HomeMy WebLinkAbout4224 Owens StreetPERMIT NO: 070946 ISSUED: 09/06/2007 JOBADDRE5S: 4224 OWENS ST EXYIRES: 03/04/2006 DESCRIPTION: Replace water heater.in crawl space ( Gas - 40 gallon *.r CONT}ICTS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . owner 303/456-2715 Ken Jackson gc 303/421-2161 . ~ 01-7835 Blue 3ky Plumbing PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA ~ USE: r-3 SUBDIVISION: UA ~ BLOCK/LOT#: DI . **FEE SUMMARY ..ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 975.00 FfiES Permit Fee 50.40 . . Total Valuation CQ a~. '00 Uae Tax 17 . 55 pMWMpy'ft. INERGY CODE . TOTAL 67.95 Rlpl=ment boilersRumaces • Minimum of8096 AFUE _ .~n......,..ee ~~~...o.~ ~..nw. Comment s: Ges VMe► Healers - Minimkqn ot .BO Eneigy FaCCW ' Ebcttic V*Eer Hest= = Mlnimum d.93 Eneigy FalW IMUMM ' • R-21 WeNs a R-38 CeiNnp • R-19 Ctawi SpYOes tR-19 BsWrtierdwaNs I hereby certifythat [he eet6ack diatancee Bropoeed by thie pemit application are accusate, en9 do aot violate applicable ordinancee, rulee or regulaCione.of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenante, eaeemente or reetrictione of record; that all meaeuremente ehown,and allegationa made are accurate; that I have read and.agree to abide ty all conditione printed on thie application and that I aseumefull reeponeibility for compliance witn the Wheat Aidge Building Code (I.e.C) and all othes . appliceble Wheat Ridge or n e e, for wde.Lthle er.mit. Plane eubject to fieldinepection. /I_. ~ ~i ~--i0 -a I Signature ofcopAractor/owner- ' date i 1. Thie pemit vae leeueQ 1n accordance wSth the provieione aet forth in }rour application and is aubject to the lawe o t e State of Colorado and to the Zoning RegulaCione and euilding Codee of Wheat Ridge, Coloradooi any other applicable ozdinancee of [heCity. 2. Thie pezmit ehall expire 180 daye from the ieaue date. Requeeta for an exteneion muet he received prior to expization date. An exteneion may be 9ranted at the diecretion of the Suilding Official. 3. If thle permitexpitee, a new pemit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally.required, provided no changee havebeen or will be made in the original plane and.epecificaUOne and any euepeneion or abandoiuneat hae not eacceeded one (1) year. If chan9ee have been or if euepeneion or abandonment exceede one (1) year, full feee ahall be paid for a new permit.. 4. No work of any manner ehall be done that will change the natural flow of water caueing a drainage pzoblem. 5. Contractor ekiall notify the 6uilding Inepectos twenty-four (24) houre in edvance for all Snspectione and ahall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with eucceesive phaees of the job. 6. The Seeuance of a pemit or the approval of drawinge and apecificatione ehall not be conetrved to be a pemit for, nor an approvalof iolation of the provieione of the building codee or any other ordinance, law, sule or regulation. All plan y a~.W subject to field inepectione. Signatureo;(khleYBUildin9 Official )N R8Q98ST LINB: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 MUST BE MADE HY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY.