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4951 Kipling Street
SITE NUMBER: D N 02361 A NO DATE DESCRIPTION 0 05/09/19 EINAE cos 1 06/25/19 REVISED CDS 2 07/03/19 REVISED CDS T 01/27/21 RENSED CDS 4 07/08/21 RENSED CDS T • • Mob ile• ATC CO 82121 APPROVAL SIGNATURE BLOCK CHATPIES OR MI ❑ Tc.s MINOT M mamm nTwD ,. ENIMEa ❑ WE ❑ Ru,ny srnE mMHsrTcw srnr AiEnumm WE ❑v.wmE> 11 RI T-.oaE a avxz PMT) T-w.E awn uww<E WE T • mMobile Is euro.- APPROVED )ATe Aummu� 0 11 - xAPP vrilM1 lM mITOWINpno .«Iaxflormle,I. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. ATC ASSET #: 82121 SITE NAME: ATC CO 82121 SITE NUMBER: DN02361A FILE NAME: DN02361A_A AND E_ CDS_ COLOCATION-07.08.21_REV 4 LOCATION: 4951 KIPLING ST., WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 39.78583, -105.10971 50' MONOPOLE COLOCATION o< �Wheatl�dge c o III :i4VIATIT1411:fl tZA1]01 YKe]SIkor_I 011 These drawings were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was exercised in checking for code Compliance. The stamping of these documents shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer ahaessler Date 08/03/2021 SITE INFORMATION VICINITY MAP SITE PHOTO DRAWING INDEX TOWER MANAGER : PIJENKAN !OWER - - SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION REV m vRE9orNTVL WAY _ T-1 TITLE SHEET 3 "BUM. MO 01801 SITE ADDRESS: 4851 mg1NG ST. M -I GENERAL NOTES 3 WHEAT RIME, CO 80033 .. • GN -2 NmES 3 M1: fAVNJEFFERSON W,y,.,M SHE PVN C -I SITE 3 BU IAmVOE: 39.08683 -105.109J1' C-1.1 EQUIPMENT PLANS 3 C-3 EI£VAnONS 3 MOUNT CFOUNO EIEVATICN: 6365ALSL - " OCCUPANCY MET, UNMANNED ZONING JURISDICTION: CUT OF WHEAT RIME ZONING CODE: C -I SITE _ •^nn^.. 39.78583:105.10971 ' C-3 ANTENNA PLAN 3 C-3.1 RFW & CABLE SPECInCATIONS 3 PARCEL NUMBER: 39-164-01-017 POMER PROVIDER N/A TELCO POWDER N/A 4 - N — © & M.. v vu V ^� v YH NPT To $ME C-4 EQUIPMENT DEVILS 3 C -s I EOUIPMENT DETAILS 3 C-6 EQUIPMENT DETAILS 3 CONTACT INFORMATION 0-7 EOVIIPMETIT SPECIFICATIONS 3 C-8 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS 3 0&E SERVICES POWDER RIVER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. LLC. 408 S. CAGLE ROOD, SUITE 200 EAGLE, ID BMI6 CONTACT. BRIAN HUME PHONE: 20E93ZI C-9 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS 3 G-1 MOUNTING PVN 3 G-2 GROUNDING DETAILS 3 EMIL: onondumeOporNermerM.com DRIVING DIRECTIONS SITE ACQUISITION: TOMR ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS, INC. 4710 E EL'AL'OD, SUITE 9 DIRECTIONS FROM DENVER INTERNMONAL ARPORT, PHOENIX, AS 65040 CONTACT: NARIA RIOPMES PHONE: 602.418.60.0 DEPART NEW CASTLE ST TOWARD RV AYE TOM RIGHT ONTO N VAN KLMAN ST. TURN RIGHT ONTO NEW CASTLE ST ROAD NAVE OHANGES TO E 78TH AVE. TURN TER ONTO JACKSON GAP ST. TME RAMP mao FOR PENA BLVD. AT ECT PENA KVO, TAKE RAMP TER SCOPE OF WORK WEB: nww,Gp9roup.ne FOR I-70 W / US -M W / TUSKEGEE AIRMEN MEMORIAL MW. AT Or 267. TME RAMP RIGHT AND FOLLOW SIMS FOR CO -391, TOM ARROGANT: T -MOBILE CENTRAL LLC RIGHT ONTO W-391 N / KIPUNG SL BEAR LER ONTO W 50TH AYE. MAKE A U-TDRN TO STAY ON W 50TH AYE. TURN RIGHT ONTO ro-391 S / KIPUNG ST. ORRBIE AT CO -391 S / KIPUNG ST. 16400 E. 22ND AVE. ALI CO 80011 PHONEr: IMTHEW JOHNSON AT ANTENNA LEVEL, INSipLL 1 (3) AHLW RPV, (1) FXNE, PLATFORM LOVE AND (1)H RID6QM-I EMAIL moUleu.jMnaorAt-moMikcom AT GROUND LEVEL ADD (1) 8' 1 8' EQUIPMENT PLATFORM, (1) ICE MI TOWER CONTACT: AMERICAN TINIER I 1) FCCA (1) SSC. (1) CTPIP(1) PPC, (1) OPS ANTENNA. (2) AUDI MOB. (1) ANK/ARIL (1) PEAK AND (1) HUFFMAN BOX, W0� PRESIDENTIAL APPLICABLE CODES CONTACT: YOIENE VEBO-OR Z BUILDING CODE 2018 IBC PHONE: 972.999,8912 EMIL : yole"vepaoLlx0amoi ntowvcom ELECTRICAL CODE 2020 NEC T e •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' �j POWDER RIVER Development Services, LUC BUSINESS LICENSE /: N/A REASgNS hNA, mcdas OVnaA, mcdas m/W,a mw]s w/a/la m/m/la w/a/la 00 QC f U! 04 ] :v q.'CHTVECS 0/N&A31 om°�ieeFv ^FSITE INFORMATION N@ Ti OBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: TITLE SHEET SxEE< NUMBER: T-1 GENERAL NOTES 1.GENEBX NOTES AND TWIGLL DETAILS SHALL APPLY TO All PARTS OF THE JOB EXCEPT WHERE THEY MAY CONFLICT WITH DETAILS AND NOTES ON OTHER SHEETS. MERE MND1710M ARE NOT SPEC IGLLLY INDICATED BUT IRE OF SIMILAR CHARACTER TO DETAILS SHOWN, SIMILAR DETAILS Cf CONSTRUCTION BEALL BE USED SUBJECT To RENEW BY ME ENGINEER. R.WGM SHALL NNM M TO THE BEOUIREMENTS, AS AMENDED TO DATE, OF ME GTESi MMON OF THE BUIIDING COLE AND ALL OTHER LOCAL. STATE IND MR BULL COMPLY WITH CONFLICT NAY OCCUR. SUCH AS BETWEEN ITEMS CWERED IN SPECINCATIONS AND NOTES ON THE DMWMDS OR BETWEEN GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIES PUNS OR DUALS, ME ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED. AND HE/SHE WILL INTERPRET ME INTENT OF THE CONTRAST DOCUMENTS PROM TO ME INSTALUTON OF THAT PORTION OF WORK 18, E CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DAM ON CONSTRUCTION SUPERASOR OF ANY CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES IN THE COMPACT DOCUMENTS OR FFD CONOITONS PRIOR TO EXECUTED THE WORK IN QUESTION 19. ME CONTRACTOR SCALL NOTIFY THE CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPEFM93R IF DETAILS APE CONSIDERED UNSOUND. UNSMI NOT WATERPROOF. OR NOT WERE CUSTOMARY TRADE PRESENCE, IF WORK 15 PERFORMED, IT WILL BE ARGUED THAT THERE IS NO INJECTION TO THE DETAIL. DETAILS ARE INTENDED TO SHOW THE ENO RESULT OF ME DESIGN, MINOR MODIFICATIONS NMY BE REQUIRED TO SUIT JOB PART OF ME WORK. TO BE JOINED SHALL BE AMIIFlEO BY IF THEY DIFFER WON THOSE SHOWN ON EY ME CARRIER CONSTRUCTION BE MADE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE AND SHAT BE FOLLOWED AS WILL PERUN, ANY ERROR. MOWHT TO ME ATTENTION C' THE ICAnON OF CORRECTION BEFORE ORD DOCUMENTS MR �CUMENTS FROM DETERIORATION AND UPON COMPLETION OF MF WORK. SUBMIT ONE (1) COMPLETE SET OF RECORD DOCUMENTS TO THE CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FOR THE O EARS RECORDS. 26 A CLOSEOUT BOOK CONTAINING ME FOLLOWING, SHALL BE PRWOED BY THE CONTRACTOR, AS MRICABLE: AAS BUILT DESIGN DRAWINGS B.SWEE9 TEST RESULTS CRESISEIVELY TEST D.PHOTO COCUMEMATIgI OF: I. UNDERGROUND CONOVER AND GROUND RIND IL ANTENNA, COAX, JUMPER ATTACHMENTS AND GROUND KR ATTACHMENTS III. ANTENNA CONN TUT MEASUREMENT USING AN INCLINOMETER ON ME HACK PLANE CE THE ANTENMN n CRADLED BAN ATTACHMENTS [SIGNED OFF PERMIT CARDS F CEREFCATE Cf OCCUPANCY STELLER OF KEYS ANO/OR ACCESS AUTHORIZATION HOPI BUILDING PERMIT SITE WORK NOTES 1.SCOP : CLEARING. [RUBBING. STRIPPING. EROSION CONTROL, SURMCC LAYOUT. SUB GRADE PREPARATION, FlN5R GRADING AND SECVRRY PENCE, AS TRGVIRED NO CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS, R REFERENCES: AOEPARTMENT CE TRANSPORTATION CONSTRUCTION ANO MATERIAL SPEOPULMONS MR THE STATE IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED. MASH (AMERICAN SWIEN FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS) C ESKE (OCCUPATIONUL SAFETY AND HEXAD ADMINBORMON) OAASXTO (AMERICAN ASSOCKI OF STATE TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS) 3ANSFECTON ADD TESTING: A.FEELD TESTING OF GRT WORK, MSREGTE WE COURSE, COMPAJAON AND CONCRETE TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S INDEPENDENT TESTING VB. B.AL WORK SHALL BE INSPECTED AND RELEASED BY THE CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPEWSOR WHO SHALL CARR' OUT ME GENERAL INSPECTION OF THE WORK WLM SFE F0 CONCERN TO PROPER PERFORMANCE OF ME WORK AS SPECIFIED ANDMIR CALED FOR ON ME DRAWINGS. IT IS ME CONTRACTdR'S RESPORSIBILItt TO REQUEST TIMELY INSPEOIORS FROM TO PROCEEDING WITH FURTHER WORK THAT WOULD MAKE PARTS OF ME WORK INACCESSIBLE OR DIFFOULT TO INSPECT. A.SITE MAINTENANCE AND PRORCTON: APRMIOE ALL NECESSAM 008 SITE MAINTENANCE FROM COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE CONTRACT. BA^NTACT THE ONE -CML UTILITY LOCATION SERVICE PMOR TO ANY EXCAVATING ACTAT ES To HAVE LOCATIONS of UNDERGROUND MILIEU VERIFED, O.A9ND MANAGE TO THE SITE INCLUDING EXISTING FIDIUMES, STRUCTURES, }PEES AND SHRUBS DESIGNATED TO REMAIN- TAKE PROTECTIVE MEASURES TO PREVENT EXISTED ITEMS THAT ARE NOT DECORATED FOR REMWX FROM BEING DAMAGED BY THE WORK_ O.KEEP SIZE FREE OF All PONDING WATER. E.00NTRICTOR SHA. POWDE ALL. ER09ON AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES AS REOWREO BY LOLL CITY, COURW AND STATE CODES AND ORDINANCES TO PRORCi EMBANKMENTS FROM SOIL LOSS AND TO PREVENT ILCUMUUTIg1 OF SOL IND SHUT IN STREAMS AND DRAINAGE PATHS LEAVING ME CONSTRUCTION AREA TH5 MAY INCLUDE SUCH MEASURES AS SILT FENCES, STRAW SAE SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND CANECK LAWS. F.PRMIOE PND MAINTAIN ALL. TEMPORAL' FORCING. BARRICADES. WARNING SII AND SIMILAR WADES NECESSARY TO PROTECT UFS AND PROPERT" DURING THE ENTIRE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. REMOI ALL SUCH CfYICES UPON COMPLELON OF THE WGA. 5 BEFORE STARTING GENERAL SITE PREPARATION ACTMTIES, INSTALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT COMMY MEASURES. THE WORN AREA SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAIMNNEO IN SUCH COMMON THAT IN THE EVENT OF RAIN THE SNE WILL BE WELL OWNED AT ALL TIMES. CENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE DURING AND APER COMPIPIg1 OF CONSTPUCTION. PERFORM All SURVCY, LYON, STAKING AND MARKING TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN ALL UNES. GRADES. ELEVATIONS AND BENCHMARKS NEEDED NR EXECUTION OF THE MURK, BCLFAR AND GRUB ME AREA WITHIN THE UMITS OF THE SITE AND ONLY THE IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS NECESSARY TO COMPUTE THE WORK. REMOVE TREES. BRUSH, STUNK, RUBEISH AND OTHER DEBRIS AND VEOETA➢Cx RESTING (N OR PROTRUDING THROUGH THE SURFACE OF ME SITE ARG TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED. 9 REMOVE FROM MF SITE AND DISPOSE IN AN AUTHORIZED LMDFlLL ALL DE&M RESULTING FROM CLEARING ARD GREWINO OPERATIONS. BURNING IS NOT PERMITTED, 10, PRIOR TO EXCAVATING, THOROUGHLY FORMER ME ARG TO BE EXCAVATED ANO/OR TRENCHED TO MERCY ME LOCATIONS OF FGMRES INDICATED ON THE DRMNW. AND ASCERTAIN ME EXISTENCE AND LMAnON OF ANY STRUCTURE. UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE. CULVERT. STREAM CROSSING OR DETER ITEM NOT SHOWN THAT Mlprt PFFEO OR IMERFERE WITH THE NEW CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY THE CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPERJISW OF ANY OBSTRUCTIONS THAT WILL PREVENT ACCOMPLISHMENT OF ME WORK AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS 11, SEPARATE AND STOCKPILE ALL EXCAVATED MATERIALS SUITABLE FOR BACK FILL. ALL EXCESS EXCAVATED, AND UNSUITABLE MATERAS SHALL ME OISPoSEO CF IN AN AREA MSGNATED BY THE CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SVPERASOR. (UNSUITABLE M4TERL4 MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE REMWE) FROM THE FTE.) T • •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Development Basicas, LUC BUSINESS LICENSE /: N/A REASONS hNAI mNH¢ OVIDA1 mNt.'s oR/aVls mwols wail. T..BMM o m/0Vv e Wa/v a OTANI ox°m meFv mn SITE INFORMATION N@ TWOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE GENERAL NOTES SIFEi NUNBER: GN -1 ELECTRICAL NOTES 1.THESE NOTES DESCRIBE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT MR INSTOIIAnON OF ALL ELECTRICAL M1EMB SUBMITTAL OF BIO INDICATES THAT THE CONTRACTOR G COGNIZANT OF ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS CONWAS. 2.ME PUBLICATIONS LISTED BELOW FORM PART OF MESE NOTES. EACH PUBLICATION SHALL BE THE LATEST REVISION AND ADDENDUM IN EFFECT ON TRE DOTE THIS SPECIFICATION IS ISSUED MR CONSTRUCTION, ON= NOTED OMERWSE EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BY TRE REOUIREMENS SPECIFIED HEREIN, OR ME DETAILS OF THE DRAWINGS, WORK INCLUDED IN THIS SPEOIBCAT*N SHALL CMFDM TO THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF MESE PUBUCATIONS: A ANSI (MEXICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE) S. IEEE DNSTIMTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS) O NEC MAYORAL ELECTRICAL CODE). LATEST EDOION D. NEMA (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSCCKI E NWA 70 (NATIONAL PRE PROTECTION ASSOCKTION) H OSHA (OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION), INCLUDING ALL APPLICABLE AMENDMENTS CAUL (UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES) H.APPICAOL LOCAL CONS AND ORDINANCES }THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE COMMITS ANO CABIN' AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AND AS SHOWN ON ME DRAWINGS. 4.WHEN FINISHED, WORK SHALL BE IN A COMPLETE AND UNMANNED STATE, AS REQUIRED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. &TERM SHALL BE NEW AND SHALL BE INSTALLED ONLY IF IN FIRST -CUSS CONDRION, &SUBSTIMIONS FOR MVERIAL WILL BE PERMITTED ONLY BY WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR AND BY THE ENGINEER, Z.ME CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL MATERIAL EXCEPT AS SEEMED) IN THE CONTRACT WCUMENS. ALL MATERIAL SHALL ME APPROVED AND UBTEC BY OR BEAR THE UL LABEL AND WILL COMPLY NTH ANSI, IEEE AND NEIN STANDARDS WHERE APPUCPBLE. BCONOURS: A. ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT SHALL BE SCHEDULE AO M , SIZED AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. S. WHY EXTERIOR ABOAGROUN0 CONDUIT SHALL BE PER LOYL CODE REQUIREMENT. CALL INTERIOR CONDUIT SHAll BE EMT WOH COMPREMON-ME FITTINGS. D. UQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METALLIC CONDUIT SHALL BE USED MR OUIDWR DECAMPS WHERE FLEXIBLE CONNECTION IS REQUIRED. COPPER VIRE NTHO70M 600 FOR GENERAL MIRING SHNL BE NEC STANDARD ANNEALED VOLT INSULATION. A /8 WE URGER -STRANDED PPE. THXN OR THAN. B. #10 AND SMAUER-SOLID TYPE FIND OR THWN. C. CONDUCTORS IN CONDVx IN OR ADJACENT TO HIGH HEAT SOURCE SHALL BE TYPE XMW. D. CONDUCTORS IN CONDUITS ABOVE ROOF, ON TOP OF ROOF OR INSIDE BUILT-UP ROOFING MATMK SWILL BE TYPE XHHW 10. CONVENIENCE OUTLET, UNLESS NOTED ONETWEE. SURFACE -MOUNTED OUTLETS FOR EXTERIOR LOCATIONS SHALL SE FERMI CAD/ZMC ELECTROPLATED WIN THREADED HUBS OR GORDON ENTRANCES DRILLED AND NEEDED. ALL COVERS SHALL BE SE -F -CI AND AMKETED. SURFACE MOUNTED OUTLETS FOR INTERIOR LOGTIOIS SIVLL BE GALVANIZE). PRESSED STEEL NTH CONS PLATE, SIERRA PLASTIC SME, NOW COLOR. 11, COAXIAL CABLE SUPPORTS I. ALL NWE MINIMUM WIDE SUPPORTS SIWL S MANUFACTURED TO MEET ALL COAX UM BENDING REQUIREMENTS, SUPPORTS SHAUL BE PROVIDED EVERY 3'-0' ON CENTER. 12. BEFORE LAYING OUT WORK, EXERCISE PROPER PRECAUTION TO WRIER EACH MEASUREMENT. 13. USE EXTREME MOWN BEFORE "MATING IN USING AREAS TO LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND SETMCES. 14. N VISUAL CHECK OF ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE CARIES, WNDURS AND OTHER ITEMS SHALL BE MADE BY A CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPERMOR BEFORE THESE RETS ARE PERMANENTLY INSTALLED. 15X ME CONTRI STALL NOTIFY THE CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR 24 OURS PRIOR TO TRENCH BACK FlIL 1G. TRENCHING. BACK FILLING. BEDDING AND COMPACTING SHALL COMPLY NTH SITE WORK SPECIFICATIONS. 17. OO TRENCHES TO ME REWIRED DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE DRAMNGS WITHOUT POCKETS OR DIPS. REMOVE URGE STONES FROM THE BOTTOM OF ME TPENCX AND FIRMLY TAMP LOOSE PLL IN ME BOTTOM BEFORE CONOM S WD. 18, INSTALL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT NTH A MINIMUM 3 -INCH TO 100-FWT SLOPE OR TO A SLOPE SHOWN ON THE DGWINNB. 19- UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON ME DRAWINGS, TERMINATE AND W ALL SMB -UPS 12 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION. 20. WHEREVER CONDUITS CROS UNDER ROADWAYS. USE GALVANIZED WE STEEL COMMITS IN ALL CASES. EXTENDING 5 FEET BEYOND THE EWE OF THE FIGO BED. MINIMUM DEPTH FOR WNDUT SHALL BE 4 FEET BELOW ROADWAY GRADE. P. MARK UNDERGROUND CONDUITS NTH A 6 -INCH WIDE RED POLYETHYLENE TAPE BURIED 6 INCHES UNDER ME SURFACE DIRECTLY OVER ME CONDU1S. MARK THE TAPE THUS: GWnON-BURIED ELECTRICAL CABLE, 22. FOR SEALING CONNOTE, USE ONLY NON-TXERMOPLASIC DUMFOUNDS SUCH AS JM. )UXSEAL, OR AN CARRIER -APPROVE) SVBSMUTE THE COMPOUND WALL HAVE NO EFFECT ON RUBBER OR RUBBER -LIKE INSULATIONS, LEAD, ALUMINUM OR FERROUS ALLOYS: IT SHALL BE INSOLUBLE IN WATER AND WITHSTAND MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE SOURCE OF ME LOCAIM. 23. COAXAL - REFER TO ANTENNA AND COAXAL CABLE INSULATION PROCEDURES. 24. AMENIA - REFER TO ANTENNA AND COAXIAL CABLE INSULATION PROCEDURES. 25. LMA/MHA - REFER TO MTEMA AND COAXIAL CABLE INSULATION PROCEDURES. GROUNDING NOTES 1.TH15 WECRIGTpN PRESCRIBES ME REQUIREMENTS FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLATION AND TESTING OF THE GROUNDING CABLE, CONNECTORS ANO ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS AS INDICATED ON THE DRANNGS. 2.APPLIGTIONS OF ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING WORK MOBBED IN THIS SPECIFICATION INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: A FENCE AND GTE POSTS B. ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS D GROUNDING ELECTRODES D. GROUND RUS BAR E SMAKE EQUIPMENT P. ENCLOSURES G. MONOPOLE / NTNCE TOWER HL ICE BRIDGE 3REFERENCES THE PUBLICATIONS LISTED BELOW FORM PAM OF MESE DRAWINGS. MIT PUSUGTION SHALL BE THE LATEST RM90N AND ADDENDUM IN EFFECT ON THE DATE THESE DRAWINGS WE ISSUED FOR WNSTRVCNON. UNLUS NOTED OTHERWISE. EXCEPT AS MOOPIED ST THE REOUIREMENTS SPOUTED HERRN, OR THE DETAILS OF ME DRAWINGS, WORK INCLUDES IN MESE DRAWINGS SHELL CONFORM TO THE AWUCAO£ PROVISIONS OP THESE PUBLICATIONS. A ANSI (AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE) B. IEEE (INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS) C. NEC (MaIONu ELECTRICAL WDE), uTEs EDMN1 D. NEMA (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ARSCOMTION) E. NESC (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE). LATEST EDITION F OSHA (OCCUPATIONAL SAhT( AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION) G -UL (UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES) I. THE EOUIPMENT SMLL BE GROUNDED AS FOLLOWS, AS SHOWN ON THE DR4WINGS AND IN COMPWNCE WIN NEC ARTICLE 250 AND STATE ANO LOCAL CODES. II. GROUND RODS AND GWNnrc SHOWN ON ME DRAWINGS ALOE DEVRAMMOnO. THE COMRACMR SHALL PERFORM A GROUND-RESIRANCE-TO-FIRM MUL SHOULD ME INSTALLATION HAVE A RESISTANCE OF 5 OHMS OR MORE, CONTRACTOR OVERALL � GROUND -TO -EARN ORE WOUND RODS AS NECESSMY MO WSSTANCE S LESS THAN 5 OHMS. H. INSTALL ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING SYSTEMS AS INDICATED, IN ACWRSNWE WM MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS, NEDIS 'STANDARD OF INSTANATIOL' AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOGNIZED INDUSTRY PRACTICES TO ENSURE THAT PRODUCTS COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS. N. COORDINATE WOH OTHER ELECTRICAL WORK AS NECESSARY TO INTERFACE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING SYSTEMS. V. INSTALL GROUND CONDUCTORS A MINIMUM OF 36 INCHES BELOW FINISHED OWE WHICH ENCIRCLE THE TOWER AND EQUIPMENT, AND WE CONNECTED TO EACH ORNEN GROUND ROD GROUND TRENCH SHALL BE AT LEAST 24 INCHES AWAY FROM FOUNDATIONS, VI, TIGHTEN GROUNDING AND BONDING CONNECTORS, INCLUDING SCREWS AND BOER, IN ACCORDANCE WIN MANUFACTURERS PUBLISHED TORQUE TIpTENING VALVE FOR CONNECTORS AND BOUTS. WHERE MANUFACTURER'S TORQUING REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT INDI ATM, TIGHTEN CONNECTIONS TO COMPLY WIN TIGHTENING TORQUE VALUE SPECIFIED In UL 4864 To ASSURE PERMANENT AND ETFECTM GROUNDING, V. APPLY CMR090N-RESISTMT FINISH (NO -OX OR CARRIER -APPROVED EOUNALENi TO BELO-CONNECTIONS, AT COPPER GROUND BARS AND PLACES WX E FACTORY APPLIED PROTECTIVE MATING HAVE BEEN DESTROYED, OR ARE SUBJECTED TO COPIAGUE AND/OR OXIDATION PROCESS. NII. ON bJSTNG LATTICE TOWERS, WATER TOWERS AND ROOF TOPS, WHEN A NEW GROUNDING SYSTEM IS INSTALLED. THE CONTRACTOR SHAL DE ME NEW GROUND SYSTEM TO THE EXISTING WATER TOWER, LAIDIS TOWER STRUCTURAL STEEL OR BUILDING STRUCTURAL STEEL AS ME CASE MAY BE AT A MINIMUM OF ONE LOCATION SO THAT THEE APE AT ME SANE VOLTAGE POTENTIAL. IX, ALL TOWER AND MR GROUND WIRES GALL BE SUPPORTED EVERY END FEET MVOMUM. S. GROUND ADDS: L GROUND RODS SHALL BE 5/8' DMETER NTH B -O' EMBODIMENT MIN, COPPER DIAD DRIVEN BOOS) II. GROUND RODS) TALL BE LOCATED AT ME RESIDUES OF EQUIPMENT AS TO CREATE A GROUND RING AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. OIL MOUND ROWS) SHALL BE SPACED AT A MINIMUM OF W-0' AND A MAWMVM SPACING OF 10I ON CENTER, N. GROUND RODS SHALL BE BURIED BELOW THE PROSTUNE AT NO TIME SHALL MIS DEPTH BE LESS THAN 18' BELOW FINISHED GRADE. V. GROUND RODS WHICH CANNOT BE DRIVEN STRAGHR MAN ME ENTIRE 10'-M SHALL BE DRIEN AT AN ANGLE NOT GREATER NAN 45 DEGREES (NEC 250-V AND 250-8A). W. GROUND ROD LOCATIONS SHALL BE NOTED ON ME AS -BUILT MMING COMPUE E NTH DIMENSIONS. VII. PROVIDE GROUND TEST WELLS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTIONDRANNGS. Q GROUND CONDUCTOR: I. ALL DIRECT BURIED GROUND CONDUCTORS SHALL BE }INNER SOLID (/2 AWL) WIRE. BURIED GROUND CONDUCTOR SHALL BE INSTALLED AT MINIMUM BEEN OF 36' BELOW GRADE, II. ALL SUB GRADE GROUND WNNECTgNS SHALL BE MADE USING EXOTHERMIC WELD PROCESS. CONNECTIONS SHALL INCLUDE ALL CABLE TO CABLE SPUCES, TEES AND All GROUND ROD WNNECTgNS. MOLD, WEED KA, ETC.. SMALL BE MANUFACTURED BY CADMLD AND SHALL BE I INSTALLED AS PER ME MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. H. MOUND COMBUSTORS SHALL BE ROUTED IN THE SHORTEST AND C STRNGXTEST OSTANCES POSSIBLE TO MINIMIZE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE POSES. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS FOLLOWS: N. ALL GROUND WNOVCTORS SHALL FOLLOW A CONTINUOUS DOWNWARD PATTERN TO THE GROUND SOURCE. (HEALER RUN GROUND CONDUCTOR IN AN UPYARD DIRECTION) V. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED NTH A MINIMUM BE 12 -INCH MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS. VI. HIEN THE MINIMUM BENDING RADIALS CANNOT BE ACHIEVED. GROUND CABLES SHALL BE ROUTED AT 90 -DEGREE BENDS WOH THE USE C£ EXOTHERMIC CONNECTIONS AT 80 DEGREES. WITH ME INTENT IS TO EUMIIUTE ME OBI£ BEND RADIUS AND REPLACE ME RADIUS WIN AN EXOTHERMIC CONNECTION, SGREPARANION: A. ALL SURFACES TO WHICH GROUND CONNECTIONS WILL BE MADE STWL BE FREE OF PAINT, GALVANIZING DIRECT CORROSION. ETC, S.ALL MPA SUREAGFS EXPOSED ON GROUNDING SHALL BE B1HER COLD GALVANIZE, OR PAINED TO MATCH ORIGINAL SURFACE. &EXAMINE ARES AND MNDOIONS UNDER WHICH ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND PRIDING CONNECTIONS PRE TO BE MADE AND MONEY CHINES CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISR ANO ENGINEER OF RECORD IN WRITING OF CONDITIONS DETRIMENTAL O PROPER COMPLETION OF WORK. 00 NOT PROCEED WITH WORK UNTIL UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ME CHINES 0.WBTRUCTION SUPERVISOR A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS PRIOR TO TRENCH SAW PILL All WORK DONE BELOW FINISHED GRACE SHALL BE IMPEDED BY ME CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR DURING THAT PERI00. ]GROUND TESTING: A. THE CONDUCTOR SHALL TEST THE GROUND ELECTRODE ROD RESISTANCE IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE METHODS OF MEASUREMENT DMNED IN ME FAL OF POTENTIAL METHOD. B. TEST INSTRUMENTS SHALL OPERATE AT A FREQUENCY OTHER THAN SO HERR AND WAIL COWAN STRAY CURRENT AND OC FILTERS, FAULT CURRENT PROTECTION AND LAVE SENSTINM TO OVERATE A LOW SIGNAL STRENGTH, C.PRIOR TO TESTING. ME CONIRACIOR SHALL DE -ENERGIZE All FEWER SOURCES. DISCONNECT ME ELLLEROOE CONDUCTOR }ROM THE GROUND ROD. WEAR HIGH VOLTAGE RUBBER SAFM GLOVES. D. GROUND TESTS ARE TO BE PERFORMED BY WWFlEO PERSONS FAMILIAR NTH THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE EQUIPMENT AND THE GZWDS INVOLVED. E. AN INDEPENDENT. APPROVED ONSIDE BRM SHALL PERFOIA THE GROUND TEST AS OUTUNED. NL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE FORWARDED TO ME CARRIER CONSTRUCTION SUPERMEN FOR APPROVAL. T e •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Development Serviu;LLC BUSINESS UOMSE /: N/A REASONS hNAI mEdas OI/aa/xI mEdas w/Iw1e T..NWo w/a/Ia m/m/Ia w/a/Ia X00 LSC �..H i.. .... y� O10 U! 04 ] :v q.'CHTVEc O/Al&A21 w m°�iaeF`r A owl AFSITE INFORMATION N@ Tf#OBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 60033 SHEET TITLE GENERAL NOTES SHEET NUMBER: GN -2 R0, DISCLAIMER: THESE ORAwInGS WERE PRODUCED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A I CURRENT SEND SUINEY. NL PROPEM MNES, EASEMENTS, SETEACKS. AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN SHVL K VERIFIED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, POWDER FIBER DOLDOPMENT SETMCES, LLC DOES NOT GUMANNIEE THE ACCURXT OF SVD PROPER!" LINES, EASEMENS, SEfflWKS, AND DIMENSIONS SXGIWI, EXISTINGT EXISTNC M NCONED GOTFEENCS PBS.F PONCE i� IF �SURRFFXE7 PROPOSED T-WOB1UE PROPOSED / w / TO' x IV GRWND SPACE T -MOBILE / ITE BFOOE - PROPOSED T -MOBILE x B' x W EQUIPMENT EXISTING /) PUTEORM (SIZE PRo L MONOPOLE / `vf hBB( MEPOB-eSX]RSIC) E%ISNNG 'F ti Rp. ICE BRIDGE x (OTHERS) V , N S. -O O., c Exlmnc REMNIN, WNL x W Bg 5 OF y, IS EXISTING X 11--e- , a0•-0' SHELTER (OTHERS) X X X ENERATOR ON X 4' x 10' CONCRETE POO X BOTHERS) ExlsnuG vowFR voEEY U/ TRANSFORMER Exl$IINC CHVN 4NK FERICE w/ &PBEp tnRE x x x SITE PLANIHL RUILLF" UdLII 11 '111 11. IF 01 ESSIUMNI C HISPRIETHEY IS NETURE A� USE QR STIFF TILLS TERT WHICH ROUTES TQ �V SUNGLES 6 �TRITTEY SITHISTE) • a u+Mn i T e •Mobile A AMERICANT ER" POWDER RIVER Development Services, LUC BUSINESS LICENSE /: N/A [LETREASI LINE Iff hM/xI mw son 0VaaA� mw]s m/W19 mw s 06/25/19 I¢wa¢ SRI l w/a/la XLE 00 L/�f O)�`f' 'ms :Tee U: 04 1 :0 q.'CHlf Fir = owl: B/NB�RT ' HSIDE INFORMOTION N@ Tf#OBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: C-1 T e •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Development SMvivas, u0 BUSINESS LICENSE /: N/A REWSKINS VI mTdas 01j'nO21 mTdas m/WT9 mw]s JIM ON TSI JIM m/m/T9 TED 0OW19 ow a 0U mmBxzT 'HSRE INFORMATION N@ Tf#OBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 60033 SHEET TITLE EQUIPMENT PLAN SHEET NUMBER: C-1.1 DISCLAIMER: THESE DRRWInGS WERE PRODUCED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT LAND SURVEY. NL PROPEAtt UNES, DOEMPNTS, SETS1CHS. AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN SHALL K VERIUED PRIOR TO STIRT DE CONSTRUCTION, POWDER FINER DEVELOPMENT SETMLES, LLC DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURI OF SAID PROPERTY UNES, EASEMENTS, SETBI AND DIMENSIONS SHRINK PROPOSED PROI T-ADIERE 4C -M09LE ASIR/OeIL PROPOSED THAI ALCB (z TI M&) PXDPOSED PROPYaFD T -MOBLE III P4VA (1 NTK) T -MOBLE HOP"M" BOX I I I I to I PROPOSED T—MOBILE WR (1 TOTAL) I PNOPosEO r—uoBA£ PPc I I PROPPED T -MOBLE 8' R R' EQUIPMENT PUTPORI (SITE WHO I MEMNILISHlss1C) PROPOSED T -MOBLE H-PRAME PROPOSED T -MOBLE GPS ANTEWU neatA. PROPOSED T-MDBI£ O(W IEE BRDE£ (TOP) Y O�yo'ing D`Nso NOT USED 2 EQUIPMENT PIAN(PROPOSED) SCALE- -T'aB D+MD i T e •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Development SMvivas, u0 BUSINESS LICENSE /: N/A REWSKINS VI mTdas 01j'nO21 mTdas m/WT9 mw]s JIM ON TSI JIM m/m/T9 TED 0OW19 ow a 0U mmBxzT 'HSRE INFORMATION N@ Tf#OBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 60033 SHEET TITLE EQUIPMENT PLAN SHEET NUMBER: C-1.1 T • •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Development Servius,LLC BWINEES UCENSE /: N/A RINISIONS m/anL L..aMo As pv�nL L..aMo OR o,/wLe L..aMo OR a/a/.o Mysolm OR m/m/La w/a/La ON �p00 UC �, �.......... •F41 U: 04 ] :0 �: q�i;rtE�� O/NP/2021 ' SITE INFORMATION N@ TEMOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 WILING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C2 POWDER RIVER DU ELOPMENT SEANCES, LLC HAS NOt PERFORMED STRUCTURAL M LTEES FOR THE NEW EWNMENI MWNTS, NOR THE SUPPORTING MULTURE, AND ASSUMES NO RESPONSBIITII' NR HE ABILW( TO SUPPORT HE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO OONSTRUCTIpI, S T WTUML .W nIS (B) OTHERS) SHALL BE PERFORMED FOR AL TOWERS, ROOFTOPS, EUOPOLES, EIGHT PoLES AND ASSOCIATED EOUIPMENT MOUNTS. F OF IXISTNO ANTENWS (OTHERS) F OF ExSTINO ANRNwS (OTHERS) e EL 49'-6' (AGE) a EL 49'-8' (AGE) T.O. En5TM0 MONOP01£ L0. ExISTwG MOxOPgE EL 4T -B' (LGL) EL 47'-6' (AGL) FINAL T -MOBLE APPURTEDMINCE Nov. (1) ANTENW, PUTEDW PROPoEED T-WERLE COMP (3) OCTA PORT AMENNOS (1 TOTAL) (3) memo ONIEHNAS (3) M" I Onto PROP030 T-M091E INTERNIS 1 COMP (2 PER SECTOR. 6 TOTAL) 1 xiHlm CABLE PROPoSm T-M091E ANIM (1 FER EECigt. 3 TOTµ) F OF FAOPT T -"U ANIEXWS ¢. 33•-0' (ACU PROPOSE] T-MOEIIE ROD (I TOTAL) EXWNC EXISTING I ROPOIE MONOPOLE PRORDED T-LK9RE PROF03E T-M091E xax WxrePn fIBIE PLATFORM ./ xwERus (I TOTAIj (+ TOTAL) ONCE OF EL V-0' (Ki) Mor (ML) W heat .4 v U m 9� °c IOD OMs` TOWER ELEVATION (EXISTING) -ra u1.17) 2 TOWER ELEVATION(PROPOSED) •ra plan T • •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Development Servius,LLC BWINEES UCENSE /: N/A RINISIONS m/anL L..aMo As pv�nL L..aMo OR o,/wLe L..aMo OR a/a/.o Mysolm OR m/m/La w/a/La ON �p00 UC �, �.......... •F41 U: 04 ] :0 �: q�i;rtE�� O/NP/2021 ' SITE INFORMATION N@ TEMOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 WILING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C2 HOLDER RIVER DEVELOPMENT SERACES, LLC HAS NOT PERFORMED STRUCTURAL M'OLYSES FOR THE NEW EWIPMENT MOUNTS, NOR THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE, MID ASSUMES NO FSPUNSRNrc MR 15 APRT TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED MODIFlGTIONS. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, STRUCTURAL ANLLYSIS (DY OTHERS) SHALL BE PERFORMED FOR AL TOMRS, ROOFTOPS, RACEMES, LIGHT POLES AND ASSOCNTEU EOUIPMENT MOUNTS. ANTENNEk SCHEDULE SECTOR ALPHA RE BETA (GREEN) GAMMA BWE lono CABLE LENNUH I NO ANTENNA SCHEDULE (PROPOSED) T+\ �\ PROPOSED T -ACTOR£ TO I V (Y PSECTOR. 6 8 iOTK) BETA PROMIC5ED T-IICRIRLW E µ UNIT dur OI T� IT PER SECTOR, 3 TOTK) PROPOSED T -MOOR£ PLATFORM WES HUNDRI PROPOSED T -MOOR£ COMP 0 IOTA) PROK,Sm T-MOEME FOUND'� (T TOTA) ?' oI,WheSE QH N "' a O��Orye I ANTENNA PLAN (PROPOSED) / STE 2 BY ELSE RE T • •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER' POWER+R RIVER De••IMPm.Mc sALius,uc BVSINEss uCENSE /: N/A MENISCUS hNAI mTdas JAS •VaI mTdas 071 mw]s w/a/1a m/m/1a 03/16/1We 9 'imm awmm�wf 00 L/Of 0:�`f' 'mU'L s 1^ U( as T :v O/N&A31 x•SNE INFOPMOl10N N@ TiAOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4981 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 srvEET nne ANTENNA PLAN SHEET NUMBER: C-3 NUMBER: C-3 RIP CORD x 2 SECTORIZED 9/13/2018 DN02361 A_InTIVROB/Greenfeltl_0.1_tlaftRRVGTEO _2018-09-13 COPPER ARMOR SECTORS(19) SOCTRIC 6 AWC COPPER SECTORS Section 3 - Proposed Template Images CONDUCTOR x 10 SECTOR F gXGLE NODE LOURCU IMMM 6TT1N RA{pD DOM x 366771N I PJC OUTER POOL ISUNUSCOMAXI8 AWG GDP%ERROOM CONDUCTOR2 Nd heat R.A O O U Ro B4 OC Ging D1�`s RF CONFIGURATION (PROVIDED BY T- OBILE) 2 CABLE SPECIFICATIONS - i WBI£ ttPE NUMBER SIZE (AWG) 10/C IB + 2/0 118 VOLTAGE 600 OUTER JACI(Fr WC SHIELDING CORPVG4JE➢ COPPED N.'F $XIEID RFSSrgNGE roXN/R 9 2R C G.GG33 oRNN N/A PIFcoPD XEWR OC OJNOVCrOP IMlER41 COPPED DC O}IDLCrOP SIZE (AWG) 8 NA% DD RESISTANCE (OXN/iGWR) OA11 O RO C COLOR L°OE RIAGtt/REO HARM Cd10LCi0P MAIERIK COWED 9ARM CpIDWiOP SIZE (AWG) 18 MAN pC RESISTANCE (OXM/1000Fr) 6J COLOR CODE TED Fl9.F CPBLES YES OUTER G11NEiEA (IN) - NOMINAL iS84 WEIGHT (I8/1T) 1.81♦ MINIMUM BEND RADIUS (IN) 19 BEND MOMENT (LB/rT) N/A TENSILE smD+mX pe) 3w o6usn RESISTANCE, MTP -41 (N/uu) zz STRENGTH MEMBER NO CVEPATNG TEMPERATURE MNGE (LOW) -M C CVEPATN6 iEMPEFAIVPE PANGS (HIGH) 60' C LOAN WATER FFM rIBEx TYPE SINGLE MooEA owl OO E TUB N -i RSC, G862.D. G&5]A2 FlBER STAN WRD COMPLIANCE IEC 60]93-2-A ttFE 6.1.3 h ttFE DUE AffiB PBER COATING OVMEIER (um) 2@ i/- .00J OR .9 +/- .W6 MY nBEF COUNT x NUMBER OF R6EP SVBVNRS 1 FleLT< couNr EACH uwr 36 FleET< OUTER xcWETs FR ,uCXD M4% nT1ENDATION. 1310 NO (ae/Xm) LFss TXm/EDuuro Ds Mnx ATTENUATION, lsso TOP T • •Mobile AMERITOWER' POWBER+R RIVER De•BIO9m6Mc sB1RiuR,uc euslNEss LICENSE /: N/A REYISgNS hNA� m�das •VaaA� m�das m/W�a mw]s ADD LSC o,: •�H w,�..Fy CJ ( as q�'CHREC� O/N&2021 m°�ieeF w v N@ •�•SXE INFOPMO710N TiAOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4961 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 srvECT TITLE RFDS &CABLE SPECIFICATIONS SHEET (ae/Xm) LESS TXm/Eouuro os NUMBER: C-3.1 NOT USED NrSmk M0,416716R E25/Pf52"kIRIA Dual bald massae MINE, 5G New Radio ready. nkaated a1 se system tizSWe MM 16T 1611 B25/966200W MFIA "ma ds ANTENNA INFORMATION SruE. Naa. l 3 I ANTENNA INFORMATION MiNVFRCNRER: CWNSCOPE Al iFm-65C-R3 WEIGHT: 127.6 UTS DIMENSIONS HIVVO 959'1252'v83' fiOVENO: 617urvz-809 MHz 1695-2560 MHz CONNECTION(8) 63-10 FETWE scala. x.T.s. 1 RFS APM00-2 ANTENNA MOUNTING J RMf ET (OR EWNJ. (M.) PROTrosm ANTENNA dD WhEB/�v ry P r BG B%5� BOI070M BRACK�KCKf 9 NOT USED 6 NOT USED 4 ANTENNA ATTACHMENT - 2 T e •Mobile e AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Deye leymeat Seem as, LLC 8051NES5 UCENBE /: N/A REVISIONS mMOI RWl6 JM • 01/vOl patent ON • w/W1a patent ON w/a/1a ON w/m/1a loss; ON w/a/1a WN a 0U 0/NP/2021 ' FSITE INFORMATION N@ Tf#OBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 69033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: C-4 Ll �pft tizSWe MM 16T 1611 B25/966200W MFIA "ma ds ANTENNA INFORMATION SruE. Naa. l 3 I ANTENNA INFORMATION MiNVFRCNRER: CWNSCOPE Al iFm-65C-R3 WEIGHT: 127.6 UTS DIMENSIONS HIVVO 959'1252'v83' fiOVENO: 617urvz-809 MHz 1695-2560 MHz CONNECTION(8) 63-10 FETWE scala. x.T.s. 1 RFS APM00-2 ANTENNA MOUNTING J RMf ET (OR EWNJ. (M.) PROTrosm ANTENNA dD WhEB/�v ry P r BG B%5� BOI070M BRACK�KCKf 9 NOT USED 6 NOT USED 4 ANTENNA ATTACHMENT - 2 T e •Mobile e AMERICAN TOWER' POWDERER RIVER Deye leymeat Seem as, LLC 8051NES5 UCENBE /: N/A REVISIONS mMOI RWl6 JM • 01/vOl patent ON • w/W1a patent ON w/a/1a ON w/m/1a loss; ON w/a/1a WN a 0U 0/NP/2021 ' FSITE INFORMATION N@ Tf#OBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 69033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: C-4 T in •Mobile AMERICANTOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Servius,LLC BUSINEss UCENSE /: N/A REYISgNS mNA, mldas o,/aaA, mldas m/W,a mw]s e Pp0UC o:•�Hw..Fy otos Nt U ! . 04 ] 0 q�'CHRED� mmalxz, A owl ••SITE INFORMATION N@ TMMOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: C-5 U ANTENNA MOUNTING BRFCx[T. VAMOB SUPPLIED W/ ANTENNA (TYP) PROPOSED T-MOBxc ?NRNN �,•�,�' UP SL wfi ainan UP ` "PUMP" AMOB is an outdoor enclosure for the AirScale Baseband cards ON, me,xemeee. nwlm.mm m� (ASIAIABIA). The AMOB is for PROPOSED RADIO W/ • 6ABm,lnelA,l AMM primary all outdoor sites. MFG. SUPPLED rating (II MWNTING xNroWME m M 1°A"OB It ISBUhIBhanddl9"Rack Mount mn.a xa TE NUMMUrainarrannarrinat.... Far par. MNI Mae unne PROPWED T-MUERE TIM ♦MENIN MOUNTING PIPE OR i0'NEP LEG RADIO MOUNTING DETAIL maLLE Mrs. 5 AIRSCALE DETAIL III 17S3 AMOB DETAIL SCALEKTSL - NOKIA in I • IAmm162EF �c `an oe �' R■ '���� , re„a..n —�. •.��—.ezmml, •M Mirr•"'"" UL aMouFCOA m,YII MtOI PaM IeeWI AHLOA: 600MHz/700MHz Radio 14Tx4Rx RRH) C f a* CU1UU.M —-TdG�sls#GTrard ®_■ heatR UPIPM In.,, _mid .w_.�?'t MUM g otW n UU.UP9.,...,® m\ _ a u...w om•xww.`.==-�A� P E .fie. 9 U ARON �i onglxomeFu r nlawe 'j Y Licenser�uirumemo•MI vua fe.na MANUFACTURER: NI lanrrenw •• •• "Eying URIfibuft MOOR: Fl£xl MULTPIDa BTS MlEll MOOUI£ (PSUF) I DI ,e u n este ,x WEIGHT: 33 UG I AMOBS1xkWE lnrtill RADIO INFORMATION SCALE PITS 6 1 FSMF DETAIL III NTA 4 AMOK MOUNTING DETAILS - Z T in •Mobile AMERICANTOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Servius,LLC BUSINEss UCENSE /: N/A REYISgNS mNA, mldas o,/aaA, mldas m/W,a mw]s e Pp0UC o:•�Hw..Fy otos Nt U ! . 04 ] 0 q�'CHRED� mmalxz, A owl ••SITE INFORMATION N@ TMMOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: C-5 Technical Publication COMMSCOPE' Technical Publication COMMSCOPE' 4eclipn k MaMlil9/ OTpVILdlp Santini Genal SpeWc,viii End r ltlrar.alxeQ nGLC cmnecron �mge:5•/-.S (53.1-ein 4sr)) YagLIiK 2meMliwnnM"n.Aln eemx ma conduck"UWmn„ _ new`n i InanMN DLC paml 1 F�mi War " ren ImrlGd,w3, i " "- ® . I ° l t I I w,�mr vn eeMi l vmnam m A(g➢3liamaml ) rlrPxae Indent A+9 F nw WurteL er m Uo Minn I Win �m ivy �gm 77�mml ] n""eaur lergm, vaww. max Phini Bpetlllca6ana ninUi Bond mml Nn annealing to stm mppbt aommovi GpE Towns GroIIn0ing oadglfinn avii �exl Mr M Q' Im"e mu". xnbmerrox m JSflxInLM 01-I oI owed ,.n rpm Cini ""ee'". 12 - amn cs)$,on RerTvne veno Lw rw,np rrvV'inor 143JFP31 cenkvtyn uuu gN"I nranam pl"mere,ove„Ocool vim meal IW In o n a.ma�,mea 0 m"nsem.nen.a,es6 e"m Lc eal Win Main I3 AWG n mntludon ����' PpdaS bll� B 81LnMeN 9LL A2—# AVg3ereywatlemr#�ahotlbeTRl ve"w"I tenant vcwv. old Physical SpetlSealbns 610M1 240 Dlc conrecron asgM 1E18IORwp[ bHl Pan 131.m End e&ea�pmndrgpuebprlmnmml plLoay. (mm'+tiveopPan) I" In x 1 on me 6RRU e::embM>nwm rerwurmv.fnx remr ex l lW er t Wheat .w....�-�.mm.m...,.sm..,,......��., o,UPUI n,.n m..e (.i` 164,R m ,.�o�..m..�,®....tee .e.,.� ..� , CABLE& PENDANT MOUNT DETAILS WALEL Ni 2 CABLE& PENDANT SPECIFICATIONS mdPLE-KIPS T e •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER wI POWDER RIVER Development Services,uD BUSINESS LICENSE /: N/A REYISgNS Pof OUT In Tri mw sad m/Wra mw sAn w/a/ra An m/m/r9 rmAn w/a/ra Mr a mmm2o2r ' SITE INFORMMPON TfAOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHFAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: C-6 T E •Mobile E AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Services, LLC ESI ucBrSE /: N/A REASONS mmn� R..00 ove2n� R..00 w/W�e w/ana FOR REFERENCE ONLY SITE iNFORemmoN T4#0BILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C-7 I LIST 4 CHUFF U'S OFFSHOOT 11 1 I FLUCHI M. CHI MUM .... "JOSTIMCCOMMOSSUCCUT IF .1 .11 11 11 CI JUSITSCO .1 TOOT 11 1 Uk 1. 1 US OFF THUS ST HI 11 OFF 24 12 .1. 1 HUMMANTER OFF, MC I I eGMETAII 11 11 11 IF 2. 0 .. �HDOESUALLSOFFSHER 01 11 1 LI COCCur COMHOSTICICATEX. "1 11 4MI 1 .1.2 1. MOLITEENSCOLL 11, IF, AH Col 191 IT. MCM- CHUMS 11 11 SUCH OFFLUCC 1 1 ST Top NLE. SEE PACE •• 2AFFECOLLMOSCH SOMMOT MS IS low MCCOM -- AI s �` NEW688X8281t I US dL E �L MOSI In '� onuLa rt. w.. ,oMMOULAUF m.,�e.. Whedr R/CH Lo oETA.: OlD a (CES None ST ® FOO ®: 1 ; e b5:: 7 �., Rk Gyd,N9UUMM pM9 SEEKToMUSSI 51 ALL 1 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS i T E •Mobile E AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Services, LLC ESI ucBrSE /: N/A REASONS mmn� R..00 ove2n� R..00 w/W�e w/ana FOR REFERENCE ONLY SITE iNFORemmoN T4#0BILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C-7 T e •Mobile J# AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Smvives,LLC BwiNESS Jc SE 1: N/A REVISIONS mimn� Remo o�n+n� Remo miw�v Remo mi��v Remo mimnv .me mimnv FOR REFERENCE ONLY FSITE RECREATION TfAOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 WILING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C-8 T" ® 51 —' —1911021 CUMMININ BAC 1MR120161 ME""WUpm WhBdrRa i .tiIO TOLERANCE NOTES — elc 51 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS i T e •Mobile J# AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Smvives,LLC BwiNESS Jc SE 1: N/A REVISIONS mimn� Remo o�n+n� Remo miw�v Remo mi��v Remo mimnv .me mimnv FOR REFERENCE ONLY FSITE RECREATION TfAOBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 WILING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C-8 T E •Mobile E J# AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Suvius,LLC SUSINEA LICENSE 1: N/A REVG*NS oiunm mann ov�+nm mann oTrNvme mann oo/a/ma mesas m/m/ma mess w/a/ma FOR REFERENCE ONLY �22SITE HFOPLANON2 T4h60BILE R: DN02361A ATC IS: 82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 69933 SHETT TIRE: EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C-9 PM3a LA43 ITGM On PORI NO PAN pG6gllgN LGNOTH OMTM 11 1 6 x11' MNOMdMV6LY{)ST Yu 2 0 G561W "-' LOCNwY GR Oa 3 R A m W MGMnxe 0,13 O Is O -2f am IU-THIIGnDGDRDOiI . ON IS A 10 G60-48 W,' TI1RfA06DR Di 10 ji.72 066 5 24 G58234 br 22Ya-NDGODn 1il19aT twin Ola a 24 A3aFW sro-roo wan wTwA9I[a aa T S6 %-X91906 1?%S6'r%6'%r LL9aT 1UD. 0,73 a 2M G13W IYl MOOOb9 RATWA9HGR ON 9 20 GISW lYI LO Wd M 0.01 10 20 wear t4'ro HEAWMKF vol 14 12 Rx96 %N'6PI.IO VMa2GDRPE Wes SON 12 M F -M1212 112'F 211x'%41?Fx'U90.T IR)G.1 WT3 51.4 13 S new NIT%16P3CHMGOLVO OPIPE 160m slat aflD 10 3 YNe96 LMMORLGRdT[a1NCO 21210 WEST i3 is 3 Y[eM 2. 'COR16MS(YI VO OMPG 1E0'w As" LIAM _ 16 12 SC)Q CROW(NERMAW Tim AN 63.66 17 16 ECYI CROSSbOGR0.A1[ •1462 on 9032 10 1 16 6 c6 m sro-roc HEAw 2H lixxrt 0.13 0,26 1 9N 19 6 %.n390 h MMAGI1fORCEM WMTMN ""in 14,341 an14 - -97 0 a 6 %.259993 TfWCKEI FEW RFIKORa\FMNIT Ia.K 21 6 DYO? Wf ,rf HUTGR6 0,27 1.42 12 S2 12 C12MB IM,b4? DGHURMT(%$NLLMIfF1D a@in ON 4.91 F3 - 23 3 KAHCP Wa6 NYRDRYL CORNER RATE 1202 44.26 TOTALWI.Y 2448.72 10 F2 12 9 %2 11 10 9 G a A 9 2 O C 12 a a 0 Ss D 1 0 2 SO S v J 9 a s xa 17 a A\ �'�__/ a Ix � N DETAIL C a 6 10 M 2 I 9 IQ L Is a v a %x IN \ S DETAIL A %2 DETAIL B DETAIL D TOLERANCE NOTES (Wheat TOLfR.wGESCx OixfxfgxS.VMEROMfTWff xOTEO /mM: AWAN 12'6'LOW %RONLG PLATSORM ® uE1�m� r w AN+.EA O R' MYhD.6XFnnED wD W6GVTEDOE6 pON09 WITH TWELVE 234- ANTENNA MOOTNO MI�u G mm' N DRILLED AND OSB CUT HOLES (f0010%NO CONING OF "US PIPES. AND HANDRAIL 1Y•'TR'T4M Yq� WER CVT EDGES AND HOLES 00010'( NOCC lI OFN alW ilii P -ry oma c roma. HEA 2511 euw n�mouAL Hn / ALL OTYE INNNO( ALL OTHER M.MIWNG/}OPfO% .uGMExnBBW.L.WP. r c�H�xT�lanol6 RMQP-498-HK �e QmeaE . "n/IQ .N. ,p R s°° ung DN` 81 oz CUSTOMER erc o14 RMQP-496 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS 'I T E •Mobile E J# AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Suvius,LLC SUSINEA LICENSE 1: N/A REVG*NS oiunm mann ov�+nm mann oTrNvme mann oo/a/ma mesas m/m/ma mess w/a/ma FOR REFERENCE ONLY �22SITE HFOPLANON2 T4h60BILE R: DN02361A ATC IS: 82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 69933 SHETT TIRE: EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: C-9 T e •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Serviu;LLC 81 LICENSE /: N/A RENTRONS hNA� mTdas O�AaA� mTdas m/W�a mw]s ADO LSC o:•�...........F41 o:S s�TTN U( as 1 :v C: q i;rt4,4 D/NP/2D21 ' FSITE INFORWKUON N@ Ti DBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE GROUNDING PLAN SHEET NUMBER: G-1 NOTE THE GROUNDING PVN PROVIDED HERDN is SCHERAM BY RAI REFER TO GROUNDNG NOTES ON SHEET GN -2 FOR ILODIONLL INMR1M11ON AND REOOIREMENS. PROPOSED T-UCBRE CDI£CIOR GROUND flW PROPOSED #B ANG GROUND FROM SECTOR BAR TO COL ECTOR &W GYP.) PROPOSED T-MOGLE ANTENNA (2 PER SECI 6 TOTAL) PROMISED T -MOBILE NNW UNIT (T PEA SERgR. 3 TOEK) PROPOSED T-WBBE PUTfgtM PROPOBED #B AWG GROUND FTRIN ^I MVORNIS Wry TO COUELTOR GROUND 8V2 RpPOYD T-ECBILE LGu➢ (1 T11EK) PROPOSED T-M091E 3CICfl \� PROWSEp N Ave; GROUND PtW1 mum SoR ANTE" N SECTOR CRGIND 8N2 (T PER SECTOR, 3 TDTAW GYPJ PROPOSED #6 AWG GROUND FROM FIRM TD COLLECTOR WR PROPOSED T—MOBILE Fl6B (L TOTAL) PROPOSED 06 AWG GROUND PmM NlOP, TO SECTOR GROUND LVA WhBaTRv N I EGFND. --- PROPOSED GROUND WIRE BG. pC S �^g 111 MECHANICAL CONNECTION DN` NOT USED 2 ANTENNA GROUNDING PIAN(TYPICAL) MADE KTSLi T e •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER POWDERER RIVER Development Serviu;LLC 81 LICENSE /: N/A RENTRONS hNA� mTdas O�AaA� mTdas m/W�a mw]s ADO LSC o:•�...........F41 o:S s�TTN U( as 1 :v C: q i;rt4,4 D/NP/2D21 ' FSITE INFORWKUON N@ Ti DBILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHEET TITLE GROUNDING PLAN SHEET NUMBER: G-1 T • •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER �j POWDER RIVER Development Serviu;LLC BUSINESS LICENSE 1: N/A REYISgNS mrven� R.mIN pv�n� R.mIN oipv�e R.mo oai,5i�e wi®ire UDD Uc O TUN DOa1 H P]NP/2D2I ANIN0 ' HSHE INFORMATION N@ TP11110BILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHECT TITLE: GROUNDING DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: G2 WALL -MOUNT BR4CKE! OR ARGUE ADAPTER AS REDxmeD) � COPPER BONDING CONDUCTORS TO CABLES AND I EWIPMENT. SEE GROVNDII RAMS Q I MR DETAILS 1 f s/B' BOLT AND HARDWARE pp p ° ee °°' o CHERRY BUS DVN °0°p ° INSULATOR QYP. OE p ° 2). NOT USED WHEN p0 ®°p gRECT ATTACHMENT Gp ep ° TO TOWER STEEL IS REONRED YID° 'm2/"v1 A- Q UNNED INDUNER CVN0 NO BAR ER R H APPROVED EWrvNENH 12 AWG SOLID DINNED COPPER CONDUCTION TO MR GROUND RAR OR EXISTING GROUND RING tTBPPAARAND GRROUND RING NOT USED 5 NOT USED 3 GROUND BAR DETAIL ACCAUE KITSU.1.1 NOTES CADAP MIS" SHOWN .WE EKMIPIBS. CONSULT WNx CONSTRUCTION MANAGER NR SPECIDC TINES OP CNMTDS TO BE USED FON THIS PROJECT. 2, CONFIRM WITH TOWER OWNER THAT THE USE OP OOMTDS Is ACCEPTABLE. PRIOR TO INGUALUnoN. THAT 2-YA-2 ME VS TYPE YGHC Wheat 0 o R, l d U W ME Gl TRUE 0-2 ttK AT /01/ Y BGy An iso NOT USED 6 NOT USED 4 CADWELD CONNECTION TYPES -N Ts 2 T • •Mobile AMERICAN TOWER �j POWDER RIVER Development Serviu;LLC BUSINESS LICENSE 1: N/A REYISgNS mrven� R.mIN pv�n� R.mIN oipv�e R.mo oai,5i�e wi®ire UDD Uc O TUN DOa1 H P]NP/2D2I ANIN0 ' HSHE INFORMATION N@ TP11110BILE #: DN02361A ATC #:82121 4951 KIPLING ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 SHECT TITLE: GROUNDING DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: G2 From: no-reolvCalci.wheatridae.co.us To: CommDev Permits Subject: Online Form Submittal: PERMIT APPLICATION Addibon to Existing Building Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:43:11 PM CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report any suspicious activities to the IT Division. PERMIT APPLICATION Addition to Existing Building THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this Residential or Commercial - upload Proof of Submission to Sanitation District, Commercial? Water District and Fire District Upload Proof of 82121 - Sanitation Department Submission - 3 162022 ndf Submission to Sanitation Department Upload Proof of 82121 - Water Department Submission - 3.16.2022.Ddf Submission to Water Department Upload Proof of 82121 - Fire Department Submission - 3.16.2022.pdf Submission to Fire Department PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 4951 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner Name American Tower Property Owner Phone 205-545-5908 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email kbutler@craftongroup.com Address Attach City of Wheat 82121 - Electronic Payment Form - 3 162022 ndf Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name Kaitlin Butler - Agent for American Tower What is your role in the Property owner project? Contact Phone Number 205-545-5908 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address for Plan Review Comments Retype Contact Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of Work - Provide use of addition (i.e. master bedroom with master bathroom); Indicate mechanical, electrical, plumbing scopes Location of Work Square Footage of Addition Asbestos Report Engineering Letters, Energy Calcs and Other Letter Size Attachments Construction Plans scanned on 11'x17" or larger Provide Passcode for Plans if locked kbutler@craftongroup.com kbutler@craftongroup.com ATC 82121 - Verizon equipment upgrade on an existing commercial cell tower. There will be no change to tower height or compound size. Existing cell tower X Field not completed. Field not completed. Project Value (contract 25000 Valuation Okay value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for KaitlinButler- AgentforAmericanTower Pe rm it I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE 'r Inspection Type: y 97— Job Address: t r►1 C Permit Number: CJ 7 ❑ No one available for inspection.Time �,rT AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes ,r No /1 When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 !�!! Date: % / Inspector: H DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE v. City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Telecom PERMIT - 201800975 PERMIT NO: 201800975 ISSUED: 05/08/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 4951 Kipling St EXPIRES: 05/08/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION": Maintenance and upgrade of existing wireless communication facility. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)972-0787 AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION GC (719)632-8822 Jim Miller 150134 EasTex Tower, LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 15,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 184.31 Use Tax 315.00 Permit Fee 283.55 ** TOTAL ** 782.86 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2014 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. **Prior to final inspection approval - As-builts are required before approval of the Building Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermIt. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include alI entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signatur of O R or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I . This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. Thispermit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit tee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a pe , it shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinanc r regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Buildini Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Cityof RECEIVED at R dg C1W he );vltiitJNIil' Divt,iormr,r -i APR 0 b )w Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29t1 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 PO4�=_� Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits@ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: 7 6 f Plan/Permit # A / ff 6 (:�) C, rn— Plan Revig�,Fee: 3/ Building Permit Application Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed.'" Property Address: 49,51 Vn� I PL,, ay c:a S i Property Owner (please print): lam. iga t c w Tow,;_a Ca (LPo I&✓k7 i c N Phone: 3b3 Property Owner Email: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: /Z"!' C%C)t_e_ BLY I7 City, State, Zip: -Akar ti jOo ® Gj So 4v 1 Arch itect/Eng1neer: -rp- P_3. ggL- 14 1 T ,X Architect/Engineer E-mail: /MaN;� C r -Ex ✓ -W-1- eX ,� Phone: 303-38,2--7_8t6 Contractor: Contractors City License #: Contractor E-mail Address: Phone: For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): IlAf& 1j4'4ckr� Phone: 7 o �S -3P9 Zc(/S CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease print): lyez-le- xf r rc t `tax , Cd w` Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form .COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEaly/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPL CEMENT ,=OTHER (Describe) N►u+�1' e✓Ic,r� o en i -A . (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description -6f work to be performed, indluding current use of areas, c; (3 I' - proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) Sq. Ft./LF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) 00 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. a 1 I CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) X SiEnature (first and last name): _ ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer. BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DATE: L-67 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Building Division Valuation: $ v. City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Telecom PERMIT - 201800975 PERMIT NO: 201800975 ISSUED: 05/08/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 4951 Kipling St EXPIRES: 05/08/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION": Maintenance and upgrade of existing wireless communication facility. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)972-0787 AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION GC (719)632-8822 Jim Miller 150134 EasTex Tower, LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 15,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 184.31 Use Tax 315.00 Permit Fee 283.55 ** TOTAL ** 782.86 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2014 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. **Prior to final inspection approval - As-builts are required before approval of the Building Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermIt. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include alI entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signatur of O R or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I . This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. Thispermit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit tee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a pe , it shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinanc r regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Buildini Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Cityof RECEIVED at R dg C1W he );vltiitJNIil' Divt,iormr,r -i APR 0 b )w Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29t1 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 PO4�=_� Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits@ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: 7 6 f Plan/Permit # A / ff 6 (:�) C, rn— Plan Revig�,Fee: 3/ Building Permit Application Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed.'" Property Address: 49,51 Vn� I PL,, ay c:a S i Property Owner (please print): lam. iga t c w Tow,;_a Ca (LPo I&✓k7 i c N Phone: 3b3 Property Owner Email: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: /Z"!' C%C)t_e_ BLY I7 City, State, Zip: -Akar ti jOo ® Gj So 4v 1 Arch itect/Eng1neer: -rp- P_3. ggL- 14 1 T ,X Architect/Engineer E-mail: /MaN;� C r -Ex ✓ -W-1- eX ,� Phone: 303-38,2--7_8t6 Contractor: Contractors City License #: Contractor E-mail Address: Phone: For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): IlAf& 1j4'4ckr� Phone: 7 o �S -3P9 Zc(/S CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease print): lyez-le- xf r rc t `tax , Cd w` Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form .COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEaly/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPL CEMENT ,=OTHER (Describe) N►u+�1' e✓Ic,r� o en i -A . (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description -6f work to be performed, indluding current use of areas, c; (3 I' - proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) Sq. Ft./LF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) 00 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. a 1 I CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) X SiEnature (first and last name): _ ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer. BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DATE: L-67 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Building Division Valuation: $ Or Current Owner/Occupant AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION 651 CORPORATE CIR. SUITE #108 GOLDEN, CO 80401 03/06/17 FITRAvu?S. �/a�/l Regarding Permit: 201500325; Equipment upgrades for existing Verizon wireless cell site. Replace 9 antennas, install remote rado heads and surge protectors, and running new cable. 4951 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear PERMIT HOLDER: Our Records indicate that the above noted permit was issued on 04/23/15. Our last inspection related to that permit was on NONE. The permit expired as of 04/22/16 Please contact our office within one week from the date of this letter to update us on the status of this permit, or call for a final inspection on the property. You may call 303-234-5933 or request inspections online at www.ci.wheatridge.co.us. Information needed are permit number, property address, type of inspection and date to be inspected. If the permit is not extended before March 31, 2017, the permit will become void. If you do not contact this office, and wish to resume work at a later date, you will be required to submit a new permit application, drawings with appropriate code edition information and pay applicable fees. Incomplete or inactive permits may be reported to agencies such as Jefferson County Assessor, title companies, etc., and could affect future transactions related to this property. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. If we can answer any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at 303-235-2855, option 7. Sincerely, Wheat Ridge Building Division Staff Oty of, C"'ONAMLINury Drvt,,t,oPmf.`NT FOR OFFICE USE Date: Building Permit Application Property Address: �t I �0 �3 MM Contractor Contractors City License Phone.• a Murnbing� W R City License# Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form ll wthat apply) Q NEW COMMERCIAL kk • ELECTRICAL k.A SERVICE w rkx A NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE COMMERCIAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL ADDITIONRESIDENTIAL RESDENTIAL ADDITION 0 WINDOW REPLACEMENT COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE RESIDENTIAL A A+. STRUCTURE MECHANICAL A•fl'A REPAIR REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR :..• A• * ! N1 A ELECTRICALCMENT SYSTEM/APPLIANCE Ai tllk A o REPLACEMENT x O *. T IA' (ZL,L 51T-6- WOKK 1 l r- 9 - Ae >t" t- AE, Sq. FULF Stu's Gallons Amps Squares tither Eng. Number 610 7311 January 19 2815 Pagel of 2 Structural Evaluation ATC Site Number & Name 82121, Kipling, CO Carrier Site Member & Name NA, NA Site Location 4951 Kipling Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-2209, Jefferson County 39.785831 N / -105,109718 W Tower Description 7.s ft monopole Basic Wind Speed 100 mph (3 -Second Gust Code ANSI/TTA-222- / 20091BC Existing and Reserved Equipment Ele t n' Platform w/ Handrails (15) 7/8" Coax Verizon (2)15/8 Hybrifle # (6) 5/16" (11.31") Coax Collar (2)1/2" Coax Clea ire (1) 2" conduit MountType I Lines I Carrier 1 - 9 Verizon ATC Tower SeMees, hic. - 3500 Regency Parkway, Suite 10D Cary, NC 27518 - 919-468-011 Office - 919,466,541 fax - ww ,amer8car tower.com M -N • s WTI. Antel LPD -7907/4 gonWaveHorizon ! • Motorola WAP 450 Kathrein 840 10054 Equipmentbe Removed Antennas ntel WWX063XI3G00 Ante ► Platform w/ Handrails (15) 7/8" Coax Verizon (2)15/8 Hybrifle # (6) 5/16" (11.31") Coax Collar (2)1/2" Coax Clea ire (1) 2" conduit MountType I Lines I Carrier 1 - 9 Verizon ATC Tower SeMees, hic. - 3500 Regency Parkway, Suite 10D Cary, NC 27518 - 919-468-011 Office - 919,466,541 fax - ww ,amer8car tower.com s •. Eng. Number 61047311 January 19 2015 Page 2 of 2 cent R' .i Band F •rm w/ Handrails Verizon AnteAntel CWWX063Xl9xOO aboveevation is defined as height bottom of bottom of mount,defined above grade level (AGL), The existing and proposed loads listed in the tables above are compared to the tower's current design capacity or previous structural analysis, The tower should be re-evaluated as future loads are added or if actual loads are found different from those listed in the tables, The subject tower and foundation are adequate to support the above stated loads in conformance with specified requirements, Reviewed by: William Garrett, R Chief regia 0 coo NB ATC Tower Services, Inc, , 3500 Regency Parkway, Suite 100 - Cary, NC 27518 - 919468-0112 Office, 919,466.5414 Fax . www.americantower.com ,40r To: City of Wheatridge Buildin2 and Inseection Services 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DAttached Shop Drawings Samples Date: 9 -March -1 5 PM Lect Name Den -Kipling Uagmag - Submittal No: Under Separate Cover [3 Specifications [3 mail [] Messenger Reproductions E] Originals DMand Delivered [1 Overnight Express Change Order Pick-up THESE ARETRANSMITTED ------ ---------------- For approval 0 As requested 0 Reviewed See remarks [:] For your use For review and comment For distribution [] Please return E3After loan to us For your records As noted [:]Tenant improvement Permit Remarks: Please contact rn n the permit is re Copy To: Signed: Whitney Overstreet; whitne&trexarchitex,corn; 303,388,2918 146 Madison Street Suite 200 - Denver, Colorado 80206 (303) 388-2918 Fax (303) 388-5838 Whitn Overstreet now" U From: Melissa Mackey <mmackey@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Sent Tuesday, March 24, 2015 8:37 AM To: Whitney Overstreet Subject. RE: 4951 Kipling St. Yes, please. To my attention is fine since I know what is I am aware of the revisions, Melissa Mackey Permit Technician Office Phone: 303-235-2855 Fax: 303-237-8929 ennn'.W" mat• .00m] Sent.* Tuesday, March 24, 2015 8:16 AM To: Melissa Mackey Subject: RE: 4951 Kipling St. Good morning Melissa, Would you like 2 copies? May I make this to your attention? Thanks, Whitney From: Melissa MackeyLMailtonnjLkey@ i.j6Le,3tridgeLqufl U _ _L k Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 8:07 AM To: Whitney Overstreet Subject: RE: 4951 Kipling St. Good morning Whitney, The attached would need to be printed and submitted to the office for review. Unfortunately, we don't do the review on electronic documents at this time. Please call or email with any other questions. Melissa Mackey Permit Technician Office Phone: 303-235-2855 Fax: 303-237-8929 0 )IV, I It, wmi v, I From: Whitney Overstreet Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:49 AM To: Melissa Mackey Subject., RE: 4951 Kipling St. is= There were slight revisions made by the radio frequency engineer, see attached, Is this something you would like me to print and submit to your office? Please let me know how to precede, Thank you for your time, wkitne'!) overetrect T Rex Architex, LLC 146 Madison Street Suite 200 Denver, CO 80206 720,476.7242 Atqntrtrer�t.r PRWILEG,;ED & CONHE)EN'RAL COMM UINICATrCW "'I feao' copy o,, disssarin ak',h1lis rrouova the "',h?s ""-O�'n'rrp t�ic - Oan , "If f�'j' rrmy C�"xr' � that is, p,,vivi,?egpW, consf,,"demffal and exer-,,gr" front dfscds(at,r t,,nc,,,1or appfict.ibie 'aw, ff you we not Phe "fdenderl recipien1t, yo,,, o,,e W1 PMH'ce "'sed; Orly titrYavftmrow•d dfisclos v,,e, copy,,d"o,,,f, of faking ofany acrk',wry in refiar,�ce ars fhe contents, offhe efkscfre*,1rNi.CR,',\,fiy trcrn�',nrufted �s pmhublo""t If ya",„Pa ^?"'� w..T 4'i. flhjr �n pt"'��Ose c,0 �"�nd �,,�nk tospeak to the sender or the, Ai,lo, please notify immedsately 0a e,MUR rile settder that youl have received Hze eptard,,37 a talk a'In eirot, From: Melissa Mackey [r !t �ke A@ c L WtLe Sent: Thursday, March 19, 20151 :1,0 PM To: whitnev@t[exarchitexxorn Subject: 4951 Kipling St. mm Melissa Mackey Permit Technician 7500 W, 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2855 Fax; 303-237-8929 wwwxjmhegrtoje,�o „„mss CONFIDENTIALITY NMICE This e-mail contains business -confidential information, It is intended only for the rise of the individual or entity named above, If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message Ilona your computer, and any, network, to which your computer is connected. Thank you, :ity ( B u i ldin g Inspectio Services Division Ri 7500 K 29" Ave., Wheat 81 303-235-2 Inspecti M NO 1 W-14AGRIM 2 f ♦ t t' !' w. 11,11,11,111,111,111,l, OCC UPANCY: Valuation: $ A 82121 AMERICANTOWER' C 0 R P 0 R A T 1 0 N ATC Site Number & Name Cmiier Site Nmber & 1 rne Site Address ToNver Deseri tic tj ' Sti cis & Codes (Fastest M* 1 /2" radial ke AID.. - Aft IBC Crit eri a Ater,' titan Mwid e3oclion, 3108.4 COAXon) I CARRIER H Platibnn xv/ Hat ndnai Is I (15) 7/8 1 Verizon Wireless I hereby certify'lifd3tirsSWUring dcicurnent was prepared by rue or under my direct persional stipmrsion and that I arn a duty licen, ' d Professional Engincer under the laws of tire State ol'Coforado. 'The existing and proposed loads of Table I and Table 2 are compared to the tower's current design capacity or previous analysis. The design vAnd criteria are compared to the current code requirements, The tower should be re-evatuated as future loads are added or I actual loads are found different from those mentioned in the above tablesi 400 Regency Forest Drive * Cary, NC 27518 # 919.468,0112 Office - 919.466.5414 Fax * wwwameri(antower,corn City of Wheat Ridge _ Commercial Miscellan PERMIT - 090615 PERMIT NO: 090615 : ISSUED:- 06-/08/2009 JOB ADDRESS: 4951 KIPLING ST. EXPIRES.: 12/05/200.9 DESCRIPTION: Add 3 new antennas & change out 6 antennas to existing sit CONTACTS s arch - 303/388-2918 Rex Crook gc 303/703-4667 Aaron Kinstrom 02-1072 Front Range :Wireless, Inc. - PARCEL INFO r ZONE CODE: C-1 .:USE: C-1 . SUBDIVISION:` UA "BLOCK/LOT#: 0/:. SF FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION:: 5,000.00 FEES Permit Fee 144.70 Plana Review 'Fee 94.06 ~ Total Valuation Use Tax .00 ~ ; ~ ~5v~ 90.00 f TOTAL 328.76 4. Conditions: fie" % KC: Approved per plans. Subject to field inspections. I AT: Approved'' yoF"" qrP/ City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 ` Fax: 303-237-8929 ~OLOSZro° Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Building Permit Application Property Address: <1 Property Owner (please print): Date: Plan M Permit - li'~ Y C A- , Phone: 1 ~n ~ 1-)611 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: State, Zip: Gontractor: 91--p -10 ~ A I > e _ Contractor License v Phone: ?D - ~~5 'P, S16 j Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Company: Plumbing City License Company Mechanical City License Company: Exp, Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): Description of work: Sq. Ft./L. Ft added: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: 246 , A f SIGNATURE:- C tA Date: ~-6 ' DEPARTMENT 0SE ONLY ZONIN GCOMM,FNTs;. - - Zonmg: ` Reviewer: i PUSLIC;WORKSCQNIrvlEft7S' - - FieYrewer., . , i h 4 N 1 BUILDING 4EPARTtYlEF7T COt 1MEN"r~ ~ ' ? ~ ' ° v r ~ y ; ,OCCrUPA,~IGY , }IRE OEP,ARTAl1ENT 4, appmyed !Hfxomrrtents`_ ❑ dtspRroved C.nq Tevrew re~URed, Bldg Valuation: $ Construction Value: $ Z-J / OC! (as calculated per the Building Valuation Data sheet) Plan Review (due at time of submittal): $ ~ WHEgT,p /O City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Date: 3 m 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 800335 ' Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 235 -2857 Plan #: l��) 1 o o Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Permit tORPp Building Permit Application Property Owner (please print): !4 A4!4 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: 146 •° City, State, i e Contractor Contractor License #: Phone: �uuhsC � tra`ck'o rs Electrical City License #: Plumbing City License #: Mechanical City License #: Company: Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval Use of space (description): Construction Value: $ fir', �' (as calculated per the Building Valuation Data sheet) Desc Iptton °Xiw °rka yt- ry ` �'f W Y ® Plan Review (due at time of submittal): $ &Y 14 rA. g <P L Sq. Ft./L. Ft added: S wares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. C/RLCE ONE:: (OWNER) ( ONTR CTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESE�ATIVFODf (OWNI(R) (CONTRATOR) t U f'f1'jti' — — i PRINT NAME: / � SIGNATURE: Date: ` 'lip City of -da Wheat O jdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Meeting Date Applicant(s): PRE - APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY May 14, 2009 Brad Johnson Address /Phone: Planning and Zoning Consultants Inc. 10518 W. Cooper Drive Littleton, CO 80127 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner Adam Tietz- Planner Project Location: 10019 W. 26 Ave 4951 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Existing Zoning: C -1, Commercial — One (both locations) Existing Comp. Plan: 10019 W. 26 — NR; Neighborhood Serving Retail 4591 Kipling St. — CC, Community Commercial Center Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to install three new antennas for Verizon Wireless on the existing free standing CMRS towers at the locations indicated above. The antennas are being installed to provide additional service to antennas that were installed in the early to mid 1990's that can not adequately handle the amount of data accessed from a cellular device. The antennas should ensure that adequate service is maintained at all times and to provide customers with faster data and voice services!. Verizon Wireless already has exiting antennas on the tower and is proposing to add three more. Minor mechanical additions will be necessary to handle the increase of power to the site. All mechanical changes will be added in the existing mechanical sheds on site. Will neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? A neighborhood meeting will not be required for three additional antennas being added to an existing freestanding CMRS tower. Planning comments: Typically when new antennas are added or co- located onto an existing structure, the location of the antennas must go through the Special Use Permit process. Since Verizon Wireless already has existing antennas and mechanical equipment on the CMRS towers at both sites, the additional antennas will not be required to go through the Special Use Permit process. If Verizon did not have any antennas on the tower prior to this application the additional antennas would be required to go through the Special Use process. Since there is no process required, building permits are all that is required. A separate building permit for each location should be submitted. A structural analysis that is wet stamped by an engineer licensed in the state of Colorado will be required to be submitted with the building permits. The structural analysis will indicate if the CMRS facility will be capable of withstanding the additional antennas that will be added. A site plan and any relevant elevation drawings should accompany each building permit. Public Works comments: Public Works was not present at the meeting. Further comments may be made upon submittal of application. Building comments: Building Department was not present at the meeting. Comments will be made upon application submittal. Streetscape / Architectural Design comments: N/A Attachments: Pre - application Transmittal Sheet Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner Jeff Hirt — Planner II Adam Tietz — Planner I John Schumacher— Chief Building Official Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer Mark Westburg — Special Projects Engineer 303 - 235 -2848 303 - 235 -2849 303 - 235 -2845 303 - 235 -2853 303 - 235 -2864 303 - 235 -2863 May 2, 2009 City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., 2nd Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Subject: Verizon Wireless Antenna Modification — Building Permit Site Address: 4951 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Parcel #: 39- 16404 -002 / Zoning C -1, Commercial To Whom It May Concern: Verizon Wireless is in need of adding three (3) new antennas on an existing facility located at the address referenced above in order to ensure that adequate and uninterrupted service is maintained at all times per Verizon Wireless' License Agreement with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as well as to provide the residents of Wheat Ridge with new and faster wireless data and voice services. The proposed modification shall only include the following: 1) The addition of one (1) new antenna per sector or a total of three (3) new panel antennas to be added. These antennas are generally similar in size and shape to the panel antennas currently used. The new antennas shall not be mounted any higher than the current antennas and this modification shall not result in a height or bulk increase to the tower. 2) The addition of new equipment inside the existing shelter. This equipment shall not be visible whatsoever from the outside of the shelter. 3) The addition of a new fiber optics line to be run underground in a new conduit. This new line and conduit shall not be visible. 4) A new fiber box on the outside of the shelter. This box shall measure approximately 24 inches by 24 inches and 12 inches deep. 5) No other visible or other changes are proposed at this time. In summary, the site currently has twelve (12) panel antennas and the proposal is to add three (3) new panel antennas. Therefore the new antenna total will be fifteen (15) Verizon Wireless panel antennas. This proposal shall not result in a height increase of the tower or antennas. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Brad Johnson Consultant for Retherford Enterprises Inc On behalf of Verizon Wireless 10518 W. Cooper Drive • Littleton. CO 80127 • 303-229-4681 phone • 800- 878 -1416 efox. •. brad_wjohnson@hotmail.com entail Page 1 oft 7 1 y$~ G R 4 3g~~ gE§ ~ E o~ a $y~ng5g5 a O~~C ~e a a Rol R: y 8`2oa §83 a°a'a oAmg&~zc ~b£P g v m £b' 98g m a 8~'m O ~~o aim cz 8 4~ y o ~'o ~~,zgg g w ~ y ~~w a 8,=~7 i m c gig c m~ o$$ w m ~ a fag y z 39 i 'a y °a a Ai M C: ~ o x- x- x- $$a ^ ~ xi 9a~ , 'a o4 , ` t2 & ~ T g E f x 'xJ l I $ 3 } / 5 - x- x-\ ~ \t II w/ "o ~ p~$ I I I I I I 1 1 1 p ga I I I I~ 94 \ / ~ I~~H ~A66~ aJ nl a - 1 ~ oaf 53 z sp x~ I I 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 I f I I w_ ~ , / ~ \yp/✓/~y~ 1~;~ AI~n gNNN~~A 'a n = ~ $e S9~ ~m z ~ a WIB~euS ~~~~'!1? ~ r, I E r c " 3,F ~ ~ rv Fg ~EF ~ "`e°nP maar- ,QP dddg~gFF ron - E a y<' ~ 1 • C ' ail. SkG e ,mn g..f morn HUI ae ~ /Jin V/ w z m 1--i i cn I t Cn P°. C/~ I r 8~w ~ I I O ~ g I ~ m ~7 H I D I I n I . I lgfI yFS I rEF{P , I Big se; o z = 08 = S..° '~~_a Fo GCs°''~ °°8.y "oo4AS 'va BaF=3 r^ °m S,ed 8Ij . . s. o a 8:.~ . a3' =.:IE S6'e.:e Ye.33334"[ S - 3dao H z°se :i -'='•s a'a.oa%$ a':';iE:$ e f _QS eav~ s gs~ o,.aa d R`sxd afk °c'';ve =3 via' n6 es~~' m ••fi si°i 8~ . e.~3 VE 9S: Z7§S t8 a Y• ~a •go. g ~:s3 ;fOg s°"-3 ~e F>Fa1 e; o R2=-^5 r -Y m .x° ~^7= "s R$f ss g 9^-.":.. °a ?vi ^ef3 :i^ • 53'e ~ n O 4.° ¢ goaE 9~5 -°8 °v :°sg saeg $v do4El geo2 a.° Z tOj °8 #$e° ae; am~ ~ -e E. se,. 3 as:3e dk38°_- _ y_ C a 9R3 :-R ~e~ 3 ~4me u d:6 `_sd=•a_ a9-'°;S < e'S ADZy - s~S^ a9o a :sad- use R. ~d 9 23~ ^3 0 ~?d e`_be e.p 3g~c 4Ba^~~ E£:e x:~Zm @ :e$ s :@a €y;a ^„es rai~.i ~yi a°s e~ 3,.v a c _ t3~ %3eav Ea33 (miiq 'T R ke ^ 3°n E°"O ~ ' .SSna ]x dF 2w ~ 8°~ ~ s.~ _ q6 a RaF o- d ; "~•s _'g Y n 9 m 5 ®Z S n t a a S n Q n E ;asR Aga HUE 9"0g ~:aR4 ov ~4 Affl ~ $gR 6; 1-,9 FP~ Y R ONUP g..4 b pap Rig epQ~ ~a~~~ gpgR^R J11 HUE NMI ~R2g~ggg £ RRA k9g ow" pp A4F° gRg. u!~~ka ~A dBRo §£Re!o ~q4a d R£ RRe A .3 m a I § I I 1 1 a& Airy- °p ! 4 D 8 Rn~ Sp ^ g N ✓ ~ N p! ~:T~ m g¢ g IIm i s 8 ~ mWIl2llsSS y P AI{!A P o: m ~ ~'.'o R Yg iR A z= kgag b §o °R R: dP o €k £ RR'q3~3 E yRC 'g {3 0 fu a & gR - A d o~ 8 FC k~ g g r €a o . € IM I _ I 71191 II g _ _I8 F €'g 0 a i KIPLING STREET j j I !4 ~ z ~ •R Sa ~d yT R S "s~ \ - " a aR $ 62 R 1 R R~ II i. ii Ens asd l gRR aR~ gh'g- i 6 as a R :7 ~ m I I I l l l l l i g~ a I II I Q \ / ~ °~4f~ °P uo; J € s D Viz. 8A ~ ~ I I I I i I I I I ~ ~ - ~ ✓ Nb!%. KIN INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. date This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received, prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the Building Official. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (I) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drai~age problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a p;rmit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. d inspections. date I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pernlit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this appl~ation and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other Ordinan~es, for work under this permi~. p~ans subject to field inspection. Subject to field inspection BM: 4/23/07 would like to see screening on east fence, but it is not required. C-1 AT: Comments: PROJECT VALUATION: ESTIMATED FEES 308.50 200.53 .00 252.00 761.03 Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Total Valuation Use Tax ** TOTAL ** If ~l~tID 14,000.00 ** FEE SUMMARY ** UA 0/ USE: BLOCK/LOT#: C-1 UA ** PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: SUBDIVISION: ** Inc. Front Range wireless Front Range Wireless, 02-1072 Chris Ninon Aaron Kinstrom CONTACTS *** 303/274-2556 303/703-4667 ARCH gc *** site. . . 070405 4951 KIPLING ST Add stand by power to cell PERMIT NO: JOB ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: 05/03/2007 10/30/2007 ISSUED: EXPIRES: City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Electric PERMIT - 070405 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE. 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303.235.2855) APPLICATION Property Owner: L."..;.~ ~ ~.......""" Property Address: 4-,,/5/1<;1"1;"1 vJl..C&.j--g.;.1,~ eo 1l'o"oS" Phone:(~D~ /.."1'; .2~" !>.. tOj Contractor License No.: 0:<.-1 Q.. 1..- ~ift _ ~ ~ '7 ,/'.,\ CompanY:":;:...t j2....J.....l.4.~...lc.., Phone:{JD'!1) 7")-ll-1,"7 ~ OWNERiCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I Buildina De,,!. Valuation Figure: $ I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that J assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Gode (I.B.C) and all other a plicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for;rrk unf~rf'is ?-~it' Plans subj.~lO field i pection (OWNER}(CONT.tcll-;;{~~c . I / OATEif- ..21/ 1 Building Permit Number: Date: ~ ~ \fl ~ :X INHfAl',^, ;:~-i'~\ - co u ~ C'OLOR/>.\)() ~ooq1 Value:$ ll.( /Ji)() C Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ lJsILTax:.~ ) Total:$ DATE ( OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED Use of Space (description): AJ~'~1 E:.."...."'.{.~ Description of work: ~\ ""n/C /...1...;.... ....JJ.j c-..+........ ~ok.W <l;~...., <1<>-....,..,.,........u., .t(r). Electrical License No: 01- \011- Company: .\-,.4~"1<-: \>Cl.~..k,>> ~Q> ,-v l-o"'" Expiration Date: 1;1.. e \ ~ Approval: Sq. Ft. added ~~.~\.. ONING COMMENTS: ...j: ~ oJ j,)", f.f.. st.\;. Approval: A1. Zoning: c.- 1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY :>,:,.c';;'~~ .~.\ tt..5 t Wi\t-{:.. h"t rv t- rqY1','i:{.1 Sq.FI.: SIC: BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: 0v8./h-r ?S pcLL:> //VS/-'LC77c",",_S 09'-.23-07 PUBLIC W 0 S MMENTS: Appr al: IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Approval: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1 ) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wrttten apprCN81 on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an apprCN81 of, any violation of the provisions of the building ccx:les or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review is subject to field inspections. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Chief Building Official -<jCJ;:f! .......~...~ tf~i. 8305 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Littleton, Colorado 80123 (303)-972-0787 .-.. ---.---.--------- BGT ENTERPRISES "E)',,,,,,, '\ LA \.i~\>.L , O. "'. ICO' - - s.::;.,L! 1._~' - - - E"'t'S 1110(,- ~\~ - ) -:: _,.._ ..~-c.. - - ---- ..~' -' -. . ~. ~ : --:-:-.. ", - - : c', .,:: .' :~::! ,:>"u.s~.l ~-- , - --- --- ,- I -~ II ....~~ Ex',')TIN ') <:::;10M ,/_ Lci. - , -, /J't:W L=--T,o,:J 'i=o,"" U -l-\AuL Fx"'0I~'i .r~ ,.~~ ~ ~~; ~ ~~~ :.. '0< ~ ~ ; ~.~"f~~~'[h ~~' ! ~ ;,,~o('T\,.. ": I _ .''''' ~ ~ 1"'- V) c-FU_ wn, - -' .' /:' LS<lJ ~= ~'f~LD~l .w::':: :'.::. ~~:~ =~: :~:;~s.l~~~z; " \ ~- PHAS(2 . ~ ~ ~-- 49th A VENUE ) \ - ~--;.~ /.~// /;9' //0 /.~ ~ :;: " ~ , '" UI ~ I II nil II III niL DI II UI DI L.or [)Nl:)C41 CONIR~vT w~ AJ'\Ae.O .- \. BGT ENTERPRISES 8305 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Littleton, Colorado 80123 (303)-972-0787 h',~,,,, '\ LA \'\f\\;.L O. "'. 100' - so.~ l'.~' - )- - ~. 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Wadsworth Blvd. Littleton, Colorado 80123 (303)-972-0787 --- ~f.$ ~~ ~ ,.~ """"'& 1:j'.m..., LA ~"L .- - r 'or -- --",-- ---- -- or JC.Io-.l'-.'" ....-!-""'! ---- --- .J~.".~ ., J.:~lt;~.", ..;~ - .-- '''.$(J .;.-' . - , ' ~- ,.\- (\~. - EX',..1',N ~ ~<:IAA~E.l.t:.r. &',~~~ ..~ : -..: . . - ~IO>J .If...... u -IlAU!.. i . L w.::: ~'l Us - I' · 0: - \;,,1 He '1 ~l,.(..'iO.;.......\';;""t '-0 .U'd # .. a__..~_.._.._....#..~# srRl'C1' !I . ; I t4 I....." I ~ . -:.U _.......1 I/o"., ,.at-. "li'.~~ ':S- : ",;:;; ~ aL-( l::Wn I - -' ....- - -... ~) . ~VIl)1! ~~ 12cUlO9A.~ ~ 'l2.V. 'i>~ . lAA" a,U~ - . , --- --- --- -- - - E:1l .STllol V- ~\~ L."'r- ~~~ L2I...l ] " " , , I ' . , II '. ".;o4l:tJ, ,......n ) i j h~ic~I:! i!! ~ , , \ UN~cn co..,iT~C/T w~ AI"lA<:'O Lor I ,.1~ TO .~ S\..{~,v't>e \. ~, l1 Description: i< '" ;:\ lG ; :~: :1-; ~, f (J I i. ,; ~. 1" t, ~ ;~! f'" :..:, ~k i'" w I 't.: .~ .'~; ~ ~; ;,i ~: ,it y " l: ~: r t ~ 01" i ~R ~ ..~" ~~ f. ;~ t'. :~ J[' '~J ." ':' " l4i 1: ~i :~ it iF ,1 ~~ ~1 <,c. , .~ , of, I; .:. ~:' ~ is ~! '~': ~i t' 4/ ~; ~i 'f :',; ';~ i' ~, ;-;; :r' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 3396 -,.- BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7/10/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: BLUEGRASS RANCH INC Property Address: 4951 KIPLING ST Contractor License No. : 18952 Company: Colorado Custom Building Phone: 972-0787 Phone: 972 0787 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: Permit Fee: Use Tax: $2,000.00 $10.00 $0.00 $10.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and a~ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsIbility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ri . ces, ark under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) DATE?~oJ 96 Total: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ...... Approval: SM 715196 Zoning: C-1 SIC: Sq. Ft. ~ Approval: ~ Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: . IIIIIII~ --- Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: . WUnm-l,n.. ~ . (1) (2) (3) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. Th.....'ssua. nce of a permit or the ap .". roval O:jdra ings a.n. d specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of tthrt... bu' ing COdeS?nY.other tdinance, I . ru~e or. regulation. ; I (.f.' / ; . \.. '-. ... ; / k( ief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BYTHE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION (4) (5) (6) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: J3..G-.-r a:::N"~~.,. Property Address: 4F't5""/ ;'::;i pLl '" ~ Contractor License No. : Company: c::::..:,Lo......s::>o c::::::~"""" ~......L.t:.'l.\ Phone: "'1"7:;J. c:> Ii' 1 Phone: , ,.;l.a>!? ') OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: ." Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: i"" 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge' , for work under this permit. Total: Description :~.._I. _L.~)"p_:mQ~ oJ... DATE 7 / :s-l~c f JpoC ~~ -\bUS':"" BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY .:s~ ~JGo::s ~ J J -t.lM.t:.. ~ ~..."C> (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR ~q!iL~,gsftfmlli\lS~ "1/.. /a.." Approval : ~ Zoning: C-I Bi:jilafr:r9JCo!!i1iJ~!1ts"::l Approval: Pliblil:t~1g:<fIffif!"J!its:j Approval: Occupancy: Walls: SIC: Sq. Fl. : Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: ~ ~PIi11SjI{~IJ(I'!:c!B Expiration Date: Approval: II IPlalfjtlli!i'lll!~dm Expiration Date: Approval: r;J ~PJal\!f~~llIrll~~ (4) (5) (6) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required. provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or If suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full tees shall be paid for a new permit. No work. of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediin ith successive phases of the/-ob. The iss n of a permit or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of th~ bU:'rp 0' any othe' o,d; nee. law. 'ule 0' 'egulatlon. Ch. f Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION (1) (2) (3) , \ 'IN.05 '96 14:83 EWMA EI~GLEWOOD 383-843-912194 PAGE 2 ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES W_.....IlIGlON. June 4, 1996 7tIlO Iut AnpIhoo JId. 8Ldlll 114 "'pwaad. C0801t2 I'IlGM: iIOlI/_1I7OO .....505/_ COIlPOIlA 1'1 HIlADQUAIlTIU. Ph_~~ ...... :IOt/MO<<OO MIDATLANnCl l'rIIIettoll.N) I'hou; 6Ot/6IS-76OIl ....x: 601/615-1556 JALTIMOa5/D.c.o MWOIIYtIlo, MD Phone: 410/981-7174 F...: 41D/1l8?:r7l3 Mr. Terry Oman B.G.T. Bnterprises 830.5 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, Colorado 80123 Re: Asbestos Abatement Proposal 4951 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 EWMA Proposal No. 1'96130 Dear Mr. Oman: We are pleaeed to submit herewith our proposal for the services (Work) to be performed by Bnvironmental Waste Management Associates (EWMA) at the .bove referenced property ("Premises"). Our preliminary estimate for the work to be performed at the Premises is as follows: I. Asbestos Abatement Asbestos abatement activities .tarting July 1, 1996 includes the proper removal and di.posal of the asbestos-rontaining materials (ACM) identified at the Premises. Abatement activities will consist of the proper removal and disposal of approximately one thousand five hundred (1500) .quare feet of transite siding located on the exterior of the Premises. Asbestos abatement activities will be in strict accordance with applicable Federal, State and local regulations, Asbestos wute will be transported to an approved EP A landfill for disposal. BWMA will provide client with proper permits~ disposal documentation and manifests, Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents, or delays beyond our control. III. Estimated. Co.t: Abatement/disposal" of asbestos containing material $2,000.00 , .,.~ Comprehensive Environmental ServIces * lIIef&U },/ ....f JUN.05 '96 14:04 EWMR ENGLEWOOD 303-843-9094 PRGE 3 Aab_. Ab.e.mentlAlr Monltor\lla ~ 7125 W."th Avenue Whut RId.e, Colorado 80033 BWMAP'tJjI~1Na. ,..,. Pip 2 IV. Terms and Conditione This proposal is valid for a period of thirty (30) days from the date this proposal was written. After a period of thirty (30) days, EWMA will not be held to the terms and prices quoted herein. The work performed pursuant to this proposal wlll be undertaken In a professional manner in accordance with best prevailing industry standards. EWMA shall not be liable for direct, Indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or liabllity caused by pollutants remaining on the property or adjacent property due to acts or omissions by BWMA or its subcontractors unless such damages or liabilities are caused by EWMA's or its subcontract9~8 J!!~Hr~..l9~c~in lI. p".'f~s~<?1i'al manner in accord with prevailing ind,~try standards. EWM;A'slial!.il1tyj~or such fallure to act shall not exceed ~,~yalue of this,~np'act:, No limit~lion of liability shall apply however fon.(,l~ages, either direct or indirect 'or bodily injury, property damage, of}otherwise due, to BWMA's or its subcontractor's w11lful misconduct:()~:.gro8s negligence.:: ;. ~ .. " ,:"~' ':, ~'"I : I ,I Client W11l;i;!~re"'EWMA'tha{th:e'pr~m:lsel'"Lnll be vacant during the abatement ~~,!~ties. Client will provide all wa~~ and electricity necessary for the proj~~;~~ the Premises. ~orkq\~n:~..compensation, General Uablllty and Errorsl:qm1ssions Insurance, will be provid~ by EWMA. EWMA will not be resp~t~le for.any ~amage done ,j:O wallS', ceilings and floorings due to asbestos ~b.~nt ctlvl.tlel a.t the Pr~les. ;. ;S~'I',\:,.I ~"I, J: :.'.\.."J.'.,':'~. ;.i.i~,..., '. "1/.."".' . :i~hh',"', ""."".' i'...~.:-<<..'~..". "'..\~...t~~:":\.'.:~;"'.- -It. 'lit.. ~~ ",!;,~[I ~~,~.'l~""V...r',., '1~ ,~"...--.~\.~'J,;\-",~j'-'CI' ;~,~"~':-'-" {r,O;" .".-'.. I"LM':'", i' ,'... We trust that:~~~'.:~~g,,:~~:Pffimf~.::iR,;p'aceeptable and would ask that you indicate your acceptance on the line proVided for your signature below, so that EWMA may begin this project. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal, please contact me at (303) 843-9700. ~~relY' if Timoth 1., Associate BWMA est n Region Acknowledge ~ Signa e (p / ? / 9(; Date ' , IlNVIRONMENTAL WASTBMANAGEMIlNT ASSOCIATBS 1I~<:.\a'D COMPREHENSIVE ASBESTOS SURVEY 4951 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado ~ a , , , l 31,1 I ~ ":-1 I I ~ , rd 1!!lt ~.1JI~~ Kellie J. eIton Certified Asbestos Inspector ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES 7600 EAST ARAPAHOE ROAD SUITE 114 ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80112 PHONE: 303-843-9700 FAX: 303-843-9094 ,.., . ~I ,: '. l ~ I Executive Summary On April 16, 1996, Environmental Waste Management Associates (EWMA) was retained by Mr. Terry Oman to perform a Comprehensive Asbestos Survey of the property located at 4951 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado (the "Property"). This survey was conducted by Kellie J. Melton (Inspector ID #317-60-6960) in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations pertaining to the sampling, material assessment and laboratory analysis of bulk asbestos sampling. A total of twenty-three samples were taken from eight homogeneous materials from the residential dwelling located on the Property. Seven of the eight homogeneous materials were found to contain no detectable levels of asbestos. The following is the only homogeneous material that was found to contain detectable levels of asbestos: · Homogeneous Material-O! (Ext-01-TRN24): Transite siding on the exterior to the residential dwelling. The transite material, found to contain 24% Chrysotile asbestos, was observed to be in a non-friable state. It should be noted, however, if the material is subject to damage then it may be considered a friable asbestos building material. Therefore, the transite siding located on the exterior of the residential dwelling located on the Property should be removed in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations prior to renovation or demolition activities. Environmental Waste Management Associates ,,'~;t' ,"".. ;1~," ".,..., t. .';~'~fi';?;;;' Appendix 1: Sample Description/Location/Results Project 10: SAMPLE 10 EXT-01-TRNS+241 EXT-02-RF INT-03-TXT INT-04-TXT INT-05-TXT INT-06-TXT INT-07-TXT INT-08-TXT INT-09-WBTX INT-10-WBTX 1NT-ll-WBTX 1NT-12-FT INT-13-IT 1NT-14-FT 1NT-15-FT 1NT-16-FT 1NT-17-FT 1NT-18-FT EllT-19-RF EXT-20-RF 1NT-2l-IN 1NT-22-IN 1NT-23-IN sample Description/Location/Results at 4951 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80033 See the drawings for sampling locations and areas. 4951-EWMA-Ol LOCATION FROM SOUTH ON EAST SIDE DESCRIPTION TRANSITE W/2 BACKINGS-CORE/LAYERS BLK/GLD/WHT CEILING TEXTURE WHITE-POPCORN ROOF 24' FROM SOUTH ON EAST SIDE-INT W LIVING WALL CEILING TEXTURE WHITE-POPCORN NW BEDROOM CEILING TEXTURE WHITE POPCORN FS If 07 CEILING TEXTURE ROLL ON FS If 07 CEILING TEXTURE ROLL ON FS * 08 CEILING TEXTURE ROLL ON FS I 06 FS I 05 WALL BOARD + TEXTURE WALL BOARD + TEXTURE FS * 06 WALL BOARD + TEXTURE FS * 04 FLOOR TILE-9 X 9 BROWN FS It 04 FS * 04 FS It 03 FS 1# 03 FS * 03 FLOOR TILE-9 X 9 BROWN FLOOR TILE-9 X 9 BROWN FLOOR TILE-9 X 9 BROWN FLOOR TILE-12 X 12 WHT FLOOR TILE-12 X 12 WHT FS I 03 fLOOR TILE 12 X 12 WHT ROOF ROOFING ROOF ROOFING ATTIC INSULATION ATTIC INSULATION ATTIC INSULATION ~S MATERIAL LIST DBSClUPTION LOCATION ....... .VOU8 MATBRIAL f Ha4G-Ol~. HQolG-02 TRANSITE SIDING EXTERIOR ROOFING EXTERIOR RESULT 24%-Chrys ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND SQ. FT 1500 2 H(H;-03 CEILING TEXTURE INTERIOR (pop corn) HCHG-O' SHEET ROCK INTERIOR HCHG-05 FLOOR TILE INTERIOR 9 X 9 HC>>1G-06 FLOOR TILE: 12 X 12 HCHG-07 CEILING TEXTURE INTERIOR FS* 07 (roll on) HCHG-8 INSULATION THROUGHOUT ATTIC "",CTIONAL SPACES J'UNCTIONAL SPACIl . DESCRIPTION LOCATION SQ.FT. nJNCT-Ol LAUNDRY SW CORNER 100 EVNCT-02 KITCHEN 8e CORNER 130 EVNCT-03 STU OY Me lIReA 100 FUNCT-04 LIVING Ne CORNER 210 EVNCT-05 LAVATORY NM AREA 57 EVNCT-06 BEDROOM NW CORNER 120 nlNeT-O? BEDROOM BW CORNER 21B EVNCT-08 STORAGE MM AREA 80 ... ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIAL GREATER THAT U 3 Appendix 2: Sample Location Diagram .@) .. Laundry (Funct-Ol) 21 22 Kitchen (Funct-02) " S-ple taken from the interior of the residential dwelllng. !!J Sample taken from the exterior of the residential dwel1lng. Bedroom (Funcr-07) Q @ Bedroom (Funct-06) @ e @ @ Closet (Funct-09) e Bath @ @(FUnct-05) Storage Room (Fund-OB) @ DInIng Room (Funct-D3) ~ @)\!!) @ G QJ Uvlng Room (Funct-04) G ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES 7100 E. Arapoh.. Rd. sun. 114 ERg_d, co 80112 Pho..: (303) 843-1700 SAMPLING DIAGRAM 4951 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado SCALE: PROJECT# DATE: 04-11-96 67040 DRAWN BY: TBE CHECKED BY: DBO Appendix 3: Laboratory Analytical Package (signature) Residential House Bulk Asbestos Analysis Report PLM Person to contact: 303-843-9700 FAX phone: Contact phone: 303-843-9094 Report prepared on: May 17, 1996 at: 15:24 Correspondin9 invoice number: 36878 Laboratory manager: {, /i"V~ (s natur' Asbestos detected? Fibers present Ves ExI-02-RF N.D. Ext-19-RF N.D. Exl-20-RF N.D. N.D. Inl-04-Txl N.D. 24% Chrysotile* 2% Cellulose 1 % Mineral Wool 17% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool 14% Cellulose 2% Synthetic 2% Mineral Wool 14% Cellulose 2% Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool 4% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool 3% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool Remarks Off-whtte transite. Balance of sample is 73% cementitious. Black multilayer roofing aggregate. Balance of sample is 10% silicate and 71 % organic binders. Black multilayer roofing aggregate. Balance of sample is 10% silicate and 72% organic binders. Black multilayer roofing aggregate. Balance of sample is 10% silicate and 73% organic binders. Off-white ceiling plaster. Balance of sample is 1 % talc and13% micaceous and 80% unspecified non-fibrous material. Off-white ceiling plaster. Balance of sample is 1% talc and 14% micaceous and 80% unspecified non-fibrous material. . "ClvyIolIe. Amosite, Crocidolite, Tremolite, Actinolite, and Anthophyllite are asbeslos fibers. N.D.-None Detected This report may not be reproduced except In lull and with the permission 01 MAC5 lab. Inc. I hiS report relales only 10 the 1,lems lesleo Samples will be destroyed alter six months. Tesl per 40 Code 01 Fade_ral Reg. Chap 1 \' ,'.87) Pan 763. Subpart F. Appendix A Of current EPA method. Percentages are approximate. MACS lab is an accredited laboratory 0 lhe Nallonal VOluntary laboratory AccredltallOI1 Program (NVLAP) and is laboratory number 101948. No producl endorsement by NVLAP Of any agency or the U,S Government may Ot: daimed 85 a resul[ of this analysis. Calif Depl 01 Health ELAP 112027 Hils method IS nOI fellable for analySIS 01 Ille Ot other nlat~roal~ when fiber size is less than 101J.. TEM analysis should be used. Deleclion limit tor asoestos IS appro)!, 1'%. Asbestos detected? Fibers present N. D. 3% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool Int-06-Txt N.D. 3% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool N.D. 4% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool N.D. 3% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool N.D. 96% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic Int-08-Txt N.D. 94% Cellulose 1 % Mineral Wool Int-11-WBTX N.D. 94% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic Int-12-FT N.D. 21 % Cellulose 6% Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool 21 % Cellulose 6% Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool 19% Cellulose 7% Synthetic 2% Mineral Wool Int.13-FT N.D. N.D. Int-14-FT Bulk Asbestos Analysis Report Remarks Off-white ceiling plaster. Balance of sample is 1% talc and 14% micaceous and 80% unspecified non-fibrous material. Off-white joint compound ceiling plaster Balance of sample is 95% unspecified non-fibrous material. Off-white joint compound ceiling plaster. Bala'lce of sample is 94% unspecified non-fibrous material. Off-white joint compound ceiling plaster. Balance of sample is 95% unspecified non-fibrous material. Brown wallboard paint. Balance of sample is 3% unspecified non-fibrous material. Brown wallboard paint. Balance of sample is 5% unspecified non-fibrous material. Brown wallboard paint Balance of sample IS 5% unspecified non-fibrous material Brown fibrous tar tile. Balance of sample is 40% organic binders and 32% unspecified non-fibrous material. Brown fibrous tar tile. Balance of sample is 40% organic binders and 32% unspecified non-fibrous material. Brown fibrous tar tile. Balance of sample is 40% organic binders and 32% unspecified non-fibrous material. . Chrysotlle. Amoslte. Crocidolite, Tremolite, Actinolite. and Anthophyllite are asbestos fibers. N.D.=None Detected Ttill8port may not be reproduced excepl in full and with (he permission 01 MACS Lab, Inc. I hIS reporl relales only to the nams lested Simples will be destroyed after six months. Tesl per 40 Code of Federal Reg. Chap I \,. 1 .87) Pari 763. Subpart F, Appendix A or CUfren! EPA method. Percentages are approximate. WACS Lab is an accredited laboratory 0 (he National Voluntary laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAPl and is laboratory number 101948. No praducl endorsemem by NVLAP or any agency 01 the U.S Government may D~ d.med as a result of this analysis. Calif Dapt of Health ELAP 112027. ThiS melhod IS nOI lellable for analySIS 0' Ille or Olht!l malt/lla;::; when fiber size is less than 10jJ.. TEM analysis should be used. Delectlon hml\ 'or asbestos IS approx 1% ~~~~ Page 2 .;,MACS Lab, Inc. "'2070A Walsh Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050-2542 i~8) 727-9727 ,...'; Client Sample Number Asbestos and Description detected? Fibers present Int-15-FT N.D. Inl-16-FT N.D. Inl-17-FT N.D. Int-18-FT N.D. Int-21-ln N.D. Inl-22-ln N.D. N.D. Inl-23-ln 15% Cellulose 6% Synthetic 1 % Mineral Wool 1 % Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 1 % Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 2% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 11 % Cellulose 2% Synthetic 82% Mineral Wool 6% Cellulose 2% Synthetic 88% Mineral Wool 13% Cellulose 1 % Synthetic 40% Mineral Wool Bulk Asbestos Analysis Report Remarks Brown fibrous tar tile. Balance 01 sample is 40% organic binders and 38% unspecified non-fibrous material Off-white tile. Balance of sample is 98% unspecified non-fibrous material Off-white tile. Balance of sample is 98% unspecnied non-fibrous material. Off-white tile. Balance of sample is 97% unspecified non-fibrous material. Brown fibrous insulation. Balance of sample is 5% unspecified non-fibrous material. Brown fibrous insulation. Balance of sample is 4% unspecified non-fibrous material. Black fibrous tar insulation. Balance Of sample is 46% organic binders. ~~~.w5 . Chrylotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Tremolite, Actinolite, and Anthophyllite are asbestos fibers. N.D..None Detected This report may not be reprodUCed except to lull and Wltn the permiSSIon 01 MAC::i LaO. Inc. I hiS report felates only 10 me Ilems le511:10 Samples will be destroyed aher six months. Tes! per 40 Code of Federal Reg. Chap I (1 ,.87) Part 763. Subpart F. Appendix A or Cullent EPA method. Percemages are approximate. MACS lab is an accredited laboratory of the Nauonal Voluntary laboralory Accredllallon Program (NVlAP) and is laboratory number 101948. No product endorsement by NVlAP or any agency of Ihe U.S. Governmenl may be claimed as a result 01 this analysis. Calif Dept 01 Health HAP #2027. This method IS nol reliable lor analysIs of tile or other materials when fiber aize is less than 10)1. TEM analYSIS should be used. DetectIOn Jimll lor asbestos IS approx. 1% - - UI W .c- eo ro " '" " -, co en U'1 4c., I ,;;:;~:';~;:. hrl" CUSTOMI,Jt I 1J' ;'''C"S I 0 OTHER h (1.11.1''-''"1 C01\lMENTSt SOCIAL SECURITY # - ~ '"' "" - :!! dl .: ~ ... r;1 '"' ... '< o! ;?I&=- &ll~o - ~'" """ "'C..: ~ c:.~ - I"'" "" o-l<>. -::- ~ ... "- W '" PH."l!-o'E~CL fA.'_~ ~"""'~"'''-'"j .1n' - lClN._ ~"~ ~o.ll;;J.. , . - Uti\. kELilE MEtro"; 3, ~ (") (J) r 1> m to J;: =< 1> [) r ~> '" 1> SI1h1Pl.€ p( IJ#~(!"'T"- ...,:5,1"''- FIIt$r /)oS,Y)vj 72,11rEQ/ II 'I II II /1 x )( )( )( , I - - IJC"r'''ruli!_ !lDVF It..'" MoP _ ttr'f/"/JV:' ~t!V /IVHlTE II " t. " '0 ,. tj,L~;:" .:r~E!leu.. 0." lr " 1/ " " '0 I' ,. tAu. _ ... TEXn<"G II ., It f' ... '" 8,10",", rUJ<l~ -r'LE /9><9 ') ,.,..""jLJ:J.}----. " " ~l-It1E FL.Ot'i{ Tll.6 " " " " " ,. ;r".,<s.oc ~/D-' " " 1/ ." t Fh' C< ".:; ~~.~~;:;;- flY ('W..'\l....n~.1 ! .trn:n-r.DIiY PLl!}5[ Sa 1+ -rr!k'fl6D , P'l~1 N(U\fi 7KCl J.F.AlJ . VSEPA 7~:(l "'HrrE. U,rIi'"JR_"1PP.'I' \1110..... CT.'" I\L\;I'lT<i ,',.,,; {T<;'l(J~fJl: Pt.\! J.O(TR . Ch3p I, f'o.." J61. Sl'~)'l:.n F . Al~ ""WSH iOf.C . S~IIJ cPA 7UJO/"M2'O Aprendi:\. A or t."Ul'T'alt ErA mcrJioo fi.X1l.-9_'VllC> Wi~~ NIOSH 9100 TE.M AlIERA or Y.llIIU.~ Le,,'d IJ Water AlHA (nulOO4 J LI JB) EPA 200_~1 j- --- 1=",-/6- F p~~/7- F, :-_1"'"_19~ PI ':::;..r- Z.I-;PV I ;-....., ~ 7]. - ..Po-' ~- _T:.<J , I , i i Appendix 4: Inspector Certification .... '" ::: CJ .... <: '" <: ~ ~ ;>0 '" u ~ '" "- o OJ N N "- OJ '" o '" '" OJ I "- ('oJ 1 "' o '" ('oJ '" .... - ? - This course meets TIlE the requirements of ENVIRONMENTAL AQCC Reg. #6 Training Center Z761 West Oxford Avenue Engle...'OOd, CO 80110 781-0422 CERTIFIES THAT KELLIE J. MELTON has successfully completed The EPA-ApPROVED AHERA ANNUAL REFRESHER COURSE ior INSPECTOR/MANAGEMENT and has passed the required examination in that discipline PLANNER This course is EPA-approved under Section 206 of the Toxic Subs :ontrol Act (TSCA) ,~ , COU'se Dale 8/3/95 t No. ot holrS_ 8 Exam date _ N/A Cer'ificale No DR080395-07 AH Expires 8/2/96 invalid ",ilholt raised seal .. 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE POBOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034~0638 (303) 234.5900 City Admin. Fax # 234.5924 Police Depl. Fax # 235~2949 DATE: August 16, 1995 The City of ~heat GRidge TO: Accounting Dept. SUBJECT: ESCROW REFUND FROM: Director of P1anning & Deve10pment Reimbursement requested for escrow funds being he1d for: Landscaping The Landscaping has been comp1eted to the City's satisfaction. RELEASE TO: Terry Oman LOCATION: 4951 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO' 80033 AMOUNT : P1ann:i.ng & ('JUt;,', ,I...IJ~"",':'