HomeMy WebLinkAbout4205 Owens StreetFORM (M) 614 z-„za PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORA _ _ DO T` nooaess 10 9 4 8, hlq CIr..ow o C U FLooA APT NO. CUSTOMER NNME (PqINT) AC710N TAKEN ❑ NO OFF OWNER TENANT ~ AGENT ~ OTHER ~ SPeciFr PUANCE OFF BOTH APPL. 8 METER OFF ❑ METER SHUT OFF - nxtAnu - CONDITION 70 BE CORREC7ED AS SHOWN BEIOW CPEA7ES AN IMMEOIA7E HA2AqD.TNIS EUUIPMEM MUST NOT BE PUT BACK IN SEIiVICE UNTIL REPAIqS AND A TXOROUGH iNSPEC710N HAVE BEEN MADE BY A OUALIFIED COMRACTOq. COMACT ypUR LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMEM FOR CODE AND PERMR qEQU1HEMENTS PpI0RT0 PERFORMING REPAIq WORK. IEANOTVPEOFAPPLIANCE i. BE III, h TIME y ~ . . i.3. . . . _ . . BuildingPermit CTTY OF WHBATRIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridgq CO 80033 303-235-2855 a!rorwn~raaa Permit Number 18718 5/16/2005 Inspection Line 303-234-5933 Residential Mechanical PROPERTY 4205 Owens St Unit: owrtER: Bonnie Bmwn (303) 421-0808 Descrlption Furnace replacement. 80% to 90% FEES Fees Due Paid ({iA$ WATER HEATERS A MINIMI ~r .o~ rnc~.. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS A MNII ' JM OF.98 ENERGY FACT01! BETBACK THERNIOSUT REQUMtEG IER19PT HYDRONIC HEA'n unitsi occupancy: walls: Roof: R.21 WA9tbde# R3R CWM, qW&SPAC'ES 1 hvebY `MIfy Wst the Mb-ct dYUVw propaW bY thia permlt aPV~Adno art xcun4l aod de not vblae apptlMk orNmaa,'uln or re~tbtlou o(IYe dty of Whnt Rldge w rnvwnµ suemeoU or ru4kdou of arroN; tha[ 'a mwuremmb MoNq ovJ aIk"tbm made m amntr Wt I hm rcad ud agrte lo AWe by atl cwditlov pM[eC oo Nb "plketbq and N.t I aueme tv0 rcspoedbitl r romptl~ntt wIM Ne Wheat RICCe BvlldinL ~c N.&C.) aaA N Nher ~pptlrabk W~1le[ ~QC Otdl11Ni0~ I0r NOf~1.~!f ~d plfN~L 6 (owwartxcor^rancroR) 1 Shb pe.it wu Iveed b wrordma with the prov4bu eet forN lo your applkalbs aotlb ioD)en ro the hwi offM Stah otCobndo ud Is the Zooly ReeWatlov aod ButldWL CaOe of What Aldeq Colondo or my othn appl4obk oNlaanm of the Clry. . 3 ThLV penmk MeY uPhre u(A) the worY vuWorlad lo oot coaimeemd wlfhiv qzry (60) drya tram ivue da[s or (8) the 4u0Nni aufhorlvA bourymded w .b.edooed for . perlod of 120 Grya. 3 If fh6 pemit exp4v, a vew pernit may be osqdred Por a fs of ovo-helfthe moovt oormaly rtquYed, pmvidM eo eWOcn Yave ben or wM be snde Iv the orW.d pbu ud ~pedfic.tbu and aor ~mpeubv or abaedaemmt hu sot ezaaded ove (1) Year. V ehaeep an mde er Ifwapee,lm ar absedo~meet azttMf oee (1) year. NII feu t4" be PM for a new permiL 1 N. work of.ey mmn aWNbe d.e tbat will ebaeLe tAe numnl Mw ofwmr nuYeG . Enbqe OroLkm. 5 CoovuronYaY sotlfy the eu9tliae Gupulor twenry-foor (24) houn NaEvaett for oII Ioapeeflom mA thall reedve wNpeo ~pPAVtl oat lvryeetlw aN befon proaNheg wNh mttmixs..plyua ofthe Job. 6 'ILe Woaoee o(• ipprov nvly~y~iflntlom WN eot Le rnmtrued ro be . pennlt for, norae ~pp.l 04 anY violatl^n ofOe pmryiuu ~S w,Mearreeuhtlon ChkfHdWng LryeeWr SlCdiED DA'fL Monday, May 16, 2005 Page l of 1 Name License # Phone COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: ;oF W"£'T,~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: ~ o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION Property Ownrr: Property Address: VU.S a^t.-4.r Y003 ~ Phone: Contractor Liceuse No.: Company: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNA7URE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMEN7 Buildina Devt. Valuation Figuie: S I hereby certify fhat the utback disfances proposed by this permit application are acwrete, and do not violate appliqWe ordinances, rules or regulations oi the Ciry of W heat Ridge or covenants, eauments or resirictions of record; that aM measurements shown, and allepadons made are accurete; that 1 have read and agree to abide by ali conditions printed on this applicaGOn and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the W heat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable W heal Ridge Ordinances, for work under U' permiL Plans subject to field inspecEon. (OWNERNCONTHAGTOR)_SIGNEO - ~ ~ DAT~S' (OWNER)(CONTMCTOR):PRINTED /`JGYN.:C 4~ZIC DATE Phone3U,)°ES7-~f=27 Value:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ TOt3l:y/ ~OU Use of Space (description)fzy~~ r >S Description of woric: r Sq.Ft.addad COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: COMMENTS: Approval: W ORKS COMMENTS: /ipPfOV31: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: Approval: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: ElecUical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanicai License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance wiM the pmvisions set torth in your appliwUon and is subjecl lo the laws of the SWte oi Colorado and la the Zoniny Repulations and BuiWinp Codes of Wheal Ridge, Colorado or any other appliqble orainances oi the Ciry. (2) This partnil shall expire if (A) the work authorized is nol commenced wiihin sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the Duilding aulMrized is suapended or abandoned tor a period of 1 BO days. (3) If this permit expires, a new pennii may be acquired fw a fee of one-half the amount nortnalry requirad, provided no changes have been w will be made in the original Dlans and speafintions an0 any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. It chanpes have bean w'rf suspension w abardonment exceeds one (1) year, full tees sha11 be paid tor a new pertnit (4) No woric of any manner shaN ba done ihal will charge ihe nffiu21 flow oi water ousing a dreinape problem. (5) CorNacbr shall notily the Buildiny Inspector Iwenty-(our (24) hours in advance fa all inspections and shall receive wririen approval on inspection card betore proceedirp wiM sueeessive ptiases of the job. (8) Tha issuanca of a permtt a the approval of drawinps and spedfiptions shali not be mnsUUed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violabon of the provisions of Ihe builAing codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulaGOn. All plan ravbw is subJeet to Mld Inspoetiona. Chief Building Official 2005/MAY/15/SUN 04:36 PM Parker Birth Place FAX No.303 269 4383 04/29%2o0NN1$:GU9i1HDI~fN 71iLE 390 COPYSlAE Apr 29 2005 14:17 April 28. 2006 I TO: Bonnie Brown (New Owner) And PaCy Clark (SellUg AqenU ~ PROPE14IYADDRE89:4205OwensStred,WheoWdge,CO80033 P. 002 Zoo1 P. 02 This 7e to confirm tliat we CAPI70L HEATING and COOLING fiavo been instructed bylhe seller (Kortney Otken) to mmwe fhe 8096 effiaent furrmce and replaos it with a required 9096 efndent furnj=e.. We are also stating thst we wa hetall ttds uNt end enswe It witl mest code aa requtred by the Cliy oi W heaMdya A Clty Pemuc muat bs pWlsdf The a6ovs reFerenced repleoemeM I. to be comdatod by Mondey, May 9tl4 Tne fumece muat Pass *ispection by the C(a of Wheatrid9a. SIG CAPITOL HEATING 8'COOUNG ~-°---•r~---~-~- ~~o 2005/MAY/15/SUN 04:38 PM Parker Birth Place FAX No,303 269 4383 P. 001/001 '04i29iE005 13:19 FAE 7208e30990 COPYMA% ' f¢~001 XRI tiU~4HDIAN TITLE Apr 29 2005 14;71 p,02 Apfil 29.2008 i TO: Bonnle BraNm (New owner) And Patty Clark (Seliin9 ApenQ PROPERTyqpDRE59:4Zp50WensStreeF,WheeMdge, Cp $0033 I This ia to oon&M fAet we CAPI70L HEATING and COOLIIVG have been instruetetl byttie seller 1 (KoRnsy OtfM) to mmwe th2 8096 effident fimeoe and replaoe it with a requ'ved 90% affWent fumace. 1+Ve are also statng tlhae vre wIM inatall lhis unt and ensure It Hn71 meet oode es requfred ~ by the LMIy of Wheauidpa A city pem,it muot be pulled! The above reTerenem replsooiient la to be completed by Monday, May 9K The fumace muat pess tnspedion by the city of WheaMtlge. S~d CAPlTOL HE471NG &'COOUW[i ' nn • • ~ . ~ . ~ ' " ~ . ~ %z, - c~-SZ-QS