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4512 Garrison Street
Perm it#:201401713 Issued: 01/22/2015 Stipulations: Interior Remodel - New Windows, Bath Fixtures and 100 amp Electrical Service. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number And on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. #wner: PRECISION HOMES 2201 FORD IIII III ST GOLDEN CO 80401 Contractor: Adam Steinbach 10133 PECOS ST N•RTHGLENN CO 80260-6316 For the Following Purpose: Residential Remodel Code ditions No change shall be made in the USE of 2 ICC/2014 NEC this building without prior notice v2n ICC/2011 NEC and a new Certificate Of Completion 2006 IC C/2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Other ns•ector -Z' oning Administrator ailing; o *4. ('if different than property address) Address. Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form Sq. FULF ' 2,-)L Stu's Gallons Amps Squa Other Line Qt Description, Each Total TYPI 'AL OPTIONS -OPTIC N SET FOR ORDER Window Sizing: WINPRO SERIES Color: WHIT Frarne Options: * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN RIP FIN I lardware Opts: AUTO LOCK Misc. Options: CAP-TUBES 2 3 9100-SLIDER, 123.63 370.89 MMEMMEM Hardware Opts: Misc. Options: Nfrc Data WINPRO SERIES 3030 (36" x 36" RO) X0 4 E LOW-E 1, * 3 1/4" NAIL, FIN RIP FIN AUTO LOCK, CAP-TUBES U-VALUE SHGC=03 VIA'0,56 3 I 9100-SLIDER H Operation: Color: Glass Options: Frame Options: WINPRO SERIES 4030 (48" x:36°" RO) X() W14T EC LOW-E * 3 1/4" NAIL, FIN RIP FIN AUTO LOCK CAP-TUBES [1 -VALUU=0.34 SHOC=03 VLT=0.56 138.12 1318.12 Bid By: Ver: 7,01,0195 Page I of'3 Bid Dated: 11/5/2014 WESTERN PACIFIC BLDG MATERIALS QUOTE - ( T006421 Ll Lid j l�'o r: Job Narne PRECISION HOMES 4512 GARRISON STREETE Line Qty Description Each Total 4 1 9100-SLIDER 148.78 148.78 Im L 35, 5 WindowSizina: WINPRO SERIES 9100-SLIDER H1 227T64 227.64 Window Sizing: 3020 (36" x 24" RO) Operation: X0 Color: WFIT Glass Options: EC LOW-E OBSC Glass Options: * rr R ALL GLASS Frame Options: * 3 114" NAIL IN Frame Options: RIP FIN Hardware Opts: AUTO LOCK Misc. Options: CAP-"rtJBES Nfre Data: U-VALUE-0.34 Nfrc Data: SHGC=0.3 VLT 9100-SLIDER H1 227T64 227.64 Window Sizing: WINPRO SERIES 7430 184 „ x 36" RO) Operation: XOX Color: WI Glass Options: EC LOW-E Frame Options: * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN Frame Options: RIP FIN Hard Opts: AUTO LOCK Misc. Options, CAP-TUBES Nlic Data: 1,J-VALUE= Nfrc Data: SfJ(iC=0.3 VI-"I'=0,56 Window Sizing.- WINPRO SERIES 123 .63 1213.63 �35 Total Material + Labor + Delivery + 4% Tax- = Sub Totql 1,009.06 0.00 0.00 44.137 1,049A3 Less Delx)sit 0.00 Balance Due: $1,049.43 Bid By: Ver: 7,01.0195 Page, 2 of 3 Bid Dated: 1 1 15/2414 NFD NET WIDTFI=35 NETHEIGHT=35 Operation: X0 Color: WFEF Glass Options: EC LOW-E Frame Options: * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN RIP FIN Hardware Opts: AUTO LOCK Misc, Options: CAP-TUBES Nfrc Data: L1-VAS LJE=0,34 SHGC=0.3 X/1 "F=A 44 �35 Total Material + Labor + Delivery + 4% Tax- = Sub Totql 1,009.06 0.00 0.00 44.137 1,049A3 Less Delx)sit 0.00 Balance Due: $1,049.43 Bid By: Ver: 7,01.0195 Page, 2 of 3 Bid Dated: 1 1 15/2414 A P PI —Z \ Subject W Fiew Wheat Ridge BuOdl4ig Date- ,1 1/1 i } S\ k \.... - pl� o Elec. 0 Plumb. 0 Mech. 0 Structural B15iher IB'1'St 0 2nd 0 3rd Job Address: ~2 M,.eq.(~<').N' ~~..cr C/7J7~N OJH'A0q//Y'/ /J~~/ ~ /$ LEhlk'//V'r::- <!:!l> /7~ P. >C/PPA/? 0/\/// h'U.;V,&'//V'0 .../~/9,.p,,4/) 70 A'~./ '=/9A'///~;~7n j!d,:; ~9? 3>(./!//\//j"k(<;' /a~___~ _ _ ~_ r L/J///\/h/?d---r_ /, ~ 8A"r7A'..;c-~ .....-;fLS'n /////\/./JI'7lN(<;" 7'H/?<'YK/'/-~/T 77(7 , /VOT aQ~..E -r 0,,0.61/ ,..oA"O~R .r ~V~ ~~ ' i~~~R;~~#h /;~~- "S"#A'// A"~ PA7"o~Vr~;;R;' ;~7.,Q") //V ..4\.5J9~ ~//.E:~. D Re-inspection fee of $ must be paid prior to re-inspection. D Blocked Access D No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM .When corrections have been made, call for re-i spection at 303-2 4-5933 Date:I17=/?-07 Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS ~IECIE~\fIE\D) 6Ive.w+u 'J)ill lv\aeo\;lSb 5illlo? MAY 1 1 2007 ____t(S________ \ ~- A . . (y)ctA-~~1 +-1 f,Vlt'On1rL-111 ~ C h ~--- tt LO~atKt~o AX\ ('CUt Q '-CD huJ^ l ~ tu> 01 Jl tVVl.UI.::t. ' .Jcl .L~ ~ f),~J\ 0 f)~ to UC51A,) +IA 0 1,LV\.(\nU'.... l..l vUrllll I' . ('~ - I ,J!.. : ~ ) "... - _ LJ 11-l.v\(3 ~~ OY\.l') _ :~~* I~~et~~~o~ _"~)":1g9~ - . ci"L () iA Y~r_ {h, D1Af-~:~t\h C;xncLiro. - -, ~*' \~~oO~:;.ti~t.ct:tY.~~ 15: ~\- - ----~ 15b-~ 0 ~ \N IY0ffU.\S . 5 OUt ' .' "..!-\. _ _)..Q hr(\V.o VI Noted. -----~.-. I \AJ\;~.. w ro- ~ \;JO DOl O(i i!\.l\ cloyyt Lift- =-~j ~,~~~~;~:f~~ (~: " (). 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