HomeMy WebLinkAbout4665 Independence Street DEPARTMENT OF ~NNING AND DEVELOP NT Building Permit Nu ber: 5633 '"\ ,/~ BUILDINGINSPEGTION DIVISION - 235-28 , CITY OIfWHEAT RIDGE ate: 8/11/97 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT l!tIDGE; CO 80215 Property OWner: Property Address: 4665 INDEPENDENCE ST Contractor License NO;. 19633 Company: E J PLUMBING CO., INC. Phone 456-9117 Phone 4314662 Construction Val pennitF Plan Review F Use l' $1,134.00 $41.25 $0.00 $13.61 $54.86 OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND A ' (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGN"O Description : FURNACE INSTALLATION BUILDING DEPARTME USE ONLY SIC: q. Ft.: Approval: Occupancy : Wal~: Roof: Stories: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical Li se No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: . Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date Approval: . (1) This permitwashlo,..."n ~ with jhs proyIsions ssl forth In yopur appIlca . and Is subledtojhs taws oIjhs SIaIIl 01 8IllIto jhs Zoning RsguI_ and_ Code 01_ Rldllo. CoIOlado or 0Frf o1I1er opplicablo nces 01 tho City. (2) ThIs pormltshaaSlqlireW (AI jhs wor1< authorized Is not cornmancad within sixty (60 aye from Issue date or (8) jhs building a abandonad for a parlod 01 120e' , (3) If this permit exp/iss. . _ rrioy be acquinld for a faa oIona.-haW tho amoun requlled. _ no ~ ha.. original plena 8IllIspeclflcatiO< . and any s__ or abandomnsnt has not one (1) yaar. )f ~ 8f8 moide or W axceeda ono (1)yaar, fwD feos $hall lie paid t'or a _ permit 141 No work of any manner sheU be dOfM ~.w1nehange the Nitural ftow of water cau .8 drainage ~. 5 ~8/llllI notlfytho 8ul1d1llg _, twenty'four (24) hours In adVan<:a for ",I nspectlOns and ShaIlI'8ClliVa wdtlen applOYllI Inspec:lIon csnIbef0r8 _ with .........,.""_ oIjhs Job. (6) '!'he issuariCa 01. permit orjhsapplOYlll cAdrawlngs and spscIfic:atlons Shall not be to be a permit for. nor an approval 0Frf _lion oIjhs plOYIsIons 01 tha building codes or 0Frf othei onjInance. Illw. IUIa or regulation. ~~~!~ hief Building Inspe<;tor . THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE IEF BUILDING INSPECTOR tALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PR R TO INSPECTION 303 235 2857 BUilding Permit Number: Aug-11-97 08:42A DEVREVFAX DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 P_04 Date: Property O'hner . ,'!operty Address' Contractor L l:::erjSe No ~~ ;"/It'(PS ~d..-/ c''c) ~rj 0 J-., c.-. Company P;1One. ~fc-ql/7 PtlO"!:: '-/.31 -~ut/2/ ~n~~~b: ~ie~,:~ ::~"~ T.:,:a:: ::: :~e: :r~:os~~ ~yE,:,: :::~;I::,,::~n :~:::~:.~:' T r- and do nol I,"OI.'!:e ap..l; wt<e c'dlr,a'1ces. n.;Ies or 'egu1aLcrs of lhp. City of 'Nhf'Jt Ridge VI r covenan!$. eaSf>~,erts c;r restr:ctlons o' :eco~'o lh..! ail n"easuremer.ts s"1own. and al1e~atl{jn5 I made are acc;,:ra:e, !/"at i h<'l'le reaa and agree tn abide :Jy aU conOtl'onSo ~r:nled on th;s .appliea!l"" a"d '''a'l a!'sulT"f' f II espor'sID11', for COf'"'lJII nee w I'" :he ....Vheal Ridge Build "19 '[ Code (U !3 ..:: \ ard a" o'her apphc.ab1e Wheat R'CJge 0 din ces, r,y wo~r th sr>e~lt (OWNER,l,)NTRA~TJR SGND_Q~ {(~~ 'f-/j~'l7 Descrp:,~,-, ~d~C!lU,J F. DING DEPARTMENT USe ONLY Z6hih1r..collrmlll1ts~ .~ID.crova' ~o(l!ng Bulldlng~omf!iefttS~ Approval P.!l b' ic}Wlrn(SIC'olffii'l8ft ts~ ..\rp:Qval - \ (Jc::J~'a."",-,y L.______ RC0t v\/a,is ,os. Mechanl'::-'l Lic.ense No Elec.,[ Ica: License Nu . Plumbing LIcense Nc Compaoy Corr;~(-'H"" [x:p,rat;c" r" ,jt(' [xplratlon Date ApprDval III I,P.lalIIll}!r!fIIl.IDl- A~prcva; Pll fBlah-~~Re~:m:~._ CO!lstrt1C~:Oll Vaiue : Pe,mil Fee. IJ3'f&f!- Plan ReView Fee' use Tax i::;:zi SIC Sq Res:de:1il3! U~Lts CCW1D(:i':, fXr ,j' y, [)at~ Appr'. \-;;1' . 1reJ~lJrn!ml_ n!~ ~I~""" ....-.u !$S:J~O If"! ac:.cc."Oa~1(.t' 'H-lt> \t1t! proviSions se-! forth in yopur application and IS sublec. lO tt1e "ws of !,'1e Stale of C-otooIdo anel to l!'le Zonmg Re<;'~'dIlCf,.\, 41",1 B~, "n<; .,c')Gp l'- 1'Jl'>f!al Rld:;e Colorado cr ~ny 01~r appllC.a!lle 04dlnanr.:es o":!1e C.~. Th.s ;:>!,,'''''', ~I"ail 'i:MD"~ ,! .'6 1""~ ""J' ~I.!tr?nzed is not ()}mfTle'1c-eQ _{hl!"'_ Silty ~60,\ days '''C.... iSS~ "a:e 0< :Bi t~ tU';ClI'lg al.imor..r~s suspended or .a:;3.,_~:.'.-,t!': '-~'" .!, ~,~r.._,,; -, ~.df~ '''vs Dt.''":'T''! ~(;:: r!:"j il ,,~ ,~ 'r"h '* aCQ,J"'~ 'lY a '~d one,~.all t~e amcu'" nor'T1<t1) rE't<\,;re'C p:;.v.(I~ ~'Cl c.!la:lQ~s ha...e- be-e~ Of Will be made in U'1e orlg'1ol' p:a'-'1 <1'1;'; SCJe-(;"'.it"l'_, ') a-.' d"~ S;l~;~n<;'G" vi aDandOf1'ne,,~ ""<Ii f'\Oll!'ll~~ or.e /', ~ f~a' I:' c"'a"~es il.e <naoe ,If ,: t.uS~(lSfQn or abanc10nmenl ez':et'O':'i ,....'e ."-3' '....~ VU' ~~ ~"d'~ '.J' .a ,.~"" r_~'rr>,( -"u w'-:""" .:' ar', "_<f.-,r,~' '" t.... ;'W ",at ""!. '.1 ;_w:;'" ,...... '1.1':.;'31 (.c")w .:'I! ....a.e' U"SIr-;; a d:;"'<lge c,::t>~rr ':"''''~a:IO( S'o..,. "QI'''"f t"e l\ 1"0'''0; "~p::C:T twt'"r-, 'v;J' ,;'41 ~L ,<~ "a\1',,:I'lC~ ',va .,- S;>e'\-:t~'r.. i1'H.; Sla:1 Ie---e...e W1"tl.el' a;;r';W;li 01' l!1specbcr card before C'("'P~'1"'9 ....,:r S,j~.:..t'-s~..e ._,,,,aV",;:; :r,e Ie!') ;t,f' S$Uil"C-e c' a ~r-r,' C' j!-1e a(r'~'vill;)1 r:l'd...."'~'l. a,C ~r~,,:;"-" ":-"S V',J', ...()~ tw 'Xlfl~cr...t>(1 '0:* d ;*.('11.[ ~:' ,-,0' 81' a~.lIl)"'al 01 cHl'l vlolatJon of lhe provisions ~':'le (,!Uh\'(-; ,.oc""S c, <I'"'" ,)'.."I':'.^ ,~.na"',e :a... "'~,Ie ;1' -"~.,'all( :21 (3) ~ ~ ! (Si (E) CI"IC:~ b.!.:'J''-j~ i.'"'S~f';J':: ,r, . ~ 1 HIS PERMn VAlle GN: ,f.. P ~< \ r~", ,.~ i t,. IH r BUiLDING INSPl-Cl OR AND MAYOR 'u;,',;" t'P j)R 11) lr-.iSPECl iON I! DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. 235.2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit NuJber : I i qate: 5637 8/11/97 Property Owner: Property Address: 4665 INDEPENDENCE ST Contractor License No. : 19634 Company: C.S.C.O., Inc. Phone I Phone 1288 3153 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application ar~ accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed Qn this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other plieable Ridge or' nees, for work under t~.s peril; (OWNER)(CONTRACTO ~ DATE :// 9. Tot I: $200.00 $25.00 $0.00 $2.40 $27.40 Construction Val e: Permit F~e : Plan Review F~e : Use T x: Description: WIRE NEW FUR BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY --- Approval: Zoning: SIC: i rq. Ft.: lIIIIIl'IBIIIII Approval: .......... Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential nits: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical Lic nse No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: II _i1111111111l11111 Expiration Date: Approval: II _lallLLLJ;tJ Expiration Date Approval: .. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Col rado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other apphcable o~dinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building autho zed is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. ,J If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have qeen or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if s1spension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that Will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the Job. I The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. -I ~ ~ I hief Building Inspector I THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR ~ND MA VOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION I i I ! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 I Building Permit Number: Date: Property Owner: we.::; 15 roccleJ-- Property Address: "1665 ::rncl~r]C.e Contractor License No. : Phone: Company: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANOING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: UO -- Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate. and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full respons. . ity for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wh t idge ordin ces, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGN DATE~ Total: Description: /, lV/~ .A8w t7C.e.... BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zorfiii!I"'~omments'l Approval: Zoning: Bml(ll~omments--:] Approval: ~OlillCl~KS"~ol1lm!lJ)~ Approval: Occupancy: Walls: SIC: Sq. Ft. : Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : 3/74- Company: L.5C2o. _../". . }..u'-"-' Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: 1lI ~I~~~- Expiration Date: Approval: III F.1~~~.mt__ Expiration Date: Approval: .~~~f.IJI__ I') 5) (6) This permit was Issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and Is subject to the laws of the Stale of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and BuildinQ Code of Wheal Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable Ofdinances of the City. This permit shall expire If (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue dale or (8) the building authorized Is suspended or abandoned for a ,period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired fOf a fee of one.half the amount normally required. provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and Specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (11 year. It changes are made 0( if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fun fees shall be paid lor a new permit. No woO( of any manner shall be done that will change the naturalllow of water causing a drainage problem. Contrac1or shall notify the Building Inspector twenty.four (24) hours in advance for all inspec1ions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases ot the/'ob. The issuance of a permit or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall nol be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions or the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulatIon. (1) (2) (3) Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION