HomeMy WebLinkAbout4626 Estes Street !,j, 111,1'~J,I,"""~!'''''''''.'''1,,'',w''''''''.''''7~' "~" ""''''''"'''''''''''''''''~''''''''"''')1i1~r'''.'.' ,'"W''''''' ""r"''' "~'~'",",,' """""', ",'" "'""".' "'"''~''' '''''''''''''If'''''' ''''-''''''"' ",DiPARTllEfitTOF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 3942 . .' BUILDlNGINtPECTION DIVI$ION - 235-2855 ;" CItYOFWflEAT RIDGE Date: 9/30/96 75ClO~ST29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address: 4626 ESTES ST Contractor License No.: 17152 Company: Precise Plumbing Phone: 674-6807 Phone: 534 0881 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT , hereby. c::erlify that tll8 88lblIck cliII8nCea proposed by thlll permR application a... accuntl8, and do nQl Yiolal8 8IlllIIcabIeo~, rulea or reglIlaIIons of tll8Cily of Wheal Ridge or ~nts, easememsor. ."~k;IIlll.. of 18COt'd; that .11 me_mints _. and allegallons mllClee... _; that IIIlIVe ..... ""d ... to oblde by an condlllons printecl on this application, end that I ~ 1uIf~ for compliance wllhtho Wheat RIdge Building Code (U,B,C.) end ..,_ iIIppflCob\e ,ollllnences, for nder this permR. Construction Value: Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax: (~XCONTRACTOR)SK3NeD Description : DATE Total: $469.00 $22.00 ! $0.00 $0.00 , $22.00 ! BUILDING DERARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq. Fl. : Approval : Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units : Eleclrical License No : Company: Plumbing Licanse No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Dale : Approval: . Expiration Date: Approval: . Expiration Date: Approval: . (1) 1S-===-~~::":=~,,:.=--=~~theIawsOltheSlateOlCOlorodOondtotheZa1lng (2) porfOIt -lIXP.i"!'Uo) the _. Is not commanced with n oIxty (80) days fmm Iaaua dale or (B) the building_is auaponded or .....KIOIIOlIIor. patIod GfI:!OB (3) WthiSpa/IIlIlaxplilla, a...... '._ be _Iled ror a fee 01 ona-haIIthe .mount normally oaqulrod, ..- no changoo have -. orwl1l be _In the ClIigInOI plansBnd ~1k:lilIi!I Bnd any ~ or abondonmont hao not axcaaded one (1) year, If cIWlgaa are _or W suapanIion or_ 14) ==:" (1).r::.o.~'::"be~wIII_ ~ -..I _orwalerc;aualng a cIIaInago..-o, 5) eontracl!lr i.,:", a,-......8ui!dIrlll~ ~'Illur (24) hoUIa In advanca ror allnapoctlOnI ai1d __ve _ 8IlIl'OY8I on Inapacllon can! baIore , (8) =-':'""ar>OnnilorJ:;"":r"-. and ......,nJcalio...1ha1l not be conatruacl to be a pennIt ror. nor an ~ 01, any -. 01 the pIOVilions OIthe or law. Ie ."aoulation, ' Ch' f ildlng lilspector IS PERMltVALlDONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILD....G INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-6933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPI:CTlON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80215 Building Permit Number: Date: Property Owner: J T,1.e II ~""r ~ Property Address: L( G ;1.,' c:; ,Es -?s >t. Contractor License No,: /? / 5' :l.. Company: 11"'-<'<,'$"" ;4/_...tf,'~7 $,r, Phone: c: 7 y- C frO 7 Phone: 73 j':-c?fr- 8' / OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: I(';;? Pennit Fee: ? '-- Use Tax: SR.-r 5 lS'17-o2.IY V I hereby certtfy that the setback distances proposed Dy th.s permit apPlication are accurate. and do not Violate applicable orolnances. rules or regUlatIons of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restnctions of record: that all measurements shown. ana allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all condrtlons pnnted on this application. ana that I assume full responslOllity for compliance With the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat . ge o~lna~s. for WOrK?r thiS permit. /;7 //':, (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED - "",,-" DATE Total: :I. '- - Descnption : / I'-r' /'" r ~ ,. ~t'r, A./r r"'''''~ /0-,,- /:'5",...,...." ./-~-7 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ..(.!:J l . ~. I I -. ;. Approval: Zoning: :1 J I '~~.u .,. ~ Approval: PDbII~i1dt:.Co,~",~~ Approval: Occupancy, Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units : Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Electrical License No : Company: l!:xpiration Date : Approval : .3 (P.Jirris~ulriCl~ Expiration Date: Approval: m .. PID18 Riiqulred,- .:.1 Expiration Date: Approval: .. ~u.....g I'l (2) 13) thIS permit was ISSUed." accordance wnn the proVII)()tl$ set forth In yOl)ur appllCBUon and IS $Ubfed Ie tne taw. of the State of Co!orado and 10 tn. Zoning RegulallonS ana Building COCJe of 'IlIheat Rld~e. Celoraao or any otfler acpllcable orcmanees of the City. This permit shall expire If (A) the WOnt autnOnZec:ll$ nOt commenc:ea Wltnln SIXty (60) days htlm ISSue date or (8) tne building authonZea IS susoenaed or abandonea for a penOd of 120 dayl. It this permrt eXClres. a new permIt may De ac:QUlrect for . fee ot one-hatt the amount nonnalty reqUired. PfOVlOeCl no changes have been or will be made In the anginal plans and speCIfications and any suspen$lOn Of aoanoonment nas not exceeaed one (1) year. If Changes are mild. or if suspenstOn or abandonment exc:eeas one 11) year. full tees snail be Data for 8 new oermn:. No WOrk 01 any manner snaU be done tnat will Change lTle natural ftow of waler causing a drainage problem. ContraClor snail notify the BUilding lnsoeaor twenry.four (24) hours In advance lor au inspections ana shall rec&lve wntten approval on InSpeclJon cam befote proceedllng WIth successive onases olll'le .lOb. The Issuance of a permIt or the approval Of drawings ana sDeClftcatJons snail not be construed to be a permit tor. nor an .approval of. any VlotaDOn of tn. PfOVJllOns of the bUlIClng coaes or any otner Ordinance. law. ru;e or regutallon. 141 (5) 16) Chief Buildmg Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234.5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION