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t~~ ~L rhec;ryor ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid a Department of Planning-and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033_- Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant c22 /~ wz- Aaaress26 ,+ l~4a~ Ct Phone~R~-S~1S"~ _ -_ ~dtlCl-~lG~o~, uw x'0215 Owner N J ~~ v ~--, L. L. Address ~~,~D GU~gai4ronxr+ Phone ~~,~' z~ ~'~ t~~swc-~, r~s X33 Location of request ~d ~ © ~~-~~ ~ ~~~~ ~'~ Type of action requested (check one or mor_e_ of the. actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change _ Special use permit Flood plain special exception_- Conditional use permit Interpretation of_code - Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision -C_anlScaGit~~a~~I Public Improvement Exception. Subdivision Street vacation 8 Preliminary Miscellaneous. plat Final _- Solid waste landfill/, ** See attached. procedural guide- mineral extraction permit for .specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed-_Description of request - List-all persons-and companies-who hold an interest_in the described real g~)roperty, aMS owner; mortr~gagee, lessee,,optionee; etc. _ NAME yy~ AD RESS PHONE l-~~~~- I! 1 P~i~dkTti'~4~~Y't" ~'{ ~/~1-~i S4J0 r^T l-4 ~:., T /' ~~~ ~o ttw iYl -+-e.rL~'1' G~ ~-l ~ f' be-y-^i Cr3W ~~O 37 - ~ 2 - ou1~ m ~ ~. ra-TU ~,_ra- I certify that the information and exhibits. herewith submitted are true and_ correct to the .best of my. knowledge and that in filing this application, i am acting with the knowledge and consent of those. persons listed above,-. without whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawf$].ly be acco plished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from e owner which approved of this action on his behalf. ~~' J/ Signa'ture,,o~;APPlicant ~G/zj2 ~[v - i'F! Subsor3be$,and sworn to me is 13 day f D ~ 19 4 • - In r~ - a Notary Public _ ' d7~~ SEAL ~ ~" - I~GZ{V `D~~I ~'~ ~~3'" My commission expires ,yt,r a_~t~~ - .<... „. .._ - - Date Received /L^ (3 -`Z`~ xeceipz ivo. ~,~ /w ~aSC ~~~• RECEPTION N0. F01251~ 14.50 P~001-001 230. ...RECORDED IN JEF~!ERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 10/04/95.12:01 .) ~~~ u ~// S ~~ i ~~ v r :a f,( V ~'\ C ~~ ~~t^ i~J 0 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, Made this c~ rd day of OCPOBER , t9 95 , between THE BANK OF BOULDER of the ' County of Boulder , State of Colomdo, gantor(s) and H.J.H. LIhILTID LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado Limited Liability Company _ whose legal address is ( wadSWOY'tY1 B1Va. ~~a/ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 of the • ,.. County of Jefferson ,State of Colomdo, grantee(s): WCENESSETH, That the gtantor{s), for and is consideration of the stmt of ***** $85,000.00 ******************** EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSADID DOLLARS AND 00/100**********************************'boLLt,RS, the receipt and su&ciency of which is hereby acknowledged, ha S gamed, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do e5 grant, bargain, sell, coney, and confirm, unto the grantee(s) 1tS hens and assigns forever, all the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in Ute County of Jefferson , State of Colomdo, described as follows: I1,YP 3 , CURRT-ER SQBDIVISI~T, _ COUNTY OF Jl~'FERSON, STATE OF COIARAW. also known by street and number as: Vacant 7xlxld-4100 Wadsworth Blvd. , Wheat Ridge, CO TOGETHER with all and singtilaz the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor(s), either is law or equity, of, is and to the above bargained premises, with the hererlitameats and appurtenances; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenances, unto the gantee(s), jytc heirs an~pssigns forever The gaator{s), for it sel f ].tS heirs and personal representatives or successors, do p~c covenant and agree that It shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the gantee(s), ]-tS heirs and assigns, against aU and every person or persons claiming the whole or any part thereof, by, through or under the gantor(s). IN WI'J~NESS WHEREOF, the grantor(s) ha S executed lhis deed on the date set forth above. ,,:'~:~;~;t.~; ,_. THE BANK OF BOULDER C~ BY: ~,~ "..~ . ~ v ~r ~a~13 1' ``~ al.r.y ..MY.t,;.,,t .J "i .. ._ -_ ~ .. " ~( a~ n ~~~5; .:' - STATE OF COLORADO l ""err, nitnu••'. 11 ss. "City and coantyor Denver '-The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3 ~~ day of October , 19 95 , by , ~ nn of The Bank of Boulder. ~~`Q~ T." te¢,cz,L~C. as Uacal fJia~~' Witness my band and official seal My commission expires 3-l T ~t~ • No[aryPubbc ~Q'-'~OTa<S~O ~i 'If i¢ Denver, insert" ~'. ' _ - - - _ - _ - Name avd Address of Person Creating Newly Cleated Isgal Description (§ 38-35-106.5, C.R.S.) Na 16. Rev. 6-92. SPECIAL Publishing 1743 Wane S[., Denver, CO 80202 - (303) 292-2500 - 3-94 ~~~~ ~ -- _. f / I 15.00 PG: 0001-001 RECEPTION NO. 0146289 COL~O 11/16/95 12:01 • Recepti, 230 RECORD~IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, o~cto~ --M., Recordea at~~ ~. - - - ... - ~ - - - WARRANTY DEED r ',., u u THIS DEED, Made this ~ ~~ day of NOVEMBER , 19 95 , between BROOKLYN LAND CATTLE COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPORATION a corporation duly organized and existing ugdantor, and virtue of the laws of the State of COLORADO BOB MAKATURA whose legal address is WHEATR DGEORCOLORADO 80033 of the *County of JEFFERSON Slate o£ Colorado, grantee: WITNESSETH, That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of -----~---+-----,-- DOLLARS, NINETY THOUSAND AND NO/ 100THS--------~--- ained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hah g heiers andgassigns forever, all [he real property, together with grant, bazgain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the grantee, , County of JEFFERSON . improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the State of Colorado, described as follows: LOT 2, CURRIER SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the satd premises a ov g assigns forever. And the grantor, for itself, and its successors, does covenant, grant, bazgain and agree to and with the grantee, and asserfect`absolute and indefeasible esea~e ofinhleritancef ,`m law, insfee simpleW and has good righte full power and au homy to groan[, sure, p bazgain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other gran s, bazgains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of wSUBJECT TOatRESERVATIONS, TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1995 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS; CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD, IF ANY. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereo . ender shall be applicable to all genders. The singulaz number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any g IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscrib Secretazy, the day and year first president, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its above written. Attest: BROORLYN LAND CATTLE COM~ , A COLORADO CORPORATION' also known y ~~ TOGETHER with all and singulaz the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and t e ~ remainder and remainders, rents, issues and rofits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and P reversion and reversions, demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bazgained premises, with the hereditaments an appurtenances. b e bar ained and described with the appurtenances, unto the grantee, his hhis heir ~' ~~ b street and number as: 4100 WADSWORTH BLVD t as b}' ~ ~~ ~' ~ a corporation. 1' STATE OFCO~IA~RADO~~ ss. ~~/ _ County of \ }~ `^"' ~~.-'HIV-- ' ^~., / ~~p~ ~ ~J 1 J day of V IVVQ~ `~~' 19 ~ , as President T oregoing instrument was acknoswledged before me this Secretary and '~ n of pDHWYl~~LAND CATTLE COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPORATZO ~~ ~~ 1~a~'--- S Nota Public `Q t A~ y ~. ` Description (§ 38-35-706.5, C.R.S.) ~_ T ~ -. lyre and Atldas of Person CreaEivgNewly Created Lepyt ~_>~~g'L~~'~ tend: ~f, N ~~,,~~~ QEED (Corporation) aa,,,~~~//~f~~~r~asttttt\\\~` Bradford Publishin&[743 wazee St., Denver. C080202 -(303)29?'500-6-7~ ~ y'S00 WEST 29TH AVENUE t J ~~~ ( ~ The CifyOf P.O. BOX 638 {~ V WHEAT RIDGE. CO 8003a~D638 ` (303) 234-5900 ~1Vheat Ciiy Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge December 15, 1995 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request fora roval of a PCD final development plan and plat ` at the property described below. Your response to the following questions anc~ any comments on -this proposal would be appreciated by December 29, 1995 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-96-2/Kunz LOCATION' 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. REQUESTED ACTION' Final development plan and plat approval PURPOSE: Construction of an 810.0 square foot office building APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.0 acres- 1.. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES XX NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? N/A YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES XX NO If'"NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has would or should affect approval of this request? SEE ATTACHED PAGES Please reply to: M..Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Wheat Ridge) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridgy X Fire District (Wheat Ridgy Adjacent City ( ) X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State-Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife X TCI of Colorado identified which Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board X W R Post O£__fice- -W R Police Dept. -% yi R Public Works Dept. X W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. W R Building Div. X E~ARCreferralform p x., ,. o-,u•.,p , s ~!'1Y.Q~ WF!;.^T RIDGE • D _..r~~~ n~~n Developmental Plan and Plat ,:lAN~. S 1996 ~i`'? ~.. ~1~~ Case No: WZ-96-2/Kunz ~~, Location: 4010 Wadsworth Bivd. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? SITE PLAN: East property line: _ 1. Along rear of property a 22' access road is proposed. Once this access road is tied in to the existing accesses on the Safeway and Time Square properties, there will be a need to have traffic/speed control in some manner such as speed bumps or dips. 2. The six foot wood fence on the rear properties on Upham Street and the proposed retaining wall on the east side of the alley has approximately a three foot space. This space not only will collect garbage and trash, it provides ample space and cover for the opportunity of criminal activity to occur. 3. Both retaining walls will provide opportunity for tagging and graffiti. It is suggested that the exposed retaining walls be covered with anti-graffiti paint. The paint is relatively expensive, however, the ease and low expense of clean-up will off-set the cost of the paint. LANDSCAPE PLAN Phase I and II 1. All shrubs kept trimmed to a maximum height of 36 inches 2. All trees must have trunks trimmed up six to eight feet before branching. 3. Remove landscape bushes on south side of building, next to parking lot and sidewalk. These bushes have the potential of providing hiding places that result into a safety issue for pedestrians on the sidewalk entering or exiting their vehicles. 4. A11 undcrgrotvth (notably Phase II) must be removed and maintained. The proposed building is relatively isolated from normal traffic and pedestrian patterns thus it is essential to provide unobstructed view to the building, driveways, accesses, parking lot, and remaining property. By eliminating these obstructions, natural visual observations will occur and the opportunity for criminal activity is reduced. Phase II property must not be allowed to return to the current state. This property has been a constant source of problems from criminal activity to the homeless trying to live there. By keeping this property maintained and open, previous problems will be less likely to re-occur. Unforeseen issues not addressed at this time will be addressed as the need arises. The Law of Inadequate Security attached. Reviewed and submitted by Officer Deri Patt Wheat Ridge Police Department January 16, 1996 ~^ THE LAW OF INADEQUATE SECURITY 1. INADEQUATE SECURITY DEFINED: A SIIIT FOR INADEQUATE SECURITY MAY ARI88 WHEN A COMPANY OR INSTITIITZON FAILS TO PROVIDE REASONABLE SECURITY TO PROTECT AGAINST FORESEEABLE CRIMINAL ACTS COMMITTED BY THIRD PARTIES AGAINST AIITHORIZED INDIVIDIIALB ON PROPERTY WHICH THE COMPANY OR INSTITIITION OWNS, POSSESSES, OR CONTROLS, AND POSSIBLY, IN A VERY FEW JIIRISDICTIONB, ADJACENT PROPERTY WHICH THE COMPANY OR INSTITIITION IISES REGIILARLY IN THE COIIR88 OF ITS BIISINE88. II. ELEMENTS OF INADEQUATE/NEGLIGENT SECURITY LAWSIIIT IN ORDER TO PREVAIL IN A NEGLIGENCE TORT ACTION FOR INADEQUATE SECURITY, THE PLAINTIFF MIIST PROVE: 1. THE DEFENDANT OWED A DIITY TO PROVIDE REASONABLE BECIIRITY, 2. THE DEFENDANT BREACHED ITS DIITY AND FAILED TO PROVIDE REASONAHLS BECIIRITY, WHICH WAS 3. THE CAIISE IN FACT AND 4. THE FORESEEABLE CAIISE OF THE 5. THE INJIIRY. III. ELEMENTS OF NEGLIGENCE ANALYZED A. DIITY OWED: PLAINTIFF MAY ARGIIE DEFENDANT OWED A DUTY TO PROVIDE REASONABLE SECURITY BASED IIPON ONS OR A COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING FACTORS: 1. BIISINE88 INVITEE, AND A. SPECIAL RELATIONSHIPS 8. SPECIAL FACTS AND CIRCD1i8TANCEB 2. VOLIINTARY A88IIMPTION OF DIITY 3. BTATIITORY DIITY 4. CONTRACT ~ 5. WARRANTY OF HABITABILITY B. BREACH OF DIITY: PLAINTIFF MAY ARGIIE DEFENDANT BREACHED ITS DIITY TO PROVIDE SECURITY HASED IIPON ITS FAILIIRE'TO: 1. COMPLY WITS A STATIITORY LAW 2. MEET PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS 3. MEET INDIISTRY PRACTICES/STANDARDS 4. MEET LOCAL COMMIINITY STANDARDS 5. MEET ADVERTISED STANDARDS 6. MEET CONTRACT/VOLIINTARILY A88IIMED STANDARDS 7. PROVIDE ADEQIIATE WARNING e. CONDIICT/FOLLOW SECURITY SIIRVEY/ABBESSMENT 9. DEVELOP/FOLLOW SECURITY POLICIES i PROCEDIIRE~ 10. RETAIN QIIALIFIED SECURITY MANAGER AND STAFF A. BACRGROIIND CHECES H. APPROPRIATE EBPERIENCE/EDUCATION C. COMPETITIVE SALARY i BENEFITS TO RETAIN {~-- - 5. TYPE OF NEIGHBORHOOD 6. PRO%IMITY OF MAJOR ROADS 7. EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT 8. IISE OF SECIIRITY OFFICERS 9. EMPLOYEE CRIME AWARENESS PROGRAMS NOTE, EVIDENCE LISTED IINDER THE TOTALITY OF THE CIRCIIMSTANCE TEST MAY BE ADMISSIBLE IINDER THE PRIOR SIMILAR RIILE PROVIDED PLAINTIFF FIRST INTRODIICES EVIDENCE OF PRIOR SIMILAR CRIMES ON THE PREMISE. 3. IMMINENT DANGER A. SPECIFIC PERSON IS DANGEROIIS AT TIME/PLACE B. SPECIFIC PERSON IS IN DANGER AT TIME/PLACE E. INJIIRY IV. SELECT STATE COIIRT DECISIONS FAST FOOD ZNDIISTRY 1. DOIIGLAS V. MCDONALD CORPORATION, 565 8O.2D 137 (ALA. 1990) 2. TACO BELL V. CANNON, 744 P.2D 43 (COL0.1987) 3. GOIILD V. TACO HELL. 722 P.2D 511 (RAN.1986) 4. CRIME FIGHTERS PATROL V. RILES 740 S.,W.2D 936 (RY.1987) 5. HARRIS V. PIZZA HIIT OF LOIIISIANA, INC., 455 8O.2D 1364 (LA.1984) 6. BELLY V. RETZER i RETZER, INC., 417 S0.2D 556 (MISS.1982) 7. IOWA CASES PERTAINING TO INADEQIIATE SECIIRITY A. MARTINRO 9. H-N-W ASSOCIATES, 393 N.W.2D 320 (IA.1986) r^ 3 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~ Th•l O/ P.O. BOX 638 - _ Y WHEAT RIDGE. CO 800340638 - (303) 234~59UC' ,;~ ~ J~ea+ City Admin. Fax # 2345924 Police Dept.. Fax # 2352949 ~ ~idgel December 15, 1995 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development-has received a request for approval of a PCD final development plan and plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any .comments on-this proposal would be appreciated by December 29, 1995 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding .this proposal. .. , .. CASE NO: WZ-96-2/Kunz ^.tTY OF WhEAT RIDGE LOCATION: 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. REQUESTED ACTION: Final development plan and plat approval t~6L. ff ~ PURPOSE: Construction of an 810.0 square foot office building i~l.~ ~ ll PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.0 acres: 1,. Are public facilities or services provided by your-agency adequate to serve this development? YES x NO_ If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO_~. If "NO", please explain below. 3. ~~ you haveLa~quate capac~~ies to servi a the development? YES_~ NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES~_ NO If'"NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: M.,Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X_Water--District Wheat Ridge) Jefferson Co.-.Health Dept. X Sanitation District (ti?heat Ridgy Jefferson Co. Schools _ X Fire District (Wheat Ridgy Jefferson Co. Commissioners Adjacent-City ( ) Denver Water Board X Public Service Co. X W R Post Office X US West Communications X W R Police Dept. State Land Use Commission X W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey X W R Parks & Recreation Com. Colorado Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div. of Wildlife WpR Building Div. X TCI of Colorado X EUARCreferralform v ,;,: ,. i.,; r.,;,. SUBJ: Currier Subdivision Lots 2 & 3, WZ-96-2/Kunz - 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. * MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: December 18, 1995 The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated December 15, 1995 and .has the following comments: 1. We will need a final drainage study. It is my understanding that this document is being prepared for submittal. 2. We will need a completed application for permit and fees. due submitted for. .review conjunction with this permit, an erosion also need to be submitted for review and 3. Per this referral, plat approval is also document has not been received as of thi dumping/landfill and approval. In control plan may approval. required. This 3 date for review. 4. No public improvements are proposed for this project. 5. Sight distance 'f or the proposed. access points should be investigated since they are connecting to the existing curved drive. Onsite design features in the sight line shall be lower than driver eye height. cc:. G1en.Gidley, John Oss, Sr. Steve Nguyen, John McGuire, Chuck Braden, File Planning & Development Director Project Engineer Traffic.Engineer City Surveyor " ROW Technician Tran Syste ms Engineers & Planners,LLC ,... ""' ` - "' ~''^ ` -' ~ ~ `7800 East Union Avenue • Suite 500 •~ C)en~ Tre,mportation ~ f9vll ~ StnictiNel •~Emrirauiientel ~ Telephone (303) 740-8900 December 21, 1995 Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat ridge P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 Re: 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. Case No. WZ-96-2-Kunz Dear Ms. Reckert: In our capacity as Engineers for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District we have received and reviewed the Final Development Plan for the above referenced development. It should be noted that currently, there are no District-owned sanitary sewer facilities fronting this property to provide sanitary sewer service. We have had several exploratory contacts from the developer's engineer regazding service to the property but, as of this date, there have been no plans submitted in regard to a main extension to serve this property. Assuming an acceptable means of providing sanitary sewer service to this propeW would have a and it can thereby be demonstrated that service can be provided to the property, favorable recommendation. If you have any questions in this regard, please call us. Very truly yours, ranSystems Engineers & Planners /- i- ~ k"9 William K. Brown, P.E. Engineer for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District cc: District Office Muller Engineering Co., Inc. .. _ , • D10~fl1 ~IDG~ ~I~~ ~~O~~C1100 DISI~IC1 P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 Date: 12-26-95 To: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Co. Subject: Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat Case No: WZ-96-2/Kunz Location: 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. Purpose: Construction of an 8100 square foot office building Dear Meredith, After a review of the requested action regarding this case, I am submitting the following comments: 1. The turn radius into the property is inadequate for emergency equipment. 2. The watermain for the site has not yet been extended. The hydrant location shown on the plan is ok. 3. Unforeseen issues not addressed at this time will be addressed t_ as the need arises. The contractor/developer should contact this office with any concerns or issues they may have concering this project.Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ctfully, ! ~~'~ Dave Roberts Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District cc:file 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.o. aox 63s The City of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234.5900 ~Whea~t City Admin. Fax#234-5924 PcliceDept.Fax#235-2949 ~Rldge December 26, 1995 Mr. Terry Kunz 2665 Taft Court Lakewood CO 80215 Dear Terry; WZ-~Z6-2.- I reviewed your request"for approval of a final development plan for property located at 4010 Wadsworth and will require the following items be either added to the-plan or addressed otherwise: 1• The title should read "Makatura Office" "Final Development Plan and Plat" "An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge"; 2. Case history box with the following Case Numbers; WZ-80-2, MS-82-2, WZ-83-28, WZ-85-23, WZ-86-24, WZ-96-2 3. Zoning on and adjacent to the site; 4. Name, address and phone number_ for owner and surveyor; 5. Adjacent land uses; 6. Certification blocks for Planning Commission, Mayor, City clerk, Director of-Planning and Development and Jefferson. County Recorder's Dffice:; 7. Location of loading areas; 8. Handicapped space should be 12 feet wide; 9. Five-foot-wide sidewalk along the connector drive; 10. The alley along the rear will be required to be built .and should-be shown on the development plan; 11. Six-foot-high solid fence along the rear property line with a five-foot landscaped buffer; 12. Ownership statement; 13. Percentages should be included in the site data breakdown; 14. Surveyor's certificate; 15. The following note's: "All signage shall be in accordance 'with Article I, Chapter 26 of 'the Wheat Ridge code of Laws", "All exterior lighting shall be in accordance with Section 26-30 (S) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws", "All landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 26-32 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws'!; 16. Development schedule; 17. All existing easements encumbering the property. --This will be shown on the plat; and 18. A plat document-meeting the requirements. of the Subdi-vision Regulations. In addition, Staff is requesting that the southern entrance of the property be redesigned to allow for a larger turning radius which lessens the curve and aligns.with the improvements to the south. See attached redmarks. rg JGr ri kd Pnprr Mr. Terry Kunz Page 2 December 26, 1995 __ _ _- _- Attached are referral responses received from other agencies. All of their concerns need to be addressed. As indicated in previous-conversations,-you are scheduled for a public hearing in front of Planning Commission on January 18, 1996_ I will need. l3`-sets of-the revised plans no-later than - - -- January 9, 1996. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to_contact me at 235_- _ 2848. _ _ Sincerely, t^ ~. ~ ~ Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw cc: Ann Pitinga attachments NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat_Ridge Planning_Commission on January 18, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado_ All interested citizens are-invited to-speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. 'The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-96-1: An application by Benjamin Bandimere for approval of a_rezoning from A-i to R-2A for property located at 4470 Lee Street. :.Said property is legally described as follows: - - A tract of-land in the Northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West o~ the 6th P.M. in Jefferson County,- State of Colorado, more particularly described, as follows: Beginning at a point that is 1.529.75 feet south and 447 feet. West from the Northeast corner of said Section 21; thence West 215 feet; thence South 193 feet; thence northeasterly 289 feet more or less to the. Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, as described in Reception Number 94046061 of the _ records of Jefferson County, Colorado. 2_ Case No. MS-96-1: An application by Benjamin Bandimere for-- approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with variances for property located at 4470 Lee Street. Said property is legally described as follows: A tract. of-land in the Northeast quarter of Section 2I,- Township 3 south, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. in Jefferson County, State of Colorado, more-particularly described as follows Beginning at a point that is 1529.75.-feet. south and 447-feet West from the Northeast c-orner of said Section 21; thence West 215- feet; thence South 193 feet; thence northeasterly 289 feet-more or _less to a Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, State of__- Colorado, as described"in Reception Number_94046061 of the records of Jefferson County, Colorado. 3. Case No. WZ-96-2: An application by Terry Kunz for HJH, L.L.C., for approval o~-a final development plan and plat for PCD zoned property within the Town Center Master Plan area. Said property is located at 4010 Wadsworth Boulevard and is legally described as follows: . Lots 2 and 3, Currier Subdivision, City of Wheat .Ridge, County of Jefferson, State-of Colorado.- 4. Case No. MS-96-2: An application by Gerald M. Biehl for - approval of a_two-lot minor. subdivision-for property located at 3600 Youngfield Street. Said .property is legally described as follows: ti A PORTION OF-THE EAST'ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION, 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.,M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 654.32 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, . AND`60.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OE THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE'-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N 00°51'8" W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID-SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 667.82 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, THEN N 89°28'.1" E ALONG. THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF _ SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET, THENCE N 00°51'8" WEST PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF Off' THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE S 89°28'1" W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE _ NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29,-A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00°51'8" W PARALLEL TO-THE WEST LINE-OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 135.19_FEET TO_A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ON A'CURVE T9 THE RIGHT WHOSE RADIUS IS 182.0 FEET AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS N 37°51'1" E, A DISTANCE OF - . 227.66 FEET TO A POINT-OF TANGENCY; THENCE N 76°34'0" E ALONG THE _ SOUTHERLY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 701.69 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RIDGEVIEW ACRES THIRD FILING, A PLATTED SUBDIVISION IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO; THENCE S 00°43'5" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID_RIDGEVIEW ACRES THIRD FILING, A DISTANCE OF 670.33 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 89°28'1" W ALONG-THE SOUTH DINE OF THE_- NORTEiEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST_ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF b.67 FEET 'TO A POINT WHICH 25 885.00. FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF"OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID-SECTION 29; THENCE S 00°51'8" E PARALLEL. TO THE 'WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE.-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 1162..99 FEET TO A POINT 160..00- FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST:ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION.29_; THENCE S 89°.31'7" W PARALLEL TO -THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF .192.34 FEET; THENCE S 00°51'8" E PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTAN_CE OF 130.00 FEET; THENCE S 89°3107" W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF-SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 342.66 FEET TO A POINT 35.0.,00 FEET EAST OF-THE WEST. LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION-29; .THENCE N 00°51'8" W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, _A DISTANCE OF 600.00 FEET; THENCE S 89°31'7" W PARALLEL TO TH_E' SOUTH LINE OF .THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A- DISTANCE.OF 150.00 FEET;-THENCE N 00°51'8" W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE_OF,THE EAST ONE-HALF OF .THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 24.32 FEET; THENCE S 89°31'7" W PARALLEL-TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER"OF SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 140._00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN-AREA 29.969 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Sandra Wiggins, Secretary _ ATTEST: _ Wanda Sang, City Clerk ~ - - To be Published: January 4, 1996 Jefferson Sentinel b;\a11896.phn Thr_• JEFF ERSGN SEA!'? 1224 Wadswortn Bivd Lakewood, CO 802iS 239-9890 THE CITY CLERKS OFF:CE. VIZ CITY OF WHEAT RIllGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO S021S ' INVOICE: LEGAt_ NOTICE PUBf..ICA~TIt Our number: JW0212.1Gq Your identir~~ PUBLICATION DATES: 9b!!:J.1!i;4 tF:rough 96J01/U4 NUMBER OF LINES: 192 COPIES REQUESTED: Printing: Si~.Sn ~ -- Copies: ~~-00 ' TOTRL DUE: `~ ~~~?-~`+ RFFIDRVITS ISSUED AFTF_R RECEiP-i OF Thank you for advertising in the Jeifer~~~.~n Sentinel News pap VV The JEFFERSON SENTIIUELS 1224 Wadsworth blv~ Lakewood, CO 80215_ 239-9890 THE CITY CLERKS Of-F ICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80:'15 ~5 01/05/`. INVOIL'E: LEGAL NOTICE PEJBLICRT Our number: JW0212-1U4 Yaur iden ti f, PUBLICATION DATES: 97/0.104 Chrougf~ 9o/O1 /0 NUMBER OF LINES: 192 COPIES REQUESTED: 3 _ - Printing: 8''-6' '. Copies: - 0-00 TOl'AL DUE: '~ S"•°4 RFF I DAV I TS 1 SStIED RF'CER RECE 1 PT OF Thank you 'for advertising in the Jef~fers,c~n Sentinel Newsfaapers' _. _ -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.o. sox sss The Cify of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-Cc33 (3031 234-5900 ~ Wheat CityAdmin. Fax ~ 234-5924 - Police Dept. F2x;t 235-2949' Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. U/ Z ,q6~ 2 PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADNSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: I, n a m e N, s` N. ~. ~. c residing at z ~~,~ ~~T' ' ~_ <_-a~C.7- h~4lLfswoda t COLU ~O 2 ~,~ ~~/(a d pd r e s s) ~ as the applicant for Case No. u/ Z - `~-'~ hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at , (1 o c a t i o n) on this ~1 ~ day of ~/'~NJrR.~I?~/ 19 ~, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this .case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the pub is hears g on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. <pc>postir rev. OS-15 -500N/EST-29TH AVENUE P.O.-6OX 636 - _ _ VJH EAR nIDGE. CO 60033--0638- - --__--- City A6rr:n. Fax # 234-5924 January 4, 1996 The City of 1303) 234-5900 '_ - Vi' llPiat Police Deot. Fax ~ 2352949 •(~• lC~gf; This is -to inform you that Case No. w7-9h-2 which is a request for ~,~rnval of a P1annPd ('ommPrcial nevelopment final .de,~Pl~pme + pan and plat ,- for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. _ _ will be heard by the Wheat Ridge planning Comm;ssion in the Council Chambers of--the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at °7.30 p.m. , on tan„ary, i a , i Aar _. _ All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration mus be present at this hearing before. the Planningr Commission As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. it shall-be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at .this meeting. If you have any questions_or desire_to-review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform co ,;,.. ~. ~: v..,.., , °' ~r~V-= ~i, e.+ l___.. \ ~~'SS38OOtl Ne(113tl iO 1H0183H1 t~`t~' `!•~.~ v p Ol 3dOl3AN3 d0 dQl ltl ki3NOI1S 30tl 1d i1Ntl180dW1 ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ - OHH ' r~ E ' ° ~ ~~\~~ gar ~ . _v~ ~ m W M7M ~ ~ o ~ • ~'. 't "J U? I\~ 'A f WF ~ Z ~i ~ ~ Y ~ `. .. a ~ ~ A r i N U a RIO ~ LL 1 RIZJ0. ~ OHJ . ~ , 0 C rn ~ ~a s U v i ~ m o~E~ \ F. 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'~ €a '~ e ~ o~ a : st +~ x t) ~ ~ '_'~ ~ r ~ h3 i3 ~ f ~ ` g ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ c~ O ~ ~ p ~ r ~ _ U Z ~ ~ ~ O l ~ = U . -- BLS 40h 2'C6 d 1 ~, ~ r~ . ~ g C ~ w ff( ¢ ,y ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y .a Pr 'a t S9S 'COh 2`I6 d 1 m 4) N a U c ~ m 0 Q T i '- `~ M A _m Ly0 co a W LL W U O LL a w U w O W m Q a ~- - _.;,, • Public Service uary 5, 1996 Public Service Company of Colorado 2701 W.7th Avenue Denver, CO 80204-0114 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) acknowledges receipt of the preliminary plot plan of - 6- PROJECT TITLE PSCo has examined the proposed plan of the above-captioned project and suggest that defining easements for electric and gas service should be delayed at this time. Easements cannot be adequately delineated at this time due to the uncertainty of the service needs and locations to allow for the most desirable system design. Easements shall be granted to PSCo when service locations aze made known for the construction, operation, maintenancece hd r oaas thereto, through, overi~aeroas and under streets, utility easementse and ~~p sbbdiP aces or property gu or common area. Approval of electric and/or gas service to this property is subject to PSCo Hales, regulations and tariffs on file and in effect with the State Public Utilities Commission, State of Colorado. please note, PSCo has existing gas and/or electric dfstr$aution facilities in this area. The developer should contact the Unit Manager, New Service Engineering at 425-3811 regarding utilization or relocation of the existing facilities. PSCo would also like to remind the developer to have all utilities located prior to construction. ffyou have any questions regading the above subject matter, please contact me at 571-3735. Thank you, Teresa Wilson Right-of--Way Processor TW/pg January 10, 1996 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheatridge, Colorado 80215-6713 Re: Makatura Office MEC Project No. 9525 Dear Ms. Reckert: Muller Engineering Company, Inc. Consulting Engineers Irongate 4, Suite 100 777 South Wadsworth Boulevard Lakewood, Colorado 80226-4337 (3031988-0969 Fax 1303) 98&3939 This letter accompanies the submittal of 13 copies of the Final Development Plan and Plat for the Makatura Office project. Terry Kunz and I recently attended a board meeting for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. At the meeting, we received direction to work with the district's engineer as we develop a plan to connect into the line to the south behind Safeway. Now that we got some type of positive feedback from the district, we will begin a preliminary design for the sanitary sewer hookup. Also, we have received the comments for the first submittal of the drainage report, and are almost finished appropriately addressing the comments. I tentatively plan to submit both the drainage report and the erosion control plan by this Friday. Please let me know of any concerns you might have with the information described above, so we can address your concerns as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance with the replatting and final development process. You certainly have been very informative and pleasant to work with. Sincerely, MULLER ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. Bruce A. Behrer Jr., P.E. Project Engineer cc: Terry Kunz DJ~~1 ~IDG~ ~I~~ ~~O1~CTIOD DISI~ICT P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 Date: 01-11-96 To: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Co. Subject: Revision for Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat Case No: WZ-96-2/Aunz Location: 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. Purpose: Construction of an 8100 square foot office building Dear Meredith, After a review of the requested action regarding this case, I am submitting the following comments: 1. The turn radius into the property is still inadequate for emergency equipment. 2. The hydrant location shown on the plan is ok. 3. IInforeseen issues not addressed at this time will be addressed as the need arises. ~ The contractor/developer should contact this office with any concerns or issues they may have concering this project. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Respectfully, ~ ~ _ ~~r~ ~\ ~~ ~ Dave Roberts l ~ Fire Marshal ;/ ,y~ Wheat Ridge Fire ~l Protection District cc:file i i J v CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO; Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: January 18, 1996 DATE PREPARED: ,January 9, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-2 CASE MANAGER: ~" Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Terry Kunz, 2665 Taft Court., Lakewood 80215 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNERS}: HJH, L.L.C., 4350 Wadsworth Blvd., #421, Wheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.97 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N S: C-1; E: R-3; W: PCD SURROUNDING LAND USE: N S: Shopping center; E: Multi-family; W: park land COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Commercial Activity Center -Town Center Master Plan DATE PUBLISHED: January 4, 1996 DATE POSTED: January 4, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: January 4, 7996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX ) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (XX) ENTER INTO RECORD: ( )NOT REQUIRED ' ()NONE ( XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS { XX) ZONING ORDINANCE (XX) SLIDES ( XX) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) EXHIBITS ( )OTHER JURISDICTION: _ The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Case_ No. WZ-96-2/Kunz REQUEST _ _ Page 2 The applicant requests approval of a final development plan and plat for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. within the Town Center Master Plan area. The property in question contains 1.97 acres, is zoned Planned Commercial Development and is located directly east of the Town Center Park across 4he connector drive. II. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT , „ An approximate 8100 square foot, one-story office building is being proposed. Access is by way of a curb cut on the south end with the connector drive. A one-way drive with drop-off area under an extended portico exists at the north end. Lot coverage for the property, includes 9.5% building coverage and 41.83% paved coverage including the connector drive, paved alley and ingress/egress easement for the Post Office. 33.47% of the site will be landscaped with 15% in native vegetation. A future phase is being shown at the rear of the lot. The applicant is not asking for approval of 4he additional building at this time. Improvements required with the construction include widening of the south end of the connector drive to improve sight distance and to enlarge the turn radius. The alley at 4he very eastern edge of the site will have to be paved with a width not less than 20 feet. Afive-foot-wide sidewalk is required along the east side of the connector drive. Notes regarding signage and exterior lighting must be added as well as the dumpster enclosure material. All requirements of a final development plan and plat have been met. III. COMPREHENSNE PLAN_ ,. In the spring of 1994, the City adopted design guidelines for development within the Wheat Ridge Town Center. Please refer to Exhibit °A° attached. The applicant is proposing a brick building with a the roof, both of unspecified colors. There are columns on either side of the portico. The roof reflects the angle used in the new Safeway building. Generally, the parking layout, landscape plan and materials being used comply with the design guidelines. The applicant has indicated that the owner has no preference regarding color. Staff recommends that brick corresponding with that used for the 1st Bank or Vectra Bank building with accent banding be used and that the roof color be complementary dr similar to that used in the Safeway building. N. AGENCY REFERRALS _ Wheat Ridge Water District will require a line extension to the north roughly 40 feet. Wheat Ridge Sanitation is working with the applicant to resolve the installation of sanitary service. Public Works has reviewed a preliminary drainage study. They are satisfied with the widened connector drive section on the south end regarding sight distance. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-2/Kunz Page 3 Wheat Ridge Fire is requiring the installation of a fire hydrant. The north curb line at the southern entrance must be widened two feet to the north. The island must be painted no4 raised concrete. EDARC reviewed this proposal at their January 2, 1996 meeting. They approved of both the use (office) and site design. parks and Recreation Commission will review this request at their January 17 meeting. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan and plat have been met. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given with the following conditions: 1. A note regarding signage be added; 2, A note regarding exterior lighting be added; 3. The dumpster enclosure material be shown; 4. Colors be specified to correspond with Staff recommendation under Section III; and 5. On the southern curb cut, the island be painted and the northern radius be increased two feet. VI. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-2, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan and plat for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd., be Approved for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines; and 2. All requirements for a final development plan and pla4 have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note regarding signage be added; 2. A note regarding exterior lighting be added; 3. The dumpster enclosure material be shown; 4. Colors be specified to correspond with Staff recommendation under Section III; and 5. On the southern curb cut, the island be painted and the northern radius be increased tuvo feet. OPTION B: I move that Case No. WZ-96-2, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan and „ plat for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd., be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " Case No. WZ-96-2 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (Wheat Ridge) Working with applicant regarding fire service. Schools: Water: (Wheat Ridge) Will require a line extension. Sewer: (Wheat Ridge) Working with the applicant to resolve sanitary service. U S West: No response. Public Service Company: No response. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferson County: (Health, Commissioners, Planning) Adjacent City: TCI: No response. CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Will require a drainage study. Has questions regarding sight distance. Parks and Recreation: Will review at 1-17-96 meeting. Police: Building Inspection: Post Office: No response. EDARC: Approves of the proposal agrefsum.frm ~~ I ^ ~_ ___- NisT4 A'v~ -_-__ _ r 1 ~ ~in c ~ ^~ GI I ~ ~ `(~' ~ ~ __ _ ' _ ! / ? 4 y~ E~ clNl R -asp ~~ ? .~ / w~u a i --- ~.~~ H3 x ~ it ~ ~ /.~ ~ ~ a of _I ~ I • e ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ n 43RD h\'E ` 1 ' /! S i ?I 8 Y' _ & a °j °~ °~ ~ c ~zeo _ I - i ~ %~ m / - l ~ ' sea - i. ~ I I v _ 1 S5 ~ ~ Q I S _ a ~~ of of _ F~ -I - 3 I -~ 6 ° ~ ~ w l a , ~-~ - ~I 4 - ~ - ~D'A 1 SE OwN ~ ~~ N ~ Rq, g ~ ~ •~ mar ~ a ~ a ST=VS{VS o -!+ $ ~ 415P.gy-i a SCHOO ~~ e 1 . L ~ u i ; . r " ~ 3 I I Gam... I - _ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ]aa. ~ ~ ~1"lO~ ~~ ~ nl 4 ]By5 ]b6] ygg5 'GznAIG R ~~ e~ B ^ sent sees xwa ~ sae I N 39TH V[ Stl>0 ~ ]b6) ) ! ~ Q n S~~ ~~ o VV yy ~ o E~ 6 0 >~ e~ 6~ 360) ~- Sa65 .1950 Sass ~ - ~' 1 ~ ~L. I I ~ ]a5G .3655 5856 Sea ~3P~! ~ M9 SLH YNO J +3:5 SNGC ~ 3ai5 , I I ~ rrcA? ,21DGc R -.G= s ~ ~ '' , .~ 341J 3x35 i ~ ., . SCHOOL ~~ sen i wx ]ass SeLI .xss { u, n-z - I ~ ~ ~:~.= a~•m e m~ ~ ~-z (--~ 1 rT~7 - I+ 3aTU nve - - - - - ---- I I ~-. p/7~ ~ I r O~~ I ~ I ~~ ~ it A{2EA ~Z~pUIRING S1TE PLAN A?PRO`fAL -,~ ~ 2 /^ ~~jJ ~y --- =A~ca ~ i_o? aamazY ~ .,~.a COLO+.~DO ;D^5'~GNA?ES OWNERSHI?i o x ' • DEiJOTcS MULTI?i= ADDRE.~cS _ - _ __ SGA,.E . xpp _ _ _ ~ MR° ADO?-~~, .,IV.^e ,5, !0,94 _ - . -- __ -. -- -. _ _ - -_ Last ~erisiw,: _cnwry !3, 1995 - - - 9}: A2~T 0? c~rYl W ML7 il~Y 0°~`P1JT -23`x2852 - WZ-96-2' ~ `~ CASE NO. EXHIBIT 'A' RESOLUTION NO. 1394 __ SERIES OF 1994 TITLE: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE WHEAT RZDGE TOWN CENTER WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and City Council have adopted a Master. Plan for the Wheat Ridge Town Center to guide development and redevelopment; and WHEREAS, such Wheat Ridge Town Center Master Plan established a specific objective to "Promote attractive design in new development and redevelopment which unifies the entire Town Center"; and WHEREAS, such Master Plan furthermore established a CONCEPTUAL PLAN to serve as a general guide to staff, Planning Commission and City Council in reviewing plans for ti development and/or redevelopment within the Town Center with specific regard to vehicular access and circulation, landscaping and building design; and WHEREAS, Wheat Ridge Code of-Laws Section 26-30(K) provides that 'Planning Commission and City Council may impose DESIGN STANDARDS AND CRITERIA within Master Planned areas of . • 'the City in order to implement the goals and ob3ectives of .each Master Planned area; .and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and City Council desire to further define the expected nature, quality and character of the future physical development of the Town Center so that the goals of-the Master Plan are met, and so that developers and redevelopers are ,.provided reasonable guidelines -to follow in preparing their plans. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Wheat Ridge City Council hereby adopts the attached Design Guidelines to serve as a basis for reviewing and approving new development and/or redevelopment within the. Wheat Ridge Town Center Master Plan area. DONE AND RESOLVED this 14th day of March 1994._ Dan Wilde, Mayor ATTEST:i C___ ' G9itzr~. .k,._.. .~__ Wanda Sang,~City ~ rk <pc>CCresowrtcdesguide ,. _ _ .... ~r ~~ WHEAT RIDGE TOWN CENTER DESIGN GUIDELINES 1.' The First Bank building at Wadsworth Boulevard and West 44th Avenue and the Vectra Bank buiiding,on West-38th Avenue have established certain common design elements and features that should be incorporated into future development or redevelopment throughout the balance of the Wheat Ridge Town Center. It is not intended that new/redeveloped buildings try to clone or recreate these buildings, but rather to utilize some of the design elements so that it functions and appears to be a unified Town Center.. Those .common elements and features that are to be used as unifying design features include the following: a. Use of brick of a similar size and color-for facing or 'accent. ' b. Use of non-glare glass with bronze metal frames and. casings'.. c. Use of horizontal bands of complementary the or brick as architectural accent. d. Use of round pillars, where pillars are used, as design feature: e. Use of landscape materials near building entrances and against large blank walls. ' 2. The use of metal, smooth-faced block or concrete.as primary _,,, ., architectur~l_features on exposed walls_of .buildings shall be • _ kept to„a minimum. No more than 20$ of.the exposed walls of bui'idings should incorporate such materials. 3. Generally, the color of buildings, including walls and roof should be earth tones with complementary accents. 4. Building 'components such as windows, doors, eaves, parapets, and canopies should be visually attractive in proportion, scale and relationship as related to other parts of the same building or adjacent buildings. 5. Mechanical equipment, trash storage areas, outside storage areas, loading docks and other similar elements which tend to be unsightly, shall be appropriately screened or enciosed_so as not to be visible from adjacent properties or public streets.- 6. Landscaping--shall be designed to ..achieve the following objectives: __ _ _ __ • ., , ""'"nWheat Ridge Town Center Design Guidelines 2 .t'• a. Provide an attractive transition and buffer around the street perimeter: b. Provide. both separation and buffering adjacent to residential areas..- c. Provide visual corridors to delineate major entrances and major interior drives. d. Provide visual breaks within large expanses of parking lots. and to reduce storm water runoff and heat buildup. 7. Exterior lighting within parking lots and along major interior drives should be uniform throughout the Town Center. Area light standards of the type and color as...used within the Town Center Park should be used. Light should not be directed towards or allowed to bleed onto adjacent residential properties. 8. Major access points and associated drives, as well as major interior drives should be designed to achieve-the following: a. Physical separation-and delineation-from parking stalls and sidewalks next to buildings by use or curbs and landscaping. b. Protection for pedestrians at major store entrances by use of pavement markings, texture and or optional pavement materials, and through use of appropriate signage. Speed bumps are discouraged.. ,_,.._ c.,.Width of canes should safely accommodate the primary purpose and function of the particular drive, relative to the location within the Town Center. d. Access points to the public streets, especially Wadsworth Boulevard, should be consolidated and minimized so as to preserve the traffic capacity of the public streets. GEG:siw <pc>wrtcdesguide RECEP~ N0. F012538! 14.50 ~ PE 0001-001 - 230 CORDED IN .IEF, ARSON COUNTY, COL DO 30/04/95 12:01 i ~-1 I SPECIAI. R'ARRANTY DEED t; ? F I THIS DEED, Maa<this d r-d day or 0.:IOBER - - .l9 95 . ~/ bttwttn THE BANK OF ECULDER ofthe ' Couvry of Boulder . Sm[<ofColoado, gmvtaKs) and H.J.H. LINffTID LIABII,TPY COMPANY, a Colorado Limited Liability Canp~3y whoa legal address u ~. V7adsworth Blvd. ~~,~/ Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 '•~ of thc~ CoumY Of Jefferson .Sm[e pfCOlomdo, gravue(s): ~] WITNFSSLTH, That the gmvtot(s), f¢avdmmvsidemtwv ofthe win aC *xx** $85,000.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T. EIGi1TY-FIVE Tfi0U6AlID DOLSAELS AND 00~100*xxxxxxrxxxx+xx+rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,pOt.uRS. the rcttip[ and wStienry orwhich u hereby ac3mowledged, ha S gtmted. bargained, uld avd mvvryed, and by thcee prcunu do eS gmvt, ~, bargain, all, rovvry avd confirm, unto tb<gsm[ee(s) ].t5 heirs and assigns forever. all [he ttal property, togeNe[ wi[It improvemevrs, .-1 hang siwata lying ana bdvgiv the County or Jefferson .state ofcolomdo, d¢GThW az fOllnx'S: _ ILYP 3, - CURRIER SUBDIVISION, CO[IDTPY OF JEE'EP.RSON, STATE OF COTIJRADO. also knowv by strttt avd Dumber as: Vacant Land-4100 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, CO v ~ TOGETHER with all avd sivgWaz the hereditamcvts and a-PUrtmmos Wercto belovgivg, or iv avywise appertaining, aM the rcversivv avd V minions, ttmaind¢ and remaivdin, rcvts, iuuce and profiu [hettoD, and all the cemte, righ4 tide, interest, claim and demand whauoev¢ of the ,. \ gravtor(s).dth¢iv law or equiry,of, in avdmthe above bargained Premises,with the hettditamevrs and apPUrtrnavces; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premisce above bargained and described with the apyurtcvancce, auto the gmvtce(s), j,tg heirs c f~ Y'v avRLttigas finever. The gravmr(s). FOr It self -, lt5 Ed¢avd personal rcprcsematives or wccessors, do eS covcvav[ f N and agree that It shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargaimd premius iv the quie[ and Deacable s possezsiov of the gtmtee(s), 1t5 _ heirs and assigns, against all and every person pr persons claiming [h< whole or any yon Wereo[ bg through or mdtt the grmtor(s). C IN Wl'~NFSS WHEREOF, the gravmKs)ha 5 eaewtedtlilsdttd DV the rWte s¢forth above. ;.~.. ~•iJ:L;~, THE HANK OF BOULDER ti ~, OFD p~j`-;~ ~, c~--L ~ -'~ ~,-T . .... -.- ~.>a. ~ .. ,. .. - - '. ~D r{ AU~~. '. STATE OF COLORADO Clty and County of DESIVPS _ q Theforcgoivgimwmevt was acknowledged before methis .j 20= _ day of ~tObps .l9 9$. br „_,f,~ ~ ~ of The Bank of Boulder. (7'S"-1~`T b=.".~ as Ults. kea.e __ _. _ . Witness mY baud and adcial scat M(~y--c-ro~~m//mission ap'vce (3'~-17~L9,~ ~~TA/~ 09 ~ xcnrremue •Vw Devvcv ivsett" ',~gnf'. _1 // I -.- Na 16. Rev 692. SPECLU. O O '0.m" : ... r ord Publishing, ^43 WaueSc, Demcv 0060202-(303)292-2100-}94 ntt.Crl lUN NO..F0146289 15.00 ~ - PG: 0001-001 ------ ~30 RECORDE IN JEFFERSON COU COLOI )O 11/16/95 12:01 - oUOex~M-, -_ - l y U WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, Made this ) ~~ day of NOVEMBER , 19 95 , i between BROOKLYN LAND CATTLE COMPANY, A i COLORADO CORPORATION I a mrpomtion duly organized and existing under and by vittue oC the laws of the S[a[e of COLORADO ,gmntor, and BOB MARATURA whose Legal address is 4350 WADSWORTH BLVD. !l423 WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO 80033 of the `County of JEFFERSON , State oC Colorado, grantee: ~ WITNESSETH, That the erantor, for and in consideration of the sum of NINETY TNOUSAND AND NO/100THS-------------------------------------- -DOLLARS. ". the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. hat granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the gmnme, his heirs and azsigns forever, all [he real property, together with imprrnements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of JEFFERSON ~ , State of Colorado, described az follows: u r-~! Obi LOT 2, -~~'~~; CURRIER SUBDIVISION, ~.-~ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, ~ ~,~ STATE OF COLORADO. c O _ c r v also known by street and number as: 4100 WADSWORTR BLVD. TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditamenu and appurtenances Iherelo belonging, or in anywise appettaining, and the reversion and aversions, rerminder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the esrute, right, title, in4res[, claim and II demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in !aw or equi[g of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenances, unm the gramee, his heirs and assigns forever. And'the gmntor. for itself, and its successors, does covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and wish the grantee, his heirs and assigns. That at the time of [he ensealing and delivery of these presents, it is well seized of the premius above convn~ed, haz good. sure, perlect, absolute and indefeasible esmte of inheritance, in taw, in fee simple. and has good right, full power and authority Io grant. bargain, till and convey the samein mannerand form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clearfrom all formerand ocher grants. ~ bargains, sales, bens. taxes. azsessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whateverkind or nature soeveq except TAXES FOR TBE YEAR 1995 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS; SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS, -~ CONDITIDNS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD, IF-ANY.- The grantor shall and will 0.ARAANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises in [he quiet and peaceable I possession ofthe grantee, his heirs and assigns, against all and every personor persons lawfully claiming the whole or any par[thereoC. I The singular number shall include the plural, the plum) the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable ro all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The gmntor has cauud its corporate name w be hereunto subscribed by its Presidenq and its corporate seal w he hereunto affixed, attested by its Secretary, Ne day and year first above wriaen. Attest BROOKLYN LAND CATTLE C0~ _ A_ @OLORADO CORPORATION' Seertuey BL,~ STATE OF COLORADO ~lL / ~~ ~~ ~~~ S5. County of ~ `~"" ~/~ /__,, C' i II Ty~Jfaregoing instrument waz acknowledged before me this I ~~ day of y I~QT1'1 VV~ , 19 / ~ , ~ by f~ ~(`J E, ~(' 1 i S as president and V/~"' I as Sxretary ~I °f _, ~$p0~8v1~~t+(fh/T'f/W~,-,L~~/ANDc~CyA~.TpTLE COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPORATION ~~/~ (~ (~a~corpomtion. ~. i ~}`,'~w~"r'~:tt:[V, ~"a7Yif ~cial u¢I,l~ ~ n~~ t-..Y 11.1. ~\1/.Y-.i _j' ~.~ n >R c a..~ ,t...3.f-].~_~ .. rva~r,oe naaR..orru:oe cr~uae uwr crcma t~l o«aodoac§ ssssaos.s.c.a.ss it ~ I I~~- l No.~~;~~fin~Q`exo 6uparabn) ~'/////fJ11111WINItI~~N` BndfoN PUblishin&1)iJ Wazcc SC, Dcnvec C080'Oi-!3031 :9=3500-691 .~ Planning Commission Minutes January 18, 1996, Cbmmissioner CERVENY seconded the motion. Page _6 - Commissioner CERVENY suggested that since the request for variance had been denied, perhaps the applicant would not care to subdivide the lot. Mr. Bandimere. considered his options. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if-there was a possibility of purchasing additional land. Mr. Bandimere answered that he had tried to, purchase additional land, but had no success. He explained. Commissioner-CERVENY stated-that Commission was awaiting Mr. Bandimere's decision whether he wished to proceed with his subdivision request. Discussion followed.: _ Commissioner ECKHARDT thought that if the subdivision was approved, but not recorded, it would make na difference. Mr. Gidley reminded those present that the case would qo next to City Council, who will make a decision on the zoning request.. The applicant can appeal Planning Commission's decision on the subdivision and variance to-City Council. Discussion followed. .regarding various options for the applicant and procedures for same. Mr. Gidley went through the pros and cons-for the various options the applicant has, explaining-them to the applicant. Mr. Bandimere decided to leave his request,_as ,is. Commissioner ECKHARDT's motion regarding the subdivision request - carried, 5-0. 3. Case No. WZ-96-2: An_application by Terry-Kunz for - HJH, L.L.C., for approval of a-final development plan and plat for_PCD zoned property within the Town Center Master Plan. area. -Said property is located at 4010 Wadsworth Boulevard. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report. Entered and , accepted into the record by the Chairperson were the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, case file, packet materials and slides. Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 January 18, 1996. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked about location of a_sidewalk mentioned by Ms. Reckert in--the_ataff report.- Ms. Reckert stated the existing sidewalk along the eastern side of the-connector drive would._have to be increased in width to meet ADA Handicapped standards. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if there would be sidewalk along the landscaped island? Ms. Reckert answered-that there would be. Commissioner ECKHARDT had a question regarding the location of the island the Fire. Department wanted painted.. Ms. Reckert stated it was the pork chop-shaped area. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if they wanted it painted rather than raised? Ms. Reckert answered yes. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if the ..proposed building would be a single story. Ms. Reckert answered yes. She thought the building shown was about 22 feet in. height. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if the island was going to be painted; why have it? Ms. Reckert answered the purpose of the island was to direct _. traffic. Commissioner ECKHARDT suggested use of Hollywood curbing, which would allow vehicles to drive over it-. Ms. Reckert stated there was six-inch vertical curbing along the eastern -edge of the connector drive. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked about the type of lighting to be - used. __ - Ms. Reckert stated. that lighting exists in .the park but the developer was responsible to light the,.parcel.in question. Chairperson LANGDON asked Ms.-Reckert what would be done about the request from the Poli-ce Department. Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 January 18, 1996 Ms. Reckert explained how the developer could avoid potential problems by using non-graffiti paint on large_ flat surfaces, the underbrush be kept to a minimum and shrubs/trees-be trimmed. Terry Kunz 2665 Taft-Court, Lakewood, was sworn in. Mr. Kunz stated he was handing development and construction for the property owners. He explained that the proposed building would- be single-use owner=occupied.- He had no problem with the conditions noted .in the staff report. Commissioner CERVENY moved that Case No. WZ-96-2, a request for __ approval of a PCD final development plan and plat for PCD zoned property within the Town Center Master Plan area; located at_4010 Wadsworth Blvd. be Approved for the following reasons: 1. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all notification and posting requirements have been met. 2. The proposal is consistent with the 'Town Center Master.,Plan Design Guidelines._ 3. All requirements for a final development-plan and plat have been met: With the following conditions: 1. 2. S. E. A note regarding signage be added; A note regarding exterior lighting be-added; The dumpster enclosure material be shown; -- Colors be specified to correspond with Staff recommendation under Section III; and On. the southern_-curb cut, the island be painted and the - northern radius be increased two feet. commissioner ECKHARDT-s_ec_onded the motion. Motion carried 5-0 .. 4. Case No. MS-96-2•_ An application by Gerald M. Biehl _ for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for.... property located at 3600 Youngfield fitreet. Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Entered and accepted by the .Chairperson were the Subdivision Regulations,-Zoning _ Ordinance, case file and packet materials. There were no questions from Commission at that time. Jerry Biehl, 11115 West 38th Avenue, was sworn in. Mr. Bieh1, _ stated he.needed,to isolate this parcel for financing and tax_ purposes. There were no questions from Commission at that time. CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION __ CASE N0: WZ-96-2 LOCATION: 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. APPLICANT(S) NAME: Terry Kunz. OWNER(S) NAME: HJH, L.L.C. REQUEST: Approval of a final development plan and plat for PCD zoned property within the Town Centex Master Plan area APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.97 acres _ .. WHEREAS,-the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factois to be-considered with the above request, and said list of factois is-.attached hereto and incorporated herein by xefexence_, and made a part hereof; and- WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such-.testimony provided additional facts... NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions _ reached, it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner ECKHARDT, that Case No. WZ-96-2, an applicatidn`by Terry Kunz fox approval of a final development-plan and plat for PCD_ zoned property within the Town Center Master Plan area for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. be__Appxoved for the following reasons: 1. -.The property is within-the City of Wheat Ridge and all notification and-posting.requiremehts_have been met. 2. The proposal is consistent with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines. 3. All requirements for a final development.plan and plat have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note regaxdirig signage be added; 2. A note regarding exterior lighting be added; 3. The dumpster enclosure material be shown; 4. Colors be specified to correspond with 5taff_xecommendation under Section III; and 5. On the southern cuzb cuh, the island be painted and the northern radius be increased two feet. - ___ VOTE: YES: Eckhardt; Williams, Rasplicka, Cerveny and _ Langdon N0: None. Certificate of Resolution Page 2 Case-No. WZ-96-2/Kunz - , I, =Sandia Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission; do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 5 - 4 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council-Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on-the 18th day of January,-1996. erg lia on, C ai_ erson a Wiggins,- e etaxy WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE P COMMISSION_ b:\wz962.xes ~ ! PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: WZ-96-2 DATE: January 18, 1996 REQUEST: An application by Terry Kunz for HJH, L.L.C., for approval of a final development plan and plat for PCD zoned property within the Town Center Master Plan area. Said property is located at 4010 Wadsworth Boulevard. NOTI-CE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public_Hearing is to be-held before -_ the City -of Wheat Ridge City Council on February 26, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens-are invited to speak at the Public - Hearing_or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-96-2: An application. by Terry Kunz fOr.HJH, L.L.C., for approval of a final development plan and plat for PCD zoned property within the_TOwn Center Master Plan area.- Said. property ,is located at 4010 Wa_ds_worth Boulevard and is legally described as follows: Lots-2 and 3, Currier Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, County of-_ Jefferson, State of Colorado. - '_ -.. - ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk <~~" ~^' , Sandra Wiggins, cretary To_be Published: February_ 8, 1.996. Jefferson Sentinel b:\a22696.phn T. -500 ~N't5~ ?4TH AVENUc O. 6CX E38 The City of{} :JHE.4T =1DGE. C0 $003a-0833 3C3) 23' 5PC0 R z 7h ea l :.~;y Aorr~- rax = 23=-592 Pclice Dept. rax ~ 235?S_o- _ ~ V'~V l~~e February 9, 1996 This is to inform you that Case No. w~_gti_~ which is a request for annrnval of a P1annPd omm rcial Development final r7avPlopmant plan and plat for property located at antn Waflau~nrth R1'vA will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. , On Fahrnar~ ~F,a 199h All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration mus be present at this hearing before the City Council As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons-whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please- contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform ~, ;. A, 4 P 912 401 495 ' ~ ~ o c ~ ~ ~ x w ~- O n s ~ w C { ~ >$ $'1 EJ pu ~ ~ ~` fi ~ ^L P t ---x Vl D D < m c z m~ { ~ a ~ N - N~ ` ~' 0 0, m " o~ c~ i xl ~ W G o ' a (D '~' ~ O m ~ . o ~ ~ ! W ~ ~ ~ z~ !, N '~ ~ N. 9 N m O .O m :~ z a c o m O w 0 N N 01 ~..~r~ ~ Q+ ~ t ~ ~ O ~'7' Trf p ro K~ I Q+ O Ul m ~~ e 1 0, m rn a N N o ;~ ° ~ ~ ~ m j N o~ N ~ I ~ m ~ 5 t ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ Oli• ~ ~ £ r H~ ~ ~ rRj._..3 c7 ~ y 1 F" ~ ~ • • ~ ~. ~. . i G mo ' IMPORTANTI PLACE STICKER A7 TOP OF ENVELOPE TO "~ ~ ~ o y ~ ~ ~ W ~~ .r ~, _ THE RIGHT OF RETURN ADDRESS . i ~^ :::~~4111//"' .I I 2~ OO ~ C N ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ P rn -` e O CEO ~~~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ x~ ~,. ~ '=1 I' ; ° . 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Cr Lf: :l> ft ~ G` ~ J Y G1 SD w ~ e i j P 912 401 496 n Came m ~ ~ < m c o v i I O m -+ 77 I ~ o v o~ ~ I O Ho ~ ~' ° of m m o0 + <z I m4 J Km y n ~ \° S ~a I °~ ~m v ~ m I~ I ~m ~~_ e ~ io P9 tii IZ N C9 f~` m .7 'L" v G Y ci ti ~ fP. rr - t~ 4 _ V i w a a m m y ac m ~ m ~ ~ i i p ~ oz $ o H~ m n o m m g m m3 i o y ~y it H a g ~y _ 3 y wry ebb"" @rtu@~@ ~, ~ ~. m d 1_• 1 ~ r j ~ ~ ~ ~ 94I_ % ~ 3~6 ~~r ~- ~~S 1 x a '. r ~ ~ ~ ._M a .. ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~.~ s ;.. I ~ ~ ~ 's ~ -.. v s ~- ,- c.r.~~. .. D a o b ' y m 5 n q. y ~ .; "'I 4w T O ~ m ... ~ N v r C (U. (p m ~ - w p, ~ ~ O ~ ~ 1 ~ - ~•3i ~ O N (p i N n m m `Y m ~R 6- ~ `ANN -f°`°-. s February 15, 1996 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department ~F!T`( ©~ VVHti=,~Y ~1= ~-- ~"1 1l ;l~ 7500 West 29th Avenue ~~~~ ~ Il ` ' ~ i `~ Wheatridge, Colorado 80215-6713 ~ ~ ~~~ ~ >~ is~~ ~ ~' Re: Makatura Office r4t~:~,;.~ij if ~! r.% MEC Project No. 9525 ~ ~ ~~,d,-^~t~'Ei~lo Dear Ms. Reckert: Muller Engineering Company, Inc. Consulting Engineers Irongate 4, Suite 100 777 South Wadsworth Boulevard Lakewood, Colorado 80226-4331 (303198&4969 Fax (303) 988-4939 This letter accompanies the submittal of 15 copies of the revised Final Development Plan and Plat for the Makatura Office project. The revisions to the Final Development Plan and Plat are listed as follows: • Increase the quantity of parking spaces to 34, which is the minimum required, per your calculations. • Update the Land Use Area table to include the paved area of the Post Office ingress-egress area. • Label island at the southwest drive entrance area to be a "Painted Island." • Show the west sidewalk to be widened to have a 5-foot width. • Show the Trash Receptacle area to be enclosed with a 6-foot high cedar fence. I called Dave Roberts to inform him that the center island is only painted and will not be an obstruction to the fire truck access; and that I had rechecked the turning radius template and the current layout is sufficient to provide ample room for the fire truck to access the site. He said that we do not need to move the north curbline two feet, as was stated at the P & Z meeting. Also, we have submitted the revised drainage report and we understand that it is now approved, although we have not received any written confirmation as of yet. We have submitted a preliminary layout of our proposed sanitary sewer connection to Transystems, Inc., which is the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District's consulting engineering Ms. Meredith Reckert February 15, 1996 Page 2 firm. We have received preliminary approval of the layout, so now we are proceeding with the easement acquisition and the development of the design plans. We have been working with Walt Pettit on the design of the waterline extension, fire hydrant, and the service line tap. They have provided us with verbal approval of our conceptual layout, and have provided us with input while we prepare the final design plans. Thanks again for your assistance with the replatting and final development process. Sincerely, MULLER ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ~ -~~- ~/ Bruce A. Behrer Jr., P.E. Project Engineer cc: Terry Kunz CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: February 26, 1996 DATE PREPARED: February 14, '8996 CASE NO. & NAME° WZ-96-2 CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANTS}: Terry Kunz, 2665 Taft Court., Lakewood 80215 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): HJH, L.L.C., 4350 Wadsworth Blvd., #421, Wheat Ridge a_ APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.97 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N 3: C-1; E: R-3; W: PCD SURROUNDING LAND USE: N S: Shopping center; E: Multi-family; W: park land COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Commercial Activity Center -Town Center Master Plan DATE PUBLISHED: February 8, 1995 DATE REQUIRED TO BE POSTED: February 12, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 9, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX) ()NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (XX) - ()NONE -------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: _ ___ ,_ (XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE (XX) SLIDES ( XX) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) EXHIBITS ( )OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat-Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-2/I~unz Page 2 1. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a final development plan and plat for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. wfthin the Town Center Master Plan area. The property in question contains 1.97 acres, is zoned Planned Commercial Development and is located directly east of the Town Center Park across the connector drive. ll. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT An approximate 8100 square foot, one-story office building is being proposed. Access is by way of a curb cut on the south end with the connector drive. A one-way drive wpitl~rop-off area under an extended portico is planned at the north end. Lot coverage for the roe includes 9.5% building coverage and 49.83% paved coverage including the connector drive, paved alley and ingressJegress easement for the Post Office. 33.47% of the site will be landscaped with 15% in native vegetation. Attached is a graph showing the City standards and how this proposal corresponds to those standards: C-1 Reg~ is _ Proposed Building 50 feet 60 feet Front setback: 5 feet 55 & 70 feet Side setbacks: 10 feet 150 fleet Rear setback: 50 feet 24 feet Height: 33.47 percent Landscaping percent: 10 percent A future phase is being shown at the rear of the lot. The applicant is not asking for approval of the additional building at this time. Improvements required with the construction include widening of the south end of the connector drive fo improve sight distance and to enlarge the turn radius. The alley at the very eastern edge of the site will have to be paved with a width not less than 20 feet. Afive-foot-wide sidewalk is required along the east side of the connector drive, All requirements of a final development plan and plat have been met. toe COMPREHENSNE PLAN _ _ _ In the spring of 1994, the City adopted design guidelines for development within the Wheat Ridge Town Center. Please refer to Exhibit 'A' attached. The applicant is proposing a brick building with a the roof, both of unspecified colors. There are columns on either side of the portico. The roof reflects the angle used in the new Safeway building. Generally, the parking layout, landscape plan and materials being used comply with the design guidelines. The applicant has indicated that the owner has no preference regarding color. Staff recommends tha4 brick corresponding with that used for the 1st Bank or Vectra Bank building with Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-96-2/Kunz accent banding be used and that the root color be complementary to the materials and colors used in the build'ong. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS _ _ Wheat Ridge Water District will require a line extension to the north roughly 40 feet. Wheat Ridge Sanitation is working with the applicant to resolve the installation of sanitary seneice> Public Works has reviewed a preliminary drainage study. They are satisfied with the widened connector drive section on the south end regarding sight distance. Wheat Ridge Fire is requiring the installation of a fire hydrant. The north curb line at the southern entrance mus4 be widened two feet to the north. The island must be painted not raised concrete. EDARC reviewed this proposal at their January 2, 1996 meeting. They approved of both the use (office and site design. Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed this request at their February 7, 1996 meeting. Attached are a copy of the minutes from that meeting. The Police Department has submitted comments pertaining to security and the potential for criminal activity. V. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION _, Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on January 1>$, t99F. A recommendation of approval was given for the following reasons: 1. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all notification and posting requirements have been met. 2. The proposal is consistent with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines. 3. All requirements for a final development plan and plat have been met. With the following conditions: t. A note regarding signage be added; 2. A note regarding exterior lighting be added; 3. The dumpster enclosure material be shown; 4, Colors be specified to correspond with Staff recommendation under Section III; and 5. On 4he southern curb cut, the island be painted and the northern radius be increased two feet. The items enumerated above have been incorporated into the plan. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ . _ , _ Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan and plat have been met. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consisten4 with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given. Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-96-2/Kunz VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS:_ _ _ OPTION A: "I. move that Case No. WZ-96-2, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan and plat for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd., be Approved for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines; and 2. All requirements for a final development plan and plat have been met. 3. Planning Commission recommends approval". OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-2, a request for. approval of a PCD final development plan and plat for property located at 4070 Wadsworth Blvd., be Denied 4or the following reasons: 1. 2. .3. " Case No. WZ-96-2 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (Wheat Ridge) Working with applicant regarding fire service. Schools: Water: (Wheat Ridge) Will require a line extension. Sewer: (Wheat Ridge) Working with the applicant to resolve sanitary services U S West: No response. Public Service Company: No response. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferson County: (Health, Commissioners, Planning) Adjacent City: TCI: No response. CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Will require a drainage study. Has questions regarding sight distance. Parks and Recreation: Reviewed at their February 7, 1996 meeting. Police: Building Inspection: Post Office: No response. EDARC: Approves of the proposal agrefsum.frm _ _:_ __ ~ j ~`' ~,-- ~ - ~! PC ~ z c3 ' N . / -_ _> ~ - 4 i .i 1 i m I '. ' ~~ N ^ ~ - -~ ~ = e ~'i ~ _ _ - rr '"~ ~v~ ~ 'U QO 3~' ~- n38 °AN_ OP~I VI / \L ~ AAA REQUIRING SITE PLAU A?aZOIA;. ZDhI I i~G M,~P ~ ,o,E D 5-~ ~- 3a .~~~ WHE/~~pT /~R(DGE ---=A~~~ ~o~ ~oUNDR~ GDLDR,~DD iDE51Gh:AS--u` O.dNERSn?i DE~tiO ~ ES MULTI?LE A.DDRFSSES - MA? ADO? E?..wre 'S, '99a _ - - _ - - - _ - - _a5. Recision: ~c^._cry i3, i995 "", S~ 2~ .~.~ - 'o-x im am w .w u TITLE ~. ~ CASE NQ. WZ-g6-2 EXHIBIT 'A' RESOLUTION NO. 1394 SERIES OF 1994 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE WHEAT RIDGE TOWN CENTER WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and City Council have adopted a Master. Plan for the Wheat Ridge Town Center to guide development and redevelopment; and WHEREAS, such Wheat Ridge Town Center. Master Pian established a specific objective to "Promote attractive design in new development and redevelopment which unifies the entire Town Center"; and WHEREAS, such Master Plan furthermore established a CONCEPTUAL PLAN to serve as a general. guide to staff, Planning Commission and City Council_-in reviewing plans for development and/or redevelopment within the Town Center with specific .regard to vehicular access and circulation, landscaping and building design; and WHEREAS, Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 26-30(K) provides that 'Planning Commission and City Council may impose DESIGN STANDARDS AND CRITERIA within Master Pianne.d•areas of . 'the City in order to implement the goals and objectives of .each Master .Planned area; ,and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and City Council desire to further define the expected nature, quality and character of the future physical development of the Town Center so that the goals of the Master Plan are met, and so .that developers and redevelopers are ,..,provided reasonabie guidelines -to follow in preparing . their plans. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Wheat Ridge City Council hereby adopts the attached Design Guidelines to serve as a basis for reviewing and approving new development and/or redevelopment within the. Wheat Ridge Town Center Master Pian area. DONE AND RESOLVED this 14th day of March 1994. ATTEST:i ~ ~. l.6ix~r~. ! . Wanda Sang, -City G1`crk <pc>CCresowrtcdesguide Dan Wilde, Mayor WHEAT RIDGE TOWN CENTER DESIGN GUIDELINES 1. The First Bank building at Wadsworth Boulevard and West 44th Avenue and.the Vectra Bank building,on West 38th Avenue have established certain common design elements and features that should be incorporated into future development or redevelopment throughout the balance of the Wheat Ridge Town Center.. It is not intended that new/redeveloped buildings try to clone or recreate these buildings, but rather to utilize some of the design elements so that it functions and appears to be a unified Town Center.. Those .common elements and features that are to be used as-unifying design features include the following: a. Use of brick of a similar size and color for facing or 'accent. b. Use of non-glare glass with bronze metal frames and casings'. , c. Use of horizontal bands of complementary the or brick_as architectural accent. d. Use of round pillars, where pillars are used, as design feature. e. Use of landscape materials near building entrances and against large blank walls. ' 2. The use of metal, smooth-faced block or concrete. as primary _,. .,, architectur~i_features on exposed walis._of buildings shall be ~~ kept .to_.a minimum. No more than 20~ of.the exposed walls of . buildings should incorporate such materials. 3. Generally, the color of buildings, including walls and roof should be earth tones with compiemeY~tary accents. 4. Building components such as windows, doors, eaves, parapets, and canopies should be visually attractive in proportion, scale and relationship as related to other parts of the same building or adjacent buildings. 5. Mechanical equipment, trash storage areas, outside storage areas, loading docks and other similar elements which tend to be unsightly, shall be appropriately screened or enclosed so as not. to be visible from adjacent properties or public streets. 6. Landscaping shall be designed to achieve the following objectives: -,:.' .; .,s~""' 'eat Ridge Town Center Design Guidelines a. Provide an attractive transition and buffer around the street perimeter. b. Provide both separation and buffering adjacent to residential areas. c. Provide visual corridors to delineate mayor entrances and mayor interior drives. d. Provide visual breaks within large expanses of parking Lots and to reduce storm water runoff and heat buildup. 7. .Exterior lighting within parking lots and along mayor interior drives should be uniform throughout the Town Center. Area light standards of the type and color as used within the Town Center Park should be used. Light should not be directed towards or allowed to .bleed onto adjacent residential properties. 8. Mayor access points and associated drives, as welt as mayor interior drives should be designed to achieve the following: a. Physical separation and delineation from parking stalls and sidewalks next to buildings by use or curbs and landscaping. b. Protection for pedestrians at mayor store entrances by use of pavement markings, texture and or optional pavement materials, and through use of appropriate signage. Speed bumps are discouraged.. c. .Width of lanes should safely accommodate the primary ~~~~ purpose and function of the particular drive, relative to the location within the Town Center. d. Access points to the public streets, especially Wadsworth Boulevard, should be consolidated and minimized so as to preserve the traffic capacity of the public streets. GEG:slw <pc>wrtcdesguide CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting February 7, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Janice Thompson. Commissioners present: Janice Thompson, Sue Wilson, William Donaldson, Edgar Johnson, Bonnie Jackson, and Emery Dorsey. -Staff present: Gary Wardle, Director and Michelle Roath, Secretary. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM With 6 Commissioners present, a quorum was established. APPROV 1 OF TTF.S ~iQn by Bill Donaldson the minutes_from December 6, 1995 be approved as submitted. Seconded by Bonnie Jackson and approved 5-0. Sue Wilson was not present for this item. INTROD I .TION OF TROTS There mere no guests at this meeting. ITEM 4 - 1996 TFFF .RCON .OiTNT OP .N CPA .E 7OTNT VENTURE GRANT APPT TC'ATION,S.REENBELT TRAIL RELOCATIONS - $150 000 The Greenbelt Trail Relocation is the only significant construction project in 1996. $350,000 was budgeted for the project, acknowledging that 450,000 would be needed to complete it. The City has applied fora State Trails Grant for $75,000. The Park Commission discussed applying for a Jefferson County Open Space Joint Venture Grant for $150,000. The application is due to Jefferson County on February 23, 1996. Having a existing trail at the location may hamper the chances of obtaining the grant. As will the fact the City has ten years remaining on the lease from Coors Brewing Co. However, the City will be proceeding forward on purchasing the property from Coors. Motion by Emery Dorsey the City submit an application for the 1996 Jefferson County Open Space Joint Venture Grant. Seconded by Sue Wilson and approved 6-0.- - ITEM 5 - ACOiTfCJTION OF GREENBELT -COORS LEASED PROPERTY The Park Commission received ownership maps outlining the property that is leased by the City of Wheat Ridge from Coors Brewing Company. Wheat Ridge acquired this lease in the 1970's and it will expire in the year 2006: The Park Commission has previously discussed acquiring a more permanent ownership of the leased property either by acquisition of the property or by conservation easements. The City has met with Coors and they are presently looking at disposing some of their properties. There is approximately 184 acres with an intent to request Coors to donate some of the property. A Resolution will be•going to City Council on February 26, 1996 to authorize appraisal, survey, title commitment, environmental assessment, and negotiate the fair market value. This will be the .Park & Recreation Commission 2 Minutes -February 7, 1996 initial request, not a request for the actual purchase. Once the final contract is developed, it will also go to City Council for final approval. Motion by Edgaz Johnson the City proceed with the acquisition of this property and also proceed with a 50/50 Joint Venture with Jefferson County Open Space. Seconded by Bill Donaldson and approved 6-0. TTFI•~ 6 -'RF W P NNFD O RCI T DEVELOPMENT 4010 WADSWORTH- ~~, This property is east of Town Center Park. A single story brick office building is being proposed that will house a telemarketing firm. The company is currently renting space from the First Bank Building. The connector drive will be widened and the building will have the architectural features of the Safeway and surrounding center. The parking will be in the rear of the building. There are no development fees for this project, or pazk land dedication. It was brought to the Park Commission as information only with an opportunity for the Commission to express concerns if any. There was no motion for this item. ITEM 7 - F TTTJRF. ..TINT .O .ATION. Due to the construction of the addition and _ remodel of the Police Department at City Hall, the 2nd floor glass conference room will not be available for up to 6 months. Police Records has moved their office there. The Park Commission will meet at the Wheat Ridge Community Center until the construction at City Hall is completed. TTFh~ 7A ~ 7B AT TI FIELD NEEDS,S'I.TRRENT ~ FT iTT TRF. - FF.BRI IARY 21. 1996 A~Q[TF'eT FROD~ BOYS BAS B T SE OF PRO4P ..T P RK FOR LITTLE T. A T IF WORT.D 4 . TFS On February 21, 1996 the Park Commission will meet to discuss Athletic Field Needs and the Little League World Series. These were items that were scheduled to be discussed on January 17, 1996, however the meeting was canceled do to inclement weather. It is anticipated that representatives from all the different sports leagues will be attending the meeting to express their needs, present and future. TTFM 8A - FPORT OF ITY O TN . 4TUDY SESSION The Recreation Fee Policy went to City Council at a study session. Council made some changes in the policy and the actual fee policy will go back to them on February 12, 1996 for their approval. Resident fees for swimming pool admission will remain the same as in the summer of 1995. The non-resident fees have been doubled. The determination of residents and non-residents will be obtained by photo identification only. Residents of Wheat Ridge can use a Colorado State ~.iix ~v~x~~~~ rllivuir,~: reDruary to, iyso. Ya e ~- 9 - , Item 1. Reconsideration of funding for Wheat Ridge Baseball Little League Tournament. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that an additional $5,000 be appropriated from the General Fund Balance and transferred to Accounf No. 606-799 to support the WRABA Roberto Clemente World Series Tournaments. I further move that in-kind support be provided for this program by the City in an amount not to exceed $3,000; seconded by Mr. Siler; carried 6-2 with Mrs. Fields and Mr. Solano voting no. Mrs. Fields stated that we support and subsidize baseball, softball, and soccer leagues; some football, some basketball, gymnastics and swimming; that is a lot of money and $.12,000-13,000 on top of that is going too far; $5,000 was enough. Mr. Solano has no objection to some funding for this, but he doesn't like the amount we are funding. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 2._ _ A request for approval of a PCD final development plan and plat for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd. ,(1~~;tsio:=!INZ-96-2f (Terry Kunz) Terry Kunz, representing the owners of the property, was sworn in by the Mayor. He explained that they are planning to build a single user, owner occupied, approximately 8100 square foot, one-story office building. Glen Gidley was sworn in by the Mayor and gave the staff report. Motion by Mr._Siler that Case No. WZ-96-2, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan and plat for property located at 4010 Wadsworth Blvd., be approved for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines. 2. All requirements for a final development plan and plat have been met. 3. Planning Commission recommends approval. 4. The area designated as natural habitat/native grasses be maintained in good order and that no area be left for possible use for illegal activities/sites for homeless; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8-0. Item 3. Council Bill 4_-_An Ordinance amending the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado regarding interference with public officers. Council Bill 4 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Solano, who also read the title. Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1017. Motion by Mr. Solano for the approval of Council Bill 4 (Ordinance 1017); seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 7-1 with Mrs. Dalbec voting no. Motion by Mrs. Worth to add an Agenda Item 18. regarding the funding for the Post Office; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8-0. The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6797 (303) 234-5900 Wheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 ~ Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge March 15, 1996 Mr. Bruce Behrer, P.E. Muller Engineering Company, Inc. Irongate 4, Suite 100 777 South Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, Colorado 802226-4331 Re: WadsworthuBavdisionApproval of3FMnaltDrainagecStudyland Erosion Control Plan Dear Mr. Behrer, This letter is to inform you that the final drainage study, and the erosion control plan for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1. The proposed drainage facilities shall be constructed and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the approved drainage/erosion control plan and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 3. All drainage improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the approved drainage report and plan. 4. It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on west 44th Avenue as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining West 44th Avenue on a regular basis such they are free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 5. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the engineer, Muller Engineering Company, Inc. shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a letter of certification stating that the various improvements, as defined in the drainage report and plan, have been accurately surveyed to confirm that their construction is in accordance with these documents. The certification letter shall be written and stamped by the engineer who prepared the Mr. Bruce Behrer, P.E. _ Muller Engineering Company, Inc. Page 2 drainage report, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, or Certificate of Occupancy. If u hav any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. ince ly, / / 1 ~ ~" Gre Knudson Development Review Engineer GWK cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director John Oss, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John Eckert, Chief Building Inspector Meredith Reckert, Planner II John McGuire, City Surveyor --- Chuck Braden, ROW Technician Terry Kunz File • HULLER ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. __ CONSULTING ENGINEERS [Z:EGt~ [rongate 4, Suite 100 ~Z~l°l(g5~ 777 South Wadsworth Boulevard Lakewood, Colorado 80226-4331 (303) 988-4939 -,-Tr- r~ r, r -rn n n I c~ n A I TTA I , f - LC I I CC'S U~ I rlf'11VJIVII 1 Il~I__ FI LE NO: TO, /~/ ,(jam ~~ '7v 'rCM -' ~Z " DATE:/Z ~~ ~J TRANSMyTTE BY'. First Class Mall tered Mail R i /~ / 9 ~f / % / 1 v~ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED, eg s Air Express O / 77 /~ / C, ~ R ested A Delivery _ equ s For Your Use Pickup ' ! G~/~ - Special Messenger __ For Review & Comment PROJf.C _--- - - - - /`/_ lr., ~ ~z Lff~'icc~ /~eri~ c/r'.i, ~r.~r CLIENT, ~i ~r_'ir 1~ Un y O ~~. WATER RESOURCES • TRANSPORTATION • CIVIL ENGINEERING ~ ~ O 0 T T r A i~ 10 i ~, I 0 to -+ 0 Q ~ N ~~ to a~ O ~~ O I I I I n IC u_ ~ _ I I_ ~ II N _ II ~ II tli II ~ II ~ II m II ~ II ~ iI ~ II O ii z u ~i~m m ~m I~ < G IG I. u a N N ~- ~ I ~ w N p ' N N IW w N i~ N1~ ~ S ? IA ~,~ rl _:. _. L.. . I ~. ~ I,OT I~ __ ,~r~ I ~ I 0 O, ~~ ~0 ~0 ~~~mfimfi~fi~rn I- I-.I- I- IO IA IO I.a I~ la 6~ ~y N \ IW I IA IA IA IQ IN 1~ (~ I { I . I ~~' 71~~ ~~I. ~ L. I.I. I I t ~ I I ~ I I' . ,~ I '/JJrJIf\ I i< i~ I` Im I` I~ IA lO I~ ~w la to I~ Im Im 11 w IQ IA IA IA I6~ U Q ~ t- I I II II II II II II II II II II II II I I II I I II II II II II II II II I I I I II II IC 0 II ~'Il ~ II n I~ it II I I l~ I Z IC ~I l jl ~ ~ Ii }~.. ... ~~. II ?Ip Ia lin l,'1 iI ~.'.: II Iwlw N w Lw ....,,'la' ~\~~ I II ~7A'~'~ ~ ~ A ~N , I I I~ I~,IO 1~ 1~ 9 Q ~ Q ~ ~ ~~ Q M,brIC~4TUR~4 OF'~IC~ I~~ ~~,, L®TS,2t~, C1~RRriR SUHDlVfBtON G IHfROWCCO DY COWCI LW'sIPCR ASELLO _ _. ._ _ oRDtNAtlce xo. a43 Series of l~al TITLC: AN O0.DINAtlCE PMJYIOINC FOR THE APPROVAL OF RP20NLYC FROST RESIDE YFIAL THREE (R-3J A\0 [0'DIE RC[AL•OVC (G l) TO PLL4N[D COSPLL.RC IAL OLIT.IAPtEM 10201 A4D 10DdPMADStr00.E'F:4BOULLVARD~CI IYPOFtlN10:A'INRIDGL,~vC ~AT[OF AT .IEFFEN3CN, SLATE OF COLORADO. K IT ORDAE NF.O BY TFL CITY COUNCIL OF tEIE CITY OF IDGAT REDOE, COIAMDO, THAT: Section E. Upon appll orlon o! Ra~ol F'C. Currier, Et Al foe approval of rcxeni n8 ~c line ocv<lepmnt Pl av In ahe+c RidR<. Colond+. Case N9. NS-BU-2 sod Geed upon rccomenda[lon Far sppreva] from the wheat Rld¢e Plano lop Comst aslan sad pursuant to E[ndinp wade based on tnstinony and avidente presented at public herein{ befarc rha Mheae Ridge Clty Council, Nheat Rtdge ups ore her My encoded to em tads lzem the ks sidmtia l-Theca and Cemmezetal•One and to include In the Planned CoaawrciQ ]avalopmmt Oi stat<q and also d9as approve an Outline Oevalepvnt Plan on the fe ilewlnt descr ib<d land: That part of the NN 1/t of SE I/4 of Section 23, Tomship 3 SouCA, RanLa d9 Mest of the 6tA P.N., described as fallous: Be[lnn lni at a point on [he Ervt Rlth[ of Nay line of Madawor•.h Daulevard which !s 1,033./36 feat North and t3 fast Eest of ehe South Quarter Corner of said Set lion; [hence North slont the East Ri IIht of M$y Ilne of Nadwa tth {oulevard • disonca oC /36.401 L<et; thence Narth39 38'06"East 612.D16 feet to the Ent 11ne of ssld NN 1/1 of 9N I/1 of SE IN: thenr8 South alonL said Eut line a dis ones of 136.3:9 Eeet; thence South S9 5'•59"Ne se 612.872 feet to the point of boRinnln2; and Thnt part of the .ea 1N, of the SN Ip, of the SE 114 of Section 23, T35. R69N, of the dch P. M., ' County oL Jeffanon, Scala of Colundo, br1nL Dora partlcu lady described u foliwr 4ginnlnp at the Sx cotter od the Nx IM of the SM 1/4, of the SP. 3/1 of said 3«tion 23, thence N69 59'13. T'E and denp [he Noe[h ISna of the .lx 1/4, of ehe SN 1/1, of Wald Sece ton 23, 193.00 feet to the f Taus Polm of {e Linn inL: theno ceneinuinQ al stn •ald before drer[bcd I1ne, /6?.761 feet, and t° the E»t line of the Sx IN of the Sf I/fl of thn SE l/+ of said Seetlon 23, thence 30°OS•38.3•'N and along ehr East ' line of the hx 1//, of tie 3N 1/4, of the SE 1/t of said sbect EOn 23, ~ / 132. QO Feet; thence 389 36`06"N, x62.816 feet; thence NO 4T 00"E. 132.126 feee; to the True Pont at Beginning. Said parcel eontainin¢ L 1067 •c rcs, eoro or loaf. Ta{eeher with: Anon-exc Iasi ve easement for in{resi and eLrcss over the South 13 feee of she East 150 fees of ehe feat 193 feet of ehe above described property. Together with: A perpetual non-as<Luiva driveway »tenrone for Ingress and a{ros over and across the fotlorlnL described property; to wlL• A strip of land over part of force lot 1, PAR{YIEN N0. I, now knom as let I, PARKYt[N N0. 2 described as fotlws: Be[lnnlnC « a Wlnt on [he South Ilne of `aid Cot 1, rhleh pelnt is S02.D3 feee Easterly of [ha Souttvest corner of said Lot l; fhenn Easterly aloni the Seu[h line of »id toe 1 a dlstnnce of 36.3] feet; ~ thanes en an antic to the left oC 133 degrees CO.00^ +dtstance of 69.30 feee; thaoca v an anCle of 19 degrcn to ehe left a dtstance of 2'x8.67 fee[; ' ~ thsnn on an angle of 11 degrees I1'S." to the ei Qht a dtstance of Ia.26 feet, ' to • paint on the Nest line of said W: t uhlch point is 79.07 feet Norh eL tM $oochwest corner o£ said Lot 3, [keno South alonC the Nest Ilne i ~ of laid !ot I, a dla~anee aE 3x.6] feet: thence on an rap le to [he left eP 13 depress IB'23" a distance of 30.13 f<eC Lhence on an angle [o the Isft of U de[ress li'3'a" a db note of 257.23 E<eq thence on an angle ' to the rl{M of fl9 degrees 00.00", • diseanea of 33.91 Feee to [he Point of {e{lnnlnL. T9¢ether with • perpetcal nonexclusivo drlvnay easement far inires+ and kite ss vver and across the t911awing des'c ribed property. ' Covent ln{ at the Northwest mane of the N9r2hR]e to 169 Neat *et hencewEartkrly Seu[hent 1/4 of 9e<tion 23, Tam<hlp 1 South, Q elan{ ehe Noeh line of said Nort Ma<t i/a Snut hues[ 1/t of Souehent 1/1 Saetton 23, a dtstance of 702.85 feet to ehe True Point oC Deginnt L: thence eantlnulnt Eaterly along »ed North Ilne a dtstance of 19d.91 fart, theno ' an a de fl action angle o[ 133 00'0 a to c.e right a diaeance of fl3.7 :..t; thanes on • defiecclon an Lie oC a5 OO'W' to the rich[ a diaance of 119.71 feee; thence nn • deflectlnn angle of J9 00'00" [o the riFht a i/stann et 63.7 feat to ere Troe Pnl nt of Netlnning. _ .__- ...._~~,~_-....___.____~-_.___.. -... .. - p. Ordtnann Ya. Na~ .a. ' [eetten 3. S. hTy Ctj=a• The PIeY Cemeil hanbY finds, dvprrf nas, and ec •rva that ehu yr '^nthatl le 1 nureM toted fv rh[MthnalthPVaafet~vnd E tM City v[ Meut Rid{o, 1' rO fan e[ tb Mbllc and torhth• Dronelornef Pub tie cvnvenlancehaWra~lfanlon of Malth nut safrt) D taethetOrep•t lea! slatiw ubJ wa eoulntt to be atu lned,bsan s ratlom! raUtlen fact tm, 7. [everablli~. If aoY claws, eentmn, pretraph, er part e[ this er noon or ti-Ivipp~l. scion thmof to anY person or <lrcu.stmc'uehD lud9eentNY maarn De adJud{ed by • [outt v[ cv~Patnnt jurl.d lcUw !oval id. ' aNll not •ffact. lnpair or love lid rz< the ravalnder o[ tMs 9edinanee or its appllntlon [o ether Deeeans er dremrtanco. Ace ion d, Thla ardinsnee shalt ta1.e Hh<e 19 daYS after ftnal pubtieation. IMROIXl000. READ, ANB Rp0/fED on flat mdin{ by a rota eC a tc p - on- - - ' thlf ?J.tl daY o[ lyr a 1981; ordered publtahadin full In a nswpapar oof [corral c tcu tt on n the C1tY v[ D'heat R1d{a and Publ,caLearin[ W eons ideeat len an final Pnse[e far Enr 9 R>u, n 19N, Avenue: Meat l:39 e'c]ecp P~r•• in the Cowcil LTaaben. Rid{a, Colonda.. ' ~ppyrrp MOEPEp pURLI SHfD oa facond and Cinal readin[ by a ven of u~•to l-aLTt~~so.l ,~,. daY of Mrtl 19x1. 1D61 . '~i@p pj tTe MvYOr3oe=ehia ~~['!~ ar a pr t / ~~_ _ o ^ i "'-' 5 f. , INTOR Rl'!CS'[: ~`~ t lrr 1st Pobliratton: Wr. !2. 19:1 - !'hNt RJdge Sentinel 1 ]nd puhilwtivn: Aprti ?0. 190! - Ilheat Ptdpe Seatlnel Effective Wta: rJy 8, 1901 i Npppygp ~ TO AURM [T CITY A7TORItFY /~ r `.~ ~-. t. am ~ K / ~ Oa TT t 'n im a;g r'sym ro a 0 u n -. m , __. § 18 TiOninA Ordinance $ ~ ,, that would constitute a hazard to the health of any person. (Ord. No. 122, § 1, Ord. No. 172, § 4; Urd. No. 189, § 1; Urd. No. 228, 1, *1 6. Recreational Fences, and Lighting: a. Open fences (over 80% open) may be constructed to a height not to Exceed 10 feet for the uses listed below. Such fences shall .~ ;;, conform Yo all setback requirements for structures in this district: ! .. •1 .. ~. ~aialyr.^n n: Recreational uses: ,,,,;~.;; ;,;,-;;:±. (1) Tennis Courts _,~..o,,;-,, (2! Volley Ball Courts ' ,i , r; ,,;- (3) Swimming Pools ((4) Golf Driving Ranges j (5) Goals and Backstops (61 Other similar uses b. Lighting structures for recreational uses shall not exceed the '. .maximum height for structure in this district. c. Ylhere it is desired to exceed the standards as determined in a or b above, approval must be by Special Use Permit from the ,Planning Commission and City Council after proper notification '15 the posting.of a sign oa the-subject property not less than d`~ys"prior to the date of public hearing. ~~ ___.__ _ ~ Sec. 18. Commercial-One District. A. Use regnlatinns: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered, unless otherwise provided herein except for the following uses: I. Business and professional office, or medical and dental clinics as listed below: ' a. Real estate broker b. Insurance broker ~c. Stocks andbondsbroker d. Law office e. Architect'&office f. Other similar uses ' 2. Veterinary hospitals (small animal i 3. Service establishments employing not more than 3 people as listed below: ~ a. Barber shpps b. Watch and jewelry repair ~ ~ supp. x s, z-mot -90- *1 Amended by Ordinance No--368 c. Newsand/or confectionary stands d. Beanty shops e. Pharmacies f. Pick-up stations for laundry or dry cleaning g. Other similar uses 4. Post offices and banks, loan and finance companies 5. Public, parochial and private schools (including private, vocational trade or professional schools), colleges, universities, preschools and day nurseries (including those uses commonly accepted as necessary thereto when located on the same premises) 6. Community buildings, Y.M.C.A.'s, Y.W.C.A.'s, churches, libraries, parks, museums, aquariums and art galleries 7. Golf courses and those uses commonly accepted as accessory thereto when located on the same premises 8. Mortuaries 9. Parking of automobiles of clients, patients, patrons, or customers of the occupants of adjacent commercial districts. 277 SUPP• B 3.277 -90A- SECTION 18 ZONING ORDIN@3ICE SECTION 78 10. Restaurants when contained within professional buildings. 11. Other similar uses. 12. Stores for retail trade as listed below: a. Business offices and agencies serving surrounding neighborhood only. b. Locksmith shops. c. 3.2 fermented malt beverages package outlets. d. Opticians, optical stores. e. Electronic equipment sales and service. f. Laundry (all types). g. Hobby shops. h. Newspaper office and blueprinting establishments. i. Rental agencies (excluding heavy equipment, etc.). j. Other similar uses. i3• Stores for retail trade as listed below: a. Restaurants, drive-in restaurants, ice cream sales and similar related uses. *1 b. New and used automobile, light duty truck (excluding any vehicle eight feet or more in width, and/or twenty-five feet-or more in length, and/or regardless of size, a truck tractor or t, semi-trailer), house trailer, mobile home, boat and travel trailer sales-.and service (excluding heavy equipment sales and service). The term "service" shall not be interpreted to permit either body or mechanical repair, but shall allow minor detail work, tune-up work, and tire, muffler, or shock absorbers repair and replacement. Major mechanical repair includes the following: 1. Engine overhaul, or partial overhauls, either in place or with engine removed; 2. Transmission removal and/or replacement. Repair and maintenance in-place allowed by right; 3. Removal and repair of drive axles. In the case of new or used automobile and/or light duty truck sales lots, the following additional requirements will apply: (1) There shall be a minimum of 1500 feet of separation between sales lots. (2) All parking and display areas shall be paved. (3) There shall be a minimum 10 foot landscape buffer adjacent to any public street, with such buffer to be completely within the property boundaries, although the owner may additionally landscape that area between the front property line and the street improvements if approved by the Public Works Director. There shall be no waivers of this landscape • buffer requirement. -91- ~1 Amended by Ord. 594 Effective 12/14/84 July 31, 1985 ~l SECTION 18 c. d. e. f. g. h. j• k. 1. m. n. o. P• q• r. s. t. u. v. w. x. Y• ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 78 (4) Whenever a parking lot or display lot adjoins property zoned for residential. use, a landscape buffer of ten (10) feet from said lot boundary shall be required. Within the ten (10) foot landscape buffer, a six (6) foot view obscuring fence or decorative wall shall be constructed. Thee shall be no waivers of this landscape and fence buffer requirement. (5) There shall be at least one (1) interior landscaped island for each thirty (30) parking and/or vehicle display spaces. Each such landscape island shall occupy the equivalent of one (1) parking space, and each such required island shall be landscaped with a minimum of one (1), two (2) inch caliper tree or larger, and four (4) shrubs or acceptable living ground cover. New and Used car dealers legally existing at the time of. the adoption of this ordinance may expand without meeting the terms of this ordinance, however if such car lots are discontinued for a period of more .than 60 days they shall meet the requirements of the ordinance. Lumber Yards provided that unenclosed storage of any material shall be screened from view from adjacent streets and adjoining property. Resort hotel or motel. for transient occupancy providing there shall be no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the dwelling units with cooking facilities. There shall be one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross lot area for each unit. Antique shops. Apparel shops. Appliance sales, outlets and service including incidental repairing on the premises: Bakery shops employing not more than twelve (12) persons on the premises. Department stores. Electrical equipment and supplies sales and service. Florist shops. Retail food stores. Retail furniture stores. Hardware stores. Health clinics. Retail, paint stores. Plumbing and heating sales and service. Shoe repair shops. Retail shoe stores. Theaters (excluding drive-in).. Variety stores. Creamery and milk distribution station. Dying and cleaning shops. Automotive parts sales. Other similar uses. -92- ~1 Amended by Ord. 594 Effective 12/14/84 July 31, 1985 ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 18 SECTION l8__ _ 1s}, 3,2 fermented malt :,beverage package outlets, package liquor stores, lounges, night clubs, private clubs. and bars. 15• .Homes for the aged; nursing homes (but not including facilities for .,mentally disturbed;, or defectives or for the care and treatment of .animals). ~ ` 16 -..Car wash. ~.: _. ~*.~;. . _, ., .; B. Special Uses: ---- _ _- '*~ on approval of the 1. The following uses shall be -permitted only up Planning Conrtnission:; a. Governmental buildings, fire stations and public utility buildings where no warehousing, storage facilities or repair facilities are maintained. b. Water supply reservoir, wells, water towers, filter beds or irrigation canal. c. Service stations,. motor fuel filling stations, garages for repair of motor vehicle entirely within enclosed building. ;.d. *Parking of truck tractors, commercial semi-trailers, and `j~ trailers on any-parcel or ,lot wherein such vehicles are not related to the aransportaroval of S ecial UsebPermits cIndordea thereon, shall require app licant shall submit a site plan to evaluate the proposal, the app which adequately .illustrates location- and size of all parking spaces and drive isles, and direction of traffic flow, and cahich shows the proposed parking relati~+e to existing structures on and adjacent to the site, to adjacent-streets, and which shows p of ingress/egress to the site. The intent of this provision is to limit those areas in which truck tractors, arks trande is not trailers used in commerci on commerci la use of such semitrailers intended to apply to any and trailers. In addition, the applicant shall submit a report which addresses the following: 1. Traffic impact to adjacent and surrounding street systems; 2. Noise generated on the subject site and proposed methods of mitigating its off-site effects; 3, Air pollution caused by the new development and the relationship with ambient air pollution in the surrounding area. Proposed methods of controlling or reducing .air pollution that are part of the development concept shall- be described; and q, Compatibility. with adjacent land uses, and proposed methods of assuring compatibility, such as screening, landscaping, setback or orientation. ~ Amended by Ord. 639 Effective ~1/1/R5 _g2A- • SECTION i8 SECTION 18 ZONING ORDINANCE e, When used in Section 1'.d of this subpart 188, the following words shall have the following meaning§: 1 . ' Semitrailer' ` coned toy be Bused vin 1 conjunction withv a ptruck which is desig weight and that rof its tractor so that some part of its .own such truck tractor and cargo load rests upon or is carried by which is generally and commonly used to carry and transport property over the.publie highways. _~ 'Trailer' means any wheeled vehicle, without motive power and having an empty weight of more than two thousand pounds,' which is designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to carry its cargo load wholly upon its own structure and wh~coher~s generally and commonly -used to carry and transport p p Y over the public highways. 3, Any of said vehicles shall be considered corranercial rahen utilized with or as a part of a commercial venture. 4. *Truck tractor means any motor vehicle which is generally' and commonly designed 'and used to draca a semi-trailer and its cargo load over-the-public highways. f, *Any property upon which a Special Use Permit is granted pursuant to subpart (d) hereof shall he conspicuously posted to indicate the authorization for the parking of truck tractors, commercial semi-trailers -and trailers thereon. It shall be a violation of this Code of Laws for any truck tracton~ rooe~rtrcnot semi-trailer or trucketractor; pcommere'al soem d traileP or trailer so posted. AnY rovisions hereof shall be subject to parked in violation of the p rovisions of the provisions hereof shall be subject to the p Section 11-5 of the Model-Traffic Code as enacted and- enforced within the City of-'rTheat Ridge. ~ Amended by Ord. 641 Effective 11/1/85 -92B- Section 18 Zoning Ordinance r __ _ C. Height Regulations: feet in hei ht. 1. No building shall exceed fifty (50) g D. Area Regulations: 1. Area of lot. No limitation. 2. Width o£ lot. No limitation. 3. Front yard. The minimum front yard of all buildings shall feet when the front yard is adjacent to a dedicated public street. width of front yards which front exclusively'on the bulb of a cul-d be thirty (30) feet. If parking is located other than in the front front yard is completely landscaped, the minimum depth of the front reduced. to thirty (30) feet, unless the height of the building exce (35) feet, in which case the minimum depth of the front yard shall feet. 4. Side yard. There shall be a minimum side yard of five (S) story except for structures when they are constructed of masonry or material that shall not be required to provide side .yard setback. adjacent to a dedicated public street shall have a minimum width of fifty (SO) feet in all instances. 5. Rear yard. The minimum depth of rear yard shall be ten (1( a one (1) story building and an additional five (S) ffeetpfromathea thereafter. The minimum depth shall be fifteen (15) any alley. 6. Not more than 85% of the gross lot area shall be covered by surfacing. That area not covered shall be landscaped. l 7. Side and rear yards must be 15 feet when adjacent to a resi 8. A minimum of 12 feet landscaped buffer area is required whe residentially zoned and used parcel. 9. Deleted by Ordinance No. 468. Effective Date 10/9/81. 10. When adjacent to a re'sident'ialzoning district, the followi .. '; must be met: (a) Architectural style shall be consistent with adjacent s +l (b) Deleted by Ordinance No. 390. Effective Date 11/19/81. (c) Color and building materials shall be, consistent with~.t structures. In cases where this is difficult to determine colors shall be used. E. Parking Regulations: 1 to 3. Deleted by Ordinance No. 189, Section 1. 4. Application for approval. All applications for approval of filed with the planning commission by the owner of the land area d~ plan shall contain such information and representations required i~ as may be deemed necessary by the planning commission, and such ap7 also include the plans showing the following detail: 280 *1 Amended by Ordinance No. 390 C Effective 11/19/81 November 30, 1983 -93- Supt I ~n M3 ~,~~ ~r,Ye /gY.. xn.~jY'. ~zp r ~~ F~~ $ iti a}~tt0.' ~ A ~Y ~ I~ ~Z r~E FMS uF ge.B~.''~~ ~~5 njg5. Z» o~y~. ~ ~~~'&Y '~'bs x~¢$g gzE ..;ge :~ s B zc~ 3C'"" f ~~~~F $ ~~ ~ E ~~8 ' ~ " ~~ .,g~., a iui~ D'E'B ",C¢.E~ ~ ~ .: ~k""~ w~R~~s +YB~ ~ ~ CB ' , ' . ... o ~, . .. ~ .~,u. .< . 1,. .. 1 r ~ ~; ;: ~, . _ j / 1 .; 2, ~. w ,~ t -~. . '~ ~;.. .Y~ . ,. - '?' ?fir"i§+,, .~;? ... i, ~ ~ "• r rs., h+nA.'~ ' ,9 ,W':/~iy . ,r xis s ? ~ ~ t ~ '' ~ r7 .. ' ~E'r ~ ~" ..i;. . ~1 S4 +~X (.; '~-y~ . ' „ r. A ~dp• T' * pp~~ Y ~ Y { ~ ~ ~ \.. b 9 " ~..r,., ~; .~ . .y„ 7 R$ p ' " • ~ ~ . ~'~ n~n ( , , N~:; ~ ~ £~~ J t ~~ L / D . r~~Th'.~~w •~ A .. ~°` ' A CO ' r 0 1~ ~ . _ C" R"" ~~&~ Bax ~~ E BF ~~~~ ~R~ ECBB ~ = ~~V~ CT& frnrf { ~ ~•• Vp' W~R` {~~ B~ ~~,~ ?~=~ a~~ .s ~•:~ g9s 9~a! ggg~ ~.-B~ i.C' CB" 6C su~F ~~ ~r 9: :c i? <'aa^$a Ex ! 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RaNDOLPx 6. cuRweR `i ~~ ..~L~~ • L1.YDG G GLRGtI R . R.G. Currl.r, A.I.A. s®8-Bg88 1 •`FJ s }~~ ,f, ~t ~ i, N ~ a' cc -ds`x :.~ ..~, -__._ ~~ _ r .... a.. ~~~~ ~~ ~. f.~~ ~~ ~ ~s~x~~ ~ ~~ u W'~~ A i o ~ ~ ~, _ ~~ ~ >_ \ ~ ~'_ rwan~-anmanaNr ' . tt5.o~ NH'Tb~is."l"C ~`- ~ y ._ \ .(0476: 'i ~O9'S0 ~e.7"6 ~ __ w,; exnr~~N:~ 619En ENT a ~ S I i g~R ~~'i I ~ r----, r ~n_~ M ~~ µ~+C ... .. (" S ` ~ i p ;~~ ~ `'°~ ~ .. ~n ~~ a~ ~, ~d R, r,,,~ : t~ `i `:I'r ~~~~~ .Ar h ::~ -~ --- '..'I'. --- ~ _ __ „ !, i ~~~~„ 601'Se ob~SV .7 .'~~~. _ 4G2.81G ~,. ~ ~~ ~ '~ II ~ ~h 'b' I "'1 ~~ 2 _ ~ \~.. ~ J 8 ~\' ~ \.~ Q C11 yQ ~ n ' R 1 ~ - ~, ..I,~ ~ \ I -1 F 0 1 ~~~~~ DKP qDp~ --44 y _. .i12. B73' Spq'S1~C+9°W \ .~\ ~\ ., \ '' , •. •\ ~ ~' ~, I ~.__~ .. ~-, ~ 1 b A ~ D n ~, ~ ~ ~ ,y r~ in _.._- °'x o bZ n~' ~~ ~'~ ~~ s~ q: a. n c r A 0 ,7 A r D K u t i I I 9 ~ ~ k 3 3 l~ ~ { ~ ~ o z ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~~ L D ~ p ~. i; ~ '~ &, nu.r wr. ~ _._.. ' ~ ~ k ~®U T ~' ~ ~ cZG: RCQUCnT faR rzczoNV~ sr ~ ~~` „ `~~'~ . 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