HomeMy WebLinkAbout5201 Miller StreetCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 16477 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(805-234-5933) Date : 11/3/2003 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: COLO. DEPT. OF HUMAN SERVICES Property Address : 5201 MILLER ST Contractor License No. : 21814 Phone: 866-7278 Company : Eagle W recking Co. Phone : 937-7700 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or requlations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; tha[ all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on Nis application, and that I assume full responsibility for complianc¢' th the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W heat Ridge ordinaryf~for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGN~IY-~ DATE Construction Value : $10,000.00 Permit Fee : $50.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $120.00 Total: $170.00 Use: Description : DEMOLISH 1 STORY RESIDENCE HOUSE. CLEAR SITE. BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY zoning Cpmtnents:~ SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Bt~Ilding Com*Ontw, OK PER STATE PERMIT OF ASBESTOS REMOVAL Approval: KS P.ubli~, Work,s`Ci~~rmen'ta": Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopar aOPlication and is subjed to ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of ihe Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire i( (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sinty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authonzetl is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this parmit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitletl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural Oow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contrador shall notiy the Building Inspector hvenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wririen approval on inspedion card before procaediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The ince of a p it or the appmval of drewings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit tor, nor an approval ot, any violation of the s prpvisioAs i ing codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulalion. Chief Buildin . nspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 ~ o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE V 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) ~o~ oa r.o° y APPLICr i TJ'ON PropertyOwner: 7G , yyP-~ • ~0f UAfAL1' PropertyAddress: i-o o ( //!-e~k"E%C~~J"`^"~~~°( Contractor License K'o.: _ Building Pemvt A'umber. Date: ~~-Xe1,6- 7~t~ Phone: Phone: -1q5'.~7' 7766 O\\TER/CONTftACTOR SIGNATORE OF GIDERSTANDING ARD AGREEMENT 1 hereby cMify thai the setback distanca proposcd by this pertnit appliwtion are accurate, and do not violatc applicable ordinanccs, rula or rcgulations of the City of Whcat Ridge or covcnanu, cucmcnts or restnctions of raord; that all meazurertxnts shown, and alkgations madc arc awurate, that I have read and agrcc to abide by aIl conditions pnnted on this application and that 1 assume full rcsponsibiliry for co liance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all othcr applicable Wheat id c Ordinanccs, for work undcr cnls peRnit. . Construction Value:$~/o/UOc Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ DESCRIPTI01: ''`)LrtA.61c~f-~. ~ 57a~1 BUILDIIVG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: 20NIN6 COMMENT3: Approval: Zoning: BUIlDIN6 COMMENTS: Approval: PU6UC WORKS COMMENTE: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: S[ories: Rzsidential Units: Elechical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Conipany: Company: Expiration Date: Expiretion Dace: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: ( I) This permn xu issued in ac<ordance wilb the provisions sei foM in your appliurion and is subjat w the laws of Uie Sute of Cobndo and m the Zoning Regu6tions and BuiWing Codcs ofN'heat Ridge, Cobndo or any otha applicabk ordinmces of dhe Ciry. 7Tis pn+mt shall exyim if(A) the work amhorized fs no1 commenceC wilhin sixty(60) days fiom isme dau or (B)16e building authorized is suspended or abadoned for a penod oi 120 days. (3) If Lhis pmnh e.pires, a new pemiit may be xquired tor a ftt of on<-hal( Ihe amomt nwmill) rtquimd. ➢ravided m changes hava bcen or xill bc made in the ony,ind 0lan5 and spaifications md any sutpension or aWndonmrnl hu rei excceded one (1) ycar. If changes luve been or if suspension or abandommrnt ezceeds onc (1) ym, full kes shall be paid for a mw permii (a) no work of any mannR shall be done tlul will change ihe namnl flow of wa¢r causing a Mimge probkm. (5) Conaactor shdl wtify the Building Inspecar twenry-(our (24) hours in advance (w aII insyeetions ud shHl rtten'e xntkn approval on mryxaon card befmt proceeding wi1A successive pLases a( fhe)ob. (6) The iuuance of a pertnil or ffie approvd of dnwings ud specificauons shall wt be conswed w be a permit for. nor an aypmval o(, any viohtion of ihe pmrizions of the buiWing codes or any oth<r ordimnce, Iow. rule or 2guheion. Chief Building Inspector jo LY Submit fortn la: ~ppco~A DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PermilCoordinalw Co1o24oDeplo(PublicHealth ~ 9 A$55 FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM. ana enmronmanc APCD-55-Bt + * INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED. aaoocrrertyaeekDnvesoum ~ (Permit wiil be mailed to demolition contractor unless specifed otherwise) Denveq CO 80246-1530 phorw:303b923100 Fu: 303-782-0278 Canpany Name I Year CansWCted euilding Name ~ o le wreckirig C E Bla .#iy 1940 ~ . a . w Type of Builtlirg (i.e. resideMial, warenouse, otfice buiWing, etc.) ~ ~ S~ 8800 West Alameda Avenue cn Abandoned Burnt Bldg. O ~~H State Lp Code p = SVeel 5zo) Mllerst ~ Lakewood co 80226 o _ rpnone wrcn waa coda eie E ary swca couny ziacoae o (303) 727-8800 0 ~~t ~d e Co Jefferson 80033 n Date m P d C E project Managar Cell Phone Numher wilh Area Code Pmposetl Stert Date ropose o OOEKO 1117/03 o Rio Martines (3031 525-0022 11/3/03 La+dliliName (non ACM materials ) Ownafs Nama f HLmNn Services D d l ndfill BFI) L T e . o ora o Co ~ ~ ower a srreet o m 4118 South Knox Street 8480 Tawer Road p , Stale Zip Cotla C m Ciry SUte ZiP Cotle a Cih CaRrexce City CO 81503 ? o Denver CO 80236 p Telephora WM Area Coda ~ O 00 Telephone WiM Area CoOe (303) 866-7278 (303) 371-5115 Impeclofa name "'NOte: SignaW~e is ropuiretl bebw"' General AOetement Contraclw (GAC) ' Talon Fhvirormrental Inc. y 2 Addmu O CDPHE Aabestoa Pertnil Number , o~ 10226 East Fair Place E o to 1e determined a~ C~, Slate Zip Cotle Total Quan6ry ol Asbastos Rertroved ~ a gzgle~~ood op 80111 Y ~ approx. 140 cu.yds. 0 C 'i-• CWp7 lu~ber ExpirentlonPele ~~~5 0 y DeleRemovalCompleted=.~pVal Of AQ'~ in CpRjl]I1Ct C I:h V R B~I (j Date(a) of Inspectlon Telephone WIN Nee Cotle Q Telephona W11~ Area CoEe , June 4, 2003 (720) 200-0236 (720) 422-9739 VJHh rtry alpnaNte below. I cerlily Nat I posseas cwrent AHERA and sfete of Coloredo ceNf¢eWn aa en Aebesto6 Buildirq ImpeUa. I dso ceNly ihal I I verify Wal all teingeranis from eir mnditirning/reMgeretion epWlances have lave InspecteE Ihe buildirg W be tlemolishatl, es listed in Ua Dertalitlon Slte been property recoveretl in accortlenca wlth AOCC RegNation No. 15 (For bbdc abae, sampled ell ausped mateAals Qn eccoNance wRh AHERA), had inlormation on CFC requiremenla cell 6923700). ~ ~ ell sam0lea analyzed ta tta praeence of asCestos by a NVIAP accretlded ve tlelerminetl Ihat (cheek aDDropriNe Dox entl sign In E h b O V CHECK TiE MPROPRIATE BOX: . . m ry, an a leypra BLUE INK): L~ a ~ No ACM ednU miywlrore in 1M buildxg. p X BuiWing Owner S c V 0 .2 Ths mN ACM 1e11 h Ne Wiltlinp I. non-fiiabM VAT ariNw tar-imprepneled O OR .0. W mdhq (aM and tliese wiA ranufn rim-hiede euYq asmotitlm. W U ~ !E AA fihble ACM. a AdA Cut maY be renExW M11ebb durirq tlemaGBOn. Mal I m ~ 1 6ound has bean eomWeblY removetl fian tlia WiNMB. M mY a~ ~ Cmtracta Q m xtlm. Np m ~ Bui q ng is C Dab = Wlt, ACK per vari~ appLvved 8n/03. :6 10/16/03 m SipneWro 7 m Nre f.l M erta PnnUCName Ron Curtis James M. Tranbley , THIS BOX IS FOR CDPHE USE ONLY: lpcheck#,. Postrnark or Hand Delivery Date: . Issued: Rai.1W, J~ eM LeeC UmsVksOesbs FmmsW5BE5TOS A9ATEMENT NOTIFICATONA.