HomeMy WebLinkAbout4500-4510 Hoyt StreetPA Box 6986 Conchs srntlnal Engineering, LLC gyp$ N T 63,' Broomfield CO 80021 3t$ N Ci W E E R l$s allivilinffi 908647055 Comhatmtlhra gnnail earn FEE, ary 26, 2021 1403 fourth Research Way, BuddingJ Grand ITT ARMS Abject Cernficaton Water Carrigan Residence 4 ARM met St Wheat Ridge, ED At Tu grand K May ranked, A rebate ubi up the demand at the existing firanningavenern was perfumed boa n audit tes in up Blue Raven order as a request form Sandy Struchral Engineering All review A based an these characters and the dean citing listed bence and unly deemed as lid if purvided inturmai A true and accurate On the added referenced correct, the on gructural dancing has been reviewed fare round I Be ding the year Bad dean on the That The laccural review does pride on the second up the on that A etaantesd clbdonsh.PV rceem and its suppiching elements The tnnra.oaegaa,aae d emed on dancingA described bv�nanaa .��e�a ndmnrd�xat nt.,ttnr nut e on structure nnMPEE daagtehtnmpaannshingle anam debate that Aypicanm bypra mennEttnRdtae,e,that t 17 An capture, the aboard a re are century and the web members a re are sandy bersa•esmines, agrees bycase gusset plates. 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Calvert Sini Date'. 2021.03.01 09'.0637-0700' Pa,.n engineer Carrigan Meat Ridge CO dam 1 i� DQMPIS a14Rod Remus Structural Engineering, LLC 400 Weight on PV System (Per Clue Raven Solar) 30 pA PO.Box 6986 S-T R U C T U R A L Y Standoff Spacing= 550X Broomfield CO 80021 2200A Point Wads N Startltlle 6616 90.861]055 N C T N C R N a N Cr, A P C Romussructual@g me it com Grrviry Loading pe=Ground Snow read- .Popo p=OC,GIpe (ACCP-E]-1) C, - Exposure Factor= 1 (ACCP -racers) G=Thermal Factor= 1 (ACCP-Table73) =1mpoRanreFactor= 1 p=FM Amo Snow read- too 0Rod Ps CA (ACCP-E]-2) Cs=Slope Factor= 1 A Supped Bml Auv Wady 3Olol ad Rad Wad =l pop der Blue Baden Solar) B L Common to P Agree Slope a14Rod ad System NRight 400 Weight on PV System (Per Clue Raven Solar) 30 pA X Standoff Spacing= 400X Y Standoff Spacing= 550X 6hnNn TAbNary, Sea= 2200A Point Wads N Startltlle 6616 NNe: PV standot6 are gaggered to ensure proper distnbdlon on loading Bml Lia Lad -l0 lsl None Ad llva load 6 removed In area's covered by PV army Bal Bead Lad I61R) Composition Shingle 400 PoN byword 200 2MTop Chords ®24"oc 07a Vau6ed Ceiling 000 (Ceiling NA Vau6ed) Miscellaneous 0 2 itlal Bal BL Dead) 70151 BL Common to P Agree Slope ]SpA Carrigan Meat Ridge CO.Sent 2 Do N E) 5 oomus Structural Engineering, LLC T RliC I'f: RT I. PO.Ban 6986 3T Bernfeld CO 80021 1:F6IN6P:RINGLI.0 536801]0.55 BomusatructuaWgrrau cont wma calculations Per MME 716 Comparable and Cladding jjjjjInP'ud%s Da =696 wind meas MM I'd'pn Eromre omgery C goof Shape Gable Shot Porn pope 171 Wan Pool debate ton Eggs, dand Area 193N Ground Ee,adon 5366N — Design wine Fall CalenlAuns ph— 696256• K, a St ad a be aV2 (Ed 26101) Nzlmomre Dockhand) =696 (fable303-11 Kr topographichpor — 196 IFg.268111 ad Mind Clougherty Factor— 695 (fable266-11 Ke lGround Eevlion Factor— 693 696 V (Design daind Creep) —135map 1Fg.265-1p pop Category =ll jfable1511 ph— 2952 045 uammum Design halm=All In enndon Uplift Capacity =475th 475 In capacity> 471 In demand therefore, ON Fastener Cnpae'Ty Cheek Factener— 1 546"did lag Numberot Pace =1 Embedment Depth =25 wwu Capacity Per mm= 256 In Fanner Capacity —62m 4 FC of 158 DCL of 16 -667th 6672In capacitn 471 In demand therefore, M Carrigan wheat Ridge GO Abu 3 Mn Zone Zone Zone Posts, = 696 679 696 696 84= —191 290 —360 045 Fig .303) hali6 Premre= 386pan 6821st 850par 921st Cip29A3) ADD hali6 Pressure= 2321st 4091st 510 par 961st %ehndof Spring= 400 400 267 Yehndof Spring= 556 275 275 iniSued — 2296 1196 733 Dead Dead on attachment= 6616 3316 2216 FoAng Call DChad 0)y chit lb Ill lb Mlb linden Calx Ca Zone Zone Zone Pestles = 075 696 696 675 D¢= 290 390 360 050 Fig .303) halittPremre — 443ta( ED9ta( 850par Mita( Cip29a3) ADD Upon Pressure 0 bWk 2661st 1251st 510 par 961st %ehndof Spring= 400 400 267 Yehndof Spring= 356 175 175 iniSued — 1496 796 467 Dead Was on attachment 4296 2196 1466 FoAng Calx inChad ) Mild 235 lb xn lb uammum Design halm=All In enndon Uplift Capacity =475th 475 In capacity> 471 In demand therefore, ON Fastener Cnpae'Ty Cheek Factener— 1 546"did lag Numberot Pace =1 Embedment Depth =25 wwu Capacity Per mm= 256 In Fanner Capacity —62m 4 FC of 158 DCL of 16 -667th 6672In capacitn 471 In demand therefore, M Carrigan wheat Ridge GO Abu 3 i� Bourns Structural Engineering, LLC DQMPI5 PO.Box 6986 S - T R U C T U R A L Broomfield CO 80021 90.861]055 NQ TNERR INC, L11C Bomussructual@q me it earn _Framing Check (MP1) PASS w=w1 Ptl Dead Load 7 a PA PV Led 31 PA Show LoatlPoA pA op CgOnk®24"oe O Governing lmtl Combo =DL,BL Member CPan= 7 Se ictal Wad m51e1 — Member ROFedies member wee Bin i) Iini LumberGp/Gr Member Spacing 2x4 306 536 Brea ®24"ac Mock pending tress To Car = Vb A Cd A a A Cr (NDS Table 431) 900 A 115 x 15 x 115 Allowed Gentling Stress =Pw5a psi Maximum Moment=rWL°2)1A - 438 x535 XA =5250242 In# Actual Bantling Brass = pacbmum Moment)/ S PR] psi Fllm'reda Actin-963%tressed — Threlue, 0 Ill pared. Allowed Wllectlon(Total Load) = w (E= 1 Scope psi Per NDS) 04N In Deflection Citerh Basel on = Cortnuous Span Actual Detlectlon(Total ling) _ romp) 10 wEFI) 0166 in = V476 > CAP IDaebre Be Allowed Second (Dose Load) = L240 0BSA in Actual Detlectlon(Dve Load) _ romp) 10 wEFI) 012a in L543 > Late IDaebreBe Bock %ear Member Area =5ani Fvpsi) =1Npsi (NDB Table 4A) MoundShear = Try •A=94513 Max Shear M=w'L12= 26513 Fllm'reda Actin-232%tressed — Threlue, 0 Carrigan Meat Ridge CO.Sam 4 GENERAL NOTES A r7ni A 1 I iir71A1 CODES AND STANDARDS ■ 1. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC), 2015 i INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC), 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC), 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC), AND ALL STATE AND LOCAL BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING CODES. 2. DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DETAILED ACCORDING TO UL LISTING REQUIREMENTS. - SITE NOTES / OSHA REGULATION 1. A LADDER SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. 2. THE PV MODULES ARE CONSIDERED NON-COMBUSTIBLE AND THIS SYSTEM IS A UTILITY INTERACTIVE SYSTEM WITH NO STORAGE BATTERIES. 3. THE SOLAR PV INSTALLATION SHALL NOT OBSTRUCT ANY PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS. 4. ROOF COVERINGS SHALL BE DESIGNED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CODE AND THE APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS SUCH THAT THE ROOF COVERING SHALL SERVE TO PROTECT THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. 5. NO. OF SHINGLE LAYERS: 2 SOLAR CONTRACTOR 1. MODULE CERTIFICATIONS WILL INCLUDE UL1703, IEC61646, IEC61730. 2. IF APPLICABLE, MODULE GROUNDING LUGS MUST BE INSTALLED AT THE MARKED GROUNDING LUG HOLES PER THE MANUFACTURERS' INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 3. AS INDICATED BY DESIGN, OTHER NRTL LISTED MODULE GROUNDING DEVICES MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF STANDARD GROUNDING LUGS AS SHOWN IN MANUFACTURER DOCUMENTATION AND APPROVED BY THE AHJ. 4. CONDUIT AND WIRE SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 5. CONDUIT POINT OF PENETRATION FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR TO BE INSTALLED AND SEALED WITH A SUITABLE SEALING COMPOUND. 6. DC WIRING LIMITED TO MODULE FOOTPRINT W/ ENPHASE AC SYSTEM. 7. ENPHASE WIRING SYSTEMS SHALL BE LOCATED AND SECURED UNDER THE ARRAY W/ SUITABLE WIRING CLIPS. 8. MAX DC VOLTAGE CALCULATED USING MANUFACTURER PROVIDED TEMP COEFFICIENT FOR VOC UNLESS NOT AVAILABLE. 9. ALL INVERTERS, MOTOR GENERATORS, PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES, PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS, AC PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES, DC COMBINERS, DC -TO -DC CONVERTERS, SOURCE CIRCUIT COMBINERS, AND CHARGE CONTROLLERS INTENDED FOR USE IN A PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM WILL BE IDENTIFIED AND LISTED FOR THE APPLICATION PER 690.4 (B). 10. ALL SIGNAGE TO BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODE. 11. TERMINALS AND LUGS WILL BE TIGHTENED TO MANUFACTURER TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS (WHEN PROVIDED) IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC CODE 110.14(D) ON ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS 1. PROPER ACCESS AND WORKING CLEARANCE AROUND EXISTING AND PROPOSED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE PROVIDED AS PER SECTION [NEC 110.26]. 2. EQUIPMENT INSTALLED IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT MUST BE RATED FOR EXPECTED OPERATING TEMPERATURE AS SPECIFIED BY [NEC 690.31 (A)] AND [NEC TABLE 310.15 (B)]. 3. ADDITIONAL AC DISCONNECTS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE INVERTER IS NOT ADJACENT TO THE UTILITY AC DISCONNECT, OR NOT WITHIN SIGHT OF THE UTILITY AC DISCONNECT. 4. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ACCORDING TO NEC APPLICABLE CODES. 5. ALL COMPONENTS ARE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE AND RATED FOR OUTDOOR USAGE WHEN APPROPRIATE. Sealed For Existing Roof & ,. Attachment Only • i 4301 Digitally signed by John '• A. Calvert Date: 2021.03.01 09:07:35 -07'00' 3/1/2021 t j r� DESIGN CRITERIA WIND SPEED- 135 MPH GROUND SNOW LOAD- 30 PSF WIND EXPOSURE FACTOR- C SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY- B SCOPE OF WORK SITE SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION - V -B ZONING- RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATION OF UTILITY INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM 2.925 kW DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ARRAY ROOF TYPE- Comp Shingle MODULES: (9) REC Solar REC325TP3M INVERTER(S)- Enphase IQ7-60-2-US,---- RACKING- Unirac SFM Infinity SHEET INDEX PV1 - COVER SHEET PV2 - PROPERTY PLAN PV3 - SITE PLAN PV4 - EQUIPMENT & ATTACHMENT DETAIL PV5 - ELECTRICAL SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM PV6 - ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS & ELECTRICAL NOTES PV7 - MAIN BREAKER DERATE CALCS. (IF NEEDED) PV8 - LABELS & LOCATIONS PV9 - CUSTOM DIRECTORY PLACARD (IF NEEDED - NEC 690.56(B)) UTILITY COMPANY- Xcel Energy PERMIT ISSUER- City of Wheat Ridge Nor - BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM ' CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 U N N w U) LU U) 0 SHEET NAME COVER SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV1 0 coco O CID O z ca O L 0 Q O 0) CU C) U) U 0) O wo CU a) U) c�a Lo W >� DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 U N N w U) LU U) 0 SHEET NAME COVER SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV1 0 U) O O O v N ❑ o ❑ ❑o ❑ e W JACP 2 O LL 0 0O H Z O LL JB 0 b� b� b� 0 I FrFNf1 INV INVERTER &DC DISCONNECT SUB (E) SUBPANEL LC (N) LOAD CENTER 171 C AC DISCONNECT ❑M UTILITY METER MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL JB JUNCTION BOX TS TRANSFER SWITCH C❑ COMBINER BOX/AGGREGATOR PV PV REVENUE METER ® FIRE SETBACK EMT CONDUIT RUN (TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD) PV WIRE STRING PROPERTY LINE BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAV, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 W W W.BLUERAV E NSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 SCALE: 1/16" = V-0" CONTRACTOR: 16 BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 43079 °d �Jdvati�rp" 3/1/2021 H AWNS BY DIN ENGINEERING February 26, 2021 NUMBER 322113 1EET NAME PROPERTY PLAN NUMBER REVISION F 0 (h > O 0 Y O 00 Ln (14 O O) Z N N Ow H m rn O U U) o U 0) o N U) LLI Z ea O Of Bea} U) w00 Bea U) 2 v U) p AWNS BY DIN ENGINEERING February 26, 2021 NUMBER 322113 1EET NAME PROPERTY PLAN NUMBER REVISION F 0 LEGEND INV INVERTER &DC DISCONNECT BLUE RAVEN SUB (E) SUBPANEL - LC (N) LOAD CENTER 1403 N RESEARCH WAV, BUILDING J N AC AC DISCONNECT OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 UTILITY METER WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL ElUSED FOR THE BENEFIT OF JB JUNCTION BOX ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT El BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 0I TRANSFER TRANSFER SWITCH PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE El Elo C COMBINER BOX/AGGREGATOR SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE PV PV REVENUE METER EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ®BLUERAVENSOLAR FIRE SETBACK LLC. o I EMT CONDUIT RUN NABCEP ❑ (TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD) CERTIFIED PV WIRE STRING PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL LLI PROPERTY LINE Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 G 0 C SCALE: 3/32" = V-0" CONTRACTOR: =0 4 1 16 BRS FIELD OPS LL AC OVERHEAD SERVICE LINE ® 385.498.6700 O ~a M Z O Q o w- Q SP U LL ch Sealed For Y Existing Roof & o 0 N Attachment Only z m c\i JB O O 6j H o N en en e Q 0) U U) MP1 U) 0) g # OF MODULES: 9 O U -o w en e AZIMUTH:90° z 0of U) PITCH:17°w s O U ❑ TSRF:82% L! U Q AREA: 875.75 SO. FT •• y •. U o Grz vNNG BY ,� DIN ENGINEERING 43019: DATE February 26, 2021 Q ,.•'�� PROJECT NUMBER 322113 3/1/2021 SHEET NAME SITE PLAN PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV3 0 PV ARRAY INFORMATION ILL ILL O 0 Z V) ao o9 LU u �M U J V) L< 0 PV MODULE COUNT: # OF ATTACHMENT POINTS ARRAY AREA: ROOF AREA: % OF ARRAY/ROOF: ARRAY WEIGHT: DISTRIBUTED LOAD: POINT LOAD: 9 MODULES 24 Module Count x 17.51ft2 = 157.6ft2 2891.5ft2 5.5% Module Count x 50lbs = 450.Olbs Array Weight + Array Area = 2.86 IbsI Array Weight + Attachments = 18.8lbs/attachment Infinity IMRAIL REC Solar REC325TP3M PV MODULE (E) ROOF MEMBRANE UNIRAC SLIDERS AND TRIMRAIL ROOF ATTACHMENTS FLASHING 5/16" STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT WITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT AND FLAT WASHER (E) BUILDING STRUCTURE Unirac SFM Infinity REC Solar REC325TP3M PV MODULE (E) ROOF MEMBRANE UNIRAC SLIDERS FLASHING 5/16" STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT WITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT AND FLAT WASHER (E) BUILDING STRUCTURE PV MODULE (BEHIND TRIM RAIL) MAX. 48" MAX. SFM Infinity Switchblade RACKING ATTACHMENTS TO BE Unirac SFM Infinity FRAME STAGGERED BY SHIFTING EACH SUBSEQUENT ROW OF ATTACHMENTS ONE RAFTER OVER. H rac SFM Infinity TRIM RAIL LANDSCAPE PORTRAIT ARRAY DETAIL, FRONT VIEW Scale: 3/8" = V-0" PORTRAIT G PV4 LANDSCAPE :AY DETAIL, SIDE VIEW Scale: 3/8" = V-0" ROOF TYPE: Comp Shingle ROOF FRAMING TYPE: Manufactured Truss RAFTER OR TOP CHORD(TRUSS) 2x4 @ 24"O.C. CEILING JOIST OR BOTTOM CHORD(TRUSS) 2x4 @ 24"O.C. BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 W WW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 Sealed For Existing Roof & O O Attachment Only 00 O Z � O o H O < rn U E Dj L/ O v Z O 2 Of Y'• �� w O m N L 43019 A: BY rRAWNG DIN ENGINEERING February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 3/7/2021 322113 T NAME EQUIP. DETAIL NUMBER REVISION 1 0 (1) 10 AWGTHHN/THWN-2, CU., BLACK (1-1) 9.0 AAC (1) 12 - 2 UF-BW/G, THHN/THWN-2, SOLID CU. MAX 9.0 A A( C (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., RED (1-2) 240 V AC 3 240 V A( 7 (1) 10 AWG TH H N /THWN -2, C U., WHITE(N) (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., GREEN (EGC) (1) 3/4 INCH EMT EXTERIOR (1) 3/4 INCH EMT EXTERIOR (1) 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., BLACK (1-1) 9.0 A AC 16 (1) 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., RED (L2) 240 V AC (1) 6 AWGTHHN/THWN-2, CU., WHITE (N) (1) 3/4 INCH EMT EXTERIOR 1. ALL CONDUIT TO BE RAN AT LEAST 7/8 IN. ABOVE ROOF SURFACE WHERE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT. 2. TERMINALS AND LUGS WILL BE TIGHTENED TO MANUFACTURER TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS (WHEN PROVIDED) IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC CODE 110.14(D) ON ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. 3. CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS (1) 12 - 2 OF -B (or NM) W/G, THHN/THWN-2, SC MAX 9.0 A 2 OR 12-2TC-ER,THHN/THWN-2, CU., 90C 240 V INTERIOR �(1) 12-2 TC-ER,THHN/THWN-2, CU ry (1) 6 AWG BARE, CU (EGC) MAX 9.0 A AC 240VAC EXTERIOR B L U L R A E ' (N) 6 AWG COPPER, SOLID (GEC) TO BE IRREVERSIBLY SPLICED a:_7 TO (E) GEC TO COMPLY WITH C 250.64(D)(1) (E) GROUNDING ELECTRODE(S) — (N) g' COPPER GROUND ROD, 8 FT LONG, VERIFICATION WILL BE AT LEAST 6' APART FROM (E) DONE TO ENSURE THE GROUND ROD. GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM IS CONGRUENT GEC INSTALLED PER NEC 250.64: WITH CURRENT REQUIREMENTS [NEC 250 4 AWG SOLID COPPER PART III.] IF NOT, A NEW *OR" GROUND ROD WILL BE 6 AWG SOLID COPPER GEC INSTALLED. PROTECTED BY RMC/PVC/EMT INTERCONNECTION NOTES 1. SUPPLY SIDE INTERCONNECTION ACCORDING TO [NEC705.12(A)]. 2. SUPPLY SIDE PV DISCONNECT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUITABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT [NEC 690.13(C)] 3. SUPPLY SIDE PV DISCONNECT IS GROUNDED AND BONDED AS A SERVICE WITH A SEPARATE SUPPLY SIDE BONDING JUMPER SIZED PER [NEC 250.102(C)(1)] TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING RESIDENCE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM BY A NEW GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SIZED PER [NEC 250.66]. THE EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM TO COMPLY WITH [NEC 250 III]. [NEC 690.47]. DISCONNECT NOTES 1. DISCONNECTING SWITCHES SHALL BE WIRED SUCH THAT WHEN THE SWITCH IS OPENED THE CONDUCTORS REMAINING LIVE ARE CONNECTED TO THE TERMINALS MARKED "LINE SIDE" (TYPICALLY THE UPPER TERMINALS) 2. AC DISCONNECT MUST BE ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED UTILITY PERSONNEL, BE LOCKABLE, AND BE A VISIBLE -BREAK SWITCH SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION 00 M PER NEC 230.46, NEC 230.79(D), O I (E)200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL NEC 705.12(A) M� W (9) REC Solar REC325TP3M (E)200A / 2P MAIN BREAKER Enphase IQ Combiner 3 "JUNCTION UL 1703 COMPLIANT (E DISCO PV AC D ISCONNECT X-IQ-AM1-240-3 BOX(S) FOR WIRE SPLICING (9) Enphase IQ7-60-2-US MICRO INVERTERS O� < OCU FUSED, C - R (SOLAR LOADS ONLY) ONLY - OPTIONAL IF UL 1741 COMPLIANT (E)200A/2P LOCKABLE, VISIBLE OPEN = ---' L SERVICE RATED o Q -CABLE (TC -ER) OR 9 MODULES MAX FOR ALL SUB -BRANCH L 60A, 240V, 2 -POLE OF -B USED FOR CIRCUIT(S) TO COMPLY WITH VRISE CALCS ENTIRE HOMERUN (E)N LOADS JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION BOX 20A FUSES CLASS R (N)20A/ P (1) CIRCUIT N N '" L1 L2 L, L2 L, L1 L2 L2 L1 L2 OF 9 MODULES N N IN EGC G G G G 120/240 VAC 60HZ I 1 PHASE TO UTILITY 16 3 2 1 GRID G ' (N) 6 AWG COPPER, SOLID (GEC) TO BE IRREVERSIBLY SPLICED a:_7 TO (E) GEC TO COMPLY WITH C 250.64(D)(1) (E) GROUNDING ELECTRODE(S) — (N) g' COPPER GROUND ROD, 8 FT LONG, VERIFICATION WILL BE AT LEAST 6' APART FROM (E) DONE TO ENSURE THE GROUND ROD. GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM IS CONGRUENT GEC INSTALLED PER NEC 250.64: WITH CURRENT REQUIREMENTS [NEC 250 4 AWG SOLID COPPER PART III.] IF NOT, A NEW *OR" GROUND ROD WILL BE 6 AWG SOLID COPPER GEC INSTALLED. PROTECTED BY RMC/PVC/EMT INTERCONNECTION NOTES 1. SUPPLY SIDE INTERCONNECTION ACCORDING TO [NEC705.12(A)]. 2. SUPPLY SIDE PV DISCONNECT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUITABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT [NEC 690.13(C)] 3. SUPPLY SIDE PV DISCONNECT IS GROUNDED AND BONDED AS A SERVICE WITH A SEPARATE SUPPLY SIDE BONDING JUMPER SIZED PER [NEC 250.102(C)(1)] TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING RESIDENCE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM BY A NEW GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SIZED PER [NEC 250.66]. THE EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM TO COMPLY WITH [NEC 250 III]. [NEC 690.47]. DISCONNECT NOTES 1. DISCONNECTING SWITCHES SHALL BE WIRED SUCH THAT WHEN THE SWITCH IS OPENED THE CONDUCTORS REMAINING LIVE ARE CONNECTED TO THE TERMINALS MARKED "LINE SIDE" (TYPICALLY THE UPPER TERMINALS) 2. AC DISCONNECT MUST BE ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED UTILITY PERSONNEL, BE LOCKABLE, AND BE A VISIBLE -BREAK SWITCH V - Utility Company: Xcel Energy Permit Issuer: City of Wheat Ridge 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. Z-11.1.�,� FICERTIFIED I PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 fel 00 M O I M� W s 4.3 a) Z V - Utility Company: Xcel Energy Permit Issuer: City of Wheat Ridge 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. Z-11.1.�,� FICERTIFIED I PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 fel DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME ELEC. 3 LINE DIAG PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV5 0 00 M O `1 M� W 1 O (N O a) Z CU N O� < OCU 0) Ui---- U)0) O U NCU_ cn L w N = ---' w o a) U) (n > DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME ELEC. 3 LINE DIAG PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV5 0 MODULE SPECIFICATIONS REC Solar REC325TP3M DESIGN LOCATION AND TEMPERATURES RATED POWER (STC) 325 W MODULE VOC 39.5 V DC MODULE VMP 34.1 V DC MODULE IMP 9.54 A DC MODULE ISC 10.36 A DC VOC CORRECTION -0.28 %/-C VMP CORRECTION -0.37 fa/ -C SERIES FUSE RATING 20 A DC ADJ. MODULE VOC @ ASHRAE LOW TEMP 43.8 V DC ADJ. MODULE VMP @ ASHRAE 2% AVG. HIGH TEMP 29.1 V DC IVIIL.RVIIV V CR I CR arr_vAF1LH 1IVIV.7 Cf IpI1GSC IL.ZI IVIIU UI IIVCI LCIS POWER PO I NT TRACKI NG (MP PT) MIN/MAX 22 - 48 V DC MAXIMUM INPUT VOLTAGE 48 V DC MAXIMUM DC SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15 A DC MAXIMUM USABLE DC INPUT POWER 350 W MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 1 A AC AC OVERCURRENT PROTECTION 20 A MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER 240 W CEC WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY 97% AC PHU IUVULA IIC: MUUULE MARKING (NEC: b9U.52) N OMI NAL OP ERATI NG AC VOLTAGE 240 V AC NOMI NAL OPERATI NG AC FREQUENCY 47 - 68 HZ AC MAXIMUM AC POWER 240 VA AC MAXIMUM AC CURRENT 1.0 A AC MAXIMUM OCPD RATING FOR AC MODULE 20 A AC TEMPERATURE DATA SOURCE ASHRAE 2% AVG. HIGH TEMP STATE Colorado CITY Wheat Ridge WEATHER STATION SALISBURY WICOMICO CO AP ASHRAE EXTREME LOW TEMP (-C) -14 ASHRAE 2% AVG. HIGH TEMP (-C) 33 SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS CIR 1 CIR 2 CIR 3 CIR 4 CIR 5 CIR 6 NUMBER OF MODULES PER MPPT DC POWER RATING PER CIRCUIT (STC) TOTAL MODULE NUMBER STC RATING OF ARRAY AC CURRENT @ MAX POWER POINT (IMP) MAX. CURRENT (IMP X 1.25) OCPD CURRENT RATING PER CIRCUIT MAX. COMB. ARRAY AC CURRENT (IMP) MAX. ARRAY AC POWER 9 2925 COND. VRISE(V) VEND(V; %VRISE IQ7-9 VRISE SEC. 1(MICRO TO JBOX) 32.4 12 Cu. 9 MODULES 2925W DC 9.0 11.25 20 VRISE SEC. 2 (JBOX TO COMBINER BOX) 50 12 Cu. 1.82 241.82 9.0 F 216OW AC AC VOLTAGE RISE CALCULATIONS DIST (FT) COND. VRISE(V) VEND(V; %VRISE IQ7-9 VRISE SEC. 1(MICRO TO JBOX) 32.4 12 Cu. 1.18 241.18 0.49% VRISE SEC. 2 (JBOX TO COMBINER BOX) 50 12 Cu. 1.82 241.82 0.76% VRISE SEC. 3 (COMBINER BOX TO POI) 10 10 Cu. 0.23 240.23 0.10% TOTALVRISE 11.3 JUNCTION BOX TO 3.22 243.22 1.34% PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT OUTPUT LABEL (NEC 690.54) AC OUTPUT CURRENT 9.0 A AC NOMINAL AC VOLTAGE 240 V AC GROUNDING NOTES 1. A GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH [NEC 690-47] AND [NEC 250-50] THROUGH [NEC 250-60] SHALL BE PROVIDED. PER NEC, GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM OF EXISTING BUILDING MAY BE USED AND BONDED TO AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. IF EXISTING SYSTEM IS INACCESSIBLE, OR INADEQUATE, OR IS ONLY METALLIC WATER PIPING, A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE WILL BE USED AT THE INVERTER LOCATION CONSISTING OF A UL LISTED 8 FT GROUND ROD WITH ACORN CLAMP. 2. THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE BETWEEN THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE AND THE PANEL (OR INVERTER) IF SMALLER THAN #6 AWG COPPER WIRE PER NEC 250-64B. THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR WILL BE CONTINUOUS, EXCEPT FOR SPLICES OR JOINTS AT BUSBARS WITHIN LISTED EQUIPMENT PER [NEC 250.64C.]. 3. GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTORS SHALL BE NO LESS THAN #8 AWG AND NO GREATER THAN #6 AWG COPPER AND BONDED TO THE EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE TO PROVIDE FOR A COMPLETE SYSTEM. 4. PV SYSTEM SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE TO [NEC 250.21], [NEC TABLE 250.122], AND ALL METAL PARTS OR MODULE FRAMES ACCORDING TO [NEC 690.46]. 5. MODULE SOURCE CIRCUITS SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE TO [NEC 690.42]. 6. THE GROUNDING CONNECTION TO A MODULE SHALL BE ARRANGED SUCH THAT THE REMOVAL OF A MODULE DOES NOT INTERRUPT A GROUNDED CONDUCTOR TO ANOTHER MODULE. 7. EACH MODULE WILL BE GROUNDED USING THE SUPPLIED CONNECTIONS POINTS IDENTIFIED IN THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 8. ENCLOSURES SHALL BE PROPERLY PREPARED WITH REMOVAL OF PAINT/FINISH AS APPROPRIATE WHEN GROUNDING EQUIPMENT WITH TERMINATION GROUNDING LUGS. 9. GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE, AND GROUNDING DEVISES EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS SHALL BE RATED FOR DIRECT BURIAL. 10. GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER, SOLID OR STRANDED, AND BARE WHEN EXPOSED. 11. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZE ACCORDING TO [NEC 690.45] AND BEA MINIMUM OF #10AWG WHEN NOT EXPOSED TO DAMAGE (#6AWG SHALL BE USED WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE). 12. GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, SHALL BE COLOR CODED GREEN (OR MARKED GREEN IF #4 AWG OR LARGER) 13. ALL CONDUIT BETWEEN THE UTILITY AC DISCONNECT AND THE POINT OF CONNECTION SHALL HAVE GROUNDED BUSHINGS AT BOTH ENDS. 14. SYSTEM GEC SIZED ACCORDING TO [NEC 690.47], [NEC TABLE 250.66], DC SYSTEM GEC SIZED ACCORDING TO [NEC 250.166], MINIMUM #8AWG WHEN INSULATED, #6AWG WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE. 15. EXPOSED NON-CURRENT CARRYING METAL PARTS OF MODULE FRAMES, EQUIPMENTS, AND CONDUCTOR ENCLOSURES SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 250.134 OR 250.136(A) REGARDLESS OF VOLTAGE. WIRING & CONDUIT NOTES 1. ALL CONDUIT SIZES AND TYPES, SHALL BE LISTED FOR ITS PURPOSE AND APPROVED FOR THE SITE APPLICATIONS 2. BOLTED CONNECTION REQUIRED IN DC DISCONNECTS ON THE WHITE GROUNDED CONDUCTOR (USE POLARIS BLOCK OR NEUTRAL BAR) 3. ANY CONNECTION ABOVE LIVE PARTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT. REDUCING WASHERS DISALLOWED ABOVE LIVE PARTS, MEYERS HUBS RECOMMENDED 4. UV RESISTANT CABLE TIES(NOT ZIP TIES) USED FOR PERMANENT WIRE MANAGEMENT OFF THE ROOF SURFACE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.2,110.3(A -B). 300.4 5. SOLADECK JUNCTION BOXES MOUNTED FLUSH W/ROOF SURFACE TO BE USED FOR WIRE MANAGEMENT AND AS FLASHED ROOF PENETRATIONS FOR INTERIOR CONDUIT RUNS. 6. ALL PV CABLES AND HOMERUN WIRES BE TYPE USE -2, AND SINGLE -CONDUCTOR CABLE LISTED AND IDENTIFIED AS PV WIRE, TYPE TC -ER, OR EQUIVALENT; ROUTED TO SOURCE CIRCUIT COMBINER BOXES AS REQUIRED 7. ALL CONDUCTORS AND OCPD SIZES AND TYPES SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO [NEC CONDUCTOR SIZE CALCULATIONS MICROINVERTER TO MAX. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRRENT (ISC) = 9.0 A AC JUNCTION BOX (1) MAX. CURRENT (ISC X1.25) = 11.3 A AC CONDUCTOR (TC -ER, COPPER (90-C)) = 12 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 30 A AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 28.8 > 11.3 JUNCTION BOX TO MAX. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRRENT (ISC) = 9.0 A AC JUNCTION BOX (2) MAX. CURRENT (ISC X1.25) = 11.3 A AC CONDUCTOR (UF -B, COPPER (60-C)) = 12 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 20 A CONDUIT FILL DERATE = 1 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 19.2 > 11.3 JUNCTION BOX TO MAX. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRRENT (ISC) = 9.0 A AC COMBINER BOX (3) MAX. CURRENT (ISC X1.25) = 11.3 A AC CONDUCTOR (UF -B, COPPER (604C)) = 12 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 20 A CONDUIT FILL DERATE = 1 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 19.2 > 11.3 COMBINER BOX TO INVERTER RATED AMPS = 9.0 A AC MAIN PV OCPD (15) MAX. CURRENT (RATED AMPS X1.25) = 11.25 A AC CONDUCTOR (THWN-2, COPPER (75-C TERM.)) = 10 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 35 A CONDUIT FILL DERATE = 1 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 33.6 > 11.3 690.8] FOR MULTIPLE CONDUCTORS 8. ALL PV DC CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 7/8" ABOVE THE ROOF SURFACE AND DERATED ACCORDING TO [NEC TABLE 310.15 (13)(2)(a), NEC TABLE 310.15(13)(3)(a),& NEC 310.15(13)(3)(c)]. 9. EXPOSED ROOF PV DC CONDUCTORS SHALL BE USE -2, 90°C RATED, WET AND UV RESISTANT, AND UL LISTED RATED FOR 600V, UV RATED SPIRAL WRAP SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT WIRE FROM SHARP EDGES 10. PHASE AND NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE DUAL RATED THHN/THWN-2 INSULATED, 90°C RATED, WET AND UV RESISTANT, RATED FOR 600V 11. 4 -WIRE DELTA CONNECTED SYSTEMS HAVE THE PHASE WITH THE HIGHER VOLTAGE TO GROUND MARKED ORANGE OR IDENTIFIED BY OTHER EFFECTIVE MEANS. 12. ALL SOURCE CIRCUITS SHALL HAVE INDIVIDUAL SOURCE CIRCUIT PROTECTION 13. VOLTAGE DROP LIMITED TO 2% FOR DC CIRCUITS AND 3% FOR AC CIRCUITS 14. NEGATIVE GROUNDED SYSTEMS DC CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COLOR CODED AS FOLLOWS: DC POSITIVE- RED (OR MARKED RED), DC NEGATIVE- GREY (OR MARKED GREY) 15. POSITIVE GROUNDED SYSTEMS DC CONDUCTORS COLOR CODED: DC POSITIVE- GREY (OR MARKED GREY), DC NEGATIVE- BLACK (OR MARKED BLACK) 16. AC CONDUCTORS >4AWG COLOR CODED OR MARKED: PHASE A OR L1- BLACK, PHASE B OR L2- RED, PHASE C OR L3- BLUE, NEUTRAL- WHITE/GRAY EUTRAL- WHITE/GRAY * USE -2 IS NOT INDOOR RATED BUT PV CABLE IS RATED THWN/THWN-2 AND MAY BE USED INSIDE ** USE -2 IS AVAILABLE AS UV WHITE 17. RIGID CONDUIT, IF INSTALLED, (AND/OR NIPPLES) MUST HAVE A PULL BUSHING TO PROTECT WIRES. 18. IF CONDUIT DETERMINED TO BE RAN THROUGH ATTIC IN FIELD THEN CONDUIT WILL BE EITHER EMT, FMC, OR MC CABLE IF DC CURRENT COMPLYING WITH NEC 690.31, NEC 250.118(10). DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL COMPLY WITH 690.13 AND 690.15 19. CONDUIT RAN THROUGH ATTIC WILL BE AT LEAST 18" BELOW ROOF SURFACE COMPLYING WITH NEC 230.6(4) AND SECURED NO GREATER THAN 6' APART PER NEC 330.30(8). *41A*r BLUE RA 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. Z 0 Q 0 z LLI U) rCERTIFIED� PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 M M O O 00 O 70 Cu _O O U N U) 0) o _ Cu O N OLO �> U U7 N W N_ U) LU U) 0 DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME ELEC. CALCS. PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV6 I 0 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION r DIRECT CURRENT PHOTOVOLTAIC, PCIVVER SOURCE VOLTAGEMAXIMUM i MAX CIRCUIT CURRENT AMPS 1 RATEDAG OUTPUT CURRENT A NOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE V zhWARNING DUAL POWER SUPPLY SOURCES: UTILITY GRID AND PV SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM WARNING INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE AWARNING 4 THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES. TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES, EXCLUDING MAIN SUPPLY OVERCURRENT DEVICE, SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUSBAR. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONNECTED PV AC DISCONNECT LABEL 1 FOR PV DISCONNECTING MEANS WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. [NEC 690.13(B), NEC 705.22] LABEL 2 AT EACH DC DISCONNECTING MEANS, INCLUDING THE DC DISCONNECT AT THE INVERTER. [NEC 690.53, NEC 690.13(B)] LABEL 3 AT POINT OF INTERCONNECTION, MARKED AT AC DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 690.54, NEC 690.13 (B)] LABEL 4 IF INTERCONNECTING ON THE LOAD SIDE, INSTALL THIS LABEL ANYWHERE THAT IS POWERED BY BOTH THE UTILITY AND THE SOLAR PV SYSTEM: THE MAIN SERVICE PANEL AND SUB -PANELS. [NEC 705.12(B)(3)] LABEL 5 PLACED ADJACENT TO THE BACK -FED BREAKER FROM THE INVERTER IF TIE IN CONSISTS OF LOAD SIDE CONNECTION TO BUSBAR. [NEC 705.12(13)(2)(3)(b)] SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE 'OFP POSITION TO 5mmawmc SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD IN THEARRAY TURF! RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE'OFF" POSITION TO SHUT DOWN CONDUCTORS , --- -- OUTSIDE THE ARRAY -- -- CONDUCTORS INITHIN THE ARRAY REMAIN ENERGIZED IN SUNLIGHT RAPID SHUTDOWN TEST NOT REQUIRED LABEL 7 LABEL 15 AT DIRECT-CURRENT EXPOSED RACEWAYS, CABLE ®WARNING PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT TRAYS, COVERS AND ENCLOSURES OF JUNCTION MAINDISTwBUTION unUTY DlscoNNecr(s) MAIN SERVICE EQUIPMENT LOCATION IF ALL Nor - ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE DISCONNECTING 1 BOXES, AND OTHER WIRING METHODS; SPACED AT POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED MEANS SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUTDOWN L MAXIMUM 1OFT SECTION OR WHERE SEPARATED BY FROM A ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAY WITH ENCLOSURES, WALLS, PARTITIONS, CEILINGS, OR ARAPIDSHUTDOWN DISCONNECTING MEANS SWITCH) ARE GROUPED AND IN LINE OF SITE OF FLOORS. [NEC 690.31(G)(3&4)] GROUPED AND OFTHISLELED HINLINEOFSITE MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 690.56(C) & NEC 705.10]. LABEL 8 FOR PV SYSTEMS THAT SHUT DOWN THE ARRAY AND CONDUCTORS LEAVING THE ARRAY: SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN 3 FT AWAY FROM SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS TO WHICH THE PV SYSTEMS ARE CONNECTED AND SHALL INDICATE THE LOCATION OF ALL IDENTIFIED RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCHES IF NOT AT THE SAME LOCATION. [NEC 690.56(C)(1)(A)] LABEL 9 FOR PV SYSTEMS THAT ONLY SHUT DOWN CONDUCTORS LEAVING THE ARRAY: SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN 3 FT AWAY FROM SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS TO WHICH THE PV SYSTEMS ARE CONNECTED AND SHALL INDICATE THE LOCATION OF ALL IDENTIFIED RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCHES IF NOT AT THE SAME LOCATION. [NEC 690.56(C)(1)(B)] LABEL 11 SIGN LOCATED AT AC COMBINER BOX FOR ALL MICRO -INVERTER /AC MODULE INSTALLS (IF APPLICABLE). .LABEL LABELING DIAGRAM FOR MICRO INV.: PANEL MAIN SERVICE PANEL 00 12 00 LABEL 6 (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS OR9 (ONLY IF 3 OR MORE SUPPLY SOURCES TO 12 13 A BUSBAR) 16 13 O4 O OR PLACARD 5 SIGN LOCATED AT LOAD CENTER IF IT O (ONLY IF PV CONTAINS 3 OR MORE POWER SOURCES. On O INTERCONNECTION [NEC 705.12(13)(2)(3)(C)] INTEGRATED O & 0 CONSISTS OF LOAD U) IF BREAKER USED SIDE BREAKER) LL z 15 OR 0 O OR PLACARD W O CU N U) (ONLY IF PV LABEL 10 1 INTERCONNECTION SIGN LOCATED AT RAPID SHUT DOWN CODE DISCONNECT SWITCH [NEC 690.56(C)(3)]. BREAKER) LABEL 12 PLACARD TO BE PLACED AT THE MAIN BILLING METER PER XCEL ENERGY. LABEL 13 PLACARD TO BE PLACED AT AC DISCONNECT PER XCEL ENERGY. LABELING NOTES: 1. LABELS CALLED OUT ACCORDING TO ALL COMMON CONFIGURATIONS. ELECTRICIAN TO DETERMINE EXACT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FIELD PER CURRENT NEC AND LOCAL CODES AND MAKE APPROPRIATE ADJUSTMENTS. 2. LABELING REQUIREMENTS BASED ON THE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, OSHA STANDARD 19010.145, ANSI Z535. 3. MATERIAL BASED ON THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 4. LABELS TO BE OF SUFFICIENT DURABILITY TO WITHSTAND THE ENVIRONMENT INVOLVED AND SHALL NOT BE HANDWRITTEN [NEC 110.21] 5. LABELS TO BE A MINIMUM LETTER HEIGHT OF 3/8", WHITE ON RED BACKGROUND; REFLECTIVE, AND PERMANENTLY AFFIXED [IFC 605.11.1.1] &WARNING POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM MAIN DISTRIBUTION UTILITY DISCONNECT LOCATED ®WARNING POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAY. SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUTDOWN DISCONNECT IS LOCATED OUTSIDE NEXT TO UTILITY METER. LABEL 16 PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH DENOTING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT LOCATION IF SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUT DOWN DISCONNECT SWITCH IS NOT GROUPED AND WITHIN LINE OF SITE OF MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 705.10] LABEL 17 PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT MAIN SERVICE EQUIPMENT DENOTING THE LOCATION OF THE PV RAPID SHUTDOWN SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUT DOWN DISCONNECT SWITCH IS NOT GROUPED AND WITHIN LINE OF SITE OF MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 705.10, NEC 690.56(C)(1)] rr`� ■ �►ARNING LABEL 18 PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT AC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMBINER PANEL [NEC 110.21(B)] COMBINER PANEL DO NOT ADD LOADS EXISTING SUB PANEL PV COMBINER (IF WHERE POINT OF SUBPANEL - INTERCONNECTION AC DISCONNECT IF USED TO COMBINE AC JUNCTION BOX IS MADE) (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS OR AC COMBINER BOX N "GmooEWN 00 0 0&0 16 0 IF BREAKER USE 11 LABELING DIAGRAM FOR STRING INV. / DC OPTIMIZER INV.: MAIN SERVICE PANEL EXISTING SUB PANEL (IF WHERE POINT OF SUBPANEL- 00 12 O & 0 IF BREAKER USED INTERCONNECTION IS MADE) 0 (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS OR9 O&0 O O 0 15 OR 17 IF BREAKER USED 16 13 O4 O OR PLACARD 5 0 O (ONLY IF PV (ONLY IF PV On O INTERCONNECTION INTERCONNECTION INTEGRATED CONSISTS OF LOAJ CONSISTS OF LOAD U) SIDE BREAKER) SIDE BREAKER) u PV COMBINER INVERTER (S) coco SUBPANEL- AC DISCONNECT IF USED TO COMBINE O (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS O O 0 O 00 LO N 16 13 O4 O AC Z pl O Z On O DC DISCONNECT INTEGRATED 0 QN 0 JUNCTION BOX OR COMBINER BOX O *ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS SHOWN ABOVE IS FOR LABELING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT AN ACTUAL REPRESENATION OF EQUIPMENT AND CONNECTIONS TO BE INSTALLED. LABEL LOCATIONS PRESENTED MAY VERY DEPENDING ON TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION METHOD AND LOCATION PRESENTED ON PV5 OF 3 LINE DIAGRAM. PV5 LINE DIAGRAM TO REFLECT ACTUAL REPRESENTATION OF PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK. 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. FCERTIFIED� PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 fel DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME LABELS PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV8 0 coco O O 00 LO N O Z C CU N 0 QN 0 C:O 0) CU C).2 U) U 0 W U) w LL z ?� O U) W CU N U) U �--� 1 0 DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME LABELS PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV8 0 Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region: AMERICAS Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters The high-powered smart grid -ready Enphase IQ 7 MicroW and Enphase IQ 7+ MicrOTM dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency. Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ EnvoyTM, Enphase IQ BatteryTM, and the Enphase Enlighten T11 monitoring and analysis software. IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power -on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading warranty of up to 25 years. Easy to Install • Lightweight and simple • Faster installation with improved, lighter two -wire cabling • Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 & 2017) Productive and Reliable • Optimized for high powered 60-cell/120 half -cell and 72- cell/144 half -cell* modules • More than a million hours of testing • Class II double -insulated enclosure • UL listed Smart Grid Ready • Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride -through requirements • Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements • Configurable for varying grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741 -SA) Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC) Commonly used module pairings' Module compatibility Maximum input DC voltage Peak power tracking voltage Operating range Min/Max start voltage Max DC short circuit current (module Isc) Overvoltage class DC port DC port backfeed current PV array configuration OUTPUT DATA Peak output power Maximum continuous output power Nominal (L -L) voltage/range2 Maximum continuous output current Nominal frequency Extended frequency range AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles Maximum units per 20 A (L -L) branch circuit' Overvoltage class AC port AC port backfeed current Power factor setting Power factor (adjustable) EFFICIENCY Peak efficiency CEC weighted efficiency MECHANICAL DATA IQ7-60-2-US 235W-350 W+ 60-cell/120 half -cell PV modul only 48 V 27V -37V 16V -48V 22V/48V 15A 11 OA 1 x 1 ungrounded array; No ad, AC side protection requires m< IQ 7 Microinverter 250 VA -40°C to +65°C 240 VA 4% to 100% (condensing) 240 V / 208V/ 211-264 V 183-229 V 1.0 A (240 V) 1.15 A (208 V 60 Hz Natural convection - No fans 47-68 Hz Yes 5.8 Arms PD3 16 (240 VAC) III 13 (208 VAC) 18 mA NEMA Type 6 / outdoor 1.0 0.85 leading ... 0.85 lagging @240 V @208 V 97.6 % 97.6% 97.0% 97.0% IQ7PLUS-72-2-US 235W -440W+ 60-cell/120 half -cell and 72- cell/144 half -cell PV modules 60 V 27V -45V 16V -60V 22V/60V 15A 11 OA onal DC side protection required; ?OA per branch circuit IQ 7+ Microinverter 295 VA -40°C to +65°C 290 VA 4% to 100% (condensing) 240 V / 208V/ 211-264 V 183-229 V 1.21 A (240 V) 1.39 A (208 V) 60 Hz Natural convection - No fans 47-68 Hz Yes 5.8 Arms PD3 13 (240 VAC) III 11 (208 VAC) 18 mA NEMA Type 6 / outdoor 1.0 0.85 leading ... 0.85 lagging @240 V @208 V 97.5% 97.3% 97.0% 97.0% Ambient temperature range -40°C to +65°C Relative humidity range 4% to 100% (condensing) Connector type MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q -DCC -5 adapter) Dimensions (HxWxD) 212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm (without bracket) Weight 1.08 kg (2.38 lbs) Cooling Natural convection - No fans Approved for wet locations Yes Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class II double -insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environmental category/ UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6 / outdoor FEATURES Communication Power Line Communication (PLC) Monitoring Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options. Both options require installation of an Enphase IQ Envoy. Disconnecting means The AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load -break disconnect required by NEC 690. Compliance CA Rule 21 (UL 1741 -SA) UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES -0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC 2014, NEC 2017, and NEC 2020 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer's instructions. 1. No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://enphase.com/en-us/support/module-compatibility. * The IQ 7+ Micro is required to support 72-cell/144 half -cell modules. 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. CERTIFIED 3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. MFM _J E N P H AS E® To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com E N P H AS E® To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com `� © 2020 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, Enphase IQ 7, Enphase IQ 7+, Enphase IQ Battery, Enphase Enlighten, Enphase IQ Envoy, and other trademarks or service names are the trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 2020-08-12 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 Data Sheet Enphase Networking tnphase IQ Combiner 3 (X -I Q-AM1-240-3) UL LISTED To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com The Enphase IQ Combiner 3 T with Enphase IQ Envoy TM consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and streamlines PV and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre -wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2 -pole input circuits and Eaton BR series busbar assembly. Smart • Includes IQ Envoy for communication and control • Flexible networking supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular • Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge • Provides production metering and optional consumption monitoring Simple • Reduced size from previous combiner • Centered mounting brackets support single stud mounting • Supports back and side conduit entry • Up to four 2 -pole branch circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers (not included) • 80 A total PV or storage branch circuits Reliable • Durable NRTL-certified NEMAtype 3R enclosure • Five-year limited warranty • UL listed Enphase IQ Combiner 3 MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiner 3 IQ Combiner 3 with Enphase IQ Envoy" printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV X -IQ -AMI -240-3 production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and optional* consumption monitoring (+/- 2.51i ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately) Enphase Mobile Connect" 49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5" x 14.75" x 6.63"). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm with mounting brackets). CELLMODEM-03 (4G/12 -year data plan) Plug and play industrial grade cellular modem with data plan for systems up to 60 CELLMODEM-01 (3G/5 -year data plan) microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE -M/5 -year data plan) where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Consumption Monitoring* CT Split core current transformers enable whole home consumption metering (+/- 2.5%). CT -200 -SPLIT • 20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors * Consumption monitoring is required for Enphase Storage Systems • 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors Wireless USB adapter Installed at the IQ Envoy. For communications with Enphase EnchargeT" storage and Enphase COMMS -KIT -01 EnpowerT" smart switch. Includes USB cable for connection to IQ Envoy or Enphase IQ Combiner" and allows redundant wireless communication with Encharge and Enpower. Circuit Breakers Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, BR250, and BR260 circuit breakers. BRK-10A-2-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 10A, Eaton BR210 BRK-15A-2-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215 BRK-20A-2P-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 EPLC-01 Power line carrier (communication bridge pair), quantity - one pair XA-PLUG-120-3 Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 3 (required for EPLC-01) XA-ENV-PCBA-3 Replacement IQ Envoy printed circuit board (PCB) for Combiner 3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rating Continuous duty System voltage 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz Eaton BR series busbar rating 125 A Max. continuous current rating (output to grid) 65 A Max. fuse/circuit rating (output) 90A Branch circuits (solar and/or storage) Up to four 2 -pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included) Max. continuous current rating (input from PV) 64 A Max. total branch circuit breaker rating (input) 80A of distributed generation / 90A with IQ Envoy breaker included Production Metering CT 200 A solid core pre-installed and wired to IQ Envoy MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD) 49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5" x 14.75" x 6.63"). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm with mounting brackets). Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) Ambient temperature range -40° C to +46° C (-400 to 115° F) Cooling Natural convection, plus heat shield Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate construction Wire sizes • 20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors • 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors • Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors • Neutral and ground: 14 to 1/0 copper conductors Always follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. Altitude To 2000 meters (6,560 feet) INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS Integrated Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n Ethernet Optional, 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) Cellular Optional, CELLMODEM-01 (3G) or CELLMODEM-03 (4G) or CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE -M) (not included) COMPLIANCE Compliance, Combiner UL 1741, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1, 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003 Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production) Compliance, IQ Envoy UL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 61010-1 To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ Combiner 3, and other trademarks or service names are the E N P H ArFMrk4 of Enphase Energy, Inc. 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET E N P H A S E® PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 1 0 � REC TWINPE/ ■ MONO BLACK � SERIES I � I9m I9m PREMIUM SOLAR PANELS WITH SUPERIOR PERFORMAN IMPROVED PERFORMANCE IN SHADED CONDITIONS n&wwi &. yr SYSTEM COSTS REC TWINPEAK 3 MONO BLACK SERIES 4 1683±2.5 [66.25 ±0.11 0 ,28 [1.1] 918 [36.1] ►� 382.5 [15.05], i T �38 [1.5 Measurements in mm [in[ % FFICIENCY m 20 YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY YEAR LINEAR POWER OUTPUT WARRANTY Nominal Module Operating Temperature: ❑ 11000 [39] + Temperature coefficient of PMAX: 0 o ■ Temperature coefficient of V,c: 0 0 11±0.2 Temperature coefficient of ISC: ,q [0.43 ±0.81 1 77 F7 20.5±0.5 g l F [0.78 ±0.081 " 1200 [47] - � _ T �38 [1.5 Measurements in mm [in[ % FFICIENCY m 20 YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY YEAR LINEAR POWER OUTPUT WARRANTY Nominal Module Operating Temperature: 44.6°C(+2oC) Temperature coefficient of PMAX: -0.37 %/°C Temperature coefficient of V,c: -0.28 %/°C Temperature coefficient of ISC: 0.04 %/°C Power Output- PMAX(Wp) 315 32te25oQ 325 330 335 1 Cells: 120 half -cut mono -Si p -type PERC cells WattClassSorting (W) -0/+5 -0/+-0/+5 32.2 /+5 -0/+5 7:57 strings o cells in series v ............................................................... Nominal Power Voltage -VMPP(V) ......................... 33.6 33.34.1 36.1 ................................... 34.3 34.6 Glass: 0.13" (3.2 mm) solar glass with o ............................................................. 8.23 ..................... ........................................................................... 8.29 ................................... 8.34 10 anti reflective surface treatmentI NominalPowerCurrent IMPp(A) ................ ................ 9.40 959.54 ......................................................................>............................................................................................ Annual Degradation 962 9:69 Backsheet: o Highly resistant polyester Open Circuit Voltage-VIC(V) 38.7 39.39.5 See warranty docum ents for details. 39.9 40.2 polyolefin construction (black) �o ............................................................................................... Short Circuit Current- ISC(A) .................................................. 10.30 10.310.36 ................................... 0.39 10.42 Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) o ............................................................................................... Panel Efficiency(%) ...................................................... 18.8 19.19.4 ................................... 19.7 20.0 Junction box: 3-partwith 3bypassdiodes, IP67rated v .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................... 12 AWG (4 MM2) PV wi re, 39" +47" (1.0 m +1.2 m) Values at standard test conditions (STC: air mass AM1.5,irradiancel000W/mz,temperoQbasedonaprodu nSpreadwithato[erance of PMAVoc&1503% withinone watt class. At alowirradianceof200W/mzatleast95 STC moduleefficienc ill be achieved. Connectors: StaubliMC4PV-KBT4/PV-KST4, o °Wherexxx indicatesthe nominal power class (PMAX) at STC indicated above. 12 AWG (4 mm') k a Power Output- PMAx(Wp) 235 238 242 246 250 ........................................................................................................................................... Nominal Power Voltage -VMPP(V) 31.3 31.5 31.7 ........................................18.31 ................................... 31.9 32.2 ........................................................................................................................................... NominalPowerCurrent- IMPP(A) 7.51 7:57 ........................................................................... 7.63 7.70 7.75 ........................ Open Circuit Voltage - VoC(V) 36.1 36.4 ........................................................................... 36.8 37.1 37.5 ......................................................................................................................................... Short Circuit Current-ISC(A) 8.23 8.26 ........................................................................... 8.29 8.34 Nominal module operating temperature (NMOT: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 800 W/m2Wmperature 20°C, windspl m/s) *Wherexxx indicatesthe nominal power class (Pmt j at STC indicated above. CE 0 & Act's UL 1703, Fire classification: Type 2; IEC 61215, IEC 61730; ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 Operational temperature: -40...+185°F(-40...+85°C) Maximum system voltage: :Standard: _ REC ProTrust ............................................................ .......... Installed byan REC .............................. ;............................................................. 5400 Pa (112.8 lbs/ftz)° Design load (-):wind Certified Solar No Yes Yes Professional Max reverse current: 20A o N ....................................................................................................._............................................................. System Size Any [ s25 kW 25-500 kW ...... ...................................................... .........._ ProductWarranty(yrs) .............................. ;............................................................. 20 25 25 ......................................................................_..............................:............................................................. PowerWarranty(yrs) 25 _............................................................. 25 25 ..... ...................................................... ...........- Labor Warranty (yrs) .............................. 0 25 10 ......................................................................-............................................................................................ PowerinYearl 97.5% :97.5% 97.5% ......................................................................>............................................................................................ Annual Degradation 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% ......................................................................:............................................................................................ PowerinYear25 : 80.7% :80.7% 80.7% See warranty docum ents for details. Some conditions apply. Operational temperature: -40...+185°F(-40...+85°C) Maximum system voltage: 1000V Design load (+): snow 3600 Pa (75.2lbs/ft2)' Maximum test load (+): 5400 Pa (112.8 lbs/ftz)° Design load (-):wind 1600 Pa (33.4lbs/ft2)' Maximum test load (-): 2400 Pa (50 lbs/ftz)° Max series fuse rating: 20A Max reverse current: 20A o N Calculated using a safety factorofl.5 `D ¢ See installation manual for mounting instructionsMECHANICAL v DATA Dimensions: 66.3x39.25x1.5(1683x997x38mm) Area: 17.98ft2(1.68m2) a Weight: 41.7 lbs (18.9 kg) I Note! Specificationssubjecttochangewith out notice. 9 REC Group is an international pioneering solar energy company dedicated to empowering consumers with clean, affordable solar power in orderto facilitate global energy transitions. Committed to quality and innovation, REC offers photovoltaic modules with leading high quality, backed by an exceptional low warranty claims rate of less than 100ppm. Founded in Norway in 1996, REC employs 2,000 people and has an annual solar panel capacity of 1.8 GW. With overl0 GW installed worldwide, REC is empowering morethanl6 million people with clean solarenergy.RECGroupisa BluestarElkem companywithheadquarters inNorway, operational headquarters in Singapore, and regional bases in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 4 RCC 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME www.recgroup.com SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 intertek Total Quality. Assured. UNIRAC INC. LETTER REPORT SCOPE OF WORK ADDITION OF MODULES TO THE UNIRAC SFM CDR 102393982LAX-002 REPORT NUMBER 104430210LAX-001a ISSUE DATE 24 -Sept -2020 PAGES 3 DOCUMENT CONTROL NUMBER GFT -OP -10a (21 -June -2019) © 2019 INTERTEK wi tntertek Total Quality. Assured. LETTER REPORT September 24, 2020 Klaus Nicolaedis Unirac Inc. 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87102-1545 USA klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com 25791 Commercentre Drive Model Lake Forest, CA 92630 tntertek Telephone: 949-448-4100 Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.3, Facsimile: 949-448-4111 Total Quality. Assured. www.intertek.com Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.3 LETTER REPORT Intertek Report No. 104430210LAX-001a crrTinni I Intertek Project No. G104430210 PROJECT STATUS & ACTION Ph: 505-462-2190 Issuance of this letter report provides results of the evaluatior No. G104430210. If there are any questions regarding the results contained in th services offered by Intertek, please do not hesitate to coni Project Manager. Subject: Addition of modules to the Unirac SFM CDR 102393982LAX-002 Dear Klaus, Completed by: Abhinav Prakash Title: Project Engineer This letter report represents the results of our evaluation of the above referenced product(s) to the requirements contained in the following standards: Signature: Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703:2015 Ed.1] Date 09-24-2020 Reviewed by: Title: Signature Date: cFrTinMi I Please note: this Letter Report does not represent authorizatior SUMMARY certification marks. This investigation was authorized by quote # Qu -01101732 dated 08-17-2020. The scope of the project was to evaluate and add module frames to the SFM CDR 102393982LAX-002. SEL i iuN EVALUATION The following PV modules were evaluated for bonding/grounding purposes and are approved to be installed using the Unirac SFM model: Manufacturer Model Q.PEAK DUO L -G7, Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.1, Hanwha Q Cell Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.3, 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J Q.PEAK DUO L -G8, Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.1, 104430210LAX-001a Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.3 REC TP3M, TP3M Black Silfab SIL-xxx-NT, SIL-xxx-ML, SIL-xxx-NL, CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION SIL-xxx-BL, SIL-xxx-HL This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program. Version: 6 -March -2017 Version: 6 -March -2017 Page 2 of 3 GFT -OP -10a Page 3 of 3 111�6 BLUE RAVE14 Unirac Inc. 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J Intertek Report No: 104430210LAX-001a OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN covered by Intertek Project SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN s report, or any of the other act your dedicated Intertek CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR L.L.C. Adam Muliawan NABCEP zi Reviewer CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 09-25-2020 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS for the use of any Intertek 385.498.6700 GFT -OP -10a SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 F1 0 T N M Powering Business Worldwide Eaton general duty cartridge fuse safety switch DG322NGB UPC :7821 1 31 44283 Dimensions: • Height: 14.19 IN • Length: 14.8 IN • Width: 9.7 IN Weight:10 LB Notes:Maximum hp ratings apply only when dual element fuses are used Warranties: • Eaton Selling Policy 25-000. one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first. Specifications: • Type: General duty, cartridge fused • Amperage Rating: 60A • Enclosure: NEMA 1 • Enclosure Material: Painted steel • Fuse Class Provision: Class H fuses • Fuse Configuration: Fusible with neutral • Number Of Poles: Three -pole • Number Of Wires: Four -wire • Product Category: General duty safety switch • Voltage Rating: 240V Supporting documents: • Eatons Volume 2 -Commercial Distribution • Eaton Specification Sheet - DG322NGB Certifications: • UL Listed Product compliance: No Data pe.eaton.com 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 am 04 11� 0 0 3 3 [77.09mm] 3.04in 0 ITEM NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY. 1 JB -1 Body w/ E -Z LOK POLYCARBONATE WITH UV 1 TECHNOLOGY INHIBITORS 2 JB -1 Lid w/ Gasket POLYCARBONATE WITH UV 1 INHIBITORS 3 10-32 x 1 " Phillips pan head bolt 4 #8 x 1-1 /4" Phillips 4 pan head screw iue Specification: tifications: ght (LBS): 15-20 lbs -in UL Standard 1741, NEMA3R 1.3 lbs DATE EZ Solar SLC, UT USA Phone (385) 202-4150 www.ersolarproducts.com TITLE: EZ SOLAR SIZE G. NO. REV 6 JB -1 SCALE: 1:2 WEIGHT: SHEET 1 OF 3 1 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE B WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 0 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 [304. � 12. 0 4 3 2 F17n 7gmml [57.94mm] 2.28in [9.53mm] 0.38i n [5.55mm] 0.22i n SECTION A -A SCALE 1 : 1 Fr, r, RQ m ml [57.94mm] 2.28in 10.50i n UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: NAME DATE DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DRAWN TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL± TITLE: CHECKED ENG APPR. ANGULAR: MACH 2: BEND ± TWO PLACE DECIMAL ± C EZ SOLAR MFG APPR. THREE PLACE DECIMAL ± INTERPRET GEOMETRIC Q.A. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TOLERANCING PER: COMMENTS: MATERIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF SIZE DWG. NO. REV EZ SOLAR. I D NEXT ASSY USED ON FINISH ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN J D PERMISSION OF EZ SOLAR IS PROHIBITED. APPLICATION DO NOT SCALE DRAWING SCALE: 1.2 WEIGHT: SHEET 2 OF 3 4 3 2 1 0 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 0 rd SECTION A -A SCALE 1 :2 4 w [3.18mm] .13in LID OVERHANG 3 OUTSIDE A f I � 2 -nm] In [22.23m m] .88in INSIDE NAME DATE TITLE: EZ SOLAR SIZE DWG. NO. REV 6 JB -1 SCALE: 1:2 WEIGHT: SHEET 3 OF 3 1 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE B WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 0 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DRAWN TOLERANCES: CHECKED FRACTIONAL± ENG APPR. ANGULAR: MACH± BEND ± TWO PLACE DECIMAL ± MFG APPR. THREE PLACE DECIMAL ± INTERPRET GEOMETRIC Q.A. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TOLERANCING PER: COMMENTS: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MATERIAL DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF EZ SOLAR. ANY FINISH REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF NEXT ASSY USED ON <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE> IS APPLICATION DO NOT SCALE DRAWING PROHIBITED. 3 2 NAME DATE TITLE: EZ SOLAR SIZE DWG. NO. REV 6 JB -1 SCALE: 1:2 WEIGHT: SHEET 3 OF 3 1 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE B WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 0 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 NMI � SFM FRAME SYSTEM BONDING & GROUNDING a MM MICRORAIL TM IN&ALLATION GUIDE ;PAGE Star Washer is Single Use Only TERMINALTOROUE, Install Conductor and torque to the followir 4-6 AWG: 35in-lbs 8 AWG: 25 in -lbs 10-14 AWG: 20 in -lbs �J TERMINAL TORQUE. Install Conductor and torque to the following: 4-14AWG: 35in-lbs WEEBLUG Single Use Only TERMINALTOROUE, Install Conductor and torque to the following: 6-14 AWG: 7ft-lbs LUG DETAIL & TOROUE INFO LUG DETAIL & TOROUE INFO LUG DETAIL & TOROUE INFO Ilsco Lay -In Lug (GBL-4DBT) Ilsco Flange Lug(SGB-4) Wiley WEEBLug (6.7) • 10-32 mounting hardware 0 1/4" mounting hardware 0 1/4" mounting hardware • Torque = 5 ft -lb 0 Torque = 75 in -lb 0 Torque = 10 ft -lb • AWG 4-14 - Solid or Stranded 0 AWG 4-14 - Solid or Stranded 0 AWG 6-14 - Solid or Stranded NOTE: ISOLATE COPPER FROM ALUMINUM CONTACT TO PREVENT CORROSION System bonding is accomplished through modules. System grounding accomplished by attaching a ground lug to any module at a location on the module specified by the module manufacturer. E -W BONDING PATH: E -W module to module bonding is accomplished with 2 pre-installed bonding pins which engage on the secure side of the MicroraiLTM and splice. N -S BONDING PATH: N -S module to module bonding is accomplished with bonding clamp with 2 integral bonding pins. refer also to alternate method ) Alternate method TRIMRAIL BONDING PATH: Trimrail to module bonding is accomplished with bonding clamp with integral bonding pin and bonding T -bolt. (refer aL. to alteri._.ze method ) '*�4 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 M FRAME UL CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES ; R � BLUE RAVEN F ■■ M MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ;PAG E b oaE,.,�.,�, NG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800-377-4480 SYSTEM LEVEL FIRE CLASSIFICATION The system fire class rating requires installation in the manner specified in the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL (SFM) Installation Guide. SFM has been classified to the system level fire portion of UL 1703. This UL 1703 classification has been incorporated into the UL 2703 product certification. SFM has achieved Class A, B & C system level performance for low slope & steep sloped roofs when used in conjunction with type 1 and type 2 modules. Class A, B & C system level fire Module Type Type 1 and Type 2 Roof Slope Steep Slope & Low Slope performance is inherent in the SFM design, and no additional mitigation measures are required. The fire classification rating is valid for any roof pitch. There is no required minimum or maximum height limitation above the roof deck to maintain the Class A, B & C fire rating for SFM. SUNFRAME MICRORAILTM components shall be mounted over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application. Class A, B & C UL2703 TEST MODULES See page "S" for a list of modules that were electrically and mechanically tested or qualified with the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL (SFM) components outlined within this Installation Guide. • Maximum Area of Module = 22.3 sgft • UL2703 Design Load Ratings: a) Downward Pressure - 113 PSF / 5400 Pa b) Upward Pressure - 50 PSF / 2400 Pa C) Down -Slope Load - 30 PSF / 1400 Pa • Tested Loads: a) Downward Pressure - 170 PSF / 8000 Pa b) Upward Pressure - 75 PSF / 3500 Pa C) Down -Slope Load - 45 PSF / 2100 Pa • Maximum Span = 6ft • Use with a maximum over current protection device OCPD of 30A • System conforms to UL Std 2703, certified to LTR AE -001-2012 • Rated for a design load of 2400 Pa / 5400 Pa with 24 inch span LABEL MARKINGS • System fire class rating: See installation instructions for installation requirements to achieve a specified system fire class rating with Unirac . • Unirac SUNFRAME MICRORAILTM is listed to UL 2703. • All splices within a system are shipped with marking indicating date and location of manufacture. de i r, aarL r � 0- MADE MDLYrYSd 16 Wil Orli OWE TdUKUM OLLE dLS 1P. 13L MAUM ewx� 0 r I [ ] i [ 7 1 1 1 1 t 5 i CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 0'1� $FM SUN TME ESTED / CERTIFIED MODULE LIST s MM MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ;PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F Manufacture Module Model /Series Manufacture Aleo P -Series CHSM6612P, CHSM6612P/HV, CHSM6612M, Astronergy CHSM6612M/HV, CHSM6610M (BL)(BF)/(HF), CHSM72M-HC JA Solar AXN6M610T, AXN6P610T, Auxin AXN6M612T & AXN6P612T Axitec AXI Power, AXI Premium, AXI Black Premium Boviet BVM6610, BVM6612 BYD P6K & MHK-36 Series CS6V-M, CS6P-P, CS6K-M, CS5A-M, CS6K-MS, CS6U-P, CS6U-M, CS6X-P, CS6K-MS, CS6K-M, CS6K-P, CS6P-P, CS6P-M, CS3U-P, Canadian Solar CS3U-MS, CS3K-P, CS3K-MS, CS1K-MS, CS3K, CS3U, CS3U-MB-AG, CS3K-MB-AG, CS6K, CS6U, CS3L, CS3W, CS1H-MS, CS1U-MS Centrosolar America C -Series & E -Series CT2xxMxx-01, CT2xxPxx-01, SolarWorld CertainTeed CTxxxMxx-02, CTxxxM-03, PEAK Energy BLK2 Series, CTxxxMxx-04, CTxxxHC11-04 Dehui DH -60M Eco Solargy Orion 1000 & Apollo 1000 Mono PERC FreeVolt GCL GCL-P6 & GCL-M6 Series SunPower :IX TD-AN3, TD-AN4, Hansol Vitrus2 Series & 156 Series Risen U13-AN1, UD-AN1 36M, 60M, 60P, 72M & 72P Series HT60-156(M) (NDV) (-F), Heliene SN72 & SN60 Series (40mm) HT Solar SEG -6 & SRP -6 Series Sharp HT 72-156(M/P) Hyundai KG, MG, TG, RI, RG, TI, MI, HI & KI Series ITEK iT, iT-HE & iT-SE Series Japan Solar JPS -60 & JPS -72 Series Kyocera LG Electronics LONGi Mission Solar Energy Mitsubishi Neo Solar Power Co. Panasonic Module Model/ Series JAP6 60-xxx, JAM6-60-xxx/SI, JAM6(K)-60/ xxx, JAP6(k)-72-xxx/4BB, JAP72SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAP6(k)-60-xxx/4BB, JAP60SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAM6(k)-72-xxx/ZZ, JAM72SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAM6(k)-60-xxx/ZZ, JAM60SYY-xxx/ZZ. i. YY: 01, 02,03,09, 10 i i. ZZ: SC, PR, B P, H iT, I B, MW JKM & JKMS Series KU Series LG xxx S1 C -A5, LG xxx N 1 C -A5, LGxxx01C(01K)-A5, LGxxxN1C(N1K)-A5, LGxxxS1CA5, LGxxxA1C-A5, LGxxxN2T-A4, LGxxxN2T-A5, LGxxxN2W-A5 LGxxxS2W-A5, LGxxxE1C-A5, LGxxxS2W-G4 LGxxxN1C(N1K)-G4, LGxxxN2W-G4, LGxxxS1C-G4, LGxxxE1K-A5, LGxxxN2T-J5, LGxxxN1K(N1C)-V5, LGxxx01C(N2W)-V5, LR6-60 & LR6-72 Series, LR4-60 & LR4-72 Series MSE Series MJE & MLE Series D6M & D6P Series VBHNxxxSA15 & SA16, VBHNxxxSA17 & SA18, VBHNxxxSA17(E/G) & SA18E, VBHNxxxKA01 & KA03 & KA04, VBHNxxxZA01, VBHNxxxZA02, V13HNxxxZA03, V13HNxxxZA04 Peimar SGxxxM (FB/BF) Phono Solar PS -60, PS -72 O.Cells Plus, Pro, Peak, G3, G4, G5, G6(+), G7, G8(+) Pro, Peak L -G2, L -G4, L -G5, L -G6, L -G7 Manufacture Module Model/ Series SolarWorld i PEAK Energy Series, PEAK Energy BLK2 Series, Sonali PEAK Energy 72 Series, REC STP Suniva TwinPeak 2 Series, Sun Edison/Flextronics TwinPeak 2 BLK2 Series, SunPower :IX TwinPeak Series Renesola Vitrus2 Series & 156 Series Risen RSM Series S -Energy SN72 & SN60 Series (40mm) Seraphim SEG -6 & SRP -6 Series Sharp NU -SA & NU -SC Series SLA, SLG & BC Series Silfab Solaria PowerXT TP572, TP596, TP654, TP660, Talesun TP672, Hipor M, Smart Tesla Trina Upsolar URE Vikram Waaree Winaico Yingli SC, SC B, SC 131, SC 132 PA05, PD05, DD05, DE06, DD06, PE06, PD14, PE14, DD14, DE14, DE15, PE15H UP-MxxxP(-B), UP-MxxxM(-B) D7MxxxH8A, D7KxxxH8A, D7MxxxH7A Eldora, Solivo, Somera AC & Adiya Series WST & WSP Series YGE & YLM Series Please see the SFM UL2703Construction Data Report at Unirac.com to ensure the exact solar module selected is approved for use with SFM. SFM Infinity is not compatible with module frame height of less than 32mm and more than 40mm. See page J for further information. 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER I REVISION SS 0 Sunmodule Protect, SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus Sonali SS 230 - 265 Suntech STP Suniva MV Series & Optimus Series Sun Edison/Flextronics F -Series, R -Series & FLEX FXS Series SunPower :IX --Series, E -Series & P -Series TP572, TP596, TP654, TP660, Talesun TP672, Hipor M, Smart Tesla Trina Upsolar URE Vikram Waaree Winaico Yingli SC, SC B, SC 131, SC 132 PA05, PD05, DD05, DE06, DD06, PE06, PD14, PE14, DD14, DE14, DE15, PE15H UP-MxxxP(-B), UP-MxxxM(-B) D7MxxxH8A, D7KxxxH8A, D7MxxxH7A Eldora, Solivo, Somera AC & Adiya Series WST & WSP Series YGE & YLM Series Please see the SFM UL2703Construction Data Report at Unirac.com to ensure the exact solar module selected is approved for use with SFM. SFM Infinity is not compatible with module frame height of less than 32mm and more than 40mm. See page J for further information. 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER I REVISION SS 0 Intertek Total Quality. Assured. AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Unirac, Inc Manufacturer: Intertek Total Quality. Assured. AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Unirac, Inc Manufacturer: Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA n for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: r(T6.. C uVC USTE� Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Standard(s): Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed. 1] 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Photovoltaic Module Racking Systems [CSA LTR AE -001:2012 Ed.2012/10/23] Address: Albuquerque, NM 87102 Address: Address: Albuquerque, NM 87102 Address: Country: USA Country: Country: USA Country: USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF Klaus Nicolaedis ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN Klaus Nicolaedis Contact: Todd Ganshaw Contact: Contact: Todd Ganshaw Contact: CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND 505-462-2190 USE OF THE RESPECTIVE 505-462-2190 Phone: 505-843-1418 Phone: Phone: 505-843-1418 Phone: FAX: NA FAX: FAX: NA FAX: PROFESSIONAL klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com Scott Gurney klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com Email: toddg@unirac.com Email: Email: toddg@unirac.com Email: Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA n for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: r(T6.. C uVC USTE� Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: CM C us C/STED Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat- Standard(s): Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed. 1] Photovoltaic Module Racking Systems [CSA LTR AE -001:2012 Ed.2012/10/23] Product: Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail Installation Guide, PUB2020MAY04 Brand Name: Unirac Models: Unirac SFM ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: CM C us C/STED Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat- Standard(s): Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed.1 ] Photovoltaic Module Racking Systems [CSA LTR AE -001:2012 Ed.2012/10/23] Product: Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail Installation Guide, PUB2020MAY04 Brand Name: Unirac Models: Unirac SFM ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory 1*�4 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. NABCEP zi CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 •' S0NSYSTEM COMPONENTS ; � NMIFRAME�, BLUE RAVEN ■■ FM MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ; PAGE b oaE,.,�.,�, NG--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800-377-4480WV\1W. BLU ERAVEN SOLAR. COM S TrimrailT" and Module Clips Sub -Components: 1. Trim Rail 2. Module Clip 3. T -Bolt 4. Tri -Drive Nut TrimrailTm Functions: • Required front row structural support (with module clips) • Module mounting • Installation aid • Aesthetic trim Features: • Mounts directly to L -feet • Aligns and captures module leading edge • Supports discrete module thicknesses from 32, 33, 35, 38, and 40mm Module Clips Functions: • Required front row structural support (with trimrail) • Module mounting Features: • Mounts to TrimraiLT"' with T -bolt and tri -drive nut • Manually adjustable to fit module thicknesses 32, 33, 35, 38, and 40mm. A* W1 TrimrailTm Flashkit Sub -Components: L -Foot Hex bolt Tri -drive nut Channel Nut Scocket Head Cap Screw 3"Channel/Slider w/grommet 3" Wide Flashing Structural Screw & SS EPDM Washer Functions: • Attach TrimraiLT"' to roof attachment/ flashing • Patented roof sealing technology at roof attachment point Features: • Slot provides vertical adjustments to level array • Slider provides north/south adjustment along the slope of the roof • Shed and Seal Technology TrimrailTM Splice Sub -Components: 1. Structural Splice Extrusion 2. Bonding Clip Functions: • Front row structural support • Installation aid • Structurally connects 2 pieces of TrimraiLT"' • Electrically bonds 2 pieces of TrimraiLTm Features: • Aligns and connects TrimraiLT"' pieces • Tool -less installation CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 '— SFM FRAME SYSTEM COMPONENTS o MM MICRORAIL TM INSTALLATION GUIDE ;PAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFM Slider Flashkit Sub -Components: 1. Slider w/grommet 2. Structural Screw & SS EPDM washer 3. 3" Wide Flashing Functions: • Patented Shed & Seal roof sealing technology at roof attach- ment point • For use with compatible 2" Microrail or 8"Attached Splices Features: • Slider provides north/south adjustment along the slope of the roof • Shed and Seal Technology Module -to -Module N -S Bonding Sub -Components: 1. Clamp 2. Bonding Pins (2) 3. 5/16" Socket Head Cap Screw 4. Clamp Base Functions/ Features: • Row to row bonding • Single Use Only • Fits module sizes 32-40mm N E Trim -to- Module Bonding Clamp and Floating Trim Clamp Sub -Components: 1. Wedge 2. Bonding Pin 3. T -Bolt 4. Nut 5. Cast Base Functions/ Features: • Module to TrimraiLTm bonding - single use only • Attaches TrimraiLTm to module when fewer than 2 rafter attachment points are available • Fits module sizes 32-40mm • Fits module sizes 32-40mm Wire Bonding Clip w/ 8AWG Functions: • Row to row bonding • Module to TrimraiLTm bonding • Single Use Only Features: Tool -less installation MLPE Mounting Assembly Sub -Components: 1. MLPE Mount Base 2. 5/16 Socket Head Cap Screw 3. Bonding Pin Functions: • Securely mounts MLPE to module frames • MLPE to module bonding Features: • Mounts easilyto typical module flange • UL2703 Recognized MLPE = Module Level Power Electronics, e.g. microinverter or power optimizer '*�4 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 • I1 SON 3"FLASHING &SLIDERS ; G � FRAME BLUE RAVEN ■■ FM MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ;PAGE b oaE,.,�.,�, NG S PILOT HOLES: Drill pilot holes for lag screws or structural screws (as necessary) at marked attachement points FLASHINGS: Place flashings INSTALL SLIDERS AND TRIMRAIL ROOF ATTACHMENTS: • Insert flashings per manufacturer instructions NOTE: Use Lag screw or structural fastener with a maximum diameter of 5/16" • Attach sliders to rafters • Verify proper row to row spacing for module size (Mod NS + 1") • Ensure that TrimraiLTM roof attachments in each row have sufficient engagement with slider dovetails for proper attachment. INSTALL SLIDERS AND ROOF ATTACHMENTS: Follow manufacturer instructions for flashing installation procedures _NOTE: If N -S module edge is within 1" of the shingle course above,you have the option to pivot / rotate slider at the attachment point 0 to span the next course and cut shingles as required. Cut Shingles as Required Rotate Slider N/S MODULE EDGE -- -Less Than 1 --- -7---- ------- O 41"UNCN ^��= n 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 PA Box 6986 Conchs srntlnal Engineering, LLC gyp$ N T 63,' Broomfield CO 80021 3t$ N Ci W E E R l$s allivilill 908647055 Comhatmtlhra gnnail earn FEE, ary 26, 2021 opera1403 fourth Research Way, BuddingJ Grand ITT ARMS Abject Cernficaton Water Carrigan Residence 4 ARM met St Wheat Ridge, ED At Tu grand K May ranked, A rebate umsevaton up th�mdmcn at the existing firanningavenern was perfumed boa n audit tes in up Blue Raven order as a request form Sandy Structural Engineering All review A based an these characters and the dean citing listed bence and unly deemed as lid if purvided inturmai A true and accurate On the added referenced budget, the vardf gructural firaming has been reviewed fare round I Be ding due I the mi at the year Bad dean on the That The obscurer review does pride on the second up the on that A directly annealing the suit r PV system and its suppiching elements The deemed on dancing A described berms, If field yanothany did at yc The on structure up (M PEE damage at purnmendan shingle an on debate that A supparead by pra me nufactured trucces that a A spaced at A 24 a c The the findy ended at 17 agrees are An capture, the aboard Thai a re are century and the web members a re are sandy The trust members are sminected by case gusset plates The man unsuppicirted counted marmantal the End span is appodurnateve 7 The young on fm mine system up (MPIE A judged on be adequate W withs, be the heard unpaved by the mandiston up the The apparent the gular ganduffs shiculd be kept at 4A a c fur landscape a be 4A a c fur mitint urientathan, with a staingered pattern on ensure border distribution up Be its The Aruba up this repurt a IOVS limited on an evoluaton up the fastener attachment, underlying fm mine and supporting structure mIly The attachment 5 on the existing structure are required on be in a associate pattern on ensure border breach, up madium, All panels racking and barred re chair be nata lied per manufacturer specificammy and amid specoad road hureathans All Referendums she 11 be purvided by the manufacturer Sandy Structural Enginevingassumbe m reammadift, Nate Seismic check is nut required since Sa< ad and Seismic design atearms ADh< 9 fresh • Anglican. Cad.- iepiar ere 716 • Back Dead Lead- aaMr 1zo• Wind Speed— e 0oeneia. a.P�eaE• Back and. Lead 30 C ;gd do We �man zEi.a m... Pme,amemPl®ceeerroa figh,ar�ng/mdedaca,e mewnn zey(muerwadhyeeeemarko bmgthePana Dlgltay John A. Calvert Simted Date'. 2021.03.01 09'.0637-0700' Carrigan Meat Ridge CO dam 1 earn Engineer i� DQMPIS a14Rod Remus Structural Engineering, LLC 400 Weight on PV System (Per Clue Raven Solar) 30 pA PO.Box 6986 S-T R U C T U R A L Y Standoff Spacing= 550X Broomfield CO 80021 2200A Point Wads N Startltlle 6616 90.861]055 N C T N C R N a N Cr, A P C Romussructual@g me it com Grrviry Loading pe=Ground Snow read- .Popo p=OC,GIpe (ACCP-E]-1) C, - Exposure Factor= 1 (ACCP -racers) G=Thermal Factor= 1 (ACCP-Table73) =1mpoRanreFactor= 1 p=FM Amo Snow read- too 0Rod Ps CA (ACCP-E]-2) Cs=Slope Factor= 1 A Supped Bml Auv Wady 3Olol ad Rad Wad =l pop der Blue Baden Solar) B L Common to P Agree Slope a14Rod ad System NRight 400 Weight on PV System (Per Clue Raven Solar) 30 pA X Standoff Spacing= 400X Y Standoff Spacing= 550X 6hnNn TAbNary, Sea= 2200A Point Wads N Startltlle 6616 NNe: PV standot6 are gaggered to ensure proper distnbdlon on loading Bml Lia Lad -l0 lsl None Ad llva load 6 removed In area's covered by PV army Bal Bead Lad I61R) Composition Shingle 400 PoN byword 200 2MTop Chords ®24"oc 07a Vau6ed Ceiling 000 (Ceiling NA Vau6ed) Miscellaneous 0 2 itlal Bal BL Dead) 70151 BL Common to P Agree Slope ]SpA Carrigan Meat Ridge CO.Sent 2 DON E)S S r R13CT a R I. Enc R nf¢r xRnc T. 1. c. Donnas eo-nnnal engineering, ac PO Bud6986 Bernfeld CO 80021 536801]0.55 DonnasatranaaWgrrad conn Wind CamClamiona Per MME 716 Compensate and Cladding InP jjjjj'ud%s ea wind maa 'p7MM Eromre omgary C Fact Shape Gable Shot Porn pope naegreen Wan Pact lkigm ton 9lapiw dend Area 193N Ground Ee,adon 5366N — Design wine Reaanre Calenlgbns ph— 696256• K, a Cad Kd a be aV2 (Ed 26101) Kzlmomre Cbefiioeng-096 (fable303-11 Kr Oopogrepbichpor— 196 IFg.268111 Kd Mind Vuepiohe rty Factor— 695 (fable266-11 Ke Ground Eevlion Factor— 693 696 V (Design deintl&eep)-135map 696 1Fg.265-1p pop Category =ll jfable1511 ph— 2952 045 bammum Design halm=All In tendon Uplift Capacity —475In 475 In capacity> 471 In demand Debbie, M Fastener Cnpae'Ty Cheek Factener— 1 546"did lag Chmherol Fa Se =1 Embedment Depth =25 wwu Capacity Per mm= 256 In Faxen, Capacity —625In 4 FC of 15 8DOL ct 16— 667 In 6672In capacitn 471 In demand Debbie, M Carrigan wheat Ridge GO Abu 3 Mn Zone Zone Zone Posts, = 696 679 696 696 84= —191 290 —360 045 Fig .303) hali6 Premre= 386pan 6821x[ 850par 921x[ Crop 29A3) ADD hali6 Pressure= 2321x[ 4091x[ 510 par 961x[ %ehndof Spring= 400 400 267 Yehndoff Spring= 556 275 275 inISued — 2296 1196 733 Dead Wad on attachment— 6616 3316 2216 Reagan Call in MQ 0) Mlb Un Ib Mlb standee Calx Cal Zone Zone Zone Pestles = 075 696 696 675 B¢= 290 390 369 059 Fig .303) halittPremre — 4431x( 4091x( 850par 1111x( Crop 29a3) A800pon Pressure 0 bWk 2661st 4251x1 510 par 961x1 %ehndof Spring= 400 400 267 Yehndoff Spring= 356 175 175 inISued — 1496 796 467 Dead Wax on attachment— 4296 2196 1466 Reagan Calx in MQ 0) Mild 235 lb xn lb bammum Design halm=All In tendon Uplift Capacity —475In 475 In capacity> 471 In demand Debbie, M Fastener Cnpae'Ty Cheek Factener— 1 546"did lag Chmherol Fa Se =1 Embedment Depth =25 wwu Capacity Per mm= 256 In Faxen, Capacity —625In 4 FC of 15 8DOL ct 16— 667 In 6672In capacitn 471 In demand Debbie, M Carrigan wheat Ridge GO Abu 3 i� Bourns Structural Engineering, LLC DQMPI5 PO.Box 6986 S - T R U C T U R A L Broomfield CO 80021 90.861]055 NQ TNERR INC, L11C Bomussructual@q me it earn _Framing Check (MP1) PASS w=w1 Ptl Dead Load 7 a PA PV Led 31 PA Show LoatlPoA pA op CgOnk®24"oe O Governing lmtl Combo =DL,BL Member CPan= 7 Se ictal Wad m51e1 — Member ROFedies member wee Bin i) Iini LumberGp/Gr Member Spacing 2x4 306 536 Brea ®24"ac Mock pending tress To Car = Vb A Cd A a A Cr (NDS Table 431) 900 A 115 x 15 x 115 Allowed Gentling Stress =Pw5a psi Maximum Moment=rWL°2)1A - 438 x535 XA =5250242 In# Actual Bantling Brass = pacbmum Moment)/ S PR] psi Fllm'reda Actin-963%tressed — Threlue, 0 Fllm'reda AMBA-282%tressed — Threlue, eK Carrigan Meat Ridge CO.Sam 4 Ill pared. Allowed Wllectlon(Total Load) = w (E= 1 Scope psi Per NDS) 04N In Deflection Citerh Basel on = Cortnuous Span Actual Detlectlon(Total ling) _ romp) 10 wEFI) 0166 in =V476 > CAP IDaebreBe gM,ct Allowed Wllectlon (Wa Load) = 1240 0BSA in Actual Dellectlon(Dve Load) _ romp) 10 wEFI) 01231n W43 > N40 IDaebreBe Bock %ear Member Area =5ani Fvpsi) =1Npsi (NDB Table 4A) MoundShear = Try •A=94513 Max Shear M=w'L12= 26513 Fllm'reda AMBA-282%tressed — Threlue, eK Carrigan Meat Ridge CO.Sam 4 GENERAL NOTES CODES AND STANDARDS 1. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC), 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC), 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC), 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC), AND ALL STATE AND LOCAL BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING CODES. 2. DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DETAILED ACCORDING TO UL LISTING REQUIREMENTS. SITE NOTES / OSHA REGULATION 1. A LADDER SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. 2. THE PV MODULES ARE CONSIDERED NON-COMBUSTIBLE AND THIS SYSTEM IS A UTILITY INTERACTIVE SYSTEM WITH NO STORAGE BATTERIES. 3. THE SOLAR PV INSTALLATION SHALL NOT OBSTRUCT ANY PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS. 4. ROOF COVERINGS SHALL BE DESIGNED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CODE AND THE APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS SUCH THAT THE ROOF COVERING SHALL SERVE TO PROTECT THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. 5. NO. OF SHINGLE LAYERS: 2 SOLAR CONTRACTOR 1. MODULE CERTIFICATIONS WILL INCLUDE UL1703, IEC61646, IEC61730. 2. IF APPLICABLE, MODULE GROUNDING LUGS MUST BE INSTALLED AT THE MARKED GROUNDING LUG HOLES PER THE MANUFACTURERS' INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 3. AS INDICATED BY DESIGN, OTHER NRTL LISTED MODULE GROUNDING DEVICES MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF STANDARD GROUNDING LUGS AS SHOWN IN MANUFACTURER DOCUMENTATION AND APPROVED BY THE AHJ. 4. CONDUIT AND WIRE SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 5. CONDUIT POINT OF PENETRATION FROM EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR TO BE INSTALLED AND SEALED WITH A SUITABLE SEALING COMPOUND. 6. DC WIRING LIMITED TO MODULE FOOTPRINT W/ ENPHASE AC SYSTEM. 7. ENPHASE WIRING SYSTEMS SHALL BE LOCATED AND SECURED UNDER THE ARRAY W/ SUITABLE WIRING CLIPS. 8. MAX DC VOLTAGE CALCULATED USING MANUFACTURER PROVIDED TEMP COEFFICIENT FOR VOC UNLESS NOT AVAILABLE. 9. ALL INVERTERS, MOTOR GENERATORS, PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES, PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS, AC PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES, DC COMBINERS, DC -TO -DC CONVERTERS, SOURCE CIRCUIT COMBINERS, AND CHARGE CONTROLLERS INTENDED FOR USE IN A PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM WILL BE IDENTIFIED AND LISTED FOR THE APPLICATION PER 690.4 (B). 10. ALL SIGNAGE TO BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODE. 11. TERMINALS AND LUGS WILL BE TIGHTENED TO MANUFACTURER TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS (WHEN PROVIDED) IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC CODE 110.14(D) ON ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS 1. PROPER ACCESS AND WORKING CLEARANCE AROUND EXISTING AND PROPOSED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE PROVIDED AS PER SECTION [NEC 110.26]. 2. EQUIPMENT INSTALLED IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT MUST BE RATED FOR EXPECTED OPERATING TEMPERATURE AS SPECIFIED BY [NEC 690.31 (A)] AND [NEC TABLE 310.15 (B)]. 3. ADDITIONAL AC DISCONNECTS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE INVERTER IS NOT ADJACENT TO THE UTILITY AC DISCONNECT, OR NOT WITHIN SIGHT OF THE UTILITY AC DISCONNECT. 4. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ACCORDING TO NEC APPLICABLE CODES. 5. ALL COMPONENTS ARE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE AND RATED FOR OUTDOOR USAGE WHEN APPROPRIATE. a mg DESIGN CRITERIA WIND SPEED- 135 MPH GROUND SNOW LOAD- 30 PSF WIND EXPOSURE FACTOR- C SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY- B MU to L SITE SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION - V -B ZONING- RESIDENTIAL n Sealed For SCOPE OF WORK Existing Roof & INSTALLATION OF UTILITY INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM Attachment Only .F` •* +}`# ` 2.925 kW DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ARRAY 1 ROOF TYPE- Comp Shingle MODULES- (9) REC Solar REC325TP3M *913 43019 *, Digitally signed by John INVERTER(S)- Enphase IQ7-60-2-US,---- �'• *+** A. Calvert RACKING- Unirac SFM Infinity Date: 2021.03.01 09:07:35 Approval Notes: -07'00' 1) PN array system to have grounding system installed per Part III of 3/1/2021 Article 250 per 2020 NEC Article 690.47(A). 2) If UFER ground in not available provide or verify supplemental ground rods per 2020 NEC Article 250.53(A)(3). 106Af City of Wheat RoLde �MUNrIY u v ,� E ElC t MENT APPROVED Reviewed for Code Compliance Plans Examiner Date Validkv of permit: The issuance of a permit or Wprowl of pkns spec4kottwnr and computations shag not be a peanit for, or ort approval of, any viotabon to any of the provisions of the banding code or of oa+ City ardinonces. Permits presuming to g1ve outhoriiy to viable or cancel the provisbns of tft code; or mat irdinonoes of the City shoH not be vghdL ` T_ ' � w 1 ■ IV .,W I SHEET INDEX PV1 - COVER SHEET PV2 - PROPERTY PLAN PV3 - SITE PLAN PV4 - EQUIPMENT & ATTACHMENT DETAIL PV5 - ELECTRICAL SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM PV6 - ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS & ELECTRICAL NOTES PV7 - MAIN BREAKER DERATE CALCS. (IF NEEDED) PV8 - LABELS & LOCATIONS PV9 - CUSTOM DIRECTORY PLACARD (IF NEEDED - NEC 690.56(B)) UTILITY COMPANY- Xcel Energy PERMIT ISSUER- City of Wheat Ridge Nor - BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 fel coco DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME COVER SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV1 0 O 1 C:) CD LO N O a) Z C N O < 0 C: CU 0 CU U U) 0 o U N N_ U) w z o U) w oo a) U) U _ CU L 1 U 0 DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME COVER SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV1 0 U) O O O v N ❑ o ❑ ❑o ❑ e W JACP 2 O LL 0 0O H Z O LL JB 0 b� b� b� 0 I FrFNf1 INV INVERTER &DC DISCONNECT SUB (E) SUBPANEL LC (N) LOAD CENTER 171 C AC DISCONNECT ❑M UTILITY METER MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL JB JUNCTION BOX TS TRANSFER SWITCH C❑ COMBINER BOX/AGGREGATOR PV PV REVENUE METER ® FIRE SETBACK EMT CONDUIT RUN (TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD) PV WIRE STRING PROPERTY LINE BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAV, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 W W W.BLUERAV E NSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 SCALE: 1/16" = V-0" CONTRACTOR: 16 BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 43079 °d �Jdvati�rp" 3/1/2021 H AWNS BY DIN ENGINEERING February 26, 2021 NUMBER 322113 1EET NAME PROPERTY PLAN NUMBER REVISION F 0 (h > O 0 Y O 00 Ln (14 O O) Z N N Ow H m rn O U U) o U 0) o N U) LLI Z ea O Of Bea} U) w00 Bea U) 2 v U) p AWNS BY DIN ENGINEERING February 26, 2021 NUMBER 322113 1EET NAME PROPERTY PLAN NUMBER REVISION F 0 LEGEND INV INVERTER &DC DISCONNECT BLUE RAVEN SUB (E) SUBPANEL - LC (N) LOAD CENTER 1403 N RESEARCH WAV, BUILDING J N AC AC DISCONNECT OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 UTILITY METER WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL ElUSED FOR THE BENEFIT OF JB JUNCTION BOX ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT El BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 0I TRANSFER TRANSFER SWITCH PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE El Elo C COMBINER BOX/AGGREGATOR SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE PV PV REVENUE METER EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ®BLUERAVENSOLAR FIRE SETBACK LLC. o I EMT CONDUIT RUN NABCEP ❑ (TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD) CERTIFIED PV WIRE STRING PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL LLI PROPERTY LINE Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 G 0 C SCALE: 3/32" = V-0" CONTRACTOR: =0 4 1 16 BRS FIELD OPS LL AC OVERHEAD SERVICE LINE ® 385.498.6700 O ~a M Z O Q o w- Q SP U LL ch Sealed For Y Existing Roof & o 0 N Attachment Only z m c\i JB O O 6j H o N en en e Q 0) U U) MP1 U) 0) g # OF MODULES: 9 O U -o w en e AZIMUTH:90° z 0of U) PITCH:17°w s O U Q ❑ TSRF:82% L! U AREA: 875.75 SO. FT •• y •. U o Grz vNNG BY ,� DIN ENGINEERING 43019: DATE February 26, 2021 Q .•'�� °� PROJECT NUMBER eDea 322113 SHEET NAME 3/1/2021 SITE PLAN PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV3 0 PV ARRAY INFORMATION ILL ILL O 0 Z V) ao o9 LU u �M U J V) L< 0 PV MODULE COUNT: # OF ATTACHMENT POINTS ARRAY AREA: ROOF AREA: % OF ARRAY/ROOF: ARRAY WEIGHT: DISTRIBUTED LOAD: POINT LOAD: 9 MODULES 24 Module Count x 17.51ft2 = 157.6ft2 2891.5ft2 5.5% Module Count x 50lbs = 450.Olbs Array Weight + Array Area = 2.86 IbsI Array Weight + Attachments = 18.8lbs/attachment Infinity IMRAIL REC Solar REC325TP3M PV MODULE (E) ROOF MEMBRANE UNIRAC SLIDERS AND TRIMRAIL ROOF ATTACHMENTS FLASHING 5/16" STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT WITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT AND FLAT WASHER (E) BUILDING STRUCTURE Unirac SFM Infinity REC Solar REC325TP3M PV MODULE (E) ROOF MEMBRANE UNIRAC SLIDERS FLASHING 5/16" STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT WITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT AND FLAT WASHER (E) BUILDING STRUCTURE PV MODULE (BEHIND TRIM RAIL) MAX. 48" MAX. SFM Infinity Switchblade RACKING ATTACHMENTS TO BE Unirac SFM Infinity FRAME STAGGERED BY SHIFTING EACH SUBSEQUENT ROW OF ATTACHMENTS ONE RAFTER OVER. H rac SFM Infinity TRIM RAIL LANDSCAPE PORTRAIT ARRAY DETAIL, FRONT VIEW Scale: 3/8" = V-0" PORTRAIT G PV4 LANDSCAPE :AY DETAIL, SIDE VIEW Scale: 3/8" = V-0" ROOF TYPE: Comp Shingle ROOF FRAMING TYPE: Manufactured Truss RAFTER OR TOP CHORD(TRUSS) 2x4 @ 24"O.C. CEILING JOIST OR BOTTOM CHORD(TRUSS) 2x4 @ 24"O.C. Sealed For Existing Roof & Attachment Only BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 W WW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 43019Vo� WNGBY DIN ENGINEERING _.[3 February 26, 2021 PROJECTNUMBER 3/7/2021 322113 T NAME EQUIP. DETAIL NUMBER REVISION 1 0 ch O 0 O W O Z � O `o H < rn E U OLL O U Dj O Of W O N (n O V >t 43019Vo� WNGBY DIN ENGINEERING _.[3 February 26, 2021 PROJECTNUMBER 3/7/2021 322113 T NAME EQUIP. DETAIL NUMBER REVISION 1 0 (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., BLACK (1-1) 9.0 A AC 00 M C (1) 7 (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., RED (L2) 10 AWG TH H N /THWN -2, C U., WHITE(N) 240 V AC 3 (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., GREEN (EGC) (1) 3/4 INCH EMT EXTERIOR (1) 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., BLACK (1-1) 9.0 A AC a) 16 (1) (1) 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., RED (L2) 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2, CU., WHITE (N) 240 V AC N (1) 3/4 INCH EMT EXTERIORI (1) 12 - 2 OF -B W/G, THHN/THWN-2, SOLID CU. MAX 9.0 A A �(1) 12 - 2 OF -B (or NM) W/G, THHN/THWN-2, SC MAX 9.0 A 240 V A 2 OR 12-2TC-ER,THHN/THWN-2, CU., 90C 240 V 4 INCH EMT EXTERIORI INTERIOR 1. ALL CONDUIT TO BE RAN AT LEAST 7/8 IN. ABOVE ROOF SURFACE WHERE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT. 2. TERMINALS AND LUGS WILL BE TIGHTENED TO MANUFACTURER TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS (WHEN PROVIDED) IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC CODE 110.14(D) ON ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. 3. CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS (E)200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL (E)200A / 2P MAIN BREAKER , (E)200A / 2P (E) LOADS N 120/240 VAC 60HZ 1 PHASE TO UTILITY GRID G SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION PER NEC 230.46, NEC 230.79(D), NEC 705.12(A) PV AC DISCONNECT FUSED, 100kAIC - R LOCKABLE, VISIBLE OPEN SERVICE RATED 60A, 240V, 2 -POLE 20A FUSES CLASS R ' (N) 6 AWG COPPER, SOLID (GEC) TO BE IRREVERSIBLY SPLICED a:_7 TO (E) GEC TO COMPLY WITH C 250.64(D)(1) (E) GROUNDING ELECTRODE(S) — (N) g' COPPER GROUND ROD, 8 FT LONG, VERIFICATION WILL BE AT LEAST 6' APART FROM (E) DONE TO ENSURE THE GROUND ROD. GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM IS CONGRUENT GEC INSTALLED PER NEC 250.64: WITH CURRENT REQUIREMENTS [NEC 250 4 AWG SOLID COPPER PART III.] IF NOT, A NEW *OR" GROUND ROD WILL BE 6 AWG SOLID COPPER GEC INSTALLED. PROTECTED BY RMC/PVC/EMT INTERCONNECTION NOTES 1. SUPPLY SIDE INTERCONNECTION ACCORDING TO [NEC705.12(A)]. 2. SUPPLY SIDE PV DISCONNECT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUITABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT [NEC 690.13(C)] 3. SUPPLY SIDE PV DISCONNECT IS GROUNDED AND BONDED AS A SERVICE WITH A SEPARATE SUPPLY SIDE BONDING JUMPER SIZED PER [NEC 250.102(C)(1)] TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING RESIDENCE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM BY A NEW GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SIZED PER [NEC 250.66]. THE EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM TO COMPLY WITH [NEC 250 III]. [NEC 690.47]. DISCONNECT NOTES 1. DISCONNECTING SWITCHES SHALL BE WIRED SUCH THAT WHEN THE SWITCH IS OPENED THE CONDUCTORS REMAINING LIVE ARE CONNECTED TO THE TERMINALS MARKED "LINE SIDE" (TYPICALLY THE UPPER TERMINALS) 2. AC DISCONNECT MUST BE ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED UTILITY PERSONNEL, BE LOCKABLE, AND BE A VISIBLE -BREAK SWITCH �(1) 12-2 TC-ER,THHN/THWN-2, CU ry (1) 6 AWG BARE, CU (EGC) Approval Notes: 1) P/V array system to have grounding system installed per Part III of Article 250 per 2020 NEC Article 690.47(A). 2) If UFER ground in not available provide or verify supplemental ground rods per 2020 NEC Article 250.53(A)(3). 3) Cold & Hot Water & Natural Gas bonding per 2020 NEC Article 250.104(A)(B) Enphase IQ Combiner 3 X-IQ-AM1-240-3 "JUNCTION BOX(S) (SOLAR LOADS ONLY) FOR WIRE SPLICING ONLY - OPTIONAL IF Q -CABLE (TC -ER) OR OF -B USED FOR ENTIRE HOMERUN JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION BOX �A M go MAX 9.0 A AC 240VAC EXTERIOR (9) REC Solar REC325TP3M UL 1703 COMPLIANT (9) Enphase IQ7-60-2-US MICRO INVERTERS UL 1741 COMPLIANT 9 MODULES MAX FOR ALL SUB -BRANCH CIRCUIT(S) TO COMPLY WITH VRISE CALCS (1) CIRCUIT OF 9 MODULES Utility Company: Xcel Energy Permit Issuer: City of Wheat Ridge BLUERAWEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. Z-11.�,� FICERTIFIED I PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 fel 00 M O I M� W s O a) Z go MAX 9.0 A AC 240VAC EXTERIOR (9) REC Solar REC325TP3M UL 1703 COMPLIANT (9) Enphase IQ7-60-2-US MICRO INVERTERS UL 1741 COMPLIANT 9 MODULES MAX FOR ALL SUB -BRANCH CIRCUIT(S) TO COMPLY WITH VRISE CALCS (1) CIRCUIT OF 9 MODULES Utility Company: Xcel Energy Permit Issuer: City of Wheat Ridge BLUERAWEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. Z-11.�,� FICERTIFIED I PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 fel DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME ELEC. 3 LINE DIAG PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV5 0 00 M O `1 M� W 1 O (N O a) Z CU N O� OCU) CU Ui--- U)) O 0T N_ L w z?� N O = V/ i--' U) L LI CU N >_ U) U LO 1 0 0 DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME ELEC. 3 LINE DIAG PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV5 0 MODULE SPECIFICATIONS REC Solar REC325TP3M DESIGN LOCATION AND TEMPERATURES RATED POWER (STC) 325 W MODULE VOC 39.5 V DC MODULE VMP 34.1 V DC MODULE IMP 9.54 A DC MODULE ISC 10.36 A DC VOC CORRECTION -0.28 %/-C VMP CORRECTION -0.37 fa/ -C SERIES FUSE RATING 20 A DC ADJ. MODULE VOC @ ASHRAE LOW TEMP 43.8 V DC ADJ. MODULE VMP @ ASHRAE 2% AVG. HIGH TEMP 29.1 V DC IVIIL.RVIIV V CR I CR arr_vAF1LH 1IVIV.7 Cf IpI1GSC IL.ZI IVIIU UI IIVCI LCIS POWER PO I NT TRACKI NG (MP PT) MIN/MAX 22 - 48 V DC MAXIMUM INPUT VOLTAGE 48 V DC MAXIMUM DC SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15 A DC MAXIMUM USABLE DC INPUT POWER 350 W MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 1 A AC AC OVERCURRENT PROTECTION 20 A MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER 240 W CEC WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY 97% AC PHU IUVULA IIC: MUUULE MARKING (NEC: b9U.52) NOMI NAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE 240 V AC NOMI NAL OPERATI NG AC FREQUENCY 47 - 68 HZ AC MAXIMUM AC POWER 240 VA AC MAXIMUM AC CURRENT 1.0 A AC MAXIMUM OCPD RATING FOR AC MODULE 20 A AC TEMPERATURE DATA SOURCE STATE CITY WEATHER STATION ASHRAE EXTREME LOW TEMP (-C) ASHRAE 2% AVG. HIGH TEMP ('C) SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS CRY V` A ASHRAE 2% AVG. HIGH TEMP Colorado Wheat Ridge SALISBURY WICOMICO CO AP CIR1 CIR2 CIR3 CIR4 CIR5 CIR6 NUMBER OF MODULES PER MPPT DC POWER RATING PER CIRCUIT (STC) TOTAL MODULE NUMBER STC RATING OF ARRAY AC CURRENT @ MAX POWER POINT (IMP) MAX. CURRENT (IMP X 1.25) OCPD CURRENT RATING PER CIRCUIT MAX. COMB. ARRAY AC CURRENT (IMP) MAX. ARRAY AC POWER 9 2925 COND. VRISE(V) VEND(V; %VRISE IQ7-9 VRISE SEC. 1(MICRO TO JBOX) 32.4 12 Cu. 9 MODULES 2925W DC 9.0 11.25 20 VRISE SEC. 2 (JBOX TO COMBINER BOX) 50 12 Cu. 1.82 241.82 9.0 F 216OW AC 4C VOLTAGE RISE CALCULATIONS DIST (FT) COND. VRISE(V) VEND(V; %VRISE IQ7-9 VRISE SEC. 1(MICRO TO JBOX) 32.4 12 Cu. 1.18 241.18 0.49% VRISE SEC. 2 (JBOX TO COMBINER BOX) 50 12 Cu. 1.82 241.82 0.76% VRISE SEC. 3 (COMBINER BOX TO POI) 10 10 Cu. 0.23 240.23 0.10% TOTALVRISE 11.3 JUNCTION BOX TO 3.22 243.22 1.34% PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT OUTPUT LABEL (NEC 690.54) AC OUTPUT CURRENT 9.0 A AC NOMINAL AC VOLTAGE 240 V AC GROUNDING NOTES 1. A GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH [NEC 690-47] AND [NEC 250-50] THROUGH [NEC 250-60] SHALL BE PROVIDED. PER NEC, GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM OF EXISTING BUILDING MAY BE USED AND BONDED TO AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. IF EXISTING SYSTEM IS INACCESSIBLE, OR INADEQUATE, OR IS ONLY METALLIC WATER PIPING, A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE WILL BE USED AT THE INVERTER LOCATION CONSISTING OF A UL LISTED 8 FT GROUND ROD WITH ACORN CLAMP. 2. THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE BETWEEN THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE AND THE PANEL (OR INVERTER) IF SMALLER THAN #6 AWG COPPER WIRE PER NEC 250-64B. THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR WILL BE CONTINUOUS, EXCEPT FOR SPLICES OR JOINTS AT BUSBARS WITHIN LISTED EQUIPMENT PER [NEC 250.64C.]. 3. GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTORS SHALL BE NO LESS THAN #8 AWG AND NO GREATER THAN #6 AWG COPPER AND BONDED TO THE EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE TO PROVIDE FOR A COMPLETE SYSTEM. 4. PV SYSTEM SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE TO [NEC 250.21], [NEC TABLE 250.122], AND ALL METAL PARTS OR MODULE FRAMES ACCORDING TO [NEC 690.46]. 5. MODULE SOURCE CIRCUITS SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE TO [NEC 690.42]. 6. THE GROUNDING CONNECTION TO A MODULE SHALL BE ARRANGED SUCH THAT THE REMOVAL OF A MODULE DOES NOT INTERRUPT A GROUNDED CONDUCTOR TO ANOTHER MODULE. 7. EACH MODULE WILL BE GROUNDED USING THE SUPPLIED CONNECTIONS POINTS IDENTIFIED IN THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 8. ENCLOSURES SHALL BE PROPERLY PREPARED WITH REMOVAL OF PAINT/FINISH AS APPROPRIATE WHEN GROUNDING EQUIPMENT WITH TERMINATION GROUNDING LUGS. 9. GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE, AND GROUNDING DEVISES EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS SHALL BE RATED FOR DIRECT BURIAL. 10. GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER, SOLID OR STRANDED, AND BARE WHEN EXPOSED. 11. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZE ACCORDING TO [NEC 690.45] AND BEA MINIMUM OF #10AWG WHEN NOT EXPOSED TO DAMAGE (#6AWG SHALL BE USED WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE). 12. GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, SHALL BE COLOR CODED GREEN (OR MARKED GREEN IF #4 AWG OR LARGER) 13. ALL CONDUIT BETWEEN THE UTILITY AC DISCONNECT AND THE POINT OF CONNECTION SHALL HAVE GROUNDED BUSHINGS AT BOTH ENDS. 14. SYSTEM GEC SIZED ACCORDING TO [NEC 690.47], [NEC TABLE 250.66], DC SYSTEM GEC SIZED ACCORDING TO [NEC 250.166], MINIMUM #8AWG WHEN INSULATED, #6AWG WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE. 15. EXPOSED NON-CURRENT CARRYING METAL PARTS OF MODULE FRAMES, EQUIPMENTS, AND CONDUCTOR ENCLOSURES SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 250.134 OR 250.136(A) REGARDLESS OF VOLTAGE. WIRING & CONDUIT NOTES 1. ALL CONDUIT SIZES AND TYPES, SHALL BE LISTED FOR ITS PURPOSE AND APPROVED FOR THE SITE APPLICATIONS 2. BOLTED CONNECTION REQUIRED IN DC DISCONNECTS ON THE WHITE GROUNDED CONDUCTOR (USE POLARIS BLOCK OR NEUTRAL BAR) 3. ANY CONNECTION ABOVE LIVE PARTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT. REDUCING WASHERS DISALLOWED ABOVE LIVE PARTS, MEYERS HUBS RECOMMENDED 4. UV RESISTANT CABLE TIES(NOT ZIP TIES) USED FOR PERMANENT WIRE MANAGEMENT OFF THE ROOF SURFACE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.2,110.3(A -B). 300.4 5. SOLADECK JUNCTION BOXES MOUNTED FLUSH W/ROOF SURFACE TO BE USED FOR WIRE MANAGEMENT AND AS FLASHED ROOF PENETRATIONS FOR INTERIOR CONDUIT RUNS. 6. ALL PV CABLES AND HOMERUN WIRES BE TYPE USE -2, AND SINGLE -CONDUCTOR CABLE LISTED AND IDENTIFIED AS PV WIRE, TYPE TC -ER, OR EQUIVALENT; ROUTED TO SOURCE CIRCUIT COMBINER BOXES AS REQUIRED 7. ALL CONDUCTORS AND OCPD SIZES AND TYPES SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO [NEC CONDUCTOR SIZE CALCULATIONS MICROINVERTER TO MAX. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRRENT (ISC) = 9.0 A AC JUNCTION BOX (1) MAX. CURRENT (ISC X1.25) = 11.3 A AC CONDUCTOR (TC -ER, COPPER (90-C)) = 12 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 30 A AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 28.8 > 11.3 JUNCTION BOX TO MAX. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRRENT (ISC) = 9.0 A AC JUNCTION BOX (2) MAX. CURRENT (ISC X1.25) = 11.3 A AC CONDUCTOR (UF -B, COPPER (60-C)) = 12 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 20 A CONDUIT FILL DERATE = 1 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 19.2 > 11.3 JUNCTION BOX TO MAX. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRRENT (ISC) = 9.0 A AC COMBINER BOX (3) MAX. CURRENT (ISC X1.25) = 11.3 A AC CONDUCTOR (UF -B, COPPER (604C)) = 12 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 20 A CONDUIT FILL DERATE = 1 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 19.2 > 11.3 COMBINER BOX TO INVERTER RATED AMPS = 9.0 A AC MAIN PV OCPD (15) MAX. CURRENT (RATED AMPS X1.25) = 11.25 A AC CONDUCTOR (THWN-2, COPPER (75-C TERM.)) = 10 AWG CONDUCTOR RATING = 35 A CONDUIT FILL DERATE = 1 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ADJUSTED AMP. = 33.6 > 11.3 690.8] FOR MULTIPLE CONDUCTORS 8. ALL PV DC CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 7/8" ABOVE THE ROOF SURFACE AND DERATED ACCORDING TO [NEC TABLE 310.15 (13)(2)(a), NEC TABLE 310.15(13)(3)(a),& NEC 310.15(13)(3)(c)]. 9. EXPOSED ROOF PV DC CONDUCTORS SHALL BE USE -2, 90°C RATED, WET AND UV RESISTANT, AND UL LISTED RATED FOR 600V, UV RATED SPIRAL WRAP SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT WIRE FROM SHARP EDGES 10. PHASE AND NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE DUAL RATED THHN/THWN-2 INSULATED, 90°C RATED, WET AND UV RESISTANT, RATED FOR 600V 11. 4 -WIRE DELTA CONNECTED SYSTEMS HAVE THE PHASE WITH THE HIGHER VOLTAGE TO GROUND MARKED ORANGE OR IDENTIFIED BY OTHER EFFECTIVE MEANS. 12. ALL SOURCE CIRCUITS SHALL HAVE INDIVIDUAL SOURCE CIRCUIT PROTECTION 13. VOLTAGE DROP LIMITED TO 2% FOR DC CIRCUITS AND 3% FOR AC CIRCUITS 14. NEGATIVE GROUNDED SYSTEMS DC CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COLOR CODED AS FOLLOWS: DC POSITIVE- RED (OR MARKED RED), DC NEGATIVE- GREY (OR MARKED GREY) 15. POSITIVE GROUNDED SYSTEMS DC CONDUCTORS COLOR CODED: DC POSITIVE- GREY (OR MARKED GREY), DC NEGATIVE- BLACK (OR MARKED BLACK) 16. AC CONDUCTORS >4AWG COLOR CODED OR MARKED: PHASE A OR L1- BLACK, PHASE B OR L2- RED, PHASE C OR L3- BLUE, NEUTRAL- WHITE/GRAY EUTRAL- WHITE/GRAY * USE -2 IS NOT INDOOR RATED BUT PV CABLE IS RATED THWN/THWN-2 AND MAY BE USED INSIDE ** USE -2 IS AVAILABLE AS UV WHITE 17. RIGID CONDUIT, IF INSTALLED, (AND/OR NIPPLES) MUST HAVE A PULL BUSHING TO PROTECT WIRES. 18. IF CONDUIT DETERMINED TO BE RAN THROUGH ATTIC IN FIELD THEN CONDUIT WILL BE EITHER EMT, FMC, OR MC CABLE IF DC CURRENT COMPLYING WITH NEC 690.31, NEC 250.118(10). DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL COMPLY WITH 690.13 AND 690.15 19. CONDUIT RAN THROUGH ATTIC WILL BE AT LEAST 18" BELOW ROOF SURFACE COMPLYING WITH NEC 230.6(4) AND SECURED NO GREATER THAN 6' APART PER NEC 330.30(8). *41A*r BLUE RA 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. Z 0 Q 0 z LLI U) rCERTIFIED� PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 M M O O 00 O 70 Cu _O O U N U) 0) o _ Cu O N OLO �> U U7 N W N_ U) LU U) 0 DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME ELEC. CALCS. PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV6 I 0 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION r DIRECT CURRENT PHOTOVOLTAIC, PCIVVER SOURCE VOLTAGEMAXIMUM i MAX CIRCUIT CURRENT AMPS 1 i � RATEDAG OUTPUT CURRENT A NOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE V hWARNING DUAL POWER SUPPLY SOURCES: UTILITY GRID AND PV SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM WARNING INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE AWARNING 4 THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES. TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES, EXCLUDING MAIN SUPPLY OVERCURRENT DEVICE, SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUSBAR. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONNECTED PV AC DISCONNECT LABEL 1 FOR PV DISCONNECTING MEANS WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. [NEC 690.13(B), NEC 705.22] LABEL 2 AT EACH DC DISCONNECTING MEANS, INCLUDING THE DC DISCONNECT AT THE INVERTER. [NEC 690.53, NEC 690.13(B)] LABEL 3 AT POINT OF INTERCONNECTION, MARKED AT AC DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 690.54, NEC 690.13 (B)] LABEL 4 IF INTERCONNECTING ON THE LOAD SIDE, INSTALL THIS LABEL ANYWHERE THAT IS POWERED BY BOTH THE UTILITY AND THE SOLAR PV SYSTEM: THE MAIN SERVICE PANEL AND SUB -PANELS. [NEC 705.12(B)(3)] LABEL 5 PLACED ADJACENT TO THE BACK -FED BREAKER FROM THE INVERTER IF TIE IN CONSISTS OF LOAD SIDE CONNECTION TO BUSBAR. [NEC 705.12(13)(2)(3)(b)] SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE 'OFF' POSITION TO 5M MEMMC SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD IN THEARRAY TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE'OFF POSITION TO SHUT DOWN CONDUCTORS , ...... -- -- OUTSIDE THE ARRAY -- -- CONDUCTORS NIITHIN THE ARRAY REMAIN ENERGIZED IN SUNLIGHT RAPID SHUTDOWN TEST NOT REQUIRED LABEL 7 LABEL 15 AT DIRECT-CURRENT EXPOSED RACEWAYS, CABLE ®WARNING PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT TRAYS, COVERS AND ENCLOSURES OF JUNCTION MAIN DISTRIBUTION unUTY DlscoNNecr(s) MAIN SERVICE EQUIPMENT LOCATION IF ALL Nor - ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE DISCONNECTING 1 BOXES, AND OTHER WIRING METHODS; SPACED AT POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED MEANS SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUTDOWN L MAXIMUM 1OFT SECTION OR WHERE SEPARATED BY FROM A ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAY WITH ENCLOSURES, WALLS, PARTITIONS, CEILINGS, OR A RMCI SHUTDOWN DISCONNECTING MEANS SWITCH) ARE GROUPED AND IN LINE OF SITE OF FLOORS. [NEC 690.31(G)(3&4)] GROUPED AND OFTHISLELED HINLINEOFSITE MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 690.56(C) & NEC 705.10]. LABEL 8 FOR PV SYSTEMS THAT SHUT DOWN THE ARRAY AND CONDUCTORS LEAVING THE ARRAY: SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN 3 FT AWAY FROM SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS TO WHICH THE PV SYSTEMS ARE CONNECTED AND SHALL INDICATE THE LOCATION OF ALL IDENTIFIED RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCHES IF NOT AT THE SAME LOCATION. [NEC 690.56(C)(1)(A)] LABEL 9 FOR PV SYSTEMS THAT ONLY SHUT DOWN CONDUCTORS LEAVING THE ARRAY: SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN 3 FT AWAY FROM SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS TO WHICH THE PV SYSTEMS ARE CONNECTED AND SHALL INDICATE THE LOCATION OF ALL IDENTIFIED RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCHES IF NOT AT THE SAME LOCATION. [NEC 690.56(C)(1)(B)] LABEL 11 SIGN LOCATED AT AC COMBINER BOX FOR ALL MICRO -INVERTER /AC MODULE INSTALLS (IF APPLICABLE). .LABEL LABELING DIAGRAM FOR MICRO INV.: PANEL MAIN SERVICE PANEL LABEL 6 00 (ONLY IF 3 OR MORE SUPPLY SOURCES TO 12 13 A BUSBAR) (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS SIGN LOCATED AT LOAD CENTER IF IT O&O CONTAINS 3 OR MORE POWER SOURCES. 15 OR 17 [NEC 705.12(13)(2)(3)(C)] O & O OR PLACARD 5 IF BREAKER USED O 15 OR 0 (ONLY IF PV OR PLACARD INTERCONNECTION O INTEGRATED (ONLY IF PV LABEL 10 INTERCONNECTION SIGN LOCATED AT RAPID SHUT DOWN CODE DISCONNECT SWITCH [NEC 690.56(C)(3)]. BREAKER) LABEL 12 PLACARD TO BE PLACED AT THE MAIN BILLING METER PER XCEL ENERGY. LABEL 13 PLACARD TO BE PLACED AT AC DISCONNECT PER XCEL ENERGY. LABELING NOTES: 1. LABELS CALLED OUT ACCORDING TO ALL COMMON CONFIGURATIONS. ELECTRICIAN TO DETERMINE EXACT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FIELD PER CURRENT NEC AND LOCAL CODES AND MAKE APPROPRIATE ADJUSTMENTS. 2. LABELING REQUIREMENTS BASED ON THE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, OSHA STANDARD 19010.145, ANSI Z535. 3. MATERIAL BASED ON THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 4. LABELS TO BE OF SUFFICIENT DURABILITY TO WITHSTAND THE ENVIRONMENT INVOLVED AND SHALL NOT BE HANDWRITTEN [NEC 110.21] 5. LABELS TO BE A MINIMUM LETTER HEIGHT OF 3/8", WHITE ON RED BACKGROUND; REFLECTIVE, AND PERMANENTLY AFFIXED [IFC 605.11.1.1] &WARNING POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM MAIN DISTRIBUTION UTILITY DISCONNECT LOCATED ®WARNING POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAY. SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUTDOWN DISCONNECT IS LOCATED OUTSIDE NEXT TO UTILITY METER. LABEL 16 PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH DENOTING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT LOCATION IF SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUT DOWN DISCONNECT SWITCH IS NOT GROUPED AND WITHIN LINE OF SITE OF MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 705.10] LABEL 17 PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT MAIN SERVICE EQUIPMENT DENOTING THE LOCATION OF THE PV RAPID SHUTDOWN SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUT DOWN DISCONNECT SWITCH IS NOT GROUPED AND WITHIN LINE OF SITE OF MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS. [NEC 705.10, NEC 690.56(C)(1)] rr`� ■ �►ARNING LABEL 18 PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT AC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMBINER PANEL [NEC 110.21(B)] COMBINER PANEL DO NOT ADD LOADS EXISTING SUB PANEL PV COMBINER (IF WHERE POINT OF SUBPANEL - INTERCONNECTION AC DISCONNECT IF USED TO COMBINE AC JUNCTION BOX IS MADE) (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS OR AC COMBINER BOX N "GmooEWN 00 0 0&0 16 0 IF BREAKER USE 11 LABELING DIAGRAM FOR STRING INV. / DC OPTIMIZER INV.: MAIN SERVICE PANEL EXISTING SUB PANEL (IF WHERE POINT OF SUBPANEL- 00 12 O & O IF BREAKER USED INTERCONNECTION IS MADE) 0 (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS OR9 O&O O O 0 15 OR 17 IF BREAKER USED 16 13 04 O OR PLACARD 5 0 O (ONLY IF PV (ONLY IF PV On O INTERCONNECTION INTERCONNECTION INTEGRATED CONSISTS OF LOAJ CONSISTS OF LOAD U) SIDE BREAKER) SIDE BREAKER) u PV COMBINER INVERTER (S) coco SUBPANEL- AC DISCONNECT IF USED TO COMBINE O (IF REQ. / INSTALLED) PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS O O 0 O 00 LO N 16 13 04 O AC Z pl O Z On O DC DISCONNECT INTEGRATED 0 QN p JUNCTION BOX OR COMBINER BOX O *ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS SHOWN ABOVE IS FOR LABELING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT AN ACTUAL REPRESENATION OF EQUIPMENT AND CONNECTIONS TO BE INSTALLED. LABEL LOCATIONS PRESENTED MAY VERY DEPENDING ON TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION METHOD AND LOCATION PRESENTED ON PV5 OF 3 LINE DIAGRAM. PV5 LINE DIAGRAM TO REFLECT ACTUAL REPRESENTATION OF PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK. 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUERAVENSOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC TION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUERAVENSOLAR LLC. FCERTIFIED� PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 fel DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME LABELS PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV8 0 coco O O 00 LO N O Z C CU N 0 QN p C:O 0) CU C).2 U) U 0 W U) w LL z ?� O U) W CU N U) U �--� 1 0 DRAWING BY DIN ENGINEERING DATE February 26, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER 322113 SHEET NAME LABELS PAGE NUMBER REVISION PV8 0 Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region: AMERICAS Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters The high-powered smart grid -ready Enphase IQ 7 MicroW and Enphase IQ 7+ MicrOTM dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency. Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ EnvoyTM, Enphase IQ BatteryTM, and the Enphase Enlighten T11 monitoring and analysis software. IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power -on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading warranty of up to 25 years. Easy to Install • Lightweight and simple • Faster installation with improved, lighter two -wire cabling • Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 & 2017) Productive and Reliable • Optimized for high powered 60-cell/120 half -cell and 72- cell/144 half -cell* modules • More than a million hours of testing • Class II double -insulated enclosure • UL listed Smart Grid Ready • Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride -through requirements • Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements • Configurable for varying grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741 -SA) Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC) Commonly used module pairings' Module compatibility Maximum input DC voltage Peak power tracking voltage Operating range Min/Max start voltage Max DC short circuit current (module Isc) Overvoltage class DC port DC port backfeed current PV array configuration OUTPUT DATA Peak output power Maximum continuous output power Nominal (L -L) voltage/range2 Maximum continuous output current Nominal frequency Extended frequency range AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles Maximum units per 20 A (L -L) branch circuit' Overvoltage class AC port AC port backfeed current Power factor setting Power factor (adjustable) EFFICIENCY Peak efficiency CEC weighted efficiency MECHANICAL DATA IQ7-60-2-US 235W-350 W+ 60-cell/120 half -cell PV modul only 48 V 27V -37V 16V -48V 22V/48V 15A 11 OA 1 x 1 ungrounded array; No ad, AC side protection requires m< IQ 7 Microinverter 250 VA -40°C to +65°C 240 VA 4% to 100% (condensing) 240 V / 208V/ 211-264 V 183-229 V 1.0 A (240 V) 1.15 A (208 V 60 Hz Natural convection - No fans 47-68 Hz Yes 5.8 Arms PD3 16 (240 VAC) III 13 (208 VAC) 18 mA NEMA Type 6 / outdoor 1.0 0.85 leading ... 0.85 lagging @240 V @208 V 97.6 % 97.6% 97.0% 97.0% IQ7PLUS-72-2-US 235W -440W+ 60-cell/120 half -cell and 72- cell/144 half -cell PV modules 60 V 27V -45V 16V -60V 22V/60V 15A 11 OA onal DC side protection required; ?OA per branch circuit IQ 7+ Microinverter 295 VA -40°C to +65°C 290 VA 4% to 100% (condensing) 240 V / 208V/ 211-264 V 183-229 V 1.21 A (240 V) 1.39 A (208 V) 60 Hz Natural convection - No fans 47-68 Hz Yes 5.8 Arms PD3 13 (240 VAC) III 11 (208 VAC) 18 mA NEMA Type 6 / outdoor 1.0 0.85 leading ... 0.85 lagging @240 V @208 V 97.5% 97.3% 97.0% 97.0% Ambient temperature range -40°C to +65°C Relative humidity range 4% to 100% (condensing) Connector type MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q -DCC -5 adapter) Dimensions (HxWxD) 212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm (without bracket) Weight 1.08 kg (2.38 lbs) Cooling Natural convection - No fans Approved for wet locations Yes Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class II double -insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environmental category/ UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6 / outdoor FEATURES Communication Power Line Communication (PLC) Monitoring Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options. Both options require installation of an Enphase IQ Envoy. Disconnecting means The AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load -break disconnect required by NEC 690. Compliance CA Rule 21 (UL 1741 -SA) UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES -0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC 2014, NEC 2017, and NEC 2020 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer's instructions. 1. No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://enphase.com/en-us/support/module-compatibility. * The IQ 7+ Micro is required to support 72-cell/144 half -cell modules. 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. CERTIFIED 3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. MFM _J E N P H AS E® To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com E N P H AS E® To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com `� © 2020 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, Enphase IQ 7, Enphase IQ 7+, Enphase IQ Battery, Enphase Enlighten, Enphase IQ Envoy, and other trademarks or service names are the trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 2020-08-12 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 Data Sheet Enphase Networking tnphase IQ Combiner 3 (X -I Q-AM1-240-3) UL LISTED To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com The Enphase IQ Combiner 3 T with Enphase IQ Envoy TM consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and streamlines PV and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre -wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2 -pole input circuits and Eaton BR series busbar assembly. Smart • Includes IQ Envoy for communication and control • Flexible networking supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular • Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge • Provides production metering and optional consumption monitoring Simple • Reduced size from previous combiner • Centered mounting brackets support single stud mounting • Supports back and side conduit entry • Up to four 2 -pole branch circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers (not included) • 80 A total PV or storage branch circuits Reliable • Durable NRTL-certified NEMAtype 3R enclosure • Five-year limited warranty • UL listed Enphase IQ Combiner 3 MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiner 3 IQ Combiner 3 with Enphase IQ Envoy" printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV X -IQ -AMI -240-3 production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and optional* consumption monitoring (+/- 2.51i ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately) Enphase Mobile Connect" 49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5" x 14.75" x 6.63"). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm with mounting brackets) CELLMODEM-03 (4G/12 -year data plan) Plug and play industrial grade cellular modem with data plan for systems up to 60 CELLMODEM-01 (3G/5 -year data plan) microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE -M/5 -year data plan) where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Consumption Monitoring* CT Split core current transformers enable whole home consumption metering (+/- 2.5%). CT -200 -SPLIT • 20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors * Consumption monitoring is required for Enphase Storage Systems • 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors Wireless USB adapter Installed at the IQ Envoy. For communications with Enphase EnchargeT" storage and Enphase COMMS -KIT -01 EnpowerT" smart switch. Includes USB cable for connection to IQ Envoy or Enphase IQ Combiner" and allows redundant wireless communication with Encharge and Enpower. Circuit Breakers Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, BR250, and BR260 circuit breakers. BRK-10A-2-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 10A, Eaton BR210 BRK-15A-2-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215 BRK-20A-2P-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 EPLC-01 Power line carrier (communication bridge pair), quantity - one pair XA-PLUG-120-3 Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 3 (required for EPLC-01) XA-ENV-PCBA-3 Replacement IQ Envoy printed circuit board (PCB) for Combiner 3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rating Continuous duty System voltage 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz Eaton BR series busbar rating 125 A Max. continuous current rating (output to grid) 65 A Max. fuse/circuit rating (output) 90A Branch circuits (solar and/or storage) Up to four 2 -pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included) Max. continuous current rating (input from PV) 64 A Max. total branch circuit breaker rating (input) 80A of distributed generation / 90A with IQ Envoy breaker included Production Metering CT 200 A solid core pre-installed and wired to IQ Envoy MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD) 49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5" x 14.75" x 6.63"). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm with mounting brackets) Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) Ambient temperature range -40° C to +46° C (-400 to 115° F) Cooling Natural convection, plus heat shield Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate construction Wire sizes • 20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors • 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors • Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors • Neutral and ground: 14 to 1/0 copper conductors Always follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. Altitude To 2000 meters (6,560 feet) INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS Integrated Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n Ethernet Optional, 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) Cellular Optional, CELLMODEM-01 (3G) or CELLMODEM-03 (4G) or CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE -M) (not included) COMPLIANCE Compliance, Combiner UL 1741, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1, 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003 Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production) Compliance, IQ Envoy UL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 61010-1 To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ Combiner 3, and other trademarks or service names are the E N P H ArFMrk4 of Enphase Energy, Inc. 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET E N P H A S E® PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 1 0 � REC TWINPE/ ■ MONO BLACK � SERIES I � I9m I9m PREMIUM SOLAR PANELS WITH SUPERIOR PERFORMAN IMPROVED PERFORMANCE IN SHADED CONDITIONS n&wwi &. yr SYSTEM COSTS REC TWINPEAK 3 MONO BLACK SERIES 4 1683±2.5 [66.25 ±0.11 0 ,28 [1.1] 918 [36.1] ►� 382.5 [15.05], i T �38 [1.5 Measurements in mm [in[ % FFICIENCY m 20 YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY YEAR LINEAR POWER OUTPUT WARRANTY Nominal Module Operating Temperature: ❑ 11000 [39] + Temperature coefficient of PMAX: 0 o ■ Temperature coefficient of V,c: 0 0 11±0.2 Temperature coefficient of ISC: ,q [0.43 ±0.81 1 77 F7 20.5±0.5 g l F [0.78 ±0.081 " 1200 [47] - � _ T �38 [1.5 Measurements in mm [in[ % FFICIENCY m 20 YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY YEAR LINEAR POWER OUTPUT WARRANTY Nominal Module Operating Temperature: 44.6°C(+2oC) Temperature coefficient of PMAX: -0.37 %/°C Temperature coefficient of V,c: -0.28 %/°C Temperature coefficient of ISC: 0.04 %/°C Power Output- PMAX(Wp) 315 32te25oQ 325 330 335 1 Cells: 120 half -cut mono -Si p -type PERC cells WattClassSorting (W) -0/+5 -0/+-0/+5 Professional /+5 -0/+5 7:57 strings o cells in series v ............................................................... Nominal Power Voltage -VMPP(V) ......................... 33.6 33.34.1 36,1 ................................... 34.3 34.6 Glass: 0.13" (3.2 mm) solar glass with o ............................................................. 8.23 ..................... 8.29 ................................... 8.34 10 anti reflective surface treatmentI NominalPowerCurrent IMPp(A) ................ ................ 9.40 959.54 ......................................................................>............................................................................................ Annual Degradation 962 9:69 Backsheet: o Highly resistant polyester Open Circuit Voltage-VIC(V) 38.7 39.39.5 See warranty docum ents for details. 39.9 40.2 polyolefin construction (black) �o ............................................................................................... Short Circuit Current- ISC(A) .................................................. 10.30 10.310.36 ................................... 0.39 10.42 Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) o ............................................................................................... Panel Efficiency(%) ...................................................... 18.8 19.19.4 ................................... 19.7 20.0 Junction box: 3-partwith 3bypassdiodes, IP67rated v .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................... 12 AWG (4 MM2) PV wi re, 39" +47" (1.0 m +1.2 m) Values at standard test conditions (STC: air mass AM1.5,irradiancel000W/mz,temperoQbasedonaprodu nSpreadwithato[erance of PMAVoc&1503% withinone watt class. At alowirradianceof200W/mzatleast95 STC moduleefficienc ill be achieved. Connectors: StaubliMC4PV-KBT4/PV-KST4, o °Wherexxx indicatesthe nominal power class (PMAj at STC indicated above. 12 AWG (4 mm') k Power Output- PMAx(Wp) 235 238 242 246 250 ...................................31.3.....................31.5 Nominal Power Voltage g MPP( ) Certified Solar No 31.7............ 31.9....................32.2 Professional Nominal 7.51 7:57 7.63 7.70 7.75 ... ..... Open Circuit Voltage -VoC(V) 36,1 36.4 ........................................................................... 36.8 37.1 37.5 .. . ShortCircuitCurrent ISC(A) 8.23 8.26 8.29 8.31 8.34 Nominal module operating temperature (NMOT: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 800 W/m2Wmperature 20°C, windspl m/s) *Wherexxx indicatesthe nominal power class (Pmt j at STC indicated above. CE 0 & Act's UL 1703, Fire classification: Type 2; IEC 61215, IEC 61730; ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 Operational temperature: -40...+185°F(-40...+85°C) Maximum system voltage: :Standard: _ REC ProTrust ............................................................ .......... Installed byan REC .............................. ;............................................................. 5400 Pa (112.8 lbs/ftz)° Design load (-):wind Certified Solar No Yes Yes Professional Max reverse current: 20A o N ....................................................................................................._............................................................. System Size Any [ s25 kW 25-500 kW ...... ...................................................... .........._ ProductWarranty(yrs) .............................. ;............................................................. 20 25 25 ......................................................................_..............................:............................................................. PowerWarranty(yrs) 25 _............................................................. 25 25 ..... ...................................................... ...........- Labor Warranty (yrs) .............................. 0 .............................................................. 25 10 ....................... ...............................................- PowerinYearl .............................. : 97.5% :97.5% 97.5% ......................................................................>............................................................................................ Annual Degradation 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% ......................................................................:............................................................................................ PowerinYear25 : 80.7% :80.7% 80.7% See warranty docum ents for details. Some conditions apply. Operational temperature: -40...+185°F(-40...+85°C) Maximum system voltage: 1000V Design load (+): snow 3600 Pa (75.2lbs/ft2)' Maximum test load (+): 5400 Pa (112.8 lbs/ftz)° Design load (-):wind 1600 Pa (33.4lbs/ft2)' Maximum test load (-): 2400 Pa (50 lbs/ftz)° Max series fuse rating: 20A Max reverse current: 20A o N Calculated using a safety factorofl.5 `D ¢ See installation manual for mounting instructionsMECHANICAL v DATA Dimensions: 66.3x39.25x1.5(1683x997x38mm) Area: 17.98ft2(1.68m2) a Weight: 41.7 lbs (18.9 kg) I Note! Specificationssubjecttochangewith out notice. 9 REC Group is an international pioneering solar energy company dedicated to empowering consumers with clean, affordable solar power in orderto facilitate global energy transitions. Committed to quality and innovation, REC offers photovoltaic modules with leading high quality, backed by an exceptional low warranty claims rate of less than 100ppm. Founded in Norway in 1996, REC employs 2,000 people and has an annual solar panel capacity of 1.8 GW. With overl0 GW installed worldwide, REC is empowering morethanl6 million people with clean solarenergy.RECGroupisa BluestarElkem companywithheadquarters inNorway, operational headquarters in Singapore, and regional bases in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 4 RCC 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME www.recgroup.com SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 intertek Total Quality. Assured. UNIRAC INC. LETTER REPORT SCOPE OF WORK ADDITION OF MODULES TO THE UNIRAC SFM CDR 102393982LAX-002 REPORT NUMBER 104430210LAX-001a ISSUE DATE 24 -Sept -2020 PAGES 3 DOCUMENT CONTROL NUMBER GFT -OP -10a (21 -June -2019) © 2019 INTERTEK wi tntertek Total Quality. Assured. LETTER REPORT September 24, 2020 Klaus Nicolaedis Unirac Inc. 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87102-1545 USA klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com 25791 Commercentre Drive Model Lake Forest, CA 92630 tntertek Telephone: 949-448-4100 Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.3, Facsimile: 949-448-4111 Total Quality. Assured. www.intertek.com Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.3 LETTER REPORT Intertek Report No. 104430210LAX-001a crrTinni I Intertek Project No. G104430210 PROJECT STATUS & ACTION Ph: 505-462-2190 Issuance of this letter report provides results of the evaluatior No. G104430210. If there are any questions regarding the results contained in th services offered by Intertek, please do not hesitate to coni Project Manager. Subject: Addition of modules to the Unirac SFM CDR 102393982LAX-002 Dear Klaus, Completed by: Abhinav Prakash Title: Project Engineer This letter report represents the results of our evaluation of the above referenced product(s) to the requirements contained in the following standards: Signature: Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703:2015 Ed.1] Date 09-24-2020 Reviewed by: Title: Signature Date: cFrTinMi I Please note: this Letter Report does not represent authorizatior SUMMARY certification marks. This investigation was authorized by quote # Qu -01101732 dated 08-17-2020. The scope of the project was to evaluate and add module frames to the SFM CDR 102393982LAX-002. SEL i iuN EVALUATION The following PV modules were evaluated for bonding/grounding purposes and are approved to be installed using the Unirac SFM model: Manufacturer Model Q.PEAK DUO L -G7, Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.1, Hanwha Q Cell Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G7.3, 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 Q.PEAK DUO L -G8, Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.1, Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.2, Q.PEAK DUO L -G8.3 REC TP3M, TP3M Black Silfab SIL-xxx-NT, SIL-xxx-ML, SIL-xxx-NL, SIL-xxx-BL, SIL-xxx-HL This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program. Version: 6 -March -2017 Version: 6 -March -2017 Page 2 of 3 GFT -OP -10a Page 3 of 3 111�6 BLUE RAVE14 Unirac Inc. 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 Intertek Report No: 104430210LAX-001a 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN covered by Intertek Project SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN s report, or any of the other act your dedicated Intertek CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR L.L.C. Adam Muliawan NABCEP zi Reviewer CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 09-25-2020 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS for the use of any Intertek 385.498.6700 CRN C* i rN GFT -OP -10a SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 F 1MT 0 N Powering Business Worldwide Eaton general duty cartridge fuse safety switch DG322NGB UPC :7821 1 31 44283 Dimensions: • Height: 14.19 IN • Length: 14.8 IN • Width: 9.7 IN Weight:10 LB Notes:Maximum hp ratings apply only when dual element fuses are used Warranties: • Eaton Selling Policy 25-000. one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first. Specifications: • Type: General duty, cartridge fused • Amperage Rating: 60A • Enclosure: NEMA 1 • Enclosure Material: Painted steel • Fuse Class Provision: Class H fuses • Fuse Configuration: Fusible with neutral • Number Of Poles: Three -pole • Number Of Wires: Four -wire • Product Category: General duty safety switch • Voltage Rating: 240V Supporting documents: • Eatons Volume 2 -Commercial Distribution • Eaton Specification Sheet - DG322NGB Certifications: • UL Listed Product compliance: No Data pe.eaton.com 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 am 04 11� 0 0 3 3 [77.09mm] 3.04in 0 ITEM NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY. JB -1 Body w/ E -Z LOK POLYCARBONATE WITH UV 1 TECHNOLOGY INHIBITORS 1 2 JB -1 Lid w/ Gasket POLYCARBONATE WITH UV 1 INHIBITORS 3 10-32 x 1 " Phillips pan head bolt 4 #8 x 1-1 /4" Phillips 4 pan head screw iue Specification: tifications: ght (LBS): 15-20 lbs -in UL Standard 1741, NEMA3R 1.3 lbs DATE EZ Solar SLC, UT USA Phone (385) 202-4150 www.ersolarproducts.com TITLE: EZ SOLAR SIZE G. NO. REV 6 JB -1 SCALE: 1:2 WEIGHT: SHEET 1 OF 3 1 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE B WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 0 CRY of akt A, z�a�wzi SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 [304. � 12. 0 El wl F17n 7gmml 2 [57.94mm] 2.28in [9.53mm] 0.38i n [5.55mm] 0.22i n SECTION A -A SCALE 1 : 1 Fr, r, RQ m ml [57.94mm] 2.28in 10.50i n UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: NAME DATE DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DRAWN TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL± TITLE: CHECKED ENG APPR. ANGULAR: MACH 2: BEND ± TWO PLACE DECIMAL ± C EZ SOLAR MFG APPR. THREE PLACE DECIMAL ± INTERPRET GEOMETRIC Q.A. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TOLERANCING PER: COMMENTS: MATERIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF SIZE DWG. NO. REV EZ SOLAR. I D NEXT ASSY USED ON FINISH ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN J D PERMISSION OF EZ SOLAR IS PROHIBITED. APPLICATION DO NOT SCALE DRAWING SCALE: 1.2 WEIGHT: SHEET 2 OF 3 4 3 2 1 Ire 0 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 0 rd SECTION A -A SCALE 1 :2 I 4 w [3.18mm] .13in LID OVERHANG 3 OUTSIDE A f I � 2 -nm] In [22.23m m] .88in INSIDE BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE B WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 0 CRY of z/e/wv SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEC IFI ED: NAME DATE DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DRAWN TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL± TITLE: CHECKED ENG APPR. ANGULAR: MACH± BEND t TWO PLACE DECIMAL ± C EZ SOLAR MFG APPR. THREE PLACE DECIMAL ± INTERPRET GEOMETRIC Q.A. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TOLERANCING PER: COMMENTS: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF MATERIAL SIZE DWG. NO. REV ANY NEXT ASSY USED ON FINISH REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE REPRODUEZ CTION WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF 6 J13-1 <INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE> IS PROHIBITED. SCALE: 1:2 WEIGHT: SHEET 3 OF 3 1 APPLICATION 2 DO NOT SCALE DRAWING 3 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE B WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 0 CRY of z/e/wv SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 I I I I 1 1 111�6 BLUE RAVE -N ' ' ► ► ► ' 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J _J__ -I -I -I i� -I S AM Star Washer is Single Use Only TERMINALTOROUE, Install Conductor and torque to the followir 4-6 AWG: 35in-lbs 8 AWG: 25 in -lbs 10-14 AWG: 20 in -lbs TERMINAL TORQUE.' Install Conductor and torque to the following: 4-14AWG: 35in-lbs WEEBLUG Single Use Only I TERMINALTOROUE, Install Conductor and torque to the following: 6-14 AWG: 7ft-lbs LUG DETAIL & TOROUE INFO LUG DETAIL & TOROUE INFO LUG DETAIL & TOROUE INFO Ilsco Lay -In Lug (GBL-4DBT) Ilsco Flange Lug(SGB-4) Wiley WEEBLug (6.7) • 10-32 mounting hardware 0 1/4" mounting hardware 0 1/4" mounting hardware • Torque = 5 ft -lb 0 Torque = 75 in -lb 0 Torque = 10 ft -lb • AWG 4-14 - Solid or Stranded 0 AWG 4-14 - Solid or Stranded 0 AWG 6-14 - Solid or Stranded NOTE: ISOLATE COPPER FROM ALUMINUM CONTACT TO PREVENT CORROSION System bonding is accomplished through modules. System grounding accomplished by attaching a ground lug to any module at a location on the module specified by the module manufacturer. E -W BONDING PATH: E -W module to module bonding is accomplished with 2 pre-installed bonding pins which engage on the secure side of the MicroraiLTM and splice. N -S BONDING PATH: N -S module to module bonding is accomplished with bonding clamp with 2 integral bonding pins. refer also to alternate method ) Alternate method , TRIMRAIL BONDING PATH: Trimrail to module bonding is accomplished with bonding clamp with integral bonding pin and bonding T -bolt. (refer aL . to alteri._.ce method ) 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 CRY or /wu SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 M FRAME UL CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES ; R � BLUE RAVEN F ■■ M MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ;PAG E b oaE,.,�.,�, NG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800-377-4480 SYSTEM LEVEL FIRE CLASSIFICATION The system fire class rating requires installation in the manner specified in the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL (SFM) Installation Guide. SFM has been classified to the system level fire portion of UL 1703. This UL 1703 classification has been incorporated into the UL 2703 product certification. SFM has achieved Class A, B & C system level performance for low slope & steep sloped roofs when used in conjunction with type 1 and type 2 modules. Class A, B & C system level fire Module Type Type 1 and Type 2 Roof Slope Steep Slope & Low Slope performance is inherent in the SFM design, and no additional mitigation measures are required. The fire classification rating is valid for any roof pitch. There is no required minimum or maximum height limitation above the roof deck to maintain the Class A, B & C fire rating for SFM. SUNFRAME MICRORAILTM components shall be mounted over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application. Class A, B & C UL2703 TEST MODULES See page "S" for a list of modules that were electrically and mechanically tested or qualified with the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL (SFM) components outlined within this Installation Guide. • Maximum Area of Module = 22.3 sgft • UL2703 Design Load Ratings: a) Downward Pressure - 113 PSF / 5400 Pa b) Upward Pressure - 50 PSF / 2400 Pa C) Down -Slope Load - 30 PSF / 1400 Pa • Tested Loads: a) Downward Pressure - 170 PSF / 8000 Pa b) Upward Pressure - 75 PSF / 3500 Pa C) Down -Slope Load - 45 PSF / 2100 Pa • Maximum Span = 6ft • Use with a maximum over current protection device OCPD of 30A • System conforms to UL Std 2703, certified to LTR AE -001-2012 • Rated for a design load of 2400 Pa / 5400 Pa with 24 inch span LABEL MARKINGS • System fire class rating: See installation instructions for installation requirements to achieve a specified system fire class rating with Unirac . • Unirac SUNFRAME MICRORAILTM is listed to UL 2703. • All splices within a system are shipped with marking indicating date and location of manufacture. de i r, aarL r � 0- MADE MDLYrYSd 16 Wil Orli OWE TdUKUM OLLE dLS 1P. 13L MAUM ewx� 0 r I [ ] i [ 7 1 1 1 1 t 5 i CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 CRY of a �' U)4W&ZA- 9l2ou SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 0'1� $FM SUN TME ESTED / CERTIFIED MODULE LIST s MM MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ;PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F Manufacture Module Model /Series Manufacture Aleo P -Series CHSM6612P, CHSM6612P/HV, CHSM6612M, Astronergy CHSM6612M/HV, CHSM6610M (BL)(BF)/(HF), CHSM72M-HC JA Solar Auxin AXN6M610T, AXN6P610T, Risen RSM Series S -Energy AXN6M612T & AXN6P612T AXI Power, AXI Premium, AXI Black Premium BVM6610, BVM6612 P6K & MHK-36 Series CS6V-M, CS6P-P, CS6K-M, CS5A-M, Seraphim SEG -6 & SRP -6 Series Axitec Boviet Silfab Jinko BYD PowerXT Kyocera Sunmodule Protect, SolarWorld CS6K-MS, CS6U-P, CS6U-M, CS6X-P, CS6K-MS, Sunmodule Plus Sonali CS6K-M, CS6K-P, CS6P-P, CS6P-M, CS3U-P, Suntech STP Canadian Solar MV Series & Optimus Series Sun Edison/Flextronics F -Series, R -Series & FLEX FXS Series SunPower :IX CS3U-MS, CS3K-P, CS3K-MS, CS1K-MS, CS3K, LG Electronics CS3U, CS3U-MB-AG, CS3K-MB-AG, CS6K, CS6U, CS3L, CS3W, CS1H-MS, CS1U-MS C -Series & E -Series CT2xxMxx-01, CT2xxPxx-01, Centrosolar America CertainTeed CTxxxMxx-02, CTxxxM-03, LONGi CTxxxMxx-04, CTxxxHC11-04 Mission Solar Energy Dehui DH -60M Mitsubishi Eco Solargy Orion 1000 & Apollo 1000 Neo Solar Power Co. - FreeVolt Mono PERC GCL GCL-P6 & GCL-M6 Series TD-AN3, TD-AN4, Hansol U13-AN1, UD-AN1 36M, 60M, 60P, 72M & 72P Series HT60-156(M) (NDV) (-F), Panasonic Heliene HT Solar HT 72-156(M/P) Peimar Hyundai KG, MG, TG, RI, RG, TI, MI, HI & KI Series rPhono Solar ITEK iT, iT-HE & iT-SE Series Japan Solar JPS -60 & JPS -72 Series I O.Cells Module Model/ Series JAP6 60-xxx, JAM6-60-xxx/SI, JAM6(K)-60/ xxx, JAP6(k)-72-xxx/4BB, JAP72SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAP6(k)-60-xxx/4BB, JAP60SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAM6(k)-72-xxx/ZZ, JAM72SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAM6(k)-60-xxx/ZZ, JAM60SYY-xxx/ZZ. i. YY: 01, 02,03,09, 10 i i. ZZ: SC, PR, B P, H iT, I B, MW JKM & JKMS Series KU Series LG xxx S1 C -A5, LG xxx N 1 C -A5, LGxxx01C(01K)-A5, LGxxxN1C(N1K)-A5, LGxxxS1CA5, LGxxxA1C-A5, LGxxxN2T-A4, LGxxxN2T-A5, LGxxxN2W-A5 LGxxxS2W-A5, LGxxxE1C-A5, LGxxxS2W-G4 LGxxxN1C(N1K)-G4, LGxxxN2W-G4, LGxxxS1C-G4, LGxxxE1K-A5, LGxxxN2T-J5, LGxxxN1K(N1C)-V5, LGxxx01C(N2W)-V5, LR6-60 & LR6-72 Series, LR4-60 & LR4-72 Series MSE Series MJE & MLE Series D6M & D6P Series VBHNxxxSA15 & SA16, VBHNxxxSA17 & SA18, VBHNxxxSA17(E/G) & SA18E, VBHNxxxKA01 & KA03 & KA04, VBHNxxxZA01, VBHNxxxZA02, V13HNxxxZA03, V13HNxxxZA04 SGxxxM (FB/BF) PS -60, PS -72 Plus, Pro, Peak, G3, G4, G5, G6(+), G7, G8(+) Pro, Peak L -G2, L -G4, L -G5, L -G6, L -G7 Manufacture Module Model/ Series i PEAK Energy Series, PEAK Energy BLK2 Series, REC PEAK Energy 72 Series, TwinPeak 2 Series, TwinPeak 2 BLK2 Series, TwinPeak Series Renesola Vitrus2 Series & 156 Series Risen RSM Series S -Energy SN72 & SN60 Series (40mm) Seraphim SEG -6 & SRP -6 Series Sharp NU -SA & NU -SC Series Silfab SLA, SLG & BC Series Solaria PowerXT Sunmodule Protect, SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus Sonali SS 230 - 265 Suntech STP Suniva MV Series & Optimus Series Sun Edison/Flextronics F -Series, R -Series & FLEX FXS Series SunPower :IX --Series, E -Series & P -Series TP572, TP596, TP654, TP660, Talesun TP672, Hipor M, Smart Tesla Trina Upsolar URE Vikram Waaree Winaico Yingli SC, SC B, SC 131, SC 132 PA05, PD05, DD05, DE06, DD06, PE06, PD14, PE14, DD14, DE14, DE15, PE15H UP-MxxxP(-B), UP-MxxxM(-B) D7MxxxH8A, D7KxxxH8A, D7MxxxH7A Eldora, Solivo, Somera AC & Adiya Series WST & WSP Series YGE & YLM Series Please see the SFM UL2703Construction Data Report at Unirac.com to ensure the exact solar module selected is approved for use with SFM. SFM Infinity is not compatible with module frame height of less than 32mm and more than 40mm. See page J for further information. 111�6 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi FNABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER I REVISION SS 0 Intertek Total Quality. Assured. AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Unirac, Inc Manufacturer: Intertek Total Quality. Assured. AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Unirac, Inc Manufacturer: Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA n for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: r(T6.. C uVC USTE� Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's res onsibiIi and IiabiIit are p p 9 p tY Y limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned b the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is Y Y p pY 9 Y tY restricted to the conditions laid out in thea agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. An further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material product or service must 9 Y . first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Standard(s): Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed. 1] 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Photovoltaic Module Racking Systems [CSA LTR AE -001:2012 Ed.2012/10/23] Address: Albuquerque, NM 87102 Address: Address: Albuquerque, NM 87102 Address: Country: USA Country: Country: USA Country: USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF Klaus Nicolaedis ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN Klaus Nicolaedis Contact: Todd Ganshaw Contact: Contact: Todd Ganshaw Contact: CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND 505-462-2190 USE OF THE RESPECTIVE 505-462-2190 Phone: 505-843-1418 Phone: Phone: 505-843-1418 Phone: FAX: NA FAX: FAX: NA FAX: PROFESSIONAL klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com Scott Gurney klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com Email: toddg@unirac.com Email: Email: toddg@unirac.com Email: Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA n for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: r(T6.. C uVC USTE� Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's res onsibiIi and IiabiIit are p p 9 p tY Y limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned b the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is Y Y p pY 9 Y tY restricted to the conditions laid out in thea agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. An further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material product or service must 9 Y . first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: CM C us C/STED Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are p p 9 p Y tY limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned b the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is Y Y p pY 9 Y Y restricted to the conditions laid out in thea agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. An further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material product or service must 9 Y . first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat- Standard(s): Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed. 1] Photovoltaic Module Racking Systems [CSA LTR AE -001:2012 Ed.2012/10/23] Product: Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail Installation Guide, PUB2020MAY04 Brand Name: Unirac Models: Unirac SFM ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA for L. Matthew Snyder, Certification Manager Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: CM C us C/STED Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are p p 9 p Y tY limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned b the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is Y Y p pY 9 Y Y restricted to the conditions laid out in thea agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. An further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material product or service must 9 Y . first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat- Standard(s): Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed.1 ] Photovoltaic Module Racking Systems [CSA LTR AE -001:2012 Ed.2012/10/23] Product: Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail Installation Guide, PUB2020MAY04 Brand Name: Unirac Models: Unirac SFM ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 2 -Jun -2020 ED 16.3.15 (20 -Apr -17) Mandatory 1*�4 BLUE RAVEN 1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING J OREM, UT 84097 800-377-4480 WWW. BLU ERAVENSOLAR. COM CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. NABCEP zi CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 city ew W SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION SS 0 •' S0NSYSTEM COMPONENTS ; � NMIFRAME�, BLUE RAVEN ■■ FM MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ; PAGE b oaE,.,�.,�, NG--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800-377-4480WV\1W. BLU ERAVEN SOLAR. COM S TrimrailT" and Module Clips Sub -Components: 1. Trim Rail 2. Module Clip 3. T -Bolt 4. Tri -Drive Nut TrimrailTm Functions: • Required front row structural support (with module clips) • Module mounting • Installation aid • Aesthetic trim Features: • Mounts directly to L -feet • Aligns and captures module leading edge • Supports discrete module thicknesses from 32, 33, 35, 38, and 40mm Module Clips Functions: • Required front row structural support (with trimrail) • Module mounting Features: • Mounts to TrimraiLT"' with T -bolt and tri -drive nut • Manually adjustable to fit module thicknesses 32, 33, 35, 38, and 40mm. A* W1 TrimrailTm Flashkit Sub -Components: L -Foot Hex bolt Tri -drive nut Channel Nut Scocket Head Cap Screw 3"Channel/Slider w/grommet 3" Wide Flashing Structural Screw & SS EPDM Washer Functions: • Attach TrimraiLT"' to roof attachment/ flashing • Patented roof sealing technology at roof attachment point Features: • Slot provides vertical adjustments to level array • Slider provides north/south adjustment along the slope of the roof • Shed and Seal Technology TrimrailTM Splice Sub -Components: 1. Structural Splice Extrusion 2. Bonding Clip Functions: • Front row structural support • Installation aid • Structurally connects 2 pieces of TrimraiLT"' • Electrically bonds 2 pieces of TrimraiLTm Features: • Aligns and connects TrimraiLT"' pieces • Tool -less installation CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 C-fty or z/e�wv SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 SON SYSTEM COMPONENTS , o � FRAME BLUE RAVEN ■■ SFM MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ; PAGE b oaE,.,�.,�, ��--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800-377-4480 SFM Slider Flashkit Sub -Components: 1. Slider w/grommet 2. Structural Screw & SS EPDM washer 3. 3" Wide Flashing Functions: • Patented Shed & Seal roof sealing technology at roof attach- ment point • For use with compatible 2" Microrail or 8"Attached Splices Features: • Slider provides north/south adjustment along the slope of the roof • Shed and Seal Technology Module -to -Module N -S Bonding Sub -Components: 1. Clamp 2. Bonding Pins (2) 3. 5/16" Socket Head Cap Screw 4. Clamp Base Functions/ Features: • Row to row bonding • Single Use Only • Fits module sizes 32-40mm N E Trim -to- Module Bonding Clamp and Floating Trim Clamp Sub -Components: 1. Wedge 2. Bonding Pin 3. T -Bolt 4. Nut 5. Cast Base Functions/ Features: • Module to TrimraiLTm bonding - single use only • Attaches TrimraiLTm to module when fewer than 2 rafter attachment points are available • Fits module sizes 32-40mm • Fits module sizes 32-40mm Wire Bonding Clip w/ 8AWG Functions: • Row to row bonding • Module to TrimraiLTm bonding • Single Use Only Features: Tool -less installation MLPE Mounting Assembly Sub -Components: 1. MLPE Mount Base 2. 5/16 Socket Head Cap Screw 3. Bonding Pin Functions: • Securely mounts MLPE to module frames • MLPE to module bonding Features: • Mounts easilyto typical module flange • UL2703 Recognized MLPE = Module Level Power Electronics, e.g. microinverter or power optimizer CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 city ty: z/e/iozi SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 • I1 SON 3"FLASHING &SLIDERS ; G � FRAME BLUE RAVEN ■■ FM MICRORAILTM INSTALLATION GUIDE ;PAGE b oaE,.,�.,�, NG S PILOT HOLES: Drill pilot holes for lag screws or structural screws (as necessary) at marked attachement points FLASHINGS: Place flashings INSTALL SLIDERS AND TRIMRAIL ROOF ATTACHMENTS: • Insert flashings per manufacturer instructions NOTE: Use Lag screw or structural fastener with a maximum diameter of 5/16" • Attach sliders to rafters • Verify proper row to row spacing for module size (Mod NS + 1") • Ensure that TrimraiLTM roof attachments in each row have sufficient engagement with slider dovetails for proper attachment. INSTALL SLIDERS AND ROOF ATTACHMENTS: Follow manufacturer instructions for flashing installation procedures _NOTE: If N -S module edge is within 1" of the shingle course above,you have the option to pivot / rotate slider at the attachment point 0 to span the next course and cut shingles as required. Cut Shingles as Required Rotate Slider N/S MODULE EDGE -- -Less Than 1 --- -7---- ------- O 41"UNCN ^��= n 800-377-4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. zi NABCEP CERTIFIED PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney # PV -011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385.498.6700 rcity of �.u, Oz1a/zov SHEET NAME SPEC SHEET PAGE NSS UMBER I REVISION 0 From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Solar PV Installation Date: Monday, March 1, 20213:54:16 PM Solar PV Installation This application is exclusively for Solar PV Installations YOU MUST ATTACH A VALID ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ORM IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE PROCESSED. Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for Yes Solar PV Installation? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 4500 Hoyt St Property Owner Name Matthew Carrigan Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" 720-227-3054 carriganmaft4l@gmail.com Matthew Carrigan Electronic Payment Form.Ddf CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business BRS FIELD OPS, LLC Name Wheat Ridge Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the 180271 City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone 385-482-0045 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email permitting.department@blueravensolar.com Address Retype Contractor permitting.department@blueravensolar.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Scope of Work INSTALLATION OF UTILITY INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM 2.925 MN DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ARRAY KW 2.93 # of Panels 9 Location of Panels house roof Structural required No Upload engineer letter Stamped CL Carrigan Wheat Ridge CO.pdf or pages on 8 1/2" x 11" only Solar Installation Plan Set on 11'x17" only. Stamoed PP PERMIT PACK 4327 Matthew Carriaan.odf Project Value (contract 14443 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for Ben curth Permit I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Solar PV Installation Date: Monday, March 1, 20213:54:16 PM Solar PV Installation This application is exclusively for Solar PV Installations YOU MUST ATTACH A VALID ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ORM IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE PROCESSED. Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for Yes Solar PV Installation? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 4500 Hoyt St Property Owner Name Matthew Carrigan Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" 720-227-3054 carriganmaft4l@gmail.com Matthew Carrigan Electronic Payment Form.Ddf CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business BRS FIELD OPS, LLC Name Wheat Ridge Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the 180271 City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone 385-482-0045 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email permitting.department@blueravensolar.com Address Retype Contractor permitting.department@blueravensolar.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Scope of Work INSTALLATION OF UTILITY INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM 2.925 MN DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ARRAY KW 2.93 # of Panels 9 Location of Panels house roof Structural required No Upload engineer letter Stamped CL Carrigan Wheat Ridge CO.pdf or pages on 8 1/2" x 11" only Solar Installation Plan Set on 11'x17" only. Stamoed PP PERMIT PACK 4327 Matthew Carriaan.odf Project Value (contract 14443 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for Ben curth Permit I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 0-o «03 Rte_ 4sw3 INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION ONLINE FORM: http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/inspection INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 Occupancy/Type _ �_ t ` Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. **Request an inspection before 11:59 p.m. (midnight) to receive an inspection the following business day.** Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Pier Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Foundation / P.E. Letter Do Not Pour Concrete Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Underground/Slab Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Electrical Sewer Service Plumbing Do Not Cover Underground or Below/In-Slab Work Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Rough Inspections Date Inspector Initial ,% Z Comments Wall Sheathing Mid -Roof 5 Lath / Wall Tie Rough Electric Rough Plumbing/Gas Line Rough Mechanical Rough Framing Rough Grading Insulation Drywall Screw/ Nail Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Floodplain Inspection (if applicable) Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Final Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Roof Final Window/Doors Final Building NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. "For low voltage permits — Please be sure that rough inspections are completed from the Fire District and electrical low voltage by the Building Division. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201703828 PERMIT NO: 201703828 ISSUED: 07/12/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 4500 Hoyt ST EXPIRES: 07/12/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install asphalt shingles with ROOF DECKING - 33 sq. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)941-7774 KOELTZOW OLGA M SUB (303)877-7464 Brian Newman 170204 Co Pro Construction *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2002 / KIPLING, I-70 & CLEARCREEK ARE BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 11,059.13 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 232.24 Permit Fee 236.00 ** TOTAL ** 468.24 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) requires an approved inspection prior to installation of ANY roof coverings and is require on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. Ice and water shield is required. Eave and rake metal is required. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. In order to pass a final inspection of elastomeric or similar type roof coverings, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Roof inspections for ROOFS OVER 6/12 PITCH: 3rd party inspection will be required, the 3rd party inspection report will be collected at final roof inspection performed by City of Wheat Ridge. If report is not available the final inspection will not be completed. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _:�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSP ECT ION,NOTIGE f� Inspection Type:_ I Job Address: Permit Number: 7 O/`�O %SZ C l ❑ No one available for inspection: Time r` AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No,% When corrections ave been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234- Date:- Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE e A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection 'type: Job Address: �' `� ®C. ` ��' �� S111— Permit T—"Permit Number: � �'f` % 0 3 "k—z- ZSR ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date:'1 0` r Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: ' /% _ Job Address: Permit Number:',,, `0 1 e- I ; ❑ No one available for inspection: Time "` AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234- Date: - 03 -234 -Date: '�, Inspector:', DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201703828 PERMIT NO: 201703828 ISSUED: 07/12/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 4500 Hoyt ST EXPIRES: 07/12/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install asphalt shingles with ROOF DECKING - 33 sq. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)941-7774 KOELTZOW OLGA M SUB (303)877-7464 Brian Newman 170204 Co Pro Construction *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2002 / KIPLING, I-70 & CLEARCREEK ARE BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 11,059.13 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 232.24 Permit Fee 236.00 ** TOTAL ** 468.24 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) requires an approved inspection prior to installation of ANY roof coverings and is require on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6,nails per shingle. Ice and water shield is required. Eave and rake metal is required. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. In order to pass a final inspection of elastomeric or similar type roof coverings, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Roof inspections for ROOFS OVER 6/12 PITCH: 3rd party inspection will be required, the 3rd party inspection report will be collected at final roof inspection performed by City of Wheat Ridge. If report is not available the final inspection will not be completed. City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201703828 PERMIT NO: 201703828 ISSUED: 07/12/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 4500 Hoyt ST EXPIRES: 07/12/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re—roof to install asphalt shingles with ROOF DECKING — 33 sq. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be per shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this_permIt. I further attest that I am le ally authorized to include all entities named within this document as partes to the work to be performed and that al k to b rf _Vned is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNI✓R or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date ` I . This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, po Flans and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applic de or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Dane Lovett X �v From: no-reply@ci.wheatridge.co.us Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 10:22 AM To: Permits CommDev p, Subject: Online Form Submittal: Residential Roofing Permit Application �V Residential Roofing Permit Application D This application is exclusively for new permits for residential roofs and for licensed contractors only. This type of permit is ONLY being processed online --do not come to City Hall to submit an application in person. Permits are processed and issued in the order they are received and due to the volume of requests, time to process varies and is subject to change. YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WHEN YOUR PERMIT IS READY FOR PICK-UP AND WILL BE GIVEN A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME WINDOW TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION. You will be notified if your contractor's license or insurance has expired, and you may update those documents at the time you are issued your permit. For all other requests: Homeowners wishing to obtain a roofing permit must apply for the permit in person at City Hall. Revisions to existing permits (for example, to add redecking) must be completed in person at City Hall. All other non -roofing permits must be completed in person at City Hall. The Building Division will be open from 7:30-10:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to process these types of requests. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN REROOFING UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for a Yes residential roof? W /0, Rim U,e/ How many dwelling units Single Family Home are on the property? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 4500 Hoyt St Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Property Owner Name Joyce Wonnacott Property Owner Phone 303-941-7774 Number Property Owner Email jwonnaco@comcast.net Address M0010��� Do you have a signed Yes contract to reroof this property? It will need to be provided at the time of permit pick-up. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name Contractor's License Number (for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone Number Co Pro Construction 170204 3038777464 Contractor Email Address brian@coprocons.com Retype Contractor Email brian@coprocons.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Are you re -decking the Ce roof? Description of Roofing Asphalt Shingles Material Select Type of Material: Asphalt If "Other" is selected Field not completed. above, describe here: How many squares of the 32.8 material selected above? Does any portion of the No V property include a flat roof? If yes, how many squares Field not completed. on the flat roof? TOTAL SQUARES of all 33 ✓ roofing material for this project Provide additional detail House here on the description of I% work. (Is this for a house or garage? What is the roof pitch? Etc) Project Value (contract value or cost of ALL 11 materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that this Yes application is NOT a permit. I understand I will be contacted by the City to pay for and pick up the permit for this property. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have been Yes authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Name of Applicant Brian Newman Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 3 Date of loss 1-7 Policy # Claim # _1 O-7 1 l ! 15 G OO , Insurance ' Company S Adjuster's Name Claim Office* Agreement is contingent upon prior insurance policy carrier or adjuster approval. Agreement amount will be derived from insurer's approved scope and price of loss plus deductible. No work will st un it so approved. Customer Initials Deductible $ Adjustments $ Contract Total $ Customer Information Customs6LAU�A 3AB) Name , qoa f_ w o O WA CO -R' Dale Address cit''UJ�� ` KVIDGL state zip &-r-)33 Email TUJ 00#—J A Q p C1MQA'5T, Phone )J4_T Roof work Details Shingle Shingle TYi» �U 1� 117 Color 1� �i W.�6J wL1017 �p f Edge L Color/� uter t J Miscellaneous Adjustments 1. $ 3. $ t I z $ :4, $ Contract Agreement Customer Name (Print) i Customer Signature '(2 If Customer is signing for le ner,joint or common owners, then Customer represents it has authority on behalf of all owners to enter into this Agreement. "m ame Agent N(Print) Dam L _ COPro Agent Signatu CoPro Manager Signature of Approval CoPro Construction Services (CoPro) resLs the right to file for supplemental insurance should your insurer's measurements be incorrect or if a price increase is applicable, at no cost to the Customer. Per CoPro. overhead and profit shall be invoiced to your insurance company with the base estimate. This Agreement authorizes CoPro to discuss with your Insurer price and scope adjustments and assist in settling your insurance claim for coverage to your property. All agreements are subject to CoPro Manager's approval. CoPro will not have any verbal agreements, no exceptions, and could decline this Agreement without notice. CoPro will hold in trust any payment from the Customer until CoPro has delivered roof materials at the Address or has performed a majority of the roof work The pricing offered in this documentation is valid for IS days from date above. City of eat 1 e COPYtRAIJNiTy DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29ii' Ave., Wheat midge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2355 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 U0 t� plan 4 A , Ly I Building Permit Application Propeity Address:� Z 0� � � (Cu) . Property Owner (please prino.- I C, h Phone. �� J z 5 � 3 z. C' w � qui Mailing Address: (rr`diiierent than property address) Address: City, State, Zig: Contractor: '1111 C - Contractors Stab Contras Electrical: City License # License #: 1, 60, i Description of work: Plumbing: City License ## Phone: Mechanical: City License # J -- a d . • r Contract Malate: Review Fee (due at lime of submiffal): Squares BTUPs Gallons Amps Sq Ft $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by 0 conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and ant also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CiRCLEONE: (OWNER), (CONTRACTOR) or AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIM of (1 WNFUR) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME:IGN4TURE: t "ta. L"o a",:�-DATE : DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: OCCUPANCY - FIRE DEPARTMENT:: Cl approved w/ comments ❑ disapproved 0 no review required i Bldg Valuation: $ r - O N Ln O Ln O m O a1 H U C4 h v > m A O ro ro q v m x � ro H al d H m H m v m 4J E O H ro a � m H 0 q m o bl N C. ro ro u° A a v b b w M 0 � m o m p, m m b m Ia. a w w u m o W x41v u41 + x a H 0 -H -H 7 � 0 m � A v � � Tj U $4 ami d a mbm L) 3 v 0 +ti A ro H A A H W v u o " v ,1 m4 4 U N W v vo ., w w 0 > o 3 m q '' a1 m y m v U 11 E -H -N O v q > U 41 m m E ro F Q. m 0 0 m 0 F 0 U w 0 �bpqcac PG � rt o o ro U E a a a MQ0 IJ H N v ro 10 w a) u a x co 0 in o pa N W C9 F] W N N Z 0 WQ a ry o a q m O w W pWq F 0 0 t 0 o U w N w 4.1 0 A 3 0 H q N .H .d a O q U A W O b 4.) 0 U b H W pq m H �a44 O U 0 .� >+ q q U -ri v row rob 4.) N N A U 44 41 r, � 0 ,Q q m $4 W 0 a" ro a U -ri 44 44 O 01 q .,f b ri CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _A Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: f► I -c— F l/ M , I A V; Job Address: L-! , d q -.,r Permit Number: "D- 0( -) l a rn ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ----"7 YO AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No * When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Y'17- -/7 Inspector: C. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE art_ �'- ' �,.� N S P E C T I N R E C O R D �41rC'r INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 Occuoancv/Type Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. Call the inspection request line before 11:59 p.m. to receive an inspection the following business day.** Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Pier ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Lath / Wall Tie Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Rough Electric Foundation / P.E. Letter Final Electrical Rough Plumbing/Gas Line IlIeRk: M6Well IiR*7aTaf:lUZ 11ire7in_ • • • 901MIT7±1 TiVYM- r'i T7,7TZ . . Underground/Slab Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Electrical Sewer Service Plumbing Uo Not Cover unaerarouna or Below/In-slab Work Prior To Annroval of Tho Ohnva Incnaefinne Rough Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Wall Sheathing Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Mid -Roof Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Lath / Wall Tie Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Rough Electric Final Electrical Rough Plumbing/Gas Line I?(, E A v i, Rough Mechanical /12 - Rough Framing Final Mechanical Insulation Roof Drywall Screw/ Nail Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Final Electrical 7j'�— I?(, E A v i, Final Plumbing /12 - Final Mechanical Roof Final Window/Doors 7 '� Final Building NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. rut iuw vultage permits - r -wase oe sure inai rougn inspections are compietea rrom the I -ire Uistrict and electrical low voltage by the Building Division. "For Inspection Time Window Requests - Please email insgtimerequest(a)ci.wheatridge.co.us by 8:00 A.M. the day of the inspection with the property address in the subject line of the email. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:fs �i T �� F h, ; I r R' Job Address: () o Permit Number: 3R LGIV-6*P11i S NST Lam, AK,l-" 17®6JZ �TPT u ,e lci ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No * When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Lyl,'/l 7 Inspector:6 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE r Inspection Type: i t n i i Job Address: l/ /0 t) c x % %7 Permit Number: '4 O / -7 b n ❑ No one available for inspection: Time f 7 .' c/ 9 AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call /forge -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 4- Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE /N N• I -h C a_ � W O O 0 N ry n W n r � � o m n rh n z 0 W ~ ro w m a rt � x r P -m 0 0 f1 m 0 w rr ~ I -h 0 C1 K (D fD ago K OD m m14 Baa 0 M m a m r fD 0 0 ep g µ N H 4 m H 14m H 0 1-3 C+i m tQ h (D tr a p 0 r- ro Va m o H Q H d O 0 K y a 0 o ro x z ° ro o° m a m x r x m r ago K H m m14 n 0 M 0 0 0 ep g µ m o d m y a 0 m d w O O O m o MW rt ro m crm It w En n rp rt r0ii n rta m N. r n m rt � o 0' G ro m F•• a ID O Z n K• a WID m m n 1. m a a m a 1-• o W W o�� a m d a p m cI N O m N w ro [ro9 N a 0 n O w E o C ro rt H Ea o o r m rt It rt � m M H y O m m to n rt Irto a ro N C w 0 y m w m n m a m N f°] p• w• m r � a x n m r- m m w W r 0 a - w p � 10 O rf IL 4 rOr N r M m m C 11 w m m M a g m gom a w 0- m m < m n c � ti. w � N rt O w N J O 0 o 0 y 0 POW 0 y 0 tra P,tij x HUl J c 'y n f -i o jam, o do l_TJ O"o O i y m y 00 a' o W E W tij 1 Y pp i o CD tzl i r i o 1 r O D r D 1 D w i ('t i O DA I � 0) � N O i H-' [�)Ju F JvIr JT INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 ° Ful e� Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. ' Call the inspection request line before 11:59 p.m. to receive an inspection the following business I, ay.* Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Pier Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Foundation / P.E. Letter uo Not Pour Concrete Prior 1 n Annrnval [It I hP_ Ohnva Incnarrfinnc Underground/Slab Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Electrical Sewer Service Plumbing UO Not Gover Uncieraround or Belowlin-Slab Work Prior To Annrnval Of Tho Ohr,vsa Inamarfinna Rough Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Wall Sheathing Mid -Roof Lath /Wall Tie-� Rough Electric " Rough Plumbing/Gas Line 7 --2 j; 1 7 3 Rough Mechanical Rough Framing Insulation A Drywall Screw/ Nail pt/ Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Final Electrical q - S -17 %3 rv1 Final Plumbing 4 -'i' I) tV Final Mechanical Roof I` -r A Final Window/Doors Final Building�- NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. -ror iow voltage permits - mease De sure tnat rougn inspections are completed trom the Fire District and electrical low voltage by the Building Division. "*For Inspection Time Window Requests - Please email insl)timereauest(a),ci.wheatridoe.co.us by 8:00 A.M. the day of the inspection with the property address in the subject line of the email. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: 9> > c /~) c tl i < i Permit Number: ') « 1 --) (_ o('4 .1" 5 �v'e e ) -/ G b, nth P2z I f,( 4-Pn. ❑ No one available for inspection: Time % l.) AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, cag for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 t- ' Date: L� (e � Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 41 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: L= a Job Address: Y / n Permit Number: o / -7 b C a ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: �"' J a � � Inspector: r DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 1I � n4 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division f (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: i C , vu Job Address: SFibLN Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time -j AMI M Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 5 e)l--I'll Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE (} Inspection Type: E�eA ("I C Ck 'h Job Address: 5 o Permit Number: 201 r7 cola Nn -,Ap ori 17 CY)p �� to one available for inspection: Time 9r e-Inspection required:Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: L%6iil' DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division �. (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office (303)•237=8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: W soo H -_01!5' Permit Number: o� 0) :1 O 6A) a 4 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 1 �� AM M Re -Inspection require: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: I t Job Address: 4500 144.044 Slt - Permit Number: '20 o 00 No one available for inspection: Time PM Re -Inspection required:Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: _ Inspector: `jh DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:�t'�•'_ Job Address: ! S n 0 c y Permit Number: V24Q-fC- 'r AJG1'et_ 7 A a ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: t DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE d2 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: 5 ) 37 C I�tJ��ft'dliel� ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 5 C) Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: r Inspector: DO NOT REMO; THIS NOTICE 41 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE /1) Inspection Type: Y�t ,4441<n c, Job Address: Permit Number: 7)1)! r � ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 11 ;'`5 (M Re -Inspection required: (Yesj No * When corrections have been made, ade, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: ' rl Inspector: f DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ®®®r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _:�9r® Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:c- �c Job Address: Permit Number: C'1 f 0 0 I �No one available for inspection: Time IM, l A PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: I P,2 /� t- 1-e i Job Address: �So° HoYT S -f Permit Number: /! 2 0/ 7D0/ 2 if lry, , re, / ie0ae, ij .' ( CrP e4e ( C���Gi•t fGfi /f/NrG��J�'7. (2/ 'fUtC�' fUti6if/i -/ �} .- fa -c K e fC i r►'�S f-0" bed -ewem Ned i' f �PPfi' 10 0114-( 4 C� /UiBn� !. Nt(/e' / boxr,C n ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 16) 30 A /PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No - E'(e` ' When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: �'J/ Inspector:lltG DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE M i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE i A Inspection Type: Job Address: 450 Permit Number: I ❑ No one available for inspection: Time - AM/;PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call f r �e-irt pection at 303-234-59 Date: t) 7 t� Inspect(' DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE t � ❑ No one available for inspection: Time - AM/;PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call f r �e-irt pection at 303-234-59 Date: t) 7 t� Inspect(' DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE *. 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: P ti Job Address: Permit Number: G 1-7 6 C) A it t U -f '0 u ❑ No one available for inspection: Time Z "v AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: a Inspector: 4 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wh6atfkd COMMUNa'y DEVELOMENT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: f� ' i i)?"I /� I - ,- Z -,t,' 1-4, PlanlPennit# Building Permit Application Please, complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. Property Address: perty Owner P ner Email. roperty Ow Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: dot ,State, �Zi Phone: W ArghiltgUgoginac L\Aj_� c -act ic a5-7-6; ii`,������ - b 030.5 Archftect/Engineer E-mail: Mjj& 00 5aL 600��e_rCWhone:_ Contractor: Vk 11� Contractors City License #: Phone: Contractor E-mail Address: V) t Sub Contractors: LE A -L -L-., 1-0 Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # WR City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE X ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE NEVA RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ® COMMERCIAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL ADDITION] RESIDENTIAL ROOFING RESDENTIAL ADDITION WINDOW REPLACEMENT COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a eJailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of ^ymaterials to b used; td,) '£.e. A 'Y4,-Ltat no - i ®act jj ren Y -LL wait, i r15,liloll air .n bAr- count t I (cuinj� M Sq, FUt Z- tori aeuV Amps squares other Project Address: Permit#,: General Cottractor: I Electrical Contractor I Company Name: /4 / �)5e 1Jo Phone #: -7/ -991 State License #: Master #: Signature of Authorized Agent zDate Plumbing Contractor Company Name:lk-lileivi&&Ac ''i Phone #: OTS -0 CP 10 9 d- Mk State License aster Wbeat License 9- Signat of Authorized Agent Date I Mechanical Contractor I Company Narne: 'V, -n, -,,, K I c Wheat Ridge License #: �1?1 I - 2 L L L L( --k M =. k one:V- c) I, -3T / -) Date Kimberly Cook From: Brad Umbarger Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:56 PM To: Melissa Mackey; Kimberly Cook; William Myers Subject: 4500 and 4510 Hoyt St. Hello All, SWO issued for 4500 and 4510 Hoyt St. for remodel work without a permit. Thanks. Brad Umbarger Combination Inspector City of Wheat Ridge Ph: 303-235-2882 Email: bumhar er .ci.wheatridg .� .COLORADO. 80033 task list 1. Round off corners of access to crawl 2. Install new numbers 3. Remove existing storm door on the front 4. Remove existing front door and trim both inside and out and install new 1. Remove all things from walls 2. Install film on the windows in the garage door 1. Remove existing doorbell and install new 2. Remove 2 x bedroom fan lights and install new surface 3. Remove surface mount light in laundry and install new 4._ Install 6 x new can lights in living room 5. _Change switchable outlet to new can lights in living room C, 6..,fnstall 4 x can lights in kitchen 7. Bring all electrical in kitchen to code �8-.-Move electric in kitchen 9. Remove existing vanity light 10. Install new vanity light 11. Remove existing porch light and install new Service change 1_Remove existing heater and install new � 2, -Install new ac unit 1. Remove existing and replace slider closet doors in both bedrooms 2. Address squeaks in the floor in rest of the unit 1. Remove existing carpet, pad, tack strips, and underlayment in kitchen 2. Install vapor barrier 3. Install approx. 400 sf. W x 3 %4" red oak flooring 4. Install approx. 100 If base shoe remove existing and install new water heater 2. Install new waste line for water heater pop off 3 Install new washer box 4. Move kitchen sink to other side of kitchen 5. Move refrigerator water line to other side of the kitchen Remove existing valve in bathroom shower and install new 1. Install new circuit, outlet, and breaker for refrigerator 2. Remove disposal 3. Remove faucet 4. Remove kitchen sink 5. Remove dishwasher 6. Remove refrigerator 7. Remove stove 8. Remove approx. 18 If. existing counter tops 9. Remove approx. 18 If. lower cabinets 10. Remove approx. 20 If. existing upper cabinets 11. Make raised bar to living room 12. Install new sheetrock, tape and finish area 13. Screw down floor to help eliminate squeaks 14. Install approx. 18 If. base cabinets 15. Install approx. 18 If. toe kick 16. Install approx. 13 If upper cabinets 17. Install approx. 15 If. crown molding 18. Install approx. 36 sf. countertops (granite) 19. Install new kitchen sink, disposal, faucet 20. Install approx. 27 sf. the backsplash and grout 1. Remove medicine cabinet 2. Remove toilet 3. Remove vanity sink and faucet 4. Remove vanity cabinet 5. Remove bath tub faucet trim 6. Remove approx. 90 sf. of tile 7. Install approx. 90 sf. underlayment and tile 8. Remove existing flooring approx. 25 sf. 9. Install approx. 25 sf. W underlayment and floor the 10. Grout and caulk inside corners 11. Install approx. 15.5 If. base trim and caulk 12. Install new vanity cabinet 13. Install new countertop 14. Install new vanity sink and faucet 15. Install new toilet 16. Remove existing towel bars 17. Install mirror 18. Install new 24" towel bar, TP holder, and towel ring 1. F�emove existing exterior door and trim in/out 2. Install new exterior door and trim in/out 3. Install approx. 100 SF. Y4" underlayment for floor tile 4. Install approx. 100 SF. tile and grout 5. Install approx. 40 LF. base shoe 207-maqm�� Graff Adam 4500 Hoyt St Wheat Ridge, CO Property Type Residential Date of Construction PH EnvioCore LLC Asbestos Consulting Firm No. 21660 1685 S. Colorado Blvd Deriver, CO 80124 303-GoEnvio (463) 6846 www.QoEnvioCore.com info@qoenviocore.corn ZMEM =- Chad Moore Asbestos Building Inspector Cert. No. 21428 Inspection Date 12/21/2016 Arrival Time 02:00 PM Report Date Inspection # 1216-41 Adam Graff Asbestos �60 AHERA envi J[:ore E N V I N ROME N!rA L ICN SP E 1: T 10 NS T EMSL Analytical 1010 Yuma St., Denver, CO 80204 303-740-5700 Asbestos NVLAP Cert # 200828-0 E! nvhx.-j 1: ore PAGE-- I OF 14 P. Table of Contents Definitions.................................................... ......................... ................................................................. 3 KeyTerms ........................... .................................. '~,...~^—'^'^^'^`^'~^-^'^``~'^^''~~~`^~~^'^^^''^'—''^^`'-3 LimitedInspection Summary ................................... ........................................................... ................. 4 GenenzL---... --...... ....... ----........... ...... ------------------...... ...... -------'4 Asbeskos---... ........ —....... ----------------.......... -----------------------4 Purpose and Scope ofInspection ... ............................ ....................................................................... 4 GenarmL—... --... ---...... ---------------.................... --- ........ ....... -------------'4 Asbestos... ..... --........ ....... ----........................ ----............. .... —... ... --------------4 Background..................................................... .^.^.~.^.^^.^^-'~^^-^^''~^'—^^-^'^^'-~^^'^^'^'^^^^~^'~'—`^^5 Sampling................................................ .......,....,.^,._,,,,,^^^,,,,,,.,.~.,,,.`.,,,.,^,,,,.^,.,_._',,^,,,,^5 AsbestosResults Re .............................................. ................................ ,,................................... 6 Asbestos Inspection Conclusion ----....... -----........... ... —........ —......... --------------6 Closing.......-.............,~.....-.-..........-..~.....,_—,,.,,,.,,,,.,,..,,..,_~.~,_,^,^.,^,,...,...,,,,,,,,.7 InspectionPhotos ............................................................. .......................... .......................................... 8 LabResults ......................................... ..................... .—................................ —.................................. ... lI PAGE2OFl4 &�0��� ������ ~== " �.�,�m=.��u �� I . The term "Certified Inspector" shall mean individual who is identified on the first page of this Limited Inspection Report as conducting the Inspection. 2. The term "Client" shall mean the entity that has ordered the Limited Inspection on the Property on behalf of the Client. 3. The term "Limited Inspection Report" shall mean this report, which summarizes the Limited Asbestos Inspection and a Limited Lead -Based Paint Inspection, as applicable to the Property. 4. The term "Owner" shall mean the owner of the Property. 5. The term "Property" shall mean the building(s) or structure(s) at the address listed under Property Information on the first page of this Limited Inspection Report. 6. The terms "Work Activitv" shall mean any construction, renovation, remediation, decontamination, cleanup, or other work. Asbestos 1. Asbestos is a naturally occuring mineral. Asbestiform varieties include chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite. 2. Asbestos abatement is the wrecking or removal of builiding materails that contain friable and non -friable asbestos fibers. 3. Asbestos abatement contractor is any person hired to conduct asbestos abatement. 4. Friable material can be crumbled, pulverized, or rendered to powder by hand pressure when dry. 5. A homogenous area is an area of surfacing material, thermal system insulation material, or miscellaneous material this is uniform in color, texture, construction, application date, and general appearance. 6. Miscellaneous material is interior building material on structural components, structural members, or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles, and does not include surfacing material or thermal system insulation. 7. Non -friable material cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry. 8. Point counting is a secondary analytical technique to verify the presences of asbestos in samples with 10% or lower asbestos. 9. Surfacing material is sprayed, troweled, or otherwise applied on surfaces, such as acoustical plaster on celilings and fireproofing materials on structural members, or other materials on surfaces for acoustical, fireproofing, or other purposes. 10. Thermal system insulation (TSI) is material tha tis applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, ducts, or other interior structural components to prevent heat loss, heat gain, or water condesation, or for other purposes. 11. The terms "Asbestos Containing Material" or "ACM" shall mean surfacing, thermal system insulation, or miscellaneous materials that contain 1 % or more of asbestos. 12. The terms "Asbestos Containing Buildina Material" or "ACBM" shall mean Asbestos Containnig Materials that has been used for construction or improvement of a building or other structure. PAGE 3 OF 14 ., 13. The term "Certified Asbestos Consulting Firm" shall mean any person licensed with the State of Colorado and the EPA, hired for a fee to conduct any of the folowing activities, as required by Regulation No. 8, Part B, in the State of Colorado: asbetos builidng inspection and bulk sampling; development of asbestos management plans; air monitoring for asbestos fibers; development of asbestos project designs; and , project management, as specified in Section II.J. 14. The term "Certified Asbestos Laboratory" shall mean a laboratory with accreditation from the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditaion Program (NVLAP) to analyze bulk samples for asbestos using polarized light microscopy (PLM). 15. The terms "Damaged ACM" and "Significantly Damaged ACM" shall mean friable or non -friable ACM that has deteriorated or delaminated to the point that it has lost its bond to the subsfratre or has otherwise suffered crumbling, blistering, nonadhesiveness, gouging, water staining, or marring. The term "Damaged ACM" applies when I /10 of the entire surface has suffer damage (1 /4 if the damage is localized). The terms "Significantly Damaged ACM" shall apply when more than 1 /10 of the surface has suffered damage. 16. The term "Limited Asbestos Inspection" shall mean an abbreviated inspection by the Inspector of the components of the Property that may be subject to Work Activity. The Inspection shall investigate the presence of ACBM and shall comply with all state and federal laws, rules, and regulations. The Client agrees to read the Limited Inspection Report upon receipt and promptly call the Inspector with questions or concerns, This Limited Inspection Report is not intended to be exhaustive in the manner of inspecting the Property and all of its building materials and components. The Inspector only inspected specific areas that may be subject to Work Activity and that are visually and physically accessible. The Limited Inspection was not a risk assessment or physical inspection of systems, structure, or components of the Property. The use of this Limited Report and its contents, in whole or in part by persons or entities other than the Client is not authorized without the written mutual consent of the Client and envioCore LLC. The Limited Inspection Report documents the findings of a Limited Asbestos Inspection at the Property. The Limited Asbestos Inspection intended to locate ACBM in areas that might be the subject of Work Activity, The Certified Inspector performed the Limited Asbestos Inspection in accordance with the current state and federal laws at the time of inspection, The scope of this report included a visual inspection of all affected rooms and/or areas throughout the subject property for visible suspect ACBM and/or Lead Based Paint. This does not include any materials that were covered or hidden by walls, structures, carpeting, wood flooring, multiple layers, wallpaper, texturing, etc. However, the Certified Inspector made every reasonable effort to access and identify all suspect ACM and/or Lead Based Paint, If the scope of work changes, the Client must inform the Certified Inspector to allow the Certified Inspector to supplement the Limited Inspection Report. This Limited Inspection Report is solely a record of activities, observations, analytical results, and recommendations performed to date, Bulk asbestos samples were randomly collected from homogenous areas of suspect ACM by the Certified Inspector. If the color, texture, construction, application date, or general appearance differs between materials or if for any reason the Certified Inspector suspects that the materials might differ in any respect, the Certified Inspector will take separate samples from each homogenous area. The Certified Inspector took PA G E- 4 F 14 representative bulk samples were similar materials, but this does not guarantee that materials of similar appearance are of the same composition. Even similar materials are subject to uneven mixing and distribution, and random sampling can miss ACM. EnvioCore used reasonable diligence and its professional judgment consistent with industry standards in order to identify all suspect ACBM. Bulk samples were analyzed by Certified Asbestos Laboratory. The inspector was called to the subject property by Adam Graff of Alliance Custom Design, Mr. Graff was concerned about asbestos containing building materials in the affected areas of the building. Per Mr. Graff, suspect asbestos containing building materials to be disturbed in the scope of work include: The affected materials sampled: - Drywall The affected areas include: - Kitchen The Certified Inspector and the Client understand and agree that the Limited Asbestos Inspection shall include only the above -referenced potentially affected areas. If the Work Activity later includes other areas or materials that may contain ACBM, the Client understands that the Certified Inspector will only perform a Limited Asbestos Inspection of these areas upon a subsequent engagement. Using methods that are generally accepted in the industry, the Certified Inspector determined that it was necessary to collect 3 bulk samples from the various homogenous areas (see the Asbestos Sampling below for exact areas). All samples were submitted to Certified Asbestos Laboratory. The laboratory results are incorporated into this report. Neither envioCore, LLC nor the Certified Inspector warrants the accuracy of any laboratory results. The Client and any other parties hereby agree that envioCore, LLC and the Certified Inspector shall not be liable in any manner for erroneous laboratory results or other errors with the laboratory testing process. envNrcore PAGE 5 OF 14 N -;, 6 j 4500-ID1 -01 Gray Drywall Kitchen ' with Stomp <1 0'501-1/ N/A Friable Good 100 <1' Chrysofile in Texture 2 Walls 4500-1D1-03 Texture <1% M5% N/A Friable Good Too <1 `. Chrysofile in Texture 2 N/A Friable Good 100 <i — Chrysottle in Texture <1% <0157. Asbestos Inspection Conclusion Asbestos containing building materials WERE found in the samples analyzed by the laboratory. The affected building materials DO NOT need to be removed by a certified abatement company according to Regulation 8 of CDPHE. Caution should still be taken and OSHA personal protective equipment should be used during any removal of sampled building materials. PAGE 6 OF 14 envNrcore EnvioCore assumes no liability for any loss, injury, claim or damages arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance on this report or the opinions expressed herein. EnvioCore makes no risk assessment, warranty, guarantee or insurance policies of any kind, express or implied. This report is limited only to the samples taken and locations sampled. There are no risk assessments, warranties, guarantees, or insurance available or provided by EnvioCore. Additional sampling may be needed to further identify other pollutants, or other mold/fungus affected areas inside the subject property. This report was prepared pursuant to the contract EnvioCore has with the client. That contractual relationship included an exchange of information about the subject property that was unique and between EnvioCore and its client and serves as the basis upon which this report was prepared. Because of the importance of the communication between EnvioCore and its client, reliance or any use of this report by anyone other than the client, for whom it was prepared, is prohibited and therefore not foreseeable to EnvioCore. No warranty is made. EnvioCore's liability and that of contractors and subcontractors arising from any service rendered here under shall not exceed the total fee paid by the client to EnvioCore. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please call at (303) GoEnvio (463) 6846 with any questions or concerns. Thank you. Sincerely. Chad Moore Certified Inspector EnvioCore LLC, Environmental Consulting Asbestos Building Inspector Cert. No. 21428 e n v:� - .; Io,� , r,,E! PAGF 7 OF 14 Figure I - Overview of Address Igr e 2- Overvilew of Kitchen envCore PAGE 8 Of' 14 Ir Figure 3- Overview of Kitchen Figure 4- Sample location #I envk�;,ore PAGE 9 OF 14 L-Igure 5- Sample location #2 Figure 6- Sample location #3 qbPAGF 10 OF 14 nviorcore 1. - i *EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Depuran CO 80204 TbUFax: (303) 74(15700,1(303) 741-1400 http:,'iw,ahw.Er,4SL,00m I derverelabCwernsinorn EMSL Order: 221609206 Customer ID: ENCR42 Customer PO: Project 1D* Attention: Chad Moore Phone: (303) 463-6846 EnvioCore Environmental Consulting Fax: Appearance 1685 S. Colorado Blvd. Received Date: 12121/2016 5:30 PM Denver, CO 80222 Analysis Date: 12/2212016 Sterna Texture Collected Date: 12/21/2016 Project: 1216-41 Hoyt St 221rWqpM­0001 Homogeneous Test Report. Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600I8-931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Analysthsi Abigail Crock IS) EMSL maintains liability limited to cast cnimalyes. This sport relates only to the swayne—pottled and may not be reproduced, except in frill. without youtsm approval by EMSL EMSL bears ho interpretation and use of test results are the nespordubtfity of it* ident. This report must net be used by the spent to claim produia ointrinoulms, approval, .1 end-conaml by NVLAP, NIST or any lagenit, of the federal govern—A. Non -friable regaesday bound materials present a laboyeen matrix and therefore EMSL re M."da gravtmeIYic reduction poor to ricarysm sardyare rinsweed in good conditiso urseas wbewass noted Estimated acouracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request Uniess requested by the critd, building cons e. dissout-ftsed rsh, mullida layers h . hbox,.m, oahboded, etc -I any reported as . single sample- Reaching Imirt is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical. Inc Denver. CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 ( Initial report from, 12/22/2016 1 3:57 45 AS,R - 1.77, Punted 12/22/2016 11:57 AM Page I of 1 PAGE 1 I OF 14 enyi�.-[:orsae Ron -Asbestos Asbestos sternpl. Description Appearance % Fibrous its Non-Filabobey % Type 45.00-ID1 -01 -Texture 1 Gray Drywall with White 15% Ca Carbonate None Defected Sterna Texture Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 221rWqpM­0001 Homogeneous siaspoinsioe pase,hearenty try., neftruselful isdatosix 4500 -101 -01 -Texture 2 Gray Drywall with White/Pink 100"X, Non-fibrous, (Other) <1 % Chrysotile Stomp Texture Non -Fibrous 221609206-4001A Hordogeneous fusee—We Point /soaring khool—hered . sham. 4500 -IDI -02 -Texture 1 Gray Drywall with White IS% Ca Carbonate None Detected Stomp Texture Non -Fibrous 85% Nan -fibrous (Other; 221 W9aX­00v, 2 Homogeneous In-palabre Paint / 1coolng foyer i­koryda, releysll 4500-01 -02-Texture 2 Gray Drywall with Whitaddink 100% Non-fibrous (Other) '1% Chrysotile Stomp Texture Nae -Fibrous 22 1 arc-lsul,,2A Homogeneous I-ecalatue Om'd , cropcol rays, —luded in analysts, 4500 -IDI -03 Gray Dryaft .,in Whiterloink 100% Non-fibrous (Other) -1% Chnismile Stomp Texture Non -Fibrous Homogeneous 11--p-doll re"t " -liticni royal 1—farred " naive. Analysthsi Abigail Crock IS) EMSL maintains liability limited to cast cnimalyes. This sport relates only to the swayne—pottled and may not be reproduced, except in frill. without youtsm approval by EMSL EMSL bears ho interpretation and use of test results are the nespordubtfity of it* ident. This report must net be used by the spent to claim produia ointrinoulms, approval, .1 end-conaml by NVLAP, NIST or any lagenit, of the federal govern—A. Non -friable regaesday bound materials present a laboyeen matrix and therefore EMSL re M."da gravtmeIYic reduction poor to ricarysm sardyare rinsweed in good conditiso urseas wbewass noted Estimated acouracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request Uniess requested by the critd, building cons e. dissout-ftsed rsh, mullida layers h . hbox,.m, oahboded, etc -I any reported as . single sample- Reaching Imirt is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical. Inc Denver. CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 ( Initial report from, 12/22/2016 1 3:57 45 AS,R - 1.77, Punted 12/22/2016 11:57 AM Page I of 1 PAGE 1 I OF 14 enyi�.-[:orsae EJASI.Ordev 221CN-2t)6 EMSL Arai yticai, inc. ENCR42 Customer ID" Iola co 5=04 custonler PO: Project 10: Attention: Chad Mode phone: ±303, 63-6,&46 EnvwCofe Fax 1685 S cc-��Rco alv" Recewed: 121`2 20116 5, -10 PM 'n Dyer CO 80222 Anatysis Da16te: 12123,2u Cofleewd: 12,2 1, 2016 Pfqject: 1216-44 :y! St Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials by PLM via EPA 600JR-931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy, Quarifitation using 400 Point Count Procedure cis DI Z" -W.r G'a' C'f.ax 'W�- MWa N'u- 11, r t 3 "'t'w 1 Q2S%V-2r"4ftW Em 12 OF 14 n v ir*rjj o r e j T e n v hypi o r e PAGIE 13 OF 14 to vs Rim ON C4 et 46 CD y rm e n v hypi o r e PAGIE 13 OF 14 0 1878' Colorado Department Of Public Health and Environment L ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* This certifies that Chad Moore Certification No.: 21428 has met the requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. and Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 9, Part B, and is hereby certified by the state of Colorado in the following discipline: Building Inspector* Issued* July 25, 2016 Expires: July 25, 2017 this certificate is valid only with the possession ofa current Division -approved training course Certification In the discipline specified above. M PAGE 14 OF 14 en.vNircore .1 orized APCD Representative SEAL �0 c �7 0 1878' Colorado Department Of Public Health and Environment L ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* This certifies that Chad Moore Certification No.: 21428 has met the requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. and Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 9, Part B, and is hereby certified by the state of Colorado in the following discipline: Building Inspector* Issued* July 25, 2016 Expires: July 25, 2017 this certificate is valid only with the possession ofa current Division -approved training course Certification In the discipline specified above. M PAGE 14 OF 14 en.vNircore .1 orized APCD Representative SEAL 32'-O^ 510 HOYTUPPERLEVEL ' NO WORK - THIS LEVEL EXISTING FLOOR PLANS PROJECT DATA & CODE Applicable Codes: 2012 International Codes architecture Giokbo�&Aauooa�e Project 5375Pennsylvania Ave. 4500 /45IO Hoyt street, VVheetridge/ CO Boulder, Colorado 80303 Project Data: interior remodel o 4. n .f existing duplex (4500 Hoyt) and repair work at lower level bathroom (4510 Hoyt). No change in use or occupancy. Construction Type; V -B 11.6 A J C-3774 ity of Project Synopsis: COM&IUN TV. OfEVELOP 4500 Hoyt: Demo existing non -load bearing wall between Kitchen and LivingyRq9% T SCIA new Kitchen counters, including 42" high bar counter, relocate sink & dishwas A�tp­r(Dved Plans 4510 Hoyt: Replace existing shower enclosure, repair substrate as requir General contractor shall be governed by the currently adopted edition of all codes an ulationis-A-aving 11)7 jurisdiction over aspects of this construction project. Dot olidIy c, pc,rrrjt Tho issuance of a Permit Of SEE IIA2 FOR REMODEL S shall not Perffw for, 'PlIOV111 of. any violation to any ot the Or. an PLAN [IF THIS AREA gpwxro of the cOde or of any city ordinances. Perrr� In Mi AIR JLAUNDRY KITCHEN EDROOM BATH co , Per itSet Jan. 25i 2017 C Permit Set :�7 7jan. 25, 2017 (D F City of Wh6atP, CommuNiTy DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 291h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permitsci.wh�eatnd e.co.us� FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: [11 11 PlanlPerynit# I Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application Please Complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. Property Address: operty Owner Property Owner Email: X Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: 10 7 2,E tAj %15L X Zip: e-- A City, State, v at n� & st I a V'&� o SCC�C)6' Phone Architect/Engineer: L C k an -a Architect/Engineer E-mail: Cnea Phone: (aE 4075— Contractor: C"Z_e- V- Q'V -'L_ t 1'�A C'P A For -th'_ �nv� R Contractors City License #: Phone: (A Contractor E-mail Address: C-1 e nA.. a V;z 6rv-) - C -n rv\ I Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form ,xr)(Z-- ❑ COMMERCIAL X RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLAC M N OTHER (Describe) r l r r r r- ,'- (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current bee of reas, proposed uses, square footage, existing conditionand proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) t,_,- 4� i� SCPn�Er�t a ex( 5--t h' -5 power` 5 tL a t( l r1 I ow e -r- levet ] ath ra'Sn� Sq. Ft./LF (fZ TDYI Btu's Amps 00 Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Electronic Signature (first and last name): DATE: Building Division Valuation: $. Project Address:_q5,004 q6to _KD L.. Permit#: General Contractor: Electrical Contractor Company Name: State License #: Signature of Authorized Agent Plumbing Contractor Company Name: State License Wheat Ridge License #® Sl at e of Authorized Agent Signature of Authorized Agent Master#: ,/Date 30, OTS -0 Master#: kL,5-r Phone: Date Date • �-..x•:11 (task list) 1. Install new numbers 2. Remove existing storm door on the front 3. Remove existing front door and trim both inside and out and install new 1. Remove all things from walls 2. Install film on the windows in the garage door 1. Remove existing doorbell and install new 2. Install new light switch in laundry room and install new light 3 J:nstall 6 x new can lights in living room 4. Change switchable outlet to new can lights in living room 5. Bathroom upstairs and downstairs. Remove existing vanity light and install new 6. Remove existing porch light and install new 7. Bring outlet and switches to code 8. Install new plates for all outlets and switches Service change 1 Install new washer box 1emovesexisting heater and install new '_2. `Install new ac unit 1. Remove existing carpet, pad, tack strips, and underlayment 2. Install vapor barrier 3. Install approx. 400 sf. %" x 3 %4" red oak flooring 4. Cut existing overhang from stair treads 5. Install 12 oak stair treads 6. Install 2 x bullnose at stairs 7. Install %4" underlayment for 11 risers 8. Install tile on 11 risers 9. Install approx. 100 If base shoe 1. Remove disposal 2. Remove faucet 3. Remove kitchen sink 4. Remove dishwasher 5. Remove refrigerator 6. Remove stove 7. Remove microwave 8. Remove approx. 20 If. existing counter tops 9. Install approx. 40sf. countertops (granite) 10. Install new kitchen sink 11. Install new disposal 12. Install new faucet 13. Install approx. 35 sf. the backsplash and grout 1. Remove toilet and reset (wax ring problem) 2. Remove mirror and install new 3. Remove vanity sink and faucet 4. Install new counter top (granite) 5. Install new sink 6. Install new faucet 7. Remove existing TP holder and towel bar and install new 8. Remove caulking at tub and replace with new 9. Caulk toilet and sink 1. Remove medicine cabinet 2. Remove toilet 3. Remove vanity sink and faucet 4. Remove vanity cabinet 5. Remove shower faucet trim 6. Remove approx. 90 sf. of tile 7. Remove existing shower valve 8. Remove approx. 15.5 base trim 9. Install new shower valve 10. Remove existing damaged shower pan 11. Remove damaged sheetrock in ceiling approx. 2'x 3' 12. Repair water leak at upstairs toilet area 13. Patch sheetrock and texture on ceiling 14. Install new 5'x 3' shower pan 15. Install approx. 90 sf. Y2" underlayment 16. Install approx. 100 sf. new tile with 11 If. deco band 17. Tile around sill and around window 18. Grout and caulk inside corners and around window 19. Install approx. 25 sf. floor tile 20. Install approx. 15.5 If. base trim and caulk 21. Install new 30" vanity cabinet 22. Install new countertop 23. Install new vanity sink and faucet 24. Install new toilet 25. Install new mirror 26. Remove existing towel bars 27. Install new 24" towel bar, TP holder, and towel ring 1. Install Y4" underlayment and tile at entry approx. 23 SF. 2. Address squeaks in floor I -..-,Remove existing heater and install new nstall new ac unit Hoyt St 4510 45 110 Hoyt St Wheat Ridge, CO Property Type Residential Date of Construction PH X-.. .W EnvicCore LLC Asbestos Consulting Firm No. 21660 1685 S. Colorado Blvd Denver, CO 80124 303-GoEnvio (463) 6846 www o�EnvioC�orecom infoOd'ooenviocore.corn Nw-mmmuj Chad Moore Asbestos Building Inspector Cert. No. 21428 Inspection Information Inspection Date 12/21/2016 Arrival Time 02:00 PM Report Date Inspection # 1216-42 4510 Hoyt St Asbestos 3 "Ok AHERA envi (:orE! ENVIRONMEN-!r,AALL INSPECTIONS EMSL Analytical 1010 Yuma St., Denver, CO 80204 303-740-5700 Asbestos NVLAP Cert # 200828-0 enYk P o"re A 'G'E: 1 OF 1 2 Table f Contents Definitions................... ....... ......................... ........................................................................................... 3 KeyTerms ...... ........................................................................... ........ ................................... ................ 3 Limited Inspection Summary ............................................................................. ................................... 4 General. -------------------------------....... —......... --------------'4 Azbeshzs--... --....... —....... -------------------............ -----------------4 Purpose and Scope ofInspection ......................................................................................................... 4 GonenaL—... ------------------...... --...... --------------........ -----...... 4 Asbestos------------............ ------...... ----...... --...... ---....... ------------4 Background..................................................................... ...,.,^....................................... .......... .......... 5 Sampling........................................... .............................................. ....... ............................................... 5 AsbestosResults Reporting ............................................. ...... ................................................................ 6 Asbestos Inspection Conclusion ----------------------------------------6 Closing...................................................... ...................................................... ............................. .......... 6 InspectionPhotos ...................................................... .................................. ........................................ 7 LabResults ^~,,,,,_~^,,.,,,~,.,,,,,,,.~~,,~.._',......~........... ............................ ................................. l0 e:, n v 0 e PAGE 2]Fl2 I . The term "Certified Inspector" shall mean individual who is identified on the first page of this Limited Inspection Report as conducting the Inspection. 2. The term "Client" shall mean the entity that has ordered the Limited Inspection on the Property on behalf of the Client. 3. The term "Limited Inspection Report" shall mean this report, which summarizes the Limited Asbestos Inspection and a Limited Lead -Based Paint Inspection, as applicable to the Property. 4. The term "Owner" shall mean the owner of the Property. 5. The term "Property" shall mean the building(s) or structure(s) at the address listed under Property Information on the first page of this Limited Inspection Report. 6. The terms "Work Activitv" shall mean any construction, renovation, remediation, decontamination, cleanup, or other work. Asbestos 1. Asbestos is a naturally occuhng mineral. Asbestiform varieties include chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite. 2. Asbestos abatement is the wrecking or removal of builiding materails that contain friable and non -friable asbestos fibers. 3. Asbestos abatement contractor is any person hired to conduct asbestos abatement. 4. Friable material can be crumbled, pulverized, or rendered to powder by hand pressure when dry. 5. A homogenous area is an area of surfacing material, thermal system insulation material, or miscellaneous material this is uniform in color, texture, construction, application date, and general appearance. 6. Miscellaneous material is interior building material on structural components, structural members, or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles, and does not include surfacing material or thermal system insulation. 7. Non -friable material cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry. 8. Point counting is a secondary analytical technique to verify the presences of asbestos in samples with 10% or lower asbestos. 9. Surfacing material is sprayed, troweled, or otherwise applied on surfaces, such as acoustical plaster on celilings and fireproofing materials on structural members, or other materials on surfaces for acoustical, fireproofing, or other purposes. 10. Thermal system insulation (TSI) is material tha tis applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, ducts, or other interior structural components to prevent heat loss, heat gain, or water condesation, or for other purposes. 11. The terms "Asbestos Containing Material" or "ACM" shall mean surfacing, thermal system insulation, or miscellaneous materials that contain I% or more of asbestos. 12. The terms "Asbestos Containing Building Material" or "ACBM" shall mean Asbestos Containnig Materials that has been used for construction or improvement of a building or other structure. en)�W�orre PAGE 3 0F 12 13. The term ' shall mean any person licensed with the State ofColorado and the EPA, hired for a fee to conduct any of the folowing activities, as required by Regulation No. 8, Part 13, in the State of Colorado: asbetos builidng inspection and bulk sampling; development of asbestos management plans; air monitoring for asbestos fibers; development of asbestos project designs; and , project management, as specified inSection ||J. 14. The term "Certified Laboratory" shall mean olaboratory with accreditation from the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreclitaion Program (NVLAP) to analyze bulk samples for asbestos using polarized light microscopy 15. The terms "DamagedACM" ond 'shall n�oonf��b�ornon-�ub�ACM that has deteriorated ordelaminated tothe point that i+has lost its bond tothe sobstrotreorhas otherwise suffered crumbling, blistering, nonadhesiveness, gouging, water staining, or marring. The term "Damaged ACM" applies when I /10 of the entire surface has suffer damage (1 /4 if the damage is localized). The terms "Significantly Damaged ACM" shall apply when more than 1 /10 of the surface has suffered damage. 16 The term 'Inspection" shall mean onabbreviated inspection bythe Inspector ofthe components cfthe Property that may besubject toWork Activity. The Inspection shall investigate the presence of ACBM and shall comply with all state and federal laws, rules, and regulations. The Client agrees to read the Limited Inspection Report upon receipt and promptly call the Inspector with questions orconcerns. This Limited Inspection Report isnot intended tnbeexhaustive inthe manner mf inspecting the Property and all of its building materials and components, The Inspector only inspected specific areas that may be subject to Work Activity and that are visually and physically accessible .Thm Limited Inspection was not a risk assessment or physical inspection of systems, structure, or components of the Property. The use ofthis Limited Report and its contents, inwhole orinpart bypersons nrentitiesother than the Client is not authorized without the written mutual consent of the Client and envioCnneLLC. The Limited Inspection Report documents the findings ofoLimited Asbestos Inspection otthe Property. The Limited Asbestos Inspection intended to locate ACBM in areas that might be the subject of Work Activity. The Certified Inspector performed the Limited Asbestos Inspection in accordance with the current state and federal |ovvs at the time of inspection. The scope of this report included a visual inspection of all affected rooms and/or areas throughout the subject property for visible suspect ACBM and/or Lead Based Paint. This does not include any materials that were covered or hidden by walls, structures, carpeting, wood flooring, multiple layers, wallpaper, texturing, etc, However, the Certified Inspector made every reasonable effort toaccess and identify all suspect ACM and/or Lead Based Paint. If the scope of work changes, the Client must inform the Certified Inspector to allow the Certified Inspector to supplement the Limited Inspection Report. This Limited Inspection Report is solely a record of activities, observations, analytical results, and recommendations performed to date. Bulk asbestos samples were randomly collected from homogenous areas of suspect ACM bythe Certified Inspector. If the color, texture, construction, application date, or general appearance differs between materials or 'if for any reason the Certified Inspector suspects that the materials might differ in any respect, the Certified Inspector will take separate samples from each homogenous area. The Certified Inspector took PAGE 4[Fl2 em�� representative bulk samples were similar materials, but this does not guarantee that materials of similar appearance are of the some composition. Even similar materials are subject to uneven mixing and distribution, and random sampling can miss ACM. EnvioCore used reasonable diligence and its professional judgment consistent with industry standards in order to identify all suspect ACBM. Bulk samples were analyzed by Certified Asbestos Laboratory. The inspector was called to the subject property by Adam Graff of Alliance Custom Design. Mr. Graff was concerned about asbestos containing building materials in the affected areas of the building. Per Mr. Graff, suspect asbestos containing building materials to be disturbed in the scope of work include: The affected materials sampled: - Drywall The affected areas include: - Room The Certified Inspector and the Client understand and agree that the Limited Asbestos Inspection shall include only the above -referenced potentially affected areas. If the Work Activity later includes other areas or materials that may contain ACBM, the Client understands that the Certified Inspector will only perform a Limited Asbestos Inspection of these areas upon a subsequent engagement. Using methods that are generally accepted in the industry, the Certified Inspector determined that it was necessary to collect bulk samples from the various homogenous areas (see the Asbestos Sampling below for exact areas). All samples were submitted to Certified Asbestos Laboratory. The laboratory results are incorporated into this report. Neither envioCore, LLC nor the Certified Inspector warrants the accuracy of any laboratory results. The Client and any other parties hereby agree that envioCore, LLC and the Certified Inspector shall not be liable in any manner for erroneous laboratory results or other errors with the laboratory testing process. Amur PAG -'E 5 OF_ 12 env!�.f E:ore Asbestos Inspection Conclusion Asbestos containing building materials WERE NOT found in the samples analyzed by the laboratory. The affected building materials DO NOT need to be removed by a certified abatement company according to Regulation 8 of CDPHE. Caution should still be taken and OSHA personal protective equipment should be used during any removal of sampled building materials. EnvioCore assumes no liability for any loss, injury, claim or damages arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance on this report or the opinions expressed herein. EnvioCore makes no risk assessment, warranty, guarantee or insurance policies of any kind, express or implied. This report is limited only to the samples taken and locations sampled. There are no risk assessments, warranties, guarantees, or insurance available or provided by EnvioCore. Additional sampling may be needed to further identify other pollutants, or other mold/fungus affected areas inside the subject property. This report was prepared pursuant to the contract EnvioCore has with the client. That contractual relationship included an exchange of information about the subject property that was unique and between EnvioCore and its client and serves as the basis upon which this report was prepared. Because of the importance of the communication between EnvioCore and its client, reliance or any use of this report by anyone other than the client, for whom it was prepared, is prohibited and therefore not foreseeable to EnvioCore. No warranty is made. EnvioCore's liability and that of contractors and subcontractors arising from any service rendered here under shall not exceed the total fee paid by the client to EnvioCore. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please call at (303) GoEnvio (463) 6846 with any questions or concerns. Thank you. Sincerely, 0� Chad Moore Certified Inspector EnvioCore LLC, Environmental Consulting Asbestos Building Inspector Cert. No. 21428 PA�-F 6 OF 12 enyqwcore Figure I ® Overview of Address Hear e 2- Overview of EntTy e n v c o r e PAGE 7 OF 12 'figure Overview of Wall Figure 4- Sample location PAIGE 8 OF 12 Figure 5 -S -ample location #2 Figure 6 - Suample IoCa tion #3 PAGE 9 Or 12' envio., core F-�- f',- -'� IrA�A -- I EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80208 TeUFax: (303) 740-5700 i (303) 741-1400 http:i' .EMSL.com l denvesiab{d)erno,com EMSL Order: 221609205 Customer ID: ENCR42 Customer PO: Project ID: Attention: Chad Moore Phone: (303) 463-6846 EnviDCore Environmental Consulting Fax: 4500-ID1-01-Joint 1685 S. Colorado Blvd- Received Date: 1212112016 5;30 PM Denver, CO 80222 Analysis Date: 12/22/2016 Collected Date: 12/2112016 Project: 1216-42 4510 Hoyt St Homogeneous Sample Description Appearance Non -Asbestos % Fibrous fi Non -Fibrous Asbestos Is Type 4500-ID1-01-Joint White 30% CaCarbonate None Detected Compound Non -Fibrous 70% Non-fibrous (Other) Homogeneous 4500-ID1 -01 -Drywall BowTVWh,te 20% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 10% Non-fibrous {Other) ZIol'J20E-0FO A Homogeneous 4500 -01 -02 -Gray Gray 50°rte Quartz None Detected Gemendbous Material Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate _- +sxviu2 Homogeneous 40% Non-fibrous (Other) 4500 -03 -42 -Joint BrosimWhite 20% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Compound Fibrous 10% Nan -fibrous (Other) Homogeneous 4500 -101 -02 -Drywall Br M+hre 20% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 10% Non-fibrous (Other) 2fn12-tr Zrf Homogeneous 4500 -001 -03 -Texture While 30% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 70% Non-fibrous (Other) 221fyo2C?a 03 Homogeneous ,-op—w. 9,ay pa v i caahng htyer lncruded ie analysrs 4500 -101 -03 -Gray Gray 50% Quartz None Detected Cemenbuous Material Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 22iro;9 �- j. Homogeneous 40% Non-fibrous (Other) 4500 -E01 -03 -Joint White 30% Ca Carbonate None Detected Compound Non -Fibrous 70% Non-fibrous (Other) Homogeneous 4500 -01 -03 -Drywall BrownAathile 20% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 10% Non-fibrous {Other) .vx,zu=.xxsc Homogeneous Analysts) Stuart Pnutz (9) EMSL maivatarna taabi72y !lofted to cost of analysis Th,S rbpob relates rmiy to the samples reported and may -1 ba rel; odo—al --pt m fril_ wt : l y ilea apio-yall by EMSL EMSL bears rw nce-51bli ly 4or SaotDt2 cotieMr r achy -riles rx analy:tcal maihod t;m RaIIons 1niEtpreieAon and dye of test resui?9 are the respensibtlt?y o1 Lhe rJrer�] Thts report roust no? t* used by iTe_ Uirer;t to claim p. -I obdificatton, approvalor ern7or o,m 1 by NVLAR NIST or any ageory of the ie{leral gos'emment Non-tnab'.e a+3—Py bound matenais preseol a problem matrix and therefore. EMSL --,i ,i 9raviroalns red—boo Door t; analysis Sarngie;v received m 9—d —rd coa unless oth—o, —I.d Estimated accuracyprec— wd uncerta-ly data avatabis upon requast Unless ,.quested by the citanL burld,og ocit its manutaCIurea wch .0hpie layers o e h -i.— avallb ord. etc.) are reppd d as a sutgte sample. F?eparttng hoot fs ?% S ­ p.. analyzed by EMSL Matat-1 inc Denver. CO NVLAP Lab Cod. 200828-0 Initial report from 12t22?2075 14:30:05 _ r tC^3, �` Printed. 121221201$ 12:30 PPA Page 1 of 1 e nvWo 1: ore PAGE 10 r,_11F 12 env PAGE I I OF 12 4M Owl rL 00 C it CD 00 AM_ n tA 0 5, Vd CL > env PAGE I I OF 12 c 0 1876 • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment A QPVQ!9rdAQ CER I IFI , A I ]["IN This certifies that Chad Moore Certification No.: 21428 has met the requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. and Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 9, Part B, and is hereby certified by the state of Colorado in the following discipline: Building Inspector* Issued: July 25, 2016 Expires: July 25, 2017 This certificate Is valid only with the possession ofa current Division -approved training course cerurication in the discipline specified above. 7-- e 4 PAGE 12 0"-- 12 n V I "Yoggir C: o r e Ut 0 Orized APCD Representative SEAL i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE �� Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 1 S Job Address: y S o yS) Permit Number: a CD J t' n 3 ❑ No one available for inspection Time Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date:1 (� Inspector: [. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE .",. ,,J.IL...,, """"V"'., .', """""'"''''''''",C''~'0'''"''''''''''C'~~'''.!'!'''''''''''''' '" . ,,,~"""'" "".~, ,. ,.,Y. ,",,,, - ,.,,,,,..,.,l. l, '''' "".. ., .",..""!".U",.._",,,,,,, ,.,.""."-,,,,1,; t!'>,::" ~A~T.OfPLANNlNG AND DEVELOPMENT Bt:IILDlNGINSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 28TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: Date: 2943 4/19/96 Property Owner: KOEL TZOW OLGA M Property Address: 4500 HOYT ST Contractor License No. : company: Phone: 424-8848 Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDiNG AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : UseTax: I hereby certify lblll u.. setback dl$lancea proposad by this permij application are accurate, and do not Vici~1tte , bill ORI/rlancea. rules or rag~/etIona of the City of Wheat Rldge or oo~ants,. ' or ~ctlona of record; that all meea~remenb shown, and allegations mlIde are accur ; that I hava IllIId and agree to a_ by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume tlllt I88p(lIl8i1lillty for CO"!fl!lance with the Wheat Ridge B~ilding COda (U.B.C.) and all other appllcabill Wheat Ridge ord,nances, for work ~nder this permij. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED Description: ROOF AND FENCE 0 BUILDI ~ m c..{ -( q -q G ~-~ Total: DATE $2.800.00 $54.00 $0.00 $70.00 $124.00 ~/?-~ Approval: Occupancy : Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units : Electrical License No : company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: . Expiration Date : Approval: . Expiration Date: Approval: . (1) 1I11s pe\'I>!Il_ IsIUOCIln IdCOfdanoeWlth the provisions set fOr1h In yep"r Ippiicotion and II IlIbJed k> the iIwI 01 the Slota olColcnldo Ind k>the ZonIng Rea_ d _ COde 01_ Ridge, CoIcnldo or Iny other __ onIInoncoo 01 tho City. (2) ~= ::I~~ lU1horiZod Is not _ wlth1,; Ilxty (60) dRyS Irom IsIlIe dalll or (8) thl bIllidlng 1U1h0llzed Is suspondod or (3) "thIopermilllCllli& I new . may be oc:qulled lor I lee 01 one.hoW the _ normally ~Ililed, IlfOVided no Changoo hove boon or will be made in the origin.' pJan$ ahd aD . . an,. d any suspenaton or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or If suspension or abandonment exc8O<Is 0016 (1)yeor.1uJI fees _ be paid for a new pa""ll {4s1 No work clanymenner ahllllbedone that will change the natural now ofwater causing a drainage problem. { eo_ shOll.nolIfYthe IllIIIdIng ~ twenty.lour (24) holIrs in advlnce lor In rn_s and shIll reooIve _n opfl!OVIl on Inlpoctfon cord _, /l"".'edll""wI1h...._..... _ oIthe/Ob. (6) Tlwrissuance ofa ,."nitOr'the epprovaI of drawings and apecificationa shan not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any viOlation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordnance. law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION If:: -f:JJ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: Date: Property Owner: (} (a ,x .,,(1'. )(; e II2*cYc) Property Address: 4S-t! (') II tJ Y r "; f Contractor License No. : ?e r 5 cr Y1 ?t I Company: Phone: -7/ ,2 ~ 5 rei? Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: ',.?' d9V'," C Permit Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application. and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. Total: (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED Description: ..~ iJ 0 - DATE !:-.e-I(ce BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONL _'IJ11jJ1t'~'Jr'llj(]lh"?, 'l-/I'l/'ilP Approval : ~ Zoning :'f1-- !ii!lldml1BIiliiiillllflJ Approval: el!blic~Wi'm<llreomtnlintis-:! Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrrcal License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approvai : .l.I PlansR!ttu!red~;:iTj Expiration Date: Approvai : ;]I : P!ansRequlred .;J Expiration Date: Approval: . !;PJl[I!S:~ll-qu_lrllll- (1) (2) (3) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building COde of V1Jheat Ridge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. II this permit expires, a new 'permit may be acquired for a fee of one. half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and speclficatlons and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or If suspensIon or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fuJt fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty.four (24) hours In advance ror all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed 10 be a permit for. nor an approval of. any violalJon of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance. law. rule or regulation. (4) (5) (6) Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION jV /\ 'ISH) ~{,'Jj ~ ~Gt,. ~ ~ ~ __"l~, U kM i .s= 0 ~ ~ c-.. .0 I!~c.; -f Ie