PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: r-3 SUBDIVISZON: 0477 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 1,750.00 FEES Permit Fee 82.16 Total Valuation .00 l~~~C~)~i~G' Use Tax 31.50 TOTAL 113.66 Comments i hereby certify that the se[back di.stances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions oE record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all mnditions printed on [his application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Huilding Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinanres, f'br work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. Signature of m trac oi/owner date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State oE Colorado and to the Zoni.ng Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit sha11 expire 180 days from [he issue date. Requests for an extension mus[ be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of Che avilding Official. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired Eor a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or wi11 be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (l) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done Chat will change the natuial flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Coatractor shall notify the Buildiny Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and sha11 receive written apprwal on inspection card before proceeding wi[h successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the appzoval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of Che building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. A11 plan review i s ct to field inspections. Signature of Chi ding Official date INSPECTION EQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS ST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. i~- , _ f WH~Tq~ City of Wheat Ridge Building Division pate. 7500 W. 29'" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-235-2857 Plan o Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Permn Building Permit Application Property Address: ;(p yS M A R S}{R L ST. Property Owner (please print): A NTO I 1J E 77E -fRa~ i N+ Pnone: 30 3- y a 3- 3(917a Mailing Address: ('d d'rfferent than property address) Address: (D D y O LUI 39 T" 4 VC City, State, Zip: (I-) N EAT R 1 .6 G E , (1 0 B o n 33 Contractor: bAM 6G.Ge7R I C LL C, ContractorLicense#: (D3~ I Phone: 303- 5~2q - 9!59 ~ Sub Contnctors: Electrical City License Oaa 3`I0 plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company: QjApA E4(=ctR IC, LL<= Company Company: Exp. Date: a/a~ ~001 Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): Constructlon Value: $ DBSCNpt1oI1 Of wOrIC' (as cakulated per Me Building Valuation Dafa sheet) ]50 !a SERVICC CNANGE PlanReview(dueattimeo/submittaq:i Sq. Ft./L.Ft added: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps 150:q OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certity that the setbadc disWnces proposed by this permit application a2 acwrete, and do rrot vidate applicable ardinances, rules or regulations of ihe Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenanis, easemeMS or restrictions of record; ihat all measuremeMs shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have reatl and agree to abide by all cwnditions printetl on Mis applirafion and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plam subject to fleld inspectlon. CIRLCEONE:: ( ER) ONTRACTOR or PERSONALREPREIS~E1NAT~/.Jl1LcAT~VEOf(OW/N1ER) CONTRATOR) PRINTNAME: k)lLLIAM J. JACK50n1 SIGNATURE: Ul,Q.lJLz Date: 1/Q IO$ ZONING COMMENTS: ZOnkg. Reviewer: PUBLIC VYORKS COANIENTS: R8ViC1AlEi: USE ONLY BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OCCIIPANCY: REVIBYYBf: FIRE OEPAR7MENT:: 0 approved w/ oonxnenb ❑ disepprOVed ❑ fa feview required COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office ' (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: F.~.#I RcRV' Job Address/Permit Number: ~/~f~,~tdsr 07i3/17 f1•.ry 922t 4'.Frv 7n' s'EE -~i ~s rD Do ~.s's~PCr~v.✓ ❑ No one available for inspection: Time x;?.w,v AM/PM Re-Inspection required: 6Y~ No *When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 ' Date: InsPector:rZ`e i/y/o A DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 071318 PERMIT NO: 071318 ISSUED: 12/04/2007 JOB ADDRESS: 3645 MARSHALL ST EXPIRES: 06/01/2008 DESCRIPTION: T/O; Reroof w/ 20sqs of 25 yr 3-tab shingles. CONTACTS owner 303/424-7118 Lee Gregory gc 303/237-2385 Richard Lerew 01-7769 Lerew Bros. Roofing, Inc. PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: r-3 SUBDIVISION: 0477 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 6,000.00 FEES Permit Fee 162.90 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 108.00 TOTAL 270.90 Conditions: 6 nail installation and midroof inspection required. z hereby certify that the aetback d:istances proposed by this permit application are accura[e, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulationa of the City of Wheat eidge or covenants, easements or restrictions o£ record; that all measurements shown, and allegatione made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all ronditions printed on this applicaCion and that I assume full responsibility for complianre with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, P.or work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. Signature of con[ractor/owner date 1. Thie permit wae isaued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the lawe of [he State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations avd euilding Codes of wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancee of Che City. 2. Thie permit shall expire 180 day:a from the issue date. Reques[s for an exteneion must be received prior to expiration date. M extension may be gzanted at the discretion of the Building Official. 3. If thie permit expiree, a new pe?ni[ may be acquired for a fee of onehalf the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suapension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes liave been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (i) year, full feee ahall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that wi11 change Che natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-fovr (24) hours in advance for all inspections and ehall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding wi[h successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the app:oval of drawings and specifications sha11 not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, an ~~iolation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regula[ion. All plan r i~y subject to field inspections. Signature of ie uilding Official date INSPECTI N RSQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2655 REQUESTS NNST BE MADE BY 32M ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINE55 DAY. INSPECTION RECORD OccupancvlTvpe ~INSPECTION LINE: (303) 234-5933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site Call by 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATIONINSPECTIONS Da7E INSPeCiOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings/Caissons Stemwall /(CEG) Concrete Encased Ground Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproof / French Drain Sewer Service Lines Water Service Lines IAS CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) Heating (Underground) DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGHS Sheathing Lath / Wall tie Mid-Roof Electrical Service Rough Electric Rough Plumbing Gas Piping Rough Mechanical ABOV E INSPECTIONS TO BE SIGNED PRIOR TO PROCEEDING Framing Insulation Drywall Screw FiNaLs Electrical Plumbing Mechanical Roof ~ Building Final Fire DepaRment R.O.W & Drainage START ALL ROUTING ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. Parking 8 Landscaping "NOTE: ALL 1TEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING, BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTEGT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER ~ oF WHE4l,D0 ~ ~m City of Wheat Ridge °o t oRaa° Residential Roofing PERMIT - 071318 PERMIT NO: 071318 ISSUED: 12/04/2007 JOB ADDRESS: 3645 MARSHA LL ST EXPIRES: 06/01/2008 DESCRIPTION: T/O; Reroof w/ 20sqs of 25 yr 3-tab shingles. CONTACTS owner 303/424-7118 Lee Gregory gc 303/237-2385 Richard Lerew 01-7789 Lerew Bros. Roofing, Inc. PARCEL ZNFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: r-3 SUBDIVISION: 0477 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 6,000.00 FEES Permit Fee 162.90 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 108.00 TOTAL 270.90 Conditions: 6 nail installation and midroof inspection required. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations oE the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of recozd; [hat all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and [hat I ass me full responsibility for compliance with the wheat Aidge Building Code (I.B.G and a11 other appliz~~ eat 'dge ` nres, for., rk under this permit. Plans subjecC to field inspection. ~.s.~ " a .nfr clate 1. This permit was issued in accordanc=_ with Che provisions set forth in your application and is subject to [he laws of the State of Colorado and to the 2oning Regulations and Huilding Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ci[y. 2. ahis permit sha11 expire 180 days Erom the issue date. Requests Eor an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of [he Huilding Official. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specificaCions and any suspension oz abandonment has not exceeded ove (1) year. If chanaes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be cone that will change the rmtural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. ContracCOr shall notify the Buildinq Inspector twenty-four ;24; hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications sha11 not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval oE, any aeion of tte provisions of the building rodes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan rev~et to fielc inspections. Signature of Chfjtf BQdlding Official aate INSPECTIONUREQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSZNESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. oF'""Eqr,~, City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29~h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 ` Fax: 303-235-2857 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 C~~OftP~O Building Permit Application Property Address: Property Owner (please print): Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address City, State, Zip: Contractor: ~e--v 9 Contractor License Phone:' Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company: Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: ~ Use of space (description): Construction Vaiue: $ DesCription of w0r ' (as calculated per the Buil g aluation Data sheeQ ~Z- 40ePlan Review (due at time o/submitfal): $ ~`y'~rx~Ft./L.FCadded: Squ9Fes BTU's Gallons Amps OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify ihat lhe setback dislances proposed by ihis permit application are accurale, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restriclions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have reatl and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compiiance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit Plans subject to field inspectiort r I CIRLCE ONE:: PRINT NAME: or PERSONAL ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS' Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Date: Plan Permit BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OCCUPANCY: Reviewer FiRE oeanRTMENT:. O approved w/ comments ❑ disapproved 0 no review required Bldg Valuation: $ BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . * Correction Notice Job Located at S~IP ~'5- I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the foilowing violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date Ike / Gd tor Building Dept DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WRb22 ~ lE ,~n rr-c✓l t'v~ ri r.F, c+ni~- 7~0 9EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 11133 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 9/7/2000 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 3645 MARSHALL ST Phone : 424-7118 Contractor License No. : 18505 Company : BARTELS HEATING & AIC Phone : 422-3589 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that tha setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violata applicable ordinances, rules or ragulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or :covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations 'made are accurate; that I have read end a8ree to abide by all condRions printed on this application, and that I assume PoII responsibility for compliance wkh the Wheat Ridge BuiWing Code (U.B.CJ and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for woAc under this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : INSTALL REPLACEMENT FURNACE - 75,000 BTU Construction Value Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Use Tax Total $1,800.00 $63.15 $0.00 $27.00 $90.15 Use: Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit wae issuetl in accordance wiM the provisions set fort h In yopur applicatbn antl ia su01"ect M the laws of the State of Cdaado antl ro the Zoning RegulaUOns antl Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Cdoretlo or airy oMer appliceble ordinances oHhe Cily. (2) Thia pertnit shall axpire if (A~0the work authorizaG Is not commenced within si~cly (eo) tlays trom Issue tlate w(B) the Duiltling euthorizetl is suspentled or - abandoned for a period W 1 days. (3) If this permit eupires, a new permtt may be acquired fa a fee af one-half the amouM nortnalty requiretl, providetl rw changes have been or will be matle in the original plans antl speuficadons antl any suspansron or abendonmeM has not ezceetletl one (1) year. If chenges are matle or if suspension or abarWOnment (5) (g) lvance for all inspectlons aiM ahall receive written approval on inapectlon caM betore shall not be construed lo Ee a permtt for, rror an apProval W, any viola6on W the provisions Chief Building I spector . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNINCi ANU UtVtLUNMtN I tiuilding rermit Numbef : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 ' Property Owner : LgG Crl'L°-odl'y Property Address : 36 YS /yWS hAlI 46• Phone 7~All" Contractor License No. : 18505 Company: Bartels Heating & A/C Phone:422-3589 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certity that the setbatlc tlistances proposetl by Nis pertnit application are accurate. and do not violata applicabb ordinanees, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: lhat all measurcments shown. and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have rcad and agree to abWe by all contldions pnntetl on this apptication. and that I assume full responmbifRy for wmpliance with ihe Wheat Ridga Builtling Cotle (U.B.C.) and all other aDPlieable Wheat Ridge ordinaneea, lor work untler Nis permrt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE 4L1 _ OATE '6-v" Descriptian : /~sk(l rep(wahwf -FUr-nnAe. - m, oou B?U. r.OfIStNCtlOf1 V81UE : 1,PQD ~ Pertnit Fee : !0 3 ~s Use Tax : a a1'/ " Total: Qp ' • BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : Approval : " Approval: • Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electncal License No : Plumbing License No Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: _J Pldniiired_~';] ~J . PI8fi1s Required _I .1 i~ (t) This permM was issuetl in accorGance with the provislons set /otlh In yopur apD~ication and is suDject lo Ne lewa at the Stala of Colontlo and W Me Zonm9 Requlauans and BWltling CoCe of VMNI Ri0q0. Coloraao or any otner apObqOle oramanCls ol ihe Ciry. (2) This permM shall exprte d(A) Ihe wod autiwnzaC is not commenceE within sixry (60) Eays hom Issue Oale or (8) Ihe butlEirp auUonzeO is SuspenOeE ar aEan0one0 for a penoC ot 720 OaYa. (7) II tnia pemxt expires. a new pertnlt may De acCUireC for a fee o( ono-nalt Ine artaunt normairy repulretl. proviECd no cnan9es have Oeen a vnll De ma0e in tne orpmal plam and speGfiCaUOna and eny 3uapensi0n or aDantlonmMt has not exCee0e0 one (t ) year. II Uunges are maEe or I/ suspeosKKl a a0inaonmenl exaee0a one (1) year, tull fees snall De pa10 lor a new permlt. (a) No work of any manner snall Oe tlone that wdl Uange the naNrai Ilow ol waler wusmg a Erainage OroDlem (S) ConVactor shall noUry t0e 8uil0ing Inspecmr lwenry-lour (21) bours in advance lor ail inspecuons and shall recnve wntlen aOProvai on mspeWOn wrtl neiore pror,eedung wrth successrve phases ol lhe IoD. (6) The issuance ol a permn or Ine approvai of Gr@wings and specdications snail noi oe consvuea to De a permn lor. nor an approval of. any violalwn of the Drowsions of the Umldmg cotles or any oNer orCinanceeaw. rule or regulaUOn. Chief Building Inspecror For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION