HomeMy WebLinkAbout4800 Cody Street BuildingPermit CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 7500 West 29m Avenue Wheatridge,CO 80033 303-235-2855 Permit Number 18714 5/13/2005 Inspection Line 303-234-5833 Residential. Roofing PROPERTY 4800 OWNER: Unit: (303) 421-4161 Cody St Mountain Vista Retirement Description Lay-over existing roof wi Tamko 30 yrDimensional. 94 sq. Pitch 5/12 iFEES Fees IPermit Fee IUse Tax ITotal Fees 1 ICONTRACTORS IName 1 Excel RoofinQ, Inc. 1 IAUTHORIZATIONS IType ISuildinQ Approval loue 1$253.90 1$188.55 1$442.45 I 1 ILicense # 118118 I I INotes 12-laver max. Must meet 90 MPH wind load lpaid 1$253.90 1$188.55 1$442.45 I 1 IPhone 17616400 1 1 IAPproved 1 Units: Roof: Sq Feet: Occupancy: Walls: Stories: ~~ ..........tOlk40~. J. , ~.... 1;-1 '" ~.~ ii.)o ..._\J ~.~ I .~.~ "G """..s:"" 1'_l.oJ~"'\'s'~ ~.~I~) I I "..~~::::",,,.!.' .i:i",;s.,~,,',";g, 1 "l::" 00 ,-"'.",.Iii~ 1 ;,-.:::"," ~ ,l;.) \Uo,s '" III "';it 1 .'., E}""'~,-..; \U .Iii [ii", ll' 1 -S 'c;>..&8~ I ~,E~~:l 1 ii?~..!HI1'i "';"'~"'" "- c......;; 'h.:;"~'''' li:i '~,,'~,'i...,'"t3 l:: '- J!:.... '" 1.:1!<!?,~~'~. g" ~ ,~ t.J ~~ <;:. "~ ~.r:t"'."".~ "'I"C) J~;::: r~:, o . .,'>- Ihe~by certify tl!-atthesetbackdistances'proposed by thiS pennl(apiJllcatlon are accurate, an4_ilonot violate appli~ableordin'ances, role,sorl'eguiations offheCityof :wheat Ridge or covenants, elL'lements or restrictions ofmoro; that all measureinents shown, and allegations made are aCl:uratej-that I have J:elld and agree t_oablde by all c , itionsprinted on this application, andthatI assume full responsibilityforcompllanee wllhthe Wheat Ridge Building Code (U~U.C.)and allotherapplicable W eat, ge ordin cell, for work under tbls ennlt. No work ofanYmaDIler ~hanbe done that will fhimge the, natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. '''',<, '< ',', , Contractor shall notify tbeBnllding Inspector twenty-four (24) hoursln advance for all Inspectioll!iandshalI receive written approval.on biSpwtioncard before proceeding with successive phases offhe Job. 't or th ,oval 0 ,"',., sand spee1flcatioIL'lshalI not be construed to be a permit for,nor an approval of, any violation oftlie e!loranyotberoroina law, rule or regulation. SIGNED DATE 3 ThIs pennlt was lssued in aCcordance with the provisions set fortb in your application audiS subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zcining Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applIcable orolnance!l of the City; , . This pennitshall explreif(A) the work authorized is notcommenc,ed within sixty (601days-from Issue dale or (B) the bnllding authorized is SUSpended or aband~ncdforap~riOdOfl20days. "."""'.,',', '_ " ,'",,' .,,_ .,"~ If this penult expires, a new permit may be acquired for afee ofon~halfthe amountrionnally required, provided rio changes have been or wID bemadilIi:lthe original plans and specllications and any suspension or abandonment bas not exceeded~ne (1) year.If~banges arenJadeor ifsuspension or abandolllDent il.J:eeeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a: new pennit. - 4 5 6 CbiefBnlldlngInspector SIGNED DATE Pagel of 1 Friday, May 13,2005 Building Permit Application ~~~ City of Wheat Ridge Building Permit Application iDepartment"~iPi~~-~i~g ;;~dD~~~i~p;;;~~t-- ..........-----. ---------- 'Building Inspection Line: 303.234.5933 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue ,Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 303.235.2855 Pr~perty O~~~r: ~\C\\j\r;~"'V\~,\(~ Property Address:~ ~t -s\- IContractor License No: '5"l.""). ICompany: ' r---------.-.-...- -'-- ! Building Permit Number' ...., I Date: ...-...-..--..-....-..--...."....-.-.-..,,--.........- 'OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATVRE OF V DERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ,I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, !and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridee or icovenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and :allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed ion this applications and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat .Ridge Building Code (V.B.C.) and ail other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. i Phone '-\J...\-\\\~ \ Phone~~\.~\\OD ,--.-..--......... ',.i,;. Construction Value:\~tt\S" Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: ; (OWNER) (CONTRAgq~). ~~Jill: , DATE:~ Total: iDescription: Building Department Vse Only Zoning Comments: :SlC: !Approval: IZoning: Sq.Ft.: :Building Comments: !Approval: 'Public Works ComllJents: 'Approval: 'Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company: !Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: I Expiration Date: Approval: (1) This permit was i~sued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. file:lIlEllwwwrooUcitydev/building_permit_application.htm (1 of 2) [7/2/2002 10:22:41 AM]