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L ii I ~ iji iii ~~ ~ ssoo 366_ J~il AMPS ST g G ~ 5 • 5 ~ ~ - a sleo • p : ;:5~ P,: .;:: 6150 %~ r•. 381 S 5 Y+ 3206 SHBRIpAN BLVD - 3HERIPAN I E F ~ < m ~:\~RAW?NGS\PROJECTS\REZONE Thu Ju] 25 15:59:58 1996 J I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I t I I I I 1 PI6tCC aT (~ ~ N O ~.° ~.° orno~ O'~Z\' tnu ~ ~ (~ 0773 ST x, II IWT ~ ~,I ~ .. ,: ~..I:i :, :~~;; ~~ ~.~ ;~ 6200 en k e::l,:l r l l i :: O~~ 1~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ E61T EE66 .... ~...6, ~ ~ ~ z 1' N U1 4 Ip~ I~ 1 it I.; 4~; I :181 N N O O ZZ rn rn ~ x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Oj -yO-y~ J N /V N ~ rn m ~z( ~ 8 1 11 ~~ _~~ N o ~ ~ 0` pYF O ~ ~~ au6 ]206 ffiJ6 S'NT 7T73 rm6 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 L nlnce ar Il. _ •' ' N ~ I I ~ .ii1411 i ~ f 6]66 .I il, s ICIGIPo I ~ ~li I ~ ,~ ..11 y siet V a2x V , ~ III I ~ '•: ~ ~ ~ rn a' hnlllla J 1 11 mot '::. ana ar a Gila ST b I ' i I j 6101 8,% ~ SrI III ~I.I: Iw :I ~:I I I lili I I! ~ ~ 11I i ~I~ : lilp I I . ~ ~I , ~ hGJJD aT r~,~vo aT ~; , it I IIII I Il ll,li ~! 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C~~NO ~ o=o~n rrnz~tt 6>43 O ~ ^ w ~'a ~ I z \ 1 eiu u ~ 0HOTIS{?ST - 8641 b 5 ~ N:::~ ..~~. ~;;~, ~~ -Y~Y, 3343 ~ ~ ::::: ~Vy'T' ~+ BBti 8660 I I I 8805 ~~ ~__ rn O 1J \~~ J V E \~Z _.. ~ V 3 l 3 O ~' -~ O C 3 ~ z n ~~ I 8~ N gyE 9 8185 9 Szu Sz>o Szep Sz9o 3303 3233 3247 383 3373 3195 N N Fi 4 " k su i 34pf = ]Z89 ]289 ' ~: :3440 k ..... ~~..~!. :o::::: L : ~: •: P• :.. ~: 35 ~: ~: ~i ~ .,: ~i 3= <~ m r~ SBIfON aT JJB SS] s A123 aT -3]15 i 3353 J4053445 J4@S L4t$"~^jry~~y~.`:["E~ 5313 ~~ :~:f:~~-~i ; ~;~~f," ~~ ~+~ L SHERIDAN BLVp _ ~~~ f E ~ r~ c~ ~ > r~ PIHtL@ 3T ~ ~ V N ~ ~ ~~o OTIa .°T ~ ~ / v ~6"I.Alm aT ~~`}}~ MAR_SFVy.L ST /~ ~ rn~ N ~rn ~ceon~t aT \~-\J - V JAY ST 1 , O ~l -~1 irvauu ar O O O ~- f+~x ar t/ ~ GRAY 3T I~f~ON ST uTmi x DlR1l ST GHASg aT ~i 'o ~+ o ~. ~ y~ 5 g !S 338 Bp0 y $ v o' S l5 S ~ a y d J7pp 51 33 3 3 3323 3)0 SJt 3J33 S T A J>55 X MEETING REPORT SUBJECT: Panorama Park Neighborhood Mass Rezoning LOCATION: Wheat Ridge Community Center DATE: March 27, 7:00 PM ATTENDANCE Approximately 40 persons from the neighborhood attended. After a brief break, 35 of the original attendees remained. A mix of long-time residents and relative newcomers were present with long-time owners being the majority. PRESENTATION Discussion of issues: Neighborhood Character. Incompatible adjacent land use. Discussion of proposed options: Rezone all properties in area to R-2 or R-1 C. Rezone area to R-2 or R-1C while exempting existing mufti-family development in R-3. Exempt properties with existing multi-family development on one or more sides. Allow any property owner to exempt their property. Do nothing. DISCUSSION Due to the possibility of existing multi-family development becoming non-conforming property uses under R-2 or R-1C zoning, the consequences of non-conforming land use was presented. Property values were discussed in terms of the proposed options for action. The property value discussion included descriptions of the R-3, R-2 and R-1 C zoning classes. Some attendees brought up the importance of neighborhood character and quality of life. These attendees gave examples of problems arising from single family residences being adjacent to or in the near vicinity of mufti-family residences. The problems described included increases in traffic and parked cars on the street, non-permanent neighborhood residents and safety. MAJOR CONCERNS Intrusion of new multi-family development. Incompatible adjacent land use. Neighborhood character. Effect rezoning has on property values. CONCLUSION The general agreement among meeting attendees was that this rezoning proposal was important enough to continue. Although no conclusive decision for action was determined, responses to several proposed actions were noted. Approximately 213 of the attendees agreed that existing multi-family development should be exempted from rezoning. This response conflicts with the mail survey responses and may have resulted from the discussion on non-conforming uses. Approximately 112 of the attendees felt that properties between existing multi-family development should be exempt from the rezoning. Under 1/2 felt that large, undeveloped or minimally developed properties should be exempted from the rezoning. Over 112 felt that property owners should not be allowed to exempt their property. YY H E A T 7500 W E S,T 29 TI3 AVENUE C. .p FAX# (303) 235-2857 F To: ` f ~F~~~'~ A / -- C From: -L~?~y~~'--- -°~ S Uate: _ j No. of Yages M (not including cover sheet) I L L R I D G E ~ WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO R0275 1 '~~~w . ~~~ ~- r~_:~n~~nc ANI3 r~NtNC - Pniths :>,~o aeca>::~:~~~io~ rcisi_It woEih~ _: MAY-29-96 WED 14:55 GORSUCH KIRGIS FAR H0. 3032980215 P. 02 MEMORANDUM VIA TELECOP TO; GLEN GIDLEY FROM: GERALD E. DAHL DATE: MAY Z9, 1996 RE MBETINGCY ORDINANCE FOR CONSIDERATION AT JUNE 16 COUNCIL I have prepared the following ordinance for consideration as an emergency measure at the June 10 Council meeting: 1. An ordinance adopting a 90-day moratorium on issuance of building permits for multi-family residential purposes. This ordinance is enclosed, and is designed to allow a mass rezoning to take place prior to issuance of additional multi-family residential building permits. I am in Silverthorne this afternoon, but it might be most efficient for you toifwi1 orevisedtonight andnhave a c~eanaversion my home (674-183?j; for the packet tomorrow morning. (I re ckl elthPlease letsme0know but I think we can get it into shape qu Y,- how I should change it before it is placed a.n the Council packet. eeo~s3oz~~isa-+aa.i __ MAY-29-96 WED 14;56 . GORSUCH KIRGIS FAX N0. 3032980215 P. 03 CITY OF WHEAT RSDGE, COLORADO =NTRODUCED 9Y CODNCIL DER Council Bill No. __ Ordinance No. ^~- Series of 1996 T1TLE: PROOCE$SINCAND OISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITSFOR THHE CONSTRUCTION OF M[TL,TI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. AND DECLARING' AN EMERGENCY y~EREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, is a home rule municipality duly and regularly organized and now vaVl atuee of tthg as a body corporate and politic under and by Constitutisuchnord nancestrelat ve to local and municipaltmattowre~ may adop to effectuate the purposes and intent of p as are necessary granted to municipalities and such other matters and can e delegated to municipalities by the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, Section 1.3 of the Home Rule Charter for the City confers all home rule powers to the City; and WHEREAS, Section 5.13 of the Home Rule Charter for the City provides that emergency ordin healthayP ace a ore safetyheandeserva- tion of the public property, Series of 1996, permits the WHEREAS, Ordinance No. ~~, city Council to undertake large area rezonings; and WHEREAS. the City Council has initiated a largTOa~Ttieszwhich process which, if approved, would rezone certain p P are currently zoned Residential-Three (R-3) to a less dense residential zone district; and WHEREAS, the Council is concerned that owners a=@aCeWhich properties located within this large area rezoning properties may be rezoned pursuant to may acceleratet development ordinance No. ~~ S, Series of 1996, plans and reques~ t building permits for multi-family residential structures in reaction to this rezoning process; and WHEREAS, the City Councie~ tss for multp~family residential of requests for building p structures prior to th osal willlnot promoteccoordinatedn innova~ ' large-area rezoning prop roduce a well-balanced community five, high-quality planning or p ality of life for and other elemer_ts directly related to the qu existing and future residents in the City; and (,ED\53027\16x736.1 NAY-29-96 WED 14;56 GORSUCH KIRGIS FAX N0. 3032980215 P. 04 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that a delay in the processing of such building permit applications £or a period of time not to exceed September 7, 5996, is necessary and in the best interest of the City in order for the City to complete its review of the large- area rezoning proposal for this area; and WHEREAS, the moratorium is necessary in order to permit rational, large-area rezoning of the area affected by this Ordinance, as described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, uncontrolled issuance of building permits far multi- family residential dwellings prior to the consideration by the Council o€ large-area rezoning for the area described in the attached Exhibit A would defeat the efforts of the City to promote comprehensive planning in the area and to protect existing neigri- borhood integrity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WF?EAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Morat 'um on buildin ermita declar The City Council hereby declares and imposes a moratorium upon the issuance of building permits for the construction of multi-family dwelling structures within the area illustrated upon the attached Exhibit A, paid moratorium to expire on September 7, 1996. The temporary sus- pension of acceptance and processing of applications as specified in this Ordinance shall terminate as of September 7, 1996, unless terminated earlier by the City Council. Nothing contained in this Ordinance is to be construed to limit or preclude the city Council from termination, repeal, amendment, or modification of this Ordinance prior to September 7, 1996. section 2. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as affecting any lawfully vested rights to complete construction within individual subdivision filings on property currently zoned under an existing zoning classification of the City and where construction was commenced or authorized pursuant to a street cut permit or a building permit duly issued prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. section 3. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to limit or prohibit the City's continued processing of applications .for building permits that were submitted to the City os or befoce the effective date of this Ordinance_ of^'r~~ ,~ ~ of the _~s ~ _ _ -2- Gt:D\53027\154736.1 __ !'lAY-29-96 WED 14 57 GORSUCH KIRGIS FAX N0. 3032980215 P. 05 Section 4. Emergency Declared. Pursuant to Section 5.13-0£ the Wheat Ridge Charter, the City Council hereby finds and declares that an emergency exists which requires the immediate effectiveness of this ordin ce, in that the effective implementation of Ordinance 7. Series of 1996 would be frustrated and prevented without the protection which this ordinance will give for the deliberate consideration of a large-area rezoning proposal for the area described on the attached Exhibit A. Section 5. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption, as provided by Section 5.13 of the Charter. INTRODIICED, READ, AND ADOPTED as an emergency ordinance by a vote of to on this day of 19 ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of ATTEST: WANDA SANG, CITY CLERK Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript 1996. DAN WILDS, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM 3Y CITY ATTORNEY GERALD E. DAFIL, CITY ATTORNEY GED\53020\154036-1 _ 3 __ __ MAY-29-96 WED 14:58 GORSUCH KIRGIS FAX W0, 3032980215 P. 06 ORDINANCE N0. _.. SERIES 1996 - - EXHIBIT A [Attached] W~ A~F, I~.~~A~~~~ ~x~~g~~ GED\53027\154"136.1 June 10, 1996 To: Fellow Council Members Mayor City Administrator City Clerk From: Jerry DiTullio RE: Agenda item 11, Resolution 1533 I have found some errors and made some changes to Resolution 1533. I decided to pass out the changes to you since they are long and complex. I will explain during the meeting. Thanks... Here they are: MOTION l: I move for adoption of Resolution 1533 with the following changes: 1. Item 2 on Resolution 1533 be amended to read as follows: "To recognize and exclude existing developed high density residential uses" .PERIOD. All other text to be deleted. 2. Item 3 be deleted on Resolution 1533. 3. Item 4 on Resolution 1533 be amended to become Item 3 and read as follows: "To rezone from Residential-Three (R3) to Residential-One C and to Residential-Two (R2) so as to preserve the low density residential character of the area." MOTION 2: I move that all vacant and single family properties highlighted on Exhibit B of Agenda item 11 be included in the city initiated mass rezoning and be rezoned from Residential-Three (R3) to Residential-Two (R2) 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 July 10, 1996 The City of e'OF WHE4) ~ Wheat ,m GRidge C,OL O R ADO NOTICE OF REZONING HEARING Dear Property Owner: The City of Wheat Ridge City Council, by adoption of Resolution 1533 or, June 10, 1996, has initiated a LARGE AREA REZONING procedure within those areas indicated on EXHIBIT A (the map on back of this sheet). The proposal is to rezone existing vacant land and single-family-dwelling-used land from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R-1C), and to rezone existing two- family-dwelling-used land from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-Two (R-2). Existing multifamily-dwelling-used properties would not be rezoned. R-1C allows single family dwellings, R-2 allows one and two family dwellings, based upon lot size. As an owner of property included within or adjacent to the Large Area Rezoning, you are hereby notified of a PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD BEFORE THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION, AT 7:30 P.M., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1996, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. You have the right to appear and testify in favor or in opposition to this proposed rezoning and/or to submit your comments in writing for the record. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and recommend to City Council approval, approval with modifications, or denial of all or portions of this rezoning. Upon receiving the Planning Commission recommendation, City Council will hold another public hearing and consider adoption of a Council Bill for rezoning at a future date yet to be established. You will also be notified of that hearing. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Glen Gidley, Planning and Development Director, at 235- 2844. THANK YOU! b:\lgarerez.let (303) 234.5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 - - POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 x mac - J :s ow z X W Y R YSWJ i u~ u.~ J Q U r O O ~ u R1h I N O O --\1\ !1 1 ~ 1-1- is .K ~ I ~ Z W ~ } N ~ ~ ss o~ w Z tY Q 0 0 M m lL W W z z O O N N W W ty w sa Ell a ~f YaS 1G aK u 3 u C ® W m 4~0 a _~F< "ss~ L uz LL Zl1JJi an w~ LL 0 ON:Ko C m lP ~ s J ~ Y y i° C Z ry r c~ ~ Ts~~-P you-! o%Ll-y 3U Norman Lee Bowden Nancy Sue Bowden 5650 W 29th Ave Denver CO 80214-8428 Nancy Jane Carpenter Karalee J Cook Laura Delaney 2840 Ames St Michael Jay Cook 5684 W 29th Ave Denver CO 80214-8520 2851 Benton St Denver CO 80214-8428 Denver CO 80214-8525 Charles Hugh Doyle Stephen Alan Dukes Myra D Doyle Nancy Jo Dukes 2891 Ames St 5330 W 29th Ave Denver CO 80214-8519 Denver CO 80214-8516 Ihor Wolodymyr & Od Figlus Agnes E Fryer Maria Wolodymyra Figlus 464 S Holland Ct 9775 W 36th Ave Lakewood CO 80226-2812 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5710 William M Havens Kaylene Henry Janis A Havens 2867 Benton St 3035 Upham Ct Denver CO 80214-8525 Denver CO 80215-6758 Larry R Isles DeWain Jackson 2875 Benton St Wendy Jackson Denver CO 80214-8525 6680 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6363 Donald D Kammerzell Daniel P & Roberta Lucero Bruce C Brennan c% Dept of HUD 10370 W 35th Ave 633 17th St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5633 Denver CO 80202-3601 Diana Catherine Miller Print & Mail Inc 2869 Benton St 5540 W 29th Ave Denver CO 80214-8525 Denver CO 80214-8427 Thomas G Rowe William R & John Schroeder 4470 S Wolcott Ct Jane Schroeder Denver CO 80236-3324 12527 W 69th Ave Arvada CO 80004-2325 Joyce E Unger Rodney R Weuve 2867 Eaton St 3220 Alkire Ct Denver CO 80214-8407 Golden CO 80401-1630 Dennis J Willmore Bertha A. Yount Judith A Willmore 2895 Ames St 2857 Chase St Denver CO 80214-8519 Denver CO 80214-8433 Carl K Ekstein 5440 W 29th Ave Denver CO 80214-8507 Darrell F E Ganskow Deanna E Ganskow 4151 Eldridge St Golden CO 80403-7206 Investment Housing Corporation 318 Howell St Golden CO 80401-5123 Dennis M Johnson Welma L Johnson 5854 Oak St Arvada CO 80004-4739 Carl W. Mattson Nanci L Grube 2525 S Saint Paul St Denver CO 80210-6218 Paul D Recen Beverly I Recen 7100 W 29th PI Denver CO 80215-6811 Gary Snow P O Box 1690 Arvada CO 80001-1690 Frank C Wiers Darlene Wiers 2826 Eaton St Denver CO 80214-8408 30 affected prop owners 29th Ave mass rezoning (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 18)Situs:5650 W 29 AVE , DENVER CO 80214-8428 APN :39-254-19-001/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :BOWDEN NORMAN LEE Own2nd:NANCY SUE Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$2,936.62 Exemption Mailing:5650 W 29TH AVE; DENVER CO 80214-8428 C055 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:06/03/94 Document # :94099437 Document Type:WARRANTY DEED Price :$220,000U First TD :$200,000C Lender Seller :VENDENA ROXY & FRANC Title Company: County Use:21120344 Lot Size :A0.07 Lot Area :3,049 Zoning Heat Park Type Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:STRIP COMMERCIAL CENTE Assd Land:$6,420 Assd Imp :$25,660 Total Val:$32,080 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:79 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea:6363 Yrblt/Eff :/1953 # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Half: Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft :$34 Construct :STEEL/HEAVY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #1 OF 5;SCHD#021485;LA 22120;IA 88480;69-03-25-440600-005-0001 Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 18)Situs:2885 DEPEW ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-19-002/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :BOWDEN NORMAN LEE Own2nd:BOWDEN NANCY SUE Mailing:5650 W 29TH AVE; Last Sale Transfer Date:06/01/94 Document # :99437 Document Type: Price :$220,000F First TD Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$618.90 Exemption Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,620 Assd Imp :$5,270 Total Val:$6,890 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:76 Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :GRAVITY Air-fond Site Inf Phone : DENVER CO 80214-8428 C055 Prior Sale Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Bldg/Lvarea:868 Yrblt/Eff :1960/1960 # Stories :1 Basement # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$253 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :SHED-0096;-440600-005-0006;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#022834;LA 12600;IA 41000;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 10)Situs:2840 AMES ST , DENVER CO 80214-8520 APN :39-254-15-012/01 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$879.40 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :CARPENTER NANCY JANE Mailing:2840 AMES ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:03/24/87 Document # :40475 Document Type:WARRANTY DEED Price :$66,000F First TD CO 80214-8520 C056 Prior Sale 10/25/84 F Lender :LEADER FED'L BK Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:264 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$8,120 Total Val:$9,790 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:82 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:1112 Yrblt/Eff :1962/1962 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :3 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$59 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-264;-440600-001-0022;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#022647;LA 13000;IA 63100;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 3)Situs:2851 BENTON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8525 APN :39-254-17-004/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :COOK KARALEE J Own2nd:OOOK MICHAEL JAY Mailing:2851 BENTON ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:06/25/93 Document # :95021 Document Type: Price :$54,500F First TD Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$633.26 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$5,380 Total Val:$7,050 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:76 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8525 C056 Prior Sale 06/26/88 71299 F Lender :WATERFIELD FIN'L CORP Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:264 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:590 Yrblt/Eff :1924/1924 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$92 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :SHED-0238;PARKING-264;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#022224;LA 13000;IA 41800;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 9)Situs:5684 W 29 AVE , DENVER CO 80214-8428 APN :39-250-05-038-021119Tax Rate Area County: Jefferson CO Property Tax Census: RTSQ :69W03S25 Exemption MapLoc:20-C Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :DELANEY LAURA Use:SFR :3139 Assd Land:$1,670 :$695.24 Assd Imp :$6,070 Total Val:$7,740 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:78 Phone : Mailing:5684`W 29TH AVE; DENVER CO 80214-8428 C055 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:06/25/92 12/03/87 Bldg/Lvarea: Document # :76829 145839 Yrblt/Eff Document Type: # Stories Price :$61,200F $58,000F Basement First TD # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Lender :CROSSLAND MTG CORP Total Baths: Seller Fireplace :0 Title Co mpany: Pool $Sgft County Use:1112 Lot Size Construct Lot Area Foundation Zoning Heat Park Type :DETACHED Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 9;S CHD#021119;LA 13000;IA 47200;69-03-25 -440600-005-0038-OOB Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-005 -0036-OOB FOR ASSESSMENT INF ORMATION LAKESIDE RESUB Half: Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data - 20)Situs:2891 AMES ST , DENVER CO 80214-8519 APN :39-254-16-003/02 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$516.50 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :DOYLE CHARLES HUGH Own2nd:DOYLE MYRNA D Mailing:2891 AMES ST; DENVER CO 80214-8519 C056 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date: Document # Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$4,080 Total Val:$5,750 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:70 Phone . Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#021787;LA 13000;IA 31700;69-03-25-440600-002-0006 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-002-0005 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 32)Situs:5330 W 29 AVE DENVER CO 80214-8516 APN :39-254-16-018/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :DUKES STEPHEN ALAN Own2nd:DUKES NANCY JO Mailing:5330 W 29TH AVE; Last Sale Transfer Date:08/05/80 Document # :58937 Document Type: Price :$62,000F First TD Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$844.36 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8516 C056 Prior Sale 12/22/75 $35,000F Lender :SUNBELT NAT'L MTG Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-fond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :CARPORT Park Spaces:262 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$7,730 Total Val:$9,400 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:82 Phone :303/233-2003 Bldg/Lvarea:1360 Yrblt/Eff :1909/1922 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :3 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :1 Pool $Sgft :$45 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :SHED-0231;PARKING-262;CARD #1 OF 3;SCHD#022491;LA 13000;IA 60100;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1)Situs:5440 W 29 AVE , DENVER CO 80214-8507 APN :39-254-17-018/03 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :EKSTEIN CARL K Mailing:5440 W 29TH AVE; Last Sale Transfer Date:09/29/78 Document # :94505 Document Type: Price :$109,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:21120332 Heat Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$2,648.96 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8507 C055 Prior Sale Lot Size :A0.07 Lot Area :3,049 Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:SERVICE STATION Assd Land:$5,900 Assd Imp :$23,590 Total Val:$29,490 Assd Year:1994 9i;Improved:79 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 3;SCHD#109775;LA 20340;IA 81360;69-03-25-440600-003-0040 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-003-0038 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 23)Situs:5560 W 29 AVE , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-18-017/03 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$921.60 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :FIGLUS(IHOR WOLODYMYR`& OD Own2nd:FIGLUS MARIA WOLODYMYRA Mailing:9775 W 36TH AVE;, WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-5710 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:01/23/92 Document # :8726 Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:51780373 Lot Size :A0.30 Lot Area :13,068 Zoning Heat Park Type Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:RETAIL TRADE Assd Land:$1,970 Assd Imp :$8,290 Total Val:$10,260 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:80 Phone . C0i6 Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 4;SCHD#021201;LA 8690;IA 38190;69-03-25-440600-004-0039 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-004-0037 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 13)Situs:2868 BENTON ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-16-017/04 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :FRYER AGNES E Mailing:464 S HOLLAND CT; Last Sale Transfer Date:12/11/76 Document # :570515 Document Type: Price :$33,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$698.84 Exemption LAKEWOOD CO 80226-2812 C020 Prior Sale 08/01/74 $10,000F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$6,110 Total Val:$7,780 Assd Year:1994 eImproved:78 Phone :303/985-3817 Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories . Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft 0 Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #4 OF 4;SCHD#021644;LA 13000;IA 47500;69-03-25-440600-002-0037 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-002-0035 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 9)Situs:2852 DEPEW ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-18-015/02 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$544.34 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :GANSKOW DARRELL F E Own2nd:GANSKOW DEANNA E rt`Mailing:4551 ELDRIDGE ST; GOLDEN CO 80403-7206 0022 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:09/30/88 06/09/88 Document # :96729 Document Type:PERSONAL REPRESENTATI Price :$23,500F F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type :DETACHED Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$4,390 Total Val:$6,060 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:72 Phone :303/279-5783 Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct Foundation Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#022464;LA 13000;IA 34100;69-03-25-440600-004-0034 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-004-0033 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 16)Situs:2896 DEPEW ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-18-016/02 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :GANSKOW DARRELL Own2nd:GANSKOW DEANNA Mailing:4151 ELDRIGE ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:07/25/86 Document # :85067 Document Type: Price :$37,500F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$528.18 Exemption Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,620 Assd Imp :$4,260 Total Val:$5,880 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:72 Phone GOLDEN CO 80403 Prior Sale Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#093438;LA 12600;IA 33100;69-03-25-440600-004-0036 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-004-0035 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data - 27)Situs:2890 AMES ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-250-01-030-021928Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$4,741.02 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25 MapLoc:20-C Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :HAVENS WILLIAM M Own2nd:HAVENS JANIS A Mailing:3035 UPHAM CT; Last Sale Transfer Date:08/06/83 Document # :49951 Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:21120353 Exemption DENVER CO 80215-6738 C058 Prior Sale 05/20/83 $38,800F Use:OFFICE BUILDING Assd Land:$10,560 Assd Imp :$42,220 Total Val:$52,780 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:79 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft Lot Size :AO.07 Construct . Lot Area :3,049 Foundation : Zoning Heat . Park Type Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Roof Cover Comments :CARD #4 OF 5;SCHD#021928;LA 36400;IA 145600;69-03-25-440600-001-0030 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-001-0027-OOA FOR ASSESSMENT INFORMATION LAKESIDE RESUB Half: Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 23)Situs:2867 BENTON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8525 APN :39-254-17-003/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :HENRY KAYLENE -Mailing:2867 BENTON ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:06/25/91 Document # :62321 Document Type: Price :$53,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :WALL FURNACE Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$609.92 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8525 C056 Prior Sale 01/29/80 8457 $48,000F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:231 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$5,120 Total Val:$6,790 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:75 Phone :303/237-8533 Bldg/Lvarea:700 Yrblt/Eff :/1919 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :1 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$75 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-231;-440600-003-0005;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#021460;LA 13000;IA 39800;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 17)Situs:2840 BENTON ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-16-016/01 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$799.44 Census:104.03 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :INVESTMENT HOUSING CORPORAION I Mailing:318 HOWELL ST; GOLDEN CO 80401-5123 0015 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:03/01/92 03/07/89 Document # :154125 22829 Document Type: Price $500F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat :FORCED AIR Park Type Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$7,230 Total Val:$8,900 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:81 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea:986 Yrblt/Eff :/1923 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :-440600-002-0033;CARD #1 OF 3;SCHD#021731;LA 13000;IA 56200;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 14)Situs:2875 BENTON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8525 APN :39-254-17-001/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :ISLES LARRY R Mailing:2875 BENTON ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:12/07/82 Document # :85498 Document Type: Price First TD Lender :BANC Seller Title Company: Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$809.32 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8525 C056 Prior Sale 07/31/80 $7,400F ONE MTG CORP County Use:51780105 Heat Air-Cond. Site Inf Lot Size :A0.15 Lot Area :6,534 Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:MULTIPLE USES Assd Land:$4,370 Assd Imp :$4,640 Total Val:$9,010 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:51 Phone . Bldg/Lvarea:1767 Yrblt/Eff :/1983 # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Half: Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft Construct :STEEL/HEAVY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#021325;LA 17960;IA 23830;69-03-25-440600-003-0001 Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 9)Situs:2860 CHASE ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Use:SFR APN :39-250-03-035-021492Tax Rate Area:3139 Assd Land:$1,670 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$1,002.46 Assd Imp :$9,490 Census: Total Val:$11,160 RTSQ :69W03S25 Exemption Assd Year:1994 MapLoc:20-C °4;Improved:85 Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :JACKSON DE WAIN Phone Own2nd:JACKSON WENDY Mailing:6680 W 32ND AVE; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-6363 C018 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:05/18/89 09/02/88 Bldg/Lvarea: Document # :432226 Yrblt/Eff Document Type: # Stories Price :$65,500F F Basement First TD # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Half: Lender :US CONSOLIDATED FCU Total Baths: Seller Fireplace :0 Title Company: Pool $Sgft County Use:1112 Lot Size Construct Lot Area Foundation Zoning Heat Park Type Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Roof Cover Comments :CARD #3 OF 6;SCHD#021492;LA 13000;IA 73800;69-03-25-440600-003-0035 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-003 -0034-OOA FOR ASSESSMENT INFORMATION LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 6)Situs:2865 CHASE ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-18-002/03 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* SUbdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :JOHNSON DENNIS M Own2nd:JOHNSON WELMA L Mailing5854 OAK ST; ARVADA Last Sale Transfer Date:05/08/92 Document # :56012 Document Type: Price :$88,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax : Exemption CO 80004-4739 C032 Prior Sale 04/13/88 35033 $100,000F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:MULTI FAMILY DWELLING Assd Land: Assd Imp : Total Val: Assd Year:1994 %Improved: Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 3;SCHD#022182;69-03-25-440600-004-0004 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-004-0003 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1)Situs:5790 W 29 AVE , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-20-018/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :KAMMERZELL DONALD D OWn2nd;BRENNAN BRUCE C Mailing:10370 W 35TH AVE; Last Sale Transfer Date:12/15/86 Document # :52960 Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:21120334 Heat Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$1,414.76 Exemption Use:SERVICE STATION Assd Land:$3,150 Assd Imp :$12,600 Total Val:$15,750 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:80 Phone : WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-5633 C027 Prior Sale 12/86 Bldg/Lvarea:1260 370200 Yrblt/Eff :/1951 WARRANTY DEED # Stories $60,000F Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Half: Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft Lot Size :A0.07 Lot Area :3,049 Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #1 OF 6;SCHD#109783;LA 10860;IA 43440;69-03-25-440600-006-0037 Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 12)Situs:2838 AMES ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-15-011/02 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$1,212.94 Exemption Owner :LUCERO DANIEL P & ROBERTA Own2nd:DEPT OF HUD C/O Mailing:633 17TH ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:04/18/88 Document # :37800 Document Type: Price :$73,200F First TD CO 80202-3601 C042 Prior Sale 05/24/85 49882 $70,000F Lender :CENLAR FSB Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$8,360 Total Val:$10,030 Assd Year:1994 °sImproved:83 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#022957;LA 13000;IA 65000;69-03-25-440600-001-0021 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-001-0020 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 20)Situs:2861 CHASE ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-18-003/03 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :MATTSON CARL W Own2nd:GRUBE NA-NCI L -Mailing:2525 S SAINT PAUL Last Sale Transfer Date:12/04/90 Document # :105689 Document Type: Price :$52,500F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$1,138.98 Exemption ST; DENVER CO 80210-6218 Prior Sale 10/25/88 104343 $43,100F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$11,010 Total Val:$12,680 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:86 Phone :303/292-0707 C034 Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 3;SCHD#022183;LA 13000;IA 85600;69-03-25-440600-004-0006 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-004-0005 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 16)Situs:2869 BENTON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8525 APN :39-254-17-002/01 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$801.24 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :MILLER DIANA CATHERINE 'Mailing:2869 BENTON ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:03/10/83 Document # :20967 Document Type: Price :$32,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf CO 80214-8525 C056 Prior Sale Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:280 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$7,250 Total Val:$8,920 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:81 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:1056 Yrblt/Eff :1917/1917 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$30 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :SHED-0240;PARKING-280;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#021375;LA 13000;IA 56400;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data - 27)Situs:5500 W 29 AVE , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-18-001/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* SUbdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :PRINT & MAIL INC Mailing:5540 W 29TH AVE; Last Sale Transfer Date:01/30/91 Document # :9674 Document Type: Price :$110,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:51780373 Heat Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$2,663.88 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8427 C055 Prior Sale Lot Size :A0.15 Lot Area :6,534 Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:RETAIL TRADE Assd Land:$4,780 Assd Imp :$24,570 Total Val:$29,350 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:83 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea:2565 Yrblt/Eff :/1999 # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Half: Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft :$42 Construct :STEEL/HEAVY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :EYB-1900;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#022833;LA 17960;IA 90990;69-03-25-440600-004-0001 Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 5)Situs:5700 W 29 AVE , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-20-001/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :RECEN PAUL D Own2nd:RECEN BEVERLY:I Mailing:7100 W 29TH PL; Last Sale Transfer Date:06/29/76 Document # :740110 Document Type: Price :$34,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$763.52 Exemption DENVER CO 80215-6811 C058 Prior Sale 12/09/75 F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:DUPLEX Assd Land:$2,510 Assd Imp :$5,990 Total Val:$8,500 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:70 Phone :303/237-2005 Bldg/Lvarea:1395 Yrblt/Eff :/1949 # Stories :1 Basement # Units :2 Total Rooms: Bedrooms :4 Full Baths :2 Half: Total Baths:2 Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$24 Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover Comments :CARD #1 OF 3;SCHD#022213;LA 19500;TOPO-LEVEL;69-03-25-440600-006-0001 Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 5)Situs:2885 AMES ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-16-004 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$740.16 Census:104.03 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB 2-21 O Owner :ROWE THOMAS G ~ 0 0 / 'Mailing:4470 S WOLCOTT CT; DENVER CO 06008-3324 C063 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:05/12/94 07/28/89 Document # :94087031 66707 Document Type:QUIT CLAIM DEED Price :$500U $46,000F First TD Lender Seller :ROWE SHARON L Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat :FORCED AIR Park Type Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$6,570 Total Val:$8,240 Assd Year:1994 sImproved:79 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:1982 Yrblt/Eff :/1912 # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :3 Full Baths :2 Half: Total Baths:2 Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :-440600-002-0007;SCHD#142389;LA 13000;IA 51100;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 18)Situs:2899 AMES ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-16-001/03 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :SCHROEDER WILLIAM Own2nd:SCHROEDER JANE 'Mailing:12527 W 69TH AVE; Last Sale Transfer Date:12/28/88 Document # :1297 Document Type: Price :$40,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$1,033.90 Exemption R & JOHN ARVADA CO 80004-2325 C030 Prior Sale 10/04/88 96533 F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$9,840 Total Val:$11,510 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:85 Phone :303/421-2988 Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories . Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft 0 Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 3;SCHD#021242;LA 13000;IA 76500;69-03-25-440600-002-0002 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-002-0001 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 5)Situs:5795 W 29 AVE , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-09-001/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :SNOW GARY Mailing:PO BOX 1690; ARVADA Last Sale Transfer Date:10/22/86 Document # :131707 Document Type: Price :$45,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:51780334 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$1,578.24 Exemption CO 80001-1690 B019 Prior Sale 10/01/77 820246 F Lot Size :AO.35 Lot Area :15,246 Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:SERVICE STATION/MARKET Assd Land:$10,170 Assd Imp :$7,400 Total Val:$17,570 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:42 Phone . Bldg/Lvarea:1488 Yrblt/Eff :/1958 # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Half: Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft :$30 Construct :STEEL/HEAVY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #1 OF 3;SCHD#109787;LA 41300;IA 33900;69-03-25-567400-007-0010-OOB Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1)Situs:2867 EATON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8407 APN :39-254-20-002/03 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$704.24 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :UNGER JOYCE E Mailing:2867 EATON ST; DENVER CO 80214-8407 C037 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:09/15/81 04/15/74 Document # :96077 Document Type: Price $20,500F First TD Lender :UNITED Seller Title Company: SVGS/TX (FSB) County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Roof Cover Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$6,170 Total Val:$7,840 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:78 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Comments :CARD #3 OF 4;SCHD#043758;LA 13000;IA 48000;69-03-25-440600-006-0004 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-006-0003-OOB FOR ASSESSMENT INFORMATION LAKESIDE RESUB Half: Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 6)Situs:2860 AMES ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-15-013/03 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :WEUVE RODNEY R Mailing:3220 ALKIRE CT; Last Sale Transfer Date:02/01/83 Document # :77707 Document Type: Price :$85,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$924.30 Exemption GOLDEN CO 80401-1630 C020 Prior Sale 12/07/71 F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$8,620 Total Val:$10,290 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:83 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories . Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft 0 Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 3;SCHD#022904;LA 13000;IA 67000;69-03-25-440600-001-0026 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-001-0024 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 6)Situs:2826 EATON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8408 APN :39-254-19-010/03 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$408.70 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :WIERS FRANK C Own2nd:WIERS DARLENE Mailing:2826 EATON ST; DENVER CO 80214-8408 C037 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:02/21/85 10/28/71 Document # :18156 Document Type: Price $47,500F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type :DETACHED Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:RESIDENTIAL Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$2,880 Total Val:$4,550 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:63 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : (NEC) Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 5;SCHD#021535;LA 13000;IA 22400;69-03-25-440600-005-0033 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-005-0031 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 11)Situs:2857 CHASE ST , DENVER CO 80214-8433 APN :39-254-18-004/01 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$784.18 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :WILLMORE DENNIS J Own2nd:WILLMORE JUDITH A Mailing:2857 CHASE ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:04/26/77 Document # :980504 Document Type: Price :$25,500F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-fond Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$7,060 Total Val:$8,730 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:80 Phone :303/237-4133 CO 80214-8433 C055 Prior Sale Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:720 Bldg/Lvarea:1680 Yrblt/Eff :1931/1960 # Stories :2 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :5 Full Baths :2 Half: Total Baths:2 Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$15 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-720Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 25)Situs:2895 AMES ST , DENVER CO 80214-8519 APN :39-254-16-002/02 Tax Rate Area:3140 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$1,125.34 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :YOUNT BERTHA A '-Mailing:2895 AMES ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:03/01/90 Document # :28751 Document Type: Price First TD CO 80214-8519 C056 Prior Sale 05/03/85 42047 F Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :CARPORT Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$11,380 Total Val-$13,050 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:87 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories . Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft Half: 0 Construct . Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#021508;LA 13000;IA 88500;69-03-25-440600-002-0004 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-002-0003 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << 7~00'PY=S.T 29TH AVEt lU= -. +;'l4EAT RIDGE. CO 80215-0797 t3G3) 234-5900. . _ City Admin. Fax ' 234-5324 Dear Property Owner. ?olica. D-pt. F=z = 23= .949 (FB Ciii!1 C% -Wheat Ridge The City of Wheat Ridge is considering a MASS REZONING in .your, neighborhood which _ could downzone most of the existing Residential-Three (R-3) properties to a loav density zone such as Residential-One A (R-1A) or Residential-Two (R-2). ExisTing properties already developed as multifamily units would not be affected. (See map on back) The purpose of this process would be co preserve the (ow density residential character of your neighborhood by bringing the zoning into compliance 4vith the City's adopted Future Land Use Plan. Under the existing R-3 zoning, multiple family dwellings (apartments, condominiums and townhouses up to 21 dwellings per acre) could displace single-family homes that predominate this neighborhood. This potential vas acted upon several years ago at the SW corner of West 35th Avenue and Fenton Street and. West 35th and Benton Street. The neighbors were very upset that the City could do nothing to stop these developments, as the use was allowed by the existing R-3 zoning. The following table summarizes 4vhat type of residential development could occur under th2 __ three classes of zoning: _ R-3 (EXISTlN( Uses Allowed: 7, 2 or multif Dwellings' R-1 Density: 27 units per acre Lot Size: 72,500 sq. ft, -multi-fam Minimum 9,000 sq. ft. -duplex 7,500 sq. ft. -single lot Width: 700 ft. for multifamily Minimum 75 ft. for duplex 60 ft. for single 1 family dwelling -i.8 units' per acre 9,000 75 ft. 2 family dwelling 6.9 units per acre 72,500 for duplex 9,000 for single 700 ft. for duplex 75 ft. for single We would encourage your participation and would like to hear your opinions regarding this possible MASS REZONING. Therefore, a meeting has been scheduled March 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Wheat Ridge Community Center, 6363 West 35th Avenue. Additionally, we ask that you complete the enclosed questionnaire and mail it back to the City. Should you have any questions, feel free to call either of us, or call GLEN GIDLEY, Planning & Development Director, at 235-28=14. Thank You! _. ~~, ~ ~ , - JE,StN FIELDS - District One Councilmember Phone No. 237-8935 JERRY~fliTUL0O District One Councilmember Phone No. 237-4806 a The City of Wheat Ridge is considering a MASS REZONING in your neighborhood which would downzone most of the existing Residential-Three (R-3) properties to a low density zone such as Residential-One A (R-1A) or Residential-Two (R-2). Existing properties already developed as multifamily units would not be affected. (See map on back.) The purpose of this process would be to preserve the low. density residential character of the neighborhood by bringing the zoning into compliance with the, City's adopted Future Land Use Plan. Under the existing R-3 zoning, multiple family dwellings (apartments, condominiums and townhouses up to 21 dwellings per acre) could displace single-family homes that predominate this neighborhood. This potential was acted upon several years ago at the SW corner of West 35th Avenue and Fenton Street. The neighborhood was very• upset with the City because the City could not stop that development because the use was allowed by the existing R-3 zoning. Now is the time to act by downzoning to prevent this type of development from destroying the character of your neighborhood. The following table summarizes what kind of residential could be developed under the three kinds of zoning: ZoM~ jJ15TlLlGT CAMp~[}21SONS R-3 R-1~+( R 2 Uses Allowed 1, 2 or mult~famdy 1 famdy dwelling 1 and 2 family dwelling Dwellings Density: 21 units per acre f1.8"snits per acre 6.9 units per acre Lot Size: Minimum 12,500 sq. ft. -multi-fain X000 12,500 for duplex 9,000 sq. ft. -duplex 9,000 for single 7,500 sq. ft. -single Lot Width: Minimum 100 ft. for multifamily ~~ eft. 100 ft. for duplex 75 ft. for duplex 75 ft. for single 60 ft. for single We would like to hear your opinions regardi ng this possible MASS REZONING. Thank You! )tAN FIELDS District One Councilmember Phone No. 237-8935 ._ _; JERRY DiTULL - -=: _ .: ;,,, :: - 10 District One Councilmember Phone No. 237-4806/486-6546 (work) s b ZONE DISTRICT COMPARISONS R-3 R-1 C R-2 Uses Allowed: 1, 2 or multifamily 1 family dwelling Dwellings Density: 21 units per acre 8.5 units per acre Lot Size: 12,500 sq. ft. -multi-fam 5,000 Minimum 9,000 sq. ft. -duplex 7,500 sq. ft. -single Lot Width: 100 ft. for multifamily 50 ft. Minimum 75 ft. for duplex 60 ft. for single 1 and 2 family dwelling 6.9 units per acre 12,500 for duplex 9,000 for single 100 ft. for duplex 75 ft. for single _~w > 0 I U T ~ -"-tea-- acs-v ~ -x- --. ~- I I- .Ti Z_ i. -~"~`"~.. ,- .-max ~.~c:_. ~~- /\} ~- as _ _. ~~ 1~1e ~ iiy~ ~ ,~- ~ ~z - ~ ~ C' ~_' _~~~~- i ~ ~ :..3 ~t, ce .7 x>,_'~- ~va'r~c ,..,-, s- ~ ~ _ O I IS 5 ~ -s.r .»,1~=- ~-: r s '- c, F f :, f c r ~` = NcnLAND ST ~ ' ~~ v ~ ~~)~~~~ y +4~ ~---x v.^n 5 -~a~'I` MARSHALL ST v m f i~ a o t s. ~ u yi. ~~- ~~ -~ r7 ~ 8 L~ •e ~ ); 8 I I i a~ 6 a VOG - R A<v--~ ~ t~ ~~ ~ I, - ~ < ~--A`~ sa.,-- s.->jw s o~ ys.` K=NDALL ST N, m - i. i _.._ tJ ' AT,- ~V ~'.V7 W-~, JAI: ' ~; f t ~. (-. -eau'--~ 'v.n«-~. -~`e .._ +e:. ,<,~ - ~ x . ;~3A< z ~ _, '"~~->- „;,~' - ~ 5~ - JAY ST i ~ -nom' r ~_: ~'. `s':. mss- .... ~_~-~+J+ai~, I ~ - j Sag ~C,~ =. ';=-`ni`s"'~".' .... r- i.~a:- _ i r--- I GH3A_ il.~+-7'..r~L~ '' - ~ '. f .~.-.~faasY- ~~.m_Y->!-~ri..tr~' Y +-+-I I'°'o ~_ r ?-+- ~- T--s~ c .,.., --~.~~;~- - - - ;-;ARLAN ST ^H' N~a 33x3 .a m~ i~ .`0 l Y;~~ 6l ~ _~.. 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L Vichiola-°'~~°~ OR CURREN~,T..=RESIDENT 66012 Ave eat Ridge CO 80033 ~~/ ~ . ** C003 ** 0003 Becky S Martin Becky Martin Skadsen 3690 Jay ST 3.690-Jay ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7444 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7444 ** C003 ** C003 H D Wilde Leo Q Anderson 3596 Ingalls ST 3530 Ingalls ST Wheat-Ridge CO 80033-7434 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7434 ** C037 Douglas M Stuart 3195 Gray ST -- Denver CO 80214-8127 ** C037 Steven Ray Soder 3185 Gray ST Denver CO 80214-8127 ** C023 ** CO55 Walter E Taylor John L Sayles 3700 Estes ST 3195 Eaton ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5937 Denver CO 80214-8413 ** C055 Thomas La Barbera 3196 Depew ST Denver CO 80214-8449 80033-5367 ** C055 Jessie B Fenney 3195 Chase ST Denver CO 80214-8447 *e~~„^'_ John C Bandim 3655 Ch D CO 80212-7091 ** C036 Gwen D Gabrielson 3495 Ames ST Denver---CO 80212-7084 ** C003 James F Walter 4001 Easley RD Golden CO 80403-1503 ** C056 Joseph M Van Gent 3196 Benton ST Denver CO 80214-8532. ** C045 - Lewis E Henry 43 S Newland CT Lakewood CO 80226-2139 ** C056 ROSENBERG JANET HILLARY SI 3195 Ames ST Denver CO 80214-8541 ** 0003 David A Richter 3605 Ingalls ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** 0000 Delmar D Reed 5811 W 72nd DR - Arvada CO 80003-3205 ** C064 Bohdan Labiak 1976 S Taft ST Lakewood CO 80228-4447 ** C055 Gerald B Wheeler 3020 Eaton ST Denver CO 80214-8412 Phillip G Shell 3251 Tabor CT Wheat Ridge CO ** 0005 ** C036 GATSIOPOULOS PANAGIOTA -- 5201 W 38th Ave Denver CO 80212-7007 ** C058~, Cliff LTD BircY~„~ 1777 S F~r^n ST #309 ~v~CO 80210-3928 f~D~ L~ ** C044 ** C012 ** C005 M YJil~iam Mattern Carl L Jensen Phillip G Shell 3545 Chase ST 12095 W Belleview DR 3251 Tabor CT Denver CO 80212-7039 Littleton CO 80127-1518 -Wheat Ridge CO 80033 C044 ** C044 _- ** C044 John C Ban re John C Bandimere John C Bandimere °~^^ 3655 Se ST 3655 Chase ST 3655 Chase ST ,,..~ De~v~r~CO 80212-7091 Denver CO 80212-7091 Der-.~021~2-7091 C044 John-C Band' re 3655 C ST De r CO 80212-7091 ~*- C036 Ernest J Kuss 3719 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-7019 ** C036 Paula S Stamper 3718 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-7020 ** C036 ** C045 ~* C058 GATSIOPOULOS P GIOTA ALE Lewis E Henry Cliff LTD Birch 5201 W 38t ve 43 S Newland CT 1777 S Harrison ST #309 Denve 80212-7007 Lakewood CO 80226-2139 Denver CO 80210-3928 ** C003 ** C043 ** C018 James F Walter Thomas J Sundheim Gail L Vichiola 4001 Easley RD 5601 W 35th Ave 6601 W 32nd Ave Golden CO 80403-1503 Denver CO 80212-7149 Wheat-Ridge CO 80033 ** C033 Gayl L Freeborn 6339 S Fenton CT Littleton CO 80123-6831 Emily R Keithline VOYAGEURS INTERNATIONAL LT Glen D Phil __.>. ~-~- "`'" 10695 W Iliff Ave Po Box 173 3709 - e ST Denver CO 80227-2028 Wheat Ridge CO 80034-0173 a Ridge CO 80033..- ** C015 ** C015 ** C015 Glen D Philp Duyke Viola Von Roger W Walker 3709 Pierce ST 3707 Pierce ST 3701 Pierce ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6339 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6339- Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 ** C010 ** C015 Robert Eugene Malott Maria Rock Patri cia Richa rds 3620 Pierce ST 6950 W 32nd PL 3415 Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6338 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6204 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 B011 ** C015 John A Shaffer Clifton L Kohl Sadie A Merritt 3300 Otis ST Po Box 1132 3285. Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6361 .Wheat Ridge CO 80034-1132 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 ** C015 ** C015 John W Abbagnaro SCHIEMANN OLIVE E LIFE EST TRUST OF ADA MAE HOPPER 3275 Otis ST 3265 Otis ST _ 3260 Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO-80033-6358 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6358 Wheat Ridge CO 800B 3 -~~ R ~ ** C015 ** 0002 Robert E Newnam .Anita L Sawdey _ - 3275 Newland ST 4310 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6438 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5054 ** C015 Corporation. Colwest 3798 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6425 ** CO15 John Sabatka 3260 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6415 ** 0008 ** CO15 DAUENHAUER DEONNE BERNADET Helmer Gustafson 7020 W 44th Ave 3283 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 8.0033-4726 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6414 H070 Larry J Donoghue 7573 S Sourdough DR Morrison CO 80465-2828 ** C052 Theodore K Webbe 2215_Marshall ST Edgewater CO 80214-1015 ** CO15 A Mary Nicoletti 6765 W 36th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6428 ** CO15 Kendall W Johnson- 6745 W 36th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6428- ** C047 Norma C Durie 3190 Newland ST -- Denver CO 80214-8042 ** CO15 Joyce G De Vaney 3605 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C055 Donald V Webb 14390 E Marina DR #401 Aurora CO 80014-5528. ** C050 Harold D Luebke 12163 W 30th PL Denver CO 80215-6507 ** C015 Karen A Hellner 6725 W 36th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** CO15 ** C015 ** CO15 Daniel-Pavone John H Cochran Bonifacio Pena 6711 W 36th Ave 6701 W 36th Ave 6709 W 33rd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6428 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6428 .Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C018 ** C043 Fern V Anderson Howard T Martinez Robert J Utley 6505 W 32nd Ave 5810-20 W 32nd Ave 5750 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6456 Wheatridge CO 80212 Denver CO 80212-71.04 ** C043 Jeanne W Gregory 5508 W 32nd Ave Denver CO 80212-7051 ** C063 Roger P Loecher 5500 W 44th Ave Denver CO 80212-7316 ** C005 ** C035 Marjorie L Milan 1775 Lee ST Lakewood CO 80215-2855 ** C003 Buell B Varriado Wayne B Clark 5766_E.Gr_eenspointe Way 3718 Jay ST Hghlnds Ranch CO 80126-3359Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7446 ** C003 Richard J Suareo 3740 Jay ST Wheat Ridge CO-80033 _ ** 0009 Ronald T Davis 7975 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~~ ** CO15 Anne R Kneeland 3690 Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6451 ** CO15 Donald- Lombardi 3606-Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6445 ** CO15 John Sabatka 3260 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6415 ** C078 John L Domenico 11235 Quivas Loop Denver CO-80234-2614 ** C025 ** C005 Myrna Tilton 3348 Swadley ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5315 ** CO15 Roman Halaba 3605 Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6444 ** CO15 Joseph A Satriano 3610 Otis. ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 George J Granato 3785 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** 0003 ** CO15 Gwyneth F Hughes Richard H Cairns 3600 Ingalls ST 6300 W Harvard DR Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7435 Lakewood CO 80227-4031 ** COD3 ** CO55 Gwyneth F Hughes Gerald B Wheeler 3600 Ingalls ST 3020 Eaton ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7435 Denver CO 80214-8412 ** C018 ** CO15 John Robert Moore 11329 W 74th PL Arvada CO 80005-3520 Audrey J Allen Kerman D Allen 3906 Quay ST 7865 Nelson ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-4954 Arvada CO 80005-3655 ** C039 Cyrus J Wallace 3749 Sheridan Blvd Denver CO 80212-7056 B001 ** C039 Roy L Gurule Theodore J Moss Po Box 28 3733 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge CO 80034-0028 Denver CO 80212-7056. ** CO55 Amzel P-Dyer 700 S Alton Way #4a Denver CO 80231-1625 ** C003 James W Stuart 3255 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 ** C036 ** C003 Care Properties Health ..Melissa L Kendrick 3315 Sheridan Blvd 3447 Harlan ST Denver CO 80212-7053 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C043 ** C043 Warren G Darnell Harold E Seiler 3754 Fenton ST 3720 Fenton ST Denver GO 80212-7139 Denver CO 80212-7139 ** C043 ** C023 ** C037 Harold E Seiler Walter E Taylor Charles Martin Lubeck 3720 Fen - 3700 Estes ST 2 Robincrest LN ~C0~80212-7139 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5937 Littleton CO 80123-6514 ** R001 * C055 ** C044 Brian J Zehnder Gerald B Wh er Reata F Bitter 9709 Alkire ST 3020 Eat ST 3555 Chase ST- Arvada CO 80005-1317 Denv CO 80214-8412 Denver CO 80212-7039 Z~ f~~~ ** C044 ** C044 Eunice R Dumler Raymond G Wilhite 3212 Chase ST 3740 Benton ST Denver -CO-80212-7034 Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 ** C044 Robert H Sarwash Kenneth E Weaver 3720 Benton ST 3710 Benton ST Denver .CO 80212-7032 Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 J Randal Jones 3690 Benton ST Denver _CO.80212-7088 *_*__ C_044 Baron Daniel Le_ -- 3610 Benton ST Denver CO.80212-7088 ** C044 Ernest J Kuss 3530 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 ** C044 Harry R Ewig 3500 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 ** 0005 Phillip G Shell 3251 Tabor CT Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5367 ** C044 Reynaldo C Sumrall 3520 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 B016 Carol J Claus Po Box 1694 Broomfield CO 80038-1694 ** C044 John C Bandimere 3655 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7091 ** C044 A Unfried A 3730 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 Edgar A Johnson 3700 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 Timothy F Madden 3540 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 ** C044 Greg J Skidmore 3510 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 ** C012 Carl L Jensen 12095 W Belleview DR Littleton CO 80127-1518 *~* „,,,,~A.44 John C Bande--=~"" 3655 Ch ST D CO 80212-7091 ** C044 ** C044 B900 John C Bandimere John C Bandime ._~~"'"`^' Fred L Spallone 3655 Chase ST 3655 Ch -~~ Po Box 52085 Denver CO 80212-7091 Dee~CO 80212-7091 Phoenix AZ 85072-2085 ** C05~3 ~^°" ** C053 ** C043 Inc Fred Spallon Inc Fred Spallone Warren G Darnell 5890 W 37 5890 W 37th PL 3754 Fenton ST Deny O 80212-7119 Denver CO 80212-7119 Denver CO 80212-7139 ** C043 Warren G Darnell 3754 Fenton ST Denver CO 80212-7139 ** CO10 Robert C Ochsner 7342 E Bates DR Denver CO 80231-6011 ** 0001 Denny H Miyasato 321 Awini PL Honolulu HI 96825-1227 H032 ** C043 Eugene J Jojola Thomas J Sundheim 411 N Riverside DR 5601 W 35th Ave Truth Consq NM 87901-9744 Denver CO 80212-7149 ** C018 James R Supernor 6001 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~~ yi ** C044 Eunice R Dumler 3212 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7034 ** C044 Raymond G Wilhite 3740 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 A Unfried A 3730 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 Robert H Sarwash 3720 Benton-ST Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 ** C044 Kenneth E Weaver -3710 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 J Randal Jones Baron Daniel Le 3690 Benton ST 3610 Benton ST -- Denver CO 80212-7088 Denver CO 80212-7088 ** C044 ** C044 Ernest J Russ Reynaldo C Sumrall 3530 Benton ST 3520 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 Denver CO 80212-7028 ** C044 Harry R Ewig 3500 Benton ST Denver GO 8.0212-7028 B016 Carol J Claus Po Box 1694 Broomfield CO 80038-1694 ** C005 ** C044 Phillip G Shell- John C Bandimere 3251 Tabor CT 3655 Chase ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5367 Denver CO 80212-7091 ** C044 John C Bandimere 3655 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7091 ** C044 John C Bandimere 3655 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7091 ** C053 Inc Fred Spallone 5890 W 37th PL Denver- CO 80212-7119 ** C043 Warren G Darnell 3754 Fenton ST Denver CO 80212-7139 H032 Eugene J Jojola 411 N Riverside DR Truth Consq NM 87901-9744 ** C053 Inc Fred Spallone 5890 W 37th PL Denver CO 80212-7119 ** CO10 Robert C Ochsner 7342 E Bates DR Denver CO.80231-6011 ** C043 Thomas J Sundheim 5601 W 35th Ave Denver CO 80212-7149 ** C044 Edgar A Johnson 3700 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7032 ** C044 Timothy_F Madden 3540 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 ** C044 Greg J Skidmore 3510 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7028 ** C012 Carl L Jensen 12095 W Belleview DR Littleton CO 80127-1518 ** C044 John C Bandimere 3655 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7091 B900 Fred L Spallone Po Box 52085 Phoenix AZ 85072-2085 ** C043 Warren G Darnell 3754 Fenton ST Denver CO 80212-7139 ** C001 Denny H Miyasato 321 Awini PL Honolulu HI 96825-1227 ** C018 James R Supernor 6001 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~o ~R~~ y y ** CO15 ** COOS Anne R £ineeland Myrna Tilton 3690 Otis ST 3348 Swadley ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6451 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5315 ** CO15 Donald Lombardi 3606 Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6445 ** CO15 Roman Halaba 3605 Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6444 ** C015 John Sabatka 3260 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6415 ** C003 ** CO15 Gwyneth F Hughes Richard H Cairns -.- 3600 Ingalls ST 6300 W Harvard DR Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7435 Lakewood CO 80227-4031 ** CO15 Joseph A Satriano 3610 Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 George J Granato 3785 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C078 ** C003 **_ CO55 John L Domenico Gwyneth F Hughes Gerald B Wheeler 11235 Quivas-Loop 3600 Ingalls ST 3020 Eaton ST Denver CO 80234-2614 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7435 Denver CO 80214-8412 ** C025 ** C018 ** CO15 Audrey J Allen Kerman D A11en John Robert Moore 3906 Quay ST 7865 Nelson ST 11329 W 74th PL Wheat Ridge CO 80033-4954 Arvada CO 80005-3655 Arvada CO 80005-3520 ** C039 Cyrus J Wallace 3749 Sheridan Blvd Denver CO 80212-7056 B001 Roy L Gurule Po Box 28 Wheat Ridge CO 80034-0028 ** C039 Theodore J Moss 3733 Sheridan Blvd Denver CO 80212-7056 ** CO55 Amzel-P-Dyer 700 S Alton Way #4a Denver CO 80231-1625 ** 0003 James W Stuart 3255 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 ** C043 Harold E Seiler 3720 Fenton ST Denver CO 80212-7139 ** R001 Brian J Zehnder 9709 Alkire ST Arvada CO 80005-1317 ** C036 Care Properties Health 3315 Sheridan Blvd Denver CO 80212-7053 ** C043 Warren G Darnell 3754 Fenton ST Denver CO 80212-7139 ** C023 Walter E Taylor 3700 Estes ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5937 ** CO55 Gerald B Wheeler 3020 Eaton ST Denver CO 80214-8412 ** C003 Melissa L Kendrick 3447 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C043 Harold E Seiler 3720 Fenton ST Denver CO 80212-7139 ** C037 Charles Martin Lubeck 2 Robincrest LN Littleton CO 80123-6514 ** C044 Reata F Bitter 3555 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 f~ AT } ** C044 M William Mattern 3545 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 ** C012 ** C005 Carl L Jensen 12095 W Belleview DR Littleton CO 80127-1518 ** C044 ** C044 John C Bandimere John C Bandimere 3655 Chase ST 3655 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7091 Denver CO 80212-7091 ** C044 ** C036 John C Bandimere Ernest J Kuss 3655. Chase ST 3719 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-7091 Denver CO 80212-7019 ** C036 ** C045 GATSIOPOULOS PANAGIOTA ALE Lewis E Henry 5201 W 38th Ave 43 S Newland CT Denver CO 80212-7007. Lakewood CO 80226-2139 Phillip G Shell 3251 Tabor CT -Wheat Ridge CO 80033_. ** C044 John C Bandimere 3655 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7091 ** C036 Paula S Stamper _3718 Ames ST Denver CO 8.0212--702.0 ** C058 Cliff LTD Birch 1777 S Harrison ST #309 Denver CO 80210-3928. ** 0003 ** C043 James F Walter, Thomas J Sundheim 4001 Easley RD 5601 W 35th Ave Golden CO.80403-1503 Denver CO 80212-7149 ** C033 Gayl L Freeborn 6339 S Fenton CT- - Littleton CO 80123-6831 ** CO18 Gail L Vichiola 6601 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Emily R Keithline VOYAGEURS INTERNATIONAL LT Glen D Philp 10695 W Iliff Ave Po Box 173 3709 Pierce ST Denve r CO 80227-2028 Wheat Ridge CO 80D34-0173 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 ** CO15 ** CO15 Glen D Philp Duyke Viola Von Roger W Walker 3709 Pierce._ST 3707 Pierce ST 3701 Pierce ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6339 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6.339 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 ** CO10 ** C015 Rober t Eugene Malott Maria Rock Patricia Richards 3620 Pierce ST 6950 W 32nd PL - 3415 Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6338 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6204 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** CO15 BOll - ** C015 John A Shaffer _ _._- _Clifton L Kohl Sadie A Merritt 3300 Otis ST Po Box 1132 3285 Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6361. Wheat Ridge CO 80034-1132 .Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** CO15 __ ** CO15 ** CO15 John W Abbagnaro SCHIEMANN OLIVE E LIFE EST TRUST OF ADA MAE HOPPER 3275 Otis ST 3265 Otis ST 3260 Otis ST 3i Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6358 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6358 .Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~~ ** C015 Robert E I~Sewnam - 3275 Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6438 ** 0002 Anita L Sawdey 4310 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5054 ** C015 Corporation Colwest 3798 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6425 ** CO15 John Sabatka 3260 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6415 ** 0008 ** CO15 DAUENHAUER DEONNE BERNADET Helmer Gustafson 7020 W 44th Ave 3283 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-4726 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6414 H070 Larry J Donoghue 7573 S Sourdough DR Morrison CO 80465-2828 ** C052 Theodore K Webbe 2215 Marshall ST Edgewater CO 80214-1015 ** CO15 A Mary Nicoletti 6765 W 36th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6428 ** CO15 Daniel Pavone 6711 W 36th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6428 ** C018 Fern V Anderson 6505 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO-80033-6456 ** CO15 Kendall W Johnson 6745 W 36th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6428 ** CO15 .John H Cochran 6701 W 36th Ave Wheat-Ridge CO 80033-6428 Howard T Martinez 5810-20 W 32nd Ave Wheatridge CO 80212 ** C043 Jeanne W Gregory 5508 W 32nd Ave Denver CO 80212-7051 ** C063 Roger P Loecher 5500 W 44th Ave Denver CO 80212-7316 ** C035 Marjorie L Milan 1775 Lee ST Lakewood CO 80215--2855 ** C005 ** C003 Buell B Varnado Wayne B Clark 5766 E Greenspointe Way 3718 Jay ST Hghlnds Ranch CO 80126-3359Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7446 ** C047 Norma C Durie 3190 Newland ST Denver CO 80214-8042 ** CO15 Joyce G De Vaney 3605 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** CO55 Donald V Webb 14390 E Marina DR #401 Aurora CO 80014-5528 ** CO50 Harold D Luebke 12163 W 30th PL Denver CO 80215-6507 ** CO15 Karen A Hellner 6725 W 36th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** CO15 Bonifacio Pena 6709 W 33rd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C043 Robert J Utley 5750 W 32nd Ave Denver CO 80212-7104 ** 0003 Richard J Suareo 3740 Jay ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** 0009 Ronald T Davis 7975 W 39th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~ ~ ~~ ** 0003 ** 0003 ** C003 Becky S Martin Becky Martin Skadsen David A Richter 3690 Say ST 3690-Jay ST 3605 Ingalls ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7444 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7444 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C003 ** C003 ** 0000. H D Wilde Leo Q Anderson Delmar D Reed 3596 Ingalls ST 3530 Ingalls ST 5811 W 72nd DR Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7434 .Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7434 Arvada CO 80003-3205 ** C037 Douglas M Stuart 3195 Gray ST Denver-CO 80214-8127 ** C037 Steven Ray Soder 3185 Gray ST Denver CO 80214-8127 ** C064 Bohdan Labiak 1976 S Taft ST Lakewood CO 80228-4447 ** C023 ** CO55 Walter E Taylor John L Sayles 3700 Estes ST 3195 Eaton ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5937 Denver CO 8D214-8413 ** CO55~ Thomas La Barbera 3196 Depew ST -- Denver CO 80214-8449 80033-5367 ** CO55 Jessie B Fenney 3195 Chase ST Denver CO 80214-8447 ** C044 John C Bandimere 3655 Chase ST Denver C0.8D212-7091 ** C036 Gwen D Gabrielson 3495 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-7084 ** C003 James F Walter 4001 Easley RD Golden CO 80403-1503 ** C056 Joseph M Van Gent 3196 Benton ST .Denver CO 80214-8532 ** C045 Lewis E Henry 43 S Newland CT Lakewood CO 80226-2139 ** C056 ROSENBERG JANET HILLARY SI 3195 Ames ST Denver CO 80214-8541 ** CO55 Gerald B Wheeler 3020 Eaton ST Denver CO 80214-8412. ** C005 Phillip G Shell 3251 Tabor CT Wheat Ridge CO ** C036 GATSIOPOULOS PANAGIOTA 5201 W 38th Ave Denver CO 80212-7007 ** C058 Cliff LTD Birch 1777 S Harrison ST #309 Denver CO 80210-3928 z? ~-DT .. ** 0003 ** C015 ** C078 Giv~meth F Hughes Richard H Cairns John L Domenico 3600 Ingalls ST 6300 W Harvard DR 11235 Quivas Loop Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7435 Lakewood CO 80227-4031 Denver CO 80234-2614 ** 0003 ** 0002 Gwyneth F Hughes Ray Valente Christine A Fonta ne 3600 Ingalls ST 3885 Lamar ST _ 815 E 133rd PL Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7435 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5033 Thornton CO 80241 ** C003 ** 0003 ** 0003 Lloyd A-Russell Allen E Russell Melissa L Kendrick 3555 Harlan 5T 3545 Harlan ST 3447 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7423 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7423 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C016 Carol Ann Serkowski 1087 E 15th Ave Broomfield CO 80020-1303 ** C003 Harold N Craft Natalie M Hook 3405 Harlan ST 3401 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7421- Wheat Ridge CO. 80033 ** C003 ** 0003 ** C003 ** 0003 Rollin P Gerboth Margaret E Mech Elissa M Battaglia 3321 Harlan ST 3317 Harlan ST 3305 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7419 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7419 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C003 ** 0003 ** C003 Velmer G Davis Ronald F Jerman James W Stuart 3295 Harlan ST 3275 Harlan ST 3255 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C003 ** C023 Karl H Rambossek William E Jones 3247 Harlan_ST 11532 W Hampden PL Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 Lakewood CO 80227-4220 ** C044 Reata F Bitter 3555 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 ** C044 M William Mattern 3545 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 ** C044 Ralph Martinez 3501 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 " ** C044 John R ,Becker 3230 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7034 ** C009 John W Minshall 3910 Ammons ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-4438 ** C044 Harlan Moore 3224 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7034 ** C018 James R Supernor 6001 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033_ __-- ** C044 Bill Robin 3515 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 J Christian Dehner 3252 Chase ST Wlieatridge CO 80033 ** C044 Angelina Favela 3837 Umatilla ST Denver CO .80211-2216 3. ~C-ZoN~ p(DS Arthur G Dixon Marvin L Treloar Gwyneth F Hughes 18100 E Bails PI 3740 Harlan St 3600 Ingalls St Aurora CO 80017-5323 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7428 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Peggy A Scott Barnard C. Stibley Thomas W Shively 3750 Harlan St 3219 Sheridan Blvd 3221 Sheridan Bivd Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7428 Denver CO 80212-7052 Denver CO 80212-7052 Claudio Vigil Betty I Marchitti Anthony Magnani 6827 Gray Dr 3241 Sheridan Bivd 3251 Sheridan Blvd Arvada CO 80003-4255 Denver CO 80212-7052 Denver CO 80212-7052 Tami Jo Coy Khan Kham Intavong Edward C Staats 3261 Sheridan Blvd 3271 Sheridan Blvd 3281 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge CO 80212 Denver CO 80212-7052 Denver CO 80212-7052 Laurel A Gentile Helen M Koester Page Corporation Munshi 3291 Sheridan Blvd 3295 Sheridan Blvd 2575 N 119th St Denver CO 80212-7052 Denver CO 80212-7052 Lafayette CO 80026-9215 Amzel P Dyer Forrest L Leever Richard P Brown 700 S Alton Way, #4a 2675 Alkire St 3507 Sheridan Blvd Denver CO 80231-1625 Golden CO 80401-7620 Denver CO 80212-7055 Gladys R McIntyre Gerald William Toering Gilbert J Hurtado 3515 Sheridan Blvd., #8 3525 Sheridan Blvd 14449 N River Beach Dr Denver CO 80212-7055 Denver CO 80212-7055 Chillicothe IL 61523-9511 Mary M Hoskins Ann M Vigil Blanca Rodriguez 3545 Sheridan Blvd 3603 Sheridan Blvd 3609 Sheridan Bivd Denver CO 80212-7055 Denver CO 80212-7093 Wheat Ridge CO 80212-7093 Cletus F & Marcella G Kaup Nellie L McCoy Robert G Alberti 3695 Sheridan Blvd 3699 Sheridan Blvd 3290 Harlan St Denver CO 80212-7056 Denver CO 80212-7056 Wheat Ridge CO 80 033-741 8 Robert T Paswell Gregory D Penkowsky Harry B Walvatne 3310 Harlan St 3350 Harlan St 3410 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7420 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7420 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7422 ~J° Steven C Steinberger Arthur R Twist Carl E Fredrickson 3420 Harlan St 3430 Harlan St 3440 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7422 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7422 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7422 Steven Michael Robles 3450 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7422 Maurice J Wieser 3510 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7424 Anthony P Glassman 3530 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7424 Deanna Thomas 1757 Giftort Dr Longmont CO 805 01-1 343 Sandra S Klawonn 3630 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7426 Dan Hodges Group 3670 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7426 Noreen A Larson 3690 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7426 Lloyd M Ackerman 3705 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7427 Donald C Gassman 3725 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7427 Russell L Mayer 3600 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7426 Lloyd Cunningham 37950 Alta Vista Rd Calhan CO 80808-9412 Clarence D Bonwell 3675 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7425 Vernon L Degroot 3695 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7425 Margaret A Larsen 3717 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7427 Sylvester L Gayet 3730 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7428 Donna Jean Reeh 3620 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7426 Robert E Vigil 3665 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7425 Michael G Swedenburg 3665 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7425 Frank J Monaco 3700 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7428 Gene H Snyder 3720 Harlan St Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7428 _!~' ** CO15 ** C015 -- ** C015 John F Kent Robert M-Varner- - Vincent K Eiserihand 3615 I~eurland ST 3616 Newland ST 3625 Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 800.33-6444 Wheat Ridge CO 80033_-_6445 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** CO15 Henry T Gowen 3635 Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6444 ** CO15 Donald E Bonner- _ 3646 Newland ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6445 ** CO5.0 ** C015 _- Mutual Water-Consolidated ,:.Elmer J Roth 12700 W 27th Ave 3645 Newland ST Lakewood CO 80-Z15-7088 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 --- ** C012 ** -C015 Robert Hutton _Julia Petrone -- 4521 Vance ST 3656 Newland ST Wheat.Ridge CO 80033-,3442 -Wheat Ridge CO 80033 `. ** C015 Terry M Busy 3705 Newland ST Wheat Ridge-C0 80033-6446 Betty C Pence 75 W Calle Los Arcos Tempe AZ 85284- _ ** C015 Joseph J Trujillo -. 3715 Newland ST Wheatridge CO 80033-6446 ._ ** CO15 - **_- CO15 - La Vern.Artymovich Linda Kay Mauro 3725 Newland ST 6741 W 36th PL Wheat Ridge -CO-80,033-6446 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6432 ** CO15 Dianne-K Linden 3290`0tis ST Wheat Ridge C0 .80033-6359 - ** CO15 John M Daly 3620 Otis ST Wheat Ridge CO-80033-6451 -_ ** C015 Sophia E Mc Carlin -3280 Otis`$T Wheat.-Ridge CO 80033._- .. ** CO15 Street Trust Otis _ -- 3640 Otis ST Wheat_Ridge CO 80033 ** C015 ** CO15 Alice-=Holstine Elsie D Sweitzer _ - 3655 -Otis -ST 3660 Otis- ST .. Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6450 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-,6451. ** 0001 Family Trust Rascon 4681 W 75th Ave- Westminster-CO 8003.0-4602 ** CO&0 Harry W Carlson 2360 Willow LN Lakewood CO`80215-1027- ** C008 - Frank C Queen -7338 S Spruce ST -. Englewood CO ..-80112-1752. ** 0003 Joan B Ashwood 3755 Jay 8T Wheat Ridge CO 80033.-7445 ** 0003 Patrick M 4uintana 3770 Jay ST . Wheat Ridge CO. 80033-7446 ** 0003 Diana E Holman 3760 Jay-ST Wheat .Ridge. C0 80033-744& ** 0044 Chollie M Hoyt __ 1760 Hoyt ST Lakewood CO 80215-2968 ** CO Marvin Bilderback -3765 Jay ST Wheat;_Ridge. CO_ 80033- 03 ** 0003 Lucile E Waite 3785 Jay ST Wheat Ridge CO 80A33 ** 0015 _ ** 0015 ** 0015 Robert W Lyons _ 3625 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80,033,-6422 _ Vincent J Archer Lee W Gregory 3640-:Marshall ST _ _3645 Marshall ST_ .Wheat Ridge„CO 80033-6423 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** 0015 ** 0015 Nick F Accardi _ --- 3660 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033.6423 -Alma A Craig 3675 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-.6422 ** 0015 Robert .W Williams 3680 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge C0 80-033: ** 0015 ** 0015 - ** 0013 Patricia.A Walton ._ Donald A Ruterbories_ Wiley C Price _ --_- 3695 Marshall ST 3700 Marshall ST '2926 E Geddes PL Wheat Ridge CO 8003,3-6422._ Wheat Ridge 00.80033-6425,._;, Littleton CO 80122-1961 ** 0015 ** 0015 ** 0016 Harold G Lamm___ _ Virginia R Gardner ,Jeffrey.L,Angell .__, 3710-Marshall ST 3715'Marshall ST 3700 Garrison ST. Wheat Ridge C0 80033.,-6425. Wheat Ridge CO 80033 6424,.,, Wheat Ridge C0 84,033. . ** 0015 Magda B Nicholson_ 3725 Marshall ST Wheat Ridge 00,80033-6424 ** 0.0__15 Helen M Debus_ 3730-Marshall ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-642$ ** 0015 Donald M Gilli _ _ .3735. Marshall ST _ Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** 0020 *,~ 0015 ** 00.15, Louis Rodriguez -,_Warren L_Swangel Frederick G Wood - 6121 Robb ST 3755 Marshall ST -3765 Marshall ST - Arvada-CO 8-000.4-.4430 - Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6424_ :Wheat Ridge 00_80033 ** CD15 Jean A_Steffen 3230 Newland ST_ Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6439 ** 0015_ ** 0015 Christine Levine ..Shelly Gladwell _ _ 3235 Newland _-3240. Newland ST_ Wheatridge,_C0 80033-6438 ?. Whea.t.Rdge CO 80033-_ ** 0006_ ** 0015 ** 0015 Betty Ann Carlson Gerald D Ditullio Marjorie M Stephenson _ 129 Waialeale ST .3250. Newland ST _._3255 Newland ST Honolulu_HI__96825-2019 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6439 Wheat Ridge CO 8'0033_- 30 ** CO15 ** C015 ** C026 Robert B Simon Douglas, D-Johnson Eldred-W Jensen _ 6710.W-36th PL --- 6711-W 36th PL 3990 Carr ST Wheat Ridge CO 60U33-6433 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6432. Wheat Ridge C0 .80033 --- ** C015 **- CO15-- ** CO15 Harley R Pinnow Christopher S Wallner Ralph V Mauro 6730 W 36th PL 6740 W 36th PL 6741 W 36th__P-L Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6433, Wheatrdge CO 80033-6433_ ._ Wheat Ridge CO. 80033 ** C015 ** CO15 ** 0003 John L Hoss - Don E Craighead _ Irvin L Stuerke 6761 W 36th PL - 6771 W 36th PL 6230 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6432 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6432 ..Wheat Ridge°CO 80.033 ** C016 ** CO15 CHRISTOPHER NIIRSING CENTER John Robert Moore 2105 Clubhouse DR 11329 W 74th PL Greeley CO 80'634-3642 -Arvada CO 80D05-3520- ** C018 _ Kerman D Allen 7865 Nelson ST Arvada CO 80005-3655 ** C025 ** 0003______ ** C003 Audrey J Allen__ _, Gwyneth F Hughes David A Richter. 3906 Quay ST 3600 Ingalls ST 3605-Ingalls ST--_. _ Wheat Ridge C0.80033-4954. .Wheat Ridge CO-80033-7435 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C097 ** C015 John L Domenico Richard H-Cairns Gwyneth F Hughes 11235 Quivas Loop 6300 W Harvard DR 3600 Ingalls ST _ Denver CO 80234-2614 Denver CO 80227-4031- _ -" Wheat Ridge CO-80033 ** C003 - `*~- C003 ~* C032 Becky Martin Skadsen .Becky S Martin - Lenora R Bullock 3690 Jay ST- 3690 Jay ST 3680 W 47th Ave--- -.- Wheat Ridge CO 80033=7444 .Wheat Ridge- CO 80033-7444 Denver CO 80211.-1105 -- - ** 0009 - ** C003 ** C003 Ronald-T--Davis John P Faes =Donald C Saum 7975 W 39th Ave 6205 W 35th -Ave 3711 Jay ST Wheat Ridge CO. 80033-4513 VTheat Ridge CO 80033-6406' Wheat Ridge CO 80033- ** C003 ** C005 - - ** 0003 Wayne B Clark Buell B Varnado- Gayle E Koyen 3718 Jay ST 5766 Greenspointe Way 3720 Jay ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-'.7446 Iiglds Rnch CO 80126-3359 Wheat Ridge CO-8.0033 ** CO03 - ** RO10 - ** 0003 Alma Lee Shaffer Robert B Ellsperman Dennis A Ballou_ _ 3730 Jay ST 16516 Havn CT NE 3743 Jay ST Wheat Ridge CO '80033-7446 Poulsbo_WA 98370-7668 `: Wheat Ridge CO 80033 - 30 n ** C043 Patricia J Childers 5651 W 36th PL Denver CO"80212-7150 ** C043 Marian E Hahn 5690 U1-36th PL Denver-CO 80212-7151 ** C043 - Hazel R Pineau Raymon~ 566'0 W 36th PL 5.671 W Denver CO-80212-7151 Denver - ** C025 Denny H Miyasato Robert 321 Awini PL - 7342 E Honolulu HI 96825-1227 Denver **: C043 i M Madrid - 36th PL -CO 80212-7150 ** CO10 C Ochsner Bates DR CO 80231-6011 ** C053 ** C053 ** C053 Douglas -W_Jacobson- S-Edward Robitaille Rodney D Lastovka 5805 id_ 37th PL 5825 W 37th_Ave 5825 W -37th:PL Denver- CO 80212-7118 Denver CO 80212=7115 Denver_ CO_&0212-7118 ** C043 ** C053 -. ** _ 0053 Joyce E Wilson- - Richard K Lomax Barbara Ann Krebs 3705-Fe nton:-ST-_ 5845 W 37th Ave 5850 W 37th PL- Denver_ CO 80212-7138 Denver CO 80212-7115 _ Denver CO 8.0212.-7119- ** C053 __ **_ C053-_ :_ ** C053. .. Robert R Seno Mildred F Cito Albert J Narracci': 5855 W 37th PL 5-875 W 37th Ave 5885 W: 37th PL Denver' -CO--.80212-7118 Denver CO 80212-7115- Denver CO 80212-7118 ** C053 - ** C053 Fred L Spallone Judith Thornton Robert P Sedillos 5890 W 37th PL ___. 5905 W.37th AV 5905-W 37th PL Denver CO 80212-7119 Wheat-Ridge CO -80033 - Wheatridge CO 80212-7165 -- ** C053 ** C053- ** C053 L Spall one-Fred Stephany Denney Shirley J Davis' _ 5890 W 37th PL 5925 W 37th PL _ _5925 W 37th Ave Denver- CQ 80212-:711-9 -. Denver_C0.80212-7165 Denver CO 80212-7117- ** C053-- **_ 0053 **:_. C053 _ Martin W Corcoran Carla S Deangelis John.-P-Duran 5940 W 3.7th PL 5945 W 37th Ave - 5955 W 37th PL ' _. Denver CO:-80212-7119 Denver CO-80212-7117 Denver C0 .80212-7165 ** 0053 - __ Gwendolyn_D Luellen 5985 W-37th PL - Denver-CO.80212-7165 ** C018 ** 0063 ** CO15. Roberta L Thomas Troy A Tomsick _ Charles W Skinner 6595 W 32nd Ave 815 E 133rd PL 6701.W 36th PL Wheat Ridge CO 80033-6456-_ Thornton CO 80241-1142 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C043 ** C043_ _ ** C043' Clear David Le BURKHOLDER RUTH S LIFE EST- .Thomas J Sundheim 5575 W 35th Ave 5591 W 35th Ave - -5601 W 35th Ave Denver=CO_80212-7006 -~ Denver CO,80212-7006. -- `Denver-CO 80212-7149 ** C030 ** 0005 Samuela D Roach Virginia S Carlson Eugene C. Archer _ 5691 W 35th 2-B 2360 Willow LN 3260: Routt ST __ Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Lakewood CO 80215-1027 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C043 Kenneth D Vedra Ghassan H Aldebs Thomas Z Tullos -` 5691 W 35th NO 1C 5691 W 35th Ave 2C 2954 S Pierce ST _ Wheatridge CO 80212-7128- -LVheat Ridge= CO 80033 - Denver CO 80227 _ ** C016 ** CO50 Mary S Hagerty Charles Lawrence Lucero_____ -Edna E Kinion- _ 5691 S 35th Ave 1-G _ 8901 -Ithaca-Way 65 S Zenobia ST Wheatridge CO 80212._ Westminster CO 800-30-3393 Denver CO 80219=1732 ** C043 ** C043 ** C015 Charles J Lindsay Isidora T Vigil _ Richard A Aaron .. , 5691 W 35th Ave #1-D 5691 W 35th Ave- - - 166 5 Holman Way Denver CO 80212-2120 Denver CO 80212-7120 - Golden CO 80401-5111 ** C043 Betty W Warner. _ Jesse C Vittetoe 5691 W 35th Ave 1-F 5701 W 35th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 8.0033 _ Wheatridge CO 80212-7171 ** C029_ Gregg M Waters 13849 W 66th DR Arvada CO 80004=2026_ ** C043 __- ** C043 *_* CQ03 Everette Billington Diane C Schnabel - .'Harold N Craft 5707 W 35th_Ave 575_7__W 35th Ave 3405 Harlan. ST Denver CO 8.0212-7171 Denver CO-80212--7171 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 - ' ** C053 ** C053 _ ~'~_-C053 Donald T--Mullins- Margaret Miller. _ Everett H Laursen_ 5880 W 35th Ave 5.900 W 35th Ave 5910 W 35th Ave Denver CO 8-0212-7111- .Denver CO 80212-7112 Denver CO 80212-.7112 .. :_`_ ** C053 _. ** C043 ** C043 __ Joseph J Healey .Mary Jane Johnson James L Hare ___ 5914 W 35th--Ave- 3585 Depew ST 5610 W 36th PL__ Denver CO 80212-7112 Denver CO 8-0212-7047 " Denver CO 80212-7151 _._ ** C043 ** C043 ** C043 Dennis C-Brungardt __ Dominic R-Grano Karen Marie Gruda 5621.W 36th PL 5631 W 36th PL $.650 W 36th PL - Denver CO .80212-715.0 Denver CO 80212-7150 _._~enver CO .80212-7151_ .~o Richard J Oliver . 3701 N Sheridan Blvd Wheatridge.-CO 80215,.. ** C039 **_ C039 Donna C Wickersham Ross Robert Bryant- 3715 Sheridan Blvd 3725 Sheridan-Blvd __ Denver CO 8n212-7056 - Denver C0 80212-2056 ** C039 Corey E Anderson °- -- 3725-Sheridan Blvd ---- Wheatrdge CO 80212-=705& - - ** C044 ** C043 Harold--Jack Theisen Frank A Crespin 5401 W 33rd Ave - 5544 W 33rd Ave Denver_CO BO-212-7003 Denver CO 80212-7023 ** 0005 __ _ Robert. F Geisendorfer = ..904 Diana ST Fort Morgan CO-80701 **_ C043 William E Laspe - ** C053 Beth Grant McBride ._ ** .C053 Patricia R Ladwig 5730 W 33rd Ave 5801 W 33rd Ave 5825 W 33rd Ave Denver CO 80212-7148 Denver CO 80212-7105 -- Denver CO-80212=7105 - Craig ** 0053 -Anderson Kelvin ** C053 -- R Walz s- _Alan G ** C053." Hall 5845 W 33rd Ave 5885 W 33rd-Ave 5905 W 33rd A ve Denver CO 80212--.7105 Denver CO 80212-7105 -Denver . CO. 80212-7.109- Robert_ ** C053 _Mendoza Joseph ** C053 - C Garmatz_ George ** C053 R Harper` 5935 W 33rd Ave 5965 W 33rd Aye 5820 W 34th Ave- Denver CO 80212--7109 Denver CO-80212-7109.- Denver CO 80212-7107_ Elva J ** C053 Bednar - Duane E Byers - - ** C053 Mary Ann Dooley 5840 W 34th Ave 5845 W 34th AV 5860 W 34th Ave - Denver CO 80212,-7107 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Denver CO 80212-.7.107. - Sara Lynn Peyton - John J ** C_0_53. Nillen Rose-F- ** C053 Rohr 5865 W 34th Ave 5890 W 34th Ave 5895 W 34th Ave Wheat Ridge_C0 80033 Denver CO 80212-7107 Denver _ CO 80212-7106 ** C053 ** C053 •., = ** C053 Frances-A~dmards _ - Lintel __ - Sharon Von _ L Dean Binkley 5900 W 34th Ave 59-O5-W 34th Ave 5915 W 34th Ave Denver C0 80212-7164 Denver CO 8-0212-7106 Denver .- CO 8-0212-7106- ** C053 ** C053 -- ** C044 -- Ida Mur iel-Frink Rebecca L Marsh Stephen A Frazier„- 5930 W 34th Ave 5990-W °- 34th Ave 5474 W 35th Ave. Denver C0 ,.80212-7164 Denver - CO 80212-7164 Wheatri dge CO 80033.-7005. 2a ** C053 ** C053 ** C053 Marie C_Osberg Rosemary Motisi K E Saltgaver 3200-Gray ST 3222-Gray ST _ _ _ -3230 .Gray ST - Denver CO. 80212-7141 _ -.Denver CO 80212-7141 __ Denver CO 8,0212-7141_ ** C053 ** C053 - ** C053 -, David B Edwards-- _ _ - Ronald Butts Robert W Fischer 3240-Gray ST 3250 Gray ST 3260 Gray ST _ Denver CO 8021.2-7141 Denver CO`80212-7141_ ` Denver CO 80212-7141 ** C053 **- C053 ** C053 Louise A Gordon George R Fabr_izio Dale Steinkruger 3270 Gray ST 3280 .Gray 'ST 3285 Gray ST Denver CO 80212-7141 - _Denver,CO 80212-7141 Denver CO 80212-7140. ** C035_ ** C_053 ** C053 Rudolph F Castro - Ronald Lee Davidson .,- 'James D.Brown 1901-Kipling ST #25 3500 Gray ST 3505 Gxay ST. Lakewood CO 8-0215-2842 Denyer__CQ 80212-7143 _Denver,CO 80212-7142 ** C053 ** C053 ** C053 Albert L_Struckhoff ~ __ :Pamela.K Rice _ Max Winkler ___-_ __- 3515.Gray ST 3530 Gray ST 3545 Gray ST Denver .CO 80212-7142 Denver CO 80212=7143-= Denver CO _..80212-7142 ** C053 ** C053 ** C053 MichaeLH McGuire . .Albert H Jewell James A11en Peek _ _ 3550 Gray ST __ 3565 Gray ST 3570 Gray ST Denver CO-.80212-71.43 . Denver CO._80212-7142 Denver C0 :80212-7143 ** C053 ** C053 - - ** C053 Elmer- Bhakey . .Mickey R Pedersen _ Russel J Mc Donald 3605 Gray ST - 3610 Gray ST 3630 Gray ST Denver CO 80212-71.70 Denver CO 80212-7169 Denver CO 80212.-7169 ** C053 ** C053 ** C053 Marybelle -James : .Holly Huckaby .- Martin W Schissler 3645 Gray ST 3650. Gray ST 3665 Gray ST Denver CO 8.0.212-7170 Wheat Ridge .CO _,80212-7169 Denver CO SD212,=7170 ** C053 ** C053 - Kent J KJAR Paul-R Smith Lolita C Mendenhall 3670 Gray $T_ 3685 Gray ST 3690 Gray ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033_ _ Denver CO 80212-7170 Denver CO__80212-7169 ** C024 ** 0003- ** 0003` Raymond M Weiland Errol F Halter Donald.E Johnson 4903 W 33_rd Ave -3270 Harlan ST 3280 Harlan ST Denver. CO 80212-1826 Wheat-Ridge CO 80033-7418 Wheat Ridge CO_ 80033-'7418 - - --- 30 Em r* C043 0043 * C043 Susan M :Al Theresa D Beaman Pat rick A Thompson 3452 Fe n ST ##$ 3451 ®Fenton. #4 3451 Fenton' ST #2 Denvep O "8C}212 -7110 Denver CO 80212= 7110',' Denver CO 80212 -'7110 ** 0043 ** 0043 . Ralph A G.ribay Darleen Marie, Krantz Ronald A Underwood, 3451 Fenton s .ST ##11 34.51 Fenton ST , 1p 3451 Fenton . ST ##1 Denver 'CO 80212 - 7110 Denver CCU 80212 -711, Wheatridge ,qO 80033 ** C043 ** C043 ** C043 Lawrence F, Elio -Luis A Araya Mary Urso 3453—Fenton-ST ##6 3451 Fenton ST ##5 w, 3505 Fenton ST _ _ Denver CCU, 80212- 71.10„ s Denver i tO 80212 "7110 Denver CO 80212 - 7134 ** C043 ** C043 * C043 Edward C Jacobs Alice Mae Mandril Marjorie Magee m 3540 Fenton ST 3545 Fenton ST 3585 Fenton ST :•.- Denver 00 802.1:x. -7.135 Denver C6,8.0,21 , 2:7134 'Denver CO 80212,4134 . 0043 ** C043 0043 Marguerite, . Mandr.il Raul.: F .San'ta a Bruce G Weber 3590. Fenton ST 1600 Fenton ST '3605 Fenton ST. Denver:_ CO 80212 -: 7135. Wheat Ridge CO 1 0033 -71 7 Denver CC7 «80212 7168, 0043 0043 ** C043 Family Trust. Weiss .Alan F Gallegos., Tania S , 3620 mPenton ;ST 3620 36,35 Fenton ST 3640 Fenton ST Denver..CO. - 80212- "71.67 Denver CO 80212 -.7168 Denver CO 8 ** C043 ** C043 ** C043 Julia A. Hoskins William.H_Yates Louis Carelli 3660__F'enton, ST 3665 Fenton. ST 3685 Fenton ST Denver CO 8021 -2 -716"7 Denver D 80212 -7 « 168 Denver 003,,80212• -7168. 0065 ** C043 ** C043 Feng ding Wang Harold E Seiler -.. Joyce E Wilson _. "ST _ 5401.. eutort Way 3720 Fenton ST 3705 Fenton Denver. -CO 8021.2 -2824. Denver CO' 80212 -7139 Denver .CO. 80212 -7138 ** C043 ** 6043 ** CO36 Eva M "Swalde- Harold E Seiler - Robert Bernhardt 3715. Fenton ST. X720 Fenton: ST 3506 :Ames ST Denver., CO 80212- 7138. Denver CO 8021 -7139 Denver CO 80212 -7028 ** C043 ** 0043 ** C043 Albert CiaccQ,,,,. . Mary Vane Barnes I Warren G Darnell _ -,_ µ_ 3735- Fenton ST . _ '71...38 3745 Fenton S'T. CC? 80222 -'7238 3754 Fenton ST Denver CO 80222 -7139 Denver CO $.0212 - Denver Em ** 0043 Michael David Dasovich_ _ ** 0043- Helena S Prehn ** CO50 Carol Jean Luebke 3695 Depew ST 3701 Depew ST 12163 W 30th PL Denver CO 80212-7049 Denver CO 8-0212-7014__- Denver CO 80215--6502 -_ Brian J Zehnder ** 0037 _ Charles Martin Lubeck ** 0043 Minnie Itathrine_Alcott 9709 Alkire ST 2 Robincrest LN 3680 Eaton ST Arvada-CO 8.0005` _ Littleton CO 80.123=6514:- Denver CO 80212-7153 . ** 0043 ** 0056 ** --0013 James. E Meeker --_ - Jane Leonore Clark Don E Bray. 3690 Eaton=ST 9732 61st Ave S 3.620 Vivian CT Denver-CO 80212-7153 - Seattle WA-_98118--5825 -- - Wheat-Ridge CO 80033-520.]__. ** 0043 Amelia Cosimi ** 0043.: Florence J Verdecchio ** 0043 -Max M Jonke 3222 Fenton ST- 3223 Fenton ST 3232 Fenton ST Denver CO 8-0212-7131 Denver CO 80212-7130 Denver CO 80212--7131 ** 0043 ** 0 016 Suzanne L Anderson-- -- . [Ralter E Taylor Darleen L Wallace- 3233 Fenton ST 3700 Estes ST 3255 Fenton ST Wheatridge CO 80212=7130_- -Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5937 Wheat-Ridge CO _800.33 '~'.- - ** 0043 ** 0043 ** 0043 Dora Martinez= Dennis Roy Floyd _- _-, Gerol G Fields _ 3264 Fenton ST 3265 Fenton ST 3270 Fenton ST Denver 00.80212-7131- - Denver CO 80212-7130.. -Denver CO-80212-7131- ** 0043 ** 0043 Patrici-a L Platter - .Ronald S Rodgers _ Tioward B Maerz 3275 Fenton=ST- - 3280 Fenton ST_ 3285 Fenton-ST Denver 00-5.02.12-7130 Denver CO 80212-7131 - Wheatridge CO-80033 ._ ** 0043 Wilma L-Helm ** 0043 Mark__Bymaster ** 0043. -Mary A Sanders 3290 Fenton ST -3295 Fenton ST . 33.75 Fenton ST Denver CO 80212-7131 Wheatridge CO 80033-7130 Denver CO 80212-7132 ** 0043. - ** 0043 ** G043 B P Dougherty Hugh J Foster. Janet H Knutson 3401 Fenton ST -- 3441 Fenton ST 3451 Fenton ST #3 Denver CO 80272-7133 Denver CO .80212-7133 _ Denver CO 80212-7110=-- ** 0043 **. 0043- _ ** 0043 Gayle Thompson - _ Carolyn'A Graham _ Paul John Svetlik 3451 Eenton'ST #12 3451 Fenton ST #7 3451 Fenton ST #9 Denver GO 80212=7110` `- _ -Denver CO .80212-7110- _ Denver CO-80-212-7110 30 Helen M Weber hose L Romero Harold L Frost 15650.-Road 40 N 3485 Chase ST 348.9 Chase ST Strasburg CO 80136 Denver CO 80212-7090 Denver CO 80212-7090 _ ** C044 ** C043 --- ** _ C043 _ M William Matters. - Nancy S Shutes Victoria Joan Kane.-_ _. 3495 .Chase ST 3233 Depew ST 3241 Depew ST Denver CO 80212-7A90 - Denver CO-.80212-7013 - -Denver CO 80212-7013 ** C043 Betty L McDonald Glen R Hyatt 3255 Depew ST 3265 Depew ST Denver. C0 .80212.-7013 Wheat-Ridge CO 8D-033- ** CO51 Richard A Van Winkle 8350 W 18th Ave Lakewood CO-80215-3115 ___ ** C043 --_ ** C043 Richard-D Cleavenger Lavera-Life Rosewarrie :William R Owens 3269°-Depew ST -3270 Depew ST 3270 Depew ST Denver CO 80212-7013 Denver CO 80212-7045.. Wheat Ridge_CO 80212 -_, ** C058 - ** C043 - ** C043- Marian-J:Gibson Louis H Leschnik Frank A Robbins.- - 3113 Teller ST 3290 Depew ST _. 3295 Depew ST Lakewood CO 80215-6731- .Denver CO 80212--7045 Denver C6 80212-7013 ** C043_ **- C043 Wilmer P Faber - Karla Lee Myles 330.0 Depew ST 331D Depew ST Denver CO SD212-7046 _ Denver CO 80212-7046 - ** R006 Catherine A Morgan 27540 Mountain Park RD "Evergreen CO 80439-5758 ** R006 ___ **- C043 _** C043-. Dewane A Morgan - Scott H Ho llowell Marvin Lowell Cook 27540 Mountain Park RD 3340 Depew ST 3350-Depew ST Evergreen CO-804.39-5758 Denver CO. 80212-7046- Denver CO 80212-7046 `.- ** CO10 ** C043 : ** CO55 Margaret E Simpson. Pauline E Lash Gerald B Wheeler 3630 Vance ST #218 3390 Depew ST 3020 Eaton ST Wheat Ridge CO-80033-6291 Denver CO. 80212-704 6 Denver CO 80214-8412._ - ** C024 ** C043 ** C043. Freida M Marin Jacqueline M Curtis Giorgio Dallagiacoma 4740 W 30th Ave 3470 Depew ST 3490 IIepew ST Denver `CO 80212-1633 Denver CO 80212-7092 D-eriver C0=80212-7092 -: ** C043 ** C043 _- -_ ** CD43, Rex F Carnes - Mary J Del Mastro Masako-O Murchison ._ 3505--Depew ST 3655 Depew ST 3695-Depew ST Denver CO 80212-7047 Denver CO 80212-7049 - :Denver-:CO.80212-7049 , 30 - Karen L Cross _ Carl L_Jensen Richard E Kreiger 3331 Benton ST 12095 W Belleview DR 3370 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-702.5..Littleton C0 $4127-1518. .,_ Derive~:C0,80212-7026 _ ** C044 ** C043 ** C044 Seth Varney Wendell Lerew Sherill E Bartlett „_,,-_ 3380 Benton-ST 4341_Eaton ST 3450 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7026 Mountain View CO 80212-730$ Denver CO -80212-7087 ** C044 Marsha L A11en 3460 Benton.ST.: Denver-CO 8-0212-7087 ** C044 Gregory F Barbeire 3480 Bentori_ST _. Denver CO 80212-7087 ** C044 ** C044 ~Ne.l.E.Larsen Mildred M Barkley 3469 Benton ST 3470 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7025. ,-..Denver CO 80212-7087_ ** C044 ** C044 , Jess L Jones _ _ Harlan Moore-_ -_-- ,34.90_ Benton ST ,__ _,,._ 3224 Chase ST __ Denver CO 80212-708.7 Denver CO 80212-7034 . ** C044 ** C009 John.R Becke~_--,_ - a?,Christian Dehner_ °_._ John W Minshall 3230:-Chase ST _. 3252 Chase ST 3910 Ammons ST Denver CO ._80212 _7034_._,.. Wheatridge CO, 8,0033 _ Wheat Ridge CO 80033 _. _ ** C044 Patrick R Mulligan 3281-Chase ST - -- Denver CO 8,0212-7033 ** C044 ** C044 Bill. McIntyre Daniel E Grant- - 3283 Chase ST 3285 Chase ST __ Wheatridge,CO 80212-7033 Denver CO 80212-7933.. ** C044 Samuel Thomas Corgard 33,01 .Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7037._ . ** C_044 Daniel P Ducey 3320 Chase ST Denver CO 8021.2-7038. ** C044 Tracy J Baldwin-Yager- 3287 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-_7033=. _ ** C044 ** C044- ** C044_ Richard A Martin - - _ Daniel P Ducey _ Faye Ann Spaulding. _ 3311 Chase ST _ _ _ 332D Chase ST 3327 Chase ST Denver CO. 8,0212-7037 Denver CQ-80212-.7038 Denver CO 80212.-703.7__ _ ** C044 Bridget E-Hinchman 3329 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7.03_7 ** C044 Dougal Murray Graham 333.0 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7038 ,_ ** C057 George F Romero 7434 Kendall ST Arvada CO 80003-2843 ** C029 ** C044 ** C044 Gail Kafara - W p Moore - Fred L Gallegos 645 Joyce ST 3345 Chase ST 3347 Chase SZ-_ Golden .CO 80.401-4,027. Denver, CO 80212=7037 Denver CO .80212-7037 ** C044 ** C044 ** C044 Donald P Engles Frank W Harbour Donald-J__Carrigan 3360 Chase ST - 3385-Chase ST 3475-Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7038 .: - Denver__CO 80212=7037 Denver CO 80212-7090 _ . . - ~3 ** 0036 -' - **_ 0.036 - ** 0036 Michael L Mott __ Roger H__Hair Dwight„R KJEDERQUIST 3630 .Ames'-ST_.,_ 3635-Ames ST 3636 Ames ST _ --- Denver CO 80212-7085 Denver. CO.-80212-7086 Denver C0 8,0212-7085 ** 0036 ** 0007_ ** 0036 Mark A Losh Irene Life Vitello .____ _ ~Tean L .MacKay __ __ _ 3645 Ames ST 7415 .Skyline DR _- 3680 Ames ST Denver 00'8.0212-70.86. ,Westminster CO-8.0030-50.50 - --Denver CO. 80212-7085. ** 0036 _' - ** 0036. _ ** 0036 ` GATSIOPOULOS PANAGIOTA ALE Margaret & Tumler Charles E Durbin -_ 5201-W 38th Ave - _ 3690-Ames ST _ 3703 `Ames ST Denver CO 80212-7007:__.- _ Dezwer_.00.80212-7.085 _. _- Denver C0 80212-7019. ** 0000 ** 0036 ** 0036_ Delmar D Reed Bernice M Magill - Walter H Kasubke _. 5811 W 72nd DR _ - - " 3706 Ames ST 3708 Ames ST - Arvada CO 80003-3205 Denver_CCL.80212-7020" .. -- _ -Denver CO 80212-7020- ' ** 0036 _ _** _0036 _, _ ** 0036 - -- Retha L Haibach Henry Bernhardt Elizabeth A Foster 3709 Ames ST 3710 Ames ST 3711 Ames ST Denver-CO 80212-7019 _ Denver CO 80212-7020 Deriver 00.80212=701.9_. s_. ** 0036 **.. 0036 Barbara -Jean O CQnSI.Or __ _ _Harold_E=Spillman Calvin O_Hulsey 3712 Ames ST 3715_Ames ST 3219 Benton ST .. Denver CO 80212-702:0 Denver CO 80212-7019 _ .Wheat Ridge CO 80212 _ _ ** 0044 ** 0035. ** C044- William L Meyer Mark C Biren John C Bandimere - 7228 W Cedar Cir _ 16959 W 55th DR 3655 Chase-ST Lakewood C0 .80226-2018 " ,Golden CO-80403-2000_.. _ Denver CO. 80212-7091 __ ** 0027 ** 0044 ** 0036 __- Thomas_W Kasubke _. John--C Bandimere _, _ ._.. _ Joseph J Immordino _... _- 2167 Elderberry RD 3655 Chase ST _ - 1822 Independence ST _ Golden_CO_-80401-2010 Denver CO 80212-7091 Lakewood CO 80215-2919 ** 0039 ** 0044 - Ray Wells -- -- -- John C-Bandimere-," Lee J_Needham 4111 Utica ST _.. _ _3655 Chase ST 850. Welch ST __ Denver 00..80212-2248 ~- ,-Denver CO 8.0212-7091_ - ,-Golden CO 80401 ** 0005.- Kellisue.A Chapman Phill-ip G Shell James R Maronick 3310_B.enton ST 3251 Tabor CT 540 Winnona CT Denver CO 80212. Wheat Ridge C0 ,80033-5367 Denver CO 80204 30 Bruce-M Bowlin __ Mark,Howard Fischler. Nancy Sitzman 3285 N Ames ST 3287 Ames ST 3289 Ames ST Wheat Ridge CO 8.0212_ Denver•_CO„80212-7009 Denver CO 80212-_7009 ** C029 ** C036- ** C036= Darlene~i_Luoma' _ _" Harold E Johnso_n_ __ - Edward F Seganti 611 Loveland ST _ 3305 Ames ST 3315 Ames ST Golden-CO.80401-4042_- Denver CO-..80212-7011 - __Derlver CO 80212_-7011 _ ** C036 ** C023 ** C044 Raymond E Gagnon Howard M Corwin Cliff -LTD Birch 331.9 Ames ST 1316 Saulsbury ST 1165 S Pennsylvania ST Denver CO 80212-7011_: Lakewood C0.80215-5.238 _ Denver CO. 80210-1546 .. ** C036 ** C036. ** C036 " Faye B- Smith Randall E Bozeman Monfred J_Welschinger _-__ 3335 .Ames ST _ 3345 Ames ST 3355 Ames ST . Denver CO 80212-7011.._.: Denver CO _80212-7011 80212=7011 Denver CO ** C036 *'* C036 ` , _ -** C04,5 Barbara- Brittner Dolores M Luckert Lewis E Henry 3365_Ames ST 3375 Ames SZ` 43 S Newland CT::, _ Denver=CO 80212-7011 Denver_CO 80212-7011_---. Lakewood C0,80226-2239 ,' ** C036 **__ C036 ** C036 Gwen D Gabrielson John,_E Fletcher JDavid=Hinkle 3495 Ames ST 3500_Ames ST _ 3501 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-70$4_- - Denver CO_80212-7018 Denver CO 80212-7.017. ** C036 - -_ ** C036 Robert .Bernhardt _ Kenneth B Cunningham David Alan .Frazier -_ 3506 Amur ST 3507 Ames ST 3511 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-7018- Denver CO 80212-7017- Wheat Ridge CO 80033. ,__, ** C003 -- ** C036 ** C036_ - George-I Oye _ Paul A Suyat - Nathan W Lee 9768-W Oregon PL Ames ST,__ _- 352.5 3535 Ames ST Lakewood CO 80232-6356 .Denver 'CO .$0212-.7017 ,._ Denver CO 80212-7017 ** 0001 ** C036 Lois F Pepper Gregory J Adams 3865 Brentwood ST,_ 3550_ Ames $T . _• Wheat Ridge CO 80033 4404- Denver CO __80212-7018- ** C036_ Investments Brosis 3570 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-7018 -~ •** C036 ** C036 ** C033 J Stuart Moore Florence Harvey Edwin C Wigle 3600 Ames ST 3604 Ames ST 1841,Orchard DR _.__. Denver CO 80212.-7085 Denver CO 80212-7085 _._ Denver CO 80221=4663 ** C036 **_ C_036 ** C036 ' Daniel. P-McKenna Brian L Drotts _ Henry J Nicol 3611-Ames ST 3615 Ames ST 3625 Ames ST Denver CO 80212-.7086_-, Denver CO 80212-7086- .Denver CO '80212-7086. Is- * C044 ** C044 ** CO33 Catherine. A Rei ktec:k `" John Mark Yacovetta Gayl L , Freeborn 5401 W 32nd. Ave 54 5'W 32nd Ave' 6339 S`Fe tgn CT Denver 'CO 80212 -1001 -De ver 00 - 1041: � m L'ittleton tQ 80123- 6.831. 0044 * C044 00 4,3, Carl B Larsen Jonathan _H Hall Erma S Brawn 5485 W 3 - 2ffd Ave 5495 W 32 Ave _ ?503'_ W 32 Ave Denver CO X0212 -7001® Denver CO 80222 -7001 Denver CO 80212- 7002 ** C043 C043, Jeanne W Gregory Eugene. J Ricciardi. ','Douglas J .Silk e 5508 W 32nd AV 5515 W 32nd Ave - 5.525 W 32nd Ave Wheat A: dge CO.. 80033 Denver CO 80212- _.Denver CO , 80212-7002 C043 0043 C04 Audwin. E Sideb6ftbru Marvin G �Citchell _. 'Fred F Bosick 5531 W 32nd Ave .. r. 553.9. W' 32nd .Ave T 5757 W 32nd-Ave Denver CO 8G212-7002 Denv6r' 80212 -7602 Denver CO 80212 - 7101 ' 0013 0036 , CO36 bon E Bray Myrtle Grippa - Joseh n.e T Fisher 3620 Vivian °C T 3200'" A mes T 3201 8T Wheat Ridge CO, 80033' - 510.1. Denver CU - .8.0212 -"7010 ..Denver: CO 80212 -7009 * C014 0035 0036 _. ., .. ** . Earl B Stiegelmeyer Ernest,.. Coronado victor A Petersen. 750 Taber ST" 3210 Ames ST 3.211 Aeries' ST Golden.CQ, 80401 4.726 Denv 'i CO 8021 "2 - 7010 'Denver CQ' 80212 - 7609' 0036 ** CO36 ** CO21 Sandra L Greer Shirley 'M Martinez :vale A : Libby 3215 Am ST 3=O Ames ST 8620 W Ohio FL Denver CO-80212-7009 Denver CQ, €30212- 70 "10 -, Lakewood co., 80226- 42`68 CO36 ** 00361 0036 James E Den.t_ George H _Dew Paul David Green 3235 Ames ST 3245rt,Ames ST 3246 Ames ST Denver CO 80212- -7009 Dei niver .CQ. 80212 -7009. :.' 3Jenver CQ 80212- 1010 00.38 0036 Tommye J Weav -. Joseph W Allgood Kathfyt A Reeder Denve O. 8,{7212- 701.0 '� Denver CQ 30212- 700'�' D a 58 Ames ST. -._ 3.255 .Rinds mST raver ..CQ 80212--7010 �. x 0036 _...w_ 0036 x* C003m..w. Cynthia K Ashley Veronica D Thorpe 'Jaynes F Walter 3264 Ames ST 3270 'Aries ST 4001 Easley RD Denver CO 80212-7010 Denver *CO .6021. -7010 .Golsen. CO 80403_i503 U J Christian_ D 3252 Chase ~~ Wheat e CO 80033 ** Jack D Ferndelli 7265 Taft CT Arvada CO 80005-3227 ** Calvin-O Hulsey 3219 Benton ST Denver- CO 80212-7021 ** 0044 ** C044 John R Becker Delia Mae Hammons 3230 Chase. 3755 Benton ST Denve 80212-7034 Denver CO 80212-7031 C068 ** C044 William L Meyer 7228 W Cedar Cir Lakewood CO 80226-2018 C044 ** C044 John Mark Yacovetta 5425 W 32nd Ave Denver CO 80212-7001 ** C047 Calvin O Hulsey 2851 Perry ST Denver CO 80212-1442 ** C044 Catherine A Reifsteck 5401 W 32nd Ave Denver CO 80212-7001 J Christian Dehner John R Becker Delia Mae Hammons OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR-CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 3252 Chase ST 3230 Chase ST 3755 Benton ST Denver CO 80212-7034 Denver CO 80212-7034 Denver CO 80212-7031 Jack D Ferndelli _ Richard A Hartfield OR CURRENT .RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 3735 Benton_ST 3245 Benton ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Calvin O Hulsey OR CURRENT RESIDENT 3221. Benton ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Catherine A Reifsteck OR CURRENT RESIDENT 5401 W 32 Ave Denver CO 80212-7001 Calvin O Hulsey OR CURRENT RESIDENT 3219 Benton ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 OR CURRE RESIDENT CO William L Meyer OR CURRENT RESIDENT 3235 Benton ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 John Mark Yacovetta OR CURRENT RESIDENT 5425 W 32 Ave Denver CO 80212-7001 OR C'U~ENT RESIDENT CO !o ** 0003 Gv~yneth F Hughes 3600 Ingalls ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033--7435 * * SOD 3'~" Gwyneth F Hu +"""~" 3600 I s ST WY~,pR'E' Ridge CO 8 0 033-743 5 ** C003 Lloyd A Russell 3555 Harlan-ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7423 ** C016 Carol Ann_Serkowski 1087 E 15th Ave Broomfield CO 80020-1303 ** C003 Rollin P Gerboth 3321 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7419 ** 0003 Velmer G Davis 3295 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 ** 0003 Karl H Rambossek 3247 Harlan-ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 Reata F Bitt ** 3555 C ST D r C0 .80212-7039 ** C044 Ralph Martinez 3501 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 ** C044 John R Becker 3230 .Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7034 ** CO15 Richard H Cairns 6300 W Harvard DR Lakewood CO 80227-4031 ** C002 Ray Valente 3885 Lamar ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-5033 ** 0003 Allen E Russell 3545 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7423- ** 0003 Harold N Craft 3405 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7421 ** 0003 Margaret E Mech 3317 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7419 ** C003 Ronald F Jerman 3275 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-7417 ** C023 William E Jones 11532 W Hampden PL Lakewood CO 80227-4220 ** C044 M William Mattern 3545 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7039 ** C009 John W Minshall 3.910 Ammons ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033-4438 ** C044 Harlan Moore 3224 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-7034 ** C078 John L Domenico 11235 Quivas Loop Denver CO 80234-2614 Christine A Fontane 815 E 133rd Ph Thornton CO 80241 ** 0003 Melissa L Kendrick 3447 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C003 Natalie M Hook 3401 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge-CO 80033 ** 0003 Elissa M Battaglia 3305 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C003 James W Stuart 3255 Harlan ST Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ** C018 James R Supernor 6001 W 32nd Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 - ** C044 Bill Robin 3515 Chase ST Denver CO 80212-2039 J Christian Dehner 3252 Chase ST Wheatridge CO 80033 ** C044 Angelina Favela 3837 Umatilla ST Denver CO 80211-2216 !~ 08/26/96 10:00 ^p 303 420 7397 July 30, 1996 Mr. Glen Lidding Department of Planning City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29s' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Dear Mr. Lidding: N.JEFFCO PRR/REC ~- ~-[002 Thank you for speaking with me last week about the rezoning of a portion of Wheat Ridge. Y purchased my home at 3222 Gray Street three years ago. The prior owner (who had owned it 28 years) had bulb a "mother-in-law" apartment onto the house. The apartmem could be used as a rental apartment - it has it's own entrance, kitchen, bathroom, sitting room and bedroom. My mother currently lives there. When I bought the house, the seller's reactor said that the property was not zoned for a separate apartment but due to the area in which it was located, the apartment was legal. I understood that I needn't have any concerns about renting it. I would like to have our property zoned for R2 for a couple of reasons. I want to be "legal" in having my mother live in my family's home. In the future, if I ever needed to I would like to be able to legitimately rent it. If I ever have to sell my home, it would make it easier for a buyer to feel comfortable renting the apartment as well. My currem neighbors know my mother shares the house and (to my knowledge) have no problem with the arrangement; however, future neighbors would be in a position to create difficulties if the property was `improperly" zoned. Ifyou think I ought to hire an attorney in order to fully protect my interests in this regard, please let me know. If I can avoid it, I would like to. Thank you for your input on this. I look forward to your response. Since/rely, /~! Rosemary Motisi 3222 Gray Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 IiM: 274-2874 WK: 403-2524 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 8, 1996 TO: Councilmembers Mayor City Administrator City Clerk City Attorney FROM: City Clerk's Office SUBJECT: City Council Agenda, August 12, 1996 Item 6 Please replace Agenda Item 6 with the attached Agenda Item Recap and page 1 of C.B. 40. (Save page 2 and map) Also, Item 6, Page 2 on the Agenda dated August 12, 1996, should read as follows: Item 6. Council Bill 40 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Residential-Three(R-3) to Residential-Two (R-2) and Residential One C (R-iC) properties generally located between West 32nd Avenue on the Sauth, West 38th Avenue on the North, Sheridan Blvd. on the East, and Pierce Street on the West, City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado. If you have any questions, please call Glen Gidley or the Clerk's Office. Thank you. pc: -Glen Gidley file C17Y OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ _l~~n~ n AUG 0 81996 ~~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AGENDA ITEM RECAP _ PUBLIC BEARINGS _ PROC./CEREMONIES __BIDS/MOTIONS _ INFORMATION ONLY QUASI-JUDICIAL XX Yes No CITY ADM. HATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS HATTERS CITY ATTY. MATTERS _~ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING _ LIQUOR HEARINGS ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING PUBLIC COMMENT RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE:. Council Bill on 1st Reading providing for the rezoning of a large area in the Panarama Park neighborhood from R-3 to R-2 & R-1C S UA4lARY/RECOMMENDATION: This is a Large Area - Multiple property, City initiated rezoning proposal which, if approved, will result in down zcning of properties currently zoned R-3 to R-2 and R-1C Planning Commission has reco,-nmended APPROVAL, with mcdifications. Staff-recommends approval on 1st Reading, and Public Hearing set for Sept. 9th. ATTACHMENTS: 2) Council Sill No. 40 3) SIIGGESTED MOTION: BUDGETED ITEM: ~ 0 Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount $ Requested Expend. Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No i~mo egfs6r acxopt~/on~~ou ~~~~~~c,~~~~,,,.~~f,6~~/~r~~~'`~~~ ,hewn Abe ~{{et ~~or e e 9 9 / f"'j°''1"' " I move that Counci~ Bill 40 be approved on first reading, ordered published „public hearing be set for Monday, September 9, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Bldg., and if approved on second reading, take effect upon adoption." q • Y INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER . Council Bill No. 4o Ordinance No. _ _ Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-THREE (R-3) TO RESIDENTIAL-TWO (R-2) AND RESIDENTIAL-ONE C (R-1C) PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN W. 32ND AVE. ON THE SOUTH, W. 38TH AVE. ON THE NORTH, SHERIDAN BLVD. ON THE EAST, AND PIERCE ST. ON THE WEST., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted specific procedures for City-initiated Lazge Area-Multiple property rezoning by adopting Ordinance No. 1025, Series of 1996, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1533 was subsequently adopted by City Council which initiated a Lazge Area-Multiple Property rezoning procedure by referring the proposal to Planning Commission for a public hearing and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 1996 and, pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented, adopted a resolution recommending approval, with modifications, of Case No. WZ-96-7. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: ec ' 1 Upon consideration of the recommendation of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based further testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge Official Zoning Maps are hereby amended to exclude properties from Residential-Three (R-3), and to include those properties in Residential-Two (R-2) and Residential-One C (R-1C) in accordance with Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, said properties being located within Section 25, Township 3, Range 69 West, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Section 2. Safe , lau e. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declazes that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3, Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of r _ G4j~ `V NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of wheat Ridge Planning Commission on August 1, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-96-7: A City-initiated large area rezoning from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R-1C) and Residential-Two (R-2). The rezoning area is generally located between West 32nd Avenue on the south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west. Specific properties being considered -- for rezoning are indicated upon the map below. INSERT MAP HERE Sandra Wiggins, Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: July 12, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript b:\c8196:phn CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: August 1, 1996 DATE PREPARED: July 25, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-7/Panorama Park area Large Area Rezone CASE MANAGER: G. Gidley ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from R-3 to R-2 and R-1C LOCATION OF REQUEST: Gen. area bounded by W 32nd Ave., W 38th Ave., Pierce St. and Sheridan Blvd. NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): See attached. APPROXIMATE AREA: 320 acres PRESENT ZONING: R-3 PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant, 1 & 2 family dwellings & private club SURROUNDING ZONING: Various SURROUNDING LAND USE: Various COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Low density residential DATE PUBLISHED: July 12, 1996 DATE POSTED: July 12, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: July 12, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: () Q XX) NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (XX) ATTACHED ()NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( )ZONING ORDINANCE ()SLIDES ( }SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) EXHIBITS ( XX) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this ease. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-96-7/City of Wheat Ridge 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL . This is aCity-initiated proposal to rezone a large area of the City from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-Two (R-2) or to Residential-1C (R-1C). Cky Council initiated this rezoning process by adoption o4 Resolution No. 1533, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1016. (Copies attached.) The stated objectives of this rezoning proposal are: 1. To preserve and protect predominately low densky residential character of the neighborhood. 2. To recognize and exclude existing developed high-densky residential uses. 3. To rezone to bring the area into conformance wkh the Comprehensive Plan, which shows Low Density Residential future land use. 4. To rezone to R-iCsingle-family uses and vacant properties, and to R-2 two-family used properties. II. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The area proposed for rezoning exceeds ten acres. 2. The number of ownership parcels exceeds ten. 3. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use for all properties proposed for rezoning is Low Density Residential. 4. No existing mukifamily dwelling used property is included in the rezone areas. 5. Single family dwelling and vacant properties have been included on Exhibk A for rezoning to Residential-One C. (R-iC). 6. Two family dwelling used properties have been Included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential- Two (R-2). 7. Institutional uses including public buildings, churches and fraternal clubs have been included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential-One C (R-1C). Ili. PUBLIC RESPONSE A. A public meeting was held on March 27, 1996 at the Communky Center to which all owners of property in this general area were invked. A general discussion of this proposal occurred. B. Several properly owners have responded by mail or telephone In favor or opposition to this proposed rezoning. Copies of all correspondence is attached. Additionally, iwo owners of properties which staff shows as single family, therefore rezoning to R-iC, have telephoned indicating that they in favor of rezoning from R-3, but that they have a second unk apartment, therefore they request R-2 zoning. Those properties are: 1. 5785 West 32nd Avenue Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-96-7/City of Wheat Ridge 1. 5785 West 32nd Avenue 2. 3222 Fenton Street IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for large area rezoning have been met. We further believe that the specific objective set forth by City Council In Resolution No. 1533 have been met, therefore staff recommends approval of rezoning in Case No. WZ-96-7, pursuant with Exhibk A, with the following exceptions: 1. 5785 Wes4 32nd Avenue be revised to be rezoned to R-2. 2. 3222 Fenton Street be revised to be rezoned to R-2. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that Case No. WZ-96-7, aCity-initiated large area rezoning be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for approval, with the revisions suggested by staff. Reasons for this recommendation are: 7. All large area zoning requirements have been met. 2. The objectives set forth by City Council in Resolution No. 1533 have been met. 3. This rezoning will bring the zoning into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 4. All jurisdictional requirements have been met. GEG:siw b:\wz967.sr ~_ 2 X W F R_ MtlieiK i .. ro.~ 7~ ~~ i,I .9.s.,, ~.., ~ .~ .,,,,. .a .~ J - ~~ ,O , O O ,~~~1~ J i ' ~ ~ ~ ` V z s,r.~„ W Z '< Z ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ,a J ~ ~ W .a ~,Q. ~ ~ ~ ..~~ 0 ~ z a! ~ ~~ ~ J ~I 3 .~ ~. ~ ~ ~ 3 y q j~ 3 1 PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: WZ-96-7 _ _ DATE: August 1, 1996 G G 3 REQUEST: ACity-initiated large area rezoning from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential- One C (R-1 C) and Residential-Two (R-2). The rezoning area is generally located between West 32nd Avenue on the south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west. SP KER NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE (PLEASE PRINT) Position o Please I N FAVOR Request heck OPPOSED C..rAi D G~5 ~' 7] ~~~ / / J 'I'CON /~tlCtkfi 3(aSd '/~~2C~ +~+ O "l13 ~~~ al/ -G~ra/ voVi,~Sr~r J7dG i3a"y, ~.r~,. ~~ - o ~ p ,,~~q ~j ~ sf10o~t W ~J[O~l ~-r ~h f r ,,~.~~ ~~ ~- ~~~ Y~ E- M Z.?~ ~~HN..~ L V ~`~ Planning_Commission Minutes Page 2 ~~ August 1, 1996 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF T8E AGENDA Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the or r of the agenda as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded. emotion. Mr. Gidley informed Commission that the item under scussion and Decision Items Capital Improvement Projects wo d not be heard this evening. Those projects were not finalized, he noted. With that change, motion carried 7-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINIITES Commissioner CERVENY m ed to approve the minutes for the meeting of July 18, 1996 as inted. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion ca ied 7-0. 6. PIIBLIC F (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subjec not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing sec 'on of the agenda.) No oy~ had signed the roster, nor came forward to speak at that 7. PIIBLIC HEARING ~~~1. Case No.wZ-96-7: A.City-initiated large area rezoning from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R- 1C) and Residential-Two (R-2). The rezoning area is generally located between West 32nd Avenue on the south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west. Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Entered and accepted into the record was the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Gidley pointed out several corrections on the zoning map projected overhead, explaining the reasons why the corrections. were necessary. Commissioner CERVENY inquired about a written response contained in the packet. Mr. Gidley responded that the highest use of the land was not guaranteed. He elaborated. Commissioner CERVENY voiced his concern that rezoning might make some properties less valuable to the owner(s). Mr. Gidley reminded Commissioner CERVENY that City Council had directed staff to proceed with this large area rezoning proposal. and Planning Commission should stick to the topic for discussion. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 ( August 1, 1996 Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the property Commissioner CERVENY was concerned about was located at 5755 West 37th Avenue. She added that she thought that property already had multi-family dwelling on it. Mr. Gidley noted that the property Commission THOMPSON was referring to (5755 W 37th Ave) was outside the area of rezoning. He elaborated. ' Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the average-lot size in-the area of proposed rezoning. Mr. Gidley measured some of the lots in the subject area and determined their size, relating the lot size to the number of dwelling units that could be built with a particular zoning. Chairperson LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley what the difference was between R-2 and R-3 zoning. Mr. Gidley referred to a Summary of Zoning District Regulations which was projected overhead. He explained the difference in the zoning districts by comparing them. Discussion followed regarding different scenarios and the possible number of family dwelling units that could be built on several residential lots. Chairperson LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley to explain the process necessary to build multi-family units on several residential lot(s). Mr. Gidley explained how a property owner of several residential lots who wished to build multi-family dwellings would go about securing a consolidation plat. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the proposed large area rezoning would actually achieve the goal of .low-density residential. Mr. Gidley answered that once the zoning was locked into R-1C, there would be only two possible new subdivisions, referring to the two large pieces of vacant land in the area. Commissioner THOMPSON noted that some of the single-family residences were on large lots. Mr. Gidley acknowledged that fact. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if it would be possible to have dwelling units built three stories high? ~, Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 August 1, 1996 Mr. Gidley answered yes, but he added that was allowed under the current residential zoning regulations as well. He elaborated. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what the setback would be for three stories (35 feet)?~ Mr. Gidley answered that in the R-1C zone side setbacks would be five feet; 30 feet from front; 10 feet from the back. He also -- provided setback regulations for the R-2 zone and setback regulations for multi-family dwellings in R-3 zone districts. Commissioner CERVENY asked if there would be properties currently zoned R-2 to R-iC? Mr. Gidley stated no, the proposed rezoning was from existing R-3 zoning to either R-1C or R-2 zoning. Discussion followed. Commissioner THOMPSON noted how "transitional zoning" (multifamily-family to duplexes to single-family residences) can be used to buffer. Mr. Gidley elaborated on that concept. Chairperson LANGDON asked how properties became nonconforming, such as those zoned R-iC but have a two-family unit on it? Mr. Gidley noted that the properties in question are zoned R-3, not R-1C. Some of the lots in the R-3 zone district are sub- standard for a two-family dwelling, but have two-family dwellings on them. Many started out as "mother-in-law" apartments. He elaborated. After a certain period of time, he added, 'the use would become legal nonconforming. Commissioner GRIFFITH asked what could be placed on a certain parcel of land if the zoning was changed to R-1C. Mr. Gidley explained that it would allow only a single-family home on it. However, he further noted that the other lot could be subdivided and developed into several other single-family dwellings with a private drive serving them. Kent Davis, 8080 Melrose Drive, was sworn in. Mr. Davis stated his family owned 3705 Jay Street which contained two parcels containing approximately 5.25 acres. One parcel is zoned R-2 and the other smaller parcel was zoned R-3, he added. Mr. Davis stated although there was no plan to develop the land, he wanted the zoning to remain as it was. The property currently is for sale. He elaborated. Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 5 Commissioner GRIFFITH asked Mr. Davis what zoning had he applied for on the property? Mr. Davis answered R-3, multi-family. He noted that there was existing multi-family in the area. Mr. Gidley noted that his recollection was the application was for medium-density (approximately 14-16 units/acre) townhouses. Jim Brown, 3505 Gray Street was sworn in. Mr. Brown stated he had confusion about the R-iC zoning. Mr. Gidley explained the proposed R-1C zoning to Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown asked about the density that the R-iC zoning would allows. Mr. Gidley stated that R-iC zoning would allow 8.5 units per acre. He elaborated. Mr. Brown asked how the rezoning would affect his property value. Mr. Gidley reported that he spoke with the County Assessor assured him that as it relates to existing development, single family homes are assessed as they are developed. The underlying zoning would have no bearing on how a property is assessed. Valuation, he added, is based upon market in terms of resale value. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Gidley to explain to Mr. Brown what could be-built on his lot if the proposed rezoning is approved. Mr. Gidley stated that a lot size of 8600, a single family home could be built on a lot that size, whether the zoning is R-3, R-2 R-lA, R-1B or R-iC. Discussion followed. Mr, Brown asked if his house burned down, could he rebuild it? Mr. Gidley answered yes, he could, in any of the zone districts he mentioned. Discussion followed. Frank Nocera 3690 Pierce Street, was sworn in. Mr. Nocera stated he would like to retain the R-2 zoning on his property because he may, at some point, wish to rent a mother-in-law apartment. He ` was also concerned about property value. He elaborated. ., Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 August 1, 1996 Commissioner CERVENY spoke about property values, re-salability. Discussion followed. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he saw no problem in allowing Mr. Nocera's property to be rezoned to R-2, rather than R-1C. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr, Nocera to point out his property on the overhead. Mr. Nocera did so. Edgar Johnson, 3700 Benton Street was sworn in. Mr. Johnson pointed out two parcels of land (currently zoned R-3) which are developed as duplexes and should be rezoned R-2. - Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the zoning could be changed if the property owner had not be notified? Mr. Gidley stated Planning Commission could make the recommendation and then the property owner would be notified when the public hearing before City Council is scheduled. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Mr. Johnson if he knew the addresses of the two parcels in question. Mr. Johnson stated he drove past them trying to get addresses, but had been unable to read the addresses from his vehicle. He spoke of his concern for a vacant parcel in his neighborhood being developed at a high density. Cheryl Brungardt, 5621 West 36th Place was sworn in. Ms. Brungardt stated she was in favor of the rezoning. She stated that there has been a tremendous increase in traffic in her neighborhood. She also mentioned her concern that many of the rental properties are not maintained. Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the standard lot size was for patio homes being built? Mr. Gidley answered the ones near Miller Street on 38th Avenue on the north are 5,000 to 5,500 square foot lots. The overall density is approximately 4.9 units per acre, with streets removed. Ms. Brungardt stated she .had owned her home for 20 years and was not new to the area. Recta Bitter, 3555 Chase Street was sworn in. Ms. Bitter stated she had lived at that location for over 30 years. She added that .s Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 August 1, 1996 she was strongly in favor of the rezoning. She wanted to maintain the single-family home community. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Ms. Bitter what was her opinion of duplexes? Ms. Bitter stated that a nicely-built and maintained duplex was fine. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if she preferred single-family to duplexes? Ms, Bitter .stated she did. Marilyn Veitch, 3715 Chase Street was sworn in. Ms. Veitch stated she was surrounded by apartments. She-was in favor of the rezoning. She elaborated. Don Gassman 3725 Harlan Street was sworn in. Mr. Gassman stated he was in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Gassman informed Commission of the problems he had encountered with apartment tenants presently and how he did not want the situation to worsen. Dick Doll who had signed the roster, was not present to speak. Roberta Thomas. 6595 West 32nd Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Thomas stated she wanted to retain R-3 zoning on her property. She added that her property contains two single-family homes on one lot. One of the homes contains a two-unit apartment. She stated with R-iC or R-2 zoning, her property could not be rebuilt if it was destroyed. Mr. Gidley stated Ms. Thomas' property was unique in that it contained two primary structures on a single lot, which makes it nonconforming with the present zoning. Under Colorado and Wheat Ridge law, unless you have a planned unit development, only one primary structure is allowed on it. So, as it stands today, should the structures somehow be destroyed, they both could not be replaced without obtaining a variance. Ms. Thomas explained how the property came to be that way. Mr. Gidley stated that it predated zoning. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON asked what was the property lot size? And which of the two structures could she replace; the duplex or a single-family dwelling? Mr. Gidley stated the lot size was approximately 75 feet by 145 feet, so with the current R-3 zoning, only one two-family Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 8 dwelling could be placed on the property. He elaborated. Mr. Gidley stated that he would modify the proposal and recommend that R-3 zoning be retained on this particular parcel. Dorothy Archer, 3640 Marshall Street was sworn in. She asked if previous down-zoning in the City had successfully halted high- density growth. Mr. Gidley stated one area east of Fenton Street, between Fenton and Sheridan Blvd. and south of West 32nd Avenue was_down-zoned from R-3 to R-iC in about 1974. Since most of the area was built-out, there hasn't been much intensification in that area. Ms. Archer pointed out several large, vacant parcels which she pointed out could be developed-into multi-family complexes: Ms. Archer stated that she was in favor of the down-zoning. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if Ms. Archer had feelings one way or another regarding her own property. Ms. Archer stated her concerns were the large, vacant areas she had pointed out. Commissioner GRIFFITH asked Ms. Archer if she was in favor or in opposition to the large area rezoning. Ms. Archer stated she was in favor of the rezoning. Discussion followed. Commissioner CERVENY asked Ms. Archer what would be a fair way to handle rezoning the large, still=vacant parcels? Ms. Archer said she was vacillating between R-2 and R-iC zoning. She pointed out several smaller parcels that could be similarly developed. Commissioner CERVENY pointed out that if the large area rezoning is approved, the option of combining several small parcels in order to build multi-family housing would be eliminated. M~ Archer answered she isn't opposed to owners of large vacant parcels getting a fair amount out of their property, however, she believes that the neighborhoods should be protected from developers coming in and putting large numbers of multi-family units in single-family residential. neighborhoods. Discussion followed. Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 August 1, 1996 Ms. Archer stated her recommendation would be for the entire parcel to be rezoned from R-2 and R-3 to R-2. Commissioner,CERVENY asked if Ms. Archer would oppose rezoning the parcel to R-3 if restrictions were placed on the property? Ms. Archer stated it would be impossible to enforce such restrictions if the developer had enough land to build the units. She gave examples of past instances. Discussion followed. Commissioner THOMPSON reminded those present that owners could, at a later date, apply to rezone their parcels. Mr. Gidley agreed that was so. on its' own merit. He admitted the rezoning to be approved. Each parcel would be considered that it would be less likely for Ms. Archer asked if certain property owners could protest the. rezoning and ask to be eliminated from the proposal? Mr. Gidley explained how something similar to that could happen. Chairperson LANGDON asked if a stipulation could be made that the owners of the large, vacant parcels could apply to maintain their zoning as R-3? Mr. Gidley stated that would be contrary to City Council's directive. City Council, with their directive, has already said "no" to such a request. Chairperson LANGDON stated he had problems taking rights away from individuals without their approval. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked how City Council decide what they were going to do before a public hearing was held? Mr. Gidley stated this was a legislative process, not a quasi- judicial proceeding. City Council initiated this with an idea in mind. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Gidley if when Commission is ready to make a motion, should the properties discussed individually be voted on separately? She felt some properties needed to be excluded from the large area rezoning. Mr. Gidley stated that Commission could, if it should desire, ~ continue this matter for the purpose of making a decision to your next meeting. Between now and then, the property owners not Planning Commission Minutes f August 1, 1996 Page 10 notified (because they were not considered a part of the rezoning), draft a new map, summarize comments made in order to help Commission organize their thoughts and make a final conclusion. Commissioner GRIFFITH noted that Council not direct Planning Commission to exclude properties from the proposal.. Should the individual property owners who wish to be excluded from the proposed large area rezoning go before City Council. Mr. Gidley agreed that they could. Mr. Gidley stated he thought that Planning Commission's duty was do what Commission felt was right in this situation, based upon the information presented to them. Commissioner GRIFFITH did not feel that Planning Commission should make the decision regarding what properties, if any, should be excluded. Mr. Gidley stated that Planning Commission can make a recommendation to City Council to approve as it was presented, approve as modified, or to deny. Commissioner CERVENY asked if it was possible to require the owners of the large vacant parcels to obtain a PRD upon development, if the R-3 zoning is retained? Mr. Gidley stated that would be an "overlay requirement" on those vacant properties to require site plan review with building - permit application. Unless you have specific standards to apply to the site plan review, then you are setting yourself up for arbitrary and capricious decisions. Commissioner CERVENY asked if specific standards could be set. Mr. Gidley stated it was possible, but usually it was based upon design criteria that had some association to another, perhaps adjacent, development. It would be very difficult to set standards, when you don't know what objectives you're trying to achieve. Mr. Gidley suggested a reasonable alternative would be rather than rezoning the large vacant parcels to R-1C, they be rezoned to R-2. In that way, the option of single-family or two-family dwellings could be built. Mr. Davis was called back to the stand. He stated if he was looking to place as many units on his land as possible, he would Planning Commission Minutes Page it ~ August 1, 1996 go with the R-1C zoning. Mr. Davis thought a developer would more likely be interested in the parcel if the zoning was left as it currently is. He doubted that the zoning could be changed if the down-zoning is approved. He would want the entire parcel zoned R-iC if the zoning is changed. Leaving the zoning as it currently is was his first choice, however. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Davis if he thought the area could handle the increased traffic/intensity if it is developed with multi-family dwellings. Mr. Davis__stated that when his greenhouses were operating, there was much more traffic in the area, with growers and employees coming and going. Even single-family residences would be an impact, he added. Commissioner CERVENY asked if the R-3 zoning was left in place, would Mr. Davis build the maximum number of units or would less than be satisfactory? Mr. Davis stated he doubted 21 units per acre would be built. Discussion followed. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that discussing a PRD at this time was a waste of time. He added that a PRD is wide-open and at this time Commission did not have enough information to discuss it. Commissioner CERVENY stated he disagreed. Discussion followed. Chairperson LANGDON thought that Commission might not have adequate information and that the case should be continued. Commissioner THOMPSON thought that there might not be adequate time to do that with the recent building moratorium. She was in favor of voting on the information presented that night. If certain property owners wished to go before City Council, that would be their right. Chairperson LANGDON summarized Commissioner THOMPSON's thoughts on the matter. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she felt that Commission had justification for excluding some parcels, on Mr. Gidley's recommendation. She added that in some cases, what Council has proposed just would not work for specific parcels of land. Planning Commission Minutes ( August 1, 1996 Page 12 Mr. Gidley explained that R-3A zoning allowed 14 units per acre, R-2A allowed 10 units per acre. He noted that Exhibit A, which was projected overhead, three areas would be modified: • Solid orange areas would be revised to R-2 (dark shaded) • One area outlined in orange not rezoned • 3282, 3230. Chase Street and 3245 - 3219 Benton Street, 5401, 5425 West 32nd Avenue would be revised to R-1C Commissioner THOMPSON reminded Mr. Gidley that R-3 zoning on Ms. Thomas' property he had recommended be retained. Commissioner THOMPSON noted the two parcels Mr. Johnson had mentioned that should be brought into conformance, 3700 Block, West side of Benton Street would be rezoned to R-2. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he had a problem with the property on Depew Street presently zoned R-3 and the parcel to the west of it also zoned R-3. He noted that the parcels are surrounded by multi-family units. He did not believe that those parcels should be rezoned to a single-family classification. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if Commissioner ECKHARDT thought R-2 zoning would be better as a transitional zone classification? Commissioner ECKHARDT thought R-2 zoning would be more reasonable. Commissioner CERVENY asked if the large single-ownership property zoned R-2, should perhaps come to Commission and address the issues? Mr. Gidley stated that Mr. Davis was present and he had spoken to one of those individuals on the phone and the other large- property owner had received notification. Discussion followed. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if the decision on this case is continued to August 15, what repercussions would it have in meeting the schedule with Council? Mr. Gidley calculated public hearing could not occur prior to September 23rd. The September 9th deadline could not be met. Chairperson LANGDON stated he asked the Commission whether or not they felt we needed additional information. He thought Commission should make a decision that night. Planning Commission Minutes Page 13 August 1, 1996 Commissioner FsCKHARDT stated that the only real troublesome areas' were the four parcels outlined in blue. The others marked in orange would be rezoned to R-2; Ms. Thomas' property would be retained_as R-3; the property on 35th and Benton would remain R- 3. He proposed that parcels on Depew Street be rezoned as R-2; all of the_Davis property be rezoned as R-1C; property outlined in blue north of the Davis property rezoned to R-2. The remaining properties as proposed by Exhibit A. Chairperson LANGDON asked if Commissioner ECKHARDT wished to make that a motion. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he did, for the following reasons: 1. The property is in the City of Wheat Ridge and has been posted, therefore jurisdiction has been met; 2_ All large area zoning requirements have been met; 3. Objectives set forth by City Council stated in Resolution #1533 have been met; and 4. The rezoning will bring zoning into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner ECKHARDT added the two parcels brought to the attention of Commission by Mr. Edgar Johnson be rezoned from R-3 to R-2. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON noted there had been no one present speaking about the parcel north of the Davis property. Mr. Gidley stated the owner had spoken to him personally. He added that the mother had requested that a portion of the land be maintained as single-family home. She requested R-2. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that the owners who own the two large parcels to the east circled in blue, did not attend the hearing. She added that those speaking from the neighborhood were opposed to multi-family in that area. The owners may not want their land rezoned R-2 .. She would be voting against rezoning to R-2. She thought they should have the opportunity to come to City Council to request R-2 zoning. Commissioner ECKHARDT revised his motion to change the zoning on the two parcels to the east to R-2 and leave them as R-1C. The only real changes would be to the Davis property and the property north of the Davis property. Planning Commission Minutes Page 14 August 1, 1996 Commissioner CERVENY asked if correspondence had been received from the owner? Mr. Gidley stated a card had been received, stating the owner disagreed with the rezoning and wanted the R-3 zoning retained. Commissioner CERVENY moved to amend Commissioner ECKHARDT's motion to leave the zoning on those two parcels to the east as it is, R-3. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he would agree with that amendment. He added that since multi-family surrounds the parcels in question, it makes more sense to leave-it as is. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion to amend. Commissioner CERVENY asked for clarification on the Davis parcels. Mr. Gidley stated that the lower parcel is zoned R-2, the upper parcel is zoned R-3. The motion made is that the entire parcel be rezoned to R-1C. Commissioner CERVENY moved to leave the Davis properties zoning as it presently is, the property zoned R-2 would remain R-2, the property zoned R-3 would remain R-3. Commissioner ECKHARDT reiterated that Commissioner CERVENY was proposing to leave the properties to the east and the Davis properties as they are presently zoned. Commissioner CERVENY stated that was correct. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Commission to vote on the properties that are not being questioned. She suggested individual motions for each of the properties being questioned. As the motion. stands, she would be voting against it. That doesn't necessarily mean she is opposed to all properties involved, just a portion. -- Commissioner ECKHARDT withdrew his first motion, with the approval of his second and moved that Planning Commission recommend to City Council for the reasons stated previously, that the large area rezoning be approved with those exclusions shown in orange, red and purple on Benton Street, the parcels outlined in blue, the property on 38th and property on Depew Street will not be considered in this motion. Commissioner THOMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 15 Commissioner CERVENY moved that the property at 6230 West 38th Avenue circled in blue be rezoned R-2, not R-iC as proposed. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this motion based on testimony heard this evening from residents stating their preference for single-family homes rather than multi-family rentals. Commissioner CERVENY stated the reasons for his motion as follows: 1. The size of the property which would easily accommodate the R-2 zoning; 2. The request by the owner that the zoning be R-2; and 3. The property borders West 38th Avenue, which is not an R-1 site. Motion carried 6-1, with Commissioner THOMPSON voting against. Commissioner CERVENY moved that the property zoned R-3 between Fenton and Depew Streets north of West 37th Avenue remain as R-3 for-the following reason: 1. It is surrounded on three sides by existing multi-family development. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this motion because the neighborhood needs a transition from multi- family development and the majority of the testimony has been wanting single-family versus rentals. Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-2, with Commissioners THOMPSON and GRIFFITH voting against. Commissioner CERVENY moved that the Davis property, where the southern two-thirds is presently zoned R-2 and the northern one- third is presently zoned R-3, that property remain zoned as it is. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this motion. The reason why the large area zoning was undertaken was to secure this area as low-density residential. I don't think that R-3 zoning will be compatible with that. Mr. Davis stated Page 16 Planning Commission Minutes ~ August 1, 1996 he would support R-1C zoning. Also testimony taken has been predominately opposing multi-family development. Motion carried 4-3, with Commissioners THOMPSON, ECKHARDT and GRIFFITH voting against. 7i~8. CLOSE THE PvBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BIISINESS A. Traffic Management Seminar to be held August 10 at Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 10. NEW SIISINESS A. Regarding the Informational Item - Comprehensive Plan Consultant Interviews, Janice Thompson suggested Dorothy Archer's name be submitted to CMI. ll. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS A. Jay Rasplicka asked if Planning Commission would like to meet with PWAC? Mr. Gidley will check with Mr. Goebel regarding sYiodu~Onghe joint meeting with PWAC, possibly on August 15, p regular meeting. Janice Thompson reported she will be out of town on August 15 and therefore unable to attend that meeting. She stated her comments regarding the possible widening of Youngfield; she feels Youngfield needs some center turn lanes. Ms. Thompson added that bottlenecks occur at Casey Camper Sales, Camper World and the Kunz Development. Ms. Thompson asked Mr. Gidley if a joint meeting with City Council would be held Monday? Mr. Gidley stated that if the meeting was scheduled, Staff would notify Commission by phone giving them details. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS A. Bob Eckhardt briefly brought Commission up-to-date regarding the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: WZ-96-7 LOCATION; Generally between West 32nd Avenue on the south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge REQUEST: City-initiated large area rezoning from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R-1C) and Residential-Two (R-2). WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto an_d incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony zeceived at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT, seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON, that Case No. WZ-96-7, an application by The City of Wheat Ridge fox approval of a large area rezoning from R-3 to R-1C and R-2 fox property located generally between West 32nd Avenue on the south, west 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation fox Approval with the exclusions shown in orange, red and purple on Benton Street, the parcels outline in blue, the property on 38th and property on Depew Street not included in this motion. This recommendation is made for the following reasons: 1. The property is in the City of Wheat Ridge and has been posted, therefore jurisdiction has been met; 2. All large area zoning requirements have been met; 3. Objectives set forth by City Council stated in Resolution #1533 have been met; and 4. The rezoning will bring zoning into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Griffith, Rasplicka, Cexveny, Langdon and Thompson NO: None. Certificate of Resolution Page 2 f Case No. WZ-96-7/City of Wheat Ridge l I, Sandia Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 7 - 0 vote of the members-present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 1st day of August, 1996. iJ ~' /' George~Lang on, Chairperson Sandra Wiggins, Sec(~$Lary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION b:\wz967.res 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 August 23, 1996 The City of ~~OF NJ HEAT PO Wheat ,m GRidge ADO C,NOR NOTICE OF REZONING HEARING Dear Property Owner: The City of Wheat Ridge City Council, by adoption of Resolution 1533 on June 10, 1996, has initiated a LARGE AREA REZONING procedure within those areas indicated on EXHIBIT A (the map on back of this sheet). The proposal is to rezone existing vacant land and single-family-dwelling-used land from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R-1C), and to rezone existing two- family-dwelling-used land from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-Two (R-2). Existing multifamily-dwelling-used properties would not be rezoned. R-1C allows single family dwellings, R-2 allows one and two family dwellings, based upon lot size. As an owner of property included within or adjacent to the Large Area Rezoning, you are hereby notified of a PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD BEFORE THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL, AT 7:00 P.M., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1996, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. You have the right to appear and testify in favor or in opposition to this proposed rezoning and/or to submit your comments in writing for the record. The City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed rezoning ordinance and approve, approve with modifications, or deny all or portions of this rezoning. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Glen Gidley, Planning and Development Director, at 235- 2844. THANK YOU! b:\lgarerez.let (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 X w Y F R x ..aowa - t. Mpl,i, P~ A s uamo N U 1 av waavv ~ ~ s. J O 0 2 U J 0 y n. ,w ~ (Y O ll (L I 0 Z I Z l Z O a ~ N Q < (Y w LLI . r O G~ fL 3 n°~ J Q a Y s Y A s g5 R s Z W W IL U IL L N a ~ w Lu 9 ' W Z N W K v n , LL nn// I.L ~ o 0 m m w w z O x w W r ~ (Y 17 1 71 ii25 3 3 3 iii 4 ! 4~i a.a '8 a.q . ;.RA acg 1G <aN X93: sl@. ~N l3 Y( Z W 1 m 4QO Asa, ett, ~ Q Q m o~ !b 3 40 I woso ` ~ ON3v rT-r~ r-r-r~ r / TV'q c r- 3~ Dorothy L Archer Rudolph A Battaia Daniel P Ducey 2834 Benton St Dorothy Mae Battaia 3310 Chase St Denver 80214-8526 2830 Ames Street Denver CO 80212-7038 Denver CO 80214-8520 Janean Gurski Trustee Clarence G Hartsook Joan F Hershberger Life Estate 250 Osceola St Kathryn Hartsook 2902 Depew St Denver CO 80219-1229 2847 Benton St Denver CO 80214-8443 Denver CO 80214-8525 Thomas H Hertner Harry A Johnson Leo P Jones Claudette Druse Hertner Betty J Johnson Mayme P Jones 2379 Ward Dr 2855 Eaton St 2840 Chase St Lakewood 80215-1019 Denver CO 80214-8407 Denver CO 80214-8434 Steven K Lowman John J Martinez Raymond J Martinez Janet G Lowman Donna J Martinez Norma E Martinez 2877 Ames St 2902 Chase St 2845 Depew St Denver CO 80214-8519 Denver CO 80214-8436 Denver 80214-8440 Linda Lee Mead Elizabeth A Miles Curtis A Nye 2901 Benton St 2833 Sheridan Blvd 2901 Depew St Denver CO 80214-8527 Denver CO 80214-8535 Denver CO 80214-8442 Laverne K Schroder Scott A Scherf Vernon Y Stoltzfus 11039 W 65th Way Mary Stewart 7185 W 48th Ave Arvada CO 80004-2718 2844 Depew St Wheat Ridge CO 80214 Denver CO 80214-8441 Jose G Trujillo Dale B Vankeuren Roxy Vendena Judy J Hudson-Trujillo 2901 Ames St Frances Lucille Vendena 2147 S Golden Ct Denver CO 80214-8521 6105 W 49th PI Lakewood CO 80227-3606 Wheat Ridge CO 80033-3657 Virginia R Walden Albert F Williams Todd A Young 2901 Eaton St Martha M Williams Erika E Young Denver CO 80214-8409 2902 Eaton St 2901 Sheridan Blvd. Denver CO 80214-8410 Denver CO 80214-8536 0,~5 6 j~~ P " (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 29)Situs:2834 BENTON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8526 APN :39-254-16-015/02 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :ARCHER DOROTHY L Mailing:2834 BENTON ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:09/08/92 Document # :114575 Document Type: Price :$54,700F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$590.16 Exemption 0 DENVER CO 00008-8526 C056 Prior Sale 02/11/92 F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :CARPORT Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$4,900 Total Val:$6,570 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:74 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#021646;LA 13000;IA 38100;69-03-25-440600-002-0032 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-002-0031 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 34)Situs:2830 AMES ST , DENVER CO 80214-8520 APN :39-254-15-010/01 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$731.18 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :BATTAIA RUDOLPH A Own2nd:BATTAIA DOROTHY MAE Mailing:2830 AMES ST; DENVER CO 80214-8520 C056 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date: Document # Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat :HOT WATER Park Type Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$6,470 Total Val:$8,140 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:79 Phone :303/233-6843 Bldg/Lvarea:1172 Yrblt/Eff :1951/1956 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units . Total Rooms: Bedrooms :3 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :SHED-0378;-440600-001-0018;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#021582;LA 13000;IA 50300;TOPO-SLOPING Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 7)Situs:2901 CHASE ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-11-024 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$622.48 Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :DUCEY DANIEL P Mailing:3310 CHASE ST; DENVER CO 80212-7038 C044 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:09/01/94 08/30/94 Document # :94144834 144834 Document Type:PERSONAL REPRESENTATI Price :$40,000U $40,000F First TD :$35,5000 Lender :FIRST BK/WHEATRIDGE Seller :ACKERMAN SONYA LEA Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat :GRAVITY Park Type :DETACHED Air-Cond Park Spaces:340 Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,120 Assd Imp :$4,810 Total Val:$6,930 Assd Year:1994 06Improved:69 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea:710 Yrblt/Eff :/1999 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :1 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$56 Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :EYB-1900;PARKING-340;SCHD#021269;LA 16500;IA 37400;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 21)Situs:2845 CHASE ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-18-005/02 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$1,045.56 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :GURSKI JANEAN TRUSTEE Own2nd:GURSKI JANEAN °Mailing'250 OSCEOLA ST; DENVER CO Last Sale Transfer Date:01/24/94 Document # :26290 Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 80219-1229 C052 Prior Sale 11/08/93 189368 F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type :ATTACHED Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$9,970 Total Val:$11,640 Assd Year:1994 °sImproved:85 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#022187;LA 13000;IA 77500;69-03-25-440600-004-0010 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-004-0009 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 27)Situs:2847 BENTON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8525 APN :39-254-17-005/02 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :HARTSOOK CLARENCE Own2nd:HARTSOOK KATHRYN Mailing:2847 BENTON ST; Last Sale Transfer Date: Document # Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$744.66 Exemption G DENVER CO 80214-8525 C056 Prior Sale Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$6,620 Total Val:$8,290 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:79 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#021991;LA 13000;IA 51500;69-03-25-440600-003-0010 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-003-0009 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 5)Situs:2902 DEPEW ST , DENVER CO 80214-8443 APN :39-254-11-001 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$690.76 Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :HERSHBERGER JOAN F LIFE ESATE Mailing 2902 DEPEW ST; DENVER CO 80214-8443 C055 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:04/13/83 Document # :31915 Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:364 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,190 Assd Imp :$5,500 Total Val:$7,690 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:71 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:780 Yrblt/Eff :/1922 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-364;-567400-009-0012;SCHD#021128;LA 17000;IA 42800;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1)Situs:2872 FENTON ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-20-017/01 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$734.78 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :HERTNER THOMAS H Own2nd:HERTNER CLAUDETTE DRUSE -Mailing:2379 WARD DR; LAKEWOOD Last Sale Transfer Date:08/18/81 Document # :61645 Document Type: Price :$35,000F First TD Lender :SEARS MTG CORP Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-fond Site Inf CO 80215-1019 C032 Prior Sale 08/20/76 F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:720 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$6,510 Total Val:$8,180 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:79 Phone :303/238-0289 Bldg/Lvarea:624 Yrblt/Eff :1935/1935 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :1 Pool $Sgft :$56 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-720;-440600-006-0035;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#022165;LA 13000;IA 50600;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 3)Situs:2855 EATON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8407 APN :39-254-20-003/02 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :JOHNSON HARRY A Own2nd:JOHNSON BETTY J Mailing:2855 EATON ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:05/04/78 Document # :41103 Document Type: Price :$32,500F First TD Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$727.58 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8407 0037 Prior Sale 07/01/70 F Lender :FBS MTG CORP Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$6,430 Total Val:$8,100 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:79 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct Foundation Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#022490;LA 13000;IA 50000;69-03-25-440600-006-0007 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-006-0006 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 23)Situs:2840 CHASE ST , DENVER CO 80214-8434 APN :39-254-17-016/03 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* SUbdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :JONES LEO L Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$891.96 Exemption Own2nd:JONES MAYME P iMailing:2840 CHASE ST; DENVER CO 80214-8434 C055 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date: Document # Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type :DETACHED Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$8,260 Total Val:$9,930 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:83 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #3 OF 3;SCHD#022109;LA 13000;IA 64200;69-03-25-440600-003-0033 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-003-0031 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 32)Situs:2877 AMES ST , DENVER CO 80214-8519 APN :39-254-16-006/01 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$897.36 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :LOWMAN STEVEN K Own2nd:LOWMAN JANET G Mailing:2877 AMES ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:04/05/88 Document # :32821 Document Type: Price :$55,000F First TD CO 80214-8519 0056 Prior Sale 01/26/79 8505 $8,000F Lender :FBS MTG CORP Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:240 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$8,320 Total Val:$9,990 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:83 Phone :303/237-3261 Bldg/Lvarea:1710 Yrblt/Eff :1913/1913 # Stories . Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :3 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$32 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-240;-440600-002-0009;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#021939;LA 13000;IA 64700;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 6)Situs:2902 CHASE ST , DENVER CO 80214-8436 APN :39-254-12-001 County: Jefferson CO Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :MARTINEZ JOHN J Own2nd:DONNA J Mailing:2902 CHASE ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:08/17/94 Document # :94137450 Document Type:PERSONAL Price :$72,000U First TD :$68,400C Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$715.00 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8436 C055 Prior Sale 02/20/81 11526 REPRESENTATI F Lender :AMERICAS WHOLESALE LENDER Seller :COLORADO NATIONAL BA Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-fond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:432 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,120 Assd Imp :$5,840 Total Val:$7,960 Assd Year:1994 0sImproved:73 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:824 Yrblt/Eff :/1921 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$87 Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-432;-567400-010-0012;SCHD#021339;LA 16500;IA 45400;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data - 12)Situs:2845 DEPEW ST , DENVER CO 80214-8440 APN :39-254-19-004/02 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$1,147.08 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* SUbdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :MARTINEZ RAYMOND J Own2nd:MARTINEZ NORMA E Mailing:2845 DEPEW ST; DENVER CO 80214-8440 C055 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:08/23/76 Document # :960326 Document Type: Price :$42,500F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type :ATTACHED Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$11,100 Total Val:$12,770 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:86 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct Foundation Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 4;SCHD#022836;LA 13000;IA 86300;69-03-25-440600-005-0011 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-005-0010 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data - 1)Situs:2901 BENTON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8527 APN :39-254-12-023 County: Jefferson CO Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* SUbdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :MEAD LINDA LEE Mailing:2901 BENTON ST; Last Sale Transfer Date:07/29/93 Document # :118627 Document Type: Price :$76,500F First TD :$74,700F Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$734.78 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,190 Assd Imp :$5,990 Total Val:$8,180 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:73 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8527 C056 Prior Sale 09/13/88 91332 $61,000F Lender :BANCOKLAHOMA MTG Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat :FORCED AIR Park Type :DETACHED Air-Cond Park Spaces:240 Site Inf Phone Bldg/Lvarea:900 Yrblt/Eff :/1940 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :4 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$85 Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-240;-567400-010-0013;SCHD#021437;LA 17000;IA 46600;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 2)Situs:2833 SHERIDAN BLVD , DENVER CO 80214-8535 APN :39-254-15-002/02 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :MILES ELIZABETH A Mailing:2833 SHERIDAN BLVD; Last Sale Transfer Date: Document # Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$883.88 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8535 C056 Prior Sale Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,620 Assd Imp :$8,220 Total Val:$9,840 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:83 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 2;SCHD#022334;LA 12600;IA 63900;69-03-25-440600-001-0013-OOA Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-001-0012 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 4)Situs:2901 DEPEW ST DENVER CO 80214-8442 APN :39-254-10-024 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$750.94 Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :NYE CURTIS A Mailing:2901 DEPEW ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:09/29/86 Document # :118694 Document Type:WARRANTY DEED Price :$68,000F First TD CO 80214-8442 C055 Prior Sale 03/86 QUIT CLAIM DEED F Lender :WATERFIELD FIN'L CORP Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:228 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,120 Assd Imp :$6,240 Total Val:$8,360 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:74 Phone :303/238-9140 Bldg/Lvarea:795 Yrblt/Eff :/1920 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :3 Full Baths :2 Half: Total Baths:2 Fireplace :1 Pool $Sgft :$85 Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-228;-567400-008-0013;SCHD#021097;LA 16500;IA 48500;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 13)Situs:5680 W 29 AVE , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-250-05-037-021249Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$755.44 Census: RTSQ :69WO3S25 MapLoc:20-C Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :SCHRODER LAVERNE K Mailing:11039 W 65TH WAY; Last Sale Transfer Date:06/25/92 Document # :76829 Document Type: Price :$61,20OF First TD Exemption ARVADA CO 80004-2718 C051.; Prior Sale 12/03/87 145839 $58,000F Lender :CROSSLAND MTG CORP Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat Park Type :DETACHED Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,620 Assd Imp :$6,790 Total Val:$8,410 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:80 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct . Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 9;SCHD#021249;LA 12600;IA 52800;69-03-25-440600-005-0037-OOA Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-005-0036- Half: ASSESSMENT I Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 16)Situs:2844 DEPEW ST , DENVER CO 80214-8441 APN :39-254-18-014/02 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$928.80 Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :SCHERF SCOTT A OWn2nd:STEWART MARY Mailing:2844 DEPEW ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:06/01/93 Document # Document Type: Price First TD CO 80214-8441 C055 Prior Sale 05/28/93 76273 $87,500F Lender :BANCPLUS SVGS ASSN Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$8,670 Total Val:$10,340 Assd Year:1994 °sImproved:83 Phone Bldg/Lvarea: Yrblt/Eff # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Total Baths: Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Lot Size Construct Lot Area Foundation Zoning Heat Park Type :DESIGNATED AREA Air-Cond Park Spaces: Site Inf Half: Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #2 OF 5;SCHD#021982;LA 13000;IA 67400;69-03-25-440600-004-0029 Legal :TR440600/*SEE PARCEL 69-03-25-440600-004-0028 Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1)Situs:5253 W 29 AVE , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-14-001 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$869 Census:104.03 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* SUbdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :STOLTZFUS VERNON Y Mailing:7185 W 48TH AV; WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:08/08/88 07/20/84 Document # :90828 76013 Document Type: Price :$35,000F $80,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,190 52 Assd Imp :$7,490 Total Val:$9,680 Assd Year:1994 9,;Improved:77 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:978 Yrblt/Eff :/1931 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :2 Half: Total Baths:2 Fireplace :2 Pool $Sgft :$35 Lot Size . Construct :MASONRY Lot Area Foundation Zoning Heat :FORCED AIR Park Type :DETACHED Air-fond . Park Spaces:352 Site Inf Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-352;-567400-012-0012;SCHD#021076;LA 17000;IA 58200;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 9)Situs:2900 BENTON ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-13-001 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$677.28 Census:104.03 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :TRUJILLO JOSE G Own2nd:HUDSON-TRUJILLO JUDY J Mailing:2147 S GOLDEN CT; LAKEWOOD Last Sale Transfer Date:08/31/87 Document # :113197 Document Type:QUIT CLAIM DEED Price First TD Lender :FLEET MTG CORP Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 CO 80227-3606 C022 Prior Sale 10/10/77 860843 $33,800F Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Heat :FORCED AIR Park Type Air-fond Park Spaces: Site Inf Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,190 Assd Imp :$5,350 Total Val:$7,540 Assd Year:1994 %Improved:70 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea:1241 Yrblt/Eff :/1955 # Stories :1 Basement # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :SHED-0195;-567400-011-0012;SCHD#021165;LA 17000;IA 41600;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 10)Situs:2901 AMES ST , DENVER CO 80214-8521 APN :39-254-13-024 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$763.52 Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :VANKEUREN DALE B Mailing:2901 AMES ST; DENVER Last Sale Transfer Date:11/02/71 Document # :140992 Document Type: Price First TD CO 80214-8521 C056 Prior Sale Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:192 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,190 Assd Imp :$6,310 Total Val:$8,500 Assd Year:1994 9;Improved:74 Phone Bldg/Lvarea:1014 Yrblt/Eff :/1937 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :1 Pool $Sgft Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-192;-567400-011-0013;SCHD#021164;LA 17000;IA 49100;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 8)Situs:2875 DEPEW ST , WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APN :39-254-19-003/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* SUbdiv:LAKESIDE RESUB Owner :VENDENA ROXY Own2nd:VENDENA FRANCES Mailing:6105 W 49TH PL; Last Sale Transfer Date: Document # Document Type: Price First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-fond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$674.58 Exemption LUCILLE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3657 C008 Prior Sale Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:SFR Assd Land:$1,670 Assd Imp :$5,840 Total Val:$7,510 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:77 Phone . Bldg/Lvarea:966 Yrblt/Eff :1947/1947 # Stories :1 Basement # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :-440600-005-0008;CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#022835;LA 13000;IA 45400;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR440600/ LAKESIDE RESUB Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 4)Situs:2901 EATON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8409 APN :39-254-09-017 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$705.12 Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :WALDEN VIRGINIA R Mailing 2901 EATON ST; DENVER CO 80214-8409 C055 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:09/29/92 03/28/86 Document # :124583 37022 Document Type: Price :$67,500F $62,500F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-fond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:216 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,190 Assd Imp :$5,660 Total Val:$7,850 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:72 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea:851 Yrblt/Eff :/1927 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :3 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :0 Pool $Sgft :$79 Construct :FRAME Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :SHED-0096;PARKING-216;SCHD#021092;LA 17000;IA 44000;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 3)Situs:2902 EATON ST , DENVER CO 80214-8410 APN :39-254-10-001 Tax Rate Area:3139 County: Jefferson CO Property Tax :$882.98 Census:107.02 RTSQ :69W03S25SE Exemption MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :WILLIAMS ALBERT F Own2nd:WILLIAMS MARTHA M Mailing`:2902 EATON ST; DENVER CO 80214-8410 C055 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date:09/13/77 Document # :790791 Document Type: Price :$26,800F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:1112 Heat :FORCED AIR Air-Cond Site Inf Lot Size Lot Area Zoning Park Type :DETACHED Park Spaces:216 Use:SFR Assd Land:$2,190 Assd Imp :$7,640 Total Val:$9,830 Assd Year:1994 oImproved:77 Phone . Bldg/Lvarea:1166 Yrblt/Eff :/1927 # Stories :1 Basement :Y # Units Total Rooms: Bedrooms :2 Full Baths :1 Half: Total Baths:l Fireplace :1 Pool $Sgft :$22 Construct :MASONRY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :PARKING-216;-567400-008-0012;SCHD#021093;LA 17000;IA 59400;TOPO-LEVEL Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS - Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 2)Situs:2901 SHERIDAN BLVD , DENVER CO 80214-8536 APN :39-254-14-022/01 County: Jefferson CO Census: RTSQ :69W03S25SE MapLoc:20-C* Subdiv:OLINGER GDNS Owner :YOUNG TODD A Own2nd:YOUNG ERIKA E Mailing:2901 SHERIDAN BLVD; Last Sale Transfer Date:08/20/91 Document # :77507 Document Type: Price :$125,000F First TD Lender Seller Title Company: County Use:21120353 Heat Air-Cond Site Inf Tax Rate Area:3139 Property Tax :$1,565.66 Exemption DENVER CO 80214-8536 C056 Prior Sale 06/08/73 140505 F Lot Size :A0.16 Lot Area :6,969 Zoning Park Type Park Spaces: Use:OFFICE BUILDING Assd Land:$3,490 Assd Imp :$13,940 Total Val:$17,430 Assd Year:1994 1;Improved:79 Phone : Bldg/Lvarea:2352 Yrblt/Eff :/1956 # Stories Basement # Units Total Rooms: Full Baths : Half: Total Baths: Fireplace Pool $Sgft :$53 Construct :STEEL/HEAVY Foundation : Roof Cover : Comments :CARD #1 OF 2;SCHD#194362;LA 12020;IA 48080;69-03-25-567400-012-0013 Legal :TR567400/ OLINGER GDNS Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE PREPARED: August 29, 1996 DATE OF MEETING: September 9, 1996 CASE MANAGER: G. Gidley CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-7/Panorama Park Area Large Area Rezone ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from R3 to R-2 and R-1C LOCATION OF REQUEST: Gen. area bounded by W 32nd Ave., W 38th Ave., Pierce St. and Sheridan Blvd. NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AREA: 320 acres PRESENT ZONING: R3 PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant, 1 & 2 family dwellings, library, church & private club SURROUNDING ZONING: Various SURROUNDING LAND USE: Various COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Low density residential DATE PUBLISHED: August 15, 1996 DATE POSTED: August 23, 1996 (not required) DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: August 23, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: () (XX) NOT REQUIRED ( XX) ATTACHED ()NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: ( XX) COMPREHENSVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ()OC )ZONING ORDINANCE ()SLIDES ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) EXHIBRS ( XX) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL This is aCity-initiated proposal to rezone a large area of the City from Residential-Three (R~) to Residential-Two (R-2) or to Residential-1C (R-1 C). City Council initiated this rezoning process by adoption of Resolution No. 1533, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1016. (Copies attached.) The stated objectives of this rezoning proposal are: 1. To preserve and protect predominately low density residential character of the neighborhood. 2. To recognize and exclude existing developed high-density residential uses. 3. To rezone to bring the area into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, which shows Low Density Residential future land use. 4. To rezone to R-1C single-family uses and vacant properties, and to R-2 two-family used properties. II. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The area proposed for rezoning exceeds ten acres. 2. The number of ownership parcels exceeds ten. 3. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use for all properties proposed for rezoning is Low Density Residential. 4. No existing multifamily dwelling used properly is included in the rezone areas. 5. Single family dwelling and vacant properties have been included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential-One C. (R-1 C). 6. Two family dwelling used properties have been included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential-Two (R-2). 7. Institutional uses including public buildings, churches and fraternal clubs have been included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential-One C (R-1 C). III. PUBLIC RESPONSE A. A public meeting was held on March 27, 1996 at the Community Center to which all owners of property in this general area were invited. A general discussion of this proposal occurred. B. Several property owners have responded at the above meeting, by mail or telephone in favor or In opposition to this proposed rezoning. Copies of ail correspondence is attached. Attached Exhibit B Is a map of the area illustrating the location of properties from which we have received a response in favor or opposed to the proposed large area rezoning. C. One of the prime concerns expressed by owners of two family dwellings (duplexes) is that two family dwellings may become nonconforming when rezoned to R-2 because the tot area and lot width do not conform to the R-2 standards of 12,500 square (area) and 100 feet of width. If allowed to remain R-3, the same duplex would require only 9000 square feet of lot area, and 75 feet of lot width. D. A second primary concern expressed was by owners of vacant land that the City is diminishing thevalue of their land by rezoning, thus the City should compensate for the taking, or not rezone their particular property. Additionally, that at least two large vacant parcels are surrounded by existing apartment development III. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Planning Commission held a public hearing on this proposal August 1, 1996, and recommended a qualified approval. There were several corrections that needed to be made in the map, as errors and omissions, yet consistent Council's intent, however two properties where specifically recommended for exclusion from this rezoning process. The following properties were recommended to remain as R-3: Vacant land and a single family home on a large parcel under one ownership located at 3701 Depew St. This includes the two parcels which front upon W. 37th. This property is owned by the Prehn family. 2. Vacant land, which is part of a Larger parcel currently zoned R-2, located at approximately 3709 Jay St., also known as the Davis Property. All other revisions were based upon findings of two family dwellings, or multiple family dwellings which staff was unaware of, or actual drafting errors and omissions in the map. Staff believes that the map has been corrected regarding the errors and omissions, however we have not revised the map to exclude the two properties noted above. N. STAFF CONCLUSIONS A RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for large area rezoning have been met. We further believe that the specific objective set forth by City Council in Resolution No. 1533 have been met, therefore staff recommends approval of rezoning in Case No. WZ-96-7, pursuant with Exhibit A, with the following exceptions: 1. Regarding those two family dwellings which are located upon lots which would become nonconforming if rezoned to R-2, staff recommends excepting the following address from this rezoning: 3650 & 3690 W. 36th PI. 6790, 6778 & 6754 W. 37th Av. 3740, 3745 & 3765 Marshall St 3295 Gray St. 3222 Fenton St. 5785 W. 32nd Av. 5705 W. 35th Av. 3338, 3470, 3480 & 3697 Depew St. 5600 W. 36th PI. 3282,3735 & 3755 Ames St 3701 Sheridan Blvd. 6630 & 6600 W. 38th Av. 3695 Harlan St. 2. Regarding 3709 Jay St., this properly abuts multiple family dwellings on one side (the west) and abuts a nursing home on a portion of the north side. The nature of these adjacencies would not render this property unusable for single family or two family dwellings. Therefore, staff recommends that the R~ portion of this property be rezoned to R-2, so as to be consistent with the balance of the property. An alternative would be to rezone the entire property from R-3 and R-2 to R-iC. GEG:sIw (~~tv0 o~a-~ rrnz-n o~zn ~-~~~ ~~3r O~~ rn z U ~ ~ rn rn N N O O z z rn rn ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ --i 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ r~ ~~ ~ ~ rno J ~ ~' ~ /-d rn~ ~~ rn~ N~ OZ zrn ~~ ~~ ~O O~ ~~ O~ ~O ~d rn m - a ~ c ~ ,r m ~ i ! ~ ~ ~ i ro m .. x W : t g 3 ~ E ~ g ~ _ s 3 ~ ~ nerQ ar ~ r -U 11912 bT ono„ _.~ ~ ~._ ' - ~ XJ Z ~~zn ~ ~"~.~~ • ~ Chi O ~ ~~ w, °`°>r~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ir J rn xl p A ~ r ans sr wl .n~ ~ • "tt Oi1~ aT \ rn ~ ~ ~ g y rn v° raavo sr wanes ar aeawlo sT » »b >w ~~ ~~~ ~ ° x ° >:,, aim ,~ ~ ~ vm amT ~ ~ n w,ow>_ sr ana at~wani sr .mss ¢aT ~ -o ~° '~ ~° N ~_ ~ O Z C un ~ ~ Z ~ ~ Z rn yA y® yp, aQ1 .N01 N19 am yy y A,a aTm SR aw a.9. L- m m ~-~j N m ma an sm m ~ ~ illil i I ~', g ~ ~ -ly W 1 ^ .va aT sv vla aw ms m ami ''~ ~''~~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ i .vr sr ll O V' i.. x -Y t'nB a ~ o~~ k "£ 9 n ,~~11 nm vla an s na, i Y ~ ° A iwHa.°a O i >r m nn .°'^ aav aam O 9w O snr en ,„ 1 .n yy ~~{{ yy L ry 9 v9r Y Y ~ ak ~ M ~ 6 ~ ~ N d ~ HMYAItR ~ V ll~ ~ ~ fr ~ o tlIAY R ~~ I9 - '~ d 71 ! n renw aT {~ p ,V V~~ ~ me ~ M ! N a a>v vl an „ ~ 5• a 5 ~ ~ .;" ~~ ~~ m ~ ~~ m 5p ° S ~ J ~ ~ ~1 g 5_ am a• A ~ ~ ° ,tl~~ ~ ~ ~ >< ~ ~ aun ar 9M1 ]01 r !tltl _~~ '~ ~~ !! ! 19 I ~ MlCN 4T se, z sb~ ~ ~ I~I~I~~'~I ~i''~~ i Wa! R ~~ ®VfW OT wata ar >< _ _ ~ ~ ~ a X ~y~yy W --~ ~- ~G § 26.13 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE Sec. 26-13. Residential-One C District. (FL1C). (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable, medium-density single-family residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium-density residential character. (B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein,except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA and R-1B districts. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA and R-1B districts. (D) Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R•1, R-lA and R-1B districts. (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Plan• ping Commission and city council, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA and R-1B districts. (2) Small day care center, day care center. (F) Deoelopment and Use Regulations-Residential-One C District (R-IC): Maximum Buildirsg Maximum Coaer- Height ages" bfinimum Minimum Lot Lat Area Wuilk"~ Minimum Minimum Franc Minimum Rear Yard Side Yard Yard Setback Setback~°'• ~ ~ Setbackro' One-family dwelling 35' 4096 5,000 of 50' 30"" 5' 10' Group home 35' 409° 5,000 at 50' 30"`~ 5' 10' Detached and attached garage or carport 20' 600 sf 5,000 sf 50' 30"". 5' 10' Private storage shed 20"" 400 sf 5,000 sf 50' 30' 51°' 5" °1 Churches, schools, government and quasi-government build- ings, golf courses 35' 4090 1 acre 200' 30""' 15""' 20' All other buildings 35' 4090 5,000 sf 50' 30^" 5' 10' faI Any side yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback of Chirty (30) feet for all structures. (b) Any rear yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback oC thirty f301 feet for all structures. (c) Front setbacks for structures on lots or portions oC lots which abut cul-de-san may be reduced to ten (10) Ceet for those portions of lots which abut scut-de-aac bulb. ISee Figure 26.5.3.) (dl Any building or structure which houses animals, except a residence, shall be set back fifteen fI51 feet from property lines and at least thirty f30) feet fmm a residence on an adjarent parcel. (e) Minimum setback Cor the first story and five (51 Ceet Cor each additional story. l0 Poultry houses and pigeon coops are limited to a maximum height of twelve (12) feet. (g) Minimum twenty-live (25) percent landscaping required on site. (See section 26.32.) (hl Minimum ten (10) feet oClandscaping is required within the front and aide yard setbacks adjacent to public streets. (See section 26-32.1 (i) Corner lots shall have a minimum lot width oC sixty (601 feet Cor bath street frontages. (Ord. No. 1989.796, § 4, 6.12-89; Ord. No. 1990-827, § 1, 4-9.90; Ord. No. 1992-899, § 1, 6.22-92; Ord. No. 1993-945, § 4, 12-13-93) Supp. No. 12 1712 § 26-13 tVFDi.AT RIDGE CITY CODE K-Z Sec. 26.14. Residential-'I~o District (R•27. (A) Intent and Propose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable low- to moderate-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incom- patible with the residential chazacter. Supp. i\~o. IZ 1712 ZONING A.ND DEVELOPMENT § 26.15 (B) Permitted Prirzcipal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except Cor one I1) or more of the following uses: (11 Same us a~ pernut i•1, R•lA, R•1B and R-1C districts. (2) Two-family c~welling8! (C) Permitted tlcce§sory Uses an °t~,Accessarv Buildirzgs: (I) S~lrle uses as permitted in R•1, R•lA, R-IB and R•IC districts. (D) Conditional Uses: The following sea shall be permitted only upon approval oC the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as set forth in section 26.6(A): (I) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R•IA, R•IB and R-1C districts. (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Plan• ning Commission and city council, fallowing procedures as set forth in section 26.6fB1: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-I, R•IA, R-1B and R•IC districts. (2) Small day care center, day care center. (F) Development and Use Regulations-Residential-Tu;o District (R-2): ,tfanmam bfinimum Building ,5finimum ,tlinimum Front hlinin•.am bfinimum hfarimum Cover. Lot Lot Yard Sidt Ycrd Recr }'crd Height agt'"' Area Width Setbeek Setback°' Setberk'6' One family dwelling 35' 40°0 9,000 sf 75'v' 30"" 5"°' 10' Two•Camily dwelling 35' 4090 12,500 st 100' 30"" 5i°' 10' Group home 35' 409 9,000 sf 75' 30"" 5"" 10' Detached gar¢ge or carport 20' L,000 sf 9,000 sC 75' 30"" 5' S' per unit Private storage shed 20"•' 400 sC 9,000 sC 75' 30' S"•' S"" Churches. schools, government 35' 4090 1 acre Z00' 30"" IS""''a 20' and quasi•govcrnmcnt build tags, golf cov nes All other uses 35' 409 9,000 sf 75'°' 30"" 5t°' 30' fal Any side yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback oC thirty 130) Cee[ (or all structures. (bI Any rear yard which ahuta s public street shall have a minimum setback oC thirty 130) Ccet for all structures. (cl Front setbacks for strvttures on lots or portions oC lots which abut cvl•de•san may be reduced to ten 110) fee[ for those portions of lots which abut a culde-one bulb. ISee Figure 26-5.3.) (d) A total of RReen 1151 feet side yard setback far every individual lot with a minimum oC five IS) feet on one 111 side. (el Any building or structure which houses animals, except a residence. shall be set back fiReen (151 feet. (f) FiR¢en-Coat setback far the Pint story and five I51 Ceet far each additional story. (g) Poultry houses end piguron coops are limited to a maximum height oC twelve 112) feet. (h) Minimum twenty-five 1251 percent landscaping required on site. (See section 26.32.) (i1 Minimum ten 1301 Caot oClandscaping is required within the Cron[ and side yard setbacks adjacent to pu61i< strxeCa. (See section 26.32.) -- (j] Corner lots shall have a minimum lot width of eighty 1801 Ccet Cor bath street frontages. (Ord. No. 1989.796, § 5, 6-12-89; Ord. No. 1990.827, § 1, 4.9.90; Ord. No. 1992-899, § 2, 6.22.92; Ord. No. 1993-945, § 4, 12.13-93) Supp. No. 12 1713 ~~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26-16 Sec. 26.16. Residential•Three District (R•31. (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium- to highdensity residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which aze incompatible with the medium- to high•density residential character. (B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-I, R-1A, R•1B, R-1C, R-2 and R•2A districts. (2) Multifamiiy dwelling. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Same uses as permitted in R•1, R-lA, R-1B, R•1C, R-2 and R•2A districts. (D) Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitied only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA, R•1B, R•1C, R-2 and R-ZA districts. (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted oniy upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Plan- ning Commission and city council, Following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): (Y) Same uses as permitted in R•l, R•1A, R-1B, R-1C, R•2 and R-ZA districts. (2) Small day care center. (See section 26.5, DeFulitions.) (3) Nursing home, home for the elderly or congregate care facility. (4) Day care center. (F) Development and Use Regulations-Residenturl•Three District (R•3): One-family dwelling Two-family dwelling Multifamily,(3 or more dwelling units) Group home Detached garage or carport Private storage shed Maximum Building Maximum Couer- Height a8~" 35' 40% 35' 40% 35' 40% 35' 4090 20' 600 sC per unit 20"0 400 sf/ d tfinimum .'dinimum Lot lot .4rza Wufth 7,500 sC 9,000 sf 12,500141 sf 9,000 sf 9,000 sf 9,000 sf Minimum Finns Minimum Minimum Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Setback Selback~°°' Setback's' 60"» 30,w 75"a 30'"' 100' 30' 75' 30"O 75' 30"" 75' 30' 5' 10' $' 10' 15•w 30"" 5' 30' 5' a" 5nx 5.a, 4 .u. 4090 I acre 200' 30'°" 15"~'''"~ 20' Churches, schools, government 35' and quasi-government build- ings, golf courses, small day care center, and nursing, eld• erly and congregate care homes 5• IO' All other uses 35' 4090 7.500 sf 60"" 30"" (a1 Side end rear yard setback shall be ten 1301 feet for the ^rst two i'Ll stories and an additional five (51 feet for each additional story over two (2) stories. loot Any side yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback oC thirty l30) feet for all structures. fb) Any rear yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback oC thirty [301 feet for all strvctures. Supp. No. 12 1 i 15 ~""' § 26-16 ~ WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE (c) Front setbacks for one- ar two-family dwelling structures on lots or portions of lots which abut cul-de•sacs may be reduced to ten (301 CeeL for those portions of lots which abut a colds-sac bulb. (See Figure 26.5,3) (d) A minimum oC two thousand one hundred 12,1001 square feet of land area shall be required Cor each dwelling unit (or multi- family buildings. (e) Any building or structure which houses animals, except a residence, shall be set back fiReen (15) feet. (() Poultry houses and pigeon coops are limited to a maximum height of twelve (12) feet. (g) Minimum twenty-Cve (25) perrent landscaping required on site. (See section 26-32.) !h) Minimum ten (101 Ceet oClandscaping is required within the front and side Yazd setbacks adjacent to public sheets. fSee section 26.32.! (i) Corner lots shall have a minimum !ot width oC eighty (80! feet for bath street frontages. (Ord. No. 1989-796, § 7, 6-12-89; Ord. No. 1990.827, § 1, 4-9.90; Ord. No. 1992.899, § 4, 6-22-92; Ord. No. 1993.945, § 5, 12-13-93) Sapp. ~u 1'G 1776 (_ C° RESOLUTION N0. 1533 SERIES 0: 1990' TITLE: A RESOLUTION INITIATING REZONING PROCEDURES FOR A LARGE AREA LOCATED IN THE PANORAi~LA PARK NEIGHBORHOOD. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted specific procedures for City Initiated r-e zonings pursuant to Ordinanc=_ No. 1025, Series of 1996; and WHEREAS, Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, is a map which illustrates the general area of the proposed rezoning; and WHEREAS, the purpose and objectives to be achieved by this City initiated large area rezoning are: 1. To preserve and protect predominately low density residential character of the Panorama Park neighborhood. 2. To recognize and exclude existing developed high density residential uses. 3. To-rezone to bring this area into conformance with the. comprehensive clan. _. To rezone from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-Ore C (R-1C) and to Residential-Two (R-2) so as to preserve c~^.=_ low density residential character of the area. NOWTHEREFORE, be it resolved that the Wheat Ridge City Council has initiated a LARGE AREA REZONING by adoption of this resolution and shall forward this proposal to the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendations. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 13th DAY OF June 1996. ~~ Dan Wilde, Mayor A'f1EST: i-; Wanda Sang, City CT, ::,.: ~%_ Cwq?f f13.^..> ~ ~ 1 nj h' ;,u`, "- l / `~'~~c.,a,.r~~ ..0~?..^,t A:.Cr?55 V I~~.'F~pJC~~v(/. Vy_= CITY 0~ NlH.AT ~I ~~ D ~n?n~ ni,~~ of Wheat Ridge ~,.`,P~nning & Development Department ~~ ~~~ d ,~, ~ _ 500 West 24`'~ Avenue f ~I J~i~ O ~ I~gD !at Ridge, CO 60215 U~~ C~~,I L~7 C~ L~ IJ U ~ ~ t7lnl~l`~il~~r', u ~LYLL ~~ r .. ,~.,}tuv.T,ia::al:i:i::i::il i~::II;I.I„fi::I:,:i,:,li::fi:ll::;ls:::i:::(i MASS REZONING QUESTIONNAIRE (~() I DISAGREE with this zoning proposal. ( ) i AGREE with this rezoning proposal. ( ) Only existing developed multi-fiamily properties should be excepted. nA i~ , ( ) Any property owner should have the right to exempt their property. ( ) I believe the rezoning should be to R-2: ( ) I believe the rezoning should be to R-1 A. 1N; r'11t117f~ J~,~~ 2 2 19yo i Cf "ss - ~"3S6 7/17/96 Mr. Glen Gidley Planning and Development Director City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Dear Sir: I have received your notice of proposed rezoning dated 7/10/96, and wish to inform you that I agree with the rezoning of R-3 property to R-1C and R-2. I would like to see more single and two-family dwellings and less multifamily housing. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, C~~ko-~ P. /L~ Anthony P. Glassman 3530 Harlan St. Wheat Ridge, CO EITY OF WHEAT R~~?~E D n2nllnr~ JUL~2 21996 ~ i ~.>t=J I~ U iJ ~~ •i PLANNING & OEYE.;;,~ME,'VF SUL 17 '96 t~9r00RM n ~ The Ciry of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29'" Ave. 'Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 via Farr: Dear Sirs: P.1/2 As the property owner at 3330 Bemm~ St., l am in favor of the proposed change in zoning. I believe the Future of Wheat Ridge lies in maintaining its residential "feel" and to avoid high density residential land holdings. Clearly higher density will require more city services per square mile. Although there maybe some advantage regarding taxes per square mile, I am not certain the benefit offsets the cost. Furthemtore, the appreciation and amreotlon of Wheat Ridge £or futures residents will be increased. It is my opinion a city needs to identify ita main component, whether that is bigh density residential, industtiat, retail commercial, or low density residential- I believe Wheat Iudge is best described as low density residential (single family homes) with light diversity ofthe other types of land use. The proposed action further soHdi>-tes this identity. 1 am confident given the age and existing development of the area under consideration, existing diversity will remain and continue to give Wheat Ridge an excellent cross section of people. S' erely, _~ - ames 1L Maronick Property owner. CITY O~W_~Nn~ n~ GE D JUL 171996 _ ~ ,. 5•v0 `tV'cST 2971-! AVE~iL° ~t.:::T RSOGc, COLORADO 80215 ,~ ti' I }7B C~Of _ ~e~.~ dge ~" ~ July i0, 199E ~~ NOTICE OP REZ ONING HEA_~tING ~sy 3 Dear Proper*_y Cwner: ~. ~~ ~jf ,J 'L/~~r~ ~~~ CC''JJ (d~ :he City Cf 'N heat Ridge =1LV•~[~^..uriC1i, by adoption of Resolnticn _53.3 On .,a+:c^. 1r'. =y~~, he 9-"ST3!'c2'c'it yd'a uca2'CCL rLt rl 'FC~Vr.': iVC: _.. _.. procedure w'tn.n those areas indicated on EX::IBIT A (the map on back of this SheeLj. 1_^_e nroDOSa1 is to rezone existing vacant land and single-far„ily-dwelling-used land from ~tesidential-'r_h~ee _ (R-3} to Residential-.One C (R-1C}, and to rezone existing twc- family-dwelling-used land fror.. Residential-Three (R-3} to Residential-T•ao (R-2). Ex=sting multifamily-dwelling-used prOp2rtleS WCi11d nOt be rez6ned. R-1C.ailows single family dwellings, R-2 a11o«s one and two family dwellings, based upon lot size. As ar. owner cf property included within or adjacent to the Large Area Rezoning, you ar=_ hereby notified of a PIIBLIC Hn.ARING TO HS HEL.?0 BEBORE THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COKMISSION, AT 7:30 P.M., TSII'i2SDAY, AUGUST 1, 199fi, IN THE COUPICIL CHAi•IDERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 7500 WEST 29T& AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. You have the right to appear and testify in favor or in opposition to this proposed rezoning and/or to submit your ceccuments in wr.itirg for the record. T'r_e Plar~ir_g Commission will hold a public hearing and recommend to City Council approval, approval with modifications, or denial of all or portions of this rezoning_ _ _ Upon receiving the Planning Commission recommendation, City Council will hold another public hearing and consider adoption of a Council Bill for rezoning at a future date yet to be established. You will also be notified of that hearing. i Should you have any questions contact Glen Gidley, Planning 2544. TF.A.*+iC YOU! b:\Igarerez.let regarding this proposal, please and Development Director, at 235- CITY OF WHnE^T RIDGE D t ~n ~~ JUL 2 2 1996 _, PLANNING & OEVELOPhi~;:T 13031 234-5900 ADMI NISTRATiON FAX: 234-5924- ppt_IC£.DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 ~'~ n~~;p "' ~N OzO~t ~ ~' `~ ~rrz~r . ~a ~>zt~ ~ ~ ~Q~r C ~ rn~ ~y - ~' ~~ ~~ ~~ t ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ E ~~ j ~ ~ ~~E ~= 7 ~ Z '' l )xL ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ `~ ~ 1 L ~ L ` I ~ L ~ ~ -- u~ } ~ _(~. ~, rn rn w N N 91- "" ~( N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ au s- TT II ~ ~ ...~r ~ rn ~ -~ ~ rn N~ ~~~ z z ~r ~ ~ ~z ~ ~ ~-r ~ ~ O ~ ,~r ~ z ~ U ~ ~ ~ »~« r U ~ C r a.r +ror r /U x> r F"'"r xE r ~wr X ~~ 2 . , .~ r _~ 3 July 30, 1996 Mr. Glen Gidding Department of Planning City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29a` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Dear Mr. Giddings Thank you for speaking with me last week about the rezoning of a portion of Wheat Ridge I purchased my home at 3222 Gray Street three years ago. The prior owner (who had owned it 28 years) had built a "mother-in-law" apartment onto the house. The apartment could be used as a rental apartment - it has it's own entrance, kitchen, bathroom, sitting room and bedroom. My mother currently lives there. When I bought the house, the seller's realtor said that the property was not zoned for a separate apartment but due to the area in which it was located, the apartment was legal. I understood that I needn't have any concerns about renting it. I would like to have our property zoned for RZ for a couple of reasons. I want to be "legal" in having my mother live in my family's home. In the future, if I ever needed to I would like to be able to legitimately rent it. If I ever have to sell my home, it would make it easier for a buyer to feel comfortable renting the apartment as well. My current neighbors know my mother shares the house and (to my knowledge) have no problem with the arrangement; however, future neighbors would be in a position to create difficulties if the property was "improperly" zoned. If you think I ought to hire an attorney in order to fully protect my interests in this regazd, please let me know. If I can avoid it, I would like to. Thank you for your input on this. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, ~~,r,fl...~~z~-t., Rosemary otisi 3222 Gray Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 HM: 274-2874 WK: 403-2524 MEMORANDUM To: Glen Gidley From: Susan Ellis Re: Apartment Inventory Date: September 6, 1996 F WHEgT o ,~ _~ o U m c~CORP00 After researching Jefferson County records, 414 apartment units on a total of 36 parcels were found to be located between Sheridan and Pierce and 32nd Avenue and 38th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. MEMORANDUM of w"Eqr -~ "p ~ a o: City Council " ~' From: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development c o Re: Case No. WZ-96-7/Panorama Park Neighborhood-Large Area Rezoning ~LORPo Dates September 9, 1996 I would advise you of an error in the staff report on page 3 and on Exhibit A. On page 3, staff listed 3222 Fenton Street where 3222 Grav Street is the proper listing. Likewise, Exhibit A should show 3222 Grav Street as being rezoned to R-2 and 3222 Fenton Street as being rezoned to R-1 C. GEGsIw MEMORANDUM of WHE_gr ~ PO Wanda Sang, City Clerk U m From: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development c o Re: Case No. WZ-96-7/Panorama Park Large Area Rezone. °~°RP° Date: September 11, 1996 The staff report for Case No. WZ-96-7 had several errors on page 4 which are corrected as follows: 3640 and 3690 Pierce Street 3222 Gray Street (add) '`"~ ~~~*~~ ~'-~~• (delete) ~~Q~ ~,,,.,,. , ~«.,.,.« (delete) 3460 Depew Street (add) 3~9-2~, 3735_and 3755 Benton Street meet 3292 Ames Street (add) Please attach this memo to your permanent packet information for the record. Thank you. GEGsIw _ _ AA 1nJ2 9 4 -^`7 1 /II i F •~. 1~ i 1 r~ 'd =-~-r~,-~- c~s~.-fie 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 August 23, 1996 me City of ~~ F WHEAT,~o Wheat ~R.idge - cO~ORA~O NOTICE OF REZONING HEARING Dear Property Owner: The City of Wheat Ridge City COUrozl, by adop*ion of oegnl..tion 1533 on June 1D, 1996, has initiated a LARGE AREA REZONING procedure within those areas indicated on EXHIBIT A (the map on back of this sheet). The proposal is to rezone existing vacant land and single-family-dwelling-used land from Residential.-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R-1C), and to rezone existing two- family-dwelling-used land from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-Two (R-2). Existing multifamily-dwelling-used properties would not be rezoned. R-1C allows single family dwellings, R-2 allows one and two family dwellings, based upon lot size. As an owner of property included within or adjacent to the Large Area Rezoning, you are hereby notified of a-PIIBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD BEFORE THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COIINCIL, AT 7:00 P.M., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1996, IN THE COIINCIL CHAMBERS, MDNICIPAL BIIILDING, 7500 WEST 29TH AVENIIE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. You have the right to appear and testify in favor or in opposition to this proposed rezoning and/or to submit your comments in writing for the record. The City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed rezoning ordinance and approve, approve with modifications, or deny all o"r portions oL-,this rezoning. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Glen Gidley, Planning and Development Director, at 235- 2844. THANK YOU! b:\lgarerez.let (303)234-5900 ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234.6924 '• POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 J C~~NO "` orno^~ 1 'T '~ ^ ` , ~~ me Si - ~ ~- W w OCJD ~ ~ ~„ rn a ,,, ,;N~ vu m °" t vx rn 'd >~ ~....ar ~ .~, a„ m z~ 1 ~~ N ~ ~. ~, ~. y~_ ~ [~ rr sr V 1 ~ <r, a nm rrr..r. ~S8 ' ^[5' 69{ ~ ~ ~ ;~ rn rn =~, O O ~g''' z z rn rn ~~ j ~~ 0 0 ~ /~ /~ n m m Z < ~I ~ ' fTi m ~~ N P 8 to -~ l1' n 3 m = L r l1p1fL R L ~J N ~ ~a G> d ~ rn ~ rna•r -` ~ 3 raaus +r ~ ~ rwywi ar /8 ~ yy rn N 7C Y o z z rn .ara.u. sr z . Ug = rr ar ~ O O naau ar O L O wx~. rt ~~ r ~....~ ~>* .ertw ar ,..e sr X ~y= W_ s ~ Y _ _ tl S A C ~~ _-____ ~e~ eve r~s ~ lei -~-~ ~, _ r~~,, G i -F-F ~~c( Cam) ~ 1' ~ ~ , .~, -, v . ~. ~-r~ ~~e~-, ~~ fi ~ lo--2v u~ 32v~~1 ~- ~li ~s~~~ll ,Jnh~~ v~1 ~ ~eo~e,JnL,v~ ~fjh2~t' -~~~~ %~ 3~~ <~Up,' Yoo33 .P,t~Y~Yi ~~ ~S ~Cz) ~O~I ~ 32na1 Psi . -~'l/1 e()C~l a-T~ ~~. 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PRVD min.3 acres 20 units/acre 35' min.10' min.25% setback * a total of fifteen (15) feet in the sideyard setback for every individual lot with a minimum of five (5) feet on one side. ** 90% maximum lot coverage wiUt a minimum 10% landscaping requirement. I t}ris is a quick reference matrix. Please refer to zoning ordinance for detailed standards and requirements. ~I I I INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER ,.. _ . Council Bill No. Ordinance No. _ . Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-THREE (R-3) TO RESIDENTIAL-TWO (R-2) AND RESIDENTIAL-ONE A (R-lA) PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN W. 32ND AVE. ON THE SOUTH, W. 38TH AVE. ON THE NORTH, SHERIDAN BLVD. ON THE EAST, AND PIERCE ST. ON THE WEST., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted specific procedures for City-initiated Lazge Area-Multiple property rezoning by adopting Ordinance No. 1025, Series of 1996, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1533 was subsequently adopted by City Council which initiated a Large Area-Multiple Property rezoning procedure by referring the proposal to Planning Comrission for a public hearing and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 1996 and, pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented, adopted a resolution recommending approval, with modifications, of Case No. WZ-96-7. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: S ti .Upon consideration of the recommendation of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based further testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge Official Zoning Maps are hereby amended to exclude properties from Residential-Three (R-3), and to include those properties in Residential-Two (R-2) and Residential-One A (R-lA) in accordance with Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorpornted herein, said properties being located within Section 25, Township 3, Range 69 West, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ec ~ n Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declazes that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance beazs a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3 Severabilit~ If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4• Tlris ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to .on this day of .1996,. ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on fmal passage set for , 1996, at 7:OOo'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and fmal reading by a vote of _ to ,this day_of , 1996. _. DAN WILDE, MAYOR Wanda Sang, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: - C~+~NO 007! m j ~rnz~t O~Zn ~1--I ~ ~ .,, ~mg ~ ~ Tl r O~~ ~'` W rn rn ~i ,~ _ .i E use 6> z_ A y„ 5COY11T II10 aN AO Ytl N ~, .~ ~ ~n 9n nm k, 1 mT f,S I~ ~ ai 9~ a> ~g O O ~ z z_ rn rn ~ ~ O O N ~ m G m kk ° ~ m d~ rn ~~~ ~ s w .o - ~~ ~ r -U ~ ~~ nl ~ m~ III ~ , ~ ' I mu~r V OII~R ~ 'tl ,aawro lr reano ~* ~ ~._. ~ ~ ~ € ~ ~ rn ~~ £, ~, ~ n ~ ~ ,„ I'''. ~ i C11 ~ O '~ ~ Z _z_rn m '/~~"J~ 00`11 ST /y ~x~p ~ L (~ m ! V W ]Af f~~" ~_._ .MV OT U NT ~i O .aw ~ ''" .' ~, j • ».K.,.. .i O ~ - - ui .m .r° sm• p w O .ti O ,; ~. iV~,'~,, ik ~'i~p~ 5, ~ ~n I _ O 0° - U' L~ ~y V ~f ~ q~~fi ~( ~ ~~~~ ~ i ~9. ','~I.s G~~{f! oer ~g~r'i .. E~.. ~ ~a+ avnn ..,w.r KTQ~ Oi LOf° R w,..r ~~rn/ mrtw sr /\ wear ~ -I ~IE~S~~9~'~~~~~~1~~~ ~~'~48'~.44ES~ ~r li Its L ar~uww :. :. f AGENDA ITEM RECAP _ PUBLIC BEARINGS PROC./CEREMONIES _ BIDS/MOTIONS INFORMATION ONLY QDASI-JUDICIAL Yes CITY ADM. MATTERS CITY ATTY. MATTERS _ LIQUOR HEARINGS PUBLIC COMMENT XX No _ ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS ,~ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING _ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE:. Council Bill on lst Reading providing for the rezoning of a largge area in the Panarama-Park neighborhood from R-3 to R-2 & R-lA. SIIMMARY/RECONMENDATION: This is a Large Area.- Multiple property; City initiated rezoning proposal which, if approved, will result in down zoning of properties currently zoned R-3 to R-2 and R-lA. Planning Commission has recommended APFROVAL, with modifications. Staff recommends approval on 1st Reading; and Public-Hearing set for Sept. 9th. ATTACHMENTS: 1~ Council Bi11 No. 2 3) SIIDGETED ITEM: Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount $ Requested Expend.$ Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SIIGGESTED MOTION: I move for--adoption of Council Bill No. , ordered published, and public hearing be set.for September 9, 1996. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER _ Council Bill No. Ordinance No. Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-THREE (R-3) TO RESIDENTIAL-TWO (R-2) AND RESIDENTIAL-ONE A (R-lA) PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN W. 32ND AVE. ON THE SOUTH, W. 38TH AVE. ON THE NORTH, SHERIDAN BLVD. ON THE EAST, AND PIERCE ST. ON THE. WEST., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted specific procedures for City-initiated Lazge Area-Multiple property rezoning by adopting Ordinance No. 1025, Series of 1996, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1533 was subsequently adopted by City Council which initiated a Lazge Area-Multiple Property rezoning procedure by referring the proposal to Planning Commission for a public hearing and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 1996 and, pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented, adopted a resolution recommending approval, with modifications, of Case No. WZ-96-7. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: i n 1. Upon consideration of the recommendation of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based further testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge Official Zoning Maps aze hereby amended to exclude properties from Residential-Three (R-3), and to include those properties in Residential-Two (R-2) and Residential-One A (R-IA) in accordance with Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, said properties being located within Section 25, Township 3, Range 69 West, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Section 2• Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declazes that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3. SeverabilitX, _If any clause, sentence, pazagraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. _ This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. INTRODUCED; READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of , 1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper. of general ----- - _ _ -r_ ._. circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 1996, at 7:OOo'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to ,this day of , 1996. DAN WILDE, MAYOR Wanda Sang, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: Q207r ~-rnz_-n g ~~z~ ow A -1 ~ ~ w, °'° ark 5 r O ~C\J ~Drr r ""' w V 1 V Y1 rn P ~ee am i mi • r ~ ~~ Yf SW IIl\ $ oie Z , a ,r.. ,m >ti aaawi sr aw ar sa mo N ~, am SM ' ['~ J1Y ST v I ~ ~ IIILII'. JYl 1~~: mm !~~ rn rn N N O O z z_ rn rn ~ ~ I O O I N ~ Am 5 4 ~ s ~ Z rn r~ ~ ~ -~ ; -, a s ~ /~ Z 01 ~. ~OIUR Of13R ~ 3p MixO {r ~ P , 1MN0 R ~ I' f yy~ mY 1WYW.LR /3, M~dWLR , V ~ , ~N ~ rn -o N d O Z '~j /„ Z~ ~' JaY ST U p, 11m ~ O ~~ r ~~~~~ ~_, I ~~~ ~~ p KWAR O3y ~-. _ >~m ~ai• 1, O ~ v d mH n 1 L rv~sua, R O~ _. k t t ~ f =a~ ~ ~ i E s ~, i i. 4 a €6 ~i' I~ 'q ew,,, R i NTM R 4VlR u rn / Senaw sr /~ ..e sr -i _~.,, __ ~ _ _. 's e_ PUBLIC HEARINGS PROq./CEREMONIES _ BIDS/MOTIONS INFORMATION ONLY AGENDA ITEM RECAP QUASI-JUDICIAL XX Yes No _ CITY ADM. MATTERS _ CITY ATTY. MATTERS _ LIQUOR HEARINGS _ PUBLIC COMMENT _ ELEC. OFFICIALS HATTERS ~ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING _ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE:. Council Bill oh 1st Reading providing for the rezoning of a large area in the Panarama Park neighborhood from R-3 to R-2 & R-1:C SIIMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: This is__a Large Area - Multiple property, City initiated rezoning proposal which, if approved, will result in down zoning of properties currently zoned R-3 to R-2 and R-1C Planning Commission has recommended APPROVAL, with modifications. Staff .recommends approval on 1st Reading, and Public Hearing set for Sept. 9th. ATTACHMENTS: I~ Council Bill No. 2 3) BIIDGETED ITEM: 0 0 Yes No Fund Dept/Acct ,~ Budgeted Amount Requested Expend.S Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SIIGGESTED MOTION: I move for adoption of Council Biil Nc. ordered published, and public hearing be set for. September 9, 1996. -4 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER , . z.-_ _ , _ Council Bill No. Ordinance No. Series of 1996 TITLE: FROMM RES DENTIAL THREE (R-3) ORE IDENTIAL--TWO (R-2 IAND RESIDENTIAL-ONE C (R-IC) PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN W. 32ND AVE. ON THE SOUTH, W. 38TH AVE. ON THE NORTH, SHERIDAN BLVD. ON THE EAST, AND PIERCE ST. ON THE WEST., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted specific procedures for City-initiated Lazge Area-Multiple property rezoning by adopting Ordinance No. 1025, Series of 1996, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1533 was subsequently adopted by City Council which initiated a Lazge Area-Multiple Property rezoning procedure by referring the proposal to Planning Commission for a public hearing and recormendation, and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 1996 and, pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented, adopted a resolution recommending approval, with modifications, of Case No. WZ-96-7. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Upon consideration of the recommendation of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based further testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge Official Zoning Maps are hereby amended to exclude properties from Residential-Three (R-3), and to include those properties in Residential-Two (R-2) and Residential-One C (R-1C) in accordance with Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, said properties being located within Section 25, Township 3, Range 69 West, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. S cf n 4afPiv ['lause. The City Council hereby fmds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfaze. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought.to be attained. Section 3 Severabilitv. If any clause, sentence, pazagraph, or part of this ordinarice or the. application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of , 1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 1996, at 7:OOo'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to ,this day of , 1996._ _ DAN WILDE, MAYOR Wanda Sang, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: ti i QUASI-JUDICIAL `~ Yes No x PUBLIC HEARINGS _ _ PROC./CEREMONIES _ _ BIDS/MOTIONS- INFORMATION ONLY AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Council in the Panorama Park neighb~ SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: See ATTACB2SENTS 1) Council Bill #40 2) Staff report & packet 3) CITY ADM. MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _ CITY ATTY. MATTERS ORDINANCES FOR 15T READING LIQUOR HEARINGS x ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING PUBLIC COMMENT RESOLUTIONS Bill No. 40/Proposal to rezone a large area ~rhood from R-3 to R-2 and R-1C attached staff report. BUDGETED ITEM Yes No Fund _ Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount S , Requested Expend.S Requires. Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: I move for adoption of Council Bill 40, which includes Exhibit A, on Second Reading. OPTION A: Revise Exhibit A to exclude those existing two-family dwellings which would become nonconforming if rezoned to R-2, as detailed by the staff report. OPTION B: In addition to the above revision, rezone all of the Davis property (approximately 3709 Jay Street) to R-1C. OPTION C: In addition to the above revision, rezone the existing R-3 portion of the Davis property (approximately 3709 Jay Street) to R-2. PLEASE NOTE: Council may desire to vote separately on those properties within Exhibit A, which belong to Council member DiTullio (3250 Newland Street) and Council member Fields (3270 Fenton Street). You may additionally desire to vote separately on the Prehn and Davis properties. S s CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE PREPARED: August 29, 1996 DATE OF MEETING: September 9, 1996 CASE MANAGER: G. Gidley CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-7/Panorama Park Area Large Area Rezone ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from R~ to R-2 and R-1C LOCATION OF REQUEST: Gen. area bounded by W 32nd Ave., W 38th Ave., Pierce St. and Sheridan Blvd. NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT{S): City of Wheat Ridge ---- APPROXIMATE AREA: 320 acres PRESENT ZONING: R-3 PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant, 1 & 2 family dwellings, library, church & private club SURROUNDING ZONING: Various SURROUNDING LAND USE: Various COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Low density residential DATE PUBLISHED: August 15, 1996 DATE POSTED: August 23, 1996 (not required) DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: August 23, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ENTER INTO RECORD: ( XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX )ZONING ORDINANCE ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( XX) OTHER () (XX) NOT REQUIRED ( XX) ATTACHED ()NONE ( XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( )SLIDES ( XX) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. s ~ I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL This is aCity-initiated proposal to rezone a large area of the City from Residential-Three (R3) to Residential-Two (R-2) or to Residential-iC (R-1 C). City Council initiated this rezoning process by adoption of Resolution No. 1533, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1016. (Copies attached.) The stated objectives of this rezoning proposal are: 1. To preserve and protect predominately low density residential character of the neighborhood. 2. To recognize and exclude existing developed high-density residential uses. 3. To rezone to bring the area into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, which shows Low Density Residential future land use. 4. To rezone to R-iC single-family uses and vacant properties, and to R-2 two-family used properties. I1. FlNDINGS OF FACT 1. The area proposed for rezoning exceeds ten acres. 2. The number of ownership parcels exceeds ten. 3. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use for all properties proposed for rezoning is Low Density Residential. 4. No existing multifamily dwelling used property is included in the rezone areas. 5. Single family dwelling and vacant properties have been included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential-One C. (R-1 C). 6. Two family dwelling used properties have been included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential-Two (R-2). 7. Institutional uses including public buildings, churches and fraternal clubs have been included on Exhibit A for rezoning to Residential-One C (R-iC). ID. PUBLIC RESPONSE. A. A public meeting was held on March 27, 1996 at the Community Center to which ail owners of property in this general area were invited. A general discussion of this proposal occurred. E3. Several property owners have responded at the above meeting, by mail or telephone in favor or in opposition to this proposed rezoning. Copies of ail correspondence is attached. Attached Exhibit B is a map of the area illustrating the location of properties from which we have received a response in favor or opposed to the proposed large area rezoning. C. One of the prime concerns expressed by owners of two family dwellings (duplexes) is that two family dwellings may become nonconforming when rezoned to R-2 because the lot area and lot width do not conform to the R-2 standards of 12,500 square (area) and 100 feet of width. If allowed to remain R3, the same duplex would require only 9000 square feet of lot area, and 75 feet of lot width. D. A second primary concern expressed was by owners of vacant land that the City is diminishing thevalue of their land by rezoning, thus the City should compensate for the taking, or not rezone their particular property. Additionally, that at least two large vacant parcels are surrounded by existing apartment development 911. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Planning Commission held a public hearing on this proposal August 1, 1996, and recommended a qualified approval. There were several corrections that needed to be made in the map, as errors and omissions, yet consistent Council's intent, however two properties where specifically recommended for exclusion from this rezoning process. The following properties were recammended to remain as R3: 1. Vacant land and a single family home on a large parcel under one ownership located at 3701 Depew St This includes the two parcels which front upon W. 37th. This property is owned by the Prehn family. 2. Vacant land, which is part of a larger parcel currently zoned R-2, located at approximately 3709 Jay St., also known as the Davis Property. All other revisions were based upon findings of iwo family dwellings, or multiple family dwellings which staff was unaware of, or actual drafting errors and omissions in the map. Staff believes that the map has been corrected regarding the errors and omissions, however we have not revised the map to exclude the two properties noted above. N. STAFF CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS _ Staff concludes that all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for large area rezoning have been met. We further believe that the specific objective set forth by City Council in Resolution No. 1533 have been met, therefore staff recommends approval of rezoning in Case No. WZ-96-7, Y pursuant with Exhibit A, with the following exceptions: 1. Regarding those two family dwellings which are located upon lots which would become nonconforming if rezoned to R-2, staf} recommends excepting the following address from this rezoning: 3650 & 3690 W. 36th PI. 6790, 6778 & 6754 W. 37th Av. 3740, 3745 & 3765 Marshall St. 3295 Gray St. 3222 Fenton St. 5785 W. 32nd Av. 5705 W. 35th Av. 3338, 3470, 3480 & 3697 Depew St. 5600 W. 36th PI. 3292,3735 & 3755 Ames St. 3701 Sheridan Bivd. 6630 & 6600 W. 38th Av. 3695 Harlan St. 2. Regarding 3709 Jay St., this property abuts multiple family dwellings on one side (the west) and abuts a nursing home on a portion of the north side. The nature of these adjacencies would not render this property unusable for single family or two family dwellings. Therefore, staff recommends that the R3 portion of this property be rezoned to R-2, so as to be consistent with the balance of the property. An alternative would be to rezone the entire property from R3 and R-2 to R-1 C. GEG:sIw c~~NO ran O~O-n rrnz~ ~ ~• !\ mon €€ ~ - -- _~ z~ ~~ N 4Efi ~E€ Ea J ~g O O z z rn m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O A ~ N ~ m Z ~ r rn ~ P ~ ~ ~ n 3 m ` ~ 'S ~nr ~'!FS ~t}n~ I i~ ,,, Y ~~~, s { 1 IE pF e. s ~, ~ r ~ a. ro u~s~ ~~ed •i ~ s x~ zn :rz _~ t 'S -~ d J ~ r - ~.~.. ~ 0 N ~ ~ 'I r' d` ~ ~ I ~- ''j ~ mM.e V LL L 3 ~ ...,~n a -~ -- ny / V _ Cfi{ ~ N O Z Z rn A ~ V .r., n ~ O xl ! ~ O MM1/ R t -~y 1 O O O L hpiuw n ~ r au~n { rx+2w n 1 - - - ~umin ~~ -WVIR .~.r X W -..e.r rwow xw - wuuv. : : 3 ~ ; 'x ' a CQ X W Y Y s s ~ ~ € ~ uo« li M„G. - __- Y~ x u uteri _~~ li NpLN u pow if l\iO O O u.vm«~ 0 u nirwv O O ~ u ar ~ W - ~ --1e-+w.. Z O a N ~ w iY 1. lMAYAi ~ ~ Q W L dY~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ 0 ~ J Q -. r 3 1`~'°• ~ ~~~ Q N~ I.L 1 W O O\ O ~ a.. i ip & i~~8'. ` i € (~ as av ~` '~ f N ~ .~ da ,~ C 3 1G Tq Q~ 4 qq .. p ,~ .R ~~ <,. ~ ~ m n.. < ~ O T _ J ~ ~~ ~ $ (~ ~ l[ o!O ~ ~J ~ !~/ L ~zwlO p0~0 ~~ ~~ r "~ i w m F ' n Ll 1 u ' tl ,p N ° ~ P W ~s W Z W N W K § 26-13 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE Sec. 26-13. Residential-One C District. (Rr;C). K- /G (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable, medium-density singIe•family residential neighborhoeds, and to prohibit activities of any nature which aze incompatible with the medium-density residential character. (B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or Iand shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-IA and R•1B districts. (C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA and R-1B districts. (D) Conditional Uses: The folIcwing uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-lA and R-1B districts. (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Plan- ning Commission and city council, following procedures as set forth in section 26.6($): (1) Same uses as permitted in A-1, R-lA and R-1B districts. (2) Small day care center, day care center. (F) Development and Use Regulations-Residential-One C District (R•I C): M¢rimum Minimum Mirsimum Building bfinimum Minimum Front Mirsimum Bear Maximum Cover- Lot Lo[ Yard Side Yard Yard Height age's' Aron Wdth"' Setback SeUxick'°'-'O Setbaek'"' One•Camily dwelling 35' 40% 5,000 of 50' 30"" 5' ~ 10' Group home 35' 4090 5,000 sf 50' 30"" 5' 10' Detached and attached garage or cerPort 20' 600 sf 5,000 aC 50' 30"° 5' 10' Private storage shed 20"" 400 sC 5,000 sC 50' 30' 5"°' S"°' Churches, schools, government and quasi-government build- ings, golf courses 35' 40% 1 acre 200' 30""' 15""' 20' Atl other buildings 35' 40% 5,000 st 50' 30"" 5' !0' fa) Any side yazd which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback of thirty (301 feet Cor all atrueturo. (b) Any reaz yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum ae[back et thirty (301 Ceet for all atructurn. ld Front setbacks for atrvcture!f on lots or portions oC lots which abut NI-de•saca may be reduced to ten (30) Ceet for those portiaru oC lots which abut a culdo-sac bulb. ISee Figure 265.3.1 (d) Any building or structure which hausea animals, except a residence, shall be set back fiReen (15) teet from property linen and at least thirty f301 feet from a residence on an adjacem paroel. (e) Minimum setback Car the first siery and five 151 feet for each additional story. (A Poultry houses and pigeon coeps are limited to a maximum height oC twelve (121 feet. Igl Minimum twenGyCive (25) pemnt landscaping required on site. (See section 26-32.) (h) Minimum ten (30I Ceet of landscaping is required within the front and aide yard setbada adjacent to public afresh. (See section 26-32.) (i) Corner lots shalt have a minimum lot width oC sixty (601 feet for both street frontages. ford. Na. 1989-796, § 4, 6-12.89; Ord. No. 1990-827, § 1, 4.9.90; Ord. No. 1992.899, § 1, 6-22.92; Ord. No. 1993-945, § 4, 12.13-981 Supp. No. l2 1712 § ?5.1~ WFi=gT RIDGE CITY CODE Sec. 26.14. Residential-Two District (R•21. (Al Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable low- to moderate•density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which arc incom• patible with the residential character. Supp. \o. 1? 171? ~~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 25.16 Sec. 26.16. Residential•Three District (R•3). (A) Intent and Purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium- to high-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium- to high-density re9dentiat character. B) Permitted Principal Uses: No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R•2 and R•2A districts. (2) Multifamily dwelling. (C) Permitted 1~ccessory Uses and Accessory Buildings: (1) Same uses as permitted in R-l, R-lA, R•1B, R•1C, R-2 and R•2A districts. (D) Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, following procedures as set forth in section 26.6(A): (1) Same uses as permitted in R-1, R•lA, R-IB, R-1C, R-2 and R-2A districts. (E) Special Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only anon anpmval of the Wheat Ridge Plan- ning Commission and city council, following procedures as set forth in section 26-6(B): (1) Same uses as permitted in A-1, R-IA, R•1B, R-1C, R•2 and R•2A districts. (2) Small day care center. (See section 26.5, Definitions-1 (3) Nursing home, home for the elderly or congregate care facility. (4) Day care center. (F) Deoelopment and Use Regulations-Residential•Three District (R-3): Mazimum Minimum Building .Minimum .'.firsimum Fnarst ,Minimum bfinimum Mazimum Couen Lot fat Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Height age'" Area Width Setback SettSack'•°' Setbacks, One-family dwelling 35' 40% 7,500 sf 60"" 30"" 5' 30' Two-family dwelling 35' 40% 9,000 sf 15"" 30'"' S' 30' Multifamily (3 or more dwelling 35' 40% 12.600i°' sC 100' 30' 16"" 30"•' unitsl Group home 35' 4090 9.000 sf 76' 30"" S' ID' Detached garage or carport 20' ~ 600 of 9.000 sf i5' 30"" 5' ., per unit Private storage shed 20"" 400 s(1 9.000 sf i5' 30' S"•' S"•' 4 d.u. Churches, schools, government 35' 909° 1 acre 2[10' 30""' 15"•'•'"' 20' and quasi-government 6uild~ ingr, golf rnurses, small day tare center, and nursing, eld- erly and congregate <are homes All other us<s 35' 4090 ;.500 sf 60"" 30"" 5' 10' (al Side and rearyard setback shall be ter. 1301 feet Car the first two I'2I stories and an additional five (51 Ceet foreach additional story over two (21 stories. (aa) Any side yard which abuts a public scree[ shall have a minimum setback of thirty (30) feet Cor all structures. fb) Any rear yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback of thirty (301 feet for all structures. Sapp. No. 12 171$ ~~~~ n CS^_Y Or W=EST RIDGE, COLO?:_?DO INTRODUCnD BY COUtiCIL MEM~nR DiTULL20 P cou_zcil 3i11 No. lo' INNING & DfyFLOPMfNT Ordinance tio. 1025 -- Series o= 1990 _TLE : 1N OED1v1wCE EST?3L1S _~:~ _. ?ROCEDL'RE F03 ~ __ _ _ -- INITIITED REZONSNG WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Co-de of Laws does nct expressly prOVide fOr City-in1t13ted reZOn_^c y' O= r 31 prOpertV; ?;d -- 4iHEREAS, In order CO LL'rther _mp lenient the _COmpre~e nS TLC ?:~.- Bnd the desires 0=. the res_oe `its, auC^ aDrOC2Cli°~--5^OC-_C .^_? ... adopted and made available to tce Counci'_. 3E LT ORDAINED 3Y THE C=__ COQ?~C__ ,.r -__-,.- - „_ "'_--- ==~Cc. COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section i. Section 25-3 of the Wheat Ridge Code o Lai.•s i. . am2ilded bV the ddd_tiOR Ot 3 ne4i S;:~geCt'_O^. C-, t0 r2=^: (G) PrOCed L're fOr C?tV-?nit'_ated Rc.'ZOn'^v: T'he C1tV sh311 ha-ve au_::O_1 :. _O _-._t:ate _e_~^___ .. Of t[le enr i __ l.i tV Or pOrC_O.^._ O_ ~-.~ C.l t. -^ aC.'^_Cn--..c - .. `:iith t''_S SL'SSeCtlOn-G. _. (=; Appl_cability. Tnis rezoning procedure apalies to city-wide a,,^.d large-area, multiple-property. rezoning initi- ated by the Wheat Ridge City Council. To be eligible for this proc=_dure, large-area, multip h property rezoning must include at -least ten (10) -- separate Ownership parcels, and at least tea (10) acres in total combined area. Large-area, multiple nrooerty rezoning is permitted under this subsection G only in orde_* to rezone property---to a less intensive (lower) zone cat=gory; for example, f,-om Commercial-One.{C-~) to R°strlcted-Commercial (R-C) or from Residential-Three (R-3i :,., Residential-One {R-1). Rezoning to a n• Agricultural zone district from any other zone d15tr1Ct shall nOt be COnSldered d- I'e ZOn1nC CO 3 less intensive zone catecory. (2) Procedure and Notic=_ (a) General: The Council may, at a_regular or special meeting, initiate tF:is rezoning proce- =~\51027\`33302.; gore b ac ___ y DL_on o._ rtaolu~_on _~_ _o__n ~_._ C.- Oi the Or0003ed rBZCn_ ~tat__ _~_ :nt :O' d Ourp03e ano Ob] eCt' L"e3 t0 ~~._ aOhit"i td bb" the reZOninC, and __'e'^-'ing ChB- ~T.:a teen CO C_z %V ne=_ =qge ?' ann_ng COmrZSa10A t0.r a Oi~bl10 near.: c_. `. rtcomme^.dation. (b) ?1=_a-inc Commission ?.ct=o-~. Notice 2equirements a. City-Wide- P.eZOn1.%C: S'lhere a C1tY-wide or comprehensive rezon=ng has been initiated by the Council, notice shall include publication of a public hearing notice in a newspaper of general cirC_uTatlOn at least fifteen (15) days Or10r t6 Che data Of the publi0 .:!taring, idh iCil notice shall inc lode a dtscr' at? or. of the proposed rezoning and a rap which- 111LStrateS tilt geOgraD hlC e:Ctent OL ti?e proposed rezoning. b. ~argt-Art=, Ntuitiple ?r~pert Rezoning: =_ large-area, multiple nroD, arty =ezoninc shall, in additior_ to the newspaper nou ce rtqu_red by subsectioc (a} o _-is paragraph, bt noticed c=_rt_:.ed mail notice sent to all owners of record of real. ,roptrty included Cv itil2n ti!°_ Brea t0 bey rezoned at least fifteen (i5) days prior to the date o' publi0 iledring. 2. ?13In1ng Commission Re Ji eW: The Plan::_rg Commission shall hear and consider anV eVldenCe Or statement presented by city staff or by any person in attendance at tilt hearing. The ?fanning Commission shall make a recommendation to City Council to approve, approve-with modifications or deny ti:=_ rezon- ing proposal. The Commission's recommendation shall be based upon the facts presented in the public hearing in consideration. of the crit=_ria for review specified in Section 26- 6 (C) (3) (b) . (c) City Council Action. Upon rtCelpt of the Planning Commission's recommendation., the City Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposal. The hearing conducted on second reading of the proposed rezoning ordinanc=_ sha h sa~isfv this requirement. Notice of the hearing shall bt ce~wa~~~Lae,oz.; - 2 - tfe-aa-ie dg ~ Or -e 7 ~-a ~_ ~ C ~ . ~_ _ i___ ng C~ .^.._8510:: 7°_?'^i r. nOweo-er 7iib ~ icali{-0Z: O_° the OrC-' ~=^Ce = ~i _'ead In t0 Wither w1t e r~ - _ O_^ _>_5z 'g• g'- -- to ~CL'lred .,r 5^-_7 ^~~' -' the P_e WS~aDer i7. u`JllCati Ois reGiillre'e_^_t ,' .. S.^.°_ l.1ty COU*!C11, 1P_ dCd1t1OP_ t0 CD~s1Ce=at1C' Ot the ? i ann i ng CO:^-.G11 S310n •'~COr ~ ^ i 1 nett , s:^.c addltlonal eVid2nCe anC1 test lCA:1/ `~re5ented and eithzr doarove, approve with -od1_1ca`1ons, or rzject thz ordinance. Trle City Council si:all bast 1t5 deC'_51On Cl?O.^. all eVidg P.Ce ~r°Se~t_d, with Clue COnglderdtlOn O_ the Criteria 'Or review dg get - =ortrl under szction 26-5(C) (3) (b) . SeCt10n 2. SdLetV C1aL18°_. _ 'f' _ - . ('.. C1tY CviinCil ^?'^ebV -~Cc detel'CiI1P_eS, and CeCidr.°.S thdt _ ..5 OYdindlC? -i8 pr0iilu lg3ted U3^e"- ~- the General pO11oe power O' the City OL i'li:2at R1dge, thaC _y 5- i ~ i prOiT:u lgaCeC LOr the health, sa=etV, and Wel°=re OL tole Ol:bliC c that thls Ora1P_ai:C° '_5 ne C~?55$rV 'Or the p"e5erv3tiO3 O° tledlt^ a"d _ 53etV and LOr the DrOteCt lOn O'_ pCIb 11C CO:'_-v:e^ienCe d"lC we? -- lae C1ty COCIRC1l _'urCiler C~tB r':1 ne5 that t 6 OrG1n3 ^'-e ____c= - - - ' ... :J~'.r8 rdt10Ra1 relation tO the DrOper legislative object sought to bz attainzd. SOCt.iOn 3. .S.everab111tv._ _: d_^.V C1ayS_, g_..~tdnC:, Darag=?II:!, Or part O. ~ _ ^rC - _ _ tn15 ~ 1n3 nCe Or =0011CdtlOn t.^.__2J= tO a:1V D?=s0^ Or C1rCc~5tanCeS Sh311 iOr dnV reagOn be ~Lidged Ov a CO L'r t. Oi CO"^°_ tent jlirlSd lCtiO.^. 1*!':a11C, SCI C:^. juCCi[Ic~'tt S.^.d l! S:Ot a:=eCt, 3iaa:" or invalidate the rzr.;aindzr o t;:is Ordinanc=_ or its application to oche- oersons or circumstances. Section ?. ".,~e~,tive.Date. 1.115 Jrdi n3 nCe 5hdll Ca<°_ eL=~Ct on June 1~, 1995. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on First reading b_i a vote o= 8 to - 0 on t!:is 22nd Gay o~ April, 1995,-orce red nubli5hed in lull 1n a nzwspaper OL general C1rCCilatiOn in the C1tV Of td heat Rydg3 and Public Hearing and coasia~ration o~ 'i~a1 oassace szt nor Ka I 1996, at 7:00 o_'c_ock p.m., i- the Counc_l Cham',^,ars, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.- READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and :ina? reading by a vote o= $ to ~ this 13th day o`_~fay ,y96_ GcD\S1C2~\I:8902.3 .. -- _ __-_. _. '--'"'-3_ SIC-N.D by the i.,~•:or ..- ..-.-' 20c4 d'v o_ Meg. `TTEST. ;dNDA S?VG, CITY CLSR{ \. D3:V W_LD°, vtw03 ~_ A??ROVED AS TO cORt•? 3": Ci ATTORNEY GERALD ... D?~:L, Ci .'v ATTOR~?E_ 1st Publicatio, ~1oril Zo, 1990 tad ?L'lJI1Cat i O~ : ;tay 24, 1996 'Meat Ridge- Tra~.script E~=ective Date: Sure 11, !995 _e_ GE7\i]72%\-3B9C2.. -- _ __ r RESOLUTION N0. 1533 SERIES OF 1990 mrTLE: A RESOLUTION INITIATING REZONING ?ROCED-u~ES FOR A i?<GE A.FEA LOCATED IN THE ?.~NOR.1i~IA D1.RK NEIGH 30RHOOD. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted specific procedures for City Initiated r~zonings pursuant to Ordinanc=_ No. 1025, Series of 1995; and WHEREAS, Etch lbi t A, attached hereto and -' P.COrI7or2ted betel n, 15 a map which Illustrates the general area o~ the proposed rezoning; and WHEREAS, the purpose and objectives to be achieved by this City initiated larg=_ area rezoning are: 1. To preserve and protect predominately low density residential character of the ?anorama ?anti neighborhood. 2. To recognize and exclud=_ e.<isting d>_veloped high densit.. residential uses. 3. To r=_zone to bring this area into conformance with the comprehensive plan. -. To rezone from Residential-Thr=_e (R-3) to R=_sidential-Or.=_ C (3-1CJ and to Residential-:wo (R-2) so as to ores=_rve t^=_ -- low density residential character of the area. NOWTHEREFORE, be it resolved that th=_ wreat Ridge City Council has initiated a LARGE ARE:1 REZONING by adoption of this resolution and sha11 forward this proposal to the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendations. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 13th DAY OF Jun=_ 1996. ~~ Daa Wilde, Mayor A•rrEST: ,~ .-,, ; ~ ~ , Wanda Sang, City CT. ?acre No ~ Z ~ i ! ~ Z S CITY CF NJH=AT RIr1r,r r- , ~ ~ of Wheat Ridge D I ~n;.r?11 •~i.~f~nning 8~ Development Department 1;~; 0 ,. ,~ ~ 500 West 29`" Avenue d~i~ ~ 1~9D ~Jat Ridge, CO B0215 ?i.;iYiil?iG ?: Dcli;:iQ?;S{~+(j,i.`~ ~' ~ i' I I t: f` it II " I 1I + n:.l ::.:::.. ~L:aisl:~ni:: i n; Itli .c i:n;!a::al~: : um::! ::: MASS REZONING QUESTIONNAIRE ()() I DISAGREE with this Eezoning proposal. ( ) I AGREE with this rezoning proposal. ( ) Only existin4 developed multi-family properties should be excepted. ~A r. ( ) Any property owner should have the right to exempt their property. ( ) I believe the rezoning should be to R-2. ( ) I believe the rezoning should be to R-1 A. 7 ~SoS 7~~~- _ _ __7/r~~..9G ---- __ _ _ _... - - - __ _ _ LJ~ ~ =- oP- 3 _ _ y2r- z3~y ~~.~i _ -~ i ~~ Iw / ~ ~~/ ~~ s~ ~ / \/ 7/17/96 1Vir. Glen Gidley Planning and Development Director Ciry of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Dear Sir: I have received your notice of proposed rezoning dated 7/10/96, and wish to inform you that I agree with the rezoning of R-3 property to R-IC and R-2. I would like to see more single and two-family dwellings and less multifamily housing. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, ~~~~ Anthony P. Glassman 3530 Harlan St. Wheat Ridge, CO CITY OF WHEAT R~nr,E .r~2~~nr JUL 2 21996 ~ J, ~L • ~, PLANi'liPiu & DEb'i:~;,,~iNt~~T JL1L 17 '96 09~00FlM P. 12 The City of Wheat Ridge 7500 Wesr 29'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 via Fax: Dear Sirs: As the property owner at 3330 Benton SY., I am in favor of the proposed change in zoning. I believe the future of Wheat Ridge lies m maintaining its residential "feel" and to avid high density residetfial land holdings. CIeazly higher density will require mare city services per square mile. Aidtough there may be some advantage regarding taxes per square mile, I am not certain the benefit offsets the cost. Ftudtermore, the appreciation and aarection of Wheat Ridge for future residents will be increased. It is my opinion a city needs to identify its main component, whether that is high density residential, industrial, retail commercial, or low density residential. I believe Wheat Ridge is bast described as Iaw density residential (single family homes) with light diversity of the other types of land usc. 'I'tte proposed action further solidifies this identity. l am confident given the age and existing development of the azea under consideration, existing diversity will remain and continue to give Wheat Ridge an excellent cross section of people. S' eiy, ~ ~~ ~~ awes R. Mazoniclc Property owner. C11Y pF WHEAT RIDGE ~ ~r~nn nr~ JUt 1 71996 ~~ PLANNIi". DF':C. ;. %at' `tJcST 2$T}-4 AVCctii:.~c 4~.. _ ~i FiCGc, COLORADO 80215 t jib III ///Jvr ~~ ~ ~ Q Q Tha C+!y o:' ~~~~.~ • dge }"Y~ ~, NOTICE OF REZONING HEA_~ING / ~ ~s j 3 r ~, 7~ July i0, 199b Dear ?rcper*_y Cwner: ~} ~~ ~/}{ar~ ~~~ ~~ ~ _ (~~ ~: he Cay Of Nh°_at ~idC? .,it',y CVllnCll, b'JCJadeDtio.- ^f `.~d SO1L`.i CR _~33 .~Q^,C 1C 19.^.; ha^~--~dz~~3 i:r.FcGE ~it:,.Y~:c~~,vc:=,iv _..__. procedure within those araas•indicated on SYI3S: A (the map on back of th is sreet} , T:^_a oroDCSaI is to rezone existi-g vacant .C and and sirgle-familV-dwelling-ll5ed land from ~e5ldentlal-T~~re.e (R-3} to RneSld°_nti3l-Cne C (~-1C), and to r=_zore existing two- family-dwelling-us=_d land from nesldentlai-Three (A-3; to Resid=_ntial-'I`ao ,~-2)- Existing multifa:..i1y-dwelling-used DrODertle5 wC1.1.id not be rezoned. 12-1C a11Ow5 single fam11V dwellings, <-2 allows Cne and tWO family dwe111P.y^5, based upon lot size. As ar. owner cf proper~y included :.'itl'!1.P. er ad]acent tc .the Larce Area Rezoning, you are hereby notified of a PL3LIC EEARING TO 3E HELD $EFORE THE +r~EAT RIDGE PLANNING COP4:ISSION, AT 7:30 P.M., THURSDAY, AIIGUST 1, 1995, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL 3IIILDING, 7500 WEST 29TH AVELQIIE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. You have the richt to appear and testify in favor or in cpposition to this propcsed rezoning and/or to submit your com:rents in writing for the record. .he ?lapping Cotrcni.-,-.-,.ion will hold a public hearing and recommend to C_ty Council approval, approval with modifications, or denial of all or portions cf this rezoning. _ _ L•pon receiving the planning Commission recoc~anendation, City Council will hold another public hearing and consider adoption of a Council Sill for rezoning at a future date yet to be established. You will also be notified cf that hearing. Should you have any ulestlOns regarding this proposal, please contact G'_e: Gidley, Planning an3 Development Directo=, at 23~- 2844. TF.AIQK YCU! b:\lgarerez.iet CITY OF WfiE^T 41DG E O ~n,~ I JUL 2 2 ~sss _. ~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMu1T ;303) 234-56x7 ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 P6LICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235.2949 ~ol'.-,~ - -- ~~I~7 ~ ~=O~ ~ i rnz-n : ~ ~, ~~,, O ~ Z ~ - ,r"' 1 ~ ~ IU` 3 ~ ~ ~ ; ~:~ ~`~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~j~ C~ O ~' 3 r- ~~ ! ~)J £ ` ~' J~ \a ~ i_ ~ ~ t~ ro ~ ~ ~ i ,= >r j ~ ~ . ~~~ ,1 ~ J~ f ~ ~ , ~ ~ fv I \ ~„ ~ ~ I ti `a ~ ,~ ~ i. 3~ i ~..,, ® I@ JJTT ~ ~ ~ L•. 7 r 3 T~ iT \~,'~n` ~7 Z7 ~~ W N ~ i~ `' O O ~~ ~,~ z z S' rn ~ rn , J I S~ I t U J , J~ l ~ ~ O -~~~~~~. '~_i ~ ~ ~f 3 fzt._ I `' ;~ ~ ~.. s ,, I I I ~ i I :~;~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ., ~,u., ;~, j n ~' I, .. ,,., ~~ ~ ~ I 'vn. ~ ~ ~e~f I I~~~~ is Y~ I=II I~ • (~v.~r E ~.t "~y ~.n ~ iy' f ~3 •- '~1 K ,.i ~~ ~e.ro. rr ~.ro. r r ~' a ~ ~ ~.. r;.l rn m. j ~ ~~~ I _ , , -~-- i ~ I I ~_ ~~ ~ ;Z) j ~ ~ Ip i ~ ' ~' ~~ tJ - f as c~ (~ ~ -. ,. :t ~. U ~` P i _ ~ ' i N ~= B E „Y ~- ~`; .o ' ~ U; I ' I ' i ; r i }' ~ ~ r ~ =wR~r' tYl ~ . ~~ 5 c~ i2 ~' ~r .~ ~ Z ~ i ra r Lr ~~r ~m rn Ii I~ 3I x~ N ~ v L !; r va.~ r Z m ~_ ~ -• ~ I77I ,~.r 1~ ~ -~ CA !~~ O \/ ~ O O O ~ r L .,~., ~, n r jlf . _" _" ~..., r IY i~ ~ I ,' I ~ A~ - ' +s~ ~7 1 I k '-~r, r...~.r X ` " 2 ~ ~~ I! ' a t ^i ~ ~ _ ~ ~ - July 30, 1996 Mr. Glen Lidding Department ofPiamring City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29s' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Deaz Mr. Lidding: Thank you for speaking with me last week about the rezoning of a portion of Wheat Ridge I purchased my home at 3222 Gray Street three years ago. The prior owner (who had owned it 28 yeazs) had built a "mother-in-law" apartment onto the house. The apartment could be used as a rental apartment - it has it's own entrance, kitchen, bathroom, sitting room and bedroom. My mother currently lives there. When I bought the house, the seller's realtor said that the property was not zoned for a sepazate apartment but due to the area in which it was located, the apartment was legal. I understood that I needn't have any concerns about renting it. I would like to have our property zoned for R2 for a couple of reasons. I want to be "legal" in having my mother live in my family's home. In the future, if I ever needed to I would like to be able to legitimately rent it. If I ever have to sell my home, it would make it easier for a buyer to feel comfortable renting the apartment as well. My current neighbors know my mother shares the house and (to my knowledge) have no problem with the arrangement; however, future neighbors would be in a position to create difficulties if the property was "improperly" zoned. If you think I ought to hire an attorney in order to fully protect my interests in this regard, please let me know. If I can avoid it, I would like to. Thank you for your input on this. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, Rosemary otisi 3222 Gray Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 HM: 274-2874 WK: 403-2524 CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: WZ-96-7 LOCATION: Generally between West 32nd Avenue on the south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Shexidan.Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge REQUEST: City-initiated large area rezoning from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R-1C) and Residential-Two (R-2). WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT,_ seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON, that Case No. WZ-96-7, an application by The City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a large area rezoning from R-3 to R-iC and R-2 for property located generally between West 32nd Avenue on the south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for Approval with the exclusions shown in orange, red and purple on Benton Street, the parcels outline in blue, the property on 38th and property on Depew Street not included in this motion. This recommendation is made for the following reasons: i. The property is in the City of wheat Ridge and has been posted, therefore jurisdiction has been met; 2. All large area zoning requirements have been met; 3. Objectives set forth by City Council stated in Resolution #1533 have been met; and 4. The rezoning will bring zoning into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. vOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Griffith, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon and Thompson NO: None. Certificate of Resolution Page 2 i Case No. WZ-96-7/City of Wheat Ridge I, Sandia Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 7 - o vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 1st day of August, 1996. Geo=ge~Lan~on, Chaiy{Sexson Sandia Wiggins, Sec(~~axy WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION b:\wz967.res Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Page 2 Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the or r of the agenda as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded a motion. Mr. Gidley informed Commission that the item under scussion and Decision Items Capital Improvement Projects wo d not be heard this evening. Those projects were not finalized, he noted. With that change, motion carried 7-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINIITES Commissioner CERVENY m ed to approve the minutes for the meeting of July 18, 1996 as inted. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion ca ied 7-0. 6. PIIBLIC F (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subjec not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing sec 'on of the agenda.) No o~had signed the roster, nor came forward to speak at that t ire 7. PIIBLIC HEARING 1 Case No.WZ-96-7: ACity-initiated large area rezoning from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R- IC) and Residential-Two (R-2). The rezoning area is generally located between west 32nd Avenue on the south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and Pierce Street on the west_ Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Entered and accepted into the record was the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Gidley pointed out several corrections on the zoning map projected overhead, explaining the reasons why the corrections were necessary. Commissioner CERVENY inquired about a written response contained in the packet. Mr. Gidley responded that the highest use of the land was not guaranteed. He elaborated. Commissioner CERVENY voiced his concern that rezoning might make some properties less valuable to the owner(s). Mr. Gidley reminded Commissioner CERVENY that City Council had directed staff to proceed with this large area rezoning proposal and Planning Commission should stick to the topic for discussion. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 August 1, 1996 Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the property Commissioner CERVENY was concerned about was located at 5755 West 37th Avenue. She added that she thought that property already had multi-family dwelling on it. Mr. Gidley noted that the property Commission THOMPSON was referring to (5755 W 37th Ave) was outside the area of rezoning. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the average lot size in the area of proposed rezoning. Mr. Gidley measured some of the lots in the subject area and determined their size, relating the lot size to the number of dwelling units that could be built with a particular zoning. Chairperson LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley what the difference was between R-2 and R-3 zoning. Mr. Gidley referred to a Summary of Zoning District Regulations which was projected overhead. He explained the difference in the zoning districts by comparing them. Discussion followed regarding different scenarios and the possible number of family dwelling units that could be built on several residential lots. Chairperson LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley to explain the process necessary to build multi-family units on several residential lot (s) . Mr. Gidley explained how a property owner of several residential lots who wished to build multi-family dwellings would go about securing a consolidation plat. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the proposed large area rezoning would actually achieve the goal of low-density residential. Mr. Gidley answered that once the zoning was locked into R-1C, there would be only two possible new subdivisions, referring to the two large pieces of vacant land in the area. Commissioner THOMPSON noted that some of the single-family residences were on large lots. Mr. Gidley acknowledged that fact. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if it would be possible to have dwelling units built three stories high? Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 4 Mr. Gidley answered yes, but he added that was allowed under the current residential zoning regulations as well. He elaborated. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what the setback would be for three stories (35 feet)? Mr. Gidley answered that in the R-1C zone side setbacks would be five feet; 30 feet from front; 10 feet from the back. He also provided setback regulations for the R-2 zone and setback regulations for multi-family dwellings in R-3 zone districts. Commissioner CERVENY asked if there would be properties currently zoned R-2 to R-1C? Mr. Gidley stated no, the proposed rezoning was from existing R-3 zoning to either R-1C or R-2 zoning. Discussion followed. Commissioner THOMPSON noted how "transitional zoning" (multifamily-family to duplexes to single-family residences) can be used to buffer. Mr. Gidley elaborated on that concept. Chairperson LANGDON asked how properties became nonconforming, such as those zoned R-1C but have a two-family unit on it? Mr. Gidley noted that the properties in question are zoned R-3, not R-1C. Some of the lots in the R-3 zone district are sub- standard for a two-family dwelling, but have two-family dwellings on them. Many started out as "mother-in-law" apartments. He elaborated. After a certain period of time, he added, the use would become legal nonconforming. Commissioner GRIFFITH asked what could be placed on a certain parcel of land if the zoning was changed to R-1C. Mr. Gidley explained that it would allow only a single-family home on it. However, he further noted that the other lot could be subdivided and developed into several other single-family dwellings with a private drive serving them. Kent Davis, 8080 Melrose Drive, was sworn in. Mr. Davis stated his family owned 3705 Jay Street which contained two parcels containing approximately 5.25 acres. One parcel is zoned R-2 and the other smaller parcel was zoned R-3, he added. Mr. Davis stated although there was no plan to develop the land, he wanted the zoning to remain as it was. The property currently is for sale. He elaborated. Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 5 Commissioner GRIFFITH asked Mr. Davis what zoning had he applied for on the property? Mr. Davis answered R-3, multi-family. He noted that there was existing multi-family in the area. Mr. Gidley noted that his recollection was the application was for medium-density (approximately 14-16 units/acre) townhouses. Jim Brown, 3505 Gray Street was sworn in. Mr. Brown stated he had confusion-about the R-1C zoning. Mr. Gidley explained the proposed R-1C zoning to Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown asked about the density that the R-1C zoning would allows. Mr. Gidley stated that R-iC zoning would allow 8.S units per acre. He elaborated. Mr. Brown asked how the rezoning would affect his property value. Mr. Gidley reported that he spoke with the County Assessor assured him that as it relates to existing development, single family homes are assessed as they are developed. The underlying zoning would have no bearing on how a property is assessed. Valuation, he added, is based upon market in terms of resale value. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Gidley to explain to Mr. Brown what could be built on his lot if the proposed rezoning is approved. Mr. Gidley stated that a lot size of 8600, a single family home could be built on a lot that size, whether the zoning is R-3, R-2 R-lA, R-1B or R-1C. Discussion followed. Mr. Brown asked if his house burned down, could he rebuild it? Mr. Gidley answered yes, he could, in any of the zone districts he mentioned. Discussion followed. Frank Nocera 3690 Pierce Street, was sworn in. Mr. Nocera stated he would like to retain the R-2 zoning on his property because he may, at some point, wish to rent a mother-in-law apartment. He was also concerned about property value. He elaborated. Planning Commission Minutes ( August 1, 1996 Page 6 Commissioner CERVENY spoke about property values, re-salability. Discussion followed. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he saw no problem in allowing Mr. Nocera's property to be rezoned to R-2, rather than R-1C. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Nocera to point out his property on the overhead. Mr. Nocera did so. Edcrar Johnson,_3700 Benton Street was sworn in. Mr. Johnson pointed out two parcels of land (currently zoned R-3) which are developed as duplexes and should be rezoned R-2. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the zoning could be changed if the property owner had not be notified? Mr. Gidley stated Planning Commission could make the recommendation and then the property owner would be notified when the public hearing before City Council is scheduled. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Mr. Johnson if he knew the addresses of the two parcels in question. Mr. Johnson stated he drove past them trying to get addresses, but had been unable to read the addresses from his vehicle. He spoke of his concern for a vacant parcel in his neighborhood being developed at a high density. Cheryl Brunaardt, 5621 West 36th Place was sworn in. Ms. Brungardt stated she was in favor of the rezoning. She stated that there has been a tremendous increase in traffic in her neighborhood. She also mentioned her concern that many of the rental properties are not maintained. Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the standard lot size was for patio homes being built? Mr. Gidley answered the ones near Miller Street on 38th Avenue on the north are 5,000 to 5,500 square foot lots. The overall density is approximately 4.9 units per acre, with streets removed. Ms. Brungardt stated she had owned her home for 20 years and was not new to the area. Reata Bitter, 3555 Chase Street was sworn in. Ms. Bitter stated she had lived at that location for over 30 years. She added that Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 she was strongly in favor of the rezoning. She wanted to maintain the single-family home community. Page 7 Commissioner THOMPSON asked Ms. Bitter what was her opinion of duplexes? Ms. Bitter stated that a nicely-built and maintained duplex was fine. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if she preferred single-family to duplexes? Ms. Bitter stated she did. Marilyn Veitch, 3715 Chase Street was sworn in. Ms. Veitch stated she was surrounded by apartments. She was in favor of the rezoning. She elaborated. Don Gassman 3725 Harlan Street was sworn in. Mr. Gassman stated he was in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Gassman informed Commission of the problems he had encountered with apartment tenants presently and how he did not want the situation to worsen. Dick Doll who had signed the roster, was not present to speak. Roberta Thoma 6595 West 32nd Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Thomas stated she wanted to retain R-3 zoning on her property. She added that her property contains two single-family homes on one lot. One of the homes contains a two-unit apartment. She stated with R-1C or R-2 zoning, her property could not be rebuilt if it was destroyed. Mr. Gidley stated Ms. Thomas' property was unique in that it contained two primary structures on a single lot, which makes it nonconforming with the present zoning. Under Colorado and Wheat Ridge law, unless you have a planned unit development, only one primary structure is allowed on it. So, as it stands today, should the structures somehow be destroyed, they both could not be replaced without obtaining a variance. Ms. Thomas explained how the property came to be that way. Mr. Gidley stated that it predated zoning. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON asked what was the property lot size? And which of the two structures could she replace; the duplex or a single-family dwelling? Mr. Gidley stated the lot size was approximately 75 feet by 145 feet, so with the current R-3 zoning, only one two-family Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 8 dwelling could be placed on the property. xe elaborated. Mr. Gidley stated that he would modify the proposal and recommend that R-3 zoning be retained on this particular parcel. Dorothy Archer, 3640 Marshall Street was sworn in. She asked if previous down-zoning in the City had successfully halted high- density growth. Mr. Gidley stated one area east of Fenton Street, between Fenton and Sheridan Blvd. and south of West 32nd Avenue was down-zoned from R-3 to R-1C in about 1974. Since most of the area was built-out, there hasn't been much intensification in that area. Ms. Archer pointed out several large, vacant parcels which she pointed out could be developed into multi-family complexes. Ms. Archer stated that she was in favor of the down-zoning. Commissioner ECKHARDT another regarding her Ms. Archer stated her had pointed out. Commissioner GRIFFITH opposition to the lar~ asked if Ms. Archer had feelings one way or own property. concerns were the large, vacant areas she asked Ms. Archer if she was in favor or in 3e area rezoning. Ms Archer stated she was in favor of the rezoning. Discussion followed. Commissioner CERVENY asked Ms. Archer what would be a fair way to handle rezoning the large, still-vacant parcels? Ms. Archer said she was vacillating between R-2 and R-1C zoning. She pointed out several smaller parcels that could be similarly developed. Commissioner CERVENY pointed out that if the large area rezoning is approved, the option of combining several small parcels in order to build multi-family housing would be eliminated. Ms. Archer answered she isn't opposed to owners of large vacant parcels getting a fair amount out of their property, however, she believes that the neighborhoods should be protected from developers coming in and putting large numbers of multi-family units in single-family residential neighborhoods. Discussion followed. Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 9 Ms. Archer stated her recommendation would be for the entire. parcel to be rezoned .from R-2 and R-3 to R-2. Commissioner CERVENY asked if Ms. Archer would oppose rezoning the parcel to R-3 if restrictions were placed on the property? Ms. Archer stated it would be impossible to enforce such _ restrictions if the developer had enough-land to build the units. She gave examples of past instances. Discussion followed. Commissioner THOMPSON reminded those present that owners could, at a later date, apply to rezone their parcels. Mr. Gidley agreed that was so. on its' own merit. He admitted the rezoning to be approved. Each parcel would be considered that it would be less likely for Ms. Archer asked if certain property owners could protest the rezoning and ask to be eliminated from the proposal? Mr. Gidley explained how something similar to that could happen. Chairperson LANGDON asked if a stipulation could be made that the owners of the large, vacant parcels could apply to maintain their zoning as R-3? Mr. Gidley stated that would be contrary to City Council's directive. City Council, with their directive, has already said "no" to such a request. Chairperson LANGDON stated he had problems taking rights away from individuals without their approval. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked how City Council decide what they were going to do before a public hearing was held? Mr. Gidley stated this was a legislative process, not a quasi- judicial proceeding. City Council initiated this with an idea in mind. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Gidley if when Commission is ready to make a motion, should the properties discussed individually be voted on separately? She felt some properties needed to be excluded from the large area rezoning. Mr. Gidley stated that Commission could, if it should desire, continue this matter for the purpose of making a decision to your next meeting. Between now and then, the property owners not Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 10 notified (because they were not considered a part of the rezoning), draft a-new map, summarize comments made in order to help Commission organize their thoughts and make a final conclusion. Commissioner GRIFFITH noted that Council not direct Planning Commission to exclude properties from the proposal.. Should the individual property owners who wish to be excluded from the proposed large area rezoning go before City Council. Mr. Gidley agreed that they could. Mr. Gidley stated he thought that Planning Commission's duty was do what Commission felt was right in this situation, based upon the information presented to them. Commissioner GRIFFITH did not feel that Planning Commission should make the decision regarding what properties, if any, should be excluded. Mr. Gidley stated that Planning Commission can make a recommendation to City Council to approve as it was presented, approve as modified, or to deny. Commissioner CERVENY asked if it was possible to require the owners of the large vacant parcels to obtain a PRD upon development, if the R-3 zoning is retained? Mr. Gidley stated that would be an "overlay requirement" on those vacant properties to require site plan review with building permit application. Unless you have specific standards to apply to the site plan review, then you are setting yourself up for arbitrary and capricious decisions. Commissioner CERVENY asked if specific standards could be set. Mr. Gidley stated it was possible, but usually it was based upon design criteria that had some association to another, perhaps adjacent, development. It would be very difficult to set standards, when you don't know what objectives you're trying to achieve. Mr. Gidley suggested a reasonable alternative would be rather than rezoning the large vacant parcels to R-1C, they be rezoned. to R-2. In that way, the option of single-family or two-family dwellings could be built. Mr. Davis was called back to the stand. He stated if he was looking to place as many units on his land as possible, he would Planning Commission Minutes ~ August 1, 1996 Page 11 go with the R-iC zoning. Mr. Davis thought a developer would more likely be interested in the parcel if the zoning was left as it currently is. He doubted that the zoning could be changed if the down-zoning is approved. He would want the entire parcel zoned R-1C if the zoning is changed. Leaving the zoning as it currently is was his first choice, however. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Davis if he thought the area could handle the increased traffic/intensity if it is developed with multi-family dwellings. Mr. Davis stated that when his greenhouses were operating, there was much more traffic in the area,-with growers and employees coming and going. Even single-family residences would be an impact, he added. Commissioner CERVENY asked if the R-3 zoning was left in place, would Mr. Davis build the maximum number of units or would less than be satisfactory? Mr. Davis stated he doubted 21 units per acre would be built. Discussion followed. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that discussing a PRD at this time was a waste of time. He added that a PRD is wide-open and at this time Commission did not have enough information to discuss it. Commissioner CERVENY stated he disagreed. Discussion followed. Chairperson LANGDON thought that Commission might not have adequate information and that the case should be continued. Commissioner THOMPSON thought that there might not be adequate time to do that with the recent building moratorium. She was in favor of voting on the information presented that night. If certain property owners wished to go before City Council, that would be their right. Chairperson LANGDON summarized Commissioner THOMPSON's thoughts on the matter. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she felt that Commission had justification for excluding some parcels, on Mr. Gidley's recommendation. She added that in some cases,-what Council has proposed just would not work for specific parcels of land. Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 12 Mr. Gidley explained that R-3A zoning allowed 14 units per acre, R-2A allowed 10 units per acre. He noted that Exhibit A, which was projected overhead, three areas would be modified: • Solid orange areas would be revised to R-2 (dark shaded) • One area outlined in orange not rezoned • 3282, 3230 Chase Street and 3245 - 3219 Benton Street, 5401, 5425 West 32nd Avenue would be revised to R-1C Commissioner THOMPSON reminded Mr. Gidley that R-3 zoning on Ms. Thomas' property he had recommended be retained. - Commissioner-THOMPSON noted the two parcels Mr. Johnson had mentioned that should be brought into conformance, 3700 Block, West side of Benton Street would be rezoned to R-2. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he had a problem with the property on Depew Street presently zoned R-3 and the parcel to the west of it also zoned R-3. He noted that the parcels are surrounded by multi-family units. He did not believe that those parcels should be rezoned to a single-family classification. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if Commissioner ECKHARDT thought R-2 zoning would be better as a transitional zone classification?.._ Commissioner ECKHARDT thought R-2 zoning would be more reasonable. Commissioner CERVENY asked if the large single-ownership property zoned R-2, should perhaps come to Commission and address the issues? Mr. Gidley stated that Mr. Davis was present and he had spoken to one of those individuals on the phone and the other large-. property owner had received notification. Discussion followed. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if the decision on this case is continued to August 15, what repercussions would it have in meeting the schedule with Council? Mr. Gidley calculated public hearing could not occur prior to September 23rd. The September 9th deadline could not be met. Chairperson LANGDON stated he asked the Commission whether or not they felt we needed additional information. He thought Commission should make a decision that night. Planning Commission Minutes ~ August 1, 1996 Page 13 Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that the only real troublesome areas were the four parcels outlined in blue. The others marked in orange would be rezoned to R-2; Ms. Thomas' property would be retained as R-3; the property on 35th and Benton would remain R- 3. He proposed that parcels on Depew Street be rezoned as R-2; all of the Davis property be rezoned as R-iC; property outlined in blue north of the Davis property rezoned to R-2. The remaining properties as proposed by Exhibit A. Chairperson LANGDON asked if Commissioner ECKHARDT wished to make that a motion. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he did, for the following reasons: 1. The property is in the City of Wheat Ridge and has been posted, therefore jurisdiction has been met; 2. All large area zoning requirements have been met; 3. Objectives set forth by City Council stated in Resolution. #1533 have been met; and 4. The rezoning will bring zoning into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner ECKHARDT added the two parcels brought to the attention of Commission by Mr. Edgar Johnson be rezoned from R-3 to R-2. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON noted there had been no one present speaking about the parcel north of the Davis property. Mr. Gidley stated the owner had spoken to him personally. He added that the mother had requested that a portion of the land be maintained as single-family. home. She requested R-2. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that the owners who own the two large parcels to the east circled in blue, did not attend the hearing. She added that those speaking from the neighborhood were opposed to multi-family in that area. The owners may not want their land rezoned R-2. She would be voting against rezoning to R-2. She thought they should have the opportunity to come to City Council to request R-2 zoning. Commissioner ECKHARDT revised his motion to change the zoning on the two parcels to the east to R-2 and leave them as R-1C. The only real changes would be to the Davis property and the property north of the Davis property. Planning Commission Minutes Page 14 August 1, 1996 Commissioner CERVENY asked if correspondence had been received from the owner? Mr. Gidley stated a card had been received, stating the owner disagreed with the rezoning and wanted the R-3 zoning retained. Commissioner CERVENY moved to amend Commissioner ECKHARDT's motion to leave the zoning on those two parcels to the east as it is, R-3. Commissioner ECKHP.RDT stated he would agree with that amendment. He added that since multi-family surrounds the parcels in question, it makes more sense. to leave it as is. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion to amend. Commissioner CERVENY asked for clarification on the Davis parcels. Mr. Gidley stated that the lower parcel is zoned R-2, the upper parcel is zoned R-3. The motion made is that the entire parcel be rezoned to R-1C- Commissioner CERVENY moved to leave the Davis properties zoning as it presently is, the property zoned R-2 would remain R-2, the property zoned R-3 would remain R-3. Commissioner ECKHARDT reiterated that Commissioner CERVENY was proposing to leave the properties to the east and the Davis properties as they are presently zoned. Commissioner CERVENY stated that was correct. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Commission to vote on the properties that are not being questioned. She suggested individual motions for each of the properties being questioned. As the motion stands, she would be voting against it. That doesn't necessarily mean she is opposed to all properties involved, just a portion. Commissioner ECKHARDT withdrew his first motion, with the approval of his second and moved that Planning Commission recommend to City Council for the. reasons stated previously, that the large area rezoning be approved with those exclusions shown in orange, red and purple on Benton Street, the parcels outlined in blue, the property on 38th and property on Depew Street will not be considered in this motion. Commissioner THOMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 15 Commissioner CERVENY moved that the property at 6230 West 38th Avenue circled in blue be rezoned R-2, not R-1C as proposed. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this motion based on testimony heard this evening from residents stating their preference for single-family homes rather than multi-family rentals. Commissioner CERVENY stated the reasons for his motion as follows: 1. The size of the property which would easily accommodate the R-2 zoning; 2. The request by the owner that the zoning be R-2; and 3. The property borders West 38th Avenue, which is not an R-1 site. Motion carried 6-1, with Commissioner THOMPSON voting against. Commissioner CERVENY moved that the property zoned R-3 between Fenton and Depew Streets north of West 37th Avenue remain as R-3 for the following reason: 1. It is surrounded on three sides by existing multi-family development. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this motion because the neighborhood needs a transition from multi- family development and the majority of the testimony has been wanting single-family versus rentals. Commissioner ECKHARDT-seconded the motion. .Motion carried 5-2, with Commissioners THOMPSON.and GRIFFITH voting against. Commissioner CERVENY moved that the Davis property, where the southern two-thirds is presently zoned R-2 and the northern one- third is presently zoned R-3, that property remain zoned as it is. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this motion. The reason why the large area zoning was undertaken was to secure this area as low-density residential. I don't think that R-3 zoning will be compatible with that. Mr. Davis stated Planning Commission Minutes August 1, 1996 Page 16 he would support R-1C zoning. Also testimony taken has been predominately opposing multi-family development. ,~` Motion carried 4-3, with Commissioners THOMPSON, ECKHARDT and t7 GRIFFITH voting against. ~~8. CLOSE THE PIIBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BIISINESS A. Traffic Management Seminar to be held August 10 at Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 10. NEW BIISINESS A. Regarding the Informational Item - Comprehensive Plan Consultant Interviews, Janice Thompson suggested Dorothy Archer's name be submitted to CMI. 11. DISCIISSION AND DECISION ITEMS A. Jay Rasplicka asked if Planning Commission would like to meet with PWAC? Mr. Gidley will check with Mr. Goebel regarding scheduling a joint meeting with PWAC, possibly on August 15, prior to the regular meeting. Janice Thompson reported she will be out of town on August 15 and therefore unable to attend that meeting. She stated her comments regarding the possible widening of Youngfield; she feels Youngfield needs some center turn lanes. Ms. Thompson added that bottlenecks occur at Casey Camper Sales, Camper World and the Kunz Development. Ms. Thompson asked Mr. Gidley if a joint meeting with City Council.-would be held Monday? Mr. Gidley stated that if the meeting was scheduled, Staff would notify Commission by phone giving them details. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS A. Bob Eckhardt briefly brought Commission up-to-date regarding the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. w ~}?® ~i,.y Di Dear Praperty Owner: ~ /n~o ~ G'- ~/ ~ "~~ e City of wheat Ridge amity -ouncil, by adoption of Reseiution-- - .._33 on .T:kaS4 1~, ~9~~, ha W-~t~°d'a ;,WAGE, i~nEr1 nr,~f7cFTNv aracedure within those areas indicated on EXHT$TT A (the map on hack of this sheet). T're proposal is to rezone existing vacant land and single-family-dwelling-used land from Residential-'t`hree (R-3} to Residential-One C (R-1C}, and to rezone- existing two- family-dwelling-used land from.Residential-'P~.ree (R-3} to Residential-Two (B.-2}. Existing multifamily-dwelling-used nraperties would not be rezor_ed. R-1C allows single-family dwellings, ~c-2 allows one and two family dwellings, based upon let size As an ew:;er of proper_y includ.=:. ithin or adjacent tc the x.arge Area Rezoning, you are hereby r_: , ified of a PY78LIC ~EARI2dG T4 BE - EtEl:7 EEPDRE TfiE WHE:A'1" fi:LnGE px,,,A.~7ZNG COZKbSZSSZt)3V, AT 7:3Q P.M., TS[TAS7JAY, A'C7GUST 1, 1995. IAi TIIE COD~tJCIL CH'.A.bS}3ERs, M~.FNTCTPA.L -- BCIt.AI~IG, 75170 WEST 29"I'~ A'4'ENO'E, W'9~T ItZ%3G&:, COLtJ~DO. You have the right to appear and testify in favor or in apposition to this proposed rezoning andjar to submit your comments in writing for the record. The Planning Commission wi11 held a public hearing and recorrmerd to City Cauncil agpraval, approval with mcdifica*ir?ns, cr denial of all or portions of this rezaning. _, Upon receiving the Planning Commission recommendation, City _-_ Cauncil will held a__ather public hearing and aansider adoption of a Council Bill for _ezaning at a future date yet to be established. You will also be nati.fied of that Y;earang. Should you have an;.' .t~estions regarding this proposal, please cantact Glen Gidley, Planning and De~relopment Director., at. 235- 2fi44. 'TFUSA7K YOU! CITY OF WHE^T RIDGE D (~~'~ ~7 ,~~ 2 2 1996 b:\lgarerez.let _,J PLANNING & OEVELOPMi.i~T ,3(73) 234-59(76 P.DMMISTRATiaN FAX:234-5984 • PatfCE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235.2949 !-_ aJX ~-4- ~ {.~}}~ t( t~ ~~ -~- c j~ '(~' ee~~~ (((V' .cyJf~_ IL. ~ ~ R_ ~` ~ ~ ~~ e~ ~~ _s ~"_"- '4r 1" M i I I I ~ ~ a+ ~~.R a ~~. ..av y t ~ ; . "` ~1 ~ s . ,I -C~ - ~~I~ ., a, ~ ~" i ~ ;~ ~p ` € ~, C~ ~ f ~ .~~~'i I • .,i r cam.' ~1 i. ~ ~ 1 ~, ,,. n"-+-' ~- S_ fi r..`r ~:. r-W ~~ i ~ i ppr i gg q~J[. y;A~~`I >~ -Y ~ fi Y~ I ,_ ~~ ~..., ..,,.. .0 ~C ~+ ~, w Q~ ~ Yb~..7 ~1 J ~' _. __. x Z/ ~ '#,~.x ~ I a m~ ~ .,:T I I i ~' I _ i N aid;, §s f7 ~ ~ U ~~~ v ~~ ~ rt ,~ ss w.ao t~ ~; _ { ts- ,\x`31 ~~ e ~j , ~~~ C. is cw u we -7'ru ~~, (` 'f}I I ~ exr aev ! ±wnl i t. ±, I 1m t:x _"d~r I .... xj, ~ `r 'C P ~ i ' r ~~ ,~ w ~,~ ~ , r ~` . d~ ~, &i ~- :M I ~ ~ (Y ~ ~ !~ -i--rt-l~ ~u~ ~ ~ z ~ J ~' ~ ~om mew , l ~ ~ O~ O ~ _AGENDA ITEM RECAP QUASI-JUDICIAL X Yes No x PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY ADM. MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _P_ROC./CEREMONIES CITY ATTY. MATTERS ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING _ BZDS/MOTIONS LIQUOR HEARINGS x ORDINANCES FOR 2_ND READING INFORMATION ONLY PUBLI C_COMMENT RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Council Bill No. 40/Proposal to rezone a large area in the Panorama_Park neighborhood from R-3 to R-2 and R-1C SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: See attached staff report. ATTACHMENTS: _ 1) Council Bill #40 2) Staff report & packet 3) BUDGETED ITEM Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount ~ Requested Expend. Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation 0 0 Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: I move for adoption of Council Bill 40, which includes Exhibit A, on Second Reading. OPTION A: Revise Exhibit A to exclude those existing two-family dwellings which would become nonconforming if .rezoned to R-2, as detailed by the staff report. OPTION B: In addition to the above revision; rezone all of the Davis property (approximately 3709 Jay Street) to R-1C. OPTION C: In addition to the above revision, rezone the existing_R-3 portion of the Davis property (approximately 3709-Jay Street) to R-2. MEMORANDUM of '""E'9r ,y P ~ O c~ o: City Council U ~' From: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development ~ocoRAO° Re: Case No. WZ-96-8 Date: September 3, 1996 This memo is an addition to the staff report on this case. A. Legal Prot t R iv d The owner of 3701 Depew Street has filed the attached legal protest. City Attorney Dahl will provide you a separate opinion regarding how the 20% protest provision should be applied. The protestant's property is 3.3 acres, which is about 3.3% of the rezoning area of 100 acres. B. "Exception" and " x I ion" When Council adopted Ordinance 1016 which specifical ly provides for Large Area Rezonings, there was discussion regarding if an individual owner requested exception from such a rezoning, would or should Council be obligated to except that property. As adopted, Ordinance 1016, and a subsequent amendment by Ordinance 1025, does not require Council to except such properties, merely based upon a request or a protest. However, based upon a full examination of the facts as applied to an individual parcel, you may exercise your legislative authority to exclude such a parcel if the facts support exclusion. C. Moratorium Expiration Because the building moratorium for this area expires September 7, you may desire to make the effective date of the Council Bill "immediate upon passage". GEGaIw attachment 3701 Depew St. Denver, CO 80212 August 30, 1996 Dear Wheat Ridge City Council: I, the owner of the property located at 3701 Depew Street and the property to the west which fronts on West 37 th Ave, hereby file a protest to the rezoning of my property from R-3 to any other classification. This property has been in the family since 1935. At present my property is almost completely surrounded by court apartments and athree-story apartment building. While I have no plans to se11 my property at the present time or to do any additional building on it, it is very important to me to keep the present R-3 zoning option. Sincerely, ~r~~ nRim i ' f r ~ ~ ~a, ~ , ,~ u ~ ~~ ~a CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 12, 1996 Page -4- Item 6. Council Bill 40 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Residential -Three (R -3) to Residential -Two (R -2) and Residential -One C (R -1C) properties generally located between West 32nd Avenue on the South, West 38th Avenue on the North, Sheridan Blvd on the East, and Pierce Street on the West, City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado Council Bill 40 was introduced on first reading by Mr DiTullio, title read by the Clerk. Motion by Mr DiTullio that Council Bill 40 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, September 9, 1996 at 7 p m in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect upon adoption, seconded by Mrs Fields, carried 8 -0 DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MOTIONS Item 7. A. Reconsideration of Resolution 1543 - submitting a ballot question to the registered electors of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, for decision at the regular general election to be held on November 5, 1996. Motion by Mrs Shaver to rescind Resolution 1543, seconded by Mr Solano, carried 6 -2 with Mr Slier and Mrs Worth voting no Item 7. B. Resolution 1549 - clarifying and setting the scope and duties of the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Resolution 1549 was introduced by Mrs Fields and read in its entirety Councilmembers and City Attorney had various suggestions for corrections and clarifications Motion by Mrs Worth for the adoption of Resolution 1549 with amendments, seconded by Mrs Dalbec; carried 5 -3 with Councilmembers Siler, Fields, and Solano voting no Item 7. Appropriation for Copa Cabana purchase Motion by Mr Solano that $586,000 be appropriated from the General Fund fund balance and transferred to Fund 32 (Open Space fund) for expenditure in the acquisition of the Copa Cabana and Seven /Eleven properties at approximately 44th Avenue and Field Street, and further that the staff be directed to prepare a request for reimbursement from the Open Space Advisory Committee for said property acquisition so that the General fund may be reimbursed, seconded by Mrs. Dalbec, carried 7 -1 with Mr Slier voting no CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 Page - 2 - PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Application for two -lot minor subdivision at 6000 West 32nd Avenue /3175 Harlan Street. (Case No MS -96 -7) (Lawrence Gill) Item 1 was introduced by Mrs Fields, title read by the Clerk. Lawrence Gill, applicant, was present and answered questions Glen Gidley was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Motion by Mrs Fields that Case No MS -96 -7, a request for a two -lot minor subdivision at 6000 West 32nd Avenue /3175 Harlan Street, be approved for the following reasons 1 A subdivision is required to create two parcels 2 All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following condition 1 Tract A be shown as being hereby dedicated for right -of -way purposes ", seconded by Mr DiTullio Motion by Mr DiTullio to amend the motion that the dedication only include a 15 It corner radius and the 5 ft dedication on Harlan Street be eliminated, seconded by Mrs. Shaver Mr DiTullio called for the question, carried 5 -3 with Councilmembers Eafanti, Dalbec, and Siler voting no Motion on amendment carried 6 -2 with Mr Siler and Mr Solano voting no Original Motion as amended carried 7 -1 with Mr Siler voting no Item 2. Council Bill 40 - An ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Residential -Three (R -3) to Residential -Two (R -2) and Residential -One C (R -1C) properties generally located between West 32nd Avenue on the South, West 38th Avenue on the North, Sheridan Blvd on the East, and Pierce Street on the West., City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado Council Bill 40 was introduced on second reading by Mr DiTullio, title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No 1043 assigned Glen Gidley presented the staff report. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 Page -3- The following speakers were swom in by Mayor Wilde James Meeker, 3690 Eaton Street, spoke in favor of down - zoning Dana Prehn, 3701 Depew Street, owns the L- shaped property pointed out on the map and respectfully requested that his property be exempted from the rezoning Cheryl Brungardt, 5621 West 36th Place, complained about all the cars parked outside the previous speakers property; is in favor of down - zoning, asked that his property not be exempted from rezoning H. M. Hubbard, 3245 Newland Street, spoke in support of the Ordinance Helena Prehn, 3701 Depew Street, wants her property stay zoned R -3 Patty Gatsiospolis, 3685 Ames Street, asked how her property would be affected. Answer was that this would remain R -3 and is exempted from the Ordinance Susan Seeds, is in favor of down - zoning Janet Prehn also wants to retain the R -3 zoning for the Prehn property Motion by Mr DiTullio for adoption of Council Bill 40 (Ordinance 1043), which includes Exhibit A, on second reading I further move to exclude those existing two - family dwellings which would become nonconforming if rezoned to R -2, as detailed by the staff report. Those addresses are 3650 and 3690 Pierce Street; 6790, 6778, and 6754 West 37th Avenue, 3740, 3745 and 3765 Marshall Street; 3295 Gray Street; 3222 Gray Street; 5785 West 32nd Avenue, 5705 West 35th Avenue, 3338, 3470, 3460 & 3697 Depew Street; 5600 West 36th Place, 3292 Ames Street, 3735 and 3755 Benton Street; 3701 Sheridan Blvd , 6630 and 6600 West 38th Avenue, 3695 Harlan Street. I further move to rezone all the Davis property, approximately 3709 Jay Street, to R -1 C; I further move that this Ordinance take effect immediately upon passage, seconded by Mrs Shaver; carried 8 -0 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DiTullio Council Bill No. 4o Ordinance No. t oa't Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-THREE (R-3) TO RESIDENTIAL-TWO (R-2) AND RESIDENTIAL-ONE C (R-1C) PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN W. 32ND AVE. ON THE SOUTH, W. 38TH AVE. ON THE NORTH, SHERIDAi~I BLVD. ON THE EAST, AND PIERCE ST. ON THE WEST., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted specific procedures for City-initiated Large Area-Multiple property rezoning by adopting Ordinance No. 1025, Series of 1996, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1533 was subsequently adopted by City Council which initiated a Large Area-Multiple Property rezoning procedure by referring the proposal to Planning Commission for a public hearing and recommendation, and WIiEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 1996 and, pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented, adopted a resolution recommending approval, with modifications, of Case No. WZ-96-7. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: cti Upon consideration of the recommendation of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based further testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge Official Zoning Maps aze hereby amended to exclude properties from Residential-Three (R-3), and to include those properties in Residential-Two (R-2) and Residential-One C (R-1C) in accordance with Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, said properties being located within Section 25, Township 3, Range 69 West, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. cti ~a_f~ty Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfaze. The City Council further determines that the ordinance beazs a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3 Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to ~ on this 12th day of August .1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for September 9 , 1996, at 7;OOo'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 8 to 0 ,this 9th day of September , 1996. l Wanda Sang, City Clerk 1st Publication: August lb, 1996 2nd Publication: September 13, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: September 9, 1996 DAN WILDE, MAYOR APPRO AS TO FORM BY C ATTORNEY Gerald Dahl, City Attorney ~ ~~ ~.~ ~~~ ~~s~ ~.~' 3~ ~r~ r ~- :~ a _: a. ..., .. -. m~a . JUG 2 2 1990 ,- - -- r~ c~.a~ e,~..a.~= To -`~" l' ~ l ~ Oata ~ Z- Tima G ~~ ~ pM M~~~1~ U ~ R a Phone LL~~! )- (c;`-( c~- - ~~=:~' .(~ Area Code Number Extandnn T£L£AiONrD p~£ CA:.C CA:LEDTO SE£ YOU WILL C.4tL gGAIN WAh'Y57'OSEEYOLf _ UAGENT J RETURNED YtDtIR CALL ~ E Message - - - -- - - - - 1 O Cr - ~ ~ ~o-c1~~ ~ - a -z Operator 33b0 ~' ~ AMPAD _ AEOADEB m EFFIUENCY~ m~za~ooa MILAN JOHN F. MILAN, A.IA ARCHITECTS, a.c. 1775 Lee Lane Bus. (303) 232-2256 Lakewood, Colo. 80215-2893 FAX (303)232-0695 i~!lrYS~ ~zorl ~ ~Y~- I c = `{, 03`5 a99 '~ ~- `~2,7 kcyes ~, 2 ~ 31-T, 763 7.~ a ~.s. I•~ ~~_ pry P~u7 mgt w .3~~"" ~ ~e-l = ~^ 3 0 ~..z.~.~y `s 3 05 1~{~i2ol T' 'j.'S Gv-.9" ,~ (~ - ~.~ ~~~1~~ ~ 'G RG~- j X32 io ~-r 7~ ~ ~ ~ fg58 Zz'f~5 ; i7g8( 20 lay ~2'71~0 . 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