HomeMy WebLinkAbout4503 Everett Street 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/ 237-6944 FAX 303/234-5924 The City of Wheat Ridge March 31,1997 SECOND AND FINAL NOTICE Mr. Alan Banta 20080 Weld County Road 4 Hudson, CO 80642 Mr. Banta: A letter was mailed to you dated January 15, 1997, to request immediate reimbursement feu;. emergency household repairs which took place at your property located at~503 Everett Streey Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Services to clean the toilet lines in both the upstairs and lower bathrooms were initiated pursuant to the adopted Wheat Ridge Housing Code, Chapter II, Section 1103, Repair, Vacation, and Demolition. As of this date, no payment appears to have been received. Please remit $171.94 to the City of Wheat Ridge, 7500 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80215, Attention: Marilyn Gunn. If you need further clarification regarding this issue, please contact Bob Gaspar at 235-2850 Monday thru Friday, between the hours of8:30 and 9:30 a.m. or 3:30 and 5:00 p.m.. Failure to comply with this request will result in a lien being placed on your property. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, Marilyn Gunn Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/237-6944 FAX 303/234-5924 The City of Wheat Ridge January 15, 1997 Mr. Alan Banta 20080 Weld County Road 4 Hudson, CO 80642 Mr. Banta: This letter is to request immediate reimbursement for emergency household repairs which took place at your property located at 4503 Everett Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Services to clean the toilet lines in both the upstairs and lower bathrooms were initiated pursuant to the adopted Wheat Ridge Housing Code, Chapter II, Section 1103, Repair, Vacation, and Demolition. A copy of this Section is attached for your convenience. Please remit $171.94 to the City of Wheat Ridge, 7500 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80215, Attention: Marilyn Gunn. If you need further clarification regarding this issue, please contact Bob Gaspar at 235-2850 Monday thru Friday, between the hours of8:30 and 9:30 a.m. or 3:30 and 5:00 p.m.. Failure to comply with this request could result in a lien being placed on your property. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Marilyn Gunn Planning and Development Attachment RM HOUSING CODE oFFICIAL "peeled or caused to ubstandard building, lion. vacation or de- cr directed to the rc- .( the premises upon brd with a brief and . Ie]" the provisions of \ding official. : \I st be repaired, the ,J,e work physically the order) and com- son able under all of '11!st be vacated, the i a certain time from sonable. ilust be demolished. lhe building official >IC order). that all re- e order and that the III detennine is rea- 'mt vacation also be- "I (i) will order the 'rJeted, and (ii) may ilpeny or its owner. crest in the building :lC housing advisory Je, and filed with the r. and (ii) that failure Jctennination of the ded or supplemental lperty; and one copy 1:\1 or disclosed from '1 or encumbrance of late or legal interest 'C building official to lings hereunder as to 1994 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE 1101.3-1104.1 ,'~ any other person duly served or relieve any such person from any duty or obligation imposed by the provisions of this section. 1101.4 Method of Service. Service of the notice and order shall be made upon all persons entitled thereto either personally or by mailing a copy of such notice and order by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to each such person at their address as it appears on the last equal- ized assessment roll of the county or as known to the building official. If no address of any such person so appears or is known to the building official, then a copy of the notice and order shall be so mailed, addressed to such person, at the address of the building involved in the proceedings. The failure of any such person to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of any proceedings taken under this section. Service by certified mail in the manner herein provided shall be effective on the date of mailing. 1101.5 Proof of Service. Proof of service of the notice and order shall be certified to at the time of service by a written declaration under penalty of perjury executed by the person effecting service, declaring the time, date and manner in which service was made. The declaration, together with any receipt card returned in acknowledgement of reccipt by certified mail, shall be affixed to the copy of the notice and order retained by the building official. SECTION 1102 - RECORDATION OF NOTICE AND ORDER If compliance is not had with the order within the time specified therein, and no appeal has been properly and timely filed, the building official shall file in the office ofthe county recorder a certifi- cate describing the property and certifying (i) that the building is a substandard building. and (ii) that the owner has been so notified. Whenever the corrections ordered shall thereafter have been completed or the building demolished so that it no longer exists as a substandard building on the property described in the certificate, the building official shall file a new certificate with the county recorder certifying that the building has been demolished or all required corrections have been made so that the building is no longer substandard, whichever is appropriate. SECTION 1103 - REPAIR, VACATION AND DEMOLITION The following standards shall be followed by the building official (and by the housing advISOry end appeals board if an appeal is taken) in ordering the repair. vacation or demolition of any substandard building or structure: I. Any building declared a substandard building under this code shall be made to comply with one of lhe following: 1.1 The building shall be repaired in accordance with the current Building Code or other CUf- rent code applicable to the type of substandard conditions requiring repair; or 1.2 The building shall be demolished at the option of the building owner; or 1.3 If the building does not constitute an immediatc danger to the life, limb. property or safety of the public, it may be vacated, secured and maintained againsl enlry. 2. If the building or structure is in such condition as to make it immediately dangerous to the life, limb, property or safety of the public or of the occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacated. SECTION 1104 - NOTICE TO VACATE 1104.1 Posting. Every notice to vacate shall, in addition to being served as provided in Section 1101.3, be posted at or upon each exit of the building, and shall be in substantially the following form: 17 otlice (303)420-9599 Fax (303)420-2899 Clty of Wheal Ridge-Customer 7500 W 21llh Ave Wheal Ridge, CO 80215 Page 1 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION 5/31/96 00145872 7~ 00011473 7126196 1147~2 9/10/96 00011530 9/10196 00011532 Sale; Clty of Wheal Ridge-Customer Sale; Clty ofWlleal Ridge-Cuslomer Sale; Clty of Wheal Rldge-Cuotomer Sale; Clty of Wheal Rldge-Cuotomer Sale; City of WIIeal Ridge-Cuotomer 12JW96 CURREI'IT Finance Charge 30 DAYS 80 DAYS STATEMENT DATE 12/24/96 AMOUNT REMITTED $ CHARGES PAYMEI'ITS 6k:- /~ - -IV ~JtY'.l- {{oj - VV~J )!vy ft ,pJv1 F1 0/11<6 d- ~ 10 J- ~ .s5-\g, '0\ I $163.76 $625.00 7--- s- ;;()- "I f., $655.00 > -- $349.28 // L I;L -)-0 --7 -b $99700 v ( $655.00 $349.28 $997_00 90 DAYS AMOUNT DUE $2.790.04 $2,790.04 AnP.'" ~..g, Hlating. & CocIing ine 1()474 W 38th Aye Wheal Riege, CO 80033 Off:eo (303)420-9599 Fox (300)42Q..~ StilTo: City ~ ~a1 Jljdge-C"$:om." 7500 W 211111 AYe 'Meat Ridge. CO 80215 Desoription Auger toilet line ""SIah Auger toilet fine downstairs ~~ IlllICite !rrvolc! *: 00145872: Dat>: 5131196 Ship V..: Page: Ship To: Oily of IAlhUI Jli<!ge Alln: K... Alcott For: Ad11inSOflil,An9elen (TJ-(303) 425-9397 L 4503 E~~ ) ,..--.--..-- - - ----- ----- Post-It~ brand fax transmittal memo 7671 To ...... Fa.. d. If have 1i.nt'r1er probtems may want to consider r~pJal;ing toll'Q. Your Order #: Shipping o.'e: '51 Amount Tx 586.66 X $76.88 X ..._'~-_._.,..__.._-, Freight: Sale$ Tax: Total Amount: Amount Applio<l: SIlOO SO.OO $163.7s SO.OO TOTAL P.l'll ! .~\ -' ~ <( ... ,0- " 0 ~ :; ... !\!- 0 '-- '" I 81 Z 0 , 0 L 0 0, ...w l' ~ .. -t) r,., - ~ z- i" ~ " :l[f > I' - 0 '" ,- - ,; ~ W ~ ... ... " W' . . 0 <( ;;; ,,'" ~,~~ 0 c 08 w >- 0 '" :l<( ~ II: Z in III W :;; 0 , > '5 " w '0 :; ~ ~ '" W 0 <l: 0 0 " 0 .!!! ... 0 .. c :E: W .c E J II: u >- II: ~ U W " '0 D > :l Q. 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