HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-96-13/SUP-96-6~ r -'^'- The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 June 10, 1996 Bob Arnold, Manager Valley Water District P.O. Box 9 Wheat Ridge, Co 80034 ~Wheat ~Ridge RE: New Public Works Shops Auxiliary Building Dear 3bb, I enjoyed talking with you last Thursday morning about the City's upcoming Auxiliary Building at the City Shops yard located at 11220 West 45th Avenve. As we discussed, the City is proposing to construct a heated storage building for housing of street sweepers during the win- ter. In addition to the heated storage area, the building will also house a small restroom and a heated work shop. The restroom will have a flush stool and a hand sink and the workshop will have a utility sink. During the design and bidding process for this pro7ect we had assumed we could connect these facilities into Che existing 1.5 inch tap serving the site. I understand the District has concerns about allowing more than one building access the same water tap because of the potential for sale of the separate structures ~.o different owners. I understand from our discussion that the Valley's Boarcl sometimes approves situations such as ours through issuance of a Unified Ownership Agreement which provides for a common tap for several different structures while under common ownership. Please con.sider this letter City of Wheat Ridge to enter with Va11ey Water District fc new construction at the City 2863 for further information, Respectfully, ~ ~ John Oss, PE Senior Project Engineer a£ormal request on behalf of the into a Unified Ownership Agreement r the water service to the proposed Shops. Please contact me at 235- etc. (303) 2345900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 • POLICE DEPRRTMENT FAX: 235•2949 ~ ~ September 26, 1996 TO: Bob Goebel FROM: Meredith Reckert RE: Public Works Maintenance Facility I have been directed to initiate a rezoning case on the public works maintenance facility located at 11220 West 45th Avenue. My understanding is that this would be a rezoning from PBF(Public Buildings and Facilities) to A-1(Agricultural-One) with a Special Use Permit approval to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. I will prepare a rezoning application for Mayor Wilde's signature but wil] need some supporting documentation including a site plan for the property and a legal description. Also, we will need to hold a neighborhood input meeting so be tlunking about dates for that. • If you have any questions, please let me lrnow. ~ Ivc~ . ~v~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~-~~5~~ ~ 1 l ZZO v~ • `ES `~ ~ Sep-30-96 03:SOP ~ ry DiTullio September 30, 1996 To: Fetlow Council Members Iviayor City Administrator City Clerk Planning Dept- Glen Gidley City Attomey - Cerald Dahl From: Jertp DiTullio ~7480fi RE: Conditional Use Permit for city property and other property P.O1 Council passed the zoning of city owned property to eome forward at the Sept. 23, 1996 Council Meeting. This zoning would aflow the public works building to be built on city land under ~ Conditional IJse Permit. AS you may know, Special Use Pernuts go with the owner and Conditional Use Pertnits go with the Iand. According to tke code book, tl~se are only tkret zones thart reqr~rre Planning C~nrneic.cioa ned C'riy Counei/ approval jor a Conditinnal Use Permit. All other zones require oniy Planning Comtnission approval. The Council also acts as an appeal board to a Planning Commission decision regarding a Condiiional LTse Permit. I wouid ask that when the Planning Dept. brings the zoning for the city property forward, that changes to the zones be inctuded which require Planning Commission a~¢ City Couacif app~oval for Coaditional Use Peanits. i wouid like to officiatty add this to the agenda the same time the zoning for city property comes forvvard to Council. Please call iPyou have any questions...Thanks... ~ i 1 October 10, 1996 TO: ~J~m es McClanahan FROM: ~.~'Nleredith Reckert " RE: Case No. WZ-96-I2 I am in the process of preparing a mailing for a City-initiated rezoning on the Public Works shops property at 11210 West 45th Avenue. Please verify ownership on the following addresses. I need the information no later than October 15, 1996 so the neighbors have adequate notice. ^ 467~ Parfet Street ~ 4655 - 4625 ~ 4615 4585 . 4593 4501 f 4490 y 4485 ' 4365___- ~ 4686 " 4650 - 4596 • 4592 ` 4590 ° 4500 • 4470 - 4444 ' 4440 ~ 4495 Pierson Street • 4485 ~ 4475 • 4435 • 4393 ~ 4490 ~ 4480 ~ 4430 ~ 4420 ' 4640 Quail Street '", u1 :.. ~ _ _ • ~ - 4620 - 4600 - • 4645 • 4625 • 4605 a 4610 Queen Street ~ 4630 - • 4645 Robb Street 4655 ~ 4625 - 4621 ^ 4611 ~ 4601 • 4515 ~ 4509 • 4505 - 4501 4560 4620 . 4600 - 4500 ,. 10983 W. 45Yh Avenue • 10985 • 11095 ~ 11101 - 11125 ' 11345 W. 46th Place ~ 11315 - 11285 • 11245 - 11215 ~ 11330 - 11290 - 11280 ~ 113.15 W. 46th Avenue - 11310 ~ 11280 ~ 11240 • 11210 ~ 11361 W. 44th Avenue ' 11401 ' 11301 ~ 11305 ~ 11297 11285 ~~G . ~ ~ iizai ~ iilii - 11091 ° 11085 - 11045 - 10995 ~ 11440 11362 -, 11300 11180 . 11130 ' 11114 ~ 11072 - 11050 . 11040 ~ 10930 ~ (~ ~ ~ The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 ~Theat ~R.idge October 15, 1996 Deaz Wheat Ridge Resident; The City of Wheat Ridge presently owns property at 11220 W. 45th Avenue which it uses as its Public Works Shops facility. This property presently has nonconforming zoning. It is the desire of the Wheat Ridge City Council to rezone all of the City's property to be consistent w~ith their present uses. This requires a neighborhood meeting and public heazings before Planning Commission and City Council. The zoning we will be applying to this property will be Agricultural-One (A-I) with a special use permit for Government buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. Along with this rezoning, we would like to construct a building which would have a primary- use of vehicle storage. The most common vehicles stored in this building would be our street sweepers. Presently, in the winter when sweeping is required most, we park our sweepers outdoors. This requires that they be drained at the end of every day so that they do not freeze up. The following day, they cannot be fiiled with water until the temperature of the tank a~id piping is above freezing. This building will allow for more efficient sweeping efforts and will assist us in meeting sweeping requirements to reduce the airborne particulate found in the brov,~n cloud. The size of the proposed building is 97 feet long by 29 feet deep. The height of the building is approximately 19 feet at the roof's peak. The height of the doors will be 12 feet. Externally, the building will be sided with steel siding similaz in color and style of the existing buildings on the site. The roof will be asphalt shingles. The building will be located on the east side of the site south of the entrance gate. It will be set back 15 feet west of the property line. The existing planters will remain. A neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 22nd, 1996. The meeting will take place at the Berbert House in Prospect Park, 11400 West 44th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. in order to solicit comments from the neighborhood regarding this particular project. Please plan to attend if you have questions. Very truly yours, ~ ~obert Goebe~ - Director of Public Works City Engineer (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 • P0~ ICE.DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 4 . , - : - - - : , ~ ~ _~5~ 3n~~ . ~ l~ - 2 z - ~j (~ T.-~ ~t/~7G~Jr'rr2rfrr~~ ~~-~~ ~/ ~ ,_____. _ . __ _ ._~S'~C~-~/ - ~Jr~ ~L',~~~ -__ _ -- _/f~/a%~'CE ~}D7~2u5s _ .- - -- -- ; ~ ,~-_ crc~ .zJ 5 /S_ - ~i v ~- S-~'' - _ . ~vavte. ~{ a r~ ~~l`r.~ ~i e;r~s6 r~ ~-~' L. ~~ ~~a r~L ---- ----~-~-8o P,' ~,~s o,~ s 7 --~~_.~~c~l ~out~~~ I1~80 ~, ~(~~~'~~~ ~'_ V ~- ~- ~~-°'2 / 12--21 ~ ~~-4 ~ - - - ~ ~ ~~~ --- -~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y%/~ r~ ~ ~- ; _____..-- - - _ _ _ _ __-- ~~ ; --- ~ _ __ _ _ __ __. ~_ _______ --- . _.. i --- _ __. _~__._._ 1 - -- -_ . _,._ __ __ _ ~ _ f li.. .- -- ---._. . . - ~ _ - - ~ , , ._ _..__ __ . ,.._ _v- ._ . , _. . ._ _ .,- - _---~- ,,,,___ ~__ =- ~ ~ ~ P r 1 - t- ~~ =Z2~~.~_ _ ~~_ - __ . - .. ...._- -- ---- -- -._.._ ----- - -~ --- ,-.._ __ - ~---------___ -----~~ ~ f < ~ ~~~-P.~n ~ _ _y~ y°~-, -- a~, - --_.._~.- -- ~ ~ ~~~- ---- - ~ ----'- _ ~ ___ - - -- ----- - ------------ _-- -- --__ -------- - --- -- x ~ - _ , - ~i o ° ~ ~~.~.e. ~~:-.~-~-P e- = --- - ------ - - __ _ - --- ~~~~--- , .~~~-~z-~ _. ~_ ~ - . - -- - _ ___~ ~._ . .... 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Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from ~he owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant _ ~~^~~ Subscribed and ,..~.. ~ me this Z~~. of DGTOBEI2, ~19 `,J'oy ~_ ~ t b -~~-~''- '~ :~ ~Of4 ~ . - _ Notary Pub "~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ SEAL - - b~i~+~;cmmissien Fapires SaFt. 1 i, 20Q( My commission expires~ ~ Date Received Receipt No. Case No. ,.._ ..... ., _ - -~--- -. _ m<:-; , ~ :.,, .. , ` ',Y .~ ~--~ l~ ~~ ~l ~2~1 ti ~ v ~ ~ ~~` S ~~ ~' ~t~p` ~~.~r t ,~ ~. ~ ~~ c~ y`ti m ~ ~ I ~- ~ r ~ ~~ 2~ ~.? ~ ~ ' SCHEIXILE A ... I incsl A .~- a Iha[ partiov of ehs iN~e t53 f~et of eIr 6u[ M1I, 9or[b.~ne Qu~cter o[ Saccioo ti, Sovoahip ]5, 1n~~ 69 Wsc o! che 6ehlrlaefp~l NnSdLn desctibed u follovar ltyimla{ at a' polnc m ths ~e~e 11=~ of clr {ut Wlf. 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Twuplp 75r ~^t~ 69 W~a o! tM 6ch _~, lsfaelpal IYridio dwerfbd u fo11Ms~ )qianio{ ~c ~ pofn~ oa qr Last, lia~ pI [S~ LYC pLLL *OtLI1Y~t QWt[CC S'JVLM~t QUl2LlC YGLCIWtG QWCClC OC Hld ,~~ f~etlao 21~ u1d pa!¢e b~tn~ IDi9.09 fut Nart6 of [fr Sauch Ifw ot SwahvnC ~i, ~~, pucc.r ]losd.r«e a~.ru: oe w26 acctov x1. tb.oc. KoreW:ir .1oa ow ...c -.: I lia~ a! iM iu[ WII forthw[ Qwn~x Saacbrat Quarax Ifacebn~t Q~rtc~c o[ ~~id S~eEfoa SL ~ dL[ue~ at 27i.36 f~~t w cW Mor[fieuc wsur ot tir G~c W1f Ifo[WWL Qu~K~f $ODUvrc tjw![~i IfottlW~C Qu~[[~[ a1 Hfd SK[loa 31i I ~ th.Od W~Gi11~oN ~~[h iSW Ot CG 6Yt 1ILLI lfOt[Ir~t[ Qu~[tti tWC{IYl~[ Q~uiter WetW~e pres~r of ~all Wctlw 3i ~ dLUae~ o! tw E~~c: eMnn fwsiurly pu~1L1 w[b~ we l1w ot W Lue 9a1E Iforehy~t Ntut foucbryt Q+~t~[ ~ - forclvrC Qu~[tR of ~~id B~eHCn 31 a ALUx~ o! 27~.t6 fac [o ~ pefut 10f9.OD !Mt Nacih a! cba teuN lid n! idrcbwc Quarni b~Urac Quar[rt o! w1d Fctlo~ , •: ; tli Woa irc~slf ~~uae~ ef no Lws W[W WLC ~ Mt1mL+t. Carq G iorNe . K .7~lGna. iau oL ~ ~ / (, ~y _!~ 7'.t'.,~!TI ~Y ' , - :.4`,e l Q £~ Y~'i . ~ . 'i: ,:~x~ `.f.F,l ~tl ~4 ;. yF . . ~r~ f' -~. t M. MY. ~'wf ' ''~.e4;,~,',~. ', : ~--'i"'~ . h ", ~ ~ ~ ` ~. ~ ~ rn ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ;;: . ~~~ .~,~t , , ;~~~~~'~ ~ ~:.-;:., . ( ~r t 4... Y ~ ~~ ~ . '~ 5~., f, i K {4Y hwYl~ ., . ~~2' . . ~ ~ Reeor~d~`at..~ ~~ B.oepEton xe . ? ~~~. ~ ;~:, :~< A` , . . i ~ M1i Ri,rt 'F. .IId ~. ........... TffiS DEID, Mada thts 2nd das of March 19 78 ,T..,. ~... PAILLIP G. HAWARDS AIZD LILLIAI~ MAR7E EDF7ARDS oi th~ Couab ofJef£erson aed State of ~~~.,~ ~,,~~,~,.._ .~~~~ °.^^~,~~ ~ ~~ .»......~.. , ~ ~ ` I~son,Ststt ~~~- , /~ I Colorado, af the ftrat part, aad C ITY OF WfiEAT RID(;E 7470 k', 38th Ave.. tifieat Rfdge, Co1~ of the Connty of Jef f er~on snd 3tste ot Coksado, of tlr ~~at: W iTNE33ET8. ThaL the ~aid part7 of th~ lir~t part, !or and tn e~ideratfon of tLs we at rinr Thoasand Fine Aundred and no/1n0 ' ~ to the said Asrt9 ot the lirst put fa hand paid b~ t6e aaid p~rtT of t6e ~ecood patf„ th~ ,. f„ ,:., ,, T i~ '.. ~, conteaaed and uknowledYed. hae ~•anted. baeqained. aold and emn~ed, and by t6ese ,,,. .~... r dos ~nat, I,., ,:i , ~ell, convey and oonfirm, unto the suid party of t}u seeood past, 6is heia ~nd wi~os ';, .. .,., dl 9e td~ deacribed lot or parcel of lsnd, ddutt, I~i~ and 6eins in the County of Jefferson aad S4te of Colorado,to-wit: The North 250 feet of the West 1/2 af the Fast 2/3 of the East I/2 of tha NE I.J4 SW 1/k 14F' 2/6 of Section 21~ To4mship 3 South~ Fange 69 t~'eat of tk~ , 5th P.u. Countp of Jef.£erson~ State of Colorado TO~F.THEF. F?ITA; an easement for an inigation ditch aloag the eaat ecge of the i•:est 2/2 of the Essst 2/3 of the East 1/2 of' the 1cE I!6 St: 1/4 !4!e 2/b of Section 21, Township 3 South, RenQe 69 t+'est of the 6th P.>'. Co~mty of Jeff~_..._ ~tate af Colorado sufficient to carry ~n amount of w~ter repreaeatd' L~ ore Share of Lane Ditch Company Capital Ftock TOG~aa~n witl~ all aad eingaLr tha hereditameats t~ appm~tananas tLeseto ', .:.. ., ,+'„~ ~~ ir i~ ~, r. appertaiaina, and the re~eraion aad ..: ~...,;.oae, remsiadar and e~ndee~, reah, i~ aad ptat~t ~., T: a~ alt the estate, ri¢ht, tt8e, intereat, claim and dcaund whspoeeer of tfie said par47 of th~ lirst }~et, el~ler f~ 1av or cduity. of, In and to the nbove bargainsd yremlee~. evith the hereditammb and appne6eaances: TO HAVS AND TO HOLD the uid Dzemius ~bove baraainad and de~ibMi. wilh ~~,., ~.,.ef~aat ~to tl~ aid P~T af the eecond ~rt~ his hei:s and uai~ns ~~.,. .,... Aad th~ satd patly o! t!w lfist yarS !oz liwetf. W 1~Tis. ezecutors~ and administratore, does coeenant~ ¢rant, barasia~ tad ~~e W and with the aid p~rt~r o[ t~ wcaei P~. hii hein md u~fgn~, t}ut at th~ dme of the ensealing and delI~er: of these pt~arats. h~ i~ Nll ~ o[ t~t ,.,;,, above _._ ~:, rd~ ea of Rood, eure, perfeck abeolute and indeteasible ~a4te of lnhar[tance. in qw. ia fee ai~k. aad has `ood right, fuli power, and la~vlul authodty W Yzant, bargtia, setl and coa~~ the umr ia m~eaer aad tee~ m afoxraaid and thst the eame are free and clear frnm all former and oth~r ~net~, bae=aio~, nk~, ti~aa, fazn, u~essmmb aad eacumbraacea oP whstever kind or natnreaoe~cr. excent taxes fcr Io7F pavarle in 7o7~ an~ eacements anA rpFtricti~rs of rPC~rd, !f ar~• - . ~ ~ ~ °~`~_~ ~ . ~ ~ q~ ~ ~ . Rxeption xo_......_... r!; ~ W~ . ,' Y .~' i ~~+''' fxi • ~ ~ i~ sut. st cc ~ / .~.~ THIS DEID, M.d• thb 2nd dN ot Mnrch 19 78 .betws~n r>EOR(~E T. SS•?ARTWOOD AND EI1A?A ANNA St.TARTG`OQD ot the Coants oi Jefferaon '°a ~~+~ °t Colondo, o! the ftrat ptrt, and CITY Op 4iE?EAT RIDRE 747^ 4'. 38th Ave., j~7~eat Ridge, Coio £0033 a{ y}~e County of Jef fe=son and 34ta of G.iondo. 01 the .. ~., 7~= WTCNB9SE'PH, Tiut the uid part7 of tha fint part, !ar and in rnasideratloe of t7r ~ a[ Nine Thousand Five I?undred and no/lOQ DOIJ.ARB. to the aaid party of the first put in hsnd paid b~ t6e tsid put~ of t6e Kcond part, th~ .. ..~„ .„..., T is ietri? wnfessed ~nd acknowledged, 6aa granted, bargaiaed, wld and _.~~~ _,, ed, and b~ these ,,, ~~..,, das LtaaR, T ~, ,:i , aell, convey and confirm, anto the anid party ot tLt ~econd part, his hein and ~saisns f.~.. .., ap tbe l~iM~i~ deacrit,ed lot or psrcel of land, sidut~, l~iag and bein` ia the County of Jef feison and S4ste of Colorado, W-wit: The North 250 f.eet of the East 112 of the East 2/3 af the F 1/2 of tFe r'E 114 ~•' ]/4 234' 1/4 of Section 21, Taka~6ip 3 South P.ange 69 F'est except the Esat 2 feet therecf previraala ccmveqed bv deed recorded in Book. 2IE3 at PaFe 77? County of Jefferson, State af Colorado TOGETHER with tlt and eingalar ths h~1'editameats and sPD~aaoes t6ereLo be ,., ;..~ ,~ or rm .,, :' . appertainin¢. aad the .: . ~...:on and revenions, remaind~ ~nd remaindet*, reate, iawa ~od ~ta ~.., .,J; afd al! the estate, riPht, NBe, interest, claim sa3 demand whstsoever of the iaid party of tLe #@st Nrt, eivet is la~ or equity, of, in aad to the stioee bateained premise~, with the heredttamenb and appartenances. TO HAVB AND TO HOLD the wid premiaa abo~e bu~;ained aad dwcrib~d, wilh the a,,, ,., •-•, ., ..~o tY~ eaid party o! the eecond parE, his hein and assipns fore-er. Aad the wtd party of ffie lirst paet. foz lis~ ~ Mis~• ezautoa, and administraWri, das coeeaant, grant, bargain, and tRree W and with t~ aaid p~etT o! t6~ aec~ei paR hi~ hefa md usigas, thst at the time of the ensealing and delitery of th~ ,,,.: .,... , Es is w~l ni:ed a[ tit ,,. ., ;, above wnaeyed, ea of Rood, eure, perfec~ abwlutA and iadefeasible eatate of laheriLa~e, ia law, ia fe~ ~ispte. ~1 Laa Aood rfghk tull power and lawlu! authorfty to arnnt, bar~ain, seU and ..... , the Wne fa mana~r ~d fie~ a~ aforesaid, and that the eame are free and clear feom all forme~ and ot6er `raats, betpinf. Mla. lieaf. 4ie~. asseaamenb and encumbrence~ of wtutever kind or ndtnreeoerer. oxro~f tnxPa F~r to7R nArrPle • irv:`-.~~..' _ . - . .r . . .,,~~,:'-i..A . ~ ~ Public Works Shop Legal Description from Book 2221 Page 664 Schedule A Pazce] A That portion of the west 255 feet of the East half, Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the East half , Northwest Quarter of said section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of the East half, Nofthwest Quarter of said Section 21; Thence Easterly parallel to said South line a distance of 255 feet; Thence northeriy parallel to the West line of the East half, Northwest Quarter of said Sec6on 21 a distance of 310 feet to a ponat 710 feet North of the North line of the County Road known as the North Golden and Denver Road or West 44th avenue; thence Westerly pazallel to the north line of said County Road a distance of 255 feet to a point on the West line of the East Half, Northwest Qnarter of said section 21, thence southerly along the West line of the East Half, Norfhwest Quarter af said section 21 a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning, Counry oF defferson, State of Colorado. Pazcel B That portion of the East 2 feet of the East Half, Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of section 21, township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of ihe South line of Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, thence Northerly along ffie east line of She East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21 a distance of 27426 feet to the Northeast corner of the East Half, Northwest Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quatter of said Section 21; thence VJesterly along the North line of the E.ast Half, Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of rivo feet; thence Southerly parallel to the east line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 27426 feet to a point 1049.09 feet North of the South line of the Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterly a distance of 2 feet to the point of beginning, CounTy of Jefferson, State of Colorado. From Reception #78019687 The North 250 feet of the West Y~ of the East 2/3 of the East'h of the NE 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th P.M. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. From Reception #78019688 The North 250 feet of ffie East'/z of the East 2/3 of the East %: of the NE I/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West except the east 2 feet thereof previously conveyed by deed recorded in Book 2183 at Page 771, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ~ ~ i j~ 33' D(851~13 D(85101319)33'_, w.l I :_ 33' ~ D(85101328) '--- s -I - - --- ---- -~-- g 6 I i(85101327)33' -, ~I I,_. ~ ~ ~ y I !_ 33' D(85101326) ~ I G C I(86039515)33'_, , o ~ ~ w D o ° U , ~ a ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ N W I W N Q N ~ A ~? d R• P(78-16) ~° _AO -. N w I ~ (Jt A W „ ~'' v tp ~ N (n O ~ p ! ~W O V =-~ j 1 i'-- I--I-- ~ 1 1 ---~--PIERSON ST ~ -'"~}--- PIERSON ST ---+-- }---~ ' i i o~ i ~, i r , ~33~- ~° ~ N N ~ V of `. 0 ao a~ ~~ v -w-I- 1 w ~+ 0o m ? v °°, cc 1 ~ o~ N ~ J ro V ~ D(20A4-2 ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ . _ sa~~~ ~ P(15-45) < m rn ~ ° tN,a ~ D(85101324~' ~ ~ W p I ~ A N ~ ~ ' v 40' _, ~ ~ ~ .I_ 33'D(85101322) D(957-73) I ~ ---- ---- -.~ ---' ---- ----t- - ----- ~ D(TO BE FILLED IN)33' -. ~. I i ~ ~ ~` 1~ ~ 1 , , ~ + ~ , ---- PARFET ST 1 ' ~ ' r ~~ ' t ° rn ~ ~ . _ 33' D(85101321) ~ D I ° i' so~ ~ ' ~ a, ~ ._-• I ~ sb~ ~ P(46-33) ~` ~ o I ~ 7 D(86016712)33' _, ' 4~' _, S m. ~ ~ D(838-471) ~ o 0 ~ ~ ~ ,~ 33'D(86049890) ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ D(86087651)6'-.~ ; ~ ~ Z i cn u~i o 30' .~ I.. _. ~ ~ w°° ~~ ~ ~ A vl P(36-55) , 33' ~(86087655) I ~d° 1 ~ < m c n I ~ OWENS ST------~ «- ' ~ L ~ --- - -- ----- , , ~i i ~ so~_. I'_ ~ . ~ OWENLSi ;T ~ ~ ~ ~ m ; > ~_.__._ , ~ ~i P(36-55) , D(86087652) 8' -..~~ D(87020512)33'_, ,_ 1 1 I ' I---OAK ST ~-----~-~ ' 33, ~(ssoasas~) ~ ^ ^ °i ~r o i ~~ ~3'D(86087656) 0 A 0o Oo A T~ m ... ~ N 0'18'35' W rJo, --r, 2645; ~ ~ 11/1.~/96 Ti7B 1ti:01 FAS 50 424 U828 VALLLY ri,1'i~:n L+u ~ : _ ~FC~ivF~ ~a~r ~ i ~J ~ ~ 7500 WE57 2gTH AVENUE ~ P.O e0x 638 The Crty of . WHEAT RiDGE, CO 9003a-Ofi3B (303) 234-5900 c~heat i ~' City Admin. Fax ~ 234-592C Palite Dept. Pax # 235-2948 +~2~~e ! 11/6/96 • The Wheat itidge Department of Community Aevelopment has received a reqnest £or aDnrov~l of a rezoning from Public BaildiY~as and E'acilities to ~gr1r ~~tn_rAl -,,, one ,~nd BAP~OVa1 of a SAecial Use Permit. ' at the proper~y descrined beiow. Yaur response to the £o1l,owing questiqns and any commen~s on this proposai wauzd be appreciated by ~vos~erpber 18 . No response £rom you by this date will constitute no objsctions or concerns regarding this proposal. ~~P.SE NO: WZ-9`o-13/City of Wheat R3.dge ~ LOCATION: 11200 W. 45th Avenhe R~QUESTED ACTION: Appzoval of a rezoning from Public Suilding and Pac9.lities to agricultuxal - one and approval of a special use permit to Sllow qovernment buildings with outside storage and repair. PURPOSB: To bring zoning into contormance with use as a City faciYitp. APPROXIMATE ARfiA: N/A 1. Are pubiia faoilities or service8 provicTed by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO . If "NO", pleasE 9xplain helow. Unlcnow~~-addi.*~^^*~'. lu~es ana ~.re t~ya,_a.~:s ma.y b~ rieea~d to meet AEPD sequi~-G,M..~ Z• Are serv~.ce linea available to the 8svelopment? YE5 „ NO . If "NO", piease expiain below. A IIni£aed Oc+mership P.gree- mant and curnent tap fee wi17. lae needed far a`ciclitionaZ servi~ - see attached letter 3. no you have adequate capacities to service the deveiopment? XES ~ NO, . If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and wili your agen0y service ~hi.s prapoaed development subject to your zuZes and regu2at3ons? . _ , . ' ' YE$ X No .~If "N4", please explain beiqw. 5. Are there any concerns or probiems your agency has identified which wouZd or shouid affact approval of ~his request? See att-~•.t~,~l letter Please repiy to: ,6~~"1~.. ~~ nepartment of Plann3.ng & Development DISTRIHUTIQN: --G7ater District (v~u-£N y ~anitation bistric~ (~,v~~r4~&) ~ire District (A+wao~, ) Adjacent City ( ) •~~ublic Service Co. ~-U5 West Communications State Land Use Commission State OeoiogiCal Survey ColoraC4a Dept. o# TranspoY~tStion Coaorado Diw. o£ wi1d13Ee ~CI of Colorado ~ x~~~~adr.a.. Jef£erson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co, Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post 0££ice .W'R Police Dept. _„W'R Pubiic Works Dept. W R Parks & Reeres~ion Com. W R Fores~ry DiV. W R Building Div. <pc>referra].form NOV-iS-~S MON 12:~ PM FRUITDALE SAFVITRTI4N ~~g~ 5977 P.01 ~ ~00 WEST 28TH AVENUE A.O. 80X 639 WHEAT RI~GE. C~ $0034-0638 Giry Admi~. Fax # 234-592A i~rs~96 ~303)234•5900 Police ~ept. Fax ~ 235-29d9 The City of ~~18St ~h'.idge The Wheat Ridge Departraent o£ Community neve7.opmen~ has recei.ved a requesf foY` ~ornva'i of a r.eynninq f,xpm Public Su,ildinas and Facilitie~ ~o a.ar~.~„7rn.rAi - ona anr7 anbroval o~ a S'-L.ecia7. IIse Perm3,t. ~ ~~ ' at the proper~y described.balow. Your response to ~he foilawing questions and any commen'ts ari t'his propoSal would be appreciated by NovembPr ls . No response from yon by this da~e wi11 canstitute ~o ob~ectiona or Gonaerns regardinq this proposai. CASE N0: WZ~96-13/City of W~eat Ridge LOCA~'SON: 2.Z200 W. 45t1a Avenue REQUESTED ACTIdN: Appx'ovax of a rezoning from Fublio Hui18S.ng and Facilities to agriaultura.~. - one and approval of a special use permit to a11ow gov~rY~ment buildings with outsade storaqe and xepazr. PURPOS~: mo bring zoning izxto con~ormanoe wi~h use as a City fac~.J,ity. APPRqXIMATE 7~REA: N/A 1. Are pub2ic ~aoi13~3.ea or serv~ces provided by yoar agenoy adeguate to serve this deve~.opmen~7 YES }j _ NO , Tf "'NO", plgase expiain below. ~ . ~. Are servzce lines availabie to th~ deveZopment? YES Y_ NO I£ "PID", please 8xpl~in below. ~• _ . 3• no ycsu have adequate oapacit~.es ta service tha development2 YES ~ NO . If "Na", pl~ase expl~in below. 4. Caz~ and wi],1 pour agency s2rv3ce this proposed development subject to your r es and segulations? Y~$ ~ NO . If "PIO", glease explaiil helow. 5_ Are there any concerns or problems your agency has ide~~i~i~d'4T ~RID~~ would or should a£fect approvai of this request? '~~11r'~~~'"'- ~ ~~~.~w-~'' /,~l 18 ~996 !U ~- ,; ~~}~ .~ Piease rep.~y to: /'~'t.r~e.-¢T. /~" , n ~-1 i ' Dspartment o~ Planning & Development `~i1~L,~~'~~ « ~Ia^TRTSUT20N: j •- .._ _~_r + ~c/n~,..~K 1. ~anitation Dis~ric~ ('~'~~ra~u-a } ~ - ~ii~e ,r1~'cr1UF [+-~.w+w+,-K ~ . Ad~acent Ci~y ( } ~ublic Servica Co, .~t7S Wes~ Communiaa'~ions State Larid USe Commissip[t State Geolqgical Survey Colorado nept. of ~'ranspor~ation Cqlt~rado Biv, of SViidlife .'f`Ci of Colorado ,~ ~-%"--', ~~Vi~O$~1traT Je~ferson Ca.~,LH„~~~~lx"Dept. Jetfsrson Co. SahoDls Jefferson Co. Commissioners Benver Water Eoard W R Post Qf£3.C@ ~Tt Po1iCg Dept, ,yFY'tt Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Bearea~3on Com. W B Forestry Dfv. W R Building Div. <pc>refaxralform rj rr„ i u,f A,;.. ~ ~ VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO tS0034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 FAX 424-0828 November 19, 1996 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 Dear Meredith: Per our phone conversation regarding response form for Case tdo. ti~Z-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge, I ofier the fol- lowing comments and information: 1. Additional lines and £ire hydrants may be needed to meet Arvada Fire Protection District requirements. 2. The current service line-serves the main public works structure. An adclitional structure would require an ad- ditional water tap per Valley Water Distriot rules and reg- ulations, unless it is specifically approved by the Board of Directors of the District. This would allow a Unified Ownership Agreement with the City o£ Wheat Ridge for more than one structure per service. Attached is a letter of June 10, 1996 for this request. I discussed this matter with the Board of Directors of the District at the June 11, 1996 Board r4eeting. The Board authorized the use o£ a Unified Ownership Agreement and agreed to charge only the per unit tap fee of $3,000.00 normally charged. I advised John Oss of the Board's decision and he said the project would proceed-later on this year and that he would get back to me at that time.to proceed with a Unified Agree- ment. If you have any questions, please give me a call. 5incerely, ~I~ ~~~~~ Robert Arnold District Manager 11/],9/98 TUE 16:00 FA% ~ 424 0828 VALLEY 1YATER DIS~ ~ 4 VALLEY WATER AISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WI~AT R,iDGE, COLORADO' 80034 TELEpIiONE 424-8861 FA]C4Z40928 ~ ~7ovember 19, 1996 Meredith Reckert City of Whe~t Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Whe~t Ridge~ CO 80214 Dear Meredith: Poat-IC Faz Note 7671 ~l.~l~ //. CaJDep ••~'y~ ~ J.( r'Gr o / ! / P1qnB R Fac S a~ooi IDale~/~,~(/ G, IP~a~ ~ IFrom ~^~%^l ~ 1 /A~.~/'~~~~~ , /~~,,~_/,y~ ICo. /1LC~~a"~'/~.U~/j/'~ I I Phefie# ! "-•~ ~Fe7tA i Per oux phone conversation regarding zesponse fonn far Case No. WZ-96-13/City o~ WYxeat Ridge, 2 offer the fo1- lowing aomments and information: 1. Additional lines and ~ire hydrants may be needed to meet Arvada k~ire Protec~~on District reguirements. 2. The ourrent service line serves the main public works structure. An additional structure would require an ad- ditional water tap pex Valley Water District rules and xeg- ulations, unless it is specifically approved bp the Board o~ Di~ectors o~ the Distxzct. This would a11ow a Unified Ownership ,~greement with the Citp qP Wheat Ridge £or more . than one structure per service. Attached is a letter of June 10, 1996 for this reguest. I disaussed tteis matter with the 8oard o~ Directors o~ the Dis£rict at the June 11, 1996 Board Meeting. The Board authorized the use of a Uni~ied Otanership Agreement and agreed to charge only the per unit tap fee of $3,000.00 normalZy charged. _ z advised John Oss of the Board's decision and he said the projeat would pso~eed Zater on this year and that he would get back to me at tha~ time.to praoeed with a uni~ied Agree- ment. Tf you have any ques~ions, please give me a call. S in cerel.y, ~~ ~~~ " "_ -' Robert 2lrnold nistrict Manager 11~'vG9l96 TUE 1G:01 FA%~ 424 0828 VALLEY ~PA'PER DI$~ .~.. .~'r , ~iB Til~j~ Of 7504 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT FiIPG6, COLORADp $0295 ~Theat ~Ridge June 1~, 1996 Eob lamold, Manager Valley Watex pistricC P.O. ~ox 9 Wheat Ridge, Co BD034 RE: New Public Works Shops Auxiliary Bui.lding r~ooz - - - ._- - -. ° - . . -- --- ------- ~ 'Dear ~b, I en~oyed talking with you last Thursday morning about th~ city's upcoming Auxiliary Bua.lding at the City Shops yard located at 11220 We5t 45tkt A'venue. A5 we discussed, the City is propasing to construcL a heated storage building for housing of street sweepers during the win- ter: In addition Go the heated storage ~rea, the building wi1Z also house ~ ema11 restroom and a heated work akzop. The restroom will have a flush stool and a hand sink and the workshop will have a uti7.ity sink. During the design and bidding process for this project we had asaumed we eould COnnBCt these facilities into th~ existing 1.5 inch tap serving the aite. z understand th~ nistrict has concerne about allowing more than one bui7.ding acoess the same water tap because of the ~o~ential for sale of the separate structures to different ownera. I understand from our discussion that the Valley's Soard sometimes approves situations such as oure through isauance oE a IInified Ownership Agreement which provides ~or a common tap for several different s~ructures while under common. ownership_ Please consider this letter a formal requeat on behal£ of tihe City of Wheat Ridge to enter into a Unified Ownership Agreement with Valley Water Aistrict for the water service.to the proposed new conatruction at the City 5hops. Pleaee contact me at Z35- 2863 for further information, etc. ReapectfuZly, ~ ~ JOhYl Osa, PE senior Project Engf.neer i (3D3) 234-5900 • APMINISTAA714N FN(: 2345924 • POLICE OEPARTMENT FA7(: 235-2949 ~Ee~av~a ~~qr ~ t ~ 7500 WES"i 29iH AVENUE P O. BOX 63S WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034~0638 (303) 234-5900 Clty Admin. Fax # 234-592a 11/6j96 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 i o~~NEar~ The Cify of ~~i '` ~O ~Wheat ~ i m ~Ridge ~°toRa°o The wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request £ox~ annr~~~a1 of a rezonina from Public Buildinqs and Facilities to aaric,~ltural - one and aonr.oval of a Special Use Permit. ___ ' at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by No~~ember 18 . No response from you by this date will constitute no objeations or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-9&-13/Cizy o£ Wheat Ridge LOCATION: 11200 W. 45th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a rezoning from Public Building and Facilities to agricultural - one and approval of a special. use permit to allow government buildi.ngs with outside storage and repair. PURPOSE: To brinq zoning into conformance with use as a City facility. APPROXIMATE AREA: NfA 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES _NO .?f "NO", please explain below.Unknaan-additional l~nes and fire hydrants may be needed to meet AFPD requi.c..~...ts 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES V NQ . If "NO", -please explain below. A Unified Ownership Ac,Jree- 3. Do toul hacve ade~uate calacitieeseto serv'aioe~the dev o mentattached 7.etter Y q P P YES v NO . If,"NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES X NO _~. I£ "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identi£ied which would or should affect approval of this request? 5ee attached letter Please reply to: / -- _ ~~ ~ . Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: ~Gdater District.(~~~-~-~W ) ~anitation District (FR.~rrwQ4a ) ~ire District (A~pQ~ ) Adjacent City ( ) ~ublic Service Co. i[IS West Communications State Land Use Comm3ssion State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div, o£ Wildlife J1{CI of Colorado Jef£erson Co. Health Dept. JefPerson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post O£fice ,W~R Police Dept. ~d'R Public Works Dept. W I2 Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. W H Building Div. <pc>referral£orm ~~ x,,,,a.,r.,,,, • MLMUKANDUlV~i Approved TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer <_ DATE: November 12, 1996 SDBJ: 11200 West 45th Avenue, WZ-96-13 - Rezone The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated November 6, 1996 for the above re£erenced site, and does not have any comments at this time. cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Glen Gidley, P7.anning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File Date ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 633 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 11/6/96 {303)234-5900 Police Dept. Fax # 235~2949 ~ The Cify of ~Wheat ~Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department o£ Community Development has reCeivad a request for abbroval of a rezonina from Public Buildinas and Facilities to __ aaricultusal - one and aoproval of a Special Use Permit. . __,__ _ " at the propesty described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ~TOVember 18 No response £rpm you by this date will constitute no objections or oancerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ric3ge LOCATION; 11200 W. 45th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a rezoning from Publia Building and Facilities to agricultural - one and approval of a special use permit to allow government buildings with outside storage and repair. PURPO5E: To bring zoning into conformance with use as a City facility. APPROXIMATE AREA: N/A 1. Are public £acilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO .- I£ "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the develogment? YES NO . If-"NO", please axplain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO . If "230", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affact approval o£ this request? Please reply to: DIST-RIBUTION: .~vater nistrict (v~N.£K ) ~an3tation District (F~~rpaaa) ~'ire District (A~ad°~ ) Adjacent City ( ) ~ublic Service Co. ~Lf5 West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife i'1fC2 of Colorado /ti~ Department of Planning & Development Jefferson Co. Health Degt. Je££erson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W A Post Office ~7'R PoliCe Dept. ~+d'R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. W R Building Div. <pc>referral£orm <i X.r roleJVaP~ ~~ ( ~ ( ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Pubtic Hearing is to be held before the City ot Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on December 14, 3996, at 730 p.m. at 754Q West29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Coiorado. All interested citizens aze invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written commenu. The following petitions sha(I be heard: Case No. WZ-96-13: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning from PBF (Public Building and Facilities) to A-1 (Agriwltural-0ne) and for a Special Use Permit to allow govemmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. Said property is located at 11220 West 45th Avenue and is Iegally described as foliows: That portion of the west 255 feet of the East half, Northwest Quarter of Section 21. Township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal N~eridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the East half , Northwest Quarter of said section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of the East half. Northwest Quarter of said Section 2 E; Thence Easterly paraltel to said South iine a distance of 255 feet; Thence northerly paralle[ to the Wes[ line of the Eas[ half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 2I a distance of 310 feet w a point 710 feet North of the North ]ine of the County Road known as the North Goiden and Denver Road or West 44[h avenue; thence Westerly parallel to the north line of said Counry Road a distance of 255 feet to a point on the West line of the East Half, Nophwes[ Quatter of said section 2l, thence southerly along the West line of the East Half. Northwest Quarter of said section 21 a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginn ing, Counry of Jefferson. State of Coforado. And, That portion of the East 2 feet of the East Half, Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of section 2 i, township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 2 i, said point being I 049.09 feet North of the South line of Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, thence Northerly along,the east line of the Eazt Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21 a distance of 27426 feet to the Northeast comer of the East Half. NoRhwest Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwes[ Quarter of said Section 21; thence Westerly along the North line of the Last Half, Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of two fee[; thence Southerly parallef ro the east line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to a point 1049.09 feet North of the South fine of the Souihwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterly a distance of 2 feet to the point of beginning, County of lefferson, State of Colorado. And, The North 250 feet of the West '/, of the Eas[ 2/3 of the East %, of the NE i/4, S W 1/4. N W 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th P.M. Counry of Jefferson, State of Colorado. And, The North250 feet of the East %: of the East 2/3 of the East Y of the NE I/4, S W V4, N W i/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West except the east 2 feet thereof previously conveyed by dee rded in Book 2183 at Page 771, County of Jefferson, State of Cglora~e,~ , ~ Marii~n Gunn, Wanda Sang, City Clerk 'I~o be Published: November 29, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript ~ . ,. ~ .t- : ~ 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat i2idge, Colorado Telephone 303/ 237-6944 December 5, 1996 The City of Wheat ~~ Ridge This is to inform you fhat Case No. _W7.-9h-73 which is a request for~nroval of a rer.nnin~ irnm Planned Suildinn.c ~ Facilitie.s tn Anriculiur~l-One & annrnvnl ofa Snecial Use Permit tn allnw QnvPrnment bui[dinns with nutside storaae aszd renair #'acilitiec for nronertv Incated at U220 West 45th Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION in the Council Chamhers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 P.M. , on Decem&er 79. 199h All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the PLANNING COMMISSION. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. Ifyou have any guestions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank You. PLANNdNG DIVISION . , ' D'aaeie Mattox Duane Hufford Lee Fedel 45 iS Robb St. 4495 Pierson St 4480 Pierson Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheaf Ridge, CO 80033 Kent Young Chuck Florey Phil Edwazds 11280 W. 46 Ave I 12ZI W. 44 Ave 11297 W. 44 Ave Wheat 12idge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Linda CIazk William Hall Cheryl L. Best 11305 W. 44 Ave 11301 W. 44 Ave OR CLTRRENT RESIDENT Wheat 12idge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 11210 W. 46 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James Dragon Patricia Calderon Jacqueline D. Ross 11240 W. 46 Ave 4485 Pierson St. 11125 W. 45 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80~33 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lester Williams Ttoy J. Swaitwood 4593 Pazfet SY. 11295 WE. 44 Ave . Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 'Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 J j ' • '_'.- . _ . _ ' PO6T0.GE ' _-i ___ _ i wiSh t0 f2c0ive th0 I "-~ ~~ ~ i ~.. ~p~te irems i aM/cv 2+or aclditional services. 'AETUAN snow ro w~oM omEn~ ,-~ __. ___ ~3LRF; - P~ U - following services (for an exha fee):~ N YWr name a o , ~.,.,,,~„ ~~ .,~~. ~,.,.n s~that xre can reNm th nooeess op oE VEav . RECEIP7 ;„,~`a~- ~~ is caN 1. ^ AddfE5S22'S AddIESS ~ CEPTIFIEOFEE+RETIIRNfl ~ . SERVICE ~ _ .+~ y`~~ rorm to the trom ot ihe maitpiece, or an .re axx rr spn:e me~„ rni~ - 2- O Restricted Delivery m ~ ~. TOTALPJSTAGEANCFEES -qT~aRMUrRqeC¢IpIlMIISM1OWMwY1~inlpednlclewan~eL'$~I¢0''7TdlY1P(IytEtlelN2red. CiOIlSU~tpOStI11`d5}OffOi'feE. rt1 rw wa~w~rvcc cweF,=~ S~I~.~TO: ~+orronir+rEex~S.ArHcteAddressea-t6: ~ ~~-'-- ~, -- qa,qrticleNumber ~ .. . f!(XN _ __ ~ --- ---Na~atxe ?d.attox - -- - D1iti36 M~~tOX - - .`° P 9 6 [7 413 3 9 2 Q 4~~~ ~'J~,l}7 $t ~- '~~~- •-"°=.O.E>~ St 4h. Service Type Q~- irlh+~at Rfdg+~, C ` ",-•+'k:e~t :tidgc>., ::c~ .~t3t333 ~ CERTIFIED ~ ~$°'B~"I.~ 3ENDER: ' ~, _,..~. ` E; I also wish to receive the ~ c~nWe~e nems ~~,aio~ z ror ada~nonai ser~~res. following services (for an extra fee~: ~ ` '-~'- ~ __~ . _ __: i Print your name and atltlre :s on the reverse of this form so that we can reWm this `- ~ w w card 1 ^ Addressee's Address - ~ -~ . _,~u~. ~ . ""~ ~ ~µ „ t POSTAGE ~r-R{(y'~ry~rg~-ofiml3YFSPYtiiaolthe~nellpiece,e~„~,~;~o,;3~xas~ceaoes~ot~rmn. -~'L1Hestnc[eauelivery ., ^ ~' qETURN ^ ~ sHOYV To wHONf DAi€ I". ~ pa qeNm Fi~`ec`~ipt~fli ~iww w u.FTOrr(the artic!e was tleliveretl antl ihe date delNeretl. '~nAEAS oF oEUVEPV l ~ Consult postmaster for fee. ? j RECEIPT I GERTIFIEDFEE+qETUa~~!~cIeHU(1tES5Etli0: ""' " - ~~ 4a. Article Number ^' SeavicE 1 I ~' I TOTAL PoSTAGE AN~ Fe2 - , i ~ ~~ ~~,~~,N,:~ ~` ~~_~ x~ n_ ~ae~ ' ~ .. ., P 9 6 0 413 4 4 4 m SENT TO: I r+orroRr..,., ~ --- -- __.- -;- ~:_Nt.~_ _ i t l ? . .i ~ j flVn - -_.. r ?~b. Service Type i :',~itt~t 2~~#f~~r Cv , . , ~'ac3~ue7.ine ~, ° ~~-~RTIFIED---- 0 113..23 W. 85 ~_ o-n., ~~~ ~~~~~ f = - - - - , 7. Date of Delivery ~F~P,-~~"Z,'s a - - - -•-- ~ - - ~ _ . . , : ~oeR: ~UL-4&_i3 .~~e~e~~e~,a~~o~2~waaa~~~~a~s~~~es. ~. iaiSoW~gnro~~~e~~eme ~° following services (for an exira fee): i ~~ ~ '~Cyaucna~ar~d address on ihe reverse of fiis torm w that we can reNrn this cak , ~ ~ p G ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,,, 1. ^ Addressee's Address 1 I p ~ ~ ,,,,,., RETURN ~~his fo~m to ihe t~oM Of ihe maup~ece, or on ~I w n~~da~~srmn. 2. IJ ~testncfe3Uelivery ~ I sHOwlowHOn+,oarel-`~ RECEIPT ~oqESSOFOEINERY-~-1iEAeWrnRecelpiwinsnowmwnon~[rromnciawaeem~.e~..,.rntlthedatetlellveretl. COnSU~tpOStff185teffoff00. ~ O CERTIFIEOFEE+PETUR~,~f~IC~ /~ !~: - - - -~ SEFVICE - -- ~ far(IGIP N11711L70! _ - S -:-I TDTALPQSTAGEANOFE~ _.V._ ~ Ls : ` ` ~~ ~^,~~^~~«~ - norFae SENT TO: ~ "--- F~ 9 6 L] 4 i~ 4 0 5 n ~ ~,.~~~ ~.~ - `~~ = ~ _ - _ 4b. Service iype ~ s tr. _.. :s.~_:. - t~ia~y1 L. 3. 3" s.i,es~3 - - - - CU~i.~cex REl:i ~'neat R~td~;r•_, C"~:3 ~~J~:s3 ~ CERTIFIED ~ ~k~ ~~* 4~' ~ a. ~E4L4~ 1~.C4 ~, ,.r_- 6v'~P}.f.~i3 ~l a ' -- 7. Date 6f Delivqer~ G~ /' ~~^ ^ a / /,6 ' o ~~~~~~3 -~:Received By: (Print Narne) 8. Addressee's Address ' - . (ONLY i£ requested and tee paid) ..... . .~.. __ . .~_~ ~ ~ aos,nce - °6. ~ . I`A7`tlres ~.: ~., „ge'iF) ~ RETURN SHOW io wHOM onTE ~~k~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i - - - ~o~ssoFOEweav - ~~~ ~ - -~ ` ~ ~` ~ G~ RECEIPT } _- __. o LERTIFIEO FEE i RETL• seavice os ~n~na 3811, danuary ~9ss`""""~"' • •~omestic Return Receipt " ' S , TOTAL PoSTPGE ANO FE ~ ~ Ry IYV 11Y5UHXNVG V ~ SENT TO: r+mroRw,~ - ._ = _ , ~ - - ~ - - _ ~, ~~~~ ~~~~r~~At7acn mis form lo tiie f'r6nt`of t~he mal~c~, oron-Fe 5ack „,uaw ,,,,~„~„-pmni " ~ t.- I 2. u Restricted Delwery ~e Relum Receipt vntt shmv to wfidm Cfie Srfide was deliveretl antl the date delivered. I Consult postmaster for fee. i=~~7 ~ ~4 ~ - - ~ • 3_A.rticle Atldressed ro: ' '--- - ' ' - ~ "- ~ ~~$~ ~d~$ ~~ , . 4a. Article Number -~~~ ~=~*~~~d$ ` P 9 6 0 413 4 ~ 4 a j~i«~i~~~~,~, ,~ ~.~~~ "d+ 'z$ :1~STEt 4p: Service Type ~ ~ ~ - - - L:~ed3.~ ~.~ 1~JA ~t'7 '~f)~3~'~ y' ~ • ~ . r ~ CERTIFIED -- ~ ~~' ~ . , PS FORM 3800 ~S Pu~_. "_' ~f ~e}~ ~~¢~ - _ __ - .- . -. ~~/ ^ ~ ! / ' 1 ~~ 5. Received By: (PriM Name) ' 8. Addr~ssee's Address - _ _ (ONLY if requesied and tee paid.) ~ ~ ~ . 6. Si9nat : (Ad es or / ~~ I -. i ~PS_ 3 1, Janua 96 ~ ~.~ _ , _ - - Domestic Return Receipt ~ 1 . m O S m a s 0 ~ ~ d I1J O S m r9 S 0 .a o- CL ;; ~ ~ S m a S ~ ~ ~ a '~'~Rrticle Atldressed to ~ - ---_ .z~- - ,,. -~ ~ 4a. Article Number . . ~. ._. ,. ..,.,. v.,. _.....~~ _ . _ - _ _ PoSTAGE ~. ' ~ - - - RETURN I SHa^1 ~o wHCVA Ga'"c ~ -~- r p PECEIPT A`~AESSOFOEtNEaV - ~a,~(J~ ~~ ~Y ~:~H 4b.ServiceType I GERTIFIEDFEE-REWF-~ ~ SERVIGE } ' ~-'3~-~.£~"e r '~ ~1'1.3r.3 ~ _ ~ S _...I TOTPLPOSTAGENNDFEI~ - -- ~~~~~~~w~rc€ .s°g`~ f?~-CER'fIF1ED _ m SENT T~: Horcoawiei - ~~:i~.:.~~ - '~• A iq*,ya,,~ _ .. --_ _- ____ orr n~ _ -- - 6~ lf ~ / ~ ! t./ ~ ~~i.bi.LilitL ~Q~.. : O j,],3Q }, ~+j. d~+~ S.~Received By: (Prirtt Name1 ~~ 8. Addressee`s/+.ddress ~ o-n., y~r,tat R~,t~E~€1 _ (ONLY if re~ested and fee padJ ~ ~~~~~-~~ 6. S' re: (Add ssee or Agerrt) ~~ - - ~ _ r~y~~/ ~o ,;, ~' Ps~ 11, ~anua~y~ "~ ~ Domestic Return Receipt ~ ~F3 FORM 3800 US.= ~ ' - - ~ ~ ^ ~ . ~ ,^ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ •, . ._ vcinu.............. - a e _. . ~ ^~ - - - - -- ~ ._ ---~~ .:,.~..._ ,~--- - - o - ~ ~ - ~ POSTMARK OA OATE Y - ._. ._ W ~ p~cE ~~~ ~ RETURN I SHOwrowHOM.DnTEa*m~ o~~~qy o / "' o. O ~00.ESSOF~ELWEPY RECEIPT M ~ I LEHTIFIEDFEErflEIDRNRECEIPT SEflVICE ' ~ I iOTALPOSWGEPNOFEEfi - ~ ~ ^"" LL~ n~inaJ`Al+~euuvc~wacPH6VIUEo SENT TC~. 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SENT TO: - r+orvors - - - - _.... ~"' - -~~~. -:,~,~i~- P 960 413 402 .~- - . ,~Q~~i' s~a ~Ma7.`- ~.~..~~~ ~'~• ~~ ~.'Sl~. 4b. Service yPT I1295 PT. '~4 YeTiea~t ktie.+r;ae ~ ~~n33 = CERTIFIED ~~~~ ~~ ,~ - ` _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~€idDER: ;" ~ 3150 WiSh SO fBC2iV6 th2 . >~ Ccmplete items 1 aM/or 21or adtlRional services. following services (for an extra fee): ~ • ^ Prin[ your name antl address on the reverse of this form so ihat we can retum this carC 3 ~ ~j$>4{>~3 ^ Addressee's Address 1 o yw. . _ . _~ i Attac~h this iwm to the fmN of ihe mailpece, or on the bdck if spxe does no~ permit. ~-,~- - ..~~ !@ 2, ^ R25ffICfBd DBIiV21'y _.~ . _ ~ T, ~ '~ lt(€HE~5~j1 R€~i~~ ll cFnw.n wMM iFe artICIC wa3 o¢~IVeieu enu U~e ~n,'~dEliveiv~. -' ~ ~ „~r~sult postmaster for fee. aeTUaN p 7 E sHOwrowHOnn,c~ar`~?~r6c~eaddres§a~+~~~~ ,~ ' '~' qy, I ArticleNumber ~ RECEIP7 v ~ I AooPE55aFOeWEPY ' " 'seawce I cecmFieovee+ae~uar~,.___~~r~r~: ~.- ..,*a,..~~...,.... ~~-~j-6~ 413 401 L , I TOTAI.POSTAGEANOFEE=' 'f'RGJ ~~ZRJSRi~~4• -<Lb. SB~VIGC lY(~e ~ ~~wev~,...~wn.....:.2 - SENFTO: Norroarc+rEm~-°-- F°-S~tiCeY'C~ f,.7L~i.~C~r~~';./.. . ^ ~f ~ ~ CERTIFIED ' , 8~tric3a .: 1;-- i v~ :,.;d 3~NUtK: --------- r 4485 8ie _ ..- ~ 9~ . ~~y'*~ ~,yi' ~~ t~ Comptete Rems 1 aM/or 2 for adtlitional servbes. I a150 wlSh i0 I¢CBiVO thB ~Print your name anC adtlress on the reverse ot ihis form w d~at we can retum ihis cartl fplbwing services (for an extra fee): ~ coyou. 1. ^ Addressee'sAddress ~ i Attach this form [o ihe Eront of tM mtilqece, or on the back if spue dces nW permit. 2. ^ R@SidCYBd DBIN@ry ` ~wgg.~l~ ~~'he Retum Receipt wili show to whom the article was deliveretl and the tlate tlel'rreretl, Opp5111f pOStf112SIBf fOf f00 ~ ~- m m ~ S O ~ ~ ~ i ~ I ~ ~ m n a s O ..a o- t n t ~ ~" m m a S 0 . ~ ~- ~~~~~rl~ _- , ~ 7. Date of Delive ..~_._ f~~~~ ~~'S. Received By: (Print Narne) 8. Addressee's Address _. - , ._.~. ~ -~~~- . ~0~(LY if requested. and fee paid.J ~ _ ~. "-- ~-~-'=" ° -_. ~ .. _.._..,.,~E.,~ ---_.. ~ Pos,;we .. ~_. ee m) ~ _ .. _.. . . i a- ign u ress flETURN SHOwTOwHQ~ L ~ ADOBESSOFO~...~/ ~ ~_, ~ -y~ ~ RECEIPT : ~ To a~FPOS~w~p FO 3811, Jan ..C~~~ , ~ SERVICE ~ ~ uary isss Domestic Return Receipt ~ ` ----...- -- .._..NOTR . ' . _ " . ~.: SENT T0: I 4 ~~y,@'StBS~ °e4S.~..'~.1.L,3:3 4b. Service Type ~R3S+ffi~t~~~~~[ t7ti+e~~~~~u~~r~~v ~4.3.53 ~ CERTIFIED . .. _ .., _.~~ - @ ~---~- --- - - --~ POSTPGE ' J~ RETUflN snow *o wHOan, o~NDER~ems i a~wior 2 tor aadniona~ services. l ~ I dlso wish to receive the i f ll i i f oAessoF oEUV . pr;n~ ,,, „a,,,p ,,,,~ ,~,~„G~ „~ „~, „„„,2, M ,,,:~ ,,,._ ~ RECEIPT Y° 21haLwe.ran_rRlumlhis o ow ng serv ces ( or an extra fee): i _wrtl- CERTIFIEDFEE+RI ~°Y°~ 7. ^ Addressee'sAddress SERVICE _ Altach mis form to ire vom ot a~e manpiece, or on me back rt space aces not permit I IDTPL POSTAGE AN_ _ 2. ^ Restdcted Deliver `J n~ wsmwaZ`i"i~~p~u[nReceipLwill show to whom [he article waz deliveretl and Ne date tleliveretl. SENT TO: -~~ ~-• ;i q COItStlif pOSYf03SfBf f06 fBB. ;~ . rticle ndaressetl m: ^~rArticle Number Chu~k Fl4rey, __~:tcbs. I'Iorr~;{ i T • ~i~2' ~ 3 ` '~. +~~ ~-~_~3'~~~. ~i~• '~~ :,V ~ . P 9 6 0 413 3 9 8 ~y j J 9 ~ ~ g ( ~ ~ ~I{{G~~ d~~L{J.~~: ".C$I~i~rqy C...V~J 1 4b.ServiceTyp2 _ ~ ` ~ CERTIFIED YI$-96-2~ 'v~-'9G-i3__ _ __ . _ -_ ._. ___ ~~.o te t v r _ r __ ' } ~°p$TqGE SENDER: ~~~ ~' ~ T ~ I I also wish to receive the i RETURN SHOW TO WHOM, a• l:om 1~2 ~teml~ s~~Ma T.~[brtiana~ services. ° ~ following services (for an extra fee): ~ ADOPESS 9F DELIN RECEIPT -~'nM your name and address on the reverse of this brm so that we can return Ihis wN ^ Addressee'sAddress 7 I CER~IFIEOFEE-RQ royou. SERVIGE _ I TOTAL PQSTAGE Mt ~ P'~~ ihis f0!(fl t0 ~h21lOfl~ O! Ih2 m211p12CE, Of 00 thQ b2Ck It Sp3C2 dOPS W~ pEfRln. . ~ `2- ^ RQS~I'IC~@d ~2~IV@ly ~ ncE •~~~v „o~~~,~..a=~N, ., sfiow to whom the article was deliveretl antl ihe date tleliveretl. oi " ""~i J Consult postmaster for fee. ~ r ort-_ + SENT FO:, ~~ ~^~~~e aaates etl_~~~ ' 4a.Article Number, Du~Tte $43~1'~,~D i'SUanr~ Ltuf~or~ P 960 413 397 ~k+~~5 ~'~.BL'S'U1-,_ ~4"_~~3 ~~~2`SOXT ~~'.. 4b.5erviceType tRhlA~ Ridg ',~__ Wiseat at~.ct~e~ C:i 3:D?3.3 ' _ ~ CERTIFIED ~~~~~"'~3 SENDER: I also wish to receive the 'i • c epig~ j~gnL, ) arM/er 2)or p~Mit~~,r~al serN Fs ' ` ~ ~ = following services ~f_or ~~ PY+r~ fee)__ i, ares: «~ me re~re~se o~u~~ss~n~i~ u~i rret~~rm~s cs~a cs a ya,~~a~ POSTAGE ' ~ --io ;ou 1. Addressee's Address RETURN I sNOw io wHtt+ ~~~ch ihis form [o ihe front ot tha mailpiece, or on ihe back if space does mf permB. ADOPESSaFOE¢- 2. ^ ReSidCfEd D¢IIV6 CY ~ RECEIPT I CERTIFIEO FEE+ F-~~ keWm fleceip[ wili show lo wnom the a~bcle wa5 Oeliveretl antl ~tla tlate Jelrrcrc __,. LL (qpSUlf p0$ffil2St2f f01' fEE. seav~ce I :.--~,~rficie aaares~ io: TOTAL P0.5TAGE A_,__ ~4a. Article Number I ~NOTFOi_. _ iiQ~tiRV YL415~W1 SEN~TO: ~,R-~~~~~_~~~ P 960 413 395 a~dffi@8 ~1"~!; e- ~'~-~..:. u s- ~k-- .at~.~}-~~= 4b. Service Type y 1124fl W. ~? - WhBdtt R3d&' ~Z-c~~-$3 ~( J~.9~RTIFIED ~ ~ o- m m I~ s ,, n .n ~ a tdZ-g5-13 _ '"~"-~L-13 7. Date of Delivery ~ ~ 5. Received By: (PriM Name) . 8. Addressee's Address PS FORM 3800 ~ -° --'- -'- - --- - - - ~- _ I v~ ~~r i~ requesieo ano ,ae paid.) _--_ - _ - __ _ , i§rtature: (Addressee a AgeM) - -.. . . ` X `~~~t. ~~"~i~ ~_,~,wt.o.~ ~ ' PS FOHM 3i5-I i,, ~anuary is~s. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uomesnc Return Receip~t ~ ~ . : , , , ,. ~;.. , ~ - ~ SENDER~ _- ..__ '. ~ . _ _r I also wish to receive the i ~ i "' -. i ~Pteteltemsl++^ni~. ~~ ~~r arnn~.i aw~~~au ' ~ aosn~e ~~ following services (for an extra fee): i . 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OFFI GI f~L ZONI NG M~hP W+~~,hT RIDGE eo~oR~Do i S M s~,~ ~ ~' _ -_I . 7 _. _' ' - ~a5rN n•r~ ' rw w~` ' ~ ///~~// ~: ~_~~ ~ ;; ,~ _ ~ ,: .,~~ ~_ =~$1` k;;:;;~~ ~ ' 9 .s~/ ~ ~ ; .: i r?~°; ~.= s o~ir;;~. ~-~ ..-. vY~ /i ' .'.'~ ' ~ ~~ r i - ~ //~ f I ~- ~ -'IY./',/ ~-~.-=~ - -- ~ - , ,r= xl ` o ei ~ 8 ' J U^' .ii~' ~~ `,t `~!y~~ ~ ~~~ ~ r • ii/'" i ~.. ~ '~/~ /, ~ C ~'~ ` ~x N ~ - ~zM~ `~ _ i.,J~R a ~'~ _ pi h iN ~-,'~`~, a ~`+-.J ~ :~,~,,, I Fw w r ~ =--i ~ a _ P ~ --~~---1-- --- ~ ~. ~ AREA,REQUIRING 517E Ph\ A?t'RO'JAL -- ' iOC-YEP.R FLOCD °LA;h! ~_'_' G°.PPROXIM?TE LOGa,T!OW -~- ZONE Di5?~'G- 50.JtiDRY - PRRGEVLO- BOUt~r2Y iDES~G~+ATCS OWtd2R5Hi~ NA~ A70?T~: Jimc !5. ~99t ' _ W.= ~R F~r+TURE Las* Re~:~va:: DecemSc 22. '99~ -- -------- . DEMOT=S r!l;L'i°i ° ,V7DRS5=5 / L ` N I~l 2 I ~ .~ b ~ ~ ,~ .~ -__ _ .~ . ~~F ~~ 7?/2T:'cl^ 6:.J:85::6 AfuD 7V~OR'G^J'~.' 23$-7B$] ~~ ~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: PlanningCommission DATE OF MEETWG: December 19, 1996 DATE PREPARED: DJecember 12, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: __ WZ-96-13lCity oT =- _ CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert W heat Ridge ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from PBF to Agricultural-One and SUP approval. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11200 W. 45th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 8025 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 Acres PRESENT ZONING: PSF (Public Building & Fucilities) PRESENT LAND USE: City - Public Works Shops & Maintenance Yard ~, SURROUNDING ZONING: N: R-2, A-1; S: Gl, A-1; E: R-2; W: R-1, A-I , SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: low density residential, agricultural; S: low density residential, commercial; E, W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Public - Fruitdale Valley Master Plan DATE PUBLISHED: November 19, 1996 DATE PO5TED: December 5, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOT[CES SENT: December 5, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: O ATTACHED O NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ( ) ATTACHEP ( ) NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: ~ (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Q SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS p OTHER .TTIRiSDICTiON: The property is within the City ot Wheat Ridge, and afl notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ~ ~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge I. REQUEST The is a request by flie City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning of property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1) and for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. Pursuant to direction from the City Council, Staff will be initiating zone changes on all non- conforming zoned properties which are City of Wheat Ridge facilities. This particular property is the Public Works Maintenance facility and repair yazd. II. ZONING HISTORY City Council, when considering a budgetary expenditure for a new garage at the Public Works shops, requested Staff to prepare a new zone district for "Public Buildings and Facilities". The City has historically had such a district in the late 70's and 80's, however, the regulations were intentionally removed in the Zoning Ordinance re-write in 1988, because it was found to be an unnecessary and confusing requirement. It created an unnecessary burden on the City and other public agencies to rezone every time the City added a new park or wanted to build something on a City-owned property. Unfortunately, those properties zoned PF-1 are still shown on the zoning maps either as PF-1 or PBF (by mistake). There aze three pruperties in the City with this zoning classification which need rezoning: 1. Public Works Shops (subject site) 2. Anderson Park and Maintenance Shops located at West 44th Avenue and Field Street. 3. Valley Water District Office and Shop (no a residence) located at 4300 Oak Street. When the zoning ordinance was rewritten it was intended that public buildings and uses be controlled as conditional uses or special uses within the residential, agricultural, and commercial districts. Staff recommended to City Council that these non-conforming properties be rezoned to A-1. This situation has come to light because there is the need for an additional building on the shops property to allow for equipment storage. Since there is no PBF zone district regulations in place, there aze no standards to meet for setbacks, heigh, etc.. Approval of the rezoning and special use will take care of both the nonconforming situation and the ability to construct additional storage space. It also allows for public input regazding the proposal. Attached under Exhibit `A' is a site plan of the shops property. The new structure is located at the southeast corner of the site and is designated by a"hatching" pattern. The new building will displace existing vehicle parking. Attached under Exhibit `B' is a letter from the Director of Public Works to the neighborhood explaining the request. The proposed structure will be roughly 2,800 square feet in size ~ Planning Division Staff Report Case No. W2-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge ` Page 3 and rivelve (12) feet in height. It wi]] be setback fifteen (15) feet from the eastern properiy line and thirty-five (35) feet from the southern property line. The new building will primarily be used to provide storage for the City's street sweepers but will also have restrooms in it which wi11 be available for use by police officers on the night shifr. III. REZONING CRITET2IA In regard to the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning, Staff has the following comments: That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring he property into conformance, with ihe City of Wheat Ridge, Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area; and, The property has historically been used for a public works shop/maintenance facility both in unincorporated JePferson County and then by the City of Wheat Ridge after incorporation. Approval of the rezoning and special use permit will bring the property's zoning into compliance with zt's historical use, and will conform to the Comprehensive Plan as this property is planned for Public/Quazi-Public Use. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minixnal adverse impacts considering the benefits ta be derived; and, Although the true use of the property could be considered semi-industrial in nature, proper screening will improve connpatibility with the neighborhood. Please refer to discussion under the special use portion of the request. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone; and, There will be no obvious social or recreational benefits to the community as a result of the rezoning. There will be physical benefits of increased storage space for City equipment if the rezoning and special use and resultant building permit are approved. The street sweeping operation will be more efficient, thus providing an economic benefit. That adequate infrastructure/facilities aze available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant witl upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; and, There is adequate infrastructure to serve the property. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating ~ ~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties; and, The proposed rezoning should not negatively affect public, health, safety and welfare by increasing traffic to and from the site. Traffic generation will remain the same. Drainage on the property will follow historic flows. The properties to the east could have a small reduction in the amount of light and air because of the proximity of the proposed building to the eastern property line. 6. That the property cannot reasonable be developed under the existing zoning conditions; and, Under current zoning conditions, no new construction could occur on the property, therefore, Staff concludes that the property cannot be reasonably used under current zoning conditions. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby azeas; and, There is Agricultural-One zoning directly to the north, therefore, spot zoning will not be an issue. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. Staff concludes that the demand from the citizens and businesses in Wheat Ridge for public services and street maintenance from the City will continue to increase. Rezoning, special use approval, and gazage space construction will help meet this increasing demand for service. IV. SPECIAL USE CI2ITERIA Staff hs the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. Approval of the special use will allow the City to continue the historic use of the property as the public shops maintenance and repair facility. Construction of storage for street sweepers will a11ow the program to operate more e~ciency. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Construction of the garage space should have a positive visual affect on persons residing in the ~ ~ Plazming Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge Page 5 area as the equipment which is currently paa-ked outside will be insida a building overnight. The building will itself act as a buffer. Perimeter fencing is a mix of chainlink and chainlink with slats. Construction of solid six (6) foot fence around the entire perimeter or upgrade of the existzng fence would provide additional buffering for neighboring residential properties. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physicaI or operational chazacteristics of the proposed use. The use of the property has historically been a Public Works maintenance facility. There would be no changes regarding day to day operations that would contribute to blight. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water, or noise pollution. Construction of the new storage building may result in a small decrease in the amount of light and air far those residences abutting the eastern property Iine. There should be no increase in the amount of air and water pollution as operations will remain the same. The new building and any new opaque fencing could reduce the amount of noise generated from the shops property. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Land Use Map of the Pruitdale Valley Master Plan designates this property as publia Staff concIudes that proposed rezoning and specia2 use permit woutd confozm to this designation. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, services or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment ofpersons whether on or offthe site. The only change to the property would be the addition of the storage azea on the eastern side of the property. This addition should not have a negative affect on tr~c, parking, or loading. 7. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. Staff would note that the property is nonconforming relative to landscaping (10% required) and residential buffering (minimum of six (6) feet wide strip of landscaping with a six (6) foot high solid fence). The proposed new building will displace parking located west of the existing landscaped planter. Although the building itself will act as a buffer, a six (6) foot high solid fence around the entire perimeter would provide additional visual protection. ~ Planniug Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge Page 6 8. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parts, schools and other public facilities and services. All ufili6es can serve. There should be no affect on schools and pazks and minimal affect on public streets in the azea. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 22, 1996. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert - Staff Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Diane Mattox - 4515 Robb Street Duane Hufford - 4495 Pierson Street Lere Fedel - 4480 Pierson Street Kent Young - 11280 W. 46th Avenue Chuck Florey - 11221 W. 44th Avenue Phil Edwards - 11297 W. 44th Avenue Concerns expressed included the following: The possibility of alternate locations on the shop site for the new building (it was determined that this was the only feasible location). The potential use of skylights versus windows on the east side of the new building. Where would vehicles and construction equipment be parked during construction? Potential noise levels during construction. Any storage of paint or flaminables in the new building? The possibility of upgrading the fence along flie eastern property line (wood versus chainlink). The property owner to the east commented that he didn't like the height of the building and the windows on the east side. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire Protection District may require an additional hydrant. ~ Valley Water District will require a Unified Ownership Agreement in lieu of a new tap plus the tap fee normally charged. ~ ~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 7 Case No. WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In regard to the rezoning, Staff conclude that the property is currently non-conforming in light of the zoning and the use of the property, however, the use and proposal zoning conform to the Comprehensive Plan. Staff further concludes that City Council directed Staff to initiate rezonings on all City-owned properties which have non-conforming zonings. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for the rezoning portion of this request. In regard to the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair, Staff concludes that this will allow the historic use of the properiy to be continued. Staff further concludes that if proper buffering is provided (with existing fencing and upgraded fencing where needed), the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit support approval of the request. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for the special use portion of this request with the following condition: Solid fencing be provided around the entire perimeter of the property. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS R EZ(1NTNl; Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-13, a request for approval of a rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance, 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezonings on a11 nonconforming City-owned properties, and, 3. Staff recommends approval". Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-13, a request for approval of a rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities to Agricultt~ral-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. SPECTAL USE PF.RMIT Option A: "I move that the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 112Q0 West 45th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: ~ Plaiming Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge 1. It will allow historic use of the property to continue, 2, The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, 3. Staff recommends approval. Page 8 Option A: "I move that the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repaar for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be DENIED for the following zeasons: ~ 1. 2. 3. CASE NQ: WZ-96-13 PUSLIC HEA.RING SPEAKERS' LIST DATE: December ]9, 1996 REQUEST: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning of property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue from Public Buildings and Facilities (P$F) to Agricultural- One (A-I} and for approvai ofa Speciat Use Permit to allow governmental building with outside storage and repair facilities. QvF ~ XFR N A MF~ AT171RF.CR R. nvnrr~ !ni c O CF DA7N7'~ ~/,- i~~d`C' ~..~octr~~- it~Q `a,~{ia~t~u~, ~KQ g51'~ Positior on Request (Ptease cher.kl TN FA~7l1F _[lAA(1CFT1 ~° • • ~ ,43 ~ ~,~~ MINUTES OF MEETING ~ December 19, 199b CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. CALL T13E MEETING OR ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson ~UILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on December 14, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Buildin~, 7500 West 29th Avenue, V/heat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: 3. 4. PLEDGE OF ALL~GIANCE Car! A. CERVENY Robert ECKHART Cazolyn GRIFFITH - Excused Absence Warren JOf-NSON Geor~e LANGDON Jay RASPLICA Janice THOMPSON Harry WILLIAMS Glen Gidfey, Planning & Development Director Meredith Reckert, Planner Mazilyn Gunn, Secretazy APPROVAL OF ORDCR OF THE AGCNDA .C. ommissioner. LANGDON moved to approve the Agenda for the meeting of December 19, I996, as printed. Commissioner RASPLICA seconded the motion. Motion carrircl 7-0 to approve the agenda. ~. APPROVAL OF THG MIIYUTES - December ~, 1996 Discussion was held regarding includina more detail in the Minutes. Director Gidley adviserl the Commission that it was the intent to include pertinent information but to reduce the number of pages being transcribed. It was agreed that a summary of the overall discussion and reason for a motion would be efaborated on but individual comments a~td discussion wou(d be timited. Commissioner CERVENY moved to approve the Minutes of December 5, 1996, as printed. Conunissioner LANGDON seconded the motion. Motion canied ~-0 to approve the Minutes with Commissioners BCKIiARDT and JOI-MSON abstaining due to absence from dlis meeting. ~ ~ Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 2 _ . 6. PUBLIC F012UM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the a~enda) No one was present to speak. 7.- PUBLIC HEARING 1. Case Nn. ~V7.-46-12: An apptication by Western PCS, III for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industriat Development final development ptan on property located at 4836 Van Gordon. Nis. Reckert presented Staffs report on Case No. WZ-46-12. She stated that the appticant was ~Vestern PCS, III, 2323 Delgany Street, Denver, Colorado, 80216. She presented slides to describe the surrounding area. Ms Reckert entered into the record the zoning ordinance, case Yile, packet materials, and e~hibits. Jurisdiction was established. The Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert gave an overview of this request. She stated the City Council had passed azi Ordinance in late November, 1996, dealing with this type of facility. Geuerally, the Qrdinance allowed these type facilities and addressed the different procedures for approvaL Tliis property is known as the Colorado Steel property requiring an amendment to the final development plan. The applicant is requesting the approval of installation of receivers on dte existing to~ver on this property. She stated Further that the existing tower is 200 feet in hei~ht ~vhich is considerabiy higher than tlie current Ordinance allows. The proposed equipment would be added to the to~ver at I50 feet above grade. Ms. Reckert stated that Staff is recommending approval ~vitli the condition diat all die requirements for a PID final development plan be met prior to City Council Revie~v. There were no questions posed from the Commission to Staff at this time. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Georgia Lichte, 2323 Delgany Street, Denver, Colorado, 30216. Ivfs. Lichte provided additional materials to the Commission including photo simulations. She advised the Commission that Western Wireless' purpose was to provide wireless communications service ro the wes[ern states including the City of Wheat Ridge. This corporation is the first FCC auction winner to provide service to 57 rural service azeas within fifteen (1~) wesiern states and sixteen (16) metropo(itan service areas. The total subscriber base is 240,000. Ms. Lichte elaborated on a few of tlie positive items the company has taken part in. Slie supported tlie Staff Report stating that four (4) additional towers wou(d have to be constructed to provide the sanie coverage as the esisting tower would allow. She stated that the company's intent was to mal:e the installation as inconspicuous as possible. Brief general discussion was held including confirmation that the existing tower belonged to AT&T, how many receivers could/would be placed on the tower, area covered, other tower ~ ~ Plannin~ Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 3 _ , altematives, if oYher companies could request the same thing, reconstruction if tower was destroyed, and painting requirements. These items were addressed by Staff. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in the 5enior RF En~ineer, Chris Arington, 23?a Delgany, Denver, 80216. He stated that he was the Senior Engineer who designs radio frequencies. He crn~firmed that this was an ideal site for location of the receivers to provide the most coverage without having to build additional towers. Commissioner LANGDON inquired as to what the equipment would accomplish. Mr. Arington gave an overview in layman terms to eYplain the purpose of the equipment which would be insta(Ied. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Pat Berrit, Project Coordinator, 2323 Delgany, Denver, Colorado, 80216. Mr. Berrit advised that inforniation had to be sent to the structural en~ineers of the company who constructed the tower. After review, tl~ese en~ineers sent a letter to Western and A&T to review. Mr. Benit stated that AT&T would not entertain consent before reviewing the information. There were no questions asked of Mr. Berrit. Brief ~eneral discussion took place including questions regazding the red and white colors being changed, a beacon vs paint, and liabiliry of Wheat Ridge (the City has none). Commissioner THOMPSON motioned and Commissioner ECKHART seconded, that Case No. WZ-96-12, a request for an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development pfan for property located at 4836 Van Gordon Street be APPROVED for the fol4o~ving reasons: l. A p(an amendment is required to allow [he collation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing tower in the PID zone. 2. The plan amendment will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers. Not having the additional shorter tower will increase the visual aesthetic environment in the Wheat Ridge area. 3. The plan amendment is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. With the followin~ conditions: The provisions of Section 26-25(B)(3) be met before review by City Council. An amendment was made by Commissioner CERVENY to include ihe purpose of additional receivers being placed on the existing to~ver vs tlie construction of new towers. (Item 2 was expanded to include the addition). No otlier discussion took place. Motion carried 7-0. ~ ~ PlanninQ Commission MeetinQ Minutes December 19, 1996 ~ Page 4 . 2. Case No. PBG-96-1: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning of property located at 11200 West 4~th Avenue from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1) and for approval of a Special Use Permit to allo~~~ governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. D~s. Reckert presented an oveiview of tliis request. The approsimate area is 2.~ acres ~vhich is o~~ned b}~ the Cit~~ of Wheat Ridge and is sunounded by to~v density residential development ~vith one commercial property abutting this property to the south. Ms. Reckert entered into the rtcord the Comprehensive Plan, the zonin~ Ordinance, case file and packet materials, and eshibits. Jurisdiction was established. Ms. Reckert stated that only one slide of the area cou[d be located prior to th~ meetin~ and apolo~ized to [he Commission. Ms. Reckert stated that the main concercz ezpressed by flie nei~hbors in attendance at the residential meeting ~vas tlzat of the fencin,. Ms. Reckert contimied ~vith review of the Staff Report and further stated that City Councit has directed Plannin~ to initiate rezonin~ of these types of properties. General questions ~vere posed to Staff includin; mazimum height of fences, zonin„ condition of the current site, possibility of a phase in program to improve appearance, consideration ofa combined site location to house several departments in another area, fue! tank safety, and future residential site d«•elopment. Staff addressed each concern. Chairperson WiLLI.ANIS s~~~ore in Kent Youn<_, 1 1250 West 46@i Avenue, Wl~eat Ridae. Mr. Young stated his concerns regarding living close ro dtis faciliry was dlat the when [he "red bara" {svid and salt storage dome) was built and biocked out the view. He stated that the function of the facility ~vas tine overall but that the materials delivery trucks during the evenia~ and night .. , _ ~cere cause Qf a ioud banging noise tivhen emptied. He prefers not to see another red bam type building and felt [hat the operation and addition ~vould be fine. No questions were posed to Mr. Young. Gei~eral questions rvere posed to 5taff includinb tlie responsible parties for the building of ihe stora~e dome. Director Goebel of Public Works stated that the facility was constructed during the tenure of the previous Director. Mr. Young said dtat there was no waming or advisement of the residents <zt that time. Director Goebzl advised the Commission that during the neighborhood meeting the noise issue was presented and since then a directive was issued ro discontinue tlie ban`1in~/tlirotding of hydraulics to alleviate the noise. Other questions involved landscaping, planting arotmd po«~er lincs, Council concerns, od~er possible neighborhood concerns, and other geiiera] construction questions of the new building. Discussion also took placc regarding the possibility of relocation of the entire facility to another area aitd sue~estion Qiat other departments such as Varks and Recreatio~i could also be included in the use oCthe nc~v lacility. Various locations were suggested. Director Gidley suggested thal ~ Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 5 . ~ the Commission recommend to City Council to up-grade the appearance of the facility to improve the neighborhood or move it to anoth~r area perhaps as a phase-in plan. It was also su~gested that a time frame be established to accomplish the eidter the construction of the new buildin~ or investigation into a new location. The Planning Commission believe a wiser future planning and use of public funds would be to seek out another appropriate location and move this facility thus the current residential location would be enhanced, the City would still be serviced, and tlte new facility could incorporate other depar[ment employees as welf. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, thaz the request for approval of a rezonin~ from Planned Buildings and Facilities to Aaricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be APPROVED for tlie followina reasons: l. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezoning on all nonconforming City-owued properties, and 3. Staff recommends approval. No further discussion was held. Motion carried 7-d. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that the request for Special Use to allo~v ~overnmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 4~th Avenue be DENIED for the foflowing reasons: 1. There may be a better alternative of seeking anotiier location for this facility. 2. Other Ci[y depaRments may be able to share the ne~v facility. 3. The present location is not compatible. 4. There is no opportunity to e~pand the current facility due to it being located in a residentiat area. ~. It would be economically feasible for the City to combine operations, specifically Public Works and Parks Departments, into one site. Motion to deny 7-0. Discussion was held regarding making a motion to refer to City Council an alternative plan for this alternative site p1an. Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that a professional engineering firm be contracted that specializes in public Facilities, locations, and design, to evaluate locations and possible site design with the initia( evaluation process bein~ completed within three months after this matter goes before City Councii. ~ ~ Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Pa~e 6 Motion canied 7-0. Summary of the motion tegazding the Planning Commission concems include: 1. The property should be zoned agricultural. 2.- The location of this facility is incompatible with the neighborhood. 3. The facility should be relocated. 4. A study should be completed in a timely fashion so that this project is completed prior to ne~t winter. ~. Consolida[ion be considered for Public Worl:/Parks and Recreation Departments in tlie same facility. 6. Both department operations are considered industrial/commercial in use and they are both adjacent to residential neighborhoods. 7. Tf the construction does occur at the current location that the City provide a higher level of aesthetic improvements. 9. OLD BiJSINESS Director Gidley advised the Commission of three items which have gone before City Council; the 29th Avenue Mass Rezonin~ - approved (they did exempt Bie property as designed by the Planning Commission on Ames Street); the Schneider proposaf of a combination rezoning/subdivision and variance - denied, Mr. Scimeider is currently redesi~nin~ his subdivision and wil! be before City Council 1/13/97; emergency ordinances were adopted - 90-day moratoriums have been placed on R-2, 2A, 3, and 3A and two (2) family(multi-family building permits both oFwhich may be extended. , 10. NEW BUSINESS Director Gidley advised that a Wadsworth Corridor Meeting will take place on 3anuary 28, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Cliambers and a Planned Neigitborhood Meeting will occur on January 30, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. at33th and Kiplin~. Director Gidley asked the Commission if they would like to see die letter before it is mailed to the property owners. It will be made available for their review. il. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS Commissioner ECKHARDT told of some observations he made regarding the revantping of courtyard areas during liis recent trip to South America. Commissioner LANGDON shared conversation he had with a citizen who was concerned about the wastewater odor problem. He stated that there may be a possibility of a grant ~ ~ Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 7 _ . fund that would allow a cover for the effluent ponds to be covered. He inquired if ihe Director of Public Works could investigate tliis problem. 12. COMMTTTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. I3. ADJOURNMENT There was consensus to adjourn the meetin;. Chairperson WILLIAMS ad' ned the meeting at 10:10 p.m.. ~~ _ ~~ Gunn, ~~~~ The next Planning Commission mecting witl be held 1/2/97. -~ , ~ AGENDA ITEM RECAP AGENDn ITEM January 27;' 1997 Meeting„Date , - _ QUASI-JUD[CIAL ~_ _ Yes No _ PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY ADM. MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _PROC./CEREMONIES _ CITY ATTY. MATTERS ~_ ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING BIDS/MOTIONS _ LIQUOR HEARINGS ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ INFORMATION ONLY ` PUBLIC COMMEA]T ~ RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Case No. SUP-96-6/City of Wheat Ridge SUMMARY/[2ECOMMENDATION: Consider Special Use Permit to allow govemmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities in Agricuftural-One zone district on property located at ! 1220 West 45th Avenue. ATTACHMENTS: BUDGETED ^ ^ ' I} Council Bi11 No. ITEM 2) Yes No 3) Fund _ DepUAcct # Budgeted Amount ~ Requested Expend.~ Requires Transfer/ ^ ^ Supp. Appropriation Yes No RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: ~ ` - I move tha[ Council Bill be approved on first reading ordared published, public hearing be set for , at 7:00 p.m. in City'Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading take effect 15 days after finaf publication. - ,~ ~ INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL ME11~ER Council Bill No. ORDINANCE NO. Series of 1997 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW GOVERNMENTAL BUILDINGS WITH OUTSIDE STORAGE AND REPAIR FACILITIES IN AN AGRiCULTURAL- ONE DISTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 11220 WEST 45TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFER50N, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCTL OP THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORAI70, THAT: Section 1. Upon application by City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a Special Use Permit, in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. SUP-96-6, and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities is hereby granted in an A-1 zone for the following described ]and: That portion of the west 255 feet of the East lialf, NoRhwest Quarter of Seceion 21, Township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the East half , Northwest Quarter of said secfion 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of the East half, Northwast Quarter of said Section 21; Thence Easterly parallel to said South line a distance of 255 feet; Thence northerly paralle] to the West line of the East half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 310 feet to a point 710 feet North of the North line of the Counry Road known as the NoRh Golden and Denver Road or West 44th avenue;.thence Westerly parallel to the north line of said Counry Road a distance of 255 feet to a point on the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, thence southerly along the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said sec[ion 21 a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. And; That portion of the East 2 feet of the East Half, Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of section 21, township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quartez o#'said section 21, thence Northerly along the east line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to the Nor[heast corner of the East Half, Northwest Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Westerly along the North line of the East Half, Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of two feet; thence Southerly parallel to the eazt line of the East Haff Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to a point 1049.09 feet North of the South line of the Southwest Quarter ATor[hwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterty a distance of 2 feet to the point of beginning, Counry of 3efferson, State of Colorado. And, The North 250 feet of the West '/: of the EasY 2/3 of the East %: of the NB 1/4, S W I/4, NW I/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th P.M. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. And, The North 250 feet of Uie East % of the East 2/3 of the East Y: of the NE 1/4, S W I/4, N W I/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West except the east 2 feet thereoF previously conveyed by deed recorded in Book 2183 at Page 771, County of 7efferson, State of Colorado. Section 2. Vested Pronertv Riehts. Approval of this Special Use Permit does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26~ of Appendix A of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. ~ Section 3. Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is ' promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council fiirther determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper IegislaCive object sought to be attained. < ,i, , ~ Section 4. '~'his_ordinance shall take effect days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on fust reading by a vote of to on this i day of , 1997, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Heazing and consideration on ~nal passage se.t for , 1997, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and finaI reading by a vote of _ to _, this _ day of , 1997. SIGNED by the Mayor on this _ day of , 1997. DAN WILDE, ivIAYOR ` Wanda Sang, City Clerk - ~ - - -~• APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY lst Publication: 2nd Pub2ication: Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: iu~.y ~ ~ -500 VJEST-2°TH AVENL'E TF7~lty Of P.O. BOX 638 ~ " ~ ~ ~ WHEAT AIDGE CO 8003z-Cc35 ?3031 23a590C cWheat City Admin. Fax ~ 23a-592~ Police Dept. rzx = 235-29a9 ~idge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADNSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: .~~.~~/ Q ~ . I. 2/7it../ ~ (~ (n a m e) residing at /~•2 2 O Gl/r y.~~n~-~-" . (a d d r e s s) as the applicant £or Case No. LUZ_~~ ~~~~,0-~6'°(, , hereby cer~i£y that I have posted the Notice o£ Public Hearing at ~/-~ 2 O Gl/, ~i`'S ~/~i~.-~~ --- (1 o c a t i o n) on this l0 day o£ ~~ , 19 /~, _and do hereby certiPy that said sign has been posted and remained in place for £i£teen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: i~14~/ ~r/.G-!/ ~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the ~ublic he~ing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Plann3ng and Development. _______.1-. .I~ `r_T~~~~~~ ~_'~.-__--_Y~_.,._____-___.~~___'_______ ., .~,~ ~,~ ~ - ~_ ` : 3 ~ ~ci~a~ a - f ' s~ .: "~ - ~ q " ~' =' -~ ~ sT~r~~-~ $ _ ~ -~ = ~~'~. ~=t - ~ :,`-„ . ; L~. ~: i ;~•. _ ~ ~ ~ S~ ~.~f ~ F~ iL ~ ~ ; }1. li2~' I ~ /~ '/ 'r" ~o-i'~ }~~ ~~'~~/% i .f V '//,~i/~ ~/ // ~ "'s +sY. ~ ' I', `~ ` / ~, { ~j/ ~~~ V " // ~ ~ e, ~~`~4~ '~S t~f/~~ t/y/ :~E2 . i/ / ~~/~/ i ' !~ _ !// Y~ $~'~ ~ ;.-r.-. <pc> F _ ~^- l~'~/~~/~l' "~ i 2 t ~~` ' i ,, ~/`~j,~ %%~';T- ~ ; rev. ~/i ~~ ~ r ~'~1I > . ,1.~E= .:C ~~' 1 • - ~ j~ ~?~ f~ -, ~ ~~,~,~i~!/. ~ . i-_ .~ ' _ - i.n,..r ro~".dmna* \' ~"' . , . - r/ a " : f ~ y~ r _. £'lse~]~ x~ :-` , r •' ~ ,I ~ // ~r ! ~/ x~ ' ~'' ~/~ ~U ~ er,. r o ' ~// i.I /~±~Y. ~ ~ ~ i (~ f i t. ~. " ~ _ll -1. #'r ~ ~~~ ~ _ ' _ . b K+~."._ _ . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DAT'E OF MEETING: February 24, 1997 DATE PREPARED: February 1 I, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: SUP-96-6/City of Wheat Ridge CASE MANAGER:~ Reckert ACTION REQUEST'ED: Special Use Permit to allow government buildings with outside storage and repair. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11200 W. 45th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 8025 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 Acres PRESENT ZOI~IING: PBF (Public Building & Facilities) PRESENT LAND USE: City - Public Works Shops & Maintenance Yard SURROLJNDING ZONING: N: R-2, A-1; S: C-1, A-1; E: R-2; W: R-1, R-2 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: low density residential, agricultural; S: low density residential, commercial; E, W: low density residential COMPREHENSNE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Public - Fruitdale Valley Master Plan DATE PUBLISHED: January 17, 1997 DATE POST'ED: February 10, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 10, 1997 ENTER iNTO RECORD_ (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( ) OTHER .Ti IRTSDTCTinN~ (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( ) SLIDES (X) EXfIIBITS The properry is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Council Bill I. REQUEST Page 2 The is a request by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning of a Special Use Permit to allow government buildings with outside storage and repair facilities in an Agricultural-One zone district. This particular property is the Public Works Maintenance facility and repair yard located at 11200 W. 45th Avenue. If the rezoning from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1) pursuant to Case No. WZ-96-13, is not approved, this request for Special Use is immaterial. This request is the result of the need for construction of a garage on the property to be used for street Sweeper storage. See Section II of Staff Report for Case No. WZ-96-13. II. SPECIAL USE CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit. 1. Will the special use meet a proven public need in that it will fili a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives? Approval of the special use will allow the City to confinue the historic user of the properiy as the public shops maintenance and repair facility. Construction of storage for street sweepers will allow the program to operate more efficiency. 2. Will the special use have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use? Construction of the garage space should have a positive visual affect on persons residing in the area as the equipment which is currently parked outside will be inside a building overnight. The building will itself acct as a buffer. Perimeter fencing is a mix of chainlink and chainlink with slats. Conshuction of solid six (6) foot fence around the entire perimeter or upgrade of the existing fence would provide additional buffering for neighboring residential properties. 3. Will the special use create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use? The use of the property has historically been a Public Works maintenance facility. There would be no changes regarding day to day operations that would contribute to blight. 4. Will the special use adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution? Council Bill Page 3 Construction of the new storage building may result in a small decrease in the amount of light and air for those residences abutting the eastern properiy line. There should be no increase in the amount of air and water pollution as operations will remain the same. The new building and any new opaque fencing could reduce the amount of noise generated from the shops property. 5. Will the special use be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? The Land Use Map of the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan designates this property as public. Staff concludes that proposed rezoning and special use permit would conform to this designation. 6. Will the special use result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site? The only change to the property would be the addition of the storage area on the eastem side of the property. This addition should not have a negative affect on traffic, pazking, or loading. 7. Will the special use be appropriately designed, includ'ang setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties? Staff would note that the property is nonconforming relative to landscaping (10% required) and residential buffering (minimum of six (6) feet wide strip of landscaping with a six (6) foot high solid fence). The proposed new building will displace pazking located west of the e~sting landscaped planter. Although the building itself will act as a buffer, a six (6) foot high solid fence azound the entire perimeter would provide additional visual protection. 8. Will the special use over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services? All utilities can serve. There should be no affect on schools and parks and minimal affect on public streets in the azea. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 22, 1996. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert - Staff Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Diane Mattox - 4515 Robb Street Duane Hufford - 4495 Pierson Street Lee Fedel - 4480 Pierson Street Council Bill Page 4 Kent Young - 11280 W. 46th Avenue Chuck Florey - 11221 W. 44th Avenue Phil Edwazds - 11297 W. 44th Avenue Concerns expressed included fhe following: The possibility of alternate locations on the shop site for the new building (it was determined that this was the only feasible location). The potentiat use of skylighfs versus windows on the east side of the new building. Where would vehicles and construction equipment be parked during construction? Potenfial noise leveLs during construction. Any storage of paint or flammables in the new building? The possibility of upgrading the fence along the eastern property line (currently six (6) feet chainlink and wood). The property owner to the east commented that he didn't like the height of the building and the windows on the east side. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire Protection District may require an additional hydrant. Valley Water District will require a Unified Ownerslup Agreemant in lieu of a new tap plus the tap fee normalty charged. V. PLANNING COMMISSTON ACTION Plaiuuug Commission reviewed this request at a public heazing hold on December 19, 1996. A recommendation of Denial was made for the following reasons: l. There may be a better alternative of seeking another location for this facility.. 2. Other City departments may be able to share the new facility. 3. The present location is not compatible. 4. There is no opportunity to expand the current facility due to it being located in a residential azea. 5. It would be economically feasible for the city to combine operations, specifically Public Works and Parks Departments, into one site. Further action taken: Commissioner Thompson motioned, Commissioner Jobnson seconded, that a professional engineering firm be contracted that specializes in public facilities, locations, and design, to evaluate locations and possible site design with the initial evaluation process being completed within three months after this matter goes before City Council. Council Bill Summary of the motion regarding the Planning Commission concems include: Page 5 1. The properiy should be zoned agricultural. 2. The location of this facility is incompatible with the neighborhood. 3. The facility should be relocated. 4. A siudy should be completed in a timely fashion so that this project is completed prior to next winter. 5. Consolidation be considered for Public Works/Parks and Recreation Departments in the same facility. 6. Both department operations aze considered industriaUcommercial in use and they aze both adjacent to residential neighborhoods. 7. If the construction does occur at the current location that the City provide a higher level of aesthetic improvements. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMIVI~NDATIONS In regazd to the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair, Staff concludes that this will allow the historic use of the property to be continued. Staff further concludes that if proper buffering is provided (with existing fencing and upgraded fencing where needed), the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit support approval of the request. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for the special use portion of this request with the following condition: Solid fencing be provided around the entire perimeter of the property. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Council Bill No. ~ a request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for properiy located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It will a11ow historic use of the property to continue, 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, 3. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. Solid fencing be provided azound the entire perimeter of the property: ' Option B: "I move that Council Bill No. a request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for properiy located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: ~ ~: ~ ` 1~~~ r~ ~ ~ I I . ~ a ii : I ~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ s~ _ , ~h~~o ~T , ~o ~~n~~°- ~~ ~ .~a~ /X~1 }~ ~. ~~~,~,~`~ ;~; ~3 I +1 ~ ~ • W ATiM AVE ~:,°i~ 6~l h~ ~ ~ ; I~ `~ ~_!~E~ ~~.~-~"_~~., + I 7T~ ' ( ~ ~1° I ' ~ I$-~'~~ ~ ~~'~ S ~AI •` i "+ ¢'~=- ~ ". .a<b'rna I 'C; ~..~J '~=!' ~'. ~ ~ w ~ r~ ni Q rj^ ~ f~ \ n ~ ^ ~V ~`L-~ . j ~__ -J ~ 1~! , ° i . ~' ! ,h'-;~.~ 's_m~- ,:cP.2~n i~rcir.~! 11 , ~ ' 17~ o'. ' „~ , ~I 8. ~~ _ - 6 . 1 ' ~`~~-~ 1 w a,,n n~ ~' ~ . ~ ~ ~~,6~ ~I .}k. ~. S ~~ ~~ i~t~l~~~ I $ O i~'iio ~l~ ~ i l :n ' . ~5 ~ tt~o 4 WZ ~ ' ~y I f~ , I`~~°= a,._a ~ ~W =I_ . ~' I ,, _ _ ~ r~~~ _ ~_, _ n! 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' W.4 ; `Q F°_'r,Ti1RE - _ n ~FrIO ^~S M~ILTIPI F f~Ll'JK~J'^J~ .. ~ i~~i L ! ,~ o » xn aoo +oo 5~w f~n~~ f El~ H! ~E3 l T' The City of t~r 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 ~Wheat ~.idge October I 5, ] 996 Dear Wheat Ridge Resident; The City of Wheat Ridge presently owns property at I 1220 W. 45th Avenue which it uses as its Public Works Shops facility. This property presently has nonconfornling zoning. It is the desire of the Wheat Ridge City Council to rezone alt of the City's property to be consistent ~+~ith thcir present uses. This requires a neighbarhood meeting and public hearings before Plannine Commission and City Council. Ttie zoning we will be applying to this properiy will be Agricultural-One (A-1) ~ ith a special us~ permit for Government buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. Along with this rezoning, we would like to construct a building which ~~ould have a primar~ i~se of vehicle storage. The most common vehicles stored in this building would be our street sweepers. Presently, in the winter when sweeping is required most, we park our sweepers outdoors. This requires that they be drained at the end of every day so t)iat tliey do not freeze up. The following day, they cannot be filled with water until the temperature of the tank and piping is above freezing. This buildiug will allow for more efficient sweeping ci'forts and will assist w in meeting sweeping requirements to reduce ihe airborne paRiculate fotmd iii the brti~in dou~. The size of the proposed building is 97 feet long by 29 feet deep. Thc height oY the buildi~~g is approaimately 19 feet at the roof s pcak. The height of the doors will bc I Z feet. Externath . thc building wiil be sided with steel siding similar irt color and style of the existing buildings on the siie Thc roof will be asphalt shingles. The building will be located on the east side of the site south of the entrance gate. It will be set back I S feet west of the property line. The e~isting planters will remain. A neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 22nd, 1996. The meeting will take place at the Berbert House in Prospect Park, 1 I400 West 44ih Avenue at 7:OQ p.m, in order to solicit comments from the neighborhood regarding this particular proiect. Please plan to attend if you have questions. Very truly yows, ~ obert Goebel, .E. Director of Public Works City Engineer (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION PAX. 234-5924 • POIICE DEPARTMENT FAX~ 235-2949 Plauning Commissiott Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 4 2. Case No. W7,-96-t3/SLTPA6-6; An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for _ approval of a rezoning of property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue froar Pubtic Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1) and for approval of a Special Use Permif to allow goverumental buildings witL outside storage and repair facilities. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of this request. The approximate azea is 2.5 acres which is owned by the City of GVheat Ridge and is surrounded by low density residential development with one commercial property abutting this properiy to the south. Ms. Reckert entered into the record the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning Ordinance, case file and packet materials, and exhibits. Jurisdiction was esfablished, Ms. Reckert stated that only one slide of the area could \~ be located prior to the meeting and apologized to the Commission. Ms. Reckert stated that the main concern expressed by the neighbors in attendance at the residential meeting was fhat ofthe j fencin~. Ms. Reckert continued with review of the Staff Report and further stated that City Council has directed Planning to initiate rezon'vng of these types of properties. General questions were posed to Staff including maximum height of fences, zoning, condition of the current site, possibility of a phase in program to improve appearance, consideration of a combined site location to house several departments in another area, fuel tank safaty, and future residential site development. Staff addressed each concern. Cliairperson WlLLIAMS swoze in Kent Young, 11280 West 46th Avenue, Wheat Ridge. Mr. Young stated his concerns regarding living close to this facility was that the when the "red barn" (sand and salt storage dome) was built and blocked out the view. He stated that the function of the facility was fine overall but that the materials delivery trucks during the evening and night were cause of a loud banging noise when emptied. He prefers not to see another red bazn type building and felt that the operation and addition would be fine. No questions were posed to Mr. Young. General questions were posed to Staff including the responsible parties for the building of the storage dome. Direcfor Goebel of Public Works stated that the facility was constructed during the tenure of the previous birector. Mr. Young said that there was no warning or advisement of the residents at that time. Director Goebel advised the Commission that during the neighborhood meeting the noise issue was presented and since then a directive was issued to discontinue the banging/throttling of hydraulics to alleviate the noise. Ofher questions involved landscaping, planting azound power lines, Council concerns, other possible neighborhood concerns, and other general construction questions of the new building. Discussion also took place regazding the possibility of relocation of the entire facility to another area and suggestion that other departments such as Parks and Recreation could also be included in the use of the new facility. Various loeations were suggested. Director Gidley suggested that Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 5 the Commission recommend to City Council to up-grade the appearance of the facility to improve the neighborhood or move it to another azea perhaps as a phase-in plan. It was also suggested that a time frame be established to accomplish the either the construction of the new building or investigation into a new location. The Planning Commission believe a wiser future planning and use of public funds would be to seek out another appropriate location and move this facility thus the current residentiallocation would be enhanced, the City would still be serviced, and the new facility could incorporate other deparhnent employees as well. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that the request for approval of a rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for properry located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezoning on all nonconforming City-owned properties, and 3. Staff recommends approval. No further discussion was held. Motion carried 7-0. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. There may be a better alternative of seeking another location for this facility. 2. Other City departments may be able to shaze the new facility. 3. The present location is not compatible. 4. There is no opportunity to expand the current facility due to it being located in a residential azea. 5. It would be economically feasible for the City to combine operations, specifically Public Works and Parks Departments, into one site. Motion to deny 7-0. Discussion was held regarding making a motion to refer to City Council an alternative plan for this alternative site plan. Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that a professional engineering firm be contracted that specializes in public facilities, locations, and design, to evaluate locations and possible site design with the initial evaluation process being completed within three months after this matter goes before City Council. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 6 Motion carried 7-0. Summary of the motion regarding the Planning Commission concerns include: 1. The property should be zoned agricultural. 2. The location of this faciliiy is incompatible with the neighborhood. 3. The facility should be relocated. ~` 4. A study should be completed in a timely fashion so that this project is completed prior to next winter. 5. Consolidation be considered for Public Work/Parks and Recreation Departments in the same facility. 6. Both department operations aze considered indusri-ial/commercial in use and they are both adjacent to residential neighborhoods. 7. If the construction does occur at the current location that the City provide a higher level of aesthetic improvements. 1 9. OLD BUSINESS Director Gidley advised the Commission of three items which haue gone before City Council; the 29th Avenue Mass Rezoning - approved (they did exempt the property as designed by the Planning Commission on Ames Street); the Schneider proposal of a combination rezoning/subdivision and variance - denied, Mr. Schneider is currently redesigning his subdivision and will be before City Council 1/13/97; emergency ordinances were adopted - 90-day moratoriums have been placed on R-2, 2A, 3, and 3A and two (2) family/multi-family building permits both of which may be extended. 10. NEW SUSINESS Director Gidley advised that a Wadsworth Corridor Meeting will take place on January 28, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers and a Planned Neighborhood Meeting will occur on 7anuary 30, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. at 38th and Kipling. Director Gidley asked the Commission if they would like to see the letter before it is mailed to the property owners. It will be made available for their review. 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS Commissioner ECKHARDT told of some observations he made regarding the revamping of courtyard azeas during his recent trip to South America. Commissioner LANGDON shazed conversation he had with a citizen who was concerned about the wastewater odor problem. He stated that there may be a possibility of a grant CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING CONIlV CASE NO: WZ-96-13 LOCATION: 11200 West 45th Avenue APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge OWNER(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge REQITEST: Approval of a rezoniug of properiy from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-I) and for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. APPROXIMATE AREA: WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public heuing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner Cerveny, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, that Case No. WZ-96-13, a request for appoval of rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezoning on all nonconforming City ownrd properties. 3. Staffrecommends approval. VOTE: YES:7 NO: 0 FURTT~RMORE, Commissioner Cerveny motioned, Commissioner Johnson seconded, that the request for Special Use to allow govemmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be Denied for the following reasons: i. There may be a better alternative of seeking another location for this facility. 2. Other City departments may be able to share the new facility. 3. The present location is not compatible 4. There is no opportunity to expand the current facility due to it being located in a residential area. 5. It would be economically feasible for the City to combine operations, specifically Public Works and Parks Departments into one site. Resolution Page 2 WZ-96-13 VOTE: YES:7 No: 0 I, Mazilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Rasolution was duly adopted by a vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Bui[ding, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the second day of January, 1997. George Langdon, Chairperson Marilyn Gunn, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-------------, I ' g 1 $ L.~----------- ~ ~ ~ s -~ . ~~g ~ ^ , ~~~ , ~ ~ ~ (~'~ - _ _ _ - - -- - ~~ s~ ~~ ~ ~L~ _ J _ ,~' c . o,~.~:::'::..., -- ` o '~i)::'rZ'v: ~ ---~~ (r---------------------~I ~ ~----------- $ -------_._.i ._._._... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ y,~ P \ ~ '" "'_ _ __' "s}P` ~ y ~+:i} ;1 •}r$;'•Y:v'•: :•'r:>:•:•?}'f.•:•i}{'•,•:i'r:•?:ti•: Y+•::::+~{;;•ti;:i:,+•:ti r7•:•:•:~ 7 ~. ~{~ : .1'~.' 4YSiti'A . ~ Y : i:~h'.. }i ~:: ~. Y: ~•.L:'l r :{. : ~~}. 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"Yn ~~ ~ ~~ 1 ~--------~ I ~ I I >~ I ~ I ~ I ~--------~J ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , O ~ LJ ~ _ , ..... ._. ~"' I O ~T) I l. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I , ~ ~ i ~f ~ I - . ..... , . . ., <. .~......~/-...,.,... ,,. _. ~ _ ~I (1~~: / (~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~^. . ~ ~ ~~ ~ A K ti ~ ~ C[TY OF ~VHEAT RIDGE PLA~I~ING DIVIS[ON STAFF REPORT TO: CiN Council DATE OF MEETtNG: February 2~F, 1997 DATE PREPARED: February 1 I, 1997 CASE NO. R. NAME: GVZ-96-13;City of CASE MANAGER:'M. Reckert Wheat Rid~e ACT[ON REQUESTED: `:Rezone from Public Buildings & Facilities to A~riculmral-One. LOCAT[ON OF REQUEST: 11300 W. 45th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPL[CANT(S): City o~ SVheat Ridne 7500 West 39th Avenue ~Vheat Ridge, CO 502~ - NA~~tE R. ADDRESS OF'01Wi ER(S): Same APPROXILtA1'E AREA: ~2:3 A`cres PRESENT ZONING::P.BF (Planned Building &' Facilities)" PRESENZ' LAND USE: ;City-, Public Works Shops R Main[enance Yard SURROUNDING ZONING: N: R-3, A-I; S: C-i, A-1; E: R-?; W: R-1, R-2 SURROUND[NG LAND USE: N: low density residential, agriculturaf; S: low densiry residential, commercia(; E, W: low density residential COMPREHENS[VE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Public - Fruitdale Valley ~taster Plan ----------- ----- DATE PUBLISHED: January l7, 1997 DATE POST6D: February (0, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February I0, 1997 'F'NTFR M'i'O RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (JC) cu~vuJG ORD[NANCE ( ) SUBDN[SION REGULATIONS ( ) OTHER (X) CASE FILE &~PACKET IvIATERIALS ( ) SLIDES (3~ EXHIBITS Ji1RISDICTION' Tlie property is within the City of Wl~eat Ridge, and alf notification and postin~ requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Council Bill T. ~EQUEST ~~~ Page 2 The is a request by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezonin~ of property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to A~ricultural-One (A-1). Pursuant to ~'direction from t~ie„~xty~G~uncil,.Staff wilLbe initiating zone chan~es,on al! nQ~conforming zoned ~prope;ties which are ~iy of Wheat Ridge facilities. This particular property is the Public Works Maintenance facility and repair yard. . -~~` ~II. ZO~iING T-IISTORY City Council, when considering a budgetazy ezpenditure for a new gara~e at the Public Works shops, requested Staff to prepare a ne~v zone district for "Public Buildings and Facifities". The City has historically had such a district in the late 70's and SO's, however, the re~ufations ~~~ere intentionally removed in the Zoning Ordinance re-write in 1988, because it tivas found to be an unnecessary_and_confusing requirement. It created an unnecessary burden on the City and other public a~encies to rezone every time the City added a new park or wanted to buifd somethin~ on a City-owned property. Unfortunately, those propeRies zoned PF-1 aze still shown on the zoning maps either as PF-1 or PBF (by mistake). There are three pioperties in the City with this zonin~ classification which need rezonin~: 1. Public Works Shops (subject site) 2. Anderson Pazk and Maintenance Shops located at West 44th Avenue and Field Street. 3. Vafley Water District Office and Shop (now a residence) located at 4300 Oak Street. When the zoning ordinance was rewritten it was intended that public buildin~s and uses be controlled as conditional uses or special uses within the residential, agricultural, and commercial districts. Staff rec~mmended ta City Council that these non-conforming properties be rezoned to A-I, and Council agreed.. . ~i'hissituarion has come'to`iight because there is the need for an additionaf buildingon'the shops °: property to aliow for equipment storage. Since there is no PBF zone district regulation$'in place,-there .> are no standatds, to meet, fot~,setbacks,. heigh, etc.. Approval of the rezoning.amd spewial,nse will take caze of bodi the nonconforrtiing situation and the abi(ity to construct additional stor'age'space. sIt also allows forpublic input regarding ihe proposal. Attached under.Exhibit .`A' is.a site Qlan of the shops property. The new structure is located at the southeast corner of the site and is designated by a"hatching" pattern. The new building will,displace existing vehicle parking. Attached under Exhibit `B'. is a letter from the Director of Public Works to the neighborhoofl~explaiding the'request. The proposed structure will be roughiv`2,800~squar~=fCex='si~=§ize and nineteen (19) feet in height. It will be setback fifteen (15) feet from ttie eastern property Ime ana thirty-five (3~)-feet trom the southem property line. The new building wilf primarily be used to provide storage for the City'.s street sweepers but wil( also have iestroomsan it which will be available for use by Council Bill Pa~e 3 p~#~i~e~eers on the night shift.~. ; `Frr~- a w .ct't~~«Y57 ~+ux - III:~ ZONING CRITERIA ,~z, ~~ ;~,, ` In re~ard-to the criteria used to evaluate a rezonin„ Staff has the foffowing comments: Will the change of zone be in conformance, or bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge, Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area?, The property has historically been used for a public works shop/maintenance facility both in unincorporated Jefferson County and then by the City of lVheat Ridge afrer incorporation. Approval of the rezonin~ and special use permit will brin~ the property's zonin~ into compliance with it's historical use, and ~vill conform to.the Comprehensive Plan as this propeRy is planned for Public/Quazi-Public Use. 2. ~Vill the proposed change of zone be compatible ~vith the surrounding area and rsill therc be minimal adverse impacts considering ttic benefits ta be derivc? Although.the true use of the property could be considered semi-industrial in nature, proper screening wi(1 improve compatibility ~vith the neighborhood. Rezoning will eliminate a nonconformin~ zonina classi.fication. 3. Will thcrc bc socia(, recrcational, physical and/or cconomic benefits to the community derived by the change of zonc? There wi(! be no obvious social or recreational benefits to the community as a result of the rezoning. The:e wilf be physical benefi[s of increased storage space for City equipment i~the rezoning and special use and resultant building permit are approved. The street sweeping operation wilf be more efficient, thus providing an economic benefit. d. Is adcquatc infrastructurc/facilitics availablc to servc thc typc of uses allowed by the change of zone, or will the lpplicant upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or arc under capacity? There is adequate infrastructure to serve the property. ~. Will the proposed rezoning not adverscly affect public health, saCety or welfare by creatine excessive traffic congestion, creating drlinage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjlcent properties? The proposed rezoning should not negatively affect public, health, saFety and welfare by Council Bill Pa~e 4 increasing traffic to and from the site. TrafFic ~eneration will remain the same. Drainage on tfie property ~vil( follo~v historic flo~vs. The properties to the east could have a small reduction in the amount of Iight and air because of the prozimity of the proposed building to the eastem property line. 6. Can the property reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions? Under current zoning conditions, no new construction could occur on ihe property, therefore, Staff concludes that the property cannot be reasonabfy used under current zoning conditions. 7. ~Vill the rezoning create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas? There is Agricultural-One zonin~ direcdy to the north, therefore, spot zoning will not be an issue. 8. Is there a void in an area or community need that the chanee of zone will fill by pro~•iding for necessary services, pcoducfs or facilities especial(y appropriate at the location, considering available altcrnatives. . Staff concludes that the demand from the citizens and businesses in 1Vheat Ridge for pub(ic services and street maintenance from the City wilf continue to increase. Rezoning, special use approval, and garage space construction will help meet this increasin~ demand for service. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETIIYG A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 22, 1996. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert - Staff Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Diane Mattox - 4515 Robb Street Duane Hufford - 4495 Pierson Street Lee Fedel - 4480 Pierson Street Kent Youno - 11280 W. 46th Avenue Chuck Florey - I 1221 W. 44th Avenue Phil Edwards - 11297 W. 44th Avenue Concerns espressed included the following: The possibility of altemate locations on the shop site for the new buifding (it was determined that this was the only feasib(e location). The potential use of skylights versus windows on the east side of the new building. Where would vehicles and construction equipment be parked during construction? Potential noise fevels during construction. Any storage of paint or flammables in the new building? The Council Bi11 Pa~e ~ possibility of upgrading the fence a(on~ the eastern property line (currently six (6) feet chainlinl: and wood). The property owner to the east commented that he didn't like the height of the building and the windows on the east side. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire Protection District may require an additional hydrant. Valley Watzr District will require a Unified Ow~nership A~reement in lieu of a new tap plus the tap fee nomlally char~ed. VI. PLANNTNG COVIMISSION ACTION Planning Commission revie~ved this request at a public heazin~ held on December 19, 1996. A recommendation of'Approval was made for the following reasons: l. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezoning on all nonconforming City-owned properties, and, 3. Staff recommends approval. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOM~tE~DATIONS In regazd to the rezoning, Staff conclude that the property is currently non-conforming in light of the ~ existing zoning and the use of the property and the proposed zoning would not be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff fuRher concludes that City Council directed Staff to initiate rezonings on all City-owned properties which have non-conformina zonings. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for the rezonin~ from PBF to A-1. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIOIVS gF.7nNTN~ Option A: "`I move that Council Bil! No. ~, a request for approval of a rezoning &om Public Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 4~th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: l. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance, 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezonings on all nonconforming City-owned properties, and, 3. Planning Commission recommends approval". Council Bill Option B: "I move that Council Bill No. 1 Page 6 , a requzst for approval of a rezonin~ from Public Buildin~s and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 4~th A~~enue be DENIED for the fol(o~ving reasons: ~ 1. ~ 3.,• ~ r - ~- A. - 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado Telephone 303/ 237-6944 February S, 1997 Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. WZ-9h-I3 and .CUP-9S h which is a request for~orova! o a remninn from Public Ruilrlinns .G Facilities tn Anricuflura(-nne & annroval of a.Snecial Use Permit ta allow o~v¢rnment buildi~~s with nutcide stn'raoe and renair fncilities fbr pronertu Incated at 1127,0 Wec145d~ Avenr.e will be heard by the Wheat RidgeClTY COUNCIL in Jhe Colsncil Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7,i00 West 29th Avenue at 7.•00 P.M. on Februarv 24. 7997. All owners and/or their legal counsel of [he parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before tke CITY COUNCIL. As an area resident ar interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to not~ any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. Ifyou have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank You. PLANNING bIVISlON "The Carnation City" ~ l . The City of Wheat ~ ~... , ..~. _ .. Diane Mattox George Jorgensen 4515 Robb St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ke oung 280 W. 46 Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Linda Clark 11305 W. 44 Ave. Wheaf Ridge, CO 80033 J es Dragon 1240 W. 46 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO uane Hufford 4495 Pierson St. GVheat Ridge, CO 80033 uck Florey 11221 W. 44 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 W' iam Hall 1301 W. 44 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Fedel 4480 Pierson Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 P ' dwards 11297 W. 44 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 eryl Best OR CURRENT RESIDENT 112 T 0 W. 46 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Pa 'cia Calderon 485 Pierson St. 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO ster Williams 4593 Parfet St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jacqueline D. Ross 11125 W. 45 Avenue 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 J. Swaitwood I295 W. 44 Ave. _ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ~ - 1 i -._~~-~ ~~ 1 ; .~~ I ~ _ P0.STAGE ~ RETURN I SHOW i0 WHOM, oATE AN~ flcSTRIGfED I ' ~ . ' ~ OEWERY RECEIPT ~ORESSOFDEUVFflY SERVICE I ~'-~AT~FIEDFEE*FETUPNPECEIPT , N I TOTPLPOSTAGEANOF.~ES „ I ~ O NVlNSUIWNV'!WV[NqGEYHVVIOGI]- , SENT TO i NOTFORMIEF NIXfiOHW MpIL : m ~e ?~tt~ ac ~J~ `I~7 S~~ ~ Y~t Aidg~a {'~7 804133 ~ 9s-x:~ ~ ~-s-~ ~ -° PS FORM 3800 U5 Postal Service ~ 3, I- _ . - - -- . _. ~NDER: - - i I ~ ~~S~~E , Comole[e items i aM/or 2 fod I REiUFfJ I sHVN m atmar. a RECEIPT !DDRESSOFOE ~p0~~~ rouf fldmE dM 2tltl~eS$ qT4' i SERVICE I GER~IFIE~ FEE t.~.~a h thie tnrm to Ihe Front d ~ ~ TOTAL POSTqGE ~ The ReWm Receipt wip showa N + o SENT TO: "~°ivoi rc 3: P.rticle AUtlressetl to: ~ N ;-, i;,~ =~: -~ ~i~1'~ ~C~ ~ ~3~--.'in- ~ m ~~Sa~ ~~ '~/ 3 -Y. R7 '_ ~$~." ~.~&~ Lz `~lr'.uC ~'E.,i~'~ ~ o- gfi-~~3~'i s ~-~I.a-~r':; ~ ' yy , $t 5~ _ _ ~_-.- , Y,„` ~Received By: (P~fnt P PS~FORM 3800 ~~ ` ~ ~.. I J ~ 6. Signat re: (Ad ss - . _. .~ e.r a~~~. 4 ~ ~ .s.....x . .' 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Addressee's Addres~ ~ _ P~ FORM 38 0 ~ ~` - ~ (ONLY if requesfed anH fee~ald) - 0 ' ~ ~ ~, ,. :. ~. ~gna t e ( r s e-or~Cgen _ - - __. ~4~~C~~"' :g_X ~- --~- -~~ ~ M 3811, ,lanuary iees , " Domestic Return Receipt ' ~lDE ` ` ~ ~ R; yGqegg~eic Imms i ana/nr 2 ior adaitional services - ~~~'~~'T tl tl h f I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): t n~ you~ name an a Eress on I e reverse o( this otm so ihat we can return ihis AETURN I s~+ow rr ro sKK,. - - cartl -_ 7. ^ Addressee's Address FECEIPT ADOaES.~ .....oh this Porm ro[he iroM of the mailpiece, or on ihe back if space dces not permii. ._ --- 2. ^ 13BSSfiCfEd ~BIiV2fy p SE~~E I CERi1FIEY r7Fe oen,.., oo~A;m ~,,;n ~now fo whom Ihe article was tleli~reretl and the tlate deliveretl, _ Consult postmaster for fee. m rora x: r + nrticie Atldresseu ~o: I4a. l.rticle Number ~ SENT TO: "°~r~ _ :_=~~. -__ I_ P 963 362 030 N a ~~: -Q p${~j, +~{,;A ~ -is a~ i'1£',Y'9CM~i a~. 4b. Service Type ~~g~,~k :au'?f C~ "~}?3 ~ ~~ m i~t ~5 ~ CERTIFIED .. ..o a- ,~ 9~ ].~-:y~ S ~r~_.M.., . 7. Date of Del ivery Q&~13~ ~ n // `~~ d ~ - ~"' ~ ~.5.Received By: (Print NameJ 8. 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Artiole Number _ ~ `~' ~~~~,~,~~ P 963 362 031 Fi~y eT. 9wa~.~w~ '~ ~}.}.~:QrJ ~• ~i ~'i` i13'~1~ I~+ _ ~~?"~.~`~~4 ~t ~-_ v ~ _ ?~~'~:i 3v. ~3 a<<.~~. ~~ ~~3~, CXi ci[>:333 -_~~~.~`:': #e ~"r:i".s.tr R~ceive Bv~ IPriM Name) _ 4b. Service 7ype _ ~ CERTIFIED ~ 7. Date ~Qliyerb/~. ~ '~ / !, 8. Addressee's Address ~ PS FORM 3800 ____. __ _ ~(ONLY if requested and fee paid.J ~~ ~, 6. Sign '(Addressee or Agent ~-~~ " ,,.,,.~ _""__'_'"_`_`.._ . ~ ,O ~. Mrr+PRIIrt RP.tllfl~ RBCEIDS--_ ~ - ~ ~_ , SENDER: ~ I also wish to receive the ;~ comc!~~e i~ems ~ anaror 2 mr aem~ronai ur~ices. following services (for an extra fee): i~~-~piint Your name a~n ann~=== ~~ ~b~[eaerse of thistorm so thai we can retum this card °---~o= _ - _ - - -~ 1. ~ Addressee's Adtlress I poSinGe s rAdach ihis form to ihe fmn[ of ihe mailpiece. or on the back if gpace daes no[ oermiL '~~ ^ RBSffICtBd D@IIVBfY RETUPN SHOw TO WHOM„ ~~ ne Heturn Receipt will show to whom the article was deliveretl and Ihe tlate delivered. CqpS1111 osimaster for fee. AODPESS Q` OEL - - P RECEiPT ( -„~ArticleAtldressedto: SERVICE ~Ea~nFiEO FEE'- ; 4~A~ticie Number _ ~*o~a~=~~E 4 ~ P 9 6 3 3 6 2 0 3 2 --~i o ia3u~"seF ~e~e- ~~ ~ ~ -- -- _ I SENT TO: NarF~ -- r1~;y :;~~~ ^.~. Service Type ~~~ ::~yt:t vt ;~'??3 L0e ~'~. ` ° 4~$0 Pi.~~G' 4~]@~C R~C° - {3~-I "s-: ~` a ~,.~'_:,~; , ~:Re^ei ~ By: (Print Name) 9&-13-t~"L & k-~ ~-~~F ~d~G~'; V •. x8ig~ uce: (Ad,~ see or A entJ PS FORM 3800 ~ X~„~ ~~. ~ . ~a rurtMJ3811, January 1996 r _ a ~ ~ I POSTAGE RETURN V SH~W TO WHQM, ~ATE PND qESTRILTEO REGEIt~( I AO~FE5SQF~EUVERY ~ OEWERY y $EFVICE I CERTIFIEOFEE+RETURNREGEIPT m f TOTAlPOSTAGEA9lOfEES I , SENT TO: noin~unnnccouo~nnecr„oviucu- , CJ ~ NOTFOReMTmflNp eIONALMAIL ~ N ~ ~.~ ~ ~.1.89T W. tg Ave. ~ ~t liidge~ C4 €~0433 a- . ~ 96-Z3-WZ & 36-6-St3i' ~PS FQRM 3800 US PoStal S2rVIC " ~ CERTlFiED . 7. Date of Delivery ~ 8. Add~e's dress` ~ (ONLY if requested and fee pard) . Domestic Return Receipt .3 : - $ S'~ o --_- „ = y~ w ee~ . ~ ~ C a - - $ T W ~ o,~ s; N "e g ' ~'~ a • u' '; z ~ m y , ~ -~ o ~ ~~~ ~ '~ '~~. ;s ' ~ .c a ~ a ~ F ~ ~ ' ~ r P fi ^~' ...I r r-i ~ ~ ~ r~~ ~ d ~ ^ 'a .~ ' -i z s m ' d co M ~ a E . ~ w~` e: o ~ ft'm ` ~ 5 Q . . f? j ~ ~ w~¢~ m ~ O d ~' ~t '~ 2 U m C O a 5. ~ ~ ` W a_ ¢ ~ ¢ ~ m ~ i ~ tA . . . . ~ v _ _ -.~__ a __...__ ~ _.. ~ w ~ ~ -.,.~ ~..~~,.....•--.. ._._ - --~~ F ~.. -- a ~ ~ ~-- - - iV j . ~ .- ~ ' ~ .a. i~'~. ~+.`7.. i i ~, I a ;'-y r( i!~',~j,.._ c~.,w' p~ {5 ~1~~` ~~ ' ~~y~ ~~ ', ' \ 1 '~:i :~ ~; !1! ~ ~Y Co / ~a ~ ~' ~'.- ~f I ~ i °: ) ..~ ~ .'t }~~~ ~ ~`\11 .~._.. - -- ~._. _._. _I PosTnce " ~ i : , ' ~ ~ i~a aC~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.C RETURN 1 SN01V TO WH01d. MTE AN~ PESTqIGTEO ' ~~ E ~ ~_'~ ' ~ RECEIPi ~ ~OFESSOFOEWERY ~ DEU~£qY / ! ~ I .~ , SERVICE LE0.TIFIEPFEE+PEIDRNREGEIPT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~ ~ m ~ ~ TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES _ I ~ I' w O ~~~ ~ n~~rvauwwceu vcrn~~vnw~oeu- ~d' V W ~p ~~ ~ SEI~TTO: NOTFO~~NTEmxrsNnnolNLMAIL ~'~~jc'A^ ~ ']~V~ Z~•-~CV1' N M ~ .~.€ 3.+~ ~$~ ~~, M [y ~ ~1.~ ~'° ~ ~'~ i .:- }~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `p ~ • _ ~'1~lt'4.~ ,~.~@ p~y +~ ~. ~ _ :ry ~p 1 ~ I W g~}{3,33 ~'~v, ' ~ yr yt U~] 'J U l0 a ~q q~}~y~~.. ~y~r ~y~ ,~Jij'l,'~p ~II F~i 6l ,' J~.Ld~SA~LI ai .7s/~~tJ6 s A,y~. Q~ ~~~--II d ~l cd ~~-; ( R%,,I'~y~,~ !~ ~y ~ PS FORM 3800 US P9stal Service ~a;, 4`i°r ~i 3 r~ ~ ~:.i;;. ~: "i~i/ ~'~y a O •.•`~~ -~ ?~ U ~-I .t6 ri yw' N ~ ~ . _ ~»a... V 0 rl ,~ Ql _ -_,-a;~„~-.~~ __. .. ,. ._ . p , ~ . .~ I POSWGE - ~` - ---- ~ ' RETURN I SHOw TO W.1oM DATE Anm RES1FICtEo RECEIPT A~~SSCFCElIYEflY ~ DELIVERY _ / ' I CER~IFIEDFEE+RETURNRECEIPT " ~ ~ SERVICE I _ -_ ~,o ¢ '~ m TOTN.POSiAGERNOFEES , Y ~ I rwirvsuxarvcc~wcnnucNx~.iueu- -- S°' O.Z^ ~~s'4 / ~ SENT TO. NOlFOR~NTEFNOTONALMAIL /~ ' ~/~ ~k ~ ~ a3 ..0 tjA~~ ~~ ~~ ' h`¢~ y".~y NE''e f ~ r^ 1].T25 Vi'. $5 F.vc~. ~'t~ ,t„~ ;~~'`, / ~ € m S~s~~ Ridga~ c~ 8t?fl33 ,~ ~ ~ ~ °' ^ _ _ ~ ~ ~~a ~' :~' ~ A ~ , 96-i3-~Z & 96-6-S~UP GE ~+ ~ 4`,~ Q,~O ~ '~: ~ /~ ~Q ~ W PS FORM 380o US Posta! Service ~ = p y J LfJ ~0 VO T ('~ '~ll~ m ~' ~ -~__ - o ~ i ~, ~ F ~ Z~ ~ a r"r ~ > c .n w ; o ~ ~ am m w ~~ x 'U ~~! N O .p Z m ^ ~ ~ F" ~ Q` CC t ~~ ~ n ~ '' 3 ¢ a ~w ~ ~s 3 _ _ AGENDA ITEM RECAP AGENDA ITEM t1 February 24, 1997 Meeting Date QUASI-JUDICIAL X _ Yes No X PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY ADM. MATTERS _PROC./CEREMONIES _ CITY ATTY. NIATTERS BIDSNIOTIONS - LIQUOR HEARINGS _ INFORMATION ONLY _ PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Case No. WZ-96-13/ City of Wheat Ridge ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _ ORDINANCES FOR IST READING X ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ RESOLUTIONS SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Consider a rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities to a Agricultural-One on property located at 11220 West 45th Avenue. BUDGETED ITEM F-1 ❑ Yes No Fund _ Dept/Acct m Budgeted Amount S Requested Expend.S Requires Transfer/ ❑ ❑ Supp. Appropriation Yes No RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: "I move that Council Bill No. -1 , a request for approval of a rezoning from Public Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be Approved for the following reasons: .I. It will bring. the use of the property and zoning into conformance, 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezonings on all nonconforming City-owned properties, and, 3. - Planning Commission recommends approval." INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL ivlEivIBER R; t pr Council Bill No. 7 ORDNANCE NO. Series of 1997 TITLE: AN ORDNANCE PROVIDNG FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FRONT PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES DISTRICT TO AGRICULTURAL- ONE DISTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 11220 WEST 45TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Upon application by City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning-, in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ-96-13 and based on recommendation for approval from the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude from the PBF, and to include in the A-I the following described land: That portion of the west 25.5 feet of the East half, Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 611 Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the Cast half, Northwest Quarter of said section 2l, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of die East half, Northwest Quarter orsaid Section 21; Thence Easterly parallel. to said South line a distance of 233 leet; Thence northerly parallel to the West line or the East half, Northwest Quarter or said Section 21 a distance of 310 feet to a point 710 feet North of the North line of the County Road known as die North Golden and Denver Road or West 44dh avenue: thence Westerly parallel to the north line of said County Road a distance of 255 feet to a point on die West line orthe East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, thence soudnerty along the West line of die East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21 a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning, County or Jefferson, State of Colorado. And, That portion of the East 2 feel of die East Half, Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of section 21, township 3 south, Range 69 west of die 6th principal Meridian described as: follows: Beginning at a point on the East lie of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of die South line of Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, thence Northerly along die east line of the East Halr, Northwest Quarter orsaid section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to die Northeast corner of die East Half, Northwest Quarter Southwest Quaver Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Westerly along the North fine of die East Half, Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of two reel; thence Southerly parallel to the east line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to a point 1049.09 reel North of the South line of the Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterly a distance of 2 feet to the point of begiuuing, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. And, The North 250 feet of tie West'/ or the East 2/3 of the East'/ orthc NE 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4 of Sectiou 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, or the 6th P.ivf. County of Jclf'erson, Slate of Colorado. And, The North 250 feet orthe East''/: or the East 2/3 ortie East K of ilia NE 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 114 of Section 21. Township 3 South, Range 69 West e:;cepl the east 2 feet thereul'previously conveved by deed recorded in Book 2153 at page 771, County orkrferson, State of Colorado. ORDINANCE NO. Pagel WZ-96-13/City of Wheat Ridge Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this rezoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c)_ of Appendix A of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 1 on this 27th day of January 1997, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for February 24 . 1997, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to this _ day of 1997. . SIGNED by the Mayor on this _ day of 1997. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk. 1st Publication: January 31, 1997 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge: Transcript Effective Date: DAN WILDE, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: February 24, 1997 DATE PREPARED: February 11, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-13/City of CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert Wheat Ridge ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from Public Buildings & Facilities to Agricultural-One. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11200 W. 45th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 3025 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 Acres PRESENT ZONING: PBF (Planned Building & Facilities) PRESENT LAND USE: City- Public Works Shops & Maintenance Yard SURROUNDING ZONING: N: R-2, A-I; S: C-l, A-l; E: R-2; W: R-1, R-2 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: low density residential, agricultural; S: low density residential, commercial; E, W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Public - Fruitdale Valley Master Plan DATE PUBLISHED: January 17, 1-997 DATE POSTED: February 10, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 10, 1997 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( ) OTHER JURISDICTION: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( ) SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Council Bill I. REQUEST Page 2 The is a request by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning of property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1). Pursuant to direction from the City Council, Staff will be initiating zone changes on all non-conforming zoned properties which are City of Wheat Ridge facilities. This particular property is the Public Works Maintenance facility and repair yard. II. ZONING HISTORY City Council, when considering a budgetary expenditure for a new garage at the Public Works shops, requested Staff to prepare a new zone district for "Public Buildings and Facilities". The City has historically had such a district in the late 70's and 80's, however, the regulations were intentionally removed in the Zoning Ordinance re-write in 1988, because it was found to be an unnecessary and confusing requirement. It created an unnecessary burden on the City and other public agencies to rezone every time the City added a new park or wanted to build something on a City-owned property. Unfortunately, those properties zoned PF-1 are still shown on the zoning maps either as PF-1 or PBF (by mistake). There are three properties in the City with this zoning classification which need rezoning: 1. Public Works Shops (subject site) 2. Anderson Park and Maintenance Shops located at West 44th Avenue and Field Street. 3. Valley Water District Office and Shop (now a residence) located at 4300 Oak Street. When the zoning ordinance was rewritten it was intended that public buildings and uses be controlled as conditional uses or special uses within the residential, agricultural, and commercial districts. Staff recommended to City Council that these non-conforming properties be rezoned to A-1, and Council agreed.. This situation has come to light because there is the need for an additional building on the shops property to allow for equipment storage. Since there is no PBF zone district regulations in place, there are no standards to meet for setbacks, heigh, etc.. Approval of the rezoning and special use will take care of both the nonconforming situation and the ability to construct additional storage space. It also allows for public input regarding the proposal. Attached under Exhibit `A' is a site plan of the shops property. The new structure is located at the southeast comer of the site and is designated by a "hatching" pattern. The new building will displace existing vehicle parking. Attached under Exhibit `B' is a letter from the Director of Public Works to the neighborhood explaining the request. The proposed structure will be roughly 2,800 square feet in size and nineteen (19) feet in height. It will be setback fifteen (15) feet from the eastern property line and thirty-five (35) feet from the southern property line. The new building will primarily be used to provide' storage for the City's street sweepers but will also have restrooms in it which will be available for use by Council Bill Page police officers on the night shift. III. REZONING CRITERIA In regard to the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning, Staff has the following comments: Will the change of zone be in conformance, or bring the property into conformance, with the Cityof Wheat Ridge, Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the -area?, The property has historically been used for a public works shop/maintenance facility both in unincorporated Jefferson County and then by the City of Wheat Ridge after incorporation. Approval of the rezoning and special use permit will bring the property's zoning into compliance with it's historical use, and will conform to the Comprehensive Plan as this property is planned for Public/Quazi-Public Use. 2. Will the proposed change of zone be compatible with the surrounding area and will there be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derive? Although.the true use of the property could be considered semi-industrial in nature, proper screening will improve compatibility with the neighborhood. Rezoning will eliminate a nonconforming zoning classification. Will there be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone,? There will be no obvious social or recreational benefits to the community as a result of the rezoning. There will be physical benefits of increased storage space for City equipment if the rezoning and special use and resultant building permit are approved. The street sweeping operation will be more efficient, thus providing an economic benefit. d. Is adequate infrastructure/facilities available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or will the applicant upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are, under capacity? There is adequate infrastructure to serve the property. 5. Will the proposed rezoning not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties? The proposed rezoning should not negatively affect public, health, safety and welfare by Council Bill Page 4 increasing traffic to and from the site. Traffic generation will remain the same. Drainage on the property will follow historic flows. The properties to the east could have a small reduction in the amount of light and air because of the proximity of the proposed building to the eastern property line. 6. Can the property reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions? Under current zoning conditions, no new construction could occur on the property, therefore, Staff concludes that the property cannot be reasonably used under current zoning conditions. 7. Will the rezoning create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas? There is Agricultural-One zoning directly to the north, therefore, spot zoning will not be an issue. 8. Is there a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. Staff concludes that the demand from the citizens and businesses in Wheat Ridge for public services and street maintenance from the City will continue to increase. Rezoning, special use approval, and garage space construction will help meet this increasing demand for service. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 22, 1996. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert - Staff Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Diane Mattox - 4515 Robb Street Duane Hufford - 4495 Pierson Street Lee Fedel - 4480 Pierson Street Kent Young - 11280 W. 46th Avenue Chuck Florey - 11221 W. 44th Avenue Phil Edwards - 11297 W. 44th Avenue Concerns expressed included the following: The possibility of alternate locations on the shop site for the new building (it was determined that this was the only feasible location). The potential use of skylights versus windows on the east side of the new building. Where would vehicles and construction equipment be parked during construction? Potential noise levels during construction. Any storage of paint or flammables in the new building? The Council Bill Page 5 possibility of upgrading the fence along the eastern property line (currently, six (6) feet chainlink and wood). The property owner to the east commented that he didn't like the height of the building and the windows on the east side. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire Protection District may require an additional hydrant. Valley Water District will require a Unified Ownership Agreement in lieu of a new tap plus the tap fee normally charged. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on December 19, 1996. A recommendation of Approval was made for the following reasons: 1. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezoning on all nonconforming City-owned properties, and, 3. Staff recommends approval. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In regard to the rezoning, Staff conclude that the property is currently non-conforming in light of the existing zoning and the use of the property and the proposed zoning would not be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff further concludes that City Council directed Staff to initiate rezonings on all City-owned properties which have non-conforming zonings. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for the rezoning from PBF to A-l. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Council Bill No. -2-, a request for approval of a rezoning from Public Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance, 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezonings on all nonconforming City-owned properties, and, 3. Planning Commission recommends approval". Council Bill Page 6 Option B: " I move that Council Bill No. I_, a request for approval of a rezoning from Public Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. O x 8I, pF'rLGL' 15' i SAY I, 55 DOORS FOR 'AGE AREA WIRE GLA55 19.5' TRAFFIC WORK51-10P TYPICAL GARAGE 28 BAY FL. EL. n2 =98.5 5 L I-- 12' A O EXTERIOR LIGHTING W/ PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROL O 5WITCH FOR EXHAU5T FAN, CEILING FAN5. 1J Gyp FL. EL. =98.5 i ~ i i ! yZ i DA I L J I tt~ i i I SLOPE FLOOR @ 1/87FT. n FL. EL. 1 l 4 / o► _ou ~ i i DAY 44 PLAN VIEW 5 O PROVIDE 5EPARATELY 5WITCHED LIGHTING FOR STORAGE AREA O PROVIDE TRENCH DRAIN ACR055 ALL 5 BAY5, INSIDE GARAGE O 5WITCH LOCATIONS FOR OVERHEAD LIGHTING IN GARAGE BAY5. EXHAUST FAN TYPICAL GARAGE BAY I/5'/FT. SLOPE SECTION B-B WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION YVI IAI III I... o o FUEL J TANKS . 55TORAGET QUIPMESALT-SAND 5TORAGE 13UILDING I I I I I I I I I I I CANOPY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CANOPY I I I ~ j I I I I I I I I I I VEHICLE I I WASH L---J PAD POLICE IMPOUND STORAGE STORAGE 5HED5 ❑ L r------ I I I I I I FUEL STATION I I i I L----J = 30' RAISED PLANTER A15ED " .ANTER Vl~ {0 tt- GATED ENTRANCE 4 AGENDA ITEM RECAP mmnmm~ AGENDA ITEM LO February 24, 1997 X PUBLIC HEARINGS _PROC./CEREMONIES - BIDS/MOTIONS - INFORMATION ONLY QUASI-JUDICIAL X . Yes No -CITY ADM. MATTERS - CITY ATTY. MATTERS - LIQUOR HEARINGS - PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Case No. SUP-96-6/City of Wheat Ridge Meeting Date - ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS ORDINANCES FOR IST READING X ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING - RESOLUTIONS SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Consider Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities in Agricultural-One zone district on property located at 1 1220 West 45th Avenue. BUDGETED ITEM ❑ ❑ Yes No Fund _ Dept/AcctM Budgeted Amount S Requested Expend,$ Requires Transfer/ ❑ . ❑ Supp. Appropriation Yes No "I move that Council Bill No.-&- a request for Special use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It will allow historic use of the property to continue, 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, I Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: I. The Special Use Permit be granted to the City of Wheat Ridge. 2 Solid fencing be provided around the entire perimeter of the property." RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Siler Council Bill No. _6- ORDINANCE NO. Series of 1997 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW GOVERNMENTAL BUILDINGS WITH OUTSIDE STORAGE AND REPAIR FACILITIES IN AN AGRICULTURAL- ONE DISTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 11220 WEST 45TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Upon application by City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a Special Use Permit, in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. SUP-96-6, and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities is hereby granted in an A-1 zone for the following described land: That portion of the west 255 feet of the East half, Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 3 south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the East half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of the East half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 2l; Thence Easterly parallel to said South line a distance of 255 feet; Thence northerly parallel to the West line of the East half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 2l a distance of 310 feet to a point 710 feet North of the North line of the County Road known as the North Golden and Denver Road or West 44th avenue; thence Westerly parallel to the north line of said County Road a distance of 255 feet to a point on the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, thence southerly along the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21 a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. And, That portion of the East 2 feet of the East Half,.Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of section 21, township') south, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of Southwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter of said section 21, thence Northerly along the east line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to the Northeast corner of the East Half, Northwest Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Westerly along the North line of the East Half, Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of two feet; thence Southerly parallel to the east line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to a point 1049.09 feet North of the South line of the Southwest Quarter Northwest ORDINANCE NO.- SUP-96-6/City of Wheat Ridge Page 2 Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterly a distance of 2 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. And, The North 250 feet of the West Y of the East 2/3 of the East % of the NE 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th P.Nl. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. And, The North 250 feet of the East of the East 2/3 of the East % of the NE 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West except the east 2 feet thereof previously conveyed by deed recorded in Book 2153 at Page 771, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. . Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this Special Use Permit does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 of Appendix A of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this 27 ttday of January 1997, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and. consideration on final passage set for February 24 , 1997, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of _ to this _ day of 1997. ORDINANCE NO. Case No. SUP-96-6/ City of Wheat Ride SIGNED by the Mayor on this _ day of , 1997. ATTEST: Wanda Sand, City Clerk ATTORNEY DAN WILDE, MAYOR Pale 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY. GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY Ist Publication: January 31, 1997 2nd Publication: Wheat Ride Transcript Effective Date: . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: February 24, 1997 DATE PREPARED: February 11, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: SUP-96-6/City of CASE MANAGER:L Reckert Wheat Ridge ACTION REQUESTED: Special Use Permit to allow government buildings with outside storage and repair. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11200 W. 45th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 5025 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 Acres PRESENT ZONING: PBF (Public Building & Facilities) PRESENT LAND USE: City- Public Works Shops & Maintenance Yard SURROUNDING ZONING: N: R-2, A-1; S: C- 1, A- 1; E: R-2; W: R- 1, R-2 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: low density residential, agricultural; S: low density residential, commercial; E, W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Public - Fruitdale Valley Master Plan DATE PUBLISHED: January 17,'1997 DATE POSTED: February 10, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 10, 1997 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( ) OTHER (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( ) SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Council Bill 1. REQUEST Page 2 The is a request by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning of a Special Use Permit to allow government buildings with outside storage and repair facilities in an Agricultural-One zone district. This particular property is the Public Works Maintenance facility and repair yard located at 11200 W. 45th Avenue. If the rezoning from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1) pursuant to Case No. WZ-96-13, is not approved, this request for Special Use is immaterial. This request is the result of the need for construction of a garage on the property to be used for street Sweeper storage. See Section II of Staff Report for Case No. WZ-96-1,i. II. SPECIAL USE CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit. Will the special use meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives? Approval of the special use will allow the City to continue the historic user of the property as the public shops maintenance and repair facility. Construction of storage for street sweepers will allow the program to operate more efficiency. 2. Will the special use have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use? Construction of the garage space should have a positive visual affect on persons residing in the area as the equipment which is currently parked outside will be inside a building overnight. The building will itself acct as a buffer. Perimeter fencing is a mix of chainlink and chainlink with slats. Construction of solid six (6).foot fence around the entire perimeter or upgrade of the existing fence would provide additional buffering for neighboring residential properties. 3. Will the special use create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use? The use of the property has historically been a Public Works maintenance facility. There would be no changes regarding day to day operations that would contribute to blight. 4. Will the special use adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution? Council Bill Page 3 Construction of the new storage building may result in a small decrease in the amount of light and air for those residences abutting the eastern property line. There should be no increase in the amount of air and water pollution as operations will remain the same. The new building and any new opaque fencing could reduce the amount of noise generated from the shops property. 5. Will the special use be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? The Land Use Map of the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan designates this property as public. Staff concludes that proposed rezoning and special use permit would conform to this designation. 6. Will the special use result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site? The only change to the property would be the addition of the storage area on the eastern side of the property. This addition should not have a negative affect on traffic, parking, or loading. Will the special use be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties? Staff would note that the property is nonconforming relative to landscaping (10% required) and residential buffering (minimum of six (6) feet wide strip of landscaping with a six (6) foot high solid fence). The proposed new building will displace parking located west of the existing landscaped planter. Although the building itself will act as a buffer, a six (6) foot high solid fence around the entire perimeter would provide additional visual protection. Will the special use over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services? All utilities can serve. There should be no affect on schools and parks and minimal affect on public streets in the area. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 22, 1996. Those attending included the following: Meredith Reckert - Staff Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Diane Mattox - 4515 Robb Street Duane Hufford - 4495 Pierson Street Lee Fedel - 4480 Pierson Street Council Bill Page 4 Kent Young - 11230 W. 46th Avenue Chuck Florey - 11221 W. 44th Avenue Phil Edwards - 11297 W. 44th Avenue Concerns expressed included the following: The possibility of alternate locations on the shop site for the new building (it was determined that this was the only feasible location). The potential, use of skylights versus windows on the east side of the new building. Where would vehicles and construction equipment be parked during construction? Potential noise levels during constriction. Any storage of paint or flammables in the new building? The possibility of upgrading the fence along the eastern property line (currently six (6) feet chainlink and wood). The property owner to the east commented that he didn't like the height of the building and the windows on the east side. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire Protection District may require an additional hydrant. Valley Water District will require a.Unified Ownership Agreement in lieu of a new tap plus the tap fez normally charged. V. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing hold on December 19, 1996. A recommendation of Denial was made for the following reasons: 1. There may be a better alternative of seeking another location for this facility.. 2. Other City departments may be able to share the new facility. I The present location is not compatible. 4. There is no opportunity to expand the current facility due to it being located in a residential area. 5. It would be economically feasible for the city to combine operations, specifically Public Works and Parks Departments, into one site. Further action taken: Commissioner Thompson motioned, Commissioner Johnson seconded, that a professional engineering firm be contracted that specializes in public facilities, locations, and design, to evaluate locations and possible site design with the initial evaluation process being completed within three months after this matter goes before City Council. Council Bill Page 5 Summary of the motion regarding the Planning Commission concerns include: 1. . The property should be zoned agricultural. 2. The location of this facility is incompatible with the neighborhood. 3. The facility should be relocated. 4. A study should be completed in a timely fashion so that this project is completed prior to next winter. 5. Consolidation be considered for Public Works/Parks and Recreation Departments in the same facility. 6. Both department operations are considered industrial/commercial in use and they are both adjacent to residential neighborhoods. 7. If the construction does occur at the current location that the City provide a higher level of aesthetic improvements. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In regard to the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair, Staff concludes that this will allow the historic use of the property to be continued. Staff further concludes that if proper buffering is provided (with existing fencing and upgraded fencing where. needed), the criteria used to evaluate a Special Use Permit support approval of the request. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for the special use portion of this request with the following condition: Solid fencing be provided around the entire perimeter of the property VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Council Bill No. a request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It will allow historic use of the property to continue, 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, 3. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: I. The Special Use Permit be granted to the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. Solid fencing be provided around the entire perimeter of the property." Option B: "I move that Council Bill No. a request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: G~mr,-~ a,-, -Fo OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT. RIDGE COLORADO -A' ADO'=D: Are '5, '99= Lcs'. R-:6:1: Deccmbo 22.'99 }V ,^r?°I7 - 235-2M2 AREA R50:IRIN6 SI-E PLAN A?PRO'/A_ 17 -.1 ioc =AR P_QOD PLALy C-~PPROX:HATE _OC A.T!Oh) ZONE Ois-R C- 50U!.DRY - PARCcVLOT 5OUNDRY iD=5!r PKAT=5 aWNER5NIP1 .K-T=R .IUr2= D=':0?5 `<U-TiP_ ADDR=55=5 NW 21 SCAl.= C"00 fCztf!A=i l r The City Of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWh e at GRidge October 15, 1996 Dear Wheat Ridge Resident; _,C The City of Wheat Ridge presently owns property at 11220 W. 45th Avenue which it uses as its Public Works Shops facility. This property presently has nonconforming zoning. It is the desire of the Wheat Ridge City Council to rezone all of the City's property to be consistent with their present uses. This requires a neighborhood meeting and public hearim_s before Planning Commission and City Council. The zoning we will be applying to.this property will be Agricuhurai-One (A- I) with a special us. permit for Government buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. Along with this rezoning, we would like to construct a building which would have a priman use of vehicle storage. The most common vehicles stored in this building would be our street sweepers. Presently, in the winter when sweeping is required most. %vc park our sweepers outdoors. This requires that they be drained at the end of every day so that they do not freeze up. 'File following day, they cannot be filled with water until the temperature of the tank and piping is above freezing. This building will allow for more efficient sweeping efforts and will assist us in nlcetin<g sweeping requirements to reduce the airborne particulate fOund in the bl'O\\ n cloud. The size of the proposed building is 97 feet long by 29 feet deep. 'file height of the building- is approximately 19 feet at the roofs peak. The height of the doors will be 13 feet. Externally. the building will be sided with steel siding similar in color and style of the existing buildings on the site. The roof will be asphalt shingles. The building will be located on the east side of the site south of the entrance gate. It will be set back 15 feet west of the property litre. The existing planters will remain. A neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 32nd. 1996. The meeting will take place at the Berbert House in Prospect Park. 11400 West 44th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. in order to solicit comments from the neighborhood regarding this particular project. Please plan to attend if you have questions. Very truly yours, laobert Gocbel, C. Director of Public Works City Engineer (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234 5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX 23529,9 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 4 2. Case No. WZ-96-13/SUP-96-6• An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a rezoning of property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1) and for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of this request. The approximate area is 2.5 acres which is owned by the City of Wheat Ridge and is surrounded by low density residential development with one commercial property abutting this property to the south. Ms. Reckert entered into the record the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning Ordinance, case file and packet materials, and exhibits. Jurisdiction was established. Ms. Reckert stated that only one slide of the area could be located prior to the meeting and apologized to the Commission. Ms. Reckert stated that the main concern expressed by the neighbors in attendance at the residential meeting was that of the fencing. Ms. Reckert continued with review of the Staff Report and further stated that City Council has directed Planning to initiate rezoning of these types of properties. General questions were posed to Staff including maximum height of fences, zoning, condition of the current site, possibility of a phase in program to improve appearance, consideration of a combined site location to house several departments in another area, fuel tank safety, and future residential site development. Staff addressed each concern. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Kent Young, 11230 West 46th Avenue, Wheat Ridge. Mr. Young stated his concerns regarding living close to this facility was that the when the "red barn" (sand and salt storage dome) was built and blocked out the view. He stated that the function of the facility. was fine overall but that the materials delivery trucks during the evening and night were cause of a loud banging noise when emptied. He prefers not to see another red barn type building and felt that the operation and addition would be fine. No questions were posed to Mr. Young. General questions were posed to Staff including the responsible parties for the building of the storage dome. Director Goebel of Public Works stated that the facility was constructed during the tenure of the previous Director. Mr. Young said that there was no waming or advisement of the residents at that time. Director Goebel advised the Commission that during the neighborhood meeting the noise issue was presented and since then a directive was issued to discontinue the banging/throttling of hydraulics to alleviate the noise. Other questions involved landscaping, planting around power lines, Council concerns, other possible neighborhood concerns, and other general construction questions of the new building. Discussion also took place regarding the possibility of relocation of the entire facility to another area and suggestion that other departments such as Parks and Recreation could also be included in the use of the new facility. Various locations were suggested. Director Gidley suggested that Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 5 the Commission recommend to City Council to up-grade the appearance of the facility to improve the neighborhood or move it to another area perhaps as a phase-in plan. It was also suggested that a time frame be established to accomplish the either the construction of the new building or investigation into a new location. The Planning Commission believe a wiser future planning and use of public funds would be to seek out another appropriate location and move this facility thus the current residential location would be enhanced, the City would still be serviced, and the new facility could incorporate other department employees as well. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that the request for approval of a rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezoning on all nonconforming City-owned properties, and 3. Staff recommends approval. No further discussion was held. Motion carried 7-0. Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. There may be a better alternative of seeking another location for this facility. 2. Other City departments may be able to share the new facility. 3. The present location is not compatible. 4. There is no opportunity to expand the current facility due to it being located in a residential area. 5. It would be economically feasible for the City to combine operations, specifically Public Works and Parks Departments, into one site. Motion to deny 7-0. Discussion was held regarding making a motion to refer to City Council an alternative plan for this alternative site plan. Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that a professional engineering firm be contracted that specializes in public facilities, locations, and design, to evaluate locations and possible site design with the initial evaluation process being completed within three months after this matter goes before City Council. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 19, 1996 Page 6 Motion carried 7-0. Summary of the motion regarding the Planning Commission concerns include: 3. The property should be zoned agricultural. The location of this facility is incompatible with the neighborhood. The facility should be relocated. A study should be completed in a timely fashion so that this project is completed prior to next winter. Consolidation be considered for Public Work/Parks and Recreation Departments in the same facility. Both department operations are considered industrial/commercial in use and they are both adjacent to residential neighborhoods. If the construction does occur at the current location that the City provide a higher level of aesthetic improvements. 9. OLD BUSINESS Director Gidley advised the Commission of three.items which have gone before City Council; the 29th Avenue Mass Rezoning - approved (they did exempt the property as designed by the Planning Commission on Ames Street); the Schneider proposal of a combination rezoning/subdivision and variance- denied, Mr. Schneider is currently redesigning his subdivision and will be before City Council 1/13/97; emergency ordinances were adopted - 90-day moratoriums have been placed on R-2, 2A, 3, and 3A and two (2) family/multi-family building permits both of which may be extended. 10. NEW BUSINESS Director Gidley advised that a Wadsworth Corridor Meeting will take place on January 28, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers and a Planned Neighborhood Meeting will occur on January 30, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. at 38th and Kipling. Director Gidley asked the Commission if they would like to see the letter before it is mailed to the property owners. It will be made available for their review. 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS Commissioner ECKHARDT told ofsome observations he made regarding the revamping of courtyard areas during his recent trip to South America. Commissioner LANGDON shared conversation he had with a citizen who was concerned about the wastewater odor problem. He stated that there may be a possibility of a grant CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: WZ-96-13 LOCATION: 11200 West 45th Avenue APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge OWNER(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge REQUEST: Approval of a rezoning of property from Public Buildings and Facilities (PBF) to Agricultural-One (A-1) and for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities. APPROXIMATE AREA: WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner Cerveny, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, that Case No. WZ-96-13, a request for appoval of rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be Approved for the following reasons: l: It will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed Staff to initiate rezoning on all nonconforming City ownrd properties. 3. Staff recommends approval VOTE: YES:7 NO: 0 FURTHERMORE, Commissioner Cerveny motioned, Commissioner Johnson seconded, that the request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue be Denied for the following reasons: I. There may be a better alternative of seeking another location for this facility. 2. Other City departments may be able to share the new facility. 3. The present location is not compatible 4. There is no opportunity to expand the current facility due to it being located in a residential area. 5. It would be economically feasible for the City to combine operations, specifically Public Works and Parks Departments into one site. Resolution Page 2 WZ-96-13 VOTE: YES:7 No: 0 1, Marilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers ofthe Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the second day of January, 1997. George Langdon, Chairperson Marilyn Gunn, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: February 24, 1997 Page -2- PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. A. Council Bill 7 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Planned Buildings and Facilities District to Agricultural-One District on land located at 11220 West 45th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ-96-13) (City of Wheat Ridge) Council Bill 7 was introduced by Mr. Siler on second reading; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1067 assigned. Glen Gidley was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Motion by Mr. Siler that Council Bill 7 (Ordinance No. 1067) a request for approval of a rezoning from Public Buildings and Facilities to Agricultural-One for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be approved for the following reasons: 1. it will bring the use of the property and zoning into conformance. 2. City Council directed staff to initiate rezonings on all nonconforming City-owned properties; and 3. Planning Commission recommends approval; seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried 6-1 with Mrs. Worth voting no. B. Council Bill 6 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Special Use Permit to allow governmental buildings with outside storage and repair facilities in an Agricultural-One District on land located at 11220 West 45th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. SUP-96-6) (City of Wheat Ridge) Council Bill 6 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Siler; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1068 assigned. Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Motion by Mr. Siler that Council Bill 6 (Ordinance 1068) a request for Special Use to allow governmental facilities with outside storage and repair for property located at 11200 West 45th Avenue, be approved for the following reasons: 1. It will allow historic use of the property to continue. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. Staff recommends approval. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: February 24, 1997 Page -3- With the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit be granted to the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. Solid fencing be provided around the entire perimeter of the property; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Motion by Mrs. Worth for an amendment that the City and staff take seriously looking at property above 1-70 between the Railroad track and 1-70 for the shops facility and look at land up there and keep their eyes open; we need to start looking for a larger facility for our equipment; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 4-3 with Councilmembers Siler, DiTullio, and Fields voting no. Motion by Mrs. Shaver to delete condition 2; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; failed 2-5 with Councilmembers Dalbec and Shaver voting yes. Vote on original motion as amended carried 4-3 with Councilmembers Shaver, Dalbec, and Fields voting no. Item 2. Council Bill 4 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the collocation of panel antennas on an existing lattice tower in Residential-Two Zone District on land located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (SUP-96-5) Council Bill 4 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Dalbec; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1069 assigned. Gary Pultz, and Ann Prouty, representing Sprint Spectrum LP, were sworn in by the Mayor. Ms. Prouty presented the case. Motion by Mrs. Dalbec that Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition of CMRS panel antennas onto an existing lattice tower on R-2 zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be approved for the following reasons: 1. A Special Use Permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower. 2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers. 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. With the following condition: The Special Use Permit be granted to Sprint Spectrum LP; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 7-0.